Doughboys - Doughboys Double 66 - Tarot Pizza with Ariana Lenarsky

Episode Date: November 22, 2018

Free preview of Doughboys Double!Writer, musician, and professional tarot reader Ariana Lenarsky (McSweeney's, Brand New Podcast) joins to discuss her experiences as a pizza delivery driver, and to tarot for the notoriously superstitious Mitch.To subscribe to the Doughboys Double go to: more Doughboys? Check out our Patreon!: for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The following is a free preview of Doe Boyz Double. Subscribe at slash Doe Boyz. Welcome to Doe Boyz Double. I'm Nick Weigher alongside Mitchie Two Spoons, Mike Mitchell, Mitch Nicky. We have some business to do at the very top of this episode. We are going to order a pizza. We are. And that's part of what we're going to do today. You're doing the Domino's website on there? Yeah, I got the Domino's website. Okay. Should I do the pizza, the app? I think the app is way more, but no, you should, you're on the website. You should do it. All right, here's what I'm going to do. I have this order coming. I'm going to hit place your order right now about 30 seconds into the podcast. We're going to see when this bad boy arrives. And there's a reason we're doing
Starting point is 00:01:04 this. And we'll get to that when we talk to our guest in one second. But we're going to get this going. We'll see if it gets here. I mean, it should get here within a half an hour or so. Hopefully the pizza tracker is up and running. Okay, pizza tracker is going. One item one on this five bar iconography is lit up. Order is placed. So we're going to see what happens. You can do some fun stuff with that where there'll be like a chef and stuff, but they don't do it as much. Yeah, they don't have the names of everyone. It's not quite as intense as it once was. Nick, I want to say, yes, I know that this is dated. We talked about this before the episode, but I want to say rest in peace to Anthony Bourdain. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:01:38 we were both big fans of his and that was, that was a real bummer. And he, you know, he certainly did a much smarter, better, more educated version of what we do. Oh, for sure. But I think that it's not even right. It's not even close. Yeah. It's apples and little balls of dog shit. Yeah. I was going to say apples and battleships, but you're just like was much more evocative and much more a pro pro for what our show is. I, I, we, here's, here's, here's apropos. Yes. Yeah, I said it wrong. Here's, here's the thing that bums me out is that we could have and probably would have had them on our show. I really think this because I did have a connection and you think you would have come on.
Starting point is 00:02:21 Yeah. I think we just, we, we mess, we should have done it. We, we never, we never do stuff like that. And I want to say this, that in like 2006 or 2007, way early on, I, I watched one of his specials and when he was in, in Canada and it's why I took my mom and dad to Opie de Cochamps when we went to Quebec for, to Montreal for, for, for the just for last festival. And it was great. It was a great meal. My mom took a picture with me with like the big chef up there and, and that was like my first kind of like he was, he was like kind of the a big inspiration as far as getting into food, like different food, you know, trying different seven. When we went up to San Francisco, just this last, well, you know, a couple of weekends ago,
Starting point is 00:03:06 whatever it was, we went to two places that I learned from, about from Bourdain. Right. These are old from his old special, the Tonga room and a and Sam's burger pizza and burgers. Yeah. And he had, he had kind of, and I think what that speaks to is that he had kind of this every man's like, or that he was, he was welcome in a way that maybe some people in food culture maybe turn their nose up at some things that are a little bit more accessible to the every man. He embraced that and that was part of like what was great about him. And also I think like for me, I was like part of what I liked about him is how much he just like, how much he, he sort of approached other cultures, but in a way that was never like, it never was like, oh, this is,
Starting point is 00:03:46 this is my thing that I found out about. It was like, oh, this is someone else's food that I'm learning about. He had this, this very like kind of this perspective that wasn't, it wasn't like, like we're saying like, oh, this is this bizarre food that we're going to check out. It was like, oh, this is someone's culture and I'm going to approach. Yes. It was very respectful. Exactly with the proper. We had, we had the Bourdain special up at Sam's. And then he passed away that week, basically sadly, but that was a nice little, a nice little moment up there with me, you and Gabriel. We had a nice time. But yeah, recipes there. Check out those specials. He's a bunch of foie gras, Opie de Gauchon. Yeah. Watch, watch all the, watch it, you know,
Starting point is 00:04:21 watch no reservations instead of listening to this podcast. But Mitch, let's introduce our guest. She's a writer and musician from Brad New Podcast. She also runs Dream City Tarot at Dream City Tarot on Twitter. Ariana Lenarski is here. Hi, Ariana. Hello. Thank you so much for coming by. I said, here's, I was trying to say hi, Ariana. And it kind of blurred into hi, Ariana. It was like a very, hi, Ariana. That's true too. Yeah. Please, hi, Ariana. I apologize for the bungle. So you are a vegetarian, but also you used to deliver pizza. Yes, that's true. And that's one reason we wanted to deliver pizza and sort of, you know, bring that this is this, this thing that used to do for others, we wanted to sort of like, okay, let's, let's see what happens if we
Starting point is 00:05:02 order a pizza in real time and it arrives and we'll take it from there. But what was it like? When were you delivering pizza and what was that experience like? Okay. So when I was, you know, in my early twenties, I was very much like manic pixie dream girl and very cool. What was it? Did you know Zach Braff? I did. I went a little reverie there, but I would always have these jobs that were kind of like, I had a problem where instead of doing my work, which would be, you know, writing or music or whatever it is, I'd get these jobs that were kind of like interesting to say. Okay. So like personal assistant to like a classical piano player or, you know, shit like that or like,
Starting point is 00:05:52 you know, I work in a museum. That's so fun. The Hollywood Bowl Museum and it would just be like enough for people to go. Oh, and it'd be like, okay, now I don't have to like write or make music. I can just like hide behind the stupid job. Did you really work in the Hollywood Bowl Museum? I worked at the Hollywood Bowl for like ten years. Wow. That's a cool job. That's cool. Actually, I never worked at the museum. That's, that was, I was like a program seller in a usher, but I was going to take the museum job. I was going to take the museum job. And that was when I said, I have to stop doing this. Like I'm not writing. Right. I'm not like following my heart's desire. Yes. I have to, but I'm, I don't have the writing job. I don't have the gig yet. Yeah. So
Starting point is 00:06:35 I still need a stupid job and I can't, it cannot be a job that I can like twist into something cool. Like it has to be stupid. So I was like, it's got to be like postmates or something like that. Yes. And so I found a delivery service and I was like, I'm just going to deliver pizza. That's not cool. That's stupid and I can't like be proud of that at all. I mean, Mitch and I have a different perspective on it. Very noble profession. Well, now I now that I have done it, I'm like, oh, it's like the coolest job ever. Like you're literally delivering pieces to people. Yeah, people love you like wherever you go. It's like a joy. It's a joybringer. Yeah, it is. No, I felt beloved like a lot of the time. But what I mean, what was so weird was like what immediately
Starting point is 00:07:20 happened was I expected like drudgery. I'm also very small. I'm like really scrawny and it's like manually labor. Oh, okay. I could imagine that being a full long day. It's not a good idea. Like they have these big black bags. Like I could fit in the bags. Like I'm like really it's a bad job for me, which I also did on purpose because like you're going to fucking hate your job. You're going to hate your job and it's going to pressure you to work harder. Yeah. It's kind of like dough boys, except it makes me work less, I guess. Yeah, I mean, like, yeah, it was a way to structure my day and but you know, like I thought it would be boring. I thought it would be stupid and it ended up being like the fabric of reality would break down like when I was delivering
Starting point is 00:08:10 pizzas. I would have the most bizarre experiences that made no sense and seemed like I was going into other dimensions at times. Like it was like so bizarre and I I've never quite experienced something like that and it was so many strange experiences that I can imagine because I also feel like there when people are just ordering pizzas, like it can be a crazy party. It can be people who are fighting or someone who's doing laundry. Yeah, someone like someone in the middle of a big sports game. Like it's like a billion different things that can be happening when a pizza comes. You got an order that's like eight large pizzas and you're like, okay, they're having some sort of party and you show up and it's just Mitch making his own order. Yeah, that was like
Starting point is 00:08:59 my first order was like eight or ten pizzas and so it was like four hundred dollars worth of pizza and I was like, this is a lot of pizza and they were like, yeah, go deliver it and I had to deliver it to Disney Studios. Wow. So I went there where at my age, I'm how old was I at the time? I was thirty at the time and that's when my dad started working at Disney was when he was thirty. Oh wow. So I was walking on to the lot like delivering pizzas and I was like, like, I don't know. It's just like it was just a weird experience to be like. Well, another generation. Gosh, thank you. I'm a little short on money. You didn't tip. What else do you do?
Starting point is 00:09:43 I watch goofy and that's what's so weird about the job. I don't want to talk about goofy stick. Hey, you know, on that note, we have a we have an update. Uh, Marshall put our order in the oven at nine forty three p.m. So it's in the works is on the bake phase in the in the pizza tracker and if we got a we got a veggie pizza from Domino's, which I never I never really do and I'm interested in seeing how it will be. I'm interested in seeing how this goes apart. And you know, we mentioned earlier that you were a vegetarian, but you also like a pizza loaded with toppings. I love loaded pizzas. Right. Yeah. You know,
Starting point is 00:10:23 someone was just because I like just a slice of cheese sometimes. I do too. Sometimes I'm a slice of cheese guy, but but then it can be fun to have that big like a supreme pizza to have a slice of that. It's like almost if anything, I would almost like a slice of cheese and a slice of supreme to kind of taste the two extremes. Oh, man. That's the Costco special. Yeah. That's true. Pretty sweet. Spend four dollars. You're out of there. Yeah. Yeah. I know. I know you love Costco. But what do you go for please? Do you guys have every the Trader Joe's frozen pizzas or no? I have had some of this troublesome subject. No, no, no. We actually we haven't talked about it too much, but I when I first try that Trader Joe's pizza, I loved it and it was like one of those
Starting point is 00:11:07 things where I'm like, oh, this is like on a Sunday or something when I when I would normally order pizza. I'd have just I would just make one of those Trader Joe pizzas and save like a 500 calories or whatever because they're not as terrible. They're kind of like the thin crust Italian pizzas that are they're great. Right. They make a really, really good frozen pizza, which we never did for that when we did our frozen pizza competition. I think it would be. We didn't do the Trader Joe's ones. I think it would be way up there. Trader Giotto. Oh, Trader Giotto, right. He's got a different ethnicity. I've gotten the the ones I've gotten from Trader Joe's or maybe it's a Whole Foods one, but there's the Amy's. Like I like I think those
Starting point is 00:11:44 Amy's are pretty good. But but yeah, the the actual Trader Joe's ones, I think though those those will do all right. I just don't I don't do as much frozen pizza. But but what do you like? What do you like from the Trader Joe's case? I just had a regular cheese margherita. Yes. The other day I ate half of it. Nice. What else is really good in that pizza section? What did you do with that other half? I left it. I left it out all night. But that's okay. The next day. I don't know. You can you can leave a pizza out overnight. Nick, how do you feel about this? I'm a little skittish about dairy left out overnight. I think I think you probably are okay because it's you know, but yeah, there was a time where my family moved
Starting point is 00:12:28 towards like, oh, you put the pizza in the oven and then you eat it the next day as leftovers. I know that sounds strange, but I thought you hid it in the oven. I would hide it in the in the bowl. We would just because the fridge, you know, the big pizza box, you can't fit the big pizza box in the fridge. Right. That makes sense to me. And so we would put it in the oven, but because that's like, I felt like a lot of other families did that. They were just like, oh, it's in the oven. Kind of traps the heat in there. Yeah, it's kind of warmish. Yeah, I can see the principle. I don't know. I guess overnight and then that's like now I look back on it and I feel like how you do. I'm like, I don't know if you should do that. But I had a friend who I think
Starting point is 00:13:04 he was out of state for a wedding. I think he was like in Minneapolis and he like and then he another night he like went out to dinner and got like a pizza and he had some leftover pizza, took it back to his hotel room, left it overnight in his hotel room, got up, took it home on the plane and then got and then got back to his apartment and then ate it there. And I was like, that's insane. Like, I mean, it's just insane that he brought it on the plane. Yeah, I know. It's like, but I mean, just like it was just like one of those. He was one of those guys who was like super like like, oh, but but I paid for it. I want to make sure that I can eat all of it. You say dairy because I'm always thinking of a cheese pizza when I think of this too. And
Starting point is 00:13:42 sometimes it will be a tomato sliced pizza that I slice the tomato on the pizza that I'm thinking back when I was living at home and we'd leave it out or believe it in the oven. By the way, our pizza has moved on to the quality checks phase. This is this is the fuck is that I did. You know, it just says strange perfection check complete. It's dominoes, right? Yeah, like what quality? You're talking about the tournament of champions. Also, I was gonna say, Nick, you say don't leave dairy out overnight, but cheese is different, right? I mean, like, I mean, I know cheese is dairy. Don't butter is okay. Like you can leave butter in a butter dish. In fact, we do that at our place. My old college, my old college roommate,
Starting point is 00:14:28 I like that, but then sometimes if it's out for too long, it's too much. It's only got the butter. If you leave butter out for too long, I like a soft butter. I like soft butter too, for God's sake. I'm saying that beans in a can. I'll leave those out. Okay. If the can's opened, I'll give it a day. I can give anything a day. I mean, like, I wouldn't leave like poultry or something out is like more so like how I yeah, that would be weird. But with with like cheese, my old college roommate would leave. He would have cheese out that he just wouldn't refrigerate and he cut the top off of it and he just eat it weird graina Matt graina graina. Did he create the Simsa? What the hell? You know, Matt, I know, I know, I got the joke. We all got it.
Starting point is 00:15:17 Okay. And I'm glad you guys like and enjoy the joke that I made in rattling back and forward and clenching your face. Yeah, you look like a baby in a crib. Yeah, you're very excited about the Simpsons of your graina graina. Why am I saying his name wrong? Matt. I don't know. Makes me laugh. Great guy. But so so okay, so okay, topping loaded pizza. What like what is so what is your dream? Bazaar? What do you like to have on there? Oh man, artichokes, olives, artichoke. I'm a snob. I'm a snob. I am a snob. I know I'm on Doughboys, but I'm a snob. Right. I like that. Although fresh. Have you guys had fresh brothers? I know we already sort of saw. We have brothers. You like fresh. We were going to include them.
Starting point is 00:16:03 I like it. We were going to include it in our tournament. We didn't, but they're good. I like fresh brothers. Yeah, it's very solid. Fresh brothers, pizza. What did I say? Artichokes, olives. Do you do deep dish ever? And it's deep dish. Yeah. That's when it's low like thicker. Yeah. Yeah, thick with two C's. Yes, like those pizzas. What else, but I can also just do regular cheese. Also good. Real cheese. Can I tell you, can I finish telling you about what it was like to deliver to Disney? Oh yes, please. Oh yes. We cut you off. I'm sorry. We got sidetracked by Goofy's dick. By the way, I think, oh boy, he's got an extra Z in his name. It looks like Gregor,
Starting point is 00:16:52 but it's got, but he's got a Z before the first E. So it's like Grzegor left the store with your order at 9.52 p.m. It's now out for delivery. It's blazing. It's so, so fast. We're gonna get this pizza before we hit the 30 minute mark, but go ahead. I want to hear the rest of your Disney anecdote. Okay. Okay. Okay. So I'm very nervous. I go, it's my first order. I have four hundred dollars worth of pizza. That's crazy. The bags are really big, really big, really, really big, and they're black, really big black bags. Right. And so I go, I'm like, okay, I'm gonna deliver the pizzas. I go and deliver them. It goes fine. Walk in Disney. When I come back, I find that I've locked my keys in my car and I'm part in the fire zone,
Starting point is 00:17:33 and it's my very first order. Oh my God, and I have walked my phone in my car too. So I can't tell my dispatcher what happened to me. So I I feel like a fucking moron idiot. Like I feel bad about myself. Like you're fucking idiot. You like that you did this. Do you like that you did this? It's your first order. What do you think about what you just did? Do you feel good about it? Because I don't. So I went over to the security. I went over to the security guy and I was like, can you please help me? I need to call triple. I elect my he already didn't like me because it was like it was like my first time going on this. I was like, hi, I'm here to like deliver pizzas. You know, like I was already I had already been obnoxious at the job. So now I needed his help,
Starting point is 00:18:12 but it actually went kind of fast. Like triple. I came and I talked to my dispatcher and you know, it was fine. I get in the car and I drive away and I'm like, you know what? That wasn't that bad. And you know, I'm not such a bad person. Like it's okay. Like the only person that got bothered here was me. Like right. They got their pizzas. The dispatcher's fine. And then I get a message from my dispatcher and this is as I'm like texting my friend. Like and then I decided that I wasn't such a bad person. After I'm like, hey, you left your bags at Disney. Oh no. Your bags are just sitting in the lot. Oh my god. Oh man. This is a nightmare. Oh my god. And I was like, I'm a cartoon character. Like I okay. So I am a bad person. Like it's not even that I'm a bad person. I just
Starting point is 00:18:56 don't exist. This is just like so I like drove back there and I went to the security guy and I was like, hey, like I left my bags and he's like, oh, did you leave those really big black bags? And I was like, yeah, I left those really big black bags and I had been really embarrassed when I left my keys in my car. So I had shuffled off to the corner of the building right and then left these big black bags. So they were like, oh, we thought that was a bomb threat. Like we. Oh my we called people to come over and check it into security and I was like, oh, that that's insane. That makes sense. I was like, yeah, yeah. That's crazy. That's totally crazy. What were the consequences of that? There weren't really any. I went into security and I was like,
Starting point is 00:19:38 hey, and they're like, hey, and I was like, you left my bags and they were like, yeah, they're pretty big. I was like, they are pretty big. Goofy was tied to a chair. They water board. There's only there's only one way for you to get these bags. And that's when I sucked Goofy's and it's big. You guys. Oh my god. Gars indeed. That story that was my story very graphic. It was so bad. That's crazy. I didn't even I didn't hear. I didn't even pay like I hadn't heard that Goofy's dick was involved in the last and then I was like, oh yeah, Goofy's dick gotten involved in this somehow. Okay, guys, my phone is ringing. This might be
Starting point is 00:20:25 great. Oh, this is so bad. Hello. I'll go to the front door. Hi. How are you? My name is Nick. How are you? Oh, you're right in front of the door. Maybe we're not hearing you knock by my friend's going to go, but I'll let you in right now. Sir, we didn't hear you. Apologize for that. Okay. Thank you so much. All right, bye. Mitch is outside getting the pizza right now. I'm like seeing myself as the pizza delivery person. I want to be like that was incredibly efficient. Yeah, I already signed for it. It should be good. My Mitch is taking care of this transaction right now. I wish we could write them in Mitch is signing the order. Arana, what was this? Did you have a lot of card transactions when you were delivering? A lot of signing. A lot of signing. I didn't have
Starting point is 00:21:12 like a credit card swiper that I'd carry around. Oh, got it. Okay. But people have to sign. And then you know, you're staring at them like tip me, right? Tip me like a lot of money. Did you find that the cash tips? Like how did the cash tips? Yeah, with those were always better in the card. Oh, because we just did on the card. So maybe we're assholes. No, no, actually, no, card tippers. Card tippers, you know, they have the little, you know, they'll indicate like, this is how much 15% is. Yes. So they'll, they'll usually go off of that. Right. Mitch, they got plates before I, wow. Yeah. What was that? This came so fast. This came so fast. We ordered about 30 seconds in the episode, the 21 minute mark. Wow. This arrived. I don't know. The timestamps might not exactly
Starting point is 00:21:52 line up with what you're hearing it as you're listening. But this came so fast. I asked Gregor, I said, you, I, he said, what are you doing? Is that for the radio? And I said, no, it's a podcast. He was, he was kind of a vitamin. So I did. He was, he was a younger kid, like a, probably what he looked 20 years in this, or like young 20s, I'd say. And I was like, it's actually a podcast. It's called Dobe. I said, you want to come in and say something? And he was like, no. I got to get back to Domino. He was, he seemed very scared, maybe. I know that show. It sucks. Call me when you guys are married. All right. So let's, let's crack into this order here. And then we're going to get to our other bit of business. I thought this was going to come at
Starting point is 00:22:34 the end of the episode. This is going to be our big closer. It's pretty good. Wow. That, that bad boy is loaded. I'm going to, I'm a snack. Take a pic of this. Thank you Emma. Emma's going to grab plates for us. Emma's going to grab us plates. Our engineer. Do you know where they are? I'm in that drawer. Have you, have you go down the bottom drawer drawer? I wore my pizza below the tarot shirt. Wait, did you really? Ariana's shirt. So it's a tarot card. Well, this will be in the, the, the show picture, but it's a tarot card that says the pizza underneath it. And it's a hand with some rings and a snake coming in between and a slice of pizza. I should take a picture with the pizza. Oh yes. My tarot cards and my shirt. That's what I should
Starting point is 00:23:11 do. I agree with that. I didn't think about that. No, we'll figure it out. We'll figure all that out when we're done recording. I also was telling Emma instructions on where these plates were into the microphone, not helpful at all. Thank you, Emma. She could still hear you. Thank you very much, Emma. All right, here we go. Wow. Thank you. This is, this is crazy. I think that this reaffirms our decision, I think, to, to award Domino's, the, uh, Thomas cup for a tournament. Back off you fuckers. Let's just dig in. This one looks oddly not cut well. It really like, yeah, I don't, what kind of job did they do slicing this bad boy? Ooh, a very bad. Wow. Oh boy. Wow. That's, that's very messy. There are no delineations.
Starting point is 00:23:53 Yeah. No pizza delineations. No wonder why it was so quick. It's, it's not. Oh, there we go. That's, I found, I found a spot. Oh, you know what? I look on the pizza tracker. Uh, there's a spot. There's a, a step that says, uh, slice the pizza and there's just, they skipped it. Yeah. That's, that's going to be, it's going to fall apart. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Thank you, Emma. What a mess. Oh no. There we go. Oh well, there's one. You got one. By the way, when I say what a mess, I'm referring both to the pizza and how this episode is going at the moment as we're just trying to get ourselves slices of pizza. We'll also talk at the same time. It's borderline incoherent. Um, there we go. This does look good though. I got another slice here, Nick.
Starting point is 00:24:31 Yeah. Can you pass me one? That would be great. Give your plate over here. There you are. Um, thank you. And we got some, we got some napkins in the center there as well. All right. Let me grab this one. Best I could do. All right. We're taking a bite of this. This does really look loaded with toppings. We see these red, very red pepper and black olive prominent, a lot of cheese on here. I mean, it's, it's like soggy with cheese. The nicest thing about delivering pizza is you don't get tired of pizza. Your car smells like pizza all the time, but you deliver pizzas for a while for however long, five hours. And then just the way they say jazz musicians play jazz all night and then go home and play more jazz.
Starting point is 00:25:11 Right. That's how it is with pizza. If you're delivering pizza, I would go home and order pizza. That's crazy. And I loved it. That sounds, I mean, that's, that's amazing. I still love it. That's great that that, that your passion didn't go because like when I worked in video games, I was like, Oh my God, this is my dream job. And then I stopped playing video games for a time because they just got so sick of them. But, um, and then I think that was common with a lot of people who work in video game development because like you got a PlayStation controller on your desk, holding a PlayStation controller starts to feel like work, but that's awesome to hear that the principle does not apply to pizza that you can just like love pizza all the time.
Starting point is 00:25:44 It's too lovable. Right. I think I like ran a poll on Twitter once. I was like, what are the, like the four most lovable things we're trying to do? I think we had like pizza, dogs, Rihanna. And I don't remember what the other thing was. Um, those are some lovable. Yeah. A pizza with a dog with a slice of pizza in its mouth. Well, Rihanna plays. I put some cats up there too. Cats was of work. Um, this is, it's still good. It is. It's a very sloppy version of also we, we, we almost got sick of pizza just because people didn't realize with the tournament choppies that we'd be doing two episodes in a day. Right. And we would be doing the, the losers bracket. So people were like,
Starting point is 00:26:25 they only had to eat two slices of pizza a week. And it wasn't, it was like, there were days where we ate like eight slices of pizza. It was insane. That's just like a little kid's dream. But yeah, it's too much for me. I was just smelling it all day. It's like, you know, looking at a picture of your wife's ass all day. And then finally at the end of the night, you get to lift that skirt up a little and there's a big pizza on her ass. Eat that pizza. I know that feeling. We got a photo of my wife's ass is my lock screen on my phone. Oh my God. That's not true. I have the default background because I never changed it.
Starting point is 00:27:09 Yeah. Lame. So I will say that I, this is, I haven't eaten dinner and this, this slice of pizza I just had, I thought was great. I really liked it. I really liked it. It is a little sloppy. It's a little sloppy, a little soggy. It's kind of a mess, but it was just so satisfying. The crust was great. The cheese was great. The toppings really, it's loaded. That bad boy is loaded. I really enjoy it. Reminds me of watching Snick on Saturday nights. Oh, okay. Come home. Was that your, was that your pizza night? That was a pizza night. Was it Saturday? Yeah. Obviously. It was Saturday. Come home. Have the, mom's going to order Domino's pizza.
Starting point is 00:27:49 Fucking watch some Sabrina's teenage witch and eat some pizza. Mitch, you had a, you were a Friday night pizza guy. Yeah, Nick. Thank you. Yeah, you remember. TGIF. That was your whole thing. Oh yes. I don't know if we had a designated pizza night. I feel like Sunday nights would, would be when it would happen, but I think we, we would get it just any night of the week. My dad didn't feel like cooking and he cooked most nights of the week. Emma, did you have a pizza night growing up? We did Fridays. Emma also said Fridays. I wonder which one is more popular. Friday or something. I think it was because it was like the last day of the work week. Right. Exactly. That's great. It's also great for the kids too,
Starting point is 00:28:23 because it feels like a reward. Hashtag, what's your pizza night? Let us know. Let us know if there was a night that growing up or now when you would get pizza with any sort of frequency. This, this, hey, you know what? I'm eating my second slide. Don't bum them out though. What's that? I'm saying don't bum them out. Don't, you don't want people to bum you out though and be like, it's every night. Oh yeah. It's every night since she left me. Yeah. Whatever. Like keep it fun like pizza. Yeah. Don't, don't use your hat. Don't use the hashtag dig, you know, disclose your personal bankage. Fine. I won't tweet at it. I'm still flummoxed by how quickly that pizza came in.
Starting point is 00:29:01 It was disorienting, but, but very, very impressive. I'm giving it just a minute to, to, to, you might want to knife it a little bit. Yeah. Wow. Yeah. It went so, so, it came so, so quickly. So Arianna, we have another big business we want to get to you in a second with our grease covered fingers, which we, you know, are you comfortable doing that with greasy fingers? You want to take a, do you want to take a break? Reading tarot? Yeah. I don't give a shit. Okay, great. I don't know. I don't want to, I don't want to damage your valuable cards. Oh no, they're not valuable. Okay, great. But before we get to that, I did have a question for you, and you're, you're taking a bite of pizza right now, so I'll give you a second. But you are a
Starting point is 00:29:38 fan of, we, we both know, we know each other. You're done, right? With pizza? I might, I'll, I'll tap out for now, just in the interest of, of, of talking. Yeah. But the, I, we know each other partly from a, a very active NBA group chat. We're both members of high intensity basket chat. It's very high intensity. It's, it's a commitment. It's a commitment. It keeps me more busy than my job. It is, it's a lot of work. But, but you, but you wouldn't have it any other way. I wouldn't have it any other way. It's perfect. I love, I love the NBA. I love talking about it with my friends. But I know from that, Jesus, what? That's a reasonable thing to say. That's what a normal man would say. I love talking about it with my friends. That's a reasonable thing to
Starting point is 00:30:22 say. Sure. Okay. Fine. Stop painting me as an odd ball. I'm a normal man. I'll let you paint yourself buddy. But, but you are a fan of the Denver Nuggets. Yes, I am. And I wanted to ask, how do you feel about chicken nuggets? I know you're a vegetarian, but nuggets of any sort. This is kind of a shit come up in. Is this his contribution to that NBA group chat? This sucks. I haven't asked that in the NBA group chat. That's no boy's content. But he wants to. You can tell he wants to. Yeah. I've been sitting on it for a while. Hey, by the way, we got, we got cinnamon bites as well. That's right. We also got some cinnamon bites to nosh on. You don't want them? I do want them. I love chicken nuggets. In fact,
Starting point is 00:31:03 my father used to work for Kentucky Fried Chicken. Whoa. Yes. I was born in Kentucky and my father worked at Kentucky Fried Chicken. That's amazing. Like the corporate headquarters or like a restaurant. I think it, I don't know. Actually, he must have been corporate headquarters. Right. That's so cool. But I thought I was born in a KFC for like a while. Why would you think that? Because I, because my parents were dumb and they liked to tease me. And so I thought that I was born in a KFC and they're like, no, obviously you weren't, you're born in the hospital. And it sucked. It like, but that is what I thought when I was a little kid for a little while. They just deceived you and you just like took it as, took it seriously
Starting point is 00:31:39 for a long time. Yes. That was like, my brother told me that I had a, that he had a robot hand, like Luke Skywalker and Empire Strikes Back. He said that he got his hands caught in the duck garbage disposal. This all checks out for me and with the Weigler family. And they replaced, and I thought it was so cool. Cause like I'd see that movie and be like, oh, that's like the hand my brother has. And then I just found out he was lying to me, like too late. It was like, it was too old. It was this year. How are those cinnamon sticks? I'll pass them over this way. I want to, I want to, I want to take a dip of one of these. But, uh, but so when, so your dad, pro chicken nuggets, your dad worked at KFC. When did you stop? Like when was the last time?
Starting point is 00:32:19 Cause you're, how long have you been a vegetarian now? Um, I, well, 2007. Oh, wow. So it's been a while since you've had it. I'm a pescatarian. Okay. I'll eat a fish or two. Yeah. Um, That's, that, that is way more livable to me than. It is. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:40 Yeah. I may, I've been craving meat lately. Maybe I'll go back. Um, I don't know if I could, I don't know if I could do, I'm not, I could do vegetarian isn't more than I could do. I couldn't be a vegan. I'm sure I couldn't be a vegan. And I don't think I could do it either. Yeah. But a vegetarian I could do for a day. You eat that much meat. No, I don't, I don't eat that much. I do. I probably do have some protein every day,
Starting point is 00:33:08 like poultry or, or not. I try not to do beef. Yeah. Um, I, uh, I'll say about these cinnamon sticks. I was, I was away from the mic for a while because there was a lot of chewing to get through this. Uh, it's, it's very chewy. It's got a lot of texture to it. I thought this was quite good. Yeah. Like I, like as these, as pizza place desserts go, you're never going to get up with a home run. But I think this was a nice execution of a, of a cinnamon-y dessert. I liked how crispy it was. I liked the crunch that it got from the, that pizza oven. I liked how I liked the cinnamon dip and sauce. It was very, it's very much like,
Starting point is 00:33:42 this is like Cinnabonny. It was like, it's approximates a Cinnabon. And the dough tastes different enough. I felt like it does. It absolutely does. Yes. It's more of a pizza dough, less of a, less of that, uh, you know, that softer sort of, uh, cinnamon roll, traditional done, traditional cinnamon roll bun. That's what I was trying to say. There you go. Jesus Christ. A fucking mess. Um, but yeah, I thought that was quite good. Hey, that was, that was what, that was, what a wild experience. What a whirlwind. We've never done this before. We never, we've never ordered at the start. We've always talked about doing this. We've talked about
Starting point is 00:34:12 doing this and we decided we'll, we'll give it a go. And then that would, that happens so quickly. I'm disoriented. Um, it did happen fast. Yeah. I really did. Uh, you're all right, Nick. Just take a breath. This is fucking crazy. Uh, so Arianna, one of the things we wanted to do with you today is that you read tarot. Yes. Dream city tarot is your company. Um, what, how did you get into this originally? I used to read cards at parties and then I got a real deck and I used to read like bicycle cards just for fun because I hated small talk.
Starting point is 00:34:54 Yeah. So I wanted to talk about something else. I want to talk about like what was really going on with people. Um, and the cards were like a nice excuse. Um, and then I, I got an actual rider weight deck, which I'll show you guys, which I can now like bring out very cool wrapped in a sky. Do you know, I'm getting, um, ASMR vibes, like, like, uh, like, uh, I think it's like the situation right in like, uh, we are, we are, uh, you know, casting a spell and entering into a trance. Oh, I'm getting, I'm getting big time ASMR. Mitch is, Mitch is, uh, famously afraid of, uh, ghosts and goolies and goblins. Are you superstitious? I very much so. The devil in particular. Oh my, what if you get the devil in this reading? You could. Can you really? Oh,
Starting point is 00:35:43 you absolutely can. I'll talk to you. I'll talk to you. I'll be right here. I'll be right here. I'll be right here. This is terrifying. Oh my God. What if he comes up? What is, what does the devil card mean? I'll tell you if you get him, babe. So Arianna is striking a match. So Arianna is going to read a tarot for Mitch. Is that, that how you'd say it? You were going to read tarot for him. Um, and I'm not, I, this is something I have never, I'm aware of and I've seen some of the cards and, uh, you've explained some of the cards to me, but I don't really know this world at all. I've never, I've never experienced this firsthand. In our basketball chat, I often, I've been trying for a while to find a crossover between basketball and tarot, which I believe I'm become, you know,
Starting point is 00:36:23 starting to find the connections, but I often will like just post cards in the chat being like, this is what's happening right now. Like, this is like, this is just like this card. I'll do shit like that. Right. And then I know you had, sorry, I keep going. Uh, what were you going to say? I was going to say, I know you had some music you wanted me to play some spooky music. This is master Wilbur and brishette. I think this is from the 1970s when, you know, witchcraft was like really Stevie Nixie. Right. You know, do you want me to start it now? No, nothing bad can happen with nothing bad can happen. No, tarot cards. No, nothing bad can happen, except you might learn more about yourself. Mitch, I should warn you for that. This song is
Starting point is 00:37:06 called birth of a witch. What the fuck? Oh man, if Irma's flying around the room tonight. All right. So why are you superstitious? Tell me a little bit about your ghost background or why you have superstitions. Well, I've talked about it a little bit, but I've always, I've always, I mean, I was raised Catholic, but not very like, not like, like, not like super Catholic family, just like a little bit. And we went, I went to church up until like fifth grade or fourth grade. And then kind of like after that, not very religious at all, but I prayed and stuff like that. And I've just, I've always gotten, I've always believed, because I mean, I'm that sort of way, Nick, where it's like, yeah, I don't, who knows what goes on
Starting point is 00:37:56 in this universe. Who knows the kind of the agnostic belief of, of we can't know what there is out there. It could all be a cosmic accident, but it could be something more. It could be something more. It could be a world where there's a hellfire underground, where you go down and there's a guy with hooves and horns and he has a pitchfork and he pokes you in the butt. He pokes me in my butt. That's, that is scary to me. And I feel like I've gotten, in a couple of instances, I've just gotten like the sense, like I've gotten vibes and feelings and stuff in different, in different places, which to me. You think you might be an intuitive. Very, I've never seen anything. I've never seen, but that would be very, I would like it. But you felt something. I felt, I felt weird
Starting point is 00:38:40 vibes. Oh my God. I just saw the devil card. No, you didn't. Okay. Phew. Oh, it's just, no, it's just a, there's a guy with red pants. Yeah. Also, let me tell you, Mitch is an unintuitive. I know that from knowing him well. So let me explain a little bit what's happened. Ariana has lit a candle. There is a crystal of some sort, a number of different crystals around here. There is a, there's a piece of wood and then there is something that looks like a big old reefer, I gotta say. Just sitting there, a big, big bundle of, I mean, I'm in hog heaven, baby. Oh my God. Wait a minute. Austin Powers mixed with Stoner? Yeah, I don't know. I kind of went into half Bill Clinton there too. Hey, by the way, speaking of Hollywood Bowl, yeah, this is the interest to
Starting point is 00:39:25 no one's long call back. I'm going to take Nick to a Dave Matthews concert at the Hollywood Bowl. That sounds like so much fun. I've been very excited. In September. Yeah. And I was going to say this kind of, this setup on my table looks like probably what will, the setup will be on the Dave Matthews day. Hell yeah. Why are, why are they into this shit? Maybe we'll get a, oh no, I'm saying maybe we'll have a, maybe we'll have a join out and just spark up a J and pass it around and have some, some crystals. Yeah. We'll hold crystals before the show. All right. So Ariana shuffling, she's a very elaborate shuffle of this deck. Would you mind lowering master? I absolutely can lower him a couple of notches. Okay. I just, I'm really into this
Starting point is 00:40:08 guitar grimoire. He's great. He's crazy. So witchcraft is not really like, you know, there's nothing mysterious or whether it's not, you know, a lot of times people are like, magic isn't real. Like terror is not real. Astrology is not real. It's like, that's not the point really. So none of this stuff is about trying to trick you into thinking that something exists that, you know what I mean? I watched American Horror Story season three, I believe, is the witch season. Did you watch that one? I watched it. No. And Stevie Nicks shows up at one point and is, it is a witch. Whoa. Like in the world, she is Stevie Nicks and she is a witch. That's an insane choice. I could see that. You can, you gotta, you can still, you can still see it.
Starting point is 00:41:06 It's not too late. All right. The cards are face up. They were briefly face up and now they're, they've been cut. There's one, there's one of the cards has a toilet with a piece of pizza in it, which is perfect for tonight. So what I'm going to have you do, I'm going to have you shuffle these cards. Okay. And meditate on something that you'd like some guidance about. Okay. And then when you're ready, you're going to set them down before me. So just shuffle them like I'd shuffle a deck of cards. Okay. Yeah. Okay. I'm not curious about what. No wrong way. Yeah. It's like a Reese's peanut butter cup. Yeah. And I, I assume Mitch is not supposed to tell us what he is meditating about.
Starting point is 00:41:46 I'll ask him if you'd like to share once he's finished. I understand. Concentrating. He is a, he's, I mean, these are very large cards and they're appropriate for Mitch's gigantic baseball mitt hands. His shaved bear paws. Can I, can I do that? Can I shuffle them like that? Yeah. Okay. You can do little tricks, whatever you like. I'm just doing a nice little manual shuffle here. That's all good. I like that right there. Okay. And then just here, I'll do that because I feel like that's good. Okay. I concentrate. I put my hand on him. I concentrated. Very cool. I'll have you cut the deck once for me. Okay.
Starting point is 00:42:25 And do you want to share what's on your mind? Or do you want to keep it to yourself? I was thinking about career, family, friends, everything. Wally and Irma and, and, and romantic life. Okay. Okay. Then in that case, we're going to do a 10 card Celtic cross. Okay. Which is going to take a look at all that stuff. By the way, Mitch, interesting that you didn't include Wally and Irma in friends or family. You think of them as some other, they are, they're above. Are those your pets? They are. Yes.
Starting point is 00:42:59 Okay. I'm psychic. You see, he's got two very, very cute cats. Okay. Oh, this is interesting. Okay. Okay. So, so Arianna is arranging the cards in a sort of a cross formation. You described it as a Celtic cross. It's called a Celtic cross. Got it. I'm nervous. This is great for you to, you should keep doing this, describing what's going on. I will, I will try. Yes. No, no, it's great. Okay. Good. And it feels like you're an announcing, being an announcer. I'm trying to give some context. No, that's an audio medium.
Starting point is 00:43:30 That is great. I have the king of wands and I hope that he's good in some way. He is good. Okay. Oh, all right. So at the heart of the matter is in the center here. Okay. So that, this indicates, this is the heart of the matter is what the cards that kind of reframe your question for you. Okay. And this is the hub around which your life is kind of turning. Okay. Essentially. So there's a lot of, and we're going to get deep right now. Is that cool? Yeah, that's okay. Okay. There's a lot of desire to hang on.
Starting point is 00:44:06 This is a, this is a, these are cards that have trouble letting go. Okay. Oh man, you have Mitch pegged. I know we're going to get, we're going to get wild. This is a man who's headed at the same Captain Phasma figurine and a bottle of wine on his, in the same place on his table for a year. That's true. But you know, it makes sense though, because you don't want to let go sometimes. If you grew up and you didn't have the security that you needed, once you actually can get a little bit of that for yourself, it's like,
Starting point is 00:44:39 it's impossible to believe that you should let it go ever. Yes. Like that's what you hang on to. Yeah. But so on the bottom here is this, this guy. So he's, the four of pentacles shows a king sitting on his throne. He's hanging onto the pentacles quite tightly. He kind of scares me. And he's a little scary. He's got a lot of pentagrams, right? Yes. These are called pentacles. Oh, they're pentacles because they're not upside down.
Starting point is 00:45:01 Correct. Got it. And he's kind of like, he, he has a little bit of a scary look, but he also has a look of petulance. Like he's a little bit like mine. Like he's gripping on tight. I got you. You know? Yep. And this is a card you see when, once you have like, all pentacles represent the material world. So when you have acquired what you need to now thrive instead of just survive,
Starting point is 00:45:32 if you don't open up to the idea of sharing what you have or letting go of what you have, that's how greed kind of formed. Interesting. Oh, wow. Makes sense. Okay. You know what I mean? Yes. Because if you're not in survival mode and you're hanging on, yeah, that's greed.
Starting point is 00:45:47 I got you. That's interesting. So. And there's also, I can read that in a couple of different ways. I don't know if I'll say something about it. Like, I don't know. I'm curious. Maybe, maybe a greed of living, holding on to my, the lifestyle I live in some way. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:46:02 Oh, interesting. Yeah. This is, well. What are you holding on to? The fact that I get to, I live a nice bachelor life. Yeah, I get what you mean. This, I mean, yeah, I see that there. And then this guy compounds that.
Starting point is 00:46:19 So while this is the material world, this is the emotional world as well. Okay. And he is also, this is the fourth cup. So it shows a lad sitting under a tree and there's a cloud handing him a cup. Kind of a Weigarish fellow. He is a little Weigarish.
Starting point is 00:46:34 I'll take the compliment. Yeah. He's got a nice style. He's got a little nice style. Sitting there under a tree, very boring day. He's already got three cups and another cup is coming his way. Another cup is coming his way,
Starting point is 00:46:44 being held out to him by a cloud. He's sitting pretty. Really is like a miracle? Like that's bizarre. Right. And he won't look up and take it. So, yeah, yes, that's where this one's going. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:46:59 So this guy, while this guy's hanging on to his material stuff, he's hanging on to emotions. This is the kind of like obsessive whirlpool card. You know what I mean? Oh, wow. And he, it's like when you get caught in a little rivulet when you're whitewater rafting or something like that.
Starting point is 00:47:19 Yeah. It's also sometimes you see it when you haven't, when you have a hangover. Like that's sort of like, I don't want to drink anymore. Like this is. Oh, sure. This is too much.
Starting point is 00:47:27 I get that. Oh, I get this a lot. You know? Yeah. Yeah. This, this makes sense in many ways. Yes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:32 So the, this card comes around to be like, there, the miracles here, like look up and Right. Except that it's here. Yeah. So both these cards at the hard amount, they don't necessarily indicate that this is happening to you.
Starting point is 00:47:46 It's just your subconscious worrying about it. Oh. Do you know what I mean? Oh, yeah. Right. It's not trying to judge you. I am, I am diagnosed obsessive compulsive. So.
Starting point is 00:47:57 Yes. You know, do you know that about me, Nick? I think so. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So that's, that's that hub, you know,
Starting point is 00:48:05 that's that here and hub there. I get that. In the past position, King of Wands. So this, this represents the past position. There's a redheaded man sitting on a throne. He looks very regal. And he's holding out. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:18 Stick. A long, long wand, little green leaves coming out. Can you clarify what, what the significance of the past position is? The past position indicates the lessons you've already learned. Oh, got it. So this King of Wands.
Starting point is 00:48:30 So this is the kind of stuff you're like, I don't need to worry about that. I went through that. I'm good. Got it. You know, like that kind of stuff. Okay. So this indicates that you have an incredibly creative
Starting point is 00:48:38 person. I mean, this is stuff you already know. Oh, you have a very creative personality. That's good for Nick to hear. It's true. You are creative. I hope I'm bringing you guys closer together. He seems mad.
Starting point is 00:48:52 Nick, your card there would be blank. I wish we had time to do both. So this is, he's very active as well. He's very charismatic. He's like, people love his energy. You do a talk show sometimes, right? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:11 This is like this. Oh, okay. That's what it's like. This is very much like what's going on. Oh, yes. Yeah. That's, that's, that's, and that's funny. And also that's funny because that does feel more past.
Starting point is 00:49:21 That wasn't your past. Yeah. And it does feel more like, like, uh, I felt, I felt more outgoing back, you know, like even five or six, you know, five or so years ago. Yeah. So you still have, yeah. I still have it.
Starting point is 00:49:34 You still have it. It's just like, you never need to worry about whether or not you can like, um, express yourself in an energetic way or something like that or have, um, active, like direct or tight quality and stuff like that. Cause the king of wands is just, he energized everybody around him. Everyone wants to be close to him and like, no.
Starting point is 00:49:53 That's very Mitch. It's true. Nick will disagree in some way. No, you're, you're a gregarious man with the charisma is natural as gravity. Everyone wants to be around you. It's true. If I compliment Nick, he like looks at, I don't know, if I
Starting point is 00:50:05 compliment Mitch, he looks at Nick like so, like checking in and also like waiting for. I know something bad is coming. No. Um, it makes that a lot of making sense here. So this card indicates your conscious position. So this is the thing you talk about with your friends. This is like what's on your mind.
Starting point is 00:50:24 Oh, okay. It's like what you're ready to share. Okay. Wheel of fortune is very much like, who knows, man? Like wheel of fortune is like things are just rolling along. I better catch the opportunity as it comes. Like it's just very rolling on down.
Starting point is 00:50:36 1000%. Right. So the most right, maybe of all the, the most accurate of all, yeah, that's. Yeah. So. And this one, this one has a, it's like the, to describe the card, it has like a woman standing next to a
Starting point is 00:50:49 lit up board and like. And Pat Sajak is there. Yeah. Pat Sajak is there and it says mount. And then the bottom says Ashmore and one of the letters is blank. And this card comes up when you're in jeopardy. Mount Kushmore.
Starting point is 00:51:03 Hey, all right, buddy. I want to smoke my face. So is that, and is there's any significant position that card that's above the center? What's above? Okay. The what's above the surface. This is what you have no problem chatting about
Starting point is 00:51:17 with your friends. This is like, yeah, we're doing this. Here we are. Yeah. Under the surface, unconscious, what's latent, what hasn't been said, what's, what you know, but haven't articulated yet. This is interesting.
Starting point is 00:51:31 So we're going to talk about this. This is the night of pentacles. All the nights have a goal. They're very focused on their goal. They're very obsessed with their suit. He's obsessed with pentacles. He's obsessed with, uh, pentacles are about stability and trust.
Starting point is 00:51:44 And so he's very obsessed with doing things in a cautious, careful way, piece by piece. He's the slowest night of all. Interesting. That's, I mean, that tracks. Is that track? The slowest night. He's the, he's the, he's the very,
Starting point is 00:51:58 but he's slow because he wants to do a good job. Like he's like obsessed with efficiency and making sure things are that. Sometimes I don't even get started. That, and that is, I think, I think there's a, there's an understanding of like, I have to get started, but it has to be good. And it has to be done piece by piece by piece.
Starting point is 00:52:17 I need 18 days to reply to this email and say, sounds good. Wow. Not your therapist, guys. But that's, that's interesting to me. This also indicates, could indicate a figure in your life. Okay. You know what I mean? Interesting.
Starting point is 00:52:37 Okay. If there's someone who you admire or interact with often, that kind of moves in that way. Not Nick. Definitely not Nick. Susser. Maybe it's Susser. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:52:50 I think that horse would be doing a little worse if Susser was on his back. Is he a large man? Is that a large person? In the future position. Now this is a crazy card to see after all we've spoken about. So it's a man walking away from these cups, walking off into the distance.
Starting point is 00:53:12 Interesting. And this is the card of leaving your past behind. This is the card of letting go. Which is incredible to see after these other cards. So it says you're going to be moving into the energy of growing weary of the life you've had that where there's no, not your entire life, but things where the energy has fallen away and we can just tell things aren't heavy, right?
Starting point is 00:53:41 It is scary, but don't worry. That's the Los Angeles. That's everything. Yeah, exactly. That's a billion people's thoughts with Los Angeles. Oh, to leave? Yeah, for sure. I mean, that's always, I love my hometown.
Starting point is 00:53:54 There's always that thought. But that doesn't necessarily mean just like, oh, I'm going to abandon all of my hopes and dreams and go back to. Definitely not. That could also be moving forward, right? It's more like letting go of stories that don't make sense in your life anymore. Okay. Stories you're telling yourself that actually aren't true anymore.
Starting point is 00:54:15 Okay. For whatever reason. Like that story about that time you stepped on a beehive? You always tell. Well, that's true. Maybe it doesn't serve you anymore. Yeah, interesting. Yeah, definitely.
Starting point is 00:54:30 If there's anything, you don't have to like actually physically leaving a place very rarely takes care of anything going on in your head or your heart. Right. You know, it's nice to take a trip and clear your mind sometimes. Yeah. But you know, nobody really abandons any, anything or anybody can only really abandon yourself. So that's the essence of this card is to just.
Starting point is 00:54:52 Interesting. Okay. Let go of things from the past that just don't make sense anymore. Right. But there is a way to. And it's talking specifically to the idea, to me, it's talking specifically to the idea that you will be unsafe if you let go of these things. Okay.
Starting point is 00:55:09 That's to me says that's what that card indicates to me. That is because I mean, that's that's part of your like fear, right? Mitch is that you are afraid like that you have so you get so much comfort from things being familiar and things like I'm learning along the, you know, even for things being in the place where you know they're supposed to be. For sure. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:29 Yeah. I think that's a relatable thing for, for a lot of people. Yeah, definitely. Here's, here's my question regarding this card. So we've got like a guy with a red cowl or not, not a cowl, like a red cape walking away from it looks like eight cups. Right. It looks like I just drank those eight.
Starting point is 00:55:44 Yeah. Cups. My, my, my quit. And then there's a moon with a little face up in the sky. My question is, why is this guy leaving this cup collection? He's got all these cups. Good question. Good question.
Starting point is 00:55:55 Hold on to them cups. Such a good question. He leaves in frustration. Oh, wow. He leaves because these cups, because for some reason cups represent emotions. Right. And you see this card, a cynical way to look at it sometimes is breakups. Oh, got it.
Starting point is 00:56:11 Where it's just fucking not working. Yeah. And you leave really frustrated that it didn't work when you wanted it to work so bad and it didn't. And the cups are still standing and you have to leave knowing these cups are still standing that you had just wanted to drink from. And it's not working. Wow.
Starting point is 00:56:30 And that's why that's why they're still upright like that, which is really intense. Yeah, that's crazy. It's a lot, but. Damn. So those are like really happy shit. So, so you've talked through these, these six cards that are in this, this like kind of plus shape formation. This is the feminine side.
Starting point is 00:56:52 Got it. And then you've also got these, these other four cards that are kind of in a column over. Yeah. The masculine staff. To your right. Yes. So this was the.
Starting point is 00:57:01 Hmm. To represent Mitch, maybe we should take that down to two cards. Oh, what the hell? Why did you see Mitch's dick? Well, I can answer. Wait, have you seen it before? Not enough. I've seen your dick.
Starting point is 00:57:16 Yeah. Have you seen next door? It's going to be, it's going to be a double episode. We're going to look at each other's dick. I think it's going to be pretty short. I'm afraid I have that. What is, what is that? The, the short episode?
Starting point is 00:57:29 Sort of all around. What's that? What's that? The thing in Japan where they think that their penis is getting smaller. Do you know what I'm talking about? This is like a phobia or it's like, oh, I don't, I don't know where. I get so scared that it does shrink. They get so nervous.
Starting point is 00:57:42 I think I have that. Anyways, let's get on to this masculine, masculine staff. Okay. Anyway. All right. So we just, we just dealt with the, the situation. This, this, this, this part of the cross represents situation. This represents stuff outside the situation.
Starting point is 00:57:56 This represents you. This card has it all. Like weirdly, like this is actually, this is like, this card is the, the winning the lottery of tarot. This is like the greatest card of all. Wow. So you may know that you're a lucky boy. Wow.
Starting point is 00:58:12 Like you may be aware that you're a lucky, lucky boy. Sometimes. Yeah. I do feel that way. Is this the nine of cups? Is that what this is? This is the nine of cups. He's sitting here.
Starting point is 00:58:20 He can pose like that, right? Yeah. There you go. He's sitting. He has a very smart. Wait, hold it up. We gotta have a snap of a picture of this. That's funny.
Starting point is 00:58:30 It does. It's kind of, uh, so he's sitting with all those cups. Yeah. He has kind of cat ate the canary look on his face. He has a little head dress and there's a bunch of, a bunch of cups above his head. So there's a kind of understanding of like, also this card is something you see when you eat and drink.
Starting point is 00:58:46 With lust and robustness, you know what I mean? Oh yeah. It does remind, it reminds me of like feasting and stuff like that. That's Mitch to a T. Yeah. So it's like, there's a part of you that knows there's so much great enjoyment of like the sensual world in your life. Yes.
Starting point is 00:59:02 You know what I mean? For sure. In your environment, this represents people in your life, essentially. The night of cups. So a lot of artists, like the night, again, all the nights are like really obsessed with their goal. Yeah. Cups is not only emotions, but the arts and everything like that.
Starting point is 00:59:20 Okay. And this night does not like to deal with reality. Like this is a night that would much rather like space out and never wants to take responsibility and like all that kind of stuff. For sure. So there's a lot of people who are just like incredible musicians and creators and all like that kind of stuff, but they're not necessarily going to take a lot of responsibility. Okay.
Starting point is 00:59:40 You know what I mean? Hey, I love taking, not taking responsibility. Well, it's not, it's people outside of you. Oh, okay. You know what I mean? It's like your environment is full of people like this, essentially. Okay. You know?
Starting point is 00:59:51 That actually is true to some degree. I mean, you get a lot of guff for it, Mitch, but you are also surrounded by people like that. It's nice though. Like people, like the night of cups is really like sensitive and loving and caring and loves to be in tune with everybody. But there's also moody and like, you know, throws a fit and gets drunk or whatever. Here's my question. So we got the night of cups.
Starting point is 01:00:15 He's holding a cup. We got a lot of cups. Got a lot of cups. Did you think because this is Mitch that all these cups contain Mountain Dew? Do you drink a lot of Mountain Dew? No. I mean, I like diet dew and I do like Mountain Dew, but I own a lot of cups myself personally. That's true.
Starting point is 01:00:31 I think it's trying to say that you're really sensitive. I am. That's true. I think it's trying to say you're sensitive psychic. So this is good luck in my future in a way? This is you. Like this is you moving through the world. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:00:44 Like this is your attitude. Oh, all right. That's absolutely true. Yeah. This is like when people see you, they go, That's like, That's a nice surprise to me, but I like that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:56 Major relief to people. All right. A delivery man who has to get rid of his food. And then the night of cups, you were saying he's just, he's a sensitive man, but He's immature. He's immature. Okay. So this is the hopes and fears position.
Starting point is 01:01:11 This is a really powerful card to see after all that we've talked about. So at the beginning, we were talking about, you know, him hanging, this guy hanging on tightly to all of his, you know, things, right? And what this indicates, and it's in the hopes and fears position, because sometimes your hopes and fears are the same thing. So I often think of as like the advice card of the deck. I like to pair the future with this advice card.
Starting point is 01:01:36 So in the future position, as you're learning to let go of the past, this is here to remind you the 10 of pentacles is like ultimate stability. Like this is like, it doesn't matter what you do. You are safe, no matter what it goes beyond what you even think that you can control. Interesting. This is like deep institutional stability. It's so stable that it's almost conservative. Like this is something you almost see when like
Starting point is 01:02:02 people don't even want to change anymore. Oh, interesting. Because they're so tied to their ways. But it's here to say that you can't like fall apart. It's not going to happen because you have this kind of like you have everything you need. You have food in your fridge and money in your pocket and all that kind of thing. Yeah, reassuring.
Starting point is 01:02:23 This card also comes up. All the tens are ends of cycles. So it also indicates an end to a material cycle that you've been going through, which is good because it means that you move forward and have like this new cycle where you kind of level up in terms of how you trust, how you put yourself out into the world and what you hang on to. Interesting. So to me, it's excellent.
Starting point is 01:02:51 Like to me, this is like such an excellent way to move forward. To know that it's not going to be scary because you really can't like fall. You're going to be caught in whatever you do. I like that. This is such an interesting like from an art perspective, this card, because we've got these pentacles that are dotting all over it. And then you've got like two dogs in the corner, right? There's little dogs.
Starting point is 01:03:14 They're cute. And then you've got these people in the middle. This one guy's, you know, it's kind of like that painting in Goodfellas. Like one guy, one dog is going one way. The other dog is going another way. And this guy's like, what do you want from me? It's like the way, like I just kind of looking at us like, I don't know what his attitude is.
Starting point is 01:03:31 You know what I want to do right here right now? I want to make you Joe Pesci. Take you to an empty house. I think getting made and oh no, then I don't even get the second syllable out. My brain gets exploded. So my mom can give me an open casket of the funeral. She wouldn't want to anyway. I just saw that movie for the first time.
Starting point is 01:03:52 Did you really? And the Godfather. I saw them both for the first time like a month ago. What did you think? Great. Yeah. I like live tweeted the Godfather. It was great.
Starting point is 01:03:59 I actually remember you live tweeting the Godfather. What did you think of Goodfellas? I liked it. It was brash and brassy. Yeah. It is very brassy. And I didn't know Jennifer Melfi. I didn't know.
Starting point is 01:04:11 I didn't know. Oh, Dr. Melfi. I didn't know Jennifer Melfi was in there. Oh, so you knew Sopranos, but you didn't know that that was her one of her big roles. No, I had no idea. So I was like, oh my God, I had like, this is so smart that they did that because then people watching will think of Goodfellas. Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:04:27 Like I don't know. I felt stupid. I think Tony Cirico Polly Walnuts also was a small part of Goodfellas. Oh, yeah. Much younger. Yes. Christopher. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:36 No, no, yeah. Christopher Maltesanti is it? Yeah, yeah. He's Spider. He's Spider, yeah. Yes. That's funny. Poor Spider.
Starting point is 01:04:41 One last question about the Night of Cups because I've understood everything, but you're saying that it's a little immature, but then also others around me don't live in reality. They don't like to. It's this is a card of like, oh, do I have to? Yeah. There's a little bit of like, oh, can't someone else do it? It's like, no, you need to do it.
Starting point is 01:04:59 It's like, I don't want to though. I want to paint my picture. That's me who wants to paint my picture. No, this is the people in your life. Oh, yeah. Interesting. I mean, this could all, well, that's a little cynical. I mean, you also asked about love and the Night of Cups definitely is somebody
Starting point is 01:05:11 coming along trying to give their heart to you. Oh, yeah. So just something to keep in mind. Got to reply to those texts. Your texts. Oh my God. Do you know what this is like? Okay.
Starting point is 01:05:24 Seeing that he's coming along with this cup. Is someone trying to give you a cup? Remember when we were looking at the beginning of the card, like someone trying to give you a cup and you're not seeing it? Ariana is holding up the one of the first cards we looked at, the man pouting under the tree with the cup. Holding his cup. The cup and the cloud is giving him the cup.
Starting point is 01:05:41 And maybe the Night of Cups is trying to give you a cup and trying to help you fall in love. The overall outcome is the Page of Cups. This is extremely sweet to see. So this is the one at the very top of this shaft. This is the comment on the whole spread. Oh, interesting. And the Page of Cups, all pages bring a little message.
Starting point is 01:05:57 What I think is so beautiful about this guy is he doesn't have any baggage at all because pages are just child energy. Mitch, didn't you used to be a page? I was a CBS page. What? Really? That's so cute.
Starting point is 01:06:09 Page of CBS. You can alter that to look like it. Does this guy also take trash to the dumpster behind prices, right? He does have a little fish popping out of his cup, like an old fish. It's delicious. He's so sweet. He's here to say, be loving, be open, be intimate, be honest, make a connection, open your heart, hold someone's hand.
Starting point is 01:06:41 That's very sweet. It's very sweet. It's really here to say, there's nothing to worry about. That's very nice. It's really, really sweet. And it's like, just if you can walk around remembering this little page and how happy he is to move through life and share smiles, he's just a very open-hearted guy.
Starting point is 01:07:04 That's very nice. And it's very nice. I like that a lot. It's very sweet. And so he's here to spiritually connect with you as you move forward in understanding what stability really means to you. That's great. And safety and stuff like that.
Starting point is 01:07:25 And that's your tarot spread. That was great. That's amazing. That was great. Wow. That was so cool. God, what a journey that is. It's fucking crazy.
Starting point is 01:07:33 Jesus. Oh my God. Alexa is yelling at us. I know, quiet, Alexa. I don't know why she thought she heard her name. It's trying to tell us that George H. W. Bush celebrates milestone for some reason. Oh, okay. All right.
Starting point is 01:07:45 Thanks, Alexa. It also said, there was a thing that came up just a second ago that someone is going to be starring in the Shining sequel. Oh, why are they making that? Shining sequel? Oh, no. Is your background jelly beans? The background changes.
Starting point is 01:08:02 That's a preset. Jesus. Come on. Is that why there's a bite in your, Alexa? Stop saying her name. Alexa. I'm not quite sure how to help you with that. That was, that was, that was intense.
Starting point is 01:08:18 That was amazing. It's really intense. Tarot is wild. Yes. It's a really wild thing. I mean, thinking about a lot of different things. Yes. Would you like to take a picture?
Starting point is 01:08:26 Sure. Oh, of course. Oh, just spread. Yeah. Yeah. So hold on. On my phone over to you, Mitch. And I'll let you at least snap a picture because you got a better angle.
Starting point is 01:08:33 That's crazy. Yeah, I love it. I find it to be, well, it takes you, it really will take you places. Right. But it's a very compassionate mirror. Yes. Like you very rarely going to see something where it's like, and you're fucked. Right.
Starting point is 01:08:45 You know, like you never, you never really see something like that. Unless L Diablo rears his. Yeah. Well, I'm so glad that didn't come up actually. I was so sure I was going to get some sort of death card at some point, but I'm happy I didn't. Yeah. That was very optimistic. Mitch, how are you feeling?
Starting point is 01:08:59 I feel good. Yeah. It was good. A lot of stuff to think about, you know. Yeah. It's intense. Yeah. But a great.
Starting point is 01:09:04 It's intense. Thank you so much. And it's all bullshit. Does feel like the takeaway for me as a passerby observing that, but as someone who knows you, Mitch, I'd like to me that's like it's kind of paints a portrait of who you are as a man. And it's basically kind of telling to me what I got from that is like you have such a support structure and then you also have so many qualities that are so likable and lovable. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:28 And and that that maybe you should be less afraid and be willing to take more risks because you know that your friends are going to be there and you're going to support you and love you so much. Yeah. And that's that's going to happen. That's pretty nice. Who you are. I think that's exactly right.
Starting point is 01:09:41 Yeah. I'm going to quit, though, boys. Yes. I came to do what I meant to do. My plan for years. Ariana Larnarski. That was that was a quite a journey, quite incredible to see at Dream City Tarot. You can follow her.
Starting point is 01:09:55 You can follow her company on Twitter. You also your personal Twitter. Shout that out. Sure. Yeah. Rdversk. A, A, R, D, V, A, R, S, K. And anything else you would like to plug at this time?
Starting point is 01:10:07 All right. I don't know. All right. Just get some. I read. I read, you know, very affordably. It's like on a sliding scale. Contact me for reading.
Starting point is 01:10:15 Yeah. You want to read read? Reach on out. I got to figure out what I want to see next at some point. We'll have to do this again. We'll have to. We'll have to see mine. Okay.
Starting point is 01:10:25 I'm very excited. I'm excited too. I want to do it. I'm nervous. Hope I get some minions cards. Oh, God. That's this week's Always Double. Bye.
Starting point is 01:10:34 See ya. Hey, Spoon Nation and Burger Brigade. Catch the Doughboys live before the end of 2018. Mitch and I will be in San Diego, November 30th, Brea, December 5th, and Phoenix on December 13th. For tickets and info, go to slash live. Don't make us perform for no one.
Starting point is 01:10:56 That was a headgum podcast.

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