Doughboys - Denny’s Solo Menu with Matt Mira

Episode Date: May 24, 2018

Writer/comedian Matt Mira (The Goldbergs, Star Trek: The Next Conversation) joins Mitch and Wiger for a feature length review of Denny’s new promotional menu for Solo: A Star Wars Story. The trio Boston and Vegas eats, discuss the pluses and minuses of branded slot machines, and tackle a Wars v. Trek quiz in another edition of Fake Chews.Want more Doughboys? Check out our Patreon!: for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You old star dog! Took a war to get you out here. In George Lucas' rough draft of his screenplay for Star Wars, this was the first line spoken by the character of Han Solo. In this initial concept, Solo was an alien of the Urellian species, a giant creature with green skin and gills covered in slime. As Lucas developed his story, he realized the space pirate was better conceived as a humanoid character and shifted the alien role to the best friend of a man named Solo, the Wukichubaka. This human Solo, a smuggler and scoundrel, was the breakout star of the original Star Wars film, and remains one of the most beloved characters in the- This human Solo, a smuggler and scoundrel, was the breakout
Starting point is 00:00:43 star of the original Star Wars film, and remains one of the most beloved characters in the universe. Much of that, of course, stems from the casting of actor Harrison Ford, who'd previously scored a small role in Lucas' film American Graffiti. Perhaps the character's signature moment comes when the Empire strikes back, where Han is about to be frozen in carbonite and handed over to the bounty hunter Boba Fett, and Princess Leia confesses, I love you, to which Han replies, I know. The response was unscripted, and though not actually improvised during a take, it was pitched by Ford to director Irvin Kirschner prior to filming, causing Kirschner to later reflect, quote, I regarded that scene as entirely Ford's. The role is
Starting point is 00:01:18 so thoroughly associated with Ford that casting the character for Disney's prequel was a lengthy process, eventually landing on actor Alden Ehrenreich, who, in portraying the interstellar smuggler, has a lift as heavy as Yoda levitating an X-wing out of a Dagobah swamp. Outside of its box office success, the Star Wars franchise was pioneering in terms of marketing tie-ins. In the early 80s, Burger King Star Wars drinking glasses were the original chain restaurant collector's item. Some of the movies are now expected to have some sort of promotional link with a chain restaurant, including, in recent years, a sit-down diner chain whose first location was in Lakewood, California. The restaurant offered promotional menus for
Starting point is 00:01:52 the first two Hobbit movies, though curiously nothing for the third entry of the Battle of the Five Armies, as well as for the 2015 reboot of Fantastic Four, which included items like the Human Torch skillet and the Invisible Woman slam, complete with clear pancake syrup. And now the trend continues with the newest canonical entry of Disney's Star Wars franchise. This week on Doe Boys, we return to Denny's for their solo A Star Wars Story inspired menu. Welcome to Doe Boys, the podcast about chain restaurants. I'm Nick Weigher, alongside my co-host, the Boston P. Farty, Mitchie Two Spoons, Mike Mitchell.
Starting point is 00:02:41 Oh, the Boston P. Farty? As opposed to T. Farty, the Boston P. Farty. So like I piss and I fart? I guess I assume that's what it is, yeah. Ikea Griffin sent that one in, I assume it's a pseudonym. RoastSpoonMan at is where you go. If you have an insult you like me, it's on Mitch at the top of the show. I thought that was appropriate. We have a fellow bass stator as our guest today. And so the Boston P. Farty.
Starting point is 00:03:07 Right. We've used our Tom Brady variants. So does that mean like when I fart like a little droplet shoot out of my dick? I guess I'm asking like, is it like am I peeing and farting at the same time? I guess, I mean, it could be that it could be that when you pee that that causes farts to propel out of your bottom. Hmm. Oh man, dude, I can't believe you called me P. Farty. You're going to blow your stack.
Starting point is 00:03:37 Oh, I'm pissed, dude. Hey, you know, Mitch, we were talking, we had a Boston based insult. We have a Boston based guest and we're recording this episode a little bit in advance, quite a bit in advance actually, but this will come out at the end of May or still back in April. But we've got a Boston sports event on your TV while we're recording the playoff game between the Milwaukee Bucks and the Boston Celtics pivotal game five. Tiger Rozier just hit a possibly a three. I think I think it was a three. All right, great. So let's we'll make sure that you give us live updates on this month
Starting point is 00:04:07 old basketball game throughout the this podcast. Hey, maybe they'll be in the at this point. What will they be in the finals? Possibly. No, come on. Well, this team's going to get to the finals. You know, I got a dress playing because yes, there's a reddit. I sometimes look at. I try not to sometimes things are shown to me this time. I looked at it and they said some guy was complaining how I wasn't a fan and I said, I wasn't. I said, I said, I wasn't a fan where they were bad, but I was a fan of the Celtics
Starting point is 00:04:34 when they were bad because they were bad for a very long stretch of time. Wait, what do you? What do you mean? Some guys are a real fan. He wasn't a fan when they were bad, but I was just saying that I wasn't a fan and like like in the nineties when they got bad because I was young. I was a I was a young boy. You know what I mean? Like, of course, I was a fan. You weren't that young. I mean, you're like two years, two years younger than me. Yeah, it's pretty young in 1992. I was 10. Yeah. And so in 1990, I was like it's reasonable. They started following the NBA a little later when I was in like a teenager. You were maybe maybe following football in baseball
Starting point is 00:05:08 when Ricky Davis was my favorite player. Okay, you've been around a tricky Ricky was my my sign in names for the SPN. Anyways, how to Mitchie to Spoon's nation. My phone line. You know, I got the I got the face recognition on my iPhone locked up there for a second. It locked up so I could not open. All right, phone thought I was looking at a jack-o-lantern. You fucking asshole. Think how much meaner that is than than Boston P. Farty. All right, I'm sorry. Hey, baby, I hear the blues are calling hot salad and scrambled egg hot salad and
Starting point is 00:05:54 scrambled egg hot salad and scrambled egg. I woke up and just had like just the hardest direction. Boner jam drop was the name of that one. Okay. What's his name? Twitter is I hate fun. A bostic. I can't tell what his name is. Hey, guys, I just found out I've been brushing my teeth with a pregnancy test for the past six months. Come on. That's a lie. That seems like a lie. He's lying. It could be true. But you know what? Don't call Spoon Nation any member of Spoon Nation a liar. This guy's full of shit. No, he's not. Don't. Hey, you know what? You're lucky. I didn't fucking knock
Starting point is 00:06:37 you out about that jack-o-lantern comment. Hey, you know, and Mitch, I did like that drop and hey, pretty appropriate for our guest who's a big Frasier fan as well as a Bostonian and a big sport. Oh, he's a writer for the Goldbergs, the host of after tech and the podcast James bonding met. My Ray is here. Oh, thank you so much. You got the sport. I could. I could look at your phone and probably open it. We just try that. We'll switch hats. Nick thinks also pumpkin head could open my phone.
Starting point is 00:07:12 You're the one. Dwell. He got it. Well, because you think pumpkin head could open it. Do you think pumpkin head himself could open up my phone? You might be able to. Hmm. Pumpkin had, you know what? Of all the villains, yes, doesn't get it. He doesn't. He doesn't get enough. He's not in the spotlight enough. I think his movies weren't very good where the pumpkin head films. Did those make much of impact? I feel like he hasn't had as many covers of Fangoria as he deserves. I think I think so because I think you know, I think the creature design of pumpkin head was pretty good. Yeah, was that it? Was that a? What's his name?
Starting point is 00:07:43 Who's like one of the famous creature guy Rick Baker? Was it Stan? When Stan was it? Was it? Was it? Was it Winston? Yeah, and he actually directed it as well. Oh, it's all becoming clear. Not everyone is ready for that chair. Yes. An interesting is pumpkin head good. I don't think remember the movie is being very good. It is a cool creature. I mean, we had like, you know, get some thumbnails here. Nick has pulled up the pumpkin head and it's not at all what I was thinking of. So my answer to this is he's kind of like tall and gray. Am I right about? Yeah, he's kind of a chupacabra kind of more than more than a
Starting point is 00:08:21 guy with a he's very big though. I think like I think you may be the picture is small. Sure. Well, they were thumbnail. Yeah, they were thumbnail. You might, but I mean, you hear pumpkin head. You might be thinking of the headless horsemen from the animated cartoon who had the pumpkin in place of his head. What's not at all? What were the masks in Halloween three where those are good? There was a pumpkin mask. There was also a skeleton mask. I think there was like three different masks. Yeah, because I'm thinking of, I think the pumpkin mask from Halloween. Okay, let's see. Masks Halloween three. Yeah, there's a,
Starting point is 00:08:52 there's a skeleton mask. Yeah, there's a pumpkin mask. Is there a which one? There's a witch mask. And then oddly, there's also the mask, which is really smoking. Yeah, really strange. Not only did you say that we could, we said smoking at the same time. Hey, we are similar. Those phones are gonna open right after us. Hey, that's pretty good that I knew the the masks from Halloween three. Something that I guess you shouldn't know a waste of time. That's a useful bit of trivia. I mean, what do I know in the world of podcasting? There's no trivia to dumb right. You know, I can never. I'm terrible. I have a bad memory.
Starting point is 00:09:29 People call me dumb. Nick, you don't think I'm dumb. You think I'm smart. Yeah, Stan Winston. See, that's the thing I know. I sometimes I forget stuff and you know what? Honestly, the one I was thinking of. I now I can't remember the guy who he's in. He was a Romero's guy and he's in. Hold on. Don't say his name though. And he was in. He was in from dust till dawn and his name is and see this is a guy. I'm a fan of and I'm a fan of Stan Winston. I just I have memory issues. I forget stuff all the time begins with the tea. I believe his name. Are you thinking of Tom Savini? Yes, the makeup whiz. Yes. Yes. See, I knew
Starting point is 00:10:08 that's who I'm saying. I knew his name when at the start of this, but I knew it wasn't him. I knew it was once I have a bad memory. Who's a member of the Kong family with long limbs? A member of the Kong family. Oh, Lanky Kong. Of course. You know, Lanky Kong. Well, I know Nintendo stuff will be at the front of my mind forever. Savini's Savini's great. Can you name all the Koopalings? Iggy. Iggy Ludwig. Roy.
Starting point is 00:10:39 Right, Roy. Right, right. Is there is there eight? Or is there seven? I believe there are seven for the seven worlds. Wendy. Yes. Roy, Wendy, Ludwig, Iggy. Oh, shit. Roy, Ludwig, Iggy, Wendy. I'm missing three. Do you want some hints? Yeah. The Ace of Spades. The Ace of Spades.
Starting point is 00:11:08 Now, more confused than ever. Lemmy? Oh, Lemmy. Yeah, there's a Lemmy. There's a Lemmy Koopa. Lemmy's good. It's a great hint. I don't know anything about these Koopas. And I got it. There's one who's a, there's one who is named after a talk show host from the 80s. Montell, Montell Williams. Koopa. Downey, Jr. It is, it is, you're, you're very close to that. It's, do you want me to say it?
Starting point is 00:11:38 Yeah, you know what it is, Mitch? I know what it is, but I can't, I told you. It's Morton Koopa, Jr. Morton Koopa. Oh, I thought I said Morton already. No, I knew there was a junior. Maybe you did say Morton. I apologize if you did. I'm not sure if I got that one. You probably could have gotten these off the top of your head. Can you? I'm trying to think of what, like Larry, I might have missed Larry because Larry's like, like generic enough. I think I would have gotten Iggy, Roy, Morton, Morton Koopa. I would have remembered Wendy. I think I would have remembered, I think I would have gotten all of them except for Larry.
Starting point is 00:12:03 I might have forgotten Lemmy too. You know what's that about? This is that they don't use them like they should anymore. Like the Super Mario World is so good. Yeah. In the way that the little Koopas are used. Well, this was three, this was three where they made their debut. Oh, okay. Wait, wait. In Super Mario World, are they not? Yeah, they're in Super Mario World though. I don't know if they have much of a presence in it. Oh, no. Yeah. Am I, am I mixing? I think you're misremembering them because they both have the world, they both have the stage maps. Yeah. You know, but I think the three was when they were the bosses for
Starting point is 00:12:33 each world. So much for me knowing a lot about Nintendo stuff. This sucks. I don't nothing. It's got a terrible memory. You see, I have a terrible memory. He doesn't remember that. He just said how great he is at remembering Nintendo stuff. He swings in here thinking he knows all the Koopas. So Matt, you're from Massachusetts. I actually looked up the demonym for this. Massachusetts in, which is very awkward. Massachusetts in. I don't think anyone from, I've never said that. No one from Massachusetts even says it. But as someone from there, I know you have a fondness, and this is something we've talked about before,
Starting point is 00:13:07 fondness for Dunkin' Donuts. Oh, do I ever, Nick? And Mitch, this is a place you love as well. Yes. You piece of shit. What? They are in fucking Super Mario World. Your piece of shit. Come on. How are they in Super Mario World? They're in each castle. Oh, come on. You know the Koopalings are? There's seven castles. I'm guessing. Yes. Before the eighth castle. Hold on. I remember the Koopalings from Mario 3. You really fucked with me and you made me feel done. I don't even think the Koopalings are in Mario 3. They are in Mario 3 for sure. First appearance Mario 3. You're thinking of Fred Savage. You know what? You're right,
Starting point is 00:13:39 Mitch. This is, this is my, I was the one who made the goof here because yes, there is the, there is the shot of Bowser with all of the Koopalings who have, maybe I think at this retcon, at this point, been retconned away from being Bowser's kids. And I want to go a step further and say this is, this is, this is real, this is really where they get their fucking personalities is in Super Mario World. Do you really fuck? Yeah, you're right. I, because I forgot he's, they've got like the, you know, the, the little whizrobe sort of baton they're shooting magic at, with at you with. Yeah, I forgot about this. Nick pantomimed
Starting point is 00:14:10 what a wizard would do. Sorry, that was my, but that was, but that was my fault. I accept accountability for that. That was me misremembering one of my favorite games. You know, what's crazy is that I specifically, when you did that, I remember the level, the castle in Mario World, where you are up on the blocks. Oh yeah, and you're running along and then the magic Koopa or whatever is, is turning the blocks into thing, and that's how you get down. Yes. You know what I'm talking about? Yeah, I know what you're talking about. Now that was an SNES game. Yes. See, I was a,
Starting point is 00:14:37 I was a Sega kid. Oh, wow. That was the problem. Yeah, we had a Nintendo entertainment system, and then we went. I went Genesis instead of Super Nintendo. Right. Sorry guys. So no, I mean, I understood Genesis did what in debt, when Nintendo I understood the temptation. I was, I always felt more like a guy who would wear sunglasses inside when Sega spoke to me. Should we start? You doing some vector man references or throw in some sonic, some tails, you know, right? Knuckles. Oh, knuckles. Great. And the end of the franchise. I think, I think, I think that there was nothing better than the sonic and knuckles. When
Starting point is 00:15:11 you plug the game into sonic and that, come on, very cool. That's cool. We finish the code. You just have to plug this other cartridge. We gave you half a game. They want to say go in a little peripheral crazy, but that was that was cool. And also I will say that the, you know, a lot of times there's this kind of thing of like, like, are you a Mario guy? Are you a sonic guy? Like people feel like they have to have some sort of allegiance is like, I live in both worlds. Like Mario and sonic are both cool. I like both of them. Whoa. Wow.
Starting point is 00:15:41 Nick, you're really going to bring everyone together. Yeah. Wow. Maybe those Mario heads aren't so bad. Hey, guys, I just thought we should talk. So let's talk Duncan Donuts a little bit because Mitch, this was, this is one of your favorites as well. Hey, I see Duncan Donuts is probably my favorite fast food breakfast. If I have to choose, I'm from Southern California. I really, really enjoy Duncan Donuts. You know, I like you, baby. Nick, you fortunately live near one of the few franchises in Southern California.
Starting point is 00:16:12 Right. You could probably walk there in the morning. I have before get yourself a an egg white delight. Get yourself a, you know, if you're feeling saucy, you get a pretzel. If you tried the pretzel bun one, I have not. No, those are those are a hoot. That seems a little heavy for the morning. Oh, no. You got to start your morning right. Okay. That's why I go chocolate glazed. Oh yeah, chocolate glazed, iced French vanilla. I always call them chocolate frosted, so oh yeah. Yeah. Well, that's what they are. Yeah, I call them a chocolate glazed because I've been out here for ten years. I want that is that is California speak. Yeah, I
Starting point is 00:16:44 once drove to Phoenix to get Duncan Donuts because it was the closest one. That's crazy. It was insane. It was 2008, I think wow, and it was the closest one to Los Angeles. I've had it my, you know, my entire life. Yeah, my entire life. I've had Duncan Donuts. It was it started in Quincy, of course, of course, and by the time you know I was born, it was all over New England or at least Massachusetts. Yeah, probably most of New England. I mean, there is a corner in Lowell. I'm from Lowell and there's a corner there. They're literally three. Wow, boom, boom, boom. That's beautiful and they're all functioning fine. They're all just. They're
Starting point is 00:17:19 all doing just fine. Right. No lack of business at any of those not good. Yeah, the Duncan will never will know. Well, you know what they're doing some and now there's there's news that the one in Quincy was is the first was like the first new reimagining of a Duncan Donuts. Oh, they're redoing the which are they were calling Duncan. They were getting rid of the name Donuts. Right. I don't know if they I don't know if they did that with this Quincy location, but there was one where they had like coffees and teas on tap and stuff, which is the thing that Duncan Donuts doesn't and tea on tap. Yeah, I mean that's why I've had that's
Starting point is 00:17:52 because it's like kind of lady the Starbucks cold brew thing. That's what it's a response to. Right. They've got cold brew on tap. Yeah. Yeah. Did you did you know about this because because they they kind of paired down the is that right? Paired down part down. Paired down. Paired down. They pared down the menu and they and there was a couple of things that they got rid of that I think that you would be upset about. Oh no, like what and I don't know if this is going to happen at every location, but there was some stuff that you didn't you didn't talk with my munchkins. I don't. I don't. This is new to me. I don't know what's
Starting point is 00:18:22 going on. Wave your wizard stick bring the munchkins back. I yeah. So I, you know, Duncan Donuts as an adult now. I think the only time I actually get it any more is on the way to Vegas. Oh, well, stop in Bakersfield and no sorry, Barstow Barstow Station Barstow. Yes, and you get you can stop at that Duncan Donuts. The last time I tried to go to Duncan Donuts, the Atwater Village Duncan Donuts out here, no parking and I said no not doing it. I mean that is that is just an issue with a lot of restaurants in L. A. And that particularly when you're dealing with fast food, it's a frustration. Yeah, like the fast food
Starting point is 00:19:03 spot you want to have a drive through at minimum, but also a parking lot. And if that's not present, it's like this isn't worth the hassle to go to this Togo's. Yeah, it's it's it is a you know the the Starbucks on Willoughby and Highland that opened up a couple years ago when we all got fired from G for when they closed the network down and attack of the show was canceled. We had discussed putting all of our severance packages together and opening a Duncan Donuts in that spot. That was the spot I had decided we should open it. I was like a coffee spot would kill right here. That would do crazy business and quite
Starting point is 00:19:39 frankly, I was correct. Yeah, you were on the so wait. So as a as a Duncan Donuts I got the list, by the way. All right. All right, let's hear it. Do you want to ask that question first or do you want me to know let's get this get into this list. Turkey cheddar bacon sandwich, ham and cheddar sandwich, tuna salad, this is what's being cut chicken salad sandwich. Yeah, it's some locate. I guess I think it's salad sandwich. Okay, I haven't had any other any other salad stuff from there. The tuna salad, the chicken salad. I mean, chicken salad sandwich, big and toasted breakfast sandwich, Angus steak and egg breakfast sandwich,
Starting point is 00:20:13 strawberry banana and tropical mango smoothies, peach caramel and mocha flavored shots. Some optional muffins, bagel and cream cheese selections. No, which there's a list and I'm going to read it. Flat bread is now gone to, but I'll lead there. I'll read the list. Maybe healthy. That's quite an emission. Well, I mean, I think that the I don't know if this is every every and then they talk about the shortening of the name, but there was something on the list that was like. Oh, many items being being
Starting point is 00:20:42 eliminated here. I'm going to tell you right now. Yeah, the flavor shots. I said, okay, all bagel twists are gone, but from the from the bakery. No one's ever ordered a bagel twist. Danish's cookies and brownies, cream cheese, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. They're getting rid of the Dunkin Donut cookie. I guess I guess that chocolate chip was my jam. My sister worked at the Dunkin Donuts on at that was attached to the gas station at the corner of and over street. Some of the best Dunkin Donuts are attached to gas. It's not. You're not wrong. Emma's nodding along. She gets it when they would close at
Starting point is 00:21:17 night. She would sometimes have the closing shift. I would wake up in the morning and every donut and pastry and etc. That was left over would be in our kitchen. That's a dream. That was a dream. It was amazing. That is that. That is. That's amazing. You don't get this. Nick, I got that blueberry muffin with the rock sugar on top of it. I mean what here's you do. You put that in toaster oven. Yeah, you bring it out, butter it a little bit. Yeah, back in the toaster oven. Yeah, bring it out, get fat. It sounds delightful. That's I would do this. I would. I would microwave it. I would put a chunk in the middle. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:21:50 half a stick of a butter on on each on each weapon. But yeah, the bakery, Danish cookies and brownies, cream cheese, reduced fat, plain and chive and onion and then which is insane because I like the chive. Yeah, I like a chive, too. Muffins, honey, bran raisin and reduced fat blueberry. I get rid of the reduced fat blueberry. Yeah, bagels, garlic, blueberry, onion, bagels, onion, bagels are one of my favorite. I mean bagels. I got an onion bag. You can't. You can't. This is insane. This. This must. I mean, this must be just at a few locations. If I'm eating a plain bag, like I'm just eating a bagel and cream
Starting point is 00:22:21 cheese. It's onion. If I'm getting a bagel on a sandwich, it's sesame always 100 percent. I like the plainest bagel. I'll do is an egg bagel because I feel like that still has a little bit of a little bit of character to it. But I agree with you that like onion bagel is such a staple bagel. How could you get rid of this? You know what? I find just weird in general and a little bit grim is that they just released this list of cuts like it was like, you know, it's like the football team. It's so weird. It's like they're like, these are all the people are getting released from the menu items that are getting released from this
Starting point is 00:22:51 restaurant. This is also funny because this was a in quotes leaked list. Oh, it's a leak. And so and I think that they're only implementing this and I'll just say the the rest real quick salt, whole wheat, poppy seed and sour cream and onion bagels. Oh man, I love a so I love a so bagel. Here's here's a thing and I think you you can agree with this. The Dunkin Donuts bagels at one point were revolutionary. Oh, they were amazing. They were game changers for breakfast sandwich option every like it was one of those things where you couldn't for for me in the New England area there. There were no good bagels like this until
Starting point is 00:23:25 Dunkin Donuts did it and then there and then there were other places like Brewers bagels and finagle bagel popped up bagel on these other places. But Dunkin Donuts used to have these really, really great bagels. They are very much what they are now, which I still do love. Yeah, but they are there. They're different. And now when I get a say a breakfast sandwich from there, it's usually on a croissant because when they toast up that croissant, it's like buttery and light still. Yeah, I get that. But I have to go bagel when I get a breakfast sandwich there enough because I want it to feel like I've eaten
Starting point is 00:23:53 something. It's very sad. I mean that that bagel breakfast sandwiches very substantial. It's a satisfying item. Yeah, I will say that I this is and maybe you've told me this before, Mitch, but the bagel I guess I've never had the bagel 1.0. I've only had the revised bagel. It sounds like it's not quite as good, but I still think it's a good for like a fast food place like a good bagel. I mean, they they literally used to make the donuts in the restaurant in each Dunkin Donuts, too, and they don't do that anymore either. And in Lowell, they would make this centrally make the donuts at a former Pizza Hut. Oh, wow. It
Starting point is 00:24:25 was just this old Pizza Hut restaurant that they turned into a donut factory. It's amazing. It smelled delicious. You know, it's speaking of Pizza Hut. They tried a little rebrand did the hut for a bit. Oh yeah. I feel like what they ended up doing is they just reverted to Pizza Hut. I think this Duncan is going to do the same thing. I think they're going to go back to Dunkin Donuts. I don't think Dunkin itself is going to. Why not Dunkin Donuts? It's great. I mean, I think they're probably it's it's just it's probably they had a board meeting and they overthought it at the Quincy one. Can't you still get the
Starting point is 00:24:52 original donut, the one with a little handle on it? Oh, the original Quincy location. Yeah. You know, I bet you they've done that now that there is like a celebration of of the original play, which no one ever cared. What do you mean a handle on it? So the original Dunkin Donut was a was a donut meant specifically for dunking and it had a little it was a donut with a little nub on it, and that was the nub you would hold on to as you were dunking the donut. Oh, that's awesome. They like didn't even like recognize that Quincy location as the first one. Like, I mean, it was known as the first one in Quincy, obviously, but
Starting point is 00:25:22 like they the the franchise didn't care until like within the last ten years. You know CVS started in Lowell, and I feel like we get no credit for that. Wow CVS is everywhere. That's big consumer value source guys. Come on. You're talking about two places. I love CVS. I love Dunkin Donuts. You love the CVS. I love CVS CVS is great. You know you're getting every time you go in. You know what's good there CVS gummy bears specifically great gummy bear. You want to find a selection of sugar-free chocolates you won't eat CVS gummy bear after Harry is a Harry bow. Yeah, yes, the the the CVS gummy bear
Starting point is 00:25:59 brand gummy bear. I'm telling you I've never I'll try it. I've never had it. They you know what their formula may have changed has been a long time, but they but they they they were very very good. When were you having them all the time as a gummy bears were my favorite candy. So as a and as a kid, you'd request the CVS brand my mom will put them in my stocking every Christmas. That's great. Yeah, that's real smooth. Santa would put them in there. Santa would go to CVS buy whatever else you need to buy. What is Santa buying at CVS? Do you think he's buying or do you think he's actually having the elves knock
Starting point is 00:26:33 everything off? He's like at a department of guys that are like graphic design like studying packaging. Yeah. Okay. I guess we can do this and he's like great. How much can you make this for and go go go? They're making CVS packaging. They're making CVS packaging. They're making toothpaste, tiny toothpaste to go in your stocking. They're making the three pack toothbrushes short deodorants. Oh, the short deodorants big staple of the stocking. My mom forgot to do. Oh, no, you know, happen. My dad was in charge of my stocking one year and he like just
Starting point is 00:27:04 forgot and it was just like stuff from the closet upstairs. It was like like it was like antiseptic wipes and stuff. My brother, seven years older than me got up one morning much earlier than everybody and took everything out of my stocking and put coal in it. That's fucked. Wow. That's really mean damaging. Very damaging. I think when my dad forgot to do like do my stocking, I was like 18 and still probably was close to crying. Dad, come on, bro. You know, our stockings were hand knit by my grandmother. So we're mine.
Starting point is 00:27:40 Mine were as well. Lovely stockings and they love to knit them stocking. They were very, very good stockings and they also have our names on them. Me too, Nick. This is a similar thing. Yeah, this now seems like a big grandma lie. This is really fascinating. Yeah, I believe my grandma is quite the knitter and I believe her that she 100% crafted this. You know what I think? I think if you put the stuff my grandma knit next to yours, your grandma stuff would look like shit. Come on. Oh my God, some sort of grandma contest. Yeah, I had the best one, dude. Yours sucks. You know, actually, we're testing both of these on my podcast.
Starting point is 00:28:16 Yarn boys. You guys give a listen. It's on. It's not on head gum, but it will be sure. I'm sure. You know my grandma, the same grandma would mail me a box of homemade cookies every month when I was living when I was in college and I treasured those cookies. You know I did baby. You know who else did who my friends on my dorm floor because they knew some baked goods are coming. They wouldn't be from friends. His grandma wasn't doing that. Dude, the Weigert kid asks us to come
Starting point is 00:28:47 to the common space to eat his grandma's cookies again. Just a reminder, everyone. My grandmother's cookies are due any day now. I'll be in the common space, watching the latest episode of Seinfeld. See you Thursday. I'll bring the milk. I'll bring a gallon for all you for all of my chums. We fucking hate this good. Yeah, but those cookies are good man. I'll deal with them. My grandma's cookies were probably better now. Come on. My grandmother on my mother's side. Horrible, horrible. Really? Yeah. She was the
Starting point is 00:29:24 Italian grandmother. Weirdly. Oh, crazy. Not good at cooking. My, my, my Nana, though my dad's mom was not also not. I mean, no, I never had her food when she's a good cook. My mom's mom. Great cook. Yeah, great cook. My dad. She's Gloria. She did a great job toasting white. She used to toast me up a piece of toasting. This is truly one of my favorite foods when I was a child. She put butter on it and I asked her cut it up into a million pieces. That's what I would say. Yeah, she cut it up into little pieces for me. It was great. Just like little toasted pieces of butter. It was great. That's like the nicest thing
Starting point is 00:29:58 I've ever heard. She was million pieces situation. She was a great. I just really made it that much more enjoyable. It's really. She's a great, great grandma. Guys from now on, I'm cutting everything up in a million pieces. Just a little little words that will will work wonders on little kids. That's all it takes. Yeah, if you humor them, they're happy. Yeah, that's the secret to raising it to rear kids. Sounds like humor. A little sounds like one of your plots. Come on. So outside of being someone, you know, from the the Bay State. Yeah, Matt, you're also someone who I know has spent some time in Vegas, which is a big food city
Starting point is 00:30:34 sometime. What are you? Come on, buddy. We know. Yeah, I said a lot of time in Las Vegas. You're a you're a. I mean, I don't I wouldn't say degenerate gambler, but you're someone who likes to. He likes to hit the slot. Okay. Anyone who expects to lose money right going to Las Vegas is I think at the Generic Ambler. I love it. I love it. It was your question specifically about the food in Vegas or about just the General Vegas. I honestly got lost thinking about slot machines as you were saying it. You're a slot machine guy. Oh boy. Oh boy, Mitch. I you tell you want to go to Foxwood. You want to go to
Starting point is 00:31:12 Lane Ridge. I'll do the coast run. No problem. Three Rivers Casino. I can handle it. It's not great. It's Rhode Island. Wu Tang is Wu Tang is making trips to Foxwood. Foxwood is amazing. My buddy Wu Tang is he's a he's a big he's a he's a gambler. They're opening. I think is it this year or the or next year the MGM Grand Springfield will be open. Hmm. They took five city blocks of a terribly depressed city and put a casino in it. Let's see that experiment works out. Yeah. March Simpsons stays away from there with her gambling proud. She has a real war will take over gambler. So yeah, I placed last in
Starting point is 00:31:53 Springfield. That's what you said. Yes. That's why I said for a long time where I thought the real the where I thought the what spring we were all convinced. Yes, we were all told every state that had a Springfield in it was told that they were that Springfield. It felt like Simpsons was Massachusetts for because some women are so many Harvard writers over there right that just had to and then Danagold shows up and it's just Boston every fucking reference. So yeah, I'm but specifically on slot machines guys. I like a licensed slot machine. This is a world I didn't know about until you include me in on it, but they have they
Starting point is 00:32:29 have really gone far in terms of both the properties they license and the technology that they've advanced. I got a question for you gone hog wild. Yeah. Is there a Minions licensed one not yet while a great question. Why girl would just feed he wouldn't even be looking to win. You'd just be feeding money into the machine. Yeah, I'd have to have to mess around without you want to see Kevin say banana or whatever happens. I'm already having a great time just imagining it. I'm delighted little yellow French cartoons are really just taking my money. Yeah, so a licensed slot machine. It can be any property that I like or
Starting point is 00:33:04 don't like even for instance. I'm a big, big fan of the Sons of Anarchy slot machine. Wow, and I have never seen the show. Wow, but I know. I know which characters are most important based on how much their symbols pay out. Oh, yes. Yeah, so there's a there's a little bit of strategy perhaps involved. No, there's no strategy. It's all you hit a button in a random number generator then decides how much it's going to pay you for the spin finishes. How much how much you're going to pay for a Katie Segal. You know Katie is the third most valuable. Okay, yeah Gemma Gemma. I've never heard it pronounced. I've only seen it spelled on
Starting point is 00:33:38 the slot machine, so I don't know if it's I think it must be Gemma, right? That sounds right name. Yeah, so it goes. Here's how it goes. I'll tell you the order in which the payout is on the Sons of Anarchy slot machine. You get the most, of course, for clay, who is played by a blonde handsome man. Oh yeah. Okay, and you get the. No, sorry, not clay is Ron Perlman. Okay, Jax is blonde handsome man. Okay, Jax is the biggest payout Ron Perlman, second biggest payout. Hey, black Jax. Am I right, Nick? I like it. I like it gambling themed and then also the gum that Christian Slater loved in pump up the volume.
Starting point is 00:34:19 So and then it's Katie Segal followed by the the woman that is now on billions whose name in the show is I'm just like I'm picture. I'm trying to picture the machine Tara. Okay, the name is Tara on the show and just to be clear. Number two is the Ron Perlman character. Yeah, okay, and then the least the least payout which I find very which has endeared me to this program more than anything is Kurt Sutter creator and writer of Sons of Anarchy. He got he got at least he's the smallest payout on the machine. Does he have a role in the show? He does. Oh interesting. He plays a he plays a
Starting point is 00:35:03 blonde man who rides a motorcycle. You know what? I think that was. I choose to believe that that was his doing and that it was just like I'm looking to humble myself a little bit. I want to believe that too. He's he's the whammy that makes me. He's not the whammy. He just paid his symbol pays the least. That's all right. I think he was just like if you're gonna put me on there guys, my wife's got to pay much higher than me. Katie Segal, of course, is his wife. Oh, okay, and and I think you know it's just really generous of him. I got an issue here. Yeah, I want to hear they blew it. Why is there no skull and
Starting point is 00:35:33 crossbones? There? That should be a big one. Oh, let me tell you, my friend, when you get the Reaper bonus, you have to hit three of those symbols. You hit three of those symbols. You're in the Reaper bonus and you spin the big wheel and you can win. Sometimes it's a progressive jackpot. So you have the chance to win sometimes two million dollars. Oh my God, a spin. That's crazy. Yeah. So are the are the when you're talking about characters, you're saying like you line up three in a row. Yeah, three of these characters next to each other. Jack's pays so much that you only have to get two of him next to each
Starting point is 00:36:04 other and that pays a little bit of something. Well, you know, the thing I'll say about slot machines. This is what drives me nuts about a lot of them is that you're trying to get three things in a row, right? Yeah. You have some of the machines where sometimes a thing won't even hit the line and I'm just like, I'm like, that feels like I'm being like, I know that sometimes I'm going to lose, but that feels like losing in a particularly like insulting way. Yeah, like at least have it hit the line. You think you're going to hit the jackpot? Yeah, you don't. It's that's a, there's a law against it doing that too much.
Starting point is 00:36:29 Okay. Tell me that you're such bad luck that you go to a slot machine and you get all white across the board. You know the Simpsons slot machine, which is a newer machine. It's got three displays on it, so it's like a panel that sort of wraps you in the display. Really funny machine, well written, but it takes your money. It just is just never pays. That's a bummer never pays. That's a funny Simpsons thing where I feel like like they make jokes on the show about their products, not like costing too much or just getting money out of people. That's kind of meta in a way. Bart licensing his name to shoddy merchandise. Yeah, I
Starting point is 00:37:10 mean, you know, there is something to the that best Portlandia sketch. By the way, is that knock off? They do a thing with a knock off Bart Simpson shirt that Fred Armisen's slacker fixie bike rider guide design and it's just this like they go to a full trial and Mac running shows up. Oh, that's awesome. It's amazing kids. Check it out. Bootleg Bart is like an amazing thing that exists. Just all those those bootleg shirts that were especially like in the 90s when so many of them were like, you know, like it would be like Bart like being like like Nelson Mandela. He's the he's my hero, man. Yeah, Bart and a ninja turtle. Yeah. Wait,
Starting point is 00:37:48 what is this? Right. And his shirt was never blue. His shirt was blue always in these knockoffs. Yeah. And then there was a period, I think there was a blue shirt, red shorts period, or maybe that was just one design they used for a shirt and then they kept to read. They kept re appropriating it. There's also like that part likes Nelson Mandela. Yeah, he was at school. He was pro Nelson Mandela and then there was a peer. I and there was he was the first Gulf War. He was very like like like Sedum. This guy can eat my shorts, man. It was like there's a lot of like anti Sedum shirt. I heard Sedum saw that and was pissed.
Starting point is 00:38:23 Who knew that that would destabilize the whole region? Right? Bart's hatred of what I was saying really is straw that broke the camel's back. But so so you know Vegas outside of the slot machines there and you know like last time I was there, just you know it's it's staggering the that basically every sitcom, every movie has a sort of bang theory. Your your orange is the new black right machine. Your Downton Abbey recently. I played that one. That's crazy. That was an enjoyable one. You get three. You get three bells. You ring those three bells. You got a bonus feature. Oh, that's fun. That's crazy guys. All you
Starting point is 00:38:55 want is a bonus feature. Yeah, it's it's like all that stuff is represented, but I am curious and that this is where I was where's going with my earlier question is what do you what do you like to eat when you go there? Well, Vegas is a place that works on many levels for me and one of which is there's so much good food to be had that I like to schedule one meal. Really? That is the only meal I will eat that day. Oh, I like that. I'll have like a dinner at like a nice steak house. Yeah, I'm a big fan of a Gordon Ramsay steak. That's in Paris guys. I recommend the beef Wellington. Okay, signature dish. What is it? What is it called? Beef
Starting point is 00:39:30 Wellington? No, what is it? What is the restaurant called steak? Oh, yes, Gordon Ramsay steak. I think I've been. I think I've been to steak. It's great. Yeah, the last time I was there, he was there. Wow. Yeah, that's cool. So I was like, Oh, he actually somehow cares about these 700 Vegas restaurants. He now owns, but yeah, Gordon Ramsay steak. You can't go wrong with like an STK at the Cosmopolitan. Okay, but then if you want quick, you want quick bites. There is a breakfast burrito that is delicious at the Caesars Palace. There's a place called the Americano cafe. It's their 24 hour cafe. Get the breakfast burrito. If they're
Starting point is 00:40:08 like, we're not serving breakfast right now, just say, but could I have a breakfast burrito and they'll come back about four minutes later and go. Yeah, we can do that. Wow. Damn that. That's a hot tip. You know, they should put in they should put a little Caesars in Caesars. Is there? Is there one? There should be a little season. That would make. Yeah, I would be with me. You guys for a moment in Vegas. In Vegas, though, I feel like the little Caesar's five dollar pizza would be fifteen dollars. Yeah, sure. Everything inside a hotel is airport priced. Yeah, I would kind of get marked up, but also I think that would
Starting point is 00:40:39 be hugely popular. If they had a bunch of hot and readies, I feel like people would just be like fucked up and just grab in those and just like eating them as they walk. Maybe a license to print money. Yeah, the maybe that's why they did. The baby that they don't want all those pizza boxes just all over the place within the casino race. Seventy hot and ready the, you know, and then, you know, you can go to like there's an egg slut there now in Las Vegas. I hate the name. I hate it too. I don't love the name of it. Also, by the way, guys, I'm going to maybe a little controversial. Your sandwiches are fine. Wow, they're
Starting point is 00:41:13 fine. Right. Don't go with eggs. Let's not listen. It was to start as a truck, right? Did it start as a truck? Yes. I don't like that. I just don't like the name. I don't like weird. It's it's the yeah. It's just a weird association. I think also specifically the word egg thrown it like egg and slut thrown together, just like it sounds gross. Get it out of here. Yeah, this is what I say at every IVF appointment with my wife because we're always talking about eggs. Quite frankly, I'm like, honey, a little bit of an egg slut right now. But it's there's a lot there. Shake Shack is now in Vegas. I've been to that a
Starting point is 00:41:52 couple times. Yeah, there's a there's a what a burger. I didn't know there was a Vegas water burger. Yeah, yeah, and hey, they they got a or a white castle over there, Nick. They got they there's a white castle above the casino Royale. Wow. There's a we could knock out so many restaurants if we went there for if you just did a three day trip to Las Vegas. You could have yourself six episodes. We actually did do Margaritaville with this because this was before the universal one was open when we reviewed Margaritaville back for Rocktoberfest. We did it when we went to the Vegas one. We were there for a
Starting point is 00:42:28 bachelor party. Yes, I can't believe you went to that, Nick. I went that I went to Margaritaville. No, no, I can't believe you went to the bachelor party like in hindsight. I'm like, Oh, did you go because of the Margaritaville? No, I went I went because it partly. No, no, no, I did. It was like I was like, Oh, OK, this is a fun thing with a good friend of mine that I know was that was that it was rust. It was Bob. Yeah, and I was just like, Oh, OK, this is this is sure. I'll go. I'll I'll go on this experience and it was I did drink too much. If I remember correctly, that and I went on like the big part of your trip
Starting point is 00:43:02 was Margaritaville, basically. Yeah, well, I went to bed or I went to bed early every and then like that kind of that alone kind of made me ostracize from the group and then also I got a motion sickness on the party bus. That's right, which was another issue, which, you know, was just a bus. Yeah, it wasn't like there was even like lights flashing. It was just a very normal bus. I didn't have a good window to take you from to where it was from. It was from it was an LA to Vegas party bus. It was quite a job. No. Yeah, of course show about that. It could have lasted. It could have been a full four hour show
Starting point is 00:43:40 instead of this half hour in the sky. So right yeah, I you know we got my wife and I got married in Vegas. My wife and I did too. It's it's it's a great one stop shop for everything. I got a question for you. Did you invite anyone to the wedding? I did. Yeah, I did Nick. Did you invite anyone to the wedding? No, we eloped. It's a different thing. Very very different. Trying to accomplish something different versus Nick. Were you not working on it midnight at the time? This was prior to admin. I was this was to we got married in 2010. No, no, I mean when I got married, you yeah, but
Starting point is 00:44:11 I think what I think you'd gotten married. I think we didn't know each other very well yet. I think that happened in kind of the window where I wasn't maybe someone you would invite to your wedding. Yeah, actually, maybe I still wouldn't be there. No, no, come on. I don't know where I am. It would be a great choice. Nick, how drunk did you get Natalie for her to come on stand after the altar? I'm asking. She was excited. What I'm asking. We weren't particularly. We'd had some. I mean, like we weren't like drunk or anything. We went in the middle of the day. I do now. I'm going to go. I'm going to go to the bedroom. We're going to
Starting point is 00:44:46 be sure you should stay on some right. We did drive home that same day. Yeah, we did. What? What? Yeah, we were like, I think we had. I think I'd work the next day and so we're like, all right, we'll just do that. It was fine. It was perfect. It was casual. It was as casual as it worked out perfectly for us, given our relationship. What's important is that you're happy. Exactly, but we're going to judge. Yeah, we're going to judge big time. We are a big time. We're judging wicked hard here. So my joke of you going back to the hotel room and going to bed is actually even kind of better than what happened of driving
Starting point is 00:45:23 the four hours home. Did you pick her up and carry her over the threshold of your apartment? No, is that you're supposed to do that? Well, you're wedding nice, you know, you know the issue is that we had that the place we're living at the time we had stairs and it just would have been hard to get up. You don't. You don't have to carry up the stairs. Nick, you can just do it at the threshold. I still know that because we kind of like the stairs go up to a landing. Yeah, I'd be just be kind of tricky to. No, I understand it. I understand. You don't have to take your wife up this. You don't. Yeah, unless
Starting point is 00:45:56 there's like a landlord rule, we're like, please don't carry your wife over the threshold. Right, right chance you go home tonight and say, honey, come on out. I don't think she'd stand for that zero percent chance. Well, she doesn't have to stand for that. You carrier. Also, what time did you get home that night? Because there's a good chance Natalie lifted you over. You were asleep in her arms like a little child. What is the average Nick Weiger bedtime? Well, these days I've been staying up a little later because you know these NBA playoff games. Yeah, it's got to keep you going. The end you know the ones that usually
Starting point is 00:46:26 end around ten thirty eleven, you know, but no, I like I like to go. I think the best bedtime is ten thirty, but I will sometime here. The best bed. Yeah, I think that's the ideal bedtime because then you get to you get a good night's sleep. You can sleep a full eight hours and wake up without no like assume you don't have an early morning job. You can wake up without an alarm and get to work on time and have plenty of time to get ready. That's my idea. Jesus, but do you know the other night I had a borrow a power drill from Averd and I I texted him at ten thirty and I was like, dude, I'm sorry if you're asleep and it was because
Starting point is 00:47:04 of you like in my head. I am now afraid people go to bed at like ten and they don't know everyone is usually awake. Everyone is always away. He was like, yeah, no, I'm awake. What do you why are you afraid that I'm asleep at ten o'clock? It's ten thirty. It's ten. It's ten thirty. I'm wide awake. Metro time. Are you going to sleep on a boy? Well, I have multiple issues. Also, I drilled that. Look at that, Nick, the nest. I put that. I did that myself and when you say nest, you're referring to a device. You're not referring to it. I'm talking to some weird fucking sack. I I shit out some eggs and put them on the wall. I've been
Starting point is 00:47:41 into making nests lately. What type of what type of Mitch nest would I make? Just saying you just said nest without any context. I think a lot of people don't ever were confused like an alien. I have like a sludgy. Yeah, I think people might have thought it was like a decorative bird nest or something. I hung up my my nest. Okay, smoke detector slash carbon monoxide detector right for the cats. It will alert me on my the phone. If there if anything happens now once it moves, let's say you're shooting something in the deep valley. The alarm goes. I would. I would call my landlord. I call my next door neighbors. I get
Starting point is 00:48:12 someone over here. I have some plans to get someone over. Alright, Nick will be my last option. You had to book it from a hall and up to haul over there, but you know what I do it. I thank you, Nick. Hey, you love Wally and Irma. You've gotten to that point. Yeah, of course. Yeah. Hey, you know what? I love that, Nick. You're a good man. That's very nice. But wait, what before I cut you off about the nest? What were you talking about before? I don't know. I don't ask the question right before the nest. Oh, I asked you exactly what time you go to bed. Oh, oh God. I shouldn't have brought that back. Yeah, for me a good
Starting point is 00:48:43 time to be in bed. I'm talking to a am to a am to a rich and is not on your head, which makes me feel better. Yeah, you're much younger than me, so that's more normal to stay up that late, but to a am I like to be like to two a am is good for me. Yeah, 233 probably more realistic. What time do you wake up in the morning? I'll wake up like it can be anywhere from nine thirty till and then if I'm up real late close to eleven. Wow. Wow. My wife said that like really like that's like four or something. Yeah, but my wife says that when I'm on hiatus, I act like a twelve year old or like I will not refuse to go to sleep. Yeah, and I
Starting point is 00:49:28 will stay up playing video games until four o'clock in the morning. Yeah, yeah. No, I mean, that's that is my issue is, you know, like when if I have a job or whatever, right, I have to be in bed or I have a more normal schedule. They used to be my life, but you know what? I realize better than any video game is what goes on in slumberland. Oh, yeah. What about Nemo? Yeah, well, I guess that it's a game that takes place in Dream World. All right, that's a gray area. We'll take a break. We'll be back with more boys. Welcome back to dough, boys. We're here with Matt Meyer and hey, you know what,
Starting point is 00:50:04 Matt, our business this week, Denny's solo menu, their specialty menu for solo, a Star Wars story. I know you're much more of a Trek fan than a Star Wars fan. At least that would be my assumption that is. That is correct. Yeah, you're correct in assuming that. However, I will say I am. I have absorbed so much Star Wars over the years, right, so proliferant in in culture and in my house growing up. My sisters were big Star Wars fans, right from the get go. I'm talking pre 1997 re-release. I was just I'd seen Star Wars so many times. Yeah, I think I think, you know, and I've seen a lot of actually my dad is a huge Trek fan, and
Starting point is 00:50:47 I've seen a lot of Trek, especially I've seen. I think I've seen all of Next Generation, which I show I really like. Wow. And I've seen a I've seen a good chunk of Deep Space Nine. You know, some of the other Trek I've seen. I've seen, I think most of the movies, maybe all the movies. I'm a little bit less familiar with some of the other TV shows, but you know, you know, your voyagers, your enterprises, right, right. But but definitely a I consider myself a Trekkie as well as a Star Wars fan. Mitch, did you ever get double in the Trek world?
Starting point is 00:51:18 Not too much. You know what happened? My aunt, but like there, I have an aunt that this sounded like a classic tea up to like, you know what happened? I was out fucking chicks, you nerds. No, sadly, wasn't watching that or doing that. I should have. I should have been watching Star Trek as I as I wasn't talking to any girls, but my aunt loved Star Trek, and it was kind of the aunt that like, you know, this is I shouldn't be saying this either, but like the it was the aunt that like, you know, maybe someone in my family doesn't like too much. I like that show. Okay. And so so I so
Starting point is 00:51:56 I I I was always like, Oh, I don't like Star Trek because she likes it as much. And then I did watch it and I was like, Oh, it's I like a lot of this stuff. Right. But it was like kind of like, Oh, the moment had passed for me. And then I watched, you know, I've watched some of the movies and I've watched some of the newer movies and stuff like that. And and JJ made one and he sure did. He made two. Yeah. How do you feel about them? They exist as their own thing in my mind, like not part of the universe to just sort of like this reimagining, which is I guess their intent. It's a whole other
Starting point is 00:52:26 timeline. Yeah, canonically, it's not even part of it. I think the first one did a great job bringing in new viewers. I think the second one was problematic just because of how much it cribbed from the wrath of Khan. Right. And then I think actually I think the third one, the one that Simon Pegg was a writer on was the best one. Wow. It was the most like a Star Trek episode to me. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I think I think I enjoyed that one when I saw it. Yeah. The only thing I didn't care for was the motorcycle. Yes. But otherwise, you know, I get it. You need a set piece. Right. Yeah, it's it's definitely it's definitely very different
Starting point is 00:53:00 from the Star Trek that I think a lot of people know of just like long scenes in conference rooms. Yeah, you know, just like a lot of discussions about space politics. Exactly. Yeah, there's a lot less of that. I just gave you something you never tried before. Yeah, it's called spin drift. I wanted to see what you thought of it for one. Sorry, Nick. I know this is going off the rails here for a second. No, this is this sounds like branded content. This is what these podcasts do. It does sound like brand because but maybe he won't like them. Okay, but the reason I was excited about it is because I was gonna say just take
Starting point is 00:53:31 a peek on the can there. See where it's distributed by. Let me just turn it around here right above the recycle. Oh my God. This is from Walfam. That's why I brought it up. No branding shit. Well, you know what? It just got a little more palatable because quite frankly, Walfam try harder. I'm drinking the orange mango spin drift and quite frankly, I have to say that this is described on the label as sparkling water and real squeezed fruit. Yep, that's it. And my review of this is yep. That's shit. Wow. Whoa. Yeah, I just I just wanted to reference but no, it's it's fine. It does taste like it tastes
Starting point is 00:54:17 like as a kid when you're like you start dumping things into water and then you drink it. Sure, not like not like one of those. I dare you to eat this or get into situations. But like when you're a kid and you go, well, I don't have any flavored anything. Let me put these grapes in water. Yeah, you know how kids do that. I guess we're always putting grapes in water. You know, I get I get what you're talking about. Kids are constantly putting great. It checks. It checks a little box for me of of it's not a hundred percent sparkling water. So I like it. This this to me is the closest to a soda replacement I can get. Sure.
Starting point is 00:54:57 And so that's why I like it. Now you're looking for a soda replacement that isn't Diet Coke. Diet Coke is just I feel like it is bad for me. I mean, it is feelings are probably accurate. Yeah, but quite frankly, you're never going to replace the taste. You're never. I know it's a little and also like I was saying on this podcast, just when I'm drinking more water, I just feel better. And so this doesn't even come. I should just drink straight up water. I feel like but what's the fun in that? Yeah, you know, I need something every so often in this this this. It checks a box. Mitchell, what we're going on tangents here. One
Starting point is 00:55:29 thing I find disconcerting is that you're using your laptop as a coaster. That's right. I've done that exact thing many times. Nick, there's nothing fucking being written in that thing. It's really balancing of what beverage on top of your with some condensation on the outside and top of this expensive piece of electronics is not the best move. I'm going to write fucking whoosh, too. I got nothing going on. My man equal to your sketch from the birthday boys. No, I got nothing. What the fuck am I supposed to write? I'm supposed to write some show that no one will pick
Starting point is 00:56:01 up. I'm not fine. Whatever it's saying, you have to write something. I'm just saying that you might use your laptop for other purposes to put it into Star Trek terms. Writing is futile. Am I right? Nice. Well played. The board well played season three writing, right? You know, what do you do? Do you write anything that you even like? Nick? I mean, you come up with an idea about a mummy and a maze on the museum or something every so often. A lot of mummy stuff. I I've never actually read. I mean, yeah, I've never actually. You should tell the people about the idea that you just came up with today. Wait, what was
Starting point is 00:56:34 the idea you came up with? You know what it is. Wait, when was when we were discussing this? Were we discussing this at the restaurant? No, we've but we talked about it on a text chain. We were texting about this. So it has to do with a yes. Yes. Yes. Okay. Yes. So there is a this is actually I have this. I think this could work as a as a straight horror film or maybe a horror comedy. This is the you know, recently and as of this recording, this will be a little dated with this comes out. There is the first penis and scrotum concept first wrap. Sorry, rather rep read it. First penis, penis and scrotum as a concept
Starting point is 00:57:05 has existed for a while. Yes, this is the first penis and scrotum transplant is what I was trying to say is penis scrotum has concept. It's existed since you know the start of man, right, right? Maybe not named as such. But yes, so the so the so my concept for an idea based off of this is is is it's called dead dick and it's a guy like gets his dick blown off and he gets a penis transplant, but it's from a killer. And so then it starts to infect his brain and he starts to go crazy. It's kind of like an idle hands. Yeah, this is a this is this exact thought came out of Carl Pilkington
Starting point is 00:57:48 seven to ten years ago on a Ricky Dervais podcast, really, who is resoundly known as the moron. He had that exact pitch because they were talking about whether or not like he was talking about getting a head transplant and like looking down and getting a different dick. Yeah, and then then it just turned into what if the dick was haunted? You came up with the idea that the fool. That's right, but it's a great idea. I think it can be anything with it and I let's go. All right, I'm right at Nick
Starting point is 00:58:19 also to be fair. We said you said I don't really know what happens, but I like the title. So you like the title of dead dick. Yeah, I feel like people would watch that movie. You know, here's what here's what it is right. It's it's some sort of like he gets off on a tech. This it's a serial killer. Yeah, right. He gets off on a technicality. The whole incident, the detective who's been tracking him for years finally tracks him down, opens the door. It's booby trapped explosion happens. The detective dies, but the serial killer gets his dick blown off and then because
Starting point is 00:58:52 the detective is an organ donor, they go, well, I guess we can do this and they take the detectives penis and put it on the serial killer's body. So the dead dick, this detective, like he's think of him as the serial killer with a dick of gold. I like that. Yeah, and he's got he's got a the dick of a former private day and he's like no longer wants to rape and murder things. Right? Oh, he starts to be he starts to turn the good and maybe he even like investigates his own crimes and turns himself in. Oh, you know what? Hey, he becomes a dexter who I like. All right, he dexter's other serial killer. Yeah. Yeah. All right,
Starting point is 00:59:34 we solved it. No, and I think you and I were on the Doughboys tour bus. Mm hmm. We there is an explosion. We get blown apart. We wake up. Our dicks have been swapped, then the rest of the movie is me trying to avoid playgrounds and schools and then I get home to my wife and she's like, what is this shit? What is this fucking nub? Yeah, that's good. That could be it. You know, I'll sign up for that process. I don't know. I mean, not though you and I yeah, I could use it. I'll take a transplant one upgrade. I'll take an upgrade. You know what science you're pulling a good. You know, I'm gonna tip my cap to science
Starting point is 01:00:14 in this episode. You literally tipped your your Patriots. Yeah, tip of the cap to science. Hey, you know, from a hypothetical movie to an actual movie, solo a Star Wars story. Wow. So we're recording this in late April. Yeah, none of us have seen solo. There aren't going to be any spoilers here, but there are going to be some spoilers. No spoilers for the movie, but there are going to be some spoilers for Denny's current menu. They have the solo menu right now, and I'm just probably is it still going at this point when I think it'll still be. I mean, it has to be the movies coming up. Right. Yeah. Why
Starting point is 01:00:42 wouldn't it be? It's I mean, it's it's it's gonna have, I think a good four weeks on either end, but here are the items on them on the men on the solo menu. And then we will we can go ahead and talk through this meal that we had earlier today. The Co Reactor Pancake Breakfast. This is two buttermilk pancakes with fresh strawberries, strawberry sauce and whipped cream and crystal crunch rocks and warm citrus sauce on top and and piping hot. Citrus piping hot. The citrus is very hot. Citrus sauce. Yes. There's the blaster fire burger. This is chipotle, gouda cheese, bacon and spicy ghost
Starting point is 01:01:15 pepper sauce on top of a hand pressed 100% beef patty. Let us tomato, red onions, pickles on a brioche bun and we got it with the bacon cheddar tots. The two moons skillet, diced ham, fresh spinach, sauteed mushrooms and hash browns topped with gouda cheese, sauce, cheddar cheese and two eggs. Now, hang on. Let me stop you right there, Nick. I think you're at the point of the menu now where Lord and Miller left the menu design right and Ron Howard has come in to finish out the menu and what is Ron Howard have Ron Howard has the light speed slam, which is a a lighter option course, including egg white
Starting point is 01:01:49 scrambled together with fresh spinach and grape tomatoes plus two turkey bacon strips and English muffin and seasonal fruit. And then finally, the crystal crunch your milkshake, which is a shake with crystal crunch rocks, the same things that are the pop rocks analog that are thrown over the top of the pancake breakfast. The two most boring ones. Yeah. And we got a couple of other items as well. We got the Mitch. What was the sandwich that we got? The grand slam which grand slam, which was basically grand slam on a on bread, on toasted, big toasted bread and then we also got. We also got home for our
Starting point is 01:02:23 hash browns with that. Yes. Yeah. And then now and then I ordered the I wanted a grilled cheese and we were talked into by the waitress ordering a grilled cheese that had mozzarella sticks in it, right a great upseller. She was amazing and quite frankly that sandwich worth the trip. We had a fantastic server who was a delight and also something of a character. She was she was a character. She you can tell she was excited. We were ordering so much food, right like just the joy of like being able to tell her relatives. These three fat Americans came in, you're not going to believe it. They were there
Starting point is 01:03:01 was the we got so and Matt you also at one point. I forgot we got the Italian Sampler. Oh, the Italian sampler platter and then Matt also at one point you ordered one of every Star Wars, a Han Solo story collector cup, right? Yeah, which now I just cleaned out my mom and sister were here and we took a few hours where my sister and my mom look they're great. Everyone calls me a baby man calls me pathetic. I don't care. I love my mom and my sister. They helped me clean out my kitchen big time. I got rid of so much stuff. Oh, yeah. Now I'm going to run now. There's a room for some fucking Han Solo collectors
Starting point is 01:03:40 now. It's a great situation. The tops of these cups guys. You maybe you'll see when you try the menu up for yourself. The tops of these cups are Min condition Millennium Falcon. It's really, really sharp. These are amazing cups. Yeah, they're great. And then they've got each of the they they got each of the four characters on then they forget all the character's names. I've got a Chewbacca and Chewbacca Orlando, a Han. Essentially, what you're saying is you don't know Amelia Clark. I don't know me like Clark's characters. Frankly, neither do I. Yeah, their character name is very. It's a strange name. I believe you can
Starting point is 01:04:08 you can Google that. I'm gonna Google. So then John is John Favreau if he's the little CG fellow, right? Yeah, he's the blue monkey with four arms basically. Yeah, yeah. That's someone who probably be good at piloting. Yeah, yeah, or a camp. Maybe he's a mechanic. Yes. That seems like a mechanics job. Right? Is he a gunner? He's got to do something on. You know what? Look, we talked about this in the restaurant. Rogue One. I liked. It's great. It was my favorite of the Disney Star Wars movies. Who knows what will happen with this one? I don't think that that Aldrin, what's his name? Alden Einrich or whatever his name is. Oh,
Starting point is 01:04:48 the guy playing Hansel. Yeah, I'm playing Hansel. I don't think that he I feel like he doesn't have the vibe of Han Solo in many ways. Boy, you know, this is coming out just like we're releasing this episode. The day this episode comes out, there will be midnight screenings of this movie and what if this guy just fucking kills it? He just fucking crushes it. Who knows? I mean, that'd be great. I'd love. I haven't shown him doing anything. Maybe it's because they don't want us to know how good he is at this. Yeah. Hmm. This seems like bad marketing, Nick, but I'll go with it. It's I mean, it's it's a it's definitely a tricky thing
Starting point is 01:05:22 to try to pull off because it's such an iconic character played by such a legendary actor. Amela Clark's character key raw. Are you sure it's not Kyra might be Kyra? It's got a Q in there. Q you. I'm sorry. Q I R a yeah. Could be Kyra Kyra Kyra Kyra Kyra. It's probably Kyra. It might be Kyra. Kyra. I'm I'm sticking with Kyra. I don't. I think you got the most wrong. It's one thousand percent. There's no question in my mind that there is not a human being in the world who still doesn't think my name is Mira. It's poorly pronounced. I don't know why we pronounce it like that. I really don't. I don't know. I'm trying to
Starting point is 01:06:03 trace in the lineage when we started going with the long eye. Right. It's ridiculous. Yeah, or it's the Cuban side of the family. It's Mita Quincy. People give us graph for Quincy. It's Q I N C Y, but that's you know what that's. That's how we pronounce it. Right. That's how we pronounce it. And what's I do? What's that other city you have that makes the water Wolfman? Excuse me. What's he? You have a city called Wolfman. What was it called Worcester Worcester? Worcester. Worcester. You think we had we do you think we had a seat called the Wolfman that it was Wolfman, Massachusetts. Next time you're in Worcester, swing by the
Starting point is 01:06:36 ninety nine pub and grill. Get yourself some gold fever wings and thank me later. That's and don't drink any of the water. Don't I don't wear a man. Wolfman is running around. There's a horror man for every thirty one or so days. There's a horrible problem in Massachusetts. I don't like hand therapy is is communicable by the water supply. I guess according to you. Yes, the only thing they could stop them is course the silver boat. Drink the water than they're good to go. Drink a course. You know my middle name Donovan. Yes, I believe pronounces Donovan. A lot of people say Donovan. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:07:11 I don't even that's how it's pronounced right on the show. Donovan I thought. Yeah, I don't actually I don't remember. I have no idea. I haven't seen it. I was just thinking of Donovan Mitchell. They they throw more. They lean on the dawn more. Yeah. All right. So let's let's get into this Denny's food a little bit. Oh, boy. So I will say that Italian sampler platter, which came with mozzarella sticks, meatballs and garlic bread and the garlic bread, you know, I think is a bit of a stretch. It wasn't quite garlic bread. It was like toasted buttered bread without much garlic. Maybe some garlic salt on there. But the meatballs
Starting point is 01:07:43 were fine. They were fine. They were fine. And these the mozzarella sticks I thought were great. The mozzarella sticks were good as hell. Really good run. And if that marinara dip and sauce was just a perfectly, you know, it was it was a little bit bland. Could have used a little bit seasoning, but it the mozzarella stick was good enough that it delivered the amount of moisture that you needed that it worked insane. Yeah, I was I was I was shocked. Yeah, those were really good. Those were really, really good and and quite a surprise. Yeah, I never anticipated biting into that mozzarella stick that I would enjoy it. Yeah. And
Starting point is 01:08:12 not only did I enjoy it, but I crave it. Yeah, it was it was quite I think that that's definitely a thing if you're looking for an app at a Denny's mess around with those mozzarella sticks. And you know, while we're in mozzarella sticks territory, we had that grilled cheese sandwich that the mozzarella sticks within that I thought was also pretty delectable. Delicious. It was good. It just that it's it's that's a lot. Very good. It did also it came at the end of the right the end of the menu came at the end of a gigantic, gigantic meal. Yeah, it was our dessert course. I was going to say this. We I just went to
Starting point is 01:08:43 Olive Garden. Nick, we reviewed Olive Garden. Yes, that come out at this point. This will be an out like a month ago. Yeah. Okay. Oh, Olive Garden came out a month ago. Yeah, as of now. Okay. Yeah, this is coming out at the end of the May. We just recorded the episode that'll come out at the beginning of May. Oh, okay. Yeah, this is coming out. We're holding this up. We're holding this episode. We're sitting on a little bit because we want a little bit of that solo heat. That's right. We're trying to figure out the time. Yeah, the burger like what's on the burger. But I ate we had an eight at Olive Garden where when
Starting point is 01:09:12 you're here, your family. Yeah, what family the Manson family. Okay, so as so you'll have said that on an episode that came out three weeks. I was just going to say it's probably extra funny. Yeah, but it was still funny. It was a good joke because it's still funny. Matt, let me tell you when you yeah, when you're eating it, you're you're thinking what's the family they're talking about the bundies again could be Ted Bundy or either way, but children these are repeating the jokes, but I got a giant meatball with my Olive Garden dish. I'm saying this because I ate these meals the night before and then the
Starting point is 01:09:49 next one was your Olive Garden dish. Were you Torvidio Italy also or I got the tour of Italy. I got the giant meatball and Manicotti. The giant meatball sucked. These meatballs were trashy at Denny's in just the right way where they were like salty. They tasted almost like cafeteria meatballs, but they were good, but Denny's knows what it is. Here's the Denny's. Denny's knows what it is. Denny's is not trying to be other than anything other than America's diner. You know, they know when people are getting they honestly they probably in the kitchen they made these meatballs or like these are too good. People don't
Starting point is 01:10:23 expect a good meatball here. Yeah, let's give them a meatball that's a little better than they expect, but not good. Let's let's touch on your breakfast sandwich and then we'll get into the one solo menu which was a highlight for me. It was my second favorite thing, but there were but my second favorite thing and then there was another thing that was very close to it too that I that I that I enjoyed. It's basically a grand slam omelette, I guess on on toast, thick toasted bread. It's got though. It's got like a slice of ham on there, but then there's like sausage mixed in
Starting point is 01:10:56 with the egg. We're talking a lot of meat, thick cut Easter morning. Me ham. Yeah, this ham situation at Denny's is out of control. Yeah, it's crazy. You pointed out that the hand they must have a deal with big big working. They're working for big ham that truly because there there. There's a lot of ham going around. I'm trying to find out the grand slam sand. It had some cheese on there too. I think it had some American cheese. There was cheese on there, but there was in addition to ham. I believe there was like sausage also. Yeah, that in the egg. The sausage was scrambled in with the eggs. Yeah, two
Starting point is 01:11:30 scrambled eggs, crumbled sausage, bacon, shaved ham and American cheese on potato bread grilled with a maple spiced spread. Yeah, served with hash browns. The way they throw shaved ham in there in the description, you kind of think maybe you're getting a little like like, oh, we're getting some ham mixed in or something, but it's a big old hunk of ham. It's pretty dominant. It's huge. And I got to say very meaty. I loved it. I thought it was good as hell. I did comment on the hash browns. I think the hash browns at Denny's are like you get a season them with salt and pepper on your own or something. They're just
Starting point is 01:12:00 kind of great. They're just so basic. They're very, very, very basic, but I was. I was really, really impressed with the same. I couldn't believe how impressed I was with the sandwich for Denny's. I play. Look, Denny's isn't a place that I ate at a bunch growing up. Yeah, there's so many other diners. Yeah, I hop and just any other diner. I have friendlies. Yeah. Oh boy. So don't forget Bickford's big words was big words. I loved Bickford's. Bickford's was the which I think is now dead. Wait, what I think there's one or two Bickford's left. Rest in peace. But it was just a great breakfast place. Okay. Yeah. We're
Starting point is 01:12:33 like you. You could. I would go drunk and stuff. Yeah. Boston Denny's right. It was anyway. And it was genuinely get very good going to Bickford's. Oh man. It was in this. Hey, this this may remind me of Bickford's in a while. I just I thought I thought it was a really great sandwich. Mitchell. Meanwhile, I'm growing out out here on the West Coast. We got our Denny's and we're hitting up the Cocos. We're here. I'm caros. You know, I've heard those episodes and you guys were not fans of either restaurant. There's some good different scene. There's some stuff on the East Coast that would do pretty good. You're gonna like it.
Starting point is 01:13:06 Yeah. Come on to the food is the thing we do the best and I've decided this because of how fat I got living in Massachusetts. At one point I weighed four hundred and sixty pounds and that was not damn. That was crazy for lack of delicious for you. Twenty twenty twenty one. Yeah. Yeah. It was. Did you? Did you start cutting weight then? Or did you move out here? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No, it was. I'm not gonna move out here at four hundred and sixty pounds. What am I gonna do? Be an extra in one of these freak show movies? Come on, Mitch. Silly. I agree with you. That sandwich was was very satisfying and you know, the hash
Starting point is 01:13:46 browns could be a little bit better, but the sandwich itself was just, you know, again, so I think so many people use Denny's as like a hangover food and I think like that would be like one of the most satisfying things to eat for a durian if you're hungover. You know what? And here's a hack. Here's a life hack from one fat guy to the world and into another right across the hash brown situation there. Easily solvable. You just say, you know what? Can I get french fries instead? Yeah, they'll do that. Yes, they'll do that. That's true. Yeah. That's a good. That's a good hack to be out of Denny's to. I just wish they
Starting point is 01:14:17 had a better potato up besides French breakfast potato. We option that was better, but it's okay. But you know what? We did have some fun other break. We're gonna get to it. We're gonna get to it. Let's let's put this grand sandwich to bed. Okay. And it's in. Let's let's talk console. We're moving from our galaxy to one far, far away. Sure. And first up the co-reactor pancake breakfast. I talked to the details of this earlier, but yes, some strawberries on there, some sauce and then the pop rocks and then this the warm citrus sauce with you. You got double sauce here. You get a strawberry sauce and this pipe and hot
Starting point is 01:14:49 sauce. Let me. Yeah. Scalding your hand. I'm gonna say horrible. I was gonna say it was warm as an understatement. You I feel like it almost bonded with your skin. It in a way it almost did and I didn't realize how hot it was until I really turned it over to pour it on to the pancake. Yeah, whipped cream situation and steam and and like the pop rocks were going. Yeah, and and I was like, this is the hottest thing I've ever helped. It's too. It's like a molten marmalade, and I'm not sure why they serve it at that temperature. It feels like I because I poured this sauce out now. Yeah, I have proven my allegiance to the temple of
Starting point is 01:15:23 doom. God that is how hot the sauce. I will say that these pancakes were maybe my favorite thing on the Han Solo menu. I thought they were they were very good. I like the fresh strawberries a lot. I like the I really like the way that the citrus sauce interplayed with the pop rocks. Yeah, and it's got a little bit of whipped cream on there, which is nice as well. I thought just like the bites were good. The pancakes were perfectly fine. Like they were just so so down the middle fine that all these toppings and and add-ons on top of it made it a very, very satisfying breakfast
Starting point is 01:15:58 entree. I agree. And the thing is, too, you don't want to pancake. I find that like a a fine pancake is the best kind of pancake right dump stuff on. Yeah. Yeah. Guys, if you get like a really good, like if you go to it, I always say DuPars is the best pancake. If you go to DuPars, I don't want blueberries and stuff in there. I just want the DuPars pan. Yeah, yeah, but a Denny's bring it. Yeah, you want to bring me some Star Wars themed rock salt or whatever the hell that was. I'm in it. It was it was the most fun. It was the most fun thing right there was, but not that the other things weren't there. Like the burger
Starting point is 01:16:35 was fun and and the little balls that came with it were fun. The burger, although I supposed we should close out on the on the pancake situation. I just think there was nothing wrong with that pancake dish. There was no wrong. It was maybe my favorite. Yeah, it was great. The burger I thought was look first off may a call by I did a bad job cut it subdividing the burger. Nick, you know I tried to get it with a butter knife. I didn't do very bad because I got a little too mad at you. You got pretty mad. Well, because this is the thing is you and I we sometimes just trade bites off of things and you seemed a little
Starting point is 01:17:05 bit. So I was like, oh, I'll just cut this in half and you and I can trade bites and you seem to a little averse to doing that today for some reason. I don't know why I'm not sick hilariously. By the way, at the end, I like ended up just grabbing something. Nick had already eaten. I'll just finish this. So like the whole kind of thing. We didn't have right. I'm not afraid of taking bites. Here's what happened. Yes, we got the sandwich. I was like, we got it. We got to split this up and you said, here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to split it into half and then you and I can share and then you and I will share
Starting point is 01:17:30 on half and I said, okay, great, but then you split it in half. You took the other half and you started eating the other half and you made a mess of the thing. It was a fucking disaster. I didn't think it was that bad. It looked not great. What was left for me? I will say it was not a burger. It was a how would you describe it? It was not open face because there was no bun on the bottom. It was a closed face sandwich where the other side of the bread was a plate. Look, I don't. I somehow managed to cut it in a way where most of the bottom bun went on the other side, like one and a half. I don't. I don't know
Starting point is 01:18:05 that how that is, but yeah, I got like like three quarters of the bun went with the other safe to say that you smuggled that bun over. Yeah, I didn't do a great smuggler. I didn't do a great job. I knew. I knew you were trying to fucking smuggle the bun for yourself. I also look. I got too mad at you. It was a moment. I think it maybe is like people are like Mitch gets mad at you on the show and stuff. Yeah, I think it was like a moment of maybe my most genuine mad at you. I had ever been. Well, if that was the most genuinely mad, then you're you guys nothing to worry about. I know I've been doing a
Starting point is 01:18:42 podcast with Andy Secunda for not that long and we have been so much mad at each other that you guys have nothing to worry. Also, I don't think what Mitch just said is true. I think we have been mad already. We've been mad. We have definitely been mad at each other, but also it's usually ends up being fine and it's usually not the stuff that it's on the air. Yeah, it's fine now. We'll agree. Everything's fine. Everything sounds like your sounds like your friendship is a little spice. Things are good between us. Yes, but the they always have been. That's you guys
Starting point is 01:19:15 have a little ghost pepper sauce in your relationship. When things were at our worst, were they even that bad, Nick? No, what the fuck? Oh, they weren't. I agree with you. I love it. I was trying to figure out how to answer because I couldn't. I couldn't tell if you, if that, if a no or yes was appropriate. So I wanted to make sure the you know, I like I was like, you know, someone was like, is it cool if I or would you mind if I sit here and it takes a second where you like, wait, do I say yes or no? You know, I mean, it was one of those things. Look, you never, you never say
Starting point is 01:19:46 no. If someone says, is it cool if I sit here? Yeah, you say yes. Right, but if they're like, you know, the way I said, the way his phrase is, do you mind if I sit here because then it's just like, no, I don't mind. You sit there, but you like, yes, sounds like the welcoming answer, but you're technically gotcha. I was also going to say, I overthought it. If someone asks to sit in your, in your seat, like a window seat on the airplane, you mind if I sit here? Oh, I say, I cannot have that. I'm sorry. Yeah, I'm not going to give up. I booked months in advance to not be anywhere, but this is right. Yes, I have planned this out. I've
Starting point is 01:20:20 as a as a fat guy. I have never, I know this never gotten up on an airplane. I don't like to get up either. I've never done it. Wait, really? I've never gone to the bathroom on a plane. It's a well documented fact. I've never seen the inside of an airplane bathroom. I've had to. It's a such a bummer. I can't do it. I just don't want to. I'm like, I don't. I hated the whole idea, like when you would, when I would, when you would walk down the aisle and to your seat and the looks from people of like, I hope he doesn't sit here. I hope he doesn't sit here, which you're always getting. I just I turned a corner. I was like, you
Starting point is 01:20:53 know what? I'm just going to go to my seat, not make eye contact with anybody, and I'm never moving. Wow. Airplanes are a nightmare and they need and there should be more space on airplanes. Am I right? Yeah, I think there should be. They keep. They keep, you know, rented in and trying to get people to pay for upgrades for more room. I will just say that this in response to what you just said about it. I can't make it. I feel like I can't make it through a flight without a bathroom. Yeah. Why, why are you getting about 13,000 steps while I gotta get, I gotta get up and I gotta use the restroom. If anything, just to
Starting point is 01:21:23 stretch my legs a little bit, because my back tightens up. I can't do it. I like that. I know where you stretch your legs to above your head. Okay. Nice. So the Blastifier burger. Chipotle. I talked through the ingredients. I will say that spicy ghost pepper sauce does give it a little bit of a kick. There's a little bit of a lingering burn. I liked it. Yeah, I liked it. I mean, it's a very, very serviceable burger and some legit heat to it. You know, I'm something of a heat seeker and so it was nice to add a Denny's. You never expect to get anything spicy and again, our server warned us was like, I think probably because some,
Starting point is 01:21:56 some people was cute. Yeah, some people are maybe. Yeah. It's, it's definitely not any sort of if you can handle spicy, you're going to be fine because it's not particularly spicy. It's just like a little mile, but it's got some sort of kick at all, which it does linger and it lingers for a while and it was, I have to say it was a remarkably well cooked burger. Yeah, it tasted like a like it tasted like at some point on the grill. They had covered it. Yes, and just trapped all that heat in. I agree. It tasted like a very decent diner burger. Yeah. Hey, if you're a heat seeker or a meat seeker, you'd be happy here because the meat
Starting point is 01:22:32 tasted pretty good. Yeah, I pointed out that the meat patty tasted good Matt and I, I wasn't, I was, I was so very surprised with the way like biting into that burger. I was like, this is going to be bad. Yeah, I don't, I don't know where my thought of Denny's has come from over these years. Have they gotten better? I think maybe we do a little bit. Do we, do we get a grand slam type of day there? Because look, I'm not, I'm not trying to blow anything here, but it was shitty in just the way that I would like things to be. It was like shitty in the perfect way of like when I know restaurants like McDonald's or something are shitty in
Starting point is 01:23:09 quotes, I like the taste of it. Yeah. It was shitty in all the perfect ways. The food was cooked, right? It wasn't disgusting. Like I didn't want to spit anything out, but it was like, Oh, this is bad for me. Like some of the stuff was, Oh, this is bad for me, but this tastes good. Right. And even the worst thing I had, which we'll get to in a minute was still good. Right. Yeah. It wasn't bad. It was crazy. Well, I think we've hit the two, the two standouts. Oh, we didn't talk about the, I'm going to call them Tater meteorites. Bacon cheddar. They were bacon cheddar tots. Tater meteorites would have been better theming, which are
Starting point is 01:23:44 they like a normal thing that's that are on the menu normally or or what? I think they are. And I think that's just, it's just what it comes with. I, you know, I would have preferred fries, but I think they were fine. I thought they were good. Yeah. And I, you know, I've had these, they, they make a similar thing at this place in Culver City called Bakko shop, which is a pretty popular chef who has opened this other restaurant and it's very near work. So we would get it a lot and they have the cheddar bacon Tater thing, same sort of thing. Yeah. Buckle up everyone. Danny's is better. Wow. I was shocked by how not frozen they tasted
Starting point is 01:24:21 like total. They would, they were, I today was kind of mind blowing a lot of rice. I wasn't even looking forward to it because we went. I mean, I was looking forward to hanging out, but I wasn't looking forward to eating the food. We had just gone to the olive. We just gone to the Olive Garden the night before was not looking forward to it and I and it look. It wasn't good for us for sure. Right. Very heavy, but man they were some stuff that real. I was really impressed. It's crazy. We did. I will say though, because of our, the method in which we ate, which was trying a little bit of everything. We probably didn't really do
Starting point is 01:24:54 that horribly for ourselves. I don't think I calorie wise. I personally don't feel like I over indulge. Like I feel like I had nibbles of everything. I'd feel like I ate probably one meal's worth. Like I don't feel like I ate more than that. And, and, you know, to touch on the other items real quick, the two moons skillet. This was the skillet that's got the, and you pointed this out by right. I don't know what poor marketing. Yeah. I don't know what the two moons is referencing. Maybe it's something in the solo film, but it's two sons on the tattoo. Yeah. Why not have two side up skillet? Yeah, two son. Yeah, two
Starting point is 01:25:25 son and son, you son skill up, and there's they're already sunny side up egg. I was, I was, I was getting mad. I was getting mad at you because I was like, of course, you know of the two sons. Yes. Yes, but, but, but you're right. Yeah, it's more famous for having two sons. Unless there are two moons in soloist Star Wars story, and we're going to have to find out in theaters May 25, maybe, maybe orbiting the home world of droid L three three seven. Maybe that's how we see the two moons. Leet. Here's what I here's my question for you. Yes, before we go on here, will this
Starting point is 01:25:58 meal be better than the movie itself? Mitch, to you, I am certain that's the case. I am definitely. I am sure that for the next I like years of your life, you will say that this meal was better than solo. I liked road one. I know, I know, and here's why you liked road one. It did nothing really to the characters you know. Yeah, it really did not do anything. No, it didn't didn't mess with any timelines. It didn't mess with anything. This is a movie where we're expected to sit down, watch and the two main characters are beloved main characters. Right Star Wars franchise. Yeah, but you know what in the in the
Starting point is 01:26:35 newer Disney? Well, yeah, no, they did fuck with characters bad. I forgot in both of them. They fucked with the characters crazy ways, but yeah, I guess right. They do do the weird CGI stuff, which why I got brought up in rogue one, but that didn't it didn't even bother me that much. I don't know. Yeah, honestly, I just think that it was like, oh, this is like a fun, Sard side Star Wars movie, which maybe this one will be too. It's a little self-contained guy. Dan, they should have like if they're recasting if they're recasting Han solo, yes, which they did obviously in this movie. Why couldn't they recast
Starting point is 01:27:09 Peter Cushing and just call him grandma? That's what I was going to say recast Peter Cushing and you know it. Maybe we don't need to see Leia's face in full lighting at the end, which is seems spectacular. I don't know that. Didn't they? She wasn't dead yet. Yeah, I know, but even still I find it weird. Didn't they have another? Didn't it wasn't there? Someone else who played the Peter Cushing? Well, he was there, but the whole time he had dots and lights on his face. Yeah, like he was there to be mapped to be replaced by Peter CG Peter Cushing, but I'm saying in in in like one of the prequels or another. Oh yeah,
Starting point is 01:27:38 in the prequel there was in in Jedi, right? No, sorry, Revenge of the Sith. Yeah, at the end you see Darth Vader, Emperor Palpatine and the Peter Cushing character. Yeah, I'm talking. You see them watching the construction of the Death Star, but him younger, right? Yeah, so it's yeah, but also they could have just used that guy enough time has passed. Oh, sure. And also like I don't understand the whole like you either either don't ever do that though. Don't either give me a full CG face person right that has scenes. Yeah, you either give me Brad Pitt in Cool World talking to Kim basing or animated. Yes, or
Starting point is 01:28:15 don't don't right. Yes, put someone else in the movie. Yeah, yeah. I think you're right. I think that's the way to do it. So so the two moons skillet I think was my least favorite of these. I will say that the you know the it's it's that versus the lightspeed slam. Yes, the lights is speed. No lightspeed slam was so boring, but the two moons skillet I felt like that Gouda sauce was so heavy and kind and really weighed it down and I felt like it had that spinach underneath it and that spinach was really getting wilted sitting under that hot cheese. You were right. You said the spinach shouldn't be and it shouldn't have been
Starting point is 01:28:46 in it. My issue with this is that is that like that had a distinctive smell that wasn't smelling great. Yeah, it was kind of gross. And then when I ate it, it was better than I thought it would be. I was okay with it, but it is. This is a thing and you pointed this out, Myra is like, you know, you eat with your eyes first and the sauce that they pour over it that it's just this weird beige cream could not could not describe the color to you. I can tell you what it is. Go it's Yoda come that is what it is. Yeah, it is also very strange. We've been privy guys. We've
Starting point is 01:29:20 already seen so soloist our story. There is a hilarious bit where Han Solo gets Yoda come in his hair and he answers the door. It's it's crazy and then at the end of the movie Yoda comes again and it covers the screen and then the credits come out. It's like, okay, all right. Honestly, it is like it was like a green beige. It does kind of look like Yoda come. Yeah, it does look like the thing we've now just imagined you and I. This table is now just imagine other people have imagined it in the past. We
Starting point is 01:29:58 got a picture of it and I think that when we look at the picture will think it looks like it looked putrid. It did not look like something you want to but then it tasted better than I thought it tasted better, but I still overall didn't didn't love it. The lightspeed slam by contrast was just very dull. You know, I think this is for grandma and grandpa who were taking the grandkids to get that the solo menu so they can play along. It's it's grandma. You have to order off the solo menu. You do or else I have a big thing with with any time there's there's something that's like fit and light and they use egg whites
Starting point is 01:30:32 instead of just whole eggs because I feel like why not just use the whole like I don't think egg whites aren't any healthier anymore. I mean, that's that's like a thing that's like cholesterol, my man. Yeah, but that's a thing that's been shot down at this point. My mom won't believe the thinking kind of shifted on that. My mom just won't believe it. My you're not going to believe this. You could eat the yoke now. That's what I said that Nick was like you could. It's but just prove it. All right, I'll tell him she's not by him right. She truly like is like how much cholesterol she still that is still because I mean
Starting point is 01:31:04 probably rightfully so with me and I probably will have some sort of massive hard attack. Hopefully during the last time you had a full blood work. Hmm. It's been about a year or so now and when you got it, you're probably just fine, right? My cholesterol is a little high. I'm supposed to take fish oil and you have not. I have on and off and my liver sounds like he did three days of taking Trader Joe's fish oil and called it a life. Let's say I've gotten through two big bottles of it, but I should have. I'm supposed to be taking two every single day and on the weekends. I feel like I never took them out much more
Starting point is 01:31:40 regimented during the week, but but also liver number. I you know, I'll be fine and if I die, I hope Nick finds me. You hope I'm the one to stumble up on your corpse. I'm sorry. That's my hope to I'll tell you what I'm going to do it for both your guys say the any thoughts on the on the light speed slam. It tasted much butterier than it should have. Yes, being such a light speed slam. That's a good point. I will say the English muffin that came with it was cooked very nicely and the turkey bacon, good crunch and the turkey bacon. Yeah, yeah, both those were good, good elements and as as Mitch pointed out, if you had, if you
Starting point is 01:32:14 were like added Denny's with a friend and you were eating healthy and you ordered that, you wouldn't be mad at it. Yeah, a lot of bananas and I felt. Yeah, a lot of bananas in the seasonal fruit, too, which I appreciated. I like those sliced up bananas in the season. Yeah, I like how I would not try the fruit. I said, Nick, eat one of those bananas and you put on a minion costume and you put them on the fruit like talking about eating with your eyes. The fruit looked great. It did look it. It did look like a nice side of really good enough to entice either of us to try it. And then finally, we had the crystal crunch
Starting point is 01:32:48 milkshake. I'm not sure what the crystal crunch again is referencing. It must be something from the movie, but the from the new movie, but the we just got a straight up vanilla shake, which I, you know, I'm a I'm a big mirror. We talked about Mitch hadn't arrived yet, so we talked about we game planned, which which milkshake again. You're always going to put that shit in every huge proponent. Mitch obviously hadn't shown up. Yes, and wouldn't for a while, but we, you know, when he did show up, he did make us move. So that's good. You love you. Loved my plan of moving that booth son. We did give ourselves a little bit
Starting point is 01:33:22 more space. I got there at one ten. We were supposed to be there at one. Yeah, not bad. I and Nick on the way to my house. I'm sure that you saw that parade. I actually what it took a different route, but I know there was a parade going on. That was all there was a parade. I didn't know existed and it caused me to be ten minutes late. It's the classic Armenian genocide parade. That's right is not really a sanction parade. As far as I can tell in the sense that I every time I run into it, it's on another street entirely. Yes, and it's just European sports cars with large Armenian flags, honking. Yes,
Starting point is 01:33:54 yeah, it's very interesting. It's it's I never. I mean, I knew about the Armenian genocide a little bit, but then out here, especially we're in Glendale. Oh, so I'm just want to be clear. Doe Boys recognizes the Armenian. We recognize the Armenian genocide. We're not like the U.S. government trying to count out a turkey and keep our military base active there. We don't care. That's right. Doe Boy Seasons two through three recognize the genocide, not Seasons one and four. Are we in season four now? I don't know. I was trying to say there are no Seasons are there. We did it, but of course we did. There's no
Starting point is 01:34:27 Seasons and podcasts. Just years time goes by. We've done this for so long. Yeah, but anyway, we get there. There was no new Star Wars when we started. Isn't that crazy? We started before the Force Awakens. Oh man, what a different time. That's insane guys. So we got the we started to start before the Avengers. No, not that long ago. It was just 2015. It's not that long ago. You started in 2015. Yeah, this podcast feels prolific for such a short time of being around. Well done guys. And when we put out episodes every week, I think that's part of it and we're going to be done soon. I know. Yeah, that's true. That's the other
Starting point is 01:35:04 part of it. But that also feels like such a short period of time to have all these Star Wars. That's crazy. Yeah, well it is. It is insane that like this movie when we walked out of the theater, I pretending we all went together for last Jedi. No one had seen a trailer for the movie that was coming out in four months. Right. It is kind of crazy. I'm also surprised they're not holding it for the holidays, which I would think they would just do with the every Star Wars now just comes out at the holidays. Yeah, why wouldn't they do that because I think it might be a stinker. We're going to say you bury your stinkers in the
Starting point is 01:35:38 holiday. Yeah, don't bury your stinkers in the pole may right. All right, fair enough. You don't try to come up against the Avengers guys. Infinity War wasn't that a blast, but now they're just they're competing against themselves. Oh yeah. So now it's like a month later. I always forget they own everything. They own everything. You know when I first when I first moved out here, it was probably 10, 11 years ago. The Marvel offices, Marvel Studio offices, they were above the Beverly Hills dealership, the Beverly Hills Mercedes Benz dealership in the corner of Beverly and Santa Monica. So it was just like this
Starting point is 01:36:13 tiny office space that they started and making Iron Man. That's insane. That's so crazy. And then they got bought for four billion dollars. And now now look at them now. I'm proud of them. And that's really happy about this guy. Really done a great Stan Lee's money has been taken away from him and he's confused and wandering around the offices. Oh boy. So the the shake has it. It didn't have the crystal crunch rocks mixed into it. They're just kind of throw. They actually give them to you on the side to throw on top. They have a few on the just sitting on the whipped cream of the the glass that they serve you, but it's not a lot.
Starting point is 01:36:47 It's just kind of and I think it would have been better as a mix in. Well, as you know, from the movie, the crystal crunch, you always decide how much of the crystal crunch you're going to smuggle. Yes. Yeah. Yes. Big, big, big plot point in the movie. Obviously, right. And of course, you need to have two reactors. If it's a co-reactor situation to smuggle right crystals to smuggle crystals from one moon to the second. Yeah. And you decide exactly how much and then you're obviously going to need to get there at light speed, not hyperspace for some reason. Right. And what if I missed a dish? You know what? Well,
Starting point is 01:37:24 obviously, you know that we you you're you're smuggling from one moon to the two dangerous. So that's two moons. Yeah. Things are going to be dangerous. You might encounter some blaster fire. Oh, well boy. Oh boy. Yeah. Star Wars, a solo Danny's menu. You've done it. I milkshake was weak. Yeah, it wasn't. It wasn't great. I was fine with it. It was just very plain and I think you're right that it was mixed up like you were supposed to be getting more flavor out of those pop rocks that you weren't really getting because they were at the top of the shake, but like it's called a crystal crunch your milkshake. So it's
Starting point is 01:37:55 essentially they're just it's like you decide on the milkshake and throw this in right by the way. I pause the Celtics game because it's gone into the fourth quarter, which is my time to shine. Yes as a as a basketball fan and there the Celtics are about up about nine or so. Oh boy. Well, we'll find out what happens in this game, but right now it's time to find out what our evaluation is for Denny's specifically regarding the Han Solo menu and I would say perhaps instead of one to five forks, Mitch, our rating system should be one to five vests, one to five vests. Question mark. Yeah, you know, Han Solo's famous vest.
Starting point is 01:38:35 All right. Wearing it in the movie. Well, I think we're going to find out how he gets that vest. Oh, thank God. Also, I hope to figure out how we get those Corelli and captain stripes on his pants. Oh boy, I'd love to know what a Kessel run is. Will you show us Star Wars? Oh, I think they just might. We're going to see that. We're going to see every. We're going to see everything that was that was great to not know about. I also can't wait to see those dice that were hanging for the one is dice that I can that a apparently are in fact there in a new hope, but be no one knew about until last jet. I told
Starting point is 01:39:12 us I can't even talk about those dice because they do truly make me upset. I think we I think just everyone agreed to play along of like. Oh yeah, the dice sure. That's right. I was not playing. I saw the dice. It would make it would have made more sense if like he had like brought the chest table. Sure. Yes, yeah, a hundred percent. Anything we know that is a blaster, maybe. Oh, yes, this is it. Give him his best. Yes, I don't know if his best would have had. It would have been kind of awkward, but then also like I think died. It went down the hole with him or whatever is now, but he wasn't wearing the vest at
Starting point is 01:39:47 that point. He was wearing his coat, then grab the best. Yes, somebody, but what's he going to do? He's got a bulkhead in the Falcon, right? Yeah, he's on the. He's on the Falcons next to him. Yeah, knock on a bulkhead outcomes. Forty five best. I love that. Truly better than the die, which by the way, disappeared disappeared after Luke disappeared. Yeah, because it was part of the illusion. That's all I knew. It was part of his forest projection, Mitch. He gave how many times we have to tell him this. We gave. He gave Leia the dice and so she and she feels that they're non corporeal. So she knows that he's a projection.
Starting point is 01:40:21 She knows the trick because she's for sensitive and she's like, okay, and if you look at it, you watch it. There's a look of knowing on her face. So this is so stupid. She knows she knows before anyone. That's so she knows the trick that Luke is about to do to her son. Kylo Ren. Look, we need to review this. No, let's let's get a review in there. Drew hung up on discussing the last Jedi. I wrote. I also wrote Star Tours. I was in Disney recently. I know it's so it's weird now. It's weird now. It's very weird now, but it all. I was on that shitty fucking planet and from last year. Oh, you're on the ice. I think it's
Starting point is 01:40:57 all that planet right now because they're cycling in and you and you're always going to end up at the place that is the Star Wars land. You're always and you're always exit at that state at that spaceport or whatever. Okay, I like that planet. I like that. I think it's cool. I like that. It's great in the crystals. I like that planet. It's great. I like those. Those crystal foxes. One of those crystal foxes worth five Porgs in my book. Those those crystal five Porgs are better than the crystal foxes. The crystal foxes. Nick, you make fun of how many dancers at the dead jumbo's clown room were named crystal fox.
Starting point is 01:41:36 The crystal foxes look like a PlayStation three look better than that. That's over a generation ago. The crystal foxes look like video game. They look fine. They look good. They're bad. I like them. I like crystal foxes. It's a cool design. I like the design. I like that planet. It's a great planet. I just I've lost. Look, I've lost. I might as well walk into the ocean, which I will do at some point. You're you're you're just, you know, don't feel like such a Snoke. I mean, there's a chance we'll bring it back. Oh, Snoke might come back. I don't know. I may be. Who knows whether
Starting point is 01:42:15 they're clearly making it up as they follow up. Yeah, no cares. No shit. No shit. They are wager. Look, look, let's review this menu and get like get be done with it. All right. We're talking about last Jedi at length, one to five best, one to five best Matt Myra. So give your closing argument and and ascribe it a rating. You're a guest. We will begin with you. All right. Here's the deal. Nick says, Hey, we could go to Denny's. They have a solo Star Wars movie menu. And I said this sounds incredible. I am way on board with this solo at Denny's menu. So I walked in. No expectation whatsoever. I just
Starting point is 01:42:55 thought I'm going into Denny's. It's going to be mediocre breakfast food as far as the eye can see. Well, I was pleasantly surprised by almost everything in that menu. And so pleasantly surprised. In fact, the burger was cooked incredibly. The heat from the burger was unexpected and delightful. Pancakes were perfectly mediocre with a deliciousness on top. The weird color of the cheese is my main detractor on the two two moon situation. And also the fact that they weren't very creative with any of the names on the menu. I have to knock it down to four vests. Four vests. Still a very good score. Four vests
Starting point is 01:43:39 is a great score. Go ahead, Mitch. Look, who knows what I'm going to think of the movie. I still love Star Wars. I don't know what I'm going to think of this movie. But I am very impressed with Denny's today. I truly knocked it out of the park. They're known for a grand slam, right? Mm hmm. They are indeed. They are indeed. And today they they hit one. My only detraction would be this joke at the front that said droids welcome. That's cute. Okay. Hang on. That's not just a cute joke. That's a reference to Star Wars. Yeah, I guess I guess you're right. I guess you're right. Look grandma droids welcome. That's for the
Starting point is 01:44:19 first one. Don't forget you have to order off the solo menu. I hope they have something light they can enjoy. You know what? I like that too, then. Yeah. That was enough to sway you. Yeah, you guys talk me into it. I like the droids welcome thing. I just I thought I felt it was weird to ever even try to exclude the droids. Right? That's all. But that's the whole idea more. Most I see Cantina. Yeah, I know. I know. I know. I know that. I know the reference. I just I just still think that it's weird. I don't get what your beef is with a sign. All right. Fine. That's why you you won me over. Okay. It's good. It's good.
Starting point is 01:44:56 Jesus. Longest. The sign doesn't say no, it's welcome. You know, I'd like that too. I was I was insanely impressed today. What a revisit for Denny's. I mean, I want to almost go four and a half. I'm going to go for I'm going to go for I'm going to go for vests for vests, so it's a solid force. Yeah, very solid for. I mean, I can't. It was shitty and trashy in the ways that I that you want a place to be shitty and trash. You're going to it. Olive Garden was not. It was the bad version of shitty and trashy. And this this this was this this by the way, your
Starting point is 01:45:33 ox cord has been making crackling noises this entire time. I don't think we're going to. I think that probably will be added out of the final. Okay, maybe it will be lingering. It's just coming off the auxiliary cord. It will easily be edited out. Yeah. Oh, however, if it's someone's phone interfering, we're all that could be the other thing that you could be you. You're dangling your phone right. I just I just I just actually brought this over to show the droid saying that was not near the the mic. Okay, we'll see. Oh, we'll see. I think we'll be fine. We'll never know four, four, four, four extra. Yeah, so four vests, rather
Starting point is 01:46:04 vests from Mitch, four of Alden's vests. Yeah, I I very much enjoyed our trip to Denny's. I thought the service was fantastic, especially during a very, very busy lunch service. Our server was very attentive. Higher crew from Sons of Anarchy was in there. It's not a joke. There was a bike gang. There were some bikers. And it was it was really like I was very impressed by how attentive and how congenial she was, how accommodating, how she was offering to divide things. Because since she saw that we were sharing and that was a big plus of my book, the items that were off the solo menu, I
Starting point is 01:46:41 actually probably enjoyed more than the solo menu itself. Yeah. But of the solo menu, I think they're betting about 500. You know, the milkshakes fine. The pancake breakfast and blaster fire burger are both winners. The two moon skillet lightspeed slam, you know, I could take or leave, but I think there's going to be something for everyone on there. And if you want to go and have a good time affiliated loosely with soloist Star Wars story or maybe very closely, we don't know how, how much this hues to the plot of the film. But I would definitely go ahead and give this a shot. It's a lot of fun. It might be the entire, it might be
Starting point is 01:47:13 the full plot. It might be the full plot. It might all be spoiled if you eat this menu. Honestly, the plot might be them ordering all of these things at a diner, having a discussion about Madonna. They're there with Dexter Jettster is serving them. Oh man. Imagine if Dexter Jettster gets in there and he's getting a bunch of slop all over himself and he's like, he's like, Han's like, hey, Dexter, you should get yourself an apron. And he's like, mm, okay. And he's like, he touches his head. Yeah. He puts that together. But then we see Obi-Wan there. I say, like hugging him saying hello. Yeah. And he's like, I got to get back to
Starting point is 01:47:49 Tatooine. I'm supposed to be watching Luke. Right? So I mean, I'm supposed to be watching fluk sand talker. I am also going to go with four vests. Wow. That means Denny's solo menu is in the Golden Play Club. Does that put Denny's itself in the Golden Play Club? I think it puts Denny's in the Golden Vest Club. Denny's you're in the Golden Vest Club, the inaugural member. Congratulations. I don't even know. This is the Golden Vest Club. I don't. I mean, does this mean a Denny's Reavis? I don't. I'm so confused. I mean, it's essentially this menu and Paula Poundstone.
Starting point is 01:48:31 Matt, you've caused chaos today because we first of all, there's now a Golden Vest Club, which there never was before and we and we will adhere to that. And then also on top of that, Denny's not to the park. I never expected this in my wildest dreams that that it would have gotten a score like this. Really exceeded expectations. Never. All right. That was our review of Denny's solo menu. It's time for returning segment. I've got some chain restaurant trivia and Mitch and Myra must guess what's food fact and what's food fiction. All right. This is fake choose Star Wars or Star Trek edition. Oh, I am. I've slid away from I'm Nick
Starting point is 01:49:07 Weigar. I'm Nick Weigar. I'm Nick Weigar and I'm Nick Weigar. All this and Andy Rooney tonight on fake choose. All right. What the fuck? So I'll read a fictional food stuff and you tell me as it's from the Star Wars universe. That is amazing because he's got to go in. Look for up a YouTube clip of the 60 minutes ticking and then also and then he's got to decide how many correspondents are there and remember to bring Andy Rooney along. Brings been dead for a decade brings any Rooney along and then also at the same time and this is fake choose and has nothing to do with 60 minutes. It's a news program. I can't think of another
Starting point is 01:49:46 news program with a nightly choose or something. What's the? What's the okay? That would work. Maybe I'll do that next time. Fine. That's a punch up only because we knew the horn part that he accepted. All right. It's a fictional food stuff. You guys tell me if it's from a Star Wars universe or the Star Trek. It's from the Star Wars universe or from the Star Trek in here. How do we? How do we? Well, you guys will take turns and Matt, you're our guest, so you can choose whether you want to go first or second. You can go or I will defer like a smart gamesman. Okay, Mitch, you get the first like Bill Belichick. You get the first.
Starting point is 01:50:22 You get the first clue. You may be made a mistake. Nick is not that good with this stuff. This might be insanely easy. All right, Nick, let's do it. Your clue is blood wine. Blood wine. Is this from Star Wars or Star Trek? Do you know the answer to this, Matt? I do. I want to say that this is from Star Trek. Mitch, you are correct. It's a potent Cleon alcoholic beverage consumed often in ritualistic purposes. First seen in the next generation. I should have said I'm not sure. Yeah, that would be. Yeah, he got that. You think I was gaming with you? He knows your track. Yeah, the games. Yeah. All right, Matt, you get the next
Starting point is 01:51:01 one. You know you're giving you just Eli Manning to my Bellichick. You're now giving me too much credit. Actually, you're calling me Eli Manning, which is the biggest insult of all. The score is one zero. Myra, your clue, polystarch. Polystarch. Polystarch. It's certainly more than one starch, which would describe what we ate today, which is from the Star Wars menu. Star Wars. Myra, you are correct. This is the instant portion bread Ray consumes at episode seven. The Force Awakens. I was going to say it sounds like something
Starting point is 01:51:39 bad from the newer Disney ones. Yeah, I mean, it's not bad. It's cool. All right. No, no, no, no. The name was bad. The newer Disney ones. It's tied up. One to one. Mitch, your clue. Nuna Gumbo. Nuna Gumbo. Nuna is tricky because this sounds like something Dexter could put right down on your table at the Dexter Jet Center Steiner. But then again, it's an old waddo family recipe is Nick just going Star Trek, Star Wars, Star Trek, Star Wars. I mean, he could be doing that too. Can you say it again, please? Nuna Gumbo. Nuna Gumbo. Oh, this is tough. I'm going to go Star Wars, Nick. Mitch, you are correct. This is
Starting point is 01:52:23 a dish made from diminutive bipedal creatures from the swamps of Naboo referenced in Star Wars, the Clone Wars. So yes, it might just be a waddo family recipe. Wow. Myra. Is he, is he from there? Is he a Dagobin? Naboo. No, Naboo is the planet yet. Naboo is what he said. Yeah. What did I think? Dagobam. Actually, I guess, I guess he's still on Tatooine, right? Yes. What is on Tatooine? Never mind. Well, he's obviously not a native. Yeah. Come on. Not one of these Sam people. He's a Sam people native. That's the end. Yeah. Waddo is a toy toy. Daryon. What? How'd you say toy Daryon? Toy
Starting point is 01:53:01 Daryon. I don't know what system they're from and they probably have that. They probably have a home world. We just put a thought. Whoever, however many people are listening are now asleep. All right, Myra, the next one slug. Okola slug. Oh, cola slug. Oh, cola. That is so stupid. It could have come from both writer's rooms slug. Oh, slug. Oh, cola slug. Oh, cola. Are you saying Oh, apostrophe, cola or slug. Oh, slug dash. Oh, dash, cola slug. Oh, cola, like coca cola. I'm gonna say that that is a Star Trek thing. You are correct. This is a mint green Ferengi beverage, which contains 43% live algae. That's good.
Starting point is 01:53:43 I was gonna say it's a deep space nine sounding absolutely is from deep space. I thought I could I honestly thought it could have been a bad Star Wars one. All right, Mitch, you get the next one. Guess par. It's not it up to two guess par. Do you say it's not it up? I said it's not it up that it's not it up. If you want, not it up. May I recommend the two moon skillet? What can you say? That's par guess par guess par. Hmm. I don't and this is my answer. I'm thinking this is this isn't my answer guess. Guess par easy could be Star Trek to. I mean, this is just such a 5050.
Starting point is 01:54:24 I'm gonna go Star Wars. It's Star Trek. I knew it was a Vulcan fruit for breakfast that must be served fresh seen an enterprise. Oh, that's exactly why I didn't know it. Myra, you can take the lead with this one. It's about time blue puff cubes blue puff cubes. You really gotten some shitty things here. I got some Wookiee and Star Trek. Her memory alpha. Yeah, deep cuts. There's some terrible punnage happening here. Blue puff. What does it say blue puff? What blue puff cubes blue puff puff cubes? Is it two F's on the puff? Yes. This sounds like a clone wars bullshit. Myra, you are correct. It is from Star
Starting point is 01:55:08 Wars. It's a package snack similar to a marshmallow that first appeared in the young readers book Chewy and the Ports Chewy and the Ports from Chewy and the Ports. That's such you. It's Canon Myra. Congratulations. You have won this edition of fake chews. I don't feel good about it. Congrats. Well, well deserved. It came from Chewy. Well, was it a graphic novel? You said it was a young readers book. You know, we can we can feel better that why girl looked up Chewy and the Ports. We're just probably just reading by the way. Yeah, a thousand percent. Hey, just like a restaurant, we value your feedback. Let's open up the
Starting point is 01:55:47 feedback. Today's email comes to us from Emilio Hernandez. Emilio writes, I work at McDonald's in the Sacramento area and it's an extremely busy location to the point where the lines and wait times can be ridiculous. Seeing these long lines makes me think how badly do you want to eat McDonald's that you're willing to wait such a long time. So my question for you is what eating locations are you willing to wait a long time for and what locations when you see a long line, do you change your mind and go eat somewhere else? Thank you for your service, Emilio. Very good question. I would say that, you know,
Starting point is 01:56:17 in and out is an obvious answer for me. Yeah, I will brave those long lines in and out, but that's partly because the lines are always long in and out. But yeah, that's definitely what I'll wait for. Del Taco, same thing. I mean, I think I think there's some bad Del Taco lines, but I mean, there are times when I'm really craving it. I'm just like, you know what, I'm just going to take the 20 minutes and then there is Del Paco, the one in Barstow, California. I have been there. Yeah. Yeah, it's quite nice. You know what else is there? Duncan guys will knock out an episode right there. They've also got a they've
Starting point is 01:56:46 got a huge McDonald's there. They've got a McDonald's and some train cars. It's great. It's delightful, but I don't know what you guys. Do you guys have any answers? Something you're willing to wait for a long time in terms in the fast food space? You know, it's interesting that you say this. I don't really have a lot of fast food, if any, that I'm willing to wait a long time for. Sometimes the line got very long at Anastakaria in Boston. I would wait just because I was a college student and it was 450 for a giant delicious burrito. But as an adult, I don't have those spots, but I do have spots that are the inverse of that.
Starting point is 01:57:23 If I'm dry, I'm a little hungry and I'm driving by Shake Shack and I see that there's no line in Shake Shack. I will turn my car. Oh, that's interesting. It's a reversal. Yeah, that's interesting. It's a place I will go if there is a short line. Right. Yeah, that's that's actually I like that answer. You know, it's because you never know what the time is that you're going to wait. So for me, it is just like such like a like a visual cue that I have for that I have for like with Taco Bell. It's basically like how many cars after the actual entrance sure out of the entrance. And if it's like all the way in the parking
Starting point is 01:57:56 line and I drove down there for like, honestly, even if it is the longest line, I'll still wait a lot of the time because I went down for Taco Bell. Yeah, right. I'm not turning away from a lot of places, even if there is a long line. But if it is like an insane like I've turned I've gone I've left to McDonald's and then like gone to another McDonald's. Yeah. I've gone to Del Taco thinking I'm going to get Del Taco and then you know the one here on Sunset around the back. That one could be a mess. That one's that it is a mess. And if that one is if there's cars out to a certain point, I know that it's
Starting point is 01:58:27 going to be like a half an hour. It will be at least a half an hour. It can be crazy. And I'll just go to another place instead. Do you ever park and then go in? Sometimes I'll do that too. That's that's that is a smart move. But that can backfire. I've had that backfire specifically at McDonald's. Then also there's another thing too where it's like a late at if it's any of the night, if you're there at 1am or something, there's a huge line. I'm like, I'm just going to sit in line and I'll just like look at my phone like I would on the couch for exactly catch up on stuff for even if it's 45 minutes. That's my mentality going
Starting point is 01:58:57 in and out, drive through. I'm like, OK, you know, I'm just going to look at my phone or listen to a podcast. But you always claim and I and there is some truth to it, even if an in and out line is very, very long, you can wait there. And I think that you can wait in and out. But I also don't think you ever like I've waited at other places longer than in it. Like I feel like I've waited at Del Taco much longer than I have for in and out before their line management is very impressive. Yeah. But let us know what you what your answer is hashtag like worth the wait. And hey, if you have a question or comment about the world
Starting point is 01:59:28 of chain rest, you know, that's the first logical hashtag I've ever heard you say on this project. Usually it would be like worth the wait, fellas, or worth the wait. Ladies who live in Barstow, ladies who live in the rest of the country. I don't care for your feedback. How about W E I G H T worth the way? Oh hey, there you go. There it is. Now we're always hashtag now it's good and complicated. Now it makes less sense. I was going to say I waited in a long Wendy's line, you know, within the last few months, got up to order. They were out of the spicy chicken patty. Oh God, what a fucking nightmare you. That sucks.
Starting point is 02:00:06 Just like come on guys. It was a it was a it was a bummer. Did you go with a regular chicken? I do. I know what I ended up doing not as I. It was such a bummer of I got a baconator. Okay, and I like the baconator, but like it was like totally not what I was like. Yeah, and what I was going to do because I this is I was going to get a spicy chicken meal and a junior, not a junior bacon cheese, but a like a cheeseburger like a just a cheeseburger. Yeah. So little cheeseburger. Yep. And big fries and a drink. Oh yeah. Of course. Yeah, of course. But instead I had to get. That was my classic four hundred and
Starting point is 02:00:42 sixty pound meal. We'll talk. So instead I got the baconator and then I got a small chicken, like the small just regular chicken sandwich, like a tiny one that's like a dollar or whatever. Yeah. It was a bummer. That's that's a disappointment. Email us at doughboyspodcasts at or leave us a voicemail at eight three zero go dough. That's eight three zero four six three six eight four four. And hey, to get the doughboys double our weekly bonus episode, join the Golden Play Club at slash doughboys. Matt Myra, thank you so much for joining us. Being so generous with your time today.
Starting point is 02:01:12 We had to have you back. We got to have you back. I would love to come back anytime I'm available and you know if we want to go to Boston doing it, doing East Coast Swing, you let me know. Hell yeah, I'll get out there. If Gabers can't make it and you're like, I need another fat guy, Matt Myra is on speed dial guys. Do you have anything you'd like to plug that? So you know, it's May just. Oh, listen to James Bonding. It's great fun podcast. A lot of fun. Star Trek, the next conversation, Andy Secunda and I go through every episode of Star Trek TNG and he's a very funny. He just texted me today and
Starting point is 02:01:48 said he he was a Matt's coming on the show. We're going to get any on the show. Yeah, I know a lot funnier if you don't get a month. I get to enjoy the seething and then the podcast I do with my wife about IVF called Matt and Dory's excellent adventure. Oh, you're like eggs. Yeah, you know, of course, fear. If you're an egg slot, that's what we call our fans. That'll do it for this episode of Doughboys until next time for the Spoon Man Mike Mitchell. I'm Nick Weigher. Happy eating. See ya. Hey, guys, you want more Doughboys to get the Doughboys double or weekly bonus
Starting point is 02:02:23 episode, join the Golden Play Club. Sign up at slash Doughboys. Do it. That was a hate gun podcast.

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