Doug Loves Movies - Joey Bragg, Brandon Collins and Chad Opitz guest

Episode Date: March 3, 2025

Doug welcomes Joey Bragg, Brandon Collins and Chad Opitz to the show.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Get that Angel Reese special at McDonald's now. Let's break it down. My favorite barbecue sauce, American cheese, crispy bacon, pickles, onions, and a sesame seed bun, of course. And don't forget the fries and a drink. Sound good? Ba-da-ba-ba-ba. I'm participating in restaurants for a limited time.
Starting point is 00:00:15 Doug hates candy wrappers screening baby sticky seeds with 50 as it pops or kernels in his teeth. There's still not one that he won't see. Because Doug loves movies. Hey, hey, hey, everybody. My name is Doug, and I love movies. This is Doug Lowe's Movies, recording on Sunday, Oscar Sunday, March 2, 2025. my guests today are three ongoing champions
Starting point is 00:00:50 Yeah, they all won on their Last appearance and they are Joey Bragg Brandon Collins and Chad Opitz Hey, hey, hello Look at you go. Let's meet you all individually and alphabetically by first name. He won a couple of weeks back and his name is Brandon Collins. Hey, Brandon. Hey, Doug. How you doing? I'm all right.
Starting point is 00:01:25 The Oscars will be over by the time people hear this episode because it's released late tonight so Would you care to make a prediction that will make you sound? Super smart when they already know the results that we don't know yet. Oh Sure. Yeah, I'm predicting Karen Culkin for best supporting actors. Zoe Zodana, best supporting actress. And let's go. I'm going to go crazy and say Timothy Shalvey pulls it out for best actor and more for best actress.
Starting point is 00:01:56 OK, that's where we're looking at. All right. And then and then a norm for best picture. I do think that that's happening. All right. I need you to do all of them, but I appreciate. I always do extra homework, Doug. Yeah. Well, I, of course, have, you know, my opinions about all of those, but it does seem like when it comes to the facts,
Starting point is 00:02:20 Culkin and Saldana are going to be tough to beat, those will be considered upsets if either of them lose. And then like you said, uh, Chalamet he's got a little ground swell of support from, uh, his recent, uh, win at the saggies, but he hasn't won any prior to that one, so it, that, uh, you know know leaves it up to could still be What's his nuts? Okay, but yeah I just wanted to get a quick little predictions because obviously how interesting is it gonna be?
Starting point is 00:02:55 Tomorrow to listen to people who don't know what they're talking about Who knows what's gonna happen tonight, even if you have a prediction that's not Who's gonna win? I just heard Kamala Harris is Going to make an appearance There's gonna be a long Oscars if she does because I'd imagine standing ovation. She's gonna get is gonna be sick That's my prediction is like a Cannes Film Festival style standing ovation Well, John Voight sits down. Yeah, John Voight and Clussey were just like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:33 Sitting on their hands. All right. He is a on a streak of wins. I think perhaps his last four visits including one in person win at dynasty typewriter in Los Angeles is Chad Oh pits Hello Doug. Hey, man Do you have an Oscar prediction? I? Mean Brandon already gave the old rundown I'm gonna say I am I do want Demi to win for Best Actress
Starting point is 00:04:05 because I love the substance. So that's the one I'm really like rooting for. I don't know if it's gonna win anything else. Maybe make up or something. But yeah, I think it'll win makeup, but it won't win directors. But you know, and but Demi is looking like she's in pretty pretty good shape. Yeah, that's the one I want. You never know. It feels like in one of the slots, there should be some sort of upset or surprise. And she's definitely got some stiff competition.
Starting point is 00:04:41 He won a couple weeks back during his first ever appearance on the show. It's Joey Bragg. Hey Joey. Wow. Hey Doug. Hello. Wow. And honor to be back.
Starting point is 00:04:54 Honor to be back. I love it here. Happy to have you back. I had to, you know, wrestle up a couple other champions to take you on because, you know, I forgot who you were on with the first time. Me? Josh Rubin. But anyway, all I remember is that I destroyed.
Starting point is 00:05:11 Yeah, that's all I remember. That's all you need to remember. What do you think is going to happen at the Oscars today? Do you have any predictions? I mean, I think I was thinking about it outside the box when you said predictions. I was thinking that we're for sure going to have Al Pacino and Robert De Niro go on stage and make a we gotta wrap this up We got newborns at home joke. That's what I'm looking forward to that's happening for sure That is pretty good and everybody would love to see those two together
Starting point is 00:05:40 And even a longer ovation than Kamala. Yeah, are they the same age or is Pacino older? I think they're both a hundred and twelve. Yeah, whatever it is. I feel like De Niro's holding it together better for sure Pacino's really getting into his crazy old man face He's like wearing suits that are two sizes too big. Doesn't he have a stylist? I don't know what he's got. The Sandler approach.
Starting point is 00:06:11 Yeah, Sandler rubbed off on him when he worked on that movie with him. All right. That's the crazy thing about Adam Sandler is the most respected, admired, and honored actors in the business like Pacino and Jack Nicholson, they all fucking love him. They all will be in his movies, will act as silly as he wants them to act, and it's it's just inspiring. Okay, that's enough Oscar talk. Maybe on next week's episode, I'll give more thoughts about what actually happened.
Starting point is 00:06:49 But for now, it's been a sad week for movie lovers for several reasons, but possibly the leading one would be the passing of the great Gene Hackman. So for Recommendation Nation today, I thought it'd be nice if each of you could recommend or tell us your favorite Gene Hackman performance. We'll start with Brandon. OK, favorite Gene Hackman performance.
Starting point is 00:07:21 Or a movie that he's in that you would recommend. OK, so I love the bird cage. The bird cage is one of like, uh, my favorite comedies, um, of all time and Gene Haven plays a prominent role in that. It's like this conservative father of a close to the flock arts character. It's a comedy goal between Gene Hackman played off of Robin Williams and Nathan Lane. It's one of my, like I said, it's one of my favorite comics of all time, But performances, I have to say Crimson Tide
Starting point is 00:07:47 is pretty fucking awesome. Yeah, that one is that was tough to tough to beat. He's just he's just always great. But like that's part of the fun of Birdcage is that he brings his gravity to you know, a fun, often silly movie and then even his character gets into drag by the end of the movie. Spoiler. But yeah, if you've never seen The Birdcage or Crimson Tide, I certainly would recommend people check out both of those.
Starting point is 00:08:24 Chad, what's your fave? I know you you told me in private texted me. I don't know if this is something I can share but You told me the gene Hackman movie you were going to watch You know out of respect, but is that also your recommendation? I think it is I and what yeah, dude two big bummer days in a row Michelle Trachtenberg were immediately followed by Hackman Harriet the spy and Popeye Doyle taken out that ain't right. Oh boy That was the detective team up. We needed to see it happened Always get mixed up with each other Icons we also though film lovers lost another one just recently to with director George Armitage Who I didn't know that who did gross point-blank? the Yeah, he didn't get a lot of ink as they say But he deserved it but go ahead Chad what were you gonna say?
Starting point is 00:09:28 I'm gonna say the for an underrated one that I don't think a lot of people have seen I really enjoy this 1975 thriller that Gene Hackman was in called night moves Really good Atmospheric like mystery thriller that he was in with a really good ending. I love the ending of that movie. It's I think it's well worth checking out. Is it is the Bob Seeger song? It's not.
Starting point is 00:09:53 No, I don't think was I think it came out. I think that song even came out after the movie. I'm not positive. Like maybe Seeger was inspired by that expression. Yeah, possibly. Because the moves. I think you actually have to look into that. the They mean like criminal acts. I believe so there's a little bit of a you know Pac-Man getting it on in there though, right? So it's so it's just a great title for Movie a movie or a song because it could mean it can mean so much it could also be about chess It's true. I think there's been a couple movies also called night moves since then
Starting point is 00:10:41 That's that's such a sore spot for me. I can't stand that people could just make a movie. Yeah. Call it the name of a previous movie. You too. I mean, if it's like a silent film or something. All right. But like if it's a movie like because it just sort of it's erasure of that previous movie, whatever it was, good, bad or whatever. It's like now it's got to contend with and true that show this and that
Starting point is 00:11:19 that that that that that That leads right into my favorite Gene Hackman performance, Intention. Yeah. He's so good. What's your pick, Joey? I feel like this is on theme for me since you asked me what my most watched movie was and I said it was The Batman.
Starting point is 00:11:40 I just watched the Superman again, the Richard Donner Superman Superman replays Lex Luthor. It's like a comedy He is like like a like slapstick II almost as Lex Luthor. It's great. He's great. So Superman Yeah, he's so good that like when Kevin Spacey played the role. He just did an impression of him. Yeah But he also has that same thing, you know, unfortunately, you know, space is like, you know, done or whatever. But he had that same thing that Gene Hackman had, which is just so charismatic and convincing and just and like in the case of Gene Hackman's Lex Luthor, just so funny, you know? Yeah. I know I kind of forgot that aspect of it from when I was a kid that it's like a straight
Starting point is 00:12:29 up, he's like silly but so good. Yeah. It's a cartoon movie. It's based on a comic book. That's what's so great about it is it's got heart and great performances by people who know they're in a fucking cartoon. Yeah. They know they're in a silly thing and they're all taking
Starting point is 00:12:45 treating it seriously, especially Marlon Brando. Yeah. Oh, yeah. But yeah, Gene Hackman is so good in that movie. And it's just it's the list of things that Gene Hackman is good in is ridiculous, because even when he's in something crappy, which did happen from time to time, some movies he thought were crappy that weren't crappy he's been in from stories I've heard, but always like there's people like that do movies for money like Michael Caine in Jaws of Revenge and You know when people make fun of him that he wasn't there to accept his Oscar because he was doing that stupid movie in The Bahamas He was like well, you know it paid for my house. So you know my mansion probably, you know, so it's like ha ha
Starting point is 00:13:38 Okay, great But like he's phoning it in in that movie like I know he's still pretty good just because he's Michael Caine. But that's the thing about Gene Hackman is when he's in something shitty, he's not phoning it in. Yeah, he's like, yeah, he may be there just for the check, but he's definitely also not phoning it in. We're talking about welcome to Mooseport, right? Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:14:01 Which, you know, I'll never I've been sad about this for 25 years because that's the other crazy Him being retired for so long before actually passing away is the people had a real like kind of like oh no He's dead like like he hasn't You know, what has he done for us lately, you know, and it's and good for him for Apparently enjoying, you know a long retirement and just kind of pursuing his hobbies and stuff. But welcome to Mooseports, your last movie. Why not just do a cameo in something? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:33 You know, I just don't know why he put his foot down so hard. And I read one interview that was just like, you know what, if there's only two or three other actors in it and they film it in my home, maybe I'd do a movie. And I'm like, why didn't anyone take him up on that? You know and was that the inspiration for Robert Zemeckis's home movie? Yeah. It's like oh we could have shot all of this just in Gene Hackman's house. Okay so great recommendations whatever Gene Hackman movie you choose to watch, you know, enjoy is what I say. Even if it's a good old moose port.
Starting point is 00:15:16 We're going to take a break. And when we come back more talk about Gene Hackman. We'll be right back. Today's episode is brought to you in part by Shopify When you think about businesses that are selling through the roof like alo yoga or aviator nation Sure, you think about a great product a cool brand and brilliant marketing But an often overlooked secret is actually the businesses behind the business making selling and for shoppers buying simple. For millions of businesses, that business is Shopify.
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Starting point is 00:16:32 at slash DLM, all lowercase. Go to slash DLM to upgrade your selling today. slash DLM. Back to the show. We are back and the first game we're going to play today is something that I call No Hacks Allowed, Man. Woo. Here's how this game is going to work.
Starting point is 00:17:05 I will name a Gene Hackman movie and then you tell me who was his, you know, top build, you know, co-star, you know, either they were top build or Gene was top build, but the two of them, Gene Ackman and this other actor or actress or the top two people build. Brandon will be up first if he misses, Chad gets a shot, and then Joey, so don't think about your answers out loud too much because you might give answers to the other players. You're all champions, so I figured I could make this a tough one, but we'll see. We'll see. We'll see how you do. First one to get two correct wins, Brandon. The first film is who was his co-star at the top of the call sheet in the movie Absolute Power? Absolute Power, shoot. Oh, Clint Eastwood.
Starting point is 00:18:19 That is correct. Damn. Because I remember him on that poster being very creepy. Chad, did you know that one? I did. Joey, did you know it? Nope. OK, so I'm correct.
Starting point is 00:18:34 He did a bunch of movies together, right? Yeah. I was trying to pick ones that people might not know. And then the idea is they're going to get easier as we go, because we do need to have a winner eventually if too many of these stump you guys, I still need a winner. So Chad, you're up first, Brendan has won.
Starting point is 00:18:55 You could tie it up right now by telling me who costarred Gene Hackman in Lucky Lady. Oh man, oh, you might've stumped me on this one. in Lucky Lady. Oh, man. Oh, you might have stumped me on this one. Maybe. Lady. Who's the lucky lady? Um, my God. Okay. Let's say this isn't it.
Starting point is 00:19:21 I'm gonna say Barbara Streisand. You know, the important thing to do in this game is to guess the Are you familiar with this movie, Lucky Lady? You know, I'm not. I'm not? It doesn't? I know both of my movie recs are comic book based. I haven't seen this film. I'm just, I'm going to just throw a shot in the dark. Is it Meryl Streep?
Starting point is 00:19:58 No, it's not Meryl Streep. But again, not a bad guess. Thank you. He is a very famous actress or actor whose name I'm looking for. Brandon. Oh, man. Well, I don't know, man. Morgan Freeman. That's also
Starting point is 00:20:25 I'm just gonna go ahead say that is a bad guess because They know they did unforgiven. Maybe they were preferred together I don't know the guesses got worse as we went along because the movies from the 70s and It co-starred a third build Burt Reynolds what oh wow and the the Not pirates, but kind of a pirate adjacent, like there's criminal- Pirate-y. Criminals with a boat. Man, I gotta see that, man. Gene Hackman and pirates, come on.
Starting point is 00:21:30 All right, well, I'm glad I gave you guys a stumper, but now we go back to Chad for round three. Who was Gene Hackman's co-star in a movie called Prime Cut? Ooh, I do know this one. I just watched this one about six months ago. It starred Lee Marvin. Lee Marvin is correct. Is it good?
Starting point is 00:21:54 It is good. It's a weird one. Gene Hackman plays a villain named Mary Ann, and they never explain why he's named Mary Ann. Those are the best. Sissy Spacek? Yes, she's in there. Yeah, I saw it. I saw it on the 70s channel on Pluto, like in the middle of the night one night. So I watch a lot of movies that way and they just end up feeling like fever
Starting point is 00:22:18 dreams. It's one of the it's definitely one of those movies. There's an action scene where Lee Marvin's getting chased by like a, you know, one of those like wheat thrashers. Yeah. Through a field. Uh huh. Yeah. No, in fact, I even back in the day when there was no, you know, cable didn't even exist,
Starting point is 00:22:34 there used to be like, you know, one of those subscription services, you buy a box and they have like two feature films that would just play for an entire week. And so I'd end up watching, you know, those two films over and over again. And I think Prime Cut was on back in those days. All right. So Chad's on the board. Joey, come on, man. This should be it should be starting to get easier now. Don't do that.
Starting point is 00:23:05 It's just how it works. Who's his co-star in Loose Cannons? Oh, you're vague. Doug. It's like you're making them up. These all just sound like 80s movie titles. Loose Cannons, is he one of the Loose Cannons? Gene Hackman and then his other making a plural Loose Cannon is... oh man I got I have no idea. Let's go... Who's the Loosest Cannon you know? I mean I... Loosestose escape it's not Mel Mel Gibson. I'm throwing something out there. I have no idea. I like Mel Gibson
Starting point is 00:23:49 I think he could have you threw me off with loose cannon. That's a good guess He could have been he could have been in this you know could this was one of those movies it could have been Mel Gibson was in contention for a second because it's kind of like You know remember Mel's character was supposed to be so crazy in at least 11 movies? Yeah, that's why I was thinking also that voicemail was quite loose canony that he left for his wife. Well, that was later than this, because I think this movie was in Okay, so, uh, Brando, what, Brandon, what do you think? Uh, can you repeat the question? Loose cannons.
Starting point is 00:24:32 Loose cannons. Okay. I'm going to go with. Let's go with Michelle Fiver. She doesn't seem like a loose cannon. Uh, Chad, is this one that you know? She doesn't seem like a loose cannon. Chad, is this one that you know? I do know this one. Okay.
Starting point is 00:24:52 It would be crazy if it was Diane Cannon. It's not Diane Cannon. Yeah, I'm going with the answer is Dan Aykroyd. It is Dan Aykroyd. Yeah, very weird movie, Dan Aykroyd. Pretty bad. and People are loving to say that he never made a bad movie. And Loose Cannon's was the first one I thought of. Oh yeah, it's really bad. It's really like, because it was for me. Like I was young and loved Saturday Night Live and Dan Aykroyd
Starting point is 00:25:35 and you know, had seen Gene Hackman in a million movies. And it's, I just remember just absolutely hating it. And never revisiting it. You never see clips from it or anything It's truly awful Yeah, they would have won a lot of Razzies if it was a thing at that time But this to give you an example of how these were supposed to get easier. The last one is welcome to mooseport Then I also had the replacements in there, you know who the
Starting point is 00:26:07 the Yeah. Wait a minute. Is that John Voight was in that one? No, Downhill Racer is maybe you're thinking, you know, you're seeing the wintery weather and thinking of Runaway Train for John Voight, but no. Robert Redford, it was a Robert Redford movie and Gene Hackman was the second built character, you know, and Robert Redford played the title character, a skier who gets, I don't know if he gets involved in espionage or something. I don't remember. It didn't, it did. I saw it when I was young and it didn't really, uh, capture my fancy in the way that, many other Robert Redford movies have, but nonetheless, Chad Witt won that game. So Chad as Chad Witt won that game. Wow.
Starting point is 00:27:02 Chad is going to go first in our next game after the break. We'll be right back. We're back. Chad, you did it. Yes. Thanks to the loose cannon Dan Ackerman. Yeah. I always thought it was Michelle.
Starting point is 00:27:22 I just needed a softball of Hoosiers or something. One of the classics. Yeah. Wait, you know who's in Hoosiers with Gene? Uh, dude, yeah, I think so. I'm getting, I was thinking about that as soon as I said it out loud. It's either Harvey Keitel or Dennis Hopper. It's one of those.
Starting point is 00:27:39 It's Hopper, but his second build would be Barbara Hershey who plays his romantic interest. Oh Okay, I think maybe I didn't look at it. You couldn't have waterboarded that out of me. I had no I would have no idea Hopper to Yeah Hoppers definitely in it, but like he was nominated for best sporting actor for it You know, she was more of a lead I think I think she might have been even been nominated for best actress. But anyway, nonetheless, that's probably why I didn't put it in there because it's kind of a would be more of a trick question. Because all these other ones except for lucky lady was like, yeah, it was kind of three actors, but all these others like they were like the main two characters okay so but funny enough that our conversations and the recent deaths brought out gross point
Starting point is 00:28:31 blank and Dan Aykroyd because I think also Dan Aykroyd gives his best performance in gross point blank. He's so goddamn good he says things that don't make sense like you know what I mean? He has like little catchphrases and and then the way he dies is insane. Yeah. So good. Yeah. Anyway, so I love to Dan Aykroyd wherever he may be and Canada. the the the the
Starting point is 00:29:09 the the the the the the the the the the Because, you know, when you go to a taping of SNL, like, you know, you only see some
Starting point is 00:29:26 of the sketches in front of you. You have to watch the monitor a lot of the time. Yeah. Yeah, but it would have been nice to see him with the original cast. Like if it's kind of weird, like everyone, even Chevy showed up, you know? It's like what my dad says to get out of things. Like, I can't enjoy it if I'm there. I'll just look at the pictures of it.
Starting point is 00:29:43 I can't get drunk if I'm there, I'll just look at the pictures of it. I can't get drunk if I'm there But also like, you know, it's gotta be also overwhelming like I couldn't get over how how many You know anybody that's ever been on SNL as a cast member or a host seemed to be there and like it was a bit it was better than Emmys Oscars Tonys any of that shit in terms of star power because All those award shows the nominees and a few presenters show up, but at this thing everybody, you know involved in that show Showed up. So that's why it's such a big story that You know Dan Ackroyd didn't yeah He said Bill Hayter's being open about like your point, Doug, he was like, yeah, that like gives me so much anxiety. Like that's why I'm not going to have to have to talk to every single one of those
Starting point is 00:30:32 people to even, you know, to have to even pretend to know who everybody is. Because like Bill Hader, just because he was on it doesn't make him an SNL historian. Yeah. You know, like it's just insane. The people that have gone through the the doors there and then also Showed up a lot of the one season and out Performers were you know in the audience or in the overflow audience?
Starting point is 00:31:01 At that event is crazy. I was waiting to see a Steven Seagal cameo Oh my god, that would have been amazing What? Steven Seagal and Adrian Brody, the band actors back That would have been great Yeah, they should have, you know, they should have had Trump come in in part in every terrible Every terrible pass out, he should have part in Milton Berle Okay, so And that scene with Milton Berle in the Saturday Night, night a movie that came out last year that scene is insane Yes, that movie is wild. I could talk about that movie for a while. I can too. I was really kind of
Starting point is 00:31:34 Obsessed with it because there was such buzz around it that it was going to be like this award-winning Like it was just going to be huge and then it just sort of came out and you know I think the only award that came out of it is like the guy who played Lauren got nominated for like one thing. But, um, like there was just something about, there was just, it was just so not fun for starters, not fun to watch. And that's like, well, you're making a movie about, you know what I mean? It's like if you watch.
Starting point is 00:32:08 Like a Larry Sanders, it wasn't funny. It didn't have any jokes in it. It's like, well, why are we watching it? I guess that's what others. What was that show that? Sunset Strip or it was like the same time as the Matthew Perry, right? Yeah. And it was like the more serious version of behind the scenes
Starting point is 00:32:27 and as an L type show and it bombed and 30 Rock was on for seven years or whatever. OK, we're not here to talk about TV. No, sir. We're here to talk about movies because last Wednesday I got to moderate the Q&A after the LA premiere of a movie called Rats, which I loved. It's violent and funny and violent and it's in theaters in 25 cities now and out on VOD on Tuesday, March 11. and out on VOD on Tuesday, March 11.
Starting point is 00:33:08 And Rats inspired this next game, which is kind of an extra difficult one because of the three of you having champion status. Apologies to Joey. I didn't realize he just lucked out the first time. He was out. Hey! That's because I'm not a Gene Hackman expert. Maybe that's what I mean though, it can be so random, the things that come up, so I still
Starting point is 00:33:38 think you have an extremely good chance of winning today. It sounds like it We're gonna play a game called Exclamation you see the title rats has an exclamation point in it or mark if you prefer and I found a site called Siftpop that named the top ten in their opinion top ten movies that have an exclamation mark or point in The title I'm a huge fan of it especially when it's afterward that just there's no reason to have an exclamation point rats make sense if you see this movie because it is
Starting point is 00:34:19 Such a crazy ass movie that it's you know fun to have an exclamation point in the title. But there's been serious movies with an exclamation point in the title. And we'll get into that because you guys are going to take turns naming movies you think made it onto this list. Chad's going to be up first, then Brandon, then Joey, and you're going to ultimately each get three guesses. With each guess, the higher up on the list your movie is, if it's on the list, the more points you get. Does that make sense, Chad? It does.
Starting point is 00:34:58 Ten points for number one. One point for number ten. Sometimes this game, I think the last time Chad played a game similar to this, he had it wrapped up in the second round. No one could beat his score at that point. Or maybe it was Brandon, but whichever one of you it was, it was impressive. This is a brand new game, right? I don't think I've played this one.
Starting point is 00:35:24 Will you play the little search engine that could that's a similar format? Yeah. Talking these game names. I feel like it's got to be like a one word thing, like, like a very like. Well, not exactly. There's some that are. Start explaining what the answer should be to the participants. But go ahead and tell us your first guest, Chad, a movie with an exclamation point. I mean, the only one that really pops out, I'm sure has one is Shazam.
Starting point is 00:35:54 I'm going to say Shazam. Shazam did not make the list. Wow. OK. Well, that's a good question. That's a good guess, though. It's really good guess. And that's another fun aspect of this game is that, you know, you can just guess a title that, you know, maybe should have had an exclamation point.
Starting point is 00:36:13 Maybe maybe you might be right. You know, like, you know, Joey, you could always just say the Batman. Or Superman or one of your little silly movies. Yeah. OK, Brandon's up next. So what do you got? Yeah, I'm actually not a big fan of this movie, but I know it has exclamation mark in the title and that's airplane. Airplane is number one. Yeah. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:36:38 And who starts off a conversation about airplane with I'm not a big fan of this. I just I know what I haven't watched in a long time. I watched it a dark time in my childhood. I remember I think I just got dumped by like my first great girlfriend or something. Am I not a put on airplane thinking it's good cheer me up? And they had that shit. It's the fan joke. And like shit literally hit a fan.
Starting point is 00:36:57 I was just like, I'm leaving. I just remember walking out the room. So that is funny for me. That is so deep into that movie Like really but I think you guys would appreciate yeah, you really had to dislike it in general for that Because it's you know, I I don't like I don't like you know, just the visual of it is gross it's not you know, certainly not in my top 50 gags that happen in that movie. But I worry that it's of a time that they invented a style that then stuck around too
Starting point is 00:37:37 long and then people lost interest in it. They were parodying things and there's just a joke every, you know, 30 seconds to a minute and that a lot of the jokes are visual and a lot of them are puns. But you know, it's one of my all-time favorites just because I saw it over and over again. You know, it hit me at the right time in my life that I saw it repeatedly, you know, in theaters with my friends and we knew all the lines and there's things that I can't hear somebody say the word Shirley, S-U-R-E-L-Y without in my head or out loud saying, don't call me Shirley.
Starting point is 00:38:16 I mean, jokes like that are just ended up being timers. But you can't expect like kids today if you said, why don't you like the Marx Brothers? Well, why should they? You know, it's in black and white they're talking about You don't understand, you know, I don't care about but anyway, Ted points You took a controversial stance you're but you're going home with the gold.
Starting point is 00:38:45 But Joey, there's still nine movies. Hell yeah. All right. Here we go, baby. I can picture only a couple, but I'm going to go Oklahoma. Oh, that's a good one. Yeah, see, this is Joey where I misjudged you. Yeah? I would not have imagined any of the three of you to get
Starting point is 00:39:08 Really it is number six. Oh Damn honestly, I thought it was gonna be higher. That's like that. That's the movie I associate with exclamation points because it's okay. It might be like Maybe yeah, the first movie you come across that has an exclamation point like you know in Chad's case Shazam. Round two Chad what do you got? Oh man well I hope it's on I don't think it's gonna be because I already have airplane on there but I love this movie hot shots hot shot oh wow I haven't heard of that one it's not on it does it have a it's a not shot I don't even know if it has a
Starting point is 00:39:52 explanation for you I could have sworn it did alright never mind it should it absolutely should but yeah that was a really good guess, Chad. Don't feel bad. Don't feel bad that you have no chance of winning. No, that's fine. Because Brendan's got the 10 points, so you got to he's got to hump over that. But now now Brandon can increase his score even further. I mean, I'm going to take a guess at this just because I love this movie.
Starting point is 00:40:24 I know it ends in an exclamation mark, but I doubt it's on the list. Um, the Tom Hanks movie, that thing you do. That's good. Yeah. Another one where, uh, like, okay. So the song in the movie is called that thing you do, right? Yeah. So is that why it's got an exclamation point in the title? Because in the, because, because a lot of songs got an exclamation point in the title because in them because because a lot of songs have an exclamation point It's their upbeat songs That sense though cuz he's like that thing you do. Yeah. Yeah Yeah
Starting point is 00:40:54 So that the cuz cuz as a film title without having seen the film or knowing that it's about a hit song It seems like a little a little much to throw an exclamation point on there, but it is number four Oh, wow Liv Tyler I attribute it to just You know that song is so goddamn catchy. It's really good and it doesn't even though the movies you know all the period costumes are fun and bright and and cute and You know another movie with a you know, a terrific cast that's gone on to you know, do lots of things
Starting point is 00:41:34 so um Definitely, uh a uh Cult hit I think I I really enjoyed that movie. That like maybe a fantasy then a Zen. He's great. Yeah, awesome. Yeah. And yeah, the whole band is all guys that, you know, continue to work and stuff. And, you know, and his his really shitty girlfriend in the beginning
Starting point is 00:42:00 of the movie, Charlize Theron. Oh, yeah, that is her. Yeah. So yeah, it released her own. Oh yeah, that is her. Yeah. She was so hot at that. Yeah. It's pretty amazing. Okay, and the Oneaters biggest fan in that movie is the guy in the Aaron Burr got milk commercial. Joey.
Starting point is 00:42:21 Here we go. You need some points here. You need to come up with the number two or the number three. All right. Well, I got two choices. I'm going to go, I'm going to stick with musicals. The only reason I know this has an exclamation point is because the sequel had an exclamation point and then a colon and it drove me crazy.
Starting point is 00:42:39 But Mamma Mia. Oh yeah. Here I go again. Here she goes again. Yeah. I don't know what kind of, I don't want to live in a world where Mamma Mia. Oh, yeah here I go again. Here she goes again Yeah, I don't know what kind I don't want to live in a world where Mamma Mia didn't make it onto this list, but somehow
Starting point is 00:42:54 They overlooked and I think it's really get felonation. What they had some also rams and it was funny And I told you something called sift pop, but it's funny that There that is so funny that there is the exclamation point in in the sequel In the title here we go again Yeah, it's mama mia here we go again. Yeah Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:24 Those cracks come up when they do that. But that was a really good guess. I mean that was one of the movies that came into my head when I was preparing this. Yeah. I thought it'd be a fun game. Boy, did I think wrong. All right. We have one more guess, right?
Starting point is 00:43:40 Yeah. And Chad could be a spoiler here. Chad could be one that's worth some points. Take it away. When you initially said the game, like my mind immediately went to like old like monster movies and stuff like that and been racking my mind, but I don't know if they're gonna be on there because they're very like obscure. But one that I am sure it has an exclamation point, I wasn't, I'm not positive Hotshots had an exclamation point now. But have you ever heard of a movie called EGA?
Starting point is 00:44:10 I can all but guarantee if mama mia is not on that fucking list. I mean, I, I'm kind of impressed that you went three for three chat on this one. the interesting things about the movies that did make the list. But Brandon, let's see if you can solidify this win even further. Man, if Mama Mia didn't make it, I don't know. I know that Jennifer Lawrence movie Mother exclamation marks, so I'm just going to say that one. Number one favorite exclamation point for no good reason. Movie in my book is his mother when I even even when I bought my ticket in the box office I scream the word mother and it cracks me
Starting point is 00:45:12 up every time I think about it and that movie is insane dude that's why I like I see why it is that with an exclamation mark because that movie's cuckoo bananas it's really like they finished the movie I don't think the script on set said mother exclamation point I think think they made the movie and then somebody said, we've got to do something about this title. Yeah, we got a warning people. How about that? Yeah, that's a good point. Or, you know, or from hell or something, you know, or I guess she was, she was the mother
Starting point is 00:45:37 was the victim the whole time, which is another reason why it's weird that the wiser next point. And why didn't they do the wiser next nation point. And why didn't they do the same thing when she made when Jennifer Lawrence made joy? Joy. OK. Wow. Brandon, three for three with answers on the list. Hey, I didn't mother make it, but now, mama mia, that seems. Thank you, man. Thank you. Well, when you hear the movies, the movies that all made it are all, I'd say, most of them are more famous, especially today, than Oklahoma.
Starting point is 00:46:14 But Joey, what's your third guess for fun? Alright, third guess for fun. I think it can win it for me. I thought Mamma Mia was a shoe and I'm pretty sure Mars attacks has a point. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. That's awesome. It absolutely does. Yeah, and it didn't make the list Can make the list made by some rando and For some reason that one That one didn't make it. I did see it later on in the article, because they do go on to list a few others. Because it's amazing. What is their criteria?
Starting point is 00:46:55 How many there are? Well, I guess just maybe how absolutely weird it is in some cases and how, but also just how it also kind of maybe matches the movie in a interesting way. The number 10, I'm gonna go through them all now. Number 10 is a movie that I've always made fun of for the exclamation point, because I think that again,
Starting point is 00:47:26 like Mother, I think it feels like they made the movie and then they went, well, people are gonna think this movie is serious if we don't put an exclamation point and that's The Informant. Oh. Oh, Matt Damon? Yeah. Yeah. Steven Soderbergh and it's got lots of,
Starting point is 00:47:43 a lot of the roles are played by comedians and it's a satire. It's not like knee-slappingly funny, but I think that they put that exclamation point just to make it seem like a sillier movie than what you're gonna get. But another one where it's just fun to just go, the informant, like what?
Starting point is 00:48:01 Why? You know, they put an exclamation point at the end of Ben Affleck's The Accountant. to the fifth to the Yeah, the Zuckers and Abrams, one of which we lost recently, they love the fucking exclamation points. That's Weird Al's favorite movie. Oh, I bet. His movie they went with an exclamation mark on their movie hail Caesar Yeah, the funniest thing to me about that movie because the movie's not particularly funny is Around the time it came out. What's his name was from Superbad, not Michael Cera but the other one.
Starting point is 00:49:08 You don't know him. Yeah, he was really big when Hale Caesar came out and he has a very small role in the movie and he's in all the trailers and commercials and he even tweeted something like, I don't know why they're trying to convince people to come see this because of me like he ratted them out for you know taking advantage of his limited screen presence but you know when it comes to Coen Brothers movies I think there are several that are not good and you'll find plenty of people that want to argue with you about it because some people will just die for the Colin brothers no matter what they do.
Starting point is 00:49:50 Oklahoma was next. Number five was, and again back to Zazz, Zuckers, Abrams, Zuckers, the naked gun Colin from the files of police squads. Oh wow. Dude. Okay. Man. Number three.
Starting point is 00:50:09 That one popped into my head but I didn't remember the exclamation point. Yeah, me too. I thought about it when you said airplane. It's a funny exclamation point because it's such a long sentence and then suddenly I have an exclamation point at the end. But that police squad, the show that it was based on, of course, had an exclamation point because those guys love them. Those guys were into it. Number four was that thing you do. Number three, I thought maybe this might have come from Joey's mouth because he was on the right track with musicals in Oklahoma.
Starting point is 00:50:44 because he was on the right track with musicals in Oklahoma. Mulan Rouge! Oh, I don't remember an exclamation point on that one either. Me neither. I know, right? It's like, it's something like, you know, sometimes you hear about a movie and you go see it, and you don't necessarily look that hard at things like an exclamation point, especially if you're excited to see it. That was all Mamma Mia though, like I think what just- That's crazy, yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:10 Yeah, no, I don't know- I love you guys rallying for Mamma Mia being snow. It's true, it should have been on the list. The star power alone is insane, no? Yeah. It's nuts, it's not on there. When he told me it wasn't on there, I was like, Mamma Mia.
Starting point is 00:51:23 That's right, and I went, ego! That's my favorite choice of the night. Yeah, they even went so far as to, mama mia went crazy with exclamation points because there was a TV series spin-off called Mama Mia, I Have a Dream. And that also, that also. Oh my god. Oh my god. Mama Mia, I Have a Dream.
Starting point is 00:51:50 It's like the exclamation point replaces the colon in the all future of Mama Mia. Yeah. Okay, now this number two is like, it makes absolutely perfect sense why it has an exclamation point. And it's probably one of the my favorite of all times of two in terms of movies that have just way too much punctuation going on and it's a tick comma tick ellipses boom exclamation point
Starting point is 00:52:19 oh oh tick boom it's number two on the list so that either going to come right into your head or that's the last thing you're ever going to think of. Yeah. But it is interesting that musicals and comedies really seem to dominate when it comes to exclamation points. And my favorite TV exclamation point was when Ellen Cleghorn from SNL got a sitcom on the WB and they called that Clegg horn exclamation point like anyone was going to shout that title at any point for the rooftops.
Starting point is 00:52:58 Yeah. So congratulations, Brandon Collins. You did it again. You are a winner. So you get to do your plugs first. What would you like to promote? This gracious. Well, thank you guys for great, you know, great show as always. Folks can follow me at Frodo underscore blackens on Instagram and threads.
Starting point is 00:53:16 Frodo blackens that comp or show dates have dropped black history tour dates coming up on Boston, Austin, Detroit and of course, Brooklyn, New York. And then a medium popcorn podcast, where I review movies, my friend Justin Brown for Rotten Tomatoes and yeah, all that good stuff. Thanks again, man. Always a pleasure having you. And I will be in touch about your next appearance. Maybe you maybe you'll just be on every episode from now on.
Starting point is 00:53:42 Yeah, nobody. Nobody. I mean, it's a great shadow pits. Can't be you. Maybe nobody can. It's a good thing. It could be. It's a good thing. I have Jeff Tate and Sam Levine on speed down. There we go. Do people still say that, that they have somebody else? I think it's like your top five on your phone or something you can say. I guess, yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:09 All right, Chad Opitz, what would you like to promote? Well, I mean, I'm going to be on that the well and Bakersfield Doug loves movies show with you on March 23rd. And I have a request now, if anybody brings a copy of the film EGA I'll buy them, I'll buy them a beverage Wow I do not think that's gonna happen but in Bakersfield, California on Sunday, March 23rd. Fourth? Third. Third. Third. That's right. No. 23rd. God damn it. It's 23rd, I'm pretty sure. National EGAD Day. Yeah, yeah. I just, I get so, I have so many dates that I have to deal with all the time with you know
Starting point is 00:55:07 promoting my stand-up and my podcast and February March drive me crazy because a lot of times the dates like line up so it's like You know, they're all the same day of the week or whatever. So like from one month to the next I can't keep things straight and I send people the wrong information and and then People die Lives are at stake Joey Bragg a solid second place in our second game today and
Starting point is 00:55:38 It was a delight having you back. What would you like to plug? Oh, thanks. I love it here I love I love feeling like a Gene Hackman dum-dum. I got a cold sweat when you brought him up. I am just at Joey Bragg on Instagram. I'm at Mic Drop in San Diego on March 27th and then at Mic Drop in Chandler, Arizona on March 28th and 29th Six shows come out and see me and I will have watched night moves since this March 27th, what is that a Thursday? I don't know man. I think so Yeah, I think it's I think it's Thursday in San Diego then Friday Saturday in Arizona I'm just trying to solidify by I'm trying to keep these March dates straight.
Starting point is 00:56:27 So I listen to all these March dates I want to plug. I've got two Douglas movies at South by Southwest, one on March 10th and one on the 15th. So if you have a badge for comedy or, you know, a film badge, any badge, music badges for the second one, film badges for the first let me know about the 10th I'll be around I know I know you're gonna be up in it as well and then Benson movie interruption is back at the dynasty typewriter in Los Angeles on Monday March 17th which is St. Patrick's Day. So that's gonna be an interesting one
Starting point is 00:57:08 because people bring in movies and then we pick one to watch. And I'll be interested to see if a movie about a leprechaun or just movie about drunk people in general will make the cut that night. And then the following Monday, March 24th, the day after I'm at the well at Bakersfield, we're doing another Douglas movies at Dynasty Typewriter. The last one we did there, we live streamed and it went very well. So we decided to do that again. So if you're sitting
Starting point is 00:57:40 at home somewhere that's not in Los Angeles, or even if you don't want to leave your home in Los Angeles you can live stream That episode or just listen to it later as you probably are doing with this one right now dynasty typewriter comm you can go to for Tickets and info about that stuff and Douglas movies commas where all my other stuff is Thanks again to Brandon Collins, Chad Opitz, and Joey Bragg. To close it out, I'm going to say the last thing that Gene Hackman says in the classic Loose Cannons. So as always, I knew that.

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