Doug Loves Movies - Dan Gabriel Guests

Episode Date: October 17, 2011

Doug is joined by Dan Gabriel in a comedy condo in Columbus, OH, where they kick off their Sunday shoes and play Build-A-Title.See Privacy Policy at and California P...rivacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Doug hates candy wrappers, squeaky babies, sticky seeds with 50 acid popper kernels in his teeth. There's still not one that he won't see, cause Doug loves movies! Hey everybody, my name is Doug and I love movies. This is Doug Loves Movies, coming to you from a hotel oh, I wrote that down wrong a comedy condo room in Columbus, Ohio on Monday, October 17th 2 Oceans 11, that's right the comedy condo across the street
Starting point is 00:00:36 from the Funny Bone in Columbus, Ohio we'll talk more about that in a second but the unfriendly skies kept me from last Thursday's movie interruption show at CineFamily in Los Angeles. Paul Fancy Tompkins filled in for me, I heard he did a great job, and they watched the original Fright Night with guest commentator, comment haters, comment slash haters, guest comment
Starting point is 00:00:59 haters, TJ Miller, Paul Scheer, and Rob Hubel. So I'm sad that I missed that. And late that night, Paul Tompkins tweeted, Dear Doug Benson, Jerry Dandridge. Jerry Dandridge is all in caps. That's the character played by Chris Sarandon in the film. I'm not sure why Paul wrote that, but I guess Jerry made an impression. I haven't seen Fright Night in a long time, so I was excited to see it on the big screen, and it didn't work out. I didn't like the new Fright Night, by the by. The next movie interruption is Wes Craven's Deadly Friend. It's 7 30 on Monday, October 25th. Go to if you're going to be in the area of Los Angeles and want to go. If you're going to be somewhere else and don't want to go, never mind. I'm flying in from the East Coast that day, so wish me luck.
Starting point is 00:01:47 I'm looking forward to the next March when Ides of October is going to come out. My guest today is Dan Gabriel, co-host of the podcast Best Medicine. And he's also a sport act, opening act, if you will, on this occasion. For me, on this particular weekend, Saturday night, we were at Zany's in Chicago. Anyway, hey, Dan. Hi. We were at Zany's in Chicago, right? And you took on and defeated four different name tag-wearing audience members.
Starting point is 00:02:24 Yes, I played four of Chicago's finest Leonard Maltin players, and I bested them all, to the point where somebody after the show said it looked rigged. We had to roll over the prize. I was going to give away my copy of Shutter Island, and it got rolled over because none of the four people won that night. You had also got a copy of Dan's
Starting point is 00:02:49 CD called Baby for Sale. Is that right? Yes. I'm so proud to remember that because I didn't have that written down. And then, so what happened? First you took on Nick, who had his name written on a pumpkin. Yeah, I like to choose the people based on the effort that they put into this.
Starting point is 00:03:08 Sure. Yeah. And Nick had spent a while writing Nick colorfully on a pumpkin in a lot of different markers. And so I chose Nick, and I beat him. What was the movie that? It was the No, She Didn't category. Yes, it was. And the answer was Love Don't Cost a Thing.
Starting point is 00:03:30 That's right. And then a woman with goldfish, two goldfish in a bowl that lit up. She had glowing goldfish, and she had tweeted that she was riding the bus to see Doug Benson with her goldfish. Yeah, so she went to a lot of effort. There was a strobe light in the fishbowl. Yeah. What confused fish those must have been. Were the fish named after them, Emily and Dave,
Starting point is 00:03:56 or did the fish have their own names? No, the fish had their own names. They were clever, right? That were movie or podcast related. Yeah, like one of them was probably named Sam the Ma'am, and the other one was probably named... Yeah, but she gave them away after the show to some lady on the street who was coming into the next show.
Starting point is 00:04:15 I helped broker that deal. She was like, now I've got to take these all the way home. I was like, you don't want them? She's like, you want them? And I was like, no. Does anybody want these fish? And a woman standing right there was like, don't want them and she's like you want them and i was like no does anybody want these fish and a woman standing right there was like i'll take them but you didn't you um didn't you i love to eat the pumpkin though didn't you i curb stomped the
Starting point is 00:04:33 pumpkin you smashed the pumpkin history american history you were smashing pumpkins yeah i think you said that when it happened people were on their feet because we were all standing there. Then, what happened after that? Then we had somebody came up and picked the category girls, man. The other guy who stole a street sign and wrote his name on a street sign, Tucker. Yeah, and he got the category. It was girls man and he lost on the movie was manhattan oh no that's what that's what emily lost on yeah that's that's what emily lost on then he played because i remember the movie that I beat Tucker with. His category was Down Under.
Starting point is 00:05:28 And the movie ended up being Under Siege. And you beat him. Then you got a fourth person up there to play Edgar Wright Hadn't Seen It. And that was probably the bloody baseball. Yes, there was a guy with a bloody baseball. Because Jordan always gets picked in the front row at LA. So this guy put nut Jordan and then put blood all over the baseball. Like, he murdered Jordan. It was kind of, I didn't get it.
Starting point is 00:05:51 But he did put a lot of effort into the baseball. He did. So he got picked, and then he played, I might be getting the order wrong on these, but basically he played Edgar Wright Hasn't Seen It Yet. Yeah, I think that was it, because he was kind of cocky, like, yeah, I'll take that category, even though that could be any movie. But then it turned
Starting point is 00:06:08 out to be Buckaroo Banzai, and you got that right. Yeah, because one of the clues was it has the main characters, a rock star, and a scientist. Like, how many fucking movies? The guy didn't know it at all. The guy had no idea
Starting point is 00:06:24 what movie we were talking about but yeah that does give it away but then that's where you get into the you know the strategy of negative names and stuff because uh if both of you had known it from that then you guys would have had to figure out who got second billing to uh peter weller yeah i almost went negative one name but i i could only remember peter i couldn't remember Weller. Oh, yeah, that's right. So, yes, that was a fun day. And then yesterday we did a show at the Funny Bone in Columbus, which is the condo Dan is staying in. It's across the street from the club.
Starting point is 00:06:56 We won't give away the exact number because we don't want, you know, future opening acts to get stalked. But it cracks me up because it's a number that's like, it's got four numbers in it on the door. That's not the street address. So it's confusing. It'd be confusing if I was staying here. I think that
Starting point is 00:07:15 each apartment has its own street address. Yeah, because this is such a big complex. Yeah, but it's all townhouse-y, and so it's just funny to see that. It's apartment-y, but you enter from the outside, so it's a little different. Yeah. It's more condo-y. Yeah, I think it's fine.
Starting point is 00:07:30 We're here for a couple nights. I'm staying over at the fanciest hotel in town. And I don't want to say names, but half of the name is a number, and the other half of the place is super. No, I'm saying a nice place and we did a show we did a show at 420 yesterday and that show dan played against i believe it was three people in the audience and uh the answers were in the horror movie category was halloween 2 and in the Girls, Man category is Batman Forever, and Summer Blockbuster, which you got quite easily, was Lara Croft 2-Baiter.
Starting point is 00:08:12 Yeah. When you said Daniel Craig, that's how I knew that. Uh-huh. I saw Jurassic Park 2, Dynamite, I don't think that's what it's called, Lost World, in a hotel room the other day, and I still love it. I think I like it better than the first one. Remember Jurassic Park 2? Jeff Goldblum, Vince Vaughn, when he was in his serious movie phase?
Starting point is 00:08:33 I don't think I saw that. I remember Jurassic Park 1. It's good. Julianne Moore. It's good. I liked it. There's not little kids in it. There's a girl in it who's a teenager, and she's good at...
Starting point is 00:08:44 Is it called Jurassic Park 2? Why did we come back here? Oh, yeah. We shouldn't come here. No, it's like it's like, you know, they're going in knowing that they got to try to do something about these dinosaurs. Oh, OK. So it's like a it's a team of scientists. And, you know, but of course, shit goes wrong.
Starting point is 00:09:01 That's that's the one thing they never they never plan for. But his daughter, Jeff Goldblum's daughter, is a good gymnast. So at one point, she spins on a bar and kicks a dinosaur in the face. So that's kind of a cool way to get rid of it. And then Jeff Goldblum's like, you got kicked off the swim team? Like, it's a funny moment. But then, or the swim team, yeah. Yeah, Dad, that's why I'm not on the swim team, because I'm a gymnast.
Starting point is 00:09:24 But speaking of spinning on bars for no good reason, I saw Footloose today. And how was it? Well, you refused to go. I refused to go. You even looked at the sign of all the movies that you could go to and just decided you'd be happier just walking around the mall. Yes, that is how I felt. There were a couple of movies that looked pretty good,
Starting point is 00:09:46 but they weren't starting for a couple hours. The whole idea was that I was going to see something at the same time you were seeing something. Yeah, yeah, exactly. So that I wouldn't... Anyway... We've got to line up our play time. There was no way I was going to see Footloose,
Starting point is 00:10:01 and so I just decided to walk around the mall. I mean, it doesn't need to be remade. No, I agree with you that what they did didn't need to be made, but I think someone could have done something really interesting with it, and instead they just did like, it was like that psycho shot for shot. Does Kevin Bacon have a cameo in it at all? No, and I don't think anyone from their first movie does, but lots of dialogue dialogues exactly the same.
Starting point is 00:10:25 But that's how you know it's going to suck, is that nobody from the original wanted to be anywhere near it. Well, you know, they might not have wanted them to. The guy that wrote the original screenplay and some of those songs that are in it, he co-wrote it with this guy, Craig Brewer, that directed the new one.
Starting point is 00:10:41 So he was like, oh yeah, there's a way for me to cash in on the same exact pile of words? Yeah, pretty much. I mean, they adapted it a little bit, but for my money, they didn't change enough, so it was just kind of boring to watch because it was almost like seeing a road company of a play
Starting point is 00:10:59 that you didn't really like the first time, and now you're watching actors that are less iconic trying to play the exact same roles so it's just kind of it's kind of boring it's a waste of everybody's time and energy right unless they did unless they did something creative with it yeah i mean like thomas crown affairs i think a better uh example of remaking something and putting your own spin on it yeah they spun it so much that again it didn't need to be called the same thing, but they just, you know, they like to hedge their bets
Starting point is 00:11:28 and try to sell people a movie that sounds familiar, you know? Yeah. Oh, I've heard of that. That might be good. So, yeah, they're going to remake everything, Dan. There's no stopping that train. Things are just going to get remade from now on, and we're just going to have to live with it.
Starting point is 00:11:43 But I say, yeah yeah i say just like put based on whatever in the title go over the new title make a great movie and then you know then remakes is fine remake something from like the 30s or 40s or go reach back a little farther we don't then you don't have the sold name because the young kids don't know like if they remade like seven year itch or something the kids wouldn't know if they remade Seven Year Itch or something. The kids wouldn't recognize the name so then you're not getting that free marketing that you get from replaying something they grew up with.
Starting point is 00:12:12 Kids grew up with Footloose even if they weren't born yet. They grew up with it. Footloose is on TV all the time. How angry would you get if they tried to remake Ferris Bueller? Well, I heard a rumor that they're not remaking it but that they're not not remaking it but that they're talking about doing a sequel where he's like an adult and he skips work and i
Starting point is 00:12:30 was just like i don't want to know that ferris bueller has a job he wants to skip they well they i think that election was made to be that was that yeah ferris bueller yeah but that's what he really grew up into when you're that much of a fuck-up and you don't... Yeah, exactly. But I liked getting to see Matthew Broderick play what is... You can't go through life getting your best friend to fuck up his dad's expensive car. Like, someone's going to call you on it, and there's going to be consequences. Yeah, yeah. He was really...
Starting point is 00:13:00 What happens is you knock up Mia Sarah, and then she doesn't even graduate high school. Oh, I had such a crush on Mia Sarah when I was young. Oh, man. She's good stuff. She's adorable and legend. Shall we play a game? Sure. All right, let's play a little build a title.
Starting point is 00:13:16 Since we're in Ohio, I picked movies that are filmed in or set in Ohio. Hopefully even Columbus specifically. Really? Yeah, you don't need to guess what the movie is. It's just the first title. You don't have to know anything about the movie. For instance, you probably don't know anything about a film called Harry and Walter
Starting point is 00:13:34 Go to New York. And that was made here in Columbus? Apparently part of it was, yeah, according to, you know, the always accurate Wikipedia. Is that a Muppet movie? No, it's I almost said The always accurate Wikipedia. Is that a Muppet movie? No, it's... I almost said Scott Kahn. It's James Kahn and...
Starting point is 00:13:52 What's his name? Elliot Gould. And they are buddies who go from somewhere in the Midwest to New York. It's a period piece. I think it takes place in the early 1900s. And what's her name is in it? The female lead is Diane Keaton. And it's supposed to be a comedy.
Starting point is 00:14:12 And they stopped it from this? No, they probably started there. It's about two guys who go to New York is the name of the movie. So all you need to do, you don't need to know any of that, all you need to do is go pick a movie that ends with the word Harry
Starting point is 00:14:24 or begins with New York. And then you're off to the races. Heavy sigh. Okay. New York stories. All right. So we got Harry and Walter go to New York stories. And then I have to go stories.
Starting point is 00:14:55 Restore. Rees. Rees. And then I have to go stories, restore, reason, reasoning, reasonable. I swear there's something that starts with reasonable or something, but I can't think of what it is exactly. So I'll just go Dirty Harry and Walter go to New York stories. Is Dirty Harry the name of the movie? Yeah. I thought. The first Dirty Harry movie is called Dirty Harry. Okay. I know.
Starting point is 00:15:20 It's confusing. The first James Bond movie is called Dr. No. Yeah. Okay. Can I look at it? What, can I look at it? What do you mean, look at it? Yeah, Dirty, Harry, and Walter go to New York stories. Okay, Dirty, okay.
Starting point is 00:15:39 So now a movie that ends in Dirty or starts with stories. Stories. You can do the sound Rees. Reasonable. Reason. I just couldn't think of anything that starts with that. Rees. Resemble. Rees Witherspoon. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:56 Too bad there's not a movie called Rees Witherspoon. This is a tough one, I think. Yeah. One that ends in dirty. Something dirty. Down and dirty. Playing dirty. Captain Dirty.
Starting point is 00:16:13 Dancing. Dancing, kind of dirty. You nailed it. Store-reezy. Store-reezy money. Ooh, nice. Store- Storyzy money. Ooh, nice. Storyzy money. All right.
Starting point is 00:16:33 Money train. So now we've got Dirty Harry and Walter go to New York. Storyzy money train. Okay, all right. How about Last Star Fighter No. No, it's not a D.
Starting point is 00:16:55 Dude, you know movies that start with train. Train. Money Train. Oh, yeah. That starts with train, doesn't it? No, I'm saying the word train
Starting point is 00:17:04 starts it off and you're good to go. Train, planes, and automobiles. No, there's another one that I'm thinking of. Training day. Yeah. And then I'm going to add Joe Dirty Harry and Walter Go To New York Stories. The money training day.
Starting point is 00:17:26 Okay. Cujo. God damn it. Cujo. Dirty. Harry and Walter go to New York Story's money training day of the dolphin. I threw you a softball on that one. Day of the dolphin tail. I threw you a softball on that one. Day of the Dolphin?
Starting point is 00:17:48 Yeah, yeah, tail. Tail. Tails. Oh, shit. Tail. Oh, no. Tails from the Crypt. Is that a movie? Yeah, and TV show and comic book, yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:08 Tales from the Crypt had a segment in it. It was a four-part anthology, and one of them was Joan Collins was a woman who was having an affair with a Santa Claus, and the husband murders the Santa Claus or something like that. Anyway, Cujo Dirty,
Starting point is 00:18:28 Harry and Walter go to New York Story Z Money Training Day of the Dolphin Tales from the Crypt. Yeah, you've really put yourself in a corner now. Crypt. Ooh. No.
Starting point is 00:18:55 Tonight. uh oh no tonight kryptonite too bad there's not a movie called kryptonite oh I got one I got one for the front this is this is crazy I got an absolute crazy one for the front. Haiku. There's got to be a movie named Haiku. No, but I got a coup. I know a coup. Haiku. Coup. Sudoku.
Starting point is 00:19:23 I'm just trying to think. Wait, all right. What? Crypt. Crypt? Sidoku wait I'm just trying to think wait alright let's talk about Crypt Crypt? that's even harder I think well that's because I've already got something for Coup Ripped
Starting point is 00:19:34 um Ripped Like Jesus is Greg Barron's handle on Twitter Ripped um Ripped, um... Ripped cord, the story of a... Ripped on...
Starting point is 00:19:54 The story of a skydiving accident. Ripped corn. I think I'm stuck. I think you're stuck. I'm going to just add one thing, and then I think we're good overall. Because I thought of, there's an old Liza Minnelli movie called The Sterile Cuckoo. So sterile, I know, sterile cuckoo. I think we took a good whack at it that one.
Starting point is 00:20:17 Sterile cuckoo, Joe Dirty, Harry and Walter go to New York, stories the money training day of the dolphin tales from the crypt. That's pretty good. Sterile. I guess if there's a movie that ends in the word stare, but I can't think of one. Fred Astaire. Fred Astaire.
Starting point is 00:20:37 Yeah, let's just start going with names. Switch back and forth. Master and Commander. Something ends in Master and Master. Yeah, that's a little sterile. It's a little bit of a stretch.
Starting point is 00:20:55 But that was a nice long one, and the episode was long enough. I like to throw out these things when I can get you guys a chance to get to know my comics that I go out on the road with and and encourage you to come see us live and play the leonard malton game with us and uh you can go to for all the dates and uh do you have anything you want to plug there dan yes i would like to plug my podcast uh i am a co-host of a podcast called the best medicine
Starting point is 00:21:22 my co-host is robert duchesne. My co-host is Robert Duchesne. And we have different guests on, comics usually, and we solve people's problems that they email us. So you can check it out at or it's on iTunes. Just do a search for Best Medicine. And Doug's been on the show. And in a couple of weeks, Larry Miller's going to be on.
Starting point is 00:21:42 Oh, fantastic. Larry's great. He was awesome in his cameo in Pretty Woman. That was a long time. I just saw him recently in Nutty Professor 2 as the principal. He's in everything. Not principal. Is it a school?
Starting point is 00:21:58 The dean. He's the dean. He's always the dean or the principal or the teacher or the dad. He's in every movie. Yeah, he's a really nice guy and really good actor great amazing timing and smart dude all right thank you dan thank you listeners as always jerry dandridge is a shithead now it's time for doug to watch another talkie eyes of gold his viewing prowess makes him cocky. There's no room in his heart for you.
Starting point is 00:22:27 Cause Doug loves movies.

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