Doug Loves Movies - Kate Micucci, Arden Myrin, Adam Pally and Paul Scheer guest
Episode Date: February 3, 2025Live from the Gateway Theatre as part of San Francisco Sketchfest, Doug welcomes Kate Micucci, Arden Myrin, Adam Pally and Paul Scheer to the show.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
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Doug hates candy wrappers screening baby sticky seeds with 50 as it pops or curdles in his teeth
There's still not one that he won't see cause Doug loves movies
Hey, hey, hey everybody.
My name is Doug and I love movies.
Coming to you once again from SF Sketch Fest in San Francisco. We are at the Gateway Theater, which I just love that name for, you know, personal reasons.
Because I smoke a Gateway drug every day. It's Sunday, the last day of SketchFest, February 2nd, 2025. I know
you're dying to hear my plugs, so let's get right to Doug Plugs. Yeah, see, people
go crazy. There's a revolution happening in this country, and it's for Doug Plugs.
Doug Loves Movies is coming to South by Southwest, Bakersfield, Rosemont, Cincinnati, and we'll
be live streaming again from Dynasty Typewriter in Los Angeles on February 25th at 730 Pacific
Time. For all my dates and deets and links, go to
Take a listen.
See, I warned people.
If you don't know what it is, don't yell out.
It was like, whoa.
This is. If you don't know what it is, don't yell out. It was like, whoa, this is, people are saying words.
It's not just general cheeriosity.
Let's talk prize bag everybody, because you know,
everybody's excited for the Doug Loves movies tote.
That there's just a limited number of those but I'll be
using them as a prize bag. And there's a gentleman that reached out to me on the social media
and said, hey, I work at a bookstore. Can I bring a book for the prize bag? And I was
like, yeah, that sounds nice. You know, just one book, you know, because, you know,
sometimes people say I want to bring something
for the prize bag and then they hand me like this big,
huge stack of shit like they, you know, didn't want
to go all the way to the Goodwill or whatever.
So I didn't want to be rude because it was a nice offer
but I was just like, just bring one book.
And where
is he? Did you make it over here? I saw it. Because I went into a bar down the street.
What's it called? The old ship? Yeah. I went into that bar because it's close by. I'd never
been in there before. And lots of people that were coming to this show were just at that
bar because it's close by and
I guess I guess you really got to be hammered to watch this shit and
So he was there, you know
I told him just give the book to the staff at the gateway and they'll get it back to me
But he was there and he's like do you want to take the book right now and I was like sure and
So here it is. I mean I probably should show this last. It's the best thing in the prize bag. Yeah, it's a Miyazaki book of, you know,
a coffee table book, if you will. Because, yeah, it weighs, it weighs about as much as
a coffee table. What's your name, dude? You want to stick with that one? Oh,
yeah, Lucas. You probably just weren't expecting that. You probably thought you'd just be a
mystery man who brought this amazing book. And then you brought another book we'll talk
about a little bit later. But yeah, he and brought two books, but I I still appreciate it
Also in the prize bag a friend of mine got me this really cool shirt
That's like there's this awesome film festival every year in Austin, Texas called Fantastic Fest and he gave me like an exclusive
crew shirt, and then it's
not my size. So I'm paying that forward.
I went to an event where Cesar Millan was there, you know, the dog whisperer, and he
gave out a bunch of Cesar Millan merch and this is one of my favorite things.
It's like, look at how small and compact that is.
But then you go like this, and it becomes a doggie water ball.
So like, if you're out walking your dog or whatever,
you have an instant bowl that you can put down.
And it's got a carabiner on it, so you
can wear it on your belt loop.
I mean, you get laid instantly if people see you care about dogs so much
you're walking around with a carabiner linked dog bowl on your on your hip.
That says Caesar Milan on it. This is a pipe from my friends a rubber pipe from
my friends at Peacemaker that's only been used once.
Never fails to get a laugh when I say that.
And then we got a Doug Benson pin and a Douglas Moobies pin
from Rockin' Pins.
And this is my favorite thing that I got recently in a,
it was like a, my friend, Chelsea who listens to the show and comes to the show a lot gave me like a box
that had a bunch of movie related stuff
and some microwave popcorn and this.
This was inside it.
I just wanna pass this along as an individual item.
It is a seasoning that is called Clamonaise.
I can't, yeah, I can't even, I can't believe they let me fly with it.
That just seems insane.
So all of that stuff, plus one other book that I'll mention when we, you know, once
I get my guests out here, we'll talk about this other book.
All this stuff is going to be given away to one person in the audience today.
One extremely lucky individual who hopefully isn't going home via public transportation. Because this bag is really heavy.
Let's get my guests out here.
Are you ready?
Oh my goodness.
I'm so excited.
There's always so many great people running around at SF SketchFest and it's so the lineups
are always pretty sick.
But this year it's really really fucking sick
Give it up everybody for
Kate mccoogee Arden marine
Adam Pally and Paul Shear
And Paul Scheer! Hi!
Hey everybody.
What's up?
Hey y'all.
Hi y'all.
Let's meet everybody individually and alphabetically by first name.
If you catch him, you're not going to want to throw him back.
He's the star of Mr. Throwback. Adam Peli everybody!
Hey man.
It looks like you're reading from a manifesto.
And the fact that all our names are on that list. Yeah this falls
in the wrong hands you might you might be in some trouble but what what's up
what are you what's your thing here at the fest. You've got another event tonight that you're doing?
Yeah, I'm doing a show with the cast and crew
of Mr. Throwback, which is a show I made in San Francisco
about Stephen Curry, who plays for the Golden State Warriors.
I don't know if this crowd is a sports crowd.
I'm not really a basketball guy.
I know him from Holy Moly.
Yeah, I should have led with Stephen Curry from Holy Moly.
That's really where he's kind of known from.
I love that show.
Yeah, it was great.
I know him from his talk show with his wife,
where they just sit and they have a good conversation
about sex and fun stuff.
Yes, yeah.
That's actually where I met him.
Oh, really?
Yeah, that's where I met him.
Because I'm having a good fun talk about sex with his wife.
I was having a fun talk.
Yeah, no, I was just like, can I talk to you and your wife
about sex?
No, his wife had a-
OK, Mr. Throw up
throw back. Oh, sorry.
You thought the show was called Mr. Throw up? No, I was just responding to
you offer to have a conversation about like that's like a John Lovett sketch from an eighties SNL. It's Mr of Blah. Mr. Thro goes to court. Yeah,
who's going to order? Don't let it be Mr. Throw up.
Mr. Throw up has had enough cut him off.
All right, so doctor throw up was my father,
but you could call me
so you're doing that tonight at the food at club fougaise, if you're listening right now, fugazi, if you're listening right now, cast please come to please
come tonight. If you're a listener of the podcast and you're finding out
right now about the show, it's tonight come it's yeah that's
pretty exclusive offer to people are in this room because this episode is coming
out late tonight so it'll be it'll be too late for people to that's pretty
impressive turnaround though oh we get we get it right out you get it right to
the people shoot it right out. You get it right to the people. We shoot it right out. No presses. No practice and standards.
Oh no.
That would be a problem.
Well thank you for being here Adam.
Thank you so much.
And seriously go see Adam tonight.
Also, like just hanging out in the audience
are two of Adam's co-stars from Mr. Throwback,
Aidan Mary and Rich Summer.
Yay. Yeah. Yeah.
Ever heard of Mad Men?
Ever heard of I Love That For You?
Yeah, unfairly canceled.
Mad Men lasted a little longer.
Yeah, I was gonna say, I think-
Fucking patriarchy.
Mad Men got its run.
Ha ha ha ha. Also joining us today, lasted a little longer. Yeah, I was gonna say, I think Mad Men got its run.
Also joining us today,
she just taped an episode of her hit Bachelor podcast,
Will You Accept This Rose?
It's Arden Marie!
With Doug. Yeah, I was a guest. And Kate. guest and yeah, we're all just guesting all over each
We're guesting all over each other.
Yeah, it's a guest apocalypse.
We're going to be doing yet another show together, Arden and I.
It'll be our fourth one this weekend.
Tonight at seven o'clock in this same facility,
we live here now.
We live here.
You're a real Nichols and May.
We're doing a like minds trivia with Adam Savage
from Miss Busters and Erin Hayes.
And Erin Hayes from, was she on?
She was on Children's Hospital.
That's what I thought.
So that's gonna be happening later here tonight.
So now you have a real serious choice to make.
Are we going to?
Hold on, guys, hold on.
Wait until you introduce everybody
because they have another choice
that's gonna get in the mix.
The choice is keep adding up for you folks.
There's always go home and watch the rest of the Grammys.
I want to ask about The Bachelor for a second if I can.
So I've been not watching The Bachelor because my reality TV card is full.
I'm watching a lot of Traders from different countries.
Yes, I love Traders.
Traders is so fun.
Love it.
UK is, well I always say Australia season two
is one of my favorites.
UK is my favorite.
And then US I like a lot.
Gabby, what's up with Gabby?
She's great.
Gabby's great.
So Gabby was the bachelorette.
And they screwed her over.
They put her on a season with two bachelors.
She was also sort of quirky and wacky.
And God forbid you have sort of a wacky lead.
You better pair her with sort of a beauty queen.
And she was super fun.
And she did Dancing with the Stars.
And now she's like, you know what?
I like gals.
And she's dating Robbie Hoffman.
It's wild.
Because people on Traders are like, hey,
what happened in the bachelors? She's like, I'm gay now. Yeah, yeah. Because people on Traders are like, hey, what happened to The Bachelor?
She's like, I'm gay now.
Yeah, she's a lesbian.
And she had a who-
Which is a real indictment of The Bachelor.
No, no, she did Dancing with the Stars right after The Bachelor.
That's what turned her.
Oh, really?
Yeah, that's what turned her.
We did a show last night with Robbie at Cobbs.
We did the Scars show.
Robbie is so goddamn funny.
Robbie's so goddamn funny.
Yeah, they fell in love.
And she's like, yeah, I'm a lesbian now.
And we're like, that is fantastic.
This is the best turn of events.
Yeah, that's what happened.
Ladies like dating funny people.
But yeah, but I couldn't quite put it,
because I haven't watched it.
And I was like, oh, she doesn't seem to me
like the bachelorette that you would normally see on the show.
Because she is like, coo-coo.
She's different.
Yeah, she's fun.
In a fun way, like in a very fun way.
No, no, and usually the leads, usually the people
that make it that far, the lead right now
is actually kind of fun.
Which mostly just our, it's like our Barbies or our GI,
it's just sort of the playing field of something
to sort of talk about.
But usually you get a very bland lead.
And so she was a very fun lead.
And I think the guy right now is actually kind of fun.
All right, maybe I'll get back in.
Yeah, you can come to the podcast.
Come play.
Oh, hi, girl.
OK, fun.
Thanks for being here, Arden.
Also on the show today, if she sees a blank surface she will draw on it.
It's Kate Mccoochie!
Thanks for having me Doug. Thank you. Hi.
Is there anywhere in San Francisco people can see your art? Did you draw on any buildings here?
No, it's been raining. So I didn't draw anywhere here.
What do you use?
I love watching your videos.
Is it like a paint pen?
What do you use?
Lately I've been using a really big paint pen.
But sometimes I use regular paint,
but mostly paint pens,
because they're quick and you can just get away
with going really fast.
It's so fun to watch, I love it.
But thank you.
I think it's crazy.
Yeah, you gotta go fast,
because the popo might show up.
I just drive around looking for garbage,
and then I draw on it,
and then there was this beautiful white toilet
that was sitting there for days in my neighborhood,
and I was like, I think I have to go for it,
but I'm like, is that disgusting?
Yeah, it kind of is,
and then I thought, do I put gloves on?
I'll just do it.
I didn't get sick or anything, it worked out fine. And then I thought, do I put gloves on? Then I was like, no. I'll just do it. I didn't get sick or anything.
It worked out fine.
That's so fun.
I mean, the thing about a toilet is it does clean itself,
but to a certain extent.
It's true.
You know, it's not like it collects in there.
Yeah, it wasn't like that.
Good point.
Not me.
You've never cleaned your toilet?
No, I've just never had a toilet that was able to clean itself after I was done with
And I've been to Japan.
They just give up? That whole hotel staff fired themselves because they felt like they disrespected their culture
because they weren't able to clean that toilet.
Oh yeah.
That's so cool.
I had a robot toilet kill itself.
That's so cool.
Kate, where are you performing at 7 PM tonight?
You know, I'm going to watch the Grammys in my hotel room.
Can people come back?
That's a good podcast right now.
I'll be at the hotel call.
My room number is, but the Grammys will be on,
and that will be nice.
That's fun.
The hotel that I was in, when I checked in today,
they said, hey, we have a little issue.
And I said, what's that?
And they said, we can't make keys.
And I said, oh, that seems like a big issue.
They might as well have said, we're not a hotel now.
We've ceased being a hotel.
And I said, oh, OK, so what do I do?
And she's like, this guy can follow you up to your room
and let you in.
And I was like, all right.
And then, so yeah, when I want to get in the room,
I have to get this gentleman to walk me up.
He lets me in.
It's nice.
You should just treat it like it's your personal security.
Really act all cool about it.
This is the one.
But what she did to
make me feel better where she gave me the sheath that the key goes in. She's
like here you go. That she is that the verbiage imagine the she she's the
dirtiest word I've ever heard. What do they call it when
you wrap? Is that what they call for your coffee? She no, I like that. What
that sword? That's called a close. That's a sleeve sleeve. Yeah, sleeve is
different than she feels like panties. Really? Yeah, she feels like she's like
ooh, I don't know. Yeah, it sounds like it's it sounds like it's sheer.
It sounds like it's a sheer sheath.
So also joining us is I'll get these intros done eventually.
He is a man who has a book out that is going in the prize
bag because I was also gifted with, it's Paul Scheer.
Oh thank you so much.
Joyful recollections of trauma.
Yeah, that's roughly it.
Yeah, I guess that's in the ballpark.
Did you go in like this is the only pose I'm going to do,
or did they have options?
It was not given to me.
So I found out a lot about the book industry.
It's very interesting.
But one of the things I found out was they said, hey,
so can you send us a couple of photos for the cover?
We want to mock up something for the photo shoot.
I said, great.
And then they sent me that. And I said, oh, so you guys want to do that? And they're like, no, that's the cover, we want to mock up something for the photo shoot. I said, great. And then they sent me that, and I said,
oh, so you guys want to do that?
And they're like, no, that's the cover.
I was like, oh.
That photo's old.
That photo is like, I think before my first kid was born.
And my kid's 10.
So yeah, it was really like, I was like, oh.
And I was like, well, don't you want to do it again?
They're like, no. I was like, okay. really like, I was like, oh, and I was like, well, don't you want to do it again? Like, no.
I was like, okay.
So that's how that cover came to be.
I think it turned out great.
I like it, I like it, yeah.
You didn't even ask them to like digitally put socks on you?
Well, by the way, that's exactly,
that's not a look that I am rocking, a no sock look.
And it's forever.
It's alienating in the Midwest.
It's got a quote on the Midwest. Ha ha ha. Ha ha ha.
He's got a quote on the back from Jane Fonda.
I'm guessing she read it while she was in jail or something.
Ha ha ha.
Because she gets arrested on purpose a lot.
She does a lot of protests.
You did?
I got arrested with Jane Fonda.
Ha ha ha.
Why did you open with that?
Why are you saying anything else?
Well, so I got arrested with Jane Fonda and Young Sheldon.
Both of them didn't serve time.
They put me in the paddy wagon.
They did those two.
Jane has it down to a science
because she can't get arrested again.
She's got arrested too many times.
So she walks off right before the cuffs come out, which you're allowed to do.
Did you get out of jail that day or on the 7th?
Buddy, it's expunged now. So let me tell you this. Free at last.
You're allowed to walk away right before the cuffs come out? expunged now so, let me tell you this, we at last.
You're allowed to walk away right before the cuffs come out?
Yeah, basically what we were doing,
we were doing a peaceful protest
for climate change awareness.
And Jane Fonda did this amazing thing
called Fire Drill Fridays,
where she brought some amazing people to DC
to talk, lecture adults and children
and a whole bunch of different, not children,
younger people, and like young children.
And so each week she'd get like a bunch of people arrested
and it would always make TMZ.
So the idea of being like,
she was getting the attention called to it
because every week people are like,
oh, why did Ted Danson get arrested?
Why did young children get arrested?
You know, so you'd look and you'd see,
and that was like a perp walk all the time.
So they would say, hey, leave't leave the hey leave and then they go
It's the final time you don't leave you're gonna get arrested and if you could leave and then you get arrested
I went to jail was fun. Okay. How long were you in jail?
Not too bad. It was probably like
Ten hours or something. Did you have to get a lawyer and deal with it afterwards? No, it's very, it's, look, I would love to be like,
yeah, I went to jail.
I mean, they put us all in a paddy wagon.
That was the, you know, you're in a paddy wagon,
you're cuffed, you're in like a little mini cell,
like like ice cream truck.
Yeah, everyone has their own little compartment.
Oh, oh really?
But they gave you back your bear hat.
Yeah, they did, yeah.
The buffalo?
But they didn't take away any of my Nancy Pelosi stationery.
I still got that.
They're pretty chill about it, Paul.
They're pretty chill about it.
No, and then you have to bail yourself out,
but you just have to go through a whole process,
and you got a record and everything, yeah.
Again, I was very resident, very specific way, not in a,
I think it would go differently.
So you didn't get shivved?
Didn't get shivved.
Didn't get shivved.
But here's the, that was the only thing that sucked was,
it was cold.
They basically keep you in a very,
it was a very cold room
and you were there for a very long time.
That was rough, I guess.
I'm not sure where that is.
Can I get a space heater?
On the league, they'd give us space heaters. Ha ha ha ha.
Ha ha ha ha.
Ha ha ha ha.
Ha ha ha ha.
Ha ha ha ha.
You're lucky this is not Duplass.
You're lucky.
Ha ha ha.
I thought of a good show idea when you were talking, Paul.
X SpongeBob SquarePants. I thought of a good show idea when you were talking, Paul.
X-SpongeBob SquarePants.
So, before we play some games today, I would like to go down the line, starting with you,
Adam, and just ask each of one of you to recommend a movie.
Like what's a movie you think people should see, Adam?
I, you know I saw the other day, I liked was the,
I'm not getting the name right,
but it's the Jesse Eisenberg.
Real Pain.
Real Pain, yeah.
I liked that movie.
I liked it too.
I thought it was a good movie.
Kieran Culkin.
Kieran Culkin was great.
It's a little bit paint by numbers,
like wacky cousin gonna have a secret and all that stuff.
But it worked, I liked it.
I liked it.
Yeah, and it doesn't try to wrap everything up.
It doesn't try to explain anything.
It's just a period of time.
Of time, yeah, which I thought was cool.
And I really do like Jesse Eisenberg as an actor.
I find it to be compelling.
Yeah, he's great.
I thought it was way funnier than I
thought it was going to be.
It reminded me of almost like a slightly more dramatic Planes,
Trains, and Automobiles.
Yeah, in Poland.
Poles, trains, and automobiles.
Yeah, that's just so few Holocaust.
That's one thing that's missing from plane trains
and automobiles is Holocaust references.
They're there if you want to look.
No, they're there if you look.
If you look, they're there.
The polka band, that whole polka band. If you do want to watch the funniest thing ever, they do that series, Variety does a
series called Actors on Actors, and it's like they take two people, Kiernan Culkin and Coleman
Domingo do well.
Oh, I saw that.
It is...
It's full of gold.
It's full of gold. It literally makes me laugh the entire time. It's like Coleman Domingo's
like, what time do you get up before your call? Kiernan's like, I don't know when the car's there
to pick me up.
He's like, what?
I get up at 4.30.
I have to shower and meditate.
I have to find myself.
And he's like, I leave my pants on the floor.
I take a shower before.
I'm 15 minutes late.
I put on 1,000 bracelets.
Ha ha ha.
Ha ha ha.
Ha ha ha.
Ha ha ha.
Ha ha ha.
I'm sorry I'm late. I had to get on the 30 second bracelet. I did see that
meme. I really like that meme of like Jeremy Strong and Kieran Culkin got nominated for
Academy Awards on the same day and the Jeremy Strong, he like put out a notes app picture
that was like, I do not take this lightly.
The honor and privilege to be an actor
and just play a role like this,
and I do not take it lightly that people have thought
that I'm one of the best in the supporting actor category.
Like this huge thing.
And then Kieran Culkins was like a picture of him
on his hotel balcony with a champagne bottle
and said like, let's fucking go.
I was like those dudes hated each other.
He basically talks shit about him in the Coleman Domingo one. It's great. It's really great. He's like, you know,
we were at that round table last night and some of those people at that thing
talking about their process, their, oh, they're a writer?
They're not a writer, fucking actor.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I love that shit.
I was like, you know Jeremy Strong, I hated him.
Ha ha ha ha.
Ha ha ha ha.
I'll work with Kieran when you say roll.
Ha ha ha ha ha.
That's when we'll rehearse.
You say action, I'll meet him there.
Ha ha ha ha.
That's when we'll meet. Ha ha ha ha. I'll meet him there. That's when we'll meet.
I'll hear him coming, the clanking of the bracelets.
All right, I'm gonna put you down for a real pain.
I don't love that you're like, writing information.
It is also being recorded.
Oh great, great.
It's gonna exist.
You're on the record from now on.
If suddenly everybody turns on a real pain,
you're gonna be on the wrong side of history.
But I think you'll be all right.
Arden Marine, what's your recommendation?
OK, I had one.
And then I was thinking about Kate Draw.
And I think I might get it wrong.
But I just saw a documentary that's maybe like 15 years old.
And it's about, I think it takes place a lot of it
in San Francisco.
And people drawing, doing graffiti.
They were skateboarders.
It's, I believe, Beautiful Losers? Is that right? That's it. Okay, it's a documentary. It's San Francisco.
There's more than one. It's an art, it's a documentary and it's incredible and it
came out in like 2008. It's called Beautiful Losers and it's all of these
artists who would like draw on like trains
and it was a lot of graffiti.
Any toilets?
What's that?
Have they ever drawn any toilets?
Not after I got there.
They were all gone.
They were all the game on the little lip.
They all killed themselves.
They all killed themselves.
They combusted.
But it was really inspiring and really cool.
And a lot of them went on to have big success.
But it felt like a lot of their joy
was just painting in alleys around San Francisco.
And so that Beautiful Losers is my recommendation.
I'm excited to see it.
It's so good.
And it's inspired by you painting on toilets.
I'm sorry. Yeah, that's my recommendation. All right, it's in a toilet. Thanks, Art.
Yeah, that's my recommendation.
All right, it's in the record.
Thanks, Duke.
It's your official recommendation.
OK, girl.
Kate McCoochie.
I just saw Superman, the Christopher Reeves story.
The documentary.
The documentary, yeah.
Oh, yeah, that would be different.
The movie, he's also in it.
I think you have to do like, Superman.
That's true.
Yeah, it was a weird choice to call that movie Superman 2.
Because there also is Superman 2.
But then, yeah, but Superman.
Like, it would have been better if it was Superman TOO.
They could still change it, right?
But it was really, I mean, it's a very emotional story.
I cried a lot, but it's really great.
Yeah, it seems like it'd be very heavy because he was, by all accounts, such a good man and
such a crazy accident.
And, you know, it's unfortunate, but you know, you gotta keep putting out movies
with the word Superman in the title.
What do you think about, are you excited
for the Superman coming back again?
They just, the trailer just came out the other day.
The look of being right here with,
I don't know Kate well, look at the look of panic
in her eyes. Kate just passed out.
He was like, we've lost Kate.
She just fell asleep with her eyes open.
She did, she literally.
Like a fucking lit, she like, when her iguanas,
you know when iguanas turn into their surroundings?
Yeah, I saw that.
And they pretend, they pretend that you're not looking at them.
I saw that.
Kate was just like, I'm folding into the chair,
I'm not here, I'm not here, I'm not here.
I saw that, up close, it was wild to see.
In my mind going, wait.
Doug, you said no gotcha questions.
I was like, wait, I know this is happening.
Who's doing it?
It was the Zomp Balls.
Oh, I know who's directing.
I was trying to recall any information
that I had about it.
I didn't mean to ask you to do it.
She's so excited.
It looked like I asked you to do some algebra.
I was in algebra one as a senior.
I'm really bad at algebra.
Oh, wow.
But that is interesting though, that you, so you-
That they would let a senior do algebra one?
No, that she enjoyed a documentary about an actor
who's best known for a character she has no interest in.
Yeah, I'm- Well, she for a character she has no interest in.
Well, she's a horse lover.
Yeah, yeah.
Fuck off, all you fucking... You're at a sketch fast booing someone about a horse.
Paul Shearer.
I'm gonna recommend Kneecap, which is a new movie.
It's a musical.
I feel like there's two musicals
that people should be talking about,
but they're talking about other musicals.
Better Man and Kneecap, I think,
are my two favorite musicals.
Better Man is the Robbie Williams one?
Yes, that's fantastic. No joke, great,, I think, are my two favorite musicals. Better Man is the Robbie Williams one? Yes, that's fantastic.
No joke, great.
But I think people thought it was just a sequel to Sing,
like that animated movie.
It's not, unless they do cocaine and sing, and I missed it.
The monkey does cocaine?
Oh, a lot of cocaine.
Not in Sing.
No, no, I've seen Sing.
I would have picked that up.
Better Man is great.
It's a great music biopic about Robbie Williams.
And these people are like, I don't know who he is.
Who cares?
Is that a prerequisite?
That's why we have a biopic.
We're telling you.
It's not like you need to have information to enjoy it.
We'll show you exactly who this person is
And the kneecap is another music bio about a band an Irish band if it's a fictionalized
Biopic of how they came to be which I didn't realize until the end. I just thought it was a regular
Movie just like a fictional movie like the commitments or something like that and it's great, it's about this rap group that raps in the native tongue of Ireland, which I guess,
is it Gaelic?
So there it is, so Gaelic.
And there is through protest that Gaelic
was going to be removed as the official language of Ireland.
It's a great, what is it?
Yeah, as I said, it's a fictionalized documentary,
a fictionalized telling
of how they came to be because it's not true the whole that other stuff does any
of the rapping sound like Shrek that's why I like it no it's really good the
music is great and they're they're great on Spotify it's good. Donkey! Donkey, donkey, donkey!
It's a, yeah, it's a very interesting, it's a very energetic motion picture,
and just more wild and fun than you'd expect to get.
It's nominated for international feature,
I think, for the Oscars.
I think so, yeah.
But it's funny, they really put a campaign out there
to get all the people that played themselves in the movie
acting nominations, and they felt hella snubbed
when it didn't come through.
Well, yeah, it's crazy.
There's a guy in the movie who is their producer,
and I'm like, this guy is a fantastic actor,
and he's just the music producer, never acted before.
It blew me away when I was like,
wait, I've had some moments that really fucked me up,
which is like, I watched Kneecap,
I was like, this is a great movie.
Wait, they're real?
That fucked me up.
And then I watched The Brutalist,
and I was like, well, I gotta go
and find out more about this architect.
Wait, he's fake?
And I was like, I really was taken on a journey
on both of these.
I was watching The Brutalist, and I was like, I a journey on both of these.
I was watching The Brutalist and I was like,
I'm not gonna Google them right now
because I really wanna get into it later on.
Then I leave the theater, Google.
What, I felt betrayed.
Wait till I tell you about Beetlejuice.
Please don't.
And what happens when we die.
Did you see 6888?
No, I heard that's great.
It's well, it's another one of those movies where
it's a real life story.
But then at the end, they really sucker punch you
like it's really emotional because they show you
the real women that the story was about.
They're all like 100 years old now.
But they show them plus pictures of like those
are my favorite thing about these movies that are based on real things
Is what they just bring you the footage at the end. Yeah, you don't have to go look it up, right?
Yeah, just like we're there. They're the end of League of their own
There's a great moment in better man
we're like the monkey Robbie monkey, is dealing with like Liam Gallagher from Oasis and at the end they show a picture of them
in real life and we're like, look at that.
Is Liam Gallagher in it?
No not, he is as an actor playing him and then they show the real Liam Gallagher.
I love the real Liam Gallagher.
I mean he's pretty great.
He's the best.
He seems so chill.
I think he's the funniest person on the planet.
Jeremy Strong should be like a funny road trip. I love the real Liam Gallagher. I mean, he's pretty great. He's the best. He seems so chill.
So chill.
I think he's the funniest person on the planet.
He and Jeremy Strong.
She's like a funny road trip.
So chill.
That would be a fun car ride.
So chill.
So low-key.
All right, kneecap is your official answer
with a little better man on the side.
Thank you for all those wrecks.
We're going to take our first commercial break.
We'll be right back.
We're back.
We did it.
We picked name tags.
Lots of great name tags in the audience, but these are the ones that were chosen.
Adam is going to play for Trayden Places.
Aidan, Trayden, Places.
Arden's playing for the Disaster Angela. She's playing for that disaster over there.
DisAngela artist.
And Kate is playing for...
Like Angela in the outfield.
Peter Panby just sounds like...
There's so many good ones. Angeles, yeah. Hotel Rowangela. Like Angela
Hotel row Angela
Classic relatable
Peter Peter Pandy is long for Andy and Paul is playing for The Shawning and good luck to everybody.
Our first game we're going to play today, we've got three fun games planned for today. But this first one is called Who Has My Pig?
Oh, that's a good one.
Oh, that's a good one.
That's a good one.
It's called Who Has My Pig?
Because this game was created after the release
of the phenomenal Nicolas Cage motion picture called Pig,
in which you don't have to have seen the movie to play this game.
Pig is about a man who loses his pig and spends the entirety of the film's running time looking
for said pig. In this game, who has my pig,
I will play the role of Nicolas Cage
and I will be interrogating celebrities
about whether or not they have my pig.
That's fine.
If you figure out who the celebrity he's accusing
of having his pig is, just shout it out into your microphone
and in each case, the first one who gets it right
gets a point. First person to two points wins. Who has my pig? It sounds like there's no questions.
It sounds like everybody got it on the first description. So here we go. And you're not
disqualified if you guess wrong.
I'll just keep going, and, you know,
I'll just ignore you until you get it right.
Did you take my pig?
I start everyone with that.
Or something to that effect.
I know you're in the middle of a comeback to action but I'll tell you
something about Mary. She's got a bunch of jizz in her hair.
Cameron Diaz is correct! Paul Shearer the Cameron Diaz stealing it from Arden.
Oh, you get the idea. Now you see how this is going to go. Yeah. I love a good game.
I do too. I just keep thinking Beverly D'Angelo. Like no matter, like that's all I could think
is Beverly D'Angelo. She's got your pig. OK. OK.
I can't say whether or not it's going to be it,
Beverly D'Angelo.
I hope it is.
Hey, GI Jane.
Did you put?
Debbie Moore.
Debbie Moore.
Artie got it.
What was the first thing you said, hey, who?
GI Jane. Oh, GI Jane. Hey, GI Jane, did you put some said, hey who? G.I. Jane.
Oh, G.I. Jane.
Hey G.I. Jane, did you put some substance on my pig?
Wow, you really started off hot.
So these are pretty easy.
I was thinking, who else is in G.I. Jane?
Yeah, that was just a one actor movie.
It's more about, what, Viggo Mortensen?
You doing Viggo Mortensen erasure
was he in that I don't know okay so he seems like he should have been maybe Ed
Harris he feels like he would yell at her. I don't like to joke about that movie after what
happened with our beloved award show Academy Awards. Keep G.I.J. out of your mouth. Yeah. Yeah.
OK, so Arden's got one, and Paul's got one, and anything can happen for Adam and for Kate.
Here we go.
Hey, Nora.
Mikey Madsen.
That is correct. She's so good.! Oh! Mikey Madsen.
That is correct!
She's so good!
Adam with the Mikey Madsen!
So good!
She's so good.
Hey, Anora.
I mean, Annie.
Because she kept saying that in the movie, Call Me Annie.
Yep, Annie.
That was the end of that one.
All right.
Maybe you should start off with, call me Annie. Don't call me Anora. You really are giving them away, the right of that one. All right. Maybe you should start off with call me Annie.
Don't call me Anora.
You really are giving them away the right of the first move.
It's kind of like I'm giving people
who are fast some sort of advantage.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha.
And people who know this game and have heard it before,
they have an idea what's coming now.
So let's see what happens now.
Do you have my pig, Timothy Chalamet?
Timothy Chalamet!
Arden is our winner!
Arden wins!
Who has my pig?
I was going to say Finn Wolfhard.
I like to say, do you want to do this the Finn Wolf easy way or the Finn Wolf hard way?
All right, so that means Arden gets to go first in our next game.
I think you're going to appreciate this game, Arden.
Okay. You like wordplay. to appreciate this game, Arden. Okay. You like you like wordplay.
Yeah. And silliness in general.
And so in this game, you're going to go first.
Okay. Then we're going to go to Kate and then to Paul and then to Adam.
And you're going to take turns guessing in a game that I call Wallace or Vomit.
Fun, fun.
Inspired by the latest Wallace and Gromit adventure.
Not the SNL sketch, Mr. Thrupp.
I loved that.
I'll name a movie and then you tell me
if it has a character in it named Wallace
or someone vomiting, or both.
So this is like diarrhea pearl med.
It is. Okay.
But it's called Wallace or vomit.
Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, I love this shit.
Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay.
Yeah, I'm ready.
All right, so, and you know, if Arden misses it,
then Kate gets two choices.
And if she misses it, Paul will get a gimme point.
And then we'll go to Adam.
But let's see what really happens.
Wallace or vomit or both? Team America America World Police. Vomit. Is that
your final answer? Yes. Can you describe it? A puppet vomit.
Like did you know that that was the correct answer or is that a guess? Guess.
It's correct answer.
You've seen that movie though, right?
The puppets?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Loved it.
It's very funny.
Pam Brady helped write it.
Yeah, and those puppets do everything, so of course they vomit.
That was a big head Matt Damon.
Yeah, Matt Damon.
Okay, great.
That was a funny movie.
Yeah, very funny.
Cool. Good job, Arden. Thanks, okay, great. That was a funny movie.
Yeah, very funny. Good job, Arden.
Thanks, buddy.
Kate, you're up first for this next one.
Someone named Wallace or Vomit or Both.
Hateful Eight.
That was so fast.
Holy shit, you just blurted that out.
But that's incorrect. Damn. Holy shit, you just blurted that out.
But that's incorrect.
I like the compilations.
Thanks, I just was like, I've never seen that movie,
so I guess I'll just guess.
No, there's three things you could have said,
and you said one very quickly.
Without thinking about it.
And that could have worked for you,
but what does Paul Scheer have to say?
I'm gonna say Wallace.
You're going Wallace
Well, congratulations Adam Pally
Incorrect I
Guess there's vomit in it
Hell of a bloody vomit because you you know they drink the poison,
and then everybody just starts bloody vomiting
all over each other.
It's disgusting.
Also, this game is just kind of a sidebar for metaphobes
that might be listening, people who
don't like vomiting in their entertainment.
This also can be helpful to you in movies
to avoid.
Like, Hateful Eight.
Alright, so Adam got that point, but now we go to Arden.
Arden, if you get this one right, you are the winner of this game.
Oh, shit. Okay.
I really do not understand the score.
No pressure.
You have to get two points to win a game.
How is that fair? Especially on this one, because it's going down a lot.
It's like a snake draft.
There's definitely some arbitrariness to it.
Oh, OK, cool.
Doug's rules.
Yeah, no, I forgot about that.
But by the final game, you have to bring it.
You better work.
You're going to pay for that in Swiss.
You can fuck around all you want during Wallace or vomit.
I don't think you understood what I was asking.
OK, Arden?
Wallace or vomit or both?
The sand lot.
Ooh. Both. I said both. Both?
Yeah. That's your answer? Yeah. That is incorrect. You failed me! Kate, you have a chance to get on the board. Is it Wallace or vomit?
You can do this.
Did you hear the audience?
It sounded like they want to vomit.
Paul, what is it?
It's vomit.
Lots of vomit.
It's a carnival ride vomiting.
Very similar to problem child.
Super disgusting.
Two very similar vomit scenes from my youth
were Sandlot and Problem Child 2, right?
And of course, Stand By Me.
Stand By Me, similar vomit.
It was like, that was a big thing.
That must have happened once, and it just
bled through middle schools.
Oh, yeah.
Where people were like, you heard
about the kid that threw up on the ride, right?
Like, it was so prevalent.
Well, yeah, I think that those are those old wives' tales
that you told before the internet was around.
You could be like, yeah, he did vomit all over that roller coaster.
And then that person vomited, and that person vomited,
and then it was like in five movies.
To me, it was like Goonies was the one,
like where Chunk is like, and then I pretended to vomit.
Best comedic monologue of all time.
Best. So fucking funny.
He was so good.
His hand in the blender and baby-rich.
And he's still good getting deals for his acting clients.
Oh, is he Chunk?
Yeah, he's a...
He's an agent. Yeah, he's a lawyer.
A lawyer.
A showbiz lawyer.
An entertainment lawyer.
All right.
But it's weird when you go to his office, he's just on a desk in the reception area
doing the truffle shuffle.
Okay, so Adam, you're up first on this next one.
You'll win if you get this one right.
Oh, shit.
I don't understand how.
You win because you're the best.
All right.
All right.
Wallace or Vomit or both, minority report.
We had a name tag in the audience,
Lenority Report.
What a coincidence.
That's just Wallace. Incorrect. Yes, unfortunately Arden's got a 50-50. I mean is he gonna not do a
both? Is he gonna just stick with vomit? We know there's at least vomit. We do? Well, it's either vomit or both.
So is there...
What did Adam say?
He said Wallace.
Are you sure?
Now I don't know.
Now I do not believe that we have been getting these right and wrong, you guys.
Then I gotta go both.
I gotta say both.
And that's because you gotta win. It is both.
When does he throw up?
They have an invention in the movie. It's like a taser.
And they call it a sick stick. And they stick it against somebody's neck and the person immediately vomits.
I don't remember that part. Yeah, it's disgusting. And there's a guy, a character in the movie
called Wally the Caretaker.
That's in our video, Wallace.
Yeah, so he's Wallace.
So congratulations.
I did the research, his full name is Wallace.
In the script. He's credited as Wallace the Caretaker, but his real name is Wallace. In the script, in the script.
He's credited as Wallace the Caretaker,
but his real name is Wallace T. Caretaker.
All right, so.
No choice in life for this character.
But all I'll add in one, Adam,
is she gets to go first in our final deciding game,
and we're gonna play that right after these words.
We'll be right back. Wow.
We're back!
Okay, okay.
So, many people got up and took a shit during that break.
I know I did.
Now that we're all settled back in.
And empty.
Totally relieved.
Now that we're relieved of our duty.
Did it.
It's time to play one final game that's going to decide it all today. Um... Um... Doody. Doody. Doody. Did it.
It's time to play one final game
that's gonna decide it all today.
Arden gets to go first.
And through the continued arbitrariness of this game,
the order's gonna reverse, so it's gonna go
Arden, then Adam, then Paul, then Katie.
Wildly inconsistent.
Cause it keeps you on your toes.
Look at you on point okay
here we go okay Arden you're gonna go first in a game that's called yay area Yay Area! Okay. Okay. Okay.
As a tribute, if you will, to the Bay Area,
I built this game around the top ten movies that are set in San Francisco.
Okay. Yeah.
And this is according to
I love their stuff. So I don't know how familiar you are with pure wow but I'm
not gonna say that their opinions are necessarily solid. Wait did pure wow Wait, did Pure Wow break the Weinstein stuff? No, it was in New York Times.
No, that was Total Wow. in the year 2023 assigned one writer.
Good, so it's current.
Assigned one person to sit down and just decide what the best movies in San Francisco are.
Okay. So Arden, you'll be up first. to sit down and just decide what the best movies in San Francisco are.
So Arden, you'll be up first.
You'll guess a movie that's set in San Francisco.
If it's number one on the list, you get 10 points.
If it's number 10 on the list, you get one point.
And then there's a bunch of points in between that I'll tell you about as we go.
No need to go through them all right now.
They're sequential.
And you each get three guesses.
But here's the really fun part of this game.
Wait, what guesses at what?
At a movie set in San Francisco.
Oh, so we...
The best ever.
Do we go around?
Yeah, we go around and you each say one.
You go around three times. Okay.
But on any one of your turns, you can just ask your audience member that you're playing
on behalf of to give you an answer.
So in this game, we've discovered that it doesn't necessarily hurt to get that out of
the way early, because if you go to them at the end, they might be, I can't think of any
more movies set in San Francisco.
And then you're fucked.
The first one's going to be easy.
The 10-pointer is going to come out right away.
Oh, really?
Paul, the shot's fired.
You think?
All right.
Well, we'll see if Arden can come up with it.
What's your first guess, Arden?
Motion picture that's set in San Francisco.
Do I go to Angela?
Angela, do you feel confident?
Oh, you're going to her right away?
You said to go right away.
Don't ask her.
I'm following orders.
You can't ask her questions, though.
I was just following your orders.
You can't ask about her confidence level.
All right.
Just look into her eyes.
The rock?
Wait, so now you're not going to her?
She answered.
She answered. I went the rock. Okay, so you're not going to her? She answered. She answered.
I went to rock.
OK, so you're not going to her yet.
Not yet.
All right.
Did you just hold out your fist like rock, paper, scissors?
Are you two cheating with physical?
No, I'm going with the rock.
Well, I am happy to say that the first guest is on the list,
and it's number six.
Yay! So Arden Maureen is on the list and it's number six.
So Arden Maureen is on the board.
Thanks buddy.
With five points.
Boop boop.
And now we go to Adam.
What do you think for a movie set in San Francisco?
That's a terrific one.
Let's take a look.
I'm sure it was in like the top 20 or,
you know what I mean, like,
just didn't make the top 10.
Well, I mean, that's again, that's PureWow.
They're just, they're in the bio.
I should have known it was a PureWow list.
Yeah, you don't know.
PureWow has some ideas that are very interesting.
But what do you got, Paul?
Well, based on the fact that The Rock is number six, maybe I'm not so positive this will be
number one, but I'm going to say bullet.
Oh, okay.
A lot of people in the audience excited.
Let's take a look.
No, it's take a look.
No, it's not on there.
That's shocking.
I mean, there's a lot of great movies set in San Francisco.
Ultimately, when I said the number one, everyone thought that was Bullet, right? No.
Thank you.
Pure wow.
We got a naysayer in the audience.
Okay, so let's continue moving on and don't forget you can, you know, maybe your person wouldn't have said bullet,
but let's see what Kate wants to do.
I have a vague memory that this movie set here
and I'm just gonna go for it and I could so be wrong,
but Mrs. Doubtfire?
Good talk, that's gonna be number one.
That's gonna be number one.
That's gonna be number one.
And I think if I'm not mistaken,
part of the reason why it took place here is because Robin
Williams just loved and lived, you know, he was all about San Francisco.
So a lot of his, a lot of movies he's in take place here or were shot around here, but definitely
Mrs. Doubtfire.
Number three on the list.
Good one.
Finally on the board.
So Kate is on the board with eight points. Now we go back to Arden for her second.
This is not going to be number one, but it's one of my top favorite movies that I'm just
going to go for.
Okay, I'm excited.
I think I know what you're going to say.
Harold and Maude.
Harold and Maude.
One of the most, as eight or nine people will attest, one of the most perfect movies ever made.
If you've never seen it, just sit down and fucking watch it.
Whether you're happy or sad,
you'll be both by the time it's over.
And it's just really, it's an amazing, amazing movie.
But it's not on the list.
I just had to honor it.
No, but it's up to, I bet you it's like 14 or something.
You know, like it's close.
It's nearby.
Weird bullet fall on this list.
It's adjacent.
Yeah, it's in the 40s, definitely.
I mean, Milk was like, I mean, like,
Cami Ward's the guy.
No, I mean, when you hear these movies,
I think they've stood the test of time.
I have one that I really want to give,
but I'm too nervous now.
This list is really fucking me up.
All right, we got to go to Adam first, right?
It's Adam's turn.
I'm in my head now.
Freaking out, man.
I don't even know if this movie takes place in San Francisco.
Are there a lot of hills?
I have a vague recollection of it.
Do you see the, the pointy, trans-America building?
Cause that shows up in every movie.
The Golden,
I wish we were doing a game about movies
that take place partially in Oakland, but...
I mean...
But it's not, yeah, it's not a terrible guess.
Not a good guess either, but...
But I feel like you're gonna come on strong.
You still have a lifeline, of course,
and we still have a 10-pointer out there.
So, Paul, what's your next guess?
Well, I'm gonna go to Sean from the Seaning.
Yeah, let's see what Sean's got. Do you live in the Bay Area, Sean?
How long you live here? How long you been here?
15 years. So you see movies on TV, you go, oh, that takes place where I live.
So this should be easy. What? Great one.
Is that like your favorite movie?
You watch it on a loop?
Do you get up and dance around with your pants off during the hurdy-gurdy man song?
My wife is in Zodiac.
I don't trust it being on this list, but I'm going to say it. Zodiac. I don't trust it being on this list, but I'm gonna say it.
Well, you're forced to say it because that's what he told you.
Oh, I thought I could take it or leave it.
No, you can't. You can't turn down.
I don't know why you would get that impression, Paul.
You can't turn it down.
The rules have been perfectly explained. The rules are so rock solid.
Easy to follow.
Zodiac is not on the list.
Knew it.
Pure wow.
All right, Kate's in the lead.
So if she puts more points on the board here,
that's going to be tough for everybody.
So let's see what you do.
I'm going to go with The Princess Diaries.
Really good.
It's a great movie.
I love when the audience is excited about
an answer, especially when it's not on the list.
Are you kidding me?
Wow. No, that was a solid guess.
Now I'm mad up here.
That was a really good one.
OK, I actually don't.
Wait, what's the name of the fictitious place
that she's the princess of?
It sounds like a one of those over-the-counter prescription
drugs that you hear about all the time. Yeah. like a you know one of those over-the-counter prescription drugs.
That has so many side effects.
Yeah okay so sorry that wasn't on there.
That's okay. I appreciated the enthusiasm.
This is yeah and this is creating a very very exciting finish because now we go to Arden.
Okay I'm gonna go for one that I don't think was shot in San Francisco.
Did you talk to your lifeline?
No, but I feel confident that if it is shot in San Francisco, it's gonna be on the list.
Did you do a lifeline yet though?
Okay, fine.
But isn't this my last one?
It's your last one, yeah, but I wouldn't go with a movie you don't think takes place in San Francisco.
But I think it might.
OK, how confident are you, Ang?
Do you feel too much pressure?
Do you feel confident?
OK, go for it.
You can't ask questions.
OK, Angela, what do you got, girl?
I thought that's in Little China.
Come on.
All right.
All right.
Not on the list.
I think mine might be high on the list, but I think might be here.
We'll say it at the end.
Because you've already lost.
I got three in the barrel that I know aren't on the list now.
I don't know what this list is.
Is it my turn?
I'm now trying to get into the list's head,
knowing that it's Pure Wow.
Pure Wow.
I'm going to say Ant-Man.
That is a good one.
Not on the list.
Pure wow fucked you.
So what is pure wow?
They're eight years old.
I thought for sure it was them.
I guarantee you've heard of every movie on the list.
Oh, I want to guess some more.
Yeah, so it's going to be fun to reveal what's left.
But let's go to Paul.
I'm going to guess because we're all going down. I'll guess on this one. Okay, okay, okay. Yeah, so it's gonna be fun to reveal what's left. But let's go to Paul. I'm gonna guess because we're all going down.
I'll guess on this one.
I'll say Pacific Heights.
It's a great movie.
Michael Keaton, the bad guy.
Literally titled a neighborhood.
Let me save everybody some trouble.
No neighborhoods made the list.
The Presidio's not on the list.
Oh man, these are all the ones I was thinking of.
Pacific Heights isn't on the list. Oh man, these are all the ones I was thinking of. Pacific Heights isn't on the list.
Sorry, Paul.
Well, Kate, you win anyway.
That's crazy.
Even if you.
Can I say the one I?
Can we guess some of the ones we follow?
Let's see what Kate has for final guess.
I doubt this is a Pure Wow.
But Dragon, the Bruce Lee story?
Nobody, silence, silence. You're right on that.
You're right on being wrong.
That that didn't make the list,
but Kate McKeechie's our winner!
Thank you, thank you.
Now Kate, you get to do your plugs first
before I reveal all the answers,
because listeners are going to keep listening to that part.
So go ahead and tell us what you would like to promote.
You know, the filmmakers of a movie
I did here in San Francisco, it's called Unleashed.
And they're here.
And I figured I'd mention it, because it's now on Peacock.
Is that on the list?
That's on the list.
Check out Unleashed on Peacock.
I play a girl who is unlucky in love and then my dog and my cat, they get lost and then
they turn into men and they fight over me.
That sounds fucking awesome.
Yeah, that's fun.
Did you ever think about calling it Dave Bitch? All right, so congratulations, Kay Makuchi. She'll be back on the show soon as a champion player.
But in the meantime, we've got to find out
what the fuck was on this goddamn stupid-ass
pure wow list of the 10 best movies.
Can I take two guesses?
Oh, yeah, sorry. Go ahead.
I think I know what it is.
It's a movie. It's a movie. It's a movie. stupid ass pure wow list of the 10 best movies can I take two guesses oh yes
sorry go ahead inner space no what's up Doc no lethal weapon no truth about
cats and dogs I don't think lethal weapons 48 hours okay what about foul
play foul play foul play is a great one, no. 48 hours?
48 hours?
That's when I was thinking he's Lethal Weapon.
Number seven on the list is 48 hours.
All right.
That's a great one.
All right.
So you all done with your guesses?
Was that supposed to be like futuristic San Francisco?
In Her?
Or was it LA? Futuristic LA?
What's the movie where Michael Fassbender played Steve Jobs?
And what about the other Jobs movie? Is that on the list?
Inside Out?
The amount of amazing movies that have been made in San Francisco. Yeah, they filmed Inside Out here.
Inside Out does technically take place here.
Number 10.
Thank you.
Yeah, no.
I know.
I'm John.
Yeah, and the live action part.
Number 10, The Towering Inferno.
Okay, okay. Number 10, The Towering Inferno.
Okay, okay.
Which is, that's a hilarious part of that movie, is when they cut to the fire trucks
trying to come to the fire and they're on steep hills.
It makes it extra exciting.
Number nine, Feeling Lucky Punks.
Dirty Harry.
Dirty Harry. Dirty Harry.
Oh, right.
He's a San Francisco cop
because he fits in perfectly here.
He was such a hippie.
Number eight is another motion picture
from I believe the 70s called Point Blank.
I was gonna say, I was like,
that would never be on the list.
I just watched that.
Yeah, it's right there.
And Point Brank was in LA.
What's the most famous,
what movie do you think of when you think of
a San Francisco movie where you see the Golden Gate Bridge?
Judah A'Kell is the other one I was gonna say.
No. No.
Freakin' Hitchcock's Vertigo is number five on the list.
And number four, I have a soft spot for this movie.
I don't know why it's currently, you know, why it's on a list like this.
It's from 1980, time after time.
Mary Steenburgen, Malcolm McDowell.
He's David Warner plays Jack the Ripper.
Pure wow.
Now I get it.
They're movies that are pure wow.
Mrs. Doubtfire number three.
And number two, get your kicking yourselves shoes ready.
Go ahead and put those on.
Sister Act.
Oh. Yeah. ready go ahead put those on sister act
yeah I think of that as an East Coast
movie I guess she's from Vegas though
right is like a Vegas cold open she's on
the lamb yeah but the second one is she's
so good in that is the second one Lauren
Hills in the second one I know yeah
you think of what, Lauren Hills in the second one? I don't know. It makes me think of like New Jersey. I remember she was back in the habit.
Yeah, I knew she was back.
All right.
I knew she was back.
And number one on the list,
as soon as I start saying it, let's all say it together.
Wait, wait, hold on.
What did you say over here?
This guy's like, no, it's not number one.
What did you say?
Oh yeah, when you knew it wasn't bullet.
What is it?
Vertigo was my number one.
Oh, Vertigo. Vertigo, yeah, that was a good one. What do you think it is? Oh yeah, when you knew it wasn't bullet. What is it? Vertigo was my number one. Oh, Vertigo. Vertigo, yeah.
That was a good one.
What is it?
What is it?
That was in the Midwest.
Wait, who gently said in the back, I know it?
Oh, the game.
That's a good guess.
That's definitely not number one.
No way!
What is it? What is it? What is it?
The game? Zodiac isn't on it.
I still think you're going to be surprised by this,
but I think everyone will be able to say it with me
in unison by the time I get to the end of the title.
Wizard of...
The last black man in San Francisco.
Number one, Pure Wow.
I can't even believe.
Pure Wow is all over the place.
Black Panther takes place here.
We have Wakanda forever.
I'm from New York, I don't care.
It's the same place.
It's like Brooklyn and Manhattan.
Don't tell me it's not, it is.
I did an interview show with Clay Thompson
and asked him to pick one,
and I felt like I asked him the hardest,
I was like, do you wanna murder your own dog,
or pick which, the Bay Area or San Francisco?
People can't answer that question,
they get very upset about it.
It's all the same!
All the same.
Paul Scheer.
You're living in a dream!
Paul Scheer, what do you wanna plug? You can get my book, Joyful Recollections of Drama, and do you want to plug?
You can get my book, Joyful Recollections of Trauma,
and thank you so much.
And every Thursday, Rob Hubel and I are doing a brand new show
called Dark Web, where we watch the weirdest shit on the internet
and talk about scissor commercials.
Not weird shit, not depressing stuff, fun stuff.
Kate Mccoochie! Thank you for having me. You did your plugs. She won and everything.
Alright Arden Marine everybody. I'm on the new season of Righteous Gemstones. I'm playing
Sean Williams Scott's wife and we're the new family that comes in and it starts March 9th, honey! Yeah!
Super excited.
It was so fun.
It was really fun. It was the best.
And Adam Pally, everybody!
I have a show on Peacock called Mr. Throwback
that was shot here in San Francisco and Oakland.
Did you just come to this festival because you forgot something here?
Yeah, I wasn't even supposed to be here, but thank God I found my AirPod.
One of them.
It's annoying.
I was going to suggest that what you left behind was your heart.
I get all my music from Pure Wow, so I've never heard that song.
Benson Movie Interruption is back at Dynasty Typewriter in LA on Saturday, February 15th.
You go to for that show.
And I do a couple things a month at Dynasty Typewriter.
I love doing shows down there, so come check me out if you're in LA.
Thank you to, I've been coming to SketchFest for many years at this point, and it's always
a blast.
It's all, you know, the people who run it are fantastic and so thank you to them. Thank you to the Gateway Theater.
Thank you for everybody coming out today. Thank you to Paul Scheer, Kate Mccoochie,
Arden Maureen and Adam Pally. As always, I'm changing my name to Susan B. Anthony.
Let's go!
Now it's time for Doug to watch another talkie.
Eyes of gold is viewing prowess makes it cocky.
There's no room in his heart for you,
because Doug loves movies.