Doughboys - Cold Stone Nintendo with Heather Anne Campbell and Matt Apodaca

Episode Date: September 1, 2022

 Heather Anne Campbell and Matt Apodaca (Get Played/Get Anime'd) join the 'boys to discuss their favorite Nintendo franchises and Lunchables before a review of Cold Stone's new Nintendo flavors. Plus..., a special edition of Slop Quiz.   Want more Doughboys? Check out our Patreon!: for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up, everybody? It's your boy, The Spoon Man, and I want to talk to you about today's sponsor, Uber Eats. At Uber Eats, we've helped more than 400,000 restaurants across the U.S. reach new, hungry customers and deliver growth quickly through new orders. Uber's global platform can help you grow, reach new people, get valuable sales data, and unlock ways to expand with flexible delivery options. Put your business on Uber Eats. Get access to the Uber Eats platform, including valuable sales data to grow your business. Dig into your data. Really dig in there anytime to monitor your performance and customer order trends. Wow. Wow. Why, restaurant owners, enjoy zero percent commission for the first 30 days on
Starting point is 00:00:50 all orders, offer subject to change per the terms of the restaurant agreement. Wow. Zero percent on the first 30 days. Sign up today. That link that you want to click on is down there in the episode description. Right down there. Check it out. There it is. Move your cursor. Go ahead and click. There. Or if you're on your phone, use your finger. And click that link. Click that link in the episode description. Universal City Studios Inc. versus Nintendo Company Limited. Litigated in 1984, the case centered over an allegation that Nintendo's breakout character Donkey Kong was an infringement on the existing character of King Kong, the blonde napping, skyscraper summiting enormous ape reportedly owned by the movie studio. After
Starting point is 00:01:40 a protracted battle in and out of court, judgment was rendered in Nintendo's favor, as it was found that not only was Donkey Kong an original creation, but Universal didn't even own the rights to Donkey Kong already established in the public domain. And the man who maneuvered this judicial triumph to ensure the survival of DK and perhaps Nintendo itself was a corporate lawyer named John Kirby. So grateful was Nintendo at Kirby Esquire's service to their cause that when Masahiro Sakurai, later a game design celebrity as the director of the Smash Brothers series, needed a name for the pink puffball protagonist of a new Game Boy franchise, the team chose Kirby in John's honor. 30 years and 30 plus games later, Kirby has become a digital
Starting point is 00:02:21 hero perhaps on equal footing with Donkey Kong himself and has outlived its namesake John Kirby, who passed away in 2019. As part of the reporting surrounding his death, the Washington Post Gene Park noted that John Kirby's achievements in the legal field went beyond protecting video game IP. During the civil rights movement, he worked at the Justice Department and was tasked with helping to ensure voting rights for black citizens and to enforce accountability for police brutality. But Kirby found immortality via his association with a video game mascot, a cherubic cloud who can seemingly suck any object into his gaping cosmic maw. And now consumers can follow his lead and go mouthful mode on Nintendo themed ice cream.
Starting point is 00:03:00 In the summer of 2022, an Arizona founded made to order mix and creamery launched a triforce of Nintendo themed creations, one for Kirby as well as for Mario and for Animal Crossing. But will these sweet treats be at the top of your taste buds leaderboard? Or will you be left asking, how did this get creamed? This week on Doe Boys, we return to Cold Stone Creamery for the Nintendo Ice Cream Dream Team. Welcome to Doe Boys, the podcast about chain restaurants. I'm Nick Weiger, along with my co-host Frank Siracha, or Old Blue Balls, the Spoon Man, Mike Mitchell.
Starting point is 00:03:54 That is good. That is good. That's good. God, why do I have to have Sinatra's balls instead of- You don't get the shaft, you just get the balls? That sucks. And you know that he's got like comparatively puny balls to make his hog look even bigger? You think so?
Starting point is 00:04:14 I bet no. I feel like he's a guy who's just, it's all, it's all, it's a lot down there. You think he's got it? Do you think he's got it at the whole package? Yeah. The pestle and the stones. I think that probably he's- The pestle and the stones.
Starting point is 00:04:28 This is my, I think that's what they call it in Game of Thrones. Um, the, this is the famous quote, the Ava Gardner quote about Frank Sinatra that I've referenced on the show before, that he weighed 110 pounds, but 10 of those pounds were cack. Yeah, you always say it gross. Well, that's how I read it. You always say it gross. He was fucking cackin'. There was someone online on the Reddit, you know, you know, it's a cesspool, but they were saying,
Starting point is 00:04:57 they were like, stop saying that they have, that the like Sinatra and Dean Martin have huge dongs. And I'm like, they do. Yeah. What do you want? Like, why can't we say that? Sorry, you don't wanna hear facts on the podcast? I think it was also a person being like, that's not that big. One of those guys, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:05:18 Come on. You can see there, they're flaccid pics of, of Dean Martin. Like you can just see his hog. Like they're just flaccid pics of him, like in the steam room. And here's how partly you know that he's got a big one, is that he's next, he's seated next to Jerry Lewis. And Jerry Lewis is making a point of covering himself up, because he's like, I can't compete with that. Which I would too. I mean, I'm not a grower or a shower.
Starting point is 00:05:42 I'm kind of a, I'm kind of a hider. I'm a hider, yikes. I, I, I, it can look like a bird's nest. That's fine too. It doesn't have to look like, doesn't have to look like a couple of fresh eggs, small bird eggs. More like a wasp's nest, maybe. Maybe it just looks like when you get stung by a wasp, that's it. Well, wise, there's no better way to transition out of this than to say,
Starting point is 00:06:21 rest in peace to the Celtics. Great. A legend. Bill Russell. Yeah, this episode will be out, you know, a couple of weeks will be out in September. So this will be, you know, about a month after the news. But because we're recording in advance. But yeah, but one of the, one of the all time greats.
Starting point is 00:06:36 One of the all time greats. Just one of the, one of the best, Bill Simmons called on the best team player in basketball history, which I think is maybe a pretty accurate assessment. And actually, if you listen to this, again, this is a while ago. Compared to Rocky, fucking three or some shit. Yeah. Right after Clubber Lang and Daniel Son. Like he said that he was like a, no, like he actually, he published an excerpt from the
Starting point is 00:07:02 book of basketball. He just, he just like to put out the audio for it in his podcast feed. And it's just a nice tribute to Bill Russell passed away at 88 years old. The all time winner in basketball. Undeniably a great guy. He went through a lot of turmoil in his, you know, just playing in that era. But an incredible player. Seems like you're bringing up Boston stuff.
Starting point is 00:07:26 It was an America issue. I mean, yeah, it was concentrated in Boston where he played. You never wanted to revisit. But no, it was, that was an American issue. That was a larger than basketball and that was larger than Boston. That was American sports in that era, you know? Yeah. No, he was, he was great.
Starting point is 00:07:46 One of the all time greats and players loved him. Very sad. R.I.P. Everyone loved him. Wags, Kobe loved him. Love that guy. He will be missed. Wags, I got back here on Sunday night to a bomb scare in LAX. That's right.
Starting point is 00:08:02 I was, hmm, really crazy. Don't worry about it. Got off the plane. I checked my bag. I did the thing you do. You know how when you check your bag, it's just that carry on away bag? Because they accidentally advertised with us at one point. So they gave us away bags.
Starting point is 00:08:28 And so I have that away carry on bag. And I was like, I'm going to check it. And then I checked it. And then I got off the plane. And it was from Twisted Metal. So they send you a car. I didn't get a car service. But the guy picking me up was like, there was like a bomb threat.
Starting point is 00:08:47 And I was like, what? And I was like, this is like, wait, I'm just like walking through the airport. And then I saw the TSA people gathering around. And they were like joking. They're like, I know some of you were scared. So I was like, oh, maybe this is a bomb threat. And then, but they were joking about it. And then the shutters to where the security was started to come down.
Starting point is 00:09:06 And I was like, all right. The shutters came down like automatically? Yeah, they like, yeah, they shuttered the right where the security was. And then like where the exit was, they just like made you walk outside. And then everyone was just outside on the like outside on the curb, just like outside of the building. So like, you know, not poorly handled, but everyone was out there. Saw Bruce the shark out there.
Starting point is 00:09:32 Uh, why was he out? He was traveling? I was, it was the who's who of Hollywood is out there. Oh, I see. E.T. Kermit. Very cool. They were all out on the curb there waiting to get back. And like my bag was on the carousel, but I just couldn't get it.
Starting point is 00:09:52 So, we waited 90 minutes to go back inside. Glad you're safe. Glad everyone's safe and sound. But what a, what a harrowing experience. And it's just, every time you travel, it's like, what's the new nightmare? What's the, what's going to go wrong this time? How am I going to be further emissarated? You know, it's just, it stinks.
Starting point is 00:10:15 I said to E.T., I was like, there's a bomb. And he's like, what's that? And winked because, you know, he's so successful at the box office. So he just the concept of a box office bomb would just be completely foreign to him. Yeah, got it. All right. I wanted to use our guests.
Starting point is 00:10:34 You got a bomb story is true. I know. That's crazy. Yeah. But speaking of bombs, you got to drop the play. I know Emma asked me about it beforehand and it is prepared. Wigs, it's time for a little drop. We should, we wasted too much fucking time with all this other shit.
Starting point is 00:10:54 All right. Here we go. Here's a little drop. It's all you, 100% you. The gremlins and gremlins two were more vegetables The gremlins and gremlins two were more vegetables than the gremlins and gremlins one. She's got it.
Starting point is 00:11:16 I think she's got it. The gremlins and gremlins two were more vegetables than the gremlins and gremlins one. My George has got it. My George has got it. Now, once again, where does it rain? Gremlins one, gremlins one. And where's that soggy plain?
Starting point is 00:11:36 Gremlins two, gremlins two. The gremlins and gremlins two were more vegetables than the gremlins and gremlins one. Bravo! The gremlins and gremlins two were more vegetables than the gremlins and gremlins one. It's good. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:54 It was pretty good, actually. The rain in Spain falls mostly on the plain. What is the, what are the actual lyrics, something like that? Stays mostly in the plain? No idea. Yeah. I have no idea.
Starting point is 00:12:04 I guess may know. That's a good drop. Hi, hilarious Doughboyz crew. All right. I've been listening to old episodes of the show lately, and this amazing line for Mitch in episode 90. In episode 90, I've listened to older episodes, episode 90, In and Out Burger 2.
Starting point is 00:12:24 That's the old episode is In and Out Burger 2. Gave me a big laugh. I've never made a drop for a podcast before, but the line gave me a really stupid idea that I just had to follow through on. That's the Doughboyz way. As far as I'm concerned, oh, no. As that's the Doughboyz way as far as I'm concerned, Jesus.
Starting point is 00:12:41 I hope I made you proud, and hopefully there are some musical theater geeks that appreciate the unnecessary amount of work I put into making this. Love the show. Here's how to pronounce my name. You can make the obvious die-hard joke if you need to. McLean Deamer. At McLean Deamer Music.
Starting point is 00:12:58 And then on Twitter, McLean Deamer. So the die-hard joke, because the first three letters of the last name were D-I-E. So McLean and die-hard. That's what he was thinking of. It's M-A-C-L-A-I-N-E-D-I-E-M-E-R. That's how you spell it. John McLean must have been out at LAX, right?
Starting point is 00:13:20 Was he dealing with the situation? Did he go in there? He went in there. Oh, that's good. He went for him. He was stuck in the opening to the HVAC event, like Winnie the Pooh. He had no pants on either.
Starting point is 00:13:36 Oh, boy. Like Winnie. Came dressed as Winnie. Let's introduce our guests. What awaits them their time? And now Burger 2, by the way. The guest was question mark, question mark, question mark, Mitch. I don't know if you remember this.
Starting point is 00:13:49 We did a six-week run, The Spoonerster 6, where you booked all the guests. We should do that again. The final guest you booked was me. And so the reveal was that I was the guest on the podcast. That's good. And reviewed in and out, which is my favorite chain. That's pretty good that you're the final member of this.
Starting point is 00:14:11 We should do the new Spoonerster 6. I think we should do it again. Why not? The Vicious 6, in honor of the Minions 2. That's good. Yeah. Introduce our guests. I feel bad.
Starting point is 00:14:26 It's fine. This happens every episode. It goes on too long. Then you feel bad. Then we introduce our guests and it's fine. And it'll be more than fine today. I'm very excited for this finally happening. Today's guests co-host with me, the video game podcast,
Starting point is 00:14:39 Get Played in the Anime podcast, Get Animated, Matt Apodaca, and Heather Ann Campbell. Everyone is here. Wow. We made it happen. You guys hear that? The internet just broke. Thank you both for being here.
Starting point is 00:14:55 I do, as I mentioned earlier, this episode is coming out in September. We're recording in August. But September is the back to school month. And I'm curious for the panel, school lunches, school snacks. What are you fancy? What?
Starting point is 00:15:15 Do we like school lunches more than school snacks? No, what do you want in a school lunch or a school snack? I thought it was pretty clear. Are you asking us what we ate in school or what we would like to eat if we were able to choose? I'm not going back to school. You can't make me. I mean, it could be a fun comedy premise.
Starting point is 00:15:34 Oh yeah, Billy Madison stuff. I'm okay, I'm in. Yeah. All right, great. Matt's attached. What I meant is what would you like to have when you were a kid? Like, okay, this is the thing I want to see.
Starting point is 00:15:46 Like for me, it was like, oh, if I get a cactus cooler to drink, and I eventually got burned out on cactus cooler. But for a time, I was like, man, that's a home run soda. What is cactus cooler? Cactus cooler is like a citrus-y soda. It's kind of an adjacent to a squirt. It might have been a West Coast thing.
Starting point is 00:16:01 Matt, you seem to be astonished that she didn't know it. It's pineapple orange flavor. It's really good. Not reminiscent of the desert at all. It's very not desert-y. But I do have a specific answer, because when I was in middle school, soda machines were still at school.
Starting point is 00:16:18 They didn't care if kids drank soda at 9 in the morning still. And then by the end of my middle school years, they were taken out and we were all really sad. But Sprite Remix was huge at that time in my life. Oh, wow. And I would drink Sprite Remix and eat two chocolate chip cookies every single day at like 10 before lunch.
Starting point is 00:16:44 That sounds great. Yeah, it's bad. But it was my salad days, the time of my life. Waggar did that when he worked for video games years like when he was in his 20s. So I've mentioned this that yeah, when I worked at Activision, I would get in and at the start of my shift,
Starting point is 00:16:59 I would have from the vending machine, I would have a Snickers bar, a black coffee, and a Mountain Dew Code Red. And they get to work on debugging Extreme G. It was Empire's Dawn of the Modern Age. But yes, actually, that was when I was mostly doing phone support when I was, when people would call in like, you know,
Starting point is 00:17:21 complaining about whatever. I bought the wrong version of Tony Hawk's Pro Skater. And how dare you? Wait, you were the dude. First off, there was a guy on the phone. And second, it was you? Yeah, they got the wrong guy. People still trying to like button through
Starting point is 00:17:39 the like robot operator to do a real person. It's you talking them into killing themselves. So yeah, it was a, that was a, that was a wild job. I mean, it gave me so much respect for anyone who works in customer support, particularly over the phone, because people are just fucking monsters. And people will be so mad about something
Starting point is 00:18:00 that they did wrong at you and just being like, like try to solve the problem. So like anyone who was ever like nice or polite was just, that was my big thing. And in my experiences that like, you know, anyone who was polite, like you always got what you wanted because the company was,
Starting point is 00:18:16 you're just there to shield the company and you don't have actually, you know, like, like, like so any, any complaint you had, they were going to try to rectify it. But if you were polite, you just got more efficient service. Every, any people who were assholes, they just tried to stall as much as possible
Starting point is 00:18:32 or just don't want them. Anyway, so, but I had a guy, there was a guy who used to call in. I don't know if I've told the story before, but he used to call in and he would, he would always be like asking for new updates for games, but he would ask if we could put them on a disc and mail them to him.
Starting point is 00:18:50 Because, and, and he would explain, I don't have an internet connection because I have a pornography addiction. And so there's just too much temptation if I'm connected to the internet. And is there any way I could get the latest patch or the latest, the latest DLC, but just in disc form.
Starting point is 00:19:08 And we're always, sorry. Was that phone call like just an echo? Yeah, it's coming from inside the house. I used to answer the phone. I don't think I've ever said this on the show before. I used to answer the phone at Moza. I used to work in the offices at Moza. And I've, I, before I knew you, Mitch,
Starting point is 00:19:29 I've taken your reservation. You're always very nice on the phone. But there were people that would call at like 730 on a Friday night and be like, yeah, I'm going to be there in like 10 minutes. Could you hold a table for us? And I'd always just be like, no, like, no, like, it's like a popular huge restaurant.
Starting point is 00:19:46 There's no reservations. I'd be nicer than no, of course. But then they'd of course be screaming at me by the end of the call because they're like, why won't you make a reservation for six people in 10 minutes? It was like, it'd be impossible. That's why.
Starting point is 00:19:59 But yeah, I used to work there. Did you really answer what I called? Yeah, I've made, I had made your reservation before. Wow. Yeah. And I made a ton of people's reservations. Some people would be pretty nice. Some people would be like, oh, great. They're calling again.
Starting point is 00:20:15 No thanks. Oh, wow. I love it. You got to tell us those names off air. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, absolutely. Tell us one now and I'm going to all bleep it and we'll just chat to it.
Starting point is 00:20:24 Okay. Oh, okay. Okay. This is a crazy story. One time I, somebody called for, this is the name to bleep, what somebody called for, and of RD, I love it.
Starting point is 00:20:42 Oh, man, that's funny. And there are, it restaurants like that and like in big restaurants like that, there are always, there's, even if it's full, there's like a table that they can like pull out for like a certain type of guests like a celebrity guest or something like that. That they want to accommodate,
Starting point is 00:20:55 which sucks in his classes, of course, but they'll do it. But a lot of times I'd be in the office and be like, I have to really ask, this is like gonna be like a whole thing, the phone is going crazy. I sort of made the judgment in my mind that he wasn't worth going down the rabbit hole
Starting point is 00:21:11 of having to do all that work. So I just said that we didn't have anything. And then not three minutes later, I got another phone call from the same like representative that was calling on behalf of a and in my mind, I was like, oh, wait a second, they're hanging out together. Maybe I'll bleep both names, actually.
Starting point is 00:21:30 Oh, wow. And I said, yeah. I said, oh, sure, why not? Just to humble that guy's ass for some reason, who I don't know. And maybe he's completely nice, but I was just like, you know what? No, not today.
Starting point is 00:21:42 Let me guess where they're like, I'd like to make a reservation for my friend. Yeah, yes, I wonder where this person maybe worked. Yeah, possible clue. It's also strange when you hear somebody who is universally both beloved and loathed, and to have like, I have personal memories with that dude. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:08 Yeah. So I'm sure he's perfectly fine. So if you're trying to investigate who the bleeped name was, I just gave you a clue. We both giving clues now. Yeah, I'm in, I'm fucked. I'm in deep shit now. This is gonna come get me.
Starting point is 00:22:27 I remember when I was there with my mom and dad, and we had, that would be like a big fancy dinner that we would have like on my birthday or something. Yeah. Did you work there when I opened Matt? Was that when you were there? No, I was there maybe like four years ago or something. I was there around the Mario Batali Me Tooing,
Starting point is 00:22:48 which was a great time to be answering the phone, because I'd have to respond like very officially. And I'm just like- Out of reflection on all Italians, Mitch. No, I don't know. I do want to state, yeah, if I could just state for the record, not all Italians. I have his orange crocs.
Starting point is 00:23:12 I met him at Mozza, with the space between- You met him. I met him at Mozza to go. There was a picture of him on my, the two of us together on my Instagram, and then I took it down. He was still at the crocs. He was afraid you were there to close his loop.
Starting point is 00:23:34 Jesus Christ. Yes, I'm old Mario Batali in that scenario. Yeah. Get it? If you got me there, it was probably, I didn't like later on in its lifespan, I didn't go too much, but I definitely still went. But early on, because I lived not far from there on Citrus Wag,
Starting point is 00:23:58 because I lived on Citrus Ave. Okay, yeah. A place you never visited me. Did you ever visit Citrus Ave? I don't know. I don't think so. I'm not sure. Yeah, I'm not sure.
Starting point is 00:24:09 I didn't have too many parties or anything there, Heather, I'm not sure if you ever came there either, but not too many. I didn't have too many gatherings there. But I went to Mozza with my mom and dad in Rupert Murdoch. Was at the table next to us? Oh wow, a billionaire tyrant. I was working at the Simpsons and my mom was like,
Starting point is 00:24:32 you should go, like he's your boss. You should go talk to him. I was like, no, it's not like that. I'm not going to go saying Rupert Murdoch. Homer Simpson's my boss, mom. Not going to go up to Rupert Murdoch. His son called my boss once to complain about something I had written. Wow, Rupert Murdoch's son?
Starting point is 00:24:56 Which son, do you know? I don't know which son. I just got called into my boss's office and she was like, so one of the Murdochs just called me about your video that you put up online because I was writing shorts for Fox. And it was scientifically accurate duck tails. And it was just about how ducks are, they rape. Like that's like the biological fact about ducks.
Starting point is 00:25:23 Yeah. And I guess they were probably in, at that point they were probably in the beginning stages of being acquired by Disney. And at some point it had like ended up on somebody's radar. And we had gotten like a complaint from like the family council or whatever the fuck that was. And then yeah, Murdoch's son called my boss and was like, take that fucking video down. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:25:56 Wow. And I was like, holy shit. The fucking, like the Murdochs might know my name. That's amazing. You got the number one guy mad. It's hard to figure out the Murdoch's lineage because he had, he's been married four times, 91. These schools never fucking die.
Starting point is 00:26:18 They live forever. But he's got a bunch of kids and that was why they were offended. Yeah. They're actually secretly ducks. Yeah. And Nick, I hate to do this. This is coming out in a month. He might be dead by then.
Starting point is 00:26:33 We don't know what's going to happen. Fingers crossed. Lachlan and James are his sons. So it's probably Lachlan or James. Yeah. Lachlan doesn't sound like a rich bully. Yeah. You take that back, Nick.
Starting point is 00:26:53 That's like the name of like Malfoy's friend on the train. I was going to say there was a reference, the drop. We didn't get into this, but you're in the legendary Gremlins 2 sketch on Key and Peel and that was why that drop was picked. Wow. How about that? You make an appearance in that sketch, that great sketch. Little, little known fact.
Starting point is 00:27:23 That sketch was originally performed on the UCB stage. Wow. Is that a midnight show sketch? It was, Jordan hosted the show I think before Key and Peel and he wrote that sketch and brought it in and we were like, dude, whatever you write is going in the show. And it was such a fun sketch to do. That's wow.
Starting point is 00:27:42 And so when he submitted to Key and Peel, he tried to include as many of us in the sketch as he could. That's awesome. It was really sweet of him. He's a great guy and he deserves all his success. He seems like a very, he seems like an extremely nice man. Yeah. I'm glad you did circle back to the drop though
Starting point is 00:28:02 because it did make me want to, the people that listen to this show are sick. What? Jesus. That's true. To take the time to do something like that, it's just, it's wizardry is what it is to me. It's like that's like to hear the phrase, the vegetable,
Starting point is 00:28:20 they're more vegetable-y-er and then to put it to that song and manipulate the audio to make that song. You have a sickness and it's fine, but I just think it's like, it's wild. No, no, no, no, I'm opposite on this. I think that was a valid use of our time here existing because all uses of our time are garbage. So you might as well do something you love.
Starting point is 00:28:43 Podcasters are sick too. We're all sick. This is sick. Everyone is sick. That is also true. It's funny to do all that work and then have Nick and I listen to it and be like, that kind of sucked. That's like the end result of it.
Starting point is 00:28:55 We like that one. Here was the element to me that stood out, which is that the person who sent that in was like, I don't normally do this. You could infer that they learned the skill specifically to send a drop in. They had a compulsion. It's like you with talking, Nick.
Starting point is 00:29:18 I'm working on it. Wags, I also have to say this. When you said everyone is here, Wally jumped on the couch, Meowd sat on my left. He hasn't left. That's why I'm reclined like I am. And Irma jumped up on the other side of the couch. So when he said everyone was here, they gathered like Avengers.
Starting point is 00:29:36 So yeah. On your left, Meow. I want to ask a video game question before we get into Cold Stone Creamery. Here's the question. And this is for everyone. Mitch, I know you're a Nintendo man. Heather, I know you're more of a Sega fan,
Starting point is 00:29:53 but have played a lot of Nintendo franchises. And Matt, I know you're a Nintendo guy as well. Mario Zelda. Those, I think, are the first two of anyone's Nintendo. Batali? Mario Batali. Zelda Fitzgerald.
Starting point is 00:30:08 Complete the celebrity pattern. Mario Zelda. I think are the, I think are the two, the first two that are kind of locked into most people's Nintendo try forces of franchises. What is your third? Like what, what goes in that third slot? What takes the bronze on that, that podium?
Starting point is 00:30:26 It can't be another Mario character. No, I think it could be another Mario character. Just like what we like? Yeah. What do you like personally? Because like, like, like, yes, Mitch, I think if you put, if you threw Wario in there, Wario was its own franchise now.
Starting point is 00:30:39 WarioWare does its own thing. So I think that's completely valid. Yeah, sort of the Fraser of Mario. Yeah. We're just choosing a Nintendo that we like. That's the game? Yeah, I'm just asking, just, it's a question. It's not even a game.
Starting point is 00:30:57 It's just a question. There's no right or wrong answer. I have my, I have my answer, but it's like, look, the answer now would be like the owl fuck from Animal Crossing. But who do you... Wait, no, I don't mean, it doesn't necessarily a character.
Starting point is 00:31:09 Like, like, I mean, like a franchise. It's because Nick is sort of like a jigsaw figure to all of us. That's why we're sort of like, this is some sort of test and we don't know what the answer is. Yes. No one has a key in their stomach. Okay.
Starting point is 00:31:22 No one is going to have their face snapped off by a reverse bear trap. This is just a question. To me, it's Donkey Kong. Donkey Kong, you pick the Donkey Kong franchise. I think so. I just feel like, I mean, we specifically like the Donkey Kong Country games.
Starting point is 00:31:36 Those games were huge to me. Like, I don't know. Any time there's like a new Donkey Kong Country, there hasn't been one since Tropical Freeze, which is like a really long time comparatively. Awesome game though. Really great game. I'm always there for Donkey Kong Country,
Starting point is 00:31:51 or any style like that. It's, you know, I love that. Maybe Kirby, but I'm sort of new to Kirby, so I don't know if I would say he's my third Nintendo guy. Yeah. Heather, I'm not sure where you're... But I think that it would change depending on the error you're in.
Starting point is 00:32:08 I think it was Metroid, Donkey Kong, and now it's Animal Crossing. That's what I think is the... You'd go Animal Crossing. I think now people think, and I don't like that answer. I'm just telling you what I think. What's your personal answer? Like, what's your personal preference?
Starting point is 00:32:22 That's what I'm trying to drill down. I wanted to say Samus is up there with Metroid, but then I think Donkey Kong is probably the answer. I think Matt nailed it. I think that's like, to me, is... I win. That's the good one. Again, it's not a game.
Starting point is 00:32:38 I guess unless you just put Mario in a cart, you know what I mean? Like, then I guess that that could also be it. I think Mario Kart counts as its own franchise, and I am going to say that my answer, because I was thinking Metroid for a while, like as I was conceiving this question, I was like, I think my answer might be Metroid,
Starting point is 00:32:56 and then I thought, you know what? I honestly think it's Smash Brothers. I think Smash... I think I've put logs so many hours into Smash Brothers that I think that would probably be the third one of my big three. I think... So the way I'm... Because I'm like, huh, what is it?
Starting point is 00:33:11 And I think that if a new game in the franchise was announced, what Nintendo franchise would get me the most hyped up? And at first I was like, is it Star Fox? Like, would I be super excited to play a Star Fox? But the truth is, the absolute truth is Earthbound, Mother 3, Mother... If there was a new mother game that was announced, I'd be like, fuck, I'm going to get the $700 collector's edition with the fucking statue, the whole...
Starting point is 00:33:42 I'm ready to go on that franchise. So I feel like for me, and I know that's a hipster answer, but more than F-Zero, more than Star Fox, more than Metroid, more than Animal Crossing, if a new game in that lineage was announced, I'd be like, fuck yeah, let's go, Mother 4. Here we are. That's a great answer.
Starting point is 00:34:03 And also, so many ignored franchises, you just listed off. Well, like, yeah, because I was... F-Zero, like, it sucks. I was half thinking Advance Wars, but like, I was just like, I don't know if I could quite get there with Advance Wars. I think it would probably maybe be my top five, certainly top 10, but I don't know if it would be my top three. Advance Wars.
Starting point is 00:34:23 I have a Star Fox watch. Wow. That's cool as hell. You can play Star Fox on the watch. I mean, it's shitty. It's shitty, but it's an LCD official Nintendo Star Fox watch where you can play like a basic game of Star Fox on your watch. That's fucking cool as hell.
Starting point is 00:34:45 Why is there not... It wasn't there supposed to be a new Star Fox first switch? It just never happens. They never come out. Probably. They just never do them. It's almost Star Fox. I remember the Star Fox Adventures for Gamecube,
Starting point is 00:35:00 and that being disappointing, thinking that was going to be awesome. It feels like something that they'll just sort of surprise announce like they did with the recent WarioWare. Nobody knew that was coming, and then it was like, surprise, this is coming out in two weeks. And everyone's like, what? We're like, cool, I'm in. Well, oh yeah, I forgot.
Starting point is 00:35:22 Wario is sort of like the king of surprise drops like that. Yeah, that's exactly. He launches it on the same day as like Animal Crossing DLC. I can't get excited for any of the Mario Party, and I know that they're fun games, but they're not. That's the same with Wario. I know WarioWare and all that stuff is fun, but I... Oh man, I love the WarioWares.
Starting point is 00:35:51 The WarioWares though, it feels absurd, because Nintendo games are always full price. It feels absurd to buy a WarioWare game, because you play through it and it's just like, well, that was three hours. Now what? The last Star Fox Zero for Wii U, which I forgot about. Heather left.
Starting point is 00:36:08 She's gone. Heather just left. She was furious at that answer. Not since the Wii U. I know that this is the wrong show, but here's the Star Fox watch. Look at that thing. That rules.
Starting point is 00:36:24 Yeah, it's got a little controller built into it, and it's battery-powered. There's even a left and right button on the side of the screen, so you can barrel roll and stuff. Was that the Super Nintendo release, or is that the Nintendo 64 release at that bad one? Super Nintendo.
Starting point is 00:36:40 This is a 1993 Star Fox watch. Wow. But does it tell the time, Heather? I'm sure it does, but I remember it also making constantly beeping. Because every time the ship would move around, it would go like, bloop, bleep, bloop, bleep. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:37:00 Wow. All right. We could not have that fit around my wrist. We'll take a break. We'll be back with more dough, boys. Hey, you! You craving fresh, delicious, easy meals? Try wild grain.
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Starting point is 00:38:53 You're going to Costa Rica. That's right. Why? So I'm going to Costa Rica with the family. It's going to be a lot of fun. Going to maybe see a monkey. Oh, that's fun. Going to maybe see a bird.
Starting point is 00:39:03 Just that. Just a one monkey, one bird. That's it. Hey, that sounds like a heck of a vacay. And you know what? Knowing some Spanish might be helpful down there. Nice. And if you have an upcoming summer trip abroad,
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Starting point is 00:41:00 which was founded in 1988 in Scottsdale, Arizona, owned by Kahala Brands Mitch, which also owns Baja Fresh, Blimpy, Pinkberry, and Taco Time. Among others. They're about 1,200, not exactly a murderer's row of chains. 1,200 locations worldwide for Cold Stone. And right now, we are reviewing this with a crew of Get Played, because the dream team of Nintendo Creations, launched in July of this year, is still available through the end of September.
Starting point is 00:41:26 This is a tri-force of flavors inspired by Animal Crossing New Horizons, Kirby in the Forgotten Lands, and Mario Party Superstars. By the way, Chicken Patty was the school lunch I really liked. You didn't really get our answers from us. Oh, yeah. We kind of went on tangents after that. Started talking about working phone support. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:45 What are those cookies and scoops? Oh, I'm sorry. Sorry, believe that again. Yeah, believe it again. Sorry. Sorry. I'm sorry, Emma. I'm ruined.
Starting point is 00:41:53 My dream lunch was the Lunchable, but those were too expensive. So the lunch I ate the most in school was tuna fish sandwich made by my dad, with loose Cheetos in a Ziploc bag, because the individual Cheetos bags were too expensive also. So it'd be like, we'd get one big bag of fucking Cheetos and you'd put it in a Ziploc. No, I got that from my cheap-ass dad as well. I'd get like, and God bless him. He made me lunch. But like, you know, yeah, I'd get like the loose ruffles and a plast in a Ziploc.
Starting point is 00:42:27 I got the, I got the, I got the, yeah, the, I wouldn't even, I mostly wouldn't even get the Ziploc. I'd just get those little like dog shit bags that you fucking grab dog shit with. Oh yeah. The ones, the ones that weren't even, that wouldn't even close. Yeah. The ones that wouldn't even close. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:41 Yeah. Fuck. I, I, you know, I got a couple Lunchables on it. Yeah. The green, the green scented dog shit bags. It's fucking disgusting. Just even thinking of eating out of that as fucking nasty as fuck. Don't mix them up.
Starting point is 00:43:04 Certainly don't want to do that. Here's the thing in LA. If you, if you don't bring your barrel in quick enough in LA, you get like seven dog shit bags in your barrel. It just, does this happen to anyone else? Like if I, like the garbage comes at 9am and if I don't bring my garbage in immediately. Yeah. You, yeah, you were saying the word barrel and I think we all had Donkey Kong on the brain.
Starting point is 00:43:28 Yeah. Because I didn't, I haven't heard that called a barrel. Yeah. A trash barrel? I thought maybe you were one when you go outside. What? I kidnapped Mario Batali's girlfriend. He's trying to rescue her.
Starting point is 00:43:41 I'm throwing barrels at him. Oh man. Well, that's altruistic. So pretty good. Good for you actually. I'd take your side there. Yeah. One of the, one of the flavor, and I don't know if any of us got this.
Starting point is 00:43:52 I did not get this because I was like, I'm not spending a bunch of money on this thing to have like one slice of, or to eat the whole thing and feel like shit. But I don't know if you saw the Rainbow Sprinkle Road cake, which I'm showing the picture of here. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh. Well. This one is a, it's a yellow cake with, with sweet cream ice cream and rainbow sprinkles wrapped in fluffy blue frosting and it's got a couple of Mario carts on top.
Starting point is 00:44:16 You kind of get it. Yeah. You kind of get it. You get it in one of the ice creams. Yeah. Yeah, you get it. Yeah. It's the, they just crumble that shit up and put it in the Mario one.
Starting point is 00:44:26 Essentially, yes. Yeah. The toys even, they just get them right in there. Well, piece of plastic. So the sizes at Cold Stone, this has been discussed, but you know. You got your like it, you got your love it, and you got your gotta have it. Stupid. And if you, if you get the, I don't like their flavors, I don't like the flavor.
Starting point is 00:44:54 Heather, Heather, I want to say that I, I would occasionally get lunchables, not like, not like, not often it was like, it was like a very rare, not rare, but like, it would be like whenever I was like, I would like, I want to learn, you know, just being an annoying little shitty kid saying I want lunchables and they always were not good. So you weren't, you weren't like, you weren't missing out. Like, like it was like the pizza, pizza lunchable is bad. There was like a taco one, maybe that was like, okay, but they were never,
Starting point is 00:45:24 they were never, they were never great. And it was very a short period of time where I got. I can remember, I can remember times when there was like a coupon and I had clipped the coupon and we'd get to have like three lunchables. Like it was like, you know, three for $5 or some shit. I don't know. And I, the other thing about a lunchable is not enough food for a kid. No.
Starting point is 00:45:49 Like it's crackers and like cubes of ham. And so I'd be hungry afterwards. That's not a good lunch. No, not lunch. Also, if you, if they're, lunchables consistently make a list, like anytime a doctor has a list that's like, don't eat these things, lunchables is always on the list because like it's so fucking processed. Like it's not cheese.
Starting point is 00:46:11 It's, it's like, it's pink paste ham. Like it's not ham. They're legit bad. They're not, they're, they don't taste good and they're horrible for you. I think I liked the taco ones, but also wonder that come out. Was that in high school, taking a lunchable to high school? I feel like I remember, I remember when like, when the taco one was like new. So like maybe, oh shit.
Starting point is 00:46:38 But I remember, yeah, it was like a sort of like ground beef like paste and like it wasn't good, but it was sort of like kind of good. And I, and I, and I always coveted the pizza ones, which I never had. I've never in my life had the pizza ones. I'm sure they were bad. I'm sure they were horrible because it was like a pizza, you know, shaped individual pizza shaped cracker. The, the lunchables thing I remember is that Jay Leno had a joke
Starting point is 00:47:00 that I remember watching as a kid and it was a, it was new product names. It was like one of those segments is like, yeah, they re, they renamed Kevin. You see this? They renamed, uh, uh, at lunchables new, new name. Mommy hates me. And he held up a little, uh, a lunchable that said mommy hates me on it. I thought it was so funny. And so I'd say to kids at school like, oh, you got the mommy hates me.
Starting point is 00:47:22 And it honestly played pretty well. That was no joke for a while. You fucking recycled Leno bits. Yeah. Yeah, I did. So what? I didn't know any better. Wow.
Starting point is 00:47:36 Nick doesn't touch his dough boys money either. He's living in a box. So here are the flavors. Yeah. Animal crossing, animal crossing flavors island getaway. It's chocolate ice cream, strawberries, bananas and whipped topping. The Kirby flavor is the mighty pink puff, a great name and probably the most, the most on brand of all of these, which is strawberry ice cream,
Starting point is 00:48:02 strawberries, mini marshmallows and caramel. And the, the, I will say that the strawberry ice cream is like Kirby pink. It's, it's, this is the one that most says what the franchise is. And then finally for Mario party suit, you've got Mario party superstar, sprinkle blast cake, batter, ice cream. I'm a big, big birthday flavor advocate. So I was in favor of this one, yellow cake, blue frosting and rainbow sprinkles. Let's start with, I mean, let's start with the animal crossing
Starting point is 00:48:29 because here's my big note. I got a question for you. Yes. Did you ever go to the comedy magic club to see Leno perform? Uh, what? Like when I was a kid, trying to steal stuff for the playground. That's what I was getting at. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:45 Have you ever, has anyone ever done that before? Has anyone gone? No, I've never done that. No, no. I've seen him a couple of times when I worked at the improv. I worked all in up and down Melrose. And there's nothing can compare, prepare you for the size of his head in real life. Like it's like impossible to think about.
Starting point is 00:49:05 I've, I've, I've said this on here before, but I was blown away by how blue his eyes were. Yeah. No, he's kind of striking in a weird way. You're sort of like, wow, it's you. It's, it's, that's those alien qualities that pop on camera. It's like the giant, the giant noggin. And, and then the, the big old coconut and then those, those piercing blue eyes. Those baby blue.
Starting point is 00:49:26 Makes me gotta pop out those beepers for you. Yeah. Well, my, my, my sister and I, we were at, my sister wanted to go see the tonight show live. So once you like visited, you know, like you would, I feel like in your first couple years that you have to like go to like tapings of shows because that's what people who visit want to go do. And we were, it was like the summer concert series. And we were out back and Jeff like, yeah, and then he looked, we were like up front
Starting point is 00:49:49 and he like looked down on us. And I was like, Jay Leno's got like very blue eyes. That's all I could, that's all I could remember. And my sister was like, he does. Like we were kind of blown away by it. And then also he saw when we were in the valley, when we were in Burbank, there's a place called Handy Mart that has great sandwiches. Like they have brisket sandwiches.
Starting point is 00:50:09 And that's when he saw Calpacus on the side of the road. And he was like, eating a loaf, eating a loaf of bread. Life's a bitch. That's what he said. Yeah. Pulls away in a bottle. Can't turn it off. No, he did.
Starting point is 00:50:21 He did jump in like a fucking weird steam, steam auto or whatever the fuck he was driving. So, okay. So, yeah, I just thought we had to explore Leno a little bit more. So, okay, go on. That's crazy, Mitch. Anyway, so the animal, here's my note for the animal crossing flavor. Again, island getaway, chocolate ice cream, strawberries, banana and whip topping. Nothing here says island getaway.
Starting point is 00:50:50 And also, if you gave me this flavor and I looked at it and I tasted it and you were like, guess which Nintendo franchise this is affiliated with? There's no way I would have guessed animal crossing. I would have maybe gotten it by default after like seven guesses. But there's nothing about this says. I would have guessed fucking clay fighter. Well, isn't the chocolate supposed to be the dirt of the island? Isn't the thing itself supposed to be the island?
Starting point is 00:51:20 So like they're parrying the fruits basically? Yeah, like the fruits are mixed into the dirt. That's how I was like, that's the only way to read this. Maybe, but if I'm speaking island getaway, I'm thinking about a coconut. I'm thinking about a pineapple, a mango. Exactly. It's refreshing, you know? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:40 This was my first ever time inside a cold stone. Wow. God, you're lucky. This place sucks. This is cold stone six for the dough boys. And this place truly fucking sucks. First off, it was very crowded. And I was like, wow, this place must be great.
Starting point is 00:52:05 It must be like one of those destination ice cream places here in LA. No, no, it wasn't. It was also shockingly dirty. Like there were fingerprints on surfaces that shouldn't. Like I was like, at what point did somebody press the palm of their hand on the inside surface of the glass facing me? Right. Well, that glass was from the Titanic movie.
Starting point is 00:52:33 It's Hollywood, so they just repurposed it. That makes sense. Right. But yeah, I thought that the stone itself was going to be like a show. You know, like, oh, they're going to put it out and I'm going to get to see this thing happening. Like if you're going to have a gimmick like that, show it off. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:50 Right? Put it in front and center with good lighting. No. I think some of that is COVID-y. Because for me, in my memory, it used to be more of a show. And it used to be a little bit more of a Benihana. Not that it was ever like out on the counter, but it was like you could see it a little bit more.
Starting point is 00:53:06 It's a little more prominent. And I think now just food service has gotten more hygiene conscious. Because there was even a thing where like at one point, they handed it to someone, the person in front of me in the line, they handed them their ice cream and they'd forgotten sprinkles. She's like, oh, can I have some sprinkles on this? And they're like, we can't take it back over the counter. But I can give you some sprinkles on the side and hand them over to you.
Starting point is 00:53:27 Weird. Wow. That's a surprise. Because the one I went to, there was just like open Tupperware's of sprinkles shoved up against the glass in between the cold stone and me. So I think that you could have just reached in and gotten your own sprinkles. Got in here.
Starting point is 00:53:44 So really, you said hygienic and I was like, that is not my experience of a cold stone. No. Heather, you didn't happen to go to the Burbank one, did you? I don't want to out which location I went to. I was at the Burbank one and I was like, she was maybe at the Burbank one because I thought it was good. Yeah, I went to the Burbank one too because I thought the one on Hollywood Boulevard
Starting point is 00:54:04 was going to be too much to deal with. I didn't want to do it. The one on Hollywood Boulevard maybe is the one that, not trying to figure out what this is. It's not the mission. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And which person did Matt wrong at his job was there? Well, Matt, the scooper at mine was the older Kate Winslet from Titanic.
Starting point is 00:54:24 She was the, uh... Oh, that's fun. She dropped her ice cream into the fucking ocean. Yeah, fucking asshole. That is, people do, I mean, that is, she shouldn't have dropped the damn thing into the, just give it to the damn sign. Put it in your last will and testament, you old hag. Have you seen the original ending that didn't test well?
Starting point is 00:54:49 Oh no, what happened? It's fully uploaded on YouTube, fully shot, fully produced. She goes to throw the thing in and the entire crew runs out and like yells at her and are like, don't fucking do it. What are you doing? And like, Bill Paxton is like, that's the heart of the ocean. What are you doing? And she's like, well, and like gives the point of the movie to Bill.
Starting point is 00:55:15 She's like, she's like, well, the stone represents my love. And you're like, just talks it out. And then I think he throws it away. Oh, wow. And it did not work. It didn't work. They were like, just get, she does it on her own, like quietly. This does sound familiar to me.
Starting point is 00:55:37 She falls into. Oh, here, Wiger's pulled it up. Yep. She's holding the, she's giving it to Paxton. Like fully color timed. Wow. Oh my God. Fully produced alternate ending.
Starting point is 00:55:56 Look, Cameron's got the eye. It would be cool as hell if she was like, then I go and then she jumps in. And you're coming with me. I forgot all these, I forgot all these boat people, like the boat people in Titanic. It's like a huge part. Everyone on the boat. Yeah. I just saw it for the first time recently.
Starting point is 00:56:18 It slaps. It's good. Wait, what? I never seen one. That's insane. That's insane. Yeah. I had never seen it before.
Starting point is 00:56:24 Matt, you never seen it? I had, I just did. I watched it and I was like, wow, what a, it's as good as everybody says. It's great. She just slapped it, flipped it over her shoulder. Chubby guy almost jumps over. Yeah. Cameron can't fail.
Starting point is 00:56:42 Yeah. He's, don't bet against him. Never bet against him. Everyone said that, that Titanic was going to, going to ball the fucking hugest movie ever. Everyone said the same thing about Avatar. These Avatar sequels are going to blow, like light the box office on fire. They're going to be the only movies made for the rest of our lives. And they're going to be awesome.
Starting point is 00:57:00 Yeah. Yeah. Were there any defenders of the island getaway? That was my least favorite of the flavor. Least favorite of mine as well. That was kind of like a chocolate, chocolate mush. I sort of thought it was going to be my favorite one. And I, yeah, I didn't, I didn't really like it, but like the thing that I'll say too about these
Starting point is 00:57:19 without getting too far ahead, none of these are good. Are you okay? None of them are good. None. You're like, what's your least favorite? And I'm like, honestly, it's a tie. None of them felt, none of them felt like, this is like a promotion. This is a special promotion.
Starting point is 00:57:39 This isn't going to, this is here for a limited time. These felt like normal. I could have gotten this any day. It didn't feel, none of it felt special. I had a clear favorite of the three, but my thing was that I was like, oh, chocolate and banana go pretty well together. And then it didn't. The chocolate ice cream and the banana from Coldstone tasted bad.
Starting point is 00:58:04 Look, the kid who scooped me up my ice creams, I had to ask for all the Nintendo ice creams embarrassingly. Yeah, same. He ruled. A young kid with this younger kid with glasses, nice guy asking me how my day was, what I was up to after this, super nice kid, like a younger kid just like trying to be like courteous, put the, put my first Sunday in the freezer or whatever was great, but. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:58:28 But, but, but yeah, because, because he had to make three for the grown man that came in. He had to make three fucking Nintendo ice creams. And, and this podcast sucks. And so he was, I, it was one of those times where I was like, they were like, they were like kind of like edging towards like, you're like, you're bringing it home to like your kid. Like, I like, they were like, oh, so three. And I was like, I'm doing it for a podcast.
Starting point is 00:58:54 Like I said, I never say that, but I was embarrassed. And then even in the elevator, someone's like, that's a lot of ice cream. It was like two ladies. They're like, a lot of ice cream. And I was like, I was like podcast. I was like, it's a podcast. And I'm not just a fat guy using the podcast as an excuse saying doing a podcast is less embarrassing than having three ice creams.
Starting point is 00:59:14 In my experience, it never helps to explain that because people, because you might get what's a podcast, like it's like, like you, you're like, like, and it, and honestly, like just invites more questions from people. So yeah, it's, it's, there's not a, there's not a good answer. It's embarrassing. Ordering all three Nintendo flavors made me physically sweat with embarrassment. Like I went, I went with my fiance, Mary, and she, she was like, are you okay? And I was like, I'm humiliated.
Starting point is 00:59:44 And she's like, why? It's like, I'm just standing here in this crowded room waiting for three ice creams. I'm going to need your help carrying ice creams. You know what, the X, having an extra person go is, is great. And also here's the other thing here. They, they're like, it's not just like ordering three ice creams anywhere else. Like it's a fucking big, stupid process that sucks. And you have to, they have to mush it all together and it's, and it just takes longer
Starting point is 01:00:15 than anywhere else. And I also, I went in there, Heather, like you said, my, my store was packed. Like I walked in and the line was two, like basically out the door when I first got there. And then no one came after me. Literally just one group, one group of people came after me and no one else. Like by the time I was ordering, it was fucking completely dead. And, and, and, and, and it took a long ass time to make all these bad ice creams. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:42 Who would ever think ice cream is bland? Um, yeah, I mean, that's because their whole gimmick is that they make, they, they do the mixins fresh. And so you would think they could have like, oh, we can have like really cool, like really like high quality mixins. We can have stuff that maybe like, you know, would not freeze as well, but if you eat it right away and it's mixed in, it's going to be great, but it's not the case.
Starting point is 01:01:01 Like it's just like the, the stuff that you got with the mighty pink puff, uh, which is, which is, uh, as I mentioned, strawberry ice cream, strawberries, mini marshmallows and caramel. I don't know, mini marshmallows were like, these are like out of a plastic bag from a supermarket. These are so shitty. These are so low quality. And I thought the texture actually disrupted.
Starting point is 01:01:16 I saw a pic of your marshmallows and they, and they looked actually pretty big, comparatively. Hmm. Comparative to your hog. Here's how I avoided the social embarrassment. My Sinatra blue balls. Of ordering three ice creams for one man, uh, albeit a large man. I, I, I use the app and I'll say this about the Coldstone app.
Starting point is 01:01:40 The app's not crap. It's actually pretty sleek. I was able to, you know, like, I know I was surprised, but I was able to order all three and then they were stored in the freezer in advance. When I got there, they were the kids who worked there. They're all teenagers. They were super, duper nice.
Starting point is 01:01:55 Um, and, uh, and handed me my three ice creams and my waffle bowl with sprinkles, which was honestly the highlight. But yeah, I just think that I think they're low quality mix and ingredients. And I, the only thing I'll say about the, the Kirby flavor is to me, that one like tastes like Kirby. Like I was eating as like, this is kind of like, this is what I would imagine.
Starting point is 01:02:14 Sucking his dick to be like. Well, I don't know, I didn't mean that. Kirby has a cloaca. I meant the, no, like, like he's just like, oh, this is, this kind of evokes Kirby from a flavor standpoint. This feels like a bite of the, of the big pink puff. You didn't have to mold your ice cream into that shape, just to fucking do it once.
Starting point is 01:02:34 Yeah. Well, and then he took the, uh, the cup and tried to open his mouth as big as he can and sucked in and tried to get it on. What mouthful mode in that bad boy? I, I haven't been to like a, I haven't been to a lot of chain ice cream restaurants. And what shocked me about all the three ice creams is that they felt too sugary. Like they didn't, they didn't taste like ice cream.
Starting point is 01:03:00 They tasted like candy and not just from the mix-ins. Like the actual cream itself was like a lot less like milky and a lot more like, wow, you put three or four extra tablespoons of sugar per serving into this. Which was what I found most off-putting about it. Cause I feel like the, the mix-ins should be like the sugary pops. And instead it was like, I'm, I'm sweetening down when I eat banana in this, or I'm sweetening down when I eat marshmallow. These are super, they're super dense, super sugary.
Starting point is 01:03:34 Yeah. Or when I'm eating a frozen strawberry, which my, all my strawberries, by the way, were fucking frozen and maybe helped keep the ice cream, uh, not melting longer, I guess, because it was just these frozen cubes and, and each of them, but the fruit was bad on top of that. Was the melting- Same experience. I feel like the melting was also, did this ice cream melt faster than regular ice cream?
Starting point is 01:03:56 I had a huge melting problem. I, it was bad. It does. Because when I got mine, they didn't put, they were starting to make it. It took them 10, like 10 minutes to make all my ice creams because also this, I had this like person come in, it was a fucking nightmare. This, like this, this older sort of like rocker lady came in and she was like a post-mate. And she was all over the place.
Starting point is 01:04:17 It was too much. And then she took a loud phone call at one point in the store and they were trying to get her attention to get her ice creams. And I'm just seeing mine get softer and softer while they're trying to get her attention to the point where I get in there and I'm like, hey, miss, you're, they're trying to get your attention. I was like, I was like embarrassed anyway. So this is honestly going to this cold stone was like,
Starting point is 01:04:39 maybe one of the worst days of my life. I was like, this is a nightmare. Because then I ordered it also and I thought I would try to get all three, I got all three, but I tried to get small ones because I was like, look, I'll eat all this ice cream because I love, I love ice cream. I love it. I'm a cone freak. There's ice cream on my freaking t-shirt right now from Ample Hills.
Starting point is 01:04:59 I love ice cream. And two ice creams in, I noticed that they were making me the God of habit. And I was just like, I can't sit here and eat three God of habits by myself. So one of them is a soupy mess already and I'm taking it to my car and I opened some of it in my car. I'm fucking ruined. All of it's, it's getting everywhere. I ended up getting a lot of it home, but I stopped and I was eating some of my car and
Starting point is 01:05:26 I was like, I'm just going to go home. And I stopped in a different parking lot to eat more of it because I was not confident that they weren't all going to melt and I wanted to eat them before they got worse. And then the turned out I had enough ice cream for days. I know it was really sad. It was like one of the most pathetic displays I've ever seen. And I watched Nick eat a bun last time I was here. I was like, this is clearly worse.
Starting point is 01:05:50 This is worse. That's true. We went to Sonic Drive-In together for a hot dog month. Yeah. Dog Doe Bark Fest, a month long celebration of hot dogs and pet dogs. And yeah, I got a, I was needing meat, so I just had a bun and you witnessed that. Yeah, it was, it was fucked. But I got the ice cream home and I ate it over, I had some still today.
Starting point is 01:06:12 Like I ate some before we started recording again. Yes. And I finally finished it. It took me four days to finish. Three got to have it. You could play footage of the two of you doing those two activities to that Donnie Darko song. I'll take that a rough, familiar face. So the, I'll say this.
Starting point is 01:06:36 I got mine, I think cold stone ice cream is kept at a little bit more of a liquid viscosity so they can mix it easily. Yes. So I think it's kept in a little bit of a higher temperature. So it does melt a little bit faster. I believe that's part of their gimmick. Matt, who had a, who had a more traumatic day? You or those poor kids who saw a wager come in for that pickup order.
Starting point is 01:06:55 This fucking headband. Yeah, they're pressed up against the wall. Take it, just take it. So, so I took mine, they were, it was chilling in the freezer and I also ate it right away. Took it to an outside table and I was just like, fuck it. I don't care. There's a bunch of people around here, but I'm just going to shamefully eat all three of these by myself.
Starting point is 01:07:16 So like the typical cold stone experience then? Like just immediately. Exactly, yes. I don't care. Yeah. Medium cold stone dining experience. And the, like whatever, people are doing their own thing. Maybe they'll look at you.
Starting point is 01:07:32 Like I just, I've learned to be less embarrassed about these sorts of things. And so I was, and it was not great. It was melty and I finished all three ice creams and my waffle bowl. Eating outside. And I had a horrible stomach ache. I went to see Robocop in the theater afterwards with, with Natalie, and it, which holds up and was in misery. They called in a bomb threat after the movie, right?
Starting point is 01:07:59 In the bathroom. Robocop's one of the reasons Wiger's got into entertainment with Robocop himself. Wow. Yeah, first time he's been represented on screen. My favorite flavor was the Mario Party Superstar Sprinkle Blast. This was the cake batter ice cream. I love birthday flavor with the yellow cake and the frosting and the sprinkles. It did kind of taste like Play-Doh.
Starting point is 01:08:24 I think that's the cake batter ice cream. I think that's part of it, but it didn't bother me. And, and I just like the, I think the cake texture actually works with this. It was one of the things that actually gave it, like, you know, varied up instead of just like a crunchy, cold bite. It like kind of like, you know, tasted like something different. There's like cake. And, and I like the sprinkles in there.
Starting point is 01:08:43 I thought, I thought this one was great. This was the one I was most excited to eat and I had the best time consuming. What was the blue in that in, because I got that one. And I agree. I think if I had gone to my head and I was like forced to choose one to save my family, I would choose the Mario Party one. But what was the blue in it? Blue frosting.
Starting point is 01:09:06 Blue frosting. Okay. Yeah. So it's great. Blue flavor. The blue is a lot. It's a hybrid of birthday flavor and blue flavor. Those are the two elements working together here.
Starting point is 01:09:17 I have to say, when I went to get my ice cream, they did not have the blue. So my, my Mario Party superstar ice cream was without blue. And I think that worked to its benefit for me because I don't like birthday cake flavor as, just like as in general. And I don't really like frosting. I'm a sweets guy, but I don't, I'm not a frosting guy. I'm not a big frosting guy either. But that one, maybe why it was my favorite because it was, I like, I like cake.
Starting point is 01:09:47 I like the taste of chunks of cake. That was good. This is like me getting this, this Shark Week slushie in New Orleans and they didn't have any of the shark gummies. Oh no. That's what happened to me. That's no chum in it either. There's no chum.
Starting point is 01:10:00 There was actually a little bit of, there was a little bit of chum in it. Just a little touch, little squirt of chum. Squirt. Wait, was that for the podcast? Or did you go rogue? No, I just, I just, I went rogue. I just went on my own. Spoon Man knows how to live, baby.
Starting point is 01:10:16 I wanted to try the, I wanted to try the Shark Week. I want, if we were good at our jobs, we would do all these stupid things. We would try all these stupid, you know, like the Shark Week slushie. We would get it and we would tell people about it. We, we don't do that, but we used to kind of do that, but we don't, we just don't do that. So I want to try it. We're doing that now. That's what this is.
Starting point is 01:10:36 I also got a hot dog. It was really, it was, it was, Sonic is nice. I wish that there were Sonics around. Fuck, I love Sonic. But I, Wax, I went to the Burbank. I went to the Burbank Cold Stone. I remember the first, the first time I had Cold Stone was out, was in LA. And it was, I don't know where it was, but I remember it being an
Starting point is 01:10:56 island, like you'd walk in and you walk around the island and you'd watch them make it in the island. Like, and there was that, the anti-griddle or whatever, like the cold little, the cold slab, the cold, the cold, the cold stone, but I like calling it the anti-griddle. The cold stone in the middle of the, but it was, it was like, it was like an island in the store that you walked around, which is also kind of weird, very much like a spectacle of these people at work. Yeah, it was like, it was like a Benihana.
Starting point is 01:11:27 That was the whole, their whole thing back there. They were like, yeah, toss an ice cream into your mouth. That'd be awesome. Kids would love that. Even back then, I didn't, I was like, I don't know what the big deal is about this place. And, and I'm with Heather that it was just so sweet. I, I, I ordered up my ice creams. I was going to like eat them there.
Starting point is 01:11:47 And I was like, I can't be like a, I don't want to be like a big guy eating three ice creams outside of the cold stone. I just can't do that. I can't do it. I, so I was like, I'm going to go like eat these in my car. And then I got to my car. I was like, I'm just going to go home. So I sadly just drove home because I thought maybe I go see a movie.
Starting point is 01:12:04 There's a AMC right there afterwards, but I just, I fucking just was like, I'm just going to take this shit home. Brought it home. My Mario party was the most melty. The other two, because there was the strawberries on the other two, they, they, they stayed kind of composed because my strawberries were so frozen that like I could, like I could eat them, but I had to like really work my way through them. I thought all of it sucked.
Starting point is 01:12:28 And I did think that the Mario party ice cream, I thought the Mario party ice cream, I asked the kid because I got, I wanted to get a Nintendo cup. I want, so I got one, gotta have it. And, and so he said that the Mario party ice cream was his favorite one. He was right. And the kid was great. The best one. So, so I got the, I got the Mario party, gotta have its size.
Starting point is 01:12:50 And it is so sweet to Heather's point that eating it, it's almost like you don't even know you're eating ice cream. It was like, this could just be like mashed up cake, like mashed up cake with like sweet cream poured on it or something. It's just like, it's barely, it's barely ice cream. I did like the, I did like that vanilla. I did like that yellow cake in it. I thought the yellow cake was good that the frosting is really crazy in the frosting
Starting point is 01:13:16 combined with it was a cake batter ice cream is just kind of a lot of sweetness. It's just, it's, it's so much sweetness that you're like, I was kind of like digging for the cake. Like I actually just loved getting any pieces of cake I could because that like Heather was saying again, was like a, like a base. It was like less sweet. I was eating something else besides just like sweet cream. But that was, that was my favorite one of the, of the bunch.
Starting point is 01:13:44 Kirby second island, the island getaway, whatever the animal crossing one was. Yeah, that'd be my assessment. I got an animal, animal crossing cup, by the way. It's right here still on the, on the table. Is it just a, because it's, because you have to get the, the, the big sizes you mentioned, they got to have it to get the cup. Is it, is it like reusable at all or is it just cardboard with printing? No, it's just cardboard with printing.
Starting point is 01:14:05 Yeah. I asked for the smallest size and they were like, we'll give it to you in the Nintendo cups. And I was like, okay. And then they, they, I don't know how you would have fit the amount of ice cream in a small cup. So much fucking shit in there. Yeah. And when, when you see them, when you see them take, I mean, like, and this is a, I think part of the reason that this place is bad, when you see them take the scoop
Starting point is 01:14:35 for like the, got to have it, it is such a gigantic football sized thing of ice cream. It's so crazy huge that I'm like, that doesn't look, it doesn't even look appetizing. It just, it, this place, this place sucks. I, I wanted to go into it thinking it was going to be like, I was like, we were really, we were really, really hard on this place the last time we were here. And then I get it. It's, it serves ice cream, but it's bad. How do you, how do you blow it like this?
Starting point is 01:15:02 It doesn't make sense. Yeah. We all wanted to have fun. This should have been a home run and it doesn't feel like any of us had a good experience, but we should get to our final thoughts on Cold Stone and specifically their Nintendo creations. So Heather, Matt, you've both done the podcast before, but just to recap, we're going to each go around, give our closing argument, if you will, and give it a rating of, since it's a dessert place that serves ice cream, zero to five spoons.
Starting point is 01:15:27 Matt, we'll start with you. Your thoughts, your fork, your spoon. Hold on. I got to wrap my head around this one first. Okay. Yeah, sorry. Throw me a curve ball right away. I, I used to really like Cold Stone because like when Cold Stone was new,
Starting point is 01:15:40 it was like a special place. I was like, oh, like I've never had ice cream in this presentation before. Very cool. Since then, I, you know, I've had different ice creams. There's, we live in LA, so there's like a ton of great ice cream just around now, even in your local grocery store, in the freezer aisle, there's great ice cream you can get. And this, it doesn't even live up to any of that stuff that you can get and bring to your house. I was, I was pretty disappointed because yeah, none of it felt special.
Starting point is 01:16:10 If this was like a limited time item, I want this to knock my socks off. And none of it really did. The closest that came to it was the Mario Party one, which was like a big surprise, because like I said, I don't like cake flavor as like a flavor. But all that to say, I don't know if I'll ever go back to this place. It was too much. I was too embarrassed when I was in there to ever be seen in there again. Three, three forks.
Starting point is 01:16:38 I'll say three. Three forks. Wow, still going three. Still three spoons. I don't know. It's a pretty good score. Is that, oh yeah, spoon. See, I forgot.
Starting point is 01:16:45 Oh God. Yeah, you choked. That's, I guess, that's, I guess high. I don't know what everyone else is going to do. Maybe I'll lower it. You know what, that's right, that's right down the middle. You can always retcon it if you feel like it. But, but we'll have you get three spoons for now.
Starting point is 01:16:57 Heather, your thoughts, your rate. So I, I'd like to believe that it is the march of, of capitalistic pressure that has destroyed Cold Stone. As a, as a Chicago native, I know that when potbelly subs was one little place, it was fucking awesome. And every time I've eaten from a potbelly in a fucking airport, because I'm like, oh, Chicago, it's, it's horrible. I'm like, oh man, this isn't the thing.
Starting point is 01:17:24 And so I'd like to believe that an ice cream place with a, with a marble slab that, that looks like it would have been presentational, would have been a real magical experience. And what I was experiencing was the ghost of that place. And, and so it made me a little sad to, to eat a Nintendo ice cream from a corpse. So I, I had a negative experience all around one out of five spoons. Wow. Wow.
Starting point is 01:17:57 Not a good score. Yeah, I threw that fucking ice cream away. And then I felt terrible guilt for how much I had wasted. I think it's a great score. I, I, um, like I said, there was a, the night before I was in, there was, I was at LX for 90 minutes from the bomb threat. Kirby was actually on my flight. He was pissed off.
Starting point is 01:18:20 I was like, get in there. Interesting. Suck the bomb up. Can you do that? I'm off the clock. Spoon man. Mario was there. He was wearing the Batali Crocs.
Starting point is 01:18:35 Super Mario. Oh boy. Oh, man. And I said, Hey, I'm going to check out your, I'm going to go check out your, your, your ice creams. They said, good luck. They're like, fucking sucks. They knew it.
Starting point is 01:18:49 The characters knew it. Wow. Wow. Mario. And thank you for wowing my fictional story. Oh, it was what? What? You're lying.
Starting point is 01:19:04 No. Yeah. The bomb threat wasn't that one of your stuff is real. Okay. I'm, I'm like, you look, I love the idea of that Burbank outdoor mall up there. It's like, there used to be a fud rockers, which by the way, would much rather go to, I'm sad that that fud rockers is gone. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:25 They're all fucking closing. Fud rockers is on its last. Fud rockers was so fun. It's on the run. And also like, you know, it was around forever, but always would be a much better experience than Cold Stone. Never loved Cold Stone. Never really like, like it was Heather, I think that if you had tried it back in the day,
Starting point is 01:19:41 I don't know if it would be one of these places that like lived up to the hype. Like you're saying like you, you think that it would, but to me, I don't know if it ever really was great. You know what I mean? Like it just, it just is, it's, the ice cream is bad. It's bad ice cream, which is it bland, weird, bad ice cream. And the, and these specials didn't bring it back at anything great. I also got wise.
Starting point is 01:20:05 I thought that you got extra ice cream. So I got a Reese's, there was like a Reese's peanut butter cup ice cream. That's just like, it's like a, and I, because I was like, we're already eating so much ice cream, but I saw that you had four cups of ice cream and then I also didn't respond to me at all. So it was a weekend. So I got, no it wasn't, it was last night. And then so I also got, I also got this. I got, I got this guy.
Starting point is 01:20:36 Wow. This, this little, they come in six packs or you can get a single one that's like a Reese's peanut butter cup ice cream that has like a chocolate shell. It's like made to be like a Reese's peanut butter cup. That's just with ice cream in it. And that was bad. This sucked. I was just saying this was not good.
Starting point is 01:20:55 It was, it sucked. It was like, it was also like, it was also like bland. It was bad. It was truly bad. And like the, you know what? It was apparent was like there was chocolate ice cream in it. I was like, this tastes like nothing. It tastes like mushy nothing.
Starting point is 01:21:09 It's, it's in, man, I wanted to like the, I want to like everything Nintendo. I love Nintendo. The closest was a Super Mario party ice cream. And if I had to like rank that alone, I'd give that like a three, maybe a three and a half. The rest of this stuff sucked. The Kirby one sucked. The marshmallows were terrible. Why is like you said, just like the marshmallows were bad.
Starting point is 01:21:32 The marshmallows were bad. And then that's insane. These like shitty little shitty marshmallows. Like you can't give me good marshmallows. You can't even mix in like real marshmallow. Like what the fuck's going on here? And then the island, the island one, the, like I said, my strawberries roll hard. So that was, that was also in the, it also wasn't the Kirby one.
Starting point is 01:21:53 It was strawberry ice cream with like caramel. Wasn't that also boring? Bizarre element. I'm not sure why the caramel there. It was just boring and bland too. It was so crazy how bland all this ice cream was. And then yeah, the island getaway was a mess. And I like, I was just trying to get the, like the chocolate with the whipped cream in it
Starting point is 01:22:10 and mixing those together. And I was like, yeah, that's like a okay bite, but nothing, but all together this gets, this out and gets 1.5 forks. It's, wow. Fuck it. One, one, 1.5 spoons, which I'm not sure. 1.5 spoons. One spoon, two spoon tines.
Starting point is 01:22:30 What is, what is a spoon tine? It's like a sport. What is a spoon tine? Yeah. What is a spoon tine? One spork tine. Okay. There you go.
Starting point is 01:22:38 That solves it. All right. There it is. I think everyone's points are well argued. I don't, I don't disagree with anyone. So I'll just add one additional thing. We haven't talked about the expense. The small size of one of these is $9.10.
Starting point is 01:22:55 So if you want to get all three of these with tax and gratuity, you're spending $30, $30 to try all three Nintendo flavors. Everyone's crazy right now. What are we doing here? In smallest size. In smallest size. And you know what I'd rather have? A pint of Haagen-Dazs, a pint of Ben and Jerry's.
Starting point is 01:23:18 Matt was mentioning this earlier. Give me a fucking 7-Eleven cold case item over whatever you got at Cold Stone. Give me the Choco Taco. Give me the Choco Taco, RIP. So I, yeah, boy, I wanted to give this one. I really want to like this. I really want this to be fun.
Starting point is 01:23:35 I really want this to be a celebration of Nintendo. But I think, to be honest, I got to go one spoon. I think this was a really, really bad. I love it. Cold Stone. I feel insane. I got to take mine down. I guess five spoons.
Starting point is 01:23:47 Just kidding. Yeah, I was being too generous. I was being too nice. I'm going to give it two. I'm going to give it two because at the end of the day, look, I love ice cream, but even it wasn't that good, but still. Yeah. The waffle bowl with sprinkles is the best thing I had,
Starting point is 01:24:06 which was not one of the ice creams. People are like, even like, hey, pizza's pizza. And I'm like, that's not true. Sometimes pizza just sucks and it's not good. Yeah. Eat a lunchable pizza and say that shit to me. Exactly. Lunchable pizza sucks and this place sucks.
Starting point is 01:24:22 It's not good ice cream. No, it's a bummer. If you're going to indulge in the calories for ice cream, the pizza thing just always reminds me. I read like a Sharna Halpern's improv book, whatever the fuck, when I was starting to, whatever the fuck that thing was called, when I was starting out.
Starting point is 01:24:36 Truth in comedy. Truth in comedy, that's right. It's a great book if you want to learn that Sharna Halpern knew Chris Farley. That's the main takeaway. But the thing she says in there is like, the Herald is kind of like pizza. When it's bad, it's still pretty good.
Starting point is 01:24:54 No, no. It's like, what the fuck are you talking about? The most miserable I've been has been being in a bad improv show, but the second most miserable has been watching a bad improv show. The idea that a bad Herald is still good, it's not even true for pizza.
Starting point is 01:25:10 They're like, pizza in sex. It's when it's bad, it's still good. I'm like, that's not true. What are you talking about? When I've had bad sex and feel like a failure, I want to jump off a roof. Like, I don't know what you're talking about. Oh, no, we need a new Santa.
Starting point is 01:25:26 That's how I feel when I don't do my third beats correctly. Also, China knew Farley. That's kind of cool. Yeah, read the book. It's good. We'll take a break. We'll be back with more dope boys. Mitch, when someone is just exceptionally good
Starting point is 01:25:45 at what they do, it could be a waiter, a chef, a doctor, a podcaster. A podcaster? You know you're in good hands. It's like seeing a waiter balance five trays of sizzling fajitas on one arm, or a chef running a kitchen so well that even a professional food podcaster
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Starting point is 01:27:15 Welcome back to Doughboys. We're here with Heather Ann Campbell, Matt Apodaca. And hey, it's time for a segment. I've got a food-related exam, and Matt, Heather, and Mitch must compete for superiority. It's slop quiz, Chour Up Edition. These are some video game food questions. Chour Up.
Starting point is 01:27:34 Chour Up Edition. Like Power Up, but Chour Up, because this is video game food. The segment was conceived by the Drop King Robert Persinger. And I added some of my own questions because Drop King's questions were... He went a little obscure with a lot of these. God bless him.
Starting point is 01:27:51 I feel like Drop King is kind of like... Because Drop King's a pub trivia guy, Mitch. And so I feel like sometimes, when he writes these quizzes, it's kind of like... Oh, you didn't know that one? I'm surprised. Like, I feel like that's kind of his attitude. He wanted to make us gamers look like fools.
Starting point is 01:28:07 Yes, yeah. So I nerfed the difficulty a little bit, but there's still some of his more obscure ones in here. Okay, here we go. These are video game food questions. Buzz in with your name, and I will compile scores. First up, in the Castlevania franchise, which health-restoring food stuff is hidden in walls?
Starting point is 01:28:25 Mitch. Go for it, Mitch. Turkey leg. Or chicken. I will accept it. I will accept it because it is canonically meat. There is no specific meat that it is known as. I don't know if you should accept it, honestly.
Starting point is 01:28:42 Okay, you get it wrong. Next up. In Portal, which promised dessert is revealed to be a lie? Heather. Oh. Go ahead, Heather. Cake. It is cake.
Starting point is 01:28:58 Bonus points. Anyone can buzz in. Wow. Name that cake. What? What type of cake is it? Oh. Mitch.
Starting point is 01:29:10 Go for it, Mitch. Birthday. It's not a birthday cake. Heather. Yes. Chocolate. Matt, do you want to guess? Why do you have a d-
Starting point is 01:29:22 I'm going to say a marble cake. I'm going to give Heather a half point. It's a black forest cake. Imagine if Alex Trebek, when you answered on Jeopardy, Alex Trebek was like, somebody else want to try? We don't have judges to go to. But I was like, it's all, it's like kind of there.
Starting point is 01:29:40 It's kind of, but it's not quite, it's, I should have, you know what, here's what. How would you describe this cake? I was like, could you be more specific? It's a black forest cake. It's a black forest cake. Which is chocolate, right? I'll give you a half point.
Starting point is 01:29:54 All right, next up. That was Drop King's original question, by the way. What type of cake is the portal cake? So that was like a baseline Drop King question. Wow. Drop King, come on. Surprised you didn't get that one. Next up, what is Wario's favorite vegetable
Starting point is 01:30:14 that grants him extra health or invulnerability? Oh, Mitch. Go for it, Matt. It's garlic, of course. Yes, that is correct. An anti-dracula, he loves garlic. I think Matt said, oh, first, and then I think I said. Wario got into the fucking cold stone.
Starting point is 01:30:34 Oh God, yeah, Wario's cold stone flavor would be fucking awful. Yeah, garlic and loose coins. Hot, it's hot. Ow. Burning. The coins are hot. Wieger, Nintendo just has like, they're like perfectionists,
Starting point is 01:31:00 it seems like a lot of time. I mean, I guess they put their name on a bunch of crap, but this is just not up to their standard, it fucking sucks. Fully agree, fully agree. All right, next question, sorry. This is an ice cream question. What is the flavor of the blue ice cream that first appeared in Kingdom Hearts 2?
Starting point is 01:31:19 Oh, it's Matt. Heather. Oh, I heard Matt. Oh, I think it's sea salt. You are correct, it is sea salt ice cream. All right, next up. We know mushrooms power up Mario, but in Super Mario 3D World, which fruit duplicates Mario?
Starting point is 01:31:42 Mitch. Go for a Mitch. Cherries. You are correct, it is the double cherry power up. Mitch is on the board, Mitch has one, Heather has 1.5, Matt has two. All right, next up. In the classic arcade game Burger Time, what is the player character's profession?
Starting point is 01:32:02 Heather. I heard Heather. Chef, he is a chef. Wow. I knew that. Bonus points, anyone can buzz in, name that chef. Pfft. Mitch.
Starting point is 01:32:16 Go for a Mitch. Patali. It is chef, is anyone else want to guess? No. No. Chef Peter Pepper. I weirdly knew this one. I weirdly had Peter Pepper drilled into my head.
Starting point is 01:32:38 All right, next up. Resident Evil question. This large fish completely restores your health in Resident Evil 4. Oh my God, I haven't played it in forever. Mitch. Go for a Mitch. Sturgeon. Not a sturgeon.
Starting point is 01:32:59 Although I see your logic because it's a letter off from surgeon, so maybe you would think would have some sort of health benefit, but no, it is not a sturgeon. Heather. Go for it, Heather. Trout. Not trout. Oh, I think I maybe know it now.
Starting point is 01:33:14 I'll let you take a second guess after Matt guesses. I mean, this is the thing. I like trout. Just wanted to say the word. I don't know if fish are big or not. Like, I have no frame of reference for what the size of a fish is, so I'm going to say salmon. Not a salmon, it is a bass, a black bass.
Starting point is 01:33:34 Did you wish that was what you were going to say, Mitch? No, no, no. That's fine. Sorry, I should have given you a second guess. You can say anchovy. I was going to say swordfish. So basses. It is a bass.
Starting point is 01:33:46 Another drop. I haven't played that in a long time. Another drop. Drop king. That is so hard. That game, they're remaking it now, but that's no one. Remake will be out in March, and they're also, it's in VR, which I will never play or my heart will stop.
Starting point is 01:34:02 But yeah, it's a classic game. All right. Next up, I'm actually not sure if anyone beyond Matt has played this one, but we'll see. The food pickup in Hades is a side of fries and what Greshan dish? Oh. Mitch. Go for a Mitch.
Starting point is 01:34:21 Euro. We're not getting into that game. You are correct. It is a Euro. You're on the board. Hell yeah! No! You're more than on the board.
Starting point is 01:34:27 You're tied. Tied with Matt. You've got two. Both of you have two. Heather has 2.5. All right, two more. After the end credits of Sonic Chronicles, The Dark Brotherhood, Sonic suggests going out for what food with tails?
Starting point is 01:34:43 Heather. Go for it, Heather. Chili dogs. You are correct. His favorite food loves chili dogs. Nothing's hotter than chili dogs, not even tails. I just threw my hands up thinking I wouldn't know the answer to that because it was insane.
Starting point is 01:34:56 And then of course, it's chili dogs. Fuck. Yeah, I'll give Drop King credit for that one. That's a good question. Yeah, I get a lot of good questions in here. They're just hard. All right, finally. What is the name of the pixelated mistake dish in Breath of the Wild?
Starting point is 01:35:14 Oh, shit. You fuck up a recipe. Matt. The image is pixelated. Go for it, Matt. Is it suspicious food? Yes. Heather.
Starting point is 01:35:25 It's not suspicious food. Oh, no. Dubious food. That's what it is. Heather wins. Heather wins. Dubious food is a specific phrasing. That was Slot Quiz Chour Up Edition.
Starting point is 01:35:38 Ask us one of the insane questions. All right, hold on. Let me find these. I had these up earlier. We don't have time, but still. No, we can do this real quick. That was a good quiz. Good job, Heather.
Starting point is 01:35:52 Yeah, that was a lot of fun. Yeah, congrats, Heather. That was good. Thanks, guys. And what does she win, Nick? Nothing. You don't have to come back on the podcast. Oh, boo.
Starting point is 01:36:08 I like being here. Yeah. God bless you. God bless you. Thank you both for being here. Let's see. Where the fuck? Here, I can probably bump it for you.
Starting point is 01:36:18 Let's get to the question, then, Wags. All right, great. Let's I'll get to the question, and then we'll try to dig this quiz up. And then we'll do one last question. Yeah. All right, here we go. All right, just like a restaurant,
Starting point is 01:36:28 I value your feedback. Let's up to the feedback. Today's email is from Steven. Steven writes, Hey, Spoon Man in Double Read. My favorite ice cream flavor is Stracciatella. Technically, it's a gelato. It's basically chocolate chip but without vanilla,
Starting point is 01:36:40 milk-based ice cream with chocolate shavings. To put it another way, the ice cream flavor is plain. I rarely find it at gelato places in the U.S., and I've never seen an ice cream try to emulate it. So my question is, what delicious flavor combinations do you love that are inexplicably hard to find stateside?
Starting point is 01:36:59 Steven signs off with Cameron Diaz. Heather has an answer. I've got mine, which is that for a short time in the 90s, Haagen-Dazs made Midnight Cookies and Cream, which was a dark chocolate cookies and cream ice cream, and you never, ever see chocolate cookies and cream anywhere. That's great.
Starting point is 01:37:20 Yeah. Sounds really good. And that was only in Europe? So fucking good. No, it's here. Oh, it's here, okay. It was here. I mean, I took the question to mean
Starting point is 01:37:29 what ice cream is hard to find. Got it, got it. Yeah, I think this was more of a, because I've never crossed a notion, so I don't have a lot of international experience. All right, so fucking fine. It's fish, fish ice cream. I don't know, they got it in the span.
Starting point is 01:37:46 No, I think it's a more worldly question that I'm not. Heather gave me a great answer. It's a great answer. That's a fantastic answer. I'm not equipped to answer it as it's written anyway, so I think I'll absolutely accept that. So the three of us just bonded over the fact that we all work with this psychopath.
Starting point is 01:38:01 What are you talking about? I don't know if we have another two hours to do that. We're all friends. I got an answer for you, Wags. I have good memories of a thing that I ate when I was a kid, Weigar. No, no, no, no, no. You answered my question wrong.
Starting point is 01:38:19 Dig into your belly for the key. Which also explains why at the beginning, when you asked a question, I was like, what's the game here? What are we supposed to answer? Look, the key is hidden inside your Star Fox watch. So open it up. You can escape.
Starting point is 01:38:34 You've never left the States yet you want us to give an answer about an ice cream from outside of the States. That's how the question was phrased. I don't have an answer for the outside of the States ice cream. Me neither. But I do have an answer for an ice cream. I wish I would see more. And it's going to sound stupid, but bubble gum ice cream.
Starting point is 01:38:55 Oh. I want a good bubble gum ice cream. Remember there was bubble gum ice cream? It wasn't actually bubble gum. Like it was just kind of candies that were bubble, like maybe gummy. I don't know. But of course, there's some bubble gum ice cream
Starting point is 01:39:12 where you're chewing gum at the end of it. But also, I had some down Cape Cod back when I was younger that was just like kind of like flavored little nuggets of kind of like a blue piece of bubble gum quote unquote. That was just kind of like a candy. And I really liked bubble gum ice cream. I haven't had it as an adult, but you never see it. I mean, you never see ice cream shops.
Starting point is 01:39:34 They got replaced by cold stones. And LA is a place that you do see them. So I shouldn't say that. We were talking about magpies before the show started. And there's what's the one you love, Wags? Creamy McDoyles or whatever the fuck it's called. Creamy McDoyles is pretty good. But no, sweet rose creamery is the one that we like a lot.
Starting point is 01:39:55 Sweet rose is really good. But that makes me think of sweet rose. Does it seasonal summer corn ice cream? That's absolutely delightful. What is the Irish one? Isn't there like an Irish named one? There was McDonald's. We had that for a little bit.
Starting point is 01:40:06 Oh yeah, McDonald's, sure. Jenny's obviously is around. Salt and straw, good. Ah, Salt and straw. Mashedy Malone's. That's the one. Oh yeah. Mashedy Malone's.
Starting point is 01:40:20 Mashedy Malone's. Yeah. I think it's Persian Irish. Mashedy Malone's, but it's not Irish. So the one that it makes me think of is, the question specifically makes me think of the chocolate ice, the chocolate chip ice cream they had at Rite Aid. And I don't have thrifty ice cream anymore.
Starting point is 01:40:42 Like I just never, it's always, there's never anyone behind the counter. So you have to like buzz someone to get out to, it's just such a fucking pain in the ass for the workers. Yeah, well three people work at Rite Aid at any given time. So it's just like a nightmare to ask one person. So I don't bother with that, but I do, I did really like their chocolate chip.
Starting point is 01:40:58 I really like their version of it. And I like that they have, and Baskin Robbins does a similar sort of thing, like very ground up, like coffee ground level chips. Like their soup, and it gives it a really nice sort of texture. So that's one I think of. As far as a discontinued flavor, I'm trying to think of, was there like a Ben and Jerry's that isn't around anymore?
Starting point is 01:41:18 I mean, Netflix and Chilled is really good, but that one's still on the market. I'm trying to think of if there was like an old one they don't have. You know, Toggendas for a time had their five ingredient flavors, which they were just like, and it was just like a straightforward, like, you know, it was like vanilla, and it would just be like, you know, whatever,
Starting point is 01:41:34 like heavy cream, butter, eggs, vanilla, beans, and sugar, whatever, it'd just be like five ingredients. And those were really, really fucking good, simple flavors. They had like a, my memory is their coffee and their vanilla's were just like dynamite, and were like my favorite versions of grocery store ice cream for simple flavors. So yeah, I don't think they make those anymore.
Starting point is 01:41:56 Yeah, I've never crossed the notion either, but I will be soon. So I'll report back if there's any different kinds of ice cream where I'm going, going to Italy, man, don't be mad. Wow. You gonna visit the Mushroom Kingdom? I'm gonna see, yeah, I'm gonna see what they're going on over there, try to see if I could usurp the throne.
Starting point is 01:42:20 But I was, we were saying discontinued bed and Jerry's flavors, do they still make, because I know that Fallon has the Tonight Dough, but he had a better flavor, I thought, which was late night snack, which was salty sweet, and it had like potato chip, chocolate covered potato chip. Oh, I remember that one. Clusters in that one. That one was really good.
Starting point is 01:42:40 If you could like sort of ignore that it's like kind of annoying, like it's a pretty good ice cream. I remember that one, and yes, it has been discontinued, I just checked. Yeah, that was a great answer. That was a home run to me, because I like that sort of flavor profile. It's kind of like a basic flavor profile, but I feel like uncommon in grocery store ice creams, or just like in ice cream, it's not something you can get all the time.
Starting point is 01:43:03 So I think that was a nice treat. You know what I love is the Boom Chocolato Core is the, that one's really good. I don't know if they still make that either, but it's really good. I haven't had a lot of, and you know, not trying to yuck your yum. My personal experience with the cores has not been great. It's filled up. I feel like there's too much work.
Starting point is 01:43:22 Okay. Yeah, Nick likes to do that himself. You pissed off that someone filled up the core. I'll let us know what flavor combination is. This one's filled up too. Just going through cartons of it. You find inexplicably, hard to secure.
Starting point is 01:43:46 Hashtag, wow, where's my flavor? And if you have a question or comment about the world of chain restaurants, you can email us at, or leave us a voicemail at 830 Godot. That's 830-463-6844. And to get the Doughboys double our weekly bonus episode joined in the Golden or Platinum Play Club
Starting point is 01:43:59 at slash doughboys. I found the slop quiz by the Drop King. Here's one of the questions. The original Pac-Man game features several fruits you can gobble up to increase your score. Cherries are worth 100 points. While melon is worth 1,000 points. What fruit is worth 500 points?
Starting point is 01:44:18 Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ. Wait, one more time? One more time? The original Pac-Man game features several fruits you can gobble up to increase your score. Cherries are worth 100 points. While melon is worth 1,000 points.
Starting point is 01:44:28 What fruit is worth 500 points? Heather. Yes. Pineapple. It's not pineapple. Damn. It would have been great to end it. Yeah, that would have been awesome.
Starting point is 01:44:40 Drop King was the jigsaw all along. It turns out. Orange? It is orange. Wow. It is orange. There you go. Mitch survives.
Starting point is 01:44:51 My godparents had a Pac-Man arcade in the basement. I should tell. Wow. Heather also had a Pac-Man arcade machine that she had accessed. Hell yeah. That was amazing. At a friend's house.
Starting point is 01:45:01 At a friend's house. By the way, so while we're talking, there was a Stardew Valley question in here and it reminded me that Drop King himself Mitch and Emma, this is more for you, but Drop King looks so much like Harvey from Stardew Valley. Let me share a picture. This is like.
Starting point is 01:45:23 Oh my god, Drop King. This is like pixel art of Drop King. DK, this is 100% you in video game form. Holy shit. Wow, he's just showing DK's Halloween costume. I was going to share this picture. From set the other day. Wow.
Starting point is 01:45:46 Like video games. Wow. Can we say what that is or should we not say what it is? It's very cool. Yeah, it's sweet tooth. It's okay to say. Cool. Man, that very alpha.
Starting point is 01:45:56 That just made me so fucking pumped. I'm so excited for you, dude. That's like really, really exciting. I'm excited. It's going to be rad. That wise, now I'm afraid I'll get in trouble. Thanks a lot, fucking wise. I'm scared.
Starting point is 01:46:07 They used up all the bleeps earlier. So unfortunately. Yeah. Bleep bunches out. No. I'm ruined. Heather Ann Campbell, Matt Apodaka. We do a podcast, Get Played.
Starting point is 01:46:23 We talk about video games. Check that out. Mitch has been on an episode. We talked about Yo Noid, right? Was that what we did with you? No, we did a cool spot game. It was a cool spot. It was a spot.
Starting point is 01:46:33 It was one of those chain restaurant games. One of those food vibes. We got to do Twisted Metal when it comes out. Oh yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. So check that out. Get Played wherever you find podcasts. Anything else you guys want to plug?
Starting point is 01:46:43 Thank you guys. It's both so much for being here. What a hoot. You guys rule. I suppose Get Animated, right? At this point, when it comes out, we'll be done with our watch of Neon Genesis Evangelion. And we'll be moving on to a new series who knows what we'll be.
Starting point is 01:46:58 At this point, we don't know. But when this comes out, we will know what we're doing. Because we'll talk about it probably later today, actually. There you go. I want to plug something. Because I never get to plug this on the show, right? But my first season of Rick and Morty starts this fall. So please tune in to Rick and Morty and see how I've ruined the show.
Starting point is 01:47:28 Because I did. Check it out. Look for Rick and Morty. Look for Twisted Metal. And hey, that'll do for this episode of Doh Boys. Till next time, for The Spoonman, Mike Mitchell, I'm Nick Weigher. Happy eating. See ya.
Starting point is 01:47:45 On the next Doh Boys Double, we're reopening up the feed bag. You songs back, and we answer even more of your life advice questions. Plus Hog Talk, which kind of goes without saying. Get the Doh Boys Double every week, only at Want to see the sources for this week's intro? Check the episode description. That was a hate gum podcast.

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