Doughboys - Dog Haus with Dani Fernandez

Episode Date: June 25, 2020

Writer and actor Dani Fernandez (Girls on the Bus, Nerdificent) guests to review Pasadena founded and rapidly expanding gourmet hot dog and sausage chain Dog Haus. Plus, another edition of pastry gues...sing game Pie In This Guy.Sources for this week's intro:NASA JPL History & Archives 1 California’s Dog Haus is set to become a national chain with nearly 500 locations Development Partners - Client List ABSOLUTE WÜRST more Doughboys? Check out our Patreon!: for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 A few single events have altered the course of American history like the October 4, 1957 launch of Sputnik 1. Earth's first artificial satellite was a triumph of Soviet engineering, and statesided it and cited a characteristically American combination of xenophobic paranoia and dick-measuring competitiveness that led to the decade-plus-long space race. Among the reactions of Sputnik and the looming threat of Soviet space dominance was giving NASA control of a cutting-edge rocketry research facility in Pasadena, California, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, or JPL. During the 50s and 60s, JPL, with the aid of German rocket scientists imported under the morally tenuous Operation Paperclip, developed the crucial Jupiter rockets
Starting point is 00:00:45 and matched the Soviet Sputnik achievement with the launch of the American Explorer 1 satellite in 1958. As the space race heated up like the thermal reentry panels on a shuttle, JPL also led the unmanned ranger and surveyor missions to Earth's moon, a critical proof of concept which led to the legendary manned Apollo missions. JPL continues to operate to this day in partnership with neighboring Caltech University and has created numerous other advancements in spaceflight and exploration, most notably the Mars rover missions. And JPL is one of the key reasons Pasadena is on the map, along with the city's Rose Bowl and Rose Parade, and the Jan and Dean song, often misattributed to the Beach Boys, about
Starting point is 00:01:20 the town a little old lady is from. And the sunny SoCal city's latest claim to fame is a gourmet hotdog and sausage chain co-founded by a trio of restaurant industry veterans in 2010. Slinging sausage in a beer garden concept borrowed from the Germans in a metaphorical Operation Paperclip, the chain became a beloved local haunt, and in 2016 the budding business set its sights on national expansion by joining the swelling ranks of eateries in the stable of American franchise partners, which has grown restaurants like Popeyes, Tim Hortons, and Wingstop. Today with over 130 franchises open or planned to open, some with full beer garden concepts, others with more modest dining rooms, and plans for as many as 500 locations
Starting point is 00:01:56 nationwide, this high-end wiener purveyor is propelling itself into the stratosphere, much like a Jupiter rocket designed by its Pasadena neighbors at JPL. This week on Dough Boys, Doghouse. Welcome to Dough Boys, the podcast about chain restaurants. I'm Nick Weigher, along with my co-host Banjo Pizzucchi, the Spoon Man, Mike Mitchell. Mm. Banjo Pizzucchi. That was from Scrumptious Papa, and he included the registered trademark on Pizzucchi in his submission, If you have an insult, maybe there's a Mitchell
Starting point is 00:02:43 top of the show. Wow, what a nice little touch, Weigher. That's such a fun little addition there that he had. He had the trademark thing there on my insult. He added the trademark to my insult. It makes me suspect he went to the BJ's menu to verify spelling and then just copy-pasted it into the body of his email. That would account for the registered trademark. He sounds like a dumbass. Did you like the Banjo-Kazooies? I did, yeah. I've told you this before that I-
Starting point is 00:03:14 Yes. I thought Grunty was really attractive. She wins the game and she drinks some formula and she basically turns into hot Grunty. She does the switch from the wicked witch in Oz terms to the good witch. She has that sort of makeover. Yeah. As a kid, I liked when it was game over. Right. I was diving Banjo head first into a cliffside trying to kill myself.
Starting point is 00:03:53 Wait, is that the game over screen? When you fail in the game, then Gruntilda turns into a more attractive version of herself? That can't be what happens, right? It's more the ending. No, that is it. Wow. There's a code that if you put in the code, you see her butt. My friend, I've mentioned this on the podcast before, but the two bullshit video game things I heard when I was a kid, one was that there was a-
Starting point is 00:04:20 I forget which character it was, but one of the female fighters in Killer Instinct, there was a special move you could do for her to take off all her clothes. The other one was that if you remember Ghosts and Goblins and Ghouls and Ghosts, when Arthur gets hit and his armor flies off and he's just in his tidy whiteies, my friend said that if you hit him, if he got injured, if you hit him with either a dagger or an enemy hit him in the right way, that his underwear would fly off and you could see him naked. That kid, what was the point of all that? What is the point of that lie that you could maybe see Arthur naked running around in 8-bit or 16-bit?
Starting point is 00:05:04 I was intrigued. Yeah, I'm sure you were. I want to see Arthur's hog. Yeah, I know. You're a fan of the hog, Nick. Nick, speaking of the drop today, it fits the theme. I'm just going to go into it. Wow. Howdy-ho! To Spoon Nation. And also, our guest, I'm embarrassed that our guest saw that.
Starting point is 00:05:28 Hello to the Monster Squad, Nick. It's been a while. Hello, Monster Squad. Wow. And here we go. Here is a little drop. We're trying to play him live now, so everyone's going to bear with us. It will not be worth it in the end. All right, here we go. Everything we see Samuson is so like kind of got that serious tone. It would be nice to see something. I like it. I want to see Donkey Kong and Mega Man together. Give it to us quick. Give me
Starting point is 00:06:07 a fucking break. I'd like to see Samus get into some mischief. Let's see a two-hander with Samuson Jigglypuff. I'm sure there's a lot of deviant art which draws that exact thing. You just want someone else to take care of it, and this is what your childhood was all about. There you go, Nick. Is that the Wii menu music? Boy, that's a nice bit of nostalgia. That is the Wii menu menu. Here we go. That drop was from Will. He says, hey, Doughboyz long time listener, first time dropper. With all the Animal Crossing talk recently, I got
Starting point is 00:06:40 inspired to make my first drop with a Nintendo theme. Love the podcast. Shout out to the guest. ADR guest name here. We're not ADR-ing anymore. We're not putting any work into post-production. Record this thing it goes out as is. Who's a pain in the ass for Emma? What's the email for Dropsmitch? SpoonManDrops at Send them over, I guess. Keep that new blood coming in. Sure. So many of them I just edited to make it sound like you and I are having sex, basically. That's what most of the drops are. I think 40% of our listenership is people looking for, they just have a shift and they're
Starting point is 00:07:27 hoping for that to eventually happen. We got to introduce our guest, but I had a bowl today, crunched my tooth. There was something in there. I don't know what it was. I think it might have been an olive pit. But you know that moment when you bite something and then you're like, is my tooth broken in my mouth? That was my fear that I had broken my tooth completely. That's a healthy chomp. I was just mowing through it, because it was not that long ago. Hurriedly wolfing down your trough of food and you just chomped a little too aggressively. Was it like a nut or seed you came down on hard? What was it exactly?
Starting point is 00:08:12 I spit it into a napkin and I was like, I don't want to know. Just going to throw it away. Throw it away. Sometimes it's better not to know. You know what I mean? It's sometimes it's better not to see what it was. Can I tell you one last gross tooth story? Yeah, sure. No one's going to like this. I was flossing the other day and this just shows that I look like a wreck right now, but I floss and I accidentally flossed a piece of my beard hair into a tooth. Jesus Christ. That's revolting. Emma looks repulsed. That's pretty gross. It's the most disgusted face I've ever seen
Starting point is 00:08:50 her make. Our guest is shaking her head. No. That's just something I didn't even know was an issue for anyone ever. I don't know. Maybe I'm the first. I don't know. I could be, maybe I'm the Neil Armstrong. How many unsuccessful dates have you concluded with, wait, hold on, let me tell you one last gross tooth story. Mitch, our guest today is a writer for Girls on the Bus on Netflix and a host of the podcast, Nerdificent, Danny Fernandez is here. Hi, Danny. Hey, I have a funny, not tooth story, but mustache story and that I was like going at it with this guy and we were, you know, sometimes
Starting point is 00:09:29 when you bite their lip or whatever. And so I bit part of his mustache off. Oh my God. It's aggressive. You know, you have to, you have to up your moves sometimes and that one was just a bit too much. Sometimes you just got to go for it. Like a chunk of his hair got ripped out. It was on accident. We were both, we were both into it. He was also using teeth in certain areas. And so, you know, like on my neck and like, like anyways, and so I was like, I bit his lip, but it kind of like caught his, his top part was a little too long. And so I like, when I pulled away, it kind of pulled some of his hair with me. I'm sure
Starting point is 00:10:11 he didn't matter. He was in the, the, he was in paradise. You know, the throws of passion. Yes. Yeah, forgive a lot in those moments. Biting is a fun, but biting is just, it's a funny, it's a funny, like, uh, what am I, I'm trying to think of the right word and all I can think of is love making, which is the grossest thing I think I've ever said grosser than my, grosser than my two story. But, uh, biting is like such a weird part of, of, of, of, you know, of, of kissing or whatever, being sensual. It depends on the context, but I think a lot of times we're not talking about like aggressively biting into like a gala apple. No, more of like,
Starting point is 00:10:51 more of like a, you know, like a nibble. But the thing is, is that like, yeah, I mean, people do that. People like bite into your booty or whatever. Like it's there, it's juicy and plump and it just looks ready to be bitten. So, makes for sure. Makes for sure. No. Yeah. Mitch has that wagon. I got, I got, I got a, it's like a rotten crab apple down there. No one wants to bite into that. Wow. Nobody has seen it for years. That's the way it should be. I'm very puritan on that cover. Yes. Everyone, you know what, rule for everybody. Everyone should be covered head to toe. We're generally pro abstinence on the Doe Boys podcast. Denny, I wanted to ask you, speaking of biting into things,
Starting point is 00:11:43 I know you grew up in SoCal and Texas. You've spent time in both states, two most populous states in the nation. Wow. Both have amazing food scenes. And I'm curious, I know we talked about this a little bit before the pod, but if you could just elaborate a little bit on your connection to the food of the Golden State and the Lone Star State. Yeah. I mean, they both, it's really fascinating cause like I was explaining to y'all being Chicana, like the, my family, I have a lot of family in San Diego. That's where my parents met and got married, but I also have a lot of family in San Antonio and Tex-Mex is seen as a bastardization of our culture and food. And yet a lot of us are the ones like running
Starting point is 00:12:25 those restaurants, making that food. And like it's hard not to, I mean, it's like the perfect food to have when you're high or after an event. You know, when you go to those events, and it's like, they give you like tiny little meals and you're like, I can't wait to leave this person's wedding and just like dive my face in a case. So like that's how Tex-Mex is. And it's just like the sloppiest, wettest thing that you could eat. Oh yeah. And yet that's what we're all eating in college. And so they're both, I feel battling, not to mention that they're very near the border, which is actually bad. Like there's so, there's so many arguments about what counts as like real Mexican food. And sometimes it's just like
Starting point is 00:13:09 what tastes, I feel really bad saying that somebody's going to write me about my enjoyment of Tex-Mex. But I can tell you going to college out there that it was definitely a staple at 3am for sure. Wow. We don't, we don't, we don't judge. I was just going to say, I mean, the podcast is about fast food, which we generally like, I just think it's like, it can be different and still, you know what I mean? There's a difference between the two and they can both be appreciated. There's room for both. You know what I mean? Well, a topic that comes up often on the show is American Chinese food and then Chinese food, you know, and those, those are like separate categories, I feel like in the same way that
Starting point is 00:13:47 Tex-Mex and Mexican probably is. But I haven't had a lot of authentic Tex-Mex. They spent very little time in Texas. In fact, the only time I've ever been there outside of airport layovers was when we were doing that, that we were doing our Doughboys tour, we hit up Austin, Houston and Dallas and then spent basically a night in each city. And I don't feel like I got, I mean, like we had torches tacos, which I, which I liked a lot and I'm not sure if you have an opinion on, if you have a take on, on torches, Danny, but I don't feel like I've had a lot of the authentic Tex-Mex, at least not in Texas. I mean, there's so much, I guess it depends on where you are because like I said, I went
Starting point is 00:14:24 to school in Austin. So Austin and San Antonio, I would say have a lot. And then when you're up in Dallas, it's places like Chewy's, like very much chain, uh, Tex-Mex places. But, um, yeah, I mean, it's kind of, I'm kind of like y'all worried like if it tastes good. And I say y'all, I do say y'all from going, from going to school, it's much easier and it's gender neutral. So shout out to saying y'all. But, um, yeah, I'm, I'm just in the mindset of like, if it's good, if it's good, I'll probably eat it. If it's filled with meat, I'll probably eat it. Um, but there is a lot of arguments. And I guess what I would have to say is if you're looking for really, I don't want to say authentic Mexican food
Starting point is 00:15:12 because nothing's more authentic than actually getting it in Mexico, but San Diego would be more authentic. I feel a lot of the dishes there than in Texas, um, at least Tex-Mex. Yeah. I have family in San Diego as well. I've had some, some stellar Mexican food down there. Mitch, I know you're, this is, this is not a dish that I think would be considered authentic. Uh, although, although maybe my, my knowledge is, is wrong here, but like California Burrito, California Burrito in San Diego, which has fries inside of it. And which is also a delight. It's great. It's the best in the world. A lot of those cuisines are made of two San Diego, like they're known for San Diego was
Starting point is 00:15:52 the place that they were created. And so the New York times, I forgot, just came out with that. Did you see that? It was, I can't even remember what it was, but it was, um, talking about this dish that originated in San Diego and everyone was just like, what the, what the heck? I don't know if you all cussed on here. Uh, yeah. Yeah, we do. I mean, actually heck is the only thing that's forbidden. Everything else is okay. Um, so, but yeah, there's a lot of, there's a lot of food wars. And I actively feel like the New York times food blog is always trolling people. Oh, 100%. Oh yeah. Yeah. It seems like it's just made to make people mad. Besides that, the paper is perfect though. Yeah, there you go. Sorry if it's sponsored by y'all. Brett Stevens, Barry Weiss,
Starting point is 00:16:39 the smartest minds and editorial journalism are under the roof of the New York times. I might come, I might become a y'all guy. I like y'all. Y'all is great. You don't have to have a drawl to say y'all. Anyone can say y'all. You don't need a drawl to say y'all. I like that, Weiger. Maybe I'm a, maybe I'm like a, maybe the spoon man is going to be kind of a, a cowboy guy from here on out, except for the fact that I can't ride a horse because I'm too heavy. Yeah. I'm, I've never been on a horse, although I love riding horses in video games. Wow. Like the, like the, the last of us two, some great horse riding in that game. No spoilers, not giving any spoilers here. The game's still very new, but I, but I've never actually been on
Starting point is 00:17:21 a horseback. Danny, have you ever, have you ever messed around on the back of a horse? Oh yeah, definitely. Wow. That's like a prime staple for us at birthday parties. Definitely have. And I don't know, I eventually probably will leave this life and this LA Hollywood life and get like a ranch and have ducks and chickens and horses possibly. I'll leave, I'll leave this Hollywood life and get some ranch dressing. Wow. I do want to say with me, take it back to Quincy. Whenever I, whenever I tweet, people will be like, you, you Hollywood writers in your mansions. And it's just like, I, I'll say sir, I, because it was like, we're talking about Texas things and I'll be like, y'all, I went to high school in Frisco, Texas, which is outside of Dallas. Like
Starting point is 00:18:16 I can drop into my Texas accent when I need to for auditions, but then they're like, oh crap, like she actually grew up around here. So never mind. Yeah. To your point, I think there is a, a lot of, a lot of people assume that like, oh, you write for television or I've seen you in a TV show, you are a millionaire. And then you're like, you know, like I know, I know people who have been on prestige dramas and, you know, multi-season, you know, shows and have, and have roommates. It's like, it's, it's like every industry kind of the labor's power is, or the labor's power has been reduced and the bottom has kind of fallen out of, of income because everyone's just trying to pay the absolute minimum you can to get anyone to do anything.
Starting point is 00:19:04 It's kind of a bummer because I think there are more jobs, but, which is great, but I think just like less money to go around. No, there was still money. They just don't, they, they figured out a way to not pay us. Yes. That's a better characterization. They, they have, they have been more effectively figured out how to hoard it. Why? Cause I was going to tell, I was going to say to you that, are you enjoying Last of Us 2? I didn't really get to hear what you said. I, I'm loving it in McDonald's parlance. I don't, I want to be very coy here because I don't want to, I don't want to spoil it for anybody because the game's very new.
Starting point is 00:19:39 It's barely a week old. I feel like, first of all, my house, my apartment looks like one of the like houses that you've all come upon and Last of Us 2. It's disgusting right now, but um, but um, I was going to say, uh, it feels a little bit like uh, Lion King 2 Simba's Pride to me. It feels a little bit like a hot take, very searing hot take. It feels like it's not a direct video Disney sequel. I love those characters. They're good characters, but I, you know what I mean? It's, it's, you know, it is, it is what it is. Speaking of Disney characters, compared to Michael Eisner's, Michael Eisner's regime, when he was saying like a, we made Greenlit Little Mermaid 2 and Return of Jafar, although you see it like... Those aren't bad though. They're not bad. Wait, Simba's Pride
Starting point is 00:20:28 had that We Are One song, which was so catchy and amazing. So look, without it, we would not have that on my Spotify list. That's true. That's true. Denny, you, you, you have, you are a Disney character. You are, you're in the Disney verse. Um, that's great. It's, it's cool as hell. Yes. In fact, uh, Disney, Walt Disney Animation Studios, they have like three million followers and they only follow like 70 people and I'm one of them. And I think it's so funny because they, they haven't unfollowed me even with all my hot takes and my like thirst traps that I post. I just consider them the biggest ally. They're like, she's sex positive and she's just living her life and we're here for it. So that's awesome. Yeah, that's so, it's, it's gotta be fascinating because I think like a,
Starting point is 00:21:19 like a brand that's so safe, like Walt Disney has to, I guess, probably account for that from its talent these days, right? Cause how else are you going to function? Well, see, a lot of people will kind of shoot that at me and be like, I'll say something, you know, on, cause I'm also a comedy writer. I'll say something on Twitter and they'll be like, you're a Disney character. And I'm like, well, so is Sarah Silverman and does John C. Riley. John C. Riley, like literally tea bagged Will Ferrell and nobody, like everyone's okay with his kids as they should be, like, because he's a grown adult. So he can have these different lives. I just think sometimes as a woman, it's like we're kind of put into one. Right. But no, I mean, they hire a lot of comedy people. So
Starting point is 00:22:02 I say it's a good thing. Those thirst traps, it will, it will send some of those kids into the, into puberty. It will send them all the way through, maybe my juicy booty. I always say it would be doing my ancestors a disservice to not share it with others. So it's funny to think of it like a kid being like, I'm going to look at my favorite Disney character and then be like, and then see the picture and be like, all right now, just all the way. I'm not even going to kid you. Sometimes I have dads that slide into my DMs and they're like, my kid was asking about you. I'm like, absolutely they weren't because I am only in it for a minute. They were not asking about the girl in the dress or whatever. That's like the saddest. That's so sad to be like, my kid is interested.
Starting point is 00:22:51 That's the saddest thing of all. I think probably dads pull the same move on a Judy Hopps from Zootopia. My daughter, my daughter loves you. Yeah. Also want to say Zootopia had a lot of interesting, like they made those lions thick as hell for a reason. They knew what they were doing. Hell yeah. The Deviant art and stuff of those tigers and lions is aggressive. 100%. It feels like there's so much intent behind that art and animation. For a while, it felt like you go back in the day and the old school Disney Robin Hood was kind of like, hey, maybe getting kids in touch with their burgeoning furries to have some sort of sexual awakening. So the same thing with the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise and Zootopia is carrying that torch forward. And the Nesquik
Starting point is 00:23:46 Bonnie too, right? That was it for me. So, Danny, you have an interesting, specifically culinary history beyond your SoCal and Texas time. You are formerly a vegan. Yeah, I used to be a vegan and then I had some autoimmune issues. I have Hashimoto's, which is a thyroid disorder in lime, and so I have to follow like, I couldn't have soy and nuts and a couple of other things that kind of got triggered when I, essentially my antibodies are attacking itself. So they attack some foods that I didn't used to have an allergy to is what I'm trying to say. And I needed meat. And so now I've kind of gone the opposite and now I just eat a lot of meat. Before we started recording, I was eating. I had made like lamb and hummus that I was like, just eating in front of you.
Starting point is 00:24:42 Which is like, I don't think I could, I don't know if I'd be able to make lamb and hummus ever. I mean, of course I could learn it, but it just seems like a food that I would never be able to create on my own, Nick. I don't know if you feel the same way about it. You're selling yourself short. You're just not, I think if you put the effort in, you got the reps, you could absolutely do it. And also with their degrees of preparing something, you know, you don't have to necessarily make the hummus from scratch. You don't have to, you could buy a store-bought spice blender marinade if you want to save yourself a little bit of trouble. You could cut some corners and make life a little bit easier. Don't get down on yourself. You could prepare lamb and hummus
Starting point is 00:25:22 from scratch if you want to do. I could never make hummus and you know it, Weiger. It's the truth. You could do it. Wait, have there been people that have been on this show that have had food allergies or am I like one of the only ones? Yeah, no, we've had a lot of food allergies. We've had a lot of people who are vegetarian or vegan, a lot of people with restrictive diets for whatever reason, whether for their health or whether for ethical reasons. I mean, recently, you know, we've had a recent guest and repeat guest. Jason Matsukas has a deathly egg allergy, which is extraordinarily tough. But yeah, I imagine in adulthood, confronting new allergies that you didn't previously had, you didn't previously have,
Starting point is 00:26:01 must be an added complication. Well, one fascinating thing is I shot this sci-fi show with Orlando Jones and he is allergic to nightshades and so am I. Those are like tomatoes and peppers. And my cheeks were literally like turned red. Different things do different things, like cause different reactions in my body. And I also can't have gluten and dairy. And so I feel like everyone's like, wow, she's a bummer. But that's why I started having meat again. Cause it was like, Hey guys, I'm still cool. Here I am. I can have ribs. Please invite me to your party. And so I will literally, like, I know we're talking about hot dog, I will literally order like a 14 inch like bratwurst or hot dog and just like in front of everyone just like down it.
Starting point is 00:26:48 That sounds really aggressive, but I mean, visually aggressive. So I switched to meat cause it was like so many things on the list that I couldn't have and it was like meat was the one thing that I could have. And so, and seafood and, you know, everything that kind of goes under that I've definitely exploratory when it comes to the different meat categories that I will try. And it sounds like there's an element of nutritional necessity as well, because, you know, you need sources of protein, you need sources of iron. And if you've got an allergy to dairy and to nuts, that makes it a lot tougher. Yeah. Yeah, for sure. Orlando Jones was the first like Hollywood project I ever worked on was this movie called
Starting point is 00:27:29 Looking for Sunday in Denver, Wikes. Oh yeah. And Orlando Jones was in it. He was like the the big get in the movie. He was like kind of the hired gun to come in and do a part in the movie. And he was a very nice guy. He was a very nice man. Yeah, he's had a very, and storied career and a lot of things, but I will always think of him when I think of the original Seven Up guy. Make Seven Up yours. Yeah. That was my introduction. I think that was everyone's introduction to Orlando Jones. And Evolution, an underrated movie. Do you remember Evolution? Evolution was, wait, was that an Ivan Reitman? It wasn't. It was. I think it was like trying to be kind of like a ghostbustery kind of, it was like, yeah, it was, but it was, I think it
Starting point is 00:28:16 was Reitman. And it was like about an asteroid that crashed and then like, like basically they were like cavemen and then they evolved through whatever. It's Evolution. It's in the title. You get it. This has been Mitch's movie recap. You remind me of someone who's like trying to explain a word and they just keep using that same word. Derogatory. You know, it's when you speak like in a derogatory manner to somebody. Look, I couldn't remember the plot to Evolution from 20 years ago off the top of my head, but I give it, you know what? I give it a thumbs up. It's pretty good. Wow. You should slide right into one of Siskelary Ebert's chairs. I think there's only one of those chairs I could slip into easily. Are you ever careful since you are and think like
Starting point is 00:29:07 of talking about, I have to be really careful now because like sometimes we review movies on my podcast and I'm just like, if I didn't like it, I'll just think of the positives of it. I'm sure everyone thinks I'm a sellout. I am. I am. That's, that's, we, I, so on this podcast, I give shit to Marvel and, and Star Wars movies because I, I'm not a huge fan of them. And I also was like, those are the biggest movies in the world. And I, but then as an actor, I'm like, why did I even do that in the first, I mean, not that I'll ever be in either one of those movies, but it's that sort of thing of like, why, why are you being, who cares? And so on, like I have a letter box. Did you have a letter boxed? Yeah. It's, yeah, that this app where
Starting point is 00:29:49 you, for, for anyone who doesn't know, it's this app where you can write movies. And sometimes I don't write movies just because I, I like the movie and I don't care and I don't rate it, but then also like you can write your movies. And if it's a movie that I really dislike, I'm not going to give like one star to some, like some new director's movie that sucks. It's a bad, it's a bad thing to do. Or if you know someone in it, which happens more often than not, but I will say I am a little bit less cautious just cause if you were going to graph out my career trajectory, it kind of looks like a water slide, just sort of plunging right into the depths below the X axis. It's hard to make things good. It's, it's hard. Things are hard to, it's hard. Things are
Starting point is 00:30:29 bad a lot. It's, you know, it's tough. Y'all don't think you can have like a Brian Cranston comeback and you're like fifties, late fifties doing like a breaking bad role. I could see that for either of you. That's just some Brian Cranston style early career success in Seinfeld and Malcolm in the middle. That's true to this day. My mom, my mom still thinks I took her to like a late night. She wanted to go see like a late night taping and Brian Cranston was the guest and when he came out, she had no idea he was going to be there and she just loudly exclaimed like, the dad from Malcolm in the middle. And it was just like in the audience. I was like, he's done so much since then. But yeah. I went to a, I went to a family feud taping when I was 11 and it was, this was a,
Starting point is 00:31:18 this was a thing. Maybe this, this was a thing you experienced, Danny, but they would pay like, you know, you'd get paid a certain amount ahead for being in the studio audience. And so schools in my area would do like a fundraise as a fundraiser. They'd be like, we're going to take the whole class to a TV taping and then we'll collect all that money that you'll give per head for all these kids being in the audience and then we'll give it to the school. So I went to a number of those and one of those was a family feud taping. Wasn't, wasn't the fundraiser, the Epstein is innocent fund? All right, come on. Before he was even on the map, just being proactive about it. These guys need some help down the line. So we know it was for my school, Charles Evans,
Starting point is 00:32:01 he was middle school. And so we went, we went to, we went to this fundraiser and I was, and like, the minimum age was 14 and I was 11 and I was so worried about getting in trouble. And then, and then there was a moment where like the audience, like the audience was really quiet and someone said something stupid. Like one of the, one of the answers was like very dumb. It was like, you know, whatever, name a city in France and they were like Lisbon or something. I don't know. They said something that wasn't even, didn't even make sense for the category. And I was just like, oh, stupid. And then like people looked at me and they're like, it covered my mouth. And I was, it was like the most afraid I've ever been of being
Starting point is 00:32:35 arrested. So worried about getting busted. Because I was like, I'm under the age limit and I made noise. I thought you were going to say one of the kids yelled out something stupid. And I could imagine a kid being like, farting is coughing from your butt. Steve Harvey just spiking the camera. I think that kid, I think that kid, I think that is, I'd give him a good answer for that one. Yeah, that's pretty good. I give him a good answer. Did you say good answer at all? Why? Did you get to say good answer? Oh, you got to say good answer. That's half the fun to be in there. I'd love to go back. I think that would be a fun experience. I mean, TV tapings are generally
Starting point is 00:33:16 miserable because they're so long, but something like a game shows a little tighter because they got to just, you know, they got to turn around a little more quickly. When I was, I was a CBS page. I don't know if I talked about that is a thing. I mean, I've definitely set up before on the podcast, but that's the thing I don't talk about too much. But I was a CBS page for, uh, for like my first, that was like my first job out here really, the, my like when I moved or whatever it was the first time I really worked in the business, I guess, but I, we loaded people in because I've said this before, the price is right, people ate out, people ate out of the trash, but I also did like American Idol and a couple
Starting point is 00:33:54 other things like that. And so many of the people that did it were, did not want to be there, that, but got paid and they were like miserable and had to wait. It was, it was, it was awful. It was like a, it's a funny thing when people are watching these shows on TV and it's like, well, that hyped up crowd and like 200 of them are people who are like, this fucking sucks. I just want my $100 for the day. It's, it sucks. It's a, it's a, it's a bad setup, but they, they Hollywood, they put the Hollywood glow on it. You know, you could never tell that it's a bunch of people that don't want to be there sitting there. That's movie magic, baby. That's what they do. I remember some kids, yeah, when I was in San Diego, got to go to it. It wasn't
Starting point is 00:34:30 Legends of the Hidden Temple. It was like a different, wow, a different one that was just like that. But what they came back and told me, it was one that had like wild animals. I think the guy had like a monkey. Do you remember he was like in safari outfit, blonde guy, but anyways, they came back from the taping and they were like, yeah, and there was this lady that was feeding him bananas with a spoon, like the guy, the host. I just remember that was like a thing that was in my class that we all thought that was wild and like, yeah, that's what sex is. That's for, for in elementary school, I think that being on double there was like the, like the fact of like getting to fall into a giant pie was such a dream, like to be able to jump
Starting point is 00:35:19 into a big pie remains a dream for me. I mean, you could make it happen if you wanted to. And also like the thing is, it's like, it's not an editable pie on double there. You know what I mean? It's like, it's shaving cream or whatever. Yes. Why do kids, why do kids want to get covered in GAC? What is the, what, I don't understand it. Kids love getting messy. It's fun. Why the slime? I don't know. I don't get it. I am a hygienic adult, but I certainly didn't mind getting a little muddy when I was a kid. I thought it was fun. I thought romping in the snow at the few times I'd been in snow was a hoot. One of the times I was with you in Detroit. That's true. Oh, not actually. No, that was, yeah. It was Milwaukee. Was it? I didn't care for that much. That was in
Starting point is 00:36:04 Detroit, I believe. Yeah. No, I didn't care for that much. But as a kid, it was a different story. Romping in the snow. Does anyone actually know what GAC is made out of or the slime? No. The slime. I bet it has something gross in it. It's like cornstarch, food coloring, and then something like unimaginable horror. Ground hoof extract. I heard it's cornstarch, food coloring, and then 30% of it is Mark Summer's cum. No. I was going to say like placenta. Mark Summer's is also interesting. I had to work with him on a Mark Summer's production. Very fascinating. Yeah. He produced a lot of things and was like a multimillionaire because
Starting point is 00:37:02 of that. A lot of people don't know that background with him. Also, a man who doesn't like getting messy at all. I remember watching a 60 minutes thing of him as a kid where he was straightening all the fringe on his carpet by hand. It had to be perfect. Then he's hosting the show, which is the messiest show on television. That's the whole gimmick of it. It's a man of contrast. There's a fascinating Mark Summer's clip of him on the Jay Leno Tonight show with Burt Reynolds. And they get into a fight. They get into a legit fight. Oh, I remember. Yes. Yeah. Burt Reynolds is so pissed because of the way Mark Summer's has positioned himself where he feels like he's excluding him from the conversation. Burt Reynolds was the first guest. Mark Summer's
Starting point is 00:37:49 the second guest, so Burt Reynolds was sitting on the other side of him on the couch. He's three quarter turned towards Jay Leno and Burt Reynolds gets mad at him. And they just start like fucking legitimately like arguing with each other and tossing around insults. Doesn't like Burt Reynolds like mess with his hair or something? Like he does something crazy. Burt Reynolds like splashes water on him. And then Mark Summer's tries to splash water on him back, but Burt Reynolds like he's like an athlete. He like dodges it. And then they eventually try to dissolve the tension by bringing out some like pies for them to hit each other in the face. But you can tell they're not even having fun doing that. Like they're like legitimately mad at each other. Burt Reynolds
Starting point is 00:38:26 went to the went to his grave mad about Mark Summer's. No, Wiger, they patched. Burt Reynolds was on an episode of what would you do after that? They patched it up. This was on Jay Leno's show? Yeah, this was on the Jay Leno Tonight Show. I just imagined him being like, guys, guys, fellas, let's just talk about cars. Okay. No fighting. Oh, why is everyone fighting? Let's all get into our dead of Jay. You banks very tentative. Yeah, it's it's it's so weird. What a fascinating what a fascinating character, but you do work with him for a little bit. Yeah, I mean, I guess I respect any multimillionaire that will like get on his hands and knees and straighten out his own carpet. That's a very good point. That's a good point.
Starting point is 00:39:19 Danny, I wanted to ask you because you mentioned that you were preparing this. We touched on a little bit that you were preparing this this lamb and hummus earlier, and you were talking about you are something of a home cook. You were someone who who doesn't mind getting your hands dirty in the kitchen. Yeah, for sure. It's just so time consuming. Nobody knows. And I have so much respect for my parents for like cooking what seemed like all day. So my mom was definitely a baker and someone that worked a lot with the on like the skillets and whatnot. But my dad had a smoker that was his prize smoker. It was like one of those eggs, but the original eggs. Do y'all know what I'm talking about? I know what you mean. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:57 But like now there's a lot of copies of it, but he had like what he said was like the original one. Wow. Which I'm like, I don't think dad, did you make this? I don't think this was, you know, but I like, you know what? So a lot of those dad myths, you just got to you got to forget. Like my dad said stuff like that too, where he's like, that's a one of a kind or whatever. You're like, okay. But like what? So I did later go to people's places that had the green egg and I'm like, oh, this doesn't look like my dad's like this does look like it was mass produced. So I wonder if my dad got it from like the person. But both of my parents cooked a ton. But now I know and it would always take hours and you just want to be in there and you want to eat
Starting point is 00:40:36 some of the stuff that they're making and they always kick you out. Or sometimes they would put us to work with like chopping, chopping like vegetables and stuff. But it is the most I'm by myself, I'm a single woman in her 30s, just like trying to recreate some of this. But it is like the most time consuming sometimes you just want to I understand why so many people just order out, especially here in LA. I order out all the time. That's that is that's that's my go to and it's bad. I bought an air fryer and a pressure cooker because I'm trying to I'm trying to cook a little bit more, but still order out too much. I'm a single man in my 30s. And I just you know, it's easy. It's that sort of thing of like, if it takes more than 30 minutes
Starting point is 00:41:24 to prep, I it's too much for me. Yeah, it's I mean, I'm in a fortunate position because I've lived with the love of my life, my angel for I guess 16 years now. So my God, we will we'll like collab on a meal. And that's actually it at least makes me happen to know that Natalie would fucking fucking gag if she heard that. She's listening to this episode right now and just like flings her air pods out of her ears and into the gutter and disgust. Um, I but no, we will collab on a meal. Natalie is an excellent cook. And then she is also a she's like great at like, like the like the prep shit. So she'll sometimes like, you know, I can cook a whole meal on my own and I will often do that. But sometimes we'll collab on
Starting point is 00:42:11 something and like, like, I'm basically doing like the food network chef thing of like, oh, I've got my fucking mise en place right here. I got all my fucking, you know, vegetables prepped and I got my my spices laid out for me. I just got to assemble this stuff and heat it up and it's ready to go. And meanwhile, she's done some vegetable dish and I'm just prepping the protein. Yeah, it sounds like you're just kind of getting in her way. It's like helping mommy out in the kitchen. I'm also weirdo in that I have no like time doesn't mean anything to me. So I will have stuff that you would have for dinner for breakfast. Oh, wow. Anything that's such sustenance for me, like there's no and why would you like,
Starting point is 00:42:56 why would you put a limit on yourself? Like there, why wouldn't you have what you were going to have for dinner? Actually, it should be the biggest meal technically. So I'm with you, but I there is a thing where the reason that I'm with you is because like, I'll wake up at 11 and then eat lunch at 1230 and it will be a salad or something and I don't care. But if I wake up at like 6am, if it's like early, early morning, I'm not going to get myself a salad or like a sandwich, a turkey sandwich or something. I need it to be like a breakfasty. I think before 11am, I never, I never want non breakfast food. You know what I've done a few times and this is no longer relevant because we're all housebound. But when I would, I would have
Starting point is 00:43:38 us breakfast salad when I was traveling, I just fixed myself up a salad first thing in the morning because I know it's going to be on, on planes and then going to a fucking hotel and then just eating shitty food everywhere, like eating in airport terminals and, and in a hotel lobbies. And so I like, like just having a little bit of nutritious food up top at the start of the day would, would set me off on the least, at least mitigate some of the damage I was about to do to my body. Breakfast, breakfast salad, it just doesn't, it's just not right. It depends what you put in it though. Yeah. Pancakes? Did you say eggs? Eggs and pancakes? Just scrambled eggs and like shredded romaine. Frasier salad. I would have, I would have like shrimp salads,
Starting point is 00:44:25 like in the morning. Same thing. It's like I wanted something like crispy and cool. Yeah. I'm not a, chopped salads are amazing. Those are definitely you could have any hour of the day. Right. 7 a.m. I'm not, I'm not touching the chopped salad. I can't do it. I can't, I just can't do it. And I think it also depends on if you normally eat breakfast, which you normally don't, Mitch. You're not a breakfast man. I'm not, I'm not a big breakfast man. No. You're not even a coffee drinker. You don't wake up with a cup, with a cup of Java. I don't drink coffee. I wake up when my body wants me to wake up, man. Wow. So like noontime.
Starting point is 00:45:08 I will, in the morning, my issue is that when I was younger, when I ate breakfast, my, it always hurt my stomach when I was younger. Like I would have something, maybe I was lactose intolerant, whatever it was. Like I feel, I feel like that was a part of it, but also I just think the fact that like my stomach is like a little bit weaker in the morning and I, and I, anything I would eat, I would just, it would never make me feel great throughout the rest of the day. Hey, guess what? I had the same thing and guess what wasn't cool was to be a teenage girl that was nauseous every morning because my mom straight up was like, I'm taking you, are you pregnant? And it was like, I don't know. I don't think so. But
Starting point is 00:45:49 yeah, that happened to me too. I don't know. I'm sure there's your listeners that are listening that like, yeah, when I was, when I was younger, like I had a phase through the certain portion of school where I was like, nauseous in the mornings. Because that also happened to a cousin of mine. However, mine had consequences of my mom not wanting me to go to the movies with anyone anymore. My mom, my mom was never worried about teenage sex or really even sex in my 20s, but, but she, I mean, like my parents knew, I would go to school if I ate something and then just, you know, when you get your stomach hurt and then you just start sweating, I just start sweating. I mean, my fucking armpits would be damp. What a terrible, I like forget those things
Starting point is 00:46:34 when I look back on high school, but just like the fact of like sitting in like a shitty desk and being like, oh, my stomach hurts and I have to go to the bathroom when I'm like soaking wet because I'm sweating. What a fucking awful, what an awful time. Just enduring stomach discomfort because you don't want to deal with the humiliation of using the bathroom at school. I made it through all of elementary, middle and high school, no deuces at school. That's insane. Now just held it the entire time. I would just remember like sometimes sprinting from the bus home because I had to go to the bathroom so bad, but I was like, I'm not doing it in a school bathroom. You know how California is waiting for the big one? I think with you, you're probably waiting
Starting point is 00:47:16 for the big one. It's probably coming. It's probably coming. You probably like affected your brain development with like toxins just staying inside of your body. Danny, now you're getting somewhere. I feel really bad. Have you all ever had red line? It's an energy drink? No. So like it was big. I don't know. It was really big in Texas and big among truck drivers and also my friends and I and you typically had to be like 18 if they were actually checking ID to like buy it. I think this was when it first came out because and if you were pregnant, you weren't supposed to buy it and there's like the back of the label was like only drink half of this. It was basically like cocaine and I bought some and came home.
Starting point is 00:48:04 I was going to community college. I came home and there was a note from my little brother and it was like, Hey, Danny, I took one of your red lines. Here's $5. I was like, Oh, shit. And I got this call from my mom who was pissed to fuck because she said your little brother was in a finals and he had to like diarrhea. He was like sitting there trying to finish his finals and just like it's not meant for just like sitting unless you're, of course, like I said, a truck driver, but I would take it and I would go and run. It would be like after I had a shift working at like this tennis academy I was working at and I would take it till like actually work out after my shifts. But anyways, shout out to red light. I don't know if
Starting point is 00:48:46 they're still around or if they had a billion lawsuits against them. So it's like it's just like a super stimulant. It's like a red bull, but like it sounds like times 10. I was addicted to them in college. Like I had to wean myself. I don't know my car, my backseat of my car looked bad man. It was just bottles of like empty bottles of red line because I started to use it to like study and to me it was like Adderall. So I don't know if they're still around, but you know might save some people some money much cheaper than Adderall. I had a trash seat in college when I'm at the passenger seat. The front passenger seat was the trash seat. Just trash. There was trash in there. I also I also I would as they call it a ghost riding the whip. I did that before it was a
Starting point is 00:49:34 thing, Wigs. Come on. I'd be driving with my friends and I would jump out of the moonroof and just let the car go. Wow. Insanely dangerous. I'm not going to let you lay claim to inventing ghost riding the whip. I don't think it's a Mike Mitchell invention. I invented ghost riding the whip. Wow. Appropriation. You can check the dates. I invented ghost riding the whip. Wow. All right. Bold claim from Mike Mitchell. If you have any evidence to refute this, hit us up on our social media. If ghost riding the whip was a thing before 2004, then I am defeated. Or if you've used red line and it ruined your life at some point, like you can you can tweet at me. I almost said you can text me. You can tweet at me. Don't say that. Not with our listeners.
Starting point is 00:50:33 You'll get flooded with text. Ghost. Ghost riding the whip is it sounds first of all, too scary of a name. It sounds like your car has got a ghost in it. Too scary. Yeah. I mean, I don't you know, you and I are both you have a larger fear of good ghosts and but I don't think that is the that's the kind of ghost that's going on in the ghost riding the the whip scenario. Has there ever been has there ever been like I know they were haunted houses and I believe in them and I believe ghosts are real likes knows this. Yes. But has there ever been like a like I made a video about it because I thought it was a funny idea. But has there ever been like smaller haunted things like a hunt like I made a video called Haunted Car for the
Starting point is 00:51:17 birthday boys back in the day. I think the idea of a haunted car is fascinating. The issue is that you're not really Christine. Christine I guess is a haunted car. But but you're but that's like the the car is being overtaken by it, right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's less like the inhabitants are just like plagued by a series of inconveniences. I want to see some smaller hauntings in the future. I want to see some. I want to see like a shed get haunted or you know what I mean. An outhouse. I think that's interesting. Oh, an outhouse. Yeah. Has a lot of like trauma that's happened in there. We'll be back with more dough boys. Welcome back to dough boys. Danny Fernandez is our guest doghouse is our chain doghouse was founded in 2010 in Pasadena. It's
Starting point is 00:52:11 currently expanding nationwide due to a partnership with American franchise partners, which has expanded Popeyes, Tim Hortons and Wingstop as well as non restaurants like AutoZone, Gold's Gym and Hampton Inn. I said AutoZone weird, not AutoZone, AutoZone. And I should mention that sounds like Nick. Is that the auto erotic? It's like the fenced in area where you can do that. I could I could have said segue do you better and said instead of outhouse I should have said doghouse a haunted doghouse that would have been better. That's all right. But I do want to mention one thing before we get into this chain. The dogs and sausages are handcrafted by past
Starting point is 00:52:57 dough boys double guest Adam Gertler. Shout out to Adam Gertler, whose handiwork is all over the doghouse. Danny, I want to talk about doghouse, but over break you mentioned that you spent some time in a haunted house and I feel like we have to dig into this a little bit. Yeah, I've actually been in a lot of real life haunted places because I'm messed up and I enjoy that. So I lived and when I mean I've been in the whaley house, which is one of travel channel's most haunted houses. Is that the one that has a door that like leads to nothing and stuff like that? Is that that one? I think you're talking about the Winchester house. It is the Winchester house. That's right. Sorry. Yeah, but no, no, I've also been to the witches ball in Ohio, which I think like they
Starting point is 00:53:41 buried a witch under this like huge marble ball to keep her soul down there. It's crazy. I've been in a lot of places that you shouldn't be when I was like in college and I bought a house actually I got married when I was really young because that's what you do in Texas and we got married. We were like 23, 24 and bought a house in Castle Rock, Colorado, which other people from Castle Rock will be like it is haunted. And also you can buy a house or you could buy a house there a long time ago. Not that long ago. I wasn't that long ago that I was 23. But our neighbors told us it was haunted. I remember they came out and they were like, hi, nice to meet you. Also, this house is haunted. And I remember thinking like,
Starting point is 00:54:22 this rude bitch like I just this is my first home with my husband and like we're newlyweds and we're young and we just graduated. And how dare you just let me enjoy my Pinterest board in peace. And the thing was fucking haunted like so every couple that had lived in there had divorced or broken up and spoiler alert, we ended up getting divorced. We had been together for six years. The house so we inherited a rocking chair because it was like whoever was next in line to like have a baby was supposed to get this rocking chair. And my bridesmaid, one of my bridesmaids, we didn't tell her the house was haunted, woke up in our guest room screaming bloody murder that she saw this little blonde girl in the chair just staring at her. And I mean, she was so terrified
Starting point is 00:55:12 that she made me be in the room when she peed like in the bathroom because she couldn't be alone the whole weekend. She visited us. And then another thing happened was my husband and I just turned into like monsters. We were like arguing all the time. It was just not normal for us. It was like this really bad energy. And one time he was out on a business trip. And we were just like yelling at each other. And I came home and we had a canvas of us, one of our photos, our engagement photos that everybody at our wedding signed. And the canvas was upside down. Wow. And he was out of town. And I remember thinking because I was so mad that my marriage was crumbling. I just looked at the canvas upside down and I was like, I know, like I don't fucking know. I know. And I just like took
Starting point is 00:56:02 it off the wall and I like threw it in the closet. Wow. That's crazy. That's crazy. Yeah, when we did end up and also like we had two dogs, they would be barking at things randomly in the night or the worst thing was not barking, but a real low growl, like a real low warning like back away. Wally Wally will be like, if I'm in bed or something, Wally will be like, and then like the door will knock. He can sense when like someone is coming over there. It's crazy. Yeah. So I remember when we finally went over and we told that neighbor and we're like, hey, we're getting a divorce. She broke down crying. She was like, I don't want to live across from this house anymore. Wow. That's crazy. This is like a movie. That is a good movie. Yeah. Danny,
Starting point is 00:56:55 by the way, Natalie just texted me. She wants the address of the house. Nick, she wants to spend a weekend there with you. Girl, go stay at the Wally house much closer and Regis Filman before he was Regis actually had to stay there when he was a reporter and he said that he saw a woman crawl up the wall and was like, I will never stay there ever again. It is a ghost. It's a ghost. I tell you a ghost. A lot of people have died in and around the Wally house and it was something that I first found out about when I was in fourth grade because when you go to school in San Diego, they take you there because it's historical and then they're just traumatizing kids for the rest of their lives. But yeah, that's terrifying. That's wild. We had
Starting point is 00:57:45 George's Island, which is the the the Lady in Black, which is like a island where they kept I think Civil War prisoners, Wikes, the man, some confederate soldiers, but there was I don't know the history of it anymore, but there was a it was supposedly haunted by a lady in black a black dress. Yeah, haunted former prison. That's a real terrifying place. They just scared the shit out of you when you're a kid. They just tell why you tell the kids this stuff. You shouldn't tell the kids that there's ghosts. There's got to be a lot more anti-ghost. There's going to be a lot more anti-ghost education when you're a kid. You think just like a blanket like just don't tell kids about ghosts. It's like a reverse Santa Claus. They know about Santa, but they're not told about
Starting point is 00:58:26 ghosts. No ghost talk. Wow. I mean, it's it scared me for too long or they at least they shouldn't teach ghosts. The ghost talk. Maybe the ghost talk should be folded in with a sex talk you get when you're like 12 or 13. Son, there's some things you should know over 13. My dad tried to tell me my dad tried to give me the sex talk when I was 18 still a virgin, but I was just like, don't what do you do? Don't get out of here. I don't need to hear this now. Get the hell out of here. Fucking 18 years old. My parents are super Catholic and they were too awkward and embarrassed to talk to me about sex. So they just rented books from the library that they left out. And it was like, you know, those really gross, awkward old drawings from the 70s
Starting point is 00:59:16 and like everyone has way too much hair. Yeah, that's how I learned about sex. Um, let's get into the doghouse. Danny, you you you yelped in some what seemed like excitement when I mentioned the doghouse after the break. It seems like this is a chain you're enthusiastic about. Yeah, I mean, it's super easy. And again, me being a meathead, sausages, hot dogs, anything that's shaped like that, I guess it's easy to eat. Um, and like you said, they're made with love and care. Right. So I it's been a staple in the valley in NLA. So I really enjoy this. And it's really expanding. It's it's one of those chains that's really kind of, you know, quickly spider webbing across the country. I'm curious,
Starting point is 01:00:07 like as someone who you you're not eating dairy, you're not eating gluten, obviously a lot of times one of these these big old dogs is coming on a bun loaded with cheese and other other fixings. What is your standard order from doghouse? Oh, well, I get the bacon wrapped beef dog. And then I also get mushrooms. I was telling Mitch that I added arugula just cause I'm always fascinated when you can just like add salad toppings to a hot dog. So I'm like, sure, why not? Let's see how this tastes. So that was my first time adding the arugula, but I normally get it also with avocado, which is extra added sustenance. And I get it lettuce wrapped because that's an option. Or you can do it without a bun at all. And yeah, I'm always, I'm also always fascinated
Starting point is 01:00:54 at these poor people that have to try to lettuce wrap this monstrosity because that's not how lettuce is supposed to work. They're just using like iceberg lettuce, which falls apart instantly. And I feel so bad because they're also pushing in tomato, not tomatoes, pickles, dill pickles, mushrooms. So those are the things and, and yeah, getting it ginger glazed. So those are the things that I typically add to it, but definitely the bacon wrapped one. I was gonna, I was gonna say that normally I'd say keep, keep, keep salad off a hot dog. But there is arugula, first of all, is I think arugula is the exception for almost, because first of all, arugula and arugula is like the, the, the, the, the leaf, the, the leaf that goes best with breakfast food. It goes on
Starting point is 01:01:43 pizza. Like it is, it is the most versatile. What is, what does that classified as? Lettuce? Like a salad? I don't know. Lettuce. Yeah. I mean, what, what, what's the word there? Leafy green? Yeah, leafy green is fine. It is a leafy green. That's descriptive. Well, arugula is like, arugula is the one that it can adapt to any dish it has. But the slaw here is really good. And I'll get into, to what I got in a second. I'm a, I'm a hot dog fan. I think all of us are hot dog fan. Who is an hot dog fan? We all love hot dogs here on the dough boys. And we don't, we don't have as many occasions to review them because there aren't that many hot dog chains. And this is a, you know, this is an emerging sector. I feel like the gourmet hot dog slash
Starting point is 01:02:28 sausage place and dog house is kind of at the forefront of it. I'll get into what I got. This was my, my maiden voyage to dog house. I'd never been here before. And I got the, so I made, I made a pretty, I had a pretty substantial order. So I'll start with the sausages and then we'll move from there. I got a downtown, which is their smoked bacon wrapped dog with caramelized onion, pickled peppers, mayo, mustard and ketchup. This is kind of their take on an LA street dog, what you can get from a, from a vendor. Yeah, lettuce wrapped with all the fixings. I got a chili, the kid, which is white American cheese, a house chili, crispy onions and chipotle aioli, the reservoir hog, which is a name I appreciate, polo schiobasa, house chili, house slaw, yellow
Starting point is 01:03:09 mustard and the tie fighter, T H AI tie, spice tie, curry worst, wild arugula. There it is again, pickle jalapenos and spicy basil aioli. Mitch, what was your rundown of, of sausages? I got $50 worth of food. I'm a loser. Danny, I told you this and that's a champion in my, that's a chip. Yeah, I did not. I respect it. It was, it was, it was too much, but there, I wanted to try something for me because I haven't, I don't have a lot of experience with dog house. I've been a couple of times. Yeah, I will say one of the issues with dog houses for real and, and, and I, and this might be, I don't think a lot of people have this issue, but I for real thought it was like a dog grooming place for a while. I didn't understand.
Starting point is 01:03:57 I really, I really didn't, I didn't, I didn't really, I really didn't understand that it was like a restaurant. What did you think was happening when someone would walk off, walk out with a bag of food? Those sick fucks. I, I'd see them bring a dog in and then come out with a hot dog and I thought it was fucked up. I got myself the Scott Baoli, which is smoked bacon, smoked bacon wrapped dog, cheddar cheese sauce, caramelized onions, garlic aioli. Then I got myself the reservoir. Maybe a sausage that's time to be renamed as well. We don't need to elevate Scott Peo's politics. Look, Christian Baoli. How about that? I, I gave Scott Baoli Scott, Baio. Sorry. I didn't
Starting point is 01:04:43 give Scott Baoli. I gave Scott Baio a ride and my golf cart at the Fox lot, which I said, and he was nice, but his politics sucks shit and they should rename it. He's a, he's, he's, he's a, he's an asshole reservoir hog. Why? Cause I got, which was first of all, it has hog in the title. I thought you'd love that and it's got to love it named after a great Quentin Tarantino film, right? His debut film, uh, Polish Kilbasa house chili house slaw yellow mustard on grilled Kings Hawaiian roll. Uh, and then I got myself a corn dog. Oh, sorry. I got myself a corn dog slider, which is all beef hot dog dipped in the house made root beer batter and was just a little guy. I got myself a side of fries. I got myself
Starting point is 01:05:35 two Coca colas. This is my Sunday. It was my cheat day and I got myself a men's burger, which is a white American cheese, pickles, thick cut pastrami, house slaw and secret sauce. So I covered, I covered a lot of bases here. Why? Cause I, I got, I got, I got a lot of stuff and I get some additional food and beyond my sausages that I'll touch on in a second. I do want to talk, touch on two things. One, you said they're served on a, on a Kings Hawaiian, which is absolutely an important detail. I should have mentioned all of their hot dogs are, it's like, it's like a three basically Kings Hawaiian rolls, uh, tethered together and cut down the middle. I'm not sure if Kings Hawaiian rolls, I think they're nationwide now, but if you're not
Starting point is 01:06:15 familiar with it, it's sort of a sweeter, um, maybe, maybe a potato flour base. Actually, I'm not sure of the base, but it's, it's a, it's, it's a, it's a delicious and it's an interesting fit for hot dogs. But I also got a corn dog and I got the bacon wrapped one. Um, and you can get any hot dog or sausage as a corn dog. They'll batter that up and deep fry it for you. Um, I want to also say that I got some, uh, just to cover it all. I got some garlic aioli, uh, some chipotle aioli and some ketchup and mustard, which they forgot, which was very sad for me with the corn dog. Um, but that's that, that covers my whole thing. I'm out of mustard. Why you got to get some fridge mustard. That's a staple condiment. I bought some mustard too for honey
Starting point is 01:07:01 baked ham and I use it a few times, but I kept it out for a couple of days and I was like, this is bad. And so I, so I threw it away. I think you're fine because I think mustard has vinegar in it. It's vinegar. It's just vinegar, but I got nervous and I should have kept it around. I fucked up. What do you want me to say? That's all right. That's fine. I mean, you're mad about it. No, you fucked up. I, you know, if they brought the side of yellow mustard, look, am I going to deduct points? We'll see. I want to like make suggestions for, cause I always do the BYOB cause there are things I can't have and it's just easier for them to not be again, like this woman's a wet blanket,
Starting point is 01:07:37 like what do you want from us? So I just do the, the build your own. And I really wish like doghouse, if you're listening, there's a couple of things you can add. I feel like one is honey, like honey is a thing that I normally put on, like build your own pizza, just makes it a little bit sweeter. Um, cilantro, I feel could have been fun here with arugula, possibly chives. Right. So there were things like on the BYOB that I feel I'm only helping as a, as a client. Um, yeah, it is an expansive list of options for customization, but there are some notable omissions. Natalie built her own. She built, she had a beef chorizo and pepper, pepper jack sausage that she got with cheddar, cheddar cheese sauce, pickled peppers, caramelized onion, and
Starting point is 01:08:30 you can change the bun up. She got hers on a French roll, which I would not recommend and she would, she would neither. I mean, neither of us liked that French roll. The, the, as far as buns go, the Hawaiian rolls are much more suited for their fare. Denny, so did you get food beyond the, the sausage that you described? Um, no, I just got another, I got another, a beef dog and then a, um, turkey dog. I was sure just trying out the different be the different meats. Um, but I can't, I couldn't have some of the other ones just because a lot of them have had gluten or dairy. Right. So for me, it's always easier to just, to just build my own. Um, I do want to say for people, if you are gluten free, I think the ginger glaze, I don't know if it is. So sometimes I like
Starting point is 01:09:14 have slipped it in there, but most of the times I don't, I don't know if all their sauces are gluten free. So please check with them first. Um, but yeah, so I, I didn't, but, um, I did enjoy having the, you got to go with the bacon wrapped beef dog. Like it's just so juicy to bite me clearly into juicy things as I've referenced it now like five times. My meat needs to drip when I bite into it and that one definitely does. So it gets an extra point for me. Wow. For being juicy. This is contra the dough boys. The dough boys like it dry. Um, I'm, I'm curious. So, so for the turkey dog, did you customize it the same way? Did you? No, I actually, yeah, I'm pulling it up right now. So the turkey dog, I mean the turkey,
Starting point is 01:10:04 which I don't think is as good, right? But I guess like if you're only eating poultry, it's, it's not as good. But, um, I had sauerkraut that I put on it. The way you said that, it's like a normal thing that you would put on a dog. We say, we say, we say wow to everything because we're blown away by even the smallest things. Oh no, you're right. You do. You do. Never mind. You also do that on Twitter a lot. So never mind. We are dumb men who are easily astonished. Um, I did the sauerkraut. What I do, caramelized onions. That is a, that is a great, a great ad. I do highly recommend putting that on there. All I gotta say to that is, uh, wow. I totally forgot about those like that.
Starting point is 01:10:50 They're gonna write and be like, how does she not know? How does she not listen to every single one of their episodes? Um, you've nailed our, you've nailed our listeners. Ten of our listeners are deciding or weighing whether to write that or not. The only guests I respect are the ones who have never listened to podcasts. We're out, I have my own podcast. We're out doing our own things. Exactly. Um, something that I would never add to anything ever and should never be added to anything ever is pineapple. And I am sorry. I just can't put warm pineapple. Most warm fruits should not exist. Fruit is not meant to be served in that manner. Wow. I, I'm, I'm a hundred percent with you. Of course, uh, besides pies, excluding pies or something like that, like a hot, like a
Starting point is 01:11:32 hot or warm cherry pie or something. I pineapple for me never like a grilled piece of pineapple can be okay occasionally, but I am not. Um, I like my pineapple cold. I don't like it on pizza. I'm not, I'm not a fan. The only time I've, if I get pineapple on pizza, it needs to be with jalapeno. So it's like cooling something down or something. That's actually a fun combo. That's sort of that fiery Hawaiian. You get some, you get, you get those two, uh, flavors playing off, we get eight. And why, here's, here's how you step it up. Pineapple, jalapeno, swap out ham for bacon. There you go. Or some pepperoni. That'll work too. I should have made this the most meaty thing because I just saw they have pastrami that I could have added to this hot dog. Right. So it
Starting point is 01:12:20 could have been bacon wrapped beef with pastrami and I just failed myself. You're putting, you're putting a, uh, like meat equations over there, like the beautiful mind kind of. There was one time I think I was telling you that I went to, um, at the airport, like eating is very tricky when you can't gluten. And so a lot of times they actually put gluten in egg or like batter to, to thicken things. They'll also put it in hash browns. And so I went to this food, this breakfast place at the airport and I couldn't have any of their extra staples. So I could only have the meat and they gave me just a bucket of sausage and, um, bacon. And it was just this meat bucket that I, it was very, um, odory. And I don't know the word I was looking
Starting point is 01:13:10 for there. And I just was eating it in the terminal in front of everyone and I just smelled like meat. I was like sweaty meat, but you know, I was full and ready for a flight. So you know what I say? Put that bucket around my neck. Eat right out of that thing. Um, I'm not, I'm not a big, I'm not a big pre-flight eater unless it's a short flight. I mean always because I'm flying back to Boston a lot of the time and it's a six hour flight. But, um, I think like the two options that are an airport are either a bad salad or like a loaf of bread. I think it's like basically like the two, like the two things you can get is either a bad salad or here have a big loaf of bread.
Starting point is 01:13:53 And that doesn't necessarily mean I'm like putting like fries and everything that like, it's just always such like bready, breaded, carved, whatever things or a fucking bad salad. It's a whopper or a bad salad. Or you just get fucking ripped at like one of the bars and what you think is a good idea. And then you get on the flight and you're just like feel nauseated and have a headache and it's just an extra uncomfortable. Wise, have you ever enjoyed touring at all on any of the tours we've gone out on? Um, I mean, if I'm answering honestly, it's not, it's the, you know, the thing that you can't do anymore, but meeting people after the show was always nice. People, fans are always
Starting point is 01:14:36 very gracious and friendly for the most part. I thought that when you were like, if I'm answering honestly, yes, I have enjoyed myself. Instead it was like, if I'm answering honestly, kind of, I don't know, a little bit, what the hell is wrong with you? It's fun. We have fun together. Yeah. I don't know. It's, it's, it's a lot of, it's physically and mentally exhausting, I feel like all the travel and then the, you know, travel to some place, don't have time to get oriented, do a show, do a meet and greet, travel to another place on little sleep. It's, it's exhausting. It's a little bit of a chore. Texas was when we went across Texas, it was, it was, it was basically just a night in each place when we barely got to see
Starting point is 01:15:20 in Austin is a cool city. And I don't, have you ever been there wags before that? No, I'd like, I mentioned at the top of the podcast, I was my only time I'd ever been in Texas where, where those three dates and then, and just like, you know, four hours of driving between each city on just the flattest plane. Yeah. Pretty, look, let's not dwell on the, on how we feel about touring because it's a boot. We're not going to be touring anytime soon. Nick, say what you want to say. Say fuck Texas and everyone in it. I know you want to say it. Nick, there's somewhere that you have to go when you go to Texas and it is a great, you would love this as a foodie. I feel like that's an insult that I used it. As a foodie, I also is the check stop. Now the
Starting point is 01:16:08 check stop is a check bakery that they have kind of in the middle of nowhere ish. It was always on when I was driving to Austin and it, it just is this, you can smell the bakery for like miles. Wow. And you always have to stop over there. It's worth it if you're, if you are driving through Texas to stop at the check stop. Iconic, iconic, and you won't leave unhappy. You won't, does that make sense? Yeah. No, that tracks. We went to Lockhart. We stopped in Lockhart and got some barbecue, which was, which was fun, but it was also a sort of thing of like, it was on a tough schedule and we were eating more food than, and we already had so much food that we had to eat. But anyway, speaking of Lockhart. A needless detour, some might say.
Starting point is 01:16:57 A needless detour, but you're happy I showed you, no? Yes, but speaking of lots of meat, Nick, to borrow your segue, I will say that the, I feel like the downtown dog didn't really click for me. I just feel like it had, there was something, I think the combo with the pickled peppers and the ketchup and also the caramelized onions, all just like, it was just like a little too much sweetness. That one, and also the Hawaiian roll will bring a little bit of sweetness. So that one just didn't like, I feel like like having had the original, just, just getting that from a street vendor, someone with a cart, make it, grill it up some dogs. I'd rather have that version of the LA street dog. Chili kid was great. Reservoir hog was, was very good. The combo of
Starting point is 01:17:34 the chili and the slaw really work well together, Mitch. You talked about them having great slaw, but the chili and the slaw work well together here. I'll tell you, I'll tell you my story in just a second when you're done. Wow. And the Thai fighter, you know, I am something of a heat seeker and this one had a little bit of heat, not as, not quite as much as I expected. I feel like when I'm, when I'm thinking of Thai hot, I'm thinking of another level of hot, but that's okay. The spicy, spicy basil aioli really worked for me. I thought that added a really great flavor to it. My favorite of the bunch. And I was shocked. The bacon wrapped corn dog. That corn dog was good as hell. It was so, it was such a great fry to it. The meat was really like a, you know,
Starting point is 01:18:16 moist and well cooked inside. And the bacon worked well. I was just like, this is fucking great. I feel like a corn dog is what I get from here. And it's a big boy too. That's a big ass corn dog. Did you put it down your throat and then just remove the stick? I didn't Heathcliff this. Homer. That's the also Homer Simpson. Oh yeah. Eats without chewing. A duck. Homer's much younger than Wiger. Anyways, I mean, he is. Homer Simpson's like 24 canonically. He is, he is, he is like some God awful agent will make you feel bad of like, like 34 or something. Totally. Yeah. Yeah. I mentioned before I had a friend in, when I worked in the video game industry, who's older than me,
Starting point is 01:19:05 who had a, had a moment of crisis when he realized he'd crash. He'd crossed the, the Homer Simpson threshold, which I believe is 37 years old and 240 pounds. And he was like, Jesus Christ. That's fucking. Oh man, I, I weigh more than Homer. That's, and I'm his same age. I am kind of basically Homer right now. I'm, I guess my wife and kids steady job. I do have snowball and snowball too though. All right, shut the fuck up. What else do you want to add? You know what? I'm like, I'm like Homer on the King size Homer episode. I had a little bit of a crisis last night because I realized days and confused was on and, and when days and confused came out, basically the time that it was depicting that is the so
Starting point is 01:19:57 it would be the same that if it came out today, it would be 2003. Yeah. Isn't that weird to think about? That's so fucked up. I hated it more than anything because I looked it up. 2003 our days and confused is 2003. Wow. That's terrible. All the kids would be cruising around town, knocking mailboxes off with baseball bats, listening to deaf tones. It's a totally different movie. All right. I'll get, I'll quickly get into what I, my order here. Yes. So I'll start off with the great thespian Scott Baio, his Scott Baio, the hot dog. We all respect and like him. Scott Baio just hasn't even been in anything for a long time. I mean, it like it's so crazy just that like you like the 80s were there were so little entertainment
Starting point is 01:20:48 that you, you know, you're on like kind of a crappy sitcom and then you're just remembered forever into the 2000s. Yeah, but any, but anyways, the Scott Baio Lee, the smoke wrap bacon dog with cheddar cheese sauce and the, the garlic aioli on top of it. I also caramelized onions. Here's the thing, just a little too many soft things in there, a lot of sauce and a lot of softness. And I got to give doc house credit because, or I don't want to take away from it because delivery is tough. I think there's two things with delivery. Fried food is hard and then also like a hot dog and a bun is not going to travel great. But that being said, I still liked it. It was just like too much like, and this, and I think this dog is about just the sauces and like
Starting point is 01:21:34 getting a saucy meaty dog in your mouth. But I, but I, it was, it was my, it was my least favorite of the bunch. The men's burger I really liked. I liked it a lot. The burger quality, the burger quality was really good. The Hawaiian rolls made a fun, different experience. They didn't put slaw on this or on my reservoir hog. They gave me a side of slaw and it was just one side of slaw and it didn't cover everything. And I didn't even realize that it was for each of them. And I put like a little bit on each one and I'll, and I'll get to that in another, in another second here. But the men's burger was good. I wish that it had some yellow mustard on there because with pastrami, that's what I kind of want. And I got a taste of the pastrami. All of it was good. The ingredients
Starting point is 01:22:18 were all quality. It was a really, really, really well done burger. I liked it a lot. Men's burger, thumbs up. The reservoir hog was my favorite. I loved the reservoir hog. Why? I'm surprised that you didn't like this because I just thought it was a really, really well done chili dog. And I was like, okay, but I'm surprised it wasn't your favorite, I guess. I was really enjoying it. And then I added the slaw to it and the slaw made it so much better. I loved it. I loved it with the slaw. Yours just came on it just the way it was delivered. Or did you pick up or what? I picked mine up and I will say that I'll touch on this real quick, that this was Natalie's observation that they, they, instead of having like a, a fold-out container,
Starting point is 01:22:57 they have a sleeve, like a, like a, like a, it's almost like a shoebox sleeve. And that keeps it from, that keeps everything from getting smashed down together. It's a, it's a really well packed hot dog. I was, I was impressed by that. They're packing, the package system is great. I mean, yeah. And I, I loved that. I loved the reservoir hog. It was my favorite. I like, I thought it was like a five fork dog. It was, it was really, really, really good. But also get that slaw on there. And I think that they took it off because transporting it with a slaw on maybe would have made it a little bit soggy and turn it into a mess. So I appreciate that they did it, but I wish that they gave me a little bit more. And I knew that I was supposed to do it. Anyways, the fries were
Starting point is 01:23:40 good. I think that they're just like good quality, decent fries. And I got some cheese dipping sauce for it too. And that was pretty good. Just quality fries, not, not great, great fries, but good. And the corn dog slider was great. Nick, I'm with you. They do a really good, great, they do a really great corn dog. It was, it was tiny. You and I got the appropriate size corn dogs for each other because mine was a little fucking nub and yours was a big fucking gigantic corn dog. But I enjoyed it. A slider. It's weird that it's a sledge. I mean, corn dog slider is strange to me. It's straight. It's a strange way to name it. It should just, you know what I mean? Like what, what is it? Just a mini corn dog or something. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:24:20 I've heard them called pups before. Pups. I think the nomenclature is okay. It didn't bother me. And almost thinks that it's supposed to be on like bread or I mean, it's just confusing to me. Whatever. It was good. It was really, really good. I had no mustard to dip it in, which was a bummer. And then a Coca-Cola is Coca-Cola is the greatest drink on earth. That's it. It was great. Wow. In Texas, that would be a Dr Pepper, sir. Wow. Dr Pepper. I'd say Dr Pepper and Coca-Cola are like the two are two of the classics. Nick, what do you say to that? Yeah. I mean, you can't refute that. Are those the one two is like, like singular sodas? Yeah. Well, actually in Texas,
Starting point is 01:25:04 in Texas, when you order and you say, can I have a Coke and they'll say what kind and then people will be like Dr Pepper. Wow. Because you call everything Coke. Right. And here it's, I say soda because when I was in elementary school, like when I was younger, I was coming up in California. So everything soda. Yeah. For me, it's soda or Cola. You know, obviously, we know pop in the Midwest, but yeah, the Coke region in the South is fascinating. Also, there will 100% be Texas people writing me like, I prefer Coke. And it's just that, like the Dr Pepper plant is out there. Yeah. I was going to say, I'm not going to lie, as you were talking, I was writing down other toppings, I think that they could
Starting point is 01:25:50 have. And I was like rice and beans, tortilla chips. I clearly just want this to be a different establishment. If you're going to be the dog house, just go all out, like put whatever you want on this hot dog. Like if you want marshmallows, do it. Like it should be. The yogurt land approach. Yes. Yes. Yes. I also think maybe gluten free buns and or corn, I wrote down corn buns, but like O repas, which I sent y'all, like some of the photos of the ones that I got, like that have, uh, are made from corn. And so I feel that, you know, hummus is something you could spread on there. I don't know. The sky's the limit. I do, I do give them the credit because it is a place where you can customize and they do have a
Starting point is 01:26:39 lot of options, but you're right. It would be cool if they did, if they did everything, if you could, if you could get hummus or you could get salsa or you could get do whatever, you know what I mean? Like that would be great. Yeah. They could definitely expand their, their range of options a little bit. Um, and, and I think we should, we should get to our final thoughts on dog house. So Danny, here's how this will work. We'll each go around, uh, take a moment to sort of summarize our thoughts. If you have any additional toppings you'd like to toss in there, feel free to do so. But based on a, based on, based on all of your experiences at the chain, uh, including this one, and then, uh, so give your closing argument, if you will, and then end by giving it a fork
Starting point is 01:27:15 rating from zero to five forks. You are a guest. We'll begin with you. Well, again, I, I deeply do appreciate someone that can perfectly cook bacon because not everyone can. So that was very the juiciness, the flavor stayed inside of this beef dog. The bacon, if you will, actually kept the juices in. So that was, uh, monumental for me. Uh, I do wish that they had cilantro and honey just because I'm weird and I like adding weird things to a hot dog place that said, that promises the world. Um, however, arugula was not bad. And I appreciate them for opening my eyes to that, that you can have arugula and a hot dog and also avocado because we're in California. So I'm going to give it a four and I, uh, it's, you know, I could eat there and that's what I
Starting point is 01:28:06 appreciate as someone that has dumb ass food allergies that I wish I didn't have. Uh, so there was still a lot of things that I could choose from. Again, if you would like to add rice and beans and tortilla chips, that would be great. Wow. But I'm giving it a four. Four forks from Danny Fernandez. That's a good score. The spoon man, go ahead. A thing that I didn't really talk about, first of all, I'm just going to say this, I love doghouse. I think it's, I look, I'm a cat man, but when it comes to my houses, I'm a dog house man. I love dog house. Um, and a thing that I didn't really touch on is just the quality of it is really, really great. The, the meat you're getting is good quality. Uh, the, those Hawaiian rolls go the distance for me. They're really,
Starting point is 01:28:50 really good. There's no other place like it really. I mean, like wiener schnitzel, I guess is the fast food version of this. This is more of a sit down place. And I think that the score is, score is hurt a little bit from us not being able to sit down in a restaurant right now, because possibly my score would be even higher if I was going down and sitting there in, in restaurant and having these things hot and fresh as soon as they came out of the kitchen. Um, I loved it, Nick. I'm going to be honest. I really, I really loved it. I, I, I, I think it's great. I know that we were sent, uh, sausages from, uh, what's his name again? Adam Gertler. Adam Gertler. And this is, that does not affect
Starting point is 01:29:31 my score at all. I'm being honest here. I'm being honest here. I would, I would be tough on this place. The food really, really delivered when I got it. And that is taking into account having it at home and not in the restaurant. And if, if you could have it in the restaurant, you can have yourself a beer. They got a bunch of beers on tap, I think. And it's kind of like a, it's kind of like a fun, bar-ish setting, right? Like it's kind of like, yes. And so I got to go four and a half forks. It maybe could get four and a half to five. Wow. I liked it a lot. Very good. You could be bribed to five. You could be bribed. I could be bribed to five. I, I think that it will be a good place to revisit once things open back up. Yes. It does feel like
Starting point is 01:30:13 a dining experience would, would change things. Yeah. Uh, yeah. We just a reminder, Mitch cannot be bribed to five. The dough boys can't be bought. I will say that what, you know, speaking of eating in there, the one that I went to was open for dining service. And there were some, like a handful of fucking lunatics eating at the restaurant when I went to pick up. And I'm just, I can't believe what you're doing. Like, like right now in LA, in California at large, even cases are like higher than they've ever been and you're going out to eat. What are you doing? Like even if you're not worried about yourself, you're putting the servers at risk. What are you doing? So I would just say to like anyone out there, like, be, whatever, pay attention to what's
Starting point is 01:30:55 going on your local municipality. We obviously have a lot of restaurant enthusiasts who listen to this show, but I would be very, very cautious about dining out at any restaurant. In fact, I would actively advise against it unless you're in some area that is honestly, unless you're in a different country, unless you're in a functional country. You know, we have some listeners in Australia, New Zealand, maybe things are better over there. I mean, things are better over there. But, you know, in the US, be very, very cautious. Hot dogs I loved overall. Wow. What a nice rant for our 4th of July episode. The way, we're a failed state. What do you want from me? The reservoir hog I thought was very
Starting point is 01:31:39 good. You know, I mentioned the corn dog, bacon wrapped, just edged it out. Some other items that I got, the impossible slider, which was fine. I feel like the impossible meet benefits from being a larger patty as do most, you know, most patties. The bad mother, which is a chicken sandwich, which was unfortunately not included in the order. I'm not holding that against the service staff because I know things are crazy right now. And I got some chili cheese tots. Mitch, you mentioned the fries. They really pushed the tots at Doghouse. I think that's their marquee potato item. And the tots are great. And honestly, they traveled well. I had a lengthy drive back, but they were quite good. The chili and the cheese worked well with them. They didn't
Starting point is 01:32:16 get too soggy. They still had a little bit of crispness. I also got myself a vanilla shake, a sweet treat. You know, vanilla is a flavor. And it's one of my favorites. And I suck that bad boy down on the drive home, which was a huge mistake. Just immediate tummy ache. Just drinking an entire vanilla shake on an empty stomach. Terrible idea. Just a horrific judgment. I don't know. I'm fucking dumb. I was completely, I just punished my body for no reason. Now we're getting somewhere. That said, the vanilla shake was very, very good. It was an excellent shake. I think I am going to be in the area of the consensus here, because I think the product here is so, like the product here is so high. Like I think that the level of quality of the product is so high, both the
Starting point is 01:33:04 sausages, which we mentioned extensively, and then all the ingredients they throw on there. And then I also think it successfully exists in both worlds. Danny is correct. They could use some more topping options. However, you can build your own if you're like my wife, or you can take a prefab option. They have an extensive list of prefab options if you're like me and have no imagination. So I think for that reason, I think due to all these factors, I am going to give the doghouse four forks and say welcome to the Golden Plate Club. Wow. I love it. Deservedly showing from doghouse. Very good showing from doghouse. And hey, Adam Gertler, great work with those sausages. You're due back on Doe Boys. And we'll set that up sometime soon. Adam, you could send them to me too.
Starting point is 01:33:49 I am also here. It's kind of sexist, to be honest. Wow. Wow. Wow. Danny, you're going to have like seven cases sent to your house in the next week. You know me that I would eat them all. You know it. I might not do it where people can see online or live because then it'll just turn into a different that's for my only fans. That's that's why I got a nice end goal to be eat hot dogs on camera. What a mukbang. One of the things that you can think be proud of America about and think and have good memories is eating a fourth of July hot dog off that grill. Yes. That's that's to me is enjoying a nice summer day with a hot dog. It's going to be a lot harder this year to do it, of course. But I would say you can, you know, grill safely in your shared space of your apartment
Starting point is 01:34:45 complex, your backyard of accessible, the public park, you know, any sort of outdoor area is going to be safer than going to a restaurant if you are craving that dog for the fourth of July. But our listeners have good judgment overall. They know that fireworks going off in the background as you take down a dog. I mean, that's that's that's that's the American dream right there. That's that's just what it's all about. I was going to say also like we know how to bastardize food from other cultures and it's just like in a way that's basically us just adding more melted cheese to it. And it's also necessary and relevant. Hey, that was our review of Doghouse. It's time for a segment.
Starting point is 01:35:24 I've got a pie and Mitch and Danny must divine a series of clues to guess what this mystery pie is. It's another edition of pie in this guy. Wow. We started singing pie pie which one is in this guy baked a pastry that was tasty but a mystery which kind and Mitch and Danny given it their best try guessing this will be the type of this pie this will be the type of this. Okay, so you're ten years. Well, there's another verse. I was I was reading along to the lyrics you had up on the karaoke version of the song.
Starting point is 01:36:18 Why? Why are your hot dogs in pot? This is the fourth of July episode. I know it's a week early, but it's it's very, you know, I think inadvertently it's very much a celebrating America's birthday here. So you'll take turns getting increasingly more obvious clues as to what this pie is. Hey, America, you're how many years old grow the fuck up? Seriously, I'm still celebrating their birthday. Wow. So I have a mystery pie. You'll get you'll each get increasingly more obvious clues. There are four clues total and you have two lifelines. You can ask Emma, our producer for her input, and also the eye test. I will screen share a close up photo of the pie and you can see if
Starting point is 01:37:02 you can figure out anything from that. So can I quickly say something? Yeah, this podcast sucks. Yeah, we we know that. I'm so sorry you're paired with me because immediately I was like oh just do the eye test. That's my first thing. I don't care. Give me the two clues first and then I'll see how many tries I can get. I'm kidding. Don't do that. I will. I will see if I can do. I hate competitions, but I accept this. Wow. Are you competitive? I'll tell you something. I've only won this once, I believe, right, Nick? Maybe twice. Wow. Is that true? I have not wanted a lot. I wanted the last time we did it somehow and I never win it ever. Wow. I am competitive, but I also lose often and those two things combined are not good for my mental health.
Starting point is 01:37:56 I'm not. I don't win very often at things, but possibly. I'm going to start you off with a clue. Weiger is going to ask you if you want to go first or second. The first is the most insanely hard clue and it won't mean anything. Then second is usually an easy clue. So with hearing that, Danny, what do you think? Would you prefer to go first or second? I'll go second. Okay. Smart move. Mitch, you're up first. I'll never get it. Here is your clue. Cookie Monster prefers cookies, but he shares an attribute with this sweet pie. Cookie Monster enjoys cookies. Preferred cookies, but he shares an attribute with this sweet pie.
Starting point is 01:38:45 That seems pretty easy, actually. I wonder if... I think I maybe got it too and it's never this easy. Wow. Here's my guess. I'm not even going to use a clue. Okay. My guess is a blueberry pie. Mitch, you have one pie in this guy. No, that's not fair. I should have picked that. You know what happened? Is he heard me say that I wanted to go second and then he used the easiest clue as the first one and they teamed up and y'all can't see that they actually had this rigged the entire time. Wow. There's only two things we know about Cookie Monster and one is he eats
Starting point is 01:39:28 cookies and two is that he's blue. There's literally nothing else about that man. Weigert, hold on a second Weigert. That's the easiest first clue you've ever given. No collusion. There's no collusion here. Frods. I would never rig a contest to help Mitch win. I like nothing more than to see him lose. I guess that clue was more obvious than I thought. Yeah. You know what? Just going back to that thing that you said a minute ago, you are a dumb ass. Can we hear the second clue? One of Count Chocula's colleagues may clue to you to the name of this fruity delight.
Starting point is 01:40:09 I feel like that's actually possibly the harder one. Possibly if you didn't know the names of those old or rebooted. It would narrow down to two. Berry or blueberry. Okay. All right. Good notes. These are good notes. This is our feedback we're critiquing. Yeah. I should have workshopped this one. But hey, that's how pie in the sky works out sometimes. Mitch, you have won pie in the sky. Danny, sorry you did not get a chance to guess. Just like a restaurant without your feedback. Let's open up the feedback. Also, you know what? Bad hosting job. Why didn't I throw it? I don't care. I don't need to win.
Starting point is 01:40:48 Your answer was your question was just so damn easy. I'd be curious to know what percentage of our listeners actually got that one. 100%. If you knew what pie that was from the first clue, reply to us, hashtag pie got this. Pie got this if you figured that one out. Hey, I'm going to play pie in this guy as well. Can we do a quick second round? Okay. All right. Danny versus Weiger. Danny, you can go first.
Starting point is 01:41:24 No. Why am I being in this again? I should get immunity. Here's your first clue. Are you ready? The ingredient for this type of pie, Charlie Brown might find in a field around Halloween time. All right. I see what you're doing here. I have one too. It's, um, this type of pie is another name for New York City, the big. All right. I can use her a little bit easier than what I gave. This should have been the entire podcast of just making fun of you.
Starting point is 01:42:07 I'm sorry. It's often what it devolves into anyway. You've finally gotten it. You're right. This is, that is what this podcast is about. Nick, we appreciate that. You know what? I appreciate you trying because I know that this, this was a try. I could tell that you tried. I spent a week on this. We needed, we needed a segment today. We talked about this last night and you went and did, you went and did the work and you made this segment and I just, and I played the last of us
Starting point is 01:42:36 two for 12 hours. So wow. You're, and that's what I'm going to do after this is over too, by the way. So let's wrap it up here. Let's get to the last question. Just like a restaurant about your feedback. Let's open up the feedback. Today's email comes to us from Diana from Philly. Diana writes, When I started dating my boyfriend, he convinced me to try a local and lifetime favorite of his pizzazz pizza, sliced tomato, pickled pepper rings, and American cheese on a pizza. Naturally, I thought this was an abomination and had never tried it, but instead I told him with enthusiasm that I loved pizzazz pizza. Turns out it's pretty damn good. And I quickly
Starting point is 01:43:10 fessed up that it was my first time trying and enjoying it. My question for you is, have you ever lied about liking or having tried a food to impress a romantic interest? Thanks. And here's an article to prove that pizzazz pizza actually exists, included a picture here. I'll share this picture with you guys so you can see just how honestly, I feel like this looks pretty wretched, but maybe you have a different, different take. I gotta quickly say that it also looks like you've got a bad version of it. It looks like a bad pizzazz pizza. This is from an article about it. So this is like, you know. This is the prime one that their press person approved.
Starting point is 01:43:46 And it's in its best possible form. Either of you ever had an experience where you've lied about liking or having tried a food to impress someone, possibly a romantic interest? I feel like I have, I'll do that thing of like, if you go on a date and you're like, and you're the person you're on a date with is like, Oh, I want to like try this thing. And then I have something in my mind that I want to try and set or like, I don't even love. I feel like I sometimes will let it know. And I'm like, I'm not crazy about those things, but I'm going to do it. But most of the time I just keep quiet and I will be like, let's do it. And I'll just, and I will just go with it. But there's nothing that I've like,
Starting point is 01:44:27 ever tried where I'm like, Oh God, and it's in my mouth. And I'm like, disgusted by it. I don't think. Yeah. Did anything come to mind? Yeah, absolutely. Between the ages of 18 to 21, I pretended to like Keystone Light until I was old enough to buy my own booze because that's all they had at the college parties. And it is shit. It will always be shit. I don't even know. Like we should have put our money together and gotten something else because it was just an abomination. And when I turned 21 and I could buy my own booze, it was just like God, like life altering. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:45:03 And I felt so sophisticated. I was getting like vodka and rum and whiskey. Instead of tasting like something that came out of my shoe, it was just and smearing off ice also. Oh, I think I secretly did enjoy it though. Yeah, I've had a lot. I've had a lot of smearing off ice. The other one I had was natural ice, which is like a Keystone Light. Yeah. Really shitty beer. I drank so much natural ice when I was before legal drinking age. And I fuck it's fucking awful. I would have ever returned to that. I feel like I've talked to someone like I've gone on a date with. And I know I've had this conversation before where to bring it back to Pineapple, she was a big
Starting point is 01:45:44 pineapple pizza fan. Wow. And I think I said to her that if we ordered pizza, I would get a separate pizza. I wouldn't get just a straight pineapple pizza. No way. No way on earth. I will say that I had a, you know, this is a bassoon story, but when I my bassoon teacher in high school, bassoon story had a had a did a readmaking workshop. I may have touched on this in the Colorado live show we did our final live show, maybe ever where you as you agree as you ascend in double reads, you eventually have to make your own reach. You have to like learn how to whittle reads and it sucks. It's fucking really tedious. It's one reason I quit, but she had like a read. She's a professional bassoonist. She was like an orchestra. She's in music videos,
Starting point is 01:46:27 very, very accomplished. And so she had a workshop with this. This sounds like so this sounds like the cool thing of like making your own samurai sword, but in the dorkiest context of all that you make your own, you make your own crafting a Molotov cocktail in last of us, except it's to play an instrument that people don't even know exists. So I would like, I was at this readmaking workshop and it was me and a couple other students and our teacher and it came time she was going to order pizza for us and everyone immediately locked into chicken and pineapple. I was like, where did this combo come from? But everyone's just like, yeah, chicken and pineapple. Yeah, we're good. That's that's good with me. You get with that. And I was like, yeah, I want that.
Starting point is 01:47:08 And I was just like, I guess so. Like partly being game and it came did not really work because a lot of times the chicken from pizza places is not really seasoned at all. It's a pretty bad combo. And that's the pizza I was stuck with. You know what? If someone told me this fact that bassoonists prefer pineapple and chicken on their pizza, I would not be surprised at all, honestly. That's why I got out of the game. How old were you? I would have been 16 or 17, somewhere in that range. Yeah, because I was going to say when I was younger, it was like we were eating like lukewarm lunchables. So I feel like we didn't have the best palate. I could see a bunch of seven year olds being like chicken, pineapple and peanut butter and jelly, like just
Starting point is 01:47:54 putting random things on it. Nick 16 or 17. So this is like mid 70s somewhere. All right. Wow. If you have a question or comment. To go back to days and confuse, was high school really like that in the mid 70s? Okay. If you have a question or comment with the world of chain, I'm two years older than you. If you have a question or comment with the world of chain restaurants, you can email us at dowboyspodcast at or leave us a voicemail at 830 Godo. That's 830-463-6844. And to get the Dough Boys Double, our weekly bonus episode, join the Golden or Platinum Plate Club at slash Dough Boys. Danny Fernandez, what a treat to have you. Thank you so much for being on the podcast.
Starting point is 01:48:33 Is there anything you'd like to plug at this time? Yeah, absolutely. I am on sci-fi is the great debate. I'm on two episodes of it. It's a bunch of comedians just debating against different nerdy topics and it's a lot of fun and crazy. And also we did one episode pre-corona and then one episode like the day that it was announced that we had a shelter in place. So we had like a studio audience for one and then no studio audience for another. So that's really fascinating to see if they either add a laugh track or if it's just us awkwardly telling jokes to nobody. Which we did. I mean, I had on my panel, it was like Open Mike Eagle and Yasser Lester and like Baron Von's host. So we're all just like trying to make each other crack up and being dicks to
Starting point is 01:49:15 each other. So hopefully it's enjoyable, but I will be on that. And also my podcast, Nerdificent, which I was on iHeart or wherever you get your podcasts. And that's with Ify Wadiway, or yes? It is with Ify Wadiway, yeah. And it's also a just comedy people talking about nerd shit and trying to not take it too too seriously because life is horrible and scary and why do that? Nerdificent with Doughboy's guest Ify and now Danny. Check that out and hey, that'll do it for this episode of Doughboys and on next time for the Spoonman, Mike Mitchell, I'm Nick Weiger. Happy eating. See ya. Want to see the sources for this week's intro? Check the episode description.

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