Doughboys - Chipotle 3 with Alan Aisenberg and Mike Castle

Episode Date: April 30, 2020

The stars of Netflix's Brews Brothers (Alan Aisenberg and Mike Castle) join the 'boys to review quarantine Chipotle and discuss restrictive diets. Plus, another edition of Spoonman's Treat or Week's Sources:Multistate Outbreaks of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli O26 Infections Linked to Chipotle Mexican Grill Restaurants (Final Update) CDC declares Chipotle-linked E. coli outbreak over Reportedly Believes Its E. Coli Outbreak Came From Australian Beef than 350 people report getting sick from Ohio Chipotle: Officials People are still terrified to eat at Chipotle — and it's the chain's biggest problem Numbers Show Chipotle Still Hasn't Recovered From Its E. Coli Scandal Mexican restaurant chains in the United States in 2018, by number of units more Doughboys? Check out our Patreon!: for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 A disease that purportedly originated on the other side of the globe ravaged North America, sickening Americans across numerous states, 40% of whom would require hospitalization. The year was 2015, and the disease was E. Coli. And the suspected flashpoint? A fast, casual Mexican restaurant that built its brand on fresh ingredients and meals assembled to order. While no deaths were linked to the outbreak, which the chain attributed to Australian beef, though independent investigations were less conclusive, the foodborne illness delivered
Starting point is 00:00:34 a devastating blow to the chain that famously reminds you that guac is extra. And that wasn't the end of it, as the widely publicized E. Coli scare was followed by additional outbreaks. Norovirus later in 2015 and again in 2017, a bacterial infection that sickened 368 customers of a franchise near Columbus, Ohio in 2018, as well as a different sort of virus, a 2017 data breach that plagued locations in 47 states. According to its financial reports, the restaurant s revenue dipped 36% after the initial E. Coli scare, and with its other setbacks, it would take three full years for the chain sales
Starting point is 00:01:05 to return to pre-Coli levels. But the eatery is soldiered on, and that it endures suggests it will be a fixture of the American chain restaurant industry for decades to come. Foodborne illness be damned. In fact, while Yum Brand s Taco Bell remains the sector kingpin, the E. Coli survivors nearly 2,500 locations placed its second among Mexican American restaurants out of stalwarts like Cudoba, Moes, and Del Taco. But where does this Colorado-founded chain named for a smoked jalapeno go from here?
Starting point is 00:01:31 And how do its burritos, bowls, and off-forgotten tacos fare five years removed from its public health slash public relations crisis? This week on Doughboys, we return, once again, to Chipotle Mexican Grill. Welcome to Doughboys, the podcast about chain restaurants. I'm Nick Weiger, along with my co-host, Head Big with an Angry Inch, the Spoon Man, Mike Mitchell. Head Grid and the Angry Inch, is that what it is? Head, well, the head wig and the Angry Inch is the real thing.
Starting point is 00:02:15 What the fuck? What is that about? What is that movie about? Head Big with an Angry Inch. It's a guy who's got, like, I think he's got a mangled small dick. Is that true? Yeah, that's like, that's what the Angry Inch is. Oh man, I got an Angry Inch.
Starting point is 00:02:29 That's crazy. Yeah, and people love it. It's like a cult thing. I mean, it's supposed to be good. I've never seen it. Adam from Chicago sent that one in. What do you mean? I don't think I even do that.
Starting point is 00:02:37 That's a strange thing. No, I just feel like- Why would you know that? I feel like I've heard that movie title so many times I assumed I would know the plot to it for some reason, and I had zero clue. Yeah, that was very, that's an Angry Inch, huh? Angry Inch. RoseSpoonMan at, if you have an insult, you like me, he was on Mitch at the
Starting point is 00:02:56 top of the show. Shouldn't they just say to, like, I have that, like, shouldn't it have just been me? Like, I have the- I think that's what he was, that's what he's saying. Oh, alright, then fuck that, that guy. Yeah, but you can't be Angry Inch. Yeah, here's what, it was Head Big with an Angry Inch. He's clearly saying that you're the guy with a big head who has an Angry Inch.
Starting point is 00:03:17 Got it. I.e. your dick. Big head, small dick, that's what he was trying to say. Yeah, that's what he's saying. He should have boiled it down to that. Nick, Nick, I got, I woke up last night, I was being bit by a spider right around my elbow. What?
Starting point is 00:03:35 Oh my god. Yeah, spider bite. You know? You have to move now. Do you know what type, what type of spider? Black widow. Jesus Christ. You should go to urgent care.
Starting point is 00:03:50 I was torn about the whole thing, because you know, on the one hand, the Spider-Man. Yeah, that's cool. On the other hand, you got Arachnophobia. Yeah, those are kind of the two, you know, the two ends that the Spider-Pengelon swings to, either that you've got the Killer Spiders, or you get to be a superhero powered by Spiders It's one or the other, that's the coin flip. Instead, I just got a big bump in itches, what have I tried, what Nick? I was just going to say, have you tried sticking to walls or anything?
Starting point is 00:04:24 No, not yet. My fingers are sticky, of course. I'm kind of sticking. Is that weak related or jacking off related? It could be either or. It depends on the hands. Even a jar of honey, or what happened exactly? It depends on which hand it is.
Starting point is 00:04:43 One hand's in the journey, one hand's in the honey, and the other hand is on the angry inch. Nick? Yeah. I got a drop for you. Yeah, go for it. Are you ready for this one? I think this one is going to be amazing.
Starting point is 00:04:58 Oh, I'm very excited. Okay, you ready? Here it comes. Shut your heart, and you're too late, darling, you give love. Bug main. Hi! Don't go. No, it's not bad.
Starting point is 00:05:13 Hi, everybody. Hi, everybody. Will I eat your asshole? No, baby, that's not what I like, baby. Foolish man with your hands! I'm not a predator. Fool man. Hey, I'm back.
Starting point is 00:05:33 Oh, what did you think, Nick? I can't see my monitor because that thing made my head spin. What a drop! Yeah, it was a great drop. What a fantastic drop. You know who that drop came from today? I think I do know it. Actually, I think it came from At a Minute of Midi.
Starting point is 00:05:52 Am I correct? Yeah, you're right. That drop was from At a Minute of Midi. Who says, Hi, Spoon Man. Hope you're well. I've been wasting my time in quarantine re-listing to all of Doughboys from the beginning. It was inspired to finally make my first drop.
Starting point is 00:06:06 An homage to the early drops. Please come back to Bezzizio. Nope, I'm going to pass on that. Sorry. Much love, At a Minute of Midi. Thank you, At a Minute of Midi. Wow, that's really nice, isn't it? Wow, excellent quality work from our listeners, as always.
Starting point is 00:06:24 And hey, if you have a drop you'd like Mitch to play on the show, the email address is Give it to him, Mitch. The email address is SpoonManDrops at Nick, why don't you give it to him, too? Yeah, the email address is SpoonManDrops at And hey, Mitch, we should introduce our guests. We certainly should, Nick. It's been too long.
Starting point is 00:06:45 It's been too long. It's been an awkward five minutes of waiting for them. It's always too long. We talk for too long. It's always too long. But our guest star in the new series, Bruce Brothers, which also features our own Mike Mitchell, and is now streaming on Netflix, Alan Eisenberg and Mike Castle are here.
Starting point is 00:07:01 Hi, guys. Hello. Hello, hello. Thank you, guys, for making time for us during all this madness. How are you? How are both of you holding up right now? I'm in New York alone in my apartment going a little crazy, but happy to be here and not in a hospital.
Starting point is 00:07:25 Good start, right? It's very true. It's a huge plus. You are also, I feel for you, Alan, because that is, New York does seem kind of scary right now. So I hope you're doing well over there. It seems terrifying. I mean, it's certainly scary everywhere.
Starting point is 00:07:46 Yeah, but there's something about empty New York that seems especially menacing. It's very un-legend. It's kind of weird, yeah. It's like a go-to dystopian setting. Mike, and everything's good in the Castle Castle. Oh, yeah, everything's great in the Castle Castle, for sure. Wait, did you guys, have you met before,
Starting point is 00:08:08 or does Nick just have this rapport with you right off the bat? I think we just have it right off the bat. We interacted one time at, what was that pop-up? The burger was the... That's right. Mitch, you were there, too, right? Yeah, I see you guys and maybe Paul Scheer? This was saved by the Max.
Starting point is 00:08:28 Saved by the Belfin pop-up, where they recreated the Max Diner. They now used that space, the last I saw it, they had changed that space into a Breaking Bad pop-up, which seems pretty past its sell-by date. I feel like we should be doing the, do the Better Call Saul pop-up, if you're going to be doing something now, maybe they didn't have the rights to it. Well, there's another issue with the Breaking Bad pop-up is,
Starting point is 00:08:48 who wants to eat at the, where do you want to eat at the... Oh, El Pollo Loco. Yeah, El Pollo Loco, Hermanos or whatever. Yeah, Los Poyos, Hermanos. Oh, right. Which also, I got to make a, I mean, do you want to eat at the place that's owned by the drug kingpin? Yeah, right, right.
Starting point is 00:09:08 Is it going to be that great? Yeah, I would. I'd want to try it. I would actually sooner like to do my laundry at a laundromat that is a pop-up of the place where they make the meth in Breaking Bad. You know what I mean? It's like high industrial machines and everything,
Starting point is 00:09:24 and they're like, and it's... Okay. I think if you're running a business as a front, it's going to be really good because you don't want like the health department coming through. Right. Or stuff like that. So it's going to be very, you know, good quality food
Starting point is 00:09:38 or, you know, clean your laundry quickly. I don't know. And I feel like that's a thing like, and certainly it's a New York thing, but like, I think there's a little bit of the like, you know, this place is mobbed up. It's got a little panache when you're like a, you know, you're like an Italian restaurant.
Starting point is 00:09:52 Hold on a second. It's like, the mob owns this spot. People like that? That's a thing that people enjoy. People love it. A little bit. Yeah, they pay extra for that. There's a kitch value to it.
Starting point is 00:10:00 Like, if you see a guy in a leather jacket casually walking behind a cash register, you're like, okay, you know. Yeah, a front is good like, you know, just like a, just good marketing. It's good marketing to be a front. People like that. I don't like that.
Starting point is 00:10:17 That's where the action is. If I order pizza and then a horse head comes on my pizza. You did something wrong. I did something wrong. Yeah, I don't think that's, again, I think the front would try to be inconspicuous. Exactly. They're not going to do something like that, you know.
Starting point is 00:10:33 And so then if they do do something like that, you know, it's kind of like a special occasion and it's basically as special as anything else. You know what I mean? You go like, they don't normally go this aggressive. But it's also a level of like, brazen confidence to just feel so good about the fact that you are doing things not by the books
Starting point is 00:10:51 that you're sending a head with your pizza. Nick, would you try the horse head pizza? Yeah, I think so. I mean, it's already been prepared. I mean, my whole thing is once the cost is sunk, once it's like, well, this thing's been prepared and it's going to go to waste otherwise, if someone says this, if it's just there is like a fuck you,
Starting point is 00:11:10 then I'm not going to eat it. But if it's like, hey, this is like a thing we've prepared, like, sure, I'll try this. Why not? What else is going to happen? Absolutely insane if it was there is a fuck you and you did eat it. That would be the most psychotic behavior for you to see it.
Starting point is 00:11:26 You're like, no, no, no, no. That's an alpha move. That's an alpha move. It's in the Godfather, right? Doesn't he eat the... He wakes up in the bed and he starts chowing down on that thing. One of the most confusing and scary moments in cinema. Nick and I were talking about...
Starting point is 00:11:39 I watched the... I had the Godfather on not for the first time. I just... I was putting it on this background noise. Did we talk about this on the podcast, Nick? We did, didn't we? Yeah, we talked about... Well, we talked about a...
Starting point is 00:11:49 Fuck, I don't know. I don't remember if we did or not. We talked... We might have been on a double. We can certainly recap it. Sonny's... Sonny's... In the Godfather, there's a scene where someone,
Starting point is 00:11:58 a woman is holding up her hands and it's because Sonny has like a really big penis. So Nick and I were kind of going down that... We kind of went down that rabbit hole a little bit. And then in the book... Yeah, no, we talked about this a little bit. We talked about this a little bit. What rabbit hole is that? What is that?
Starting point is 00:12:15 So basically, here's what's going on. And this actually, I'm realizing this is on an episode that's yet to come out. So this is a... Oh, wow. This is both a tease and a callback. Possibly also a spoiler. Possibly also a spoiler. A pre-call.
Starting point is 00:12:31 This is a pre-call. What happens is that Sonny in the book, there's like a large... He has a famously big penis and everyone knows about it, but it's too big for his wife. So he finds a mistress he can sleep with who has a large vagina. This is in the book that she has a big vagina that can accommodate his massive hog. And they like fall in love and have a lengthy affair. And then after he gets shot and killed,
Starting point is 00:12:59 then she like goes to have a reconstructive procedure to her vagina. Again, this is all in the book. It's all Mario Puzo's insane rant. This is like 50 pages in the book. She goes to Vegas. Yeah, she goes to Vegas and a plastic surgeon makes her vagina tighter after it's been just fucking cored out by Sonny's fucking massive power tool. And then the doctor makes it too small and he says,
Starting point is 00:13:26 I apologize, this is the only person you can sleep with now. And he hands her a piece of paper and my name's on the piece of paper. Why is this not in the movie? It's just your angry inch. And then I stumbled upon all this stuff. And I told Nick, I don't know if you knew about this previously, but I messaged you all about this. I learned this from you.
Starting point is 00:13:54 And her son is Andy Garcia and Godfather 3. So we talk about this all again in another episode. Yeah. But it's worth it. It's worth it to talk about it. It's very strange. It's also, do you think that's part of why, you know, Don Corleone is so sad when Sonny's killed
Starting point is 00:14:16 and he's like, they massacred my boy? He's talking to this. There's a waste of that massive hog. But was he talking specifically about like the dick? Was the dick riddled with bullet holes? They unloaded an entire Tommy gun into his fucking shlong. I want to ask you guys, you are the Bulls Brothers. It's going to be leaking, Nick.
Starting point is 00:14:39 If you try to suck that thing off, it's going to become shooting out of the... It's going to be a cartoonish amount of cum going out of all the holes. Classic Looney Tunes gag. And also what Mario Puzo always intended. They do... I heard that he is bad with...
Starting point is 00:15:04 I hear that he's pretty bad writing female anatomy. Who would have thought? No. Go ahead, Nick, sorry. I want to ask you guys about... So, Bruce Brothers, the show, a BrewDog-affiliated ice cold beer, is the subject.
Starting point is 00:15:19 Are you guys beer drinkers IRL? Do you guys like to sip on a cold one? I love to sip on a cold one. In fact, the other night when we were texting a little bit and I insisted we play chess, I had sipped on cold ones, which I don't do to excess very much. And I did to excess and I was like...
Starting point is 00:15:40 It was too much. I woke up the next morning. I was like, oh yeah, beer can really get you very drunk. Yeah, you really can get fucked up from BrewDogs. Yeah, you challenged me to a chess match via text. And then we were playing chess on an app and then at some point you just left. And I guess that's when you passed out.
Starting point is 00:16:00 No, it's that I don't usually play on that app as much. So I just forgot about it. And then at some point, then it was that point where I remembered it, but was drunk and was like... Nah, just lose. Alan, do you indulge in that ice-cold beverage we all know and love called beer?
Starting point is 00:16:20 I used to. Yeah, I loved it. And then 48 hours before I got the show, I got diagnosed with celiacs. Oh my God! Yeah, I used to partake and really enjoy in the partaking of the BrewDog. And then a doctor told me if I kept doing that, I would die.
Starting point is 00:16:37 So, you know, that really took the fun out of it for me. I had no idea celiacs was that severe. I thought it was just like an intolerance. I didn't realize it was something that could actually be lethal. Yeah, you're... I mean, this is a medical podcast, right? Yeah. Yes. We like to dig into our guest's diagnosis.
Starting point is 00:16:55 No, sorry, you don't have to be going to any depth. In the way that Nick and I's bodies will be studied after we're dead, I think it is. Yeah, you fuck up your GI. The whole track, every time you eat or drink something with wheat in it. And so you're slowly chipping away at it and doing damage. And I didn't want to do that because I don't know
Starting point is 00:17:17 what's inside there, but I want to leave it as is. Right. So, are you... So, do you still drink, though? I do. I've become a tequila man, which you cannot drink in the same quantities as beer. I have learned.
Starting point is 00:17:32 No. But, you know, it's taking time. And then there's a beer called Glutenberg, which is a celiac, like gluten-free beer that's really good. And Castle and I were doing an interview on Thursday, which might have been the night that you guys were playing chess, and I had like three or four of those before, during,
Starting point is 00:17:49 and after the interview, and I felt real good. It was that frambois I had. That's what put me over the edge. It like made me... I was drunk. I mean, that's the cool thing about being on a show about beer. Is that like a lot of the interviews we've done they're like actively encouraging it.
Starting point is 00:18:05 Like, I don't have a drink. It'll be fun. But, like, it's work for 20 minutes, and then you just keep drinking, and your justification is gone. Right after that interview ended, we then all, like, with two producers and one of the writers, like Marcus Ray and Carmen, we like then all face-timed,
Starting point is 00:18:21 and then all of us were just clearly just drunk. And we were like, the interview was fun. We had a good time. You know, and it was a real sloppy night. I said the word tattoo, how did I... I said something really weird. Me too, I think. And I was like that whole band, those two girls,
Starting point is 00:18:35 that was tattoo. Oh, yeah, I remember that band. That was a weird horny period in pop culture. Every music video had women in, like, tank tops underwater, like water was dumping on them. I feel like there were a lot of that style of music video at that time, and tattoo was at, like, the height of it. And the most scandalous thing imaginable
Starting point is 00:18:57 was, like, two women kissing. Yeah, right. It feels like that's age drill. It's just a very different culture than it was then. But then it was like, oh, two women kiss. That tattoo, these girls kiss. This is crazy. I remember people in my neighborhood were all like,
Starting point is 00:19:12 they can't really be dating. I was like, why not? What? No fucking way, man. That's insane. It's for the band. They're sisters. I feel like when we look back on that time period,
Starting point is 00:19:28 it will be considered like we were the doucheiest. I mean, who knows? Maybe we can get doucheier than we were then. I hope so. It wasn't late 90s into the 2000s. When were we kind of a douchey? We were kind of douchey. We were kind of a douchey.
Starting point is 00:19:44 I mean, we probably still are in many ways. Yeah, I mean, that was like, you know, it was a pretty obnoxious culture. New Metal was kind of at its apex. I feel like New Metal is like a very, and hey, I'm something of a New Metal apologist, but it is a very douchey genre of music, and a lot of those guys and their fans
Starting point is 00:20:03 are pretty douchey. It's just the nature of it. There was also like a weird wealth thing. I feel like people were really coming into spending to bizarre excess and like amassing massive debts and shit that I feel like just created this like weird, burning itself alive culture.
Starting point is 00:20:20 But I also feel like we're all exempt from the culture of the 90s since we were mainly victims of it and like snow participants. It's true. Yeah, wealth flaunting is kind of, now there's like a stigma on flaunting wealth. Unless you want to just be an asshole, unless your whole thing is like, yeah, I'm rich,
Starting point is 00:20:37 what do you want to do about it? Unless you just want to go like for that demo, a lot of times people try to hide how wealthy they are. The rich like altruism now where it's like, yeah, it's Tesla, but it's good for the earth. You know, like everything is expensive, but I'm actually a really, I'm a better person than you. But I love the guys who are like still,
Starting point is 00:20:59 like yesterday I was walking in the city and saw a dude, Lambo convertible, revving doing the whole thing, but wearing a mask. And there was no one around to hear his revving. So like he has this, that is just like the greatest bit. That's a living painting, that's an unbelievable image to imagine.
Starting point is 00:21:17 It's so empty, you could probably hear that in all the boroughs, I'm sure, it probably echoed throughout the city. In all five boroughs, Manhattan, Staten Island, Brooklyn, the Bronx, and Queens. You're dude, dude. He listens to the Beastie Boys. He's definitely reading that off a notes app, Nick,
Starting point is 00:21:38 to be honest. Always open. Just the New York Wikipedia page. Just in case. And they have Tribeca. And... A pizza slice, you gotta fold in half. Forget about it.
Starting point is 00:21:55 Forget about it. I feel bad for Pizza Rat during these times. Boy, trying times for Pizza Rat. You know, I mean, I think a lot of animals who scavenge off of humans, they are like, that's been a whole thing where they're like, they can't find food.
Starting point is 00:22:13 They're used to like, the seagulls and deer and stuff. He usually eat people's trash. It's just not around anymore. It's gotta be a wild time to be a seagull right now. Gotta be very strong. Nick, be honest with me. Do you think Pizza Rat's still alive?
Starting point is 00:22:31 Yeah, yeah, Mitch. Yeah, Pizza Rat's alive. Yeah, he's doing great. He went and lived on a farm? Yeah, yeah, that's right, Mitch. I hope that he's an old rat now telling stories of how he took a pizza down the subway one day. He definitely is.
Starting point is 00:22:49 Yeah, they're all like, what's pizza? Alan, have you ever ran into Pizza Rat in New York? Yeah, he was actually, he was in the waiting room when I got diagnosed with celiacs. The doctor was telling me, you can't do this anymore in my hands. Pizza Rat has celiacs?
Starting point is 00:23:08 You gotta go to a farm, you gotta go work at a farm and live out your days. Pizza Rat has celiacs. It's tough because not only does he have celiac, but he also is lactose intolerant. That's another double whammy. And then also, he has an allergy to
Starting point is 00:23:24 fucking tomato sauce. Oh my god. So Pizza Rat on a bender? Did he know this all before? This was his night out where he was like, fuck it, I'm basically trying to die. You know what else I heard, Nick? I heard Pizza Rat has
Starting point is 00:23:40 sunny Corleone disease. That's no tail dragging behind him. Oh my god. What do you guys like to eat when you're drinking a beer? What's your favorite beer adjacent or even just generally alcohol adjacent
Starting point is 00:23:56 snack? Mmm. When I go to the beer, go ahead. I can kick things off, I'll say, I like very salty foods. Like a big plate of nachos and a real treat.
Starting point is 00:24:12 That's a lot of fun. Obviously pretzels are classic. I'm not much of a pretzel man, but I'll indulge in some pretzels. What about a warm pretzel, Nick? A warm, different pretzel. Oh, a soft pretzel is great. You're in a ball game, you've got yourself
Starting point is 00:24:28 a soft pretzel in one hand, a brew dog in the other hand. Boy, there's nothing like it. The saltiest french fries in the world with a beer is kind of the most perfect combo. Shit ton of ketchup. That is how I would like to go. I would go with, and this is
Starting point is 00:24:44 regrettably annoying, but I would probably go with sushi. Interesting. Different Japanese beers I just fucking, I love. There's one place I'm picturing in Tokyo that is the coolest
Starting point is 00:25:00 place to sit and drink a beer. There's something about the beer and then sushi or ramen where I could just drink a thousand beers and feel comfortable and not drunk or full or, I don't know. I will say that's a very,
Starting point is 00:25:16 that's actually an unexpected but a very reasonable take, because when I think of being stationed at a sushi bar and having a bunch of sushi and having myself a beer, that's a lot of fun. That's a real hoot. Both of you, that sucks. No, it does not.
Starting point is 00:25:32 This is a fine take. That we're bonding. It's very clear to me, through this whole thing, that you're worried about losing me. You're not going to lose me. You're not going to lose me. I have faith in Nick never making attempts to talk to anyone here, including me, ever again.
Starting point is 00:25:50 That's smart. If it wasn't for the podcast, I wouldn't hear for Nick for like two years, most likely. True. Yes. One of my favorite things to do is to completely forgive people for not being communicative. I expect to always be let off the hook
Starting point is 00:26:06 for not communicating. I think among my group of friends, I am the most unlikely to respond to a text message. But I think my core group of friends, they have given me that. They don't even hold it against me anymore. Right. But why do you want to be that guy?
Starting point is 00:26:22 I'm the other side. Because I never want to have, I hate feeling beholden to my phone. And so... But that's different. If someone makes an effort to reach out to you, it's my biggest pet peeve in the world, people who don't respond to text,
Starting point is 00:26:38 and when you don't respond to my text, I go into a tailspin. But why do you take pride in being that guy or being let off the hook? I don't know. I don't know that I would necessarily say I take pride in it. It feels like extremely unavoidable to me.
Starting point is 00:26:54 You're smiling. I actually am happy that we're fighting right now. I don't know. It's not so much like the pride. It's that... Can I give you a little history about myself? Please. When I was growing up, I was obsessed with technology from the moment...
Starting point is 00:27:10 The first moment I got my hand on a phone, I was fucking all in. T9 every day. Texting, fucking... Robot chat things. Second, I got AIM. I was just all over that shit all the time. And I think that for a super long time,
Starting point is 00:27:26 I communicated with anybody. And so it was like all day, every day, I was AIMing, fucking, on my phone. Texting anyone whose number I had. And then as phones are more and more popular, I'm like a beast at it. I'm like, I could type for fucking days. I can text in AIM and all that shit.
Starting point is 00:27:42 Now I'm at this point where I'm like, I have all my close friends. I'm married. I don't want to do it. I don't want to think about my phone. I don't want to think about responding thoroughly. If you really need to talk, call me or something.
Starting point is 00:27:58 But I just can't do it. This is utter bullshit. This is all a lie. Castle, you and I have spent a lot of time together. Now you're going to call out the chess thing. But I'm like... The text interrupts that. The text interrupts that.
Starting point is 00:28:14 I get joy from playing 2,000 games a day. But I don't get joy from responding to text messages. I do agree with you in that it is really annoying that because of emails and text, you can just always...
Starting point is 00:28:30 You can always be reached. Everyone is always on call, always. I don't like to talk on the phone. I don't like to text. I don't like any of that stuff. Which maybe just means I'm like... You don't like to come on. You don't like to text? No, I don't really like to text, no. You're texting constantly.
Starting point is 00:28:46 Because I have to respond to people. I am texting constantly as well. But I feel like... It's so much all the time. There are so many people. I feel like if I scroll through my phone I can find so many things. I'm like, oh, I guess I should have said
Starting point is 00:29:02 okay to that. There's just so many goddamn things to respond to. I'm with you, Nick. You're right. When it is a group of friends and we're talking about stuff. If we start a text thread about how much text and sucks, I would love to text about that. That's true.
Starting point is 00:29:18 You don't like to have to reply into normal communications. But if it's just like, hey, I'm just going to shoot the shit. You like that. I'll do a bit. I literally have a friend where we did just a continuous bit for four months.
Starting point is 00:29:34 I specifically called him before we started. I was like, hey, I'm going to start a bit with you tomorrow where we're just going to be two different characters and then let's just not break that for a couple months. We changed characters all throughout. All these different people kept getting the phones. I can commit to. I will literally wake up and be like, oh, I got to say, I'm doing this now for that.
Starting point is 00:29:50 But if it's like real stuff, I'm just like, I don't want to do it. I don't know. So, Alan, you've now figured out the solution. I have to do landscape castles. You got to text... Or you got to play chess, my man. But not text UNC if you'll be like a blood donor.
Starting point is 00:30:06 That you won't respond to. I will not respond to that. I don't want to have to think about that. Great. You got to text him as like a fuzzy bottom or something. Exactly. And ask him if he'll do a blood transfusion or whatever you're sick with.
Starting point is 00:30:22 Is this a celiac thing? Melted down cotton candy in my blood and what can we do about that? And I will work on that. What is truly a diagnosable disease you have turned into a fun thing? The way that you go about your life is something that people should study.
Starting point is 00:30:40 I was going to say to both of you well, and Alan, I wonder how because Mike, you're a vegetarian. Correct? Or are you vegan? Vegetarian. And Alan, you have celiac disease and I'll be honest with you. If tomorrow I was told I had to be vegetarian
Starting point is 00:30:56 or that I had celiac disease I maybe would kill myself. So, my question my question to you guys is Mike, what sent you on that course? And Alan, this is new. This is what's crazy to me is that you said that you like this beer
Starting point is 00:31:12 and this is new. In your mind, do you like this beer is okay for what I can now what I must now drink? Or is it that sort of thing of like, no, this is genuinely good. And also, can you have cider still? Or is that out of the question?
Starting point is 00:31:28 I can't have cider. I'm a robot with food so I also I'm very fun to eat with. I have a crippling nut allergy six or seven times. So, I've had that for like 10, 15 years I kind of developed it.
Starting point is 00:31:44 What kind of nuts? All nuts. But I've gone to baseball games where I've gone to the hospital because of peanuts, almonds, the whole thing. Again, is this a medical podcast? So, because I had that I just became very mechanical
Starting point is 00:32:00 about food and whenever I eat there's a little bit of thinking about my own mortality so because I had that for such a long time when I got diagnosed with celiacs like the doctor was like alright, you can't do this anymore I was going to do a week of eating
Starting point is 00:32:16 whatever the fuck I wanted then I had a trip planned to go to Italy with my friends which I was going to eat all of the bread ever and we called that trip a wheat vederci which is easily the worst pun ever and the idea was to then never eat bread and I just
Starting point is 00:32:32 it's a switch for me, man I don't know, I was just like alright, I'm going to take a week and then I'm done and I never thought about it again that also the nut allergy compounds the celiacs though because nut flowers are a lot of times the substitute for the common flower
Starting point is 00:32:48 I can eat four things water, lettuce he can eat water and popcorn kernels wow dear god, that's tricky how do you navigate that on set
Starting point is 00:33:06 because when you're working on a show and for our listeners who aren't in entertainment you're kind of captive, you're kind of there you can't go anywhere, they provide food for you you're kind of eating what they bring you how do you navigate that? you just ask as many
Starting point is 00:33:22 questions as you can and you hope that enough people know that if you accidentally eat a nut they're probably not shooting for the rest of the day so you try to sell it to them in a bad way it's a threat yeah, it's a threat
Starting point is 00:33:38 I'm making it very clear that if at any point I don't want to shoot anymore I will go over to the crafty table and just eat a bunch of almonds because I'm done with it this is where I feel bad because on days I want to go home early I started throwing peanuts at you and it worked
Starting point is 00:33:56 but you didn't know he was allergic and you shot the shortest day on Bruce Brothers which was by 8.19 a.m. we were going home because you were just like fed up and just throwing peanuts at me although as I recall he put all of them into his mouth and then
Starting point is 00:34:12 spit them out at you like an elephant in a cartoon this is just shocking to me that Mitch was up by 8.19 a.m. well, he was not cool about it yeah, Nick, even when there's a call time of 6 a.m. I sleep until noon and I'm getting a fucking dick I do feel like Mike
Starting point is 00:34:30 you were late a few times, weren't you? yeah, of course I was going to say I kind of remember some of the delayed ones because you weren't there that is not true that wasn't me, that was my scene partner oh, it was like he had an audition or something that was James, that wasn't you
Starting point is 00:34:46 there was one day where I had an audition and I told them that I had an audition and they and I had to go to that audition even if I'm wrong, please make note of how just nervous he just sounded that was stress no, no
Starting point is 00:35:06 look there's 6 a.m. call times, you gotta be the set at 6 a.m. it sucks, it does although sometimes it's nice how empty the streets are and stuff although now that means something else yeah there is like
Starting point is 00:35:22 a window when you have a 6 a.m. call time for actors, you guys know this you have like a 10 to 15 minute window where you can still be late and not get in trouble definitely, definitely but then, like you were saying, Mike if you, if the scariest thing on earth is being late into the window
Starting point is 00:35:38 where you cause any issue and then it is, then that is terrifying like you will be greeted on set with the most panicked PA you have ever seen in your life who is like, I'm gonna lose my job why, what the hell, what is the politics here and it's always the youngest person on set
Starting point is 00:35:54 that they give that position to we're obviously thinking of the same person on Bruce Brothers and it sucks, they shouldn't be in charge that's a miserable job well, I really think that it's a key choice to pick a young and very nice person
Starting point is 00:36:10 to be that person on set because you then feel bad and you're like I would want to be resentful of this girl who would always come and be like they need you back on set and I would be like I was just there but she's so nice that I would be like okay, alright, cool, cool, sorry I don't want to be mad at you ever
Starting point is 00:36:26 yeah, and also this is an annoying actor thing, your time is wasted constantly, it's just absolutely constant, it's weird yeah, I mean that's a lot of jobs but in particular you were idle a lot, there's a lot of just sitting there, there's a lot of waiting to do something
Starting point is 00:36:42 and then they say they need you and then they don't need you it's like the key it's infantilizing is the main way it always feels where you want to walk away and you're like I'm gonna go sit over there and they're like actually they need you right here and you're like alright and then you stand there for like 20 minutes and they're like
Starting point is 00:36:58 okay, you're free, I want to just sit over there I will say this the one plus side to Bruce Brothers it was very hot because it was a summertime is that when you did walk away you could walk into a giant fridge, Nick oh my god, that fridge
Starting point is 00:37:14 there's a big functioning walk-in fridge we shot it an actual brewery, an old brewery wow yeah, so there was an actual functional walk-in fridge I would tell you, a walk-in fridge
Starting point is 00:37:30 that's like if you work in a restaurant obviously that's an everyday experience, people are used to that but like for me that is just I always feels like I'm going into Willy Wonka's factory it's just like this is amazing this is like a big cold room
Starting point is 00:37:46 in a rich person's home I've been in one rich person's home where they had a walk-in fridge and it was the most fucking insane shit that's insane, that's wild was it uh oh shit, I forget her name, Nick, what's her name who do you think, I don't
Starting point is 00:38:02 what's her name Cher, who who are you talking about Jenny's Ice Cream Nancy Pelosi, Nancy Pelosi, I got it yeah, Mike, were you in Nancy Pelosi's house I feel like that's what Mitch wants to know
Starting point is 00:38:18 lost the thread of how we ever could have gotten there just from the search that had to happen to get there I forgot Nancy Pelosi's name for a second I forgot Nancy Pelosi's name also that's the wealthiest person you could think of that's the first she recently just
Starting point is 00:38:34 showed off her like two gigantic very expensive fridges and there was Jenny's Ice Cream and Nick I thought you would I thought you knew what I would be talking about she's got two sub-zeros it was not Nancy Pelosi it was someone else
Starting point is 00:38:50 I won't say who but they did this thing that I I commend myself for my reaction to which is they were like yeah it's a walk-in and I was like oh cool and they were like yeah you can walk into it and I walk in and then they close the door and then they're like you're locked in
Starting point is 00:39:06 and I just I gave absolutely no reaction I just stood there like cause what is that and then they opened it I was like but also the joke to you in that scenario is that like oh we could kill you
Starting point is 00:39:22 in here well don't do that yeah that's not fun Nick I got a monkey paw wish for you right now wishing for two sub-zeros two sub-zero fridges but you said can I get two sub-zeros
Starting point is 00:39:40 yeah you get two mortal combat sub-zeros yeah and then you get decapitated and your spine is dangling down yeah that's no picnic you guys really have your own language huh I'm glad you agree Nick let me tell you about how I became vegetarian
Starting point is 00:40:00 I've been vegetarian for like 15 years or so or 14 years since I was in high school oh yeah my best friend and I became vegetarian basically at the same time as a general act of defiance
Starting point is 00:40:16 at the time but also I had I was in England when I was 16 for some fucking study abroad kind of program and while I was there I ate a horse burger or I was like tricked into eating a horse burger wow
Starting point is 00:40:32 we made this show girl you actually ate a horse burger actually when you guys were talking about it I was like sure I'll say this little anecdote of mine coming up so that was a pre-call for your horse burger but it made me feel really sick but also like it was one of those things where I was like oh my god that's so fucked up
Starting point is 00:40:50 I can't believe anyone would ever eat that and then it kind of was one of those things where you see like suddenly no distinction between two things when you're a teenager where I was like oh wait it's the same as cow and then it was like it was all gross to me suddenly I had a similar experience
Starting point is 00:41:06 I didn't actually eat horse no wait I ate a horse we had a horse meat sausage you brought back from Italy Mitch we weren't going to say that off the double oh yeah well I ate some of that anyway again once it's food this is either going in the trash
Starting point is 00:41:22 or it's going in someone's mouth if someone came to you and I was roasted on a spit you would eat some of me no I don't think because I don't think you would want that if you want if I knew that you would like you'd wanted me to eat you as like part of your
Starting point is 00:41:38 basically your morality with it is the ontological preference of the thing I think I feel I probably and maybe this is an issue with how I view life forms but I think I view people a little differently whereas I feel like if an animal has been killed and has turned into meat
Starting point is 00:41:54 I would have less of a problem eating that but a person I would be like well this is this is too much for me unless the person gave their explicit permission and then you would yeah I give my permission yeah if you did then yeah I would have a bite of you
Starting point is 00:42:09 I do think that like one of the most common responses I would hear growing up because both my parents really hated the vegetarian thing my mom still claims to like not understand that I can't eat chicken and shit like that it's like 15 years
Starting point is 00:42:25 but they always would say like something is already getting made so it's like you might as well eat it was basically always the perspective is that a south side of Chicago thing do you think in terms of how they eat food
Starting point is 00:42:41 yeah it's like Irishness I lived in a really Irish neighborhood and I feel like both my parents were like they couldn't believe it when I said I wasn't going to eat meat I feel like my parents would have an like an issue with that with not eating any sort of meat product
Starting point is 00:42:57 I think it would annoy them I have some random friends back in Chicago where when I last saw them after not seeing them for like many years one of them was like hey do you still not eat meat and I was like oh yeah and he was like whoa and I was like
Starting point is 00:43:17 that guy gets blown away too easy yeah now that I think about it he's always like that he's never committed to anything in his life is your mom's house still across the street are you a a deep we'll talk about both of your food histories here
Starting point is 00:43:39 but are you like a deep dish pizza person do you like a lot of the Chicago are you a fan of a lot of Chicago food yeah I kind of always wish I always like to not have my like hat in the ring with any of these like geographic specific things you know like
Starting point is 00:43:55 people always say oh you grew up on the south side of Chicago so you love the socks and I'm like I don't give a fuck about baseball so it's like you've already lost me and so I don't want to do the pizza thing but Chicago's pizza is better than New York's and it is better than LA's
Starting point is 00:44:11 and it is the most superior pizza available wow Alan is vigorously shaking his head Alan you're from New Jersey originally right and obviously live in the city now yeah born in New York grew up in Jersey back here but either way good pizza depending on you know the side of the river doesn't affect it but
Starting point is 00:44:27 right I mean this is the argument that every New Yorker makes but the water right the water makes the pizza what it is and you just can't make that dirty dirty water yeah give me that gross water that makes me happy I don't know
Starting point is 00:44:43 that's that's uh there's the the water bagel what's that what's Larry King's place out here Wiger Larry King has a I forget what I think it's called the Brooklyn water bagel company something like that his whole thing and then he supposedly it's very wasteful
Starting point is 00:44:59 imports the tap water from the five boroughs Manhattan Queens the Bronx Brooklyn and satin island and he and he uses it to make their their bagels out here and it's supposedly I don't know if it makes a difference and people say it makes a difference but who knows if it's
Starting point is 00:45:15 confirmation bias I don't know yeah I mean we heard there was a like an anecdote we got actually on set about beer and like the beer from Pilsen which I think is Germany or where's Pilsen Alan was that Germany or was it Austria or something no I thought he was talking about wasn't like
Starting point is 00:45:31 how Bud Light how they can make the same and yeah I originally the name of Pilsner came from beer brewed off of this lake in Pilsen and basically like when they were trying to replicate the recipe for it
Starting point is 00:45:47 when they like expanded the beer wouldn't taste the same because it didn't have the same water source as the original beer and so they work like through the Zimerge to make it more like that by slightly tweaking it so that it would all taste the same no matter where it's brewed
Starting point is 00:46:03 I was not there for that story we have different oh yeah well I really dug in with Kale on set I think Alan what is this Bud Light story here because I'm a Bud Light was my beer for a very long time and I know that everyone thinks it's a bad beer but you know whatever it gets the job done
Starting point is 00:46:19 well the guy who ran the brewery that we shot at said that the greatest scientific achievement of all time was the fact that you could drink a Bud Light in the United States you could drink it in Australia you could drink it anywhere in the world like one made
Starting point is 00:46:35 in that country and it tasted the same that they were engineering the ingredients around the water so that it tasted the same regardless of where you had it and he was again convinced that you know any research we had done to cure or you know
Starting point is 00:46:51 AIDS or cancer or the iPhone technology none of it compared to the achievement that was drinking Bud Light in any place and having it taste the same Wow just in terms of the content of my anecdote and yours I feel like what must have happened
Starting point is 00:47:07 was he said that and then I like took an arm around him and I was like tell me a little bit more and then he told me the following that's very likely and when you pulled him over you had the chess app open on your phone you were only half paying attention
Starting point is 00:47:23 but dude I dominated Kale in chess and he was not cool about it was he one of the few who beat you no but he had one opportunity and I told him after the game and he was furious he was like the guy who owned the brewery and so he was like our beer teacher
Starting point is 00:47:41 he would like take us through all the history and stuff kind of kind of a technical advisor if you will yeah sure Mike I heard that you walked away from the you fell asleep is that what happened with
Starting point is 00:47:57 Nick's game yeah you heard this earlier on the episode yeah well guess what just like Mike just like Mike I fucking fell asleep during that segment of the episode I gotta say this the downside
Starting point is 00:48:15 to to all of you know to drinking beer on set is that the beer was a non-alcoholic fake beer that was not good and it just makes you burping farts so much man I hate it it doesn't and also I would be like drinking it to kind of
Starting point is 00:48:31 make it look realistic and it it was just drinking empty fucking calories that tastes like shit it was a bummer like if we could get around that whatever like claws is that means you can't have alcohol on set or whatever I would I would prefer to drink real beer while we're filming
Starting point is 00:48:47 I mean yes you wouldn't drink more than like two or three you know right and also like when you have that fake beer I can't even sip it you know I just go it's just gonna make me full and feel like shit I was
Starting point is 00:49:03 I was raised on Bud Light as you know from a young boy a young boy raised you and then I I started to get into like more craft beers and I used to get some stuff at Oaks Gourmet but now in the last few years I've kind of I don't drink as much beer anymore
Starting point is 00:49:23 it kind of bums me out I just can't do it anymore it's kind of I'm with you guys or I'm with Alan I guess it just doesn't happen as much I'd rather do it to keel in soda water than it's nice to drink like two beers yes something that I really enjoy
Starting point is 00:49:39 you have like a sixer that's excessive certainly at my age I feel like I have gotten as I've gotten older I've gotten less hoppy I used to like give me that hoppy and now I'm like a Pilsner even if I'm drinking a craft beer give me something light
Starting point is 00:49:55 yeah it was a startling turn for me when I was first getting into beer I was all about IPAs and then sharp turn sharp turn at like 24-25 and now there was this one beer we would drink after filming a lot there was like a bovic Pils and it was the
Starting point is 00:50:11 fucking best man wow yeah it was so good I literally would crave it by like it was like pure like Pavlovian alcoholism by like 5pm every day I'd be like literally I would feel myself salivating I was like dude I need to get one of those pills let's edit that out
Starting point is 00:50:27 did you say did you say creepy like that yeah it was whoever I was standing closest to I would say it exactly like that in their ear with no context around it at all Weiger so your beer taste your beer taste is
Starting point is 00:50:43 kind of like an aging bunny rabbit yes like an aging bunny rabbit I have gotten less hoppy alright now we can take our break now we'll take a break we'll be back with more Doe Boys welcome back
Starting point is 00:51:05 to Doe Boys our guest Alan Eisenberg Mike Castle of the new series Bruise Brothers now streaming on Netflix our chain this week Chipotle but before we get into that Alan there's a biographical detail of yours that we wanted to touch on both your parents are from Argentina
Starting point is 00:51:21 yeah they were born out there and they actually met here but that is like the true core of my cuisine growing up was Argentinian food what are your Argentinians favorites both in you know
Starting point is 00:51:37 I guess just like what you'd have stuff you'd have at home and then also like if you're going to go out for Argentinian food what are your go-tos I mean the staples in the house always were you know empanadas which are a little like flour I mean people know what empanadas are I'm explaining it like no one's ever
Starting point is 00:51:53 you guys know what pizza is so pizzas is like dope yeah empanadas and milanesas which is just a fancy word for chicken cutlet I've never understood why our culture is so crazed on this breaded chicken and wants to call it a fancy name when that's
Starting point is 00:52:09 all it is and you don't really put anything on it it's just breaded chicken and then a shit ton of meat like my fondest memories of coming home or like my dad grilling like sausage and skirt steak and just a shit ton of chimichurri sauce and like that is I grew up
Starting point is 00:52:25 on kind of those three things on loop man skirt steak and chimichurri sauce that is a great I mean that's I never even think of skirt steak and chimichurri sauce that often and that's one of the best Nick it's fucking delicious chimichurri sauce is a quality sauce
Starting point is 00:52:41 a top tier sauce and when you come across it it's just like oh yeah this is this is gonna be okay and it's not hard to make dude I'm just dead-eyed over here I have no I it's been so long since I've had meat I don't oh that's right I just don't even know
Starting point is 00:52:57 but I regularly Lauren will say something like someone will say something about like a steak or something I'll be like I can't even do an example of what I don't understand because I understand it so little I don't know anything about it well you have it because I've known some long-time vegetarians don't really
Starting point is 00:53:13 like the impossible burger or the beyond burger because it's recreating meat too too closely I love it I think it tastes delicious yeah yeah yeah I first had one at like some burger place in Chicago I was like this is fucking unbelievable I honestly like started craving it
Starting point is 00:53:29 I like all the meat substitutes now although when I was first like in my first three or four years when I would eat something that tasted too much like meat it would freak me out now I'm just like hey look at that nice job Alan we I want to talk about empanadas
Starting point is 00:53:47 real quick because I love empanadas and there's I found like maybe one place in LA that I like but like are there have you found are there good empanada places in New York at all yeah there's a spot in Corona Queens the name is
Starting point is 00:54:03 one of the five brothers yeah El Chiquito Gaucho I think it's called that has empanadas that feel like you're in Buenos Aires I go to Argentina probably twice a year and like know what that tastes like
Starting point is 00:54:19 and this is the closest thing to it if not you know it's pretty perfect it's the equivalent of I think Larry King's where they ship out the water to LA they're doing something that they're bringing from Argentina that makes it just taste like home what was the place
Starting point is 00:54:35 where you took me and Lauren to was that that was a place no that was a Brazilian place so Mike Mike doesn't know where countries sometimes are Mike where did you think Argentina was when you first met me somewhere around Spain
Starting point is 00:54:51 yeah I honestly am almost proud of how stupid this moment is which is that Alan said you know something about South America and then I was like oh yeah he's talking about Argentina and I was like oh that's awesome yeah I love Barcelona
Starting point is 00:55:07 and I was uh what else I like Madrid and then he's like why are you saying that and I was like uh wait where's Argentina and then you know and so on and so forth but then like all day long I think I said at the beginning of the day and all day long
Starting point is 00:55:23 anything you would talk to me about I go I can't believe I thought Argentina it was great and you kept saying let it go no but I took you guys to Beco which is a place in Williamsburg out here that is a Brazilian spot that makes a gluten free I think like all the cheese bread
Starting point is 00:55:39 whatever those fucking things were I can taste it the second I think of that that thing was so delicious it's just like tapioca breaded cheese with like a jam that like we walked into the restaurant I said to Castle and Lauren I'm like I'm ordering these like trust me you'll have them they're like okay
Starting point is 00:55:55 and we just like devoured them wow do you you mentioned going to Argentina what is the is there are there any delicacies that you can only get in Argentina you can't really get in the Argentinian restaurants in the States the ice cream is really specific
Starting point is 00:56:11 out there like they pride themselves there's probably like two or three ice cream shops per block in parts of Buenos Aires which is insane and their whole thing is like no toppings nothing special it's just about the flavor of the ice cream and you can't really
Starting point is 00:56:27 recreate it out here there's a spot called Freddo which is a chain and I think they have one in Miami that's kind of you know it tastes pretty close but that's the only thing that I haven't really been able to fake out here you can get cows up here so I think they found a way to make the meat taste the same
Starting point is 00:56:43 but you can't get the ice cream I don't think I've ever had go ahead go ahead what is it about the ice cream that's so specific it's so full of flavor and they're not
Starting point is 00:56:59 it's not like an ice cream here where there's cookies and potato chips or whatever bullshit like here it's just about or in Argentina it's like my favorite one is a raspberry one from Wissa that just tastes like you're eating a raspberry they're clearly using
Starting point is 00:57:15 actual fruit and there's like very low sugar in it and it's just very Buenos Aires I don't think I've ever had Argentinian food before like I've never been to an Argentinian restaurant I believe I've had Peruvian food which is I guess close and I love
Starting point is 00:57:31 what is it is a saltado saltado yeah those are that's great that's a great meal but I don't think I've ever had any Argentinian food I haven't found a spot in LA yet but next time I'm out there let's find a spot and try it I love it how exciting
Starting point is 00:57:47 well moving from South America to North America what a segue Chipotle established in Denver and giving the and presenting the food of Mexico we reviewed Chipotle twice once very early
Starting point is 00:58:03 on in the podcast we reviewed it very positively and then we revisited it Mitch not just for our tournament of champions but also when they released queso we gave it another full review with our pal Chelsea Davison and it took a huge dive ratings wise between reviews a reverse Burger King if you will
Starting point is 00:58:19 Burger King made a comeback and Chipotle is made a major decline I didn't think you have to go into details I think people just get when you say reverse Burger King yeah people know the trajectory are you guys are either you guys Chipotle regulars
Starting point is 00:58:35 no wait were those opposite answers were opposite answers simultaneous yeah yeah yeah yeah this is the makings of a brotherly rivalry
Starting point is 00:58:51 right now and I'll tell you my rating is not going to be positive today wow I'm a fan Alan is a fan what do you get normally at Chipotle and obviously your order I bet has changed since your diagnosis
Starting point is 00:59:07 it has my new go to order which I had today burrito bowl brown rice black and pinto beans which is I believe called fiesta a shit ton of corn a little bit of the green salsa
Starting point is 00:59:23 sour cream lots of it lettuce and then the main protein being the sofritas the tofu and then chips and then more corn on the side for the chips that is the go to I can have that 2, 3, 4 times a week a whole bunch of corn
Starting point is 00:59:39 I said that out loud that's I can't be having Chipotle that often the number kept going up 2, 3, 10, 25 times a week doesn't matter I agree with you it's something that I will talk about with my final thoughts
Starting point is 00:59:55 but like Chipotle for what it is if you get a bowl you can get a pretty low calorie not that bad meal Nick it can be decent admitting that tortilla goes a long way it's that sort of thing
Starting point is 01:00:11 that we talked about like a subway if you go into a subway and you do it up your way you can get something that is okay for lunch but you know how is it how is the food is always a question with Chipotle it's very intense when you look into that other camera
Starting point is 01:00:27 I mean it deserved that it deserved that look here Chipotle but you guys don't like that I'm sorry for our listeners, Mitch has two angles on himself
Starting point is 01:00:43 when he records these zoom calls he sets up his phone as kind of a side camera and then when he has a point he really wants to lean in he'll turn to that side camera and deliver it it's like a confession booth to one side yeah so kind of like the thing with Chipotle is
Starting point is 01:00:59 it needs to be more consistent and I bet you guys can be your way to turn a curve you're literally six people that's but it landed on me and I just thought that felt like an old SNL bit Alan Doe Boyz is
Starting point is 01:01:15 funny for about six different people so we're we've a lot of publishers we're hitting those numbers so not a Chipotle fan not a place you go to regularly let me say when I first moved to LA
Starting point is 01:01:31 Chipotle I feel like it was more around in my life when I lived in the Hollywood-ish area when I first moved here for those of you who don't know Hollywood there's a Chipotle on every corner it's truly man
Starting point is 01:01:47 it is Chipotle rich over there and I liked it then but then you know what, I think that my major deductions that are going to happen today almost all have to do with the pandemic and ordering it on an app I made decisions I would not
Starting point is 01:02:05 have made had I actually been there well here's the and that is an issue with Chipotle and any of these assemble your own meal places is that you can you add one extra thing and it's ungepochka
Starting point is 01:02:21 it's you got too much going on and you've ruined your meal you say the word too much no, I say it the right amount if I said it a little too much it might be ungepochka, my usage of it but I think currently my usage is fine the Chipotle I go to
Starting point is 01:02:37 is right next to a cold stone creamery same sort of thing on the dessert side you can just fuck up your mix-ins and sweet creamery combo and then all of a sudden you've got a dessert that's no good it's like when Link completely butchers a recipe in Breath of the Wild that's just a fucking big mound of fucking
Starting point is 01:02:55 mush Chipotle and a cold stone creamery they should just knock down the wall and make a big fucking hot and cold mush store stop acting like you're separate entities you got it's one long chain so Mike I ordered with the app
Starting point is 01:03:15 as you did I like the app I'd never used it before my lovely wife Natalie helped me through it I made a tremendous mistake with it which is that first of all I wanted to I was gonna get a burrito bowl thing
Starting point is 01:03:31 but I believed that either Alan or Mitch would make fun of me because that seems like what I would get and so I preemptively lashed out against them and got something different from what I would get
Starting point is 01:03:47 and I went with just the burrito but then I just clicked veggie burrito but then all it had in it was rice what you didn't customize no I didn't understand I just clicked veggie burrito and I was like ah just whatever the fuck
Starting point is 01:04:03 and so it was the driest trash I've ever taken like four bites of and I was like what the fuck so I understand it's I didn't know that for the app I couldn't it should not the base of a veggie burrito should not just be rice
Starting point is 01:04:19 should not just be beans rice a couple other fucking things or contact you and ask is this a mistake you got a flour tortilla filled with white rice that was your meal and I took a bite into it and I was like no
Starting point is 01:04:35 and the key really my least favorite part of the whole thing it was like this big it was like the smallest little nothing of a burrito I've ever received now look Doe Boyz is not a test
Starting point is 01:04:51 Doe Boyz is not a test but Mike you somehow failed Doe Boyz yeah I'll take that I was gonna say Castle held up his hand and kind of like a reverse sunny Corleone sizes give us a sense of how big it was
Starting point is 01:05:07 a very very smart modest burrito that was not that small by the way what did you do so far so here's the thing that is confusing and the app should be more clear because if you click veggie burrito
Starting point is 01:05:23 my app said includes guacamole so it that felt like more of a prefab thing but I also did a veggie burrito and I would normally get a bowl but I wanted to get something different for this episode as you did Mike and so I got a veggie burrito
Starting point is 01:05:39 I threw in so it comes with guac I added pinto beans they used to include bacon but they are vegan now white rice, fajita veggies tomatillo green chili which is their medium salsa I believe that is the
Starting point is 01:05:55 salsa that Alan got and also cheese and sour cream so I loaded it up I also got some chips and guac I'd say a decent burrito I messed up you know but I still and this is my American right I blame Chipotle for my mess up
Starting point is 01:06:11 I put it into the app all you have to do is continue to scroll you put veggie and then all of the other options that are there bud it's an ad but I was like so it didn't say that it will come with nothing so I was like oh in addition to
Starting point is 01:06:27 whatever the base veggie burrito is if it said I basically ordered a rice burrito so why would it say veggie it felt like if you're picking veggie that means more than just rice like it initially said chicken if you ordered the chicken one
Starting point is 01:06:43 would there be no chicken in it until you add chicken here's what I'll say in your defense Mike is that a lot of these chains where they're all about customization five guys suffer from this as well they don't have like a default option and I think if you're someone who's not familiar
Starting point is 01:06:59 with this chain or not familiar with their ordering process or a total newbie you've never been there before you're taking your maiden voyage to Chipotle you might be confused and it would be nice if they're like I'll just get the number one I felt that
Starting point is 01:07:15 if I were getting the like open burrito bowl thing for some reason I was like that you would customize more if it says veggie burrito I just assumed it was like going into any place and ordering a veggie burrito yeah I will say that mine was ready
Starting point is 01:07:31 right on time I arrived just like right when the app said it was going to be delivered and they were like finishing making it and handed it to me so they you know it was very well handled on their end and the chips I think their guac is good I will say this I think Chipotle's guacamole is maybe their
Starting point is 01:07:47 best menu item guac is extra but I think it's the thing that's always consistent there I disagree with you you know what I think is their best thing is the sour cream they have quality sour cream they have good sour cream
Starting point is 01:08:03 a little liquidy for my taste but I still like it it's like almost like fluff like it's like fluff and utter it's like very it's like I mean I love it Nick I want a little different today too I got myself a
Starting point is 01:08:19 burrito bowl I ordered from the app I ordered from the Chipotle app itself and they have free delivery right now during the quarantine and I got myself a burrito bowl with white rice I want pinto beans which I which I never get
Starting point is 01:08:35 and I got oh my god I did barbacoa as my meat cheese sour cream tomato salsa green salsa and then I got a side of chips with green salsa so I could also put it on
Starting point is 01:08:51 oh and I also got red salsa which I never do to make it a little bit spicier and I also got a little side of queso for those chips Nick it tasted like my meal was prepared on that cold stone creamery board the ice board or whatever the hell it is
Starting point is 01:09:07 it was cold as hell oh no that's right and also it came so fast it came within 23 minutes the delivery from when I ordered it which is crazy so that strikes me as maybe a you know and again everyone's figuring this out this our current hell world
Starting point is 01:09:23 on the fly but that strikes me as they did not have a good delivery protocol for like they don't have like an insulated bag need like our old Rachel Ray bag that we used to use that would keep something hot for delivery there was something there was something so I mean like even in 23 minutes
Starting point is 01:09:39 it felt like I felt like the food at the restaurant was cold it shouldn't get cold that quickly and here's what I think it's like I don't think Subway is good and for but for a long time it was just the sort of thing of like I know what I'm gonna go get if I go get a fucking
Starting point is 01:09:55 get my way and get a turkey and cheese sub and toasted or whatever I know it's gonna be a certain quality Chipotle is just so it's all over the place man it's a the quality control of it it needs to be more like a like when you go to McDonald's
Starting point is 01:10:13 usually we talk about this where it's like 85% of the time 90% of the time it's pretty good yeah I think McDonald's doesn't have as much variance as some other chains in its price category you know like like you know my one of my favorites Del Taco
Starting point is 01:10:29 that's kind of all over the map and that's kind of the negative about Del Taco you'll have some rough Del Tacos but and Wendy's I've heard across the country there's some very bad Wendy's particularly in the south like I guess that's just a bad region for Wendy's whereas other regions it's like the best
Starting point is 01:10:45 it's like the highest caliber so I think Chipotle has some inconsistency between franchises for sure the consistency issue is and I feel like just like on a like I said it can be a nice little treat for lunch you can do a salad or a bowl not feel really guilty if you get some chicken
Starting point is 01:11:01 and some salsa in there it can be alright you know what I mean but the quality just kind of goes all over the place and today was just it was just a cold fucking goopy mess the the case of the case of which by the way does taste better than when we first had it
Starting point is 01:11:17 they've improved it a little and that was the part of the reason I got it was to to try the case again and I thought it was better but it was cold and it was like half of the container there was like this much case an angry inch that's a better metric to use I shouldn't have even used my fingers I should have said my burrito
Starting point is 01:11:35 was the size of an angry inch but no it was I was like to me I was like I wanted it to be like that kind of like it's Chipotle the world in the last 15 to 20 years has changed in that Chipotle
Starting point is 01:11:53 is not a special restaurant anymore it's not fancy like it once felt like like whoa these are like real quality burritos doesn't feel that way anymore in 2020 that is not the case we've seen this with Quiznos Quiznos came on the scene and was like
Starting point is 01:12:09 oh this is like the nice sandwich place and then they scaled up too quickly and the quality took a dive and yeah same things happened with Chipotle Umami Burger too is the other one Umami Burger for sure yeah just in LA but the same thing it scaled up too fast yeah they opened up too many Umamis
Starting point is 01:12:25 and it stopped being this special thing that it once was Baja Fresh you know that's the big one for me a lot of people if you're not from SoCal you may not know that Baja Fresh at some point was like a nice like Mexican fast casual Mexican place like it was like a higher quality
Starting point is 01:12:41 when I moved out here in 2005 Nick it was I think that was starting to end at that point but it still was nice yeah everything was fresh and it was just it was like very good quality and then actually part of it was them being acquired by Wendy's who we touched on in the other part was them
Starting point is 01:12:57 having to compete with Chipotle it's so weird to me that Chipotle was acquired by McDonald's and I know that I think since then maybe they're not anymore but I don't know what the deal is they flipped it they held on to Chipotle for a hot
Starting point is 01:13:13 second and they flipped it oh no shit yeah like a like a house in foreclosure was it related to the E. Coli stuff which I'm still amazed that they were able to you know rebound from that it's unbelievable they survived that I will say Jack in the box had an even more severe E. Coli scare that
Starting point is 01:13:29 led to some deaths in the 90s didn't you and John's having an E. Coli scare as well yeah same yeah they also had a similar thing they like took the sprouts out as a result which was about I love those fucking sprouts those sprouts are nice I hate Jimmy John's to remind me of a chain that I fucking don't like
Starting point is 01:13:45 I for some reason love it I don't mind it I don't mind Jimmy John's I think Jimmy John's is pretty good I like their veggie sandwich Jimmy John himself is like a piece of shit isn't he like a big game hunter he's an awful man truly terrible man everyone who runs one of these companies is a cool that's just you know the nature of it
Starting point is 01:14:01 yeah the thought of any of the guys running any of these companies just even looking at the food I'm gonna eat makes me not want to eat it but I know they never have so it doesn't matter do you know what they should change Jimmy Jimmy John's to and I think that they should do the same thing with Papa John's mm-hmm is a Jimmy Shax
Starting point is 01:14:17 and Papa John should be Papa Shax Shax should get involved we talked about Papa John's rebranding as Papa Shax which I think would be a smart move Papa Shax would be great they should call it Papa Shax Cousin of Shake Shack Cousin of Shake Shack how often do you guys think
Starting point is 01:14:33 about that the former CEO of Papa John's him talking about eating pizza I've eaten pizza every day for the last 40 days video I think about it so often it comes to me many
Starting point is 01:14:49 times a day I'll just hear it so I have a question about that video is his there's a version where his voice is slowed down or does his voice sound gross like what is happening in that I think that's what his voice sounds like his voice just got all fucked up
Starting point is 01:15:05 he sounds yeah right no I think we are familiar with the commercial voice but in reality he's like a Dick Tracy villain who sounds like that they dub him in the commercials to not tell me it's hell it's hell to film
Starting point is 01:15:21 these things I remember if you actually say the word so he's just mouthing they put pizza sauce in his mouth the man hates that I think it was when Peyton Manning won Super Bowl either with the Colts or maybe it was the Broncos
Starting point is 01:15:37 and Jimmy John Papa John came out into the fucking field with him and it's fucking sucked yeah it's good I was sad to see Peyton Manning win the Super Bowl and then also at the same time I hated that Papa John was with him and then that's trumped though by
Starting point is 01:15:53 Jimmy Fallon running out onto the field when the Red Sox won the World Series for the first time to shoot fever pitch to shoot the end of fever pitch yeah which what a fucking I remember being so happy like being like yeah we won and then like looking up at the screen and being like huh
Starting point is 01:16:09 Jimmy Fallon is out there what is Jimmy Fallon doing here it sucks again that was like what it was mid-2000s when was that yeah that's the same mayor we were talking about earlier 2004 very uh very douchey time in American culture
Starting point is 01:16:25 well we should get to our final thoughts on Chipotle did we hear from Alan yeah we heard from Alan, Alan talked about his bowl you got the same order as usual yes yeah I actually just remembered an old thing from Chipotle that I don't know if it's still a thing do you guys ever have the quesarito yes they I don't know if they
Starting point is 01:16:41 we tried one once anymore I've had that before I just remembered that it's the most disgusting wonderful thing in the world and how that never caught on it's a burrito made out of a quesadilla and it was incredible yeah it's vile and delicious and I think it was one of those things where they got
Starting point is 01:16:57 they they got spooked by their own secret menu and a lot of that stuff they just won't even make for you anymore yeah I think we don't do that it was too messy and now Taco Bell is just taking over the quesarito they stole it it's theirs yeah they have it now
Starting point is 01:17:13 so for our final thoughts we'll each take a second and give a summation of our evaluation of Chipotle and then finish by giving a fork score from 0 to 5 forks that will be our final verdict
Starting point is 01:17:29 on this chain our guests usually go first Alan let's begin with you Chipotle is a staple it is part of everyday life you pass it you know what you're going to get I like a place that doesn't have a menu
Starting point is 01:17:45 with numbers I like a place that trusts me and really means that whatever I choose is going to be a good meal and that's what I look for in a restaurant really I thought we were reviewing it and not doing
Starting point is 01:18:01 a sappy commercial for it I'm proposing Chipotle let me have this moment no it is something that I truly feel like you can't go wrong as someone with a lot of bullshit dietary restrictions and by bullshit
Starting point is 01:18:17 I mean it sucks not that they're fake I should play with that I have the paperwork I like that I can eat anything there and not worry about dying or shitting my pants for 12 hours though if you eat too many beans you will probably
Starting point is 01:18:33 shit your pants for a while at Chipotle this is what happens it was inspirational and fun and then Castle threw me off and now I'm talking about crapping my pants Chipotle for me is 4 4.5 forks wow very high score
Starting point is 01:18:51 might cast you ahead I would say Chipotle obviously not a staple for me I walk by it and I quicken my pace a little bit I would say typically and while I deserve some hate
Starting point is 01:19:09 and I'll take some online bullying for my mess up with my order I blame them I blame democracy and I blame Chipotle for letting it be too democratic for me I want them to tell me what I want so I'll give it
Starting point is 01:19:25 I'm gonna give it 2 forks 2 forks alright spoon man what do you think I'm kinda with Mike I think that it is his right as a citizen of the United States to blame the company instead of himself
Starting point is 01:19:41 for what happened to you in that I don't trust myself I'm gonna fuck this up if I have to do this I'm gonna fuck it up I'm not a burrito creator I'm not I don't make meals
Starting point is 01:19:57 Nick you're right it's not as big of a problem there the customization is not as big of a problem it's consistency like I said and today I got something that was cooked on those cold stone fucking ice slabs and it was served to me within 23 minutes
Starting point is 01:20:13 and I've had Chipotle that's been sitting around longer than 23 minutes, truly 23 minutes and going into this I wanted this to be a three and a half fork place because I was like oh like you know what you're getting there
Starting point is 01:20:29 you're getting a bowl it's like a subway but it's actually kind of tastier than a subway it can be healthy enough not that I'm saying it's healthy but burrito bowl is not that bad with some protein and a little bit of rice and some veggies or whatever
Starting point is 01:20:45 but it's not Nick it's just the consistency for me and that's not just today this is always the case and I think that I think it's the sort of thing that it's fun to toss in more rice and stuff like that but you always get uneven
Starting point is 01:21:01 you can get a burrito that's just filled with rice you know this happens you can get a bowl that doesn't have enough protein that doesn't happen and I think that they need to figure that out I know that it's right now it's difficult times for delivery and those people who are working there
Starting point is 01:21:17 are essential workers, they're heroes but it's not getting the three and a half forks for me and I don't even know if it's going to get three forks it needs to be it needs to take what McDonald it needs to have that just it needs to be consistent like that it needs it
Starting point is 01:21:33 so I'm going to go 2.9 forks Nick 2 standard forks 1.10 pronged fork with 9 of them activated that's right 9 activated I am going to I feel like I'm going I feel like what's going to happen here Mitch
Starting point is 01:21:49 is that we may be and I don't know if we do we have a stair step club a ladder club do we have some sort of we did do that at one point yes I'm trying to remember what it was exactly because I feel like my score is going to land a little bit south of Allen's
Starting point is 01:22:05 but north of your guys's I will say I like the app I think the app is pretty easy you're saying the Chipotle app the Chipotle app I like the Chipotle app I use Postmates which I maybe that may be the issue
Starting point is 01:22:21 I think if you use the Chipotle proper app you can't make that kind of mistake I think that the I will say that this is one thing in Chipotle's favor looking for a chain to review both of you guys have restrictive diets that we've touched on and Chipotle is a place that can
Starting point is 01:22:37 accommodate that a lot of fast food places cannot do that a lot of fast food places it's like what I'm going to have a bun I'm going to have you know yeah exactly you're going to have something that's not particularly satisfying that's maybe not even a meal to try to if you're going to try to eat vegetarian
Starting point is 01:22:53 or eat you know gluten free so you can accommodate that at Chipotle pretty well and I think their options are decent my veggie burrito I enjoyed I'd rather have one from like you know like a good local Mexican spot but thinking of it as a chain restaurant
Starting point is 01:23:09 it's pretty good the guacamole is very good I really like legit like their guac I don't like their chips because I think they just have that hint of lime I like that they're warm but that hint of lime always tastes artificial to me although I do really like their guac I got myself a grapefruit Izzy
Starting point is 01:23:25 which is like their grapefruit soda they have there I got this for dinner so I made it into a Paloma with a little bit of Casamigos a little tequila in there and that was a treat I'm going to say this gets 3.25 forks
Starting point is 01:23:41 3 forks, 1 tine, a conventional 4 tined forks that's where I think Chipotle lands it's a little bit above average and I think it can improve a little bit more if they up their consistency the consideration you're making about the availability the options
Starting point is 01:23:57 I agree with that actually it's a good point about one of their benefits it's nice when you go to a place and you go I can definitely eat something here 100% and that is an asset of Chipotle and hey that's our verdict on Chipotle it's time for a segment
Starting point is 01:24:13 Mitch has a food stuff that he is going to taste test solo it's another edition of Spoon Man's treat or skeet Mitch does not have the item prepared so he is standing up I'm going to go over and that's not really fair because it's a refrigerated item okay it is a refrigerated item
Starting point is 01:24:29 we're going to find out what he's going to whip up here whip out I almost did say whip out and they also said whip up which also didn't make sense yeah but then because you initially said the out it felt like you were describing the dick coming out and then whipping it up as well
Starting point is 01:24:45 it became extreme it was moving it was not I hated it this thing is not whipping anywhere Nick today I got Twix chocolate milk wow that looks intense
Starting point is 01:25:01 chocolate low fat milk Twix flavored Nick we've never really discussed what it's a treat or skeet what would this be oh we need a drink equivalent it's a drink equivalent
Starting point is 01:25:17 hmm so drinker stank is our normal one but that involves everyone taste testing if it's solo um yeah sipper ship yeah I like it sipper ship you're going to ship it off I love it
Starting point is 01:25:33 okay how about sipper shit sipper shit right yeah it's easier because it's more confusing to say I'm going to say if I don't like it I'll pour the rest of it down the toilet great is this going in your mouth or in the toilet skipping in the middle man let's find out
Starting point is 01:25:51 Irma's up on the table she must be interested in this Twix chocolate milk you guys can think you guys can discuss what you think it's going to be real rich I'm just curious what Twix flavor means exactly if that means it's kind of a caramel caramel chocolate
Starting point is 01:26:07 I'm taking a little sniff of it right now it smells like a Twix candy bar Irma is meowing it smells very much like a Twix chocolate milk she's interested in it for some reason we saw her on camera briefly it smells very much like a Twix candy bar it's very strange
Starting point is 01:26:23 it would say on the bottle good for cats yeah they should let you know if that's cat safe are either of you guys big candy guys do you like a sweet treat occasionally not when I'm home
Starting point is 01:26:39 but I feel like if I'm ever traveling a candy bar calls out to me significantly more especially if you're in a foreign country I feel like a Snickers feels more like sustaining to me or something Snickers is one of the best candy bars ever
Starting point is 01:26:55 it's unbelievable top to your candy I'm a big starburst Skittles guy and since the quarantine I have had conservatively 10 plus pounds wow I ordered groceries the other day
Starting point is 01:27:11 and got a 3 pound bag of starburst and that was last Monday and they're gone wow gone those are the two that I'm real hooked on I just want to show I just want to show that there's like Twix bars like being enveloped
Starting point is 01:27:27 by a like a chocolatey milk here on the bottle Nick yeah we're kind of getting their origin story here wait what is it it looks like Pompeii yeah it does look like a is it a beaker or a volcano I can't
Starting point is 01:27:43 what they're in it's like when the Joker fell into the acid basically it looks like to me thinking back on the original Tim Burton Batman yeah yeah or maybe the T2 falling into the molten lava or whatever the fuck it was
Starting point is 01:27:59 they need to bring back the Joker falling in acid like in the recent ones it's just been like he's wearing makeup and fine but give me the acid guy doesn't he fall in in Suicide Squad doesn't he leap into acid am I making that up I think he's just is the Joker at the start
Starting point is 01:28:15 of that from what I've only saw it once he's already in jail isn't he I think he's already the Joker I think Harley Quinn maybe falls into acid oh that's what that is okay can I say this is not really related to anything but this is a little bit about candy I want to tell you guys this one thing I used to love to make
Starting point is 01:28:31 when I was a teenager my take on a classic a classic candy so I will get crushed up ice alright and I would put it inside alright you open up a fruit roll up you know and you know you remove all the stuff you put the ice right in the center
Starting point is 01:28:47 you wrap it up like a little ball alright so that the ice is inside of the fruit roll up and then you just keep that in your mouth and occasionally slowly but surely you are biting into it as the fruit roll up starts to get like frozen and it becomes kind of like crunchy and it's
Starting point is 01:29:03 so that's all the fuck that is wild that is a wild thing you just described I'm just thinking look we're all home you know we're wanting to try some stuff out this is the thing I started doing I was like 16 I was like this is fucking this is what it's all about 16
Starting point is 01:29:19 well that was when I first smoked weed it occurred to me the only podcast you can tell that story on and it's semi-real that's why I jumped at the opportunity alright here we go twix I'm trying it dick you still haven't taken a sip yet?
Starting point is 01:29:35 that's fucked up I thought you had it already I love that we have two video angles on this oh man definitely give reaction to the other camera oh man this this is bad this is for sure bad wow can we go any other way
Starting point is 01:29:53 bad in what specific way the caramel taste of it makes it taste like kind of like old coffee that's been sitting around it's fucking bad this is bad bad bad so it's a shit?
Starting point is 01:30:09 yeah it's a shit he's still drinking it I'll drink the whole bottle for science sake it does seem like a Dunkin Donuts thing there is a creaminess to it that makes me keep coming back to it I don't want to take another sip of it but it
Starting point is 01:30:29 man that like caramel and whatever chemicals they use to make it taste like that caramel and you can taste like the chunky the wafer part of the bar a little bit this is Nick this is going down the toilet
Starting point is 01:30:45 they tried to get the wafer flavor in there there's a wafer flavor you want to skip that part yeah that's gross that seems like one of those decisions that's so bad it clearly comes down to one person they were like we got the flavor completely
Starting point is 01:31:01 and he's like what's the consistency does it feel like there's little wafers in there and they said no and he's like we're going to need that yeah someone on the twix board gave that note and they're like we can do it and he's like yeah I think you should he's one of those guys who just likes to give a note and then just after he hears himself say
Starting point is 01:31:17 he's like you have to do that now yeah I have to feel like he has ownership over this somehow in Hollywood in a lot of ways I think that's where I'm pulling from you know what I'll say there is like a creamy chocolate milk flavor to it that is tasty
Starting point is 01:31:35 and then it just is overcome by this kind of caramel cookie twixy taste that's not good you'd rather just have chocolate milk right you'd rather have and there is like there is some version of chocolate milk in this because I think it's a Nesquik product I think it is but it tastes like kind of like Nesquik
Starting point is 01:31:51 if it isn't it's definitely openly infringing on some Nesquik copyright shit this just strikes me as one of those things where if you'd rather have the normal thing if you'd rather just have chocolate milk than that's in Gopatchka
Starting point is 01:32:09 they threw too much stuff in there that is now it's too many now it's too many I can just picture myself I can picture myself strangling you and you and you're just as I'm strangling you
Starting point is 01:32:25 you just keep saying Ungopatchka sounds like sounds that you would eke out as you're being strangled for sure Ungopatchka you'd be rubbing it in my face as I was fucking crushing your neck I thought you were saying that it's just the sounds of that action of you strangling
Starting point is 01:32:41 Nick would make Ungopatchka that too I like that too this word you love this word it's a useful word hey that was Spoonman's sip or shit our new segment just like a restaurant we value your feedback
Starting point is 01:33:01 no sip or ship to keep it clean sip or ship so it's a proper rhyme not a near rhyme if you're gonna sip it you're gonna ship it off you're gonna ship this one off even though it seems like you drank about 80% of the bottle just like a restaurant we value your feedback
Starting point is 01:33:17 let's open the feedback and hey we've got a voicemail today let's go ahead and hear this and share my screen real quick is that 80% of the bottle come on Mitch let it go oh boy Mitch took the label off to prove that most of it is still in there all right fine I stand corrected
Starting point is 01:33:33 let's listen to this voicemail that's where you'll mix it up every time so for example I always get the same thing at Chipotle and at Subway every single time but at like on McDonald's or Taco Bell I always make a decision about what I'm into for when I get to the restaurant thanks bye
Starting point is 01:33:55 so Alan you already touched on that you have a regular order at Chipotle there any other change you have a regular standing order at? yeah pretty much every spot that I go to I like I said I'm a robot with food and I find the thing that I like and like end of list like I'm done I need to experiment
Starting point is 01:34:11 I like the consistency and just knowing that like I get the one thing and it'll be fine what's another of your chain go-to orders? I'm trying to think like I've really changed all of my restaurants now with this new thing which is a great answer to give on a food podcast
Starting point is 01:34:27 I think like at a burger spot like I will get the same thing on a burger pretty much anywhere I go you know mayo, pickles, lettuce, onion bacon cheese it doesn't matter if I'm at a burger spot what did you say?
Starting point is 01:34:43 mustard, onions, tomato kale I just named the whole thing I like the simpleness and the consistency of it Mike is still making fun of me so I'm just going to talk over him you know what this is a question I've had since the show since we did the show do you guys like each other?
Starting point is 01:35:01 we do but it's you know that brotherly way any outward affection is immediately pushed back upon right did anything while we were shooting make you think that we didn't actually like each other? no not at all I was just joking I know that you love each other
Starting point is 01:35:17 and also I I'm sorry that I answered it honestly I'm also jealous because I'm in a work relationship where I feel like one side doesn't really love the other side oh bud you should really consider it it's really wonderful to have
Starting point is 01:35:33 like a partner who trusts you it's really nice it's a good feeling for sure yeah no we actively dislike each other I think that's our magic no I know that's what makes listening to it so you know electric I feel that the first time I listened to an episode and Mitch was saying something
Starting point is 01:35:49 and I think I rolled my eyes and then he called you out for rolling your eyes and I was like yes oh great Castle did you not eat a cheese often? you're the Mitch of the podcast I guess which is a good thing by the way and you know what Nick didn't either until a few months ago
Starting point is 01:36:13 and it shows and how much he uses it I love your information when I like became vegetarian it was like immediately everything in my diet changed because I grew up like right off a big street in Chicago where it was like all these fucking Taco Bell
Starting point is 01:36:31 KFC, McDonald's all that shit and so when I became vegetarian it was like I suddenly can't go to any of those places you know and so now it's like 13 or 14 years later and the places are all starting to get you know like the impossible burger
Starting point is 01:36:47 and all that shit but it's like I don't even have the instinct to go there anymore but I'm like a major frequenter of like all these local places in my neighborhood I go to a place 4 times a week order the same thing all the time every time I walk in there the guy
Starting point is 01:37:03 knows my name but is like not friendly to me it's great I used to have a deli in the city that I would walk in and the guy behind the counter started making my sandwich and that went on for about 4 or 5 years where we never spoke
Starting point is 01:37:19 I have like an apologist instinct with it like I feel embarrassed I would walk there now I'm like you did everything right now that I can't leave the house anymore but there would be a lot I would start to feel this real like big shame
Starting point is 01:37:35 right before I'd walk in or I'd be like oh my god they know I was here yesterday and I got the exact same fucking thing and I'm gonna get it again today man what a feeling that just is missing right now just someone just knowing your order yeah boy what a nice
Starting point is 01:37:51 just a small like real return to normalcy so gratifying is like that regular bartender regular waiter what a fucking treat that'll be Mitch you are holding one of your cats right now Nick it's gotta be Irma
Starting point is 01:38:07 you're such a piece of shit now I think you do it on purpose so you can say the wrong one that's not Irma she was just on the table oh okay hi Wally white stripe down his face okay white stripe for Wally I'll remember
Starting point is 01:38:27 I'm gonna fucking drive to whatever city you move to I'm gonna find you I swear to god the inside Weigar's head follow up to I'll remember was and then I'll intentionally not say it I sadly think about what I'm gonna order besides a restaurant where I'm going down to sit at and I don't
Starting point is 01:38:47 and even still then I'll look at the menu but if like I'm with a group of people and then we're gonna we decide to go to a restaurant and just sit down and eat that's like maybe the only time that I'm not looking at the menu or thinking about it like if I'm gonna get go get myself some Taco Bell I'm like I think I'm gonna get this tonight and I think about it
Starting point is 01:39:03 at least an hour or so before I do it always always Nick there's not a time that I don't think about it no we're on the same page here but I do start thinking well in advance and I'll sometimes even practice like my order like I'll just like I'll be like okay I gotta get this right especially if I have to order
Starting point is 01:39:19 the phone which that's because yes this is this is more of a thing that you can't talk to human beings yeah so I have to like just I have to warm up to it a little bit but I so as you do a thing that's like hello sir madame I would like to order
Starting point is 01:39:35 and then quickly like not madame not madame no to answer the question from Amanda my the standing order for me my go-to I mentioned it already is is you know two of my favorite chains Del Taco in and out burger I just have a
Starting point is 01:39:53 kind of a pretty straight forward go-to that I'll get most of the time some with some minor deviations but I just pretty much have my thing I know what I want I want that you know I want that animal style double double with chilies because I'm gonna be a heat seeker from
Starting point is 01:40:09 from in and out burger and fries and if I'm gonna get a sweet treat of vanilla shake and then at Del Taco you know my two Del Tacos two half pound bean and cheese chargers with green sauce and fries of some sort often the deluxe chili cheese fries that's usually my go-to
Starting point is 01:40:25 sometimes I'll mix it up with a quesadilla sometimes I'll throw in that double Del burger which is indulgent delicious but places I'll mix it up for me the answer is pizza pizza I will tend to get just like different toppings and Natalie and I'll talk through what we want and sometimes we'll get
Starting point is 01:40:41 and I feel like it's always it's always something a little bit a little bit different every time we order some Mitch what about you what are your what are your consistent ones what are places where you mix it up I think that like I said I'm always thinking about it so for me like
Starting point is 01:40:57 you know it's probably a combination of the two I'm like I'm gonna order pizza today at some point but where am I gonna get it from and then that always determines about like kind of what style I'm gonna get or what toppings I'm gonna get like if I'm going to Taco Bell I know what like I know I'm getting a cheesy Gordy to crunch
Starting point is 01:41:13 cheesy Gordy to crunch no matter what and so it's probably like a combo of like my regulars and then a little room to experiment maybe I'll get this and I'll get and I'll also get whatever the special is or whatever they have a buffalo chicken burrito all right I'll try that
Starting point is 01:41:29 you know what I mean right if it's if I'm getting Domino's like oh maybe I'll do thin crust tonight or maybe I'll do whatever but like oh I kind of want to do like half cheese sausage and onion or something like that like I always kind of have an idea going into it so I can I say when I ate meat
Starting point is 01:41:45 and frequent in Taco Bell as a teenager I loved the cheesy Gordy to crunch it was like when I became vegetarian I kid you not it was the only thing I was like oh my god I'm gonna fucking miss that so much and it was with beans
Starting point is 01:42:01 so I've heard yeah I didn't I think I might do that but it feels like it'll break like a certain seal for me if I go through like a Taco Bell drive-thru it's been so many years I say it's a great time right away I picture just
Starting point is 01:42:17 chugging some mild sauce just to get it going before I eat something I do love the mild I used to be a hot sauce guy there and I'm now a mild sauce guy doesn't hurt the stomach still has a pretty good taste it's good let us know if you have a standing order
Starting point is 01:42:33 chains or if you like to mix it up hashtag stand my me or hashtag sir mix a lot let us know and hey if you have a question or comment about the chain or the world chain restaurants you can email us at dowboyspodcasts at or leave us a voicemail at 830 go doh that's
Starting point is 01:42:49 830 4636844 to get the dowboys double our weekly bonus episode join the golden or platinum play club at slash dowboys poor sir mix a lot I'm not asking people to add sir mix a lot leave sir mix a lot alone
Starting point is 01:43:05 he's going to see sir mix a lot trending he's going to say what's happening all right we'll make it food themed hashtag stir mix a lot wow perfect can I add just like a sub question that I think would be helpful
Starting point is 01:43:21 yes it's worth knowing when you order anyone who might answer this when you order the same thing you always get do you do it automatically or do you act it out like you're searching for it
Starting point is 01:43:37 because sometimes I'll act like I'm drinking of it but I actually yeah you were going well let's see you know what no tomatoes but I knew that going in I wasn't going to get tomatoes but yeah or you'll add tomatoes and then scrapping that's the next level
Starting point is 01:43:53 have too many tomatoes today no no tomatoes there's like an embarrassment fact like a the sort of thing if you order too much food in the fast food drive through and you're like on the phone being like what do you want okay yeah and then also can I get that
Starting point is 01:44:09 that's like a next level embarrassing but I have done that before I'm like let me get honestly I think I am just thinking of other I'm trying to think of what I should get besides that for me it's stalling and I'm like let me get
Starting point is 01:44:25 let me see here cheesy gordita crunch I knew that was coming I knew I wanted a cheesy gordita crunch but I'm also trying to think of what else I should get my fear is that they'll go like oh geez man you're dying for that cheesy gordita huh you can seem a little aggro if you don't have the
Starting point is 01:44:41 you can seem a little like aggressive like I'm going to be like a difficult customer if you have this very precise order that you just rattle off yeah or like ungrateful to yes yeah so I have any kind of rhythm of normal order is helpful I always say hey how are you doing every time I'm at the thing and which also can be a turnoff
Starting point is 01:44:57 some people are like good what do you want to eat shouldn't have said this is a mistake for me it's a fear of being judged by a stranger like if I order too quickly yep I'm just looking for everyone to you know validate me so
Starting point is 01:45:13 to not get it from the guy in and out is you know really going to ruin my day also the the acting of it you know trying to find your order I knew this guy in Chicago and I like caught him doing something like that but he didn't like know that
Starting point is 01:45:29 which was that he had on multiple occasions when we'd be in a grocery store looking to get like beer for after a show he would be like oh Bud Light with lime right I would try that but I'd actually had it with him multiple times before and I was like I just know he likes this
Starting point is 01:45:45 and then like after I clocked that I remember like months later we met up again and he was like oh I'm going to get a Bud Light actually can I get a I'm going to do a Bud Light line but it was always like I knew it was active so I was like dude you like that you are acting like you're it's a discovery
Starting point is 01:46:01 and also I got to say for that one too is like it is a gross one so I almost understand Bud Light lime is not that good I don't think so you don't want people to think you like it so yeah castle name this freak who is this freak
Starting point is 01:46:17 I can't he lives in LA he lives in LA hashtag stand by bean and hashtag stir mix a lot to make it food related okay hashtag stand by bean hashtag stir mix a lot let us know but also question
Starting point is 01:46:33 will Mr. Bean think the hashtag is about him oh if he gets me too in the next week and there's people who are like praising him that's a good point how about hashtag which by bean okay
Starting point is 01:46:49 that makes the most sense that's the best one that's like making sure the wafer is in the twix drink yeah Alan Eisenberg, Mike Castle thank you guys so much for joining us check out bruce brothers it's streaming now on netflix
Starting point is 01:47:05 anything else you guys would like to plug uh spoon man on bruce brothers he is very funny on it oh man you guys are both so funny on the show and very talented guys and very funny offset as well so it was fun working with you
Starting point is 01:47:21 your check is in the mail I was just gonna plug Zach Reno's Animal Crossing Island I was just there earlier today and it's amazing it's spectacular it's really really something oh and if you ever listen to this Zach I stole one flower from you even though I told you
Starting point is 01:47:37 I wasn't taking anything wow I hope he listens and he shut it off like 30 seconds ago because he thought it was the end of the podcast they all love my island that'll do it for this week's Doe Boys and the next time for the Spoon Man Mike Mitchell I'm Nick Weigher happy eating see ya
Starting point is 01:47:55 on the next Doe Boys Double yee haw it's tombstone week Griffin Newman and David Sims of Blank Check Podcast joined to review Tombstone the movie starring Kurt Russell and Val Kilmer then they return on Thursday to review Tombstone the pizza be our Huckleberry and subscribe to the Doe Boys Double
Starting point is 01:48:11 new episodes every Tuesday only at slash Doe Boys that's P-A-T-R-E-O-N dot com slash Doe Boys

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