Doughboys - Farmer Boys with Nick Rutherford

Episode Date: April 26, 2018

Actor and comedian Nick Rutherford (Dream Corp LLC, The Unicorn) joins to review west coast farm to table fast food concept Farmer Boys. Rutherford talks growing up and eating in SoCal, and a recent Star Wars VR experience. Mitch, Wiger, and engineer Emma taste test day old BK Chicken Fries in another edition of The Leftovers.Want more Doughboys? Check out our Patreon!: for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Manmade fossils dating to 10,000 BCE have been found on the Mediterranean island today known as Cyprus. Its early inhabitants built a distinct culture prior to the arrival of Greek settlers in the late Bronze Age of the 2nd millennium BCE, which set off a chain of rule by outside forces as the Assyrians, Egyptians, Persians, Romans, Arabs, French, Venetians, and Ottomans each took turns as colonial stewards, culminating in the Cyprus Convention of 1878 CE, where governorship of the island was secretly handed to the United Kingdom. After the First World War with Cyprus's population divided between ethnic Greeks and Turks, the island became a chess piece in conflicts between the two still icy nations,
Starting point is 00:00:43 though Cyprus finally achieved sovereignty in 1960. Around the time, the Havages family welcomed their three sons into the world. The trio of Havages boys grew up on Cyprus, working the fields of the family farm and in the family restaurant before emigrating to the United States, exchanging the coastal lifestyle of the Mediterranean for that of California. As adults, Mike Henry and Chris Havages parlayed their food-adjacent upbringing into eatery ownership, first acquiring a branch of local chain Astro Burgers, before charting a path to their own success with the purchase of McCoy's Restaurant in the sleepy town of Paris, California. They rechristened their business to reflect a nickname they'd received rooted in their agrarian childhoods,
Starting point is 00:01:21 and their product reflected how they prioritized the farm-fresh ingredients they'd spent their youths cultivating. The chain's offerings, particularly their signature Farmers' Burger, helped them quickly grow to multiple locations before they began to franchise the company, which would vastly expand their footprint. Today, this unique diner slash burger stand hybrid has nearly 100 locations across California and Nevada, thanks to these Cypriot brothers who merged the farm-to-table concept with fast food. This week on Doe Boys, Farmer Boys. Welcome to Doe Boys, the podcast about chain restaurants. I'm Nick Weiger, alongside my co-host, Saturated Fats Domino, Mitchy Two Spoons, Mike Mitchell.
Starting point is 00:02:12 Saturated Fats Domino? A little shout out to Vintage Jazz Music, courtesy of Sam Howard at Scam Coward is his handle. If you have a roast, you can use it on Mitch at the top of the show, roastspoonman at Well, Fats Domino, he was a jazz man? I think Fats Domino was either a jazz guy or a rock and roll guy. He claimed to have invented one of the two. I think he might have been a jazz guy. Hold on, I'm going to put the video in right now. Do you think that email is a secret? It's Ryan Gosling's email?
Starting point is 00:02:43 Right, because it was involvement in La La Land, his love of the original American art form. The director, I guess, is a big jazz head. Yeah, I think Damien Chazelle is the big jazz guy. But I think Gosling did the actual ivory tickling in that movie. Like, he actually played the piano. Oh, wow. Yeah. I bet you wish he did the Weiger tickling. Come on. What? What's wrong with that? You know what, actually, it would be nice to be tickled by Ryan Gosling.
Starting point is 00:03:12 You like to get tickled? I don't like to get tickled. I'm very ticklish. I don't like it. You almost were a professional tickler. Okay, let's not get into that. I considered it. I didn't actually do it. Domino considered it. That's Domino was one of the pioneers of rock and roll music. So, okay, so more rhythm and blues than jazz. I was wrong about that. Tamichee Two Spoons Nation.
Starting point is 00:03:37 And here's a little drop, Nick. Somebody was saying this thing about that food. What's that food podcast called, Hamburger Man? Hamburger Man. Burger Boys. You gotta address it, Weiger. Dough Dogs. Because their show is actually called Dough.
Starting point is 00:04:01 What is it? Dough? Dough Boys. One of my favorite SNL skits. Dough Boys. It's called Dough Boys. Dough Boys are saying we'd love to have Tom on the show. What is this version of Skilling Twin Pale? I would do their show for $8,500. For $8,500. For $8,500. Well, there you have it. All right. That was fun. Who made that one?
Starting point is 00:04:37 Our friend from Seattle, Justina. I just realized I don't know how to say your last name. Colb. How's it spelled? K-O-L-B. Colb? That sounds like Colb. Yeah, that's what I thought. Justina, hello. Thank you for sending it in. And that was a... I wasn't trying to start any trouble. My fellow friends of Tom. So that's Tom Likis, right?
Starting point is 00:04:58 Oh, she's at j.quack. I think it's Tom Sharpling. Tom Likis is a different guy. Oh, my God. Tom Likis is the very misogynistic host. Oh, no. Now he'll be very mad at us. I fucked up bad. Well, he got the name of our show wrong, repeatedly. So I think it's pretty justified that you got his name wrong. Did I do that intentionally?
Starting point is 00:05:17 No, I know you. You did not do that essentially. Yes, I did. I just have sometimes a little slip of the tongue. Yeah, right. Anyways, Tom Lik... Tom Sharpling. Yes. He called us out, I guess, Nick. I guess.
Starting point is 00:05:36 You're playing cool about it. You don't want to address it. Who cares? Who gives a shit? You do some, like, manufactured beef with this guy that we don't know? Can I say something? Yeah. Be gum the podcast wars have. Mitch, let's introduce our guest.
Starting point is 00:06:00 From Dreamcorp, LLC, in the new film, The Unicorn, Nick Rutherford is here. Hi, Nick. Hey, guys. Welcome to the show. Thanks. Thanks for having me. That's Tom Sharming. It sounded like Robert Buscemi. Do you know that comic? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:11 Yeah. Yeah. That's how I thought it was the whole time. Yeah, it does sound like it was him. I don't know. But so that means that guy, she took a recording of him talking, like, not talking highly of this podcast? Yeah, I think it was. I think he's just messing around with us.
Starting point is 00:06:25 And Weigar, I think, is very angry for some reason. I'm not very angry. You seem very angry. You're pissed, man. Weigar, do you have a new haircut or is this bed head? I was wearing a hat. Oh, hat head. And I've also got my cans on.
Starting point is 00:06:40 I got my headphones on. K-Sulb? CSULB, Cal State University Long Beach. I was ringing it backwards in the mirror. Right. You went to UCLA? I went to UCLA, but I have a, I'm from Long Beach area, so I have this hat as well.
Starting point is 00:06:54 OK. Yeah. Well, it's very confusing. I can get rid of it. I'll just start saying I went to Cal State Long Beach. I mean, I didn't graduate from college, so it doesn't matter, really. You know, not a fan of college, famously not a fan.
Starting point is 00:07:08 Do you mind just throwing the hat in the trash before you leave today? No way. It looks like some Bulbas. Also, if you have a hat of a college, then aren't you a fan of college? I guess so. You're wearing a Patriots hat.
Starting point is 00:07:21 Right. You're a fan. I'm a fan of Patriots. Yeah. But you are famously not a fan of college yet. You're wearing. Yeah. I mean, yeah, I guess, sure.
Starting point is 00:07:30 I guess it's somewhat, somewhat hypocritical. I don't know. What do you, what do you like about K-Sulb or K-Sulb? Well, I like the logo. I think it's kind of nice. Like, it's got a long beach on there. You know, I have some affinity to the campus, because I've been on the campus many times for various things.
Starting point is 00:07:47 And also, I like that their baseball team is called The Dirtbags. That's a lot of fun. That's fun. That's a lot of fun. That's a lot of fun. That's a lot of fun. So this is K-Sulb, California State University, Long Beach, Long Beach.
Starting point is 00:07:59 Yes. There's two, there's three representations of Long Beach on the hat. Yeah, right. We're going to have to, we're going to have to send out a picture of this. So that we can clarify what's going on here. But it's got K-Sulb in a large font, and then a smaller subscript font over the top of it.
Starting point is 00:08:14 It's said, it also says LB, and then it also says LB again on the side. So yeah, they're really, they really want you to know it's a big deal. Sounds like my skill. Long Beach. Do you think you might, what do you think you rank in the representatives of Long Beach?
Starting point is 00:08:33 What, do you mean among famous alums? Yeah, I mean, like, like, I wonder how like, you know, like, like Snoop and others would consider your, would they be happy that you're, that you're a representation of Long Beach as well? Back in the day, Billie Jean King. Billie Jean King. Very famous to Long Beach citizen.
Starting point is 00:08:50 Are the sublime guys Long Beach, or are they just like, are they, are they even further down? Yeah, I think they're from Long Beach. I mean, they certainly claim an allegiance to Long Beach. Yeah. Yeah, I think they're all, I don't know where, I mean. What's the deal with Long Beach? I'm interested.
Starting point is 00:09:03 Come down there sometime. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Now just describe it. Just describe it. It's not far away. It's like 45, it's like a 45 minute drive. Is there an actual Long Beach at some point? Yeah, there's a, there's a beach called Long Beach,
Starting point is 00:09:16 but it's not like a beach you'd go to really. There are like better beaches. But yeah, it's, it's a nice, it's a nice town. Come on down there. There's lots to do, lots to see. It's like, it's, it's kind of like a, a smaller LA. It's got the same sort of thing. You know, it's got the more, some more urban areas,
Starting point is 00:09:29 some more suburban areas. It's got a lot of good food. It's got so, lots of sights and sounds. Will you show me your grave plot that you've picked out? Well, I'm donating my body to science. Wait, is that true? Yeah, probably. Today.
Starting point is 00:09:42 There's some things that we do want to figure out with you. Rutherford, you're also from, from Southern California, Thousand Oaks specifically. Yeah, Thousand Oaks. And my understanding, we talked a little bit before, you know, we were having our meal in advance. You're a big Carl's Jr. fan known as Hardee's east of the Mississippi.
Starting point is 00:10:00 What, what about Carl's Jr. makes you, makes you someone who's got an allegiance to this particular chain? Well, I really am a big fan of the, the barbecue chicken sandwich. Because it's like a very heavy child. Right. It was like a fat kid. So then once I,
Starting point is 00:10:14 Are you really? Yeah, yeah. What? Yeah, I was a fat kid. And then I kind of grew out of it and I started playing sports. And I wasn't terrible at all the sports, but I got very active. So then I, so I still have a very, like weird relationship
Starting point is 00:10:26 with food, because I feel like that's there, could always be there. How long were you fat kid for? If you don't mind me asking. To like eighth grade, seventh, eighth grade. Oh, wow. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:10:34 Yeah. Oh, we kind of had an opposite trajectory there. We just, so I, for whatever reason, it's like a whole wheat bun. It's got real chicken. I felt like this is the healthiest fast food item you can get. Oh, got it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:10:46 Yeah. And let's say it was close to the high school, we could, you know, get off campus passes, very easy to get to, get some Carl's. And we'd play, I showed you to play games with the table numbers. You flip them around, do flips and tricks with it. That I was intrigued by, because this number flipping game
Starting point is 00:11:01 was new to me. And I mean, can you walk us through this number flipping game? Because we're talking about the little, the little triangle shaped placards you put. Yeah, like a sandwich board. Like there's many sandwich boards on tables. Yeah, that you put at the end of your table
Starting point is 00:11:13 so they can bring you the correct order. Yeah. So at Carl's, everybody gets their own. It's also like kind of a hybrid restaurant because it's fast food, but they bring it to your table. Yeah, which I like. I like that too. So you just basically flick it when it's standing
Starting point is 00:11:24 how it should be. You flick it, you got to get at least one full rotation. If it lands straight up again, that's a point. If it lands on the side, like on the A frame, that's two points. Wow. Yeah. We saw you pull off a one pointer and it was pretty impressive. You could have said he pulled off a two pointer.
Starting point is 00:11:38 It could have said anything. Could have said, hey, I wasn't going to lie. The one pointer I thought was dazzled. It's interesting to know that this aside that you said, this aside about this game, which I was like, oh, interesting, had Weiger fascinated. And I feel like he was thinking about it the entire meal, it turns out.
Starting point is 00:11:54 Yeah, it was. And you didn't even try flipping it. No, I was, I was going to fail. I didn't think it was going to do very well. Is that why you, when we left the restaurant, you started bawling? We can go back and play it if you want to. It's pretty close.
Starting point is 00:12:07 Yeah. Maybe you should get some dough boy numbers made up. Oh, that's an interesting idea. Oh, that's funny. Yeah. Hey, more shit to sell. Also at Carbage, no one wants. Did you, my Carl's Jr. anyway, and I think all the ones
Starting point is 00:12:22 I've ever been to would have actual salt and pepper shakers at the table. Yes. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Right. And we got a little bit of that at today's chain. I mean, they have some, you know,
Starting point is 00:12:30 they have some things on the table that are sort of set for you. It's kind of like hybrid, diner, hybrid, fast food. I'd say even more so in the direction of Carl's, then Carl's Jr. Hardy, which kind of, I feel like just puts their toe in the water in terms of the diner aspect of things. But before we get into this chain,
Starting point is 00:12:47 as someone from Southern California, like what is the outside of Carl's Jr. Hardy's, like what is the food that makes you think of home? Like what are your kind of your favorites? I think I know the answer. I think I know the answer, too. You want to say it at the same time? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:59 One, two, three. Burritos. Oh, fuck. Yeah, I think it's, well, I think classically it's in and out. I'm not a huge in and out fan. Right. So, but if I'm like out of the state and I'm talking to people, they're like,
Starting point is 00:13:12 oh, in and out, in and out, man, right? And they're like, when you get home, you're going to have an in and out? I'm like, no, I'm probably not going to seek out like a subpar burger when I get back to my home. Wow. In and out? This is heresy.
Starting point is 00:13:26 This is huge for him. I like where you're going. Here's the thing. You said in and out makes you think of home. I was like, oh, this guy is a big in and out guy. And then now you're saying you're kind of lukewarm on it. I'm flipping on it. Wow.
Starting point is 00:13:38 I just never seek it out. Like if I, if an in and out is across from McDonald's, I'm going in and out. Right. But I don't go, you know what I need right now? In and out. I'll do a burrito or I'll get like a taco truck stuff. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:48 Yeah. I go, I go with McDonald's over in and out any day. Really? No, not any day. I mean, I like, I like in and out. I give it a hard time, but I agree with you in some respects that people really build it up. People, it's, yeah, it's very way too hyped.
Starting point is 00:14:04 And they're always aligned. Doesn't matter what time of day. Although that line moves fast. It does move fast. Oh God. Well, I like that they got touch screened. They're taking orders in advance. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:13 Yeah. I don't know how they, I don't know how that speeds anything up. They're, well, they're line management skills. I think, I think, because there's a little bit of time because everything's freshly prepared to order. They, that gives them a little bit more lead time to get each order ready by the time you'd get up to the delivery window.
Starting point is 00:14:24 But I, I, their line management skills, both in the drive through and in store are, are pretty impressive. The way that they kind of, you know, get through everyone, they, they were excited to work through. Like the, yeah, there's always a crowd here. Here's what else I will say about it is the, the amount of people at in and outs from the time
Starting point is 00:14:42 they're open till they close makes me think like, does everyone in California eat a burger? Like how, there's so many people eating burgers every single day in and out. Like at all times of the day, huge lot. It's crazy to me. Are people always eating the burgers? I think honestly, I bet you 80% of that line
Starting point is 00:15:01 is tourists who, who are like, I think so. They're like, we got to try in and out. I don't, I don't, yeah. I mean, 80% might be a little high. I think there, there's certainly tourists who go, I think there's a lot of loyal locals. Relax. You see a lot of working class families there.
Starting point is 00:15:13 Numbers. We've got to change the subject because we're losing it. This is fine. I also, I applied to work at in and out in like high school. Wow. And it didn't get the job. So like there's a bit of beef I have,
Starting point is 00:15:24 bit of beef, bit of never frozen beef right I have. Did you forget your prayers? Is that over? Yeah, I didn't bring my cross. I wanted to be a short cook. I wanted to like, I wanted to be flipping salt shakers around and do tricks and stuff. That's great.
Starting point is 00:15:40 Yeah. They should have hired them. They should have. That'd be badass. I would love to have that skill set. I'm sorry they passed you over. It's all right. But then I went and worked at Cold Stone,
Starting point is 00:15:48 Cold Stone Creamery and did a lot of tricks. That's a fun one too. That was real fun. Yeah, I was flipping the spades around, tossing mix-ins back and forth with my buddy. Good time. Like cocktail. This was high school age?
Starting point is 00:15:58 Yeah. This was like, or maybe I went to a junior college. This might have been like 17, 18. Okay. I might have been just at a high school. Right. But you, this was like a, as these jobs go, you, this one was actually pretty fun.
Starting point is 00:16:07 That one was really fun. Yeah. Like you said, like cocktail. Yeah, exactly. So me and my buddy Kevin would get shifts together and then we'd have 15 minute breaks and we both had fake IDs. So we would go into his car and drink like tall boys
Starting point is 00:16:21 that we had and we would get like a, catch a little buzz. Oh yeah. Then we'd go back into the ice cream parlor and we would just like, there was always a line. It was so busy, so crowded. We would just toss like brownies to each other.
Starting point is 00:16:32 At some point. So there's a, just pick like a, it's like a ice cream shop filled with people. Yes. Just wall-to-wall people everywhere. Everybody's excited. They're playing the jams. You're singing tip songs.
Starting point is 00:16:44 And somebody orders a brownie and I go, yo, Kevin, I need a brownie. And then he takes the tongs, tosses a brownie high up from one stone to the other stone. I catch it in a cup, makes it in. People are losing their goddamn minds. And then every so often, can't do it all the time.
Starting point is 00:16:57 This is like cocktail. Yeah, we wanted it. And then at some point, somebody would order like, oh, I'll have sprinkles mixed in. Hey, Kevin, can I get some sprinkles over here? He flings the spoon of sprinkles across the whole store. Sprinkles are everywhere. People are like, these guys are out of the control,
Starting point is 00:17:12 total lunatics. Yeah. Not every time we do a sprinkles, seven times. That's not even functional. That's just for pizzazz. That's just for pizzazz. I feel like the, the, the cold stone, the people, the, the owners or whatever of cone still,
Starting point is 00:17:25 what is called the cold stone creators. I was going to say the CEO founder. Okay, sure. Founders of cold stone, the founder, the founders. They're going to hear this story and tear up because we were in there and cold stones are not the same anymore. Really?
Starting point is 00:17:39 They're they're not drawing the crowds. They once were the novelties kind of worn off there. And it's like, I feel like a lot of them aren't like the big, like the big flagship store, like the slabs. I feel like when we were there, weren't they just tiny slabs? Yeah. They've, they've downsized the slabs a little bit, I guess to save on granite costs.
Starting point is 00:17:54 And then the, the, you know, instead of greeting you with a, with flinging toppings across the room, they're just sort of giving you like a shrug and a heavy sigh when you make your order. It's a much different vibe in there. Wow. That sounds like a good time though. It sounds like a lot of, it sounds like the best time.
Starting point is 00:18:08 It was super fun. It was really great. And I met my first girlfriend in that cold stone. Wow. And I gave her her ice cream and then I grabbed her hand and kissed her on the hand. I don't do that. Who does that?
Starting point is 00:18:20 But I would, that's how confident I was with those spades in my hand standing over that freezing marble. So this wasn't a coworker. This was a customer you would. Yeah. She went to high school with me. So I knew her. Right.
Starting point is 00:18:31 And then I was being very flirty and like handed it to her and like gave her a little smooch on her hand. Wow. And then we dated for like six years. So. Damn. That's so cool. I don't, I think it's,
Starting point is 00:18:41 I don't think you can make claims like that anymore. I, I regret maybe that should be edited out. Yeah. You might be in trouble. Yeah. You might still be in trouble for the girl you dated for six. Yeah. For kissing her hand.
Starting point is 00:18:58 You know that movie, the movie cocktail was supposedly based off of the founder of TGI Fridays because yeah, TGI Fridays used to be a cool singles bar in New York before it became franchised in his family friendly chain restaurant. And the, you know, the flair bartending is, you know, at now tossing the bottles around and doing those fast pours and everything was a lot of the innovation largely of this guy and the guy who worked at the guy who created TGI Fridays
Starting point is 00:19:25 and his bartender, his bar staff. That's very not as cool. It's not nearly as cool. Right. Wow. So you and I met, I was trying to think of our history together. We, I met you at, at, at Colson Creamery. At Colson Creamery, you kissed my hand.
Starting point is 00:19:45 I was smitten and and then we started doing, no, I met you at USC in and when we're doing sketch comedy. Do you remember that we did like a big sketch comedy show together at USC? Yeah, for was you, was this a birthday boy? Was this my birthday boys and good neighbor? You're, you're from a very funny sketch group. Good neighbor. We did.
Starting point is 00:20:07 Was it like at Bovert? I don't remember what this show was for that was like a fundraiser. Maybe a fundraiser or something. I feel like that was the first time we really kind of probably met you guys. But I wasn't, I don't think we were in college anymore. This must have been after the fact. I think it might have, but maybe was after the fact or maybe it was like your, yeah, maybe like your first year out or something.
Starting point is 00:20:24 Yeah, something like that. Yeah. A very funny crew. We did, I did, I did an inside SoCal with you at one point. Oh yeah. You remember? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:31 Yeah. Yeah. I think it was your, the biggest failure of your guys as a sketch crew. No, no, those are, those have like real hardcore like fans of those, not as many yet. I didn't realize that you're, so you're, you've always been a, you've always been a soak, you've always been a California guy. Yeah. I've always, I lived in New York like for a couple of years at two different times in
Starting point is 00:20:50 my life, but I grew up in California, went to school in California. Okay. And, and like Nick said, as far as food goes, you didn't mention burritos, but are burritos, tacos, are those like your main go-to California foods or what? I feel like for me, it's definitely taco, like taco truck tacos and, and, and, and a breakfast burrito, like a good breakfast burrito. But I think down south, something like, South, like Southern California, Southern Southern California, like San Diego, it's all about burritos.
Starting point is 00:21:22 Yeah. It's a big burrito culture. There's, there's kind of an interesting, it's, it's almost like you, much in the way that a, a flour tortilla wraps around a burrito, there's kind of a burrito, the burrito poles at the north and south end of California, and then kind of in the middle, it's kind of taco country. Yeah. You might more like a round LA and around central California, there's more tacos. You go down to San Diego, you go up to the Bay Area, they're all about burritos there.
Starting point is 00:21:46 And that's because just like a burrito, the top and bottom of burrito, usually is where the juices have accumulated. Right. Those are the best bites. Yeah, they are. Top and bottom of burrito are the best. The middle of the burrito, it can be a little too much mush. Too much mush.
Starting point is 00:21:59 Yeah, there's too much give, but you got, sometimes you got some knotted up tortilla top and bottom, so you get some nice texture. But sometimes it can like just be sour cream. You're just like, oh, I just got a big bite of sour cream and tortilla. Sometimes that's not too bad. I like when it's just like chicken water at the bottom. That's what I want. Right.
Starting point is 00:22:17 A little, like a shot glass of chicken water. Yeah. So my question to you, spend some time in New York, the age old question, do you like New York food better or LA food better? We ask every person who's ever lived in New York this question. Which is all of our guests. It's pretty much every one we have on the show, except for Nick and I. Except for Nick and I.
Starting point is 00:22:37 I like living in LA a lot better than living in New York. It took me like years to realize that, but now I'm convinced that the quality of life here is so much better. But I really like halal food. Like there's really good late night options for just like getting like some chicken and rice or a kebab. So, and we don't really have that out here, so. Yeah, there's some good stuff out here, but it's, you know, it's a very large
Starting point is 00:23:03 Persian population, a very large Armenian population here in Calif, in LA specifically. So there's some, there's some good options, but it's a little different than what you get out in New York. Yeah. You gotta seek it out, you gotta seek it out here. I mean, that's the issue with everything. They're, they're just the carts that you can just get, you know, like a really good Euro from at any time of day.
Starting point is 00:23:22 Yeah. Yeah. And I miss those because they're everywhere. Right. Or even get, because I'm a big kebab fan, like I love a skewer or like a saute. Yeah. And you can get those just on the street. You got to really seek them out here.
Starting point is 00:23:31 Got to go to the right Thai restaurant. Yeah. Yeah. Good Thai food, great food out here. A lot of good for a good food out here. I forgot what I was going to say. Sorry, Nick. What do you like better?
Starting point is 00:23:43 Nick raised his hand. I'm an East Coast food fan, but I think the Los Angeles has some of the best food on earth. It's a great food city. I've said this before. You raised your hand like almost like a classroom. No, I wasn't raising my hand. It looks like I was raising my hand stretching your hand.
Starting point is 00:23:57 I don't know what I was doing. You raised your hand like this. Did I really? Yeah. I didn't even realize I was doing that. Maybe you were stretching your fingers. It threw me off completely. Oh, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:24:05 I thought you had like some sort of question. I didn't mean to disrupt your thought. No, this isn't like a classroom setting. That's not the thing I'm going to start doing. I think you should. I think that if you have a thought, you should. I'll start raising my hand and then we'll take recess and just for fun, we'll play Heads Up 7 Up.
Starting point is 00:24:22 What is Heads Up 7 Up? You never played that game? No. Wait. Heads Up 7 Up for sure. Yeah. Emma knows what it is. Oh.
Starting point is 00:24:30 Should we put your head down? Yeah. Put your thumb up. Oh. So it makes your thumbs and taps your thumb. Taps your thumb. Oh, that's what it is. Okay.
Starting point is 00:24:35 Yeah. I actually don't remember the rules really beyond that. I think that's it. And then like one of the tappers is on the, if you got tapped, you stand up and you have to identify your tapper. Oh, you try to guess who the person was who tapped you. Yeah. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:49 Every time you tap, you stand up. And then by the end, is it the last person left has to guess who's, how does it work? I don't know. But I cheated. Did you cheat at it? Yeah. You're just peeking all the time. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:00 What the fuck? Yeah. You peek at people's shoes. That's the whole trick. Easiest game to cheat at. Yeah. You're cheating? You have your head down to open your eyes.
Starting point is 00:25:08 You use the Patriots of cheating all the time. I admire the Patriots for cheating. Oh, my God. I think it's good that they're explaining the rules of the game. Were you a strange elementary? I just imagine that you were a strange boy, Liger. I think I was an all right kid. That's not what we asked.
Starting point is 00:25:24 Strange boy. I don't know how strange I was. I think I was okay. I think I was like, you have a huge smile on your face. I don't know. I don't know how to respond to that. I had friends. We hung out.
Starting point is 00:25:38 Do you still smile? It seems like you're lying. I played kickball. I feel like a strange boy. Like you had a weird pet or something. Like, did you have a chinchilla or? We did have two turtles. That's not that weird.
Starting point is 00:25:49 Turtles are fine. I feel like I was like right of the level. Like not cool, obviously, but like the level above the kid who got the kids who got made fun of. Like just ever so slightly above the kids who got made fun of. Were you like a floater? Could you like float in between? I could float.
Starting point is 00:26:07 Oh, yeah. Like I was friends with the cool people. The pool. You're a sinker. This is back. You're talking back when I was this. I was very thin and blonde hair. Oh, right.
Starting point is 00:26:16 That's right. I was very fat and still the same hair. But yeah, like I knew the cool people. I wasn't the cool people, but I knew them. And I knew like kind of the weird kid, like the Weigars. Yeah. And yeah, I could float around. I would like talk to Weigar about his turtles,
Starting point is 00:26:33 but then also talk to Adam about the baseball game that he crushed over the weekend. You know what I mean? I could do that. I could do that as well. I wouldn't want to talk to the Weigars as much. Well, Weigar specifically. But I remember there was like a time in elementary school.
Starting point is 00:26:47 There was this kid, Chuck, he's a great kid too. But in elementary school, he had a hard time and he used to draw mazes. And then like you would do his maze. And as you were doing his maze, he would do like sound effects for like you, but he would do like music. Weigar is smiling, thinking this is cool. Trying to find him on Facebook.
Starting point is 00:27:05 That's amazing. It sounds great. And he started his maze and he'd be like, like he would do music. And like you would be my best friend. Yeah. No shit. But I remember they were like, like when I was in fifth grade,
Starting point is 00:27:19 like you re like at one point you the you wrestle. There was like a wrestle thing. And everyone was like, like Mitch, wrestle Chuck. And I was like, all right, I'll wrestle Chuck. And Chuck like wiped the floor with me. Like beat like fucking destroyed me. Like, and I was like, all right, I'll wrestle. Like I thought I was gonna be cool.
Starting point is 00:27:39 And he like, he just fucking destroyed me. It was, it was, it was, it was nice. It was like a PE thing or just like, yeah, it was a PE. Like a weird purge that your school had. There was, there was like a, they literally blew mats outside. I feel like never again would it happen now in 2018. But in Quincy mass in the late 80s, early 90s, kids were just wrestling each other.
Starting point is 00:27:59 Some would go to go on to middle school. The others would go to juvenile hall. That's true. I had, I'm remembering now, there was a kid named Matt. I don't remember his last name, but he was kind of like a shy, sort of weird kid. And then we went to like, and then we kind of knew and everyone's just like, oh, that guy's this shy, weird kid.
Starting point is 00:28:16 And then he went to a different school. And then years later, I ran into not Matt, but to, but some, some friends who went to that different school. And they were like, oh, Matt's the coolest now. He's made himself, he like, he had a gimmick. He's Matt the tool man. And he was going around, he was going around Tim the tool man. He was going around doing Tim the tool man.
Starting point is 00:28:36 He was just like, oh, he was just like that. He's just like, when home improvement was like the biggest show on television, he was just Matt the tool man. That was his gimmick now. And then he was like into like fixing things. He like actually had tools and stuff. And he just went whole hog with his gimmick. And I was like, oh, good for him.
Starting point is 00:28:51 He found something. Matt the tool. Matt the tool man. And he would go, huh? Like you would do Tim Allen stuff. Oh, oh, oh. Oh. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:01 Talk about things needing more power. He talked about his binford. Right. Sure. 5,000. And this guy was Wilson. Yeah. He was much cooler than you.
Starting point is 00:29:09 He got, he like ascended the social ladder because he became a tool guy. Oh my God. You know, I was re, I was reading up on, you know, the Roseanne, the new Roseanne series came out. I was just reading comments on it. That's all. I won't state my opinion on the whole thing,
Starting point is 00:29:23 but you did. You did write all of Roseanne's dialogue, right? That's insulting for like a couple different reasons. The I wrote the sleep apnea scene. There are a lot of people in the comments for like a Hollywood reporter thing. There was a lot of last man standing. People were like, that's why they took away last man standing.
Starting point is 00:29:50 Right. And then there was like a thread of like a thousand comments about last man standing and how it got unjustly canceled. Why did it get canceled? Because Tim, the tool man. I think maybe that was a part of it or something. It could have been. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:04 I mean, it's on the politics. It was on the air for like six or seven seasons. I don't think there was a good reason for it to have been canceled because it seemed to be doing fine in the ratings, but the suspicion was it was it was political politics, but clearly ABC has swung the pendulum in the other direction. Yeah. But it was it was so crazy to see like a list of like a thousand,
Starting point is 00:30:24 like right so many fans and army of fans who loved who fucking loved last man standing. Hey man, middle America. It's a different world. Tim Allen did. What did he do? He killed the man. No, he's a coke dealer.
Starting point is 00:30:37 Yeah. Yeah. He ditched on it. He ratted on everyone and sent like 18 people to prison in a cocaine ring. Oh, yes. Oh, really? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:44 Oh, yeah. He just ran over Wilson in The Simpsons is what I was thinking of. Right. Right. So we got to get into the this week's chain, Nick, but I want to talk before real quick. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:55 You did. You recently went on a Star Wars VR experience and we Mitch and I were both very excited to hear the details of this. Well, I'm very I am way into VR stuff. So are you really? Yeah, it's weird. I just like I'll see that IMAX VR thing next to the Grove.
Starting point is 00:31:10 Yeah. There's like it's like an arcade of all VR stuff. Oh, crazy. But this is similar that it's at the gallery. I think there's a couple of other places across the country, but you go in with three buddies and you're undercover stormtroopers and you can see like I look at you and you're a stormtrooper and you can wave at me and I
Starting point is 00:31:27 wave at you. Uh-huh. What I would look at Mitch needs a stormtrooper. He'd be in a stormtrooper outfit. Yeah. Would I be a pudgy tour? Would my would would I look bigger? I don't know if it definitely like scaled the height
Starting point is 00:31:38 because my really tall friend Nick another Nick went in and he was the taller stormtrooper. Oh, that's cool. But it's like you see your hand and it's like you see your fingers moving around a little stormtrooper glove. So it's amazing and you're walking around you're not like sitting you're walking around this like kind of set that has stuff mapped on it.
Starting point is 00:31:53 So you look over at Mitch and you're like that stormtrooper is getting shot real quick. Yeah. It's a big tour too much. And then it took us probably like two minutes. Yeah, I would say 25 seconds before we just started blowing each other and jerking each other off right. Like because immediately like that droid from rogue one or rogue
Starting point is 00:32:12 squad or whatever it is comes over and is like telling us what we have to do. And it's like my friend just walks over gets on his knees and starts blowing him. And we're like and there's nothing funnier in the world. Right, right. And so you're just like I have no idea what they said to us. I don't know what the story was what our mission was because
Starting point is 00:32:29 we're just like you just see your stormtrooper buddies like curled over laughing on the floor because that never gets old. Right. And that's so funny too to be so excited to do this thing. And then all the information is just out the window. Yeah, nothing at all. And it was really fun and we did it and you like you fight
Starting point is 00:32:46 like Vader at the end and then we were out and we're like oh man that's that's fantastic. And they're like yeah we know we were we we watch you guys the whole time. And I was like oh I'm well we're really sorry about the the blow jobs and the hand jobs then and stuff and he's like oh everybody blows each other. That's the first thing everybody does.
Starting point is 00:33:07 Like they literally are like watching like okay like a checklist like they're blowing each other. Oh they got their blasters they're shooting themselves in the dick. Great. Everything seems good with these guys like it's all the same shit. We're all dumb monkeys.
Starting point is 00:33:19 Right. Who just who just and it digress. So many millions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of man hours invested in perfecting this state-of-the-art technology and that's what it results. Yeah, exactly. Guys just sucking each other out. Why are you gonna get over there?
Starting point is 00:33:34 It's pretty fun. Have you ever seen a stormtrooper suck itself off? But then it's like you know there's this tiny little layer of a virtual like in our eyes like you're wearing a stormtrooper costume so like it's totally cool but from an outside perspective like I'm just sucking your ass. Anybody else is like those guys are just sucking each other. Like to us we're like hey this is so silly.
Starting point is 00:33:57 It's like you guys are this is not cool. Anyway so check it out. It's cool. It's if you're having fun it's cool. It's I mean it's fun. We got to go. I'll go. I'll gladly go.
Starting point is 00:34:09 Oh yeah. We got to go. Let's go. I'm 100%. Once someone else was in I was I mean. Have you seen Ready Player One yet? No not yet. Oh you'll like the oasis is all I have to say.
Starting point is 00:34:21 I have seen it. Did you see it in 3D? I did not see in 3D. I don't like 3D. I don't really either but I heard this one's okay for 3D. There is I won't spoil anything. But they're like who said this either Dave Jelenick or Charles Ingram said it was like the craziest.
Starting point is 00:34:41 Maybe the craziest thing he's ever seen which I maybe agree with. But there is something that happens. Just remember when you see when they get to the second key. Just remember that and there's nothing. There's like one of the craziest things I've ever seen in a movie. It's not a great movie. It's not very Josh Gad having sex with a Cuba pixels. Crazy crazy.
Starting point is 00:35:01 Crazy or in a different way. Oh wow. It's really it's really really crazy. I'll probably tell you because you don't care about sports. I'll tell you later. All right tell me how fair I'm very interested. All right well let's get into Farmer Boys. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:11 So rather for this is a chain that only exists really in California and Nevada. It's only been around for about 35 years. It doesn't have a ton of history and it was actually created by like literal farmer boys. These were guys who grew up on a farm and they're like let's start a let's start a chain restaurant that uses kind of that has this sort of farm fresh concept. What was your your interest and I know it's a place you said you went to in college.
Starting point is 00:35:34 I think because I found this in the back of a magazine once in college and it was it it's very it looks very quaint like the artwork is kind of bad. Right. You know it's like it's like something's off here and I was like I went out of my way to check it out and it was a good burger back then but I just have never been and now they've expanded or haven't been since and they've expanded a lot. Yeah they have they have about a hundred locations today and yeah it has really rapidly expanded like you were saying I'd been years ago a couple of times and I'd gotten a salad.
Starting point is 00:36:08 Apparently you and I were there a little bit before Mitch and they have a big sign that says their Cobb salad is their number one seller which you pointed out which is weird. But I think it actually had that salad before and then I had just like one of their standard burgers but this was this was over 10 years ago but I remember enjoying both meals. So this was a bit of a of a return for me. So this isn't a place you went to a lot. This isn't like a this isn't like your carls. I went a handful of times because it was like downtown next to it used to be downtown next
Starting point is 00:36:34 to like the American apparel like factory or something. That's all I remember is that it was always there. But I remember thinking like again this weird relationship with food like this is better for me to go have this fresh food. Sure. Then you know whatever shitty like cafeteria food was at the college. Right. And it really is like a bitch.
Starting point is 00:36:53 When you said you were there a little before me. Did you mean today? Yeah today. You were looking at you. But you were running a little late. You're running a little late. I got there at 1148. It's fine.
Starting point is 00:37:05 We were waiting just a couple of minutes. I'm sorry. 1048. It was it wasn't bad. What time do we say to meet there 1045 1045. Yeah. You're a few minutes late. It's fine.
Starting point is 00:37:15 You sick. We weren't waiting that long but we made a little bit of small talk and some of that involved making observations about the environment. We are you making your small talk. I was back here prepping. Nothing was set up when we got here. Yes. It's but there was things happened.
Starting point is 00:37:33 Farmer. I never been to farmer boys. Yeah. Ever never ever. This is I the the way that I even saw that I had the way that I even saw that farmer boys was a restaurant was on post like the Postmates app one time or farmer boys popped up. I was like what the fuck is farmer boys and I still don't know really. Yeah, the answer to that question.
Starting point is 00:37:54 What the hell is going on over there stuck. You got yeah. I cross my legs in a weird way and I can't hold on. Let me move with this God. You definitely were the weird fucking kid. You got stuck in your yeah. I was because you've got like this. I'm really up against the wall here.
Starting point is 00:38:08 Hold on. There we go. Okay, and this is a real intense kind of thing that yeah. There's this concrete pillar under wants me to get a new table. Yeah. Sorry, I got my legs kind of jammed up in there was a long comfortable. I was resolved now. But yeah, so the so this place is it's kind of a it's kind of like I'd say if it's in
Starting point is 00:38:27 between like a Carl's Jr. and a Denny's it's kind of like trying to do both. But it's also like the like it's a little bit more expensive than both. And also I think the ingredients are maybe a little bit better. But yeah, they kind of have like you were saying like we were talking about earlier like they have table service. They have those little number cards. They bring it out to you and they have some things on the table. And then I see the interior for where we were.
Starting point is 00:38:51 I'm kind of out of breath now from untangling myself. I've been out of breath too. Is it from that meal? I feel like I was too. But I mean that happens quite a bit. But I but I really was feeling I was feeling like two. I'll just get two sentences out and then I'll be like right. It's this farmer boys inside us.
Starting point is 00:39:08 But the aesthetic is very weird because it feels like it's trying to be like something you would stumble upon on a road trip. Yes. Right. Because everything looks like it's made out of like old crates. But on top of that, there's very now this signage is like very professional. There's like an advertisement for themselves on every inch of that place. Right.
Starting point is 00:39:28 Right. Yeah. And it's all it's all kind of a quaint message like hand cracked chicken eggs are better than they may be more work. But it's better. Yeah. Right. Like it's all like patting themselves on the back and like I'm like I'm already in here.
Starting point is 00:39:40 Yeah. Like fresh food makes you like yeah tastes better or all that all that sort of like. Yeah. The big thing is like farm fresh or farm fresh food isn't fast food. Right. I like when they apologize out of the gate of like it's going to take a while. We know you're used to people have perfected this somewhere else but we are still working on it. So I don't know that gets a weird vibe.
Starting point is 00:40:04 It's like super corporate but then trying to be really quaint in hometown. It is. Yeah. It's very straight. It feels in a little way is like when you're watching a movie or something. It's like a little bit. It's like a little bit Panera but a little bit cracker bear. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:17 A little bit like country down. But if you were watching like road trip or something. Yes. Where they go from Ithaca University which is not Ithaca College. Also for the reason I went to Ithaca by the way because of the movie road trip. Whoa. That guy goes to college and has sex with a woman. Little did I know.
Starting point is 00:40:37 And then and then if like they in road trip if on the road trip they stopped at a farmer boys. I'd be like oh yeah. That's what it looks like a movie. Yeah. It looks like such a movie fucking restaurant. It looks absolutely looks fake. It looks like it looks like a set and then you want her ratio sands to come out and bring you a sandwich. You know after after walking around with a piece of bread in his pants.
Starting point is 00:41:01 Right. Yeah. It's a great movie road trip. It's it. I just watched it recently. It's got some good jokes in it. It's it's holds up and it also it's like not it not like a I feel like a lot of like kind of of like his movie specifically became kind of like douche to for lack of a better word douchey
Starting point is 00:41:19 and that one's kind of like a got a little bit more heart to it. I feel like you mean yeah especially for like a college sex comedy or right. Yeah you want more more of that less war dogs. Hey give me war dogs. War dogs wasn't word is okay. It's not it's like his attempt to be like a Martin Scorsese movie. Okay, so it's you know it's not great, but anyways my point what being the sort of this for you made fun of me over and over again is that it feels like it's like a fake weird
Starting point is 00:41:53 thing that I can't even classify. It's it's it's bizarre. It is it's bizarre and it's and it's not even like it doesn't feel like like you were saying it doesn't feel like that cheap. It doesn't feel like a cheap version of that. It feels like it feels expensive. It feels like it is like an actual thing. Yeah, it's like nice. It's nice. Yeah, you were pointing out Mitch because we're at the Hollywood in Western was where the location we went to. That's the intersection where we went to this farmer boys and it's like actually one of if your insights like this is one of the nicer things in this area. Yeah, it's like it feels like very it feels very homey. Even though they put together right.
Starting point is 00:42:27 I mean not that napkin, but that you know there was there was a napkin that had a little bit of guac on it. Yeah, just on our table. But it was but it was in the napkin dispenser like that guy who reached for that napkin. I must have had so much guac on his hand. Right. I wonder if you reach for a far napkin and then he like like some dripped onto that or something or I just don't I don't even know how this happened. Yeah, but that also means that the guac was like on the back of his face. You know what I mean? Right on his knuckles like because it got the next napkin in maybe he dipped his hand in guac or something. He probably ran out of chips. Yeah, just doing some you know just some handfuls of guac. Classic. Yeah, well that's what you do. Right. Run into
Starting point is 00:43:05 chips. But it's also like the weird thing about farmer boys to me is it's like they have like signs like we did farm we did farm to table before it was cool. So the whole thing is like this is farm fresh food. Yeah. But every food item is not really like I don't picture that as like farm food. It's like mostly burgers. Yeah, you don't you don't picture them as like killing the cow on the farm. That's not a farm. Like it should be like corn in the cob. Like you know what I mean? I feel like it's like it should be veggie for it and it's not at all. Yeah. Well, I think that I think you're yeah, I think you're right and I think but I think part of that might have to do with what people think of as farm to table is kind of maybe changed over time because you know this
Starting point is 00:43:44 this restaurant started in the early 80s and like you know that was before any sort of these that was before people were even worrying about season seasonal ingredients at all. So I think they were just sort of like oh we'll just take fast food down home meals that people already like we'll take these dishes that people are already comfortable with like like your burgers and your breakfast burritos and what have you and then we'll just make them with a higher level of ingredients and a higher level of care. That's what I call it behind and they haven't really evolved their menu over time. It's like it feels pretty I mean they've certainly added items but it doesn't feel wholly different from what I remember a few years ago. It's still fairly basic.
Starting point is 00:44:18 I mean a lot of the sandwiches seem new to me or from what I remember but also I think a new thing on the wall is they had and this is like at really nice places I think it's usually like we support these local farms and they would have you know where their produce comes from. They had this head on that wall. They did yeah. Yeah but I was like Haas avocados like that's a huge avocado. Right right right right. It's like like jolly green giant lettuce. It's like wait these are like the biggest guys. We support Safeway. Yeah. I will say this though. Yes. Got breakfast options lunch options and interruptions and it's open 24
Starting point is 00:44:56 hours which I had no idea it was open 24 hours. That's insane. Yeah this location anyway and also Hollywood Boulevard. I've we touched on that just for a second but Hollywood Boulevard is is bad as a bad it's kind of shitty in many ways. It's just kind of like yeah there can be a little bit grimy right. Yeah grimy is the right word. Yeah and and and and so for a place it's open 24 hours and looks decent in there you know. I mean I know this isn't the bad section of Hollywood Boulevard if you get closer to down by the Kodak theater that annoying tourist tourist area that area is awful. Yeah but yeah I hey I like I like this spot and also for me for my very personal benefit steps from a train stop. Yeah very close to the metro took LA's lovely metro here
Starting point is 00:45:42 and you were actually a few minutes early. I was a little actually I had me taking train from Santa Monica beat Mitch driving from his apartment which is literally five minutes away. Yeah it's a three quarters of a mile away in a car. 1148 I walked in 1148 1048 1048 right sorry I got that wrong too. I was helping you out. I think you could have walked here faster than it took for Nick to take the train. Look there were some things to do here right. You know what I'll talk to it when we get to our segment later. You're like what's his name from a road trip and I'm like Stifler. Wait who's he then Finch. Yeah he's he's the guy who the guy who jerks off in his room all day. Which guy is that I remember it's not the DJ
Starting point is 00:46:36 calls like DJ calls. What is his name is it Finch or is that from the American pie. No Finch is American pie and you also said Stifler which is not the Sean William Scott's character. So I'm Sean William Scott's character. Also he's the jerk in it though. No he's he jerks I mean they all jerk I think they all jerk off at one point. He gets milked. He gets milked. Oh wait he gets prostated. That's me. That is more like Walker. He gets he gets really into getting prostated at one point. You were okay with being the DJ quills character. Yeah that's fine. Hey that guy gets lucky. He does. He loses his virginity. Yeah pretty cool. Yeah we got to get into the third. You're not left on that way. Okay let's go. So I got the California BLT
Starting point is 00:47:20 which is a which was a very very standard BLT on white bread lettuce tomato. I'll give you props for getting a lunch option for 1048. Let me tell you this 1045 you're right on the cusp of lunch. I felt like by the time we got our food it would be 11 that's that's about I feel like about the earliest lunching hour. That's what I felt like but you know I'm curious what our listeners think. If it's about 11 a.m. are you going to get a breakfast or a or you're going to get yourself a lunch hashtag late breakfast or hashtag early lunch. I don't know about the early I feel like it's got to be at least noon for me to get to the yeah I will always push breakfast as late as possible. Yeah but never do early lunch. Right I like an early lunch. Hey I've had lunch at 1030.
Starting point is 00:48:03 Well for you this is basically a 10 30 a.m. is midday. Yeah it is. It is. You wake up at five. Right. You go to bed at 8 30 p.m. I stayed up till 10 15 last night. 10 50. 10 15. Oh are you an early riser. I'm an early riser. Yeah. Oh you've the time that when I was like eight years old I'd cry about when my parents tried to put me to bed at 10 15. So the California BLT it had you know as you might expect with the word California on there had some avocado but I would say it was less of a an actual sliced avocado and more of like a guac slash avocado mush which was not happy about it when I came. I mean it was like an avocado spread. It wasn't it wasn't quite what I would have rather had some some whole avocado on there
Starting point is 00:48:49 but it was fine. The bacon I thought was really nice. I could use a little more mayo on that bad boy and but overall a very good diner quality BLT. I thought this was very much right down the middle it delivered. I think it would have liked it more without the avocado spread. I got that comboed with the chili cheese fries. I think those chili cheese fries and they tossed some raw onions on top. They you have that option. I thought those chili cheese fries were quite nice. Very meaty chili. I thought the fries had a good Christmas to them and they have like just the perfect sort of the perfect sort of size and density for like they're kind of like this mid-sized fry. They're not too too skinny and not too fat. They're not quite steak fries
Starting point is 00:49:28 which is really good in terms of retaining that chili and cheese. I thought those were really nice just like it's a huge portion. It's like an insane to have that as a side. That's like a whole meal which is I guess a weird complaint to have but I thought that was the upgrading your fries to chili cheese fries. Just know what you're getting yourself into and then we got a bunch of stuff to share for the table but let's get into your guys meals first. Rutherford what did you have? I had I think it's called the Sunseeker sandwich. Daybreak I have written that. Daybreak breakfast sandwich which I love an egg sandwich. Right. So like you have to really fuck it up for me to not like it and this was very good. Two eggs kind of fluffy. I'm out of breath again just thinking
Starting point is 00:50:08 about this food. Like fluffy it was like scrambled eggs you know it wasn't like a fried egg sandwich which I kind of prefer a fried egg sandwich but it's fine. Cheddar cheese, really great bacon. I don't think there was any spread on the bun at all and it was on I forget what they called the bun but it's like that potato bun. Right. Looks like chala, holla bread. Yeah. It's not chala but spelled chala. Yeah. Looks like that which I it's that bread that has like dust on it. It's got I guess it's flour. I don't know. Yeah I know what you mean. You know what I mean it's and I think that is like a potato roll. Potato roll probably yeah and the problem with that potato roll is each there's like inconsistencies in how thick the bread is because of the peaks and valleys everywhere.
Starting point is 00:50:46 Right. It's got like dunes. It's got like natural dunes to it and that's where it tends to want to break. If I had if I could do it over I would have said just put it on sourdough bread or that white bread. Yeah. It also looks moldy that bread always. Yeah because of the weird dust on it. The little flour dusting. I told you I had that reaction before on previous episode. I had some of that and I thought it was mold so I tossed a perfectly good sandwich not realizing it was a type of bread it was unfamiliar with. Toasted potato bun. Toasted. It was up on the menu. That's what it says. Also not very toasted. I think it should be a little crispier. Yeah. It was good. It was fine. It was actually we also had a burger. It was better on the burger but yeah it was a good
Starting point is 00:51:21 everything inside was good but just get it with sourdough or white bread. Right. So I got the breakfast burrito which I said that this place looked like a movie set and then this burrito tasted like like a burrito you get on a set like it take in the way in the way that it tasted good and fine like it was like oh this is like does taste fresh. I would give it to him. I'm like oh the eggs taste like fluffy and nice. The cheese is good. I just wasn't like blown away by the actual taste of it. I want sausage instead of bacon and maybe should have gone bacon. The bite I had I didn't like the sausage. The bite of yours I had. Yeah. What do you usually do? This is a big I was going to ask this what you get in your breakfast burrito. Sausage or bacon. I
Starting point is 00:52:02 generally would go. You can go ham too. Let me tell you if you got chorizo as an option. That's what I'm going with. Oh god. For really? Breakfast burrito? Yeah. I feel like it's too much of a wild card like it varies so much from place to place. Yeah. You'll get it some places where it's not great but you have it places where it's good. It's great. When it's good it's great. Yeah but I think I'd probably lean towards sausage because it's more substantial and that's like a pretty hearty meal and I feel like sometimes that bacon doesn't you know sometimes I also feel like those that makes for awkward bites if you're going through that. I don't know what about you are the first. I go bacon but only because I feel like it's more it's consistently dependable. Right.
Starting point is 00:52:38 But that's such a sad thing now that I'm thinking about like I'm not going to I'm not even going to risk it. I'm going to go when I know works. I'm not going to risk doing sausage because like a really good ham or really good chorizo is good. Yeah. And I'm like I won't even let that be an option. I just want to know this will be all right. Right. Right. But that sometimes you'll get a bite of bacon and then you'll pull out and you'll just pull like a vein of bacon out of your burrito. Yeah that's a disaster. Oh my god. You don't want that but I'll say this I had a bite of your breakfast burrito. I think that was my favorite bite. Wow. Because I never get sausage so when I finally had that taste of sausage I was like oh my god what am I why am I cheating myself. Wow.
Starting point is 00:53:11 You had a very different and I had the end I had the naughty butt end of the burrito. I thought the burrito was you didn't like the burrito. It sounds like Nick. I thought it was good. I think the bite of sausage I had I felt like it was like a little off but I don't know maybe I just got an odd bite now. Like it sounds like I'm very much on it. I had one bite me. I'm very much on it. It was pico de gallo like in the middle of the burrito which like kind of didn't do much for it. They should have just given you like on the side or something. Yeah on the side or giving you or just honestly another salsa option would have been good. It's weird or something. Yeah it's weird to toss salsa in that burrito sometimes because yeah I don't I yeah sometimes
Starting point is 00:53:44 often better just to layer it on yourself. Yeah or just have like a chelú on the side. Yeah just hot sauce it. I'll tell you what my my my best bite was but also I was like laughing at like how normal that it was but the cheeseburger. Yeah so we got let's talk through I'll speed through all the stuff we got for the table and we can give our takes on these real quick but one of those was the natural cheeseburger which is basically it's it's just their burger but but the the like in and out the the beef is never frozen. Everything's antibiotic free. They're very very you know very much talking through the ingredients on the the quality of the ingredients on the menu description in particular on this one. So just a very standard cheeseburger with
Starting point is 00:54:25 lettuce and tomato. We also got a four piece of their fried zucchini which are big honkin zucchinis. They're huge. Yeah they're huge and you hear four piece and you don't realize how giant this is going to be. We got a regular cookies and cream shake and then we also got a some some hash browns and you guys had some orange juices to drink but yeah that natural cheeseburger I thought was really good and yeah that might have been I mean they've got a lot there's a lot of Thousand Island on that. There's one thing worth noting it there's it's a pretty dominant bite. My bite wasn't too wasn't too Thousand Island heavy but but yeah it might have been either that or either that or one of the really good chili cheese fries bites was my favorite bite. It was
Starting point is 00:55:04 it is a very very good burger and I think like if you're going to Farmer Boys once I think probably the burger is the thing to go with. But they have the natural burger which is a little more expensive than they have their regular burgers. I think you got to go natural. Yeah they got to go natural. Absolutely. It was like go natural. Yeah she totally saved our ass on that liger you almost blew it. I ordered a regular burger and she said do the natural burger she was correct. No Nick said. Oh Nick said and then she said it was much better you're right it was a two-step thing. But you early on you were like I think I'm going to get that natural burger the one that's antibiotic free and then you were like let's get the other burger and I was like what this guy's
Starting point is 00:55:36 lost his goddamn mind. I panicked. This guy's flip flopping on right. Hey you know what in those three minutes there you're there early fucking look at the sign. We made the right call it was good that was a very very good burger. It was good but also very standard. Very standard yeah. I don't know because there's no like they have a barn burner which looked exciting which I think has some fried jalapenos or something. Now I think I need some like crispy onions or something on a burger. You know I've just had so many burgers. Yeah change it up. It is it is a little plain. I'll say that like it like it was it was I was laughing because it was like such just like if I went if I went to like a little restaurant near a farm I feel like I'd be like oh this diner
Starting point is 00:56:19 this burger is what it would taste like but in a good way. Yeah it was it was all the all the food was the quality was good but did like the taste like wow me or whatever not really right. Yeah I'll just say the zucchini for me like they they had a good crispiness on the outside but they're so thick and those the the the moistness of the vegetable retains so much heat that biting into those I felt like I was getting like it was it was just like a too much a punch of just like scalding like steam from those bites. I don't think it was it was particularly pleasant. I think they should just cut those down a little bit not not try to blow you away with the size of those wedge those zucchini sticks and give you some narrower ones and that's the smaller order
Starting point is 00:56:58 that's the smaller order yeah four or eight. Yeah it's four or eight yeah they're crazy they're gigantic yeah and then the cookies and cream shake I thought was fine it was a fine shake yeah for five dollar shake. Very cookie heavy like gritty like it's like drinking like a face scrub like a lot of microbeads in it you know. It really it it it it was hard to to get some up through the straw when I was drinking it. Yeah it really was it feels like you need a little bit worried. That was I mean like every I did there wasn't anything I had that I thought was bad. There was nothing there was nothing bad. Well let's get to our final thoughts so Rutherford here's how this will work we'll go around the table we'll each sort of give our closing argument
Starting point is 00:57:35 if you will you're just you're sort of general assessment of this chain and then you can end with giving it a fork rating from zero to five so you're our guest we will begin with you. Okay farmer boys it's clear that these farmer boys know what they're doing with this fresh food but maybe the farmer boys need to hook up with some spice girls because they could add a little more flavor to it so I'm going to give it three and a half forks three and a half forks okay good score um go ahead bitch. As a boy I used to go to sandwich massachusetts on the cape. Cape God is this a music over this right sandwich massachusetts was was a town oh town okay yeah I know I trust me as a little kid I was excited to go to sandwich
Starting point is 00:58:20 mass thought I was going to get there there be about giant sandwich or something they put they put the sheriff at the border because they knew you're coming don't let that kid in they thought but I was going to bite into the ground or something and and and my family my god parents and we had we we rented a cape house and it was right near a farm and I go to that farm and I would feed goats sounds idyllic and say hello to the goats there and and and but I know at the goats uh watch the goats running around in their little pen and then I would a lot of goat stuff I feel like we're heading towards an equus direction here
Starting point is 00:59:11 the goats young and old kids I think are young goats billy billy billy's billy's anyways there were goats there and you know be fun to kids movie billy the kid but he's like a he's like a gunsling in the little yeah that'd be a lot of fun hey that's actually maybe your best idea of all the movie ideas you've pitched all right I mean there's no also there there is no plot right now it's just the idea of the car well you can see it it's like airbud kind of right yeah but like a western right like kind of a furton and sort of arc so does he kill does he shoot people yeah he's shooting he violently murders people oh you know like reservoir dogs right wait a minute what yeah like it's really the the confines is really great wait what about
Starting point is 00:59:55 that reservoir dogs but they're actual dogs well that's fine yeah and they're meeting up right after a heist uh we would get we get you know we get some stuff from the farm some fresh fruit sometimes uh I like like here's the deal with farm to table it's just a lot of the times especially here it's just a thing that like where I'm like oh I love the idea of it it's very expensive a lot of the time and today our meal also was pretty expensive for what we got we got a lot of stuff but we got we got a lot of stuff but it was also kind of expensive but I do I love farm fresh food I like the idea of a countryside I just don't know how strong and about an idea this place is in total sure I just I just I and and I think that the food is decent but it's not like a thing
Starting point is 01:00:42 that I'm going to crave to go back to too much like like and and and I and I think in a way like I'm like oh man that is like fresh food it's good if I was in a jam it seems like a good place to go to but I feel like I never I never really will I guess the convenience factor that is open 20 24 hours is big but the food was decent I had a fine time it was clean in there a strange place I'm gonna go three and a half forks as well three and a half forks yeah very good score um I would say yeah the convenience thing because if they had a drive through at that location I drive past that corner all the time if they had a drive through and I can get like a breakfast sandwich and like iced coffee really quick I would do that over a Starbucks any day
Starting point is 01:01:25 yeah right oh I agree with that yeah but it's you got to park in that lot and you're gonna be harassing the way in or out by somebody so right there's a I mean I think what I've seen locations with drive-thrus but they don't all happen and that that's that's kind of a negative of this particular location I'll just say that the service was great here they were super friendly they were super nice very accommodating helped asked if we needed anything else brought us extra forks for the things we were sharing I thought the service was exceptional especially for a fast service ordered the counter place and I will say I largely agree with your guys's assessments I mean the food is great it's not mind-blowing like it's like it's like a definitely a higher caliber of food than
Starting point is 01:02:05 what you get at Carl's Junior Hardee's but I'd rather go back to Carl's Junior Hardee's because Charles Junior has like a hook to it and this place just kind of just does all the classics and does them to a high degree of competency with good ingredients but it doesn't blow my mind with anything so I think for that reason I'm going the handholding club with this one three and a half forks as well wow yeah I don't have any lengthy anecdotes about my childhood spent on farms frolicking with goats yeah but a goat talk but I'll just sort of keep it simple and say this is a three and a half four this is the definition of a three and a four place it does everything well but it doesn't it's not like you never got a goat or a pig or anything like that I've met some farm animals
Starting point is 01:02:45 yeah I told you the time where I was in east over I think I've said it on here before uh-huh and we went horseback riding and I was on and I was on a horse that was like young and horny did you know yeah I think I told you this and the horse went off and chased another horse and you were on top of the horse I was on top of the horse yeah and you were like come back I can help you out no it ran with me on it oh okay it was a traumatic experience almost in a threesome with two horses close I believe yeah yeah but farm life is it's nice right it's it's a it's a nice thing and I you know what it is good to support local farmers that's a good thing right I just I feel like you're you're right in the way of like what is what what's the deal with this what is the
Starting point is 01:03:30 deal with this place take a cue from Mitch my farmer boys I get some horny animals yeah horny barnyard animals that'd be cool if there was like chicken like live chickens walking around in there put some farm stuff in there a tractor you could sit on honestly if there was a bit more of a thing they could they could easily just make a bit of it there's a bell we didn't mention the bell and though if there is a bell yeah in for good service and rather for do you rang the ring the bell which I think kind of says it all yeah um it is if you if they do well you ring the bell but that that's kind of they're punishing you because the bell is right next to it's right at face height right it's very loud it's super loud super loud and like people eating I feel like it's
Starting point is 01:04:05 like don't like it and I don't think anyone likes it no one really likes the bell the bells are silly and hey it's a farmhouse have a triangle not a bell yes yeah punch it up guy oh look one thing I will say I like that it was metal silverware right reusable plates yeah that was actually great yeah I'll say this this place is a little branding in one like big signature sandwich or something away from being like a four four I agree with you I think that's absolutely fair I think they just needed to do a little bit of plus up there Nick Rutherford thank you so much thank you guys we know you gotta go you would like to plug it this time Star Wars VR Star Wars VR is great I'll go anytime with anybody I'll do it over and over again we can do all sorts of simulated sex
Starting point is 01:04:47 inside uh yeah no check out I think you said it check out Dreamcorp LLC on adult swim and check out the unicorn when that happens all right thank you guys we'll take a break yeah we'll be back with more Doughboys welcome back to Doughboys Nick Rutherford had to take off just me and Mitch now he's he didn't like the show he left right what we always fear has happened he basically like we started talking up top and then he started making the wrap it up gesture and we're like okay we take this as a sign uh but oh boy it went through it went through your hand I was gonna and then it hit your hand hold on it hit your hand you tossed me two sauce packets I whipped both of them I was gonna remark about how earlier oh this fell on the floor and I think now has cat
Starting point is 01:05:42 hair on it I might say classic Palmerston it's it's it's wrapped it's not like it's a ball of open sweet and sour all right I'll think about it what I was gonna remark earlier we had like some a really good connection okay we're downstairs and you were like uh hey go because you had to take care of your laundry and but we we knew we had people waiting outside so you're like hey go open up the apartment yeah and you tossed me your keys and I caught them you did and also this is very funny for you to brag about this because it was like a child catching like a ball I thought it was pretty slick it was like you like you had both hands together I tossed it like the keys were in slow motion and they are they were so slow you tossed them underhand I tossed them underhand
Starting point is 01:06:29 there was a nice angle I could get underneath them and it was like the coolest like uh what like tango and cash is that well who's like the cool or the cool like star ski and hutch or something oh boy it was do you have a reference after 1986 uh like a fast and furious sort of yeah it was a fast like like the keys went over the car it's as close as we've ever gotten to the fast and furious right which was embarrassingly pathetic but uh you did catch it and I think it was the first time I ever threw anything to you that you can't right this was a this was a disaster the barbecue sauce and the sweet so I went through my hands I well I was getting this place prepared we had it we had a rush schedule today yes and then you bring up the fact that I'm three minutes
Starting point is 01:07:12 I wasn't even trying to make a thing if I didn't even bring that you brought that up first of all I said that no you said I was there a little bit before with Nick a little bit before a minute we were waiting there about five like three to five minutes it wasn't that long he was barely there before me yeah it was fine it wasn't that big a deal I wasn't even making a big moment out of it I was just saying I was giving some context I was prepping this place for the fucking podcast what is that entail I had to fucking clean up I have shit here because I do I have shit all over my table I've worked on this table and I had to put the cats in the room I had to do I had to do a few more things that I would have that I would have that did cost me three minutes let me just
Starting point is 01:07:49 say that by this point we were several weeks removed from the finals of munch madness and I got in here and the first thing I see is the Dave Thomas cup on the center of your your dining table yeah but everything else was gone there was a lot of shit that was on here earlier also by the way I don't want the fucking cup in my house I will get out of here throw it in the trash I'm not going to throw this lovely piece of art in the trash uh anyway let's get to the segment which I also went out and got I actually I wasn't even I didn't try to turn this into a confrontation because you did you did take care of this so thank you fuck off hey it's time for a regular segment we have a fast food item that Mitch bought yesterday and we're going to test how it held
Starting point is 01:08:31 up after spending a night in the fridge these are the leftovers yes the theme we all know and love the symphonic track the title music from the season one of the left apparently they changed the music for season two yeah so but for see that the season one is what we use for the segment so mitch what do we have here what did you get for us nick today we got chicken fries from bk bagak bagak right uh right to the bagak bagak or the chicken fries from bk to both um chicken fries very popular right my ex-girlfriend loved chicken fries chicken fries are good yeah they're not they're not they're not bad i'll say this i i to me they're they're they're two i'll let you finish your thought but just just real quick they're just like they're nuggets i can buy even though
Starting point is 01:09:27 that's like a freak like manufactured you know food even though that's not a real food at all but they look enough like meat chicken fries are just a little too frankenstein for me interesting but i feel like i get that less from the chicken fries than i do from uh nuggets but i don't know i just don't feel like they resemble real meat at all in their their straw form um the i got them last night at bk they truly i thought smelled like shit when they were in my car right i was not excited about this we've now put them in the fridge overnight mm-hmm put them in there pipe and hot uh here's the thing we microwaved one batch and one batch we will eat as is okay this is nice we got a control group we got a control group i'm gonna take a fry actually i guess a real control group would be
Starting point is 01:10:16 like a fresh what batch right yeah i guess whatever emma emma is gonna join us on this she has to eat these chicken fries i got a barbecue dipping and sweet and sour from bk okay so this is wait this is the the microwaved one the microwave okay all right i'm doing a little barbecue sauce here like i said i'm skittish about the sweet and sour because of the cat hair situation oh my god they're definitely very chewy after a night in the fridge mm-hmm like extra chewy the christmas is i mean that's always going to be an issue with reheating something a microwave it's hard to get them crisp again but they still have a decent amount of christmas that is a little stale you know hmm i'll say this you can you can taste the
Starting point is 01:10:59 oil more yeah they are very oily you taste the oil a little bit more and you're passing over the room temp the refrigerated ones now these are refrigerated ones yeah so they're actually not even room temp they're probably cold oh i'm gonna brave this sweet and sour if i get a mouthful of walley or ermas fur it didn't get inside the container well i don't know what's gonna happen here all right hmm i got an opinion coming up all right i'm trying these now um hmm this is interesting maybe cold is better cold might be better i mean i like cold fried chicken like with cold pizza and and you know honestly like a cold cheesy pasta or cold lasagna i kind of
Starting point is 01:11:47 prefer it to the warmed up version the reheated version i feel the same way about fried chicken so it stands to reason that that i might feel the same way about chicken fries they are very kind of works they are very cold maybe if they were just like a little bit more room temperature would be better right but it's not bad and certainly they they're not they don't have the oil issue that you that you know uh mentioned with the reheated reheated ones yes i tried them with the most of the barbecue and the sweet and sour so it's not just the sweet and sour sauce it's it's definitely i feel like they the the cold ones are a little better uh emma what do you think our engineer emma i think i agree i think the cold ones are better i don't know what the
Starting point is 01:12:18 microwave did to them but i think you're right i don't know if i've ever like tried cold fried chicken i don't know if i can say it's a favorite but it makes sense yeah yeah into it yeah hmm i don't know but that said okay the cold are better but are either these being left behind or wait how do what is our system again the left behind is bad right behind is bad what's and what's the other ascending to heaven yeah yeah we take them up to heaven with us i don't feel like i'm taking any taking either of these i'm having i think i think they're both being left behind i may be condemning the reheated ones to hell and then the the cold ones can kind of have the purgatory of wandering the earth with the rest of the leftovers yeah but um what do you think
Starting point is 01:12:59 who do you think it's a hold of them in hell uh well let's see there's the devils down there but he's got other priorities there's pinhead as well pinheads yeah recently talked about pinheads in hell he's in another dimension that's like hell okay um i would you probably have to go with some historical figure uh who's maybe you know cause some trouble uh i'm gonna say you're talking to your hitlers that's the big one obviously yeah i don't think this is quite hitler and little nicky he gets a pineapple shoved up his ass every day hitler does yeah and in adam sandler's version of hell okay um it honestly doesn't seem and that's canon right that is canon that's held canon right okay uh hell canon whoa boy that sounds like a that sounds like a weapon the the like the
Starting point is 01:13:46 the military would use the hell came the hell cannon yeah or like an upgraded gun and gears of war i'm gonna say that this goes to Ivan the terrible like a bad guy but not a guy but a guy people have kind of maybe forgotten what's bad about him so they're sort of like oh yeah that's a generally bad guy he can have these they're not great but you know whatever mine goes to little nicky himself oh okay uh he thinks Popeye's chicken fucking rocks so maybe he'll like this too also pope just said hell doesn't exist breaking hell news i think this will be a little dated by the time this airs but yeah but i i think the i i've heard this is who cares i've heard this is we gotta address it i've heard this was mistranslated oh no yeah i've heard it's possibly like he
Starting point is 01:14:28 might have been saying something a little bit different exist yeah i would i would act like there is a hell because then you'll make sure to live a virtuous life i thought you said i thought you say virginless life which i didn't understand no i truly did mistake you for that um you and i probably not as far as that stuff goes we're probably we haven't sinned too much we haven't been much sinners of the flesh oh i guess you have done some weird stuff all right forgot um uh i think hell does still exist yeah even if the pope says it doesn't there it was a mistranslation i that's what i what i read i because i read the reaction and then i read the reaction to the reaction like a few days later and then the people were saying
Starting point is 01:15:10 like oh this is that's not actually what he said he said something that was that's been misinterpreted yeah i don't know it's also funny that like a new pope can just be like hey hell doesn't exist right and i know it's like hold on a second like that's crazy right right yeah yeah and then how do you explain the dmv how does the pope explain the dmv right right yeah does the pope mobile have to be does it does like does that have to like have like registration and stuff i mean probably if it's gonna ride on city streets so like there is someone like from the so the pope can get a parking ticket the pope can get a parking ticket and then he can just absolve himself
Starting point is 01:15:54 you can do that i don't know they don't they the vatican city has its own laws and everything right that's why someone can do you know some one can do some atrocious thing in some other country and then they get shut off to vatican city and they have immunity is that true yeah that's what happened to a lot of those those abusive priests is they all got shut off to or the the bishops who covered it up they got sent off to vatican city for a lifetime appointment that's my religion that crazy religion uh so yeah none of us are taking that taking this up to heaven right which as far as we can tell i'm a shaking your head as far as we can tell also still does exist the pope has not said heaven's not real right yeah the pope hasn't said that heaven is
Starting point is 01:16:32 fake okay the pope says heaven is for real and so does colton burpo the little boy who wrote a book hey just like that was the leftovers just like oh by the way i just want to say that i give that like a uh it's like a very softly behind i didn't think they were that bad they weren't that bad the reheater ones were not as good and they were but like we've eaten stuff that's been way worse i agree with you yeah there's there's some stuff that i think is is really noxious and that is just does not keep these keep decently well i think they've got like enough whatever you know i i think they're well i i don't know what it is it might just be the fact that there's there's there's there's not like this giant mass that can kind of get mushy they're like these little like you
Starting point is 01:17:13 know like these straw shaped i know what you're saying yeah items so that maybe they sort of retain their structure and character a little better and at a night in the fridge where are you sending the king himself the burger king mascot what does he go to heaven or hell heaven hell or does he stay on earth to be the burger toy basically i think he stays around on earth with the leftovers and he's just sort of there to give have a good time he put he plays sneak king with people and big bop in right whatever the other sneak king is a reference that 40 people maybe we'll get i feel like there's a few people who bought that xbox exclusive title sold at burger king restaurants in the early 2000s that was a leftovers just like a restaurant over your
Starting point is 01:18:01 feedback let's open up the feedback today's email comes to us from dan padley dan writes growing up certain friends and family would put ketchup on cold deli sandwiches an act that disgusts me to this day in my mind ketchup is a condiment for hot foods only burgers fries chicken nuggets etc where do you guys stand on this issue should ketchup be hot or not ketchup should not itself be hot yeah that that is just like a bad wording yeah hot ketchup that's tomato soup dan badly badly worded uh it should it should never be it should never be hot i agree look i was at subway last night dan harmon was in there in line in front of me actually very cool
Starting point is 01:18:49 getting subway sandwiches he gave you a cold shoulder for leaving star burns audio no no we're we're we're good we're all good with that but seriously we'll talk after the puck no he's a great guy he was getting this couple he was getting some sand i think he was getting sandwiches for some people oh okay yeah um and uh i you know i i get uh vinegar on my sandwich that's what i do i do turkey swiss some onion and then sometimes a little bit of like the pepperonis or whatever yeah very very light because it hurts my stomach right pathetically i'm an old man who can't eat anything spicy anymore it sucks but i do with a lot of the the
Starting point is 01:19:33 vinegar yes because it's you know no calories good to go it's a nice little right as far as condiments go yeah i think so yeah yeah and so um no oil but there's no ketchup in there you know what i mean they they don't they don't they don't wow this is a really good point they don't put ketchup in in there you're in in the in the the little options for for toppings and so when i was a boy i would eat baloney sandwiches with ketchup but this is like 19 sound and that sounds weird you don't knowing that now you know that sounds weird yeah i guess it does sound a little bit weird but also like this is like 1987 or 88 and i feel like a bulky roll with baloney and like some ketchup on there is like no i mean like baloney is basically close to a hot dog
Starting point is 01:20:19 yeah and so like so when i was a kid i liked it and i'm if like little kids like baloney with ketchup i think it's fine but as an adult i'm not i'm not like a cold cut cold sandwiches i'm not i'm not dipping ketchup into it i think i think i kind of agree with him to a point yeah i will say that i feel like your subway argument kind of cinches it for me like i think that that's a really astute point that you don't see if you're at a deli counter you're in a place where you're getting a sandwich made to order mm ketchup is not there yeah like they might have marinara for like a meatball sub but again that's coming out hot yeah they're not having like it's not like mustard mayo uh what else would be on there you know steak and cheese i guess you could do some
Starting point is 01:21:04 ketchup i guess people but but but also i mean that's hot that's hot yeah that's a hot sandwich yeah it's it's not i don't do ketchup on steak and cheese i'm just saying you could i feel like back in the day i maybe did dip it and ketchup but it's very much not a sandwich condiment and i think it's a real stretch to try to pass it off as one but you know what ketchup gets too much hate you think so people really mean they're like it's like a little kid condiment and i get it it is but like also like it's good to dip your fries in ketchup right ketchup is ketchup can be good i like ketchup i'll say this and this is the thing we've discussed before in the podcast is just give me that standard off the shelf ketchup don't try to be impressed me with your house
Starting point is 01:21:46 ketchup your hinds man yeah give me give me some hinds or even some hunts hunts is fine but just the the when you're trying would you get your house ketchup that you made it just it's never it just doesn't deliver on that that corn syrup flavor i want to get i can be okay with it but you know what else and you chicago fuckers can fuck right off put it on my hot dog i like i i go for i can eat some ketchup on my hot dog that's fine with me that does not offend me yeah you could put that on a put it on a hot dog it's fine it doesn't bother me at all i do think mustard should probably be on there yeah like i feel like if you're just putting ketchup then i'm a little uh okay right that's fair and how do you feel is ketchup on a hot dog a new england thing
Starting point is 01:22:28 maybe yeah i feel like i we grew up doing that and everybody hates on it i don't know if it's a new england thing i think it might be a part of it maybe maybe new england loves its ketchup i don't know maybe i remember growing up my dad always said that the french called ketchup the sauce v launce because it's a violent sauce because it kills all of their flavor and you only ever taste ketchup i don't know if that's true fuck the french if you use ketchup you pretty much taste mostly ketchup that is true it's an overpowering it is yeah it's the strongest flavor very acidic right like a what did he call it sauce v launce i don't remember the exact phrase it's from when i was little i'm remembering probably incorrectly but something like the violent sauce like it
Starting point is 01:23:08 kills all of their flavors i don't know if that's a true thing or if that was his way of being like stop eating ketchup so much ketchup on your food right that makes sense though because like you know bruce v launch is the guy who's punchlines kill all of their comedy writers he's just so valuable in a room poor bruce v launce the celebrity i'm most often confused with i call it sauced a triumph a triumphant sauce a triumphant sauce hey ketchup is leave look i get it but then also you know what all you mustard nuts i like mustard too but come on mustard is great mustard has the same fucking issues that ketchup does i'll tell you i've used mustard for dipping fries that works fine yeah okay but you would much rather dip them in ketchup
Starting point is 01:23:55 i'd rather dip them in ketchup did you ever put vinegar on your fries like not vinegar yeah that actually works great i love it that's the best yeah that's dynamite fish and chips and vinegar for real i don't you remember that song you sung the song before me before me before i you you like i learned it from you give me a give me a refresher fish and chips and vinegar vinegar you know this i know exactly what you're talking about there's another weird new england thing this is my dad used to sing that too one like the bosta this is like the massachusetts state anthem it was like it was like a three song thing was like don't throw your trash in my backyard you don't know this no i don't what i
Starting point is 01:24:37 don't know these songs i know row your boat row your boat you don't like songs and music in general i do like songs and music in general do you not partake in like singing songs in school i sing all the songs you sang all the songs buffalo gal won't you come out tonight come out tonight come out tonight i sang all of them that sounds like a song you sang on your own with no one else yeah fish and chips and don't throw your trash in my backyard in one bottle of pop you don't remember this which i know 99 bottles of beer on the wall yeah of course everyone knows that but there's a different version yeah okay this says this sounds like the pg version of it probably yeah i guess so but no no i mean no because it's not like the like it's just a different
Starting point is 01:25:26 song it doesn't ascend up to 99 bottles of beer no okay was it like a way to learn your numbers though i don't know one bottle of pop two bottle of pop three bottle of pops four but no it stops five bottle of pop six bottles seven bottle of pops pop and then you say pop okay so it doesn't get you that high it doesn't get you that high in your numbers do you remember this song i thought you're gonna say some shitty comment about that's how hot you got dude i wasn't gonna do that you know you're very nimble with uh adding and subtracting i mean i'm very good numbers man right you're like that you're like that tv series numb three years what what uh what what what what song are you asking if we remember here's a song we learned at camp uh today is monday today is monday
Starting point is 01:26:13 monday is soup the rest of the weeks for you do you know that song at all no today i remember i don't think monday was soup i think wednesday was wash day that's what i remember today is wednesday today is wednesday wednesday is wash day i don't remember the next part of it i thought it was the rest of the weeks that they did you another song like nick don't touch the other campers do you remember uh i like to eat i like to eat i like to eat eight apples and bananas oh yeah i like the rafi song right is that a rafi song i think so that wants to teach you like about your vowels yeah that's a lot of fun why i thought it was ap apples and benefit like isn't it ap apples and bananas yeah but i like to eat eight apples and bananas but why are you saying eight apples
Starting point is 01:26:59 that's that was what i remember i remember i was i like to eat i like to eat i like to eat i like to eat ap apples and bananas and then it was that apples and bananas yeah like you're repeating then you would go it was like apples and bananas then you'd go through the other vowels and it was like opals and bononos yeah that's why i remember it was rafi hold on i'm gonna find get get some closure on apples the number eight is in there i remember the eight in there maybe we learned it wrong this was passed along by oral tradition hmm because yeah i definitely remember it changing to i like to eat eat it was not ap it was eat so it was we were both wrong i like to eat eat eat apples and bananas so you would change you would substitute a different vowel a lake tey eight
Starting point is 01:27:41 eight eight eight aples aimed bin a nays it got very hard there's probably a lot of oral traditions in that camp okay a bunch of campers just flating each other you never know what camp was this i mean i've that this was these were different ones i'm referring to camp high hill camp on awana was filmed right over here in griffith park oh that's fun yeah donkey lips sponge budnick right named three of them three of them all of them right over there uh dan padley just just going back to your question i think i think do whatever makes you happy but i would say that ketchup should be i reserve i i i i i i personally believe that you are right and that ketchup does not
Starting point is 01:28:29 belong on cold foods and then you should keep them for as a condiment for hot foods and you should not be putting it on on sandwiches i think that's just bizarre uh but you know whatever if if you like that if that's what what floats your boat then fine have to have ketchup in whatever i get what he's saying it is kind of like to think of a turkey sandwich dipped in ketchup yeah it's gross it's gross it's gross and weird if you have a question or comment about the world of chain restaurants you can email us at doeboyspodcast at or leave us a voicemail at 830 godo that's 830 463 6844 and hey to get the doe boys double our weekly bonus episode join the golden play club at slash doeboys hey mitch think fast i caught it with my left hand
Starting point is 01:29:10 i threw my hat at mitch and he caught it i was a very smooth i was a bad throw send it back this way here all right oh i got it i got it it bobbled it a little bit but i got it tell dude for this episode of doeboys until next time for the spoon man mike mitchell for mitchy two spoons rather mike mitchell i'm big wyger happy eating see ya hey guys you want more doeboys to get the doeboys double our weekly bonus episode join the golden play club sign up at slash doeboys that was a hate gun podcast

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