Doughboys - Dave's Hot Chicken with Joe Randazzo

Episode Date: June 9, 2022

Joe Randazzo (The Onion, @midnight, The Dr. "Sex" Reese Show) joins the 'boys to discuss basketball and former jobs before a review of Dave's Hot Chicken. Plus, another edition of Slop Quiz.3628Want m...ore Doughboys? Check out our Patreon!: for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up, everybody? It's your boy, The Spoon Man, and I want to talk to you about today's sponsor, Uber Eats. At Uber Eats, we've helped more than 400,000 restaurants across the U.S. reach new, hungry customers and deliver growth quickly through new orders. Uber's global platform can help you grow, reach new people, get valuable sales data, and unlock ways to expand with flexible delivery options. Put your business on Uber Eats. Get access to the Uber Eats platform, including valuable sales data to grow your business. Dig into your data. Really dig in there anytime to monitor your performance and customer order trends. Wow. Wow. Why, restaurant owners, enjoy 0% commission for the first 30 days on all orders,
Starting point is 00:00:50 offer subject to change per the terms of the restaurant agreement. Wow. 0% on the first 30 days. Sign up today. That link that you want to click on is down there in the episode description. Right down there. Check it out. There it is. Move your cursor. Go ahead and click. There. Or if you're on your phone, use your finger and click that link. Click that link in the episode description. After Colonel Harlan Sanders founded the restaurant that would become Kentucky Fried Chicken in 1940, it took 12 years until he franchised and opened an additional location. And it wasn't until two decades had passed that the number of KFC restaurants, today the largest chicken chain in the world, hit the triple digits. But today the whole process has accelerated and
Starting point is 00:01:39 new local joints often quickly evolve into franchising moonshots with rapid growth from single locations to nationwide coverage, boosted by investor money and or a partnership with a franchising company like Franspart. And that looks to be the case with the Hollywood hot chicken hot spot founded in 2017 by four friends as an outdoor stand in a parking lot of the city's Taitown neighborhood. Within a week, they'd received a glowing write-up from the crown prince of Los Angeles Food Journalism, Eater LA's Farley Elliott, and the concept name for its classically trained chef would in short order upgrade from a tent-covered parking space to a hype-beast-styled brick-and-mortar location. In 2019, the now small chain was acquired by a group including the owners
Starting point is 00:02:16 of Wetzel's Pretzels and Blaze Pizza, and today boosted by homegrown hype as well as celebrity investors like Drake and Sam Jackson, the eatery has north of three dozen dining rooms with plans to go to 500 within the decade, a practical speedrun to chain restaurant ubiquity. But is this breaded bird broker built for the big time? Or is it faded to explode during launch, much like a customer's digestive tract after consuming their six-alarm reaper spice? This week on Doughboys, Dave's Hot Chicken. Welcome to Doughboys, the podcast about chain restaurants. I'm Nick Weiger, along with my co-host, Johnny Dip, the Amber Curd, the Spoon Man, Mike Mitchell.
Starting point is 00:03:10 Jesus. God, that's a long one, huh? It's a mouthful, but very topical. We got a little topical roast for this episode that's coming out next week. Are you tired today from... Oh, man, my voice is gone. So now it sounds like I'm the one who was up all night celebrating Johnny. I was going to say, are you tired from celebrating with Johnny all night? Yeah, yeah. I was at the parade. It's wild that there's like a euphoria. That's part of the reaction. People are just like, yeah, yeah. And you know, whatever. I mean, I haven't been following the trial, but it is a fascinating reaction. I was not expecting. I don't know, shit. And I ain't going to step in a fucking bees nest. I'm just going to make a joke and move on.
Starting point is 00:03:59 You stepped in enough bees nests in this fucking show. I've actually stepped in literal bees nests. You've told the story before. Yeah, you literally stepped in bees nests. I'm not going to tell it again. I'm just saying I've stepped in multiple bees nests. Yeah, you were trying to get their delicious honey. And to go with the salmon, you snatched from a stream. Mitch, that rose was from Ryan. Ryan wrote, I did this all myself. I don't have a girlfriend slash wife at a frosty winter on Twitter. RoseSpoonMan at Mitch, you're back from the bayou. That's right now, Nick. So your accent just showed up now. I told you that I was in my, I'm shooting something down
Starting point is 00:04:48 there. That's all I'll say. I was in my trailer. And I think I told you this, but there were two crew guys outside of my trailer talking about gators and like how to avoid them when they were filming in the bayou for real, which was truly insane. And I did love it. It's like, if you and I wrote a bad movie about New Orleans, that's like a scene we would put in it. But like two guys who were like, all right, out of gators, when you sit up down there, you could just watch yourself. It was exactly that. And I was like, careful with the gators because you don't want to get yourself bit before Mardi Gras. And then also there was, when I was driving to set for the first time, we got lost. Like me and the person driving, they were got lost. And we were like,
Starting point is 00:05:42 we came to an area that was flooded and a bridge we couldn't drive over. The bridge was down. So we called up. We called up like a production guy. Who? Dr. John. You got Dr. John on the phone? I'll help you out. Don't finish up this gig. I'll be right there. That's what it was. I mean, it was a guy like that who was like, go down Bayou Road and then you take a right by a crawfish. Crawfish factory. Now that doesn't really have crawfish in it, the crawfish factory. It's just a name. These days, it's artist lofts. It's been converted. Gentrification. They make sneakers in there. There's a release every week. I'm in line.
Starting point is 00:06:36 But it was very fun. A fun city wags. I'm back. I would go out to get picked up in the production van and then there'd be people still fucked up and it would smell like fresh piss. I'm writing like the French quarter. So it's pretty wild. And why is the Celtics? Congratulations, your Boston Celtics. How about them damn Celtics? In the NBA finals, game one tonight as of this recording, by the time this episode comes out, I think we'll be at game three. So game three going into game four. So we'll kind of know where the series is headed a little bit, but you got a gut feeling. Your Celtics up against the Golden State Warriors, the Golden State Warriors, the slight favorite by Vegas's odds.
Starting point is 00:07:32 Yes. No, yes. Golden State is the favorite. Yes, you're right. I want to walk on's wags and I watched a sports bar and there were no, that was the sports bar and there were no, absolutely no Celtics fan. It was me and like an old man across the bar. Yeah. Chef Paul Prudhomme. I'll go on tea. That was it in heat fans. And then I still ended up buying like the bar tequila shots. I bought 14 tequila shots, 14 shots of Patron for even for heat fans, the heat fans who were who were not happy with me. We were all friends by the end of the night. And Wags, you said congrats, Mitch, the next day. And then, and then sent me an article about Strauss's, Strauss or Strauss?
Starting point is 00:08:27 Strauss. I've heard of Strauss. Strauss. Sent me an article about Strauss's little step out of bounds. We don't need to re-edigate this. Like a real piece of shit. What? I wasn't trolling you. Congrats. Look at this. That wasn't bullshit. That wasn't a bang bang. That wasn't a congrats, but your victory is tainted. The Celtics won the series. If they win against the Warriors, it will be a win. It will be a title.
Starting point is 00:08:52 You sent that right after you said congrats. That's not the chain of events. The refs were not great for the Celtics. The refs were not great for either team. That's what happened. No, it is what happened. It is exactly what happened. It's not what happened. Unprovoked, you sent me the Strauss thing.
Starting point is 00:09:08 Yeah, I sent you that because it was like one of those things where you were complaining, hold on. You were complaining about the Celtics, officiating being biased against the Celtics the entire series. I was just saying. Okay, but not in this text. Fine, not in that text, but that was the bulk of our conversation on the past two weeks. I'm pulling up right now. I had other things to talk about, and we're not going to get to them because we're yelling at each
Starting point is 00:09:34 other again. We're in the mindset of the Depp Hurd trial right now. You said, congrats, Mitchie, and then you sent the thing. In short succession, immediately afterwards? Hold on. I'm scrolling back. This is going to be so dated by the time this comes out too, because we're talking about the last series. By the time this episode comes out, we'll be in the midst of the next series.
Starting point is 00:10:03 This is just your own personal beef. All I was saying was that it was a weird call, and like a lot of things that happened in the series, it disrupted the rhythm of the game because the officiating was being done with a heavy hand. Congrats, Mitchie. Thanks, Y. It's a terrifying game. We talked a little bit. I said, Butler is insane.
Starting point is 00:10:20 Okay, so we talked a little bit. So that's what you admitted. And then you posted it unprovoked, unprompted. If we can still record Thursday, and then you just posted that. A lot of bad officiating in the series is what you wrote after it. That's such bullshit. Yeah, there was. There was a lot of bad officiating in the series.
Starting point is 00:10:37 You hate the Celtics too much. You really hate the Celtics too much. I root against the Celtics as a lifelong Lakers fan. I'm sure you do the same against the... I know you do the same against the Lakers. Tatum or a Kobe. He wore a little Kobe thing. I like Tatum.
Starting point is 00:10:50 A little slack band. I like Bargassmart. I like Horford. There's likable players on this team. But you know, as a part of sports, you get to root against franchise. You get to root against teams. We're talking way too long, Mitch. With a great cast, he's been waiting here.
Starting point is 00:11:02 I know, I know, I will introduce him right now. Over a fucking playoff series that's already over, that's been over for two weeks by the time this episode releases. You're mad because I texted you. It's a lesson. Don't be a little fucking whiny bitch loser, okay? Oh, the lesson is for me to learn. The lesson isn't for you to not be petty, not to hold grudges.
Starting point is 00:11:23 Carry the hell on, Wags. Here's the other thing you're admitting. For basically an hour after that, we had like an hour-long argument where you refused to concede that that was even poorly officiated. That particular call, which all you had to do was like, yeah, that was a weird ass call. That's all you had to do. It is absolutely all you.
Starting point is 00:11:41 Absolutely. You eventually came around to saying that was weird, and you also said it was the right call. What the fuck do I owe you? What do I owe you? I don't owe you shit. I don't owe you shit. I don't owe you shit.
Starting point is 00:11:54 I don't owe you shit. You have to say it's a bad call. I don't have to say shit to you. The calls were all bad. I wasn't, you don't have to say it's a bad call, but hey, a thing you could have done is say, yeah, that was a weird call. Like, that was a bad call.
Starting point is 00:12:07 Man, the officiating was so bad this year. You were trolling me. You put the damn thing up. I wasn't trolling you. How dare you? Let's carry the hell on. Why can't we can't have a discussion about anything that possibly reflects-
Starting point is 00:12:18 Your Celtics hate is too strong. You got too many Celtics hate. Yeah, when we come from a place of Celtics hate, that came from a place of like, that was a bizarre call. Those are bizarre calls. Coming down, root for the green and the championship game. I love this.
Starting point is 00:12:31 You're telling me to calm down. You're telling me. Susser did agree with me. Susser did agree with me. I'm just going to say that, even though it's not- Susser did agree with you about this? Yeah, he- You sidestepped him about it?
Starting point is 00:12:44 Yeah, I will now. I'm going to make it happen now. It's going to be a reality now. Okay, so you're engineering it. Wags, how the hell to Spoon Nation? Jimmy Butler is- Can't believe how- Jimmy Butler is scary.
Starting point is 00:12:54 Jimmy Butler is amazing. He's so good. He's so good. One of the NBA's true hunks. I just saw the multiverse endings of those games of if they counted that Struce thing and it was tied, or if he had hit that three. If he had tied it up or hit the three, would the Celtics win?
Starting point is 00:13:12 I don't know. They were so cold at that point. Here's the thing about the Struce call. Just to return to that real quick. They did count it. About 10 minutes in real time allowed. Shut the fuck up. About four minutes in game time.
Starting point is 00:13:21 And then they take it off the board. When do they do that? It's extremely unusual sequence of events. In the last game, when did they review the fucking- Whatever. I don't care. Look, you're trying to say this is a gotcha. You're trying to say this is a gotcha.
Starting point is 00:13:35 You're trying to say like, oh, they should have called- They called an offensive foul on Tatum. It should have been a foul. And I'm like, I agree with you on that. I agree with you that that offensive foul on Tatum was bullshit. The only thing you sent me was that stupid bullshit. Because you've been whining continuously about the officiating being biased against the Celtics.
Starting point is 00:13:51 I haven't talked to you about the Celtics. That you've been talking about that the whole time. Every single game, man, the refs are bad. I barely talked to you anymore. We talked constantly. I talked to you during Doe Boys, and it's too much. It makes us both mad. Emma, let's figure out a way if we can do these-
Starting point is 00:14:08 Should I just end this certain call now? No, this is great. This is great. We have a great guest. This is great. Great too long. Here we go. Joe and I are going to do this episode by ourselves.
Starting point is 00:14:21 All right, here we go. Flags. To Spoon Nation and Celtics Nation and only Celtics Nation. And why is here is a little drop. I hit my tooth on the microphone. My last good tooth. Ow.
Starting point is 00:14:42 Fuck, what did you do? I just hit my tooth on the fucking microphone. Oh, boy. I hit my teeth on- I hit my- I hurt my teeth on- I hit my teeth on the mic. Oh, my god.
Starting point is 00:14:52 Ow, I just- I hit my tooth against the mic. I'll take it for a drumstick. This has happened before, Mitch. You mistake the mic for a big lollipop. Be honest, Mitch, you- you faded out for a second and thought it was an ice cream cone. Yes, my favorite gray ice cream.
Starting point is 00:15:05 They're probably going to boil this thing afterwards. What the fuck's on your tooth? Wow. That's happened a few times. I- well, I was just saying like, man, we've talked to- like, we've done that so many times in, joked about it the same way each time. Anyways.
Starting point is 00:15:24 I'd say slightly different angles, but yes. Anyways. You're bitter about this, I'll just- Hey, Doughboys. Thanks for all the laughs. I think I can do it about it. Shout out to my friend Ripley, Evan Cohen. Wow.
Starting point is 00:15:36 Do you think he means it? Ripley who fights Xenomorphs? Uh, yeah, the Sigourney Weaver character, that's the way. Soon. Yeah. All right, get our guest in here for God's sakes. It's been way too long. Mitch.
Starting point is 00:15:51 I'm very excited to have our guest here today. A writer and comedian from The Onion and at Midnight. His new podcast is The Doctor's Sex Re-Show. Joe Randazo is here. Hi, Joe. Hi, everyone. Hi. Hello.
Starting point is 00:16:01 Good morning. Hi, Joe. Joe, thanks for making time for us. Sorry about that. Yeah, sorry. Sorry we had to discuss swagger, being bitter, and sending that thing. Okay.
Starting point is 00:16:08 Oh, no, that was great. That was good. Joe, awesome to have you here. And we were talking before the podcast began, while we're waiting for Mitch to show up, that you, like Emma, are an Emerson alum, which means that like Mitch, you also have a little bit of a Boston connection.
Starting point is 00:16:29 Yeah. Well, I grew up in New Hampshire, actually. Hell yeah. So were you in Celtics the other night? I don't really follow the NBA anymore. But yeah, sure. I mean, I don't know. I was a Celtics fan, but I was also a Knicks fan.
Starting point is 00:16:48 I was more of a Knicks fan. Fascinating. But I used to love to watch the Celtics in the 80s. That's one of those New England things, right, where it's like in Connecticut, there's Yankees fans and there's Red Sox fans. It's one of those things where you're not, if you're not in Massachusetts proper,
Starting point is 00:17:06 it's like you can kind of glom on to whatever local franchises exist. Well, my family's from New York. I was born in New York, so I always tried to root for the New York teams. But in the 80s, the Celtics were just the best to watch. And in New Hampshire, it was just Celtics games. Like it was just Bob Cousy and Tommy Hyneson.
Starting point is 00:17:29 And then in the 90s, when the Knicks seemed like they were going to be good every year, but then always tanked, I was a Knicks fan. And then probably after college, I kind of stopped following sports as closely. I just decided to move on with my life. Yeah, I get that. Probably that.
Starting point is 00:17:45 I mean, instead of arguing with another 40-year-old man like I just was, it's probably a better move. I was having emotional flashbacks. Like there were echoes of, in my gut, in my chest, echoes of like old arguments I had with friends where we like would get into physical fights over stuff like that. That's what, I was definitely feeling that. Yeah, from the guys.
Starting point is 00:18:13 Well, now the listeners are going to be like, Mitch didn't think it was weird. I thought it was weird, first of all. Second of all, you're, look, I'm like the three stooges and you're like the studio exec. I come in and do my little dance and you're all straight faced. Yeah, why not? You're Larry Curley and Mo wrapped into one.
Starting point is 00:18:36 And you're the humorless studio exec that doesn't want me to. Humorless, how dare you? Or the shop keep. How dare you? The guy who, I come and try to have some fun in the shop and you're straight faced and you say, what are you three doing out here? No, you can get this, you can get this piano upstairs
Starting point is 00:18:53 without causing any havoc, right, sir? There's a lot of delicate vases around here. Do not knock over any of my vases. And I'm going to have some fun and do a little dance and then you get mad at me. That's all that happened. The guy wasn't having fun, we were having fun. Didn't seem that fun.
Starting point is 00:19:10 It wasn't fun. It was not fun. It was fun for a while. I was laughing and then I went into my like, oh, I have to, yeah, keep smiling until this end. I don't owe you anything. That's probably about where I'll cut it and I'll throw some music in there
Starting point is 00:19:28 and we'll just come back for the drop. There you go. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, Emma, you do not cut a single thing from that. You do not cut anything. I actually really did enjoy it. I really did enjoy it. There was a lot going on, a lot beneath the surface.
Starting point is 00:19:42 Wigs is why that's kind of what's going on with this pod in general. Yeah. You didn't have to send me the link. I had known about the streus, I was confused by it. Here's the thing. All you had to do, all I had to do. That's fine.
Starting point is 00:19:55 You didn't have to do anything, but I'm just saying like, instead of this turning into a big fight. Congrats on your win. Here's a little picture of streus. You already, hold on, hold on, hold on. If we could return. It was an article that was like,
Starting point is 00:20:06 this is fucking weird and unprecedented. If we could return to the transcript of the text that you went through. It was like was the article that you sent. If we can go, no, this was from ESPN and it was quoting Coach Spostra. And Spostra himself said, it did not decide the series,
Starting point is 00:20:25 but it was strange and that was my exact same argument. It was like, it obviously did not decide the series. Obviously did not affect the outcome of the day. They gave it three. I can't study for MBA. And then a lot of bad officiating in this series. It was weird. Right under it.
Starting point is 00:20:38 Anyway. Jesus Christ, here you're coming down. First off, you completely, you already retconned what you already said, which was that we had a bunch of conversation in between those two texts. In between me congratulating you. There wasn't a, this is like within,
Starting point is 00:20:50 by the way, it was within 30 seconds, basically, of you sending me a congrats with you and then sending it. The other thing is that for context, you have to give people full context. I've been listening to Wine about the officiating being biased against the Celtics, despite the Celtics having a big free throw event
Starting point is 00:21:06 in the entire series. You need to send receipts. The world needs to see receipts. This is, again, this is, this is turning into the depth trial. This is what- Check out a Future Doughboys double when we get a couples therapist in here
Starting point is 00:21:19 to settle this one. I pitched this and Mitch vetoed it. I pitched getting a couple therapists in here a couple years ago. Mitch didn't want to- And guess what? Poof, my friend Poof from college, pitched that we go to the last Howard Johnson's
Starting point is 00:21:32 and you said no up in upstate New York and now it's closed. You piece of shit. Wow. It closed. So we can't go there ever again. I was actually- We're traveling to upstate New York
Starting point is 00:21:44 a lot over the past couple years. So we have plenty of opportunities to do that. Why- Wouldn't it require a special trip out? In between New Orleans, I flew down to New Orleans on Wednesday filmed, I'm sorry, on Thursday filmed Friday and then Saturday morning at 5 a.m.
Starting point is 00:22:01 flew to San Diego for a wedding. You filmed a new Friday movie? Is that what you're doing? Is Smokey back? They kind of have me as like the new Debo, which who they're not afraid of at all. The other Poof got married and I got some California Puritos from Juanita's.
Starting point is 00:22:28 I see, you know, I saw the night train and Big Cat, the San Diego guys. Yes. And we were going to do a lineup. You're different clicker friends. Yeah, your friend named Night Train wanted to do a lineup, which is remind everyone how much alcohol this is.
Starting point is 00:22:45 It's a pint of Guinness, a shot of Jaeger. Another shot of Jaeger and a Jaeger bomb. And I used to be a bartender shaking your head. And then you do all those rides. I just don't understand how you chug a Guinness. That just, I can't do it. Chugging the Guinness is actually the easiest part of it. I used to be able to do another 30 seconds swags.
Starting point is 00:23:07 No, Guinness is actually easier to chug than you would think. It's not too bad. But I used to be able to do another 30 seconds. But we used to, that was the lineup. Night Train introduced it to me. It was night when we were out there. And he was trying to, he was trying to,
Starting point is 00:23:22 he was trying to get it going at the wedding, but it didn't happen. But I did get Juanitas when I was in Encinitas. Very exciting. Big Cat looks great. It was, it was a great visit. Happy for Big Cat. Happy for Poov and the other Poovs.
Starting point is 00:23:33 That's right, you have two friends named Poov. One of them got married. Got married, yeah. Congratulations, Poov and Cara. Joe, I have a question about you, which I learned via your Wikipedia, which is that you worked for a fruit basket company. Is that correct?
Starting point is 00:23:51 Oh yeah, I used to, yeah. Yeah, Manhattan Fruity. What was that like, what were you doing in the fruit basket industry? Whelp. When I lived in Boston and went to Emerson College, I used to work at this place in Harvard Square called Burdick's Chocolate.
Starting point is 00:24:08 Okay. Anybody find Burdick's Chocolate? A fine chocolatier. And I worked there like pretty much all through college. It was a coffee shop and a chocolate shop. And then when I moved to New York, I went to school for journalism, broadcast journalism. And when I moved to New York,
Starting point is 00:24:25 I couldn't get a job in journalism. It was very difficult. It was like way more competitive than I thought it would be. And so my friend, the chocolate man, Larry Burdick, had a friend who ran a fruit basket company. So I like went and worked at the fruit basket company for a while. I first started doing it seasonally,
Starting point is 00:24:48 and then I was doing it full time. But your friend, Larry Burd? Larry Burdick. He's my buddy Larry Burdick. So many different jobs he could have hooked me up with. But he sent me to the fruit basket guy. Yeah, you're really going to like this, dude. Hope you like packing apples.
Starting point is 00:25:09 I don't know if that's the first time I've ever tried to do a Larry Burd impression. It wasn't even anything, was it? It's not easy, I feel like. I feel like it's a kind of husband. There's only one place I'd rather be. Right, doesn't even say what it looks like. Kind of just sounds like Hank Hill.
Starting point is 00:25:28 God damn it, God damn it, Lakers. What a weird man. They were a fascinating man. There were weird white men in the NBA back then. There's still some, but if you're like Kiki Vandaway and Kurt Rambus and like, they're just like. Sure. They were just tall, right?
Starting point is 00:25:50 Yeah. It was an era, because I have a decent amount of sports cards. It's not a decent amount, but I had a box of sports cards from the 1990-91 NBA season and you look at it and it's just like so many players just look like your friend's dad. It's like who had a van with a VCR in it. It's just like, and you were a professional basketball player. You were just some dude who was completely bald on top
Starting point is 00:26:15 with the wings and big thick glasses. Same with baseball too. Kind of like where you didn't even really have to be that athletic, like John Clark and. What the hell were you doing in that van, Wags? Watching VCR. VCR in the van. Boy Scout trips.
Starting point is 00:26:31 I will say honestly, you got in a van with a VCR in it for one of those long drives up to the mountains in Boy Scouts. You could have yourself a great time, because you could watch a movie on the road. This was before phones. This was before even game boys. So you needed something to occupy yourself. Yeah. The first time I saw Misery was weirdly the movie Misery
Starting point is 00:26:53 and another movie I saw in a Boy Scout trip was Total Recall. I have no idea why they were doing this to like 11 year old boys. But they were, it was awesome. We were very excited. Total Recall. Did the Boy Scouts go nuts over the third titty? Yeah, third titty. Yeah, that's what I thought the anatomy was for a while.
Starting point is 00:27:16 I learned better. I was just going to say, it was a weird thing when I look back on it that so much of the thing that I was looking forward to on Boy Scout trips was being able to watch a movie in the van. Oh, I feel like I always preferred the journey. Whether it was short, whatever it was, just hanging out and acting wild with your buds was more fun than whatever you were actually going to do.
Starting point is 00:27:40 That's 100%. You know what? It's still fun. It's fun. Are you wags when we're on the road? It's fun. It's getting there can be fun. It's a blast. You guys should go to, before it closes down,
Starting point is 00:27:52 the last Howard Johnson upstate new year. I'm sorry. I'll go with you. We could talk about that out of bounds call for the entire. The wags will get mad. Did you see the thing that went around yesterday? I keep cutting you off, Mitch. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:28:11 Go ahead. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, I was, I'll tell you what I was, the thing I'm going to ask you, I'm still going to ask you. Okay, great. It was just a small thing on Twitter that was like, one of these things that people love to get mad about was like the most overrated city in every state. Did you see that thing?
Starting point is 00:28:27 Oh man. I did not see that. I mean, it seemed like it made sense from what people say, California was Los Angeles, Madison was Wisconsin. But then for New York, it said Albany. Albany overrated. Yeah, how could that, why does New York City get a pat? Like New York City is the most overrated city in the world.
Starting point is 00:28:48 Wow. But I think it's got a pass. I love that take. I think probably it's just like New Yorkers have extremely thin skin. And so it's like, that's like the greatest city in the world. You know, it's like they wouldn't dare possibly. And I also probably overrepresented in the online discourses, people who live in New York City.
Starting point is 00:29:06 I've just never heard anybody say anything good about Albany. Right. Yeah, Albany is like a punchline basically. Yeah. So that's, but I say Bakersfield is overrated or Fresno. It's like, it's San Francisco for California. San Francisco, I would get. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:21 San Francisco and like if we want people, if we want to say San Francisco is overrated or San Diego or Los Angeles, those are like cities that people say nice things about that are major cities and it was LA though. LA was the one that was overrated just so you know. I Joe, I think I do remember. I think I did because I was in Louisiana and they said the most overrated was the Bayou.
Starting point is 00:29:45 And there were people just outraged. It's like, this is an outrage. The Bayou is perfect. It's one of the greatest spots in the world. So what's overrated about this? You going down on Bayou, going down on Bayou. Tell me that overrated. Didn't Dr. John die?
Starting point is 00:30:02 You made a Dr. John reference. Oh, did he? I think he did. Oh man. But I loved hearing about it. I think he died in the last year or two. He would have helped you out though. He was in my general practitioner.
Starting point is 00:30:18 Every time he breaks into song about what's wrong. Once again, you got a goiter. How many times I'm going to tell you? I don't even know. He sounds kind of like that, right? What causes goiters? I'm going to do some research on what causes goiters. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:30:38 What's your question? Joe, I was going to add this with us. This is what I wanted to ask you the whole time is, how much of your friendship and how much of Wag's nose you is based on your Wikipedia page that we brought up earlier? Okay. Which is, Joe and I work together. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:30:54 Which has not been updated for many years. And so how often, when you're working together, how often would you bring up his Wikipedia page too? Every couple of weeks, he'd be like, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute. I don't even know what else is in there. You went to Merrimack Valley High School? Yeah, where Red Rolf from the New York Yankees also went.
Starting point is 00:31:14 Whenever there was a lull in the room. He was updating and correcting your Wikipedia page during the course of the time we worked together. That thing has not been updated in a very long time. There's another Joe Randazzo who's also in the biz. He's like a screenwriter. The other Joe Randazzo? Wow.
Starting point is 00:31:36 There's another Joe Randazzo who's like a... Well, I thought you were going to say, there's a Joe Randazzo's bakery in New Orleans that's known for their king cakes. I thought you were going to bring that up. Oh, okay. I see this Joe Randazzo, he's an actor, actor, screenwriter, producer, it looks like.
Starting point is 00:32:00 Working in a different side of the industry. But yeah, there is another Joe Randazzo to me. There are different hats, it seems like. But the other Randazzo that comes up when I search in my preferred search engine, Microsoft Bing, you're number one. Number two, Joe Randazzo's fruit and vegetable market. Back to fruits.
Starting point is 00:32:17 Yep, Detroit. City of Detroit. Wow. I'm number one, huh? Sometimes a lot of different hats can be good, but for me it would be like writer, actor, production assistant, and then that would be the longest list of credits for me. Probably still is.
Starting point is 00:32:35 Well, me and that Joe Randazzo, our IMDb's have completely immersed. She has a bunch of my credits, and I can't undo them. That same thing happened to me. And we've both tried to, we've pleaded with IMDb, and there's nothing that can be done. Yeah, they're like, no, we don't do anything. Oh, so I just heard IMDb is owned by Amazon? That's probably right.
Starting point is 00:33:00 Oh yeah, because they bought IMDb became preview or some IMDb TV, got changed to some, got rebranded as something. It's like TV, spelled T-E-E-B-E-E or something. What the fuck is it? Am I right about that or am I wrong about that? No, I think you're not wrong. It got bought by something.
Starting point is 00:33:19 Yeah, Amazon. That sucks. That sucks shit. This is too inside. We're too inside with our business. No, no. People love this stuff. People love it.
Starting point is 00:33:29 I get, there was a stunt actor, Mike Mitchell, who has, and he actually just sadly passed away not long ago, but he's got one of my credits. And then I want it back, really mad. I'm really mad about it. And now it's kind of like fucked up that he's passed away because who am I supposed to fight with over it? And then-
Starting point is 00:33:49 Is the state his family? Yeah, I'll bring it to his family. I'm going to go after the state. And then there's another Mike Mitchell who directed, I think the Trolls movie or Almond and the Chipmunks movie, he's a director. And I went to the premiere for Killing It, because I was in an episode.
Starting point is 00:34:13 And one of the people there was like, we actually emailed the director, Mike Mitchell, accidentally. And he came and he was just there. And he knew it was a mistake, but he came, which I think is the coolest thing on, like, I love it. I think it's a great move to go and get some free drinks and some free food and just hang out. He's done well for himself anyway.
Starting point is 00:34:34 I think that Joe Randazzo has my credit for- I wrote this movie, The Art of the Deal, that was about Donald Trump and Johnny Depp played- With Johnny Depp? Johnny Depp played Donald Trump. Yeah. Oh, yes, yeah. Which I can't-
Starting point is 00:34:51 A lot of people saw it and had an amazing cast. It's really good. I actually rewatched it recently. I was like, oh, this is actually better than I remember it. But I feel like I can't talk about it. I can't, like, say that I did that anymore. Interesting. You mean because of the Trump of it,
Starting point is 00:35:07 because of the Depp of it, because of both factors? I guess kind of more of the Depp aspect, I think. But interesting. Luckily, Doe Boy's listeners, you're safe on both fronts. It just doesn't seem like something to brag about. This was when he was with Amber Heard, was when we were shooting this. And it was like when things were falling apart.
Starting point is 00:35:35 And he would be literally seven hours late for a shoot. Oh, my God. And he wanted to be covered in makeup. He was heavily made up. And he did have the thing. I saw something about his agent saying that at the end, he's really bad, he needed people to read him his lines in his ear. And he was doing that.
Starting point is 00:36:00 He was too blind. We had a teleprompter for him, but he couldn't see it. But he wouldn't wear glasses. And then so we had a teleprompter, and somebody in his ear feeding him his lines. He was like, I learned this from Brando on Don Juan de Mucco. He just had someone reading his line. So I haven't done it since then.
Starting point is 00:36:18 And that was like his... It's like such a bad thing to learn from an actor. Just have somebody give you a line. But I think a bunch of actors... And you could probably guess the type of people who would be. Just do that. I've heard this about RDJ, Robert Downey Jr. That he's got a guy in his ear.
Starting point is 00:36:38 Yeah. Oh, really? Interesting. It's what's the... I was trying to think of the stupid Iron Man assistant. I couldn't think of a name. Jarvis? Jarvis.
Starting point is 00:36:50 Jarvis, it's Jarvis. It's fucking Jarvis. It's Paul Bettany. It's actual Paul Bettany reading his lines. Over cell phone. I gotta say this, that it's so hard to be late on set because they make actors come way earlier than they should really. Just for precautions.
Starting point is 00:37:15 And so you could literally be in sometimes an hour late and no one would even notice or care. I'm not saying that that happens. I'm not saying that happened. I'm good with time. Wags, you always give me shit with being late. And it's always in that... It's not like I'm like a half an hour late guy.
Starting point is 00:37:33 Uh-huh. Why were you late today? You said you were gonna tell us why. Oh, yeah, you were gonna tell us why. Actually, it has to do with the food. Well, you know what? Wags, don't fear the reaper. You maybe should fear the reaper
Starting point is 00:37:48 because that reaper comes for your butthole, it turns out. We'll talk about this, Mitch. Right after this break. We'll be back with more Dobos. Wow. You know, Mitch, you're about to take a little trip abroad. You're going to Costa Rica. That's right, Wags.
Starting point is 00:38:05 I'm going to Costa Rica with the family. It's gonna be a lot of fun. Gonna maybe see a monkey. Oh, that's fun. Gonna maybe see a bird. Just that, just a one monkey, one bird. That's it. Hey, that sounds like a heck of a vacay.
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Starting point is 00:41:41 Head to slash Doughboys50 and use code Doughboys50 to get 50% off your first box. That's code Doughboys50 at slash Doughboys50 to get 50% off your first box. Do it. Welcome back to Doughboys. We are here with our guest Joe Randazzo, discussing this week's chain, Dave's Hot Chicken.
Starting point is 00:42:02 Before we get into Dave's Hot Chicken, I want to come back to the Fruit Basket Company. So you were saying, you were telling us over the break, this was like a high-end sort of fruit basket operation. Yeah. Yeah, very high-end in Chelsea, New York, right across from literally Acme Safe Company. Not that that says it's high-end, but it was just called Acme Safe Company.
Starting point is 00:42:25 So that was like in a cartoon. Exactly. Yeah, that rules. And it was, we get incredibly busy around the holidays, obviously, but it was like a super high-end gourmet fruit, gourmet chocolate, everything personally sourced by the owners. And Whoopi Goldberg would send all of her gifts, all the high-powered Hollywood people who lived in New York. But then also Henry Kissinger did all of his gifts
Starting point is 00:42:57 through Manhattan Fruity A. Insane. So it would be like, you would see first of all who, and I wish I could remember more about it, but who they sent their stuff to, who all these people's addresses were, what message Henry Kissinger is sending to Whoopi Goldberg. I'm then seeing like 90% of your business
Starting point is 00:43:17 was just the two of them sending the baskets back and forth. Super tight. Yeah, it was an interesting place to work too, because it was very international. Like it was tons of people from all over the world who were working there. There were the people who assembled the baskets. There were the people who delivered the baskets.
Starting point is 00:43:37 There was the customer service people. I don't know. I guess I'm straining to make it seem interesting, but it was interesting until I wanted to kill myself from working there too long. And then it was starting to get a little old. Right. But that was also around the time I,
Starting point is 00:43:58 see, before that I was working in reality TV. I wanted to get into journalism, couldn't do it. So then I worked on the apprentice. I worked on the original apprentice the first couple of seasons of that. That is crazy. Yeah, I used to do, I was a dumber. So I would copy all the master footage onto backups.
Starting point is 00:44:22 So I sat in this room 60, 70 hours a week with a bank of 20 TVs, just copying all the footage from the apprentice. And it was amazing. How come, why didn't you release the tapes of Donald Trump during the president? We were going to get them from the apprentice tapes, weren't we?
Starting point is 00:44:44 Yeah, that would have sunk him. They wouldn't give me enough money. No, he would have won more if they heard. Yeah, exactly. No one would have given a shit. I mean, the only thing was like those, those, I don't know if you guys are familiar with the show, but at the end of the show,
Starting point is 00:45:00 there's a thing called the boardroom, right, where they all sit around and he fires somebody. I watched the first maybe a couple of seasons of it. Yeah. No, me too. I mean, it was, it's, it's, you know, that's the, the Mark Burnett, right? It's like he, it's well made reality TV.
Starting point is 00:45:13 It's very compelling. Yes, I would want, those boardrooms would take hours because he was so fucking dumb. Like he would go on and on. He would get confused about like what the task, what like he would get confused with the people. He also like they so many times would have to like change things around
Starting point is 00:45:32 because he would just lie like about what the prizes were. Like there was one where it was a, they had to work for a diamond company. Like they had to do like set up a wedding campaign for a diamond company or something. And he's like, and at the end of this, the winner is going to get their choice of diamonds and a hundred thousand dollars in cash.
Starting point is 00:45:52 And everyone's like, holy shit, it was not true. Like that was not the prize. And he refused to back down. He just kept saying this stuff. And yeah, I mean, he was just like, you really did see the thing of him just picking up whatever the last thing was that somebody said that he would think was intelligent.
Starting point is 00:46:13 And then, and then just doing that. And he would like make these really weird decisions of like, wait a minute, a minute ago you said a donut was your favorite pastry. And now you said it's a cupcake, you're fired. And everyone would be like, I can't trust, I can't trust a liar. And they'd be like, wait, wait.
Starting point is 00:46:29 The Doughboy's war room, the boardroom, war room. So I mean, I want, so I should write a book because I have a yeah, that's amazing. Singular. That is, that's such a crazy, yeah. And also just the gift baskets. Henry Kissinger's got probably got a lot of gift baskets to send. A lot of gift baskets to send.
Starting point is 00:46:54 A lot of making up to do. A lot of making up to do. You think he's feeling bad? A lot of different areas. It's a gift basket to Cambodia. You got to send those, you got to send those gift baskets. Yeah, overseas. I want to go back to the Acme safe of it all for a moment.
Starting point is 00:47:12 Just because one Acme products don't work great is one issue. But then two, wouldn't you be afraid with an Acme safe that it was going to fall on you? Like that would be my fear. That would be the fear, yeah. Of walking into that place is that an Acme safe is going to crush you. Yeah, every single time, yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:31 I mean, maybe it's one of those things that was like, we were before, you know, Merry Melodies or whatever. What the hell is that? That's right, right? Merry Melodies? Yes. So like maybe it was before that, but that would be a long-ass time ago. Yeah, they had a big apology and they, you know,
Starting point is 00:47:48 they tried to rebrand and so they've kind of been going and like, that's the old Acme. The new Acme, these safes don't fall from heights onto people. Right. They moved into pianos. Yes, yeah. And then that didn't work. And then they got into long mirror delivery service.
Starting point is 00:48:09 We hired Shemp. He's going to be our director of operation. And then they just started making Oxycontin. And now they've been doing fine. So we're talking Dave's hot chicken this week. Chef Dave Capuchin worked for Thomas Keller, the great chef of the French laundry. He launched it with four of his friends as a stand in East Hollywood in 2017. Mitch, you probably remember this in stand form.
Starting point is 00:48:40 I certainly do. This was a big sensation. Wait, Dave's hot chicken? Dave's hot chicken, yeah. In stand form. Oh, I don't remember that. No, it was like a little stand in a parking lot. Oh, I do remember French laundry conveniently being open during COVID,
Starting point is 00:48:56 which was good for me and my friends. Great, yeah. You were there with Gavin Newsom. Yeah. A lot of fun. Dave's hot chicken in stand form was a huge hit with a foodie crowd. Like basically immediately gets huge buzz from an Eater LA article by our good friend Farley Elliott.
Starting point is 00:49:12 This was a May 11, 2017 article to kind of put it on the map or help put it on the map. East Hollywood's new late night hot chicken stand might blow your mind. So it's this huge local favorite and establishes a storefront. Farley, take a stance, Farley. Might, Farley. Don't go after Farley. Farley, I'm coming after you, baby. Elevated a local business.
Starting point is 00:49:38 Not me. I don't like that stuff. Anyway, the article's good and we'll link to it in the show description if you want to see kind of where it all began. But so they open a storefront. Storefront's very successful. And in 2019, it's acquired by Blaise Pizza, which we previously reviewed in the podcast.
Starting point is 00:49:59 Blaise Pizza itself, of course, owned and founded by the creators of Wetzel's Pretzels. So that's under one roof now. Wetzel's Blaise Pizza, Dave's Hot Chicken, kind of its own sort of Yum Brands prototype, has some celebrity investors now. I'd be nervous about Sam Jackson. It feels like a house built by the Three Stooges in a lot of ways, besides Dave's. I mean, that's always the concern with these places. Because it has about, I believe, about three dozen franchise locations nationwide,
Starting point is 00:50:30 and their plans are to grow it to 500 locations. And we've seen with some chains that when they scale up this quickly, the quality can start to dip. That, to me, has not happened with Dave's Hot Chicken, which I get with some frequency, but it's a thing to be conscious of. It hasn't happened yet. Evan Susser had a good anecdote about this. So when he had met with a producer who was like,
Starting point is 00:50:52 I bought the best hot chicken place in LA, and I'm going to franchise it. We're going to turn it to a huge franchise. And Suss was like, Holland Rais, and he was like, the second best hot chicken place in LA. Holland Rais is really above reproach. It's that's great. And that's still just one location. But I will say like, it is harder to get Holland Rais, and Dave's is not hard to get,
Starting point is 00:51:16 which I'm like, is that a good thing? I mean, also, my impression of the Stooges is just, yeah, I just realized that I don't even know how to do an impression of the Stooges. That's pretty much it. Yeah, there you go. Did they, they, wise guy, did they say wise guy? Or did I make that one? Yeah, they say that.
Starting point is 00:51:35 Wise guy, all right, all right, good, good. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. I don't know, something like that. Yeah, there we go. That's what I should have done. God damn it. Let's beat the shit out of this Irish guy. It's a comedy he was like in the 30s.
Starting point is 00:51:51 Yeah, I think truly just a, well, he's yelping in the background, man. He's really yelping. I think that it's just an easier place to get, which is, you know what, points deducted from Holland Rais. Holland Rais is great. I agree with you. It is, it is, that's the high standard for hot chicken. Yes, but for people who aren't in LA.
Starting point is 00:52:14 10 times more than it, and it's not even like I've eaten Dave's because like there's multiple locations. It's just the one location on Western that I've always gone to. And it's just, and it still is just so much easier than Holland Rais, which didn't deliver for a long time, which is okay. I get that, but like also you'd have to go and wait in an hour, at least an hour's long line, which Dave's would have lines, but they, you know, it wouldn't be more than 20 minutes usually.
Starting point is 00:52:42 Yeah. There's one Holland Rais, it's in Chinatown, it's a little tucked away, and it's fantastic, but yes, I've waited well over two hours for one meal. And most of that time just standing in line. So it's a bit more of a commitment. Not looking at his phone, just looking dead ahead. Yeah. Reading my what to be.
Starting point is 00:53:03 Two straight hours, not. Yeah. Refreshing it constantly over and over again. He's in areas, okay. I didn't know, I've never been to Holland Rais. I didn't know there was a little line. You haven't been to Holland Rais? Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:53:21 No. How do you feel about a two barrel question for you here, which I know for you as a journalism major is a no-no, but I'll do it anyway. I'll unleash both barrels. I want to know how you feel about- You know who it's a yes-yes for? Donkey Kong.
Starting point is 00:53:35 Hey, the more the merrier, as Donkey Kong says. I've always been confused about Donkey Kong's relationship with barrels as to whether he likes them or loathes them. You think he likes them, but he also throws them. He throws them in what seems to be a fit of rage. Like, and also he gets trapped in barrels. In the Donkey Kong Country franchise, he and Diddy Kong and Dixie Kong, they all get trapped in barrels.
Starting point is 00:53:59 So maybe they don't like them. I wish I could have thrown a barrel at you when you sent me that fucking struce. The other night. I would have jumped over it. Struce? Struce. He has a complicated relationship with barrels.
Starting point is 00:54:11 Yeah. I can't- Yeah, I don't think you can say he loves them or hates them. I think it's just- Yeah. They're just a big part of his life. Yeah, it is a lot like you guys, like you two. Who's the Donkey Kong in this relationship?
Starting point is 00:54:22 I wonder. You know who it is. Yeah, I know. You're Donkey Kong. I'm Pauline, the damsel in distress, and Emma is Mario coming to rescue me. I'm probably more like Kitty Kong. If you stripped all my clothes off me, I'd be Kitty Kong.
Starting point is 00:54:42 Jesus. Blow the waste more like Tiny Kong. Oh my god. So let's talk about Dave's. So here's my two barrel question. Oh, okay. A barrel one. How do you feel about fried chicken and barrel two?
Starting point is 00:55:02 How do you feel about spicy foods? Okay. I mean, I love fried chicken, I think as much as the next guy. Or a donkey. Or a gorilla. I don't seek it out that much. You know, I'm actually- Sure.
Starting point is 00:55:18 I was a vegetarian for a long time. For about five or six years. Six years maybe. And then in the last six- I'll add that to your Wikipedia. Thank you. If you can. In the last six months maybe or so.
Starting point is 00:55:35 Maybe a little longer. I came back to meat. That recently. Maybe a little bit longer. It was, thank you. Yeah, it's good to be back. It's pretty good to be back. So I'm still not, because I also, I cook a lot for my kids.
Starting point is 00:55:49 You know, I'm a single dad. And it was hard to make stuff for myself and then make stuff for them. And I was also working on a show where we were doing a segment with Teddy's Red Tacos. I don't know if you've ever been to that place. It's that Buria, you know, style.
Starting point is 00:56:07 It's like in a consomme. And I was sitting around writing about this for a week, sitting around and sitting there all day smelling it. And I was like, fuck it. I'm gonna, like, I'm done. It's time to come back to meat. And I had some of those, which is what I broke it with. So, but I'm still not like,
Starting point is 00:56:24 I would say the most frequent, probably meat-based thing that we have out is like in and out. Hell yeah. So I don't, I still don't go out for a ton of meat, but I do love fried chicken. And heat, I don't know if I'm exactly a heat seeker, but I like to challenge myself. I'm not afraid of it.
Starting point is 00:56:48 Yeah. That's in Weigar's Wikipedia, right? Yeah. There's a wide range. Like I think I got the hot at Dave's. I just wanted to see what the hot was. Sure. And I thought it was very manageable for me.
Starting point is 00:57:02 Wasn't too bad at all. Like, but that's sort of the dry rub style heat. I don't even know if that's what you would call it, but whatever it is there. It's like a spice blend, spice rub. A spice blend. The dry, drier heat makes it really difficult for me to enjoy because I choke.
Starting point is 00:57:21 Yeah, it can get you. It's like almost the texture of it. Sure. Whereas, you know, something that's more blended into the food itself, I can go higher because it's just a matter of prepping my soul for it. I'm with you. I think that dry rub, you can sometimes almost inhale it.
Starting point is 00:57:42 It's like it's, you know, the powder is just can hit you in the wrong places. By the way, real real quick, speaking of Birria, the, which I really love and I still haven't had since I started eating meat again, similar, not exactly your timeline, Joe, but I didn't have any meat for all of 2021. And I started eating a little bit again this year. But I think it's a Birria Zaragoza in Chicago.
Starting point is 00:58:09 Natalie took me to and it's like the fucking best. And mostly usually made with goat. Yeah. It was, yeah, and it was goat there. I think, I believe it was bone in goat and it was so fucking good. The consomme you got on the side, it was just an absolutely just, just superlative meal.
Starting point is 00:58:24 Oh yeah. I did not regret it. I did not regret it at all. Yeah. Yeah. There was, there was Birria Tacos at Cactus Wags that I think maybe they did have goat meat for lunch. I don't know if they still do or if they, or maybe they
Starting point is 00:58:40 never did. Because they can do, they'll do it with beef too. Yeah. But they got, they got like, they have like cre, like they had cabesa and, you know, stuff that was a little bit more, you know, a little wilder. But, but I think, I think, but Birria, Birria, Birria, I used to call it Birria, which is wrong.
Starting point is 00:59:02 But Birria is a, it's, it's a, it's damn good. Whatever those, whatever those read. I don't blame you Joe for, for, for, for coming back. I mean, it made my whole body tingle. Like it was, it was, it was like, I felt like a ghost. Like I had died a tinted ghost. Teddy's is worth try, is worth checking out. And I think there's about five locations now, but he started
Starting point is 00:59:29 selling them, he was like an Uber driver and kept them in his trunk and he started by selling them to people who would just smell it in his car. And then I think he would like, then he set up like at some abandoned railroad track. It sounded like a lot of his business was illegal to, to start with. Yes, right.
Starting point is 00:59:49 But he took the like Tijuana style, I guess, and brought it here. The one we went to was in East LA, definitely worth checking out if you can ever make it out there. But, well, can you, can you plug the place one more time? Teddy's Red Tacos, it's called. Teddy's Red Tacos. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:05 And they have trucks. I'll take it, I'll take it out. They have trucks and they have a couple of permanent locations too. This is one of those things where I'll, I'll, I'll talk to Natalie, my lovely wife later and be like, Joe talked about a Teddy's Red Tacos and she'll be like, I told you about that place.
Starting point is 01:00:21 I was like, oh yeah, right. She sounds as annoyed with you as I am. Yeah, she is. I texted her the Max Drew's article. We had a discussion about it. Well, I was, I was worried because I thought Dave's is going to be hard to get. I went to the one in, I guess, Koreatown on Wilshire,
Starting point is 01:00:39 right at lunchtime, but there was nobody in there. It was not hard. Yeah, I, I do worry because this used to be a place and Mitch, I feel like as recently as a couple of years ago, maybe you and me and Mike Carlson went to a, I can't remember if you were there or not, but went to a Dave's hot chicken before a PWG. And, and there was like a, there was like, you know,
Starting point is 01:01:02 still a bit of a queue, still pretty hopping. And now I feel like the one near me, the one near us on the west side of Los Angeles, when it opened, it was like a fucking sensation. It was like, you know, it was like a new shake shack back in the day where there was like a long, the hour long lines. Now when I go there, you know, there's usually not
Starting point is 01:01:21 much of a queue. It's like really any other quick service restaurant. So I hope they're not overexpanding. But yeah, I went to one that I, that I go to regularly. It's a good Dave's. And I got myself the. I just pictured Natalie being like, like, I think that we should maybe like, uh, end things.
Starting point is 01:01:38 And then you sending her the Max Drew Sartre. You're out of bounds. Unlike Max Drew's. Jesus Christ. It's a simple, it's a simple menu, which I appreciate. Step out. Yeah. And, uh, even if you did, it's, it's, it's bizarre to
Starting point is 01:01:55 reverse the call after 10 minutes of real time. They just. Sounds like they got it right to me. Uh, sounds great to me. I was trolling you, by the way. This is the thing that he was upset about was that I was trolling has to be, has to be conclusive. I feel like you're going to make that big of a,
Starting point is 01:02:09 of an overturned, uh, on review in a game. So they actually got one call right in the damn game. Yeah. It's a simple menu. And I do appreciate that. I like that they're not trying to do too much. They've got, you got tenders, some call them tendies. You got sliders.
Starting point is 01:02:25 You've got a handful of slide of sides. You've got milkshakes. And which are, which I think are maybe new. Did they always have milkshakes, Mitch? I can't remember. I was wondering the same thing. I thought they were new too. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:37 How much shaking her head? I don't know if she. I used to get Dave's all the time when I was in LA and I, I love milkshakes and I never once saw a milkshake on that menu. So I think that's new. Yeah. It might, it must be fairly recent. They're not.
Starting point is 01:02:51 Well, we'll get into them. But, uh, let's, let's, let's get into it. I don't know if the milkshakes are great. I, I, uh, I ordered my, so I ordered my Dave's, uh, in, while I was in Denver, uh, I, I ordered it on, to pick up in the bayou. I, I, I'll come back from the bayou. I ordered it on the app in Denver for LA.
Starting point is 01:03:15 I scheduled it for 9 30 PM. And then I thought that it was going to get delivered too early. I get to LA at around eight and I say, I want this earlier. So I, I, I, uh, because they said they closed at 11. I, I, so I canceled that order and I just got a priority order of, of, uh, Dave's. I've been to the restaurant plenty of times. Don't get mad at me.
Starting point is 01:03:36 Everyone. Um, and I gotta say, I get the, I get the thing with postmates that, you know, uh, the food doesn't come fresh, but my, it got there fast and it was hot and fresh as hell. My fries were good. Why it's like the fries traveled, which shows you, which just shows you how quick it got there. I did, I did, I did the priority delivery, but I got, I got a whole list
Starting point is 01:03:58 of different things. I'm going to just tell you what I got right now. I got Dave's number two, which is two sliders with fries. I got some ketchup packets, honey packets, uh, uh, and, and, and, uh, it comes with that Dave's sauce, which is now, now that they've turned it, you know, now, now that they've expanded the Dave's house comes in like these Dave's packets now. Yes.
Starting point is 01:04:18 Um, same thing happened with, uh, with Halal guys. It's like, there's a, there's a, there's a packet now. Mm hmm. And, and so I, I, I added cheese to both of my sliders. Why, and I did a, I did one medium and one mild. That's, that's how I started off with my sliders because I wanted that base just to enjoy them. Sure.
Starting point is 01:04:37 Um, but then also why is I got two single tenders. I got two tenders and one of which I got in hot. Uh, and then the other which I got in Reaper. Well, um, and I'll say this. Yeah. If you go the hottest level at howling rays, it is torturous howling, howling rays. Um, why does it sound like I'm saying howl and rays? No, I was saying the hottest level is called the hottest level is howling there.
Starting point is 01:05:14 Yes. And, and, uh, here, I didn't think the Reaper was that bad honestly, but I did know that it was like messing up my stomach. And that's even the reason I don't even get hot food anymore. The, yeah, the Reaper was next to the hot. And I was like, and it was labeled Reaper Reaper and I had it. And I was like, this is spicy, but it's not too bad. And then I had some of the hot and I was like, is this spicier?
Starting point is 01:05:36 Is this maybe the one that is supposed to be Reaper? And I really couldn't tell the difference between the two of them. Honestly, um, they were, they were both, they were both like spicy. I'm not going to say they weren't spicy because they definitely were, but the thing that I was afraid of is that the Reaper was coming for my butthole. Wags, like I said, and, uh, that Reaper does like, uh, within 30 minutes, I had the rumblies. And then, uh, it, it, you know, it happened like a few more times. And then today, when I tested, I'm going to be a couple of minutes late.
Starting point is 01:06:09 That was, you know, I was sitting on the toilet. Wags, that's the, that's the truth. Yeah. So sorry to Emma and Amelia and, and Susser and you, everyone on that text chain because I was, I was texting you from the, from the porcelain, uh, throne. Wags, I was, uh, I was in there going to the, I was in there going to use in the bathroom. You were on the hot. I kind of assumed that anytime I was, I was, I literally was on the hot.
Starting point is 01:06:33 From the hot seat. So you're right. Very much was the hot seat. Uh, the, yeah, I'll say this Mitch, because, because I got a, I got myself the, uh, the, there's a, the number three combo, which is a 10 D and a slider. And I also got myself an additional 10 D. Uh, I got the, the tender and slider I both got. Well, you know, I'm a bit of a heat seeker.
Starting point is 01:06:56 And so I went with extra hot, which is my normal level. And, and I also got a Reaper tender, which I've gotten before. I can't remember if I've gotten Reaper in, in slider form or tender form. This was the, this, I definitely had it before, but here I was like, I'll just go for the 10 D. I'll have it all the way. I'll eat with a knife and fork. So I'm not going to get on my fingers, uh, and, and trying to keep it off of my lips. But I'll agree with you, Mitch, far from the spiciest thing I've ever eaten.
Starting point is 01:07:22 Still, still pretty spicy. I definitely, you know, drank some milk afterwards to try to calm down the heat level, but, but decently spicy. And, and for me, a clear gradation between the extra hot and the Reaper, like the, like I think, I feel like the extra hot was, was, was not noticeably, but, but no, it was noticeably milder than the, than the Reaper, at least from my location. Maybe there's some Reapers that really will, will, will blow your doors off. But I, maybe I got a weak Reaper, but it was, I mean, it was labeled Reaper.
Starting point is 01:07:53 I, you know, I, I, I, I have no ideas, but I, no idea. But I do know that, that howling, the hottest level of howling rays, howling. Yes. I think they maybe do a secret one. That's above howling, by the way. They might, yeah. But, um, eating that, like I ate it. I was like, Oh my God, this is so spicy.
Starting point is 01:08:13 And then like for like two days, I, I had like the run, like for, I was on the hot seat for like two full days. Yes. It was, it was Joe, a great, a great name for it because that's like, it is a great name. The fear of like your stomach hurts. You go to the bathroom, you only go a little bit and it like is burning. Like that was what it was like when I did the, the, the highest level at.
Starting point is 01:08:34 I'm still, I'm 44 years old and I still rarely see or can predict the connection between what I eat and how my body's going to feel. Like I'll be on the hot seat and be like, why is this happening? What's happening to me? What, I have to like retrace my steps and be like, Oh yeah, it was the, all the hot chicken, like the chicken, the two pounds of hot chicken that I ate. That's what I'll do too. I'm like, what did I do?
Starting point is 01:09:00 And then I'm like, Oh, I ate like five, like full jalapeno jalapeno. 15 minutes ago. I also got a number three. I also got a number three, Nick. I've never been to Dave's before. You mentioned you're both hot. You'd never been to Dave's. Never been to Dave's.
Starting point is 01:09:15 Wow. Uh, I got a number three and I got a vanilla shake, which I normally wouldn't do, but I was like, it's for dough boy, like dough boys. Yeah. I got, I feel like I have to go a little bit past what I want. Hell yeah, you do. Um, and the shake, there was just kind of an incident with the shake where it was, it was a little messy.
Starting point is 01:09:35 They didn't have napkins. It was kind of, she overfilled it and it was kind of billowing, billowing out. And it's, I overall liked my Dave's experience and I sat in, in the restaurant. But I ordered a small shake and it was still huge. I had to drink it all. Yeah. But it wasn't the highest quality shake. It tasted a little like, like a pre-made, it tastes a little chemically like pre-mix.
Starting point is 01:10:05 Yeah. And it helped with the, you know, it was a nice interplay between the hot dry rub and the vanilla shake, but I did need to, I wanted to fall asleep and die before I was out of there, before I was even out of there. And I was like, God, I gotta go back to my car and drive. Like I might fall asleep at the wheel. Well, Joe, you're lucky that you're in the dough boys war, uh, the dough, I said war room again. You're in the dough boys board room.
Starting point is 01:10:34 So it's good that you got that shake or else we would have had a, you know. Yeah. I figured I had to get, I had to get the shake and I had to clean my plate. Sure. Clean plate club. What would be the dough boys instead of you're fired? You're fried, you know, you're fired. You're fried.
Starting point is 01:10:47 You're fried. You're fired is pretty good. You're fired. You're fired. Yeah. Joe, what level heat did you get on your, on your? Hot, just got hot for both of them. For both.
Starting point is 01:10:57 I didn't think I had room after the slider for the, for the tender. Yeah. But I did. I didn't eat the bread that came with it, but I did. And also I was, I wasn't familiar. I saw, you know, they gave me the, the, they gave me the ketchup. They gave me the medical grade napkins. And then I thought it was just like a cheese sauce, the Dave sauce.
Starting point is 01:11:21 I didn't, I have to admit, I was also was like in the middle of like sending a difficult email while I was eating my Dave. Oh my God. No. Yeah. So I was like slightly distracted and I was like, what is this cheese? And then at the end I saw this couple who looked like they were real Dave heads. Like they were, they were very, very connected emotionally.
Starting point is 01:11:44 These two look like they probably have great sex, very young. And they were like, he was like squeezing it on her fries and she, and look like they really knew what they were doing. Sure. Oh, this is something I should, I should try. So at the end I put some on my last couple of bites of my tender and it was good. But I love the slider. I thought it was great.
Starting point is 01:12:08 It, it's a good slider. The chicken itself is, the chicken itself is, is quality. Joe, what you were saying, it is, it is hard to, I mean, like you kind of are like, is two sliders a good meal? You don't know. And then you kind of, you're like, should I get it? Should I get a tender? And why?
Starting point is 01:12:25 If you get a tender, you know, you, you, you can't, you can't return the tender. You got to keep it. You know what I mean? It's really good. Mitch, that's great. So you're kind of, it's, it's kind of a weird thing to balance of what is a meal here. Cause I think the combos are like, I think a two tender combo maybe wouldn't
Starting point is 01:12:47 satisfy someone. It wouldn't satisfy me. Yes. Here's, here's the issue with Dave's is that each of the combos seems like maybe at least at first glance seems like maybe not enough food. It seems like like I, like, like, I feel, I wish there was like a three tender combo. I wish there was, you know, I wish you'd get like, because that feels, two tendies feels a little scant.
Starting point is 01:13:10 You can get an extra one. They're large. You can add a tender, I think. Yes. Yeah. They're relatively large. They're, it just depends on your appetite level. But for me, I'll say this and you look, you're, you're not exactly going to,
Starting point is 01:13:23 going to eat keto here, but you can eat healthier than you would think if you get yourself the, the two tendy combo and, and you sub out fries for the slaw. Yeah. And I think their slaw is pretty good. I mean, I got their slaw this time. I also got cheese fries, but I, but I think their slaw is quality. You know, it's, it's, it's not, it's, it doesn't have a lot going on with it, but it's, it's kale based.
Starting point is 01:13:45 I don't know. It gets the job done. I had, I had, I had a bad experience with the slaw. I just, I didn't think it tasted like anything. It tasted. It doesn't really taste like, it's very veggie. Yeah. It's, it's, it's, it's honestly like almost, it's, it is.
Starting point is 01:13:57 Yeah. It doesn't have a lot of, I mean, you can always plus it up with a Dave's sauce though. I mean, that's kind of what it's there for. You can, you can, you can dress it a little bit. The Dave's sauce is for the chicken, but also it's for the chicken. But you can use it, but you can use it on anything. I'm just saying. Sure.
Starting point is 01:14:10 Yeah. But you have a, you have an apple sauce package. This couple was putting on their fries. They were spreading all over their fries. Yeah. I want to see the sexy couple, by the way. I mean, they just were very into each other and they were very happy to be at Dave's and look like this was a bit of a ritual for them, something nice.
Starting point is 01:14:28 That's right. And it'll probably serve as a nice memory when, you know, when things inevitably fall apart as they do. Sure. In every relationship. Did you also get takeout, Nick? I did. So, so I was going to eat in store, but the issue with my Dave's is there's not an indoor seating area.
Starting point is 01:14:46 There's just like standing areas and then there's the outdoor area was fully inhabited by, by teens. And I was like, I don't want to be the 41 year old man eating chicken by himself around a bunch of teens. I'm going to feel very self-conscious. So I carried it home. It was like a 10 minute walk, traveled well. The slaw should be a little bit more vinegary, I think. There needs to be like a, the vinegar factor needs to be stepped up.
Starting point is 01:15:09 It just is, I think they're, I think the slaw is good on the sliders, but I don't think it makes a good side. But what I do think makes a good side, because I got a side of the slaw and I also got a side of the mac and cheese and I think that their mac and cheese is really, really good. I didn't get their mac and cheese. I think the mac and cheese is great. I think it's great. What do you like in a, in a good coleslaw?
Starting point is 01:15:33 I've just found, I love coleslaw when, when, when it's good. But I, I do think a lot of coleslaw, maybe it's because people are trying to be more health conscious and put less mayo or something in it. But a lot of, a lot of it is just bland. They're just, they're just vinegar based oftentimes. And then it seems like, what am I doing? What am I doing here?
Starting point is 01:15:54 Yes. Why did I do, what's the point of this? This is cabbage. Yes. For me, it has to have a strong vinegary taste to it. Like, and I, I love, I'm a big vinegar fan. And, and Dave's did not have that, at least not last night. It's good on the slider because it gives a crunch, you know, just like it's,
Starting point is 01:16:14 it works on the slider. But in the taste of it's not bad wise, it just is on its own. It was just kind of boring. It's, it's a little boring, but you, but like, again, you know, if I'm talking about the, the meal I'm having that's maybe saving on some carbs and something, those are fries. It's like, okay, yes, I'd rather have fries, of course. Hey, to be, to be true, to be honest, I'd rather have cheese
Starting point is 01:16:34 fries and a third tendy. But if I'm trying to eat a little bit more health conscious, you can get the two tendies, you can get yourself some slaw. The slaw, yes, I agree is not super flavorful. It doesn't have a lot going on to it with it. But if you think of it as like the, the carrots and celery you'd get with an order of wings. And it's just like, this is just a veggie accompaniment to my treat.
Starting point is 01:16:54 Then I think it's okay. I, I agree. It absolutely has more of a place on the slider. It fits in better there. And the other thing that I like on the slider and that you get with the, with whatever, or however you get your chicken, whole bunch of their pickles. I like their little pickles. The pickles are good.
Starting point is 01:17:08 And also with the, with the tendy, as you call it, Wags, they put it on a little piece of white bread and you can pull off the white bread and kind of make a little sandwich if you want to with the, with the pickles and the, and the chicken. Jonah, answer your question. I think that the slaw there needs to make a choice of either being more male-y or more vinegary. I think it should probably be more vinegary.
Starting point is 01:17:30 But it, like Wags is saying, I guess it is just kind of like, if you want a boring slaw, it's fine. But I think it should have more of a little vinegar bite to it, Wags. It just is, it's just too hard. Yeah, I didn't try it outside of the, outside of the slider, but I am, I'm a coleslaw fan. Me too. Yeah, I love coleslaw.
Starting point is 01:17:50 Which, and I guess for me, I do like it more vinegary than, than male-y. When I was a kid, coleslaw maybe like was a little, like seemed, I still ate it, but it still seemed a little bit gross of like cabbage covered in mayo or whatever. And there was a lot of bad, look, there was a lot of bad slaw back in the 80s. People, people don't know about that. Sure, people forget. Yeah. People, people forget.
Starting point is 01:18:14 It was a, it was the whole, the whole decade was, was a bit of a coleslaw. It was a bit of a coleslaw. Let me guess. It was honestly what, what ushered Reagan into office. Yeah. He ran on a, he was going to, he was going to restore. Well, tear, tear down this coleslaw, put it, add vinegar. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:18:37 I couldn't even think of anything to. Remotely try to jam in there. KFC. You should go to the job. Add vinegar to this slaw. Nancy, who am I? What's my job? I like mayonnaise, by the way.
Starting point is 01:18:54 Yeah, I like mayonnaise too. I feel like there's been a kind of, I don't know, it's popular for a while. Like Mayo got associated with like bad white people or something. Yes. No, Mayo rules. Mayo is great. Mayo is great. Also, like you were saying, people were like, it was, it was a coleslaw and people
Starting point is 01:19:17 will forget about that in the 80s, it was, that may, that, that coleslaw was bad until it's fucking put in stranger things. Why? Once they put it in. Now people are like, yeah, we liked it the whole time. So yeah, right. You were making fun of everyone who's eating coleslaw back then. Is coleslaw in stranger things?
Starting point is 01:19:37 The, uh, we're not sure. Oh, I see. You're saying if that happens. If that happens. I think there's also gotta be a cold war coleslaw. Play a war somewhere. Cold, cold. Maybe it is just cold war.
Starting point is 01:19:53 Yeah. We're fighting a cold war with Russia. And honestly, in a lot of ways, the cold war is returned. Yeah. It maybe never ended. Maybe never ended. You know, we made fun of Romney for, for saying that Russia was our greatest adversary back in the debate.
Starting point is 01:20:07 That became a meme, but you know what? Gotta admit, mit was maybe right. Yep. There, are we still talking about coleslaw or are we actually talking about mit? Coleslaw. Yeah, this is still coleslaw. Which, by the way, I'm sure they're great at. Right?
Starting point is 01:20:22 The Russians. You have to think. Yeah. Yeah. You have to think so. They get that Russian dressing. That's a huge thing. Got Russian dressing.
Starting point is 01:20:27 They got all kinds of cabbage. All kinds of cabbage. Yeah. Cabbage at the Wazoo. But it's awesome. Yeah. So maybe like in, in stranger things like, you know, seven, the famous character seven, is that right?
Starting point is 01:20:40 It's either seven or 11. It's a number. Okay. I think it's 11. May, may. I thought you were right until why I said 11. I think it is 11. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:52 Maybe she throws down, like they've retconned it. She throws down the coleslaw because she doesn't like Russia, you know? Maybe it's, maybe, maybe they, they've changed things. Oh yeah. That's what they've done now. Millie Bobby Brown plays 11. That's the name of the character. 11.
Starting point is 01:21:05 11. I've watched, I watched the first season of stranger things and that was it. I watched the pilot. I thought it was a good pilot. Woo. Russian coleslaw from Food Network. Whisk together ketchup, mayonnaise, vinegar, celery seeds, paprika, and salt and pepper. This is what I'm talking about.
Starting point is 01:21:23 Sounds good. So why are we getting a boring ass thing from Dave's in 2022, Wags? Ketchup. I think, I think to, to, to, and I, you know, not to speak for Dave's, but I, but my assumption is because its role there primarily is on the slider, it is meant as more, meant more for texture than anything. Cause there's a lot of flavor going on in that slider. And so, you know, that, that's my assumption.
Starting point is 01:21:50 Well, Wags, there was a lot of flavor going on with my milkshake and that flavor was chocolate syrup. It tasted very much like a chocolatey syrup milkshake that was mixed in. I thought the milkshake was not as great as I wanted it to be. I thought my fries were great. Yeah, I like my fries. They do the crinkle cut. It's great.
Starting point is 01:22:10 I like putting the honey on the chicken tenders and on the, and on the, on the slider, but I'll also use that Dave sauce. And I was just, I used the ketchup for the fries. And my mac and cheese was great. Not a lot of stuff to talk about, but they do their chicken well. And that's the most important thing. The chicken came out so fast. It was delivered to me under like three minutes, which at first I was like,
Starting point is 01:22:34 ah, maybe this is not great. Like it's just been sitting there. But it was really good. It was like it, yeah, it did not seem like fast food chicken to me, you know, in the little step above that. They've definitely kept that sort of the quality level that they were, they were known for when they were smaller, still at their current size. Hopefully they can scale it up.
Starting point is 01:22:55 But let's get to our final thoughts on Dave's hot chicken. So Joe, here's how this will work. We'll each go around, we'll give a closing argument, if you will, and then end that by giving it a score from zero to five forks. You are our guest. We'll begin with you. Your thoughts, your fork score for Dave's hot chicken. Dave's hot chicken, you know, relatively new entry for me.
Starting point is 01:23:14 I've heard about it. I've heard about it for a while. I hope they don't expand too much, uh, based on what you're saying. Cause I think right now it seems like it's that kind of a sweet spot, especially if you go to the one on Wilshire Boulevard where not a lot of long, not a, not a long wait, great service. Everything was fresh, delicious. I loved the, uh, I really did love the slider and the fries.
Starting point is 01:23:37 The tender was a little more of an afterthought for me, partially because, although it was good, partially because I nearly ruined my appetite with the oversized under flavored vanilla shake. They have a little bit of work to do on their shakes. Also call me old fashioned, but $21 for lunch, uh, is a little, a little high. For the amount of food, the quality is high, but maybe it was just a little more than I want to set, than I want to pay. All that said, uh, yeah. Uh, four forks for me.
Starting point is 01:24:12 Four forks. Very good score. Yeah. It's a great score. Yeah. I think it's like, there's, you know, right, right. It didn't, it doesn't feel like you're going to go terribly wrong. If you visit Dave's hot chicken.
Starting point is 01:24:24 Yeah. Uh, by the way, we only have a $20 budget for food. So you're, uh, you're responsible for the extra dollars. Yeah. Sorry. You're on your own. Yeah. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:24:32 It's fine. All right. Spoon man. What do you think? Four forks from Randazzo. Well, look, I think that if you come to Los Angeles and you're going to try a chicken place, you go to the number one spot and you go to howling rays. It's a pain to get to.
Starting point is 01:24:53 If you have a half, if you have a half day, I mean, like it's a big commitment. Yes. Yeah. I mean, yes. That is the annoying thing about it. They do kind of, they do deliver to some locations now, um, just because with COVID and everything like that. But you know what?
Starting point is 01:25:07 I was giving them shit for that before, but you know, maybe we should applaud them for that. They, they, you know, they haven't, they haven't bowed down to the app swags. They're doing their own thing. It's just, it's just hard, it's just hard to get. It is hard to get. So if you're, if you're coming to LA and you have to choose between going to the Santa Monica Pier and having a nice day on the beach and then going out for lunch. And spending a nice day in the line.
Starting point is 01:25:33 Or getting, getting, getting lunch at Howlin' Rays. What should people do? For me, I know the, the choice is easy. Howlin' Rays. I'm not, I'm not going to the beach. I'm not taking my shirt off. Take my shirt off in line at Howlin' Rays. You know what?
Starting point is 01:25:56 Go to Dave's Hot Chicken and get some food and take it down to the, take it down to Santa Monica. I, I think Dave's is good. I don't want to over, overrate it, but it is, it's, it does the job wise. There's a funny chicken character. That's the mascot. He looks like surprise. It's a great point. He's a funny chicken.
Starting point is 01:26:19 He's a funny chicken. I don't know who Dave is. I don't really know the history of Dave's. I mean, you could have listened to me when I said it earlier. Said it on the podcast. Wait, when you did the intro? Not even in the intro. I said it when we came back from break.
Starting point is 01:26:33 No, I don't care. The Dave is chef, Dave, and he worked for Thomas Keller. To work for Thomas Keller. Well, that's fine. I, I also got myself a Coke zero. Just to let everyone know I got myself a bottle of Coke zero. The food came fresh. It was hot.
Starting point is 01:26:55 Wags. There's no need for, the reaper was honestly not too bad. And I couldn't, maybe they didn't give me a reaper, but it just is going to hurt your stomach and hurt, and hurt my butt. It's, it's a, it's, it's to me, it's maybe just not. It's never worth it to do that level of heat, but I wanted to try it for the pod. But the chicken is, is, is just, is well done. But it's not a five fork or restaurant.
Starting point is 01:27:22 It's a four fork or restaurant. It just, to me, it's, it's, it is a golden plate for now. Now I could see this being a place that like falls into, you know, like a falls into three and a half forks at some point when it expands. But for now it is, it is, it's, it's, it's a four forker. It's golden plate. Yeah. I think that's well argued.
Starting point is 01:27:45 The Dave's hot chicken logo, by the way, the chicken itself is kind of a slack jawed, big wide open mouth, kind of a maybe, maybe a surprised expression. Maybe like he wasn't, he's not aware that he's going to be used as, as the mascot for something selling, you know, the, the flesh of his brethren. But it's a, it is a good logo. It is, it is. Reminds me of that old, the SNL, the old SNL sketch with Adam Sandler playing.
Starting point is 01:28:12 The clucking chicken. Yeah, clucking chicken. Yeah. Kind of a similar product. By the way, Mitch, Mitch, Mitch walked away just as it was about my turn to talk, stood up, on the hot seat, not on camera. I don't know if you can still hear me. He looks just molly at least.
Starting point is 01:28:30 Okay. Yeah. Well, at least still on camera. I'm here. You okay, Mitch? Okay. Everything's fine. I just, I, yes, there was, there was just a little surprise for me.
Starting point is 01:28:44 There's a surprise for you. There's a surprise for you. What are you doing on? Okay. There's a surprise going on. Okay. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 01:28:49 You don't want to talk about it. My blinds are getting installed. They, they, they're in the, and they were supposed to come from between one and five. And they just called me and said we're going to be there in 30 minutes or 20 to 30 minutes. It'll work out. Here's what I'll say about, about Dave's hot chicken. I really like this place. I'm going to continue to patronize this place.
Starting point is 01:29:09 I think they do a quality hot chicken, which I know is very trendy and very much in the zeitgeist right now, but they do a, they do a good execution of it. One thing I'll say, and this is, this is personal taste, but I do wish they had a bone in wing. I wish they had some bone in drums, you know, give me, give me that bone. I, I like attendee, but I understand that it's probably easier to scale up with a, with a more streamlined menu. So about the Reaper spice.
Starting point is 01:29:36 And I haven't said this yet, Mitch. And I was not sure if I was going to share it on the podcast. I was worried of over sharing. And then you already did it. So like I said, this is the, the, the spice level as I was eating it was not the spiciest thing I've ever had, but my gastrointestinal tract did not agree. In fact, this place is the first time I will say a Doughboys restaurant to borrow a phrase from millennials destroyed my whole to the tune of
Starting point is 01:30:13 it was so uncomfortable. It was so, it felt like I was inside out for a time. I was so, I was in such terrible shape for the, following the BM that I had that I believe was related to Dave's hot chicken. I'll say allegedly, because we're in a post a depth V herd verdict world. I don't want to get sued for libel. I, I, my assumption is that it came from the Dave's hot chicken Reaper sauce. My whole was just burning for a long enough time, Mitch, where
Starting point is 01:30:47 I went to urgent care. Oh my God. Oh my God. And I had my whole, I had to explain this to two receptionists and, and to a nurse who was already having a bad day. I do explain what was happening. Eating Dave's at the time. She was eating Dave's hot chicken.
Starting point is 01:31:06 She's eating, eating Reaper level Dave's. Eating Reaper level Dave's. Not even sweating. What's wrong, honey? And, and I, yes, I, this, this, my meal at Dave's ended with me, been over an examining table with a doctor examining my whole. It was, it was bad shape. It was bad news.
Starting point is 01:31:32 And I, I, I got some medication. I'm on the mend. Said it was nothing to worry about. He did remark. The doctor was like, why are you here again? Let me guess. He wants me to check out his whole. He's got something wrong with it.
Starting point is 01:31:46 Okay. Anyway, long story short, five forks. I am going to say all that, all that being said, this was a, this was a, this was a really, what did he say? What did he say to you? I stepped on, what was it? Oh, he said, he said was, wow, you really didn't want to come see us, did you? Like he could tell there was enough, enough damage was done where he was like,
Starting point is 01:32:12 like, oh boy. Okay. It was a, it was rough. It was a bad situation. I'm on the mend. Everything's fine. Nothing to worry about. I apologize for sharing that.
Starting point is 01:32:22 We should maybe put a timestamp in the description so people can skip over something disgusting. But all that said, I'm not going to go five forks, but I'm going to go four forks. Welcome to the golden plate club. Dave's hot chicken. It's a really, really good chicken. I'm going to keep going. It was so hot.
Starting point is 01:32:35 I'd say you do urgent care and it still gets four forks. I'm impressed. Yeah, that's amazing. Congratulations, Dave's. Dear Lord. Yeah. Yeah. Anyway, it was rough.
Starting point is 01:32:47 And the Reaper isn't even that spicy when you taste it. It's not even that, this is the thing. That's what, that's what fucked me up. I was like, I've had spicier foods. I can't believe this is having such a, you know, this was fine in the front door, but, but blew the hinges off my back door. How did this happen? Maybe it's not as much the heat, but the spice, the literal spice that they use.
Starting point is 01:33:05 It's like the, the spice rough recipe might be not agreeing. Yeah. Is this going to happen to me? Yeah, that makes sense. It might. I don't know. Do you want to get your whole checked? Yeah, do I have to go to, do I have to go to Dr. Hole?
Starting point is 01:33:18 Is it one of those blind installer slash proctologist services? That does both? We'll be back. We'll be back with more Dough Boys. Hey you. You craving fresh, delicious, easy meals? Try wild grain and get their bake from frozen sourdough breads, fresh pastas, and artisanal pastries delivered right to your door.
Starting point is 01:33:46 That's right, Wags. Wild grain is the first ever bake from frozen subscription box for sourdough breads, fresh pastas, and artisanal pastries. Unlike typical supermarket bread, wild grain uses a slow fermentation process that's easier on your belly, lower in sugar, and rich in nutrients and antioxidants. Every item bakes from frozen in 25 minutes or less. You'll never run the risk of getting bored with wild grain. They're constantly adding new, seasonal, and limited time special items to try.
Starting point is 01:34:17 Plus, for every new member, wild grain donates six meals to the greater Boston Food Bank Wags, Boston Baby, so you can eat good and do good all at the same time. All you have to do is sign up at slash doughboys and choose which type of box you want to receive and how often. It's easy to reschedule, skip, or cancel. Plus, for a limited time, you can get $30 off the first box, plus free croissants in every box. When you go to slash doughboys to start your subscription. You heard me. Free croissants in every box and $30 off your first box when you go to
Starting point is 01:34:59 slash doughboys. That's slash doughboys. Or you can use promo code doughboys at checkout. Do it. Welcome back to Doughboys. We are here with our guest, Joe Randazzo, and it's time for a segment. I've got a food-related exam and Mitch and Joe must compete for superiority. It's another edition of Slop Quiz. This week's Slop Quiz is compiled by our associate producer, Emilia Marino, a very food year. I will name a fast food item, and you can each guess which actually buzz in, buzz in for this one, buzz in with your name, and I will give you, this will be multiple choice, so I'll give you a few different years of different decades,
Starting point is 01:35:44 and you guess which decade it was released in. Cool. All right, great. So we'll buzz in after you give us the choices. Yeah, after I give you the choices, you can buzz in and tell me which year you think this item released in. I got this. Fast food items guessing the year. All right, Mitch says he's got it. We'll find out. Mitch has got this. It's all cool with me, baby. I got this. Also, wise, if you were turned inside out, the spot where your hog was is probably like a black hole, huh? What does that mean? Well, that means it's huge. That's what you're saying. Yeah. That's what I'm saying. It would suck in all matter. Got it. That's what I'm saying. Time would slow
Starting point is 01:36:24 to zero eventually at the center. I get what I'm saying. It would be like a pinhole. It would be making noise. Dogs would react to it and the sound it was making. All right, first item. Where's this man's hog? It's a biology doctor. Also, I know we need to finish this up, but do you remember we had a character on that midnight called the viral hog who was like. Oh, I love the viral hog. Yeah. Viral hog is a place where you can go to get viral videos, but there was an actual embodiment of the viral hog who sounds very much like the bioman. Yes. Which, by the way, viral hog very much wasn't the bioman. Think about that. We talked about this. We didn't talk about it on the air, but I was George Lucas on the May the 4th episode of
Starting point is 01:37:10 Atman Night. What a blast I had, Wags. One of the best bits we did on the show. Thank you, Joe. You're so funny. It was great to be there. I hadn't done a lot of prompter speak at that point in my, and I still haven't to this day, but I was also like, I won the internet one episode. That's right. You were on with, it was you, Hanford and Bob Odenkirk. Yeah. You were the panelist and you beat Bob. I beat Bob. That's a shame. I don't know, Bob loved that, but I beat Bob. Comedians love to be in competition with one another, so that was the one great thing about the show that everybody liked. But what a blast that was.
Starting point is 01:37:55 Such a fun show. While we're on this territory, still my favorite job I think I've ever had, and Joe Rendezo was a head writer on that show. The best boss I've ever worked for, just as just an absolute delight to work under. Just a complete, just a prince of a man. So thank you. Even better than Joe, boys. How am I as your boss? I'm the boss. Let's be real. We still have a text chain from all the Atman Night writers that we still, I would say once a day or every day and a half. We're checking in with everybody. That's how much we all liked working with each other. And this was the show, I think, was canceled in 2017. Does that sound right?
Starting point is 01:38:37 Yeah. So it's been off the air for close to five years at this point, and we're still in regular correspondence. That's how much of a blast that it was just to work on that show. But yeah, Joe's the greatest. And it was a delight to work under you, and it's a delight to still be your friend. I still do consider myself kind of your boss, in a way. I do too, yeah. It's been the energy of the whole podcast. All right. First up in a very food year, I'll name the item, and then I will name a few different years from the same year number, same ones digit in different decades. Speaking of comedians getting into competition with each other, let's do this.
Starting point is 01:39:17 Let's do this. The Whopper. Did it come out in 1947, 1957, or 1967? Joe. How about shit? 1967. I agree with Joe. You both are wrong. It's not 1967. 1957. 57. 57. Yeah. Whatever. Who cares? This game's stupid. So no one gets a point for that one. Wait, do I get it? So I guess it is just first to ring in and answer.
Starting point is 01:39:45 No, you can ring in and answer, but you said I agree with Joe instead of choosing to go with a different answer. Well, I didn't know that there was a follow-up. If it's wrong, does the person get to guess between the two answers? Well, okay, we'll ignore that one. That was the test run. So from this point on, the first one will be the next one, and it will be, yes, whoever buzzes in first gets the first crack at it. So if you go second, process of elimination if they were wrong. A little bit of strategy here. So that's the gamble. Yeah, that's the strategy. Wait, okay. Interesting. Okay. Exactly. Yeah. Okay. All right. First one. 19... 31. Sorry, I'm going to wait for you to go.
Starting point is 01:40:26 The Big Mac. Did it come out in 1947, 1957, or 1967? Mitch. Go ahead, Mitch. 1967. Mitch, you are correct. You get a point for that one. And this is one of those things where you don't, you don't intuit it, but the Whopper predates the Big Mac. Whopper came first. Like Hydrox and Oreos. Yep. 100%. Next up, Crunchwrap Supreme. Did it debut in 1995, 2005, or 2015? Joe. I think I know this. Go ahead, Joe. 1995. And that's incorrect. Mitch, 2005. 2005, Mitch. Your favorite restaurant, Taco Bell, I'd expect you to know this, and you did.
Starting point is 01:41:21 I was going to guess, I was going to guess 2005. It felt, 95 felt a little, you know, cheesy gritty to crunch. Well, maybe cheesy gritty to crunch is still in here. I don't, I don't know. I'm not going to, I'm not going to take wild guesses, but it felt like they got a little crazier in the 2000s with some of the food. Yeah. Well, you were correct on that one. And speaking of crazy, Little Caesar's Crazy Bread. Okay. Did it debut in 1982, 1992, or 2002? Mitch. Joe. I heard Mitch first, Emma. I'll give it, I'm going to give it to, I'm going to give it to the, I'm going to,
Starting point is 01:42:00 it was close. So I'm going to give it to the guest. I was going to say it felt like a tie to me. All right. Go ahead. Tie goes to the guest. Go ahead, Joe. 1992, 1992. I agree. I'm sorry. That's incorrect. Fuck. Wow. Mitch, you did, you did it again. You said, I agree. Fuck. Well, I thought it was 92. You can still, you can still go though. Okay. Go ahead, Mitch. Then I guess, my guess is 1982. Yeah. I was, I was shocked by this. The year that you were born, Mitch, you weren't the only thing that, that crazy thing that happened in 1982. The birth of Mitchell. That's right. Crazy head and crazy bread. Wow.
Starting point is 01:42:35 There, there, there ahead of the curve. There way ahead of the curve on that. All right. It's, it's still two to zero for, for Mitch. Next up, KFC Popcorn Chicken Nuggets. Fuck. KFC Popcorn Chicken. Did those come, did that come out in 1972, 1982, or 1992? Mitch. Go for it. I think, I, I think I just know it. 1992. You are correct. Yep. Pitching a shutout so far. Next up, this one, you might also have an advantage on Mitch. Joe, you should be proud of not. I mean, I think Mitch has an advantage on all of these. Yeah. He does have, I honestly, yes. He might have an advantage on one. We've done this for, we've done this for seven years. I should know this. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:43:26 He should know something. Okay. I haven't had Taco Bell in over 25 years, but. Has it really been that long? No, I think I had it once when we drove to California, which is 2015. And then before that, probably like 1998 or 1999. It's wild to hear, we hear stories like this. Mitch, we were talking with our, with our lawyer, Lev, we love Ginsburg, lovely man. Told us not to mention him on the podcast as well. Well, we're just talking to him in the cast to be at capacity of texting our friend. And he was saying that he hadn't had Taco Bell similarly in decades. He hadn't had it since childhood. I've had Del Taco and I've had the other one. What's the other one?
Starting point is 01:44:06 Oh, what is it? Baja Fresh. I've had Baja Fresh. Okay. Sure. Yeah, but not Taco Bell. Yeah. Yeah. In fact, Lev kind of started my bring back the Bell Beaver campaign. You haven't said this on the main feed. You got to bring it up on the main feed. Oh, we got to bring back the Bell Beaver and also the things that Lev wanted. The cinnamon chips. Yeah. He wants the cinnamon crispus. He was like, bring back that dessert, which I remember. But, but then you and I, you and I, yeah, we strong armed it into, we wanted to be, we want to bring back the Bell Beaver, which was basically their sloppy Joe with taco meat, which he brought up for, which he brought
Starting point is 01:44:43 up for being gross. He was like, oh, yeah, he was like, this is gross. And they were like, we were like, we like that, that should come back. Bring back the Bell Beaver and Lev's item. Terrible name. That was the real name of it. It was the Bell Beaver. Yeah. That's disgusting. Hashtag bring back the Bell Beaver, hashtag and Lev's item. Joe, just like, I think the, I think the playing fields are pretty level here. Actually, I think, I think that this, there's a lot at stake with this quiz. Just like winning the internet over Bob means that I'm funnier than Bob. Yeah. What does this mean? You eat, you eat more than me? Exactly. Yes. No one's funnier than Bob. Relax listeners. I was joking. All right, here we go.
Starting point is 01:45:38 I don't think Mitch was joking. Shut up. I think he thinks he's funnier than Bob. I don't think he's funny at the Bob Odenkirk because he won at midnight. God, Jesus Christ. Shut the fuck up. All right, here we go. I take everything at face value. Also, they were making fun of stranger things, which I like. Jesus Christ. Fucking disgust me. 11 is, it's not seven, it's 11 and he doesn't need any coleslaw. Weigar said 11. There's coleslaw is not in the show. Weigar was correct and Mitch was wrong. But I also, I hate Weigar. I hate Weigar dies. I'm back on board with him. All right, Mitch. Mitch and Joe, what do you think of this one?
Starting point is 01:46:26 Duncan Donuts Munchkin did that premiere in 1962, 1972 or 1982? Joe. Go ahead, Joe. 1972. You are on the board, Joe. That's what Joe, that's exactly what I was going to say. Damn it. Yeah. Stole that one for Mitch. Next up, Quincy, Massachusetts, his ancestral home, also the home of the first Duncan Donuts. Mmm, doodos. All right, don't come along here. Honestly, that point hurts the most, to be honest with you. Yeah. Sorry about, we can just end the game. I had to get one. All right, we'll do a couple more. Pumpkin Spice Latte, a Starbucks item. Did this debut in 1993, 2003 or 2013? I think Mitch. Yes, Mitch. I think Mitch.
Starting point is 01:47:22 2003. You are correct. You get that one. And yeah, it's almost 20 years since the Pumpkin Spice Latte. It didn't feel like it could have been 2013, but 2003 is surprising that it's that old. It's one of those things we'll do. We have another game we do, which is based off of what we'll watch old Jingles. Jingle All the Way, spelled W-H-E-Y. And it's amazing how often something seems so far in the past, and then it's like more recent than you'd expect, but that seems to not be the case here. All right. You didn't have to tell them W-H-E-Y. Okay, here we go. I mean, it's a play on words. It's good to know. Yeah. It's fun. Not a good one, but...
Starting point is 01:48:09 You could have just said Jingle All the Way, and I would have... Oh, like Lean on the H a little bit. Yeah, H-O-Y, H-O-Y. Jingle All the H-O-Y. Would Jingle All the H-O-Y down a hill, down a hill, or be in the viral hall, or celebrate Christmas with your favorite... That's my favorite Doe Boy segment. Oh, there it is. It's a Gator. All right. Wait for the question. You must be used to horrible puns with having Wags work for you for however many years. And that was the whole job. That was the fun of the... That's the whole job.
Starting point is 01:48:46 Everybody did that. It was great. I love it. Absolute blast. Yeah. All right, final one. Here we go. The Wendy's Frosty. This debut in 1969, 1979, or 1989. Joe. I feel like another tie. I'm going to say this goes to the guest. Let's go, Joe. Yeah. I mean, this will make the... Let's make this interesting. 1969, going early, going surprise. You are correct. I was amazed that the Frosty is that old. I was going to say, 79.
Starting point is 01:49:21 Yeah. You wouldn't have gotten it. So there you go. There's the final tally. Mitch gets four. Joe gets two. Respectable score in that edition of Slop Quiz. Just like a restaurant value feedback. Let's open up the feedback. And today we have an email from Carson O. Carson writes, Hi, Doe Boys. We all know Wiger has never been overseas. It's true. I've never crossed an ocean. But if you ever did a live show outside of North America, where would you want to go and what chains in that area would you be interested in covering? Thanks for the endless hours of entertainment. Feel sarcastic.
Starting point is 01:49:51 Joe, are you someone who's well-traveled? Have you been across the Pacific or the Atlantic? Or both? I have. I've been across the Atlantic. I've never been across the Pacific. I've been to Europe a few times. Where did you go? Went to Europe a few times. Oh, yeah. I've been to... First time I ever got on a plane, 1998. I flew to France and did the month-long travel around Europe as a youngster. And then I've been to France a couple more times since then. Maybe two, maybe three more times since then. And then went to England and Ireland once while I worked at the Onion. Wow. My brother has this place in Sicily. He's there right now.
Starting point is 01:50:29 He bought a place in Sicily. He got his Italian citizenship. Yeah. And he hasn't been able to get there since COVID. So he's trying to get me to come. Because there's a Randazzo Sicily. Like there's a town called Randazzo in Sicily. Wow. It's incredible. The base of Mount Edna. And I want to go visit. But anyway. I think there's a Mitchell. There's like a Mitchell bog in Ireland. A nasty little bog. Wags. I have my answer. I'm just going to say it quickly. Yes. Russia. And the show would be at the Kremlin. And I would say, Mr. Putin,
Starting point is 01:51:04 you should have been raised right. You cut the shit. What do you think of that? Yes. Yeah. I think that's great. I think he'd get the message. Putin. Putin's mom did a bad job. That's what I think. Should have raised him right. He'd be so mad watching our show for an hour and a half. Yeah. Because it sucks. This is not funny. It destroys his whole. What does this mean? What does this mean? Now, Bill Simmons Sportscast. That is funny. That's I like. I like when he has Cousin Cell on. They guessed the lines.
Starting point is 01:51:47 Putin sounds like Dracula kind of. He's more evil than Dracula. Wags. I would go to, I would go to, let me think. You are well-traveled. You famously, we discussed your Italian vacation. Italy has such good food. Maybe I go to Randazzo, Italy, Joe, or maybe I go. I'd really do something. Supposedly great wine there. A homeland show in Ireland would be fun. But I don't know. I don't have, I don't have a real, wait, I do have a real answer. And I said it and I told our, I told, first of all, I said,
Starting point is 01:52:35 when we were talking to our touring agent, I said, I want to do a non-contiguous tour and go to Alaska, Hawaii. And then I said, what about Australia? I want to do a show down under. You always like to say down under Wags. I would love to go down under and do a show. I hung up the phone with our touring agent. You texted me and said, why did you do that? You were mad at me immediately. You asked me why I did that. Because I asked our touring agent at Set in Stone, you were mad about the non-contiguous tour. You were mad about Australia. You didn't want to do either of them.
Starting point is 01:53:12 You presented it as a thing that we wanted to do rather than a thing that you were asking about. And so like, I was just sort of, to me, it felt like you were... That doesn't mean you can't stop it. Okay. But I'm just saying, like, once wheels get in motion, it becomes a little bit, I felt like I knew, you know what you were doing. You were trying to get things moving. And then it was going to be like, come on, it was going to be one of those things. Like you're always... Someone could play promontory with a didgeridoo when you're doing your opening.
Starting point is 01:53:38 Oh, that's fun. There'd be wallabies and kangaroos in the audience. There must be like such weird fast food places in Australia, too. Hungry Jacks we've talked about. They have Hungry Jacks down there. They don't have Burger King. Have you ever done... I'd be curious about a Hungry Jacks. We have done Jollibee. Yeah. I like Jollibee.
Starting point is 01:53:57 I had one time, this was years ago, Andy Richter on Twitter and I had a conversation. I'm not trying to name drop, but he said something about Jollibee. Yeah, they serve spaghetti and burgers or something like that. And the Jollibee fans came out in force. I've never seen anything like it. Like people regard Jollibee like religion. There's some good food there, too, but it's a place that's really well loved by a lot of people. Yeah. I mean, it's huge in the Philippines and I think it's got a domestic fan base. I think the menu by American standards is perhaps eclectic,
Starting point is 01:54:44 just in terms of like, you don't typically see a place that has both fried chicken and spaghetti. But I like Jollibee. I like their fried chicken. Damn. We're talking fried chicken this episode. A Jollibee show in the Philippines would be fucking cool as hell. That would be awesome. You should do it. I wonder if we have an audience there. Philippines seems like a really cool place to go.
Starting point is 01:55:02 Hungary, Jack in Australia would be, that's at the top of my list. Even though we would need seat fillers, like I said, kangaroos and wallabies just filling half of the seats that aren't filled up. When we can't even sell out a San Francisco show. That's what I'm saying. That's overrated city in California. There you go. Thank you. I was going to say the chain that I want to try, just because I've here it talked about all the
Starting point is 01:55:29 time is Nando's. I want to get some cheeky Nando or be a cheeky Nando, however you say. So that's in the UK. And probably if we did do a show overseas, just logistically, that would probably make the most sense to do a show in London and maybe somewhere else in the on the island there on the aisles. Ah, UK. A little UK show, brov. That'd be great. Yeah, a little UK show. Joe, I'm curious, have you ever had a chain restaurant? Have you ever had an American fast food chain out of the country on any of your overseas trips?
Starting point is 01:56:02 Yeah. I had a McDonald's in a few different places when I went to Europe the first time. I remember I had it in Prague and it was really weird. How so? I don't remember. They had some other steak burger thing, if I remember correctly. That had like a very strange sauce. But this is going back to 1998, so I'm straining to recollect exactly what it was. But it was still relatively new in former Eastern Bloc countries, McDonald's at that time. Wow. That's cool as hell.
Starting point is 01:56:45 Yikes, friend of the show Iniz, he was just in Italy, he sent us a menu update of the KFC in Italy, which was kind of fascinating. Yeah, there was some good looking stuff over there. They have a, and it's very Italian, but they have just like a sleeve of pizza pockets, you could get at McDonald's in Italy. Oh yeah, he sent us McDonald's and KFC, yeah. Wait, is that, was that a KFC? I think he sent a McDonald's and a KFC, and I think the McDonald's had the pizza pockets.
Starting point is 01:57:22 I think the, yeah, that sounds right. I'm looking at the Czech Republic McDonald's right now. They have, you know what, honestly, this looks good. They have a Maestro classic beef burger, which just looks like it's got a bunch of stuff on it. They've also got a, they got rustic fries with a sour cream dip. I'm into that. It was reminding me, I'm like, when I'm, when I'm trying to remember, it was kind of almost like a Salisbury steak.
Starting point is 01:57:48 If you remember what a Salisbury steak is, I think it was kind of like that, but I liked it. We, I have, I have a new answer. Yes. Transylvania. I want to do a live show in Transylvania. We, we had the Uber driver who told us that Vlad the Impaler wasn't that bad of a guy. Really a strange, strange interaction. It was the guy, the guy who was sticking up for Dracula, basically.
Starting point is 01:58:15 Made, made it like, we're like, oh, he's from Romania. He's like, oh, what party from Transylvania? And then, and then I think he just like jokingly, we're like, like, oh, like Dracula, huh? And he's like, he's actually a, he gets a bad rep over time. He did a lot, did a lot to modernize the country. And then I was like, oh, there are a lot of bats there. And he was like, yes. Like, there are many bats.
Starting point is 01:58:39 They are my friends. I turned into one. Wait a minute. Looked in the rearview mirror, he wasn't there. It's fucked up. Yeah. Let us, let us know where you want to see us go overseas. Hashtag Dover Seas.
Starting point is 01:58:58 If you've got a, if you've got a pitch for a, for a chain, an overseas chain, you want us to visit, tell us which chain and which country. Joe, if, if so, if Dover Seas was pitched in the at midnight writers room, is that like a sort of thing of like, what else do we got? Or is that like, we got it. I'd be like, uh, we might be able to beat that. I might be able to beat that. I've also always heard that the KFC in Japan is like far superior to KFC here in the United
Starting point is 01:59:28 States of America. I've heard this too. Yeah. It's a, yeah, I'd be, I'd be curious about the KFC Japan. Very popular over there. I think, I think what, I think maybe the, it's, it's one of KFC is like, is like hugely popular internationally. If you have a question or comment about the world of chain restaurants,
Starting point is 01:59:45 you can email us at, or leave us a voicemail at 830 Godot, that's 830 4636844. And to get the Doughboys double or weekly bonus episode, join the golden or platinum plate club at slash Doughboys. Joe Randazzo, the Dr. Sex Re-Show is the podcast. Tell us about the show and anything else you'd like to plug. And also thank you so much for being here. Oh, thanks for having me.
Starting point is 02:00:05 I've been listening for a while. It's such a nice treat to get to do this with you guys. It's one of my favorite podcasts. Yeah, thank you for being here. Um, Dr. Sex Re-Show. Thank you. It's a, what do we have? Eight episodes.
Starting point is 02:00:19 It's a limited, limited series on iHeart Radio. I play the only nationally syndicated sex therapist who's never had sex. So I talk to a lot of great comedians who come on and ask their questions about sex. I got, you know, Tim Heidecker and Martha Kelly and Seth Morris and Blair Saki and Ify Nawad away and Dave Holmes and Kurt Braunohler and all kinds of great people. That's awesome.
Starting point is 02:00:48 Yeah. You can listen to it on iHeart Radio or wherever you get your fucking podcasts. Very proud of it. Put it together with somebody who I used to work with, the onion named Chris Karwaski. It's this idea we've had for a long time. And, um, yeah, I think it turned out really great. Congrats on the show.
Starting point is 02:01:08 Everyone check it out. Dr. Sex Re-Show and Joe, you have any social media you want to plug or anything? I'm at Randazzo J on Twitter. Yeah, we can just, I mean, we can cut it off at the ug if you like. You can find me. Yeah, not that other fucking Joe Randazzo though. You accidentally follow him. I will be pissed off.
Starting point is 02:01:35 An absolute delight to have you here. I was going to say, well, you know, a lot of bad things happened in the last couple of weeks. You know, we touched on Russia and Ukraine and also everything that happened in Texas. But, uh, the, the, it's, it's, it's crazy that that the onion headline of, uh, of, uh, the only place where this still, like how did this happen?
Starting point is 02:01:54 And the only place where it continually happens or whatever is. Oh yeah, the perfect evergreen evergreen. Perfect onion headline, uh, and, uh, it still works. But, uh, you, you're the man. Thank you for doing the show. Thanks guys. It was my pleasure. Sorry to have a sad ending.
Starting point is 02:02:12 Yeah. That's not sad. No, it's great. Hey, that'll do it for this episode of Doe Boys. Until next time for the Spoon Man, Mike Mitchell, I'm Nick Weigher. Happy eating. See ya.
Starting point is 02:02:25 San Francisco. See the Doe Boys live this Friday, June 10th at the Palace of Fine Arts, reviewing Local Hunt El Farolito with guest Mugi Blakelock. Wow. Forget the NBA finals. You know it's fixed. We'll see you there, Bay Area Doe Fam.
Starting point is 02:02:41 Tickets at slash live. That's slash live.

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