Doughboys - Doughboys Double 88 - Soup's Up with Joe Hartzler

Episode Date: January 3, 2019

Joe Hartzler (The Earliest Show, Acting Tips with Joe Hartzler) joins the ‘boys and tells the story of a past injury that led him into the world of soup. We then try Joe’s incredible homemade Beef... Stroganoff and Red Pepper Vegan Corn Chowder. Want more Doughboys? Check out our Patreon!: for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The following is a free preview of Doe Boyz Double. Subscribe at slash Doe Boyz. Welcome to Doe Boyz Double. I'm Nick Weiger alongside the Spoon Man, Mike Mitchell. Mitch, you still don't have your cans on. We're getting started. Mitch doesn't have his cans on. Can's headphones industry parlance. You may remember that from Howard Stern's private parts. Yeah. Also news radio they reference. They call them cans. Nick, you're giving too much of that. You're giving too much of a look behind the curtain here. I'm just saying. Everyone wants some podcasted industry secrets that also apply to larger radio and recording industries. Nick, headphones are cans. Nick, you stayed out last night. I stayed out a little bit,
Starting point is 00:00:59 a little later than usual. We did a show, We Wish You a Silly Spoof Miss at the UCB Theater here in Los Angeles. I had some libations over the course of watching the show, participating in the show. You had a nice red wine I saw when I went into Birds. Molasses Boy, Alan McLeod, bought me a glass of Pinot Noir. Very nice of him. It's very nice. Can you stay red wine the whole time? No, I was drinking white earlier. This is my problem. I bought some white wine to drink during the show. I bought those little Gallo mini bottles. Each of those is like a glass and a half of wine. I got a four pack and I drank all of them.
Starting point is 00:01:38 You're hungover today. I'm hungover. Yeah. I'm a little hungover. I saw you out at the bar. This is a rare sighting for me to see him out at the bar. I'm never even in that neighborhood and then to also just be hanging out afterwards is very out of character. There we are. I too am hungover. Yeah. Oh boy. Every day.
Starting point is 00:01:57 Even if I didn't drink, I just feel hungover. You are wearing, this is where we're about to, you know, we're entering the holiday seasons. You're wearing a very nice red Christmassy sweater. I wore this last night. I put it on again today for the show. It's not explicitly Christmassy, but it's very, it like feels Christmassy. I got this my senior year of high school. Wow. Yeah. And you still fit into it?
Starting point is 00:02:21 I still fit into it. It was too big. Okay. It was like huge. And now it's, now if it's nice, if it's fine. Yeah, it was big, very big back in the day. Back then, did you have a bad case of senioritis? Oh God. Don't you have a bad case of senioritis? Because I'm elderly? Yes.
Starting point is 00:02:46 Yeah. Okay. Mick, you got my brain scan in front of you. Yeah. So Mitch, Mitch had a, is this your brain scan? Sure. Because it looks more like you're, I'm showing this to our guest real quick. Find head scan. Head scan. I see your skull here and you have a, this is, this is proving you have a deviated
Starting point is 00:03:04 skept, uh, speck, how do you say it? Septum. Jesus. Septum. I was thinking speck thumb. Fuck was that. But I was like, that's not it. A deviated septum. Deviated deptum?
Starting point is 00:03:14 Look, I fumbled, I didn't know exactly what the word was and I fumbled the delivery. Which I did not doubt, but you, you showed it to me, I guess, is to, to prevent me with photographic proof. Yeah. It looks like a mess in there. Yeah. It's a real, it's a real, you got some clogged, I almost said clogged arteries, but they're not arteries. No, they're not arteries. Some clogged passageways.
Starting point is 00:03:34 Yeah. They're my, the sinus, the, the, my nose canal and so on. I don't know what the names of it are, but the doctor was good. I need glasses, Nick. We talked a little bit about this on a, on a, I don't know if it's going to be on an episode that it will come out later or before. Who knows? It'll be out later, but I didn't know if you, I thought when you said you went to the eye doctor, I didn't know you said you, I didn't know you actually needed glasses. I need glasses. Like for, for what sort of viewing?
Starting point is 00:03:59 It's like all in a day, I found out I need like nose, nasal spray. It's like when Bart becomes a nerd and I need glasses, right. I looked into your glasses like Milhouse and I was like, I'm a nerd and you said, so am but yeah, no, I, I, I need some, I need to work on my nose. The doctor, I told you this, I told you this. Yeah. No, I told everyone this, that the doctor said I had a perfect nose. You did say this, you did say this to the show that your doctor said you had a perfect
Starting point is 00:04:29 nose. It's a nice looking nose. Hey, I'm just telling you what the doctor said. I'm not, I'm not trying to brag about my perfect nose. He meant aesthetically, obviously, not functionally, because you've got, you've got obviously got this deviated septum issue. Yeah. He said it was, he said this, my nose is too small for my face. He, he, he did genuinely say that. I mean, I could apply to all of your features.
Starting point is 00:04:51 Kind of a global problem. He was like, we can't make your nose bigger. Like that's weird. And I was like, yeah, I don't want to make my nose bigger. Big witch nozz. Yeah, I don't want to get, I don't want to enlarge my fucking nose. I know, you look spooky. Yeah. No, no, no, thank you.
Starting point is 00:05:04 So that's, that's my situation, Nick. Well, I'm sorry to hear about your, your ailments. I'm sorry you're hungover, but hopefully you'll be on the, the, you know, the, you'll get some solutions to these longstanding problems and improve your general life quality. But yes, go on. I was going to say, I have a Nest camera to watch my cats and I'm watching myself snore, man. It's not good. It's not good. I was doing great, Nick. And then these last, this is coming out a little
Starting point is 00:05:33 after we recorded, but by what? But or is it, or is this actually the week? There's a chance this is like, oh, actually, this might be coming out on Tuesday. OK, so this is coming out the far future, but it's coming out two days away. I got, I get hit with the holiday. Well, we should introduce our guests. I think that's what you were trying to get to, right? Yes. OK.
Starting point is 00:05:50 Which we should introduce our guests. An actor and comedian with many credits, including the earliest show. You can see him on Twitch at slash Fartsler. And on YouTube in his series, acting tips with Joe Hartsler, Joe Hartsler. Well, well, well, well, well, look who came knocking around my door. Look who came kicking around. The dough guys, the dough boys, my growing dough boys, my big boys. You said this since you started to, well, we'll get into what's going on here today.
Starting point is 00:06:24 But since you've come in the door, it sounds like you want us to grow more. Yeah. Oh, you're growing boys, your big boys. That's why I made you some hearty soups for my boys. Joe, I know I'm definitely older than you. So I don't think I'm growing any further. I mean, just when I make food for somebody, whoever eats it, that's my boy. That's my big, growing boy. And I brought you guys some hearty soups.
Starting point is 00:06:48 Look who came kicking around old Fartsler's neighborhood and said, oh, we got to have you on the show because now there's buzz. Suddenly there's buzz that shampooedler is reaching out. He's he's clipping stuff for my show. He's saying, dough boys, why are you why have you iced out, Joe? Why do you ice out, Joe? Why don't you put in the fart, man? Shampooedler is an influencer. He'll he'll he certainly he certainly is. Joe, we love you. We we, Nick and I both think you're hilarious.
Starting point is 00:07:10 We're bad with one of the funniest guys. We're bad with with booking this show. We should have had you on earlier than we should have. Yeah. And then Kevin Pollock's girlfriend come on the stinking show. It's fiance. They are engaged. Oh, that's that's a happy story. Beautiful. That's nice for them. She was she was lovely.
Starting point is 00:07:30 They're a lovely couple. Congratulations to Kevin and his fiance who got to be on dough boys. Long ago, boy, I got a right in her own right. I have bad news for you guys, though. Usually by the time shows get around old Joe Hartzler. It's not a not a good sign. No, it's different with us, Joe. Where you're you're you're still in the you're you're you're one of you're one
Starting point is 00:07:53 of the you're a great guest. There's a lot of comedy white guys that you can go to before you have to get to. So I understand. I do understand. I get it. There's like a long list. That's one message I'm trying to get out here today. That there's stop coming here. Stop trying to do this white guys. Well, Nick and I are also white guys.
Starting point is 00:08:14 We're all filled up and there's not enough room for anyone. I mean, I'm eager to stop doing this. So Nick is ready to we won't get into it. But Nick is ready to stop doing the podcast. Speaking of white guys, there's two of them that kind of has fucked up our show today. Do you think they I mean, they must think of themselves as white, right? That's a whole that's a whole different question. Christ.
Starting point is 00:08:39 Wait, Adam Pally says no. The ethnic identification of Jewish Americans. He says no in a recent interview about how red it is to have a YouTube show. He says, nay, he says no. So Pally says no, I don't want to speak for the the the deli boys, but they are. I say no, I say yes. I think they're white. They're white men. They're white Jewish men. Yes.
Starting point is 00:09:01 But maybe they think they're not. But anyway, the the deli boys are so Emma, our wonderful engineer, has been doing double duty working with the deli boys, which, by the way, the deli boys said to us, you know, like when we when they said they were going to do the podcast, I was like, Nick and I basically together were like just so long as it doesn't get in the way of our recording, you're going to be borrowing our equipment. Yes. And Evan Susser and David Phillips are like, no problem.
Starting point is 00:09:27 No problem. No, absolutely. Already, it's basically over like almost overlapped twice. Yeah. Got a late start today, partly because of them. Yes, that's true. Their record went long. And and so. But anyway, they broke that first rule immediately. They broke that first rule immediately.
Starting point is 00:09:42 But then a twist of the knife. So Hartzler, an incredible pro, an incredible actor. It's so much just just a solid performer. When he did that intro, when he said it is well, well, well, that was take two. And you didn't even know it. You didn't even know it. Organic moment, Nick, give me a second here. You idiots, you fucking fucking idiots.
Starting point is 00:10:06 You didn't even know it. You idiots thought he was doing it for the first time, didn't you? Hashtag I knew it, send it to us. But guess what? You're a fucking lying liar. I am an actor. I have taken improvisational comedy classes. I am an actor.
Starting point is 00:10:18 I am a performer. But the reason you had to to retake that as professionally as you did is because your microphone has its wires cut and we have I have no choice but to blame the Deli boys for this debacle. The last time we had the microphone, the last time we had this mic. So the microphones were cut at the Deli boy during a Deli boys recording. This suggests some sort of sabotage. I mean, cutting our break.
Starting point is 00:10:43 We're joking, but then also we are 100 percent serious. We're both very mad. We're bad. They owe us a new microphone. I'm going to text them and say you owe us a new microphone. It's broke in while it was in your care. What's the way to play that test? Text both of them at once or go to Susser first?
Starting point is 00:10:59 You know what? I say both at once. Emma, you could you could chime in right now, but you have no mic. It's it's it's it's cut. But do do Mike Wires just cut like that? What happens? So I think I know it happened and I don't think it was the Deli boys. We were at a location.
Starting point is 00:11:16 You don't have to cover for them. I know that this is bullshit. Emma, Emma, Emma, remember who's side you're on while you're doing this? While we were recording at a location west of here earlier this week, I had to switch your mic halfway through the recording to remember that because it was making weird noises and I took it apart to try to fix it. And I think what was happening was the wires were loose and they just finally gave way. I don't think it was the Deli boys.
Starting point is 00:11:40 I think it might just be old. Interesting. But did you how many microphones do you use today with the Deli boys? To the Deli. Yeah, I agree with Joe. Don't take a bullet for the Deli boys falling on the sword here. She is I really don't I really do think it was just an old microphone. OK, it's great, but you know, if we want to blame the Deli boys, I'll let you do it.
Starting point is 00:11:59 Everyone Emma is in a difficult position. She is employed by both us and the Deli boys. She's got a bank account somewhere that she's got any. I understand that. It's like, you know, we both worked at funnier, worked with Funny or Die. Yes, do a Funny or Die acts body spray campaign. You can't go in and badmouth acts on social media. That's that's paying your rent for a month.
Starting point is 00:12:18 No, yeah, that's paying your rent. Your rent is what? It's $100 a month. Yeah, you know, you do a Totino's pizza roll spot where you have to like be in your underwear and it's it's an all day shoot and you're fairly compensated with fifty dollars. Fifty dollars, you know, like I'd say a hundred percent. Well, how much less is it?
Starting point is 00:12:42 A thousand percent less than what you should. What you would make. You would make a commercial for sure. At least I think at least a thousand percent. Yeah, you know, I think we're getting close to finally having an answer to that age old question of about the Funny or Die. I think we almost might have an answer. Finally, it's clear.
Starting point is 00:13:01 I was voting Die on it from the beginning. Yeah, you wanted that site in the crypt. I wanted that site in the fucking crypt. I look, we all had some good times, though. We did. We wrote that wave. Yeah, drove our industry into the ground. Do we have a good time? I don't know about it.
Starting point is 00:13:16 I'm proud of the fact that I always felt that way about the place, but we know whatever. I know what you're saying. I mean, I was. Was I Nick? Was I not? Yeah, I think they're. Yeah, I was. Yes, you were right all along.
Starting point is 00:13:30 I don't like to say that, but yes, you were right all along. I this is the first time I've ever said it openly, but places of trash heap. Should close. It's bad. Anyways, I never say this sort of thing before. I like a lot of people who are involved with that place. Yeah, even the people who created it. And I met and worked with some wonderful people and got some great opportunities. But, you know, it's not a place that is known for compensating people fairly.
Starting point is 00:13:53 Yeah, and it's cool too that, like, you know, Fradi College Bros. got, like, jobs the entire time and got paid decently. You sound like Jack. You sound like Jack. I am over here on guess what? I was talking to Jack about this before Jack went public with it. So wow. But anyways, move over, Jack a.m.
Starting point is 00:14:10 Now there's Mitch P.M. Hey, guys, my wake up time. Yeah, I got I got to give a quick shout out to some of my Twitch fans. Literally poop is one of my friends, Shampooedler, Don Knotts, Thoughts, Vanessa, 85. I want to give a shout out to these are all my friends on which they're all fans. I'm trying to think of Spartak 12. We had this morning.
Starting point is 00:14:33 We had a toast bean was in the chat. And I wanted to just give a few shout outs there for the fans. Oh, wow. That's very nice. Joe, we should do something like that every so often. You know what, shout out to the fans. Yeah, shout out to the fans. I'm missing people. Van apps, Yokohama Bunny.
Starting point is 00:14:48 Are you making these up? You know, this is real Twitch people. You got to be on Twitch. It's all it's a new wave that hasn't crashed yet. That's what I hear. I Twitch is the new thing. You can a new way you can actually make some money directly. Is the van apps?
Starting point is 00:15:02 Is that van Robo shows app different? There's several vans over there in the world. There's a van, the brand, and that's van. OK, so van app is something different. Um, can I just one second? Yes, you song. I need some fucking pepper. A nicer way to ask that.
Starting point is 00:15:23 You suck. It's in the cabinet there. You suck. Can you get some pepper, please? It's in that is in that cabinet net above the microwave. There'll be like a little a little shaker of it. Mitch is requesting some pepper and there's a reason for that. We should we should get into the the the the thick of it, if you will, with this episode, with this episode's theme. Joe, you are a soup enthusiast.
Starting point is 00:15:45 I am. And you know, I used to be a soup hater. I hated soup growing up as it's soup. I'm not thirsty. I'm hungry. That's a good line. If you are a soup hater, that's a great line. Yeah, that was just struggling to open the peppermill. It was a familiar a familiar refrain in the Hartzler House was I'm not thirsty. I'm hungry.
Starting point is 00:16:04 I don't like soup, but I'm a convert. And right. Yeah. So what because because first of all, from Ohio, correct? Yeah, I grew up in the Midwest in Ohio. Dairy farms all around my grandpa was a dairy farmer and a classic Midwestern boy Midwestern corn fed boy. A lot of cheese, a lot of Swiss cheese around there. Joe, Joe, I want to say more of this about soup.
Starting point is 00:16:25 You change your mind of soup and we'll get into this later. But soup saved your soul. Soup saved me and soup really sought me out and saved me and sustained me. Well, and we can get into that during the time of my troubles. We'll get we'll get into that. But more so on your on on on how you were raised there in Ohio. Yeah, I'm curious about your upbringing, because, you know, you said you're your soup hater.
Starting point is 00:16:48 What were the soups you were having in that that Hartzler child at home? OK, I actually did think about this. And one of the ones that maybe started to give the soup thing a bad rap. But like, I don't know. Once in a while, there would be like a bean soup made. And I just I remember hating it and feeling like it was just like salty, weird, like I was I I hated soup. We're talking like a baby bean soup or a black bean soup.
Starting point is 00:17:13 OK, but here's the other one. There was one sometimes my mom would make this dish with like a chip chop ham, so like you've got some kind of processed ham in basically a gravy. OK. And then toast bits. Sounds good. Sounds nice and hearty. And I it's very salty, sort of dead of winter meal. And that one really I didn't like that. Yeah, it was not my favorite meal.
Starting point is 00:17:40 There's a couple of proteins. I've said this before that with, you know, the proteins that you can get wrong. Right. Chicken, I always say you can get. I know that everyone is like, oh, chicken, you eat chicken, it's whatever. But if you get bad chicken, it sucks. You can get chicken very wrong. You can get a very, very wrong. You have like a really shitty factory farm chicken and you just like
Starting point is 00:17:58 like way over cook it. It's just 100 percent awful. And I was going to say ham a lot of the time when you especially if you're in cook in meals, sure, if you get like a slimy or sloppy, if you if you if you get it wrong, it fucking sucks. I think it's really bad. I think that's what I told my mom. Fair point. That's what I said to my mom.
Starting point is 00:18:17 I said, mom, this fucking sucks. This is so bad. I probably shouldn't have sworn in front of your mom. No, no, no, no. She deserved that. It was a bad soup. Why are you you did swear in front of you? Because it led it led to one of your favorite things, spankings. Oh, come on. I got I got spanked.
Starting point is 00:18:35 I would not swear in front of my parents. I was not spanked, but I did get a what I ended up with was I got mouth mouthful of soap a few times at the hands of Grandma. My mom gave me would put liquid. She did liquid soap. And then one time I had you bite the bar. Oh, man, I never had to bite the bar, but I did do the I did do the liquid rinse a few times.
Starting point is 00:18:54 Yeah. Yeah, I got hit by my parents. Boy, spanking loving spankings, spankings in love. Is that a thing? It feels like a thing you're working through. Yeah, I don't think I don't think spank kids. I don't think spank kids. I think usually I think oftentimes what's happening is some kind of
Starting point is 00:19:14 miscommunication or a need for attention. And I think hitting I don't think you should hit a kid. Right. You know, spanking spanking out. I don't know. I've never been a parent. It's easy to be judgmental. And then I realize when you're a parent, I think kids put you in like the most stressful. Sure.
Starting point is 00:19:30 But I don't think I ever got like spanked out of, you know, rage. But right. It was a thing. You got some hits on the bum. Why are we talking about me getting spanked? We're talking about soups here. OK, I'm sorry. We'll get back to the soups. This is this is where Weigar takes it all the time.
Starting point is 00:19:46 Yes. So I grew up in the in the heartland. It's a hearty place. A hearty soups, you know, to feed through the winter. A big chili state, Ohio. Yes, huge chili state. Name a state that's not a chili state, Nick. Well, look, I would say Oregon is not known as a chili state. Hey, let me just bring up something I thought about randomly.
Starting point is 00:20:03 I'm just going to do this once in a while. They don't like your name over there on Twitch. You can't type your name into the WIGR. You cannot registers as a slur. Yeah, I've run into that. It's it's it's because people, they think it's a variant on a just pronounced the name with a with a soft I is a lot of people often do by mistake and you'll get what's going on.
Starting point is 00:20:25 Do you know, I think that you know how people change their last name. Yeah, you should change it to nothing. Just be Nick. I think I'm just I'm known more as WIGR, though. I think WIGR is kind of like my one. That's my first name. I know, but I think you should just become Nick and then eventually get rid of your first name and then a nameless guy.
Starting point is 00:20:46 And then hopefully just yeah, you just disappear at some point. I could be the nameless one back to the future style. The nameless one. Yeah, but the protagonist of Plainscape Torment, one of my favorite PC games. Yeah, but you're going to be like interesting to be the nameless one. It's like the nameless one. You're like, hello, I'm the nameless one. This guy's boring.
Starting point is 00:21:07 I feel like I'm enough of a blank slate. Sure. But you're saying the nameless one sounds too cool. I should just be. I mean, you will probably if you if you become the nameless one. I mean, we've talked about this. You may probably move to like a cabin someday. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:20 So that kind of works in that way. I don't know if I could adjust to cabin life. You know, you know, you need if you move out to a cabin. Yeah, a good beef stroganoff recipe. Oh, boy, look at you steering the ship. Well, Joe, Joe's got his own is what the hell he's got his own Twitch show. He knows I'm saying that was good, but I want I want to talk to you quickly. Yeah, you you were raised your religious very.
Starting point is 00:21:44 Yeah, yeah, I still do a Sunday service where, you know, this morning on my Sunday service, I kept hearing a sound and I couldn't place the source of this sound. Oh, wow. And so while I remain a skeptic, I had to chalk that up to maybe supernatural or magical or mysterious powers beyond my comprehension. Where was the Sunday service you attended? Oh, it's a Sunday service. It's over on my Twitch channel.
Starting point is 00:22:08 Oh, you do your own. OK, I'm doing I've got my own racket going on over there. I got it. OK. Joe, do you do you have a do you have do you still have any beliefs? Do you have any faith still? How do you feel about that? I don't know. I'm I'm I'm open to it. But I don't I got way too Christian for a while and it was driving me insane.
Starting point is 00:22:28 Which which which was your upbringing and everything like that? Very much. My my grandma, I've recount this story. My grandma, before she died, told me that she remembers when her dad shaved his beard to stop being Amish. So that's where we come from. Like men and I Amish kind of. Wow. That's that's.
Starting point is 00:22:45 And now I got a question for you. Was there a lot of Sunday services with food? Like did that happen? Oh, my gosh. OK, so there's a lot of good things about the church culture. Right. The potluck is amongst the top, you know, singing in a community of people is cool. Yeah. Potluck. That's great. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:07 What so what sort of what sort of things are happening at a potluck? So everybody's bringing something different. And what's secretly happening is these church people are competing with one another. Oh, sure. Right. You bring in a dish who, you know, who brings the nicest dish. And the secret, at least in our parts, is it's butter. You put a lot of butter into these dishes and out comes a tasty treat. That that seems to be a huge, you know, when you when you try to figure out what's
Starting point is 00:23:35 going on with the dish. Yeah. A lot of the time it's just it's got some butter in there. Yeah, there's so much butter that maybe the you know what I'm going to say here, butter, the best ingredient. Hmm. Hmm. What do you think of that? It's a strong. You may there's a strong salt or something. I was going to say in terms of versatility
Starting point is 00:23:52 and and and multifunction, I think the egg is maybe maybe gives butter run for its money is the best ingredient. It gives pretty good to. But I still go butter because butter's got salt in it as well. Yeah. Well, not always. Oh, yeah, you can get unsalted. But come on, I think the I think the value of an egg is that it's essential to to baking. And Jody, you need to take a phone call.
Starting point is 00:24:14 No, but can I just say this? Yes, my brother's calling me because my nephew had a wrestling match today. Oh, my God. And I know that he pinned two people. Whoa, that's amazing. Joe, you are a wrestler. Cannot begin to tell you how my heart swells with pride. I am so freaking amped right now.
Starting point is 00:24:33 I'm very excited for this. I was putting a wire in a headlock. Wrestling is such a beautiful sport and it's brutal. It'll make you tough as, you know, you you you are a wrestler. Yeah, yeah, I wasn't that good. Joe, you're you're very you're a very acrobatic, nimble man. You're you're you're quick on your feet. You can do a flip.
Starting point is 00:24:55 You can do stunts. It's on top of being a very funny guy. You're you're very athletically gifted. Yeah, if if if funny or die has like a Hyundai spot or they need to throw you up against a windshield and they'll give you like an extra twenty five dollars without a stunt coordinator, you'll do it. Yeah, they'll toss in ten dollars if you get hurt. Yeah, I got paid to climb up and stand in a tree, you know, once in there.
Starting point is 00:25:17 And I think that's half the reason I got the job is like, who probably won't fall out of a tree? Send a hard slur up there. He'll hang on. I was definitely at the bottom of that list. Yeah, but I've gotten hurt a couple of times recently. I'm for the first time. Sorry. That's me. I'm doing a bad thing. That's OK.
Starting point is 00:25:35 That's all right. You got your phone underneath your cable. It makes noise that you get a little feedback. So I am starting to experience my age for the first time. You know, I've always been just to get after it and, you know, skateboard and BMX and do stunts. And I've gotten I've had some pretty big wipeouts in the last few years that some setbacks we're going to get into this right now.
Starting point is 00:26:00 Quick question, Nick, I thought you were drinking a bottle of wine from the bottle. It's a Topo Chico. Did you guys just both individually bring Topo Chico's? Topo Chico is in the zeitgeist right now. It's like a big it's a big thing. I've grown to really enjoy this mineral water from Monterey, Mexico. And it's a very refreshing drink. I got a jumbo sized bottle.
Starting point is 00:26:20 Joe has a more modest single serving bottle, but I figure I'll be nursing this throughout the our records today. It's it's a it's it's Nick, especially for your hangover. It's a it's a good it's a good thing to have. I feel like just a little bit, you know, just a little bit of of of effervescence, just a little bit of bubbles. I just want to say that it's bullshit that I don't have one. Anyways, it's it's very good.
Starting point is 00:26:39 And it's really good. Like I think all of us at the same time got sick of LaCroix. Right. It's like this taste. What is the taste, you know, and this? Excuse me. There's no chemically taste. You know, no, not at all. Tastes like minerals.
Starting point is 00:26:53 Yeah. Yeah. I'm not a fan of LaCroix. I don't LaCroix is what it's kind of it kind of soured on me. I've kind of soured on it as well. So wait, so you're yes. Go ahead, go ahead, Mitch. So the potlucks. Is there any other sort of you or not?
Starting point is 00:27:06 I was I was raised Catholic, but not near. I was very barely religious. We both have Catholic guilt as men. We've got we've we've related over. Yeah. But but there's some things that you liked about it, obviously. There are some good things that you look on. And were there any like big feasts?
Starting point is 00:27:23 Or what was what like? Is there anything at these at these? What was it called? The potlucks that you remember specifically getting? Like like any food like that? Well, OK, like green bean casserole is like a miracle dish back there. They're noodle dishes. It's all like from scratch noodles and stuff.
Starting point is 00:27:41 And you've got a lot of these like like the Mennonite ladies know what they're doing. Yeah, I'm not saying I'm look. I'm not saying women in the kitchen kind of thing. I'm just saying that's how it is in the Mennonite culture. These ladies know what they're doing. I don't know a lot of men that cook the the casserole dishes in the Mennonite culture, a very conservative sect where a lot of people in traditional gender roles is what there you go.
Starting point is 00:28:03 That's a better thank you for cleaning that up for me. Geez, Louise, I'm like casting a blanket statement. Let me come on your show and say something awful. No, not at all. No, but they and like the baked goods, it's unbelievable. In fact, I worked at a restaurant called Dirt Dutchman for a while. I was a waiter. Unbelievable, the pies and again, the secret is butter.
Starting point is 00:28:27 But it's used in ways that you have never. I mean, it's just unbelievable and like cream and just like really good, really fresh from scratch stuff. Fucking egg. You need eggs for baking, too. You know, you're an egg man and I'm Sonic, baby. You think you're the nimble, fast one of the two of us? I mean, just just casting wise.
Starting point is 00:28:51 You're the you're the egg. I am kind of wearing an egg man. My sweater almost looks like an egg man sweater. But anyway, you transferred your beard hair into like a big mustache. You'd be a dead ringer. And you know what? Eggman played by we haven't talked about this much. The Sonic the Hedgehog movie is live action one is moving forward
Starting point is 00:29:11 played by Jim Carrey. Interesting casting, very interesting, interesting casting, for sure. Joe, so you talked about how you you've gotten to some accidents with stunts. Tell us, I mean, there was there's one specifically. There's one specific one. So let me just brief breeze through the other ones. I broke my collarbone playing baseball. Shallow fly ball in the left field.
Starting point is 00:29:34 We got a man on third. We got to stop that runner from going home. Yeah, I was playing short and I sprinted headlong, 100 percent running full out diving into our left fielder. Who caught the ball? So that is a sign you did not need to be out there doing that. And I broke my collarbone. That was awful. And then I you're so you're very athletically gifted.
Starting point is 00:29:56 You are you did you have you had a sport that you excelled at? Yeah, I'm a big chokemeister, you know, I choked a lot and big opportunities. But I had a lot of fun. I still love sports and I still I skate and ride a BMX bike regularly. I rode yesterday. Joe, you know what? The thing about choking is that you always got another with sports or with anything. You always got another opportunity to stand up, step up to the plate. Yeah, you do. You do knock out of the park.
Starting point is 00:30:18 I don't think that's the that contradicts M&M's whole thing. This is your one shot one shot. Yeah. Well, that was like that was the championship game. That's different. We're talking about. Yeah. So that if you choke in the championship game, that was your one shot. You can come back after you choke in the championship game. You can win again. I don't know. That's that's that's that's a more of a pump up song to get you excited to get to get.
Starting point is 00:30:40 You're saying my message to Joe about you can step up and do it. You can always step up again. You're saying that I'm wrong. I'm saying it's contradicted by M&M and that movie would not have been satisfying if Rabbit had choked in the championship. I think it would have been that's I think that would have been an interesting ending if he choked, but he still was good. We know he's good. Right. You know, he's good. That's that's kind of the Rocky sort of finale.
Starting point is 00:31:01 Although he didn't choke there. He legitimately lost. I haven't. I don't remember that movie. I saw it in college in the theater and I have not seen it since. I've never seen it. Here's the thing. I'm not a big guy. Yeah. You know, I'm like a whipper snapper of a of a guy. I'm not like a real athlete guy. Like that's once you I think and I always had a thing when I was growing up, like I am I am going to be a professional athlete.
Starting point is 00:31:21 There was no doubt in my mind. It was going to happen. I'm working hard. I'm doing it. I'm pretty good at little league, but there was no doubt in my mind. But then you realize like I had since I one time I got the chance to interview Matt Kemp of the Dodgers. Very cool. This man is a foot and a half taller than me and has a hundred pounds on me. You know, it's like he's not even a big guy.
Starting point is 00:31:42 He's not even a big guy. Yeah. That's just what athletes are. They're huge. Yeah. And if they're not tall, which they all are, they're like shredded. Right. Yeah. There's a just just the scale that you'll feel standing. I've stood next to Blake Griffin before and it's just like you are so much larger than me in every way. It's just like the physical proportions are amazing.
Starting point is 00:32:03 I wish you fucking dunked your ass. Oh my God. I'd love to put you in a fucking hoop. I'd love to be dunked. I wish he improvised all over you. All over your ass. He's a big improv guy. He is improv guy. He does a lot of improv.
Starting point is 00:32:14 Big comedy. I wonder if Funny or Die paid him a hundred dollars for his videos. I'm having a feeling I have a feeling that they probably paid him more. But Joe, there was one. OK, let's get to the real one. Let's get to the real one. I broke a rib skateboarding. Don't worry about that one.
Starting point is 00:32:37 But here's the one. Yeah. Didn't you hurt your ankle or something to didn't you? I thought there was some injury where you like couldn't walk much. Oh, I think it is this one. This one. All right, let's hear it. I was playing the great American pastime of baseball. And I was running to do a slide in the third.
Starting point is 00:32:55 But like it was one of those where you want to do a pop up slide. Right. Because you want to be ready to run in case there's an overthrow or something. And I popped up and the game had changed. And what happened was I landed on my own spikes. Oh, my God. And I landed on my butthole. He whispered this into the mic.
Starting point is 00:33:20 The spikes stabbed me in the butthole and I landed on it at great force and at great speed. And I popped up very quickly and suddenly nothing felt the same. Wow. And I was I didn't say anything. I was just like, oh, good golly. What is that? And it was like this. It was like the worst pain you've ever felt.
Starting point is 00:33:44 It was like, I couldn't. It was like I can't quite explain it. It was the worst pain. I finished the game. There's even a picture I have from that day. And I remember like when I took the picture, I'm like kind of kneeling and I'm going, what in God's name is happening down there? I'm like driving home like this can't stay like this painful.
Starting point is 00:34:03 And I thought maybe I just irritated something, right? You know, I hit some, you know, it'll get better. It'll be fine. I tried to ignore it. A month goes by. Oh, boy. Maybe a month and a half. A month. It does not get better. It gets worse. And to the point that I can't.
Starting point is 00:34:22 I mean, I'm like screaming. I'm like, I am, I can't stand up really. It hurts to even like cook, like to stand over a stove. I couldn't stand up, right? It hurt to go to the rest. I'm so sorry to the nice person I just met. I'm very sorry for this, everyone, but it's a true real thing that happened. Be as open and honest about it as you want to.
Starting point is 00:34:42 I think this is very interesting. I never knew this could possibly happen. It's insane. I mean, it's just a good thing. Acting in all those funny or die videos got you sagged after health insurance. So luckily, I happen to have health insurance. I did have sag after health insurance because I had done some other jobs. Right. Luckily, a miracle like you have to like make a certain amount each year.
Starting point is 00:35:04 It's a we live in a real nightmare, you know? Yeah, the entertainment unions out here, a lot of them have like a tiered system where you have to make a certain threshold of income to qualify for health insurance. I moved down to tier two this year. Me, I'm about two or two. Well, I'm I'm like close. I'm on the cusp. I don't know. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:21 See, that's the crazy thing. You need to you need to get you sometimes just need one job to get because they count residuals. Yeah. But then or it will be a year without health insurance. It's it is it's that's that's just what happens. So so what's the upshot of your your treatment or your diagnosis? OK, so finally, I go to a doctor. I go to a clinic because I'm like afraid to go to a real doctor for this.
Starting point is 00:35:41 Right. I'm like still in denial. And the guy like won't even really, you know, get in there. Yeah. You wouldn't even really get in there. Can you can you say it all what and you don't have to to be too visceral? Are you going to be as descriptive or nondescriptive as you like? But what did it look like? I, you know, I have a hard time. I'm not a very flexible guy has never been my strength.
Starting point is 00:36:03 Yeah, what that you're asking what it looked like. If she had a mirror or used your took a picture with your phone or something. I had to guess, I think David near said it. I had to guess it probably looked like a fricking pastrami sandwich down there. You know what I'm saying? About it, you know, I can't get my the angles aren't right. The angles aren't right. But I'll tell you what the diagnosis was.
Starting point is 00:36:23 The sandwich go on. Oh, second course with the diagnosis here. I tore my butthole. It's the medical term for what happened. Wow. Wow. Now casually at the bar, they'll call it an anal fissure. Yeah. But the doc, he told me, you've got a torn butthole. And he put his hand to his mouth like you just did.
Starting point is 00:36:46 Yeah, he said he whispered it in my ear. I could hear his lips smacking. Wow. So I finally then went to a specialist. He referred me to he's like, you have to find this kind of doctor. I looked up that kind of doctor. I looked up. I thought I had a thrombosed hemorrhoid. I'm so sorry. This is soup day on the dough boys. I thought that's what it was.
Starting point is 00:37:08 And so I went made of an appointment with a surgeon. Yeah. A colorectal surgeon. And a guy. And I went to like the crappiest like UCLA or, no, USC. It was fine. It was a fine experience. But you've got students in there. You know, like there's like someone like learning while you. You're telling me there's a 21-year-old kid looking at your butthole?
Starting point is 00:37:27 Yep. Yep. Geez, people will pay good money for that. So you have a so you you're going to this this specialist. You're going to a university facility. So I go there. I drive myself over there. I've been in pain now for, you know, almost two months. Oh, my God. I go there. He takes one look, looks for about half a second.
Starting point is 00:37:46 And he goes, oh, yeah. He goes, like, you don't have a thrombosed hemorrhoid. He's like, you have a torn butthole, you know? He says to me real close in the year. He whispers. He sent the other person out of the room. Yeah. And he's whispered so close, his lips were kissing my ear when he said it. And he's like, you have an anal fissure.
Starting point is 00:38:04 And he's like, I can see the muscle. He's like, I could tell. Oh, my God. So it had been getting like worse. It had been getting worse. Jesus. God. And so he said, that wouldn't be a problem with me, by the way. You won't be seeing any muscle.
Starting point is 00:38:20 Any muscles in your rectum? You got to have it is a muscle. And I'll tell you this one, you know, you break your collarbone, you know what you do? Yeah. You put your arm in a sling for a couple of weeks and then you're fine. Yeah. What the hell?
Starting point is 00:38:32 You can hold still when you break your collarbone. You just hold still. Right. If you break your butt, you got to use that thing. You got to. There's no options to reroute. You know what I'm saying? You have to use it every day. And so pretty soon, I find,
Starting point is 00:38:48 he prescribes like topical ointments. Okay. He doesn't tell me at that time, you're going to spend the next year and a half of your life in torment. Oh my God. He doesn't say that to me. He says, we'll try some topical creams. See if your body can heal.
Starting point is 00:39:05 And then we'll talk about surgery. And there's no stitching or anything that can be done. It's just giving it time. It sort of just has to heal. And the problem is this muscle is like, you know, it's like an expanded contract thing that's happening. It's like having a wound on the inside of your frickin' elbow or something where I don't know.
Starting point is 00:39:26 It's like having a wound. Yeah. And you have to use it every day. In your butt. And it was the worst. And like I got to say is like, don't worry. It only hurts for 12 hours after every time I use the restroom. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:39:39 So like that would be almost the pain is after. Right. And I cannot even describe the torment. It's like, and you know, my mom would be like, should I visit? I'm like, stay away. Yeah. Everyone stay away because all I can feel in channel
Starting point is 00:39:57 is pain, just raw pain. Did you get surgery eventually? So I couldn't eat. Eventually I'm only eating soup. And this is how soup saves your soul. Today I'm eating like pea soup. Eventually I'm not even, I cut out coffee. I cut out alcohol.
Starting point is 00:40:12 I cut out all. I started eating this really like specific diet of like no nuts and no tomatoes. Like really bland. Centering your life around like easy bowel movements. Yes. And Joe, I got to say this. You've never been a chubby guy by any means.
Starting point is 00:40:32 I was for a little bit there. For a little bit I got a little bit chubby. Like comedy scene chubby. Well, no, that's not even, that's worse. Not, I mean, I'm saying like everyone who's on there. Everyone has a little padding. But, but, but Joe. Joe it is heaviest by UCB improv standards was emaciated.
Starting point is 00:40:51 Exactly. I agree with that. But you lost a lot of weight. You did. You noticeably lost weight. I've since put on, I've put back on like probably 20 pounds. I was down to lower than I wrestled my senior year in high school,
Starting point is 00:41:07 which is when you're actively cutting weight. I was like 145 pounds. I'm like 170. Damn. And I've since put back on a lot. In fact, now I'm still like, okay, I need to like learn how to eat again. Cause I got so excited that I could finally eat
Starting point is 00:41:20 after a year and a half. It was like, you know, I just attempted to just eat for cheeseburgers and stuff. But, so I lost 40 pounds. I lost 40 pounds over the course of like the next six or seven or eight months. And finally I had to admit, this is not working. This isn't working.
Starting point is 00:41:37 I have to go do something about it. And it's sort of like in between the major surgery and the, see the major surgery, if you do the major surgery, here's what you're up against. It could be permanent incontinence. Oh my God. That's insane. So you're trying, I'm like dealing,
Starting point is 00:41:53 I'm like juggling my pain against the prospect of like, what's the, what's that gamble worth? Like they say, if you're going to rob a bank like, and you're going to go to prison for 10 or 20 years, what, what price of money do you have to get for that to be worth it? You have to, you know, probably like a million bucks in this heist or, you know, whatever, 20 million.
Starting point is 00:42:13 But like, what is that price? And so kind of, that's kind of what I'm doing in my mind is I'm putting it off as long as I can. Cause I don't want to gamble with the chance of permanent incontinence. Man in his 30s having to wear a diaper for the rest of your life. Yeah. And, you know, I'm an active guy.
Starting point is 00:42:27 I like to get on my skateboard and cruise around. They'd make fun of me for sure if I had a diaper on. I mean, is that a problem for you, Mitch? I only wear diapers when I'm home alone. And I put Wally and Irma on one too, and we will crawl around on the floor. Okay. Here's the other funny, there's another funny aspect about this,
Starting point is 00:42:52 which is I'm like looking up forums, you know, tips and whatever and reading people's experiences. They're all, they all read like Stephen King short stories. Like it just got more and more horrible. It was like my, you know, it's like, they all sound awful. And the vast majority of the people posting in these forums are women who have given birth. So most of the people dealing with this are at least,
Starting point is 00:43:15 you know, have something on the other end of the teeter totter, like this beautiful special miracle. I had no miracle. There was no baby. You know, there was just like, we won that ball game, I think. I'm so afraid of permanent incontinence now that I didn't really even realize, of course,
Starting point is 00:43:31 that's the thing that can happen, but damn, that's terrifying nightmare. Joe, luckily that you got surgery, it didn't happen. I got the mini surgery. They put, they give you a Botox injection into your butt muscle to sort of paralyze it slightly for a few months to give it a chance to heal. Because I think that's part of the problem
Starting point is 00:43:52 is it's like you're having spasms or something like that. So they Botox it. So I have had some work done. I have had some Botox. Can I ask you a question? Was that a time where, with bathroom issues, was it a thing where you like were, you didn't know when it was gonna happen
Starting point is 00:44:11 or anything like that? No, after the surgery, it was a brutal recovery because it was like, I don't know what they did down there, man, when I was out. They put me out on some. And they just injected you with Botox when they put you out. Yeah, and I think they also had to.
Starting point is 00:44:29 Clean it up a little bit. Yeah, take away some scar tissue. God. Was there from that pop-up slide I did? Jesus. And. They took a cleat out. They took, they removed eight.
Starting point is 00:44:42 They're like, we got a size 11? We just pulled out of there? There's your problem. So it was touch and go, but that was the only time I did take, I took ibuprofen. But that was the other thing is, you can't take a painkiller.
Starting point is 00:44:58 You can't take an opiate or something that's gonna add to your constipation or something like that. So I didn't take a painkiller. I was in pain for, okay, so then I had the surgery like six or eight months later. And then even after the surgery, it like sort of kind of worked. But it still took, in all and all,
Starting point is 00:45:19 it was a year and a half. Until you felt insane. Do you now feel normal again? Yes. Okay, like you feel like you did before? Yeah, yeah. And it's a relief. I mean, it was a long process
Starting point is 00:45:31 and a lot of like just eating soup. And I just, when I stopped, probably after I got surgery, the pain most of the time wasn't as notorious. But it was still probably four or five months after that it finally started. Oh, maybe this pain will not be with me all my life. God, that's brutal.
Starting point is 00:45:51 I broke a radial head in a stunt for the birthday boys TV show when I run through the door in a sketch with Zoe Jarman. She's a very funny performer. She's great. She's great. Been on Doe Boys before?
Starting point is 00:46:04 Yeah. She's got, you got Jarman on here before the farts met? Yeah, we got her on pretty early on. She, yeah, it was a long time ago. Sorry, I scream. But I ran through the radio, so I broke up my radial head
Starting point is 00:46:20 and I still get, I thought you were gonna make some sort of radiohead joke, Nick. And you weren't there. That's what I thought you said. He's just, Nick is just staring. Oh, I didn't even connect the dots. Also, when I said Joe's putting you in a headlock,
Starting point is 00:46:29 Joe, the performer went, come here, you and he made noises and you just stared straight ahead. I didn't realize that was about me. I'm kind of out of it. Are you still fucked up? What's going on here? I'm here, okay.
Starting point is 00:46:40 I didn't realize that the headlock thing was, I didn't realize you were saying he was putting me in a headlock. I didn't realize that was an act out, I'm sorry. Anyways. I should have, that would have been cause I could, I like pro wrestling. So, yeah, you love pro wrestling.
Starting point is 00:46:51 You've watched it for a good year now. And you dropped the ball. Okay, well. You dropped the belt. That's why over at, I'm starting an improv school and whenever we're gonna do an act out, we act out and then everyone knows it just puts everyone on the same page.
Starting point is 00:47:06 And then if someone else wants to do it, act out. Do you know what? That's a new dough boys rule. I, every time, so with my real head, I broke it. And every time I'd be around, I'd be like, ow, ow, my arm, my arm is hurting. But I'd like a, for real, I would get aches and pain. I still get aches and pains in my arm.
Starting point is 00:47:31 Right. Oh wait, Emma, we talked about this, right? Yeah, I broke the same bone. Emma broke the same bone. And we both experienced that sort of the stormy weather day. And I'm happy that that isn't a thing for you because. It is a thing for my collar bone. For collar bone.
Starting point is 00:47:47 But not, yeah, yeah. That is another thing I never understood as a kid. Like, oh, like your body might not get all the way better. Yeah, exactly. Right, yeah, yeah. Cause your boo boo's as a kid go away. And then as an adult, yeah, that can be just like lifelong pain.
Starting point is 00:48:03 It was the first bone I've ever, I ever broke my, my, my radial head, only bone I've ever broke. I've ever broken a finger too. It's basically like right here, you're, you're. Mitch is touching his elbow. It's your elbow, basically.
Starting point is 00:48:16 Into your elbow. Ooh. Yeah. And so it's, yeah, it's still, you still get like kind of like a, the little headache in your arm every so often. Hey, you know what? Doughboys listeners out there,
Starting point is 00:48:25 tell us your gnarliest injury. Hashtag a battle scar. Oh, that's good. I'm so sorry you had to hear that. And you're, not just you, I had to tell all the people in my life, everyone I had encountered, people would be like, let's go out for dinner.
Starting point is 00:48:39 And I'd be like, let's meet at this juice place. And they're like, what are we doing? And I'm like, I can't eat solid food. You're basically on a, on a liquid diet by necessity. Joe, it's a fascinating story. And I think everyone, everyone loves you. I think they were,
Starting point is 00:48:52 the people were probably felt for you. Yeah. And it's like, you have to tell people something. And so it's like, I'd be like talking to my agent. And it's like, I don't want them to think I have cancer. Right. Yeah. I have to tell them what's going on. I was still going out for stuff.
Starting point is 00:49:06 I would be standing in line at the grocery covered in sweat from pain. So here's another thing. This sounds like my life with stomach issues. Honestly, I swear to God. Really? Do you had like a, a persistent family? For most of my entire life,
Starting point is 00:49:18 I like a, it's been diagnosed every which way. But I think that I just have what's it called? Help me out here, Nick. Crohn's disease. Not Crohn's. IBS. Thank you. Okay. Yeah. But, but the same situation I'd be in line
Starting point is 00:49:32 and then just sweating and, and, and distress and my entire life. I felt like it made me, I mean, I was like desperate for anything to try to escape. I'm like meditating to try to like get away from the pain. I'm trying, you know, you're like trying everything. Right. But it also made me just think this is a little cheesy,
Starting point is 00:49:53 but you don't know what people are going through. Yeah. You don't know what anybody and like the way, like the amount of searing pain that I would be and just trying to drive to an audition. I'd be like, these people around cannot possibly comprehend the enormous thing I'm lugging around with.
Starting point is 00:50:10 Right. Yeah. And it's also, I imagine too, as someone who's kind of like, like around comedy that you have an injury that sounds funny, but is completely like a nightmare for you. And so I imagine that's probably an issue too. Like just like, I don't know if you have a sense of humor about it now, but I mean,
Starting point is 00:50:29 you probably at the time did not. Right. But I did recognize the humor and, you know, some people had said just about my attitude towards comedy that they, people were saying that I was butthurt and they were right. They were. They were right.
Starting point is 00:50:46 I was, I got seriously butthurt. Yeah. I guess so. Some of this stuff. Joe, we got to get into these soups. We got, there's been so much preamble. I mean, this is great combo. It's amazing stuff.
Starting point is 00:50:58 If we're going to try another one, Joe, do you want us to try? There's two progressive chicken soups. Do you want us to try progress? Sorry, progress. Yeah. These aren't like progress. These aren't soups that stand up for women's rights.
Starting point is 00:51:13 Or the auto insurance soups. This isn't a tomato bis that advocates for $15 an hour. Or Joe, do you want us to try one of the soups you brought like the Anderson's peach soup? And we can save the progressive versus progressive, progressive versus progressive for another time. Well, let's just settle that one real quick. Progresso beats Campbell's hands down in every way.
Starting point is 00:51:33 Okay. Campbell's soup. And when you're making Campbell's soup, one of the steps in the directions, this is a very dumb thing. One of the steps in the directions is if you look at the soup, it says you need a can of water.
Starting point is 00:51:44 Interesting. Where do you get that? Yeah. Where do you find a can of water? I mean, you know? Yeah. I've been up and down the aisles. I can't find that.
Starting point is 00:51:52 Oh, Joe. Single can of water. Hey, I'm here. I'm gonna be at the Starlight Lounge. We'll be at the Starlight Lounge out there in Manabello. The, we, so I'm gonna say the non, is there any other soup that you would want to try though? Amy's, there's a soup called Amy's.
Starting point is 00:52:11 It's like an organic soup. It's a very good soup. I like the lentil soup. I don't know. You song has one last soup ready. You song, you can bring it in whatever it is. The final, bring the final soup. Let's talk through what we've had.
Starting point is 00:52:21 Yeah. And Joe, we've had, we're gonna say, you made two of these, these soups. I whipped up some soups. It was a battle of the cookers for my growing dough boys, my boys. So the, the first thing you presented us was a, and less a soup than a, than a sort of, than a dish,
Starting point is 00:52:39 but a delicious dish was this stroganoff that you made in the Instant Pot. Yes. I wanted to test out a Instant Pot versus a slow cooker. And I use a slow cooker a lot. And so I was skeptical about how the beef would turn out. Right. And I thought the stroganoff
Starting point is 00:52:52 was gonna be more soupy. It wasn't. It was like adult mac and cheese. But it was very, very good. It was so good. I couldn't stop eating it. Joe, this, this was amazing. This reminded me of a stroganoff
Starting point is 00:53:03 my dad would make on the stove top. I don't even love stroganoff. And I loved, loved this. It's a great explanation. Well, I mean stroganoff can just be made poorly is the issue. Yeah. Very, very simple.
Starting point is 00:53:13 I followed a recipe you can find online, look up Instant Pot's beef stroganoff. Yeah. And should I name the website that I got off? Yeah. All recipes, all recipes. I use that one a lot. There's some good ones on there.
Starting point is 00:53:24 Do you have the app? No, I just usually just look it up. Oh man, the app's great. Well, maybe I'll get this app. Oh, we have, we have, we have another guest arriving. You song is gonna, you song is doing two things at once. He's serving us soup and, and also. Thanks buddy.
Starting point is 00:53:38 That's a progressive chicken noodle. And you can tell cause that's a hearty soup there. So you're an Instant Pot fan. Huge fan of the Instant Pot. This is a recipe that I literally made in the hour I had after my Twitch show in between this. I had already done the slow cooker one and I whipped together this.
Starting point is 00:53:55 I followed the recipe exactly. It doesn't take much. You saute the beef, you throw some onions in there. You know, it's just follow the recipe. And it came out very well. It came out great. It was delicious. The, yeah, just the texture and the, the, the savory flavors.
Starting point is 00:54:13 You also made us a vegan. What is this, what is this vegan soup? This is a red pepper vegan corn chowder. It's a slow cooker recipe. Really enjoyed this one. It's like a Southwestern, you know, you could spice this up any way you want. And basically it's like golden Yukon potatoes, onions,
Starting point is 00:54:31 some garlic, slow cooked with some corn. And then you puree the soup after you slow cook it for like 10 hours. Yes. Were you eating that soup a lot when you were, when you were hurt or? Yeah. I mean, honestly, when I was hurt,
Starting point is 00:54:46 I did not do much cooking of myself. That's why I relied on like these canned soups. I was like peace Anderson's pea soup was a big one. And I would you bribe, I've had Anderson's before. We, we're, we're not going to get into it, but it's a, it's kind of like a famous restaurant on your, if you're going up north to San Francisco from LA, there's Anderson's pea soup.
Starting point is 00:55:06 And, and, and I think it's still, is it sold nationwide? Maybe, but. I think it might be, I don't know. But it's, it's, it's a great pea soup. I was so excited for that place because they've got windmills. Yeah. And then they've got,
Starting point is 00:55:18 it's the first place I encountered. That's why you were excited for it. I like the windmills. And I've also like, it's the first place I remember encountering, you know, those, those, those things where you, it's like a photo op where it's like a standee that's got the face cut out. You can put your face inside.
Starting point is 00:55:33 They had that with chefs. And so like, you could like put your, your face in and being my brother did. And I just thought it was a lot of fun. Koalic and I did that. Koalic put his face and I put my butt in one of the holes. Oh boy, Mitch. You know, I put their faces there.
Starting point is 00:55:47 I didn't touch it up against the wood for God's sake. I don't put, I didn't put my, my butt on the wood. Okay. God. I think you're retconning. And I think that's exactly what you did. Jesus. But you know, over the course of this,
Starting point is 00:55:59 I was forced to become, I'm a soup advocate these days. I love a hearty soup on a cold day. I agree with that. It's soup season, Joe. A man raised religious. Today you evangelize. The power of a, of a purée to liquid food.
Starting point is 00:56:18 Okay. Very good. Jesus, I didn't know where the hell you were going with that. You follow these recipes, you know, and you get them on, you got the internet here. If you put it, if you put some of those recipes in, you know, you get them on your phone, you just follow them. And at the end, you're eating good.
Starting point is 00:56:32 Let me tell you that all recipes app, I think is quite handy cause you can have dish, it's very easy to mark dishes as favorites. And then you can put them in categories and then so you can just refer to that anytime. I'd recommend, if you're already using the website, download the app, give it a spin. Joe, you also, for the, for the, for the vegan chowder.
Starting point is 00:56:48 Yes. There was also, there were, like you said, there were onions and there were, what else did we got there, red pepper? So you also, that's a nice one cause you, you kind of chop up some garnishes, like some scallions, red pepper, some fresh, raw, diced tomatoes.
Starting point is 00:57:06 So you can kind of spice it up that way. And I always of course throw in some Frank's Red Hot. And oh, we also experimented with a little nutritional yeast on the stroganoff, which I, you know, it's like kind of a Parmesan-y thing. Yeah, you brought the nutritional yeast, the Frank's Red Hot and the Worcestershire sauce. I will say that stroganoff didn't need anything.
Starting point is 00:57:23 It didn't need anything. In the chowder, I put a little hot sauce just to spice it up a little bit, but both of them were really delicious. And Joe, just having these, despite me saying it wrong, we had a progressive a lot and that was one of the soups I would have grown up. Just eating the clam chowder, they do a good clam chowder.
Starting point is 00:57:40 It's a fine clam chowder. Yeah. It's fine? I mean, it's fine. I'm not as good as you're gonna get. I'm saying that that's a decent New England clam chowder. For me, I'd like, the clam chowder is a soup I'd like to have like a good, like a really good version of.
Starting point is 00:57:54 Sure. And so like having like the, a good canned version, like a perfectly fine canned version is not super satisfying. However, the chicken noodle you made, or made, sorry, the roasted chicken noodle you brought, the Progresso brand I thought was quite nice. And I thought that is hearty.
Starting point is 00:58:12 And I think that is a soup that actually, not a cream soup, but this chicken stock soup, I think is one that works out of a can. It's pretty nice. But I do want to comment. The vegan soup you made was delicious and I wouldn't know it was vegan. And you made it with almond milk, correct?
Starting point is 00:58:29 Yeah. And yeah, I think that's a home run from a soup standpoint. If you don't know something is vegan, for our vegan dish standpoint, rather, if you don't know it, then you don't know what you're missing. It's delightful. Yeah, that was really good. And the fresh veggies you brought to throw on top,
Starting point is 00:58:44 just the icing on the cake. It was great. Easy way to head off those, some people can turn their nose up. They're like, oh, there's nothing I can eat here. At these holiday parties, there's one person who shows up without anything and they're like, oh, and there's nothing I can eat
Starting point is 00:58:58 because I'm, of course, vegan. You throw this chowder down in front of them, you can dunk their head down in there and hold it in for 10 seconds. They'll get the idea, you know? Joe, before we wrap it up, Joe, favorite soup. Ooh, I was gonna ask almost the same question.
Starting point is 00:59:13 I was gonna say, favorite comfort soup. But you can answer the favorite soup question, however you want. You can give an answer to both of them. Well, it might be the same thing. Man, this is a difficult, because I just had a very good hearty, you know, I made a turkey stew, like out of a, with a turkey carcass from Jack,
Starting point is 00:59:29 Jack AM, you know? Yes. They gave me a carcass. They sent me home on... Jack is giving out carcasses? He gave me a carcass. You guys are doing crossover content in your Twitch channels. By the way, Jack had me over,
Starting point is 00:59:39 he's like, you wanna come eat this turkey I'm making on a stream? I was like, sure. I go over there, literally what we eat is turkey. He had a turkey, you know what I'm saying? He didn't like have a couple dinner rolls or mashed potatoes. You know, he hadn't made a Thanksgiving dinner.
Starting point is 00:59:58 So he'd made nothing else. He'd made a turkey. Was there gravy? No. Oh my God. It was just a turkey. And I was like, Jack, you should have told me I would have brought something, man.
Starting point is 01:00:10 I didn't know. That's very funny. But they sent me home with a carcass and I boiled it and I made an unbelievable turkey stew from that stock. And man, a hearty stew is tough to beat. But I don't think we got to say the stroganoff is not soup. Right. Yeah. I wouldn't call that soup as delicious as it was.
Starting point is 01:00:31 Man, then I don't know. I really... Your answer might be stroganoff if you could classify that as a soup. Yeah, but man, I don't know. Well, you know what? This may be... I got to pick something just for the sake of conversation.
Starting point is 01:00:44 No, Joe, this might be... This might be a cliffhanger for your next appearance. This might be a part two. Yeah, maybe I'll have to figure out which of these soups... Well, also, there's another thing that we... We wanted to get to more soups and rankings. There's something I said on the podcast that was kind of controversial.
Starting point is 01:00:59 I ranked soups and I said... You were ranking categories of soups. I said phah, ramen, chowder, and then soup. Yes. And the people got really mad at me. The categories are equally higher. Because I said soup, but it does make sense because I was saying like basic America... You don't have to keep rationalizing this.
Starting point is 01:01:18 Joe, help me out here. I think you're digging it deeper now, almost. Joe, help me out here. I'm gonna just let it go. Joe, just help me out here. So you've got your phah. Yeah. Also, it is a soup.
Starting point is 01:01:28 It is just a soup. But I'm saying that is a specific style. Nick, can we agree on that? Phah is a style of soup, yes. Yes, okay. Soup is not one of these four categories. Ramen. Ramen is.
Starting point is 01:01:42 Soup can't be a subcategory of soup. Yeah. I'm saying classic American, like chicken noodle, whatever, bean soup. I'm saying like, I was saying just in... I think you need a different name slash more categories. So it sounds like we're having a part two where we're gonna be ranking some soups.
Starting point is 01:01:57 Okay, but we won't be returning to this specific thing. No, I think this will have to be brought up again. I wanna announce a strong candidate for favorite soup. Okay. A creamy tomato bisque. Oh, Joe, Joe, that's, when I was younger, I didn't love it. That might be my favorite, that's a really, really good soup.
Starting point is 01:02:13 Dip a little toast in there. Sidewalk grill, Joe, not far from here. Great tomato soup, little creamy tomato soup. Nick, you've had it. Yeah, I like that soup. It's great, it's good as hell. Joe Hartzler, thank you so much for being here. Thanks for having me, guys.
Starting point is 01:02:25 Thank you so much. I know I promised I was gonna go on Deli Boys, but now I would like to say it here on Doe Boys, I will never go on Deli Boys ever, no matter what, I will never, I'm a Doe Boy for life. Wow, for life. And if you ever wanna have me on for a real episode, I would love to do that too.
Starting point is 01:02:40 This is a real episode, but we will have you on for a full episode where you can review a chain. No, you're right. I was, it was communicated to me that this is somehow a lesser episode. We're not, I don't consider the Patreon episodes to be lesser episodes, they are full episodes. JK, JK, friends, thank you for having me.
Starting point is 01:02:54 Thank you to our subscribers. Thank you for doing it, Joe. You're the man, you made some great soups today. It's fantastic stuff, an amazing story, a hilarious man. Give us your plugs real quick. Hey, Slidehead first out there, everybody. Slidehead first, you know, good luck to the wrestling
Starting point is 01:03:07 nephews and I am at slash farzler tune in. I go, I do a fun day Friday from 9 a.m. PST to 10 30. I do a Sunday service every Sunday from 10 to 11 30 and I'm working on a week day show, maybe a Wednesday recap and also check out acting tips on YouTube. Sorry, I took so much time there. No, that's great.
Starting point is 01:03:25 That was great, very thorough. Thank you, Joe, you're a hilarious guy. We were happy to finally have you on here and I'm happy that you're feeling good again. Big fan, I was so excited to feed my growing boys. I'm very excited to have you for you guys. I'm not a big boy. That's this week's No Boys Double, bye.
Starting point is 01:03:39 See ya. No boys, media.

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