Doug Loves Movies - Brandon Collins, Dan Rosen and Noël Wells guest
Episode Date: March 10, 2025Doug welcomes Brandon Collins, Dan Rosen and Noël Wells to the show.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
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Doug hates candy wrappers screening baby sticky seeds with 50 as a pop or kernels in his teeth
Hey, hey, hey everybody, my name is Doug and I love movies this
Is doug loves movies?
recording on wed, March 5th, 2025.
And my guests today are a newbie and old B and a returning champion.
But I'm not going to say their names in that order.
Brandon Collins, Dan Rosen and Noel Wells.
Hi. Hey.
Let's meet them individually.
It's his 19th appearance on the show, I think.
And he's returning today after a big win on the last episode.
It's Brandon Collins. Hey, Brandon. What's going on, Doug?
Oh, you know, uh, I told you this earlier, but it's raining in LA. So
Oh man, everything has come to visit you yet. Everything is ruined.
Uh, but, uh, as previously mentioned on the last episode, you will be
As previously mentioned on the last episode you will be at South by Southwest this year. Yes. Yes. And do you have any, you know, anything you're most looking forward to doing while you're in Austin?
I mean, I'm looking forward to catching up with some friends.
I got a Drunk Black History show there the night before the festival and I'm really interested to see this movie drop
Because I actually like I was pitched the idea like and would have like before even went to production and like that
I'm really curious to see how much it changed and evolved since then so I'm excited to see that on Sunday
Yeah, and I'm sure you'll see a bunch of things. Oh
Yeah. And I'm sure you'll see a bunch of things.
Oh, 1000%. I'm gonna see. I'm not gonna sleep, Doug.
I'm not sleeping at all this weekend. I paid too much money for this nice Airbnb to, you know,
I was going to say, cause the screenings, you know,
they stop in like 2 a.m. and don't start up again until 10. So you, you know,
you could probably get a little, a little sleep in there.
Yeah. But there's, you know,
networking parties and there's, you know, comedy shows I can go to. It's going to be a long weekend.
There's a lot. It's a lot.
And I am excited to be going again this year for my it's
I think it's probably around 17 or 18 years in a row,
except for the, you know,
the Pando years.
Also, also joining us is the first time guest co-host of the Middle Brow podcast.
It's Dan Rosen. Hey, Dan.
Hey Doug, how's it going?
Pretty good. How are you doing?
I'm good. It's also pouring raining in New York City. So yeah, and that's the funny thing is that life goes on.
But in Los Angeles, it stops life.
It is over until everybody complains about it.
It's only one day.
It's going to be sunny again tomorrow, I'm sure.
But people in L.A. are already starting from a lower point of activity and commotion.
Yeah, exactly.
You know.
Yeah, there's definitely less of a... and we all have to drive, you know, that's the
great thing about the rain in New York is that you get chances are you could like take
the subway or walk with an umbrella.
But out here in LA, everyone's in their stupid cars and the stupid rain and the traffic's
really bad. And I'm just glad I got back home and in time for this podcast.
But Dan, here's the important question for a new guest on the show.
How do you think you fare at movie trivia?
I think I fare pretty, pretty well.
I mean, like a trivia league that's like online.
You guys know about the learning league?
A ringer.
I didn't say I do well in this league. I don't do well.
But yeah, I think like the statistics of the thing say that I index higher on film. So, you know, that's me being very arrogant
and I'm about to know nothing.
So I guess we'll see.
Well, it's tricky because, you know,
obviously you can't know going into it what, you know,
it's like if you went on Jeopardy,
you can't really count on categories in your wheelhouse.
So you just never know, you never know what's gonna come up.
And a lot of people find my trivia games
to be too difficult.
But that being said-
Yeah, that will be me at the end of this hour.
But somebody still has to win.
That's the beautiful part is everybody can be very bad,
but ultimately somebody has to be the best amongst the worst.
Well, I hope you have a lot of Mary-Kate and Ashley trivia.
Okay, let me just look ahead real quick. Not today.
Damn, that's all I watch.
Guess how many times you've been on this show the way, it's no well wells everybody. Hello
How many times do you think you've been on the show?
Not a bad guess but this today by my count which is never completely accurate
Will be your lucky 13th time
Nice Wow just flew by yeah, and I think it's your third time
Just randomly being on the same episode with Brandon Collins
Do you even
Noel is like winning and losing something you even remember from the experience or do you just know the way I?
Always clean well because I go into everything just expecting I'm going to fail.
And so if anything else happens, I'm surprised.
And I really know, I was going to say it's also raining here in my heart.
I'm just going to.
I had that one cute. It's a rough time in general but you know, I'm just blaming the rain on on
my day today and
I'm finding that
Doing this with all of y'all is bringing me some temporary sunshine. Oh
some temporary sunshine.
Before we play some games today, I would like each one of you to please
recommend a movie just something you think people should see for, you know, whatever
reason something you're confident
People will enjoy like that's the thing about recommending movies is I don't personally like doing it
because I don't want to be responsible for people who, you know,
see it and then go, what were you talking about? That was garbage.
I don't, I don't, I don't need that, that kind of feedback.
I didn't even make the movie, but, uh, we'll start with Brandon.
What do you want to recommend today?
Uh, yeah, I'm going to recommend Heavyweights, which I just watched the other day
because it has one of my favorite Ben Stiller performances of all time.
And it's just such a silly, goofy, surprisingly dark
Disney movie from the 90s.
It is just, you know, a nice little time capsule.
I would recommend that for anyone that needs a little pick me up or,
you know, experiencing a sad rainy day in their house by themselves.
Well, I can't tell you who who it was, but I swear that movie was
recommended recently.
Is it?
I think it's the 30th anniversary.
So there are a lot of posting about it.
Oh, there it is.
They just had an anniversary. Plus, you know, just the fact that it was, you know, made by the likes of Judd Apatow and Paul Feig.
It's just kind of wild that they both managed to, you know, continue to be heavyweights in the world of film comedies.
Also is it, is like Kenan Thompson, one of the kids?
Yeah. Yeah.
He's been working like me.
I remember that kid from obviously Nickelodeon,
but the D2, the mighty ducks,
he's been working for a long time.
No, he's, he's quite the long-term professional and seems to be a you know managed to get out of being a child actor
in pretty good shape because that's
That can that can go pretty rough. Yeah. Yeah, and it's funny that you mentioned
Being a favorite Ben Stiller performance. Does that mean you're also a fan of dodgeball a true underdog I am a fan of any unhinged Ben Stiller performance. Does that mean you're also a fan of dodgeball? A true underdog?
I am a fan of any unhinged Ben Stiller performance. Like even like happy Madison as the creepy
nurse dude, like every time he just is like wild. It makes me laugh. And then meet the
parents like he's still makes me laugh. But like just crazy, bittersly jacked up, Ben Stiller, there's nothing funnier to me.
Um, he had a, one of the funnier moments on the Oscars the other night with the
whole stage, not going to the right height or whatever, and him having to
crawl out of there, but strangely enough, Sabrina Carpenter just did that in her,
uh, TV special. Oh, okay. But strangely enough, Sabrina Carpenter just did that in her
TV special. Oh, OK. It was the same gag.
And she had she had stolen it from Goldie Hawn, who did it a long time ago.
It always starts with Goldie Hawn.
That's what I always say. Yeah, that is true.
But yeah, I really feel like Ben Stiller in Heavyweight's like it's almost
they could even have said he's the same character when he showed up in dodgeball
because it was just the same vibe, just a guy who's just angry at fat people.
I know, but Doug, there's nothing that can replace Ben Stiller doing three back
cartwheels and then chopping a dead, I think, Jeffy Tambor in the back.
It's what it's just you can't compare that.
It's insane.'s just you can't compare that. It's insane
Has he quit comedy?
Is it over is he just doing like dramas now?
No, he's got a new comedy film coming out where he's going back to the same sort of
awkward guy Character, but I don't know when it's coming out or or where but of course
Severance has just been
It's just wild that that guy is behind, you know such a dramatic rarely funny show
Dan great. He's a great director, right? Yes. He's awesome
And I get to say I hope I get to say that one day.
What about you, Dan? Could you recommend a movie?
I saw this movie Phenomena recently.
The I've been watching a lot of like Jalo movies and phenomenas like Dario Argento movie with
Jennifer Connolly from the 80s.
And it's the most bonkers movie I've ever I've seen in a while.
She plays like a young teenager who like can talk to bugs.
She can like communicate with bugs and she gets sent to like a Swiss boarding school
and there are all these murders and she like slowly starts to solve the murders in the
last half hour of that movie are the most like insane slasher surprise score.
I've seen it in a long time.
It's very ridiculous and fun.
And how did you watch it?
I think I rented on Amazon Prime.
What's it called again?
Phenomena. Phenomena.
Phenomena. Phenomena.
Yeah, it's Dario Argento who did like Suspiria. Something like Phenomena. Yeah, it's Dario Argento who did like Suspiria.
Something like a phenomena.
I thought of a different song.
Do do do.
I already even listened to you, Dan.
We're just leaving songs in our heads.
Yeah, I don't think I've seen phenomena with Jennifer, uh, Connolly.
So that's, uh, I could throw that up on the list, especially for, you
know, Halloween's coming up.
Uh, you'll text me in seven months.
Time this year.
Hey, dad, that was that movie was FD.
Um, all right.
But that's a, I like, I like both these recommendations because listeners might even be like what like they don't even know these movies
Exist so that's always nice but noel what have you
Well, you got mine today, you know, I only am gonna recommend this because I
Heard it was so bad that when I went into it, I was expecting
Not to like it and I really did like it
Okay, which is megalopolis. Oh
I did you like post about how much you liked it or something?
I feel like I've already heard from you on this. Yeah, I what I saw it on I saw it January 1st
2025 I felt like my whole life was starting over.
I was like this.
Oh, sweet girl.
I just thought it was awesome.
But obviously, it wasn't a perfect movie.
But I just thought it was just so radically bizarre
and went for it in so many ways that it was a spectacle.
And I laughed so much.
And I think in places you were supposed to laugh,
not laughing at it,
I just think it's a misunderstood film.
Yeah, it's very misunderstood.
It took home a bunch of razies
and Francis Ford Coppola made a statement.
He was like, thank you so much.
Yeah, he was kind of like, you know what?
Any recognition after what I went through
is makes it more worthwhile.
Because that's what I don't get is why do you think
he puts so much money into it?
Does it seem like that expensive a movie when you're watching it?
No. That was the thing that was really throwing me when I was watching the film
about was the budget because it felt like maybe the budget was that high because it
must have been very disorganized and chaotic.
And it just that that's just my my understanding, I because I don't know, maybe the actors cost a lot of money.
I'm not exactly sure why.
But I'd still, some of it, because so much of it
seemed like there were special effects.
And maybe that ended up taking a lot of energy.
And yeah, I don't know.
I'm not exactly sure why it costs that much.
But I don't think the movie was good because of the budget either
way. Or I didn't find it enjoyable, you know, the scope of it. I don't know what I'm trying
to say. That was the only part that threw me. I went to a Q&A with him and I got the
sense that he's just sort of disorganized and maybe, you know, people are just going with his whims.
And I think a bill would rack up really fast if you don't quite have things figured out.
Yeah, I think he does a lot of a lot more takes than are necessary.
And I get paid by take for sure.
I get paid by take. And I think he also does a lot of, you know, weird, like kind of improvs and stuff.
You know, I think he really gets into it so much that everybody, the entire crew must
be like pulling their hair out all day because of his kind of disorganization
and last minute inspiration.
Yeah, I would want to experience that once, just once.
You know?
All right, Megalopolis, I respect that choice on your part,
All right, Megalopolis, I, you know, I respect, I respect that choice on your part, but The thinking man's brutalist.
I think more like the shrooming man's brutalist.
I'll be very honest.
Something about it, like, I, you know, I haven't seen it, but just like the cast and the, you know,
whenever I do see images from it and stuff, it kind of reminds me of another movie that
a lot of people hated, but I loved called Babylon.
Oh, it had, you saw it.
We, well, you know, I had my birthday at a Babel at Babylon screening,
and then we both watched it.
But it had Babylon feelings.
It was like if Babylon met Cloud Atlas.
Oh, wow. Those two should not be.
They should not. I know.
But it didn't feel like a Wachowski for sure.
I felt like the Wachowskis.
Yeah, it was Babylon meets Cloud Atlas.
I think also Cloud Atlas was also very panned.
I think Cloud Atlas is like actually and like genuinely a solid film.
So the Babylon part is the megalopolis part of megalopolis.
And Adam Driver kept going the true true.
Yeah, that's the thing. I couldn't get past,
there were certain segments or time periods or whatever in Cloud Atlas.
When they jump around,
my interest level would go up and down a little bit.
But the one that I really couldn't handle was the word more Tom Hanks
and Halle Berry had that like made up language. Oh.
You know, just because it just felt like it was too cutesy, you know, like a lot of the
choices they made with how that language works.
But also Cloud Atlas is every day that goes by, it's getting weirder and weirder in terms of having Hugh Grant play an Asian person.
Well, they were saying something.
They were saying something about past lives or Ford lives or I don't know.
I get what you're saying.
One of my Asians played by Emma Stone only.
Oh, and Oompa Loompa is played by Asians.
But that's my favorite part of Cloud Atlas, though,
is the first time you watch it,
if you think you know who are playing which roles,
you're gonna be wrong about at least one.
It's fun the way that they name the actor
and then put the faces of all the characters
that played in the movie up at the same time.
So it's a fun little surprise at the end, like who was what.
I'll say, can I, I know we weren't,
I'm cloud Atlas, this is not a cloud Atlas discussion,
but I remember watching it and really loving it,
but I watched it at like 1 a.m. in the morning when TV,
it came on TV and I was blown away by it, but
I only saw it that one time. And so after watching Megalopolis and I was like, oh, it
was kind of like Cloud Atlas. I wondered if other people thought that Cloud Atlas was,
if they still thought it was so bad. And I Googled and I ended up on the YouTube page
for a trailer of Cloud Atlas. and most of the comments were like I
Was so surprised that this was such a masterpiece everybody got it wrong. It was so good
So I have to go back and rewatch it. I don't know if I was just really naive or very young when I watched it
Does that make sense?
But a lot of people seem to say they thought it was way more masterful than it like
But I don't know because I haven't seen it for like 12 or 15 years.
Well, it's super ambitious for sure.
So just that alone makes it interesting to me.
Like there's the whole section that's like kind of
in a future that's got like flying cars and stuff.
They like the effects and the money
and the trouble that they went to.
People have reactions like this movie changed my view of life.
And that's how I felt when I watched it.
It like it like blew my mind.
And I was like, it put me it made me feel like I got put on the right track in my life.
And all the comments were just saying very similar things.
And I was just like, so I'm not alone.
But Cloud Atlas moved quite
a few people.
Yeah, and I think it's also Tom Hanks read a lot of those comments.
Okay, fair enough. Fair enough. I hear.
Tom Hanks, seven different characters.
Seven different. Yeah, exactly.
You go weaving with the rest.
Yeah, you go weaving. Oh my god. It's a really weird movie. We did, you know, you go, oh my god, it's a it's a really weird movie we did, you know, you've done the movie interruption before
Noel where like, you know, we sit there with the microphones and talk during a movie and one time we did it with cloud atlas
And you know, it was
you know pretty rough trying to make jokes for three hours or however long it is, but
It did also sort of
to me kind of reinforce that it's still it's still an interesting movie even if you don't like it I
think it has to be it qualifies as an interesting failure but I thought Babylon back to Babylon
I thought that was when I saw that movie I was tired and was hungry and I was thirsty and the movie theater
We went late at night and they didn't have any
We didn't get any treats or anything
and so I was just set up to really be unhappy with it and I thought it was I
Enjoyed it from start to finish
And then you know then I went out into the real world, found out how much people weren't
liking it.
I also I had, I think I had 25 people there for my birthday and we all had a blast.
And then we all we all are just there was it was very entertaining.
This is a very small tangent, but do you guys think that Timothy Chalamet is turning into
Damien Chazelle in his look?
Oh, like physically?
I can see that a little bit.
Every time I see him now with the little mustache and beard, I think he looks exactly like
Damien Chazelle.
Yeah, I see that.
It's just, you know, I wouldn't think too much into it just because the more I've been
around actors lately, the more insane they are.
So I don't think there's any rivalries.
What kind of actors?
It's been dark. No,
I'm just because I'm around actors too, and they're mostly just kind of boring and
like self obsessed.
But so I'm curious which actors you're.
I don't think he wants to name names. Yeah, I just let's just say like I did a commercial recently and someone was going deep into trying
to find out their characters motivations.
Like you're just a mom walking with a tote bag.
Oh no, they were like, but where am I coming from?
And where am I going?
And what am I doing tomorrow?
I'm like, oh, sweet God.
I get this thing.
Oh, no, no, that's that's just that is boredom though.
Right. You know what I'm like, oh, sweet God. Let me get this take. Oh, no, no, that's just, that is boredom though, right?
You get what I'm saying?
That's a type of boredom when you're trying to make something
like that mean more than it is, than it does.
Anyway, I agree.
I just looked up Damien Chazelle directing Babylon.
It looks just like.
Maybe Timothy, Damien Chazelle looks like Timothy Shallow.
He had a time machine.
Mm hmm.
Well, in the biopic that'll come out in a year on Damien Chazelle.
We'll get Timothy.
I just want to know what Timothy has that mustache for.
Is that his first his girlfriend?
My look mustache or is he I
think I think he's in the he's in that new safety bro I think it's safety
brother movie Josh safety movie about the ping-pong tennis thing oh the ping-pong
yeah yeah so he has to have so like that was my initial reaction to that mustache
when he started showing up at award shows as well he's probably playing a
character with that weird little mustache but it's also funny too though that like he could grow that mustache back in a day or two probably it's so slight and and
Yeah, it's really but it's just funny how I mean not everybody attacked him for it
But you know like Nikki Glaser got roasted him pretty good over it
And maybe he did it for Kylie and I was like gosh. She's such a he's such a wife guy
She likes to be just kind of almost tickled
Little something going on there, maybe you'd have some food on your face. I
Think that guy is just a phenomenal actor and he should have.
He should get in the time machine and costar in phenomena. That's how phenomenal.
I think he's actually in cloud Atlas actually.
He is as a little kid.
No, I'm kidding. I was i was like yep you watch the end credits
there's timothy chalamet he's there but you know that's the thing is people timothy chalamet didn't
get on people's resume until like uh you know call me by by your name and uh lady bird when those came
out but he'd been in he's been in stuff since he was like i don't know how young like maybe 10 or something. He was the vice president's kid in homeland
There you go. Yeah, there you go
and I cast one of my and I did like a homeland sketch and
I cast um a sketch guy to play him before he was famous and like looking back at the sketch
I nailed it. He like looks like a grown-up timothy shelby. It's awesome. Never mind
Anyway He like looks like a grown-up timothy shelby. It's awesome. Never mind
Well, thanks for those digressions and those recommendations we're gonna play some games after these words
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we are back and the first game we're going to play today is a Game we play on the show all the time called whose tagline is it anyway, but this particular edition I
Got in my feels about some of the great
Actors and filmmakers that we've lost recently. So this is whose tagline is it anyway recently deceased edition
damn yeah so hopefully this won't make everybody sad and instead it will prop
up the the work of these people who are in some cases I'm like I'm like are
these people that died of mysterious
I'm like, I'm like, are these people that died of mysterious circumstances?
Stopping murder mysteries.
Just the ones we lost recently. And you don't have to,
you don't have to guess exactly what happened with them because there's definitely a little mystery in a couple of these, but, um,
I'll tell you the name of the person and then I will tell you a tagline from one
name of the person and then I will tell you a tagline from one of that person's movies
and then your job is to guess between three choices. I'll give you three. It's a multiple choice game. So we'll start with Brandon. I'll tell him the person, then the tagline,
then the three options. Brandon will choose one of the options. If he's wrong, then the tagline, then the three options.
Brandon will choose one of the options.
If he's wrong, then Dan gets a crack at it.
And if Dan is wrong, then Noel will obviously get the point
because there's only one option left.
Each time somebody gets one right,
we'll start with the next person on the next one.
And first person to two points
Wins this game and also no pressure because you don't really win anything
Uh, you just get to go first in the final game, which is nice to have that to be in that position, but not
Not crucial
All right. You ready brandon?
Yes, sir. All right
Uh They went by Zazz, the Zucker Brothers and Jim Abrams, the writers and directors of many great comedies.
So we're going to we're talking about the recently deceased Jim Abrams.
Which one of these three movies I'll do the tagline first.
The tagline is there's something funny in the air.
There's something funny in the air.
And which movie do you think that was for Brandon?
Was it for airplane hot shots or Kentucky fried movie?
I mean, it has to be airplane, right?
You tell me it's airplane.
Oh Lord.
I've been shot.
Dan, is it hot shots or Kentucky Fried Movie?
Kentucky Fried Movie.
Also incorrect.
I will just say I had it right the whole time in my head.
Oh, that's good.
Hot shots.
Yeah, hot shots.
You get the point either way.
This one, I knew this one could be tricky, but I didn't know you'd all fall into into line there because
Hot shots even though it was after airplane
Was in fact a parody of Top Gun and
Like movies, so that's why the tagline is there's something funny in the air.
Right. I think I was thinking it was like a Rambo.
I guess that was in Hot Chips Part II, where he was like,
it has the Rambo kind of vibe, right?
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Absolutely.
All right. So Noel's on the board,
but Brandon gets to go first on this next one.
Of course, we talked about it a lot on the last episode of the show,
the passing of the great Gene Hackman. Yes. Here's the tagline from one of his films.
Trapped behind enemy lines, only one man can save him. Is that the tagline for Bat 21?
Is that the tagline for that 21 behind enemy lines or under fire?
I believe behind enemy lines with Owen Wilson.
That is incorrect. Oh, man.
Dad, you got a 50 50.
Is it back 20?
All right, to be fair to bread that does before even give the list.
I thought it was under fire.
I'll say under fire.
It's also incorrect.
Who else do you think over there winning?
We're taking ourselves up.
Yeah, that 21 and you know, not a good movie
as far as I can recall.
Wait, Noel didn't guess.
She would have figured it out I think.
Yeah, totally.
I totally did not forget the first one he said
because I've never heard of it.
Well, it's not only is it Bat 21,
but it's like Bat and then an asterisk and then 21, which I don't even
I think it's maybe one of the few films ever that has an asterisk in the title
And I think bat is short for maybe battalion
Maybe but
But holy cow that really uh, that really went uh
But holy cow, that really went very unexpected way there. But certainly, it was a trap that the words behind enemy
lines were in the tagline for a movie that's
not called Behind Enemy Lines.
Well, just for fun, just because that went so quickly,
Noel, you won that game by not having to do nothing.
By being a girl who's always lost, I get it.
Yeah, I mean, you know, that's, I guess having the last name Wells really set you up to be
able to go at the end of the alphabet.
That's what I'm saying, I just come in ready to fail and then I'm just pleasantly surprised.
You look like the Forrest Gump of this game.
Yeah, that's right.
Just for laughs, let's see how you do on this, I'll give this one directly to you, Noel,
so you can show off how good you would have been.
If you had the chance to truly compete.
The person who passed away is a director who did not make many films, but I certainly enjoyed
the ones he did make.
His name is George Armitage.
And here's the tagline. It's all in who you trust.
As at the tagline for the big bounce, gross point blank or Miami blues.
The big bounce.
That is correct.
God damn it. It's not a fluke.
It's not a fluke.
I feel like I understand taglines.
It's just got to be a little
adjacent. It can't be too on the nose.
You know, it's
just enough.
Yeah, and I think those other two movies like Miami
Blues and Gross Point Blank, I think they even
mention, you know, Gross Point in know in their taglines. So like it's a little bit more obvious, but
But congratulations congratulations to noelle
That means you get to go first in our next game after the break
Which we will play in mere minutes. We'll be right back
We are back which we will play in mere minutes. We'll be right back.
We are back. Yay. Yeah. Yes.
We've got one game to play to determine our winner today.
And it's something that I call the little search engine that could.
This is a game where I pick a word, type it into the search engine on the IMDB
internet movie database, and then I write down, you know, based on the popularity meter on IMDB,
I write down the top movies that have that word in the title.
In today's case, I wrote down eight movies.
So the way this works is you're each gonna get
three guesses, you're gonna take turns guessing.
We flip the order around, so Noel will go first,
then Dan, then Brandon.
Your take turns naming movies with this word in the title.
If it's number one on the list, you get eight points.
If it's number eight on the list, you get one point.
If it's not on the list for that round,
you don't get any points.
Since this episode is coming out,
the day that I'm doing Douglas Movies at Esther's in Austin, Texas as part of South by Southwest
comedy at 6 p.m. this evening if you're in the Austin area or if you're hanging out at
South by and have one of those badges. In honor of that, the word I chose that has appeared in many titles is West.
You have to think of movies that have West in the title.
You only guess one title at a time.
Starting with Noel, what's the opposite of brain?
West Side Story just came out. There's another one too. It's been done twice
That's the question. I have to ask you to determine if you get any points on this one is
Would you like to go with West Side Story from 2021 or?
1961 2021
2021 is number one on the list. What? Yeah, it is. Oh, okay, cool. I don't know
what's happening. I've never done this well. I thought you were joking at first. I was like,
huh? Okay, cool. Yeah, no, it's number one on the list. You just got eight points. That is a strong start.
But now we go to Dan for his first guess.
Let's see if he can get some points on the board.
I'll go north by northwest.
OK, I'm going to give you, I'm going
to let you guess another title because I even made a note to make this clear.
It's always just in this particular case.
All the correct answers have just West.
It's not part of another word like Western or Northwest.
It's just West somewhere.
So let's try another one because that wouldn't be fair to tell you you were wrong when you
were actually right in a way.
Once upon a time in the West.
Nice number three on the list.
Six points for Dan.
You ever see that movie?
Yes, I have see that movie?
Uh, yes, I have seen that movie.
we kick.
OK, I'll ask this in my I'll ask this in my future when I future guess I have another.
OK, yeah, no, I like your it's good to be strategic and not
not reveal too much that might help the others.
But let's go to Brandon
I'm gonna go with the wild wild west
Look at our list is number four on the list. This is this is really
Competitive because Brandon just got five points for that one
So no else in the lead with eight and Dan's got six and Brandon's
got five and there's five more titles in this top eight. So whoever cracks it. I have a question.
Is it just movies? No, it's also children's toys and fabrics.
No, it's just movies.
I didn't know because in IMDB there's also TV shows.
No, no, that's true.
But they also now you can isolate it and say just show me the movies.
Just show me the order of the popularity of things that are just movies.
So yeah.
Okay, okay. I'm not messing around with no TV. popularity of things that are just movies so
Yeah, okay, I'm not messing around with no TV. All right. I have one more West. Okay
Fievel goes West
What's the full title what oh shit um, oh
It's an American tale.
Fievel goes West, right? That is the name of the movie that is not on the list.
Oh shit. What?
How did that fall off?
That's like a-
It cracked the top eight, I'm afraid.
Wow, that's wild.
That's like the most important West movie in my mind.
Yeah, well, I'm glad you said it because I certainly thought of it.
I've always I've always enjoyed that the Fievel is out there,
you know, because it's just such a it's such a fun name for a cartoon wrote it.
And then also that he went west is also really fun.
Good for him.
But did he stay put in the first American tale?
It feels like he probably traveled in that one as well.
What do you mean stay put?
Well, he went west in the second one.
So in the first one, he think he's in the city.
Oh, he's a city mouse.
Maybe, I don't know.
I might be thinking about a Disney movie.
Like, yeah, I'm not sure.
Well, whatever his name, I mean, whatever his deal was, I hope he doesn't
get deported in the coming days.
Um, Dan. his deal was. I hope he doesn't get deported in the coming days. Dan?
Can I ask a clarification question? Yeah.
Yeah, so, it can't have a suffix either, right? Like, Western? No good?
No, yeah, not Western, it's just the word West.
Okay, I'll go with how the West was won.
What's so funny about that?
No nothing I'm just like, oh, that was the only well, keep go.
Let's keep going.
Okay, how the West was won from 1962 is number six on the list.
That's three more points for Dan.
And now Dan is in the lead.
Oh, damn.
Yeah, terribly exciting.
Brandon, there's still four more movies.
Yes, Noel.
Oh, who's next?
Oh yeah.
Okay, all right.
I'm gonna do this because Doug asked a question.
Then I'll just go with that option.
West Side Story, the 1960 version.
Oh, damn. You mean 61, 61.
Yeah, that number two on the.
More points for.
I never identify with number two as the as that clarifying question.
It would be insane list to put both of them at the top.
Wow. Yeah.
And it could have been, you know, it could have been a risk on your point on your part,
because it could have been outside of the eight or further down the list.
But apparently people are really searching both of them.
And somehow IMDB gave the top spot to the
2021 version
Which I'm not
I'm not a terribly big fan of to be on it's fine. It's fine. Like Michael Mike Feist was great
Ariana DeBose, but the original you cannot be the way they were able to bring that together
Even with the brown face, you know, you can't.
Yeah, it's it just it kind of bugged me because, you know,
everybody, especially when it didn't do well in the ward season or whatever,
they were just sort of like, oh, Steven Spielberg made a masterpiece.
And it's like he remade it like he took a masterpiece
and then did his version of it, which still has plenty of good things about it, but he didn't.
He didn't do everything perfectly, and he just lifted a
lot of stuff from the first movie to like make a combination
of, you know, great things from the first movie and then his
own stuff. So I, yeah, well mixed feelings on that one but
this is really shaped up to be quite a close race because
Noelle has eight, Dan has nine, and Brandon has 12
so anybody could still win this thing so we we'll go to Noel for your third and final.
You know, yes, my own.
It's my only guess because it's the only other movie I know with the word West in it and
it's Ingrid goes West.
Ingrid goes West is number eight on the list.
Oh yeah.
A point.
Is that A point?
Is that one point?
So you get one point for that.
And so.
Independent cinema with women.
Yeah, it really came in handy for you
that you have your finger on that pulse.
But unfortunately, with a nine point total total you will be finishing either third or
tied for second today. All right. But what a great performance. Thank you so much. You
gave today and that Ingrid Goes West movie is pretty good right? I loved it. It's awesome.
The performances are great. I think they're really good. Both of those ladies, Aubrey and Elizabeth.
That's funny though, that Dan made that
Olsen twins reference earlier in the show. And I was like, Oh,
you're not going to need to know anything about the Olsen twins. No, you're not.
But that third Olsen came into play.
No, you're not. But that third Olsen came into play. Came in from behind. Like Kieran Culkin, they overtook their siblings.
That is very, very true. Also, not to talk about the Oscars that are now so far in the
rear view that nobody really cares, but Kieran Culkin in an award in an acceptance speech at another awards show, Critics Choice or
something, or maybe it was one of them said, I'll keep this brief, you know, it's important to keep
it brief, Adrian Brody, like he called him out for making speeches that were too long before he won the Oscar and made a speech that was too long.
So that Kieran's magical.
Interesting. Yeah, I mean, I guess, you know, every Adrian Brody speech has been a little too long because he also the last time you both times he won an Oscar, he told the orchestra to stop playing
and then they did stop playing and then he finished his speech both times he won an Oscar, he told the orchestra to stop playing, and then they did stop playing,
and then he finished his speech, both times.
So whether you think he's a great actor or not,
it doesn't matter, he is great at making orchestras stop.
All right, Dan, what do you got for me?
Is there a movie called Slow West?
There is.
That's my guess.
Slow West is number seven on the list.
Oh wow.
That's disappointing. I've never even heard of it.
I love that you pulled that out.
It stars Cody McPhee.
And Aragon, right?
What's his face?
Aragon. What's his real name Mortenson Vigo Vigo yeah yeah yeah good movie by
the way slow west I enjoyed it and when I wrote it down today I remembered that I saw that movie at the Prince Charles Cinema in London
and me too a shout out to them because there I heard that they're in danger of closing.
Oh no. And there's kind of a yeah there's sort of a move to try to save it you know like I heard it
from Edgar Wright who of course has probably seen a million movies there
and he's upset that it might go away. Maybe you should just take it over is that
I don't know I don't know if he's got that kind of money but unfortunately
that additional two points for Dan for Slow West brings him to a total of 11 so
Brandon you've done it again. Oh
sweet god
But you want to do one more guess just for the fun of it there's only
You have done an impressive job here because there's only one title left in the top eight that did not get mentioned
Is it a million ways to die in the West? It is.
It's true.
That's the last West movie I had in me.
It's a million ways to die in the West.
Million ways, I mean.
And so with an additional four points for Brandon,
he really ran around it.
And it was a grand total of 16.
But good job to everybody for picking out all of the all eight of the titles.
And then I had written down just as just out of interest that American Tale Five-o-goes-West
was, you know, listed but not in the top eight. And then another title that I enjoy with the word West in it, there's even further down the list is the Don Knotts in Shakiest Gun in the West.
And the original movie version of Westworld is another West.
Oh, that's another movie that is critically panned that I love.
You love the original Westwood with Yule Brenner and Brenner and Josh Brolin.
Actually, you know what? Strike that.
I was thinking of a totally different movie.
I don't never mind.
Never mind.
I, I, I got excited.
What are you thinking?
And I told I told no, no, no, it's even more embarrassing.
What is it? Waterworld.
Ah, that's hilarious.
That movie is underrated, though.
I think Waterworld is like the top underrated movie because good.
That's everybody talks about it like they're reasonably fond of it even
though it was you know the problem was it cost so much money to make but it also made
a huge profit so it's so weird that people talk about how much it cost but it still made
money and I love the I love the show they do the the stunt show at Universal. The Waterworld stunt show is fantastic.
Anytime I'm at Universal I try to see it, and I just don't sit in the splash zone, of
The kids, the Zoomers love the Waterworld.
I was about to say, I was like, I've never...
Please, take me again.
Let's go to the backd ride. It's a water world ride.
Well, you know, the back draft attraction at the Los Angeles, you know, Universal Studios,
went away a long time ago, but the one in Florida, I think they finally got rid of it just,
you know, just a few years ago. You know, and now that one may be part of the reason they got rid of it just a few years ago. That one may be part of the reason they got rid of it is it's narrated by Tom Paxton as
if he's still alive.
So that might have been too weird, but also it was a dumb attraction because you just
stand there and the room gets really hot. All right, so I give a plus to all of you for your
Performances today, but we can only have one winner and that's Brandon and so the question
On my mind is can you join us?
Since you'll be at South by Southwest, can you join us on this very afternoon, evening,
six o'clock at Esther's?
Let's make it happen.
To continue to try to, wouldn't it be wild
if you were just in every episode from now on?
Yes, that would be wild, Doug.
You probably have other things to do.
I want to get out with you, Ben, but you know, I get sad and lonely
when I lose. And, you know, it's a hard thing.
I'm glad you came back to us when you did to promote your stuff.
What would you like to plug today?
Yeah, folks, just follow me at Frodo underscore blackens on Instagram and threads.
Frodo blackens that car for show dates.
I'm on the road and got Drill Black History shows and my medium popcorn podcast.
So just hit, you know, reach out, say hi.
Let's talk movies and shit.
All righty.
Who should I talk to next?
Dan Rosen.
How's it going?
What would you like to promote?
You can follow me at the Dan Rosen on Instagram, Twitter, whatever, other stuff. And I have a podcast called Middle Brow.
We talk about culture, the high and the low.
If you're in New York, I perform stand up around the clubs and I don't really post my
dates well, so just you might see me accidentally.
And you'd be like, I heard that guy's voice.
Go out to a comedy club and then wait around
until Dan shows up.
There's a Megalopolis reference, the club.
Doesn't have any of this.
The club.
The club.
Get your ass to the club.
The club.
I gotta see that movie.
You gotta see it.
I really want to hear what you think about it.
Did they talk like that in the movie?
There is one wild line reading.
It's the only one like it in the movie.
There are a lot of weird things in the movie and there is just one wild, yeah, he goes
the club.
There is a weird penis bow and arrow.
I thought that was a nice touch.
I like that.
I like that was good.
That was maybe laugh very hard.
Noel Wells.
What would you like to promote?
What's going on?
Oh, Doug, you know, I've been working, but a lot of stuff is just sort of still cooking.
But I will have I'm releasing a song soon that is going to be a really, really fun.
So people can just follow along on my Instagram and I'll probably be posting about it in like a month or so,
but it's awesome.
And your Instagram is uh.
Oh it's my name.
Noelle Wells.
Yeah yeah yeah um but I don't really you know everything else is just sort of behind you
know nothing's everything's brewing. Is your name on social media?
Noel Wells, because Frodo Blackins was taken.
Wow. That's what happens.
Doug Plugs today, if you're listening to this on Monday, March 10,
Douglas movies is at Esther's Follies in downtown Austin at 6 o'clock
with Brandon Collins and two or three other terrific guests.
And then we'll be doing another one on Saturday, the March 15th at 420 at the Creek and Cave
Comedy Club also in downtown Austin.
So go to for deets on that.
Go to the, you know, it's part of,
most of those shows are part of the comedy arm
of the festival.
And, you know, if you have a badge, a festival badge,
you can obviously get right in.
But even if you're local in Austin, you come down.
I think there's a pretty good chance with both shows of you
slipping in there.
Hey, Doug.
Did you know I used to work at Uster's Follies?
I think you probably told me that when we were hanging out at South by the year that your film Mr. Roosevelt was
heavily rewarded by the the film lovers at that fest. Yeah, yeah, I used to be a magician's assistant there. It was oh my god. Yeah. And you know, the funny thing is, you know, a lot of times, you know, they say you can't
go home again or whatever.
I bet you there's very little different about the inside of that place from when you were
Like the decor has not changed.
It's very colorful.
And it was like that when, you know, like it had been like that since for like the 80s,
even when I had been there or when I started there.
Yeah. Yeah. It's just it's just an institution and they take it over every year with the
the comedy shows in the first half of South By. So I've spent a lot of time in that facility. I
like the little outdoor patio area where they have now I'm gonna forget the name of
that painting with the with the melting there's the Velveeta room then the next
right it's next door they just make they just buy that out and turn it into the
green room for the comedians for a weekend long at South by so Very familiar with that place as well. Thank you Brandon Collins. See you later today
Dan rose it no L wells and yeah, Dan and Noel you're both
Obviously welcome back anytime you have something to promote or you just want to come
have some fun for an hour and
as always, I close out with the last line of a movie. And so I looked it up what the last line of Once Upon a Time in the West is.
And it goes a little like this.
Go away, go away, go away. I don't want you to see me die.