Doughboys - Dogdoughbarkfest: Sonic Drive-In with Matt Apodaca

Episode Date: October 6, 2021

Matt Apodaca (What's With These Homies Talkin' About Weezer, How Did This Get Played?) joins the 'boys to kick off Dogdoughbarkfest with a review of Sonic Drive-In. Plus, another edition of Let Me Be ...Frank. Sources for this week's intro: more Doughboys? Check out our Patreon!: for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up, everybody? It's your boy, The Spoon Man, and I want to talk to you about today's sponsor, Uber Eats. At Uber Eats, we've helped more than 400,000 restaurants across the U.S. reach new, hungry customers and deliver growth quickly through new orders. Uber's global platform can help you grow, reach new people, get valuable sales data, and unlock ways to expand with flexible delivery options. Put your business on Uber Eats. Get access to the Uber Eats platform, including valuable sales data to grow your business. Dig in to your data. Really dig in there. Anytime to monitor your performance and customer order trends. Wow. Wow. Why, restaurant owners, enjoy 0% commission for the first 30 days on
Starting point is 00:00:49 all orders, offer subject to change per the terms of the restaurant agreement. Wow. 0% on the first 30 days. Sign up today. That link that you want to click on is down there in the episode description. Right down there. Check it out. There it is. Move your cursor. Go ahead and click. Or if you're on your phone, use your finger. And click that link. Click that link in the episode description. What's up, everybody? It's your boy, Mr. Slice, and I got some exciting news. The Doughboys are going back on tour in 2022. That's right. CS Live in Seattle, January 8th. Portland, January 9th. At the Foxwoods Resort in Connecticut, February 4th. In Boston at the Wilbur Theater on February 5th. And guess what? Two new shows
Starting point is 00:01:40 have just been added. One in Milwaukee on January 28th and one in Chicago on January 29th. Ticket info at slash live. That's slash live. See you there, everybody. I can't talk about the reason now, but I hope I can talk about it when the time comes. I may retire. This was part of a June 2021 Twitter post by legendary video game developer Yuji Naka, as translated by Polygon, following the critical and commercial disaster of his most recent project, the half-baked 3D platformer, Balan Wonderworld. If it's in fact an early curtain call for Naka, it closes out a career that includes as the highest of highlights, programming and co-creating, along with character designer Naoto Oshima
Starting point is 00:02:25 and level designer Hirokazu Yasuhara, one of the most famous franchises in gaming history, a platformer starring a speedy blue hedgehog with a bad boy toad. Released by Sega in 1991, Sonic the Hedgehog boasted fine-tuned physics and a remarkable sense of speed, as well as a cooler, edgier tone that contrasted with competitor Nintendo's kid-friendly first-party offerings. Sequels would follow in rapid succession, first introducing beloved characters like Tails and Knuckles, then later, as the franchise stagnated, less beloved additions like Cream the Rabbit and Charmy B. The bloated roster eventually nicknamed by its fandom as, quote, Sonic and his shitty friends, end quote. The franchise would start to struggle
Starting point is 00:03:08 as games transitioned from two dimensions to three around the turn of the century, and the series' nadir is widely considered to be a 2006 bomb simply titled Sonic the Hedgehog, which included a cringe-inducing dramatic beat where the anthropomorphic blue hedgehog shared a passionate kiss with a human woman. Naka had resigned amid production, ending his affiliation with a character. And by pure coincidence, the franchise Naka co-created and oversaw shares a name with a fast-food franchise similarly associated with speed, as well as rings, gold and onion, respectively. Distinctive footwear, oversized red sneakers and roller skates, and, of course, chili dogs, eating and serving. Founded in Oklahoma in
Starting point is 00:03:48 1953 by Troy Smith as a hot dog and root beer stand, in 1956 Smith brought on board Charlie Pap, and in 1959 the duo rebranded their budding chain to share a name with a blue blur, adding the slogan, service with the speed of sound. Featuring hyper-efficient roller skating car hops and centered on in-car dining, the chain's grill top classics and frozen sweet treats became foodie favorites in the South and Midwest, and in the 90s and 2000s, just as the hedgehog was making a splash, the drive-in expanded nationally. Today, with 3,500 locations across the U.S., its profile elevated by a memorable series of TV commercials starring comedians TJ Jugodowski and Peter Graz, this drive-in eatery has made an impact as enduring
Starting point is 00:04:30 as the hedgehog, with which it shares a name. This week on Doughboys, we begin Dog Doughbark Fest 2021, a month-long grill-abration of hot dogs and pet dogs with Sonic Drive-In. Welcome to Doughboys, the podcast about chain restaurants. I'm Nick Weiger, along with my co-host, Frank Futterstein, the Spoon Man, Mike Mitchell. Wags, you know what? That one was actually pretty funny. You liked that one, Mitch. Well, interestingly enough, that roast was submitted by Mr. Slice on the Dough Squad, which I believe is your username.
Starting point is 00:05:33 It's both a spooky roast and a hot dog roast, and that's ideal. That's what we're looking for if you can pull it off, but if not, we're just looking for any sort of spooky October roast, roastspoonman at My alt was that he puts the Frank in Frankenstein, like hot dog, but I feel like Frank is also just such a name that it's kind of confusing. So, Frank Futterstein. Yeah, I think this was better. This is a punch-up. Was it funnier than all the submissions on the Dough Squad? Because if not, I should just stay in Quincy.
Starting point is 00:06:23 I mean, you're going to stay in Quincy regardless. Yeah, no, I think it's good. Frank Futterstein, I love it. Wags, howdy ho! And also, to Spoon Nation, it makes sense because it's October, Wags, and it's a new theme month. That's right. It is Dog Doe Bark Fest 2021, a month-long grill-abration of hot dogs and pet dogs. Wow, Dog Doe Bark Fest.
Starting point is 00:06:52 Dog Doe Bark Fest 2021. I like that it's 2021 because you know there's going to be a Dog Doe Bark Fest 2024 or something at some point, 2025. We'll go back to this one. This won't be the last one. No, we'll circle back to this theme. Wags, we got a lot of show, so I'm going to jump right into my drop. So much show.
Starting point is 00:07:12 Some would say too much show. Yeah. I mean, anyone with things. All right. Here we go. Here's a little drop, Wags. I'm going to share the screen for everybody. Here we go. I have thick skin. You make fun of me all the time, but I fucking nailed it. Well, I wonder if they pitched you up at all or altered the timing because it sounded like
Starting point is 00:07:32 you just came in. Will you shut the fuck up and just give me a goddamn compliment for God's sakes? I wonder if they altered you to make you sound better. You piece of shit. Thanks for years of giggles, Kim, P.S. I did not pitch him up. Is that true? Is that actually in there? No, you dumb fucking asshole.
Starting point is 00:07:54 Damn. I used to be funny. A little mean for my taste. Oh, shut the fuck up, nerd. I like comedy that doesn't step on any toes. Oh, boy. Well, Wags, I got size 14s, baby. I'm always stepping on toes.
Starting point is 00:08:18 Dear Mr. Slice, lettuce lad. That's you. Emmer and DK, Drop King, not Donkey Kong, though in this scenario would work. I got such a kick out of the Mitch pitched up or not pitched up conversation that I want to follow up my DK drop with a Donkey Kong bonus level. Appreciate you all, Kim. P.S., I did adjust Wiger's laugh to match the ending, but just barely. Wow.
Starting point is 00:08:47 How about that? You were pitched up. I got pitched up? Was that timing? Was that pitcher timing? You know, pitched what? Was it pitcher timing? Did my pitch get adjusted or did the timing get adjusted?
Starting point is 00:09:06 I think your pitch got adjusted. Wow, they pitched my laugh up. Also, for the listening audience, he's also pitching a tent right now, Wiger. Saying I have an erection while we're recording. That's on camera. By the way, when I say that, it's an actual tent. That's the kind of hog he's working with. He can pitch an actual tent.
Starting point is 00:09:30 You're not the only one with the size 14s, my friend. What the fuck went wrong? Why did I have Frankenstein feet and you get all the benefits of the big feet? It's not fair. You got a big head. You got a Frankenhog on you. You got a Frankenhog. Okay.
Starting point is 00:09:47 Hey, Mitch, very exciting news. We've added a late show in Boston, your hometown of Boston, Mass. Yeah, baby. We're going to be there on Saturday, February 5th at 9.45 p.m. So if you didn't get into the early show, buy tickets for the late show. The early show is, I believe, sold out. The late show still has tickets available, And if you're going to the early show, want a double dose of dough, boys, stick around.
Starting point is 00:10:11 Yeah, stick around. Buy a ticket, but stick around. With an additional ticket purchase. And now, also, just so people know, the first show is now going to be the worst show. We're going to make the second show better. Right. We've made that pact. We're going to bomb the first one so that the second one we can blow out of the water.
Starting point is 00:10:30 Mm-hmm. You know, maybe there's some Boston, maybe some Boston celebrities stop by wigs. Who knows? Mayor Marty Walsh. Could David Ortiz be there? Marty Walsh. Big poppy. Big poppy.
Starting point is 00:10:46 Senator Scott Brown. The Afflecks, Ben, Matt. Wait, is Matt Affleck? Is there a, oh wait, that's Matt Damon. Matt Affleck. What was this mistake? Ben Affleck. Wigs, Ben Affleck and Matt Affleck will be there.
Starting point is 00:11:09 You thought, like, you understand that Matt Damon is a separate person, but you thought you conflated him with Casey Affleck in your mind and thought they were brothers. Ben, Casey, Matt Affleck, all three Afflecks will be at the show. You know what else, Wigs? Yeah. The Affleck duck. That's exciting. You think Matt Damon, what, Wigs?
Starting point is 00:11:34 I was just going to say, I think Matt Damon should canonically be an Affleck that makes everyone's lives easier. Yeah. I agree. So is the Affleck duck, his name is Duck Affleck? Yeah. Yeah. Cool.
Starting point is 00:11:46 So all the Afflecks, Ben, Casey, Matt and Duck, check them out at Dover Live. All four Afflecks will be there. At the Wilbur, February 5th at 9.45 PM, slash live. And Mitch, speaking of exciting announcements, we've got a man who always makes announcements for us. We have a very special appearance before we introduce our guest. Oh. The commissioner of the Doe Boys Terminative Chompians, Evan Susser is here.
Starting point is 00:12:15 Hi, Susser. Wow. No chance, so that's what you got. Hello, and welcome to Dog Doe Barkfest 2021. I'm going to make a brief statement. We'll add it. Rules for the month, after which I'll take some questions. Great.
Starting point is 00:12:38 Rules for the month. Also speaking of stepping on people's toes, you got the king of it right here with Susser. Rule number one, even though this is a theme month and not a tournament, there are rules. Wow. Okay. Rule number two. Rule number one, there are rules. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:04 Rule number two, this is hot dog month, not burger month. These restaurants will be evaluated for their hot dogs, sides, and drinks only. No burger is allowed under any conditions. Wow. Addendum to rule number two, there are some conditions where a burger is allowed. If it is a flattened hot dog, if it is flattened hot dog meat on a burger bun, it is allowed. Or if it's burger meat in a tubular shape of a hot dog, it's also allowed. This shall be known as the Susser addendum.
Starting point is 00:13:47 Wow. All right. I was going to guess that if the burgers would be allowed if you were a guest on one of the episodes. Rule number three, even though this is a tournament, even though this is not a tournament, the chains pink is disqualified. Wow. Pinks is in the stinks.
Starting point is 00:14:10 Rule number four, again, despite the fact that this is not a tournament, I am still in charge. However. Okay. My title for the month will not be commissioner or president of the DOC, the Olympic organizing committee. Right. Instead, it will be top dog Evan Susser.
Starting point is 00:14:34 Wow. And I must be referred to as that throughout the month by everyone on the podcast. Top dog. Top dog. My Uber name, the top dog. You're stealing my Uber name. He's coming from your ride share alias. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:14:50 You don't know the Susser? I didn't know that. Oh, no. He changed his name on the thing. His Susser just changed his name to display name to top dog Evan Susser. So, real quick, I've told the story before on the podcast, but I got in a ride share with Mitch once and the driver goes, you must be the top dog because Mitch has changed his display name on Uber and Lyft to top dog.
Starting point is 00:15:16 That's right. The top dog. The top dog. Rule number five. The hot dog would be better for Suss. No. Rule number five. Big dog.
Starting point is 00:15:27 No cats allowed. What? That's right. That's right. As cats are dogs natural enemy, they are officially banned from the podcast for the month. This is bull's eye. Wally and Irma must not be discussed on the podcast unless they are referred to as dogs. Their new dog names will be Wuffy and Gurma.
Starting point is 00:15:55 I will now answer any questions. How are Wuffy and Gurma even close to dog names? I guess is my question. That's not. Wuffy is a sound the dog makes. That's a proper dog name. It's kind of how dogs growl. Wally starts with a W and a W sound.
Starting point is 00:16:17 Yes. That's Wuffy. Irma has that Ir in it. That's how I got Gurma. This all makes sense. You know how dog names are often the sound dog makes? That's how you usually name a dog. Right.
Starting point is 00:16:32 Barkstale, et cetera. Wolfie is a dog. Yeah, Barkstale. Wolfie is a dog in Terminator 2. What's your dog's name? It's Max. Oh, it's Wolfie. I thought it was Wolfie.
Starting point is 00:16:43 It's Wolfie. You thought it was Wolfie? Yeah, like that movie Wolf of Wall Street. And the backup, you know, I really, I asked for the comments and questions to come after the rules. You guys really steamrolled me and stepped on my toes this time. But I was not aware that Mitch's name was Top Dog, but I'm still sticking with it. That's my name.
Starting point is 00:17:09 Yeah, that's my question. Yes. Like this whole commissioner character. Yeah. Character. Like, is there like some sort of scenario, like, like just what it's based on, like, like, there's never a time when, like, the, you know, like, the commissioner of the NBA, like, lists rules out and people are happy about it, you know, like, I'm just trying to, I'm
Starting point is 00:17:36 just trying to, like, figure out where this comes from more than anything, like, like, you know, right? I mean, like, even Vince McMahon didn't really do this, did he? He kind of did, I guess, sometimes. Oh, no, I think that, you know, Vince McMahon would, you know, announce a match or stipulation. That's pretty close. Yes, for sure. Announcing rules.
Starting point is 00:17:54 And, you know, I think, and I think, you know, as far as the NBA. So it is just Vince McMahon. As far as an NBA commissioner, you're right. I don't think that Adam Silver has ever announced rules, but I think if he got out there and said, Hey, there's going to be a seven point shot, I think people would be pretty excited about that. So maybe the note is not for me. Maybe it's for Adam Silver.
Starting point is 00:18:15 Wow. All right. Shots fired. You know, I mean, I'm sure, I know, I think the rules would be met with, you know, equal confusion by fans of the podcast and by us. I can't, I have to say, Wolfie and Germa. That's fair. I can do that.
Starting point is 00:18:32 I can do that for a month. And you have to say the dogs. You have to say the dogs too. You can't say that. My dogs, Wolfie and Germa. Yeah. Yeah. What if they make an appearance on the podcast?
Starting point is 00:18:45 Or there's what? What do you have to do? They have to bark. They have to bark. They have to bark. And there's a fine. There's a fine if you mess up. Oh, there's a fine.
Starting point is 00:18:57 And 50% of that fine goes to like a dog shelter. And the other 50% goes to me. Okay, fair. It's going to be really nice when we don't donate any money at the end of the month to dog shelter. Well, we do have a partnership with the Santé Door Foundation here in Los Angeles. Now, that's right.
Starting point is 00:19:21 Now, Susser, they rescue both dogs and cats. Is that okay? You know how sometimes a charity donation can be earmarked? Yes. So, like, if you know, you give money to a university, you could say this is for scholarships or this is for, you know, a new computer lab. So I think you'll have to see if you can earmark the donation
Starting point is 00:19:40 and say only for dogs. Got it. Fair enough. Well, great. What a start. What a start. The top dog, Evan Susser. Thank you so much for all of these rules and restrictions.
Starting point is 00:19:55 Just going to make stuff more fun. So, thank you. Thank you guys. Have a great episode. Susser. Hey. Yes. Have a good one.
Starting point is 00:20:04 I agree to give you 50% of the fine money, but you've got a promise to get your mic fixed and get all the Rice Krispie treats taken out of it or whatever the noise is. Whatever the crackling and popping is, you've got to get it removed. Yeah. This mic's made out of Pop Rocks.
Starting point is 00:20:27 I'll see what I can do. Evan Susser, thank you so much. We love you, Suss. Thank you, Commissioner. Bye, guys. Thank you, Commissioner. Bye, bye. I'm sorry, the top dog, FOPOP.
Starting point is 00:20:36 Oh, the top dog. And hey, FOPOP, P-A-W-S. Our guest is shaking his head. Yes, FOPOPs. I've had enough of this already. Our guest hosts the podcast, What were these homies talking about, Weezer? And how did this get played with Heather Ann Campbell and me?
Starting point is 00:20:56 Matt Apodakis here. Hi, Matt. What's up? Hi, Nick. Hi, Mr. Slice. Mitch. Hi, Emma. Hi to all the Matt fucks out there.
Starting point is 00:21:06 That hasn't been said in a long time. What's up, everyone? It's nice to see you guys. It's less nice to see Nick because I see him every week, but it's really nice to see Mitch and Emma. Yes. I feel the same way. Yeah, it's very, yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:22 I see more than I ever imagined. More than Matt and Emma ever imagined seeing you. We see you more on a weekly basis than we ever imagined, which is why am I being singled out? I'm just saying, we were just using you as an example. I'm just saying. Yeah, I see you more than I anticipated. I know that you're the common denominator in our shared grief.
Starting point is 00:21:44 Yes. Okay, well, only, okay. Matt, you are, you know, you heard the rules from the top dog before you came on here and I have to tread carefully here because you yourself are a cat man. A cat will often creep into the frame of your webcam. Tell us about your quote-unquote dog. Yeah, when I heard that rule, I did start to sweat a little bit.
Starting point is 00:22:12 I simply cannot handle getting a fine. It would bankrupt me because my cat recently on a show, my dog, excuse me, barked so much that it was an impossible task to head it out. It was a fucking nightmare. But they're good. One of them is 15 years old. He's sleeping right over here on a chair,
Starting point is 00:22:40 but he doesn't act like he's 15. I'll tell you that. He's a real pain in the ass. And there's another guy over there. I don't know if you can see. Yeah, he's just this little very cute. Lug over there. Also sleeping.
Starting point is 00:22:51 They love to sleep. They love to sleep all day. But they love to wake me up at 6.30 in the morning, fucking feed my ass. Good grief. Is he a tuxedo dog? Yeah, that's Hurley back there. He's a tuxedo.
Starting point is 00:23:06 He's a tuxedo guy. And the other guy is like a dog. Wolfie and Germa, they don't wake me up too much as they sleep between my legs. Both also, as you know, tuxedo dogs. Yeah, that's right. Is it because they're passed out? They are.
Starting point is 00:23:28 They're passed out. They were partying the night before. They're just like, I feel like they've taken on my sleep patterns, which is dangerous, which I feel like they should. But you know what? I was going to say 15 years old for a dog. This sucks already.
Starting point is 00:23:45 15 years old for a dog is, no, it's not. I'm saying like my cat, my dog. Hmm. My dog zipper. I don't know how to. What am I supposed to do here in this scenario? I don't think you got to change the name. I think it works.
Starting point is 00:24:03 Yeah. Unless it was like Mr. Mr. Cat, then you got to just change it. You know, right? My old dog lived till she was 22. Mm hmm. And I think it's a common thing for, for dogs to live that long.
Starting point is 00:24:19 Yeah, especially indoor dogs. Yeah. We can't have a conversation about we want to have a conversation about because of this stupid rule. Yeah. No, I had, I mean, I had a roommate whose cat was like 19, that we had to, while we were living together, had to get put down and it was a debacle because this cat
Starting point is 00:24:41 was like, please let me die. Like just like an old, old, her name was dog. Excuse me. Her name was beauty. Very, very sweet dog. I saw wise can say when you said she was 19. Um, legal wise. That mean.
Starting point is 00:24:58 Sort of a typical. I think I'm prowling on teens. That's part of my character. I was going to say, my family never had dogs growing up, but we did have a dog. His name was Daryl. And Daryl. Daryl was very sweet.
Starting point is 00:25:17 Daryl was very sweet. Daryl passed away when I was very young, but he was a good, beautiful golden retriever. And I remember saying, you remember saying goodbye, Daryl. Yeah. When Daryl was being taken away. Before he killed him. Well, come on.
Starting point is 00:25:30 Paint me as some sort of psychopath. So we got to see what Daryl does as a child. It was just, it was scary the way you said it. Yeah. I certainly wouldn't make that comparison. Goodbye, Daryl. Yeah. Goodbye, Daryl.
Starting point is 00:25:44 It wasn't menacing. Why? How I've never heard about Daryl. I think I've talked about Daryl before. You have? He was more my parents dog. I mean, my older brother was around for more of Daryl, but he was more like my parents dog and then they had a family
Starting point is 00:26:00 and then the dog passed away when I was very young. I don't even think I was in, I was in preschool yet. I think it was maybe three or four. Very young. Sweet dog though. Didn't you get bit in the face as a child by a dog? I did. Yeah, I got bit.
Starting point is 00:26:13 I actually didn't like dogs for a while. Again, we're talking about dogs, not dogs. I didn't like dogs for a while because when I was in third grade, my brother's friend's dog, I went up to pet it and she bit me on the face and I had to go to the ER. You wore like a Hannibal Lecter style mask for like a few years, right? Wasn't that bad. But yeah, it was a pretty grizzly, big section of cheek sort of.
Starting point is 00:26:43 Jesus. You know, not off. It was pretty gruesome. Yeah, it was real gore gallery shit. Ugh. Yeah. Did you ever see it on there? Did you ever see your own picture on gore gallery is what I'm asking?
Starting point is 00:26:58 No, but I did, but my dad did take pictures like immediately after. Really? Yeah, he did and this was pre-digital camera obviously. So I remember them getting developed and me looking at them and I was just like, like crying with like a huge gash on my face. Oh my God. The dog was fine. Did those pictures make it into the family photo album or something?
Starting point is 00:27:17 Yeah. It's my yearbook photo. The dog was pregnant and no one knew the dog was pregnant. Oh. That was the issue. Yeah. And so she was like being, you know, productive or whatever of this strange kid who was walking up to her not knowing how to pet a dog.
Starting point is 00:27:31 Yeah. But yeah, I was scared of dogs for many years and then I came around. I love dogs. Love them. Wow. No one knew the dog was pregnant. A little surprise pregnancy there. That's little puppies.
Starting point is 00:27:43 That's cute. But Wags, why did your dad take this picture? That's a good question. I'll follow up. I assume it was because he's just, he's like, you know, like a good in a crisis sort of guy and he's probably like just in case we need to document this or whatever. Who fucking knows? You know, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:28:02 Maybe he's going to sue their asses. Lawyer up. Your dad demanded that they put down the dog and all the puppies after they were born. And Nick. And Wags. Guess what? That only made me stronger. Hey, we're talking about some pretty gruesome stuff and we are here in the spookiest of
Starting point is 00:28:24 months before we get into hot dogs. That's true. Matt, are you a Halloween man? You know, I, yes, because I, you know, I've said this to you before, Nick, but I'm something of a treat seeker. So I love candy. I love any sort of sort of like Halloween treat. That's for a caramel apple.
Starting point is 00:28:42 That's fun. Oh yeah. But as far as like, I've not, I've only spent one Halloween in the place that I'm living now. And I guess we did decorate a little bit that you can't see it, but on our front door, there's like a little glass like window pane and we put like a scary mask in it. And that was kind of fun. But as far as like other Halloween, like decorating, we don't, I don't like that because most of
Starting point is 00:29:06 Halloween decoration is like making your house look dirtier, like putting up like cobwebs and stuff. And I was like, I gotta clean this up later. No, no, thanks. But I like, I like, I like a scary, you know, I like a scary movie. I like a, I'll try to play a scary game and then, and you know, turn it off immediately because it's too, too afraid. But there, but Halloween, Halloween's good.
Starting point is 00:29:32 I think it's one of the good, one of the good ones, one of the good holidays, not food holiday though, you know, like it's, it's, that's a candy holiday. But, but I mean, if you're as something of a treat seeker is someone who likes the, your, your, your sugary sweet treats, like what, what candies do you glom onto around all hellos Eve? I, I always lucked out when I was a kid because I have, I have three brothers and so they're always going towards like the Reese's, like the Reese's peanut butter cup. And that's not, that's not my bag.
Starting point is 00:30:04 I don't, I don't really like, I don't like those that much. Something about the, the, it's the peanut butter quotient in those. It's, it's not a good peanut butter to me. So I just, there's too much of it. I don't love it. But I was, I'm a gummy guy. I love gummies. But I would always get really excited too when there would be like the, like the mini
Starting point is 00:30:29 like pool and peel twizzlers are in a Halloween bag. That's my zone. I love twizzlers. And my brothers, no, absolutely not. They don't like that at all. So it was a real, that was a real nice time for me because I got to have everybody's twizzlers. I'm a Kit Kat guy though.
Starting point is 00:30:45 If I go chocolate, I love a Kit Kat. I love that, that crunch. But yeah, gum, gummies all the way for me. I, I, I'm a, to this day, I'm a, I'm a gummy freak. I go, I go nuts for a gummy. So you have, you have, you have, you have, well, well, go, go ahead. Wise. I just, there's something important that we're going to touch on here, but go ahead.
Starting point is 00:31:07 I was just going to say you and I are of different minds here because I say gummy ain't yummy, but I appreciate people who like gummies. You admit you're a big gummy guy. I am a big gummy guy. Gummy, gummy guy. Gummy is yummy. Not gummy guy is yummy. Gummy is yummy.
Starting point is 00:31:21 I don't know gummy guy. Just like I don't know Halloween man. Halloween man feels like a, when you were, when you were asking Matt if he was a Halloween man. Yeah. It feels, it feels, it feels like a, it feels like a trick art treat. It feels like one of the New Age horror movies. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:36 Right. It's a knockoff of, of Michael Myers. It's like, it's the Halloween man. That's the, yes. That's the mask. That's the mask man is the, is the mask for Michael Myers because they, because they can't say Halloween. Right.
Starting point is 00:31:50 Um, but, uh, or it could be a, uh, a sandler like Hubee Halloween, which by the way, Hubee Halloween turning one years old. Why is it turning one? I can't wait to watch it again. How about that? Yeah. I laughed, I truly laughed my ass off when I watched it. It was like, I mean, it came, it probably came in the right time.
Starting point is 00:32:05 Betsy. Betsy's so funny in it. Also Shaq, I mean, come on. That's a great duo. The duo, yeah, the duo of duo was really, but that movie, I think just came at the right exact moment in quarantine where I was like about to just lose my mind. And I like was like crying, laughing, watching it. I was like, this is, I needed this.
Starting point is 00:32:24 It was so funny. I love, I love the sand man, but speaking of movies, you have three brothers. That's right. So altogether you are four brothers. Hmm. And my question to you is, have the four of you ever watched four brothers? You know what? It's not, I don't, I've never seen it.
Starting point is 00:32:43 I would doubt that it's just knowing the taste of my other, my fellow brothers. If they would enjoy that and we're not, I'm sure, you know what? Next time we're all together, I'm going to pitch it. Say, hey, you know what? We're not, we're not doing Christmas this year. We're not doing Thanksgiving. We're watching four brothers and that's, that's, that's the only thing we're doing today because they like that kind of movie.
Starting point is 00:33:07 I would assume it's something, not something unlike like The Town or something. That's something we'll all put on and enjoy. Yeah. It is, there is Wahlberg in it. But I think it's a John Singleton movie. Am I wrong? Oh, it might be a John Singleton movie. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:33:22 We're too fast. If you're in his house, we'll watch it. It was like one of the late career Singleton, but maybe I'm wrong. And it wasn't like, I feel like, yeah, it was, I feel like it was like one of, in this filmography, I feel like it was like one of the last few things. Yeah. 2005 John Singleton movie. And here's the cast.
Starting point is 00:33:38 And this will be fun. This will be fun, Matt, because when you are, are watching it with your three brothers, you have to pick out who's who. Yeah. The four brothers are Mark Wahlberg, Tyrese Gibson, Andre 3000 and Garrett Hedlund. So how about that? Wow. This is, that's, I'm already sort of like, oh man, who gets to be Garrett Hedlund?
Starting point is 00:33:59 Who? Yeah. Dibs on Hedlund. He's a, he's a honk. Oh, he's great. I'm just saying, like in that scenario, you're going to want to be Tyrese or Andre, I mean, I'm going Andre 3000. That's what I want.
Starting point is 00:34:14 Yeah. You got to not go on Wahlberg. No. Even as a mass man. No. Mass man. All right. Good.
Starting point is 00:34:23 I admire that. From Massachusetts, I wouldn't want to say mass whole because that's draugatory. I don't want to say you're like a man of mass. I'm saying you're a Massachusetts man as he is, but he's also a piece of shit. So I understand why you wouldn't pick him. Who wouldn't want to, who wouldn't want to go Andre 3000? He's cool as hell. I would pick that over my life any single day.
Starting point is 00:34:41 It would be the best. Come on. I think I'd pick Tyrese because he's such a honk and he's also very funny. That's, yeah. You know what? It's like, he's the second choice, but then it's like, okay, who's, who's lobbying for third between these four guys, Wahlberg or Garrett Hedlund? I mean, I'd take Hedlund over Wahlberg.
Starting point is 00:35:02 Well, here's the deal. Do I get, do I get that boogie nights hog with, if I choose Wahlberg? It was a prosthetic, you realize. Famously. I know, but I'm saying, do I get that? If I get that. Like do you get to keep that? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:18 Yes. As a display piece, you can, you can, you'd have to hire a makeup artist to attach it. This could be a monkey paw though, because as far as I know, we have not seen Garrett Hedlund's hog. He could be packing. Wow. That we just, we don't know. That's a good point.
Starting point is 00:35:36 Great point. That's a great point. So, you know, be careful what you wish for a bitch. You know, you, you might not get the hog you want. Damn. That Wahlberg hog though and boogie nights. God damn. Why?
Starting point is 00:35:48 She wouldn't want that thing. I, so I remember seeing that scene. I remember. Okay. I remember seeing that scene. I think it would be like Maggie's pacifier for you. Jesus Christ. We'll be back with more dough boys.
Starting point is 00:36:07 You know, Mitch, you're about to take a little trip abroad. You're going to Costa Rica. That's right. Why? So I'm going to Costa Rica with the family. It's going to be a lot of fun. Gonna maybe see a monkey. Oh, that's fun.
Starting point is 00:36:21 Gonna maybe see a bird. Just that. Just a one monkey, one bird. That's it. Hey, that sounds like a heck of a vacay. And you know what? Knowing some Spanish might be helpful down there. Nice.
Starting point is 00:36:34 And if you have an upcoming summer trip abroad, my go to travel hack is Babel. Whether you're a seasoned traveler or embarking on your first adventure, communication is key to fully experiencing a new culture. That's where Babel comes in. Babel is the language learning app that sold more than 10 million subscriptions. Thanks to Babel's addictively fun and easy bite-sized language lessons, there's still time to learn a new language before you reach your destination. You know, Mitch, I've been taking some Babel lessons in Spanish a little bit.
Starting point is 00:37:03 And it's a great benefit just in terms of having some conversational knowledge of another language. With Babel, you only need 10 minutes to complete a lesson. So you can start having real life conversation in as little as three weeks, wigs. Babel's expertly crafted lessons are built around real life. You learn how to have practical conversations about travel, relationships, business, and more. Other language learning apps use AI for their lesson plans, but Babel lessons were created by over 150 language experts and voiced by real native speakers, not computers.
Starting point is 00:37:33 Their teaching method has been scientifically proven to be effective. With Babel, you can choose from 14 different languages. Plus, Babel's speech recognition technology helps you improve your pronunciation and accent. There are so many ways to learn with Babel. In addition to lessons, you can access podcasts, games, videos, stories, and even live classes. Plus, it comes with a 20-day money-back guarantee. Start your new language learning journey today with Babel. To keep you on track to reaching your goals,
Starting point is 00:38:18 Factor, America's number one ready-to-eat meal kit, can help you fuel up fast with ready-to-eat meals delivered straight to your door. You'll save time, eat well, and tackle everything on your to-do list. Too busy to cook this spring with Factor, skip the trip to the grocery store, and skip the chopping, prepping, and cleaning up. You can skip all of it, wigs. Skip all of it because Factor's fresh, never frozen meals already in just two minutes, so all you have to do is heat and enjoy, then get back outside and soak up that warmer weather.
Starting point is 00:38:44 Looking for calorie-conscious options as spring wigs? Try delicious, dietitian-approved, calorie-smart meals with around or less than 550 calories per serving. We offer delicious, flavor-packed options on the menu each week to vet a variety of lifestyles, from keto to calorie-smart, vegan and veggie, and protein plus. Prepared by chefs and approved by dietitians, each meal has all of the ingredients you need to feel satisfied all day long while meeting your goals. With 34-plus chef-prepared, dietitian-approved, weekly options, there's always something new to try.
Starting point is 00:39:15 Plus, you can round out your meal and replenish your snack supply with an assortment of 45-plus add-ons, including breakfast items like egg bites, smoothies, and more wigs. I had a smoothie today. You saw it in studio. Wow. Tropical fruit smoothie. It was delicious. Wow. Hey, want to cut back on takeout? Get Factor instead. Not only is Factor cheaper than takeout, but meals are ready faster than restaurant delivery in just two minutes. With Factor, you can rest assured you're making a sustainable choice.
Starting point is 00:39:43 We offset 100% of our delivery admissions to your door, source 100% renewable energy for our production sites and offices, and feature sustainably sourced seafood in our meals. Head to slash Doughboys50 and use code Doughboys50 to get 50% off your first box. That's code Doughboys50 at slash Doughboys50 to get 50% off your first box. Do it. Welcome back to Doughboys. We are here with our guest, Matt Apodaca, for this week's chain as part of Dog Doughbark Fest 2021, Sonic Drive-In. The first time we've covered Sonic.
Starting point is 00:40:19 Wow. That I didn't know. Amazing this far in. Yeah. Well, the issue is that for the longest time, we were recording in LA, and as you and I experienced, Matt, the closest Sonic in the LA area in Duarte, California, is a bit of a haul. It's a bit of a drive, so we just never actually went there. Although, Mitch, we actually went to Sonic on tour just as a meal when we were in the south, just for like, that's how shitty we eat.
Starting point is 00:40:50 We're doing our fucking tour for our god-awful podcast, and then we have a meal where it's like, hey, this is just a meal we can get whatever we want. Let's get Sonic Drive-In. And you and I and Carl made U-Song take us to... Yeah, it was Carl Sark, right? Yeah, we were driving from Huntsville up to Nashville, and we... Was U-Song Drive-In? We may stop it.
Starting point is 00:41:11 I mean, I think we just kind of... Yeah, we made him drive. We made him drive. I think you said we made U-Song take us there, which maybe is true, but I thought that I was driving. You had to ask, though. U-Song, please, can we stop at Sonic? Boys, we're running tight on time. Please, U-Song. But we've been to it, and we had a lovely meal there.
Starting point is 00:41:37 I mean, I'm a fan of Sonic, and Matt, you were telling me you are also a fan of Sonic. Yeah, there's, you know, I grew up similarly as Nick in Lakewood, California, and so when I was starting to do... Before I came out to L.A. to do improv and stuff, I was doing improv in Fullerton, and there was one in Fullerton, and so I would go to that one quite a bit as, like, oh, I need a pre-improved show thing. I'll get something there, and the only reason I even knew about that one was dates back even further than that.
Starting point is 00:42:11 In high school, I remember my freshman year in high school, my friends and I would always go to the football games. I'm not a football fan. I would just go because it was like a thing to do, you know? And then you're starting to feel like, oh, like, I'm like a cool high schooler. I'm at a football game. I'm kind of, I'm seen. People want to hang out with me. That's fun. I don't think a lot of people go to the high school football games
Starting point is 00:42:33 to, like, watch the high school football happening. Yeah, no stat tracking there, I think. It's bad. It's usually very bad. We won one game when I was... No, wait, did we? Yeah, we won one game. Man, I remember us being good, but I also, you know, could be remembering that wrong. Like, I...
Starting point is 00:42:54 What high school did you go to, Matt? I went to Downey High School. Okay. In Downey, and I remember... Well, this is a complete side tangent. One time, Shug Knight was there, and we were all like, maybe we should leave. Wow.
Starting point is 00:43:10 Because he was sitting on, like, the home side instead of the away side, and my friend got him to sign his backpack, and I was like, he's killed a man. Yeah. He, like, signed your backpack, allegedly. I don't know. Allegedly signed the backpack.
Starting point is 00:43:27 Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's exactly, that's how I was covering my ass. But we... I remember there was a big victory against our rival, Warren High School, and everybody was just so amped up that it was, like, one of the first times my friend group was like,
Starting point is 00:43:42 we got to go do something else. And I was like, what? What do you mean? We got to go home. I'm ready to go home. Yeah. And they're like, let's go to Sonic. Fullerton, not much farther from Downey,
Starting point is 00:43:55 but at the time, I hadn't been that far with my friends without, like, telling an adult. So I was like, we're going so far away. I'm so nervous. Yes. But we had a great time at Sonic. I remember I used to get the grilled cheese, which was like a dollar.
Starting point is 00:44:10 Wow. And it's like a perfect, like, school lunch, grilled cheese, where you're just sort of like this. It just tastes exactly how everyone is thinking about it probably. It's so, so, so good. Soft, really, really great. And then, of course, their drinks are out of this world.
Starting point is 00:44:29 But I think this is the first time going there that I got, like, a meal. Like an actual, like, one of their, like, meals. Because, like, I would get, like, sides and things like that. But I don't think I ever, I certainly never had in one of their hot dogs before. Yeah. I'm realizing, I'm not sure if I've, well, no,
Starting point is 00:44:46 I must have had, I think I had a Sonic hot dog before. I'm just, I just don't have a clear memory of it. Because that's the thing I would have tried when I went with us. I haven't eaten much. First of all, I wanted to say that, just all this talk about being at football games, that Dana was sending me a picture
Starting point is 00:45:03 of how Andre 3000 and Big Boy are, like, still friends. And they were just at a Ducks game, an Oregon Ducks game. Wow. That's cool. And because Big Boy's son plays for, as I, on the football team is running back. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:45:20 And there's a picture of, like, the two of them, like, in the stands together, just friends, sitting there in the stands watching his son play football, which I thought is pretty great. I love that. Now, is that pure coincidence that he was texting you about Andre 3000 and we just talked about it on the podcast?
Starting point is 00:45:34 Pure coincidence, Wigs. Wow. Pure coincidence. How about that? But I like that those two are good friends. Maybe we'll do that someday. You and I will go and watch some, some kid play football,
Starting point is 00:45:45 who's not either of our child. Neither of our sons. But I didn't, I didn't, first of all, this is a big episode. Big episode. Huge. Dog Doe Bark Fest. The first episode.
Starting point is 00:46:00 That's right. It's the, the spookiest month of the year. We're in the spookiest month and we're doing Sonic. Sonic Wigs. Sonic. This is one of the big ones. It hasn't been covered yet. Big chain.
Starting point is 00:46:11 This is big. Big chain. But also, this is not a full review because it is dog, dog, dog, dog Bark Fest. And we're not allowed to get anything else besides hut dogs as mains. Right.
Starting point is 00:46:21 But we'll have to return in the future. I didn't, I didn't have a, I didn't have Sonics around growing up really. There's one on route one. And I'm sure you know this. There's a, there's a Sonic on route one. And I almost went up to that yesterday, but then there was one in Stoton
Starting point is 00:46:36 and it's only 20 minutes away. And, and I, and I had, and I didn't even realize that. I'm not sure if it's new or what, but with my limited experience of Sonic, I kind of always liked Sonic too. Wigs. That, that one trip that we went there with Carl Tartt, I think was,
Starting point is 00:46:52 I don't know if I had Sonic even before that, was that the first time I had it? I don't think that was the first time I had it, but I think I've only had it like three times total. Very, very small number of times I've had Sonic. Yeah. I haven't had it in a ton myself, but every time I've had it, I've, I've loved it.
Starting point is 00:47:08 I will, I remember when, when Sonic, or at least I have a memory of when Sonic came to California, cause like Matt, I grew up here. Unlike Matt, I'm old as dirt. And so I was like not, it was an adulthood when Sonic started appearing in Orange County, California, Fullerton, Matt mentioned is in Orange County. And I actually, I think the, I think,
Starting point is 00:47:29 I don't know if it was the first time or one of the first times I hit up Sonic. I told Matt this story because we, we went to Sonic together, was Natalie and I were up in San Francisco for some bullshit fucking sketch show or some shit I was doing up there, some garbage. And, and when you're driving from LA to San Francisco, there's one route you can take that's more direct,
Starting point is 00:47:51 but very boring. And you're just basically driving through a bunch of, you know, it's not scenic at all. And it, and it, obviously a huge part of it smells like shit cause you're just going by, you know, industrial cattle feed yards and fucking slaughterhouses. It's, it's really vile. But there's another route where you go inland
Starting point is 00:48:08 through Gilroy, California, the garlic capital of the world. And it's much more scenic. It just takes a little bit longer. So your two choices are cow shit or extreme garlic smell. Much more pleasant smell. Less draculas on that route. Yeah, definitely fewer draculas, not, not zero draculas, but there's sparse.
Starting point is 00:48:30 So we were weighing which route to take, to take back from San Francisco to LA and, and Natalie like looked up on her apps and, or on her map app and was like, you know what, if we go inland, there's a Sonic. We could go to Sonic and that clinched it. We're just like, yeah, let's, we're fucking doing that. And it took us an extra 40 minutes to our drive to hit up Sonic.
Starting point is 00:48:51 And it was great. It was the right decision. And we went to that Sonic. And it was like in the, in the, the, as part of a big shopping center, there was like a home depot there. And right next to the Sonic, they had set up a, a, like a dog broad jumping competition where they were
Starting point is 00:49:07 jumping into a pool. And so we were watching these eating Sonic and watching these pool jumping dogs. And it was, it was cute as shit. And the Sonic was great. Like that was, that's my, by far my best memory of that trip. That's that, that rules. Also, I was going to say,
Starting point is 00:49:24 it kind of makes you think differently about the song, you know, do you know the way to San Jose? You know that song? Right. Just to think of like this lady being next to like a bunch of cow shit and it's smelling like cow like shit. The alt version of the song is don't go. Turn around.
Starting point is 00:49:43 A little miserable drive. Yeah. And more than the eyes can see, there's just so many cows. Yeah. People, people, it's like, it's hard to kind of explain that, but it is really wild. And you have to like turn your, you have to like turn your AC to be like within the car
Starting point is 00:49:56 because it smells so much like cow shit. It really is, it really is crazy. I was just remembering another Sonic experience that I had because I was on a road trip. Not a road trip. We were just going, I was going to Palm Springs with my improv group. And in our, in my car with somebody,
Starting point is 00:50:12 I think that we all know Rose O'Shea and she had never been to Sonic before when we were about to pass it. And we were like, okay, well you have, we have to stop. Like what? You've never had this before? And so we stopped and there's not a lot for her there because she wasn't eating meat, but we were able to get some like some sides,
Starting point is 00:50:32 you know, and stuff like that. And she had a great time because me and my buddy, Kale Hills were very excited about it. And we were telling Rose, oh, Sonic's great. You got to have this, whatever. So she, her enjoyment of it was more that we were having a good time and me and Kale were like, oh, yum, yum, yum, yum. Just like eating a bunch of shit and getting like drinks and stuff.
Starting point is 00:50:53 And then Rose didn't drive back with us. And then Kale and I stopped there again on her. Hell yeah. We're like, we got to go, we got to go again. Yeah, power move. Matt, you bring up, you bring up a good point because why, we haven't gotten to this yet. It is dog dough bark fest.
Starting point is 00:51:11 Right. And you, no meat shall you eat. That's right. In 2021, what the fuck are you, are you going all bunny? Are you getting, is it more like a bunny, is a bunny tober fest for you, bunny tober fest? Are you, cause you're going bunny. Mitch, Mitch, thank you for asking.
Starting point is 00:51:30 Yes, I am being bunny. I think the, my approach for this month is if they don't have a veggie dog because no meat shall I eat. If they don't have a veggie dog, then I shall eat a bun. And Matt, I told you this plan and I think you, and you were livid. Yeah, I did text Nick cause he told me that he was going to do that and I did text him that if I saw him do this, I would kill him and then myself. Cause just like what a fucking nightmare.
Starting point is 00:51:56 And I didn't do that obviously, but he did do it and I saw it and I just, I didn't say anything cause I knew we were going to talk about it. I watched this man eat a bun, okay? I just want people to know that. I watched a grown man eat a dry bun. He didn't even sauce it up. He didn't put ketchup on it. He didn't put mustard on it.
Starting point is 00:52:17 No, he didn't ask for like onions or, you know, he could have made, he could have made something cause you know, hot dogs, hot dogs are good. They're a delivery system for toppings also though. He could have put anything on this, on this thing. I watched this man eat a bun. Dear Lord. And this is what this is? This is the worst part.
Starting point is 00:52:38 The worst part, now remembering specifically, he said, I'll take the hot dog home to Natalie. She'll love it. And I was like, you're going to take her home a loose hot dog? Right. And he tossed it in a bag. I wrapped it in foil. I didn't want to waste it.
Starting point is 00:52:56 You fucking creep. Bring it home, loose hot dogs to your wife. Here buddy. She'll fry it up with some eggs and rice or something. Dear Lord. That's good actually. Okay. So yes, I'm using a plain bun as a baseline.
Starting point is 00:53:09 I feel like that's the thing I can for sure get from all of these places and see who has the best bun. You're eating buns all night. You're gone millennial. You've just eaten through buns all night. All month. All month long. Said all night.
Starting point is 00:53:26 He's the Anaconda that Sir Mix a lot is saying about. Sonic Drive-In was founded in 1953 in Oklahoma as Top Hat Drive-In. It usually has no indoor dining space. I've never seen one that did. Car hops use roller skates. And Mitch, we should mention that 3,500 locations, but Sonic was acquired by Inspire Brands in 2018. Inspire Brands, you might remember, is the owner of Arby's,
Starting point is 00:53:54 Buffalo Wild Wings, Jimmy John's, and Duncan. Same ownership as Duncan now. All these companies are converging. They're all one fucking... We're approaching a fucking... What's the term for when the AI surpasses human knowledge? Singularity. Yeah, we're approaching a corporate singularity,
Starting point is 00:54:16 where eventually just all of these brands will be one brand. The faster we work. More powerful than any government. Exactly. Matt, I got to give you a shout out for... I got to say for just the Sir Mix a lot thing, but... Hey, thanks, man. Listening...
Starting point is 00:54:30 It was a good pull, but I just... Listening to that song as an adult, and my Anaconda don't want... I didn't understand what was going on back. It is a filthy song. Yeah, this song was on the radio. Very dirty. Completely dirty song.
Starting point is 00:54:48 But all kind of double entendres. He doesn't use any... He doesn't cuss. He doesn't need to. And that's why he was granted the title of Sir. Right. Because he's such a wordsmith that they had to... They knighted him.
Starting point is 00:55:02 They had no choice. Queen tapped that sword on his shoulders. Hold on. He's double entendres. My Anaconda don't want none unless you got buns, hun. That is adult... How does that even... He really got to be thinking about it.
Starting point is 00:55:18 Yeah. It's an Anaconda that wants buns? How is that? It doesn't make any sense. Look, the queen loved it. I don't know what to tell you. Yeah. I don't know how to classify it exactly.
Starting point is 00:55:32 It's a PG rated way of saying that. So why is your Anaconda don't want none unless they got buns? And that's the only thing you're going to eat. You're only going to eat buns. No, because... As far as hot dogs are concerned, yes. But I'm going millennial. But the sides...
Starting point is 00:55:51 As I'm sorry, Top Dog Susser told us, sides and drinks are on the table, and I had no shortage of sides and drinks to have at Sonic. But let's get into our order. Four buns in a row. You're just going to try four different buns. Well, if they have a veggie dog, I'll try that. All right.
Starting point is 00:56:07 But I'm definitely having the buns. I can't believe neither of you have talked about being fans of Sonic, the hedgehog, by the way. Aren't you both big Sonic? The hedgehog fans? I'm less of a Sonic guy. I was more of a Mario... No disrespect.
Starting point is 00:56:22 I liked the movie. I've played very few Sonic games in my life. But, you know, more of a Mario guy. But I did write something down in my notes about one of my dogs that pertains to Sonic. Wow. Okay. Is that...
Starting point is 00:56:40 You just want to give us that teaser or do you want us to tell us? Well, I'll just say what it was. My chili dog was so good it was going to make Sonic the Hedgehog nut. I loved it. It was so good. He also nuts out gold rings. Yeah. Yeah, he falls backward.
Starting point is 00:57:02 File. I will say, like Matt and like you, Mitch, I do like Sonic the Hedgehog. I do think Sonic is cool and I do think his games are very fun. Sonic Mania. Mitch, did you play Sonic Mania? I did. Matt, did you play Sonic Mania?
Starting point is 00:57:18 I loved Sonic Mania. I've downloaded it, but I... There's something... I'll just confess this. There's something about the Sonic, the way that he moves. It makes me sick. Too fast. He's too fast.
Starting point is 00:57:30 This guy is... I don't know if you know this. He's out of control at speed, this guy. He's going too fast and he's going through these loops. I'm just like, slow down my... The rings are right there. What are you doing? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:43 You can play these games a little bit more patiently and take your time and explore them and find all the secrets and the ideal routes as you're going through them, but it is kind of almost just more fun just to blaze through them. Yeah, you're kind of... It's not an exploring game. I feel like, of course, you can do that, but there is an element to those games that you're supposed to move fast and just have rings by the end kind of more so, right? Right.
Starting point is 00:58:08 Calm down, my dude. Just get the rings and go about your day. Who's stopping you? Well, I always thought that Sonic Drive-In... Is it Drive-In or Drive-Through? What is it called? Sonic Drive-In? Drive-In.
Starting point is 00:58:21 I always thought that there was maybe named after Sonic as a boy because I didn't know too much about it and I thought that maybe there was a Sonic time. I had no idea. It was a very... It was a mythical place to me that I didn't... There weren't really any around. Well, and unlike Popeyes, Popeyes for a time had a Popeye the Sailor Man affiliation. Sonic Drive-In never has had like, hey, we're going to do a Sonic the Hedgehog tie-in, which
Starting point is 00:58:47 seems like a natural fit. Didn't some other chain do a Sonic tie-in for the movie and it wasn't Sonic? I can't remember who did it. Yes. Well, there was the Sonic ramen that was the blue ramen that was disseminated. I know that's not what you're thinking of, but that was one of them. But yeah, I feel like it was Burger King maybe. I'll look it up.
Starting point is 00:59:08 That is wild because they also have Sonic's favorite food, which is chili cheese dogs. Yeah, exactly. It makes so much sense for them to have partnered and they didn't. It was Jack in the Box. Jack in the Box. They have their own guy. What do they need him for? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:25 Where are we going to see this movie about dogs? The Jack movie? Yeah, the Jack movie. I mean, I think that would be good. I'd be into that. If it was like the founder, but just with him. And you know what they could get is the director of photography, Larry Fong, who shot so many of those commercials.
Starting point is 00:59:46 Wow. Yeah, honestly, let's go. I agree. I just can't believe that that would have been perfect. I can't believe they didn't pull that off, but whatever. Yeah, real missed opportunity. But let's get into our Sonic orders. So Matt, you and I went together.
Starting point is 01:00:02 Yes. And I will say, I made you wait a little bit. Unfortunately, I had horrible traffic. It took me way too fucking long to get out there. Nick was late, huh? I was late. Yes, I was late. I'm late sometimes.
Starting point is 01:00:15 Interesting. Nobody's perfect. If you're always punctual, that is like a unique trait. Pretty much everyone is late on occasion. But there's a difference between being occasionally late with a reason and being consistently late. Oh, shut up. There's a distinction. This sounds like you're saying it about me.
Starting point is 01:00:40 It sounds like this is about me now. I'm not saying anything about you. I'm just saying some people are one way and other people are the others. And sometimes they host a podcast together. But Nick, be honest. Yeah. I'm like, isn't it kind of cute? You know what?
Starting point is 01:00:57 I've come to appreciate it. I've kind of understand it as part of your character. People will be mad. So I was running a little bit of late. And Matt, you were already set up there. You got your order shortly after I arrived. I went up there. And so, you know, they have the, if you're not familiar with Sonic, they have like a push-to-order system
Starting point is 01:01:20 outside where you'll go up to and you'll like push a button and you'll talk into it. Or if you're in a car, it's the same sort of system. I did the walk-up one. Three ways to do it. Yeah. Well, because you can go inside the restaurant, right? You can go inside the restaurant. No.
Starting point is 01:01:34 Depends on the location. I've never seen one where you could actually go in. Usually it's like you're interacting through a speaker box with somebody. But I will say that that, so, but yes, there are three ways because you can do it at the, you could do it at the, at your car. You can do it at the drive-through. You can do it at the walk-up. But you can also do it at the app, which, which Matt, rather, you mentioned that they were
Starting point is 01:01:54 really pushing with their signage. Right outside, they're like download the app. And so, taking a cue from that, I hit the red button and in between the time before hitting the red button and them saying, hang on one second. And then when I actually put my order in, I downloaded the app, put in my full order and ordered it. And so, when they finally spoke, got back to me. It wasn't even that much time.
Starting point is 01:02:16 I kind of got through it pretty efficiently. It's a very, the app's not crap. It's pretty well-defined or pretty well designed, rather. And, and, and so it worked out pretty, pretty well. And I will say that app is nice. It just, the only bummer is you can't tip on the app. So bring cash for the car hops. And, and you know, the, I wish I had done the app after seeing the signs for it because
Starting point is 01:02:40 those, those speaker boxes, they just seem antiquated. Like I get like the, the, you know, the theme that they're trying to like evoke with like the, the guys on skates and, you know, the drive-up sort of situation. But they, those, or they need to update the speaker technology because I was humiliated ordering three hot dogs, like screaming at this fucking site. Like they, because they're like, oh, could you say that again? Okay. So I want three hot dogs.
Starting point is 01:03:10 Everybody looking at me was like, this guy's ordering a lot of hot dogs. Having a big hot dog lunch. This guy over here. Well, Matt, you weren't alone because I too had a three dog night. Look at us. Love it. I need some relish on my hot dog. Fuck, that's good.
Starting point is 01:03:26 God, I wish I'd thought of that. That's really good. I was letting you, I was going to let you do the next verse and then you went quiet. And I'll have tater tots on the side. There you go. Don't come around tonight. I'll be shitting left and right. Got my tater tots on the side.
Starting point is 01:03:47 Just go back to that again. Wait. Yeah. The line was there's a bathroom on the right, but oh, tater tots. Oh, there's a bathroom on the right. There's a bathroom on the right. There's a bathroom on the right. How's that?
Starting point is 01:04:02 You didn't jump in and do anything. I started with three dog nights. Real easy to sort of give a note when you're not participating. Yeah, he criticizes. I'm just saying. There was, there's a bad moon on the rise. I feel like he could have done, there's a bathroom on the right, but you're ready should have jumped in.
Starting point is 01:04:16 Instead of giving the note after the fact. Well, try it now. Wait, I forgot. What was the lead up to it? What was the lead up to it? I said, I was shitting left and right. There's a bathroom on the right. Okay.
Starting point is 01:04:33 That's all you had to do. If I could give a note, it's kind of too similar to the thing that I had just said. You know, you rhymed right with right. Kind of the same. Wasn't it shitting it up all night? Hmm. Shitting left and right. I think that's what I said.
Starting point is 01:04:48 Oh, shitting left and right. Okay. But you know what? There's a bad moon on the right. What is going on with you? What is happening? I thought it was shitting left and right. Yeah, I didn't know what I was doing.
Starting point is 01:05:01 It's all a fucking pyramid scheme. So it's frustrating that you can't tip on the app, but the app is very sleek. And you know, if you bring a five spot or whatever to hand to the car hops, I think you'll be able to do that. And you know, if you bring a five spot or whatever to hand to the car hops, I think you'll be set up fine. And the service was great. Man, they are so like attentive.
Starting point is 01:05:27 The last time you need anything, we asked for some more sauces. Bring a five spot for the car hops. Well, yeah. I think you try to make you try to tell me how to make money for sounding old or being old. And you said bring a five spot for the car hops. They have car hops. I know they want from me.
Starting point is 01:05:46 You added bring a five spot for them. I think five spot is a cool thing to say. It's the kind of thing Andre 3000 might say in four brothers. You're also trying to shake your hand. I have something for you. Yeah, I did. Wow, five spot. They were like, sir, it's a pandemic.
Starting point is 01:06:08 Please don't touch me. But I insisted. They bid it like a coin to see if it was real. I will say, let's get into it. The one frustration with the app is that you can't, like I tried to take off everything except for the bun, but it still required me to still get a dog in there. I didn't see that.
Starting point is 01:06:30 Just a bun. Yeah. So that's why I took the loose dog. You're getting a hot dog. Right. So I got the All-American dog playing without everything. And I will say, Matt, I know you're a Simpsons fan. I would refer to this as a rich and bundly goodness.
Starting point is 01:06:45 It was a good bun. The thing I'm concerned with, I guess, in addition to how much you did enjoy the bun, is that every hot dog bun I've ever had that isn't like a specialty thing, is the same thing. You're not going to get a lot of diversity in hot dog bun. They're all going to be like... No, they're pretty straightforward. They're all like sort of like gummy sort of, you know, I guess this bread is
Starting point is 01:07:19 kind of gummy, and therefore it is yummy. Yeah, it's... It's a classic sponge dough. It's nothing special, but I think it gets the job done. But let's talk about your guys' dogs, because that's what it's all about. That's what it's all about. This month's all about. So like I said, I had a three dog night.
Starting point is 01:07:39 I want some mustard on my hot dog. And I'll have ketchup all over mine. Can I hop in with a note real quick? Oh, god damn it. So you had a three dog night? Yeah. You want to sing anything? You want to try anything at all?
Starting point is 01:08:04 I want some chili on my hot dog. So we went from relish to mustard to chili. Maybe some cheese and onions too. That's pretty good actually. That's all you had to do. I want a corn dog as a side piece. Oh shit. My balls are turning blue.
Starting point is 01:08:36 Is he a horny? He's horny, but he's hungry. It's like classic conundrum. Yeah. Well, here are my three dogs that I got. I got the all-American dog. USA, baby. I also got a corn dog side piece.
Starting point is 01:08:55 Why? It's like you're saying in the song. And then I got, there was a choice to get a Coney dog, chili cheese Coney dog, or a foot-long quarter-pound Coney that had chili and cheese on it. And you know what I got, Wags? I went with that foot-long quarter-pound Coney. Those were my three dogs.
Starting point is 01:09:18 And I got a bunch of different sides, but I'm sure we'll get into those in a little bit. Matt, did you get the same thing? I'm going to call them what I got, the Mitch Jr. Oh wow. Because I got the all-American dog. I got the corn dog on the side. And I got the chili cheese Coney, just the regular one.
Starting point is 01:09:37 Because I thought about it. I was like, well, I could go. I can get the big one. But then I was also like, but you know, I don't know. I feel like I just wanted the classic. Because I was like the, if I'm going to have a fair representation of what they're offering here, I got to go with the base. I got to go with what's going on.
Starting point is 01:09:58 Did I leave room in my mind for later if I wanted another hot dog? Maybe. But I didn't get it. Matt, I'll say this. I think you made the right move. Because I think that foot-long quarter-pound Coney was maybe my loser of the dogs. It was maybe the weakest dog.
Starting point is 01:10:18 You don't want that dog in a dog fight. That was the weaker dog. But another one of those was my bite of the night, which I won't say yet. But another one of those dogs was my bite of the night. Okay. Then I won't say which one was my munch of the lunch. I'll save that.
Starting point is 01:10:33 Wow. Wow. But I'll say this. Overall, the dogs good. The dogs were really, really good. And it did make me think we're starting off on a banger. Like I said, this is a big restaurant. But also I'm like, this might be one of the kings of hot dogs
Starting point is 01:10:49 as far as fast foods go. I mean, like it is. There's no doubt that it's one of the kings of hot dogs. But this is this place, maybe the overall winter just as far as locations and all that goes, it might be. This is the real deal. You can't really get dogs like this anywhere else. Do you want me to get into what else I got, Wags?
Starting point is 01:11:09 Yes, please. All right. I got all the sides. And look, they had some stuff under sides that I felt like there was, there were like a jumbo popcorn shriken shriken shriken. There were jumbo popcorn chicken bites. And you can get them covered in buffalo sauce. That felt like too much of a main for me, Wags.
Starting point is 01:11:29 So I stayed away from it. I did want to try them, but I felt like too much like a main. So here's a rundown of the sides I had. Here we go. Well, we'll probably have some overlap here. I got a small onion ring. Got him. I got small mozzarella sticks.
Starting point is 01:11:44 Got him. I got a small cheddar bites. Got him. Cheddar peppers. Cheddar peppers. Sorry. Yeah. I got small regular tots.
Starting point is 01:11:55 Got them. Wags, look at this. Holy shit. Handholding. But then also I got some small broccoli cheddar tots. Oh, I didn't see those. Oh, I bet you wish you did, baby. That sound good.
Starting point is 01:12:11 Because I liked them quite a bit. Wow. If you're a broccoli fan. So my thought was that they were tots covered in cheese and broccoli. And it is not that at all. There is like broccoli and cheddar within the tots. And they got a strong broccoli flavor. But they actually kind of worked for me.
Starting point is 01:12:29 Because it just felt like kind of a mix between potato and broccoli. And it had a pretty good taste to them. I liked them. I was shocked that I liked them. I thought they were going to be so bad. They look like kind of green. When you get them, you're just like, these can't be good. And they were actually pretty good.
Starting point is 01:12:43 Wags, all my sides, let me say, they all were working for me. Those onion rings were good. The mini mozzarella sticks, maybe the loser of the bunch. I heard, I had watched a YouTube review of someone eating the cheddar, cheddar, cheddar peppers in the, in the mozzarella sticks. And they said, the guy was saying how his nephew loves the, actually I should tell him, I should talk about this story. And I'll, I'll even send you the link to it because I was watching this.
Starting point is 01:13:08 I was watching this story and my mom came in and she went, is that Neil? Neil Kiley who owns the fat rat? She's the fat cat, the fat rat. What am I doing today? She was like, is that Neil, Neil Kiley? And I was like, no, this, this random guy who was eating mozzarella sticks and, and fucking cheddar peppers on, on YouTube.
Starting point is 01:13:29 She thought it was, she thought it was my godfather's son, my godbrother, Neil Kiley. I was like, no. And then she goes, is it you? And I'm like, no, the fuck are you talking about? It's not me. Your son? You think I'm watching a video of me eating peppers?
Starting point is 01:13:47 And then she said, I could be editing it, I guess. She, she thought it was me. It's like a guy with like a Southern accent too. And then she goes, is it Sutter? And she meant Susser. She corrected herself, but she went through three, three big guys, me, Neil and Susser. Including you, including her son, including her fucking son.
Starting point is 01:14:11 She's like, this just seems like something you would be doing. I mean, that's fair. It is fair. But she thought it was me, Neil and Sutter, Evan Susser. And I was like, no, it's, it's not me. It's some guy who's just trying these things from fucking, from Sonic. And then the guy was like, he was eating them.
Starting point is 01:14:32 And he's like, my nephew really loves the mozzarella sticks. And then he took a bite and he was like, he's not wrong. They're really good. I thought the mozzarella sticks, maybe they just weren't hot enough. All my food was pretty hot. So I don't know. But I feel like with mozzarella sticks, you need them to be like, you need them to be a certain temperature to really hit.
Starting point is 01:14:48 And when I had them there, they were like hot enough and warm, but like it wasn't like the cheese still just felt like fine. You know what I mean? I didn't feel like a mozzarella stick cheese. And I think that that's an issue with fast food. I'd say overall the taste is probably in like the higher, it probably is like one of the better, the higher echelon of mozzarella stick for fast food restaurants.
Starting point is 01:15:07 Yes. But it was probably my loser of all the sides. I'll say real quick on those because I had the same issue that mine, mine were like, you know, every, their deep fryer was on point at this location. Everything was well fried, but the mozzarella sticks I didn't think were cooked through. And it was kind of like a string cheese with,
Starting point is 01:15:30 with hot breading around it rather than that kind of melty, you know, more viscous texture you ideally want in a mot stick. That said, I did find their tangy mozzarella, which it comes with pretty, pretty good. I thought it was a pretty good mozzarella stick. But yeah, this was definitely the low point. You mean marinara. What did I say?
Starting point is 01:15:47 Mozzarella. Mozzarella. I said mozzarella again. I want mozzarella in the brain. The marinara, the tangy marinara dip in sauce you get, I thought was pretty good. I had one of Nick's mozzarella sticks. And in my mind, I don't know,
Starting point is 01:16:01 I feel like mozzarella, that's a low bar to clear anyway. Like they're like, they're base level good. It's fried cheese that you dip in marinara. Like they're like, they're going to be good even when they're kind of shitty. I did want it to be a little gooier. I wanted some of that. Give me some goo when you're giving me the,
Starting point is 01:16:16 the mozzarella. Yeah, I agree with you. Fully. Fully. They need to goo it up. Yeah. Put the goo gun in there, goo it up a little bit. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:24 I agree with that. They need to be, the cheese need to be just, but it was, they were warm. And why is mine, when I looked at the rating, because I was going to go to the root one one, which we're doing a huge pain in the ass, but the Stoughton location had two stars. I was like, maybe this place sucks.
Starting point is 01:16:38 Everything, all the sides, everything was cooked great. Everything was presented great. And you know what? Those mozzarella sticks didn't, didn't, you know, they weren't my favorite, but those cheddar peppers were one of them. I fucking loved them. Fucking great.
Starting point is 01:16:53 They were so great. They were so great. Yeah. The thing that I observed is that they were so crispy, but the integrity of the pepper was still intact. Like, because sometimes you get those and like the pepper gets like soggy or something like, you know, just like from being it with all that cheese and stuff.
Starting point is 01:17:08 But every single bite of it was like a crisp bite. It was perfect. They were so good. Yeah. I loved them. They were nearly my bite of the night. Yeah. I loved them.
Starting point is 01:17:20 These were, these were, these were fantastic. The tots are great and they came out crispy. And I'm like, oh, this place, I get why people are nuts about the tots here because the tots are great. And like I said, those broccoli cheddar, cheddar tots were good too. But those classic talks, I mean, are just, they're, they're so fantastic.
Starting point is 01:17:36 They're, they're great. Yeah. I also got a couple, I got to, I, should I talk about my drinks and I'll wait for my drinks and dessert. Well, right. You're, you're on your rings. What do you think of the on your rings?
Starting point is 01:17:45 Cause I liked them. I thought they were very solid rings. I think they're, I think they're really, I think they're really solid ring. They're, they're like, they're not the best onion ring you could have at any, but as far as fast food places, I'm like, people love the Burger King ones,
Starting point is 01:17:58 which are, have a lot of batter to them. These, these tastes more like an onion ring that you get, like at a hot dog stand or something, you know, like they taste a little bit more traditional in a good way. They taste kind of like something like made at a local spot, but they're not, not the best on your rings in the world, but they are still really good,
Starting point is 01:18:15 especially for a fast food place. I enjoyed them. I fully agree. All of the sides were really, were really great. So. And the dip and sauces we should, you know, they've got a good barbecue sauce. I really like their ranch.
Starting point is 01:18:27 I think their money mustard is solid, you know, the signature sauce, which I think is kind of akin to a Chick-fil-A sauce is, is maybe not for me. I would opt for another, for another one, but it was a fine option. I'm sure some people would love it. I just, I just had this observation.
Starting point is 01:18:40 Isn't it crazy that you can have the conversation that's like, man, you know what? I love Sonic and someone else would be like, oh yeah. He'd be like, man, I love the rings. Like, oh yeah, me too. Sonic's rings are awesome. And don't forget the chili dogs. Oh yeah, Sonic, man, Sonic and the chili dogs.
Starting point is 01:18:56 So cool. And then someone was like, yeah, that's my favorite restaurant. Restaurant, I was talking about the video game. Like you could have that conversation, and it would all make sense. And this is why he's the king of funny or die, baby. You fucking heard it here first. Okay?
Starting point is 01:19:15 He finally wanted to do a sketch. Talk all the shit all you want, but look at, you just got a fucking masterclass for free. That's right. Hey, Wags. Yeah. Hey, Wags. I got some notes.
Starting point is 01:19:28 The chili dog, really? I guess he does hold it up in the game, but I guess you could love chili dogs. He loves chili dogs. Does he eat one in the game when he's waiting? It's more of a comics and cartoon thing. All right, so in the game, I loved the chili dog. So someone's talking about Sonic the Hedgehog,
Starting point is 01:19:45 and you go, I love the chili dog. Has he eaten a chili dog in the game? I feel like maybe in Sonic Adventure. I don't know. Maybe this person that he was talking to is an idiot and was complaining on Sonic Cross Media. That was a part of the sketch that one person is a fool. No, I liked it quite a bit, Wags.
Starting point is 01:20:06 And you know what? I'm going to say the same thing with Sonic. Speedy delivery, Wags. Yes. For me, I pushed this red button. They answered almost immediately, and I said, I got a pretty big order, listed it off.
Starting point is 01:20:18 They came out. They were out to my car within like under five minutes. It was truly very efficient. Very impressive. I was shocked by how quickly they came out. Inside, they have like a tablet with a prophecy that one day you would appear. Edgerton Stone.
Starting point is 01:20:39 It was at the location before they even... I was... Because you can swipe your card in the... Where you push the push button. For people who aren't used to this. And I had never done that before. I don't think where I pulled in and pushed the button and everything like that.
Starting point is 01:20:57 But I was really impressed with how it went. My speakers sounded all right, Matt. So I don't know if that was a big difference. I also want to point out that the Cheddar peppers come with ranch and the mozzarella stick comes, like Nick said, comes with marinara. So that is... Right.
Starting point is 01:21:12 Or mozzarella, like you said. But if you're using the app, or if you're ordering through the speaker box, you can request whatever sauce is. And there's not an additional charge. Speaker box? We're back on fucking... We're back on Outcast again.
Starting point is 01:21:25 Wow. A speaker box in the love below. Wow. I love the way you chew. Right after that. Shake it. Shake it. Shake it like a Parmesan shaker.
Starting point is 01:21:46 I looked up on the Sonic Wiki, which I have bookmarked, about chili dogs. So apparently it mostly traces to the comics, as I said, specifically Sonic the comic, the Fleetway comics that were published in the 90s. However, it has appeared in some games later. It kind of got retconned as part of his...
Starting point is 01:22:08 As one of his attributes, the first game it appeared in was Sonic Advance 3. So that's pretty late in Sonic... So you know what? You know what? It does still work, though. It does still work. People are clicking funny on this thing, for sure.
Starting point is 01:22:21 No one's voting bad. They love it. Why? Did you like I Like the Way You Chew? Yeah, that was great. It was really good. What about the one that I kind of bailed on? I was also very good.
Starting point is 01:22:35 We're having fun here. Matt, did you have any other thoughts on sides? Yeah, you know, I got... So I did get the jumbo popcorn chicken because... And I truly only because I saw a picture of it. I was not thinking of getting it, but I saw the picture and I was like, yeah, I could fuck with those. Yeah, I'll get some of that.
Starting point is 01:22:53 Hey, Matt, technically it is a side. So it doesn't... Yeah, fair. The one rule I knew before all this... Why am I being kayfabe? I fucking knew all the stupid rules. But the one that I remembered while going there was that I couldn't get anything besides dogs and only sides.
Starting point is 01:23:14 So that one to me just was borderline, but they looked good. How did you enjoy them? I did enjoy them. They're not reinventing the nugget. They're very basic. The best thing I could say about all this food, and it sounds like I'm damning it with faint praise, but it's all like cafeteria all-stars.
Starting point is 01:23:39 Cafeteria all-stars is what it is. So this was the best version of a school lunch nugget, and it was perfect. It was so good. I dipped it in barbecue sauce. I really liked that. And I got to say too, to go back to the... I had the tots also, which I really enjoyed,
Starting point is 01:23:57 and the cheddar peppers were really, really good, but back to the hot dogs for a second. Every single bite of both hot, of the all-American dog, all three really, the chili cheese coni and the corn dog, every bite was perfect. It was so... Wow. I couldn't believe it.
Starting point is 01:24:15 And I was worried... I was kind of worried about the chili dog because sometimes that can be just a little much, not usually my favorite, but it was so good. And I got to say, on the all-American dog, it came with relish on it. I'm not a relish guy. I don't like that.
Starting point is 01:24:35 But I left it on there because I was like, I'm going to review it based on how they do it. And it made me a relish convert. I fucking loved it on this dog. I loved it. Will I add it into the hot dog repertoire? You know, I'm a hot dog guy. I love eating hot dogs.
Starting point is 01:24:52 Will I add it? Who knows? But now that I know that it's an option, I might be visiting relish at some point. It was very... I quite enjoyed that dog. This is amazing. The chili dog, Sonic...
Starting point is 01:25:07 Fucking busting left and right this guy if he had it. He went crazy. You know what I felt like? I felt so full afterwards. I felt like Sonic when he's pregnant. Oh, yeah. I was so full. I didn't eat dinner.
Starting point is 01:25:23 Yeah, I barely ate dinner. Well, he's had like a tender romance with Shrek. And so, you know, he's with child. Yeah. That's kind of what you were feeling like. Yeah, I felt like Shrek knocked me up. That's how full I was. Real quick, I'll say I got the cheese fries as well.
Starting point is 01:25:41 And the cheese fries I thought were good. Good melt to the cheese. No shortage of cheese. Great to dip in the ranch. It's just a pick them if you want those versus if you want... You know, I'm sort of a heat seeker, so I'll go with the cheddar or peppers over that if I want a cheesy fried treat. I'm saying about the cheese fries, these are fucking great.
Starting point is 01:25:57 They were really good. They were absolutely great. Straight in my eyes. Mmm. Yeah, I didn't break eye contact. Some fake news it seems here. You seem to like them even more in person wise. I did like them.
Starting point is 01:26:10 I'm saying, I thought they were really good. You didn't see what I did when he ate those peppers. I'll give the edge to the cheddar peppers is what I was saying. Let's get into drinks. And let me just say this. You know, I try to avoid liquid calories as much as possible because my diet is awful. And that's one place I can like, you know, cut down on some calories. But if you're going to Sonic, this isn't a place to get an iced tea.
Starting point is 01:26:36 This is a place to give yourself a liquid sweet treat. Because they have some really, really good... You know, their limates are kind of their signature, but they have a bunch of, you know, either iced or frozen drinks. That will... And every variant to tickle your fancy. However, Matt, our first round was a little underwhelming. Surprisingly, I got the medium cranberry limeade.
Starting point is 01:27:01 And what did you get? I got the cherry limeade and it tasted... It was a bit of a let down. It was also the first thing I tried. Right? So I got my food, I got my drink. I'm ripping off the packaging on that straw and I'm slamming it into the cup. Practically going all the way through.
Starting point is 01:27:21 I can't wait to start drinking this thing. And it tastes like... It tastes flat. It tastes like they hadn't changed the syrup bag or something like this. So it was kind of a disappointment, which then led us to our second drink. Yeah, I had the exact same assessment. I was drinking that. I was like, this is off.
Starting point is 01:27:44 This doesn't taste right. And yeah, it was not really sweet enough. And I agree on the absence of any sort of fizz to it, any sort of effervescence. So we went and frozen for our second round. Yeah, we didn't let it go. We didn't let it go. We went frozen. You got yourself, I have here.
Starting point is 01:28:05 We ordered it in the app and they brought it out really quickly. You got the frozen cherry limeade and I got my sip of the trip, meaning that this was my favorite thing I had of the whole meal. And that saying something was I got the Peach Bellini Slush, which was delicious. It was so, so good. I was like, I don't want to drink this whole thing. And then I, of course, drank the whole thing on the drive home. It was so fucking great.
Starting point is 01:28:27 It was so sweet and peachy and refreshing. I'm hearing that it was a sip of the trip for you and it was better than anything that you had. But I do want to remind everybody, you ate a bun. So like... Just bear. Just bear. I like the bun. Dear God.
Starting point is 01:28:46 But I do, you know, Nick got his Peach Bellini and I was confused. I was like, does this thing have alcohol in it? Because I was just like, you know, what, what reason could Nick be ordering this for? But I got the cherry limeade because I wanted redemption. I wanted to have that cherry limeade taste, but they had, they have like a sangria one. They have so many different kinds. They have that ocean water one that I hear is really good, but the name is gross to me. And I didn't, I didn't want to really mess with that.
Starting point is 01:29:12 Yeah, they have a, they have a, they had like a strawberry, frozen. Yeah. Matt, don't worry. Waggar added booze in the car for sure. But it was, it was so much better than the one that the original that we had gotten that it made up. It like, the bad drink doesn't even count. It was so unbelievably good. So good.
Starting point is 01:29:35 Erased. Erased for my memory. Yeah. With a mouthful of that Bellini. That didn't happen for me. I got myself the extra large. What are they? What is it? Even the name for it?
Starting point is 01:29:48 It's like RT. Like there's, it was like a thing. Oh, like the road trip one. I think cause it's like a trucker size road. I got truckers. I got a trucker size. Yeah. Cherry limeade, which by the way, I thought that there was actually pieces of lime and cherries in it,
Starting point is 01:30:03 but the mind didn't have either of those in there, but they was just a drink. But why is that you said on the app, when I was looking on the app or the website, the way you customize it on the website is great. I don't know if it's the same thing with the app, but the way that it customized stuff is really great. And I was looking, I was like, oh, Sprite and, you know, like a cherry mix in or whatever, cherry syrup. And I was like, is this good? I remember having it before and I remember liking it and it came to my car and I was sipping on this thing. And I was so fucking happy.
Starting point is 01:30:33 This was like the closest thing to a raspberry lime Ricky, which I would get at Brigham's slash ice cream parlor, which is the doors have been closed for a while. I'm very nervous. I don't know what's going on down there, but man, it was so damn good. It was so good. And like the closest equivalent to something like that. And I get why, like throughout the Midwest, people go there just for the drinks. I get why people love the drinks.
Starting point is 01:30:55 The drink is just so damn good that cherry lime. And I think I had, I'm almost positive I've had it before, but I just forgotten how good it was. It was, it was really, really fantastic. My mom took a sip of it and she was like, ah, that's too sour. That was her response. Michael is too sour. I was like, it's not that it wasn't that great. I mean, like there is, it's, there's a lot of fresh lime in it.
Starting point is 01:31:16 I think, or at least there wasn't mine, but I fucking, I loved it. My frozen one, my slush made it. That was the other thing that I didn't text you this because I wanted it to be a surprise. It stayed frozen the whole drive home. It didn't melt at all. It was unbelievable. But I gave a sip of it to my girlfriend who hates sugar. And I like to see, she just like, it's, everything is too sweet.
Starting point is 01:31:38 She doesn't do sugar really at all. And so I wanted to see how she would react to it cause it's usually very funny. And she took one sip and it was just like, this tastes like poison. She was horrified that I drank like a big one of it. But that to that point though too, when I was taking the sip of the first one, I hadn't, I didn't realize what the ingredients were. And this year, I sort of was like, you know what? You know, similar to the liquid calories thing is like, I drink too much soda.
Starting point is 01:32:07 I'm not drinking soda at all. I get home, I look up what's in the cherry limeade, Sprite, it's Sprite. I broke, I broke nine months of not drinking soda in one move and drink like a bad Sprite. That's what the, that's what the pods all about. My, my, my, my, my drinks the first time around were fantastic. And I got myself a shake. Did any of you guys get any ice cream treats or no? No shake for me. No.
Starting point is 01:32:37 No shake for you. Well, I got myself a small Oreo and Reese's master shake. Wow. And let me tell you, as good as that damn lime, cherry limeade was, this thing was, was nearly just as good. It was fucking fantastic. My only complaint is that, so it's Oreos and Reese's blended up into a, I think a vanilla shake.
Starting point is 01:32:59 My only complaint obviously is that it's tough to get it through the straw. I was, I had to use the spoon. I didn't eat the whole thing, by the way. The spoon, man. But, but I was using the, I like the spoon, man. I was using the spoon and it was really, really fucking good for like a flower, a fast food restaurant. It was, it was better than it had any right to be.
Starting point is 01:33:18 It was just fantastic. Great, a great end, Wags, a great little topper. That was the cherry on top because that actually did have a little cherry, whipped cream and cherry on top of it. So that was, that was it. That was, that was. Wow. I got my cherry.
Starting point is 01:33:32 I was very happy and I got myself a little stupid mint, which I think is still in my pocket. There you go. Did you guys get the mint? I didn't get no. I didn't get a mint. No. No.
Starting point is 01:33:42 For me. The, the master shake, I'm realizing a registered trademark on the Sonic website must be the etymology of the character of master shake on Aqua Teen. Master shake. Yeah. Yeah. I never realized that that was the, I thought they just called him master shake. It must, it must be a Sonic thing.
Starting point is 01:34:00 There you go. Wow. Which is holding up a peppermint. Yeah. Look at that. He's unwrapped. Is this a Sonic thing? This will be the sole basis of your score, right?
Starting point is 01:34:10 Yeah. Okay. Which is going to have this peppermint. While he's doing that, we should get to our final thoughts on Sonic. Interesting. So, Matt, you've done the show before. You know how this works. Yes.
Starting point is 01:34:23 Let's go around and give our review of the first chain of dog, of the first chain of Dog Dog Bark Fest 2021. Excuse me, Sonic Drive-In. Wow. Matt, your guest will begin with you, your review, your fork score. I mean, you look, we talked about how good everything was. I was kind of surprised, honestly, because I remember liking it and I remember thinking it was good, but I also hadn't been probably in over a decade.
Starting point is 01:34:49 So, I was like, it was like kind of going back for the first time, you know? So, it was something that I was really looking forward to. And the only thing that I'm thinking about now as we're talking about like this shake, for example, the closest one is 17 miles away to me. It might be worth the drive to go try some of this other stuff. Wow. Yeah. Every single thing that I had was good.
Starting point is 01:35:15 The, you know, the chili dog was the munch of the lunch. I loved that like so much. I loved everything. The seeing the guy on the skates, that was great. There was something that I didn't talk about, which was- Oh, he was on skates? There was a guy on skates. Yes.
Starting point is 01:35:32 Yeah. And he was like- Wow, I didn't realize that. Just hippin' around. That rules. Nick's like, hey, you forgot my fucking sk- He's like, I'm sorry, sir. Maybe my lady was on skates too.
Starting point is 01:35:42 I just didn't look, I didn't look down. I have no idea. That's wild. Nick and I both made a big to-do about it. We're like, look at the skates on this guy. But there was something that I saw that will not really impact my score, but it sort of made sense to me. I saw, it was not on the property.
Starting point is 01:36:02 Nick knows this. I saw a rat. I saw a rat nearby. I was just like, you know, just kind of minding some business in a bush nearby, but then it made sense to me why the food was so good. He's probably in the kitchen pulling everybody's fucking hairs. This guy. It was, everything was delicious.
Starting point is 01:36:21 It was a Remi. You saw Remi? Remi. It was Remi. Remi was there. He was like, hey, I hope you enjoyed, I hope you enjoyed your meal. Wow. And then we saw a squirrel, and then it was just like-
Starting point is 01:36:32 I did see the squirrel. I immediately called out the stigma. I was like, okay, what's the difference? Yeah. When a rat comes, everybody's excited to see the squirrel rat comes, everybody, you know, not to sound like a joker, everybody loses their minds. But it was- Squirrel's not bringing plagues?
Starting point is 01:36:45 Squirrels can be, can bring plagues? I think squirrels carry more diseases because they can put them all in the fucking mouth. I'm just confused as to where were you guys? This was near the sonic, but also like a squirrel is very normal to see around. So I don't- Right. Was it going into the sonic? Where was the squirrel?
Starting point is 01:37:03 It was like, so it was in the, like, it was by the drive-through. We were sitting at a table that was like sort of facing the drive-through, and it was the, it was on the side that was closer to the street. So who knows where it came? Yeah. It didn't come from sonic. It came from- There was some greenery that-
Starting point is 01:37:19 From somewhere else. There were some woodland creatures hanging out in. And the thing you don't realize, or at least I don't realize, rats are just everywhere. You just don't see them all the time. They're just everywhere. Yeah. No, it's true. But for, but that didn't even take away from how good the meal was, you know.
Starting point is 01:37:33 Oh, also Nick said that he's immune to brain freeze, and I said that it's because he doesn't have a human brain. I had a great time. That was good. I had a great time at the sonic. Everything was good. I'm kind of surprised I'm going to give this five forks. Wow!
Starting point is 01:37:50 Wow! I fucking loved it. Right out the gate. Five forks. I want to go back. I can't wait to go back. Yeah. Well-
Starting point is 01:37:59 You know what, Mitch? I think I'll go, and then I'll let you close it out, because I know where I'm putting this. And I want to see if you, I just want to see where you land. But I think I'm going to switch up the order, because I'm on a similar page with Matt here. It might be because we went to the same location at the same time. I had a wonderful experience. I liked my bun. It was good.
Starting point is 01:38:21 But beyond that, all the sides, like even the mozzarella sticks were good. It's like all of the sides were hidden. The sauces are great. One misfire on the drink, but the second drink was an absolute home run. And let me also say this, outside of the restrictions imposed on us by the top dog Evan Susser for this month of Dog Doe Bark Fest, they do, as Matt mentioned, offer a grilled cheese sandwich. From a vegetarian perspective, they have an indulgent main that you can get yourself. Yeah, it would be nice if they had a Beyond version of their burger or something like that.
Starting point is 01:39:02 Maybe that's coming on the menu down the pike. But as of now, you can get a grilled cheese there. And a lot of places don't offer that as a default menu item. I think I'm doing it. Five forks for Sonic Drive. Wow, the bun was that good. Wow. I'm just going off of Mitch's mint.
Starting point is 01:39:24 Well, I'll tell you this much. How many forks would you give Sonic himself? Is he a five-fork character? Yeah, he's five forks. He's really cool. He is cool. I just thought of something I should have said. Sonic, you know, his thing has got to go fast.
Starting point is 01:39:41 When you're at Sonic, you got to break fast. Break your fast with a meal. Breakfast? They do have breakfast. All right. All right. Voting die on that one. You know what?
Starting point is 01:39:58 I got some notes. Wags. Let me tell you, I am taking this peppermint into consideration. Wow. And it's a damn good peppermint. It's like one of those like soft. You know when you suck on a profile, it's like soft. Little softies.
Starting point is 01:40:17 It's a little softie. Like you or I, Wags. Actually, we're all little softies. Everyone here is a little softie. I know that this is just Dog Doe Bark Fest. And so this isn't to be clear. This is not a ranking of the restaurant in full. It's not Wags.
Starting point is 01:40:38 In fact, do we always give forks for like rock dober fest? Do we give forks? Who knows and who cares? Should I open up the wiki? Open up the wiki. Look. Okay. I know that this is not the full restaurant ranking.
Starting point is 01:40:57 So we have to go back. But this is a great way to start Dog Doe Bark Fest. Because this is a big one. Yeah. And it really knocked it out of the ballpark, Wags. It really did. Wow. Hicked it out of the dog park.
Starting point is 01:41:13 Wow. I got a, like I told you, I got an all-American dog. That was my bite of the Night Wags. I bit into that thing. And I have become a relish convert in the, probably for 20-plus years now, Matt. But I... It happened to you though. It did happen to me.
Starting point is 01:41:32 I didn't like relish at one point, but I do like relish. I was, I bit into that all-American dog and fireworks were going off behind me. I was hearing quotes from George Washington all the way up to 45. And stopped there? Stopped there. What quote would I even be hearing from him as I wonder, but... No collusion. No collusion.
Starting point is 01:41:58 Yeah. That was, that was going off in the background with... It was, I was getting the whole, I was getting the whole feeling there. I was, I was like, this is so, like I was just, I was just picturing this being like two months ago. Right. Like, like, except like, I'm in there July on a hot July night and I got myself a cherry limeade.
Starting point is 01:42:19 I'm biting into that all-American dog. I want to fucking get up and take my hat off, Wags. It felt, it was, it was a great feeling of Americana with that shake and everything. It was just fucking, it was fantastic, Wags. I know that they were in the spookiest month, but you know what? For my boy, Sonic, I got to say, five golden rings. Wow. Welcome to the Platinum Plate Club, Sonic.
Starting point is 01:42:49 Holy shit. Wow. Five forks. Wow. Hachi Machi. We did it. What a store. What a start.
Starting point is 01:42:57 What a way to kick off Dog Doe Bark Fest 2021. And you know what? That peppermint one. That peppermint put it up to five. It was four and a half. The peppermint made it five. We'll take a break. We'll be back with more Doe Boys.
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Starting point is 01:44:54 Welcome back to Doe Boys. We are here with our guest Matt Apodaca. As we kick off Dog Doe Bark Fest 2021, a month-long grill aberration of hot dogs and pet dogs and Mitch. Yeah. You know, we're talking hot dogs here. And you and Matt, I mean, you also know me and Emma, of course, as the burger boy, Nick Weiger, but Mitch and Emma.
Starting point is 01:45:15 You can't be the burger boy this month. Well, that's the thing. So what you may not know is my full legal name is Nicholas Frank Weiger. And sometimes I go by Frank. That's right. It's time to review the Week in Hot Dog News in another edition of Let Me Be Frank. Wow. It's a different world.
Starting point is 01:45:58 Swap dog bites with a girl. Munch on, munch on and chop all night. Despite the fox, it'll be all right. That taste. When the casing has snapped later that day, you'll for sure have to nap as it simmers in the city. Like you're sucking on a titi. You ain't nothing but a hot dog.
Starting point is 01:46:17 Frying all the time. You ain't nothing but a hot dog. Frying all the time. You ain't never been a burger and you ain't no lunch of mine. Well, they said you were sandwich. Well, that was just a lie. Yeah, they said you were sandwich. Well, that was just a lie.
Starting point is 01:46:42 You're just a bun around a wiener so you sure don't qualify. I'm only happy when I'm Frank. I'm only happy when I'm hot dog eating. And though I may not be consuming meats then, I'm only happy when I'm Frank. The Frank Tricks is a hot dog, Wagyu. That hot dog is our food. When you're inside, you look around. What do you see?
Starting point is 01:47:21 Frank footers, hot links, sausages, corn dogs, the very types of Franks we are trying to eat. But until we do, these Franks are still a product of the grocery store. And that makes us hungry. You have to understand most of these hot dogs are not ready to be eaten. They are raw, and many of them will be sitting on the shelves so hopelessly passed by other customers that they will never be. Are you listening to me, Wagyu?
Starting point is 01:47:51 Or were you looking at that hot dog in the brown bun? I was. Look again. Freeze it. This isn't the Frank Tricks, buddy. No. It's another Frank Tricks training program designed to teach you one thing. If you eat one of them, you aren't eating a hot dog at all.
Starting point is 01:48:17 What are they? Vegan hot dogs. They can move in and out of any barbecue throughout the summer cookout season. That means that anyone who eats one isn't eating a hot dog. Inside the Frank Tricks, they are made for everyone, but really for no one. We have survived by not eating them by pretending to be full. But they are seen as a good gesture. They are brought to every barbecue as a meatless option.
Starting point is 01:48:57 They are seen as progressive, which means that sooner or later someone is going to have to eat them. Someone? I won't lie to you, Wagyu. Every single person and even animal who has stood their ground, everyone who has eaten a vegan hot dog has not enjoyed it. But where they have failed, you will succeed. Why, buddy? I've seen a vegan dog top with coleslaw.
Starting point is 01:49:30 Men have emptied out entire mustard bottles on them and they still taste bad. Yet, their condiments and buns are still based in a world that is built on meat. Because of that, they will never be prepared for the likes of you. What are you trying to tell me, buddy? That I can eat them? No, Wagyu. I'm trying to tell you that when you're ready, you will swallow them whole. I mean, you know I can do that.
Starting point is 01:50:07 Alright, that's Let Me Be Frank. Wow. Alright, Mitch, let's go ahead and Google hot dogs and bring up this week's hot dog news. We don't have a lot of time because obviously that ran us a little long. Yeah, went a little long there. That's okay. I'm going to search hot dog right now. Okay.
Starting point is 01:50:26 So I'm searching hot dog. I should tell you that my girlfriend sings the part specifically like you're sucking on a titty around our home. And I'm always like, why are you still, stop it. Wow, there's some interesting, I put on the local, they asked for my location, I said yes. Right. And that pulled up, it pulled up a very interesting article. Hot dogs being eaten at a record rate inside Quincy Hall. An article from your mom titled, Mitch, there are hot dogs in the freezer.
Starting point is 01:51:08 This is from Boston Magazine Wags and says, what's a Massachusetts style hot dog and why haven't we heard of it? I want to know. Every season, Grove Professional knows about Chicago and New York dogs, but what about the Bay State variety? Wow. Wow. So there is, I think the answer is that there just isn't one. That's the answer? I think that's what it is.
Starting point is 01:51:38 It's kind of a let down. To me, I mean, for me, I don't know what people would say as far as what a Massachusetts style hot dog is, but for me, the Fenway Frank, obviously, is something. And they do mention the Fenway Frank in here. And that's a boiled hot dog. And that's in the soft buns, which a lot of the times, I feel like a Massachusetts hot dog will have these buns wags. Basically, they look like a bread fold, like a piece of bread folded up like that, that have the two sides that are bread-y like that, and then grilled in butter, like pan fried in butter. And that, to me, kind of feels like a Massachusetts dog in a way, but maybe there just isn't one. That makes me sad, though, if there just isn't a Massachusetts dog.
Starting point is 01:52:26 What do you consider a Cali dog, Wags? Is there a Cali dog? I would go towards the L.A. street dog, I think, is a pretty good one. You know, I would say you've got like the bacon-wrapped dog with all the condiments, and you put on some jalapenos on there. You know, usually mustard, mayo, and ketchup, and sometimes a little pico on there. It's a lot of fun. Grilled onions often? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:52:48 The thing about that hot dog in particular is, every time I've had that, I've never been hungry. Like, I was never hungry for a hot dog or anything. I was just always like, oh, they have this. Like, well, yeah, I'm going to eat this. Yeah, I'm not getting this. Yeah, what are you talking about? What were you going to say, Nick? I was going to ask you if you had outside of that, have you had a favorite regional hot dog varietal?
Starting point is 01:53:10 You know, I mean, it's tough, because I guess I don't plan a lot of my travels over eating a hot dog. So I'm having a hard time. I'm thinking about it, but there are good ones. I mean, even just this, not like, I didn't travel for this, but there's a place in the arts district downtown, I think called worst kook or something. Oh, excuse. Yeah. That place rocks, and they don't have just hot, they have like different sausages there. So that sort of takes it out of the hot dog thing, but it is, that place is unbelievable to me.
Starting point is 01:53:47 It's so good. I like a Dodger dog. I know they just recently changed a Dodger dog from what I understand. And I saw no difference in it. It was still a, you know, kind of, like, you know, it's a fucking shitty hot dog. It's like, it's good. Hot area. No, I'm not saying it's bad.
Starting point is 01:54:06 It's good. It's, but you know, what hot dog are you like? I mean, I guess the hot dogs we had today were like, oh my God. But at the base level, they're all hot dogs. It was a regular hot dog. It was quite good. There's a hot, there's this place we've been out to, Mitch, you actually put my face, you took my face, my picture from this and then put that in your Burger Boy video that
Starting point is 01:54:27 you made years ago at our very, very first live show at the UCB Theater with our friend Fran Gillespie. So I guess we're still into that. Yeah. Okay. Well, because you probably haven't seen this video. It was very nice. So I, Natalie and I both went, used to go to this place, Fab Hot Dogs in Recita, California,
Starting point is 01:54:47 not far from LA. That is just a fantastic hot dog place. My favorite hot dog place in the city. And I mean, we should honestly go back. It's just been, you know, with quarantine and what have you and me not eating meat. It's just like. Yeah. Then you have to go to Recita.
Starting point is 01:55:01 Yeah. It's a little bit of a hall to Recita. But where they used to do PWG, Mitch. Yes. Why do we never go to Fab Hot Dogs before PWG? That's so on you, you asshole. I don't know. What a whiff.
Starting point is 01:55:14 Why did they never take us there? I don't know. You fucked up. What a missed opportunity. That place is so good. Anyway, they have a New Jersey dog called a varietal. PWG. That gives me, PWG gives me an idea for next week.
Starting point is 01:55:26 But go on. Okay. I'm trying to do the math in my head. They have a New Jersey style dog called the Ripper, which is that it's a specially made dog that stands up to deep frying until the casing like rips. That's where it gets its name. And the texture of it is so good. It's so delicious.
Starting point is 01:55:49 That's a really good one. Another hot dog that I like is the Sonoran Hot Dog, which is, I don't know if you guys have had a Sonoran before, but instead of, it's got pinto beans on it instead of chili, as well as some green chili sauce and then your standard compliments, condiments, some onions. But that's really, really fucking good. You get a place that does a good Sonoran dog, it will treat you right. Remind me what you guys thought about pinks.
Starting point is 01:56:12 I feel like you didn't like it. Pink stinks. Yeah, I mean, pinks isn't a stink. Yeah. Pink stinks. I feel like I had it when it was like a novel thing and the one that I had was like a cheddar sweet or Swiss mushroom hot dog or something. And I was like, this is weird, but I enjoyed it.
Starting point is 01:56:33 It's fine. It's fine. Yeah. I think probably overhyped and not worth the hassle. I think the coolest part about pinks is the building. The building is cool. Yes. One second.
Starting point is 01:56:44 There's a couple more things I just got to list off here because there's new. Oh, yeah, sorry. We're going too far. You're fucking yapping on. I've been excited to talk about regional dogs. Meet the man behind the wheel of Salem's hot dog hearse. This is another local one. Whoa.
Starting point is 01:56:59 Mason Manning and Michael Manning sit in the Death Dog Mobile food cart. They turned a hearse into a fucking hot dog cart. Manning plans to sell hot dogs and sausages from the hearse and the Salem area and beyond during the spooky season crossover here, Wags. Yeah. Salem, the home of a hocus pocus. Hocus pocus too. Writer, Jen D'Angelo is in the area.
Starting point is 01:57:26 She should try one out, but yeah, they're selling these hot dogs out of a hearse up in Salem, which is fun for the spooky season. A lot of people go up to Salem where actual women were accused of being witches and were burned at the stake. So now it's a fun Halloween thing. Yo-yo dogs to open first brick and mortar location. That's in Houston. That hot dog hearst, we should get that to cater your funeral.
Starting point is 01:57:54 Put me in the back with the dogs. He came back to life? The resurrection, like a Christ-like resurrection. He wanted to be first in line, yeah. Hot dog restaurant chain Portillo's files to go public on Nasdaq Wags. Wow. That's wild. That probably means we're going to be seeing more of them.
Starting point is 01:58:17 Here's some news. Dallas Cowboys add sumo hot dogs and vegetarian options at home football games. I like that. So you can get yourself a veggie dog Wags if you go to a cowboy game. Does it say what the sumo dog is? Is that a type of dog? Is that a brand of veggie dog? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:58:34 You know what? Let me find out. This is what it's all about. Yeah. All right. We're going to Dallas Morning News here. Items available Monday, September 27th. So that was last night in Collingson as a football fans.
Starting point is 01:58:46 A new menu item. The sweetest news is that Bluebell ice cream is now available. We don't care about that. And then Buffalo chicken nachos. Vegetarian options this year include a burger topped with veggies and chipotle aioli, a chicken avocado wrap, chicken salad and cheese steak omelette with plant-based protein. But where the fuck is the dog? Then there's no talk of this dog.
Starting point is 01:59:09 Wow. Where the fuck is the dog? That's really, that's a really misleading headline. Clickbait, I call it. Where's the dog news? Hold on. It has to be here somewhere. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:59:22 It's called a sumo hot dogs. Sumo hot dogs. These four hot dogs are available in six inch or foot long length. Each has a host of Asian inflected ingredients. The sumo has wasabi relish and teriyaki sauce. The Godzilla has beef chili, pickled sweet peppers. I don't know how culturally appropriate some of these dogs are. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:59:44 The sumo in the Godzilla has beef chili, pickled sweet peppers and miso mustard slaw. The bacon bomb me has cucumber and pickled veggies and the chili cheese has beef chili, togarashi cheese and sauce and mayo. Yeah. And then there is some sort of a, there is a veggie dog, but I can't. It seems like they're kind of taking a Pan-Asian approach with the word sumo distinctly Japanese and a couple of those dogs seem Japanese, but bomb me obviously not, so. That does sound good though.
Starting point is 02:00:16 Well, that kind of wraps up, I mean there's like an article here, it's like why you should put the CNN, why you should put that on the hot dog and reach for a handful of peanuts. Fuck you, what are you talking about? Get off my fucking back. Dork? CNN. This is why you get called fake news CNN. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:00:33 The fake news CNN. But you know what? Let's bring it over to another side. The New York Post also post in eating one hot dog takes 35 minutes off your life. That's where it's all coming from. Oh yeah. Yeah, what are we sending those 35 minutes doing? After those 35 minutes?
Starting point is 02:00:51 Yeah. After Dog Dober, after Dog Doberfest, we might be in the red wise, we might not, we might be in negative minutes. But why is I gotta say this? Is in the red, is that right? Did I do that right? Yeah. Yeah, you're right.
Starting point is 02:01:05 The scariest article of them all. You're correct, small business owner, Mike Mitchell. The scariest one of them all from Fox News, of course. Oh no, it's not from Fox News. It's from Giants Wire, the New York Giants, I don't know, fucking website, but it says Giants fan served hot dog with side of maggots. Oh, that's awful. I don't want to hear that shit.
Starting point is 02:01:33 Happy Halloween indeed. I know, I know, that's what I'm saying. Wow, we're going on some downers. Do we have one more, like kind of more positive, you know, some good hot dog stays alive or something? Yeah. Let's see here. So you're talking about an opposite field of dream scenario where someone like, I guess
Starting point is 02:01:50 that they still live in that scenario. No, $2,000 big ween statue stolen from business in northern Michigan. Oh no, it gets worse and worse. The big ween has gotten stolen. All right, Vienna beef is selling hot dog inspired Bloody Mary kits. That's fun, Wigs. That sounds fun. Okay, there we go.
Starting point is 02:02:11 Yeah. Right? Four dead. And now here's great list. Is ketchup on a hot dog good or bad? Interesting. And I say good. I mean, I'm neutral on it.
Starting point is 02:02:26 I think if you want to catch up on your dog, go for it by all means. I lean more mustard than anything. Me too. But I like ketchup on it. Ketchup is definitely part of the conversation. Yeah. Hartford's generous hot dog man has, the hot dog man has died. But we had a pretty good one.
Starting point is 02:02:43 I know, I'm just saying there's a lot of downers. I don't know what to do. And then why is there's, there's a little pushback. Our hot dogs bad for you. The truth behind the controversial report. There we go. And then a new style of hot dog. There's, look, there's a couple more here.
Starting point is 02:02:59 Nathan's hot dog eating contest could be heading to France. Wigs. Wow. Sakura blue. Wow. Sakura blue. Sakura blue. Those, those Frenchie, those, the, the Franco files, those,
Starting point is 02:03:18 all those, all those, all those frogs over there. Why is there going to be the hot dogs? Love it. But you know what? They're never going to be Joey Chestnut. USA baby. USA. There we go.
Starting point is 02:03:28 Let's end it on some jingoism. That was let me be Frank. Thank you very much for, for driving that Mitch. And hey, just like a restaurant, we value your feedback. Let's open up the feedback and we have ourselves a voicemail today. Let me go ahead and play this for us. And thanks for all the hours of entertainment. Love you guys.
Starting point is 02:04:15 Wow. We love you too. And you're better off. Yeah. I hope you're doing all right. You're talking to the, to his girlfriend, right? Yeah. Of course.
Starting point is 02:04:28 Um, it's a, uh, that's a, this is a great question. I'll just say real quick. Also, uh, just, just, uh, now that you guys broken up, just afford along her Instagram handle to me, please. What's her celebrity freebie list? And where does Mitch rank? Um, the, I'll, I'll say this. Natalie and I have recently had a little thing where,
Starting point is 02:04:52 and look, I hate wasting food. It's why I brought that single hot dog, that loose dog all the way back home. Um, and she's, she's very good about it. And she's better than me about not wasting food. But we recently had a thing where I was so full at a restaurant and I'd ordered a side of cream corn and I was like, I'm going to get this cream corn to go.
Starting point is 02:05:10 And she was like, there's one spoonful left. You're going to get one spoonful of cream corn to go. Like this, this you can just like either eat or, or just like it's fine for them to scrape it into the trash. This, this is the line where it's okay. And I, I would, I, for whatever reason, I put my foot down and I insisted on getting this, the spoonful of cream corn to go.
Starting point is 02:05:34 Um, and then I forgot to eat it. Making a scene at the restaurant. I did, I made a scene. They, they like boxed it up for me. It was like they, they're like, oh yeah, sure. They like boxed up one spoonful. I felt so bad because I thought they were just going to give me a little small box.
Starting point is 02:05:47 Uh-uh, you forgot a kernel. Yeah. Dear God. So yeah, that's, that's been a thing. But in general, I feel like I just like to eat them next day. Honestly, like a lot of times the next morning is very, I'll just like have that like, hey, I got some, I got some of the leftovers.
Starting point is 02:06:03 That'll be my breakfast. Um, I, yeah, I usually like to eat leftovers within. Look, the three days thing. And look, we're feeling for you, buddy. I'm sorry. I hope you're doing well. Yeah. Sorry, buddy.
Starting point is 02:06:16 Hang in there. You shouldn't be judged for, also you shouldn't be judged for your, your, uh, I like that you eat them late. I am, I am picky with that, but, but, but it's good that you, you take advantage of food and don't let it go to waste. It's not a bad thing. If you're refrigerating it, I feel like three days, you're fine. Three, I think the three day when you was, I,
Starting point is 02:06:32 the window is, is fine. I mean, like, you know, if you have dominoes and it's been like four days, it's like, it's not going to taste as good, but why is, I made some pizza on Friday night and now it's, it's, you know, it's Tuesday. And I'll probably still want to, you know, I'll, I'll, I still will eat those things up and eat them. What's wrong with the, what's wrong with a few slices? No, that's why they call you that.
Starting point is 02:06:52 Mr. Slice, baby. Yeah. I do think that there is, for me with leftover, the window is usually, if I don't eat it by the second day, I don't, I'm not going to eat it like two days later is, it's usually like within that three days. So like the next day, I'm usually eating it anyways, the next day. I mean, I'm usually eating that night when I get home later,
Starting point is 02:07:12 but the next day that's the, that's, that's a big window for it. And then if it's not, if I'm not eating the next day, it's usually getting tossed sadly. But like, I'd say three days, I think three days is a fine window. I fully agree. Yes. Fully. I think three days is fine.
Starting point is 02:07:29 I honestly think you get, it depends on the food stuff, obviously. Like, you know, if you've got, if you've got like some leftover, like a leftover crab roll or something, if you've got like something raw, then maybe eat that within the deep, that in a day, but like, something cooked, some leftover pasta. Yeah. You can let that sit for a week, might be pushing it, but within that three day to week range, I think you're still pretty good.
Starting point is 02:07:51 Matt, what do you think? I think it's the three day window. It's just perfect. Three to four days, maybe. Yeah. It's, I was going to say, it kind of depends on what it is, right? Cause we don't, I typically don't have leftovers like from restaurants. So I was just like, well, I'm just going to, I'm here.
Starting point is 02:08:06 I'm just going to eat this whole thing. Then wish I had brought some home instead. But like, I remember, I'm saying this, and I'm remembering that we got wings one time. My girlfriend and I, and then like the next day, ate the leftover wings like over the sink, like not heating them up. I was so excited to be like, let's, hey, there's only like two, like two left. Let's just eat these.
Starting point is 02:08:27 Right. What are we doing? This is like before we went somewhere eating a wing over the sink. It was really nice. But when we cook, I feel like we're very like methodical in like how much we're going to make of something and like how much like a certain like food, they were going to be eating like yields. So like, okay, we're going to make this, that's sort of like for one,
Starting point is 02:08:46 that's like a one and done sort of dinner. Right. Or when we make like a pasta or something, we're like going to anticipate that there's going to be enough for like two dinners and then maybe a little lunch. So like that's like, that will be like a three day sort of situation. But usually there are, sometimes we're like, we'll get stuck. And we'll be like, okay, well, this had fish in it.
Starting point is 02:09:07 Yeah. Like what's the three, I feel like three days with fish. I'm like, this has to like, you can't do this. You can't. Well, also like just people who food prep, you know, like prep for the whole week, you know? So. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:09:20 That's true. Good point. It's not that crazy. I mean, but this is specifically leftovers. Yeah. So I feel like, yeah, we'll do like, we don't throw away a lot of food, but you know, there'll be some times where I'll just know, I won't ever do a sniff test.
Starting point is 02:09:35 I'll just be like, well, I remember when we got this and it wasn't recently. Yeah. Or like just by how it looks. If it looks like slime, I'm not eating this. Yeah. If it looks like slime, it's past its prime. Oh. That's a great point.
Starting point is 02:09:50 Yeah. Yeah. You don't, you don't want to goop that up. You want to goop up the mozzarella sticks, not the leftovers. Right. No, not leftover slime. Yeah, exactly. I just can't believe like, how much worse can it get for Natalie?
Starting point is 02:10:01 I was just thinking about fucking, I already feel so bad for her. And then this fucking cream corn debacle. You're going to bring home a spoonful of cream corn. About to have a tantrum in a restaurant. I want my cream corn. I want the cream corn. This fucking spoonful of cream corn. Starts holding his breath at the table.
Starting point is 02:10:20 I thought they were going to bring me a small box that I could get scooped into and then have it later. And then even if they'd done that. What would have been nice if they would have brought you the, just a side of it to take home. Oh, that would have been amazing. That would have been. Not every place does that, but that'd be, that'd be pretty nice.
Starting point is 02:10:36 No, that he's being a baby. He gets a full side again on the web for the, that's fucking insane. If you were holding your brother at the table. How about even Natalie, but I could do it. Hold it. She just yelling at me to hold the fucking breath. It doesn't work. Cause once you pass out, you start breathing again involuntarily.
Starting point is 02:10:53 So. That's your response to her after she tells you to do. Checkmate. Nice try. Can I just say that one of my favorite things about leftovers, and we've talked about this on the pod before, I believe it's certainly been discussed in the dough boys discord, the dough scored, which is having a slice of pizza, some leftover pizza in the morning with a cup of coffee.
Starting point is 02:11:18 That's like one of my favorite, like, that's like my favorite left over breakfast. I mean, I don't drink coffee. So for me, I love it. For me, it's just like, it's like having a bagel. It's like, I've got this leftover pizza and hey, I like it cold. Some people like to warm it up in the toaster oven. That's fine. Whatever you like.
Starting point is 02:11:33 But I'll have a cold slice of pizza with a hot cup of coffee in the morning. It's fucking heaven. It's so great. That's going to be, for me, it's going to depend on the time. Right? I don't think I would enjoy eating a slice of pizza at 8.30 in the morning or something. But if it's like, honestly, like 10.30, I'm like, well, what are we doing here? Splitting hairs.
Starting point is 02:11:56 It's almost lunch. What are we talking about? Because I used to work at a grocery store. I used to work at Albertsons. And I worked like the early shift. So I'd be there at like, before opening, like at five in the morning sometimes. So my lunch would be at like 10. And I'd be eating something that I just didn't want to eat, like a Caesar salad or something.
Starting point is 02:12:12 Right. I already ate breakfast. Can I have more eggs? Yeah, that's too early for a lunch break. But there's something about, there is something about 10.30. Yeah. And it's just like, oh, you know what? It's an early lunch, but it still feels like lunch.
Starting point is 02:12:26 But before that, that really is the pivot point. 11, obviously, you're in the clear. But like, you want to have a lunch at 10.45? Yeah, of course. Yeah, that's fine. That's an appropriate meal time. But it's not going to count for all dinner foods to me. Like I don't think any, every dinner food is something you could eat in the, in the morning.
Starting point is 02:12:42 I'm like, I would, I would, I never want to even see spaghetti before it becomes PM. No way. Yeah. I kind of disagree with you there. I'll have some leftover pasta in the morning. Well, we're fighting. That'll be fun. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:12:57 That's my podcast energy. If you have a question or comment about the world of chain restaurants, you can email us at dopeboyspodcasts at or leave us a voicemail of 830 Godot. That is 830 4636. Wait a minute. Hold on a second. Yeah. What is this square pizza with no cheese on it?
Starting point is 02:13:14 What is it? What are those called? A grandma style? Grandma slice? Yeah. Is it a grandma slice? I think so. Or tomato pie.
Starting point is 02:13:23 Some people, some people call it tomato pie. Yeah. Yeah. That's, I think you're right. I think that's the, I think those are the two ones grandma style or, or tomato pie. But that to me would work more in the morning. Like that where it is like, because their room temperature, it's almost like a pastry. Right.
Starting point is 02:13:40 But like the cold slice of pizza just doesn't work for me as much. That doesn't, that doesn't, that doesn't do it for me as much. And also I just wanted to point out that there was another article that basically summed up the Boston article about hot dogs. Uh-huh. And they were saying that bun, that New England specific bun that's like almost like it'd be like a, like a piece of Wonder Bread that you turned, that you have fold up.
Starting point is 02:14:05 Mm-hmm. You know, like that, that's, that bun having that, that, you know, uh, griddled in a pan with butter and with a boiled, and what I'm going to say now when you need a boiled dog, that is a New England dog. Wow. There you go. And then if you get, for me, I think you get to put much, uh, ketchup mustard and, and relish on there.
Starting point is 02:14:24 I think that makes it a New England dog. Sounds great. I'd like, yeah, I'd love to, I'd love to share one of those someday. Well, wise, maybe you can. I just, I just want to put, I want to, I want to close it out on, on a Massachusetts dog before we end it. So. Right.
Starting point is 02:14:38 Well, I'm glad. A little bit of positivity as we, as we finish this first episode of, mm-hmm. No, uh, this is sad. An elementary school, an entire elementary school died choking on a hot dog. Wow. Boy, really grim. Um, RIP. They call it the ultimate field of dreams moment.
Starting point is 02:14:59 That's what they say. Is that, is this, is there a hot dog choking asphyxiation and. Yes. That's why. That's what happens. The doc has to come out of the field and he turns into the doc or doesn't turn old. I don't remember this. The little girl's choking on a hot dog and then the, and then that one player comes out
Starting point is 02:15:19 of the field and he turns into an old man and, and, and helps her with choking. Isn't that what happens? I don't remember this at all. I got to see this thing. I've never seen this. Looks like we got ourselves a double. And then we all have to choke on a hot dog. And hey, you can get the Doughboys double our weekly bonus episode by joining the Golden
Starting point is 02:15:39 or Platinum Play Club at slash Doughboys. Matt Apodaca, thank you so much for being here. Uh, a very, very fun to podcast with you in a different context. Yeah. Um, we love you buddy. Uh, anything you'd like to plug? Uh, I mean, yeah, listen to how to just get played. Uh, that's, that's a good, that's a good show where, uh, we punish ourselves also.
Starting point is 02:15:59 Uh, so if you're into that, that's, that's really fun. I sometimes do a podcast called what's with these homies talking about Weezer where we, it's, I really only do it when Weezer's doing something, uh, cause I caught up to where they're at currently with their album. So when they're doing stuff, that's when you'll hear me, uh, talking about it. And then, oh, I also, I stream on Twitch, um, infrequently, but I do do it. Uh, slash Matt Apodaca, where I, I, uh, been playing, playing some games. I, I streamed Hades on there and I beat, I beat the big man.
Starting point is 02:16:29 I took the big man down on, on stream and that was, uh, that was a delight. So tune in for stuff like that. Very alpha. Yeah. And hey, check, check all that out. And hey, Mitch. Wow. Wait, Matt, you defeated the devil?
Starting point is 02:16:43 I took, I took down, I took, yeah, I took, I took Hades down. Oh yeah. Stick with, stick with me, Mitchers. You'll be, you'll be safe. Hell yeah. Uh, that'll be this, uh, first episode of Dog Doe Bark Fest 2021, a month-long grill abrasion of hot dogs and pet dogs. Until next time, for the Spoonman, Mike Mitchell, I'm Nick Weiger.
Starting point is 02:17:04 Happy eating. Bark, bark. On the next Doe Boys Devil, Dog Doe Bark Fest 2021, a month-long grill abrasion of hot dogs and pet dogs continues with dog aficionado, Christine Nangle. We discuss canine companions, tube steak preferences and build a Mount Ruffmore of famous pops, Nangang Assemble. Woo!
Starting point is 02:17:30 Get the Doe Boys Devil every Tuesday only at Want to see the sources for this week's intro? Check the episode description.

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