Doughboys - Blaze Pizza with Eliza Skinner

Episode Date: September 10, 2020

Eliza Skinner (The Late Late Show, Earth To Ned, Regarding My Lovers) join the 'boys to talk childhood collections, theme parks, and Blaze Pizza. Plus, everyone picks their favorite aliens in the Moun...t Gushmore segment.Sources for this week's intro: on Doughboys via Gumball.fmWant more Doughboys? Check out our Patreon!: for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 On June 16th, 1975, the Los Angeles Lakers in Milwaukee Box consummated a five-player trade that would land Hall of Fame's center Karim Abdul-Jabbar in purple and gold. The acquisition of the league's all-time leading scorer would help propel the showtime Lakers to five NBA championships in the 1980s, and trenching Karim's legacy is one of the greatest, if not the greatest, of all time. But one of the player's exchange for Karim would become a legend in his own right, a first-round draft pick out of Louisville named Junior Bridgeman. In the off-seasons during his esteemed 12-year NBA career, mostly spent with the Bucks, Bridgeman
Starting point is 00:00:40 dutifully learned the ins and outs of fast food franchising by working at a Wendy's drive-through, and after he and his jersey were retired, he invested his earnings into becoming a franchise owner himself. Bridgeman ably bridged the gap to this new phase in his career, eventually coming to own over 160 Wendy's and 120 Chili's locations, amassing a fast food fortune that dwarfed his earnings as a player. And his success would inspire the next generation of athletes turned chain restaurant entrepreneurs, including Magic Johnson, who established Starbucks and TGI Fridays franchises, Jamal
Starting point is 00:01:10 Mashburn, who owns dozens of outback steakhouses in Papa John's, and current Laker and the man who made some day challenge Karim's scoring title, LeBron James, who, in 2012, invested $1 million in a startup pizza chain founded by Wetzel's Pretzels luminaries Rick and Elise Wetzel. The concept was inspired by the couple's trip to a Pasadena Chipotle outlet, where this king and queen of twisted dough quickly realized the counter-service workflow could apply to another type of dough, personal pizzas. Customized to order in quick-fired ovens that can reach 900 degrees, the build-your-own
Starting point is 00:01:44 Zaw gimmick was a monster hit, and the eatery became the fastest-growing fast-casual chain of not just the 2010s, but of all time, on pace for 1,000 locations this coming decade. Today, James' initial investment has grown almost 50-fold, and his hybrid franchise owner-slash-spokesperson role has proved beneficial for both he and the Wetzel's Italian-American brainchild. And while Junior Bridgeman recently exited fast food franchising in favor of the more lucrative cola bottling, it's his business acumen that's inspired countless professional athletes to thrive after their playing days via chain restaurant empires.
Starting point is 00:02:18 This week on Doughboys, Blaze Pizza. Welcome to Doughboys, the podcast about chain restaurants. I'm Nick Weiger, alongside my co-host, Chewanon, the Spoonman Mike Mitchell. Chewanon. So, I believe in some like eating truths that others don't believe, like I have far-fetched conspiracy theories about, like, maybe like cupcakes are actually pie. Yeah, there you go. That tracks completely.
Starting point is 00:03:03 The cockamamie theory you have, cupcakes, which has cake in the name, is more classified as a pie. And also, dude, pizza is a sandwich. Whoa, man. You're fucking twisted. Trevor from Tucson sent that in, is the address we have a roast for the top of the show. Mitch, how you doing?
Starting point is 00:03:27 You were just eating your first meal as we're about to record, we're recording the late afternoon. Mm-hmm. You had a rough night's sleep. Well, yeah, I was eating, it was prepared at about 2.40. Yeah, late lunch. I mean, if you hit four o'clock, lunch is just done. You don't get to do lunch, right?
Starting point is 00:03:42 Yeah. Is that true? Maybe there's some late lunches. Maybe people have eaten lunch at four. I think 4 p.m. is like the cutoff for, that becomes an early dinner. Okay. I mean, like, you can't be eating lunch at four. I'll give it to you between three and four, but once it gets 4 p.m., that's too much.
Starting point is 00:04:02 That's too far. So you just say lunch is not possible at four? I don't think so. Sounds like you're fucking chewing on. And I'm sure that you, I'm sure you, I'm sure that you have ties to Epstein as well. All right. What did you, what did Q, and I'm calling him, too, what did, what did Q, what was Q's ties to, what was his ties to, what is his deal?
Starting point is 00:04:30 It's way too complicated. I honestly don't even know if there's explicit ties. Look, I'm just going to say it. We welcome Q listeners to this pod. No response. Weigher. Sorry, I had to mute, I was muted for a second. I was typing.
Starting point is 00:04:48 Jesus Christ. I think that Q already has eating conspiracies because they think that Chrissy Teigen eats babies. Yeah, that's true. It's all that pizza gate stuff because that's, that's a whole evil was talking about that. There's like supposedly that video, I think it's called Frazzledrip. That is a Hilary. They all have hair, sensible names.
Starting point is 00:05:16 Yeah. Now hold on a second. I'm going to say I welcome Q listeners to the pod. And then as this is released, it will just be 30 seconds of silence where you sound mad. Yeah. We all are quietly judging you. You have to pay attention to who's muted. Hey, Weigher, we take any listener we can get.
Starting point is 00:05:41 It's true. We're craving like that. Give us the scum of the earth. You guys passing out stickers at the QAnon rally? It just happened here. Oh, that's right. There was one in Hollywood. God, it's fucking.
Starting point is 00:05:59 Yeah. What a fucking bad world. What a disaster. Yeah, it's really weird. You know, it's like, like, are we running out of actual things to be upset about? We need to start making them out of candy floss. I just, I just Googled QAnon and the latest, the latest thing they have is that Diddy Kong is actually Donkey Kong's son.
Starting point is 00:06:27 That's fucked up. It's no way that's true. That can't be true. But I mean, that's exactly the kind of information that you have access to when you have the highest clearance level in the government. It's true. Which is the Q level. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:44 That would, from that, I would infer that Q is a Kremlin. Wow. You think Q could be King K. Rool himself? It's possible. Who knows? King Q Rool? Why is the NBA season was almost canceled? Yes.
Starting point is 00:07:05 Which is cool. It might still be. We'll see what happens by the 10th episode releases. We don't know. Whatever the players would like to do, we support them. Yes. Yeah, we support the players 100 percent. What's going on over there?
Starting point is 00:07:22 What's happening? What do you mean what's happening? No, no, no. With Weigar, he's looking over to the side. What's going on here? I was grabbing my coffee. I got a travel mug. I'm sipping on.
Starting point is 00:07:31 My dog is being a cuckaroo. Oh, no. We got our own things we're dealing with and you got a thing you're supposed to be doing which is playing your drop. Yeah, I know, but you're not paying attention. I am paying attention. I'm fully engaged. You're not fully engaged.
Starting point is 00:07:49 You were looking off to the side. I was grabbing my travel mug. Why do you have a why you're home? You don't travel. Here's what's nice about the travel mug at home. Keeps my drink warm and I sip it. Now, if I just had an open mug of coffee, that thing is going to be room temp 20 to 30 minutes. Yeah, foul.
Starting point is 00:08:10 That's going to be 20 to 30 minutes into the episode. That's going to be room temp. This is going to stay hot for the most of the record and I'll sip it instead of chugging. I'm talking to the NBA season and you're acting like a regular Linda Richmond over there. The Mike Myers character from Coffee Talk. Fresh reference. Coffee, coffee. Wow.
Starting point is 00:08:35 Making the references. The mixer. Cutting edge. Why? I'm verklempt. Is that what they says? Yes. All right.
Starting point is 00:08:45 Talk amongst yourselves. Yeah, talk amongst yourselves. I don't know if I can do that. I should stop doing that impression. Here we go. Add it home to Spoon Nation. Here's a little drop. Ah.
Starting point is 00:08:59 Fuck. Wow. It's a live drop. It's a live drop. Woo. The van goes woo. The van goes woo. The van goes woo.
Starting point is 00:09:25 And off it. Woo. I think it was worth it. I think that nice flare. I really have egg on my face. In our business, in our business having egg on your face is a good thing, right, Wags? Hmm. It means you're doing your job.
Starting point is 00:09:44 That's right. Yeah. It means you're really getting gritty. You're getting in there shoving your face in the eggs. Egg on your face is actually one of the grosser foods to have on your face, huh? Yeah. It's pretty gnarly. Especially if you have a beard.
Starting point is 00:09:58 Yeah. You can get like a crispy old like bitty yolk in there or something. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Like a side egg. Or if it's like kind of like a gooey part. Yeah. Like a runny yolk.
Starting point is 00:10:10 Look. Look. Soft boiled. Yoke beard is no joke. Oh, yeah. You did that series of PSAs. I did it. It really sets you up.
Starting point is 00:10:21 I deal with yolk beard probably in a year. Probably about 360 times in a year. Wow. So like every other week, every week you maybe take a day off. Wow. That's a lot of, that's a lot of eggy yolks. Yeah. You should practice eating eggs more.
Starting point is 00:10:39 Hmm. Try to get that fork fully in your mouth before you close and bite. Are you just kind of toss note at your face? I just toss it at the face. Have you ever, do you ever eat soft boiled eggs? This, this feels like a very New England-y. Because like a soft boiled egg also has like a, like a little holder if you've ever had one.
Starting point is 00:10:57 Yes. Egg cup. Yeah. I feel like I can picture myself as like a little New England boy dressed up in like an, like a Easter outfit. A little suit. A little suit and having, sitting and having a soft boiled egg. I'm sweetly thanking your mother for it.
Starting point is 00:11:13 Thank you, mummy. Yeah. 100%. And with a bubble juice, chop chip on the sidewalks. But they were, they were good and no one ever gets soft boiled eggs, right? Like who eats soft boiled eggs in this world? I actually, what you described was my childhood because I'm, my dad is English, English. Wow.
Starting point is 00:11:35 So we, so I had like a little Paddington egg cup. Wow. And I would have my soft boiled egg with the toast soldiers and you dip them in. Yes. And I did in fact call my mother, mummy. I mean, I did as well. I, I mean, I'm right. Mummy, not mummy?
Starting point is 00:11:51 Mummy with you? I mean, that's how everyone says I say mummy. I say, oh God, I say mum in like MUM. But in your head, it's an O. Yes. Wikes. But everyone says I say mum. Correct?
Starting point is 00:12:02 Yes. Yes. But in your head, it's an O. Yes. But also I think that this is a New England, Northeast thing is that a lot of those weird English things we kind of stuck around in New England. You say swimming costume. No, but I've heard swimming costume before, especially from like older, like older people
Starting point is 00:12:21 and Quincy growing up. Like superheroes that go swimming. Yeah. Like Aquaman. My very first drop came from Matt and he writes, dear Doughboys, hope you enjoy this. My very first drop. It's super short and was inspired by a very wider turn of phrase concerning the nature boy, Rick Flair, much love to the extended Doughboys verse in these difficult times.
Starting point is 00:12:44 May we all go. Woo. Edge Matt. He says edge and calm like instead of like good day or whatever. And also the music sample is super Bon Bon from 90s all rock group soul coughing. We know that. I said cake. I, that was a like a not like in the mid to late 90s WBCN in Boston.
Starting point is 00:13:12 That's a, that's a, that was like a staple song. I feel like that song. Super Bon Bon. Now, right? Not. I got to, I got delayed. I got delayed. I got a, I got, I got a, I got a, uh, a part in a small film.
Starting point is 00:13:32 So I'm sticking around for a couple of weeks. Oh. Mm hmm. Breaking chews. Congrats Mitch. And we should formally introduce our guest. Yes. A writer, actor and comedian whose credits include the late, late show in the new Disney
Starting point is 00:13:43 Plus series, Earth to Ned. And our new album regarding my lovers is available now. Eliza Skinner is back. Thank you for joining us again, Eliza. Hey, I've been talking. All right. I find it hard to shut up. No, it's fine.
Starting point is 00:14:00 The first, the, our first 10 minutes before we introduce our guest is always death. So it's nice to have, it's nice to have someone who can be a funny actually talking. Um, we, I wanted to ask you guys, right? Yeah. Instead of us. I wanted to ask, um, radio stations came up. You have some history with radio. I mean college radio.
Starting point is 00:14:23 College radio. Yes. Yeah. I was the hardcore director of my college radio station. Um, and for a while I was the librarian. Um, yeah, I also, uh, I did a, I did a really weird radio show that was free form. All of our radio shows had to have a format and like stick to it. Um, except the ones that were from midnight to 6am.
Starting point is 00:14:44 So I did a radio show that was 3am to 6am where I would just play a weird mix of novelty songs and hardcore punk. Um, so it was a show for no one. And because it was that early, I remember walking back to my dorm, like do, I remember walking there doing the show in pajamas, walking back to my dorm, holding LPs and just laying down on the sidewalk and going to sleep for a little while. Just being like, uh, I'll go the rest of the way later.
Starting point is 00:15:15 And just trying to cut you a little shut high. Yeah. Young people are crazy with their bodies. They don't treat them right. They'll put the bad food inside of them. They don't sleep with them. They're just young people. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:30 Um, we, uh, we, Mitch and I grew out of that. Uh, yeah. Well, you guys at least beat each other and beat yourselves up for it. That's true. You're doing it, but you're like, Oh no, I am tortured by this food. I am cursed to eat. I remember, I remember when I was working at the Simpsons, which I've said on this podcast thousands of times,
Starting point is 00:15:51 I get made fun of more. Yeah. Okay. Wow. Do we need to ask follow up questions or? I was an assistant to the writers. Um, but, uh, and he did Barney's mo cap. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:10 Thanks. Home. The best I could do is an audio. Yeah. You need to need to talk. Who are you thinking Homer? They'd say, um, uh, I was, I would thank Homer every day for my job. I was very, uh, happy to have it.
Starting point is 00:16:28 But, uh, I, uh, I, I remember one time driving back from that job. And I had to go up to the birthday boys because, you know, when you're in your twenties doing comedy, you do it every night for whatever, you know, why, why? I don't know. It wastes, it wasted some time. Why isn't everybody doing this? Have they heard about it?
Starting point is 00:16:48 We could all be doing comedy all the time. It, um, why? Cause I know that you think it was a waste of time for, for all of us. But yeah. Um, I remember just getting to my house and being so tired and then falling asleep in my car for two hours and then just driving up to the birthday boys. And I was like, this sucks.
Starting point is 00:17:08 I remember being like, this is, this is, this is bad. You sleep in your park car outside your apartment. I like got to my apartment and was so tired and was just listening to the radio and was like, I got to go because I had to go in. Yes. And I had like a couple hours before the meeting started, fell asleep in my car, then woke up, then just drove up to the birthday boys house. I don't think I could sleep in a car.
Starting point is 00:17:31 Eliza, can you catch, uh, can you get some shut eye in a car? No, not really. Um, I've never been good. Well, you know what? If it's moving, yeah, I can. I can do that. Wow. Like sitting up zombie sleep thing, you know, where your head like rolls
Starting point is 00:17:43 back and your mouth opens up and you look like a corpse. Yeah. That. Um, but just like parking and sleeping in it. Uh, I don't think so. And now I've got a Mazda Miata. So those seats don't go back at all. Right.
Starting point is 00:18:01 I wouldn't be able to even lean back. I would just look like a strange middle-aged woman having a midlife crisis right in front of the war, right in front of everyone in the world. Uh, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've been, I've, I've attempted to, I mean, like I told you when I was younger, Nick, I'd go to Sonny McClain's and Santa Monica and yes, and if, and if, uh, you know, I would have a couple drinks and sometimes I'd just sleep in my car till the next morning. I don't know how you can do, I, I can't like, I need to, I need to recline.
Starting point is 00:18:32 Cause I was trash. I was a little trash. If I'm upright, I can't, yeah, I guess maybe if I was, if I was hammered, I could fall asleep upright in a car, but it's just, it's just so challenging. No, I meant that I was, I didn't mean I was trash. I'm saying I was, I was, I was trash. Oh God. Right.
Starting point is 00:18:48 It's, yeah. Wiger's like the fancy boy and you're the, you're the rough rider. I was a rough rider. I was covered in wrappers. I didn't care. I mean, it was a, I mean, sleeping in a car is, is. Is not, is not fun. It's, it's, it's not comfortable.
Starting point is 00:19:02 It's moving. Then it's like, you know, you have that little hum, you have a little move. It's like the way you put babies to sleep and moving. There's, there's a soothing nest. Also, I think there's something emotionally soothing about it. Cause like someone else, like as long as you're not driving, if you're driving, you shouldn't sleep in a car. But if someone else is driving, then you're like, Oh, I'm being taken care of.
Starting point is 00:19:22 I am being moved. The temperature is right. Why, why didn't you, didn't you recently talk about this, that it's that sort of thing of you'll never get that experience of your dad taking you out of a car. Oh yeah. That's the last time I can remember falling asleep in, in a vehicle was as a young child. I think I haven't done it in 30 years. I can't like, even if someone else is driving, I'm just, I'm just wired if I'm in a vehicle.
Starting point is 00:19:50 You can't sleep on planes either. You can't sleep on planes. You can't sleep on planes. You can't sleep on planes that much, right? Hmm. So excited. I'm in a car. I love the car.
Starting point is 00:20:00 Yeah. I love the car's franchise. So maybe that's, that's. Transference. No, I don't like, I actually don't like being in cars. I get very anxious driving or being a passenger. I'm sure that's part of it. You get the urge to fucking put the car into oncoming traffic.
Starting point is 00:20:18 Am I wrong? You have the urge to fucking turn the wheel. The unwanted thoughts. We're all like a moment away from going Michael Douglas and falling down, right? Absolutely losing it. Eliza, I got to ask you something. Oh, God. Now on a lot of, on a lot of,
Starting point is 00:20:36 What is it? What is it? On a lot of film and TV shows. What the hell? Is it a ghost? No. You know what it was? It was Alexa thought I said, thought I said.
Starting point is 00:20:51 Oh, with my name? Yeah. That's what it was. She's talking right now. She's still talking. I don't know what the fuck she's talking about. I can't hear. I enjoy talking to my Alexa.
Starting point is 00:20:59 It sounds like you're recording a bad podcast. Would you please stop? I'm talking to my Alexa. Like she's my 13 year old daughter that I've had enough of. Alexa, stop. Alexa. Stop. I'm so sorry.
Starting point is 00:21:16 She's not like this usually. Alexa, if you don't stop, you'll eat in your room. Sorry. That would rule. So a lot. So a lot of film and TV shows, they have military advisors. Was that kind of why you hired Weiger for Earth to Ned, the show about this alien creature?
Starting point is 00:21:36 Yes. That was it. I was like, we need someone to take the alien perspective here and be able to live in the brain of a non-human residing on Earth and parsing their way through human culture. Yeah. And I was like, who can do that more than someone who I know who has set up ways to quantify fast food
Starting point is 00:22:01 or qualify rather fast food with tables and charts. So it, yeah, pretty much. He's the charts guy. Also, he's funny sometimes and we needed some of that too. So, yeah. Disagree. Oh, but that's your banter. That's how you guys do.
Starting point is 00:22:22 Will they? Won't they? When's it going to happen? Sam and Diane. Eliza, I have to ask because I'm asking this of everyone because there are unique circumstances right now. How has being locked in during this time of quarantine affected your dietary habits?
Starting point is 00:22:46 I've started eating my hair. No. I've gotten a lot better at cooking. There's a lot of things that I make now that I'm like, I can't believe I ever thought this was not something I could just make. Right. I kind of have anything that I want.
Starting point is 00:23:06 That's probably the main thing. What's an example of something you're like, I never deigned to try this in the past, but you know what? I'm just going to go for it. I make chilaquiles for breakfast like every day. Wow. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:19 Like from scratch. And that to me before I was like, well, that's something only a restaurateur could do. I'm like, just wake up and chop up my onions, my vegetables and get it all going. Bam, bam, boom. Damn. Got a brunch level breakfast every day.
Starting point is 00:23:36 I've gotten into making Ethiopian food, which is a lot easier than I thought, but the injera, which is the buckwheat bread, I haven't been able to make that yet because it takes 96 hours and it's fermented from the yeast and the air. And I'm like, I don't even know if I've got yeasty air in here. And do I want to know if I've got yeasty air in here? So I'll just, I buy the injera or I order it.
Starting point is 00:24:00 And sometimes the food also, but like every, I can make the foods. That's impressive. Yeah. I've been trying to make my project now and I have not figured it out is making like tempura, Japanese eggplant medallions and then putting honey on that because I saw it on Britain's best home cook,
Starting point is 00:24:27 which is one of my favorite quarantine shows now. It's got Mary Berry from Great British Bake Off, but I'm not that much of a baking person. So this is, it's pretty much Great British Bake Off, but they're making like roasts and risotto and stuff that I actually am like, oh, I want to try to make that. That's more my speed because I always, you know, baking is such a formula.
Starting point is 00:24:56 And I always feel like I'm just going to fuck it up because it, hey, I have to be so precise with everything. Yeah. There's not a lot of in the moment creativity with baking. Right. Following an exact recipe and then trying to make it look perfect. And neither of those things are, are my strong suits. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:14 I mean, honestly, look, I need to start. I was telling you guys I've been doing some taxes and I, and I spent as a single man who lives alone. I eat out. Two men who live together. I eat out constantly and I, and I'm like, oh, I got to, I spent too much money on takeout and stuff. But baking and the stuff you're talking about,
Starting point is 00:25:41 it just seems like it's a, it seems like that's three hours of, of my day that I, that's what I thought, but it doesn't actually take that long. But on the other hand, as far as eating out, ordering out, I've been, anytime I do that, my stance on myself is I am an American hero. I am a hero. I am helping the industry.
Starting point is 00:26:01 I am helping restaurants. I am such a good person. It's almost selfish to cook at home. You know what? I never thought about myself that way. I am a good person. Yeah. But yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:16 Definitely. I think if you're supporting a local business and you're, and you're tipping well and it's, you know, and you're not dining in, then I think that's, yeah, those all seem like positive things. McDonald's is pretty local. It was created in California. I think it's expanded since then.
Starting point is 00:26:34 I, um, it's funny that different food things that have become comforts, like I, the idea of a happy male popped into my head a couple of months ago and I was like, Oh no, I want it so bad. Like with a toy in the box and it all smells salty. Oh God. But they don't even do that.
Starting point is 00:26:53 Do it that way anymore. I tweeted something about it. And so like other people were like, yes, I want this. Or maybe actually, I think Lauren left cause we did something about it. And I was like, I was just thinking this anyway. Um, Aaron Whitehead, you guys know her.
Starting point is 00:27:07 Uh, Of course. Responded to all of this saying exactly which happy meal toy she wanted, which was the, uh, Gonzo in a plane. And I found it on eBay. Wow.
Starting point is 00:27:17 I bought it in the center tour. It was like, get some food, stick it in a bag with this guy. It's as close as we can get. If this is going to make some joy for this weird quarantine life. It's amazing that you can just find all that shit. That just basically anything that's ever been,
Starting point is 00:27:37 you bundled with a fast food item is, is available for resale. Well, I mean, I collected some of that stuff when I was a, an action figure collector, which I was, which I was collecting figures before I was reading comic books. That's what got me into comic books,
Starting point is 00:27:54 which is how you know that I had a limited number of friends. I was a real super nerd. But yeah, you would be like, Oh yeah, you got to, we got to go and get all of the, all the X-Men cartoon toys, save them. These are going to be worth so much money. It cut to me like 20 years later selling an entire box of some still in the packages, action figures, happy meal toys,
Starting point is 00:28:21 all that shit for like 20 bucks for the whole huge comic book, long box of them. Yeah. Cause I guess there was a lot of that's the, when collecting that became more of a thing, it's just like the value got depressed because they weren't, nothing was rare anymore. Right. I remember we had,
Starting point is 00:28:42 we had some Kenner Star Wars action figures that for a time were pretty valuable, but then there became like, you know, then subsequently everyone began collecting these things. But now there's just no market for them. Yeah. I read a book about the beanie baby bubble. That was pretty fascinating. Cause like the guy who started beanie babies is like this toy Liberace kind of guy
Starting point is 00:29:03 who's had all this plastic surgery and is very fancy. And his thing with the beanie babies was that when they first came out, the colors of them weren't exactly right for his, his dream each time. And so we'd be like, we have to redo these peacocks. They need to be a more green shade of blue. And so people would see them in stores and be like, Oh shit, there's variations.
Starting point is 00:29:24 That probably means they're worth something. And then people were like, mortgaging their house to buy more beanie babies eventually. Yeah. I remember that whole trend. It was bananas. Yeah. So many people just thought this was like an ironclad investment.
Starting point is 00:29:38 Like they were getting in on the ground floor with Yahoo stock. And it was, and then it was just like, yeah, do you see that photo of that, that it's like this, this couple getting a divorce and they're splitting up their beanie baby collection in court? Yeah. It's just like, what a fucking bizarre time capsule. I mean,
Starting point is 00:29:57 at least stay together till the beanie babies are in college or something. Did you guys, did you guys ever collect stuff? I collected everything. I had a collection before it was of certain things. It was a box that I called my collection and I just put shit in there. Wow. Wow.
Starting point is 00:30:15 I'm a big time collector. So did you guys ever have any collections? I am a hoarder. So in many ways, yes. Yeah. Charges of toenails. You're in. Charges of toenails and you're in.
Starting point is 00:30:29 I'm not Howard Hughes wags. I didn't save any of that stuff. No, you're not a hygienic man, but you have a lot of clutter. You have a lot of possessions that you want to hold on to. I have a lot of, yeah. So yes, I remember at one point I had, I did get pogs at one point.
Starting point is 00:30:47 I think like any, like I was on that, oh yeah. I was on that trend of like any sort of 80s and 90s things of like Ninja Turtles, Ghostbusters. And then like it started to, the sun started to set around Power Rangers. That's kind of my, so like that is, and I could say anything that any kid in that stretch had,
Starting point is 00:31:13 and I probably, food fighters wag or do you remember, I've talked about them on the show before. Oh yeah, I've talked about those in a long time. Food fighters. I had like every battle trolls I had. That was like the height of advertising to kids. It was such, hey, are you cool? Want to be?
Starting point is 00:31:31 How about you fight with these fighting food toys? And I feel like I do want to be accepted. Like, I mean, maybe I just don't watch kids TV anymore, but that feeling of being manipulated into being cool and popular from these toys that yes, were built to be collected because they were only, well, I mean, if you have the grilled cheese, you got to get the pizza.
Starting point is 00:31:55 Yeah. Can you play with just one? I feel like I had most of the, like I think not most of, but probably like at least three or four of them. I remember battle trolls, which I didn't even, one, I for real was afraid of trolls. I saw that movie.
Starting point is 00:32:11 I saw that movie troll. Remember that movie troll? I saw that as a young kid. Oh, this was a horror movie. Yeah. Sunny Bono's in it. Yeah. It's a famous part of the era of little,
Starting point is 00:32:23 little thing horrors. So, so you had your, your, your gremlins. You had your chuds. You had your trolls. Yes. Troll and Troll. Of course. The Goolies.
Starting point is 00:32:33 Julia Louis Dreyfus is in it too. Sunny Bono, Julia Louis Dreyfus in like a very, very, very early role. But there's a little troll in it. And he fucking, he sticks people with the, with the fucking his ring that has a little thing on it. It's, it scared me. And so I was legit afraid of trolls.
Starting point is 00:32:48 Hmm. But then battle trolls came out and battle trolls. I, I, the, the commercial worked. Battle trolls are out of control. That was the commercial and it worked on me. I got the battle trolls. I don't remember the battle trolls at all. Multitudes, Mitch.
Starting point is 00:33:04 Yeah. Watchimals were too cool. So I got watchimals. I'll tell you one troll thing I did like the, the ride that a Disney, the, uh, what was it called? A Disney world. Oh, the one in the, the, the, the Iceland ride or the Norse ride. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:24 Yeah. The, yeah. It was the Norway. It was like, here's how we get oil out of the ocean. And this is how we fish and make sweaters. And also there's a troll now. Go back. It didn't make any sense.
Starting point is 00:33:39 It was cause it's Epcot where it's all about, um, science or industry. Right. Yeah. It was called, it was called Maelstrom was the, was the name of the ride. Um, They replaced it with the frozen ride.
Starting point is 00:33:54 They replaced it with the fucking frozen ride, which is trash. I'm sure it's not, it's not about the industry of Norse countries. And then suddenly trolls trying to get your, your little boat. Um, they took away Ellen's energy adventure also,
Starting point is 00:34:09 which really fucking bums me out. Wow. I got, I got, I got stuck on that ride once and, uh, Ellen started yelling at us. What are you doing here? Get out of here. You stink.
Starting point is 00:34:24 Wow. Yeah. So she treated you guys the way she treats, uh, her writers apparently. Maybe that's where she gets writers. If you can withstand this ride, you can work. You're, you're saft.
Starting point is 00:34:41 Eliza, do you have, are you, do you like in a, do you like a theme park? Yeah. Are you a theme park enthusiast? Love them. Yeah. Uh, part of my regression in. Um,
Starting point is 00:34:53 I mean, I think that I think the Quar has been, um, buying a lot of, uh, like memorabilia from my local theme parks from when I was a kid. Wow. So like rides that have been taken away because they killed people and stuff.
Starting point is 00:35:12 Uh, getting T shirts for those, um, really regressing and living. Uh, my, my dream life when I was 11, they'd get to ride the shockwave and the Loch Ness monster as often as they want.
Starting point is 00:35:25 And now I'm like, yeah, that's me. That's me. It take it back. Wow. What were some of your, wait, what were some of your local parks and what were some of your favorite attractions?
Starting point is 00:35:35 Um, Kings Dominion, which then became Paramounts Kings Dominion and, uh, Bush Gardens, Bush Gardens, Williamsburg, which I like Bush Gardens because it was divided. It was the old country.
Starting point is 00:35:49 So you know how to have like different worlds in any theme park. This one, those worlds were different countries. So all the rides were country themed. So it would be like, oh, you ride on Da Vinci's cradle in the Italy. You can also get pasta there.
Starting point is 00:36:04 Um, and in Scotland they had the Loch Ness monster, which was a great ride. It's a bunch of loops, double loops. There's an inside blue part moves really fast and the line moves fast. I really liked the big bad wolf. That was one of those ones.
Starting point is 00:36:17 You were kind of like hanging like you would be in a ski lift. Um, so it really swung the around a whole lot, but it did murder a park employee. So they had to get rid of that. Wait, what, what nation was that affiliated with Germany?
Starting point is 00:36:31 Got it. Yeah. It's like a brother's grim thing. I guess that's the connection. Yeah. I think so. Yeah. I think it's a German folk tale.
Starting point is 00:36:40 Okay. Um, and it, at Kings Dominion, I'm surprised that Germany even got rid of the ride after a long time. It seems like we shouldn't let the ride go on. It seems like it's just a,
Starting point is 00:36:51 uh, on brand. It's, it's not that era of Germany. Hmm. All right. Um, and at Kings Dominion,
Starting point is 00:37:00 they had, uh, a, uh, a standup roller coaster called the shock wave that was very uncomfortable to ride. Yeah. Especially as a smaller child,
Starting point is 00:37:11 um, right after you hit that, you're tall enough to ride it thing. But it was a very cool badge of honor to be like, Oh yeah. I totally go on the shock wave. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:23 It's, um, me and my sister's boyfriend, we ride it. Um, and I don't cry. Um, dope. I don't understand the,
Starting point is 00:37:32 uh, the desire to make like the standing coaster. It's like, what's, that's so not, what's fun about that? That's just, it's just a,
Starting point is 00:37:41 sitting up for bad. Yeah. I guess so. The shock is just, uh, going to go into your back. It's just, it's just uncomfortable. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:49 It was very uncomfortable. And you'd have a thing, um, under, like under your crotch, like a bicycle seat sort of thing. And so the sizing on all of it, it was not, it was not precise about like where the shoulder part is,
Starting point is 00:38:03 where the crotch thing is, where the head rest is. So some part of you was getting banged around. Yeah. You're not quite like standing fully upright. You're kind of perched on a ledge. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:15 It's, it's, I feel like anytime I've been on something like that, it's, it's been uncomfortable. A dangling legs one, I can get more on board with. Cause that's like,
Starting point is 00:38:23 all right. I, I understand the appeal here and I understand how this is, this is a different experience from sitting down and maybe a fun way. But the standing, eh, good.
Starting point is 00:38:32 What are you doing? Yeah. Um, in middle school, one of like, in one, there was, each year there was like some stupid field trip you took.
Starting point is 00:38:41 It was to canopy lake park, which is nearby in, in Massachusetts, which is, in hindsight, such a shitty, I think one of them also was like in seventh or eighth grade, I think there was a trip to Washington DC, but everyone was very excited about the canopy lake park
Starting point is 00:38:57 because it was like a amusement park, you know? Yeah. And it, and just looking back on it, it's the shittiest, I think I've said on this podcast before, but I like, did like the,
Starting point is 00:39:06 the hall of mirrors and just fucking slammed my face into the glass, like three times, like I hurt myself. I saw that happen one time at a hall of mirrors in San Francisco. Oh no, wait, no, it was in, it was in Scotland. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:20 And it was really crazy. This woman, it was, it had been like the spooky kind of place in general where like, you're seeing different spooky wax works. And so we were being led through it by a spooky tour guide. And so when the spooky tour guide got to the hall of mirrors part, they were like,
Starting point is 00:39:35 see if you can figure it out. And if you're brave, why not run? And this one lady was like, okay. And like ran straight into a mirror, bounced off, Pat,
Starting point is 00:39:48 like didn't pass out, but like collapsed on the floor and then like got herself up. And the, like teen who was in character as the spooky tour guide was like, Oh no. Oh no. Oh gosh. Oh,
Starting point is 00:40:00 turn on the lights, turn on the lights. It was like, instantly, they were like, you weren't supposed to really run. And the lady, I think was like Dutch or something was like,
Starting point is 00:40:10 but you said to run. Dear God. Interrupted you. No, that was, I mean, that was my story was just, I just slammed into it multiple times. And,
Starting point is 00:40:21 and it's, multiple times. I mean, probably two or three. I think that I, I put my hands up eventually. And the Turkish twist. So I was,
Starting point is 00:40:32 that was the Turkish twist. What is the Turkish twist? It's just one of those rides where you are standing up and then it spins around and then the floor drops out. And then like every like 10 times someone pukes and they have to clean up. I've never seen somebody puke in one of those. Oh man.
Starting point is 00:40:49 They used to puke all the time. I didn't puke in one, but I got very nauseated to the point where it kind of just ruined my day. I was just like, so like I just, I needed to rest for like two hours afterwards before I could get back into theme park.
Starting point is 00:41:04 I mean, especially on top of the food that you're eating at a place like that. Yes. Like there, it's not, it's not like steamed rice and boiled chicken. Right. You're,
Starting point is 00:41:15 you're eating like popcorn, shrimp and pizza. Funnel. Funnel. You're just, it's funnel. It's a funnel cake day. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:24 You know what? The worst, the worst theme park food I've ever had is at Lego land. Just abs, just no good options. You scoop up some Legos. You were eating the wrong stuff. Oh no.
Starting point is 00:41:35 Weiger. Just because it's shaped like a, like a hamburger. Got to check and see if it's made out of little tiny squares. Um, they just like, it felt like they were, cause that place is so specifically just for kids. And you know,
Starting point is 00:41:50 we were like there with my niece and nephew. And so it was like, it's good. Yeah. They, they, it's all just like the shittiest pizza, the shittiest burgers,
Starting point is 00:42:00 like there's just like the shittiest kids food. And that's what you have as, as an option for an adult. I was just like, man, I can't, I can't get anything decent. I'm surprised they didn't throw your Lego looking ass up on a display.
Starting point is 00:42:10 You fucking, fucking blocky bitch. Okay. I look like a block guy. Okay. You look like you made out of Lego blocks. Fucking blocky bitch. I look like a man.
Starting point is 00:42:21 Very confident about this dunk. I don't know if it went through the basket. I can say I have a, I have a robotic personality, but they actually look like I made out of Legos. You look like a fucking, you look like a Lego man. You got a red,
Starting point is 00:42:38 you got a red shirt on today too. You don't, you don't, you're, you're the, the brim of your hat isn't curved. You just put on like a Lego man's hat. But his is on his head. You're just sort of laid atop yours. Yeah. Wait, I think maybe this is projection.
Starting point is 00:42:52 I think we take your, we take your hat off. There might be a little bolt on top that it's attached to. I don't bolt on my head. You got a bolt head. If anything, you've already established that I have bolts on the side of my neck. It's Frankenstein.
Starting point is 00:43:07 I'm a Frankenman. Eliza, do you have any favorite, on the topic of theme park food, do you have any favorites, any go-tos either at generalities or specific fair? Well, it's tough cause I can't have wheat, which blows. It is not fun.
Starting point is 00:43:24 I know that a lot of people have opinions about people who don't eat wheat and as one, I don't enjoy it. I would not choose it. It's simply something my butt requires. So that limits things at theme parks. Right. Before that,
Starting point is 00:43:42 definitely it would have been a, a funnel cake, a corn dog, the finest foods. As it is now, I mean, honestly, some good fries.
Starting point is 00:43:56 Oh, there you go. I like a great fry. And here's something that frustrates me. This is the opposite of what you were asking. At Disneyland, there are all these places selling those, and other places sometimes too, those like chocolate covered apples on a stick.
Starting point is 00:44:12 Yes. Great. Love them. Wow. So many options. They got like sprinkles on top of them. They got caramel also. Yum, yum, yum.
Starting point is 00:44:21 Great. I know. I know more as caramel apples for sure. Yeah. I mean, they, they mix it all up. It's, it's the science of candy. Apples has really grown.
Starting point is 00:44:32 But I, every time I'm like, Hey, Oh, you have those. Great. Could I get that cut up? Like into slices and they're like, no, I'm like,
Starting point is 00:44:40 why, why not? Why can't you cut that into slices for me? The, I think it's called the, the Rocky Mountain chocolate shop. It's in a lot of some airports. They'll cut it into little slices.
Starting point is 00:44:52 Wow. Cause if you cut them in the slices, then you have a delightful little cold piece of apple with yummy candy on it. If you keep it on the stick, you're just gnawing and drooling on this stick all day. It's kind of, it's the turkey leg quandary.
Starting point is 00:45:08 Yeah. But the turkey leg like falls apart. This is, you're just, you're just gnawing on a, on a sweet rock. I've never seen someone walking around enjoying one of them.
Starting point is 00:45:18 You have to bite into it. And then you're, you're getting the gooey face too, which is never fun. Yeah. I mean, as, as a little caramel goatee, I'm imagining,
Starting point is 00:45:27 like at a certain point, that apple is just sticking to your face. Yeah. If, if, if a customer service is supposed to be so important, cut up my apple. Wow.
Starting point is 00:45:40 Cut it up and give me a little, give me a little toothpick or something to eat it with. Sure. That's even better. Jesus. Come on. Why not? I took a fork.
Starting point is 00:45:49 They buy forks anyway. They've already got forks on site. You want them to stick a little toothpicks in each apple piece. Come on. Why are you not each individual one? Give me one that they can reuse. I can spirit. I can eat it.
Starting point is 00:45:59 It would be like a little mini fork. Yeah. But you know, you would drop that and then feel sad and everybody would not want to make eye contact. I feel like, I feel like, I feel like you're working for,
Starting point is 00:46:07 I feel like you're working for big wood. Oh, who's he? Introduce me, fellas. We'll take a break. We'll be back with more Doe Boys. Welcome back to Doe Boys, our guest Eliza Skinner talking about Blaze Pizza.
Starting point is 00:46:31 Yeah. Blaze Pizza founded in 2011 by the Wetzels. I did not know this. The Wetzel. The Wetzel. It's pretzel adjacent. It's pretzel adjacent.
Starting point is 00:46:39 This is Rick and Elise Wetzel. Wow. Of Wetzel's pretzels. It came up with this new concept. One of the original investors, LeBron James, which is well known, and over 300 locations in North America and the Middle East.
Starting point is 00:46:50 So, Eliza, before we went to break, we were talking about how, you know, you don't eat wheat for health reasons. I'm curious, why Blaze Pizza was a chain you wanted to discuss?
Starting point is 00:47:02 Well, they do have a lot of gluten-free options. Also, I'm generally not a pizza fan. I wrote an article once for the internet. Yes. For finery 29.
Starting point is 00:47:14 Talking about how I don't like pizza, and honestly, it's the most harassed I've ever gotten for anything. Like, there were people who were finding me on every social media account I have, going back,
Starting point is 00:47:25 kind of like, you know, you know, one woman I remember, and they were saying things like, I hope you don't reproduce because you don't like pizza. Like,
Starting point is 00:47:35 your bloodline should die with you. And one woman was doing that. Well, guess what? Strap in because I'm about to roast you too. I'm fucking pissed. One lady went back and was commenting on all the old Instagrams,
Starting point is 00:47:48 and then on one of them, noticed that Adam Conover had commented all the time, and he was like, I don't like pizza. I don't like pizza. I don't like pizza. And then he noticed that Adam Conover had commented also.
Starting point is 00:47:58 And so she went from being like, hey, fuck you, hey, idiot. And then was like, oh, Adam, hi, I'm a big fan of yours. And that was the, when I finally engaged with her, because I was like, no, no,
Starting point is 00:48:08 you don't get to do that. You don't get to, you don't get to shit all over me on all these posts and then try to be friends with my friend. And she was like, I'm sorry. I'm having a hard time getting pregnant. I'm like, well,
Starting point is 00:48:20 that's a different problem. Oh my goodness. The internet's a wild place is the moral of that story. But I like, I was interested in blaze because they've got a lot of gluten free options and they'll sell you a half pizza. Yes.
Starting point is 00:48:36 Cause one of my problems with pizza is, is this the amount of pizza that I as a single person need? What am I going to try to save it? Yeah, right. Yes. I mean, cause I was going to, cause that's the whole thing of blaze is that they are designed around personal pizzas,
Starting point is 00:48:52 which are meant to be just like a meal for one, but they did recently add large pizzas to the menu. This is a new thing where yeah, you can get a full size or you can get a half if you like. And I guess this is them attempting to compete with the dominoes and pizza huts of the world. But wait, let's, I want to clarify this for,
Starting point is 00:49:09 for people who haven't seen your article, like what specifically doesn't appeal to you about pizza? Why doesn't it, why isn't one of America's favorite foods click for you specifically? Well, it's a lot of stuff around the, it's the culture of pizza.
Starting point is 00:49:23 First of all, the like, what's my personality pizza? Like, no, there's too much. This has become too much of a thing. Also in, I gotta, I gotta, I gotta, I gotta quickly say that there, there was a nine and eighties and nineties thing with that.
Starting point is 00:49:38 That was kind of beautiful and that like, we love pizza and it's pizza night, but then when it became like, like, that was when it was for kids. Yes. This is a kid identity thing, but now it's like 30 year olds being like,
Starting point is 00:49:51 Hey, here's my Tinder profile on pizza. Yes. My personality is carry out pizza. Yes. My personality is pizza. That sort of stuff sucks, but there was,
Starting point is 00:50:02 there was a beautiful version of that where it was, you know, back in the day where it was very, seemed very genuine and nice. Yeah. Yeah. But again, I would say that's a kid thing because like,
Starting point is 00:50:14 I think also a lot of the, a lot of the pizza love, I'm like, this is a kid's food. Like it's fine if you, I mean, yes, of course there's hiring and stuff, but for the most part it's like,
Starting point is 00:50:24 I'll eat chicken fingers, but I'm not going to be like, I'm a chicken finger guy, like whatever, come on. Yes. And what I really hate is when people attempt to pay in pizza or provide pizza to their adult employees as like,
Starting point is 00:50:40 okay, we need to feed you. Here is pizza. I'm like, that's terrible. That's not a good food for your employees, especially here in Hollywood. One of the first things that made me angry at pizza was I would be working on sets and we would hire actresses
Starting point is 00:50:55 specifically who had come in and have even more of a pressure to look a certain way and then try to feed these ladies pizza. I'm like, oh, we're part of the gas letting problem of Hollywood. We're asking these women to be tiny and then being like, all right,
Starting point is 00:51:11 try to manage maintaining that figure and here's what you get to eat for the day. That's sex. That's not cool. Exactly. There is an aspect of like, this is a workplace and that's not like working food. That's going to fucking weigh you down
Starting point is 00:51:29 and fucking make you have to shit. That's not what you want to be doing when you have to fucking work 12 hours. Yeah. If your work is providing food for you, it should be the best kind of food for your body, I think. Right. It should be really healthy.
Starting point is 00:51:44 And if on your own time, you want to treat yourself, bang yourself around with some fucked up pizza, do it. Great. But that's your choice. That's not well. That's what I have to do, I suppose. So that I,
Starting point is 00:51:56 it's funny that on multiple levels, like on the smallest production and then like the, and then on like a $200 million production, everyone is ordering pizza. That is like, it just is going to happen. It's the easiest thing to get.
Starting point is 00:52:14 It feeds multiple people. I mean, it's like it is in their eye and like producers eyes. I think it is the perfect, like it's the perfect extra penalty meal food there is. There's like nothing that can, there's nothing that tops it. The only thing that's bad now
Starting point is 00:52:31 is that in these times of Corona virus, pizza goes right out the window because it's a big shit. It's a, that's what it used to be. It used to be 40 boxes of pizza. Yeah. So like a cast and crew was just going at, was just going at the boxes and ripping them apart. But now communal,
Starting point is 00:52:49 the communal aspect is going to probably go down, right? I don't know. Yeah. I mean, I think families are still doing that stuff. And I think if you've got a small set where you're, you've got pods on it anyway, they'll probably do that. But also on a,
Starting point is 00:53:03 on a personal level, when I would be on a set and they'd be like, Hey, don't worry guys, we got everybody pizza. I'd be like, Oh, cool. Well, I guess Eliza is eating air for dinner. Cause I can't eat pizza. So, Here's the thing I've noticed in workplace ordering situations,
Starting point is 00:53:21 both offices and on sets, is that if there is an effort to accommodate anyone's dietary restrictions, it's a catch all. So it'll be like, Hey, we got the vegan gluten free pizza for ages. Like, well, some people are vegan. Some people are gluten free.
Starting point is 00:53:39 Like it, like it's not like you should be isolated with this one, like, you know, this one special pizza, like try to accommodate people in the, for their specific, their specific issues. Yeah. You may have seen me snap over a gluten free vegan pizza one day at work where, cause I would get so tired. And we had really long hours on set on earth to bed and the kind where like you, you're just going
Starting point is 00:54:04 and you don't realize how tired you're getting. Cause you're going so hard all day. And then it would be time for a meal. And it was like, here's this thing that's partly what you can eat and partly something you would never choose to eat, but it's all that we have for you. And I was like, what? Why? Like that kind of brain where you're,
Starting point is 00:54:24 I don't know, your blood sugar or whatever has just made your brain bad. Yes. You're like, I can't, my priorities are fucked now. I don't think I yelled at anybody, but I was definitely in a snitty little mood about, about that. At the Simpsons, we get, we, I would get dinner and this is a show that's been on for, you know, forever when I was working there was in 25 seasons. And then we'll get pizza for dinner.
Starting point is 00:54:49 I would say at least two nights a week, if not usually three nights a week. At the Simpsons, Mulberry pizza, Johnny's pizza, I used to go in there and get basically a pizza per writer, a large pizza per writer. But, but that's just, it is, it is what it is. That's what it pizzas it. Pizza is the, it's that weird thing where I wonder if people realize that if they think that there's like, you know,
Starting point is 00:55:16 like the catering or food trucks again when it goes into, it goes into the later hours, but no, it is usually, it is just usually pizza, which I love. So I don't have an issue with it. I kind of, I kind of am happy. And it's that sort of thing of like, oh man, I gotta eat. Like I have that thing too. Do you buy pizza on your own very often?
Starting point is 00:55:33 I do buy pizza on my love. I love pizza. I love pizza. So when you're choosing, you're also like pizza. So it's not like a, well, I'm allowed to eat it because they ordered for me. The issue is that I'm not ordering pizza a lot just because it's not good. You know what I mean? Like on my cheat nights or whatever, I'll try to do pizza more so.
Starting point is 00:55:52 But you're a pizza is my favorite food guy, right? Yeah, I love pizza, but I'm not, but I'm not my personality is pizza guy to be clear. I do not like that at all. I love the food pizza and I love to try new pizzas and I am a fan of pizza. I think I get though, but I get when you're eating pizza, when you're eating pizza five nights a week, which can happen. That's not crazy. That happens probably a lot with productions.
Starting point is 00:56:20 That you get sick of it. I get, I get getting sick of it and the health thing. But for me, it was always the sort of thing of like, oh man, this isn't good for me, but I'm working late and I got to do it. So I just would eat it, which is kind of fake. Yeah, it feels like if you're mindfully eating pizza, if you're choosing pizza and it's like your dream pizza, great. If it's lazy pizza.
Starting point is 00:56:42 I think that I think we need to as a culture explore some other options. Sure. Chipotle kind of became that. I feel like Chipotle, which is, which is a lot like today's restaurant. Chipotle kind of became the other, the other, but the other thing was. It inadvertently or not an incredible segue because Chipotle was the direct inspiration for this chain. The Wetzels were added Chipotle in Pasadena and they said, we should do this for pizza.
Starting point is 00:57:10 And so Blaze was born. Which Nick, I got to say right off the bat. This is early to say this. I don't think it works. I don't think you can chipotle fire. Wow. I don't, I don't think you can chipotle fire pizza. And it's basically for what I was just saying is that sort of thing of pizza.
Starting point is 00:57:27 Chipotle is a thing that like I'm like, okay, here's my slop and I'm going to eat it. If I have to, if I, if I, yeah, if I have to eat it, if I have to eat it three times a week. My little plastic basket trough. It is in here. It is in a little trough. It's that sort of thing. If I have to eat that, if I have to eat that for, for dinner three times a week, I know what I want.
Starting point is 00:57:49 And then also you can customize it enough to change it up. Yeah. Pizza. I'm not going to want to eat it as much as Chipotle just because with Chipotle you can do some sort of salad. You can do whatever. But like the base of pizza is big, is a big thing of dough. It's a big block of dough, which is going in your stomach.
Starting point is 00:58:06 So that's why I don't think it works as well. I think the place is fascinating in a lot of, in a lot of ways, but I, to me, just the concept of it is kind of even crazy. Do you think they picked the wrong thing to revolutionize? Yeah. I think, I may have told you guys this before. If I was going to make my fortune in food, it would be a pizza place, which I know, I know.
Starting point is 00:58:35 I just said it only. But where the toppings are diced, tiny, teeny, tiny, tiny, except maybe those pepperonis that cup, you know, you got all like texture thing with that. But all those, all those other toppings, cut them up teeny, tiny and mix them all in there. So you get a little bit of everything in the bites and you don't end up with like a hot piece of spinach or something slapping you in the face with topping. I hate that. Right.
Starting point is 00:59:06 Or like a tomato, tomato, like burn the shit out of you. You got them all teeny, tiny's. That's the way to do it. There's a pizzeria in Long Beach that has, they grind their pepperoni. So it's like a layer and then they put the cheese over it. And I know that they're probably not the only place that does that, but like it works really well, texturally. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:29 That sounds great. Yeah. I'm with you. I like a little, I like a, you know, give me a fine dice. Give me some small pieces. That absolutely. Like is anybody like, ooh, you know what I love? A real long strip of bell pepper.
Starting point is 00:59:43 But no one wants that. Dice them up. Yeah. Make them little. Look, this is another issue. Vegetables are hard to, vegetables are tough in pizza too. You don't like vegetables. Vegetables are hard to eat, but vegetables and pizza.
Starting point is 01:00:01 When I was younger, one of my favorites, when you go to the Villarosa, a Quincy staple rest in peace. I was going to ask that was possibly in Quincy. Yeah. It was, it was, it was, it was like my favorite restaurant growing up and like, that's where I went, like, you know, before I went to college and when I come home from college and get Villarosa and stuff. Celebration spot.
Starting point is 01:00:21 Yeah. But also like we would still do it like weekly, but even like, like. Does Regina know about this? Oh, I mean, look, Regina is, is, Nick, you just, it's different things here, Nick. Hmm. Sounds like you're stepping out. Pizza and Calzone. It's different thing.
Starting point is 01:00:39 It's it. Look, I used to get a house, a small house salad, Buffalo fingers, Buffalo tenders, which were great, Nick, which I got to, I got to have you, you got to try some good Buffalo tenders. And I know, I know you don't believe it, but there are some really, really good Buffalo tenders, but whatever. I'm down. I like bone in, but I'll, I'll try attendee.
Starting point is 01:00:59 I'm sure it can be all right. When you say tendee, it just, I lose interest in making you try them. Honestly. I mean, I got to say, I think tendee sounds better than Buffalo fingers because I'm just, I can't stop thinking about those Buffalo hands now. I do kind of, I kind of do have Buffalo fingers. And I also don't like why I'm saying bone in either. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:25 You want that bone out. Get that bone out of here. Get that fucking thing out of here. But, and I, we used to do it. I would do a cheese. We sometimes we get a cheese pizza and then on one side we do sliced tomatoes. So I actually, and they were, and they were big rounds tomatoes, but they were pretty thin.
Starting point is 01:01:43 But the thing you're talking about at the drag, that would sometimes still happen. It could be a tricky eating experience. But they cooked it well. I think there can be, I think that there can be vegetables that are just cooked horribly and become a soup on top of the pizza. And that is, and that is awful. And that I don't, I'm not a fan of that. And that's a lot of like, a lot of vegetarian pizzas that you get, or like vegetable pizzas
Starting point is 01:02:06 rather. They really pile the vegetarian, the vegetables on there when they're like more is more. No, no, no, no less is not with that. Yeah. I wish you could, what a, what a, I loved it. I miss it. I miss it to this day. Wow.
Starting point is 01:02:19 If I could, if I could have it come back and you go away forever, I'd take it. Oh man, they can't wait for the season wrap up. They're going to kiss. Let's get into what we got from our blaze visit. So had you been to blaze before? Once by mistake. Got it. Okay.
Starting point is 01:02:43 I hadn't really put much thought into my order before. I've been a, I've been a handful of times. We've covered it only in the context of our tournament of champions, the slices right when we, when blaze was one of the chains we visited was, did, did not last too long in the tournament, but you know, I think it was, it does its own thing. I will say that it, so normally this is a walk in place. Like you go in and it's like the Chipotle experience. You go, you, you specify your pie, you customize it.
Starting point is 01:03:15 You're, you know, it's, it's being made to order in front of you and then shoved into that super hot oven and presented to you a few minutes later. 800 degrees, a similar concept, same sort of thing. So doing it online, it's, it's, it's just a different experience. And I hadn't pre-ordered it before, but I used the app this time. I got the, I got a classic Caesar simple salad. I got an order of two dough knots, which are like their, their garlic knots. They have mozzarella and garlic pesto.
Starting point is 01:03:46 I got a, one of their new large pizzas, I mentioned they were offering these now, I got the white top, which is white cream sauce with mozzarella, applewood bacon, chopped garlic, oregano and arugula. And then I also got a personal, which is their, their, you know, standard version of pizzas. They're flagship pizza. I got a hot link pizza, which is the Italian sausage, banana peppers, jalapenos, black olives, red onions, mozzarella and spicy red sauce. That was my lineup.
Starting point is 01:04:14 Mitch, what did you get? Wags, you and I got very similar orders. I got myself a Greek salad to start, which came with a little, a small or regular sized Greek salad, which came with the lime dressing. And then I got myself dough knots, which I thought the guy said, I said, what else do you, I said, what do you got here? He said, he said dough and I said doughnuts. I said back to him doughnuts.
Starting point is 01:04:44 I thought he said doughnuts. And, uh, why not garlic knots? Why don't they just call them garlic knots? Like everybody else would. I'm using name. You, they should call them. And so I, I got, I got, I also got two dough knots. Don't get the dough knots.
Starting point is 01:05:00 I mean, it's, we'll get to the, we'll get to them in a second. Oh, no, no, no. I'm saying there's, there's some things to talk about about these dough knots and whether you're right of, they should stick around in any way. They're, they're, they're kind of, they're interesting. They're different than I thought they would be, honestly. And not a hundred percent bad, but we'll talk about it. And then I got myself a meat eater pizza, which as far as pizza goes is not
Starting point is 01:05:26 even, it's not really that crazy. I had a macaroni crumbled meatballs, red onion, mozzarella, red sauce. Um, and, and, um, I added a couple things to it. I added banana peppers and I added tomatoes. So I, and, uh, they have those kind of little cherry tomatoes. So that was that's, that's how I customized it. And I also got myself a large or just whatever size it came in, uh, blood orange lemonade from the fountain, which, which the guy at the
Starting point is 01:05:55 front counter went and got himself. He was, he, he, the, during Corona, which I got to say the staff was very nice, but there was a lot of Nick, we talked about this. A lot of people behind the counter. Um, I, I, yeah, I, I think the issue here is everyone who worked there was, uh, was great, but I do, I did feel bad for them because it felt like the kitchen was a little crowded and also the dining room like did not management did not have any sort of great queue system set up.
Starting point is 01:06:26 Like people were just sort of like milling about. We're talking QAnon again. Yeah. We're talking QAnon. QAnon up for that pizza. So they, so it was just like, uh, people were like, like kind of scattered everywhere. It felt like there were too many people in the restaurant.
Starting point is 01:06:47 I was just like, I wish there was just a better system here for everyone's well-being, especially the employees who have to sit in that, be at work in that super hot kitchen for eight hours. I have to say that, that oven is so hot. Yeah. During the, the type of weather we've been having to have to be next to that weather, that, that oven, let alone with too many other employees. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:09 No, no fun. No fun. Yeah. Um, Eliza, Eliza, what was your lineup of, of, uh, of menu items? Okay. Well, I went twice. Um, because I wanted to, I felt like last time I did the show, I was like,
Starting point is 01:07:22 I'm not a fan of the thing, but you guys are like, you know, really, really investigating. So it was like, I want to have a real experience, feel like I know this place. Um, but also I did do, uh, I ordered it. Um, so I got the first time I got a, a red vine, which is kind of their pizza margarita, like red sauce and like the dollops of, um, uh, mozzarella, basil, and tomatoes.
Starting point is 01:07:49 Uh, and I got that on their gluten free dough. If you had gone and gotten a singular red vine, I would have been pissed. And then I got twizzlers the second time. No, yeah, I guess they're, I guess it's red vine because tomatoes aren't on a vine. Makes sense. Tomato based, but it is confusing.
Starting point is 01:08:08 Bad name. Yeah. Yeah. Um, and, but I wanted to get something from there. Like here's what we would do menu. Um, so that was the red vine, even though that's not particularly interesting version of it. Um, and then I got a two top pizza the next time. Um, and this one I got on their keto crust, which is also gluten free. It's a little bit smaller. Uh, it's a 10 inch.
Starting point is 01:08:30 And I got it with the spicy red sauce, goat cheese, crumbled meatballs and mushrooms and the arugula on top. What, what, do you know what their keto crust is? Is it like a cauliflower base? Do you have any idea? You know, cause they also have a cauliflower based one. And for tasting it, I, I would guess it's maybe some kind of nut thing. It tastes a little bit nutty. Um, maybe it has some cauliflower to, I don't, I don't know, but yeah,
Starting point is 01:08:57 they had three different gluten free crust options. I got to try two of them. Um, I had the, uh, they're, they have a, at Marcos, which we reviewed recently, Marcos pizza, they have a, they have a keto version, but it's just like a pizza in a tub, basically. It is like a Chipotle like style bowl with just a bunch of cheese and toppings in it. Does the cheese melted?
Starting point is 01:09:19 Yeah. It's just, it's just like a gooey sort of slop. Yeah. It didn't really work for me. It's kind of, it's like, yeah. What I imagined like, yeah, pizza, the hut ish or something. Pizza has, has some sort of crust. Maybe it's pizza, the huts, is his bones, is his bones bread? Is his, yeah, I think his bones are crust, but they're, but it's stuffed crust. So like if you buy it into it, it's
Starting point is 01:09:44 like the marrow, it's like the most. Oh, the marrow was, was it cheese? Yeah. The most delicious part of it. Did Jabba have bones? Cause I mean, a slug doesn't. Ooh. Great question. I always assumed he had some sort of skeletal system, but maybe not. I feel like he's gotta, he must get a bone every so often because he
Starting point is 01:10:02 was very horny with, he was very horny. Unless he doesn't, and that's why it's so important to him to have hot ladies chained up around him. Cause he's like, I'm still, I'm virile, even though it's like, no dude, we know huts reproduced by sucking their own dicks. You don't have any, you're, you're all asexual. This dope boys could kind of be rebranded as, uh, Jabba the Hutton. What's his little, what's the little guy?
Starting point is 01:10:30 Salacious crumb. Wags is kind of like, Wags is kind of like my little salacious crumb. I don't have the charisma of salacious crumb. Yeah, I feel like, uh, yeah, tonally, no. No. But yeah, if you guys were going to dress up for Halloween, I think everybody would love that.
Starting point is 01:10:47 We should be Jabba and Salacious. Yeah. That would be so cute. Oh my gosh. And, uh, you could put a, uh, a Irma and a little like a Bikini. Man, dressing up one of the, dressing up one of the cat, dressing up Wally of Salacious and Irma as Princess Leia and me as Jabba is pretty great. Yeah. That's good. Yeah. And that way, oh, then Wiger can be frozen in carbonite.
Starting point is 01:11:13 So it would still fit as, you know, I could pull that off. That's a little salacious crumb laugh. Got to teach Wally that. Uh, so, uh, the picks and pans, I would, what, what do we like? What didn't work for us? Hmm. Picks and pans. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:34 I liked, I liked that they have a spicy sauce. I liked that they offered, uh, goat cheese with my gut thing, which is all sort of colitis, which is a lot like Crohn's. Um, I'm not supposed to have dairy, but I'm bad and I do it anyway. Sometimes I'll just deal with it. Um, but goat cheese is lactose free naturally. So, Oh wow. I didn't know that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:56 So it's a way of having, um, lack to like no lactose cheese, but it's not that weird. Uh, goat cheese. Um, so I like that stuff. Um, I felt like they're drizzle ons, like they're add on top things. I was like, come on, man, it's already a pizza. What are we doing here? You want to put olive oil on top of it. If it's pizza generally ends up with oil on top of it anyway.
Starting point is 01:12:20 Right. Um, and the gluten free crust was one of the worst things I have ever eaten. Oh no. Wow. And that might have been the cooking. We just got it. We just got it. We got it. Emma's, Emma's here silently with on mute. And when you said that, I just heard, I just saw you, I'm a go, I'm a go. Yup. She said a big Yup. Is that true Emma?
Starting point is 01:12:41 No, I've never, I've never had it, but that sounds pretty, pretty bad. Oh wow. All right. Yeah. It might have been the like cooking method. Like it really made me think, you know, wow, it's so hard to judge any of these places when you're really just judging the work of the one person who cooked this thing for you. Um,
Starting point is 01:13:01 I think especially there as opposed to, I don't know, totally where I'm assuming they cut open some bags in the back and then put them into a thing. I don't know. It was super floppy and super greasy. Um, I considered even cooking it further in my own oven. And then it was like, I can't be bothered.
Starting point is 01:13:23 I, I, I, I, I, I would go a step further and say that at blaze, things are barely even cooked by anyone. There's a machine to press out the dough and then they add on sauce, which by the way, they don't put enough sauce on because the sauce is actually okay. The sauce is like for a big chain. And I think that there's a lot of chains.
Starting point is 01:13:45 We talked about this before where Papa Johns has like kind of like weird, sweet sauce. I think blaze sauce is actually fine. Sure. But they just have a very specific way of making it. They put, they put a machine down, they put the sauce on, and I guess you can just ask for as much as you want anyway. So that's your own fault.
Starting point is 01:14:01 But I think the basis, there's not, there just isn't enough sauce. And then they just sprinkled, it's just an assembly line. It's, there's, there's really no cooking going on. I think, well, I mean, there isn't the pizza oven, but I think that I think that there is an assumed haste that I did not have. Like I wasn't like, get me this pizza stat. But I think they were like, we got it. Who cares?
Starting point is 01:14:23 Maybe it's not even finished cooking. Send it to her. I will say the keto crust, not bad. I mean, it was not as good as a normal pizza crust. But for something that's keto and gluten free, I was like, I don't hate this. So it's just the straight up gluten free one. Very not good.
Starting point is 01:14:44 It's like eating a towel. Yeah. That's a, I mean, that's, that's, that's good. I guess that's great to know if you have any sort of dietary restrictions to go to the keto or the cauliflower. I'd be curious how the cauliflower holds up. That's what I found with, because Natalie a lot of times will avoid a wheat. And I, I've had some cauliflower crusts that are pretty decent.
Starting point is 01:15:06 I feel like that's the one that's, that's closest to simulating pizza, actual pizza dough. I'll tell you, I got scared off of the cauliflower because the calorie count was that much higher. Oh, interesting. Which I wouldn't have guessed. And I was like, come on, you're having pizza, have some pizza. But then I was like, well, I'm, I'm equally interested in trying all three of these. So I'll try the two that are not as high a calorie. I'm surprised by that.
Starting point is 01:15:34 I will say from, from my order, the, the simple salad was just, is just too simple. It was just like the most basic Caesar salad imaginable. Like the produce did not seem particularly fresh. And it really was just romaine and some flakes of Parmesan and then, and then a Caesar dressing. I, for the amount it cost, that was, I was just like, this is, you know, this, I guess if you really, really needed a salad, if you really felt like to justifying this pizza, I need to have some sort of greens, then that would be the only reason I would get this. It just, even as a pizza place salad, I thought it was pretty bad. Mitch, what did you think of those donuts?
Starting point is 01:16:13 So we got the donuts. Look, I will also say, Wiger, when I was in line, when I got to the end of the line is when I saw the big pizzas, I didn't even realize the big pizzas existed. And for me, just wondering what the big pizza would be like, because it, the small ones are kind of floppy as is. So I, I couldn't, I couldn't really imagine what the big ones are like, but It's, it's still pretty thin. I mean, they, that's just their concept. They do a pretty thin crust that they cook rapidly in a high temp oven.
Starting point is 01:16:42 When it came to the donut, when it came to the donuts, they put, look, they were, they came out hot and fresh. And there was kind of like some sort of cheesy thing going on in there, right? Like there's some, there's mozzarella and, there's mozzarella and pesto. And so here's the deal. Don't put pesto in there. Interesting. I had the opposite take. I felt like the, I felt like the pesto was the part that made it at all interesting.
Starting point is 01:17:13 But as a bite, I was like, there's no reason for me that this is just pure, like it's just pure dough. It's just pure carbs. I mean, I'm not like the pesto is the only thing that was giving it any sort of flavor at all. I literally ate them in my car after, this is how I've been eating a lot of Doughboy's meals is because they're in, you know, weird areas. And then if I got, if I'm going to eat it hot and fresh, I got to do it right there in the car. So, so I ate the doughnuts in the car. And again, I think that the sauce is okay. But one, this is a, this is kind of a thing I think is kind of a crime is that the sauce was cold.
Starting point is 01:17:46 No one wants cold marinara sauce. Yeah, the marinara dipping sauce. Yeah. So you don't want cold sauce. I mean, like you got to heat it up somehow. I don't know. Second of all, just pesto took me for surprise, I guess. Because to me it is, and I know that that's interesting. I get what you're saying that it's different and new.
Starting point is 01:18:03 But I think pesto, I don't know. So it's, these are, is there parmesan involved with these knots? Like a traditional garlic knot, you'd have like garlic salt and parmesan on it. Yeah. This is their own take on it and the cheese, the dominant cheese is mozzarella. I think that pesto can just be a little divisive. That's all. And I just wasn't expecting it.
Starting point is 01:18:24 But also, fuck the doughnuts. The doughnuts, fuck them. Who cares? I'm with you there. I think they're completely unnecessary menu item. There's no reason to get it. I think it's just as a place that doesn't have wings. Yes, it's a con.
Starting point is 01:18:39 Which I think it would be great if they had wings. Why not have some wings that you bake in that oven or something? Yeah. That would be, that would be great. But as a place doesn't have wings, they have to justify some sort of side and the doughnuts are just, I've never, I've been impressed with garlic knots once in my life. Wow. There's one place where I've ever had garlic knots where I was like,
Starting point is 01:18:57 I feel like this is worth getting. Certainly, he'll tell us. For the amount of calories and carbs that you're getting, I would rather have another piece of pizza. With like more toppings and stuff on it. Surely you have to tell us where these doughnuts were. The only place there's a, there's a place, is an artisan pizza place in Bakery, Milo and Olive in Santa Monica.
Starting point is 01:19:21 That is very good. But they have like a garlic knot that is just loaded with so much garlic. It's just like they have just like thrown in, you know, like four heads of garlic, like just an insane amount of garlic. And then just by, by its, by its pure like garlicly, garlicy essence, it becomes an interesting menu item. Wait, are you talking about Milo? Wait, what is, what?
Starting point is 01:19:44 Milo and Olive is the name of the restaurant. There's a couple of them. Oh. Is it owned by Milo Yainopoulos? No. Oh yeah, it's also linked to QAnon. It was started by a family plagued by vampires. That's what it is.
Starting point is 01:19:58 Yeah. Trying to keep Dracula's away. Exactly. Got to look out for the Dracula's. They're always like, Hey, can I come in and get a slice? And you, you know, as a, as a, as a shop owner, you want to say yes for the business, but then think about it. Does everybody ask if they can come in and shop there?
Starting point is 01:20:13 No. It's true. The vampire move. We were, we were just talking vampires. I brought up the idea of being an umbrella salesman in Transylvania and Wags didn't, and you thought it was a bad idea. Remember Wags? Eliza, do you understand?
Starting point is 01:20:27 Cause you're shading them from the sun. Okay. So you put it, you put it together in your head. I didn't figure it out. Well, but it's also, I don't know. I mean, we're, that's kind of a twilight. It's a light vampire take. Like you're saying that really what vampires have to look out for is the sunlight touching
Starting point is 01:20:43 their skin. I prefer to think of it as like an hour thing, like as soon as the sun is in the sky, they got to be in the, the earth of their homeland or else, you know, Oh, you're saying that like a vampire, you're saying a vampire can't hide from the sun. They have to be like cup. They have to be cup. So like you're saying that like if there was, They got to be indoors.
Starting point is 01:21:03 It can't just be like cloth separating them. If it was, they would just like walk around like, you know, Halloween ghosts. Right. Wow. I mean, this is, this is. Man, how scary would that be? You see a Halloween ghost walking around underneath. It's a Dracula.
Starting point is 01:21:18 Yeah. It's a real, it's a real strong bully of scariness. It's a turducken of spook. That is a great, that is some sort of structure they need to be. So you're telling me that basically I, I should rework my last coming last comic standing set list right now. I think so. I think you might be late, but I think you could punch it up.
Starting point is 01:21:45 I think there's more, there's more there for you to mine. Look, we just, we haven't talked about. Stand up since you're super into stand up, obviously. You going up a lot. You doing a lot of zoom shows. You're doing a lot of. Doing a lot of zoom shows. Doing a lot of sets.
Starting point is 01:21:59 I never, I never, I never did my, I never did. I've never performed stand up, but I've hosted open mics and I've, I've been up on stage and I, and, um, and my conclusions. And you're an open mic. I am. I share a lot of shit. Why expect a pizza? Why?
Starting point is 01:22:16 You're supposed to keep this thing. You're, you're, you're supposed to steer this ship. So I got the white top pizza I mentioned and the hop. The white top is. So here's what I'll say. They're already on their menus. Those are like, we know this is a combination we've come up with. We like it.
Starting point is 01:22:30 These are their prefab pizzas. And that's what I like to do. Cause I'm like, I don't trust myself to not make a mistake. And I want to make sure that, and I'm taking something that they've designed, that they've engineered in their test kitchens and have decided this is something we want to say is one of our flagship products. The, uh, the white top, I just feel like their, their sauce. Yes.
Starting point is 01:22:48 As you mentioned, Mitch was a strength. So getting a white pizza was just like, I would have rather had some, some of that spicy red sauce on there. Um, I feel like their, their white cream sauce was, was not ideal. And the bacon was pretty good. It was chopped up pretty finely. Uh, a thing you, you talked about earlier, Eliza. And I think that did work for it, but just overall, I like had one slice of this.
Starting point is 01:23:10 And I was like, I don't want another slice. And that's, that's not a great endorsement of pizza. I mean, a white pizza, though, I find tends to be a little bit more rich anyway. It's kind of like the Alfredo of pizza. 100%. I mean, it was super duper rich, but it, but it was also like, not like worth how rich it was. I was, I was eating it.
Starting point is 01:23:29 I was just like, this is an indulgent that indulgence that again, I just, uh, uh, if it, this is very, very simplistic, but if it tasted better, um, I'd be more into it. Maybe it needed more bacon and garlic. Um, the hot link I thought was pretty good. It was probably my favorite thing I got there. You know, I think they're, they're smaller form factor. They're personal pizzas.
Starting point is 01:23:49 That's the thing they have figured out. And I did like that spicy red sauce a lot. I like the jalapenos and banana peppers on there. So they mentioned on the show a number of times I am something of a heat seeker. And this one was decently spicy. I feel like if I'd gotten this as a lunch, I'd be like, this is, this by itself is perfectly fine. Everything else underperformed.
Starting point is 01:24:07 Mitch, what about your pizzas? Well, I just got the one pizza, Nick, um, which maybe I should have gotten, I should have gotten more of my issue. Look, I just, I don't know how to feel about this place. The place is, it's weird to me, Nick. I, like I said, I got, I got, I got the, I got the meat eater. Yes. And I added banana peppers and tomatoes to it.
Starting point is 01:24:33 And so you think you knew better. I thought, I thought, I thought it needed to something else. Cause it's got the onions on there, but I thought, I just, I just wanted to change it up a little bit. And you know what? I'm glad I did because the veggies to me actually did stand out here and they worked well. The, uh, the cherry tomatoes, I'm, I'm okay with cherry tomatoes.
Starting point is 01:24:52 A lot of people don't like them on pizza, but I liked it. And the, uh, the banana peppers, but to me, it's like that, the level of ingredients tastes like subway esque. That is damning. Yeah. I think it's maybe not great product. I'm with you. The, the, the meats in particular, the, the pepperoni and they,
Starting point is 01:25:11 they just break up these meatballs. They have these meatballs and you're like, Oh, those would be good. They were like sliced or something, but then they just break them up like into little, like you were talking about like how Chicago does pepperoni or whatever, or deep, like a lot of deep dish places do like the crumpled up pepperoni. They just crumple up these meatballs right on top of the pizza. Uh, and I'm like, why, why do that?
Starting point is 01:25:33 Don't you want to like a chunky meatball? The thing is, is that this thing's got so much, the slice has so much flop to it that it's not even going to be able to hold a half a meatball. You know what I mean? That's a great point. It's a very floppy slice. It's, it's, I'm just frustrated by this place. I don't even know what, I don't even know what to think of it.
Starting point is 01:25:52 It just doesn't even make the whole idea of it doesn't make sense. And we're going to get mad because people are going to be like, Oh, I love place pizza or whatever. And I don't think so. I don't think they're place fanatics. I think, I think this place has expanded because it's convenient and because it's customizable. And I think if you've got a family, every kid can get their own pizza,
Starting point is 01:26:10 which I think is huge. And I think if you've got an office, everybody can go in and get a lunch amount of food without being like, are we all splitting a pizza? Yes. Right. 100%. But I don't get the sense. And maybe I'm wrong.
Starting point is 01:26:23 Well, we'll certainly hear about it in our mentions. Um, but I, I don't, I don't get the sense that this is a place is beloved that has a bunch of super fans. Well, it shouldn't because also just the ordering system, the ordering system also doesn't, for a pizza place, it just doesn't make sense to me. Like it's like, yeah, I guess like you would, people just have their favorites when they go there or whatever.
Starting point is 01:26:48 But like, when you get a pizza, isn't it like getting a pizza, like a special thing on a Friday night or once a week or once a week is a lot. But like, you know, like for a lot of families once a month or whatever. And it's like that sort of thing. If you discuss of what toppings you're going to get, you discuss it. And it's just that, that, that line thing of being there, it just, it seems like too much pressure, Nick. I don't like the pressure of it.
Starting point is 01:27:11 I don't think the combos really work. The Greek salad to me was, it looked good. And then I got it. And it was like a lot of like the feta and stuff that I saw. It looked like a bright salad. All I got was like a lot of like wet lettuce. You know what I mean? Like, uh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:25 And I don't think their salads are good. Yeah. Honestly, the meats just taste a kind of poor quality, but the vegetables were okay. And there were moments of eating it where I was like, oh, this is having this fresh baked. It is decent. It's not terrible.
Starting point is 01:27:41 I don't like hate this pizza, but like this is what it's hyped. This is like a big, this is, this is it. This is like Eliza saying this is, this is what you came out with. This is, this is the next step. What is this? Hmm. It's nothing. It's like another mediocre pizza, fucking pizza chain.
Starting point is 01:27:58 And like the thing that makes it, the thing that even makes it worthwhile is the fact that like, if you're at universal city walk or you're at like a plaza, it's a place where you can have pizza for lunch if you want to. If you're looking at like an office building nearby, it's, it's, it's a, it's a pizza for lunch place. But I don't know. I don't fucking, I don't see why people want it.
Starting point is 01:28:24 I don't see why people want this in their lives. I just don't get it. Well, I mean, okay, to, to just to play devil's advocate, if you were, you could say a similar thing about Chipotle of just like there's so many better Mexican places than Chipotle, but the convenience and the customized ability of Chipotle is like what makes it someplace. Starbucks.
Starting point is 01:28:44 It's the same thing. It's like we're all taking orders for bleh. You know the options can put together. I think is the, that was probably the thinking behind it. Is it popular enough to have people know those options? But then the other thing too is that with Starbucks and Chipotle, like I was saying like with Chipotle, if you're getting like a chicken bowl with rice or whatever allies,
Starting point is 01:29:09 like you were saying that is like to me more of a dinner thing. And that's something that I can do a couple of times a week and be like, Oh, this isn't terrible for you. And I'm eating okay. Pizza is more special than this, I guess to me. I don't know. Yeah, it does feel like they're splitting the difference between the two different types of pizza place and making a nothing in
Starting point is 01:29:28 between. So it's not a trash. We just got a huge pie. It came fast. It came hot. You knew exactly what it was going to taste like kind of pizza place, but it's also not an artisanal. Here's a handcrafted crust with, with these interesting toppings.
Starting point is 01:29:44 It's somewhere in between those, which means it's like, like you want, you want to, you want to run full force at one of those types of pizza. You don't want some sort of a little bit of both thing because it's just, it's not doing what either of those do successfully. Yeah. Well, we should get to our final thoughts on blaze pizza. You verbalize that way, way better than I could have.
Starting point is 01:30:05 I mean, you're, you're, you're right. 100%. And so Liza, you've done the show before, but just a refresher will each sort of give our closing argument regarding this week's chain and conclude by giving it a fork score from zero to five. You are a guest. We'll begin with you. Um, I also, I forgot to say earlier, the keto gluten free
Starting point is 01:30:28 crust. Did I say this maybe was good? Oh, I did say it. Okay. Um, I would say this is not good food, but as someone with a lot of dietary restrictions, it got a lot closer than a lot of options. And I like that it's a place where you could do a bunch of different
Starting point is 01:30:48 people who go and get a bunch of different things. The execute, like, so the idea, great. The execution. No, I wish it was like an American candy bar, you know, like, or a little Debbie snack. Like you see a zebra cake. You're like, that's good. That should be delicious.
Starting point is 01:31:06 You taste it. It is not. If you made a little Debbie a zebra cake at home, it would be great. But the way they've done it, it's just not worth it. Um, but because of the options, I'm going to give it, I'm going to give it two forks, two forks. Fair enough. All right.
Starting point is 01:31:27 Spoon man, your, your thoughts, your fork score. Look, a lot of people think I'm a LeBron hater. Uh, and he, he bought into this company and look, he's had a rivalry with my Celtic. So I don't, I'm not, I don't love LeBron. Um, but guess what, Nick? Just like the Lakers this year with LeBron, Blaze Pizza ain't winning any championships, baby.
Starting point is 01:31:51 Boy. Did you write this down? Are you reading this? This is his closer for last comic standing. Oh wow. I'm addressing Wiger during it. I don't think you understand the show. I'll cross out Wiger for Howie Mandel or whoever the fuck is
Starting point is 01:32:11 going to host it. Um, yeah, I, I, I don't, I look, I'm not a huge LeBron fan. I'm a Celtics fan, but then also I think he bought into something that seemed like a hot property and I just don't see, I don't see, I don't think Blaze Pizza is going to last. I, I really, I don't, I just don't, I, I, I, maybe I just don't get it. Like when I was in there and I was ordering, there was a family
Starting point is 01:32:37 behind me and I like was nervous and didn't know what to, didn't know what to get. And it's like, you're supposed to do like, you can do the half pizza, which you talked about Eliza and then like a salad. That seems like more of like a lunch combo. And maybe that, and, and, and, and maybe they should push that more. I know that that is an option, right?
Starting point is 01:32:53 Like half a pizza and a salad lunch combo. That was another reason why I wanted to even do it. Cause I was like, I like, I like that. I like it not that, as I said, my problem with pizza is the onslaught of pizza. You can't like just a little right. And then it's something else and this allows for that in theory.
Starting point is 01:33:09 Yeah. And I, and I think you just nailed it perfectly with the, the thing of like, they created a nothing and trying to, and trying to, and trying to make something that like appeals to people who were the, the ease of Chipotle and also not the complete crap of like a little corner store pizza place that has shitty pizza. You're buying by a slice.
Starting point is 01:33:30 Yeah. You're, you're, they kind of just, they, they created kind of like a nothing. And for me at Chipotle, like I said, that works to me. I can get a Chipotle, I can get Chipotle for dinner once or twice a week if I have to. I don't. I'm just saying like, if I need to get a Chipotle bowl, I get
Starting point is 01:33:46 chicken and brown rice and some, and black beans and some salsa on there. And like, I feel okay about that. Blaze just kind of bums me out. The pizza's not good enough. I don't know. People are going to be mad at me because I feel like I don't get it, but it's, it's, it's, I'm going to go two forks too.
Starting point is 01:34:05 I don't, I don't care. Can I two forks? Can I interact with some thoughts on whether or not people are going to be mad at you? Yes. Because I have found the blaze pizza subreddit. Wow. And there are 71 members.
Starting point is 01:34:20 Wow. That's it. No one has posted the most recent post with seven months ago. Um, there, there, it's a lot of like coupon codes from seven months ago. And then after that, a post from eight months ago that just says blaze pizza is just okay.
Starting point is 01:34:37 Like no, I don't think there's going to be. And maybe you know what the blaze pizza stands are going to come for you because I don't think they exist. Maybe that, maybe that, and maybe that's enough. Maybe that's better than a, you know what, maybe that's better than Sparrow or something or like a, a place that's kind of shitty and you can't do the same thing. And maybe that's, maybe it just being okay is fine.
Starting point is 01:35:00 And that's, in my head, I felt like this place was supposed to be like a good new pizza place. And I think it's just kind of like whatever. Well, I will say that I think maybe a lot of people feel pretty neutral about this, but I think that's part of its success, that it is just so down the middle and acceptable. There's, it's just like, I, like, like, I guess the question is, does it clear a baseline of acceptability for a personal
Starting point is 01:35:25 pizza? For me, it does, but I'm also including my experiences dining in when you get it fresh and then you just eat in the restaurant, which it is like, hey, you get a fresh pizza right out of the oven that's just been baked. That'll, yeah, you know, that'll usually even a mediocre one will be, will be a decent experience. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:42 Taking it home. Yeah. It starts to get, it starts to sog a little bit. But I will say this is, it's literally the fastest growing chain restaurant in history. Like it is, like it exploded over the course of the 2010s. We'll see if that really well. You are welcome.
Starting point is 01:36:01 Fascinating. We'll see if that trajectory continues into the 2020s, or if you know, just everything that's, that's changed about the, the restaurant industry and industry in general, because of the plague, if that's going to affect it or maybe just the bubble burst and it was going to anyway. I don't know what's going to happen, but it has been a huge success, whether people feel passionately about it or not.
Starting point is 01:36:27 Maybe because they don't feel passionately about it. LeBron should fucking dunk this chain in the trash. Get rid of it. Wow. Wow. I think we should pitch that to the room and see if anybody can beat it. Dunk it in the trash.
Starting point is 01:36:40 No, I really feel like we can beat it. Dunk it in the, dunk it in the ocean. Okay. Yeah. No. We're still just, maybe we should take a break. We're, they're dunking in the, uh, Dunking things is like good, right?
Starting point is 01:37:00 Yeah. Yeah. That's why you should dunk it in the trash. I think I get what you're saying. My only modification would be sadly slide it into the trash because I feel like that's the vibe of the pizza. Yeah. That's fair.
Starting point is 01:37:17 It doesn't even deserve the effort of a dunk. No. It's just like, oh, you know what? I'm done. I'm not going to finish it. Does anybody want it? No. Okay.
Starting point is 01:37:27 That's, that's a slunk. I mean, it is like a not, it is a pizza I was not excited to finish. And so I think I will, I think I'm going to go just slightly above the consensus because I think it's, it's maybe a just a, it's, it's not executable. It's okay.
Starting point is 01:37:47 I think it's perfectly acceptable. And I think it has its place in the chain restaurant world. So I'm going to say this is a two and a half fork chain for me. But you know, nothing, nothing mind blowing, not a place I'd go out of my way to go to. It's just like, if this was the place that people were going, I wouldn't like throw a fit. And I think that that's where blaze pizza is for me.
Starting point is 01:38:08 Can I be honest with you? Yeah. In my head, I was the entire time it was two and a half forks, but I hurt a lot as two and I went with two. See, I feel like, yeah, I feel like I, last time I went way lower, I was considering one and a half, but Wow.
Starting point is 01:38:25 Wow. It just is, it's perfect. It is good. The pizza I ate in my mouth was not. Yeah. Yeah. I think it's just the execution and you know, it's that I guess that's the other thing when you're,
Starting point is 01:38:38 when you're scaling up so rapidly, you know, you have to make sure that that's, that it can be replicated, your product can be replicated in all these new locations you're opening. But hey, that was our review of blaze pizza. It's time for a segment. Here, an organic Doe Boys convention has finally been formalized as part of the show.
Starting point is 01:38:58 We are going to name our four essentials in a given category. It's the debut of our new segment, Mount Gushmore. What? And Mitch, Mount Gushmore. This is what we're gushing about. This is, this is, this is, that's the segment. What could gushing do you mean?
Starting point is 01:39:15 Like gushing, like polycomotionally, like I'm going to, like, like, ah, these four things are so good. I'm discussion about them. So not like vaginally. No, I wasn't thinking of any sort of discharge. That's emotional also. This is the Mount Gushmore WAP special.
Starting point is 01:39:37 Wager and I would be on Mount Drymore. And hey, with Earth to Ned about to debut on Disney Plus, or actually already being out now on Disney Plus, the category for Mount Gushmore is Space Aliens, your Mount Rushmore of Space Aliens. Wow. Mitch, I know you, we've already talked about some Space Aliens over the course of this episode.
Starting point is 01:40:03 Will any of them ascend to being on our Mount Rushmores? We'll find out. Great question. Eliza? Mm-hmm. Your guest will begin with you unless you would like to defer. Your first choice. Now, this, these are, these are the,
Starting point is 01:40:22 the culturally most important aliens, right? Not just like my favorite. I always think of it as a personal thing. I think of it as, we usually on the show it's our favorites, but you can view it through whatever prison you like. Okay. And I think this still fits for both. I'm going to pick the Xenomorph from Alien.
Starting point is 01:40:40 Wow. Great pick. Very powerful alien. Difficult to defeat in combat. Now, can we not repeat picks, wigs? Yeah, I think. Yeah, there's no Teddy Roosevelt, there's no two Roosevelt's on the Mount Rushmore.
Starting point is 01:40:56 No. We're each building our own. We're each building our own Mount Rushmore, so I'm saying. Oh, okay, okay, okay. Never mind then. Sorry. There should be two Teddy Roosevelt's. He would have, there shouldn't even be one.
Starting point is 01:41:11 I, that's a great choice. I mean, Xenomorph might come up on my, I mean, it's one of the greatest aliens of all time. How can you, how can you top it? The movie is called Alien. You can have a more efficient reproduction cycle. I will say that is, that's where they falter. It's like, this, this is too complicated.
Starting point is 01:41:31 What are you doing? You're planting an egg, you're bursting out of a chest, and then you're, then you're making a pod to make another egg planter. Yeah, they could have been more, they definitely could have been more efficient, but that's why we love them. It's true.
Starting point is 01:41:47 It is why we love them. Yeah. Nick, is it my turn or your turn? It's your turn. I'm going to go with one of the biggest aliens of all time. Now, does he mean biggest in size? Or does he mean biggest in terms of importance? We're going to, we're about to find out.
Starting point is 01:42:07 Wow. Maybe both. With my pick, Yoda, I choose. Oh, wow. That's a big one. Another powerful alien. This guy? Wow, there he is.
Starting point is 01:42:23 Wow, Eliza's folding up. He was right on your table, you didn't pick him. No, he's a magic eight ball too. Wow. Very cool. Does it say Yoda like phrasings? Yeah. Oh, you know.
Starting point is 01:42:35 Nick, you froze. Nick froze. Hello, hello. Am I here? Hello, hello. I think you're asking me, okay, you're back. You're back. But I think you asked a good question while you were gone.
Starting point is 01:42:50 Yes. Does he have, are the answers in Yoda like phrasings? And yes, they are. That's correct. Wow. Yeah, they are. Let's see. Certain I cannot be.
Starting point is 01:43:01 It cannot be. No. Impatient. Are you? No. You know, stuff like that. Right. That's good.
Starting point is 01:43:12 Yeah, that's really good. It was my sister. She got it for Christmas and I was like, yank, you're a teenager. You don't need this. I'm a little kid. It's important to me. Again.
Starting point is 01:43:23 I was guesting on dope. Yeah. I said, again, shake, which is like a very, that's like when they, when one of the sides of the, the dies, they, they had no other answer. So they said, shake it again. Um, was guesting on dope boys a good use of Eliza's time? No signs point to certain I cannot be.
Starting point is 01:43:49 Yoda. Are you, are you a baby Yoda fan? Are you only like the, the grownup kind? I'm not gonna put baby Yoda. I adore baby Yoda. I think baby Yoda is so cute. So precious. What a great character design.
Starting point is 01:44:02 Natalie and I were watching the Mandalorian and every time baby Yoda came on screen, we lit up. Look at that guy. He's the best. Precious. I believe in freedom of choice and I would have chose to fucking abort that little baby Yoda. What? Why?
Starting point is 01:44:18 Jesus Christ. So you like Yoda's, but not baby Yoda's. I just wanted to say something that would make me a big villain and I did it. Okay. I've been doing it throughout this episode. Well, I was trying to set us all up for Hey Weigur. Did you tell Mitch that Gina Carano from the Mandalorian is on Earth to Ned? It's true.
Starting point is 01:44:42 I don't want to abort Yoda. I was kidding everyone. It's a comedy podcast. What if Yoda heard you? What if Yoda heard you? Think about his feelings. I'm sorry, Yoda. Friends with you before, but then he heard that.
Starting point is 01:45:03 Look, baby, I think Yoda represents the Star Wars as for aliens. I think he represents the world the best Chewbacca. I love Chewbacca, but very cool. He doesn't, but the Yoda is just such an alien. You know what I mean? Yeah. I get what you mean. Great character design.
Starting point is 01:45:19 He's got the aliens. 100%. You both picked very powerful aliens. Different kinds of powerful aliens. Xenomorph or a Morseless Killing Machine. Yoda, of course, has the Force Powers. I'm going to pick a powerful alien of my own. I'm referring to Cal-L, a.k.a. Superman.
Starting point is 01:45:39 Oh, yeah. That's one of those like you forget he's an alien alien. Yeah, but he is. It's his whole thing. Yeah, absolutely. It counts. It doesn't kind of count. It counts.
Starting point is 01:45:52 Yeah. He came here in a spaceship. I mean, what else do you need? Yeah. I'm sure. Is it because he's humanoid? I can see how like it kind of counts a little bit. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:46:02 No, it's a, yeah. No, it kind of counts a little bit. All right, Eliza, you're up. Your second pick. My second point's pick's going to have to be E.T. Wow. Great choice. Does the movie hold up?
Starting point is 01:46:14 Also, why goers wrong? We should go in a snake draft style. But all right, Eliza, whatever. That would only benefit you though. Yeah. Yeah, I know. So, but E.T. was very important to me as a kid. I was a member of the E.T. fan club.
Starting point is 01:46:32 I had a card in my wallet that was an E.T. backstage pass that came with my membership. I had to take an E.T. pledge. Wow. It hit gross white dog poop. E.T. is still one of the most upsetting movie images. Yeah, it looks awful. So yeah, E.T.
Starting point is 01:46:52 Yeah, it looks like shit. It really looks like shit. Yeah, it looks like when dog poop dries, the dog poop dries out. Wow. All right, Mitchell, your second pick. I'm not going to repeat picks because honestly, the Xenomorph and...
Starting point is 01:47:07 You better scoop me then, because it's just going to keep happening. Yep. Xenomorph and E.T. would definitely make my list. But my second pick is a classic gray. Wow. That was going to be mine. You picked communion alien?
Starting point is 01:47:34 I picked the classic gray. Jesus. Classic gray alien. You can see him in a lot of different things. Yeah, it's a great, it's a great alien. Yeah. The probing alien. There's a probing.
Starting point is 01:47:46 There's a communion. Walk-in gets probed. There's a probing scene. Yeah. Were those the aliens also in... Yeah. Yeah, close encounters. Close encounters.
Starting point is 01:48:02 They're close enough. They fit under the umbrella. There's like one total one, right? That one you had to bend to get down. You know, I was... It was tough because I was... I shouldn't say what the other one was, so I won't. In case it doesn't come up.
Starting point is 01:48:18 Gray is a good choice. Sorry. There you go. How about as your plus one? Okay. Gray is a great choice. I am going to go pivot from the Star Wars universe that was mentioned to the Star Trek universe.
Starting point is 01:48:33 And the top Cleon wharf. Clingon? Yeah. What did you call it? It sounded like you said Clingon. Clingon. Clingon. I mean, that's the universe that...
Starting point is 01:48:48 Talk about a cue that I can get behind. Right? Cue is very cool. Cue is very powerful. Real trickster. So why wharf of all the Star Trek alien options? He's cool. I like the...
Starting point is 01:49:03 I like Spock. I like that he's logical. I could probably have a better con... I'd probably engage in conversation more easily with Spock, but I like that wharf is strong. And that's a big part of it for me. I think it'd be cool to hang out with him because he's powerful. I feel like the only notable thing about... That I remember about wharf was that he went into heat.
Starting point is 01:49:25 Yes. Yeah, that's a... Clingon going into heat stuff. Yeah, that'll happen. Yeah, the occasional... They have like a puberty phase that they revisit in adulthood. Yeah. I like it.
Starting point is 01:49:38 It's part of what makes him cool. All right. That's my second pick. Eliza, your third head on Mount Space... I guess Mount Alienmore, we're calling it. Yeah. Well, as a hilarious TV entertainment business person, I'm going to have to pick Alph. Oh, Alph is great.
Starting point is 01:49:57 My boy from Mount Mac. Fuck Alph. Look, I don't like the eating cats either. I think we're both going to agree on that. Fuck you. But he was able to control himself. And besides that, he's got wise cracks. He likes Hawaiian shirts.
Starting point is 01:50:10 How's he going to surf? What's that about? Oh. Hey, LeBron James should dunk that pizza into the trash. Oh, boy. See, if he said it, that would work. You'd love that. He'd be like, ah, man, he's making life hard for this family.
Starting point is 01:50:27 He's a little alien, little alien Harry and the Henderson's. I believe he was of the same era. He's a piece of shit, Alph is. Wow. Wow. What happened to you? He's a fucking, he eats cats. What did he do?
Starting point is 01:50:41 I'm a cat fan. Oh, yeah. That's a thing. Yeah. I'm a cat fan too. I'm not. I'm not. Just because someone has a proclivity, if they can control it, he can't help that
Starting point is 01:50:52 that's what he wants. But he doesn't indulge and that's got to be hard for him. I respect it. If Alph comes near my cat, Wally and Irma, I'm fucking knocking teeth out of it. Snow fucking piece of shit. You punch Alph. I'd punch Alph right in the snow. Wow.
Starting point is 01:51:11 Even if he was like sick. Yeah. Especially for Wally and Irma because he had been injured. And he was like, if he was like the ET who was in the ditch when he was all white, but Alph, you'd still be like, fuck you. Yeah, fucking. He looks. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:51:26 Well, I wouldn't want to punch him because he'd look gross like that white turd, but piece of shit. You're ice cold. He's a cat murderer. He's a cat murderer. Yeah. He does. It's his people.
Starting point is 01:51:38 They are. It's their, their culture and their bodies. They can't help that that's what they digest. It's true. I would never let him eat my cat. Would I turn a blind eye and see and let him roam the neighborhoods at night? Yeah, I would. Cause life is difficult.
Starting point is 01:51:53 Not me. That's fucked. That's, that's nature. You know? The, sometimes the alligators pull the, the baby gazelle into the swamp. And that's just the way things are. Not in my world. In your world, your cat wears a chain mail bikini.
Starting point is 01:52:14 And hangs out with you. I'm going to go with a, with something even more fucked up than elf. Wow. For my, my choice. I'm going with the thing. Wow. The thing. Very scary.
Starting point is 01:52:33 Very powerful. Man. That's another, that I have the same reaction to that as they do to Superman where like, I wouldn't have thought alien. I would have thought monster, the Superman. I wouldn't have thought alien. I wouldn't have thought superhero. But you guys, you're expanding my, my horizons.
Starting point is 01:52:47 How, now here's the question. Yes. How the hell do you put the thing on fucking Mount Rushmore? Is it its final form or he's like the fucking, like when he has a lot of heads and shit and at the end of the movie? Yeah. Or like a dog head with like some weird lobby stuff around it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:53:04 Just put brimley up there. Everyone loves brimley. Yeah. All right. I agree. Brimley goes on my Mount Rushmore. It was just like the, the insect head hanging out. Brimley, brimley is the thing.
Starting point is 01:53:16 The brimley for spoiler, spoiler. Okay. Brimley is, he is the thing at one point, but I, but I think that final head. I'm not sure if that is, I'm not sure if it is brimley or not. You know what I'm talking about. Yeah. I don't know. Yes.
Starting point is 01:53:30 Yes. Oh no, that, oh, the little, when it's, when it's the spider head, no, that's another guy. That's the guy who has the heart attack and he, uh, and they, and they go to, to revive them and then his chest breaks open and then he bites the other guy's arms off. It's that scene is so, is so fucked up. It's awesome. That's the thing for, that's the thing.
Starting point is 01:53:48 Uh, for me, I feel like that movie is like a collection of scenes, not in a bad way, but I don't remember an overall plot. I just remember different moments of very cool or very tense. Yeah. Um, that's that scene where they're testing blood is like one of the most tense scenes in any sci-fi horror movie. It's great. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:54:08 It's a great choice from the spoon man. The thing. Thank you. Third alien. Third alien. I was trying to say. And hey, my third alien, one of the duo of Kang and Kodos. Wow.
Starting point is 01:54:21 From the Simpsons. Oh. I am choosing Kodos. Wow. Because, uh, he's voiced by Dan Castellaneta as opposed to Harry Shearer voiced by, voiced by Kang. So I'm going with Kodos. Kodos is on my Mount, Mount alien more.
Starting point is 01:54:35 How to cook for 40 humans. Great bit. Great season two bit. Great presence in the Treehouse of Horror episodes. Yeah. Every time they show up, that's a lot of fun. No complaints. All right, Eliza, your final pick.
Starting point is 01:54:52 This is really tough. This is really tough. Okay. Can I, can I give some options and then pick? Or should I just pick? Sure. Yeah. Great condition.
Starting point is 01:55:04 Even though we will say at the end, choose your favorite. Well, Mitch will say that. So some of the contenders is thinking the Piggies from Ender's Game. Well, it's actually from like the third or fourth book in that series. Very nerdy. The aliens from Cocoon. Mmm. Those are good.
Starting point is 01:55:20 Right. The aliens from Batteries Not Included. Wow. Oh boy. Yeah. They were cute. I'm going to go with the Sandworm from Dune. Wow.
Starting point is 01:55:32 Damn. That's Sandworm. That's good. Thing will fuck you up. Yeah. It really will. But like if you're the Maudib, you will turn into one. So it's also an ascendant level that you could become through your spice use.
Starting point is 01:55:47 Wow. I never seen the movie. That's a great choice. I read the book, but I never saw the Lynch movie. It's okay. It's weird. Yeah. I bought it and I haven't watched it.
Starting point is 01:55:56 He, I believe, took his name. I think it's one of those movies that's attributed, or at least part of it is attributed to Alan Smithy, which is the name that directors and writers will use instead of their own when they don't like how something came out. Which by the way, Doe Boyz is now Doe Boyz with Alan Smithy and Alan Smithy. Yeah. So that's Sandworm from Dune. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:56:23 Excellent choice. All right, Mitch. Your final pick for Mount Alienmore. My final pick. Do I choose the Mars attack aliens or predator alien? I couldn't really do it by chance. Right? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:56:41 It's hard. There's a video on YouTube of the guy doing the voice. It's like more male. You got to like roll your, it's a very like flaming thing. I thought it was more like a ticking, like alien kind of thing. It's like a. This is great radio. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:56:57 Or do I go with the alien that created them all and especially created the xenomorph and maybe even created all of us. I'm talking to engineer. Wow. Prometheus. No. No. Prometheus.
Starting point is 01:57:20 No. Prometheus. No. Prometheus. No. No. Prometheus is. No.
Starting point is 01:57:28 Prometheus is the most, maybe the most. Dumb. Stupid. Prometheus. Disappointing. Prometheus is maybe the most underrated film of the 2010s. Wow. The number one most.
Starting point is 01:57:49 Bold take. Elijah's leaving. Prometheus is so great. Prometheus is my declorians. Prometheus sucks. Hot take for Mitch. Prometheus is great. I beg anyone to find a better speaking of baby Yoda abortions.
Starting point is 01:58:10 I find, I challenge anyone to find a better sci-fi scene than the scene where. Repace. What's her name? Is it new me? Repace? Yeah. I don't know how to say it. I probably am not pronouncing her name correctly.
Starting point is 01:58:28 But where she gets the alien abortion. You can't find a better sci-fi scene than that. You have like an abortion alien thing happening. No. No. I do not. I do not have. It seems like you have kind of an alien abortion thing.
Starting point is 01:58:45 Find me a better. And look. I don't have an abortion. I don't know anyone else as a connoisseur of them as you are. The engineer is Jesus like. I'm a Catholic boy. Yes. My mind went to the Navi.
Starting point is 01:58:55 I love the Navi. And Nick is probably going to choose it now. I just put it in this ad. But the engineer rules. The engineer is cool looking. That scene. You're going to lead a lonely life, Mitch. You can't find, you can't find a better.
Starting point is 01:59:09 You can't, you can't find a better sci-fi scene in the last 20 years than that scene where she gets the alien abortion. You can't. You can't do it. No one can do it. Okay. Wait a minute. I know Weigar has not even made his choice yet, but have you, did you say a sci-fi scene
Starting point is 01:59:26 or sci-fi alien? You know what? Either way. Sci-fi scene. Did you see District 9? Yes. And do you think that that's better than all of District 9? I think the scene where she gets the alien taken out of her stomach is one of the best
Starting point is 01:59:39 sci-fi scenes in the, in the turn, since the turn of the century. Just a scorching hot take from Mitch. Watch it. Watch it. The nice sex scene? Like it's not, it's so upsetting. Watch the scene. I, not you.
Starting point is 01:59:56 I'm saying listeners. You guys don't have to. I'm just going to wait and say like you don't have to. Just cause Mitch is saying it doesn't mean you have to track it down. Hey, my final pick. Sorry, Mitch. No. It's good.
Starting point is 02:00:14 It's good. Weigar, you like Prometheus too and you're just being silent. I've never seen it. My final pick is, my final pick is we haven't done anything for video games yet and I'm going to a game franchise. Wow. I'm referring to Metroid and picking another galactic bounty hunter along the lines of Boba Fett, Samus, Samus for Metroid.
Starting point is 02:00:45 Josh Gad's love, Kuber. Is Kuber an alien? I think so. Yeah. It seemed like he was in space jumping around on those cubes. Yeah, I guess that is like it. So maybe not. Samus doesn't count.
Starting point is 02:00:59 Samus counts. No. Samus counts. I don't know him. Why do you think he counts? Why do you think he doesn't count? Samus is a she. You say it's a she.
Starting point is 02:01:07 She. But it is in the first game, it is teased as we don't know what's underneath that armor and then if you get the true ending, it's like, oh, Samus was a she. All along. And let me tell you. And that's, and that's, that's when Weigar jacked it. Yeah, right. He was jacking at the whole time.
Starting point is 02:01:23 He doesn't love a mystery. Come on. That was Mount Gushmore. Let us know who's Mount Gushmore. You thought. Whoa. Raised Supreme. Hold on a second.
Starting point is 02:01:37 I'm just, I'm looking at the Samus reveal right now and I didn't realize, I did not realize that it was. Did she take her boobs out? She is. It's kind of. Wow. Yeah. She's revealing in an 8-bit sense.
Starting point is 02:01:49 Yeah. No, you get to see her in a bikini, especially for strapless bikini. Yeah. Especially for back then in the in the eight bit days. Damn. Yeah. They like to shut up things left on the table, like Marvin the Martian and those Muppets that go.
Starting point is 02:02:06 Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Oh, yeah. I wish, I wish we had room for them all. We didn't hit the men in black universe, the coffee aliens and so on. But there's, there's an abundance of options. There's so many possible aliens in the world of sci-fi and someone speculate reality, but those are the ones we chose.
Starting point is 02:02:24 Let us know. If you think my team was best hashtag Mitch's mutants, oh well. If you think my team was the best, um, pursue some kind of interest or hobby that would better your life. Oh, wait. Hashtag Mitch's Martians. How the hell did I get that wrong? Like they're in French or something.
Starting point is 02:02:40 Spanish if you don't know it. That's handy. Um, yeah. Just use Mitch's, Mitch's Martians because he's going to be mad if he doesn't win. I don't worry about the other hashtags. That was Mount Gushmore. Just like a restaurant via your feedback. I'm going to be really mad in a week when I don't win.
Starting point is 02:02:52 Shut the fuck up. Oh, he's mad already. Oh no. Mad at Weiger. Hey, maybe this will cheer you up. Just like a restaurant we value your feedback. Let's open up the feedback. And Mitch, we have a voicemail today.
Starting point is 02:03:01 Let's go ahead and listen to this one. Oh no. One second here. Okay. Hi. Mitch. You're my celebrity crush. Here's my question.
Starting point is 02:03:14 What food would you rather eat for the rest of your life every day rather than have to give it up completely? So basically what food would you, you know, rather never sacrifice in order to have to eat every day? Honestly, as embarrassing as it is for me, it's probably pizza. Okay. I'm Hollis from Nashville. And that's my answer.
Starting point is 02:03:53 Love you guys. Bye. Wow. Big confession up top and an interesting question. What food would you agree to eat every day if the alternative meant you could never have it again? Kind of seemed like a high question. Celebrity.
Starting point is 02:04:07 The way it was crafted. I don't know that it is an interesting question. It's just, it's just what would you eat every day? Right? So. Leave the future Mrs. Mitchell alone. I was about to say she knew she was giving you the answer, the right answer. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:04:26 I think, I think she's really what she's doing. This is a, this is a den I know you. Haven't we met before? This is a, you don't need to answer this. This is just so we can start talking. I mean, I'm sorry. Answer it, but like call the girl back. Well, I didn't even catch her name sadly when the, when the voicemail was played.
Starting point is 02:04:47 Oh no. And there's no way to play it again. Oh my God. I guess this is a lost love. Goodbye, my sweet. Um, so explain this to me. I was also celebrities just far off. Uh-uh.
Starting point is 02:05:03 Chubby podcaster. No way, man. You're, I've been on a quote unquote red carpet or stepping repeats with you. And you are the show. People want to see that. If you remember correctly that night when we were at the red carpet, which was at San Diego Comic Con. I bought a new outfit because I had nothing that looks good enough for a red
Starting point is 02:05:27 carpet. And if you also remember, I kept my shirt open because I was sweating through the armpits and I needed to not have armpits by the time we got to the red carpet. None of that has anything to do with whether or not other people would view you in the realm of celebrity. Yeah. That's just like you not living up to, you know,
Starting point is 02:05:46 some basic human expectations. And inside the party, there were all kinds of people who were like, ooh, ooh, it's Mitch. It's Mitch from Doe Boys. Ooh, Mitch. Ooh, ooh. I know. Cause I just like kind of stood behind you, like picking up the,
Starting point is 02:06:02 the snacks other people dropped. I'm pretty sure that was you who was doing that. No, it wasn't. It fully wasn't. Um, people love you. Yeah. The question, the question is, can you, the question is that you have to give up either you have the food every day
Starting point is 02:06:20 or give it up. Yeah. Imagine this choice. Yes. Yes. So what is it? What is a food when presented with that option? I will take this away from you forever or you must have this every day
Starting point is 02:06:32 for the rest of your life. What is a food you would say? Like I'll take, I'll eat it instead. I mean, like the option I'll choose. Just, just shitting on, on pizza for lunch. I will look like a huge hypocrite to say pizza, but I couldn't have pizza taken away from me. You also said that that's your favorite food.
Starting point is 02:06:48 I don't think it's hypocritical at all. It is, it is, it is my favorite food. It is a food that I rarely ever have for lunch or even want to have for lunch. It's a dinner food for me. Well, you could have it for dinner every day. Yeah. Yeah, that's true. All right.
Starting point is 02:07:01 I mean, like besides, I'm only eating at lunch. If it's at a sketch cram wager, a sketch cram run by you, the old UCB show. Oh boy. Where basically you'd pay in Domino's, you get paid in Domino's pizza. Pizza is not a currency. But um, That's the closest you ever got paid from any UCB show though. Maybe the only compensation you ever received from that theater.
Starting point is 02:07:25 I think, I think there would be a couple of things where if they, where I could never have them, I think, I think I would say, I think there's a lot of things that I would say I would do it every day instead of losing it. See, I would take it more basic. I would say eggs. I was going to say eggs. That's also my answer. I think that it's just like, it's almost like you could never have eggs again,
Starting point is 02:07:44 or you must have them every day. But I'll just have eggs every day. I'll figure that out. No problem. Cramble them, fry them, soft-boil them. That's good. As Mitch Wood in his little short suit. But if you were going to say,
Starting point is 02:07:57 If someone said cheeseburger to you, you'd never have a cheeseburger again? I think I could not, I could not have a cheeseburger. That's insane. I don't think I could have a cheeseburger every day. I think that would get tiring. But I think you know what I, But are we saying all foods are, you either eat them every day,
Starting point is 02:08:11 or you never ever get to have them again? I think it's one specific one where when presented with this choice, you would choose in the affirmative. Like what's a specific food where, hey, I know that I would prefer to have this every day versus never having it again. And I think it would be an easy choice. Like choosing to have a cheeseburger every day, that's a tough choice.
Starting point is 02:08:31 You'd be like, God, I mean, I guess if I can ever. But with eggs, no sweat. Yeah, sure. I can have an egg every day. Oh, cheeseburgers ever again though? Damn, don't clean the ocean for crying out loud. Well, I mean, that's, well, there you go. That's your priority and why we're all fascinating individuals.
Starting point is 02:08:49 And what if someone said, what if someone said hot dog to you? How would you, how would you feel about hot dog? Just like walked by me and was like, hot dog. I would want to know more. I'd be like, they're fun. What's happening? I'd be like, cheat finger. When Weigar said that he got the white top,
Starting point is 02:09:07 I was trying to, I was trying to build a parody to sharp dressed man where it was like white top, bad crust. And I spent a lot of time on it and I got nowhere. But I just wanted to tell you. You wanted to pitch it in case any of you either of us wanted to run with it. Uh-huh. You spent a lot of time on it and that's what you ended up with. Yes.
Starting point is 02:09:27 That's what you're doing for the bulk of the episode. I was Googling rhymes with crust. Rust. Rust. Must. And trust. Rust. Rated.
Starting point is 02:09:38 Okay. Sorry. You got the king of musical improv here. I failed. The queen of musical improv here. That's why I brought up. I failed. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 02:09:48 No, don't be sorry. My answer for, yeah, don't apologize to him. My answer for, if something, other than eggs, something that's not like just like a, like a, like, okay, this is, if someone was to say that's a cop out, then my answer would be tacos. My own piss. I think if I was going to say you never have tacos again or you must have tacos every day, I think it would say tacos, not my own piss, Mitch.
Starting point is 02:10:09 No, that's once a week. Once a week. Yeah. No, same thing for me. Tacos. I mean, you can get, it's universal. You got your breakfast tacos. You got your lunch tacos.
Starting point is 02:10:19 You got your dinner tacos. You could, you can get a taco taco too. Let's do. And hey, if we start. Wow. Would that count? Would that, that would. It's called a taco.
Starting point is 02:10:28 Would the creators be pissed at that? Would the engineers be pissed off? Oh God. You're bringing it back to fucking Prometheus. No. God damn it. No. I don't care what they think.
Starting point is 02:10:38 I want to make them mad. They ruined my movie franchise that I liked. You know, it's a completely separate thing. You don't have to worry about the alien part of it. Look, here's the other thing. Oh my God. When it comes to, like burritos, you know, that's, that's a lot, but that's a lot to eat every day.
Starting point is 02:10:57 A burrito, but call me the burrito boy, because if you're saying I'm taking off the table or you're going to eat it every day, I'm going to eat a burrito every day. I'm the burrito boy. How can you lose a burrito? What if it was so, so a weird little demon appears in your house, like one of those ones that are jumping and it's like, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. This already is honestly too much for me. I'm very scared.
Starting point is 02:11:19 Very, very scared of the devil. This little, this little demon is like, ah, choice is before you. Let's choose one food to be eaten every day. Or else it is taken away. Is it burritos or is it pizza? See, now this is harder. If forever, I mean, I would probably choose pizza because I don't want to lose pizza. Goodbye, burritos.
Starting point is 02:11:46 That's sad. I would be fucking heartbroken. And would that mean that you can't roll the pizza up? That's a great point. It's crossing a line into burrito. Good question. Maybe I could roll the burrito up, put some beef in there. It's a pizza roll.
Starting point is 02:12:01 That's fucked up. The little demon in your house turns out it's koalic. I don't get it. Now that is my salacious. He's the salacious to my jabba. Matt Koalic are Mitch's former roommate, former birthday boys member, and a frequent antagonist of this podcast. No.
Starting point is 02:12:23 For no clear reason. God. No, that's a good reason. Anyway, if you have a question or comment about the world of chain restaurants, you can email us at dowboyspodcast at or leave us a voicemail at 830 Godot. That's 830-463-6844. And to get the Doughboys double our weekly bonus episode, join the Golden or Platinum Plate Club at slash Doughboys.
Starting point is 02:12:45 Eliza Skinner, thank you so much for joining us. I'll shout out the one thing we both worked on, Earth to Ned. 10 episodes are now streaming on Disney Plus. It's a fun little alien talk show with some really cool puppets. And neither of you chose Ned as you're on your Mount Rushmore. What the hell? I don't know. I felt pandery.
Starting point is 02:13:04 That felt like it would have been cheating. I mean, honestly, I would have picked the Clods. Wow. The Clods are great. A lot of fun. Everybody loves the Clods. This podcast is all about pandering. Speaking of which, I love you listeners.
Starting point is 02:13:18 Keep listening out there. Eliza, your new album also Regarding My Lovers is out. Tell us about that and anything else you'd like to plug. Yeah. It's 10 tracks of stand-up comedy recorded live in Vermont a couple of years ago. Finally released now. And then it's also five original songs that I wrote and recorded with some cool musician friends of mine.
Starting point is 02:13:45 And yeah, it's a mixed bag of all the stuff. And I would say that if Weigher and I had an album called Regarding My Lovers, it would be a pretty quick listen. One track, 10 seconds long. Mumbling a couple of girls' names. That's a lot of apologizing. Yeah. I mean, I knew I was doing, I was going to put on a lot of material about dating.
Starting point is 02:14:13 And so I was like, lean into it. It's about Regarding My Lovers. And I heard from a few ex-boyfriends already who were like, which ones? And one that I was like, oh, no, I dated you after I recorded this. And he was like, man, well, next time you got to put a joke about me. I'm like, all right, sure. Regarding My Lovers too. One of the funniest people around.
Starting point is 02:14:41 Thank you so much for joining us. Check out her album. And hey, Mitch, that'll be it for this episode of Doe Boys. Until next time for the Spoon Man, Mike Mitchell. I'm Nick Weigher. Happy eating. Enjoy Prometheus. Oh, Jesus.
Starting point is 02:14:51 On the next Doe Boys Double, it's another edition of Me Talking Talica to You. Me equals Weigher. You equals Mitch. Mitch and I listened through Metallica's recently released S&M 2, their live performance with the San Francisco Symphony, and talked through some notable tracks. Plus, we finally settled that whole Lars Napster debacle. Get the Doe Boys Double every Tuesday only at Want to see the sources for this week's intro?
Starting point is 02:15:21 Check the episode description.

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