Doug Loves Movies - Owen Egerton, John Erler and Vanessa Gonzalez guest

Episode Date: January 27, 2023

Doug welcomes Owen Egerton, John Erler and Vanessa Gonzalez to the show.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Doug hates candy wrappers, squeaky babies, sticky seeds with 50 azipop or kernels in his teeth. There's still not one that he won't see, cause Doug loves movies! Hey, hey, hey everybody! My name is Doug and I love motion pictures this is douglas movies coming to you with this bonus episode on thursday january 26 2023 my guests are last sunday's winner and two funny dudes who also happen to be in austin texas right now they are john erler, Owen Edgerton and Vanessa Gonzalez. Hello. Hello. Hello.
Starting point is 00:00:51 It always comes off like this, especially if it's three dudes, it ends up sounding like the three stooges when everyone just takes turns saying hello. So let's meet you all individually and alphabetically by first name. Yeah, that's a twist.
Starting point is 00:01:09 Yeah, I'm the M. Night Shyamalan of introducing podcast guests. You never know what's going to happen, and the results are often disappointing. He's the grand, grand poobah of Master Pancake Theater, Mr. John Erler. Hello, John. Hello, poobah to you. This is probably the first time you've been first alphabetically in anything. I don't even think that's true, but I'll say yes. That's right.
Starting point is 00:01:40 I'm so excited. E is pretty deep in the alphabet. E is the fifth letter out of 26 letters j is even deeper yeah exactly alphabetized by first name you don't have a shot i don't know i i honestly don't remember with this crowd you win in on all counts i'm so excited because owen usually beats me alphabetically when it comes to last names just by a little bit Just by a hair Just by a G to an R
Starting point is 00:02:11 An edge if you will Oh Yeah That's a great way to introduce him Joining us from Texas, a man nobody calls Eggie He is an actor, a director, an author. He does most things. It's Owen Edgerton.
Starting point is 00:02:31 Hello, Owen. Hello, Doug. How are you? I'm good. What have you got? What's coming out of you these days? What are you making right now? There's this pussy.
Starting point is 00:02:43 Coming out of you these days, what are you making right now? Oh, there's this pussy. I meant more like, you know, intellectually. What kind of, you know. I did just, I'm writing some weird stuff right now, which is really cool. I'm writing a weird movie I'm trying to get off the ground called God Loves Murder. That has like a lot of Christmas and eggnog and sex and violence and religion.
Starting point is 00:03:09 I really feel pretty good. I'm realizing, you know when you realize, oh, that's the smoothie I like. I tried a lot of smoothies, but I want all these flavors. I'm feeling that right about now. I know the smoothie I want to order. What are you thinking about shooting this summer to get it done in time for uh the holiday you know market in this
Starting point is 00:03:30 year or is it still too too much perk you gotta do two more much more percolating if i can do you have a credit card that if i could if i could use your credit card, just like not even long, just like 15 minutes, I could make it this summer. Yeah, just get like, you know, a handful of fake credit cards and, you know, get out there and make your movie. It's going to be great. Sell it. And then you give that money back. You know, you go back to all those all those places you've defrauded or whatever. Yeah. Yeah. Because if there's one thing I think all of us have learned about making movies is it's so easy to make money when making movies. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:14 I mean, first of all, why would you make a movie if it's not going to be good? Well, a lot of people have asked me that question. you know a lot of people it's a lot of pressure that you know all those people show up every day and you know does it does it get to you when you're like the director of a movie like like the pressure of people being there just there's a whole you know 50 people show up to do the thing and everyone's looking at you like what what are we what are we doing oh actually i really love that like it is i love being on set it's like it's like one of my favorite things ever because it everyone's it's like camp in a way but everyone's building the same uh basket or something right and but it's
Starting point is 00:05:00 also like it's a fantasy camp for you because it's like a camp where everyone actually talks to you. Like they have to talk to you. They have to. Then they have to do what you say also. It's like nothing like summer camp actually was for me. I am considered super cool. But every now and then, like I was the last movie I was making, I was I was stopping by a coffee shop like far from set, like just, you know, just in town. I was stopping by a coffee shop and I saw this one guy.
Starting point is 00:05:25 He was one of the gaffers and he was in line in front of me. I was like, oh, that's cool. I'm going to go say hi to him. And as I approached, I hear him talking to the barista going, I don't know, this short little guy making the movie. I don't know if I trust him. Oh, no. It was too late.
Starting point is 00:05:43 It was too late. He turned away because he's like, he turns around. He's like, well, hey, Bowen, how are you? And I was like, oh, this is awkward. He's like, yeah, I'm on another movie. With Scorsese. Right.
Starting point is 00:06:00 Wow. Oh, no. Blake really came at you with two barrels, too, because if you could let one go, the other one stings anyway. Coming at you with short and not trusting you. Yeah. Short little guy. Like it's heightest.
Starting point is 00:06:16 That sounds like he's very anti-small people. Yeah, yeah. And he was right not to trust me because I fired him the next day. Oh, no. yeah yeah and he was right not to trust me because i fired him the next day from behind a giant desk that you look tiny behind i hope like he got fired by boss baby that's right um all right uh vanessa gonzalez is back everybody hello hi there how are you hi I'm great is the weather nice in Austin it it's sunny but cold which is great that's what we have here in California we often uh we're often have weather match um how do you feel you're going to uh you know pardon the expression stack up against these other pancakers thank you well you know last week i i was confident because i was like it's in the bag
Starting point is 00:07:13 but this week against these guys i don't i'm i'm intimidated because they know way more than me when it comes to movies that's not true it's been uh you. It's only been a few days since the last show, so that cuts into you didn't have time to train, really. Yeah, that's true. And these guys, they train every waking hour. That's all they do is think about movies. But I think I have lost pretty spectacularly on your show, Doug. I think I have lost in ways that you didn't know people could lose.
Starting point is 00:07:49 I choke. I'm a choker. Well, let me tell you something. The games are, you know, the way the show works is evolving. And much like a lot of TV game shows these days, nobody wants to watch people not know all the answers. So I've made it you know so a lot of tv game shows like when you're watching at home the celebrities get easier material and
Starting point is 00:08:12 you sit there and you feel smart too because now you know all the answers too but uh in the case of this show i went the other way with it i make it so hard that no one should feel bad about not knowing because no one should know you should feel bad like sam levine should feel bad about not knowing because no one should know you should feel bad like sam levine should feel bad whenever he wins because he knows stuff that he shouldn't even bother he shouldn't have wasted his time on and uh there's no reason to be uh so off about it but actually it's a little bit of both and you'll see that it's a lot of uh a lot more uh fate and luck and uh and then also happening to know something at the right time like vanessa you must have there's something you must have scored on big
Starting point is 00:08:51 on the last show that you that you knew or that you got right i forget what happened i don't have yeah you asked the day off the big one which i i also because you try to get me with how many fingers did tom hanks have at the end of castaway it was a trick question and i said 10 yeah nice yeah yeah that was uh that was a fun one the you know the game was called how many fingers am i holding up and um and uh i just name a actor in a movie and they'd have to say how many fingers they had at the end of the movie and um you know and that was the one where that was the tricky one being 10 i think the only way you'd fall for that though is not having seen cast away because i think he'd be a pretty strong takeaway if you did see it, that he lost a finger. And it would probably, he probably would have lost it to that ice skate, in my opinion.
Starting point is 00:09:54 Oh, yeah. You know, when he was using the ice skate to like, you know. Yeah, you had me. I thought about it, but then I was like, no, my gut knows this. I would have lost that because I have never seen Castaway, but I lied to a lot of people and told
Starting point is 00:10:13 them I have. I've read To Kill a Mockingbird. Yes, I've seen Castaway. You haven't read To Kill a Mockingbird? No, I haven't. Whoa. Mockingbird? No. Can we edit this part out? I just thought of a great marketing branding thing. Somebody should make a tequila
Starting point is 00:10:37 called Mockingbird. Yes. Tequila Mockingbird. Yeah. Did you ask about Banshees of Inisur in last week? No, because that was like the jumping off point. And also, I feel that's still kind of spoilery because because of its award nominations, a lot of people are watching it and probably don't know about what happens.
Starting point is 00:11:03 But no, I mean, it's clear's clear you know it's definitely that's why i brought it up and anybody at this point should know that there's an issue with fingers in that i do now for me i think it's like, like I know, I know Martin McDonough's previous work. I've seen a lot of his plays and movies. And so going into this one, the second there was discussion of whether or not fingers would be removed from a person, you know, fingers are going to be removed.
Starting point is 00:11:41 Now the question is how many and whose and why enjoy? There's a lot of other unanswered questions here so don't feel like I've ruined the movie for you. That is the question every screenwriter asks herself at the beginning of a script. How many fingers, whose and why?
Starting point is 00:12:01 Well that's what I started thinking about. It's been a season of uh fingers are having a rough time this uh this award season and again it's like you can't talk about it that much but gives it away but there was that there's a couple really big finger memories that i had you know i was triggered you know like uh what's his name getting his finger shot off at the end of Heather's. Christian Slater.
Starting point is 00:12:30 He's only got nine. In the Prestige, Christian Bale has to cut off two fingers because his twin is missing two fingers. Or vice versa. They both have to have matching missing fingers. And then the piano, of course, Holly Hunter's deaf
Starting point is 00:12:46 mute who plays the piano and gets the finger cut off, so that doesn't work out great for her. It's weird. Just watch that. If it was your fetish, you'd actually have a good, maybe Baker's does in the movies out there where fingers get cut off.
Starting point is 00:13:02 Just watch Escape from New York two nights ago. Donald Pleasance loses a finger right at the beginning. Right, because they need his fingers for security purposes to get through things. Yeah. They need his fingerprint.
Starting point is 00:13:18 Yeah, and it's evident. They show it to Snake so they're like, oh no, they show it to the yeah, they show it to the feds basically to prove that they have the president, too. And that he's a British actor named Donald Pleasance. Well, of course, Dr. Loomis from
Starting point is 00:13:35 the Halloween films is just always standing around going, he's more than pure evil. Pretty good. He is evil plus. All right. He is super evil. All right.
Starting point is 00:13:53 So before we play games today, I want to do a quick thing with y'all where normally I ask people to recommend a movie. But I want you to recommend something even more specific. I'd like each of you, you've all sat through lots of movies with microphones in your hands, making fun of them, doing sketches about them during the part where you stopped the movie.
Starting point is 00:14:19 So what I'd like each of you to name, if not your favorite, because that's sometimes tough to do but a favorite movie to uh talk back to joke around during john earlier what say you oh a riffing movie yeah that's another way to put it okay um what's your favorite one you know what's your favorite movie to sit there and riff at gosh that's a good question you know last night i uh i showed a um a repeat of our riff of laura croft tomb raider and i thought this is an underrated riff and i had such a good time doing it this might be my favorite riff that i've done
Starting point is 00:15:05 laura croft tumor that's interesting because i i obviously um it's got lots of uh set pieces or whatever and action and stuff but i do remember it moves at a pace where you could say plenty of things exactly and it's it was filmed in 2001 i guess but it feels so 90s and there's a lot of like 90s cheese in it like everything is set to like a thumping house beat you know action fights i just remember thinking what you know she was it just seemed like the perfect timing of a movie star and a video game character that just they seem meant to be you know with each other being one in the same and then the movie was just yeah yeah and then it's got um it has daniel craig in it which you might not have remembered oh no i mean i do now
Starting point is 00:16:00 now that you mentioned it yeah like he's one of those ones we played he we played him in a game recently where we were naming his movies and i was kind of sad that the other players you know couldn't think of any and i i could think of a few but then when you look at the list of things he's been in it's it's quite impressive it's not like he was you know uh didn't do anything before becoming james bond he was in a lot of movies and you know ones we actually know. no he was in Lara Croft Tomb Raider and he's doing an American accent like before he did Benoit Blanc or whatever and but it's not a southern accent. it's just I think he's trying to do the drabbest American accent he can and it's terrible. like Lara. No, Lara. No, that's not right.
Starting point is 00:16:47 And so that's fun. And then he has all these like scenes opposite Angelina Jolie, who's doing her over the top British accent. She's American doing British. He's British doing American. It's just a real mindfuck. And then it's got, I don't know game of thrones but uh everybody loves it but one of the dudes from game of thrones is in it as the evil villain and he does a great job he's like very kind of campy uh serjora mormont is that a person do you think person's name i like not his real name i'm not i'm not that out of touch with game of thrones that i
Starting point is 00:17:32 i think sir jorah mormon is a real person yeah i don't know the actor's name but i've yeah somebody whoever plays that part is uh who you're thinking of. Yeah. Yeah. He's great in it. Anyway. Just reach out everybody to Elk Maiden on the socials. No. No. What are you doing to me? Why?
Starting point is 00:17:55 What's your name now on there? It is Elk Maiden, but I don't want all the. Oh, no. You'll get one mention at most, but somebody will tell you the answer. I don't want that hate. No hate, no hate. Anybody that's really triggered by any beloved film or franchise being belittled on this show
Starting point is 00:18:17 must just not be listening because it's just going to happen. Also, I didn't belittle anything. Just for the record, no belittling happened. I just didn't know the name of Sir George Mormont in real life, who I love. Why do you hate him? He must be a great actor if you can't even think of his real name. Can I just mention that John Voight is also
Starting point is 00:18:38 in the movie playing, in a real stretch, Angelina Jolie's dad in the movie. They act like they know each other in the movie. It's pretty good acting. And he's doing a British accent. He sounds like Anthony Hopkins. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:18:53 All right. Well, you really painted quite a picture there that that's a fun movie to get your friends over and just yell shit out the whole time and make fun of Daniel Craig's accent. And Owen, what has come to your mind as a movie?
Starting point is 00:19:10 That's fun to riff. Well, you know, like I love, I love riffing movies that I, that you love, you know, that really,
Starting point is 00:19:17 really means something. And especially when a real lovable character dies or experiences something horrific so like i don't know why but that that is really comic gold it's like laughing at a funeral i guess it's it's just like it's just i think the thing is like because you remember watching it and crying and now you're watching it and you're realizing that's just an actor maybe it's that that it's like kind of right it does bring a cynicism to the whole thing like movies i've been touched by when i sit and make jokes at adam in the theater they're suddenly corny as all hell and yeah and you don't cry you just sit there and continue to assault the movie verbally or you cry and you
Starting point is 00:20:02 make jokes like i i saw there are definitely movies that we we've mocked and and or riffed on and i like i still get well one of them is wrath of khan so wrath of khan i love riffing on wrath of khan it's it's a blast and it's it's kind of a joy ride and it's pompous and it's it's hysterical and and a boy when spock's... Spoiler. What happens to Spock? He keeps all his fingers... Is this the movie where Billy Patner goes to space? Another spoiler. You can say Rathacon and Dirty Dancing.
Starting point is 00:20:40 Oh, nice. You can only pick one. We only have time for one. Sorry. I agree. Oh, nice. So abortion storyline rears its ugly head. Then suddenly the jokes get really, you know, lines are crossed. You know, because it's just so weird to be talking at all while Jerry Orbach is like, hey, I'll give you the money or whatever. It'd be weirder to not talk To suddenly Just go completely quiet Stop the riffing You know what let's just watch the rest of this There's no reason
Starting point is 00:21:32 We'll come back during Choose Like the Wind Sometimes it's hard Sometimes a movie like that I think Dirty Dancing you can pull it off But I think sometimes when a movie has too much heavy stuff in it like one time i did an interruption of uh rambo uh the one that was must have been like the fourth one or whatever where there's just genocide genocide genocide genocide before he finally shows up and his solution is just murder murder murder murder murder so it's just like the most depressing thing to be seen they're trying to make jokes during
Starting point is 00:22:10 and ruining everybody's good time because once rambo starts killing everybody you should be cheering but by that point we were so depressed from trying to make jokes about these people just out in rice fields blowing up innocent lives all right we did i'm sorry to interrupt i just real quick uh point we did death wish one time but i knew it was going to be rough because there's just like a series of brutal murders in it yeah so we did death wish but we cut out all the murders so it just cut straight from like you know charles bronson pulling up to a guy in a park and putting his hand in his pocket like immediately to the police station or to a like a funeral or whatever so i love it how long was that john it about an hour and five minutes totally okay it'd be fun to take movies that have really messed up things in them, like Clockwork Orange and stuff, and do the watch and riff on the Salt Lake City blockbuster edit.
Starting point is 00:23:15 You know, like the version that people saw if they rented it in a really square town. That's right. Because, you know, you don't really need that stuff. And then it's just kind of funny it creates weird scenarios if you take it all out because everybody's talking about these things that we didn't see exactly all right vanessa um a bleeding steel oh what is that that is a jackie chan movie that we watched on new year's day uh i thought you were there doug i think so that's why i was like what is that i should know yeah um yeah i thought that one was so fun i think like over the top action movies are the best i also had a blast with hobbs and shaw when we did that
Starting point is 00:24:05 um at sketch fest that was so fun yeah that's ridiculous not a sketch like uh the castro theater is like you know almost got torn down or what you know it was just they decided to call it a historic landmark it's going to keep going but the owners don't know what they're necessarily going to do with the inside the interior but anyway it's this big beautiful theater in san francisco and uh i got to do movie interruptions uh there uh so it's just wild to you know it's great to do them in any size movie theater but like that place seats like over a thousand people oh yeah so talking during shops and all the jobs and all jobs and all i mean you know that's how much respect i have for that movies i fuck up and say calvin and hobs because that's the other yes another mistake
Starting point is 00:25:01 it's easily made shops and ha is Haas is Salt Lake City edit. Yeah. Other names are too spicy. Shops and Haas sounds too exciting. Let's dial it down. But yeah, Bleeding Steel. Yeah, I think pretty much any Jackie Chan movie is good just because the action scenes are so fun.
Starting point is 00:25:23 They're always so great. But then the rest of it is always so mockable. Speaking of San Francisco and Sketchfest, thank you for that segue, Vanessa. Yeah. I'm going to be doing two movies this year at a theater I've never even been to in San Francisco because I think it usually plays films from other countries
Starting point is 00:25:45 because it's kind of right next to Chinatown. It's called The Great Star Theater and I'm going to do I want to ask if any of you have ever done these. The first night is going to be The Lost Boys. Has anybody ever done that one?
Starting point is 00:26:03 Yes, we sure did. You did? It's a good one for that, right? It's a great movie. Because it's an actually fun movie that just is also very silly. Yeah, such a good movie. Yeah, it's got everything.
Starting point is 00:26:19 It's got that shirtless guy with the saxophone. The best. It's directed by joel schumacher yeah so it's very uh production design over everything else brooding you know yeah it's very cool uh yeah all right got two coreys in it yeah and i just think also plenty of uh like it leaves you plenty of room richard donner in the case of that movie he directed it right it's um no you're right it's schumacher schumacher yeah you were right when you said that before we all agreed i give you a point i give you a point thank you oh you a point. Thank you. Oh, good. I'm getting ahead of myself.
Starting point is 00:27:06 Donna directed the movie we're doing the next night, which is The Goonies. Yeah. Nice. Which I think is going to be fun to see on the big screen, but I might have to tap on trying to speak because it's impossible to talk without talking over characters in the film. That is correct. Because it's like an Altman film for children. They don't shut the fuck up. Even when they get
Starting point is 00:27:32 with what's his name, even when the bad guys are all together, it's four of them all talking at the same time. Correct. Joey Pants won't shut up. That's what the movie should have been called. Joey Pants won't shut up. That's what the movie should have been called.
Starting point is 00:27:49 Joey Pants won't shut up. I'd love to see that movie. Also, all fingers are kept at the end of the movie. Also, there's only one Corey instead of two Corey's in that one, which is a definite minus. But we've riffed that one and people love that movie.
Starting point is 00:28:04 So there's a lot of fun to be had, for sure. But it's tough, because the kids are constantly talking. Oh, I think, you know, I said no fingers fall off, but there is a digit that does fall off in the movie. There is, yeah. Now that I think about it, which I'm not going to mention. Right. Well, I mean, I don't think we need to worry about spoilers
Starting point is 00:28:26 for the Goonies it's about to celebrate its 50th anniversary or something but it's it's the like what's his name Willie or something the one eyed Willie it's the one eyed Willie's who they're looking for and they
Starting point is 00:28:42 find him and it's the skeleton's finger that comes off right no that's not what i'm talking about oh no it's a different it's not a human finger no no it's a statue dick that falls off oh yeah the little statue of david i understand that's why you i forgot you call that a digit. That's why you're always counting to 11. Or I should say 21. That's right. Blackjack.
Starting point is 00:29:15 All right. We got to take a break. We got to go to a commercial, but we'll be right back. We're back, and I made some calls and i canceled the goonie screening because what are we gonna do it's gonna be mayhem like one of the people that's gonna be helping me talk during the movie is dana gould who has always has a lot to say yeah so it's just
Starting point is 00:29:40 gonna be i don't know it sounds crazy what about if we put subtitles on and turn the sound off? Would that help? Yeah, try that. That sounds good. That might help. But the music's so good in that movie. It's one of my favorite aspects of it. It's got that very bombastic Spielberg, probably Jerry Goldsmith or somebody like that.
Starting point is 00:30:00 When we did it, I added some Paul Simon at the beginning. I did me and Julio down by the schoolyard over the opening credits because it turns it into a Wes Anderson film. So add some of your own music and see what happens. Well, you know, I got to say you're I don't know if you do a tutorial on when to throw on the sound of silence by Simon and Garfunkel. But the few times I've seen you deploy that it's just been amazing. It's a insane song to suddenly come on. Especially when you're watching Leprechaun 5 and you really
Starting point is 00:30:32 don't expect it to happen. You do not. You do not expect it. Alright, so we got some games to play and since I am going to San Francisco for SF Sketch fest this weekend and vanessa's gonna be there the weekend after that i think yeah yeah uh we gotta keep talking up sketch fest and um at noon pacific time uh on this sunday the san San Francisco 49ers are taking on the Philadelphia Eagles for the NFC
Starting point is 00:31:10 championship and you know, a coveted spot in the super bowl. So it's going to be exciting for me to be there this weekend. And I'm glad that my shows, none of my shows are out at the same time as that game but that being said let's play a game I call Niners versus Eagles oh no
Starting point is 00:31:34 you're panicking but wait until you hear what it's about you might think it's even worse than you initially thought if you're thinking it's going to be all sports stuff do not worry about that okay but what you do need to worry about is i'll name a movie and you have to tell me if it has a minor in it bald or otherwise oh wow or neither okay so each of these movies i'm gonna name has minors eagles or neither
Starting point is 00:32:18 do children children count as mine because i couldn't think of any movies that have both. And no, it's not. Minors, that does not count. It's minors with an E. So this is in honor of the famous San Francisco football team, the San Francisco 40 minors. Well, you know, of course, that the 49ers are in reference to the gold rushers of the year
Starting point is 00:32:49 nice 1849 or whatever wow that's it yeah minor 49er that's right yeah i did the research okay it's the most i've thought about football this entire season, but I am always the late, I'm a late bloomer. I always get excited about at this point about who's once somebody's finally going to the Superbowl, that's when I get interested. And it turns out you can find out about everything that happened in the season because they record all of it and talk about it endlessly. Yeah. So you can really catch up if you want to find out anything.
Starting point is 00:33:24 I'm excited to see how joe montana does this year exactly you know that he's finally back in the game he's exciting okay he's only 65 i think so he's fine i'm only joking this game has nothing to do with sports so let's stop talking about sports so the aforementioned alphabetical order by first name determines the order today I'll go to you first John I'll say a movie you tell me a minor eagle neither if you're wrong then Owen gets a shot at the remaining two answers. And if he's wrong, Vanessa will get a gimme point. Wow. Whenever somebody gets one right, the next person gets to go first on the next one.
Starting point is 00:34:16 And some are easy, some are difficult. Oh. But, yeah. I'll leave it at that. John? You ready, John? Doug, I'm ready I'll leave it at that. John, you ready? Doug. I'm yeah, I'm ready. Okay.
Starting point is 00:34:33 This is Scott Niners, Eagles or neither. Coal miners daughter. Do you know, before you asked me that question, I thought I can think of a single movie with an eagle and a single movie with a minor in it and that was the one that i thought of i'm going with the minor wow yeah because it's like her uh her dad uh levon helm i think plays her dad and he's uh always covered in cold uh you know he's always fresh from the mine. Because, you know, they could have told her story in a way where you actually never see a minor. You just hear about how she her dad was a minor. Right.
Starting point is 00:35:15 She could even made the song might even been written by somebody else. She just sang it popularized and it wasn't even her story. I'm making all this up, of course. Congratulations, John. You're on the board. You have one point. Thank you, Doug. Now we go to Owen with the next one. Are you ready, Owen? Yeah, I'm ready. All right. Frost versus
Starting point is 00:35:34 Nixon. Does it have minors, eagles, or neither? Well, you know, there's a lot of scenes in the White House, and so I'm going to say eagles or neither well you know there's a lot of scenes in the white house and so i'm going to say eagles oh that's an interesting uh take that you have on that and i guess i'll have to go back and look at the tape
Starting point is 00:36:08 i gotta watch that whole movie see if there's a goddamn eagle in the background but even it crossed my mind you know because you do try to think about these things and uh it crossed my mind but then i thought the the the american flag doesn't have an eagle on it. Like the state of, you know, some states have it, but even California has a bear on ours. Right. So where is this eagle? Like you need to whip out a coin of some kind or something. Like a statue.
Starting point is 00:36:37 Or a statue. Do they have an eagle statue in the White House? Yeah. It's like a coffee grinder. I don't remember from watching West Wing, the eagle statue. All right. So that means we go to Vanessa. What do you think?
Starting point is 00:36:54 Does Frost versus Nixon have minors or neither? Neither. I think. Let me double check. Yep, that's correct it's neither I was double checking to make sure I had this okay back to John
Starting point is 00:37:13 Vanessa's got a point John's got a point Owen it's always great to have you here okay John the movie's called brothers of the wind oh that could be anything that's what i was hoping i mean they could be mining brothers they could be um it could be mining brothers it could be
Starting point is 00:37:47 it could be about birds and we refer to the birds as the brothers of the wind because they fly up there up there in the wind exactly I love that George Clooney movie the wind up there I love that George Clooney movie The Wind Up There
Starting point is 00:38:05 Brothers of the Wind well I wish I had heard of this movie before it would probably help a lot going solely by the title I'm going to go with Eagles you figured it out. Yes.
Starting point is 00:38:27 I don't know if it's brothers who watch Eagles that are brothers. Maybe they're protecting brother Eagles, but it's from 2015. It stars John Reno. Oh, you know, is a professional. Yeah, I wish it had been
Starting point is 00:38:43 minors. Oh, and this is your chance to get on the board okay uh the aforementioned goonies does the goonies have uh eagles or minors or neither damn it this is um i mean what defines a miner? Because if you're underground... We've already been through this. But I mean, you're underground... Going into a cave doesn't make you a miner. That makes you a sea lunker or a treasure hunter. You got to go in there and actually go to work to be a miner.
Starting point is 00:39:21 You have to have a helmet with a light on it. You have to be happy about it but then sad about it when you get trapped down there. Yeah. But there's a reason they're losing their house. It's because of probably because of mining stuff. I'm going to say
Starting point is 00:39:38 it has miners. You know, the Seven Dwarves were miners that could have done that movie. No, that's incorrect is there eagles or neither in goodies i want to say there's one shot of a eagle that's what you want to say yeah eagle no i mean again i'm probably gonna have to go i'll watch goonies on saturday night see if i'm not stoned and drunk enough to forget to look for eagle watch the whole movie looking for an eagle um all right. Well, this game, I might continue this game another time
Starting point is 00:40:27 because there's so many movies that may or may not have those things in there. I'm fascinated by it. But congratulations, John. You're a winner of that game today. Wow. We got to take another break
Starting point is 00:40:44 because the sponsors get mad if the break comes too late in the show. I made that up. We'll be right back. We are back. And good luck to the Eagles and the 49ers on Sunday. This was all done without permission of the NFL. All right. So, John, you won that last game.
Starting point is 00:41:04 So you get to go first in the game that's going to determine it all today whoever wins today can come back to the show uh immediately and losers are welcome back uh you know maybe wait a few weeks all right it has to you know you have to be playing for something that's true you know and i i'm lately i've been very excited about jeopardy and uh watching it for the the long the streaks i like a good streak on jeopardy uh you know and so i i enjoy a good streak on this show uh I don't think anybody's gone more than like maybe five wins, but that's still pretty impressive. I'll have to
Starting point is 00:41:49 figure out the numbers on that. The game we're going to play is whose tagline is it anyway? I say a tagline from a movie. Y'all guess what movie it's from. It's that simple.
Starting point is 00:42:04 Of course, taglines are terrible often misleading and um varying levels of difficulty in this one as well so it could come down to just the luck of the draw john will be going first then we switch the order up a little bit And go to Vanessa And then To the Edgelord The Edgelord I'm just trying out new names for Owen I've decided he doesn't seem like an Owen to me
Starting point is 00:42:41 So I'm working on Testing out some names Do you think, is Owen Making a comeback as a name Or do you think it's seem like an Owen to me, so I'm working on testing out some names. Do you think, is Owen making a comeback as a name or do you think it's, like, where is Owen at at this point? I think it's still pretty low ranking. I think it's...
Starting point is 00:42:54 Because it does feel like someone should be immediately, like, they should be born, like, 15 years old. Yeah. Owen doesn't seem like the name of a tyke that's that's true there's nothing graceful no owen is graceful it's just formal awkward socially yeah yeah uh probably hard to get across in a loud bar when somebody say what's your name you You're like, oh!
Starting point is 00:43:28 They probably give up after a few tries. But let's save that for another show called Wide World of Dugs. John, you're up first. Here's how it works. If you don't get it, then Vanessa gets to go next and then Owen. All three don't get it then uh vanessa gets to go next and then oh and all three don't get it nobody gets a point we move on to the next one if nobody gets in points at any point in this the winner of our first game today will be the chosen winner today by default john so that's that's certainly quite an advantage i think also somebody will get one of these because the theme or themes will
Starting point is 00:44:05 emerge some ideas will come to you where this might be going but also the first one's the toughest obviously because there is no theme yet so john i'm giving you three taglines for this movie and then of course vanessa and owen are free to listen and answer when you don't know it. When? I mean it. I mean it. I mean it. But this is for all movies ever made.
Starting point is 00:44:36 This is for all movies ever made, so I'll be impressed if you get it. Oh, no. The first one is, when the lights go down the world is yours oh okay okay next one is life begins at 3 a.m essentially the same sentiment different wording and then the third one is a weekend wasted is never a wasted weekend. Oh. Huh. What movie do you think those three taglines were attached to? It sounds like a movie where somebody is partying at night. But... I mean
Starting point is 00:45:25 what's a movie where people none of us can help you party at night night party welcome to night party from the makers of blood fest um can i hear him again real quick or okay when the lights go down the world is yours
Starting point is 00:45:56 life begins at 3 a.m a weekend wasted is never a wasted weekend you have three seconds. I'm going to say With Null and I. That's a fun guess. Let me get the wrong answer noise. No. I liked it though. Thanks. Vanessa, what do you think it is? The Purge. Alright, that was... I liked
Starting point is 00:46:23 how quickly you answered. It was the only part of the answer. Oh no, I thought that. All right. I liked how quickly you answered. It was the only part of the answer. Oh, no. I thought that was right. Dang it. Oh, man. I'm going to guess, but I'm pretty wrong. Night Shift.
Starting point is 00:46:37 Oh, okay. No, it's a movie directed by another Doug, starring current Oscar nominee Sarah Pauly, and it's called Go. Oh! Go! You know what? I was trying to think of Go and the poster from Go,
Starting point is 00:46:56 but I couldn't remember. I kept killing it. Yeah. I know it's like a... I kept calling it Matchbook. It's not Matchbook, but yeah. Matchbook. It's a very small genre,
Starting point is 00:47:06 but somehow I do think it probably is the best rave movie. Yeah. I like it. Anyway. I like the purge. I want to see the purge with those taglines. Right? Life begins at purge time.
Starting point is 00:47:22 Weekends not wasted. Not all of us. Okay, John, we're back to you for this next one. Okay. Speaking of Doug's, this is the tagline. Meet Doug, the nicest guy you'll ever fight.
Starting point is 00:47:40 Remember, the first answer was go. I don't know if that'll help you or not probably not okay what else meet doug the nicest guy you'll ever fight any guesses i mean it's not gonna be fight club there are no dougs in that that i remember it'd be a crazy tagline wouldn't it yeah meet tyler the nicest guy you'll ever fight. They're already messing with your expectations when Doug turns out to be Tyler. Oh, this really starts with a twist. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:15 Anything? Rugrats. Rugrats. I don't know. Great guess. Vanessa, what do you think it is? There's only one tagline yeah I thought I was going to get three I didn't know that first one was tougher because now you know that the first answer was go now the second one
Starting point is 00:48:34 I mean this is like if you've seen this movie and you're a fan of this movie I think you'll get it but I think that that's the issue here Owen any idea say it again. The movie has got a guy named Doug in it that you might have to fight. If nothing's coming to you,
Starting point is 00:48:54 then you're not a fan of this movie. I'm going to say... I thought you guessed something already. I haven't. Okay, go ahead. I said Rugrats, if I thought you guessed something already. I haven't. Okay, go ahead. I said Rugrats, if that's what you're thinking. Yeah, no, I don't think Vanessa said Rugrats. I'm going to say Hobbs and Shaw.
Starting point is 00:49:22 Owen? Nobody? Owen Nobody But that is a good one I forget what Bob Odenkirk's name was But I'm sure it's something like Doug Because that's part of the charm Of this particular thing
Starting point is 00:49:37 There's a lot of hockey players named Doug And this is a motion picture called Goon Oh Goon So far we have Goon. Oh. Goon. So far we have Goon. And now here's the next one, John. I bet The Purge, there's somebody named Doug that's a fighter in The Purge.
Starting point is 00:49:54 I bet you. But they didn't use that tagline though. That's where the facts come in. John, what movie has the tagline, take the oath, join the adventure? I mean, I'm going to say Goonies. You figured it out, didn't you?
Starting point is 00:50:12 Yeah. Goonies is correct, but now what's going to happen next, Vanessa? Holy cow. What is it? The next tagline is, the adventure adventure is real the heroes are not oh what the adventure is real the heroes are not i don't know
Starting point is 00:50:40 oh I don't know. Oh, is it that animated movie? I don't know. I don't want to say no, because I don't want to narrow it down so much for the other players and eliminate all animated movies. But... Yeah, I don't...
Starting point is 00:51:05 It's the grooms. Oh, wait. Is the theme still going? Are we still... I'm just checking if the theme... If I'm looking for... Yeah. Because I was going to guess... This is nota-blitz. Because I was going to guess
Starting point is 00:51:26 this is not in the theme at all. I was going to guess Last Action Hero. Right, but it could be with the theme if it's... I don't think there's any more movies where I could find a word that has goonie in it. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:51:40 There's not a movie called Gooniosity. I'll guess Last Action Hero. Things did have to take a turn, and that's not a bad guess, but it is a bad answer in the sense that it's not correct. John, what do you think it is? The tagline is, the adventure is real, but the people are not. The heroes are not. Is it... real but the people are not the heroes are not is it a movie called neverland no that's from a motion picture that was the big hit uh A lot of people claim it got people back into the theaters
Starting point is 00:52:26 before Top Gun really got them back. That is The Lost City. With Sandy B. and Channing T. And Brad P. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:40 Right. All right. Back to Vanessa for the next one. What was the name of that movie again? The Lost City. Yeah. That whole movie was not as memorable as
Starting point is 00:52:56 everybody acted like it was. And I just proved it. Okay. This one is, you must be this tall to see this movie. What's the tagline for what, Vanessa? You must be this tall to see this movie. It's about a ride.
Starting point is 00:53:18 And the movie is... Fall. Fall. Fall. Falling. Falling from a ride. Yeah. Damn it. Jeez. Jeez, this is hard.
Starting point is 00:53:42 It's so impressive, though, if you get one right. Yes, I know, but I haven't. So I don't really know. You must be this tall to see this movie. Honey, I Shrunk the Kids. That's a great answer. Oh, that's good.
Starting point is 00:53:55 Not correct, but great. John? Ride-based movies. Ride-based movies ride-based movies I'm going to say Pirates of the Caribbean oh no Vanessa really tricked everybody into thinking it was about a ride
Starting point is 00:54:22 it's more of a conceptual tagline than that. You must be still to see this movie. That was how they decided to promote that R-rated comedy with the children in it called Good Boys. Oh, Good Boys.
Starting point is 00:54:37 Remember, like, three little boys playing with their mother's dildo or whatever. Everybody tells me, by all accounts, it's a very charming, funny movie, but I just, the trailers just turned me off.
Starting point is 00:54:50 I was just like, I don't want to watch kids talk about this stuff. Yeah. Right. Okay. So let's do another one. And, but John,
Starting point is 00:54:59 you're, you're killing it. You might, you might walk away just for having guests, the Goonies, Vanessa, what movie do you think has the tagline, being wild is in their blood?
Starting point is 00:55:13 Oh, the being wild is in their blood. Yeah. It's like I'm listening to the trailer. In a world where being wild is in their blood. yeah um like i'm listening to the trailer coyote ugly oh damn it i wish it was that yeah oh and i have we find great taglines for other movies playing this game. I have figured out the theme here. So I think I know with the Lost City and Good Boys,
Starting point is 00:55:53 this is Lost Boys. That is correct. You figured it out. Apologies for calling you little. It's more in the general, you know know you little dickens sort of sense but uh got away from me so that's worse vanessa you had a great run as champion but yeah and have tied it up so very very exciting finish here because john as know, he did win the first game. So going into this game, he had a little bit of an advantage. John, I'm going to give you one last tagline.
Starting point is 00:56:31 You get it. You win. If you don't get it, Owen gets a chance. If he doesn't get it, I'm going to throw my hands up in the air and say I failed as a communicator. No. I failed as a communicator. No. Oh, fuck.
Starting point is 00:56:49 Are you ready, John? Yes. In other words, this one should be easy. Oh, no. Okay, ready? Pressure's on. Alcatraz. Only one man has ever broken out.
Starting point is 00:57:04 Now, five million lives depend on two men breaking in. Oh, yeah. We riffed that at a Choose Your Own this year. Vanessa was there. That's right. Owen was there.
Starting point is 00:57:22 Shit. What? Do you know it? I think what you're thinking is wrong john oh i love it say the wrong answer say it clearly the purge it's the rock it's the rock yes yeah nice try on yeah finishing it off with a san francisco treat i am excited to be visiting this weekend just looking out there on the water and going well there's alcatraz only sean connery has escaped from there and so that officially makes john earlier a winner and a real nail thank you what have you got to promote john give us your plugs uh okay a couple quick ones uh vanessa is part of something we call the thursday night crazies on our twitch channel
Starting point is 00:58:13 master pancake twitch uh every thursday mostly we riff the television show based in austin starring rob lowe called 911 lone star and uh the season premiere is tomorrow i don't know when this is going to air but basically for the rest of the month of february we're going to be riffing 9-1-1 lone star on our twitch channel thursdays 9 p.m central it's me vanessa ralphie hardesty and it is a very good time. Yeah. That was one thing. The other thing is we're going to be riffing a new movie in person for the first weekend of February, and it is going to be The Witch starring Anya Taylor-Joy.
Starting point is 00:58:59 Oh, wow. That's a good movie. That's for anybody that thought that movie seemed too intense. I think it would like really dial it down to have Joe. So we did. We did Midsommar a few months ago. You know, in that same vein. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:16 What's that? Did you do it around Midsommar? We originally we did. And then we brought it back for Halloween because it's also a spooky movie. So we've done it in two different seasons but um in order to dial down the intensity of that movie we uh added abba songs in the soundtrack so nice yeah so we'll probably do something like that with the witch i'm not sure what i'm open to suggestions maybe stevie nicks or fleetwood mac music on the soundtrack. I'm not sure.
Starting point is 00:59:46 Yeah. Oh, you know, I mean, I don't know if you've gone to that well too often, but Simon and Garfunkel would be fun. That would be. It's a very dark movie. Like maybe like if you just took the whole soundtrack from The Graduate and put it on The Witch. Yes. That's a great idea.
Starting point is 01:00:02 Here's to you, Mrs. Blackilip yeah um i like it and that'll be at the alamo draft house here in austin if you're in the austin area the first weekend of february we'd love to see you there yeah we'll have you back uh without these other two uh sometime uh very soon vanessa gonzalez what would you like to promote um yeah i'll be pancaking with Master Pancake on Twitch every Thursday I'll be at San Francisco Sketch Fest the first weekend of February February 3rd through 5th and I have a podcast called I'm Not Busy with Michael Folk awesome thank you for being a great champion. Oh, thank you.
Starting point is 01:00:47 Try to give you more training time in between bouts. Yes. I appreciate it. Owen. Yes. What about Eddie? Does anybody call you Eddie?
Starting point is 01:01:03 No. Eddie. Because there's you Eddie? No. Eddie. Because there's an E in my name? You don't start for Eddie. I really like Eggie. Eggie's a little bit too much fun. I won't
Starting point is 01:01:17 do that to you. Oh, and Edgerton, what would you like to promote? Of course, I'm pancaking with Pancake on Twitch every so often. And then I've actually just released a new, like it's a horror podcast that takes place in the sunken wreck of the Titanic called Beneath. And I released that with Rooster Teeth.
Starting point is 01:01:41 And that you can find, like, you can all over. You can listen to the first episode for free and and then if you want to listen to the rest of the season right now you have to like join Wondery or Rooster Teeth for now it's like it hasn't come out past the paywall right now but you can listen to the pilot and it's it's super creepy I'm really really proud of it it's like scary stuff down there nice so that it's like the opposite of asmr i mean there's some asmr too like it's soothing and then it's super creepy oh so it's got like sonar noises yeah there's a lot of sonar
Starting point is 01:02:15 home of the ocean and there's like walking around so you hear like the creaking like oh i'm inside there's a lot of and then the titanic wreck is bending around you. Okay, but please tell us you didn't do all the effects with your mouth. Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha! I mean,
Starting point is 01:02:37 budgets are tight this time of year. Okay, whatever you say Owen Budgerton. So, time for Doug plugs doug loves movies is uh also going to be at sketch fest this weekend in addition to those movie interruptions of lost boys and the goonies uh we'll be at the gateway theater saturday at 4 20 and um you know i think uh that show probably going to sell out so get on it or forget about it
Starting point is 01:03:07 and I'm also going to be doing Will You Accept This Rose on Sunday afternoon at the Gateway Theater and that's Arden Marine's podcast about The Bachelor TV show for all that and Douglas Movies
Starting point is 01:03:24 Returns to Dynasty Typewriter in Los Angeles on Sunday, February 5th at 420 with some pretty cool guests. I'm excited about it as I was about this show today. Doug Loves is where you go
Starting point is 01:03:39 for all my dates and deets. Yeah, Wallet, Kaka, Ted Danson, Shush. Thank you, Vanessa, Gonzalez, John Erler, Owen Edgerton. Thanks, Doug. I'll never use any of those nicknames for you
Starting point is 01:03:56 ever again. You'll always be Owee to me. Oh, God. Can you imagine? Owee. Hey, what's up, Wenny? I i'm gonna use every part of your name i'm like uh you know like one of those respectable hunters uses every piece of the you know every piece of the dead animal yeah um i close every episode with a uh closing from Emotion Picture. You don't have to guess because the theme song comes right in after
Starting point is 01:04:28 I say it. But as always, one thing about living in Santa Carla I could never stomach was all the damn vampires. Now it's time for Doug to watch another talkie. Eyes of gold, his viewing prowess makes him cocky.
Starting point is 01:04:46 There's no room in his heart for you, cause Doug loves movies!

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