Doug Loves Movies - Drew Hancock, Amy Miller and Adam Rodness guest
Episode Date: January 31, 2025Doug welcomes Drew Hancock, Amy Miller and Adam Rodness to the show.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
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Doug hates candy wrappers screaming baby sticky seeds with 50 as it pop or kernels in his teeth.
There's still not one that he won't see cuz Doug loves movies.
Hey, hey, hey everybody. My name is Doug and I love SF SketchFest and I love movies This is Douglas movies recording on the last day of January
2025 and this is the last bonus app possibly ever
Starting next month. We were cutting back to four shows a month with a new episode available for
your your enjoyment every
for your your joinment every Monday. Plus we plan to do another streaming event like the one from Dynasty Typewriter but more about that later. My guests today
are a first-timer, a second-timer, and a 56th timer give or take they are drew Hancock Adam Rodness and Amy Miller. Hello
Normally I introduce everybody
Alphabetical order by my last name, but I just realized I I screwed it up on that one
But you know, we'll we'll fix it in post
but let's meet each of you individually and
Again alphabetically, but this time by first name
He is a returning champ today whose movie don't fuck with ghosts I get to see tonight. Yeah, thank you for for coming back.
This is a this is a big day for you, I guess, because you're screening your film.
That's what's what's fair to say.
It's a little scene in the States at this point or what?
Yeah, I mean, I think it's a little bit of a surprise.
I mean, I think it's a little bit of a surprise.
I mean, I think it's a little bit of a surprise.
I think it's a little bit of a surprise. I's what's what's fair to say.
It's a little scene in the states at this point or what?
Yeah, we are.
We teamed up with with Kevin Hart's Heartbeat Studios.
The movie is now coming out on Amazon Prime.
We're doing a fun influencer industry screening tonight in West Hollywood and we're kicking things off. So
we're very excited to show this off to the folks here in the US of A.
But it played in theaters in Canada already?
It did. Yeah, we did a theatrical out in Canada across country, which was great. And the movie's
out there now on Apple TV. and now we're just taking over
territory by territory as we go
So so this isn't confusing at all Apple TV in Canada, but yes
Amazon in the US. Yes, it's that border that
Always fucks with us just type just type don't fuck with ghosts in your search engine.
See what that does for you because I know that on IMDB,
you have to put in the asterisks in fuck
in order for the search to find that movie.
I think our IT department is actually working around that
with alternate titles there.
But yes, the algorithm should be picking up now.
Don't fuck with ghosts with a couple of asterisks,
or just yell at your TV through that voice button.
That should get you there.
Oh my God, I can't even do the voice TV thing.
It's a disaster every time.
It's like a comedy sketch.
There's a misunderstanding.
But I'm excited to see the movie tonight and excited to see how you do because you are
In fact a returning champion you beat your friends
Who are also the last time you were on?
So now we'll see how you do when there's just you know, I'll have no love to lose
You're just meeting these people for the first time. Hello, Amy Miller
Hello, Doug
Can you believe the amount of time you've wasted being on this show?
Not a moment was wasted not one single second
Many other things in your life besides sleeping
Do you think you've done for more than 56 hours?
Like watch Vanderpump rules.
Oh, right. That's true. Television, movies. But
being in the baths. What?
Being in the bathtub.
Oh, I know. That's a real that one really runs the clock.
Yeah, it's a time suck. Yeah
But thank you for your service. Amy
We'll be back to pick you up later
And joining us for the first time is a director
I'm excited to have on the show because I have seen his movie
Companion and I'm happy to say it's a terrific
movie and I've basically been sitting on everything I know about this movie for, it seems like, months
now. So if I could talk about it a little bit, please welcome Drew Hancock. Hey, Drew. Hi, thank
you for having me. It's a pleasure and I'm glad you got to see the Beyond Fest screening, which is like the only time an
audience with like zero information got to enjoy it.
So that was like the purest screening of the movie.
Even the slide when you walk in on the screen, it just said companion, you know, and in fancy pink font.
So like, you know, there's nothing like now, of course, I would discourage people, people love to
say don't watch the trailer learn as little as you can about a movie. I'd go as far as they don't
even look at the poster. Yeah, we didn't have the poster at that point.
Yeah. If you could just close your eyes when you leave your house, your apartment, you know, don't listen to anyone. Don't go on the internet.
And then, you know, that would be fantastic for me.
And don't hear the title. Yeah. Don't listen to the title. Yeah.
Just walk in and ask to see a movie.
And hope you get just, just keep going to movies until you see the right one
I would say
Now this is the prequel of Prairie Home Companion. Am I right? Yeah
There's also a Kevin Klein movie called my lovely companion, I want to say
and of course the the
lgbt classic
Longtime companion
So in the philippines, it's known as companion companion, which is my favorite of all the titles
That is really great because it makes it sound fun because it is. But it's also
a horror movie so that companion companion really is good. That used to happen fairly
frequently the titles like you know like what was that one author author buddy buddy like there's a
bunch of like 80s and 90s I think that was a real big deal.
My favorite of all of those like you know the weird titles that that translations was was in
France. Do you remember the movie My Father the Hero? The Gerard de Bardieu movie? In France it
was called Daddy Cool which is my favorite. He is so not cool.
Not anymore. No, no, no.
He's yeah.
But he does. He is right when he doesn't approve of his daughter's bathing suit.
It's crazy.
All right. So.
Just go see companion. We could say who's in it
It's got a great cast and I can also feel safe and saying that it's a Rupert friend. You've never seen on screen before
Yeah, yeah without spoiling anything
It's that was a tough one to cast for sure because you didn't want him to turn like turn into a Simpsons
character. And he kind of he toes that line very, very beautifully.
Yeah, it's good. And you know, the quite the very on fire in this business, as
they say, so Sophie Thatcher, am I saying it right?
Yeah, Sophie Thatcher, am I saying it right? Yeah. Sophie Thatcher and Jack Quaid.
Jack Quaid is so good at it.
Okay. Anyway, Harvey Keelan,
go see Companion now.
Put the podcast on pause.
Yeah. Sorry everyone, but yeah.
Don't forget, just go see it right now.
Yeah. It is a wide release today. So this is this is you know, anyone listening will have the ability hopefully
I mean, I remember the days when a movie opened on Friday and not all movies
But cool movies had like a midnight showing on Thursday night. So it was like a bunch of real fans of whatever that movie was going to be,
what they hoped it would be, you know, staying up late on a weeknight,
probably having to get up and go to work the next day.
Real exciting. And now preview night has just creeped into like in Los Angeles,
they start showing the movie at like four in the afternoon.
Yeah, it's true. I don't know how they get around that.
It seems like it keeps creeping back and then it'll just be the week before.
It's just a way to find the numbers to make it
seem like the movie does better in the opening weekend.
Yeah. Well, it's not the worst idea.
I would certainly, if I wasn't doing this right now,
I'd probably be seeing that clock I think companions in
IMAX at the Chinese theater in Los Angeles correct? Yeah one week one week
in IMAX which is crazy to say but yeah. That is so wild I was just watching the
Brutalist and now I could be watching something that's fun and takes half the time. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Anyone who needs like a little palate cleanser after the three hours and 40
minutes companion runs 97 minutes, 97 minutes.
Oh, it's like one of my favorite times.
They should put that in the.
That's the quote. Yeah, that's that's your quote.
Because I market my shows.
No, it's fun, though, because companion gets to say from the people who brought you barbarian.
So that's a that's a solid from the people that brought you
mention to to sell a movie.
So see it at this weekend, please.
And then let me thank me later
because I think you'll have a good time.
I'm gonna thank you now.
Okay, are you gonna go see it, Amy?
Maybe, I get a little scared.
You're gonna say yes.
I would know if you didn't see it.
I'm just kind of a weenie.
Yeah, I'm actually seeing it right now.
I'm there.
Oh, cool.
You guys can hold for 95 minutes.
Drew, I'm going to go.
I'm going.
OK, I'm going to take the people out in Toronto.
OK, and we're all going to go.
So thank you, Adam.
And I can't wait to see your movie.
And congratulations.
Having made this movie, it is a miracle to make any movie.
And so it is a miracle to make any movie. And so it is a, yeah, like I feel like we're,
you become part of this club that just,
no one knows how the, like the stresses that go into it,
but sorry to alienate.
I don't know, maybe Doug, have you made a movie?
Amy, have you made a movie?
I feel I'm pretty bad today, Doug.
Yeah, I'm just, I'm sorry.
We didn't even make a movie yet. I made a pretty sweet today, Doug. Yeah, I'm just starting to make a movie.
I made a pretty sweet 10 second reel today.
That counts. So I am somewhat of a filmmaker.
But no, I've been involved in almost not quite every aspect of film and TV, but almost all of them.
And I've been, you know, lucky enough to see how everything works but how some of it
isn't for me like directing a film the the pressure and the constant constantly being asked questions
it's all like I you know I really admire people who could do it. But before we play some games today, I'd like each one of you
to tell me if you can. I mean, this isn't an easy question. I couldn't tell you because I haven't
seen some of the movies that people are claiming are the best this year, or I should say last year.
But what was your favorite movie of 2024 that you did see?
Adam, we'll start with Adam. Yeah, you know there was a few that stood out. I got to go to this
really awesome screening of Blink Twice which I thought was, I think we talked about this too,
Doug, last time but I really, Blink Twice the substance. But I'm sticking with blink twice on this one.
It was something that was extremely original and also pretty brutal.
There was a lot of in your face, blood and horror guts.
But I love the storytelling on that one and everything really kept like, you know,
kind of a one location type of thing.
It messed with your head a lot. So it was a good mystery unfolded, blink twice.
Yeah, it was fun to hear you talk about it again.
No, I'm sorry that I asked you basically the same question.
I didn't even put it together that if you were just on,
you've already answered that question.
So just to spice it up and have something different in your column, you also really
like the substance?
I did like the substance.
That was another kind of like, you know, another brutal, I thought, do I like brutal stuff?
I guess I like very grotesque in your face guts and blood
But again, you know original storytelling I liked how you know the real
Kind of craziness ended up on the screen. I don't know if everyone here has seen the substance yet. Have we all seen it? I have it. Did you get to see it? Okay
It's so scary. It is very scary. Yeah
It's so scary. It is very scary. Yeah. Yeah
Scary cat is probably pretty rough. Oh
I loved it, but I felt like tricked
because I Didn't have the impression that movies that are straight-up horror like that get like so many award nominations
Well, they don't that's the you know, nonsense. Maybe like, you know, Carrie was extremely violent.
Science and the Lambs was pretty violent.
But horror tends to get shut out.
You know, that's why like Tony Collette, everybody always
brings up that she should have gotten nominated for her
And so from the day subs came out, everyone was like,
but it's not going gonna get Oscar noms
because everyone's gross for the Oscars and then it just kept rolling and next thing, you know to me more as front-runner for best actress and
The movie I'm pretty sure will not win Best Picture
But just being on that just being on that list is wild because it is does sound like and again
I haven't seen it, but
it sounds disgusting.
It's much more disgusting than you even think.
You can't even imagine how bad it's going to be.
No, I was shocked.
It also gives you like an ulterior look at the female body being like a terrifying type
of thing to look at when this thing goes through.
I don't want to ruin it for you, Doug,
because you do have to see what I'm talking about.
It's very good. I loved it.
It's also very fun and cool and very French feeling.
But yeah, it's fucked up.
Yeah. No, something happens in a movie that makes you go,
should this have been done?
It's probably French.
They really push you back. Like Daddy Cool. been should this have been done it's probably French.
They really like Daddy Cool.
OK so Daddy Cool was from quite a few years ago.
So what's your pick for best movie of twenty twenty four.
You know I don't think it's been nominated for anything, but my favorite is probably my old ass. I love it. Yeah, Canadian. I fucking loved it too. Yeah.
You know, it's as small movies go, it's up, you know, it's really small like it's Pretty small cast pretty much one location
and um
But just really obri plaza is terrific in it and I always forget when this comes up the name of the actress that plays
The lead but she's really good megan. No, that was the director
Um, but anyway my old ass it's on one of these streamers
currently I believe that's how I saw it.
And yeah, I think it's on Amazon Prime.
It's just kind of like almost too small for the awards this year, but it's definitely
nominated for some independent spirit awards.
And we'll probably clean up over there because it is really good.
People love Aubrey Plaza.
It's the only movie about cranberry farming that I've ever cried at.
I loved it.
But here's the crazy part.
You guys aren't going to believe the coincidence that just came up here.
Did you know that the working title for the substance was my old.
That's a solid joke. You that that's like that's like that should be at the Oscars.
You could give that to Conan.
That's a good. That's a good joke.
Yeah, I'll call Conan and say, hey, you should say this thing I said on a.
I could tell you, though, from my old ass,
I've actually been camping and stay up there
in Biskolka where they filmed that.
That's the most beautiful landscape you could get in Canada,
which is in Northern Ontario in Canada.
It seems so beautiful.
But that's real.
All that is people, that's their lives.
It's a gorgeous place to...
I think, who else? Goldie Like it's a gorgeous place to all.
I think who else?
Who's Goldie Haan has a place out there.
Ooh, a bunch of celebrities with Kurt Russell and I see there's a,
it's a gorgeous place that you should definitely go visit if you have the opportunity.
All right. Drew.
A little bit of travels important.
Yeah. Gave Drew some more time to think
Yeah. Yeah, my that means a lot to unload it like I so so
Last as last year goes it was a giant bummer as far as like, you know I think I don't know that I'm not no one knew like pointing this out
But like the top ten movies all being sequels is just it's so depressing to me
But I will say because you know, there there were less great movies last year,
but the movies that were good, I thought were fantastic.
And I I really I have to call it a couple of movies.
And I'm sorry, I'm cheating.
But like one thing that I put that the movies last year nailed with the endings
like third acts are hard.
So many of these movies had fantastic endings like Like, Anora had like just a really
emotionally profound ending.
I thought the ending to Nosferatu was unbelievable.
But Challengers, Challengers was my favorite movie.
I watched it twice.
I don't care about tennis.
And I was just enraptured.
And I loved the power dynamic, that love triangle.
I thought it was horny as hell and I was all in.
Yeah, I loved it.
Uh, yeah, well, let's I mean, at least tennis.
I agree. I went into it not really being not into tennis necessarily.
And but at least as as a sport to film, I feel like it generally fair as well.
Like there's a few good, you know, decent
tennis movies. But I always try to watch every oscar-nominated movie and
Speaking of you know watching a movie where this subject doesn't interest you and then you know, so then good luck
I watched uh maria
And it's just I can't
I can't appreciate opera the way it needs to be appreciated to enjoy that movie
Because it's just a lot of a lady pretending to sing opera
Yeah, cuz I do like musicals, but her PR people, Angelina's, really pushed the narrative
she's doing her own singing.
And then every day more comes out.
And the most recent thing I read is that in some scenes she's maybe 30% of the voice you're
Yeah, there's no fucking way. It's
Did it poorly for years and there's just no way
Yeah, and then the director brags about how the scene where she's not supposed to be at the top of her game
She's like it's more her in that scene
Okay, I don't know if that's what you should be admitting, but again.
The part where she sucked.
I think he's a French dude.
Yeah, she goes through a bit of a decline.
It is kind of an interesting movie.
A lot of the Oscar movies I find that while they're happening, I'm kind of bored and I'm
very thrilled that I'm watching it at home so I can, you know, pause it or whatever but
lot of them just
They they sort of teach me something and
Make me have feelings about them without enjoying it while watching it. Does that make sense?
You know like I watched six triple eight and it's like a story I'd never heard
before and it's you know, it's got some great actors in it and it's really you
know interesting but not like fast-paced and fun or whatever and then but then at
the very end they clobber you with the here's the hundred year old women that are still alive
that were the heroes of this film.
When they show you the actual people
at the end of these things, I lose it
and find the whole experience worthwhile at the same time,
even though I thought the movie was kind of boring.
Now, Drew, did you say you had more than one movie?
Oh, that was those were my movies. It was Nosferatu, Challengers and
Anura, which I love. Yeah.
Oh, okay.
I love Anura.
Yeah, I thought Anura it was it wasn't the movie that I was expecting it to be
like it turns into like this madcap kind of comedy of errors that you that you just you were expecting it to evolve into just another like like Russian mafia movie and it goes in such an interesting direction that pulls you back into a very very emotionally like gut punching ending. I loved it.
Well, it's got slapstick comedy that while you're watching it, you're very well aware of how it could end up in somebody being terribly hurt or dying yeah you know I mean it's but
it's also kind of fun and exhilarating at the same time it's it's really a
interesting movie it would be my it's my favorite of movies I've seen but I'm
really I I still have a you know a lot of catching up to do like, you know
Who knows I might I might I might make Wallace and Grom ventures most foul
Might be my number
Okay, but also I do have to see some movies that did get overlooked so that's also nice to hear
Okay, but also I do have to see some movies that did get overlooked. So that's also nice to hear
again about blink twice to remind me because I'm so deep in Oscar movies right now that
It's good to be reminded about bring twice for
Take a break for take a break for movies that bore me and then make me cry at the end. I appreciate your answers and for you being here and I
appreciate my sponsors. So we'll be right back.
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Back to the show
We are back and
Let's play a game. What do you say? Yes, let's do it.
Adam, of course, is our returning champion.
Amy has got a few wins under her belt.
And Drew, I have good feelings about you as well.
So this is going to be... I have no preconceived idea of who's going to win this thing.
Speaking about sports in
film, football is a sport that I feel like every film I've seen that
has football in it, at the very least I find it rousing at the end. They
usually don't fumble the ending in football movies because the team you
want to win wins or Rudy gets to play for a few seconds
Or you know some or rocky gets all the way to the end of this, you know
This major fight that you shouldn't have been in the first place, you know, like there's something
They're really good. It's very yeah, but um, and I I switched from football to boxing there
but But I switch from football to boxing there. But... So, all I'm saying is, is I don't really care about the Super Bowl that much, except for
like, or I should say, I don't care about football that much.
But when it's in a movie, it's like you can see the team's whole season in a two hour
movie, plus their backstories and emotions, it's so much better than, you
know, sitting through an entire season of football. But this time of year I do get locked
into I do watch the games leading up to and including the Super Bowl. So I thought today
would be a fun time to play a game that I call Super bowling
Here's how it works
I'll name an actor you tell me if that actor has been in the movie with the word super in the title
with the word bowling in the title or
Yeah, so in your mind you have to do their entire filmography
And see if you spot one with super or bowling or
None at all. I will start with Adam if he misses Amy gets the shot of the remaining two answers if she misses
Drew gets the first gimme point
First person of three points is our winner
Adam are you ready? I hope so
person with three points is our winner. Adam, are you ready?
I hope so.
The actor is the great Brian Cox.
Brian Cox.
Super bowling or neither.
You're going neither on the great Brian Cox. That is incorrect. you can scoop this up you got a 50
50 I'm going super Doug and are you doing that because you know it's the
answer you think it's the answer what why do I have to tell you I just want to know.
Is there an extra point for saying the movie title?
No, but I feel like you know what it is.
What's the movie that he's in with the super in the title?
No, I don't. Oh, shit.
Well, you got it right.
Anyway, you got to write anyway, it was the educated guess.
He's in both of the super troopers films.
Oh yeah.
So funny.
All right, Drew's first up on this next one.
Another great actor, Tom Hanks.
Super Bowling or Neither Drew?
Well, he's in a hologram, a bowling hologram for the king.
I was trying to think of the lamest Tom Hanks movie.
God, Super.
I'm going to say Neither.
Well, you're going to be though. Now when it is neither
Here's on the board. He's got one point. We're playing first to three points is our winner and we're back to Adam
Mm-hmm. He's first on this one
Super bowling or neither Anya Taylor joy
Anya Taylor Joy. Anya Taylor Joy.
First choice for the lead in Nosferatu of course, but scheduling.
I'm going to ruin it.
Super Bowling or Neither for Anya. That's a really good one. Super bowling or neither.
That's a really good one.
I'm going to go, we haven't had one of these yet,
so I'm going to go bowling.
I don't know if Anya is a bowler or not.
I'm only familiar with her chess career.
That answer is incorrect.
I almost just said what the right answer was.
I thought it was so close.
Yeah, no, that felt good.
Amy, is on your trailer joining a movie with Super in the title
or neither Super or Bowling?
I'm going to go with Super.
And what's the name of that movie?
I would love to tell you I want you to get I want you to go all the way in this game with all guesses and yes she is in a movie with super in the title it's called the Super Mario Brothers movie. Oh, shit.
Yes, she plays Princess Puppycock or whatever she's right.
Didn't see it.
Oh, it's good. It's good.
Is it?
Yeah, I got to a point where I it's hard to motivate me to see that the animated stuff as much as I love a lot of it. It's just
there's so many movies
Live-action movies I want to see all the time and you know, let's face it
Animation also tends to be for the kids a little a little too much for my taste, but um,
I really like that one a lot
And i'm not a real super mario's guy. I mean, I you know, I play like mario kart or whatever but
uh, I'm not into their whole world.
Okay, Drew, this is your chance to tie it up with Amy.
What about the late, great Charlton Heston?
Charlton Heston. I can't think of a single movie that has bowling in the title, which may cut, but I wanted
I wanted to be this.
I'm going to say because I'm sure he's in a hundred movies and I'm going to say bowling.
Well, he did play religious figures a lot.
And of course, they love to ball.
This one, it's taking kind of a dark turn, but because unfortunately, you are correct.
And he is in the Michael Moore documentary bowling for Columbine.
Wow. OK. OK. OK.
And I was going to say that it's funny. That's the only movie with bowling in the title, but I didn't think there was like, well,
Michael Moore is the only one in that.
I forgot that he's in it.
No, he goes to Charles Nesson's house.
About being with in the NRA.
Yeah, I remember that.
I remember being really grossed out with how they have.
He just like just ambushes him at his home.
Yeah. Then he he rises to the occasion. Oh, no, it doesn't. It doesn't. It doesn't. with how they have he just like just just ambushes him at his home.
Yeah. Then he he rises to the occasion.
Oh, no, I'm not defending him at all. He doesn't just refuse to answer the door. Yeah. OK, Adam.
Yes. Whenever that movie comes up, I change this subject as quickly as possible.
This is your chance to get on the board. Yes.
But also this the first game is more of more of a warm up anyway.
The films of Bill Murray.
He'd been in a bowling a super or neither.
Ah, well, I don't know.
Bowling's in the title of this film.
I'm going to go that he's been in a
so God, I'm going to say super. He's been in so much.
God, that's that's that's just a guess.
I'm going super, though.
What movie was there in the movie?
Super Super Ghostbusters? Super Ghostbusters or Super
Scrooged. Super Stripes. Super Groundhog Day. I'll save you the trouble, that answer's incorrect.
God damn it. Amy for the win. Bill Murray, bowling or neither? Neither, Doug. You know that one, right?
Yeah, I think so.
That is correct.
Amy Wynn's.
Nice work.
Go Super Bowling.
Congratulations, Amy.
Thank you.
Yeah, congrats, Amy.
Very welcome.
Thanks, everybody.
Well, I didn't make a movie, so you guys got me on track.
That's true.
Now we're even.
I was tough. And we're going to find out what Amy wins right after the break. We'll be right back.
We are back and Amy gets to go first in our second and final determining game today and
it's everybody's favorite. It's called the little search engine
that could. I typed a word into the search engine of IMDB today and then I wrote down
the top 10 titles that have that word in them. You all are going to get three guesses each. We'll take turns. We'll
start with Amy and then we go to Adam and then to Drew because we flipped the order around on the
second game to add to the arbitrariness of it all. You'll take turns guessing titles, movies,
titles that you think might be on the list. The higher up on the list your
title is, the more points you get with ten points for number one, then all the
way down to one point for number ten. And like I said, you'll each get three
chances to guess, so I only need them one at a time.
And you're probably wondering what the word is.
In honor, no, let's just move on.
Just name movie titles.
I'll tell you if you get the word right.
It's the secret word.
No, in honor of the fact that I'm doing Douglas Movies
and four other shows this weekend at SF sketch fest in the Bay Area,
when I think of the Bay Area, I think of the word bridge.
Yeah, has appeared in the title of more movies than you'd think.
then you'd think but also still not that many movies. Amy, what's your first guess all the films ever made with B-R-I-D-G-E, Bridge? Okay. In the title, not Bridge-es,
it's never Bridge-es. Whoa, wait a second. Yeah, I know, makes you double think, right? Yeah, you took my answer away.
I'm not offended that when you think of the Bay Area, you don't think of me
first before the bridges, but that's fine.
So movies Miller in the title, there's Miller's crossing.
We meet the Millers.
We're the Millers.
The cave in Miss Miller.
And that's it.
Okay. So That's it.
If I didn't think of it, it didn't happen.
But just wow, there's that many Millers.
So what are you switching your answer to?
Because you were going to say Bridges of Madison County.
I feel like I don't know this precise title,
but maybe I do.
Bridge over the River Kwai?
It's one of the other dudes approves.
I'm going to go ahead and take it.
Is it on? It's on the River Kwai. Okay.
I think if it was a little close then you would have switched it. If I had to say the exact title please you would have known what to
change. So I'm giving it to you. Number five. So you're on the board with six
points. Now we go to Adam. Yep. What do you think's number one Adam a movie with bridge?
I'm thinking in there in the title and you you mentioned this actor's name in the previous game
It was Tom Hanks who stars in Bridge of Spies
Bridge of Spies is number two
Adams on the board with nine points. Finally. Wow. Not sure what excitement people
have for right now other than just they're worried about spies in general. Very timely,
yes. Oscar Oscar win for Mark Rylance in that movie. Yes.
All right, Drew.
Yeah. What's your first guess of three?
Well, I,
my other two were taken in order.
So I'm gonna do the only third one that I,
the only one I had in the chamber,
which is a bridge to terabithia
number one on the list wow
I would have sworn that bridge of spies was number one yeah for some reason people want to go to terabithia right now um might be because it's like os like and people are super into wicked. I don't know. Um, but
That leaves we still have
Titles in the top 10 amy. What is your second?
I hate to plug this movie because I think it was made by a sick individual and it makes it pisses me off
But I'm gonna go with the bridge. Oh
Because you mean the contents of the movie piss you off or you know something else about this filmmaker
I think the way he approached making the movie pisses me off
Right. Oh, yeah, that's the suicide movie yeah yeah fuck that fuck that
movie yeah really seriously yeah I have never I have never watched it cuz I
cuz once you know what it's about you'd have a choice to make and that's do you
want to watch people who never had a chance to sign a release, try to kill themselves.
So it's interesting.
It also could have been done without the actual footage of the jumping.
Like we can picture it.
It's an interesting topic.
Fuck that guy.
But yeah.
And unfortunately, for whatever reason, it is on the list and it is number six.
So Amy gets five super bummer points added to her score. Super bowling.
And we go to Adam. Yeah.
Have you are you like running dry on these or do you think you have another bridge?
I do know I do know another bridge bridge movie.
It's an oldie.
And I don't think I think I saw it like way back when but it with it stars Prince.
It's called graffiti bridge.
Whoa. Whoa.
Deep cut.
And Morris Day.
Yeah, because hot off of Purple Rain.
Wait, was that the order?
When Purple Rain, Graffiti Bridge?
Yeah. Graffiti Bridge was the sequel.
Under the Cherry Moon was the third, but not the throuple,
but not was Morris Day in that too.
I don't think so.
Oh, OK. That's very well wrong.
Have you guys seen the
SNL 50 years quest love documentary? No. Oh my god yes with the
yeah I don't want to spoil it. But I watched the Kanye rant. It's I'm enjoying all the
SNL stuff that's being you know thrown out there because of their 50th but the
music one is just so it's just so cool some of the things that happened on
there and and I don't mind spoiling it because I think it makes people more It's just so cool, some of the things that happened on there.
And I don't mind spoiling it because I think it makes people more interested in watching.
When Prince was a musical guest on SNL, he wasn't as Princey yet.
He hadn't found that yet.
So he's still good, very clearly very skilled, but he's not given the full Prince yet.
So it's still interesting to watch. I thought it
was the Questlove story about how there was the it was some I thought it was
like the SNL after party that that like everyone went to this place and it was
Prince's party and Questlove came up with this like really like really he
spent a long time coming up with his set list that he was gonna play that that
night and and like halfway through Prince comes over to him and hands him something.
It's like, oh my God, Prince is going to play something.
And he opens it up and it's a DVD of Finding Nemo.
And he's like, can you put this on?
I want to watch Finding Nemo right now.
And so he had to stop playing his music and put on Finding Nemo.
That's amazing.
I'm stolen because I don't have any bridge ones. Where did Questlove share this story?
I can't remember.
I'm sure if you just put in Questlove prints,
it's probably one of two.
Yeah. I thought we were talking about
that documentary Questlove just made and I thought you
were like saw a section that I fell asleep during or something. No, no, no
But that is pretty funny nemo's pretty pretty hilarious, okay, so
I'm sorry to say graffiti bridge is not in the top ten
People are not looking that thing up right now for some reason
People are not looking that thing up right now for some reason.
But you're still you're still in great shape. You're you're in third, but only two points behind Amy.
Oh, I'm in third grade and one behind Drew.
So it's still still anybody's game.
But Drew can put some more points on the board right now.
I'm tapped out. I'm just going to have to put some words together
and just hope it's a movie.
Well, I just said the bridge like it's that easy
That's what I was gonna use
I knew what I was doing
I forgot that there was that movie
I wonder if there's just a movie called Bridge without duh
But I'm gonna go with
I'm gonna go with Under the Bridge
Is that a guess?
That's a guess
I have nothing, I am tapped out Is that a real? I have nothing.
I am tapped out.
Is that a real movie or just a made up title?
I'm just putting words together.
Yeah, it feels like there's a movie called that though.
There should be.
There should be.
I like it.
How about a troll?
Didn't make the list though.
Yeah, not surprising.
But Drew, something might, you know, hit your brain when you're listening to the other guesses. Yeah, you're not out of this yet, but Amy
In the lead you don't need to add any points
At this point, but it sure couldn't hurt. Oh then I can pass
No, you could just say you don't have one but might as well guess just for the fun of it
Just sound it out just bridge and then put other things next to it and see what you come up with
Bridge at Jones John's diary
Are you serious? Yeah
Yes, I thought what do you mean do any other like bridges Number seven on the list. Wait, really? Yes.
I thought we couldn't do any other, like, bridges,
but we can do bridges?
I said no bridges.
I didn't say no bridges.
No bridges?
Oh, okay.
I said no bridges.
I think we need a recount.
Though you'll see, the bridges won't come up at all.
No, you... I'm really pumped for the new Bridget Jones.
I need this in my life right now.
I don't think you're alone on that.
I think there's really...
A lot of times they wait too long on sequels, but I think this one's really, really might
Yeah, we don't get a lot of Valentine's Day releases anymore.
The Valentine's Day mood.
Oh, it does come out on Feb 14?
Oh yeah.
Alright, well we're not here to talk about that.
We're here to talk about the two best movies you can watch at home or in theaters on Valentine's Day.
And those are Don't Fuck With Ghosts and Companion.
That's right.
Romantic. I can't think with ghosts and companion. That's right. Yes. Romantic.
I can't think of more romantic experiences.
I wish I called it companion bridge
and I'd have a fucking answer here.
Okay, so, you know,
Amy hasn't won this thing outright yet.
It's still, Adam and Drew still have one more chance.
Adam, what's your next guess?
I'm gonna say there's probably like more than one The Bridge,
but I doubt that we actually know exactly which The Bridge we chose. I don't know if... No, bridges of Madison County?
That's not something.
No bridges.
Yeah, no bridges.
That's what I was gonna say at first.
Bridger, no.
You've hit a lot of good ones.
You really have taken some of the best ones off of this. Uh, uh, uh, Bridger, you know,
you've had a lot of good ones.
You really have taken some of the best ones off.
I know the number three.
I can't believe Bridget Jones was a thing.
Uh, I don't know, man.
I'm going to go with like the bridge,
but like the fourth bridge.
There's like another, another movie out there called the bridge.
It varies. It did make the top 10.
The only bridge in this top 10 is the one that Amy is mad at.
But nice try, Adam. Did any of that discourse,
did any of that discussion lead you to think of something else with bridge in
the title?
Well, just to be clear, no TV, right?
It's just movies?
Yeah, but what's the TV thing?
Well, Bridgerton is what occurred to me for using bridge.
But I will go Bridget Jones's Diary 2.
Nice try. Do you remember the subtitle of Bridget Jones Diary 2?
Do I get it if I guess it right?
I mean if it's on the list.
How many are there by the way?
Is the new one coming out?
Is it the fourth or the third?
Wouldn't you like to know?
Yeah. I would because I do know the subtitle of one of them, but I don't know if it's the I don't know if it's the second one
Or the third I just know that one of them. I know terrible subtitle one of them is called like the edge of reason which
So terrible, but I'll say I'll say Bridget Jones's diary to the edge of reason
Is that what it's called Amy? I
I don't is it I don't know
Reason I know
But I don't know if it's Bridget Jones to Oh
Bridget Jones, baby
Okay, I think it might just be called Bridget Jones the edge Oh, okay. I think it might just be called
Bridget Jones, The Edge of Reason.
Like it's crazy.
Oh, yeah.
It sounds like a Tom Cruise movie.
Or it sounds like she's gonna like
be institutionalized or
you know, go berserk and kill people.
Well, she should be, Doug.
She's a woman over 30. Come on.
Bridget Jones.
Buck her up on Bridget Jones
Bridget Jones the brink of disaster
Yeah, and then they just went I think they just went to baby rigid jones baby
And you know what the new ones called amy?
No, I think it has some other bonkers
Wait, will you hear it? All right, so
With a total of 15 points in a real close game. Our winner today is Amy Miller
What's your what do you want to promote Amy
Well, I love stuff first this weekend. Oh oh I probably shouldn't do that um come see me in
boston at the comedy studio um sometime in march or april just go to amy miller for all
my dates and follow me on instagram just cross your fingers maybe she's coming to your town
Maybe she's coming to your town
Give it a look see and find out I'm I
And this this episode this comes out to late tonight, so oh great Then I will be in Colorado Springs this weekend at looney nice
Very cool. What's it called?
loonies comedy corner
It's next to a tire shop.
It's nice.
You guys are going to love it.
I mean, some of my favorite clubs are next to a tire shop.
It's true.
So, before we get Adam and Drew's plugs, even though I have a strong feeling what they're
going to be, let's break down the answers that you didn't get. And I'm proud of everybody involved here because there's really little to no reason why you'd know any of these other titles.
Number 10 is a Vivienne Le Juliet Benoist vehicle called the
Lovers on the Bridge and then this one there's no way in hell anybody knows
this one but you were getting close to it when you were saying that you know
there must be a bridge that's you know got more words to it
after bridge and it is the bridge at Remagen from 1969 and people are searching
that currently like that's how those the most popular bridge searches right well
I would dare to say none of these are popular searches right now. These are the top 10, you know, of the searches for bridge.
Although here's a sneaky one coming in.
Then we had, of course, Bridget Jones' diary, the bridge, the bridge on the River Kwai,
and then number four, if somebody's a real Bridget Jones head, they're excited about
this new one, Bridget Jones mad,
mad about the boy.
Mad about the boy.
That's what the new one is about the boy.
God, does her son grow up to be a juvenile delinquent?
Is that what it means?
She's so angry with him.
Yeah, he's furious with this fucking kid.
He's on the edge of reason again. And now at number three, because you've got Bridge to Terabithia at one and Bridge of
Spies at two, but number three was an interesting one because I thought I might pull it just
because it's still like an expression people use sometimes.
And it was a warm one of those war movies that had a massive cast like, you know, Robert
Redford and you know, I don't know't know Henry Fonda just a bunch of people and from 1977 called A Bridge Too Far.
Yes. Oh yes. Yeah so we collectively forgot about about that movie but at
least we are aware of the one on the River Quay.
Drew Hancock, companion in theaters right now.
Correct, yeah, please go out, do whatever you can.
Help me, help me, I wanna make another one. Make this thing happen.
I'll have to be companion too, but yeah.
But yeah, that's all. That's my plug.
Is this go see companion
and you know, if you
can, don't research it.
But if you need to, I understand that in this day
and age, there's a lot of competition.
So yeah,
watch the teaser, watch the trailer, look at the poster,
whatever gets you into the theater.
I'm game.
Well, if you do make a companion too,
I want you to just put yourself in your own hell
and have it be one of the top 10 sequels of its year.
So you can really feel it from both sides.
Yeah. Yeah. No, I would love to eat my own words.
That would be fantastic.
I would love to eat my own words. That would be fantastic.
Adam Rodness, thanks again for coming all the way from Canada to show me your movie.
Yes. It's just a one-on-one screening. It's just you and me.
Oh, no.
I watch you while you screen the film. It's a very lush screening room, so I'll be very comfortable.
But anything else you want to mention Adam before we go?
Again, thanks for having me.
Don't fuck with ghosts.
You can watch it in Canada, Apple TV.
You could watch it on Amazon Prime in the US.
Once you go see that film,
we're making another one.
We're going to go search and hunt for Bigfoot.
So that's going to come up.
Oh yeah, it's happening.
Be careful.
End of this year, thank you.
And yeah, it's always a pleasure to be on your show, Doug.
Yeah, don't pull a grizzly man and be
the documentarian that gets killed by Bigfoot. I Doug. Yeah, don't pull a grizzly man and be the documentarian
that gets killed by Bigfoot.
I will.
Hey, listen, ratings are ratings.
That'd be crazy.
Doug Plugs, SF SketchFest this weekend with all my friends
that are up there this weekend doing five shows, three at Cobb's
and two at the Gateway Theater, for tickets.
Benson Movie Interruptions back at Dynasty typewriter on Saturday
February 15th at four o'clock and
Douglas movies is coming to Bakersfield the well comedy club on
March 23rd at
4 4 4 20 something like that
Exact times may vary and all of my dates and dates and links are at
Thank you again to Amy Miller, Adam Rodness, and Drew Hancock.
Thank you.
As always.
Thank you.
Thanks. As always, si, grazi.