Doughboys - Ike’s with Spencer Crittenden (LIVE)

Episode Date: February 22, 2018

Mitch and Wiger pay a visit to Bay Area sandwich favorite Ike’s, famed for its overstuffed sammies that are often named after celebs, with their friend Spencer Crittenden (HarmonTown, HarmonQuest) a...s well as a very special guest. Recorded live at SF SketchFest in San Francisco.Want more Doughboys? Check out our Patreon!: for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Uh Sao wen this Galic pagan festival marking the end of the fall harvest in the beginning of winter and generally considered to signify the Celtic New Year dates to as early as the fifth century bce During sawin, which is not at all spelled like it sounds legend held that the connection was strongest between the mortal realm And what was known as the other world a separate spiritual plane where mythic heroes and deities resided Among the traditions of sawin included lighting bonfires and slaughtering livestock to appease the vengeful gods As well as guising the practice of dressing up in costume and visiting neighboring homes reciting verse
Starting point is 00:00:59 in exchange for food Later as Catholicism spread to the British Irish Isles the church began the Christianization of the pagan celebration In the eighth century pope Gregory the third moved the all saint's day feast Which had been established as a may holiday by pope Boniface the fourth in the seventh century to november 1st Overlapping with and overtaking sawin transmuting its preceding night into all hallows eve Today halloween has been sanitized in a form far removed from its origins as a day of sublimation to pagan gods to ward off a deadly winter Into a light-hearted family friendly celebration Though the tradition of guising has remained as kids and adults dress up as pop culture characters and stock monsters like vampires
Starting point is 00:01:38 mummies and witches And it was halloween 2007 when a bay area entrepreneur chose to open the doors to his shop Serving a different kind of witches The budding businessman is San Francisco native with the last name shahada Came equipped with lessons learned from an earlier attempt to open a market as well as a secret weapon his dirty secret sauce Unfortunately, October 31st 2007 was a terrifying night for shahada's eponymous castro district restaurant besieged by an oven failure
Starting point is 00:02:17 He didn't make a single sale Thankfully for future patrons, he regrouped and one week later reopened his business selling nine sandwiches on his second official day of operation From there his store took off and his dutch crunch bread and cartoon face logo became bay area fixtures in relatively short order Buied by a visit from man versus foods adam richman would become one of many celebrities with a sandwich named after him Its original castro location would grow to be so highly trafficked it was kicked out of its space and relocated just a few blocks away Today there's shops from norcal to socal in arizona and soon in nevada Thanks to its high quality product and its founders dogged determination to chase down his dream In hindsight halloween 2007 showed its connection to the galaxowan
Starting point is 00:02:57 An ominous night that connected shahada from the earthly realm to the immortal status of a chain restaurant icon This week on doe boys Oh Welcome to doe boys live how you doing san francisco Folks my name is nick weigher and before I go any further let me introduce my co-host This week's roast is courtesy of tony and st. paul Please welcome kevin james's buffalo bill suit
Starting point is 00:03:53 Give it up for the spoon man mike mitchell Once up san francisco Did you make a witch sandwich joke? Yeah, I thought it was pretty clever Oh, Jesus christ 2018, uh, I just walked in the door literally before the show started You arrived. I think you arrived at it's 415 now. You arrived at 405 our show started it was supposed to start at four I tell the woman's march, which is today
Starting point is 00:04:41 I got I got a pop off the woman's march It traffic was a little crazy Um, and I told you about it and you said curse that woman's march. Hold on hold on This is what you said over the phone. You said I wish it had never happened I'll have you know that me and our guests were both at the women's march mitch I think uh I think you were busy at the counter protest, right?
Starting point is 00:05:16 There was good group of us out there What does the we mean and or what does the you mean and you will not replace us? It sounds ominous I was I was at a tech rehearsal. You were at a tech rehearsal your other good Hey, anyone going to the birthday boy show tonight? all right Hey, this is great a fantastic sketch group. Uh, mike mitchell is in tim calpakis. Dave fergusson Yeah, why are you plugging this?
Starting point is 00:05:41 Jeff Dutton Yeah, it's a great show if If you guys if you guys are looking for something to do later and you're in the area stick around for I can disappoint you all day. You'll be This will be bad and then that will be bad Mitch you not only barely made it to the venue. Yeah, you also Barely made it back to the west coast. You've been in quincy massachusetts for I think since since halloween When did you fly over there? Do you have your annual sabbatical where you're gone for a third of the year?
Starting point is 00:06:11 I spent time with my mother speaking of women's marches Okay My mom is a woman nick maybe you don't want to think so but she is And I spent a nice long time with her. She's in her 70s. I lift boxes for her And I help her It's sweet Just like some sort of crate stacking game like what is there any purpose to moving these boxes? You're just sort of shifting around to look busy. I shoveled her out. There was a big snowstorm. I shoveled her out
Starting point is 00:06:45 Right. I spent time away from you You shoveled her out of a snow you mean like you shoveled your drive. You don't mean like you rescued her She was in distress, right? No, she didn't go outside and get covered in snow Suddenly no, I yeah, I I shoveled out the uh my entire well, there was a snow blower or whatever I still did it. You stood outside with a shovel and had your picture taken. That's what happened She did take about 40 pictures of me. That's cute. It was cute. She loves her little boy Shut the fuck up you creep What's wrong with you? She loves her mitchie and so do we
Starting point is 00:07:22 Uh Speaking of which Dispoon nation Weigar I got a drop. Hey, you set it up for me and everything Thank you. Yeah, I think I was here at tech rehearsal at three like we were supposed to be I was busy. All right, uh, here we go. Here's a drop It's bad Oh
Starting point is 00:07:55 It's you can't hear it at all It was a cool San Francisco themed drop And semi charm kind of life was playing It was it was lateral with every drop you've played. They're all on the same level They all they're all of equal value. Uh, that was for michael bailey. Are you here michael? Are you fuck you you ruin the show? Kick his fucking ass Yeah, let's go get our asses kicked by this guy
Starting point is 00:08:46 Oh Boy, how are the cats? How are the cats doing? How are walley and ermah? They're away from their papa for a while What the hell is going on with you? I saw you earlier and I hadn't seen you in a month and you went hey, dude, and that was it right And now on stage you pretend to like me. We're having fun. We're friends. No, we're not Uh, they were they were they were great. You know, they came up on they came up onto me Um, and they were they were purring. They were very they were very purr. They were purring quite a bit Meow we want daddy's milk
Starting point is 00:09:30 And then I took my tit out they suck from it Uh The filth the thick Mitch milk is what I was trying to say. Oh god. Oh what shut up Um, not only are we here the second year we we were here for the women's march last year, right But now that we're at the brava performing center for women. Yeah, I'm not sure if it's outside It just said brava theater, but it was very it was a strange venue At least in the in the what we got it was like, oh, this is a we're a strange fit for this venue for women's performing arts Like three white men who are going to talk about whether wendy's changed its bun or not
Starting point is 00:10:16 It doesn't seem right. Yeah, but I don't know. Hey, here we are I don't know. I don't know. What are we supposed to do? I don't know. Maybe they think we're two women. I have no idea Uh, our show would be better. We'd be smarter. I'd be on time You just are you just pandering to women now? You got it Uh, nick I miss you. I don't miss the show too much, but I immediately feel sick Right. Well, that was that was part of the thing is that we This is the first so this is the first episode. We're recording in 2018 even though we've released some episodes
Starting point is 00:10:54 This is the first the first one recording. Yeah And I think with all the episodes we've banked this one will be out in like April or something We have a lot we recorded at the end of 2017 But this is this is the first one we're recording and so like it had been I had a sabbatical of my own from Just eating gargantuan amounts of very heavy food and this week's chain It's you know, it's merits and it's it's flavors aside. It is Undoubtedly like indisputably very heavy food. It's it's and we had a lot of it over a couple of visits That's right. It's honestly like as a as a pre-show thing because logistically
Starting point is 00:11:29 It made sense for us to go before we did this show and it's just like Weighing yourself down with a bunch of bread and meat before doing a performance. I feel like shit. I look like shit I want to sleep right I have to do another show after this this sucks Oh, I don't know why we want to take this show on the road. It's so much more comfortable in my house, right You don't like it. Are you do you like San Francisco? Nick? Are you a San Fran fan? Hey? I love the bay area. It's great. I'm hashtag San fan
Starting point is 00:12:05 I am definitely a san fan. No, I've been up here a number of times I mean I'm a so-cal boy, but I appreciate the the northern part of the state I certainly appreciate the cuisine and culture up here and in uh, what do you what else do you call san francisco? The foggy boy what? Old bridge town Old bridge town. Yeah, I like that. Is that true? I don't know they should call it that Uh, have you had any good food Natalie your lovely wife? she's
Starting point is 00:12:39 God bless you She's a foodie. She is big and she takes you to some great places. She sure did. Yeah. I mean like let's see What what places did we hit up yesterday? Oh my oh, we had Brenda's meeting threes. I guess that's something of a local spot That's a big one that place was delicious and then we also went to the green chili kitchen Which I think is a fairly new spot that place was pretty new Mexico new Mexican food a lot of a lot of greats I mean, there's just there's there's an endless array of delicious options up here outside of the normal chains that we frequent What the fuck?
Starting point is 00:13:12 You sound like you sound like a travel advisor You'll appreciate the food in the culture when you come on up I mean you asked me a sincere question and then you roast me for giving a legitimate answer I can't help me. You're fucking you're strange sometimes I just don't know what you expect when you're like like hey your wife's really into food And I bet she took you to some great places. I'm like, yes, she did in fact here the places She took me. I like I've given you the information that you were all right. Shut up. Stop fighting in front of everyone Um, we almost went to house of uh the house of prime rib together
Starting point is 00:13:47 Yeah, but the reservoir they were packed full of reservoir and also you didn't want to go with me and the other guys Did you we would have went here that's such bullshit No, we would have went The thing is we have you have a limit we have a limited round of time And then we had some other places that we wanted to hit up and then also like when you start to We might not have gone. We definitely wouldn't have gone. We might not have gone asshole. There's no way you would have gone Yeah, uh, but I went to house of nann king instead last night, which is one of my favorites Is it is it too trendy now to people not go as much anymore? I don't I can't tell right? Isn't that when that you characterize it as a classic?
Starting point is 00:14:25 Uh one guy said absolutely. I'm rolling with him. Absolutely Sir, I want you to try whenever you agree with something throughout the show just chime in with a loud absolutely Just to punctuate those readings. It will help us. Yeah, that'll give us some energy because we're on fumes up here The years just started Uh house of nann king and then I don't know if I'm gonna be oh, you know what I had last night I don't know if I don't know if people know this as much. I bet that you they do but sam's pizza and burgers no
Starting point is 00:14:58 It's a late night. It's a late night burger place I think when you said sam's pizza's people didn't know but when you're on the end burgers They're like, oh, okay that place and sam's pizza and burgers. I believe I think you need it I think it's a package. It's a late night place Should I I can't narc on them. Can I what were they selling some weed? Oh my god, it's legal now, Mitch. It's no problem You're gonna buy some so you can not inhale it as you smoke it Honestly, you're like the bill Clinton for real. You really don't inhale
Starting point is 00:15:32 I've tried my hand with a little reefer. It's uh It's got a learning curve, but uh, no it doesn't that's a little You smoke you light the the grass Uh-huh, and then you inhale it it goes down into your lungs if you have fleshy human lungs And then you exhale and you feel I think that's my main thing I haven't like I've just I feel neutral like I just like I've had it and I'm like, okay This is I
Starting point is 00:16:09 The guy's gonna shit his pants It looked like he was gonna Mitch you can't get scared by someone running out of the theater because that's gonna be happening repeatedly As this show goes on people realize they've wasted their time and money watching this horseshit display Hey, I gotta say well first of all we should bring out our fucking guests for god's sake. We absolutely should This is insane. What's it saying? We're having fun. We're catching up. San Francisco. I gotta say kind of a spooky city Do you think I mean have you had any sort of ghastly experiences? Have you had any supernatural encounters? No, I haven't seen a ghost or vamp on the street, right?
Starting point is 00:16:53 um, but uh Just the the serial killer history up here is is free. That's what you're talking about. Yeah. Yeah, you're not talking about ghosts Yeah, I'm talking about you're talking about actual killers. Yeah. Yeah. You should know all about this sort of stuff Well, look if you're implying that I have some sort of darkness within me and then I'm capable of such acts I think I could yeah, I think I could pull off some of this stuff But I wouldn't because I understand more like I have a moral code. Hey, that's good You wouldn't murder people because you know, it's not nice. Exactly. Good for you. Iger Uh, yeah, go on. Yeah, what's what's what's now? I forget the the the fincher movie. Do I zodiac?
Starting point is 00:17:36 Yeah, so the zodiac killer is up here running around. He's still on the loose I don't know if he's I mean they I don't think they ever officially found out who he was But I think I don't know if he's still on the loose. He's certainly not still did anyone ever talk to you come on No one ever contacted you about it. All those murders occurred before I was even born It's an insane for you to imply I was the zodiac killer
Starting point is 00:18:04 Baseless accusation They think it's Ted Cruz, right? Isn't that the yeah, that's kind of the meme that started people started saying Ted Cruz did it? Which is fun. That was a lot of fun. Is that me? Hey, Mitch, let's talk about other memes. We've seen You seen this grumpy cat boy. What's he upset about? I don't think grumpy cat is really I think that's just his face Yeah, yes, bitch. You're right. Yes Hey, uh, let's bring out our guest
Starting point is 00:18:37 You know from Harmontown and rick and morty a good friend of the show. Please welcome spencer crittendon Yeah, man, what's up everybody, thanks for putting up with me I like your intro music. Oh, yeah, I'm Sina there a little John Sina I got a story about that song That's one of the reasons why I picked it because it makes for a dramatic entrance It makes for a dramatic entrance So when me and my friends would hang out one of us would play that song upon our entry Like I would step in the door with like a boombox jam and like
Starting point is 00:19:26 You know and then or like I would come in and then he would play it And one time we were queuing that up for a friend who was about to arrive And we didn't have it queued up in time and so we locked him out of the house right as we were We were queuing up this song and so then we hit play and we were about to unlock the door and so incensed at being locked out of the house This roommate kicks in the door Right as John Sina is like It was the best thing I've ever seen in the life just splinters flying off a door frame and John Sina Oh, man
Starting point is 00:20:00 After that moment it became a real problem, but in that moment It was hilarious and perfect And so yeah, that's that's I just imagine I just kicked those curtains coming out. Yeah Yeah, did he blast through the locker or knock the hinges off he well, it was like Yeah, it was like, you know, there's the chain kind of like on a hotel door or whatever It it that was the main thing There's a bust at the at the lock like right where the lock goes in the hole But then that thing just ripped like half of the door frame off of the wow
Starting point is 00:20:33 Yeah, it was a it was a real home improvement project to get back to that's awful to get the security deposit back Wu Tang and I used to stun people the stone cold stunner. Yeah Chankton's in the audience tonight. He can confirm. Hi, Chankton. Oh man We used to stun people guys and girls That's great. The woman's marches today. We We handed out stunners equally to all right Very noble of you. I stunned this girl Laura in college and you should have seen it. It was a great moment It was one of the best stunners even better than maybe stone cold himself
Starting point is 00:21:14 Bitch, you might want to stop telling the story of the time. She was my friend. We're friends What is it? What is that pretend? I don't know anything. What is a stunner entail? You kick I know we never really kick them Wait a minute, you know you asked to come out to John Cena's entrance music But you don't know the stone cold stunner perhaps the most famous move in all of pro wrestling I didn't say I love John Cena as a child and is I said the story the story It's like it's not related to the wrestling of it. Hey, should I demonstrate a stunner on wiger? Use the hashtag all right, I'll do my best to sell that here's the thing
Starting point is 00:21:52 This is as much a I'm not a very good physical actor and this is this is always a liability of mine and Oh, so much of so much of doing it so much of a Sunday stunner is also selling it So it's selling the fit the but I'll do my best. I will do my best. Here's my issue I'm afraid if I come down with a stutter stunner. I'm gonna fall through the stage Is that a possibility so you're gonna get airborne? I mean you kind of got all right. Oh, I'll just look it up. Maybe this sounds dangerous Basically what it is is kind of a kick to the solar plex. They want to see it though. They want to see it. Okay Spencer, can you give us
Starting point is 00:22:34 Spencer not to put you too much on the spot. Can you give us a little play-by-play? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah Let me get it throwing some Jim Ross bug gods. Maybe that'll help. Okay All right, they're squaring off Mitch clapped They're reaching at each other. Oh, he kicks him. Oh And he's down for the count It all happened so fast. Well, I broke my leg Are you okay? It hurts so much It was like the fattest slowest stunner right and again, it looked good
Starting point is 00:23:18 I didn't do a good job of selling it because I forgot which way I was supposed to contort my body It's tough. You look you look you looked concussed. I was very confused. I was like, oh, I was like, I was overthinking it That was the issue. I just saw this this there's this amazing event in southern california pwg pro wrestling gorilla or gorillas It's one of the but this indie wrestling promotion and they have these amazing shows and I went up and I saw Pro wrestling gorilla sounds dangerous as fuck. They're not actual gorilla g u e Different kind of gorilla uh, but the uh But but I was just saw that just like the amount like the physicality and the charisma We've talked about wrestling before but it's just it's staggering to see like, oh, you're so good at this
Starting point is 00:24:00 Yeah, this this uh These athletic feats, but then also you're like more charismatic and you have a better stage presence than me like I was just like I was watching I was like, this is so much more entertaining than anything. I've ever been involved in I'm what basically what I'm saying is that you guys should go to pwg instead of this Like that's a better show. You've talked about that before how they're funnier than most comedians, right? Yeah, absolutely Yeah, we'll stop telling people that okay. We're gonna be useless in a couple years. We tried discouraging people from listening to the podcast It doesn't work. I mean, I guess at this point we should probably stop it just it's futile People are gonna keep listening and coming to these lines. So you went to the I wonder what your finishing move would be
Starting point is 00:24:42 I'm just saying I wonder what it would be. I thought about this before and You know my I'm pretty sure You would do a self-suck in the other okay. All right the other wrestler The other wrestler would get dazed He's doing the self-suck Oh my god The other wrestler he doesn't know what to do and now you roll him up and you pin him. It's a great move So he's so disoriented by the act of sit by seeing me perform autofilatio
Starting point is 00:25:18 A crowd of onlookers that's right that he loses consciousness And falls to the mat and then I can get him with a three count. Uh-huh. No, will you finish first? Jesus christ that is the three count as you're finishing You knew where you were going when you said the three count is the count down for you you put your leg up on him You think you think three pumps is all I'm good for is that what you're saying? This guy's graphic. This is needlessly graphic. Yeah, whatever. Hey guys We're gonna make like Ryan Reynolds Jason Sudakis this week. Huh? We're gonna do a change up Uh
Starting point is 00:25:57 And before we review our chain, we're gonna do our snack or wax segment So for that we're gonna need one audience volunteer one audience volunteer scrabble I saw a hand right there in the front row. You're right there. You're very excited This is great. This is a good sign Oh hell yeah, oh, yeah gentlemen rocking an in-and-out burger t-shirt. It's fucking wack slide on in here Uh, tell everyone your name. Hi. I'm matt jay Give everyone a hand from I give give matt a hand rather give Don't be afraid to grab that microphone. Fuck's the matter with me. Who give everyone a hand. What am I saying?
Starting point is 00:26:34 Um, all right, Mitch tell us what give everyone a hand. I was trying to say give matt a hand everyone I said give everyone a hand and I caught myself. I love this is a great audience. I'll give them a hand Oh, that's fun. That's a lot of they gave you a hand and you gave them a hand Yeah, matt are you from the bay area? Uh, no, I'm from new jersey. Are you I moved here? Whoa, what the I got turned on real fast. I moved here. I left new jersey Even worse. All right, I'll see you I'll go back to these ghosts. What at what age did you did you move on out here? I liked six months ago six months ago and you're already an in-and-out burger partisan
Starting point is 00:27:14 Oh, yeah, we drove out here and on the way listened to pretty much every dough boys We could and visited every place we don't have on these coast and listen to your episode about it as we travel Jesus christ. They were weirdos I need you to drive off a fucking cliff. That's what I was gonna say Yeah, I feel like if that was what I was listening to I had straight for the Santa Monica pier and end up in the ocean If I was alone, maybe I had a person and a cat with me. Okay. Oh cat with you, huh? Yeah, Mitch. Hey Mitch woke up Don't drive off that cliff
Starting point is 00:27:49 We have two cats. Oh, even better snail and watson. What what what kind of cats are they an orange one and a gray one Nice a Garfield in a normal Yeah, one of them's always trying to send one to Abu Dhabi It's nothing. Is it normal? Did I get that right? You get it. Yeah. All right, great Um, and he made a deep cut Abu Dhabi reference which didn't go over the audience. I appreciate it. Hey, I didn't get either I was with you guys. What the fuck everyone? He would Garfield was trying to mail odi to Abu Dhabi. It was a common thing It was a trope for a while in the Garfield. All right, you guys can die on that fucking ledge. No
Starting point is 00:28:25 Goddamn it. Weigar. He would he would send Nirmal to Abu Dhabi would kick odi off the table. All right Jesus Christ hashtag burger brigade first of all burger brigade fan. I'm sorry. Yeah, you anyway Wait, so why did why did you move? Why did you move to san francisco? What? What's right out here? I my for our jobs our jobs moved us here. All right. Oh, is it a tech job? No, no, we are not I promise our rent is very high and we hate it. Yeah. Wow. That's probably unique out here, right? All right, Mitch, uh, Mitch, let's talk us through our snack real quick. This is a nice guy. It is a nice guy Let's talk about what we got. What we got to tell you. I'm saying me really. Uh, we got
Starting point is 00:29:15 San Francisco's own jeered Nick, why don't you say it for us? I oh, okay. I'm not confident in the pronunciation myself. Ghira deli. I believe it's closer You're a deli. You're a ballpark. You nerd. Yeah Cabernet flavor. Hmm. Nick, we looked at a lot of things you and I Oh, we looked at three things. We looked at a few things We're going to get rice oroni. We're in a local San Francisco market. They didn't have no rice oroni No, ronnie in this place. Is there instant? Is there instant rice oroni? They didn't have it
Starting point is 00:29:49 Why do you think there's like microwave path? Is there is there microwave path? I think there's some version of that we could have found but we didn't track it down at the one place We went to yeah, but that's like going to china and getting general sauce chicken. That's true. That's I mean, that's fair I mean, I don't yes. I don't have a counter for that. You're right It is one hold on a second like that because San Francisco is known to have great rice. Is that what you're saying? No, just it's not it's it's like a it's bad. It's just like a packaged thing. It's okay. All right fair enough Yeah, all right. Let's dig into these bars. We're pressed for time and we're getting booed justifiably All right, so these are these are cabernet flavors a little bit a little bit for the
Starting point is 00:30:26 Wine fan if you're a little bit of a little bit of a whinoe. You got some some cabernet ones here whinoe Yeah Which in my mind is like a person who has a wine in a paper bag I guess so. Okay. What do you call just a straight up wine fan? A winniac if you're a winniac. Yeah a winniac winniac. Yeah Uh, so these are uh, this is a boy. This is a big bar. This is meant for sharing Yeah, I think that's that's what we're learning here. This is meant for sharing Hey, we can hand it out to the audience afterwards
Starting point is 00:30:58 That sounds fun. Yeah, you guys want some second hand chocolate that we've gnawed on? Oh boy Hey, that guy is fucking good. We should bring him around every show we have. Yeah switch me out with that Saving our asses Um, it has a very strong grape scent to it. It's very very blackberry and grape forward Taking a bite of this bad boy looks like a non-descript chocolate. It's it says intense dark. So it's a dark chocolate It is intense. Oh boy. Oh, yeah It tastes mostly like grapes. It's less like chocolate than anything else. I agree, but
Starting point is 00:31:43 It's working for me I mean, it's it's it's a it's crazy, but it's good I think this is actually real real real I go snack on this one. I think that's that's the that's where i'm leaning snack out the gate, huh? Yeah, I think i'm going hard snack decisive I'm not fucking around I think
Starting point is 00:32:04 It tastes a little like grape soda Which I like. Yeah, I like that too But I can't I don't know. I don't I can't I can't tell No, it's a weird aftertaste. Who wants this really? I mean if this was marketed to children. I feel like it would work better This wine product was marketed to children grape soda Oh, you're saying if the instead of it being cabernet matinee for the wine mom if we were saying this is like This is like a grape explosion. Yeah for the kid. You're saying that it might it might work a little better Yeah, I don't know. I think this where this feels like this because the dark chocolate. I feel like kids don't like dark chocolate
Starting point is 00:32:42 I think it's too intense for them. It's strange. I'm gonna go snack too because I think it's good enough. Yeah, I like it I'm also gonna go snack. This is pretty good. I'm gonna give it a wow Wow, wow That's Spencer audience. You should have gasped. Wow Explain your descent Spencer It's it's uh, it tastes like jam. I don't want to eat jam. I want to eat candy. That's true It like it's a good point. He is right. It really is like jam like the more it sits in your mouth The more it kind of just has that like uh residual fruit flavor and that's one of my least favorite things to experience
Starting point is 00:33:15 Let's get real here. Jam is for grandmas and grandpas. Hell. Yeah Jam os hashtag jam on I love my grandma and grandpa. Hey, you know who us jam is for Michael Jackson and Michael Jordan Oh Wait, what Michael Jackson has a song called jam and Michael Jordan would throw down thunderous jams Oh Sometimes not on this you psychotic. What the fuck is wrong with you? I think it's a pretty clear connection that when people hear the word jam. They think of
Starting point is 00:33:47 Jam And they also think of the tune squad Taking on the monsters and space jam. I think both of things come to the forefront of people's minds Does anyone want to run some of this to the absolutely guys? Pass it around hopefully none of you are allergic to chocolate That would be crazy. All right. Well, that was snack or whack guys one more time for matt. Thanks so much Good job. God bless you Hey, do you think we tricked the audience and could just end the show now
Starting point is 00:34:23 Well, you guys have not gotten your money's worth, but Do that won't happen in another hour either. So you might as well leave at this point about your losses Are you just in the back of your mind inching yourself closer to the edge of the stage? Why what am I doing? Look at how the table is Am I scooching you scooched you're you're you're Subconsciously trying to fall off the stage. This table is not easily budging. I'm not trying you're you're scooting it the wrong way I was no, I just was I was trying to scoot it. I was to see how easy it budged. I was like, I can't easily scoot it I'm trying to move this forward. It's very I'm leaning like
Starting point is 00:34:57 Take the microphone out of the fucking stand. Okay, I'll do it. I'm just saying that this is like I can't easily move it forward So I don't know what you're implying Jesus Christ This is amazing. It's just a watch though if you're listening forget about it We have a long table in front of us for anyone listening to this and Nick's been moving forward I didn't realize feet over the past 20 minutes. I didn't realize I'd been pushing it forward gradually It doesn't look like it's moving to me. So I'm sorry for doing that if that's just a stage picture or light or lighting I think it's fine. No, it's fine
Starting point is 00:35:29 Okay Spencer you and I were at the women's march Yeah, you had this this is one like when I saw you no, huh? Because I was there and I just looked like a narc and But you like you have this amazing beard and then you were also holding up a sigh You were holding up a what was your what did your signs say people were giving out signs? Yeah, it's signs that said lock them up and stuff like that So I had one of those you had it you had a picket sign lock them up. You look like a classic doomsayer Oh, your big beef. Oh, yeah, nice guy. That sounds like that could be my new thing
Starting point is 00:36:03 I think I've been looking for a new thing and that I really you're right. I cut that profile Give me a bathrobe or something And just like a shopping cart, right Yeah, I got a lot of stuff to say that I would like to write down Yeah, I had a manifesto. Yeah, I I look like a man with a manifesto, right? Yeah, that's that's a new one. I can add to the list. I definitely look like Something, you know, I don't just look like a person. I look like a figure or a cartoon character or like I like a big shape. I'm a big shape of something
Starting point is 00:36:39 I like a big blot blot. I look like a big ink blot. Hmm Why are you look like you would have been imperfectly with a tiki torch the way you're dressed right now? Oh, come on. You look at the way you're dressed right now You look like you had a tiki torch. You would get the shit beaten out of you today. I've got a tie I got a tie on I've got here's he was a situation I had a very ineffective iron In in our hotel room, right? He wasn't getting any any wrinkles out You talked about this you were so perturbed that you brought it up
Starting point is 00:37:11 I was really upset about this iron situation So I have this sweater over me to cover up this wrinkly shirt And I got a little tie here to try to dress it up a little bit And the result is you look like you're comfortable on boats and stuff Like You look like a boatman for sure Uh, let's let's get back to let let's dig into food a little bit before we get into our chain One thing I want to talk with you about because spencer you are our guest on our jack in the box episode
Starting point is 00:37:36 Any jack in the box fans out there? Oh hell, yeah Wow Certainly more on the west the western side of the u.s But a favorite of mine. I think a favorite of yours spencer They've changed ad agencies in recent years and I noticed that the They have a different voice for jack in jack in the box. I caught that after you mentioned it. It's it's weird, right? Wait, is this just recently? Yeah, this is like it's within like the past
Starting point is 00:38:00 I think they changed ad agencies in 2015 and so the newer spots are starting to air And so the old want the old ad agency the head of the ad agency for like 20 years was the voice of jack in the box And so when they switched creative that guy was Was that that guy the the the head of the agency was no longer the voice of jack box their iconic mascot And so they got a sound alike, but the sound alike doesn't really sound alike No, it he's like he's like the uh the fake eddie murphy they use in the shrek commercials He's like he's like kind of there, but not quite Yeah, like uh the jack like the original jack sounds like kind of like
Starting point is 00:38:35 Hey, you got to try my jack in the box stuff and then the the new one's kind of like a Hey, you're going to try my jack like he sounds like it's his dad. He's pitched up a little bit Yeah, it's really I don't know. I didn't think I would notice it when he pointed it out, but when I heard it I was like no, yeah, no Once you hear it you kind of can't unhear yeah, it's bad bad choice. I haven't heard it yet But I was just thinking about tiki torches the whole time. Mm-hmm We're gonna take tiki torches back, right? What do you mean back to like tiki bars back to sort of tiki culture?
Starting point is 00:39:08 Yeah, I don't like that. It was appropriated by a bunch of assholes. They want to reclaim it tiki torches are fun They're a fun thing right they're meant for family to enhance family gatherings Yeah, and keep bugs away occasionally occasionally if there's one thing about our current cultural moment The most important priority is taking back tiki torches Yeah, I don't think they're like I think tiki torches are cool like if someone had one I'd be like Yeah, this guy knows how to decorate, but like I don't care about him enough to want to take them back It's like yeah, let's just be the this the new angry torch for racists like fine sure Well, I guess you're right
Starting point is 00:39:48 I give up on it immediately I like to think I was how a partially responsible for taking back new balance No I think people still tweeted us and say you shouldn't wear your new palace shoes I took back new balance for the left Um, so let's get into this week's chain. Oh, yeah Ike's that's right now A lot of a lot of bay area fans of this chain This certainly was one when we were asking which one we should cover
Starting point is 00:40:17 I think a lot of people from up here chimed in and we're saying you guys got to hit up Ike's At one point called Ike's place at one point called Ike's lovin sandwiches But I think largely known as just Ike's and so I think we each made a couple of visits including one pre-show where we went to the The location pretty close. I think the closest location to this theater, but uh, but prior to that I went to one in Los Angeles with my lovely wife We went to the westwood location, which is just south of UCLA and the sandwiches I got there I the one I got myself which my understanding is this is one of the more popular items at Ike's Matt Kane named after a
Starting point is 00:40:56 A baseballer right good good guy you with a place old stickball A baseballer. I only follow the NBA. I don't stick ball I don't really know what's going on in the mlb, but he's uh, who's a giant right? Is it my correct read that? Okay, yes, I mean not literal giant. Yeah, no, he was a human. He was human. Hmm Thank you, Spencer If you did have a giant though, that would be quite in it I mean the strike you fucking tear up the league with a giant. Are you kidding me? I think that strike zone would it would be the problem
Starting point is 00:41:28 I think maybe you'd have you'd have to make that giant the pitcher or maybe you just haven't covering the outfield How big of a job are we talking about like the baseballs between like his pointer and thumb? Yeah, when I hear paul when I hear a giant I think of like paul bunion. That's what I mean. Oh, that's big That's yeah big So like a guy who like like a giant mitch is what I'm thinking Because you're kind of a scaled down paul. I think if they make the paul bunion When it's a live action paul bunion movie, they're gonna put you in it People what you'll be like candy circus of the paul bunion. You'll just be like a perfect
Starting point is 00:42:00 A perfect skill model for him. He doesn't play like small creatures. They don't need a paul. Okay. All right. Yeah, all right Fine. I would gladly take any role But no, I that's that's what I'm thinking. So yeah, well paul bunion is what 40 feet tall. How tall is paul bunion? He's not Godzilla, but he's kind of like a king kong He feels 60 60 feet 60 feet. He played on the giants But then he was afraid to shower with the guys because they had a really tiny dick It'll be funny if a giant had a really tiny dick, right It's like still huge but you can tell you're like relatively. Yeah, like looks like a big button, right?
Starting point is 00:42:42 I drew from this instantly when you said I could be paul bunion Uh But so I got the mat cane godfather sauce provolone roast beef salami turkey Also got some fries They have a whole array of dipping sauces there the ones we went with were ranch and pesto this place has it Fucking every single thing you could want. This is the thing and I would say for anyone who's maybe unfamiliar with ike's Which I imagine a lot of our audience knows Live audience here today knows ike's but maybe some of our listeners who don't live on on the west coaster are less
Starting point is 00:43:16 Familiar with it. I'd say the main thing about it is that it's got like this It's over the top in in most aspects including the the individual composition of its menu items But also the size of its menu. I think they have something like 400 sandwiches at this point. It's it's staggering. It's insane It's too much. It's it's it's there's too many there's too many of them on there if I can be a little paralyzed by choice Yeah, I would ask him how if like how do you keep track of 500? How many sandwiches is it? I think 400 was what's one of the employees told us but The actual figure is it's a lot, but I mean they don't list all of them individually on the menu They have like a
Starting point is 00:43:51 A limited selection that are they'll put up on the wall and they'll put on their paper menu and online and then Then the other ones are relegated to the secret menu akin to something that you might find it in out burger But a little bit more extensive Mitch is putting his head in his hands just the fact that you changed your voice to fun secret voice Something that you might find on the internet It's it's frustrating to me. Okay. I'm not gonna get mad. It's a new year. I love you Nick It's a new year. You'll you'll like make fun of me, but then apologize. That's what you're that's how your handle is Yes, do you do you ever read goosebumps books? You look like the night of the living dummy dummy
Starting point is 00:44:41 Just the way you look right now it came into my head. I had to share it I'm gonna look this up I'm gonna google this real quick night of the living dummy night of the living dummy from goosebumps. Okay living dummy I hope I'm right. I think he has reddish hair. No, I don't think he does He does not think he's got dark hair. He's got here's the thing. Yeah, he does You look like him I mean he is yeah, I mean similar haircut and head Click on one of the pictures
Starting point is 00:45:10 You look like them Turn that around so the crowd can see I don't know. I don't know the crowd will be able to see this But I'll I'll try to brighten up your monitor. You look like the night of the living dummy dummy Let me see if I can embiggin this at all The hell's going on here Hold on. I don't I just don't think people are able to see it. I'll I'll gladly turn my monitor around god This is this is fucking compelling podcasting right here. Oh, yeah The key finding something on my laptop and then turning around the screen for the live audience zoom in on that one
Starting point is 00:45:39 I hold on. I'm trying I wasn't prepared to do this. No, you're doing great. Okay. All right here Turn off your turn off the brightness. I've got the brightness up. It's all the way up He looks like the night of the living dummy I I thought uh earlier. I thought that the John Cena story would be a long walk for a short drink It's like what's your home page in there wager my home page What am I using aol in 1997? I still use it Aol is actually not a bad email server
Starting point is 00:46:26 I just want to go out there and say that Well, what's your opinion? What's a bad email server? Uh, I don't know So aol's not that Like that thing that nothing is I agree. No, I think that's a good point. Yeah I have google. I you know google. I don't I don't log on to google go. Oh my god The features. Oh, I think oh you sick fuck. What is this wager as you guys were talking?
Starting point is 00:46:56 I found an rl stein character that I think corresponds well to you mitch I think you're pretty one-to-one with the blob that ate everyone Hey, I agree with them Did we ever run into rl stein years ago? Did we run into him? I met him one time. Did you really? Yeah Wow, that's a celeb. He was at new york comic con. He was scaring people left and right Just like ah, just like ah Was he really doing that? No, of course not. He's like 90 years old. He was hunched over. I don't think he's 90 He's very old. I don't think rl stein I'm gonna look up rl stein's age
Starting point is 00:47:41 Wait someone wait what? What's that Wow, look at that Our tech is put out. We have a big screen behind us that was showing the dough boys logo and our tech You look like them put up the night of the living dummy up on the big screen And then the blob today everyone The tag there he's no picky eater Hey big hand for ryan doing that on the fly up there
Starting point is 00:48:16 Okay, uh I wish I could eat all your fucking assholes So before we went on the tangent the mat cane. I really like the sandwich I mean I like the the and I know this was another one we got today. The first thing I'll say is that dutch crunch bread is So good, it's just like it's fantastic and I don't see any reason to get I mean I guess I didn't try a different bread because I kept getting the dutch crunch But it's just such a it's I know it's what they're known for it said world famous world famous It's really good and um, and you know to togos used to have a dutch crunch
Starting point is 00:48:51 but this is leagues above the togos version and I thought the elements all really worked well together. I really like that godfather sauce You know, I'm not honestly not the biggest roast beef or turkey fan when it comes to like just meats to get on a sandwich Even though I like both meats, but this was like a really really good execution. We also got that one today What did you guys think of the mat cane that we had at the polk street location? I loved it. I'm not usually a mixed meats guy mixed meats Yeah, I don't like to mix them up. Hmm
Starting point is 00:49:20 Those meats should keep to themselves is what you're saying No I'm not saying separate equal meats or whatever the fuck you're trying to say I I just don't like to have I don't like to mix turkey and I like I usually like to just have the meat on there its own Right. I like to I like to have it shine on its own, but I really really really like the the matcain a lot It was it was one of my favorites that I tried there and I tried four or five sandwiches I believed yeah over a couple of visits. We also throw some over a couple of days. Yeah We also threw some mozzarella sticks on that
Starting point is 00:49:54 Anyone put the anyone put the sticks or the rings or any or the jalapeno poppers on one of those sandwiches I think it's good. Here's the only thing I'll say I think it got kind of there's just so much going on in that sandwich I felt like the the second time I had it with the mozzarella sticks I felt like those those mott sticks got a little buried. Here's what I have to say though about it Usually like there's a place called fat sals in LA. Yeah, and a lot of time like Is that turtle for montourage? The man who owns the sandwich shop uh or did
Starting point is 00:50:25 um, but uh co-founder co-founder, but when you eat though when you when you get mozzarella sticks in the sandwich over there It's like it kind of overtake you get like a greasy flavor Like sometimes overtaking these mozzarella sticks weren't greasy like uh, they they didn't like just I thought it would maybe Possibly ruin there's a chance that can ruin the sandwich and it didn't it was it was it was still very good. No. Yeah, absolutely Yeah, Spencer. I mean, I know you had you had a lot of sandwiches that you were nibbling on But you had to bite at this one. Do you have any takeaways from that game? It was solid It was like the closest to a deli sandwich like just the standard it had like provolone and roast beef and salami and like
Starting point is 00:51:00 Just standard deli meats. It wasn't like a hot kind of steak sandwich or anything I thought I was down the middle of the road like uh, right like uh, like a classic kind of cold cut sandwich Except none of the sandwiches are hot. So all of the sandwiches are hot. Well, that's exactly what I meant. Thank you But uh, it seemed like that was actually something I had been when I went to the ones in burbank I didn't really see anything like that and I was like, oh, they don't just really have like a salami kind of sandwich So having it I was like, oh, yeah, no, they definitely do Well, they do yeah, but everything is coming out Warm, right? I don't feel like they have any any sort of cold. You have to specify. You can specify cold
Starting point is 00:51:38 Yeah, and they'll look at you funny out here. Right. I don't want the hot sandwiches. Yeah, I got uh, The first time I went I got the Elvis Keith, which was like a chicken teriyaki sandwich with wasabi and swiss I thought that was cool wasabi or wasabi mayo not wasabi Wasabi is like a crazy flavor that's way overpowering and so I was expecting to hate it But it was so mild it like it stayed with you with the sandwich, but it never overpowered it And I think that's uh, a mark of a great sauce So That was good. I had the hella fat bastard
Starting point is 00:52:08 That's like ham and bacon and mott sticks and cheese and stuff and that was uh, that was one I didn't like as much. I think that it kind of was leaning on the interplay of the bacon and the mott sticks But the mott sticks they're just uh, I don't know I'm not a big mott stick guy because if they're not Super super hot like when it's super melty you get just kind of this warm mozzarella And I like cold mozzarella more than warm mozzarella. So it's just it kind of just tastes like just cheese It can get a little bit and get a little rubbery. Yeah, and it's warm version The best the best thing I got was uh, the james and the giant peach which is like a vegan fried chicken
Starting point is 00:52:45 Ike's yellow barbecue sauce cheddar and uh, you can get that with jalapeno and it says you could and I did And it's like this crazy spicy thing That's one of the any time I got a vegetarian sandwich was like a vegetarian meat substitute It was better to me than the meat and I was like wow Yeah, it was a weird thing because you see the Ike's menu and it's like a third of the menu is vegetarian options And they go all out saying you can veget- vegetarianize or veganize every option It's like I get it enough But when you're actually when you actually try a vegan version, it's like wait a second
Starting point is 00:53:16 I like this more than the fried chicken like I'm a vegetarian now What you're a vegetarian? Yeah, I'm just gonna eat an Ike's and I think I'll be fine, right? It'll be great Doughboys turned you into a vegetarian Ike's turned me into a very vegetarian through the power of love and sandwiches I'm gonna be hanging from my in my hotel room tonight I will say that that's a because because this is the the thing that maybe is a little bit Incongruous with what I think the stereotype of the Bay Area is as far as I exist Just how over the top and how unhealthy it is and I think a lot of people kind of think of the
Starting point is 00:53:55 And it's unfair because there's a lot of that kind of food now and in california and it's great There's a lot of you know, there's a lot of great unhealthy food out here. I mean, it's kind of the birthplace of what do you mean by I mean like if you add mozzarella sticks to a sandwich. Yeah, it's unhealthy. That's what I mean I think people looking at it. They may be like like wait What's like kind of Bay Area about that? But I think the the Veggie the vast vegetarian section of the menu the fact that like a third of the menu is vegetarian And it's good and then that people like it to me that kind of speaks to
Starting point is 00:54:24 Uh, it kind of that kind of speaks specifically to its its roots a little bit into the the uh area It's from associated with a little bit Look vegetarians can do whatever they want. I appreciate I'm gonna hold on there vegetarians. You can do some things but curfew 10 o'clock Just don't mess with here's what I appreciate about the place is that there's a ton of Vegetarian options, but it doesn't mess with my fun meat options. Sure. Leave my meaty stuff alone I want I don't want anything to you know what I'm saying like I like I like that It's not specific like there doesn't have to be crossover it like uh, they have the fried chicken. They have the fake fried chicken
Starting point is 00:55:06 I'm happy about that. I don't want I don't want to eat vegetarian food. I know I should I'm a fat fucking asshole I should eat vegetables But uh, but I'm happy that like you can do your own you know what I mean It doesn't get in the way if that makes sense right absolutely that that's that's kind of way and that that's honestly like a better way of Of what I was trying to say, which is that it's very accommodating to That there I think there are a lot of vegetarians in the bay area in california in general and and certainly on the west coast at Larger just where this chain largely resides and I think they're it's like a great place to accommodate Vegetarians because like vegetarians like to pig out too. They don't just want to eat, you know
Starting point is 00:55:42 This the tail and quinoa all the time. It's it's fun to have those options there So vegetarian pigs in the audience tonight What about a big snort? Well, they didn't do it I guess they aren't And then we also so our Mitch, what did you get it? Let's let's before we we get to our when I was when I was it Oh, yeah, it was my first night back And immediately I had to do dope boys again
Starting point is 00:56:10 uh I ordered up uh a paul rubens And um a menage a trois The only menage a trois I have ever or will ever have Um, you might get that sandwich again That was good. Um, I'm sad they took the dummy down Um, I I love the paul rubens. Um, it was
Starting point is 00:56:47 Let me put the dummy back the dummies back up over our logo. Uh, I love I love the paul rubens. Yeah, the menage a twi. So here's here's here's here's a criticism I'll give of this place. I don't love is it halal chicken. Is that how you say it? Yes I don't love the halal chicken. Do you mean this their specific halal chicken or in general? Maybe just in general. Oh interesting Well, I I mean their halal chicken seems like a very specific preparation So I don't know that you hate all halal chicken. Here's here's what I'll say I feel like you've had a lot of murder mediterranean foods. You've certainly encountered I love I love I do love mediterranean food. My thing is if you get like too big of a chunk of it
Starting point is 00:57:24 It can just be a little What's the right word? It can taste when I when I get too much of a big chunk of chicken It can taste gamey to me. Does that make sense? Am I being weird? It can just get too much of a chicken It's too much. I think I mean, I think people know what you so someone knows what I'm talking about Yeah, it can just be too. It can be too much. It can it can over it can kind of overpower the sandwich too Had to heavily seasoned maybe. Yeah. Okay. Got it too distinct for you But so anyways, I had I had the the paul ruben sandwich and the manaja which I like the flavor It's there's a lot going on in there
Starting point is 00:57:55 Right and I wish I kind of added like onions and a few things to it. I just went with how it was But I will say when I got out here and I well, shit. I'm going to forget the name of the sandwich the The marcapel. Yes The marcapel I had a so I had the fried chicken sandwich out here and I fucking I loved it Yeah, that one was really good. Let me let me talk through the ingredients of these real quick So that this was on our on our visit today this afternoon We got a paul rubens. Mitch mentioned this already french dressing poppy seed coleslaw pastrami in swiss and the marcapel barbecue sauce cheddar fried chicken honey mustard
Starting point is 00:58:29 Pepperjack as well as some actual honey on there. Just supplement the honey mustard. Yeah, that marcapel is delicious The marcapel was a great sandwich was great. It was maybe my favorite sandwich of the whole place and someone here Tonight told me to get it Who was it you? Who are you? Seth Seth told me to get it. He was at the right light. So we ran into some some dough boys fans pre-gaming at ike's as we Were doing our prep for the show. That's right. Yeah
Starting point is 00:58:57 Small ovation from the people they were batting them down with brooms trying to get them out of the restaurant But Seth he told me uh, he told me to get that sandwich and I and I and I fuck I loved it I it was it was it was amazing. Yes. Thank you, Seth Um marcapel another major leaguer No What is mark you fucking nerds? Of course, no one at the fucking comedy podcast knows if it's a is it a major league. I don't know either actually A picture for the astros. Oh, okay
Starting point is 00:59:33 Oh, that's the connection Stanford Palo Alto is in the bay area He's a stanford alum, so he gets a sandwich named after him Nick if there was a dough boy sandwich if there was a nick weigar sandwich What would it be? Here's what I think it would be. Yes All right, go ahead Dutch crunch bread
Starting point is 00:59:55 lettuce tomato onion And then you put that through the toaster That went in a different direction. I was expecting you to say you take dutch crunch bread and wrap it around your own dick So I like it. I like the you I like that you changed it up. You subverted my expectations Um Yeah, I don't know. I mean I did I think that's where someone else has decided But I will say that marcapel was great. The paul rubens Was maybe my favorite. I just I really like I really I really enjoyed it
Starting point is 01:00:34 I mean a big pastrami fan and this is like it's a kin. I mean you can see from rubens in there It's kind of akin to the the classic ruben sandwich, which is a favorite of mine, but this is a really Really good version of that the coleslaw is great And has just like the right amount of sweetness to it Again, it's also the french dressing as well Just like the right amount of sweetness to it without being overpowering and then also letting these savory elements of the pastrami and the Swiss to sail through. Yeah, delicious sandwich Hey, you know, even that paul rubens makes me want to pull up paul rubens and pound off in this theater
Starting point is 01:01:10 I Jesus christ It was so good. It made me want to jack off Paul rubens gotten so much trouble. I know What the fuck is wrong with us all he did was jerk off in a porno theater. It was fine We evolved as a call that was 30 years ago Nowadays that happens people are like we ruined them. That's fun We ruined it. It's a fucking apology. He had a I feel like he's been redeemed at this point
Starting point is 01:01:43 I feel like his career has kind of swung back in the other direction. He's I feel like he's rightly Considered a legend at this point. I think we have to have a paul rubens day Where everyone pulls it out and jerks off Wherever they are. So it's all equal across the board Uh, but yeah, that one was great. And then we also got the love shack Now this is named after Shaquille O'Neal Lakers great and Celtics great. Oh, fuck you He was good. I felt bad. I wish he had won with us That was the end of his career. Maybe the reason that he did it. We didn't win. He's not a shape
Starting point is 01:02:16 He was not out of shape But that one american bacon dirty sauce and then mac and cheese which is wild to get on a sandwich Spencer, that was when you ordered. What do you think about love shack? It was great, man? Oh, we got jalapeños on it too. So right it reckoned it up. It recommends jalapeños and you said hell yeah Yeah, it's like, uh, there's a lot of sandwiches that are kind of like this where they have a lot of fat in them like between The sauce and then the the cheese and then the macaroni and cheese There was like a lot of fat going on and but the fattiness of the dutch crunch bread really kind of Absorbs it and kind of soaks it right but it makes it so heavy. Yeah, uh, but it was it was great
Starting point is 01:02:53 I mean, I I don't know uh macaroni and cheese sandwiches are usually kind of lame because it's just like this tastes like macaroni and cheese That's being watered down by a lot of bread or whatever, but it really tasted good. I guess it was just the bacon The mac and cheese was legit good mac and cheese was very good But yeah, you're right the bacon kind of anchored it is in terms of it holding together as a sandwich That's that I was afraid of this is a dorky thing But as I was eating at this this that's when I was biting into that sandwich It was the last sandwich I tried and I was like this place rules. That was the point I really it really won me over on the mac and cheese sandwich. It was fucking good. It was great
Starting point is 01:03:30 That's why I got it. I wanted like to dare them to fail Are there any are there any sandwiches we missed the day that we didn't touch on I feel like I'm missing one from our No, we got we because we had the mat we talked about touch on the mac came Was there anything else that you got spencer that we haven't talked about yet? Um, I got one thing I got was the little mermaid, uh, which is like a like an orange chicken sandwich It's like chicken pepper jack and then orange glaze That seemed good because I've always wanted to have an orange chicken sandwich like go to panda express and then put it Into like a hoagie and stuff right, but um
Starting point is 01:04:05 If you go to the test kitchen, they do they make burritos. Yeah, I've had one is it yeah, you didn't like all right Yeah, it's I don't know But then the thing is like that's what I want orange chicken to taste like and that's such a super super hyper strong Pungent kind of very sour tangy in-your-face kind of flavor Right, and this ice was just kind of like it just tastes like orange and then chicken and I was like oh This doesn't taste like a sandwich made out of panda express and so I was kind of disappointed But I mean that's tough. I think just the expectation of orange chicken is so Right panda expresses version. That's the thing is that I realized that I had had set my expectations wrongly for that reason
Starting point is 01:04:45 Sure, then I went to that panda express and made a sandwich But uh, you should you should have looked down the menu. I'm sure there was a panda express orange chicken sandwich There's 400 sandwiches It's probably covered at some point on that gigantic menu. Yeah, how do you see those other numbers that aren't on the menu? That's what I want to know. That's a great question But I got the peewee sandwich, which I think is like the paul rubens, but vegetarian because it Vegan turkey purple slaw french dressing swiss and then I put that on sourdough because like san francisco sourdough Right san francisco. I don't know. Do you guys like sourdough?
Starting point is 01:05:21 Is this is the is San Francisco where sourdough is it where it started? Well, it's the best like the best the climate of the air the bacteria. We got a steel. Is there the mother dough somewhere? We got to steal that wad of mother dough. Yeah, we'll make millions wager Like in the san francisco equivalent of fork knocks. There's like the starter for the original sourdough red It's like a big blob of sourdough bread Kind of looks like a Crang a metroid or krang. Yeah. Oh metroid cooler. Yeah metroid
Starting point is 01:05:54 I mean, they're the same ballpark metroid and krang. Oh shut up for god's sakes. Just let's Let's steal the blue there. There is right. Isn't there like a mother, right? Isn't there a fort knocks for bread? Right Thank you. Thank you sir. This guy his timing he could have said absolutely three times as many times he has He knows exactly when You must play for the fresh in his spots Discretion is the better part of how I got plays for the giants He's a home run hitter exhibiting excellent restraint. It's it's impressive. Yeah, but the peewee was good
Starting point is 01:06:28 The sourdough bread is good. One thing I notice is this like anytime they want like vinegar kind of a tangy profile I'd say the tang the vinegar is pretty mild. It's not overpowering which I'm a real vinegar hound I don't know if me too. Yeah. Yeah. I love vinegar. What about you guys you like vinegar hashtag what the hell The biggest pop today is for vinegar Yeah, people love vinegar But so if you if you want that tang I think the sourdough goes a long way because it has a fundamental sourness sure right and then that on the peewee
Starting point is 01:07:02 Was really really great and oh wow it it's just like a lighter bread If you don't want like the the butter and the heaviness of the dutch crunch bread their french and their sourdough is is Quite good That's good to know that I mean this good to know there are other options that are like their other breads are still Great, like well. Yeah, like like they're still well done and we were laughing at your very oh wow I was wondering. Yeah, it was sincere. I know it was sweet. It was engaged. It was very sweet. All right. Let's get to our final thoughts on ike's Spencer, you know, this will work. We'll go around give a closing argument Ascribe it a rating on the order zero to five forks. You're our guest
Starting point is 01:07:39 We'll begin with you. All right Ike's is a sandwich place from a sandwich place everyone has wants different things like so it's like is a sandwich place gonna cater to You I think ike's caters to a lot of different people with their sandwiches. They cater to vegetarians. They cater to vegans They cared cater to meat eaters. They cater to jerks who don't like eating vegetables I think they do a lot of things good their sandwiches are a good size. They're hefty They're good size for sharing you can take a half and take and leave you know and like eat another half later It's got a lot of stuff The meats are solid
Starting point is 01:08:12 They don't overpower the meats They got a lot of different ingredients that they used to make very bold flavor profiles that i'd say are unique among sandwich places Fat sales does similar things, but they kind of just pilot high with a lot of crazy stuff Whereas like it's more conceptual at ike's I just I think it's a really cool place I went into it wanting to hate it because I don't i'm like one of those annoying like why don't you eat bacon kind of guys And I was ready to be all like screw this inclusive shit and it really Turned me around and I found myself preferring the vegan chicken and the vegan turkey to most of the other sandwiches
Starting point is 01:08:49 I got and that's you know a big mark for a place so uh Oh, their sides are kind of lacking and changed from restaurant to restaurant I haven't had their fries, but their onion rings were I'd say avoid the onion rings jalapeno poppers great Um, but yeah, I mean what do you want from a restaurant? You guys I think gave jimmy johns five forks or something. So I mean it would be really not we didn't go No, no, no, no, no. I think you might have let's be realistic. I don't know jimmy johns five forks. I'm willing to believe i'm wrong, but Anyway, I think what did you give jimmy johns? I think I went three and I like Three or three and a half. It's no you don't just pretty good. I think it's not and not the same level as this
Starting point is 01:09:28 That's the thing is that like what's a good sandwich place? I couldn't think of anything else that I would call a five fork sandwich rakes. So I'd give ice five forks Wow Wow All right, you're up spoon man. All right, look, I love sandwiches. I know the spoon man I'm a big sandwich man though, too They could have been sandwich man As easy as it could have been spoon man. Hmm. I love them
Starting point is 01:10:10 It's probably one of my favorite foods favorite and I love to have them for lunch I can't you know when I found out that bread is bad for you, which I only found out about three years ago That you shouldn't eat a full loaf of bread every day It really changed things around but I used to love to I would get a sandwich And a little half salad every day. I love sandwiches Ice does a really good job. I feel like I was an expenser too Trump wanted to kind of hate this place We ordered it for lunch Myself and a couple friends of the podcast like a few months ago
Starting point is 01:10:43 I only had it for the first time a few months ago and we were like Pleasantly surprised and as I've dug more I've liked more and more things. Here's the thing with this place I said that I didn't like the halal chicken and I don't but if you don't like something there There's plenty of other stuff there that you can like there's so many options Which is crazy. I do wish that sometimes they would like like with their kind of like premier sandwiches I like that they put hearts next to the ones they like the most But I also wish they put a few more toppings on there too besides just the lettuce and tomato But that's just kind of a small thing and then also we had the voodoo chips nick
Starting point is 01:11:15 Oh, right, which I thought were good great chips. It was great and we had some lennon aids Oh, yeah, the lennon lennon soda soviet soda soviet soda. Do you know of this? Lennon aid the lennon aid. Yeah, and those were great too. Um, anyways Uh, I love I liked Ike's a lot. I have a few I have like thoughts and questions about it And but I don't know if they'll ever get answered during a live show, but uh, four and a half forks Wow four and a half forks. Wow Wow I like Ike's a lot two visits
Starting point is 01:11:55 So one in so Cal one in nor Cal that I'm using for this review Very consistent on on both locations which speaks well to their plans for further expansion because sometimes the these ones that are You know shake shack is I honestly like an offender I like shake shack a lot But like if you go to the some of the ones that are outside in new york, they don't have the same quality level They just haven't done a great job of retaining that as they expand But I think based on my experience in the in the la locations It's it's Ike's is doing a really good job of making sure that they are the same as because what I got in the bay area
Starting point is 01:12:25 is the same and and and it just sort of syncs right up in terms of how well it was prepared and the quality the ingredients Every sandwich I got I liked to different degrees. They were all they're all good And and I think what you made a really good point Mitch that it's all like That there's such a a wealth of options that whatever you like you're going to find something that you like And the the the chip selection is great The the the drink selection is very distinct. They do have fountain drinks So I got an iced tea in in LA and I got the Ike's peaches and ream
Starting point is 01:12:58 Which I'm not sure what the ream is all about. I know the ream is so weird very weird, but it was a But and it was maybe a little too sweet for me But I but I appreciated what I was trying to do But yeah, this place is great and and it's awesome and and I have some maybe some minor quibbles with it But this is a fantastic sandwich option And a lot of places it's going to be the best sandwich chain in whatever city it's located So yeah, I stand with a spoon man four and a half forks
Starting point is 01:13:28 Welcome to the golden plate club Ike's Wow and ladies and gentlemen A dope boys first to personally accept the initiation of the dope boys golden plate club give it up for Ike Oh It was a big surprise I was nervous to give it up for Ike I was nervous the whole time having them backstage I know and I alluded to I was like if Ike were here
Starting point is 01:14:18 And I thought I was gonna give it away. He is here Ike Thank you for coming We did it. We weren't we were very nervous that if you were gonna come we were gonna hate your restaurant Right, right But thank god. We actually truly enjoyed it. Um, we we dick. Do you want to you have some questions? Yeah, absolutely I got a big one. Yes, okay What is love Ike's love and sandwiches I like that a lot, but can you explain it? It's about love and sandwiches
Starting point is 01:14:54 I guess there's I don't know a million sandwich places in the world and when people asked Me what was special about Ike's I just said because We love more than other people and we just care more than other people. So just threw it into the name. That's all right I love that. That's very nice And I love sandwiches so I love sandwiches too Ike I do I do have a question because you are the icon for your own chain and you have a very distinct icon. Yeah I like that but you have a very distinct look you actually came in with a hoodie over your head
Starting point is 01:15:24 To disguise yourself and sort of be incognito as you were you were waiting backstage But do you get recognized a lot? Do people see you and just are like, hey, that's Ike from the sandwiches Or are they like, hey, you look like that guy Ike from the sandwiches? Well, I guess the biggest question people come up to me like are you the Ike When I wear a hoodie though, it's like being clark Kent like nobody knows anything But if it comes down That's Ike
Starting point is 01:15:53 Yeah, it's cheating. It's kind of amazing that you could be wearing an Ike's hoodie But then like you're pulling it over your head what you're wearing now and people still don't make the connection unless they actually see the chrome dome what What was Like so here here's the question because I did I did a little bit of research into your history and obviously You know I alluded to in the intro that you had a little bit of a of a of a slow start At what point did you know that you were really on to something with Ikes where you when were you like? Oh, this is gonna be this is gonna really this is really clicking with this community
Starting point is 01:16:23 What it took me a long time to actually make money. I was working seven days a week 15 hours a day and Probably about eight months was when a line actually showed up. Oh wow and then I was like, oh well people actually like this place. Yeah, awesome. So thank you whoever stood in line for three hours like I love you And then I have a I know something about your because you have a bunch of celebrity sandwiches and I found out something They think I'll drive Mitch crazy What was your first celebrity sandwich?
Starting point is 01:16:55 The first one well the first one that was actually made by the celebrity was tim lynxicum. Oh tim lynxicum. Yeah Yeah But prior to that what wasn't one of your your earliest iterations of the the celebrity sandwich trend wasn't it the elin elie manning Oh, yeah, elie's got a sandwich named after him for sure Was it a fucking sloppy sandwich with a sauce on the outside of it? Well, basically it was it It happened because uh in what oh seven, right? They were talking They were
Starting point is 01:17:33 Tiki barber talk so much smack and then elie made Tiki barber look like he doesn't have any championships, right? Yeah, that's true Yeah, that sandwich cost $18 and one cent, right? Ike is this fucking true No, no, that's not true. No, you made that up. Yeah, I made that up sick son of a bitch Stunned the shit out of you backstage Watch here's a here's another another question a little targeted at mitch Um, you hadn't you had an r2d2 shaped wedding cake. You're a big star wars fan. Hell, yeah
Starting point is 01:18:09 What did you think of the last Jedi? Um I'm gonna go no comment. Wow Wow, no five forks Ike's got a business to run. He's got to appeal to all sorts. I understand I understand the the political answer there Let's let's talk about your sandwiches a little bit because you're I your ikes dirty secret sauce fired wager I don't think it's backfired. I think it was fine. Anyway
Starting point is 01:18:38 Your ikes dirty secret sauce is obviously a secret that's obviously under wraps But what I want to know about because I feel like the as much as that is like the the secret weapon of your chain It feels like that dutch crunch bread is such a huge part of your success. Why is that how is the dutch crunch bread? So like what is it about it? What what's your guys secret if you get disclosed? So with the dutch crunch I had to try Over a hundred times maybe even more over the last 10 11 years to keep making this recipe to to refine it and every time we come to a new place with new water Or find a new bakery. It's the same kind of details that go in there
Starting point is 01:19:15 It's uh more of a well because I hate dutch crunch. So I had to make this wow the Like so that I would like it same thing with the veggie sandwiches. I had to make them so that I liked them. Wow That's an interesting philosophy You have a thing that you don't like and you're like, okay, how can I make this so I like it? Exactly Hey, you could learn a thing or two from that nick. That's a profound life outlook. I'm really impressed by that I I guess beyond beyond that like my my maybe my more general question for you is Because aside from someone who aside from someone who's been a success in the chain restaurant industry
Starting point is 01:19:51 I think more generally you're someone who's I had a had something that you pursued that you've succeeded in Do you have any advice for that anything any sort of life lessons that you've learned from growing your chain Restaurant from its its struggling single location into its thriving budding empire it is today Yeah, I got a couple One would be to find whatever it is that you love to do and that you would do for free and then do that You probably already know what it is You probably told yourself a thousand times what it is and you don't do it because you Are afraid to be judged like I told my dad
Starting point is 01:20:23 I wanted to open up a sandwich shop and he told me it was a stupid idea So I opened up a sandwich shop and I didn't tell him about it He found out about it because he read about it in the newspaper like some place with long lines about to get kicked out in the castro And uh, he's like wait. I do you have a sandwich shop. He calls me. Yeah, there's that just do it It is a cartoon that looks just like you Exactly and then uh, the other thing is uh, I guess the only thing that I did differently than a lot of other people in businesses I didn't give up And if you never give up you can never lose. I didn't sell anything the first day and
Starting point is 01:20:56 I just did something different and stood out the second day and said hi to everybody and I didn't Didn't give up when there was no money coming in I sold nine sandwiches It took me three days to sell 10 sandwiches. It's like ridiculous But I didn't let it make it mean anything about me and just kept on going Wow. Hell yeah. Well, Ike you make a fantastic product. I think everyone here appreciates that appreciates everything They do thank you so much for joining us. Hey, hold on a second. Yeah Ike would you ever make a dough boy sandwich? 300 people want one right right. What would go on it? It needs to be good
Starting point is 01:21:32 Yeah, it's gonna be can nick and I brainstorm a little bit Yeah, I mean I've had celebrities come in and then they make some bootsy stuff and I'm like We are no celebrities. Got it I see that One more time for Ike everybody Hey Thank you. Oh, wait, wait, wait one more thing. We're talking about express sandwiches. Yeah You you can get a general
Starting point is 01:22:00 Washington's chicken sandwich at Ike's can you and it's fried chicken Damn orange glaze And some avocado melted cheese That sounds damn. That's a mic drop leaving us with an Ike's hack and dropping the mic Thanks so much Ike All right guys, uh, so we've we've run over our time, but we want to make sure we get a few audience questions real quick We'll take three questions real quick. We got these microphones set up I want to ask everyone this cartoon a little bit, but oh well, we can talk. We'll talk to you backstage
Starting point is 01:22:36 Hi, what's your name? What's your question? Hey, my name is Alan. Hi, Alan And uh, first of all, I wanted to thank you weigur for introducing me to the game dream daddy. Oh hell. Yeah Thanks so much a lot of fun Awesome game. Cool. You helped this creep out big-time Iger Hey, I play it with my lovely girlfriend. She's here today. Also, we play together. It's really fun Uh, uh, so my question is seemed like a lot. I have a girlfriend for real. Yeah, she's Uh of all the real dads in the world Which one is your dream dad? And where would you take him on a date?
Starting point is 01:23:13 Hmm Now we're talking about it It seems like you're talking about some sort of hookup liaison thing not the sort of like, oh, this is my dad that I want to like Put me on his knee and like tell me about the birds and bees, right? That's what you're describing. You mean daddy and like kind of the the whole like a real anyone who has any guy who has a Kid a real dad. Oh got it. Okay a real person right excellent question Do I have to answer this shit or no, yeah, yes My dad's dead. So of course is my real answer is my dead dad. I can't help it. What the fuck
Starting point is 01:23:52 If that's my dream daddy, yeah, I mean, I guess now I have to say my dad I would take my dad on a date That's what I that's my answer. I agree with Mitch Spencer any thoughts I would take Mitch's dad Thank you for the question. All right, you guys another question over here, right? What's your name? I'm chris. Hi chris. San Diego First of all, why do you have a gun under that blanket? Why you would probably like that, but uh, no, I don't Uh, why you're a comedic genius, but I'm a member of Spoon Nation. Wow. Oh
Starting point is 01:24:27 So this is going to be an unpopular opinion, but the burritos in the bay area are total trash. Oh Right, it's oh Oh my god Because because just like the major chains they shortchange you and put rice and beans in them Wow You could just ask for not those you just turned this crowd into mori. Holy shit There's gonna be one last member of Spoon Nation. They're gonna fucking kill you Do you have a question or are you just here to get your ass kicked?
Starting point is 01:25:02 A little bit of both. Um guys when he gets rock hard as you're kicking his ass stop kicking his ass So my question is uh, how do you feel about rice and beans in your burritos even though obviously they suck Um, I think it's an excellent question I think I think I generally agree with you that a lot of times it's filler and I don't think you need both I would say but there I've seen it work. But yeah, I think rice in particular can really dry out a burrito And I think at it's I like it closer to You know meat salsa Guac cheese sour cream and get closer to those core ingredients and maybe you throw some beans and rice in there
Starting point is 01:25:38 If it's if it's appropriate for the composition of the burrito When it comes to burritos, I'm cray about the bay Oh boy Oh, man, stop that rice and bean in there one more thing Mitch you should absolutely date nicole buyer through right now The hell thank you guys. Thanks for the question. I know nicole Spencer again opinions on beans and rice and burritos Uh, give me half rice. No beans. Oh, that's fair. I will say bean and cheese burrito is maybe my favorite burrito
Starting point is 01:26:15 I know that this this this theater is nice and simple is located close to the the highest rated burrito in the country, right? I don't know. There's there's there's a burrito place right around here. That's like the best rated in the country There's a deltaco right by here All right, one more question over here. Hi, what's your name? Hey guys, I'm david. Hi david Hey, so um on a past double episode. I believe you guys answered the question of what the uh optimal food is to eat while driving I want to take it the opposite direction Hypothetically, uh, my wife and I have had a conversation about what the most difficult food to eat while driving is And we agreed on french onion soup. Oh, that's a good one. We want to see what uh your answer would be
Starting point is 01:26:55 That's a really good one. I mean my mind immediately goes to fondue Seems very cumbersome But yeah, I feel like I feel like anything where you've got some sort of hot liquid That's gonna be like some sort of scalding liquid. That's gonna be Fraught with peril scalding liquid is good. I don't know. Yeah, that's good. I can't beat fondue. You got you nailed it Is that that might also be a simpson's joke? Is this homer eat fondue at a part some point that sounds familiar he does okay I stole that from the simpson subconsciously
Starting point is 01:27:32 I think any knife and fork meal Yeah, like a porterhouse steak would not be easy Yeah while you're driving or surf and turf baby back ribs a lobster would be hard lobster would be a Shelling lobster is a great answer. Yeah, shelling lobster Well, thank you. What do you say? What what did you yell out? Crab, yeah Especially like a blue crab something that you got to like really work out with your parents. Hey, what about a live crab? A live crab would be very hard to eat while you were driving
Starting point is 01:28:03 I would say any live animal live swirl. Yeah. Yeah A net of eggs would probably be hard to eat Just a net of loose eggs, right, right Well, thanks guys. Thanks, David. Thanks for the question guys Thank you so much. You've been a fantastic crowd spencer crittenden Ike shahada Thanks to sf sketch fest Until next time for the spoon man. Mike Mitchell. I'm nick weiger happy eating. Yeah. Thank you. Thank you never the tech too. Thank you
Starting point is 01:28:40 You Doe boys Want more dough boys get the dough boys double our weekly bonus episode by joining the golden plate club on Slash dough boys

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