Doughboys - Golden Corral with Stoney Sharp

Episode Date: July 20, 2017

An old friend of Mitch and Wiger’s, director Stoney Sharp (Comedy Bang! Bang!, Hood Adjacent) is in studio as the trio visit the nation’s largest buffet chain, Golden Corral. Stoney tells stories ...about growing up and eating in Florida, including his knowledge of the fabled skunk ape, and things get a little spicy in the new segment Hot or Not.Want more Doughboys? Check out our Patreon!: for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The only rock you will find out there will be your tombstone. This quote is attributed to US Army scout Al Sieber and the man he said it to was another scout, Ed Schieffelin. After the Civil War, the two soldiers were tasked with exploring the Arizona frontier, where Schieffelin freelanced on risky incursions into Native American territory in search of ore, leading to Sieber's grim exhortation. But Schieffelin persisted, and after discovering silver deposits, he founded a frontier town in 1879, appropriating his comrades' warning to name it Tombstone.
Starting point is 00:00:34 Tombstone Arizona grew rapidly, swelling to an estimated population of 14,000 in less than a decade, as prospectors and industrialists rushed in to exploit the newly opened mines. But with the rapid expansion came conflict and crime. Working class miners, largely Confederate sympathizers from the South, clashed with the wealthy Northern businessmen who formed the town's managerial class. And gangs of rogue cowboys carried out rustlings and robberies, as Western marshals and sheriffs were empowered to use violence to impose order. The tension spoiled over on October 26th, 1881, when an outlaw gang consisting of the
Starting point is 00:01:03 McClory Brothers, the Clayton Brothers, and Billy Claiborne faced off against law enforcement, represented by the Earp Brothers and Doc Holliday, in the gunfight at the OK Corral. The bloody shootout lasted only 30 seconds, but still reverberates today as the foremost representation of frontier justice in the Old West. Almost a century later, in 1973 in the North Carolina town of Fayettesville, James Maynard and William F. Carr opened a steakhouse with a name that was a nod to the infamous skirmish. In the mid-1980s, they reinvented their concept as a buffet and grill, finding the hook that would turn it into a sensation.
Starting point is 00:01:34 Originally a Southern regional chain, as evidenced by its NASCAR sponsorship and ad campaign starring Jeff Foxworthy, the all-you-care-to-eat franchise has now expanded across America with nearly 500 locations, including in the formerly Wild West. This week on Doughboys, Golden Corral. Welcome to Doughboys, the podcast about chain restaurants, we're production of Feral I'm Nick Weiger, alongside my co-host, literal food pyramid, the Spoon Man, Mike Mitchell. So that's basically saying I have a big ass? Yeah, I think it's saying you have a big ass that goes up to a pointy skull.
Starting point is 00:02:21 But you kind of have a big head, so I guess the proportionally doesn't quite. They're saying you're the grimace, basically. Your midget's all sucked, buddy. That was courtesy of at Jake Internet. If you've got a roast you'd like me to use on Mids at the Top of the Show, Jake Internet. Jake Internet. Sounds like a late 90s villain or something.
Starting point is 00:02:41 He got online in like 1999 and then just stuck with that handle the whole way. Hey, Nick, how are ya? I'm doing great. I want to say, before I start off, I don't know if you even want me to say this, but I want to say I'm sorry, but Midnight has come to a close. The show is ending. Yes. And you and Jordan, two very funny men, have written on this show.
Starting point is 00:03:05 Good friend. And so I just wanted to say that I'm sorry, well not sorry, but you did a great job and you should be proud of your work. Oh, God bless ya. Yeah, he has a fun show to work on, but it's done now and that'll be the last day of working this down. I'm fine. I also wanted to say here that I am going to offer you to be my assistant.
Starting point is 00:03:28 All right, so what is the what is the pay you can offer me for this position? I'll give you $60 a week to be my assistant. $60 a week? Uh-huh. How many hours? Uh, it's like 12 hard days. I mean, it could make more going back to coaching improv, which I will, I would kill myself before I did that.
Starting point is 00:03:49 So no, I will decline your offer. Uh, well, in all, in all realness and all honesty, you're a very funny man. You'll work again very soon. God bless you. It's sad to have it end, but hey, the next step will be exciting. The next step will be Doughboys ending, which will be very exciting for you and me. I did tell you when I heard the news that we were also canceling Doughboys. I had a dream last night that Doughboys was canceled.
Starting point is 00:04:16 By who? I guess like, I don't know my destiny or something, but like I had like, I think cause, cause last night we're recording this on Wednesday evening, this episode will be out tomorrow morning. Last night, Tuesday night, we found out that at midnight, the show I write on was canceled. And so I think I had, I think I had a stress related dream related to that, but that conflated Doughboys into it. If I had a dream Doughboys was canceled, I wake up with a huge smile on my face.
Starting point is 00:04:41 That would be great. I don't know how that stress. It's like a puddle in your pants. Uh, anyway, uh, how to how to Spoon Nation, man, my voice is gravelly. Oh, here's a drop. Hey, you know what? I like that drop. You fade that out way early.
Starting point is 00:05:24 No, I didn't. Oh, it was just a short one. It was just a short drop. Oh, that's great. That's delightful. By Casey Wielden. Well done. Hi guys.
Starting point is 00:05:32 I made this drop. Hope you like it. I'd like to donate my plug to charity. Oh. Thank you. All right, Casey. Smooth doperator. It said.
Starting point is 00:05:40 Did he specify a charity? Nope. Getting a charity in general. Mm-hmm. All right. Well, uh, Jimmy fund. What do you? Oh, the Jimmy fund.
Starting point is 00:05:48 The Jimmy fund. Jimmy V fund. No, not the Jimmy V fund. The Jimmy fund in is a Boston. Oh, okay. Yeah. I don't know. I don't know the Jimmy fund.
Starting point is 00:05:56 I don't know the Jimmy V fund. Well, fucking look it up. All right. I'll look it up right now. I'm not in charge of you knowing which organizations you should donate to and see it says here the Jimmy fund fights against integration in public schools. Oh my God. All right.
Starting point is 00:06:13 Jesus Christ. Hey, um, first of all, yes, a couple of big things. Uh, Changton's wedding is over. So, um, so, so I, uh, you were the best man. I was the best man. I had to give a big speech. I had to give a big speech. And, uh, Nick, you were, you were, you held, you looked at the speech.
Starting point is 00:06:34 Right. Yeah. I looked at the speech. I don't think I helped that much. I just sort of looked at it. That's great. And it made a couple of small suggestions, but I, I don't think I had much input in the speech at all.
Starting point is 00:06:45 That's over. It went great. Of course it did. Everyone loves you. I think they're, they're going to turn into a movie. Uh, the buffoon who didn't fuck up. So that's over with got a new AC in here. We got a nice cool.
Starting point is 00:07:01 I see quieter. It's humming. It's humming. It's on, it's on. To other numbers besides 62, which the last one is the only number I could put it to. Wow. And on full blast. So now it's on low fan and it's, it's around 67, 68 right now.
Starting point is 00:07:16 Well, that's nice and temporary. We should go one up. Hell yeah. Hell yeah. Hey, speaking of it being cool in here, we got a real cool guest with us. That's right. And before we introduce him, quick plug will be at the now hear this podcast festival, September 8th through 10th of New York city for influence tickets.
Starting point is 00:07:31 Go to now hear this But our guest today is a director whose credits include comedy bang bang and hood adjacent on comedy central. Stoney sharp. Hi Stoney. Hey guys. Thanks so much for having me. Were we talking for too long without Stoney?
Starting point is 00:07:44 Um, maybe, but we always do that. Oh yeah. That's like our signature is that our guests sits awkwardly. Checking their watch. I had no idea. Like the tension between you guys is very real. I thought it was your, your fronting it for the podcast, but it's very intense. It's true.
Starting point is 00:08:01 Yeah. We have issues. We have some issues. Right. I mean, we don't like each other at this point. We didn't like each other very much to begin with. So, um, Stoney, you just told me a picture of your cat. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:16 Mr. Pants. Mr. Pants. A great looking cat. He's a really dream boat. Uh, but I have two cats and Gigi, our first cat we raised as a child, like as our baby. Wow. And he's very intelligent. You can talk to him, but Mr. Pants is kind of dumb.
Starting point is 00:08:29 He's like, he's Gigi's cat. Basically. Uh, you can talk. Gigi takes care of Mr. Pants. You can talk to Gigi. What do you mean by that? I can like look at him and like do a system of blanks and he'll like come to me or go away.
Starting point is 00:08:41 Oh, so he kind of responds to commands? Yes. That's amazing. He will attack anyone other than myself and my family. Wow. What do you do with house guests? It's horrible. Like my family will come visit.
Starting point is 00:08:52 Like my, my, my stepmom, um, I'm sorry, my mother-in-law especially is just constantly physically attacked by him. Jesus Christ. He's pretty intense. I got to teach Wall-e-Nurmer that for a while. It starts off fun. And then it's very similar. Actually, like a side story, uh, I don't know if you know this, uh, Elvis had a chimp
Starting point is 00:09:11 named Scatters. Oh, I didn't actually, I wait, I feel like I knew, well, I knew Michael Jackson had a chimp. Maybe I feel like I knew that Elvis had a chimp, but I'm not sure if I actually knew that. Yeah. He, he had. Scatters.
Starting point is 00:09:23 And Elvis was a teetotaler, right? No, he didn't, he didn't drink. Is that what you say? Oh, interesting. And yeah. So he would, he would get Scatters drunk and he'd be like, Hey, y'all come watch this. I'm not only a monkey would drink and Scatters would get drunk and bite people. Jesus.
Starting point is 00:09:35 That seems insane. Yeah. It's really, really, really scary. And everyone was just like, ha, ha, you're the king Elvis. So they're getting bitten by monkeys, whatever the weird diseases come from that, I'm sure that's how patient zero came about. I think people, I got, I was, I was trying in my head to not make a joke about that. And then there you went.
Starting point is 00:09:55 Well, what I heard from a teamster was that what happened was eventually Scatters bit Elvis. Right. And then. And he was patient zero. Wow. And then there's two of these guys that were part of the Memphis mafia who are now teamsters took Scatters into the woods.
Starting point is 00:10:11 Oh my God. Yeah. Like a mafia style hit. They fucking took out a monkey for biting Elvis. Yes. They took the monkey into the water and they fucked it. Yes. And then they killed.
Starting point is 00:10:21 Oh God. They killed it. And what happened was that Scatters sat in the seat and like halfway through driving into the woods, looked around and realized that there was that tarp, you know, and he's like, wait, what? Why are you guys putting plastic on the back seat? And then. And then he realized it was going to happen.
Starting point is 00:10:35 This is true. No, that part's not true. Absolutely. The monkey question that he was going to die, why are you so convincing it was already such a crazy story that I was like, it's all true except for that part. Okay. Jesus Christ, Wiger. Hey, another sexual animal news.
Starting point is 00:10:51 Um, you know, I take a shower daily, share and I get my towel. I got this towel. I dry off and then a lot of times I'll sit on the edge of my bed with the towel still wrapped around me. Okay. Just sort of air drying. Air dry. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:13 Okay. Hey, Ben Franklin took air, air baths. Did he really? Yeah. Air bath is when you walk around in the woods. He took, he took air baths every morning, Ben Franklin. He like, I don't know if he actually literally sat in a bath. Um, I don't know if sitting in your bed in Los Feliz is an air bath.
Starting point is 00:11:28 I mean, it's not, look, none of this is an air bath. This is, I'm still a little bit wet as this happens. Okay. So he, but he was like a nudist. Like he'd like walk around outside with no clothes. Is that what an air bath is? Ben Franklin would, would, yeah, he would, he would, he would, uh, he would take air baths.
Starting point is 00:11:41 He would be naked and he would, and he would let, he would like for like a couple hours, look it up. Look it up. I want you to, I want you to look it up because I want to be proven right. Ben Franklin nude air bath, check the air bath. I don't know if he actually sat in his tub naked, but you know what, I'm going to say he did just for the hell of it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:11:59 Oh yeah. Ben Franklin liked to take air baths in a nutshell. Benjamin Franklin is well known for being an, an inventor. One of his interests was medicine. His theories caused him to believe that nudity was good for you. Interesting. So he just kind of walk around letting it all hang out. Yes.
Starting point is 00:12:16 I had, you know, this is, this is real quick. I know you were going somewhere with that story, but real quick, um, Benjamin Franklin made me think of, uh, I think it was, I think it was a ninth or 10th grade and this dumb kid in my history class did like a report on Benjamin Franklin, but he had clearly read like a children's picture book. And so like, like at one point in the report, he'd like mentioned Ben Franklin, like befriending a kind of mouse, like it's clearly just, I read that book. Is that a real thing?
Starting point is 00:12:44 I think, I think there is like, there was like, like, uh, there were these books, I think maybe he had a talking kite or something or maybe it was a mouse. The mouse had bifocals too. Yeah. It looked like Ben Franklin. There was a series of books on like, on like historical figures that like were kind of like children's books where they big friended some sort of other creature. Well that's what he'd read.
Starting point is 00:13:03 And he was like way too old for it. And like, he kind of gave this presentation on it and like throughout those details. And then the teacher just like called him out so like, so hard for like what, like, why would you think that was an appropriate thing to present to like a college level history course that, um, they should put that mouse up on, uh, Mount, uh, Rushmore instead. Wait. And like replace Teddy Roosevelt or replace one of the presents. It's more fun because he was friends with someone who wasn't president.
Starting point is 00:13:33 Yeah. Maybe they should just make a separate, you go, go for it. I think Ben Franklin should be up on Mount Rushmore. Why not? They had a lot to do with the founding of the country. I think he's like, uh, the first big fat party animal for one. Yeah. Definitely.
Starting point is 00:13:48 I mean, he was up there. So who else would have Henry the eighth? Probably a big fat party animal. Um, how fat was, was one of the, I feel like what Louis the 14th was a big fact. So right. Was he pretty big, big and fat? If there has to be someone in ancient history, like some like Roman guy, all these guys like Mike today would like, I see Ben Franklin now and he'd be very spelt then or was he
Starting point is 00:14:07 a big man? I don't know. I don't know how much he actually weighed, but I think if you look at some of these things, like I think if you look at like Taft, Taft was actually a pretty heavy guy. I think he was like pushing 300 pounds. You know what's funny? Taft was not too much heavier than our current president. I think he was around 300 pounds.
Starting point is 00:14:21 Wow. And our current president is two 40 years. Yeah. I mean, I read 270 at one point, but I don't know if that's accurate or not. Trump's got a fucking big ass. He's a big dude. Very big man. Um, anyways, I got sidetracked with Ben Franklin.
Starting point is 00:14:35 Yeah. You were sitting on the edge of the bed. You were wearing your towel. Where am I towel? So it's less grotesque than Ben Franklin being nude. Uh, and Irma came up, sat on my lap. She likes the cold wet towel, but you know, she likes the damp towel, but today I shouldn't tell this story.
Starting point is 00:14:55 He already went way down this road. She started sucking at my nipple. Come on. Come on. It's the truth. You shouldn't have told that. You're right. She did.
Starting point is 00:15:07 She started sucking at my nipple. Oh, fuck. I said, first I said, ow, I said, ow, this hurts. I said, that's very cute. Even though it's weird, it's very, very cute. You said that aloud. I mean, I didn't say, this was internal monologue, but you are a, uh, you're one of these parents that doesn't believe in saying no.
Starting point is 00:15:24 I'm not going to say it was the, one of the cutest things I've ever seen. Also by the way, I did say, ow, allowed, rest internal monologue and fairness to Irma. I mean, I think you do have some very suckable tits. She's a cute little cat, she's a cute cat. Tell us if she starts repeating this, if it starts happening more often, if it starts happening more often, I might put an end to it. I get it though. Cause like she, like you were viewed as like the parent figure in the household and it's
Starting point is 00:15:54 probably like a natural instinct. So yeah, I don't think it's anything weird. I was kind of proud of it. You also have a row of six nipples, if I remember right. That is right. And they are lactating. Tony, so you're from Florida. Yes.
Starting point is 00:16:09 And Florida, Floridians, I feel like have their own kind of, you know, part of the South, but I feel like you kind of have your own food culture down there. Are you right about that? Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. One thing you were mentioning to me when we were talking before the show the other night was you were talking about Publix. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:16:25 Yeah. So, so just as a side note, um, for future reference, I can out Florida anyone with crazy stories. Really? Yes. That is a guarantee. Really? I don't know more about that, but I guarantee you I can out Florida.
Starting point is 00:16:38 Can you, can you, I mean, we should hear a, we should hear a crazy baseline, crazy story. Just absolute baseline. My next door neighbors growing up in the swamps, this town called Macintosh, made their living off of a circus act called the world's famous high flying aqua mules, where they made donkeys jump off of a 30 foot tower into an above ground swimming pool. Jesus Christ. Sounds better than our show. It does.
Starting point is 00:17:03 Something similar to our show. Yeah. A little high brow. A little high brow in our show. Uh, yeah. So they were circus people. They were circus people. They lived next to circus people.
Starting point is 00:17:12 Right. My, my, my parents are, uh, my dad is a, uh, uh, an equine reproductive physiologist and a professor at the university of Florida and my mom was an entomologist. And so they got this job at the university of Florida and lived in the swamp and they raised crazy swamp children. My brother and I. Hey, isn't there, isn't there a Sasquatch of the Florida swamps? It's called the skunk ape.
Starting point is 00:17:31 The skunk ape. The skunk ape. Yeah. You know, uh, our mutual friend Carl Filer, who's a huge fan of the show, has seen the skunk. Yes. No way. This is, this is how I know of the skunk ache skunk, skunk ape.
Starting point is 00:17:44 I think is Carl Filer was talking about seeing it. You know, he's not a guy that like tells lies and thinks they're funny. Like me, he's a very serious dude and he's like, no, I saw this person. He was like taller than my dad and my dad is six foot five and he's took, he stepped over a horse fence and went into the woods. Wow. I think, I mean, I believe him. I do too.
Starting point is 00:18:04 Because he's not the kind of guy that, I believe that he witnessed something of that. He's not the kind of, like you're saying they're not the kind of guy who would fib about that sort of thing. He saw, there was some kind of one of those, you know, industrial horse lights that lights up the forest and he saw this creature walk over the horse fence and into the swamp. Hey, you know, and Heather Kapps, who was, who was also worked up at app. So she was another Florida skunk ape believer. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:27 Has she seen it or she just believed in the legend? She told me the legend of that. She is the one who told me the legend of the skunk ape. I don't know if I know that, I actually don't know if I knew Carl saw it. Also, I've seen Carl party and I feel like that could be a part of the reason why he feels like he saw the skunk. I used to hang out in this, this swamp where you could cut these vines and just like drink water out of them.
Starting point is 00:18:50 And then you can swing on the vines like Tarzan and it was amazing. And then my friend Arnie told me that he saw a skunk ape in there and then I stopped going was scared. Wait, what is this vine? So you cut the vines off and they've got like a coconut milk like substance inside of them or what is it? It's very subtly sweet water. So you know what a sinkhole is?
Starting point is 00:19:08 Yeah. So we have these sinkholes and sometimes they're these million year old sinkholes. I'm terrified of sinkholes. Very, very awful. Like the hell's going on down in Florida? This is no wonder why everyone's insane. My theory is, and I'm not kidding, I think the ground is haunted, but not from native people.
Starting point is 00:19:23 I think it's like dinosaur ghosts because it is so crazy down there. Okay, Stoney. I'm not kidding. No, I like this theory. I'm not joking. I think it's old dinosaur ghosts. I wonder if this episode is going to end with us taking you to an insane asylum. So okay.
Starting point is 00:19:40 Dinosaur ghosts. You know what? I'm behind it. I mean, why not? What, a ghost expire? No. So I love fast food restaurants very much and I appreciate you guys bringing me on here because that's, I mean, this is my favorite podcast.
Starting point is 00:19:52 It's a big part of Florida. It is a huge part of Florida. And my absolute favorite chain of all time is this grocery store called Publix. I don't know if you guys have heard of it, but the people are fanatical about it. I just know it through you. I went to, when I went to Key West, the time when the dolphins attacked me and tried to have sex with me, I would see Publix all the time. I always thought it was such a strange place because as a boy, I was like, Publix.
Starting point is 00:20:20 It seems like weird. Oh yeah. It seems like a weird name. I mean, do people obviously have made that joke? They'll call it Publix. Yeah. They call it Publix and so the catchphrase is Publix where, Publix where shopping is a pleasure and they say, Publix where slopping is a leisure.
Starting point is 00:20:35 It doesn't make any sense, but people still say it. So the thing about Publix is they have their own brand of everything, like their own brand of beans and their own, you know, like all their sort of generic public stuff and it's all great, high quality. This is like a grocery store. A grocery store. Like a full on grocery store. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:50 Like a, you know, Piggly Wiggly or something like that. Right. But they also make these subs that are incredible. Yeah. They're amazing. They're made to order. They're like nice people make them for you. It's absolutely delicious.
Starting point is 00:21:03 It's the best sub I've ever had because it's not like, you know, like burdened by flavor like a po-boy, which is an incredible sandwich. It's just a straight sandwich, amazing. They give you too many toppings on it to even like, even a guy like me that eats a lot can't eat enough of it. I love it. I honestly, when I was 18 years old, just starting in the, just starting in the entertainment business, working in cable access, I, I thought I was a big shot and I tried to get them to
Starting point is 00:21:28 name a sandwich after me and they didn't do it and they didn't even entertain the idea. What was your pretense for getting like, what was your justification for why they should name a sandwich after you? I don't know. I just figured nobody really knew about Publix that much and I could just, I just, to be totally honest with you, I thought it would be easier instead of going, oh, can I have an ultimate sub with everything and take out this and add this and put it on this kind of, just got, I'll take the Stoney Sharp.
Starting point is 00:21:51 It would just be easier because the lines are kind of lost. Ronnie, you know what? Someone, someone who listened to the podcast named something after us one time. Was it a sandwich or was it pizza? Oh yeah. I think they, I think there was, ah, boy, I can't remember. What other person is, you could make a plea right now for them to make a Stoney sandwich. I mean, at this point, I, you can, you know, like postmates, you can order things easily,
Starting point is 00:22:12 but back then things were tougher. So you, but also your name, your name also kind of, if you said the Stoney sandwich, it's kind of like a cool sounding sandwich. Give me the Stoney sandwich, man. Oh, Jesus Christ. For those of you who can't see, which are all of you, Wyger is putting up two P sides and, and, and tipping back and forth. Well, I need a to go lunch for the fish concert, buddy.
Starting point is 00:22:35 A to go lunch for the fish, fish concert. So there's a fish concert that's taking place around one PM or so. Just rolling up the public to 10 a.m. shopping for the, for the fish concert. Actually, there are fish concerts that don't, they're fish concerts that go for like seven days or whatever. I figured they were like the kind of like thing that would start in the afternoon and go, they play a long set and people would show up early to get baked in the parking lot. That's, well, that reminds me of, of just Florida in general.
Starting point is 00:23:04 Right. I feel like it's that sort of thing of like, I hope to one day just move there and be sunbaked and drink, drink rum all day. It seems, I mean, it just seems like a good place to turn your brain off completely. But what do you, what are you and I are ready to do already? Sorry, I didn't mean to cut you off. But what about Florida appeals to you in a way that like Southern California doesn't or like, say, Hawaii does that tropical feeling, baby.
Starting point is 00:23:26 They it's it's it's it's California doesn't have it. You like the humidity. It's wet. It's like green, man. It's got the green. When I went to Hawaii for the first time, I never thought I would go to Hawaii because I grew up on the East Coast and I figured that was just a place where, you know, if you won Wheel of Fortune, you'd go there.
Starting point is 00:23:42 Right. But so I, so I finally went and I was like, oh, this is just like Florida, except for nothing bites you and nothing attacks you and nothing stings you. Yeah. So it's just Hawaii. I don't know about Hawaii. And it held that he's not going to chase you on a fan boat. Absolutely. Airboat.
Starting point is 00:23:55 Yeah. You're not going to get lifted up over the head of the skunk ape. And snapped in half at the skunk in this swamp. What does the skunk egg do exactly? What is what is it? Does he do anything? No, he just, you know, roams around. I guess the thing that's different about him is that he like smells really strong,
Starting point is 00:24:11 like a skunk. Oh, interesting. But other than that, I think he also has like a lot of back hair, maybe. Like he's got like long back hair, like a sort of like drooping, like a skunk or something like that. You know, he's more like a, like a, like a very hairy creature than like a big foot. Hey, you know what? They should make like a skunk ape creature feature if they haven't recently because there's an interesting element there that you don't see with a lot of
Starting point is 00:24:31 monsters, which is that he has a distinct smell. Yeah. Like when's the last time you saw something with a smelly monster? And just like imagine like a bunch of, you know, teens in the woods and they start to smell something approaching and that's the sense that they're going to get attacked. Wow. Wow, you're, this is like a blockbuster. You're right in front of my eyes. And you could have little tubes that spray smell in people's faces. Oh, there you go.
Starting point is 00:24:52 Yeah, you know, 40 X. Yeah, absolutely. Like like Soren over California. Or also there you go. Yeah, like a Soren California experience, but also as a plot device within the movie, you could have someone with the with like the smell to try to prank somebody and they think it's funny. And then later in poetic justice, they get killed by the skunk ape. So question is the skunk ape thing now a ride?
Starting point is 00:25:13 It's a ride. It's like a universal Orlando, the skunk ape experience. They're going to tear out the Jurassic Park ride and put that in. We growing up, we had a lot of in my my small area. We had a lot of attractions, mom and pop attraction. So it's like my biggest fascination is like sort of homespun amusement parks. We had Highlight, which is five miles from my house. I don't know if you guys know the world's fastest game.
Starting point is 00:25:39 The only highlight is a crazy connection to Boston and Whitey Bulger. Really? Oh, he's a highlight man. Yeah, they they like they like put a lot of money in Highlight or something. Oh, you can gamble on it. That's what there's like high stakes gambling involved. There were some interesting they like I think they like bought some. I forget what the deal is, but the but Whitey Bulger and those in that whole crew, which I have an association with.
Starting point is 00:26:02 Oh, really? I've told this on the story. Yeah, you told the story on the farm. I've told us on the story. Jesus fucking Christ. It's all right. Don't be on the podcast. I call our podcast story story one with Jordan Morris or Eva Anderson.
Starting point is 00:26:19 There's a quiz. You know, there's a quiz online to to see if you can guess the restaurants for each guest. Is there really? Yeah, I just saw that today. Someone made someone made that someone made a quiz. Someone made a quiz. All right.
Starting point is 00:26:33 What was I going to? What was I talking about? Whitey Bulger, your connection? Yeah, yeah, I want one of one of one of my good friends growing up. His his dad was involved in that world. And maybe I haven't told the story on here. But but yeah, one of my friends dad's was involved in that world and was Whitey Bulger's right hand man, basically.
Starting point is 00:26:55 And he's in the movie. Jesse Plummins plays him in the movie. Very cool. And in a black mess. But that was one of my good friends growing up. I didn't know if you were like threatening me. No, no, no, no. Oh, what the fuck?
Starting point is 00:27:06 No, I was nervous. No, no, no, I'm nervous. I just don't want to. I feel like I've already told the story on the podcast. So maybe I'm just being stupid right now. No, you mentioned, yeah, you've definitely mentioned it before, but it's it's a fascinating that you have that connection that just a childhood friend of yours, like just like a top level enforcer and an Irish mob
Starting point is 00:27:23 was was just your friend's dad. And did I tell the story that I was over his house, my friend's house? His dad was in prison. And he called from prison. He was talking to his wife and he was like, was like, hey, tell the kids they better not mess the place up. I said, tell them Mitchell's going to mess the place up. And he said, put that guy on the phone.
Starting point is 00:27:46 And he put me on the phone. He said, when I get out of here, I'm going to strip you naked and tie you to a back tree and tie you to a tree in the backyard and beat you to death. And then I was like silent. And he was like, I'm just messing with you. Oh, my God. But he told that from jail, right? He told that whole story from jail.
Starting point is 00:28:03 So I was very scared. I was like 16 or something. Wow. Yeah. Anyway, but they they they there were some sort of cross over. I don't know. Black Mask goes over for a minute or something. Well, the movie's not who played you in Black Mask. I was played by Louis Anderson. Oh, really? Oh, very cool. That's my go to.
Starting point is 00:28:21 That's my go to. I've said that joke too many times. They like digitally aged him. So they digitally aged Louis Anderson to be a 16 year old to me. Yeah, to make him look more like you. You at 16. Oh, boy. So Publix, great sandwiches.
Starting point is 00:28:39 Anything, any other Florida food of note that comes to mind? Oh, boy. Well, there's great, you know, there's great Cuban food. There's great sort of southern food. There's there's there's a lot of Caribbean influence food. It was just fantastic. But I think the only thing that is regional to just North Florida and South Georgia is boiled peanuts. I don't know if you guys have ever heard of that.
Starting point is 00:28:59 Boiled peanuts. I have. Yes, boiled peanuts. People are crazy for it just there and no one ever hears about it other than that. So if you take a giant pot and boil peanuts all day long, they will eventually taste just like little mashed potatoes. Wow. Oh, that sounds good. They're very wider. You're going to be job free soon.
Starting point is 00:29:19 Time to boil a big big old thing of peanuts all day long. It's a day long job. Not not just to kill time, but because that's what I can afford for sustenance. Bulk peanuts. Is that only going to be looking for someone who can hold down a job? She should. So wait, so you were you were in some boiled peanuts.
Starting point is 00:29:42 Is that like are you a fan of that? Oh, I love it. Yeah, I mean, I love I love all kinds of southern food in general. But boiled peanuts, it's it's great. You just have to be OK with like eating, like, you know, like when you eat nuts or pistachios or something like that, you have to be in a position where you can deal with the shells. Yes, of course, sunflower seeds. You know, they don't let them in baseball parks anymore.
Starting point is 00:30:01 Right. Because you'd make a mess. Boiled peanuts is like that, but on much larger shells. So you're dealing with a whole lot of gross shells. Which are you eating there? So they're in the shell. They're in the shell. And then you open them up and then like you eat the Cation flavored bean inside. And it's so good.
Starting point is 00:30:15 Man, I want to try them back. I love peanuts just in general. So but I got a question for you. Do they not serve peanuts at ball parks anymore? Like any peanuts? You can you can eat peanuts at ballpark. But I don't think you can eat sunflower seeds if you're like on a high school baseball team.
Starting point is 00:30:30 Like, you know, because it because it messes up all those all. There's they're spitting them out everywhere. Do they allow them? I mean, it is always very peanuts are a funny snack to me because you just you open them and then drop them all over the ground. Right. You just make a pain in the ass for people to clean up at at ball parks. Yeah, you would think so.
Starting point is 00:30:48 I've done it before. It's fun. I think it's weird at a restaurant where they like tell you like it's a treat. Just throw your peanuts on the floor. Yeah, it's like, all right, that's fine. But like I put all the rest of the trash in the table. Yeah, I don't like I don't love that. That's a that's a five guys thing that I'm not crazy about. Yeah, it's sort of.
Starting point is 00:31:03 And I was going to say is that what's your go to at a ball park? You're going to Dodger Stadium. What are you getting? I what I would say like six beers and hell, yeah, French fries. I mean, like I don't even yeah, yeah, I'm like, I just I don't care. They're just absolutely amazing. Oh, and I'll eat hot dog, too. I mean, I go crazy.
Starting point is 00:31:24 I kind of everything. But I don't like if I were to go to like a Clippers game with my friends, I wouldn't be like, oh, let's try this. Like, you know, the Asian Fusion noodle bar tip. Like I want to just go with something that is like easy to eat. OK, that's fast, like a hot dog, easy to eat. Once you have a utensil involved at the ballpark, it's a mess. Right, John, are we got any snack slingers listening out there?
Starting point is 00:31:45 People who have slung snacks at the ballpark. Oh, that's interesting. Yeah. Yeah. If you if you out there have of slung snacks in the past, hashtag Snack slinger veteran snack. OK, so you said added veteran on to snack slinger and thank you for your service. You have you ever been a snack slinger? No, I've never said I think I would be a mess at that because I like it would
Starting point is 00:32:09 require you to hit a target while throwing something and I would fuck that up and then like trying to count like keep keep track of the money in my head. Like I'd fuck that up to it. I think that'd be really hard. I think it'd be a very hard job. I wore I slung snacks as a at the movie theaters, which I've talked about quite a few times. Wait, but you weren't walking up and down the alley or the aisles.
Starting point is 00:32:28 No, they dispensing. No, you know, just like the history of the world. That's never happened at at movie theaters. That's what it meant. Because like you were like because I was thinking very specifically the guy slinger. I don't know. I think that's stolen valor. Oh, what the fuck?
Starting point is 00:32:41 Let me ask you, I know what the Jimmy fund is, because I spent every summer of my life in Boston. That's right. And did you bring the bucket around? Because that's the Jimmy fund. Yes. Was so alien to me is that right before the movie is about to start, they come in through the aisles and ask you for money.
Starting point is 00:32:58 Oh, interesting. That was that was like a period of time. I feel like that was like like what? Mid 90s to late 90s. I think earlier. Yeah, maybe maybe early to mid 90s. I remember being like, wow, what's Ghostbusters going to be? And then Jimmy fund, like I think it was really interesting.
Starting point is 00:33:15 I never did that, but I feel like I canned and maybe they were Jimmy fund cans. You never had to do that. Do you ever had a can in front of liquor stores? Basically, like you when you were like on a baseball or youth soccer team, you would you would have to like can either to like for for it would either be to like raise funds for the league or for like a charity. Right. And you'd have to like go stand in front of liquor stores.
Starting point is 00:33:39 I mean, I'm familiar with fundraisers like that. Yeah. It's just a bucket being circulated at a movie theater was never something I experienced. You would you would you would can in front of a liquor store and then like an angry drunk would sometimes give you like a quarter or a dollar and like want you out of their way. I'm more familiar with like like kid selling things. That was that was the thing I was in Boy Scouts like selling things.
Starting point is 00:34:00 There's weird things because there's like I went to Albertsons before the show to pick up some stuff. But there's kids selling candy bars out in front of there. And sometimes they're not actually like there's like scams. It's not a fundraiser. It's just a kid trying to make a buck. I'm fine with that. Yeah. More power to you.
Starting point is 00:34:17 I'm fine with that, too. But then I'm like, where does this chocolate come from? Like, I'm afraid to eat it if that's not the case. Right. Does that make sense? But don't you think it would be just as expensive and difficult to make poison as it is to just get chocolate? Yeah. What's the what's the value in them doing that? Stoney, you're not helping me.
Starting point is 00:34:32 I'm just trying to think through the process of like, let's get some boil up some poison. And so it's so cheap. I feel like they probably have to encase it in chocolate. Yeah, I'm not going to eat like a just a thin bar of poison. Yeah, but that's like expensive and complicated. Like, right, where can you buy cheap poison? But you can buy cheap chocolate. That's true. That's true.
Starting point is 00:34:52 I specifically love and those fundraiser bars. I mean, obviously, we have to include girl's skull cookies in there. But after girl's skull cookies, my favorite thing are those rice chocolate bars. You know, they got the the the rice, the crispy rice chocolate bars. Yeah, those are you don't mean the world's finest chocolate. That was the thing we had. No, it's like a crunch bar, but it's thicker. Right. Yeah. I love those. Yeah. They're great. We had what we had out here.
Starting point is 00:35:16 We had the world's finest chocolate, which was not the world's finest chocolate. And it was just like very basic milk chocolate with or without peanuts. And that was like sold for fundraisers routinely. And it was always disappointing. Yeah. Speaking of fundraisers, we, you know, when I was on the football team in North, we used to get buffets. We go to Pizza Hut buffet. And today we're talking buffets. Where is this our first actual buffet?
Starting point is 00:35:44 I'm not sure if we've done a buffet yet. I mean, we've been to places that have buffets. We Sizzler, which we did very recently, had a great time at as a very extensive salad bar. I guess that is a buffet focused place. We haven't really done a buffet one. So, Stony, that was such a beautiful segue. I'm a big Sherry Glaser fan, like absolutely nailed the segue. What my question to you, one, do you like buffets?
Starting point is 00:36:04 Two, why buffets? And then three, what do you think the skunk cape would get out of a buffet? In that order. Yeah, I like buffets. I like buffets if they're if it's if it's all of higher quality. And then you ask, what do I get at a buffet? Yeah, like what do you have any experiences of like going to buffets growing up like specifically? Yeah, but I mean, I don't know how to know it has to be this restaurant,
Starting point is 00:36:29 but any restaurant, it's going to sound alien. Like, I mean, it's like there's a there's a there's a Florida place called Sonny's Real Pit Barbecue that's got a buffet that's amazing. There was a place called Racks. Look it up if you want. There's they still some exist in Colorado, but that would they were a local chain. They had a buffet. I loved it. Was this was this also like a barbecue sort of thing?
Starting point is 00:36:50 No, they had a happy meal. And I feel like I'm pushing this Florida thing hard, but it's true. Like they they had a happy meal in all the toys. The animals were swamp creatures from Florida. It'd be like an alligator or a raccoon. Like God, Florida's so proud of their swamp. Yeah, we love our swamps, man. They're beautiful. And then I would say that's probably the extent of my buffet experience,
Starting point is 00:37:10 with maybe the exception of one of those pizza hut buffets, where it's like either pizza or pie in the shape of pizza. Yeah, they'll have they'll have the the pizza buffets. They have a they'll have those the shakies, too. That's one of my favorite pizza hut buffet for a grown up loved it. Very, very cost efficient lunch. We've talked about a lot on here. I loved the pizza hut buffet.
Starting point is 00:37:28 It was great. Yeah. I'm sad that they're not around as much anymore. Pizza hut was a great sit down restaurant. I'm sad it's gone. They're very, very few in the wild left. But wait real quick on racks. Why is it called racks? I don't know. I was looking up.
Starting point is 00:37:40 I was going to do some research on it. And apparently the people that that created it got a divorce. But the the the wife loved it. And so she just kept a couple chains going. Oh, OK. Yeah. Interesting. Barbecue buffet is strange to me. That's interesting. But you're saying but racks isn't barbecue.
Starting point is 00:37:58 Racks is not barbecue. It made me think it was barbecue because like racks of ribs or something. Or maybe it was like the Hooters buffet is like racks. It's like a double entendre. It's like a nonsense name because we're similar to Golden Corral. They would have like here's the taco bar and here's the salad bar and here's the spaghetti area.
Starting point is 00:38:15 And and then also their main thing was like Arby's sandwiches. It's very strange. Oh, you know, I thought of another buffet. Whole Foods. Yeah, that works. I love it. I love the whole foods in Pasadena, man. I did not go to a lot of buffets besides Pizza Hut buffet. I went to there was like a Chinese buffet
Starting point is 00:38:35 and an Ithaca that we would go to. Sometimes it was very bad. And then besides that, I don't remember too much. Honestly, even like out here, I want to what's it called? Soup plantation. Yeah, I definitely had a lot of a lot of soup plantation as a kid. That was that was one for me. We were also we were a hometown buffet family,
Starting point is 00:38:50 which is a kind of competing chain to Golden Corral. And then so we'd go there. That was a real treat for me when I was a pudgy youth. And then the other one, I the the there's this Asian buffet that I'm not sure if this chain is around anymore. It was called Todai and it was it was just like had basically all like Pan Asian food, just like everything that you would get at a P.F. Changs, but all you could eat can eat.
Starting point is 00:39:12 So if you want to like a little you want a little taste of the Far East, that was a lot of fun. By the way, Stoney never answered what the Skunk Ape. Oh, I was thinking about it. I think that Skunk Ape is probably mostly vegetarian. However, I think it's reasonable that it would it would eat like snail eggs and then like Spanish moss and some like various like mushy like swamp plants, which is all available at Golden Corral.
Starting point is 00:39:35 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's in the swamp, swamp land area. Oh, you know what? Can I tell you guys something real fast? Because if we launch into like reviewing it and I don't tell you this, I'll regret it and by all means cut this out if you don't want. So many years ago when I when I was transitioning to full time director and nothing but I said, I will never do anything but direct again for money.
Starting point is 00:39:59 I don't care what it takes up. That's that's what I'm going to do. And so when my first jobs, I came up through the music video music video world and sketch world and before I got on TV. So I got this a commercial job for Golden Corral, which I'd never heard of. And they're like, it's real easy, man. All you got to do is you go with a crew and you ask strangers on the street. Some questions about is some questions will have some copy about Golden Corral.
Starting point is 00:40:24 All you have to do is interview 15 people and then you can go. That's it. I'm like, I don't really want to be, you know, like on camera person. Like, no, no, no, you don't have to be. All you have to do is just ask them the questions. You just tell them to repeat it in the form of a form of a form of an answer. And then it's good. So the question was, what do you prefer, shrimp, scallops or tilapia? And I had no idea what tilapia was at the time.
Starting point is 00:40:47 Now I'm now an expert in tilapia. So we went to we went to Lake Balboa. You know where Lake Balboa is? Yeah. Like Van Nuys, it's one of these large city lakes that there's no trees around. It just has a couple of palm trees and like just infested with ducks and geese and swans and it's like dead water, water. Yes. And they're all these old dudes that are fishing in it, right? Nobody wants to talk to us.
Starting point is 00:41:11 We spent all day in the beating hot sun just walking around going to like old grandfathers, excuse me, excuse me, sir. Would you mind please speaking of this? Please, please, please speak with us. It takes us five hours of odd. You prefer shrimp, scallops or tilapia? Every single person says tilapia. We don't have any sound bites for shrimp or scallops.
Starting point is 00:41:28 Everyone is obsessed with tilapia at Lake Balboa. I don't. It was insane to me. Tilapia. At least people would say shrimp, even if they don't want scallops, you know, everyone's saying tilapia. Who are these tilapia freaks? Go to Lake Balboa. So, so I kept walking around. Oh, yeah. So, so I walk around and I find this dude fishing.
Starting point is 00:41:44 I'm like, excuse me, sir, please do you mind if I just ask you a couple questions regarding Golden Corral? Oh, sure. No problem. Do you prefer shrimp, scallops or tilapia? Oh, tilapia, man. I love that tilapia. You got to have that flaky white fish, man. It's the best.
Starting point is 00:41:56 You got tilapia is number one always. Every time I go tilapia. Oh, that's cool. Hey, just out of just a side note, man. I got to know what are you fishing for here? Tilapia. These disgusting mudfish that live off of duck shit and dog food, right? The workers are in there.
Starting point is 00:42:11 That's tilapia. Wow. So did they give it to Golden Corral or did this production company like give you this location and say that's where that we want you to shoot it? Or was this a thing that they told us that we could either go to Huntington Beach or Lake Balboa? And the problem is we had done one at Huntington Beach. And the only thing that people wanted to talk about was Bud Light Lime. That is the only thing people wanted to talk about.
Starting point is 00:42:31 So do you want shrimp, scallops or tilapia? Bud Light Lime. So OK, so Sun is the sun is like beating on us. We're dying. It's awful. We just want to go home. We have one more interview to do. There's no one there. And they go and the producer comes up to me goes, listen, Stoney,
Starting point is 00:42:44 like the client doesn't know you. So just just get in front of the camera and just just answer the questions. We can go home, man. Like, where are you going to be here for another hour and a half? Or you could just do the thing. We'll never use it. Just just just do it. And I'm like, you guys promise you'll not use it.
Starting point is 00:42:58 Yeah, just do it. Like just be funny when you're doing it and we'll never use it. It'll just be an extra take. We'll have 15 people. OK, fine. So I get in front of the thing and they ask me, oh, excuse me, sir, do you prefer shrimp, scallops or tilapia? And I go, I don't like tilapia. I love tilapia.
Starting point is 00:43:13 OK, let's go home. And we go home. So cut to like several months later on true TV. I am now the face of Golden Corral because every commercial ends with me going, I love tilapia. It was a nightmare. It was a living nightmare because I don't even like being on front. You know, I'm trying to camera as it is.
Starting point is 00:43:33 And now I'm a spokesman replaced only by Jeff Fox. Wow, that's crazy. You got corral day. I got Golden Corral, though. So wait, so the idea was so the campaign ran with just people saying they like tilapia. Yes, it was just like a super cut of people saying my favorite is tilapia. Yeah, it would be like showing, you know, slow motion shots of like a shrimp
Starting point is 00:43:52 flying through a waterfall and it'd be like, you have your choice of scallops, shrimp or tilapia. Oh, it's a lot of men. We love that white flaky fish and you can get scallops, scallops are great. I love that fry tilapia. Wow. They didn't get you should have known that you will just always get lied to in Hollywood. They'll never tell you the truth.
Starting point is 00:44:09 Yeah, I think I think I knew you as the tilapia guy for a long time. Oh, my God, that's such a neighbor. I'm surprised that like I would think now as a as a savvy veteran director, you would just go to these people like, Hey, man, can you just say shrimp? We just can all be saying scallops now. I do. I tell them like whatever their motivation. I tell them exactly what to say, exactly where to look. Yeah, back then, I'm sorry to ruin Hollywood for all the listeners out there.
Starting point is 00:44:34 It's a fiction. It's fiction. Everyone loves fucking tilapia. You think Batman's real? Think again, idiot. It's a lie. Hollywood soldier. I don't think anyone thought Batman was real. Hey, out there. You think the Incredible Hulk is a real guy you can meet?
Starting point is 00:44:52 Good luck. That's just a lie. The man put together so he could reach into your pocketbook. There's only a few real things skunk ape being one of them. Skunk ape and then Wally from Wally and then Wally. And are also are also fictional. Yeah, well, it just cats are fictional and then Superman is real. I I've I've checked the dates on a skunk ape sightings.
Starting point is 00:45:21 It's every time I visited Florida. We'll take a quick break or we'll wrap back with the war dough boys. Welcome back to dough boys. We're here with Stony Sharp talking Golden Corral. The face of Golden Corral is in studio. That's right. So the tilapia, the tilapia king, the face of Golden Corral until Jeff Fox where they took over. I got to say, I truly, one, have never seen a Golden Corral in the wild,
Starting point is 00:45:51 I feel like, until I went there and and to like have always seen commercials for it. And like, I think even I think even like way back in the day, like in Boston and stuff, they'll I think they'll air. I'm like during, you know, national broadcasts of like ESPN events. I'd like to I think that was one reason that I feel like I've seen these commercials for years. But yeah, I didn't even know they were out here until you suggested going to Golden Corral, Stony. And then I found out there was one in Downey, California,
Starting point is 00:46:18 which is right next to my hometown of Lakewood. Now, it was actually I knew the area like I was just like, oh, I've been here before. This didn't used to be a Golden Corral. But yeah, like that wasn't even I think that it's probably expanded westward within the last decade or so. It was hopping. Yeah, it was really hopping. So you and I went together with your lovely wife Virginia, my wife Natalie. And we had a we had a we met down there and we went.
Starting point is 00:46:42 I think we were like, oh, let's go a little early, try to beat the rush. We were right in the thick of the rush at like five thirty, five forty five p.m. on a Saturday. It was dinner for dinner. Yeah, it was it was pretty nuts. They had they had these like these stanchions, wooden stanchions that like if, you know, if you were waiting in line for an amusement ride, it was it was ready for a large amount of people. I believe that is the famous Corral there.
Starting point is 00:47:05 That's how they corral. That's the Golden Corral. That's the Golden Corral. You see it first thing. I did not go with you guys. I do want to say, though, I've known Virginia since before I knew you back in Improv 101. You guys, I think we're I think we're even dating at that point. Yeah, we were.
Starting point is 00:47:23 We might have I guess we weren't engaged at this. Well, I first met you at a party at I want to say like Marcy Minton's house because Virginia and Marcy were on the team Mr. Roboto and yeah, you guys are all just starting out. Yeah. Yeah. I think I think Improv 101 in two thousand six. Was this pre crud your group with Matt Koalic, Jack Allison.
Starting point is 00:47:46 I think this may have been post crud like Hanford. OK, I think this I think it or maybe around the same time as crud. Yeah, because you guys were just like starting the classes, right? I took I don't know if I was in Improv 101 with Virginia, but I was in Improv 101 with a few birthday boys. And then Virginia was was in was either in that class or like two or one or three or one very early on.
Starting point is 00:48:08 And and and and and yeah, the early, early days, Nick, you were just you were just on a Harold's team. This is old school. Oh, man. This is so you had a what a fascinating. I was going to say you were delving into. I was going to say you had you had you had a hey, some people might like it for fuck's sake. Just because you've turned on comedy doesn't mean the whole world has,
Starting point is 00:48:31 but you at the home. God, that hit too close to home. I thought that in the eyes when I went to those first Harold's I thought because it was Andy daily with you. No, he was doing ask at at the time. Yeah, he had his own. And I remember thinking like do they only let geniuses do this?
Starting point is 00:48:47 Like just these people that seem like nerdy, super funny people. So I changed your mind and then I met Mitch and I was like, skunk apes can improv too. Yeah, around that same time, I was I was transitioning into a working director and talking to people in Lake Balboa. Yeah, all right, crazy. Yes, Nick, you you had a joy for improv at this point in time. Kind of that you were just starting last day of school at that point.
Starting point is 00:49:13 Yeah, I guess I guess it was all right. I do always this is hard. This is the kind of thing I always think of like because I feel like we you know, every episode we kind of can tell that that we we get some more listeners with each episode by by a small margin. And I always feel like maybe someone who's like, oh, I like the Golden Corral. Let's let's listen to what this Golden Corral pot like these guys are going to talk about. Fine, we'll talk about fucking Golden Corral.
Starting point is 00:49:38 And then they're just like, wait, what the what the fuck is UCB? What is the Improv 101? People are taking classes for improv. Like what the fuck is that? What are they talking about? Literally, it was not even a minute until you got upset about it. No, I think it's fine. I just like I was discussing how I knew his wife for a very long time.
Starting point is 00:49:58 I think it's interesting. I don't care. I don't care if the show is good or not. The show is bad. So like, I don't it's not like a quality control thing on my part. I just think it's interesting to think of some what someone's perspective must be. Good, you know what, it's weird. I was listening for Golden Corral for the first time.
Starting point is 00:50:15 I don't care. Well, look, I think that you know, are these people who even know of Golden Corral? I don't know what the hell Golden Corral is. We tweeted that we were going to do this because we're recording this right like Wednesday night, this is episode. So it's coming out tomorrow. So we already tweeted that we were going to do this. And we had got a lot of social media feedback.
Starting point is 00:50:31 A few of these are their Golden Corral stories, the feedback, the feedback. Shut up about the fucking feedback. Who cares about the feedback? What do you mean, who cares about the feedback? That's what I don't care about your charts and charts and numbers, Liger. I'm not talking about charts and numbers. They're just talking about people actually engaging with us. People who listen to the show.
Starting point is 00:50:48 Yeah, fuck them too. This is the internal struggle of the commerce versus artist that happens within all of us from the UCB theater. Sure, you fucking sell out, Liger. What are you talking about? Sell out. What do you mean? Look, I've never knew about Golden Corral. Yes.
Starting point is 00:51:06 I was coming back from a wedding. Chankton's wedding. So you want me to talk about Chankton's wedding for a few minutes to really get the listeners upset? You already covered Chankton's wedding. No, I didn't give a speech. Not even the half of Chankton's wedding. There's a lot more.
Starting point is 00:51:19 You were the best man. The other groomsmen were Freyobot and Wu Tang and Double Mike and Little Bill and Brock Landers. You are right. Freyobot was a groomsman. Well, OK. Wu Tang wasn't, but he was there. Wu Tang's a great guy.
Starting point is 00:51:36 Micas was. Scoop was. Dano was. There was a bunch of people who were. Anyways, Romandi was. And he came with me with his wife, LD. Oh, hell yeah. And we stopped in Bakersfield.
Starting point is 00:51:49 Been to Bakersfield? We stopped in Bakersfield. We were driving through Bakersfield. My friend, Romandi, we were driving through. He said, hey, this kind of looks like the town that at the end of a. Oh, God, Castaway. He says, it looks like the town at the end of Castaway. And then he texted our friends that we were going to Bakersfield
Starting point is 00:52:09 for Golden Corral. And they said, one of them said, the town from the end of Castaway. So I think it is the town from the end of Castaway. Very nothing town. Have you been to Bakersfield? I've been to Bakersfield. Yeah, there's not much going on there.
Starting point is 00:52:19 That was on the way to my grandma's house. So that would be a stopover. Romandi looked up Bakersfield online and like the first news article that popped up was like six dead found in the river. Yeah. So there's nothing really going on in Bakersfield. It's just a son, your grandma lived there. No, she didn't live in Bakersfield.
Starting point is 00:52:36 She lived like on the way. That would be like the big town Bakersfield. Oh, really? Like to Hatchopee was the was closer to where she actually lived. This is a very sunbaked town. Yeah, a lot of inland California is not super fun. Yeah, I feel like.
Starting point is 00:52:49 Methi. Yeah, I mean, yeah, I don't I don't know exactly what's going on with their demographically right now. But I wouldn't be surprised if they had some. Oh, my God. Some issues. Jesus, I said, Methi is a joke. And then now it's sad and real.
Starting point is 00:53:03 Well, like you can say that about fucking Florida. I don't care. But I get a little defensive about California. I mean, drugs is what is what is not to blame for Florida. Because they about quit. I don't God damn it. Anyways, I went to Golden Corral for the first time. I never really we try to go on the exit.
Starting point is 00:53:19 It was it was one way is locked because it's the exit. There's an exit entrance and exit. We were so confused. Wow, makes sense. Well, they got two doors to choose from. What an observation. We were saying that when we first got in there, we were like, why this is the entrance to the restaurant?
Starting point is 00:53:34 Why is one side locked? But it makes sense because it's a fucking because it's a buffet. Right. And so we were going to deduct some points, but we kept them off. Now you have to go in through the Golden Corral. That's the whole point. Yes, we went in through the fucking Golden Corral. The weird thing to me, my first thing that I know
Starting point is 00:53:49 is you fill up your drinks first. We didn't have that isn't what happened with us. We had a helper. We had a helper too, but you fill up your drinks first. Then the helper helps you out. I think I maybe had an old Corral. Did you guys have an old Corral? No, this was clearly a pretty modern Corral.
Starting point is 00:54:06 Wow. Yeah. Ours felt old. It's high. Yeah. Ours was shining like a new dime. Yeah. Ours was humming.
Starting point is 00:54:13 Ours was, I wondered if Ours was a holder from the Old West. It may have been an actual old Golden Corral. It had been there since the prospect in days. It could be. Used to have burlesque shows and poker shootouts. Did you see Bush Cassidy? He was there. As was the Sundance Kid.
Starting point is 00:54:30 Well, they were always together. I've never seen it. My first impression of it was like, oh, we're in Bakersfield. This is kind of an old, shitty looking place. You get your soda before you went up to the front counter. I got three buffets, which I put on the Doughboys account for my Quincy friends.
Starting point is 00:54:51 So we fed my Quincy friends. That's good. You should do that. That's what it's for. And here's where I'll stop talking. I was ready for a bad experience. That's all I'll say. So you're just going to leave us in suspense.
Starting point is 00:55:06 I'll say I was ready for a bad experience and then you can talk. OK, I will say this. I had the same perspective and it's Tony. I think you and I were on the same page. We kind of went in there being like, OK, what are we going to get out of here? Because I'd never eaten there. I just knew that they like for me, I'd read some things about some food sanitation issues at the Golden Corrals.
Starting point is 00:55:23 And I just sort of assumed that a buffet that was kind of trying to, you know, that was expanding rapidly was not going to have the highest quality food. I feel like this this was like as these buffets go as these kind of things go. And with the volume of people that were there, Stoney, because this place was jam packed, I mean, packed, like Casino packed. How many how many full table birthday songs were there? Five, at least at least. And we were there for for just over an hour change.
Starting point is 00:55:51 And it but it was really like well maintained, I'd say, fairly clean overall. And the whole walkie talkie system. There was a hand cleaning area right right right where you get your plates and your silverware. Right. Yeah, I didn't feel like there were any sort of sanitation issues that I might expect at a high. This is much more modern sounding than mine was. No, this one was. Yeah, they had people.
Starting point is 00:56:11 They were like doing hand signals to gesture tables over and everything. It felt like it was a well oiled machine. And I was very impressed by the I was very impressed by the service. I was very impressed by the way they the efficiency of the system. And then we started getting into it. And so one one thing we we observed about this is that the Golden Corral divides its stations into various lands akin to the lands of Disneyland. So you got the Grill House, the Green House, Lighthouse Bay,
Starting point is 00:56:37 the Hacienda, the Piazza and the Brass Bell Bakery, all having different cuisines from of different sorts. And we just kind of dove straight straight into it. I wonder is the way to talk about this. Maybe just go plate by plate. Do we just want to go blow by blow? We can go plate by plate. Oh, go ahead.
Starting point is 00:56:54 Sorry, I've got a whole insane list of all all the plates that I. Oh, great. Let's do this. Well, let's start off with how many plates to do, including dessert. Yes, four. Wow. I also did four plates. Wow. Yeah. And I'm normally I'm normally a one plate chump. I'll get that one plate at the buffet and then I'll tap out. I did two plates and a dessert plate.
Starting point is 00:57:13 So three plates. That's a plate. That's pretty good. I would say that that maybe always eating four plates because I knew it was going to be in the podcast. But and then I thought about it later. And honestly, I would have eaten that much by myself if it hadn't been for research. Yeah, I wonder. I think I feel like I would have had a little.
Starting point is 00:57:28 I would have I could have eaten that much, but I think I would have probably been like, you know what, why are you just calm down? Like, I think I would have probably taken a beat and just exercise a little bit of restraint. Who should who should name their plates first? I'll go first. OK. Plate one. Fried chicken, fried shrimp, cheese, pizza, cheese, enchilada,
Starting point is 00:57:49 French fries, broccoli with cheese, sauce and a little cup of clam chowder. Wow, that's fucking nasty sounding. It really is quite a quite an eclectic combo. Clam chowder on top of it all is just the thing. That's a little too much. That one I got kind of in the interest of science. It was an OK clam chowder. It was a lot. You know, a lot of times I feel like these that it's the kind of
Starting point is 00:58:10 the low quality clam chowder where there aren't a lot of clams. It's pretty watery. But you know, you put some crackers in there. It was very passable. The cheese sauce Natalie really, really like the cheese sauce. She was putting that cheese sauce and everything. The broccoli with the cheese sauce, I would say, was was very good. D loved the cheese sauce.
Starting point is 00:58:26 Yeah, it was really tasty. She saw that sauce and she was all about the cheese sauce. Yeah, I should have like Natalie was like putting on her fries and everything. I was like, man, I should have died. I should have used more cheese sauce. But I would say if you want to get your kids to eat some veggies at the Golden Corral, because they're just going to go nuts on pizza and that chocolate, wonderful.
Starting point is 00:58:40 Maybe you can trick them with a little broccoli and that cheese sauce. Get them. So that's who you think the show is for. Parents trying to get their kids to eat vegetables. I think there are some child rearing parents out there who listen to the show, listen, listen. If your kids are having a hard time taking tile at all, you can put a little scoop of ice cream and they will go down super easy. Who the fuck do you think you are?
Starting point is 00:59:02 You know, I have I have two kids and Virginia said that that if we brought our kids there, they would have gone mentally insane and turned into monsters. It seems overwhelming. It does. It seems it seems like I did see a few kids running around. I almost booted one at one point. You booted them. I almost booted them. You got right in my way. People call the cops for stuff like what if we're kids getting in the way?
Starting point is 00:59:24 They should go for it. Oh, for a grown man, don't kicking your child. I wasn't going to really kick the kid for my sake. Just getting a little kick in the bum. Oh, that's Jesus Christ. That's the creepiest shit I've ever heard. Just like like the Australia episode of the Simpsons, you have a little booting that I think that is worth it.
Starting point is 00:59:45 If a kid acts up at a restaurant, there should be a giant boot. You should be able to boot it. Stoney, what do you think of that? And tell them how you tell them how you take air baths with a cat. And they'll just run away. And the cops will just magically be there. The fried shrimp, I think, was was OK. The fried chicken was pretty disappointing.
Starting point is 01:00:03 I was I was hoping for something a little bit. Wow, I didn't think it was that great. Maybe it was a bad batch. There can be some consistency issues with these high volume places. Cheese pizza, I think a kid would like it, but it was just that kind of doughy sort of, you know, that kind of unfro that kind of heated up frozen pizza. Sort of quality to it. You can tell they didn't have a real pizza oven.
Starting point is 01:00:22 The cheese enchilada, I like quite a bit. The fries, I thought were pretty good. And the broccoli and cheese sauce I mentioned, clam chowder. Man, but yeah, a very solid plate overall. It just in terms of getting a taste of everything, I was like, you know, some of the there's some ups and downs here, but overall, I'm having a good time. You know, it's not until now that I realize that you and I got completely different food. Right. And yet we still got an insane amount of food.
Starting point is 01:00:44 Yeah, we went on totally different branching paths. I don't think I saw these cheese enchiladas. That was in the Hacienda. Yeah, it was over in the Hacienda. But I definitely went there. Yeah, there was there was a lot of food like that. I didn't even there's stuff that I didn't even see, let alone taste. There's a lot of stuff that that's that's just like it's all kind of hidden away
Starting point is 01:01:01 because there's just so many options there. It is overwhelming. It is the biggest one of the biggest buffets I've ever seen in person. It's crazy, but it doesn't feel like a Vegas nightmare. No, it feels very doable. Yeah, it feels a little bit and it feels a little bit like the layout. They put a little bit more thought into it. But talk us through your first plates, don't you?
Starting point is 01:01:17 Sure, sure. OK, we're doing one plate at a time. Yes. OK. So plate one, I did chicken barbecoa, handmade chili taco, refried beans, rice, tater tots, macaroni and cheese, brussel sprouts, plantains, a roasted jalapeno and green salad from the greenhouse. Damn, didn't even see those plantains. They're great. What it would. So overall, what were your highs and what were your lows from now? OK, highs on this one.
Starting point is 01:01:43 You know, I think the plantains were pretty awesome, actually. And I'm glad I started with the salad. So I'm going to say the green salad from the greenhouse was a high on my first plate. Although the chicken barbecoa, which you would not think would be good, especially living in Los Angeles at a buffet, was great. The lows by far was the brussel sprouts. In fact, that was the only bad experience I had on any of my plates. What was bad about those brussel sprouts?
Starting point is 01:02:05 They were, you know, classic over overboiled, oversteamed brussel sprouts. Just tasted like a bad fog or something, right? No salt. Just you're going to overcook brussel sprouts always, I feel like. I feel like I see a lot of places go far given to me, soggy or burnt. Right. Yeah. I feel like I see a lot of places doing things with like giving giving them some sort of aioli or just like giving them like like putting some bacon in there, resting with some bacon,
Starting point is 01:02:28 like something to give them a little bit of flavor, because there's a lot of times that their natural flavor is necessarily appealing. We're living in the age of brussel sprouts. Like if you go to any hipster restaurant, you're going to have some kind of amazing brussel sprouts. I feel like the generation before us, I feel like baby boomers are like, well, I mean, yeah, I mean, yeah. Wait, what generation?
Starting point is 01:02:45 I think we're what fucking generation are we? I don't care. Baby boomers are parents generation, right? I don't like baby. The I don't like baby boomer generation because I picture a bunch of old men in diapers. Is that strange? No, I think I mean, like that's kind of what it evokes.
Starting point is 01:03:01 Yeah. Yeah. No, but I think baby boomers like don't like brussel sprouts. I think that was like a thing you had growing up and just you have an aversion to it because my parents will like will not eat them under any circumstances and I've tried to get them to try like have nicer ones at a good restaurant and they still are just not into it. I was talking about this the other day about how Nick, you were on a text chain with this.
Starting point is 01:03:20 And remember, like in the 90s, like meatloaf sucked. Yeah. It was like, no, meatloaf. It was kind of that one of those things that we got got class of that and like fruit cake were like things that were put together as like fruit cake unappealing foods. I like both of them if it's a good fruit cake. I've never had fruit. That fruit cake is bad.
Starting point is 01:03:37 Obviously, I haven't had it because it was always, I was always taught that it was the worst thing you could have. Right. That's kind of my version because of pop culture. Not because it was ever offered to me and I didn't like it. But do you remember meatloaf kind of being like I came to it late because my family didn't make it and it was always like that's the gross thing. And then I ate it. I'm like, this is amazing. This is like hamburger by itself.
Starting point is 01:03:55 I fucking love meatloaf. It's amazing. Meatloaf is so great. And you know what? My first plate started off with a little slice of meatloaf. Oh, hey, there you go. Mashed potatoes, mac and cheese, piece of fried chicken, hush puppy,
Starting point is 01:04:09 cheeseburger slider and sesame, Chinese sesame chicken. There's a picture of it right there. Oh, OK. One with a green plate. I did. I went with, I got one of each plate. Excellent. So did I. This color. I also did. Oh, God. I wish I didn't now. The for me, I actually thought the fried chicken was OK.
Starting point is 01:04:29 I get I get I thought I know that you love fried chicken. So I thought you'd be excited. I was excited. There was a little bit of separation between the breading and the chicken, which, which I know. But I thought it was kind of tasty. The hush puppy was kind of a dud. LD felt the same.
Starting point is 01:04:46 The the sesame chicken was really good. And Marimondi loved it, too. The sesame chicken was was great. The mashed potatoes in and in mac and cheese. I wish it was better. I just wish they were better. They weren't bad. But I would just wish like I was like, oh,
Starting point is 01:05:03 I wish that these were like you knocked these out of the park, which they did not. That feels like the thing you'd hope that a buffet would just nail. And then and then the the the meatloaf was OK, cold. It was a little cold. And the cheeseburger slider, I liked a lot. Also, though, head set out for just a little long. Want me to go into play, too, because there's not much.
Starting point is 01:05:23 And I feel like we should go backwards. Oh, yeah, we'll do like a snake style. Hey, real quick on meatloaf. What do you guys think of a meatloaf sandwich? Because I love it. Love a meatloaf. That's amazing. So fucking. Yeah, I love meatloaf. Don't love the singer meatloaf. Oh, boy.
Starting point is 01:05:34 I think he's an asshole. Our server, our server's name was Brenda. She was nice. I got a Diet Coke. She refilled it once or twice, I think just once. I got a second plate. And on the second plate, I got popcorn, shrimp, barbecue, pork, pork slider, barbecue pork slider, a slice of pepperoni pizza
Starting point is 01:05:55 and the steak fries, which I forgot to say, I put on my first plate and I loved them. The steak fries were great. Wait, so you had those on your first plate? I did. I ate them on the way to my table. I got like, I got like, I did little, I did little servings of each thing, basically. The steak fries were so I got more steak fries.
Starting point is 01:06:15 The pork slider was great. It was really, really good. So these fries that like I was like, oh, man, if I had gotten like the right things, I would have had a really, really, really tasty meal. Popcorn shrimp was just OK. It was fine. Not bad, but nothing like spectacular. And Nick, I liked the I actually liked the pizza.
Starting point is 01:06:33 I thought I thought the pizza was was was good. I thought I did. I, you know, I get what you're saying. So much better than like 7-Eleven or. Oh, way better than 7-Eleven pizza. I mean, yes. I mean, like, I guess you're saying a frozen pizza. I think it's a kid pleaser. I feel like that's like a kid would be like, oh, pizza.
Starting point is 01:06:47 And they eat it and they'd be happy about it. It was like good cafeteria pizza. It was also cold. And then when they put out a fresh hot pizza, there were like a swarm of kids that ran over and got it. Man, we didn't have any cold issues. I didn't have any temperature issues with anything. Everything was under the hot lights.
Starting point is 01:07:00 Perfect temperature. The mashed potatoes, by the way, looked a little strange when they were like in the bin. There was like a gray section of it. But I'll get to this later. Stoney, back to you. I have some other ones I want to call back to for my my FEMA food. I missed out on area, which is because of the way they look.
Starting point is 01:07:19 OK, so plate two, different color plate. I knew I had to try the tilapia or else advertising would be alive. So I started with the spring. I believe it's called the spring fish tacos, which were prebuilt. Yes, those had cilantro, tomato, onion and some kind of very strong sauce. French fries, fried tilapia, baked tilapia. Oh, wow, fried shrimp. Slap your king, that hush puppy.
Starting point is 01:07:43 This time, black beans and rice and the Bourbon Street chicken. Highs and lows. I love this taco. I kept telling you, Nick, I mean, there was something about this sauce. It was insane. It was like too powerful and there was too much of it. But I keep thinking about it. I feel like I can still taste it like a sense memory.
Starting point is 01:08:01 I love this taco. You convinced me to get that taco on my third plate, which I won't skip ahead to yet, but just a little spoiler alert. Tilapia was amazing. Whoa, Tilapia was amazing. Both both fried and baked, which is, you know, that's kind of a test of a buffet. If they can do like a baked fish or like a steamed fish and it's good. That's a good sign.
Starting point is 01:08:20 I have no I have no lows on plate two. Wow, you liked everything. Yes, Sony, I think you should do plate three because I only have a dessert plate left. Nick, you can do two and three. Yeah, my plate. OK, so it's a but we won't do desserts. Yeah, don't do dessert.
Starting point is 01:08:31 OK, plate three had to get in the steak line, got a steak, medium rare. Broccoli with some of that melted cheese and Natalie liked so much. And I absolutely agree. If I could have rewind it back, I would have put that cheese on the Brussels sprout and it would not have been a low. And it also might have even gone well on the French fries. Yeah, I could have liven up everything. I get my second plate, hard shell taco, which I sort of assembled myself
Starting point is 01:08:53 with some some classic sort of ground beef, some sour cream and some cheese and some salsa in there, orange chicken, mac and cheese, refried beans, Mexican rice, Pagoda rice, which was like their Asian rice and fried raviolis with marinara. I got myself those in a little cup, a big, big fried raviolis fan. There aren't a lot of places that have them. I was I was surprised they were there. You know, they were a little gummy.
Starting point is 01:09:12 They weren't like the best interpretation of it. But I think it was it was a fun. It was fun to have that as an option. The mac and cheese I actually kind of liked. And Natalie wasn't crazy about it. She didn't think it was wonderful. But I know you guys weren't crazy about it. But they are. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:27 But I thought it was I thought it was OK. That was pretty good. The beans were beans hit the spot. You know, very standard beans and rice like you get in a Mexican restaurant, but definitely got the job done. Love that hard shell taco. Man, that was that was just a great just, you know, again, just took me back to like that. Like, oh, that's this is like this would be the best thing in that school cafeteria,
Starting point is 01:09:46 which maybe doesn't sound like a lot of people maybe don't have a positive association with cafeteria food, but it was just so satisfying in that regard. Orange chicken was fine, big outer rice was fine. And then my third plate, soft shell. So I got that same taco, right? You wrote down the exact name. What was the name of it again? I think it was called the the spring fish taco, spring fish taco.
Starting point is 01:10:06 That sauce was so overwhelming. Like I had the first few bites of it. It might have been because I was getting very full. But the first few bites of it, I was like, I was like, oh, this is good. And then by the like the third bite, when I was like trying to I was just powering through it, just trying to finish everything on my plate. So I wasn't wasteful. There was so much sauce.
Starting point is 01:10:22 And it was like it had like a gooey caramel consistency. It was like a little too thick, like a quality of like a whiskey shot or something. Right. Yeah. Yeah. It was just overwhelming. I mean, it was good, but it was a little bit much. Maybe if I had it early in the meal, chilled shrimp, which was a low light of every plate, just that chilled shrimp was real bad. Even with a cocktail sauce. I got some myself a green salad with some Thousand Island dressing.
Starting point is 01:10:42 Fine green salad. Here's the thing. Golden corral. Get some chilled plates for the greenhouse. We were putting salad on a warm plate. I'm bringing my cold greens up to room temperature. You know, and I noted this at the time, but you got you covered your plate with salad. You didn't get a small portion.
Starting point is 01:10:59 You got an entire meal salad. I was trying to counterbalance all the Clompex carbohydrates I'd had with a little bit of fiber screens. I always thought you loved hot salad. No, I don't love who likes hot salad. It's disgusting. You think you're trying to say I'm weird. No, you're trying to say that this is because it's a weird man.
Starting point is 01:11:16 I think you love hot salad. I don't like hot salad. I like cold salad. I am almost sure. I've seen you come over here. You brought your dinner and I've seen you put your salad in the microwave. Heat it up. No, come on.
Starting point is 01:11:29 You think I'm taking like a salad, a salad container to go container and heat it up in the microwave? You've been over my house. I've seen you bite into a salad and go too cold. This is an utter fabrication. This is not. This is true. I don't like a hot salad. No one likes a hot salad.
Starting point is 01:11:44 That's weird. I will say if I go in the crowd, the plates were not hot at all. Oh, weird. They were very room temperature. Yeah, these were warm plates, I think, because they'd been. I think they were they were going such a high volume that they were going through the dishwasher and not really quickly. So they're coming out still warm.
Starting point is 01:11:56 Two things like it's true about you. One, you hate fries. No, that's not true. You didn't get any at this entire buffet. I told you with my first plate, I got fries and I said I like them. Oh, no, I heard I didn't get fries. I hate them. And then two, go back and someone rewind the tape.
Starting point is 01:12:10 Listen to it. Like, yeah, I didn't get fries. I hate them. Oh, I split my pants at Chankton's wedding. You know what? It is true that I was very nervous the entire time that I was going to split my pants at Chankton's wedding. I split my pants on stage once.
Starting point is 01:12:28 So you make fun of me for splitting my pants at Chankton's wedding. Meanwhile, you split your pants on stage. Yeah, I was at SF sketch fest with our Neil Campbell and Paul rest. They had a two man sketch show and I played like that. No, it's what I'm going to hear about this. I played all the small parts in it. So like I was like the third guy in this two man sketch show. It was a lot of fun.
Starting point is 01:12:46 But I had to the stage was very high and I was wearing these suit pants that were a little too tight for me because I'd gained some weight. And so as I stood up onto this, like I had to take a big step up to get on this the stage and as it happened, my pants, like the front of my pants just split open. And I was convinced that the front, yeah, the front, just like everything. And I was convinced that my genitals were just hanging out and everyone's seeing them because I was wearing Ben Franklin style, Ben Franklin style. Yeah, like I was I was I was taking an air bath in front of an audience of 200 people.
Starting point is 01:13:12 And so, but I had like this, I had a wolf mask that I was wearing because it was a sketch where I was playing a monster of the sketch. OK, yeah, yeah. Yeah, it was just a there's just an artistic choice of mine. No, I was playing a wolf monster. And so like I came on and so I couldn't see exactly what it happened. So I was just like, I was just like, OK, my dicks out, it's fine. I'm just going to power through it.
Starting point is 01:13:31 And then it sort of like like danced a little bit and just tried to get on with a sketch, but it was like a total mess. Was it was your dig out? No, it wasn't. It was just my underwear was visible. All right. Yeah. When Lenny Kravitz pants exploded. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Is that what you thought it would look like? Yeah, but I mean, that hadn't happened yet. So I guess I guess when I saw the Lenny Kravitz thing, I was like, oh, yeah, that was what I thought had mine would not look like that.
Starting point is 01:13:56 It was like a little bird nest. I I I the entire night I was like so careful sitting down. These were like right. They were like thin cut pants or whatever from Nordstrom. And I was just like like thin fit or whatever. And I was like, I should never wear a thin fit ever. Yeah. But I mean, that's what we were doing or whatever. And I and I and I had these pants on and the entire night I was just like,
Starting point is 01:14:21 I'm going to rip these things open. The crotch area was very tight. I get the entire night so afraid it gets to my speech. I get up to go give my speech. I'm walking by my friend the nader hits my speech out of my hand right before I went up and then I had to bend all the way down and get it. And I was like, it's going to it's going to explode, but it did not explode. My pants did not explode.
Starting point is 01:14:44 I went up, killed the speech. They're going to make a movie out of it. It's going to be great. And the nader is like he's considered like the most high brow comedian in in Quincy, right? You're not my speech dead out of my hand. Anyways, Nick, what were you what brought us to this? How did we get here?
Starting point is 01:15:04 You said I liked hot salad, which is insane. Oh, yeah, you do. I don't like hot salad. I like a cold salad like anyone I like with the hot hot vegetables, like hot steamed vegetables or like sauteed or like roasted and like hot lettuce. No, I don't like hot. No, I don't like that. I don't even like that on like a burger. I don't want the like the lettuce to be wilting on like a burger.
Starting point is 01:15:22 I want everything to be the cold to stay cold. It's weird to me that you don't like it on a burger, but you love it as a salad. Oh, my God. You ever say you ever say, oh, good, oh, good. I left my salad in the car. Don't you get. Don't you jump. Yeah, he does go.
Starting point is 01:15:37 Don't you do that to lap your king? I love to laugh here. Stoney, you're a good friend. Just don't get the middle of this. So here here's it. No, it's OK. It's fine. Here. Look, I don't like hot salad. It's ridiculous. You're trolling me. It's fine.
Starting point is 01:15:51 Here's what I was going to say. I got that normal room temperature green salad with Thousand Island, a kind of a hot plate would have liked a chilled plate. Tater tots, Tater tots weren't exciting. And the cocktail sauce was a serviceable cocktail sauce. I mean, it was just obviously some sort of mainstream brand. And we already talked through your tire, talked to you through your third plates.
Starting point is 01:16:08 So we're on to the dessert course. OK, my fourth plate. Yep. Coconut meringue pie. Coconut cream pie is one of my favorite pies. I love a coconut cream pie. So they had a coconut meringue pie. And I was like, I got to try this. That their array of pies was very impressive, by the way,
Starting point is 01:16:23 that the bluebell or rather brass bell bakery, the amount of different confections they have is staggering. Like they just have so much stuff. It's kind of how many full pies they just have out there for you to pick from. It's pretty impressive. So I got myself the coconut meringue pie, got myself a little bread pudding, and I hit up the signature Golden Corral Chocolate Wonderful, which I've always worried about from like a health standpoint,
Starting point is 01:16:45 because to me, it's always looked like just like a, you know, just like a fountain of bacteria. It just looks so unsanitary. But actually seeing it at action, I was like, OK, this they have these long sticks that used to, you know, kids aren't putting their hands in there or whatever. So I got myself a rice crispy treat and a strawberry dipped in that chocolate. Wonderful coconut meringue pie was good. The bread pudding was good.
Starting point is 01:17:11 The chocolate wonderful stuff. I mean, the rice crispy treat was a lot more exciting than the strawberry just because the strawberry is a lot more conventional. And the rice crispy treat isn't something that I've experienced in these sorts of chocolate dipped situations before. But yeah, there was nothing that blew my mind here. I feel like this was just kind of like, OK, we're just taking it home. I will say that the array of desserts is very, very impressive.
Starting point is 01:17:31 And the amount of options, the things that I didn't get looked maybe better than what I actually got. So let me talk us through your desserts. I'm not a huge dessert guy, but I know what I like when I have something good. I agree. There was an insane amount of pies. There was also soft serve ice cream. Yes. Entire cotton candy balls. Right. What else?
Starting point is 01:17:51 So they have a hand scooped ice cream to scoop ice cream as well. I went with the chocolate pie, which is what I used to get in fifth grade. And I haven't gotten it since. And it was amazing. Yeah, I had a taste of yours. It was really, really good. I also got a pineapple skewer dipped in the chocolate wonderfall. But I didn't realize that the chocolate wonderfall chocolate
Starting point is 01:18:10 was sort of like a magic shell. It's sort of it's sort of hardened. Yeah, hard. Right. The pineapple, the piece of pineapple was sort of that that middle part of the pineapple that you're supposed to cut out. So it was like a long jewel, but it was still great. And that chocolate pie. It was almost enough for that to be my thing to want to come to Golden Crawford.
Starting point is 01:18:28 I love that chocolate pie. I loved it. And I also had four sweet ice teas. Damn, I have. This is kind of crazy. We might have a steak and shack style controversy here. Steak and shake. What do I say? Steak and shack. You can play to shake shack and steak and shakes.
Starting point is 01:18:46 My brain is broken. What do you want from me? I just got back from a four day bender with Quincy people. Yeah, you can't talk, right? You're saying things like steak and shack and things like why you're like hot salad. No, no, no, no, I know that you do want it. I do know that your brain not working. You like hot salad. You're hungover. I don't like hot salad.
Starting point is 01:19:03 No one thinks that. Anyways, LD loved those tacos, by the way. And my first taste of dessert was the ones that me and Sony had. Yeah, OK, she loved them. Ramon, he had a little bit of a he did the bread pudding. It was too sweet for me. And also it wasn't hot.
Starting point is 01:19:21 I had another thing where it wasn't that hot. My bread pudding was hot. It wasn't your you had an issue with that location. It might be a bad location for any variation. Go ahead. I did the the chocolate waterfall. Wonderful. Wonderful.
Starting point is 01:19:34 By the way, I left a chocolate wonderful in their bathroom when I was done. Jesus Christ, what? I took a shit. Yeah, I know. We could have assembled that one on our own. You'd have to hold our hands through that one. And it's like the chocolate.
Starting point is 01:19:48 Wonderful. Yes, I get it. You took up. I had a liquidy bowel movement that resembled the chocolate. Wonderful. Yeah. Anyway, we say today is going to be the day that I'm going to go number two. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:20:12 By now, I can't think of a second verse. By now, you should have found out a place where you can poo. So it's a guy who has to. Yes, the guy has to shit. I believe Golden Corral is open. Maybe I'll go there and take a shit. So this guy's going to Golden Corral, just specifically to shit. He's not like I need a large meal.
Starting point is 01:20:36 Oh, wait, I have to shit after this. He has to take a shit and all the other spots I tried denied me. Dick. And if I don't go real soon. I'll ruin my tidy, white ease. All right, I will stop doing this. The chocolate or an after all. Chocolate, wonderful.
Starting point is 01:21:15 Anyway, yeah, one thing I didn't like about the chocolate, wonder, fall, fall, wonderful. The chocolate, wonderful. Is that I did. Why wasn't there should be fruit nearby? You didn't have any fruit. We had fruit. You know, we are by this fucking Bakersfield location.
Starting point is 01:21:35 They need to get their shit together. It sounds like this is this is. It sounds like a controversy. You won the location. They had marshmallows and rice, crispy treats. Yeah, we had the rice, crispy treats. We had the marshmallow we had. There was something else we had there, too.
Starting point is 01:21:48 Strawberries, strawberry, apple, hit some small cookies. No, we just had those two next to it. OK, put it in to the chocolate, wonder, wonderful. It didn't harden. It didn't harden at all. It stayed liquidy and we didn't like how it. All of us didn't like how it stayed liquid.
Starting point is 01:22:06 It stayed kind of like it was just like chocolate syrup and we didn't like the taste of it. It was like it was kind of like like her. It tasted like a not as good. Hershey's Hershey's chocolate syrup. Wow. And it did not harden. And we were we were pretty bummed out about it
Starting point is 01:22:21 because that's the thing that that place is known for and it really let down. I had a chocolate fudge brownie also that I tasted that was very good. But yeah, no, that didn't harden. Wow, not that great. Is it famous for hardening because I was surprised to me that that happened.
Starting point is 01:22:36 Oh, I don't know. I have no idea. I actually don't know. It was known for hardening. It should harden, shouldn't it? Did I say it was known for hardening? No, he said it was known for hardening. You said it was known for hardening.
Starting point is 01:22:44 Oh, no, I just said it was it's known for the chocolate. I thought the expectation was that it would kind of have a magic shell effect. But I mean, mine still was it wasn't like like rock hard. It was just kind of like still a little gooey, but it did kind of feel like it solidified a little. I was rock hard. Oh, boy.
Starting point is 01:22:58 OK. I was excited. Yeah, right. Then it fizzled. Oh, boy. I don't know what's going on today. This is a mess. I yeah, I was I was I was disappointed by the chocolate
Starting point is 01:23:13 waterfall. Yeah, wonderful. God damn it, wonderful. It's all right. Yeah, I I don't I don't love the chocolate. Wonderful. I think it's it's for I think that like the cotton candies for kids.
Starting point is 01:23:22 I mean, I think that's something to keep in mind with all this is that a lot of this stuff is specifically for kids. And if there were a lot of birthdays there, obviously a lot of kids there like you were like, you know, that we're celebrating these birthdays. And I think for them, things like the chocolate. Wonderful is a hoot. Things like the cotton candy is a hoot,
Starting point is 01:23:37 but maybe for adults that that's that's just not a target for you. A real quick in the beverage front, I got myself some lemonade to drink. It's a good lemonade. And our server, Eddie was great. He's amazing. Oh my God, what a great job he did.
Starting point is 01:23:50 Just was just so attentive, so friendly, right on top of clearing our plates off of that. And that's just such a hard job. I was just like, man, this this place is so busy. This guy's got so many tables to attend to. He's got to be clearing stuff and refilling drinks. And it seemed like he was doing it all in one motion. And I was just like, I was so impressed by I was so
Starting point is 01:24:07 impressed by the service in general, but Eddie in particular did a fantastic job. There was a moment where you you shifted out of your seat because you were thinking about if you're going to leave or not. And that was just at the moment that he was walking by you. And so do you kind of got in his way a little bit? Yes.
Starting point is 01:24:19 But he apologized. Right. And then came back much later and apologized again. Yeah, he like he like kind of he like kind of half-tripped. And it was like a very narrow way because like there was a stroller next to our table. So there's a very narrow, narrow corridor for him to squeeze through.
Starting point is 01:24:32 And at that same time, I had sort of shifted. And so he kind of tripped over by foot a little bit. And he apologized to me profusely. He's like, no, I'm sorry, by fault. And then he came back to apologize again. And I was like, man, Eddie, you didn't do anything wrong. He did everything absolutely right. Yeah, that was very impressive.
Starting point is 01:24:45 All right. Well, we've talked through all our plates. I think it's time for our final thoughts on this chain. So Stoney, you've listened to the podcast. You know, this works. Yep. Sort of give your closing argument and then rate this chain on the order of one to five forks to La Pia King.
Starting point is 01:25:00 You're up first. Do you mind if I if I explain how I would how I would rate how I would how was something we would receive for forks? Very quickly. Use this time however you like. OK, so I believe that the Michelin system, the star system, they have its quality and originality and there's basically these categories.
Starting point is 01:25:22 OK, I don't have the exact breakdown. So I have these four categories. And if you were to score a one in all of these and you would get four forks, first category, this is what I look for in a chain restaurant, first category, is it fun or a guilty pleasure? And I would say it's fun, but it's not like a guilty pleasure. So I'm going to give it a half there.
Starting point is 01:25:42 OK. The second one. Is it original or is it the best at what it does? And I would say it's a one because I think it's the best. Wow. That being a buffet. Great taste, one. I thought the taste was great with the exception
Starting point is 01:25:58 of the Brussels sprout, but it was great. And here's my number one thing with a chain restaurant. Does it have that one special thing that I would go back for over and over again, specifically for that thing? Zero. Really? Not even that chocolate pie.
Starting point is 01:26:14 So I give this two and a half stars. And I love the place. Still just two and a half forks. That's right. Two and a half forks, sorry. You grade very, very tough. I mean, I'm serious about chain restaurants. I told you guys this.
Starting point is 01:26:27 Because we had a great time. I had the best time. I loved hanging out with you. I loved hanging out with you in your bride. And I loved the food. I thought it was amazing. And it was a very positive environment. But I have to be true to these pillars of chain restaurants.
Starting point is 01:26:44 Like if this was Del Taco, easily, four. Yeah, I'm with you on that. I mean, I think you've gone a little lower with Del Taco. Why have you brought your rating down a little? No, I had great time with Nick. No, it was fun. We haven't hung out in a long time. It was great.
Starting point is 01:26:57 I love the place. I just can't give it three and a half stars because I feel bad because everybody was having fun there. Wow. I mean, what occasion would I pull my car off the road and go to Golden Corral in a sea of chains? And, Stony, I'll take it from here because I feel the same way. You're going to have forks, wow.
Starting point is 01:27:16 I'm not going to go. I don't think I'm going to go to Golden Corral. I just agree with you. I don't know if I'm going to ever stop there. It's not bad. I was surprised by the food. LD said she'd give it three and a half forks. Ramadi said he'd give it three forks.
Starting point is 01:27:36 I am shocked that I'm going to give it a higher rating than you. But I will say this before I do it. I think the place lives and dies by when the food comes out. I think there's a lot of good quality food for the buffet. But when am I going to stop at a buffet? I think maybe if I have to eat quickly, the food is already prepared so you can get in and out of there and you get a lot of choices.
Starting point is 01:27:55 Or maybe if I had kids or something, which I never will have, let's be honest, and bring them into this buffet and they can go wild and get booted if they act on a line. But for me, I'm not going to stop into a Golden Corral just if I'm on the road or if I need something. You know, like I'm just, if I'm craving something, I'm not going to stop in there. I'm craving a specific lunch.
Starting point is 01:28:19 Like Stoney said, there's not that specific thing that they have. I will say the food is better than I thought it was. But I just do think it looks good. I think it lives and dies on that thing of, I think it lives and dies on whether the food is fresh out of the kitchen or if it's hot. So I'm going to go higher than Stoney two forks three times.
Starting point is 01:28:50 Two forks three times. Well, that's still not much higher than Stoney. But yeah, it's like a smidge higher than Stoney. You guys are being harsh. Can I just add in my correct mind just ever since I live? Yeah, please do. I said that it was fun, but it wasn't a guilty pleasure. I took that back.
Starting point is 01:29:08 There were some guilty pleasures there. So I'm going to give that another half, bringing that to a one. A one, OK. So you're up to three forks. That's right. Hey, that's a pretty good score. That's a pretty good score.
Starting point is 01:29:18 You got your way, you little baby. You know what, Mitch? You said you had to go higher than Stoney. So maybe you want to give it three forks in a time. No. No. Hey, real quick, Brendan, is there? We're getting a little buzzing.
Starting point is 01:29:29 I'm not sure if we're if we're are you guys hearing that? Is it bug main? It is. I think bug main might have invaded our studios. Are you hearing any buzzing? If you're not hearing it, there we go. There we go. It was just a drop in anything.
Starting point is 01:29:43 Yeah, you're going to be doing another drop at some point. Yeah, one point. OK, so that's all that is. OK, great. So I cool. We'll put up with it. It won't be on the final. Yeah, that's fine.
Starting point is 01:29:52 Yeah, great. And we can keep all this in. This is fine. That's our new engineer, Brendan. Say hi to Brendan, everyone. Brendan's doing a great job. OK, great. So yeah, so here's what I'll say.
Starting point is 01:30:04 I don't like hot salad. No, you definitely do. I had a great time at the Golden Crow. That was a class like it was a classic double date. Yeah, we just had a fantastic time. There were a lot of families there. We were two adults. You have children, but we don't have children,
Starting point is 01:30:21 but we were just two adults, two adult couples in a restaurant that was mostly filled with with families with young kids. Virginia, who I met in Improv 101. Right. And we had a fantastic time. I just I had a great time. And maybe I'm viewing it through that prism. But I wasn't rating the experience.
Starting point is 01:30:39 Yeah, because when we were in the parking lot, I was like, can we do something else? Can we keep hanging out? But I figured it was it was just not it. I figured it was just a moment and we couldn't. Will you think that I'm not going to hold up that I said we're going to hang out? You think I'm not going to hold that up?
Starting point is 01:30:52 No, no, I want to hang out that night. Continue to hang out that night. And then also you come for barbecues. Right. I'm not rating our experience because I had an amazing experience. Well, what I'm saying is that maybe that is tempering my perspective. And maybe you were the more objective one here. Maybe I'm the more subjective one here.
Starting point is 01:31:08 Who's to say? That's true. But what I can say in my evaluation of the Golden Corral. To use the style of its national spokesman. Jeff Foxworthy. If you're craving everything with a side of everything, you just might go to the Golden Corral. If the only thing fuller than your stomach is your drink because the
Starting point is 01:31:38 attentive server keeps refilling it, you just might be at the Golden Corral. If your Corral is the same type of precious metal as the club you justly belong in, you just might be the Golden Corral. Oh, my God. Four forks. Jesus. Oh, my God. I'm not even a buffet guy, but I just had such a great time.
Starting point is 01:32:03 I thought as a buffet, it's just like it's like great in its category. This is a great version of a buffet. I thought I was surprised by a lot of the food. Yeah. I thought I thought there was a lot of things that were good about it. I want to I maybe have to do a revisit down. We might have to go back. We should go back.
Starting point is 01:32:17 We should go back again. I would love to go back. We should you and Virginia and Natalie and Mitch and Wally and Irma should go ahead of the hometown or go ahead of the Golden Corral. Those are my loves. You know what? They are my loves. They can suckle at your teeth at the table.
Starting point is 01:32:31 And you know what? If you shame me for breastfeeding my cat at a table, I'll flip out. Shame on you. That was our review of Golden Corral. It's time for a new segment. This is Hot or Not. Me mouth on fire. Me tongue on fire, feeling hot or not.
Starting point is 01:33:03 They see us tasting. Their mind is racing. Is it hot or not? All right. So ole, ole, ole, ole, ole. So Mitch, this was your idea. We got some spicy treats and we're going to say to just how spicy they are. Are they hot or are they not?
Starting point is 01:33:22 You know what? I told you, oh, we could play hot, hot, hot. I knew you're going to come up with some stupid song. We're going to we're going to rate them on. We got three different spicy snack. Different categories. Different categories. They are we're going to stoner.
Starting point is 01:33:37 We're going to rate the scale slides from not not not, which is not spicy at all to not not to not to what's a good zero level? Not not not to zero. Isn't it not not would be zero? Yeah, not would be zero. I like cannot cannot cannot cannot cannot and then hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot first the super hot. That's right.
Starting point is 01:34:05 OK, great. So let's start with the let's start with the beef jerky. OK. And this is tell us what exactly we've got here, Mitch. This is Jack Link's sweet and hot beef jerky. Sweet seasonings and zesty hot spices. OK, this doesn't sound like it's going to be too hot. I don't think it's going to be too hot.
Starting point is 01:34:22 But you know what? You can never tell. We got to test it out. Stony, my understanding is that you're something of a heat seeker. I am. I love hot food. The only problem is, you know, it takes a little second for it to heat up. So you're not exactly sure right away.
Starting point is 01:34:34 Right. What? Yeah, that heat level doesn't necessarily immediately process. All right, let's bite into this beef jerky. It is going to be a little bit chewing. I'm trying to take a manageable piece. So I'm not chewing for the next five minutes or so. Are you guys jerky fans in general?
Starting point is 01:34:49 I'm a jerky boy. You get go hard. My dad makes jerky. I love it. Your dad makes jerky. He does. What kind of jerky? Whatever he hunts.
Starting point is 01:35:01 Whoa, really? That's badass. So he gets some venison. Or what would you hunt down for? It's gunk ape jerky. I mean, very few people have seen it. But I bet it's not illegal to shoot him. Yeah, since he doesn't officially exist.
Starting point is 01:35:15 Right, I'm sure. How do you guys feel on this? I actually like the taste of it. Jack Lynx doesn't OK jerky. I mean, people who are fans of jerky are going to say that's bullshit. Right. But you get it.
Starting point is 01:35:25 The thing with Jack Lynx is they've just got so many ingredients. It's just like that stuff that they're there. I just feel like it's so heavily processed. Yeah. I'm not exactly right. I'm not right about that. I'm thinking of a different brand.
Starting point is 01:35:36 This one has a small number of ingredients. I apologize to the Jack Lynx Corporation. Which is completely right about that. Their mascot is a skunk ape's brother. That's right. It's a Sasquatch. Oh, right. Yeah, I mean, I get any mild sensation,
Starting point is 01:35:50 but I think the sweet sort of tips off how not hot it's ultimately going to be. All right, what do we do next, Mitch? Well, would you want to rank them? Or should we wait to? Oh, should we rank this one now? Yeah. I'm going to say this is a not not for me.
Starting point is 01:36:05 This tastes like if you just chewed on some like black pepper grounds. It's not very hot at all. Yeah. I'm going to say not not not. Oh, you're going all the way. No, not not because not not would be like white bread. Yeah, I'd say not not as well.
Starting point is 01:36:17 But there's a little bit of there's a little tiny bit of spice, but very not not. Yeah, very, very, very, you know, not very aggressive. You know, if you're someone who's got a mild tolerance for heat, maybe that's the direction for you. All right, what else we got, Mitch? Next, we got famous Dave's. It's kind of bad in that I don't have a fork with us right now.
Starting point is 01:36:36 Right. You look on the side and famous Dave's quote. It's the perfect definition of that escalated quickly. What does it say? For adults on the XXX triple hot famous Dave's pickle chips devils right there with the guy's face. A devilish a devilishly good pickle so tasty. It's almost sinful.
Starting point is 01:36:56 Only the hottest pepper is stolen from the devil's own backyard or use. Conscient may have aphrodisiac side effects. What the hell? So these are stolen famous Dave's. Sounds like a fucking pervert. I mean, it looks like one a little bit to here. What's that's so much going on there.
Starting point is 01:37:13 They were stolen from the devil's own backyard. OK, I'm going to get a couple of these. Head or show up of you. Yeah, exactly. Get attacked by the center bites. I don't know. I don't know how. I don't know how famous famous Dave's are if people have them.
Starting point is 01:37:27 But I think they are a brand that's across the country. So are you, Mitch, are you scared because these were stolen from the devil? You're afraid he's going to come extract revenge. You know that I'm afraid of the devil. I'm very afraid of the devil. All right, I'm going to. So these are pickle chips.
Starting point is 01:37:41 All right. They look like standard pickle chips. This could be a thing. If you want to do a hot mouth prank on someone, you could give them some of these. And they think they were conventional pickle chips. So nothing to make them visually appear to be spicy. All right, I'm going to go ahead and take these things that
Starting point is 01:37:55 are stolen from the devil's backyard that are going to make me horny as hell. All right, a little bit of heat. There's some heat. Yeah, no, I think these are legitimate. I mean, I don't know if they're from the devil's backyard, but they're, I would consider them hot pickles for sure. I mean, I don't think they'd lie on a bottle.
Starting point is 01:38:15 That doesn't sound like what famous Dave would do. I mean, how are they doing that on an industrial scale? That's the only thing I'm wondering. That's true. Because if you steal a pickle from the devil's backyard, good for you. But are you going to get cans and cans and cans of the devil's pickles?
Starting point is 01:38:27 Yeah, that is tough. I like the taste of these. I think these are good. These are my favorite part of the jerky in this. I like these pickles. These are pretty good. They're pretty good pickles. I eat them by themselves.
Starting point is 01:38:40 I eat them on a hamburger, and I eat them on a hot dog, too. Yeah, they'll be going to be a little weird on a sandwich, because a spicy sandwich might be a little off-putting. It depends on what it is. But I think these would be good on a burger. How are you ranking Wager? He's feeling like a very solid hot to me. They're not mind-blowing, but they've got a little heat to them.
Starting point is 01:38:58 Yeah, I go hot. I would go hot, too. It's almost borderline hot, hot to me. I ate three of them, though, but I don't know if I got just a little bit more of that. I had three, as well. Oh, all right. I guess it's on the higher end of hot.
Starting point is 01:39:12 Higher end of hot. I think that's fair. I really enjoy these. I think they're hot. Yeah, they're hot. They're good. Those are real good. Now, we got Cheetos.
Starting point is 01:39:23 We got extra, extra hot, flamin' hot, crunchy Cheetos. Twice as hot right on the back. Chester Cheeto. Chester Cheeto. He's got his mouth open. There's fire shooting out of his mouth. The bag is black. Wow.
Starting point is 01:39:38 Black and orange. And they, well, are these an effort to do the act? These are, we're definitely, there's something's going to happen between the three of us. OK, great. Actually, all of us, the five of us. Brendan's here. You song's here.
Starting point is 01:39:51 It's going to get nuts. I've never even had flaming. I think I've had flaming hot Cheetos a couple of times. Yeah, I used to get it. I mean, I used to get them pretty routinely. They're not particularly hot, but they're good. I'm a little, I'm slightly nervous. I don't know how these will be.
Starting point is 01:40:04 I'm curious as to how these are going to go. Usually store-bought chips, they don't go that hot, but they're really making a point here of how hot they are. That's what makes me think they're not fucking around. Are you guys taking a substantial handful? I'm going to do the same. I'm going to eat them all. Let's not fuck around here.
Starting point is 01:40:19 All right. Yeah, I will say that, yeah, Chester Cheeto barfing fire. And then in addition to that, they got a little flaming mascot here. You got a guy who looks like the Miami Heat mascot. That's the extra, that's the flaming hot mascot. It's a flaming hot guy standing next to the extra with an extra X. Not quite triple X, but double X.
Starting point is 01:40:38 So we'll see. All right. Couple down the hatch. How are you guys feeling so far? I mean, almost nothing. I feel almost nothing too. What the hell? I'm going to wash it down with these devil pickles, man,
Starting point is 01:40:55 because I was expecting to go through an experience. Man, twice as hot. I mean, I guess you multiply zero by two. It's still zero. I'm seeing if you, I'm trying to let the after. Oh, OK. Yeah, maybe that. Maybe you get a lot of linger.
Starting point is 01:41:12 I got some aftertaste going. Oh, god. I'll let these linger a little bit. Here, I'm not going to finish these off. I'm just going to let this linger and see what happens. I feel like it's, they invented some chemical that tastes the way it feels when something is hot, but there's no actual spice to it, possibly.
Starting point is 01:41:28 I don't know, guys. And I don't know how much of the heat I'm feeling also is residual from. Famous Dave. Famous Dave. So I don't, I mean, I guess we should add some milk between rounds or something like that. But to me, these are a, these are a con hot.
Starting point is 01:41:45 They're just like kind of right in the middle. Like they're not particularly, maybe, no, they're a hot. I'll give them a hot. No, they've got a little bit of heat to them. Because I think that the, one of the famous Dave's just hot. Yeah. OK, so I'd have to upgrade the famous Dave's to hot, hot to justify these hot, but I can't, I don't think I can say
Starting point is 01:41:59 these, they're not hot because they do have a little bit of discernible heat to them. It's just very mild. I'm going to say these are hot. I'm starting to find how not hot these are though. We need more levels. I think this is the system doesn't have enough levels because I'm not comfortable calling.
Starting point is 01:42:10 Are you sure we have seven levels? I'm not comfortable calling the famous Dave's, the second hottest thing you can have because I've had things way hotter than that. And so I don't think they can be, I, I feel like these are kind of like in that hot, hot, hot range. Hot, hot, hot is, is like a, what's the chicken place we all love?
Starting point is 01:42:30 Quayman race. Yeah. Wait, what is it? Howling race. It's not howling race, yeah. It's a, it's, it's like howling race hottest is, is, is hot, hot, hot. Sure.
Starting point is 01:42:40 Or like a just a straight. Those do have residual effect and they are, they are a little bit spicy. Yeah, I'm feeling them a little bit. I guess if I ate a whole bag of these, I might get a little, a little overwhelmed. I'll call these straight up hot. But you, but you go back and famous Dave's is now hot, hot.
Starting point is 01:42:52 Yeah, I think the famous Dave's is not. I think the famous Dave's are hot, hot, and I think the Cheetos are hot. Yeah, that makes sense. Cause you can't say that it's not. Yeah. I thought that we were going to get one that was hot, hot, hot. I was hoping, I was hoping for something that was going to really.
Starting point is 01:43:05 Yeah. I think you're going to trick us and you get some sort of like, they'll make very much of these and it's very hot. I was going to just buy a, a jalapeno. Just a straight up jalapeno. Just a straight up jalapeno. But any heat stickers out there, if you got any good, if you got any good ideas for some hot parts,
Starting point is 01:43:20 shoot them our way. Yeah. Hot, hot, hot. Hashtag hot wrecks. Can I give you some West Coast hot tips? Please do. Why are you here from the West Coast? Yes.
Starting point is 01:43:30 I grew up on the East Coast and, and so did you miss. Something that I found out about a West Coast barbecue is you can barbecue chilies and it's delicious. Like all kinds of different peppers. And that can be the thing on the barbecue and it's amazing. That's, yeah, that's great. I just finished the rest of my Cheetos. Yeah, you rest up one of those bad boys.
Starting point is 01:43:48 They made a lot of fun. The Cheetos were good, by the way. They were good. I enjoyed everything I ate. How would you rank them? I'd say famous Dave's Pickles first were my favorite. Cheetos second, third will be the Jack Link's third. Yeah, I'd agree.
Starting point is 01:43:59 Without a doubt. Yeah. That was hot or not. Just like a restaurant with value feedback. Let's open up the feedback. Dave's email comes to us from Keith S. Keith writes, I picked this one out for you, Stoney, because I know you are a father.
Starting point is 01:44:10 Oh. I am concerned with my four-year-old daughter's eating habits and I didn't know who else to turn to but the dough boys. When eating chicken nuggets, grilled cheese that has got into four pieces or the like, she'll randomly take bites from different pieces instead of eating one whole piece at a time. I try to tell her otherwise, but she just smiles
Starting point is 01:44:28 and laughs at me. How concerned should I be about my child's future? Stoney, what do you think? I mean, right off the bat, I'm thinking good. You don't have to worry about this kid with the choking hazard. Oh, interesting. You want to break this stuff up, man. When these kids are little, they're choking all the time.
Starting point is 01:44:43 You're looking on the bright side of this. Absolutely. I mean, if you break a McNugget into four pieces, is there now more surface area? So there's more potential bacteria? Yes. Right. Is it going to happen?
Starting point is 01:44:52 No. You should definitely be happy about a child that is a small bite eater. But OK, so you got a thing, a sixer of chicken nuggets. She's taking a bite of one chicken nugget, setting that down, moving on to the next chicken nugget, taking a bite of that. That's a little weird.
Starting point is 01:45:09 I'm not judging a four-year-old's behavior, but. Uncarplut would love this. Uncarplut would go crazy. By the way, if anyone out there thinks that Uncarplut is real, Hollywood lied to you. You know why? Because they want your money. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:45:27 And they're tricking you by making you think Uncarplut is real. Don't be expecting to go down to Hollywood Boulevard, because you see anyone who looks like Uncarplut saying, one quarter portion, he's a costumed performer. The day that Uncarplut is walking Hollywood Boulevard is the day I'm out of here. I'm moving somewhere else.
Starting point is 01:45:47 Yeah, I mean, I don't know how the fuck you get your daughter to not eat like this, but it sounds like it's not that big of a deal. I don't know. What do you think, Mitch? I don't think it sounds too bad. Yeah. Less of a choking hazard, like Stoney said.
Starting point is 01:45:58 You know, kids eat in strange ways. I mean, maybe not too much McDonald's, hold back on the Mickey D's. Sure. But, uh. Well, he didn't say the source of the chicken nuggets. He didn't say they were making nuggets specifically. Then I think it's fine.
Starting point is 01:46:11 No big deal. Yeah, I mean, it sounds all right to me. And also, too, that just reminded me how fun it is to eat like a kid. Chicken nuggets, grilled cheese. God, what a fucking treat. Do you wish you could have that little kid diet sometimes? Oh, yeah, I think we do.
Starting point is 01:46:25 I do, yeah, absolutely. I think that if she's leaving it around for too long after she's taking these bites, maybe that's an issue. Yeah. No, that's all right. Kids are going to be kids. Keith, let your daughter be her.
Starting point is 01:46:39 And you know what? If she acts up and gets in my way to a restaurant, she's going to get booed. If you have a question or comment about the world of chain restaurants, you can email us at To get the Dowboys double our weekly bonus episode, subscribe at slash Dowboys.
Starting point is 01:46:54 Stony Sharp, what a treat. A great meal. This was a great dude. Long overdue. Oh, guys, I had the best time with you guys. You guys are the best. Thank you so much for having me. Do you have anything you'd like to plug?
Starting point is 01:47:04 Oh, I mean, oh, yeah, yeah, OK, this would be funny. So I have a cable access TV station in my office. It's a go to YouTube slash Highland Park TV. And there's over 250 hours of unwatchable nonsense. Wow. And then, you know, I direct stuff in Hollywood. But let's send everybody to Highland Park TV because that's real weird stuff.
Starting point is 01:47:28 That's a thing you run? Yeah, I own it. I have a fully functioning 1991 TV station with my partner Rob Getchman. It's cool as hell. It's cool as hell. I've seen quite a few things. Well, the birthday boys, well, I shouldn't say the birthday.
Starting point is 01:47:43 The sloppy boys were on there. It was a show us the URL one more time. That's YouTube slash Highland Park TV. Highland Park TV. Awesome. And that'll do for this episode of Doe Boys until next time for the Spoonman, Mike Mitchell, and Mike Weigher. Wait, what did I do wrong?
Starting point is 01:47:57 No, nothing. I thought you I thought they did something. I'm like Stoney's the man. Oh, that's nice. Hey, thanks, man. You kind of made eye contact with me like I was doing something wrong. You know, I pointed at Stoney and I nodded at him.
Starting point is 01:48:08 OK, I wasn't Jesus. I thought you're like pointing me like we delete this one. I had my button over the delete the my finger over the delete button. No, I was saying Stoney is the man. I'll tell you what, I'm happy that we had him. We're going to delete all that hot salad nonsense. That's what courage in the episode.
Starting point is 01:48:25 That's a note. No, no, we're not. We're getting in. You song, make a note. You song, it's not staying in. You song, you're fired. The hell? Holy shit.
Starting point is 01:48:37 You song, you song is not fired. He's just trying to fire you so he can take your job. Can you hook me up with an internship at Farrell Audio? That'll do it for this episode of Doe Boys and all the next time with this mood-bad-mike-bitch-alabdic while you're happy eating. See ya. Farrell Audio.

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