Doughboys - Lemonade with Jessica McKenna

Episode Date: January 6, 2022

Jessica McKenna (Off Book) joins the 'boys to discuss Abercrombie & Fitch, the swing revival, and celebrity sightings before a review of Lemonade. Plus, a Coca-Cola edition of Jingle All The Whey....Sources for this week's intro: Commercials featured in the Jingle All The Whey segment:You Can't Beat The FeelingHave a Coke and a SmileAlways Coca-ColaCoke Adds LifeCan't Beat The Real ThingWant more Doughboys? Check out our Patreon!: for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up, everybody? It's your boy, The Spoon Man, and I want to talk to you about today's sponsor, Uber Eats. At Uber Eats, we've helped more than 400,000 restaurants across the U.S. reach new, hungry customers and deliver growth quickly through new orders. Uber's global platform can help you grow, reach new people, get valuable sales data, and unlock ways to expand with flexible delivery options. Put your business on Uber Eats. Get access to the Uber Eats platform, including valuable sales data to grow your business. Dig into your data. Really dig in there anytime to monitor your performance and customer order trends. Wow. Wow. Yikes. Restaurant owners enjoy 0% commission for the first 30 days on all orders,
Starting point is 00:00:50 offer subject to change per the terms of the restaurant agreement. Wow. 0% on the first 30 days. Sign up today. That link that you want to click on is down there in the episode description. Right down there. Check it out. There it is. Move your cursor. Go ahead and click. Or if you're on your phone, use your finger and click that link. Click that link in the episode description. The Democratic Party's candidate won the popular vote, but challenge ballots led to the Republican candidate ultimately prevailing in the Electoral College, partly due to the invention of the Supreme Court. This was the controversial U.S. presidential election of 1876, and the winning Republican candidate who would succeed the presidency of Ulysses S. Grant under a cloud
Starting point is 00:01:41 of controversy was Rutherford B. Hayes. The Hayes administration was feckless and crude, using troops to suppress striking railroad workers while withdrawing troops from the South where they had been garrisoned to enforce civil rights. But Rutherford's wife, Lucy Hayes, was beloved by the public, and in many ways the progenitor of the modern First Lady. Mrs. Hayes was active in charities and community outreach, made extensive public appearances, and originated a still-standing presidential PR event, the White House Easter Egg Roll. First Lady Hayes also used her platform to advocate for her personal political causes, voting rights for African Americans, women's education, herself the first presidential wife to graduate college,
Starting point is 00:02:20 and what would prove to be her defining cause, temperance. After President Hayes banned alcohol from the White House, a decision the media speculatively credited to the T-Totaler First Lady she earned the nickname Lemonade Lucy. The substitution of sweet and citrus fizz for the hard stuff was common in the era, as in the slogan, goodbye to liquor, here's to lemonade. The moniker stuck, and First Lady Lemonade's Lucy visibility emboldened the burgeoning prohibition movement, which would grow to a king-making role in democratic politics and in time spearhead a constitutional amendment. Today, President Rutherford B. Hayes has largely forgotten, reduced to a punchline in the song, We Are the Mediocre Presidents from the Simpsons
Starting point is 00:02:58 episode I Love Lisa. And while prohibition failed and Americans are drinking more alcohol than ever, they're also consuming countless gallons of First Lady Hayes' favorite beverage. This week on Doughboys, a California fresh chain Lucy Hayes would appreciate, Lemonade. Welcome to Doughboys, the podcast about chain restaurants. I'm Nick Weiger, along with my co-host, a big old silly goose, the Spoon Man, Mike Mitchell. A big old silly goose? A nice little wholesome one to start things off here in the year of our Lord, 2022. That was from Blake Thomas, roastspoonman at I like it. I mean, it's correct. I like it too. Why is we get, I mean, look, you are a silly goose. We get, we get to address,
Starting point is 00:03:55 well, not today. I don't, I mean, maybe I sound like a goose today, getting over being sick, my first cold in like two years because of a, you know, pandemic and being masked and everything. I haven't, I haven't really kicked my ass, but I sound like a damn nerd. I mean, I would, I would say you sound like a nerd just because you're sick. I sound like a damn nerd. I don't think you sound like a nerd. You sound fine. Well, you're a nerd. So I sound like, I just sound normal to you. You don't sound like me. I sound way cooler than that. I don't sound like you about it. I don't say, I don't have a nasally voice.
Starting point is 00:04:31 I don't think you have a nasally voice. Okay. Yeah. But, but you're a nerd and I sound like a damn nerd. So now in your class, no, it's not cool to be a nerd. Nerds need to be beat up. Ever heard of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Mitch? Oh my God. Damn it. Speaking of nerds, I saw Ghostbusters last, last night. Yeah. So we are, we are to put everyone in our temporal space. We are recording this in 2021, obviously. So we're, you know, this is, this is a little bit of a blast from the past. But this is our first episode of 2022. Ghostbusters isn't that old at this point. It'll be a little old. It won't be as in the zeitgeist. It'll be, it'll be 2022.
Starting point is 00:05:11 This is coming out January 6th, 2022. So I think people will be in a different headspace. They'll be thinking about the new year ahead of them. They won't be thinking about Ghostbusters after life. Well, not to quote our old friend Jay Sherman, but it sucks. Is that what he said? I'm remembering it differently, but people don't think I'm doing a millennium pressure. It's not millennia. It was the critic. I'm doing the critic. They sound very similar. Right. Both very, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, uh, it's, look, it's, what, what can, I just don't want to see kids doing stuff anymore. Can we not see kids? I don't want to see kids battle.
Starting point is 00:06:00 Look, look, yikes. You gave it to the girls. You gave it to the kids. Now give it back to the boys. There we go. Now you don't sound like a nerd. Now you sound like the Mitch I know. Who directed the last two movies? Anyways, give it back to the boys. The boys. Happy two year, Mitch. I hope, I hope you're doing okay. Beyond your cold. Yeah. I hope you're looking forward to this new year. I'm starting to get ready by being, being mad at Ghostbusters. Anyways, you're being cranky about a month old movie at this point. Just to let it go. Um, give it back to the boys. Um, the kids had their time. I was afraid to do this bit because I thought people will be, will just take me seriously. I mean, they definitely
Starting point is 00:06:50 will. Yeah. Yeah. Good point. Good point. There'll be people who take it seriously and be like, Mitch is right. They should give it back to the boys. And then there'll be other people who will be like, like, like Mitch is problematic. He, they should, he's saying that they should give it back to the boys, but there needs to be more opportunities on screen for other people. And then there'll be people who will be like, like, that's it. I think they actually record, I think they actually recorded this in 2022 and they're just lying about recording it in 2021. I think Mitch just saw Ghostbusters. Yeah. I'm mad that he's seen it so late. He should have seen it in theaters.
Starting point is 00:07:34 Wags, are you enjoying your time at center? arena. Thank you very much. I haven't, uh, I gotta say, uh, it's, it's, uh, I don't love the name change. You know, our friend, our friend Van Roby show, uh, we went out and we had a nice little dinner with, uh, you were there. Uh, Van was there, a few of other friends we were having, we were making merry mint for the holidays and I paid for everything on my card, but with like, hey, everyone just pay me back, send me cash app or Apple pay or whatever. Uh, Van sends me a coin to, for his balance, he sent me like 160, uh, CRO on to cover what he owed. And I have to like fucking sign up for a account in order to redeem this
Starting point is 00:08:24 cryptocurrency that I don't know how I can actually like turn into, into real money. It's, it's, uh, from what I could see, it's, it's, uh, it's gone up, right? You're like, uh, the, what he gave you is more. Yeah. Yeah. Cause all this is, you can use it in the arena, Wags. There you go. arena. Can you, can you spend, can you spend CRO with the arena? I mean, if you can't spend the fucking crypto, arena, yeah, what are we doing? What are we doing? This is for, for anyone who doesn't follow sports, any non-sportos out there, they've renamed the staple center, the arena. I gotta tell you something, Wags, I, I want to another movie.
Starting point is 00:09:03 Now this, this actually might not seem as dated because it was, I went and saw our screening, even though it is about a month old, it's not as much in the zeitgeist, but I saw a licorice pizza and, and Westwood. So I was there with, um, Mookie and, and, uh, Jess Jardine and Tim Calpakis. All friends of the show. A surprise. Jack Allison showed up with a buddy, with a, with a buddy of his and, and, uh, a great delight. Probably a friend of the show. You're being kidding, but, uh, no, no, he wasn't, we don't, we don't know. His name is Isaiah, I believe we don't know. Um, and so we were walking down, I was walking down and we like tried to go close to the screen and then Jess is like,
Starting point is 00:09:49 this is too close. And I was like, I agree too close. So I went left, they went right and I was like, this row is perfect. I start walking down the row. Yeah. Uh, and then I, I, I, I, I bumped my knee and I yelled shit. And then I looked over, I looked over and who's in the row, but I just stare dead eyed right at these people. It's, it's Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson. Wow. And they're staring daggers at me and I'm not sure if it's because I chose to sit in their row, which was empty, but I was like, guys, come here, come sit here. And they were like, no, we're back here. And then I was like, then I saw that it was Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson just staring at me. And I also could have been because I like hit my knee and was like,
Starting point is 00:10:35 shit. And like a big monster was walking down their row. Did you, did you sound like, was your voice like it is now? Cause maybe they were like, that guy sounds like a damn nerd. He sounds like a nerd. Uh, anyways, uh, Tom Hanks, Rita Wilson, they were laughing the whole movie. Uh, and I, I left the aisle. I didn't sit with them because they were staring daggers, probably because I was swearing, but, uh, patient zeros right there, the, uh, COVID patient zeros. I don't think it's fair to call them patient zeros and blame them for the pandemic. They were the first. Okay. They've been really good. Anyways, we're, we're gonna get our guests in here. Hello to Spoon Nation. Yikes. Can't do it today. And here why it's a
Starting point is 00:11:29 little, here is a little drop. We'll each go around, give our closing argument. If you will, if you will, if you will, if you will, if you will, if you will, if you will. Which one of the classic monsters do you think smells the most like shit? I bet there's probably a case for Wolfman. Like around his butt, there's like Wolfman turds. I bet Dracula smells good. Dracula smells great. Dracula smells like perfume. I think the Crypt Keeper smells like shit. Smells like shit. I think constantly making puns. Whatever the answer is, it's very good. It's a very good discussion about which monster smells the most. I actually agree with that. It is good. Yeah. It's a good topic. Listen to the show. I'm
Starting point is 00:12:26 like, Hey, well, you know what? We are silly gooses. That is, that's still, you know what? And I listened to it. I was like, that's kind of funny. We talked about, I don't even remember that. And then me neither. It kept going on. And I was like, Oh no, it's bad. Anyways, I'm Mitch Weigar and Emma. Here's a track I made with a great Dell, the funk, the funky Homo sapien track, if you must, that I hope you all enjoy. Unlike the smelly monsters you discussed in a recent double, I'm sure that you and Weigar are a couple of well groomed and hygienic young men who smell great. Hope to see you all again at another live show. If you ever make it back to DC. Thanks. Dan Farinella from Arlington, Virginia. I'm not sure if I got that right, Dan,
Starting point is 00:13:10 but Dan Farinella Arlington, Virginia. Nice drop. Well crafted. Meet Virginia. Remember that song? Meet Virginia. Wasn't that it? Yes, Virginia. Yes, Virginia. There is a Santa Claus. What the fuck is that? Our guest will know this and we should get her in here because she's great, but also she'll know meet Virginia. Isn't that what it was? We're gonna find out. We're gonna see if our guest is gonna back you up here. Our guest, an actor and comedian, frequent guest of Doe Boys friend of the show. Co-host of the podcast, Offbook, the improvised musical, Jessica McKenna. Hi, McKenna. How are you? There she wants to be to sit. Is that the one you're doing? Yeah, that's it. That's the one. I gotta say, though, I think I'm more familiar with Yes,
Starting point is 00:14:05 Virginia. There is a Santa Claus. Wow. Terribly sorry, Mitch, but I think that's the ref that I roll a little deeper with. Here's what I was thinking of because of afterlife in the afterlife. Serious strife. That's all I know. It's proud to be held to pay. Scroll Nut Zippers, is that what that is? Scroll Nut Zippers. Is that from the short-lived swing revival? That's exactly it. They had kind of a quirkier sound, which was fun. Can we all just put ourselves back in that moment where we were just like, yes, the cherry poppin' daddies are on because for me, I was in fifth grade saying that sentence, which is just baffling. Yeah, really inappropriate name. Yeah, yeah, it is. That's
Starting point is 00:14:57 terrifying. I mean, I've said this before on the podcast, but when my mom would sing like outcasts, hey, I'd be like, just want to make you come out. I was like, oh, she doesn't know. She certainly does not know. Your mom was singing that to you? Mom's loved Haya. Mom's did love Haya, is the truth. This one's fun. I heard it at your cousin's wedding. My baby, and then you shake it, shake it like a puppy. I mean, it's very inviting. It's very inviting for moms. They're going to accidentally say, I want to see you come up, and that's just the way it is.
Starting point is 00:15:36 Knock at what it even means. They believe it in the come over way, I think, is what I hope. I'm thinking back on the swing revival, and you had the cherry-poppin' daddies. Was the other band Big Bad, Voodoo Daddy? Voodoo Daddy, yeah. Another daddy band. What was with the daddies in swing? I think it was like some sort of lingo throwback, like cool cats, and daddies, and sure. But real weird. So they had that, and then the movie was swingers, and around the same time, I believe that Swinger's Cafe became a thing on the scene that people were going to. Why is that? You know, I have another theory, that they were all goddamn nerds.
Starting point is 00:16:27 Yes, certainly. Certainly. All those swing bands were freaking nerds. Come on. Yeah, goddamn nerds. Yeah. No actual cool person is calling themselves a cherry-poppin' daddy. That's the most posturing posture I've ever heard. What an attempt at looking like you know what's up. Yeah. I remember there was also the gap commercial. That was a big thing. Everyone was wearing khakis. I think it was a gap khakis commercial, and then like a some swing revival song was playing, and everyone was dancing. Was it Zoot Zoot Riot? It might have been Zoot Zoot Riot. I remember this commercial. I don't think it was Zoot Zoot
Starting point is 00:17:07 Riot, but that's like it might as well have been Zoot Zoot Riot. Was that before or after the gap commercial that was to Mellow Yellow? Because I remember that one really taking over. I feel like it predated it. It was in the 90s. There was like a sexy gap commercial where they were just like all in that big white like psych room, well lit in those different vibrant colors, just like, I'm just mad about saffron, and I was like, I guess gap is sexy. Let me get this straight. I'm in fifth grade. I'm trying to understand swing and gap are sexy. Why is that our ancients? I would get stuff gifted to me from gap. I had plenty of gap stuff.
Starting point is 00:17:58 Why? Did you wear any gap? Gap is still in my rotation. You only take out my backup wallet. I'll show you my gap card right now. I'll show you my Banana Republic card while I'm at it. I fell into the gap. I fell into the gap. I think the gap was getting everybody. You know Banana Republic is a clothing store, right? You don't just have a partial share in a dictatorship. Yep. Yeah. I went in there looking for Stuart, Dave, Bob, none of them were there. Peter would be their favorite store. Yeah, I'll shop at the gap. I'm not above the gap. Get a hoodie from the gap. Get some underoos. Why not?
Starting point is 00:18:40 I remember like as like a pimply faced boy, as like a tween, preteen, and then like early teen, like just in high school, I guess, maybe. So maybe that's like 13, 14, 15 gap, like getting gap stuff as gifts and like trying to wear gap stuff and trying to be like, I can fit in and like, you know, just have an acne and having to wear the khakis and then wearing the gap long sleeve. I was trying to conform. I tried. I tried to conform. I tried my damnedest. I think gap was cool for a second, right? Like, yeah. I mean, there was like the SNL sketch of the girls like folding the clothes at the gap. The gap girls. The perfume was a little bit popular for a second. And just the like the big gap, like titular gap sweatshirt.
Starting point is 00:19:39 I think it was, you know, yeah, it definitely, if you weren't into it, it was some conformist bullshit for you for sure, Mitch, but it was, you know, you could do a lot worse than the basics of gap. I'm always conforming because I, because I, I'm a conform guy. Hey, give it back to the boys. They're ready to conform. The boys are ready to conform. The boys, the boys like to conform. The boys, the boys are ready to conform. Just tell them what to do. Just pick out their pants. They're tired of picking them. This is true. I, you know what? I felt like I looked okay in gap stuff where I would try Abercrombie and Fitch and it would be like, that to me was like, like the preppy snooty and even gap was too. But like, I could, I could wear gap and it would be like a looser fit.
Starting point is 00:20:27 So I like Abercrombie's design for a slender frame. You gotta, you gotta, you gotta be slim to pull that off. And gap was, gap was, gap was not, I mean, the gap girls, you know, they were all, they were all, and that was Sandler and Spade and Farley. And that's where we got the layoff me, I'm starving as a gap girl sketch. Is that the same? Are they like on their break at the mall? Yeah, they're on their break at the mall and they're eating fries. These are good. I got in trouble in seventh grade for bringing an Abercrombie and Fitch catalog to school. It was like this, this thick, like they used to do like a quarterly big, thick catalog, like not like a, not like a small typical catalog. And I was passing it around because it was full of sexy shirtless men playing
Starting point is 00:21:20 lacrosse and stuff. And I was like, this is the hottest thing I've ever seen in my life. I brought it to school. I stole it from my sister. And my English teacher, Mrs. Greenhill, like confiscated it from my friend, Emily Levante. And I can't remember if Emily immediately threw me out of the bus or if I was like, it's mine, but we both had to stay after. And she was like, some people would consider this pornography. And I was like, what? It's a clothing catalog. No, it's a clothing catalog. It just has like shirtless dudes. Dear Lord. I do remember though that I do remember this era of controversy. Yeah. By the way, Wags is reading that catalog right now as we're here. Yeah. I mean, yeah. He's like, look at these boys. Look at these boys in terry cloth shorts who are
Starting point is 00:22:06 growing crew. And then they're coming out of the water and half putting on like a big rugby polo. This is sexy. Give Abercrombie back to the boys. Back to the boys. It's also so funny to me because it had like such East Coast mystique. Like sure. From being a SoCal girl, I was like, oh my gosh, we don't even, I don't even, I've never even heard of these sports that they're modeling like rugby and lacrosse and crew. It felt very like, oh my gosh, if I get into an Ivy League school, will these be the dudes I'm around? Unfortunately, maybe. Unfortunately, Brown said no, thank you. No, fortunately. Yes. They're mistake. That's very fortunate. I feel like, yeah, I feel like that, that, that, that East Coast mystique, even, even for me as a New
Starting point is 00:22:55 England boy, like I wanted to be sent to like a private school up in like a, up in like a beautiful part of New England. Oh yeah. To be there is snowing and beautiful. I mean, like there is, there is some mystique to that. Did this guy recapture in their eye or what? I don't remember the phonies myself. Back to the boys. The boys know about the phonies. The boys, unfortunately, are still have catcher in the ride, but I, I will say this, Abercrombie and Fitch was aligned too far for me. It was a, that was, that was like, like I could conform to gap. I'll conform to your gap. I'll get my closet gap. I'm fine with that. But, and mostly it was like TJ Maxx, I was getting my clothes. Let's be real, but I did get some gap stuff, but
Starting point is 00:23:49 Abercrombie wise, I don't know. Were you an Abercrombie? I couldn't do Abercrombie. No, thank you. I didn't want it. I tried to go, I, it's just, it's an intimidating shopping experience. Oh yeah. I went as a young adult, as a collegiate man. Yeah, I can, I couldn't handle it. I felt too uncool there. I did try on a couple of polos and I was like, I can't wear this. That's when you thought, I can't wear this. I need to wear this and another polo with it, both collars at the same time. Wait a second. I can't wear this, but I can wear this and this. So I, years ago, Jordan Morris and I, and a few other people worked on the show, one of my, I think my first TV writing job that was called the Daily Habit on Fuel TV.
Starting point is 00:24:35 And I had an on camera bit where I was playing like this douchebag character and I had the double layered polos, like I had like a, you know, whatever, like a white polo underneath like a hot pink polo. And, you know, and with like the, however the collar was worn back then, and then my hair like got kind of spiked, kind of a spiky pompadour, kind of like a douchey haircut at the time. I looked like a complete asshole. And then so as part of that, but I was writing for the show and they had this on camera bit to do later. So it was like prepping some like BMX guy who was going to like go on and be a guest of the show and have to like make jokes about, you know, web videos because that's what the show was. And the guy was just like looking at me
Starting point is 00:25:13 weird the whole time. And then we did that, we did tape the show and then I did my bit and then he came out to me afterwards and he was like, Hey man, I'm sorry. I thought you were just that guy. Like he didn't know I was doing a character later. I was like, Oh yeah, I get that. That'd be weird. I mean, some tattooed BMX guy talking to like the biggest douchebag. I was going to say, is this guy a fool? He thought you were the real. Have you ever seen or heard of TV or film and acting? Maybe not, Mitch. He's doing sick jumps and flips. That's a good point. That's not as busy. I was going to say that Abercrombie stuff was very constricting. It felt like,
Starting point is 00:26:00 it felt like a, what I imagine like a corset. I mean, not as bad, I'm sure, but like it felt like I was like, every time I put on, I'd be like, this is like holding in my, my fat and I don't like it. My experience was that it all felt like it wanted to be like, yes, tighter and also falling off. Like it wanted the pants that was like also Hollister, it's West Coast, like sister store was that like catered to having more like, whereas Abercrombie had the little moose, Hollister had the little seagull, whereas you might get a fake sweatshirt, like you went to Nantucket. This one would be like Santa Monica or whatever, or like Malibu, Ventura, or whatever. And it was all like waffle texture, thin, thin Henleys that were as tight as possible
Starting point is 00:26:51 that you had to wear a tiny tank top underneath, sitting atop low rise flared jeans. That was like my experience of wearing these things. So uncomfortable. Also, we had this thing where then Uggs became popular. And in Southern California, it's almost essentially never cold enough to wear Uggs, but that didn't keep the girls from my school from hopping on this trend. And so a legitimate popular outfit at my high school was a short jean skirt from Hollister or Abercrombie, Uggs, a tank top and a thin sparkly scarf. Dear God. Wow. Emma's nodding, although I know Emma's East Coast, but I guess, I guess maybe enough of that translated. No, we did the same thing. We just wear leggings under the
Starting point is 00:27:35 the mini skirt. There you go. Wow. My mom got me some Ugg slippers recently. The Ugg slippers are really nice. Yeah, the slippers are great. They're meant to be worn in your home though, not to school. Oh, I wear them outside sometimes now too. The pandemic changed that. But the pandemic changed. You know, I was going down the street the other day and you know what's become kind of a bit of a style since the pandemic is sleepy? Sleepy is a style, but I was saying like the forest gump running cross country look. I saw like a few guys that kind of look like gump post cross country. They've used the pandemic. They've kind of just like merged the pandemic, not cutting their hair or beard and they've just
Starting point is 00:28:17 kind of merged that into a look. Interesting. I saw a few gumps. I saw a few gumps on the road. I definitely grew my hair out over the pandemic. I didn't get a haircut for like a year and then I just have kind of kept it long, but the big beard thing I can't do. I can't do that. Yeah, these are like silver like hip, but they like just like wild hair and like a, I saw a few of them the other day. A few of them, I say, and I saw Tom Hanks. Oh my gosh. Look at all these gumps. I had a very similar, I had a very patient zero. I had a very similar experience with Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson. I mean, it was like a very different setting, but I, it was when I was in college and they
Starting point is 00:29:02 were taking their now infamous son, Chet Hayes, on a tour of Northwestern where he did end up going. And I was running late to class and I used to walk to school with like Bose noise canceling headphones on, which was like pretty dangerous. But they doubled as ear muffs. And so it was like, it really worked out. But I saw my friend Josiah giving a private tour. He was like, he was my friend who then like went to work for the administration briefly after he graduated and he was giving a private tour. And I was just like running to class and just went like, Hey Josiah, but then locked eyes with Tom Hanks. And he was like, Oh, he didn't give me daggers, but it was like, you've just shouted at us. Like it was that weird
Starting point is 00:29:48 experience where you just like really catch yourself mid giant wave to your friend. And you're like, that's one of the most famous people in the world. In the world. And I'm like shouting at him in the quad. Maybe he throws daggers. Then they were nice. They gave me like, Oh, you know, they were, they're sweet, but they, their initial reaction was like, you're shouting at us. I mean, that was my thing too. I did scream out shit. Yeah. And I'm sure they were just bewildered. Yes. They were, they enjoyed the movie. They were laughing it up at liquorice pizza, but I look, and I was excited because a lot of my wags knows this, but a lot of my celebrity encounters have been, uh, I guess you could say right leaning, like, uh, in the, in the golf cart
Starting point is 00:30:34 on, on the Fox box, right? I got, I got Wahlberg and Scott, Scott, uh, Scott, Bayo. Oh, the boys, the boys, the boys. Wahlberg complimented my jacket. I told them I was from Quincy complimented my Red Sox jacket and Scott Bayo was also, they were both very nice. And then John Voight, Sony lot. And yeah, it was asking me about love, very nice. Uh, the, not the show love, not general. Uh, come here, come here, come here, come here, come here, come here. Tell me about your love life. Tell me about your love life. Sir, you have picked the wrong person, but I will tell you how it would fit on a golf cart ride. I could, I could get the whole thing out to him on a golf cart ride, but he was like, he also was genuinely, he was very nice, but very
Starting point is 00:31:22 right leaning. So to see Tom Hanks, I mean, that's unbeatable. It's unbeatable. You can't be a Hanks, a Hanks sighting. A Hanks sighting. Is that the apex celeb? Like, I guess, I guess you have to kind of almost, like, like who, who is above Hanks? I guess who's in that tier? You're in Pope territory if we're talking Hanks. Yeah. It's like Pope, Oprah, a president, you know. Yeah. It's such a short list. Leo is the same for me. I don't think Leo is up there. How about Brad Pitt? Sure. Like a Pitt, a Denzel, a Merrill. I guess Hanks is just so, Hanks is, Hanks is, I think Merrill is up there. Merrill is up there. Yeah. Merrill is up there. Yeah. But it's a very short list. Grimace. Yeah. Grimace is definitely on there. Also very
Starting point is 00:32:11 right leaning. Kid Vid, yeah. So very conservative celebrities, but nice. Very nice. Very nice. By the way, I want to go back to the close thing and just say J Crew is now that Abercrombie thing. They don't have a, above a size 36. Fuck J Crew. Yeah. I mean, I think, I think J Crew won't have much sizes, period, with the rate they're going. They're, they're shuttering stores, limited hours. It's, they're in bad shape as a company. I don't, I don't, I don't like people being out of jobs, but I don't like that company. So I, Fuck J Crew. Also, Phylene's Basement was a big, you guys don't have Phylene's Basement. We don't have that. Phylene's Basement. Emma's not. What is it? What's that?
Starting point is 00:32:54 That's where my mom did a lot of the shopping. It's just a, there's Phylene's and then there's Phylene's Basement. Michael, I'm going to Phylene's Basement. Do you want a comma? What you just said right there is like not even a terror. I heard that exact sentence in my house. Phylene's, there's Phylene's and then below Phylene's. It was like discount Phylene's, but in the same building. It's like discount Phylene's. Yeah. And it would be in the base. It would be in like the bottom floor. That feels, my, my mom took on, uh, when, once Nordstrom Rack became a thing,
Starting point is 00:33:30 my mom took on shopping at Nordstrom Rack as a true hobby. She, she'd like, I'd like come home from a regular Wednesday at school and she'd be like, I found five dresses for you. They were a total of $17. Just try them on. We'll take back the ones you don't want. Like she really would treat it like a sport. And I used to, I, I took voice lessons in high school and I used to do like voice competitions with like, uh, on the weekends where I'd have to be in like sort of gown level dresses. And it was like, it's a weird thing to have many of in your closet. And so that was like a big go to cause it's like, I'm not going to spend a ton of money on true gowns between that and like school dances. So it was just like, eh, for voice competitions, we're just going to go to Nordstrom
Starting point is 00:34:15 Rack. And you know, my mom would clean up. She'd find like, yeah, this dress that was originally $112 is now like 22. Hell yeah. That rule. That's, that's the Phylene's basement. That's the Phylene's basement thing. Yeah. Cause it's just department store stuff that didn't sell in time or like, you know, you find the one or whatever there used to be, we would go scam in there for, this is when like, you know, the beginning of us caring about fancy jeans, like when diesel jeans and stuff and you're like, Oh my gosh, did you know Nordstrom Rack has seven for all mankind? And they're only 118. They're not 240. Please. Can I have one pair of sevens for all mankind? They last longer. My mom will get like a nice shirt that someone wore once then died and then it was returned. I
Starting point is 00:35:07 feel like that's like what I would, uh, we wanted, they wanted to bury him in it, but then they thought, eh, he'd rather be cremated. So they took the shirt. We'll take a break. We'll be back with more dough boys. You know, Mitch, you're about to take a little trip abroad. You're going to Costa Rica. That's right. Why? So I'm going to Costa Rica with the family. It's going to be a lot of fun. Gonna maybe see a monkey. Oh, that's fun. Gonna maybe see a bird. Just that. Just a one monkey, one bird. That's it. Hey, that sounds like a heck of a vacay. And you know what? Knowing some Spanish might be helpful down there. And if you have an upcoming summer trip abroad, my go-to travel hack is Babel. Whether you're a season traveler or embarking on your first adventure,
Starting point is 00:35:54 communication is key to fully experiencing a new culture. That's where Babel comes in. Babel is the language learning app that sold more than 10 million subscriptions. Thanks to Babel's addictively fun and easy bite-sized language lessons, there's still time to learn a new language before you reach your destination. You know, Mitch, I've been taking some Babel lessons in Spanish a little bit. And it's a great benefit just in terms of having some sort of conversational knowledge of another language. With Babel, you only need 10 minutes to complete a lesson, so you can start having real-life conversation in as little as three weeks, Wags. Babel's expertly crafted lessons are built around real life. You learn how to have practical
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Starting point is 00:37:57 Looking for calorie-conscious options this spring, Wags? Try delicious, dietitian-approved, calorie-smart meals with around or less than 550 calories per serving. We offer delicious, flavor-packed options on the menu each week to fit a variety of lifestyles, from keto to calorie-smart, vegan and veggie, and protein plus. Prepared by chefs and approved by dietitians, each meal has all of the ingredients you need to feel satisfied all day long while meeting your goals. With 34-plus chef-prepared, dietitian-approved, weekly options, there's always something new to try. Plus, you can round out your meal and replenish your snack supply with an assortment of 45-plus add-ons, including breakfast items like egg bites,
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Starting point is 00:39:15 to get 50% off your first box. Do it. Welcome back to Doughboys. We're here with Jess McKenna, and we're going to talk about some food. Talking about lemonade this week, Shane. But Mitch, before we do that, you had a follow-up question. It's a drink, but it's also a restaurant. It's the name of a drink and it's the name of a restaurant, which we'll learn about. Look, my thoughts are, you got to bring lemonade back to Doughboys, but I'll get into that a little later. They're thirsty. Oh, man, when I ran into Scott Bay, oh, he was drinking a freaking Nantucket Nectar. Yeah, he has lemonade. The boys love lemonade. Jess, I wanted to ask you, and I don't know if you know the answer, but when you're cremated, are you in the
Starting point is 00:40:05 buff? Do you have any clothes on? Great question. And as you know, I'm training to be a mortician, and so I'm actually the right person to ask. I would assume you're in the buff, because I think there's probably some, I think there's probably some desire to really know that when you give the family that the deceased is left behind the ashes, that this is like, these are the ashes of your loved one, not these are their ashes plus khakis. If you go to scatter them, I don't think you scatter out a button. Yeah, that's a zipper, a loose zipper and a button. I assume there's probably still like some processing of the, in the same way that happens when you're buried, but where they probably, I mean, I'm all for it. I'm definitely
Starting point is 00:40:57 give any organs away that work and then burn me up and make me a seed pod, I guess. There's a lot of... Are you saying there's some sort of spaghetti strainer type thing, or they strain out, like they pour the ashes through and have any buttons are caught in the spaghetti strainer? I mean, yeah, I think it probably goes... No, I assume you're probably in the buff. I'm going to go with, yeah, I think you're probably nudy a tooty, as my mom used to say. God, now I'm terrified about being cremated. I've looked this up and apparently what happens most often is you are cremated wearing clothes. Usually what happens is that because it's usually immediately after a viewing,
Starting point is 00:41:44 I've been to funerals where this process has happened and so they finish the viewing, they transfer you to a coffin that can be ignited, like a special sort of cremation coffin and then they toss you in with that. And then also it says that in some circumstances, I mean, this is a quora answer from a funeral director, if it was a hospital death and no viewing by the family, they went in wearing whatever they had on in the hospital, a gown, or sometimes they were prepared by the hospital staff and cleaned up before we went for the removal. So very often times you are getting some clothes in that urn or whatever. Okay, well, burn me in the buff. Okay, this is my official will.
Starting point is 00:42:28 You know what I want to wear? I want to wear some gap. Put me in wearing gap. You put me in wearing a tight fitting waffle tee. Hey, after you're done shopping at the gap, you might go over to Lemonade at your nearby mall in Southern California or anywhere in the Golden State. It's framed as a modern marketplace serving seasonal California cuisine, founded in 2008 by chef Alan Jackson, who was a fine dining chef. Now has 20 locations in California, a couple more in Dubai. And if you are in a different state and you know modern market eatery, that is the same company. They just have a different brand nationwide. So there's about 60 modern market eateries slash Lemonade's
Starting point is 00:43:13 across the US. Here's a place to get Lemonade. Nervously in Terminal 6 at LAX? Is it Terminal 6? There's a big ass Lemonade. And when you're late for your flight, you can grab a three salad combo and eat it on the plane and unleash three distinct smells of some pickled vegetable. That is so much of how I think of Lemonade is as an airport restaurant, even outside of an airport. It's like this feels like an airport terminal restaurant, even if it's at the Santa Monica promenade or the Grove or wherever. That's not how I was introduced to Lemonade. So that is not, to me, is not what it is. But that Lemonade in LAX is so giant that it's hard not to think about it. It's a huge Lemonade. So it's hard not to think about
Starting point is 00:44:07 it in that way. Do you know I've only recently noticed that airports have just like a shared kitchen for breakfast? If you are a restaurant that is not a breakfast restaurant, like a Lemonade or a Wolfgang Puck or a Chili's 2, your breakfast options must be sourced from some sort of common breakfast source because you walk up to Lemonade and they're like, we have a breakfast sandwich and potatoes and you go down to the seafood restaurant at the end of the terminal and they're like, we have a breakfast sandwich and potatoes. Right? I'm not about that. That makes a lot of sense. If you're a restaurant that can pivot and cook your own breakfast, then you just do that. But if you're a restaurant that really doesn't have a breakfast footprint, I think you just have
Starting point is 00:44:53 some sort of commonly sourced options from some bat kitchen. It is a great point that a seafood restaurant will have like a bacon and egg sandwich. Yeah. And it will be like the same one at the taco stand and the same one at the sushi place and you're like, oh, we just have like one breakfast. Maybe this might not be universal, but I feel like I've run into that specifically at that terminal. No, I think a lot of airports, it's like they all have the same breakfast hours and they all have a lot of times very similar menus. And a lot of times it's a place that like to your point, like you're saying, it's not a restaurant that in its non-airport form has breakfast. So it makes sense that they would have some sort of shared solution. A sushi place doesn't need to have
Starting point is 00:45:36 the egg sandwich in the morning, but maybe it is just the thing of like we need actual counters to be serving breakfast in here is maybe what that's all about. To make economics work. I got to give a shout out to anyone who works in an LAX restaurant in the terminals because that just seems like such a nightmare job to drive to. It just seems like that's like to like get to your driving to LAX is like my least favorite thing to do maybe in my life. Like I hate driving to LAX is like one of the worst things. Unlike driving to Logan, that rules. Now that's an airport you can drive to. Look, driving to Logan sucks too, but driving to LAX is the why? It's the worst.
Starting point is 00:46:24 I think going to, yeah. You can't deny it's the worst fucking airport to drive to in the world. It sucks. It's pretty bad. I mean, you can take the LAX flyaway bus, although that serves a pretty limited area. The train isn't fully hooked up to it yet. So it's like it's really your own option. You're not completed. Usually is due. Yeah, the train, well, I mean, there is a route, but it's just like it's not, depending on where you are in the city, you can't get there. I've seen the fucking bridge go into the airport. It's not completed. If you took the choo choo there, you're going to fall, it's going to fall off the track. It's going to dead end. You can maybe jump the track like in speed. But I mean, that's a low percentage play.
Starting point is 00:47:02 I think that it's a tricky, yeah, it's not fun to get to, but just to your point, Mitch, I think you can generalize it to any airport in terms of like, that's not a great job. Having to work in an airport terminal restaurant, you're not making the same amount of tips that you would at a non-airport restaurant. It's a pain in the ass to get in and out of. You've got to deal with security. You're dealing with people oftentimes at their worst, which is just people in a rush or people angry because their fucking luggage was lost or whatever. And it's just, yeah, it's got to be a pretty miserable job. Shout out to anyone holding it down. Yeah, definitely. Thank you for your service.
Starting point is 00:47:36 And now in my head, I'm like, is Lemonade an airport restaurant? Now you've put this in my head. I'm not sure. It has that feel to me because also for people who don't know this restaurant, it's cafeteria style. You grab a tray and then they're just a bunch of tubs of prepared dishes behind glass. And that extends to the sandwiches, which are made on the spot, but you'll still like see like, here's some samples of the sandwiches you can get or just kind of laid out there for you. So it has a very airporty sort of transactional sort of feel to it. In my mind, Potbelly is a airport restaurant because there was one in Logan, Eminosis. Oh, there is. Gosh, this is great news. I just am desperate for potbellies. I wanted to make it
Starting point is 00:48:16 out here so bad. There is one. We reviewed it as far as hell. Yeah, there's one in Orange County. Yeah. We reviewed it with our friend, Colt Cabana. And just to set up. She was close to sleep because of this episode, which I understand. It's near your neck of the woods, actually. It's down in OC. Oh, great news. I think you can get there. Wait, let me find the location for you while we're talking. I love Potbelly. We drove to it. It was like one of our first outings during pandemic. I felt like it was like one of the few, like I drove to it during the pandemic and went in. And I remember it being like a weird thing of even just going inside at that point. So I feel like it was like we were primetime pandemic, which made the ride not bad.
Starting point is 00:49:02 I feel like. It was pretty early on, I think, in our remote record period. But yeah, I don't have that same association with Potbelly, but I understand why you can get there. Jess, tell us about your experience with Lemonade. Had you been before this outing? I have been before. And I'm more like it got introduced to me as a she-she-la place. Not like it's fancy, but it is the thing of like, don't have fast food, have lemonade. It felt like it was a little LA to me. I think the first time I had it was when my first job was working for as the office assistant for an SAT prep company. And in this guy's apartment in Beverly Hills, and it was like, oh, you could go to Lemonade. And it was this treat, but it was so expensive.
Starting point is 00:49:55 And then I think my mom thought it was cool. And we got it a couple times. And then once, I live on the east side. And so like the closest one now to me is probably the one at the Americana. And I've been there a couple of times. And now I'm like, oh, I think either it's not as good as I thought it used to be, or maybe it's gone a touchdown hill, become a little bit more like bland. I feel like, well, now I might be leaning too much into my review. But I think in the recent years, I've been a little like, oh, it's fine. It's reliable. It can be healthier, which is nice. But when I was first brought to Lemonade, I was like, this is amazing. I'm in like Beverly Hills having fresh salads and fancy lemonade.
Starting point is 00:50:42 Yeah, it is definitely, it did at least at first feel like a very LA sort of thing where this is the same for a restaurant I used to go to when I worked at The Simpsons Wikes, which we all know I worked at The Simpsons. I worked at The Simpsons and I would pick up lunches. And I would actually, because I actually really enjoy the restaurant, but the writers were sick of it, which just shows you because this is like a delicious restaurant that they grew sick of, which just shows like, you know, that's any Hollywood writer's room. They're just like, we don't like it anymore. And it's like, this is delicious. You get spoiled, yeah. And Homer would always want you to stop for a chocolate frosty milkshake.
Starting point is 00:51:26 He's a cool, if you pick up a chocolate malt and I was like, I don't know, Homer, he's like, just do it. He was kind of mean. Get him for the boys. Come here, boys. Call all the writers over. So I would, I go to Clementine every, every Friday, that was the Friday treat was Clementine. And they would do, they would do salads and sandwiches, and then they would do, they would have a, what's it called there, the, the on display, the display case, they would have the display case of salads. And so you could get like a three salad combo was like a thing that a lot of people would do. And it would be like, you know, like
Starting point is 00:52:09 roasted Brussels sprouts, and it would have all this stuff in it. And then it would be like tuna mac and cheese, tuna, tuna, tuna mac, which would be like tuna and macaroni, noodles and cheddar. And it was, and that was great. Like there was a lot of stuff that was really good. But that kind of also, by the way, Sandler, Adam Sandler, the first time I met Sandler, because I met Sandler at Uncut Gems. I'm talking about all my celeb encounters, but was at, I was at Clementine. And there was some, there was like another PA parked and like blocking the driveway. And Sandler got out of his car and he looked at me and was like, whoa, like gave me like a what's up sort of thing. And I was like, it's not like, I was so shocked that it was Sandler that I didn't
Starting point is 00:52:49 really know what to do. And I was just like, I didn't really respond. And then I think I muttered it out like, it's not me at some point, but I think he was maybe already in his car. But just like shell shell shocked. I had a similar encounter. I went to UCLA. So I was in LA for college. And the time we were going to see a movie, fuck, I can't remember what it was in Westwood village just south of campus. My friend was driving and pulling into the parking structure for the, for the, for the movie theater and like came to a stop because there was a pedestrian there, but then the pedestrian waved him through and it was Adam Sandler with a big cigar. He had a big stove. Wow. And he was like, and like, and he was cool. He like waved in a cool way, like go ahead,
Starting point is 00:53:34 like, you know, I have the right away, but you can go in and park and we're like, whoa, that's Adam Sandler. And then he was in the movie sitting in the back row. Wow. With a hoodie on. And he was in the movie. It was don't trust the Zohan or whatever that was. Yeah. It was, yeah, it was don't, don't mess with the Zohan. He's laughing with the cigar. He was in the movie. He was in the movie. If you want, if you, if you, if you, if you went, if you went and watched, don't mess with the Zohan and it was in the back row with a cigar laughing like side show Bob, I think that would be the funniest thing on earth, just laughing at his own movie. Yeah. Okay. Well, my Sandler sighting was, uh, I used to do a lot with, um, the children's theater company story pirates
Starting point is 00:54:15 and he chaperoned his kids field trip to the Geffen Playhouse for a show. Wow. He was just like a straight up volunteer chaperone for a field trip, rolling up with like one of his kids classes in like basketball shorts and was like, oh, it's funny. It was really sweet. It's awesome. So Sandler coming out strong in this up. Yeah. Sounds like a very cool celeb. Sandler rules. Yeah. And you know what? He probably enjoys those three, three salad combos that you could get at Clementine. And then when I finally went to lemonade, which my experience with lemonade was, was mostly at the large month, the large month. Oh God. Large month. How am I saying large month? Large month. Large month. Large month.
Starting point is 00:55:01 Large month. It's, it's large month when the dough boys are there. That's where I went for this one. I went to large month. Oh, wow. I ordered, I, I've, I've, I've ordered, I ordered delivery and I'll tell you why, because I was also kind of embarrassed, but I got in the mail and I've been saving this for a couple of weeks now, lemonade exclusive offers. I got like a postcard, probably not a good sign for the restaurant, but on the back, it was free delivery and $10 off $20 or more. I was definitely going to get $20 or more or buy a lemonade, get a free entree. I probably should have done that because that may be able to save me more money, but not that we need to do that. Not like this is a dough boys
Starting point is 00:55:42 podcast. I could have just put it on the dough boys card, which I did. Well, I mean, we still, it still costs, you know, you understand economically that still our money. Look, it was the dough boys cash. I was playing with house money. Yeah, that's our money. That's right. So, so, so I, so, but I, but I, I used the coupon for $10 off. I got delivery. I've been in that large month location a few, quite a few times. So I, I had been in there before and I do remember when it was new and kind of like, like, uh, like when it was new there, I can't remember. I feel like maybe I want to eliminate for the first time with the Simpsons or I'm trying to figure out when it was, because it was like later,
Starting point is 00:56:25 it was, was, it was a wide range of vegetarian options. She was thrilled. Bart always put his order in light. Um, yeah, that's pain. Maggie, you know, can't talk. So that's an issue. Grandpa was there and he enjoyed the braised options because they're softer on his weak teeth. Grandpa's actually like much younger than you think. He's like 50. Really? He's like, wow. Yeah. Hey grandpa. There's my new grandpa. Well for brimley and, and cocoon. Yeah. That's right. It's like the same age as Brad Pitt now. Wow. Wow. See, some things are getting better. Look at how much better looking our old men are.
Starting point is 00:57:10 I gotta say. Hey, we're not, we gotta find some bright sides. Guys, our old men, they're staying hot or longer. It's true though. Like if you look at like, you know, depression era photos or whatever and you'll just see like, like a totally beaten down guy who's like got a craggly face and, and, and he looks like he's like, he looks like he's in his 60s. And then you'll read like he's like 29 years old. He's just this guy, this Dust Bowl farmer who took his family across the country and he's completely broken by life. Bring back the grandpas, bring them back to the boys. Bring back the grandpa boys. Sorry, I'm hitting that way too often. How dare you run a bit into the ground on the Doe Boys podcast? Which we've already,
Starting point is 00:57:52 which we have already run it. We did it ourselves. Yes. I read the Robert Carrow books about LBJ, which are. Wow, you did? Yeah, they're really great. But he does this whole thing where he like breaks down. I mean, he just is like a meticulous historian really and loves to like set out every detail of how something could happen. So you have like an introduction, introductory little vignette about Lyndon Johnson from when he was like in his 20s. And then he's like, but let's see how he became that man or whatever. And then it's like a hundred years before Lyndon was born, the Hill Country, and he truly does like track how like essentially soil in the Hill Country is like responsible for a chip on his shoulder. You
Starting point is 00:58:35 know, like he'll really get in the weeds, but he does this great chapter about the women of the Hill Country, because eventually Lyndon Johnson, when he was a congressman, got them electricity and they were like one of the last places in the, in the like lower 48 to have electricity. And these women, like as late as the 30s, were still like pulling up gallons of well water alone a day. So they were prematurely like stooped. Like women in their 40s would be, would have like hunches from the hard life of putting like irons in the fire to do the ironing and making their own soap and their hands peeling from the lie and pulling up gallons and gallons of water from an, from a low well. Sometimes they'd be so much water that they,
Starting point is 00:59:18 they'd put just like a yoke made for an ox on their back to carry their water for their families. And that was happening like as late as like the 1920s. It's really wild. Bring it back. Bring back the stooped ladies of the Hill Country. Chicks are stooping over wells. Robert, I'm first off, I'm astonished that you've actually read these books because those are books I've always told, I've told myself, I felt like for 20 years, like I should read those because they're, they're dense, huge volumes. I'll give, I did you audio book. Okay, I'll give it. Okay. And still counts. And yeah, they're great. They're really great. I really can't
Starting point is 00:59:57 recommend them enough. I was reading about Robert Carrow recently. There was a New Yorker piece about him and he's, he's 86 and he still works seven days a week trying to finish the final volume of his Lyndon Johnson because it's like, it's, he's released three out of four volumes, right? Like master of the Senate. Four out of five. Four out of five. Okay. Yeah. So, yes. Yep. And he, and it's just like, this is just his life's work. And he's just the last one stops. So the first one is like him growing up and getting his, and like getting his first elective position. The second one's maybe the least interesting. It's like, he kind of like plateaus out in Congress for a while. And then the third is master of the Senate. And then the
Starting point is 01:00:43 fourth is the passage of power, which goes through him getting the VP and then the one year he's president that like finishes out Kennedy's turn and his decision to run again. So yeah, it doesn't include his elected presidency. So it doesn't include Vietnam. It doesn't include great society, which is obviously like massive. But it's really great. You should listen to him like, get him going. Yeah, I'm gonna do it. I think I just gotta do it. No, you're not. No, you're not. I'm gonna do it. It took me a year and a half to listen to all four. Listen to them like 1.25. They're really well-narrated. And this is just a recommendation for all you Dough Boys listeners out there. Robert Caro is four biographies of Lyndon B. Johnson. Is this cool? Do I sound
Starting point is 01:01:31 like a cool kid? I'm sorry, I'll go back. The boys. There we go. Oh, Homer, he wants a macaron. Would you know what? He could get it lemonade. I know. He could get it lemonade. I have two years resolution for myself. I'm gonna dig in on those Robert Caro volumes because I mean it to do it and I'm intrigued by it and it's been working at it for 50 years. Yeah. And hopefully that final volume will come out before he himself is cremated, completely naked as he wish. So I will say, Jess, I agree with you that this was like a cool. If they cremated LBJ, probably take quite a while if you catch my drift. Am I wrong? I'll get some extra time to thoroughly roast jumbo. You're not wrong.
Starting point is 01:02:25 You're not wrong. But that's hilarious. I feel like Taft gets all that heat, but yeah, throw some LBJ away. Jumbo's like a eulog. First off, I want to return to Potbelly, which we talked about the Irvine location, which is the one we went to in Orange County, California, Mitch has closed permanently since we reported that episode. The closest Potbelly is now in Las Vegas. So there isn't one in Southern California anymore. Okay. Well, regarding lemonade, I agree with and I think this is both of your assessments of like this was like a cool LA place at some point. And right now it feels like it was like 2015 or 2016, Mitch, you remember we went to Pinkberry
Starting point is 01:03:11 and it was like this is like Pinkberry was so cool a decade earlier at the time we reviewed it initially. Yeah. And it's the same sort of feeling with lemonade. Like this feels like a place that's kind of like the, what's the idiom? The shine is off the apple a little bit, whatever it is. It feels a little bit past its prime. Yeah. First of all, the Largemont location, Largemont, I was just going to say Largemont. The Largemont location is like so hip that it's like a house. It is just like a house. And there's like a porch and you could like sit on porch chairs and like eat your food. It is like a very bizarre setup. And I think that that's not like most lemonade. I do think that this is like a very weird specific location. But yes, no, it felt
Starting point is 01:03:58 very hip. Like it's funny because even, even, even Clementine, which I mentioned before is like all those salads, like it like, like you saw so many Beverly Hills kind of when I was there, I'm picking up lunch, it would be me and like 700 Beverly Hills housewives, like that's like the housewives. Right. The housewives of Beverly Hills were all there. It was just me and them. Kyle? Lisa Renna? All of them. True. I wonder, I mean, I wonder in that show if they've ever gone to Clementine, it just, that, that is that. And like they would do ordering for like Thanksgiving and Christmas. They would do like big orders for like, like family meals and stuff like that. But the thing with the three salad combos, I liked them a lot, but they were always kind of like
Starting point is 01:04:40 greasy. Like they were, they were oily and greasy, which kind of lemonade was the same thing, but, but they were, but they were still good. I still liked, I still liked the food. I liked Clementine more than lemonade, but I still did like lemonade in it. You know what? It does work in that way of like, Hey, you know, I'm eating a three salad combo and it's probably not the best calorie wise compared to just getting eating fresh vegetables, but I'm eating vegetables. It's better than eating french fries in a big Mac. So that like, uh, so there is that sort of like health thing of you're getting your vegetables and you're eating semi, like I would get like a three salad combo. And then sometimes I would do like, there was like an avocado stuffed
Starting point is 01:05:19 with tuna. I would do that. Like, uh, like kind of like a protein main sort of thing, but it was always kind of weird in that, like there was never, you could get sandwiches and you could get like protein added on to the salads, but there was never really, it felt like you were there for that salad case for all the things on the display case. Right. And it, so it was always kind of a weird meal to me. And of course there was like lemonades that were good, but I was like, if you want like a, a sandwich or like a real salad, like a, like a, like a, like something you would get at say tender greens or something. That wasn't really the place to do it. It was like more of these kind of like market salads. Like I was saying, like, so it's, it, it's weird. It's like a,
Starting point is 01:06:03 it is a weird meal. And now I think that they've changed in like these bowls. You go there, they have bowls now. These bowls are new. And I think that that's, I think that's what they're leaning into is like, Oh, this is like a meal. You get like, you get some of our protein on top of rice, warm rice. And then like two of the salads from the salad case come in those, in those bowls, but that this is, this is, this is a new thing. The bowls did not exist. There were sandwiches, but even those were like kind of rare. It felt like you didn't get those. Yeah. Also, I remember that they, they also really like, um, sort of came down on, you used to be able to do a hack where you would split a scoop. So you could get a three, a three salad side, but split your scoops
Starting point is 01:06:47 and you'd actually get six independent tastes. And that, that was like a high point. And then they were like, this is two, we're obviously like probably losing product over this. And this is a loss later for us. But I was like, man, that was the high point. Cause I've been like, this is, this rules tons of little tastes. I think a lot of it's like seeming decline is just also that the types of things that they're doing became like, I feel like that was one of the first places where I was like, did you guys know Brussels can be fun? And then it was like, you can't walk without getting hit by a, a Brussels dish. So I feel like it also just feels, and the bowl thing for me felt like they were chasing the pokey pokey revolution. And I don't know, it just feels like
Starting point is 01:07:27 they're now a little behind. Like, I don't necessarily know that the quality's gone down. It just feels like they're behind a trend. Like they aren't exciting anymore. It feels a little dated. It's kind of like how, how Baja fresh felt after Chipotle burst out on the screen on the scene. And now obviously Chipotle is, is aging a little bit, but there was a sort of thing of like, oh, they're trying something new. And, and what I think of is, is Mitch, you were talking about like a tender grains, but I think that that in terms of, they've got all these prepared salads that are just like sitting in dishes and, you know, they're soaking in their, their vinaigrette or their oil or whatever it's been, it's been tossed with all day long and have to hold up to
Starting point is 01:08:04 that. And they're competing with the, the sweet greens of the world, the chops with a tea of the world, you know, the, the salad works, all these chains that have, that will do a fresh made to order salad that's customizable. It's just a, it's just like they, it, it, I think that's why that's partly where the bowls are coming from. It's like an attempt to be like, Hey, we can also do this. But it's not really what they, what the chain was built on. I want, I want to say what, what Jess was saying is like, when they were doing the six salad combos, you get in there, you're in line and then you're, you know, you're behind some, you know, some housewife of, you know, Erica Jane or something, say sure. And uh,
Starting point is 01:08:45 coming in with the ref. Oh, I certainly didn't Google it. I mean, what do you guys think? Should she be held culpable? What did she know, you know? I don't, I, I, well, look, look, you're in line, you're in line behind Ellie Mae Clampett and she's taking her time ordering her six salads. And so yeah, Ellie Mae Clampett's taking a long time, you know, she, she, she wants to taste all of it. And then that would be annoying too. Like it was a, there's like places in LA if this feels like high school-ish where I'm like, I just don't want to go in there. I don't feel like I belong. And a lot of times I didn't want to go into lemonade. Like I didn't like going into lemonade.
Starting point is 01:09:29 Uh, you know what? Clementine had a back door where you could just pick up your orders and I love that. But I didn't like going into, I didn't like going into lemonade. It just felt like, especially when you're waiting at that salad case. And I agree with it, Jess. I do feel like they are trying to do like, kind of like, it does say specifically like sushi rice and it does feel like it's trying to be like, oh, you're going after the bowls now. But that being said, I guess to get into it, I got myself the mango chicken bowl and it was pretty good. Wow. Great. It's pretty good. Yeah. I saw that mango chicken at the end once I had already committed to doing the three salads and a protein. So I was like, I didn't know if I, you know,
Starting point is 01:10:13 because the bowls, I was like, I don't think that's really their thing. You know, like, I feel like I was dubious of their success right there. But that mango chicken did look good. I almost really pivoted at the end. It was, it was, I got, I got, of course, like always, I got a million things. And I'll talk about all of them. But that mango chicken bowl to, so they, basically, the bowls are just like, like we were saying, there's, there's, they do like white rice or, I think you can do like, is it like a red rice? What is the, I don't think that's the technical name for it. Is it like Spanish rice? Yeah, maybe Spanish. No, it is, it is like a red rice. It's not, it's not a Spanish rice necessarily. Yeah. It's, it's just like, it's
Starting point is 01:11:00 just like a, it's like a red, huge rice to toss with some herbs. Yeah. But you choose, you choose your, you choose your base, basically, and then you can, and then there's different proteins. There's like red miso beef, seared ahi, which, you know, is leaning even more into like these, these, what are the, what are the bowls called? The, a poke bowl? Poke bowl. Thank you. And then, and then mango chicken, which I got, which has the mango chicken, and then it has honey roasted brussel sprouts and purple kale carrot salad on top of the rice. So you get like two, you get two of the, you know, you get two of the salads alongside this chicken and the mango sauce. And it was, it was good. It just, it, like a mixing
Starting point is 01:11:47 in like the salads with the rice, it, in like this warm rice, it was pretty good. I, I enjoyed it. But is it better than like some pokey places? Is it, is it a place I'm going to go and get a bowl? I, I, I don't, I don't, I don't know. I, I don't know if it's that good, you know, but also price wise 12.95, not too bad. Why? Cause I don't know. Yeah. Uh, it's, here's what I'll say. We're recording this in 2021. And so, you know, that this is coming out in 2022, but in this year, the year of roller 2021, no meat shall eat. Here are the proteins you can get with your bowls at Lemonade. Play the URL, It's supposed to be this California fresh concept. A lot of vegetarians out here. The proteins are grass fed steak, seared ahi tuna, red miso beef,
Starting point is 01:12:36 mango chicken, and green chili chicken. How is there not a veggie option? How is every protein that they offer meat based or fish based in, and that extends to their sandwiches. They have one, and I clarified this with the person behind the counter who was very, very helpful. I was like, your only vegetarian entree option, not talking about the salads, which are more sides. You can have a three, a three side or three salad combo, but to me that's not a meal. It's like the only vegetarian entree they have on the entire menu is what I got, which is a grilled cheese sandwich. And it's as simple of a grilled cheese sandwich as you can get. It's cheddar on sourdough. That's it. That's the one vegetarian option you have there. And there's nothing, there's no vegan
Starting point is 01:13:21 entree they have there. That's not true in that you can get any salad from the salad case. You could get a three salad. That's what I just said, but that to me is not an entree. I mean, it is weird. Getting three sides is not an entree. What protein are you getting from your snap pea en amame? That's going to be your lunch? Also, why don't you make it possible to put these salads on the white rice? Just say no protein on there and put three salads on the white rice. Why not? Or have some tofu or have some impossible meat or something. Sure. I mean, yes, I have one option. I was saying at the very least you could do that. Like it doesn't make sense that they don't do that because they have good things to do. It is surprising that there's
Starting point is 01:14:03 not even a tofu salad that I've ever seen, you know, because some of the salads additionally have a protein in them. Yes. Yep. Yeah. But usually that's cheese. It's pretty, they're pretty, the cheese, some have nuts, but they're pretty spartan in terms of actual plant-based options. Yeah. Certainly ones that have any sort of protein in them. That is surprising. Which I was just kind of like, again, this is a California place. Yeah, exactly. Like that's their whole thing. It comes from LA. It's trying to be like healthy food, healthful food. We understand that more and more people are going plant-based. How have they not adapted on that front? I just was more surprised than anything. I think that's totally
Starting point is 01:14:41 fair. I think that's, I think that's fair. It does not fit the vibe of the place. Yeah. No. Well, I did, I also got a three-salad combo. I got Mexican street corn, the pineapple chicken and green bean, which is kind of one of their famous salads. It's been around for a long time and it is good. It is a good salad. And then roasted broccoli, which why is like you said, it has, it has cheese in it. It's basically like roasted broccoli and then there's like flecks of cheese in there. Yeah, ricotta and a champagne vinaigrette. The Mexican street corn was like almost straight up bad. It was, you know, when you get like hard pieces of butter. Did you have that? I got it too. Yeah. I got them. It's bad. Yeah. And I've had,
Starting point is 01:15:23 I like, it's such a, seems so strange because I've had like lots of good street corn sides at restaurants where, you know, they're cutting it off the corn. And I was like, this is not even what I would think. Why did it have cherry tomatoes in it? Like I feel like street corn is cotija, the corn, maybe some like tahin type spice, lime, like that's what a Mexican street corn is. There was jicama in it, which I liked. That felt like a sweet that made it feel a little bit more like, had some textures, but I was like, what the heck is this corn doing in here? And it was felt very like anemic. It didn't feel very like the corn was like extremely pale and felt like it didn't get a grill on it, which is why I would think of a street corn.
Starting point is 01:16:10 Sure. Like a Lodeosado. Did you, did you get like hard pieces of corn? I don't know. I don't think so. I did. And so like, I was like, oh, the corn is like kind of hard and weird. That's weird. Maybe it was undercooked or overcooked. I have no idea. It was, but it was, and I was like, is this intentional? I like couldn't tell what was going on. And I don't, now hearing you, I don't think, did this corn just taste like cooked corn to you? I think so. Yeah. I mean, like, uh, yeah, I think, yeah. Yeah. All right. Yeah. I think there was something wrong with my Mexican street corn, but That's a shame. But I agree that I was like, these flavors are strange. Like, like this,
Starting point is 01:16:48 this is not a, I don't think it even had a lot. Like I feel like this isn't anything like what a Mexican street corn in my mind is supposed to approach. 100%. I could be wrong. I could be wrong. Why? Is what are you going to ask? Oh, it doesn't matter. I mean, I was going to say it. Did you, were you, were you eating corn nuts? But it did detect them all the time. That's what it, that's what it, that was like close, like some of them tasted like corn nuts. Uh-huh. But the pineapple chicken and green bean was good. And then the roast of broccoli is good,
Starting point is 01:17:18 too. I mean, like it's kind of basic. Here's the thing, when they sit around in oil or like vinaigrette for so long, they become like softer and easier to eat. So, so I don't, I, I don't mind the, I don't, I don't mind some, even when it's oily, like I say that as a complaint and it will hurt your stomach, but the taste of it, it doesn't bother me as much. I also got a chimichurri steak sandwich. And that was like nice and soft, but like not a ton of like flavor, like a, but still, you know, it was still, still, still good. It was still on, still on the better side. Uh, why? Cause I got a couple of sides. I got white truffle mac and cheese. And then I want to compare it to the regular mac and cheese. So I got the regular mac and cheese.
Starting point is 01:18:04 And then I also got some creamy mashed potatoes. The creamy mashed potatoes were bad. And you know what? And I'm not, look, I'm not pointing my finger at you, but there might have been a cream thief on the loose because there was not a lot of cream in those mashed potatoes. So you're saying that I had some sort of heist to deplete their cream supply. I mean, I'm not pointing my finger right at you, but the cream, the cream was gone. Hey, I'm sorry I never texted you back a week ago and you said, Hey, I'm putting together a team. How fast can you drive? It's okay.
Starting point is 01:18:42 Sorry, I totally slipped my mind. I forgot to text you back. He did call it a cream team too, didn't he? Yeah, yes. And I, I thought it was like a miss a typo. I thought he wanted to say dream team. Um, shoot. Sorry, Wikes. Should have texted you back, man. I, we gotta, hey, hey, Mr. Cook, can we please have Mark is unread on our text messages by now? Come on. Give us Mark is unread on our texts. We accidentally open them and then we forget. It's true. Was there, was there, how, how creamy was the mac and cheese though, Mitch?
Starting point is 01:19:20 I know that the, the, the, the potatoes. I can tell that you're sad that your team didn't get to the mac and cheese because they were creamy. I wonder who's on your cream team, the team that steals cream. It's a, you know, uh, Charles Barkley, Carl Malone, John Stockton, Bugs Bunny and me. The cream, the cream, the cream was sufficient in the white truffle mac and cheese and the regular mac and cheese. You know what? I thought they were both good. Here's, here's where I kind of felt like eating the white truffle and the regular mac and cheese. I was like, these taste
Starting point is 01:19:56 like Boston market. Like, like they should be slightly better than, they should be better than Boston market, but they, but hey, that's not a slam. I like Boston market. So I like, but I'm just like, shouldn't these be a little bit better, but they were still good. And honestly, I didn't get to my bite of the night yet, which is coming up, but, but the mashed potatoes were, were, were, I was very disappointed in the mashed potatoes. The two mac and cheeses, I liked them, but I'm like, is this what they should be at lemonade? Right. Right. My bite of the night wigs was the dessert, sea salt brownie, a very fudgy brownie,
Starting point is 01:20:31 a big fudge brownie with sea salts on top. I thought it was delicious. I liked it quite a bit. That was, that was my bite of the night, which, you know, for a sweet tooth, you know, I'm not a sweet tooth. I'm just saying like for, like for the sweet to be the treat. Yes. Maybe not a good sign. After that, I maybe would say that mango chicken bowl was good. And the steak sandwich is pretty good, but, but in the, in the mac and cheese, I mean, nothing was like terrible. I'll say that nothing was like bad, bad. And I also got a couple lemonades, but I'll let people get to their food before I get to my lemonades.
Starting point is 01:21:08 Yeah. They do have signature lemonades here, as you would expect from the name. I also got a three salad combo. I got that same roasted broccoli mitch with the ricotta and the champagne vinaigrette. And yeah, I think it's, it's pretty decent. I mean, I rather, I don't know if I love a cold broccoli salad, to be honest. Like I just, I think, I think it's just almost like I'd rather get like a good roasted broccoli and have it that way. I know this is a roasted broccoli in terms of description, but I mean, like, like, you know, have it like as a hot side, not have it as a cold salad. But it's, it's pretty decent. It's fine. I also got the snap pieta mame, which has a watermelon radish, carrots and a sesame vinaigrette. And yeah, I don't know. It's, it's like,
Starting point is 01:21:49 it was fine. I mean, there might, there might have just been too much going on here. I did like the watermelon radish. I thought that was texturally good. The sesame vinaigrette was, I don't know. I mean, I feel like I could have had that in the champagne vinaigrette, blind taste tested them and not told them, not been able to tell them apart. I also got the beet couscous. And I actually like this quite a bit. This says a red onion, baby spinach, goat cheese. The spinach was nice in it actually, a dill in a creamy herb dressing. And I like the color of this. It was nice. It was like, you know, it was, it was very beady. So a great, great beet red. And it was a, that was a lot of fun. I liked that. Yeah, I thought this was a good, this was
Starting point is 01:22:22 a decent side. This was a standout of the three sides. That said, all of them were pretty generic filling and pretty underwhelming. Nothing felt like fun. It all kind of felt like a chore to eat. Like I was like, okay, I'm doing something, I guess, ostensibly good for myself by putting this into my mouth and into my body. But it's not like, it's not like particularly like, oh, this is a fun thing to eat. That said, I mentioned the grilled cheese and I framed it in a negative light because they should have more veggie options. But that classic grilled cheese was terrific. Honestly, it was so good. It was, this was like a, this was like upscale diner quality. Like, you know, in LA, you go to like, what, like a, like a Fred 62 or a 101 coffee shop,
Starting point is 01:23:04 you know, a place that's like a throwback diner, but they've also got RIP, a 101 coffee shop. That's like a throwback diner, but it's also got kind of like a little bit of an elevated menu and does the classics really well. It was just such a well executed grilled cheese. It was really well made. It was, it was like the amount of cheese, the quantity of cheese, the ratio of cheese to bread was perfect. It was, it was buttery, but not greasy. Great crispness on the bread. God, it was just texturally and flavor wise. It was just like a perfect grilled cheese. I was just like, fuck, this is so, so much better than I expected it to be on the heels of those salads. And then they also got a lemonade. Jess, let's hear a little bit more about your order.
Starting point is 01:23:44 Well, grilled cheese sounds great. So I got the three salads plus with a protein. So I got the Mexican street corn, which was only fine. I got the, I got the edamame watermelon rattle, watermelon radish. And I also got the green bean pineapple chicken. So I'm, I'm, I'm repeat over here. Street corn, yeah, underwhelming felt that the tomato was weird. Didn't feel like they were dealing in the very weird, true Mexican street corn flavors that I feel like I've had. And I feel like that should have a little grill mark on it. It should have some lime, maybe some, I don't know, it should have a little bit of something else. The edamame I've had before, I agree. I think it's dressing could be a little more forward, but I enjoy it. I will say in general, like everything
Starting point is 01:24:33 is pretty pleasing to the eye. They have like a good colorful point. When you look at them, they, they look inviting. And then I got a piece of this salmon as my protein, which was, um, it was poached Atlantic salmon whole grain mustard citrus sauce. And for a cold piece of salmon, it was pretty good. Cause I feel like that's a little bit of an odd swing texture wise, and they give it to you with a whole circle of lemon on top of it. So for a cafeteria, pretty appealing aesthetically, I liked the sauce, salmon was well cooked. And again, having it completely cold, pretty good. Um, and if your pescets also gluten free, so, and that sauce is pretty good. And then because I was like, at the end, I was like, oh, maybe I
Starting point is 01:25:18 should get one of these hot options. I did get the red miso beef, um, which I thought was only okay. I wanted it to be a little bit better. And, uh, but it was still, it was still pretty good. And I wonder how I would have enjoyed it if I had more leaned into the hot plate option and like had it on rice or had it on potatoes, cause I had it just kind of on its own. And, uh, it was only, it was only okay. And then I did get, this was also the first place in terms of like trends where I feel like I had the same relationship with Brussels. I was like, oh, we're just having Brussels as salads now all the time. Okay. Hot, cold, shaved balsamic. What's happening? We're having Brussels a lot. It was also the first place I saw the French macaron that then became
Starting point is 01:26:00 like the most ubiquitous cookie in the world. And it, they make up, they have big guys. And so I got one of those and texturally it was beautiful, but it was caramel flavor. And I was not getting that much caramel, uh, in the, in the flavor, but still a really good, really good cookie overall still. And I also got, I hope it wasn't, I hope it wasn't the cream team at work again. Shoot. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Why is this when you texted me and you're like, oh, PS, I have a vendetta against caramel. It's getting too much shine. We'll talk off pod. Can I solicit some fan art real quick? Yeah. I think it would be a lot of fun if someone made a Venn diagram.
Starting point is 01:26:42 I'm not looking for cream, cream team fan art. Well, I am looking for cream team fan art. If you could, if someone could show, it's Charles Barkley. Uh, who else do you say? Uh, Carl Malone, John Stockton, basically the same roster as the 92 dream team. Plus Bugs Bunny and me. I'm driving the getaway car. Okay. So if you could, if you could do that, um, yeah, I'm just going to put it out there. It's, uh, just someone will spend like three and a half months on this. And then they'll post it online. They'll post it online and like, you'll look, you'll scroll through their photos more and you'll see that they have a child and you'll be like, Oh God.
Starting point is 01:27:20 Okay. So take this, take this ask on responsibly. Don't let it, please only do it if it's fun. But I would take a, uh, Ocean's 11 cream team getaway car. That, that I think is a, yeah, me shaking my fist out of the cream. So that's like, uh, that's like a larger ask, but I think this is a more manageable ask, which is a Venn diagram of each of our salad orders because we have some overlap, but we also have some unique spots there. So someone wants to do a three circle Venn diagram and sort of see where me and Mitch and Jess overlap. That's your ask. Yeah. And then you could put it side by side with the one that everyone passes around about,
Starting point is 01:28:03 you can either do something you love or you can get paid or you can have purpose. Or it can be fast. It can be cheap or it can be good. I want to be, I want to be a gap girl. So, so that's my fan art request as me as the gap girls. I, speaking of gap girls, why if this, if this wasn't a mall spot, it should be in a dying mall next to a gap lemonade. It feels, it, it feels like it's time has, it feels like it's time has come and gone. Yeah. I went to one in Santa Monica and it was, it either shared a wall with, with a, with a foot locker or a gap. It was like right, you know, it was, it was right next to, you know, one of those iconic mall stores.
Starting point is 01:28:54 That being said, like the food I got tasted all right. And you know what tasted really great was the lemonade's and the lemonade's are, are decent. I don't know if I don't know what you got, but I, but I got the, uh, an old go to, which is the blood orange hibiscus lemonade, which is so sugared out, but it is very tasty. And then I also tried an Arnold Palmer YGZ. I know that you claim to have made the drink, which is fucked up, but, uh, I had that and that one wasn't as good. It was still all right. Um, like it was a decent Arnold Palmer, but that blood orange lemonade was, was really fantastic. Super sugary, probably like 400 calories per drink, but it was, it was good.
Starting point is 01:29:35 My drink is not the Arnold Palmer. It's the Nick Weiger, uh, which is more, more iced tea, less lemonade. It's a better ratio. Anyway, I, the, I, the lemonade I got was a carrot ginger lemonade. And let me tell you, I thought it was refreshing as all get out. I really liked it. It was a little too sweet for me. And they give you a big boy. They give you like, it's like a 22 ounce lemonade by default. It's, it's an excellent ice. Really good. This is great. This is really good. Yeah. So, uh, but, but it's, but I also was like, I wish I had someone to share this with because this is just too much. I am just one man. I can't drink this entire giant lemonade. Oh, I'm so sorry. Is this this text you sent me that was like,
Starting point is 01:30:15 hey, Camere, I have an extra straw. Yeah. Natalie left me on red. Look, you have Bugs Bunny on the cream team. I didn't think about that. He would have loved it. And they had Dracula on there too. He would have loved that blood orange one. That's Dracula was on the cream team. Yeah, he's there. Yeah. Sometimes he smells great. He does smell. He would smell good. Um, the, and Wolfman would smell like shit. Wikes. Your story made me sad. It was just a sad story that you didn't have anyone to drink a lemonade with. And so I just wanted you to shut up.
Starting point is 01:31:06 The story he had already ended. Uh, gotta circle back to tell you, wish that it ended even sooner. Just earlier too, you mentioned something about a macro and I was like, lemonade has macro and speaking of which, which I knew you, I knew you knew, but I, but I, but I was, but I was segwaying. I felt bad that I was like saying your host. You're good. You're good. Hosts do host duties call. Oh, of course. To say that, I, I, I, why is, I think we should get to our final thoughts because I, wait, wait, I want to hear about just as, just, did you talk about your lemonade yet? Oh, I got the, I got the elderflower lemonade. I feel like there might be one other flavor on it.
Starting point is 01:31:50 And it's a beautiful lilac purple. Uh, what was it? Lavender. Lavender elderflower. Yeah. And you know, I'm that girl who likes that elderflower. Another trend, I think that got a bit ubiquitous there for a second, but I'm not mad at it. I'll have, I'll have a dash of that St. Germain in a, in a, in a cocktail. Um, so that's a flavor I'm, I'm into. It was nice. I also didn't finish it, uh, because I was like, this is a bit of a floral sugar bomb, but, um, I thought about doing the two drink move and also getting an Arnold Palmer. Um, but I really struggle saying it. So I, uh, didn't believe in my ability to say it through a mask. It is tricky. I have an Arnold Palmer. Um, really twisted my tongue for
Starting point is 01:32:38 some reason. I got to get the Nick Weigher instead. What is it? What's the, what's the Nick Weigher? Is it an 80, 20? Or, uh, they'll look at you blankly if you request Nick Weigher. Just a warning. Yeah. More like, like a two, two thirds iced tea, one third lemonade. Which is basically what Arnold Palmer wanted his to be. But anyways, that's besides the point. Plus you're living out 10% which is vodka or 20% is, uh, the real OG also had vodka in it. By the way, um, uh, elderflower is just a cool sounding. It sounds like a, uh, uh, Miyazaki. The Miyazaki? Miyazaki. Miyazaki. Miyazaki. Uh, it sounds like a Miyazaki character. Like, right. Elder, like, oh, I'm, oh, I'm elderflower. It's like, uh, it's, it's, it's, it's cool sounding.
Starting point is 01:33:26 He has grandpa Simpson's voice. He's only 58. Big grew up in the decibel. Uh, yeah, I agree. I think elderflower is really nice. I don't mind floral flavors in food and drink, you know? I sometimes I know they can, it can taste like you're eating or drinking soap, but I think if you get it just right, it's, it's nice. It's a nice flavor profile. I like it. There's a hibiscus iced tea, I believe, at tender greens that I enjoy. Um, I, I can, I can be down with the floral stuff. I just, elderflower just sounds so cool. Um, I think all the lemonades there are, I mean, that's what they're known for. And you know what, they do a good job of it. My sip of the trip was the orange, the blood orange lemonade, but I think you can't really go wrong with their lemonades.
Starting point is 01:34:13 They are sugar bombs, but they're, but they're good. So they're really good. Let us know if you like a floral flavor in a food or drink. Hashtag floral oral or hashtag floral, no rule. Let's get to our final thoughts on lemonade. Yeah. All right, let's get to our final thoughts. I, I, so we'll each go around. Jess, you're a veteran of the podcast, a fabled figure in dough boys lore. We'll each go around and we will give our final assessment of this particular chain lemonade and end it by giving it a fork score from zero to five. Jess, we'll begin with you. So I feel like it's hard because if I just went yesterday for the first time in my life, I might be like, Oh, what a easy, reliable staple. I think
Starting point is 01:35:03 the perception of it feeling like it's fallen from some sort of esteem somehow is obviously coloring my experience of feeling like, Oh, what once felt like this fancy thing now feels a tiny bit lackluster. But I also think that some of the food is a little bit just like decent and reliable, but not necessarily wowing. The lemonade was great. The macaron was delicious, but not that carmely. But maybe I should have just gone with a different flavor. I think maybe those cookies are meant to be a little lighter on the tongue. Anyhow, I wish the braised beef had been a little bit better, but again, I might have had it in the wrong kind of context. But overall, and also my order was like a meal and a half. I ended up saving and having it as
Starting point is 01:35:45 basically like a quasi dinner. So I think that helps your bang for your buck sometimes. But it doesn't really wow in any way. It's got some healthier options potentially. Um, so I think I have to go with three and a half forks. Wow, three and a half forks. Still a good score. Yeah, if I think about the quality, it is still pretty high quality for and and good service. I had a quick, quick, quick time through the line, helpful, clean, vibrant colors, a nice aesthetic. So I think it's still doing a lot of things right, even though in my mind, it has fallen a little bit. Very fair. I think I think that's a I think that's very, very fair.
Starting point is 01:36:33 Milk milk lemonade around the corner fudges made the old rhyme. Well said, Mitch. Says the guy who said his favorite bite was the fudge brownie. Okay. Yeah. You know what? Around the corner of the restaurant, fudge must be made because they did make a great, they did make a great fudge brownie. You're right, Jess. That was delicious. Um, no milk though. The two milks of the of the rhyme don't really fit in, but well, the cream team got there. So it's funny that this kind of got me nostalgic for like 2010 LA, which is, which I never could see myself being nostalgic for, uh, you know, time slowly marches on. So I guess I'll be nostalgic
Starting point is 01:37:22 for like quarantine one day and, and, you know, the pandemic life, I guess the maybe you'll look back on that and be like, that was fun. But I was, I was, I am, I am a bit nostalgic for like a the lemonade in its prime. And I do, I actually do like those type of restaurants. Like I do every time I'm in, uh, West LA near the Fox slot, I will hit up Clementine. Uh, I like Clementine quite a bit, but what is this? A fucking Clementine episode? I know it's only one. We're never going to do it. It still exists. I can go there. I'm just saying lemonade is in the same thing. The eternal sunshine of the spotless mind. My gosh. We all in love with Kate Winslet and we can't forget her. I'm, I am going to take a bath in the sink later. Um, uh, I do have a giant, man,
Starting point is 01:38:12 that is a great, I gotta re, I gotta revisit a great scene where they're, when they're bathing in the sink there. Um, I like that Tom Wilkinson. He's always good. He is always good. He is always good. You're right. Um, sadly, what isn't always good is probably lemonade. Like, uh, it's tough for me because I like, I do think it's one of those weird restaurants where I'm like, what is happening to this place and what will become of it? Like, I think it's going to end is in my mind. I'm like, this place feels like it's, it can't be doing well. And, and that's the brutal business of LA of, of, of having these kind of like restaurants that pop, you know, that, that pop up become popular and, you know, they expand and then after like six,
Starting point is 01:39:00 seven years, they're not the hot spot anymore. They, you know, like, uh, and especially if they expanded it in the, in the quality, maybe goes down a little bit, they're not the hot item. They're not it anymore. Wags, but I can't deny that the food was pretty good on this visit. There was some stuff that wasn't great. Um, but, but there was a lot of good bites. So I can't go quite into golden plate club territory, but I do think it's in the threes and like a mid 3.5 is a great score. I might go slightly even a little bit higher. I might go 3.75 forks, but, but all that being said of like some stuff isn't great. And I think this restaurant will die. Sadly. I mean, I just think that's what's going to happen. Um, but, but, but I, but I like this type of restaurant and I don't
Starting point is 01:39:49 even think they know what they're becoming. So I think that is like the big issue of like, what are we now? Are we a bull shop? Are we like, uh, like the, the, the three salad combo thing? Is that not hitting for people as much anymore? I have no idea, but it, it feels like a restaurant and in transition and I don't know where it's going to go. So yeah, 3.75 forks. If it was, if it was in its prime, I'd go four forks. I, I, if it back in the day when it first opened, I would have gone four forks. So three forks, three times for Mr. Slice. Good score. And people may listen to this final assessment and I'm going to include myself in this and be like, well, you guys kind of just spent so much time dwelling on the negative here, but you had pretty positive
Starting point is 01:40:30 fork scores. But I, and I think that's fair. Are you going to start yours with milk, milk lemonade? You think of another juvenile rhyme. There once was a man from Nantucket. Wow. What's his name? Wiger. Okay. So I'm going to say that, that the, we've dwelt on the negative a lot here, but there are things to like about the lemonade. First off, the titular lemonade is good. Like it's, it's like a really high quality lemonade. And, and I, I, you know, the salads are kind of boring, but they are pretty helpful and well made. And I totally agree with Jess's point that they are very pleasing to the eye, which counts for something. You talked about its business, Mitch, and I will say that, that, that this place did
Starting point is 01:41:19 shudder a lot of locations in the past year. I think a big part of it is just it's, this is a work lunch place. Like this is a place where someone's working in an office job and they're going to be like, well, I'll go, I'll duck over to lemonade because there's one at the, on the, the first level of my building or whatever, there's one in the mall that I can drive to that's five minutes away from my office park. And, and that's like kind of its purpose. I think that's probably its primary business is during the lunch rush. And as food services shifted towards less dining out more delivery, this isn't just stuff that like, like, I'm not going to get a pre-made salad that's been sitting in a bowl for the entire day as a, as a delivery option. Like that's just,
Starting point is 01:42:00 I feel like not exciting for people. And I think it also, because of that association, I think it just reminds people of work. And that's maybe not what you want for your indulgent meals. So I think I would guess that's probably has something to do with some of the location closures in addition to just general economic distress. But the sides are pretty good. The grilled cheese was great. And that was undeniable. And I have to, to give up points for that. And you guys mentioned the service. Yes, the service at my location was very, very good. They definitely didn't have enough people working there, but that's true of absolutely every single chain restaurant we review these days, because these places aren't paying their workers enough.
Starting point is 01:42:38 But they did a great job and they were, they were super duper helpful and very efficient. So I think I'm going to be ballpark buds with the two of you and say three forks, two times for lemonade. Wow. I think that's, I think that's about where it belongs. I'll give it an extra half fork. I would have gone three forks, but I'll give it an extra half fork for that grilled cheese being so outstanding. It is just like a very solid quality. Now I feel like I should move to 3.5. You can do it. You can, but also, you know what? Ball your heart, Mitch. Neil, I'll stay at 3.7. Thank you, Jess. Yeah. We'll stay at 3.7. It seems like that brownie was really good and you, you know, I felt like, yeah. It is, it's just a confusing,
Starting point is 01:43:25 it's just one of those confusing ones. I don't know who knows what will happen to it. It used to give me a little bit of a wow that it doesn't anymore. And that could be about me, not it, but that's just, that's just the truth of the experience. And that's what I have to speak to. You know, I'm just here to tell the truth. I, I, you know what? We need truth tellers on this podcast, right, Wigs? That's true. I have too many fucking liars on the show. Yeah, so many fucking liars. Yeah, I need to tell you guys, you guys got a lot of liars on this show. That's why next week, Doe Boys with Joe Rogan. We'll be back with more Doe Boys.
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Starting point is 01:46:10 These are compiled by The Drop King, Robert Persinger. Jesse, you should kick my ass. Well, we'll see. Wait, year? We're going for the year. Yes, here are the rules. Whoever guesses closest to the year this jingle first aired without going over gets a point. And if you guess the year exactly, you get an additional point, two points total. That's the Arden Marine rule. It shouldn't be prices right rules, but whatever.
Starting point is 01:46:37 It works better. It gives it more tension. No, it doesn't. It works better. You've also benefited from this rule last time, so I don't know why you're still upset about it. I don't care. I'm saying to change it to the closest. That's what it should be. We're sticking with a closest without going over. If you get the year exactly, you get two points. That's bad. It works on prices right for a reason. It works here, too.
Starting point is 01:47:01 Okay, so... No, it doesn't. These are more Coca-Cola jingles. It's Coke 2, the new Coke. Wow. We've got Coca-Cola jingles, so these are not all necessarily new Coke related, though. Don't be misled by that. Coca-Cola 2 and Emma, let's play this first jingle and see if Mitch and Jess can guess which year it released.
Starting point is 01:47:31 Jess is loving it. This is great. Great jingle. Oh my gosh. This is sexy. What the fuck? This spot called Can't Beat the Feeling. Can't Beat the Feeling of Coke making you want to fuck. That was crazy. There were two pretty sensual shots in there. Okay, ding ding, or do we say it? Do we rotate who guesses first?
Starting point is 01:48:08 Yeah, we rotate who guesses first, but you can go first if you like. Okay, given the very good and reasonable prices right rules, I'm going to be a little conservative here because I'm thinking there's a range. I'm going to go on a low end. I'm going to say 1990 on the dizzy dot. 1990 from McKenna. Jess, Mitch, what say you? And it's maybe because I lived through this. I think it's earlier than that. Fair enough, yeah.
Starting point is 01:48:35 I think that it is. I think it's 1984. I'm going to weigh on her. I think I went over. My guess is now that it's in the middle. I think it's going to be like 87. Very scary, very scary year, 1984. 84? Yeah, terrifying. Yeah, terrifying. Famous Apple commercial. And I mean, I guess also it's based on another thing.
Starting point is 01:48:59 No, it's the Apple commercial. You both are three years off. However, because of the prices right rule, Mitch, you were going to take it 1987. You were closest without going over. Wow, Jeff, second guess. Second guess right on the money. Oh, man. 1987, Mitch still feels late for me because...
Starting point is 01:49:21 But you know what? No, because I was like four or five years old at that point. And like those machines, that was like Coca-Cola machines, the ones that just say Coke on them. Well, I'm sure you remember them too. Oh, yeah. And those Coke cups that you'd see at like bowling alleys and stuff. And all of that was on display there. The cans also looked really weird.
Starting point is 01:49:41 It was a very strange, different time. Well, at a certain point, they changed the type of pull tab that was used to open cans. Like you ever see like an old beer in a movie or an old soda can in a movie? It had like a different sort of tab to it. I think that might have been just at the tail end of that period. You're talking about soda machines. You ever get one of those soda machines that dispenses ice and then like syrup into a cup?
Starting point is 01:50:08 I always loved those whenever I encountered them. I thought that was like the best quality soda you could get from a machine. It was like a fountain soda machine, but it was automated. Yeah, they don't really make them anymore. That's not to be confused with the freestyle. Not to be confused with the freestyle. No, this was a different thing. Different animal.
Starting point is 01:50:28 All right, let's move on to the next ad. Mitch has one point. Jess has zero. And let's get to the next one. Got a soccer playing here in a bar. Have a coke and a smile, the name of this spot. Mitch, you're up first this round. What year do you think this first premiered?
Starting point is 01:51:11 See, it's a funny thing with these things because like the last commercial was like maybe shittier and looked worse, but is more current. Where that like looks kind of like timeless and looks like it could even be newer. But it is, I think from the 70s. Or could it even be like 1980? I see the thing is it could be like 1980. That's why I went 1990 last time because I was like, this is so late 80s, but it might be so late 80s that it's 90.
Starting point is 01:51:36 It's so tricky. What can be misleading about these is that you're dealing with a rip of like someone's like VHS tape of a TV commercial. Right. Sometimes the quality can be affected that. Well, also why is a huge difference is a lot of these things, some commercials were shot on film and then they changed over to tape. That's true too.
Starting point is 01:51:56 And so that was, that is possibly the difference between the two. I don't know. I don't know what the deal is, but. Same thing happened with porno in this era. Yeah. Used to shoot porno on film. I know, you know, we know, you know. That's a whole subplot in Boogie Nights.
Starting point is 01:52:12 They're like, they're like, he switches from film to video and he's like, it's not art anymore. And if I remember from you telling stories, you were pissed. It's just bullshit. It's fucking bullshit. I want to kind of sit in it. Betamax is kind of like a great name for you. I'll take it.
Starting point is 01:52:34 Maximum amount of beta. I'm going to go 1978. Man, I was watching The Godfather last night and it's just, it's really good, of course, obviously. Yeah. But man, Hollywood sucks. We got into the wrong business, everyone. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:52:56 Just timing wise. There was a period where it was like, oh, this was the vanguard of art and now that's kind of shifted elsewhere. It's not really the same thing anymore. I was just thinking of like the difference between like The Godfather and then like Free Guy. Uh-huh. Well, I mean, that's also, those are attempting very different things.
Starting point is 01:53:13 One is a very commercial film. All right, relax. Yeah, bitch. Think about the promise of the premise, man. Okay, they're not sitting out to do the same thing. Okay. And you don't think that Godfather that year they had some real turds? Man, go back and look at like the rise of disaster movies.
Starting point is 01:53:28 Not everything was art house made by the boys. You know, they had some shitty. Wow, there you go. You think the Towering Inferno was like changing the game, man? Give me fast nine any day over Towering Inferno. I'm saying it in a weird voice, but that is sort of my real opinion. I mean, you, you aren't, you aren't wrong. I mean, though, I will say to take into account of the time
Starting point is 01:53:50 and how crazy the Towering Inferno must have been for, you know, it's like the train coming to like a train pulls into station. People were probably scared while watching the Towering Inferno, but I will say this, the train pulls into station. Yeah. No, I got too scared. The fuck out of there. Yeah. You're like halfway through. Um, I will say the Godfather could use a lightsaber battle at the end, dude.
Starting point is 01:54:17 Yeah. Why don't they just make like a mega family? Why don't they put their powers together? So like they actually are a mega family. The Corleones and the Skywalkers. Godfather cinematic universe. Yeah, we'll see. Jess, you do make, you make, you make good points.
Starting point is 01:54:35 I know what you're saying. It's just as things shot on film, feeling, you know, feeling like art. Yeah, you're right, though. You know, the Fast and the Furious franchise is great. 1978 is, which six years off of the Godfather, which I believe is 72, but 78. 1978 is your guess. By the way, speaking of the Godfather, I was just thinking about this. I should have done the Billy Corgan.
Starting point is 01:54:57 I should have pulled the Billy Corgan, but go ahead. Well, one away from Billy Corgan's favorite year. I think that regarding the Godfather, there's this great documentary that probably a good number of our listeners are familiar with or have seen, but the kid stays in the picture. It came out in the early 2000s about the producer, Robert Evans, who produced the Godfather among many other films. He's like this kind of legendary Hollywood figure.
Starting point is 01:55:22 But it's like a very self-aggrandizing documentary, but that's part of what's interesting about it. Like he narrates it and he's telling about his own life. So it's like his own career viewed through his own biases, but he talks about the Godfather and there was an early screening of the Godfather. And it's a shorter cut than what ultimately came out. And everyone's like, oh, this was really good, and giving Francis Ford Coppola praise or whatever.
Starting point is 01:55:43 But he goes up to Francis Ford Coppola and he's disgusted. He's like, this is Robert Evans talking about what he did. He said, I went up to Coppola and I said, I wanted an epic. You gave me a fucking trailer. That's another audio book I enjoyed. Robert Evans reading that book. Oh, right. Yes. And he laughs and stuff.
Starting point is 01:56:11 He'll be like, and then I said, I wanted an epic and you gave me a trailer. Like in the audio book, it's great. Oh man, 1978, I fear is the perfect guess. So strategy wise, I don't really know. Man, okay, I think I'm going to, I think I'm going to, man, I don't want to be a real Icarus here. No, do it. All right. 1979.
Starting point is 01:56:41 You know what? I give you props for that because you could go 1970 and probably win. Yeah. Or you're going for the gold with 1979. I'm going for it on the dot. You know, I'm going for the dizzy dot. Because I don't think it's 80. I mean, it maybe is 1980.
Starting point is 01:56:55 I also really feel like I have a bad concept of the 70s. Like to me, that just looked, did it look to that good? You know, like, and I don't know, they got glass bottles. I get very confused about those, about like, how nice did it look? I don't know. My cultural touchstone is like that 70s show. That's not real. What year did this come out?
Starting point is 01:57:20 I'll ask my friend Billy. Wow. It was one year before the time this ad came out. So this is going to take it just again. 1980. It actually came out 1980, yeah. Oh, nice. Very good.
Starting point is 01:57:40 Okay, well, Jess, what a fucking move. You each have a point. Had to get on the board. Anyways, give the godfather back to the boys. Actually, Mitch, I read that. I read that he got his hands on the franchise. They're making it the godmother. The godmother.
Starting point is 01:57:59 Moodyan? Fieg. Fieg's making godmother. No, no. I'll make him a, I couldn't, I couldn't come up with that one. I'll make him a quiche Lorraine he'll enjoy. Oh, what godmother. That's what a woman would say.
Starting point is 01:58:26 All right, let's play the next ad. What time is the baptism? I take this role very seriously. That's what a godmother would say. That's a great call. I would happily see godmother. All right, let's play the next ad. Let's watch the next one.
Starting point is 01:58:44 Always Coca-Cola. Oh, all right. I know this jingle already. I'm going to sing it already. Oh, Emma's gone. Emma just left the call. Now, can we put that together of like when, can we get a guess just before the ad is played?
Starting point is 01:59:07 Because I'm like, the sun will always shine. The birds will always sing. As long as there is thirst, there's always the real thing. Wow. Coca-Cola classic is always the one. So whenever there is fun, there's always cocaine. That was fun. I was having fun on this show.
Starting point is 01:59:37 Do we even need to play the ad? I feel like we should. I mean, now I'm like, so we both, we both in our head know a mental space of where this is. That's funny because like that could have, I've could have learned that song from when I was four to 20. Who knows, I could have fallen anywhere in there. So I do want to see the ad, but I feel like this is like,
Starting point is 01:59:59 I was in my teens just where you, and Jess, you're younger than us, but like maybe like for you, middle school or maybe elementary school. Yeah, late elementary. That's kind of where I'm putting it too. Let's see those visuals. Is that Tyrese? Okay, so this is a remix. That's not.
Starting point is 02:00:47 This is later. This is even later. This was, yes, this was a different version of the same campaign, but that featured a young version of one of our finest hunks, a 16 year old Tyrese. That's what I thought. Tyrese, well, you shouldn't say how old he was, Wags, but Tyrese is in, is Tyrese is in,
Starting point is 02:01:07 we were just bringing up the Fast and Furious move. I know. Look at what I mean. I think it's fine for me to say how old he was. Well, do you know Tyrese's birthday? 16 years old. Yeah, I feel like he's probably, I feel like that does sort of help a little bit,
Starting point is 02:01:23 but probably not precisely enough, because I think we both would be in the mid 90s anyway. Yeah, mid 90s for sure. Let's, Jess, you are up first. Your guess for this always Coca-Cola remix. Okay, I'm going to go 96. Fuck, that was the exact year I was going to say, and I think you might be 100% right.
Starting point is 02:01:49 I feel like maybe he was born in 1980. I feel like maybe I was about nine or 10. Yeah. Yeah, I think you're 100% right. Late elementary school for me, I was maybe end of middle school, almost high school or maybe high school. Yeah, you're only a couple years older.
Starting point is 02:02:06 96 is, man, that is, that was exactly what I was going to say. I was going to say 96. And so I'm like, do I go 95 or 97? And I think of the two, I got to go 97. I think I got to go above, because I don't think, I don't think it's 95. So I'm going to go 97 and cross my fingers.
Starting point is 02:02:22 You're going to go 97. No one gets a point here. 1994. You're both, you're both consistently overshooting it, I'd say. So keep that in mind as we progress to these last two. 78. It's not enough to want a piece. 1998.
Starting point is 02:02:40 Yeah, 1978. All right, next one. Damn. This spot, Coke adds life. This is a good one. For listeners, there's an old, an anachronistic old-timey car there. There's a URL at the very end that maybe gave a hint to the era. And there was also a-
Starting point is 02:03:23 I was about to guess 1938. Well, it was shot in color. And a lot of it featured a nerd with a bucket hat sort of galavanting around the town. So this is a TikTok someone made yesterday, right? Wait, let me take my corduroy bucket hat off and let's all get in this bed car. Also, he finds, the nerd finds a pretty girl and then she just stays with him. He finds her and then she just stays with him. Wow, all right.
Starting point is 02:03:53 That could only happen now. It's a paid partnership. You know what? You threw us off with your Tyree stuff in the last one because, man, 94 still seemed early for it, but... It also seemed early for that song that we were singing to have been redone. I was like, oh, maybe that one was like 93, 94, and now we're coming, you know? Yeah, I think what happens is you kind of look back on your life and you don't really,
Starting point is 02:04:18 you can't place things as precisely as you thought you could in your childhood memory because it's all kind of blurs together. And I think the other thing is- No, I'd rather blame you. The other thing is that commercials used to air for a lot longer than they do now. That's true, too. It's like, you know, you used to see the same ads running for years at a time. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:04:38 So, all right, let's... Well, that being said, I don't remember seeing this ad ever from 1982 onward. It still feels weirdly like an 80, it could be 70s or could be 80s. I'm going to go 70s because we've had a couple 80s ads already. Wait, is it my turn or is it? Oh, it is. It's your turn. It's your first, yeah.
Starting point is 02:05:01 So, I'm going to guess 19... I'm going to guess 1977. That's a good guess. 1977, 1977. For the Spoon Man. Sorry, Cory. Guess what's a you? I'm going to go 75.
Starting point is 02:05:20 That's maybe a good move. 1975. Are we overshooting again? Please tell me where we can't be. Mitch, you're right on target. 1977 on the duck. Whoa! Shit!
Starting point is 02:05:37 You get two points. Damn, son. Damn. There's only one question left, so you have clinched it. You are going to win this round, but we will play the last jingle. Wait, how many points do I have? Three? You have three points.
Starting point is 02:05:49 Jess has one. So, I can tie it up. Just can tie it up. No way for me to win, but I can tie. And so, we'll pretend this is Premier League soccer. You know what? Great. A new rule, tie goes to the guests, Jess.
Starting point is 02:06:02 So, you have a chance. If you can guess exactly... Wow, that's so generous! But you got to guess exactly right. I got to get it exactly right. Well, and I get to go first, which is, I can't tell if that's better or worse. Okay.
Starting point is 02:06:13 Wait, tie goes to the guests. This is now, if you're updating the Doughboys Wiki, this is the Mitch Kenner rule. Tie goes to the guests. All right. I feel so bad there was a Mitch Kenner, like a Brendel fly. Jess, I hope that never happens to you.
Starting point is 02:06:30 Jess's body with your head. Falling over. It's like a Funko Pop. All right, let's play this last ad. Can't beat the real thing. Oh, probably going to sing this one. Can't beat the real thing. All right.
Starting point is 02:06:50 It's a beautiful friend. A smile you want to see forever. Is this a Coke commercial or a perfume commercial? It's all the monsters. Oh, man. I got a year in my head of meeting you, Jess. Can't beat the real thing. Can't beat the real thing.
Starting point is 02:07:08 Oh, can't beat the real thing. If this started off with such like a, it was such a wedding focus. Yes. It was so much about one specific wedding and then it started to jump to a montage of Americana, like playing football, jumping into a river, fleeing from a small aircraft for some reason.
Starting point is 02:07:27 I don't know what that was about. Like a wooden plane on like a, but definitely look like an East Coast beach with that type of fencing. That was that New England thing, that New England mystique. This is, I wonder what you're feeling right now, because in my mind, this could be in two decades. It could be in one of two decades.
Starting point is 02:07:48 I think it's a Cusper 80s, 90s for sure. I don't think that we're hiding anything by saying that. I think I'm going to go, man alive. Okay. So we had four, 87. I'm going to go 91. I like it. 1991.
Starting point is 02:08:11 So the date that popped into my head immediately was 92, and then I started to think it was earlier. I was going 92 as well, but then I decided to err slightly under. Well, here's the confusing thing and the confusing thing about this game. And also just like about Coke is, because Coke will have like throwback commercials
Starting point is 02:08:29 that feel older. It's true. And then, and then also the Tyrese one being in 94 makes me be like, could it be 1989 or something? You know what I mean? Like, yeah. Like, or 1990. So my two thoughts immediately was 1992.
Starting point is 02:08:44 And then in my head, I was like, is it 1990 exactly? But I'm going to go with the first thought of 1992, which also isn't fair to Jeff. This is why the prices right rules aren't fun. I'm having fun. I'm having fun. We're all having a blast.
Starting point is 02:09:01 We're all having a good time. You know, I feel like I'm having a Coke. I feel like I'm running after my wedding. I feel like I'm getting lifted at the end of a football game. So you know what? You have to get it exactly right. So it doesn't matter anyways. I'll go 1992, the year that popped into my head.
Starting point is 02:09:19 We have the new rule, the Mitch Kenner rule. Ty goes to the guest. We also have the established rule, the Arden Marine rule. If you guess the year exactly, you get two points. And you know what? Spoonman, you get two points. 1992 exactly. You win.
Starting point is 02:09:33 Oh, my God. Good job. Five to one. Good job, Mitch. Wow. Great round, Mr. Slice. As soon as it started in my head, I was like 92 immediately. And I thought 93 and then I made myself go down
Starting point is 02:09:44 further just out of safety. But for sure that was early 90s. That wedding dress, really, I was trying to think like, when did four weddings in a funeral come out? Because it feels like, you know, it feels like that kind of cultural touchstone. The moment I wake up and then I drink a Coca-Cola. Wait, is that okay?
Starting point is 02:10:05 Wait a minute. That's, I believe you're referencing my best friend's wedding? Damn it. Oh, yes. That's later 90s, yeah. I'll drink a little Coke for you. I'll say it a prayer for you. That's a weird sequence because it actually
Starting point is 02:10:19 is like a little musical number. Like someone busts out a piano and starts playing it there and then everyone's just like singing along. But it's this otherwise pretty straight movie. Later with lobster claws in the back. It's a great sound. Yeah. It's a fun movie.
Starting point is 02:10:30 It's a fun movie. Jess, what a great battle. Well, great. Oh, yeah. That was a good one. Yeah, great battle. Great back and forth. And hey, just like a restaurant value feedback,
Starting point is 02:10:40 let's open up the feedback. Today we have an email from Ford, from Seattle. Ford writes, I just saw this band called Dry Cleaning at the Neptune Theater in Seattle last night. They sound pretty cool. Like if you mix three dog night with CCR, okay. In their song, Strong Feeling, that's a slide against us. In their song, Strong Feelings, they say,
Starting point is 02:11:02 I've been thinking about eating that hot dog for hours, which obviously reminded me of you guys. What is your favorite food related lyric? Food lyrics. I mean, my mind goes to Weird Al, obviously. Yeah. Because he has so many food parodies, but I feel like perhaps that's a little bit of a cheat.
Starting point is 02:11:23 But I do. That is what I think of. I mean, this is kind of not exact lyrics. It's not a food, but I think when you fuck me good, I take his ass to Red Lobster. Wow. And also Lemonade. That song is a Beyoncé had a Lemonade song.
Starting point is 02:11:42 Wow. Yeah, and she had hot sauce in her bag. Swag. That's... But I think when you fuck me good, I take his ass to Red Lobster. I also love Red Lobster. And not my first time on Doe Boys, but my, but loved doing Red Lobster on...
Starting point is 02:11:56 That's right. Red Lobster Fest? Was that Rock Lobster Fest? Rock Lobster Fest, yes. Yeah. Yeah. A lot of fun. Four, I can't believe this email wasn't from Detroit Wags.
Starting point is 02:12:07 I thought that would be appropriate. Because of the Motor Corporation. And I thought being from the Pacific Northwest, perhaps it was Fjord. Not even sure they have those there, but they definitely are closer to having Fjords. You know, there's a few that I can... I'm trying to think of obviously Wags.
Starting point is 02:12:33 The Mellon Camp, Sukkanol, Chili Dog, Outside of Taste Freeze. Sure. Yeah. That's a big one. American Pie, I'm sure has some. They talk about whiskey and rye at least, so they talk about drinks.
Starting point is 02:12:50 Wags, you know this one, Summertime in the LBC. There's a whole verse about the barbecue grill, and it does make you want to be at that barbecue. The one I think of is the... I'm trying to think of more. In I Am The Walrus, there's like the whole thing about yellow matter custard.
Starting point is 02:13:15 Yellow matter custard dripping from a dead dog's eye, something like that. And I know that's not a particularly appetizing lyric, but it always stuck in my head for whatever reason. Yeah, that's disgusting, man. Yellow matter custard dripping from a dead dog's eye. That basically just sounds like pus from a dead dog. Man, that's...
Starting point is 02:13:31 It really does. That's gross, dude. That reminded Wags of Wags of Food. Yeah, that's fucking gross, dude. That's gross, dude. Hey, Wags, that's fucking gross, dude. Dude, I got to just come at the level with you right now. That's pretty gross, dude.
Starting point is 02:13:48 I also think of there's a glass onion, and then also honey pie. The Beatles had some food-related lyrics. Yeah, I'm trying to think of any Dave Matthews. I know there's one, and what would you say? I'm just... Just because people would be mad if I don't say one. He does have his Dreaming Tree Vineyard.
Starting point is 02:14:06 This is the kind of question, and I get why the Drop King picked it out, but this is the kind of question where it's like, hey, recall something, and you're kind of on the spot, and then any time you're trying to like, you're like in the headspace of a, shit, I got to make my memory do something specific. It's always difficult.
Starting point is 02:14:25 You know, it's always trickier, and then people are listening to the fucking podcast, or like, how could they forget blank? I know. But put yourself in this situation where you have to remember something on the spot. Yes, I called Time Thyme. Who cares?
Starting point is 02:14:38 You fuck up a lot. Who gives a shit? We're idiots, too. What do you want from us? Shut up. To be honest, though, that one was pretty bad. You shouldn't have called Time Thyme. Oh, shut up.
Starting point is 02:14:48 I can call Time Thyme. Okay. That was really bad. Shut up. By the way, I was like, I know that there's some in American pie, I'm saying American pie, as I say that. I mean, not that American pie is a pie,
Starting point is 02:15:05 but your pie, pie is in there. And you ask, how could we forget cheeseburger in paradise? Oh, Buffett, of course Buffett. Heaven on earth with an onion slice, not too particular, not too precise. I want a cheeseburger. A cheeseburger in paradise. I was letting you do the lyrics.
Starting point is 02:15:27 I didn't know. I want mine with lettuce and tomatoes, hines 57, and french fry potatoes. We brought this up before. So margaritaville. I'm sorry, I'm getting off this rendition. The frustration with margaritaville, the chain, is their version of that cheeseburger in paradise
Starting point is 02:15:50 does not have hines 57. What are we doing here? What are we doing here? It was like clearly a cost-cutting measure, but it's just like, get the fucking hines, have deliver on what the fucking, it's a song about a fucking cheeseburger from the guy the restaurant is named after,
Starting point is 02:16:04 have the fucking cheeseburger in paradise, the title of the song, match what the lyrics are. What are we doing? What are we doing? Yeah, I agree with that. Also, we said rock lobster fest, and we didn't say rock, I mean, a rock lobster. I guess that's more of an answer.
Starting point is 02:16:21 Oh, that's good. But yeah, that's less of, I don't think he's talking about eating that lobster. He's just saying it was a rock lobster. He's just sort of recalling it. I'm gonna eat that rock lobster if I remember correctly. Yeah. He's just playing an improv warm-up.
Starting point is 02:16:39 Say anything that you can think of. It'd be funny if you found out that that was an improv warm-up and he's like, that sucks. That's not my legacy. How dare you? How about here's a, how about a little Floyd? If you don't eat your meat, you can't have any pudding. Wags, great, great call.
Starting point is 02:17:08 And great, great song. That's another brick in the wall part too, the outro. If you don't eat your meat, you can't have any pudding. How can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat? That's a great one. Here's my question. Why is he not eating the meat? I'd be all over that meat.
Starting point is 02:17:27 I gotta eat this meat to get this pudding. Yeah, you got a deal. Maybe it was bad meat. Oh, it could have been bad meat, yeah. Yeah, maybe it was leathery. Breakfast in America by Supertramp is that, take a look at my girlfriend, is that that song? I'm just looking at a list now, by the way.
Starting point is 02:17:46 I have no idea. I'm cheating. I don't know that song by title. That's fine. Um, the White Stuff by Weird Al Yankovic, I guess that's about Oreos. It's funny that this list just lists one Weird Al song. When basically almost every Weird Al song probably,
Starting point is 02:18:07 like at least mentions food. They probably, the writer of that article probably was just like, I can't just do all Weird Al songs. Spin Diddy has 100 best songs about food. There's so many. Yeah, there are so many. But you know, like YG said, don't do that to us. Come on, just don't do it to us.
Starting point is 02:18:25 Come on. Leave the boys alone. Be nice to the boys. Be nice to the boys. We're begging you please, be nice to the boys. Starts with such an, as such an alpha sort of attitude, and then just shrinks into, be nice to the boys. Please, be nice.
Starting point is 02:18:41 Be nice to the boys. If you have a question or comment about the world of chain restaurants, you can email us at or leave us a voicemail at 830-Godo. That's 830-4633-644, and you can get the Doughboys Double or weekly bonus episode by joining the Golden or Platinum Play Club at slash Doughboys. Jess MacKenneth.
Starting point is 02:19:00 Jess MacKenneth, thank you so much for being here. Thanks for having me. Always a pleasure. Always a pleasure. Thank you for making so much time for us. What a great way to kick off the new year, the year of our Lord, 2022. Anything you'd like to plug in this time?
Starting point is 02:19:13 Oh, well I don't think so. But it's always a fun time to be on here. Please work on that fan art responsibly. Please don't. Please only do it when your children are asleep or if you are a childless and it really is filling you with joy. But so whatever time it takes you to get that cream team, that'd be great.
Starting point is 02:19:34 But please, you know, don't take it on if it's too much. Yeah. Yeah. That's it, really. Yeah, never play it all ever. Yeah, yeah, come on, please. By the way, one we forgot, chop suey by system of a down.
Starting point is 02:19:49 Wake up. Oh, there you go. Step on it, we don't make up. That one. Is that song about- Does it have any food? Yeah, that's what I was going to ask. I think it's just the name of the song.
Starting point is 02:19:58 You want it too. I don't know. I don't really know. I don't know. You want it too. You want it too. We don't need to I sign when angels deserve to die. Right, something like that.
Starting point is 02:20:11 Yeah, it's great. Great song. Good song. Don't do that to us anymore. Be nice to the boys. No more questions asking us to remember anything. Be nice to the boys. We can't remember anything.
Starting point is 02:20:21 Be nice to the boys. Please, please be nice to the boys. That'll do it for this episode of Doe Boys. Until next time. For the Spoonman, Mike Mitchell, I'm Nick Weigher. Happy eating. Please, just be nice to the boys. On the next Doe Boys Double,
Starting point is 02:20:39 there's no business like snow business. Alana Johnston, aka The Knife, joins to discuss that white substance that's not quite water and not quite ice. Doe Boys, more like snow boys. Get the Doe Boys Double every Tuesday only at slash Doe Boys.

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