Doug Loves Movies - Carmen Christopher, Riki Lindhome and Chad Opitz guest
Episode Date: February 24, 2025Carmen Christopher, Riki Lindhome and Chad Opitz guest.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at ...
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My favorite barbecue sauce, American cheese,
crispy bacon, pickles, onions, and a sesame seed bun, of course.
And don't forget the fries and a drink.
Sound good?
I'm participating in restaurants for a limited time.
Doug hates candy wrappers screening baby sticky seeds
with 50 as it pops or curdles in his teeth.
They're still not one that he won't see
because Doug loves movies.
Hey, and a third hey, everybody.
My name is Doug and I love movies.
This is Doug Loves Movies,
recording on SAG Awards Sunday, February 23rd, 2025.
And my guests today are Anubhi and OldB recording on SAG Awards Sunday, February 23rd, 2025.
And my guests today are a newbie and oldbie and an in-betweenbie. They are Carmen Christopher, Ricky Lindholm and Chad Opitz.
Is that the oldbie?
You know, that sounds when you isolate it like that it sounds offensive, but
I'm not taking offense. I just kind of figured I was
Yeah, no, that was a good guess, but let's meet everybody individually alphabetically. You're gonna have to hang on a second Ricky by first name. It's his first time on the show. Comedian and co-star of FX's
English teacher, Carmen Christopher. Hello.
What's up, Doug? Thanks for having me. Excited to be here.
Congrats on the season two pickup, dude.
Thanks man. Yeah Yeah I'm excited. I like what you've known for a little while
right? No not really. I kind of find out when everybody else found out. When was it? It
was just like a couple days ago? I think it was like two weeks ago. Oh, I think. Yeah, that's why you don't sound that excited about now because you've had two weeks.
No, I think I think I'm losing my voice.
I think I'm losing my voice.
I am excited.
I got to Atlanta last week.
We've been shooting for a week already and I think I might be yelling too much, which
is cool, which is exciting for you know, just exciting for people to watch.
Well, thank you for doing this.
And are you do you consider yourself good at movie trivia?
Oh, I'm one of the best.
Yeah, you played you play get a lot of pub trivia action.
Two, three times a week.
All right.
I don't know whether to believe you or not, but.
I mean, you know, I'm just, I don't want to, you know, I don't want to talk too much.
We'll just see how it all unfolds.
Right. You're not here to intimidate the other players. No, no, it's not even about that
I'm mostly here to just make friends and kind of just talk talk shop and maybe
Yeah, that's all I love those are terrific goals and
The reason I asked you if you're any good or not is because you've got some tough competition today starting with
Returning champion Chad Opitz. Hey Chad. What's up, Doug? Oh, you know making a podcast
Oh, man. Yeah
Did you know this what I'm about to say whether you win today or not
You will be joining me at the well in Bakersfield on Sunday March 23rd
This terribly convenient time of 420. Hell. Yeah, I mean the riches of Bakersfield await
You know, I can't get a handle on how many people are listening to the podcast that live in the
the the Bak Bakerfield area
They call it central, California is that the name for it. I think they call it meth head, California
What Ricky I think it's Bakersfield right you said that what I'm saying no
What you say?
He said Bakerfield.
Oh, a single a single Baker.
Yeah, I was really talking about another small town in California. You might not be familiar with Ricky and yeah, listen Bakersfield.
Listen Ricky Lindholm.
I haven't been introduced.
I'll be quiet.
Just put an S in your name Lynn's home. Sorry. I haven't been introduced. I'll be quiet. Sorry As your name get it. Yeah making her 28th appearance
on the show
19 year span
Yeah, that's why he got stuck with the old be label
Ricky Lindholm. Hey Ricky
be labeled. Ricky Lindholm. Hey, Ricky. Hi. Hello. I feel like I've won a bunch, but anytime I've won, I attribute to luck or strategy. I don't ever think I've been the person with the most knowledge
even once. I don't even know how much having the most knowledge really helps because you can't know
everything. You can't know everything about every movie. So there's going
to be other people don't know then actually know that and then I'll be like name it or
whatever. I appreciate anybody that comes in with you know and has strategic ideas instead
of just letting fate completely decide. It was great seeing you in the audience at SNL 50. Oh my gosh. Could you believe my seat?
I was like what that was so crazy
Was it was there constant seat changing though because of wanting to get certain people in certain shots at certain times
No, so it was
Everyone had a fully assigned seat the whole time. And it was just when people weren't performing, they would come and sit down when they could.
And otherwise there were seat fillers.
So everyone that you didn't recognize basically was a seat filler.
When the person would come out, like, you know, Fred was in the like three things.
So he was barely out in the audience.
Other people would come for little bits.
But yeah, no changes, just a seat filler
or a celebrity, I guess.
So were you in a seat that was constantly
next to someone that's constantly changing
because there was a seat for a seat?
That's hilarious.
That's so much fun.
But they were clearly professionals at this.
I'd never seen the art artist seat feeling done so well.
Like it was like stealth, silent, like boom,
like there was someone up at the front
that looked like an airplane guy with the things.
Who's the guy?
Was it that guy?
Yeah, that guy.
The thing guy who calls in the airplanes.
It was like that, pointing, pointing, pointing.
And people would stealthily just like boom, boom, boom.
I'm like, wow, okay.
Oh, an air traffic controller. That's it, air traffic controller, and people would stealthily just like boom, boom, boom. I'm like, wow, okay. Oh, an air traffic controller.
That's it.
Air traffic controller, except they were audience controller.
And it was just like, people just like zip in and immediately start enjoying the show
and then they'd zip out.
And I was impressed.
Carmen's already like, he's trivia, knowledge is clearly stellar.
Yeah, but he might be, that wasn't a movie thing.
So it might be well rounded.
Just trying to warm up. Yeah. the that
that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that t
that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that
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that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that basketball. Do your fans like basketball? Probably I'll stop talking about basketball real quickly, but do you think your fans like basketball?
I'm sure they do. I'm sure a lot of them.
Emotionally relate to athletics. Like I intellectually get it. Like, wow, that person is incredible.
But it doesn't pull on my heartstrings. I think the way it does other people.
Well, you know who does love basketball is Jack Nicholson. And I had a question for Ricky
about Jack. How was that? You get to witness him getting placed in a seat out there
so that he could introduce Adam Sandler?
I didn't get to see that. He was pretty far from me. I saw it just on the screen.
Oh, okay.
You're kind of just in your own little section.
Yeah, there's weird little sections.
But I was in my own little section.
Yeah, you end up watching most of the show on monitors,
cleverly placed everywhere.
I've never been to a taping,
but I feel like I have after 50 years of that shit.
I cannot believe I was there.
Honestly, it was the coolest thing in the world.
It was an amazing night.
I can't believe I got to go. It's so cool.
No, it was so much better than an award show
because when they cut to the audience, you'd see seven or eight people that you recognize, not, you know, one or two that are there because they're nominated or whatever. It is amazing. Okay.
I gotta, I gotta check this. I gotta check this out.
Oh my god. It feels like you're a little too busy with the basketball thing because
I'm gonna get to it though my mom my mom
She said to watch it. So you loved it. She loved it. Yeah, she says she goes
you know what my mom didn't like Will Ferrell like when I was growing up Will Ferrell was my
Favorite sketch comedian that always talk about how much I like him and my mom didn't like him
And I think she didn't like him because she thought he was ugly. I was like, mom, he's not ugly.
He's a good, he's a normal, he's fine.
He's not ugly.
But I think she just thought he was like too weird.
And now she's come full circle.
She loves Will Ferrell.
She's like, you gotta watch the Will Ferrell sketch.
He was wearing tiny shorts.
So I gotta watch that.
I gotta watch that after this.
Also of all people to dislike, cause they're ugly.
Like Will Ferrell is like a perfectly attractive, you know. My mom likes like hot dudes.
He's like you know he's like uh to me I think he's good looking I think he's a great he's fine
whatever he's like he's not like you know he's not um he's not Denzel you know he's not like, you know, he's not um, he's not Denzel, you know, he's not a Rick and Martin but he's will ferro. Yeah
He's usually playing somebody who's trying to act better looking than they are
Yeah, you know, so he's always kind of comes on I could see that coming off badly to some people
I know initially when he was on that show
People are like the new
guy shouts too much because it's sort of go-to funny thing that he'd do is just
shouting. Shouting is hilarious. It's so funny though like when Chris Farley yells and
she's like yelling is just yelling is like will never not be cool. Yeah there's
something funny about the person's head looks like it's gonna explode because
they're just screaming about something
Before we play some silly games today and all your heads explode
I would like to ask each of you to recommend a movie that the listeners
Might enjoy Chad knew this question was coming so I'll start with Chad
What would you like to recommend this time?
I just saw that movie Companion and I enjoyed it.
That's what I was going to recommend.
Oh, I'm sorry.
I stole your thing.
Chad's got a butt here though.
What's your butt?
My butt is I wish I had not seen the trailer before, Anthony.
I think I would have liked it more
if I did not know the twist was coming.
Yeah, no it is.
So I was like, I kind of spoiled
some of the enjoyment for me,
but it's still like the middle section,
especially that movie is really well done
and there's a lot of funny stuff in it.
I did not see the trailer.
Somebody told me to go in blind and man it's great.
That was smart.
Yeah. Yeah.
That's the way to do that one.
Super smart for sure.
I also got to see it, you know, fairly cold.
So, but the other problem though, is that even titling it,
the artwork, you know, every step of the way is sort of like holding people's hands a little bit,
because they're true.
They think nobody wants to see something that they don't get
a firm grasp of what it is before they go.
But in this case,
it's really a shame people can't just see it.
I know. In a movie, you have to have faith in word of mouth.
If your movie is crappy, sure,
put it on the trailer. But if it's that good,
trust people telling you other stuff, it's okay.
I hope that's the message they get from the fact
that it didn't do as well as it got praised more than it got
box office dollars.
So I hope maybe marketing could, and just what they name a movie,
could affect people's like, oh, I'll just wait for that
to come on streaming if I, you know, already seem familiar with what's going to happen. But people have always complained about trailers showing too much and they and they always have because there's too many people that don't want to be surprised by what they're going to go see they want to, you know, have it all laid out for them. Or at least that's the excuse that's always
being made. It's always been amazing. If they showed half of the companion trailer and they're like,
then it kind of stops. And it's like, beyond this point is a spoiler alert. If you want to keep
watching, you know, keep watching. But if you don't, if you just want to see the movie, stop
the trailer right now. That's what they should have done. That's for people who are watching
trailers at home. I never do that anymore. I only watch them when I miss my arrival at the movie theater.
And even then I like go get a popcorn
or go to the bathroom or something
instead of watching the trailers.
Cause there's too many movies
where I absolutely lose all interest in the movie.
Cause if the trailer can't keep your attention
for two minutes, I think you've already made your mind up about the movie itself you know Carmen
you've had a chance to think about it did you like companion oh I haven't seen
it I want to see it I know right two out of three people one of the movies I
haven't seen let's talk to Ricky one more second about Companion.
Oh, yes.
All of the actors, like really, especially that Rupert friend dude.
Oh, they were all incredible.
That was why also the movie was so good because there was no weak link.
Like everyone was amazing.
Like AAA level crushing it yeah yeah
that really helped with yeah oh oh yeah because like harvey and uh uh what's his name luke those
guys are really funny in it oh my god yeah yeah yeah they were enigmatic she's so interesting
the main girl i was like oh she's incredible yeah She's a really good actress. She was really good in heretic also.
Mm hmm. Oh, yeah.
Um, okay, Carmen, back to you. Sorry. What do you want to recommend?
Okay. So, you know, um, going back and forth between two, so I'm just
gonna land on something that's a little bit older that I rewatched recently.
Big night. Oh, nice. I'm just going to land on something that's a little bit older that I rewatched recently.
Big Night.
Oh, nice.
Stanley Tucci's film.
Stanley Tucci's, I think it's the only, I could be wrong, but I think it's the only
movie he's directed and written.
And it's just so good.
It's just like a sweet good movie.
It makes you want to eat some good Italian food.
You know, it's a movie about these immigrants, Italians, who are trying to, you know, get their restaurant to pop
by having a reviewer come so they put together a big meal
and the music's good, the food looks good,
the acting is phenomenal.
We're talking about, I like,
the thing I enjoy most about film is, you know, the acting.
I like, I think Stanley Tucci and Tony Shalhoub are knocking it out of the park in this, especially
Yeah, it's got a good cast.
I'd even say that it's kind of obvious to say that foodies would enjoy it, but the other
people that would enjoy it, I think, I feel like it's a pretty ASMR movie.
There's moments of tension,
but for the most part, I think you could really relax.
Because it's just charming and very character-based.
Totally. There is drama in is, there is drama in it,
but it's interesting.
Like, I don't want to spoil it
if you haven't seen this movie from 1996,
but it's, the fight at the end,
it's like so real and so funny.
I think my favorite things in,
are like when something just feels so real and their fight feels very
real like the two brothers and then they just go to making an omelet silent together.
It's just such a fun, simple, great scene in the movie.
Do you remember what I'm talking about?
Do you remember that?
No, it's a, famous sequence. Yeah, classic, just because it's unusual, but also effective.
And also, not really a, fortunately, it's not really a spoiler, you know, it's more like,
just, it's like telling people there's going to be an overture or something. It's just like, well.
Wait, there's going to be conflicture or something. It's just like
Conflict hang on
No, but you know, I mean a movie could still have conflict in it but still be soothing
you know like not it's because it's not like a
Oppenheimer all the time
You know where the level of tension and sadness is just you know not fun. For sure.
Okay so companion companion big night those are some great recommendations I think I'd
even say it's a terrific double bill if you know if you don't mind one of the films being extremely violent.
Maybe start off with Big Night, go into the violence and then go to bed with some basketball
I bet you could stream Big Night somewhere for $6 or less and I know that companion is newly to VOD for
1999 but you get a couple people together and that's cheaper than
You know other ways to see it. I watched a big night on blu-ray rented it from another place
Wait, you're a blu-ray renter
It's like it's it's it feels special. It feels like you're doing something really cool and nostalgic.
There's a, you know, there's this place, are you in LA?
Yeah, you guys are.
But there's a, have you guys been to Vidiots?
They have a little DVD.
Yeah, I love Vidiots.
It's so great.
It's just getting into, and it's better than like renting a movie on Amazon because you
rent a movie on Amazon, because you rent a movie on Amazon,
it expires in 48 hours.
But if you rent the DVD, you get it for five days,
and you're helping a little business out.
It feels nice.
Yeah, and they have a cool theater there too, Videots.
Yeah, yeah.
Watching movies at Videots,
but I feel DVDs and Blu-rays to be oppressive at this point.
I'm like, I don't want to even open this.
Like, I don't want to find my DVD player.
I don't want to wait.
I just feel I'm so spoiled that I have no nostalgia
for any other form than digital.
Isn't that sad?
I don't think Carmen.
It's very sad, Ricky.
I know.
I got nothing.
I don't have any records.
I'm just a total, yeah.
Carmen doesn't have to take out
his Blu-ray player when he rents a Blu-ray.
He's got it out and ready at all times. Am I right, Carmen?
I promise you're right.
Yeah. Because that is an extra hurdle.
For me, I don't read Blu-rays or DVDs
because I don't have players to do either,
but I haven't getting nostalgic about it and thinking about buying like a
multi-player. Like,
does somebody make a machine that's that's VHS laser disc, blu-ray and
They should.
Wouldn't it be great if there's one machine that did all of that? Cause I,
I still do have like old stuff
That is all those different formats that you know, I wouldn't mind
Yes, yes, absolutely
the my bad, my bad, I was walking around. That's my fault. That's why we need video. Cause I'm so ADD. If there's video that I'm like locked in, but now I'm like walking around,
but now it won't happen again.
We'll pick it up and walk with it. You know,
if you need to get a headset, I'm locked in. All right, cool.
We got to lock into some commercials and
We'll be right back after these words
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Back to the show
We are back and it's time to play some games I
Know Carmen's very excited. He's been pacing
Yeah, freak. I'm nervous as well. The first game we're going to play today is a listener favorite. It's called ABCD's nuts.
It's a spelling game, sort of In honor of Douglas movies taping not once but twice at South by Southwest in
Austin, Texas on March 10th and 15th more details to come
today's word is
Think I'll be there. Oh you are cool
Yeah, what throw back a drink?
Yeah, I'm being distracting. Where are you gonna? Do you have a are you in something playing
there? Yeah, I'm in. Um, I have a small part in the Tim Robinson movie
friendship and Andy DeYoung movie. Oh, yeah. My part super small, but I was I feel like I should go.
I don't know.
I'm close to Texas right now.
I might just be fun.
I've never been so I think I'm gonna go.
All right is in that too.
It looks great.
Who's in it Paul Rudd.
Oh, yeah, he's awesome.
He's really nice.
Like that guy. All right. So the word in this game today is Southwest. He's awesome
All right, so the word in this game today is southwest we'll start with you Carmen
That's what I'm saying right now
It's okay and the
The first letter in
Southwest of course is s so Carmen asked to name any movie begins with the letter s
If it matches the movie that I have written down if he somehow psychically connects with me
Well, he will be the winner of the game but if not Chad goes next and the next letter in Southwest is oh
Pets there we go
You get to say a movie begins with Oh Ricky gets you back to karma for tea, etc
We either go all the way through the word southwest or we find a winner if somebody matches and here's the thing as
We go along you might discern the theme that all of these correct answers are
Under the same thematic umbrella if you
will so if you figure that out it might be easier to match me got it okay I
don't know how to play I don't think but I'm gonna try I don't think I understand
but it's a weird game I'm like like kind of like low key and idiot.
So I'm just but I am but I am ready.
I am ready.
I think you're good.
It's the game was sort of invented for low key idiots.
OK, cool.
Because all you have to do right now is name any movie.
Oh, that begins with the letter S.
Me or who's first?
Scarface Al Pacino. Yeah. You see how easy that was?
How amazing would it have been if I wrote down Scarface?
I wrote down a very different movie.
A film called Selena.
Now it's Chad's turn.
And the next letter is O.
I'm going to go with the O.
I'm going to go with the O. I'm going to go with the O. Oh Now it's Chad's turn and the next letter is oh
Oh fellow
Othello is definitely a title. I wrote down
office space
Great office space so if you think about the ones you've heard so far
you might pick up on a theme or you might not but The great office space. So if you think about the ones you've heard so far,
you might pick up on a theme or you might not,
but Ricky, your next letter is you.
Under the silver lake.
Ooh, now see, that's another way you can go
is by promoting one of your own motion pictures.
Oh, cool move, I love that.
I wrote down urban cowboy. Okay.
Something to think about there.
The next letter is T and we're back to you now.
Oh, we're up to me.
This is I'm not really feeling the theme yet.
You know, we got, cause let's talk about it. We got, we got JLo playing Selena.
So that's like a pick type thing. We got office space, total comedy, great 90s comedy.
Um, and then you got urban cowboys, uh, which I don't know anything about. Um, so I'm fucked.
So, and then what was my letter T?
What do you think happens in urban cowboy?
Um, that's fun. Urban cowboy. I would,
I would imagine that there's a guy who goes to the country and he's like,
damn, I like that style.
I'm going to bring this to the city and And then everybody tries to like, fuck them.
That's pretty spot on. Or is it about an assistant who wants to murder his boss?
No, you really don't know either, Ricky?
Urban Cowboy? No.
But I know that Selena is like the assistant.
Urban Cowboy is really rough stuff.
It's Deborah Winger gets hit way too many times and it's supposed to be romantic.
I remember that now. Yes. Midnight cowboy.
And then I went, that's not that. Oh, no, no.
But that also either both kind of this misleading because the cowboy aspect of it is mostly just hat wear.
But where are we at? T is your next letter, Carmen.
I got to go with Terminator 2.
I don't blame you.
We also would have been attracted to Judgment Day.
But the movie I wrote down again Just wildly different tender mercies. Hmm
Yes starting
That was a Robert Duvall movie. I think did he win the Oscar for that one?
He might have I think he did. Yeah, I think so. Okay, so H is the next letter
You want that he won the Oscar for that. Yeah, yeah.
Because they're just giving those things away now.
I'm definitely trying to go with it.
Doesn't he also have Western wear in Tender Mercies?
Oh, wow.
Look at you.
Are you doing a Western wear?
With the brain on Ricky.
I don't think I do a theme like Westerns,
but I like where you're headed with it.
I said Western wear.
Oh, okay.
Yeah. There's so much Western wear in Office Space,
I get dizzy looking at it.
All right. H is the next letter for Chad.
I'm trying to think how the hell Office Space coal
aligns with those other picks. I kind of see it I kind of see a theme with the other ones
but I don't see how office space fits into that and I'm trying to think of an
H thing that would go along with them but I can't so I'm just gonna say hard Hard target. That's a great guess. I put down Hell or High Water.
I don't know what that is, but that also feels Western-ware.
It is.
I'm picturing a couple.
I think I know what's going on here.
I know what's going on here.
Jeff Bridges and Chris Pine are in Hell or High Water.
It's a good one.
W for Ricky. Trying to think of Western-W. Are in hell or high water? It's a good one W
That's okay, I can't think of any Western where um
God what there's got to be West Western
Western something
Cowboys wild, wild things?
Oh, that's a great guess.
Is it?
I was just thinking about that movie.
Can I buzz in?
Can I buzz in?
I mean, you could say one if you want, sure.
Wild Wild West.
Yeah, I heard you when you thought it was your turn and
I guess Ricky didn't hear it. No. And if you'd heard it Ricky would you have taken it as
your answer? Oh yes. But it's funny it is a movie that begins with wild but it's funny, it is a movie that begins with wild, but it's wild at heart.
Oh, great film.
Wait, is that a Jeff Bridges?
No, it's Nicolas Cage and Laura Dern and directed by the late great David Lynch.
This, I think this might be my favorite David Lynch.
These names are not aiming to me.
I don't get it. E is the next letter for now it's your turn, Carmen.
Oh, interesting. Okay. Um, I don't know. E, I'm feeling...
E, what about that movie called, um...
I can't think of any E's.
You want me to help?
Could you help mine?
It's a tougher, it's a tougher letter.
I was going to say, oh, that's a cool one.
That's a good movie.
How about I'm going to let you have that in case they do E again.
But I'm going to go with just because it was the first thing I thought of, even though
it's going to be wrong, Eternal Sunshine of even though it's gonna be wrong eternal sunshine of
Is it of a spotless is it a spot of the spotless mine yeah, yeah
Yeah, that that's my answer
another terrific guess
But I went with a motion picture called everybody wants some.
Oh, OK.
I've seen that. What is that one?
That's a 2016.
That's a link later.
Oh, I've seen that.
The baseball. Yeah.
It's what's his name is one of his first movies.
Someone wear a cowboy hat.
Glenn Powell. Glenn Powell Glenn Powell
Okay, he's wearing a cowboy hat in something. He sure does
Yes, this is the next letter for Chad
Okay, um
Man, okay. I'm trying to think of this theme. I'm gonna go with and I hope
Can it start with the word? No word the no I mean it can but only
if it's the letter T oh shit okay well I guess I'm out of that one let's see um
man I'm trying to figure out this theme here I guess I'll just say stay hungry
oh that's a great answer weird movie you can a Jeff Bridges but no that's a great answer. Weird movie. You can adjust bridges.
But no, that's not it.
I wrote down one of my all time
favorite Smokey and the Bandit.
Oh, OK.
That's a cowboy hat.
That's definitely a cowboy hat.
It's a button up shirt.
It's at least a mustache and some chewing gum.
Mm hmm. Yeah. Okay. But so that brings us to you, Ricky. You get the last guess. Gosh.
Okay. So I need to think of a cowboy hat. The mother tea. Button up shirt. Oh gosh.
Thelma and Louise. Ooh. That's a good pick. That's your answer? Yeah.
I thought you were going to talk through it a little bit more
than that.
No, I was not.
And maybe mention.
I don't know that there's a cowboy hat in that,
but it just feels like there should be.
Well, let me ask Chad a question real quick.
What was your The movie?
Can I?
The Straight Story.
Oh, because there was also a David Lynch
film with a cowboy hat.
I think I think I know the theme, but I don't know the movies.
Yeah. That's the theme.
I think the theme is I think the theme is Texas.
Well, you know what?
I'm going to give you the official.
I'm going to make you the official winner for getting that part right,
because, yes, they all take place in Texas. Yes. Okay, can we guess the T-movie? It's gotta start
with Texas. Yeah, well that's why I was asking Chad, because it's a The movie. The Texas Also starring Burt Reynolds. Yes
The Boogie Nights
That mentions Texas in the title, right? Oh the Texas
with Dolly Parton
That's right Ricky comes in second for this game.
Thank you!
And I'll tell you what happens to people who come in first and second on the first game right after these messages. We'll be right back.
We are back and congratulations to Carmen for sort of winning that first game.
Ricky for sort of coming in second place.
Thank you.
Congrats to everyone but Chad.
That's right.
If you guys like how, I just want everybody at home to know if they like how good I am at this game, you're going to love my special that's on YouTube called Live from the Windy City Ricky was promoting earlier. I'm joining. Okay. No, I
Appreciate that move. But if you win today you get to do your end of the show plugs first
but that was a nice consolation prize for how good you've been doing so far and
We're gonna play a game that will determine the winner
today. And the game is a new one that I made up called Oh, the places we will ghost.
Oh, the places we will ghost. Yes. Cool. I got inspired because I was a guest on the
Ross Hernandez podcast called ghosted
It's all about ghosts and supernatural and shit like that so it gave me an idea
I looked up on the internet and found a list of the best ghost movies
On I found this online and here's how it's gonna work is you're going to take turns
guessing movies just one guess at a time
films that have
ghosts in them and
The higher up on the list your ghost movie finished if it's on the list the more points you get
We'll start with Carmen if it's on the list, the more points you get.
We'll start with Carmen, then we go to Ricky,
and then we go to Chad, three guesses each,
movies with ghosts in them, according to Paste Magazine.
Exactly, like what are they thinking over at taste? I don't know.
I mean, I have a pretty good idea because I wrote it all down, but you have to guess.
I can hear Ricky thinking.
Do we have to say three or we say one?
You just say one at a time, but you'll get three guesses total.
All right. So Carmen, start us off. Okay. I think classic, I got to go with
it's obvious or it's going to be in the list somewhere. Six cents. I like your confidence
very much. And I fucked up. No, it is. It is on the on the list you do get some points on the board, but it's number nine
What the hell pay? Yeah number nine on the list of the best ghost movies of all time
But that gives you two points
So you're on the board and yeah
It could turn out to be very huge because there are a lot of movies with ghosts in them. So remembering the ones
That this rando chose isn't easy. Ricky, have you thought of a first guess? First guess out
of the gate. Ghost. Insanely logical. I don't know why Carmen didn't say it. I was going
to but then I didn't want to. But guess what? It was the right thing to do carbon because
Good job Ricky his pace thinks ghost is the number 32 best. Whoa. Whoa
No, I'm sorry, but you still have two more chances and there's
Plenty of big points on the board. Yeah, I think I haven't seen it a while, but I feel like I love ghost
points on the board. Yeah, I think I haven't seen it a while,
but I feel like I love ghost.
Ghost is fantastic.
Swazy to me more when they're like 14.
This list maker is just trying to be interesting.
Let's be honest.
I know.
Aren't they all, I think they all do that.
I think they make really weird choices,
but once you hear this top 10 in its entirety,
a lot of it is hard to argue with,
but it definitely can be argued with
because it's just somebody,
some editor and their staff's opinion.
Well, Carmen, that was gonna be my pick.
So I thought that was gonna easily be top three,
but I'm going older. I'm gonna pick pick we'll see like how obscure they go. I'm gonna say that 1963 the haunting
The haunting from 1963 directed by Robert wise
Did not know I'm kidding is on the list and it is number five. There we go
Is on the list and it is number five there we go
That was a terrific yes, Chad that was something that neither Ricky or Carmen would ever say
No Right I I think I vaguely I'd kind of know it, but I
That's one that I might
Very good my revisit around ghost
Ghost days, so we're back to you Carmen Chad's got some points now
You got six points for that one if you can name the number one movie
Hmm according to pace it has ghost activity you get ten points
You know so I avoided that you know the obvious one that I thought was gonna be much higher for Ricky the the First one, baby. First one's so good. I mean, I haven't seen it in a while, but The Marshmallow Man.
Come on. Yeah. Yeah.
Pretty much a perfect film.
It really is. It's really also also like that dog is so scary.
That, you know, yeah.
That's the one you were in.
Or whatever. Hound from hell. Yeah.
So scary when you're a kid in slimer. So cool.
I mean, who doesn't love anybody that can eat 20 hot dogs at once?
This better be on the damn list.
I just found out recently or just was it was pointed out to me and I don't know why I
never really thought about it, but you know how Rick Moranis' character becomes the keymaster
and before he becomes keymaster he's always getting locked out of his apartment.
Oh yeah. Love that. Isn't that crazy?
I love that so much for all of them. They don't do stuff like that in movies anymore, man.
No. All right. So you got four points for that for a grand total of
six and now you've tied it up wait I didn't even hear what was it what was
Ghostbusters right number seven oh yeah okay but Ricky what else think about that on the list. Oh, what? Yeah. I should have said Ghost Dad. It's probably somewhere in the top 50.
But I'll just remind you real quick, Ricky.
We're looking for movies they think are really good.
The others are really, it's really good.
Oh, yeah, but what was that other one?
Oh, Ghost Dad, yeah.
No, that was just me being hilarious.
We could only hope. Chat. OK, I'm going to We could only hope.
I'm going to keep it obscure then.
If they will say, okay, I'm going to go with the Changeling from 1980.
Oh, since this boy go.
Have you seen this film?
The George C. Scott flick.
They made another, you know, Clint Eastwood made a movie called just Changeling with Angelina Yeah, the George C. Scott flick. Mm-hmm. It was in the re-mix. Mm-hmm.
They made another, they, you know, Clint Eastwood made a movie called Just Changeling with
Angelina Jolie.
Yeah, starring me.
And me.
I'm not even in it.
You're in that too?
You're in it?
I knew you were in Million Dollar Baby, but I didn't know that you were in Changeling.
I was in one of the nurses in the asylum.
I walk out and I see the body cavities.
That's awesome.
Yes. And probably that was probably your character in Million Dollar Baby.
That was probably her in a previous life.
I bet it was.
Because you know Clint Eastwood really likes those kind of connections, I'm sure.
Yeah, I'm waiting for my next one.
I mean, you think Clint's gonna get in another one? I don't know. Did you
see juror number eight? No, but I auditioned for it. I didn't get it. Oh, damn. I don't
even remember any women being in that thing. Juror number eight. Is it juror number eight
or juror number two? The new movie? It was a juror number two. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Okay, cool. that Okay Pulls down five and six five more points, so he's
Impossible to beat at this point what?
Unfortunately because the most any oh actually Carmen can do it. I apologize. I apologize
Carmen can still be Chad because Carmen's got six and Chad
My next one though don't cut me out. Oh no, we've never cut you out.
In fact, you can guess a few times if you want.
But let's get with Carmen and see what he's thinking.
I've got two, I've got two going right now.
Oh shit, you only need one.
Okay, and is this, I want to be clear on the,
this is the best ghost movies, right? That's the category best ghost movies.
Yeah, they claim these are the best ghost movies of all time is the headline above the list of 50.
I'm giving you the top 10. Okay. I'm trying to because like I want to say,
I want to talk through it, but then I might be giving up.
That's okay.
Cause you know, like I said, uh, I'm last basically, you gotta get this one to win.
So right now I got three.
I actually am thinking of thinking of one of them.
I'm like, I don't know.
I can't remember if like hereditary counts as a ghost movie.
That's what I'm, I love that movie.
That's so good.
Horror film.
It's so good.
But I'm like, I don't really think it's ghost
as much as it's like, like,
Like that's a ghost movie.
I feel like, but there's no like ghost.
You know what I mean?
I don't know if that's-
Yeah, I think that would preclude it from the list.
Like haunts.
Okay, okay.
So I'm thinking something stupid.
Like I'm thinking, so the, then classic horror movies,
there's or go, there's Casper,
and then there's classic horror movie, the exorcist, right?
There's ghosts in there, right?
I wouldn't call them ghosts.
I would. Yeah, I don't know.
You would?
I would not.
You wouldn't?
No, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going. It's a temple. Yeah. I don't know. You would? I would not. You wouldn't? No.
I'm going with it.
I don't even think that this is right.
I couldn't even tell you if this is a good movie,
but I'm just going to go with Casper just because I don't know.
I don't know why.
Because there's a ghost in it.
I saw that three times in the theater, Carmen.
I've seen it, but I saw it as a child,
so I don't know if it holds up.
Speaking of Clint Eastwood,
it's got a Clint Eastwood cameo in it.
It does.
What the hell?
Yeah, that's what I said when I saw it.
But, it made the pace to put it on their list.
Wow. At number list. Wow.
At number 50.
At the very bottom?
The very last.
Oh, man.
But it's still, you know, one of the 50 best ghost movies of all time.
I think I kind of like it.
I think I saw it in a hotel room a few years back and thought it was better than anybody ever gave it credit for.
I mean, as a kid, it's a great movie when you're a child.
I would think so, yes.
I never had that experience personally, but I think you're probably right.
Okay, so congratulations to Chad.
He is officially our winner.
Did you see mine?
I just said, but Chad's our winner, but we got to give Ricky and check another swing as well. Let's have but let's see what Ricky's got
Okay, so I have two more that I really like I don't okay obviously
But I'm gonna say say one of those and they go one of them. Oh, sorry
It goes to mrs. Mirror
Which one do you want to say of those? I'll say that goes to Mrs. Mirror because it's like I like it less than Beetlejuice
So it's probably more likely to be on the list
Yeah, ghost Mrs. Mirror is not on the list. Oh geez and but Beetlejuice is number 10
So you get one point for you for Beetlejuice, so you know you can walk away with your your head held high or at least
at that normal way with your your head held high or at least at that normal
Way you hold your head
You don't have to look down at the ground like Charlie Brown
Chad you have one more
Fun answer that you announces obscure and turns out to be on the list
I do and I'm shocked that the others wasn't on there Ricky. I thought that was a really good guess. Yeah, that was
I'm gonna just to see if I can pick
like one of the top three,
because the other picks were very obscure.
So I'm gonna go with the innocence from 1961.
Number two on the list.
Oh! Okay.
You are a savage.
They like the obscure shit.
Yeah. So you got 15 points points That means before I tell everybody all of the rest of the answers you get to do your plugs
What would you like to promote channel bits? Well, we got that Bakersfield gig in March 23rd
We sure do and I'm gonna be over in Ann Arbor, Michigan for Tree Town Comedy Festival, March 6th and 7th.
Oh, nice.
Doing a show with Gianmarco Ciresi.
Oh, he's great.
Yeah, that'll be fun.
Okay, cool.
All right, so maybe you could,
I'll talk to you later, but we'll have you back very soon
as a returning champion, but
Let's talk about what?
everybody missed
thought that somebody
Might say Amityville horror
I don't know why that one stuck out to me as one that might get guessed, but it was only number 45 on the list
Oh, I remember that one having ghosts. I guess I don't remember that one. Well, it's yeah
We go horror like a haunted house basically like like part of it is they make a lot of flies appear and things like that
There's nobody like wearing a sheet with the eye holes cut out, but I'm pretty sure it's a ghost thing
but that's what's so funny about this list is like I wouldn't be surprised if
Any of these don't really have cups
And they're just you know, but anyway number 11 just for fun was the orphanage
Okay, did you think about saying that one Chad? No, okay and then the Maybe it's from 2001. It said you like Guillermo del Toro movies. Yeah. Yeah
Yeah, that's one of the ones that
Got him going into all his creepy stuff that he does and then
Ghostbusters changeling haunting and then number four
not the remake but from
1982 poltergeist
but from 1982, Poltergeist. Oh, yeah.
Oh, yeah.
Oh, man.
I don't know.
Who would have thought of that?
That was obvious.
That seems obvious now.
Ghost in Japan.
Oh, I was kind of thinking that
when I said the exorcist, actually, which is weird.
Oh, right.
It doesn't matter.
I was kind of thinking.
No, very similar vibe.
A lot of somebody being flapping around on a bed.
Little girl, little girl, little girl like I was actually thinking poltergeist
okay but that makes your answer makes so much more sense now
yeah it's all good number three I thinking maybe Chad might have heard of this from 1964, Japan.
Oh, yeah.
Well, I wouldn't have guessed it, but that's a great movie.
OK, there you go.
Number two, The Innocents, The Innocents, starringah curr from 1961 and the number one
Foofy according to paste
the shining
I thought it was more of a visions thing than a ghost thing, but I guess right
Yeah, I mean if you don't I don't think of it as like six senses, like, you know, they, they're like,
you know, spirits seeing dead people. Yeah. You can see, but the shining is just more like a man
going crazy and running around with an ax, right? Like,
for missing poltergeist, they do not blame us for missing the shining. That's not an obvious
correct. No, but, but I guess also when they're making their list,
they just decided if it is gonna be on the list,
that it is one of the best of all time.
You know, so, but they also, as mentioned earlier,
they love to get people clicking and mating
and debating these lists, you know,
they're just out of control.
And the three of you did a great job
of finding a lot of these answers.
Ricky Lindholm.
Always a pleasure.
What would you like to promote?
Okay, well, I'm doing my one-woman musical, Dead Inside,
and the Elysian in Los Angeles on March 7th.
And my first, my debut solo album called No Worries If Not
comes out April 4th.
That's awesome.
Do you have to, do you feel like obligated to make videos
for every track on the album?
You know, I didn't.
And then now the, they're kind of doing really well.
So now I'm like, ooh, I should say I'm obligated,
but I'm like, oh, people are actually watching these. You look online and they're kind of doing really well. So now I'm like, oh, I should have said I'm obligated, but I'm like, oh, people are actually watching these.
You look online and they're like,
nobody likes high quality stuff, just talking to the,
I'm not good at that.
And so I just decided to make some videos
and people have been liking them.
So I am continuing, I just made two more.
Yeah, I mean, anybody with this,
the people don't like high quality videos.
That's an insane thing to say.
With this, the people don't like high quality videos. That's the same thing to say.
So keep it up and thank you for doing this.
Thank you for having me.
Carmen Christopher, you did a great... Yes, sir.
That was a great first appearance on the show.
Oh, thanks.
I hope you would want to come back sometime.
I would love to.
What do you got coming up? where can people come see you? Well, I apologize, you know, I already plugged my special
I shouldn't have done a jump the gun
Was acting thirsty, you know when you put something out it's like you're running for mayor these days
You gotta get everybody to watch it because you know, nobody else is gonna do it for you
So we all got in early plugs. We all did it except for maybe Chad, but you know,
we all know he's the best at everything. Yeah. Chad's basically like the LeBron James of
all that. The basketball.
Yeah. I, I'm going to go with, I'm going to go with, you can check out my special on YouTube,
Carmen Christopher live from the windy city. And I'm going go with you can check out my special on YouTube Karma Christopher
live from the Windy City and I'm gonna plug that again because where was you
tape it in Chicago incredible that would be funny if I taped it in LA yeah I
thought that might be you know you being silly and you know not being in the
Windy City no no definitely went back. I'm from Chicago.
Yeah, yeah.
I'm there at a great venue called the Sleeping Village.
If you're in Chicago, go have a beer there.
It's also a really cool bar.
And they have, it's mostly like a rock venue.
It's a really cool venue.
Like the stage, Ricky, this would be a cool place
for you to perform if you've never been,
but the stage is like soundproof from the bar.
So people could be like at the bar having a good time and you
don't hear them or anything.
It's really, it's really great venue.
Like that.
Also, you know, also I don't want to like make you do something.
Don't force anybody to do anything.
For that matter, nobody has to listen to my plugs
Find me at South by Southwest
Benson movie interruption is back at Dicey typewriter in Los Angeles on Monday March 17th at st. Patrick's Day
So I have a feeling we there's a good chance. We will watch like leprechaun or something like that
Douglas movies is that the well in Bakersfield with Chad opits on March 23rd, and we are really doing another live streaming event
from Dicey typewriter on March 25th, you could see in person or
Watch on streaming
Douglas movies comms were
All my stuff is that thank you once again to Chad opits Ricky Lindholm and Carmen Christopher the We only got two games in. Unbelievable. There's always two games, but we'll get you on it. If you get on a one where we have a live audience, we, you know, we want it to be a little longer because people are, you know, paying to see it in person.
And so I come alive in front of an audience. I sound like shit today. But if you got more than 15 people looking at me I'm gonna be as good I'm
gonna do the goofiest thing you that I can figure out well we'll play three
games in front of 16 people that's my pledge to you thanks everybody as always
miles miles Now it's time for Doug to watch another talkie.
Eyes of gold is viewing prowess makes it cocky.
There's no room in his heart for you,
cause Doug loves movies!