Doughboys - Episode 200 - Chili's Too with Eva Anderson

Episode Date: April 25, 2019

For the 200th episode of Doughboys, we're joined by our first ever guest Eva Anderson (You're The Worst, Briarpatch) to review Chili's Too, a specialized version of the first chain restaurant we Plus a TBT segment from the Doughboys archives.Want more Doughboys? Check out our Patreon!: for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 On August 9, 1974, shortly after noon, Gerald R. Ford took the oath of office to become the 38th president of the United States. Ford had replaced Spiro Agnew as vice president after Agnew resigned over corruption charges and would now replace Richard Nixon, who of course resigned over Watergate. The stench of scandal sank trust in government to an ADR, exacerbated by Ford's decision to pardon Nixon just a month later. But American patriotism would soon see a resurgence, thanks to a coincidence of time, the approach of the 200th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, America's
Starting point is 00:00:38 Bicentennial. In April of 1975, the U.S. government kicked off a cross-country journey of a steam locomotive tugging 25 cars exhibiting artifacts of Americana, like the original Bill of Rights, Joe Frazier's boxing trunks, and a moonrock. It was named, with characteristic on-the-nose nationalism, the American Freedom Train. And as the train gradually traversed all 48 contiguous states on through the nation's official 200th birthday the next year, it would make a stop in Dallas, Texas, not far from another American institution that began its journey in 1975, a bar and grill in the
Starting point is 00:01:12 shell of a former post office founded by Larry Levine. The concept was based on Levine's love of that Texas tradition, the chili cook-off, although the restaurant's nominal dish would step aside for its real hook, a simplified version of Tex-Mex cuisine. As the restaurant expanded in the 80s, it unveiled its two signature menu items, fajitas served on a sizzling platter that swiveled heads in the dining room, and baby back ribs, later immortalized in an earworm of a jingle sung by boy band in sync. In the 90s, the chain realized it needed to downsize its sprawling dining rooms and encyclopedic
Starting point is 00:01:43 menus to accommodate cozier locales like college campuses and airports. And so, a sequel of sorts was born, that same restaurant, but smaller, affixed with TOO. Though the TOO branding has been removed in recent years, these smaller, limited outlets still remain, offering dine-in and to-go fare for hungry students and harried travelers. And today, on this podcast owned by Centennial, we return to the very first chain restaurant we ever reviewed, TOO. This week, on the 200th episode of Doe Boys, Chili's TOO. Welcome to Doe Boys, the podcast about chain restaurants.
Starting point is 00:02:37 I'm Nick Weiger, alongside my co-host, the man who could do for grimace what Josh Brolin did for Thanos if Marvel had the balls to cast him, the Spoon Man, Mike Mitchell. What the hell? That was courtesy of Alfredo Filmgeek, who adds, a roast in honor of the release of Avengers Endgame and support for Mitch to be in more movies. How about that, Mitch? That's very nice, right, Alfredo? Oh, I should be thanking this person.
Starting point is 00:03:00 He's very nice. It's a nice thing for him to say. You should be in movies, playing roles like The Grimace. I've given it to you like me using Mitch to the top of the show, Mitch, 200 episodes. Nick. Too many. Howdy, 200 ho.
Starting point is 00:03:16 Oh, boy. God. That's what you got? The show's over, folks. We're packing it in. Howdy, 200 ho. I thought it was good. Howdy ho is your expression, so you just said you like didn't, you just threw a 200 in between
Starting point is 00:03:33 Howdy and ho. Howdy ho. Oh, like there's nothing like that. I mean, I just don't think the 200 element works there. All right, I get it. All right, I did a bad job. Shut up. No, it's fine.
Starting point is 00:03:45 200 episodes. Yeah. Was life better before No Boys? I forget. I think it was the same. I think it was always bad. I think it's just like that we're just doing other things. Like whatever we were doing before this, we were complaining about and we were miserable
Starting point is 00:04:03 with our station and life, and now we do this, and so, of course, we're going to complain about it. I think it's no better or worse than anything else. Life is just kind of, we're all under the umbrella of being alive, so it's all going to be bad. It's all part of that. That's the problem. Yeah, sure.
Starting point is 00:04:26 Everything we're doing is a part of life, and that's the issue we have is that we are alive. Anyways. Howdy, 200, how? All right, I like it now. You committed to it. Nick, I've got a drop. Ooh, very exciting.
Starting point is 00:04:44 It's the second drop in my email. Never played. The second ever drop for episode 200, interesting choice. The first one was, I think, from Shampooedler. This one is from Robert Persinger. Noboy Wiger's talent drop one. Very cool. Let's see if it's still, the link still works, first of all.
Starting point is 00:05:05 You can't suck your dick on your own. You need two people to do it. Well, I mean, that's a person by person thing. Nick, put it in, oh my God, Nick, you need a paper towel. I made a mess. Nick, what the fuck? It's losing down your lip. I don't know what happened.
Starting point is 00:05:24 Here, take the paper towel. You're getting my couch stickies. Oh, God, that got everywhere. What a fucking mess. What the fuck is wrong with you? Hey, not my first row to you. PUTRED. Disgusting.
Starting point is 00:05:44 Some things really have not changed. I mean, what can I say? That was the second one. The first email that was unclicked in my inbox there. I mean, it's true. I did not listen to it beforehand. I did not know it was that filthy. You were here for this.
Starting point is 00:06:02 Hey, Mitch, I wanted to send this drop back in. I made it a few months ago and I really think Flagler would get a kick out of it. How does that make sense? Because there was no emails before that. Or do they archive ones that are older than, who knows, the guy would get a kick out of it. I hope you, Wally and Irma, are doing well, Robert Slopkin per singer. You know, 200 episodes in.
Starting point is 00:06:22 I'm glad that you're still not screening these drops. She's got to keep some things going for consistency's sake. Nick, yes. Here is one thing that's changed. The great couch search is over. You have finally this. This was a this was a check off his gun scenario where the Mitch's you talked about replacing your couch very early on and act one of the podcast.
Starting point is 00:06:46 Here we are an act, I guess, act three, where episode episode 200 to 300 is act three of the podcast. How many acts does this podcast have? I mean, it should have, it should have ended at one. You shouldn't still be going. This is a this is a rash of unnecessary sequels at this point. But the you finally got a new couch. I got the new couch that search is over.
Starting point is 00:07:10 It's a great couch. It's a nice couch. I had a nice sit on there earlier. I don't like what that means. What are you doing? Very comfortable sit. That's some good back support fucking nestling into it or something. I don't like it.
Starting point is 00:07:22 I don't like the idea of it. We were all we're all sitting and watching the Bruins playoff game. A little hockey, a little NHL, a little NHL action, contemporaneous with an NBA game, but it was a blowout. The magic apologies to any Orlando fans out there. The magic we're getting destroyed by the Raptors. And that that series looks like it's done. It's a nice couch, Nick.
Starting point is 00:07:40 I think the couch I will die on. I mean, I got to die on one couch. Mitch, I want to introduce our guests. But before we do that, a quick shout out. This is this is via Nick Doreal. Wanted to give a shout out to Matt Rolf. Matt and Nick flew down from Connecticut for our Nashville show that we did recently. But Matt had a family emergency and had to miss the show.
Starting point is 00:08:06 So hope all is well with you, Rolf. Just wanted to say I hope everything's good. Yeah. And and and sorry. Sorry you missed the show. Hope it's all all in order. Also, that was a dumb decision. Why did you fly from Connecticut to go to our Nashville? Shouldn't have come down.
Starting point is 00:08:20 What are you doing? I mean, we're going to be coming up that way. Maybe it before the years over, Nick. Maybe maybe who knows? We're being a little secret. You'll just have to see I want to give a shout out to to my boy, Mike is Wu Tang, Justin, the Nader, Chankton, Chankton. Do you say you say I said, I said, Mike is Lindorck.
Starting point is 00:08:42 Frail bot, Comston, Comston, Foxton. I want to give a shout out to everybody, two hundred episodes. Guys, I can't believe we did it together. We did it. You're not you're not you're not a part of this. All of you guys contributed to the podcast more than Mitch. Let's introduce our guest, a TV writer stocky. You know, you know, I like scoop.
Starting point is 00:09:08 You left out scoop. Scoop. I love scoop. Scoops are great, dude. What are you fucking accusing me of not liking scoop? I'm just saying. It kind of gives you the short trip to over ten times before I even heard how to hair on scoops at scoop with side with me. No, we would not.
Starting point is 00:09:20 Scoops, my boy. Scoop is not your boy. No, Dano. Greg, Glenn. Do you say Raimondi? I said Raimondi. OK, still not given scoop any praise. The two foes. What did scoop do to you?
Starting point is 00:09:33 Scoop. I love scoop. I don't know. Held out pretty long before you sing scoop's name. Jesus. And then what else I forgot? Scoops Burger Brigade now. Scoop is not Burger Brigade. I think he is.
Starting point is 00:09:43 Stevo, Kibanelli, you know, all of them. All of them. Foxton, too. Foxton, do we say Foxton and Comston? Yeah. Foxton and Comston, you couldn't come up with any more than that? No, I just got those two. I threw in Waluigi at some point and then that dropped off.
Starting point is 00:09:59 Yeah, I forget that. I forget the formulations of all of them. Shout out to Dickie Barrett from the Boston's. Oh, man, very cool. Shout out to the Walburgs. Walburgs to Walburgers. Shout out to that shopkeeper that Mark Wahlberg mangled. My mom and sister.
Starting point is 00:10:20 Oh, the Mitchell, the Mitchell clans, ladies. I like clans, the Mitchell crew. There you go. Irma and Wally, the cats are out for today's episode. Yeah, they're out. Yeah, we did it, everybody. Can I give a can I give a shout out? Yeah, shout out to my lovely wife, Natalie,
Starting point is 00:10:36 who's been my support system. End of list. And also you song and Emma. OK, of course, we're going to get to them. Yeah, but our guest is also a part of the Wally's out here, too. Everyone's out. All the cats are out and, hey, you know, who's here? The guest from our first ever episode from the Doughboys pilot,
Starting point is 00:11:02 a writer from You're the Worst and Briar Patch, which is coming to USA in 2020. Eva Anderson is back. Hi, Eva. Hi, guys. Oh, my God, 200. It's great. Wild, huh? Who would have thunk it? I never certainly never did. Us neither. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:19 Not certainly. We're we're both hoping to get down there on the scale. Someday. Get to 200 pounds. Yeah. Oh, Jesus. And that doesn't count doubles, right? No, those are those are their own thing. They have their own numbering system. I don't know why. It's too much.
Starting point is 00:11:33 It's too much content. JRPG series level of a number of hours of us talking. Say something, say something normal. Say something normal. Say something normal, you you Garfield. I'm adorable. Oh, no. Garfield mailed Odie to Abu Dhabi.
Starting point is 00:11:54 I'm going to tell John. Oh, John drink Garfield's cum. Wait, what? Yeah, read your Garfield. That's why normal talks in a baby voice. She saw some shit. Traumatized. Yeah, it was normal in time.
Starting point is 00:12:11 Was she like a later edition normal? I was. Is it a she? I just thought it was a he. Oh, I thought normal was a girl. I don't know. She has long eyelashes. Oh, OK. No, I'm thinking of a beautiful cat. Yeah, you're thinking of the you're thinking of a sexy one. Oh, yeah, I don't know what the one that you're thinking of his girlfriend.
Starting point is 00:12:26 I just call that hot cat. Hot cat with a long neck. She's like beautiful, long eyelashes. Hold on, who's Garfield's girlfriend? God damn it. No, I don't want just Garfield. I want Garfield girlfriend. Nick, do you remember during one of our sketch? Arlene, sorry, go on.
Starting point is 00:12:41 When we were in a kiss from daddy together and one night we spent like a very long time figuring out how you could work writing Garfields. Yeah, I was trying to figure out how to get hired for pausing, which I think I'd probably be better at than any job I've had. There's like a building you have to go to. Yeah, Indiana. Yeah, I think so. It's it's wherever Jim Davis is from.
Starting point is 00:13:02 We saw a picture of it. We were like, what is the actual like, what's the process? We did all the research. I'd fucking crush that job. It'd be amazing. I assume it's not WGA. That's OK. You know, you are a scab, right? Yeah, I'm a scab.
Starting point is 00:13:16 I stand with the ATA in this conflict. Wow, I got an agent and I only didn't fire my agent. I got a new one. Wow. Yeah, that's right. I'm scabbing. You and the slap guy. Me and the slap guy and whatever. Some other fucking idiot, the guy who wrote the Halo pilot.
Starting point is 00:13:34 Halo pilot guy. But hey, you know what? Someone pointed out like they were like, no wonder TV is like shitty. Look at these people who are there like another big name steps up to it. It's the slap guy and the halo guy. The scabs, the scabs are hacks. They're hacks. That's like that's like a you I think a pretty universal truth so far.
Starting point is 00:13:53 But we don't want to get in this labor dispute. We don't want to talk about that. That's that's Hollywood insider stuff. You're also a hack as well. I'm definitely a hack. But I'm a scab. You need strong. The the I would totally where I'd be like great at that job.
Starting point is 00:14:08 And I think also to like I I'm just curious as to how that works. How was that factory? What is this magic factory where they come up with these they craft these scripts? These strips like how do they have writer's rooms? How does it structured? I wonder. Are you also doing like greeting cards and and wrapping paper and t-shirts? I assume it's all included. Yeah, I'd be good at coffin tester.
Starting point is 00:14:36 Yeah, I mean, like if you want to test its capacity. Eva, you came on the very first episode of Dope. I got buried in what a car. Oh, that would be cool. Yeah, that'd be awesome. You want to die in like a river? That's what I was picturing. Well, I want them to bury a car with me just laid back in the in one of the seats.
Starting point is 00:15:01 Like in a low rider. Yeah, that's cool. That's really cool. I like that idea. That's a power of no one sleeps in a car. I did it. Oh, she knew it. I felt for it. That was good. We should we should say we should say what this is referencing.
Starting point is 00:15:17 I was going to get to this later. But so we went to for for a restaurant, which we'll we'll talk about in a bit. We went to LAX and we we we flew to Vegas. Here was your nap count that I can tell. You napped in your car at LAX while you're waiting for the flight. You napped on the plane there. That's right. You you attempted to nap on the floor of the Vegas airport. That's right.
Starting point is 00:15:41 And then you also napped on the plane home. That's correct. That's four attempted naps, three successful naps in the same day. I wasn't going to really fall asleep on the floor of the fucking airport. You were close. I have a picture. Yeah. Do you have a video or a picture? Just a photo. I have a photo.
Starting point is 00:15:57 You're getting cozy. I was I was I was I was running around in circles, Nick. You did that. Well, look, you lie down to sleep and then you turned into a bit. You started doing the shamp popularized contemporarily by Homer Simpson and in the labor dispute episode. But so yeah, you you you're you're at you take a lot of naps. But but I want to fuck.
Starting point is 00:16:19 I'm just saying you nap a lot. You nap a lot. You get your Z's. I napped. I'd driven my mom and sister to the airport. I had a tire and it was a tiring week. I got this new couch. I moved this new couch in here by myself.
Starting point is 00:16:34 Did you really? Yeah, I'm strong as hell. Wait, did you did you get it delivered? How did you get it in here? Yes, I got delivered. You freak. So the reason you're tired is that you got a couch delivered. You know, I'm going to give a shout out to my mom and sister
Starting point is 00:16:50 who really, you know, Nick, I'm a bit of an OCD guy. I got to admit it and I'm a bit of a hoarder and my mom and sister, they help me out every every couple of years. They really they really help me. They dig me out of a bit of a hole. And I know it's pathetic to admit this, but it's the truth. And it's not pathetic. Thank you, Eva. It's it's nice.
Starting point is 00:17:12 Thank you. It's vulnerable. It's interesting that they every couple of years, they dig you out of a metaphorical hole and soon they'll be digging you a real hole. For the car. But you know what? Every year, every time they they help me out, I'm a little bit better and a little bit better before. But there was there was just, you know, I had to get rid of these two old
Starting point is 00:17:31 couches, get a new couch in here. And then there was just a lot of I just I hang on to a lot of clothes for emotional attachment reasons. Right. My brain is broken in that way. So they come and they tell me, hey, get rid of that. I say, OK, I get rid of it. Now, didn't something I say, no, I want to keep it. Didn't you like I heard this?
Starting point is 00:17:51 I think I think actually, I think you told me this when you were doing that. When you were doing an inventory, you were getting rid of a bunch of stuff. Yeah, you excised a bunch of your Doughboy. I recovered of like 30 Doughboy shirts. So that's the thing you had no trouble washing your hands. I know I'm mostly attached to a lot of things that I did not care about the Doughboy shirts. I got like that has my face on it.
Starting point is 00:18:12 That has my face on it. Yeah, I don't want it. I didn't want who wears their own face on a shirt. Me, Mitch did for a while. OK, cool. Wait, are you saying the what's going on shirt? I never really wore that that much. You were wearing the Doughboy shirts a lot. The Doughboy shirts, I did. Yeah, you were wearing, though, those are heavy in your rotation.
Starting point is 00:18:28 Yeah, what's wrong with that, though? They were nice, nice new shirts. I wear my what's going on shirt a lot. That was that one for me was just my head. And with the Doughboys, at least it's me and Weigar's cartoons. Right. And I and the what's going on is just like my big old face on the shirt. Yeah, that's a lot.
Starting point is 00:18:46 That's a lot. That shirt only comes in XXL, right, to accommodate your face. Wow, is this the is this the 200th roast of Mike? What the fuck is happening? We're having fun. You got a big noggin is all I'm saying. Yeah, I know shit. You think I didn't know that?
Starting point is 00:19:05 I napped a lot, too, on the way there. OK, you did. There's something with moving vehicles. I don't know. I I I I I whenever I got on an airplane, I just I get knocked out. You you admitted that you were very tired. I was very tired. I envy you because I can't I can't nap. I certainly can't nap sitting up. Replace a fucking envy.
Starting point is 00:19:22 Yeah, that's what it's all about. The car was still. Or were you in huge fucking trouble? Boy. My I dropped my mom and sister off the airport. I pulled into the parking lot. I was way early and Nick is like, you should go to the airport. Sit and read a book or something.
Starting point is 00:19:41 I don't know what you said. And I was like, that sounds awful. Did you say that? I mean, you're like, you should check it sounds like me. And I was it was like nine a.m. And I like or it was like maybe ten. Yeah, and our flight was at one thirty or something like that. And I was like, no, I'm not going to go up there now.
Starting point is 00:19:55 I've got nothing to do. So I put my seat all the way back and I laid down in my car. You know what I did? I put my my arm under the headrest and it was a great nap. Yeah, for like two and a half hours. I slept not for two and a half about probably about an hour and a half total nap. That's a long nap. It was about an hour and a half sleep, right?
Starting point is 00:20:16 Woke up, pulled the hose out of my window and out of the exhaust pipe. Another failure. Try again later. Then pulled a different hose out of your fly. Jesus. What type of hose is that? It's like a fire hose for a mouse police department.
Starting point is 00:20:46 Fire Department, a police department. Mitch, you know, we've been along for this whole journey. Eva, you were with us on the very first episode and I'm curious. You've been observing this. You've been observing this podcast. Yeah, do you think of the most fire department? You think there's a thing of cheese on fire that say, let it burn. That's good.
Starting point is 00:21:05 It's turned to melted cheese. Yeah, that probably happened. Yeah, probably. What is you like, like, like we did the first episode. Obviously, the podcast felt a little different. I did you tell that it was something important? That's not come on. Can I tell that I was on the verge of something truly special?
Starting point is 00:21:23 Well, it's so funny. I if you go back and listen to that first episode, there's no drops, right? There's no unlistable insults. You did the unsatisfied Yelper, which was a really good. You read an angry Yelp review, right? Which you stopped doing. Is our first episode our best episode? Probably. I think we peeked there.
Starting point is 00:21:42 We talked very. The thing that's funny is to me is that everyone's talking very quietly and measured and we're being very. It's almost like we're an NPR show or you guys are just like being so polite and deferring to each other in a very kind, gentle ways. It was no hint of what's to come and all the things that will go wrong. And it's just it's so funny. Yeah, watching this thing develop over the years has been so cool.
Starting point is 00:22:08 What a treat to have been involved. And I just like listening to it, too. It's it should have, you know, you and I were mean to each other over text and stuff. We were. Yeah. You found a text message that I like you found a text message where I insulted you and you looked at the timestamp and it was like from 2014. Yeah. And you're like, wait, that was before Dope Boys even started.
Starting point is 00:22:30 It was like that would they used to be just our our relationship for a while as our we would just text each other insults. I think partly because we both had jobs we disliked and we do it to kill time. It was my job for the birthday boy show. Yeah, you know. Um, do you remember when that was from or who the texts were with? I was going to try to find some of your insults. Armin, maybe. Oh, yeah, I was with Armin.
Starting point is 00:22:51 I was with Armin. Yeah, I'm going to look. I'll look him up. OK, we'll keep the conversation going. But you still suck at hosting after I'm good at it. I keep the show moving. I'm good at it. You're not good at the one looking at your phone. I'm getting material.
Starting point is 00:23:11 You're getting material from searching through your text archives. So that's good. There's funny stuff in here. I don't allow that on the show. I also want to show people how ruthless you were. Keep going, Nick. Keep so. So I'm as the podcast, like we've kept doing our dipshit dumb podcast, obviously.
Starting point is 00:23:33 But have you ever been back to Chili's? Have you returned since we reviewed it? No, I haven't. In fact, I had such a subpar experience at the it was at Tarzana Chili's. Yes, I think I would have given it like in real Neil Campbell fashion, like one star. Wow. If I if I was judging that first one on like these terms. Yes.
Starting point is 00:23:55 If I if I had history and like the I understood what the podcast was, right, because I was really nice to it. But that was a terrible meal. We all were very nice to it. And I think I think is a little bit of revisionism. Yeah, we would say or if we were advisors scores, we'd say like, yeah, I think I agree with you. Because we we had like I remember the ribs in particular.
Starting point is 00:24:15 We had these Dr. Pepper ribs, which I think you got as well. They're horrible. We went separately and the sauce was just like cloyingly sweet. The meat was like gray. It was just like and we like forgave all of that. And still, I think we're like three forks all around was the consensus. Something like that, a two fork meal at best. Yeah, it was it was not great.
Starting point is 00:24:32 But also, we didn't quite know what we were doing. We hadn't quite hit on the formula yet. Not that this is some fucking like love potion number nine or some shit. We didn't hit some fucking Matt. We didn't have the Coke formula. This is a this is a shitty formula, but it's a formula nonetheless and something that we stick through the forks with. Yeah, I guess the forks matter.
Starting point is 00:24:51 What do you do? Hey, you know what? That's a takeaway from this. The forks matter. The forks matter. The forks do matter, Nick. I found all your mean texts. All of them.
Starting point is 00:25:00 I did. I did. They're they're funny. Also, there's a lot of Cleveland Cavaliers hating here early on. Boy, I wish you wore Rip Hamilton style mask to partially hide your nightmarish face. Mike Mitchell was the number seven pick of the birthday boys. We were talking about this is all during the NBA draft. Yes, and then I said
Starting point is 00:25:29 Tyson number seven pick and then you said, although racist, asked Boston would come if they got another elite white forward. You're an asshole. I mean, they have they have welcomed Gordon Hayward with open arms. So this is before the podcast started. Yeah, for people if they want to get a glimpse into the fucking asshole freak that weigher is. Well, you're just presenting one side of it.
Starting point is 00:25:53 I was saying I was being nice. Being like my friend, I love you, my friend. The forks do matter, Nick. Yeah. What we've done, it's almost a service to the people. Have we transformed the discourse? I mean, the answer is clearly yes.
Starting point is 00:26:13 But how much have we transformed it? A lot. The answer is a lot. I hesitate to use the word revolution, but that's what this is. I say it's an evolution of food, of fast food, of podcasting, Nick. I'd say it's a combination of evolution and revolution, a rev evolution. Both the next step and a total reinvention.
Starting point is 00:26:44 Nick, we sold a show along the way. Yeah, we sold a show and then we got a low ball offer. And then we like the because they wanted the deal to go away. I was probably your fault that you almost spilled coffee on the man. You can still blame me on that. They were excited about it. The issue was that they were excited about the coffee spilled on them. The issue was that the head of reality changed at the network.
Starting point is 00:27:04 God, God's my head of reality. God is dead, man. Whoa, God's not dead. Haven't you seen who's in the White House? He's the real head of reality. No, the the that that was that that was a typical network situation. There's an old story in TV, whereas that we had we had a project and just in the same way that when I knew
Starting point is 00:27:30 Alpha male comes to a lion pack, he kills the young of the previous male. He kills their babies. That's fucked up. It's fucked up. But that's that's nature. It's the same sort of thing in TV development. It's just like this executive, a new executive came in the previous shows that were greenlit under his predecessors.
Starting point is 00:27:45 Watch he gets rid of and that that's what happened to us. Have you seen our planet on Netflix? Like the new like you saw some of it. Yeah, I've seen it. They show like they show just like a little baby seal getting fucking taken by a big white polar polar bear. It's fucked up. It's fucked up. Yeah. World is cold, man.
Starting point is 00:28:03 I know. It's fucked up. World is cold. Another lesson from the dough boys. The forks matter. The world is cold. The world is cold. Hey, soon it's going to be pretty hot, huh? Climate keeps changing.
Starting point is 00:28:14 Another lesson from the dough boys. The climate keeps changing. OK. Eva, you're someone who because we traveled for this episode, you are maybe the most well traveled person I know personally. You go all over the place. And Nick, you are the least well traveled person. That's true. I'm poorly traveled.
Starting point is 00:28:33 I haven't traveled much. Where do you like like you've not been outside of the United States, correct? Canada. I've been to Canada for dough boys. And I've been to Mexico for the International Camp Arie when I was in Boy Scouts. Oh, yeah. And I went to the oh, and I went to the Cayman Islands once. Oh, you saw turtles there. I saw turtles in the Cayman Islands.
Starting point is 00:28:54 Yeah, that was a lot of fun. Have you been? No. OK. But the so you're someone who's well traveled. I know you've been to Russia. I know you've been to Cuba. You've been all over the place. Where would you like to have any? I know you've been to China.
Starting point is 00:29:08 Any particular meals stand out from your your all your travels that like you think back on your like, oh, that was a that was some tasty grub or that was some unique grub I got from a different country. I went to Iceland last year. Wow. And they have cool hot dogs. It's really heard that there's a hot dog stand in the middle of town. It's kind of like the only way to eat cheaply there because food there is really expensive, but they do this.
Starting point is 00:29:32 They do they make our hot dogs half of half from beef, half from lamb. Whoa. They steam them in the bun. And then they put this like kind of aioli, like a mayonnaise, a remoulade sauce on it. And then there's both crispy fried onions and like sauteed onions on it. That sounds delightful. It's really good. And I could eat like a hundred of them.
Starting point is 00:29:54 That was really good. And also they serve a lot of like lamb and white fish there because that's what they that's what they create. Right. Everything else has to be flown in or grown in a greenhouse. And all the chocolate has black licorice in it. I had a great time. Did you have any putrified shark?
Starting point is 00:30:10 No, I didn't do that. I could have. Do you have the fucked up food when you go play? And I'm not trying to be culturally insensitive, although I did just say fucked up food, a reference to international cuisine. But you have like the like the food of the weird, the stuff that, you know, the food of the weird, the bizarre foods that add to Andrew Zimmer's phrase. I used to be more hardcore about that.
Starting point is 00:30:31 I don't do it as much anymore. Like when I was in Peru, I ate the guinea pig with its face and claws and everything. Oh, shit. And there is this street in Beijing called Snack Street, which is just like endless vendors with the most fucked up stuff. Any room for rent on Snack Street? And I had like the grossest thing I had on that was a starfish. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:30:56 Because that doesn't sound disgusting. It was just like eating a skeleton. Oh, interesting. Was Fred Durst in line behind you with a jar of chocolate sauce? Yeah. Yeah. I think I think we talked about his sex tape on this podcast. Oh, right.
Starting point is 00:31:15 Oh, man, it's been a really fun time, guys. Yeah. Wait, that's not the one because the one where who's the guy who gets. Is it Scott? It's Kid Rock and Scott Stapp get dome next to each other, right? They're like sitting on the same like scummy couch, getting getting a dome from some strippers. They're all OK showing this off.
Starting point is 00:31:35 I mean, I think these tapes just exist. And I don't think they circulated these intentionally. Maybe they did. Proudly, they're like this goes out there to my fans. I like Frazier's sex tape, the one because he was like it was like him. And I think his then girlfriend, maybe wife, he made it in a Kelsey grammar. He made it in one of those places like there's places you can run out where you can just have a professionally shot porno for your own self glorification.
Starting point is 00:31:58 And so he just did one at one of those places. And did he toss out? Yeah, it edited. Toss salad. And also you learn what scrambling eggs mean. Gnarly. Yeah, that's the most interesting food I've eaten recently. And yeah, I guess I could have looked for like putrefried shark.
Starting point is 00:32:17 Yeah, it sometimes just feels like that's a stunt. Yeah, I got you. And I was in my early 20s. I was like, fuck, yeah, I want to eat the stunt. And now I'm like, I'd rather eat anything else. I'm like, they say that it is like a hangover cure. But then people are like, well, you can't like get it. It's so gross that like, sure, if you get it down, it's a hangover cure
Starting point is 00:32:37 because you've like already thrown up. By the way, I looked over there and turned on the AC and you song and while you were having a stare off, what's going on over there, you song? We're just having a goof. They're staring intensely at each other. What's going on there? I think it's a dominance. I'm going to Mexico City.
Starting point is 00:33:02 Very wow and coming up and I'm going to restaurant that you know the first restaurant you said I should go to. I'm going to yeah. I've never eaten there. Joe, I've just heard about it. It's supposed to be so great. How do you pronounce it? I heard Pujol, but I might be wrong.
Starting point is 00:33:18 But they Nick they have a they they they basically one of the what's the word I'm looking for? It's like an omacasi taco thing. Right? Yes. Yeah, it's all it's a bunch of different. How did you figure that out from that?
Starting point is 00:33:32 That was an amazing mental connection. No, we both know about the restaurant. Oh, OK, and so yeah, his fist into his arm and I said, oh, my God, it's like what is she got it amazing connection? We have a yeah, we might know. But there's a bunch of different. Yeah, you get a lot of different tacos and then there's there's a pulverized flying ants that they put on like these little corn
Starting point is 00:33:55 corn with mayo and they put like this pulverized ant on top of it, which I'm not a bug guy at all. Right. And then there's like ant larva or larva. I don't know what the plural is larvae. You've got to eat bugs in Mexico. Yeah, they do good bugs. I don't like bugs.
Starting point is 00:34:10 And you have like chapellinas. Yeah, chapellinas are nice. I've never had chapellinas as they are. That's what I'm afraid of. They're good. They're like well seasoned and it's just like a good texture. It's like eating little popcorn. But they're grasshoppers.
Starting point is 00:34:20 I've also heard that that's and you're a man who's a popcorn fan. But I heard, you know, and I think I've said this on the podcast before, but crunchy foods, the reason people like crunchy foods, it's theorized is because bugs are so nutritious. So we evolved to like bugs. And so when we're having chips or crackers or popcorn or nuts, it's because we're basically eating eating something that's akin to a bug. No, yeah, it is what I mean.
Starting point is 00:34:43 Kuran's Doritos in my brain. I think that that's a some sort of bug. Yeah, I think it's insane going like, mm beetles. No, I'm not eating beetles. Yeah, you want you like beetles. I do not like beetles. I like the beetles.
Starting point is 00:34:58 I don't like any other. I don't like any bug, Nick. You're about to love Aunt Larva. Yeah, I don't go like I don't know if I think it's going to be tough for me. You know what happened to me when I was a boy? I remember I was at my grandma's house and I took a sip of my coke and there and then there was wiggling in my mouth and there was a carpenter ant in it, which is like the big black ants and it just forever stuck with me.
Starting point is 00:35:20 And I never wanted another bug in my mouth again. You got any bug eating stories, Nick? I don't know if I'm trying to remember if I've inadvertently eaten a bug. I mentioned I found a bee in my salad once. A dead bee in my in my airport salad, but I didn't end up putting it in my mouth. I was in New Orleans right after Hurricane Katrina with my dad on the bar there. And we were all in this building
Starting point is 00:35:43 and waiting for Hurricane Rita to hit and I was all like anxious. And so there was like a closet with all the booze from the bar. Yeah. And they had they had those spouts on the top. So I poured myself a glass, like a shot of Jameson and drink it. And it was full of mosquitoes. Oh, my God. It all climbed down the spout.
Starting point is 00:36:06 Oh, my God. Like a mouthful of booze. Just it was like 15 mosquitoes that I saw. That's fucking crazy. What a nightmare. It was the worst moment. And I was like, I just swat. I just like like I went down my throat.
Starting point is 00:36:20 Oh, God, that's awful. It's just wretch. You literally wretch. You OK? That's fucking nasty. That's disgusting. Wait, so they were like just like living in the bottle. They're dead.
Starting point is 00:36:32 Well, they did all flown in the spout and drowned. Jesus Christ. All the bottles were full of drowned dead. Miss like I probably got West Nile. We just talked about Dracula and on a future episode, going into a mirror maze, which is the time. Yeah, the timeline in the show is confusing with future episodes. We're talking about stuff from the past in and then we're going.
Starting point is 00:36:52 We're talking about mirror mazes trademarked by me, the Dracula into a mirror maze in a movie. Oh, yeah. So we have a movie where they they pull Dracula into a mirror maze and they can't, you know, it gets confused. Anyways, can't see his reflection. It's a good idea. What about mosquitoes and Dracula's like of a mosquito sucks
Starting point is 00:37:10 a Dracula, just a very interesting area to vampire mosquito. Yeah. Like if you can transmit akin to malaria, if you could transmit vampirism via mosquitoes, if they could be carriers for it. That's interesting. Yeah, I'm on fire today with ideas. Have they done like a swamp vampire sort of situation?
Starting point is 00:37:31 That's good, too. Because yeah, I think I think we did swamps down. Well, because the interview with a vampire, that's New Orleans, right? Am I wrong? Yeah, isn't true blood swamp vampires? OK, so they're but I don't know if mosquitoes factor in any of these. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:37:43 Maybe. I think it works. I like it. Drain your standing water. This. Yes. Another lesson from the Doughboys. Drain your standing water.
Starting point is 00:37:53 Nick, this is the Thinking Man's podcast at 200 episodes. I can officially say Doughboys is better than Comedy Bang Bang. Scott will never hear that. Yeah. No, he doesn't listen to this shit. Nick, would you like to say we're better than another podcast as well? I can say with confidence. Say Marin.
Starting point is 00:38:15 That Doughboys is better than the Doughboys' Patreon fee. I know that the main episodes are better than the doubles. Patreon is the best thing we have. Yeah, sign up for the paywall. Those are good. Those are good ones. The good stuff's behind the paywall. We're putting this whole thing behind the paywall soon enough.
Starting point is 00:38:35 And then we're going to just lock it up completely. No one gets to listen to it. Yeah, we got the Doughboys vault, like the Disney vault. You're going to release special editions and big cases? Right. We'll cut out all the problematic stuff. So episodes will be like four minutes long. There's an alternate Mitch, the early Mitch.
Starting point is 00:38:56 It's an offensive caricature of a Bostonian who's not aged well. It was OK in 2015 time, but viewed through a modern lens. It's inappropriate. Now that white men as a species are dying out. Yeah, they're a minority. We need to protect them. Look, we're trying to raise awareness of white genocide here. The original Wyger character was eight feet tall.
Starting point is 00:39:18 Yeah, fuck it. I liked it. I like the BFG. Yeah. It's fun. That was wholesome. Was he like the big cat on the boat with Steamboat Willie? Yeah, yes.
Starting point is 00:39:29 It was like a little, a little Mitch mouse. Who is that Pete? That's Pete, right? Is it angry Pete? No, that's not right. Pissed off Pete? What's his name? It was Pissed Off Pete.
Starting point is 00:39:41 Yeah, that 1920s Walt Disney short was Pissed Off Pete. Nothing's really happened since we started the podcast. You mean like to us or in the world? I mean in the world. Yeah, it's all kind of been the same. 2015, fast forward to 2019. No one would say anything has changed in a political sense. I mean, things just got shittier is what I mean.
Starting point is 00:40:00 Right. It's just gotten like kind of worse and whatever, boring and bad and worse. Yeah, I guess so. Is it the podcast fault is what I'm getting at? I mean, we've definitely paralleled that. I think the show has gotten worse and more boring and bad. There was a big turning point when you said
Starting point is 00:40:15 that Hillary Clinton had won and then she lost. Right. That was a bad moment for the podcast. You think I jinxed the election. I kind of do, yes. You're putting it on me. Yes. I mean, it was a big swing for me to take.
Starting point is 00:40:25 Not as big of a swing as, I mean, if you trust the Nate Silver's of the world. Not that big of a swing. But more like Nate Bronze as far as I'm concerned. So one less. One less. One less. The, you know, like I shouldn't have made that prediction
Starting point is 00:40:45 and we probably should have edited it before release that episode. But then also whatever, fucking who cares? Again, it sort of speaks to us being wrong and us also being lazy. But beyond that, beyond all that, as someone who's well traveled, not just where you go, but what you're eating on the way to where you're going is a factor.
Starting point is 00:41:06 What is your approach? Do you get to the airports early? Do you spend a little bit of time there? What do you eat in transit when you're on a flight? I love airport bars. And I like to show up early, try out whatever weird local airport bar there is. Very excited because the Burbank Airport now
Starting point is 00:41:27 has three Guy Fieri restaurants. That's very exciting. Some of the only ones on the west coast of this country. And they're all three of them in the, one of the terminals of the Burbank Airport. So that really, really made me happy. That's rad. Yeah, but anywhere I can get like a weird little booth,
Starting point is 00:41:43 I always show up at least an hour and a half early for a flight. And I don't like to eat on the plane. I'm like, you Mitch, I think it's gross. Yeah, it's gross. But I love restaurants and airports. Here's what I'll do. And I'll do a, I won't bring food onto the plane
Starting point is 00:41:59 because I feel like that's weird. But I will like, if they're handing out kind bars, I'll take a kind bar. I'll take some cookies. I'll take a banana. I'll have like a snack. By the way, I love it. That, I feel like that's the thing in recent years
Starting point is 00:42:11 they started carrying bananas, like actual bananas. That's crazy. I've never seen that. I love it. They got a real banana. There's not minions in the cockpit. Oh man, if Bob and Stuart and Kevin were flying, we are not getting to our destination.
Starting point is 00:42:25 I like biscoff cookies. Oh, those are nice. Those are great. A cup of coffee. Those are great for dipping. Yeah. Mitch, one of your cats just jumped up on the counter in the kitchen.
Starting point is 00:42:33 Is that okay? Yeah, it's fine. Okay. Who is the Wally or Irma? I got a, oh, it's sealed. Okay. Is it Wally? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:42:42 I don't know. They look the same. Weigur. We don't know. I saw the back half of your cat. Emma knows. It's Wally. I can't see from my angle.
Starting point is 00:42:49 I can't see the cat's face. They've been around for three years. It's their third birthday. Look, there are two black and white cats. One's a boy, one's a girl. They should have visible genitalia if they want me to identify them. Nick comes in the house and he holds them up
Starting point is 00:43:02 and it looks between their legs every time he comes in the door. Is that why you put pants on them? Yes. They have to wear pants around Weigur. Yeah. You should know Wally by now. I don't remember which one has which face.
Starting point is 00:43:18 Wally has the white streak down his face. Okay. Don't they both have that? No. He has a big white spot on his face. And Irma just has an all black face? Yes. Okay.
Starting point is 00:43:29 I'll keep that in mind. Wait, does she, she doesn't have any white on her? And she's tiny. What the, what's going on here? They're both tuxedo cats, right? They both have a little, they both have some, they're both like black and white. Isn't that cool to be a tuxedo cat?
Starting point is 00:43:39 That's awesome. Mr. Mestofiles is in the musical cats. He's the magical cat and he's a tuxedo cat. Is that what you song played? You song, what part were you in cats? I was a nameless cat. Okay. You song was a nameless cat. A nameless cat.
Starting point is 00:43:51 That was my first role ever was a munchkin. Were you really? Yeah. I was also a munchkin. Oh yeah. Nick. Hey, I'm a munchkin. That made me sound fresh.
Starting point is 00:44:05 I was the very large munchkin. Nice. Yeah. And then I learned, this was last year, right? Yes. For the reboot of Wizard of Oz. I learned old dude, Aronomy. Oh, you did? For Armon, Armon, Aronomy.
Starting point is 00:44:21 I learned Aronomy. I learned Aronomy. I learned Aronomy. I learned Aronomy. I learned Aronomy. I learned Aronomy. For Armon, Armon was like, hey, I have like a bit in the show
Starting point is 00:44:29 where you're gonna come out and sing old dude Aronomy like in a dress up as like a trash cat. He's done that bit in every show where there's like a Andrew Lloyd Webber music. Oh yeah. Remember that he sings or someone sings? I buy it on iTunes and I listen to it for like a week straight learning it.
Starting point is 00:44:47 And then I get there and he's like, we're not gonna do that. So I was like, oh great. But now I know old dude Aronomy. Okay. Give us a little old dude Aronomy. Old dude Aronomy lived a long life. That's right. I forget the rest of it.
Starting point is 00:45:01 If the song was playing, I could do it. I mean, this was like seven years ago. Right, I gotcha. We should do karaoke and make you sing it. As a cat who had my lies for progression, I forget what it is. You're doing, this is right. Is that musical just, I've never seen it.
Starting point is 00:45:14 It's just about a bunch of like fucking cats. Yeah, it's based on a T.S. Eliot book of poems. Oh, okay. And the cats get introduced and at the very end there's a very small plot where one cat gets to go to heaven and there's like a prostitute cat that gets to go to heaven. Wow.
Starting point is 00:45:30 But then the guy who gets to decide is briefly kidnapped for one song and then they find him and then she goes to heaven. The cat? Who gets to decide? Yeah, old dude Aronomy gets to decide. Yeah, my guy. He's like the king of the cats.
Starting point is 00:45:40 Oh, interesting. And then the bad cat kidnaps him. Then the magical cat makes him reappear and then they send the cat up. Man, I don't know what Andrew Lloyd Weber was smoking when he wrote this musical, but pass me some. God.
Starting point is 00:45:58 Do you want, I found the lyrics. Okay, yeah. Should I sing it? Yes, please. This will truly get me exiled from Quincy. Old dude Aronomy's lived a long time. He's a cat who has lived many lives in succession. He was famous in proverb and famous in rhyme
Starting point is 00:46:17 a long while before Queen Victoria's accession. Ugh. Old dude Aronomy's buried nine wives and more I am tempted to say 99 and his numerous progeny, prospers and thrives in the village is proud of him in his decline. And then the nameless cat says. No.
Starting point is 00:46:54 That's not true. You saw. And then I also had to learn memories. I didn't have to sing a night. Of course it didn't. It fell apart. You have such a beautiful singing voice, Mitch. Oh, thank you.
Starting point is 00:47:05 I always love when I get to hear you sing. That was a bad version. I did a bad job there, but. You were doing a little read for something you weren't super familiar with. You've never seen. Do you know they're gonna make it? They're gonna make the movie cats.
Starting point is 00:47:16 Are they really? This is where we should say we should announce it. I mean, this is the perfect time to announce it. I guess it, I guess it is. Just announce it. Next month on the Doe Boys Double, May Owl, a month of cat related content. That's right.
Starting point is 00:47:30 We're doing all cat Doe Boys Doubles. All cat Doe Boys. Check us out on slash Doe Boys. And does the last episode, do you adopt a cat, Nick? No. Maybe we can. I'll adopt you song. Oh God.
Starting point is 00:47:48 Does he have to sleep at the foot of your bed? I mean, he already does. We'll take a break. We'll be back with more Doe Boys. Wow. Wow. Welcome back to Doe Boys. Here with Eva Anderson, our 200th episode.
Starting point is 00:48:08 So for our first every episode, we went to Chili's. For our 200th, we went to the nearest Chili's 2, which is at the Vegas airport. And have you guys ever been to an airport Chili's prior to this experience? Yeah. I ate at the Mexico City airport Chili's. Wow.
Starting point is 00:48:24 And it was really bad. I was with my best friend Amy and we both got, we had food poisoning and we were stuck at the Mexico City Chili's for a long time, but it was a good Chili's. We just, we were slowly getting sick from food we'd eaten on our trip. Oh God.
Starting point is 00:48:39 You didn't get food poisoning from the Chili's. No, no. It was like leftover from the last meal we had in Cuba. I spent some time at one of the Chicago airports. I don't remember if it's O'Hare or Midway, whichever one has a Chili's. Maybe they both do. So maybe that doesn't narrow it down.
Starting point is 00:48:51 But I spent some time, Natalie and I spent some time at one of those Chili's when we had a layover and we had a lovely experience. It was a very nice, very nice place to get some food. I've even had a Chili's in an airport, but I don't remember any specifics. I remember this one. We'll remember this one for sure.
Starting point is 00:49:05 Before we get into it Eva, we talked a little bit about Vegas while we were there. What is your experience and thoughts on Vegas as a vacation destination? I have an interesting family history with Vegas. My parents had a magic act and they were like, my dad had a long time residency. He performed at the Circus Circus
Starting point is 00:49:29 and then my parents performed at the Riviera. They opened for Kenny Rogers and Debbie Reynolds and in the 70s. And then when I was a kid, we would go back and we would go to like the old casinos. The one we spent time at was called the Desert Inn. I remember the Desert Inn. It's one of the old school like rat pack casinos.
Starting point is 00:49:51 And so I have these memories of like people in like cocktail dresses like on the floor of a casino being like, things don't exist anymore. But yeah, it was like kind of baked into my family culture. And now I enjoy going to see Chris Angel and other weird magic shows there sometimes. I like going to Vegas a few times a year. I mostly just hang out, see a show, eat some food.
Starting point is 00:50:19 I don't really gamble. But I like the city. I like driving there too because you can stop at Calico Ghost Town, which is like this very weird theme park that's in an old ghost town on the way. And I just went there last time and I had a really good time by myself.
Starting point is 00:50:32 I saw, I was at Calico. They have a fucking, they have an ice cream parlor there. Do they? Oh yeah. Okay, so I have a very vivid memory of, I was at a Boy Scout trip. We went to Calico Ghost Town and at the ice cream parlor,
Starting point is 00:50:46 this dude, it was the first time I ever saw like a guy like hit on a woman, I remember. And it was the, this guy, he was asking for flavor samples. And this woman was like, what do you like? And he says, I'd like to taste your flavors. And I was like, yeah. I was looking back, I was like, oh, that's kind of gross.
Starting point is 00:51:01 But at the time I was like, oh, that's a guy's hitting on her. Like, I understand what, like, I picked up this one. This is my frame of reference now. Yeah, yeah. I'm gonna act like this guy. It's the plural of flavors. Yeah, I know, yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:13 It's like, that applies. Yeah, he did a bad job even being creepy. Yeah, I guess so. Was it like multiple flavors? Right, he kind of had a disco stew vibe too. He was kind of like dressed like from another time. Jesus. Yeah, it was, but that's all I remember.
Starting point is 00:51:27 Literally all I remember from going to Calico Ghost Town. Did he, did you let him eat her out? Yeah, I also had my first memory of observing cunnilingus was in that ice cream parlor. So yeah, that's my Vegas. I like Vegas. I like it too. Ice cream shop in a ghost town is like a,
Starting point is 00:51:46 that's a, seems like a spot for Slimer to set up shop. Yeah, he'd be in Hog Heaven. Hey, you know, if I died, you could do worse than haunting an ice cream parlor. Yeah. Wouldn't mind being there. Like all the leftover sample spoons? You could lick them?
Starting point is 00:52:04 If you're the kind of ghost who can and do some sort of interaction with the real world. If you're just trapped and you can, you're looking at all this delicious ice cream that you can never actually taste, you should probably be driven insane. Perform cunnilingus on that lady. Oh, Slimer probably would be good at that.
Starting point is 00:52:21 Slimer can get pretty deep. Slimer only likes hot dogs though, right? That's true. Yeah. Hey, work out in a different way. Mitch, how do you feel about fakes? Oh, can I share something about, I know I just asked you a question,
Starting point is 00:52:36 but I just thought of something involving you. Yeah, yeah. So I don't know if I told this on the podcast before, but so Gabriel's and I went to Vegas and as part of a group, we ran a half marathon. And who else was supposed to run that half marathon? Your buddy, Wu-Tang. Yeah, Wu-Tang was supposed to run it.
Starting point is 00:52:52 Flew out from Quincy and got too drunk, overslept and missed the race. He didn't do the race. And then just flew home. He did. Ha ha ha ha ha. So funny. I didn't even see him.
Starting point is 00:53:05 It fuckin' ruled. Shout out to Wu-Tang. He had a blast, I'm sure. I'm sure he had more fun than you did. I'm sure he did. I know, I would, I like made us, like I had one drink and then went to bed at like 9 p.m. So I could get enough sleep for this fuckin' awful race.
Starting point is 00:53:19 The last time I went to Vegas with Nick, we took a party bus there for a friend's bachelor party. That's right. Nick got motion sickness on the party bus. The party bus broke down halfway there. Nick got motion sickness. We went to Vegas. You went to Margaritaville the next day,
Starting point is 00:53:38 then you went back to your hotel room. You went to bed and you got an earlier flight for Sunday. You left early Sunday morning, is that correct? I didn't want to take the party bus home again because I'd had such a bad experience. Oh man, I've never been on a party bus. Let me tell ya, I did not care for it. I got motion sick.
Starting point is 00:53:56 He got motion sick. I mean, it was- Were you reading? Yeah. You're reading a book? I brought James Joyce's Ulysses for this bachelor party weekend. I overall had a good time.
Starting point is 00:54:09 I spent some time in the cabana. I didn't take my shirt off, but I was down there. That makes two of us. Yeah, I mean, you did not have fun. The first time I went to Vegas, I was about 13 or 13 probably. And we stayed at the Mirage. Cool.
Starting point is 00:54:30 Which is the volcano out front. It's got the little volcano. Oh yeah, very cool. I saw Cirque du Soleil. I don't remember too much else about it. We went to the Grand Canyon, there was snow on the ground. It was like in April and there was like snow.
Starting point is 00:54:44 And we were like, what the fuck? We were like in shorts and it was cold when we got up there. So I never really loved Vegas too, too much. I told Eva this, I liked magic when I was a boy. And I'll tell the story, but then you gotta tell the story about, because it's very funny.
Starting point is 00:55:00 But I went and saw David Copperfield when I was a boy. I really liked Copperfield. His last, I remember like, this is like what broke me up with magic a little bit, was his last, his big final act was, he was like, I never saw the snow as a boy. And then he pulls a blanket over himself. And then there's like a little David Copperfield,
Starting point is 00:55:19 like in a white shirt. And I remember as a boy being like, this is like stupid. I know that that's not David Copperfield. Like he didn't transform or something like that. And then when I went to get his autograph afterwards, he was sitting on a table in a chair, like a chair on top of a table. And he was just staring down at me.
Starting point is 00:55:38 Like a judge? Like a judge and he didn't say anything. He just looked at me as I walked by. And then that was it. That's what broke, because I loved magic. And I still do love magic. And I was lucky enough to see Eva's dad perform at the magic castle.
Starting point is 00:55:50 And it was like one of the coolest nights ever. And there were like all these magicians that like crowded in there to see your dad. And it was, it was awesome. And I still love magic, but that, that my love affair with David Copperfield ended at that point. Eva, you told the story about a final act in a show and...
Starting point is 00:56:08 Well, I'm not, I don't want to spoil the end of his show. I was going to say the story you told me to tell. Oh, the David Copperfield story. Yeah. Oh God, yeah. So my dad had a shop in New Orleans and he was selling a bunch of kind of amazing magic props. And David Copperfield came to town
Starting point is 00:56:23 and they were old friends. And he like went through my dad's shop and decided like, I'm going to buy so much shit from you guys. Cause he has an island. And he was basically going to like, it was going to be this huge, huge like deal they were going to do. And then David Copperfield said,
Starting point is 00:56:40 I'm taking you guys out to dinner to celebrate. And he took my dad and my stepmom, put them in a van and drove them to the Taco Bell drive-through and just said my usual to his assistant. And then they just like sat in the back of his van and ate like Taco Bell. And then he dropped them off and was like, bye.
Starting point is 00:56:58 And then they called. He was like, I'm not buying anything. That's so funny. Which is like the funniest troll I've ever, I mean, I want to do that to everyone for the rest of my life. That's so funny. That's so insane.
Starting point is 00:57:14 I'll be though, like, I've got to say, if someone was like, I'll take you out to dinner and they took me to Taco Bell, it wouldn't be that disappointing. I could roll with that. Sure. But yeah, that is like such a weird, what a weird move when you're a rich person,
Starting point is 00:57:27 when you're super rich and you say you're going to take someone out to dinner. In New Orleans, which is like the most famous food city. That's so crazy. That's insane. That's just like that David Copperfield has like a standard order from Taco Bell that no one knows. I wonder what it is.
Starting point is 00:57:40 I know. Do you not have to say, but what is the show that has a great final act? Well, his current Vegas show. Oh, it is his current Vegas show. Has a very crazy, and I haven't seen it, but I've heard about it from Jason Wilner and Scott Gardner. And they haven't spoiled it on podcast, so I won't,
Starting point is 00:57:56 but they've described it to me and it sounds very, very crazy. Copperfields or Chris Angels? Both. Both, okay. Yeah, they both, Chris Angels show I've seen multiple times and it does have the most insane ending I've ever seen in a magic show,
Starting point is 00:58:09 but everybody says it's trumped by the insane Copperfield ending. Wow. I will say, cause I've tweeted this, that the Chris Angels show ends with him using magic to cure pediatric cancer. Dear God. That is true.
Starting point is 00:58:23 And he claimed he was doing an all new show after they'd ended that way. I went out to Vegas by myself and saw it and it still ended with that. And at that time I got a meet and greet with Chris Angel cause I was like, fuck it, I'm here alone. And so I got in line for the meet and greet and it was like four of us.
Starting point is 00:58:45 And this woman came out and she was like, by the way, this is the last meet and greet Chris will ever do for the rest of his life. Wow. I was like, wow. And the guy in front of me was playing like a really violent iPhone game with the sound on, which was super weird, like shooting, shooting, shooting,
Starting point is 00:59:01 shooting. And then we, I was the last one in, you get three pictures and I took my three pictures with him. And then I walked out and I heard Chris Angel go, that's all? Oh. And it was like. He wanted more.
Starting point is 00:59:15 Yeah. Wow. And then I went to, the show was like fantastic. You guys, if you're in Vegas, see one of those two shows. Wiger, I mean, now that I think about your last is, are these, oh, like you did the marathon. Yeah. So you, you went to an airport and didn't leave the airport.
Starting point is 00:59:33 Right. You did a marathon and then you drove and got sick. You're having weird Vegas trips. Why did you get motion sickness? You were, were you reading something or no? I'm usually okay on the, on, you know, I'm a big mass transit fan. I commute by bus and by rail.
Starting point is 00:59:46 I took the train over here. When you're writing your manifesto, is it my manifesto like trailed off when you got, when you got nauseous? No. I think it was the, it's like not as stable as a bus and we're like on the freeway. So it's like, it's like a higher speed.
Starting point is 01:00:03 Yeah. And it's something about where I was sitting and then, oh, you know what it was? That the windows are tinted. So you don't have a good look at the road. That was it. So like, like I'm just like in motion, but I usually am looking out at the road to,
Starting point is 01:00:13 to sort of like center myself. Can I say, can I say something to you? Yeah. Just something honest to you right now. Please. You are a fucking dork, my man. I took 200 episodes for you to figure that out. Finally comes out.
Starting point is 01:00:25 You are a fucking dork, my man. Let's talk about chilies. So, we went there, the. We just explained how we got there. Okay. So we took a flight from, we flew from LAX. Yeah, you, you, you really, you were like very casual about this, this insane thing.
Starting point is 01:00:45 Right. Well, we wanted to go to an air, we wanted to do chilies again because we figured we'll do chilies again. And then we know, we know that the airport chilies for a time were branded as chilies too. So we're like 200th episode, chilies too, returning to the spot where we first started.
Starting point is 01:00:58 That seems like some, some, a fun synergy. And then the closest one, like I said, was at the Vegas airport. So we flew from LAX to Vegas. We didn't leave the airport terminal. We went to the chilies there in the, and, and we ate and then we flew back. So the meal, we.
Starting point is 01:01:16 Wait, can I say this really quick? Yeah. We flew it up to the airport with nothing, except your switch in a little suitcase. That's right. I have a little tote bag for my switch. A little tiny suitcase for a switch. And I came with absolutely your bag.
Starting point is 01:01:27 You had nothing even in your pockets, it seemed like. I had my phone in my wallet. And that was it. You were just gonna sleep. Cause we were, I think it was like an eight or nine hour day for us. And I feel like Mitch, you slept for four of those hours. Like for real, you slept both ways on the plane
Starting point is 01:01:40 and you slept for two hours in your car. An hour and a half in my car. But that wasn't the start of the day to be fair. That was before you guys were even, well, actually it turned out you guys were at the airport when I woke up and I was like, where are you guys? And you guys were in there for about a half an hour.
Starting point is 01:01:52 So about a half an hour of this, of that I slept. Right. I brought my purse. You brought your switch. You brought nothing. We got on the plane. We got to Vegas. We went to the Chili's.
Starting point is 01:02:01 And you sang in Weigar, the time geniuses as I'll call them, we're both like, we should give ourselves some time in Vegas. And we'll get like the eight at PM flight home. We could have left. We could have, we were done so fast. We were there for four hours. We were there for four fucking hours. There were two flight options.
Starting point is 01:02:20 The other one looked like it might have been a little bit of a tight squeeze. The one, the one closer. Mitch, I'm not going to trust your judgment on anything time related. I was. You're notoriously late to things. I was, I was, I was right here.
Starting point is 01:02:32 I'd rather have a little bit more of a buffer. We played it safe and it worked out fine. It was interesting. In Vegas you're probably going to get a Michael Buffer. Are you ready to crumble? That's food related. I like a cookie. You pointed this out that the Saturday afternoon
Starting point is 01:02:50 there was literally, we were the only ones at the airport. Yeah. Because I know everyone had already gotten there and left. So we were just in this completely empty airport looking out the window at the strip, which we could see because it's two and a half miles away. We could see the strip buildings, but we didn't go there. No.
Starting point is 01:03:06 And we just- You can see a pyramid, a casino that's built like a pyramid. The Luxor. The Luxor and we're just in this shitty airport which has gotten shittier as time has- I remember when I got there when I was like 13 years old, I was like, whoa, this is crazy. And now it's a sad state in that place.
Starting point is 01:03:26 It's not, it's not the, it's seen better days. It maybe could use a refurbishment, especially with all the money in that local area. But so we were at the Chili's. We were trying to get a table for three and the host set didn't have any at the time. When we arrived, they offered us a two person one with a bench seating.
Starting point is 01:03:49 I knew you were gonna set this fucking story. And we were like, no, we'll just wait for a three person thing. We weren't in any rush. And she was kind of like, but this one's ready. She didn't quite understand why we didn't have any urgency. And then, so anyway, we waited like 10 minutes, another booth opened up,
Starting point is 01:04:03 or one that could accommodate three people. And Mitch, we were in the restroom. So you came back. I knew you were gonna tell the story. She saw you for the first time. Fucking piece of shit. And she's like, she's to me and Eva. She's like, oh, that's your friend.
Starting point is 01:04:17 Oh, okay. Which I don't even think, I think you're projecting this onto her more than she even did. It seemed like she said it in a knowing way. Like she was kind of like, oh, I get what you want. Fuck off. You're a man, look, you're a man of size.
Starting point is 01:04:29 I'm not trying to shape you. Yes, I'm Hodor sized. I'm the size of a fucking casino. I can't fit in the airport. What the fuck are you talking about? I'm the size of the MGM lion. I can't fit in the fucking booth. You're full of shit.
Starting point is 01:04:45 It's bullshit. You know what I think about that? The hostess? Yes. A little less conversational, a little more action. It was a, but you know- Oh God, delete this episode. Delete all of them.
Starting point is 01:05:02 You son, can you delete all of them? I'm sorry I said you were bad at time. We were there for so long, it sucked. You said, it's funny to say someone's bad at time. You son, you're bad at time. I'm good with time. Oh shit, I agree, I agree. 200 episodes, he's broke, he's coming back at me.
Starting point is 01:05:20 Nameless cat is asserting himself. So that booth situation got settled. We got a nice ample booth with a lot of room for all of us. We would have been tight. We weren't squeezed in tight in there. It wasn't a size thing on you. No shit. But-
Starting point is 01:05:35 That's why you don't have to bring it up. The booth we got, I thought her reaction was funny. The server we got was sorry and she was terrific. Her name was sorry, S-A-R-R-I. And she did a great job accommodating us as we took up a lot of her time sitting there and ordered a lot of things. We started with some drinks.
Starting point is 01:05:50 I got myself- Yeah, she kinda seemed to hate us towards the end, to be honest with you. She might have just been confused as why we were clearly spending so much time there. Although I feel like people have layovers, people have time to kill, people's flights get delayed. I got the Tropical Sunrise Margarita,
Starting point is 01:06:03 which is basically a margarita with some melon schnapps in it. Mitch, I think you got the Tito's Punch, is that correct? I did. It's got Tito's vodka, Malibu rum, sour mix and pineapple juice. And Eva, you got yourself a brew dog and a shot. A Bud Light and a shot of whiskey. The most badass order of us all, it was cool.
Starting point is 01:06:21 Yeah, it was great. She just gave me that whiskey too. I was like, I ordered the Bud Light, she's like, you want a shot? I was like, yeah. She did kinda push the shot, that was cool. Yeah. Yeah, I liked it.
Starting point is 01:06:30 It was great. I liked that Tito's Punch, I thought it was nice. It was my favorite of the drinks I got, it was good. I thought my Sunrise Margarita was a little too sweet. I feel like schnapps a lot of times added in a drink is just like, I don't know, like they taste kind of artificially sometimes. And then this was one of them where that was the case.
Starting point is 01:06:47 The second round I got, the Presidente Margarita, I liked more, just more of a traditional Margarita, made with Patron's Citrone, which is Patron's triple sec and has some brandy in there. And it comes in a little shaker that you can shake at the table and self pour, which is a lot of fun. And I got the El Nino.
Starting point is 01:07:05 The El Nino Margarita, yeah. The famous Chris Farley sketch and a pretty bad, what was that? Was that a hurricane or was it a tropical storm? It was just a storm situation. It's a weather front. Yeah, no, it's fun. It's a weather pattern.
Starting point is 01:07:19 But that was just another riff on a Margarita, just with some different components. It was a bit tasty, but I liked the Tito's Punch more. Yeah, I liked my Presidente if I was going to rank them. A lot of Chili's cocktails can be pretty sweet. How dare you get the Presidente when that monster is our President. Oh, you mean the orange buffoon?
Starting point is 01:07:39 I think that we've done, in our 200 episodes, we've really taken that orange buffoon down a page. We've taken him down a page. You absolutely destroyed him. Yeah. I'm surprised that he hasn't resigned. I mean, I think he will after this episode.
Starting point is 01:07:57 So we really got to him by saying he doesn't deserve, it doesn't deserve to be called the El Presidente. I think he got to him by saying, nothing much has happened in the last four years. We got the, and food-wise, and Eva, your beer and shot, I mean, did you have any remarks on any of that? Just, it was fine.
Starting point is 01:08:19 Did you get a draft? Yeah. Was it a good quality draft? Nice, cool, cold draft. Oh, you can ask for. The triple dipper we got, and we also got some boneless wings. So the triple dipper,
Starting point is 01:08:29 it's three halves of your choice. I really pushed this, I apologize. No, it's good. No, I think it worked out, actually. Because you can get the boneless wings as part of the triple dipper, but Mitch was like, I'm gonna want more wings. So we got a separate order of boneless wings,
Starting point is 01:08:39 which we just got with a buffalo sauce. And I think it came with ranch, right? They didn't have blue cheese. I think it came with ranch, yeah. Yeah, it just had ranch. It didn't have a blue cheese option. It's, again, a limited menu there. We got the awesome blossom petals,
Starting point is 01:08:49 which are just the, basically onion sticks, just the petal part of the awesome blossom, which they no longer have in the menu. The crispy cheddar bites, which are cheese curds, deep fried with some chili spices and cilantro, and the big mouth bites, which are sliders with bacon, American cheese, sauteed onions.
Starting point is 01:09:07 And then the dipping sauce is you get a blossom sauce, anchovy chili ranch, and a house-made ranch. And I think that that blossom sauce has a little bit of horseradish to it. And is there is a tie-in to the show blossom? There is, yeah. Just so people know that the blossom sauce comes from, it's tied into the show blossom.
Starting point is 01:09:24 It's made with a Mayum Bialyx blood. You taste a little bit of it, and then you become anti-vax. And when the server, when you finish your portion, the server goes, whoa. So I will say of the dipping sauces, that anchovy chili ranch, I like the best. That regular ranch was fine.
Starting point is 01:09:47 The blossom sauce, I feel like is a little too horseradishy. It just was kind of off-putting. It didn't really work with any of the things on the plate. Yeah, I could have liked it in another context. Yeah. With some steak, like little steak ends or something like that. Right.
Starting point is 01:10:00 You know what that's called? It would be good on meat. Yeah, it would be good with meat. I agree with that, yeah. What you had there didn't go away. I will just say, I like the cheddar, I like the curds quite a bit. I thought the slider was fine,
Starting point is 01:10:09 although, and this is an observation now he has, the beaten sliders is often overcooked because it's just a smaller patty, and that was the case here. The awesome blossom petals, I thought we all agreed were revolting. Yeah. They were pretty bad.
Starting point is 01:10:22 I don't know if they were revolting. They just weren't that good. I hated them. There's an important part. The integrity of an onion ring keeps the onion a little bit inside the ring, inside of the batter. They basically fell out of, you took one bite of the temporary batter
Starting point is 01:10:36 and the onion piece just slithered out like a slug into your mouth. Yeah, yeah. And it was clammy and disgusting. Slimy and gross. Slug on like a summer day. Yeah. Like Slurms McKenzie or something.
Starting point is 01:10:46 Yeah. It was like a warm slug. It was like Slimer eating me out. Yeah. Yeah, you flagged down our server and told her that. She didn't appreciate it. Ma'am, this is like Slimer eating me out. She didn't appreciate it.
Starting point is 01:11:00 I'm so sorry. She knew immediately. Yeah. We get that complaint all the time. But wouldn't Slimer be able to go deeper? She said. Go deeper. Because he can go through, he can move through walls.
Starting point is 01:11:16 Slimer can go through stuff. Yeah. And then she countered like, well, but he actually likes hot dogs. So, you know what that means. Why Grinnei gave a thumbs up from the table. Yeah. Why didn't she like us by the end?
Starting point is 01:11:27 And then the, any other thoughts on that triple dipper? No. Mitch. I like, yeah, two of the dippers were fine. Two of them were fine. I do think those boneless wings were great. I thought those were a winner.
Starting point is 01:11:40 I like them. I think they do, they kind of invented the boneless wing at Chili's and they do a good version of it. It was really much zestier and spicier than I expected. Yeah. Had some decent heat to it, which you don't often get with a buffalo sauce.
Starting point is 01:11:52 I used to go to Chili's, U-Song in Ithaca, New York. We used to go there, get the frozen strawberry margaritas, which they didn't have at this Chili's too. They don't have the frozen drinks. They must still have them somewhere, and then we get, you know, chips and salsa. And sometimes we'd order up those boneless buffalo wings there and they're good.
Starting point is 01:12:07 They do a really good job with them. I like them. Do you guys remember? Cause there's obviously the baby back ribs song, but there was also a boneless buffalo wings song that they tried to do as kind of a sequel. In the same way that Subway had the $5 foot long song and they tried to do another song.
Starting point is 01:12:20 Well, there's the, we talked about the Domino's Buffalo, like, gotta be, gotta be, Domino's Buffalo wings. Yeah. See everyone, that's a, everybody remembers that song, but this one I don't know if I know. It was a boneless buffalo wings. It was something like that. It was like the baby back ribs song,
Starting point is 01:12:42 but they just like had a different take on it, but it just didn't really stick. It wasn't the same sort of earworm. Did you say they invented, Chili's invented the bonus? I think they're the first chain that was, or that popularized it anyway. Chili's did a lot of popularizing. I mean, they didn't invent fajitas.
Starting point is 01:12:55 They didn't invent ribs. They didn't invent, certainly didn't invent burgers, but they kind of like, you know, that's what they built their company on. I also got myself, yeah, I thought those boneless wings were nice. And then I got the, and the texture on them was good. They have like a good, good crisp coating to them.
Starting point is 01:13:12 The Chili I got, I got myself a little cup of Chili. I'll read the menu description. Did you get it because it was Chili's? I did, I absolutely did. And in fact, that was what the concept was originally based around was Chili. It's obviously changed. I'll read the menu copy.
Starting point is 01:13:25 Yeah, Chili is our thing. Our original recipe filled with beef, onions, and signature blend of spices, topped with shredded cheese and tortilla strips. In addition to those tortilla strips, it also came with saltines. So there was a lot of like cracker you could throw in there. I crumbled some saltines in there.
Starting point is 01:13:38 It was excessive. A good Chili, there's no beans. It's a Texas style beanless Chili. So if you're a bean freak, you're gonna be disappointed. But the, yeah, it's just beef, which is very, very heavy. And I'm glad I only got a cup. I don't think I could do a bowl of just beef Chili. I think that would be too much.
Starting point is 01:13:55 And did you guys get any other, any starters? No, there's no other salads or anything. No, I did not get it. No, I didn't get a salad, of course. So for our, for my main, I got the Southern Smokehouse Burger. But do you know what's funny? Yes.
Starting point is 01:14:12 I saw Ro and Atkinson outside the restaurant. They wouldn't, they weren't letting them in. Yeah. And I think this is a part of their no beans thing. Yeah, they said this was a bean free zone. He was upset too, and I get it. But then he did a great prat fall, and we all laughed. Was it worth it?
Starting point is 01:14:30 Well, this podcast, no, none of this was worth it. Look at where we are, look at what our lives are. Look at the men we've become. No, this wasn't worth it. And I was fucking jacked when, before we started this podcast. Yeah, me too. We were both fucking jacked.
Starting point is 01:14:47 We were down at Muscle Beach every, every weekend. Fucking getting our reps in. No beans was the joke there. Yeah, I enjoyed it. I liked it. Do you don't have to rest your forehead on your microphone in shame? We liked it.
Starting point is 01:15:01 We liked it. We liked it. We liked that joke. That was a good joke. That was a good one. Yeah, it was a funny joke. The Southern Smokehouse Burger, bacon cheddar pickles, awesome blossom petals, which actually worked
Starting point is 01:15:10 in this context, lettuce tomato, garlic aioli, and then you get some barbecue sauce there and some pickles on the side. Oh wait, the pickles are included in the description. They come on the side, you can throw them on there. They actually worked really well. They added some sourness and some acidity to it. Why on the side though, that was weird.
Starting point is 01:15:26 It was weird. I feel like those pickles should just be part of the burger. We're trying to keep them cool. It could be that. Cause a hot pickle is nasty. That makes a lot of sense. Yeah, that was probably it. And so I thought this was, I thought this was good.
Starting point is 01:15:38 I thought this, it's like a plus stop. Let me first say that the beef was medium and it was nice and juicy. And they give you a half pound of beef. So it's a lot of meat. I'm trying to eat less beef. So when I do have it, I like that it, when it's a good execution.
Starting point is 01:15:50 And it's like a plus stop Western bacon cheeseburger, which is one of my favorites from Mitch, one of both of our favorites from Carl's Jr. I thought this was, this was a great burger. I was very satisfied with it. I was jealous you got it. I kind of wanted it. And what, what burger did you get Mitch?
Starting point is 01:16:04 I just want the classic bacon burger, which is topped with applewood smoked bacon, melted sharp cheddar cheese, new house made garlic dill pickles, fresh leaf lettuce, tomato, sliced red onions and new chili signature sauce. It's weird cause it sounded like you were reading it. I'm sure to our listeners,
Starting point is 01:16:23 but you went into a trance and recited it from memory. You were on the floor vibrating. Yeah, it was wild. I got that with french fries. Yeah, what did you get your burger with, Nick? Oh, I should say this. Oh, you fucking freak. Look, okay, this was a weird decision I admit,
Starting point is 01:16:39 but it was presented to me and I was like, I'm gonna see how it is. They said, he said, she said, you can do, you could do fries or a, I think like, like, either sweet potato fries or onion rings or not onion rings. Maybe a side salad, but then the third option was steamed broccoli.
Starting point is 01:16:56 It seemed like she was out of, she was like, uh, steamed broccoli, I think. And I was like, I've got to do that, steamed broccoli. I was, I was going to see those airport chili steamed broccoli is. It was, it was, I will say it was bad. It was very bad. It was like, it was like a un-frozen grocery store,
Starting point is 01:17:13 like quality produce. We all knew that. There's no chili song for broccoli. Was there one? Broccoli. It's not happening guys. Stop trying to make broccoli happen. No seasoning on it either.
Starting point is 01:17:28 Nothing, no dip. I dipped it in some of the barbecue sauce because that was all I had. It was just plain, poor quality broccoli that was like room temp. Insane. Yeah. Insane.
Starting point is 01:17:38 But how were those fries and how was your burger? The burger was good. It was a good classic bacon and cheese burger. It was good and the fries were good. I had no complaints. It's not like I was in like, this is the best burger I've ever had, but it was good.
Starting point is 01:17:54 It was a nice quality burger. Right. I was having fun to be honest with you. I was having a great time. I was having a blast. We were gossiping. Oh, the gossip that we shared. Spilled some tea.
Starting point is 01:18:05 Hollywood would be scandalized. We spilled some tea, but we didn't spill the beans, not allowed. No. We started to and they're like, uh-uh-uh, pointing at the no bean sign. And then Eva, you got fajitas, correct? I got shrimp fajitas.
Starting point is 01:18:19 They came with a, almost like a little dollop of like a creamy butter preparation. I think that must be the Tex-Mex. Right. You're getting it, is Chili's Tex-Mex? Yeah, it's Tex-Mex. Okay. Yeah, it's just a little different than expect from,
Starting point is 01:18:33 but it was delicious nonetheless. I came with some little beans and some rice. I found them quite delicious. If I had one tiny complaint, it's that they didn't sizzle. Yeah, that's a big thing. Cause in the restaurant, sizzling is the whole thing. And I think in the airport,
Starting point is 01:18:48 they don't quite, maybe don't have the capacity to it. Maybe it's a fire code thing. Sounds like a bomb. Yeah. Oh, that could be it. Yeah, people think every time sizzling fajitas, they're like, it's gonna blow. Yeah. Someone lit a fuse.
Starting point is 01:18:59 It sounds like a fuse. I agree with that. The, either a bomb's gonna go off or a Mission Impossible movie's about to start. Ooh, one of those is great. We have one of those as well. I drove a Dyson, that's its scenario. Nick, I just wanna say this.
Starting point is 01:19:12 By the way, that's Chipotle butter it, the menu description says. Okay, got it. I texted you Saturday morning to my team. I said, why? Cause you know what terminal? You said three. Yes.
Starting point is 01:19:22 Then you sent a picture of a salad. That's right. And you said breakfast of champions. That's right. Fucking nasty, first of all. You were eating like this full salad for breakfast. Yeah, I knew we were gonna eat very heavy for lunch. So I was like, I'll have myself a salad for breakfast.
Starting point is 01:19:36 And I, Start the day off right. And I think that you poured milk on it. No, it wasn't milk. Do you put milk on salad? No, it was ranch dressing. You poured milk on the salad. It's clear.
Starting point is 01:19:46 No, you're saying, because I had it in the morning, like breakfast, you're saying it's like breakfast cereal. You poured milk on the salad. You poured milk on the salad. It's in a bowl with milk on it. It's in a bowl with milk on it. I agree.
Starting point is 01:19:57 It's a white substance, but it is not milk. And there's a spoon in the bowl. It was eating it with a fork. You ate it with a spoon? No, I didn't eat it like breakfast cereal. It's not stock about the cereal salad. All this time I accused you of being a hot salad lover. You're actually a cold salad lover.
Starting point is 01:20:14 You just like cold milk on top of the salad. This is insane. I like ranch dressing on my normal temperature salad. And it looks like there's milk on top of it. You were eating the salad at 10 a.m. Yeah, I had a morning salad and AM salads. I've never heard of an AM salad. I'd tell you, it works wonders sometimes.
Starting point is 01:20:33 It's like the thing you need to start your day off, which with nutrients, especially if you need heavily later. Did you pour milk on your lettuce? I asked. It's ranch exclamation point. There's definitely milk in there. I don't think ranch is dairy.
Starting point is 01:20:44 I think it's egg and oil based like Mayo. You went on a weird spiel here for a while. It's got better milk in it, but there is milk. You said yes. And there might be more to that sentence when you said, but there is milk. You said, but there is milk.
Starting point is 01:20:58 Cause I had some shredded Parmesan on it, but there is milk in the sense that there's some grated Parmesan. And then I said, and cold whole myth. Breakfast of champions, you said. It worked out well. People say this.
Starting point is 01:21:12 Yeah. Well, we still going to go over dessert, but it is the only thing I ate that day. And I felt fucking like shit. Yeah. Maybe later on after I even got off the plane, but it was a, it was, that was a lot of, like probably 3000 calories in that,
Starting point is 01:21:31 in the Las Vegas airport. Yeah. Las Vegas airport. I felt terrible. Yeah. I got home when we got Mexican food. Did you really? You ate more food.
Starting point is 01:21:39 Yeah. Jesus. Sometimes you, you're an eater. I gotta give you credit. That's crazy. And for dessert, molten chocolate cake. I also got myself a cup of Joe.
Starting point is 01:21:49 She brewed up a fresh pot of coffee for me. Very nice. She offered us coffees to go cause she'd made a fresh pot and all that was nice. Cause it was, it was like an odd hour for someone to have coffee. She's like, get the fuck out of here. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:00 Take the coffee with you. You know, it was, it was standard like restaurant quality coffee. It wasn't anything spectacular, but it got the job done for a little bit of a caffeine boost after a boozy lunch. The molten chocolate cake, the chocolate cake with a molten chocolate center topped
Starting point is 01:22:12 with vanilla ice cream in a chocolate shell. It's got that magic shell coating. That cake was a home run. Fuck. It's delicious. It's really good. I was like the happiest I may be ever been. It, it was.
Starting point is 01:22:22 Really? Jesus. God. In those few minutes of eating it. Yeah. First of all, it was fucking big. It was very big. And I love that it was big.
Starting point is 01:22:32 I said, I said to you guys that the only thing that like I could even, the only thing that center part was that I like tasted just a little bit, like some of the cake was like a little bit like had been frozen slash microwave, like a little dry. Yes.
Starting point is 01:22:48 If that was just like a little bit more cakey, it would have been like one of my favorite desserts of all time. I, I loved it. I loved it. Yeah. It's so good. The cake was a little dry.
Starting point is 01:22:57 They maybe could have kind of balanced that with a little bit more ice cream too. I think if they put a second scoop on there, I think that would have helped cut the dryness. Two scoops of ice cream. Who are you, Donald Trump? How dare you compare me to the man in the White House who I refer to as the orange buffoon.
Starting point is 01:23:13 Wait a minute. It says, says Trump is resigning. Oh my God. Wow. You did it. We did it. We did it. We did it, dough boys.
Starting point is 01:23:21 But wait. Have our, what? But no, he's our new co-host. Oh boy. But the, I thought the end of the cake was really good. It would be similar. He doesn't eat terribly. It would be kind of a similar.
Starting point is 01:23:36 He eats really badly. It would be good on dough boys. Yeah, we should get him. Yeah, we should get him. You should get Trump on dough boys. That would be good. That wouldn't backfire. Everyone would like that.
Starting point is 01:23:46 Our fans would like that. Yeah. Our existing fan base would welcome that episode. You sort of just walked out the door, by the way. Yeah. He's fucking done with this show. He said, nameless cat out of here. That was, yeah, the cake was good.
Starting point is 01:24:01 Eva, any more thoughts on that? Just in general, the meal? No, the cakes. Oh no, I just, I thought it was delightful. It was just caught you off guard without getting it was. It ruled. Came at the right time. It ruled.
Starting point is 01:24:12 And then we had a little bit of time to kill. And we played the walking dead slot machine, which I could not figure out. Very confusing slot machine. We played the Willy Wonka slot machine, which was also there. Well, that one was less confusing, but it was still confusing.
Starting point is 01:24:24 We went up big and then we lost. Yeah. And Weigar, you gave me money for the slot machine, which was really sweet. I was out of you songs pay. We didn't fucking talk about this. It was weird though, Mitch. The only part that I didn't like was when somebody
Starting point is 01:24:39 walked up to you and pulled your arm down and money came out of your mouth. It sucks for me because I keep losing money. Yeah. Stop storing it in your mouth. People also thought I was a part of the Willy Wonka. They thought I was a gustus. They thought I lined up with a, oh God,
Starting point is 01:24:58 what am I trying to do? It was good. No, it was bad. You bailed on it. I did bail on it. It sucked. I sucked. It was fine.
Starting point is 01:25:07 I liked it. It was great. Eva, you were fun. You were, you know what? You made the trip worthwhile. That was a blast. We had a great time. I went to the restroom quickly after lunch
Starting point is 01:25:15 because I felt like I was going to die. Yeah. And then I told you in the bathroom, there's, I didn't, I've never seen this before, but in the toilet, in the restroom where you sit, the toilet, the toilet, the stall. Thank you. The stalls.
Starting point is 01:25:30 There was a little child chair where you lock your child from the chair. It seems fucking weird. With straps. With straps. And you made me sit in it. And you were fucking kicking your legs. You loved it.
Starting point is 01:25:51 I also, also there was an enclosed smoking room that I went into. Yes. That was really weird. Like in the middle of the airport. It was like an airlock where you go in just to smoke and play slot machines. You guys see the little boy sitting on the floor
Starting point is 01:26:05 outside the smoking room alone too. Jesus Christ. I was like, what a depressing sight. And there was the Brooks Brothers. That's right. We were going to get suits. Yeah. You can get a suit made at the airport
Starting point is 01:26:16 if you are really desperate. And Nick, you pointed out that the same woman was standing alone in the empty store. I felt, yeah. In the exact same position every time we walked by it. I felt bad for that worker. That is so, that is like, that's just the thing of like, like my friends are getting married in Vegas
Starting point is 01:26:32 or something. I don't have a suit. Like, right? It's gotta be, yeah. It's gotta be for emergencies. That's so crazy. I got a job interview with the MGM Grand and but my luggage got lost.
Starting point is 01:26:42 I got to get myself a new suit. I got to take David Copperfield to Taco Belt. Eva, how did you do on the, on the slots? I lost $60. Oh wow. We were. Yeah. We were all down big. The Willy Walker game was fun.
Starting point is 01:26:56 The Oompa Loompas would come out when they would widen the screen. It was a blast. Oh yeah. That was a beautiful machine. Yeah. It was the aesthetics of it. We're very impressive. We were hitting with Augustus too.
Starting point is 01:27:05 We were doing well. And so then we, some time passed, we played the slot machines. We decided to hit up the to go window of Chili's which is a separate part. This sucked. It felt so stupid to do that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:18 We also, we were so sick. We were just like, like laying, I laid down on the, like no one, we just had spent too much time in this airport already. Right. But the, it was like a weird fever dream at this point. It got, it got strange because I was like a little drunk
Starting point is 01:27:32 and then it was also like stir crazy because we were, even though we had room to walk around, we were still trapped inside a space. Why are you taking all his clothes off at this point? Yeah. Hey, you know, gotta, man, it's gotta relax. There's no one else there. There was plenty of people.
Starting point is 01:27:48 Yeah. They loved it. So the, don't really go to the strip to see a show. We got a strawberry blueberry yogurt parfait ago and which comes with a little bit of granola and we got some Southwestern egg rolls which are crispy flour tortillas, chicken, black beans, corn, jalapeño,
Starting point is 01:28:05 jack cheese, red peppers and spinach all inside of an egg roll and with an avocado ranch for dipping. The blueberry yogurt parfait I thought was whatever. It was like gas station quality. It was fine. Gas station quality. Right?
Starting point is 01:28:18 Yeah, I guess so. Like you get at a Walgreens. Maybe gas station is too far. It's like, it was like a whatever. It was, it was a prepared food that was clearly not made on the premises. It was fine. And I didn't get a lot of strawberry from it,
Starting point is 01:28:30 mostly blueberry. And then the Southwestern egg rolls, I thought were, you know what? I think they would have been a lot better in the restaurant sitting down, but getting them that styrofoam container, they just seemed like extra depressing. They were so hot.
Starting point is 01:28:43 They were piping hot and just hot beans inside of a deep fried shell. It was just a lot. Ooh, there are beans allowed. Yeah, they were, well, not on the premises. I'll take that to go. I thought the flour tortilla shell was too thick. I think it just overwhelmed the entire dish.
Starting point is 01:28:58 For sure. That was most of what you were biting was shell. I felt like we were in the terminal at this point. It felt like we had been in this place for too long. We were Tom Hanks in the terminal. We were Tom Hanks in the terminal. It felt too, it felt too much. I felt like Edward Snowden in the Moscow airport.
Starting point is 01:29:13 My hero. Edward, if you're listening, I left a book for you at the Applebees. Go find it. Come home. It's a Stephen King book. It has a disappointing last third, but it's worth a read if you're bored.
Starting point is 01:29:27 Oh, we had some Stephen King talk too while we were in the airport. You know what? As depressing as that airport is, which it is depressing, it's a place where I feel like you can feel the energy of people who have lost money who are hungover.
Starting point is 01:29:41 That you can feel that energy coming off. I had a good time with you guys. I had a great time. It was a nice time with catching up with dear friends. I left, I was like, that was just lovely. It was a blast. We caught up, talked some shit. We talked so much shit.
Starting point is 01:29:55 Oh, and if you're not, if you aren't sure if it was you we talked about, it was you. It was fucking you. But hey, now it's time to talk some truth about this restaurant. Eva, this is the system we've had since episode one. We'll each go around,
Starting point is 01:30:10 we'll give a summation of our experience and give this a rating from zero to five forks. What did we give Chili's? I think we gave threes all around. I'll have to check the no longer maintain Golden Plate Club website that listed all of our reviews. The guy who maintained it passed away. Listen to Doe Boyz, he killed himself.
Starting point is 01:30:28 Eva, your thoughts, your review of Chili's too? I did not expect to be surprised by Chili's too. In fact, I walked into this with the lowest of expectations. I'm pretty surprised to report that I found Chili's too at the Vegas airport superior to the real life Chili's we went to for the first show. Wow. I thought it was better.
Starting point is 01:30:55 I had a better meal. The service was better. If I was in the McCarron Vegas airport for any amount of time, I would spend it at Chili's too. I had a great time, good friends, good company, good food. Three and a half forks. Three and a half forks, very good score. Mitch, your thoughts.
Starting point is 01:31:17 Nick, it's the 200th episode. Should I have prepared something special for this review? Yes. But I didn't, I forgot. In a lot of ways, that's how the pocket has to spend for 200 episodes. But I'm happy to be revisiting Chili's for the 200th episodes because I feel like,
Starting point is 01:31:42 to me, it feels kind of like the sweet spot for all these restaurants we go to. It's a sit-down place. It's not that great. It's not that bad. There's fun drinks. There's fun apps. And you can find it.
Starting point is 01:31:57 You can find a little home there in the Las Vegas airport. You can feel at home at a Chili's and really just have a good time with your buddies. You know what I mean? You can plop this thing anywhere in the United States of America and you can enjoy yourself. I love bonus buffalo wings.
Starting point is 01:32:15 I enjoy it a lot. The burger was good. Nick, I think I went too low the first time we reviewed Chili's in the first episode. I think I'm gonna welcome it to the Golden Plate Club for myself with a 4.0. Wow. That's right.
Starting point is 01:32:32 Personal Golden Plate entry for Mike Mitchell. Four forks. Yeah. Hey, very good score. You might hit Snake Eyes out in the casino. But in there, fuck. Fuck. Why did you bail on that?
Starting point is 01:32:50 What's going on with you, man? It's okay. Mitch is literally, again, putting his forehead on the microphone in shame. Are you hoping it can hear your mind? Your brain is just like, my brain just finished my job. Oh, boy.
Starting point is 01:33:14 You may hit Snake Eyes out there on the casino floor, but in there, you got wide, bright eyes. Oh, God, fucking damn it. Oh, boy. In there, you're hitting sevens, Nick. There you go. Lucky number seven. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:31 Oh, boy. Edit. Edit. Edit. Edit. Edit. What do you want to edit? No, you don't have to edit anything.
Starting point is 01:33:44 I'm just joking. I will. Nick. Yes. Fuck. You're doing fine. Everything's fine. You're just bailing.
Starting point is 01:33:52 Stop bailing on your jokes. I enjoyed Chili's. I agree with both of your assessments. It both exceeded my expectations, but also is not a mind blower. It's like it's better than I thought it would be, but it's also like in a similar paradoxically, it's exactly what you'd expect.
Starting point is 01:34:13 It's like this is what I want from a Chili's. This is I want this food to be executed in this exact way. I was just surprised by the precision. It was executed at this airport outlet. I thought it was really good that the service was very good. We'd see what it was like if it was busy. It might be a little bit crazy in there. If there's a lot of customers,
Starting point is 01:34:30 we were there on a little bit of a down cycle. As we said, I thought most of the apps were good. I thought the drinks were solid. Again, I don't mind like a boozy over sugary cocktail in this context, because that's what you expect from chain restaurants. Chili was fine.
Starting point is 01:34:47 The burger was good. I like the burger. The chocolate cake dessert was great. The to-go stuff sucked, but I think also if you're going to get a Chili's to-go, what are you doing? Just sit down there and just dine in. We're not saving any money from getting it to-go.
Starting point is 01:35:00 You're not going to where you take Southwestern egg rolls on the plane and fucking stick up... You're a piece of shit. with your fucking fried foods. Piece of shit. I'll fucking toss you up the plane. If you want to get tossed out of the emergency exit on a plane by Mike Mitchell,
Starting point is 01:35:15 take some on there. If that's how you want to die, take your Chili's to onto the plane, but otherwise, fucking eat that before you board. But... I just wanted this to be a good episode. I want to be on fire the whole time. It's a good episode.
Starting point is 01:35:27 You've been doing great. Look, I have a correction. Yes. Look, you may be playing... Hey, you may bust when you're playing blackjack at the table in the casino, but you're going to bust when you taste the food at Chili in the airport.
Starting point is 01:35:41 So that's your correction to turn it into a cum joke. You had it pretty clear. And you called it Chili. Yeah. But you're really going to bust in a good way at Chili's. Yeah. It doesn't have to be cum. It could be your belly.
Starting point is 01:35:58 Okay. That famous expression. Oh, man, I busted my belly. I just wanted everything to be perfect today. It's been good. Everything's been good. People are going to like this episode. Oh, you guys have been good.
Starting point is 01:36:12 I fucked up. You've been great. People love you. And I was going to say, Mitch, I love you. And this was such a reminder, as with our first episode of just part of what was fun about it and part of what's great about a good meal is that you're with good friends
Starting point is 01:36:27 and you get to share an experience. And I think that was what saved this trip overall is that we had a great time hanging out. We had some time to kill. Yes, you song fucked up. He's not good with time. I can say that while he's not here. Bad at time.
Starting point is 01:36:41 He's bad at time. But we had a good time killing that time because we got to hang out with each other. And I think this Chili's was a great spot to have some drinks and some apps and some entrees with some buds. I'm with Mike Mitchell in the Handholding Club and the Personal Golden Plate Club
Starting point is 01:36:58 for Forks for Chili's too. I think the airport version did quite well for itself. Nick, they must have named the kind of bar after you. Oh, what a thing to say. I love you too. Guys, it happened. No, let's consummate this shit. Jesus.
Starting point is 01:37:20 He put his hands. His hands went into the glass table. He's clenched onto it. Hey, Nick. Yeah. Back to Vegas. Let's get fucking married. I know Natalie.
Starting point is 01:37:35 She'll be happier. Hey, you know what? That was our review of Chili's. How did that not happen? What do you mean? In our 200th episode, shouldn't we have gotten married? I always thought that that's how it would end. The two of us?
Starting point is 01:37:47 Yeah. The first time we got married is that's part of it. Big amoeba. Yeah, can we join? I mean, I don't think we're going to do a plural marriage. I'd have to run it by Natalie. She'd probably be unhappy with us be entering a plural marriage with my podcast co-host.
Starting point is 01:38:01 But I mean, maybe. I'll float it. Mitch, I'll marry you. Hell yeah. Aren't you already engaged? You won't mind. Okay, okay. You snooze, you lose.
Starting point is 01:38:14 Hey, that was our review of Chili's too. It's time for the return of a segment from our first ever episode. We've got some one-stars pans of this week's chain. Wow. It's another edition of an unsatisfied Yelper. Wow, it's back. What? Yelp.
Starting point is 01:38:30 I need somebody. Yelp. Not just anybody. Yelp. You know, I need some bad reviews. I fucked up the lyrics. I meant to say Yelp, I need some reviews. Yelp, not just any reviews.
Starting point is 01:38:44 Yelp, I need some one-star Yelps. But I said- Oh, you started singing the song. I said the actual song. I just said the Yelp thing. Hey, the song is good. It's fine. Yeah, it's a good song.
Starting point is 01:38:52 Okay, so here's some one-star Yelp reviews we got. First one is from Tracy B. These are of the Vegas, McCarran Airport Chili's too that we ate at. Tracy B? Tracy B. I found a rat claw in my side order of black beans that came with my sandwich. Totally disgusted. They returned my cash with a simple apology. Health department needs to visit this restaurant.
Starting point is 01:39:13 Eat at your own risk. This is why people make their own food instead of eating out. A rat claw. How did she know it was a rat claw? I don't know how you immediately identify it as a rat claw, but that is horrifying. Unless you've eaten a rat claw before. Was it the little paw? That's what I was picturing.
Starting point is 01:39:26 That's insane. I don't believe that it was a rat claw. I think there was a fingernail. Yeah, that was probably it. And she mistook it for a rat claw. Because that's so specific. I want to read it. She's found rat claws in any other restaurants.
Starting point is 01:39:38 She's like, look at her history. I found a rat claw. In my contact lens solution. I was at Borders Books and I found a rat claw. When was it posted? Can we contact her? I don't have the timestamps with me right here. I'm sure there's a way to message people.
Starting point is 01:39:58 We need to message her and be like, how did you know it was a rat claw? Can we just send her that message? I want some closure on whether it was... Because what I was picturing is what I think what Eva was saying is that it's the whole hand of the rat. Fuck. Which is fucking gnarly. If I saw that, I would swear off dining out for life.
Starting point is 01:40:14 And it was that sort of thing of rat... Like a chef hit him with a butcher's knife or something? That's probably what it was. There was a... It was a ratatouille accident with a chef rat. Yeah, that's probably what happened. Next review from Wayne G. The most awful service of any chilies on the planet.
Starting point is 01:40:33 I ordered a simple salad, stood there for 15 minutes, no salad, no one cared. I asked for refunds so I could make my flight. On the flight in first class to go pick up my Embraer Phenom 300 jet that was in the service center. They had zero food, not even peanuts or pretzels. Geez, wonder why USA will go bankrupt just like American Airlines recently did. Wayne's profile pic is him in a cockpit. Look at this piece of shit.
Starting point is 01:40:56 That's fucking... He hates everything. Yeah, I'm very... Let me see that. I like that he flew first class. I know. He pointed out that he flew first class to go pick up his private jet and he's complaining about the service of the airport chilies.
Starting point is 01:41:07 But he also said the phrase, no one cared. Yeah. And on the bottom here, P.S. also found a rat claw at the bottom of my salad. I mean, they might have a rat claw problem. Is that a rat claw in my underwear? David R. has our last review. This is the most ridiculous restaurant experience I've ever had. $127 for four watered down premixed margaritas.
Starting point is 01:41:31 On top of the insane surprise prices, the drinks are barely nine to 10 ounces and further watered down with ice. On the entire menu, the margaritas are the only item that don't have the prices listed. I expect airport prices. However, this was robbery and trickery. At the very least, publish the prices on the menu. Do not eat or drink in this establishment. Wow.
Starting point is 01:41:49 Also, look here. Right below it. P.S. my pet rat lost its claw while I was diving here. I think David R. has an alcohol problem. If you drank 120, we saw the bill. It was not $127. That four margaritas, it was not $127 for those four drinks. That is very true.
Starting point is 01:42:08 This guy got way more than four rounds and then he just blacked out. He's complaining about how strong the drinks are. David R. has a drinking problem. That's what we're learning here. He's got some sort of alcoholism that he needs to grapple with. I think our entire meal with two rounds of drinks was a little more than that. Yeah, it wasn't that much more than that. David R. figures some shit out.
Starting point is 01:42:28 Tracy B., I hope your rat claw problem subsides. And Wayne G., fuck you. You piece of shit. If you eat a rat claw, you turn into a rat. Is that true? Yeah, it's a Dracula sort of situation. Slash Wolfman, Slash Wolfman situation. Do you guys think I will turn into a mosquito because I drank the mosquitoes?
Starting point is 01:42:47 Most likely. Yeah, probably. I think it takes a really long time. It's going to be like a slow motion Jeff Goldblum in the fly. Okay. It won't happen until you're like 80 or 90. Yeah. I'll welcome it.
Starting point is 01:42:58 You'll welcome it. I'll welcome it. As long as you have standing water, I'm happy to be a mosquito. All right. Jeff Goldblum, I have a mosquito version of the fly. That's pretty good. They would suck people dry. That would be cool.
Starting point is 01:43:09 Yeah, I'd be into it. All right. That was our unsatisfied Yelper. Hey, there's a reason we stopped doing that segment. But we brought it back for old time's sake. Wow. Now people are going to be demanding it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:43:22 I mean, maybe. Hey guys, I also brought something special. Why? To double segment. Because it's a very special anniversary. I feel like you guys deserved a gift or something. I've baked on this podcast before. So last night.
Starting point is 01:43:41 You made crack pie. Yeah. It was delicious. Last night I made some butterscotch blondies. Wow. I'm going to take a mouth. And then I got competitive with myself and I also made key lime bars. Wow.
Starting point is 01:43:53 So we can do a snack or whack with these two treats. Okay. From my kitchen. In some condition, we are going to be honest. If we think this is whack, we're going to say it's whack. Okay. We don't give a fuck that you volunteered your entire Saturday to go to a fucking airport Chili's.
Starting point is 01:44:10 We're going to give, we're going to say the truth because that's what Doe Boys is all about. We tell the truth. Yeah. We tell the truth, baby. The Doe Boys can't be bought. That's true. This looks delicious.
Starting point is 01:44:20 I will say eat with your eyes first. Thanks. And my eyes are watering. Sorry. I'm just handing these. Thank you so much. All right. Let's go to the bar.
Starting point is 01:44:28 That's what we're having first. Actually, sorry. Start with the blondies. Okay. We're starting with the blondies. Yeah. Okay. All right.
Starting point is 01:44:36 Okay. Okay. I'm going to take a bite of this. It looks like it's got some, are these nuts and chocolate? Oh, pecans. Pecans and chocolate chips. Oh boy. A lot of fun.
Starting point is 01:44:45 Mmm. Oh man. Those rule. Yeah. Thank you. Call me a, call me Dagwood because I am into blondies. Oh my God. That was good.
Starting point is 01:45:00 Cool. This is really good. I really like the crunch of the nuts. I think that works really well. And yeah, it's got a nice moisture to the blondie. This is fucking great. I usually am a brownie over a blondie guy, even though I'm not as big of a chocolate fan as some people, but this is a really well-executed blondie.
Starting point is 01:45:15 What is a blondie exactly? Is it like caramel-based? It's a, no, it's like a, yeah. It's like almost like a chocolate chip cookie, but in bar form. Oh, okay. That makes more sense. Because my cookies I made last time has browned butter in it. Got it.
Starting point is 01:45:28 So good. And milk chocolate and pecans. Really? Just a delight. That's a snack for me. A snack for sure. Snack amongst, oh God. A snack amongst snacks, Nick.
Starting point is 01:45:39 For sure. But let's see how this key lime pie measures up. This is a key lime bar? Yeah, with coconut on top. And it's got like, it seems like a, like a graham cracker crust here. Yes. It's actually an animal cracker crust. Oh, that's fun.
Starting point is 01:45:52 Oh man. This rules too. Oh man. God, this is so good. This is like my favorite dessert in the world to make. This is so good. These are both from Cooks Illustrated, which made the chocolate chip cookies also that I brought made last time.
Starting point is 01:46:10 My favorite website for baking recipes. Jesus Christ. It's so, it's so refreshing to have like good food on this body. It's insane. We eat so much garbage. We drank a ranch, ranch soda earlier today. God, fuck that. It was fucking awful.
Starting point is 01:46:23 I hated that. And the base just, yes, animal crackers and rat claws. That's really good. Great. So I'm going to turn into a fucking rat. Yeah. We're both going to turn into rats. That's okay.
Starting point is 01:46:39 Hang on with koalas a little more. No, that's what, that's what bonded me and Nick is that we use the text each other about how koalas was a fucking rat. Like he, like he was thinking on you to the feds. He was, we were just saying he was a fucking rat. Yeah. He's a rat. Fucking right.
Starting point is 01:46:57 We love you koalas. Come back on the show. I don't know. Okay. Yeah. Don't come back on the show. Oh, we love you. Um, the, uh, the, the, by the way, that was our most downloaded episode for a while.
Starting point is 01:47:09 That koalas, our most popular guest for like the first year of the podcast. Domino's Pizza Hut. It was, uh, was it Domino's? No, I think, yeah, it was Domino's. I have a question. He talked about Walter Noid. That's right. For all the, for all the other episodes was the download button broken.
Starting point is 01:47:25 Blondies are great. I think I prefer the key lime pie if I'm, but it's, it's, it's a one and a one B situation. These are both fantastic desserts. You're, you're a hell of a baker. Oh, thank you. Oh, an award-winning baker, we should say. Yes. I just, I just realized something.
Starting point is 01:47:39 What? I, I love both of them, but I just learned, I learned something about myself just now. What? I prefer the key lime as well. I love both, they're both A plus desserts. I realized with desserts, I want it to be hot or cold. And I don't like, I can't, that blows my mind. This is the thing I just learned about myself.
Starting point is 01:48:01 A room temperature thing is the one I want the least. I want one that's either cold or hot. Right. Or a combo. That chilies was so good because it was hot and cold. Oh yes. That was like, and that maybe, that's maybe that's my favorite. You're an opposite Goldilocks.
Starting point is 01:48:15 I am. You like the extremes, you don't like the middle. Hashtag opposite Goldilocks. Hashtag opposite Gold, you also, kind of the opposite Goldilocks in that you're physically a bear. I knew that was coming. Oh, your piece of shit. These are, these are great, even these are fantastic.
Starting point is 01:48:32 Well, congratulations to you guys. This is an incredible achievement. You've inspired so many people. You brought down a president. I love you so much. I'm so proud of you both and, and thank you for all the joy you bring into the world. We love you too. We love you too.
Starting point is 01:48:46 God bless you. Thank you. This is good. This is good to say. Yeah. Just like a restaurant value feedback. Let's open up the feedback. And hey, we got a voicemail today.
Starting point is 01:48:54 Let's listen to this one. Hey Joe boys. My name is Minda. I used to intern at Frito Lay and I got to sit on a quality assurance taste test of like Cheetos and Lay's chips. And I was talking to my friend who works at Mars and she was saying that they have somebody who does quality assurance and like taste testing for dog food. So my question was, what would be your dream job for that type of thing?
Starting point is 01:49:18 And what would be like the worst nightmare that you'd have to taste best? Thanks. Bye. Wow. Wow. Dream taste testing job and nightmare taste testing job. Anything come to mind for you guys? I will say that, that I like, I would love, I, I think a dream that would become a nightmare
Starting point is 01:49:37 is ice cream testing because I love ice cream. It's, it's one of my, it's my favorite dessert. It's one of my favorite foods. It's going to hurt your tummy. It hurt my tummy and or I like, I'm having to use spit cups and I can't enjoy a food. If I got to spit, I don't want to swallow. And so I like, I just like, I think I'd be so upset by the, by just having to like eat a scoop of ice cream and then spit it into a cup.
Starting point is 01:50:02 I feel like that would be so unsatisfying and that would make me dislike this food that I love. But yeah, as far as foods that I actually, I find repulsive, I think the, I think gum, like I hate gum. I hate gum so much. I might have to taste test gum, like both the repeated chewing and then also just like, again, like I don't like eating food and then not swallowing it. And that's the thing about gum that's fucked up to me.
Starting point is 01:50:23 It just like, fucks with me psychologically. I just think it's disgusting to just have flavor and just like this gooey, weird, inedible thing in your mouth. So I think those would, that would be probably by, that would be my true nightmare. That would be the one that I would think that it was unpleasant from the gut, from the get-go. I don't know if I'd be into like mushroom testing or something. Oh yeah. What, what, what, what comes on?
Starting point is 01:50:46 Is it chives or the little green? Oh, I like chives. Like a chive cream cheese. Is chives onion? Yeah. Well, no. No, chives aren't onion. There's, there's green onion and then there's chives, which is kind of its own thing.
Starting point is 01:50:58 I think it's kind of like a shallots onion situation. Chives come on top of a, like a lot of bagel and lox, right? Yeah, you'll get that sometimes. I don't like the, I don't like the little, the little ball chives. I don't like those either. Do you mean the, you're thinking of capers? Capers. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:51:13 I knew it. I fucked up. Capers. You want to be a caper tester? I don't want to be a caper tester. No. I don't think, how often, I don't think the way they have like people just like taste testing apples though.
Starting point is 01:51:22 I don't feel like it's like, like foods that are just. You said ice cream. Oh yeah. But ice cream is a thing. That is a better answer. There's like an ice cream like tree. I don't know what does that in a pizza tester. I mean, that doesn't work either, but Doritos.
Starting point is 01:51:34 Okay. Cool range Doritos. I will say. Gatorade. I've already told you that when I was little, I drew a train that was each car, each car was filled with one was filled with Doritos and one was filled with like Gatorade and one was filled like Coca-Cola. So like all those, all my favorite things, I guess it would be what I would want to
Starting point is 01:51:53 be the quality assurance for Gatorade when you were a kid. Yeah. No, it actually came a little bit later. I think it was more like a Coca-Cola bat. So you, you updated the drawing like George Lucas, a special edition when you're like 16, you took it out at a new train car. Um, yeah, I don't know. I don't know as far as something that I wouldn't like.
Starting point is 01:52:15 Maybe like those like a jelly belly ones that tastes like vomit. Oh, fuck. I hate that shit. I hate those nasty. Those fucking suck. Fucking disgusting. I will say that they, that I did some, for a time I would, I tested video games. That was a job I had.
Starting point is 01:52:29 I was bad at it because it was so tedious and because people be finding bugs as its own skill. And it wasn't thing that, that I was, that was inherently good at, but also I just like it made me hate video games. And that's a thing like that's a little kid job. You're like, I get to test video games. It's awesome. And it's like a, it's like an ironic punishment the devil would make is like, yeah, you're
Starting point is 01:52:50 playing the same level over and over and over again. Wow. And it gets monotonous and makes you sick. And then the thought of a, the feel of a controller in your hand makes you think of work. I think the same sort of feeling I would have from any taste testing job. Even anything come to mind as a dream taste test, a nightmare taste test. Um, I think I, I like when they make like chips with fun flavors. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 01:53:13 Like Wonka kind of like hamburger chips or like shrimp chips or when they have like chicken and waffle chips and I would like to be working like a, like a fake flavor factory and get to taste all the, the Wonka kind of crazy flavors. That's fun. Yeah. It'd be fun. And then I guess, um, I, when I, when I was in Iceland, I had some really, really salty licorice and I realized I don't like really salty candy.
Starting point is 01:53:40 Oh yeah. So I wouldn't want to be a salty candy taster. I do like salt and dessert, but it depends on the right context. Oh yeah. Just a little bit. The ones that like are too, like super sour. I got you. Like super salt to like a challenge.
Starting point is 01:53:52 I don't like that. I can, I can, I can boil down your answer or even more Nick milk taste testing. Jesus Christ. That sounds like a nightmare. God hour one. They can't be fucking checked out of that job. No one else. I'll say the thing you guys told me.
Starting point is 01:54:06 What are the, what are the crickets called? I would want to be a chapelinas quality. You want to be a bug, bug tester. I don't want to be a bug tester. I don't want to do it. I don't want to eat a cricket every couple of minutes or something, whatever you have to do. Sounds awful.
Starting point is 01:54:20 Hey, let us know what your, what your dream and nightmare taste testing jobs are. Hashtag tastes best or hashtag. Waste test for, for best and worst. Let us know. And hey, if you have a question or comment about the world of chain rest and Gmail, don't waste podcast at or leave us a voicemail at 830 Godot. That's 830 4636844. And to get that to always double our weekly bonus episode, join the golden or platinum
Starting point is 01:54:45 plate club at slash dough boys starting in May. We've got meow. A month of cat long, a month long. Hey, meow. Meow. What did I say? I think he said meow. Okay.
Starting point is 01:54:59 It's not just meow. Meow. There's something of a pun there. There's an attempt at a pun. I'm loopy. I'm tired. Um, meow, which is a month of cat related content in the dough boys double. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:55:10 slash dough boys Eva Anderson. God bless you for being here. Thank you for making time for us. Thank you for going on this stupid trip to Vegas with us. There's no one better. No one better to ring in the 200th episode. No one we'd rather have. Thanks guys.
Starting point is 01:55:22 I love you. And we love you too. Do you have anything you would like to plug? Um, no, I'm working on a show called briar patch, which is going to be, uh, in, um, sorry, in, uh, 2020 will be on USA. And I'm also writing the immersive game for the overlook film festival, which will be in New Orleans at the end of May. There's a signups will be soon.
Starting point is 01:55:40 So if you're interested, uh, look up the overlook film festival. And, um, if you buy a pass, you can play the game. Awesome. Well, there you go. Nick, anything to say about the, about the next 100 episodes? Boy, where do we go from here? Well, who knows what the world will look like 100 episodes in the future, which will be what?
Starting point is 01:55:59 Like that's just under two years. Yeah, I guess it's not that long. Yeah. Well, um, the orange buffoon may be out of the white house, maybe out of the white house. Uh, and, uh, I don't fucking know. I'd know. My answer is no.
Starting point is 01:56:13 My short answer is no. I don't have anything to say about the next 100 episodes. We might do 100 more episodes. We might do 100 more. Maybe. Hopefully not. Hopefully we won't hit 300. But stay tuned.
Starting point is 01:56:24 Yeah. If we do hit 300, we're doing it in full Spartan gladiator armor. Nick, I'll say this. Yes. Thank you to the listener. First of all, thank you to Emma and you song. Thank you so much. And, uh, everybody at head gum and then, uh, thank you to the listeners.
Starting point is 01:56:41 Thank you to our listeners out there. All our past guests and the listeners for, for tuning into this. All of our listeners, except for shampooedler. And, uh, they'll do it for this episode of dough boys until next time for the Spoonman Mike Mitchell. I'm Nick Weiger saying for the 200 time. Happy. See you at 200.
Starting point is 01:57:07 Welcome to the show, everyone. Welcome to dough boys. Uh, my name is Nick Weiger alongside my co-host, Mike Mitchell. Mitch, how are you doing? I'm doing well. That was like, uh, beautiful poetry the way you just said. Thank you. I appreciate it.
Starting point is 01:57:21 Um, this is a podcast is our inaugural episode. Uh, and, uh, this is our podcast about chain restaurants, which is a passion of, of, of both Mitch and myself. And you said, uh, chain restaurants. I think chilies might be one of the first ones out of people's mouth. I think it would be the number one spot. Yeah. I think number, maybe number two or three, but it would be up there.
Starting point is 01:57:38 Oh, wow. Okay. Yeah. I would, I'd think there, I don't know. I'm not trying to undercut you. I think it, it could be the number one. No, you're right. It would be two or three.
Starting point is 01:57:46 It might also be two or three. Anywhere from one to three, I think is where chilies could fall in the family feud. Nick is a writer for the family. Got this fair time.

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