Doug Loves Movies - Samm Levine and Geoff Tate guest, again!

Episode Date: November 23, 2020

Doug welcomes Samm Levine and Geoff Tate back to the show.You can find the entire archive of Doug Loves Movies on Stitcher Premium. For a free month of Stitcher Premium, go to and use promo code "DOUG."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Doug hates candy wrappers, screaming baby sticky seeds with 50 acid pop or kernels in his teeth. There's still not one that he won't see. Cause Doug loves movies. Hey, hey, hey everybody. That song speaks the truth. My name is Doug and I do love movies. This is Doug Loves Movies coming to you once again from the land of the free to
Starting point is 00:00:27 not wear a mask, but fuck you if you don't, for another Homes Alone edition. It's Sunday, November 22nd, 2020. You loved it so much that we're doing it again. It's another head-to-head
Starting point is 00:00:43 old-school Leonard Maltin game matchup between Jeff Tate, Tate, Tate, and Sam the Ma'am Levine. Hello, gentlemen. Hello, Doug. Are you ready to Roomba? I'm ready. I love
Starting point is 00:00:59 Roomba. Turn on your Roomba and clean up that floor. Do they make noise? I don't even know what they do. I mean, why aren't they getting the, are you ready to rumble guy to do ads for Roomba? It seems like a perfect. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:16 That's Michael Buffer who does those. Hell, he even has a brother, Bruce Buffer. He does the UFC stuff. Get Bruce. If you can't get Michael. Either one of them. They're both suave and always put on a suit. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:01:29 The Buffer brothers. Get a Buffer brother. Yeah, they love to yell. You are dead right. They're Boy Scouts when Boy Scouts were mostly good. I don't even know if they were ever mostly good. They're probably creeps in Boy Scouts were mostly good. I don't even know if they were ever mostly good. There were probably creeps in Boy Scouts all the time. Sam.
Starting point is 00:01:50 Yes, Doug. You won last time. I did by the skin of my teeth. I got a lot of very lovely tweets about that. And the truth is I literally named all five people I could remember from Safe House. I was very lucky those happened to be the top five. Right, but the whole game was all about
Starting point is 00:02:08 negative names. It was. And people pointed out to me, hey, we still want to know what actors Leonard listed, because we'd just move on after... Oh! After you go negative, we just wouldn't even bother
Starting point is 00:02:23 saying anybody else. Do you think that, you know, you can take down Jeff again today in three rounds? I don't know about that. My degree of confidence is not high. I think the fact that we both played the way that we did last time, you know, it says that pretty much every time we do this, it could absolutely go either way. I love that attitude. I wish you would have said I could take them down in two rounds.
Starting point is 00:02:57 I was saying three rounds like that was like some sort of spectacular play. I mean, that's how many we're going to have to play to pick a winner usually, but two rounds is possible. So, Jeff, what have you been doing to train for this rematch? I've just been reading the Leonard Maltin book since
Starting point is 00:03:17 the moment the last episode ended. I have done almost nothing but read that book. Which edition do you own? Do you know? I have the 2015 edition. I that book. Which edition do you own? Do you know? I have the 2015 edition. I'm almost through the A's. All right. You haven't been like running up steps or eating eggs or any of that stuff? Oh yeah. But I didn't, I didn't count that. That's what I do.
Starting point is 00:03:45 I run up steps to eat. My eggs are upstairs. Have you been listening to rousing themes by Tom Conti? As much as possible. So normally since we tape the shows on Sunday afternoons and the box office report is you know, generally almost completely in by this point of day, Pacific time. I today just completely spaced on even looking it up. So if anybody's interested in what movies are doing well at the drive-in theaters, you can look it up yourselves at Box Office Mojo.
Starting point is 00:04:26 Now I'm curious what number one is though because did something even open this last weekend? I guess was Freaky with Vince Vaughn. Oh yeah, I think that opened. Oh is it? Shows you what I know. I'm just going to go ahead and look this up.
Starting point is 00:04:42 Box Office Mojo. And I know I'm just going to go ahead and look this up box office mojo. And one week I did the box office and then people wrote to me that I was wrong because all of the numbers hadn't come in yet. Oh, just, just like our current election situation. I got to do a recount to figure out if Freaky was number one. Oh, it's number one again, Freaky. And oh, making a move.
Starting point is 00:05:10 This is rare in the North American box office. The War with Grandpa was number three last week, but it made a move to number two, supplanting Let Him Go, the Kevin Costner movie. But coming in at number five at the nation's drive-ins is The Santa Clause. So I think Christmas movies are going to dominate. That's still playing, huh? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:40 It's been in the theaters all this time. Amazing. Yeah, they got, you know, know elf is back on screens so it might uh make a move which has got to be extra embarrassing to people who just put a new movie out that the you know the top movies are just old movies um but freaky is number one with 1.2 million and a grand total of 5.5 million. That's pretty freaky. I want to see it, but I'm going to wait until it's on a streaming thing for free. Probably.
Starting point is 00:06:15 What is it? I've never even heard of it. Oh, freaky is they take the Friday off. And turned it into a horror movie where Vince Vaughn is a serial killer who switches bodies with a teenage girl. Oh, wow. Still got serial killing, but I assume the girl does the killing. Well,
Starting point is 00:06:34 Vince Vaughn sits around pretending to be a teenage girl concerned about other things. I hear you. I hear you really throws himself into it. So I I'm interested to check it out but that's our box office rapport for this week now I'd like to do with you guys before we get into the game today
Starting point is 00:06:57 I'd like to do a little bit of a memory game you could have written it down because I did warn you ahead of time but a lot of times when i say to people what was the last movie you saw i get this really complicated answer that includes tv shows and you know and just and also they'll say they'll say movies but they'll say three or four movies in a row quickly like oh i saw this this this and this and i'm just like no i just want to hear i just want you to bring up the title of one movie and we'll all discuss it for whatever length of time we think appropriate. And then we'll move on.
Starting point is 00:07:31 But you know, you can't comedians you can't really. Yeah. You know, like Doug, I've been working for years on a helpful handbook for guests that you want to book onto the show for them to read. You know, I've got, I've got 11 chapters. Is that one of your peeves when you're on the show that you can't just answer the question? It's one of my peeves because it's one of your peeves in as much as like, I'm like, first off, you're ignoring the question. And secondly,
Starting point is 00:08:00 now Doug is going to yell at you and you know what? You've earned it. Yeah. So I was very clear with you guys. Cause what I want to do is I want to talk about, and I know this could be part of the thing is when you just spring that question on people, they just like, it's kind of like a lot of questions. Like, you know, what did you wear yesterday? Or what'd you have for dinner? Like it's, you know,
Starting point is 00:08:22 sometimes you just can't recall immediately. So I that's another fun thing is listening to somebody try to remember what the last movie they saw was yeah so what i'd like luckily for you well luckily for you doug i'm like mary lou henner i can remember every movie i've ever seen and this specific day i saw it oh i thought you were going to say that you regretted making out with Tony Danza. I have no regrets there, Doug. You know, I have no regrets there. Does that for taxi fans out there? Did that, did that make sense? Did she and his character ever hook up?
Starting point is 00:09:00 I don't know. I don't know if they did, but at least they work together. So it's still, it's still track. It's plausible. Yeah. Okay. so there are no wrong answers obviously because you could just lie if you want and say whatever uh but the basic idea is i want to hear your last three movies that you saw starting with the one you saw most recently sam will answer that and jeff will answer that then i will and then we'll go through until we've each said three recent movie experiences. And we'll start with you, Sam, because you really have this figured out. I guess. And for the record, I did not have to fudge any of this. These are all legitimately the last three movies I saw. The most recent one
Starting point is 00:09:44 is a movie you've probably never heard of called dying of the light at least i mean that's what it was called expression that i know that i've heard or something because i've heard those words put together that way or is that just what people say when somebody's actually on their deathbed uh i don't know the dying of the light might be an expression but oh yeah that could be like from a poem or a lyric or something right right but in this particular uh movie's case i'm very sure at least very most as sure as i can be without actually looking it up again that the title is dying of the light and it stars one nicholas cage and uh the the late great anton yelkin and it was written and directed by paul schrader oh wow okay um and it came out in 2014
Starting point is 00:10:38 and it was yet another one of these movies you've never heard of starring Nicholas Cage that looks like it was shot for a million dollars. Like they shot it in Bucharest, Romania, which is the only reason I continued watching it. Cause like Bucharest is in like one of the first or two shots. And I recognize the location. And I was like, Oh, what the hell movie is this? And then I just wound up watching all of it and it is not good i'm just stuck all the way back on anton yelkin is it yelchin i don't know but i've never heard it i've never heard it pronounced the way you did which
Starting point is 00:11:19 made me think oh i've been saying it wrong all this oh i couldn't tell you no that's just i don't know if it's yelkin yelchin um uh please someone who knows definitively not your best guess but knows definitively feel free to reach out to me on twitter and let me know phonetically how it is pronounced so i never make this mistake phonetically don't just write out yelchin and say that's how it's pronounced Which way do you pronounce it, Jeff? Yelchin. Yeah. I think it's Yelchin, but I also enjoy changing it up. So Yelchin's a fun way to say it.
Starting point is 00:11:56 Okay. I say Antone, though. Antone. Antone Yelchin. Yelchin. Weird. All right. Dying of the Light. Thank you very much for your honest answer my pleasure how'd you watch
Starting point is 00:12:09 it like is it streaming somewhere uh no it was on uh cable and i watched it because i won't say the name of it but i watched it because the next movie i'm going to give you i was actively enjoying watching and then dying of the light came on immediately after it. Oh, I see. That's how I found it. I often like think, oh, wouldn't it be fun, you know, when you're watching cable or when you're watching one of these streaming services that tries to recommend what you should watch next, wouldn't it be fun to just whatever it is, just watch it? And I never do it because I immediately already have a problem with whatever they're suggesting. Sure. Okay, Jeff, what do think i mean what do you what do you think what do you know is the last movie that you saw i mean again like sam it's a movie you've never heard of it's
Starting point is 00:12:56 called thor just that first because i. I pronounce it sore. Maybe I'm saying I've only read it. I've never heard it said out loud. Okay. Turns out I've never seen Thor. That's the strangest part of the movie Thor is they never refer to him by name. No.
Starting point is 00:13:19 They have to come up with a lot of ways to talk to him because they're always like, hey, you with the hammer and stuff like that. Hammer guy. Yeah. They, uh, I, I never seen it before and it was, it was, uh, good. I thought it was going to be boring. I don't know why I thought, I mean, not boring, but boring for one of those kinds of movies. And, uh, but no, I enjoyed it. It was, it was, uh,
Starting point is 00:13:44 I recommend if you want a boring thor movie can i recommend thor 2 well that's what they recommended that's what came up after when i watched all of thor they were like maybe you want to watch thor 2 and i was like bye come on i think i know better i'm thor enough at this point see that's how i pronounce it um okay so uh but i'm glad that you liked it i maybe i need to go back and watch it because i i don't think for me thor as a individual character didn't really click until he started hanging out with the avengers more and get he ended up being one of the more comedic characters so then when they finally had taika waititi direct thor ragnarok that just went in a beautiful direction for me like i really
Starting point is 00:14:31 that's my favorite thor movie i mean i can say that i think that i mean you're you're probably right like i i think you're right i what i like the most about this movie was like when he was funny in this it seems like it probably is like carry over from that i think he's funny already and uh and there's a lot of um like after seeing almost every marvel movie and definitely seeing the you know the last two avengers movies how everything clicks together seeing some of the pieces come up earlier is and is and is entertaining to me i get it now they're like they show the the gauntlet and i'm like oh i know what that is yeah yeah it does uh it does help to put everything in its uh prospect place and perspective and and uh uh good good answer last night last night i watched a movie that you guys haven't heard of unless you've been scrolling around on hulu in the last day or two it's called the sunlit night
Starting point is 00:15:36 oh wow this night is spelled n-i-g-h-t and I watched it because it stars Jenny Slate and Zach Galifianakis and Gillian Anderson she was less of a reason but it was still interesting to me because she's killing it as Margaret Thatcher on The Crown
Starting point is 00:16:00 I mean that's what people are saying there's no way I'm going to watch the crime but but the Sunlit Night is about Jenny is an artist who goes to Norway to help a guy build do an art installation that's basically
Starting point is 00:16:16 painting the inside and outside of a big barn different colors of yellow and if that doesn't sound exciting let me try to make it sound exciting let me try to make it sound exciting uh zach plays a guy who dresses up like a viking all the time and uh at one point presides over a viking funeral so is this not a sequel to thor this sounds a lot like thor no it's not it's called the sunlit night because uh you know uh it's so far northern it's in northern norway so i guess it's a similar situation to uh alaska where
Starting point is 00:16:56 yeah the land of the midnight sun the sun doesn't go down so very are like the movie on insomnia like jenny slate's like al pacino i can't sleep oh my god if you tell me that there is a movie that exists with jenny slate doing an al pacino impression for even 10 minutes i'm in well she says that she does need darker drapes but she doesn't say it like in his voice oh man gonna need darker drapes can we remake insomnia with jenny slate as the pacino role zach as the robin williams role just and they're both doing their best impressions of of those actors can we do that that's a that's an interesting area you're getting into there that remake where the people try to do impressions of the original actors because i
Starting point is 00:17:50 yeah that feels like that doesn't happen very much it should happen a lot more i think there's examples but even even when they did a shot for shot remake of psycho uh the actors kind of put their own spin on on how the lines are read. Yeah. Okay. Back to you, Sam. What was the second most recent movie that you saw? The second most recent movie I watched also starred Nicolas Cage,
Starting point is 00:18:16 but it was a much better film called Raising Arizona. Oh, very nice. Yep. I mean, pound for pound, hardly there's hardly a funnier movie that also sticks to a story that isn't just about the gags uh that that it has a you know a whole storyline but then so many funny things happen and are said yep Yep. Really, really fun movie. I agree. I was fascinated.
Starting point is 00:18:49 I can't see the word fart written on a wall without thinking of that movie. Oh, nice. I was really taken by Holly Hunter and I was like, my God, Holly Hunter has had this incredible career. And then my gal and I got into a conversation like trying to remember all the movies where Holly Hunter was either the the full-on lead or at least the female uh main character uh and you know it was she's had this
Starting point is 00:19:19 great transition where she legit was basically the the character, the female lead character from essentially raising Arizona all the way through like the end of the 90s. And in the last 20 years or so, she has chosen so well in finding great supporting roles for herself. And I am very taken with her as an actor. I think she's tremendous. She's very good. The firm, you remember her she got like oscar nominated for 10 minutes in the firm oh she's so good though i mean you got to be pretty good actor to
Starting point is 00:19:57 even pretend to blow gary bucey under a desk there it is do you know i was thinking of the same joke, but I couldn't remember that Gary Busey played our boss. Buddy Holly. Yeah. Right, to blow Buddy Holly under a desk. All right, Jeff, what's your second most recent movie experience? The World's End.
Starting point is 00:20:21 Oh! Cornetto Trilogy. Had you seen it before? I saw it in the theater and I didn't love it. And then when I watched it this last time, I did love it. What do you think you didn't love about it? Just like the, like the tonal shift or I just think I didn't get it. I think that I wasn't good enough at watching movies where I was like, why am I supposed to like Simon Pegg? And then I like, just cause,
Starting point is 00:20:44 and then I realized this last time watching it is like, oh, you're supposed to feel that way about him. Like, like, like he's supposed to make you crazy. You're not supposed to be like, I want to be like that or whatever. Like he's, he's like, it's just a weird, like, I didn't know how to watch movies as I wasn't as good at it well also just as just a second time through can you know it can be a healthy thing in terms of seeing something differently especially when when a character is unlikable because like a lot of times you're like well i like for instance the movie twister i i find ph I find Philip Seymour Hoffman to be so incredibly irritating in that movie. And so the first time I saw it, I was like, that guy sucks. I like hated
Starting point is 00:21:32 him. And then, you know, all these years later, I realized, oh, he's just an amazing actor who is playing an irritating character. Yeah. Yeah. So I'm glad that you were able to, to fix that. But I also feel like a lot of people found the shift to crazy fighting aliens, you know, was, you know, wasn't for them. I specifically, I feel like even Leonard Maltin was kind of like, well, it just gets to be too much for me personally. Cause I really do enjoy just watching those five actors run around from pub to pub and argue with each other about stuff yeah yeah they were good they were i mean i liked all of them i think also i'm like i'm their age now also
Starting point is 00:22:15 and maybe that helped a little bit yeah so whenever you finally caught every time to leave whenever it's time to leave you say say, let's boo-boo? Now I do. Because I love that little piece of business in the movie, like where you, you know, friends have some expression they use all the time that has some really, like just came out of this weird, you had to be there sort of explanation. Right. That's what they say
Starting point is 00:22:45 and only one guy's really kept it up the rest of them don't even remember what the fuck okay so my number two is a movie I saw night before last I got to go to the drive-in kind of premiere cast and crew screening of the movie written and directed by Alan Ball called Uncle Frank.
Starting point is 00:23:14 And I already told Jeff a little bit about this movie because I think he'll like it even though it's basically a drama with some light moments. But it's just got just the most insane lineup of actors all pretending to be related to each other. It's got Judy Greer, Margot Martindale, Stephen Root, Steve Zahn. I mean, all the top Steves are in this movie. And it stars Paul Bettany as Uncle Frank I mean, all the top Steves are in this movie.
Starting point is 00:23:47 And it stars Paul Bettany as Uncle Frank, hitting like some, you know, character notes and things that I haven't seen him do before. And he's always been a good actor, but I feel like, you know, especially with playing Vision and all those Avengers movies, people aren't getting to really see what he's like. And so I very much recommend this movie. And also don't want to say much more about it
Starting point is 00:24:10 because what little I knew about it going into it was a little bit of a spoiler. And it's just the sort of, like the log line for the movie to me takes you too deep into what's going to happen. Like I wish they would just, I don't know. I guess they got to sell these things. So they got to give people an idea of what it's going to happen like i wish they would just i don't know it's i guess they got to sell these things so they got to give people an idea what it's going to be but uh uncle frank it's on it comes out wednesday night on amazon and um i think it'd be a good a good movie
Starting point is 00:24:42 to watch with your family whether you get along with them or you don't. I think that it'd be illuminating in some ways if you watch it together. I'm only comfortable watching a movie called Uncle Frank if it's about Jimmy Kimmel's late Uncle Frank. Well, that's the thing that I thought was so funny about, you know, it's just not a wacky movie but they gave us things with Uncle Frank written on them including hoodies so I have this really
Starting point is 00:25:12 nice hoodie that says Uncle Frank on it and you know hopefully the movie's a big enough hit that people just see and go oh it's that movie otherwise it really does look like I'm just walking around with a tribute to Jimmy Kimmel's uncle yeah which is not a bad
Starting point is 00:25:26 thing to do because that guy was that guy was a great dude he was delightful very nice man i never saw i never saw him in anything less than a bad mood but he also had that security guard gene in him where he was always ready to try to stop something from happening oh yeah i guess that g never dies he was a sinatra's personal guy for a minute there yeah that's what i mean like he takes care of people for sure or you know do yeah uh all right so what's your uh number three sam if you can remember back that far for some people i can't remember no this was only a few days ago i've been trying to watch more movies lately instead of the game show network uh and uh getting started about the game show network though or buzzer i mean i i can flip back and forth between those two 24 7
Starting point is 00:26:17 yep um so then plus also they have access to the like there's a couple really good shows that they have access to but like in the case of alex trebek they don't have jeopardy episodes that they can show so they just had to show concentration all day uh as a tribute to alex trebek and this must be buzzer right yeah yeah and it was you know it's fun watching concentration but as a show i I never really got into it. Yeah. Okay, so go ahead. What's your third movie? The movie was the Stallone-Lithgow classic, 1993's Cliffhanger. Well, you know, speaking of game shows,
Starting point is 00:26:57 Cliffhangers is one of the great games they play on The Price is Right. The Price is Right. Yo, let it do, do, do, do, do, do. I love that game. And I love that Drew Carey came on Doug Loves Movies and said, because you have to guess the price of three different items. Right. And then, you know, for every dollar you're off,
Starting point is 00:27:18 the mountain climber goes up the hill. And like I saw one the other day where the mountain climber just shot up the hill and flew off the edge. It was so funny because the woman was like 30 or 40 off but yeah but drew said on douglas movies and then when asked asked are you sure you can say that he said yeah it's not a problem he goes for the first prize you should bid 25 for the second prize you should bid 35 and for the third prize you should bid 45 you. And for the third prize, you should bid $45. You'll win every time. And ever since he said that, every time I watched him play that game,
Starting point is 00:27:49 the numbers add up to the person would win every time if they just said those three things. Yeah, he's definitely not supposed to say that. But here's the thing, Sam. I think the reason he feels like he can and does say that that stuff is because you got to think about it in terms of a person's got to come to Price is Right, stand in line and have a personality that gets picked to come on down. up on stage and then the game has to be cliffhangers and also the show's budget is set to give a there could be a winner in every game and nobody at price right is like oh shit we gave away too much stuff like yeah people can win all the way through that's what they're hoping will happen kind of so i think that's why he can do that my other favorite thing is how people are always surprised
Starting point is 00:28:42 in the golf game when he goes over after they miss the putt he goes over and flips the sign and says that's why we call this game hole in two and then he gives them a second chance yeah and uh the contestants are nine times out of ten surprised by that even though it happens every time they play that game on that show been happening for 40 years. Yeah. But I think that's where he's coming from is just like, you know, it's just fun to have people win. And so if somebody uses his instructions for how to win cliffhangers, like he's certainly not going to say it to them on the show.
Starting point is 00:29:18 Right. I wish he would though. Yeah. But that's, I mean, I wish I could be, you know, I don't want anything bad to happen to Drew, but I can't be on that show until I get a new host. Oh, are you trying to get on? I haven't tried because you just, you can't be on a show where your friend is the host.
Starting point is 00:29:37 Game shows won't allow that. Well, back when Bob was hosting, Bob Barker, did you get on then? I didn't try. I was on Scrabble with Chuck Woolery. Oh, dude. And we remain not friends to this day. That's why you got on. Chuck Woolery only rings on people he's absolute enemies with.
Starting point is 00:30:02 Anybody can be on a Chuck Woolery show. No one, that guy's friends with nobody, nobody. How does, um, how does the movie, the motion picture cliffhanger hold up? Uh, I tell you, it reminds me of so many actiony movies of the eighties, nineties where, you know, it's this horrible harrowing adventure. And then in the last scene of the movie, when the three main characters are safe,
Starting point is 00:30:27 they're like chuckling to themselves. They're like telling the chopper that's circling the area, take your time, we're good to relax. And it's like, wait a minute, didn't several of your closest friends in life get brutally murdered by these criminals hours ago? How are you in a place mentally where you're like chuckling yeah at all it happens in so many of those kind of movies so many that like well we survive so things are great things are fine sure my best friend was eaten alive by a mountain lion
Starting point is 00:30:59 big deal uh yeah so other other than that silliness which was not unique to cliffhanger but really just all movies of that era uh i tell you it's it's an exciting movie i mean it's predictable and it's you know ridiculous in portions but uh i remember when i was a kid i saw that movie in theaters uh and it was only the second time i remembered, like identifying John Lithgow in a movie, the first time being Harry and the Hendersons. And so, you know, as George Henderson, he's delightful. He's a wonderful man. And then the second thing I ever saw him in, he's the most evil guy in Cliffhanger. Oh, yeah. He's he's both ways oh man does he ever and uh and so i just remember being like why is george henderson so mean in this movie god we need to get harry back
Starting point is 00:31:56 in this movie if we had harry here be a whole different movie i mean they're up in the in the mountains i hope that kid didn't see blowout eventually he did eventually raising raising cane yep that's right uh but then but then i saw the world according to garp and it all came back ricochet wasn't he the bad guy ricochet yes he is a bad guy the bad guy half of the time and he's in a hundred movies like he really he's either a super sweet guy or really, you know, Dr. Emilio Lizardo, of course. But anyway, we're, this is taking way longer than I anticipated, but it is fun. What's your third movie, Jeff? Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part two.
Starting point is 00:32:42 Oh man. The reason for that is because you watched them, all of them. I watched all of them. If you wanted to go back eight more, it's just the Harry Potters backwards from then on. I do not want to go through them. We talked earlier today on Periscope about how you're not exactly sure which one was your favorite, but you're thinking maybe Half-Blood Prince?
Starting point is 00:33:03 You guys mind if I take a quick bathroom break while you're talking Harry Potter? Yeah, go for it. Cool, thanks. I think it was the one right before the Deathly Hallows. Hey, Jeff, let me give you the answers in Leonard Maltin before he gets back. Nice.
Starting point is 00:33:19 Oh, man, the listeners would love it. I would really play it up. Let Sam think he's going to win and then be like negative four let me ask you this since most people have seen all the harry potter movies i don't feel bad about spoiling it but didn't you think dobby was an insanely annoying character in the second movie and then when he died in the uh in the sixth movie it was really sad yes isn't that weird it It's so weird. I, I was so happy to never see Dobby again after the second one. And then when he showed back up, I was like, Oh, this guy, he's so irritated.
Starting point is 00:33:53 And then I cry, you know, I cry every time I see his death scene. It's so, it's so incredibly moving. They, yeah, they really brought that character around. I mean, I think the thing that really saved him was that he just was gone for four movies yeah and then when you bring him back you're just like oh yeah i remember this guy oh that's uh that was weird um okay and uh i guess while we're waiting for sam to get back i'll tell you my third movie which again we probably discussed over periscope i watched enough said with julia louis dreyfus and and is the last uh major role of uh james gandolfini uh directed and written by
Starting point is 00:34:35 nicole hollis center whose movies i like very much and um and i think it's a really good, you know, for lack of a better word, COVID watch. Like it's a, you know, obviously the story takes place pre-COVID. So it's pleasant in that sense. But it's also just, it's just a very pleasant movie, even though there are conflicts and things that happen in the story. But it's still just, it just really was very soothing overall. Very pleasant. I did. I saw that in the theater. I really liked it. I just got back and I didn't hear the name of the movie that you said you watched Doug. So, but I did hear that you saying it's pleasant.
Starting point is 00:35:17 It's a nice, you know, a COVID watch. So I'm going to assume it was Requiem for a Dream. I mean, I don't know. If I were Jeff, I'd be so scared right now because you really, really know your movies and you really know. Pick up on context, Luce. It was enough said.
Starting point is 00:35:38 Oh, so close, though. Those movies are so close together. It's like Deep Impact Armageddon. So you're back just in time you're back just in time sam for me to uh say we're gonna take a quick break and then we're gonna play uh the leonard malton game the og leonard malton game uh right after this. We'll be right back. We're back. And I mean, the anticipation for this, I wonder if people were annoyed that we talked for so long
Starting point is 00:36:14 before getting to the game today, but I really enjoyed talking about all those movies. That was great. Anyone who's listening who does not know how the original Leonard Maltin game works, too bad. Just like
Starting point is 00:36:33 the beloved game show Jeopardy where they never recap what the rules are. They just play the game. And then you have to figure it out. Remember the first few times you watch jeopardy you're like i don't understand what's happening here and then eventually you go okay now i think i get it you know but then i i still love it whenever somebody forgets to phrase something as a question on there i'm like as i'm as snappy about it as alex is i'm like phrase it as a question
Starting point is 00:36:59 um even though also phrasing it as a question just makes everybody sound like the most uh the most lacking in confidence you can be when answering a game show question what is asparagus what is the quince because you don't know if the person is guessing or not you don't know if they're really guessing or if they know it when they say when they answer like they're guessing um jeff lost last time so he gets to go first in picking a category today and it's the first person to two points will be the winner so this can go quickly that's part of why i spent a lot of time just talking about movies
Starting point is 00:37:45 Jeff would you like Days of Future Near or Top of the World or Kutcher if you can
Starting point is 00:38:05 I think I want Kutcher if you can okay that of course is films of the great Ashton Kutcher. Finally.
Starting point is 00:38:27 The year, Jeff, is 2006. Leonard gives this movie three stars. He says, he calls it a yarn. And he also says it goes through its paces with energy and conviction. And then he names 11 actors. How many names do you need to come up with the title of this? Wow.
Starting point is 00:38:58 11 actors, a yarn. I love when Leonard says it's a yarn. He calls a lot of things. I don't think he knows what yarn is. Yeah, he just says it like it's a story. You mean like a movie? He's just changing it up. You got to call it something. I don't know what officially makes something a yarn. I haven't pieced that together. Maybe I should look it up in the dictionary.
Starting point is 00:39:27 And it's 2006. Maybe it's because it's a ball of fun. I'm going to say 11 names. Strong opening bid. We go to Sam Levine. I am going to say negative two. All right. I'm'm gonna say name it yeah here we go i i don't know i could be the wrong year on this one but i it's because he's been in so few movies is it the guardian starring kevin costner and ashton kutcher. That is correct. Oh, my God. Yeah, he's not in a whole lot of movies. So this is what you're up against, Jeff. But but still, how how did you do that?
Starting point is 00:40:16 That's not a yarn. It isn't. I honestly the clues were useless to me. It was the year. Well, the clues are supposed to be useless. I don't want to give you anything that's going to totally tip it. Yeah. So there you go.
Starting point is 00:40:30 I would have guessed just married. Oh, no, that was earlier. And I only know that. Well, it doesn't matter how I know that. What was the, there's why him? Or no, not that. What was the one with Bernie Mac? Oh, guess who? Guess who? Which was the one with Bernie Mac called? Oh, Guess Who?
Starting point is 00:40:45 Guess Who? Which was the Guess Who's Coming to Dinner remake, yeah. Oh, yeah, that's clever that they shortened that title. Why Him, I guess, was Bryan Cranston in a similar situation. Yes, with James Franco. Yeah. Kutcher was in one of those strings-attached sex movies. He was in No Str attached yeah with uh uh uh
Starting point is 00:41:09 what's a natalie portman thank you and then uh friends with benefits was kunis and uh j tims yeah and then they traded partners and they're all four happily married to this day it's crazy how justin timberlake married natalie Portman and nobody talks about that. You'd think it'd get some press. And then he was in What Happened in Vegas. Now I'm obsessed with just naming all the Ashton Kutcher movies. He was briefly in the first part of, he's in the first scene in Ocean's Eleven.
Starting point is 00:41:43 No. No, that's the other guy, Topher. That's Topher. Oh, there wasn't a second guy from 70s show? No. Oh, no, you know what? You know what it is? I remember it's because Topher in the next one in Ocean's Twelve
Starting point is 00:41:58 has that funny scene with Brad Pitt where he's the only one that cameos from that first movie, and he's wearing a thing around his wrist a little string. Oh yeah, the Kabbalah string. Yeah, and he says it doesn't work and that's a total nod to Ashton Kutcher wearing those things. So I thought that was pretty funny. Topher's good at making fun of himself and his friends. All right.
Starting point is 00:42:28 So let's see. Sam's got one point. Oh, man. That means Jeff gets to go first again. If Jeff doesn't win this round, it's Sam's game. Oh, man. And I'll have to, you know, the search will continue. I'm out there every day trying to find somebody that can beat you at this game sam uh it was uh i think i think look i just got on that one
Starting point is 00:42:54 i i wasn't even 100 on the year and uh that that could have gone either way i need to be that's why you bid negative two because you were like really uncertain. Well, here's the thing. I never saw that movie. I never saw the movie, so I couldn't name anyone else other than those two. I saw it, and I feel like I never saw it as well. Let's see. Let me see who else is in it, just out of curiosity. Yeah, third build was Melissa Sage Miller.
Starting point is 00:43:22 Of course. Yeah, fourth build is Bonnie Bramlett. Mm-hmm. Then you got to get to the fifth build to get to somebody that we know and love, Clancy Brown. Oh, Clancy! Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:36 And very lowly build in it, but in it, apparently, is Dulé Hill. Wow. Yeah. Okay, so, Jeff, you got to pick again between Days of Future Near or what was the other one I said
Starting point is 00:43:53 Top of the World or High Robot Days of Future Near okay this movie is from 1997 Days of Future Near. Okay. This movie is from 1997. Leonard gives it.
Starting point is 00:44:12 What's the category? What's the category mean? Oh, okay. If you're going to be all picky about. About the game playing properly, I guess. Yeah, but, you know, I could have been thinking about saying it as the third or fourth piece of information I give you. Oh, you could have, but that would be... The year is 1997.
Starting point is 00:44:34 Now, it's movies that took place in the near future when they were released. Got it. Very important to note. The year is 1997. three stars from leonard he calls this movie very well acted and bracingly intelligent but yet it still manages to only secure three stars. And then he lists 12 individuals who appear in the film.
Starting point is 00:45:09 How many names do you think you can get in Jeff Tate, Tate, Tate? Okay, I'm going to say negative one. This is going to get ugly. I can feel it. Sam, what do you think?
Starting point is 00:45:28 I don't know. Dare I ask, could you please remind me the clues once more? Sure. Took place in the near future when it was released. 1997 is the year it actually came out. Three stars.
Starting point is 00:45:50 Bracingly intelligent. Very well acted. And Jeff thinks he can get it with negative one name. I believe. Brace yourself, Jeff. I can do it in negative three names. See, I knew it. I'm not sure. Big bid. No, I just, I was, I had, it's no, I am sure. I mean, you know,
Starting point is 00:46:19 as sure as I can be without you telling me it's correct, but I'm just saying like, I, sometimes I need to hear it a second time to focus in on what my brain thinks it might be. You still think it might be something, but you know, you can say negative three names. Well, my point is if it is the movie that I think it is, I'm confident that I could name the top three billed actors, but,
Starting point is 00:46:41 but so my confidence is high that if it is this movie, I'll probably guess the three names but it could be the wrong movie that has happened it has i think it was a wednesday oh stop it i've definitely guessed wrong before definitely definitely yeah i can't remember strategically yeah you have to be pretty confident to go negative three. Again, my degree of confidence in the amount of negative names is not my big guess here. How do I want to go down this round?
Starting point is 00:47:17 Do I want to go down letting Sam get it right, get two right in a row, or do I want to go down swinging? I don't know. Negative three is the bid. Well, I don't know if it's the movie I'm thinking of.
Starting point is 00:47:34 I'm fairly confident I can name four people that are in it. And then, you know, it might be the right order. Yeah, maybe. And then, you know, it might be the right order. Yeah, maybe. You know what?
Starting point is 00:47:53 I don't know. That fourth hole is so hard to guess. It's so hard to know who's going to be in that fourth hole. Maybe it's Sam Shepard. Maybe it's Brendan Gleeson. You never know who's going to be. You never know. Maybe Vera Farmiga is stuck in it. You don't know.
Starting point is 00:48:09 I can't tell you that this movie does not start with the letter A. Man, God damn it, Sam. I'm going to say, you know what? I i'm gonna say negative four oh boy uh okay well i my degree of confidence now goes drops significantly in my ability to name the top five actors uh so jeff tate name that movie. This is so exciting. Okay, I'm going to say it's Gattaca and Ethan Hawke, Uma Thurman, Jude Law. That's exactly what I would have said. Oh, I wouldn't have said Harkin.
Starting point is 00:49:01 Anyway, Jeff, could you repeat your answer that Sam decided to scream over i'm so sorry alan arkin wait alan arkin was the one he talked over um gadica ethan hawk uma thurman jude law and alan arkin yeah alan arkin didn't score that fourth slot it's a real uh there's a real uh Alan Arkin didn't score that fourth slot. It's a real, there's a real unfortunate person in the fourth slot. Who would you guess it is, Sam? Oh, if a gun to my head, I probably would have said Lauren Dean. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:35 He didn't even make that slot. Lauren Dean and Alan Arkin come in after Gore Vidal. Gore Vidal. Yeah. The mission director? The mission director. No, Gore Vidal is the famous, you know, pundit and author and all around. He's the mission director in Gattaca.
Starting point is 00:49:56 All around smart guy. I don't even remember. That might have been Ben Gazzara. God damn it. But then Lauren Dean, then Alan Arkin, Xander Berkley, Blair Underwood,
Starting point is 00:50:08 Ernest Portnoy, and Tony Shalhoub. I mean, this movie's stacked. And Jane Brooke and Elias Koteas. Yeah. Oh, yeah, he plays the father. The father, yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:21 Well, you did it again, Sam. Two points, you win. Thank you Sam. Two points. You win. Thank you. Congratulations, Jeff. Thank you. You had the three. Damn it. Why didn't you go negative three?
Starting point is 00:50:36 That's the thing about this. Because you went negative three. No, but you got to bid first. Why did you only go negative one? I didn't think you would go to negative three. Well, you don't remember you were playing against Sam? No, I mean, now I know more. It looks like you might not know it because it makes you think,
Starting point is 00:50:55 oh, maybe I should just only play it safe and just say one. I mean, you're right. I should have gone negative three. Yeah, because that's a perfect bit. I would have said Lauren Dean if I'd have been forced to name it. Cause I would have figured, you know, the movie and then, you know, those top three. And that's what I was saying before. Like if it is Gattaca, it has to be Ethan Hawke, Uma Thurman, Jude Law. It has to be that order,
Starting point is 00:51:18 but that's only if it was in fact Gattaca. Yeah. It's the, the negative names thing is really interesting because like the the way this game was devised is that you know somebody gets to hear a few names and then try to figure it out because the clues are so hard but when you when you get there based on uh obviously you're very good with years and also very good with just, you know, knowing Leonard and his opinions, which is why Jeff needs to, you know, study the entire book. Yeah. You should also, Jeff, see if you can become friends with Leonard and his family. Yeah. Just talk to him about if you talk to him about every movie, you'd be really good at this game.
Starting point is 00:51:58 Yeah. Because when I discuss movies with Leonard, what's great about it is I'll say the movie and then he'll be like, Oh yes, of course. I remember that one from 1995 starring Ralph Fiennes, Angela Bassett. I remember, I remember he's always like, every time I bring up a movie to him, he's like, I remember that being a yarn that was too long. It was an overlong yarn. It was suffered from over length, that yarn. It was too much yarn.
Starting point is 00:52:26 I ended up with a giant sweater. The first conversation I have with him, I just force him to relitigate his two stars for Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, and then that's it. We won't be friends. Well, he used to do, and probably will again someday, a thing where Leonard would sit in front of an audience like at um fantastic fest or you know places film festivals i guess and uh he would just let people
Starting point is 00:52:53 get up one at a time and tell them a case where they thought he was wrong and then he would uh you know discuss it like a gentleman and wow that's interesting yeah it's called you're wrong leonard malton it was great yeah yeah did they record some of those sam i think they did i it would have been a shame if they didn't yeah so it might be part of his his podcast if you guys want to go check it out and it's uh it's a really fun exercise because everybody that you know is a movie fan that has been reading leonard's reviews there's just one that sticks in their craw. And they really, you're not going to convince Leonard to change his mind about a movie.
Starting point is 00:53:32 That's not what he does. But he can certainly concede that others liked it more than he did or whatever. I'd like to get in. I think mostly people say when they thought he gave a movie a bad review that deserved a good one i'd go the other way with it and i'd tell him some movie that he liked that i thought was shit citizen kane is overrated oh no his blood will boil if you say that. Casablanca, good for its day.
Starting point is 00:54:06 Oh, no. Yeah, that's right, Leonard. No, I think that those are great movies. But if you really do want to have that conversation, I think it's wrong to say like, oh, Casablanca is a better movie than The Godfather. No, it isn't. Like, they weren't allowed to tell the stories. What about if I say Fast Five is better than The godfather no it isn't like they weren't allowed to tell the stories what about if i say
Starting point is 00:54:27 fast five is better than the godfather i mean you know you're it's going to be hard to argue against that that movie had a giant safe being dragged down was it the streets of miami no they were in um brazil oh was it brazil i just remember there were palm trees wherever it was wherever it was lives were lost and then the characters laughed about it later that's exactly right and so much property damage oh um yeah were you upset at the end of cliffhanger that it had a that it wrapped itself up that it that like the story was concluded yeah or did it end with an actual cliffhanger? It did end with an actual cliffhanger.
Starting point is 00:55:07 I mean, literally, at the end of the movie, Stallone is hanging off the end of a cliff. When the credits start rolling, you don't find out if he lives or not? No, he lives. They're all safe on top of the mountain. You gotta see the follow-up movie, Resolution.
Starting point is 00:55:23 top of the mountain but you got to see the follow-up movie resolution all right well uh jeff you're of course will live to fight another day hopefully we can uh do this again sometime and uh what would you like to promote jeff tate well this comes out right away so tuesday night november 24th in knoxville, Tennessee, me and Trey Gallion are doing stand up outside at the Central Filling Station. It's a food truck court. It's a court of food trucks. Food truck food on and enjoy some jokes in the crisp night air. Yeah. Steadily and distantly. Yeah, it's only 10 bucks
Starting point is 00:56:05 uh that's all that's it and all my stuff is on bandcamp now i got all my albums from this year is on bandcamp jeff fantastic uh nice try buddy oh thank you i was i feel really bad about alan arkin it's impressive that you went, that you even could go through say the word Gattaca and then go three, three deep. Believe me, most people listening would not have known that answer. That's that's, that's how I'll sleep tonight. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:38 There's other reasons to not be able to go to sleep right now, but yes. Sam, what about you? what have you got to plug uh don't forget to since we're all stuck at home uh immortal on vod uh that's right immortal it's a horror anthology about people being immortal and i'm in the last segment so watch immortal please and thank you i think you'll enjoy it what's your favorite segment in the movie mine okay no that's not true um actually the great dylan baker uh has another segment in the movie and his is pretty it's pretty scary oh okay tony todd has a scary one great tony todd yeah yeah candy man like if you like the genre it's definitely worth your time Todd has a scary one. Tony Todd. Yeah. Yeah, Candyman.
Starting point is 00:57:25 If you like the genre, it's definitely worth your time. Fair enough. And then I just want to reiterate all of Jeff's plugs. Oh, okay, great. Oh, thanks. My next internet show is on Saturday, December 26th, Boxing
Starting point is 00:57:42 Day in Canada at 4.20 Pacific Time. Go to to come to that. And we're going to on the show, in addition to doing stand-up comedy, I'm also going to play a game from Doug Love's movies because people
Starting point is 00:57:58 always want to see us playing the games, but we, you know, except for weird bootlegs that are out there, I never allow video for see us playing the games but we you know except for weird bootlegs that are out there i never allow a video for uh for this show because i like to think of it as a you know a radio show audio podcast so that'll be a rare opportunity uh 10 bucks gets you in rush that's rush kaka I just remembered one more plug. Can I say it real quick?
Starting point is 00:58:26 Of course you did. If I could mute your microphone, I would. I know, buddy. I'm sorry. You got to find me on Cameo. Doug's there too. And Jeff is too. Oh, that's great.
Starting point is 00:58:37 All three of us are on Cameo. Come book us on Cameo. Come get Cameos from me and Jeff and not Sam. Weird. That's a weird way to plug ourselves, but okay. Yeah. And get yours from me. If you want holiday wishes, get them in sooner than later. Cause my cameo will be off from December 16th through the new year.
Starting point is 00:58:57 So get me before the 16th. Okay. All right. There you go in there everybody. And thanks to both of you, Sam Levine and Jeff Tate. Always a great competition when you guys come on. As always, when the moon tells you something, believe it. Now it's time for Doug to watch another talkie. Eyes of gold, his viewing prowess makes him cocky. There's no room in his heart for you
Starting point is 00:59:26 Cause Doug loves movies!

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