Doughboys - IHOP 5: Minions Menu with Shaun Diston

Episode Date: July 21, 2022

Shaun Diston (Twisted Metal, Fairfax, Scott Hasn't Seen) joins the 'boys to discuss his distaste for subs before a review of the IHOP Minions menu. Plus, another edition of Slop Quiz. Sources for this... week's intro: more Doughboys? Check out our Patreon!: for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up, everybody? It's your boy, The Spoon Man, and I want to talk to you about today's sponsor, Uber Eats. At Uber Eats, we've helped more than 400,000 restaurants across the U.S. reach new, hungry customers and deliver growth quickly through new orders. Uber's global platform can help you grow, reach new people, get valuable sales data, and unlock ways to expand with flexible delivery options. Put your business on Uber Eats. Get access to the Uber Eats platform, including valuable sales data to grow your business. Dig in to your data. Really dig in there. Anytime to monitor your performance and customer order trends. Wow. Wow. Yikes. Restaurant owners enjoy zero percent commission for the
Starting point is 00:00:49 first 30 days on all orders, offer subject to change per the terms of the restaurant agreement. Wow. Zero percent on the first 30 days. Sign up today. That link that you want to click on is down there in the episode description. Right down there. Check it out. There it is. Move your cursor. Go ahead and click. Or if you're on your phone, use your finger and click that link. Click that link in the episode description. To date, 49 films have grossed north of $1 billion at the Worldwide Box Office. And by year's end, that number looks to be at least 50. As 2022's Minions, The Rise of Gru, is on a slow burn trajectory to become the third movie in the Despicable Me franchise to crest the billion-dollar threshold. Launched
Starting point is 00:01:37 in 2010 as a Steve Carell vehicle about a supervillain named Gru whose black heart turns gold via his adoption of three orphaned girls, the film's true stars were his Minions. Little, yellow, different creatures who spoke in gibberish, voiced by co-director Pierre Coffin, and engaged in assorted slapstick and tomfoolery to the delight of children and adults alike. Over the next decade, these gluttonous goons with names like Kevin, Bob, and Stuart became beloved pop culture icons via three mainline and two spin-off films, appreciated both ironically and unironically, often at once, merchandise endlessly, turned into theme park attractions, illustrated in erotic fan art, and enlisted by Facebook ons and political memes. And with
Starting point is 00:02:17 an animal lust for bananas so intrinsic to their mischievous nature, a cross-promotion with a chain restaurant was only fitting. Enter the International House of Pancakes. No stranger to movie-themed menus with its past Horton Here's a Who, Grinch, and Adam's Family breakfasts, and no stranger to stunts with its infamous fake-out i-hob rebrand to launch its burger line. On June 21st, 2022, the Pancake House's Minions menu went live, featuring an array of Despicable Me-inspired breakfast and lunch items. But is this limited release Gru some or Gru V? This episode of Doe Boys, Gru Week concludes as we return to i-hob for the new Minion menu.
Starting point is 00:03:11 Welcome to Doe Boys, the podcast about chain restaurants. I'm Nick Weiger, along with my co-host, Obi-Wan Stromboli, the Spoon Man, Mike Mitchell. Obi-Wan Stromboli. Kent N sent that in. That's a cute one. roastspoonman at A lot of fun. You watching that Obi-Wan, Mitch? The noodles are strong in this one. I didn't even know what to do. I didn't even know what to do. Because yeah, I don't know if noodles is the way to go. What is what is Stromboli? Stromboli is actually it's the stuffed thing, right? It's like a big hot pocket, basically. Yeah. Yeah. It's like a it's like a calzone, but like fully contained. The meatballs around with this one. Is that there you go? That's good.
Starting point is 00:03:52 A meatball Stromboli. Is that his line? I don't know. That's Darth Vader, I think. The forces. Oh, shit. Yeah, that's okay. The meat. Look, it was fucked up from, from the get go. It was fucked up. I didn't, I didn't get anything noting you because your first one was good. Your first one made our guests laugh. That's what's important. We could, we could have just let it go. We could have left it at the noodles are strong in this one. It would have been fine. That was great. That was a very funny ad lib. It's my fault for rejecting. Mitch, I was, I had a dentist day this morning. I went and got my pearly whites all shined up. Yeah. So that's a, I've got a lot of, a lot of mouth action today. Little, little,
Starting point is 00:04:33 little dentist work, little eating, a lot of talking. I'm sure you have. I'm sure it was a big mouth day. What does that mean? I, what do you think it means? I don't know. It doesn't mean anything. I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm quickly trying to look up the, I'm, I'm quickly trying to look up the, the drop for today. I can't find it. Oh boy. Which is, you know, that's on drop king. He still is the, he's the master of drops still. And he has, and, and so maybe I just pick a random one, I guess. Sounds like he's dropping the ball. What are you, it's true. Drop King's dropping the ball. Wags, what a, what did your dentist say? He's, well, first off, he said, and, and I mentioned this on this preview, on the previous
Starting point is 00:05:28 Doughboys double, but he said, I was wearing a white head band and he said, it looked like Bjorn Borg, the tennis star. That's right. Which was very nice. And then he, yeah, he said my teeth were in good shape. I have problems with staining. At one point he thought I was, I was a smoker because I get like, like dark stains in the back of my teeth, but it's just from drinking coffee. But my staining's been better. I've been wearing my night guard. So I've been grinding my teeth at night. So yeah, clean bill of health, at least as far as the mouth is concerned. Mouth's going great. That's great. Yeah. You know, I was going to try to make some sort of joke about you sucking your own
Starting point is 00:06:05 dick, but I just, I just, I just decided not to. Like if the dentist is like, no more of that, your back molars are, are, you know what I mean? Something like that. Or maybe something about right. Or about how your teeth are like extra white from, you know what I mean? Sure. Yeah. That's a direction to go from ejaculate. The noodle is all strong with this one. Look, it's just the way things are going. I want to say this. I've gotten a lot of shit. I'm the villain in the bike story because I want, because I, how am I the villain in the bike story? Okay. Cause I wanted the bike. We don't need to relitigate this. You don't need
Starting point is 00:06:51 to read people's feedback. We know you and this, you and I know it's transpired in the bike stories between us. It's fine. Oh, interesting. You don't want to say what's transpired in the bike story. Do you want me to say, do you want me to say it? Cause it's your thing. No, no, no, I'll say it. I will say it. Okay. After the bike story, before any, before I got any of the feedback that I was being the baby and I emailed our advertiser person and I said, send the bike to Y's. And I didn't tell you very nice. Very nice. You told me this. And I didn't, I didn't tell you, I didn't tell you this. I told you this just the other day. And, and this is before the episode released. And then I see this episode where everyone's saying, I'm the villain in the bike
Starting point is 00:07:32 story. They're calling me like Pee Wee's big adventure. Who's the fat guy in Pee Wee's big adventure? I don't remember the character's name. He's great though. Yeah, they're, they're comparing me to him. They're saying that you, for whatever reason, you're not the baby. I'm the baby. It's like Sherman or Norman or something. Francis. That's what it is. Francis. It is. In that, in that world. Yeah. Well, I'm not the baby. I know it's not the mama, but I'm not the baby. You're the baby. He thinks he doth protest too much. Oh, shut up. You tilt your camera down. You're wearing a diaper. I'm the baby. Gotta love it. I'm the baby. That was Mitch, Mitch, Mitch. It was, look, we, we,
Starting point is 00:08:14 we, this was a thing we talked about on, on our Doughboys Doubler Patreon episode. We talked about that, that there was a, look, hey, it's a, it's a wonderful problem to have. We're advertising a, an upcoming advertiser was going to offer a bike to us to test out their product and, but they only had one bike for two podcast hosts and we each wanted the bike and it was a little bit of a, of a brouhaha, but it's, was settled in a very collegial way and that you gifted the bike to your more, the more active co-host. Oh, shut the fuck up. I don't mean that in a, I don't mean that in a negative way. I mean, the guy who's more likely to use the bike is getting the bike. That's such bullshit. You know what? I'm gonna email him and tell him that you can only
Starting point is 00:08:57 send the bike to you if they put training wheels on it. You fucking baby. Do you have a drop? It was very nice, Mitch. It was a lovely gesture. I do have a drop. All right. Hold on a second. Shut up. Here we go. I'm not the villain. Shut up. People don't get jokes. All these fucking idiots, all these idiots who listen to these fucking shows, they don't get jokes. Mitch is cranky. I'm trying to be funny. I'm not funny, you dumb assholes. Don't listen to podcasts. They take everything fucking literally. You are funny, but you also are cranky. Oh, shut the fuck up. You're cranky too. Yeah, of course. I just am real. Sometimes you're genuinely cranky. I'm real. All right, here we go. Wags, here it is. A little drop.
Starting point is 00:09:52 Okay. What's cranky all about? Tell me. It's like fantasy sports, but you crank it. Got it. You crank it. Damn, that's good. You know, sometimes I think the drops can just be really good if it's just a good song. Sure. You know, that's a fun song. You know, Soldier Boy, it's a fun song. Yeah. Nice pellet to work with. What? Like, it's like a nice baseline. You've got like a nice like, hey, you say nice pellet to work with? Pallet to work with. Oh, I thought you said pellet. No, pallet. I'm gonna say pallet. It sounds like pellet. All right, here we go. Hi, everyone. Pallet. Hi, everyone. Dan from the Dose Squad here. Hi, Dan. Hi, Dan. I made a little drop based
Starting point is 00:11:04 off of the Monty's Good Burger episode. Hope you dig it. Thanks for being my favorite podcast, and thanks to Mitch for not following my wife on Twitter or Instagram. Nothing. I don't have her handle. I will. Love and Smooch is Dan at Dan Fonder on all social media stuff. All right. I'm gonna, I'll connect the dots. I'll figure out who your wife is. PS, Burger Lords is the best. Oh, I'm sorry. Burger Lords is the better vegan burger spot in Los Angeles. Don't tell Monty, I said that. Wow. I've heard this about Burger Lords. And Burger Lords, I believe, is, yeah, it's in there. There's one in Chinatown in LA. So, yeah, we should try it out at some point. Is there one in Long Beach, too? No, I'm wrong. I'm thinking of a different place. There's one
Starting point is 00:11:54 in Highland Park. Wise. We spent too much time. Look, I get rightfully mad at the listeners because they are fools. But we should, we should introduce our guest, a great guest. We're very, very excited to have him back. A writer, actor, and comedian from Twisted Metal, Fairfax, season two on Amazon Prime, and Scott hasn't seen, which you can find at Sean Diston. Hi, Sean. Why, Spoon Man, good to be here. Good to be here. Great to have you back. What a delight to have you back on the show. Before we start, I do just want to say, yes, Parmesan cheese are a microscopic life form that resides within all living cells. I guess I'll have to add that. That's really good. If the noodles are strong.
Starting point is 00:12:44 Good to be here, guys. What a delight. How the fuck are you guys? I know you were talking about being the villain earlier, Spoon Man. I do think, on this episode, being the villain could be a good thing. Wow. What a preview. It's very true. What a nod to the premise of the franchise that we're going to be discussing. But I do want to talk before we get into that. So, Diston, we like to bring back a lot of our favorite guests for Munch Madness every year, the tournament champions. And we went out to you and were like, hey, we'd love to have you on for Munch Madness 2022, the tournament champions heroes journey suboptimal. This was back in March. And you replied, and I have this quoted here. Okay, here we go. I'd love to come back on,
Starting point is 00:13:28 but I'd be a bad guest for this Munch Madness. I don't really fuck with subs. Yeah. You don't fuck with subs. You don't hear that often, huh? You don't hear that someone doesn't fuck with subs. This was huge to watch. This must have been shocking for you guys. There's other revelations to come. Slack John. I got to say, but yeah, I don't fuck with subs. Look, there's something about making a sandwich and then just like wetting it down with oil that just is a disgusting thing to me. I don't like a mushy, nasty sub. I don't know. I like deconstruct everything I'm eating. You know what I mean? But I'm not saying I'm normal. I'm a freak. I knew it was wrong from the very beginning. No, I'm just fascinated. A conventional sandwich though, like a non-sub
Starting point is 00:14:18 sandwich you're all right with. It all depends. You know, like, look, you had the conversation about Bon Mise. Yes. That's a sub-adjacent sandwich I really like. I'm from Florida, so you guys have probably heard from fans down there that the public's chicken's tender sub is kind of a hitter. But that is a sub. It's not a sub in your mind. I got it. It's specifically all the juices on there. Yeah, it's just like the fucking cold cuts and like wet lettuce. And then it's like, oh, can I add more jizz on top of it? Sure. Don't care. You know. Wow. So I'm a freak. What can I say? If you're in a fix and you're like, well, shit, it's it's get like, you sub way, just for example, like get it something from Subway or not eat. Like, what are you opt for?
Starting point is 00:15:11 I, from Subway in particular, man, I mean, I could probably get like a meatball sub. But here's another. This is going to be tough. Maybe we've talked about this before, but like, not only do I not fuck with subs, I don't fuck with cheese. Yes. I remember this discussion. Oh, yeah. It makes it harder in the sub world because I know so much of that is like, oh, what's the good cheese that's going to be on this? So like, I'd have my favorite so but yeah, I would have a meatball sub, but like, it would just be fucking meatballs and and fucking marinara. Right. And you know, the Parmesan cheese is not strong in my, my living cells. Like, I don't fuck with cheese. So I'm a freak, you know, it's hard. I like that why I said it's either Subway
Starting point is 00:16:01 or nothing, which like some sub fans would even be like nothing. Why not like Jersey Mike's or something like not why not like a, I guess Jersey Mike's is even sloppier. You might like Jersey Mike's less because they got a sloppy sub. I'm talking about a situation like, hey, I'm, I've got jury duty and there's a food court across the street and or there's, there's, there's, there's a strip mall across the street that has a subway and it's like, it's that or grab something from like the court cafeteria and fuck it. I'll just make, I'll just make the best of it and try to get something salvageable from Subway. Like that sort of situation. I would just strip club across the street that has a subway. Oh, that changes everything. Okay. So I would get three cookies
Starting point is 00:16:44 and a bunch of ones to make it rain on the dance floor for the strip. Throw those cookies out there too. Yeah, probably throw a cookie or two. But yeah, like, you know what another thing about subs is, is like someone else making it, even at Subway where it's like, I watch them make it. By the time I'm eating it, the whole concept of it becomes so disgusting. Like, I think if I were making a sandwich at home, it would be better. But that, it's like a weird mental thing. I don't know what to say. I don't fuck with subs. I'm glad I didn't do it. Guys at a good tournament. God bless you. Wow. We're happy to have you on for this episode. Yeah. Again, cheese and subs, two of my favorite foods.
Starting point is 00:17:24 They're out there. Yeah, they both have slots on the food pyramid. I will say I've been eating a lot more pizza recently. Like, I think I'm down with pizza. And I think I'm coming to this place where I'm like, cheese that's kind of cooked is good. Just a slab of fucking stinky blue cheese or something. I'm not really into it. So it might be a textural issue. That might be part of it. It might be. You're unleashing evil Mitch. That's kind of like Gru. Oh, yes. The sound of cooked cheese turns it get some horny. You know, Gru being perceived as a villain, but then gifting a bike to his good friend
Starting point is 00:18:04 is the kind of gesture that he would do. It's like, oh, you know what he, there's a heart under that rough exterior. You can't make me the people like me. They hang around with me and they like me. I hang out. I hang out with people. I have friends. I hang out with people. You, this is the difference between you and I hang out with my wife. Okay. Gru has hundreds of minions that he hangs out with. Are the minions the Boston crew? Maybe. But, you know, before we talk about even minions, I got a question for you guys. The last time I did the podcast, we did talk about Star Wars and I went out of my way to and I purchased a $20 audio book for the both of you and I sent it to you and I said,
Starting point is 00:18:54 just read, give it a listen. It's good Star Wars, you know, have either of you listened to one minute of the Star Wars High Republic novel, The Light of the Jedi. I have The Light of the Jedi in my queue on my audio book, the app on Audible, but I have not listened to it yet. I am currently listening to the Nowhere Office, which is about telecommuting. So when I'm done with that, I do want to listen to it. I've been meaning to listen to it. I thought Nowhere Office was like an office recap pod. B.J. Novak and somebody else like discusses every episode of the office. Pam's ex-boyfriend or something.
Starting point is 00:19:38 Bonaire is, I was trying to do a Boston banana. That's good. That's tough stuff. Hey, you know, I love Star Wars. I'm going to continue to push you guys into being fans of it again. I did listen to your episode where you talked about the next generation and I am watching all of Star Trek kind of right now. I'm loving it. I'm watching Voyager and next generation kind of at the same time, and it's great. Is it better than Star Wars? I don't think you can compare the two. They can coexist. They can peacefully coexist. Jack Allison made a hard turn into Star Trek. He's watching all Star Trek. He's watched every,
Starting point is 00:20:16 like he's basically doing, I feel like, what you now are doing, Sean. He's working his way through all of it, which just seems... I might skip over the Picard series or whatever, but... Sure. The thing about Star Trek that's great is it's very episodic and every episode just goes into a hard science fiction idea and that's not at all what Star Wars is, so comparing them like you guys did the entire episode is absolutely crazy. I don't know why you did that. Why is our firm Matt from Paramount sent me a big set of Star Trek stuff? He sent me the entire... There's one box that he sent me that's like fucking covers everything. It's got the
Starting point is 00:20:57 original series and all the movies and stuff and I... Look, just as a sci-fi and movie fan, I've said this before, I've never seen Wrath of Khan. I've never seen that movie and I know that it's just like... Great movie. Considered to be one of the great sci-fi movies, so I gotta at least watch the Star Trek movies. Maybe I'll do that soon. Yeah, I think they're worth watching. I mean, they're all fun and some of them are really good. I think my dad's rule used to be the evens, like two, four, and six are the ones that are really... I think they're all... I'll even defend one to some degree. One is kind of a mess, but it's really
Starting point is 00:21:35 an interesting, they take some big swings. Which is the one where they're on Earth? Is that three? Four is the... Four, they're going back in time and that's the whale's one, so yeah, that's the one. So four is good. The whale's one is good. It's directed by the Nemoi, isn't it? Yeah, I think Nemoi does a couple of them. I think that is one of his. Yeah, two, four, and six, but hey, I like them all. It is three where they're on Earth, Nick? Where they come back to Earth? I'm getting them confused in my head. Four is the one where they go back in time and they're on Earth
Starting point is 00:22:08 and there's whales involved. Three is the search for Spock, and so there's like a new world where they're trying to find like a, you know, Spock who, spoiler alert, may not be around by the end of Wrath of Khan the previous century, but it's... What the fuck? Well, like I'm keeping it vague. He said spoiler alert. Hey, to boldly go where no noodle has gone before. There you go. Yeah, that's good. I also want to mention, Sean, you had a bunch of alts for... We ended up calling our tournament Heroes' Journey suboptimal, and you said it, you replied with a bunch of alts. Yes, because I, look, I was working on the television show Twisted Metal, so I'm sitting in my
Starting point is 00:22:53 office and I'm in work mode, baby. I'm pitching alts all day, so I must have sent you like 15 alts. Here's what you sent. This is pre stew. This is before I even knew of stew. It was before you were cast, yeah. Also, can I pitch Heroes' Journey sub and basketball, and you recreate this photo of them kissing and holding a sub. Let me share this screen real quick. I thought that that would hit with some of your African-American fans, you know? There you go. Sean, I love that. That's great. There you go. That's a great movie. That would be that. It's the two of us would be kissing, the two of you kissing and holding a basketball above their heads. Yeah, that was us. People would love that. A few more of yours you
Starting point is 00:23:34 have. None of the rest aren't that good, but we'll see. From Russia with sub, sub actually, for the sub of the game, the sub guru and a sub story. Right. Well, you know, some of those are good. Some of those are good, but look, suboptimal, you cannot do it. Now that you say it, I think maybe all your alts were better than suboptimal. For the sub of the game is really, really good. But see, when you hear Nick do all of that, like when you hear Nick wind up and do the whole like reading out the thing and at the end it gets to suboptimal, that's pretty funny. That's good. It's good. You know what? The tournament was a huge success. Huge, huge. I had fun. You've changed the game. So you're not eating. Okay. So if you're
Starting point is 00:24:27 not a sub guy, you're generally not a sandwich guy. What is your typical lunch? Do you get a salad? Do you get a bowl? You know, my typical lunch is God, these days mostly just a fucking smoothie. Is that sick? Just a smoothie. Yeah, kind of sick. I think it's healthy. I did like, all right. So like in 2018, I was like intermittent fasting for a really long time. And I got used to just like not eating during the day. And if I'm trying to work at all, if I eat any, like we would have twisted metal, like there'd be days where they're like, hey, for fun, we're going to get shake shack. Like that afternoon was like fucking gone. I can't work at all after eating. So it's like, I generally will skip the sort of lunchtime,
Starting point is 00:25:15 like I get why a sub is so great for lunch. Just pick it up. You're fucking munching on it. You know, from, yeah, I would get like bowls and stuff when we went, when we did like lunch orders at work and it was fine. I'd pick at it and then I'd throw it away. What can I say? I'm a privileged writer. They bought me lunch. I threw that shit away. What's your, what's your smoothie game then? What do you have? What do you put in a smoothie game? All right. So if I'm making it at home, I'm throwing an apple and a banana in there, a banana banana. It's in there. I'm throwing in maybe some ginger if I have it, some oat milk, and then I'll fill the rest of the thing with whatever green I have, mostly baby spinach. Yeah. And I'll crush a bright green smoothie down,
Starting point is 00:26:05 you know? That's great. Does that aid your digestion? Do you feel better, more energetic? Yeah, I feel pretty good. Sometimes if I put too much ginger in there, it fucks me up big time. But yeah, I like it. It's something that'll make me not feel hungry and then I'll not worry about eating till I get to dinner. And then the problem is when I eat dinner, I like to eat two dinners. By the time you get to dinner, it's a flawed system, I must say. Very flawed. I gotta eat more ginger and more mint. The stuff like ginger is just good for your immune system and then mint is good for your stomach. I'm like, why aren't I just like consuming more of that constantly? I don't know why.
Starting point is 00:26:53 I'm constantly getting sick, constantly having stomach issues. That's pretty tough. You know, those like ginger shots, you know, you can get like, those really hit hard. And yeah, just like buying a little bunch of ginger and then shaving off the outside and throwing it in a blender, it's fucking solid. Like, it feels like it's more work than it is, but it really is. It really isn't. I was doing smoothies for a while, Wigs. Yeah, using some athletic greens, sponsored content. Is there a code? There you go. I toss them athletic green.
Starting point is 00:27:26 Oh yeah, code DOBOYS20. 20% off your first order. Actually, I don't know if that's what it is. It might just be DOBOYS. He's looking at us now. It might just be DOBOYS. I'll look it up. I usually cover the athletic greens. I'm more of the athletic greens guy. I, yeah, it's just something I did. A morning smoothie, I think, is a great way to do it. Yogurt. Wigs is a big yogurt guy. We're on a text chain where it shares yogurt picks. Oh, I didn't send my yogurt pick yet today. Hold on. Oh, great. Okay.
Starting point is 00:27:58 You gotta, you gotta, if you've got a text chain where you're sending yogurt picks, you gotta stop your podcast and send one. No, I want to show this to you. I want to show this to you guys because we're on this topic. Oh, got you. There you go. I don't know if you can see that. Oh, that's pretty good. Yeah, some fresh strawberries that I got from Costco and some pecan halves, and then a bunch of full fat Greek yogurt. A lot of fun. We text with Dunktown about yogurt. That's pretty solid.
Starting point is 00:28:20 Yeah. That's a good breakfast. And I don't think I've ever sent a yogurt pick. You've sent a pick with white, like, liquid in it. John, it's funny you say that because I have, I've used wigs of that on probably multiple occasions. Yeah. There was one that you sent that was an empty yogurt bowl. I mean, they, they, they think it's funny. You, you, I mean, you, you sent a bowl that was like, had like the remnants of yogurt on it,
Starting point is 00:28:48 and it looked nothing but a bowl that you had finished into. And I don't know, I don't know why you would send the fin, I don't know why you would send a bowl with no yogurt. I forgot to send the pre-pick. So I was like, here's the after a post pick. Yeah. Here's the after pick after eight, my, after eight, my Gert. And then you say something like, and it was all over your stomach. So Mitch basically replies something to that effect. And then, you know, two ha ha's from Dunktown. They love it. So. Couple ha ha's. Give me the ha ha's. I'll take goba ha ha's.
Starting point is 00:29:23 Wags out now. It is, the, the code is just DOBOYS, slash DOBOYS. To make it easy, Athletic Greens is going to give you an immune supporting free one-year supply of vitamin D and five travel packs with your first purchase. If you visit slash DOBOYS today. Cool. Again, simply visit slash DOBOYS today. Control of your health and give AG1 a try. Nick's eyes rolled in the back of his head as he rolled.
Starting point is 00:29:45 He snapped it to like some sort of automatic, like I must read copy. It's impressive. Like a men's hat from Dune. Yeah. It is impressive. I, I look just eating breakfast in general. Hey, this goes into what we're talking about today because there's a big breakfast component here. I wanted to talk a little bit about this upcoming movie and grew. Wags, you're excited for this fucking rise of minions. Yeah. Did we say what we're even doing in this episode? Right? We haven't quite gotten to it yet, but the, but the, uh,
Starting point is 00:30:16 Are we just going to say IHOP? I think we'll put IHOP minions or minions IHOP menu, something like that in the, in the show. We'll figure it out. Anyway, the, we'll, we'll, we'll say what it is in the episode title and I'll say what it is in the intro when I figure that out. There's no better way to, and you know what, even if it is a surprise, there's no better way to let the guests know by discussing what we're going to do right now before we say it, that we're doing the minions rise of grew fucking IHOP menu. Yeah. Again, check out slash do boys. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:30:50 So the, so we have a, uh, yeah, we'll, we'll figure that out. But yeah, as of this episode's release, I'll definitely have seen the rise of grew, the, the, the second minions movie, uh, which is the fifth and the Despicable Me franchise, because it's coming out this upcoming weekend recording this advance. You're going to see it 4th of July night, correct? Yeah. So I'll show my patriotism. Um, I've, red, white, and grew as far as I'm concerned. And we'll, we'll have a, no, we'll have a, uh. Have they done that? They've had to have done that. They've had to have said they've done that.
Starting point is 00:31:19 Red, white. We probably titled an episode red, white, and grew. We titled an episode. That's what we did. That is what it's from. You stole it from us. Red, white, and grew with Jen D'Angelo. Uh, might've been, might've been, I feel like we did. Mary Holland on McKenna. Yeah. For a, for a, for a Minions episode. Yeah. Yeah. When you look up red, white, and grew the dough boys are the first thing that comes up. Oh my God. Red, white, and grew is like a great,
Starting point is 00:31:50 they should make like a short film of red, white, and grew anyways. I'm, look, I'll go, I have to see it for the, for the podcast. I don't remember almost anything from that first Minions movie. Boy, you're going to be completely lost. Do you know the, the, the how it ends though? It's very important. I don't remember how it ends. And all I know about the new one is that young grew looks like an improv coach. We'll be back with more dough boys.
Starting point is 00:32:24 You know, Mitch, you're about to take a little trip abroad. You're going to Costa Rica. That's right. Why? So I'm going to Costa Rica with the family. It's going to be a lot of fun. Going to maybe see a monkey. Oh, that's fun. Going to maybe see a bird. Just that, just a one monkey, one bird. That's it. Hey, that sounds like a heck of a vacay. And you know what? Knowing some Spanish might be helpful down there. Nice. And if you have an upcoming summer trip abroad, my go-to travel hack is Babel. Whether you're a season traveler or embarking on your first
Starting point is 00:32:55 adventure, communication is key to fully experiencing a new culture. That's where Babel comes in. Babel is the language learning app that sold more than 10 million subscriptions. Thanks to Babel's addictively fun and easy bite-sized language lessons, there's still time to learn a new language before you reach your destination. You know, Mitch, I've been taking some Babel lessons in Spanish a little bit. And it's a great benefit just in terms of having some conversational knowledge of another language. With Babel, you only need 10 minutes to complete a lesson, so you can start having real-life conversation in as little as three weeks, wigs.
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Starting point is 00:34:07 Start your new language learning journey today with Babel. And right now, get up to 55% off your subscription when you go to slash doughboys. That's slash doughboys for up to 55% off your subscription, Babel. Language for life. on your to-do list. Too busy to cook this spring with factors, skip the trip to the grocery store, and skip the chopping, prepping, and cleaning up. You can skip all of it, Wags. Skip all of it because factors fresh never frozen meals already in just two minutes,
Starting point is 00:34:54 so all you have to do is heat and enjoy, then get back outside and soak up that warmer weather. Looking for calorie-conscious options this spring, Wags? Try delicious, dietitian-approved, calorie-smart meals with around or less than 550 calories per serving. We offer delicious, flavor-packed options on the menu each week to fit a variety of lifestyles, from keto to calorie-smart, vegan and veggie, and protein plus. Prepared by chefs and approved by dietitians, each meal has all of the ingredients you need to feel satisfied all day long while meeting your goals. With 34-plus chef-prepared dietitian-approved weekly options, there's always something new
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Starting point is 00:36:07 Head to slash doughboys50 and use code DOBOYS50 to get 50% off your first box. That's code DOBOYS50 at slash DOBOYS50 to get 50% off your first box. Do it. Welcome back to Doughboys here with our guest, Sean Distin, as we discuss iHOP, which was founded in 1958 in Toluca Lake, California, owned by Dine Brands Global, which also owns Applebee's, a couple of heavy hitters, one in the breakfast, one in the lunch and dinner side. Here's something. I hop a dibba-dop. I have a question for you. Did they ever do that? No, no, no, no. Finish it. Finish it. Yeah. I dibba-dop-dop. I hop a dibba-dop-dop. Ooh.
Starting point is 00:36:51 Yum. Yeah, that's good. Oh, that's good. That's good. The yum is that that's what I needed. They should do that because they have done some stunts in recent years. They did, including iHOP, their burgery brand, if you remember Mitch, we reviewed that in the podcast. That was unhinged, I thought. That was an unhinged marketing. That was wild. That was grue-esque. It was. It was a grue-esque heel turn. To go back to it, he does look like an improv coach, right? He looks like an improv. Can we go back to it for a second? Yeah, we should. Yeah, he does. He does. He looks like he's on, yeah, he looks like he's on a weekend team, but everyone's like, that team, they shouldn't be a
Starting point is 00:37:31 team anymore. They're all kind of checked out. Every improv coach that has a set of hair like young grue, they will eventually age to be bald, like old evil grue. It's going to happen. Then the scarf and the black jacket just feels very, are you pulling it up, Wags? Yeah, I mean, I got to pick up Amy here. You want to see it for everyone's reference? Okay, hold on. He just looks like an improv coach. Here we go. Oh, here we go. Here we go. Yeah, he's got the overcoat. He's got the... That's an improv coach. The face. The little trailing t-shirt, yeah, the smug face, smug expression, raised eyebrows. You got to pay that guy $80?
Starting point is 00:38:22 Yeah. And you got to give him a parking space. Like he doesn't want to find street parking. So someone's got to give up their apartment parking space. That guy's just like, look, if you want to do a good second beat, you've got to go analogous, he says. What are you talking about? Yeah, we all did that, huh? Yeah. We sure did. And look at us now. He's an 11 in this movie. Wags will never do improv again. Sean, you still... I'm retired.
Starting point is 00:38:56 I'll do it every once in a while, but I'm terrified of getting COVID. So I basically won't, but yeah, and I'm probably bad at this point. I haven't done improv in like a couple years. Who cares? It's... Mitch and I both had COVID recently, and it came pretty clearly. There's a pretty clear connection between our touring for live performance. So yeah, it's like... Yeah. So you being afraid to do it is... You're right. I want to be locked in a black box with a bunch of fucking grooves breathing on me. I don't want that. 11 year old grooves.
Starting point is 00:39:31 I do want to talk about this movie because Nick, I know like you like the Minions, but you genuinely like the movies. Yeah, they're a lot of fun. Interesting. I watched Despicable Me for Scott hasn't seen, and I was surprised that it was actually pretty good. I didn't hate it. And then I watched the sequels. There's diminishing returns, but then I watched this morning. I watched the first Minions movie. Just why not? And it's crazy to me that you love these movies.
Starting point is 00:40:05 But that's okay. But you love these movies, and you're a man who's critical of other movies. Here's another thing I thought, because the... And I don't know if you know this, Mitch, but Despicable Me is like this trilogy, and then the Minions movie and this next one are like a prequel... Looks like they're setting up a prequel trilogy. So in my mind, there's going to be like another sequel series that everyone hates that Kevin is on an island, and he's like training by himself. Kevin also has tits. Which one has tits? One of them has like... Well, now I think that just made you googled Kevin with tits. Because I don't think I saw any of them with boobs.
Starting point is 00:40:58 In the commercial, one of them has big old boobs. One of the Minions has boobs. Weigher, I know that you know this. Yeah, that's my fan art. I don't know which Minion it is that has that. I have to study it. The little one is Bob. The small... The short squat one with a hetero-cryma who's got the two different colored eyes. That's Bob. Okay, while Mitch looks this up, Nick, follow me on this analogy. Is it not very much so like Star Wars? The original trilogy is about this bad guy who gets turned away from the dark side by his children. And then in the third one, he's tempted to go the other way when he finds out he has a secret family member. And then the prequel... No, I don't know if any of
Starting point is 00:41:48 this is real, but it really was funny to me to think about this morning. This could be nine movies in a bunch of Disney Plus series, just about these fucking little Minions. I'm sure it will be. I mean, Minions... The last Minion... The Minions movie. Minions. And I'm not sure about Despicable Me 3. I might also have done it, but Minions, the spin-off movie, the first prequel that this is a sequel to, did a billion dollars in worldwide box-ups. Yeah, when I looked that up, I was like, enormously successful. I mean, I guess that makes sense. If you live in LA and you drive down the 101, you see a giant Minion peeking over Universal Studios. And I always wondered, why the fuck did they do
Starting point is 00:42:28 that? Like, is that popular? But they fucking made a billion dollars. Yeah, it's a huge franchise. I love your Star Wars analogy, by the way. And also, I think you could pretty directly connect the Minions to the Stormtroopers, a bunch of inept underlings that are comic relief. The clone... They're like the clone, you know, totally, totally. All right, so you're telling me this is fan art? This is fan art? You're telling me this is fan art? Yeah. Mitch shared a picture of a one-eyed Minion with a huge rack using the toilet, and the caption implies that they are going number two. And the butt sticks out further than the boobs.
Starting point is 00:43:17 Large ass, very large ass. Holy shit, I can't hold it anymore. And then the other Minion is saying me neither. But the one Minion is, the one thing I can't hold anymore, I guess, is like saying they had to go to the bathroom. Yeah, they have a face of distress, like they really are like about to shit. And then the other Minion, are they implying that this Minion is jerking off? I think so. He can't hold it anymore. He couldn't hold it anymore either, which is... That's pretty fucked. The way that ass is angled, that would not be going in the bowl. No. Like that's that's making a mess. Absolutely not. Look, there was, I saw Bob's got titties in the new movie, spoiler alert. It happens at some point.
Starting point is 00:44:01 I do think they like dress as a woman or something a couple of times throughout the series for like a gag. Yeah, like a coconut bra, sure. Yeah. Um, look, I'm going to see the movie. I'm not super excited about it. I like, hey, I love the movies. Any big summer movie. This is, this is, this is fun. But Sean, I'm with you. It's just, why is this an enigma? Why does he like these movies? What is he pretending? What's the game here? He is critical. All those stuff. He took a turn on Star Wars when there was backlash to Star Wars. He said that he wanted to kill JJ Abrams after he watched Star Wars. My initial reaction to Force Awakens was pretty negative, but I came around on it.
Starting point is 00:44:43 I appreciate it for what it was and I really liked it. He said that he watched it and then he also didn't like last Jedi, but then he's changed on that too. Do you see my signed Ray photograph here on the back behind me? Sean's my Force Awakens. I love Ray. Now I think that you're doing a thing that Nwiger is with, with, with the minions. I like things. People like things sometimes. I like, I like a lot of stuff. I love stuff. You don't like Ray talking to Unkar Plutt. I mean, come on. That's a blast. Shit slaps. It's great. But Tristan Metal is what I'm excited about. I'm excited about it too. I'm excited about it too. Was it a virtual room? It was half and half. Like we were not quite
Starting point is 00:45:30 cleared and then we got cleared and we worked in the room. And I got to say, I'm excited, you guys. Look, if you're a fan of Mitch and if you saw him in the Tomorrow War, which I felt like he was great in, but like I thought criminally underused. Wow, thank you. In Twisted Metal, it's going to be a Spoon Man tour de force. I have to say it. I'm excited. The shit we wrote. This is, this is just making, this is making my damn day. I mean, the guy jizzes every episode. When we, when we were thinking, who's it going to be? We all looked at each other and we said, you think it would up? Who's the actor with the shortest refractory period? Like Mitchell. He wants to do all his own stunts, he says. And you know what? I'm going to use that famous
Starting point is 00:46:23 Minion line. I couldn't hold it anymore. Good Lord. They don't actually speak English. Anyway, let's talk about the Minion menu at IHOP. So I'll say this. I did a little solo mission and I went to the IHOP. Mitch, we couldn't arrange any sort of time the two of us could meet and for a number of reasons. So I went on my own. I went on a solo mission to one near where we live. Yeah. I'll fill Sean in on this. Sean, I'm back here for a short period of time. Going back down to the bayou. Why is it back down to the bayou? Oh, the bayou. Okay. The bayou. That's right. You hear any good bayou stories lately? Well, I heard there was a crawdad got his hands on a banjo. Like how this crawdad
Starting point is 00:47:13 played that banjo? Turns out he sold his soul to the devil. Oh, that damn devil. A collective souls. That's what he is. Now what the hell are you guys doing? We were doing a podcast and then all of a sudden we've been having a lot of fun with the hacky. The something that Adam Sandler was making fun of when he did Cajun Man. Yes. Love it. The water being like a non character. We've decided that we're going to have a lot of fun with that while there's some New Orleans filming. I think YG should come down in New Orleans. He won't, but I think that he should. YG's August hottest time of the year. It's going to be like 100% humidity and 100 degrees. But I will say, I think you should go YG because I don't know if you guys have gone down there to do
Starting point is 00:48:05 any shows, but people claim that the best fried chicken you can get there is Popeyes. And I'd love for you guys to sort of try the Popeyes there and see the difference between what it is in California. Look, I think YG should come down. I think it's worth it. Mitch went to the Raisin Canes in Louisiana down in New Orleans, which is there. That's where that originated. And you had a nice time. Close to undercooked, but also it was great. And also they just gave you Louisiana hot sauce with each order. Didn't even ask of it, and it was given to me. But anyways, the Bayou, look, we love the Bayou. God bless that poor crawdad who sold his soul. But Wags, I was, I was, I was, wait, why did I even say that I was down on the Bayou?
Starting point is 00:49:00 Oh, you were trying to say it. You're trying to complain about something. Yeah, I'm complaining about something. I'm mid complain. Oh, I got distracted. It's time for me to go a little grew. I got distracted mid complain. But I didn't want to do anything difficult. I didn't want to, I'm only here for a few days. Got to go back down to the Bayou. Now, Wags, you heard any good Bayou stories recently? Well, now I heard about this crawdad got himself a harmonica. How did that crawdad learn how to play that harmonica? Well, how did that, how did a crawdad learn to play a harmonica?
Starting point is 00:49:40 He's honking on Bobo like Steven Tyler from Aerosmith. Well, it turns out he sold his soul to the devil. Oh, God damn that devil. Oh, guys, there's more than just crawdads down there. No, no, no. There are gators. That's right. There's a gator down there. Yeah. On the last episode of the recorder, we told about a 15 minute long story about a gator. And to the point where our guest, Elana Johnson, was like, what are you guys doing? Stop doing this. Oh, well, you heard me say that exact thing. I mean, yes. It seems like that's the result. Consecutive guests have gotten mad at us. It's the result that everyone just bewildered. You know what I mean? Maybe you shouldn't go to New Orleans.
Starting point is 00:50:26 This is the real sucks. Imagine trying to say anything but this crawdad thing in New Orleans. Look, he should come down. I don't think you will. I've been in New Orleans once. I had a lovely time. It was actually, we had a, we had a blast. It's my favorite city in the world, I gotta say. It's incredible. Your favorite city in the world. What do you like to be down there? I love it. It's everything drinking. The last time I went, I went on a fucking swap tour, which was something I thought I was going to hate. And it was the most fucking fun thing I've ever done. I'm going on the fourth. Oh, it's great. I'm going on. I'm going on a swap tour. It's hot as shit, trust me. But once the boat starts moving, you're all right. I love that. And apparently,
Starting point is 00:51:12 they said you can't just pick up an alligator and chomp on it. So just make sure you don't do that. I'm going to tell him right at the front. No dice. They're protected. You know what I'm going to do? I'm going to tell them when we're on that airboat. I'm going to, when it gets a little too hot, I'm going to say, flip that fan around for a minute. Flip that fan around. Let it blow on me. Blow you right off the boat. I saw a gator. I went, I went, I went traveling around. I told why is this? I went, I went to Delacroix. I went down to Delacroix, which then I was listening to my iPod on shuffle and Bob Dillon sings about Delacroix and tangled up in blue. I just randomly came on and he's in like
Starting point is 00:51:52 that, you know, just right before that I had been in Delacroix and I was in St. Bernard. I was looking all around. I looked at the house where the last exorcism was shot in, which was kind of cool. Like I was just trying to see like spooky, swampy New Orleans and it was, it was great. And there was a gator popped his head out. When you were in St. Bernard, did the Beethoven soundtrack start playing as soon as I drove in? Is that what it is? Is it old time rock and roll? I feel like maybe. Who knows? Probably. But it worked. Why do you got to go down there? I don't know if you have to go because of the show, but get down there. It's fun, easy travel. Get down. Mitchell wants me to go down there because he's down there already. So that's like, that's, that's part of
Starting point is 00:52:35 it. Hey, we had a lovely time in New Orleans if we could make it work. I look, we had, we had fun in New Orleans. I, I, my, my issue is when it becomes like, Hey, come down there and then we're going to record, then all of a sudden it's like a work trip and it stops being as fun. You know what I mean? So like. Samoa Joe can twist you into a pretzel. It'll be a good time. Oh man. What if you did a, what if you did a double where you brought your recording equipment all around Bourbon Street and just drank until you both can't record anymore? Cause then you're having fun and working. I love that idea. Yeah. I love that. I really love that idea. A nightmare for Emma at it, but I guess all of these episodes are. I'm sorry. I suggested that. No, it's great. Well, I was
Starting point is 00:53:17 going to say before, before we move on from Gators, the, the, the, as a Ninja Turtles expert. Yes. Is it Leatherhead? Is that the, is that the bad guy Gator from, from, from TMNT? He's from the surfing, uh, the surfing level of the Ninja Turtles video game. And, uh, we love it. I mean, and also he's got a, he's got a little Cajun Bayou accent. Doesn't he? He's like a, he kind of does have that, that at least he looks like it. Yeah. Yeah. Turtle. Everyone wants turtle soup. Have I played this new video game at all? No. So am I an expert? No, I don't fucking know. People love it. Jordan Morris said it was great. Then the new game is great. You'd love it. You like it, Nick. I'm playing it. It's a
Starting point is 00:53:58 fucking blast. Yeah. It's, it's such a great throwback and I, but also it like has some more modern like quality of life, uh, you know, control enhancements and, and a little bit more, maybe I got to get this a little more tech to it. It's, it's, it's super fun. Can you throw shredder at the screen? You can throw things at the screen. Or throw the screen to hit shredder. Okay. Cool. Yeah. That's all I want. All right. Maybe that's huge. That's fucking great. It's a blast. So anyways, why? Cause I said that I wanted to just do an easy, so let's do an easy thing. Sean already was down to do pinkberry. Yes. And then Sean brought up the idea of the menu. It grew his menu to you.
Starting point is 00:54:35 And you were like, well, the grooves menu, this is on our text chain. And I was like, yeah, what about it? And you're like, we're doing it. And I was like, what the fuck? We're doing it. We're just doing it. Way too mad. You got to play on that because I didn't have to seek. I didn't have to see the minions menu was happening. Look, we will not, I will only blame Weigar. It's just a thing of, hey, can we do something quick? Pinkberry's across the street from me. I shouldn't say that. I'm doxing myself. And then Weigz is like, yeah, sure. And then we pick a fully sit down chain restaurant. I asked to go with Weigz. He says, we can do it at this time if you come to the West Side. It wasn't going to work out. So I went on my way.
Starting point is 00:55:27 Very narrow window this week. Okay. All right. I went on my lonesome to the Glendale location, which by the way, this just like a fabulous, beautiful location. Like I've said this before, but you got to go to, you got to go to, uh, you got to go to Glendale for the chains. It's just, it's just a different world up there. They're all twisted metal writers room was in Glendale and that shit is good. Like we had access to not only Glendale stuff, but then we had access to like some of the Pasadena shit. Like it really is a great fast food little area. It's, it all comes off. It like, it feels like it seeps off the Americana or something. It's Rick Caruso's Los Angeles is what we're experiencing. That's what we're
Starting point is 00:56:14 getting with Rick. Yeah. Thank you, Rick. We salute you, Mr. Caruso for the, for the, for the, uh, for the lot, for those, the chains up there, which look in, if you go to the valley, I've said this before wise, you can get a great BK up in the valley, but over there in Glendale, they just, the chains can be really hit. And it also feels like it feels like I hop is like their go to diner place in Glendale. Like it's like, Oh, like I was, I went at like two 30 in the afternoon and it was still pretty packed with people surprising just on a random afternoon. You'll go to certain suburbs, certain areas. It's like, it's, uh, yeah, I hop is, I hop is, I hop in. And, and I'll say just for anyone who's a, any non-Angelino listeners who is,
Starting point is 00:56:55 who is most of our audience, um, if you're not following the LA mayoral race and why would you, Rick Caruso is this billionaire who owns a bunch of shopping malls, very nice shopping malls, outdoor shopping centers here. And he is, he is running for mayor, uh, against Karen Bass, who's a more conventional democratic, uh, politician. And so they're a big thing right now is you've got this conservative billionaire who makes malls and is he going to win because people like going to the mall. And he's pretending to be a Democrat and he's spending, spending millions of dollars on advertisements. So the, I wouldn't be surprised if people outside of California haven't seen like a Rick Caruso ad or something. It's like, it's wild. And look, the malls are
Starting point is 00:57:38 great. If I was a ball guy, you got a little train in there. You got a dinty fun. I mean, you can't go wrong. And look, the idea of, of, of Los Angeles turning into Americana, sure that seems great, but look at everyone listening to everyone, to everyone listening. I am joking. You dumb assholes. I don't really support Rick Caruso. He's also, I think an anti-choice guy. I think he's, I think he sucks. He's kind of, he's a pro life guy, which right now obviously is horrible and, and everything that's gone on. It's just very depressing, but that's besides the point. We don't support Rick Caruso, but he really makes the I hop kind of fucking sing the I hop. Look on a random, when was this? Was it Tuesday or, or I guess Wednesday afternoon?
Starting point is 00:58:30 I think it was yesterday, which is insane that I don't remember, but on a, on a, on a Wednesday afternoon at 2 30, it was still humming. There were people in there enjoying their, enjoying their meals. And I, and I, and you know what? I was, don't want to have any spoilers, but I was one of them. I, uh, and why speaking of I hop, I was joined by a very special friend, bug main came, bug main joined me and he had some of the minion rise of grew, uh, menu and look, our guest from the I hop episode. I'll say, I'm just going to say it right now. The minions menu. I know this is more of a Denny's thing is a grand slam. It's not even a home run. It's a grand slam. I think that the menus menu is fantastic. And so did bug main.
Starting point is 00:59:30 I like loved the menu. Wow. Just, just, just to throw it all out there. I love the mini menu. I don't know what your guys experience was, but I really, really, really love the menus menu. I think there's some stuff on it that's better than other stuff and we'll break it all down. I got every single thing on the menu. Yes. I almost did that, but I was like, Mitchell get all this shit out of it. You know why? Look, we both wise, you got it all too, I'm sure. I got four of six items. I'll explain why you didn't get it all. Well, one of them is a, is a cheeseburger. I'm not going to get the cheeseburger that's got, you know, bacon on it. So, so that was part of it. And the other one is it was just a cold brew, a cold grew ice coffee.
Starting point is 01:00:11 And I was like, I can't have that much caffeine. I'm going to lose my mind. So I will say the cold brew is like the, is the weakest because it's not, look, it's just the name. It's, you know, it's just, yeah, just the name fully. And, and, and, and Wags and I have talked about this, and I actually do think it sucks is like the, like, you know, whatever the, the, uh, the beats. I feel bad that I'm saying BTS because this is actually in this, the court, the Kim Kardashian meal, help me out here. The Jack Harlow meal. Yes. The Jack Harlow KFC meal or something is happening right now. That shit. What's the new, there's, you're just, there was like a McDonald's thing when they had like the, they did a bunch of them. Yeah. The BTS one at least has its own
Starting point is 01:00:55 sauce, but a lot of these are just like, that's why I was correcting myself. Yeah. That one was, that one I was actually in favor of because those sauces were good, but the, but, but some of them that's just like, here's some existing menu items and we're just going to put them in a configuration that's like, I gets, you know, whatever. This is what Jack Harlow likes. Exactly. A Big Mac and fries and a, and a Oreo McFlurry. But I think this falls a little bit more under the like guys of like, this is a like sponsored sort of integrated movie thing. And I wanted to ask you guys like, what do you think is the best ever like movie tie in food? Cause I have a guess I have at least what I like, but I wonder if you guys had any experience with this?
Starting point is 01:01:38 That's a great question. And I like, can't even remember any of them. I'll tell you one, I'll tell you one that I think was groundbreaking for the movie. I believe it was small soldiers or something. Wow. It was that like movie where the like little GI Joe soldiers became alive at Burger King is when they introduced the rodeo burger. Oh yeah, the rodeo burger. And it was, I didn't realize that was why it came out. That's my memory of it. I would have to look it up, but I remember it was like the rodeo burger was coming out for small soldiers. It was like a burger with onion rings on it and a one sauce. And I have never, it was incredible. It became a normal item at a certain point.
Starting point is 01:02:24 And then like, I even think they started selling the like type of a one barbecue sauce that they had on it in store. It was like, it changed the game for me. I feel like there hasn't been anything that has touched the rodeo burger. Wouldn't it be great if it was, if it had to be, it still had to be the, the small soldiers a one rodeo burger like even to that, like they had it, they had to keep small soldiers attached to it. The movie is forgotten, but you're like, can I get a small soldiers burger? I do think that, yeah, a lot of fun. I do think that this is, and this isn't quite the answer to your question, but I do kind of, the thing that I always think of is like, kind of along those lines and not exactly fast food, but the Heisei Ecto Cooler was originally
Starting point is 01:03:08 a Ghostbusters tie in, and then they're just like, fuck it, this is just a mainline flavor now. And it's got slimer on it. You know why? Cause why the fuck not? Yeah, that's good. I don't have one, but the other thing that I'm liking recently is the AMC tie in like cocktails. Oh, those are a blast. Yeah. They generally are fun and they like, even if they're not great, you're like, yeah, at least this kind of ties into the movie a little bit. Like they have a little bit of that at like the Alamo Draft House, but I love a tie in cocktail. I think that's really good. But I don't know. I think if you're going to have a movie thing like this, like Szechuan sauce, I think was from Milan, right? Or Mulan, right? Yes. Yeah, originally. Yeah. I think if you're
Starting point is 01:03:47 going to have a like movie menu like this, you really got to try to match the movie's quality with the food. Like you got to come up with something top tier. I do have an, I did have an answer which is, which I was thinking through as we were talking through this. And it is actually adjacent to IHOP and is related to Denny's, which is Denny's for only the first two Hobbit movies. And they didn't for the third one, but they had a Hobbit menu. And then a Hobbit menu was an absolute blast. Hobbit menu, what the fuck was on that? They would have like the Hobbit whole breakfast. And it'd be like a huge breakfast. We maybe did it for the podcast, right? We did, we did the solo Denny's meal for the podcast. That's what we did. So like, but we didn't do the
Starting point is 01:04:28 Hobbit ones because I think the Hobbit ones might have actually predated Doughboys. And they didn't, they didn't have one for Battle of the Five Armies. They just had one for the first two. But it was, yeah, I went with a bunch of friends of the show back in the day. Now friends of the show back then, just friends. And we would, we went and had that Denny's Hobbit whole breakfast and all their other meals. And it was an absolute blast. They had like Radigas, Red Velvet Pancakes. I remember having like the Smog menu. Yes, yeah, the Desolation of Smog. Wow. So did you guys think that the, like, it was like better than the normal menu, like elevated to the level of the Lord of the Rings food time?
Starting point is 01:05:09 I think it was better than normal Denny's. And I think it was also thematically so on point, like in terms of like Hobbits are famed for having big breakfast. Here's a bunch of big breakfast. They're a little over the top, but they kind of feel middle earthy as well. I thought they were just really well conceived. And the theming on the menu was really good, which I will say is also the case with the Minions menu. Yeah, yeah, the theming is pretty great. Your buddies are popping up all over the place and they've all got little fun little names. You know, you turn the corner and you see Kevin and Bob there and they're poking, they're cracking wise. They're peeking out. So this is the in-store experience you're talking
Starting point is 01:05:46 about. This is the in-store experience. That's cool. Yeah, I like the way they were doing that. I will say, at my location, I had great service. There was one server covering the entire floor. He was doing a bang up job, clearly a place that was understaffed as every place is now because Rick Caruso is glending. You have one person. Exactly. So here's the thing. I got handed the standard menu because I am a 41-year-old man by himself and had to ask for the Minions menu. And the guy was like, oh, yeah, let me go get, like he had to make, I felt so bad he made a special trip to go bring me the Minions menu because he was like, why would this guy want this? Making an insert, guys. What are we doing? But the menu design, as I mentioned, is a real hoot.
Starting point is 01:06:32 I also noticed at a certain point that there were three teen girls who were eating by themselves, all wearing Minion shirts in a different booth. So clearly, I wasn't the only one with Minion madness at this particular IHOP to get into the food. Did they call the police on you, Iger? Hey, can I join you? I also like the Minions. Okay, get this guy out of here. If you had all your edges together, that equals mine. So I got the Minion mango, you know, let's just go through it because I want to hear what you guys got and I'm sure there's a lot of overlap. So we can take it one at a time. And Sean, what was your IHOP experience? I ordered this on Postmates. Don't kill me, guys. I didn't have time to go to Glendale and get this
Starting point is 01:07:15 IHOP experience. Hey, you know what? This was my issue. Wait, Wags, you went to Glendale? No, I didn't go to Glendale. No, I was over here. I was over here. I would have been, I would have been livid. No, I separately went to Glendale. I told you, I gave you two, first thing I want to say, because Sean got Postmates and I said, why is this your red line for Postmates? You've gotten Postmates in the past. Why are you insisting on going to the location and getting mad at me about that when I'm saying it's fine if you get it Postmated as our guests? Because I wanted to get every, I wanted to eat every menu item here. I'm going to say this, but you could have done that if you'd be a Postmate. It's so much easier to order everything on the menu when you don't have
Starting point is 01:07:50 to see anyone's face. Why would you be like, I have to go in to get one of everything, please? You know what? I met Bugmane, which luckily Bugmane helps. Look, you guys just got me thinking about Burger Buddies and I was just Googling Burger Buddies for like 10 minutes there. The Burger King Buddies, the two burgers that were side by side that were basically side by side. I just want those back. Bring those back. Bring them back. And bring back the Bell Beaver. Bring back the Bell Beaver. What's a good hashtag for, because I want to see some of these best tie-ins. I remember when I had the Detroit style pizza from Little Caesars and I thought it was
Starting point is 01:08:33 revolutionary for fast food chain and that wasn't tied into any movie though, but what's a good hashtag for the movie tie-in? You're talking about a throwback we won? Celluloid heroes like the subs? Celluloid heroes. Celluloid heroes. Celluloid heroes and send share your favorite movie tie-in meals from years of past. I like it. From days of future past. That's good. There's got to be a lot of good ones. Sean, the pull of the rodeo burger, and I also just remember that so specific. It's a great one. When I was going through this, it really made me think about it because I was like, it made me want to watch the fucking movie. I didn't even know it, but I was like, the movie to inspire onion rings on the burger. Those fucking Burger King onions were
Starting point is 01:09:24 fucking hitting back then. That shit was good. Also, when you said small soldiers in my head, I went Burger King. Immediately, I still associate it with Burger King. That's insane. All right, let's get to these menu items. I do want to say real quick on this note because my parents were going through my old possessions because I don't know why, but I think they were just clearing out their garage and like, hey, we're going to throw this away, but is there anything you want? Two things that I retained, vintage ET pizza glasses. Oh, that's incredible. They're glasses. They're like glass. They've got great ET art on them, and I was just like, this is fucking awesome. Imagine if fast food chains were still doing this. Imagine if we
Starting point is 01:10:02 could get a glass. They're throwing out the box. They got you in like AI. So let's start with beverages. I mentioned the cold grew iced coffee. Did either of you get that? No, didn't fuck with the iced coffee. I just thought it'd be normal iced coffee, and it had the word grew on it, but you are right. Sean, you're 100% right. There's 100% what it is. I got it wags. Yeah. I'm eating starburst minis. Nice. That's perfect for the pod. We're doing a lot of good pod stuff today, including eating candy on air. I got the cold. Let me text downtown again. I got the cold grew, which was it's exactly like Sean said. This, look, you don't want the Jack Carlo meal. Don't give me the Jack
Starting point is 01:10:51 Carlo little dong meal. Give me, give me, give me something. Give me these new items where they've made something special for the movie or for the celebrity or whatever it is. 100%. Yes. That's what I want. And this cold grew was the most like, Hey, this is just an iced coffee. It's also just like kids can't drink cold brew. So I'm not sure who this is for. I mean, that's the, this bug main and I discuss this with the burger because you're like, a little kid wouldn't really like this burger. And bug man was like, yeah, that's why it's like grew's evil burger. He's like, it makes sense. Like I got it. That's why it's evil. I mean, it makes sense. He's right. It makes sense.
Starting point is 01:11:37 I think the thing with the iced coffee was that, and what I appreciate about this is they were like, okay, if you're coming in for breakfast, you can have a complete meal that is themed around like you can get a drink. You can get a side. You can get the like, you can get everything. And it's like, it makes, so if you want a complete breakfast and everything has a fucking tie in, you can do that. And then if you want to have a complete dinner, you can do that, which I appreciated. Right. So is the cold grew the least of all of them? Probably. Yes. I don't seem like it fits in any work. Also this, it was a nice cold brew coffee. I drank about half of it. I put some cream halfway through and then I put some sugar in
Starting point is 01:12:17 there drinking it. It was, it was fine. It was, it did its job, but like nothing special about it, not fun about it. And probably just on the regular menu too. Yes. It's just, I mean, it is just a cold brew. I think that they couldn't resist saying cold grew. And I get that. I get it too. Yeah. 100%. We also got a, the other, the other beverage, the specialty beverage for this venue is the Minion Mango OJ Splasher. This is a mischievous blend of 100% premium orange juice, mango syrup and lemon lime soda and garnish with fresh blueberries. Those fresh blueberries are just bobbin' on top. And I wasn't quite sure. There you go. I wasn't quite sure what to do with them. I actually like just grabbed them with my fingers and was just like
Starting point is 01:12:58 popping blueberries because it's a little weird. I got this. I will say that they are weird and they're hard to take down. Like, like they are like, it's like, because then they are like just surrounded by ice. It's that cherry conundrum when you got a cherry in your drink, but then also these are just small blueberries. It needs like a boba straw or something. You suck it up and eat it. Great call, Sean. That's right. I got this too. And I got to say, I was, look, my expectations are low. I think the movies are fine. I'm not insane like Nick, but man, I took a sip of this. This might have been the first thing I did was like chipotle strion, took a sip of this Minion Mango, OJ, whatever. I didn't even remember
Starting point is 01:13:34 what the flavors were. It kind of looks like a beer, to be honest. It's like a weird golden color. And I thought it was pretty fucking good. Like the lemon-lime soda part of it really makes it feel, it's almost like a fucking non-alcoholic cocktail, to be honest. I like really liked it. It's great. Yeah, it is very mocktail adjacent. And the lemon-lime soda, at least at my eye hop, and I think this is at most in this region, was Sierra Mist, which sat in nicely. I thought mine was maybe a little heavy on the mango syrup. I'm not going to say anything negative about it because the, you know, again, the one server was covering the entire floor, and I'm pretty sure he had to make the drink. I think I kind of saw out of the corner of my eye,
Starting point is 01:14:15 I thought he was making this on his own. So, you know, if he had to make it a little quickly, a little sloppy. You're kind of the grue in this scenario, making your little, making the worker into your minion. We can't just throw out grue like this, okay? You're the villain of the pod. That's it. All right, fine. I'll be the grue. Why is it a mischievous blend of 100% premium orange juice, mango syrup, lemon-lime soda, and I think I did also have Sierra Mist and garnished with fresh blueberries. So, I think I read the coffee already. Yeah. How did you not hear that? I absolutely read it already. I just want to miss that. I pulled another fucking commercial move. We mentioned an item and he just read a commercial
Starting point is 01:14:57 of instinct. I'm sure he read the ingredients. I kind of think, you know, I think this might have been a little too sweet for me if I got it in store or in restaurant because you get it delivered in the ice melts a little bit. It really was like, I thought that first sip was fucking fantastic. It was like still a little bubbly, but a little like maybe watered down, a little less of that syrup, and it was great. Yeah. I actually do think the effervescence, the carbonation helped it a lot, really, really brightened it up. It was fun. A lot of fun. It's a really good drink. It all works. I thought it was going to be too orange juicy, and it wasn't. The mango hit, the mango, you get a taste of the mango, the lemon-lime.
Starting point is 01:15:40 You know what it reminds me of? It's great. There's a Jamaican soda called Cola Champagne, and it's this sort of like, it looks similar color, and I don't even know what the fucking flavor is, but it really tasted like that, and it's a great fucking soda. I don't know if you've ever tried it, but it fucking suits. I have not, but I'm looking at it right now, and it is a bright orange hue. We got to still do the Jamaica live show. You guys got to do the Jamaica live show. I would also say, if you're going to do a drink or stank with some sodas, maybe you should get these like DNG is the company, DNG Jamaican sodas. They have like pineapple soda and Cola Champagne and cream soda, and they're fucking
Starting point is 01:16:24 really good. I had an aunt that worked at that soda company in Jamaica, and when I would go stay with her, they would deliver crates of soda to her house like it was like the milkman. Yeah, those are them. Oh, they're great. The ginger beer is really good. They're great. Yeah, there's the Cola Champagne with a K. There's a ginger, really. Yeah, pineapple. Looks like pineapple, ginger, cream, grape, and pineapple. They hit hard. That Cola Champagne, and that's what this reminded me of. I wonder if it's a mix of that, but it really got me interested in the rest of this fucking menu. I got to say. Yeah, that was my first experience with the cold brew. The cold grew in that drink,
Starting point is 01:17:07 when I was like, these are both pretty good. And then I ordered the two sweet things where I was waiting for Bugmane. I ordered the two sweet menu items before I got to the savory. So the first of these that we'll talk about, the cinnamonians, and these are despicably delicious donut holes tossed with cinnamon sugar and jizzled with cream cheese icing. These came out, at least mine, in store, pipe and hot, and I thought they were delightful. Hold on, Nick. Hold on. The cinnamonians, 10 despicably delicious donut holes tossed with cinnamon sugar, drizzled with cream cheese icing. Thank you, Sean. Yeah, I don't know if you read it. The cream cheese drizzle is something that
Starting point is 01:17:46 Wags would send to our yogurt text chain. So, Wiger, yours came out hot, like fresh and like... Pipe and hot. Fresh out of the... I don't know if they were out of the fryer or what, but they had a little bit of texture to them. They might have just been warmed up in the microwave, but that temperature helped it a lot. Ample amount of cinnamon sugar dusting the plate, and then a lot of cream just sitting in like a pool, like a little kiddie pool of cream cheese icing, so there was no shortage of it to dip it in. I thought these were delightful. I was eating these, they were light and fluffy and well... Again, great texture,
Starting point is 01:18:26 I don't know if they were hot fried or not. Great temperature, and that icing just sweetened it up just right. I thought these were delicious. The picture just came through on the downtown text thread. Wags just sent it. I gotta say this, Wags, this is where I thought I was like... I ate them, and I was like, this is a home run. This is where I started to be like, maybe we're in for a good time here. These were so good. This is maybe my bite of the night, or the bite of the afternoon. Definitely my bite of the night. Bugmaine and I were both like, these are so good, and Bugmaine's like, these would win the state fair. He's like, these are like... He's like, they figured out the algorithm. They made the
Starting point is 01:19:11 perfect... It tastes like a homemade delicious doughnut bite. Our waitress came to the table. I believe her name was Betty. She was great, and she was like, they're good, aren't they? And we were like, yeah, they are so good. And it's that sort of thing. The Big Mac, when they engineer it and they just nail it, these were fantastic. I love them. This is the type of thing you see a lot of people throw into special item, this fried little piece of dough with cream on it or whatever. And I think they often fuck those up because they're almost too simple. Fried dough is just good. It does remind me of a state fair. So this is not only... I would say this is God-tier Thai and food. Not only is it maybe one of the
Starting point is 01:20:04 better versions of this thing that I've tried from a diner-y place. Obviously, I've gotten something better. Go to New Orleans, you'll get a better version of this. But not only is it really good, the actual... These little balls being little minions, it kind of is a fucking home run. They look like little minions in there that just got jizzed on or whatever. Someone couldn't hold it in. And I definitely was like, oh, is this going to be too greasy? Is this going to be bad? I even feel like Domino's has a version of this. The cinnamon twists. And they're often too fucking oily because they're sitting in the oil. I don't know. This is great. I really enjoyed it.
Starting point is 01:20:54 This is a highlight for me. Light and airy. They were delicious. I really got these. And I was worried going in like cinnamonians. The whole thing, this pun, is that the whole... But no, you're absolutely right. They look like little minions. They look like cute little guys. And then also, I really was like, okay, I'm just going to have a few of these. I ate the whole fucking plate. I ate all of them. I couldn't stop myself. I was having a time of my life. Yeah. My strategy on doing dough boys is order a bunch of stuff, take one or two bites of everything, and then get that shit out of your fucking house. Yeah. And I ate a few of these damn minions. And then when I was done with everything, I went back and finished them.
Starting point is 01:21:33 Yeah. They're good. The other sweet item, well, the other sweet food item, there's also a milkshake, which we'll get to, is the Baba Banana Pudding Pancakes. Baba Banana Pudding Pancakes. Go bananas! Buttermilk pancakes filled with fresh banana slices and topped with cream of banana pudding, more banana slices, nilla wafer cookie pieces, whipped topping and minion sprinkles. You can get this as a combo. I got mine as a combo with scrambled eggs. Use dough boys code 20, dough boys 20. This is the issue with these sometimes, is you get the stack of pancakes. Mine, it was just a short stack. It was just two pancakes. But all the toppings are on the top pancake, and that second pancake that basically your pancake suffers by comparison, because all the
Starting point is 01:22:22 good stuff is up top. So you kind of have to do it as one bite. And I just had some bites that were a little out of proportion. But I do think conceptually, like a banana pancake makes a lot of sense. And you add on some, you just go, you just say more is more and throw on that banana pudding as well. And, you know, obviously banana nilla wafers is like a traditional dessert. So I thought that was fun. I do think the minion sprinkles were maybe a little too much, maybe perhaps ungepochka. I could have done without the sprinkles. I 100% disagree with you. I know that you're talking probably more about the taste, but the blue and yellow sprinkles on top are the fun ones. It looked great. If I was a kid, I would have loved it. But yes, from a flavor
Starting point is 01:23:01 standpoint, I thought it may be confused in a little bit. I liked it. These were probably closer to my least favorite thing of the entire meal. But as I was eating them, I was like, this is still damn good. Here's one of my issues with it. Still good. Is that, do you pour syrup on these? I think yes. Are you supposed to eat them with that kind of like that banana puddingy flavor on there? I feel like you're supposed to put some syrup on there. They were good. Fresh bananas cut up. The vanilla wafers, it just was a little bit compared to everything else. It was kind of like mid-level, you know, and the coffee, of course, too. But they worked fine. If I was a kid, I'd love them. I would be a huge fan.
Starting point is 01:23:50 Well, now hold your tongue, Mitch, because I fucked up and I looked at this menu and I said, how can I get everything but not get everything? So there's a version of this that is a kids menu combo. And I was like, oh, I can get one pancake instead of five or three that it looks like in the picture. So I was like, I'll get one pancake and I'll get eggs and hash browns and bacon or whatever. So I was like, oh, I'll just get the kids menu version. What you don't know is when you get the kids menu version, they give you a pancake. I got, now we've talked a lot about Minion Jizz already. The banana pudding is yellow. And what I got on top of my pancake was a yellow streak of this banana pudding and nothing else, no wafers, no fresh bananas, no whipped cream,
Starting point is 01:24:55 nothing. So it really, I was really upset to see that I didn't get the full thing. I mean, look, that Minion Jizz, pretty good. Did I want more of it? Did I want the vanilla wafer? I wanted all of it and I didn't get any of it. And to me, if it's going to be the kids menu, you can't not give the kids the whole fucking thing. It seems like it's either a mistake. This seems like a fuck up. Yeah, this is a disappointing kid. But it was such a blatant mistake. It's like, you look at the thing that I'm holding and there's just a big pancake with a smiley face of a fucking whatever the pudding is. It was a real let down. And I was sad I didn't get, almost today, I was like, should I order another one of these? And I just decided not to. But it looks, conceptually,
Starting point is 01:25:46 to me, looks great. I think fresh bananas on it would have elevated it. I think with the syrup, like bananas and syrup is something I think is good. So I would have really liked that, but I did not get the full experience. I truly don't even know if you should put, I mean, I did put syrup on them and I was trying to get bites of all the flavors. They didn't fuck mine up. And when I was getting the bites of the flavor, like I was like, I'm not sure on this one, that's how I started off. And then as I got more and more into it, I ate about half of this thing. I was like, you know what, it's pretty fucking good too. And I'm sad you didn't get to experience that because I think that it's, it's decent. It's not great. Yeah. And I think that
Starting point is 01:26:25 we haven't gotten to the other two items, which I think spoiler alert are great. Well, the last time the last time I did the show, we did Denny's and we talked about their sort of pancake game. And man, I got to say, I think the Denny's pancakes were better for me. Not only did I think I got some weird cinnamon sugar slathered thing, but I got it correct. It felt a little fluffier to me. This food just felt like an afterthought. And I don't know if it was because I got the kids menu and they're just fucking kids over left and right. But I was a little disappointed. Yeah. Yeah. Not yet. They, they, it's, it's I hop the acronym, which they, they have deprecated using their full name, but it's International House of Pancakes.
Starting point is 01:27:07 And they should get pancakes right. So if you're getting bad pancakes, that's an, that's a, you know, that, that doesn't look great for them. I'll say one thing, one more point on these real quick. And then, and then we should move on. But the, but the rest of my breakfast was great, which I know is not a part of the, the menu, but I think just very solid eggs and hash browns. And then, why are you, why are you getting eggs and hash browns and not getting every menu? Oh, I guess you didn't get the cold brew. I already covered this. It's like in the con, it's like in the combo. I do the same thing. And they fucking left out my hash browns. I mean, look, getting, it was my fault for getting it delivered, but.
Starting point is 01:27:40 Sean, you got, you got crude. I got crude hard. You got crude big time. The other thing I was going to say is that the Nila Wayford cookie pieces I think are better in theory than in practice because they're, they don't quite give the crunch that you want. Versus like a walnut banana pancake or something that gives a little bit of crunch, you know, it doesn't quite give you that. It's, it's, it's more, it's a little mushy and crumbly and almost just feels like more pancake. So. They should have crumbled that up or something and put it in. That might have been better. But yeah. Yeah, in the mix. Mitch, can we, can we talk about syrup real quick? Did your table in Glendale, did it have multiple syrups or have they, they
Starting point is 01:28:17 done the post COVID streamlining just down to one syrup? Just down to one syrup. Very sad. That's what, that's a, yep. That's a, that's a fucking, that's some sort of supply chain fucking, you know, inflation. I don't know what the cause is, but they, they've rolled back. They're famous. They, they used to have four syrups on the table. Now it's just one and it's a little bit of a problem. You could ask, you could ask for them. You could ask for the butter pecan and the, and the blueberry and I don't know what the other one was. Strawberry maybe. Usually strawberry or raspberry. Yeah. I was like, yeah, it's just fine with the original, but yeah, it was a bummer to not have them because I probably would have tried it with
Starting point is 01:28:51 different stuff, but you know, what can you do? Kind of a bummer. Thanks, Biden. We also got, staying in Ba Ba Banana Town, Ba Ba Banana milkshake, vanilla milkshake blended with fresh banana and nilla whey for cookie pieces and crowned with whipped topping, more cookie pieces and menu sprinkles. I got this one to go because I was just like, I had eaten everything by this point and I was so full and I was like, I don't think I'm going to finish this and I don't want to have to waste a glass, rather waste a fucking plastic cup, I guess. That's just, it's just as bad. Whatever. I don't want to have to make you wash a glass because I'm going to have like three sips of this milkshake, then probably throw it out.
Starting point is 01:29:22 I ended up having a lot more than that, but I got it to go. And I think this was one where I just got a bad banana in mine because in theory, this should be great, but it just kind of tasted a little, it tastes a little putrid. It tastes a little off. It tastes like maybe there was like a, there was like an overwrite banana that was used as a base here. I did like the nilla whey for cookie pieces better in this context and I thought the vanilla milkshake was good. You know, I'm a big vanilla fan, vanilla is a flavor, but and the sprinkles made more sense in this context, but this basically was just the liquid version of the pancakes. Mitch, you had a better experience with yours. Mine was great. I maybe had a bad banana on my pancakes, but I got to say
Starting point is 01:30:01 this is just, this, this just did a much better version of the pink. This was just a much, much better version of what the pancakes were trying to do. A lot of the same stuff. Bugman and I, we both, we were just like, you know, this is the end of our meal. We were sipping on this thing and we were like, it's the perfect way to end it. Just a great banana, banana milkshake that it, all the components worked. It was tasty. It tasted a little bit fresh because of that banana, which was mine was a good banana. You got a grew turd of some sort, grew fucked with your milkshake. You got crude, but I was, I was, I was really happy, pleasantly surprised too. What a home run to like have bananas just be a part of your
Starting point is 01:30:53 backstory. Like it's so entrenched in the movies. And it really is kind of the X factor for some of these things. Like even my bad pancake, I was like, I do enjoy banana flavor like this. Like I, it's a cool thing to be able to throw in. So I imagine, yeah, totally. Yeah. 100%. It was great. Great. That being said, I did not get this milkshake. I do not. I didn't, I looked at what I was ordering and said, I don't want to get diabetes for dough boys. So I decided to go against, you will get me, but, but it did look good. And I thought like, oh, I'm going to get the experience on the pancake. I made the mistake. I should have gotten it in the milkshake. It was, it was, it was a tasty end to the meal for, for me. The one item, the one
Starting point is 01:31:38 item I didn't get. And, and I want to hear you guys' thoughts, grew's evil steak burger. This is a black Angus steak burger piled high with a spicy blend of sauteed jalapenos, serrano peppers and onion. Would have liked that. I am something of a heat seeker. Hairgrey smoked bacon, pepper jack cheese, our sharp cheddar mac and cheese and mayo. Listen to all those components served on a brioche bun with choice of side. Why? So you got bacon, pepper jack, jalapenos, serrano peppers and mac and cheese. If you're a heat seeker, it's, there's not a ton of heat on it. Honestly, like those peppers are cooked down. Mine wasn't that spicy. This rivals the bite of the night. I like, wow. I hadn't had a burger this good and like a long
Starting point is 01:32:18 time. I like loved, loved this burger. I, bug made an eye, bug was like, we can just get one and cut it in two. I was like, I don't know. I kind of want to get this. And so I ordered two. We got fries with one onion rings with the other fries and onion rings also great. But they do good for our work there. Let me tell you, this burger was so fucking good. Wow. It was, it maybe rivals the bite of the night. It was like, I was like, usually I don't think mac and cheese works on a burger, but it was like nice and fluffy and like gooey and not super dry. And the bacon was great. And the peppers and onions just like, the onions were kind of caramelized. It just, this was, this was, it was a huge hit wise. It's like what, it's going to be the box office of,
Starting point is 01:33:07 of, of minions too is like, what this burger is. It's, it's, it's a, it's a huge success. It's, it's just, it's look the minions are winners, I guess they, they, they, they, they get it. They just have the X factor. They, they do. I just, I like, Sean, this is like to me as I'm, I'm like, this is like the rodeo burger burger. Look, that it's what made me think of the rodeo burger. Now I will say, I've already talked about not liking cheese. So I did get the grooves, evil steak burger without the cheese components. That includes the mac and cheese, which to me, I'm almost like, how much am I changing this from what its original intention is? That being said, I gotta agree with you, Mitch. This was like,
Starting point is 01:33:57 what was the focal point for me was that like slurry of jalapenos and onions and peppers. And that was better than I thought it was going to be. It was really good. And I actually thought like I had a lot of jalapeno pieces in mind. So I thought it was kind of spicy. So that's good. Like I liked it. And, and look, again, if we're talking about the theming of a burger, it is an evil steak burger. Like it has evilness in its DNA. Like when I took a bite of it, I was like, oh, shit, this is bad. Like, but in a good way. It's true. Yeah, it was absolutely grew. And I, and like, even just the components of like the bacon and the fucking Angus beef or whatever, it was, and look, I didn't eat the whole thing. I ate like half of it, but it was
Starting point is 01:34:50 much better than I thought it was going to be. And I was, I was really surprised. And then I looked at it as a whole. And I was like, again, just the theming of this whole menu is so well thought out and good. So yeah, I agree. I think bug is right in that way of, hey, this is like, it's the evil steak burger kids won't like this. And I don't know if kids would like it, but I, I loved it. And it just was like, when I, when I finished that, I was like, this is like one of the best burgers I had in a while, which is crazy. I know it's wow. See, I kind of feel like the mac and cheese probably like tamed the spiciness a little bit. Yeah. So like a kid would be able to handle it. It's almost like, wait, this is going to be too
Starting point is 01:35:31 spicy. And then they eat it and it's fine. It's like a rush for them. You know what I mean? Sure. Yeah. It was really interesting. Was the, was the pepper jack kind of spicy too or no? The pepper jack was, was, was like mild. It was like, it made it sloppier. It was like a sloppy sandwich. And by the way, bug main and I ate, I ate my whole entire burger and bug main ate almost all of his burger. Like we, it was good that we got two of them. Okay. Who's the guest on this bug main, the guest today? Cause if I got to hear fucking bug main again, look, look, I won't, I won't bring up bug main ever. Well, not every time you get a fucking stomp in here and take over the entire episode. He's not, he's not coming in here. Start slapping bitch. He's not going to slap me. He is the
Starting point is 01:36:13 Coco Peli King. I guess he's, he was sober. My favorite Spotify rapper of all time, but this is not the time. I just want to say the burgers were all eaten. That's all I'm trying to say. We ate the majority of these. I mean, I finished my burger. I ate more than I wanted as well. And that is to me a boon of like, if I'm eating more, and this is I hop, you know, I'm not thinking of this as like, Oh, this is a great diner or anything. But I'm even thinking now, if I had gone in, it maybe would have been better, you know, if I was, I think it would have been. Yeah, I had a great time. I had good diner service. There was a, I believe the franchise owner was in a booth nearby. He was a, he smoked, he smelled like cigarette smoke. He would, he
Starting point is 01:36:58 looked like he had like a, he was like a, an older bald dude, completely bald dude with a white goatee. He looked like one of, okay, he could have been grew. He looked like one of whitey bulgers enforcers. Like he looked like like a tough guy. He's like, he had a leather jacket on and he was typing on a laptop the whole time and he would check in with me. And he walked over and said, you've owned for Caruso, right? Yes, sir. Yes, very, of course. Film this commercial real quickly. You say he's going to clean it up. Okay. I'm, I'm, I'm Nick and on the west side, I'm with Caruso.
Starting point is 01:37:30 You know what else I'm looking at right now? If you look at the picture of the Minion OJ mango thing we're talking about, if you really squint, it looks like a fucking Minion. Like it is the color of a Minion. And the like little blueberries like look like they're a little, it is cheery. How well every other than the, the cold grew ice coffee. Everything is really themed incredibly well. And that gets extra points from me. Their corporate kitchen did a really good job of conceiving this and, and figuring out a way that this could be executed at different locations. Cause it seems like we all went to different locations and we all had good experiences. Let's get to our final thoughts on
Starting point is 01:38:06 the IHOPs, the IHOP Minions menu. So Sean, you've done the pod before. You know the routine. Let's go around, but say your thoughts, give this a score. And in honor of Minions, the rise of grew, let's rate this out of zero to five bananas. Your guess will begin with you. So each banana has like four sides of the peel. So I can do like your, okay, okay, cool. Yeah. You can do a partially peel banana. So look, wasn't expecting much from this. I said, let's talk about the Minions with my boy, Weiger. That's all I wanted to do. Hell yeah. Then this shit showed up and I took a sip of that drink and I tasted that Minion jizz a little bit. And I had those Sina Minions and I ate some of this grew's evil steak burger.
Starting point is 01:38:55 And I thought to myself, could they have done a better job? Maybe some of the order fuckups, I will say are a little bit my fault. And of course I'm ordering on Postmates. So like, I don't want to blame anyone for messing up an order like this, where I ordered everything on the Minions menu or whatever. So I would maybe score this a little bit lower if this tie-in just wasn't so fucking good. And those Sina Minions, man, they, they're breaking some ground there. So I'm going to say, I want to give this thing four bananas. Wow, great score. Now that seems a little high, but it really is about the theming and the banana being the X factor of this whole thing. And, you know, even the drink was good. So I got to give it four bananas.
Starting point is 01:39:53 Wow. Wow. All right, Spoon Man, what do you think? Like, I was blown away. I, it made me understand why you like this childish property even more. You're a strange man. I don't know why you are so nuts about Minions. And then, you know, so averse to just having a meal with me at the IHOP. But we could have made the, look, I had an if you'd been willing to come to, I didn't have the, I didn't have a car. I said, there was a location I could take a train to and you didn't want, you didn't want to do that for some reason. And then you, and you said like, I said, if you drive to where I am, we could have gone together. You weren't willing to do that. I had a great time with Bugman. It was, it worked out.
Starting point is 01:40:40 I wasn't at first having a meal with you, but there were logistical reasons where we could, where you could have had to accommodate me, meet me halfway and you weren't willing to do it. So it's fine. Wags. Yeah. This is, like I said, to take a term from Denny's, this is a grand slam. This is, this, this is a rodeo, the Gruzburgers, a rodeo burger. It should go down in the hall of fame of great, not only, not only the Gruz evil steak burger, but then also the, the Minion Donuts bites or whatever the fuck they are. They would win the state fair. Absolutely. They would. They would, they would get the blue ribbon at the state fair. It's, there's no doubt. And, and look, a big corporate, a big corporation and some, some corporate engineering, but hey,
Starting point is 01:41:26 they did it just like Gru. They, they, they, they, they, you know, they were successful. They, deliciously evil wags. I loved it. I, I got to give it a bundle of bananas. I got to give it, I got to give it the whole, I got to give it five bananas. Wow. Wow. What a score. The perfect score. There's nothing I disliked. Wait, I do want to show you guys a picture of my pancake and just take into account that I gave this four forks, four bananas. Does that look terrible? We'll put that on our social media. It looks like they just squirted some, some like Dijon mustard onto a silver dollar pancake. They really fucked that up bad. They really, really, that's how good the rest of the other shit was. Wow.
Starting point is 01:42:14 Here's mine by comparison. Wow. That looks good. Mitch's looks great. That looks like it's off the menu. I mean, it was, it was fantastic. Look at this. Look at this burger. Yeah, that looks great. Looks really good. Love when they give you a burger with a big fucking steak knife to cut it. Oh, that's the best. Oh, that's so fun. That's just showmanship. Didn't have to, didn't even share it. Fucking just ate it. It was great. Perfect score. This was a blast. This was such that I had so much fun eating this meal. Sean, thank you for suggesting it and being willing to go here. Mitch, thank you for being willing to go here as well. You're welcome. And I just, I absolutely exceeded my expectations
Starting point is 01:42:58 as a, as I fully agree with what, what Distan was saying is like, as a, as a, as theming. It's just such a great show. It's just so well done. It's so well executed. It's perfectly on brand for this, this IP. And I think that also these items were just individually very, very tasty, especially considering these are targeted at kids. I'll, I'll mention those three teen girls as they were leaving. I heard them enthusiastically endorsing the menu, saying they had a great time. This was so fun. It was, it was, it was really good. And I think that's put into the back of a cop car at that point. Yeah. It was ducking my head. Hold on. I've got to hear what they say about the food. You've terrorized them enough.
Starting point is 01:43:45 As for my fork score, I mean, what can I say besides my banana score? What can I say besides? Wow. All the, all the bananas, all the bananas for the IHOP Minions menu, which I think, I think lets us welcome it to the Golden Grooze Lab Club. Wow. The Golden Grooze Lab Club. I don't think I could put it better than that. His layer doesn't have like a cool name. It's just Grooze Lab. Maybe the only thing in that club, but I don't know anything else that we'll get in there, but I wanted to give it five forks. If it weren't for the sort of menu mishaps, they fucked yours up, but you know,
Starting point is 01:44:47 I think it deserves to be in the sort of upper echelon of sort of themed menu items. I think this is a yes, not an afterthought at all. This is well thought out and so great. Great. Maybe maybe it's the Golden Popcorn Club in terms of the tie ends. It's like, it's like kind of kind of belongs in that neighborhood. MTV might be pissed off, but that's all right. Why is your video makes me want to drop it down to three and a half forks, but I will keep it out. I'll keep it in. I appreciate that. How is it that you wore out a web video? It's like VHS tape. All right, we'll be back with more dough boys.
Starting point is 01:45:26 Hey, you! Be craving fresh, delicious, easy meals, try wild grain and get their bake from frozen sourdough breads, fresh pastas, and artisanal pastries delivered right to your door. That's right. Wild grain is the first ever bake from frozen subscription box for sourdough breads, fresh pastas, and artisanal pastries. Unlike typical supermarket bread, wild grain uses a slow fermentation process that's easier on your belly, lower in sugar, and rich in nutrients and antioxidants. Every item bakes from frozen in 25 minutes or less. You'll never run the risk of getting bored with wild grain. They're constantly adding new, seasonal, and limited time special items to try. Plus, for every new member,
Starting point is 01:46:18 wild grain donates six meals to the greater Boston Food Bank Wags, Boston Baby, so you can eat good and do good all at the same time. All you have to do is sign up at slash dough boys and choose which type of box you want to receive and how often. It's easier to reschedule, skip, or cancel. Plus, for a limited time, you can get $30 off the first box plus free croissants in every box when you go to slash dough boys to start your subscription. You heard me. Free croissants in every box and $30 off your first box when you go to slash dough boys. That's slash dough boys or you can use promo code dough boys at checkout. Do it. Welcome back to dough boys here with Sean Diston. It's time for
Starting point is 01:47:11 a segment. I've got a food-related examination and Mitch and Sean must compete for superiority. This is Slop Quiz Feed For Speed Edition. This is compiled by our associate producer, Amelia Marino. This quiz is based on the speed of service and order accuracy in drive-thrus. For those popular chains in the US, this is based on a QSR 2021 drive-thru study. So this is a drive-thru focused Slop Quiz. Diston, are you a drive-thru man? I grew up in Florida, so I was a big drive-thru guy for a really long time, but I don't think I've done a drive-thru in LA in maybe a... No, I've done like an in-and-out drive-thru, but honestly, not that often. Don't do it that often. Wow. I'm there so often. Well, it's your job. Sure. Yeah. I'm less of a car man,
Starting point is 01:48:03 so I'll do fewer drive-thrus, but I will do them on it. If I'm in a vehicle, I'll hit up the Del Taco drive-thru. I'll hit up the in-and-out drive-thru as I'm chasing after you like Francis. Okay. Very excited about that bike. Here we go. These will be in multiple choice, and then just buzz in with your name. Okay. Yeah, buzz in with your name. All right. Here's the first one. I'll keep score. Which fast food chain has the least number of errors in drive-thru orders according to the survey? Sean. Go ahead, Sean. Wow. Now, I got to guess Taco Bell. Taco Bell is not the answer. You can finish your logic though. Well, I just thought like their app is really detailed, and I just thought they were really good at customizing,
Starting point is 01:48:51 but maybe I'm fucking wrong. I'll read the options here. It's not one of the options. Oh, there are options. The options are... Yeah, it was multiple choice. It's okay. It's okay. We'll see if Mitch can get it. Your options are Chick-fil-A, Starbucks, or Arby's. I'm going to go Mitch. Oh, man. I think that it's either... I'm going to go Chick-fil-A, Mitch. Mitch, you get this one. It is Chick-fil-A. Chick-fil-A. All right. Next question. Can I say, here's why I think it's maybe Chick-fil-A, because when you do those drive-thrus, there's like a person out there with their little like hand thing, so you're like talking to someone, and you can really talk it out. Yeah. That makes
Starting point is 01:49:33 sense. All right. I'm going to buzz in before the options every time and say Taco Bell. Is that okay? Okay, great. Next up. Which fast food chain has the highest number of errors in drive-through orders? Your options are McDonald's, Wendy's, and KFC. Mitch. Go on, Mitch. I'm going to go with, and I think it's because it just has so many of them. McDonald's, A. Not McDonald's. Yeah. I would say Wendy's, because my history is that they fuck up everything I've ever ordered from Wendy's. Sean gets it. It is Wendy's, and we love Wendy's. We love Wendy's, Mitch, but Wendy's has a lot of locational variation. You get a different Wendy's in different parts of the country, and yeah, it's not always great. I used to go to Wendy's in my
Starting point is 01:50:24 old neighborhood, and I would order stuff without cheese on it because that's just how I live, and I would constantly have to drive through the drive-through multiple times to be like, can you just fucking make this country? Oh, man. That sucks. By the way, Dano and I both believe Wendy's is slipping. It might be. It's slipping a little bit. Also, Dano had a child. I can't believe that I didn't have that news first. Dano is a dad. Datto. Congratulations, Dano. Is he all right with us saying it on the podcast? I mean, I guess he is. Yeah. Okay. All right. Make a note. Congratulations, Dano. He's got a baby boy. Uncle Mitch is coming back to him soon. I won't say the baby's
Starting point is 01:51:04 dead because I don't know how he feels about that, but Uncle Mitch is coming for him. Wow. Sounds a little threatening. Yeah. All right. Next up, which chain's drive-through has the shortest average wait time from entry to exit? Your options are Burger King, Taco Bell, and Starbucks. Sean. Shortest average wait time. I'll go ahead, Sean. I got to say Burger King. It's not Burger King. Oh, bitch. Yes. Starbucks. It's not Starbucks. It's Taco Bell. Wow.
Starting point is 01:51:40 Oh, you're going to get the, no, get the fuck out of here. That's insane. I believe that Sean's invocation of the app earlier has something to do with it, because I think that probably speeds up a lot of their orders or app orders, and they just will get those out too very efficiently. Taco Bell lines are so long constantly. They're not doing this survey at the places I'm going to, I guess. Okay. Well, I think it's a national survey, but the average wait time at a Taco Bell is 268 seconds. Wow. So you might be going to high volume locations at busy hours. All right. Next up, what percent order accuracy does Chick-fil-A have according to the QSR 2021
Starting point is 01:52:23 study? Another Chick-fil-A question. Your options are 90%, 95%, and 100%. Holy shit. Mitch, why not? Yes, Mitch. Now I'm going to give this to Sean. I fucked up, because I'm going to go with 95%. Incorrect. It's got to be 90%. Yeah, I gave it a shot. That's what I'm talking about. This says, again, you can call bullshit with QSR 2021. They say it's 100% accuracy. That's insane. That's not right. I think it's bullshit. I think it's bullshit, but that's what the survey says. Amelia, what the fuck is this survey? No, I think Amelia's doing a great job. I think whatever this survey is is fucking bullshit.
Starting point is 01:53:08 I'll click to the source material. I'll see if I can get any more context here. All right. Next question is also based on- Was this just a guy? Is this just like one guy's experience? It was Nick, and he was like 100%. We should have known otherwise he said that. QSR is initials. It's a Quincy Stephen Richardson. Oh, interesting. All right. Next up, what percent order accuracy does Wendy's, the least accurate have? Your options are 80%, 85%, and 90%. I mean, this is just a guess now. Sean.
Starting point is 01:53:48 Sean. I got to say, what was it, 80%, 85%, and 90%. I'm going to guess 85%. You are correct. You get this one, 85% accuracy according to the survey, which is still, that's a pretty high fuck-up rate. You're fucking up 15% of your orders. That's pretty bad. Yeah, that's pretty bad. All right. Next up, based off 1,003 consumers in the U.S., which chain has the highest percentage of rude customer service? 1,000 and three? Yes. I don't know why that was the methodology. 1,000 people were surveyed and then three others.
Starting point is 01:54:25 The your options for rudest service, Starbucks, Duncan, and Arby's. Mitch. Yes, Mitch. Starbucks. It's not Starbucks. I got to say Arby's. Sean gets it. Yes. Arby's has a 4.8% reported rudeness rate. That's what I was going to go with, but then I just went to Arby's and they were so nice that I... They're usually nice to me at Arby's, but I can get like probably, maybe there's sometimes at Arby's, you're kind of at the end of your rope. You're just kind of like, we're going to get your food, calm the fuck down.
Starting point is 01:54:59 They're like, we're actually cutting meat back here, motherfucker. Slow the fuck down. We've got the meats. My first thing up out of my head was Arby's and then I was like, oh, Starbucks is like snooty in my mind. So that's why I flipped to Starbucks. But look, I'm getting my ass kicked. This survey is insane. I think they're overly friendly at Starbucks. That's what I think of anything. They're like, they're baristas and particularly to drive through there on the side of being a little too shy. They're just not happy because their employer treats them like shit and won't
Starting point is 01:55:29 let them unionize. They are somehow going to be unionizing now. It's great when they unionize. All in favor of that. They try to shut it down. I'm not going back to Starbucks. Yeah. Wait till Rick Caruso gets ahold of these Starbucks. Lakewood and Long Beach Starbucks are also unionizing. It's a great thing. We're happy to see it. All right. Two more questions. So Mitch, you can knot it up or Sean, you can take an insurmountable lead. Which drive-through has the lowest average number of vehicles in line? So least popular drive-through. Your options are
Starting point is 01:56:00 A. Arby's, B. Carl's Jr. Slash Hardy's, or C. Burger King? Sean. Mitch. Fuck. Sean. Gotta say Arby's. It's not Arby's. Mitch Carl's Jr. Mitch gets it. Wow. That's what I was going to guess the first time. Just no one's ever using Carl's Jr. And I like Carl's Jr. But it's usually a pretty car-free adventure when you go there. There's nobody in front of you. I was thinking through it anecdotally and like, yeah, the Carl's Jr. is I frequent. Usually there's no one in the drive-through line. If anything, more people go in store. I'm not sure what it is about that. I think the Carl's Jr. crowd is like the silent majority
Starting point is 01:56:42 of people that I just don't know. Like I'm thinking, oh, there's a bunch of dirt. Where do the dirt bags go to eat? Oh, they're probably all like Carl's Jr.'s. It's probably fucking run amuck with dirt bags. But I'm wrong. I feel like the dirt bags have stopped being silent lately. We're here. Guess what? It's dirtbag country USA. We rule it. Grews on the Supreme Court now. Fuckin' sucks. All right, finally. I wish any of them were as likable as groove. This is about the order confirmation board, which is the screen that reads back your order. So we think about the display screen that you see that says what you order.
Starting point is 01:57:28 Which drive-through has the highest percentage of order confirmation boards? Your options are A. Wendy's, B. Burger King, or C. McDonald's. Mitch McDonald's. Mitch, you are correct. It is a tie. You both win. Congratulations. McDonald's has a staggering 97% presence of order confirmation boards at their drive-thrus, which is kind of impressive. Ty goes to the guests. We've decided that. Ty goes to the guests. So congratulations, Distan. That's pretty good. I was going to say McDonald's, but I said, you know, Mitch has been having a hard time. He had to give away his bicycle and I'll let him tie with me here.
Starting point is 01:58:08 I appreciate that. Very anti-grew of you. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That was Slop Quiz. Feed for Speed Edition. Just like a restaurant by your feedback. Let's have a look at the feedback. And we have a voicemail today. Feed for Speed Edition. Yeah. I thought I was going to be like job done related or something, but I guess, all right, that's cool. That's cool. Amelia, you're crushing it. Well, like, I get it because like you're speeding through the drive-thru. You're speeding through the drive-thru. Yeah, that makes sense. That makes sense.
Starting point is 01:58:35 Yeah. Amelia, you fucked up. This is a huge fuck up. All right. Let's listen to this voicemail. Hey, new boys. This is Mike from Philly. I grew up with some knockoff stores. Like we had a 7-Eleven that closed and then it was reopened as a 7-12. I wanted to know if you guys had any fun knockoffs of well-known brands when you were growing up. Thank you. That's good. Good question. My mind goes to the old school pizza huts and the old school taco bells that have that very distinct floor plan. And so you'll see some of those like, oh, wait,
Starting point is 01:59:17 this used to be this bank. You clearly used to be a pizza hut. You can just tell by its architecture. But the two I think of, one was a 7-Eleven that turned into K2 Mart. So they still had the same wings, the same color way, but they just replaced the 7-Eleven with K2. And then the other one was a former taco bell that still had the bell, and they just changed the taco to tie. So it was tie bell. I always loved that one. That's pretty good, actually. That's pretty good. I love it. Yeah. I don't think I have an answer for this one. Don't think I've recognized...
Starting point is 01:59:56 I know there are a few in New York, but I can't really think of any right now. I'm going to give an LA... I don't remember much from growing up, but I do know that in LA, there's angry chicks, why? That place near where I used to live on Palmerston, which is like an angry bird's rip-off restaurant. Yeah. I know exactly what you're talking about. And I kind of... I've never tried it, but I want to try it. But like you, like seeing pizza huts, and also I've seen iHops turn into different places, too. Oh, that's a good one. The old A-frame iHop.
Starting point is 02:00:38 But I've never had a situation where it's been like, it's Burger King and now it's like Burger Zone or anything. I've never had anything like that before. There's like a couple of famous ones in New York that I just am not fucking remembering. Like, I know there's a pizza place. Fuck, what is it? I don't remember. Well, there's like Rays and Famous Rays and Famous Original Rays, like all the Rays derivatives. The one out here, there's Tommy's Burgers, and then there's all like... There's like Big Tommy's, there's Tommy's with an I, you know, there's all the Tommy's clone, Thomas's Burgers. My favorite was there was one that was Thoma's Burgers.
Starting point is 02:01:11 They put the apostrophe in the wrong place, and they're just like, we'll just lean into it. There was that place. Oh, this is... There was a place in Glendale called Everest Burgers. Why? Do you remember that? I used to get Everest Burgers, and I liked Everest Burgers, but it wasn't really knockoff of anything. I feel like there was like McDonald's knockoffs, but like, you know, like... Well, McDowell's, of course. Which I know they did a pop-up for in Brooklyn at some point. They did one out here. We went to the Fat Sal's version. At Fat Sal's. We went with our with our pal Shilling. It was a blast. It was fun.
Starting point is 02:01:47 Okay, so the... Let's... Wait, wait, here's one. This is because I wanted to mention the former Taco Bell subreddit, which is great for seeing these, and this one just popped up on it. This is a Starbucks in a Taco Bell. That looks crazy. Like a hermit crab claiming a new shell. Yeah, it's really... Dr. Moro shit. It looks... It looks very... I'm gonna fucking throw up right now. It's very other side of the simulation. It's fucking disgusting. It's fucking just... Should be just... Should be burnt down. It's fucking disgusting.
Starting point is 02:02:18 Science has gone too far. What was the hashtag you had earlier, Mitch? Hashtag, uh, uh, celluloid heroes. Okay, hashtag celluloid heroes. Share your favorite throwback movie tie-in meals, but also, if you have a rip-off restaurant, you can also use that hashtag. You want to share a kick of it or a story about it. Get that shit out of that fucking... Get that out of here. They come up with a new hashtag.
Starting point is 02:02:45 You can use Golden Popcorn for the older... Yeah. You can use Golden Popcorn for the old rip-offs and then celluloid heroes for the tie-in meals. That's that. Celluloid heroes is the one I'm clicking on. I want to see what the results are. I don't give a shit about Golden Popcorn. You can get a bunch of old MTV tweets of the situation holding up a fucking Golden Popcorn for some bullshit. Best kiss from the mask or whatever. Well, if you have a question about the world of... If you have a question or comment about the world of chain restaurants,
Starting point is 02:03:18 you can email us at dolboyspodcast at or leave us a voicemail at 830-GOTO. That's 830-463-6844. And to get that dolboys double our weekly bonus episode, you can join the Golden Earth Platinum Play Club at slash dolboys. Sean Diston, you may not fuck with subs, but we fuck with you until I have you on the podcast. We do fuck with you. Thank you for being here. And Mitch, do me a favor. Mitch, I fuck with you as well. Mitch, do me a favor. Don't fuck up Twisted Metal because it's very important to me that this show is good.
Starting point is 02:03:50 I'm very excited for it. I will be blaming you. You know, I'll deserve the blame because everyone else there is perfect. So I, you know, if something goes wrong, it is probably my fault. But I think everything is going to go great. It's a great, it's a great... Can't wait. And you know what? It all starts with that. Those scripts are fantastic. You guys did a great job. What can I say? We pitched stuff like, subbing basketball.
Starting point is 02:04:16 Do you... What is that streaming on? Do you know? It will be on Peacock. Peacock. On Peacock. And I gotta say, people are not sure what to think of that. Peacock's making a play, guys. Everyone else is... Peacock's doing it. Contracting and not spending money.
Starting point is 02:04:29 And Peacock seems to be making a play. So we'll see what's happening in a year with Peacock. Check it out. Check that out. And Sean, anything else you want to plug? No, no. Just listen to Scott hasn't seen on I said no, and then I pitched something immediately. Yeah. And when Twisted Metal comes around, give it a watch, play the video game. It's going to be some fun, crazy madness. So it'll be fun.
Starting point is 02:04:52 Fuck yeah. Wow. Check all that out. And hey, that'll do for this episode of Doe Boys. Until next time, for the Spoon Man, Mike Mitchell. We'll see you at Twisted Metal Month, by the way. We'll see you at Twisted Metal Month. Can't fucking wait. It's going to happen.
Starting point is 02:05:06 We're going to have to eat the spokes of a bicycle or something. That's probably something like some bullshit like that. Not my bike. That'll do for this episode of Doe Boys. Until next time, for the Spoon Man, Mike Mitchell. I'm Nick Weigher. Happy eating. Our bike. See ya.
Starting point is 02:05:23 On the next Doe Boys Double, did you know the original lyrics to you ain't nothing but a hot dog were in fact, you ain't nothing but a hound dog? With Elvis Presley back in the zeitgeist, Mitch and I discussed the king's catalog and legacy. It's the Elvis Double. This coming Tuesday only at slash Doe Boys.
Starting point is 02:05:39 Thank you. Thank you very much. Want to see the sources for this week's intro? Check the episode description. That was a hate gum podcast.

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