Doughboys - Dogdoughbarkfest: AMC Theatres with Adam Gertler

Episode Date: October 21, 2021

Adam Gertler (Dog Haus) joins the 'boys for Dogdoughbarkfest and discusses sausage making and breakfast burritos before a review of AMC. Plus, an appearance by the president of the Chicago Hot Dog Fou...ndation. Sources for this week's intro: Want more Doughboys? Check out our Patreon!: for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up, everybody? It's your boy, The Spoon Man, and I want to talk to you about today's sponsor, Uber Eats. At Uber Eats, we've helped more than 400,000 restaurants across the U.S. reach new, hungry customers and deliver growth quickly through new orders. Uber's global platform can help you grow, reach new people, get valuable sales data, and unlock ways to expand with flexible delivery options. Put your business on Uber Eats. Get access to the Uber Eats platform, including valuable sales data to grow your business. Dig in to your data. Really dig in there. Anytime to monitor your performance and customer order trends. Wow. Wow. Yikes. Restaurant owners enjoy 0% commission for the first 30
Starting point is 00:00:49 days on all orders, offer subject to change per the terms of the restaurant agreement. Wow, 0% on the first 30 days. Sign up today. That link that you want to click on is down there in the episode description. Right down there. Check it out. There it is. Move your cursor. Go ahead and click. If you're on your phone, use your finger. And click that link. Click that link in the episode description. What's up, everybody? It's your boy, Mr. Slice, and I got some exciting news. The Doughboys are going back on tour in 2022. That's right. Ticket info at slash live. That's slash live. See you there, baby. We come to this place for magic. So begins an advertisement launched by the world's largest
Starting point is 00:01:44 movie theater chain in September of this year, part of a $25 million campaign. The on-camera narrator of this poetic plea for in-person cinema attendance amid the ongoing COVID pandemic, an actress with a storied career, Academy Award winner Nicole Kidman, a homegrown star in Australia. In 1989, she broke through in the U.S. starring opposite Sam Neal and Billy Zane in the aquatic thriller Dead Calm. Two on-screen collaborations with Tom Cruise, Days of Thunder and Far and Away, led to a real-life collaboration in the form of Holy Matrimony. Though the marriage would end in 2001, not long after the duo starred in Stanley Kubrick's final film Eyes Wide Shut, itself a portrayal of a strained marriage. Kidman's career continued to thrive in the yachts, netting an
Starting point is 00:02:26 Oscar nomination for her role in Moulin Rouge and a win for The Hours. In 2006, she wed country musician Keith Urban, a fellow Aussie-turned-American star, and in the 2010s, she scored two more Oscar noms for her turns in Rabbit Hole and Lion. Though it's symptomatic of the evolving industry that, in recent years, this movie star's most notable roles were on the small screen, an HBO series Big Little Lies and The Undoing. As for the theater change she's endorsing, which is credited with inventing the multiplex and has made a conscious effort to improve its food offerings since launching Dine-In theaters in 2008, are its hot dogs worth the price of admission? Do these steamed meats and soft bread live up to the audacious tagline of the Kidman-led campaign,
Starting point is 00:03:09 We Make Movies Better? This week on Doughboys, we continue Dog Doughbark Fest 2021, a month-long proliferation of hot dogs and pet dogs with AMC. Welcome to Doughboys, the podcast about chain restaurants. I'm Nick Weiger, along with my co-host, Jiggs Sausage, the Spoon Man, Mike Mitchell. Wow. Hello. A portmanteau of jigsaw and sausage. Before you, you will see five linked sausages. I already ate them. You have finished my jigsaw maze. That's all it was. It was an eating competition. Yeah, no, I just saw five linked sausages. I just ate them right away.
Starting point is 00:04:19 You may go on your way. Congratulations. Okay, thanks. Hey, man. Forget what people are saying about you. You seem like a cool dude. Thanks. Maybe you could come by and we could ride tricycles sometimes. Hey, man, that sounds like a blast. That's since I was a kid, but it would be a lot of fun. Man, we got to get back on stage and improvise again, huh? Mitch, that was sent by Russ, a roastspoonman at, and Russ included a Photoshop. Check this out. Look at this thing. Mm-hmm. That's pretty good. Wow. Jesus.
Starting point is 00:04:57 You got the little rosy cheeks there. You're holding a hot dog even? It kind of just looks like me in a coffin. That's going to be me on my... When you go to my wake, this is what you'll see. Wow. This is how I look here dressed up as jigsaw. Uh, we appreciate the extra effort. Thank you, Russ. And, uh, Mitch, we've got a whole lot of show here today as we continue. Dog Doe Bark Fest 2021, a month-long grillabration of hot dogs and pet dogs.
Starting point is 00:05:31 But before we get into that, we do want to talk about something a little bit serious, which is that right now there is Ayatsi, which is the, you know, a film and television union, which employs a theatrical union, which employs a... Basically, everyone who actually makes this stuff, you know, like, you know, you and I, we write and we act, but there are people who have to lug equipment around and operate cameras and cater and, you know, and build sets and do people's makeup and hair. They're just so many different jobs and fields are underneath this umbrella, underneath this one union. Look, I am the most important one on set. I'm saying me specifically, not accurate. But right now they are, they have voted to, as of this recording,
Starting point is 00:06:17 they have voted to authorize a strike. They have a strike scheduled for this coming Monday. You know, you and I have both been in these sort of labor disputes before, these sort of labor struggles. And oftentimes, this will, the deadline will lead to a resolution, which will result in no work stoppage and, and, you know, work conditions improving. But whatever happens, we just wanted to express, both of us express our solidarity with IOTC right now. Yeah, we support IOTC for sure. I mean, I, I, they work long hours. They, like you were saying, they do like a lot of the, the, the heavy work that, you know, like a hair and makeup, grips electricians, like so many of these people are there at the start of the day and then at
Starting point is 00:06:59 the end of the day. So that's another part of it too is some people come and go. But these people do a lot of work and they don't get paid enough and they work long hours and they work into the weekend and they deserve to, to make a, a, a, a livable wage off of that and, and not have to, you know, all these streamers are making more and more money and they're trying to, to, to pay people less. And it's fucking awful. It's terrible. And, and a hundred percent back those, all of IOTC and, and they deserve it. And I hope that they get it. These streamers, I mean, they, they're, they're, they're, they're full of shit and they make millions and millions of dollars and, and they people, they pay people less and less. I hope SAG follows right behind
Starting point is 00:07:37 them. I mean, I'm, I'm concentrated on IOTC, but I'm saying like, I hope my union strikes too. Yeah, it's, it's, it's all, it's all come into a head because these, these streaming companies that you mentioned are, they're all, they're all just giant media companies themselves or owned by giant media, traditional media companies. So, you know, for them to, to plead poverty and act like, well, it's internet content and, you know, they, they have all these different rates and exploitative labor practices. It's, it's, it's, it's a thing that, that hopefully will be resolved without a work stoppage, but if work stoppage is what's needed, then great. You know what I mean? Why are you in it then? Why are you, why, why are you Amazon in show
Starting point is 00:08:15 business then? If there's not money, if there's no money to be made, why are you in this business? You know what I mean? Like I understand by actors, directors, writers and crew, people who have a passion for what they do, they want to make things. So why are you in it? Amazon is interested in making things, just fucking bullshit wigs. They have, they make so much money. It's fucking, I mean, it pisses me off. I'm going to get too mad and I'm not going to make it. We're going to get too mad. I'm going to try, I'm going to talk about putting Jeff Bezos in a fucking headlock and I'm just going to be fucking pissed off in a minute, but
Starting point is 00:08:48 I think that'd be tough. I think that bald head would be slippery. It would be a slippery. You are, you are right. But just all those, all those people work, they have a passion for what they do. And it's just funny when people are like, I mean, I think a lot of the times people are like, Hollywood elite, and then like, say that to like a grip and then watch him like destroy you. Exactly. No, yeah. Say that to a working class painter who's trying to string together jobs. It's, yeah, it's a, it's, it's a, there's a lot of, there's a ton of people who, who make these,
Starting point is 00:09:18 who are, there's a ton of labor required to make anything. And a lot of these people have not glamorous jobs and are not compensated fairly. So yeah, Solidarity with Ayatsi. And on that note, Mitch, you know, also want to express Solidarity with Kellogg's workers who are striking right now and John Deere workers who are currently in the midst of a, of their own labor struggle. You know, John Deere workers so essential to the food supply. So I mean, it's, yeah, hey, hey, hey, everyone out there who's trying to get things and make things better for themselves at their place of employment, God bless you and God speed. I think that the class struggle in this country is, is, is a big deal. And a lot of people are, are, are working long hours, not getting paid for
Starting point is 00:10:00 it. And there's a lot of people that have more money than they'll ever have anything to do with and then they'll ever need. And it's just ridiculous. So that picture of that guy and the Kellogg's striking outside in the rain was, was cool and shows a stirring image. Yeah. Has, has Octavia Spencer commented on any Ayatsi Instagram posts? Uh, she has and no comment. All right. All right. We don't need to explore that further. Mitch, I know you can't touch on that subject. That's too touchy when someone says something stupid. Can't touch on that. Someone says something fucking stupid. You can't talk about it. She was fucking foolish. Yeah. Anyways, moving on. Yeah. Just boo nation.
Starting point is 00:10:47 Uh, and why? Well, first of all, I just want to quickly say in the last episode, I talked about going to the Red Sox game. I got a Fenway Frank and a sausage. We've, we've been over on two episodes now, but I accidentally said I was at the NLDS and people gave me a lot of shit. I know the Red Sox are in the American league. I said they were moving on to the ALCS after that. And I just want to, and also I, people are exhausting. But what I, what I want to say is that when you talk all the time, you just get a lot of things. You just say stuff wrong all the time. It's been eye-opening. Yeah. And you know what? That brings me to my next point.
Starting point is 00:11:25 Lay off the presidents, all of them. It's hard to talk in front of a microphone. Sometimes you misspeak. For one through 45, lay off. It's a tough job. I guess 46 too, but lay off all of them. It's fucking hard. Why aren't you right? You know, a lot of work, a lot of workers out there are in really tough straights right now, tough conditions, but no one has it tougher than the president. So solidarity with the presidents out there, all of them.
Starting point is 00:11:59 I feel, I feel especially bad for the last one too. But wise, I think you know what I'm saying. Like I'm like, I didn't say, I didn't say NLDS. Like I was, and then sure enough, I did. And then, you know, I was, baseball was my favorite sport as a boy. I know this stuff, but what do you do? You say stuff wrong all the time. What the fuck am I supposed to do? You know what I mean? When you talk extemporaneously, you're sometimes going to misspeak. Yeah. It's going to happen again today. So let's get started. Great.
Starting point is 00:12:29 Wait, but first, a little drop. Hit it, Emma. He's been having some trouble. That's such fucking bullshit. What are you talking about? Loving it 450. No, Mitch would be nowhere without you. This is insane. You had this down at 425.
Starting point is 00:13:27 Wow. Wow. Quite a drop there. Quite a drop along a long boy. Maybe we'll talk about some long boys today. We definitely will. But here's, here's, here's the email wigs. Hey, dough boys, long time listener, first time dropper.
Starting point is 00:13:50 I made this drop for my girlfriend Darcy's birthday. Fun fact, she has the same B day as the drop king. Now I'm seeing why this was picked. And it doesn't say the date here too. So we don't forget it drop king because, because I got her hooked on dough boys and I was inspired by the recent drop off. So that's why this drop was made. I actually grew up on a small dairy farm in southern Wisconsin
Starting point is 00:14:18 and our milk went to make Chipotle cheese for a little while. Wow. Very cool. That's cool. Thanks so much for the show. It truly brings us so much joy and laughter every week. Thanks Dylan Paris. Thanks Dylan Paris.
Starting point is 00:14:33 That's, that's his name at pop pop underscore Paris on Twitter or pop pop dot Paris on the Dosecord. Hey, this is Dosecord. And then he, he also gave a sound cloud, a sound cloud link. That's nice. I mean, you're going to read the URL or HTTPS colon forward forward sound cloud dot com forward slash Dylan dash Paris
Starting point is 00:15:06 dash nine zero one four seven two zero one one forward slash hey dash ma dash the dash Mitch dash life dash story dash dough boys dash drop. Thank you. Are you happy? You piece of shit. Yeah, I am. Why I can't believe dog dough bark fest is winding down. We are approaching the end of dog dough bark fest.
Starting point is 00:15:34 But the ever clicking, the ever clicking talk of the watch. That's right. The ever clicking tick of the clock. That's what I meant to say. The sound, the, the, the sand in the hourglass is slowly draining the lower half. We're saying the same thing. But, but we're, we are, we are cresting here.
Starting point is 00:16:01 We're, we're still going uphill because we have a fantastic, fantastic guest here for dog dough bark fest. Oh yeah. The culinary director at dog house platinum club member dog house. Adam Gertler is here. Hi, Adam. Gentlemen, hello. Wow.
Starting point is 00:16:19 Wow. So great to be here and a, and a very happy dough dough dough bark fest to all of you. No, uh, yeah. Dog dough bark fest is a big holiday for a sausage maker like myself. I've been celebrating it for many years. Wow. You know, in Munich, obviously dog dough bark fest is celebrated very strongly. Right.
Starting point is 00:16:44 Not as much in the past year, but yeah. Wow. So great to be here guys. Emma, nice to see you as well. This is great. You know, I'm sure, have you just ever happened to you guys when you're, you're a guest on a show and you've listened to the show. So you're listening to the show and then you forget that you're,
Starting point is 00:17:02 you're on the show. You're just listening to the show. That's kind of what happened earlier here. Wow. Oh yeah. Yeah. I've, I've had that mindset before on shows that I, that I listened to. Well, not this one.
Starting point is 00:17:11 I've never, I've never listened to this show. Yeah. Yeah. No, I wouldn't listen to this. Well, Adam, it's, it's, it's great to have a hot dog king here for a hot dog king for the, for dog dough bark fest. A prince maybe. A prince maybe.
Starting point is 00:17:26 Thank you very much though. Thank you. No, honestly, it was such a thrill to hear you guys talk about dog house. When that happened, it was huge. I was sharing it with everyone on the corporate team. We were all so excited. Know the dough boys can't be bought. So we know that like, you know, it was all genuine, your experiences.
Starting point is 00:17:43 I think one of you even ordered food from my store, which is the Hollywood, cloud kitchen location. Okay. I ordered, yes, I ordered food from Hollywood at one point. So. Yes. Yeah. That was awesome.
Starting point is 00:17:57 Hell yeah. And it's, and by the way, it was, it was great. It's great. We love dog house. I know that's so great to hear. And then also in Let's Be Frank segments, is that what it's called? Let's Be Frank. With the show with the best intro going consistently.
Starting point is 00:18:15 We got a shout out there too. That was a big deal. I, I yelped while listening in the, in the shower. My, startled my wife when I think your guest, forget who. Was Morris, maybe something Morris I mentioned us. And that was wild. Oh, was it Jordan? Maybe.
Starting point is 00:18:32 Yes. Might have been Jordan. Yeah, it was on the first or second Let's Be Frank and you guys were, and somebody mentioned that they live near a dog house. I was. Yeah. I think that was, I think that was Jordan Morris when we went to. That's it.
Starting point is 00:18:44 Yeah. That, that, that, yeah. Cause we, that was when we reviewed Golden Road, Mitch and, and, and dog house came up. Well, Wags, you know what? I, I, I fucked up and you know how I said, how the hell? Yeah. I'm supposed to go hurt her.
Starting point is 00:18:57 I'm supposed to bark at this month. That's right. That's right. So I had to get a bar dog, dog bark vest. Thank you for doing that. Wolfie and Germa. You two dogs. I'm going to see him soon.
Starting point is 00:19:08 I, I, I do want to talk about a dog house, but I, but I also want to back it up a little bit because like Mitch, you have a connection to upstate New York or midstate New York. I don't know exactly how the, the, the New York geography is, is that in that you went to Syracuse and my understanding is that part of why you got into food is because of dinosaur barbecue, which a, a restaurant we've talked about on the podcast. We just talked about it. Yeah. Really?
Starting point is 00:19:33 What did you guys talk about it? Just on the, today's episode actually. Oh, right on. Oh, that's right. That's right. I haven't heard that one yet because that's today. Yes. So I went to Syracuse, Mitch, you went to Ithaca, right?
Starting point is 00:19:45 That's right. Yep. So yeah, the first time I had ever had barbecue, which is odd to say Syracuse, New York, because it's certainly not a mecca of barbecue. But I will say in the 20 plus years since being in Syracuse, I've had the best barbecue all over the country and John stages dinosaur barbecue still holds up. That food is so great. And yeah, that changed my life.
Starting point is 00:20:11 Like when I went to college, I was always into food as a, as a kid, but you know, I had grown up on Long Island, bagels, pizza, Chinese food, Italian food, wash and repeat, all great, but not a lot of variety. Then also you got Gabers there probably chowing it down before you can get to Gabers got to most of the food before me. I think that was a lot of what it was. He got to it first. But yeah, you know, so, so dinosaur barbecue, which was like a place like you would go
Starting point is 00:20:41 there, they'll tell you two hours for a table and you say thank you and you step aside the waitresses or it's like a no BS very Harley Davidson themed place. And yeah, that changed my life. I opened a barbecue restaurant eventually called the smoked joint with my brother in Philadelphia in 2000s. And yeah, just got into smoked foods and all that. And eventually that's what led to me getting into sausages and making hot dogs and sausages and stuff.
Starting point is 00:21:07 Wow. That's fantastic. That what an origin story. I mean, I too am a lot of my Syracuse buddies who went to Ithaca, Mike White and Joe Resty, Sticky Wags, if you want a nickname for him. They were Syracuse guys and they love dinosaur barbecue and we would go and eat. I ate there a couple of times. There are dinosaurs in there, right?
Starting point is 00:21:35 This is what the two things we were trying to figure out last time on this last episode was, are there dinosaurs there? One and two, has it held up? Which you've answered the question to now to both of them. There are like little dinosaurs and shit in there and it has held up. People still like, I know that they like expanded. Didn't they go to like New York City or Times Square or something like that? Yeah, they did a big expansion.
Starting point is 00:21:59 And I think they had a big, you know, someone was providing a lot of capital behind them. I think for a while this was this thing. They went into Chicago. And I think that relationship kind of severed and John stage kind of reclaimed his company type situation. They still definitely have him in Rochester and Syracuse. The Harlem one has been there for years and is amazing. I think there's at least one in Brooklyn, probably some others.
Starting point is 00:22:25 Yeah, I'm a big fan of those guys, obviously. And him in general, like just a great story. This was a guy who just like was a motorcycle guy and they were just going to these motorcycle shows and then started grilling steaks and chicken breasts at, at like, you know, conventions or, you know, gatherings, rallies. If you were, I don't, I don't drive a motorcycle. I don't know. And, and he called it dinosaur barbecue until some people were like, you know,
Starting point is 00:22:50 that's not barbecue at all. What you're doing, you know, he's like, you're grilling stuff. And then he learns about barbecue and then makes this incredible barbecue place. That's a sick origin story. That is amazing. Yeah. Syracuse is a fun city. Good food up there. If you're going to, if you're going to go to upstate New York for college, good spot to be.
Starting point is 00:23:10 That's, that's a, that's a good spot to go to. And the orange men, is that the mascot? That's right. Syracuse orange men. Yeah. I think they just call them the orange now. I think they may have dropped them in. Got it.
Starting point is 00:23:22 I was chasing them around the sideline trying to, he looks like a big cheese ball. Wags. That's auto, Mitch. You're referring to auto, auto the orange. Auto the orange. It's got a name, yes. Auto. But he's an orange.
Starting point is 00:23:34 He's not like the color orange. He's an orange. Like the fruit? He's, he's an orange ball. I don't know if he's the, I don't think he is the fruit actually. He's not that's right. Okay. So I kind of held up, right?
Starting point is 00:23:43 I believe he's called auto the orange, which to me would imply that he would be. I can't confirm that, but I thought he was an anthropomorphization of the fruit. Oh, he, oh, he is the fruit. See, I didn't know that. He should throw oranges into the crowd or something. I, uh. Yeah, that would go well. I, I, Syracuse is, like I said, a lot of fun, but also the same, uh, you know,
Starting point is 00:24:08 same thing as Ithaca goes gray. Once it goes gray, it's, uh, it stays gray fruit. Yeah. Sure. Oh yeah. It definitely gets gray. And, and honestly, oranges would still be less weird than having hamburgers dropped onto people, I think.
Starting point is 00:24:24 If you were. You don't need to relitigate this. Okay. I thought it was a fair expectation that when they said we're gonna, we're going to drop some hamburgers that some actual hamburgers would fall, not certificates for hamburgers. Would parachute from the sky. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:37 It's a genius idea. I was excited. The fact that they were attached to parachutes, if, if a burger parachuted down into your hands, I think you would probably never forget that moment as long as you lit. I mean, I agree with that. I was anticipating it. I was very excited. I just don't think the science is there yet.
Starting point is 00:24:54 Yeah. So how did you, so you talked about like the, the getting into food and then that, you know, getting into barbecue leads you to getting into sausages. But what exactly was that process? And when did you really feel like you'd, you'd figured out how to make sausages, someone who's turned this into, you know, kind of your whole life? Well, when we had our barbecue restaurant in Philly, we didn't make sausages. But when I continued to fall in love with barbecue, when I went through Texas the first
Starting point is 00:25:24 time and like the early 2000s, I went through, you know, um, um, uh, uh, where it crites his market in and, um, in Texas near, um, forgetting what's the, what's the Texas barbecue, uh, Capitol near Austin. Oh yeah. We went there. Why is, uh, Lockhart, Lockhart, Lockhart, right. So I had gone through Lockhart early on, tried the sausages there. I never forgot about those because that was also like a mind blowing moment.
Starting point is 00:25:53 I was like, wow, this is what sausages are. You have like the jalapeno cheddar sausages at these smoke houses. And it's like, again, growing up in Long Island, sausage meant like dry, crumbly, Italian sausage, not really that appealing of a thing. And then the hot dogs, which are great. But, um, so it wasn't until I was actually doing this show on Food Network called Will Work for Food, where it was like a dirty jobs ripoff and I did food jobs. And one of my jobs was, I was a pit master in a barbecue place called, uh, Louis Millers in,
Starting point is 00:26:24 um, in, uh, Tyler, Texas or Taylor, Texas, it's Tyler. It's the less popular one also near Austin. And, um, so they made sausages. We made sausages. I was like, Oh, that's the thing. Like who makes sausages? It's not like something that you do. So I got a couple of, uh, cookbooks and I, and I, you know, try to make some sausages.
Starting point is 00:26:44 The recipes were just like kind of the description of ingredients and put them together. And the sausages I started to make were awful. I mean, they were just crumbly, nasty. I had no concept. It wasn't until I got this book called charcuterie or really explain the importance of temperature, um, in the whole process, right? So like when you're making hot dogs and sausages, essentially you're making an emulsion, very similar to making like a mayonnaise.
Starting point is 00:27:10 You're combining fat with protein and making it one thing that has a harmonious texture. And you can use phosphates and other things to aid in that process. But on the small home scale, you don't really need that kind of stuff if you do it well, right? Just like adding mayonnaise, um, if adding oil to eggs, if you do it too hot, too fast, it will break and you'll just have liquid nastiness. And if you do it right, you make aioli instantly. It's like, it's incredible.
Starting point is 00:27:40 It's like the coolest magic trick like in the world of food, right? And like look at all of our sauces that are built on that. Well, sausage making, same thing. So once they started to get decent and edible, it just became fun to play with the flavor, flavor profiles. And I started to do pop-ups in LA where I would just make some sausages, smoke them in my backyard, which is not legal to do. You can't then go sell that food, I will say.
Starting point is 00:28:03 Right. We don't do that at dog house. No. But, uh, so yeah, so I would do these pop-ups because again, I had, I had these food network shows, they did, you know, we did a season and then they get canceled or you didn't know if you're going to do another one. I'm like, oh, what am I supposed to do now with my life? Because here I was like, I was an actor for a while.
Starting point is 00:28:20 Right. And I left it and I, and I, and I opened a restaurant and then I ended up on a reality show, which led me to hosting a show. Now I'm back in California and I'm like, shit, they could just cancel you and you could be done. And then like, what do I do? Do I go back to waiting tables or like, how do I, you know, do something? So yeah, I just kind of started doing it as, as a hobby and then as like a little thing.
Starting point is 00:28:41 And then eventually somebody saw one of my sausages and, and we endeavored to get into Costco and I did road shows all over the country in different Costco's with the brand called Gurkha's Worst. And that was wild living that Costco life. I knew you guys just did Costco and, you know, you did. Nick is, Nick, Nick is looking at you. He's like a little kid. Did listen to a story in story time because he loves Costco.
Starting point is 00:29:06 This is like a right up your alley. While it was wild, I got to refill the supply and I was doing the samples. Like I was just doing samples for eight hours a day. It was the hardest physical job I ever did was like moving my product out to that area, firing up those things, working with the people, not only just cutting sausages, but talking constantly for eight hours, selling your wares. Damn, that must be good practice for, for the field you're in though, too, is just talking to people all day at Costco because they're people like wise.
Starting point is 00:29:34 They're annoying as hell. I'm sure they're asking a bunch of questions. Yeah. How did you make the sausage? Where did you make it? Did you make this one? Is it spicy? I don't want the spicy.
Starting point is 00:29:49 I can't handle spicy. Am I a good man? I left my kids in a hot car. Am I a good man? Can I bring some samples back from my kids? They're in the car. I left them in the car. Again, the AC is off.
Starting point is 00:30:04 It's a hot car. They're fine. So during that experience, the guy who was helping me produce my sausage, who coincidentally is the dude that has the contract for the Dodger Dogs now, Tony Kennell. Yeah. No, this, it all connects, man. I'm telling you, I'm like at the center of the hot dog sausage scene here.
Starting point is 00:30:32 So he introduced me to the doghouse guys who just had a couple of restaurants open at that time. And yeah, they started to sell a couple of my flavors. And as our relationship kind of went on, eventually we decided to make all the sausages for doghouse proprietary. And I kind of put Gertler's worst aside and just joined Team Doghouse. And I've been with them for like seven, eight years. Well, I've, you know, done other things too. But yeah, it's been amazing.
Starting point is 00:30:58 Yeah. Well, you guys do great. You can do great work over there. I speak, speaking of, a Dodger Dog is a great dog, Wags. And I'm mad at you. You know, I went to the ALDS and I got myself a Fenway Frank. And you, you could get yourself to the NLDS and have yourself a Dodger Dog. You're not going to do it.
Starting point is 00:31:17 It's, again, Mitch is the ALDS. You said, you said NLDS. No, I said, you could go to the. No, Boston's in the AL. So you said NLDS. Damn it. I said, the Red Sox, your team, they're in the AL. Adam, have you ever had changing subjects?
Starting point is 00:31:32 Have you ever had a Fenway Frank or we had Cayam? Because I learned that or KM or Cayam, I don't know how to say it correctly. I learned that they were a Massachusetts company. And I had, and I didn't know that, but I, they make a really good dog I had found out, which, which I, which I didn't know. Unfortunately, I didn't get to try a dog in that the one time where I just was recently at Fenway, where I just randomly saw, you know, Green Day and Weezer there. And it was the only time I was at Fenway.
Starting point is 00:31:59 And I didn't get to try one of those dogs. Unfortunately. Damn. All right. But, but I did late night hit up that Regina, man. Yeah, baby. That's what, that's the most important thing to me. And you know, there is Regina Pizza now in Fenway, but the, the, the, the North end location is,
Starting point is 00:32:16 is important, but they're still, they're still good. I mean, this is the thing of, of like when we were talking about with Dinosaur Barbecue or whatever, it's, it's great to hear that the, the owner of the business is kind of back in control because when you expand like that, it just is, it's, it's tough. And I'm sure that's something you know, to keep the quality up at every restaurant. That is, Mitch, you have no idea because it's like, when you have, when they had like a couple of dog houses, right? Like you can just do whatever you want on a day to day basis.
Starting point is 00:32:43 Like you make a change and try something new. Like you're in the kitchen, like now we have like 50 restaurants and now we have all these new kind of virtual brands too, the absolute brands where we have some stores that have like five or six other brands within that. And, and you have to make, it's more like glacial movement, right? Like you're turning just a much bigger ship. Like you just, it's hard to be agile. So, um, yeah, I definitely understand.
Starting point is 00:33:08 And that's, you know, one of the good things about hot dogs and sausages though is that you make them at the source and you're only making essentially one 300 pound batch at a time. And in a day, we might mix 10 or 12 of those batches, which will supply that one variety for all of our stores, but it is still a lot closer to what you're doing in the kitchen. And there's just less variables with that product, right? You know, you're at least sending a great hot dog or sausage, which, you know, as, as a chef or someone that cooks or like, you can really transport yourself in that casing. And, and in a way that's different than just like, it'll follow my recipe because you'll
Starting point is 00:33:45 never make it like I do. Like if you follow, like Gordon Ramsay's recipe, it's not going to taste like Gordon Ramsay cooked for you, but I can put that sausage in your mouth and you could be like, yeah, that's just like, uh, yeah, I mean, wait, take it easy, right? That's the Doughboy slogan. I'm just more excited about being transported in casing. Take a transcontinental flight in casing. Adam, I am curious about because, because I know for, for doghouses, you know, this,
Starting point is 00:34:22 I've been vegetarian this, this year. You don't know meat chile and, and it's been, it's been an adaptation. I do very, very much miss hot dogs and sausages. And I know for doghouses, you know, veggie side of the menu, it's beyond sausages, the product used, um, is there, is there a, like, you know, I, I like the beyond sausage, but, um, I hope it ends like adaptation, by the way. The movie adaptation? Yeah, you get eaten by a fucking gator.
Starting point is 00:34:54 That gator is going to be full for a while. Have you ever had gator sauce? Have you ever had a gator? Oh, yes. Oh, in fact, I got to make, we made some gator sausage a couple of years ago for a guy who owns Black Sugar Barbecue, which is in Smorgasburg here in LA. Oh yeah. And, um, yeah, it was recorded for German television somehow.
Starting point is 00:35:18 And so he reached out to me and, and so he came over to the doghouse and we made this alligator pork sausage. You got to kind of add pork to it because it needs the fat to get that proper sausage texture. It's also, it's not just about the temperature, but the balance of fat is what makes a sausage taste like that smooth and bouncy and full flavor. So we made it and he smoked it and it was, it was awesome. It was really cool. And I've, I've had it before in like New Orleans and stuff, uh, very famous, um, uh,
Starting point is 00:35:48 at Jocomos in New Orleans. He'd do, uh, Wags, Wags, I had a meal there together with his lovely wife, Natalie. That's right. Oh my God. Isn't that the best place? It's amazing. It was a fantastic meal.
Starting point is 00:35:59 Wags, I got to thank you for bringing me along on that. That was a great night. It's nice. It was, it was a nice little, we had a nice little evening, a nice little outing. Uh, we had, we had joined a lovely meal, Stephanie Allen's wedding, um, and, uh, and when Natalie went to the restroom, uh, you leaned over to me, I've told this on the podcast, you leaned over to me and told me that you were going to push me into a grave and take her home as Mrs. Mitchell.
Starting point is 00:36:22 So that's a nice memory. Good to see you haven't let that go. Jesus. I like Adam was, when you were on German television, was it like just you talking the most and where they were like, it's good. Were they like just very, did they not say, did they not say much? Were they like very stern Germans or are they, are they, uh, very into it too? Uh, I think they, you know, it was like, I think it was more like they recorded the
Starting point is 00:36:47 piece and then they were like commenting on it like back in the studio. So the talking head was doing, um, the, uh, talking, but previous to that, I've worked with like the German guy, Fieri, he came to a dog house in Long Beach. Wow. Wow. And, and his name is Jumbo Schreiner. You can look him up. Jumbo Schreiner.
Starting point is 00:37:10 Jumbo Schreiner. He's an enormous bald German man. And, and so then I went to Munich like the next year I looked him up. This guy who I worked with one day, Mitch, he picks me up at the airport, drives me all around Munich, like takes me to a place to get my, my tract in, my leader hose in. I mean, he takes me to the best place for like vice-versa sausage. I mean, he just drove me around. This guy had never met before.
Starting point is 00:37:38 Just one day, you know, showing him some stuff in doghouse. So it was the most amazing thing. And he's like a big deal in, in Germany. I know this because when I walked around with the guy, everybody was going up to him. He was like waving off people like, don't bother me. I'm Jumbo Schreiner. That's amazing. He's got the flames behind him logs.
Starting point is 00:37:56 He's got, he's got a guy air to him. Yeah. He looks, he looks like a, like a big charismatic, awesome dude. And yeah, a big barrel-chested dude with a bald head and a big smile. And he's got the, he got the Fieri goatee. But imagine a guy Fieri with German engineering precision. And that's Jumbo Schreiner. Wow.
Starting point is 00:38:20 That's amazing. Why is your dad's texting us, by the way. He just texts you and I. Wait, really? Yeah. Your dad just texted us. Coincidentally, during the recording. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:31 Oh, that's nice. He congratulated us. It was a very nice message from your dad. On our iHeart radio nomination. I guess we got a nomination for some iHeart radio award. Oh, Mazel tov. That's great. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:38:43 We're going to lose to an iHeart radio show because these things are rigged. But, but that's nice. I just looked at the category as a worst podcast of the year. I don't know why your dad would. I don't know why. We deserve it. I think he nominated us. Oh, so that's kind of like an in-your-face text to it.
Starting point is 00:39:03 Yeah. Before I mentioned the Gators, you were on a point and I jumped all over it because I. No, I'm glad we took that tangent. We found out about Jumbo Schreiner. But I am curious, like, you know, because veggie plant-based proteins are their own thing. Oh, no, I know why I interrupted it. That's a fucking mess. Wait, you went from him asking about Doghouse's plant-based options,
Starting point is 00:39:28 of which there are many, to a side tangent about eating alligators. You're so confrontational. Oh, do you have any plant-based? Oh, no, no. Hey, hey, hey, do you ever eat an alligator? What's the most vicious animal you've ever consumed or made into a meat food-stuffed product? Well, wise I'll let you take the floor and the listeners can, you know, take a mini-nap right now, a micro-nap.
Starting point is 00:39:56 Look out for Freddy. Yeah, so using Beyond Sausage now, like, have you experimented with any veggie or plant-based sausage making? Because I imagine that's its own thing. Yeah, it is totally its own thing. Previous to this, all I've done before is I've made, like, soy riso or something like that with textured vegetable protein, which is a really easy thing to do because, you know, a Mexican-style chorizo is basically made with, like, a chili paste.
Starting point is 00:40:22 And you can fold that into something and make something that tastes delicious. To get the texture that Beyond does, that is a bit of an alchemy that is beyond me at this point, like, whatever they're doing to recreate that texture. I know, you know, so that's why we use Beyond as a that-sausage substitute, meaning, like, a versed or an encased one. And they have a synthetic casing that is edible. And we offer Beyond spicy Italian and a bratwurst. However, we also do a lot of breakfast burritos, both at Doghouse and Badass Breakfast Burritos.
Starting point is 00:40:59 And we also use the Impossible Breakfast Sausage, which I think is a great, you know, facsimile to, like, a breakfast sausage. Like, they do, like, a sage breakfast sausage. And I think that is very convincing. Yeah, that's, I've had that before. And it is, in fact, very good, Wags. Wags, have you had it? I've been, I've had the Straight Up Beyond Sausage.
Starting point is 00:41:21 I don't know if I've had the Beyond Breakfast Sausage, honestly. Yeah, I know, the Impossible. I'm saying Impossible Breakfast Sausage. Oh, Impossible, I'm sorry. But just recently, Impossible released their version of Pork, too. So, unlike their burger meat, which is more heavily seasoned and more, like, almost has that kind of, like, smoky flavor and everything. And we also do offer Impossible at Doghouse.
Starting point is 00:41:44 They, the pork is more of a blank canvas. So, I was just experimenting with, like, an al pastor style sausage, in which I seasoned it like an al pastor and then put in, like, charred pineapple into it. And that, I think, is a really beautiful blank canvas and has a great texture. That sounds awesome. Yeah, that sounds fantastic. Wags, an important question. Yes.
Starting point is 00:42:10 During, like, micro naps, do you think Freddy even gets to get bitch out? You know what I mean? Like, uh, yeah, it's like, micro nap, more like micro death bit. And then, like, they wake up. Yes, yeah. And then he's just kind of sitting there, like, ah, I ain't getting to finish my thing. Hey, I mean, I can say for myself, but... I kind of need audience.
Starting point is 00:42:32 Jack off, the claw. I can't jack off with a claw. That's why I'm so mad. Take the glove off, Freddy. Learn to use the left hand. Yeah. The hell. Been wearing that thing for long enough.
Starting point is 00:42:53 Anyways, it was a good, it was a good, it was, it was, it was a good tangent. It was another good tangent. I'm really glad we took it. I do want to get to this week's chain, but before we do that, you touched on Badass Breakfast Burritos, which is one of these brands that you have operating out of a, a, a, you know, a cloud kitchen, I'm not sure how, how you'd classify it. But it's a, but, uh, but can you tell us about, like, what was your, because that's also its own alchemy, you know, crafting a breakfast burrito.
Starting point is 00:43:20 People are, are, are fanatical about them. And, and, and if you get the right one, if you hit that right formula, people will get it obsessively. What has been your process in, like, figuring out breakfast burritos? Well, you know, um, breakfast burritos are a huge passion of a lot of us in Southern California, particularly one of the partners, um, Hog up, Dear Gosian. He just loves breakfast burritos more than anything. And we've been trying to get a form of a breakfast burrito on the doghouse menu for years,
Starting point is 00:43:49 because if you look at our menu, the only ingredient you're bringing in for that burrito is tortillas. So, so this idea of this new concept, once a couple of years ago, even before the pandemic, when we had these ideas of like creating other brands where you can use your core ingredients, but maybe a different focused menu without having to get in all new skews of product, right? So we already offered like eggs as a burger topping or a hot dog or sausage topping. So we're just going through a lot more of those eggs. We tots, doghouse is known for tots more than fries even, and we do great chili cheese for tots. Yeah, they're awesome. Really crispy. Our chili is, I think, the best in the world.
Starting point is 00:44:31 We use Creekstone Farm beef, which is the same beef in our burgers and our hot dogs for our chili. So it, it's reminiscent of a Tommy's chili, but it's not going to give you a Tommy's tummy. Anyway, all that's to say is, is that by using our quality of ingredients and what we are is we're total comfort for hot dog, sausages, fried chicken, burgers, but it's clearly elevated in the quality. I mean, it's just the ingredients are just better ingredients. You know, we're just using hormone, antibiotic free pork to make our sausages, high quality, bacon. So by using those ingredients in the burritos, also it's bad ass. So they're all three eggs. We, we, we chose to use over easy or a runny egg as our baseline,
Starting point is 00:45:16 which not a lot of people do. But if you do it right and you can get that just a little bit of that yolk coming out of a burrito, it's a really special thing. We use American cheese, but also offer cheddar or mozzarella, but like American is just such a great melty all purpose flavor bomb. You get the tots crispy enough. And then we use the sauces that we use on a lot of the sausages. So we use our Chipotle aioli in a few of our burritos or a spicy mayo or very traditional sriracha mayo is an ingredient that really ties it all together. And then either my mouth is watering over here by the way. Sounds so fucking good. Yeah. Any of our sausages could be found in their bacon, the chili. So these doghouse ingredients are finding their way into these burritos,
Starting point is 00:46:03 which are these massive three egg. We put tots in them, but we only put like 10 tots in them. That's key too. Like I don't like a burrito that is too potato way. Most breakfast burritos are engineered for the cost value of them. You get a lot of potato, a lot of bacon sometimes, but it's not like a good smoky bacon. You know what I mean? It's just like a commodity bacon. And I'm telling you, man, like I order these from my bed sometimes and I have my own franchise in Hollywood. I live in Highland Park, so I can't get delivered from my own store. I had one delivered from our store in Pasadena because they're that good. Like I crave these burritos all the time. So yeah. You make a good point of when I get a bad breakfast burrito, it
Starting point is 00:46:48 bums me out more than maybe anything. It's one of those foods that if you get a bad one, it's the worst. Like a potato thick, like a thick potato, kind of like just gut bomb breakfast burrito. You're like, this was not worth eating. This sucked. And my day is ruined. It's bad. It's bad news. It will ruin your day. You're not kidding. But done well, the other reason why, you know, I think we've done really well with badass is that they travel incredibly well. Ah, nice. That's huge. For the delivery and the pickup, because the burrito, think about how thick it is. If it's all hot inside and it's just kind of insulated in this blanket, that is the tortilla. Right. And there is actually no degradation. It actually gets better. Like if you bite into
Starting point is 00:47:33 that burrito right away, some of it's spilling out. But in that like travel time, it sets up to the point where you can take a clean bite through the whole damn thing. And that's like the magic of it. You're like, this is just, this is better than it was right then. Like it's, it's just awesome. I gotta get one as soon as I'm back. That's my plan. Well, first of all, you don't need meat in any of them. So any of them could just be like cheese or egg based. But for people that are more plant based, we started using this product called Just Egg, which is a mung bean based egg substitute, which I think is really good. And then so we do a total plant based egg one, two, which is also great. That's awesome. Yeah, that sounds great. And, and, and, hey, I'm excited to try it. And
Starting point is 00:48:19 we'll, Mitch, maybe finally have a reason to come back to LA. I'm on my way, Wags. Wait, he walked out of frame. We'll take a break. We'll be back with more dough boys. You know, Mitch, you're about to take a little trip abroad. You're going to Costa Rica. That's right, Wags. I'm going to Costa Rica with the family. It's gonna be a lot of fun. Gonna maybe see a monkey. Oh, that's fun. Gonna maybe see a bird. Just that. Just a one monkey, one bird. That's it. Hey, that sounds like a heck of a vacay. And you know what? Knowing some Spanish might be helpful down there. Wags.
Starting point is 00:49:00 And if you have an upcoming summer trip abroad, my go to travel hack is Babel. Whether you're a season traveler or embarking on your first adventure, communication is key to fully experiencing a new culture. That's where Babel comes in. Babel is the language learning app that sold more than 10 million subscriptions. Thanks to Babel's addictively fun and easy bite sized language lessons, there's still time to learn a new language before you reach your destination. You know, Mitch, I've been taking some Babel lessons in Spanish a little bit. And it's, it's a great benefit just in terms of having some sort of conversational knowledge
Starting point is 00:49:34 of another language. With Babel, you only need 10 minutes to complete a lesson so you can start having real life conversation in as little as three weeks, Wags. Babel's expertly crafted lessons are built around real life. You learn how to have practical conversations about travel, relationships, business and more. Other language learning apps use AI for their lesson plans, but Babel lessons were created by over 150 language experts and voiced by real native speakers, not computers. Their teaching method has been scientifically proven to be effective. With Babel, you can choose from 14 different languages. Plus, Babel's speech recognition technology helps you improve your pronunciation and accent.
Starting point is 00:50:10 There are so many ways to learn with Babel. In addition to lessons, you can access podcasts, games, videos, stories and even live classes. Plus, it comes with a 20-day money back guarantee. Start your new language learning journey today with Babel. Factor, America's number one ready-to-eat meal kit, can help you fuel up fast with ready-to-eat meals delivered straight to your door. You'll save time, eat well and tackle everything on your to-do list. Too busy to cook this spring with Factor, skip the trip to the grocery store and skip the chopping, prepping and cleaning up. You can skip all of it, Wags. Skip all of it because Factor's fresh, never frozen meals already in just two minutes so all you have to do is heat and enjoy,
Starting point is 00:51:08 then get back outside and soak up that warmer weather. Looking for calorie-conscious options at Spring Wags? Try delicious, dietitian-approved, calorie-smart meals with around or less than 550 calories per serving. We offer delicious, flavor-packed options on the menu each week to vet a variety of lifestyles from keto to calorie-smart, vegan and veggie and protein plus. Prepared by chefs and approved by dietitians, each meal has all of the ingredients you need to feel satisfied all day long while meeting your goals. With 34-plus chef-prepared, dietitian-approved weekly options, there's always something new to try, plus you can round out your meal and replenish your snack supply with an assortment of 45-plus add-ons, including breakfast items like egg bites,
Starting point is 00:51:51 smoothies and more Wags, I had a smoothie today, you saw it in studio. Wow. Tropical fruit smoothie, it was delicious. Wow. Hey, want to cut back on takeout? Get Factor instead. Not only is Factor cheaper than takeout but meals are ready faster than restaurant delivery in just two minutes. With Factor, you can rest assured you're making a sustainable choice. We offset 100% of our delivery admissions to your door, source 100% renewable energy for our production sites and offices, and feature sustainably sourced seafood in our meals. Head to slash Doughboys50 and use code Doughboys50 to get 50% off your first box. That's code Doughboys50 at slash Doughboys50 to get 50% off your first box. Do it.
Starting point is 00:52:31 Welcome back to Doughboys as we continue Dog Doe Bark Fest 2021, a month-long deliberation of hot dogs and pet dogs with our guest, Adam Gertler. Hi, Adam. Hi. Hey, guys. I just boarded my plane back for LA to get one of these burritos. Oh, wow. Okay. Make sure you buy the Wi-Fi because you don't want your connection to dip out. Yeah. I just looked. It's 20 bucks. I don't know. I think you got to just do it. Just put it on the Doughboys card. All right. All right. Like my flight, I'll put it on the Doughboys card. Here we go. Oh, wait a minute. My first last flight. AMC was founded by the Dubinsky brothers in Kansas
Starting point is 00:53:12 City in 1920. It was originally called like Dubinsky cinemas, various versions of that. It was rebranded as its current name, American Multicinema in 1969, has over 900 different locations and launched Dynan theaters in 2008. Mitch, you and I went back and forth in terms of what hot dog chains should we discuss for this third episode. We talked about doing maybe Ikea, but I feel like Ikea we covered pretty thoroughly when we talked about it with our friend Dave Thomas in a couple of years back. From the hot dog standpoint, we talked about doing hot dog on a stick, but it turns out there's no hot dog on a stick locations east of New Mexico. And we settled on AMC, which I think it makes sense because movie theaters are reopening. People
Starting point is 00:53:57 are going to the cinemas again. Wigs. A lot of the times, yes, it is true that what's her name from Eyes Wide Shut. Nicole Kidman. Nicole Kidman is telling everybody to go back to AMC theaters. That's why I like. Because Nicole Kidman told you to. Yeah. Go back and see Wonder Woman, huh? She. Not in theaters, but okay. Yeah, she's watching it in that little ad. But Wigs, I stuck around Quincy because I was going to go back to then just fly back to New York and you said, we can do a different restaurant because hot dog on a stick is great and we will have to do it. We're going to have to do hot dog on a stick at some point. But we have reviewed
Starting point is 00:54:47 AMC sit down theories, but we never reviewed AMC just regular. Just a proper AMC, yes. I think this is a, I thought this was a, everyone calls you a genius online. Wags, I thought this, I thought this was a stroke of genius you had. I, I, I, uh, I thought it, I thought it was, I thought it was a fantastic idea because hot dog is a huge part of the movie going experience. I know popcorn is number one. That's the big dog, popcorn, but a hot dog is a big part of it. I think some people probably go hot dogs. Wags, I think you for a long time were probably a dog over popcorn person. I definitely, I definitely was hot dog. I would, would hot dog was, if I wanted like an
Starting point is 00:55:24 approximation of a meal in a movie theater, I'd definitely go hot dog, usually just one, one hot dog and a big soda. But then I eventually moved over to nachos and generally a nachos personnel. And I got both on this most recent visit, but we'll get into that. But Adam, I'm curious as a, what are your, what are your movie in theater snacks go tos? Well, I was never a big hot dog person previously just cause growing up on Long Island, it was, I don't even know if they had hot dogs and like the, the multiplex cinemas that I used to go to. And then when I did see hot dogs, I, they were notoriously bad. So I was, I'm a pretty much a popcorn guy, milk duds. Like when the milk duds end up in the popcorn, that's a great,
Starting point is 00:56:10 you know, sort of cause milk duds are like little caramel things. And I'd love that. My parents were always very into goobers and raisinettes and they're sort of like stealthfully sneaking them into the theater. I brought goobas. My friend's mom was very much about sneaking the, sneaking the candies in, which now I don't even know if they care that much anymore. I don't think they do. I don't think they do anymore. I mean, like, I think they know that people just are going to buy stuff or some people are going to sneak it in and they just, they, they can't, they can't care. I will say that every time I go to the promo is like, is like, bring your own food, if you like, I don't care. They don't care. They can even bring your own eats. All right.
Starting point is 00:56:57 AMC's set up to, I'll say this, every, because I went and saw the many saints of Newark with Dano last week. Quincy's own. And then Quincy's own. And then, and then this, this week, I went again for the episode and I saw Venom 2. I saw Venom Let There Be Carnage. So did I. That's the same movie I saw for this, for this, for this review. Adam, what did you end up seeing? I saw No Time to Die. Wow. What did you think? I wanted to do No Time to Die, but I, it's two, two hours and 46 minutes or something. That seems like a lot of time to die. It feels like a, it feels like too much time to die. And, you know, I went with my wife and my parents who live in Torrance, their first movie experience,
Starting point is 00:57:51 you know, post pandemic. And like we, fortunately, we had like nobody in front of us. Like we got the seats in the last row. My dad is a lifetime Bond fan. I'm sort of like a mixed bag on Bond, but I thought it's spectacular watching Daniel Craig be Bond. It almost doesn't matter what is being said. Like he's just ridiculous to look at. Like, you know, he's the action star's action star. Like to, to look that good on an IMAX screen. Yeah. You know, I mean, I thought the, the Casino Royale was amazing. That was like the only Bond movie that I ever truly loved. And the Skyfall was good, but by far he's my favorite Bond to ever watch. So it was a good time. I mean, I don't think it was the greatest movie, but it was definitely
Starting point is 00:58:37 great to see in a theater for sure. Yeah, I'm gonna, I'm gonna, I may join the A list. There's an A list here. So here's the deal. I want, I want to, to my AMC Braintree, which was once General Cinemas, where I worked with Micas way back in the day. So I used to see all those movies, right? You used to just get to go see movies and movies. I used to. So I used, I'd see, I'd see movies and movies. I remember they're like, I've said a few of them. American Pie 2 came out while I worked there, which was very embarrassing because kids from my high school, like I was, it was my senior year. So like kids from my high school or like who were back from college like came in and I was wearing like a popcorn t-shirt and felt kind of like a dork. And then
Starting point is 00:59:22 also kids from my high school, I went to one year there, which is a private school, my freshman year, they all came in. So it was just kind of, it was embarrassed. It was, you know, it was a little bit embarrassing at times when it would be like a movie like American Pie 2. But I saw, you know, I went in and the Planet of the Apes came out that summer. The, the, what's his name? The Mark Wahlberg one. Yes. Oh, Tim Burton. Tim Burton. Thank you. I don't know why I couldn't think of Tim Burton. And then I was thinking Tim Roth. And I know it's not Tim Roth, but maybe Tim Roth might be in that Planet of the Apes. Oh, I think maybe he is. I think he is. That sounds good. I think he's the bad ape. Wow. I think he's, I think he's the bad. And so, I mean,
Starting point is 01:00:06 there's multiple bad apes, spoiler alert for Planet of the Apes, but or are they good? Or are the apes good? You know, you could look at it any way you want to look at it. That version has a wild twist ending because the original has a twist ending. And the twist ending in the, in the, the Burton one is, but I don't mean to, I don't say this no pun intended, but it's bananas. It is just like, it's just like, what is this? I'm just going to say it. If you haven't seen the movie, it's Abraham Lincoln. There's an ape, ape Lincoln at the end. They've, he goes back and he thinks he's in Washington DC and it's, and it's ape Washington DC. It's, he's gone. He's the timeline has shifted or whatever, or whatever the fuck is,
Starting point is 01:00:50 or it is the future and the future is built just the way the human past was, I guess. I don't know. There's, but that was a movie I like saw like bits and like, I saw that whole movie by seeing parts of it while I worked there. And then I saw a sneak preview of the others, which was a pretty good horror movie. Oh yeah. And then the other movie I remember being there was a Nicole, Nicole Kidman movie and Nicole Kidman. Look at that. She brought me back. She brought us back to the theaters and that's, and that's my journey started there with her a long time ago. And then also the Chris from the others come back to the movies. It won't be scary this time. I promise. Yeah, right. And then Chris Rock when he was Amoeba, Osmosis Jones. That was another one that play.
Starting point is 01:01:33 I remember weird ones, but I really, I really enjoyed my time there. There was, and there, and there's been a, I'll say this, if people are sneaking it in, if they're listening to Nicole Kidman, there's still a lot of people waiting in line. And so every time I've been there, there's been kind of a long line for concessions. And this has the, this has the old school setup. So there's a line and then there's an A list line. And Wags, you and I have both talked about joining A list. I think I'm going to do it. I'm not a member yet, but I think I'm going to do it. But the A list line gets you, there's, it's like shorter lines. So they'll take, if you're in the A list line, you're a member, they'll take you at the front of the line. It seems kind of,
Starting point is 01:02:09 if I was, I mean, I'm going to take advantage of it, but it feels like you would feel like an asshole cut, like basically cutting people in line, but that's, that's one of the perks of it. But the AMC at Universal City Wags has an open floor concept. Have you, have you been to it since it's been redone? No. So I mean, like, I, I, I've not, if it's been redone since lockdown, I have not been. No. It's basically just an open concept where you go and you take your popcorn and then you go to a register and then like cash out. Oh wait, I think I, I maybe have, I maybe have been to that one. Yes. Wait, which one are you talking about? Which theater was that at the Universal Universal City? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I've been to that one a couple of times
Starting point is 01:02:50 recently. Yes. That is different. Yeah. But, but I will say this way better with the lines, but you, you have to go up and order a hot dog still if you go there. And, but there's more of a kitchen, you know, it's, it is kind of, it's convenient in some ways. They just keep on putting out bags of popcorn and people take them and go pay and then you get like an empty drink at the front if you want to drink too. But to me, it seems like those lines, it's way more expedited Wags. It feels like it's, it feels like it moves fast. I agree. I agree. Yeah. Because there was, there was nobody at the theater I was at and there was a line because there was one person behind the counter and like it was a total log jam. Yeah. That's, that is, that's, that's more of the
Starting point is 01:03:29 issue with, with, with AMC. So I, I waited in a bit of a line before the movie and I was already late Wags in, in Spoonman fashion. Yeah. We actually, I was, I missed the, the very start of Venom 2 because we were also a little late. Yeah. So, yeah. So, but, but I will say that we, you missed Kidman. I did. I missed Kidman because she's in the opening scene of Venom 2. Look at me in the beginning of Venom 2. It's a little easter egg. So I, yeah. So we were, we were running like, it was one of those things where, where the screening was like, ah, the screening's basically now. And this is like a 10, the theater's like a 10 minute drive, but there are going to be 25 minutes of previews. I think we can just barely make it.
Starting point is 01:04:18 And then there was a little bit of construction where it was a little bit slow. Natalie went in, got her seat. She got to see the last trailer and see the, the start of the movie. But I was buying concessions. So it took me a little bit of an extra bit. I came in just a little bit late. Wow. But I will, yeah. And, and, and I went to kind of like an old school feeling AMC. It was like, there, the, you know, honestly, Mitch, the AMC Dynan that we reviewed with back in the day with our friends, Kevin and Jamie, was right across from the street from this theater. So it's like, this old theater existed. That's just like an old school multiplex. And then the Dynan, which is like this much nicer upscale one is like right across the street from it. So we went to
Starting point is 01:05:01 the old school one. I remember when we were doing that, that was the weird confusion that they were, there were two right next to each other. Um, yes. I, I, uh, so I was going to go to the 515 show. And then, uh, I was like, oh, I'm never going to make it in time. So I got on the treadmill. I did some walking likes. And then I said, I'm going to go to the 615 show. I finished my walks. I hadn't done some ads for dough boys. So I did the dough boys ads. I missed the 615. And then, uh, so I had to go to the 745 show. And then I took a shower and I was just late to the 745 show. I made it. I saw, I saw previews for, I mean, this, this, this sums me up, but I was doing work at the whole time I was doing stuff. But, uh, I got to the 745 show.
Starting point is 01:05:40 I still saw previews. Basically, I saw, I saw everything, but, um, I got, I went up. First of all, before I even went in there, I was afraid because they're like, we, they used to be hot dogs back in the day, but they like kind of closed off the back. So I was like, is there still a kitchen there? So I got up to the, the ticket taker and I asked him, I said, I said, do you, do you got hot dogs in there? And he was like, yeah. And I was like, I know that was a weird question for like a big guy to come up to you at the ticket taker and ask you if there's hot dogs, do you, any stuff, take all the hot dogs you want. Just let me live. Terrified. So I was happy to hear that. I went in, waited in that line, ordered myself a hot dog. It was the last one on the
Starting point is 01:06:21 rollers. It was, uh, I was, it was, I know very close. The last one on the rollers. Wait, Mitch, did you say that they were actually wieners on rollers, like old school style? Yes. Because that's not very much not the preparation of hot dog at my AMC. And yours was an East Coast one, correct? This was an East Coast one. I mean, like, it feels like they did something to the kitchen. They go back to like make sandwiches back there sometimes. And then, uh, and I should have noted, I've never noticed the hot dog roller, but it's right next to the popcorn machine. And, and, uh, and I was just getting self conscious about how I say popcorn and hot dog. Distinctly. I sent them back to back. But the roller is right there in between. And I had never
Starting point is 01:07:06 just noticed that. And there was, and I looked up and sure enough, it was the last dog on the roller. I'm sure they could have made another one, but it looked like that one. It looked like it had been sitting around for a while, but in the good way where it looked like buttery, you know, it looked like great. It was, it was glistening. Like if you shot it into space, I feel like you could still see it glistening in the sky. Um, it was, it was, it was very, it was very shiny. Um, and, uh, and so I got the, I got the last dog and they put it into, I don't, Adam, I don't know if they did this for you, but they put it into basically like those subway, like, like, uh, this, like the subway, big ovens that are maybe microwaves. I like, I don't know
Starting point is 01:07:42 what they turbo chef ovens they're called. Okay. Turbo chef oven, turbo chef oven where it uses a combination of microwaves and like actual heat. That's the idea. It's like a microwave, but it's using like actual heat. That's why you can do breads and stuff in them. They have them at like Duncan now uses the turbo chefs and a lot of Starbucks does. Yeah. Funny you said that because the, they put it in a bun and then put it in that turbo chef and then they, and they heated it up. I like that move though. That's a, that's a, that's a strong move. So they cook a cold bun, put it in there and toasted the whole thing up together. Yeah. Yeah. The two of them together for 30 seconds. Um, and, and I'll get to how I felt about the dog in a minute, but I also got
Starting point is 01:08:26 myself a regular popcorn, which I put butter on and a large drink, which I got a, I got a, uh, myself a diet cherry Coke from the, uh, Coke 360 machines, which we've talked about a lot and look, wait, freestyle, freestyle unless there's a new, yeah. It is freestyle. I call it, I don't know why I call it 360. Was that the name at some point or I don't think so. No. Coke 360. He just got skateboarding on the brain. I think that might be the whole foods brand of soda. Five maybe. Well, I don't want that, but I don't know if I really want the freestyle machines, but we, I mean, we've gone over them. It's to have the, the, the, the diet cherry Coke was hitting last night. So I was, I was fine with it, but let me tell you, it was a fucking swamp
Starting point is 01:09:14 around the two machines. There was just like, it was just, there was just fucking liquid all over the place. Like it looked like one of them now functioned. It was just, it was bad. It was, it was bad news. And the, you know, they put up a little yellow cone, but it was, it was the truly like, like, uh, I felt like my, my shoes were going to get like seeped into at one point. But, um, uh, Adam, what was, what was your experience with your AMC in Los Angeles? You weren't at the universal city walk one. Not this time. My wife and I always go to that IMAX because it's great for like all the, the big, big movies, but no, my parents live in Torrance. There's a Del Ammo, um, 18 AMC in Torrance. They have an IMAX smaller, but we also, we went to like a
Starting point is 01:09:56 230 PM show, which we thought would not be crowded, which it wasn't. And, you know, we wanted to be able to just kind of like take our time and not be super crowded. Um, so because I was going to be on dough boys, I went a little crazy. Um, not only did I get three hot dogs for my wife, myself, and my father. Um, we got popcorn with butter. Um, we got milk duds. We got nachos. We got, um, large soda. And I wanted to check out, they had these pretzels, these ginormous pretzels that were special order. I was super intrigued by the fact that a pretzel and a large soda was running 20, almost $22. So I'm like, this is not a classic movie theater pretzel. Then the hot dog was all wrapped up. So they gave them to you, but the pretzels, they actually fired in probably the
Starting point is 01:10:46 same kind of oven. And they told us to come back in five minutes for the pretzels. I mean, this pretzel was enormous. I think I sent you guys pictures. They were gigantic. Wow. No, I've seen this pretzel on the menu before and I was trying to look up what its name was because it has some distinctive name. But I remember asking what it was and I was like, what's the Goliath or whatever it's called. Yeah, it is. The ginormity of the pretzel is implicit in its name for sure. I do remember that being a thing. Um, yeah. So we wanted to kind of, you know, get the full experience and see what we love that. Some of their hot options were, right? Sure. Um, and then some follies began because I wanted to kind of get some pictures, but there was very limited amount of
Starting point is 01:11:27 space at the concession. So I wanted to operate very quickly and get my stuff out of there before other people came. Adam, this is the same. I ran into the same issue last night. It was, the tensions were high. I, I, there, it was, I did not do a good job. It was, it was very nerve wracking. So listen to what happened to me. I'm days away from being a father as I talk to you now. I'm about to have, you know, our daughter is about to be born. Thank you very much. Thank you so much. But my parents gave me, I felt what it was like to be a father because my mom starts in with, can you see if they have more straws back there? And we had already left and there were more people lining up and there was only one person back there and being in the
Starting point is 01:12:09 industry, I'm like, all right, I can't get her attention. Then my dad starts going down at the Coca-Cola freestyle machine. He can't figure out the ice. He doesn't know what the choices are. And I got my mom and dad while I got this whole, the whole condiment area is littered with my food. And I'm like, uh, all right, Andrea, you take some ketchup. Oh, and also they were out of ketchup on both sides. And, and my dad wanted some ketchup or I wanted ketchup and mustard. Both pumps were out of ketchup. Turns out his Coca-Cola freestyle machine, it was out of ice. The ice wasn't working. That happened a lot too. That's a big issue. Yeah. It was so stressful. And a full cup of soda with no ice?
Starting point is 01:12:50 No ice. So then I have to figure out how to get rid of his excess soda to get ice in his cup and get back to the food before anybody is like, well, I can't get to the mustard because some asshole has his food all like jamming up the area. And then it was like dangling my keys for a cat or a baby because then I showed him how to use the Coca-Cola, how I was able to pour my own soda using the app on my phone. And they were just like, they were in, they were just, their minds were blown out the back of their heads. They were just like, wow, that is so cool. That isn't, Michael, isn't that cool? That is cool. Like just controlling the flow of Coca-Cola diet cherry on my phone. Like it just, it totally pacified them.
Starting point is 01:13:35 Hey, Adam, you're, you're, you're lucky your, you're lucky your daughter wasn't born during the movie. It'd be no time to cry. Am I right? That was good, Mitch. Why? It was good. It was good. I looked up the name of the pretzel real quick. The name of the pretzel is Bavarian legend. Wow. Which could describe Jumbo Shreiner. Jumbo Shreiner. Jumbo Shreiner. Is it Shreiner? Shreiner. Shreiner. Jumbo Shreiner is a Bavarian legend. Yeah. Bavarian legend. I, Adam, the same, first of all, I'll say this, Wednesday night, 7.45. I didn't think the movie would be that packed, but a lot of people still going out to Venom too. My theater was not packed, but there was probably a good like 30 to 40 people in there, which I was, I was
Starting point is 01:14:24 surprised at. And these are the bigger, bigger seats, which I got to give it to AMC. They got the first class of, of, of seats at, at AMC theaters. And I like them. Those seats are nice and big. I enjoy it. I know that AM, look, I like, I love the arc light, but I really like AMC. And I love movie theaters in general, but I, but I, and I know that it's the McDonald's of movie theaters, and it puts a lot of other movie theaters out of business. But also we just have to worry about, it's that sad statewide, as I've talked about before, where like, oh, I'm, when, when, when you get like worried about, when I'm like, I got to worry about Puppa Genos, because I love Puppa Genos. I don't want it to go out of business, but, but I got to worry about AMC. I don't
Starting point is 01:15:01 want AMC to go out of business. I like, I like the movie theaters. I like going to the movie theaters. I like seeing it, but here's the thing. When I go alone, I, and I never get food conscious on this show as a big guy, but I think specifically the fact that you have to carry all your food, I just don't want to look like an 80th. And so that's, so I didn't try too much. I just got popcorn, which I always get in a, in a hot dog, which I don't, I usually don't get. Sometimes I'll get it. We'll, we'll sometimes go up. Why? Cause I've invited you a few times to the, the Tonga Hut up in a, the one in the valley, not, not, not the Tonga Room in, in San Francisco. Is it, did I flop them? Uh, whatever. But the Tonga Hut, and we go across the street to the
Starting point is 01:15:40 cinema. I think Mitch doesn't know the difference between the Tonga Hut and the Tonga Room. He's never been to either. He has, he hasn't gone. He's lied to us. That's, that is usually what they land on. Uh, they're in the, they're in the AL, Mitch. Mitch doesn't watch baseball. Hey, guess what? Wags and I have a fucking, we got, we got something to say to you. Shut the fuck up. You know what to use an old baseball term. You're out of here. Stop listening to the paw. Uh, anyways, we will go across the street to Cinemark and after a few, after a few Tiki drinks, I would get myself this exact order usually, which was, I would sometimes get a nicey instead if I was going wild, which is already too much sugar with Tiki drinks, but I'd do a popcorn
Starting point is 01:16:26 worth butter and I get it. And I get a, a hot dog as well. And the fun thing in a VMC was normal and the world was normal. And this is what I used to do at Cinemark, but I would put, uh, I would get everything on there and then you could use some jalapenos. You could throw some jalapenos on the dog and Hanford used to throw some jalapenos in its popcorn. He would go wild like that. I know that's kind of crazy. Um, but I just did ketchup, which was in the, there was a squirt machine for the ketchup and it over catch up to my dog way too much. And then there were packets for the, the mustard and relish, which just Adam that I was over on the side and I, and luckily I didn't get crowded too much there, but there was a, there was still like a good flow of people,
Starting point is 01:17:07 but I was like trying to put the, the mustard and ketchup. I'm sorry, the mustard and relish from these packs on my dog and just freaking out that I was taking too much time. And then I never got a picture of my dressed dog. So I did mustard, I did mustard ketchup and relish on my dog, just the three. That was, those were the only three things offered. There's no onions and no jalapenos. It makes you think that maybe just having the packets there so you could grab them and go and deal with it at your seat might be the play for them. Yes, but it's too, it's dark in the theater. Yeah. And this is another reason that I'll say this, while I was eating my hot dog, I got a bunch of ketchup on my shirt and the dog went through the bun. Like one end of it went
Starting point is 01:17:50 through the other end of the bun and like that, because the ketchup was unwieldy. And I get why I sometimes don't, when I even get a hot dog at the theater, I sometimes eat it before I go in and then just leave my popcorn in there or whatever. But it is tough in a theater to, in the dark to eat the dog. It's, it's tricky, but it's also, you know, as far as meals go, like a food or whatever, but it, besides if you're out of sit down theater, that or pizza is really the only thing you can do or, or, you know, pretzel like we've established. But you know, Mitch too, this is where it really does help to arrive to the theater before the showtime because they keep the lights a little bit up more. Yeah. So if you're there earlier,
Starting point is 01:18:29 which we were, you at least had time to situate and deal with all the food stuff. And you're right. Like once the lights go down, yeah, you can't really be messing with packets and stuff. So I hear that. And it's also hard to, I feel like it's hard to eat a hot dog in the dark. I mean, I'm sure Wags and I have done it plenty of times. Yeah. No, it's the most challenging thing I've ever done in my life. I mean, and now I'm wondering if we've probably eaten more hot dogs in the dark than we have in the light. It's a good question, but you're right. Once, once, once the lights go down, which they, by the way, they go down when Nicole Kidman tells them to go down in the mood. It is, it's true. During that ad, they go down during that ad, but it's, it's harder to
Starting point is 01:19:07 eat, but, but. Lower the lights feels like the others, doesn't it? You told us it wouldn't be like the others. But Nicole Kidman's from New England now. It's from like a town in Maine. Don't want to come in here. Thanks for coming back to the movies. Hot dog is sour. So I, I still got to say after all this craziness, don't, I really liked my dog. Wow. I liked my dog. It was a buttery, look, it was shitty. I know it was like a shitty movie theater hot dog, but it was buttery, slipping around and, and, and it went through the bun and I got ketchup on my shirt, but my dog was good. Wags. Yeah. It was, it was, it was, it was, it hit the, it hit the spot. I hadn't eaten dinner. Like I said, that Diet Cherry Coke hit
Starting point is 01:20:04 and, and it was fun to just be in a theater eating a hot dog and, and, and watching a movie on the screen again. I was, I was very, I was a happy boy. Yeah. I will say that, that my experience was, was a little different from both of yours just because, you know, I'm not eating meat right now. Yeah. And they're just a lot of, so that's, yeah, so that's a, that's a big factor in a hot dog as we all know. Hot dog themed month. That's a big yes. It's a little bit of a roadblock. Way to think it through, dough boys. We just accept the first pitch and just like, yeah, fine, sure. Hot dog month. The sad thing, no, the saddest thing of all is that we did think it through and were like, buns are good. We convinced ourselves that buns are, buns were the way to go.
Starting point is 01:20:50 I will say that, that, so here's the situation with Costco and with the help me out, Mitch, with the other, the other chain we covered, the first chain we covered this month. We did, oh, it was Sonic. Sonic, that's right, Sonic. So with both of those, like I, I brought a, a loose hot dog home to Natalie and that worked out with the, with a movie and Natalie's with me and like, it's like, she doesn't want to have a loose hot dog in her, that's a mess. And also, I don't, what am I going to put, take a, like hold on to a loose hot dog for three hours, including the, you know, the time of watching the movie and then, then getting home, like, like, no, she's not going to want that. So I just,
Starting point is 01:21:31 Oh, she wasn't there with you? No, she was there with me, but she's not going to eat, she's not going to eat a, like a loose hot dog. I mean, she might have, I don't know. I didn't want to, I didn't want to say like, Hey, do you want this? So I just, so I just, I asked her for enough already. And, and she's never happy about it. So I went to a, so I went up there and I just was like, Hey, can I just have a bun? And it was a conversation that they had to take up the chain of command. Oh my God. Where they don't know how to charge you, right?
Starting point is 01:22:00 Yeah. She's like, one second, she went over, she's like, Hey, this guy is this, but I basically, what she was saying, I could read, was like, this fucking idiot wants a bun. Can I sell him a goddamn bun? So he leaves me alone. And the guy's like, I have no, we can't, we don't have, and so they come over and they're like, look, we can, we can sell you a bun, but you got to pay for a hot dog. And I just had like a dilemma and there's a line behind me. And I had to act and I said, charge me for the bun and I paid for a hot dog and I got just a bun. So I, because I didn't want to make a bun though. I was hoping that I, I was hoping that I could get like a bun for a dollar or something,
Starting point is 01:22:37 but they had no way to ring it up. You thought they had a button in the AMC thing that just said bun, no dog. Like this is a kind of request. You were trying to be a bun thief, dear Lord. I wasn't trying to steal a bun. I said, charge me for the full dog and I'll take the bun. And so I got the bun. You're like, you're like the hamburger of buns. You're trying to steal buns. The bun burglar. I at no point tried to steal a bun. I was just hoping that I, that I could get a bun for a cheaper rate than the price. You're the bun burglar himself. Okay. That did not work out. But they did heat the bun for me, which was nice. I even saw the person helping me out. She like went through the muscle memory of going to get a dog out to put in the
Starting point is 01:23:18 bun and then like stopped herself. That's right. And then just put the bun itself into the machine and steam it up. That's right. I'm dealing with a fucking weirdo freak. No. The first time this ever happened in corporate history, a guy wants just a bun at the movie theater. Why didn't you just get a hot dog and then just remove the dog and toss it in the trash or just put it in the fucking box that it was in? What were you doing? I didn't want to waste it. I was like, if you don't, someone else can have that dog. I don't know. I don't love throwing food in the trash. I just like, that's a personal hang up. And then you said, never mind, robble, robble, I'll steal a bun. I didn't steal the bun. I paid for the bun. You're a bun burglar,
Starting point is 01:23:55 robble, robble, you're going to steal the bun. I also got an order of AMC nachos. And I do like their nachos. You know, they're very simple. They're just tostitos chips. Did you ask for those? Did you ask for those for free too? I didn't ask for anything for free. There was no, like I didn't ask for a single thing that I would get for no money. I just was like, can I get one and pay for less? And that didn't work out. Anyway, not a bun burglar. They, robble, robble. So they, I'm going to edit that out. Me saying robble, robble. So I got the AMC nachos. And they did forget my extra cheese dip and cup, which I requested, which was fine. They didn't want to inconvenience them further. There's actually a good amount of cheese in
Starting point is 01:24:37 their one dip and cup. The nachos were very solid. I'm always happy to have the AMC nachos. I also got a cherry Coke from the Coke freestyle machine. And Mitch, as you know, that cherry Coke can be hit or miss. And it was a Coke, I want Coke heavy. I didn't get, I didn't go diet. I went for it. I want to, I got a cherry Coke, cherry Coke heavy from the Coke freestyle. It can be hit or miss. It was hitting. It was a really, really great cherry Coke. And man, that is great. What a great movie beverage. So that, that was great. As for the bun, I do think it was a low quality bun, but steaming it gave it a little something. So it was kind of a nice little snack. It was kind of just like, Hey, this is kind of like warm bread that you're
Starting point is 01:25:18 having in a basket at a restaurant. It's not, not good quality, but it was, it was fine. And so I, I had no objections to that bun, even though it was a humiliating ordeal to order one. Adam, let's, you chronicled all the food that you ordered, but what was your experience actually consuming it? Well, first, I just wanted to ask, did you dress your bun? No, plain bun. That's, that's my rule for the month. I'm having plain buns. Oh, so you're not allowed to even go condiments. You couldn't even bring anything over as per the rules. No, bun solo. Bun solo. Star Wars character. Yeah. Our experience, you know, was, was actually, it was, it was kind
Starting point is 01:25:59 of great. You know, we, we got the last row of the IMAX theater, which is in an IMAX theater, last row, perfectly good seat. No one's going to be behind you. So I recommend that. I like last row a lot in, here's, here's the funny thing. I'm a last row guy a lot in theaters, like an arc light. I liked the last row, but with, with, with AMCs, with the big chairs, you don't, the last row is almost kind of awkward. Sure. With, with the big chairs, the, the IMAX ones though, is a different story. That's, it's, it's a good spot to be. Okay. Yeah. This was the IMAX. And again, yeah, those seats, I don't know, were they always that good? Those seats were incredible. Like it was the best movie seats. I mean, I've been to the dining before, but this
Starting point is 01:26:40 was just the regular style, the IMAX theater, which maybe the, maybe has nicer seats because they're more expensive tickets, but they were great. I had dressed my hot dog initially with mustard, mayonnaise and relish. As I mentioned before, one ding, both ketchup pumps on either side of the concession area were empty of their ketchup. And an employee came up with her own hot dog, who was obviously on a break or just got off and was about to enjoy a movie. She saw that it was no ketchup. She said, oh, I'm going to check on the other side. And then I guess she didn't tell anybody because then like a few minutes later, there were still, nobody was aware of this ketchup shortage. But they did have Tapatio packets, which I thought was interesting as well.
Starting point is 01:27:27 Hell yeah. We grabbed some of those. And so initially I had dressed mine with mustard, mayonnaise, relish. And my wife, I think just had mustard and relish. And my dad just went straight mustard. We get back to the seats and that's where the fun really started because we started a party. We had this giant pretzel, which was so enormous. You couldn't help but notice that one of these pretzel arms was the width of that hot dog. So I quickly took my hot dog out of its bun after a bite and I snuggled it into one of the arms of that really fat, legendary, Bavarian pretzel. That had just come out of the oven. And then sure enough, here are the nachos over here. And damn it, that tostitos cheese cup didn't dip into my pretzel hot dog monstrosity.
Starting point is 01:28:19 And yeah, they do give you some great pickled jalapenos with those two. So those ended up inside as well. So now we were cooking with gas. This is just funny to show how much better you are. Like I'm like, I put ketchup. I put ketchup on it. I put fucking ketchup. I put all of the three condiments that were put out there and you fucking, you created a masterpiece here. Well, guy, I was inspired about by being on the dough boys. I don't know that I would have gone this far if I wasn't, but I really just wanted to see what, what, what was capable at the AMC, even, you know, like secret menu style, you know, in the tradition of the great secret menus, what can you come up with? And then, you know, the final,
Starting point is 01:28:54 you said your, what, you said you were touching on your wife was your, your wife was about to dig in. Yeah. My wife, she had the nachos, so she was kind of following suit and she put some of the cheese and the jalapenos on hers, but then she takes the tostitos chips and starts crumbling those up and then those go on her dog. So I did that too. And, and I got to say, like, yeah, we make, you know, a certain kind of hot dog at dog house, which is phenomenal. And there are all kinds of hot dogs, but this was a perfectly good, high quality hot dog at the AMC. All beef, great flavor, not in any way dried out. Ours was held in a warming unit and it was, it was really good. I mean, this was, it was, it was one of the better eating experiences,
Starting point is 01:29:36 certainly better eating experience than I had had at the dinin, where the expectations were maybe higher. Sure. Yeah. I think, I think, I think I, I, I can get behind that. I get, I get what you're saying. I mean, look, putting it in the, in the pretzel, within the pretzel, maybe disqualifies you from a dog dough bark fest, right? Why? Yeah, we can't count your fork score. We can't count your fork score, but it was, no, it was, that's, that is, that's genius. And that I, mine was buttery tasting. I mean, it tasted good. I know that it's not, look, it, it's not as good as, it's not as good as dog house. It's, I mean, it's not, it's not gonna, can't touch you guys. Can't touch what you do. Sure. But it's not supposed to.
Starting point is 01:30:21 But it's not supposed to, for what it is. And just being at the movies, even though I will say Venom 2 wise, we talked about this a bit is like the sloppiest, messiest, craziest movie that maybe I still like a little bit that I've ever, that movie was fucking insane. It's, it's very, it's a very different experience, but I had similar feelings to watching Venom 2 to the many saints of Newark, which is just like, this is kind of a mess, but I'm maybe having the time of my life. It's, it's, it's such a, it's a mess and it doesn't even have to be a mess. It's, no, it doesn't. It's so, it is so, it's so fucking crazy and there's no pacing to it at all. If it, no, like, I said that, I said this. Young Silvio is also in it, which is weird. Young Silvio's in it.
Starting point is 01:31:09 I said, I said to Sims that it feels like when you see like a, a foreign movie translated in English, you know, like, oh, there seems like something's lost in translation. Sure. It has that vibe to it. Like a, when I watched Get Hard and it felt like I was watching a movie with like chlorine eyes where it felt like everything was like, I was like, what's happening? I can't like, my brain is breaking as I watch this movie. I don't know what the fuck is going on. Just the pacing, but still kind of enjoyed my Venom is, he's fun. He's having fun.
Starting point is 01:31:39 Yeah. He's having a good time in that movie for sure. He's, he's having a great time in that movie and how can you like Woody Harrelson? So that movie gets about two forks, maybe one and a half to two forks and still I liked it. But should we get into our final thoughts? Should we get to the forks? I think we should. I think so. I think it's time. So Adam, you're our guest. You've, you've heard the podcast. You, you'd know how this works. We just a refresher. We'll each go around and give our closing argument, if you will, on AMC and then give it a score from zero to five forks. We'll begin with you. Okay. So I've been going back to the movies recently
Starting point is 01:32:14 with my very pregnant wife. We're trying to get it in while we can. And I'm glad, you know, that she feels good about it. We both feel have felt comfortable doing it. This was the first time going with my parents, seeing a James Bond film with my dad is just really special because, you know, you know what it's like, you know, my dad is a, is a, is a typical, I kind of sports guy. I'm not a sports guy. We can crossover talking about certain movies and things like that. My parents always took me to rate in our movies. I was the third child. So they were not about to pay for babysitters. So I got to be, that's like how I learned to love movies. You know, they just were like, no, of course he's coming into the movies. So for the food to kind of,
Starting point is 01:32:54 I feel like AMC is making a conscious effort to step up their game. Like they have a flatbread and people have criticized the movie going experience that if it's going to come back, they really need to do something to earn that experience. Why is it worth coming here, rather than just watching it on my TV at home, where I can get Uber Eats from wherever I want and not have to deal with anybody at all. And I thought, you know, the popcorn was hot, the butter was plentiful, the hot dogs were really good. This was a great, great time at the movies. You know, if I was just judging the hot dog on itself, I would say maybe, you know, it's a three fork dog, but the experience and everything was a, for me, a four fork experience.
Starting point is 01:33:37 Wow. Yeah. For AMC. I love it. Yeah. Four forks. Very good score. I love it. All right, Mitch. Wags, before I go on, I want to change a fork score from last week. Wow. I don't know if Excalibur will be happy with me, but... Does the commissioner need to be called in for this? The commissioner, we can talk to the commission. We'll consult him after the fact. He will have everything else. I think that I was a little hard on Costco, because it wasn't a great experience, but I didn't take my past experiences into account. And I want to tell you, I'm pushing my fork score up to four
Starting point is 01:34:15 into the Golden Play Club territory, because I gave it 3.75. And a big part of that, too, is that I know I've had good dogs in the past, but also the price point, which I will say AMC is expensive. That is, and a lot of people, Adam, like you said, a lot of people are questioning why they want to go to theaters. And I think for some people, they just like being there, which is me. I count myself as one of those people. I'd like to be there and see the lights go down and being a big theater. Also, I know it's a weird time. And, you know, a lot of people weren't wearing masks. And it's hard to when we were eating, I was eating food. I had my mask and my gator, but I was going off and on. And then once I was finally done with all my food, I sat with
Starting point is 01:34:57 a mask on during the movie. But it's tricky. And people don't feel comfortable. And a lot of people aren't wearing the mask in there. So it's a hard time to go back to the theater, understandably. But I love it. I've missed the movie so much. And I know that it's not a doghouse dog. It's not. It's Adam Gertler is going to get me. I mean, even if I was with you at the theater, you would have gotten me a much better meal alone by Frankensteining all this stuff together. It sounded fantastic. But I still really like my dog. Wags. I'm a sucker for popcorn with butter. And the Coke was hitting. Seeing a big dumb, fun movie that made zero sense and probably made me dumber. But I was having a blast. I'm going four forks, Wags. Wow, four forks. So it falls to me.
Starting point is 01:35:50 Is AMC, not the dining AMC, the chain, AMC, the regular menu, going to end up in the Hallard Halls, the play club. You can make the stonks go through the roof. Are you holding? Are you huddling? AMC. And that's right. That's right. So I'll say this. For just a bun experience, it was a decent bun. And I liked that they warmed it up. And I feel like if I was getting a proper dog there, that they have that little coffin that they put it in. That little like, you know, sort of, it's the inverse of a cryogenic chamber that they put that dog in with the bun and heated up. I feel like if I, that feels like that adds to the experience. And I'm glad they do that. So I thought the bun was good. I love their nachos.
Starting point is 01:36:41 Their nachos are really great. You're absolutely right, Adam, about the little jalapeños. I'm sort of a heat seeker. So I like that they include those. And you can get extra cheese, dip and cup, even though they forgot mine. And it was a good Coke freestyle experience. And a great time at the cinema. And you know what? I also like going to the movies. I've had, I've had periods in my life where, you know, I get anxiety from feeling trapped inside theaters. So like, that's like, I think like, I don't like, there were times in my life where I was like, I don't like being in movie theaters, because I feel like I can't, you know, I just, I feel like I have to get out. But I've kind of been working to get over that. And,
Starting point is 01:37:16 you know, post, post pandemic, when things have reopened, and I've been, Natalie and I've been going to more movies and, you know, as safely as possible, and having a great time. And I want AMC to succeed. I want, I don't want it to succeed. So why would I go lower than four forks, putting it in the Golden Plate Club? Congratulations to AMC. Another Golden Plate Club entrant or Plate Club entrant period here in Dog Dog Bark Fest 2021. Wow. And why? By the way, I think I just took a kernel out of my tooth from last night. But let me just say this, that I was very nervous before the movie started, because it was kind of like a chatty, excited crowd. And then some guy playing like a song after each trailer, which was annoying. Like on his phone.
Starting point is 01:38:05 Yeah. Yeah. And then guess what? Quiet, quiet as a church mouse in there afterwards. There was no, no noise throughout the entire theater, which is, which is my fear with, with AMC, I feel like with kind of the more popular big theaters, you're going to get some noise. It can happen at any theater, but, but nothing last night, which was, which was a huge plus. So. Wow. Completely silent crowd. Nice prep for when I, we would do our live show in New York in a couple of weeks. We'll take a break. We'll be back with more Dill Boys. Hey, you, you craving fresh, delicious, easy meals, try wild grain and get their bake from frozen sourdough breads, fresh pastas and artisanal pastries delivered right to your door. That's
Starting point is 01:38:55 right, Wags. Wild grain is the first ever bake from frozen subscription box for sourdough breads, fresh pastas and artisanal pastries. Unlike typical supermarket bread, wild grain uses a slow fermentation process. That's easier on your belly, lower in sugar and rich in nutrients and antioxidants. Every item bakes from frozen in 25 minutes or less, you'll never run the risk of getting bored with wild grain. They're constantly adding new seasonal and limited time special items to try. Plus for every new member, wild grain donate six meals to the greater Boston food bank. Wags, Boston baby. So you can eat good and do good all at the same time. All you have to do is sign up at slash Dill Boys and choose which type of box you want to receive
Starting point is 01:39:43 and how often it's easy to reschedule, skip or cancel. Plus for a limited time, you can get $30 off the first box plus free croissants in every box when you go to slash Dill Boys to start your subscription. You heard me, free croissants in every box and $30 off your first box when you go to slash Dill Boys. That's slash Dill Boys or you can use promo code DOBOYS at checkout. Do it. Welcome back to Dogdobark Fest 2021, a month-long grill-abration of hot dogs and pet dogs with our guest, Adam Gertler. Hi, Adam. Hi, guys. It's been great chatting about hot dogs with you.
Starting point is 01:40:29 Well, Adam, this will be an interesting, I've had the time of my life today and you've been so illuminating on so many topics and this is something I wanted to loop you in on because, you know, Mitch, the three of us have been talking a lot about hot dogs today, but there is one style of hot dog that is pretty polarizing in America. And to discuss, we have a special guest. Please welcome Dom Damalski, president of the Chicago Hot Dog Foundation, here to talk to us about the history of the Chicago dog. Hi, Dom. Hey, guys, good to be here. Good to see everybody. Thanks for having me. Hey, thanks for being here, Dom. This is very exciting here, Dom.
Starting point is 01:41:10 Dom, I'm actually a big fan. So, nice to see you. Adam, I'm a big fan of yours, too. I mean, I've got some opinions on how you do your hot dogs, you know what I mean, because I think we're the original here, but I'm not here to get in any kind of fights or any kind of confrontations or anything like that. I'm here to just talk to you about the history of the Chicago hot dog. Like you said, the most polarizing hot dog, maybe on planet Earth. That's right. Probably not the most polarizing hot dog on another planet, but on this planet, people have opinions. Yeah, that's right. You're right. Maybe the Gleepgorp dog on Venus or something is polarizing up there, but if we're talking about
Starting point is 01:41:52 planet Earth. It actually took us a while before we could really take off in Chicago when we opened there because, Dom, as you know, the Chicago ones, they had an opinion about a Los Angeles-based restaurant group opening up in Chicago. Yeah, I did hear that. I was one of your skeptics, bud. Yeah, Dom, I've said it before, but you know, you're a little bit up there. You're a little bit up there. Your own ass is over there in Chicago. Oh, hey. Hey, come on. I mean, yeah, you just said he didn't want a confrontation and you just went over pretty hard. I'm not here to start a fight. I do need to, before we do this, I do need to get to a little bit of business because this is my first time on the podcast. I've never heard of your podcast
Starting point is 01:42:38 previous to this, even though I'm in the food sector. Apparently, you guys are big there. I hadn't heard of you, but I had to ask my daughter about you guys. Wow, your daughter listens? Yeah, she told me that her boyfriend really loves your podcast. Oh, okay. That's very common, yeah. That makes sense. But first thing I need to do just before we go on. Can I ask you a question, Dom? Of course, yeah. Does she ever have to? And then I don't need to get to my business, but then go ahead. Does she ever write in like for her boyfriend to the Doe Boys? Because we're getting a lot
Starting point is 01:43:07 of that lately too. I, this kid that she's been dating for a few years now, I don't, he's like, yeah, he's like the wettest little noodle. The kid has no confidence. I wouldn't be surprised. He barely, he comes over to dinner sometimes and he's like, can you ask your dad to pest the mashed potatoes? It's like, just ask me. I'll give it to you. What's the shame in wanting mashed potatoes? We don't like to use, throw this word around too much, but he's a cuck, right? Basically, I wouldn't use that language either. I, well, if you're, are you, are you talking about a cuck in like the clinical sense, like a, like a cuckold, like someone who has that fetish? I guess that too, yes.
Starting point is 01:43:50 Or just like the sort of modern terms of like a, you know, a cuck that you'd find in urban dictionary. A little from column A and a little from column B. But he, he's a guy who, yeah, he's a wet noodle of a man. He's a guy who wears a hot salad t-shirt, enough said. We get his character. And I don't know really, I've seen him wear that t-shirt to dinner. And again, I'm like, I don't even know what that is. What is the context of that? And he's like, he's like, Sandra, Sandra's my daughter. He goes, Sandra, will you tell him? And I go, you can tell me yourself. Sandra, will you tell him what it is? And then I go, you know what? I don't want to know.
Starting point is 01:44:27 Let's put the game on. Let's put the bears game on. You had some business to get to, Dom. Okay. Yes. So, um, so like I said, I'd never heard of your podcast. Never even, they said, though, boys, I said, I don't know what that is. Is that some kind of baking thing? They said, no, it's a fast food chain podcast. But I wanted to make sure to, just to get your full names here just for a little bit of business that I need to do. So, if you guys could give me just the hosts of the show, Adam, nice to see you. And Emma was kind enough to, I don't need your information. You're a trustworthy person. And
Starting point is 01:45:02 you've just been so helpful every step of the way and getting me on here. But I do need the two, the two hosts to give me their full names, please. I'm, uh, I'm, I'm Michael, uh, D Mitchell, Donovan, Mike D Mitchell. Okay. I'm writing that down. I'm, I'm sorry. Why do you need this? Excuse me? Why, like, why do you need our full names for a guest on a podcast? Okay. Well, I need, I need my boys down at the firehouse to do background checks on you guys before I approve to this being aired. Okay. I don't just talk to any creep on the internet. You understand? I'm, I am the, I am Dom Damulski, president of the Chicago hot dog
Starting point is 01:45:42 foundation here to talk about the history of Chicago dogs. I don't just, that's a prestigious position. You understand? That's like, I'm basically, basically me in Chicago is like the president of the United States in the United States. Do you understand? I'm a protected individual. I have my own secret service. I'm the only person who knows the history of the Chicago hot dog. If I'm, if I'm lost, that information is lost. Do you understand? I can confirm that Dom has got quite a reputation within our industry. Thank you, Adam. Okay. I apologize for doubting your credentials. So I've got Michael Donovan Mitchell here. Okay. That's right. And, uh, you, the, uh, the, the long-haired one, what's your name?
Starting point is 01:46:28 My, my, I mean, my name is, is the burger boy, Nick Weiger, but, uh, my full legal name is Nicholas Frank Weiger. And, you know, sometimes I go by Frank, which means it's time to review the week in hot dog news and another edition of let me be Frank. What? Wags? Hot dog, simmer in the city, great of my grill, getting greasy and gritty, toast bun, don't it look pretty? Sucking on a dog like you're sucking on a titty, pork and beef, sausages and longbread, rolling on a roller grill, mustard and braille dish. One bite, it's a different world. Swap dog bites with a girl, munch on, munch on and chomp all night. Despite the farts, it'll be all right. That taste, when the casein has snapped later that day, you'll for sure have to nap as it
Starting point is 01:47:22 simmers in the city like you're sucking on a titty. You ain't nothing but a hot dog, frying all the time. You ain't nothing but a hot dog, frying all the time. You ain't never been a burger and you ain't no lunch of mine. Well, they said you were sandwich. Well, that was just a lie. Yeah, they said you were sandwich. Well, that was just a lie. You're just a bun around a wiener, so you sure don't qualify? What a grill, with charcoal or propane heated right. What a grill, I'm cooking and I'll melt cheese on you. What a clog in my heart, like nacho supreme.
Starting point is 01:48:42 I give my lunch, not for burgers, but for you. Frank Eater, on my plate, there'll be no bun else. Prime, it's the cut I use for you. Frank Eater, I grill in my dreams. Frank Eater. I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you're looking for Franks, I can tell you that I don't have buns, but what I do have are a very particular set of grills. Grills I have acquired over a very long career. Grills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you let my hot dog go now, that'll be the end of it. I will not cook you. I will not chew you. But if you don't,
Starting point is 01:50:09 I will marinate you. I will brine you and I will grill you. That was a monologue from Frank and Wags. Very good. But since we're talking AMC, it's a double movie monologue today, Wags. Here we go. Tonight, you pukes will sleep with your hot dogs. You will give your hot dogs a nickname because these are the only doggies you people are going to get. Your days of Wiener Schnitzel and old Oscar F. Mayer and his pretty pink Wiener Mobile are over. You're married to this Frank, this tube of meat and bun, and you will be hungry. Pour it. Prepare to Frank. Frank, pour it. Pray. This is my hot dog. There are many others like it, but this one is mine. My hot dog is my best friend. It is my life. I must mustered it
Starting point is 01:51:15 as I must mustered my life. Without me, my hot dog is useless. Without my hot dog, I am useless. I must eat my hot dog true. I must apply condiments straighter than my enemy, who was trying to eat my Frank. I must eat it before he eats it. I will. Before God, I swear this creed. My hot dog and myself are defenders of my barbecue. We are the masters of our grill. We are the saviors of my meal. So be it until there is no hot dogs, but empty plates. Amen. Wow. Wow. Special guest, Mookie Blakelock, who I texted this to as he was doing his segment to jump on and help me out. Oh, sorry, Dom. Wow. So yeah, Mookie hopped on real quick and then got out of here. But Dom is with us now. Yeah, there was some guy that just hopped on just to do
Starting point is 01:52:30 a bit with you. Yeah, that was weird. Does he still get paid for that? We'll talk about it later. Yeah, we'll text him later. You know, one thing I didn't plan beforehand is that there is, you know, when you do stuff online, there's just a little bit of a lag. No, it's all synced up, don't worry. Oh. It's a little tough to time, but Emma will do her magic. It sounded good to me. Just we have some breaking chews here. In the time that we did that intro, Adam's daughter was born and graduated middle school. So congratulations. Thank you so much. Poppy is a big fan of the show. Wow. So, hey, Mr. Slice, let's go ahead and Google hot dogs and see if we have any news.
Starting point is 01:53:21 Oh, yeah. We really don't have any news. We've talked about with our experts, Adam and Dom Damalski. Well, how much time do we have here? Just like 10 seconds? Yeah, we could do a story or two. Yeah, we don't have a lot of time. Do you guys need me here? I mean, you're already here, so. Okay, I mean, I have a opinion. So hot dogs. I mean, I'll stick around. I got nothing to do. You know, we're a couple hours ahead here in Chicago, so the sun's going down and my day's about to be over, so I'll give you guys a little overtime. And everything's okay with the background checks?
Starting point is 01:53:58 We're still waiting for those to come back. Again, we'll record this and then if I find your background checks to be unsavory, I'll just tell you not to air the episode. Okay, so the listeners will find out. I don't mean cut my segment. I mean, don't air the entire episode. Okay, yeah, I, you know, we did sign an agreement with you in advance. Yeah. I gotta say, here's some good news, Adam. Oh, yeah. I'm not sure if there's one of the Chicago Tribune, which Dom, you'll like this too, impossible nuggets land at Chicago's doghouse and rare supply. Do you know of this? Is this your, is this different? Oh, yeah, no, no. This is, you know, I meant to mention that when we were talking
Starting point is 01:54:38 about some of our plant-based stuff because it's becoming such an increasing, you know, portion of what we're doing. Yeah, we launched impossible nuggets not too long ago. And then I think it was, we did it like, we had a short supply very early on. I think they've recovered. But yeah, it was like, as soon as we launched it, a lot of us were out of it very quickly as well. And we're doing sort of like a take on hot chicken with those. We're doing them with barbecue sauce with like a Chipotle honey sauce. So we're kind of offering it as like almost like a wing or boneless wing kind of alternative kind of thing. And they're, they're good. I mean, if you're already taking the nugget thing, like they're, they're pretty impressive. Dom, I mean, I'm not sure how you
Starting point is 01:55:22 feel about a plant-based nugget, but you know, I'm an old school guy, you know, I like things the way I like them. I'm an old man. But you know, I do know, you know, from my daughter, of course, Sandra, you know, she's opened my eyes to a lot of things, you know, and I tried a couple of those impossible nuggets. I've tried a couple of impossible burgers. And I got to say the only thing that's impossible about it is how they make it taste so much like a Dan burger and chicken nuggets. I don't know if they're moving to the impossible hot dog yet. That's, that's scary to me. Hot dogs are near and dear to my heart. I mean, literally, I have a hot dog right near my heart in my chest that's been there for decades. Oh my God. I want to get that looked
Starting point is 01:56:06 at. Oh, I've looked at it many times. It's not what I meant. To me, the source, the source of the news is with us on the app. I mean, you can't get any more. How much more frank can you get than that? That's incredible. But here's, here's another, here's another article. Hot dog handout at Halloween. This place is handing out hot dogs on Halloween. That's what I'm talking about. I like that. The city of, oh, I can't even say it. Ocean, Ocean, city of, well, there's a hot dog Halloween handout. Kids event will be, will be from five to seven PM on Halloween day, October 31st or Halloween night. I'm realizing I don't, I don't even remember what I would ever have for dinner on Halloween. I always
Starting point is 01:56:53 feel like I would just save my appetite to try to have as much candy, but then there's no way that's possible. There's no way my parents let me leave the house without having some proper meal and then just go binge on just candy. It's, it's definitely far from your mind though, so I can't imagine, you know, it's like so unimportant to you. Like you're just trying to get out there, coordinate your trick or treating strategy. It's like, yeah. Yeah. It's the last thing you care about. Dom, I'm guessing you probably had a hot dog. Yeah. Yeah. You know what we do in my neighborhood on Halloween is we get the whole, we get the whole block involved. So one house gives out the bun. The next one gives out the dog. The next one's got
Starting point is 01:57:29 a pickle. The next one's got sliced tomato. The next one's got green relish. And the last one puts on the chopped onion on top. Wow. That seems, yes. That's an entire block of houses then to make one Chicago dog. Yeah. It seems like, I mean, I feel, I feel like the kids maybe would just want some candy at this point too. Yeah. Okay. Well, they can go to another block. I'm not holding them hostage there. There's multiple kinds of pickles on that hot dog too. Yeah. Not just one Yeah. No. You get the spear, you get the deal. Yeah. If you want the sweet pickle, you go across the street to Mary's house. If you want the kosher dill, you go next to me over at the Franklin's house, right? I give out the dogs. If anyone else tries to give out dogs on the block,
Starting point is 01:58:14 and I'm head of the homeowners association too. So you don't mess with me. You don't go, maybe I'll do hot dogs this year. No, you won't. You understand? No. No, you don't want to mess with this homeowners association. Jesus. Adam, do you have any favorite Halloween candies? Oh, yeah. I mean, old school classic, it's very common to be said, but the Reese's Peanut Butter Cup. I also, I'm a big proponent. Do you like the full size cup, sorry, or the mini cup? I was just going to go there. I like the full size cup. I think that's how you get the best ratio. Although, I do like that you get that really strong chocolate ridge with the mini cup. I do like the mini cup. What I don't like is like a Halloween pumpkin-shaped Reese's Peanut Butter Cup, or the Easter eggs
Starting point is 01:59:00 that have way too much peanut butter in them. Oh, we like those, but we're, you know, we're, I mean, we're losers and we like more peanut butter, of course. No, no, listen, I like all of them, to each their own. But I've noticed like some of those candies, like we did, we talked about Kit Kats the last time I was on the Doe Boys. That's right. And like the big cat to me is just not as good as the regular size cat. You know, sometimes they mess up the ratio of the wafer to the chocolate or the peanut butter. I also, I mentioned milk duds. I love the little box of milk duds you get with like three or four super fun. Yeah, those are fun. Yeah. I'm a gummy guy. You're a milk-dud fan, it seems. Oh, I'm a gay. I love a milk-dud. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:59:36 Why are things gummy isn't yummy, but I am a gummy fan as well. No, I love a gummy. Gummy worm on Halloween, that's special. That's nice. Oh yeah, that rules. That's it. That's, you got a nice treat if you get one of those, because those are rare, but I... Nice gummy worm, just sticking inside of a bun with some ketchup and mustard on it. Happy Halloween. Dom, I don't know about that one, but here's what I can say. Dom, I'm wondering if you've heard of this, but Chung Chun TikTok famous rice dogs. I promise you, I haven't heard of it. Okay, rice dog, famous rice dogs in Toronto. I don't know what these famous TikTok rice dogs
Starting point is 02:00:18 are wise, but it seems to be a TikTok phenomenon. That's something I'd have to consult my daughter about. Yeah, she may know. But that's blowing up. They're saying basically it went from a TikTok trend to being a restaurant, or the restaurant was the TikTok trend. I guess it is a restaurant that is a TikTok trend to go and try it. Okay, if you're a fan of street food, you might have heard the Korean fried hot dog and a stick that came to Toronto in 2019, and has blown blowing up TikTok ever since. Toronto's Chung Chun rice hot dog serves up Korean rice dogs, a popular Korean street food that is basically a hot dog wrapped in rice flour, rice flour batter and fried. Chung Chun has several takes on this from a mozzarella cheese hot dog to one wrapped
Starting point is 02:01:06 in ramen chips, and even has a version dipped in squid ink batter instead of rice flour. Wow. Have you seen these Korean hot dogs, guys? Have you seen these? Yes, yeah. I mean, they're doing it's like basically taking the corn dog to levels beyond like the rice flowers, I guess the batter, which you know, like corn starch in a batter makes it really crispy, as opposed to like soft and cakey, which you know, wheat flour would do. And then they roll them in other things, and then sometimes they put a gap in the hot dogs and put a chunk of cheese, right? They go like bit of hot dog, chunk of cheese, bit of hot dog, chunk of cheese, alternating along the skewer. Damn, sounds great. Some next level shit. Yeah. Yeah. Do you like corn dogs in general?
Starting point is 02:01:48 Yes. Yes, I do. We do a root beer battered corn dog at Doghouse, which they did even before I joined up with them. And I've always thought is the coolest idea. Like, and that's the liquid, we basically have our dry mix, and we add root beer to it. So it just gives it a just, you know, because root beer has a lot of sort of like spices in the background of it. So it really, it's sweet, but it also just gives it a little complexity. But no, and you know, and we'll do those with the beyond sausages as well. Or any of our sausages will corn dog, not just the beef dogs, like will corn dog literally anything? Wow. Damn. That's, that's, that's a, that sounds right up Dom's alley too. But it's also at my alley to corn dog. And if you can corn dog anything,
Starting point is 02:02:34 I'm there. Absolutely. We do a Chicago dog here where we corn dog the dog, we deep fry the pickle, the tomato, the relish, everything, everything's fried. And we put it on top. You know, when I was growing up, a corn dog was an era corn in a bun with ketchup and mustard. Oh my God. Sounds loud. I know, I'm the old man here. There was the Chicago hot dog shortage in the fifties. That's one. Yeah. I might have had something to do with that. Now, a lot of people died, but I, I, I was a really tragic event, but wow, I like to look back on it and laugh now. Well, only you did really, but, but I will say only you were laughing at the death part of it all. But, but I will say we're very happy that you made it through. And you know what, we're,
Starting point is 02:03:21 we're kind of out of, we're kind of out of ideas, but here, there's, I mean, we just, we've done this twice this year. So there's, there's no more news things. And there's like things about war dogs. Like there's like an electronic war dog. And then there's also things about dressing up your dogs for Halloween, which we've already talked about wigs. The last thing I saw was a recipe for cooking with chef Brian. It says hamburger hot dogs, making these little, these hamburger, these hamburgers. I've seen those. Yes. Yeah. They're, they're, it's the, it's the, the hot dog form factor, but with a patty. I prefer what, what Tony Luke was doing in Philly going the other direction. That's me is a little bit more. Sure. I agree
Starting point is 02:04:04 with that. Dom, how do you feel? Would you, would you like a hamburger hot dog or what do you think there? I'll try anything between a hot dog bun. I really, you know, it reminds me of the burger dog. Remember that from the, uh, from the old Cosby show. Oh yeah. Yeah. I'm not watching as much anymore. Yeah. It's kind of, yeah. They pulled them all off the air. I don't know why. Oh, well. Well, Dom Domalski. Oh, is that my cue? All right. Hey guys, good news. Background checks came back. We're good. We're good to go. You can air it. Yeah. Love it. Dom Domalski. Thank you so much for joining us from the Chicago hot dog foundation. All right guys. Take care Dom. Thank you for being here. Take care, buddy. Okay guys. Bye. We love you. Wow. So he had never heard of Cosby,
Starting point is 02:04:49 it seems like. Uh, yeah. He just, we just move on. Okay. All right. That was, let me be Frank, just like a restaurant. I value your feedback. Let's open up the feedback. And today we have an email from Mary at Murray clumps from New Jersey. Mary writes, hi to Nick, Mitch, Emma and the dogs over lockdown. I got fair. Did she spell, did she spell it like my pronunciation or did you get, or did you say it like me? She's, she's spelled it, Emma. She's spelled it out, Emma. Okay. Hi to Nick, Mitch, Emma and the dogs over lockdown. I got very much into making pigs in a blanket. I was making a lot of pigs in a blanket, probably too many. Sometimes I would have them on a salad or with a side of sweet potato fries, but other times I would just have them on a plate for dinner.
Starting point is 02:05:25 There has been a great debate of how many hot dogs count as a meal, which I believe ranges somewhere between two and three. But my question is how many pigs in a blanket count as a, count as a meal. It's been a while since I've had pigs in a blanket, to be honest. I've maybe had it a couple of times as adult as a novelty, but it's been over 10 years. There's two ways though. There's the many pigs in the blankets and the big ones, but yes, Adam, have you had a pigs in the blanket in a while? I'm guessing you maybe sooner than us. Well, I mean, as a kid, that was the one thing. If I was ever at like a bar mitzvah or something and things were being passed around, that was the item you're looking for. Hot dog and puff pastry. I mean, there's nothing better than that.
Starting point is 02:06:08 Not so many very recently. I did experiment with making like my own version of one. I made a pork belly hot dog with just pork belly that I whipped into a hot dog form and put that in a kalachi dough, which is like a Texas, Texas sort of like pastry kind of thing that they do sausages in. So, I mean, yeah, I mean, in general, I'm a big fan of this concept, but yeah, no, it's been a while since I've had the classic appetizer size with the tiny, tiny Frank. Yeah, I'm realizing that I probably, I think maybe the last time I've had them was at a wedding because I feel like it's like a, I've sometimes seen that is like, oh, here's a fun odour for a wedding. This is a fun little appetizer. Someone's walking around with a blanket. Odour of, however you say it.
Starting point is 02:06:52 I forget now. Yeah, but Mary is asking about how many, if you're having those mini ones, I mean, I could take like 10 to the dome pretty easily. I could have a lot of the mini ones. The mini ones, I think you're going like maybe 20 for a meal. This must be a full-size sausage it picks in the blanket, which has been a while since I've had one of those. That's probably the same answer as a hot dog, right? It's like two or three. I'd say two to three, yeah. Yeah. You're going to get a much more calories in the crust. Yeah, sure. Right? Because- Good point. You know, but it depends. If you're talking about like an anti-ans, like pretzel dog,
Starting point is 02:07:34 that's still probably more calories than a bun, but not as much as say like the puff pastry from your classic dog. So I'd say two. Two, you're probably good, but you also got that real kind of greasy fold too from like, oh, wow. Yeah. If you're just talking about the hot dog meat itself, yeah, you could go on quite a while just down in dogs. I think two is a good answer. Two is a great answer. We were testing a bunch of hot dogs for the Jason Sheridan episode, my mom and I. It was three and a half. Yes. It was our dinner and we didn't really eat anything else. There was like a little pasta salad that I had a bite of and a couple of Jason Tatum ships, but it was like that three and a half stuffed me good. That was more than enough. And yeah,
Starting point is 02:08:17 I think, yeah, so probably closer to two for the pigs in a blanket is maybe more so than three, but somewhere in there. And like you're saying, Adam, you're going to get stuffed out quicker. Yes. Mitch, had you ever had specials on the east coast? I don't know if they even had like a lot of Jewish style delis in the Boston area. There are some, I feel like in Brookline, I'm trying to think of where my godfather's sister was just telling me, but for me, like Jewish delis, way more so when I visited New York or LA. There were a lot of Irish delis where you could get sandwiches that were basically the same thing. And a few Jewish delis, but I had them last when I was younger. Yeah. Well, because we used to get these things called specials,
Starting point is 02:09:06 which were just like hot dogs, but specials. They called them specials on the menu. I think in fact, they were probably some version of what's called a knock worst, which is kind of just like a big fat hot dog. Yeah. But they would just do that on a plate. I remember getting that and like my dad would be like, you want to get some specials? And there would just be two of those fat hot dogs on a plate with beans, the like just baked beans. Great. Beans were always like baked beans and dogs were that's like one way that I forgot it because I said mac and cheese the other night. I'm like, Oh yeah, big beans with dogs in them. That's the other way to eat them. And I definitely had that growing up. Yeah. But I don't know if
Starting point is 02:09:45 I had any specials. Those sound great. I've never heard it called specials, but I've 100% gotten a knock worst deli, a knock worst dinner rather at a Jewish deli at Izzy's in Santa Monica used to go there. And that used to be. Oh yes, of course. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know if they're still around anymore, but I think they might have closed unfortunately. I think they might have closed. I liked Izzy's too. Izzy's was good. Yeah. Yeah. But it was a great meal. You get like two big knock worse and a bit and a whole and a bed of beans like you were describing then usually like a little side of coleslaw or whatever salad you want. Oh yeah. No, the coleslaw is the perfect cool compliment to that whole combination. That's that makes the whole thing. And then the pickles
Starting point is 02:10:22 that they give you the from the barrel fermented pickles, which are the smaller size and you I would just eat 30 of those at a go. I was at Izzy's once and I asked for mustard and they brought me seven different mustards. This is unbelievable. Wags, I guess again, the answer is maybe just another three dog night. Right. I see those hot dogs start to roast now. So wait, I'm, did I miss why he sings credan songs when he's talking about three dog night? Is that a, we're leaning into it. We're leaning into it. All right, great. Mitch doesn't know the difference between credan's clear water revival and three dog night. I see these are comments that you received. So you really just want to just we're trying. Yeah, we're doing what people do and
Starting point is 02:11:09 we're just annoying listeners more. That's the, that's the way we're solving it. Oh, okay. Then yes, it works for us for whatever reason. Someone, someone was saying that there was a better version of the song. We made up the song on the spot. What did you want from us? What do you want? There's a hot dog on the land. I forgot what they, what their plus stuff version of anyways, we fucked up. I didn't know that we had so many fucking 75 year old men that listened to the podcast that were mad that we were confused fucking credan's and three dog night for God's sakes. Yes. Sorry that these bands that my father introduced me to, that we were not intimately familiar with their catalogs. That can sound similar sometimes. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:11:49 Fucking God damn it. Speaking of your father's bands, I'm going to see the Stones tonight. I know we're going to get you out of here. Let's fucking wrap up the show. We'll wrap up the show, but the, the answer is two pigs in a blanket from Adam Gertler himself. So there you go, Mary. And if you have a question or comment about the world of chain restaurants, you can email us at dowboyspodcast at or leave us a voicemail at 830 go to that's 830 4636844. And to get the Doughboys double or weekly bonus episode, you can join the Golden or Platinum Play Club at slash Doughboys. Adam Gertler, thank you for being so generous with your time and your knowledge and your expertise and, and your talents. We're,
Starting point is 02:12:23 we're very excited to have you on the podcast, especially for this month. So thank you so much for making time for us. Yes. We, we obviously love doghouse. Feel free to plug that and anything else you would like to plug. Thank you guys. Thank you again. It's been a great dog dough bark effects so far. And I just want to say, you know, during the whole pandemic, while I was like working in restaurants and stuff, it was great that you guys were out there doing the good work of eating the food that we were making for you. You know, yes, there's one way to see that is like, yeah, we were out there risking our lives to cook for you and you were safely at home ordering it. But, you know, we're heroes. We're heroes too. Much like Venom. It's a symbiotic relationship,
Starting point is 02:13:03 right? We can't have one without the other. Yes. No, definitely check out doghouse. If there's a doghouse near you, you can also find online badass breakfast burritos, bad mother clucker for chicken sandwiches as well, which are both brands of ours. I used to do the DC movie news podcast. And I think actually by the time this comes out, that'll be over, but we're going to do a reunion to talk about DC fandom. So if you want to check that out, it will exist out there. And yeah, no, it was great to be here, guys. Thanks so much. Yeah, you rule do. Thank you. I can't wait to get back and try some of those burritos and go get back to doghouse, too, on top of all that. You make great food over there.
Starting point is 02:13:46 And you know what? Tonight, I hope that the Stones sing, I hear hurricanes are blowing. Yes, they're big hit off the tattoo you album. It's going to be a fun concert. Don't know if this episode was on next time for Mr. Slice, Mike Mitchell, I'm Nick Weigher, happy eating. See you. On the next Doe Boys Double, what's your favorite scary movie? Is it the 2011 talking dog comedy Spooky Buddies? Then you're in luck. As we wrap dog Doe Barkfest 2021, Paul Rust returns to review a Halloween movie about puppies rescuing a small town from an evil wizard. Spoiler alert, it sucks. Get the Doe Boys Double every Tuesday only at slash Doe Boys.
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