Doughboys - Marco's Pizza with Jon Daly

Episode Date: June 18, 2020

Actor and comedian Jon Daly (Curb Your Enthusiasm, Kroll Show) returns to the pod for the 'boys first visit to one of the fastest-growing pizza chains in the U.S., Marco's Pizza. Plus, the crew taste ...tests Nomad Ice Pops in another edition of Snack or Wack.Sources for this week's intro: The Glass City,in%20the%20late%2019th%20century.The Origins of Glassmaking History Central: Michael J. Owens's Pizza sees Northeast Ohio as ripe for expansion, with 14 more pizza shops by 2016 Top 100 Pizza Companies We Are: Marco's Official Website more Doughboys? Check out our Patreon!: for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is one of the nicknames for the northwest Ohio city of Toledo. In the late 19th century, as industrial production ramped up stateside, Toledo became known for specializing in glass, in particular window panes and, in time, windshields, convenient given its proximity to neighboring Michigan's automobile assembly capital, the Motor City. Inter-American inventor Michael J. Owens developed a way to mechanize glass bottle production in 1908, drastically reducing the per unit cost of the formerly handmade storage containers, demand for bottles surged in the burgeoning soda pop and macro brew sectors, and the glass city's capacity grew to match.
Starting point is 00:00:42 Toledo's manufacturing sector survived through wartime and thrived post-war, but, like the Midwest and America at large, slowly declined as globalization shipped manufacturing overseas and the town transitioned to a service-based economy. Peter Pat Gianmarco, an Italian-American immigrant and the son of a pizza maker, who, in 1978, opened a pizzeria of his own in the Toledo suburb of Oregon, Ohio. The pie shop of the town named for a state within a state was popular with Ohioans and expanded statewide, entrenching itself as a buckeye fixture until the 2000s, when franchising entrepreneur Jack Boudirac laser-targeted the company for national and eventually international
Starting point is 00:01:17 expansion. Boudirac, impressed by Gianmarco's consistency across locations, added restaurants like a Midwest pizzeria Ray Crock, scaling up its footprint and eventually taking the reins from Gianmarco as CEO. Today, four decades after its Oregon-Ohio origin, the once hyper-local haunt has quietly become the sixth biggest pizza chain in the United States, with over 900 locations, and has a presence in three dozen foreign countries. So if this growth continues unabated under Boudirac's stewardship, perhaps some distant
Starting point is 00:01:46 day the town that's referred to as the Glass City may instead become known as the Pizza City. This week on Doe Boys, Marco's Pizza. Welcome to Doe Boys, the podcast about chain restaurants. I'm Nick Weiger, along with my co-host, Doei Janella, the Spoon Man, Mike Mitchell. Wow, alright. Shout out to last week's guest, Kevin Ford, sent that one in, roastspoonman at, wrestler Joey Janella, who let us have his presence on the podcast last week.
Starting point is 00:02:32 Lot of fun. Kevin Ford, more like, Kevin Ford, I was going to say, and then I got too sad, I banded Chip. Weiger! What made you sad about that? Just, you know, just the fact that it wasn't really good. Oh, I thought it was very good. Weiger, Josh Weiner, our friend Josh Weiner, gave me a pizza.
Starting point is 00:03:01 He's been doing a lot of, like, he's from Detroit. He's been doing a lot of pizza eating, and he gave me a pizza from the Instagram account at milled2spill, M-I-L-L-E-D, to the number two spill, S-P-I-L-L. They're making, if you're in Chicago area, they're making kind of a, it's kind of a mix between like a Detroit style, and then what's the square pizza? Is it Sicilian? Again, I always knew the square one as Detroit style, but Emma is nodding along with Sicilian. Sicilian is the big square style.
Starting point is 00:03:34 Got it. But he sent me this pizza, didn't get you one, of course, which I like even more about this whole situation. I cooked it up the other night. It's fantastic, Nick. If you're in the Chicago area, they're working with, they're running raffles to donate money to an organization, and the organization is Asada's Daughters, A-S-S-A-T-A, Apostrophe S, Asada's Daughters.
Starting point is 00:04:01 So check that out, and check out that pizza. It was really great. The crust was phenomenal, Wigs. It was really, really good. Wow. Give us a name one more time? It's milled2spill. Milled2spill.
Starting point is 00:04:12 Milled2spill. Yeah. Number two. Wow. And then spill. Like you. I am milled2spill. I was built2spill.
Starting point is 00:04:21 The pizza was fucking fantastic. And what's your message to Weiner? Weiner, bring Weiger a pizza. We're friends. See, this is the proof is in the pudding. I am his friend, and you are not. I mean, that's fair. But we're associates, and that counts or something.
Starting point is 00:04:42 You don't bring associates pizza. I think you can, if you want to be nice. roastspoonman at if you have an insult you like me use on Mitch at the top of the show. Also, howdy ho to Spoon Nation. We got a funny, I mean, one of the funniest guests there is. Very exciting. So, embarrassing doing that in front of them, of course.
Starting point is 00:05:03 But I got us a little drop here, Wigs, and we're going to play it live. That's what we're doing now. Wow. So here we go. The Red Rocker, Sammy Hagar. The Red Rocker. That's what he's known as. Sammy Hagar, Van Hagar Frontman, the iteration of Van Halen without David Lee Roth.
Starting point is 00:05:56 I have a fondness for the man. I read his autobiography. Did you really? I did, yeah. My life in red. You're an odd bird, Wigs. What I like about Hagar is that he's one of those guys who's just, he has great pipes. We should introduce our guest in one second here.
Starting point is 00:06:14 Great pipes, obviously. But he also, he has one of these incredible minds for business. And so you read his book and it's just always things like he saw Van Halen was spending all this money on booking travel. So he's like, I'm just going to start my own travel agency and all book Van Halen's travel. His band, he was paying himself through his own band to book the company's travel. And then it's also things like he invested in mountain bikes just before the mountain
Starting point is 00:06:43 bike craze of the 90s got rich off of that. He is a co-owner of what was at one point the number two fire sprinkler company in America. You go in any office building, there's like a 40% chance that one of those sprinklers you see is owned by Sammy Hagar. How about that? Can I be real with you? Yeah. This is just some of like the dumbest shit I've ever heard.
Starting point is 00:07:13 He's a remarkable figure. I got to give credit really quick. That drop was from Roast Beef-A-Weefs, Roast Beef-A and then W-E-E-F-S who writes, thanks for laughs during all the chaos. It means everything. Very nice. Thank you. Wow, that's nice.
Starting point is 00:07:33 Good drops at That's where you send it, Wags. Send it. And hey, we do have an intro to this. I guess we have one bit of news that we should get out up top, Mitch. We have a little bit of a new, why am I having trouble saying this? We have a new hire. That's what I'm trying to say.
Starting point is 00:07:50 Yes. We have a new hire. Just as Sammy Hagar once talked about going hire, hire in his song Dreams, we have a new hire of our own, our new social media manager, Robert Persinger, the Drop King. AKA the Drop King. The Drop King is now an employee of Doe Boys Media. He is joining our producer, Emma, to help us out here. So welcome aboard, Persinger.
Starting point is 00:08:13 Hell yeah, welcome, Robert. We've officially buried Yu Song's corpse. Yeah. He was fired and then killed and now he's in hell. So the cycle has been completed. So enjoy hell, Yu Song. He didn't commit any sins other than working for Doe Boys Media. That's the one that sends you there.
Starting point is 00:08:30 That's the one that sends you. You should know that's the fate that awaits you, Persinger. But welcome aboard. We're happy to have you. A lot of our social media posts will be courtesy of the Drop King. There's only fucking black tea in hell too. Sorry, Yu Song. Our guest today is an actor and comedian.
Starting point is 00:08:47 You know him from many places, including Kroll Show. John Daly is back on the podcast. Hi, John. Hey, everybody. How's it going? Good to... How are you doing? Good to be here.
Starting point is 00:08:57 How are you doing? Weird. Yeah. And doing good. Everything's fine. Yeah. Yeah. Just thanks for giving me something to do.
Starting point is 00:09:05 It's been... This is already great. This is already great. I'm already having like stimulation and having to like get in the mode of getting, you know, even ready to be seen on a computer image is, you know, does something to you psychologically that I appreciate. So that's... Right.
Starting point is 00:09:23 It's good. Get yourself ready to encounter other people every day necessarily is the worst thing about... It's very depressing, basically. Yeah. So you have to... Yeah, even talking to people on the phone is kind of weird. But anyway, I don't want to bum you guys out. Here we are.
Starting point is 00:09:38 It's dope, boys. Let's go. Let's go. Spoonman! But yeah, good to see you guys. I haven't seen you guys in months. It's been a while. I have to say, not to...
Starting point is 00:09:51 Well, the first time I was on, I had never heard the podcast and I was coming on cold and I was kind of like a little bit guns blazing. But this time, my plan, and now I listen... The point is, I listen to every episode now, like I'm addicted to it and you guys really... For whatever reason. Yeah, I don't know. It's just... It's so entertaining.
Starting point is 00:10:13 You guys are so good at it. I have to compliment you. I just... I listen to every episode, Nick. I just want to win some sort of webby or something for the writing and your introductions. So funny. Wow. It's about the stealing of my talent, a webby award.
Starting point is 00:10:27 Yeah. It's the highest I can achieve. I hope. Well, it's my big hope for you. That's my big hope. Yeah. But anyway, so that's my spiel. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:38 Thank you, John. That's very nice of you. Thanks for having me on. Yeah. Weigar, have you ever... Have you ever want to... No, never mind. I'm not going to go there.
Starting point is 00:10:46 Come on. You're on it. You might as well say it. You have to say it. We're among friends here. I was going to try... I was going to try to... You know, webby is kind of like...
Starting point is 00:10:55 You know, it's kind of like... I was going to try to say like some sort of load that you shot off. Did you ever win a webby award? Got it. No, I never won an award for a load I shot. Whoa. Never got any sort of cum medal. That's what you're asking.
Starting point is 00:11:07 I've never got a cum... You never got a cum medal? No. Is there a cum medal at the porn awards? Biggest nut. Yeah. It's like the palm door. It's the highest you can achieve.
Starting point is 00:11:22 His nut was measured at 90 milliliters. Is that a lot or a little? That's probably actually not enough, yeah. I'm not a metric dude. Neither am I. I'm not a metric dude either. We're all three of us. The non-metric dudes.
Starting point is 00:11:37 I don't roll metric. It confuses me. I'd just rather go with the... Yeah, give me standard. Hey, John, I want to also say that you... You gave us some comfort during this quarantine and that the curb season rolled right into the quarantine. It was the last...
Starting point is 00:11:54 Oh, yeah. That's true. And you were very funny in that. Thank you so much. Yeah, thank you. That was such a big honor, obviously, to be a part of. It was awesome. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:05 Yeah. You were great. Pretty good. Thanks, man. Of course, that kind of was the last... It felt like one of the last shows that kind of crossed over into everything that was going on. Yeah, it was kind of curb and as far as shared cultural moments,
Starting point is 00:12:20 it was like curb your enthusiasm. People were watching that kind of bled into our current pair of crises that we're living through. More than a pair, but two prime crises that we are living through in this current moment. And then Tiger King. And then Tiger King, yes. Tiger King was another one.
Starting point is 00:12:36 And the other one that I thought of is Last Dance, I think was the other one that everyone was talking about. Last Dance, once we kind of settled in. Right. The Chicago Bulls documentary. I haven't seen that. Yeah. I got to get...
Starting point is 00:12:48 I cut cable for some reason. I was just like, I got to cut cable. I don't know why. But I got to see Last Dance. It's important. We cut cable, too. We did the cord cutting thing. And then we spliced it back together.
Starting point is 00:13:00 Because we realized... Oh, you did. Thankfully, because we have... We're very fortunate enough to have enough disposable income to be able to pay for entertainment sources. And so we were just like, we like having television. I like having the news. I like having...
Starting point is 00:13:15 You know, not that the news you get on cable television are all that great or anything. But I mean, it's just like having a news source. Yeah. And then the... And then just like, yeah. The TV, having to not have to curate your own content is such a big thing.
Starting point is 00:13:31 Like not having to be like, I have to decide what I'm going to watch. But rather, hey, this thing is on and I will just let that decision be made for me. I agree. I love that. I love that aspect of regular ass TV. That's part of why I stopped.
Starting point is 00:13:44 I feel like that's part of why I stopped in a way. Oh, interesting. Well, I just realized that I was watching like... Here's what I watch. Antiques, Roadshow, Shark Tank. Yeah. And like sports sometimes. Right.
Starting point is 00:13:56 But I just kind of figured like, whatever. I'm not going to be like, that's really what I watch on like live TV. Yes. Unless there's something... Rarely there's like something on that I'll watch. But yeah, I was kind of like, I'd rather my TV watching or entertainment consumption
Starting point is 00:14:10 be kind of purposeful or like kind of oriented in some way or else just do something else besides watch TV. Does it work? It doesn't work. Yeah. Doesn't really work. Because you know, there's video games
Starting point is 00:14:25 and all kinds of stuff. But anyway, go ahead, Mitch. I, for me, I just... I like the... I like just turning on a movie at some random point and just like a... For instance, in Weigar... Actually, this kind of goes into a question with you.
Starting point is 00:14:45 I turned on AI the other day, which I brought up in an episode recorded that will come out later. But I watched the end of it and it made me tear up. The end of AI is such a sad ending. Beautiful movie. Beautiful movie. And Weigar...
Starting point is 00:15:00 Shout out to past guest, Haley Joel Osment, who has a wonderful performance in that movie. The best. So I'll get to that. Are you a Mecca or are you a specialist? What are you? Okay, so I need a little... I need a little bit of clarity
Starting point is 00:15:14 because it's been a while since I've seen the film. Remember, Mecca, what is a specialist? The Meccas are basically what Haley Joel Osment plays. And then the specialists are the evolved form of Mecca. Oh, right. The future ones. What's Jude Law? Jude Law is a Mecca, I think.
Starting point is 00:15:27 He's Jigolo Joe. He's at the flesh fair. But he is a Mecca, right? That would be his classification. He's like a fuck Mecca. Yeah. Fuck Mecca. Which I think Weigar is like a Jigolo Joe, personally.
Starting point is 00:15:41 Yeah. Got a little spring in your step. You think I'm a little fuck machine? I think you're a little fuck machine. Yeah. I think Natalie purchased you. She should get her money back. I think the...
Starting point is 00:15:56 I will say, I think that I probably relate more to the Mecca state because the Meccas, like the specialists are like so... They've like transcended mortality, right? It's just like they exist in this future world where they know all and everything. I feel like more like the Mecca who's just like, I'm sort of like disconnected from humanity. I can observe it and try to understand it,
Starting point is 00:16:21 but I know that this is not exactly who I am. You know what I mean? I guess that if I was going to pick the two, I would say probably Mecca. So you're Mecca, all right. Yeah. I think you're whatever the teddy bear is. I'm teddy.
Starting point is 00:16:34 I agree that I am like teddy. You're like teddy. Teddy's great. I'm Haley Joel Osment. I'm his character. I'm going to say, so the other movie that I just turned on the other night that was just on, and they must have just like...
Starting point is 00:16:50 You know how they switch up what they have in the movie queue every few months? Yes. So it must have just switched up because this was on, I was watching Sixth Sense. And man, let me tell you, back-to-back movies in the same day, I got double dose of Haley Joel Osment.
Starting point is 00:17:07 Two performances I wish that I could ever give in my life. He gives in those two movies as a child. He's so good in both of the films. He's so good. Sixth Sense is great. I didn't like it back in the day because I thought I was like above it, because I thought that I figured out the twist
Starting point is 00:17:23 and I didn't know the twist. I got your goat. I see you. You're in the theater. Wait, what did you think the twist was? I mean, I just... At the end, I was like, I knew that. I think I convinced myself that I knew it.
Starting point is 00:17:39 Oh, you convinced yourself that you knew it ahead of time. I didn't fucking know shit. I'm a fucking idiot. My dad claims that he figured it out. My dad's a pretty smart man, so I believe him. But there's a possibility that he just sort of saw it and was just like, I knew it all along. So I don't know.
Starting point is 00:17:55 I need to believe him, but it's possible he was B.S.A. People who can figure out the twists in those movies should be called twistbusters. How many twists have you busted? The happening? Did you bust that twist? Twistbusters. I would watch a twistbusters show
Starting point is 00:18:14 or a TV show or a movie, honestly. A twistbusters. Going around busting the twists. Good way to repurpose the mythbusters. Twistbusters. Busting a twist sounds like a way you win a CUM medal. Shoot out a cyclone.
Starting point is 00:18:34 John, there's a bit of amazing breaking chews we got before the record, which involves our producer Emma. You have the same car. The two of you drive the same automobile. Yes, we do. Very cool.
Starting point is 00:18:50 Tell us about the car and tell us what you like about it or dislike. Just to let you know, Weigher has 10 minutes scheduled out for this. For the fact that you and Emma have the same car. Get ready for some weak tea, guys. It's the Volkswagen GTI.
Starting point is 00:19:06 Yeah. It's a good car. It's fast. I was obsessed with them when I was in high school because my friend let me drive his and it was a stick shift and I was like, I'm going to get this car and then I got it. They're just a class to drive. I've had two.
Starting point is 00:19:22 This is my first one, but my boyfriend's on his second one. The car is exciting. What are they called again? The Volkswagen GTI. Golf GTI. This sounds like branded content. It's not branded content.
Starting point is 00:19:38 The Doughboys can't be bought. The GTI. So it is a stick shift. Mine's an automatic. Yours isn't. It's automatic because I'm not going to keep driving into first gear, first gear
Starting point is 00:19:54 in affordable LA traffic. I thought about it, but it's just not. I'm so glad that I didn't, honestly. I had a stick shift. It was my first car. It was a Chevy Blazer. SUV. It was a used piece of shit. And it had a very, very heavy clutch.
Starting point is 00:20:10 I had to put my full weight into lower the clutch. But it was such a difficult stick shift to drive that I was like, I can't believe people drive like this. And then I drove another stick shift and realized it was just a shitty ass car. It was just a real, I just had a completely
Starting point is 00:20:26 like, because it would stall out. If I ever hit the clutch and then took my foot off the gas, it would stall out immediately. So to the point where I had to be braking and have my foot down on the clutch, be braking and then also be feathering the gas pedal
Starting point is 00:20:42 with my right foot as I was breaking just to keep the car from stalling out. And I thought this was just how they work. But no, I just had a fucking lemon. I had a similar thing with my high school car. It was like a four-speed Honda Civic Hatchback. And yeah, same thing.
Starting point is 00:20:58 It was just kind of like crappy and like the, you know, it wasn't like you had to put all your weight on the clutch. But later on, I would drive just better cars and be like, oh, it's not that hard to drive stick. I just had a crappy car
Starting point is 00:21:14 that like drove like a bus. Stick, or the stick shift was like a bus stick shift. Like with like, you know, an accordion at the bottom. Nick, I worked at an auto auction. Did I ever tell you that? I don't think I know this.
Starting point is 00:21:30 I worked at an auto auction one summer on Quincy, the Quincy auto auction. Where they get cars and then like, you know, like if they repossess cars or like there was one car that as Dana would say, he put a moonroof in the back of his head.
Starting point is 00:21:46 He shot himself in his car. Jesus Christ. Oh man, that's grim. That's a gross way to say that. Auctioning off a suicide car? Is that some kind of mob phrase that like let's do a moonroof job on this.
Starting point is 00:22:02 Anyway. And I remember it sat out and the, like it sat out and they had to be like hosed. On the lot and wasn't like hosed out or whatever. It was so fucked up. Is that like caked blood inside? More than blood, yeah. Oh God.
Starting point is 00:22:18 So it was like a police, it was a police reclamation thing. And then yeah, people would and then they also like kept the overflow of cars there. And I would, and I had to move a bunch of stick shift cars and I would just be fucking
Starting point is 00:22:34 grinding the shit out of them and just fucking grind them all the way down the hill. And that's how I fell in love with Ultimus. Cause the Ultima and Maxima were there. And I was like, this is like a nice boring man's car, this Ultima. I think that will be my car of choice.
Starting point is 00:22:50 And then I, so I became an Ultima guy for, that was my first car was the Nissan Ultima. Your first car was Ultima and you still drive an Ultima. I've had two cars in my life. Two Ultimas. Wow. I'm a new influencer for Nissan.
Starting point is 00:23:06 Give you all the new cars. My next car is, I don't think I'm gonna get a Nissan. I think I'm gonna move on. I don't know what I'm gonna do yet. Maybe we can, maybe we can, maybe you can just have the internet pick my new car, whatever it is. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:22 To vote for Mitch's new car, right? Yes. And then a funny email. I'm gonna end up in the fucking Oscar Mayer fucking Wienermobile because that's what everyone will vote for. That's true.
Starting point is 00:23:38 A big pain to park, I would imagine. Have you guys ever seen the Wienermobile in the wild? I saw it once on the freeway. It blew my mind. Yeah, it was in the Gelson's parking lot near UCB one time. It was just parked there for like a weekend and I got an up close
Starting point is 00:23:54 look and let me tell you, it was exciting. It's a real thrill. Let me guess, Weiger, you're a swagger, so I'm guessing that Wienermobile isn't that impressive in person. Alright, come on. Try picking up a date. So, John, the last time we had you on,
Starting point is 00:24:10 we reviewed Wetzel's Pretzels. Yeah. And we did not, I mean, we had an, I think Mitch and I had an okay experience. You did not have a great experience, but I'm curious in the intervening years, in the time, since you
Starting point is 00:24:26 visited us last, have you had much in the way of soft pretzels? What has been your, any pretzels of note? I've only gotten soft pretzels literally at the Red Lion
Starting point is 00:24:42 in Silver Lake with that good mustard. So that's my pretzel, either none of them were covered in any sort of cinnamon choker or Parmesan cheese, but no, I haven't really. I wouldn't say
Starting point is 00:24:58 I have, yeah. I don't really have I know, because I went to Disneyland actually, I went to Disneyland at a magical time. It was like, it was March 5th, and it was right when COVID was hitting, but nobody was
Starting point is 00:25:14 like doing anything yet, and like I went to Disney and nobody was there. It was absolutely empty and it was like five minute max lines on every ride. Run from ride to ride, and it was a beautiful perfect day, and it was really amazing. Got a distant dream now.
Starting point is 00:25:30 Nothing can beat those Disney, those good Disney days, they rule. That was, yeah, I know. It was so great, and that was the last time I was like, I'm gonna get a big hot pretzel, and then I got churros instead, so I lied. I didn't. The better choice, honestly, I think is the churro. You did well.
Starting point is 00:25:46 I think part of wetzel's pretzels unappeal is for me, like they're aesthetic and they're everything's under this glow lamp too, and it's just like, ugh, they have their pepperoni pretzel under this glow lamp, and it just feels weird. This is gross, yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:02 But let's, but you moved on to the topic of theme park eats, and I did want to ask you about that as well, because you've been on one of our one of our buddy podcast, podcast the right now. Yes, yes, the best. As a theme park, great podcast, and as a theme park
Starting point is 00:26:18 attendee, as someone who frequents these homes of amusement, what do you go to for eats? Where do we go? We went to New Orleans at the, you mean that I've been to New Orleans, that crazy
Starting point is 00:26:35 Jumbalaya restaurant there? Oh yes, this is in New Orleans, yeah, New Orleans Square. But that's unique to Disneyland. Do you mean kind of like eats? I'll take all comers. Anything you like to get at any amusement park, anything that comes to mind, or any favorites you've had in the past?
Starting point is 00:26:51 I love churros. Anytime I can dip a churro into chocolate, that's just amazing. Wow. And yeah, what else? I love caramel corn, but I'll get the arc light too, like there's no, what's like a typical, yeah,
Starting point is 00:27:07 I guess, no, because I don't, because I'm just like, I always do the math, I'm kind of like, do I want to feel like shit in 15 minutes, and I don't do it a lot, and I'll just like kind of like, you know, but yeah, so
Starting point is 00:27:23 what I'm saying is I don't know, I don't think I frequent them enough, but what about you guys? Well, I will say, we were talking about pretzels, and I brought up pretzels, and we talked about them a little bit, and then when you mentioned Disneyland, the Mickey shaped pretzel is just a lot of fun.
Starting point is 00:27:39 That's great, and it's not the best quality pretzel, but the novelty of it being shaped like Mickey, and then usually you've got some sort of dip and sauce, but I just think that's a real hoot. The cheese sauce, you go with that cheese sauce. Cheese sauce is great, yeah. I love that. It's a little Hannibal Lectery though,
Starting point is 00:27:55 you're eating Mickey's face right there, isn't that a little strange, you know? Well, I mean, I think he's cool with it. It's like the body of Christ, it's not actually his, I don't think transubstantiation is taking place. I'm not Catholic, so I don't believe
Starting point is 00:28:11 that it's actually Mickey's flesh you're eating. Cannon. Inithica alum, Bob Iger. Inithica alum, wow. What a shame. I am with you, John, that I love churros. A churro is like,
Starting point is 00:28:31 I got a churro and a Coca-Cola when I go to a Disney park. I was just talking about this on podcast ride, we talked about churros, specifically, but I want to tell you that I differ from you and that I don't, I like a classic Disney churro without any dipping sauce. Don't give me any of the dipping sauces.
Starting point is 00:28:47 I just like it straight up. What about cookie butter? Cookie butter. Maybe I've never had cookie butter. It's that biscoff cookies that are like, yeah, I've had it a couple of times, it's ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:29:03 It's very good, I would never think of dipping a churro in it. It's like frosting, yeah. Wow, that sounds delightful. It rocks. I don't know how I feel about adding another butter into my diet, but... I'm on four or five butters today. I don't know how many butters
Starting point is 00:29:19 I can eat in a day at Disney. For me, the churro is the number one, and then just a recent one is in Star Wars land. Yeah. Oh, fuck, now I forgot the name of them. The drink?
Starting point is 00:29:35 The dogs there, what are they called, wigs? Do you mean the ronto wrap? Yes, the ronto wraps. Describe the ronto wrap to people who maybe aren't familiar with the Star Wars land. It's like a hut dog
Starting point is 00:29:51 in a pita with some slaw and pieces of shawarma, or kebab, like a beef kebab or lamb kebab. It's great. It's one of my favorite
Starting point is 00:30:07 inventions since the park opened. It's now a thing that I need to get when I go there. It is my number one booze, but I also like the pizza port. What is the drink that they have there,
Starting point is 00:30:23 the blue... It's like force juice or something. Yeah, the milk. Oh, it's milk, right? Yeah, milk. It's like milk up on a hot day outside. Yeah. They were trying to do a butter beer thing
Starting point is 00:30:39 and I just don't think it worked at all. Right, because it was milk, not beer. Yeah. I think they had to go back to it because the base of it is coconut milk, I think. I think there is a milk component. I think if they want to make it work, it should look like blue milk
Starting point is 00:30:55 and just be like a frozen blue drink. It should be like an icy. It should be like a blue icy Do you guys know what ronto... What is ronto? Great question. I'll show you a ronto. But you mean lore-wise,
Starting point is 00:31:11 like what is a ronto within the Star Wars universe? Exactly, I don't think I'm familiar enough, yeah. You know what, they have a lot of what they've invented for Star Wars land, which I looked up because I'd forgotten the name of as we were talking, Galaxy's Edge,
Starting point is 00:31:27 that's what it's called, that's what it takes place. They invented another planet for it for some reason. But yeah, I think a lot of the lore they have in there, I'm not sure how much it's tied to existing Star Wars canon. I'm curious.
Starting point is 00:31:43 I'm going to look up ronto wrap right now. You don't know off the top of your head, do you, Mitch? What the animal is? Correct. Here's the ronto. Wikipedia. Here we go. We got a couple unruly rontos
Starting point is 00:31:59 that could use a steady hand. Can you handle that? Cobb Van, that famous Cobb Vanth line. So the ronto is for anyone, for people who aren't looking at the screen, which is everyone except for the four of us listening to this now,
Starting point is 00:32:15 it's like a, it's a quadrupedal creature kind of with the body of a rhinoceros or an elephant, but then a long extended, almost like cobra-like neck with some flaps coming out of it. I'll tell you exactly where,
Starting point is 00:32:31 when they redid the original sequels, I'm sorry, the original trilogy, when they go to Mos Eisley and the one animal stands up on its back legs where they're coming through, that's the ronto. That's a picture of that moment. Kind of got a dinosaurs beak here.
Starting point is 00:32:47 I guess you'd kind of call them like llama ears. A lot of extra skin or bones. Maybe that stores water in that, I imagine. That would make sense. You want to explain that second tab you got open there? Yeah, the second tab
Starting point is 00:33:03 really embarrassing. Oh my god. Tab reading Nick Weigher only fans. With a question mark. With a question mark. Nick Weigher only fans? Nick Thunder Weigher on Twitter. Alright, there we go.
Starting point is 00:33:19 Nothing, nothing showed up. So I guess what you were assuming is that the ronto is... Yes, it was for the 1997 A New Hope. That is where it was created. Oh wow. And the ronto wrap is a hot dog made from its meat, that's what we are assuming.
Starting point is 00:33:35 Right. Do you want me to show you the ronto wrap? Yeah, let's get a ronto wrap. Wow, look at this. Oh, it's a Euro. It looks like basically a Euro with a big ol' sausage in the middle. It's got an unexpectedly geeky's page on it.
Starting point is 00:33:51 It's like an alien made it. Aliens don't know the hot dogs don't go into pedas. Grilled pork, grilled pork sausage, peppercorn sauce, and tangy slaw wrapped in pita bread. That's the description. I haven't been to Galaxy's Edge. And daily, with your recent Disneyland visit,
Starting point is 00:34:09 I assume you've been there. You've been to Galaxy's Edge, the Star Wars park? I have, yeah. So here's the deal, I wanted to review Galaxy's Edge and you said, no. And you said, we can't do it. I have to go with Natalie first. And now it's been a good...
Starting point is 00:34:25 How long has it been open? A year and a half? Yeah, we didn't have time. Oh, okay. I'm going to say this. So I know in Galaxy's Edge that the whole thing is they're trying to present an immersive experience where they're not breaking the fourth wall
Starting point is 00:34:41 of we are within the Star Wars universe. That's how the cast members acted out. Characters walking around and having little mini stories. Right. So here's my question. If you have, say, an allergy to a food and you are going to ask someone at a food stand about it,
Starting point is 00:34:59 do they give an in-character answer to that? If you're like, hey, does this have nuts in it? Do they have to be like, well, this has the Naboo tree nut. Do they have to try to come up with some sort of in-universe explanation for your food allergies? That's very ren-fair.
Starting point is 00:35:17 Yeah, I wonder. If that happens, they just open up the Sarlacc pit you fall in. Wow. Whoa. If you have an allergy, you're just killed? Sarlacc isn't what I was looking for. I was looking for what does Jabba own?
Starting point is 00:35:33 What's the thing Jabba owns? He has a Sarlacc pit. Oh, it is Sarlacc. He has a rank core underneath. But a Sarlacc is also a pit. Both are methods of execution he uses. But he doesn't own the Sarlacc pit. He doesn't own the Sarlacc.
Starting point is 00:35:49 No one can own the Sarlacc wigs. Got it, it's just a feature of the Tatooine landscape. Yes, bright suns to you, my boy. That's what they say bright suns to you in Star Wars Land. I think Star Wars Land sucks. It's not great. You know what the rides, I gotta say, not great.
Starting point is 00:36:05 If you want to see Chewbacca do a little sketch with BB-8, you're probably in heaven, I don't know. Yeah, that sounds fine. The Millennium Falcon ride is legit not good, I think. It's very bad. It's like a video game that you sit in. Yes.
Starting point is 00:36:23 Not even a good video game. No, and you have to interact with people around you. Oh, God. What a nightmare. That's not why I go to theme park to interact with other people. I also don't want to fail. They give you a card that's like,
Starting point is 00:36:40 you're the pilot, you're the gunner, and you guys are engineers. You have to be like, oh, great, I'm an engineer and this four-year-old kid is the pilot. He gets to have literally all the fun on the thing. I'm in the back of the engineer pressing buttons when they light up.
Starting point is 00:36:56 You have to press buttons. It stresses me out just hearing about it. The only time it is maybe fun is if you're in that pilot seat and you never, as a grown man, they're never going to give you the pilot seat. Like, ever, ever, ever, you're never going to get it. I was with a group of people who had rode it before so they just were like, here, we've already done it.
Starting point is 00:37:15 You can be the pilot. So I lucked out and got to be the pilot. But you face palm to five-year-old, right? Um... Hey! Come here! I'm driving! Um... The new ride is supposed to be great.
Starting point is 00:37:31 Really? Yeah, I haven't done it yet. Yeah. I like the classic zone. Yeah, just going to Disneyland, I just want to do... I'm ready for there to be a good ride there, but I wasn't super into Star Wars.
Starting point is 00:37:47 Yeah, same feeling, basically. I just see, like, with all things, with a lot of things they've done with the Disney Star Wars property, the Disney's acquisition of the Star Wars intellectual property, I think they just kind of overthought it and got too cute. Like, why is it Bat 2?
Starting point is 00:38:04 Who gives a shit about Bat 2? Bat 2 sucks. I gotta care about this new planet that never existed. Just put on Tatooine. It looks like Tatooine. Yeah, make it Tatooine. And there are Jawas walking around, literally. Yeah, it doesn't have to be Bat 2.
Starting point is 00:38:20 It just makes it less magical. Also, put Cloud City in there. Put Cloud City in there? Yeah. Yeah, put Cloud City in there. Why not? Wait a minute, no one's gonna get hung up on the logic of Cloud City being adjacent to Tatooine?
Starting point is 00:38:36 No one gives a shit. Have the real actors walking around. Have the actors from the movies there all the time. I want to meet Natalie Portman. She should be working there ten hours a day. Six days a week. Definitely.
Starting point is 00:38:52 John, did you say that's Bat 2? Did you say that's Bat 2? I had a Mitch moment there, and I was gonna say something that was incredibly bad. And then I didn't say it, but I let just enough out so that all you jerks
Starting point is 00:39:08 are gonna be up in my grill about it. Yes, I was gonna say it was something like that's Bat 2. Bat 2, or something like that. Yeah, that's good. It would have fallen flat. It's funnier than anything we've said
Starting point is 00:39:24 this entire time. I love it, personally. Come on. My other issue with it is is that it does try to be on a timeline. It's after the Disney Star Wars movie came out, and it's like, no, we want to see Gungans and dumb shit from the prequels
Starting point is 00:39:40 and the original trilogy. Why did you make it the worst three Star Wars movies that we have to see characters from? There should be a Waterworld style theater show, stunt show. How fun would that be?
Starting point is 00:39:56 All Gungans, and it's in the water. They dive into the water. This is a great pitch. Cirque du Soleil. It's like Cirque du Soleil. Oh, so it's all diving and underwater antics. All Gungans. That rule. This is amazing.
Starting point is 00:40:12 What about my Cloud City restaurant? I like your Cloud City restaurant, too. I think this is great. I like the idea of a fucking Gungan warshow. Here's what they should do. This is the room of a bunch of men in their 30s and 40s who have thought about Star Wars their entire lives
Starting point is 00:40:28 and let them pitch out ideas and don't try to get too few with it. Make us imagineers. We want to be imagineers. We've got solid gold here. Cloud City restaurant. Gungan water stunt shell. These would be amazing attractions. Yeah, everyone loves Jar Jar.
Starting point is 00:40:46 John, you pointed out something good. There should be a Gungan style of the park, too. You can meet Weigur. Oh, Gungan style. It's just him presenting the sketch and presenting that amazing, funnier day sketch
Starting point is 00:41:02 and then Q&A. For context, this came out in 2012, so there will be a lot of ultra-topical references that have not aged well. Like a hall of presidents Weigur with a Lakers hat. Wow, he's so lifelike.
Starting point is 00:41:18 And it's like, that's actually him. Oh, man. So we should talk a little bit because we have a pizza chain that we'll be reviewing this week, but I'm curious before we get into this specific chain, John, what are your pizza preferences?
Starting point is 00:41:40 What do you like to get? I'm talking style. I'm talking toppings. The whole nine yards. Right. I like New York pizza, you know, Grimaldi's like really burned thin crust. Like crispy.
Starting point is 00:41:55 Just good New York pizza, generally. And that's kind of it and things that are like that. And so out here, I like... I do tomato pie more than anything out here. I like tomato pie. It's good. It's good and good delivery. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:11 Tomato pie works and then is like excellent. And but nothing's real. Yeah. So I guess I'm... I like just really great pizza, but I also, when I go back to my hometown, Pittsburgh, I like just like the fucking
Starting point is 00:42:27 like, you know, nice, fluffy pizza with kind of like sweet crust there. It's like there's a different kind of Pittsburgh pizza going on. And it's not New York style at all. It's like not... Yeah, I like that too, but...
Starting point is 00:42:44 And then I like all pizza. Like, you know, sausage calzones. But yeah, I'm... I used to eat Papa John's. I've discovered that like, yeah, bad pizza is just really bad and it's bad for you and it makes you feel bad. So it's not...
Starting point is 00:43:01 It's barely worth it to eat like bad stuff. But once in a while, I do do some dominoes and I always kind of love it. That is my... And Mitch and I are both dominoes partisans, but that is my go-to if I just want like a trashy chain pizza. Dominoes, I think absolutely
Starting point is 00:43:17 is the best of the bunch. Which we say is different, like having dominoes is different from getting... Like, disannos and dominoes, that's like two different nights of food to me. That's one is one thing and one is the other thing. You know what I mean? Like, it's not... Not the same thing. Disannos for people
Starting point is 00:43:33 who don't know, it's like a, you know, it's an artisan pizzeria. They go in there, the pizzas, they have like a brick oven there, right? And they'll just fire it up for you straight away and it's a very high quality product. Right. And wise, I've touched on this a little bit, but in Atlanta we went
Starting point is 00:43:49 to Anticos. Yes. Anticos, Anticos. And they are... That's the original disannos basically. The guy who made disannos basically paid the person
Starting point is 00:44:05 who made Anticos money to create like a chain version of Anticos, the disanno guy. Yeah. So like counter-ordering, they've got, you know, beer and wine there. It's designed for consumption on the premises. They've got like kind of like a big,
Starting point is 00:44:21 you know, big long tables for communal dining. And that's a chain? Yeah, Incabetta with their current world. Yeah, disannos is a chain. There's only a few of them though. I think the first one is maybe in North Carolina. There's only a few of them, but it's great.
Starting point is 00:44:37 I mean, it's Tom Brady's favorite pizza. It is. I didn't know that. It is. It's Tom Brady's favorite pizza. But I want to ask a question and I'll just share it. John, what are your thoughts on this sandwich chain here?
Starting point is 00:44:53 Permani Brothers. We're looking at Permani Brothers in Pittsburgh. They are closed due to COVID. What's your next meal? Find a location. Permani Brothers. So this is Permani Brothers is a Pittsburgh. I think it was one location.
Starting point is 00:45:09 It was kind of like a Cantor's feeling place that became a chain. It's now a chain in Pittsburgh. Like a big sit down deli. Big sit down deli, exactly. And it became a chain and it is based on the fact that
Starting point is 00:45:25 they have sandwiches with french fries and coleslaw on the sandwiches. I have never I'm from Pittsburgh. I just have never liked it. I never got it. I don't know. I've had it and I've just been like
Starting point is 00:45:41 there are french fries on my sandwich. Why did they put those on the sandwich? It's better to have french fries in a different state because they're a ballast to your sandwich bite or whatever and it's their soggy. It's not my favorite place
Starting point is 00:45:57 but people like it. People seem to like it. That's the thing people say when they say Pittsburgh. That's the thing. That is the thing people say but people from Pittsburgh will be like I don't know. I think that's some kind of I don't go there.
Starting point is 00:46:13 I've got a similar reaction I feel like from some Pittsburghians? Pittsburghers? Pittsburghers. That makes the most sense. Yeah. I've heard some Pittsburghers say they react to primantes how some Chicagoans react
Starting point is 00:46:29 to Chicago deep dish pizza which is kind of like it's for tourists. It's for people not from here. Not to say every Chicagoan doesn't like deep dish pizza but I think that is not necessarily a hyper unusual reaction. That's a very specific thing.
Starting point is 00:46:45 Especially deep dish pizza. You have to like a slice of cake that is. It's not. Yeah. It's not good guys. So don't order that on a... because gold belly you can order it. I was thinking of
Starting point is 00:47:01 maybe getting it. But maybe I will. Hey give it a try. Why not? Yeah. Try everything. You know. Maybe I just want to take the fries out. Put them on the side. Yes fries. I'm not a big I'm not a big fan of fries on it.
Starting point is 00:47:17 There's a place called Fat Sal's out here too. I do like Fat Sal's though. I like Fat Sal's. Yeah. And it's Jerry Ferrara. Turtle from Entourage. It's his deli. I do like actually I think he now doesn't.
Starting point is 00:47:33 He's now maybe left Fat Sal's. There was a falling out with the ownership. There was some drama. Bad moves. There's some Johnny drama at Fat Sal's. That Johnny drama was Johnny Bananas. Totally crap.
Starting point is 00:47:49 I don't I do like a Fat Sal's sandwich but also there when they have the french fries on the sandwich it's not my fries either like you said sog it up or dry it out. It's one way or the other.
Starting point is 00:48:05 It's just a kind of a weird thing to add to the sandwiches. I'm not a big proponent of fries on the sandwich. Keep them on the side. I only like fries with ketchup. That's the only thing I really enjoy.
Starting point is 00:48:21 I only pretend to enjoy garlic mayo. I'm just like oh this is okay. Well here we are. It's garlic mayo. We're in Europe. You don't have ketchup? Oh because we're in Europe. Not California.
Starting point is 00:48:37 We'll be back with more Doe Boys. Welcome back to Doe Boys. We are here with John Dailey, our guest, returning to the show to review the sixth biggest pizza chain in America, Marcos Pizza. Are you guys as staggered as I am
Starting point is 00:48:59 to learn that Marcos Pizza is number six? That's really saying something because I had never heard of it before you guys said you know you were going to do it. I'm aware of it just from being aware of the chain restaurant industry and I knew that they had opened some in Southern California
Starting point is 00:49:15 in recent years but it's still kind of flabbergasting that it is this big of a chain. But it might be like a hot open or something like that. That's what they call it right, a hot open. Anyway it might be
Starting point is 00:49:31 you know they might be gaming the system in some way. Over-expanding could run out of gas. That's what happens in franchises. I will say this place has existed since 1978 also from the west. That is crazy to me. The fact that it's also existed for this
Starting point is 00:49:47 long is a thing that really I'm like what I have never heard or seen this or anything. I think it is more of a, I think what it is is that it was more of an Ohio staple Ohioan listeners can chime in if they are aware of Marcos Pizza but it existed in Ohio
Starting point is 00:50:03 and then expanded kind of spiderweb across the country in like the past decade or so it kind of just turned into a national franchise but it was a little bit more regional for a while but yeah around 930 locations which puts it just behind
Starting point is 00:50:19 Papa Murphy's which you know Papa Murphy's right Mitch? A little bit. You know what Ohio knows their food. They are like a good they are like a good anchor for the continent. You know that North America is never going to slip away with Ohio right in the center there weighing us.
Starting point is 00:50:35 The Rust Belt is always a source of hearty often times debilitating food but very very good food. I don't know Papa Murphy's that well but that is a New England chain right?
Starting point is 00:50:51 Papa Murphy's I guess so that to me does not sound Oh Papa Geno's you are talking about are you talking about Papa Geno's? No I'm talking Papa Murphy's Papa John's. I don't really know Papa Murphy's I've never heard of that Okay I'm going to look this up real quick
Starting point is 00:51:07 where Papa Murphy's origin is because I probably thought it was Papa Geno's Have you been to Melo Mushroom? No I have not. What is that? I've had Melo Mushroom. It's a very popular chain. I think they are like number 8 or something like that but there was one in North Carolina I was there
Starting point is 00:51:23 for a while and went to the Melo Mushroom that was pretty good. I had Melo Mushroom in Atlanta when I was in Atlanta I had some Melo Mushroom and it's good it's like you know how like Domino's used to I feel like it had like tons of tiny slices like a Melo Mushroom
Starting point is 00:51:39 was like one of those things where one pizza is like 24 slices of pizza it's cut pretty thin you know what I'm saying? Wow Well Papa Murphy's is apparently not from the New England at all it's from the Pacific Northwest
Starting point is 00:51:55 I was wrong. Founded in Vancouver Washington there's both a Vancouver British and a Vancouver Washington It's a Taken Bake. I have heard of this Ok yes. So it's very well known it's another one we probably should review at some point but none of us had Marcos pizza prior to today. This was our maiden
Starting point is 00:52:11 voyage at Marcos and I guess we should get into what we ordered. Mitch you had yours a little bit ago because we ended up rescheduling this recording but tell us what you got from Marcos pizza. Alright
Starting point is 00:52:27 You kind of threw this on me hold on a second I can go first while you're getting this Alright go for it So what I got from Marcos pizza I went and I got carry out and I got the the first thing I'll say you know what let's do this. We'll break it down by category
Starting point is 00:52:43 because they have a few different things they're trying to do. Let's start with the pizza I got one pizza I was just like I'm just going to get it down the middle straight ahead pizza. I got their pepperoni Magnifico Pizza which is pepperoni romazon seasoning
Starting point is 00:52:59 I assume a portmanteau of Romano and Parmesan and our original sauce and signature three cheeses so there's a lot of cheese on this bad boy there's like a dusting of this romazon on top of it a lot of pepperoni and they're these little cuppy pepperonis that I really like
Starting point is 00:53:15 those crisp pepperonis We'll get into it but there's two pepperoni options Oh yes there's two pepperonis on there there's pepperoni and Old World pepperoni on this pie and the sauce which has just a touch of sweetness to it but I didn't find too off putting
Starting point is 00:53:31 I thought this was a quality chain pepperoni pizza like I bit into this and I was like yeah this is getting the job done and you know what I did the I revisited it by putting it in the fridge overnight I love a cold pizza one of the classic left over I had some cold pizza the next day
Starting point is 00:53:47 and it was good it was satisfying I mean the crust is a little dry but beyond that I have no complaints about this as a chain restaurant pizza as a take out pizza Mitch what did you get pizza wise Remember the leftovers when we used to do the leftovers
Starting point is 00:54:03 Oh yes great segment We take food from the day before put it in a fridge and then revisit it the next day and see how it held up Could you microwave it or was it cold We usually ate it cold So I got a few things If we're talking just pizza we're gonna save
Starting point is 00:54:21 the other stuff outside of it Let's start with pizza and then we'll move on Well I got three pizzas But I also got one that was a pizza bowl So should I hold on to that We can get into the pizza bowl but let's start with your pizzas Alright the two pizzas I got
Starting point is 00:54:39 You know that I judge a pizza place by its cheese pizza So I got one large cheese pizza Yes With that I got the garlic dipping sauce and then I got just the original crust and then I also got a small thin crust pizza
Starting point is 00:54:55 crispy thin crust with garlic crust topper, old world pepperoni onions, sausage and a jalapeno ranch dipping sauce The cheese pizza when I ate it it reminded me so much of old school dominoes meats, puppajons kind of
Starting point is 00:55:13 It was a combo of the two a little puppajonsy and kind of the similar feeling of like an old school dominoes pizza from like 30 years ago when I first remember having it and it was hot and the quality
Starting point is 00:55:29 was good and eating it I was like this is not like the best cheese pizza but this came hot and fresh and it's tasting good and then when I had that thin crust pizza with the sausage and the pepperoni that's where I said
Starting point is 00:55:45 begun the pizza wars have, Weiger Wow Wow Is this another galaxy's edge feature you're pitching I was gonna save this I was gonna save this for the my and I'll say it again in my final review
Starting point is 00:56:01 but that thought when I ate it I said welcome to the pizza wars to Marcos because that thin crust was so good it was like and also just the quality of the ingredients of the thin crust the toppings the old world pepperoni
Starting point is 00:56:17 the sausage and the onion it was it was fantastic I like I I really really really liked it now Mitch when we had much madness or the tournament of champions a few years back where dominoes came out on top are you saying if Marcos pizza had been
Starting point is 00:56:33 an entrant it could have possibly won the slices right it would have been a strong contender for sure Wow Wow I mean just for like a basic and we can get into the other stuff too but like those those two pizzas and I wasn't as blown away which is
Starting point is 00:56:49 the thing that I that I but it was still good but I wasn't as blown away by this the cheese as much yes which is how I judge and that's very and you did your due diligence by trying a few different pies I will say that yes as the pizza part of Marcos pizza
Starting point is 00:57:05 I think absolutely like that is the strength of their menu from tasting all their offerings they are doing a good pizza there and that can't be discounted because that is the centrality of their concept John daily what did you get pizza life from Marcos pizza
Starting point is 00:57:21 I got a so I just went there Wow this afternoon kind of like was in a bit of a rush but I got what I got was a supreme pizza well I mean really just like Italian sausage
Starting point is 00:57:37 green pepper white onion with a parmesan crust topper and then I got a Greek salad which unfortunately I did not get and then they just left it out of the bag and then I got for dessert
Starting point is 00:57:53 a hilarious thing what is it called a cinnamon some kind of I don't have it in front of me but it's a cinnamon I'll bring up the menu pizza dough in a cardboard box with cinnamon and sugar on it and
Starting point is 00:58:09 I know you guys will be into this I saw those it comes with a I know you guys are into anything that comes with a tube of frosting so I'm showing them a tube of frosting on the video right now so yeah
Starting point is 00:58:27 there's plenty of those in the Weigar household is what I was going to say um okay so yeah I they're called the cinna squares by the way cinna squares yeah so I got the cinna squares I uh yeah I didn't you know I just
Starting point is 00:58:45 what are the rules of this show again it has to do what it is doing it has to do the thing that it is and be the thing I just didn't you know Mitch it reminded me of actually a little bit of tomato pie I have to say that the good parts of it it reminded me of tomato pie
Starting point is 00:59:01 the innards of it the uh the sauce it wasn't bad I was like it's a little yeah I got a small pizza I wonder if I got a large pizza what it would look like is a small pizza like I was missing a crust
Starting point is 00:59:17 like a pizza crust that is substantial it was kind of like you know the cheese and everything and then it was kind of like a down slope instead of being like a crust up and so I kind of was missing that and it was a little the ingredients tasted good though
Starting point is 00:59:33 the sausage tasted good it was it was it was pretty good but I wanted to draw your attention to the side of the box hold on John is picking up the pizza box I've got the box right here I'm showing these guys on the video I've got the box right here
Starting point is 00:59:49 Marko's pizza on the one end and on the other end you got Hormel foods wow Hormel foods so it's it's Hormel foods is on their pizza box so that makes me think you know when I think of Hormel foods all I think of is like a killing floor at a factory farm
Starting point is 01:00:05 so yes it's just it's like the stuff that the Tiger King it's like the meat that the Tiger King puts into it and and you know so I saw that and I was just kind of like oh right it's Hormel it's like canned
Starting point is 01:00:21 but yes but not to say that it wasn't like it wasn't unenjoyable it was good it was good but I would I think that's fair I think that probably the caliber of of meat product and and vegetables that they are sourcing are not you know they're certainly not doing
Starting point is 01:00:37 anything above and beyond what the industry at large does that's what I was thinking like would Domino's or would yeah Little Caesar's Domino's kind of be that much worse or better like it feels right the same I was used to have that on the side of the box I remember
Starting point is 01:00:53 specifically that like real like the dairy symbol on the side of the box you remember that like yeah like cheese made with a hundred percent dairy or whatever what the fuck it was um that's because there was a time where people were worried about artificial cheese I think they were having like like a lot times like a cheese food or a cheese stuff
Starting point is 01:01:09 was being used and then they are eventually the pendulum swung back towards hey we're using real cheese check us out oh yeah with milk instead of just oil products right yeah I want to say John just to just to be clear what I really really enjoyed was the the thin crust and I
Starting point is 01:01:25 and and like that that taste of like Domino old-school Domino's times Papa John's was very much a nostalgic taste which comes from something that was like you know like 30 years ago that Domino's taste was like very like almost cardboardy and very processed
Starting point is 01:01:41 and you know what I mean but still enjoyable but I could see it for me I was the thin crust blew me away so if you only did the the regular style I could see it not being as good and the and like I said the cheese style like didn't blow me away but I still
Starting point is 01:01:57 thought especially the fact that it was just delivered hot and fresh which you know was a gamble anyways because I got delivery um but I also did that the thing the thing that I also liked was that was the the crustless pizza that I got yeah so this is the
Starting point is 01:02:13 these are the pizza bowls they offer I got myself the deluxe the deluxe pizza bowl which is you know pepperoni sausage mushrooms green peppers and onions and then it just comes in like a tub with no crust I wish I was in a tub with no crust
Starting point is 01:02:29 with no crust wax I too got myself a deluxe pizza bowl yeah what'd you think and also has that romazon seasoning on top it was good it's very very gooey ooey gooey so soft and chewy
Starting point is 01:02:45 I like to say and that that was definitely the case here and like it gets that oil kind of really gets soft up in there when it does when it's not spread over crust it just kind of you know gets into the crevices of the melted cheese which is you know not not necessarily the worst thing flavor wise
Starting point is 01:03:01 but maybe not the best thing health wise if this is considered to be like kind of their their low carb option but I will say not even the whatever fucking whatever anyway I was gonna say is that the because they'll just they'll say if you're eating low carbs that fine you can drink a cup of olive oil if you want they'll say that that's I don't
Starting point is 01:03:17 know how healthy that actually is for you but they will say that I commit I commend them for them for people who are trying not to eat any try not to eat any carbs at all and they're giving them some sort of option it's nice that that is offered I will say that I don't think the array of toppings
Starting point is 01:03:33 here was necessarily like because the bowls you you can't really customize to the same level they are just have a few different prefab bowls and I think like this especially the presence the mushrooms just made it mushy and that's that's the issue here I wish they had a little a few more like
Starting point is 01:03:49 I don't know just something with a little bit of crunch something to do they have cheese yeah there's cheese in there there's cheese in there and there's in their sauce and there's sauce as well so it just kind of like like a like a you know sometimes you get a Chipotle bowl and it's just like a big like wet goop like that's your
Starting point is 01:04:05 your your your big like mashed meal yeah rule basically so why I'm thinking what you're saying is it needed like a crust element yeah this sounds gross I also got I got myself a Pepsi by the way because this is
Starting point is 01:04:29 fun my Sunday and I got myself some cheesy bread wigs and the cheesy bread was really well done I got some garlic dipping sauce with that all the dipping sauce was great like I said I got garlic dipping sauce I got two of
Starting point is 01:04:45 those actually and then I got a jalapeno ranch dipping sauce as well I got that as well great dipping sauce I like that one a lot it was good the dipping sauces were impressive and then there was a marinara sauce that came with the cheesy bread the the
Starting point is 01:05:01 the cheesy bread was good I enjoyed the cheesy bread quite a bit it was it was well done actual cheese on the like a like kind of like Domino's has moved to like their cheesy bread is inside of the inside of the cheese sticks now this is the on top of them
Starting point is 01:05:17 and it's and it's and it's well done it tastes it's good they're good all around honestly all around it was it was it was a decent meal it wasn't like the best pizza of course but pretty strong I have a couple a couple other things that I that to touch on
Starting point is 01:05:33 beyond the pepperoni pizza and the pizza bowl I also got a veggie sub which had mushrooms, green peppers, onions olives, tomatoes and cheddar cheese on it and sub dressing they seem to be highlighting their sub side of their menu so I was like I want to try one of these sandwiches this was awful it was really bad the
Starting point is 01:05:49 the vegetables had no flavor again just kind of a bushy texture inside yeah this this I would never get again the to be fair I would never get that ever right I agree that it's like a thing that maybe I like I you should
Starting point is 01:06:05 look at and say that doesn't sound good maybe I shouldn't get it and I would say if that's trust your instinct in that case because that was my my gut feeling going in is like this doesn't look good but I want to try it but you want to taste it yeah I wonder if you were like the first person in the history of Marcos
Starting point is 01:06:21 to to order a pizza bowl and the veggie sub I I also got some wings classic chicken wings and they're buffalo wings breaded I would just say I don't know
Starting point is 01:06:37 if there's necessarily a reason to get them unless you're like hey pizza and wings is my thing which I know a lot of people that's that's they like a burger with fries they like to get wings with their pizza these were fine they're like replacement level wings a little bit of breading on them nice and meaty which was good probably not the best were they fatty or
Starting point is 01:06:53 a little fatty you know I I mean I think this was probably just just whatever they got from Hormel or Cisco or whatever their their factory farm meat source is but the buffalo sauce was decent on it the blue cheese dip and sauce all contraire versus the alopeño
Starting point is 01:07:09 ranch dip and sauce was pretty bad I thought just had like just had really really bad blue cheese flavor the right the no the blue cheese dip and sauce that I had it just tasted like really artificial and unpleasant blue cheese itself was chalky
Starting point is 01:07:25 just a bad blue cheese dressing which was a bomber chalky yeah how do you mess up a dip and sauce you would think it would be a no brainer especially as a wing accompaniment blue cheese the classic wing accompaniment but they just did not have a good blue cheese dip and sauce there and then the final thing I got
Starting point is 01:07:41 you mentioned you got your one dessert the cinna squares John Daly I got the other dessert they offer the double chocolate brownie which is just a big cinnamon basically of brownie and then a bunch of chocolate drizzled on top of it
Starting point is 01:07:57 to give it a little bit of moisture it was just cakey and gross not at all worth the calories not at all worth the sugar that's how I felt about this this cinnamon square the cinna squares it's just a sheet it's a sheet of just cinna squares
Starting point is 01:08:13 which is like pizza dough there's no like my note is like put butter on it you're squirting frosting on this dry thing which is like slightly more pleasant but there's no like cinnamon rollness to it it's just cinnamon bread it's not good
Starting point is 01:08:29 they didn't do a good job the asset you have as a pizzeria is you got that pizza oven you think you could make a tooth some dessert in it but it was just cooked to hell when you cook a good brownie it's got to be kind of almost like a little under cooked so it's still got that moisture to it
Starting point is 01:08:45 and this just did not have that it was just like cooked to hell and it was super duper cakey and didn't have a lot of flavor to it Mitch what else do we miss in your rundown anything else you got that we didn't talk about no that was I got the three I got the Pepsi
Starting point is 01:09:01 the cheesy breadsticks the pizza bowl and then the two pizzas I mean I got so much at that point and I live alone and you know an embarrassment factor starts coming when the delivery guy can barely hand you all the items you have
Starting point is 01:09:19 yeah I should have gotten more I just got the small pizza in the Dasani and the Cine Squares but yeah you did more than enough you can definitely judge on that I mean my total was up to $80
Starting point is 01:09:35 which I just went to a grocery store and got 27 items Nick I talked to you about this that came to about the same price so like kind of hefty price a little bit hefty but I will say that
Starting point is 01:09:51 for me it came hot it seemed fresh it seemed pretty good and then also the boxing the boxing is like unlike any other pizza place I've seen it's like a movie it's like a movie that doesn't understand what pizza boxes are
Starting point is 01:10:09 in the United States or something it's just like there's so much on it it's green it's in color and there's like pictures of the right there's pictures of the pizza on there but it does give you reheating instructions on there which I thought was nice it's a nice little touch
Starting point is 01:10:25 yes but a little too much going on with that pizza box one might even say it's unka pachka simplify that a little bit too much going on there we should get to our final thoughts on Marco's pizza so we'll each go around and give a summation
Starting point is 01:10:41 of our experience and then end by giving it a fork rating 0 to 5 forks John Daly you are our guest we'll start with you your thoughts your fork rating Marco's pizza I don't want to be too harsh on Marco's because I
Starting point is 01:10:57 it's basically it comes down to this if I was going to a friend's place and they had a game on and it was like a bunch of people if it was Marco's there I'd be like alright that's that's the alright
Starting point is 01:11:13 that's not negative it's like if it were little Caesars I'd be like I might not even have it but you know I would eat it if it was Marco's I saw that trademark green box the CineSquares really did bring it down
Starting point is 01:11:29 it was such a lazy thing like don't even do it and man I got to give it like you know 2 forks 3 times pretty good score 2 forks 3 times from John Daly
Starting point is 01:11:45 it's a decent score it's out of 5 forks so you're basically right in the middle that's what I want 2 forks 3 times from John Daly Spoonman and Mike Mitchell go for it I'm slightly surprised by this
Starting point is 01:12:01 and I wonder what Nick what your review will be for me that like I said that thin crust pizza I was like I might I might get this over Domino's some night like you have the cheese sticks get the cheese sticks and that thin crust pizza
Starting point is 01:12:17 with pepperoni and sausage I just thought that the toppings were I thought the toppings were really good quality I thought the sausage was great and I thought that old world pepperoni really cupped up and was great and I actually I enjoyed the sauce like it is like a process
Starting point is 01:12:33 kind of whatever chain but I think it's one that I enjoy and I think that I get to welcome it to the pizza wars and say 4 forks high score from the Spoonman 4 forks I like Marcos
Starting point is 01:12:49 wow begun these pizza wars have indeed I really I did enjoy let me say this Marcos pizza for the pizza and I think if we're going back to the premise of the podcast
Starting point is 01:13:05 which you alluded to earlier daily how is this you know how does this chain achieve what it is trying to do if you think if you view Marcos pizza as a chain pizzeria it's doing a good job it this is a quality
Starting point is 01:13:21 pizza and it kind of I mean it I had no expectations but it definitely went beyond what I thought was possible from this place I will say that the deluxe pizza bowl and the chicken wings were both
Starting point is 01:13:37 fine I probably wouldn't get the pizza bowl again if I ordered a pizza from Marcos and I wanted wings I would get the wings again but neither of those were there's nothing really necessarily that they would criticize
Starting point is 01:13:53 there's nothing that I would say like this is a reason I would not get this they're fine items the pizza was legitimately good the veggie sub and the double chocolate brownie were gross stay away from the desserts stay away from the sandwiches stick to pizza stick to what they do there
Starting point is 01:14:09 stick to what their chain is named after and I think if you do that I think you're going to have a nice time at Marcos pizza for that reason I'm a land between you guys and I'm going to say this is a straight straight down the middle three forker this is a three fork chain three forks for Marcos pizza
Starting point is 01:14:25 alright alright I see that it doesn't even have it doesn't have a LeBron figure like Blaze Pizza have you guys done Blaze Pizza yet? we have not reviewed Blaze was a participant in the tournament of Chompions the slice is right but we have not actually reviewed
Starting point is 01:14:41 Blaze Pizza it should have an NBA player Dwayne Wade is attached to 800 degrees LeBron's got Blaze Shacks with Papa John's come on Marco come on Marco get a fucking NBA endorser yeah get on it
Starting point is 01:14:57 what's Kristaps Porzingas up to Porzingas could be the Marcos pizza guy is there a Marco something there's Marco Bellinelli three point specialist and he's Italian get Bellinelli in there Bellinelli sandwich
Starting point is 01:15:13 maybe a Bellinelli crust topper that was our review of Marcos pizza it's time for a segment we've got a food stuff we're going to decide if it's worth putting in your mouth it's another edition of snack or whack wigs breaking chews Darko Milchik has signed a deal
Starting point is 01:15:31 with Marcos pizza wow they're bringing in Darko retired famous bust for the Detroit Pistons Darko is going to be the face of the franchise I'm surprised by this decision but hey hopefully it works out for both parties there was a great I think
Starting point is 01:15:47 30 for 30 on him and he seems like a good guy I think you feel for him impossible expectations yeah was like LeBron number one Darko number two Carmelo Anthony number three
Starting point is 01:16:03 and then like Dwayne Wade and Chris Bosch were also in that draft really tough but hey moving on from NBA busts to frozen treats we've got some Nomad ice pops these are courtesy of John Escobar and John writes
Starting point is 01:16:21 hello Doughboys crew we do handmade whole fruit ice pops and have been doing it for three years now we have closed our storefront and moved to delivery only for the time being John Escobar also adds p.s. my girlfriend and I have been listening since the beginning gone to every show you've had in LA you could argue our shared admiration and listenership
Starting point is 01:16:37 of the pod is our biggest flaw as a couple but we love our Doughboys agree with that assessment there John Nomad ice pops that's what we're having you guys have saved some of yours I ate all of mine I'm gonna say off the bat look they sent us some of these
Starting point is 01:16:53 ice pops and I'll be honest with you here's the deal the Doughboys can't be bought correct so when you send us Nomad ice pops and you think you're just gonna get a good review
Starting point is 01:17:09 it might not happen it's true that was a really ass kissy email is what you're getting I'm trying to get in our good graces by saying you like our dog shit show I love you we're gonna tell you what we think for real about
Starting point is 01:17:25 your frozen treats regardless but good news for Nomad ice pops because their product is good as hell I enjoyed basically every single one of these pops I had I thought they were phenomenal we can talk about them
Starting point is 01:17:41 we can talk about them do you want me to quickly run through the list of what we got run through and then note any of your favorites and then I want to hear John's take as well we got mango chili we got is it lychee right
Starting point is 01:17:57 leechy leechy candelope and leechy orange cream that was one of my favorites berry peach lemonade also very good strawberry mentin chocolate I liked that a lot vanilla coconut raspberry
Starting point is 01:18:13 vanilla coconut blueberry pistachio with chocolate salted peanut butter and honey with chocolate that was also one of my very favorites and vietnamese coffee may be my favorite of all vietnamese coffee was delightful I've had a few of these I haven't had all of them as of this recording
Starting point is 01:18:29 but we got these a week or so in advance of when we're actually gonna record this bad boy yeah hold on we've had these for a couple weeks now we've had these for a while so yeah you didn't binge on these I will say the ones that stood out to me the candelope
Starting point is 01:18:45 and leechy I thought was delicious I love the candelope flavor I found that's so refreshing I had that on a very hot day I thought it was great vietnamese coffee I agree was great another one I'll note just because it surprised me I didn't think the strawberry mint with chocolate was going to work but it worked swimmingly
Starting point is 01:19:01 it was a delightful combination you can tell it's high quality product you can tell it's real fruit and the one I'm eating right now which I have not had yet is the vanilla coconut blueberry which is coconut milk vanilla extract and blueberries and cane sugar and that one also very refreshing
Starting point is 01:19:17 like the cream sickle it's also got just that little element of not dairy but a dairy substitute and we are creamsmen Mitch and I like that attribute I'm eating this blueberry vanilla coconut right now
Starting point is 01:19:33 your creamsmen and I'm liking this daily are you noshing on something as well you've got a nice pop in front of you let me open one up here I have to say I have 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 left 6 left so I did
Starting point is 01:19:49 I ate this was a roller coaster for me I have to be honest because the first one I ate was to me I was like what the f and why did you do this and that one in particular was the salted peanut butter and honey
Starting point is 01:20:05 with chocolate I just disliked the texture it was a bad one to start with that was my second favorite one I loved that one maybe it's my own personal I love peanut butter but not frozen necessarily
Starting point is 01:20:21 but then I have to say one of the top 5 popsicle experiences of my entire life with the mango chili the mango chili is actively hot it has heat on your tongue and then you get down to the bottom and the heat stops but you're just eating
Starting point is 01:20:37 the mango ice cream and it is a brilliantly that reminded me of real popsicle experience I was just like oh my god wow the beauty of popsicle I don't think about them but it really did
Starting point is 01:20:53 wow this is an incredibly brilliant thing you did here and there's salt on the outside so it's really beautiful I love the idea that there's coconut milk in it it's like it's less harsh on your system
Starting point is 01:21:09 I really like the cantaloupe leechy I still have the pistachio chocolate and I love the vanilla coconut raspberry and coconut blueberry very well made
Starting point is 01:21:25 these were like top notch really good which ones do you have left there we can recommend one I have Vietnamese coffee do you like Vietnamese coffee? it's so good
Starting point is 01:21:41 I'm gonna try this Vietnamese coffee I'm gonna try not to smack my lips I'm sorry if I I've been wheeling back from the microphone and I've been munching on this vanilla coconut blueberry ice pop and as I was doing so I flung my
Starting point is 01:21:57 ice pop up accidentally wildly and hit myself in the brim of my hat but that's gotta be like a common summertime faux pas you're out in the beach with an ice pop and you got a big hat on you hit yourself in the brim of your hat with your ice pop
Starting point is 01:22:13 it's gotta happen oh I'm sure over the course of it's happened at least a few times definitely you know what's funny I just gave up coffee for you know just COVID I stopped drinking coffee
Starting point is 01:22:29 I don't know but I just ate coffee and it's interesting to feel I didn't think it would be that real because the Nomad coffee popsicle is like drinking coffee it's beautifully made it's really really well done do you have the orange cream have you tried that one yet
Starting point is 01:22:45 the orange cream that one's gone but I have the blueberry cream and I have the pistachio chocolate maybe I'll try the pistachio chocolate that's the most exotic I wonder if you'll like it if you're so so on the salted peanut butter I wonder how you feel about it but I'll say
Starting point is 01:23:03 my top four were the Vietnamese coffee the salted peanut butter and honey with chocolate the pink lemonade and the orange cream and look this place it was opening up this summer where all their business you know their business was supposed to about to start right now in the summertime
Starting point is 01:23:19 they were opening a store front and then obviously everything happened and everything happened and so honestly I think these are top tier I would give these five four because if we were reviewing them and obviously these are snacks for me but
Starting point is 01:23:35 give them a shot if you can because I think they're really really good definitely a snack for me the store is now has been reopened I think since we got these pops so I think if you live in San Gabriel the store is open again
Starting point is 01:23:51 okay I got a review on the the uh yeah it's not I don't want to slow it down with slow down my praise the pistachio is not my favorite but this stuff is transcendent popsicle really really good stuff
Starting point is 01:24:07 in general those ones they're not my thing because these are excellent popsicles and the pink lemonade by the way it was another beautiful like perfect thing pink lemonade yeah and the
Starting point is 01:24:23 the mango chili which you mentioned which I didn't also shout out but that was another one of my favorites very very refreshing and just that's to me what I want from a popsicle Wags are you a liquor or a biter same for you John I'm a biter
Starting point is 01:24:39 I'm definitely a biter like I'll definitely lick at first and then I'll just take a big bite and chew it with my back teeth yeah how about you Mitch for a couple of these like the salted peanut butter and chocolate and the pistachio and chocolate I think
Starting point is 01:24:55 like you kind of had to bite and then when I got down to the peanut butter bar I kind of sucked on it a little bit but I was I was a sucker for a lot of these like I would suck and then bite because you really get some good flavor especially with like that coffee one you get some really good flavors if you
Starting point is 01:25:11 are licking and sucking that's enough drop it's your real you know what you're doing yeah you're feeding the drops baiting them I'm a I'm a biter not a liquor again not a good asset for a jiggalo Joe Mecca
Starting point is 01:25:27 but that's where we are Wags I hope when you were doing your own when you're doing your thing with yourself it wasn't the same thing alright again the Dough Boys can't be bought I'm saying when you were sucking your dick
Starting point is 01:25:43 I hope you didn't bite your own dick but you said doing the thing with yourself oh but when you were doing the thing with yourself it was like I like how that came out anyway it's like how Henny Youngman would talk about auto-philatio in like the 50s
Starting point is 01:25:59 you're doing the thing hahahaha ugh check them out if you're in the LA area they can deliver or apparently they have a storefront that is now open but great products, snacks all around just like a restaurant you value your feedback
Starting point is 01:26:15 let's open up the feedback and hey we got a voicemail today let's listen to this bad boy hey Dough family this is Logan from the Hampton Roads area in Virginia anyways I've always been a bit of a Taco Bell skeptic for whatever reason I wasn't a fan growing up
Starting point is 01:26:31 and my dad always wanted to order it so I guess I had some resentment towards the brand but now that I'm an adult you know everyone loves Taco Bell so I'm hoping you guys could recommend some Taco Bell items to sort of sell
Starting point is 01:26:47 someone like me on Taco Bell you know what I should get there to change my mind thanks and have a lovely life it's a heavy trip that guy lays down man my dad liked it so maybe I have an internal
Starting point is 01:27:03 problem with it yeah definitely some self psychoanalysis connecting it to his father by the way what a dream home for a little fat kid like me if my dad was always wanting to get Taco Bell my dad was always getting trashy food
Starting point is 01:27:19 man I can't imagine you would have rebelled against that I probably would have I probably would have been a fucking health nut you know what I'm gonna say this guy fucking cheer up you lived in the dream life you little motherfucker
Starting point is 01:27:35 yeah it was like Richie Rich being like I'm depressed have a nice life yeah you do have a nice life you had the opportunity you had Taco Bell at your fingertips daily
Starting point is 01:27:51 are you a Taco Bell fan um no I'm not I haven't been there in quite a while I would go and quite a bit in college and get seven layer burritos and any kind of like
Starting point is 01:28:07 I was totally into getting like any new confection they've they came up with but it's just something about it makes me feel deeply deeply bad physically so it's like and it's like an 18 hour thing like even back then
Starting point is 01:28:23 I just didn't know it was happening like my body hasn't changed that much it's just not it's just that I know what I feel bad now it took me so long to build that brain body connection between what I put in my body and how I felt physically like I wasn't telling my mid 20s
Starting point is 01:28:39 where I was like oh wait if I eat bad food then I feel like shit that's the reason I feel terrible I used to eat like cornbread for lunch I would just eat cornbread with like honey and butter and be like oh man why do I why am I so sad I think I mean
Starting point is 01:28:59 weirdly enough Taco Bell has not been one that like really hurts me too much like there are other places that will get to me but Taco Bell for whatever reason I've always been okay with I think for someone who's trying to get into it the answer for me
Starting point is 01:29:15 I mean for sure my answer is a cheesy gordita crunch great probably the one menu item that is just like this is everything Taco Bell does that's unique to this chain I think you're absolutely right there that's a great invention that's like a burrito
Starting point is 01:29:31 that's soft within a hard taco shell type thing right more akin to taco but yeah it's a gordita on the outside and then like the crunchy taco on the inside but that to me look a lot of what Taco
Starting point is 01:29:47 Bell is in our friend of the pod and a friend of all of us John Gabers has said this before but it is just like a different mix of like seven six or seven sauces it's like a bunch of it's a mix of the beef cheese and then like a lot of different sauces
Starting point is 01:30:03 sour creams and everything all mixed into one but I think that you can do kind of like basic stuff at Taco Bell and it can that cheesy roll up itself just like the cheese in a in a little piece of tortilla yes is great
Starting point is 01:30:19 not bad and budget friendly some of that basic stuff is like the basic tacos or like a chicken soft taco people really love but in like the shredded chicken burrito is kind of like one of the more classic kind of simpler things that's really good
Starting point is 01:30:35 but for me I'm a five layer burrito guy I like the five layer burrito I like the beefy Fritos burrito I like the the cheesy the nacho cheese Doritos Locos
Starting point is 01:30:51 Taco Supreme and in that cheesy gritty to crunch and then like a quesarito you could do too but that basically kind of does it for me that's that's everything that I love there how about you guys I mean like yeah also just getting like a basic chalupa or whatever but I want to hear what people
Starting point is 01:31:07 think the so I mentioned that I you know I've noted on the podcast before that I my allegiances with del taco I'm a del dude I I grew up with del taco the first time I had taco bell was actually a bad experience at a friend's house they were a taco bell family and
Starting point is 01:31:23 a cup of beans I got a bean and cheese cup that was what I ended up having because I just didn't know what to order because I was paralyzed because it wasn't what I was used to but I have grown to love taco bell we can even hear my evolution of of affection for taco bell growing over the course
Starting point is 01:31:39 of this podcast you've mentioned a bunch of items Mitch and if I was going to drill it down cheesy wordy to crunch was going to be my number one answer that's what I would be you know top of the family feud board I would also say the nacho cheese Doritos Locos taco
Starting point is 01:31:55 like the Doritos Locos taco I feel like like those two items kind of like this is what taco bell brings and then if I was going to bring up another item honestly one that John Daly mentioned the seven layer burrito I think is just like a very it again tells you everything you know about taco bell
Starting point is 01:32:11 I think we get those three items plus you get a some Baja Blast to drink their signature exclusive drink that's what I was about to bring up I was going to say the frozen Baja Blast I like the frozen one but getting the regular Baja Blast
Starting point is 01:32:27 and also something that I can't get it in a lot of places a diet do if you don't want the cows get a diet do I think if you go with with with something of that something of that arrangement and still nothing's working for you then maybe taco bell just didn't hit you at the right point
Starting point is 01:32:43 in your life and maybe the negative association you have with it is just never going to be overcome and that's okay there are there are worse things in life than not liking taco bell in fact I would even say that's probably I would like to I would like to to hear you guys
Starting point is 01:32:59 or what like you just you should be hired as taco bell imagineers for how you just talked so lovingly about their food but what it would well it would be interesting to just just come up with a new item for them
Starting point is 01:33:15 like I don't know if I even have the brain space to do it I just realized like as you were saying the names it's always just like it's like it's like you know just a combo of two Mexican food words so I don't know yeah but that guy
Starting point is 01:33:31 needs to calm down right yeah just kidding man can I can I quickly say can I quickly say that the current day taco bell imagineers are doing a better job than the current day Disney Imagineers wow yeah I thought
Starting point is 01:33:49 you're gonna say del taco but yeah Disney too yeah you know what del tacos added some stuff to their menu they've added some things recently Nick and the new menu items are pretty good yeah del tacos doing bang up work so would you go to one of these places in Los Angeles like over like a real taco stand
Starting point is 01:34:05 yes well I mean I think this goes back to what we were saying about domino's pizza versus like a place a local pizza really like tomato pie which we hit on a few times like sometimes you want specifically I know this is not the authentic thing I know this is the you know I think this is the fast food
Starting point is 01:34:23 and this is the nostalgic connection I have to this chain is why I want it you like I understand that an intellectual level and and still sometimes I'd rather go to a del taco or a taco bell than one of the many many fine taco reas you have in the in the city of angels
Starting point is 01:34:39 I totally get that yeah gotcha yeah I love cactus taqueria but hey you know you can't get a crunch wrap supreme at a cactus taqueria you know what I mean that's the right dose yeah but I mean
Starting point is 01:34:55 cactus taqueria has like the best like my favorite burrito I've ever had so it is it is it's truly that difference but that's another one too that crunch wraps supreme I feel like chalupas all that stuff try the basic versions of all those things like the
Starting point is 01:35:11 gordita chalupa crunch wraps of primes all those styles you can just try kind of like the the more basic and then go more crazy as you see fit you know what I mean yes dip your toe in why I just dip your dip dip with a cheesy roll up dip your toe in
Starting point is 01:35:27 I like how we just did it dedicated ten minutes of the podcast to try to convince someone to to give taco bell another chance can I give him another tip can I give him get drunk before you do this I honestly that's great get drunk until you can barely walk
Starting point is 01:35:43 and then go into a taco bell with an empty stomach besides alcohol and then do everything they say that'll be great I'm actually sober I don't drink in fact that also is connected to my child it's shut up all right get drunk and eat
Starting point is 01:35:59 some taco bell you fucking loser yeah maybe find a shrink at a taco bell weirdo if you have a question or comment about the world of chain restaurants you can get them I'll just hit dopeboyspodcast at or leave us a voicemail at 830 Godot that's 830 4636844 and to get
Starting point is 01:36:15 always double our weekly bonus episode join the golden or platinum play club at you and John got to say something to that the guy who called in can I say one thing too fuck you you piece of shit hahahaha
Starting point is 01:36:31 hahahaha John Daly thank you for returning to the show please come back sooner rather than later please that was so great I love it thanks so much guys so funny oh thanks
Starting point is 01:36:47 my short film I made with Brydie Elliott that she directed is at the Palm Springs International Film Festival website right now for a week and then I am yeah nothing else really
Starting point is 01:37:03 I'm gonna be I don't know I'll probably do another live stream auction for charity I don't know nothing's happening but um yeah what's the name of the short film it's called the feeling sorry the feelings
Starting point is 01:37:19 yes the feeling check out the feeling Palm Springs Film Festival website yes I was gonna say I was gonna quickly say we had a Doughboys double session today where we did two episodes back to back and it's a testament to how funny John Daly is that this episode is listenable at all because he's such a funny man so thank you for doing the bot
Starting point is 01:37:35 thank you John oh cool well thank you for giving me the scraps of your time yeah we'll put we'll put Daly on the ass end no I'm just kidding I'm just kidding that was great thanks so much I'll do it for this episode of Doughboys till next time for the Spoonman Mike Mitchell I'm Mike Weigher happy eating
Starting point is 01:37:53 bye see ya to connect with fellow Doughfans and me and Mitch subscribe for the price of a combo meal only at slash Doughboys that's P-A-T-R-E-O-N dot com slash Doughboys sources for this week's intro are
Starting point is 01:38:23 available in the episode description that was a hate gun podcast

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