Doug Loves Movies - Guy Branum, Adam Conover and Blair Socci guest

Episode Date: September 26, 2022

Doug welcomes Guy Branum, Adam Conover and Blair Socci to the show.You can find the entire archive of Doug Loves Movies on Stitcher Premium. For a free month of Stitcher Premium, go to and use promo code "DOUG."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Doug hates candy wrappers, screaming baby sticky seeds with 50 azepam or kernels in his teeth. There's still not one that he won't see, cause Doug loves movies! Hey, hey, hey everybody! My name is Doug and I love movies. This is Doug Loves Movies on Sunday, September 25th, 2022. And we've got a good one for you today. My guests are Guy Branum, Adam Conover, and Blair Saki. Hello. Hello.
Starting point is 00:00:38 Hello. Hi. Let's meet everybody individually and alphabetically by first name. Thanks to the Alison Rosen rule. It's in effect. That means we start with a man who ruins everything by his own admission. Adam Conover. Hello, Adam.
Starting point is 00:01:02 Hey, thank you so much for having me, Doug. It's a delight and a joy to be here. And when you said it was going to be alphabetical, you know, a pit started to form in my stomach because I knew that was me and I had to steal myself. We can get ready for my introduction. Yeah, I think people towards the beginning of the alphabet tend to be that way.
Starting point is 00:01:21 People towards the end of the alphabet tend to be like, ugh, I've got to wait forever before they get to me. And, uh, so Alison Rosen suggested we just flip, flip the script and alphabetize my first name. Cause that doesn't happen much once you're an adult and, um, and a C I'm an A and a C and I get both, I get it from both sides. I'm always early. you have it all um it's crazy and we talked about uh names on my one of my other podcasts wide world of dubs and we would love to have you come by for that one because uh you know you you you do shows and and projects where you kind of uh point out things you know shitty practices and things that aren't right and things that are fraudulent and your your name is con over it's like your name is true you're like wet souls pretzels it's like your name led you to what it is you're doing now and it's wonderful
Starting point is 00:02:20 i didn't even notice as people started tweeting it at me the first year the show came out people were like don't Adam don't you realize your name is the con is over I was like oh I had no I had no cognizance of this whatsoever it's not a fake name it is my real name it's nothing but a delightful coincidence and what are you planning on ruining next like what's going on right now oh my god literally right now? Oh, my God. Literally right now, I'm making I'm working on a YouTube video. I haven't really done this before, but I'm sort of dipping my toe into the YouTube video essay kind of waters because there was this story about this Patagonia billionaire who, you know, supposedly donated the entire company to save the planet. And I looked into it a little bit and i was like oh this story is bullshit and i tweeted about it i tweeted about him people got really mad at me because people
Starting point is 00:03:12 love those puffer vests the pupper vests and they love the story behind the puffer vests which is that a saintly rock climber who loves the planet accidentally started a three billion dollar company but he doesn't want to be a billionaire he just loves the planet and so he's just donating it uh out of the goodness of his heart oh coincidentally he's donating it to a charity that he owns and controls and his family will control in perpetuity uh and you know he'll be using the money to you know pour hundreds of millions of dollars into the u.s political system uh ensuring that they become like political king makers for generations to come uh but you know people don't like that they become like political king makers for generations to come uh but you know people don't like that they just like the story about how the guy drives a subaru and uh
Starting point is 00:03:51 people got really mad at me and i was like i think uh i think i could make a 15 minute little rant about this and so i'm shooting that later this week to see uh see how people like that they probably won't like it at all to be honest but i'll get satisfaction out of it i mean i love it and uh you know i've heard a lot of the other same things that like you know it's basically just a big tax dodge and uh it's just amazing how how everybody gets so excited about something like that and then adam conover ruins it immediately and uh as it should be that's exactly how it should be and thank you for uh taking time out from your this important mission to uh you know play some silly games and also i need the break okay good also joining us today uh host co-host co-host just host pardon me of the i forgot that he's
Starting point is 00:04:49 not actually on it of the dear owen wilson podcast it's blair sake hello blair hello dog how are you today i'm doing pretty good sitting here thinking about you and Owen Wilson. Yeah. And wondering, are you an Owen Wilson completist? Have you seen every Owen Wilson movie? I'm sure there's one or two that I haven't seen. Every once in a while, I'll discover something that I didn't know was there. And of course, it's a thrill. It's a joy. It's always he always over delivers but um i do
Starting point is 00:05:28 intend to have him on my podcast at some point and then i can and then i'll probably just retire it i it's a perfect ending to have him on the you know the show and then you know wrap it up there he does know about it he does know about it because one time Demi Moore tweeted, not tweeted, texted him about it in front of me and then showed me the text. Wow. She came to the live show.
Starting point is 00:05:59 She likes comedy. Yeah, she does. Well, actually, she was shooting a movie with Martha Kelly kelly and martha kelly was on the show and so then i just showed up and i was like whoa this is crazy and then she came up and showed me that text she texted owen wilson about it so he knows a million years ago i i you know got got word during a you know, when I was performing, I think I was featuring or maybe even just doing a guest set at the Irvine Improv. And to me, and I guess she had dragged Bruce and who knows who else.
Starting point is 00:06:35 They had some other people with them, but I don't know who they were. But she dragged Bruce Willis to see the show. And they're like, I don't know, like third row center or something like close enough that I just could not look, you know, the whole time and even make, you know, kind of vague references to them. And boy, that Bruce Willis with that smirk, it's intimidating. But anyway, that all that being said, you know, please come back on when you get Owen Wilson and let's really, let's really pump this thing up. It's exciting. I'm just excited that he's really, that he's going to come on the show. I don't know if he will.
Starting point is 00:07:17 It really is like, it's, it's funny how you see a lot of people getting like these kinds of weird dreams coming true just because they, you know, podcast or, or talk about something, you know, endlessly to the point where people are just like, fine. You know, like, like what else is he going to do? Like, of course, you know, like this is a show with his name in it and he hears nice things. So we'll see. I like your positivity. Yeah. I mean, he may, you know, who knows?
Starting point is 00:07:45 He may be a jerk and just never, never turn out. But also joining us today is a man who is starring in a historic motion picture opening Friday called Bros. It's Guy Branum. Hello. Good to be here. but about the but about the owen wilson thing i mean if julie and julia taught us nothing it's that sometimes you don't want to meet your heroes you know that movie haunts me every single day well that is a that is an excellent point and you made your point with a movie so i really appreciate that keeping us on track also see bros in theaters uh this friday um september 30th yeah show everybody that a comedy
Starting point is 00:08:35 can still open a comedy that doesn't have channing tatum in it i can't wait, guy. Congratulations. Thank you, Blair. I can't wait to see this movie. I'm very excited for it. And yeah, people could probably start watching it Thursday night in theaters, I imagine. Not only being the first movie where the
Starting point is 00:08:59 entire cast is of the LGBTQ community, it'll also probably be the biggest at the box office with that claim as well. There's truly nothing sadder than looking at the top gay movies on box office. Mojo boat trip is still in the top five. Oh,
Starting point is 00:09:19 no. Yeah. It's also what they consider a game. Yeah. Interesting. What qualifiesifies you know uh the most horrible cliche like you know that's like if breakfast at tiffany's was considered an asian film yes i mean truly the the top couple are like i now pronounce you chuck and larry boat trip that kind of thing and then like around six you get to
Starting point is 00:09:45 the birdcage well at least i'm happy to hear that you get there because that's what pops into my head as my so let's just get right to it this is what i was going to ask anyway this is a perfect segue for me it is the birdcage is what popped into mind, but I'd like each of you to recommend, you know, what, I mean, I don't know what necessarily constitutes making a movie gay other than the obvious, which would be gay characters.
Starting point is 00:10:16 But can each of you recommend what, you know, a movie you think people might enjoy that would qualify that they would see after bros go home and then watch this but go see bros in theater this weekend what was that um gorgeous hulu movie in scotland um the name of it i never know titles oh i know wait is the one with the two girls in the castle yes yes yes that movie is incredible yes incredible movie what's that called are you talking about the lady on fire
Starting point is 00:10:53 yes yes lady on fire thank you that's thank you and they're sniffing each other's armpits in that movie yeah i loved it yeah can that be mine too because i also i'm not gonna think of one that's better than that movie or gay than that movie so uh this would be a first we haven't nobody's ever like said oh i just want to recommend the same movie as somebody else but i i guess there's no no rules when it comes to that um what did you like about it adam oh it's just well god now it's a couple years since i've seen it no i'll do a different one i've got a different one okay and loaded okay so so ask blair i'm sorry i'm fucking up your entire format with my sudden swerves i apologize no it's all right. Blair, anything else you want to say
Starting point is 00:11:46 about Portrait of a Lady on Fire? Oh, I just thought there was just such a richness to the story, the performances. It was a picturesque landscape. The outfits, the love story. I loved it all. Strong women. What more could you want baby
Starting point is 00:12:05 now I thought that I had a guess for what movie you would pick for this tell me if it even flashed in your mind or you just thought you know live action because I thought you might say Luca
Starting point is 00:12:22 oh yeah I guess I didn't think of um luca as a gay movie but now i should see it through the queer lens go back and watch it yeah i i you know i mean i go back and watch them all through a queer lens i think it's a great idea but uh in the case of that one uh i thought it was more more overt than that i know we've you and i have talked about that movie in the past because you you love the the animated you see all the animated movies i do yeah i love and bring some joy you know since they're for the so-called children they probably don't have gay scenes very often right um you know but it's starting to get in there and i love watching people get mad about it they're seeing they're seeing red over over things that are happening
Starting point is 00:13:14 in children's movies uh okay adam what's your pivot what's your new answer my pivot my new answer is the matrix resurrections is my pivot because the there was a lot of discussion about the i'm a huge fan of the matrix movies and of the wachowskis generally there was a lot of discussion before that film came out about oh these were ultimately you know are these uh are there gay themes or they're trans themes in these movies and in the matrix resurrections lana wachowski says really clearly yes that's what the all the movies were about like very much my my favorite thing about that movie is that i've never had the experience of you know the matrix movies meant a lot to me um and you know she's made this movie 20 years on and she's really going directly to the audience
Starting point is 00:14:02 hey you love the matrix i I love The Matrix too. We were all there at that time in the early 2000s. Wasn't that a nice time? Guess what? You're older, you're wiser, you're a little bit different. We've all changed. Here's what this means to us now.
Starting point is 00:14:15 Here's what it meant to me then. I'm a new Fuller person. I'm a new version of myself. I'm living my authentic self more and that is now in this movie and you can too. And that's what the theme of the movie is about. And it's about, it's a movie about liberation and, you know, and love. And it's a very, very beautiful movie that I found very emotionally powerful.
Starting point is 00:14:36 I thought she was speaking to me through the movie. And the overt queerness of the movie was one of my favorite things about it. The overt queerness of the movie was one of my favorite things about it. And don't quiz me on exactly what the what what it was that made me think of it that way. I did see it a couple of months ago. But that was my reaction to a very high pressure question. Exactly. I don't have a follow up questions to you, guy.
Starting point is 00:15:05 Oh, I just want to say that I think Jupiter Ascending is like the transist movie i've ever seen oh yeah like i mean everybody's constantly reshaping their bodies but also it talks about like class privilege within that and also channing tatum is a flying dog it's a good movie i love i love that movie And I love the Wachowskis and their movies transcend good or bad to me. They just are all I'm so grateful every time I get to watch one of them is how I feel about them. Yeah. And I'm seeing Cloud Atlas from a different perspective I never thought of before. Yes. It's an insane movie watching Hugh Grant like play an Asian person. But that's the point, you know, is that everybody plays everything throughout the movie.
Starting point is 00:15:49 Yes. And there's some weird makeups in that movie. I mean, maybe they would have executed the makeup in that movie a little bit differently if it was done today. You know, it was like 10 years ago ago at least when they made that film but the overall theme of the multiple actors playing the multiple roles and the transmigration of souls and that sort of thing i think really transcends uh you know transcends those issues and really is a it ultimately has a really beautiful uh story uh and theme and it's a you know it's a it's the next best thing to a twist ending to have the reveal at the
Starting point is 00:16:29 end where they show each actor and all the parts they just played, because there's no way you would know all of them. Yeah. You know, just in the first watch through, especially, you know, how much crazy shit they do, like with Hugh Grant. Yes. Like Hugh Grant is a bad person in every segment. Like he keeps getting reincarnated and coming back as another terrible person.
Starting point is 00:16:50 It's crazy. Anyway, I could talk about that for forever. But Guy, what's your selection today? So right after I was torn because there are so many great queer movies that have meant so much to me but i want to go with something fun so i went with uh trick from like 1998 um right after the birdcage came out and was successful like each studio's independent branch got to make one gay romantic comedy so we had three of them. And trick is, I mean, it's adorable. It's basically like, you know, bookish twink gets cruised on the subway by the go-go boy that he was just
Starting point is 00:17:34 staring out at the bar and they go to try to hook up and they cannot find anywhere to hook up. And over the course of like nighttime and they fall in love it's sort of like a gay before sunrise um and it's just sort of like really sweet and really lovely tori spelling's greatest role if we forget the house of yes um just a really fun charming movie are both of the actors straight yes that's what we had to do in the 90s. Yeah, I guess you had to have a big name like her to get this thing off the ground. But I'm going to check that out.
Starting point is 00:18:18 I've never seen that particular movie. I wonder if it's available anywhere. Yeah, I'm pretty sure it is streaming nice i mean i this is i'm fired up to watch all of these to be honest with you because uh uh you know i i i slept on matrix resurrections when i was in theaters because i still wasn't keen really on going to theaters and then i'm like oh but it's a big screen experience I don't want to watch it at all so I got in this kind of zone where I just haven't seen it because I haven't had the right way to see it I uh I I wanted to see it in theaters and then I ultimately relented I think it might have been like a bad COVID week when I wanted to see it or whatever I was like I'll see it at home And I do wish I had seen it in theaters, but it was still really wonderful. I also watched before it came out,
Starting point is 00:19:09 all three Matrix movies back to back. And I watched Revolutions twice, which is widely considered the worst one. But I watched it twice and I enjoyed it more on the second watch. So there is a lot to recommend that movie. And I do think that enhances the experience because they like continue the story. They don't do a reset. You know, Lana starts, nah, the second and third movies are part of it, baby. You gotta enjoy them.
Starting point is 00:19:35 Yeah, we don't have to see Keanu and Carrie-Anne Moss and silly like, you know, effects to make them look younger like they did in the first movies. You know, like it's just it's just great that they're just doing their thing yep and uh i can't it was just like now at this point he's i'm just completely sold on keanu like anything he does i want to i want to watch it oh yeah they won't all be great but it's still he's just there's something about him that's really
Starting point is 00:20:05 uh pure um it's so crazy that he dates age-appropriate women can you imagine this man i've never there's no actor in hollywood he's the only one there's nothing more shocking than finding out that a man in his 50s dates women who are in their 40s or 50s. Oh, he's 50. Yeah, his wife is like the same age. I've never seen it. It's so easy to get praise as a straight man. I can't wait to be in my 50s.
Starting point is 00:20:37 And people are just like, wow, he's married to his wife. Incredible. How does he do it? I guess there's one thing Adam didn't ruin. Okay, we got to go to a commercial break, and then we're going to play some games. We'll be right back. We're back, and the first game we're going to play today,
Starting point is 00:21:04 I think I have a good feeling about this. I think Blair is really going to appreciate this game. It's called Nice Bad Guys. And here's how the game works. I'll say a fact, fun or otherwise. fact, fun or otherwise, and then you tell me if it applies to the motion picture The Nice Guys starring
Starting point is 00:21:27 Russell Crowe and Ryan Gosling or the animated film The Bad Guys with Sam Rockwell and Marc Maron or neither. Those are your three options
Starting point is 00:21:43 when it's your turn. Like I said, we're going to do the Allison Rosen alphabetical order. So, Adam, you're up first. Okay. And I will say this fact to you. And if you, you know, you can guess one of those three things, nice guys, bad guys, or neither. And if you get it wrong, then Blair gets a guess. And if she gets it wrong, then Guy gets the gimme point.
Starting point is 00:22:08 And any time someone gets one right, the next round we start with the person whose turn was next. Adam. I followed all of that. I hope so. I try to make it very clear. But it is a lot. Adam, here's the first one. Give it to me. Is under 90 minutes long.
Starting point is 00:22:35 Would that be the running time of the nice guys is under 90 minutes or the bad guys or neither? I have not seen either of these movies but given that the bad guys is an animated movie and it sounds like it may maybe is for for younger people and animation it can be an expensive per minute i'm gonna say it's the bad guys under 90 minutes that is incorrect i thought that was going to be a good sound i thought boy was good in some scenarios yes it is good it's the sound of getting an erection as a cartoon character of course it's a good sound who doesn't laugh when you kick the little door stopper that makes that noise. It's hilarious every time.
Starting point is 00:23:25 But that is incorrect. Blair, is it one of the remaining choices? Adam said. I said bad guys. Bad guys. That leaves is nice guys or neither under 90 minutes. I haven't. I've only seen the animated one um but i'm guessing with two movie stars
Starting point is 00:23:49 that big that it's not a short movie i'm gonna go neither that is correct that sounded so similar to the other sound. Don't listen to what noise I make. Just listen to what my mouth says. Even then, I screw it up sometimes. All right. Blair's on the board. She's got a point.
Starting point is 00:24:17 Guy gets this next one first. Is based on a book. Nice guys, bad Guys, or Neither? I'm going to say The Bad Guys. You think The Bad Guys, the cartoon, is based on a book? Yes. That is correct. It is, in fact,
Starting point is 00:24:38 based on a book series. So Blair is probably pretty excited that that means they've probably got some storylines for the uh more movies i have to say i think bad guys was so good i just think it was such a good movie so well done i i haven't heard anybody say a bad word about it and it's also on my uh list of things to see um back to you adam okay has a character in it named spider oh okay this has got to be a fake out because in the bad guys that's animated and i believe
Starting point is 00:25:20 they play animals so i think you're trying to fake me out. And I think the answer is the nice guys. You're going with the nice guys. I'm going with the nice guys. Damn it. There's that noise again. I knew it was wrong. As you said, you're going with the nice guys. I knew it was wrong.
Starting point is 00:25:44 Blair, is that these bad guys or neither? Wait, can you repeat? Yes, I can. Has a character in it named Spider. Is that the bad guys or neither? Oh, God. Bad guys. neither oh god bad guys i forget it's neither wait no i get the opportunity to answer give me my free points. Guy, you get the point. It's
Starting point is 00:26:26 funny when Adam said, oh, you got a trick question. I thought Adam was going to point out that there's a character in Bad Guys called Tarantula. Yeah. Oh, my God. Okay. Wow. That was a trick question. That's
Starting point is 00:26:43 tricky. I love it. I love that. Guy, you have not seen the movie, the bad guys. Have you? I have not. There you go. And yet you still won today. If we had needed a fourth question, it would have been feature someone from the cast of the marvelous Mrs. Maisel. someone from the cast of the Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. And that, of course, would be bad guys
Starting point is 00:27:09 because Alex Burstein, who is in Maisel, in that movie, she plays police chief. What's her name? Missy Missy Luggins?
Starting point is 00:27:26 Misty Luggins. Misty Luggins. Do you remember that character, dear player? I think so. This is a bit that I saw go up this. All right. Well, Guy Brown won the first game. That only means, well, I'll tell you what that means after this break.
Starting point is 00:27:44 We'll be right back we are back and we have one more game to play today and can I first very briefly say I'm devastated that there was no representation for the other guys starring Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg in that last game
Starting point is 00:27:59 like I really thought you were going to throw us you know like a left turn by having something be true of the other guys. And I was disappointed. That's interesting. That would have been fun. Bad guys. What was the other one?
Starting point is 00:28:16 Bad guys, nice guys or other guys. Yeah, that was a real brain twister. Yeah. That would be fun. But i i you're you know your uh complaint has been filed and uh and appreciated and you get to go first in our next game sometimes that's not even you know there's no advantage to going first. So congratulations on that. And the winner of this game will determine our overall winner today. And the deciding game is something that I call whose tagline is it anyway? Okay. I say a tagline. You get one guess.
Starting point is 00:29:00 Okay. I say a tagline. You get one guess what movie the tagline is from. From their marketing materials as shared by the IMDB website. Some are easy. Some are quite difficult. Hard to figure out because taglines can be pretty vague sometimes. But we'll start with the winner of that first game guy and then we'll go to blair and then to adam and each one of you like i said gets one guess but guy gets to guess first
Starting point is 00:29:36 on this first one and there will be a theme as you hear more of these a theme will emerge to help you or some people say it makes it harder so you be the judge but uh guy you're up first what movie do you think had amongst its advertising materials the the tagline they had a date with fate. Oh, I'm going to say the romantic comedy Serendipity. Oh, that is an interesting
Starting point is 00:30:14 guess. It's not the right one, though. Incorrect. Wait, that was my immediate guess also. Right? It does sound like that movie, but it's not do you have another guess blair it had a date with fate um god how bizarre is that i also thought that um i don't know time is of the essence. Life is happening.
Starting point is 00:30:46 Are either of those movie titles? No. They should be. Time is of the essence. Yeah. What was the other one? Life is happening. That's a Nora Ephron movie.
Starting point is 00:31:00 How about You've Got Mail? It's not that, though. But I know it's not. You're right. It's not. You're right about being wrong. I had to say something. Adam, do you have a guess? The first movie that came to
Starting point is 00:31:17 mind is the movie Date Night because that's a movie about a date. Oh, okay. It's too bad they didn't call it Fate Night. Everybody missed that one, but like I said, some of these can be tough. Is it Sliding Doors?
Starting point is 00:31:35 No, but again, it should be. Is it Sleepless in Seattle? You're all going to hate this answer. It's an old school classic. It's Casablanca. And if you've watched the movie, you could even say that the tagline is about the two men. Right.
Starting point is 00:31:57 Cause they, the ones that they end up together with a beautiful friendship. The lady just leaves. Anyway, next one, starting with guy once again, friendship, the lady just leaves. Right. Anyway. Next one. Starting with Guy once again. What was your guess on the last one, Guy?
Starting point is 00:32:15 Oh, serendipity. This is definitely not serendipity. This would be a weird one for serendipity. Cocktails first, questions later. cocktails first questions later cocktails first questions later um oh what's fun and playful and... The cook, the thief, his wife and her lover.
Starting point is 00:33:00 I knocked over my glass laughing and then it kind of made the sound go off, but not totally. There it is. Okay. That was is. Okay. That was a terrific guess. Blair? Let's see. It's not James Bond. Oh, Christ, Blair.
Starting point is 00:33:19 Life is happening. Time is of the essence. Cocktails first, questions later? Some sort of zippy murder mystery. God, I don't know. I don't know. It does sound like someone got murdered.
Starting point is 00:33:39 Yeah, murder. Murder. Murder. I don't know Can I help Blair? I have a guess I want to make it Do you want to give up Blair?
Starting point is 00:33:55 Am I allowed to receive Just say a movie just in case Just say like Jaws or something Okay Jaws Wow you're on to my tricks but uh no that it's not jaws dang it's not jaws uh adam i'm gonna guess i think that it's what immediately came to mind i don't know this was its actual tagline but the movie that came to my front for me was clue oh okay it's not clue but but it sounds like it could have been clue yeah yeah i'm
Starting point is 00:34:28 not i'm not too far off i definitely took you down the wrong path with the whole murder thing because unless i'm remembering the movie wrong there is no murder in oh you in swingers what yeah that's the catch that's the the uh tagline for swingers what what questions are in swingers i what i mean i know they have some drinks but yeah the whole catch the tagline's terrible yeah but also we need to remember that cocktails were a forgotten art in 1996 that had to be rediscovered by the swinger movement. They had been lost after the 1988 film Cocktail, of course. Yes. Okay. So that's
Starting point is 00:35:09 why they had to bring it up. We were living in a cocktail-less society at the time. People were just drinking Natty Light and straight Jack Daniels and they had to be reminded of the existence of bitters. That was my entire college.
Starting point is 00:35:25 Um, Natty light and Jack Daniels. I've since matured. All right, guys up for this next one. It's not who you love. It's how. Ooh.
Starting point is 00:35:41 Um, uh, uh, okay um so my options here i feel like are either a sincere a sincere gay movie like long-time companion or that meg ryan alec baldwin movie where she switches bodies with an old fat guy as an AIDS metaphor. And I forget what that movie is called. So I'm going to say Longtime Companion. Both are wrong. That movie was called Prelude to a Kiss. Yes.
Starting point is 00:36:17 I knew that Kiss was involved in some way. Yeah. What a horrifying movie that is. And then, uh, um, a longtime companion, obviously like the groundbreaking because you know, uh, of, but being a mostly serious movie, uh, the answer that I have here is chasing Amy. Oh, wow. Yeah. Cause she was, she's buying it it I guess mm-hmm
Starting point is 00:36:49 okay yeah exactly got it oh yeah that was the okay yeah yeah so there you go it's not who you love it's how all right so uh we're back to guy again
Starting point is 00:37:03 well no you didn't let the other two people guess did you we're back to Guy again. Well, no, you didn't let the other two people guess, did you? Oh, I didn't, did I? No. You would never have gotten it. This is just a game where Guy is just... Let's see if Guy knows it and maybe I'll talk to him. With a gauntlet of impossible questions.
Starting point is 00:37:19 In Doug's defense, he's correct. I felt everybody giving up on that one, so I just blurted it out. I was like, this is like the AP class. It's an episode of Jeopardy, but every single question, Ken Jennings just asks one of the three people over and over again. And Brian, once again, it's you who has to answer the question. No, you lost more money. Well, it's still you. Yeah, he loses
Starting point is 00:37:47 interest in the other players. Do you agree that this game is harder than your first year of law school? Yes, absolutely. Well, it's going to get easier. That's the premise, is that it starts to get easier. So hopefully this next one has more of a clue in it.
Starting point is 00:38:05 Are you ready, Guy? Sure. Some memories last forever. Oh. The Notebook? I have a guess. Incorrect. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:38:22 Blair. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Amazing guess. I'm sorry. Blair. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Amazing guess. Incorrect. Adam, can I skip you? What? I have a guess. Okay, what is it?
Starting point is 00:38:37 I don't follow. Okay. I was going to say Eternal Sunshine, but instead I'm going to say Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Oh, another terrific guess. And of course uh director of bros as well but no uh the answer is uh babs streisand and robert redford in the way memories was sort of a clue there because that was a song that Streisand is famous for. It's a movie about memories, yes. This next one cracks me up.
Starting point is 00:39:12 I can't believe this was a tagline for... Okay, here we go. Guy? Yes. The tagline is simply, come and get me, boys. Oh, wow. Come and get me, boys. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:39:31 So which character is just like wiggling their fingers? I don't know. I mean, I think I know whose point of view this line is from, but what do you think it is, Guy? I mean, it sounds like something from a Mae West movie, but i don't know the names of any may west movies so i'm gonna say the best little whorehouse in texas oh great guess but no blair i mean oh god um uh geez come and get me boys um yeah my middle school recess i don't know adam i'm gonna guess it's uh a bugs bunny movie when he dresses in drag and tries to seduce uh i don't know wiley coyote or whatever And so what movie has Bugs Bunny been in? Space Jam?
Starting point is 00:40:26 Is it Space Jam? No. But I really think if you just think of Mae West and Bugs Bunny and you morph them together, you would definitely end up with Nicole Kidman in a movie called Moulin Rouge. Oh, wow. Come and get me, boys. Holy cow.
Starting point is 00:40:48 All right. Guy, it's back to you. They're getting easier. Okay. Yeah, they're really getting easy. Behind every great love is a great story. Oh, no. Oh, this is love story a great story. Oh, no. Oh, this is love story.
Starting point is 00:41:08 Incorrect. Behind every great love is a story. Sleeping Beauty. No, Adam. Behind every great love is a story a great um uh i a great story i don't know sorry is this when harry met sally what was your guess adam before wait i i actually i said just grasping for straws. I said out of Africa.
Starting point is 00:41:46 I don't know why I said that, but I actually think when Harry met Sally might be correct. Okay, so that's your guess? Well, I'm stealing it from Guy with Guy's permission. Yeah, well, he just said it. He didn't know that you still get it. Okay, I'll say when Harry met Sally. Incorrect.
Starting point is 00:42:01 God damn it. The thing about Every Great Love Story is that you got to write it down somewhere. Preferably the notebook. Ah, fuck. Oh, my God. That's one of my favorite movies. How did I not know that? Never seen it.
Starting point is 00:42:22 Never seen it. Oh, my God. Adam, you've never lived. You never felt anything in your life. All right, guy, we got to get some points on the board somehow. I know. Are you ready? Yes.
Starting point is 00:42:35 Nothing on Earth could come between them. Oh. All right. So I'm assuming that this is some sort of extraterrestrial romantic comedy. So our options here are romance. We have Starman. We have My Stepmother is an Alien. Wait, no.
Starting point is 00:43:04 I'm going to say Sleepless in Seattle. That's not the answer. Nothing on earth between Seattle and New York could come between them. No, that is incorrect. Blair? I'm going to guess the Arnold Schwarzenegger, Danny DeVito movie Twins. Great guess. Adam?
Starting point is 00:43:30 I think it's got to be a romantic comedy about an alien girl. Earth girls are easy. I mean, nothing on Earth could come between them, but an iceberg in the water sure could fuck their world i mean i would say the theme of this game is always that taglines are bad yeah they really are rotten they're not physical words like have be about the movie somehow like i'm doing a i think a reasonable construction okay we've got one cocktails then questions sounds like a murder mystery nothing else could come between them sounds like extraterrestrial nope we're not trying to connect these dots at all
Starting point is 00:44:16 we're just using random phrases that have nothing to do with the subject matter i don't know it's bizarre i mean obviously like some of these there's multiple ones to pick from so i pick you know tend to pick the weirdest ones but this next one i cannot believe that it was in print anywhere on earth but it's supposedly a tagline for the movie guy you're up first and it goes like this who knew it was so much fun to be a hooker all right what are great um prostitute movies um my gut instinct is night shift which i think no one remembers was it called night shift you know the henry what's that yes um uh it's not pretty woman um like what movies are really making
Starting point is 00:45:16 prostitution seem like uh a great time will you read it to me again? Who knew it was so much fun to be a hooker? Question mark. Alright, I'm going with Best Little Whorehouse in Texas. That's not it. Blair? Magic Mike?
Starting point is 00:45:41 Oh, no. My boing sound broke. I literally broke it. too much boinging oh my god what do i have to back what i haven't said let's see okay so somebody's at the door somebody's at the door to tell you you're wrong uh adam okay clearly you guys are way off base this has to be a bit of word play on a movie about fishing right it's clearly it's so much fun to be a hooker meaning someone who hooks things so i'm gonna say a river runs through it which is such a fun it's a romp that movie uh i have to agree with you but there's somebody at the door says no incorrect uh man i everybody just went with the guy dismissing it so easily it was for Pretty Woman. Oh, shit. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:46:45 Wow. It's so much more simple. It's always simple, except for all the other answers. We're going to get some points on the board now, though, because these next ones are all movies that you've already answered
Starting point is 00:47:01 earlier in the game. Wonderful. Wonderful. All right. So that narrows it down a the game. But wonderful. Wonderful. All right. So that narrows it down a little bit. All right. So we start with you again, guy. Somebody you pass in the street may already be the love of your life. Oh.
Starting point is 00:47:27 What? Ham at Sally. That's incorrect. Oh, you've got mail. That is correct. You got mail, Blair. Oh, my goodness. You're on, Blair. Oh, my goodness. You're on the board. Adam, you're up first on this next one.
Starting point is 00:47:48 Terrified. What if someone you never met, someone you never saw, someone you never knew was the someone for you? Also, you've got mail. Is it the third tagline of you've got mail is that really that's really your guess i mean it is exactly the storyline of you've got mail and i and i don't remember the other movies that we answered um so yes my answer is you've got incorrect it's sleepless in seattle sleepless in seattle
Starting point is 00:48:27 which is the same thing it's the same fucking thing yeah isn't that fun yes it is though i forgot that those are the same movie yeah blair you're up first okay the love of your life
Starting point is 00:48:44 could be in line for popcorn why is this the same tagline over and over again what do you think it is blair oh god this one seems fake as hell um oh christ oh my god What is it, Blair? Read the love of your life. Could be in lines for popcorn. Love and basketball. No. Oh, we already said it.
Starting point is 00:49:17 I forgot that statute. It has. Previously. What is it, Adam? I have to answer this yeah and it's one that we said previously in answer to yes but it's a movie i was just waiting to say it uh go to guy let guy say it i can't i don't i can't what is it guys i mean i don't have I don't have the answer. I can't imagine it's Serendipity. So I'm going to go with Love Story?
Starting point is 00:49:51 It's Serendipity! Oh, it is Serendipity! Talk yourself out of the right answer. Oh my god, I thought Serendipity would be... The Serendipity, the entire movie is about frozen hot chocolate. Why would they put us so
Starting point is 00:50:06 off course with popcorn they don't want to see us succeed okay so the next tagline is you've never met the love of your life but you might pass them in the street someday that's the next tagline yeah i was very entertained by how similar the three of those were blair you have to acknowledge that some of serendipity is about a glove Yeah, I was very entertained by how similar the three of those were. Blair, you have to acknowledge that some of serendipity is about a glove. Yeah, a little bit of serendipity. It is, yeah. The small part of it that's not about frozen hot chocolate is about a glove. Trying to find the love of your life?
Starting point is 00:50:44 Where'd you leave your glove idiot the OJ Simpson stories if I did it okay Blair you're up first this is another movie that's been mentioned already a romantic comedy
Starting point is 00:51:04 that gives you all the feels what a romantic comedy that gives you all the feels that is the most general thing there is not even in one shred of specificity in there to grab on to a romantic comedy that gives you all the feels. It's been mentioned already. I think I got it. I think I got it.
Starting point is 00:51:42 You have to wait for Blair, I guess. I will. I will wait wait i'm just letting everyone know that i'm locked and loaded okay we already said when harry met sally that would have been people didn't say that back then um oh fuck i don't know ah pass kill me okay adam It's gotta be Forgetting Sarah Marshall. That is not. Right director, Adam, though. Right director. Fuck! Oh, wait!
Starting point is 00:52:14 Oh, wait! You already answered. The answer is bros. The answer is bros. God is our winner today. Congratulations. I live a block away from a billboard that says that on it. I have to say, I was a co-producer
Starting point is 00:52:29 on the movie. I was very involved in pitching taglines and nothing worked. I really thought we should have gone with, for the first time in history, it's not a porn. That's hilarious. This one's pretty rough. They didn't even take's pretty rough they could have they didn't
Starting point is 00:52:45 even take advantage of they could have changed romantic to bromantic i mean we pitched a bunch of stuff with that the french version the french version of that is really good though it's a romantic comedy that will touch you which i think is funny i like that one that's great that is a better version of the same thing but i can understand in france they would be titillated and in america we would um file a lawsuit yeah yeah i had to read that so i'm i'm gonna sue somebody um guy bradham congratulations on i mean this win today is big but also the movie is coming out this Thursday. You know, Thursday night.
Starting point is 00:53:29 Have a bros party Thursday night. Don't fuck around. Wait for the weekend. You might want to see it a second time over the course of the weekend. Like the more money this makes, the more movies like it can get made. And it's about fucking time. That's a great point. Thank you so much for making it. Please go see the movie in the theater. We want
Starting point is 00:53:46 more movies like this to be able to happen. I can't wait. I'm so excited to see it. It's not even animated. That's how excited Blair is. It's true. There's no cute little furry animals in it, I don't think. I don't think. I haven't seen it. I can't say.
Starting point is 00:54:02 Blair, what would you like to promote? Oh, yeah. Just check out my podcast, Dero and Wilson. I would love to see you there. And my Instagram and Twitter is at Blair Saki. If you want to say hello. S.O.C.C.I. Yes. Thank you. You're welcome. Adam Conover, how do you how do you feel after your first appearance on the show oh my i feel uh i feel beaten up i feel and i'm i'm reeling i'm on the ropes uh my i mean how did your last appearance on the show feel he's got the styptic pencil he's he's bandaging me up you know but i'm ready to go another round next time you'll have me.
Starting point is 00:54:46 Yeah, well, you know, I'd love to have you in front of the audience because then it's even more intense. Oh, yeah. Yeah. It's even harder to think of the answers. I got some stuff to plug. I'm going to do stand up in San Diego at American Comedy Company this Saturday, October 1st at 420. If you bring some name tags, we'll play some games. That's how it works even at my stand-up shows. And then all of my
Starting point is 00:55:13 dates are at Coming up, San Francisco, Houston, doing Douglas movies in both of those places. And thanks again to all three of my terrific guests today, Guy Branum, Blair Saki, Adam Conover. Great job, everybody.
Starting point is 00:55:36 Thank you so much. That was very fun despite how poorly I did. Thank you for having me. I mean, you come in and predict how you're going to do it. You're always right. Can I plug, Doug? Doug, can I plug? Yeah. I just want to plug my podcast factually. Oh, I didn't ask you to plug anything.
Starting point is 00:55:56 What a good time I had and I wanted to plug. Oh, that's true. I did. I did forget the plug part. It's okay. I was like waiting for it. Yes, listen to my podcast, Factually, please. I interview a different expert every week. It's a lot of fun.
Starting point is 00:56:09 That's it. My plug's over. I'm sorry to make it weird. Do you want to, any amendments to your statement earlier about having a good time? Well, you know, I would have had a better time if I had been given a clear opening to plug. That's my only note.
Starting point is 00:56:22 That would have improved things slightly, but I think next time we'll make it happen. just i've just been skipping you over and over today i don't know what the problem is i love it all right thanks everybody and oh i closed every episode with the last line from a movie which are often as terrible as uh the taglines. And then I let people, you know, try to guess later what movie it was from. So as always, write your congressman today. Now it's time for Doug to watch another talkie. Eyes of gold is viewing prowess makes him cocky. There's no room in his heart for you.
Starting point is 00:57:03 Because Doug loves movies.

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