Doug Loves Movies - Brandon Collins, Ayden Mayeri and Amy Miller guest

Episode Date: February 17, 2025

Doug welcomes Brandon Collins, Ayden Mayeri and Amy Miller to the show.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Doug hates candy wrappers screening baby sticky seeds with 50 as a pop or kernels in his teeth They're still not one that he won't see Cause Doug loves movies Hey, hey, hey everybody! My name is Doug and I love movies. This is Doug Loves Movies, recorded on Sunday, Movies this is Doug loves movies recorded on Sunday February 16th 2025 and my guests today are Brandon Collins eight in my area and Amy Miller hello We're doing it we're finally live
Starting point is 00:00:41 Let's meet everybody individually Alphabetically by first name. This was a tight race between the three of you. He is a returning champ. It's Amy Miller. Hey, Amy. Hey, Doug. How's it going?
Starting point is 00:00:59 It's going good. What's it like being a champion? I feel so strong. Do you wear your crown like out in public? Yeah, the scepter gets a little heavy, but I think it works But it comes in handy if you need a weapon Yeah, or I want to hike I mean, I don't know if you've ever been smacked by a scepter, but it hurts That's somebody's kink
Starting point is 00:01:26 Well, Amy, I'm sorry to say that your rain might end today Oh, no, it could happen to to any guest on the show at any time We got a shark coming in the water Well making her second appearance on this show and coincidentally her second appearance with you Amy Miller It's aided by Yuri. Hey aided. Hey, I think Amy won when we were on together, right? Okay Well, we do everything together. Yeah There's no hobbits on the show today You're on you were with
Starting point is 00:02:09 Dominic and I'm scared to say his last name because I always get it wrong and one of the other hobbits and It was a delightful time over at the dynasty typewriter But I should mention that you can currently be seen in Mr.. Throwback on Peacock Peacock. That's how I like to say it. Yeah, and And I saw you at SF sketch fest because you did a show with all of your classmates
Starting point is 00:02:42 including Adam Pally Mm-hmm. Yes, and I sat in the audience castmates including Adam Pally. Yes, and I sat in the audience of your show. You came to the audience for Douglas movies, but how did your show go later that evening? Did you have fun? I did have fun.
Starting point is 00:02:54 It was a Q&A, which I'm like, how boring and dry are Q&A's? This is a nightmare, but we ended up actually having a great time. Well, yeah, I think that's just true when Adam Pally's involved in general. He's such a scamp. Yeah, he's a real scamp. And it was Rich Summer's birthday,
Starting point is 00:03:14 so we ordered a cake to be delivered on stage. So that was pretty fun. His name sounds like the best summer you could possibly have. A rich one. I have been in my rich summer era. you could possibly have a rich one. I have I have been my rich summer era. Well, yeah, so thank you for coming to my show. And also, I got to say, I miss your showtime series.
Starting point is 00:03:36 I love that for you. Me too. But anyone who hasn't seen it, it's the whole season that they did is available for purchase on Apple TV and Prime. And I think it's a very satisfying binge watch. Thanks. I do too. I wish we got a season two, but it's fun to watch season one.
Starting point is 00:03:59 I mean, you got the old, it's become a trope at this point, but when you get canceled after one season like that, you do have like a perfect season You know didn't have the chance for the show to You know to get mad steam or stick around for too long. Yeah, that's true. That is true It's very perfect. I think people will also enjoy just the the entire cast is a lot of really fun amazing people so Check it out everybody if you want to spend money on television. Our third guest today.
Starting point is 00:04:31 No, it's free on Paramount Plus. Yeah, that's right. It's on Paramount because Paramount Showtime merged. Yep, yep, yep. Right, but I looked it up today and I don't know if it's, I hope it's still there. I'm not absolutely sure. Oh no.
Starting point is 00:04:44 Yeah, they're so, it's so hope it's still there. I'm not I'm not absolutely sure. Oh, no. Yeah, they are. So it's so weird that things get taken down, whether they got it. You run out of room on the shelf. It's just it could be endless. The amount of stuff that our third guest today is a former champion who doesn't necessarily like me bringing that up, but it's always Always happy to have it back on the show. It's Brandon Collins. Hey Brando. Hey, what's going on guys? Happy Black History Month everybody Oh my god, I didn't even this wasn't on purpose this booking
Starting point is 00:05:19 I'm just always any month of the year everybody's for you, right? Always any month of the year everybody's like it's about for you, right? What's what's going on with you what was you reached out and said you got some stuff you want to tell people about Yeah I have a drunk black history tour and folks if you haven't been to show What we do is we get drunk and we talk about the black historical figures or events that haven't gone there do so we're not talking Malcolm X Mar Martin Luther King or Rosa Parks. We're talking like inventors and creatives and incredible people that you just haven't heard of.
Starting point is 00:05:52 So, yeah, we're starting off in Los Angeles on Friday, February 21st and then going all over the place. Austin, Texas, New York, Detroit, Boston. So, yeah, incredibly excited to be spreading the word about these incredible black historical figures. Where is it on the 21st? Yeah, it's going to be spreading the word about these incredible black historical figures. Where is it on the 21st? Yeah, it's going to be a dynasty typewriter. Thank you for asking. It's called drunk black history, drunk black history.
Starting point is 00:06:16 And it's all inclusive, folks. It's not just for black folks, it's for everybody. Anyone that wants to learn and share a few drinks, have a few laughs. And you get to see me live. And, um, my question about the show, the program is how do you, at what point do you get drunk? Do you get drunk as it goes along or do you hit the stage drunk? Well, uh, our guests at the stage drunk, I get drunk as we go along.
Starting point is 00:06:40 Cause I'm the one that usually has to remember as many facts as possible. Right. You, you, you have to slowly like by the end you could be drunk, but along the way you need to have some that's a smart way to do it. Yeah. By the time we're wrapping up the show, they might have to drag me off. Like I might be that incapacitated. But before that, you're going to learn a lot because I'm going to be one helping to teach it. And so all the drunk people on stage, are they so they're they really trashed or do some
Starting point is 00:07:04 people just sort of, you know, they don't drink much to begin with. So they are a little tipsy. Some folks are tipsy. There's been some that have been completely hammered. And like we had like a scholar, Dr. Andre M. Perry, and our New York show a year or two ago. And he like is all about stats. And he like kind of blacked out. It was like a Will Ferro old school moment where he just kind of like, like linger, like, you know, he trailed off and then I was so nowhere. He snapped up. He was like, yeah, blast statistics matter. And then like broke down redlining in like two minutes. It was incredible. Do people ever do it high or is it?
Starting point is 00:07:37 Some people do it high. Yeah. Like, you know, and some people do it drunk and high, which is a incredible and very terrifying to be the host trying to moderate that. It's all good fun. It's all good. You know, it's all for good. Like, you know, a good purpose and the highlight things, but we have a lot of fun despite how serious sometimes the subjects are. Well, that's the thing is like you, you know, you must, you must be a fan of chaos and don't mind it And you know that so that is very very fun to watch
Starting point is 00:08:11 Before we play some very tightly regimented Regimented games today, and I hope I hope none of you are drunk Yeah, if you're getting drunk as we go along, then that's a good thing I'm starting off with this first because I'd like each of you, before we play the games, I'd like each of you to recommend one movie, just one new, old, just something you think people should see.
Starting point is 00:08:40 Let's start with Amy. Yes. What's your recommendation? I just saw one of them days in the theater. Oh my goodness. So funny. Really funny. And you know, so charming. Comedy in a theater. It just seems like it was kind of, you know, could have easily been on the track or going straight to streaming like a lot of comedies do these.
Starting point is 00:09:06 Yeah. Oh, and I was laughing so hard. So yeah, so support this movie while it's in the theater. Did you? Did you go with your boyfriend? I sure did. Why do you ask? I'm just curious to know what that is.
Starting point is 00:09:26 We did hold hands. Did he like it? Yeah, he loved it. Well, it's so funny because we're watching it and it's like the entire movie is within like two miles of our house. And also we're broke. We're like two white people in the theater. Like we're just exactly like what they're going to. It's a universal story. Pretty much our life.
Starting point is 00:09:48 Yeah. It's like the diner we go to and then like, you know, just trying to chase money around town. No, but it's so funny. And every comedian that's in it is like, for the most part, beloved. You know what I mean? Like Cat Williams is so funny in it Tony Baker Star I was just like, oh actually like all these people which doesn't always happen and there's a lot of comics in a movie
Starting point is 00:10:18 Hear that so it's Kiki Palmer and So it's Kiki Palmer and SZA? SZA. Who didn't tell us this whole time she could act like that. But here we are. Yeah, that's, you know, nice to know. And Kiki Palmer is always very enjoyable. Do they have, so even though they're broke, do they still wear very fun outfits? Oh, yes.
Starting point is 00:10:43 I mean, it's like it goes through so many classic buddy movie things like oh we have a wacky outfit change for complicated reasons. Yeah, and they're on a journey you know it's like it's just so fun. Kiki Palmer you know she hosts that that new password that I don't really love but she has Incredible outfits every time and they're always like, you know, she could walk her out and in the dark and people could see, you know Like they're always you know fluorescent green and stuff And then with matching matching glasses, it's amazing matching glasses. It's amazing.
Starting point is 00:11:27 So much charisma too. I'm like, man, I love her. Yeah. And she must've made this movie like 10 seconds after having a baby. So she's, she's doing it all. All right, Aiden that's a tough one to follow, but what would you like to recommend? That is really hard to follow. I, I've been talking a lot about this movie that is one of my favorite childhood movies. That's certainly completely cancelable now, but has anyone here seen the pest starring John Leguizamo? Oh God, yeah. You have? Yeah. I used to see a lot of his movies back in the day. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:06 I was the Johnny Leggs completist for I might still be like if he's in something, you know, because he's either a supporting character in a pretty big movie or you know, the lead and in a weird thing like this. And you know, so I've seen most of them, but I found him to be too much of a pest Is that rude to say about like it's honest in the title that he's gonna be a pest. Well, here's the thing to me The it feels to me like it was his go at a kind of Jim Carrey ace Ventura Moment and it didn't totally work. But it really worked for me as like an 11 year old,
Starting point is 00:12:51 I fucking love that movie. I loved it so much. And literally no one I've spoken to as an adult has seen it, no one. So this is amazing that two of you have. Does he say, well, I don't remember, I remember just him being a tremendous pest but not not much else about it because he whatever age I was at the time I didn't I didn't find it appealing but
Starting point is 00:13:13 I did see it and Is he is he a pest in like when you say it's probably cancelable is part of his being a pest is that he says offensive things it's probably cancelable is part of his being a pest is that he says offensive things. It's it's opens up on him pretending to be blind for money in Miami and his whole thing is that he's a con artist and he's kind of conning everyone and throughout there's lots of accents and inappropriate racial performances, I would say. It's unhinged. Absolutely. So unhinged, dude.
Starting point is 00:13:49 And then what's crazy is you think it's about this con artist and his girlfriend who's mad at him because he keeps conning and not spending time with her. But then it really turns out that it's about a billionaire or maybe that it was a millionaire who asks him to come to his island to be hunted for sport. And the whole movie is like him running around this island being hunted by this insane Nazi, essentially. I know I might give this a rewatch it's honestly hilarious there's lots of singing there's so crazy I do not know why I didn't like this the first time around but you remember pretty well Brandon I mean I remember just being incredibly disturbed about it when it came out. Yeah, because as John Leggo's I think he did like Romeo, Juliet that and then
Starting point is 00:14:52 spawn like it was a terrible trifecta. It was just jarring. So, yeah, I don't even know where you can find the pest. I actually don't either. It's got to be somewhere. You have to hunt them down. You have to hunt him down. You have to hunt it. Yeah, he is so weird in Moulin Rouge, just to lose the track. I love like it's like it's like door fun art.
Starting point is 00:15:18 Well, have you ever seen his one man show? I have seen he's like done so many one man shows over over the years and he's he's got one currently I think. I think he's got another one that's on or off Broadway somewhere and you know I've seen some of his shows and it's like I don't know it just feels like he's he's found he's he's a good enough actor that he's managed to convince people that, you know, a two hour stand up comedy set is a one man show. You know what I mean? He's very punchline oriented and also does love to do accents. Yes, historically very accent oriented. So I think this was him trying to show off his range, but it's it's pretty, pretty offensive. Yeah, I remember another movie that was not too long after that that he was in.
Starting point is 00:16:14 It was one of my least favorite movies of all time called Spun. Oh, does anybody remember that? No. Yeah, it's a it's a really troublesome movie and he's very annoying in it. It's. Wait, is that what Bernie Murphy and Jason Schwartzman? Oh, my gosh, I think I do remember that movie. It is so it just upsets me to even think about it, because like, there's a scene where someone gets tied down to a bed and then the person turns on the stereo at full blast and then
Starting point is 00:16:50 leaves and the person's just tied there listening to blaring loud music. I just can't even get past that. So practically the only thing I remember about the movie other than everybody's supposed to be on a lot of drugs the whole time. So it's a lot of very unpleasant behavior. It's like the whole cast are the pests. It's not just one one pest and then the you know the hunter that's trying to do us all a favor. Okay so I wrote it down it It's official Aiden is recommending the past and We'll see blame her. We'll see what kind of
Starting point is 00:17:30 I do kind of want to reboot it though and do like the female version of the past. Oh, that's fun yeah, the being hunted on an island story never goes out of style like that's like You can tell that over and over again. In fact, the Running Man, you know, Edgar Wright's making a new Running Man movie where Glenn Powell's the contestant being chased by hunters or whatever. Maybe they'll put more of a twist on it. I don't know. It's got an amazing cast. Coleman Domingo. Yeah. A few other people I like Sam Rockwell, I think. Anyway, my favorite. Yeah, it's crazy. OK, Brandon, what's your recommendation for today?
Starting point is 00:18:14 Yeah, I'm going to recommend this movie I saw the other night called Late Night with the Devil, which is a man that like a really surprised me after within 10 minutes, I was completely hooked. And, you know, it's one of those movie experiences where you're like, man, I really like this. I hope they stick the landing and you get a little nervous as you get to the second act and you get towards the third act. You're like, OK, they keep up the momentum.
Starting point is 00:18:35 Like, can they really make this work? And not only did it work, the ending work for me, it surprised me and left me just completely shook. And like I hadn't been I hadn't been that rattle with the ending system missed when I saw that when I first saw the Thomas James one of the all time rattling endings. I was very I was very impressed with late Night with the Devil. And, you know, apparently the budget was pretty small
Starting point is 00:19:00 and made a lot of money and rightfully so. It's incredibly smart, clever way that they use the 70s aesthetic for this, like, you know, basically exorcist esque horror film. It's it's like it's such a balancing act, that movie that they absolutely pull off, because, you know, if you're told ahead of time, you're going to watch this movie where you're just watching a TV show being taped and Seeing some of those you know it's almost like it's like an episode of Larry Sanders or something But it's you know
Starting point is 00:19:33 It's just that the amount of tension they're able to create Repeatedly throughout the movie It's all it's almost like a perfect structure because every time the talk show goes to commercial, we see the behind the scenes stuff. And that and that stuff's chaotic. But it's also somehow calming compared to what happens when they go back on the air. Each time. And it was also good seeing the lead actor, the David, that
Starting point is 00:20:02 that's Melton. Yeah. Play. I mean, his character still isn't like, you know, traditionally normal in any sense. But it was actually like he had like decent dial. Like, you know, he wasn't crazy. You know, he wasn't like completely off his rocker the way he usually is. And like these weird character roles. It was cool seeing him like actually, you know, get to to present in like a more traditional way
Starting point is 00:20:25 And then like you get to the dark stuff and it really showed his range as an actor which really impressed me Yeah, and he you know and also the movie takes place when you know, it used to be like the most random People would host a talk show and sometimes not and you'd even wonder like what how is this guy doing this? He doesn't really have much charisma or talent or, you know, it was like nowadays, like, it seems like the people who get talk shows to host are already established movie stars or comedians or you know what I mean? Like, whereas there was a lot of, and especially on more local markets and stuff, back when this movie takes place, there was a lot of weird stuff going on.
Starting point is 00:21:06 So that also felt very real because you normally wouldn't cast David Dastmalchian as a talk show host. But he still makes it real because it feels more like talk show hosts back then where it was like they're already kind of a weird personality. Like even somebody like Regis Philbin, like he became huge off of just being Regis Philbin. Like there wasn't, you know, he didn't have a specific skill in terms of hosting something. He was just an interesting dude that didn't look like everybody else, everybody, you know, in movies and TV. And David Das Malten's been a guest on this show, I dare say,
Starting point is 00:21:46 And David Dasmeltz has been a guest on this show, I dare say, at least twice, maybe. Awesome. And he's a great dude. Yeah, I mean, I was just, I think really, I think this is like a great demonstration of like what he's capable of, because he always plays these little bit roles in really great movies for like prisoners and Dark Knight and stuff. But it was great getting to see him front and center in this film that just, you know, takes a lot of chances and they all hit and it's also darkly funny. That's also what I appreciate about it Oh, no, it was really I was really blown away by it. It was really a
Starting point is 00:22:15 Fantastic experience. He's also great as a polka dot man and suicide squad. Yes. Yeah Okay, so thank you for those amazing recommendations If you want to watch three movies and then probably maybe never sleep again Follow these recommendations and We're gonna take our first break. We'll be back with some exciting game action after this Today's episode is brought to you in part by Shopify. When you think about businesses that are selling through the roof, like Gymshark or Magic Spoon or Allbirds,
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Starting point is 00:25:31 who have streamlined their finances with Found. Back to the show. We are back at our first game today in honor of the 50th anniversary of Saturday Night Live, their three hour and 15 minute special is airing this evening on NBC. This isn't really a plug because by the time this episode comes out late tonight, it will have already aired, but I guess you can watch it on streaming if you want but this game is called the not ready for primetime game I'll name a movie and then your job is to tell me which cast from the 50 years of SNL is the star of it or even in it so some of these movies
Starting point is 00:26:31 there will be multiple correct answers because as you know there's a lot of movies out there that have more than one SNL actor in them but there's at least one person each time. So I'll say the movie and then Amy will take a guess. If Amy is wrong, Aiden gets a shot out of Aiden's wrong, then Brandon gets a crack at it. And if nobody gets it out of the three of you, we'll move on to the next one. Every time someone gets one right,
Starting point is 00:27:03 we'll start with the next person on the next round. Are you ready, Amy? Still ready, dad. So you're ready for the not ready for prime time game. It's Saturday night. I'm ready. Yeah. It sounds like you're familiar with the show
Starting point is 00:27:27 I'm the time a real Historian Did you know that they say live from New York? It's Saturday night at the beginning of every episode I just learned that it's fascinating all right Here's the first one and oh also in order to have there be a winner by the end of it They will get easier as it goes along But this first one you're either gonna know it or it's a toughie Amy which Saturday night live star or stars I mean you only need to name one
Starting point is 00:27:59 But which Saturday night live person could be seen in a movie called Mother's Little Helpers? Oh man. I don't even know what that movie is. That's what I was counting on. Because it sounds scary. It's scary. Not my specialty. I don't know too many SNL people who've gone on
Starting point is 00:28:23 to appear in horror films, but This is not technically a horror film, but it's horrific Well, I mean any movie with mother in the title you got to figure some shits gonna happen that's unpleasant Yeah, that's you know Because why drag a mother into it if it's not going to be a mother who's an issue? OK, yeah, I've never heard of this movie and I have no idea. So I'm going to say Chris Kattan. He is not fun, because like you could be right.
Starting point is 00:28:59 That would be amazing. I guess one of the 200 people who have been cast members. You're like all the SNL people who would start this rather movie. I've never heard of. Exactly. It's a very tricky game. But Aiden, do you have a guess? I was going to say Chris Kattan too, but I'll go with. But because I kind of remember, I feel like I remember a poster for this. I'm going to go with Kevin Neal. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:29:29 Okay, that's a fun guess. It's not right, but thank you and have a pleasant tomorrow or good night. Was Amy right? No, no, she wasn't right either. Shit. Oh, do you think I'm going to make all of you guess and then tell you if anybody's right Brandon I have no idea. So I'm gonna I'm gonna go like everybody else random Jane Curtin. I
Starting point is 00:29:56 Love it. That's a terrific guess. She's awesome real pioneer but no, and it's a shame nobody knows this movie because I I'll even make it my recommendation for for this episode I saw it at South by Southwest back in 2019 and It stars Melanie Hutzel She plays the mother and Melanie Hutzel. What? She plays the mother.
Starting point is 00:30:29 And, uh, of course, of course. Yeah. And then the director, uh, castrated Pantera went on to do another South by, uh, movie that I enjoyed very much called, uh, pretty problems. So if you run across either of those movies, I recommend them. All right, Amy, round two. OK. Should be slightly easier.
Starting point is 00:30:52 We'll see. Thank god. Can you name an SNL cast member who was in a motion picture called Nothing Lasts Forever? I don't know what this movie is either. I thought I'd be very good at this game, by the way. the the the the
Starting point is 00:31:20 the the the the I'm gonna say Joe Piscopo. I love it. Oh my goodness. Fantastic guess. But no. No Piscopo. No, no one Piscopo.
Starting point is 00:31:36 That would have been amazing though. I'm gonna say Ana Gasteyer. Another fantastic, fantastic guess. I wish we were playing a gas tire another fantastic Fantastic guess I wish we were playing a game where all you do is just name somebody It's on SL Brandon, what's your guess I mean Since you said it's someone it should be easier Mm-hmm, Dan Akroy, maybe
Starting point is 00:32:06 Listen to you Brandon Brandon. That is, in fact, a correct answer. Whoa. Okay. I just have to say before I came down here on Peacock. So that's awesome. Wait, you saw what? I was watching the SNL stuff and they were talking about Dan Akroyd and all the old cast and stuff. Yeah. So he just came into your head because you just saw him on that.
Starting point is 00:32:28 But you know, it also could have worked out for you if you'd have said because in addition to Dan Akroyd, Bill Murray is in Nothing Lasts Forever. It's in black and white. I forgot. I should have wrote down the year, but it's like You know early sometime in the 80s I think early 80s and it's a black and white is directed by this guy named Tom Schiller who did lots of shorts on SNL called Schiller's real and Bill Murray and Dan Aykroyd both make appearances in it, but that's how this is supposed to work You take a wild guess and you might be right
Starting point is 00:33:05 We're back to you, Amy Who you know in the right era this time a little bit? Yeah, who do you think is in a movie called the road to wellville? Oh? That is Dan Aykroyd Though underpin that final answer. No, no, no,? That's right. They could be deceased. Are you thinking of Dr. Detroit? Ada, did you say Chevy Chase? I did.
Starting point is 00:33:50 Who's going to be at this reunion thing tonight? So I hope he doesn't get any fistfights or anything. No, he's not in the road to Wellville. Do you remember the road to Wellville, Brandon? I have no idea what you're talking about, man. I thought I did. So who's your guest, Brandon? I have no idea what you're talking about. Okay, perfect Who's your guest Brandon? I love your wild guesses. I don't even know what the What can we get a hint about when it came out? No, I'll tell you when it came out after you get it wrong
Starting point is 00:34:17 Tim Meadows These shoutouts were doing it's naming a lot of my favorites. No, this was a movie that maybe it'll ring some bells. It is disgusting. It stars Matthew Broderick and Anthony Hopkins. What? It's all about how the person who invented all the Kellogg's cereals, like cornflakes, initially that was supposed to be like to cure things and, you know, like
Starting point is 00:34:50 all sorts of weird ailments the guy was trying to fix and he had this weird spa. And so anyway, it's a weird movie. And therefore you got to have a Dana Carvey appearance. Yeah, it's from 1994. I definitely didn't get that. Do you recommend it? I don't think so. I think it's ultimately disappointing,
Starting point is 00:35:15 but it is weird because it's like a period piece and they're saying that corn flakes can solve lots of different illnesses. I mean, in the end, I guess corn flakes are maybe kind of good for you, but But yeah, it's all about the guy Kellogg apparently was a real nut okay I mean he's a flake. That's what I meant to say Okay, so Brandon's still on the board with one, but we're back to Amy for this next one. I think you might get this one, Amy.
Starting point is 00:35:51 Okay. What SNL performer regular was in Inglorious Bastards? Oh, okay. Well, you think I would get Sadly I haven't seen it did you oh Because you were worried about you know Hitler's safety I Obviously know about it um and okay, so I'm gonna say this is another wild guess because I really don't know.
Starting point is 00:36:33 It's so embarrassing. Um, let's go. Uh, no, I know it's not him. Okay. Um, what do you think it's not? I don't think it's Mike Myers. Oh, Amy, it's my OK. Mike Myers. Is that your guess for real? Yeah, that's that's who it is. Oh, my God. Yeah. That's why I ask, because when you went, even when you went,
Starting point is 00:37:03 I was like, she was going to say Mike Myers. Yeah. Wow. Appropriate, but I haven't seen it. But then I hesitated because I'm such a huge Mike Myers fan that I thought, why wouldn't I have seen this movie? And he's in it. Does he does a gold member ask like accent? He's like a soldier in it.
Starting point is 00:37:22 Oh, OK. Oh, I don't remember that. He's the one who like gives Michael Fassbender the mission that ends up going like completely sideways. Yeah, he's like a he's like an officer of some kind, and he does have a wacky accent. Oh, wait, does he have a big table with a map? Yeah, that's OK. It's also adding up.
Starting point is 00:37:46 I feel like I could have guessed all that. He was like it was foretold. Yeah. You know, Doug, famously, I'm not a big Tarantino fan, so that's that's kind of what you're going for. I'm sorry that that came up. It's OK. I'm sorry. You have to. I'm sorry. You have to get a point such an ugly fashion
Starting point is 00:38:09 First on this next one You ready Aidan? I'm ready. All right Who? from SNL is in osmosis Jones oh That is well Oh Oh, that is well. Oh, okay. It's like my I want to say who we just said. Wait, where'd my mind go?
Starting point is 00:38:36 We just said his Tim Meadows is what I want to guess, but I feel like it's actually going to be someone else. But I'm going to say Tim Meadows. No, I'm sorry. It's not Tim Meadows. Brandon, you know, I suppose Jones. I do. It's Chris Rock. Chris Rock is correct. And who else is in it, Brandon? Lawrence Fishburne, I believe, right?
Starting point is 00:39:02 No, but there's two other SNL people and two. Oh, I don't remember the other SNL people in to. Oh, I don't remember that. Yeah. I mean, if it's Chris Rock, so I mean, Adam Sandler or David Spade, probably. Is it Joe Piscopo? It's it's it's Molly Shannon and Bill Murray. Oh, wow. I can't believe I didn't get Molly. Dang it. I know. Is Molly as great as I know Molly is great. Are she?
Starting point is 00:39:26 She's the best she's exactly what you would think she is fucking knew it No, she's a she's an absolute delight because I used to I used to see her around before she was even on SNL And and she was always so nice and so so hilarious Okay, so congratulations to Brandon he pulled off the win on that one I was gonna eventually get to the movie the Coneheads has Has 13 people from SNL in it. Oh, I'm sure that was like huge. So we would have had a winner If everyone was still getting stumped I would have somebody would have pulled out the wind at that point but What
Starting point is 00:40:14 Yeah, that was fun, right Brandon is going to get to go first in our next game and we will play that game after this break. We'll be right back Get the injury special at McDonald's now. Let's break it down. My favorite barbecue sauce, American cheese, crispy bacon, pickles, onions, and a sesame seed bun, of course. And don't forget the fries and a drink. Sound good? I'm participating in restaurants for a limited time. We are back. I forgot to take a drink during that commercial break,
Starting point is 00:40:44 so I'm going to take a drink during the commercial break. So I'm gonna take a quick sip now, but the breaks go by so fast. It was an hour, Doug. You could have gotten a sip. Oh my God, can you imagine? Like, I don't know how long the commercial breaks are because I can't even bring myself to investigate
Starting point is 00:41:01 because I just worry they're super long. But I also am confident that most listeners understand how fast-forwarding works. It's time for another game. This game is going to decide it all today and It's one of my favorites to play. It's called weird algorithm Played once by weird Al himself In this game the three of you are going to take turns guessing the names of actors that you think Have scored the highest or our first second or third on the list of a cast of a motion picture. So I'll tell you the movie, and then today I type that movie into the IMDB search engine.
Starting point is 00:41:57 And then you can flip it so that you don't read the cast in the build order, you can read it in the order that of their popularity today based on the search engine on IMDB. The star meter. Yeah, basically. Whoa. Which as you know, some people, you know, they'll shoot up on the star meter because of unfortunate things, not necessarily good that happen in their career. So it's often very wildly different from the billing that was just on the movie when it came out. So I'll tell you the movie
Starting point is 00:42:32 and then I'll tell you the top two stars according to billing at that time. And it's up to you to either pick one of those people as your answer, or can you know come up with your own either somebody else you know that's in it that you think is more popular today or even take a wild guess if you're in the mood for that there's three rounds Brandon's gonna go first on the first round then we'll go to Aiden then we'll go to Amy but each round somebody different well We'll get to go first so that everyone gets a chance But if there's a tie the person goes first on the tiebreaker will be Brandon There's even one answer here that I didn't even write down and that's gonna come in handy
Starting point is 00:43:23 Later all right good. I just jotted it in um I Think that's everything oh, so if you if you if you name the person who ends up coming in first you get three points second two points third one point and You know if there are anywhere else on the list it's not worth any points Brandon we're going to start with the latest Version on stage of Romeo and Juliet on Broadway closed this weekend
Starting point is 00:43:55 So it brought me to mind of the movie you mentioned on this very episode That's how psychic you are. The good old Romeo plus Juliet. The one directed by what's his name? Baz Luhrmann. Baz Luhrmann. The one that Baz Luhrmann made starring of course Leonardo DiCaprio and Claire Danes as the title characters. But there's lots of other actors in the mix. Who do you think Brandon would come out on top today between Leo Claire and anybody else that's in it?
Starting point is 00:44:33 I mean, I think Leo definitely is still at the top. I'm thinking Jaleck Osamu, Claire Danes. Who else was in that movie? Well, you don't want to help the other get the. Oh, keep going. Yeah. But star meter today. And you can share answers to, by the way, you can all say the same answer if you want. I mean, I'm still going to go with Leonardo DiCaprio, but because Jaleco's almost recently, shoot. You know what? I'm going to I'm going to just go crazy.
Starting point is 00:45:06 Jala Gazelle. You're going with the legs. OK, because he was recently in the news. I wonder if like that maybe bumped him up. OK, so Aidan, you can either agree about Johnny Leggs maybe be a number one. I got to hype my boy Johnny Leggs. You do? Yeah, Johnny legs you do. Yeah I mean you came here today to talk about him. So yeah, that's why I'm here important
Starting point is 00:45:37 Amy, what do you think? Do you think like Uzama would be? most searched today or Leo or Claire or somebody else I Am pretty sure this person's in the movie um I'm gonna say Paul Rudd in Romeo and Juliet he is in it he is it yeah yeah he plays what? He's got a weird name to Paris. Yeah. He's courting a Juliet. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And he's just, his whole role is just like, Oh, look at that. Look at that guy. And he's just smirking and handsome.
Starting point is 00:46:15 He is not aged at all. It's incredible. Yeah. He will any day now. All at once. Keep an eye on it. Doug's like, just you wait, America. I will any day now. All at once. Keep an eye on it. Doug's like, just you wait, America. It's like a pot that won't boil when you're watching it. You look away for a minute and Paul Rudd will have aged a little bit. We've got to ignore him for a couple years.
Starting point is 00:46:37 I think so. I think so. I was scared for him on this last season of Only Murders in the Building because he played a very slapsticky character who's constantly throwing himself around. And I was like, your face may look young, but your your bones are old. OK, I'm sorry to say, Aiden and Brandon, that John Leguizamo in this particular case finished in sixth place. More people are looking up Pete Possell Thwait. What? Wow.
Starting point is 00:47:07 Exactly. And then more bad news. Amy Paul Rudd came in fourth place. Oh, my God. It's Leo, isn't it? Well, number three, I'll count them up from the bottom. Number three was I think he's Mercutio. The oh, yeah. Harold. Harold. Yeah, I think he's Mercutio the great Harold Harrow. Yeah, I was gonna say it.
Starting point is 00:47:27 Shoot. Okay. Yeah. I got from last. Yeah. He must be up to something because he did pretty, he's more popular than Paul Rudd today. And then, uh, Claire Danes came in at number two and Leo was number one. I should have just gone my gut.
Starting point is 00:47:44 I don't know. What I have to show off? You started off with Leo, but moved on. All right, so we're back to, we're onto round two. Aidan starts us off on this one. And the motion picture, I'm fascinated by this very small genre of film, the Shakespeare adaptations. Ooh.
Starting point is 00:48:07 With big cast. So this next one is Much Ado About Nothing, starring and directed by Kenneth Branagh and co-starring Emma Thompson, and then some other luminaries. Do you remember this movie, Aiden? I do, I do, but I don't remember anyone besides Kenneth and Emma in it. Really? This is like a stat cast. I mean, I'm gonna just go with Emma as number one.
Starting point is 00:48:31 I mean, she did, you know, she did get a, uh, she didn't win for that one, but she won an Oscar for writing, uh, sense of sensibility. Uh, and I think that's the only thing that's really important to me. I mean, I think that's the only thing that's really important to me. I mean, I think that's the only thing that's really important to me. I mean, I think that's the only thing that's really important to me. She did get a, she didn't win for that one, but she won an Oscar for writing Sense of Sensibility. Amy, what do you think? I'm gonna go, I'm pretty sure. Okay.
Starting point is 00:49:01 Keanu Reeves. Oh yeah, Keanu Reeves. Oh, oh, yeah. Keanu Reeves is going to be. Brandon, you could. Yeah, I'm going to go with Denzel. You know, it's black history, Mo. Oh, you're going with Denzel for the W. Yep. I think it probably is going to be Keanu, but Denzel's got to be the second. Well, you know, I love your commitment.
Starting point is 00:49:26 And as it turns out, some people are going to get some points this round. Emma Thompson, unfortunately, as great as she is. You know, poor Danny McPhee. He is. He came in sixth place. I don't regret anything. Kenneth Branagh himself. Kenny B. He came in fifth place.
Starting point is 00:49:56 Fourth place is interesting because it's I forgot he was in this. Michael Keaton. Oh, wow. Yeah, Michael Keaton doing Shakespeare is wild. And then number three was the, you know, the young damsel in the movie Kate Beckinsale. Oh, wow. Yeah. And then number two is Denzel Washington.
Starting point is 00:50:24 So Brandon is on the board with two points and of course Keanu Reeves is number one Fucking way, dude three points for Amy Still anybody's game at this point Amy you gotta go first in our third round and This time it's a slight twist It's not based on Shakespeare it's based on Shakespeare it's called Shakespeare in love yes the story of young Shakespeare and his writing methods is such a good category for me. Stars Gwyneth Paltrow and Joseph Fiennes. Wraiths. Bro.
Starting point is 00:51:12 He plays Shakespeare and Gwyneth plays love. And... He's in her. It's also got some other amazing actors in it. Amy, what do you think? I'm gonna go Gwyneth Paltrow. I'm not even gonna, I'm just gonna be- Just gonna say it. Just do it.
Starting point is 00:51:30 Yes. You're just gonna goop it. Yep. Goop it, Doug. Brandon, what's your guess? I'm going with Ben Affleck because I believe he was in it, right? Because he- You're sure as hell right about that. Ben Affleck because I believe he was in it, right? Because he sure as hell right about that.
Starting point is 00:51:46 Ben Affleck is in Shakespeare in love. I dare say one of his best acting performance. It is. It really is. He's only in the first two. Yeah. He actually really feels like he wants to be there and commit to the role and everything. It's very exciting. By the way, I'm still personally a fan of that. This movie won best picture over Saving Private Ryan, but that's, you know, a wrap for another day. That is, you know, that is such a go to like that one really stings with a lot of people who,
Starting point is 00:52:18 you know, follow the Oscars. But, you know, in two weeks, if Amelia Perez wins, but, um, you know, in two weeks, if Amelia Perez wins, I don't think it will, but that'll be the, that'll be the go-to for the rest of time of, uh, that shouldn't have won. But I don't think it will. I think there's been, uh, I think it's sliding, uh, in the direction of, uh, Nora seems to be, you know, maybe the brutalist but I think anora is Where everybody's gonna end up maybe conclave, but anyway, I think I know it should be his time, but then he said he wasn't gonna go to the Oscars. So be even funnier for one Oh, yeah, that'd be great. But he's been on a you know he's been a little bit of a hot streak because it won directors guild and producers guild
Starting point is 00:53:07 and writers guild, I think. It did win all three of those. So yeah, if it didn't win all three, it won at least two of them. So he's really on his way. Okay. Aiden, what's your guess? Like part of me wants to go rogue and be like,
Starting point is 00:53:23 what if it's Joseph getting the like spillover from Rafe's current performances. Yeah, what if you look from the Right right just yeah people he's on that Yeah I didn't realize he was on hand raised. So that's one of those big Everybody's seen it shows that I've never I've maybe seen one episode Every second and I hate every single right? It's just torture. Yeah. Why are we doing so terrible in it? And yeah, it's like he's such a he was such a sweet young little thing and Shakespeare love and now I will demon
Starting point is 00:54:01 Yeah, you don't need to watch that show dad. Nobody does nobody I don't think it's gonna help anybody. That's really good though. I'm going with demon Joseph fines then like, well, you know, as it turns out, what happens is not good because that freak Joseph Fiennes is one, two, three, four, five, six, seven. He's number eight of the cast of Shakespeare Love. Number seven is Jeffrey Rush. Oh my God. Number six is Jeffrey Rush. Oh my God. Number six is a Dench, the great Judy Dench who won an Oscar for her role
Starting point is 00:54:50 and she's on screen for like five minutes. Gwyneth Paltrow is next, unfortunately, at number five. Then number four, between this and my best friend's wedding, he was the go-to gay buddy in cinema, Rupert Everett. Number three was the great Tom Wilkinson, who also I think might've been nominated for an Oscar for it. It got lots of nominations.
Starting point is 00:55:22 Number two, one of the best singing men in Mamma Mia, which is not a compliment, Colin Firth. And Brandon, you nailed it. Ben Affleck is number one on the popularity index. popularity index. That's our winner. Brandon Collins. Congratulations, dude. Awesome. I can't wait to get that checked. Let's get your, uh, your plugs in again. You gotta do your plugs first. All right. Cool. Uh, so folks who can follow me at Frodo underscore black ends on Instagram and threads and a drunk black history is going on tour starting on Los Angeles on Friday,
Starting point is 00:56:08 February 21st at dynasty typewriter, drop by kiss for those tickets in person and live stream. So if you're not on the West coast, you can still join us. Um, and uh, yeah, I'm New York, Austin, Detroit, all that stuff. So, um, drop by kiss for all those dates. That's awesome. And uh, we will have you back at the earliest that we possibly can. Sounds good. Maybe even before those shows, not before those shows,
Starting point is 00:56:33 but maybe we can catch you during the during the run or something. Awesome. Aidan Mayery. I hope you're not too disappointed. Do I owe you money? Is that how this works? Oh my God, that'd be such a good, or at the very least I should get money from the two people who lost and give it to the winner. And then that way I'm not making money or losing money. I'm just gonna. Inflation's a motherfucker, I would love that.
Starting point is 00:57:00 Yeah, yeah. I'll Venmo you, Brandon. That sounds good. I think we all have to pay Brandon because it's like history month. I'm just yeah, I didn't want to say it. I appreciate it. I appreciate the acknowledgement. Let me ask you this, Brando.
Starting point is 00:57:15 Did you see the most recent Fletch motion picture? Wood Roy Wood Jr. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So you remember who Roy Wood Jr.'s partner was? Oh, boy. Oh, boy. I do not.
Starting point is 00:57:31 It was me. You're talking. Oh, wow. Hey, Aiden. Hey. He loved it. Watch it again. She's great in it. Awesome. You know, and we love, of course, we love are. I'm sure you are. I'm sure you are. I'm sure you are. I'm sure you are.
Starting point is 00:57:47 I'm sure you are. I'm sure you are. I'm sure you are. I'm sure you are. I'm sure you are. I'm sure you are. I'm sure you are. I'm sure you are.
Starting point is 00:57:55 I'm sure you are. I'm sure you are. I'm sure you are. I'm sure you are. I'm sure you are. I'm sure you are. I'm sure you are. I'm sure you are.
Starting point is 00:58:03 I'm sure you are. I'm sure you are. I'm sure you are. I'm sure you are. I have like a vinyl album out right now from that. I made when I was, I had a band when I was 12 and then we got discovered online in 2020 and we got signed by a record label called Numero Group and they put our vinyl out and it's out of me, but records now. I love it. I love someone promoting their album like with a, you know, like a wink, like it's like, is this a joke? I know it's I love someone promoting their album like with a, you know, like a wink. Like it's like, is this a joke?
Starting point is 00:58:26 I know it's really been really fun. It was called, et cetera. And the album's called summer 2000 and I'm directing a documentary about the whole thing right now, but you can't see that yet. So you could buy the album. I think people should. Uh, and the Miba is a fun visit. If you're in the LA area. Yeah. And the Mipah is a fun visit if you're in the LA area. Yeah. And it's if you like the sound of like dissonant haunted children from the early 2000s, you'll love this. Fantastic. And you know, when when that documentary is ready to come out, come on back on the show and talk about it.
Starting point is 00:59:04 Oh, I'll be back here to lose so much money All right, and Amy Miller Always a strong competitor, but your streak is ended Yeah, but well, you know, you'll be back within a few I'm sure. But what would you like to plug now? All my dates are at, but I'll be in Raleigh, Asheville, Boston, slash Cambridge. Oh, and I'm coming to Rooster Teeth Feathers, and then, wait, can I say that part, Doug? Yes you can.
Starting point is 00:59:41 Oh, and then on the Sunday we're going gonna do the gloves movies. Yeah, Sunnyville California what it's where is that June 1st? Something around like the last weekend of May into June and I think Sunday June 1st at like 420 as I like to do At Rooster Teeth feathers so So that'll be a lot of fun. And you know, now you can put Amy on your name tags and maybe she'll pick you. Doug Plugs, if you're attending
Starting point is 01:00:14 South by Southwest this year, I know Brandon's gonna be there. Keep a lookout for, or if you just live in Austin, of course, keep a lookout for Doug Lowe's movies, tapings. We don't have the dates and times locked in yet, but they'll, they'll be, I think two of them over the course of South by Southwest. And then on Sunday, March 23rd, we're coming to the Well Comedy Club in Bakersfield.
Starting point is 01:00:41 That'll be the first time we've done DLM in that location with one of our favorite guests will be there Mr. Chad O'Pitts. is where all my dates and deets are located. Thank you again What a delightful, what a lovely group. And as always, perfect, perfect.

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