Doug Loves Movies - Frank Conniff, Jim Cummings and Rachel McCartney guest

Episode Date: March 15, 2021

Doug welcomes Frank Conniff, Jim Cummings and Rachel McCartney to the show.You can find the entire archive of Doug Loves Movies on Stitcher Premium. For a free month of Stitcher Premium, go t...o and use promo code "DOUG."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Doug hates candy wrappers, screaming, maybe sticky seeds with 50 azipop or kernels in his teeth. There's still not one that he won't see, cause Doug loves movies. Hey, hey, hey everybody. My name is Doug and I love the MCU. This is Doug Loves Movies coming to you once again from now, what do we do now that WandaVision is over? Another Homes Alone episode. It's Sunday, March 14th, 2021. We all turned our clocks ahead, or I guess the clocks did it themselves these days, and everybody is here. We've got two newbies and the current champion. It's Jim Cummings, Rachel McCartney, and Frank Conniff, everybody.
Starting point is 00:00:57 Hey! Hey, Doug. Hey. This is the part where everybody awkwardly says hello at the same time. So let's meet everybody individually so the listeners can lock in on our individual voices. First time guest, Brooklyn comedy phenom, Rachel McCartney is here. Hello, Rachel. Oh, you're so kind. Phenom. Thank you for having me.
Starting point is 00:01:25 You know, that's what that's the word on the streets. Perfect. You're tearing it up out there in Brooklyn. I even hear that you're looking to relocate. Yes, yes I am, but still within Bushwick. So if there is a fan of your podcast who doesn't have a cat and would have a room available for like around 700 and rent, hit me up on Twitter. I'm at Rachel M comedy. I love it. That would be so awesome. If you've got a, uh, a new place to live through this show, what is the social media following for if not avoiding Craigslist?
Starting point is 00:02:04 What is a social media following for, if not avoiding Craigslist? Yeah, exactly. There's no reason to mess with that. Just do the slightly less creepy version. But also, you know, you got, you got a fan base. You can talk to him on Twitter. I don't know about on Craigslist. I hope not. Also joining us for the first time, writer, director, and star of Thunder Road and The Wolf of Snow Hollow, it's Jim Cummings. Yeah. Hey, how's it going?
Starting point is 00:02:39 Hey, dude. It's an honor to be here. Thank you for having me. Oh, that's so awesome that you said yes to being here. Of course, Wolf of Snow Hollow came out during, I guess, fairly early on in quarantine. And we talked about it a lot on the show. And Ricky Lindholm came by and was a guest. And we talked about it a lot on the show and uh ricky lindholm was a came by and was a guest and we talked about it then and uh when i noticed you were following me on twitter i was like well let's just let's get the man himself and uh and you've got some stuff you're you're working on like multiple projects right now yeah we just uh premiered our new feature, which is called The Beta Test.
Starting point is 00:03:25 It's another horror, comedy, weird movie, tonally. But it's about the agency war with the Writers Guild of America. And we shot that in December, very luckily. So we beat quarantine and I've just been editing it for the last like 14 months. But yeah, it's a gnarly one it's kind of weird to like jump immediately into post-production and dodge a lot of the stuff that you know most of my friends are still trying to shoot things and we were just incredibly lucky to not be in that boat and then uh you have a second thing you're working on as well uh yeah i'm writing a bunch of stuff right now that is kind
Starting point is 00:04:08 of under wraps but really fun i guess the same kind of tone too of like comedy horror things i'm really enjoying that space and um it was weird to like put out wolf of snow hollow as a horror movie and then there's just more laughs in it than there are scares. And obviously like Ricky is a comedy actress and most of the cast is comedy actors. People really dug it. It was like, although we pushed it as a horror movie, people were like, Oh, it's also really funny. And so I was like, all right, cool. I think I could probably make more movies like this. Well, you know, that's the thing though, is I,
Starting point is 00:04:40 I find that horror movies that, that lean more on the comedy, the scares tend to get you even more just because you're not waiting for them as much. You're having fun and laughing and then the jump scare happens. Yeah, it's a bit of sleight of hand, I feel like. If you can make an audience laugh, they're more susceptible to heartbreak or horror. Yeah, they're not expecting it as much. They think that they're in safe hands and then you get to destroy them it's great fun yeah i mean the uh i guess the classic example of like the movie that's super scary but also quite funny would be american werewolf in uh in london
Starting point is 00:05:24 it's fantastic. Yeah. There's a lot of really wonderful moments of that. Like what is the pentagram on the wall for? And then the record skips and it's like one of the funniest moments in movies and it's in a really great horror movie too. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it's just so random, but when, when Griffin Dunn comes back and he's dead and he, but he picks up that little Mickey Mouse doll and just waves his hand and goes, Hi, David. It's so damn funny for some reason.
Starting point is 00:05:53 Yeah, he's fantastic in that movie. And it's funny, it's like people in the audience really appreciate that stuff. I think for a long time, people were scared to blend those two genres. But I always say, if you don't make jokes throughout your movies, your audience as well, like people are kind of like waiting for humor and it's just, I don't know. You're missing a lot of opportunities to engage with the audience if you're not making jokes throughout. Yeah. Well, that's you know, the audience,
Starting point is 00:06:17 that's why they gravitate towards the bad horror movies and bad movies in general is because the, the opportunity to feel smart and make your own jokes the whole time. Right. It's good. It's good to beat them to the punch. Yeah. Also joining us today, speaking of bad movies, this guy has seen a few are returning champ.
Starting point is 00:06:39 Some call him TV's Frank it's Frank Conniff. Hey Doug. Great to be back. You've been killing it. I don't know if you really, you know, knew when you came on the show a few weeks ago that, that you would just keep coming back. I did not know that. And it's, it's exciting. And, you know, I just have a sense of pride to know that the reason I won twice and I'm back is out of sheer dumb luck.
Starting point is 00:07:11 So that's great. Yeah, it's a real lesson for all of us. I lucked my way into my victories completely. Yeah, but multiple wins, so there must be something going on. I know. I doubt that. You must be doing something right. Is there a point where you would say, you know what, I don't want to come back next week. Or are you,
Starting point is 00:07:30 is the idea of just continuing to be champion exciting enough that you would do it for? No, I, I, I enjoy coming back and you know, luckily you're catching me at a time when I'm home a lot. So yeah, I happen to be available. You know, if you had said, Frank, can you do it next Tuesday at 3.00 AM? I'd be, yeah, yeah, I can do that too. Whatever. And you get to meet lots of exciting folks.
Starting point is 00:07:58 I don't think you knew Rachel or Jim prior to today. I'm not sure if I know Rachel performs. We follow each other on Twitter. Yes, and I know we perform at some of the same clubs, but I'm not sure I've had the pleasure of meeting her yet. So this is awesome. Well, great to meet you now. Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:08:19 You do feel with comedians that, you know, you end up following somebody and the lines get blurred of like, do we know each other or do I just like some of the jokes and decided to give it a whirl?
Starting point is 00:08:37 And I've been enjoying Rachel's tweets a great deal since... Yeah, same. Thank you. It's a weird way for us to finally meet but i i am happy to uh to meet you and jim and we're gonna play some movie trivia in a second but first the question that tv's frank already knows is coming, so we'll go to him first. I just like all of my guests to just recommend a movie.
Starting point is 00:09:12 It could be any movie from any time in the history of cinema, but something people can actually seek out and watch would be, you know, makes it even better. and watch would be, you know, makes it even better. Well, I happened to just last night see a movie on Netflix and I was in no hurry to see it, but I just kind of on a whim chose it last night. And it's actually, if you like crime movies, it's not a great movie, but it's good and it's enjoyable.
Starting point is 00:09:47 It's called Parker with Jason Stratham or however you say him. Yeah, Jason. And Jennifer Lopez and directed by Taylor Hackford, which was a complete surprise to me. I didn't I wasn't aware of that. And like very much in the vein, if you've ever seen the great. Movie with Lee Marvin called Point Blank. It's from the same author, Daniel Westlake, who used the pseudonym Richard Stark
Starting point is 00:10:23 for a novel about this hard-boiled criminal called Parker. He wrote like about 20 novels with this one character. And the movie Point Blank was based on this character. The movie Payback with Mel Gibson was a remake of Point Blank. Right. And an enjoyable movie, I must say, but not as good as Point Blank. And this, Parker isn't as good as Point Blank either, but it's the same character and a very similar plot and a lot of good performances in it. And just a very efficient, well-done crime movie with some great violent scenes in it.
Starting point is 00:11:08 And what can I say? I mean, it's not like in a league with like a point blank or like some of the great Elmore Leonard crime movies like Get Shorty or the other one that Jennifer Lopez. Out of Sight. Yeah, the other one with Jennifer Lopez is in. But I must say, it did what we want of all pandemic movies. It passed the time.
Starting point is 00:11:39 And I enjoyed it. I've been using that movie. I enjoyed it. I've been using that movie. I mean, that movie's been my, when I've got some time to kill, you know, or I can't sleep, I'll watch, you know, a few more minutes of it. So I haven't gotten through all of it yet, but that's one of those movies that I feel like I saw it when it came out. But you're right.
Starting point is 00:12:01 It is a decent movie, but it's also just, you know, it's just wall-to-wall you know tropes and uh you know there's no surprises in it to speak not really no no just just um good it kind of achieves what it sets out to do it's it's ambitions i guess are kind of modest yeah but uh but but it achieves it and um and I do like those kind of crime crime films like Get Harry with with Michael Caine, you know, those kind of things. And this is in that vein. And or Get Carter, I should say, was the name of the Michael Caine movie, which is like a hard-boiled British crime film. I mean, you know, Michael Caine, it's so hard to keep track of him. He's one of the few living actors who's, like,
Starting point is 00:12:53 remade one of his own films and played a different character. Yeah, yeah, exactly. That's how long he's been around. And he's so great. I mean, he's so versatile. He can play, like, a really a really hard boiled criminal type of character. And then he can play this like in Hannah and her sisters, he can play this complete nerdy, awkward guy. You know, he's,
Starting point is 00:13:17 he's just an amazing actor. Yeah. He's, he's quite good. And it's his birthday today. Oh, is it? I didn't know that. Well, I'm glad I mentioned him. I'm glad I did a shout-out on his birthday because he's one of the best. Yeah, he's a good one. Rachel, you don't, you know, Frank knew this was coming, so he, you know, he watched a movie and wrote an entire review. I have listened before, so.
Starting point is 00:13:47 Do you know that this sort of thing happens? Do you have a go-to movie, something you recommend at this point? Yeah, I'm excited that I'm finally asked for one since it's been updated, because I used to always say, I used to always say Moonlight, which is an amazing movie.
Starting point is 00:14:05 But like when you pick something that's already that well-known, people are like, yeah, we've heard of Moonlight, you know. But I have one now that I've watched over quarantine that I thought was just like so good that a lot of people haven't heard of, which was Skeleton Twins. which was Skeleton Twins. It's a 2014 movie with Kristen Wiig and Bill Hader. And they play suicidal twins who haven't talked to each other in 10 years. So it's them reconnecting and they just have like the best sibling chemistry on screen. And they're so funny. And I watched it when I was incredibly depressed and it like pulled me out of the pit a little bit. It was a really, really nice movie to watch yeah well that's it's interesting that it had that
Starting point is 00:14:52 effect on you because i think if somebody goes into it in a really good mood that that might change you know what i mean because it is a heavy. Like you're already in a heavy space. So you, you know, you found the light in it, but it is, it's not the, you know, the comedy that necessarily people might expect from those two. Definitely. But the parts that are funny are very funny. Yeah, absolutely. I mean, that's, I guess that's sort of true of, you know, of Barry as well. That show is quite heavy, but also has some super funny stuff in it like bill hader definitely likes to go dark he's unbelievable yeah i've been meaning to watch barry
Starting point is 00:15:34 so i will count that as a tenth recommendation for me to finally do it it's great there's an episode of barry called ronnie lily in the second season that is profound it is like really long takes and it feels like a movie that would screen in can and it's bill hader directing and it's unbelievable he is so talented yep oh yeah uh are they making more i guess they're making more barry as we speak or i know that they're ordered to do season three at the very least so yeah they're writing they're writing season three oh okay so they're not dealing with uh COVID production situation just yet not that I've heard no um like is everybody is all of Hollywood getting the vaccine so that production can ramp up more?
Starting point is 00:16:30 Or do you, so Jim, I guess. Yeah, apparently tomorrow, today's the 14th, tomorrow's the 15th, it's Monday. Apparently that is the day that entertainment workers will be able to get vaccinated. So we're tier like 2a or something like that so i haven't signed up i'm treating it like it's 28 days later outside i don't really need a vaccine because of that um so uh i'm gonna do it as casually as possible i'll probably get it at like a cvs a couple months from now but um but yeah apparently entertainment workers can can sign up for it is that in la is that the kind of thing where your agent has to book you for it?
Starting point is 00:17:08 And then they mess it up. Yeah, exactly. They thought you weren't right for the vaccine. They're going in a different direction. Yeah. When the healthcare worker asks you for your ID, you just go, do you know who I am? Yeah. How do you prove you're in the entertainment industry?
Starting point is 00:17:23 You just like do a big circle around your face. Just like, look at me. This is how I get in. Yeah. How do you prove you're in the entertainment industry? You just like do a big circle around your face. Just like, look at me. This is the, this is how I get it. Yeah. And your agent has to go with you. Cause they get 10%. Yeah. Same needle. Yeah. They use the same needle. They get a little drop at the end. Okay. So Skeleton Twins and Parker, um okay so uh skeleton twins and parker what have you got jim what would you recommend um i might recommend two because i'm a bit schizophrenic but the first one is another
Starting point is 00:17:57 birthday movie uh johnny flynn's birthday is today it's the 14th of March and he was in Emma, which I saw during quarantine, the Autumn DeWild film. And it's phenomenal. I thought when it started out, it was going to be too cutesy and twee, but his performance in it is incredible and it's very light and very beautiful. And if you haven't seen it, it's worth watching. And I hope it didn't get buried too much because it came out digitally during quarantine. But it's really quite good. It's Emma. And then the other one is Corpus Christi, which is another movie that came out in America in early 2020. But it's on the Criterion Channel and it's Polish and it's phenomenally made.
Starting point is 00:18:40 I'd say those two movies are probably the most opposite of each other of any two movies ever made sorry because corpus christi is quite uh intense oh it's fantastic it's so good yeah and then emma is uh i don't know if light is the way right word for it because it doesn't seem like you were saying it's not cutesy really but it's it's definitely the colors are very different from Corpus Christi's very dark film and Emma's very light
Starting point is 00:19:16 yeah alright I'm going to officially take Emma as your recommendation I just need one to go I like to do a poll on Twitter and see of the three recommendations, which movie the listeners like the most and encourage them to, you know,
Starting point is 00:19:34 watch all the movies that get recommended. Okay, perfect. Let's go to a quick commercial break. And then when we come back, we will play some games. We'll be right back. No flipping. We're back. And I've prepared a couple of fun games to play today, starting off with one we've played on the game,
Starting point is 00:20:00 played here on the show a bunch of times over the years. People seem to like it. It's weird. It's called ABCD's Nuts. And it's a spelling game. So in honor of Jim Cummings' movie, Thunder Road, that's what we're going to spell. We're going to spell Thunder Road. And we'll go in uh alphabetical order so we'll start with uh
Starting point is 00:20:31 frank and then go to jim and then go to rachel uh frank i'll give you the letter the letter we're on in thunder road and the first letter of course T. And then you just tell me any movie that you can think of that begins with the letter T. And if you match me, you win the game automatically. But that seems like impossible, right? So there's a theme that occurs with all of these titles that I've chosen. I think it's in my head. And so if you can think of that, that will help you out tremendously in this game. But there's no pressure.
Starting point is 00:21:13 This is just sort of a warm-up game. And the winner only gets to go first in the next game. So don't worry about it too much. So do you want just one title for me or all the ones? I'm going to just say, Frank, you get the first letter. It's T. Name any movie that begins with letter T. And of course, going first in this case is not that much of an advantage because you don't even, you have no idea what the theme could be without any titles coming up yet.
Starting point is 00:21:44 Okay. Well, I'm going to, I hope this isn't too obscure, but I'm going to say Terminator. Okay. I mean, it'd be amazing. It'd be amazing if you matched me. I would, I would love to see that happen, but I went with a classic called taken. Oh yeah. That is. Yeah. Liam Ne yeah, that is.
Starting point is 00:22:07 Liam Neeson film, Taken. All right, so now the next letter is H. So that means we move on to Jim. And Jim just names any movie that begins with H, but keeping in mind that the first movie that I picked was Taken. So it could be like action themed or like Liam Neeson themed. And I just have to guess based on the letter H. Yeah. Something like that.
Starting point is 00:22:33 I would say I'm going to go with action and say Hacksaw Ridge. I like it. I like the way you worked all of that out. But I chose Hobo with a Shotgun. Okay. Next letter is U, and it goes to Rachel. Undercover Brother? I think everybody should say that movie title with a question mark at the end
Starting point is 00:23:08 well i'd like my trendsetter undercover brother uh no but great great guests you great guests so far i went with a film called upgrade upgrade huh and is the next letter, back over to Frank. This is hard. What is the letter? N. N. It's the next letter in Thunder Road. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:23:42 N would be, um, uh, uh, not another teen movie. No, I know that's wrong. That's the only, the only thing that came into my head, but that's how you stay in the game. It's just, you know, just name any movie that begins. And, uh, the movie i chose is called no escape oh okay yeah so now we're on d and back to jim so i'm thinking like revenge violence movie so i think i think i've actually got a really good one. I'm on D.
Starting point is 00:24:29 Yeah, you're D. Okay. Because of Liam in it and because of Taken, I'm going to say Darkman. That is as good a reason as any to say that. But I'm wrong. I wrote down. Damn it.
Starting point is 00:24:47 I got so excited. that was pretty good that you're on to something that i that i wasn't even aware of but i went with the movie drive okay drive drive hmm e is the next letter to rachel oh wow i thought it was going in a different i was preparing for r and thinking of like start with r so let me try to think of one if jim wanted like a cooler spelling for the title he could have i'm so sorry rachel left the u and the e out you know okay well i'm just going to be honest and say the only movie that i can think of that starts with an e is election uh which i am sure is wrong that's not what i wrote down but it you know i don't think all other movies that begin with e can take a seat because election
Starting point is 00:25:38 is pretty amazing it's a great movie it's just just not an action adventure movie at all. No. I mean, it kind of is an adventure for Matthew Broderick's character. But no, for E, I went with End of Watch. Oh, that's the Gyllenhaal cop movie? Yeah, that one. You know, I might have been able to get that if I cheated. Yeah, no cheating. Thank you for reminding everybody to don't cheat. R is the next letter.
Starting point is 00:26:13 Back to Frank. R. R. Okay. Repo Man. That's a great R. That's a great R. That's a super good R. I went with Rampart.
Starting point is 00:26:32 Oh, Rampart. That's kind of like a cop movie, right? Like the Rampart District of L.A. Yeah, Woody Harrelson. It's Woody Harrelson as a not a, you know, he's one of them bad cops. And, yeah, it's an intense one. R, again, Thunder Road has two R's. So remind me, it's Taken, it's an end of an R.
Starting point is 00:27:03 Bow with a shotgun. Bow shotgun. Upgrade, no escape, drive, end of watch, Rampart. Now we need another R title. I'm going to say, because of all the cop stuff, RoboCop. Again, the guesses are right on point. You guys should have wrapped this up a long time ago because you're doing it right.
Starting point is 00:27:30 But the one I went with is the movie called Red. Oh, okay. Yeah. O is the next letter for Rachel. We're going to pass
Starting point is 00:27:48 because I don't know a single movie that starts with O. I mean, if you're ever in this position again, which why would you be? There is a movie called just O. It's a modern telling of Othello with uh that's right uh they just named it that to be first yeah julia styles is in it it's actually quite good i like her i like that version of it yeah yeah it's not a bad movie so that's uh that's just called oh but what i wrote down was uh a movie called only god forgives man another another nicholas winding reffin so it's drive and that what could it be yeah you got it twice somehow is it la okay okay
Starting point is 00:28:37 so cool so you just gave yourself away there that's not it okay uh a is the next letter for Frank. Okay. A. Analyze this. No. Animal Kingdom. Okay. Kingdom.
Starting point is 00:29:03 Oh, okay. Finally, Jim, you get the last-ditch chance to win this thing if you can tell me the D title that I wrote down. Based on all of that mess that came before.
Starting point is 00:29:23 Don't breathe? It's too bad there's not a drive to because that's totally what i would have yeah gone that way just for fun um you go you're going with don't breathe yeah the movie that i wrote down is dread d-r-e-E-D-D. Oh, wow. From 2012. And those are all movies from, you know, the, what do you call that year? Those years, 10, 10, 20 to 10 to 2020. The teens? The teens.
Starting point is 00:30:00 Those are all teen action and cop movies from that decade so no i just realized you can say 2010s yeah it totally works i was thinking it was so much more complex i was like are they all have the same cinematographer is it like i was like racking my brain um okay yeah well that's the thing is that uh when it when this you know when it's the theme is more more specific i find that the people have a you know a harder time with it um you know in general but everybody's uh you know brains are different and also the amount of how seriously you take it is different. Like, you know, a lot of people are more casual about it, so they don't, so their guesses are terrible.
Starting point is 00:30:50 They just say the first movie. I mean, I think, I think, I think I'm in the category of just any title without a dish show, whatever you think of, just say it. Yeah. Cause it's weird that the pressure, like especially when we play this game on stage people sometimes can't even you know they just can't think of any movie with that that begins with that letter and that that's you know seems like it should be easy but it's not oh don't talk about me behind my back in front of me right here i i would like to amend my guess for o from nothing to oceans 11 so i'm still'm still wrong. So you have one.
Starting point is 00:31:26 Less embarrassing. But I also really appreciate just the hard pass. Like, you know, you just said, no, I'm just not going to do this. And I like that. It takes swagger.
Starting point is 00:31:38 Yeah. Thank you. So no winner, but that's okay because we're going to play another game. And in that game, I will make sure that there is a winner, but the order will remain the same.
Starting point is 00:31:55 We'll go in alphabetical order again. We're going to go to another quick break. We'll be back to determine who is the best. I can't even, I can't even pump it up. This is how teachers curve zeros. Yeah. We'll play this dumb game after this. We'll be right back. We're back. And I'm very excited about this next game,
Starting point is 00:32:25 because if you thought you all had to put too much thought into your answers on the last game, this one can be a real puzzler. The game is called Come Again, and it's about movies that are available on demand on my cable system right now that just happen to share one word which is especially fun considering jim cummings is here because there are currently movies you can buy called come Away, Come Play, Come to Daddy, Coming from Insanity, Come True, and The World to Come. Wow.
Starting point is 00:33:12 They're all a year or two old, as things on demand have a tendency to be. So here's how this is going to work. I'm going to take turns like that last game. So here's how this is going to work. I'm going to take turns like that last game. I'll start with Frank and I will tell you the description of one of those movies that's on the, my cable system. And then I will give you three choices amongst all of those titles and narrow it down to three so that somebody will get it right.
Starting point is 00:33:43 If Frank misses, then we move on to to jim if jim misses we rachel gets the gimme point because uh there's only one option left at that point because i only give and are these are these the this specifically the movies you just you just listed yeah it'll be from those movies okay i'll give you three of the titles instead of having you pick from all seven okay cool got it three of them any other questions uh start with frank uh but everybody you know like i said if frank misses it get ready to play strange events plague a troubled town. This sounds like Wolf of Snow Hollow so far.
Starting point is 00:34:33 Because I actually said town, it's teen. Strange events plague a troubled teen when she participates in an experiment to stop her nightmares. Frank, is this movie called coming from insanity, come true or the world to come? This is a, a guess or, you know, I'm going to say come true. Come true is your guess? Yes.
Starting point is 00:35:16 Well, guess what? That is correct. Oh, yeah. Because you said, well, it wasn't a total guess. Cause when you said dreams, I thought I put the phrase come true together with dreams. So that's why I said that. Dreams do and can come true, as is also the case with nightmares. And I feel like I don't even need to see that movie. I feel like we've just summed it up beautifully. But I don't know maybe
Starting point is 00:35:46 it's good but frank is on the board frank has one point uh so now we'll start with jim on this next one an ambitious currency agent an ambitious courage currency agent becomes determined to bring a talented counterfeiter to justice. Is that movie called Come Play, The World to Come, or Coming from Insanity? Jim Cummings. A lot of coming i'm gonna guess the world to come that is incorrect damn it damn it rachel he's narrowed it down to two titles for you an ambitious currency agent becomes determined to bring a talented counterfeiter
Starting point is 00:36:47 to justice. Is it Come Play or Coming from Insanity? I'm going to guess Come Play just because it sounds like a better title. Oh my God, Rachel. I can't believe this has happened.
Starting point is 00:37:10 That is incorrect. No. I can very much believe this has happened. Frank, it's back to you. Okay. And it seems easy. Do you remember which titles I suggested this one to be? Back to you. Okay. And it seems easy. Do you remember which titles I suggested this one to be?
Starting point is 00:37:31 No, I don't. Please repeat them for me. I'm sorry. You have to come up with it from your memory. Okay. How about Coming from Insanity? Yeah, that's the one. So, Frank, you did it. You just won the game.
Starting point is 00:37:51 I can't believe that that happened so quickly and so handily. We've really let ourselves down, Rachel. This is a tragedy. We've let the reigning champ take the crown. You know what we learn from struggle? I just, I think, you know, we might have found in Frank Conniff, someone who, even when the game is just go ahead and guess, is very good at guessing.
Starting point is 00:38:24 But let's play another round just for fun because I have it here. And I do think it's fun. We'll start with you again, Jim. Which movie do you think's got the description Two farmers' wives find themselves irrevocably drawn to each other. Drawn to each other. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:55 Irrevocably. That's a weird word to use there. Like, I'm going to revoke this attraction. I saw this. I saw the trailer for this. It's a bit like Portrait of a Lady on Fire. It looks quite good. I'm spacing on the name of it. Let me give you the three options. Thank Christ.
Starting point is 00:39:15 Is it Come to Daddy? I know that's not right. Because of the subject matter, I know that's not it. that's not right because the subject matter i know that's not it or come away or the world to come oh christ and now i'm like seeing the trailer on the apple trailers app in my mind i think it's i think it's the world to come. Yes. Okay. Thank heavens.
Starting point is 00:39:48 That's correct. Yeah. So. I have my dignity. This is great. You finally came to life when it was too late. Let me give one more to Rachel to try and see if you can get one. I want to first thank you so much for not doing this lesbian movie because i should have known it but i didn't you're able to keep your uh uh your dignity intact right
Starting point is 00:40:19 there you go i really i really appreciate that but ahead. I almost said pride. That didn't seem like the right word to use there. It's the perfect word to use. It's perfect. Yeah. That's why I used it. Okay. So, Rachel, which one do you think it is that Alice seeks refuge in a rabbit hole while Peter enters a magical realm as the leader of the Lost Boys. So basically, they're just describing like Alice in Wonderland and Peter Pan. So I guess both of those are in the public domain enough that somebody could just take those characters and make a movie hollywood but uh rachel what do you think that would be called come away come play or come to daddy i mean i guess that would be like captain hook referred to himself as daddy that would be a good title i i would guess come away that is correct you got one well done yes you did it wow i'm so relieved that movie that you described isn't
Starting point is 00:41:37 called come to daddy exactly yeah i'm like there are there are no adults in these movies, and there should not be any adults in these movies. I'd see it. If Captain Hook was Daddy, I would be first in line to see that film. Come to Daddy is actually a pretty intense movie with Nicolas Cage and Elijah Wood. Oh, that's right. And I saw it at a film festival and it's, you know, it's pretty wild. It's fun, but that's the one title that I didn't, you know, I kept using it,
Starting point is 00:42:17 but I didn't actually write down the description because it's like, you know, a man, you know, tries to reconcile with his father. Like it's just too obvious that he'd come to daddy. And then Come Play, the description for that movie says, a mysterious creature uses a lonely boy's electronic devices to break into our world. Ooh. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:45 So that just, that feels good. Sounds like. Ooh. Yeah. So that just, that feels like come play. Yeah. Yeah. That one was, that one was going to be the tiebreaker. Cause I, you know, I thought that one was the most obvious. Yeah. So that would have been a speed round if we'd gotten to that, but this gives us extra plenty of extra time for a couple other things, starting with plugs, Rachel McCartney do you have um any kind of shows that you're doing like any place uh that people can come check you out uh no because my roommate has forbidden me from doing even outdoor shows which is why I'm trying to find a new place.
Starting point is 00:43:30 But if you would like to enjoy my comedy, I tweet obsessively. I am at Rachel and comedy and I will post show dates when I have them again on there. That's so wild that your roommate. Oh, because, because your roommate is afraid you'll bring the covid back into the house is that it yeah even though i i just got vaccinated and i have a date to get like my second shot and she's like well you can't do after shows until i'm vaccinated and i was like okay well can you try to get vaccinated and she's like how can you tell me when to get vaccinated in my house oh man wow wow that sucks i'm sorry i think it's appropriate that i brought
Starting point is 00:44:09 drama onto a movie podcast right yeah i just i'm just so frustrated with your you know i'm so sympathetic to your position because like i mean none of us should be like dying to go do any kind of shows but you know it just it kind of comes down to, you know, you both to continue to have an act and also to make some money, you know, it's just, you know, it's people want to get out and do something. So like, that's wild that she, she won't let you, she's against even an outdoor show. Cause it seems like there's some pretty safe ones uh you know yeah definitely
Starting point is 00:44:45 i mean i i went as an audience member to one that was in a park and everybody was six feet away from each other and wearing a mask and i mean it's it's effectively the same thing as just going to the park yeah yeah it's such a weird thing where it's like this virus is the one time where you can't trust people to make their own decisions in a weird way of like, or people can take it as an insult where if you make a decision in a grocery store by being lenient, you're making that decision for everybody that you live with. And that's the scary thing, right? I mean, yeah, I mean, almost everybody who gets the virus now is doing it because they're more lenient. It's like, there's nothing special about us or me. Like I could walk through a cloud of it and catch it. It's a, it's just a weird culture thing where personal
Starting point is 00:45:37 responsibility is on trial. It's yeah, that sucks, Rachel. I'm sorry. Yeah, but I totally agree. Like people have been way too lenient with their behavior and i i'm pro wearing a mask i don't think people should be doing uh stuff in your indoors generally so i'm i'm not a like just live your life you can't be controlled by for your person like i i agree we're all interdependent what happens to one happens to all blah blah blah but um yes thank you for your sympathy. And yes, once again, if anybody has a place to move, hit me up. Yeah. And we got to find you a place to move to where they're not going to have that kind of rule. How easily do you think she'll replace you as a
Starting point is 00:46:19 roommate with that particular rule you know, rule. Well, she has a best friend who's moving in next month anyway. So I think it's going to work out great for her. I see. All right. Well, yeah, let's find a, everybody let Rachel know where she can live. It's gotta be in Bushwick and it's gotta be with someone who's not a dick. That second part's optional. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:46:51 It depends on what type of dick. All right. They just can't tell you what to do. That doesn't seem right. Yeah, you're not my mom. Frank Conniff, you'll be back next week. Oh, really? You know, I'm figuring out the reason i keep winning is because you can win by just answering one question correctly on the show it really can come down it really is kind of a luck of the draw kind of thing and i don't i don't
Starting point is 00:47:20 know how you're doing it i'm gonna bring in some heavy hitters in the next yeah please somebody unseat me please i'll put an end to this get that guy from jeopardy on next time yeah yeah but between now and next sunday is there do you have any um events that you want to tell people about um i don't have uh any events between um now and next Sunday, the next movie riffing show that Traceable you and I are doing will be the second Tuesday in April. And that'll be an evening of short films. So, and, and, and if you, and I, I have a book that I recently published a book of short stories called you're ruining the dystopia for
Starting point is 00:48:06 everyone. And that's available at Amazon. So if people want to check that out. Nice. All right. And we'll talk, we'll talk about both those things again, next week, Jim Cummings, mostly working in a world shrouded in secrecy, but the beta test, how soon are people going to be able to see that? Pretty soon. We're doing like sales right now. We've had a bit of a bidding war, which is pretty cool. But there's a film that I executively produced that's at South by Southwest this coming week. So if you log into South by, you can watch it. And it's called See You Then by a director and writer named Mari Walker. So that's what I'll plug. Okay. See You Then is part of the South by Southwest programming, which, you know, every year has been an amazing festival. I've been going for a long time and always do stuff there and see lots of great movies.
Starting point is 00:49:06 And it's a shame that they, you know, have to go virtual again this year, but it is a way for anybody that can never, you know, has never had the means to travel to Austin can experience so many movies, so many panels and a lot of comedy, too. You get all of it with a pretty reasonably priced pass. Doug Loves Movies is an opening night event of South by Southwest Comedy. That'll be on Tuesday, March 16th at 6 o'clock Central Time where they are in Austin. And you can go to for tickets to, you know,
Starting point is 00:49:55 I'm excited to say come watch Doug Lowe's movies, but then, you know, their tickets are going to get them so many other things, including you can see this movie that Jim's talking about called see you then. So it looks like it's a pretty good deal. So I don't have, you know, I'm not going to make any money off of it, but it's still I, you know, hope that South by gets back to you know,
Starting point is 00:50:22 full strength next year. And then I'll be there doing those movies in person. Um, so we close off every, uh, Doug Lowe's movies lately with the last line from, uh, a movie and, you know, the classic ones, there aren't, there aren't that many great final lines. A lot of movies just end on some sort of, you know, rather mundane sentence or comment. But what about, Jim, do you know offhand the last line in your movies,
Starting point is 00:50:59 or is that something you remember? The last line of dialogue in The wolf of snow hollow is a college student walking into the dorm uh building where i just dropped off my daughter and he says all right fresh meat it's just a really funny line because then i stop in my tracks and i like am i gonna go beat up this kid and then i I keep walking. And that's, I just like ending a movie with that stupid joke. But yeah, I remember. Yeah, that's what I mean. It's like some end lines are like, you know, especially out of context, you know, don't make much sense.
Starting point is 00:51:35 And what about, do you remember what the last line of Thunder Road was? The last line of Thunder Road is stop being a little Grinch. And it's me, my daughter's being a jerk and I'm taking her to the ballet and she has my cell phone and I ripped the cell phone out of her hand. And then we go and watch the ballet. And you say, tell her to not be a little Grinch?
Starting point is 00:51:55 Stop being a little Grinch. Yeah. Wow, those are really hard. I got to choose one for today's show to end with. And they're both so good i'll uh i'll surprise everybody stop being a little grinch or all right fresh meat i like them both thank you once again to all of you for being here jim cummings rachel mccartney frank conniff will be back once again for week four next sunday available wherever you get your podcasts sunday night at midnight uh anybody have any last words thank you thank you so much
Starting point is 00:52:41 i would have laughed so hard if it was just silent like you all already left just i wanted my last word to be uh please help rachel get an apartment yeah that really is that's this that's the strong message of this episode is if you know anybody in bushwick that needs a roommate or or if you have an amazing situation where she could live by herself for the amount that she quoted, hit her up. What's your Twitter handle, Rachel? At Rachel M Comedy. This has been better than promoting any show ever.
Starting point is 00:53:21 Well, we'll see what happens. Let me know if you actually get some good leads out of this. I don't know if this is a good way to go or not, but I feel pretty good about it. Thank you so much. All right. Thank you, everybody. Thank you. Such great guests. You know, we'll see you down the road, as they say in Nomadland. And as always, stop being a little Grinch.

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