Doug Loves Movies - Rental Car XII

Episode Date: May 6, 2012

Doug and Graham drive from the airport to the hotel in Atlanta, GA, discussing The Avengers and playing a new movie game.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy... Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Doug hates candy wrappers, squeaky babies, sticky seeds with 50 acid popper kernels in his teeth. There's still not one that he won't see, cause Doug loves movies! Hey everybody, my name is Doug and I love movies. This is Doug Loves Movies, coming to you from a rental car. What kind of car is this, Graham? Doug, we're driving a Toyota Corolla, which is a fine automobile that we've had in the past. A little bit better than the Chevy Sonic that we had in Charlotte. That car was weird.
Starting point is 00:00:36 It was weird. It had a tiny trunk. Yeah. And it was kind of boxy. Real boxy, and just the layout of the buttonry was... Weird buttonry. Weird buttonry. I just didn't... Like, Chevy has some good cars, but then they always, like,
Starting point is 00:00:53 we need to put out a couple of dumb cars, just to appeal to the idiot in the marketplace. Like, an armrest on my seat, but not on yours. Yeah, that was weird. And also the digital, the speed you were driving, speedometer, was in the wrong, was in a weird spot. It was in a weird place. And that was digital, but then the, I think you call it the tachometer with the RPMs, that was the analog with the dial. Yeah, because in a standard transmission, you really need to be able to keep track
Starting point is 00:01:25 of the fucking RPMs. Gotta know those at all times. What are the RPMs? It is May 6th to Ocean's 12th, and we are driving from the airport in Atlanta to the
Starting point is 00:01:41 hotel where we will be staying for one night and performing a sold-out show at the Punchline in Atlanta. Now, Graham, can we stop by the CDC on our way and see what they have to say about the zombie situation? Yeah, we've got to make sure everybody in Walking Dead is doing fine. Fucking dad is doing fine. Since last I spoke and you listened, Graham, Elwood, and I did a show at Sidesplitters in Knoxville, Tennessee.
Starting point is 00:02:16 As we always do, we played the Leonard Maltin game at the end of the show. Yep. A gentleman who had a sign that said his name was Stu, so he went with Stu Baca. Yeah, and he was a full nerd, and he had another Star Wars shirt on that he designed, apparently. It was really cool. Oh. Fancy.
Starting point is 00:02:32 He won in the category Love You Wrong Time, which was movies, time travel romance movies, of which I can only think of, like, three off the top of my head, and the correct answer in this case was Somewhere in time.
Starting point is 00:02:47 Yeah. He made you guess it and you didn't know it, right? Something like that. Yeah, I believe so. Because he didn't, you know, obviously you didn't get the, you know, you had to do it in five or six names and you didn't get, you didn't, you know, obviously you didn't know. If it had been Jane Seymour and Christopher Reeve, then you would have been like,
Starting point is 00:03:04 Oh yeah, that movie, I can't know if it had been Jane Seymour and Christopher Reeve, then you would have been like, oh, yeah, that movie. I can't remember the name of it. The two choices were 79 and 80, and I was like it's either Time After Time, which is the Jack the Ripper time travel. Yeah, David Warner and Malcolm McDowell and Mary Steenburgen. Which is a cool movie, and then Somewhere in Time. It's a little more flowery, but it's based on a Richard Matheson...
Starting point is 00:03:27 I don't know if... I think it was a story that had a different name, but... It's got a pretty cool twist at the end that I won't reveal, but if you feel like fast-forwarding through the boring parts... Then we went to Charlotte, North Carolina to play a 420 show at the Comedy Zone on Cinco de Hoyo yesterday. And Chad had an awesome name tag, especially
Starting point is 00:03:55 the fact that his name was nowhere on it. So he sort of missed the point, but he made an amazing Leonard Maltin mask. Very amazing. And had a little sign, but he made an amazing Leonard Maltin mask. Very amazing. And had a little sign, like a cartoon drawing of Leonard Maltin that covered Chad's whole face. And then he also had a second sign that said, I hunger for games. So he really played into some themes from the show to get our attention
Starting point is 00:04:25 and it worked. And he picked the category Avenge This, which was movies that any of the Avengers were in. And he lost. The movie was Horse Whisperer.
Starting point is 00:04:41 Horse Whisperer. Very young Scarlett Johansson. And she was The number of names He had He just missed Like the next name Would have been
Starting point is 00:04:50 Scarlett Johansson And then that's When I said it to you That's what gave it Away to you That's when you Figured out it was The Horse Whisperer
Starting point is 00:04:58 And then while we Were in Charlotte We went to see The Avengers Yes we did And uh With a little time To think about it Graham in Charlotte, we went to see The Avengers. Yes, we did. And with a little time to think about it, Graham, where are you at on The Avengers?
Starting point is 00:05:11 Well, I liked it, but I just I didn't get a fair shake because we were in this movie theater where the sound kept getting, like the music would go in and out of sounding like it was underwater. Yeah, beautiful theater called the Epicenter, where the whole place is really nice,
Starting point is 00:05:28 and they have bars and food, and you eat off of a plate and drink out of a glass at your seat. And we had been there once before last year. We saw Sucker Punch there, and it was like the most beautiful experience watching a movie that wasn't really too involving and then so I was very excited to see the Avengers there
Starting point is 00:05:49 on the 2D screen we didn't have to wear the glasses and and also having watched it there was no way anything ever happens in that movie that's oh I'm so glad I have these glasses on there was no way 3D can still suck it and um but yeah they had sound issues
Starting point is 00:06:07 which is unfortunate because when you go to a fancy place like that that's the last thing you expect is the sound to be weird through the whole movie and I finally went out because it would go back and forth so I was sitting there going well maybe it'll just correct itself it was one little bad patch and then I finally was like god this is fucking driving me nuts
Starting point is 00:06:23 so I went outside and I said something like, Oh, two other people have said it. We're going to try to fix it. The last, you know, 20, 30 minutes of the movie during the big fight scene, they actually did fix it, which was good. But then you kind of expected a manager to be standing there afterwards going,
Starting point is 00:06:37 Hey guys, sorry, here's free passes. They were just like, no. Yeah, and just also, You watched it. It kind of bothers me that, like, there were a lot of people in the room that didn't even seem to notice that the sound was so horrible.
Starting point is 00:06:52 I mean, it really sounded like, you know, it would go into, like, slow motion or something, or like you said, underwater, every piece of music, and there's a lot of music in it. You know, a lot of dramatic scoring that just sounded like garbled mess. It was very strange. But, that having been said, I can still judge the movie and basically know that I will see it again, but that I just, I'm firmly in the disappointed column.
Starting point is 00:07:24 I really thought getting all of them together would be amazing, but that I just, I'm firmly in the disappointed column. I really thought getting all of them together would be amazing, but there is far less fighting in it than there needs to be. Scarlett Johansson, you know, gets in a couple of scrapes with people, but I love to watch her fight people, and especially the very first time she fights someone, it's pretty awesome. It gets you in the mood for more of that, and then they just stand around talking about the Haceract, or the Flackermack, or the Schmacklebackle. Well, the thing, I think I liked it a little more than you, however...
Starting point is 00:07:52 I didn't dislike it. Right. You know, it's good. It just, there was a little too much talking about, oh, arguing why they shouldn't be the Avengers in the beginning, where I was just like, just get, just, come on. Just be the Avengers. Just suit, where I was just like, just get, just, come on. Just be the Avengers. Suit up and go kick some ass.
Starting point is 00:08:08 And then when they did that at the end, it was actually awesome. The end of the movie I really liked, although it is a little, and you and I were talking about this, we wanted to see more fight choreography and a little less just Transformer shit. Yeah, it gets very big action stuff and it's like, okay, that's, you know, I guess watching you know, oh Jesus. Wow. Wow.
Starting point is 00:08:31 It's been hard. Yeah, let's check behind, make sure no one else is going to ram into us. Wow, somebody broke down or just can't negotiate. Doesn't know how to go onto a ramp? That's what happened.
Starting point is 00:08:47 Yeah, because there was some smoke, too. I thought maybe there had been an actual collision or something. No, that truck that's about three cars ahead of us, when it hit its brakes, it set up some burnt rubber. It sure did. Hot steam. Oh, my. First, we got to worry about the zombies, and now bad drivers. It's insane. It's really crazy out here.
Starting point is 00:09:07 So, what was I saying? Oh, just that, you know, yeah, it does become like a Transformers movie, but it handles that stuff better than Transformers movies, because there's still human characters or superheroes that you actually sort of care about. But that's the other thing, is sort of care about. Like, I didn't find any of the movies suspenseful. You know, it's always fun, but it's not exciting, you know, in that way. It's not like, it's not like Dark Knight. And, yeah, I just, I don't, but, you know, some very clever stuff in there. Really, there was one thing that made us laugh where we just kept laughing for several minutes after it happened.
Starting point is 00:09:49 And, again, I'm not going to spoil it for anybody, but it was really funny. Yeah. I just wish I had been more involved, but also the stupid sound made it have something to do with it. Yeah, I'm definitely going to see it again, you know? Yeah, and we'll talk lots more about it for the rest of the time. And we'll say this. Don't, you were right for leaving. So you did not see this new extended Dark Knight trailer. I got up, I ran out of the room when the new Dark Knight trailer came on because I don't, I just don't want to see anything more about it. I already saw the football field collapsing.
Starting point is 00:10:26 I'm bummed I saw it because it almost tells me too much. And I was like, I'm never going to watch it again. I'm just going to close my eyes and not watch any Dark Knight anything until July 20th because I don't want anything spoiled for me. I'm already on board. That first trailer was great. Don't watch the extended one. already on board. That first trailer was great. Don't watch
Starting point is 00:10:44 the extended one. From the corrections department, I told Paul F. Tompkins that 17 was a movie at the end of the rather long Build-A-Title in the last ep, and I was thinking of 13,
Starting point is 00:11:00 and I guess I was just wishing that she was four years older, one year away from jailbait, and many years from being a viable option for me. But I do like that girl a lot. And apologies to Richard Belzer, who is actually a pretty good actor. I sort of said that he and Ice-T weren't good actors,
Starting point is 00:11:22 but he goes all the way back to that show Homicide where he was quite good on that. So, flying back from the East Coast recently, I was on a United flight where they had unedited movies you could watch on the screen in the seat in front of you. It was free even in coach. And the lady next to me, she was watching the girl with the dragon tattoo, which I still refuse to see. But I said to her, I was like, enjoy the two brutal anal rapes. Spoiler alert. That issue is going to have to be addressed by the airline companies. People watching really graphic stuff on a plane where there's kids or something like that.
Starting point is 00:12:07 You know what I mean? I guess, but they're going to be your kids or your kids are going to be sitting next to a stranger. But parents are always close by, so I would imagine that they could shield their eyes or whatever. But it is pretty amazing that they're unedited movies. Because I watched The Sitter because I never saw it. And I'm a huge Jonah Hill fan.
Starting point is 00:12:33 I've always liked him. And I still really like him after watching The Sitter because he is quite funny in it. For my Moneyball, he's three for three in his last three movies as far as him being really good in them. The Sitter and Moneyball and Jump Street. I will go two for three. I'm telling you,
Starting point is 00:12:55 The Sitter, I was really pleasantly surprised. Again, I'm watching it on a plane. No, I like The Sitter. Oh, you did see it? I did see The Sitter. Oh, yeah. It's pretty funny.
Starting point is 00:13:04 I liked it better. It's the same director of Pineapple Express and I liked it better than Pineapple Express. Yeah, and it's better than what I thought it was going to be. The trailer made it seem like, oh. The trailer did the worst job. The trailer just focused on that he has to take care of three little kids. Right. And didn't, like, and they kind of set up that he gets involved with, like, oh, there's
Starting point is 00:13:22 some gangs or something that he's going to have problems with. But I just remember thinking, because the three little kids all have their own quirky And they kind of set up that he gets involved with, like, oh, there's some gangs or something that he's going to have problems with. But I just remember thinking, because the three little kids all have their own quirky little problems that are not typical of little kids in those kinds of movies. You know, they're not like the three kids in Adventures in Babysitting that are all just, you know, fairly bland, except for the little girl who likes dressing up as Thor and carrying a hammer. I thought that was pretty awesome. So, I uh I really like that guy I I think Jonah Hill still got some uh still still got the the chops like I really liked uh a lot of what he did in that movie because a lot of the dialogue seemed like he might have you know made it up and and he's also just really good at whenever the kids would do something weird he's just really good at acting like why why the fuck is this happening and uh i feel bad i still feel bad though about the one time i was hosting a comedy bang bang at ucb and he was practicing stand-up for funny people
Starting point is 00:14:22 when i introduced him i said ladies and gentlemen you, here for a big treat, here's Jonah Ray. Ha ha. He walks out and I'm like, oh, God. Anyway, in the episode that we taped of Doug Lowe's movies, it's at Zany's in Chicago that people have already gotten to hear. I was talking about how weird it was that you could see Kevin Spacey eating a lady out in a pool in, um,
Starting point is 00:14:53 or he's watching a porn of someone else doing it. I forget what it is, but anyway. You just don't see dudes muff-diving in movies, in American movies, pretty much ever. and I was talking about it on that podcast, and then got on a plane and watched The Sitter, and the very first scene in The Sitter is Jonah Hill going down on Ari Greiner, less graphic than in Working Girl, which, by the way, Working Girl's rated R, uh, I was thinking it might have
Starting point is 00:15:21 been a PG-13, but that's just, that would be ridiculous. Because Alec Baldwin has his shirt off a lot in that movie. So watch The Sitter is the point of that story, I guess. And I also wanted to say that the trailer doesn't get the impression that J.B. Smoove and Sam Rockwell are in it. And their characters are funny and weird stuff happens to them. Very weird stuff. And I really like the first scene with, the early scene with, that sort of sets up his emotional path. Where he just wants, Jonah is doing all the stuff that he does in the movie
Starting point is 00:16:07 just because he cares about his mother and he wants her to be happy. And she's played by Jessica Hecht, who's a really good actress, who's in Sideways, and she's one of the lesbians in Friends. How do you think we're doing on time, Graham? Are we getting close to... I think we're probably 10-15 minutes out. Traffic has not been bad? We're right now amongst all the tall buildings of...
Starting point is 00:16:32 Well, the other way is horrible. Oh, yeah, look at that. They're jacked up. What else did I want to talk about? Oh, I watched Ghost Protocol on the plane again, because I was on like a six-hour flight, so I saw like three feature films in one flight. And I watched Ghost Protocol again,
Starting point is 00:16:53 with my hood up, Ghost Protocol style. And I thought of something really funny, and this is going to involve spoilers, so you might want to skip this part if you still haven't seen MI4. But you know when they're in the tower in Dubai, and the hot IMF lady, who I figured out stands for I Am Fuckable, she kicks the hot lady assassin girl out the window. Right.
Starting point is 00:17:19 And she just falls to her death. And, you know, it's PG-13, so we don't get to see anything. She just falls, and you're like like oh that that's gnarly then the very next scene tom cruise is running from that building it would have been so funny and if it were rated r or directed by the guy who did the raid this could have happened it would be so funny if he had to jump over her splash you know totally dead disgusting body on the ground outside the building but But he's just running until he gets into the sandstorm. And also, something I missed
Starting point is 00:17:50 in the previous two times that I saw the movie, you know when the IMF lady chokes out, you know when she's got the slumdog millionaire guy in a chokehold and she says, give me the codes. Do you remember what the codes codes. Do you remember what the
Starting point is 00:18:05 codes were, what he tells her the code is? No. It's 36, 22, 23, because his character is like a total perv, and so it's like his idea of perfect measurements. I thought that was a nice touch. Oh, and that was one thing I really liked in the Avengers, was the World Council lady, World Security Council was played by Jenny Agater. I didn't recognize her, but I saw her name in the credits. She's from Logan's Run and American Werewolf in London. She was always, when I was a young lad,
Starting point is 00:18:41 she was a reliable, she got naked in everything. She got naked in Logan's Run. I think that was like a PG. So I'm happy to see that she's alive and working and is a nice little addition to that movie. Now, this morning when we dropped off the rental car in Charlotte, this nice bus driver lady said, oh, you know, just stay in the car with all your bags and I'll just drive you over to the, I guess it must have been a slow morning and she didn't have anything better to do. And she, and she also told us she likes, she likes driving all the cars just to, just to get a, get a feel for them even because she's normally driving a
Starting point is 00:19:19 bus. And, um, so I surreptitiously started recording our conversation with her in the car. It's just a couple of minutes, but let's go ahead and listen to that now. Okay, you got to get that Pacifica out of the way because I'm on a mission. Why is that Pacifica in our way? Because they're trying to make a U-turn in it. I can make a U-turn in the bus. I don't know why he couldn't make a straight U-turn. Some people.
Starting point is 00:19:52 I hope that's not a woman driver because it makes us look bad. What's your name? Penny. Hi, Penny. I'm Doug and he's Graham. I almost forgot which one I was. I knew there was a woman making us look bad. Now, she's both women drivers are hell of a side, you know.
Starting point is 00:20:10 We're hella. What do you do when you have a day off? What are you into? If I'm not reading or taking care of one of my six grandchildren, I'm online gambling. Grandchildren? You've got to be kidding me. My oldest grandson is 10 and my baby grandson is 18 months. And that little, excuse my language, that little fucker started walking two months ago and ain't sat down yet. He don't have the point. You know how you childproof
Starting point is 00:20:39 a room with the little plastic caps in the socket? He takes them out and shows them to us like, did you really think this was gonna work i'm like he's possessed he is possessed but that's my baby that's my heart he do us the my daughter said mama you're supposed to be babysitting how did he write on the wall like i know hell i went to. He must have been doing the, what you call that man, Pesaso? Pesaso. Yeah, he was doing one of his dumbest. He was being creative.
Starting point is 00:21:12 I call him Pesaso though. You know, grab my sleep, let me go ahead and do my thang on this wall. Do you ever go to movies? Do you like going to movies? Yes. You see anything lately? I haven't been lately because I've been here. Do you ever go to movies? Do you like going to movies? Yes. You see anything lately? I haven't been lately because I've been here.
Starting point is 00:21:32 My heart's just like sitting by my life. I'm here all the time. What's your favorite movie that you ever saw? Favorite movie I ever saw? And what's the one where the dudes drag around a dead man all the time? Weekend at Bernie's? Yes. I love that. Awesome.
Starting point is 00:21:49 So what did she say after, as soon as we got out of the car? Well, she said, you know, she's like talking about how she liked Weekend at Bernie's. And then she gets out of the car and she's like helping us with her bag. She goes, I know y'all thought I was going to say one of them black movies, but I like. She goes, I like Bonnie Raitt. i like kid rock rock it was hilarious yeah and she hugged us all y'all said travel safe yeah great it was she's into she's into white people things like weekend at bernie's yeah that is so like having your your aunt take you to the airport or something. That was fantastic. And so thank you to Penny for the lift and for the laughs.
Starting point is 00:22:31 And the hugs, Penny. Does anyone hunger for games? I do. Are you game hungry, Graham, or are you having to navigate at this point and figure out where we're at? You know, I can do a little bit of both. Alright. It's kind of a complicated game, so... Oh, stupid. Yeah, so I know you're busy driving, so...
Starting point is 00:22:53 We'll give it a shot and see what happens. It was suggested on Twitter by... What's up, Teaspoon? Yeah, Teaspoon? Yeah, Teaspoon! And he suggests a game he calls Six Degrees, Hold the Bacon. So it's like Six Degrees
Starting point is 00:23:14 of Kevin Bacon, but you don't... Kevin Bacon's not... He doesn't have to be a part of it. Let's leave Kevin Bacon out of it. Can you imagine? He gets asked about fucking Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon every... Kevin Bacon out of it. He gets... Can you imagine? He gets asked about fucking six degrees of seven bacon every... Of Kevin Bacon, not seven bacon. In every interview he does, he probably gets asked about that.
Starting point is 00:23:33 Plus, I'm a vegetarian, so we don't... Yeah, so hold the bacon. Aha! When Grandma... Hold the bacon and keep that gluten to yourself as well. Oh, real quick. The guy in Charlotte, thanks to those gluten-free, those gluten-vegan,
Starting point is 00:23:47 vegan gluten-free candy bars. Candy bars, were they good? They were good. He got them at, they're like vegan gluten-free protein bars, which I eat a lot of those for traveling, and they were great. He got them at Whole Foods.
Starting point is 00:23:57 God bless you, sir. Yeah, we picked him after Chad lost because he sucked up to you with the gluten-free shit, and then I looked at the phone and we were out of time. The show had to end because there was going to be another show. So I just said, here, have the prize, you fucking gluten-free candy bar weirdo. Get off the stage.
Starting point is 00:24:14 You make me sick. So we won the prizes. He didn't have to play. So it felt sort of bad for Chad, but, you know, what are you going to do? I'm going to tweet the picture of Chad's name tag, but I'm not going to tweet a picture of a gluten-free candy bar. Here's how the game works. Teaspoon! Teaspoon VFX. I name two actors who I think have never worked together, and then you try to connect them in six degrees or less. Oh, okay. And if you can't make it to six degrees, I automatically win, but if you do them in six degrees or less oh okay uh and if you can't make it to six degrees i
Starting point is 00:24:47 automatically win but if you do it in six or less then you give me two names and i have to connect them in less names than you did in order to win and if for some reason there's a tie then we go again so which which would be easier for me from your position right now Naming two actors who haven't worked together For me to do Or the other way around Me tell you two actors And you try to figure it out Okay give me two actors
Starting point is 00:25:12 We're traveling through a toll plaza But we do have a plate pass So we will not have to stop So a toll will be transacted while you're listening to this But you won't hear a thing You'll just hear you go on and on about it Toll will be transacted while you're listening to this, but you won't hear a thing. You'll just hear you go on and on about it. Toll being transacted. Right on.
Starting point is 00:25:30 It's happening. Okay. Any two actors. Samuel L. Jackson and Roger Moore. Wow. I like it. Buckle up. And Roger Moore, that is going to be a tough one.
Starting point is 00:25:50 Let me see. Roger Moore hasn't worked for a while. He was in, let's see, a couple of those then there James Bond motion pictures. Yeah, I think he's in a couple of those. Yeah, and he was in one of those with... I got it! All right. So Roger Moore was in A View to a Kill with Christopher Walken,
Starting point is 00:26:15 and Christopher Walken was in Pulp Fiction with Samuel L. Jackson. Oh, my God! Bingo! Wow! Impressive! Doug Benson! Wow! Impressive, Doug Benson! So that's, what do you call that? That's one degree.
Starting point is 00:26:31 Or no, that's two degrees. Two degrees of... Because you'll get it in one degree if you can just think of a movie they were in together, and we just didn't realize, you know, when you said it, you didn't realize it. Yeah, because there's, you know, there's lots of times... Those guys could have been in a movie together, Sam Jackson and Roger Moore. I don't believe they ever were. But, all right, let's try one for you. See if you can do it.
Starting point is 00:26:51 Let's go with Sandra Bullock. Oh, God. And... Billy Crystal. Sandra Bullock and Billy Crystal. All right, Sandra Bullock and Billy Crystal Sandra Bullock you can think about this for a second you gotta get it
Starting point is 00:27:13 you gotta think of a movie they were in together or link them up with with just one move like who did who have they both worked with god somebody they both have they both worked with? God. Somebody. They both have done it.
Starting point is 00:27:27 They had to have. They had to have. God, this is going to fuck me up. I'm still reeling from that whole toll thing. It was so exciting. We didn't have to stop. It was great. We just flew right through. Money just flew out of the car.
Starting point is 00:27:44 I think that very toll plaza was backed all the fuck up when they tried to go to Atlanta and Walking Dead. Yeah, no shit. We're coming up on our exit. Okay. Sandra Bullock. Here, you think about it for a second, and I'll throw the plugs out. Okay.
Starting point is 00:28:03 Because a lot of these plugs involve you anyway. I'm going to be taping a Douglas Movies at the Laughing Skull in Atlanta on Friday, May 18th at 6 p.m. And Graham is going to be in town playing that club the entire... I know, isn't it? This is weird. We're coming back to Atlanta in two weeks. But we're just doing the one show tonight. It's sold out already.
Starting point is 00:28:21 But we're just doing the one show tonight. It's sold out already. And then we're going to come back, and you can see Graham do headlining shows at the Laughing Skull. And he, of course, will be joining me and a couple other funny dudes to tape an episode of Douglas' movies. And it's 6 p.m., like a happy hour show. And then Graham's got two headlining shows later that night. And it's a very small, intimate club.
Starting point is 00:28:45 So it'd be a very fun place to, uh, to see Graham do standup and to see us do, uh, Douglas movies. Yeah. I'm headlining. So I'll be doing longer sets and,
Starting point is 00:28:53 uh, yeah, maybe I'll come in and do some guest sets on that Friday night. Yeah. Night before we're going to go see, uh, our friends sleep rage and they're playing, uh,
Starting point is 00:29:02 in Atlanta. And that's part of why I decided to go there again so soon. I'll be at the Comedy Addict in Bloomington, Indiana, May 19th, doing stand-up on May 19th at 420. And you can, if you bring
Starting point is 00:29:17 name tags, we're going to play the Leonard Maltin game, and you can win a seat as a guest on the May 20th, Sunday, May 20th, taping oflass Movies, also at 420. And then the same kind of deal at Zany's in Nashville with three shows. Me and Graham Elwood will be there May 26th, 27th, 28th. 26th and 27th is stand-up with Leonard Maltin on the end. 27th, we're going to have a special guest stand-up performer
Starting point is 00:29:46 that I think listeners of the show will be excited to see, and then he'll be joining us or her on May 28th for Douglas Movies at 420 on Memorial Day. And then Virginia Beach Funny Bone, Graham and I will be there June 23
Starting point is 00:30:02 and 24, and the same thing again on the 23rd, if you win... No, I'm sorry, those are going to both be stand-up shows. Those will both be stand-up shows, but we will play Leonard Maltin Game at the end of each of those shows. And I'm also going to try to start recording the Leonard Maltin Game at some of these shows out on the road and including that in the podcast so people can hear what happened and enjoy that. What do you got for Sandra Bullock and Billy Crystal? You put them together at all in any way?
Starting point is 00:30:34 Yes. What is it? All right. Billy Crystal was in City Slickers with Bruno Kirby. Uh-huh. City Slickers. Mm-hmm. With Bruno Kirby.
Starting point is 00:30:44 Uh-huh. Bruno Kirby was in The Freshman. With, um, Matthew Broderick. Uh-huh. Um, Matthew Broderick was in, um... Uh... Was in... Fuck. Was in, uh...
Starting point is 00:31:05 Bruno Kirby and Billy Crystal were also in When Harry Met Sally together. Yes, they were in When Harry Met Sally. And City Slickers 2. The Search for Curly Gold. Yeah, fuck. There's a thousand tweets flooding right now about why don't I know.
Starting point is 00:31:21 Ugh. And, um... You're already lost. wait wait but you but it's good it's good those those were all good um and then the matthew broderick was an election right with um reese witherspoon, who was in that one movie with Sandra Bullock. They were in a movie together? Reese and Sandra? Yeah, wasn't she in one of those? No, wait, Election? Oh, Christ.
Starting point is 00:32:06 I can't get it. God damn it. I love this game. It's fun. It's a new fun game. I'm better at setting up how to screw someone over than doing it myself. Yeah, well, that's, you know, you just kind of got to get lucky and just hit on the right kind of thing, you know? Like, uh...
Starting point is 00:32:30 Sandra Bullock was in... I'm Going to Park in the Shade. Yeah, I'll have to think about that one. God, what? I was trying to, like... I was trying to... I knew she was... I was trying to think about that one. God, what? I was trying to, like... I was trying to... I knew she was... I was trying to think of Viggo. She was in a movie with Viggo Mortensen
Starting point is 00:32:50 that 28 Days. And the only thing Viggo Mortensen movie I could connect was, like, The Road. And I was trying to think of Olivia... What's her name? At the very end of The Road. She's with Guy Pearce. Olivia Wilde?
Starting point is 00:33:03 Olivia... The English actress. Olivia... Oh, Williams. Williams. So I was like... Yeah. It's tough. It is tough. It could be hard. I'll have to think about it some more and come up with one and maybe mention it in the next show. But I've played this game before. It's a fun game. What else have you got to plug, Graham? My new album,
Starting point is 00:33:29 Palm Strike Dance Party, will be available as a digital download on iTunes May 8th, and then we'll start selling hard copies on Comedy Film Nerds and a special thing, because the label's starting May 22nd, so get your digital download. Let me ask you this, but what's the real title of it?
Starting point is 00:33:46 It's Palm Strike Dance Party, Doug. All right, check out Palm Strike Dance Party and see us in Atlanta in a couple weeks. And as always, U.S. Airways is a shithead. Charlotte Airport is a shithead. Oh, Charlotte Airport. Yeah, that airport, it took them their standard time it takes to give you your bags, no matter what, it seems, they just say it's going to take 45 minutes.
Starting point is 00:34:09 Yeah, she was like, well, 35 to 40 minutes. And we just, in Atlanta, we just landed in a much bigger airport. Yeah. And everything was lickety split. We got our, we walked, we went to the bag area. And it's crazy busy. And our bags came out in five minutes. Yeah, and there was just as many people, just tons of people there.
Starting point is 00:34:23 Come on, Charlie. All right, so I take that back. Even though I'm not a U.S. Airways fan, I'm going to say, as always, that Charlotte Airport is a shithead. Now it's time for Doug to watch another talkie. Eyes of gold, his viewing prowess makes him cocky. There's no room in his heart for you, because Doug loves movies.

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