Doughboys - Chick-fil-A with Betsy Sodaro

Episode Date: July 30, 2015

The 'boys assess hot button chicken sandwich chain Chik-fil-A with their guest, actress and comedian Betsy Sodaro.Want more Doughboys? Check out our Patreon!: for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 In 1845, the American Baptist Church banned slave owners from serving as missionaries, leading its southern membership to secede. From this ignoble schism came the Southern Baptist Convention, which, 170 years later, is now the largest Protestant sect in the U.S. One prominent Baptist was S. Truett Cathy, who claims to have invented the fried chicken sandwich at his Dwarf Grail restaurant in 1946. A decade and a half later, Cathy developed a more efficient pressure cooking method that allowed him to expand his chain wildly, under a new name, first to mall food courts,
Starting point is 00:00:35 and later as standalone eateries. By 2010, this icon of the South was leading the entire fast food industry in sales per location. Yet, the conservative politics of its deeply religious founder are ingrained in its corporate identity. In addition to staying closed on Sundays, in 2012, S. Truett's heir and current CEO Dan T. Cathy publicly declared his opposition to same-sex marriage. This led to fierce protests from gay rights activists and defiant chicken sandwich binges
Starting point is 00:01:00 from the Christian Rite. Today, it's both a battlefield in the culture wars and the fast food wars. It's time to eat more chicken, because this week on Doe Boys, we're talking Chick-fil-A. Welcome to Doe Boys, the podcast about chain restaurants. I'm Nick Weiger, alongside Mike Mitchell. Mitch, how are you this fine day? Good. Quite a serious opening to a fun food podcast.
Starting point is 00:01:38 Too much politics in there? A little too much politics, but you know what? We gotta get into it. That's what it's all about. It's like, it's one of those things where it's hard to, it's impossible to avoid. We can't discuss Chick-fil-A and not bring that topic up. It's part of how people perceive the chain. 100%.
Starting point is 00:01:56 I think it makes a guy like me uncomfortable because I'm dumb, and I'm afraid of saying the wrong thing over and over again. Yeah, you guys didn't hear this because Mitch muted his microphone, but during that entire intro, he was just going, duh. Thanks a lot, Weiger. Yeah, I remember, you know what's funny is I remember stores being closed on Sunday back in the day when I was a kid, and now that Chick-fil-A is the only place I know that's still this.
Starting point is 00:02:33 I remember my parents saying that was like the grocery store would be closed on Sunday, which is insane to think about so much of my, I guess I'd schedule my life differently if this was my reality, but so much of how I live my life is just predicated on, oh, I know if I need, you know, if I want like a snack at 11 p.m., I can go to Rite Aid on a Sunday night, and it'll be open, and I can just get something. And it used to be just like, well, you didn't get all your snacks by closing time on Saturday afternoon, you're just not going to eat any snacks this weekend. You're snackless.
Starting point is 00:03:07 It's also too, like the idea of bank hours used to be so restrictive, and it was the only way you could do banking was physically go to a bank. I feel like that's an old timey thing, like, yeah, certainly the, we have so much expectations of like using the internet and all this online access to things, but the fact that customer services has expanded its hours and all avenues in terms of physical locations has really changed how we live as well. Yes, 100%, and that's something that I've seen in my lifetime, and that's crazy, makes me feel like an old man to feel like it used to be closed, like the stores were closed
Starting point is 00:03:38 back in the day, like in Massachusetts, the liquor stores were closed on Sunday until just recently, I feel like. And now they're even only open for a small, like a small timeframe during the day, I think. You know what gets me is all the different booze laws in different states. Like there's there's states where you can only like it's crazy things like it has to be a dedicated liquor store that only sells liquor. There are other ones where like, oh, if you sell alcohol, you have to also serve like hot food, you have to be a restaurant that so you'd have to like go to a Chinese restaurant
Starting point is 00:04:12 to buy a six pack of beer. You can't buy it from the grocery store. It's so in where I live in Santa Monica, they stop selling alcohol at midnight at stores. But it's like a five minute drive into the Los Angeles city limits where they stop selling alcohol like 2 a.m. Yes. So it's just the kind of thing of like, well, it's 1201. Well, now I've got to drive just a little further to the 7-11 just in the just in the
Starting point is 00:04:38 West, most westernmost part of West LA in order to get something to drink. And let me tell the viewers that this happens every night. He's an alcoholic, folks. Got a lot of issues inside that brain. He doesn't like to talk about it. It'll gradually come out over the course of this podcast. Your brains. Eventually, I'm just going to shoot his brains out in the last episode.
Starting point is 00:05:02 So you're a deafening gunshot. We'll go to the Doughboys theme. He'll be two, one for me. The Spoon Man. Spoon Nation won't like that, but, you know, that's how it goes. Oh, yeah, we forgot to drop the Spoon Man up top. Yeah, I just want to say what's up to Spoon Nation. Spoon Army, all those Spoon Nuts out there.
Starting point is 00:05:19 Say hello. And I'm here with a little wise, the Burger Boy. I think you got to add on another one at some point. A little wise, the Burger Boy. Something more than that? Yeah. Well, you've been coasting on those two for a while. Well, I'm the Spoon Man now, for real.
Starting point is 00:05:34 Well, I'm just saying neither of these nicknames are one I chose or approved for myself. Oh, yeah. I feel like if you're going to impose a nickname on me, I don't know, you could come up with another one. Another option at some point that I might like a little bit more. All right, I don't know. The Midnight Whiskey Runner or whatever you were talking about. All right. Let's introduce our guest.
Starting point is 00:05:56 You can see her on Big Time in Hollywood, Florida and clipped one of the funniest people around our good friend, Betsy Sadaro. Hi, Betsy. Hello. Thank you so much for being here. Oh, man, thanks for having me. Oh, of course. What kind of name is Sadaro? Italian.
Starting point is 00:06:09 Italian, all right. It's one of those like it's kind of that perfect kind of name where it's like it's very specific and unusual, but also like pretty easy to pronounce. You know what I mean? Yeah. I don't know. Like I think about names a lot because I don't like my name and my name, my last name gets pronounced, mispronounced a lot, but at least doesn't it isn't like generic? Yeah. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:06:31 This isn't an interesting line of conversation. It seemed like you have wanted to ask Betsy that question since you met her when you just opened up on that. I finally got the courage to ask her live on the Del Boy's podcast. Yeah. You don't like Nick Weiger? I don't really like it. No, I don't like my last name. I'm okay with it.
Starting point is 00:06:51 I can live with it. It just gets mispronounced and it sounds too close to an ethnic slur. Oh, yes. That is an issue I run into. But whatever, it's fine. I don't mind it. I think just written down, I don't like how it looks. I'm okay with how Nick Weiger sounds.
Starting point is 00:07:06 Yeah, it sounds cool. Yeah. I think it's really insane that people pronounce it the other way. Yeah, I know. Right to think like, oh, it's got to be this way, where he's like, no, just think about what you're saying. It's not. That's crazy. That's, well, you can change it if you want to, to Lil Weig's The Burger Boy.
Starting point is 00:07:27 Legally changed my name to L.I.L. LaPostrophe Weig's The Burger Boy. Yeah, we're not sure. Please do that. Please do that. Dishonor my Estonian ancestors who came through Ellis Island, Morton T. Weiger. Oh, I was going to say, did they have a super long name? And then Ellis Island was like, you got to cut off some of that, you know?
Starting point is 00:07:48 Because then did that happen to like? Yeah, it happened a lot. I wouldn't be surprised if it was an alternate spelling or it had like 16 extra syllables at the end of it. But still was Weiger. Yeah, it still started with Weiger. Hey, man, that's too many letters. Where were they? Where were your ancestors from?
Starting point is 00:08:05 Estonia. That's where the, where my name comes from. Oh, that's fun. Yeah. Were they like, do they live in a castle and like eat children? Yes, man. Classic Estonia. They were monsters out of folklore.
Starting point is 00:08:21 I figured. Betsy, where are you from initially? I was born in Nebraska and then lived in Wyoming until I was seven and then moved to Colorado where that's where that's where it all happened, man. Like Summit County, Colorado, so Breckenridge, a big ski place. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Colorado was so nice.
Starting point is 00:08:43 It's such a gorgeous place. It's awesome. It's really awesome. It's fun. What did you call that part of the country? Is it sort of the not quite the Midwest is more the mountain region? I guess the mountain time zone. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:56 The old, yeah, tip of the mountain. Rock and roll. Yes, the old tip of the mountain part of America. Yeah, it was awesome growing up there. I miss it, but I also don't because I'm fine with no snow. Yeah, sure. Yes, that's true. So much of, so many things got canceled because of snow.
Starting point is 00:09:16 Oh, that's a frustration. That's fun though sometimes because I had the same thing. Sometimes. School getting canceled. School getting canceled was rad. And my dad was a teacher. And so sometimes the night before when they knew a huge blizzard was coming, we'd get a call and he would tell me and my sisters and we're like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:09:35 we call all of our friends and stay up late and then just go skiing all day. It was great. That's amazing. Yeah. Secret intel. Yeah, yeah. So let's say it's a school day. It's a snow day.
Starting point is 00:09:46 You're not going to school. You're cozy by the fireplace at home. What do you want to eat? Like what's the what's like the food that you got in front of you that's going to be satisfying in that winter storm? Oh, man. Oh, gosh. Well, I went through a big phase of have you had and this is kind of perfect.
Starting point is 00:10:04 Have you had those chicken biscuit crackers? Wait, a chicken and a biscuit? Is that what they're called? But like they're just pretty much these little crackers that are super powdered with I feel just straight up like chicken salt. It's got a chicken on the box. Yeah, like a blue box. Yeah, it's a blue box.
Starting point is 00:10:21 They just wavy shaped crackers with a lot of powder on it. They were so good. And I remember my mom coming into the living room one day and the box was empty and it was brand new. She's like, Betsy, did you just eat that whole box? I was like, yeah, it was good. She's like, it's like 1300 calories. You can't do that.
Starting point is 00:10:40 And I was in like fifth grade. I wasn't like, there was no way it was just more of a thing of like Betsy. You can't just kill a box of chicken biscuit crackers in one afternoon. Show some restraint. You know what, little Smith said, parents just don't understand. It's true. It's true. I see that that's a funny snow day snack.
Starting point is 00:11:04 I've never heard of these, by the way, they sound weird in. They're really good. I feel you can only get them at like Target and Walmart. I used to get them at, oh boy, what was there? I think we had a Ralph's by our house. I would get them. I remember chicken and a biscuit distinctly because they had a recipe on the box. I used to be, this is the thing I like to do as a kid, is I like to make whatever
Starting point is 00:11:21 the recipe was on like the cracker box or the cookie box. I like the little, so they had a recipe for like a cheddar onion dip or something. I don't remember specifically what it was. But I made the recipe as prescribed and it made like 32 ounces. It made like this giant, like fucking. That's so much dip. It was so much dip and I was just trying gamely to plow through it myself because they felt guilty that he used like an entire block of cheese to make this dip and it was just, like,
Starting point is 00:11:53 after a week I'd gotten like a third through it and I felt so sick. Oh God, yeah. I think I would dip them in soup for sure, any kind of soup and they were awesome. I think that was kind of where, because I would probably just eat some warm soup by the fire and dip some of those crackers. Yes. Perfect. The cheese and mac and cheese were always mac and cheese and I did the same thing with
Starting point is 00:12:16 mac and cheese. I'd eat like a box of Kraft macaroni and cheese at night and also like that's when the recipe called for like a quarter stick of butter. Oh yeah. And milk and everything. Yeah, and I would eat a whole box of that. I would do that in college. I'd be like, yep, there we go and it got me.
Starting point is 00:12:35 And you know what happened? It got me. I'd be so, I feel so sick afterwards. Oh yeah. And whenever I was like, oh man, every night after I eat mac and cheese, like I feel sick and like have to go to the bathroom and feel really sick and I was like, oh, you're eating like a quarter stick of butter when you do that and a ton of milk and there's a reason why you're supposed to split it with your family.
Starting point is 00:12:56 Yeah, yeah, as a side dish, like just have a little bit with veggies and everything else. Oh God. No, no, I ate the whole box. Add hot dogs to that? Oh yeah. That is good. Oh. I don't do that as much.
Starting point is 00:13:11 When I was younger, I didn't like to mix my mac and cheese. I liked it straight up. And now as an adult, I've learned to grow up a little bit. Add some lovely hot dogs to that. I've mixed stuff in with my mac and cheese now as an adult. With my craft mac and cheese, box of powdered cheese. I like to hear stories of young Nick. Oh my gosh.
Starting point is 00:13:35 Yeah, I'm making those recipes. It's like the adventures of young Rainman and that, right? I did. I had like a kid's cookbook for a time that I remember going through and it was just like simple recipes for children. But it was like, this was the era before, this was like late 80s, early 90s before they had gotten really into, nowadays there's this whole like let's move thing and this is way before that, like when we started being conscious of it.
Starting point is 00:14:02 Oh, sick. Fucking Obama. I knew this was going to happen, dude, if he got an office. Fucking Obama. Make those kids move. That's what I say, fucking Obama, I'm talking about the let's move campaign. Everybody is. You see what Obama's doing?
Starting point is 00:14:17 Fucking Obama. Michelle Obama specifically. Telling kids to exercise and eat, right? She get the nerve. Yeah, I had a, so like, but it was like a kid's cookbook, so there were easy recipes for kids, but there was no consciousness of being healthy at all. It was just like, this is an easy way for a kid to make peanut butter cookies. So I just like make like peanut butter cookies as a young kid by myself.
Starting point is 00:14:41 And yeah, there was a lot of that sort of experimental baking and cooking always in very high fat, high calorie items. Oh, sorry. No, you please, you're the guest. When I moved to California, I was blown away with how delicious fresh veggies and fruit tasted, because I was in the mountains of Colorado and through college. I was like in big, a mountain town for my college. And so we would get like the shittiest stuff shipped, you know, we, not weeks, but like
Starting point is 00:15:16 brown, brown letters. Yeah, just a bunch of brown letters. But like, it was a lot of like canned veggies and stuff like that. And it was so gross. And then moving here is like, oh my God. Yeah. I get it. I bet you that's like a thing that's even has changed now in the even 10 years or 15 years
Starting point is 00:15:34 or whatever. Yeah. Well, I mean the whole, I don't know the exact timeline for the explosion of farmers markets, but that feels like a very 2000s sort of thing. The idea of getting fresh produce and then that moving its way into neighborhood grocery stores, certainly stores like Whole Foods or a new thing. But yeah, but I was the same way. I'm from Southern California, but the same thing growing up.
Starting point is 00:15:52 Like I feel like every vegetable we had was canned or frozen. Yeah. And it was just a thing of just like, oh, this is this disgusting, you know, olive green, green beans that's been sitting in that was canned six months, like months ago that were reheating on the stovetop. And it's just not very appetizing unless I put like a shitload of butter and salt on it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:10 Yeah. It is really interesting how just like having access to fresh produce changes your dietary thinking, because it is just better tasting. Yes. It goes a long way. And then you feel so much better when you eat that stuff rather than just like boxed in canned. My dad used to keep like a whole it's still there.
Starting point is 00:16:34 So but they used to have like just shelves of stuff like he would buy, you know, he was the type of dad who would be like, he would buy food so we didn't have to buy it later. So like we would go downstairs and like be like, oh, get like a corn while you're down there and then you get a can of corn and it would be like, like two inches of dust on top of it to make it even more unappealing. But like, yeah. No, it was the same thing. Canned tomatoes and like I found out my mom like loves like people love canned like they're
Starting point is 00:17:04 like, oh, fish and canned tomatoes. Like they want to use canned tomatoes instead of like fresh tomatoes like because it's stewed tomatoes. Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I'm with you guys. I don't I don't like any of I'm not a big canned vegetable guy unless you put salt.
Starting point is 00:17:21 Yeah. You have to put a lot on it. Yeah. You gotta do a lot of work. Yeah. Well, there's just no need when you have access to fresh produce. Just go with that. Agreed.
Starting point is 00:17:31 So Betsy, you kindly agreed to be on our program and you came to us with the restaurant choice of Chick-fil-A. Why Chick-fil-A? Well, I just well, first of all, I wanted to do Taco Bell, but that's been done. You did. Yes. We should we should disclaim. I mean, look, this is the thing we're going to run into some restaurants have already been
Starting point is 00:17:52 done. Because that's my jam. I can tell you anything about everything on that menu. Well, Betsy, speaking of Taco Bell, I'm just going to wink at you and we'll get back to that in a little bit. Jesus Christ. That was the worst thing I've ever seen. But I love Chick-fil-A like I've that's been I feel like my number two fast food words
Starting point is 00:18:18 like God, that tastes good. And Chick-fil-A, I feel way better when I eat it than I do Taco Bell. But I just I really love it. And growing up, it was out of a mall. I was telling you this mall that we would always go to for like back to school shopping and stuff. And there was this Chick-fil-A and like I remember my mom and I just being blown away by how good it was and thinking like, oh, it's just this weird mall restaurant.
Starting point is 00:18:45 And then it came out here. And I was like, oh, my God, this is the best. Yeah, there was a there was a Chick-fil-A at the Cerritos Mall in Cerritos, California, which is a little bit just a little bit of a drive from Lakewood where I grew up. And it was the same sort of thing. It was like one of those mall food court. It wasn't exactly in a food court. It was his own thing, but it was like inside the interior of a mall.
Starting point is 00:19:09 And I guess that's how Chick-fil-A's work for a long time. Because you would sit in it at the food court, but like it was separate. It was his own thing. Yeah. So maybe you felt like a little classier too. Johnny Rockets kind of does a similar thing. Oh, sure. There's a Johnny Rockets at the Peterson Automotive Museum over on Fairfax.
Starting point is 00:19:28 Is that true? Yeah, there's one like right inside the museum. And that's also I think the street corner where Biggie was assassinated. Whoa. Yeah. It's kind of crazy. Man, bring me down the podcast. But so I've always been a fan, but there is that like I haven't had it in a very long
Starting point is 00:19:47 time because of all of the like anti same sex marriages and stuff. Like that was a huge bummer. And it really makes it hard to eat there and be like, yeah, here you asshole who makes such good food. But I mean, that's happening all the time I feel and people just don't come out and say it. I think there's a hard thing in this world to kind of separate things you love from some of maybe the terrible people that are included because we've talked about it a lot on this
Starting point is 00:20:27 podcast even. And even I think last week we were like, the Domino's owner seems pretty cool. And then Nick and I saw that like he was a terrible guy or something. Oh yeah, like the Papa John's guy is awful too. The Papa John's guy is pretty bad. Like I think there's so many places that are going to be owned by rich assholes who are not that all rich people are assholes, but like are wealthy people are assholes, but they're a little bit detached and some of them are crazy and maybe that helped them get to that
Starting point is 00:20:57 area. So it depends with like an actor or like a musician or something that you really love and then you're like, oh, that person is like legitimately insane, but you get to sometimes separate the two, like what you love about it against what type of person they are. And that's hard. It's hard. It's hard. Because you know like you shouldn't support, I feel the same way, should you support something
Starting point is 00:21:20 like this? And when I was like, when you were younger and you read about like racism and slavery and everything like that, you're like, oh, like in your head, you're like, oh, there's no way that like anything like that happens now. And then I think the Chick-fil-A thing, you were like, oh, like stuff like that still does happen. It's crazy. Like, not that that was the first thing that made me realize that, but it was like, oh,
Starting point is 00:21:44 I wish it was. Oh wait, there is discrimination still happening. Only through fast food, but I've heard my lessons. But yeah, I just, I love it. And like just a place that has so many amazing dipping sauces is a great place. Let's get into the dipping sauces. I think this is a good point of discussion. So I took the liberty of writing down all of the dipping sauces that were accessible
Starting point is 00:22:10 to me on my previous visit. Okay, great. Barbecue sauce, Chick-fil-A buffalo sauce, buttermilk ranch sauce, Chick-fil-A sauce, which is their signature sauce. Honey mustard sauce, honey roasted barbecue sauce, and Polynesian sauce. Have I missed any? That sounds like everything, right? I think that's it.
Starting point is 00:22:29 I think that's it. Unless there's some secret sauces. Oh man, just all of them mixed together. If you want it. You know what, it invites that kind of experimentation though, because like you can, you know, whatever, you take like three different sauces and you can make your own little mix or you can just like, I'll take a dip of this one with this fry and I'll take another dip of this one with this other fry.
Starting point is 00:22:48 I do like that it's a little sweet for me. And I generally am not big on sweet sauces, but I do like that Polynesian sauce. It's good. It's really good. It's great. And I had some literally today and, but it kind of has the same look and texture as like jelly. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:09 That you get at Denny's or something, but it's great. It's very syrupy. It's, I guess it's similar to kind of the sauces that you'll get with like if you get wontons from like a fast Chinese place or whatever. Yes. It's that kind of sauce. But yeah. It's like a very, it's kind of like a sweet and sour sauce.
Starting point is 00:23:25 That's kind of funny with older sauces. They are just like, there's a ranch and that's kind of like their sweet and sour. But their signature sauce, I don't know what that is. I don't either. Yeah. Polynesian sauce is sweet and sour, right? It's close to it. I think so.
Starting point is 00:23:41 I think it's fair to call it that. But what is their secret? It's just kind of like, I don't know, sauce. It's sauce that I like. Yeah. Like it's, because I love it, but I don't know and the color doesn't really help. Yeah. Like you know.
Starting point is 00:23:53 It's kind of like a yellow, just like a yellowy orange looking thing. I don't know. It's a really like, I feel like it's, it's a color you see nowhere else. Yeah. It's like, this is, this is Chick-fil-A. This is the only place this color exists. And then yeah, it's such a unique, like hard to place flavor. Like it's kind of a little Thousand Island-y, but not really. It's got a little bit more horseradish, but not too much of it.
Starting point is 00:24:15 It's a little mustard-y. It's, I don't know. It's, it's really hard to, it just tastes like Chick-fil-A sauce. Yeah. It's like, it's like its own flavor. That's absolutely it. It's like, I don't know. It's Chick-fil-A sauce.
Starting point is 00:24:26 I don't know how to describe that. Almost like Honey Mustard, but not Honey Mustard. Hell yeah. I don't know. It's, yeah. It's, it's hard to, to kind of, I don't even, it's hard to describe. Yeah. Because if you think it is like a Honey Mustard, try their Honey Mustard and then you're like,
Starting point is 00:24:39 oh yeah, that's Honey Mustard. That's Honey Mustard. This is not, this is its own thing. Yeah. It's kind of amazing and it's really good and it's, I've never tried it on anything that isn't a Chick-fil-A item, but I imagine it would be the kind of thing if you had a bottle of it, you'd just use it on everything because it's so tasty. Yes.
Starting point is 00:24:53 I, I drenched salads in it. I would do everything. Oh man. It would be so good. I would, that, that is, I'm surprised that it's not bottled, like, like right, it should be. Maybe it is. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:25:07 But yeah, I don't know about it. Yeah. That's the kind of thing, and speaking of the ethics of eating at a place, like I feel like if I found out that Chick-fil-A sauce was made from like, well, they take, they take like just born piglets and then they like grind them up and then they, like, that becomes the Chick-fil-A sauce, I feel like I'd be like, man, but it's, it's like so good. Yes. I'd have trouble stopping you for that reason.
Starting point is 00:25:32 And then so when you get to something more abstract that is like, oh, well, this is the political position of the titular CEO of this company. And you know, so this is ostensibly what this company stands for. Does that mean I'm not going to patronize one of its individual franchises? I don't know. I mean, like, I understand people who make that decision and I made that decision for a time, but also too, it's just like so far removed from what you're actually doing, you know?
Starting point is 00:25:57 I don't know. Yeah. Those sauces are really good, and I think that's a major plus in its favor because I feel like there's something for everyone. I feel like no matter what your tastes are, you'll find a Chick-fil-A sauce that will appeal to you. Yeah, because they also just have ketchup. Yeah, they do.
Starting point is 00:26:12 If you want a sauce, just like, hey, we got it for everyone, man, even a boring ketchup lover. Like, throw shit at you. Boo! Oh, man, and I don't know, I haven't, do you, can you go inside the one at Highland? Or is it you order from the outside? I was just there, and I don't, I think you can go in to use the restroom, maybe, but I don't think, and I think there's like, just like a little side thing to use the restroom.
Starting point is 00:26:43 I think it's all outdoors, I believe. There's one at USC, and for a while, they may have changed this. You could just, they just had all the sauces right there that you could just grab, and so we would go and we would take them, we would take so many home and use them on everything. Yeah. Oh, yeah, no, that's, that's, I love that. Well, actually, you know what, I even, I am a boring ketchup lover, but I love taking home those ketchup packets because they're the cool Heinz Dip ones, and I think that,
Starting point is 00:27:18 I think Chick-fil-A is one of the first places, that, there are Wendy's where I saw the new Heinz Dip, dip slash squeeze packets, I don't know what they're called, yeah. A real feat of engineering, though, and food, I mean, very wasteful, because there's so much packaging involved, but it's really nice that you can just peel it back and then you just have something ready-made for dipping without having to like, spray it all over your, you know, food wrapper or whatever. Are they any more wasteful than, I guess they're way more wasteful than they were packaged. Oh yeah, they had a bunch of materials.
Starting point is 00:27:45 Can they be, I don't know, maybe they can be recycled or something. I don't know. That's like plastic, right? Oh, shit. A lot of parts. Oh, shit. Just stop pying and stealing all those. You know, speaking of the sauces, I went, and I ate at the, I ate with my wife Natalie
Starting point is 00:27:58 at the UCLA, the location just south of UCLA campus in Westwood Village. And they probably, I assume, were observing the same sort of behavior that you exhibited at the USC location, because there was an area clearly where sauces used to be accessible, and those had now been moved behind the counter. So there was just like this like empty set of shelving where there was that little ghost town. Yeah, that little ghost town, and then there was also a soda fountain that had like been taped off.
Starting point is 00:28:25 That's absolutely it. Like just a bunch of wild students be like, yeah, we'll sit here all night and just eat these packages of sauce. I'll take in this milk jug and fill up on Dr. Pepper for the weekend. Oh, God. I didn't know there was one in Westwood. Well, that's the thing. It's a new location.
Starting point is 00:28:42 So they probably open it up with like, yeah, we'll have the, all the sauces accessible and the, and a soda fountain so people can get refills. And then like that policy got abused like within months and they were like, we gotta do something as profitable as this business is. Or this is, we're taking a bath on this. So was the Hollywood Chick-fil-A the first Chick-fil-A in the Los Angeles area? I knew USC had it for a while. I remember going to first and then being so excited that a Hollywood was coming.
Starting point is 00:29:11 Yeah. It may have been the first like standalone in the LA area because they've had like those kind of those kiosky locations, those ones that are like on campuses or part of business parks or malls or whatever. But that may have been when they started having standalone restaurants, that may have been one of the first ones on the West Coast. It was a big deal. I remember when it opened because they were like two, they were like hour long, two hour
Starting point is 00:29:31 long lines at that Chick-fil-A. Yeah. The Hollywood, the Hollywood one messed up. Traffic is already terrible, but it like the traffic went out onto Sunset Boulevard. Like it was like, it went around the corner and into the first lane on Sunset Boulevard. It was, it was, it was crazy. Worth it. Well, to me, I had no, there is no Chick-fil-A is back.
Starting point is 00:29:53 East or at least not where I was from growing up. So I didn't really know what the big deal was. That was Chick-fil-A is one I heard about like, you know, like six years ago or whenever it was like, I had heard of it before it was coming to Hollywood. But then when it was coming, people are like, it's so good. You got to try. It's the best. And everyone was claiming that it was the best.
Starting point is 00:30:13 And I agree. It's really, really, really good. Yeah. As like, in terms of a regional food or regional chain that is kind of expanded to the West Coast in recent years, there's Chick-fil-A and then even more recently, there's Dunkin' Donuts. They have started opening some Dunkin' Donuts in LA. And I will say, and I'm sorry, I don't mean to offend you, Mitch.
Starting point is 00:30:33 I know you're from the birthplace of Dunkin' Donuts in the Quincy, Massachusetts. But I feel like Chick-fil-A lives up to the hype, Dunkin' Donuts. I like it, but I don't think it lives up to the hype in terms of you got to go to Dunkin'. You know? Well, fuck you. Dunkin' Donuts, over time, they used to cook, they used to make the Donuts in each of the Dunkin' Donuts. That's how Donuts have to be made, man.
Starting point is 00:31:05 I know. And now that that sort of thing doesn't happen anymore. And the same thing with their, I remember when the Dunkin' Donuts first had bagels and they were so good. I'm telling you, they were delicious and then their muffins, I think their muffins maybe are still the best of the bunch, like if you try everything. But over time, yeah, they kind of mass-produced all those things and the quality went down a little bit.
Starting point is 00:31:25 Chick-fil-A is impressive in that they are pumping out a lot of chicken and my chicken patty was crisp and delicious. But you know what, besides them being a little intolerant, they are also pushed the God thing on you. Now, I believe in God. I know that that's like a dorky thing to do, but I'm a God-believer. The Spoon Man is a God-fearing Spoon Man. And I think that the worst thing for people who actually do believe in God is for people
Starting point is 00:32:00 who push it so much, it's the most embarrassing. Oh, yes. Yeah. It's just too much. You don't have to talk about it with your meat. There's a God sign on that Chick-fil-A in Hollywood about like a... Sure. And it's like, you don't have to do that.
Starting point is 00:32:19 You don't have to do it. But... Where was it? I don't know. A Van Robesha told me about it. Oh, okay. That there was... Maybe he's lying.
Starting point is 00:32:27 Wait, so this is, yeah. This is hearsay? Yes, hearsay. You didn't observe it. So wait, you went... I don't check my facts at Dome Boys. I didn't stop watching it. I think of the fact that I'm not too old, nerd-boy-wiger.
Starting point is 00:32:38 Yeah, I mean, I guess what you're saying about people who evangelize for whatever cause kind of being the people who are just kind of like, just relax. I feel like sometimes I'm kind of a, I guess I'd say something of an agnostic, something of a whatever guy who has the cop-out answer of what can we really know, you know? Yeah, I'm a little bit like that, too. But I like that. I just want to quickly clarify that. When I say I believe in God, I think I also slightly still believe in Santa, if you want
Starting point is 00:33:13 to say. So please, I'm a dork and I'm hopeful, man, that there is a God, but go on, I'm sorry. Oh, no, but just on that sort of side of the spectrum, I feel like the people that make me want to start going back to church are like the Richard Dawkins practitioner, like atheists who are really just shitty and asshole-ish about it. I'm just like, calm down. Like when you're like, like, rational science is the only answer. I'm just like, why do you have to be so humorless about this thing and, you know, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:33:45 Like I get it and I get the idea that religion can lead to misguided stances and misguided positions as in the case of the head, the CEO of Chick-fil-A, but I don't know. Just calm the fuck down. Yeah. Yes. Yeah, I agree with that. I don't think there's any extremes on any side of anything. Of anything.
Starting point is 00:34:05 Yeah, yeah. Like I want to believe in ghosts. I do believe in ghosts. Do you? I think I do too. I kind of do. I do. I like want to see one, but I know I would be too scared to handle it.
Starting point is 00:34:17 Let me also say I believe in ghosts and everyone thinks I'm a dumb because I believe in ghosts. They're like, oh, you're an idiot. Okay. I think if you tell someone you believe in ghosts, they're like, you're dumb. If they're a person who doesn't believe in ghosts, you can't make yourself look like a bigger idiot than saying you believe in ghosts. It's also like there's a tier of belief in terms of like, I feel like you can kind of get away with saying I believe in ghosts, you know?
Starting point is 00:34:41 But if you're like, I believe in angels, then people are like, oh, this guy's a little weird. Or if you're like, I believe in aliens, they're like, oh, this is a specific type of crazy. And you certainly can't be like, I tell you, giants are out there. I've seen a giant. I tell you, then people are like, what the fuck? This guy's an idiot. It's all about perspective. You said that a few hundred years ago, I would have been considered a giant myself.
Starting point is 00:35:05 It's true. You would have. And in some places, you probably are a giant. Yeah. You know what? I believe in. They do exist. You know what?
Starting point is 00:35:14 I believe in everything. Let's just go for it. I believe in gnomes, fairies, dragons. Yeah. I believe in all that stuff. It all exists at one point or it does in some other plane. I don't know. That's all that matters.
Starting point is 00:35:27 And who knows if God exists or anything like that, but just don't put. You know what? Even in an outburger that they put shit on their rappers, but they don't push it as much, I feel like, or maybe it was the controversy that makes you think of that with Chick-fil-A so much, which is another reason to not chime in on something like that when you're a giant corporation. It certainly wasn't a savvy business move, at least short term. I think in the long term, it hasn't really mattered for them much because I think over
Starting point is 00:35:57 time people have just sort of either forgotten about it or whatever. But yeah, talking about in and out burger, the local sort of California, West Coast burger chain, yeah, they have a famously religious family that runs it. And the only indication you'll get of that is like on the bottom of your fountain cup for the soda, it'll say like John 316, they'll just say that in like a very small font. It's a very, very subtle sort of thing that just, they're not being too pushy, they're just sort of like, you know, we're religious and here's the thing to maybe think about if you happen to look at the bottom of your cup.
Starting point is 00:36:30 And you don't like it, you can crumple it up and throw it in the trash. Yeah, exactly. Let's get into talking about our meals at Chick-fil-A. Oh yeah. So Betsy, how recently did you eat there and what did you get? I got this probably around noon today. Oh wow, okay. Yeah, I went for it.
Starting point is 00:36:49 And I got the number three, which is the spicy chicken sandwich, but not the deluxe, which is straight up like bun, spicy chicken, patty breast, and then two pickles. And then the whole meal. So I had to get those waffle fries too. Oh yeah. French fries are the greatest thing ever. You get your choice of sides there, but I feel like just waffle fries. What are the other sides?
Starting point is 00:37:13 I didn't even think of it. I don't even remember. So there are options though. You can get like a, I think you can get like a scoop of chicken salad or like coleslaw or whatever. There's a bunch of other stuff where you're just like, it's awful. I can't be wrong about that. And some chicken salad to provide.
Starting point is 00:37:24 It looks like I'm not the only one who doesn't check his facts longer. And then a Dr. Pepper. I was like, I'm going to go for it all. Yeah. You know what? There's some Dr. Pepper people in the world and you're one of them, it sounds like. I absolutely am. My dad was a Dr. Pepper.
Starting point is 00:37:41 I can think of my buddy back home, Anthony is a Dr. Pepper guy. Like guys who like are like, I want an ice cold Dr. Pepper. Like that's the like one soda that I crave, that I crave. Like I will wake up and be like, ooh, I need an ice cold Dr. Pepper bad. Yeah. I'm addicted. They're, they're, they're great. There's for good reason.
Starting point is 00:38:01 They're really, I like to treat myself with a Dr. Pepper every so often. I'm the same with a cherry Coke. I like a chair, a good nice cold cherry. I like those at the movies. Yes. That's exactly what I was thinking of. That is, if I get a, if I get a soda at the movies, I'll get a cherry Coke. That's very satisfying.
Starting point is 00:38:17 You know, I like Dr. Pepper and I also too, like it's got like the most, I feel like it's got the most ripoffs because they'll just make a, they'll just take either Dr. or Mr. or some sort of title and then just attach some sort of spiciness to it. So we'll just be like, Professor Fizz and that's like the doctor or Dr. A plus. And like every grocery store has their own variety of pepper, soda. And that is such a funny thing to me because like, is it because Coke and Pepsi are too hard to try to like replicate or they're like, Dr. Pepper, we can get closer to, we can kind of get a similar taste to it.
Starting point is 00:38:54 I don't know, because Mr. Pibb is like, it seems like they've done pretty well for themselves over the years. Yeah. They're still going. Yeah. Yeah. And maybe, you know what? I'm going to probably, someone in Spoon Nation is probably going to tell me that, sorry, I
Starting point is 00:39:07 now feel pathetic every time I say Spoon Nation. Someone's going to say that there's a big difference between Mr. Pibb and Dr. Pepper, but they're both kind of peppery sodas, right? I feel like if I had a blind taste test between the two, I would not be able to tell. I would say, I think I would be, I would, as much as I like Dr. Pepper, I think I would, I would have trouble figuring, that feels like a coin flip to me. Okay. So, so Betsy, talk a little bit more about your meals.
Starting point is 00:39:32 So how was that spicy chicken sandwich? Okay. I had some of that Chick-fil-A sauce on it, on the bun, and it was so good. And then I had some sriracha on the side, just in case, I wanted to dip that in. Oh, you brought your own. Mm-hmm. Nice. I did it at home, so I got to always have sriracha there.
Starting point is 00:39:49 It was awesome, and I mean, I haven't had it in so long, and I was falling asleep last night thinking about like my day, and I was like, oh, I can eat Chick-fil-A, and my mouth started watering in bed. I was like, oh, God, okay. I got to get, I got to get to sleep. Welcome to our world. It was, oh man, like, cause they're all about like, hey, here's the chicken, you know, like the bun is fine.
Starting point is 00:40:18 It just feels kind of almost like, like an edible napkin, where it's like, here, this is just to like, make sure you like, don't get greasy from the chicken, but like, you're tasting all chicken pretty much, and it was, it was like, crunchy, but still super moist once you bit in, and ugh. They do a good job with that. They keep that chicken patty moist and crispy, it's, I think that they're, the way that they cook and make their chicken patties is insane. It's really, really well done.
Starting point is 00:40:56 There's no other place like it, like Wendy's Spicy Chicken Sandwich is the second, like it comes in second place, I feel like, and even that is, you can get a bad one of those all the time. Like these ones, every time I've had Chick-fil-A. Yeah, I've never had like dry chicken at Chick-fil-A, like it's always been just like, ugh. It's really good. I think, and I think that has to be kind of a, and not that I've eaten at a bunch of
Starting point is 00:41:19 different Chick-fil-A locations, but I've eaten at a few, and I feel like a check mark in its favor is that it's very consistent. Yeah. I feel like you're going to get a, you're just going to get a good chicken sandwich there, whichever one you happen to go to. Yeah. Do you prefer the spicy chicken to the regular one in general? Yeah, I do.
Starting point is 00:41:35 Yeah. I just like a little spice in my lye. Sure. But yeah, I do. I just like the, like, flavor a little bit more, and when you, like, get a piece of that pickle, ugh. It's like the perfect balance. Oh, here's the right sound.
Starting point is 00:41:48 It is really good. Ugh. It really cools it down. I fucking love pickles. See, now, in the past, I probably would have been like, I think the first time I had Chick-fil-A, I was like, what, it's just a, it's just a, like, their signature sandwich is just a bun and two pickles and a chicken breast, and I was like, that's kind of weak, you know, to me.
Starting point is 00:42:10 I thought it was kind of weak at the time, but the simplicity of it now, like, I've grown to really love that, just something that's so simple and plain like that that is so good is you can't beat it. Yeah. Like, there's no need to toss on. I did the spicy chicken deluxe. The deluxe? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:27 And that is also really good. I almost got that. But I was also like, I don't even need this lettuce and tomato, and that's, and there's a piece of cheese on it. And it's got a slice of pepper jack cheese, correct? Slice of pepper jack cheese on there, and. That's fun. It is good.
Starting point is 00:42:37 It's, I mean, I especially like the cheese, but the lettuce, so pretty much all I'm saying is I could have gone rid of the vegetable. All those veggies, get out of here. They could have gone. You're a Chick-fil-A. You don't need veggies. But yeah, the pickles are such a nice touch. Yeah. They're great.
Starting point is 00:42:53 I definitely agree with you because I, on my last experience, and I'm almost always just a regular chicken sandwich guy, which is the breaded chicken breast and pickle chips on a toasted buttered bun. That's the description from the website. It's so good. It's so simple. It's very satisfying. This last time I decided to go with the chicken deluxe sandwich, which is the, it's basically
Starting point is 00:43:10 the same as a spicy chicken deluxe, except without the spicy sauce, as lettuce, tomato, and American cheese. And it's good, but it just feels like, I just get this out of here. Like every time I got some lettuce, I'm just like, this is just distracting me from the chicken, the star of the show. And also too, and now the experience is too, because she got the spicy chicken deluxe as well, of like, it kind of mutes the pickles, and the pickles are such a satisfying element of it that, I don't know, maybe there are people out there who are deluxe fanboys or
Starting point is 00:43:38 fangirls, but I think in general, I don't need the deluxe, like get them out of there. Just give me that regular simple one. I feel like that's where they figured out the formula. They don't need to add anything else to it. Yep, I agree with that. Actually, I did the spicy chicken deluxe meal with the fries, which is really, and then I got one of their lemonade. It's their lemonade.
Starting point is 00:43:56 I gotta try it now. So good. Betsy, I can't believe you had it. It's so good, so sweet, and it's really, really, really good lemonade. Like I'm like, I mean, you can tell how sugary it is, but it's delicious. One of the best lemonades there is. It's so good. Are you a big lemonade drinker?
Starting point is 00:44:13 I'm a lemonade nut. I love it. I love it. I love a good lemonade. Like, yeah, I think like that even a good decade or so ago, I started getting into the lemonade game and I, no, I really love it. A strawberry, a good strawberry lemonade, sure. You can't beat it.
Starting point is 00:44:34 Were there like chunks of strawberry in it? Oh, yeah. That's good. Oh, it's so good. Newman's own. Oh! Yeah, you know that, right? Was this like a can product?
Starting point is 00:44:44 No, no. It was a brand, the Newman's Lemonade. Oh, that's what they serve there. No, no, that's not what they, I'm saying that, I just love that. What are we talking about? What is going on? Newman's own lemonade. Newman's own lemonade.
Starting point is 00:44:56 You don't know Newman's lemonade? Yes, I do, but like in what context, how does this relate to Chick-fil-A or is this a totally different thing? Oh, no, no. I'm just saying, this is a great lemonade. You like that brand. You like Newman's lemonade, man. But then you like get it in, it's like a pre-package thing, you get it at the store.
Starting point is 00:45:09 Oh my God, yes. Okay. I didn't know I was going to be persecuted. Were you on the board for fucking Chick-fil-A and the monster? I was just so confused. I like Newman's own lemonade. I like Newman's own and frozen pizzas. Those are also good.
Starting point is 00:45:24 They're great. I like his dressing. I feel like Newman's own is a good brand. If that's his legacy, maybe people won't remember his movies in a hundred years, but I think Newman's own will stand the test of time. Oh, he's an actor? Yes. Well, let's talk of those waffle fries, because we all got them.
Starting point is 00:45:42 I love those waffle fries, and it's like, I would go to Chick-fil-A just for the sandwich, but because the waffle fries also exist, that's just like, oh man, I got to get these fries. They're so good. They're such a quality side. I love French fries so much. What do you put in your top foods? Yeah. Yeah, I think so.
Starting point is 00:46:00 Me too, maybe. I think so too. They're so good and awesome, and then I love waffle fries. I think those are my favorite cut of French fries. I think because it's pretty much like, hey, look at the surface level for being able to get dips on it, for being able to get a bunch of ranch or a bunch of ketchup, whatever it is. Oh, they're so good.
Starting point is 00:46:29 I think waffle, see, I like a really crispy fry, so waffles might not be my favorite, but I do love them. They're so, so good, and especially they're at Chick-fil-A, they're always well done. Like you said, the consistency of them is always great. They're always great. Yeah, they're not like the crispiest fries, like if you want a crispy fry, sure, I could see, maybe go with some of those, but I mean, they've got like a good crunch to them. They've got like a good fry texture.
Starting point is 00:46:58 They still have like a good, fun crust, and then smushy middle. Yeah. That's the right term, right? That's the right term. That's the right food term, smushy. You know you're eating a potato, like you get a lot of that potato quality, which I think is really good, and yeah, great for dipping, and also too, I mean, like that in combination with all the dipping sauce options, that's just, it's just a fun little adventure.
Starting point is 00:47:18 You get to decide what you want to dip your fry in with each bite. I agree with that. Sometimes you, sometimes you'll mix it up twice in the same fry. Yeah, yeah, I do that for sure. And it makes you think about, well, that funny machine they used to make the crisp cut fry. How do they do that? How do they do that? The waffle fry.
Starting point is 00:47:33 I wonder, I've never thought about that. I'm serious. Yeah. It seems like there'd be a lot of waste in that, because we've got all those holes. Where did all the whole potato part go? Oh man. What is that? Or is it all, is it like mashed into a thing, like is it made into a mash and then formed
Starting point is 00:47:45 into a. Oh, and then like put, like a Play-Doh. Yeah, like a mold. Oh. I wonder. Oh man, I wonder if that's the case. But it seems like they have skin on them, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:54 So is the skin not genuine? Is that fake skin that we got going on? I have no idea. I don't know. Yeah, I assume it's some sort of specialty cut where maybe some of the potato is wasted, but they are, they are quite tasty. They're so good. For my beverage, I got the sweet tea, which is pretty good.
Starting point is 00:48:10 It's, I mean, like I'm an iced tea guy, usually like an unsweetened tea. I figured I'd try their sweet tea just to mix it up. And yeah, I mean, I think if you, if you're someone who's got an affinity for that sort of a regional Southern drink, right? Sweet tea, that's the thing they get in the South. I think probably the one at Chick-fil-A will do you right. I also tried out their peach milkshake. And you know, that's a really good shake.
Starting point is 00:48:35 Yeah. They do a really, really good shake there. I would normally not get a dessert at Chick-fil-A because my meal already is so, oh, this is so much. Yeah. This is so heavy. But I decided, let me try this, their dessert menu. And man, that's a darn good shake.
Starting point is 00:48:48 And I feel like next time I go there, I might be like, give me that Chick-fil-A sandwich, give me waffle fries and give me a shake. And I have a little cup of water to wet my whistle. It'd probably be good dipping those fries in that shake. Oh, yeah. Well, you know what? I probably should have done that. For me, the fact that it was a peach milkshake made me go like, it's a little weird.
Starting point is 00:49:10 I guess it's not that weird. But I don't know. I do like, like, you know, my fries in a vanilla frosty at Wendy's or vanilla shake in an out burger. I do like that. Yes. I don't mix, I don't usually mix the two. I'm not a big, I don't do the, I don't mix it in with the dessert ever.
Starting point is 00:49:25 That's where I draw the line. I don't like to do it as much. I don't know why. I've just, I've done it with the frosty and I've been like, this is pretty good. But I like the fries on their own. I'm kind of a guy who I'll finish each thing. You know what I mean? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:39 Do you have a certain order? Like, do you do one thing at a time? This is big. I'm glad you brought this up. Yes. This is maybe the biggest thing we've ever talked about on a big show out there. Oh, shit. I'm a sandwich first guy.
Starting point is 00:49:53 But here's the way I do. I try to eat my sandwich and then I, like, I'll, then I'll focus on the fries for a little bit, then back to the sandwich. Then I try to finish my fries before I finish the sandwich. So I do kind of concentrate on them and I'll go at one thing as I'm eating them. And then I would like to just finish with like a last bite of sandwich. And do you save that last bite to be the middle part of the sandwich? I do not, no, it's not the middle part, but now I want to try that, Matthew.
Starting point is 00:50:20 Give it a try at the middle part. It's good. If you're out there listening, go ahead and let us know if that announcement that Mitch made made you pass out from how, from how astounding it was. It's like an atom bomb just went off in the studio. And all it was was, I like to eat them at the same time, was pretty much what I was. Pretty much. Even though I just said that, I like to do them.
Starting point is 00:50:46 It is kind of a thing where I concentrate on the sandwich, I'm eating the sandwich, halfway in pretty much. Concentrate on the fries. Slowly the fries, getting the fries, taking a few sips. And then, and then from there on out, I kind of go back and forth. But I just, I always want a bite of the sandwich less because that's the, that's the moneymaker. That's usually the best thing. So you want to have a taste of the sandwich going out.
Starting point is 00:51:07 You know what I mean? I get you. I'm always worried though, like I want to make sure I get like, because I feel like eating a sandwich at a coworker who put it this way. Like anytime you're eating a sandwich, it's kind of like the search for the perfect bite. Like you'll sometimes get that bite that's like, oh, just the corner of it and you're not getting everything. But you'll get like a, you'll get like a handful of bites per sandwich and in a really well
Starting point is 00:51:26 made sandwich, like I feel like the Chick-fil-A sandwich, you'll get, you'll get a lot of those. Yeah. Yeah. Where you're just getting all the ingredients and the right proportions and it's just that, that really satisfying bite. And I feel like sometimes the last thing I've got left in the sandwich is just like, I'm just polishing it off. I've got like a little bit more bun, a little bit less protein, you know.
Starting point is 00:51:45 Oh yeah, man. You're, you're doing it wrong. When I was eating it, when I was eating it today, I, I started like, I was like, oh, this middle part is going to be awesome. So I started like eating around it so that I could have that like, that ultimate bite and it was great. You know what? I kind of like the crispy, I saved the end because I do like the crispy chicken pat because
Starting point is 00:52:10 the middle is a little bit more juicy. Okay. So maybe I got to try it. I can't knock it because I've never tried it. I got to, I got to try it out for myself and see what I think. So Mitch, had you not had Chick-fil-A before the Hollywood location opened? I had not had Chick-fil-A before the Hollywood location opened. I'd never tried it before and I honestly, I think East Coast doesn't, maybe a little
Starting point is 00:52:31 bit more down south. I don't know if like Philadelphia or anything has a button, at least in the Boston area and up there, I had never, I mean, I think I even heard of Chick-fil-A maybe 10 years ago for the first time or something like that. I don't think I really even knew it that much, but I don't know. I might even say that In-N-Out Burger is more well known on the East Coast as a thing that's out there. I think Chick-fil-A has kind of made a push the last few years, so people are more aware
Starting point is 00:53:02 of it now. But yeah, didn't really know too much about it. I heard people rave about it. Just like Sweet Tea, like you say, people from the South or wherever are always like, Sweet Tea's the best and Chick-fil-A's the best and they always kind of like, that was my Southern impression about it. That's a great Southern accent. And Sweet Tea, I wasn't a big fan of, but Chick-fil-A, it lived up to the hype.
Starting point is 00:53:28 It's really good. Yeah. Although there was a Chick-fil-A nearby when I was a kid at the Cerritos Mall, our family never actually went there and I remember being curious about it and for whatever reason, my parents were just like, we're not going to go there. We don't eat there. And later in life, I figured out just by parents or that was just their weird indirect way of saying like, we just don't like it and so we're just going to, we just don't eat
Starting point is 00:53:52 there because they were very picky about the places that we would eat. So I didn't have it until adulthood either and actually my first experience at Chick-fil-A was we were flying back, me and Nali, my wife, we were flying back from New York City and there had been a blizzard so we had to book a later flight which took us on a crazy circuitous route where we had like two stops and a really long layover at the Atlanta airport. So we were at the Atlanta airport and there were a bunch of food options there and there was the Chick-fil-A there and we decided, let's just try this place. And that's where I got the spicy chicken sandwich for the first time and it was really
Starting point is 00:54:34 good but for airport quality, it was like, oh, this is actually a very satisfying meal versus like the airport Burger King which is definitely a notch below. I'm sure it's not as good as regular Chick-fil-A, I'm sure if I had it today but still good. But what I remember from this visit was there was an Indian man who when we were lining up was in the midst of a very like vigorous, just like really, really angry argument with the person behind the counter and he was just furious that they didn't have chocolate milk and was just laying into him and really getting vicious of like, you're a liar, you're full of shit, you promised me this, just like he'd broken a contract.
Starting point is 00:55:22 And this guy was trying, this Chick-fil-A worker was trying his best to be like, hey, we actually, someone may have miscommunicated to you, here's a 2% milk you can have, I don't want your 2% milk, I want a chocolate milk and just laying into this guy, went on to it for far too long and finally left in a huff and I was just like, wow, that guy was a fucking shithead and I was just thinking that and then the Chick-fil-A employee starts making fun of the guy in a quickie mart accent and I immediately mentally flipped him like, why the fuck don't you have chocolate milk, he took his side instantly. That's wild.
Starting point is 00:56:01 Yeah, it was so crazy. It was just one of those, like you ever come to the end of an argument and you're just like, I don't know what this is about but these people are pissed at each other, it was one of those moments. Yeah, I was in an elevator yesterday and that happened, like, I was on the roof of a parking structure and these two guys got on with me and they had been talking, they're like, what a fucking dickhead, what a bastard and then we stopped like the next floor and these two other guys, or these, the two guys who were on with me tried to get out and one of the guys was like, that's not our floor and then two new guys got on and he was like, fuck
Starting point is 00:56:39 you man and it was the guys that they were talking about and so like, me and this other lady were just in this elevator and they're like, you gotta get the fuck off of the property, yeah, you wanna get, then they're just like fighting in this elevator and it's like, ten o'clock in the morning, it was so, I had no clue what was going on and they were like, it was two versus two and they were all furious and just staring each other down and the elevator was very shitty and slow and so it was just kind of like, oh my, let's get off of this thing, like this is awful. I only yell that way at people I love, no, no, that's so scary to see two strangers,
Starting point is 00:57:22 yeah, go at it like that, that's so awkward. I remember one time I was picking up lunch, I used to work at The Simpsons and I was picking up lunch for The Simpsons and this guy was trying to get by in this alleyway and there was a car blocking it and he gets out of the car and he looks really annoyed, it was Adam Sandler and I think he thought that it was my car and he was like, what's going on or whatever, he's like, put his hands up in the air and he's like, how would you? And I think he was like, I think he was like, whose car is that? And I just looked at him and smiled, a huge ear to ear grin because I saw the, it was
Starting point is 00:58:06 the water boy in front of me and I didn't even answer him and I think he was just like, okay, and he got back in his car and drove off and I was not helpful at all, I think a lady eventually moved her car and he was kind of upset but then also there's another thing, if you're a celebrity, I guess you can never get by. I still come to that as a nice fun experience I had with Adam Sandler. That must happen all the time, I was like, what's going on here and then just like, whoa, Billy Madison. Exactly, yeah, I thought that was the coolest.
Starting point is 00:58:40 Really weirdly coincidentally, I was writing, me and a few friends in college were driving to see a movie and turned into a driveway for the movie theater and almost hit this guy and the guy stopped for a second and took a step back and then gave a look of, I know what you guys did and then waved us through, you guys go ahead, I wasn't driving, my friend was driving and we looked over, it was Adam Sandler. Whoa. And then Jesus, you're all over the road. All right.
Starting point is 00:59:11 The same sort of reaction of my friend who almost hit him with his car, which would have been a national news story, was just like, should we go talk to him? Should we go try to say what's up to him? Absolutely. It's a celebrity and that's cool to see. I like to think when he goes home today, everywhere I go, hey, almost an accident, I always like to get into an accident. Oh, God, I hope that is his home life, too.
Starting point is 00:59:35 Can I say that again? Have a good one. Have a good one. Have a good one. Now we took a movie and a guy almost hit me, oh, that's probably something like that. Yeah, that's funny. That is very... That's wild.
Starting point is 00:59:49 Yeah, I'm sure he must hate people like us. Who get in this way. Yeah, sorry for that sidetrack. This is a conversation. It's fine. We got Sandman today. Oh, yeah. That's easy to do.
Starting point is 01:00:03 Well, Pixels is in theaters now, so... Oh, that's true. Oh, yeah. Sandman's on the brain. Sorry to go off on another tangent. But leave Sandler alone for God's sake. Maybe this will help him on the road, too, but everyone is like, Adam Sandler, movie's of the worst.
Starting point is 01:00:20 And I'm like, I don't know, they're not really that bad. Yeah. What movies are the funniest movies? It's a select few. And I feel like people beat up on those movies now before they even see them or have already made up their mind that they're bad, and Sandler was one of the funniest guys of all time, and people will just give him a really hard time. Anyway, I just had to go off on a little tangent.
Starting point is 01:00:42 I like that. Leave Sandman alone. He has enough troubles on the road. It does feel like he's just having a blast making movies with his friends. Yeah, he's having a good time. Whether they're good or not, whatever. I would do it, too. That sounds great.
Starting point is 01:01:00 It's also, too, it's like right now I feel like it's a thing where you can go a long way by dog piling on him and just sort of saying, like, ah, this guy, you know, what's this asshole up to and kind of like laying into him. And yeah, he's kind of reached that point where I feel like maybe the pendulum should start swinging back a little bit back the other way. Yeah, I agree. I mean, if you're going to hate Sandler for doing like those dumb movies, hate Nick and I for making dough boys.
Starting point is 01:01:27 This dumb podcast where we talk about food. We're worse than Sandler. Well, definitely. Continue on. Let's get to our final thoughts on Chick-fil-A. So here's what we're going to do. We'll go around. We'll sort of state our case, give our closing arguments, if you will, and then give it a
Starting point is 01:01:46 starting on a scale of one to five forks. So we'll start with you, Betsy. OK, great. Yeah, I mean, I'm glad we talked about like the whole their political views and everything because I didn't think of it that way. I'm just kind of like so far removed from us. Yeah. But it just happens.
Starting point is 01:02:08 Whatever. We're making our social better. But I got to tell you, I always, I never feel shitty after I eat like a big meal. Like it's a lot of food. I always feel great and like, hey, man, I could run a marathon after it. And it's just it feels like they take their time at making the food, even though it's fast food, they take their time and they like care about the consistency, consistency and like the taste and what you're getting.
Starting point is 01:02:45 And those sauces, man, that's I feel that's such I just want a restaurant where their whole dedication is sausage. One open to Denver, I got to go. But I give them five forks. Five forks. Awesome. Great. Mitch, go ahead.
Starting point is 01:03:02 You can go first. Oh, you want me to go first? You're going to close this one out. All right. I'm excited to see what this is going to be. Yeah, me too. I want to mentally separate the politics of Chick-fil-A from the dining establishment as much as I try to do it for me.
Starting point is 01:03:16 It's just like you go there, you're indirectly, very indirectly, but indirectly supporting a bad family of billionaires who kind of hold these noxious political views. And, you know, the gay marriage opposition is the one they publicly stated. I imagine there's a lot of other. Who knows what else? Yeah. A lot of people, horrible positions wrapped up in the Kathy family. That said, it's really good.
Starting point is 01:03:45 And I feel like it's the kind of thing like, you know, you do your best. You just do your best to try to be a good person. Sometimes you'll maybe take an unnecessary trip in your automobile that'll put a little bit more carbon into the atmosphere than you should be. You just try your best. Sometimes you'll take your aluminum can and throw it in the trash instead of the recycling because you don't feel like carrying it to a recycling bin. Like, we deal with that.
Starting point is 01:04:12 Like, that's part of being a human is that we're imperfect. And I feel like if you're not supporting Chick-fil-A because you disagree with those political stances, I admire you and I applaud you. And that is a perfectly defensible and certainly the more morally righteous position. And I certainly understand that. But I, man, I can't, I can't get too upset if once in a while you're like, I got to get that chicken sandwich and then waffle fries because that stuff is good. Because I think it's fundamentally an individual's decision to purchase a meal from
Starting point is 01:04:47 Chick-fil-A is a drop in the bucket. So that said, the quality of the food is high. The service is good. I'm satisfied by every meal. I agree with Betsy 100 percent that I never feel like sick after that. I always just feel like satisfied and satiated and full in a great way. I am going to give Chick-fil-A a rating which reflects how much I like the food and try... That was mine too.
Starting point is 01:05:19 Mine was food. Reflect. Reflect how much I like the food. And for me, that rating is four forks. Oh, yeah. Wow. That was great, Nick. Thank you, thank you.
Starting point is 01:05:30 Nailed it. Let's go to Mitch. I don't know how to say stuff like that. That was perfect. All right, Mitch. So, yeah, well, kind of stole my thunder a little bit. I was going to say everything, Nick, was... So, just to let you know, I had the spicy chicken deluxe meal with the fries and the
Starting point is 01:05:46 lemonade. So delicious. And I also got a regular, non-deluxe, regular chicken sandwich and a Polynesian sauce and Chick-fil-A sauce and ketchup. So, I just want to get that clear. The food is amazing. As far as fast food goes, it is one of the better, highest quality foods out there. And the sandwiches are so, so great.
Starting point is 01:06:15 Because of their politics, it's hard. Like Nick said, you don't want to judge a restaurant based on the politics. But you know what, in society today, you know, like, we shouldn't persecute others for what they believe or what they want to do or anything like that. At all, right? I mean, we're over that. So I don't like that family at all. And I would normally give it probably even a five-star rating.
Starting point is 01:06:42 I'm going to give it four and a half, sorry, five-fourth rating. I'm going to give it four and a half forks, which means that it would be a part of the Gold Plate Club. But because Chick-fil-A made others feel unwelcome, I'm going to deny them access into the Gold Plate Club. Wow. That's good. I'll change mine.
Starting point is 01:07:04 Yeah. So, you know what? Until they kind of become a little bit more open-minded, because, believe it or not, even the Spoon Man was an outcast at one point in his life and it doesn't feel... No. That's a lie. That's a lie. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:17 I know. I am a cool guy and I'm very cool in a lot of ways. You're cool? Yeah. I'm cool. You're cool chilling there in your Dave Matthews band t-shirt, the flannel over it. You know what? That's a part of the Spoon Man's mystique.
Starting point is 01:07:31 Yeah. He can wear a Dave Matthews shirt and still be a cool guy. But until they're a little bit more open-minded, maybe then they can join the Gold Plate Club. But you know what? Can you hear that Chick-fil-A? Four and a half forks. You're denied access to the Gold Plate Club. Right.
Starting point is 01:07:47 Okay. I agree with that verdict. Awesome. So we have a five forks, four forks, four and a half forks. It would technically be in the Golden Plate Club. But for now, we're putting a little lock on the Golden Plate Club. We're putting one of those signs up that says if you sneak into a movie and then they take your picture and they put it in the box office, do not allow this person in.
Starting point is 01:08:06 Yeah. We're putting one of those. Do not allow this person in. Yeah. It's a picture of a Chick-fil-A franchise. We'll put them in the dishwasher. It's a Gold Plate, but it's in the dishwasher. Locked up.
Starting point is 01:08:17 All right. Oh, it could be either one of those stupid things we said. Yeah. All of them. Also, we didn't really get to talk about the commercials for Chick-fil-A, but I always think it's weird that the cows are trying to get people to go eat Chick-fil-A so people don't eat the cows. It's a strange little commercial campaign they got going on.
Starting point is 01:08:38 It's like eat more chicken and it's just cows trying not to be eaten. Yeah, yeah. Isn't that what it is? Yeah. It's two cows who are semi-literate and so they spell like eat more chicken, but they don't have an E on the end of more and they exclude like a, it's like chicken is spelled like C-H-I-K-I-N. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:58 So yeah, it's like these cows have kind of learned how to write and they're telling you, they're trying to tell you not to eat us to go eat chickens instead. Yes. It is a very strange marketing campaign. I mean like I understand it more logically than something where it's like if their mascot say was a chicken, I'd be like, well, that's really weird because you're saying like come eat my friends and family, come to this restaurant where I am killed and you eat me for sustenance. Look at me.
Starting point is 01:09:26 It's also kind of strange that like it's like these cows have to like, it's like yeah, beef is better. Their campaign is almost like yeah, meat and beef is better, like tasting, like you want that more, but these cows are going to tell you to go eat chicken instead. You know what I mean? Yeah. It's like what we crave more is beef or something. It's really strange.
Starting point is 01:09:50 In the fast food world. That's 100% sure, I guess. Yeah, probably, right? Yeah, I would guess. The argument for like beef versus chicken is interesting from like an ethical standpoint because I think it takes a lot more water to raise a cow. So it's more wasteful from that resource standpoint. However, like one cow, if you kill one cow, that's got so much more meat than an individual
Starting point is 01:10:15 chicken. That's the equivalent of like 50 chickens. So if you're talking about like the souls of animals, then it's like more ethical to kill like a bigger animal because you can feed more people versus like. They get one soul. Yeah, exactly. This is where we find out that Nick is one of those weirdos that thinks every animal has a soul, possibly, which I might actually believe too.
Starting point is 01:10:35 Calm down, ghost boy. Awesome. Is that the prequel to ghost dad? Ghost boy. I think I believe in ghosts. That'll do it for a discussion of Chick-fil-A. It's time for the premiere of a brand new segment. This is Sight of Guys.
Starting point is 01:10:56 So Mitch, let's explain the origin of this segment. So you and I were talking about new segments to do on the show. That's right. And we had the idea for the title of a segment, which was Sight of Guys. It rhymed. Yeah. Sight of Guys. Rhymed with Sight of Fries.
Starting point is 01:11:12 And well, Betsy, what do you think Sight of Guys is? Just hearing that. I didn't know. No idea. But now I get it. Sight of Guys. Let us also say that it's not exclusive to guys. Guys and girls can both take part in this game.
Starting point is 01:11:26 And what we do is we're going to get two side orders from a restaurant or side items from a restaurant. And then we're going to test them here as a group and we're going to decide which one is better. So this is like a little, if you're trying to decide between a couple of sides at a fast food restaurant, you're going to know our opinions on them. And Betsy, the wink I gave you regarding Taco Bell earlier is going to pay off now because...
Starting point is 01:11:55 We went to Taco Bell. We went to Taco Bell. We know you love, I knew you love Taco Bell, but we got two side items from the dessert menu. Oh shit. Okay. So we know you love it, but almost like a Batman villain, we are giving you two dessert items to taste test instead of something that would for sure be good.
Starting point is 01:12:16 And also it's been sitting in my little thermos pack for about almost two hours now. This is like on the Twilight Zone when a guy finds a genie and he makes a wish and then it's fulfilled ironically. Yep. That's what you got. Perfect. So the two side items we are testing today are the cinnamon twists. Oh.
Starting point is 01:12:39 There we go. And the Captain Crunch fucking donut balls. There isn't actually an effinit in that stuff either. Oh god, I wish there was. I don't even know what they're called. Yeah, I think they're the Captain Crunch bites, is that correct? Captain Crunch bites. They're kind of like...
Starting point is 01:13:00 Go on. You've had these, okay. Oh, okay. I've tried them, but I'm excited to do it again. Are you ready to cry them cold? Yep. Let's start circulating these. Here's some cinnamon twists.
Starting point is 01:13:10 And we've gotten complaints about it. People don't like us eating on the podcast. So we got very loud cinnamon twists. I'm having the cinnamon twist. It's kind of got the same sort of texture of a pork rind, I feel like. I guess I should start with the cinnamon twists too. There you go. When I ordered the cinnamon twists, I was like, how many come in a bag and he's like,
Starting point is 01:13:31 they're like the nachos is the way the guy kind of described me. They're very... It's very crunchy. Very crunchy. That was a good crunch. Yeah. That crunch right into the microphone. Okay, I'm not having one of the Captain Crunch bites.
Starting point is 01:13:45 I'm gonna have this over to you Betsy. And they've had the cinnamon twists forever. I just like shot jizz all over my hand. I had no idea it had a bunch of fucking liquid inside of it. There's a bunch of jizzes. Are you sure that wasn't already on your hand? Oh, wait, wait, wait. That was my hand.
Starting point is 01:14:07 Oh, that really, really... Oh, shit. Oh, my God. It's really, really liquidy. Do that mean... Betsy, that was... Both of you guys look like you just left a set of pornography. Yeah, I'm covered in this Captain Crunch jizz.
Starting point is 01:14:28 Dustin, our producer, has run in here with some napkins, like the savior that he is, like the secret partner, the silent partner in the Doe Boys podcast that he is, the engineer who keeps this train running, support Feral Audio, support our producer, Dustin. I still want to say that I never saw anything spill on the next hand. I'm still not sure where that substance came from. Yeah, yeah. Give it a... Oh, you did...
Starting point is 01:15:00 Yeah. Did you do it one bite? Mm-hmm. Did you... You got some liquid in there, right? Oh, yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:08 It's sort of... Oh, yeah. You know, I should get a picture of this while we're talking. Oh, yeah. But it's sort of a donut hole-shaped thing that's, I'd say, the color of a Crunch Berry? Is that roughly... Yeah. ...kind of the color?
Starting point is 01:15:20 And it's kind of got a Captain Crunchy coating. Yeah, there's like a dust. Yeah, there's like a dust over it. Let me get a shot of this. Now, the way I would describe the taste of these things, it reminds me of not a Pop-Tart, but it reminds me of some breakfast food, obviously because there's Captain Crunch on there, I guess. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:41 But it almost is like... Almost tastes like a toast or strudel. Yeah. I feel the cream in the middle is almost strudel the stuff you put on the top of it. Yeah, I agree with that. Because it does taste... No, I'm good. I've had two, but maybe I'll have a third.
Starting point is 01:15:55 It does taste like all of children's breakfast, or like all of growing up. Very sweet. Mm-hmm. Very overpowering. A little too sweet for me. Why is it even Captain Crunch just because the crumbs on top of it? I have to think it's just a co-branding thing, because it doesn't have much... Flavor-wise, it doesn't seem to have much in common with Captain Crunch.
Starting point is 01:16:20 I'd say if you're expecting a Captain Crunch from it, it's not necessarily going to deliver. I think it's just a thing of like, well, the Doritos Locos Tacos are successful. Let's find another thing that we can latch the name of an existing product onto. That's gotta be it. Cinnamon Twist by Contra, they're very, very crunchy. They don't feel like a, they're crunchier, more like a chip than a, I'd say it's like one of the crunchier fast food desserts I've had. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 01:16:45 And it's very cinnamon-y. I mean, it does kind of have the same sort of flavor as a churro. Yep. Yeah. Remember when Taco Bell had churros? Oh, yeah. Those were good. I know.
Starting point is 01:16:55 Do they still have them? I don't know. I don't think so. This is what I got. This is it now. Mm-hmm. I think this is a more economical or easier to mass-produce version of a churro. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:05 Mm-hmm. All right. Well, we've tasted them. Mm-hmm. We've shot them out onto our hands. Oh, yeah. All over our face. All over our faces.
Starting point is 01:17:16 What's the verdict? If you're choosing one side. Oh, great. One dessert side from Taco Bell. What are you gonna go with? I'll go first. And I would say, I enjoyed them both. I would eat them both again.
Starting point is 01:17:30 I would say just a pro tip, if you're gonna get the Captain Crunch bite, one-shot it. Because that second one I had in one bite and it got like a little burst in my mouth and that was a little bit more satisfying versus like trying to take a bite of it and it becoming a mess. But as far as this side of guys, this guy is on the side of the cinnamon twist. Yeah. This guy is on the side of the cinnamon twist as well. The Captain Crunch things, I could have half of one and be satisfied.
Starting point is 01:18:00 Yeah. Sweet tooth-wise for like a week or two. So like a whole cup worth would be nuts to me. And I just, yeah, I think the cinnamon twists are just a little bit more subtle and just more tasty to me. They come in the, so the cinnamon twist come in, like I said, like a bag that you put like the tortilla chips in, a side of nacho chips or whatever. And the Captain Crunch fucking things.
Starting point is 01:18:34 Yeah, that's it, that's it. They come in a Taco Bell cup. It looks a lot like a McFlurry cup. It's like one of those, a shorter cup with one of those tops that's got a wide opening on it. And they come in two, four and 12 packs. Oh, wow. And I got 12.
Starting point is 01:18:53 So, but when it comes to side of guys, for this guy, I'm gonna go cinnamon twists. All right. It's unanimous. It's unanimous. They're good. I gotta say, I'm surprised because I really expected these to, I expected myself to really like these. I could never eat those again and be happy in life.
Starting point is 01:19:11 Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. I'm like, okay. I didn't, yeah. Kids might go crazy over those. I don't know. Yeah. Kind of a novelty.
Starting point is 01:19:19 I just put another cinnamon twist in my mouth right now because it was just a satisfying bite. So good. They're really good. They're, yeah. I think if you eat them correctly, I'm like my co-host here. The Captain Crunch things are, the Captain Crunch bites, I should call them the correct name.
Starting point is 01:19:40 They're satisfying when you get that pop of the cream in your mouth. Yeah. That's a good time. But it feels like, it's like a really low rent Cinnabon. I feel like if I'm craving that flavor, I'd rather just go get a Cinnabon. Yeah, I agree. And like I had one and I just feel like, oh, that's weighing me down. I really do feel like that's a brick in my stomach.
Starting point is 01:20:02 You can't imagine having like a whole cup worth. A full order. If you took down a dozen by yourself, that's, I think you're in for some pain. And you know what, I kind of like that we got, I give the Captain Crunch bites, I give him a big thumbs up because we kind of got back at that uptight Chick-fil-A place by eating the most cum-like food. We shot this milky substance all over our faces and hands in a way we kind of got back at Chick-fil-A.
Starting point is 01:20:36 Yeah, yeah. You like that Chick-fil-A? Yeah. That was side of guys. Looks like a restaurant we value your feedback. Let's open up the feedback. Today's email comes to us from Greg Fala. Greg writes, like Mitch, I grew up in Mass, Haver Hill.
Starting point is 01:20:53 And since listening to the show, have been really hoping to get Mitch's opinion on Papageno's. I was raised on it, but truly do not think it is a sentimental choice as my favorite tamed pizza. It is so much better than Hut, Domino's, Caesars, etc. My favorite memories were the weekly Papageno's pizza days at school. The smell of it warming up is not like any other pizza. Anyway, just really wanted to get the Mitch perspective on that. To give you a question that is not regional, of the big three, BK at McD Wendy's, which
Starting point is 01:21:20 chicken nugget is your favorite and why? I've always thought of the McD nugget as disgusting but still edible in some weird way. And I think the BK and Wendy's nuggets are really similar to each other slash much better than McD. I am going to give it to BK because they infiltrated my school with a kids club initiative and made it so that eating at Burger King was educational, end quotes. Nothing to do with reading if I remember correctly. That's a good two-part question, Greg.
Starting point is 01:21:44 Mitch, why don't you start and give us your thoughts on Papageno's if that's a place you're familiar with? If you guys can hear me choking on water because I was so cut off guard by this question. Yeah, growing up, I had a birthday at Papageno's when I was younger. I hold a spot in my heart and when I was back in, I was just back in Quincy for about a month and I really wanted to order Papageno's, I never did. But I think it is decent and you're right, the smell of it warming up is really great and I think that it was a chain that did really well in Boston for a long time.
Starting point is 01:22:22 I don't know what the future of that place holds and that's kind of why I wanted to go there when I was home. But as far as when you compare it to Domino's or Pizza Hut, I think it's right up there with those two. You know what I mean? If you guys haven't had it, it reminds me of Pizzeria Regina, which is my favorite pizza in the country, but just kind of like a crappier version. But it's still like an oven baked pizza, which like Domino's you can kind of just tell is
Starting point is 01:22:52 put through a conveyor belt and Papageno's, they cook them in ovens and it is good. I don't know what other people would think of it. I think you'd think of it as like a, what's it called, the Sabaro or whatever? Sure. Oh, okay. I think most people would think of it along that lines or that level of pizza. So this is very much like a fast food kind of pizza, like on the same sort of tier as your Domino's and what have you.
Starting point is 01:23:18 It is, yeah. It's a New England chain. I think it was like a Boston pizza place and you know what, they sell them at Red Sox Games and they smell really good and like, yeah, they really pushed it to kids when we were younger. Like kids of New England, like they were great pizza parties there and stuff and you could have a Papageno's at school like you mentioned and I'm really fond of the chain and I like it.
Starting point is 01:23:43 I just, I don't know how good it is, but it's definitely not the worst. I mean, like if I could get a Papageno's pizza out here, I probably would get it sometimes. How many forks would you give it? Oh, wow. Well, like nostalgia factor, probably like four forks, but if I'm writing it like fairly three and a half. Okay. Three and a half.
Starting point is 01:24:03 You know what? Still a good score. Still a good score. I would say three forks. It's three forks. Sorry, I know that. It's actually two forks. Two forks.
Starting point is 01:24:11 Three forks, the breadsticks are really good there. You guys should try it. I definitely would try it. Maybe we'll do a little East Coast trip. Ooh, let's go to Boston. That's fun. Betsy, part two of that question. We're talking nugs from the Big Three, McDs, BK and Wendy's.
Starting point is 01:24:23 Do you have an opinion there? I haven't had any of those in a very long time, but from my memory, Wendy's. Yeah. And I think that's my preference for the three restaurants anyways. Oh, you'll get no argument for me. Wendy's is of those three. That's my favorite overall restaurant. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:41 Well, we're getting into some territory because we haven't reviewed any of those threes and folks, either of those three and folks, we know, we know we're going to get into it soon. We know that those are big ones. We love them too and they're coming. Yeah. Wendy's is one of my favorite fast food places and I would say that their nuggets now are maybe are my favorite, but I have never go against McDonald's nuggets.
Starting point is 01:25:04 I love McDonald's nuggets. I kind of disagree with them on that. I think that they are so well they are what they are and they're great. I don't know. Yeah. I agree. I mean, I'll be all full disclosure. I've never had the Wendy's chicken nuggets as much as I like Wendy's.
Starting point is 01:25:22 When I go there, I end up getting a burger or chicken sandwich. I'm not specifically craving nuggets enough where if I'm going to Wendy's, that's the menu item I'm going to get. I've had the BK nuggets a few times. I've definitely had the McDonald's chicken nuggets a number of times. I don't like the BK nuggets. I'd say those feel like very, to me, those remind me of what you'd get at like a cafeteria a little bit.
Starting point is 01:25:47 Yes. Yeah. Remember those like chicken fries? Oh, those are weird. I know some people who really stood by. Really? Yeah. My ex-girlfriend loved chicken fries and that was like her big thing.
Starting point is 01:25:59 I actually agree with her. They're good. Were they pretty good? They're pretty good. They're decent. I mean, I agree with you though that the regular nuggets are ... They're cafeteria. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:12 They feel, yeah. If we're talking nugs, I feel like for me, I'd go ... I'd probably prefer McDonald's because it tastes like a McDonald's nugget which counts for something and then also too. I like them dip in sauces. They got some ... They do have fondip. They got some good sauces. Oh, that spicy mustard.
Starting point is 01:26:27 Oh, yeah. That's a good sauce. God. You know what I will say? The sauce is the best. Because Wendy's had the ... remember this, like, oh, they got the five-piece chicken nugget and they kind of, I think, came into the nugget game a little bit later. But the quality was really good.
Starting point is 01:26:42 Here's the thing about Wendy's. I'll get the nuggets sometimes. I don't get them often at all, but they'll be cold sometimes. McDonald's nuggets, I feel like, are usually pretty hot when you get them. Now we're going to hear some people say, that's not the case at all, but ... When I go to McDonald's and I get nuggets, they're usually pretty hot. They come out kind of hot. I think the hot and crunchy is a big part of it.
Starting point is 01:27:09 Wendy's nuggets are a little bit more breaded and kind of feel more authentic. Yeah, they feel more, yeah, exactly. More of a chance to kind of mess them up, too, you know what I mean? I think you can have a chance to mess them up. So while I agree with them that I'll eat McDonald's chicken nuggets when I'm drunk and I'll wake up the next morning and can taste the film in my mouth and that greasy taste, I still think that they're pretty good nuggets. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:37 They do a good job with the nug. I personally, I think we got one vote for Wendy's. Are you saying Wendy's or McD's? I'm going to have to go McDonald's. All right. I think, yeah, McDonald's. But knowing what I know about Wendy's, I imagine their chicken nuggets are pretty good. I would choose Wendy's overall as a restaurant, but we can get into that another time.
Starting point is 01:27:56 Yeah. I hope that after this very contentious discussion over the course of this episode that what really makes people mad is our position on chicken nuggets. That's what we get a bunch of angry tweets about. What the fuck are you talking about? BK chicken nuggets are the best. Don't listen to this goddamn podcast. A spoon man can shove his spoon up his big ass.
Starting point is 01:28:23 That's fucked up. I didn't need to throw a big in there. I'm sorry, Mitch. Well, my ass isn't that big. Proportionately, I think your ass is normal sized. Oh, yeah. Fuck you, Uggur. Don't make me get spoon nation after you.
Starting point is 01:28:38 If you have a question or comment about the world of chain restaurants, you can email us at doboyspodcast at Also check out our Twitter at doboyspod, and we're on Facebook as well. There's a doboy's fan page if you want to follow that. Betsy Sadaro, what a lovely discussion we had. Thanks for having me, guys. Thank you so much for being here. You're one of the funniest people.
Starting point is 01:28:56 Really? Seriously. I wish we got to know more about Denver eating stuff. We'll have to have you back at some point because we'd love to come back. Oh, I would love to come back. Yeah. For sure. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:07 Is there anything you would like to plug? Well, I'm out clipped on TBS, 10 o'clock on Tuesdays. I'm in a few episodes of that. Nice. And another period on Comedy Central. Yeah, awesome. Great. I'm in a few episodes of that.
Starting point is 01:29:20 My good buddy, Armin. Oh, he's so amazing on it too. He's great. Well, get him in. He's supposed to be on the podcast if he doesn't keep canceling, folks. We'll see what happens. Yeah. They'll do it for this episode of Do Boyz.
Starting point is 01:29:34 Until next time, for Mike Mitchell, I'm Nick Weigur. Happy eating. Yep. Woo. Serial audio.

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