Doughboys - Menchie's with Jackie Johnson

Episode Date: September 20, 2018

The 'boys are joined by comedian and fellow podcaster Jackie Johnson (Natch Beaut) to discuss the food scene in Dallas, and to try several face masks as we break down our recent visit to Menchie's., a sparkling water-focused edition of Drank or Stank. Want more Doughboys? Check out our Patreon!: for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 May 31, 2000 saw one of the most consequential series premieres in American television history, a reality competition show set on an island called Survivor. Based on the British-developed Swedish TV show Expedition Robinson and imported stateside by producer Mark Burnett, Survivor was an instant mega hit, taking over the pop culture conversation for the summer as viewers are captivated by the conflict between its carefully selected cast and the novelty of its now-standard format of weekly challenges culminating in the dramatic elimination of a contestant. Survivor's remarkable success, combined with its reduced production costs via emitting expensive union actors and writers, birthed the genre of reality TV known within
Starting point is 00:00:44 the industry as unscripted. A rush of similar hits would follow, like American Idol, The Biggest Loser, and Apprentice, hosted by future President Donald Trump, and Unscripted seemed primed for a total takeover of the airwaves in the mid-auts, until a glut of derivative programming overwhelmed viewers, leading it to recede into a peaceful coexistence alongside traditional primetime sitcoms and procedurals. In 2009, another unscripted series borrowed from the Brits had a much-hyped post-superbowl premiere, Undercover Boss. The show, which disguised CEOs in movie makeup to work the front lines of their own corporations, resonated with viewers who delighted in seeing high-status corporate executives fumble at entry-level
Starting point is 00:01:21 jobs sweeping floors or manning deep friars. Undercover Boss also duly served as positive press for the companies and good sport bosses, who, always humbled by the experience, awarded their employees with cash gifts at each episode's end, a PR boost much cheaper than actually raising wages. In a 2014 episode of the show, the titular Undercover Boss was Amit Kleinberger, the babyface CEO of a rapidly expanding frozen yogurt chain that had been founded in Valley Village, California in 2007. Kleinberger, an Israeli-American entrepreneur whose dream of making it big in business was oddly inspired by a childhood viewing of the Michael J. Fox film The Secret of My Success, took control of the company from its founders, husband and
Starting point is 00:01:59 wife Adam and Dana Caldwell, at just the age of 27. The ambitious Kleinberger grew the Frogert concept, named for Adam's nickname for Dana based off a Yiddish word for a person of integrity and honor, from a single store into a chain that would compete head-to-head with Sector Kingpin's Pinkberry and Yogurtland. By 2010, the Wunderkin Boss would later go Undercover as college student Allen in an El Paso franchise had transformed Adam and Dana's small business into the fastest growing chain in America. Today, the company has over 500 stores worldwide, and like unscripted television, self-service frozen yogurt bars have proven to be not just a trend, but a normal part of our new reality. This week on Doughboys, Menchies.
Starting point is 00:02:48 Welcome to Doughboys, the podcast about chain restaurants. I'm Nick Weiger, alongside my co-host, Easter Island head with a body, the Spoon Man, Mike Mitchell. That's good, because that's like something I think about myself. That's funny. A different angle. Funny and mean. Yeah, that was courtesy of Tyler Guthrie, Tyler writes, first time sending one in, if I make it to the big time, tell my friends, Ryan and Daniel, quote, suck it. No Twitter handle, just wanted to roast three people today. Wow, Tyler. Hey, Tyler, you might have to change your name to Tyler Durden, because I'm gonna beat the, I'm gonna fucking fight my friend. Doesn't Tyler, isn't Tyler Durden like the
Starting point is 00:03:36 biggest badass? He is a badass. That's why I said I changed it from I'm gonna kick your ass. So you're gonna get your ass kicked. That's what you're saying. So in a basement cage fight situation, I'm kind of like meatloaf's character in Fight Club. I see that. Yeah, we all see that niche. Have you seen that little emoji that looks like the Easter Island head? Oh yeah, what is that guy? I don't know, but he looks like that. What the fuck? Hold now, hold on a second. You haven't even introduced you yet. I'm coming in hot tonight, baby. Get ready. Nick, are you looking for the emoji? No, I'm not. No, I'm about to play my drop. This is insane. My head, I don't want to see the emoji. I'll get mad. You got a big head is all we're saying. I know I have a big head, Nick.
Starting point is 00:04:29 That's what makes you unique and special. It's beautiful. Man, I was a C-section baby. Yeah, I bet you were. Thank God. I was a C-section. We're like a D-section. What does that mean? I had to go up a letter. I had to go up a letter because my head was bad. I was a beautiful baby. Anyways, how to out to Spoon Nation. Here's a drop, Nick in guest mystery guest. Big through the ditches and burr, through the ditches, classic Dracula show. Dragula. Big through the ditches and burr, through the ditches, classic Dracula show. Dragula. I just want to let everyone know I remember Dragula. I think that's a lot of fun.
Starting point is 00:05:29 I can suck my own dick. What the fuck is this? Didn't listen to it before. Yeah, clearly. Took a turn at the end. We thought it was fun because it was called drop. Oh no, this always fucking happens. What is this? Kanye West and Little Pump. I love it. Oh, cool. That was next on SoundCloud, apparently. Very I stopped it. Thanks, Gavin. I mean, maybe you don't know your name. I don't know if you, well, you, you, you credit yourself as Professor P.J. Cornucopia. Well, thank you, whoever you are. I feel like you could, you both Gibson. You both should listen to these in advance because they're not that long and then also read the email in advance. I read the email. I read the email wider. So you're, you're saying I should read the email.
Starting point is 00:06:15 I read the fucking. Okay. All right. But you could maybe listen to the drop beforehand. Bet it first. First of all, I asked everyone on the table. I said, Hey, there's a bunch of options. I said them all. One was called beat off, which I guess is a ruin on a future drop. And then I said, drop you. Nick, you liked the title. I assume they didn't pre-screen it. I don't know what the content was. It's going to be until you hear it. Oh, God. Guys, as you read the email, I'm not sure if you comprehended the email. It seemed like you, because you weren't, what does that mean? You were unclear on what you, what this guy wanted and and it seems like you would know his email name was Gavin and then and then he signed off as profess for professor pj
Starting point is 00:06:54 cornucopia. All right. Well, that must be his. I didn't comprehend it. You fucking condescending piece of shit. You didn't comprehend it. Yeah. I stand by that. I'm snoot. I'm your snooty piece of shit. What did you get on your S. A. D. verbal? I took it back. You know, I'll say what I got on my S. A. T's. It's not that great. I'm sure Nick got a 13 or 1400. I did. Okay. Saturday's testing is what you get. I got a 14 30. You dig it a 1400. Of course he did. But whatever. Saturday's testing is stupid. What was that gauge? And it gauges how well you are at taking test? Could you do a testing taking test? I did no prep. I just showed up and did it. It's just like you know, but I'm just saying that's that's what the skill is because like that's it's so
Starting point is 00:07:40 it's bullshitting via form. And that's like that's the thing I'm best at is bullshitting like going in and not knowing anything and then pretending like I know something. And that's what that's all the S. A. T is evaluating your ability to do that. I got a 12 30. Same fine. Same as my normal wake up time. Hey, that was cute. And I that's a great score. I showed my mom. I said I got a 12. I got it was a 6 20 and in math and 6 10 and verbal. I believe it's your regular Brainiac even healed. I showed my I so I told my mom. I said this is what I got and she said you're not taking it again. Yeah, that's a great score. I don't know. She was. She didn't want me to want to jinx it. I'm going to take it again and do worse. I know what that big head's all about
Starting point is 00:08:24 holding a big old brain. God I did worse than you. It's still you still did well. You I think you outperformed people's perception. Fuck you. I'll kill you. Mitch. Let's introduce our guest. But there wasn't there. I wanted to talk about how there was new Nintendo news. There was a lot of stuff, but you just came at me and I didn't come at I didn't get how come on. I didn't come out. Let's introduce our guest. You're being defensive. Honestly, I don't think he came at you that hard from an out from an outsider's perspective. Thank you so much. She's the host of the Natch Butte podcast and she has a very even take on this conflict. We are currently embroiled. Jackie Johnson is here. Hi, Jack. Hello. Thanks for having me. Thank you for making
Starting point is 00:09:07 time for us. Thank you for being here. This is long overdue. Long overdue. I've been. I've gotten at least four tweets that I need to come on at least for maybe five. So people want this. You're welcome everybody. I'm here. We're very happy to have you. It's it's it's it's long overdue. You you've helped me out in my life. We'll talk about that. We've known. We have known each other for a long time. It is true. But I feel like this will be the longest conversation we've ever had. Well, you would say that with you and I, Jackie. We were like friends. You and Nick. You like who's just the guy that we all kind of knew. Right? Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I'm at the door as soon as the show's over. We're talking about you. You have a beautiful life outside of Upright Citizens
Starting point is 00:09:47 Brigade. I think we're all envious of that, you know. Oh boy. Okay. I don't know about this. There's those kids that hang out a little too long after school. That's true. And then the kids that go home, you know, because they're happy. Right. Hanging out after school is cool. It depends on who you ask. You're gonna run home and do your homework while you're can lead to delinquency. Well, he got he got you got more points than you and me. I can't believe you're going to take his side. I know when no one's taken side. I just think you should listen to it first. Are you that damn busy? It was like 30 seconds. Put some effort into this. I think it's fun to play them off. I think it's fun to just play them randomly, unless it's really bad. Right. In which
Starting point is 00:10:29 case, then we have to edit in the record, which we've done before. Jackie, you're from Dallas, Texas. That's right. What a food scene in Dallas. The chain restaurant capital of America, I would argue. Wow. Okay. What's the what's the case for that? Well, all the Brinker restaurants started in Dallas. Right. So that's Chili's on the border. Maggiano's, Little Italy, a few other ones probably now. Dave and Buster's flagship is in Dallas. I know this because my dad is in the restaurant business. Is he really? Yes. What capacity? He furnishes restaurants and hotels. Whoa. That's cool. That's cool. So I know my way around the damn Chili's everybody. Okay. I know my way around. Wait. So what is business? So we're talking about like like the booths,
Starting point is 00:11:16 the tables, everything that's all the furniture that's in there, that stuff that's potentially going to read out. Booths for days, chairs, tables, even if we want to get wild lighting. Wow. You know, sometimes there's some lighting involved. Like those Budweiser lamps. You know, my dad did rep a company for a while that did neon. Oh, cool. So yeah. I was like there's some neon thrown in. I was like, you know, the ones I'm thinking of a pizza parlor lamp. It's like the overhanging lamp. That's you. That's sometimes got a beer company logo on those. I always thought those are so sorry. I bet you could get one Mitch right here over your table. Yeah. An upgrade over your chandelier. There's three of the five bulbs burned out.
Starting point is 00:11:56 Nick, here's the deal with those. You know, it's funny for you to make these little comments, you know, when if you look, if you actually took a closer look, a thing that you, you accuse me of a lot of the time, those two bulbs that aren't burnt out, they come from the city. They're bulbs that they're bulbs that are supposed to last much longer. These bulbs burn out. I put them in this year. Not even I put them in two months ago. They burn out insanely fast. They're conventional bulbs. It's a it's a dimmer light is maybe the part of the issue. So I don't know what's happening to lower your wattage. The ones that are that are on are the ones sanctioned to you by the city by the city. Wait. So those are those are the energy saving bulbs. That's correct.
Starting point is 00:12:33 You had the conventional bulbs in the other side conventional. What do you do with the conventional because I've tried everything. I've tried every single thing they and nothing is working and the energy saving ones didn't work. The ones from the city. That's the only ones that are why don't you just buy more of the ones that are in the city. That's the plan. I will get one more from the city. Sounds like there's a timber. There's a ghost. What are you talking about saying this is a thing that happened this year. Yeah. Wait, wait a minute. I want to return to this. Jackie, what did you say? I said, it sounds like there could be a ghost problem. It's not a ghost problem. Well, why are the bulbs going out so fast? This is a nice apartment. Definite ghost
Starting point is 00:13:06 issue. Definitely. We're up in the spooky hills, the black doll. Yeah, it does. I do feel that about these hills. Yeah, it's scary. It's a scary vibe getting out of my car for sure. Wait, hold on now. There was there was two things you. I'm trying to turn. I don't want to talk about ghosts too much. Okay, you'll get scared. I saw the nun recently didn't scare me too much. I'm right. I'm right in a horror movie. Yes. These days it's hard to be more horrific on screen than the Catholic church in our reality. Very true. Leave your politics out of it. Hashtag believe priests. Oh, no. Oh, no. I don't like that. Speaking of edits, I'll have to make later. What were you going to say? Yeah, what are you going to say? Oh,
Starting point is 00:13:53 yeah, you can't tell a joke anymore. I don't believe the priest. I know. I know. No one thinks you do. Oh, I want to get into one thing. Okay, but there was another thing that we were talking about and then I said, I'll tell you on the pod and now I forgot. Oh, was it your kitchen situation? I know the kitchen situation of your life. Oh, yes. Oh, yeah. Before the podcast started, I showed you my cats. Wally and Irma and I met him. You met the you met Wally and Irma. Irma. I keep in my arm or she's back on a little strange, but she's fine. She's gonna be fine. I called your dog Cheech. Last time I was over your house and I said it was one of the worst days of my life because I felt. Oh, I didn't even, I don't even remember that. Yeah, I felt bad about
Starting point is 00:14:36 it. People call her cooch. Like people mispronounce her name all the time. I don't care. You got a great dog. She's like, yeah, she's the best. Tell everyone what the chooch, right? Yes. Chooch is how you say it. What's her? What's, is that, is that the legal name? Is that like the name of the pet certificate or whatever it is? Well, when I got her, her Christian name is actually Priscilla Pearl Johnson. Oh boy. That's a great name. And I called her Prissy, but then about a year into her life, I felt intuitively that she wanted me to start calling her Chooch. Right. And so I changed all her paperwork over. Wow. And her microchip is now under Chooch. The vet knows her as Chooch. So we did a full swap. Wiger, what's your microchip under? I'm just wondering.
Starting point is 00:15:17 All right. I don't have a microchip. It's a good way to keep track. Not a Roboman. Yeah, you got a fucking macro chip, baby. What? You got a big old chip is what I'm trying to say. Okay. The only chip I see is the one on Yu Song's shoulder. Wow. Here he comes. So I should explain. Yu Song is doing the engineering work for us. Our, our, our regular engineer Emma is out of town. That's why when this episode doesn't air, the reason why. Yeah. Shout out Emma. Emma produces an attribute to she is my engineer. Emma is great. She's great. Yu Song, you know, we're hope. He's, he does his best. He's cute, but the lights are on and nobody's home. If you know what I mean, sometimes Yu Song's literally putting his head in his hands. You're doing great, Yu Song. So,
Starting point is 00:16:08 but she, you were like, you, you work with some of the same crew as us. Yes. Yu Song, Emma, some of the people who've been in our, in our studio here. But as someone doing a podcast, you've been doing your podcast for a while. You've kind of, you've kind of built up your, your following. Like, just let us know a little bit, give people a little bit of context for what your podcast is all about. I'm sure they can infer a little bit from the, the title, but, but, but talk our regular listeners who may not be familiar with it. Let us know what that's all about. Thank you for the platform, Nick. Of course. Well, Netsh Butte is all about self-care and what makes you feel beautiful. Wow. So, whether it's makeup,
Starting point is 00:16:49 skincare, fitness, we don't really talk about fitness. We have fun. It's a comedy podcast about skincare, makeup, beauty, self-care, what that means to you. Of course we have a good channel. What a concept, Tom. We could, we could have fun. I love fun. I like fun. We all need a little fun. We all need to just take some meet time, especially nowadays. You just hear how we said, I like fun. I loved it. I got no problem with fun. Fun is fine. That's insane. You sound like an insane person. I disagree. That's very judgmental of you. Thank you, Jackie. You're welcome. Yes. We're friends. You're not here. Don't take it side. You know what? I call it as a season. Okay. I call it as I seize it. I brought some items for us.
Starting point is 00:17:41 Maybe if we want to get wild, I was thinking we could do a mask. I want to do what you said before. Yeah. Put a, I want to do a rip out the gross stuff on Mitch's nose. Oh, you know, I don't think as Mitch's skin, I mean, it seems okay. You both look really nice. Yeah, that's nice of you to say. I'm sure my nose got, I got some dirty pores in there. Yeah, we both got some clogged pores. I've had some poor issues in the past. So wait, so what exactly? Cause you got a whole bag there. Well, I brought options. I brought options. Basically, I brought a couple toners. Oh boy. So I figured if we wanted to do a mask, I could do a spritzer toner on us. Okay. Then I brought masks for everyone's needs. I don't know what kind of skin y'all have. You know,
Starting point is 00:18:21 are you feeling dry? Are you feeling sensitive? Are you wanting to plump up? Are you wanting to definitely not get rid of the redness? You got to pump down. I would say just water and lemon would be good for that, but I don't know if we want to get crazy. I want to do that. I want to do the nose strip. We should do the nose strip. Should we do that? I feel like wait, maybe we should, maybe we should, we should, when we go to break, maybe we should, we should set the nose strip up and then we could, we could check in on our progress. Yes. And also we can put every mask on you song. Yes. Deal. All right. So deal. Just make sure not to put, oh, this is just ruined because I told, I told everyone about the sketch I was gonna
Starting point is 00:19:02 write. Right. I was gonna say just make sure not to put the mask on them. Yeah, you certainly don't want to do that. You song will be saying spoken. It'll be dancing with Cameron Diaz. It'll be a whole thing. I feel like if you put the mask on you song, he'd be like, oh boy, he would just be nothing. He wouldn't act crazy. I think it would bring out a side of him that I've only dreamed about. You would mess up at a faster rate. You'd be running around messing up everywhere. Wait. So, so outside of the, so the chain restaurant capital, Dallas, Texas, that is your assertion outside of chains. I do, I do want to talk about chains, but outside of chains, oh, what is the food scene like there? What are the things that you, that from your childhood,
Starting point is 00:19:45 when you think of taking a little bite of your youth, what are the things that you think of? Okay. So I am, I was a latchkey kid, you know, divorced parents, bless them. They were busy. We fended for ourselves a lot and I ate a ton of fast food. Got it. Oh, every, there were days in high school where I fast food for every meal. So my go-tos were Taco Bueno. Shout out to the Taco Buenos out there. Have y'all had it? I don't know. I've heard of Taco Bueno. Oh, it's y'all got to go. So I guess it's sort of like the Del Taco of the Southwest. Wow. Sounds delightful. I'm a big fan. Then Sonic, Sonic, Sonic culture. I mean, I got, I got proposed. I got invited to prom at the Sonic volleyball court. Whoa. My Sonic had a volleyball court. That's insane.
Starting point is 00:20:35 That's the high school proposal, by the way. Well, yeah, but we didn't make a big deal about it, like I've seen on TV. It was, Chase Hudson was just kind of like, hey, you want to go or something? And I was like, sure. It wasn't like a big deal. Chase Hudson is such a high schoolers name. Oh, yeah. That guy, that he chatted Hudson rolls with a bad crowd. I guess bad news. He was actually really nice. Okay. I apologize. But he's not on Facebook. So I don't know where he's at now. That's how the world used to be. Yeah, that's right. Yeah, people just all I have are the memories and the photos. Right. Anyway, so it's in the book, your year book. That's all you had. It's true. Did you go to prom? We talked about this before. Yeah, lovely time. Did you not go to prom,
Starting point is 00:21:20 Mitch? I went to prom. Did you use song? Yeah. Well, it's shocker. You could use that for the last two. You song. We just got sorry. We got we got dunked on my brain. I know you song. It's not like I just showed up and I'm being an asshole. We have a rapport. Okay, we have. We know each other. Yeah, I text him weird shit. We have a whole situation. So it's fine. Anyway, he said I said this off air. But before you got here, he was he told me that he was afraid you were going to pick out. No. Okay, that was it. I promise. That's the last one. Great. An armistice has been declared. You get a prom puzzle at Sonic. What are you? What are you ordering from Sonic? What are the what are the menu items that
Starting point is 00:22:03 were your favorites? So all about the slush. Ooh, the dream sickle slush. Right. And the cherry limeade. Oh, and now we're talking my language. And okay, so humble brag. I dated a guy that worked at Sonic and he could hook me up. He you can make anything. Wow. So at the end of the night, he would bring me like a breakfast burrito full like anything like a hash browns inside it. He could break all the rolls. So I would get like a crazy big old breakfast wrap and like a shake. And I was like, let's get crazy throwing any syrup. Let's make a crazy shake. So I mean, it was a pretty magical summer. It was a magical summer. Yeah, that sounds magical. Oh, it was great. Also, you dated a Sonic employee. You got promposed at a Sonic. I'm telling you,
Starting point is 00:22:50 but they weren't related. I mean, they didn't go to the same school. Your whole romantic life is revolved around fast food. That's crazy. Mine too. So, so, uh, uh, Sonic Taco Bueno, anything, I mean, I think when people think about Texas, they think about barbecue. I know that you, you're not someone who eats meat now, but were you ever someone who was a barbecue fan? So there's this place called Dickies. Okay. And I'm not sure how many of them there are, but there are multiple locations. My dad and I would eat it. Dickie's like every night. What, what type of food is a barbecue, but they're one of those places they have put me in everything. The beans, the, the green beans, the bread. What's that Simpsons? The Simpsons joke. It's like, is there anything
Starting point is 00:23:33 without seafood in it? The bread, she says, I'll just have tic-tacs in my purse. Like it's like everything, everything at me in it, um, which I did eat at the time. So that was, that was good. Dickies. I'm all about shout out to the Dickie's life out there. They have great cups too. Like, we still have a big like stack of cups in our pantry. The Dickie's cups. Damn. I love a good merch moment. Right. So I'm all about those Dickie's cups. I am a little bit of a hoarder, but I'll always take a cup. Like we went to Johnny Rockets recently. Right. We got cups with our shakes. Yeah. Took one home. Of course. They're great. Like summer cups and I especially like drinking water out of a big plastic cup because I will knock it over. I've broken so many glasses.
Starting point is 00:24:15 So it's like, I like a big old plastic cup with ice and water. How refreshing. Yeah. That's, the plastic cup is nice. You know, people, uh, I think people perhaps underrate the plastic cup, but especially if it's got a little, you know, I remember in college, I was walking, they had a, they brought a bunch of N64s. It was some sort of Nintendo thing. They brought a bunch of N64s to campus and they had the, um, uh, they had these N64 sports cups. They were, I think they were trying to market like Ken Griffey baseball or a weird sports game. Preview of the N64 like years before it came out. All right. Contemporaneous will be attending college. Um, uh, it was in stores. I had one. Um, but, uh, you weren't, oh yeah. That, uh, I guess that does check. Yeah. You were
Starting point is 00:24:57 in college with Nintendo 64. I was in college at the big, playing golden eyes, smash brothers. I was Gamecube generation baby. It came out my freshman year. Wow. What's, how many age years between y'all? It's two years. No. How old are you? You're 38 and 38. Wow. Wow. Really? I'm 35 baby. Really? What are you? When are you turning 30? Did you turn 35 this year? Uh, I turned 36 in October. So we're basically, I'm just, I'm just a little bit more than two years older than you. Yeah. This is pretty big two years. You act like there's this gigantic generational gulf. Like I'm a silent generation and you're a millennial. Two years can make a big difference though in terms of references and things. Well, yeah. And also, yeah, yeah,
Starting point is 00:25:39 we never overlap in references. Um, but it is like, I mean, this is, this is like a, a, a, almost a cliche thing to say, but like in, in the context of school, it's like a freshman versus a junior. Like that feels gigantic. But then as adults, it's like, like people date each other and there's like, there's 15 years of age. I mean, like adults kind of end up being all the same age would reach a certain point. Yeah. It's weird. It's, it's very strange. 15 years of age difference. Is that the first thing that came out of your mouth? Yeah. If like, I feel like that's, that's a thing you'll run into in an adult relationship. Yeah. Sure. I was just saying that I feel like that's always been your friend. All right. 15 years older. No, 15 years younger.
Starting point is 00:26:22 Which is implying that I'm dating teens news. I'm always implying that someone 15 years younger than me would be 23 Mitch. So they're out of college. Yeah. Crazy. Right. It's fucking, I am, I'm a fucking dinosaur. I'm a fucking fossil. I mean, I first, I'm 33. And for some reason, I thought Mitch, you were my age and I thought you might be like a year too older. I didn't really see all were, you know, way older than me. Two years. Mitch was a senior when I was a sophomore. Wait. So are you class of 01? I'm 01. Yeah. Cute. My sister's 01. I'm 03. 01. Great, great class. Yeah. Class. Wait. So are you 98 01? What a year. Are you 98 or 99? I was class of 98 in high school. Yeah. Yeah. 2001. What a great. Everything went as great. When things back on 2001
Starting point is 00:27:14 is a heyday of everything. So, okay. So you grew up eating a bunch of meat. Yes, yes, yes. You grew up eating a bunch of fast food. Yes. At some point you become, are you vegan? Yeah. At some point you become vegan. That's nothing to be ashamed of. Or I don't want the Reddit people to get mad at me. No, that's fine. We actually have a lot of listeners and I'd be curious, you know, hashtag, hashtag vegan dough boy or wait, what's that? That's not gender inclusive. What's a better thing to say? Hashtag vegan dough. If you're a dough. What did you say before that? I was trying to say, I was saying hashtag vegan dough boy. Or dough girl. What's wrong with you? Don't get so scared. I just want to be inclusive. We'll be gender neutral.
Starting point is 00:28:00 Hashtag vegan dough. Whatever you want to, whatever your preferred product is. And, and... Most dough is vegan. How about vegan AM? There you go. Hashtag vegan AM. You solved it with a little bit of wordplay. But we do have some vegan listeners and I think I've hurt, we've gotten some feedback that there are vegans out there who listen to this and it kind of, you kind of vicariously eat through the podcast because there's some foods that you miss that you can't really replicate on a vegan diet. But when do you make that decision and what's it been like? Well, you know what? It's, there's a lot, there's a lot to it. I still watch the food network and stuff too, so I totally get it. But basically, we've all seen the, at least the vegetarian episode
Starting point is 00:28:49 of The Simpsons. Great episode. I feel like I saw that as a kid and was like, oh yeah, I get that. But I love Taco Bell. And just kind of shoved it aside, but I reached a certain point where I said, hmm, my dog is my everything. Like she's my angel. And, and I just, I just can't, I don't see a difference between her and the pig on the plate. I can't. And I said, no, thank you. Right. And I just stopped. And that's really it. But there's, I mean, listen, we all know by now, Google it, there's a million reasons to do it. Yeah. And, you know, do you make your own decisions? But that's why I did it. And you can still live a life. That's another thing is like vegans always try to outvegan each other. Right. And that culture is just really not fun for me. And, you know, I
Starting point is 00:29:41 live by example. I don't post food. I don't use hashtags if you do good for you. But I like to think you win. What is it? You win more flowers with a honey than vinegar. So I live by example. I'm a happy, healthy person. I'm a nice person. This is how I eat. And I still go to Taco Bell. I still go get food. When did you, when did you switch over officially to being a vegan? First day of 2010. Wow. Okay. Okay. So that actually, that's a good while ago now. So you are, it's because I know that you mentioned Taco Bell. Yeah, I love Taco Bell. Taco Bell is a place that, yeah, it is friendly. I know to vegetarians, but what is the vegan option there? How do you, how do you make that place vegan friendly? So basically,
Starting point is 00:30:21 if you are a Taco Bell eater, you got to get the app. Right. Y'all know about the app, right? Absolutely. Oh my God. So basically you get on that app and you can just sub out anything you want. You don't have to talk to anybody. It's a, it's so amazing. But basically they have the fresco style. So if you name any item on the menu, let's say the, I love a, I love the double decker taco. You say, can I get a double decker taco, sub beans for beef, fresco style. That means they pull all the dairy out. So it's easy, but they also will pull out the guac sometimes, depending on where you go. So you got to make sure they keep that guac because we need the guac. Right. We need that guac. Yeah. Oh, we need the guac. The guac will set off the taco,
Starting point is 00:31:07 but on the app, you can say add onion, add pico. You know, you can get crazy on there. You can have black beans. Ooh, baby, get some black beans, get some refried going in that double decker taco at night of cinnamon, twiz or vegan. I mean, I could have a goddamn smorgasbord of Taco Bell. Yeah, you can eat pretty well there. It sounds like I've heard that forever. Yeah. That Taco Bell is, is great for vegetarians and vegans alike. It sounds like I had no idea next time y'all go get a seven layer burrito. It's so good. Oh yeah. Get that seven layer and just just get it al fresco. Just get a vegan style. Yeah. I mean you listen to eat it with it with it if you want because there's no meat in it. It's a, but you can get it. I always say seven layer, no cheese,
Starting point is 00:31:50 no sour cream, just cause I want that guac. Right. You know, I want that guac. Yeah. I mean, I like, I've had the seven layer burrito as it comes and I like that burrito. I have eaten it at Taco Bell vegetarian because I had a brief, a brief spell where I flirted with vegetarianism and I did, it's very easy to substitute a bean for a protein. Vegetarian is so easy. Right. At least in Los Angeles, Dallas, it's not as easy. Yeah. Vegan is really hard there, unfortunately. Yeah. I've found it. What are, what are some of your go-to spots outside of Taco Bell for, okay, so vegan food and vegetarian. My husband and I eat at Piquito Moss a lot. Oh man, we're big, we're big. Oh my God. It's, I don't know why it takes longer so you feel like it's
Starting point is 00:32:29 better for you, but it's just really, really good. Yeah. So we eat there a lot. It's certainly, I think on a different level than Taco Bell in terms of either making everything to order. Right. The price points a little higher. The ingredients are a little, are quite a bit fresher. Yeah. I think, I think Piquito Moss is great. Great place. What, what, what, what would you get there? They used to have a burrito that was like all veggie, like a veggie burrito. Yeah. I get the veggie burrito with no cheese. Oh, there you go. And I get those chips and I dip the chips in it while I'm eating it and get that good, good in there. Oh, that's fun. And then the salsa bar, I like the green salsa. I dip that in there and I'm done for the night. Put me to bed,
Starting point is 00:33:09 you know, but other than that, I eat, I eat Indian food a lot. Oh, yeah. Yeah. There's this place called India's restaurant. Shout out. Do you ever eat there? Where is it? It's some in Silver Lake. It's like right at a, we're like, where's that? You know that McDonald's and like the El Pollo loco? I'm sorry. Everybody listening other than, you know, L. A. people getting very geographic, yes specific. The one there is a McDonald's near Jay, near Jay's Jay's bar that one. Yes, or further down the, the, the, oh yes. I think I do know what you're talking about. It's in a little parking lot, but it's so good. And they deliver to like four a.m. Oh, so all unite owls out there. That's huge in L. A. Yes, because that's weird. The L. A. doesn't have a lot of great
Starting point is 00:33:52 late night food options. They don't. It's crazy. They really don't. I think there's, I mean, it's just like, what are you comparing it to? If you're comparing it to New York, then yes, but if you think if you're comparing it to New York, then yeah, I am comparing it to New York. Yeah. I mean, I think, then I think that's that, you know, you know, New York's got more options. L. A. It's a little different because last call is so early as a thing, like relative to other places. Its last call is, is 2 a.m. or 130 in some places. You think a giant city like L. A. would have more. You'd feel like they'd have better late night. You have to search a little bit for the, the, you know, the, the taco truck that's out there late or the, the, the deli that's open
Starting point is 00:34:23 all night. I'm, I'm sick of this last call, like 115 bullshit. Like I'm going to call you out birds. I'm going to fucking call you out birds. This is a bar. This is a bar that's right next to the UCB theater on Franklin Hollywood guy who like the bouncer. He dude. First of all, I've been going in there for 12 years and I walk in with Catherine Burns and he goes, how are you? Sweetie ID to me? Like I'm like motherfucker. I've come in here every night for the past 12 years with my best friend. You know her about the big guy. Yeah, man. I like the big guy. He's an asshole. Okay. And it was nice to me at 115. He's like better finish that drink. You know another drink. He they start mopping around your pass of air. I'll be to get you out of there. I'm like motherfucker. You know
Starting point is 00:35:05 much money we give y'all right because you're the only goddamn bar on this block. There's a bar next to the UCB theater. Yes, Nick. You've been in there for probably a total of two hours. I'd say in the, in the 15 years that you've performed. Yeah, I get in and get out. Wow, but Mitch. I mean, I've like lived a life in birds. I'm sure you have to. Have you ever met any women in birds? If you're what type of questions are these? Don't act like we're not getting into that with me. Okay. I need an update on the only chicks I pick up at bird or chicken strips. All right. Well, I met my ex boyfriend at birds. That's why I asked. I'm sure I've met someone up for sure. It's a post show place. Yeah, because all the groupies, all the chuggler fuckers want to get a taste of old
Starting point is 00:35:48 Mitch. But then there's a billion horny comedy men around that are also true running around trying to talk to these girls and I and I and then I give up and I go to a table and you know, I don't know. I'm kind of starting to understand why the birds employees want to close early. I know same sounds like a fucking nightmare. These are the fuck out of here. I agree. I like Jenga. I want to fucking go home. The giant giant Jenga. I like the big guy. They get ladies with like um, sparklers on the bar and shit. It's gotten real wild in there. If I'm being honest, it was, it was a, it was, it was a fun time in my life at one point. Same. You can't eat at birds either. You got, you got, you got nothing going on there. I get onion rings. They have like one bowl,
Starting point is 00:36:31 like rice bowl, you know, whatever, but this is the lot. This is a cross eye bear. Okay. Right. I know, but you have it. You do have some of the, I've mentioned it on here before, but there's a vegetarian or is it even vegan? The, the, the Mexican restaurant in like West Hollywood. Do you know what I'm talking about? Crossiest. Madre. Oh my God. I've only eaten there a few times, but guess who I saw there once. Okay. So the first time I ever went there, I saw Toby Maguire, who's a known member of the vegan mafia. Wow. Long term, Spider-Man himself and Mark Hoppus. Oh, wow. Very cool. Which was a big deal for me. Right. Blink one HU fan. Yes. Yes. And then when I met him, I said, I saw you at Crossies. Madre and he was like, bye. We just said bye. Yeah. If
Starting point is 00:37:17 there's Mark Hoppus should be a frog and a children's animated movie, like when there's all animals, right? Because he's got his last name, a lot of yeah. It's really good. Blink it one, eighty two. I don't like and I was and I was class of 2001. I know what you're probably there. I know all the birthday boys were like all the fun. So I know. Hey, look, I like Dave Matthews. Everyone makes fun of me. Did you see him at the bowl? I did. I was about to say what a shitty fan. If you didn't go, he was just at the hole. I guess everybody not in LA. What so was Weiger. I was there. Cute. Did you go together? We went together and I made the Hollywood bull into the Hollywood smokeable buddy. I mean, that's it. Don't even bother going it. That's not true. I drink a bottle
Starting point is 00:38:03 of water. God how fantastic. I just heard him on Howard Stern and he did crash and I literally wept in my car. It was beautiful. It was very good. My God. He hasn't aged a day by the way. It looks great. Yeah. The musicianship is impressive. They are a tight ensemble. Look, we'll get to save it for. We got a bonus episode where we're going to talk to me regarding D.M.B. Yes. Yes. Yeah. Okay. Love it. But also you're crazy because Blink 182 is very important work. Blink 182 just it just didn't work for me and I never thought they were good. They don't like take off your pants and jacket. That's like that's right up your alley. That's your life mantra. That's my favorite Blink out by the way. Yeah. Toby McGuire Spider-Man. I'm playing Spider-Man
Starting point is 00:38:47 on ps4. Yeah, I noticed we showed up. You were playing Spider-Man. That's screening the drops. Oh, that's right. Nick. I had already spent 30 minutes cleaning up wiping down the table, which looked nice and clean. It's nice. It's fine piece of shit. Do you have somebody help you clean and I help put out the microphones with these on and then I did give up about halfway through and he finished the rest. But you saw did I not help for a little bit and then said I'm going to go play Spider-Man. You did help. Fuck you, Nick. That's why half the microphones have Doritos dust on it. You dust off my body. I have dust like how dust collects in an old house. I don't have dust doesn't collect like Dorito dust here. I hate Doritos really. That's
Starting point is 00:39:36 insane. First of all, especially for a Taco Bell fan. That's great. I'm kind of mad at you. No, listen. I could fuck with a Funyan. I'm into chips. Don't get me wrong, but I just don't like them. I don't like the smell. Are they vegan around me? I don't. I want to say they are. They're vegan. I'm mad at you. I want to say they are. I don't remember that Super Bowl ad last year and everybody was flipping out about them being vegan. I mean, you know, Oreos are vegan, right? I do know that. That's cool. I just, I've never liked them. It has nothing to do with the moral issue. I just don't, I've never liked them. If someone's eating Doritos within 10 feet of me, I'm repulsed. You know what? Here's what else. They're so smelly. Don't bring them on a plane
Starting point is 00:40:14 and open them up. There's some, there's some areas. It's a, yeah, they're smelly. I get that. All right. So here's the thing. Doritos in general are not vegan. Wow. However, spicy sweet chili Doritos are vegan. So that specific varietal, which is pretty good. I think the spicy sweet chilies are all right. Yeah. I thought that maybe cool ranch. I mean, nacho cheesier sounds like it wouldn't be, but yeah, cool ranch. I thought maybe had a chance, but you never, you never know if they're using real dairy in those, in those foods because they've got so many artificial additives. I was going to say Toby McGuire is Michael Sear and Molly's game. Wait, what? Michael Sear basically plays Toby McGuire. Michael Sarah, Sarah, sorry.
Starting point is 00:40:59 Okay. And Molly's game. This is the Aaron Sorkin film that came out last year. Maybe I should reveal that. Is that too much of a Hollywood inside info? I love that movie. I cried in it. Molly's game? Yeah. I feel like I've heard this. Did you see it? This is the most I've heard about Molly's game like since it came out. It should have gotten way more praise. I've never seen it. I just know that Toby McGuire. Really? Y'all should see it. I really, I love Aaron Sorkin. Aaron Sorkin tapped heart lead me when I was 22 years old, meaning he gave me a line on the set of Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip and I got into the acting union because of it. But not even like, I'm just a big fan. I knew you then. Did you realize that you were on there?
Starting point is 00:41:33 Oh yeah. Well, I have one line, but I still get residual checks. That's great. Wait, what was your line? Do you remember? Thank you so much. What was it in the context of? I was signing. This, the guest star was signing an autograph. Yeah. I said, thank you so much. And then I walked through the crowd and they did like a Sorkin sweep. And then as I exited frame, Sarah Paulson and Matthew Perry began their conversation. Oh yeah. It was a big moment in my life. Very cool. Yeah. That show has lived on in the comedy community because people hate it because no, because they think it's a crazy. I mean, there's the same. There's stuff about it. That's crazy, but it could have been.
Starting point is 00:42:09 It's funny because there was two shows that and 30 Rock came out and then 30 Rock just destroyed right. Everyone loved one drama, one comedy with the same premise the same year. The drama was actually much hyped. Everyone was like, Oh, this is the new Sorkin show after the West Wing. The show's gonna be fucking unreal. And then it was just bananas. It was, that was a, that's a banana season. I'd like to rewatch it actually now and just see if it holds up or yeah, how it kind of, yeah, there's some stuff. And then I get more residual text. Yeah, there you go. There's like, like, uh, isn't there like Christian, like there's like a, like a Christian sketch that they're trying to put on the air. Crazy Christian. It was because of,
Starting point is 00:42:48 Sarah Paulson was playing Chris and Chenoweth, like based on her because she is a day and Sorkin and they had issues with religion, right? Just sort of like how Michael Sarah's character was Toby McGuire in my game. All these real life imitating art. Yeah, you've, you've been in you've been in. Yes, I have a prolific career. You've, you've been in, you've been, you've worked with one of the best directors working today. Yeah, PTA. Yeah, that's right. You're a part in inherent vice. Yes. What was that experience like? So I, that's the, that's so cool. I love that. It was the coolest week of my life. Hands down. So basically I got a random audition for a movie. I don't think it said whose movie it was. And they were like, you'll be given this, the sides on scene
Starting point is 00:43:35 or on site, you'll be giving the sides on site. Sides are the script. So people aren't in the business. Okay. So I get there and a woman just goes, I need you to just say, like Dr. Three, please you're needed in the other room. Like she would just feed me lines and I would just say them to the camera. There was no script. I didn't get to rehearse or anything. I left. I was like, well, that's weird, but I've done way weirder. Did your managers or no one not know what it was? Like no, I don't think so. It was all just the mystery, right? And then they call me like, whoa, you booked it and it's a Paul Thomas Anderson movie. Wow. And I was like, what? And it was crazy and it was only supposed to be one day, but we shot all day. I mean,
Starting point is 00:44:12 I was on my feet for like 17 hours, but I loved, but I loved every second of it. It was amazing. And then Paul said, you know what? I want to reshoot all of this on a steady cam. So can y'all come back for the next few days? And we were like, of course we can Paul. So then we came back and we kept shooting it again and again because we shot it on like a big camera, like roller thing. I don't know. I went to film school and I still don't know what that's called. And he runs his own camera. Oh, really? And he uses one of those little like eye thingies. What do you call this lens? Jefferson Dutton did it when I shot a commercial with him. Oh, birthday boy, Jefferson Dutton. Yeah, the there's the there's the director's
Starting point is 00:44:50 IPs tool. It has some specific name. Exactly. The director's IP. You can see what the scene will look like in your little device. Exactly, but he's actually operating the camera. He was actually operating his own camera, which I've been on a lot of. Yeah, that's pretty unusual. That's director. They call it. Yes. Okay, great. I've been on some commercials where they used it. Yes, I shot this Dodge Ram commercial that John Hillcoat directed. He he directed like on Lawless. Yeah, yeah, that Tom Hardy movie Jessica Chastain again. My boy Shia LaBeouf who might come up again and in his fancy cinematographer guy kept doing that right a little lens and I was like, this is a dodge commercial. Yeah, I was work. I directed
Starting point is 00:45:30 like a branded spot years ago and like the cinematographer like had one of those and handed it to me to like like look at something. I was like, what the fuck am I supposed to do with this? Yeah, but you did it right. I just held up and I was like, oh yeah, yeah, it looks good to be a man all about the art. The fuck did I care? It's like for like sketchers or some shit. I don't care. Just fucking let's get our day done and go home. Hey, Dick, thanks for getting us into the position that we're in now in the entertainment industry. You did that sketchers ad for a hundred dollars. I probably worked on it for free. Yeah. What's the deal with Shia? Okay, well, so spoiler alert, we're going to talk about Menchies tonight. At some point,
Starting point is 00:46:12 I would imagine that's true that not a spoiler. I probably actually had a decent time to bring it up. Yeah, thank you. So Menchies, I first went to the Sherman Oaks location because I have some friends that live in Sherman Oaks and I used to house it for them a lot. And I don't know, I don't want to use the word stock, but I do keep up with Shia and I kind of know where he is a lot and I know the restaurants he frequents. Sure. And one of them is the Menchies in Sherman Oaks. And so, you know, when I'm in there, I always say, oh, hey, by the way, has Shia been in lately? And they usually tell me like, oh, he was actually here a couple hours ago. He was here yesterday or whatever, but that's one of the restaurants that he likes to go to is the Menchies
Starting point is 00:46:53 in Sherman Oaks because he's a Valley boy. He lives in Sherman Oaks. Interesting. Yeah, the Valley boy. That's very interesting. Yeah, I feel like that you don't, you know, that doesn't happen too often right now. Right? Hot Intel for anyone out there with a Hollywood star map. Well, it's really spot Shia head over to the Valley. It's really easy. I mean, if you just Google him, the operatic photos come up. It's not like I had to search that hard, you know, your own Shia LaBeouf was doing that weird art installation where like a paper bag over his head. I went to that was weird. Wait, what was that like? Well, I didn't get in because the line I'm sorry, like I love you Shia, but I wasn't about to wait three days in line.
Starting point is 00:47:29 I'm a busy ass woman. You know what I mean? Like I was, but actually, oh, so I don't know if y'all know this. So Saturday, he's having his little acting class thing and I have a ticket and I'm going. So I'm finally, I'm finally going to be in the same room with him at for 12 years. Can I ask you a question? Yeah, what is it about this man that you that you what? You know what? You know what? Mitch Love is blind and the heart knows what it wants. I don't really know what else I can say. It's one of those things where I don't really like the obvious choice in men, right? You know, like if all the girls are like, oh, I love Harry Styles. I love Harry Styles. I'll be like, oh, I like the whatever the third one from the left. I just I just don't like
Starting point is 00:48:08 to go with the obvious choice. Oh, that's good. How does your husband feel about all this? You know, I try not to really try not to really bring it up with him that much. We'll take a break. We'll be back before it was. Welcome back to Doe Boys here with Jackie Johnson, host of Natch Butte over the break. We all put weird shit on our faces. Jackie, talk us through what's going on here. So I decided to bring some sheet masks for y'all because, you know, y'all work really hard. I thought we could do a little relaxation. Fuck you. So I brought some masks. Nick is wearing a gold jelly mask, even though it turned out to not be gold. It just looks kind of like kind of generic.
Starting point is 00:48:57 Yeah. Here's, here's, can I, can I say what came to my mind when I see you with this mask? Yes. Come Santa. Oh, oh, oh. Here comes Santa Claus. Like I've got a beard of a jaculate. You look like come Santa. Whatever that mythology is, that's what you look like. I think it's pretty clear what that is. I smell a new Doe Boys holiday shirt. He bring loads to all the boys and girls. I don't like it. I don't like it. Stuckings were hung. Oh boy. I mean, if anyone saw this, I got off easy. Yeah. You've got, you've got just like a
Starting point is 00:49:49 little bit of it. It looks like a nose bandage. It looks like it broke my nose. Yeah. Basically, Yu Song is wearing a unicorn mask. He looks miserable. He looks miserable. Yu Song looks like a dog wearing a Halloween costume. It's just the worst day of his life. Yeah. This is upsetting. And then Jackie's got a cute little kitty cat. Yeah. You have like a cute mask. Yours is the best one. Well, you know, we didn't know what they were going to look like. So I didn't plan this. Yeah. No, you made it. You made it. I would have chose the cat one. It's great. Yeah. Well, you know what? Once we're done with your nose, if you want to pop on this, uh, this unicorn here, so if you want to join in on the fun. So basically these are
Starting point is 00:50:28 just soaked in a serum. Right. So it's sort of like just a concentrated dose of whatever, uh, whatever ales. Yeah. Um, I did a calming one. We did a brightening one on Yu Song. So he's going to have glitter embedded in his pores for a week. So get excited. He went, he was asking before because he didn't want any. He doesn't want to use one glitter. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Glitter's not for everyone. Right. He's not Mariah Carey. Damn it. I'm just kidding. It will literally all wash off as far as I know. I didn't read the label. So I might still be there. So you sound you're so mad. Do you know where Mariah Carey's glitter came out on September 11th, 2001? Yes. That's the release date of the album. That's insane. I just say that's I mean that can we just,
Starting point is 00:51:15 it's I mean that's like a funny. It's funny. It's funny that that's insane. Yeah. Yeah. That's that's. Do you think that's the reason it flopped? No one was in the mood for that that day. You know, it's the wrong tone for that. Yes. It's also so crazy that because it was a Tuesday, right? Yeah. To have your movie come on a Tuesday. Well, it wasn't the movie. It was the soundtrack, the album because it was the, you know, they did the movie glitter and then the soundtrack. Soundtracks always come out on Tuesdays. Right. Yeah. That's right. Okay. That makes sense. So, so yeah. So these masks will get us. We'll be looking very, our faces will be looking different, I guess. What exactly is going to be happening to us? I mean, most likely nothing will happen. Okay.
Starting point is 00:51:58 But you know, depending on what it said on the label, we'll be looking supple, moisturized. I'm actually going to have this is going to clean my pores. This strip should have black heads. Yes. Mitch, we put a nose strip on Mitch. It's like a Kosarex, which is Korean, you know, Korean beauty is huge nowadays because they don't fuck around with beauty and Korea. So we did that on you. So I'm excited. I leave it on for a few minutes and we take it off and we're going to 10 minutes. We rip it off and I'm going to rip it off because I feel like that's part of what makes it work. And then we're going to do this relaxing mask afterwards. It helps to close the enlarged pores and aids in relieving irritated skin. Very excited. It looks like Dr. Robotnik's
Starting point is 00:52:40 nose on the front of it, Nick. It really does. Yeah. Oh, yeah. The big old schnauzer is. Kosarex has a little mascot and he's, I guess, a caricature of the owner of the company. So yeah. Yeah. And in full view, he doesn't look like a Robotnik, but that schnauz and mustache are very Robotnik-y. Yeah. I've noticed that our masks are, our masks all kind of match our personalities. Mind is kind of bland and neutral. Come Santa. Yeah. Yeah. Like a guy who busted in his own face. Jackie's is very, very like cool and youthful and adorable. U-Songs is very like kind of, you know. Miserable. Yeah. Just like generally disapproving. And then Mitch hears his very half-assed. Also, is that just a full-size mask we put on Mitch's gigantic head?
Starting point is 00:53:33 Oh, there's little eye holes on it, right? Right on their nose there. This thing is, this thing is freaking me out too, because it's close to my eye. Yeah. Well, I didn't really, you don't have a ton of space right here, you know, like the sides of your nose kind of, yeah. It goes right up in the eyes. I'm gonna mess up head. Face is scrunched very like it's like a you got like a, you got like a helium, you got a balloon sized head and then like a face for a softball. Shut the fuck up. It comes in. It's just the thing you can take off. I can just see your teeth smiling through that mask. It is there. These are terrifying, but they help with beauty. Yeah, we're on board with it. You know what I gotta say? You also
Starting point is 00:54:16 helped me in my home life. Oh yeah. With food. It's related to food. I was over your house. I was recording your husband's podcast. Yes. Horny for horror. Check it out. And I saw your dishwasher. I said washing machine. Your dishwasher and you told me that I needed to get it. You said it would change my life. Well, you know, Mitch, you have a beautiful apartment. But you know, I'm telling you, if y'all want to know how rough it is in LA, you know, Mitch has got, he's got a good job. He has a nice place. He didn't have a goddamn dishwasher. This is how hard it is in this town. We live very simple lives out here. So same with me. My apartment is an older apartment. It doesn't have a dishwasher. So I
Starting point is 00:55:04 bought a tabletop one and it completely changed my life. It helped my marriage. It was amazing. It's so good. It is crazy with the difference. You saw it and you were like, Oh my God, that's a thing. I didn't know you could get a tabletop. And I said, honey, I emailed you the link and you bought it and now look at you live in your best life. It's it's great. What does it call an SP? STP or something? I don't know pilots. It's it's it's got some SP yet, not SPF, STP. I don't know what it is. It's not something to say. It's not the brand of it. Yeah, the brand of it. It's great. The dish my dishwasher changed my life. I mean, no, no, it's some. You know, I went on and I randomly picked one that had there was a good price right, but had
Starting point is 00:55:47 good reviews right. It's great and it's a little bit of a weird brand. I'm making. I'm making smoothies now. I told you and I'm and you got mad at me because I don't have a vitamin. I got to get a vitamin. Oh my God. You have to have a vitamin. I nice. That's blunder. I got a. I got a ninja blender is what I got. Ninja blender. I'm making do do a lot of blending. You make a lot of I blend every day of something that I'm telling you. I'm in the Vitamix cult right and I'm proud. I've been I've been making Greek yogurt smoothies. I put in a I put in some frozen strawberries, a banana and then some Greek yogurt, but I feel like it doesn't taste a hundred percent smoothie like to me yet, but a good a good way to get the Greek yogurt in. Are you not adding
Starting point is 00:56:32 any liquid? No, no liquid. Wow, but you get it creamy without like a smoothie consistency. Yeah, yeah, it gets it gets there, but maybe someone out there knows a good smoothie recipe. They don't know. Yeah, hashtag smoothie hack. Just know you got a great smoothie recipe. I like to add a little like a palette, like a protein powder or something just to make a little more sustainable. You know, sure. Yeah, yeah, because that's the thing as a vegan. You have to worry about like protein intake, right? Yeah, I mean, you know, I'm not looking to just drink fruit for the fucking morning. You know, I need some food, right? You know, so I throw some a toss in some powder. You song's leaving. Oh, wait, is he answering? Oh, my God. Oh, you song. I'm sorry. You song is
Starting point is 00:57:11 answering the door wearing the mask. You know what that that whoever's delivering the food has seen way worse. So I'm not worried about it. Hey, speaking of food, let's let's get into Menchies. So why why you you mentioned your Shia LaBeouf obsession. Is that the impetus for discussing Menchies or do you like Menchies on a different level? No, it just was a coincidence. Okay. I just, you know, I've been in there a lot and I just it's such a fun vibe and I really wanted to hear the double is take and I wanted to pick a place where there's a ton of locations across Canada and the U. S. So other other listeners could check it out. It's very nice of you. And also it's a great place. No matter what your food restrictions
Starting point is 00:57:59 are, you can get something to eat. They have a gluten free. They have kosher. They have dairy free. So whatever you whatever ails you, you can have a damn dessert at Menchies. Absolutely. I got to say this. Here's the deal. We've been to two frozen yogurt places before Pinkberry and Yogurtland. And Yogurtland neither one has made it into the golden place. Yeah, yes. Yeah. I think Yogurtland we we'd liked more than Pinkberry. Well, Pinkberry was the first. Yeah. When that I mean, Miss, you moved here in 05. I moved here in 06. I never I've never gotten out of here. Right. But like when Pinkberry hit, it was the biggest deal. It was crazy. It was like Lindsay Lohan was getting paparazzi to Pinkberry. It was like
Starting point is 00:58:42 this crazy thing about and then it blew up. And then all these copycats started popping up that were improved. Yogurtland is an improved version of Pinkberry. Yes, because Pinkberry is I mean, when Pinkberry launched, they just had the original flavor. Yeah, they had tart and then they eventually added green tea. It was their second flavor. And this was like a revelation that they had a right flavor. Huge deal. They had toppings and they were they were very like they they were they are not like they're not giving you a large portion. Yes. Well, they they do it themselves. Yeah, it's all behind a counter. So you say, can I get the original tart with the fruity pebbles and a few little but Yogurtland was like, no, motherfucker, you put your own toppings
Starting point is 00:59:22 on you pick what you want to eat. Right. And that was a game changer. Yeah, absolutely. And then and then so Menchie's and I think I think Yogurtland predates Menchie's though, to be honest, I didn't I did not verify the dates. But but Menchie's to me does feel like you might have been driving at this Mitch. It does feel like a bit of an iteration upon 100%. 100% refinement of what Yogurtland offers. Yes. I was surprised because you mentioned all the locations and this is a place that I've seen around but I've never been I just assumed it was an LA thing. It's like huge. Oh, yeah, international. There's over 500 locations across the North, across North America and like worldwide. And if you join their frequent buyer program, it works all over the world. Oh, there
Starting point is 01:00:05 you go. So I could punch in my number in Tokyo, get me my points or Sherman Oaks. I didn't even realize that this is a part of it. I didn't I didn't realize there was a frequent buyer card. Yeah, me neither. You just tell him your number, which can be a little shady, right? You know, because you're like yelling your number out over the crowd or whatever. But I'm not really weird about that stuff. I went with Jeff Dunn. How fun. He's come up twice already. He's come up twice. We were. We were one of the sloppy boys on the birthday boys. Great dude. We were working on a we were writing something together. So we Mitch. I want to know more about this. It's the horror movie I'm writing. Oh, that's great. It's about a don't tell us. Someone will rip your idea. Oh,
Starting point is 01:00:50 yeah. Good call. It's about come. Santa's. I was I was trying to come over the joke like that. It's about come Santa. So we went up there together. My place was extremely empty, but what I have to say right off the bat. My first impressions of it of Menchie's was this is better than the other two. That's what I thought it definitely is cleaner. The aesthetic is adorable. Like it's really it's really really cute in there. Y'all remember is really nice. Y'all remember what song was playing. Mine was celebrate good times, which I found irreverent. I wrote my song down because I was like this. It seems like such a frozen yogurt song. Yeah, but my song was Natalie Merchant. Kind and generous, which is a song that goes that's crazy.
Starting point is 01:01:38 That's a great idea. Yeah. No, no, no, no, no. Wait, which location did you go to Mitch? I went to the one up on in Glendale. That's where I went. Oh, all right. It was empty too. Yeah. Yeah. Or about you. I went to the Ocean Park location in Santa Monica. Yep. Excellent. Straighten to the fucking ocean. You should have gone to the ocean. You should have gone right into the ocean. You would have fit in with that man. You look like you look like a you do look like a jellyfish in many ways right now. Okay. It doesn't. It looks like a very jellyfish like. Yeah. Yeah. You're gelatinous. Yeah. Yeah. I do like like a weird like sort of like a like a half-assed like I'm doing like half-assed Star Trek like an extra on Aquaman. Right. Exactly. It's not a droop down
Starting point is 01:02:19 your face a little bit. You're starting to look like Hannibal Lecter when he's like taking the mask off. Basically. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Man, that's so cool. You can adjust if you want if that's uncomfortable. Oh, should I do that? I mean, it's up to you. I'm not like familiar with these masks. Yeah. How, what, how, what point are we going to take these off? Are we giving these on? I mean, we could probably get them off. I, I'm going to, I'm going to come rip Mitch's thing off. Oh boy. Okay. All right. I'm going to, I'm taking my mask off. I'm going to take off mine too. Let me get my last mask is him out. Somebody stop me. Okay. Here we go. Nick pulled his mask off and there's a bunch of circuit boards and wires. You do, you do look coming. Oh boy. You do look coming.
Starting point is 01:02:58 Yeah. That's from the mask. Okay. Ready? Are we ready? Yes. Oh shit. Ow. Did it hurt? A little bit. Yeah. Hey. Whoa. Look at all that. You fucking dirt bag. See him. I see one big one. Whoa. Mitch, Mitch has taken a day. Wow. There's a bunch of little ones. Jackie is inspecting the strip with Mitch. If there was an Instagram account of just people's strip results, I would follow it. Don't let's not put this on the Doughboyz social media. I think we want to see Mitch's nose gunk. Why? It's a food podcast. There's, there's, there's, there's one, there was one big blackhead that's like embarrassing that's in there. And I know, I'm sorry. It's disgusting. No, it is. Yeah. And then it's right there on the, on the way. Oh,
Starting point is 01:03:46 I see it. You don't have to point it out to me. It's, and then there's thousands of little ones. You song, don't be looking. It's kind of crazy how clogged our pores get, right? Isn't it? Isn't it insane? What happens to us? That's really crazy. Yeah. And that stuff's just like sort of like ensconced in there for forever. Oh, you song got, oh. You song took his unicorn off. Oh, he looks great. You look really pretty. You look even more fresh face than usual. Who knew that was even possible? As I met the Chipotle delivery woman for Dordache, she said to me, I use the same mask. Oh, there you go. She could be, she could be. So the Menti's I went to was Ocean Park Boulevard in Santa Monica. I don't remember the music that
Starting point is 01:04:29 was playing. I'm just going to say it was Dragula. Maybe they, maybe they, maybe they turned off all music in honor of you. Yeah. Because they know, they know I'm someone new. Oh no, I have a mask. I thought they were, wasn't there some sort of nose thing after? Oh, okay. Mitch is getting a mask now. This one doesn't have like a, oh, it's a unicorn. Oh, that's cute. Hey, this is kind of fun. I will say I've never, ever in my life seen a face mask that isn't big enough. There's always so much excess room. There we go. No, look at that. It's my, it fits perfectly. It does. It's basically my face is the size of one of these masks, which is insane. This smells really good. What is this one? Like what is, what does this one do?
Starting point is 01:05:15 This one says clear up skin, animated unicorn mask infused with clarifying strawberry milk. Oh, I can, I can, I was about to say strawberry. Cute. Mitch, you look like Dr. Doom on an all-carb diet. So, uh, so the Hojinn Park one, yeah, interior really, really cute. All cars. You know, you know what I mean. Um, so, uh, so, uh, they, they give you one, like the way these places work. And, and this is part of the, the, the hustle one size cup, which encourages you to, it's, it's a pretty big cup encourages you to put a lot in there. Um, the spoon is really cute. It's got the yogurt head mask on there. The spoon is, the spoon is huge. It's huge. Apparently by the way, the mascot is also named Menchi, which I learned.
Starting point is 01:06:04 I was wondering what the origin story, because Menchi to me appears to be gender neutral. Yes. But he's, he sort of reminded me of you. You know, like cute, friendly. If Menchi, if, if, if instead of the, uh, the great head of hair you song had, he had like a little swirly hat. Yeah. A swirl of ice cream. He'd look just like the, the Menchi's guy. That would be a fun Halloween costume for you. My phone is not recognizing my face. I can't, I can't go on open. I just put in my password. Oh man. Uh, you know what? I thought about Menchies. Menchies to me sounds like the Jewish Goodfellas. Yeah. We were Menchies. Good guys. They called us Menchi. It sounds like it does.
Starting point is 01:06:48 I don't feel comfortable riffing on it, but what are you afraid of? Susser's going to be mad at me. I said this joke to Susser. He gave me a thumbs up, said to use it. Oh, he pre-cleared it. Okay. Well, you did, you do diligence. Um, yeah, it does sound like that. And the, the etymology of it, it was the, the, the founders was this, this husband and wife team. And it was his nickname. Menchies like a, you know, like a, a Yiddish word. It's a Yiddish word for like a sweetheart. Yeah. Someone with a, with a person with honor. And so she, he, he called a, he called his wife, uh, Menchi, like met, like a derivative of Menchi. So anyway, um, that's, that's where the name comes from. Uh, I will say, we talked about
Starting point is 01:07:29 this at being an iteration on yogurt land. This seems like the place, like it's got like the most options, but also what seems to be the most sanitary topping solution. The toppings aren't just all out there in big bins that, that kids are maybe putting their hands in due cause they're kids. Uh, they're all like closed off in little containers. Some of the cold items, some of the items that would be kept colder out in the open, but for the most part, everything is, is protected in plastic. It seems a little bit less likely to be a, uh, uh, you know, a big, uh, a big germ hot tub in there. Um, and I went with the, I went with a few different flavors because I wanted to try some things. This is my first time there. I got the, uh, the tastes, the takes the cake, which
Starting point is 01:08:06 is their cake batter flavor topped with fresh strawberries. Uh, the cake batter, I thought was an okay execution of it, uh, from a frozen yogurt cake batter, uh, a Play-Doh aftertaste, which I think is kind of unavoidable when you have the, the cake batter, but it was pretty strong here. A little unpleasant. How creamy was it? You know what I mean? The texture was pretty good. I'd say that the creaminess was, the creaminess factor was good. They were all, all the flavors were, were nice and creamy. I think the texture was consistent across all of them. The flavors were hit and miss. The strawberries, I will say, were, were quite nice and fresh for, for something that, that, you know, for a chain this size to have produce that nice. I was, I was impressed.
Starting point is 01:08:40 I really liked those. Um, I also got, they have a pecan praline, which is a low carb flavor, uh, which I didn't know exactly what that meant. I guess it just has less sugar, but maybe not doesn't, I don't know if it has additives or what. Um, I topped that with Reese's Peanut Butter Cup pieces. So they actually crumbled up Reese's Peanut Butter Cups that you can, you can throw on there and Hershey's Classic Caramel. This way I'd say this is the best flavor. The flavor was great. I think the, the, it cut the sweetness, but not the, um, the intensity of the flavor. It actually, the pecan praline came across really, really well. I was very impressed. The Crumble Peanut Butter Cups were a delight. The caramel was, was functional. You know, maybe it would have been
Starting point is 01:09:16 nice if it was warm, but what are you going to do? Uh, like a hot butterscotch might have been preferable to a room temp caramel. Um, and then I also got the Oreo, just the cream and then Oreo, just the cookie. So they have two flavors. You can swirl them. That's what they do. Uh, and then I threw some Oreo cookie pieces on there and some Heath Bar pieces. I will just say that just the cookie flavor, which is like, you know, just the chocolate cookie part of the Oreo had this weird sort of artificial sort of snack wells. If you guys remember snack wells, it kind of tasted like that. It didn't have like a great chocolatey taste. The just the cream better, but it was just kind of a vague sweetness. Just the cream I had and I
Starting point is 01:09:48 thought was great. Yeah. It was good. It was better. I mean, it was definitely better than the, the, uh, you know, uh, the, the second best of the flavors I had. Um, the swirl didn't capture Oreos at all. It didn't feel like I was eating an Oreo flavor from that because it didn't have the textural element of the, uh, the toppings or like cookies and cream ice cream, I feel like worked a lot better than this, just like trying to simulate the taste of it. Uh, but the toppings worked with it. I thought all the toppings were high quality. The flavors were inconsistent, but the flavor that worked, the pecan praline, and then to a lesser degree, the, the, just the cream I thought were quite nice. Uh, what about what you guys got? Oh, and the customer service.
Starting point is 01:10:19 There's one guy working there. One guy solo dolo. Yeah. He was running a solo. He fucking was killing it. I want, we want, you, you went to the one on, on Brian brand Boulevard. Yeah. When I walked in, there was no one there. So I was like, what the hell? It's just like an empty place done. And I walked in and then he came out, you know, he was, you know, do you remember the name of the, the employee? I do not know, but my guy was named Keenan. Oh, all right. Yeah. That's African American. Oh no, a different guy. Yeah. Yeah. He was very, that's what I love about Menchies is that employees are very, very polite. Yeah. And that's something that must be up the corporate ladder was some kind of decision because how many people are assholes in LA when they serve you and to me,
Starting point is 01:10:58 being Southern from Texas hospitality, I can't stand when you spend money somewhere and they're rude to you. Right. It's like, honey, you're getting paid to serve me. Why are you acting like I'm putting you out? Yeah. I mean, I understand, you know, like, you know, that's a, that's a, that's a shitty tough job. And maybe sometimes people are having a shitty day and that's fine. But yeah, it is nice when people give you some friendly customer service. I had a classic SoCal surfer dude blonde you in mine and and he was very friendly. He was cute. It was a very, very, very nice young man. I was clearly a goober. Yeah, I was gonna say you try to describe yourself as a classic California SoCal surfer dude. Yeah, we were pees in a pod. No,
Starting point is 01:11:39 you're not. That's my point. I was there. I was there with my wife, Natalie, and she was like, I'm seeing double here. And you say to think of Natalie. I know her name. I know my wife's name. No, we were this. So yeah, and I was taking a bunch of pictures of everything. So I was like being a real goober in there and he had no problem with it. Yeah, no, I, of course I had to do that. I took, I took some pics as well. Well, when I got in there, there's a little case and there's a you got, you got it. Oh, yeah. They basically did you have this? Yes, they have some cone pieces. They have, they have cone pieces within, but within the bowls. They forgot I got a little cone piece with mine. The cone piece was fine. Oh, nice. They say no extra charge because it is
Starting point is 01:12:19 just weight based. It probably doesn't cost you too much. I got the cone piece. I got the cone piece playing. I'll tell you, I'll tell you my order quickly. I got the blueberry. Basically, they were blueberry. I think blueberry mochis. Is that the, is that the bursting mochi? Oh, yeah, blueberry bursting boba. That's what it was. But anyway, I should tell you my ice cream first. I got, I tried every single one because the guy, the guy, the guy in there told me I sampled every single one. He said, there's sample cups. Try as many as you want. I said, well, I should try every single one of these. It's dough boys for crying out loud. And they didn't give you any stinginess about samples. I love that. I said, I said, I said, I'm sorry. I'm trying every single one. The guy
Starting point is 01:12:59 said, that's great. I would, like he was, he was loving it. Yeah. Very friendly. That's awesome. And then I tried every single one. What I decided on the last time I went, I went kind of chocolate heavy. So I decided I was going to do kind of a mix. And I did all right with it actually. My bottom two on the bottom of the cup was the pineapple dole whip. And I'm shocked you didn't get it, Nick. I don't think I saw that one. Oh man, the pineapple dole whip frozen yogurt or whatever. And then the original tart on the bottom. Ooh, I like that combo. Then I put, I put blueberries, the blueberry bobas, bursting bobas, strawberries. And then I covered that up with vanilla snow, which is kind of their, their regular vanilla flavor. And I put
Starting point is 01:13:45 Oreo crumbles on there, Reese's peanut butter crumbles on there and cool whip. So it was not a ton of the chocolate, just a little bit, just kind of sprinkled it on there. And let me tell you, it was great. I, I, I had, you know, I got, it was almost like I had two different desserts, because the one on top and the one on bottom, the cool whip was good. The cone, I was afraid the cone was going to be stale. It wasn't stale. It tasted great. The, I loved the tart flavor and I loved the dole whip flavor. They were great next to each other. Right. That vanilla snow flavor is great. I, I, I, I really, really enjoyed my, I, I loved it. There was, there, and I could have gone any way and I, and the way I went, I was, I was happy with, but everything I tasted tasted
Starting point is 01:14:26 good. Dutton got a vanilla and Oreo. He did a vanilla, vanilla snow and then Oreo mix of cookie and cream mix. Nick, you did, Nick. And he got Reese's Heath, Butterfinger, and Oreos on it. And he said, I said, fork rating and he said five fours. Wow. Dutton going high. Not to tip what we're going to say. Yeah. Yeah. Natalie is a, she's, she's like a topping skeptic. She just, she just went all, she went all smooth. She just went with just, just flavors. I forgot, I forgot to write, to document which flavors she got. She got three different ones. She enjoyed them. Yeah. I came more for DF than you do for Natalie. No, that's not true. No toppings. How interesting. Yeah. She goes, she goes, she's not into the toppings. A plain, a plain Jane. Does she like
Starting point is 01:15:11 her hamburgers with like no toppings too? Or is she, you know, meat and bread only kind of gal? I've seen her do that before, but actually she, in general, like at a buffet or she usually likes to load things up with a bunch of different flavors. She likes like a bunch of different things in there, a bunch of different components. I think she has a specific, specific aversion to putting toppings on ice cream or on, on yogurt and just likes the smooth texture. She dated the white bread of man. Makes sense. Hey, you know what? She knows what she likes. We don't get a lot of glamour, but you can't have a sandwich without us. It's true. You're sticking up for boring people. That's, you're right. Jackie, you're your Menchies. Yes. So I went to the same location as Mitch,
Starting point is 01:15:56 which is the closest one to us. There needs to be one in our area for sure, but I also feel like the yogurt thing is again, a little, the trend is out. I feel like now I feel like soft serve is kind of the new thing and I feel like before, before yogurt, it was cupcakes, you know, everything's kind of trendy. It's really funny. You say that, that pink berry was, it was like the place where, where like, what's her, what's her name? Paris and Lindsay were Lindsay organ was getting photographed because, and it's also just funny that that was like such like, like umami became kind of the place where it was like, but this was like an early like hot food spot, which maybe the first one I was in town for even. And, and when you think about it, it's just like a yogurt place. Who, who
Starting point is 01:16:41 cares? It must be so surreal to have been there and, and have that feeling of like, oh my God, this is amazing. We've got the next big thing. This is never going to end. And then you overexpanded. Now you're just like fucking whatever. I mean, I haven't been in a pink berry probably since 2006. Right. Yeah. Because they got passed up by Menchies. Yeah. I'm sorry. I want to scoop my own damn toppings. Thank you. I'm not interested in your stingy ass strawberries. Yeah. I wanted my own. Yeah. And okay, let me get, let's see what you got. Yes. Okay. So I said no to the waffle cone because it had egg in it. Bummer. Bummer, but whatever. But I asked and he was very friendly. He said, no, it isn't, you know, but again, everything's labeled. So I went with the
Starting point is 01:17:20 Dolwit Pineapple Sorbet like Mitch. Wow. It says right here, dairy and gluten free, non-fat. It has the nutritional info, which no, I don't give a shit about, but if you do it for you, it was, it was, it was one of the lower ones. It was 90 calories. It was surprising because it was so, it was delicious. It says no high fructose corn syrup, which I appreciate. So I had that. And then the other non-dairy flavor, they always have two, which I appreciate is the Jolly Rancher Blue Raspberry Sorbet, which I sampled. Yeah. Okay. So I went in raw dog. I didn't sample because I said I'm going to try the two ones that I can eat right. Okay. And then what did I put on it? So Menchie's has so many toppings. I mean, another butter, Heath, M&Ms, Reese's, Peanuts, Blue Diamond,
Starting point is 01:18:06 Almond's, Butterfinger, Crunch, Mini M&Ms, Cinnamon Frosted Flakes, Peach Rings, Graham Crapper Crumbs, Graham Crapper, Graham Crapper Crumbs. Graham Cracker Crumbs. Oh, you nasty. I mean, I'm telling you, come Santa wants a piece of those Graham Crappers. I mean, I took a photo, Granola, Captain Crunch. Yeah. Those Mama's Circus Animal Cookies. Right. They have so many toppings because I went with like a fruity profile. I went with the fresh fruit. Now I'm glad Nick had a good experience. I was not happy with the fruit selection. I went around lunchtime. The strawberries were weak. I'm really bummed about it. They looked frozen like they were kind of slowly like defrost. As a Menchie's regular,
Starting point is 01:18:56 are they usually like that? I don't remember ever having this experience before at the Sherman Oaks location. I'll have to tweet Shia and ask him how it's been for him. So I got a few strawberries on top and then I did mango and then I did some almonds and some coconut baby. And I took photos of the restaurant because there's a big basket of chalk and there's a big chalkboard and kids can go in there and just play around. They make it a big family experience in there. A lot of fun. And the really cute tables. Yes. They have a lot of tables outdoors seating. If you want to have a little chat with your yogi and your girls, you know, and I obviously picked the pink cute spoon with a little you song on top. So the doll whip, especially with the mask. Oh yeah. It was basically
Starting point is 01:19:48 him. Yeah. So I love the doll whip. The pineapple was delicious. I just took my mask off. Yes. The blue Jolly Rancher. Now to give them credit, it does say on their blue Jolly Rancher. That's right. It tasted like a blue Jolly Rancher candy. Sweet. I mean, it was so, so sweet. Too sweet for this lady. Yeah. No. Thank you, sir. Right. Was it for me? I tried it and I thought it was good, but it felt like something you'd have to just eat alone. Like, like, like with no right or anything, but also like three, you know, spoonfuls and then I think I'm done. It's very, very sugary, but I can only imagine kids going in there and just, you know, getting all hyped up on sugar, you know, with that. So the dough whip was delicious, but my experience
Starting point is 01:20:34 was great. Shout out to Keenan again for his help. Yeah. That's what I think the dough whip was delicious. The dough whip was just like Disney's and they might even say that on this. I'll check that one's vegan too. The dough whip at Disneyland. It was, it was, it was, hold on. I can even, Nick, I got it right here license that shit out. You know, it's dole whip pineapple sorbet. No, it doesn't. It doesn't. I thought it said something about Disney. It doesn't, but it is basically, but it's Dole. It's Dole. It's the Dole company. It's the same. It's the same thing. I love that. It was so, it was so good, but you know what? I liked getting it with other, I usually do the Dole whip float when I'm in Disney and I liked it and I liked that because you can just switch it
Starting point is 01:21:13 up, but I liked getting it with a couple other flavors just because it was very pineapple. Yeah, if it was just that and a bunch of it, I wouldn't cut it with a vanilla. I bet would be real nice kind of with the vanilla was great and I liked both vanilla. I guess because I got the tart one in the, in the vanilla, the not vanilla sky, vanilla snow, the vanilla and they're like basic vanilla and chocolate flavors are were great. I thought they were really good and I feel like they always rotate flavors. So you kind of never know when you go in there what you're going to get, but I appreciate they always have two non-dairy options. There's a lot of people out there with dairy intolerances. Your friends are like, let's go get yogurt and you're like, well,
Starting point is 01:21:49 I can't, you can go to Menchies. You can go to Menchies. Here's, here's what I'll say. The price for me and Jeff's yogurts was about $14 or $15. So a little, a little hard. Y'all went hard. Yeah, you guys put a lot of stuff in there. Yeah, we spent under 10. You can get out of there. Mine was like $5 at 12 cents or something. Yeah. Well, let me show you mine and does this look gigantically huge. It does, huh? It looks like you really loaded that bad. I mean, you went all the way past the top of the cup. So that's pretty full. You know, it's research. It's research. And also, I got to say this too. Here's, here's the one thing I think that they could do with Menchies besides the price. I guess for 10 bucks, that's a good deal. Yes. Though you can get an ice cream
Starting point is 01:22:31 cone probably in some places for a Baskin Robbins for $3 or something, right? That's way more than a damn ice cream. Oh, it's way, way, way more what I just had. It was a big, a huge Sunday, basically. So not, not super expensive. Okay. Okay. Price wise. My issue with it more is the, there's two things. I wish they just had a better way to sample stuff because those little cups are just hard to, it's just, and I wish they just had like a sample button where you could just get like a little, a little drop of it. It's overfill those small cups. Yeah. And then part of that is I wish that they had wet naps there. They should have a, that would be nice. They should have a wet nap station because my, my, Jeff and I left there
Starting point is 01:23:16 with, we were, we were sticky, sticky boys, sticky boys. Yeah. But besides that, I really, really enjoyed my Menchies visit. Is it going to get, is it going to break the four fork rating? I don't know. We're going to, we're going to find out right now. By the way, you guys are talking about dole lip. Do you mean Alan Simpson? Oh my God. When Bob Dole was majority leader, Alan Simpson was the lip. Yes. All right. I got that. Hey, I did it. I'll admit it. I didn't and I hated it. I'm youngest. Remember, did you get it? You saw I knew who Bob Dole was. You figured you figured that it was that it was in that ballpark. This terrible. Yeah. We all agree it was worth it whether we got it or not. For sure. So let's get
Starting point is 01:24:07 Bob Dole. That's my Bob Dole. That's pretty good. Boys. You know, remember Bob Dole ran against Bill Clinton. Hey, I remember. Wow. The worst. The worst. That's pretty good. Hey, is everybody talking about men. She's in here. We are Bill. Yeah. We're talking, we're talking about a frozen yogurt. Any of you guys, you know, you used to like some a lot of unhealthy food. I didn't. Let me tell you that stain on Monica's dress. It was just frozen yogurt. Was it pinkberry? Yeah, it was from pinkberry. It was in at the time. I used to go to go see Lindsay. Oh, well, you're vegan, Bill, so you could still go to men. She's like me. That's I am. You sure are. How do you think you lost all that weight? I can go home and tell Hillary. Bye, everybody. Bye, Bill.
Starting point is 01:25:02 Boy, bitch, you and I were born in the wrong decade. We would have made a killing as 90s hacks. Yeah, it looks like it's time for me to go home too, Bob Dole. Oh, Bob Dole's leaving. Let's get to our final thoughts on Menchie. So Jackie, this is how this will work. We each go around. We'll say our closing thoughts on this chain and then give it a rating on the order of zero to five forks based on a lifetime of dining experiences there. You're a guest. We will begin with you. I'm honored first off. I think Menchie's offers a lot in terms of selection, friendly, employee singular, great for families. If you go to the Sherman Oaks location, you might see a celebrity. That's that will favor, you know, their points. I'm a little disappointed in the fruit.
Starting point is 01:25:57 So I'm going to go with four forks. Wow. Wow. It has broke one rating. It has broken into the Golden Play Club territory. I really enjoyed Menchie's and the name is so cute. It's a cute name. I think that we didn't talk. The name is very cute. I think we didn't talk about was great brand integration there. The colors, the, well, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, just having Dole Whip on tap. Right. Huge Reese's Hershey's Jolly Rancher Jolly Rancher Oreo. All these things that you like all on display front and center. I agree with you. The colors there are great. It's a cute place. The brand itself is also good. Yeah. Both its own brand and then other brands in terms of integrating it into the menu. It excels at both. They do a good job. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:52 I done and I both had a great, great time together. You guys sit and chat while you ate your yogurt. We got some brain freeze for me to too much. The cool whip was nice on there. Like you could make yourself any sort of Sunday you'd want. Yes. They even have the pumps of the different, like Nick got the caramel one. They got pumps and marshmallow, get everything. One thing I wish, which I wish from all these places is that they had a standard, three standard ones that maybe they could help you make or, or they walk you through what to make. Oh yeah. Right. That's just a suggestion. Yeah. Just some suggestions up on the board would be nice. Um, they do have the swirl option. They, they pair two together and you can swirl, but some of them are very weird. Some of
Starting point is 01:27:34 them are strange as you go together. You can fuck yourself there. Um, for sure. You can make you wish. Swirl with caution. Uh, I got news. My first four fork raking for a frozen yogurt place goes to Menchie's four forks. This could be a historic episode unless Nick ruins everything. Well, here's the thing. The mission statement of this podcast is to evaluate each chain in terms of how it achieves what it is attempting to achieve. That's right. And I feel like Menchie's is trying to do something very, very specific. It is trying to as much as possible to perfect the self-serve frozen yogurt bar experience. I don't think it quite gets there, but I think it gets closer than any
Starting point is 01:28:31 place else. Definitely better than Pinkberry. Definitely better than yogurt land. Branding is great. Interior design is great. The layout is great. I think the flavors are outstanding. To be honest, frozen yogurt, not my cup of tea. I'm an ice cream guy, but you know who's cup of tea it is. You song, cause you get actual green tea flavored fucking frozen yogurt every time there's nothing wrong with green tea. It's a perfectly valid flavor. It's a great. It's a good ice cream flavor. It's a good dessert flavor profile. It's like his favorite thing. Lay off the man. You love green tea. I didn't know that about you. It's a good flavor in other things. It is. I agree. I love green tea. If it's a flavor, I'll get it baby. Menchie's gets points for not having
Starting point is 01:29:18 green frozen yogurt. I think it does. I think it does everything that it's trying to do well. And I think as trying to be the, the best possible frozen yogurt place, I think it gets there. I'm not going to give it four, four, because it's a yogurt place. I'm giving it four spoons. Yeah baby. Welcome to the golden plate club. Menchie's plus it's going to be those little cute spoons with the little Menchie guy on top. Right. It's adorable. You really tricked me there. That's what I do. Our hearts dropped. That was our view of Menchie's. It's time for a regular segment. We got a beverage. We're going to decide if it's worth pouring down your throat. It's drank or stank. So Mitch, what do we have here? We've got some, you and I are both people who
Starting point is 01:30:03 will have a good amount of Perrier just because we like some sparkling water. You've got a Perrier juice and juice drink here. Perrier's getting into kind of the juice, the sugar game with these new Perrier juice drinks. I feel like this is a trend that's happening is that people are mixing sparkling water with, right, some juice, some, and this, this one, like a lot of them are like, oh, it's like three calories or it's eight calories. They're very low. Right. It's just made with like a little splash of real juice. These Perrier's are 45 calories and they're a small can. So they're, they're really, so this is, this is, this is really, I mean, it's going to, it might be juice heavy, I guess, but we got a, we got two different flavors we got.
Starting point is 01:30:46 So it's the Perrier and juice Mick, sorry, Perrier and juice drink. This is a peach and cherry flavored one. And then what do you got there, Jackie? I am holding pineapple and mango. Pineapple and mango. So interesting flavor profiles. So we got two different ones here. You song, if you want one of these bad boys, there's four a pack. Feel free to treat yourself. No pressure. It's coming out of your salary though. You song is getting college credit. So I've got a, I've got the peach and cherry one here. I got the peach and cherry one too. I'm going to open it on up. I will say the branding is a little half ass. Just calling it Perrier and juice drink. They didn't do. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:25 Feels like they should have some sort of like a little pizzazz there. How many meetings you think they went through for that title? I mean, what a disappointment. Right. That's not very exciting to me. Yeah. That's like the working title. Like they use internally and they just decided to release it out in the open. It doesn't make any sense. It's like calling Jurassic Park dinosaur movie. Not a bad all title. Very interesting. Interesting flavor. Yeah. I'm not picking up peach or cherry. No, I'm just getting a general sort of fruit sweetness. I get a little bit of it. It's pleasant. It contains 13% juice. So weird number. It's very tart. Mineral water, sugar, peach juice concentrate, lemon juice concentrate, carbon dioxide. I'm picking up on that lemon.
Starting point is 01:32:13 Clarified lemon juice, more lemon juice. Clarified lemon juice concentrate, clarified peach juice concentrate, apple juice concentrate, sour cherry juice concentrate, carrot juice concentrate. What? For color. A bunch of natural flavors. So it's got 45 calories. It says below it's sparkling juice beverage blend of peach, lemon, apple and cherry juice. Yes. So they get a bunch of different fruits in there. It's only 45 calories, but that's all coming from sugar. It's got nine grams of sugar in one of these cans. So I don't think this is particularly healthy. What it comes down to is, is the little bit of a juice flavor you get there, the little bit of a the little bit of more pronounced tartness worth the nine grams of sugar you're getting versus
Starting point is 01:33:01 like a regular pariet with just some natural flavoring. I don't know if it is. Let me try. Let's let's try this pineapple and mango one and compare. Thank you so much, Jackie. Passing it over to me. I gotta say, I just I've just taken a sip of the pineapple. Yeah, I think if this one does a better job, this is way better. This one is great. This is a delight. This is summer sipping by the pool, baby. Absolutely. Yeah, this is great. This is honestly tastes like it tastes like a an alcoholic pineapple beverage that like the ice is melted in. It's just like gotten diluted a little bit. It's quite nice. That's pure. You think people that will make people think it's good? Well, I don't mean, I mean, it's pleasant. It's not that's an unpleasant thing. I think what you
Starting point is 01:33:42 just said on right there is this for sure tastes like something like this. This tastes like an alcohol mixer. Yes, it absolutely does for sure. I mean, both of these they're both they're like both flavor. I mean, I mean, I think this brand. I mean, this product is weird is I know I think it and I just think that these are these. Now I'm thinking these are just made for alcohol. They might be intended for that. Actually, that actually makes a lot of sense if they're if they're intended as an alcohol mixer, a low calorie alternative to the to the juices you're getting. And you know, if you're if you're making cocktails, those things are just loaded with with sugar. So this is definitely an improvement over that. Then yeah, this seems like a
Starting point is 01:34:18 this actually seems like a a decent solution. If you want a low car, a lower sugar mix in. So yeah, maybe that's what the whole purpose is. I don't know. Get me some Tito's and let's have a damn party. I mean, this pineapple of mangoes. I'm ready to go out tonight. I'm getting I'm getting Cronk tonight. Yeah, I mean, that would actually this would be this would be great with a little bit of liquor in it. If you had a goddamn Vitamix, we could have made some margaritas with these, bitch. I got to say. Here's the deal. Would I but would I get these probably not because we were we were just drinking
Starting point is 01:34:56 Jackie and I had these language sparkling waters earlier. They have lime in them. This this has eight calories and one gram of sugar. It's also a larger can as an it's a bigger can and it's just it just seems like it's just it's just it's water and the lemon juice, right? And there's a few others like spin drift, which I've had on here before, which just seem like the they're the much less calorie kind of healthy version of this. So and they do that they do the job well enough that why these ones are more, I mean, they taste stronger. Yes, they're more juice like, but I don't know. I'm not as an adult. I'm not going to get them. It's it's the murky middle of if you're going to have something healthy, why not just go all the way and have
Starting point is 01:35:41 the healthy version versus this one that's like slightly healthy. That makes me be like, well, if you want to have an indulgence, just have the indulgence. This is just an to me. It's just unsatisfying. This is just a gimmick. Yeah. Yeah. That said, I do like the pineapple and mango is pretty good, but I think I if I'm being honest, I think I have to go with that with a stank for both of those. All right. What do you think, Jackie? I'm with you a stank. I'd rather have a kombucha any day. Yes, I'm that. Yes, I'm that bitch. Okay. Yes, I'm that bitch. After after both of you guys just enjoy these there. They're out the window. It's fine. It's just what I order this or why would ever get out? No,
Starting point is 01:36:16 right, because it doesn't really do anything for me in terms of I would rather drink a kombucha. I'm going to give these a soft stank. I mean, I'm sorry, a soft drink. Okay, because I think that they can they can exist in this world. They don't know the sure like they have they they have some sort of purpose, even if it is just as a mixer, like I'm but you know what I probably wouldn't but that's why it's a very, very soft drink and in almost almost almost in the middle. So yeah, I think I mean no one's no one's wild by these. I have a feeling these are going to be off the market by by in the middle of next year. But you know, who knows? Can I give y'all is a drink or stank sound drop? Oh, please. Okay. Is it drink or stank? Yeah. Feel free to use that in future
Starting point is 01:37:07 apps. Yeah, that's wonderful. Yeah, it just came to me. You know, how do you feel about Jimmy world since you hate Blink 182? Mitch Jimmy Eat World. I also yeah, not that big of them either. I like them. Me too. I think Jimmy World song. That's nice. That's a nice weakness. I believe on. You think Jimmy's eat world is great. I don't think it's great, but I like it. That's insane. I love listening to Jimmy. Jimmy World. I enjoy Jimmy. Oh, you've listened to Jimmy Eat World. I said that I mangled the pronunciation of the name, but I know the man I've had. I've listened to several of their albums. I think they're delightful. You just don't like Jimmy Eat World because they stole your idea of eating the world. I don't want to eat that. I'm not like a galaxy
Starting point is 01:37:57 eater. You're like that was drank or stank. Just like a restaurant. We've got your feedback. Let's open up the feedback. We've got a voicemail this week. My name is Kirby and I've been a longtime fan of the pod. I want to try to take two on with this. Now when it comes to candy, I have friends that maintain that various experiments and interpretations are never as good as candy in this original form. Think Reese's Peanut Butter Cups versus its white chocolate variety or even let's ice cream version. Now I tend to agree with this, but I have one exception to the rule. I find that Twix ice cream bars just blow normal Twix out of the water. If I have both options, I'm going to go for that Twix ice cream every single time. My question to you is,
Starting point is 01:38:41 do you have a favorite candy spinoff that you find superior to the original? Thank you. Burger Brigade forever. Ooh, I like that ending. Thank you, Kirby. Yeah, great question. Jackie, you seem to have some opinions there as you were listening to that. Well, I love candy. I mean, I don't partake in any of the chocolate candies anymore, but those Snickers ice cream bars. Those are great. Damn, those are good. Oh, they're so fucking good. Snickers ice cream bars are so, so good, but I think... But the Snickers regular bars are so good too. I would take a Snickers ice cream bar any day over a regular Snickers. If you could only have one. That's tough. If one is taken away,
Starting point is 01:39:24 that's, it's almost, it's too hard. I don't know if I'd go far enough to say that I'd prefer it, but I do. It is really, really good. It's close. The Twix ice cream bar is good too. I mean, that's a good, that's a, that's a, that's a good execution. Yeah, but Snickers is way better. Yeah. Have you all ever had the cookies and cream Hershey's bar? The white, it's like white chocolate. Wait, I don't know if I have. I don't know if I have either. I remember when that came out when I was little, I was like, well, I'm done eating Hershey's bars. I'm only getting these. I mean, it's way better than a boring ass Hershey's bar, like a plain regular, though cookies and cream Hershey's bar is superior to the OG Hershey bar. That sounds great.
Starting point is 01:40:05 Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, no, no, no, no, no. Hold on. I'm realizing that I've have, I have had the cookies and cream. I was gonna get a bit as an ice cream dessert. Oh, no, no, no. These are just regular Hershey's bars. Yes. It's a straight room temp bar. Yes. Yes. That's a, that one actually is pretty nice. So good. I think that the Hershey's bar though is kind of like a, like kind of a whack bar. Like just kind of like a very, very cheap, plastic-y chocolate. It's not great. I mean, the Hershey's special dark is better than the Hershey's if we're talking about. Hershey's bar just seems like a thing from like the early 1900s where it was like, here's a treat, and it's just a bar of chocolate. Hey, some people like plain things. Don't forget about Natalie's
Starting point is 01:40:38 pro-yo. You know, some people don't like a lot of pizzazz in their, in their treats. I also, I also feel like Hershey's chocolate goes, what were you gonna say, Nick? Natalie's an adventurous diner. She's, she tries a lot of guys, she tries a lot of crazy shit. I feel like Hershey's bar usually go with stuff too. I have an answer, by the way. Yes. We ate them here. The hostess ice cream ding-dongs. Oh yeah. Those are nice. Those, those were better than the, than actual ding-dongs. And then I don't know. I see my issue is that I don't really know what this is from, but the take five candy bar. I don't know what it was a take. I don't know. It's a Hershey's bar, but I don't, but like, if it's a take off of a Reese's peanut butter cup,
Starting point is 01:41:21 I think a Reese's peanut butter cup is one of the best candies there is. So I can't. Yes. Oh, you know what? A Reese's pumpkin or, or Reese's, like the thicker Reese's I like more than the actual Reese's peanut butter cups. Yeah. Those, I mean, I talked about that before. I kind of like the proportions of the regular Reese's, but I get the, I get the argument. I have an answer. And I thought I was Googling here for a second and I felt like I was losing my mind because I couldn't remember the name of Skittles. I was, I just could think fruit M&M's. I was like, what are those fruit M&M's called? Fruit M&M's? I couldn't remember what Skittles were called. I was like, I'm losing my fucking mind. I think you are. No, it's just, we're getting older. Honestly,
Starting point is 01:41:58 I forget shit all the time and I'm like, I want to just jump out of the window. I'm like, how can I not think of that? I worked on two Skittles commercials. Like I have, I've like, I spent time with a Skittles brand. Yeah. By the way, do you know an individual gone? The internet underpaid. Yeah. Did you use the director's eye on those? Yeah, I've got that. I got the director's viewfinder for all these things. But the, this is an interesting little fun fact. An individual Skittle is not called a Skittle because the brand is Skittles. It's called a Skittles lentil. Ew. Isn't that gross? Yeah. But anyway, how interesting. Sour Skittles. The Tarte Skittles, they think they're originally branded as Tarte. In the green. In the green ones. Yes. But the
Starting point is 01:42:41 Sour ones I think are quite nice and I think I might like them more than regular Skittles. Well, there you go. Now you got it because now now you just think of it that way. Then peanut butter M&Ms went for me over playing M&Ms and peanut M&Ms were over playing M&Ms as well. Yeah, there's a lot of options. Take five candy bar as well. I do. What would you say that is? Is this just a Hershey's bar? I think it take five is its own thing. I do too. I think it's his own thing. Then it's, then it's, then it's, it's canceled out. Then it doesn't work. What do you got? You got one. I think the cookies and cream Hershey's bar is better than the regular. I used to be the biggest peanut M&M fan ever. So I would definitely say the peanut M&Ms. They are,
Starting point is 01:43:19 they have a vegan version now. It's like some indie company and I don't remember the name of it, but they're really good. Yeah. The classic M&Ms were, were, were, were boating in my house. We only have the peanuts. So like, when I got the classic, I was like, Oh, this is a treat. But then actually the peanuts are of course better. I think all the variants are better than the original ones. I like the crunchy M&Ms. The crunchies are nice. Yeah, those are nice. Those are the texture. Yeah. And I love almonds. So I'm all about the almond M&Ms. Those are fun. The fun change of pace, not an everyday M&M, but a good M&M. Well, if you bring it into like other stuff, you know, in the Dorito world, I vote cool ranch over Nacho cheese. Alright, let's not go nuts.
Starting point is 01:43:51 We're talking candy. Alright, sorry. It's like a two off topic. Hey, let us know what your, what your favorite candy spin off is. Hashtag candy spin off. I like gummy savers better than lifesavers. Oh, that's a good one. That's a great one. Kirby, great question. And if you, yes, I thought of one real quick. You know the big old sweet tarts, the big chewy sweet tarts. I'd rather take a pack of those any day than a boring ass sweet tarts. You know, they come in the four pack. Oh, they're good. And you song. Do you have a favorite? I'm guessing like a like a green tea Reese's. Honestly, that green tea kick at was better than normal kick. Green tea kick at is yeah. That's actually great. That's a great answer. Great question. Kirby. If you have a
Starting point is 01:44:32 question or comment about the word of chain restaurants, you email us at It feels like the end of a movie for you. So what I did was justify or leave us a voicemail at 830 Godot. That's 830 4636844. And hey, to get the dough boys double our weekly bonus episode, including our chat about Dave Matthews band, join the golden or platinum plate club at slash dough boys. Jackie Johnson. What a treat. Over to thank you so much for being here. We set a record. I mean, we really did. This is a special dough boy. This is this is this is great content and Menchie's is in the golden play club. Thank you so much. This is great content. This is great content. I don't say that. I agree. I agree. We gave it our all tonight. Damn it. Everyone got a mask.
Starting point is 01:45:15 By the way, do you see you songs kind of sheen? He's glowing. It's beautiful. It's delightful. Yeah. Check out Natch beaut everybody. You song. Just let you take his head. By the way, well, in his defense, I didn't ask. I just reached out and grabbed him. So you know what? I'll take it. Jackie. What would you like to plug? Oh, just if you're into a skincare makeup, beauty laughs, check out Natch beaut. That's really funny. Thank you. You song. Wow. I've been rude to him all night and he still gave me a compliment song. You think of our show. It's good. I'll do it for this episode of Doe Boys and I'll next time for the Spoon Man,
Starting point is 01:45:56 Mike Mitchell, I'm Nick Weicker. Happy eating. See ya.

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