Doughboys - Baskin-Robbins with Dave King

Episode Date: September 22, 2016

Writer and actor Dave King (Parks and Recreation, Netflix's Love, The Great Debates podcast) joins to discuss sugar addiction via the frozen dairy delights of Baskin-Robbins's 31 flavors, including an... in-studio taste test of Polar Pizza. Mitch and Dave compete in an intense edition of The Wiger Challenge.Want more Doughboys? Check out our Patreon!: for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Seryl Audio 1945. A man named Irv, who grew up working in his father's parlor, opened snowbird ice cream in Glendale, California. 1946, Irv's brother-in-law, Bert, who'd made ice cream in the Navy during World War II, opens Berton's ice cream shop in nearby Pasadena. That decade, the duo expanded to 40 Southland shops between them, along with a co-owned dairy, and in 1953, advertising agency Carson Roberts persuaded the brothers from other
Starting point is 00:00:28 mothers to merge businesses, lending their new-shared company their hyphenated last names. The agency's other suggestions continued to define the brand to this day, a circus clown theme, small pink spoons, and expanding their selection to a then-unprecedented 31 flavors. Initially marketed as a different flavor for every day of the month, this wide variety became their trademark, as co-founder Irv liked to say, not everyone likes all our flavors, but each flavor is someone's favorite. In 1990, a hostile takeover led to their acquisition by Dunkin' Donuts.
Starting point is 00:00:58 Though much like Irv and Bert's initial merger, it ultimately proved a sweetheart deal, as co-branded stores now dot the country. With over 7,000 worldwide locations as of 2016, the brother-in-law's legacy is the largest chain of ice cream parlors in the world. This week on Doe Boys, Baskin Robbins. Welcome to Doe Boys, the podcast about chain restaurants. We're a part of The best way to support ours and other shows in the network is to use the referral link
Starting point is 00:01:36 on our website anytime you shop at Amazon. I'm Nick Weigar, alongside my co-host, Max Rebo, minus the musical talent, Mike Mitchell the Spoon Man. Hi, Mitch. It's an honor to be called Max Rebo. Yeah, that one's not bad. That one's from Cameron Pallano. If you have a roast you'd like me to use on Mitch at the top of the show, use roastspoonman
Starting point is 00:01:52 at Minus the musical talent. So I'm a blue elephant. You're just a large, disfigured creature. He's not disfigured. I think he's kind of, I think Max Rebo is kind of one of the more handsome creatures, I'd say. Do you know what his species is?
Starting point is 00:02:09 No. Do you know what his species is? I have no idea what his species is. Okay, I was going to say. It is weird that every member of the Max Rebo band, like the cantina band from episode 4, they're all a uniform species. And then the Max Rebo band, they like made a point of like there's one from, each one is a different alien.
Starting point is 00:02:25 Yeah. Yeah, I like that. They all came together and made a cool band. They've got like a rhodian, I think, in the special edition, right? They got like a rhodian with an electric bassoon. It's really weird. I've read about Max Rebo that he doesn't die on Jabba's sail barge. Oh, he survived.
Starting point is 00:02:40 He survives. Either, either. Wait, didn't also the guy who, the Gamoran guard who gets eaten by the rancor, wouldn't you also tell me he didn't die at Jabba's sail barge? I did. Well, he wasn't on Jabba. He got eaten by the rancor. You got eaten by the rancor.
Starting point is 00:02:53 You got eaten by the rancor, but he didn't die. He was wearing armor. So he was at Jabba's palace. So were there any casualties of that, is what I'm wondering, because I've heard Boba Fett survive too. I think everyone, oh yeah, Boba Fett got, he got eaten by, oh, I feel bad, my Star Wars fandom is down. He got eaten by the Sarlacc.
Starting point is 00:03:11 Sarlacc, thank you. But his armor proved resistant in the expanded universe. Yes. There's a lot of armor saving people in the expanded universe. Anyways, to Spoon Nation, and guess what, an Unlistened 2 drop, oh fuck, I knocked the mic thing over. Salsa shark. Holy shark.
Starting point is 00:03:40 I'll repeat, Unlistened 2. Unlistened 2. Oh, boy. They haven't been able to answer the only question that matters to Shark Tank. How do I make money? Shark Boy! Oh, we're going to need a bigger spoon, I like that. You kept emphasizing Unlistened 2 as if that was unique to this drop, when it seems like
Starting point is 00:04:23 you don't listen to any of these in advance. I'll listen to a couple. I've gone on a run of where I haven't listened to them, because I was supposed to play a song today, and it all kind of got messed up, a talented musician made a song, and I couldn't find it. You know, we could probably, when you do dig it up, we can probably throw it on the end of this episode. Oh, nice little outro.
Starting point is 00:04:44 Can we do that, Dustin? That would be good. Does that seem doable? Yeah. Alright, Dustin says yes. Anyways, that was from Chris Howard, at a Chris Howard on Twitter, from Oxford, New York, which is an hour and a half drive from Ithaca. Oh, very nice.
Starting point is 00:04:59 Sorry that you live up there. The title of this email was, Jaws Theme Drop, Happy Fourth, Mitch. So this is from the 4th of July. Well, it'll be happy. He probably forgot he sent it, and it's a really nice surprise to hear it. If he hasn't given up on the podcast, he probably gave up on the podcast. He's probably dead of old age by now. Let's see here.
Starting point is 00:05:23 One more thing I got to do. You know this, Weigher. Oh, that's right. You have your new Toast Spoon Man segment. Here's a toast from Jordy McGrath. Mike Mitchell at his core is a man of passion, is affable and honest, spirit transcends his work, and clearly emanates throughout his life. It is the spirit that has garnered not only critical podcasts acclaim, but a legion of
Starting point is 00:05:45 undying fans. He loves people of all races and has never come in someone else's sheets. Thank you, Jordy. That was very heartfelt. Jordy McGrath, is it weird that I just, oh, wait a minute, Australia's biggest Doe Boys fan. Hey, all right. One from not south of the border, but on the other side of the globe, whatever he's
Starting point is 00:06:04 down under. That's what I'm looking for. Mm-hmm. I mean, south of the border. It's south of the equator. Yeah. I mean, it's weird if you say south of the border. You should say south of the border.
Starting point is 00:06:12 I mean, the whole, it's an entire continent, but I'll say it now. I'm going to start saying Australia's south of the border. That's how I refer to it. You're going to confuse a lot of people. Well, that's fine. Mitch, that brings me to my new segment, Burned Toast Spoon Man, where I offer a backhanded compliment from one of your friends. Oh, fuck it.
Starting point is 00:06:34 Today's Burned Toast Spoon Man comes from Jack Allison. Jack writes, Mitch, you're so talented that it's worth dealing with how impossible you are to work with. That rings true. Jack and I do work together, so. You know, Mitch, you had a crazy night. You seem a little sleepy. You have a crazy story to tell.
Starting point is 00:06:58 I want to introduce our guests, but then I want you to talk about your odyssey this past evening. Okay. Two evenings. Oh, it's been a two-evening journey. It's been a two-evening journey. You've got a yarn to spin, but we've got a great guest. We're very excited to have him.
Starting point is 00:07:12 He's a writer and actor from Parks and Recreation, Workaholics, Netflix's Love. He's also co-host of the Great Debates podcast. Dave King is here. Hi, Dave. Hey, guys. I'm so excited to be here, for real. This is a long time in the making. We love Dave.
Starting point is 00:07:27 This is big. Very happy to have Dave. I love the dough boys. What a thing to say. I'd like to butter the burnt toast and say that I've worked with Mitch on a few occasions and he's one of my favorite dudes to work with. Oh, wow. Look at that.
Starting point is 00:07:43 Out there. Take that, Weiger. Yeah. You fuck. You know what? I think I like the sincerity of that, and I think that we could just say that if someone has a little butter for the burnt toast, someone who knows you, that then they're free to offer that, one of our guests in the center.
Starting point is 00:07:57 So are we going to just keep on doing this and going back and forth? I mean, today you were right. Reading something nice about me, I'm starting to not like... You got a little self-conscious. I'm not liking toast Spoonman as much as I thought I would. Because you know it's not fully true. What the fuck? Aw.
Starting point is 00:08:14 You know in your heart that what you're reading is rings false. Fuck off. I also just want to say briefly, I've never been so relieved to not... even be able to participate in a conversation as when I heard Mitch say, I've read about Max Rebo, knowing that there was... I'm not a Star Wars guy. I had no idea what was going on, and I was liberated by my silence, if you will. It was great.
Starting point is 00:08:44 Not a Star Wars guy, but do you have a nerd obsession? Do you have anything in the sci-fi fantasy realm that you're into? No, you know, I'm not a sci-fi guy. I'm nerdy, I guess, about other things like baseball stats, or I used to be in that kind of thing, but that doesn't seem to be what the modern definition of nerd seems to be. Yeah, the guy who likes Picota, the guy who's really into the advanced stats, it's a different type of nerd. It's a nerd within the sports community, but it's not a nerd nerd.
Starting point is 00:09:11 Right. I mean, I like to read and stuff, but that doesn't seem to be what it means anymore. You're a classic nerd. I'm more... Yes. I'm nerd 1.0. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:23 I hate reading, but I love sci-fi. I'm nerd 2.0, which I couldn't even get across. I feel like I love sci-fi, but I think that it's like a lot of it, like so much of it is bad, so it's hard to really get behind it. But that's interesting. If you don't like sci-fi, tweet at us, hashtag sci-y. Oh, thank you. And if you do like sci-fi, use hashtag sci-fi-guy or girl.
Starting point is 00:09:52 Or girl? Yeah. Hashtag sci-fi-guy or girl. Or girl. That's all one hashtag. All one hashtag. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:10:01 Mitch, so let's talk about what you went through last night, because I woke up to a series of texts that chronicled a journey that seems to have taken place at 3 or 4 a.m. You and it's in our mutual friend Max Bayer. So, a couple nights ago on Thursday, I'm currently working at the Hidden America show with Jonah Ray. I'm running on there. And we actually had a late night. We weren't out until like 11, 20 p.m.
Starting point is 00:10:27 But our mutual friend and future podcast guest, Bugmane, who... His name is not Bugmane. Nick doesn't want Bugmane. If people are going to start a revolution to get Bugmane on the podcast, and I want people to tweet at us and have hashtag, get Bug on, because Nick is afraid to have Bugmane on. I'm not afraid to have him on. I'm happy to have him on.
Starting point is 00:10:50 You can admit that you're afraid to have Bugmane on. Well, here's what... Okay. So, Bugmane, who is... Should I say what it's an alias for? Is that it? Okay. Sure.
Starting point is 00:10:58 Okay. Bugmane, our... Very, very talented, funny director. If you know the Clip Cup on Funny or Die made with Scott Gairdner, one of the funniest things ever. Oh, I love Clip Cup. Oh, yeah. No joke.
Starting point is 00:11:07 Oh, my God. I didn't know this was Clip Cup. Yeah. And he has said he won't listen to our podcast, he refuses to listen to our podcast, he tells us what we're doing wrong, and then he also says he won't record it in the studio that we have to go to the restaurant and record it there. He's making an insane list of demands while also saying that he doesn't like what we're doing.
Starting point is 00:11:28 Like, why should we accommodate an openly hostile guest? He also stole your hat to hold his ransom. He stole my Spoon Man hat that Alan Yang gave to me, and Alan, if you're listening, it upsets me very much. He stole it to hold his ransom until he came on the show, and then he subsequently lost it so you can never get it back. But then he subsequently found it. Okay, I didn't know this element.
Starting point is 00:11:47 So it is around, but then I saw him wearing it again, I'm like, you're wearing it, first of all, I don't want you to be wearing it. Right. Second of all, you're going to lose it again, I know he is, but he won't give it back to me, which is like being bullied. This lore is getting too dense for me to follow, and I'm in the midst of it. Anyways. Why is he called Bug Name?
Starting point is 00:12:07 That is too, maybe becomes on, we'll explain that. Sorry. Sorry. But he was just recently talking about wanting to write a movie called Bug Main Goes to Vegas, where he plays an exterminator who gets high on his own bug extermination fumes, right? Why are you saying right to me? I don't know, I have no idea what this crackpot idea he's whipped up is. Our friend Bug Main was at this sidewalk cafe, which is on Vermont Avenue, and he saw a little
Starting point is 00:12:40 kitten running around there, and he told me this. This note, he texted the group chain that I was on and said, hey, Mitch, I saw a little kitten running around, you should get it, and this is right after I told my story about, as a child, finding that kitten that was frozen. This was like right after we'd recorded that. Right. Which was a heartbreaking story. By the way, someone tweeted at me, and they were like, you gave it too many days.
Starting point is 00:13:06 I checked with my mom, we went the one day, and then we went back the next day, and that's when the kitten was frozen the next night. And also, we were trying, like, I already feel bad about this, like, it was October or something, or like maybe just the start of November, it was weird that it happened. Yeah, don't shame the Mitchell family's past actions. Yeah, we were trying to save the cat for God's sakes, but anyways, and I think about that cat still to this day, and I'm 33, which is insane. Maybe you're a cat guy?
Starting point is 00:13:35 I gotta say, I'm not a cat guy, but I'm very allergic to cats, and I just never really bonded with, I don't get it, but I respect people who are cat people, but it's not my thing. I think it's something of like a defenseless creature. So I rounded up Daniel Kever, who I dated, and she's a great person, she used to be a cat person, I rounded up her help and Max Mayer, but anyways, I went on Thursday night after we had worked, and I saw this little cat, this little great cat beneath a white van, and I was trying to get this cat, and there were like the people who were around
Starting point is 00:14:14 there, it was like, if you were trying to get it, it would run, it was too fast, and I was like, I can't get this fucking cat, I can't get it, and I left it, so I was there for about an hour, it was 1 a.m., and I felt really bad, and I went home, and at about 2.30, I was like, I gotta go get this cat. So this is Thursday night, I went back at 2.30, and I stayed there until four in the morning, and I couldn't get the cat, I went into, I had brought this moving box, and it got in the box, and I almost had it, and then it ran inside the Sidewalk Cafe's little patio, which was locked at this point.
Starting point is 00:14:53 So, I left, and I was like, man, I'm gonna go home, and this is just how it was, but then on Friday, I was inspired, and I said, I'm not gonna let this cat freeze, but because it's a busy, you know that area, it's a very busy area. And so, I talked to Max Mayer, Max Mayer got a trapping cage, and- Yeah, I saw a pic of this, it looks like it's something you'd put a badger in. Yeah, it works for raccoons, and on the box, it does say for cats. So, we fucking set this thing up, and me and Max Mayer and Danielle, and we were gonna get Joe Saunders, friend of the podcast, was willing to help, and he was up at 3.30, I
Starting point is 00:15:33 texted him. Yeah. And Ryan Perez, also friend of the podcast, was willing to go, too. We had a crew, Ryan Perez wanted to be like Detective Box from the night of, and figure out the situation with this cat, and we went, and I went under the van, and I had went earlier in the night, and I looked under the van, and the little gray cat was there, and when we went back, and it was gone, and I was like, oh, fuck, it's gone, and I was just like, it's probably gone forever.
Starting point is 00:15:57 But then, Danielle saw it running, and it went down this alley, and it went into public house. Sure. Where the parking lot is, so we were like, okay, we're gonna set up this trap, we set up this trap, we put some wet food in, and we're like, let's just walk to like 7-Eleven and get a drink, and then like, we'll come back, and then we'll set up by the van or something, because there's no way that it's gonna be, we're gonna catch it. Right.
Starting point is 00:16:18 Within a tenth of a mile of like, 30 bars and restaurants, and you decided to go to 7-Eleven. Let me clear this up. Yeah. When I went and checked on the cat, it was around eight, or eight or so, or maybe nine, and when I, so I left, and then we got this trap, and I had dinner with Jack and Max, and we decided, Max and I decided to go back at three. So many details.
Starting point is 00:16:46 So we took, so we took, so we purposefully took a nap until about three o'clock, and then we met up, me, Max, Danielle, Joe was awake, he was on call. We woke up at three, because there was no people around, we didn't want to scare it, and then have it be hit by a car. But anyways, so this is three, this is three in the morning. So we like, so we woke, it wasn't a lot of stuff open. Yeah, yeah, it was actually almost four by the time we actually started getting going, so we walked to 7-Eleven, and when we walked back, the fucking cat was in the cage already.
Starting point is 00:17:16 It got caught immediately, we caught it within ten minutes, and it was in the cage trying to get out, and we brought it back to my place, and I put it in the bathroom, and Danielle has it now, and we're gonna take it to a vet this week, and we're gonna try to find a home for it. So we saved the cat. Well done, Mitch. That's great. It's a very long story, I apologize, but it was my last couple days, we actually saved
Starting point is 00:17:43 the cat. It just happened, this is the first time you've told it, you haven't done all the details streamlines. I haven't done the details streamlines, we caught the cat and I started tearing up. I was crying as I was carrying the cat. I was gonna say, I've never seen you like this, even when I hear you talk about your cats on the podcast, and then hearing the stories, like a very menchie, beautiful side of you.
Starting point is 00:18:05 Soon. I was afraid there was gonna be like an of mice and men style. Or I petted to death. Yeah, I don't take that the wrong way, but it had almost a sort of Steinbeck quality to it at the beginning. I mean like, there was a good... It's just kind of the poor man's Lenny. And that I don't kill the animal, at least, I think that's a good thing.
Starting point is 00:18:29 It all worked out well, it made me very happy. In my mind, I was like the second night, that's when the cat froze, you know, in my head. And so I was just trying to, I was trying to, I was very happy to save this cat. And it's doing alright, I think it is very scared, it's young, it's about two months old, so... Do you have a name for it? Yeah, sorry. We're calling it brisket right now.
Starting point is 00:18:49 Brisket. Yeah, I don't know why. Yeah, a little brisket, I don't know. And hopefully we're gonna find it, if anyone's looking for a cat, it is right now very scared, and hopefully doesn't have any of the diseases, which I also was afraid of, it's spreading to my other cats, which is a different story, but I put them in another room. Great advertising. That's perfect.
Starting point is 00:19:07 I'm gonna get it checked out this week and get it at shots and stuff like that, but we're separating it from other cats for now. Yeah. If anyone wants a slow-witted, possibly very ill cat, contact Mitch. It's like Weigar, it can't really interact with humans yet, but we're working on it, so yeah, that's been my last 48 hours, which is, you know, I thought about it and I'm like, oh, I'm an insane man, this is a crazy person would do this, what are you doing? But whatever, it worked out well, I can feel good about that for fuck's sake, Weigar.
Starting point is 00:19:47 You should. You should feel good about it, you did a good thing, and I'm glad that you didn't get arrested for looking like you do and lurking near a van in a bank parking lot at 3 a.m. Let's get to it, let's talk with our guests a little bit. So Dave, we're talking something sweet today, but I'm interested in, what are your favorite savory foods, like let's talk meals outside of the dessert realm, what are the things that you like to eat? I'm pretty traditional, I love, look, I mean, who doesn't love a good cheeseburger if I'm,
Starting point is 00:20:16 you know. Oh yeah. I've had it for a while, nothing better. Got a little burger. I like, I love sushi, so I don't know if that counts as savory, right? Yeah, absolutely. So if it's like, if the question is like, hey, let's go somewhere good for dinner kind of thing, then like a sugar fish type place is always going to be, not always, I'm not
Starting point is 00:20:39 going to eat there a lot, but you know what I mean? That's the kind of thing that I kind of crave once in a while. Now you're a guy who's, I imagine lived in LA for a while, have you ever gone nuts and gone to one of those like omakase places that has like a, you know, like a super expensive sushi menu? Well, I've been to a couple of the, I'm not the guy to talk to about like what's the, you know, top of the line sushi places, but I do love sushi, what's it called sushi spot in Tarzana?
Starting point is 00:21:05 I can never remember whether it's called sushi spot or sushi stop. Oh yeah. There's a sushi stop next door to UCB. This is one in Tarzana, it's like kind of one of those in a strip mall places and they do an omakase there, but it's not like crazy expensive, it's just like this guy knows his shit. It's not like a fancy place, but someone recommended it to me, Ellie Rushfield, and it's like, I'm like, yeah, this is legit as good as it gets.
Starting point is 00:21:28 I think there's a different place in the place you're thinking about, which is like a micro chain in LA. Sushi stop. It is sushi stop, like games, it's the game stop of sushi stop. But it's got the game stop logo, it's got a rip off of the game stop logo, it's so confusing and it's not great. Do you know what I think should happen? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:45 I think UCB should buy it, and they should call it Sushi Bee. Oh my god. I mean, oh my god, Mitch is so happy about that fucking Christ. You know the place I've been that's fantastic is, in terms of sushi in LA, is Shunji, and it's just like- Is this the place where you like eat the sushi off like naked people? No, it's not that, what do I really find like very unsanitary and gross? Like, I would just not be into eating sushi off of a naked person.
Starting point is 00:22:17 I find that like disgusting, I don't know, I'm not into it. I talk about- Don'ts do protest too much, Mark. But like Shunji, and it's just like one of these like master chefs and he just presents like every course for you, and it is like quite an experience to do that, and it's just a nice once a year sort of meal. I would say that Sugarfish as a borderline sushi guy, because I don't remember like having as a child, even like, you know, like, I've talked about this on the podcast a bit, like
Starting point is 00:22:45 being from Quincy, Massachusetts, like the, there was Chinese food, but then like any sort of like kind of like, I didn't eat, there was a couple Mexican restaurants, but like that was, that was this kind of like foreign, or like- Totally. No, I'm from the Boston area too, and like my parents have lived in the Boston area for like four years, they've never had a burrito. They're like, what is that? What even is, like, why, it seems like the rice and the tortilla is redundant, why do
Starting point is 00:23:18 I, and it's like, baffles me. Yeah. I don't know why Boston people don't get into that. Yeah, I feel like it's gotten a lot better. But I remember when sushi kind of became a thing, which I mean like, if anything, there's like, there is some Asian food in Quincy and Boston, so like you can venture out a little bit as far as that goes, but like them bringing sushi back to the house and eating it as a child, it was just like so disgusted, like one, it's like raw fish, and two, like then
Starting point is 00:23:50 like the texture of it. Sure. I don't know, I'm sure it was good sushi, but like it's gummy, and then it's like, you put the swissabi on it to make it taste better, and then that's very spicy, and it's, it's a very, it was a very weird thing as a child, so that kind of made me borderline, so I became used to it, of course, as I got older, but I will say like it was never my option to go there, but then when I went to Sugarfish. It's just good.
Starting point is 00:24:11 Yeah, it's really good. It's so good. I brought my mom there recently. Yeah. It's expensive. It is expensive. Oh, totally. But it's, but it's so, it's so, I can't believe how good it is.
Starting point is 00:24:20 They just opened a like sort of, what do you call it, like a sushi roll specialty place called Kazunori Downtown, which is really good. I've heard about this place. Yeah. It's like a good, it's just a sort of like bar. Yeah. It's like a sushi bar. They don't serve drinks, but like you just kind of order a bunch of rolls and you know
Starting point is 00:24:37 how the, cause they do rolls so good, their hand rolls are like fresh and the seaweed is crispy and the rice is warm and yeah. Do you know, seaweed is the one thing that I still like the rolls and I'll eat them. Seaweed still throws me off a little bit. Just like, it's the saltiest. Just the fact that it's even seaweed or you just don't like the flavor. I just, I don't love the seaweed flavor, but I've been to that place and it's, it is extremely good.
Starting point is 00:25:01 I bet if it was called something else, you'd be okay with it. Landweed? Or sea lettuce or something. Sea lettuce I think I would be happier with. It's like tongue. Like you can't, there's, tongue has no chance as a meat because you're just thinking about a cow's tongue. It's not fair.
Starting point is 00:25:19 I can get into tongue. I mean, I like tongue. I'll eat some tongue, but it's just, it's got an uphill back. When you have it, it's presented as lengua at like a taco truck. Like for whatever reason, I'm a little bit more, more likely to order lengua versus tongue even though that just makes tongue. I'll tell you what the reason is because you're not thinking about a cow's tongue on your tongue. You're right.
Starting point is 00:25:36 Yeah. My mom was disgusted by the thought of tongue. My dad loves tongue and my mom just thought it was so perverse that you would eat another thing, another animal's tongue. Yeah. It is, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's a weird one too. I think it's a weird one. You know what I had last night was a, is it udon?
Starting point is 00:25:51 Is that the, is udon the sea, is it sea urchin kind of? Is it? Um, oh wait, wait, wait, wait. Am I getting it wrong? No, udon is a soup. You are thinking of, and umami is the flavor. You are thinking of... Ooni?
Starting point is 00:26:04 Yeah, ooni, that's right. Ooni, thank you. Yeah. Ooni. I had ooni for the first time. I never tried ooni before. And I thought it was pretty good. Yeah, I'm okay with it.
Starting point is 00:26:12 I feel like ooni is the thing like truffles where I'm just like, anytime it's there, I'm like, okay, this is just going to kind of dominate the dish and I'm not as necessary. You eat truffles with like every meal, right? No, I'm actually like something of a truffle skeptic. I think truffles are a little overused in fancy cuisine and I'd like to... Yeah, I've heard of it though that you ask for it and then you take it off your meal and put it on the side. Just to be wasteful?
Starting point is 00:26:32 Yeah, I'm just trying to make you out to be a rich evil guy. I'm not a rich evil archetype. Yeah, you are. You probably fit that. You're close. All right, fine. I'll just embrace it. Good.
Starting point is 00:26:44 Yes, I like throwing money in the trash. Perfect. Um, so let's talk about Baskin Robbins a little bit, Dave. Yes. Let me ask you, what made you decide to settle on Baskin Robbins? Because I'm a huge ice cream guy. Ice cream might be my favorite food and I love this chain. Ice cream is your favorite food.
Starting point is 00:26:59 I think it might be my favorite food. It's definitely the conversation. I totally agree. Yeah, I love ice cream. That's so funny. That's like what a child will say though, is ice cream is my favorite food. Right. Well, I formed a right position in childhood and I just carried on through to adulthood.
Starting point is 00:27:12 They're not wrong. Children are right about a lot of things. If you ask them what's the most fun thing to do, they'll be like, play with my friends. That's right. Maybe you shouldn't question the wisdom of the innocent. That's true. I don't know. I'm being so combative.
Starting point is 00:27:27 Hey, if Wiger had his way, he'd be eating ice cream and hanging out with kids all day long. So Dave, what is it about Baskin Robbins that made you want to talk about this chain? Well, I just, I mean, first and foremost, ice cream to me is like, that's, I don't know, man. Ice cream is like currency in my family. Like my dad eats ice cream every night at 9pm without exaggeration and I eat a lot of ice cream growing up.
Starting point is 00:27:53 It's, to me, it's like, it was almost a daily thing. Like, all right, who wants ice cream? What do we have? Baskin Robbins in particular has a very strong like nostalgic factor to me. It reminds me of like, after Little League, we're going to Baskin Robbins. Everyone's getting, you know, whatever you want. It's also, it's like, I don't know. There's also, it's an interesting space to me because it's not, there's so many sort
Starting point is 00:28:18 of gourmet boutique ice cream places and Baskin Robbins is not trafficking in the sort of like high end, for better or worse, they're not doing the like, salt and straw style, you know, fig and lavender flavors. Yeah. They haven't remade their image. They're still very much a kid's mainstream ice cream bar. Yes. They're very true to themselves.
Starting point is 00:28:40 They're so refreshing. So refreshing. Yes. It's what you're getting and it's just, and it's also just like a huge chain. I think everyone has some experience with Baskin Robbins and so yeah, it's like, it's not the best food, but it makes me happy. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:59 I also think there's something to, some of the bigger chains, you know, Mitch, I'll use Burger King as an example, though Mitch loves Burger King. I think Burger King is fine, but I think like, if you're talking about like comparing a Burger King burger to say like a fancy burger, you get at a nice restaurant. Yeah, the Burger King burger is better, you're saying. No, I'm saying there's a wider gulf in the quality of the ingredients versus what you would see in say, you know, my favorite of local ice cream parlor, sweet rose creamery, between that place and Baskin Robbins, just because ice cream is a little bit of a simpler,
Starting point is 00:29:32 you know, concoction. That's right. There's just not as much going on. There's not as many elements that you can fuck up. And also too, there's just like, you can make it, it's frozen, so by its nature, it's something that can be frozen and travel and you can make some more else and make it consistent. Yeah. Baskin Robbins, I did, like, my understanding is that there is that ice cream is broken down
Starting point is 00:29:53 into tiers that are like, like regular, premium and super premium, and economy maybe is the cheapest one you guys know about this. So my, and it's like based on how much fat content there is and how much like air there is in the ice cream, like these are, I don't know if it's an actual FDA thing or if it's a... Yeah, weird. I don't know who is actually, but like, if you look at like a Ben & Jerry's pint, I think somewhere on there it says super premium.
Starting point is 00:30:23 I'm not sure. Baskin Robbins, my understanding is that it's like premium. It's like good. Yeah. Generally accepted that it's not as fatty and tasty and creamy as your Ben & Jerry's or like a McConnell's, which to me is the current standard bear of ice cream. I never had McConnell's, but that seems to be everyone's number one. But also I would say that if you have like, if you get like a pint of a hand-packed pint
Starting point is 00:30:50 at Baskin Robbins and compare that with a pint that you would get from the grocery store, that Baskin Robbins is going to come out on top. I would think so, yes. Or even, yeah, I mean like, it's going to be competitive with like a Briars or an Edys, definitely, but like compared to like a President's brand or whatever those things are. Oh, it'll come out way ahead. Ah! You're going to be so happy you got the Baskin Robbins.
Starting point is 00:31:11 I was happy we got the Baskin Robbins. Those little pink spoons, as you mentioned, are... It's great. It is great. It is, it's such a weird, I feel like when you like drive by, like there's... There's signage. Yeah. It's like so stuck in the 80s, and it's almost a good thing.
Starting point is 00:31:33 I feel like every, I wonder if there's any Baskin Robbins sign that's like not faded looking. Right. Well, you know, it's funny you say that, Mitch, because they did remake their image. They did do like a little bit of a logo change in the mid-2000s, I think. Yeah, well, the logo's amazing. Yeah, the new logo, it's like a BR that also is a 31. It's a mate.
Starting point is 00:31:54 That's incredible. You can see both at once. It's all a fame for me. I almost said that's like one of the reasons, I think it's a secret weapon of theirs. Right. It's like the FedEx logo. It's like, you see that, once you see that arrow, you can't unsee it. Same thing with the BR and the 31, although it's a little bit more obvious.
Starting point is 00:32:08 But they did remake it, but it still is a very retro sort of aesthetic. And the colors are consistent. Yeah. It still feels locked in time. Well, I just want to say, I've driven by so many back, because I was a Brigham's house, as I've mentioned on this podcast quite a few times, and so we didn't go to Baskin Robbins a lot. But I think the crazy thing for me is when you step into that place, I think every Baskin
Starting point is 00:32:31 Robbins I drive by, I'm like, what a piece of shit. And then when I go inside, and I'm like, it smells great in here. Look at all these ice cream, it is a really nice, clean, delicious little place. Not all of them are clean. Well, we had an unusual experience, which we sort of all know, which is like, oh, we're in a Baskin Robbins at 1130 in the morning, which is not usually when you're getting ice cream. We're recording this on a Saturday in the early afternoon.
Starting point is 00:32:58 We went this morning, and yeah, we were the first customers. Dave, you were probably the first person in there other than the employee. Yeah. He was like, he was a little... He seemed not happy. He was, I would say skeptical, and I think he thought it was weird that I was sitting there reading a book in a Baskin Robbins, probably doesn't happen a lot. I was like, I'm just waiting for my boys to sit here and read.
Starting point is 00:33:23 The benefit of getting there in the morning was that we got a little fresh waffle cone smell, which I'd never really experienced. It was almost like that, what do you call it, oh, like when Krispy Kreme has fresh donuts and you're like, oh, that smell. It smells so good. It was quite like that, but it smelled amazing. It really was fantastic. I thought it was pretty pristine in there, too.
Starting point is 00:33:46 I thought it was pretty, in that location, at least, it was nice. It's clean. It's certainly not updated. Yes, that's fair. I feel like kind of what you were saying, with the signage and everything, it almost feels like every Baskin Robbins needs a renovation for something. It's all just kind of plasticky and linoleum floors and stuff, which is fine. It fits the brand.
Starting point is 00:34:10 It does hurt it, though, I was going to say, because I just feel like it's like... Because when you go in there, you remember, oh, yeah, this is a great little Sunday place and you can get whatever you want, but I feel like it kind of hurts it a little bit by having... I feel like maybe some people do stay away from it because of that. But go ahead. Yeah, I can see that. What I was going to say is that aside from the more upscale ice cream parlors, these smaller places that it's competing with, I think the other place I think it's competing with,
Starting point is 00:34:36 perhaps more notably, and certainly in terms of locations, are places like your yogurt lands and your pink berries that are kind of like these frozen yogurt stores, and those have a very different aesthetic. Even like the penguins' frozen yogurt, which was the thing I remember in the 90s, it just has a different sort of like a cleaner feel. It's a little bit more of an adult feel, whereas these are still very much going for that kid's market, and you see it with all the hot pink that they've got inside. I'll tell you, what else it's competing with is YouTube and Pokemon Go.
Starting point is 00:35:08 You know, if you're 14 years old, what are you going to do? Go for ice cream or no. You're going to be on your goddamn tablet, looking at your screen. Yeah. Like a little kid came in with his mom, and she said, do you want ice cream? And he said, no, I want to play Pokemon Go, and they left. Yep. That happens all the time.
Starting point is 00:35:28 The other thing is, you just have so many options now. Yeah, that teen girl who came in, and the guy was like, what flavor would you like to try? And she said, the only thing I'd like to try is taking a selfie. And then she took a selfie. And then she took a selfie. She took a selfie. It's ridiculous. And she like took 20 of them, and she was like, asked her friend, which one do you think
Starting point is 00:35:45 is the best? And oh my god, my hair. And I got to put this on. I can see why this guy is so annoyed the whole time. I like the, I kind of like the, that it kind of caters to kids a little bit. Like there's the bubble gum flavor. Yes. And I was like, oh, that's a fun flavor I haven't seen in a lot of places.
Starting point is 00:36:04 It felt very much like a throwback, besides the fact that I said this to Dave, I've never eaten ice cream and had the mint from my toothpaste still be in my mouth. Like I had, I was freshly brushed in going to an eating ice cream, which was a weird experience. It was both of your guys' first meal of the day. That's right. How are your tummies holding up? Okay, I have more of a sugar thing going on, which I usually don't get too often.
Starting point is 00:36:29 Got you. I'm just riding a constant sugar wave and crest throughout the day. I don't know what it would be like to not have just eaten sugar. Yeah, I know you got a Coca-Cola right there next year, or water. Yeah. I haven't opened it yet. I'm trying not to drink Coke, but I'm like... Are you a classic guy all the way?
Starting point is 00:36:46 I'm like the last Coke classic guy in America. Diet Coke to me tastes so disgusting, and Coca-Cola tastes so delicious to me. It's the best taste on earth. I just love sugar. It's bad. I love a Coca-Cola. If I get a good meal, some people are like, I want a beer, and I will sometimes do that or a wine, but I'd love to have just a nice Coca-Cola.
Starting point is 00:37:07 On ice? Are you kidding me? It's so good. Good night, nurse. It doesn't get better. But straight soda drinkers, they're a dying breed, that's for sure. Whatever sugar does to your body is what I'm going to die from. I just can't...
Starting point is 00:37:24 It's my drug, really, like it's bad. It's bad. Even when I was like... This is sort of dumb or embarrassing or something, or why am I sharing this, but my mom kept like a baby book when I was a baby, and I was like, what foods are you eating? Even though I was six months old, or however old, she just wrote sugar in all caps. I just love anything with sugar, like fruit that's high in sugar, and then ice cream, baby.
Starting point is 00:37:50 And then sugar. I'm not a huge sweet guy, but I love soda, and I do ice cream. Being in this place today, it was just such a nice throwback. Cool. We should talk about Brigham's, because I mean, I've talked about it so many times on here, but Brigham's to me is that gold standard, and it was just like the Sunday and ice cream place and Fraps, and I've said it on here before, Raspberry Lime Rickies, it had everything. It was great.
Starting point is 00:38:19 Then the Hood Milk Company bought it, and then they told all the Brigham's to shut down. Quincy was one of the last two Brigham's, and the Lombards owned it, and this guy, Dieter Lombard, took it over from his father, and Quincy was the last one, and they turned it into the ice cream parlor, and it's the only place in Quincy that still does kind of like Raspberry Lime Rickies and stuff like that. I love it, and this place reminded me of... Man, you talk about this Hood Milk killed Bruce Wayne's parents like Batman, like this is your origin story, man.
Starting point is 00:38:57 Do they teach this in school, and when Quincy has it, he's like, they kind of do. Do they have bullet pointed you out, and know all these details of these corporate acquisitions? I took Jack Allison when he was in Quincy to Brigham's, or now the ice cream parlor, and I was like, you're going to love this, and he saw two men without teeth within the shop, and he was like, what the fuck, and I was like, well, it's really good, and then he really did enjoy it. Great Fraps, like a mocha ice cream float, that you can't even find that stuff. Truly, I can't find it anywhere.
Starting point is 00:39:30 A Raspberry Lime Ricky is hard to find, and I feel like some cities, like East Coast cities like Philadelphia and a few other places, like New York City, you can find these things, but they're very hard to find on the West Coast, and this has that feel. I mean, it's obviously very different. Obviously, a little bit more corporate, and Dunkin Donuts and them are owned by what company is it? It's like Dunkin' Brands or Dunkin' Brands. There's like a Dunkin' Parrot company, but it's basically Dunkin' Donuts.
Starting point is 00:39:57 Yeah, when we talk about Dunkin' Donuts, I mean, you know that Dunkin' became more and more like a big corporate brand. Yes, for sure, but it actually reminds me of something, another reason to like Baskin Robbins, maybe, or just a little bit of a footnote in Baskin Robbins history, I don't know if you know where I'm going with this, but there were a bunch of Dunkin' Donuts slash Baskin Robbins places in the Boston area. I think there still are. There still are.
Starting point is 00:40:23 Yeah, they're in New York too, and that was a thing, and as I mentioned in my intro, the Dunkin' Corporation, there was a hostile takeover, their parent corporation bought Baskin Robbins in the 90s. And one of them was the place, or at least when I was there, it was the famous, how do you like them apples, a window front, and a good little hunting. I think not at the time of the filming, but then afterwards, it became a Baskin slash Dunkin' for years. It's since closed, but...
Starting point is 00:40:54 Oh, man. Yeah. That's a great little fan. How did that close? That should be a little landmark. I know. I bet there's some sort of like graffiti or plaque there that memorializes the classic Damon delivery.
Starting point is 00:41:09 I don't know. You know what I think? I wish it was a Dunkin' Donuts slash Baskin Robbins in the movie. I think that would be more appropriate. Oh, totally. Yeah. If that fucking... Ooh, but you attended Harvard, right?
Starting point is 00:41:23 I did. He really gives it to that Harvard guy. I know. Or isn't that mad? Isn't it? It is a Harvard guy, I think, right? I think he's like an Aryan Prince Harvard type, like a blonde-haired, like, it's just like, you know, I feel like he's wearing a pink sweater, even though he's not.
Starting point is 00:41:39 I'm sure he's not. But in my mind, the guy's wearing a pink sweater. I think it is very close to that. He may have a sweater on his, like, shoulders or something. That actor is in Oz, and he's got like a very...because he's a long blonde-haired guy, right? He's the same actor. He's in the HBO show Oz, The Prison Drama, which is super intense. And he plays like a very slow-witted brother who I think gets sexually abused by J.K.
Starting point is 00:42:05 Simmons' white supremacist gang. Oh, yeah. It's like a crazy... It's like the different end of the spectrum in terms of roles, but does J.K. Simmons say, how do you like them apples? Yeah. And then he winks at the camera. It's very off-putting.
Starting point is 00:42:20 It's weird. We're going to talk about what specifically we got in one second. We'll take a quick break. We'll be right back with more Doughboys. Okay. Welcome back to Doughboys. We're talking about Baskin Robbins. So we went this morning, the three of us, as we're getting into, and we'll talk about
Starting point is 00:42:35 what we ate in one second. But first up, polar pizza. This is a thing that Baskin Robbins has had. It appears and reappears as a promotion and as a limited-release thing. Me and my wife Natalie got this years ago. We love the toffee heath bar, Crunch one, I've had the Oreos one as well. Today we have the... Shit.
Starting point is 00:42:57 Which one was it? Oh, there's chocolate chip cookie dough polar pizza. It kind of has some sort of birthday sprinkles on it, too. And this is a... We're live-tasting this. We've each got a slice in front of us. How would you guys describe what we're looking at? It is very pizza-like in texture and appearance.
Starting point is 00:43:15 It looks like a slice. I'll say that much. Right. Well, I'm going to disagree. I'm going to say that it looks like a pizza only in the shape. Yes. Okay. But there's a crust and it looks like topping, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:43:32 Yes. Like cookie dough, I can't tell if it's raw or cooked cookie dough that forms the sort of base, the sort of dough, if you will. The crust. Well, yeah, okay. And then there's also... But then there's ice cream and then there's also some weird glaze on top there. There is a glaze for sure.
Starting point is 00:43:53 For the cheese? That's the cheese. Oh, man. I don't know. Should we just fucking eat it? Yes. Let's take some nibbles. Eat it.
Starting point is 00:44:02 I just have to say that it does not look very appetizing, especially though I may be partial because we just ate a ton of ice cream already, like 45 seconds. I'm not thrilled to eat it, but you know what, it is weird that like it's cookie dough base and then they put little cookie dough on top, like the cookie dough looks like sausage. Yes. It's like if you had bread as a topping on pizza, it's like more of the dough. But you know, I will say, Dave, you're saying it doesn't look appetizing. Appearances can be deceiving as far as I'm concerned because this is pretty tasty.
Starting point is 00:44:36 It's pretty good. It's pretty good. It's for kids. We shouldn't be eating it, but it is pretty good. This is for sure the most sugary thing I had. Every bite of this is so... The baby Dave would love this. This is very sugary.
Starting point is 00:44:55 Just kids, would you guys like, would ice cream cake be a thing you'd have at birthday parties? It was for me for sure. Oh yeah. I feel like if you're a kid and you're seeing this instead of ice cream cake, you're going to be excited because it looks like pizza. Kids love pizza. It's easy to eat.
Starting point is 00:45:09 You can eat it with your hands. You don't need a fork in a plate. Interesting. And it's pretty yummy. You can get that cookie dough, which is like... Right. It feels like best of both worlds. I'll say this, so I'm now wicking my fingers.
Starting point is 00:45:20 I still prefer ice cream cake. Oh, totally. The regular cake? Because you get it both. You don't like... I totally agree. I don't want to be wrong. I love cake.
Starting point is 00:45:32 But come on. I don't love cake. That's fair. There's too much... Like regular cake, I don't like icing that much. And then the filling, there's always something like weird about the filling tastes like... It's just so gross and processed and fake usually. I mean, a good cake, a very well made like, I don't know, high quality cake, sure.
Starting point is 00:45:53 Yeah. A wedding cake? Yeah. Here's what I'll say. I'd rather have like a middle of the road ice cream cake than a middle of the road cake. I think that's totally fair. I actually don't even like too fancy of a cake either, really. It's a weird zone for me where I like a chocolate cake with like the yellow cake with a chocolate
Starting point is 00:46:12 frosting. I do like that. That's I feel like not even a middle of the road cake. That's like kind of like the... Or a shitty cake. Yeah, it might be a shitty cake. I've had... What I've done before, I will go to Ralph's and I will just buy the individual cake slices
Starting point is 00:46:24 of like the yellow cake or the chocolate cake and I will just have that like as a snack. And that's pretty... I mean, I like cake. I agree with you though that I think ice cream cake is superior and I'd like to see like more high end restaurants trying an ice cream cake, an upscale ice cream cake take on the dessert menu. How come that isn't something we've run into? Fucking rich man wager.
Starting point is 00:46:43 I just think that would be fun because you see a lot of the like parfaits, you see a lot of like creme brulees, you see a lot of the same shit that they're all riffing on and why not try ice cream cake and then see if you can class that up a little bit. How do you take your cake? I want to know how people like their cake. Do you like the cheap version? If you like the high scale, there's a lot of different versions with cake. And there are just a lot of cake skeptics like Dave here too and there's the pie supremacist
Starting point is 00:47:08 as well. There's people who don't believe that cake exists. No, they just don't like, they don't like cake, they don't believe in the existence of cake but they don't like cake. But there's the pie supremacy movement which is just saying that pie is just always better than cake which I can somehow kind of get behind. Hashtag pie guy and hashtag, wait, you said cake, cake skeptic? If you don't like it, cake skeptic.
Starting point is 00:47:30 And then if you don't believe cake exists, hashtag cake skeptic for real. Do you think there's someone out there who doesn't believe in cake? Like he doesn't think cake exists? There's some idiot who thinks that, I'm sure. There's some weirdo who has some... Did she get him on the pod? ...belief. If we could find that guy.
Starting point is 00:47:47 There is? What? I mean, I guess it's possible. It seems like it'd be... I don't know, guys. He would maybe be the craziest man on earth. You just have to show him a piece of cake. It shouldn't be that hard to convert that guy, is all I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:48:04 I was watching Hard Knocks with Susan. And... This is the NFL show that's on HBO. There's the one, there's that one player, fuck, shit, I forget his name. He's on the, it's on the L, they're profiling the LA Rams. Yeah, it's a Rams player who doesn't believe that dinosaurs exist. Oh yeah, that's... It was kind of like a, it was a, like, he doesn't even seem like a super, like, Christian,
Starting point is 00:48:27 like a, like a, what's it called? Fundamentalist. Yeah, Christian fundamentalist guy. He seems like a... He's sort of a kook. He seems like it, because he believes in mermaids. Right. But it was like a run, it was like a, it was a story throughout the season of him not
Starting point is 00:48:41 believing in dinosaurs. They took him to like, you know, like a science museum and they were like, like dinosaurs and then they showed him, like, bones and he's like, they dug that up and they're like, yeah, he's like, I don't believe, it's just a belief, it's very funny to me. That's the whole thing they found, because like, you know, it's the same sort of thing with conspiracy theorists. When you confront someone with evidence that disproves their claims, it doesn't make them think that they're wrong, it instead makes them retreat further into their world view
Starting point is 00:49:05 and then justify why that evidence you're presenting them is wrong and why you are part of the conspiracy. That's right. So there's really just no way to convert people's minds, you just have to wait for them to die off. But a cake skeptic. I think even if you presented them a piece of cake, I think you'd be like, that's not cake.
Starting point is 00:49:20 Yeah, exactly. That's what you think. That's, God put that there to test that. There's, you know, flat earth societies, like having a nice renaissance, doing better than ever. I think the earth might be flat. Who knows? Yeah, why not?
Starting point is 00:49:33 Mm-hmm. I think there's a more, there are more harmful conspiracies you can believe than the earth being flat, because really what does that change, you know? Like, I guess you don't believe time zones should be a thing, or what does, what does that even change? It doesn't change anything, right? Mm-hmm. Well, it means that no one should listen to anything else you've ever said.
Starting point is 00:49:49 Yeah, yeah, I guess. It's like... But there's not like a dangerous political position that that's advancing. Right, it's not necessarily like saying climate change is a conspiracy or something. Yeah. Or being a part of the 9-11 Truth Movement, like Mitch. So the, today at Baskin Robbins, I had the Banana Royale Sunday, and tasted a bunch of flavors there.
Starting point is 00:50:11 One flavor of note that I didn't have, but one that we discussed while we were waiting for Mitch to show up, as he was hungover from his crazy cat, Odyssey. You don't have to say that. What? You don't have to say, you don't have to say, as we were waiting for Mitch to show up. God damn it. Well, no, I, you had to justify what he said. And also, I believe 9-11 happened, but it was an inside job, you fuck.
Starting point is 00:50:30 What? Do you really believe that, Mitch? Oh, okay. All right, you scared me for a second. I don't know. What happened with building? Why did building 7 go down? Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:50:43 So we had the quarterback crunch. This is a really great flavor. Yeah. Well, I prefer to call it the Garoppolo Crunch for the next three weeks, and we'll resume calling it the Brady Crunch when the time resumes. And then it'll be some sort of draft pick crunch for when we send off Garoppolo. Oh, man. Yeah, I had the quarterback crunch as part of my quote, unquote, meal today.
Starting point is 00:51:07 It's amazing. It's really good, and do you have the full, I have it somewhere here, the full listing of what's in here. Well, it's got like these rice crunchies, which give it this textural element. I don't know exactly what they're called, but it's so tasty, and it's the kind of thing like you would maybe not give a second glance just based off the name, because you'd get a quarterback crunch or whatever that's for kids or whatever, but if you actually have it, it's really good.
Starting point is 00:51:29 It's one of our winning flavors. Here's the full definition or whatever, description. Vanilla flavored ice cream, oh, sorry, vanilla flavored ice cream, it drops back and scores with rice crunchies in a chocolate flavored coating, and the caramel ribbon is good for the extra point. Man, how do I get a job right and copy for Baskin Robbins? I feel like I could do, that'd be probably the job I'd be best at. Yeah, you'd knock it out of the park.
Starting point is 00:51:54 It's so good. Should we get into what we ate? Of course, please do. I had a waffle bowl with quarterback crunch and my old standby mint chocolate chip, which to me, Baskin Robbins' mint chocolate chip is like, that is what I want in my mouth as I'm dying. Like that just tastes like sweet home goodness, like it's just so, it's good. It's just good.
Starting point is 00:52:22 It's so fucking good, and the thing they do, I love their chocolate chip and I love their mint chocolate chip. The chocolate chip was one of my favorite flavors as a kid. I still like it now. It might be my favorite flavor they have there as of to this day. They have these little chips, little chips are so good. They're so small, I don't know how they make them that small. It's crazy.
Starting point is 00:52:41 Some sort of special small machine that... Right. Well, it's possible that, I mean, shortly if you used your imagination a little bit, you could maybe figure out how they... I think it's possible. A couple of possible ways. I think they're a tiny small machine. A small machine?
Starting point is 00:52:56 Yeah. Okay. It's possible, too. I get a question, too. Quarterback crunch. Yeah. Now, this could be like, if you're looking at it from the quarterbacks perspective, that could be good, but if you're one of your defensive tackle, you know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:53:10 Is it a quarterback crunch as in like, we crunched the quarterback? Oh, right. Or is it a quarterback crunch as in like, I don't know what it would be like, the rice crispy things are crispy. I think the, yeah, is it, are we talking about it in terms of like, the quarterback being sacked? Yeah. Right.
Starting point is 00:53:27 Are we crunching his ribs? Like, what's going on here? I mean, and it is possible that you're overthinking it, and it's just like a fun name for an ice cream, but no, you're right. These questions need to be asked. Yeah. You're right about that, and you're right about the tiny machines. But it's like such a thing with so many chocolate chip ice creams.
Starting point is 00:53:42 Seems like you're kind of trying to walk past what I'm saying here, and move on with the podcast. Oh, no. If you want to keep... Please. I think Weigar is happy when the podcast is done. He's like, yeah, we recorded the podcast, and it doesn't care what happened. Like, it was like, yeah, we did it.
Starting point is 00:53:57 It's good. It's done. I do kind of view it as like, we're racing towards the finish line. Once we get the ball rolling, because like, I'm always skeptical that you'll even show up for whatever reason, whether you forgot, whether you have finally died. Also, like, in fairness, it's a podcast about changed restaurants. We hit the hour mark, and we just started talking about what we ate at the restaurant. Dave, you know this podcast.
Starting point is 00:54:24 You know that this is what happens. I love it so much. I feel terrible saying anything bad about it. It's my favorite podcast I've met. I'm a member of Spoon Nation. Fuck the Burger Brigade. Yeah, fuck the... Well, you...
Starting point is 00:54:32 No one even... It's in shambles. No one is even a part of it anymore. Well, I've stopped referencing the Burger Brigade, but I think we have a strong membership. The silent majority. So, can I go into a little detail about my... Yes. About my ice cream.
Starting point is 00:54:48 So, mint chocolate chip was, as always, just like, spot on just what you wanted. Yes. Quarterback crunch was underneath the mint chocolate. Now, I will say this. I thought in general, I know we mentioned that the guy, I don't know what his name was, he was a little like, kind of weirded out by our presence, but in general, he also gave us samples when we asked. He was like, take your time.
Starting point is 00:55:12 He... He did a good job. He did a good job. I didn't do the thing that I personally don't care about this, but I did notice this. He did not ask, do you... Which scoop do you want on top? Right. Which is...
Starting point is 00:55:26 That's great. It's like... I feel like that only started like five years ago, but if you go to, like, McDonald's or whatever, they'll ask you. Yeah. I don't care, but it isn't... But once people started asking me, I was like, oh, maybe I... Maybe what have I been doing wrong all these years with the two...
Starting point is 00:55:43 We're talking about a two-flavor situation. Yeah. I do expect it. I expect the question to come. Yeah. So, yeah. He didn't ask me. The only thing I'd say is that maybe because you didn't get a traditional cone, you got
Starting point is 00:55:53 like the cone bowl. I got the bowl, but still, I would say one was sitting pretty... Yeah. Yeah, that's true. Anyway, the quarterback crunch was great. I've been to basket robins when they don't have it, and it's a bummer because I always want to at least taste it. Like, my girlfriend Esther and I found it a couple of years ago, we were like, holy
Starting point is 00:56:13 shit, look at this quarterback crunch, like, dumb name, but oh my God, it's amazing. So we'd been back... No, I'm not saying a lot. People love quarterback crunch, so I'm telling you, it's really good. Oh my God. So, the big downside, gotta be honest, the waffle bowl itself, I thought it was going to be fresh baked, and it just wasn't... Mitch, you said you even saw the guy take it from...
Starting point is 00:56:40 From the display. Yeah. You could tell because it was just sort of like stale and... It kind of broke my heart because it smelled so good in there, and I wanted you to have that great waffle experience. Well, and I could have easily rectified the situation by just saying, like, oh, I thought these would be fresh baked, can I just get it in a cone, but I'm, you know, a total pussy, and I hate asking people to do things more than once, or I didn't...
Starting point is 00:57:02 I'm with you on that. Yeah. But... I agree, you guys are pussies, and I'm Brave Spoon Man. Yay! I got the Banana Royal Sunday, which was, we had bananas on it, like a whole sliced banana, I saw them slice it fresh, which was really nice, and then your choice of topping, I got the caramel, hot caramel, whipped cream, and almonds, sliced almonds, and then the two
Starting point is 00:57:28 scoops that I got with it were peanut butter chocolate. This was my number one as a kid, mint chocolate chip chip was up there, but peanut butter chocolate was the one I'd get basically every time. It's such a good flavor. It's like chocolate ice cream, but it's got, like, ribbons of peanut butter through it, and I've mentioned before that I'm someone who's... I wouldn't put chocolate ice cream probably in my top ten flavors, plain chocolate. It's just insane.
Starting point is 00:57:49 But... Okay. Peanut butter chocolate is so good, and what's nice about it is it's kind of like... It's kind of like goes through it like veins in a gold mine, where you'll sometimes have a pocket that's got a little bit more peanut butter in it, and then other times with like a little bit less peanut butter, and so just like the... You're talking about human veins, right? Like the way that the miners...
Starting point is 00:58:09 Yeah. Veins. Well, no, I think that's a thing, right? That's a terminology in mining, I think, is there's the veins. Yeah, I understand what you're saying. Like in a block of ore, there's a ribbon-like vein, I guess. My only reference for mining knowledge is World of Warcraft, but that's what I remember, that there's like veins that have the gold in them in the minefield.
Starting point is 00:58:29 Careful, Dave. He's getting to the point with Weiger where he's gonna... I've noticed on the podcast when you start questioning about this stuff, he's gotten to this point in the podcast where he's about to flip out on me and start yelling. It's what they do in mines! He'll just start yelling at me like things like that, and I don't know what veins in the fucking... In the mine shaft or what the fuck you're talking about.
Starting point is 00:58:48 All right, then it's maybe not... This is helpful because it's maybe not a useful metaphor. I told you, his voice is getting louder, uh-huh. I'm saying that I'm thanking you guys for pointing out that this is not a helpful metaphor in terms of illustrating what I had for the listening audience, so I will say it's not... Forget the mining thing. All right, 65 minutes, good to know. There are elements where there's more peanut butter, there are elements where it's more
Starting point is 00:59:12 dominated by chocolate, but that variance is part of its charm. You'll sometimes get a bite with a bunch of peanut butter, you're like, ooh, that's great, and sometimes get one that's mostly chocolate with just a hint of peanut butter, and that's nice too, and it's nice to have those. You're vocalizing this too? Ooh, that's great, as you're eating it. Yes, well, yeah, yeah, yeah, that's why I said it aloud a number of times during our meal.
Starting point is 00:59:29 I was wondering what that was. The other ice cream I got was the Bananas Foster, which is banana ice cream with brown sugar, rum ribbon, and praline pecans. I had a taste of that, and man, it was so good that I decided to order it on the spot, and it also worked out really well with the caramel and with the fresh banana. It was just like a really, really nice pairing, so yeah, I was very, very happy with that Sunday. You just...
Starting point is 00:59:51 Kind of doubled up on it, but you didn't feel like that was too matchy-matchy to go bananas and bananas? I didn't think it would be because there's enough stuff in that... It wasn't just banana ice cream, it was Bananas Foster ice cream, and the brown sugar, the rub ribbon, and all that stuff, and then also knowing there was going to get caramel on top, it felt like it would contrast with it, and it actually did haul up quite nicely. What about yourself, Mitch? I got myself one of these...
Starting point is 01:00:16 Kind of like a classic ice cream shop thing that I really, when I saw it, I knew I had to get it. I got myself a hot brownie sundae. Oh, yeah. I had to check first. I had to make sure that there were... If I get a hot brownie sundae, I don't like nuts in it. I'm not against...
Starting point is 01:00:32 I'm with you, bud. I'm not against nuts, but it just kind of fucks with the brown... I like a nice, warm, kind of cakey brownie, and so when the guy said no nuts, I said, well, that's going to make me go nuts and get it, and I got it. And that was embarrassing for everyone. It was embarrassing for everyone, especially the guy who was not enjoying anything. And then I got myself a scoop of mint chocolate chip ice cream and a scoop of Oreo's cookies and cream ice cream, and so it comes with a topping.
Starting point is 01:01:02 I got hot fudge and whipped cream. No nuts on it. I could have gotten nuts on it, but I didn't get nuts. I went nutless today. Just like my cat, Wally, who goes neutered the other day, I went nutless. Oh, hey, I wanted to ask you... Don't give me that look. No, it's good that you neutered your cat.
Starting point is 01:01:18 It's a weird thing to say. I have a serious question about Wally that I've been wanting to ask you. I missed... I know that you were playing with names for a long time, but I... Ludwig was a name for Wally. Yeah, and I think I may have missed when you actually decided on Wally. Is he named after someone or something, and is it involved Wally the Green Monster of the Boston Red Sox?
Starting point is 01:01:38 Well, Wally the Green Monster is a huge plus to all of this. But his name is W-O-L-L-Y, and my mom suggested it, and it's named after Wallace and Hill, the hill that I grew up on in Quincy. Oh, that's cool. I like that a lot. Yeah. So Wally is the new name, and I named the cat Irma, it's named after a character my sister did when she was younger, so I named it Irma.
Starting point is 01:01:59 She's probably very embarrassed for me to say that, but that's what that's for her. Does she live in the podcast? I hope not. I think she has... I think she does listen to it from time to time now. Yeah. And hears all the bizarre things I say, and probably doesn't tell anyone about it. But yeah, I went with the mint chocolate chip, and I went nut list, that's where I left
Starting point is 01:02:19 off with Wally. Yeah, he got neutered the other day. I shouldn't go into this story. No, I think it's good to disrupt your ice cream discussion by talking about your cat's genitals. Well, Irma went into heat is the thing that happened. So I had to get Wally neutered. I separated them, but Irma was in heat, and she's like sticking her butt up in the air
Starting point is 01:02:40 and like riding, and being like, and just like, and there's siblings from the same place. Oh, I can't do that. Yeah. Yeah, so I had to separate them, and I have to wait a couple weeks. Game of Thrones going on over there. There is a little bit of Game of Thrones going on in my house, and I had to put Wally in a room, and then the next day I got him in for neutering, so he's resting up and doing
Starting point is 01:03:00 well. Mitch, you're a very responsible pet owner. Yeah, I waited two... The lady told me to wait six months, and I think that was maybe too long to wait, because Irma is in heat, and now I get away in a couple weeks. Anyways. Anyways, your ice cream. Anyways, speaking of heat, I wish that that fudge had some heat to it, because it was
Starting point is 01:03:18 a little too cold. Interesting. The hot fudge was actually a little bit cold, and I got, yeah, the whipped cream was good, and the cherry on top, and I think a cherry is always a kind of a good test. If it's a good cherry, you're like, oh, okay, they're keeping things kind of fresh over here. Is that weird, the cherry test? I feel like you guys think I'm weird for this, but...
Starting point is 01:03:37 I love a good cherry, a good maraschino cherry, but I don't know if it's a test of freshness. I feel like what you're looking for is just the classic sugary, you know, like... You don't want a real cherry on top. I don't want... You want a... It's like a candy... Yes. It's those bright red fake Sunday cherries, but I've had so many of those that taste like
Starting point is 01:03:59 rotten and just taste like they've been sitting in the juice forever, or like a little dish forever. And it was good, and the hot fudge was just a little too close to kind of room temperature. But yeah, the mint chocolate chip, I didn't even see the other side of the ice creams, like I only saw one section because I'm an idiot, and I don't think it would have changed my order anyways, because I saw the mint chocolate chip, and I immediately... When I was a kid, mint chocolate chip with Jimmy's in a cone was, and Jimmy's is a northeast, a New England term for black sprinkles, right?
Starting point is 01:04:39 Chocolate sprinkles. Yeah, and there's always this weird associated controversy, which I don't know if it's apocryphal or not that like the term Jimmy's comes from Jim Crow, and then you're not supposed to say it anymore. That is problematic. I actually looked it up. I think Snoop says it's not true. Right.
Starting point is 01:04:55 Right. But I also think that it's one of those things where like, enough people believe that it's true that you might as well just not... Never say it? Yeah. Oh, sorry. Oh, no, no, no. I don't think anyone's going to be offended.
Starting point is 01:05:06 I'm apologizing to the podcast audience, yeah. No, I know. But whatever, man. I mean, I think people understand that you have like strong prejudices against large groups of people already. I don't think it's going to surprise anyone. There's a Snopes article, our Jimmy's racist claim, Jimmy's the sprinkles used on confections are so named as a reference to Jim Crow, status on Snopes, probably false.
Starting point is 01:05:29 Right. Although... Probably false. They've seen on Twitter, Snopes is a 100% Democrat website so it can't be trusted. I mean, that's funny to me because like, Brigham's used to sell like, there was like a jar that said Jimmy's on it and everything like that. That would be crazy. I mean, there was...
Starting point is 01:05:46 Well, it actually... My memory as a youth is that it provided a distinction between chocolate and rainbow. You said sprinkles were rainbow and jimmies were chocolate. I guess I can see how that would be a useful shorthand because for us on the West Coast, it was always rainbow sprinkles versus chocolate sprinkles. And you always needed to modify your sprinkles. The amount of time that we save by not having to say that is what makes us... New England's so efficient.
Starting point is 01:06:10 We got so much done. It gives you more time to focus on protesting, busing, to integrate school districts. Shut the fuck up. You would realize... Man. LA has its own problems in terms of race relations. Oh, yeah. You have, you know, the LA riots.
Starting point is 01:06:29 Right. Why are you fighting against them, too? You were trying to keep them back in their areas. You know, I actually remember I was in... You were staked out on the borderline of Beverly Hills. I was at school. This was in Long Beach at the time. And so there was some limited in rioting in Long Beach and I think, you know, like as
Starting point is 01:06:47 remembered in a sublime song, I think, for some reason, he talks about. But in any event, there was like limited and happened to a few different businesses. We took a bus ride home the day the LA riots were starting and we were on the bus, the bus driver said, got something over the radio and said, we heard that the Ralph's is on fire. And so the bus driver, instead of avoiding it, the bus driver instead of avoiding it took a detour to go to the Ralph's so she could show all the kids the Ralph's that was on fire and we drove by it and it was not on fire and everyone was disappointed and
Starting point is 01:07:29 then she could get home. This was, according to sublime, April 26, 1992? Yeah. Oh, okay. Yeah, you remember the day from the lyrics. Yeah, I think that's probably when it would have been towards the end of the school year. That's very weird. A lot of turns in that story that I didn't expect.
Starting point is 01:07:45 Yeah, I didn't tell it well, but it was very strange. Disagree. Hey, no. You're a roller coaster. No stories are told well on this podcast. That's how it goes. We're not good at this. We're not.
Starting point is 01:07:54 We're very bad at this. We're bad storytellers. Anyways, I like my mint chocolate chip with jimmies in a cone and I'm going to continue to use that. And here's my thing. I don't think I like mint chocolate chip as much in a Sunday. It's just that's a specific taste and we were talking about this too. Mint chocolate chip ice cream itself seems like a New England thing.
Starting point is 01:08:14 It's like, oh, frozen mint, like, treat or something like eating, just eating mint as a dessert or a treat is very funny to me anyways. Well, here's what I'll say about that is that there's two schools, if you will, of mint chocolate chip or mint ice cream in general. The Baskin Robbins version is not really mint. They're not using the actual, like, if you chew on a mint leaf, that's not the essence of the taste of mint chip, whereas, like, McConnell's actually, their mint chip actually is that fresh mint taste.
Starting point is 01:08:50 I don't know. And I don't love that. I don't love that. I prefer, for that reason, McConnell's peppermint stick, little tip for our ice cream pros out there, doing McConnell's. So I hear what you're saying, but I would also say, like, do you know what I mean, the Baskin Robbins? It's like the sugary version of mint.
Starting point is 01:09:09 Yeah. It's not real. I like the sugary version. Totally. It's great. I've heard the same thing about artificial banana flavor, that that tastes different from bananas and the reason why is that that was originally based off of a now extinct banana strain.
Starting point is 01:09:20 Right. Yes. Peppermint stick, by the way, is another one that I had a lot as a kid. But I feel like mint chocolate chip just doesn't mix, like, it doesn't mix well with the other ice cream. I'm with you. I had the cookies and cream ice cream. And the cookies and cream ice cream was really delicious.
Starting point is 01:09:37 The brownie, the first taste I had, I was like, this isn't a good brownie. Because already the hot fudge wasn't that hot, but then I got into it. The brownie was good. It was warm. They did a good job. Obviously, it's like a thing that was like wrapped in plastic and heated up in the microwave. But it gave me those old feelings of eating those Sundays when I was younger. The hot brownie Sundays as a kid are just, it's one of the best feelings in the world.
Starting point is 01:10:09 And so I was really satisfied with the entire thing as a whole. Let's get to our final thoughts on Baskin Robbins. So Dave, you've listened to the podcast, you know how this works. We're just going to give our closing argument and a rating from one to five forks. You will go first. Hit the sweet spot that I was hankering for. It always does. Does it lack something in the sort of decor and overall dining experience of course?
Starting point is 01:10:37 It's Baskin Robbins. It's not, you know, a steakhouse. What do we, what do you want? But it delivers on the basic premise of itself, if you will. Really is, the one thing that sticks out to me now that I don't know why it didn't occur to me now is that it really is for children. Grownups shouldn't be there on a Saturday at 11.30. There were some quality concerns.
Starting point is 01:11:03 That was what bummed me out the most. The waffle being the main issue for me. They do ice cream well, but it's also, it's not quite as good as the other ice creams that are out there. It's a little cheaper and it's just not quite as, you know, whatever, however you want to characterize it, super premium or extra tasty or whatever it is. Is this where I give my spoon ranking? Yes.
Starting point is 01:11:28 You guys ready for this? I'm going to, if you're going to, here's what I'm going to say. I'm going to give it, I'm going to be, I want to be a fair judge here. Please do. I feel like I'm tempted to overrate it just because it has such a warm place in my heart, but it's, at the end of the day, like, it's not that great. Here's what I'm going to say. I'm going to give it three and a half spoons, but I'd like to give it a nostalgic cherry
Starting point is 01:11:53 on top. As a bit of a, very fair, sort of a positive asterisk if you, a memberberry, South Park is talking about the other day. I agree with that. It's a, it's a very, the nostalgia side of it is, is, is huge. Also, I like that you write in spoons, which I think you should, Oh, right. Because I, well, I did that. Subconsciously, but I mean, you can't eat this with the fork.
Starting point is 01:12:15 Yeah. There's no forks allowed. I think we have to go with spoons on this one, which as a spoon man, I approve. Little pink spoons. Little pink spoons. Well, um, I, here, here's what I think. And take your time. It's only been 80 minutes, so please like think, think about this.
Starting point is 01:12:33 This is a nice trim episode by our standards these days. I, I think that anything that a kid can enjoy in a adult really, really has, really enjoys and has a good time with, it's one of the, that, that to me is just an accomplishment in our world that can't be beaten an adult and a kid both having a good time. Baskin Robbins is that it's fun. It's like going to the amusement park. That's the thing a parent and a kid can both enjoy, right? The movies.
Starting point is 01:13:07 Certain movies. They're not, not, you know, you don't want to park certain movies. Certain movies. Baskin Robbins. Baskin Robbins. If, if, if you're like really hitting this area where like adults are, are having as much fun as the kids and really enjoy what they haven't, that's a home run to me. And listen, it's Dunkin Donuts brand.
Starting point is 01:13:27 The food, the food, the food in there was good. It's not your top of the line ice cream place, but they're not trying to be that, honestly. Like they're, they're, they're, they're doing their own thing and, and it tastes fucking good. And it's a throwback. It's a throwback to these times. Like I feel like these places kind of are, are few and far between now. And also with like, I parked at the Chuck E. Cheese that I went to for this podcast.
Starting point is 01:13:52 That's a kid's place. It fucking sucks. Like I just remembered like being in the parking lot, I was like, this is fucking gross. It's not the same with Baskin Robbins. Everyone leaves there happy. The food is good. I wish my hot fudge was a little better. It's not as good as Brigham's.
Starting point is 01:14:05 I'd give Brigham's five spoons, guaranteed, but I gotta give it four spoons. I like it. It's good. I, as a guy who didn't even go there that much, I don't even have, I don't even have that nostalgic factor tied into Baskin Robbins. What the, what the fuck does its name mean? This is two guys, I missed your intro. It's two guys names.
Starting point is 01:14:23 Okay. Irv Bask, or Irv Robbins and Burt Baskins. Maybe they could update some things a little bit and, and, and, and it would be helpful to the, to the franchise, but I like it. I like that it exists. What can I say? Four spoons from the Spoon Man. I love ice cream.
Starting point is 01:14:42 It may be my favorite food. Like Dave King growing up, I would have ice cream for dessert every night. It was a very common thing in my family. It's a special treat to go to an ice cream parlor. And in fact, later in life, I have come to realize that a ice cream at the parlor is always going to be better than ice cream at home out of your freezer. In the same way that pizza from a pizzeria will just be better than the Dijonos that you're going to heat up in your own oven.
Starting point is 01:15:06 Yeah, no shit. It's just going to be, it's just going to be better. What the, what the fuck, why are you getting hostile with this very innocent observation? Yeah, because fucking, of course a pizza at a pizza parlor is going to be better than Dijonos. That's why I'm compared, that's why I'm using it as a point of comparison. I'm saying of course that's going to be better in the same way. A lot of people don't have that same connection with ice cream.
Starting point is 01:15:26 A lot of people, you know what, you know what would have been a better thing to say? Oh please, yeah, punch up my fucking closing argument. That's what we should do now, let's interrupt each other and punch up what we're trying to say. We're trying to close out the goddamn podcast. Like a coke at a, like a coke from a soda fountain at a restaurant will be better than a soda at home. Out of a can.
Starting point is 01:15:44 You're absolutely right, Mitch. Yeah. Dumbass bitch. Fuck you. An event. Can I jump in? I disagree. Really?
Starting point is 01:15:52 Yes. I think that's a consistency issue because sometimes- Find a coke from McDonald's then. But sometimes if they're like low on syrup and stuff then you get a seltzery thing and it's not as good. Sometimes there's too much syrup. God damn it, James. You're trading off consistency for the prospect of excellence.
Starting point is 01:16:08 That's right, that's right. It's a gamble. I think- That's the fountain gamble. But can we all just be honest here, a dijonal pizza is not as good as any pizza you're going to eat out for God's sake. Of course. That's right.
Starting point is 01:16:18 So I guess mine's better. Yeah, that's right. So that's what Dave's saying. Mine's better than your dumb shit that you didn't need to add. No, but the ice cream thing is weirder than it is better. Okay, whatever. Go for it. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:16:28 I was going to say, what I was going to say is that- Let's start the whole thing over again. Okay. Just introduce me and then we'll just get from there. I can't believe we've never done that before. We just restarted the podcast. We should have just- Yeah, we should start from episode one.
Starting point is 01:16:43 We should start, we should go back to episode one. Just delete the archives. Right, right, right, guys. Just redo everything. Not revisit the restaurants, just try to remember what we had. Dustin, babe, we got to delete the archives. I definitely has an emergency button for that anyway. What I was getting to, I was going to say, Mitch, before you interrupted me, I was going
Starting point is 01:17:04 to try to say something kind of nice. I was going to say something kind of nice. I was going to say like Dunkin' Donuts from Quincy ended up buying, ended up merging with Baskin Robbins from Southern California. You from Boston have merged with me from Southern California to come together. Put a beautiful six on it. I was going to go towards that and say that, but you know, whatever. Don't give up.
Starting point is 01:17:27 No, whatever. This is a part of our fun. We have fun. At any event. Toe boys. That's gone. Forget about that. No, do it.
Starting point is 01:17:35 You got to stop. Come on. Please, I got to see this. Wait, hold on. Time out also. Is there any more to it than what you just said? I think you said it. That was what he was going to say.
Starting point is 01:17:43 I'm not going to say it now. I said the entirety of what I was going to say. You just didn't have the sincerity in that. I'm just saying I'm not committing to it anymore. You know what? I'll commit to it. That's true. It's very true and we love each other.
Starting point is 01:17:55 Oh, they're kissing. I had a great experience today. I have consistently great experiences at Baskin Robbins. I love ice cream. As far as mainstream mass market giant ice cream parlors, it's the only game in town. Yeah, you've got Cold Stone, but Cold Stone's a gimmick. As far as just like regular old ice cream, there's Baskin Robbins and then what else is there?
Starting point is 01:18:15 There's nothing else. Like Magic Johnson said about Michael Jordan, there's Michael and then there's the rest of us. That's one thing with Baskin Robbins. As far as chain ice creams, there's Baskin Robbins and then there's the rest of them. It doesn't matter. Ice cream's great. Baskin Robbins is great.
Starting point is 01:18:27 It's great for a kid. They got the quarterback crunch. They got the baseball themed thing that you can get in the little hat. The kids will love that. Polar pizza, ice cream cake, the whole gamut. It's a fucking home run. It's a slam dunk. It's a touchdown.
Starting point is 01:18:39 It's a last second penalty shot goal. It's every sports metaphor you want to know and they've got sports themed flavors to top it all off. Baskin Robbins rules, five spoons. Wow. Wow. Love Baskin Robbins. Wow.
Starting point is 01:18:53 I feel like a jerk now. No. You're not a jerk. This is surprising. It's in the... Do we have a stair step club? What do we have at Wembley? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:01 Well, yeah. No, there's a stair. There's something like that. It's in the stair master club and it's also where ballpark buds on this one. Ballpark's buds. Right, right knocking on the door of the golden plate club. Maybe it'll get in there someday. I feel a little guilty now, but I do also believe that we have to be careful.
Starting point is 01:19:16 You guys need to be careful of fork inflation. Yeah, I think that it ticked, I don't know, man, like, look, I love Baskin Robbins too. I feel bad that I only gave it three and a half spoons or forks, whatever you want to call it, but to make room for the real five fork gems out there. You committed to what you feel is the accurate assessment of this place and that's all, that's your responsibilities, I guess. All right, I'm going to set up our next segment. You guys banter for one second.
Starting point is 01:19:43 The team was coming out of Wyger's Electrode when he was going after. It was amazing. David, I have to... It would bum me out if I didn't... I mean, it's a sad thing to say, but we met through Harris Whittles, the late Gray Harris Whittles, and just got to give him a shout out because he's a guy who introduced us to each other and we love him and he was a big fan of yours and he's a great guy. A guy who also loved soda, by the way.
Starting point is 01:20:03 Yeah, loved soda. A big soda fan. I just remember if he had a take on ice cream, he certainly loved McDonald's. He's a big... I know, I know. When we do that McDonald's episode, we'll give a good shout out to Harris. I mean, what can you say? I still miss him every day and I don't know, best dude of all time.
Starting point is 01:20:19 The funniest guy. The funniest guy around, yeah. So in the next season of Love, which you're working on, is Randy gonna have a job at a Baskin Robbins? So Randy is the character that Mitch plays. I think part of the charm of Randy is that he doesn't really work very much at all. I'll give the tiniest spoiler of season two, Randy, which is that I believe we discover that he, at one point, washed towels at a mosque.
Starting point is 01:20:53 Is that Ring of Hell? I think that's an... I think I did say I washed towels at a mosque at one point. If that's not in an episode of season two, it was meant to be in an episode of season two and I'm fighting to keep it in an episode of season two. Yeah, I'd love for Randy to work at Baskin Robbins. That'd be great. By the way, speaking of, I don't know how you guys feel about this, but did any of you
Starting point is 01:21:19 ever work at an ice cream parlor? Scooping ice cream seems to me to be the hardest fucking retail job. I feel like your wrist would just... I also have my joints are garbage, but I don't know how people do that. I bet you with Weigher, the wrist Weigher's got it, but you'd be really good at Scooping Ice Cream. Again, you're implying that I jack off a lot. It's funny.
Starting point is 01:21:41 I got the subject. You know, I'm actually curious. Not onto the ice cream. What? No one thought that's what you said. No, I know, but I was making sure that you weren't implying that yourself. Very good. Yeah, and if you're out there and if you ever worked at an ice cream parlor, hashtag ice
Starting point is 01:21:55 cream slinger. Most of you were slinging ice cream. Oh my God. All right. It's time for a regular segment. Or hashtag jack off wrist. All right. Hey, you're not mad at him for punching up your shit?
Starting point is 01:22:09 No, that's better. You're a pro. I'm honored to have Dave King punch up my shit. All right. So we've got a mystery beverage, and Mitch and Dave have to guess what it is. It's the Weigher Challenge. So I've handed you guys some red solo cups and describe what you were experiencing here. It's like college.
Starting point is 01:22:26 Well, we're looking at, OK, so it's a clear, fizzy, carbonated beverage. Smells a little like Sprite. Smells a little like Sprite or 7-Up, something kind of citrusy. 7-Up is... All right. Should we take a taste? Yeah, let's go ahead. Weigher Challenge.
Starting point is 01:22:40 I love it. I mean, by the way, if this is your semen, like this is a very weird prank. Wow. Ooh. This is carbonated. This is Weigher. This is a Weigher Challenge for sure. Good one.
Starting point is 01:22:56 What is this? So there's definitely a taste in there that isn't, like I want to say it's almost like an apple-y or something, is that? Apple's pretty good. Wow, this is weird. This is like, this has never happened to me in the Weigher Challenge before, but I almost don't even know what to guess. Hmm.
Starting point is 01:23:20 I mean, my first thought, like the sort of standard thought was that it was like a flavored sandpale grino or something like that, but it's, I feel like it's sugary-er and less good quality than that. That's definitely sugary. Yeah. Is this a melted, frozen, or parlor pizza? I think it's like a Sprite remix, but I also, but also my thing is, is like, Weigher did a, I think it was a Lebron Sprite we had once on the Weigher Challenge.
Starting point is 01:23:50 So I don't, is this like a cactus coo, no, it's not a, it's not, and it's not, I don't think it's a squirt either. It's a really- It doesn't taste diet-y to me either, it tastes like, but I could be wrong. I don't know. That sort of stevia or diet-y, or aspartane thing, I'm usually pretty sensitive to that garbage. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 01:24:08 There's no explicit time limit on the Weigher Challenge. And yet, but it would be nice if we got to a guess at some point as I would, I'm just saying. Okay. I have a guess. Okay. I'm gonna guess that this is a new flavor of Canada-dry ginger ale called apple berry. Canada-dry ginger ale.
Starting point is 01:24:31 That's my guess. All right. That's like the most fictional, well, I don't know what, a man, and that's- It's a good guess, it's a very, very good guess. Hmm. Let's hear what your brilliant thing is, man. Okay. Man.
Starting point is 01:24:58 I gotta guess it's a Sprite. I gotta guess it's some sort of Sprite-based drink, like a raspberry, maybe like a little bit of a raspberry, or citrus, or tropical Sprite-type drink. I don't have an actual guess on it, because I know sodas pretty well, but I don't know. Your guess is I don't know. My guess is some sort of citrus take-on Sprite, like a Sprite- Okay. Citrus Sprite.
Starting point is 01:25:24 Yeah, like a Sprite remix or thing. Right. Citrus Sprite, apple berry, Canada-dry ginger ale. Canada-dry apple berry. Neither of you is on the money. Oh. I think I'm going to give this one to Mitch, because you're the closest in terms of naming an adjacent soda brand, although you're both in the ballpark.
Starting point is 01:25:42 This is Mountain Dew Dew Shine, Crystal Mountain Dew. Whoa. Whoa. Yeah. Wow. It's made with real sugar, and it's got a clear citrus flavor. It sure is. Wow.
Starting point is 01:25:55 Citrus, okay. The citrus- I think the citrus you threw in there, I think, gives you that off. Yeah, it was off on the flavor. That's really, wow. You know what? When we were like, this tastes good, but I can't think of what it is. It should have been the first thing that should have come to our mind is Mountain Dew.
Starting point is 01:26:12 Yeah, we blew it. We definitely blew it. You didn't blow it. It's hard to, that's the nature of the blind taste test. Wow. That was a tough one. Oh, holy shit. No, that was pretty good.
Starting point is 01:26:22 Man. All right. Just like a restaurant, you buy your feedback. Let's open up the feedback. The email comes to us from atJohnnyIsGood. I know Johnny from Twitter, very funny guy. Johnny writes, you recently had a guest on who commented that she found Coca-Cola too spicy, and that's why she preferred Pepsi.
Starting point is 01:26:36 This is absolutely bananas to me, but I was wondering, are there any foods that you guys find too spicy? Also, what is the hottest thing you have ever eaten? Love the podcast. Dave King, anything you find too spicy? Are you a heat seeker? Anything with the tiniest amount of spice in it is too spicy. I am not a spice guy.
Starting point is 01:26:56 I never have been. I can't stand it. I just didn't grow up eating spice. Right. The most that I'll go for is like, oh, here's another savory, like, kind of, just to go back to an early conversation, like, you guys know BCD Tofu? God, that's where we should have gone. We're not going to go to, like, a obscure Koreatown Tofu place.
Starting point is 01:27:17 I guess, but it is a chain. Like, there are a few of them. Okay. But anyway, regardless. Let's try a wager. I'm in that place and I will go for a little, like, they ask you how spicy do you like it. And one option is plain and one option is mild. And I'm, like, very, like, as little amount as you can put in there because it does help
Starting point is 01:27:37 the taste, but I'm just not a spice guy. I can't do it. I don't know why. I mean, I know why. It's because I'm scared of it and I hate it. I like spice. I used to love spice. Now I don't do as well with it.
Starting point is 01:27:50 It just hurts my stomach now. By the way, this speaking of Randy from Love, this is another characteristic of Randy's that he loves spicy food. Like, spice here it is, right? The spice here it is, which I feel like, you know, like a decade ago I was very Randy. Like, Randy loves, he likes it to be spicy. Like, he doesn't like when people say it's spicy and it's not spicy. But he's also, I like to think that he's dumber than me.
Starting point is 01:28:17 I think so. I used to be a big spice guy. I like spicy buffalo. Like, if I got like buffalo wings or something, I like them to be spicy, but I also like to enjoy them. So I'm not going like, I'm going like either hot or mild even. Sometimes I'll go mild. And I went to Night Market Song last night.
Starting point is 01:28:38 Night Plus. That's great. It's so good. Yeah. Night Plus Market Song or whatever. And there was some stuff there. Like, you can get some spicy stuff there that's pretty spicy. And it just, it will just hurt my stomach later.
Starting point is 01:28:51 That's it. That has become the big thing. But when I was younger, like, I would eat, like, ghost pepper sauce. And people actually, like, I remember when I was younger, like, I was over at my friend's house and they were just feeding me. Like, it was like the world's hottest, like, hot sauce. And they would take a bite and like, one friend was like throwing up and like. That's fun.
Starting point is 01:29:08 And, but I could eat it. I had no issue with it. Yeah. I had no, but then I think, I think I have like ulcers. I don't know what's, I don't know what's happened to me. But, but I like, I like spice. Yeah. But I don't like to go, I don't like to go too, too crazy on it.
Starting point is 01:29:23 Like, and if I know what I'm getting into, that's great. But if I'm trying to enjoy myself, I usually try to go, you know, mild to maybe a little spicy, but nothing too crazy. Yeah. I'd say I'm like a, I'm a medium plus guy. I don't go all the way spicy, but I like, I like some, some heat to it. And I will get like some, some super spicy things in reference to Johnny's question. What's the hottest thing you've ever eaten?
Starting point is 01:29:45 I think I would probably think of Jit Lada, which is this Thai restaurant in L.A. Have you guys been there? I've been there and been burned, so to speak, by a spicy thing that I didn't realize was spicy. And I know what you're talking about. That stuff can be hot as hell. They have some super hot, super hot shit. And we got something from a specifically, because my wife Natalie, she's happy to be
Starting point is 01:30:04 as she loves spicy food and like eats like insanely hot food. Like, like, you know, ghosts, like we'll just eat an habanero. She, she got, she ordered some stuff from their super spicy menu and got this beef that came with like, it came with like a side of ice and like vegetables on ice just to cool your mouth down. And I had like two bites of it. It was one of those things that was like a slow burn. And you know, like I had two bites of it and was like, oh, this is fine.
Starting point is 01:30:29 So I had like some more big bites and then it started to burn so bad. And it was such a sustained burn that lasted for like 40 minutes to the point where I like, I went to the restroom and then I would just take water from the sink and then hold it in my mouth to try and like cool off. It was just so brutal. That was so uncomfortable. If you're a spice fan, hashtag Spice World. Or how about hashtag Spice Girl or Guy?
Starting point is 01:30:51 Yeah, yeah, either of those. And then what, what, what, what, if you're not a spice person. If you're, if you're a mild hashtag, mild child. And how about no spice? Oh, and if you want absolutely no spice at all. How about hashtag Nold Spice? Just a play on Old Spice. A play on Old Spice.
Starting point is 01:31:08 Nold Spice. Perfect. Okay, switch. I was going to say just quickly, the hottest thing I ever had, my best friend Justin, his family took me down to Florida and his, and his mom made like a salad with blue cheese dressing. What? And I was eating it and I was like, this is so spicy.
Starting point is 01:31:24 And they were like making fun of me like, shut up, Michael. This is not, this is fine. Justin will remember this. And then everyone else started eating the salad and they're like, this is really spicy. Mrs. Kylie, Mr. Kylie, like kept this pepper book where he ranked all his hot sauces by like five peppers and she had used one of the five pepper hot sauces and mixed it into the blue cheese dressing. Oh man.
Starting point is 01:31:48 And it was like, it was like, if you get one of those Florida like, for some, you know, you go into those like shitty hot sauce shacks in Florida and they just have the hottest shit on earth. Light your ass on fire. They've got like these horrible cheesy pun names. There's like a donkey, like right, like a donkey kicking you in the butt. Normally, I would say that's an honest mistake, but if anything, she should have referred to the pepper book.
Starting point is 01:32:14 It feels like this is the one. Well, Mr. Kylie was like, what'd you use? He looked it up and he's like, that's got five peppers. Like he was, he was like scared. He was nervous that we had used the too spicy of the sauce. That's like a double whey because you're not expecting the heat. It's one thing if you're like, okay, this is a spicy challenge, but if you're having some blue cheese dressing, that's a thing that is meant to cool down heat.
Starting point is 01:32:35 Exactly. Yeah. So that was probably the spiciest thing I've ever eaten. If you have a question or comment about the world of chain restaurants, email us at Check out our Facebook page, Do Boys. Follow us on Twitter at doboyspod. Subscribe and rate us on iTunes.
Starting point is 01:32:49 Dave King, thank you so much for joining us. Thanks for having me. Thanks for the ice cream. What a great man. Do you have anything you would like to plug at this time? No. I mean, you know, I'm just hanging out. I'm just a guy.
Starting point is 01:33:01 I wouldn't worry about it. I'd give a podcast about the great debates. It's fun. Oh, yeah. Steve Healy, we just sort of argued about... Another great guy. Oh, he's the best. And we our moderator, Dan Medina, we just argue about anything,
Starting point is 01:33:13 and it's, you know, it's where podcasts are and everyone has a podcast and I have one, and what can you do? That's where we're at. We're going to have to get you back on here for sure. We love Dave, and this is great to have you, and sorry it took so long. I wish we got you in here even earlier, and we'll have you back for sure. We'll get you on here before we ever have Bug Main in the studio. Jesus.
Starting point is 01:33:34 That'll do it for this episode of Doe Boys. Can I leave them with the song? Yeah, well, you know, we can just splice that in afterwards. I just want to say this. Jonah Ray hooked me up with this guy. His name is Ian Graham, and his Twitter handle is I, I, I, Ian Graham, and he plays in this band called Cheap Girls, which Jonah likes a lot, and then he made this song with his friend Sean Burnett,
Starting point is 01:33:59 and it's called...the song is called...sorry. The song is called...Spoon Man's Got It All. So it's a good song. I want to play it, and I think people will like it. Alright, we'll take you out with that. That was it for this episode of Doe Boys, and until next time, for The Spoon Man, Mike Mitchell, I'm Nick Weigar. Happy eating.
Starting point is 01:34:15 See ya. We're away from what he wants to order. Gonna represent the course until he can't go further. Spoon Man's got it all. Spoon Man's got it all. He's gonna call his mom, shout out his Quincy friend. The hero we all need, he's so much better than Nick Weigar. He's a big, shining girl, she had a liking to the dark two.
Starting point is 01:35:00 Let's see if it's bad. Why is he always giving me a shit? When everybody knows Nick is a super bitch. Spoon Man's got it all. Spoon Man's got it all. Spoon Man, baby, it's the Spoon Man's world. Spoon Man, baby, it's the Spoon Man's world.

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