Doug Loves Movies - Rental Car XX

Episode Date: January 5, 2013

On a drive from Orlando to Jacksonville, Florida, Doug and Graham discuss the best movies of last year and play some Build-A-Title.See Privacy Policy at and Californ...ia Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Doug hates candy wrappers, screaming babies, sticky seeds with 50 as a pop-up. Hey everybody, my name is Doug, and this is Doug Loves Movies. Coming to you from a rental car. What kind of car is this still, Graham? Doug, this is still a Toyota Prius Hybrid. Do we still like it? Yeah, it's a good car. I used to own one of these. They're nice. Sips the gas, has a nice read-off
Starting point is 00:00:28 display, a lot of thumb touching here with the temperature and the modes and everything. Integrated Bluetooth. It sips the gas like a gentleman or a lady with its pinky finger out? Yes, it does. It is the coat and tails of engines.
Starting point is 00:00:44 And we're driving from Orlando, Florida to Jacksonville, Florida on Saturday, January 5th to OSHA's 13. My guest and driver is Graham Elwood. Hello. And what are we, on the 95 North? We are on the 95 North, Doug. We just transitioned from the 4 East out of, excuse me, Jamlando into the 94 North into Jacksonville. Very nice. We're driving to Jacksonville to do two Benson movie interruption shows. Sold out shows. That's right.
Starting point is 00:01:29 By the way. At the Sunray Cinemas. Dang. Today at 420 we'll be watching RoboCop, Tomorrow, Dirty Dancing. I'll buy that for a dollar. Dirty Cop and RoboDancing. Dirty Dancing. Which I would also that for a dollar. Dirty Cop and Robo Dancing. Which I would also watch for a dollar.
Starting point is 00:01:49 I'd watch both of those movies for a dollar easily. Since last I spoke and you listened, Graham and I visited Universal Studios Florida, Islands of Adventure, and the wonderful, wizarding, weaselly world of Harry Potter. The weaselly world. Visiting Weasley World of Harry Potter. Weasley World.
Starting point is 00:02:13 I'd have to say a highlight of Universal Studios was the Twister attraction. What a sleeper. I mean, like, who saw that coming? It's like, it's a great, fun ride. Not so much a ride as a stand-around-and-watch. A stand-around-and-interactive watch a little bit. You're on a soundstage and a crazy twister happens. You get sprayed with rain and there's lightning and all kinds of craziness. A couple things get set on fire.
Starting point is 00:02:35 Sure, you get some fire and then the thing crashes and it's... But the true gem of this ride is the fact that they have two separate, you walk in and you watch a video, and then you walk into another room and there's another video. They really sell the shit out of Twister, even though it's 17 years old or however long it's been around. That movie came out in 96 or 97 or something. And so there's these, hi, I'm Bill Paxton. or 97 or something. And so there's these, hi, I'm Bill Paxton. And both times he's standing with his, like, shoulders.
Starting point is 00:03:11 He looks like he's modeling. Yeah. He's wearing denim and his hair's kind of long. Denim shirts open, you know, showing a little chest, a little man cleavage, a little Burt Reynolds. So then through the rest of the experience, every time something would blow up or we'd get rained on or whatever, Graham would yell, hi, I'm Bill Paxton. Hi, I'm Bill Paxton.
Starting point is 00:03:34 To the enjoyment or irritation of no one around us. Like, it doesn't, people don't like it, they don't dislike it. They didn't even know it was happening. It just happens. Yeah. It just happens. dislike it. It just happens. It just happens. But, um, for all you fans of that, uh, Helen Hunt, Bill Paxton disaster vehicle, please visit Universal Studios. If you've ever hoped that that was a ride or a stand around and watch, now's your chance. Uh, so that was,
Starting point is 00:04:04 that was pretty fun I mean the main reason we went on that Is because it said that the wait time was only 10 minutes That was the big selling point And then it turns out that the whole thing is kind of It's all wait time You have to stand around and watch Making of the movie Twister
Starting point is 00:04:20 Whether you want to or not Just to get to the good stuff Yeah And the human that's actually there actually says okay now we're gonna watch some more about the making of twister when you go into that second yeah second room and then they so try to feign to like oh no a twister hit hurry you get out of the room yeah they make you do an emergency evacuation which is i would think you get an occasional actual panicked person. You've got to get some of that. Especially since there's so many, like, people from other countries.
Starting point is 00:04:51 There's a lot of Brazilians there. A couple of them must just flip out. Yeah, they must cut off all their pubic hair. That made no sense. Brazilian? They all wax their dicks. Oh, a tornado! Wax my dick.
Starting point is 00:05:08 That's right. We forgot to mention that only men are allowed in Twister. Yeah. It's no lady's ride. No. No lady's attraction. Except Helen Hunt does come out and say hi. Hi.
Starting point is 00:05:22 I'm Helen Hunt. I'm Helen Hunt. Twisters are terrible. They also try to defend Twisters at a couple of points about how majestic they are. No, they're fucking scary, period. They're bad. You don't want just because you're a plate of
Starting point is 00:05:35 scientists, Bill Paxton, doesn't mean Twisters are awesome things that we should embrace. Hi. Hi, Bill Paxton. And we also went on what I think is one of the better technological, technically, the Harry Potter ride. That ride is great. It's pretty impressive.
Starting point is 00:05:58 I'm not a huge fan of those movies, but it does not matter. If you're a fan of those movies, you have to go to this, because they have created a whole Muggle Town and Hogwartville and everything. Those are both inaccurate, but yes, they've created a whole area. And we even drank some butterbeer. Yes, the butterbeer was delightful. Yeah, there's no beer or butter in it, but it is tasty. Yes.
Starting point is 00:06:23 Yeah, there's no beer or butter in it, but it is tasty. Now it's time for the best of Two Oceans 12. My picks for some of the best things in motion pictures in Two Oceans 12. And I'm going to go with the best movies I haven't seen yet. And you can confirm or deny, Graham, because there's a few movies that I haven't seen yet that are getting a lot of, you know, award talk and critical plaudits, and they are
Starting point is 00:06:52 Life of Pi. Yes, good movie. Okay, so I still gotta see that. Something about it, it just looks boring to me. It's not. Okay. Promise Land. Oh, I definitely want to see that. Yeah, you want to see that fracking movie?
Starting point is 00:07:10 And then... Hi, I'm Bill Paxton. And then Searching for Sugarman. Sugarman. Great documentary. I've seen it. I saw it in Adelaide, Australia. It is everything that's good about the genre of documentary
Starting point is 00:07:26 filming. Yeah. I want to see that. And the music's really good and everything. I want to see that. Really cool. I'd like to see that. And, uh, what about you, Graham? What are you still, what are your holes in your, uh, I know you haven't seen Les Mis yet. I know. I'm so not a musical guy, but I just want to see it for the spectacle. And I haven't seen Promised Land either. And what else was there that I've seen most of? Yeah, you haven't seen Parental Guidance. That's not a film.
Starting point is 00:07:56 I don't acknowledge it. That's a phrase. Yeah. That's an annoying trailer in a movie poster. That's what that is. I will see that in Guilt Trip. But see that in Guilt Trip.
Starting point is 00:08:06 But at least in Guilt Trip, Barbara Streisand doesn't take a baseball bat to the nuts. Ha ha ha ha. I assume. I assume she does not. The movie poster is annoying. The movie poster, if you look at it, you're annoyed and bored.
Starting point is 00:08:20 Of Barbara Streisand's face? Of everything about Seth Rogen and Barbara Streisand. Like of everything about seth rogan and barbara streisand like two of my favorites back to back um do you have a best movie that you have seen of two oceans 12 boy i would man it's you comedy film nerd you i would have to go probably Margo. This is one of the better years, I think, that we've had. I think it's going to be the first year since they've done ten best pictures where there'll be actually ten legitimate movies, not like five or six, and then they just fill it with nonsense to fill out the back end.
Starting point is 00:09:02 I think there's going to be... Well, you know, and they don't have to go the full ten either. They can nominate the Academy. They can nominate five to ten movies. I think there's going to be, because I mean, Flight is a good film. I don't think it is
Starting point is 00:09:18 best picture, but Denzel Washington is great in it. It just got a WGA nomination, which is interesting. Yeah. There's some amazing performances. Like, Hitchcock is not best picture, but he's great in it, and so is Helen Mirren. I thought I never for a second stopped thinking I was looking at Anthony Hopkins.
Starting point is 00:09:41 It's like the complete opposite of Daniel Day-Lewis and Lincoln, where it's just an incredible transformation. Right. I thought Toby Jones did a better version of that boring TV, the HBO Hitchcock movie, which also was not a very good movie. I mean, how do you make the making of Psycho and the Birds into a boring movie? Because they did it twice in the same year. into a boring movie because they did it twice in the same year.
Starting point is 00:10:05 Not boring, but like, I honestly, the most entertaining thing to me about Hitchcock is Scarlett Johansson is a really good actress. She's so... She, like,
Starting point is 00:10:16 clearly studied Janet Leigh and actually does, like, Janet Leigh faces and stuff while still being gorgeous Scarlett Johansson. In more modern interviews with Janet Leigh faces and stuff and while still being gorgeous Scarlett Johansson. In more modern interviews with Janet Leigh the way she would refer to Hitch
Starting point is 00:10:31 you can like you saw that in her performance of like this is how I dealt with him on the set and this is how he made his movies and to me it was interesting just knowing like I didn't realize all of the fights with the censors and everything that he had to go through
Starting point is 00:10:48 to get Psycho made that was interesting for me personally yeah that was interesting and the guy that got to play Anthony Perkins did a good job yeah but I just thought that ultimately it was like it's not best picture it's a pretty fluffy movie it's not best picture but it is interesting
Starting point is 00:11:04 if you're a Hitchcock fan you'll I think it's not best picture it's a pretty fluffy movie it's not best picture but it is interesting if you're a Hitchcock fan you'll I think it's interesting and it's interesting that two different biopics can come out in the same year and they both position Hitchcock's wife
Starting point is 00:11:13 in a completely different in one version she's like his right hand man helping him do everything and the other one she's this cowering woman who you know
Starting point is 00:11:24 is afraid of her husband and just tries to stay out of his way. So the jury's still out on what the fuck Hitchcock was like or his relationships. Yeah, Mrs. Cock. You know, I think that movie The Girl is all kind of mostly from Tippi Hedren's point of view. And she makes him out to be an absolute monster who should have been at the very least sued, but maybe even incarcerated for his behavior. So my favorites, I really hate saying the best movie of the year was Blah Blah because I think, first of all, rounding them up according to what year they came out is just so random.
Starting point is 00:12:04 But since we all play that game, some of my favorites from the last year were Safety Not Guaranteed, The Raid, Redemption, Lincoln, and I think not getting enough attention here at the end of the year for its acting and for its overall movie making. End of Watch. End of Watch, to me, those guys did a very good job of showing, oh wow, this is how, like if you felt like, wow, I was in a squad car with two. They were great at playing partners, yeah. But the movie itself, I was like, I get it, yeah. Get along with the goddamn story. Like, yeah, being a cop is nuts.
Starting point is 00:12:45 Like, it took them two acts, I mean, like, an hour and change, hour and a half to get to the actual story, and that, after a while, I got bored. I was like, move it along. Yeah, I found it utterly compelling from start to finish, and if anything, I'd say it was almost, some sequences were almost too intense and too much of a coincidence that so much shit would go down on, you know, in and around one pair of cops, you know, shifts. You know, there's certainly a lot of things happening, but I don't remember it being slow to get going, but I just found it, and I was, saw it a little late, so I was, like,
Starting point is 00:13:26 pleasantly surprised, I guess, by, you know, because I was sort of expecting it to be a little bit more by the book, but I'm also, you know, I'm one of the big Training Day detractors. I don't think Training Day's a good movie. I don't either. And I thought this gave it more, gave a similar kind of story, you know, more interesting things for me instead of just like a simple, like, oh, this one cop's really bad, so now we're just going to watch him be really bad for a whole movie. Yeah, the first 40 minutes of Training Day were great.
Starting point is 00:13:59 But then, like, it would have been, to me, a far more, Training Day would have been to me a more far more training day would have been far more compelling had it been this this debatable gray area of of denzel washington's tactics like his whole like you know by any means necessary and i've you know i've incarcerated these this many guys that made that whole speech you know i've 10 000 man man hours and what it takes to get that done. And then it's like, oh, no, he's just fucking evil and crazy corrupt to the bone, so there's nothing to debate. You know what I mean? Like, that was dumb.
Starting point is 00:14:34 And, you know, I think in the grand scheme of things, we'll look back and, you know, Flight will be the movie that he deserved the Oscar for more than Training Day, but, you know, unfortunately, Flight came out the movie that he deserved the Oscar for more than Training Day, but, you know, unfortunately, Flight came out the same year as Lincoln. Well, he's going to get Paul Newman, like, when Verdict came out. Well, whoever he lost to for the Verdict. Gandhi.
Starting point is 00:14:59 Yeah, that was ultimately just a bad choice, because, again, Ben Kingsley's certainly done better work, or has good or better work, in other films. But I think Lincoln beating Denzel's not going to be thought of as a snub as much as just bad timing. Yeah. Because Daniel Day-Lewis is just ridiculous. And John Hawks in The Sessions is up there in the same, you know, category in a movie that, you know, if it wasn't for his performance and Helen Hunt's performance, there's not really much to the movie, but damn is he good in it. He makes you care about him getting his sex on.
Starting point is 00:15:39 Yeah. All right, this has been Best of Two Oceans 12. Hi, I'm Bill Passer. Let the games begin! Let's play some Build-A-Title. In honor of tomorrow's sold-out Benson movie interruption at the Sunray Cinemas in Jacksonville, I have chosen as our starter title, Dirty Dancing. So you need a movie that ends in dirty or begins with dancing, or part of one of those words, of course.
Starting point is 00:16:16 You know how to play. You're one of the best. Joe Dirty Dancing. That's right. Joe Dirty Dancing. That's right, Joe. Dirty Dancing. And then, uh... Let's see. Uh... I'm trying to think of a movie that ends in Joe.
Starting point is 00:16:37 And I don't know if there is one. Blank Joe. Something to Joe What happened to Joe? Has anyone seen Joe? Alright, so I have to add to dancing then And Just to give you something easy to play off of Since I'm the one that planned this game,
Starting point is 00:17:07 I'm going to go Joe Dirty Dance Singing in the Rain. Dance Singing in the Rain. Dance Singing in the Rain. Uh. Dance Singing in the Rain, man. Yeah. Yeah. Uh, Joe Dirty Dan singing in the rain, man. Man.
Starting point is 00:17:43 Manhattan. Manhattan. So you've got Manhattan. Oh. So you've got Manhattan and Manhattan Project.
Starting point is 00:17:55 Project. Project X. Oh. Oh. You're a fuckbag. Dirty Dance Singing in the Rain, Manhattan, Project X. Which, of course, was a monkey movie with Helen Hunt and Matthew Broderick.
Starting point is 00:18:27 Yeah, Project X was a monkey movie. It's a monkey movie. It's under that genre category. Monkey movies. But then they made... Project X also came out this year about the out-of-control teenage party. Project Xanadu. Boom, starts with an X. Yeah, so this is a spelling game now? Yep. It's not about how the words are pronounced? Um. Because you pronounce it XanAnadu alright hold on I got one
Starting point is 00:19:08 such a dumb tard oh X-Men X-Men there's 10 million people screaming X-Men yeah okay so I got Joe Dirty Dead
Starting point is 00:19:27 singing in the rain. Manhattan X... I mean, Manhattan Project. X-Men at work. The Estevez team project. Estevez brothers.
Starting point is 00:19:44 It's Garbagemen. Starring the Estevez brothers. The best garbage men. Um, Men at Work. Working Girl. Working Girl. Okay, we got Joe Dirty Dancing in the Rain Manhattan Project. X-Men at Working Girl.
Starting point is 00:20:02 Girls just want to have fun. Hmm. Fun House Girls Just Wanna Have Fun House House Party Joe Dirty Dancing in the Rain Rain, Manhattan, Project X,
Starting point is 00:20:27 Men at Working Girls Just Want to Have Fun, House Party 2. House Party 2. Kid and Play. That was before the days of when they would add a little extra title. They just settled for two. It wasn't called House Party 2, the ultimate jammy jam. Or something like
Starting point is 00:20:54 that. I'm going to look. I'm going to look and then disqualify you. Alright. You do what you gotta do. I'll think of a backup. Oh, aren't you fancy. House. Typing it into the Leonard Maltin. House Party 2. Straight up, dude.
Starting point is 00:21:12 Boom! That's how we do it. And I had something in the fucking holster, which you'll never know. You could have gone House Party 3. You mean the third one? I don't remember. You sure did. Then they made another thing called Class Act. Is that made another thing called Class Act.
Starting point is 00:21:28 Is that what it was called? I think so. Yeah. Can't stop kid and play. I mean, you could eventually. Eventually they were stopped. But you couldn't stop them for four movies. Okay, House Party 2B or not 2B?
Starting point is 00:21:47 2B. 2B. 2B or not 2B? 2B. 2B? 2B. 2B. So B or not B. B. B. B. B.
Starting point is 00:22:11 Oh, Beat City. All right. It's a great dancing. Yeah, it is. I don't know. City, Slickers 2, The Search for Curly's Gold. Gold and I. I for an I.
Starting point is 00:22:43 Directed by Richard Marquand, who did Return of the Jedi. Wow. Dickie Marks. So what is it? Still I? Yeah. Joe Dirty Dancing in the Dancing in the Rain Manhattan Project X-Men that working girls just want to have fun house party to be
Starting point is 00:22:59 or not to be. City Slickers to The Search for Curly's Golden Eye for an Eye. is called an eye for an eye. Wow, this is long. An eye for an eye. Let's see. An eye or eyes. Eye for an eye robot.
Starting point is 00:23:18 Boom! I love how impressed you are with your own play. It's very entertaining. Well, that's what you get from the two-time 12 guests of Christmas. Okay, here you go. I robota be in pictures. You asshole. You are a robota be in pictures.
Starting point is 00:23:39 Boom! Oh, God. That is such bullshit. What do you got for pictures? All right. I'll go ahead and start looking it up on Leonard Maltin because you're going to make up a title. You're going to have to get verification. Oh, no results.
Starting point is 00:24:04 So, according to the London Malden app there are no movies that begin with pictures let me do some plugs while you think about it Douglas Movies returns to UCB in Los Angeles on Tuesday and only mini boner Ep listeners,
Starting point is 00:24:26 especially listening to this one specifically, will get to know that one of my guests will be first-timer John DiMaggio, best known as the voice of Bender on Futurama. Schedule permitting. Because, you know, guests
Starting point is 00:24:41 cancel sometimes. You got anything that begins with pictures? Oh, Little Joe. because, you know, guests cancel sometimes. You got anything that begins with pictures? Oh, Little Joe. What's Little Joe? A western with Michael Landon. All right, let me verify that, because you know TV movies don't count, right?
Starting point is 00:24:58 It's not a TV movie. Okay. All right, Little Joe. Let's see what it says. No results. Michael Landon. And, uh... Switching over to cast.
Starting point is 00:25:17 I'm going to type in Michael Landon. He's the lead actor in this thing. I don't know about the lead. Because you do know he played Little Joe on Bonanza, and that's a TV program. So it would be quite a coincidence if he was also in a motion picture called Little Joe that has no connection. He cheated, son of a bitch. Michael Landon and Faye Dunaway. All right. Man, that was good though.
Starting point is 00:25:46 That was an excellent one. That was impressive. There's got to be something. Joe. I was like trying to think. Joe. I think there's a... Oh, I got one.
Starting point is 00:25:56 On, on, on, on. Yo Jimbo. What? Yo Jimbo? Yo Jimbo. What's that? Yo Jimbo dirt. Oh,. What's that? Yo Jimbo dirt. Oh, I see what you're saying.
Starting point is 00:26:09 You're making no sense at all. I see. I see how this works. Pictures? There's nothing with pictures? But I think I've got a Joe. I just gotta look it up. Because I can't.
Starting point is 00:26:24 I have to verify. That was gotta look it up. Because I can't. I have to verify. That was a really good one. But I think there was a Joe movie that I'm... I believe it starred Peter Boyle. It was just called Pictures? No, no, no. Pictures is... We're dead on Pictures. I don't think there's
Starting point is 00:26:44 anything to do with that. You got a Joe film about her? Cheers. Peter Boyle. Peter Boyle, on the other hand... Hot Joe. ...was in a movie. I swear to God, it had the word Joe in the title.
Starting point is 00:26:56 I just can't think of... There's a direct-to-video film called Hot Joe or something like that. Ali Sheedy's a coffee waitress or something. Yeah, okay, if you say so. Keep an eye out for that, everybody. She's a coffee waitress. That Hot Joe movie. Hot Joe, 1986?
Starting point is 00:27:19 Hot Joe from 86. That seems... She's a coffee waitress and then falls in love with a cop named Joe who was played by C. Thomas Howell. He's Hot Joe? Yeah, he's Hot Joe. And the movie poster is like, When she pourss he steams
Starting point is 00:27:45 or something like that that's what it is hot Joe put it in there yep that was right no I don't I don't think that's we get bad internet out here on the 95 so that's what's
Starting point is 00:28:01 taking me so long to look this thing up and that just means hot Joe's for real. No, I'm not even trying to look up Hot Joe. I don't care about Hot Joe at all. That's a good fit. Wow, I guess you hate movies. I'm not down with Hot Joe. Thank you very much.
Starting point is 00:28:18 I'm passing on Hot Joe. Are you going to do another build-a-tunnel? No, I'm going to figure out... Peter Boyle's joke. What this fucking Peter Boyle movie is. Oh, I know how to do another build a ton? No, I'm going to figure out Peter Boyle's joke. What this fucking Peter Boyle movie is. Oh, I know how to do it. I know how to do it. I'm going 75. They're passing me like I'm in reverse.
Starting point is 00:28:39 A bunch of drug dealers? Yeah, everyone really is zipping by us. A bunch of lunatics. Well, they know something we don't know. Yeah. Is it no rules on Highway 95 day? Yeah. On the weekends, they just let everybody open her up.
Starting point is 00:28:57 Just do it. Yeah, I'm getting no... I'm getting no action here on the internet. Internet, internet. So... We'll have to... I'll have to mention that in the corrections department of the next episode. Hot Joe is a real film?
Starting point is 00:29:24 We're not talking about Hot Joe anymore. There's another movie where Peter Boyle plays someone named Joe. Hi. And I can't... Hi. I'm Bill Paxton as Peter Boyle as Joe. You might remember me from films
Starting point is 00:29:41 such as Hot Joe, Spring Break, and Twister Goes to Hollywood. That's still a pretty good title we got there. That was great. Yeah. Joe Dirty Dance, Singing in the Rain, Manhattan Project, X-Men, Working Girls Just Want to Have Fun, House Party, To Be or Not To, Beat City, Slickers 2, The Search for Curlies, Golden Eye for an Eye,robed Bada Bean pictures.
Starting point is 00:30:10 Bada Bean pictures, man. Yeah. Bada. Ot. Bot. Line it up. Take it home. And, oh, there might be a few tickets left for Douglas Movlas movies taping at parlor live in bellevue
Starting point is 00:30:26 washington on saturday january 12th at 4 20. what are you that's plugged graham january 26th i will be in honolulu on the island of oahu at hawaiian bryans that is saturday january 26th i'll be headlining and also I will be headlining Zany's in downtown Chicago February 6th through 10th and my new album Graham Elwood's Pulp Strike Dance Party is available at
Starting point is 00:30:55 along with all my tour dates and at iTunes as well. Thank you. Nicely done. Also Pulp Strike Dance Party is available as a ringtone oh yeah don't forget that you definitely need that when your friends call
Starting point is 00:31:10 you won't hear me you need a Palm Strike Dance Party in your pants 24-7 ok well as always Hot Joe is a shithead hi I'm Bill Paxton. Now it's time for Doug to watch another talkie. Eyes of gold, his viewing prowess makes him cocky.
Starting point is 00:31:33 There's no room in his heart for you, cause Doug loves movies.

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