Doughboys - A&W Canada with Jessica McKenna and Zach Reino (LIVE)

Episode Date: February 27, 2020

The 'boys are joined by Jessica McKenna and Zach Reino (Off Book) to review the Canadian burger and root beer institution, A&W. Plus, a Canadian Snack or Wack. Recorded live at the Rio Theatr...e in Vancouver.Sources for this week's intro:Making Medicare: The History of Health Care in Canada, 1914-2007 Birth of Medicare Not-So-Straight Story & The United States (Bizzarre Borders Part 2) Restaurant History! wants cage-free eggs in 2 years and that means rapid change for farmers chain celebrates 50 years of rings, root beer National Zero Waste Council Story, Is A Good One. more Doughboys? Check out our Patreon!: for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is a headgum podcast. The 8,891 kilometer long, or for Yanks, 5,525 mile long, international boundary separating the United States and Canada is the longest unguarded border in the world. And while a superficial reading may view the two nation's political situations in parallel, e.g. both have conservative movements led by Simpleton bullies, Donald Trump and Rob Ford, brother of deceased Cunalingus enthusiast Doug Ford, a wider view shows a failed but banana republic to the south and a mostly functioning modern state to the north. Notably while in the U.S. the purportedly left party is currently waging a vicious civil
Starting point is 00:01:08 war over whether to expand Medicare for all citizens. In Canada, their version also called Medicare has provided universal single-payer healthcare since the 1960s. And another split exists on two services with identical names on either side of the border. A root beer company turned fast food chain, first founded in California in 1919 by Roy W. Allen and Frank Wright, originally a stand selling that sweet carbonated beverage we all know and love in its float variants and chilled mugs. In 1923, Allen and Wright opened their first restaurant, giving it their initials in adding
Starting point is 00:01:42 grilled favorites like hamburgers and hot dogs. The chain thrives stateside and in 1956 opened its first Canadian outlet, expanding across the continent and the globe. But in 1972, having grown to thousands of eateries worldwide, the American and Canadian branches severed when the Maple Leaf locations were sold to multinational food behemoth Unilever. But far from inciting a decline in quality, a Canadian renaissance ensued and in 1995 the northern branch was bought back by the chain's own management and is now fully independent from the U.S. company.
Starting point is 00:02:16 Beloved by Canucks, the Canadian eatery not only exceeds the quality of its U.S. counterpart but also its corporate ethics, becoming the only chain restaurant to join the Zero Waste Council. Today, the Canadian offshoot has 850 locations across the Great White North, nearly as many as its American equivalent has across 16 countries. So much like Medicare, the Canadian version is kilometers above its U.S. analog. Not just geographically, but qualitatively. This week on Doughboys, A&W Canada.
Starting point is 00:02:50 Welcome to Doughboys Live, how are you doing, Vancouver? Hello guys, we have quite a show for you tonight with some great guests, but before we go any further, this week's Roses Courtesy of Kevin Mortel. Let me introduce my co-host, Justin Chudeau, the Spoon Man Mike Mitchell. What's up Vancouver? Yeah, go Pats, all right. Go Pats. Yeah baby.
Starting point is 00:03:58 We went to Boston Pizza last night. Don't blow it right off the top, we're going to talk about this. Why can't we talk about it now? It doesn't involve only us, it doesn't involve our guests. I didn't even say, how the hell, okay, Vancouver. Man, look at this crowd, it's hot, so much for laid back Canadians, how are they really fucking going wild? We'll calm them down.
Starting point is 00:04:24 Guys, I wanted to say something, we'll talk about Boston Pizza in one second. All right, so now you're changing your mind, I'm just saying, you said you want, you're a little hypocrite. You said you didn't want to talk about it right off the bat, so we'll, can I say something off the bat? Thank you to Maxi, Kelsey, Justin, and Jasmine for these beers you brought. Wow, okay, we got some Brew Dogs, got some nice gifts backstage, I also wanted to shout someone else out.
Starting point is 00:04:48 Hamilton, Hamilton, did you end up coming here? Hamilton and his girlfriend, were you able to make it? The guys had a... Are you guys cheering for Hamilton to play or Hamilton himself? In 1876, the tricky was signed. That's your impression of Hamilton? That was pretty good. Did you see 1876?
Starting point is 00:05:12 I may have gotten the century wrong. When you rap, it is very scary, you start, you went back and forth, it was very, it was kind of got me scared up here. Yeah, it was involuntarily convulsing, it was my body rejecting rhyme. You guys, I hope you guys made it here, I'm glad you guys made it here safe and sound, I know you guys had a little bit of a fracas earlier, but I'm glad that there's no, we're in a vehicular accident and thankfully, I don't know, actually I'm saying thankfully everyone's okay, I don't know, I'm assuming so if they came here.
Starting point is 00:05:49 If you came to the show and someone's dead, you are fucked up. Also a massive Raptors fans, a fan, I am going to, I am, my East Coast team I'm rooting for, I hope the Raptors make the finals again, what a, what a... That's such bullshit. What a back to back thing that would be. That's such bullshit. Are they their best player and still are ascending to the two seed in the East, very impressive. If the Raptors are on screen, like Jurassic Park, the movie screen, I'll root for them,
Starting point is 00:06:19 but if we're on the court, no, no, no. You root for the Raptors in Jurassic Park? All right, you know, I realized, I realized that I shouldn't be rooting for the Raptors. It's cool when they open the doors in Jurassic Park. That is amazing. Yeah. You learn a little something from that? That's what those things are for.
Starting point is 00:06:45 You got bursts through them, like the Kool-Aid man, every time I go to the room. Wait, we got a lot to, we have a lot to, wait, wait, what are you going to say? We want to get through it. What are you going to say? Okay, let's talk about it. We went to Boston Pizza last night. Do you guys, some booze I'm hearing. Guess what?
Starting point is 00:07:01 Hold your booze, we liked it. We said last night that it was like very much like a Chuck E. Cheese. It was like a better, it was the pizza quality was like a better Chuck E. Cheese, and it was nice that they had a full bar. I was not expecting that a lot of the. I liked the crust. It reminded me of like 90s shitty pizza. It was like a three, three and a half fork, and I, and I, forks, and I liked it.
Starting point is 00:07:25 It was nice. You used no, no reaction to that. Nope. No one loves it. No one likes this place. You got, you, but you, you characterized it in an interesting way. You said it wasn't shitty good. It was good shitty.
Starting point is 00:07:38 Am I correct? Yes. Yeah. What's the difference? Uh, what, like, what's something that's shitty good? Shitty good? Yeah. Uh, shitty good is like, uh, I don't know, shitty, uh, to read, I don't know, something
Starting point is 00:07:53 that's bad for it. What are you saying? This podcast. This podcast. Disagree on the good part. It's just, it's just plain shitty. It was good shitty. It was good shitty.
Starting point is 00:08:04 Yeah. It was low quality, but it's like executed to a degree of proficiency. Yes. Yeah. I thought it was fine. I did whatever. Yeah. For something that we're going to eat at like, uh, after midnight, after we'd fucking been
Starting point is 00:08:17 on a flight all day. Which we need to talk about. We need to talk about this flight. Can I get into it? Yes, please. Okay. First, I'm going to hit you guys with a drop. Wow.
Starting point is 00:08:26 Play it, please. Ladies and gentlemen, this is Mambo number forty-five. One, two, three, forty-five. I like President Trump. The Trump is the number forty-five. Orange buffoon. I like President Trump. Oh, boy.
Starting point is 00:08:35 The Trump is Orange buffoon. I like President Trump. The Trump is Mambo number five. Oh, of course, Trump. It's a fucking stud. Mayor Pete twenty-twenty. There we go. Two very incriminating pieces of audio and isolation for us.
Starting point is 00:09:06 Funny enough, can't find the email. I took a picture of us, too. Oh, well, I thought that this is the only place that we could kind of play that drop. In Canada, we don't... Because it pertains to American politics? Yeah. I'm saying like... You think in the States, people would get too heated?
Starting point is 00:09:24 Yeah, people get too upset. They get too hoppin' mad. Yeah. Yeah. They're like, fuck Mayor Pete. In the rest, they'd be okay. We're on a plane. I got this.
Starting point is 00:09:37 You got it. It's from Pete. Hey, Mitch, this is my first drop, but nothing else, it is short. Enjoy. Also, you can play the drop from my site here, whatever, whatever. His Instagram handle is Mitch, hopefully this drop can bring our nation together. With one drop, that can become a ripple that would turn into an ocean of votes that will
Starting point is 00:10:11 take this man out of the White House and usher in a new century of progressive politics. This is your Mayor Pete impression? I have been learning to talk like Obama. My voice is naturally, unnaturally lower. You don't have to do an impression, you just sound like Mayor Pete. Wow, that's the meanest thing you've ever said to me. He said Bernie 2020, Weigar, Mitch 2024. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:10:37 PSD Atlantic Ocean is better than the Pacific, uh-oh. He's from Brooklyn. I don't like that Bernie 2020 into Weigar, Mitch 2024, because that suggests either Bernie loses or we're running as Republicans. Also, you know how people are afraid to have Bernie win because he's old and they don't think he'll be around? It's double that for us. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:05 Are you kidding? We won't even be alive in 2024. Okay so we took our flight here and on the plane we noticed a man watching episode one, the Phantom Menace. An older gentleman. An older gentleman. And I started taking pictures of him, fucking, put it on my Instagram story. And then he went right into episode two.
Starting point is 00:11:29 Credits rolled in episode one right into episode two. Right into episode two. Right into Attack of the Clones. This older man. Transfixed. So while he was watching that, another man came on the plane and said- He got on the plane late. He was like rushing onto the plane, just barely made it, and went to put something in the
Starting point is 00:11:44 overhead compartment. And he was like, hey, I'm going to move this bag, if it's anyone's bag, it was the man watching episode one bag, but he didn't hear because he was watching episode one. Yes. So he moves the bag, and then the flight lands, and the guy whose bag got moved is all upset. He's like, where's my bag? The Star Wars enthusiast puts away his laptop right in the middle of the scene, where Anakin tells Queen Amidala that he doesn't like sand, it's too coarse and it gets everywhere.
Starting point is 00:12:14 And then he gets up and opens the overhead compartment and he's like, where's my bag? Where's my bag? Who moved my bag? Here's the thing about it. The man who was watching Star Wars episode one was Brian Henson. Director of Muppet Treasure Island. The son of Jim Henson. Yes.
Starting point is 00:12:31 And the man who moved his bag was RZA from Wu-Tang Clan. And RZA was like sitting there trying not to say anything. RZA was afraid of Brian Henson. RZA was like, oh shit. RZA sat there and Brian Henson was like, who moved this, he's so mad. RZA and Brian Henson. He was all upset. That's a surprising celebrity beef.
Starting point is 00:12:57 I worked for Brian Henson for a little bit. I love you, man. I worked for Brian Henson, of course, didn't say anything to him at all. Well, it was an awkward situation to be like, oh, this guy's in the middle of, I don't know him that well. And then he was in the middle of clearly some sort of conflict. And I didn't want to be like, hey, hi, you remember me? Someone moved your bag.
Starting point is 00:13:16 I know who moved it. And also when we got the security check in, Tim Meadows cuts right in front of us. Another celeb. Probably heading up here. Yeah. Everyone here wishes they were at his show. It's true. I looked at you and I looked at Weigar and looked at him and I was like doing a test
Starting point is 00:13:35 to see how long it would take you to realize it was him. And I think it was about 15 minutes. Yeah, it wasn't. I didn't realize there was anything notable about it. I didn't realize someone cut in front of us. Yeah, yeah. It was Tim Meadows. The ladies man himself.
Starting point is 00:13:50 Is it true? This is something we were told and I wanted to see if it's true what the people are in the audience. There are no Taco Bells anywhere in British Columbia. Is that true? There are some Taco Bells. Are there no Taco Bells in Vancouver? There's like two in Vancouver, okay.
Starting point is 00:14:07 We heard that it's because of like some old millionaire man, right? Some eccentric guy has the Taco Bell license that he's using for his own nefarious purposes and refuses to give it to Yum Brand so they can expand. Can you get in trouble for telling a crowd of people to kill someone? I mean, I don't know the laws in Canada as well as they do in the US, but I'm going to assume yes. Okay, then I'll say nothing. I did have a quick, we have some great guests we should get out here, but I did have a quick
Starting point is 00:14:39 thing I wanted to say real quick that's pertinent to being in Canada, that was an interaction I had in the US. So obviously everyone here knows about the Justin Trudeau brown face scandal thing because I think he did it like 40 times, so it's kind of hard to miss it. But when that happened, it says so rarely does any news related to Canadian politics trickle south of the border into the states, but that was one of the stories that was like on the news and everyone knew about it. And so I was late for work one day and instead of having it taking the bus, I had to take
Starting point is 00:15:11 an Uber. Oh, interesting. The Uber driver. Yeah, I'm late for work sometime. I got there on time, but I just had to alter my... I was late for work and I got there on time. I was running late for work and I would have been late if I'd taken the bus because I missed the bus I needed to get on.
Starting point is 00:15:27 Anyway, the point of the story is the older woman driver I was striking up a conversation with and she brought up the Justin Trudeau thing and she was like, she was like, oh, did you see this Justin Trudeau thing? I think it's horrible. And I was like, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. And she's like, I mean, the way they're treating him. And then she goes, I mean, I used to dress up like that all the time. What?
Starting point is 00:15:54 And it's because I love other cultures like she was like defending it. I was like, Jesus Christ. Dear God. Yeah. I got rolled into oncoming traffic. I didn't know what else to do. It's the fucking most uncomfortable Uber ride. Wait, wait, the Caesar drink, that's the thing they don't have in the U.S. they have up here.
Starting point is 00:16:16 We wanted to mention the Caesar. We do want to mention the Caesar. The Bloody Mary with Clamato, yes? Yeah. One of your favorites. I haven't had it since I've been back. We had it at the Fable Diner when we went to the Fable Diner last time we were here. Wow.
Starting point is 00:16:27 We really like the Fable Diner. We waited about seven hours to get in, but it was great when we got, I got a dry chicken eggs Benedict. Do you remember that? No, I don't. I honestly don't remember what I had. There's a chance that I died that day and this has all just been like a hospital bed dream since then.
Starting point is 00:16:44 God, what a fucking weak ass. No shit. You're gonna be living in it. It sucks. Guys, we've got some truth, I guess. You ready for a guess? They host the amazing improvised musical podcast, Off Book. Make some noise for Jessica McKenna and Zach Reno.
Starting point is 00:17:18 Some jazzy gyrations to the cat soundtrack. Yeah. Just on your entrance. There's an amazing musical and an even more baffling film somehow. But a great jam. Thank you for having us. Oh my God. What a treat.
Starting point is 00:17:31 What a treat. What did you say? Some jazzy gyrations? Jazzy gyrations. Jazzy gyrations. What's going on today? He couldn't say no to the alliteration. He had to and we did gyrate a little.
Starting point is 00:17:43 That's true. A little. Sometimes you can cut it back on the alliteration. Oh God, I can't say alliteration. God damn it. It's okay. Sometimes you should cut it back on the alliteration. You'd like to alleviate the alliteration?
Starting point is 00:17:54 On the alliteration. Thank you guys so much for being up here. Like us, it's kind of a quick turnaround in Vancouver, British Columbia. Have you spent much time in the BC? No. First time. First time. First time in the BC.
Starting point is 00:18:10 Yeah. Yeah. Loving it. It's been great. So pretty. We got bikes this morning. We biked around Stanley Park. Oh, a treat.
Starting point is 00:18:18 Beautiful. Thank you. Beautiful. It is so nice. I don't know which one of you did it, but. Good job. Really good job. Hire yourself on the back.
Starting point is 00:18:27 You. We were a little sleepy and we went for it and it was a great choice. This is the best move. Yeah. Mitch, what were you calling Vancouver? Were you calling it the Cove? The Cove. I call it the Cove.
Starting point is 00:18:37 Do people do that? Oh hell yeah. No, they don't. Whoa, what a unilateral mix. That was like thumbs up. It was booze. It was yeses. But I think almost everyone made a noise.
Starting point is 00:18:51 Everyone made a noise and I'm confused as ever. Do people call it the Cove? No. No. Do you want to? No. Okay. I call it, I also call it Vancouver.
Starting point is 00:19:03 Does anyone call it Vancouver? Vancouver is like a Muppet who they tried once and then decided it was not good enough to bring back. Brian Henson. Cut him out. Brian Henson. That's what, I remember the new Muppet movie, the last movie I saw with my dad was the new Muppet movie.
Starting point is 00:19:23 That's sweet. With the Amy Adams one? The Amy Adams one. But I think my dad was like, who the fuck is like Walter? So the last movie I saw with my dad was like, who's this fucking whistling Walter guy? Fair question. I agree. Get him out of there.
Starting point is 00:19:36 Do you think that's what did him in? You know what? No one says that about, no. I give him credit. I like that actually. Well, I actually got one. I want to ask you guys about pre-show eats because your show in particular is quite mentally and physically draining.
Starting point is 00:20:01 You have to improvise songs. You have to sing a sentence and then sing a subsequent sentence that rhymes. And you're coming up with it out of the top of your head. Wow. What a break. I'm sorry. I will. This is an amazing poll quote.
Starting point is 00:20:15 They sing a sentence and then they sing a sentence that rhymes. Do you keep it light? Do you eat anything? You just loop up the pipes with some liquid? What do you do? It varies. I think in this particular instance, it was a weird pocket of time. Post-ANW sound check and then coming here, we did just each have a beer and a few edamame.
Starting point is 00:20:40 We're coming in with weird energy. That's weird energy, I think, safely. It was not a low ABV and it was not that many edamame. The only things that really will mess with singing, like dairy, dairy is bad. And then also, if you eat things that generally make you feel like garbage, that will affect it. This is a little teaser. I was worried about how I was going to feel, but I felt great. I felt great.
Starting point is 00:21:06 Yeah, that's right. I felt and feel great. I remember watching an interview with Jeff Tate, the lead singer of QueensRike, and he was saying that... What? I...what? What? I remember QueensRike. Absolutely not.
Starting point is 00:21:25 They were kind of big in the 90s out of you. QueensRike? QueensRike, yeah. They're a Seattle band. They're a Seattle band. Okay. But anyway, Jeff... How many times are we going to do that over the course of the show?
Starting point is 00:21:37 Inumerable. Speaking unison or say okay? Both. He has this amazing baritone voice. There's a voice with a lot of character to it, but he was talking about how he likes a hot liquid when he's singing. And I was like, oh, that's interesting. Yeah. Does that help?
Starting point is 00:21:54 Yes. And also, I think cold water is bad. You prefer room temp? Yeah. Because it makes your vocal cords will like seize up. Seize up. Just like if you jump into like a cold pool, all of your muscles go. Have either of you been in a pool before ever?
Starting point is 00:22:09 Yeah, a few times. You guys know about pools? Yeah. It's been a good decade for me, but I've been in them plenty of times. You got you. They're great. Cool. My issue with pools is that I can't emball and the water all comes out of the pool.
Starting point is 00:22:23 Cold water is bad. I can't... I mean, it's not like irreversibly bad. It's just not top tier choice. Here's the thing. Water is the worst drink. We all know it. We all know.
Starting point is 00:22:33 We all know. I'm with you. It sucks. It sucks. I like it. There's so many choices and it's coming in with nothing. It's got nothing. It's a plane.
Starting point is 00:22:41 Nothing. You have some syrup. You got a party. You got some bubbles. You got something. You two are absolutely wrong. But then if it's cold, that's the only way I can do it. So I can't do...
Starting point is 00:22:52 I don't like room temp water at all. I love water. Of course. It's a sack. Yes. We sat appropriately. We watered. We watered.
Starting point is 00:23:01 We did. We did. We'll get into that too because when we were talking about dairy, that side had dairy at lunch, I noticed. And you and I did not. And our voices sound great. Where are my water freaks out there in Vancouver? Hashtag H2O.
Starting point is 00:23:13 H2O. How about how many of you people don't like to drink water at all? Hashtag H2No. Wow. Hashtag H2No. Yeah. Honestly, looking around this city, it seems like people hydrate. It seems like a pretty healthy city.
Starting point is 00:23:36 I'm not surprised. It feels healthy. It feels clean and crisp. So I'm not shocked that we're the minority vote. It's just wild to me because it's like some huge percentage of your body. It would be like being like, sunlight? No thanks. A thing I need to survive literally.
Starting point is 00:23:51 I think I might be on board that. The no sunlight train. I'm going to go outside and get a sunburn and look like a big fat tomato. That's saying direct sunlight for 20 hours on end. All right. I like it that it gives life and so on and so forth. We were talking before the show with a couple from the Yukon and they were saying that there's periods where there's like 18 hours of darkness and you were like, that sounds
Starting point is 00:24:22 great. I want to go. And they were like, oh, you know, you want to go in and say 21 hours of light. And I was like, no, I want the dark one. And they were like, what? Why? And I said, get off the stage. Your time's up.
Starting point is 00:24:34 I'm actually kind of with you on this one. That actually does sound great. Oh, you're a night person. Yes. Man. Like the vampire. No, no, but like that sounds great. I mean, I'm like, I'm from California.
Starting point is 00:24:46 We don't get a lot of rain. It's sunlight all the time. All the time. So like that, just the mixing it up of it sounds cool. I like, I like a little rain. And that's the way I like my water coming down from the sky. God's water or none at all. If I'm not getting it through my head, I don't want it.
Starting point is 00:25:04 Mitch, you're going to hog all of those beers for yourself? No, I'm not. But I realized that we don't have any cups for just Zach. So we, we fucked up. You know that those are their own drinking. There are individual cans. You could just distribute. There's it's four beers, but it's two different flavors.
Starting point is 00:25:21 Cups backstage. I'll go grab some. Oh yeah. Yeah. Zach's going to grab some. Zach's leaving to get more beer. Never was there ever. I can't so clever as magical.
Starting point is 00:25:30 Mr. Mustaphalese. Bum, ba dum bum. Never was there ever. I can't so clever as magical. Mr. Mustaphalese. I couldn't, you couldn't. Pretty good. The correct words were ba dum dum dum.
Starting point is 00:25:48 And they, they were pretty good. They were, they were, people were singing it, but were embarrassed to be singing it. Yeah. That makes the difference. Nervously looking around being like, will this get me my ass kicked? Will this get me my ass kicked?
Starting point is 00:25:59 The answer is, the answer is yes. I, I unironically like cats a lot, but it is a baffling musical. I know. And a bad movie. Old Deuteronomy lived a long life. He was a cat who lived. Oh God.
Starting point is 00:26:13 Look, I keep going. I shouldn't have cut you off. Many lives in progression. I forget it. He was famous in proverb. They think I'm cool. I can't be doing this. That was great.
Starting point is 00:26:22 Famous in proverb and famous in rhyme. And I forget. And oh, oh, the next sign is crazy. A long time. A long time. But isn't it? Before. Queen Victoria's.
Starting point is 00:26:32 Victoria's succession. Succession. Succession. Succession. Yeah. You kind of know words to cats. I learned, I learned that in memories for Armin Weitzman sketch.
Starting point is 00:26:43 And I learned, I learned that in memories for Armin Weitzman sketch. And I got there to the theater. I bought both of them on iTunes early on back in the day for a dollar each. And sat in them in my car all week and learned both of them. I got there and he's like,
Starting point is 00:26:55 we're not doing the songs anymore. What's the other one? Memories? Yeah. You know little memories? A little bit. I don't know. This was also like a decade ago.
Starting point is 00:27:04 I don't know. You don't have to do it. You don't have to do it. Memories. All alone in the moonlight. That's the thing. That's the part, that's the part we want. A beautiful voice not tainted by dairy.
Starting point is 00:27:23 Nothing but the hits. Man, it rang out. Yeah, it really did. Oh man. Oh, I'm sweating bullets. So we're drinking some real beer, but we're also talking root beer. Do you guys?
Starting point is 00:27:41 Wow. Do you guys like? A Segway King. That's what I bring to the table. A Segway King. Do you guys like root beer? Where does it stand on your, in your tier of carbonated sweet beverage?
Starting point is 00:27:55 Okay. I love it. I'm a big Coke head and I had... Clarify, please clarify. I'll let it hang. Please clarify. And I had a real DP moment in middle school. But...
Starting point is 00:28:12 Do you know? Who's to say? All right. But I think root beer is very high in my pantheon of soda, but as is, which I almost got, but then decided not to because the root beer was so perfect, but cream soda also very high. Love cream in my mouth.
Starting point is 00:28:29 Oh, I'm sorry. I failed you. I didn't actually have it, but thank you for... Wait for the beer. Wait for the beer. Got it. You're watching this. You're not a cream soda fan.
Starting point is 00:28:38 No, the beer is called Candy Land and it's some sort of a vanilla-y beer. How fun. Should I pass this down? Beer with strawberry and vanilla. Oh, did you bring me? Oh, so this is... Cheers.
Starting point is 00:28:49 Thank you. This is cream soda adjacent then. Okay, great. That's a lot. It's a very beautiful can. It is very... Yeah, it's very pretty. It has this sort of ruby color to it.
Starting point is 00:28:58 Zach, are you... Ooh! Yes! I like it. So there is a cream soda called Big Red. Okay. Oh, I've had Big Red. It's a Southern thing, right?
Starting point is 00:29:07 Oh, my God. And this is... That's great. It's got a little... Ooh, that's great. Whoa. That's dangerous. What's the ABB mean?
Starting point is 00:29:15 You could feed that to children. Six percent. That goes amazing. Nick, take no. Jesus Christ. It's so nice to sit back and relax in your tropes. I feel... It's like being coming back home, you know?
Starting point is 00:29:33 Zach, root beer. Where do you stand? Love it. This is one of my top three, maybe top two sodas that I drink. I don't drink a ton of soda anymore, but root beer is way up there. What else is in there? It's probably... And this is mostly...
Starting point is 00:29:46 Not that I drink it now anymore, but like from growing up, it's cactus cooler. Wow. Yeah. So wild like orange pineapple thing. Yes. That probably took years off my life. It's so good. It's so good.
Starting point is 00:29:59 That was my fat kid lunch drink every day coming all of middle school. So I rolled up to a birthday party that was sporting a leader of cactus cooler and it was going to be a good time. Turn up. Yeah. Turn up in this bounce house with this cactus cooler. Hell yeah. Hell yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:12 Why are you saying it's your fat kid lunch drink? Yeah. The cactus cooler? So you're drinking it now? Fucking fat. Fucking fat ass. It's always nice when you have like a support structure from a friend you love. I'm a man.
Starting point is 00:30:28 You two work together. I know you're a man. I'm a man. I'm a man. I'm a man. I'm a man. You shouldn't have made that coke joke because at 2 o'clock am I going to go out and be like are you serious about that coke thing?
Starting point is 00:30:42 You got anything on you? You didn't ask me about how I feel about Revere? I was going to get to you. I want to start with our guests. No, no, no, that's fair. They work together and they like each other and they're nice to each other. Yeah, I know. It's weird.
Starting point is 00:30:58 I don't get it. How does that, what happened with us? We were wondering if we should be leaning into your dynamic on this. Yes, you have to be mean to each other from here on out. You're on my team and he's on his team. Yeah, I can't believe you like water, you freak. Yeah. It's too much power.
Starting point is 00:31:18 Mitch, where do you stand in root beer? I like root beer a lot. It's not my go-to. I love a root beer flow. It's not my go-to soda because I'll just do like a coke. Coca-Cola. But it reminds me of like dads. It's like a great dad drink.
Starting point is 00:31:34 Are you talking about dad's root beer? No, not specifically. I mean dads in general. Dads do like root beer. Dads love a root beer. I'm going to have a root beer or a Dr. Pepper. Two dad drinks. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:31:47 Dads love DP. Yeah. Very good. Dads like root beer and Dr. Pepper, I'm telling you. They like a little spicy. Hey, a little spice for the movie. In that sector, it's known as the pepper soda, the Dr. Pepper. All the rip-off variants like your Dr. Stars, your Dr. Sizzles, your Dr. A+.
Starting point is 00:32:07 Your Mr. Pibs. Your Mr. Pibs. They're all pepper sodas. Are any of them, but the like prune is the operative flavor there, isn't it? Dr. Pepper has something like 32 noted flavors or something like that. You can't have that many noted flavors because unless you have that many, you have none. If I was like, this is a painting of, this is a small painting of a hundred geese. It's actually a painting of no geese.
Starting point is 00:32:36 I got some people who do pointillism who really want to argue with that. Zach, I'll commission that painting for $10,000. Done. Verbally binding done. It's all geese and no geese. I'm ready to be the pariah on the panel. I don't love root beer. Wow.
Starting point is 00:32:55 It's just not my choice. It doesn't taste enough like root, if you ask me. I go towards, I love Dr. Pepper. I love Coca-Cola. I love DP. I love a sprite like a lemon lime soda, but root beer I never gravitate towards. But I will say this week's chain, A&W, executes a very good root beer. And in particular, that frosted mug is something else.
Starting point is 00:33:35 Man alive. It really is something. If you haven't been to A&W Canada, maybe some of our PR listeners in the States who aren't here today, they have mugs literally in like a fucking freezer and they're cold as shit. And they take them out of there and they're like covered with ice and they put the root beer in them. Or if you got a root beer float, they put some ice cream and root beer in them and it's a fucking delight. There were four of them on a tray and I made you pick it up. I was like, Nick, how heavy do you think this tray is going to be?
Starting point is 00:34:03 And then I said, it's three times heavier than that. I picked it up and then I became the king of England. It was so fucking heavy. It's like Excalibur. They were true mighty glass mugs. It felt good to cheers them. It felt great. Even though we were cheersing a soda much like a child would, too.
Starting point is 00:34:24 You could really brain somebody at a post-Connux playoff game riot. Oh, God. Can you imagine? Right after you get horny in the middle of the street. We know how you guys do it. We saw that one bit. I thought that was staged. It wasn't staged?
Starting point is 00:34:46 They were Australian. Of course. Of course. That fucking prison continent. Fucking horny ass Aussies. The mug puts it over the top for me. That was such a delightful glass of root beer. Zach and I just kind of worked out.
Starting point is 00:35:03 Like you were saying earlier, Zach and I got root beer floats. You guys got the straight-up root beer. Yeah, that's right. And the root beer notably is made with cane sugar now. They phased out the high-fructose corn syrup. A great glass of root beer goes down smooth. Great carbonation to it. Great head.
Starting point is 00:35:19 And just how fucking great head. It's so fucking cold. Yeah. It was amazing. I loved it. I loved it. After you guys left, I lost track of Weigart. I looked and he was in that root beer mug freezer.
Starting point is 00:35:37 Just standing there. He's like, it's cold in here. I just wanted to feel how cold I could get. I loved it. Did you guys ever have mugs growing up that you'd pop in your freezer? Not really. I do it right now.
Starting point is 00:35:52 Wow. Yeah. I got a big glass commemorative mug from an Oktoberfest. And I popped that in the freezer for all kinds of beverages. A beer, a water to make it less bullshit. And iced tea. It's a great time. I mean, anyone, I just want anyone to know,
Starting point is 00:36:15 you can frost your own mug. I want to give you that power. I want to give you that efficacy. Get it wet, put it in the freezer. And it's a great time. And the fact that they were executing it so beautifully at a fast food restaurant. And so dang fat.
Starting point is 00:36:30 The service was lightning. It was so fast. A big group of people came on before the two of you showed up. We were very late. 25 minutes late. Yes. We were extremely late. Mitch's fault.
Starting point is 00:36:42 It was not my fault. You made us late to something else. That was beforehand. Hold on a second. You made us late to something else beforehand. This is such bullshit. You said meet at 2.40 and I got there at 2.47. Bullshit.
Starting point is 00:36:53 That's the hundred percent the truth. You did not get there 2.47. It's the fact that you guys have Uber in this town and it took 22 minutes to get an Uber. Sit back, relax in the swimming pool of this trope. You're blaming me being late on... You were late. It's insane.
Starting point is 00:37:07 You're an insane man. Let me say we were insane. You were insane. Where I got there at 2.47, you didn't get in the lobby where we're going to get a car. You got to a place where you were going to get yourself a muffin and a donut. You were sitting... And that took an additional five minutes. Which I both of, yes.
Starting point is 00:37:22 What kind of muffin? At 2.40 we were supposed to be in the lobby but you ordered it upstairs. It wasn't my fault that the Uber was 20 minutes. And guess what? Motherfucker. We would have been even later if it wasn't for me because I fucking hunted down a cab. You piece of shit. We actually should talk about this.
Starting point is 00:37:37 This was... I fucking terminated her too to cab. This was heroic. It's true. Mitch turned into New England patriot Vince Willfork. Just a fleet of foot big man, sprinted across the street and flagged down a cab. It was the fastest I've ever seen you move. For a second I thought you'd seen an ice cream truck.
Starting point is 00:38:01 My seven minutes late didn't translate to 25. You were a piece of shit. I'm gonna fucking brain you with a fucking A&W mug. I can't think of a single other fast food restaurant that has an actual piece of... What's the word? Equipment? Equipment? That they give to you?
Starting point is 00:38:22 Like they don't give you a real fork or a real cup? A weapon. A weapon. Yes, I'm sorry. It's a heavy ass mug. And it just so many places would have half ass that in a paper cup or something like that. Not A&W Canada. McDonald's would have like drawn blue cold chili lines on a paper cup.
Starting point is 00:38:40 Also, we went and recorded a podcast and got sent the wrong address which you were in charge of. That's true, yeah. Oh, and that cost us what? 30 minutes? A piece of shit? Well... Well, I don't want to... I don't want to get into that.
Starting point is 00:38:52 Oh! Now you don't want to talk about it. I got the wrong address. I don't want to incriminate the person who sent the address to me. Oh, okay! But you're fine saying it's all my fault when I fucking ran down that car. When I was running, I was like, I should just fucking run to A&W. Fucking faster than all these cars on the road.
Starting point is 00:39:07 Did you feel alive? I felt alive. My heart... It beat it. Yeah, it's supposed to. So we got in a cab that Mitch hunted down and we were driving over there and the driver was so baffled that we were going 20 minutes to an A&W. Yes. We were like passing like multiple A&Ws on the way.
Starting point is 00:39:28 It's like, there's one right there. We were like, no, we have to go to this one because we're meeting some people. But it is like, they're everywhere here. They're ubiquitous. Why is it so hard to get around in Vancouver? Why? What's going on up here? I think we got in...
Starting point is 00:39:46 Given ourselves a little bit more time, we could have taken the Skytrain. There was a Skytrain route to where we're going. I would have loved to have taken the Skytrain. You love the Skytrain. Seems fun. Seems good. Yeah, I looked up for one thing and they were like, it's the same as walking. And I was like, okay, we'll just walk.
Starting point is 00:40:01 But normally I would love to get on some Skytrain. Is it in the sky at all? How far up? Don't fib. How far up constitutes sky? Is this sky? Whoa, whoa, whoa. When is it sky?
Starting point is 00:40:21 Damn, damn. I want to say something about A&W and this pertains to the American A&W. I have fond memories of that because I was forced to go to a Boy Scout camp every summer. I know exactly the F-in-1 you're talking about. Yes, so on your way up to that fucking mountain. San Bernardino Forest. There's an A&W and it's like the last stop of civilization before you go into the woods of California. And we would stop there every time before the camp out and it was like having one good night.
Starting point is 00:40:56 It was like the scene in Goodfellas when they go and they party all night and then he's like, now take me to jail. That's how it felt. It was like, okay, I have one great meal and then I'm gonna eat fucking gruel for a week. And now for me to just be the universal inverse of you. For me it was, let's have one more stop on our way down from theater camp to relish our dear friendships for just a moment more. So it was just exactly diametrically opposed. But I know exactly the one you're talking about because we're both so Cal and I know the mountain road. And I have the same fond memories of like that A&W being like, I can't believe camp is over and I have to wait 358 days till I see you again.
Starting point is 00:41:37 But can you do one more hour at A&W and we'll sing Seasons of Love over a root beer? Jesus Christ. Sorry man. Mine was like. The scout master said the same thing to Weigher. The scout master could do the really high solo. Yeah, sure. Yeah, it was, no, it was, that was like, oh fuck, I'm spending, I mean, one good meal here and then I'm gonna spend a week in this fucking jingoistic Christianist indoctrination organization
Starting point is 00:42:13 led by a bunch of fucking alcoholic rednecks who are gonna tell me to be my surrogate father. It was a fucking nightmare. I hated it every year. I dreaded it every year. I just dream, I would dream about the video games I was gonna play when I got home. Yeah. That's all I would do. I did one club scout meeting.
Starting point is 00:42:29 Yeah. I made my dad paint the car that we were supposed to make for the race and we didn't win and I was out. That's, you're talking Pinewood Derby. Sure, yes. No idea. Truly was like such a, just a brush in my life. Yeah, I went to one meeting and I thought there were kind of weirdos and I got out of there. Yeah, you should.
Starting point is 00:42:50 I mean, you were right. That was good. I didn't, I didn't have the choice. It was forced to be a fucking boy scout until it was like 17. Well, video game are you getting back to? Well, okay. There was a one, the summer I was just thinking about a Super Nintendo the whole time, which I didn't yet have. There was the summer I was thinking about playing the strategy game Master of Magic, which was the descendant of Master of Orion, the 4x space exploration game.
Starting point is 00:43:13 It's kind of playing that in a fantasy setting. Can I just, can I just tell you for real that, well, I want you to keep going on with your fucking insane babbling about what games. But I for real, like the moment that I saw in Nintendo Power, the preview for Super Mario World, it was like still to this day the best moment of my life. I really do think that life peaked around. It was like the 16-bit era into the 64, 32-64 bit era that like when gaming was so good and like you were still like a kid, but you were like old enough to be able to do stuff, at least for where our age range is. And then you just become an adult and then just like everything's worse. It's just like, oh, I didn't realize that was like the best time in my life. I remember like the day my first pubes sprouted.
Starting point is 00:43:57 I was like, this sucks. I remember when I saw my first armpit hairs, which I got before pubes, like I was like holding my armpit up to the mirror and I saw that there were like little sprigs of hair there and I said a prayer. You said a prayer? Yeah, I said a thank you prayer to God. What the fuck? Thank you Jesus for this wiry hair. You have bestowed out of my underarm. May they be many more.
Starting point is 00:44:27 May they travel far and wide across my body. May they grace my other arm, my nether region. Around my nipples, but not too much and not too close. And not that weird thing where it's just like a weird line. If we want to get into dark territory, I pray to God to take my acne away as a boy. Aww. You and I both had awful acne. Same, me too.
Starting point is 00:44:51 Horrible nodular acne for me. I was on fucking Accutane, the drug that makes you go insane. Me too. I really do think I lost my mind. You seem completely well adjusted. It's all of the side effects where they're just all like it would like cause psychotic episodes. There were pictures on the pill, pictures on the pill of like baby embryos with big heads and they were like do not get someone pregnant while on Accutane.
Starting point is 00:45:16 The baby will have a big head. I was like 13, it would be a straight up decade before that was going to be an issue. Wiger, your bio reads like Dylan Klebold Fun Facts. Was a boy scout. He's got a Fun Facts section on Swig of Edias. Alright, you know what, that does make sense. Hey, speaking of teens. Wow, you know what, he is the segue king.
Starting point is 00:45:49 He is man, give him the crown. Teen is one of the members of the burger family, which is A&W Canada describes a home of the burger family. Here's, I'll give you the rundown of the family tree. You got your mama, the papa, the grandpa. You got your baby, aww. You got teen, you got uncle, you got buddy. Hey buddy, just hate you. It's that person in your family who is family but not really your family.
Starting point is 00:46:14 Right, right, yeah. And then you've also got bison, which I don't know if that's a family pet in Canada. Got it, only in Alberta. Can I say this makes sense because the scroll back where you were. The smallest one, the mama's one patty, the papa's two patties, and then grandpa's as we know are bigger than mother's and her. And that's why that's the biggest burger. It's a size thing. You never stop growing.
Starting point is 00:46:43 Men grow for forever and so the oldest man in the world is also the biggest man. I like what you're saying, but it would be so sad if the grandpa patty was a shriveled smaller version. Yeah, it's just a weird name for it. Grandpa patty is just well done. Grandpa patty smells bad. You can't tell if grandpa patty is having a good time or not. Grandpa patty tells you the same story over and over again. And it's kind of problematic.
Starting point is 00:47:14 And you're like, I guess I'll listen because I have no better choice. Grandpa patty has a problem with the Portuguese for some reason. I got the Bistro Uncle Burger. Now that is a 100% pure beef patty with arugula, peppered bacon, grilled onions, tomato cheese, and garlic aioli. Now I got that burger and Mitch was like, they didn't put bacon on it. Oh, yes, they did. It was just so cleverly composed. You thought I was right when I said it.
Starting point is 00:47:40 I thought you were right. And then I bit into it and I was like, oh, there's bacon in here. It's just kind of layered properly. Much like an uncle. Much like an uncle. Much like an uncle. Layered in properly. Hidden in plain sight.
Starting point is 00:47:57 Everyone's got that one uncle they don't know where he is, right? The hidden uncle, they say. Mitch, you got the double teen, which sounds like a Pornhub search tab. I got the double teen burger. It's got two patties with, it says, the copy says raised without artificial hormones and steroids. They're very, very emphatic about all their food quality on their menu. Just like teens. Just like teens.
Starting point is 00:48:24 Cheddar, bacon, lettuce, tomato, and then whatever teen sauce is. I think we all know. I don't think anyone's confused about teen sauce. Everyone knows whatever teen sauce is. You were asking teen sauce to go on the way out the door. That's your side of teen sauce? You can get arrested for ordering in this restaurant. Teen sauce.
Starting point is 00:48:52 Who thought, how many layers of PR did that have to go through? Everyone was like, yeah, teen sauce. That's okay. That's okay for people to say over a counter in front of children. Love it. Absolutely. Let's call it teen sauce. Let's have a deal where it's free if it's nighttime.
Starting point is 00:49:11 You were the fucking, you were the weird uncle burger watching me do the eat the, oh god, hold on a second. Steady yourself, Miss. You can do it. You can do it. We need to give a fork rating for not the actual taste of this, but like the sort of naming conventions of A&W. Maybe not fork. It's a different scale. It was no surprise that you got the uncle burger though.
Starting point is 00:49:32 You fucking weirdo. You are a weird uncle man. I am an uncle. I am an uncle. I have two lovely nephews and two lovely nieces. And they are the light of my life. So yes, of course I got the uncle burger because it's a big part of who I am. Wow.
Starting point is 00:49:50 Yeah. Wow. Family is great. Fuck you. Well, I'm kind of like two teens. Covered in teen sauce. If you take a 19-year-old and an 18-year-old, together they're 37. That's the age I am, my friend.
Starting point is 00:50:11 And I still live like a teen. True. I eat fast food every day. My mom comes and helps me with my house. Play video games obsessively. I play video games obsessively. Yeah, the double teen burger was right for me. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:26 I'll just say that the meat was very good quality. The ingredients are just so high quality. I will say that we were like, I think I said this. I was like, it tastes like different. And it was because we were tasting natural ingredients. Yeah. I think you forget living in the States until you go to Europe or Canada or somewhere that has an organization that regulates what you can and cannot put in your mouth.
Starting point is 00:50:51 Right. Other countries are not allowed to eat the shit that we make food out of because it isn't food. Like, we had our friend Rob from England was visiting me and we took him to a rally that has since closed because rallies is not good. And he was like eating this chicken thing like really fast. He was like, this is incredible. I was like, yeah man, it's chemically designed to taste good and make you keep eating it. That's the end of what I had to say.
Starting point is 00:51:20 Hey, lay off of them. I love those ingredients. Fuck this country. You know what's better than natural ingredients? Science ones that trick my brain. Make me addicted to something I don't need. Yeah, it was good. Your food is good.
Starting point is 00:51:36 Good job. Very good burgers. And then we also got some chicken as protein. So we got the, we'll start with the one that was maybe the low light of our experience, the spicy chipotle chicken wrap. This is one you ordered, Mitch. My fault. I got the chicken wrap.
Starting point is 00:51:52 Chicken breast. Again, they make a point of saying chicken's raised without antibiotics. Like a teen. Like a teen. It's battered and it's in a flour tortilla with a jalapeno Monterey Jack cheese and chipotle mayo and a little bit of lettuce. I just feel like the chipotle flavor wasn't right. You know what they should do? All those ingredients that makes fast food.
Starting point is 00:52:11 So they should put it in the boring old water. Yeah man. If this water had teen sauce in it, I'd be guzzling it. Are you positing that none of the, you don't think there's any water in the hamburger? Then no, that's the point about not liking water is you get some of it anyway because it's everywhere. Hell yeah. Hell yeah. You're eating that shit no matter what.
Starting point is 00:52:32 That freaking shit's sneaking into everything. Yeah. I mean, I think like it was a good order for a completist attempt at like saying the menu, but I think yeah, it doesn't hold a place next to the other item. Has anyone made it? Is there other, you guys would know better than anyone. Are there any good fast food wraps? Are there any good fast food wraps?
Starting point is 00:52:53 Yes. Okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Sure. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. The lettuce wrap is very good. The lettuce wrap is very good.
Starting point is 00:53:04 And you can't really order it at a restaurant. You can order it at a Doughboy show apparently. It's true. Now guys. You'd like to yell it out. I do a lettuce wrap. Yeah. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:53:19 And you two are very good improvised singers and rappers. You can rhyme. I have a hard time with it. Would you help me? Maybe this can be the last fucking lettuce wrap. Yeah. Can you help me? For sure.
Starting point is 00:53:37 Yeah. I'll start it off and I'll do bad. Great. Okay. And then you guys can take over. Great. Okay. Do you want us to like, should we follow your meter and stuff?
Starting point is 00:53:47 Or do you want us to just like, go off the dome? Is the second sentence always, that's for me? That is a big part of it. Do you want a beat? Beat might fuck me up. We're going to give you a beat. Okay. Yeah, beat.
Starting point is 00:54:01 Okay. I think I can do it. Oh, wait. Oh, shit. I don't know how it goes. Why am I freaking out? It's like lettuce wrap. It's the lettuce wrap.
Starting point is 00:54:09 Oh, lettuce wrap. It's a lettuce wrap. Remain lettuce. That's what I like. A Caesar here is very nice. Caesar can also be a drink. Water sucks. That's what I think.
Starting point is 00:54:23 That's what I think. Lettuce wrap. It's a lettuce wrap. That sadly is the best version I've ever done. It was great. It was great. Keep going. It was good.
Starting point is 00:54:32 All the sentences run. Dressing, dressing, put it on. But we really like this song. Don't forget a big crouton. Lettuce wrap. It's a lettuce wrap. Lettuce wrap. You guys, now it's time to take your turn.
Starting point is 00:54:52 My shit's fired. You can feel it burn. Now you sing this lettuce song. Wiger, just suck your dong. Lettuce wrap. It's a lettuce wrap. Lettuce wrap. It's a lettuce wrap.
Starting point is 00:55:11 I want lettuce wrap. I want lettuce in my mouth going into my brain. My favorite kind of lettuce. Straight up, romaine. Everybody knows I want the lettuce to please ya. My favorite salad is the ice cream made Caesar. Yeah, it's a slant. I'm gonna change the vowels.
Starting point is 00:55:27 Water is the best when it's in a towel. When you're in the pool, getting all dry. Eat a bunch of lettuce, smoke it, get high. Lettuce is a name when you're smoking the weed. It's not real lettuce, but it's nice indeed. Lettuce wrap. It's the lettuce wrap. Damn.
Starting point is 00:55:49 Yo. Gonna drop this rhyme right out of my pocket. If I was in England, I'd call it rocket. Oh, yeah. Oh, what do I do to ya? My favorite lettuce is that pepperie arugula. It's got its own flavor and spice. It don't need that dressing, but you can.
Starting point is 00:56:06 It's nice, balsamic and vinegar, a little lemon. Oh, that's right. And yeah, I want to get with them that kind of lettuce wrap. The wrap that wraps you around in your arms like that. And it's like, I'll give you a big green hug. But can't believe it has a teeny, tiny bug. Then you say to the wait staff, I'm sorry, please. But there's a bug in my salad.
Starting point is 00:56:28 Geez, I'm sorry that I did that. I'll take it away. That almost never happens here at the PF Changs. A place where they serve lettuce wraps. Wow. My eyes are, I'm crying over how much better it was. A tour de force. Weiger's turn.
Starting point is 00:56:57 In 1876, a tree was signed. You would know that it would be divine. Restoration is what it was called. Oops. My dad is bald. One time I ate a sandwich. Then I was Halloween and there was a witch. Then I went to the store.
Starting point is 00:57:18 Then I went to another store. Yeah, and then he went to another store. And then he went to another store. And then he went to another store. He went to a store. Then he went to another store. Good warm-up for you. You're about to have to both do that for an hour at our show.
Starting point is 00:57:42 What a nightmare. Hey, we also got this spicy habanero chicken burger. Now this is a chicken sandwich that's got, I don't want to call it a chicken burger. It's not a ground chicken patty. It's a chicken breast that's breaded. But that's fine. It's a minor complaint.
Starting point is 00:57:58 Confusing. It's confusing. A little confusing. Cayenne pepper, jalapeno pepper, and habanero chili. With a red jalapeno aioli, crisp lettuce, and lettuce, and tomato on a toasted sesame seed bun. This was a fucking whole run. This was good as hell.
Starting point is 00:58:11 So good. So good. What a great chicken sandwich. Right up there with the Wendy's spicy chicken sandwich, which is one of my favorites. Oh. Definitely in the same category. I can't tell if that was so divisive or they just can't believe.
Starting point is 00:58:25 We would say that. For me, it's better. Wow. For me, it's better. Wow. Zach said this at the restaurant and I was livid. Yeah. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:58:36 But the spices, I like the habanero spice more than I like a pepper spice. So just for me, it's a better sandwich. For me, I don't think, I think they're basically like the same in terms of how great they are. I think Wendy's, I've just had it a million times more. Right. So that's still my number one spicy chicken sandwich, but this was a dang delight.
Starting point is 00:58:56 It was really good. Oh my gosh. So, so good. I regretted not ordering it when I had it. It was very, very, very good. We split one. We had one to share. I know what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:59:06 I'm sad that I didn't get one all for myself. Oh, you don't get one as your main. I had a half Weiger one, sucks. I would have rather had, I think if I'm thinking back on it, yes, I think I agree with you. I'd rather had one of those chicken sandwiches to myself and had a burger to share if we're going to do it all over again. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:20 Yeah. I thought it was, you know what? Very good. It tastes a little bit more artificial. For me, I'm like a little less water, a little more science. I miss the chemicals. Wendy's is my favorite, but that is,
Starting point is 00:59:35 that's a great chicken sandwich. You should be proud, Canada. It's fucking good. Very good chicken sandwich. Very good. Damn, it's good. Hey, you know, they also have breakfast all day and we got ourselves a bacon and agar
Starting point is 00:59:45 just to try that side of the menu. Vegetarian fed hens, an egg from them, cheddar cheese. They feed them a veggie diet. We stole their baby. Which we have to say, because like in our country, we make birds eat like other birds and shit. Yeah. Well, I thought birds,
Starting point is 01:00:04 birds are supposed to be a little bit omnivores, like if you include bugs. Like bugs. Yeah. But we feed them like cows, like cow byproducts. Yeah, that's no good. And they would eat us if they were big enough too. Yes.
Starting point is 01:00:15 But they're not. Because they're raptors that you cheer for. You want them to open doors and get in the kitchen? That's the only time I cheer for them at the end when Goldblum sees them flying outside the window. Got it. When they've evolved into a bird form. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:29 I won't root for raptors shredding someone apart, Nick. I read this FAQ years ago. Oh, boy. That was about, it was like a... God, I should have said anything. It was like probably, because you see some truly awful shit online, but this was all text
Starting point is 01:00:45 and it's still one of the most disturbing things I've ever seen and it was. Is your go-to browser like the dark web? So deflection. Laugh, swallows, takes a breath, continues. He's learned not to engage at this point. And that's what you do with the T-Rex. That's right.
Starting point is 01:01:09 So anyway, I log into my VPN and I go to the dark web. But I got this, this was years and years ago, early internet, it was just a text faq. And it was like talking about like, from a zoophiliac's perspective, how to like fuck all these different animals. And one of them was raptors. You are.
Starting point is 01:01:32 Eating birds. And I was like, who wants to fuck a meat-eating bird? Who's like this? Cheryl's hands? Oh my God. Put the Vancouver flag. I'm holding Vancouver's hands up.
Starting point is 01:01:42 Every single hand in Vancouver is up. It was so, it was so disturbing. There's all that like building trust and stuff and like becoming their friend and then getting comfortable with like you being naked around them and then adjusting to your sentence. I was so fucking, I want to fucking throw up, just thinking about it.
Starting point is 01:02:00 Them being comfortable with you naked around them is a part of this whole thing? Yeah, because they have to be like, oh, this is like normal, like this person's naked. So like step one, catch a bald eagle. Yes. Step two, lock that bald eagle in a room so that it can't escape to the sky.
Starting point is 01:02:16 Step three. Which starts where? Step three, be naked enough around the bald eagle so when he sees you naked, he's like, it's probably fine. It's not a worm, I guess, is a part of the deal? I guess. Wait a second, wait a second, wait a second. Don't they think that it's weirder that we wear clothes?
Starting point is 01:02:38 That's true. That's a great point. Okay, first way to make trust with an eagle show him that you are an animal just like it. Yeah. Don't wear clothes, you fly through the sky. Right. There's a whole chapter about how you dress up the bird
Starting point is 01:02:51 and then eventually you undress the bird towards the end of this. Okay. But what happened? Is there an explanation on how to have sex with a raptor? No, there fucking isn't. So you can't leave me with fucking blue balls? No, there were detailed.
Starting point is 01:03:08 I don't remember exactly how you get in that fucking Hawks' cloaca, but I mean they had... You like Kent, right? I don't know if you can. I think I can get in there. Yeah, you'd know you'd be fine. Isn't this dinosaur country? Isn't this part of the...
Starting point is 01:03:23 Isn't like a long time ago, isn't this dinosaur... Are there dinos up here? Alperna. Alperna, sorry. You fucked up. Sorry, what do you want me to say? Say sorry, but mean it. Sorry, I am sorry.
Starting point is 01:03:38 See, now they forgive you. What did you guys have millions of years ago? Uh... Trees. Trees. So the bacon and nager comes on an English muffin or a sesame seed bun. Segway King!
Starting point is 01:03:54 We got the English muffin because we were having a lot of them sesame seed buns. Very solid breakfast sandwich. The real cheddar cheese goes a long way towards elevating this over other chain restaurant. Now guys, I don't want to circle us back into a danger zone, but while Zach and I were waiting, there was an incredible video playing
Starting point is 01:04:11 of how they source several ingredients, including the cheddar cheese and it shows you cheese curds getting like smushed together. There was like three minutes on coffee harvesting and roasting. There was a great one about the root beer. Oh, great visuals of birch bark and licorice root.
Starting point is 01:04:30 The things in a root beer, then it tells you the current weather or the location of your... It was a great video. It was a great video. But watching the real cheddar cheese was like, damn, I want that. That looks great.
Starting point is 01:04:42 And then we ate it? And it was great. It was very, it was very, very good. That to me honestly was a highlight because I had no expectations for it and it was so good. I was like, this is like a top tier fast food breakfast. I'm going to search for that video late night
Starting point is 01:04:55 tonight when I get back to the hotel. You're going to like it. You're going to like it, man. The curds, they get squished together. And then somehow there's slices. You're like, this rules. Did they show how they make the teen sauce? They were like...
Starting point is 01:05:07 It's mostly blurred out. Yeah. It's the after dark A&W video. Jesus Christ. Teen sauce. It all starts. We'll never run. So we got some sides.
Starting point is 01:05:21 We are touching on the root beer, but the savory sides we got, we got the onion rings, the fries, and the poutine they do there. Now look, we're not going to claim to be experts on poutine. Well, maybe Mitch will. Yes, I am. Okay.
Starting point is 01:05:37 I think this was, and Zach, you wanted to ask what the gravy was, and we found out it's chicken gravy. So if you don't eat red meat, then that is an option for you. I thought the poutine versus the poutines I've had, especially at fast food restaurants, I'm like, this is really good.
Starting point is 01:05:52 It's a really good execution. The curds are like very substantial, and they look a lot of flavor to them. Yeah. They were like not hiding like an uncle. They showed up like a grandpa. They were the biggest thing there. They were giant.
Starting point is 01:06:05 I agree. They were great. It was really solid. They were really, really, really good. And that gravy, even though made from former Raptor, it was very nice. It was a nice gravy. Yeah, nice gravy.
Starting point is 01:06:17 Yeah. Nice brown gravy. The fries, I thought were solid. They were solid, but unspectacular, but good. I think the fries at A&W are unspectacular. I don't think they're bad. They're not bad.
Starting point is 01:06:27 They're good. I think they're just fries. They're good fast food fries. They're not. I don't think they're the things you're going for unless you're doing the poutine. They are in a very fun basket, though. That basket's great.
Starting point is 01:06:38 Oh, boy. I got Truth Man out here. Yell Truth when I said it. They're just fries. A lazy genie, if you ordered fries like that, will give you those A&W fries. A lazy genie? Well, if you didn't tell him that you want the best fries ever,
Starting point is 01:06:53 the genie's going to do like a genie's trick and be like, these are fucking fries. Yeah. He's technically qualified. Yes. You're wasting one of your wishes on a basket of fries. What are you doing? I feel like an idiot already.
Starting point is 01:07:05 Kind of strategize more. I think the, yeah, the fry, but however, the onion rings top tier fast food. Yeah. They're so fucking good. I can't think of a fast food place that makes better onion rings than this. Nor can I.
Starting point is 01:07:18 I don't think it exists. I mean, the fact that, I mean, I was going in and I knew there was a little bit of hype, and I don't think of my, I'm much more of a fry gal than an onion ring pal. And I, and I reached in and the dreaded pull out didn't happen. No.
Starting point is 01:07:34 You could bite through it. We didn't have to like tear it. The onion didn't like come out and then you're like, oh shoot, now I'm just eating breading. Right. You straight up said out loud, believe the hype. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:43 It was, they were so good. Really well seasoned. Like eventually I started dipping them ketchup just cause, but they did not require a dipping sauce. Not at all. They like stand alone. They were crispy. They were flavorful.
Starting point is 01:07:53 I freaking loved them. And in the video, they talked about how they harvest their onions and they let them cure in the sun. That's cool. And I don't know what that means, but I loved it. It means they grow it outside,
Starting point is 01:08:05 like a plant should do. Not like what we do with our plants, where we clone them. Metch the onion rings. Those old rings gave me whole face wise. He almost teen sauce. I was cross-eyed. Unreal.
Starting point is 01:08:30 Unreal good. I'll also say that they, a thing that you don't, they were well salted. The seasoning was a big highlight. Like you said, the season, but like I never, like you never even think about that with onion rings. I was like, these are salty and delicious
Starting point is 01:08:43 and not slipping out of the shell. It was amazing. Contra the fries, which the fries I feel like were kind of under seasoned. These were like perfectly balanced. These were top tier. Top tier. Love them, love them.
Starting point is 01:08:55 S tier. Well, let's get to our final thoughts on A&W Canada. So we'll each go around, we'll give a closing argument if you will, and a fork rating from zero to five forks. We will start to my left with Zach Reno. Can you remind me what restaurants
Starting point is 01:09:10 currently have a four or a five? Let me open the wiki. Hold on, we'll just take a little. I'm so sorry. The recent four tier restaurants, five fork, four fork restaurants. In and out burger. In and out burgers out there.
Starting point is 01:09:32 Wendy's has one. Wendy's has one of those. What's in and out at that? In and out has a five. Is a five fork. It finally got to five. Okay, so I will say, we were in there for a while,
Starting point is 01:09:41 a bunch of people showed up. We were worried that we were not going to make it in time. They were going so fast. The place was so clean. Everything with the exception of the wrap was really, really good. Honestly, I don't really expect fast food places
Starting point is 01:09:56 to be good at a wrap. I kind of don't care. This place is, I think, incredible. Yeah, this is a four and a half fork. Wow, very good score. I think it's really great. And that half is maybe just, I mean, it's hard for me to say
Starting point is 01:10:18 because I don't eat beef, so I feel like I shouldn't be able to weigh in without eating the actual hamburger that they make. But yeah, it's a four and a half for me. Just McKenna. I feel like I can't, I can't picture a better thing they could have done. Five forks.
Starting point is 01:10:40 Wow, wow. Wow. I freaking loved it. And I was prepped to like it because you guys remember, I was coming home from camp and I was having a great time with my dear friends. And I had had like crappy American A&W,
Starting point is 01:10:55 like I texted you like, oh, I'm stoked, I love A&W. And you're like, apparently Canadian one is better. It was. Yes. And I got an actual mug in a fast food restaurant where they serviced us within seven minutes,
Starting point is 01:11:10 with a large order. It's compostable. They have a beautiful video. They mopped that floor three times in a time where they're there. And it didn't smell. It was incredible. You know what, Jess? You've got, I'm up to five.
Starting point is 01:11:22 It was so good. Wow. Wow. You convinced me. I don't know what more they could do. In and Out is my favorite local California chain and I like this as much as I like that. Wow.
Starting point is 01:11:33 Mike Mitchell, the Spoon Man. Three times. I liked my double teen burger with the teen sauce. Teen? It was tasty. You know, I'm not always like a lettuce, you know, when there's lettuce on a burger, I know the lettuce wrap and all that.
Starting point is 01:11:52 But like, you know, I feel like lettuce as I feel like water. Things that I should eat and drink that will save my life, but I don't like them. But that double teen burger was very good. That chicken sandwich is probably second to Wendy's chicken sandwich. Wow. Which is saying something. Puppies.
Starting point is 01:12:14 Oh, shit. Puppies. Onion rings were great. Man. Man. I was at four and a half. This is real. This is this already.
Starting point is 01:12:27 No, hold on a second. I was at four and a half. The compost thing got to me. And I thought about it. I was like, wait, like you said, what, what, what, what, what, what, how could this be a better than what they're trying to do? Like this is A&W root beer. That's a dad thing.
Starting point is 01:12:45 A dad would be proud of this restaurant. In fact, I love my mom and sister, but I would be happily adopted into the burger family. Grandpa, buddy, uncle, and Mitch. I'm there too. And I'm the fucking... You're the bison. Mitch the bison.
Starting point is 01:13:04 I'm the biggest burger of all. And I'm going to give it five forks of course. It gets five forks. Canadian A&W gets five forks. Yeah. Let's be clear. Yes. Don't know about the other one.
Starting point is 01:13:22 The U.S. one might get like two forks. Fuck you guys. So here's the thing. I'm well aware of the city's reputation. I understand that if I go below the threshold of four forks, a mob in Canucks, Jersey's is going to wreck a bunch of storefronts. And light some cop cars on fire. And Weigur and I will kiss in the middle of the street.
Starting point is 01:13:48 We'll kiss in the middle of the street. A beautiful thing. But the truth is I'm not here to pander. I'm not here to say what I want, what I think the audience wants to hear regarding this. I'm here to say what I sincerely think about that. I'm giving that preface. Don't laugh at that.
Starting point is 01:14:06 No, I'm giving you, I'm giving that preface. So you don't think I'm just like, oh, I should do it. Oh, I want to be liked. I don't give a fuck. Fuck you. I don't give a shit. Care about you fucks.
Starting point is 01:14:18 Weigur actually, to be real, Weigur hated Vancouver last time we were here. I had a miserable time. I wasn't happy to come back. But you know what? NW Canada is fucking great. And it absolutely lives up to its hype. It very much deserves it.
Starting point is 01:14:36 And you know what? Mitch, if you'll have me, I'd like to be a member of your burger family. Wow. And I would like to welcome A&W Canada to the Platinum Plight Club. Five fucks from the Burger Boy, Nick Weigur. Wow.
Starting point is 01:14:53 Wow, Canadians. People are standing. The Canadians are standing. People are standing. Stay on their feet. Good God. Wow. Wow.
Starting point is 01:15:04 This is... Yes! You did it! And you did it! I have a question. We were told online not to go to the one near here because, quote, that's a garbage A&W.
Starting point is 01:15:19 And we didn't go there. We did not go to the one near here. We went to a different location that was better reviewed. I just saw online that this is the biggest victory in Canada's history. Guys, that was a review of A&W Canada. It's time for a segment. We've got a food segment we're going to decide
Starting point is 01:15:37 as you put it in your mouth. It's Snack Or Whack. And hey, we've got something that I've heard dates back over a century. Some Hawkins Cheesies. Good pop from the bag. Smaller bags within the bag.
Starting point is 01:15:54 This bag is the big boy. And it does have smaller bags. Why do you name all of your things after the sizes of men? Come on, guys. We're at the top of the patriarchy. Shout out to Stevan Heck for recommending these. We're going to dig into these.
Starting point is 01:16:11 They look like Cheetos to me. I'm not sure how they're actually going to taste. Have any of you, I assume no one's had Hawkins Cheesies before. You know what, they're like a thicker, girthy or Cheeto. Good sexual choice of words. Do you all have Cheetos here?
Starting point is 01:16:28 Okay, because I didn't see them in a grocery store and I was like, maybe they're not allowed to sell them and made of poison. But yeah, let's see what's up here. A lot of sodium. Very dense. You think they're going to be light, but they have a lot to...
Starting point is 01:16:43 But I would describe this as salt forward. Yeah, very much so. With a finish of cheese. I can't believe 100 years ago they had these. These tastes. Like the oldest man alive when he was a little baby. Yeah, Charleston and eating these cheeses.
Starting point is 01:17:04 And now the biggest man alive. 100 years ago when like the queen would visit and would be like, bring me your finest food. They'd like bring her this. And her mind would be blown. Cheesies your majesty. Okay. So these are good shitty, right?
Starting point is 01:17:25 These are good shitty. Yeah, this is what I want in like... I love it. Yeah, and a snack food. These are snack with a bullet. Yeah, I'm going to say snack on these as well. Hey, you're welcome. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:39 To speak of my truth. The bag is stained orange? Is that true? That's wild because these are all in individual plastic stuff. Yeah. So it seeps through the plastic. Very American ingredients list. Cornmeal, vegetable oil, processed aged cheddar cheese,
Starting point is 01:17:56 seasoning, lactic acid, disodium phosphate. No preservatives so these can go bad. Unlike most of our food. Uh, Jess, Mitch, what do you guys think? I mean... Uh... This is a little bit of a salt lick. Like it might have me turn to my nemesis water.
Starting point is 01:18:16 But it's still definitely... Oh, you come to water in your time of need. Oh, now do you think the sweet relief of God's nectar is merciful tears? All right. It's fine. It's great. It's fine.
Starting point is 01:18:31 Water's fucking great. It doesn't have any taste and there's so many tastes it could have. Um, but it's definitely a snack. I mean, it's delicious. It's, uh... How do you guys feel on cheese forwardness in a cheese snack? Because I think like I'm a little bit more of a cheese it fan than goldfish.
Starting point is 01:18:47 Love them both. Careful. Love them both. Okay? Yeah. But I like go for a little bit more like that cheese. Yes. So for me, I wish these were more cheesy,
Starting point is 01:18:59 but still definitely snack. Like what would I... Yeah. What else would I say? I've had them consistently. It's more of a salt snack than a cheese snack. Go ahead. I agree.
Starting point is 01:19:07 If you were like the mixologist on this, you would pump up the cheese and down the salt. I would dial up the cheese in the mix just a little bit, but it's delightful. I would do, but they're still really good. Yeah. Spoon man. So like President McKinley.
Starting point is 01:19:21 Hot ref. So a hundred years ago, I don't think was William McKinley was enough. Well, I just Googled president in 1900. 1900? Yeah. You gotta be more specific. 1920.
Starting point is 01:19:34 We're 20 years into this. You know it's 2020 now, right? Can you talk for like two more seconds? Yeah. I'm going to guess it's Coolidge. Mitch, you might be the person in this room who knows the least about American history. So you're telling me President Woodrow Wilson.
Starting point is 01:19:49 There you go. There you go. There you go. Emma, edit point. Emma, edit point. You're telling me President Woodrow Wilson ate these fucking things. He came up to, he ate them twice. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:01 How about that? Oh, he was in the office twice? Do you know that Woodrow Wilson got two terms? No. She's saying do not engage. Woodrow Wilson, one of my favorite presidents, but with a problematic streak, it's a real shame because he's so cool.
Starting point is 01:20:13 Otherwise. A little problematic, yeah. Yeah. I mean, they all do. I know, right? Such a shame. Why can't people be only good? It's true.
Starting point is 01:20:21 I mean, Woodrow Wilson's face looked like the volleyball Wilson, but instead of red, orange. From eating all these. From eating all these, these cheeses. Yeah. Okay. That makes sense, Mitch. Did everyone follow along with that?
Starting point is 01:20:34 Yeah. We like that. The second prince. I'm going to, look, they're, for a cheese snack, this is very bizarre and weird. It's weird. But I like them. Snack.
Starting point is 01:20:45 They got a snack. It's a snack. It's your snack. Vancouver, you did it. Snacks. Wiger still hates you, but. Hey, that was, that was snack or whack. Just like a restaurant.
Starting point is 01:20:59 Viper feedback was over the feedback. Look, we got time for three audience questions. That's right. A few people were here earlier and put in some questions. Matt from Bellingham, Momo and Joey D. If you guys can line up. There's an audience mic right here at the front of the stage. You can go ahead and actually I might,
Starting point is 01:21:14 I might have to walk down to you. See if you can talk into that bad boy and what it sounds like. Let's see. Hi, what's your name? I'm Joey. Hi Joey. Hey Joey. Will you just ask us the question you asked us before?
Starting point is 01:21:26 If you guys were given a tour of Willy Wonka's chocolate factory, what would be your fate? Very good question. Great question. This is a great question. Thank you. Whoa. Dang man.
Starting point is 01:21:40 I love that. Like would we inherit the factory, would we be one of the various kinds of bad children that die in horrific ways? Straight up mic TV. So, so hardcore. Like not the worst, but so obsessed with television.
Starting point is 01:21:54 No problem becoming tiny and living in a TV, a love TV. Right. Yeah, I would be mic TV. I mean you saw the movie. You see what happens to me. I fall on the fucking river of chocolate. I get stuck in the fucking tube.
Starting point is 01:22:10 Yeah. That's what I would be more mic TV. I'm with you that that would be, I would be more like that, but you know I'm Augustus. I'm going to fall in right away. Or I'm, I'm going to file it out. I'm going to eat the fucking bubble gum.
Starting point is 01:22:21 Actually, she's, you know what? I'm too afraid of getting in trouble. I wouldn't do that. I would try to sneak some chocolate from the river and fall in though. Who's the one that tries to pet the goose and dies? The very spoiled girl? Yeah, that's me.
Starting point is 01:22:35 I'm the, I'm going to go, not because I want the golden nails, but just because like I got pet that goose. What's her name? Violet is the one who eats the gum. Veruca salt. Veruca salt. Of course.
Starting point is 01:22:46 Veruca salt. Yeah, that's me. These things are Veruca salt. They really are. Who's the one who blows up into a blueberry? Violet. Violet, you're turning violet. Violet, you're turning violet.
Starting point is 01:22:55 So I've never finished the movie because when that part happened, I had to turn it off. I was too scared. Because you identified too strongly. I was a little boy. You were too scared? I was too scared.
Starting point is 01:23:03 I was like, I had nightmares about that, that ballooned up blue girl. Is she one of the only ones? That's very upsetting. One of the only ones that they verify lives. Like she gets juiced later. They straight up say that. They all live?
Starting point is 01:23:15 They say they're stretching out Mike. Yeah. And I think the only one... No, I think... Augustus dies. They don't give a shit about the fatty. No, I think only Veruca salt. We're like, maybe she did.
Starting point is 01:23:25 Yeah, she might be dead. You know, like, because she's mean. Everyone else is just... She gets sexual like a burner. Yeah. That's an iterator. As far as who I'd be, I think it'd be Willy Wonka,
Starting point is 01:23:33 the weird shut-in who has a chocolate factory. Invites children over? Invites children over. Invites children over. He's working on his new recipe for... Teen sauce. Teen sauce, yeah. You're afraid with your dad,
Starting point is 01:23:44 when you saw the violent thing, where you're like, am I going to turn into my favorite food, water? I also will say that as Augustus, I don't think I would make it into the pipe like he does. I think I'd be too big. Yeah, me too. I might get stuck on that river ride
Starting point is 01:24:02 that's supposed to be scary, but seems like Splash Mountain. Oh, yeah. That's... All your fears and stuff and... Were there fears in that? There was a snake. When I was washing up, I was just like,
Starting point is 01:24:11 they're in a sick boat. Yeah, I probably would just camp out by those, like, tooth-lose, like, flowers that turn into tea cups. The candy that, like, makes music? Yeah, that's... Do you know the thing that they take down the river in that scary scene? That's the lowly to express.
Starting point is 01:24:31 All right, we got another question right here. Hi. Hi, what's your name and what's your question? Hi, my name is Momo. Hi. My question is, what's your favorite food when you're sad? Favorite go-to food when you're sad.
Starting point is 01:24:45 This is a great question. Great question. Yeah. Favorite go-to food when we're sad? Hmm, so whatever I'm eating right now, I guess Hawkins' Cheesies is the answer. I like to load up on Mexican food. That is it for me.
Starting point is 01:25:02 Like, just like, just like a bunch of fucking beans and cheese and tortillas and whatever form they come in and various seasoned meats, and I just want to fucking just get as much of that in my face as fast as possible. Wow. And alcohol, a lot of alcohol. Yeah, I was like,
Starting point is 01:25:17 I think the answer is alcohol. Yeah. But also McDonald's French fries. Oh, that's a good answer. And sour candy. I have a secret candy drawer in my house that is... Does Morgan know? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:34 No secrets from your husband. It's not really a secret. It's just like, you wouldn't know it's there if you, unless I was like, here's my candy drawer. Do I know? I'll show you. Okay. Well, Zach, when we were in like Edinburgh,
Starting point is 01:25:47 and he called me a candy squirrel because I would just like come out of my room. I'd be like, oh, I still have these gummy candies. I'd like squirrel them away. It's like those KGB agents who hid in the States and hid knives everywhere in their house in case they were attacked. Yeah, it's like, oh look, there's candy here.
Starting point is 01:26:01 Yeah. I really love candy. I like forced myself to not have it too often. So probably candy would be up there. The candy drawer is only maintained by like my mom giving me candy. I think on a previous episode, I referenced my candy calendar,
Starting point is 01:26:17 which is like the candy comes about every other month. And that's based on the fact that my mom gives it to me. So it's like, oh, there's Valentine's candy, then there's Easter candy, you know. So probably candy. Wow. And then sometimes alcohol. That's some good mom stuff right there.
Starting point is 01:26:30 Yeah, man. She's the best. Shout out, Dana McKenna. Shout out. I'm way more, yeah, some applause. Thanks for the applause. Nice. Except for moms.
Starting point is 01:26:41 I'm way more likely to like snack when I'm sad than full on meals. So for me, it's going to be like white cheddar popcorn and those specifically like Sniders pretzels, but the nibblers, which are the little small ones. Do you do the flavor? Like, are you doing like a honey mustard or buff ranch? I love those, but those are not my go-to.
Starting point is 01:27:00 My go-to are the plain ones because I can eat more of them before my mouth is burning. I think for me, because I eat a lot of the same food when I'm happy is when I'm sad. I think for me, the big difference is like, if I got a $15 plus order at Taco Bell, I'm sad. Right. Sure.
Starting point is 01:27:21 Same thing with Del Taco. Yeah. And like with Domino's, it's like, if I got like $35 plus, I'm having a bad day. Yeah. I think I'm the same. Like if I go to Taco Bell and the item count is the higher it is. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:34 There's like a threshold that's normal and then if it goes above that, then it's, we're dealing with emotions. I think for me at Del Taco, a bean burrito, standard day, a chili cheese fry, what's going on? Yeah. Both standard days for me, but I will have, I will have more.
Starting point is 01:27:50 I will add, I will also get a quesadilla. I'll get like, you know, yeah, I'll get, you're right, that's a great gauge, how much money you're spending. Here's the deal. No longer sad after I'm done eating. Part of the issue with me in general. Really?
Starting point is 01:28:03 It actually works. Feeding sadness with food. Yes. Wow. You haven't learned that about this whole podcast? We eat our feelings away? No, I feel worse. I do it and I feel worse.
Starting point is 01:28:13 Oh, physically worse, but mentally better. No, mentally I feel worse. Like I'm just like, I just, I just can't eat anymore. So I'm just like sad and like too full. I'm laying there like a big fucking whoopee cushion. Just filled with air and I have big smile on my face. I watched that cartoon. We're just about to make that, please.
Starting point is 01:28:35 One more question real quick. I believe it's Matt from Bellingham. Yes. Hi Matt. Yeah, Bellingham. So I am W today on my way up and I was finishing off my frosty munger root beer at the very bottom. There was a shard of glass.
Starting point is 01:28:50 Wow. Cut my tongue. I was bleeding a little bit. Jesus. What's the worst thing that you've ever accidentally found in your food? I'm so sorry that happened to you. Yeah, it's awful.
Starting point is 01:29:03 Here, spoiler alert. Nick and I knew this. You told us this before the show. Still five forks. And we still gave it five forks. Yeah. Wait, Matt. Matt, what would your, what would your fork rating be?
Starting point is 01:29:14 I'd still go four and a half. Wow. So very good score. They tried to kill me four and a half. Hell yeah. Oh my gosh. Real quick. He, after he said that he hissed like a snake
Starting point is 01:29:27 because he now has a snake tongue. It's been cut in two. Real quick. The worst thing I ever bit into just how disconcerting it was, I had a side of cottage cheese and I think like someone had accidentally dropped a mushroom in it. And so I just had a bite and then it's like ate like a whole mushroom, not expecting it.
Starting point is 01:29:43 And it was so like fucking revolting. An uncle style mushroom when you don't expect it. Exactly. And then the worst thing I ever encountered in food was I was, I had a pre-packaged salad. I was eating the airport and there was a dead bee inside. It's like, I don't like this dead bee salad. But it didn't actually.
Starting point is 01:29:59 Awful. Let's go down the line. Worst thing you've ever accidentally put in your mouth? Yeah. This is, I don't have, I mean, I think probably like a hair. It's pretty tame. But when I was working at PF Chang's, not my dish, but someone else had a dish that got sent back to the kitchen
Starting point is 01:30:15 that had a straight up full cockroach in it. Ew. Horrific. Ew. So that's pretty bad. That's bad. Oh, dear God. What is PF Chang's?
Starting point is 01:30:28 Oh, you fucking Canadians. Come on. PF Chang's is a sort of fast, casual, but slightly more pan Asian. Yeah. It's a sit down pan Asian restaurant. You're obviously not a Doughboy's completist. We've talked about it multiple times. Wow.
Starting point is 01:30:45 We were the guests. Unbelievable. And Sohn also talked about it at one point. That's true. Lee's is theater right now in pride. Good choice. Oh, there he goes. No, no.
Starting point is 01:30:58 Come back. He left. He left. Oh my gosh. Bless his commitment. I take it all back. I think he just wanted to leave. Yeah, probably.
Starting point is 01:31:06 He was like jump start on the bathroom. I know they're almost done. Oh, he did. I saw him go to the bathroom. We love him. Jess, what do you think? I had a full full on like grubby grub in a salad. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:20 It was rough. Grubby grub. It was it was rough. And I said Hakuna Matata and I ate it. Growing up, like I remember my mom and dad say food, food, but there was times when there'd be maggots in something. Oh, my dad, I remember, I remember being in school and fighting into a sandwich and it was just a full thing of cheese that was moldy.
Starting point is 01:31:42 But I'll say this one. I have like kind of like a few of one when I was a boy. I was at my grandma's house. Why are there so many? And I took a sip of my cocaine and there was a carpenter and I remember moving around in my mouth. And I took it out. It was a fucking huge carpenter and I hated ants ever since that day.
Starting point is 01:32:01 Even Auntie and Honey I shrunk the kid. I'm happy it dies. I'm sorry. And then actually I cry when Auntie dies, but answer gross. And then like, I know you're like, ants are cool. They build stuff. But trust me, it was fucking gross. He knows what you're like, man.
Starting point is 01:32:18 Yeah. That is how I feel. But don't try to get in my head. Keep going. I got a rock in my sandwich at the LAX airport. Yes. It was La Brea Bakery sandwich. I had a rock in it.
Starting point is 01:32:30 Well, did you order it with rocks? I think they just thought like I was a creature that ate rocks. Yeah. Oh, like a golem. From like Everending Story. From Everending Story. Let's give this Goron a rock in a sandwich. And finally, I've said this on the podcast before,
Starting point is 01:32:44 and this is horrific. Look. People said, yeah, there are completists out there who are like, we know what's coming. I was on a date at the, this is a long time ago. Don't worry. Don't go on dates anymore. The Scottish Steakhouse there.
Starting point is 01:33:01 My favorite place. Tamosanter. Tamosanter. I love Tamosanter. LA Institution. I love Tamosanter. And I shouldn't tell this story. But I ate my, actually it was cream corn.
Starting point is 01:33:10 I ate my cream corn, and there was a hair in it. And I started to pull the hair, and I felt it coming out of my throat. Like it was such a long hair. I was like, oh, oh, oh. And my date was like, oh, shit, I'm turned on right now. Guys, that's our show. Thanks so much, Red Goober.
Starting point is 01:33:32 Thank you, everybody. Zach, we know it. Just look at it for mom. Fuck. Hell yeah. Thanks to everybody at the Rio Theater. Until next time, for the Spoonman, Mike Mitchell, I'm Mike Walker.
Starting point is 01:33:41 Happy eating. Thank you. See you. Thank you, man, Goober. You guys rule. Next week on Doe Boys. Let the Tournament of Chompians begin. All March long, it's Munch Madness 2020.
Starting point is 01:34:10 The Tournament of Chompians. Mac Attack. We eat through 64 McDonald's dishes to determine the single best menu item in a single elimination tournament. Featuring an all-star lineup of fan-favorite guests. And the tournament continues each week on the Doe Boys Double.
Starting point is 01:34:25 So don't miss a second of the Snaction. Subscribe at slash Doe Boys. That's P-A-T-R-E-O-N dot com slash Doe Boys. Sources for this week's intro are in the episode description.

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