Doughboys - Golden Road Brewing with Jordan Morris

Episode Date: July 8, 2021

Jordan Morris (Bubble, Jordan, Jesse, Go!) joins the 'boys and talks Lord of the Rings and summer treats before a review of Golden Road Brewing. Plus, another edition of Let Me Be Frank.You can pre-or...der Jordan's new graphic novel Bubble here: for this week's intro: more Doughboys? Check out our Patreon!: for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up, everybody? It's your boy, The Spoon Man, and I want to talk to you about today's sponsor, Uber Eats. At Uber Eats, we've helped more than 400,000 restaurants across the U.S. reach new, hungry customers and deliver growth quickly through new orders. Uber's global platform can help you grow, reach new people, get valuable sales data, and unlock ways to expand with flexible delivery options. Put your business on Uber Eats. Get access to the Uber Eats platform, including valuable sales data to grow your business. Dig in to your data. Really dig in there. Anytime to monitor your performance and customer order trends. Wow. Wow. Yikes. Restaurant owners enjoy 0% commission for the first 30
Starting point is 00:00:49 days on all orders, offer subject to change per the terms of the restaurant agreement. Wow, 0% on the first 30 days. Sign up today. That link that you want to click on is down there in the episode description. Right down there. Check it out. There it is. Move your cursor. Go ahead and click. If you're on your phone, use your finger and click that link. Budweiser, Coors, Miller. For decades, this triforce of macro breweries dominated the domestic beer sector. Through the 1970s, largely due to the logger distributed by this trio of megaliths, American beer was like American coffee, a purely functional liquid drug devoid of character and earning global notoriety as swill. But on October 14, 1978, President Jimmy Carter signed HR 1337,
Starting point is 00:01:49 a fittingly LEET law, which legalized home brewing in the US. By the mid 1980s, now freed from legal shackles that effectively prevented upstarts from entering the market, craft breweries emerged, most notably Boston Sam Adams. And in the 1990s, contemporaneous with the explosion of artisan coffee roasters and upscale cafes staffed with baristas, craft or micro brewing took off in the States, booming, busting, and then, after a brief refractory period, booming again. And like the wine industry, the epicenter of micro brewing in the States clustered in the Golden State, California. Today, there are over 1100 craft breweries in CA comprising a $9 billion industry, including such Sourts as Firestone,
Starting point is 00:02:33 Lost Coast, Angel City, Sierra Nevada, Stone Brewing, and an LA-based brewery founded in 2011 by Meg Gill and Tony Yeno. The brewery burst on the scene with its compulsory IPA offerings, but really found its gimmick with fruit-infused concoctions like its popular mango cart wheat ale. As the brand grew in popularity, it added more breweries as well as Dynan Brew Pubs, offering familiar gastropub fare to pair with its liquid breads. By the middle of the decade, the brewery is producing 45,000 barrels annually, towering over its SoCal competitors. As for Budweiser, Coors, and Miller, the latter two have now merged as Miller Coors, they've evolved with the Times by simply buying up craft breweries and droves, including the very brand founded by Gill and
Starting point is 00:03:16 Yeno. As Yeno told the LA Times at the time of the sale, quote, I didn't sell out my soul, I sold my business, and I find it hard to believe that anyone in my shoes wouldn't have done it too, end quote. It's the kind of rationalization one might expect from a man who named his brand for a Grateful Dead song. This week on Doughboys, Golden Road Brewing. Welcome to Doughboys, the podcast about chain restaurants. I'm Nick Weiger, along with my cohost, Stink Floyd, the Spoon Man, Mike Mitchell. Stink Floyd, like Pink Floyd, but I stink. Yes, that's from Seagulls at SGLLX. Hey, we know Seagulls. We know Seagulls, roastspoonman at Seagulls, what the fuck? I don't stink. You don't stink, you're a good smelling guy.
Starting point is 00:04:16 This is, people will be like, ah, you know, try a slob or a smell or a stench or some sort of hygienic angle for you. Doesn't really track as a roast because you're a clean man, you're a tidy boy. Yeah. I was trying to think of like, wish I had soap or something. Oh, yeah. And now it explains why I didn't attempt anything. All in all, it's just another bubble in the bath. All right, so I'm, so I'm cleaning up, but I'm stinking up the tub. Yeah. I have become uncomfortably hot. You would smell bad if you were uncomfortably hot. I'd smell bad. You'd be sweaty. You'd be sweaty. Why? You know exactly where I'm going. Also, the Spoon Nation, I can do it loud and proud
Starting point is 00:05:15 because tomorrow or month is over, baby. Wow. All those fucking high profile, profile guests. See you. We don't want, we don't fucking like you. Get out of here, right? Fuck you, Hollywood. Now that the movie's over, get out of here, you Hollywood. Get out of here. We're following up with Koalic Month. Matt Koalic, every mainline, every Patreon episode. Do you think that we would get similar tweets of like, Koalic Month is actually really, really fun. It's like a really fun month. Do you think we would get that? I mean, 100%. Of course we would. The Freaks would lap that shit up. I think it would be more like, damn, it's sad what happened to the Doughboys and Koalic.
Starting point is 00:05:55 It was a good pod while it lasted. It'd be like, I feel bad for Koalic having to do the Doughboys all month. Anyways, I'm just kidding. To all my, to any of the Tomorrow War guests who listen still, I just, I'm kidding around. I love you all. And Wags, here is a little, but Wags, we got a fantastic guest. That's why I got to get to this top. For sure. One of the, one of the best podcasters in all the game. One of the funniest people in all the game. Amen. And here's a little drop, Wags. Sharing screen. Screen sharing in progress. A chrome tab being shared. Don't forget, share audio button,
Starting point is 00:06:42 or you'll have to go do the same thing again. There we go. Oh no. Yeah, here it is. Here we go. A little drop, Wags. That's the first I've ever heard myself in a drop and I appreciated it. Hey, listen to that drop community. Hello. You want to drink thick piss? Emma! Hi. I always wave at the toilet after I flush it. Emma! What? Hell yeah. Emma, you little fucker. That's a good one. I have a centric drop for a great producer, Emma Erdbrink. Yeah, a little lude there, but good stuff. Hey, Doe Boys family. Currently watching the Do-A-Thon and it gave me the extra push to finish this drop for the
Starting point is 00:07:38 stream and podcast MVP, Emma. It's only 25 seconds, so hopefully Mitch won't flush me again. Congrats on reaching the fundraising goal multiple times, Brad. You're also MVP in parentheses in the next email. You're also MVP drop king in parentheses. Nice try, Brad. Yeah. What the fuck out of shit is that? Well, he's trying to pander to drop king so his drop gets played. Will get played. Yeah. Brad, that is pathetic shit right there. You know what? You had me. The drop was good and then also drop king. You should kiss up to me in wigs, right, wigs? P.S. Mitch is the MVP as well. P.P.S. So is Wiger. I love all of you the same. Shut up. Don't forget Susser. P.S. Mitch weighs 220 now. You can't do that. You can't just reassign
Starting point is 00:08:35 my weight. Your piece of shit. Yeah. I'm three bills, baby. I got three bills. What? I'm not ashamed of that, wigs. You're turning red and looking down. No need to be ashamed. You feel bad for me. No. Look, we all want everyone to be healthy and everything, but that sounds, hey, man, if you're- Fuck you. But you look terrific. Thank you, wigs. And if I'm glad you're comfortable in your own skin. Do I weigh 300? Who knows? Emma, you deserve the drop. Thank you. You deserve all the praise in the world. That's right. The one true MVP. I feel so honored. But don't go getting a big head. You're still getting paid in dough boys' bucks. Oh, don't worry, baby. My head can't get as big as yours.
Starting point is 00:09:25 Wow. Wow. Roasted. Just kidding. Love you. Hey, speaking of MVPs, we got ourselves a most valuable podcast guest, one of our favorites. Man, what a title. One of our good friends. A writer and comedian. Our guests should get up and walk out of here for MVP most valuable podcast guest. I thought that was pretty good. We'll let him weigh in. A writer and comedian from the narrative comedy sci-fi podcast Bubble, which is now a comic available for pre-order now and in stores July 13th, Jordan Morris. What's up, Jordan? Hi, everybody. Great to be here celebrating the kickoff of Matt Kowalik month. Just here to share all my favorite Matt Kowalik memories, what it's like to work on dough boys,
Starting point is 00:10:20 other things. You know what? It's Canon now. July is Kowalik month. I wonder if we'll get him on as a guest throughout the whole month. Probably not. Yeah, he's not available. Yeah, maybe he'll do a call and maybe he'll record a little voice memo on his phone or something. Wait, are you currently recording another podcast? Oh, sorry. And just to go back to Mitch's nickname. Hey, Mitch, shine on you crazy pig pen. I like it. I think it was the best one. That's why he's here, folks. That's why he's here. I was thinking of also singing dirty to the tune of money,
Starting point is 00:11:03 but I didn't think I could hit the high note. Oh, that's good. Oh, yeah. Dirty stinks like shit. Get your hands out of my bath dirty. I should have done it. I should have fucking done it. It was good. It was great. I chickened out. I was thinking of the song time could be grime, but do they actually say time in the song? It's like ticking away the moments that make up a dull day. They do say time at one point. When did they say time? The time has come. The song is over. Thought I'd something more to say. So at like the very end of the song. I think it's maybe just a couple of times in there. You know, I never had a like pink
Starting point is 00:11:50 Floyd led Zeppelin phase. It seems like something that, you know, most kind of dudes our age had, you know, like sophomore year of high school, they kind of like find dad's old records and get into like the kind of stony classic rock. But yeah, it never happened for me. Yeah. I've never left that. I mean, pink Floyd, I never left it. I had a, I had a Led Zeppelin phase and then I don't like listening to Led Zeppelin now. If I listen to it, like depresses me of like a time gone by almost. It's like a, it's, and you know what, Floyd can be depressing as well. I said that recently that animals, I don't listen to that album as much anymore because it reminds me of like a time in my life that I'm like, I just feel old and, and, and also I was
Starting point is 00:12:32 depressed back then when I listened to it. And that's another funny thing. Why? Cause I said this to you too. I'm like, Oh, I wonder why I was such a depressed kid. And then you look at, you listen to those albums as an adult and there's some heavy depressing shit on each, each one of those albums. It's fucking talking about going down into Florida and dying of cancer and stuff. But are you attracted, but are you attracted to those thematically because your adolescent brain at that time is already kind of having those thoughts? Cause that was me. Like I wanted those kind of like, yeah, I wanted stuff that was a little dark and, you know, edgy. Did you like, did you have a Floyd phase? Oh, big time Floyd. That's a Floyd fan. It's Floyd freak.
Starting point is 00:13:09 Which one's pink, I'd say. I've, I've kind of come around on Led Zeppelin. Some Led Zeppelin has kind of made its way into my rotation. And I have like a running playlist that has a little Led Zeppelin on it, but it, it, it works until I remember, Oh yeah, these are all about hobbits. And then I just have to change it because I realized that it's like not actually cool. That's, that's, that makes me like it. I think that, that, I think that draws me into it even more. I want to hear about, I want to hear about Gandalf and the, the Misty, the, what is it? The Misty in the, yeah, the Misty mountains. Yeah. The Misty mountains, but what is it? Oh, and the darkest steps of Mordor. That's a, that's a, yeah. Hey mama got the one ring on the way to Mordor.
Starting point is 00:13:56 I'm going to bring. Hobbits. Walk around. I don't know. They walk around. That was perfect. That's what they do with Lord of the Rings. They're just walking around. Have you, have you, have you, have you never, have you watched the Lord of the Rings trilogy, Jordan? Yeah. So I, so, you know, this is my journey with, with, with Tolkien. And I think when you're, you know, when you're kind of a nerdy kid and you're kind of a library kid, which I was, people just shove Tolkien at you constantly. Like every time there's like a relative who doesn't know what to get you for a birthday. Yeah. You know, you get a, you get a little
Starting point is 00:14:41 paperback Lord of the Rings. And when I was a kid, so I, I tried on numerous occasions to crack them and it, it was so boring to me. I'm like, I don't, all of these words are made up. There's no real words in this. And it just didn't do it for me. And, you know, I was in high school when the movie started to come out and I, you know, and I had friends who were Tolkien freaks. So I went to see them, you know, like at midnight screenings and I would always fall asleep. I'm like, these are so long. I don't understand this. Wow. So yeah. But, but, you know, I think during, during the, you know, the great endorsing that just happened, we all kind of like had some pop culture projects that we were working on. So I went back and revisited
Starting point is 00:15:27 Lord of the Rings and I'm like, these fucking rule, these are so good. And then I did the Hobbits and I'm like, these aren't quite as good, but they still fucking rule. Oh yeah. So super great. Maybe it was like having a lot of time on my hands, but like the longness of the Hobbits didn't bother me at all. I'm like, right. Can we, can we sing more dishwashing songs? I am here for more dishwashing songs. I am here for more like villain backstory. Bring it on. I'm, I'm, I'm here for it. So yeah, I'm, I'm, I'm a bigger Tolkien freak now than when I was at the like age that you're supposed to be one. I think, I think some of Zeppelin's finer songs or Fool in the Rain came up in my, on my, on my shuffle the other day, which I think,
Starting point is 00:16:18 I think maybe just, is that, is that pure Zeppelin or is that, was that like one of the, you know, pager plant on their own? I think it is pure Zeppelin, but Fool in the Rain, I like a lot. But then also, I think like all the Hobbit songs, like Battle of Evermore is a, is a, is a Hobbit song, you know, that one likes. Yeah. I had a, this is making me think because I had a, an English professor, English literature professor in college. Battle for Evermore, is that right? Yeah. Who said, I don't know their catalog as, as well as some others, but I, but I had a, and it's making me think I had an English literature professor in college who said that if you want to see the difference between the British and American public school systems, listen to
Starting point is 00:16:59 British heavy metal because the lyrics are so much more like they're, they're, they're, you know, they're filled with literary references and it, you know, like infused vocabulary and then the American, American metal is just like, I'm going to suck the devil's cock. You know, it's just like, it's so crass. It's referencing Philbert. Yeah. Yeah. There's a lot of metal just about married with children in Herman's head. Fox sitcoms of the early nineties are just like, yeah. Yeah. Well, war and territory. Battle of Evermore, Misty mountain hop. I think ramble on is the darkest depths of mortar. They have a few, a few good songs from Zeppelin are, are, are, are hobbit
Starting point is 00:17:47 based. Bring it back. Yeah. Bring that song. Bring it back. More hobbit songs and more songs in hobbit movies. I love it. We love all of it. How about, how about a dishwashing heavy metal song, a heavy metal song about, I love it. Washing dishes. That'd be awesome. That, well, actually that would kind of rule. That would rule a Dave, a new day. I'm like, I'm talking like Dave Matthews is a new band. Dave Matthews band album dedicated to the hobbits. That world would be awesome. That would, that would be the coolest thing Dave Matthews had ever done. Jordan, hold on. I think, I think the world should be explored more until, you know, it's a series on Amazon and,
Starting point is 00:18:33 and then it's destroyed. Yeah. I did you just now Mitch, there's a lot of fine programming on Amazon Prime. That's true. That's a good point, Jordan. I'm talking about Bosch. Wins Bosch month, by the way. Hey, you know what? It's coming up. Now, now that tomorrow war month is over. Hey, Bezos, just like some American heavy metal, you can fucking suck the devil's cock. Wow. Fucking Mitch doubling down on Bezos. He can't hear this, Mitch. He's in space. You coward. You're throwing down the gauntlet when he's in space and can't even hear this. He can't defend himself. I can't wait for him to get back to earth, Mitch, and then for you to have to issue an apology and a Cantonese. I'll do what I have to do for the industry,
Starting point is 00:19:22 Wigs. I'll do whatever I have to do. Man, so hold on a second. Is the devil's dick hot? Is it like putting like a hot pocket in your mouth that's been good question for a long time? I think so. Yeah. Or is it like a hot link? Is it the insides that are hot? I mean, look, we shouldn't spend too much time on this, but we should spend at least a little bit of time on it. You know, Nick, Mitch, I'm actually a biblical scholar. I know Weigert didn't mention that in my credits, but I am. I'm a student of the word. Again, this isn't some translations of the Bible say this. Not all of them, not the King James version, but if you kind of go back, there's some translations that clarify that the devil's dick is cold, but the cum is hot. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:20:10 Wow. So the hot cum is more of a torture because you don't expect it. Right. Yeah, that's crazy. How hot could this cum be? The dick is so cold. Yeah, it's like I'm enjoying a popsicle and then boom, you know, yeah, you get a bunch of lava right and rocket it into your uvula. Were you saying that it was supposed to be relatable of eating a popsicle and then having a hot gush of something happen? I'm saying that how that's how unexpected it would be. Oh, okay. All right. It's very, it's very cold. Hey, the devil is going great.
Starting point is 00:20:53 I was going to say the devil and I have something in common for once, but yes, let's move on from this. Wait, what? Jesus Christ. Cold dick? Yeah, I got a case of the cold dick. Got it. Constantly looks like it's cold. Mitch, you think you could just be sitting on a box of Klondike bars? Check and make sure you might. That would be a true tragedy. I would be bummed out. Hey, squish Klondike's still pretty good, you know? Oh yeah. Yeah. You know, I haven't had a Klondike in a long while. But Jordan, here we go, watch this segue. Watch this segue. Jordan, the summer months are coming up.
Starting point is 00:21:34 Where are some of your fun summer treats to cool yourself down? Great segue, by the way. A great segue is talking about hot dogs. Yeah, let's see. I mean, and I think we'll talk about this. We'll probably talk about this a little bit later in the show because of the restaurant we went to. But I love a cold canned beer. I love a cold canned beer that somebody like underhand to, like underhands to you when you're like walking into a barbecue. So just like cheap, cheap, cold canned beer, I think is like awesome during the summer months. And yeah, that's one of my faves. And, you know, I'm,
Starting point is 00:22:20 this is kind of interesting. I, you know, during COVID, I know we're probably sick of talking about like, what I did during COVID, like, all right, but not a lot's happened since then. So yeah. Let's delta variant. We're going to start doing it again soon. So. Thanks. You know, Mitch, you're right. Thanks. I feel better about telling the story now. Thank you. Thank you. I feel more comfortable knowing that the delta variant is out there. So my story is more impactful. Yeah, so I, you know, I kind of discovered that when I was just kind of home alone, I didn't love drinking, like drinking kind of bumped me out. I like skipped the fun part of drunk and went right to the sad part of drunk. Yes. But, you know, so I kind of
Starting point is 00:23:09 just cut it out and I think doctors described that as the Weiger zone. Is that correct? Yeah. And my doctor sang it actually. He's like, you're on a highway to the Weiger zone. He does not have a good bedside manner, my doctor. Sounds cool to me. Yeah. So I was, I was plunged into the Weiger zone a little quicker than I, than I would have wanted. And yeah, so I kind of cut it out and, you know, I didn't miss it too much, but something I noticed was that, you know, I guess, I guess your body just wants that sugar that you were getting from alcohol. So my sweet tooth is out of control. It is like I, and I became horny for ice cream. I became so like so into ice cream. So like I had a freezer full of Klondike
Starting point is 00:24:02 bars. I was like, yeah, getting a salt and straw post mated a couple times a week. Like, yeah, so I am like, I went from interested in ice cream to like obsessed with ice cream, kind of kind of, kind of like the Lord of the Rings movie, something I like. Yeah. So I'm like, I've picked up two, two interests, ice cream and Lord of the Rings. So the other, the other, the other half of the Zeppelin catalog, I think is about ice creams and lollies. I love sweet treats. Yeah, Lord of the Rings and then. Immigrant song is Chippermint song. I like Chippermint, mint chip. I liked it a lot too. Thank you. Also, for the podcast, it's probably the best pun we've ever, we've ever, we've ever made. Well, yeah, it's the best thing that's been on this podcast.
Starting point is 00:25:01 Yeah, yeah, Mitch, I know. What's your, what are your flavors of ice cream? What's your, what's your favorite flavor? Oh boy, you know, I'm, I'm a little basic. I like a trip to Target and I like Assaulted Caramel. And I know it's like, it's like the least adventurous choice, especially when you're at one of those places that has like Rosewater and Lavender and, you know, like Vietnamese coffee and like it's fun to have a little bite of someone else's when it comes to those flavors. But yeah, give me that Salted Caramel. I'm fucking basic. Give me my hugs. Give me my live laugh, love sign. I'm a little Chuggy when it comes to ice cream. Hell yeah. That, you know, but that Salted
Starting point is 00:25:46 Caramel was an adventurous flavor at some point. That's true. Yeah. There was like a decade ago, it was like, Oh, this is a novelty. Oh, have you tried this? You know, Carol, like a Sunday with bacon in it. Yeah, right. Exactly. I know. I think it was like Kale, like now Kale was just like on every menu and yeah, Salted Caramel is the flavor. I think Rosewater should go out with the bathwater wikes. I think that you, all these crazy flavors, I think that we, it's just, it's John Stewart isn't listening to this episode. Next Mitch is going to take some shots at Irresistible. An impossible movie to take shots at. I think Stewart would be thrilled that someone is,
Starting point is 00:26:27 someone's talking Rosewater at any capacity. Yeah. These podcasters can't stop talking about Rosewater. No, just one of them doesn't like the ice cream flavor. Sorry, John. I'll take it. I'll take it. Cool. Yeah. People still might Google it. And by the way, President Trump confirmed three Supreme Court justices. We'll be right back. Wow. It's just really, it's like completely serious throws to break. Does he have a, does he have a podcast, Stewart? No, no, I don't think he has a podcast. I mean, he should, you know, his old school daily show was, I don't know. I like the, I like the Stewart Daily Show. It was, it was an era where you couldn't really, there really weren't a lot of
Starting point is 00:27:09 non-ranking. We're talking John Stewart or Jimmy Stewart? Jimmy Stewart. Yeah. Wiger's old enough to remember Jimmy Stewart was at the Daily Show and it was a play. It was a play that you went to see. It was brought to you by cigarettes and we liked it. It's all about the context. I was going to try to do a hacky Jimmy Stewart impression. I bailed on it. I bailed on it. Yeah. Oh, I don't know what I think about this FDR. Oh, I thought you were going to do a carry, a carry a Jimmy Stewart who's unsure of his own Jimmy Stewart. Well, I'm not very confident in my Jimmy Stewart. That's not a little bit like Peter Griffin in there too. I mean, is this as hacky as walking at this point? Well, maybe it's come
Starting point is 00:28:03 back around and it's got to get you. Jordan, you mentioned your BrewDog, your BrewDog preferences a little bit. You were talking like you like an American macro brew. It sounds like just like a cheap beer. We're talking like a PBR and Natty Ice. Is that the kind of region we're living in? Yeah. And yeah, again, this will, this will enter into the conversation about the restaurant, but like for sure my, my favorite beer, if I'm being perfectly honest with myself and your listeners, and I think they deserve nothing less than my full honesty. Of course. You know, you come on Doughboys to get real. You come on Doughboys to get raw. You come on Doughboys to be uncensored. So my favorite beer, if I'm being honest, is the discontinued Miller
Starting point is 00:28:50 Chill. They're shot at Bud Light Lime. I thought Miller Chill was better than Bud Light Lime. It was a Miller Light with a twist of artificial lime and there's nothing better. I don't remember Miller Chill at all. Mitch, you ever have Miller Chill? I'm not sure if I've had Miller Chill, but I, but I, but I like the sound of it. I think it sounds fun. Yeah, sounds fun. Oh, maybe it's still around. I feel like I'd never see it, but I'm doing a little Google and it looks like you can still get it on Drizly at least. But I guess, oh no. Okay. Miller, okay. This from It says they're ending the Miller Chill brand. So yeah, I have not, I have not seen it personally in a long time, but yeah, if anybody's got a,
Starting point is 00:29:33 got a line on some Miller Chill that's been buried in a desert somewhere, let me know. So I'm going to dig it up like ET cartridges. You know what I just realized is that Drizly is supposed to be like Grizzly because there's a bear logo, right? Oh, is that what it is? I think I just finally realized this. Drizly is like Grizzly. Huh. Drizly is like Grizzly. Who would have thought? Drizly is like Grizzly. I mean, probably a lot of people. You could probably do like a, if you did a pair, like a documentary parody of a Grizzly man called Drizly Man. Like that's good. You could do that. Yeah, it's good. A guy who disorders Drizly a lot. Yeah. That's good. That's funny. Yeah. That's funny. What would the iconic end of Grizzly Man be in this situation? You know,
Starting point is 00:30:23 the iconic end of Grizzly Man, of course, being, you know, Werner Herzog watching the Grizzly Man die. And we, the viewer don't see it, but we get to watch him watch it. I think that it's like telling. I think it's like a guy who, who orders too much Drizly and like, and they're like recording him and he's like jacks off. And it's just, it's just the audio of him jacking off. Yeah. You must never listen to this recording. Disturbing. It features a man, Climax, jacking off and having difficulty because he's had too much Miller chill. So his erection is not as firm as he would like. When he climaxes, he says, I'm limp still. It's really so deserving. Is this an impression as hacky as Stuart at this point? Should we just leave it to Paul F. Tompkins?
Starting point is 00:31:23 I didn't even attempt. I didn't attempt either. I didn't attempt either. Oh, how about that? I didn't attempt either. I think you should have attempted. There was a little Jeff Foxworthy in your story. Well, I think that you might be right back. If you're too tentative to attempt an impression and then later in the podcast, you try to call it back. You might be doing an accidental Foxworthy. If you get your wings every time a bell rings, you might be an angel. Damn, that's good. Can't top that. No, you might be having a wonderful life. We'll be back with more dough boys. Wow. You know, Mitch, you're about to take a little trip abroad. You're going to Costa Rica.
Starting point is 00:32:22 That's right. Why? So I'm going to Costa Rica with the family. It's going to be a lot of fun. Going to maybe see a monkey. Oh, that's fun. Going to maybe see a bird. Just that. Just a one monkey, one bird. That's it. Hey, that sounds like a heck of a vacay. And you know what? Knowing some Spanish might be helpful down there. And if you have an upcoming summer trip abroad, my go-to travel hack is Babel. Whether you're a season traveler or embarking on your first adventure, communication is key to fully experiencing a new culture. That's where Babel comes in. Babel is the language learning app that sold more than 10 million subscriptions. Thanks to Babel's addictively fun and easy bite-sized language lessons,
Starting point is 00:33:02 there's still time to learn a new language before you reach your destination. You know, Mitch, I've been taking some Babel lessons in Spanish a little bit. And it's it's a great benefit just in terms of having some sort of conversational knowledge of another language. With Babel, you only need 10 minutes to complete a lesson so you can start having real-life conversation in as little as three weeks, wigs. Babel's expertly crafted lessons are built around real life. You learn how to have practical conversations about travel, relationships, business, and more. Other language learning apps use AI for their lesson plans, but Babel lessons were created by over 150 language experts and voiced by real native
Starting point is 00:33:37 speakers, not computers. Their teaching method has been scientifically proven to be effective. With Babel, you can choose from 14 different languages. Plus, Babel's speech recognition technology helps you improve your pronunciation and accent. There are so many ways to learn with Babel. In addition to lessons, you can access podcasts, games, videos, stories, and even live classes. Plus, it comes with a 20-day money back guarantee. Start your new language learning journey today with Babel. And right now, get up to 55% off your subscription when you go to slash doughboys. That's slash doughboys for up to 55% off your subscription, Babel. Language for life. Hey, everyone, it's the Doughboys. You know, this spring, you need nutritious,
Starting point is 00:34:19 convenient meals to energize you for warmer, active days and to keep you on track to reaching your goals. Factor, America's number one ready-to-eat meal kit, can help you fuel up fast with ready-to-eat meals delivered straight to your door. You'll save time, eat well, and tackle everything on your to-do list. Too busy to cook this spring with factors, skip the trip to the grocery store, and skip the chopping, prepping, and cleaning up. You can skip all of it, Wags. Skip all of it, because factor's fresh, never-frozen meals already in just two minutes, so all you have to do is heat and enjoy, then get back outside and soak up that warmer weather. Looking for calorie-conscious options this spring, Wags? Try delicious, dietitian-approved, calorie-smart meals with a round or
Starting point is 00:34:58 less than 550 calories per serving. We offer delicious, flavor-packed options on the menu each week to fit a variety of lifestyles, from keto to calorie-smart, vegan and veggie, and Protein Plus. Prepared by chefs and approved by dietitians, each meal has all of the ingredients you need to feel satisfied all day long while meeting your goals. With 34-plus chef-prepared dietitian-approved weekly options, there's always something new to try, plus you can round out your meal and replenish your snack supply with an assortment of 45-plus add-ons, including breakfast items like egg bites, smoothies, and more Wags, I had a smoothie today, you saw it in studio. Tropical fruit smoothie was delicious. Wow, hey, want to cut back on takeout? Get factor instead. Not only is factor cheaper
Starting point is 00:35:41 than takeout, but meals are ready faster than restaurant delivery in just two minutes. With factor, you can rest assured you're making a sustainable choice. We offset 100% of our delivery admissions to your door, source 100% renewable energy for our production sites and offices, and feature sustainably sourced seafood in our meals. Head to slash Doughboys50 and use code Doughboys50 to get 50% off your first box. That's code Doughboys50 at slash Doughboys50 to get 50% off your first box. Do it. Welcome back to Doughboys. We are here with our guest Jordan Morris, the comic version of Bubble, available for pre-order now in stores July 13th. Jordan, thanks for joining us.
Starting point is 00:36:22 Yeah, thank you for having me. I'm having a blast so far. Having a blast on this pod, and we had a blast with you at this week's chain, Golden Road Brewing, which is Mitch mentioned before recording, our first IRL Doughboys meal in a year and change. And let me just tell you that I said this to Wags that night. I saw him in person for the first time in over a year, and he reacted like I had seen him yesterday. Is there a table ready? That's exactly, I was like, I don't know dude. Good to see you again for the first time in person for a year. He gave you a thumbs up, Mitch. He gave you a thumbs up. Jordan, you did, you came up and you slapped me on the back and you said hello way more of a greeting than Wyger, who I don't think I've
Starting point is 00:37:10 maybe ever touched. I will say that I was excited to do this, not just because I love the pod, but because I love you guys, you're my friends. I was excited to see you in person, and I wanted to bear hug the both of you, but I'm not sure if we're doing that yet as a nation, as a culture. Are we bear hugging? Would you guys have been okay with it? Did I play it right by just back patting? I don't know. I would have been extremely fine with a bear. More than fine, I would have been happy with a bear hug. Yeah. Also, most of my hugs are bear hugs, just so you know. I feel like it's just a general designation for me to have a bear hug, but I would have been very happy to get a big hug from you. Well, Jordan, you and I had had a little,
Starting point is 00:38:06 we'd done a little outdoor backyard hang with some friends a week prior, and so this was the second time I'd seen you in person. If memory serves, I believe we did embrace on that occasion. We did embrace. So yes, Wyger and I have hugged and Mitch and I have yet to hug. You're right. Wyger did hug and Mitch, I know you give him a lot of flak for not being emotional, but when we hugged, he went, hmm, this feels good. I was honestly. So I think Wyger's got it in him. I think he's got. I was honestly searching my memory bank to think of a time Wyger and I embraced hugged. And I, the only, the only instance that came up in my head is a sad example. So I don't want to
Starting point is 00:39:04 say it, but I think that we, you more so you put your arm around me like this. Why? We've done that. Yeah. You've done like, hey, thanks buddy. You've done one of those, but we've done a lot of side hugs. I feel like we maybe, I don't, I don't actually don't, I think we were maybe so exhausted at the end of our Feast Coast tour that we didn't, I don't know if anybody hugged. I think we were just happy for it to be done. I think also we're afraid of hugging like face on and giving like a full hug because we'll get stuck together like, like Velcro basically.
Starting point is 00:39:34 You'll connect at the stubble. But, but, uh, I don't, I never think of you as a huggy guy, but I was happy. I'm not a hugger. I was happy to be back in person with you and Jordan doing one of your favorite activities, which is down in some, as Weig's calls them, brew dogs. And that's right. I've said this, I don't drink beer as much as I used to, um, though I have been drinking more of it lately, but I, but when it's the right time, if it's a hot day, if you've been working all day
Starting point is 00:40:09 or like, I've said this before, but it can just be the best drink on earth. I mean, the fact that you're getting some alcohol and a cold beer, oh man, it can be, it can, it can just hit the spot. And you know what? I really enjoyed it when we were together and we were, when we were taking down some, some, some brews and, and taste and some brews and, and eating big old burgers. Cause it was, it was, it was great. It was, it was the first time I'd really done something like that in a long time.
Starting point is 00:40:33 A lot of, a lot of fun. I will say that, uh, you know, to Jordan's point from earlier, yes, yes, you get a beer and like a, like some sort of backyard setting or some sort of outdoor hot day. It is so, this is exactly what you're saying, Mitch. It is so refreshing. I don't get that at all from like a hard seltzer. Like even though it's similarly cold, not the same sort of refreshing sort of feeling, but I do get that from a non-alcoholic beer.
Starting point is 00:40:53 So if I want to go a little lighter, I'll sometimes go NA and you know, that, that actually, I will get the same sort of refreshing, um, sort of like, oh, this is just, this is just a party. I'm just having a little party and I'm getting chill and I'm chilling out a little bit. Yeah. Um, a one man party. I get it. Um, with, with not, look, with non-alcoholic beer.
Starting point is 00:41:15 Yeah, I think, I think, I think that could hit the spot. But I do think that there is a, if you're a drinker, if you, if you abstain, then, then more power to you. But I think with, with alcohol, when it tastes delicious like that, and you know that you're like getting a little buzz on top of it on like a hot, oh man, it's, it can't be beat. I'll say that I like, you know, I love that, you know, canned beer on a hot day that I mentioned. But if I'm like drinking, if I'm like, you know, if that's the night's activity is drinking, I like one beer and then I switched to cocktails or hard alcohol.
Starting point is 00:41:50 I feel like if I have more than one beer, I get the sleepies so bad and like the night is over, especially if it's like a Guinness or something. If I have more than one, like I'm, I'm in bed by 1030. Yes. Well, spoiler alert. It didn't happen tonight because we took the party from Golden Road Brewery all the way down to the kibbitz room. Yes.
Starting point is 00:42:10 A Joe, a Jomo special, a second location. Love a second location. Yeah, we kind of had a big night of society is kind of open again. We ate, we had a couple of brews and then we met our buddy, John Gabriel at the kibbitz room, which is the kind of little dumpy bar that's attached to Cantor's Deli where you can always count on there being like a weird cover band or something. An LA institution. I love the kibbitz room.
Starting point is 00:42:40 And yeah, it was so cool to like just hang with friends in, in one of my favorite bars. Yeah, it was great. And also, you know that if we saw anyone wearing a mask, you know we were snatching it off their face. Oh yeah, the mask snatchers are here, baby. Let's see those mouths we say. We have a video. We have a VHS you can order online, mask snatchers.
Starting point is 00:43:06 Just us pulling masks off of people and then also accusing veterans of stolen valor. Right. Did you earn this purple heart, sir? We taped it over Jerry Springer's Too Hot for TV VHS. So you might get a little bit of that on either side. Yeah. Well, just so you know, it's like an Easter egg. Yeah, fun pranks.
Starting point is 00:43:27 We're real pranksters. It was, it was, it was a great night. It was a great night back and it started with Golden Road. Why? Because that's what I was trying to segue into. Or segue. Take it over. It's your segue.
Starting point is 00:43:40 Great, great segue. It was founded in 2011 by Meg Gill and Tony Yeno. Sugway sounds like a Harry Potter villain. So then you realize it's a wildly anti-semitic caricature? Right. Sugway is confusing everyone on what you bathroom to use. In hindsight, these were pretty bad. Yeno owns two local restaurants.
Starting point is 00:44:08 I did not know this, but you guys may know the local. Hey, why, well now, now you know. Now you know, Mohawk Bend and Tony's Darts Away are both the same ownership as Golden Road. I like both those places. Yeah, Mohawk Bend is good. Yeah, and so Golden Road has become the largest craft brewery in Los Angeles, famed for its Wolfpup IPA
Starting point is 00:44:30 and its Mango Cart wheat ale, which is polarizing but certainly has its fans. Sold to Anheuser-Busch in Bev in September 2015, which is the largest beverage company in the world and has about a half dozen brew pubs, which are located across California. And that's what we went to. We went to the one in LA, in Atwater, I believe, near the Choo Choo.
Starting point is 00:44:51 The train was coming by. That's right. One really scared us at one point, if you remember. Caught us off guard, yeah. Caught us off guard, big time. But right, yeah, you gotta cross the tracks. You do. It's like, yeah, it's an eight-mile situation.
Starting point is 00:45:06 The train is right next door. I mean, it's not like eight-mile in Detroit, but there are trains nearby. That's right. It's similar in that way. It's similar in that way. And you can, the trains do, that one train was hauling. It was fucking hauling ass when it kind of scared everybody.
Starting point is 00:45:24 But mostly they usually kind of just crawl by at a slow pace. Guys, we fucked up. We should have crushed some pennies. Yeah, I agree. We should have crushed some beer cans, too, on the train. I mean, we really, we fucked it up. Yeah, we should have thrown some glass bottles at the train. At the conductor, through the open window,
Starting point is 00:45:42 try to hit the conductor. It's also funny to think of a conductor getting hit and then a train losing it. Like, going like a... Whoa! And then getting it back on track. Like a train spitting out when a car hits ice. Took out a neighbor hood.
Starting point is 00:46:17 Let's, I guess, you know what? Let's start with, this is a brewery first and foremost. Let's start with beers. I will say that I got a taster of beers. I always love it when a brewery, I mean, all the breweries do this. So I guess it's not a novelty, but I love it when it's available.
Starting point is 00:46:31 So I got four different ones. I got three that were their fruit varietals, or fruit beer varietals. I mentioned this. The mango cart is the big one. The mango cart is their huge breakout hit. They also have a spicy mango cart, which is the one I got. And then a pineapple cart, which is a pineapple wheat ale
Starting point is 00:46:48 with blood orange and strawberry notes as well. And also melon cut, which is watermelon, honeydew, and cantaloupe imbued into another wheat ale. These are all refreshing. I think the original, the mango cart, which I can't have a lot of, but I can have one of those and have a lovely time. It's a little sweet, but I think it's a fun, refreshing beer. I don't have to do a sort of dick measuring thing
Starting point is 00:47:11 with getting the hoppiest IPA. I can get like a nice little fruit-infused beer and have a nice time. So I think probably the original mango cart better than the rest. But the spicy mango cart is also nice. I'm something of a heat seeker, so having that option I think is great for one round.
Starting point is 00:47:28 No one's going to win that competition against you, but... All right, I also... In a dick measuring contest, Nick, you pull out just enough to win, right? The Uncle Milti? Yeah, the Uncle Milti. What a fucking... And it's not out of your pants, it's out of your own mouth.
Starting point is 00:47:44 Okay, anyway. Too much. This is perfect. We were giving shit to people who are like, you know, the IPA crowd. Yes, right. Who's going to give a shit for this episode anyways? But like, you know, like, look,
Starting point is 00:48:06 first of all, too many IPAs taste the same to me. And now that's going to get everyone up in arms, but it's the truth. Yeah. Aren't you sick of IPAs? Don't so many of them taste very similarly? Like, the beer snob IPA guy annoys me. It just annoys me.
Starting point is 00:48:21 I can't help it, Wigs. There's a guy, there's a certain kind of guy who's going to be very mad about this episode. And he looks like if all three of us got in a Matter Transporter accident. And he will be, he will be in our Menchies saying that like... Yes. I've heard, you know, I think I've mentioned Golden Road before
Starting point is 00:48:42 and like people say, oh, it's not a real craft brew. It's like, it says it's craft beer, but it's not. I don't know the difference. I don't want you to explain the difference to me guy. Right. But yeah, I do think that there are people who are like very intense beer people who, to them, this brand is doing something sacrilegious.
Starting point is 00:49:00 And I don't, I don't know exactly what that argument is. And I don't care to hear it. So anyways. Yeah. I agree with you. I think the crux of it is just that they sold out. You know, they went with a big macro, they got bought by the largest beverage company in the world.
Starting point is 00:49:16 But also it's like, when I've read from the, when I was reading an interview with the co-founders, they were just basically like, it's just no one would have turned down that money to be blunt. So which I, which I get. But yeah, I mean, I don't know. I think purists are like, because like is, I feel like stone has got to be owned by somebody or a stone
Starting point is 00:49:33 still fully independent. I feel like all the, anytime you investigate any of these craft breweries, they're always owned by some other fucking larger label. It's just the nature of the industry. Yeah. Eric and Bastard is owned by Halliburton. All right.
Starting point is 00:49:50 The pineapple cart and melon cart, I have similar impressions to just, I just prefer the mango cart. I think the spicy mango cart does, you know, does what it's, does something, does it a little different? And so there's a reason to get that. But the other ones, I just feel like the, the sweetness of the mango plus the little bit of the tartness works better than the kind of the smoother melon cart
Starting point is 00:50:09 or the acid from the pineapple. And then the chela, which is the smooth Mexican style amber lager, I thought was really nice, very drinkable. If I was going to get another beer and we weren't, another round there and we weren't going to second location, I probably would have opted for that one because it was just, just very, very drinkable. Mr. Slice, talk us through your beer selection.
Starting point is 00:50:30 Well, Wigs, I'm frantically trying to look up what I got. So I got, I got, I got a, I got a beer to start off. And then I got, I got a, I got a taste around. I truly don't remember the beer I got. I know I got a mango cart at one point. And then I got, and then I got a taste. There was a, did you get a guava cider? Am I wrong about that?
Starting point is 00:50:50 Was that when you ordered? I did get a guava though. I did get, I did get a guava, a guava, what was it called? I got a pal, oh, look, I got, I got him here. I got a palette. Yes. Palisades pineapple is one of the beers I got. This was, this is in the, the, the tasting.
Starting point is 00:51:07 This was in my, in my, in my tasting. And then it wasn't, I didn't, I don't think it was a guava cider. It was a guava, it was a guava beer. And it's, but it's, but it's not on here. And then I got a dodge. There was a dodge. Oh, there's a, there's a guava dia blonde ale, which is a different one. You might have gotten that one.
Starting point is 00:51:22 And then yeah, you got the, the Dodgers blonde, blonde ale that you just mentioned. Yeah. The guava dia, the Dodgers blonde. And then I got a pineapple cart. That's actually my first beer was the pineapple cart. I figured it out. Which is pineapple. We ale with blood orange and strawberry. I really liked the pineapple cart.
Starting point is 00:51:40 I thought the pineapple cart was pretty tasty. I thought all the beers were tasty in the, in that taster, the, the Dodgers blonde was good. The, the, that the guava dia was really good. That pineapple palisades. And then there was one on the, oh, and then I think the mango cart was the, the other one that I got that was actually small. They were all, they were all really tasty wigs. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:01 I enjoyed all of them. I, I, I had a blast with each one of them. I, I, I was having funs trying. I mean, like I had been forever since I felt safe, you know, taking a sip of someone's beer, but we're both vaccinated. So I was, I took, I took a few sips of your beer and, and I think that they do a good job there. And you actually let Nick spit the beer into your mouth from his mouth, right? That's, that is, that is true.
Starting point is 00:52:25 That is true. Just wanted to clarify that that happened, that happened, right? Did that happen? And we, and we were, and then we were like, we're vaccinated. We were like screaming that as it was happening. But yeah, no, the, the Palisades pineapple liked a lot. Honestly, some of these could have been even like fruitier in my mind, but, but, but I, but I really enjoyed them.
Starting point is 00:52:45 Um, uh, yeah, they, they, I had wigs. I was having a blast. I, I, I like, I like the tasters. I liked the little, I like, I like trying a bit of each of the beer. I think that's fun. It's a fun way to get, to get a little, to get a little fucked up. It's a good time for sure. And you can drink four of them and you're drinking like one beer.
Starting point is 00:53:04 So it's like, yeah, you get to, you can have a night. It's a nice way to have, I think maybe your first or second round. Then after that, you can settle into something more conventional. Jordan, talk us through your beer selection. Yeah. So I started with a pint of the Golden State Surveysa. And this is kind of like a Corona analog. But yeah, a little, a little, a little more complex, some, some more notes.
Starting point is 00:53:23 I really liked it. Really good, great, like hot weather beer. And then I got tasters of the GRB red, which I was kind of looking for something. I wanted to try something that was like a little more of a stout. And I was kind of surprised they didn't have it on the menu. Or if they did, I didn't see it. I was kind of looking for what their Guinness was. But I think the closest thing to something a little hardier was this GRB red,
Starting point is 00:53:49 which I thought was really good. I don't, I don't know exactly what beer family it belongs to, but it was a little, a little darker and a little hardier. And then I also got a taster of the Wolf, the Passion Wolf Hazy IPA. You know, I know we're, we're, we're ripping on IPAs and the IPA community a little bit, but I wanted to try it because I know it's something that they're known for. And yeah, this definitely had that kind of woodsy, you know, I just licked a campfire property to it.
Starting point is 00:54:17 But, but, but it was definitely like not severe and not like challenging. It had a little bit of that IPA character, but it was a pretty light and easy drinking. And I actually liked it. I liked it more than I liked that traditional, intense IPA. Yeah. So those were my three beers. And yeah, they were all, they were all really tasty in their own way. I think I, the, the Golden State Surveys, I would, I would definitely get again. Yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 00:54:43 And, and, and I mean, I think they're, they're, you know, they have a, they have a, they have a beer selection that goes in a bunch of different directions. So whatever your tastes are, I think you'll be able to find something there. And they have a, they have a large selection, which I think is what you want in a brew pub. So that's to its credit. The, let's get into food a little bit. So I'll, I'll introduce the apps and then we can share our thoughts. Two of the apps were vegetarian.
Starting point is 00:55:05 And you know, I'm not eating meat this year, no meat shell I eat. So I, I was able to experience those two. And then there was one that included meat that you guys shared. We got a pub pretzel, which is a giant Bavarian pretzel with a spicy nacho cheese and a, and a, and an IPA mustard. The tachos, which are tater tots, black beans, beer cheese, guac, crema and chilies. And then we also got the carnitas fries, I believe, which were shoestring fries with slo-braised pork carnitas, charred tomatillo salsa and cotija, as well as cilantro and lime.
Starting point is 00:55:41 What did you guys think of those carnitas fries? They were really good. Yeah. They were killer. They were really tasty. Yeah. The, the, the, the, yeah, the carnitas were, were good and all the like, you know, kind of salsa and the dressings they added were really tasty, great cheese. It's not a, you know, you don't, you don't have that Mexican cheese on top of fries a lot, but it really worked. Yeah. I thought those, those fries were really killer. Were they the standout app? Cause that was the one I didn't have.
Starting point is 00:56:10 I think we, I think we're simpatico on this Mitch. I think that the star of the show period, the star of the whole night was those tachos. Yeah. The tachos are really good. I really enjoyed the tachos. They were very good. And yeah, and I'm, I feel like I'm a little bit tired of like, you know, tater tots as a brew pub menu item, you know, a little overdone, you know, and yeah, and I was kind of wondering how the tater tots would jive with the kind of like nacho toppings, but they were great. And the fact that you, it's a decadent starter that you could share with
Starting point is 00:56:45 vegetarians, right? It's awesome. Cause I'm, you know, I'm, I mean, I eat meat, but I know the, like, you know, the awkwardness of like going somewhere worth of vegetarian and, you know, you know, there being nothing fun they could have. The fact that this was like a fun app. I mean, Nick, you know this, you've been all this year, you've just been reviewing fries and napkins. So it's like, we tell him to stop eating the napkins, but he keeps doing it. I like them. Nick, it's ruining your bowel movements. Yeah. Now, graph paper, I don't know. Digestive process is amazing. The fact that, yeah, and I don't know if you could get these vegan,
Starting point is 00:57:30 I don't know if you could swap out that pub cheese for a vegan cheese. But if, if this is something that like vegans could share too, I mean, this was, this was awesome. It was so good. They do have a vegan beer cheese, which is noted with the pretzel. So that, that is an option. I assume you could sub that in with the tachos. I will say we'll get to the mains in a second, but it, it is a kind of a, a little bit of a confusing menu in terms of like they offer a distinct, you can add a beyond burger to a salad. Like that's an option, but the actual burger is not specified that you can add a beyond burger. You can sub in the patty for beyond burger, but they will let you do that. So I think probably there's just some menu language that needs to be
Starting point is 00:58:07 ironed out. Yeah. It was a weird thing where you were like, where you were like, can I get that with a beyond burger? And they're like, Oh, so you want the vegan burger? Like, didn't they say like a weird thing where they're like, yes, they said you wanted vegan style. Yeah. The vegan style, which was very, yeah, it seemed confusing. The tachos, the tachos, the tachos were great. The, and the, we, we were afraid because we got tachos, you know, potato based. And then we also got the carnitas fries, but man, they both were just, they both were really fantastic. I guess the loser of the bunch, even though I feel like we were being hard on it, was that pretzel, the pub pretzel. But I think maybe there should have just been more like,
Starting point is 00:58:41 you know, cheeses, like more, like, or like just a variety of sauces to dip it in or something to change it up. It could have been a little bit more soft too. It could have been softer. The Doughboy's way. It should have been, it should have been just a little bit more soft. Softer and colder. But I didn't think it was terrible, honestly. I thought it was okay. It wasn't terrible. If you got that at like a ball game, you'd be like, this is fine or this is good. I agree that the, that the nacho cheese and the, the, the nacho cheese and a vacuum and then the, the mustard, the IPA mustard where, where nothing's particularly special. My main issue was I just feel like the, the bad, that bad boy needed more salt. It had so little salt on it,
Starting point is 00:59:26 had a couple of little sprinkles and a congregate in a couple of areas. It was mostly just plain, like salt that bad boy up. I didn't, you know what? I don't need to be too, too salty, but I, I get what you're saying. Like, I feel like the outside of it wasn't even like to the point, like if you poured salt on it would just fall off. So maybe they got a, maybe they got a butter up that outside or something like that. I don't know. And I, you know what? I did remember a complaint about my beer because I had that pineapple cart and Wags, if I've seen, if I've seen kind of scatterbrained this episode or I guess just always, I've been trying to think about, I've been trying to think of exactly what I got for drinks and I can't remember and it's driving
Starting point is 01:00:05 me insane. I got a pineapple cart for my first drink and I remember thinking that it was not, that I remember thinking that it wasn't pineapple-y tasting enough. Well, there's a, there's a Palisades pineapple fruit beer and then separately the pineapple cart. Those are two different things. Well, I got the, I got the pineapple, Palisades in my taster after that and that was a little bit more pineapple-y and then the Guava Dia was, was pretty good. It had a fruity taste to it. And then the Dodgers Blonde was good, but I can't remember for the life of me what my last one was and slash what my, because I got a beer after that. I think I got a mango cart after that,
Starting point is 01:00:42 but I don't know what the mystery last beer was. I have no, I have no idea. I'll run down the full roster. You let me know if any of these were correct. Okay. All right. You wrote them down. I have them all here in front of me. The Chela Lager. No. Palisades pineapple fruit beer you mentioned. Happy Hour in Baja Lager. No. Pacific Sunrise Smash IPA. No. What is the description on that last one before that one? The Happy Hour in Baja, Chris Mexican style Lager infused with lime and orange zest. Salud. Ooh, maybe I did get that one.
Starting point is 01:01:14 Okay. So that's an option. That's a possibility. That's a, that's a suspect. Happy Hour in Baja. Guava cider. No. Melon cart we mentioned. Hazy LA IPA. Nope. I went IPA free. Golden State Surveysa. Hmm. Maybe got that one too. Okay. So that's another option. That's another, that's night smooth Mexican style Lager with a hint of searches. Look, here's the deal. You'll never know unless you were with us. It just is over. We're about halfway through. You had to be there, man.
Starting point is 01:01:44 You had to be there. I fucked up. Hey, if you remember, if you remember the trip to Golden Road, you weren't there. Yeah. That's right. They have a CIA IPA. No. I don't know about the name of that. It's fucking cool. GRB Red Ale. Nope. Iron Wolf. Nope. That's a cool name though. It has a very cool name. It's a good name. It's like a metal band. Spicy Mango Cart we mentioned. Wolf Among Weeds. Another cool name. Another cool name, yeah. Media Noche IPA. Nope. Guavadilla Blonde Ale. You did get this one.
Starting point is 01:02:18 I did get that one. Yeah. It was hasty. Right on IPA. No. Passion Wolf IPA from New England. Nope. Orange Pomegranate Kombucha. I don't think you got this one. I didn't get a kombucha in no way. Okay. Pineapple Cart you mentioned. Dodger's Blonde Blonde Ale you mentioned. Hazy Pup IPA. This is the one that Jordan got, yes. Yeah. Point the way IPA.
Starting point is 01:02:42 Nope. That's not it. It's impossible. We'll just never know. We have three more candidates. Get up off of that brown, brown ale. No. No. Mango Cart we mentioned and then the Wolf Pup Session IPA. I did not get that one. I'll never know. We've narrowed it though. We've narrowed it to the Happy Hour in Baja or the Golden State Surveysa. It is one of those two. It could have been one of those two or I maybe also got a spicy mango cart and then got a full
Starting point is 01:03:11 mango cart at the end. I think that okay. So that's a possibility. So you got three candidates. I know that you got one too. So I don't know why I would repeat your things, but I got to say this. Yes. The mango cart, which is like their number one, it's good. I think it is. I think it's good. And also I, about two nights later, I was at Jay's Bar. I got it again. It was on tap at Jay's Bar. Wow.
Starting point is 01:03:34 It's a nice beer. I'll put it into the rotation. I like it. I think it's, why not? If your beer's not about that beer, I don't know. I don't know what your deal is. You just can't be happy. Look, and also, Wigs, I'm happy that you read down all the beers because I think it was good content. Yeah. I think it was definitely, if I could, looking back and reflecting on Weigar reading the list of beers, I think we can all agree that it was worth the real estate devoted to it. It was good. It's Koalic Month.
Starting point is 01:04:05 It's Koalic Month. We're reading lists in honor of our friend. I'm slightly, I'm slightly obsessive, compulsive, so I needed to try to figure it out. But look, yes, maybe some, maybe someone will know, maybe there's a receipt somewhere. But like Jordan said, if you remember Golden Row Brewery, you weren't there, man. Unless it's the train, which was very memorable. We did remember the train, which was a wonderful thing. Let's get into our mains.
Starting point is 01:04:32 We got, so we got a couple, there's a couple of burgers there. And I got myself the classic burger with a beyond burger. I asked for the beyond patty and he said, okay, I'll get it to you vegan style. And I did, I was just like, okay, we'll just roll with this. So either their vegan style has the best vegan cheese I've ever had in my life because it was brought back to me with cheese. And I was like, if this is vegan cheese, this is whatever this is I want to know because it's tremendous.
Starting point is 01:04:58 Or their vegan style still includes cheddar cheese, which is very much not vegan. Their vegan style includes a big piece of ham. You have to eat or you can't leave. I suspect the latter, but you know, maybe it was an amazing vegan cheese. Either way, this was a really good burgers, really good solid burger. And Jordan, you mentioned this comes on a potato bun, which give me more potato buns. Yeah, me too. I mean, I think that in this like category of restaurant,
Starting point is 01:05:28 the brioche bun just like has been dominating. And, you know, I think the brioche buns were chosen not because they taste better, but because they like photograph well, you know, like those big, you know, those big buns look great on like Instagram, but they like overwhelm the burger. And I love that kind of like, Hey, Jordan, that's an all around comment for Instagram. Big buns look great on Instagram. That's what people use them for.
Starting point is 01:05:55 Yeah. Yeah. You know, the, uh, we all, we all slow down our scroll when you see those big buns. This dough boys episode has turned into a Carl's Jr. commercial. Paris Hilton washing a car. Oh no, that's a Mike's mom washing a car. Get out here and help me, Michael. My bikini's falling down. So, um, yeah, I like, yeah, I mean, you know, I'm looking in a burger, I'm looking for the opposite of what I'm looking for on Instagram small buns.
Starting point is 01:06:36 I like that, you know, and yeah, this, this, this, I, I just kind of got the classic too that, you know, just had, you know, lettuce, tomato, pickle, cheese, uh, and nothing, nothing too out there. Uh, yeah, it was really good. It was a really good like version of kind of a backyard burger. Yeah. It wasn't quite a smashed burger, you know, the, that kind of like food trend of the smashed flat burger on the potato bun, but it kind of had some of that character to it. And yeah, and it had the option of you can swap out the fries for a salad, which I always kind of appreciate. Nice to get a little veggies in those kind of big meals.
Starting point is 01:07:11 And, uh, yeah, I think we all did that. Yeah. Not a great salad, just kind of like greens with some dressing, but it was I didn't hate the salad, honestly. I thought, I thought, I thought the dressing was good, which goes a long way. And, and, and, you know, you just got some mixed greens. It was, it was, it was fine. Um, but the burger was good. My burger was really great. I, I was torn wise, as you remember, I was torn between the, the crispy Cali chicken sandwich and the GRB burger. Um, which is their kind of signature burger, which is six ounce Angus beef patty, aged white cheddar, sun-dried tomatoes, caramelized onions, bacon, lettuce, uh, remolade sauce.
Starting point is 01:07:48 Is that what I was saying? That wrong? I think it's remolad, remolad sauce, remolad sauce, and then that potato. How would Jimmy Stewart say the name of that sauce? Every time a bell rings, an angel gets its sauce. You must never eat this burger again. This is, this is horrible. That's just, that's, that's him. That's him just listening to our podcast. You must never listen to this podcast. It's horrible. It's a horrible podcast.
Starting point is 01:08:30 He's listening to Taco Bell too many times. Weicker is just listing out beers and Mitch is saying yes or no. It reminds me of the hell spiral when they were just counting fries. By the way, this menu on the, on golden road,, the menu moves. You notice this wax watches. You see, watch, watch the background of the phone. It's a little animated. It's got like a little loop behind it. No fun. Yeah. It looks like he's inside of a, inside of a beer. It's slowly, slowly, slowly moving. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:10 Trippy dude. Yeah. This burger was good. I got the GRB burger. I went with that over the, the, the chicken sandwich, uh, which I think actually has more calories. So all of you who say I was a fatty, just relax. It was, uh, uh, I think they were pretty close calorically. If, if not, his other one was a fried, a crispy chicken. Um, it was really, really good. I thought the burger was really good. So like, especially for like a brewery that's kind of commercialized brewery and you know, is like ships across the country and is, it's like, you know, not the same as going to like the Budweiser brewery or whatever and having a burger at the bud, like the bud burger.
Starting point is 01:09:51 But like, uh, you know, not far off from that as far as just, uh, nationwide reach, right? This is a pretty big brewery. And yeah, I think it's, I think it's distributed pretty, pretty nationally. Uh, it's, although all the brew pubs are out here, I will say as opposed to, it's, it's like, you're not just, just to convey the experience. It's not like you're, you're at a factory. Like there is a brewery there. There's a working brewery, but this is a, like, you know, this is a brew pub. It's like a proper restaurant. It's like going to a BJs with a, with a big outdoor area. And yeah, I thought for what that, for what it was, I thought the burger was really, really good. I was, I was, I was thoroughly impressed by it. Um, yes. That the, um, the,
Starting point is 01:10:32 what's, what's it called on there? There's, there's the, uh, I'm sorry. I, sorry. I lost my place here. The, the rum, I think it's the rum, rum, say it again, why is the rum a lot? Rum a lot, rum a lot sauce. That adds like a nice, I think it's like a tomato we sauce, right? The rum a lot sauce. Uh, but there's sun dried tomatoes in there too. So that's maybe what I was picking up. Yeah. I think that might have been that then. All right. That's what it was. The sun dried tomatoes give a nice little taste to it. Um, the caramelized onions are great. The bacon just tasted the bacon was nice and salty and was like a good thick cut of bacon, but not too thick. Just, it was really great. The, I, I, I thought it was fantastic. Honestly, I think they could
Starting point is 01:11:10 double up the patty even though it's six ounces. I feel like they could, if they, if they wanted to, they could, they could beefing up the patty a little bit and give you more. That's a fair note. Yeah. But, um, but besides that, it was great. Or add an extra patty if you're ordering it, because yeah, it's not the hugest burger in the world. That's a, that's a great point. Yeah. And the beef tasted good. So why not? I mean, like it was, it should be at least more of an option or, or kind of more in there to be like, you can do, this can be a double, you know, but it's, it's not really pointed out that way. But great bites, great drinks. And on that note, we should get to our final thoughts.
Starting point is 01:11:44 So Jordan, you're a veteran of the podcast. You know how this works. We'll each go around, give a summation of our experience at Golden Road and end it by giving a fork score from zero to five. We'll begin with you. Yeah. So, um, you know, I, I'm a, I'm, I'm a fan of the pod. And I think that, you know, and I really respect the like fork rankings. I think that, you know, it's a great way to like talk about restaurants and, and I kind of like that it all kind of revolves around the idea of three forks, you know, like three forks is kind of like the idea of like a restaurant that, that is doing what it's supposed to be doing, you know, but without, you know, without being too memorable in either direction,
Starting point is 01:12:26 you know, it's like, I need a, I need a work salad from Panera and Panera gave me a work salad, you know, three forks. So I think with that in mind, this restaurant doesn't, there's no way you can rank this lower than three forks. No way. Cause it is like, it is, it is, it is brew pub and it is, you know, and it is, it is, it is hitting all those notes and, you know, for the most part, everything was pretty good. You know, and, and, and it's like, but does it, does it get higher? Does it get higher? You know, and I think that, you know, it is a fairly basic menu. I mean, we mentioned like taught shows, like nacho stuff on Tater tots, like it's fun, but it's, we've seen it before, you know, they're main options. It's, it's salads and burgers, you know, there's nothing
Starting point is 01:13:13 like, you know, two out of the blue on the menu. So, you know, so what is this? Is this just like, you know, a kind of default place where people can meet and there's a little something for everybody, or is this something a little more special? And, you know, I don't know if, if I'm giving this points because, you know, it was one of my first times in public because I missed you guys so much and I was so excited to see you or, or what? But like, I, I fucking had a blast. I basically liked everything I ate. The pretzel was all right, but not terrific. Everything was really good. There's something for everybody on this menu, even though it is pretty small. The beers were great. It was fun. Yeah, I've like drove driven by it and thought about going back. I think it's
Starting point is 01:14:03 four forks for me. It's four forks. Wow. Wow. Great score. Very good score from Jordan Morris. Mr. Slice, go ahead. Jordan, you make a great point about being back with you guys was a huge plus to this, this whole thing. I just got back to LA. I was, I was out of my mind with stuff I had to do. And then I sat down with you guys and it was a blast. And I really, really had a good time and then had a great time at the, and I'm not sure how you pronounce it. If it's, I always pronounce it kibbitz, but how did you say it, Jordan? Oh, I've, I say, I've been saying kibbitz, but I think either is, either is acceptable, although I don't, I don't, I don't speak any Yiddish, so I'm probably the wrong guy to ask, but yeah, kibbitz, I think.
Starting point is 01:14:48 A great bar regardless. And we had a great time with Gabriel, met up with Gabriel. And just, we had, we had a, we had a great night. And just like you, Jordan, I was like, I want to go back. I'll put, I'll put this damn place into the fucking rotation. I want to, a night to go out and just have some, some burgers or, or, you know, whatever, chicken sandwich, just apps and some beers, have a few beers and then, and then they had to, I'm happy. I would have been, I didn't even need to go to cantors afterwards. I didn't even know to the kibbitz or however the hell you say it, you actually made it worse. You, and also you, you froze when you said how, how you pronounced kibbitz. So I didn't
Starting point is 01:15:33 know what you said either again. You're, you're like, you froze on the app. Oh, sorry. Yeah. Kibbitz. I've been saying kibbitz room, but kibbitz. Seeing great bits, gabris was a, was a blast, but if he was with us at, at golden road, I would have, I would have happily gone home after that. It was, it was a fantastic time. And, but I also like to go into the bar afterwards, but that's a place, that's a place that I would, I would easily toss in the rotation. You know what, Yikes? Every time a train drives by and scares you, a chain restaurant joins the golden plate club for four. I actually can do a better Jimmy Stewart than that. I did worse.
Starting point is 01:16:24 That was pretty good. You just got in your head. Golden plate. Oh, golden plate club. There we go. There it is. Do kids know who I am anymore? You've seen a wonderful life, right? At least please. They put it on TV, but does anybody watch broadcast anymore? You know, Jordan aptly referenced the thesis of this podcast, which how is this place achieving what is trying to do? And golden road is a big brew pub that's offering lots of pub favorites and lots of beers and it's got, hey, a big dining space, both indoor and outdoor. So if you want to
Starting point is 01:17:12 have a big group there, at least at this one, I think at the other ones I've seen, the ones in OC, it's, it's, it's like an ample dining room. So it's like there's room for, for you to party with a, with a trio or with a larger group, whatever your, whatever your ensemble is. From a vegetarian standpoint, they do have a lot of vegetarian options or, or even vegan friendly options. They do list the, you know, just nutritionally, they list the, whether something has gluten, dairy, soy, et cetera on every menu item, which is helpful, depending on your diet. So I give it points for that, from that standpoint. Also the service was really good. I thought they were just like, you know, yeah, they were, they were, they were
Starting point is 01:17:52 very attentive and, and friendly. And we got to watch an incredible playoff performance from Kevin Durant, pouring in 49 points, a triple double, as the Nets won, what was it, game five? I think it must have been game five and it went on to lose the series. But I got, I got a big smile on my face because they're eliminated, baby. Yes. So it was a very cynical experience and experiment in basketball, assembling the, you know, three superstars in one city, a real escalation of what we've seen from the super team. You dare stomp on Lucky, dude? Kyrie, you dare stomp on Lucky? Oh no. How dare you stomp on Lucky? All right, Wags, go ahead. That said, Kevin Durant is
Starting point is 01:18:43 at transcendent, just fucking Jesus Christ on a performance throughout the series. Anyway, that's a tangent. That doesn't matter. Cause you know what? If you have a menu that has all of your favorite pub foods, including some that accommodate a vegetarian diet and a great beer, beer selection, you just might be in the Golden Plate Club. Welcome to the Golden Plate Club for Forks for Golden Road. Wow. Wow. There we go. You might be in the Golden Plate Club. Wow, it's beautiful. Who is this guy we've invented? We'll be back with more Doe Boys.
Starting point is 01:19:32 Hey you, you craving fresh, delicious, easy meals, try wild grain and get their bake from frozen sourdough breads, fresh pastas and artisanal pastries delivered right to your door. That's right, Wags. Wild grain is the first ever bake from frozen subscription box for sourdough breads, fresh pastas and artisanal pastries. Unlike typical supermarket bread, wild grain uses a slow fermentation process that's easier on your belly, lower in sugar and rich in nutrients and antioxidants. Every item bakes from frozen in 25 minutes or less. You'll never run the risk of getting bored with wild grain. They're constantly adding new, seasonal and limited time special items to try. Plus, for every new member, wild grain donates six meals to the greater
Starting point is 01:20:23 Boston Food Bank Wags, Boston Baby, so you can eat good and do good all at the same time. All you have to do is sign up at slash Doe Boys and choose which type of box you want to receive and how often. It's easy to reschedule, skip or cancel. Plus, for a limited time you can get $30 off the first box plus free croissants in every box when you go to slash Doe Boys to start your subscription. You heard me, free croissants in every box and $30 off your first box when you go to slash Doe Boys. That's slash Doe Boys or you can use promo code Doe Boys at checkout. Do it. Welcome back to Doe Boys. We're here with Jordan Morris. Bubble, the comic available July 13th.
Starting point is 01:21:19 You know, Jordan and Mitch, you know me as the burger boy, Nick Weiger. But you and our listeners may not know my full legal name is Nicholas Frankweiger. And sometimes I go by Frank. That's right, it's time for another review of the Week in Hot Dog News with Let Me Be Frank. Beef sausages and long bread rolling on a roller grill mustard and relish. One bite, it's a different world. Swap dog bites with a girl. Munch on, munch on and chomp all night. Despite the farts, it'll be all right, that taste. When the casing has snapped later that day, you're for sure have to nap as it simmers in the city like you're sucking on a titty. You ain't nothing but a hot dog. Frying all the time. You ain't nothing but a hot dog.
Starting point is 01:22:29 Frying all the time. You ain't never been a burger and you ain't no lunch of mine. Well, they said you a sandwich. Well, that was just a lie. Well, they said you a sandwich. Well, that was just a lie. You're just a bun around a wiener, so you sure don't qualify. Oh, yeah. E-E-E to stop that snacking. Eater, don't you see. Don't want others to make you full. Maybe I should mind the grill, but I am eating well. Red-hot Franks will make me want a true whore. I think of Sonic eating chili dogs with bliss, but even Rouge the Bat was never hot like this.
Starting point is 01:23:26 Let me be Frank, me be Frank, me be Frank. I'm a hot dog eater. Let me be Frank, so Frank, I'm a hot dog eater. Good afternoon. In less than three minutes, hot dog news from my Google search will be read aloud from articles around the world, and we'll be launching the largest podcast segment in the history of Frank Ferders. Frank Ferders, that words have new meaning for all of us today. They can be consumed without our petty differences, whether ketchup is allowed or not, whether the relish must be neon or the bun have poppy seeds.
Starting point is 01:24:25 Looking at you, Chicago, you piece of shit. Instead, we will be united in our common interests, like how adding jalapenos to a dog can be a great addition if you're a heat seeker, or how hot dogs are bad phallic symbols because they're too big. Perhaps it's fate that today is the 8th of July, and you will once again be hearing news not about COVID or Trump or Biden or Epstein or more COVID, but about hot dogs. We're fighting for our right to eat, then to eat more and more. There's no limit to how many dogs are acceptable at a cookout. So should we win today, the 8th of July will no longer be known as National Chocolate with
Starting point is 01:25:24 Almond's Day, but as the day when the Dome Muti declared in one dumb, chunky voice, we will not go quietly into the wiener schnitzel. We will not vanish without some doghouse. We're going to eat on. We're going to add chives. Today, we celebrate our Frank Dependence Day. Wow. Well, Mitch, what's up with this weekend hot dog news? Well, we only got time for one piece of hot dog news, but you know what? It's the fourth is, look, this episode released releases on July 8th. That's right. By the way, there was a good, you sent me the link for the music for this. Yeah. And there was a good comment on this song, and a guy said,
Starting point is 01:26:28 I'm going to play this when coronavirus ends. That's what that's the first comment. But let's see here. We're going to Google hot dogs. We're putting hot dogs into the search bar right now. Jordan, while Mitch is doing that, what are your hot dog preferences in general? Boy, I tell you what, I know you guys have talked about this on the show before, but I moved recently and I am now close to a doghouse, dog H-N-U-S, killer. It is so good. And it travels really well. I've done takeout a couple of times. Yeah, that doghouse is a great chain. So many fun options. Yeah, great buns. Doghouse is, yeah, one of my new faves. Terrific. Our buddy, Adam Gertler, past Doe Boy's double guest. I hope we'll come back in the pot
Starting point is 01:27:15 at some point. I believe he has the title of the worst meister or something like that. Overseas the sausages. Oh, yes. Awesome. Yeah. All right. I gave doghouse a shout out in the opening there. You sure did, Mitch. I know this. Maybe frozen again. Mitch froze. I froze again? I'm frozen? Mitch? Yeah, well, as I'm here, I'm here a little fuck up, a little glitch, but I'm back. You pulled a devil's dick and froze on us. I did. But then I burst back in here hot as ever. Yes, like the devil's cum.
Starting point is 01:27:56 Look, there's quite a few. I never went away. I heard you talking about me being frozen for a while, but there's nothing I could do. Look, there's some big hot dog news. We're coming up to the fourth. So of course, the news is going crazy because it's the hot dog, the Coney Island hot dog eating competition is coming up. There's a lot of stuff. I actually didn't see any articles on that. But anyways, right here, Angelina Jolie grabs a hot dog, like a true New Yorker during a family trick trip. Oh, love that. Here's another one. Salmon hot dogs. It's a hot dog. It's also salmon. And I love it. That's from Bon Appetit. That's from a bear. A period bear. I want to swat these out of the air.
Starting point is 01:28:51 Why is there's also Nathan's famous is adding a vegan hot dog to its menu. Here's one that I kind of want to click. It's from the Huffington Post, how to cook hot dogs the best and worst ways. But there's another big one that we got to talk about here. This is some big news. And I think people might know about it. But the losing streak is over. Relish celebrates Father's Day with first Oreo's hot dog race victory. So here's the deal with this. I didn't really understand that sentence. No, me neither. Well, I'll go on to explain right now. I was trying to activate the winter soldier. I was trying to activate Weiger's winter soldier. The former Nazi turned good guy. But here is the news. It started the same way so many other of
Starting point is 01:29:53 these racers had. Let me start again. It started the same way so many other of these races had. In a pack after rounding first, Relish bumped Mustard's side. Ketchup returned the favor as the animated hot dogs rounded third. The sequence had frequented the animated hot dog races played on the Canyon Miniat scoreboard through the Oreo's first 34 home games. The race always ended with Mustard or Ketchup crossing home plate first. But Sunday was different. Relish, which hadn't managed a single hot dog race victory through five Oreo's home stands and lost the first two races of this one finally defeated its longtime condiment foes for the first time in 2021. Relish is now one in 34 with Ketchup and Mustard at 17 wins apiece. Fans in the ballpark had begun
Starting point is 01:30:42 to root for the underdog often booing when Ketchup bumped Relish and groaning when the result once more didn't go the way of the hot dog, Don and green. And then fans went wild. They fans in the stands just yelled cheater when Ketchup bumped Relish in the base paths. Others had signs that said let Relish wins. They played Kermit the Frogs. It's not easy being green in the ballpark. And then people, people like actually poured Relish. There's this guy. There's this tweet here. Today was the day. Remember where you were? Relish fans and there's a group of Oreo fans pouring a Home Depot bucket of Relish onto a man wearing a Relish shirt. In Baltimore?
Starting point is 01:31:24 Out of character. Yeah. That's what we're doing for Mitch's bachelor party. Now just to find the lucky lady who loves Relish. But that is, that's the big news. I think that's the big one. Why? That's the big bit in it. What? What were we going to say? So this is the Orioles baseball franchise. It's an animated display on the Jumbotron. This isn't like they have mascots running the base paths. That's what it sounds like?
Starting point is 01:31:56 I think it's, yes. I believe that it is animated. Yes. I think it is animated. Well, I like the decision to just let Relish, give Relish a bone, throw Relish a bone, let them win one. That's fun. It's fun for the fans. I don't know, though. It seems like this NBA season where they were just going to let some other team win. That's not that great. Right. Yeah, like, you know, ketchup is injured because ketchup has been playing so many back-to-backs and then mustard got COVID. So is Relish's championship really worth anything? This race gets an asterisk. Yeah, it's an asterisk. I think that we should check out how to cook
Starting point is 01:32:39 hot dogs the best and worst ways because I think this is a fun topic. But here it is. Grilled, pan-fried, boiled, microwaved, oven roasted. Here's every which way you can prepare the perfect Frank. And my vegetarian brother hovered over the stove staring at a package of uncooked beef hot dogs and he graciously planned to cook for the rest of us. His omnivorous family, for the rest of us, his omnivorous family. Sorry, I can't read. He was eating beyond brats. What do I do with these? He asked and I chuckled to myself at his night. How do you say this night? Oh, God. Oh, night. I have a lot. And it goes on to say it goes on to pan-frying is number one,
Starting point is 01:33:28 starting with a good steam. That's what at least first two. It puts grilling at number two, which I think, you know, like, can grilling be, I mean, pan-frying is great. So I don't know. It's tough. Pan-frying and grilling, obviously, the number one and two. Oven roasting is third. Fourth is microwave. And fifth is boiling. I think this is kind of bullshit, honestly. I think a boiled dog, especially if you boil your dog in beer, it can be pretty fantastic. So I think that they're, I think this is some BS wigs. One thing that's nice about boiled is if you've got like a frozen dog, I think that's the best way to heat up a frozen dog. That'll get cooked through. But I'm surprised that, A, I'm surprised that steamed isn't on there.
Starting point is 01:34:10 Like, and but B, oven roasted dogs, I've never tried that. Have either of you ever oven roasted a hot dog? No, never. Yeah, it just, it seems like the appeal of the hot dog is that it's ready quick. You know, it's something you can make great. It seems like if you're, to the point where you're like, you know, if you're oven roasting a hot dog, it's like just oven roast another food. Make something else. I mean, like it's, it's crazy. Look, hot dogs are one of the best foods. I love hot dogs, but what are we doing here? I mean, also like boil up a hot dog before you turn on the oven and heat up your entire house. You're eating hot dogs mostly. It's more of a summertime eat, right? I mean, I'm not saying that you can't eat them. You're around, love the hot
Starting point is 01:34:53 dog, but the boiling of a pot of water is so much easier or a pot of beer before heating up your oven to fucking 350 or whatever the fuck you're supposed to do. Huff Poe, I just, I, I, and obviously boiling beats microwave. I don't even have to say that. That's straight up trash. The reason for microwave is it's fast. That's, that's the only advantage. But how do you, Jordan, if you're cooking up a hot dog on your own, what's your, what's your method of choice? Yeah. I mean, obviously I, I, I'm with Mitch. I mean, I like, I like the boil too. It's a good like quick lunch and it's definitely like, it's like one of the first things you learned to make as a kid. So it has that like, you know, I'm helping mommy appeal when you boil a hot dog. Yeah. Mommy will be so
Starting point is 01:35:34 proud of me. I'm still in that mindset, by the way. No, I mean, listen, Mitch, your mommy's big helper. She needs a big helper. Mikey, you make the hot dogs. I'm going to go wash the car. Ma, please don't make the hot dogs in your bikinis. Just please put a robe on for God's sakes. So yeah, I like a boiled dog, but yeah, dog on the grill, awesome, awesome summertime treat for sure. It's, it's a great, it's a great, it's a great treat. It's, you know, I want one tonight. Now I want a dog. The good thing about a dog is that you can get a, 7-Eleven, you can get a good dog. You can get a, you can get a dog anywhere. So love a big bite from 7-Eleven. I got to figure out a good veggie dog brand. I just got to investigate that and figure out the best one,
Starting point is 01:36:19 because I, I, that's the thing I miss. I have not had a proper hot dog, you know, this whole year, and, and it's, it's, it's, it's a summer. I got to find out one that's going to work for me. Hit my boy wigs up with some hot dog racks, some, some vegetarian and vegan hot dog racks. Yeah, let me know. It seems like the, that's something that the plant protein world could really nail. I could see, I could see a veggie hot dog being like a home run, you know, it's like the burgers are that good hot dog. Seems to mean to be a simpler, a simpler venture. So yeah, I would imagine that there's some good veggie dogs out there. I agree. Well, I hope I can find out what it is. That was Let Me Be Frank, just like a restaurant value feedback. Let's open up the
Starting point is 01:37:01 feedback. Today's email is from Drew, Drew writes, Katole, though boys, Emma and guests, cloudy with a chance of meatballs is a fun kids movie, which would be disgusting in real life. If you add the FLDSMDFR, which Drop King informs me stands for Flint Lockwood Diatonic Super Mutating Dynamic Food Replicator and could generate food weather without worries of spoiling or food waste. What would be your ideal food weather day? Also, what seasonal weather would you look forward to? So I believe the question is like in cloudy with a chance of meatballs, they start, it just starts raining meatballs and other things, pizza slices, what ice creams, what have you. Yeah, it would be disgusting nightmare, but yeah, this sounds awful, honestly. I prefer it to rain water
Starting point is 01:37:51 like it does normally. I'm a big fan of dip variety. I love like getting a trio of dipping sauces, but if you want to add more dipping sauces, I'm here for it. Yeah, I would love it if there would be some kind of like shifting ever shifting condiment rain, like it starts out, you got a barbecue sauce, then it kind of a blue cheese front moves in and then kind of ends in a honey mustard storm. I would love that. I would love it if you could just go through all your favorite condiments in one day and just like I'm just picturing like with your corn dog and hold it up and get everything, get it all sauced up. I'm picturing like hot, hot garlic butter falling from the sky and burning people, scalding people on the way down. I feel like for, look, I just
Starting point is 01:38:48 would want a slice. If I could get it like a slice of Virginia, I just put my hand outside. I mean, what better, I mean, or burgers, wrapped burgers, you know, maybe that would be fun if they were, but then that's a lot of garbage and like at least the animals, if they're not wrapped the animal, I guess you're just going to get lucky and catch a burger. But you know, like, I think pizza or burgers, because those are my two favorites or like, you know, Cool Ranch Doritos, I'd put a bowl out or, you know, like some of my favorite, like a Gatorade, I just put it like a bowl, like a big thing to catch the gate, the Gatorade fear strawberry to just have a big pitcher outside and catch a lot of it and then drink it afterwards. I think that
Starting point is 01:39:27 would be great. Would it be cold? Just put your mouth under the, under the storm gutter. Oh my god. And just let it rain Gatorade and leaves into your mouth. Ratchet and also like those are falling from the sky too. And then I think for like seasonal, I think that it would be fun to have snow be like, like slurpees or ice cream even like a slurpee snow would be fun. Like you got flavored snow and you're eating the slurpee snow as you're, as you're making, you know, forts in it. I mean, you would just be like sticky as the issue is that look, I'm a sticky boy. Well, as you know this, but you just, it would be a constant, it would be a constant stick situation. The sort of thing
Starting point is 01:40:12 like if you and I hug where we'd be stuck together, you just be, you just, everything would be, everything would be sticky. It wouldn't be, it wouldn't be pleasant. Yeah. I guess you just have to put the, this is a magical scenario. We kind of have to put together, put aside those real world logistical concerns and just sort of say like, it just falls down and you can eat it and it doesn't ruin anything. So in that scenario, naivete, I said it, naivete. Yeah. In that scenario, I, what you're making me think of is that first off, a hail storm of sushi of various kinds. Oh yeah. You know, give me some, give me some rolls, give me some nigiri, give me some, give me some of everything and, and surprise me,
Starting point is 01:40:52 give me some hand rolls and I can just sort of be like, oh, look at this. I wasn't expecting that. Here we go. You know, little wasabi fog comes through. That's fun. Wigs. I would want Ramalod to fall from the sky. Oh, that's fun. Also, I was saying like Ramalade, like Gatorade. I'm a fool. All right, go ahead. On a sweet treat note, I think if you got a bunch of chocolate truffles, and it was just kind of like, oh, what's going to be in this one? You're just scooping them up and being like, like, oh, here we go. Little vanilla inside. That's good. Yeah. Good answers. We did well. We did a good job. Cloudy, like the meatballs falling from the sky is fun,
Starting point is 01:41:32 but you need spaghetti to fall too is the issue. I think it does. But then I haven't seen that movie in a while. We got it. Yeah. Yeah. A meatball in isolation can be all right. Sure. Just depends on the scenario. That's, you know what? I, I, there, John and Vitties were doing a thing with Delta where they were putting John and Vinnie's like meatballs on the, on the, as the meals on Delta flights. Isn't that wild? Yeah. I mean, hey, I was just going to say there's meatballs flying through the skies. It's like the movie's coming true in many ways. It, it could happen. If it, if it starts raining meatballs, it means a Delta plane has exploded midair. Hopefully not with Mr. Slideside. Less fun. Less fun. If you have a question or comment
Starting point is 01:42:13 about the world of chain restaurants, you can email us at dopeboyspodcast at or leave us a voice melody, 30 Godot. That's 830-4636-844. And to get the Dope Boys Double, our weekly bonus episode every Tuesday. Join the Goldenware Platinum Plate Club at slash Dope Boys. Jordan Morris, I think a lot of our listeners know Bubble, the podcast. Mitch and I both were on it at various points. Mitch is a, is a, is a cast member in it. It is, it is terrific. It's a, it's a, it's a great show. Check it out if you haven't already listened, but also check out the comic. Tell us about that. Yeah. So, uh, Bubble, it's a graphic novel. It's a sci-fi comedy based on the podcast, which I imagine a lot of Dope Boys have heard. There's some Dope Boys DNA. Mitch
Starting point is 01:42:52 is one of the leads. So funny in the show. Uh, Weigar, you helped do punch up on the show. And I know that there's at least one Weigar joke that made it into the comic book. A joke about someone having a thick hog. So if you, if you end up reading the book, uh, take, uh, keep, keep an eye out for that Dope Boys Easter egg. Um, and also, uh, and also just a reminder, uh, just a reminder, write what you know. Tell everyone that's not there. Yeah. Write what you know. And you'll never work a day in your life. Um, and yeah, it is a sci-fi comedy. It is, uh, you know, maybe I would describe it as search party meets guardians of the galaxy. It's about these kind of goofy hipsters. And they live under a, they live under a dome. They live in a bubble, ha, ha, ha. And they kind
Starting point is 01:43:35 of have to participate in this life and death version of the gig economy to survive. And, uh, yeah, the arts by the, uh, great comics artist Tony Cliff, he does the Delilah Dirk series. I co-wrote the script with, uh, Sarah Morgan, who's an awesome comedy writer and, uh, Natalie Reese did the colors. She's from the dungeon critters series. So, uh, awesome, like team of people, uh, worked on this thing. And yeah, it's, it's, it's awesome. I've been a comics, a comics guy my whole life. So tons of fun to get to actually make one. And, uh, if you're listening to this before July 13th, uh, you probably have time to pre-order one if you want to, but if it's after July 13th, just, uh, head down to your, uh, to your local bookery and get
Starting point is 01:44:14 one, maybe, uh, hit up your local indie or your local comic book store. You got five days. Get on it. Yeah. Yeah. Get on it. You fool. So I shouldn't be mean to them. They're gonna grab that pre-order and, uh, yeah. And, and, uh, and hopefully, hopefully everybody likes the book. I think, uh, yeah, there's definitely some, some cool stuff in there that Doe Boyz fans will like. And, uh, yeah, that's, that's it. They're going to love the book because you're one of the funniest guys and one of the best guests that we could, that we could have. One of the funniest. Uh, cut it out. Thanks, guys. Thanks for being here, buddy. A delight to have you. Bubble pre-order or pick up in stores,
Starting point is 01:44:46 the graphic novel July 13th. And hey, that'll do it for this episode of Doe Boyz, till next time. For Mr. Slice Mike Mitchell, I'm Nick Weiger. Happy eating. See ya. Breaking chews. We have an announcement. Announcement. The Doe Boys are going back on the road eventually. Next week, we will be announcing dates and releasing tickets for our first live shows of 2021. Wow. Want to see the sources for this week's intro? Check the episode description.

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