Doug Loves Movies - Samm Levine, Doug Mellard and Greg Wyshynski guest

Episode Date: August 27, 2021

Doug welcomes Samm Levine, Doug Mellard and Greg Wyshynski to the show.You can find the entire archive of Doug Loves Movies on Stitcher Premium. For a free month of Stitcher Premium, go to&nb...sp; and use promo code "DOUG."See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Doug hates candy wrappers, green and maybe sticky seeds with 50 acid pop or kernels in his teeth. There's still not one that he won't see because Doug loves movies. Hey, hey, hey, everybody. My name is Doug and I love motion pictures. This is Doug Loves Movies coming to you once again from This May Never End with another Homes Alone edition. It's Thursday, August 26, 2021. And this is this month's bonus or extra ep, if you will. So I decided to bring in some big guns.
Starting point is 00:00:42 The plan was to have three count them three dangling champions but one of them named jade catapretta got a uh last minute audition and you know bless her heart of course you gotta go to an audition instead of movie trivia over zoom. So we'll have her back some other time, but we've got an amazing, amazing replacement. My guests today are Sam Levine, Greg Wyshynski and trivia. I mean, what's the word for it, Doug? Not expert. The opposite of expert.
Starting point is 00:01:23 Yeah. Is that such a word? Novice. Novice. We'll go with that's right doug mellard is here let's say hello to everybody alphabetically so that means we start with sam right sure? Sure. Hey. Hey, Sam. Hey, buddy. How's it going? Good. Things are going well, thank you.
Starting point is 00:01:51 Yes, we're still home, but, you know, I cleaned at least, so it's nicer this week. Yeah, and I'm getting out and doing shows. I just, when I do these Zoom shows, I like to, you know, just sort of put a little timestamp on it that we are, you know, I guess things are better and we're getting out there, but it's still, you know, it's still one show at a time. I'm going to go to Indianapolis this weekend. Oh, yeah. To have Bob Saget not do my show. Great. But he'll be nearby.
Starting point is 00:02:22 He'll probably be like on the same block or two in Indianapolis. Cause he's got two shows that night. If he feels like an afternoon show, he's going to join us. So that's, that's the pitch I'm telling people. If you want to maybe see Bob Saget come out this Saturday, but the other guests are going to be great. Jeff Tate is coming over from Cincinnati. Exactly. are going to be great. Jeff Tate is coming over from Cincinnati.
Starting point is 00:02:48 And it should be a fun show, whether we get SAGs to participate or not. But Sam, you're a dangling champion. That's why you're back to continue your reign. I always thought of myself. And another dangling champion that is joining us who just you just won on the last show right craig i did uh well a two-timer i believe i think i'm on a two two-show winning streak yeah yeah you're you're undefeated but you haven't been on uh you know, in a row. Right. Yeah. Yeah. I have a streak of when I'm here, things go well, but I'm not always here is the street that I'm on.
Starting point is 00:03:34 Yeah. We're you know, like I said, get back out on the road. So we'll, you know, be, it'll be a mix of these zoom shows and road shows. So the champions are going to be flying every which way. There's always going to be some danglers. Dan Soder is also a dangling champion currently. And so he'll be back sometime soon too. I kind of like this, Doug. I'm a big wrestling fan.
Starting point is 00:03:59 And it reminds me of back when they had different territories and you'd see like Ric Flair show up with another Federation's belt on the TV. It'd be like that. There's a whole parallel track of Doug Love's movie shows happening along with the live shows. And it makes me excited. It's like two different worlds, a multiverse of Doug Benson, if you will. of Doug Benson, if you will. It really is a multiverse. And not multiverse in the world of cinema,
Starting point is 00:04:30 but a fan of movies and a hilarious dude and my co-host on Wide World of Doug's. Doug Millard is here. Hey, Doug. Hey, dude. I'm just a dangler. That's why I'm here. Yeah. Right up. I'm dangling. Not a champ this week, but I'm not a champ, just a dangler. That's why I'm here. Yeah. Right up. I'm dangling. Not a champ this week, but I'm not a champ, just a dangler.
Starting point is 00:04:48 And I, I'm sorry. I said I was going to go in alphabetical order and then skipped you. That was, that was very rude. How do you think Jade's audition is going? I don't know. I mean, Was it an in-person audition? Those are very rare. It was a I think like maybe a callback or maybe even a first audition, but with the director. Ah, OK.
Starting point is 00:05:13 So probably like a Zoom with the director. And, you know, when I asked you all that. Yeah, I don't know. Or maybe, you know, maybe a lunch, maybe a maybe they went to the movies. Yeah, maybe maybe a midday picnic by the by the park the lake just be hanging out with a director who might work again one day you know what i don't begrudge her that work is very hard to come by right now that's all i'm saying is that like uh when she said uh you know i mean anybody can cancel up to the last minute and i can only be so mad because it's you know you're doing me a favor by coming on the show
Starting point is 00:05:51 but an audition i i you know she uh she also thought the show was going to be tomorrow so that was part of the problem oh is that when i out to say, see you this afternoon, she's like, Oh shit. Now, Doug, if, if they cancel, uh, within a 24 hour period, do you still charge their credit card, uh, for, for a Michelin star reservation policy? I mean, I wish I could, but, uh, I don't, uh, I don't charge anybody to be on the show even when they cancel. Let's take a visit before we get into what I feel will be some very exciting competition today with two of the greatest competitors and a good friend of mine here. Let's go to Recommendation Nation.
Starting point is 00:06:49 Each of you will recommend one film and one film alone. Greg's really getting the hang of it. What was that movie you recommended the first time, Greg? Sam, have you ever heard of End God Spoke, the Spinal Tap mockumentary about filming a biblical epic? Vaguely? That does sound somewhat familiar, but I've not seen it. Early 90s flop that I recommended. But then in my second appearance, I recommended the classic L.A. hijink scavenger hunt. Oh, sure.
Starting point is 00:07:24 Fox's first film, midnight madness. Oh, wow. Yeah. You actually only said the title of another movie before getting to the title of it. Oh, before midnight madness. I see. Yeah. Cause scavenger hunt was also a film that took place in my sweet home,
Starting point is 00:07:39 San Diego. Oh, wow. Yeah. So a friend of mine, you could see him in the background and one scene, a guy I knew. What would you like to recommend Doug Millard? I don't know if you've ever heard of a great actor named Kurt Cameron, but I finally got around to watching Captain Fantastic for the first time.
Starting point is 00:08:05 And I, I enjoyed the, the nice little cry session I had. Oh, really? I like that film. It's got some pick me up moments. It's a weird one, but I really, the performances are great. I had a good time watching it. Yeah. Quarantine ish kind of flick too. Cause there's some weird stuff in there. quarantine-ish kind of flick too, because there's some weird stuff in there. Yeah, directed by an actor who he's on Silicon Valley. He was like the bad guy
Starting point is 00:08:32 on that show. Oh man, what's his name? Matt something, I think. Kirk Cameron. No. And of course it stars Viggo Mortensen, who was nominated for an Oscar for it. Yeah. He was awesome. Yeah. He's great. And he's just a guy who, he's just one of those guys who wants to raise his kids and self, you know, teach them himself and make them live off the land and all that kind of shit.
Starting point is 00:08:59 Right. Yeah. And, and then of course, modern society just doesn't look kind of frowns upon it. Yeah. Good stuff. Good recommendation. Sam Levine. Yes, Doug. What would you like to recommend? A movie I saw just this past week. My gut tells me it's come up on the show before. past week um my gut tells me it's come up on the show before uh it's called coda oh dude i recommended it last week well there you go my ass kicked in the pole by the suicide squad not much you can do about that i think i think it's just an exposure thing but uh yeah it was a really uh a good little film and and i i enjoyed it yeah i mean it's
Starting point is 00:09:48 that's what people say about it's a family film it's a little film but i don't know it just felt um you know it just felt like the kind of movie you used to actually go see in a theater even though it's not a big movie yeah like. Like the compositions and the photography and everything was beautiful, but it's, you know, it's a story about people. And really interesting that Marlee Matlin, her whole acting career, every time we see her, sometimes she signs, but she always speaks. And in this movie, she plays a woman who's just not even about
Starting point is 00:10:24 to try to speak ever, just super into signing. So it's really a interesting performance to watch her. It was. I'll always gravitate towards original. Well, I say original. I think it's actually based on a French film, but smaller movies that are not giant, you know, studio tent poles or franchise movies. I'll, I'll always seek those out.
Starting point is 00:10:49 So this, this had been recommended to me a few times. It took me forever to watch it and I'm glad that I did. And I hope you will too. It's on Amazon prime. I think. It's on Apple plus. That's what I meant. Apple plus. That's why it took you a while to watch it. It's because you're just searching around through all the streamers well it's because I was watching a whole bunch
Starting point is 00:11:08 of movies on Amazon Prime but I only get to recommend one so we're done here we are done sir Greg Wyshynski what do you got for us this time? I mean like Sam I like small art house
Starting point is 00:11:24 films that warm the soul. So I'm recommending Transformers Revenge of it. No, I'm kidding. You know, do you want, okay, you get your choice here, Doug. You want me to go obscure or more mainstream with the choice? It's not what I want, Greg. It's what you feel. I wasn't talking to you, Doug.
Starting point is 00:11:45 Doug Millard. Do you want me to go mainstream? Yeah, Doug Millard can decide. Which would you prefer, Doug? Let's go obscure. I want to hear something obscure. All right. That's a way to get the most votes in the poll.
Starting point is 00:11:57 Because I want Captain Fantastic to win. You might. Courtesy of the aforementioned Amazon Prime. This is a documentary I caught during the height of quarantine when I was just gobbling up documentaries. It's called The Lost Arcade. It's 2015. that attracted competitive coin op gamers for a very long time and about that place closing, what that meant to that community and how when it reopened, they tried to make it kind of like an arcade of the people and it failed miserably. And it was, it's a really interesting, if you like kind of documentaries that show you like a corner of society, you may not be privy to all the time. Like I can't say that I've really spent too many nights at 2 AM at competitive gaming coin op if you like kind of documentaries that show you like a corner of society, you may not be privy to all the time.
Starting point is 00:12:45 Like I can't say that I've really spent too many nights at 2 AM at competitive gaming coin up arcades in New York city. It's, it's a real fun look at that type of atmosphere and what it meant to the, it's also like a love letter to this thing that doesn't exist anymore as well. And what it meant to, to the the a very diverse i should say uh group of people that used to go you know every night or every weekend to to this arcade it's a real it was a real interesting uh film and also i think speaks to you know the changing societal norms that we have insofar as like what an arcade means today does Does it mean Dave and Buster's? Does it mean a barcade? Like what is it?
Starting point is 00:13:25 Yeah. Why did it fail? Did they not serve alcohol? I don't believe they served alcohol. I think this might've even, I mean, there's plenty of places. There's plenty of arcades now,
Starting point is 00:13:39 but it's just shifted into like you go and drink and play games. Yeah. It's a place where, you know, hopefully there's a table for your craft beer next to dig dug um kind of place right but no it was more kind of a meeting place was more of a place where like you and somebody from the other borough kind of come over and and and try to fuck each other up on mortal combat on a friday night kind of place yeah it wasn't about anything but that so there was a sort of purity to it. And then
Starting point is 00:14:05 again, like the, the, the shift when it becomes something different, when they're trying to like cater to families or, you know, cater to craft beer people. I don't remember exactly what, what the twist of it was, but like, it just failed because it didn't recognize what made it special. And, uh, and I think there's a, it's a documentary about authenticity at the end of the day. All right. I'm sure that no one listening has seen it. So that's, uh, that's pretty exciting. And, um, I definitely want to see it and, uh, I, I can stand behind these other two movies. So that's definitely now, now, now you've heard both Sam Levine and myself praising Coda.
Starting point is 00:14:50 Definitely check that out. Even if you have to like, you know, tell Apple that you want to, you know, free trial and then cancel it after that's what I recommend. Yep. Thanks for visiting recommendationendation Nation, everybody. We're going to play some games right after this break. We'll be right back. We are back, and I'm excited because it's time to play the feud.
Starting point is 00:15:19 Film on the feud. You love it. It's like family feud, but I've replaced family with film. Oh boy. Like I'm sure so many people have done in their lives. Enough of you guys. I'm going to the movies. That happens everywhere. It's a great escape. I asked 100 people, or I should say I took the percentages from 100 or more people answering these questions.
Starting point is 00:15:56 This first one will start with Doug Mellard. And then Sam gets a guess. And then Greg gets one, and each of you will get a chance to – is that how this one works? I give everybody a chance to go first, or do we just do – yeah, we can't do the same order every time. That's not cool. Yep.
Starting point is 00:16:20 All right. So, yeah, each person will get a chance to go first, starting with Doug on this round. I asked 100 people, which cast member of the movie Clue would be the best at changing a flat tire? Oh, Tim Curry. You're just going out of the gate without probably knowing too many of the cast members
Starting point is 00:16:49 because I'm happy to read you the options because it's only you know I can only do the poll can only be four people so it's four people from from the movie and these are the four the four mentioned tim curry madeline khan martin moll or leslie ann warren which of those four you want to stick with tim curry or do you want to change it i'm gonna go to martin moll you like molly he seems He seems reliable. That mustache says reliable.
Starting point is 00:17:27 He's a very smart man. Also an excellent artist. His art that he paints is really good. Sam, what do you think? I will take the Tim Curry now that it's available to me. Thank you. Yeah, Doug. You really just bailed on that concept.
Starting point is 00:17:44 So, Greg, the pickings are the ladies. I mean, ladies can change tires. They certainly can, Doug. Madeline Kahn or Leslie Ann Warren? Madeline Kahn seems the type to be standing on the curb criticizing how you're changing the tire. Yep. So I'll have to go by default, Leslie Ann Warren.
Starting point is 00:18:05 But then again, also, I think Miss Scarlet was kind of a body, you know, character in Clue and could probably get the job done. Leslie Ann Warren
Starting point is 00:18:15 was Miss Scarlet? Yes. Okay. Here's how it shakes out. Miss Scarlet is only worth 19% 19 points
Starting point is 00:18:32 for Greg then we got Madeline Kahn at a not much higher 22% good old Martin Mull, Fernwood forever. He got 25%. Oh, I screwed up.
Starting point is 00:18:54 Of the vote. Of course you did. You really did. Why would you stick with Tim Curry? Your second guessing yourself is what you do. Why would you stick with Tim Curry? You're second guessing yourself is what you do. That means Sam gets, if you're doing the math, 34%, 34 points goes to Sam.
Starting point is 00:19:14 Write that down. Yeah. So it was Wadsworth in the garage with the tire iron. Wow. I disagree with that. Actually, if you remember in rocky horror he uh had to fetch a satanic mechanic yeah but different character different character that's right his his uh he had no interest in helping them change that tire ever no sir he wanted them there as long as he could yeah um all right let's move on to the next round like i said sam gets to go first in this one he's He wanted them there as long as he could. Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 00:19:45 Let's move on to the next round. Like I said, Sam gets to go first in this one. He's already in the lead. Oh, boy. This is exciting. Oh, boy. Sam Levine. Yep.
Starting point is 00:19:55 Which Golden Girl likes the movie Goodfellas the most? Blanche, Dorothy, Rose, or Sophia? the goodfellas the most blanche dorothy rose or sophia uh that is a good question i'm sure they all would have loved it do you think so yeah you know what rose probably would not have cared for it but uh i'm gonna say sophia would have liked goodfellas the best okay i'm going with getty greg what which one of these ladies do you think uh would like to uh watch a violent um what's another word to describe goodfellas fun crime drama yeah which one do you think craig there's a better than good chance sophia thought it was a documentary um so i'm gonna that leaves me with these i would
Starting point is 00:20:58 have to say uh probably uh you know blanche uh probably for the the dreaminess of Ray Liotta's eyes throughout the film. I mean, that's a great reason, but just don't get distracted by his evil laugh. If he plays, like, I saw you know, something wild and then
Starting point is 00:21:23 Field of Dreams, Sam could probably tell me, or even Greg. They came out pretty close together, right? Not too far apart. Well, Field of Dreams is 89. When was Something Wild? 86, 87? Yeah. So, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:21:38 So Ray Liotta was coming in his own, appearing in these big movies, and we got used to him. But in Something Wild and in field of dreams he laughs in both and they're equally terrifying that man is no angel in the outfield that's what he's like Okay. Who's left, Doug? I'm going to go Rose. I think she's got a dark side. We don't know about. Wow. Okay.
Starting point is 00:22:17 I mean, I love that I could throw a poll like this up on Twitter and people, people actually pick one. Like, I don't know how they chose i don't know like i don't know if people really put much logic into it but the rose the rose pick is shrewd because there's a chance that she would watch it because they are good fellows you know the naivete yeah she's just sitting there being like so when when are they good right i'm sure they didn't have the internet. You know. Excellent choice. Right. And she might be watching it like on commercial television with
Starting point is 00:22:49 bleeped out words. She doesn't know. It's a 15 minute movie. Or when they throw in, you know, hey, shut the fuck up, Mother Fisher. That's funny that I said fuck that. The first fuck slips through they're terrible at it they don't uh they kind of pick and choose which ones to change
Starting point is 00:23:14 okay so coming in in fourth place chosen by no one, Dorothy with a mere 9%. Yep. Not her. Not her sneeze. I tell you. Everybody knew it. You look at Bea Arthur and Dorothy is not the first name that comes to mind. Nope.
Starting point is 00:23:42 So that's, I think that's part of why she does poorly in the pool because i because she's definitely the most hard ass of all of them so maybe maybe she'd love good fellas you know she sounds like a good fella um but next up 17 percent greg Greg, that's Blanche. Yeah, my Rose theory comes through. Or simply people like Betty White, one of the two. Yeah, that's another thing. That's kind of become a popularity contest, I guess. Rose, chosen by Doug, got 21%
Starting point is 00:24:25 leaving for Sam a whopping 53% Sophia. My God. Yeah. You are running away with this thing, Sam. I don't know what's going to happen. My parents will be so proud.
Starting point is 00:24:42 Well, let's see how they would feel about this next round, because they might find this to be in bad taste. I'm sure it is. Greg
Starting point is 00:24:56 gets to go first. You ready, Greg? I'm ready for there to be a choice that's 100%, hopefully. a choice that's 100% hopefully. I really should try to come up with a question that might go that way, but for some reason, usually it spreads out pretty evenly, which helps for this game.
Starting point is 00:25:17 Who has the worst farts between these three gentlemen? I wouldn't dare say this about a lady ladies don't fart you know that that's right um which of these three guys has the worst farts toby mcguire alec baldwin or shack aka kazam oh god wait why the hell is Tobey Maguire in there? Because when I thought of, you know, who has the worst farts, I thought, I thought, who doesn't seem like he's almost like a lady, like he probably doesn't fart. First of all, his farts are going to be innocuous because he's just like flying through the air on his webs.
Starting point is 00:26:00 He's crop dusting, literally. I thought he retired from that role, but there's rumors he's in the next one I guess he's definitely in the next one boiler space like I have it on the inside track I'm just saying from the fan stuff I've read online I'm going to have to go with Shaq Diesel on this one Doug
Starting point is 00:26:20 there's no way they're thunderous like a slam dunk in his rookie season with the Orlando Magic. Just thunderous. He's a very large man. I'm shocked that any of the other two people got any votes at all. What do you think,
Starting point is 00:26:38 Doug? Which one do you... I'll go Baldwin. I feel like he could, you know, he might have a terrible lunch. He also, he also eats a lot of Spanish food from his very Spanish wife. Oh boy. Yeah. Yeah. That's hilarious. And I'm also realizing that the third round should still be for choices just to, you know, so that the,
Starting point is 00:27:09 at least you get a pick between two things when you're the fourth person, I'm still working out the, the kinks. Yeah. Can I choose Blanche again? Or Sophia even you're stuck with Toby McGuire. So I had no, no decision here basically yeah okay um yeah i would have i by the way i assume it's shack i i would be hard-pressed for him to not be number one by a pretty significant margin i bet
Starting point is 00:27:36 you know that's the idea is that uh you know somebody can possibly catch up if they're far behind at this point. Sure. But that brings Greg's total to, I think, around 83. And Sam, just from the first two questions, got 87. So you didn't even need that 14%, Sam. All right. Oh, is that what it is? Was Tobe's 14%?
Starting point is 00:28:09 Yeah, Doug came in at 80. So You guys all came in really close. Wow. Yeah. Toby was 14. Alec Baldwin was 39% and Shaq 47%. I thought that one would be like crazy. Oh yeah. I would have assumed Shaq would have been around the 80 percentage, but just goes to show you that people do not like Alec Baldwin or Toby McGuire. Alec Baldwin, he does a lot of yoga. And when yoga people fart, that will clear a studio. I really needed that Green Party candidate in the race to take some of Tobey Maguire's percentage.
Starting point is 00:28:40 Well, congratulations, Sam. As you know, as a regular player on the show and in life, that winning the first game really doesn't mean anything other than the slight advantage that might come from getting to go first in the next game. Very good. We will play that game after this break. We'll be right back. We're back. And Sam gets to go first in the game that's going to determine it all one of these
Starting point is 00:29:08 these are all previous dangling champions you were dangling champion for a minute a minute because that means a while now these days but uh for a moment you were. So Sam gets to go first, followed by Greg and then Doug in the fan favorite Weird Algorithm. Oh, boy. Ooh. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:37 I love this game. IMDB has a weird algorithm. I'll name a movie. You take turns naming who you think would be the most popular in that movie, according to the rearranged cast listing in their popularity index. Oh my. Yeah. Have you played this before, Greg?
Starting point is 00:30:04 I haven't played it before. i just did a perfunctory question um which is do you i mean do you is the algorithm based on like searches or do we know anything about it it seems very mysterious exactly it's very mysterious and that's why it makes this a fun game because it's a little unpredictable but i feel like the bottom line is uh it's some sort of it must be based on searches because it tends to seem like people that pop like in the news for something oh okay tend to you know get searched a lot on imdb so like notoriety scandalous can be scandal can be positive can be that they're just in something that's popular there's so many different ways
Starting point is 00:30:52 and as we play it kind of reveals itself you go oh that's probably that person is probably popular right now because of you know you can kind of figure it out. Fascinating. But it's hard to nail it down exactly because it gets weird. So we'll start with Sam. Like I said, the first motion picture, who do you think would come out on top today in the IMDb algorithm for the film? The 40 year old Virgin. Ooh, lots of people in that movie.
Starting point is 00:31:30 Ooh, that is, you got, you got a Marvel guy, a Marvel guy. That's how I describe. Yeah. I mean,
Starting point is 00:31:40 he is a Marvel guy. Oh man. Wow. That's a great one. I really do want to say Rudd. I don't know. It just seems like such an easy guess, though. I'm probably going to be, that was my first instinct,
Starting point is 00:32:06 and I'm going to probably Tim Curry myself right out of this one. I'm going to say Steve Carell. Okay. I don't know. The Office is very popular. It's on multiple channels every single day. Yeah. You don't have to talk the other guys into answering that.
Starting point is 00:32:29 Oh, they're allowed to answer it, too. Because too because yeah that's what i was about to say is that answers can be shared in this game but of course strategically that might not be the smart way to go oh interesting i never mind forget what i said uh i'm wrong it's not steve even though that's my answer everybody sort of talks through everybody kind of likes to talk through their, you know, what drives them to an answer. So, you know, it's, it might not help. It could have hurt the other player, you know, who knows, who knows. Sam might even be playing some sort of twisted, twisted mind game here. Sure. That's definitely what I'm doing. game here.
Starting point is 00:33:02 That's definitely what I'm doing. He's probably number nine, and I'm just not thinking deep enough cast on the movie. Maybe not. Greg, what do you think? Point of order, Doug. When did you collect this information? Today. I will take the
Starting point is 00:33:20 dangling fruit of Paul Rudd from a tree. Okay. Doug Mallard, what do you think, buddy? I'm going Rudd also. Said we could share answers. He's in these Rudd buddies. He is Ant-Man. That's
Starting point is 00:33:35 pretty tough to beat, it would seem. Here's how the points break down. If you get the top person's name right, you get three points. Second place, two points. And third place is one point. Play three rounds and there's a tiebreaker if necessary. I want to play the
Starting point is 00:33:52 tiebreaker because I love it. I might slip the tiebreaker into the third spot. Ooh, Derek. I don't know. I'll definitely tell you what it is one way or the other. Coming in at how deep do you guys want me to go? Number 11 is Mindy Kaling.
Starting point is 00:34:12 Kevin Hart, number 10. Here's a shocker. Number nine in the popularity algorithm on IMDb for the cast of 40-Year-Old Virgin is Seth Rogen. Wow. Yeah, he's all the way at number nine. Eight is Leslie Mann. Seven is Kat Dennings. Six, Jonah Hill.
Starting point is 00:34:35 Five, an uncredited Jenna Fisher. What? Yeah. Wow. Wild. And number four, Little tiny Ant-Man. Whoa. Wow. Oh man. My thought on that was that his searches would have increased because the Ghostbusters afterlife trailer came out. Sure.
Starting point is 00:34:58 That got him to number four, Greg. That's pretty high up on this list. There's still three more names. Number three, and worth one point to Sam Levine, is Steve Carell. Oh, wow. Wow. Yeah. Wow. I'll take it.
Starting point is 00:35:16 Other ones? I'll take it. I cannot. Is it like Craig Robinson? No, he's not in that one. No, I think. Number two. I'm thinking of him.
Starting point is 00:35:24 He is in that one one he's the doorman that doesn't let him in oh right oh it's what's her face can I just say go ahead your guesses are done this is the part where I tell you what the answer
Starting point is 00:35:40 number two is Elizabeth Banks because she's on press your luck that's not why that's exactly why it's no she's directing some big she's got some big movie she's directing yeah and she's also the host of press your luck i don't think that's why she got so high up on the algorithm because not hosting a game show at all, but managed to be number one from the cast of the 40 year old virgin is Catherine Keener.
Starting point is 00:36:11 Wow. Wow. Yeah. Wow. Great. The great Catherine Keener. A sad day for the red buddies. Let me tell you.
Starting point is 00:36:24 It's not a good day to be a Rudd buddy. Sam's in the lead. Here we go, round two. Okay. We'll start with Greg. Do you recall
Starting point is 00:36:39 a motion picture that I love? Soderbergh's Best. If you ask me out of sight. Whoa. Yeah, I do. I do know that movie. Who do you think from that movie? Greg is number one. See, this is an interesting one because it could be scandal or it could be recent, um, recent work. See, this is an interesting one because it could be scandal or it could be recent. Recent work.
Starting point is 00:37:11 I'm going to go recent work on this one. And I'm going to go Steve Zahn. A star of the White Lotus on HBO. I love that show. I'm going to go to that for season someday. I wouldn't recommend it, sir. Bad things are afoot at the White Lotus. Oh, you think those things happen to every guest? What a terrible ad for their resort.
Starting point is 00:37:37 I'll say this, though. If it does, they do a good job covering it up. I'm not sure if many people were not aware of all the comings and goings in that place as it were yeah but uh it just looks like a beautiful resort that they took over because it was you know perfect for making a production that they could just be in a bubble uh and you know get through it safely and then put it on tv with like Mike White wrote that entire thing himself. It's really, it's impressive. I believe it's a four season somewhere in Hawaii. Yeah. We stayed down the beach from it and looked,
Starting point is 00:38:14 looked longingly at it while they were shooting by no, no, no, no, no, no, no. That's how he, that's when he sawve zahn when he was at his hotel um is it a spoiler to say something when it shows like that is all done is it a spoiler to say like something that happens in the first episode of it even i mean i haven't watched it yet uh but you can spoil the first step if you need to i don't know there's something wrong with steve zahn's balls in the first episode he has they have a they go to a very startling close-up of his giant balls oh wow that is not a spoiler for sam and i i've seen plenty of swollen balls mostly just the same too yeah now you got a hook d. It's that moment when you realize it's not TV, it's HBO Max.
Starting point is 00:39:08 There you go. Yeah, yeah. And they keep that spirit alive through the whole thing. Okay, so Greg says Steve's on. Doug, do you remember this movie, Out of Sight? Yeah, I watched it a few months ago. I love that movie. It's so good.
Starting point is 00:39:23 The time jumps in it and movie. It's so good. The time jumps in and everything are really, it's really effective. I, my initial instinct was either Cheadle or J-Lo, but I feel like if Catherine Keener can beat out everybody in 40 year old version, then she can beat out everybody here. I'm going to go with keener all right sam what do you think we got keener and zon and a big cast oh well i was gonna guess keener that was what i was thinking you still can
Starting point is 00:39:59 i know but now he's gonna be thinking it might be Steve Zahn. Because of his balls. You can pick that one. All those Steve Zahn big balls Google searches bring up his IMDb page. What is up with Zahn's balls? All right, I'll go with Zahn. Sam's going Zahn. Okay. So anybody want to change? Oh boy. Shit. We're probably, we've picked like 11 and 12. They're not even on Doug's list.
Starting point is 00:40:41 No, I'll stick with it. It's probably wrong, but I'll stick with it it's probably wrong but i'll stick with it i got all right so doug and sam are saying steve's on and greg is saying katherine keener no i said uh zon with uh sam okay you and sam have zon and doug has katherine keener which like i dug congratulations for sniffing that out because she's just a sporting character she's just a sporting character. She's just a magician's assistant in a couple of scenes. But let's go, let's just go just for curiosity's sake, deep into the list. This doesn't sound good? It seems like you can't
Starting point is 00:41:18 do shit right now without hearing something about J-Lo and Ben Affleck. Right. And J-Lo's ex, the baseball player. She's number eight. Wow. Yeah, that's how weird
Starting point is 00:41:33 this is. Number seven, who had that great clip going around where he put Kevin Hart in his place, is Don Cheadle, my poker buddy, Don Cheadle. You poker buddy, Don Cheadle. You played poker with Don Cheadle before, right, Sam? Of course. Oh, it's the best.
Starting point is 00:41:52 He's the best. He's great. I mean, he's a great poker player, but also, you know, his life. He brings the fun stories. When he tells the story, you're in good shape. Number six is uh uh viola davis oh wow i forgot what's in that right yeah uh number five george clooney for sam jackson three and uncredited but playing the same part he played in jackie brown michael keaton Jackie Brown, Michael Keaton. Of course. Ray Nicolette. Yeah. And
Starting point is 00:42:25 number two is Catherine Keener. And number one is Big Ball Zahn. White Lotus Fowler, baby. Wow. Thank you for saying Zahn. I would have gone Keenan.
Starting point is 00:42:41 Yeah, so you helped him with your answer, Craig. I feel, listen, I've faced off against Sam once, twice, or several times. And I feel like that was a very shrewd defensive move. Because I think he knew I had a little something with Zahn. And now he's blocked me. He's met my Zahn. Well, you're giving me way too much credit. It's not at, what happened?
Starting point is 00:43:10 All right, here we go. We're going into round three. I feel like a tiebreaker might be happening, as long as you all don't three pick the same thing, because Sam currently has four points, Greg has three, and Doug has two. So you're all Within one of each other Um
Starting point is 00:43:28 Let's talk about it again It came up earlier in the show Who do you think's number one Starting with who we started this time Doug Doug Who do you think's number one in the cast Of the classic comedy
Starting point is 00:43:44 Clue? Oh! We talked about changing tires earlier but this is just who's the most popular in the cast. Just a quick question. Remind me again who Catherine Keener plays in that movie? She
Starting point is 00:44:00 is uncredited Mrs. Body. Remember there's a Mr. Body? Mm-hmm. Mrs. Body. Remember there was a Mr. Body? Mrs. Body got cut from the film and she didn't get credit. Got it. What do you think, Doug? And you can change your answer later
Starting point is 00:44:16 after the other guys name people that you didn't know in the movie. If that's what happens. Do you know the cast of this movie? Enough. I'm going to say, God, this is hard.
Starting point is 00:44:31 Just because I don't know who, there's no scandal here or anything like that. I'm going to go Christopher Lloyd just because of some of the iconic characters he's played. Okay. That's played. Okay. That's fair. He's got to get a lot of searches. As Doc?
Starting point is 00:44:50 Yeah. I mean, didn't they? I mean, recently he dressed up as Doc and went somewhere, right? Yeah, that was a big convention. Him and Michael J. Fox did, I think, somewhere near Washington, D.C., like just the last few days, last weekend maybe. And those pictures were pretty widely circulated. I met him and he was dressed as Doc on the set of something and I lost my mind.
Starting point is 00:45:12 I couldn't even talk to him. He actually saw how weird I looked and he came up and introduced himself because I was staring at him. He was very nice. Yeah. very nice game yeah uh sam uh i that that was where my gut was as well when you said the cast was christopher lloyd is is always pretty popular and i was thinking about that picture of him and michael j fox so i will i too will guess Christopher Lloyd. All right. So Greg, you have to pick somebody else if you don't want to. Yeah, I do.
Starting point is 00:45:52 He's still one point behind Sam. If you go with Sam's pick, there's no winning here. There's no winning here. Sam hasn't caught on that I lose all the time. Oh, interesting. I don't think, I think Sam would have said Christopher Lloyd if you'd have said you know,
Starting point is 00:46:10 Lee Ving. That's the guy who plays Mr. Hardy. That dude was Lee Ving. Lee Ving? Have you guys seen Lee Ving's balls? I took a glance at him as I was exiting this was a few months ago I would be tempted to say Jane Weidland because that go-go's documentary came out on uh Showtime yeah she's like the uh telegram girl singing telegram. Yeah. I am just singing telegram bang.
Starting point is 00:46:49 Obviously I can't take Christopher Lloyd. I think logic would dictate. It could be Christopher Lloyd. So I will go with, I will go with my deity. I will go with Tim Curry. There's really no else. I can't imagine it's Martin Mull. I can't imagine it's, you know, any of the other cast members. So I will go with, I'll go Tim Curry. Well, you know, it probably isn't best to bring your imagination into it. We're dealing with facts here.
Starting point is 00:47:17 I know. Any changes from Doug or Sam or are you locked in? Sticking with Lloyd. Sam? Or are you locked in? Sticking with Lloyd. Sam? Yeah, I guess I'm locked in, I guess. Okay. Wow. Number one. I'm going to start with number one.
Starting point is 00:47:39 Leslie Ann Warren. Wow! I know. I have no idea how that happened. Wow. I know. I have no idea how that happened. Wow. I think she was just in something. Maybe it was because a lot
Starting point is 00:47:54 of people saw your Twitter poll, I guess. Oh. About who could change a tire. Right. Oh, yeah. So everybody Googled? Yeah. And IMDB'd? That's it am that's probably it right that's what happened okay leslie ann warren auto maintenance and then their imdb came exactly number six is madeline khan so that uh you know makes sense because she hasn't been with us for a
Starting point is 00:48:20 while uh martin mull before that who uh his role on the rest of development's one of the funniest things ever the way that she laughs every time he like appears out of nowhere you know like he's always in disguises and it always makes so it always makes lucille number four is our buddy such a great actor so great on better call sol michael mckean i say our buddy because i you know he follows me on twitter even though he will not respond to dms but i'm sure you know him, Sam. You've met him. I work with him, in fact. He played my dad on a pilot that didn't go. Oh, was it called
Starting point is 00:49:11 Lenny and Son? Yes. That's exactly what it was called. Wow. Yeah, we had Squiggy recently. That was sad. I miss Squiggy. Here we go, guys. This is the moment of truth.
Starting point is 00:49:30 Oh, boy. I have such regret. Number three is Tim Curry. Damn it. That brings Greg to five points. And number one is... We knew that already last time.
Starting point is 00:49:47 Number two is good old Christopher Lloyd. Hockey dog. Great scup. Sam picked up two points for a total of six. Doug, too little, too late. I think Doug helped the other players in this game more than himself. That'll happen. But it's official.
Starting point is 00:50:19 Sam Levine is our winner. Congratulations, Sam. Thank you. You did it. Really, Jade helped the other players. Yeah. I mean, it's wild imagining what, how all of that would have played out with Jade participating and we will get her back very soon. Sam, what are you doing?
Starting point is 00:50:41 You got plans Labor Day weekend. You don't have to tell us where you're going, but are you, are you available that weekend to return to the show via Zoom? I am not available. I am so sorry. No, don't be sorry. We'll work it out to have you back sometime down the line. Great. I can be somebody.
Starting point is 00:51:00 I'm happy to be a dangling champ again. You are back in the dangling position. All right. Like Steve's on swollen balls. I am dangling precariously over a future episode of Douglas. Definitely more of the resting position than the dangling position. I haven't seen it yet. So I don't. All right. Um, Really quick, really quick. The tiebreaker, I kept looking at it.
Starting point is 00:51:29 I got so excited about it. And I think that it won't be the same results if I play the same movie another time. So I think it's fair for me to go ahead and blow it out right now. But today, whoever says it first gets like, you know, just a gold star. Who do you think is number one in the cast of the movie JFK? Oh, my God. Today? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:55 Today. I'll give you some examples. Joe Pesci's number 12. Narrator of the film Martin Sheen is at seven. Oh, wait, wait, wait. Michael Rooker. That is correct. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:52:11 The Yondu effect. Where's Kevin Bacon? He's everywhere right now. Yeah. That's what's really crazy is I was watching that Lin-Manuel Miranda animated movie Vivo on wherever it's at Netflix. And I was like, why do I recognize that voice? Who is that voice? Michael Rooker is a voice in Vivo. Yeah. And it's like the first 15 minutes of the Suicide Squad.
Starting point is 00:52:42 Hey, why would you frame it like that? Why would you? Because it's the 15 strongest minutes of his performance, Doug. Out of curiosity, where's Kevin Bacon on that list? He is He's still up there. He's number five. He's number five. He's number five.
Starting point is 00:53:09 Koster's number two. So if anybody went to the safe bed of the star of JFK, they would have got two points. Well, I figured he might've been number one because of that Field of Dreams game from a week ago. Yeah. Yeah. No, that's probably why he's number two.
Starting point is 00:53:23 When I looked up okay i was in my heart hoping that kevin costner wouldn't be in the top three no well there's so many amazing actors in that movie but he's on the critically acclaimed yellowstone as well how's what what number is wayne knight um he didn't he was like close after Pesci and like to 13, 14, something like that. All right, guys, we got to go. Doug Mallard, what do you got to plug? I have a new album coming out next week called I'm worried about me. Pre-sales up now on iTunes. It's going to be awesome. I'm really excited about it.
Starting point is 00:54:00 It's all my quarantine material performed one time and retired. And it comes out next Friday, September 3rd. And then of course, listen to wide world of dogs. Of course, new episodes, uh, three Fridays a month and on the fourth Friday, I don't rest. I do another Douglas movies. That's what you're listening to right now. That's what, when Jade to right now that's what when jade canceled i was like well doug mellard normally on a thursday we talk around this time so maybe there's a chance he'd be available today and uh thank you for being here doug
Starting point is 00:54:36 man that was really fun uh greg wischinski what do you have to plug well i want to congratulate Sam on his victory. In lieu of plugs, I will now be singing Tim Curry's I'm Going Home from Rocky Horror Picture Show. On the day I went to... You can listen to me on Puck Soup, the podcast that combines hockey with pop culture. And you can read my stuff at on the NHL page.
Starting point is 00:55:05 And remember, we have the rights to the hockey games for the next seven years. So get used to me, folks. What is the name of the character played by Sean William Scott in the Goon movies? Oh, Doug Glatt. Yeah. I just brought it up because his name's Doug. Yeah, he certainly is.
Starting point is 00:55:30 And I knew with your hockey background, you would know the answer. Definitely check out the first goon. It's good. Yeah. It's so good. I love it. Sam, I have two things to plug. The first is I recently appeared on another podcast that is not this podcast. Hard to believe I know. It's called Dave and Ethan's 2000 inch Weird Al podcast. And it was a wonderful, wonderful, fun show. We had to break it up into two parts because it was so lengthy.
Starting point is 00:56:06 But if you are a Weird Al fan, I highly encourage you to listen to that podcast and more specifically my two episodes. There was a lot of geeking out about the wonderful and amazing Weird Al Yankovic. Secondly, I am on Cameo, ladies and gentlemen, and I am not just there. I mean, of course, I'm there for the standard fair of birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, what have you. But I am carving myself a fun niche on Cameo. Do you have bad news you need to deliver to someone? Do you need to apologize to someone and you are too cowardly to do either of those two things yourself? to someone and you are too cowardly to do either of those two things yourself,
Starting point is 00:56:51 please ask me to make a video apologizing to someone or breaking bad news to someone. I am happy to do it. I am a professional actor, so I can be as sincere as you need me to be to express just how sorry you are to tell your former partner that you may have given them chlamydia. Yeah. Okay. Among other things, among other things. Sam,
Starting point is 00:57:11 thanks for passing along that message to my ex just now. Yep. I'll, I'll, I owe you the money. Done and done. But sincerely, if you meet cameo needs for all covering all corners of messages that need to be delivered
Starting point is 00:57:26 come see me on cameo thank you very much thank you very much sam the man i'm gonna be in indianapolis this weekend saturday 4 20 douglas movies at helium it's always a gas and then douglas movies will also be showing up at zany's in rosemont illinois on september 12th and at wise guys in vegas on october 9th dates are you know still coming in and uh so try to find us try to find douglas movies near you and come see us thanks again to greg wischynski, Sam Levine, who we'll see again sometime soon as the dangling champ. And of course, Doug Millard from Wide World of Dugs.
Starting point is 00:58:13 As always, he's big enough to learn. He's big enough to act like old yeller.

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