Doug Loves Movies - Joey Bragg, Martha Kelly and Josh Ruben guest

Episode Date: February 10, 2025

Doug welcomes Joey Bragg, Martha Kelly and Josh Ruben to the show.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Doug hates candy wrappers screening baby sticky seeds with 50 as a pop or kernels in his teeth They're still not one that he won't see Hey, hey, hey everybody, my name is Doug and I love movies This is Doug loves movies recording on Super Bowl Sunday, February 9th 2025 and of course everyone that's listening to this it is February 10th or Later, so you know the outcome of the Super Bowl and me and my guests do not and they are Joey Bragg Martha Kelly and Josh Rubin hello Yo
Starting point is 00:00:51 Let's meet everybody individually and alphabetically by First name he is making his first appearance on this show very funny comedian Joey Bragg Hey, Joey. Hey,ey hey thanks for having me man I think thanks for being here on a big game day I know I had to cancel so many plans but for you I'd move anything are you a you know watch the watch the bowl kinda person I am I'm a I'm a Washington formerly Redskins now
Starting point is 00:01:24 commies fan so we had a good run this year, but I want the Eagles to lose more than I've wanted anything in my life. Is that a common shortening of Commanders to call them Commies? They must have known. They chose, it's red and yellow and they choose the name Commanders. Like what do they expect? You know, I don't know, the Deers, I don't know what part of the word you're supposed to take, but that just sounds counterproductive to call them commies.
Starting point is 00:01:53 Right, and it's like more offensive to the people that didn't find Redskins offensive at all. So, it's just the opposite direction. It's bizarre. I don't know where to stand on any of this anymore, but thank you for being here. Thank you Who do you think's gonna win the game today? I think Trump Trump Donald Trump Donald J. Trump is gonna win Well, he said the word is he's attending the the game and apparently that's never happened before I would have sworn
Starting point is 00:02:23 I've seen presidents at the Super Bowl before, but I guess it's like probably a security nightmare. So they probably always discourage the president from coming. And why don't you watch it on the big screen in the Oval Office or whatever the hell. All right, so you're not leaning one way or the other on the two actual teams that are playing? No, not really.
Starting point is 00:02:49 I mean, I want the Eagles to lose just because they beat us in the NFC Championship, but I hate the Chiefs anyway. See, everybody's got a cross to bear. I want the Chiefs to lose solely because they've won a few times already. Yeah. You know what I mean? I'm sorry about the pun, but I'm all about the underdog. All right, so returning to the show,
Starting point is 00:03:11 second time on the show, I believe, writer, director, actor, currently starring as moviegoer in Heart Eyes, it's Josh Rubin. Oh my god, it's a pleasure to be back. And I don't mean to correct you on your own show, Doug. It's moviegoer number two. So if you want to redo it or anything, I'm happy to pretend I'm happy.
Starting point is 00:03:34 You better reach out to IMGB and set them straight because I just looked at it a while ago and they're calling you moviegoer. Like maybe they combined you and movie goer like maybe they Combined you and a movie goer one into one One character. Oh, you know what? It's probably a PR thing. Yeah, it's that's actually probably for the better The reps probably you know, cuz they got the keys to the profile So they probably they probably did that for my career and all I really appreciate that and it's good to be back You probably absorbed the other actor like in the substance.
Starting point is 00:04:09 Yeah, like a carrion, but you know as they say we are one. So me and some sweet sweet New Zealander just going on auditions, you know what I mean, but also soaking up the moment. It's good to be back and Joey, I too, I'm a Washington guest born in DC and I loved the Redskins even before I knew it was problematic. Just an eight year old wearing the coat. Yep, and I was wrapped in a towel. I had no idea.
Starting point is 00:04:37 I had no idea when I was born put in a jersey. It's like those kids that are put in a Confederate flag towel when they're born. Completely. Completely. Completely. Like starting a fight with a kid on aim, you know? Like, you know what I mean? Like, how do you know?
Starting point is 00:04:51 Like, why would you wear that hood? And it's like, I was born this way. Like I grew up, I grew up around it. What do you want me to say? You know what I mean? Anyway. Actually, the Native Americans, they love it. That's what my mom told me to say.
Starting point is 00:05:03 They're all for it. They like it for it. Also, joining us today is just waiting politely to be introduced, making her 15th appearance on the show. It's Martha Kelly. Hey, Martha. Hey, Doug. I didn't know it was my 15th appearance. That's exciting. I you know, it's a very informal system for keeping track of Times you've been on but I think it's fairly accurate
Starting point is 00:05:34 You know, there's still fortunately all the archives of old episodes are are still there and You know and searchable so I'm able to I've been kind of enjoying lately figuring out you know how many times a guest has been on before like in the case of Joey is super easy I just I just knew this was his first time who you think's gonna win today Martha you feeling strong um I would you rather answer that question who's gonna win between the Eagles and the Chiefs um I think that um I'm not I I don't follow football. I hope, all I can say is that I'm excited Kendrick Lamar's performing.
Starting point is 00:06:28 And I hope that one person who is gonna be in attendance and I don't wanna say who it is, but I hope that he accidentally falls down a flight of stairs. Oh my goodness. I'm not gonna say who it is. That'd be so crazy Someone is deathly afraid of them as well
Starting point is 00:06:51 Yeah, that's It's an interesting choice someone who's afraid of stairs going to a stadium to watch a Sporting event with cameras everywhere If it goes down, we're gonna we're gonna see it I think. So with those predictions in mind we won't know until later what's gonna happen at today's game but I hope Martha that you are able to time it right so you tune in for the the kendrick lamar part
Starting point is 00:07:33 I will try and i'm not i'm not a hater on football and I hope taylor swift is there and that we get to see her And that that makes one person again. I won't name them I hope it makes that one person really angry that she's there. I think it'd be hilarious if they put up on the the Jumbotron in the stadium just a scowl off between Taylor and Trump just come back and forth between them scowling at each other. That would be fun. Fucking rich people. So before we play our games today, I would like each one of you, starting with Joey, to... I'm sorry if this is a gotcha question, Joey, but just recommend a movie. Could be old or new. Just something you'd recommend to the listeners. I'm so, as you said, I've become so conscious of wanting to seem like a smart guy.
Starting point is 00:08:30 I was like, what black and white movie do I remember the title of? But if I'm being honest, I think the movie I've seen the most in my whole life has been Robert Pattinson's The Batman. I watched that movie like once a week. I think that is a perfect film. And it's not only a couple years old, you know, so for it to be a lifetime most seen movie, you must just have it on like wallpaper. Crammed, cramming it. I got that 4K thing, smoke comes out of my PS5 from that disc being run so much.
Starting point is 00:09:02 Why are you so into it? Just the kind of bleakness of it all? Big Batman guy, big love, love, love Batman. And I feel like that was like the best, it's like a dark, it's like a good movie, sans Batman, but then it has Batman in it. And so that's like, that's best case scenario. Do you like the Penguin TV show
Starting point is 00:09:20 that's in the same universe as the Batman movie? Yeah, I like the Penguin. I'm a big noir guy. I love like a good crime noir detective. I read all the Raymond Chandler novels, and I just feel like that is the perfect marrying of my two favorite things, Batman and noir-y stuff. Yeah, they did make it more like Batman
Starting point is 00:09:39 and the Jeffrey Wright character were detectives on a case or whatever. Um, but I, that's interesting to watch it repeatedly though, cause you know, you know all the details of the case already. So you just must, the mood must be really important to you. Oh yeah. I mean it is, it's like the perfect, it's the perfect vibe. I think. It's like sleepy, but it's cool and it's Batman. It's mostly for Batman, if I'm being real honest. It's mostly for Batman. All right, I think What's Your Name is a really good Zoe.
Starting point is 00:10:10 Kravitz is a really good Catwoman, and I enjoyed that movie. You know, my heart bleeds for all the overweight, ugly actors out there, though, that could play the Penguin without having to sit in a makeup chair for four hours you know they could have discovered the next James Gandolfini instead of giving Colin Farrell awards for he gets awards when he plays a handsome guy, he gets rewards when he plays an ugly guy
Starting point is 00:10:40 they love to make handsome guy ugly for award you want an award, make yourself ugly, here's an award ugly guy. Oh, they love to make handsome guy ugly for award. Yeah. You want an award? Make yourself ugly. Here's an award. Yeah. All right, Josh. What's your current recommendation in your mind?
Starting point is 00:10:56 I mean, I'm going to go a little older. I'm going to go with a little Albert Brooks defending your life. You don't recommend any movie. That one's just kind of perpetually on in my household. Always cry at the same spot. I hear his delightfully vulnerable raspy voice going, Julia, I love you. Also just like watching him and fantasizing,
Starting point is 00:11:20 projecting that I can eat whatever I want and it won't affect me in the afterlife or whatever it is the in-between. It's great. It's even more fun eating spaghetti noodles in that world as Meryl Streep demonstrates. Yes. So amazing character actors all around like Rip Torn is so good in it. And it's definitely one of the more overlooked classics because I don't even think you have to be an Albert Brooks fan to appreciate it. It's got this, the script is so good. It's so good. It's legitimately romantic.
Starting point is 00:12:03 It's also technically a genre film like he's in the in between watching the movie of his life is like worst moments or his most like fearful moments in his life. And he falls in love with my street and there's just great comedic moments like just like catatonic old woman on a trolley going you remind me of my poodle like it just just every There's just such obscure lovely Flourishes and him singing the like barbus drys in in the in the BMW that he buys on his birthday in the beginning Yeah, I like it. It's just everything about just it just tickles me makes me happy. Yeah, that's very It's just everything about it. It just tickles me, makes me happy. Yeah, that's very, very entertaining. They find like that one sequence where they go,
Starting point is 00:12:49 here's every time you dropped or broke something. It's just this quick montage of ridiculous accidents. And yeah, that movie works on all cylinders. Martha, it's your turn. I'm I'm gonna recommend the movie the Melissa McCarthy movie spy just because I regularly return to it when I'm Gonna watch something right before bed. That's funny and great. So talk about everybody like hitting their marks,
Starting point is 00:13:33 like every, all the characters and the actors that play them do such a good job in that movie. I really liked the rapport between her friend that's also an agent and her Yeah, Melissa, that's really fun and also strangely violent like It's pretty got some pretty nasty moments violence wise
Starting point is 00:13:58 Yeah, yeah that part I know you really that's how good it is is you you look past that yeah and still Enjoy yourself And she's just so funny in every Single thing that I mean every moment. She's on it. So great Yeah, they really Nailed it with that one. It's a shame that she said, I was watching Tammy the other night and she's like, she is just so spectacularly funny when everything else around her comes together. And it's a shame that just doesn't work every time.
Starting point is 00:14:40 But Spy might be my number one Melissa McCarthy movie. I have to think about it a little bit, but I think probably either that or Little Mermaid. I love Spy. It's probably my favorite, but I also love The Heat and Boss. The Boss boss yeah yeah what was it I'm not she's not she's the boss just the boss I think it's I can't I should it's not boss baby or boss lady boss lady the big horrible boss babies boss I think it's the boss it is the it's the boss yeah, okay?
Starting point is 00:15:28 Right all right. You're gonna have to when we come back from commercials. You're gonna have to stop looking things up on your device and there because We don't want people to think anybody's cheating fair enough. I won't do it anymore. I promise How are we though? All right Fair enough. I won't do it anymore. I promise. How will we know? All right. I'll lose on purpose and then you can't accuse me of cheating. I think that's what you do every time.
Starting point is 00:15:52 Well, don't give away my secret. I think that's your MO. Okay. We're going to take a thanks for those recommendations. We're going to take a break and play some games after these messages. Today's episode is brought to you in part by Shopify. When you think about businesses that are selling through the roof, like Gymshark or Magic Spoon or Allbirds,
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Starting point is 00:18:56 back to the show We're back, how about them messages those Those are some good messages. You know, Valentine's Day Is almost upon us. That's right. It's this Friday, so I thought Wow, this is a great time to play a game that I call Valentine's Day the movie the game I Valentine's Day the movie the game I Don't know how familiar any of you are with Gary Marshall's Valentine's Day
Starting point is 00:19:33 but In this game you're going to take turns guessing the names of people who you think or know We're part of that star studded cast Yeah first with three correct names is the winner. We'll start with Joey, then go to Josh, then go to Martha. And like I say, if you aren't familiar with exactly who is in the movie, guess stars that you think would be in one of those Gary Marshall holiday comedies. I think that's the one that set it all off. Like there's Valentine's Day, then Mother's Day, and then, or no, New Year's Day, maybe
Starting point is 00:20:17 New Year's Eve, New Year's Day. And then- Semantics. Yeah. And then Mother uh, New Year's people. Semantics. Yeah, and then, uh, Mother's Day. And I don't think he got to any, I don't think he got to any of the other days, uh, in his time. But, um, Joey, do you remember? Who is in it?
Starting point is 00:20:36 Who is in it? I'm, I'm like, not, Anne Hathaway is in that movie, right? Well, that's your first guess? Yeah. Anne Hathaway is correct. Who? Anne Hathaway is correct. Anne Hathaway is in the movie. Now we go to Josh.
Starting point is 00:20:49 Josh, do you know this movie at all? I think I know the poster-ish. Right. Okay. So you got an idea of the kinds of people that would be in it? I'll throw a dart. I think Julia Roberts isn't it? I think that's a terrific guess because she is in fact In the movie. Oh, yeah sitting in a plane seat. They've died. They bet they shot her stuff Before lunch, okay If she came in knowing her lines it didn't take very long
Starting point is 00:21:24 All right, Martha, will you if you came in knowing your lines it didn't take very long all right Martha who do you who do you know from Valentine's Day well I was also gonna guess Julia Roberts and I will tell you that I wasn't thinking about cheating until you said don't look up answers on your phone and now that's all I want to do but I will guess was Jennifer Aniston in it? That is always a great guess because she was in Mother's Day but she is not she would not make an appearance in Valentine's Day, but we'll be back to you in a second, Martha. Joey, who else can you go deeper than Anne Hathaway on the cast of Valentine's Day?
Starting point is 00:22:14 The whole thing about this cast is that it was like, it's everybody from 2006. And the posters in like a heart, I think Topher Grace is in that movie? It would weigh off. You don't have to phrase it as a question, this isn't Jeopardy, but yes, Tofer Grace is in Valentine's Day. Hell yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:39 Very nice. I'm up. That's a good poll. Josh, what's your next guess after Julia Roberts? I'm gonna pile on that 70s show vibe on that get on that train set and just gonna throw it Ashton Kutcher. Oh the kutch. You just got kutched. You got so kutched man. You got schooled. I mean, you got jobs. Ashton Kutcher is in fact in VD the movie. Wow.
Starting point is 00:23:12 That's a wild get. That is wow. So it could be anybody from that area. You know, Ashton, I think is the only person to be in two of those movies, I think, cause he was in a New Year's day New Year's Day also but you're on the board still Josh with Joey Josh have it all tied up but let's let's go to Martha and see if she can get on the board okay um Ashton could could you made me think that for some reason that maybe Cameron Diaz was in it?
Starting point is 00:23:56 That is an interesting leap, but they do appear together in, I think, what happens in Vegas. Yes. Yes, but they do not appear together or separately in Valentine's Day, but I love that guess. A phenomenal guess. I want to give you two points for each one of your guesses, so now you're in the lead with four points. That's not fair. Okay, Joey, we're back to you. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:24:17 Have you thought of another one? the No way. I love the way you play Joey because I you know I played this game before with the not only this movie but those other ones and people just really freeze up and don't know what to you know don't either know or they don't know they don't they don't take such creative guesses but I can't even remember what she does with that. I feel like she's probably like a disc jockey or something. She's got like a relationship show or something. All right, Josh, do you have any more ideas who might be in this and try to tie this up with Joey? I'm gonna get into a Twilight. I think there's some Twilight
Starting point is 00:25:27 I'm positive. There's a Twilight cast man. I'm gonna say Kristen Stewart is my guess. Oh my goodness I really liked where you're going with the Twilight thing sounded like a reasonable a way to lead to something but she was not in A way to lead to something, but she was not in In Valentine's Day. Oh, I'm very sad to say Do I take one more guess for fun Martha? Yeah, I was gonna say because I finally remembered her last name Jennifer Goodwin But based on Josh's guess I I'm going to change it to Taylor lot. No, see, that's where I thought he was going as well, because yes, indeed, Taylor Lauder.
Starting point is 00:26:12 Oh, that is too good. That is too appropriate. Oh, my goodness. Thank you, Johnson. Sorry, I stole your. No, that was, you know, that's impressive when somebody, you know, does the math right, but it still doesn't add up. Two of my favorites. So congratulations, Joey, you won that first game. I'll tell you, I'll tell you what you want in a moment.
Starting point is 00:26:43 But first, you know, people are dying to know, who the hell else was in Valentine's Day. Do you have one more wild guess, Joey? I was gonna say, my next guess was Jessica Biel. Yes, Jessica Biel. Is she really in that movie? That is true. I have never seen that movie but it was like must have been at a time in my life where I was watching commercials cuz yeah, you saw trailers What's the next one that comes into your head? I was I couldn't decide so fascinating Jennifer Beale or Halle Berry Halle Berry is in the New Year's Eve Allie Barry is in the New Year's Eve one. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:27:24 It had to stop eventually. But your breaking was... Yeah, it's on the right side. That was my slumdog millionaire moment. They're really... The cast and the movies are super, super-duper interchangeable, like love boat episodes. But the fun ones to me are just like I always enjoy them when they pop up and things, but they aren't like, well, they weren't billed as like big stars in the movie
Starting point is 00:27:47 were, but I wrote them down in case anybody brought them up or Larry Miller and Kristen Shaw. But then in alphabetical order, here's who you missed. Jessica Alba is in Valentine's Day. Kathy Bates. Yeah, who recently won that critics choice award yesterday and was shocked out of her mind and she won. Spent her entire speech talking about the firefighters. She's a very cool lady. Bradley Cooper is the one sitting next to
Starting point is 00:28:27 Julia Roberts in the airplane through the whole movie. Eric Dane and Patrick Dempsey are both on hand because Grey's Anatomy was so big at the time. Hector Elizondo is in every movie Gary Marshall directs. You're right. Good old Jamie Foxx plays. He plays a reporter who's really trying to get to the bottom of his Valentine's Day, a rip off.
Starting point is 00:28:57 He's got a really hard attitude about it. Jennifer Garner, of course, you know, works in a flower shop with Ashton Kutcher and he cheats on her George Lopez is in there Do it I don't remember what oh, I think he owns the flower shop or no He's the truck driver at the flower he delivers the flowers surely mcclain is you know around somewhere being baddie? Emma Roberts and a role that I feel could have derailed her entire acting, singing, everything career because she's not good in it.
Starting point is 00:29:35 Taylor Swift. Oh wow. Wow. When did that movie come out? That feels early for T. Swift. I know right. She was like her and Taylor Lautner were a thing at the time, I believe. And so they play sweethearts and she's a cheerleader and he's a dumb jock.
Starting point is 00:29:56 And I think Gary Marshall just let them make up all their own lines and it's terrible. Is that the one where she's cheer captain and he's on the preachers? No, I just said he's a dog. She changed the whole story for that shake it off song. All right, you guys, fantastic work everybody. We can't have Valentine's Day, the movie erasure. We have to talk about it every year. And Joey was our winner.
Starting point is 00:30:29 And I'll tell you what you won, Joey, after this break. We'll be right back. Huddle up. It's me, Angel Reese. You can't beat the postgame burger and fries, right? Know what else you can't beat? The Angel Reese special. Let's break it down.
Starting point is 00:30:44 My favorite barbecue sauce, American cheese, crispy bacon, pickles, onions, and a sesame seed bun, of course. And don't forget the fries and a drink. It's going to be a high C for me. Sound good? All you have to do to get it is beat me in a one-on-one. I'm just playing. Get the Angel Rees special on McDonald's now. I'm participating in restaurants for a limited time. We are back and I know Joey is dying to know. Chomping at the bit. What the hell did I win?
Starting point is 00:31:13 I didn't even know you could win anything here today. And what you want is you get to go first in the second and final game, the one that really matters, the one that determines it all For today we will have a brand new champion Who will be invited to return at their earliest possible? Convenience and they also get to do their plugs first at the end of the show At the point where some people might turn it off if it's just going to be all of our plugs
Starting point is 00:31:44 At the point where some people might turn it off if it's just going to be all of our plugs The game we're gonna play is called the little search engine that could Today I typed a word into this search engine on IMDB and I wrote down the top 10 movies with that word in the title And that's according to you know the popularity meter on IMDB How often people are? You know typing You know searching these movie titles after I tell you the word you're going to take turns guessing movies
Starting point is 00:32:25 With that word in the title I mean you could say any tile you want but you're probably more likely to be right if it has that word in it the more points you get Joey is gonna start us off oh yeah then then we go to Martha and then to Josh so we flip the order around from the last thing and You'll each get three guesses total so You know hopefully as we go along much like what happened with Valentine's Day game is you you you know, might think of more, more might come into your head while you're waiting for your next go at it. It makes sense to everybody.
Starting point is 00:33:14 Yeah. Okay. Is the word Valentine's? Oh, that's the most important part. I always forget that I have to tell you what the word is. Boy, that would I, you know, there'd be a few movies with Valentine in the, in the title, but you're not certainly not 10. I don't think, I mean, maybe like some super old ones. We don't know.
Starting point is 00:33:38 Can't even think of another one. You know, there's like Valentine's day massacre must have been a movie. My bloody Valentine. My bloody Valentine. But you're running short after that. I'm sure there's another like horror Valentine. There's simply Valentine. Did you say that or did I stare? I didn't.
Starting point is 00:33:58 That's what's that. There's just a movie called Valentine. I think David Borean is in it. Oh, right, right, right. Yeah, they were trying to capitalize off of his, his angel character from Buffy, give him his own, his own thing. He's probably like a detective or something
Starting point is 00:34:18 and wore a lot of trench coats. Okay, so the word is not Valentine. Boy, that would have been awesome thank God No, we need a word that appears in a lot of titles and this one certainly does The word is story So think about that movies with the word story
Starting point is 00:34:42 In the title we're trying to look for the top ten most popular on the the I think maybe you're just in trouble there because of the you know, why are people You know, why are they entering? Christmas movies into a search engine in February Yeah, maybe they were just I don't know. They're just late late. Maybe they use Internet Explorer 2000 and late. All right. I Didn't hate that guess though. I got excited that it might be on there. I forget what's on here until I look down at it Martha what's your first guess? Well first I just want to say Joey I use Internet Explorer and
Starting point is 00:36:00 I wonder does that make me old But secondly, I mean, being being almost 57 is actually what makes me old. But my guess is a marriage story. Oh, yeah. Who's in that? Well, I'm in it. Yeah, who's in that? Well, I'm in it. That's why I think that's why I picked the word story because I knew that Martha was a movie with story in the title. And then when I type story in nerd story is number four on the list. Is number four on the list?
Starting point is 00:36:50 Martha's out of the gate with seven points because she she knows the title of a movie she worked on I Was in a very small part of it though. Yeah, you're very good in it though Yeah, and it's a solid movie a best picture nominated movie That's pretty awesome. Josh, have you ever worked on, I'm going through the titles of some of your movies. I don't think the word story is in any of the titles of anything you've worked on. No, but I did do background in my super ex-girlfriend. So again, still the answer is no. But the first, this could count as two answers, but the never ending story,
Starting point is 00:37:37 both part one and two, you know, could be two of my three guesses because after that it really goes downhill. So what happened? Well, you can't do all your guesses up front. So pick one to start off with and hope that the other one doesn't get. Can you imagine if I said the never ending story to a trade user banter or whatever? No, I'm going to go never ending story. The OG. Yeah, never reading story is number three on the I learned today. I never thought about it before but never endings one word with a capital E I never knew that they
Starting point is 00:38:18 Worded it like that and yeah, I always put them up Eight points is what that was worth. Roof. So Josh brings into the lead, but there's still we still got the number one movie and the number two movie with the word story in the title. And Joey said a little time to think about his the error of his first first attempt. Dumbass mistake.
Starting point is 00:38:44 Yeah. So what where's your head at now? What's your next guess? Gotta be real honest, I was gonna do Never Ending Story, but now that you said that, I think I got the number one, and I think it's Toy Story. Wow. Look at me go. Yeah, that was impressive
Starting point is 00:39:00 that you pulled that, but also, you know, it's like you pointed to the grand stand, that you pulled that but also You know it's like you pointed to the grandstand and then only got a triple because it's number two. Oh damn it It's number two wonder boy and you Nine points so you are in the lead now With nine points in the rule. We've just started our second round of three. Martha, do you think you know what number one might be?
Starting point is 00:39:34 I don't think it's number one, but I do have a guess that hopefully is on the list somewhere, which is West Side Story. Okay, now I have to ask you a question Okay, West Side Story 2021 or West Side Story 1961 You have to specify you do yeah Then 1961
Starting point is 00:40:06 I'm sorry Martha. That's not Crap I I quit No, you're still in great shape at this point of the game Martha, but Josh gets a turn now I'm not sure what what's gonna happen here I mean me neither because I don't know if this counts Doug I'm not gonna say it what kind of crazy okay not count wait for it guys. The story of us is the television show, but I'm just waiting. Maybe I shouldn't have said anything because maybe you would have quickly looked at me like, yeah, that movie.
Starting point is 00:40:54 Well, yeah, wasn't there. What was the thing with Bruce Willis and Michelle Pfeiffer called? I think that was called the story of us. Okay, I'll take that. Yeah, that's what I'm gonna do. That one. And I think you and I think he drove a bus and I was like, why didn't they call it the story of bus? But so that's what you want to go with? Yeah, definitely. That's the one I meant as well.
Starting point is 00:41:23 Because the TV show is called This Is Us or This Is... Oh great, yeah. I meant the shelf life of Bruce Willis one. Sorry, that didn't make the cut. Didn't make the top ten. But you still have a chance here. Everybody's still in this because if somebody manages to come up with the number one
Starting point is 00:41:50 title with the word story in it they will get a lot of points, so let me just say this before we start this round that a thing to maybe keep in mind is this is people searching the word story today, you know, searching these movies, the top 10. So it's very, I don't want to say it's current because people can look up old movies. But I'm just saying that there's a reason why certain things land in the top 10 and Joey, does that make any sense? Did that help you at all?
Starting point is 00:42:30 Stan Yeah, I kind of feel like you spoon-fed me this answer a little bit but... Charlie Do you think? Stan I think so and I think the correct answer is West Side Story Ansel Elgort version. Charlie Well, first of all, let's not call it that. Stan I'm pretty sure that's the real title. Charlie That's a very let's not call it that Real very mean thing to call it That's what Stephen called it for sure You take your least favorite thing about every movie experience and call it that movie You know like a baby driver the Kevin Spacey experience. Yeah, like fifth element that Chris Tucker movie
Starting point is 00:43:08 Okay West side story. I really wasn't trying to lead you to that but it also Obviously what I said could lead you to that and West side story from 2021 the one that Martha didn't pick is number six on the list. And so that's worth an additional five points for Joey, who now has 14 points, which is you could still beat them. Martha and Josh, you could still do this.
Starting point is 00:43:39 Starting with Martha. I feel like I you spoon-fed me the number one, but it's also partly because I'm a lot older than Joey and Josh I'm not gonna keep bringing that up, but I think the number one answer is love story Now see again That is fantastic I Didn't I saw it there I didn't write down where it landed, but it's like it's definitely like in the top 20 or so Searched in the yellow pages for sure yeah, yeah if there was like a It was such a huge hit at the time
Starting point is 00:44:21 but also I mean I don't want to you know help Josh too much here but in fact this does not apply to any of the answers here but like one thing no I'm not even gonna say it I'm gonna wait till after Josh makes his final guess because I don't I don't think I should give an extra clue at this point. Um, so what do you think, Josh? Have you thought of another movie or perhaps TV show? Okay. So you were, you were saying that it's more modern, more modern. It's in the more modern category.
Starting point is 00:44:57 Right. People were looking it up. What would people be looking up now that has the word story? In the time, what would they be searching for today? Okay. So before you said that, I thought dragon, the Bruce Lee story, obviously, because that's, that's my mind. But when you said today, I thought the Dewey Cox story. So right. Walk hard, rock, hot, walk hard, the Dewey Cox story so right walk hard rock hot walk hard the Dewey Cox story yeah it's obviously number one yeah I mean that should be number one always and forever but you're originally unknown yes yes I really liked a complete unknown. But I thought that what ultimately I think holds
Starting point is 00:45:53 it back from being like a classic is that, you know, the songs go on, like the songs are really like I enjoyed it from a like a Bob Dylan fan perspective But if you're somebody doesn't care about Bob Dylan and doesn't intend to care about Bob Dylan It's probably a pretty long, you know kind of a boring movie Does that make sense? I was I was fully I was wrapped up. I was I was fully, I was wrapped up. I was locked in. I was all about it. I think if somebody is super into Dylan,
Starting point is 00:46:30 that it's an amazing movie because they do just spend so much time with the performances. If you already like all that stuff, then I think it's great. But for somebody that's looking for, you know, a little bit more of a. But, you know, it didn't tell it like that big of a story. Like, what does it cover? Like maybe a year or two, maybe five in his life. I think so. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:00 Like, can you imagine if you've just never heard of Bob Dylan and you just wanted to see it just to get out of the rain? Yeah, I just think it's like, just like, I don so. Yeah, like can you imagine if you've just never heard of Bob Dylan and you just wanted to see it just to get out of the rain? Yeah, I just think it's like just be like, hmm. I don't It's weird, but you know also, I mean i've heard Bob Dylan sound a lot worse too like it's kind of a Nice they do kind of a nice sugar coating of like like his vocals aren't so scratchy, amazingly. They should make it a law that you have to wait for someone to die before you make a biopic about them. What's his reaction to it? He didn't go to the premiere, he didn't see it, but like it's clear that they made this movie going and when Bob sees this, he's gonna love it.
Starting point is 00:47:45 Like, they did the same thing with the Rocket Man movie. Like you could tell Elton John was off camera being like, and then I played so good, it started a riot. They need to wait for them to be dead. The biopics just got really screwed over by the Freddie Mercury one because Bohemian Rhapsody because it was good and it suddenly set this new Bar, but at the same time it wasn't that good
Starting point is 00:48:16 It was like it was just a good he was just doing such a good imitation That he won all those awards and everybody's like, Oh, that movie was great. Then Rocketman came out, had a lot more creativity. It's like what's happening now with better man is nobody gives a shit about Robbie Williams. So they're not giving the movie a chance, but everybody who sees it walks out of it. Like it's the most amazing thing they've ever seen. And, uh, but you still can't get people through the door because you know, they don't,
Starting point is 00:48:45 everybody's over biopics. I think I think I think complete unknowns only doing as well as it is because of Die hard Dylan fans and and people who just go to see award nominated movies and big Timothee fans I think he he is insanely good in it like it really like there's a lot of times I'm just like the way he had to study Bob Dylan and he's moved like Every time he's sitting still he's in a position that Bob Dylan would sit in You know it's crazy. How good he isn't it? Okay, so What happened Isn't it? Okay, so what happened?
Starting point is 00:49:29 Did Josh guest? What was your last guest, Josh? Well, the first one was the dragon, the Bruce Lee story. Right. But then what? But then it was a Dewey Cox hard, which you said didn't come close. It should be Yeah, that set me off on a complete unknown. Oh also, I don't like I complete unknowns a terrible title It doesn't it's not you know It doesn't roll off the tongue and it doesn't it doesn't sell the movie to anybody who
Starting point is 00:50:02 Doesn't know who he is. You know what I mean? mean yeah, well why don't I call the movie some loser? Okay, you know I guess there was that one movie called the losers and probably it prided okay but Congratulations Joey Wow you won the game Incredible you pulled it out. But here's the part that really stings. Oh sorry.
Starting point is 00:50:33 I just came to the recollect that all the Star Wars movies when they were trying to make like a Star Wars movie every year, they started to make the ones that weren't the episodes called like Solo a Star Wars story or Rogue One a Star Wars story every year, they started to make the ones that weren't the episodes called like solo a Star Wars story or Rogue One a Star Wars story. Is that the analyst? Doug, wow. Did I fuck up, Doug? Well, I mean, you won the game anyway, so it doesn't really
Starting point is 00:50:58 matter. So now you're just digging the knife in deeper, Frank. Yeah, yeah. Damn it. Yeah, you're just showing off at this point. even deeper, frankly. Yeah. Damn it. Yeah, you're just showing off at this point.
Starting point is 00:51:05 Rogue One, a Star Wars story, did come in at number seven. And I assume nobody would guess it because, you know, most people I think just refer to that movie as Rogue One. But that would have just been worth four points. The two that you, I mean, I guess you should have said that instead of your Christmas story guess. Yeah, well, still one. Still W, guys. I mean I guess you should have said that instead of your Christmas story guess Yeah, you still pulled out the way, and that's the that's the really important thing here, but
Starting point is 00:51:35 It's fun to go through and say all the ones that didn't get mentioned at number 10 a Cinderella story God how could we yeah Yeah, I know. All right. Number nine was a movie that I enjoy a great deal because of all the funny character actors in it. Dodgeball, a true underdog story.
Starting point is 00:52:01 And also I just I'm a sucker for sports sports movie because you know the team you want to win Generally wins, and then that makes you feel happy It's funny that as a group you Toss aside the idea that any other Toy Story movie could be on the list After the og Toy Story was number two Coming in number eight again list After the og toy story was number two Coming in number eight again. I don't know why not for why not to but toy story three Is number eight?
Starting point is 00:52:40 And then number seven is the aforementioned rogue one Westside story and then number five something. was pretty confident nobody would mention because it's from 1975 kind of spicy. I don't know why people are searching it today, but the story of oh The story of oh Yeah, that's like you know I guess we would now call it like soft core. You know, that kind of, you know, blurry, fuzzy lovemaking. And I think I think always like the name of I think she's a call girl or some such. Is that the bio pic of one of the letters of a, I think she's a call girl or some such. Is that the biopic of one of the letters of the alphabet?
Starting point is 00:53:27 Yeah. How the O came to be. Oh, and then number four, marriage story starring Martha, and number three, never ending story, two, story story, and then number one because we lost a great filmmaker who goes by the story? The straight story. Richard Farnsworth.
Starting point is 00:54:07 Yeah, it's, you know, I wouldn't call it a normal movie, but it's certainly the most mainstream narrative feature that David Lynch ever did. It's rated G even, I think, and maybe PG. And it's about Richard Farnsworth plays a man who decides to drive his lawnmower or you know his what's it called? The tractor he's his one lost brother Harry D. Yeah his motorized tractor he rides it just decides to just take it out on the open road and he rides it just decides to just take it out of the open road and he drives across the country in it and
Starting point is 00:54:52 He Richard Farge was a great actor and it's just a really sweet movie. So if you want like a Gentle sweet no violence whatsoever David Lynch movie The straight story from 1999 is is worth checking out. Well, thanks for playing my silly games. Because as promised, since Joey is our winner, he gets to do his plugs first. What would you like to promote, Joey?
Starting point is 00:55:22 Oh, wow. Honestly, ain't got much Doug. I'll be at, I can look at my calendar for my next. Promote yourself, like where can they find you to find where you'll be in the future? That's good, find me on Instagram, I'm at Joey Bragg on Instagram, at Joey Bragg seven and on TikTok
Starting point is 00:55:41 and just Joey Bragg comedy to see where I'm performing. I'm in Chandler, Arizona and San Diego at the end of the month. Come see me. Where are you going to be at in San Diego? I'm at Mic Drop. Oh, okay. Yeah. They put the big guns there.
Starting point is 00:55:57 Well, it's a pretty good scene going on in San Diego these days. Yeah. There's quite a few clubs, you know, and some all together in a concentrated space. So that's always interesting. And Joey, you will be back as soon as we can arrange it. And we'll talk more then maybe about that Chandler gig. Let's see. Martha Kelly, what's going on? You got anything you want to promote? Um, yes, I thank you.
Starting point is 00:56:33 I would love to promote an animated show on adult swim called common side effects. I play a supporting character named detective Harrington and it's on Adult Swim and I don't remember the time slot but I know that I think Monday or Tuesdays you can stream it on Hulu. Oh yeah. Otherwise, it's on Macs on Adult Swim and I'm also on tick-tock at Martha Kelly tick-tock. I will say I Posted three angry political rants yesterday. So that might be a different to following me but Are you messing around you you doing anything with blue sky? Oh Yeah, but I don't yeah, I think it's uh, I am on blue sky. What is it's um?
Starting point is 00:57:33 Let me tell you it's uh, oh it's just at Martha Kelly blue sky Okay Uh, yeah, so uh look up uh Martha wherever she's at Josh Rubin Yo, yo, yo doing this man. I appreciate it like Do you have? Something you'd like to tell us about some any projects that are cooking you can catch me as Movie-goer number two. Yeah. Yeah in this movie hard eyes, which I also directed that's on theaters right now go on Valentine's Day
Starting point is 00:58:12 Wait, you that's I'm so stupid. I'm like I saw that you're in it I must have just clicked on like actor on IMDB and totally overlooked I thought oh you just did a small part at hard for, you know, somebody else that he knows. I know you're, you know, sort of dude that would do that sort of thing. But you directed it and everybody's talking about it. Like, this is this is an exciting booking for me. It's crazy. I mean, honestly, I usually am the moviegoer number two of a film.
Starting point is 00:58:48 I mean, honestly, I usually am the movie goer number two of film, but here I'm both. Here I'm the Robert Redford of genre just today. So check it out. It's as legitimately Nora Ephron as it is Jason Lives. Yeah, I'm hearing lots of great things about it and I'm excited to see it. I'm excited to, you know, there's no crossover at all. I'm not getting paid to say this, but I took the leap and I'm an AMC Stubbs member and I'm super excited about seeing three movies a week. Oh my God, what's not to love? Heartbreak feels great.
Starting point is 00:59:28 They're gonna, in June, I hate to promote them even further, but in June, they're gonna, it's gonna expand. If you have the top tier membership, you can go to four movies a week. And this is it, any AMC in the country, in any format, like IMAX,
Starting point is 00:59:42 whatever they upcharge for at those theaters, it still counts for that. And it's crazy. I'm just, I'm excited to be a part of it. I mean, you know, if they wanted to pay me to talk about how excited I was, I certainly would. Here's my plug. Thank you, Josh and continued success with the movie and I saw an IGB. You also have some things in development, nothing else you can talk about now. That's all fake. That's all lies. Nobody cut no check.
Starting point is 01:00:20 Yeah, that's a bunch of cloud chasing bullshit they put on there. Doug plug. Saturday, that's about the cloud chasing bullshit. They put on there Doug plug Saturday February 15th that's the sub coming Saturday Benson movie interruptions back at dynasty typewriter at four o'clock on March 23rd Douglas movies comes to the well in Bakersfield, California and on May 5th Douglas movies is back at zanies and rosemont illinois o'harra jason All of my dates and deeds are at or if you're in la go to dynasty for my shows there and uh
Starting point is 01:01:00 Thank you once again to joey bragg j Josh Rubin and Martha Kelly Yay, you did it as always but that is another story Talkie's eyes of gold his viewing prowess makes it cocky There's no room in his heart for you Cause Doug loves movies!

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