Doughboys - Mimi's Cafe with Georgia Hardstark

Episode Date: February 19, 2016

Georgia Hardstark of Alie & Georgia and the My Favorite Murder podcast joins the 'boys to review her childhood favorite: west coast French bistro chain Mimi's Cafe. Plus, Mitch brings an array of food... and drink from his Colombian vacation for a special regional Snack or Wack.Want more Doughboys? Check out our Patreon!: for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 In the early 1920s, Marcus Lowe, the founder of the Lowe's Theatre Chain, initiated a series of movie studio acquisitions. First Metro Pictures, then Goldwyn Pictures, then finally Louis B. Mayer Pictures, consolidating the trio of companies and putting Mayer in charge. MGM Studios would go on to dominate the film industry in the first half of the 20th century. In the 1950s, the MGM Commissary was headed by Arthur J. Sims, who, prior to serving lunching MGM employees, had served his country as an airman in World War II. Sims had been stationed in France during the war and developed a love for its food, which
Starting point is 00:00:37 later led to him and his three sons opening a French bistro in Anaheim, California in 1978. The restaurant's Disneyland adjacent home base was reflected in the cartoonish rendering of French culture in its menu and structural design. Over the next three decades, Sims' neighborhood bistro expanded into a chain spread across the American West, thriving into the 2000s, at which point its valuation dipped by $100 million over the course of a decade, as individual locations saw consistent negative quarterly growth.
Starting point is 00:01:04 But it still endures, and with 145 corporate-owned locations in 24 U.S. states, it stands as an icon of America's ongoing conflicted relationship with France, a suspiciousness of its people and politics, but an unabashed love of its cuisine and culture. This week on Doughboys, Mimi's Cafe. Welcome to Doughboys, the podcast about chain restaurants. I'm Nick Weiger, alongside my co-host, Mike Mitchell, the Spoonman. How you doing, Spoonman? That's it.
Starting point is 00:02:16 So you've just returned from Colombia. You're in Colombia for about a week, and so you had a little Latin flair to your signature Spoonman drops at the top of the show. Yes. Great. How many? I'm guessing at this point we've about maxed out the amount of Spanish that you know. Me gracias.
Starting point is 00:02:32 No thank you? Uh-huh. Okay, all right. I can't believe that the word that hung up was ola. Yeah, yeah. I mean, right out the gate. God damn it. Whatever.
Starting point is 00:02:42 You know, before we get going, you know, I want to issue my own salutation to everyone out there in the Burger Boy Brigade. Just real quick want to say. Hi everybody! Hi Dr. Nick! We were on the grid! I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Ms. Lewinsky. The Statue of Liberty, or Lady Liberty.
Starting point is 00:03:31 In the late 1880s, it was a gift from France to America. Little did we know that it wouldn't be France's best gift. I actually, I didn't write one. That was pretty good though. I was too lazy. I went to Columbia, I got back last night, so yeah, I didn't do one, but fuck you for continuing to steal my drops and play them. It's coming to a head.
Starting point is 00:03:52 I feel like, you know, we'll come to some resolution shortly. Uh-huh. But I feel like if you just kept riffing that one out, I would have totally believed you. I don't know anything else about France or what the hell else am I, I don't know anything. I didn't even listen to your intro, so I don't know what Mimis is all about. Well, we'll get into Mimis, and I want to talk about your Columbia trip, but first, let's introduce our guest, who knows a little bit about travel herself. Yeah, she knows probably way more about Columbia than I do, and I just got back.
Starting point is 00:04:18 And probably just about the world in general. One half of the cooking channel is Ali and Georgia, as well as a host of the podcast Slumber Party and My Favorite Murder, which are right here on Feral Audio. Georgia Hardstark is here. Hi, Georgia. Hi, guys. Thanks for having me. Thank you for joining us.
Starting point is 00:04:32 We're so happy to have you here. Have you been, I know you're someone who's done a bit of traveling, or have you ever been to Columbia? No, I've never. I've never, and I want to. So Mitch, you were just there. You got back yesterday. What was your experience?
Starting point is 00:04:44 What can you share? It was great. It was really great. I told you guys that the first day was a little dicey stuff that went on, but after that, it was a lot of fun. We took a boat out into pretty much, I guess, the Pacific Ocean, and we just drove out, and we met some guy in a barn, listened to Christopher Cross's Sailing, if you know that song.
Starting point is 00:05:07 That's fun. It was very nice. It was very nostalgic for some reason. It brought me back to my days as a kid on a boat, and we went and saw these islands, Island, Isla Rosario, and a bunch of these beautiful tropical islands, and then we went to this place called the cock, Jesus, not the cock pub, the clock pub. Since my friends are as big as assholes as you, they signed me up for, there was a live band, Karaoke.
Starting point is 00:05:35 That's fun. They wrote down my name as El Grande Gringo, and so they announced me as El Grande Gringo, and I went up and sang What's Up by the Four Non-Blondes, AKA What's Going On, that song, and I sang. It was great. It felt like the people in there loved it, and they're taking videos of me. I think they thought El Grande Gringo was an actual celebrity or something, and they started taking videos, and they were singing along.
Starting point is 00:06:01 It was really great. A lot of people say that the food there isn't, like I heard that the food there isn't great, and I had some amazing stuff over there. I went to like this Savicharia that, I think poor Dane went there when he was there, because like now it has huge lines, and the Saviche, if I'm saying that correctly, was so, it was so incredibly good. It was really, really good. Then when we went out on the boat, when we went to the different islands, we had some
Starting point is 00:06:28 amazing seafood that day, and then there was a cook at the house, and she made like this amazing meal for our last night of fish and shrimp and all this sort of stuff. Wait, so you stated like something like a bed and breakfast, there was someone who was cooking there for you? We stayed at Airbnb, and there was a nice lady there who was cooking for us. She cooked us breakfast every day, and then if you wanted, you could buy like a dinner. Damn. Wow, that's amazing.
Starting point is 00:06:52 She made like a big lobster and shrimp and fish dinner, and it was in fried plantains, and the best guacamole I've ever had, ever, ever, ever had, including being out here, it was so good. It was so good. Then I took some photos of the Subway and the Hard Rock Cafe and the McDonald's in Columbia, except it was like a dessert McDonald's. It wasn't a true McDonald's. What does that mean, like they only have the dessert menu?
Starting point is 00:07:18 Yeah, it was like all ice cream, it was the McDonald's brand, but then all ice cream. I love the fast food places in different countries, I want to go into all of them, even though it's not colonarily mature, I want to do it. I will say, maybe the third or fourth best thing I had there was their version of McDonald's or Burger King, it was called I think El Dorado, and it was like their fast food burger chain, and it was really, really surprisingly good. So I had a good experience with the food, and it was good, I mean El Corral, it's called, El Dorado is.
Starting point is 00:07:57 I'm still stuck on that you met up someone in a bar and then went on a boat ride with him. We can't do that as ladies, you could just meet a random person in a bar. Well, especially after that story, I'm not telling everyone, there was a good chance we were going to get murdered and chopped up, but we met this guy, Don, and he managed this mojito shop that had the best, it was maybe the best mojito I've ever had in my life. Was he an ex-pat or was he a local?
Starting point is 00:08:27 He actually lived in Boston at one point, so we talked for a while, but he was kind of like a hustler, but he was also like, after talking to him for a while, it was like, oh, you're like an upfront hustler, you know what I mean? There's some hustlers that are bad news, like maybe someone we met the first day, and then there are some guys who are upfront about it, and they're like, here's the deal, you give me this, and it will be cool, and he was very much that. If anyone ever wants to go to Columbia, I'll give you Don's name, because he's really great. He's friends with me on Facebook, you can look him up.
Starting point is 00:08:56 Oh, he's legit then. He's legit. But he was in Boston at one point, and he told us some stories about how he had gone to jail, and he was originally from Jamaica. Was he left in Strangler? Yeah. Yeah, so if you're out there, and you're a listener of this podcast, and you're considering a vacation to Columbia, check out Mitch's Facebook, and look up his friend Don, who used
Starting point is 00:09:22 to be in prison. He'll hook you up. Don did a great, great job, and I consider him a better friend than Weigar already. But he was, I mean, we work, I was especially kind of like, I don't know, and then we took this boat out, and we were just like, you know, it wasn't a huge boat, it was like a speedboat, but like, it held like 12 people pretty comfortably, you know what I mean? And we were just taking this boat out into the middle of the ocean, and then like, once the land went away, it was kind of like, oh, I can't see land anymore in the middle of
Starting point is 00:09:54 the ocean, and like, the water is dark and blue, and it was, I was like, oh man, we could just out here, and it was kind of rough, because the night before too, Don told this Australian guy that came into his bar, he's like, we're going out in the water tomorrow, and he's like, it's going to be pretty rough on that, and Don was like, no, it's going to be good. Don is from Jamaica originally, and so we were like, and then when we were out there, it was really rough, but then the dark water started to turn to light blue, and we pulled up on this little island paradise, and two guys in like wooden, like old man in the sea type boats pulled up next to us and tried to sell us lobsters, and it was really, really
Starting point is 00:10:31 cool. Sounds like an episode of The Bachelor, it sounds amazing. It was very much like an episode of The Bachelor with, you know, 10 guys who would never be allowed to even submit to The Bachelor, but no, it was, it was, it was really, it was, it was something else, although it was, you know, it was nerve, I won't lie that it was nerve-wracking though, the, you know, sometimes when I was down there, there's like, there's a lot of prostitution and stuff, and there's a, like people trying to sell you a lot of different things, so that's how it is down there.
Starting point is 00:11:00 You made it home okay, you have some storage, you had some great food, some great libations. Yes. Seems like a good trip overall. It was great. Mitch mentioned mojitos a second ago, which got me thinking, because Georgia, you're something of a cocktail connoisseur, how do you feel about mojito, or do you have any current cocktails that are really, that are, that are your current faves? I love a mojito, it's so good.
Starting point is 00:11:23 I am so sick of sugary drinks though, that like, it's so hard to drink a cocktail now for real, like lately I just get whiskey with bitters in it. Oh wow. You know, and, but I love beer so much. Yeah. Gotcha. The cocktail thing is kind of like, it's kind of, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a. Dude, where's, you sound like Miwak with this podcast.
Starting point is 00:11:44 I mean, you know, I love an old fashioned, I love a Negroni, I love like the classics, and I like when someone does something interesting and weird, I love a tiki drink, but I really just like a good, really good whiskey, or a really good tequila on the rocks, like lemon, or, I'm sorry, lime or orange, something simple like that, I'm really into. Yeah, and what you mentioned about cocktails being overly sweet, I feel like is a big thing to keep in mind at chain restaurants, because I feel like every cocktail I've had at a chain restaurant is just way too much sugar. It's, there's so many calories, not that, oh God, I sound like a fucking lady.
Starting point is 00:12:20 It's just, it's not worth it, and the, that's why you're hungover the next day. Sure. It's just so much booze, and I've read recently that champagne is good for you, so I've been trying to. Yeah, it is tricky, because I, I, I love mixed drinks, and I love cocktails, and my favorite drink is still a Mai Tai, it's probably my favorite cocktail, but I like a Mai Tai that's, that is made like still pretty, like you get that sweetness, but you still get a strong kick to it, like, I don't want it to be like the most sugary thing on earth.
Starting point is 00:12:51 Well, if it has like a mix in it, then you're screwed, like if you make a margarita with like fresh lime juice, and like a little bit of simple syrup, and tequila, of course, and, you know, salt on the rim, and don't make it like with the sweet mix and everything, then it's fine, it's like not as sugary and sweet and clinging. Yeah, I agree with that, I can get behind that, I, I, I will sometimes fall victim of I like a nice big sugary drink, but it's so much better if it's, if the juice is a, you know, this is something I learned in Columbia, Burger Boy, if it's a, if it's a nice fresh juice, then it's, it's a lot better, like no, no, no mixers and no, no, like, nothing too
Starting point is 00:13:29 sugary, I mean, like the fresh mint and a mojito is amazing, but then if you get like a hard rock cafe mojito, it can be pretty sweet and it was something like a fresh juice, like a grapefruit juice, or like something like that, that's actually fresh, and then maybe like a sweet and simple syrup, and it's just a little bit of it in it, because it adds a flavor, so like cinnamon simple syrup or something, it's not as bad as like, if you're putting like straight up sugar cubes and grinding them into a cocktail, it's not as gnarly. See, we know this, we're world travelers as well, Nick, because I think maybe stayed within a 30 mile radius this entire life. I lived in, I grew up in Long Beach, California, and then I
Starting point is 00:14:07 moved to Los Angeles, California, but I did have one summer where I lived in San Diego, so. Wow. Yeah, I've seen, oh no, my, my joke turned out to be really true. Yeah, actually, unfortunately, my story is very similar too, so. Well, you're from, you were saying before, and you're from Irvine, correct? Well, yeah, I grew up in Orange County, which I just hate, and then I moved to Los Angeles, and then I lived in San Francisco for a few years, and then moved back to LA, but yeah, I'm totally California. The Bay Area, it's its own animal, though. I feel like once you get out of SoCal, it's kind of gets, it's its own thing. Yeah, definitely. What's your favorite of the, of the bunch? Oh, Los Angeles for sure, I love it here, it's like, it's just the best. No,
Starting point is 00:14:47 are you talking in overall capacity, or like, what about as a food city versus San Francisco? I know there are a lot of San Francisco partisans out there from a food standpoint. San Francisco's pretty good as far as food cities go. It's, it's really, really good, and when you go to the best place, it's the best, but I feel like in LA there's more, like, there's more diversity, there's more like, there's more different levels of restaurants, so you can go to like a shitty taco truck on the street, and it's great, and you can go to a really nice, you know, Mexican restaurant, and it's great. It's kind of like, there's so much in between, and every nationality, and every culture, there's restaurants for them. I live in Little Armenia, and there's just like
Starting point is 00:15:23 amazing Armenian food, it's, it's just, there's so many different things. San Francisco's kind of like, they have great burritos, and they have really expensive, good food. Yeah, I feel like, I feel like the burrito on the burrito front, I would rank it though, from, I would rank it, the best is on, is in the, is in the south, so San Diego, then LA, then San Francisco. For me, I think that's the order of best burritos. The burritos in San Francisco are my favorite. They are, really? See, I always don't, I disagree with that. They're your favorite? Yes. You're, but you're, you went down to San Diego at one point, right? I've been there, yeah. Okay. No, I haven't spent a lot of time there. Oh, you lived there? I lived
Starting point is 00:16:01 there, yeah. Oh, I don't know, who lives where? Mitch, so far you can't tell what, what, what Georgia's saying, and what I am saying, hit by the difference between that, and then you also are having some struggles with Ola and Olo. Well, I didn't live in San Diego like you. Yeah. So wait, so what, what are your feelings on this? Because I think that this is, I'm sorry to- It's important. Yeah, I'm sorry to be confrontational, but- This is like Frost Nixon. A California burrito from San Diego, you can't, you can't beat it. I mean, I went to this place, my buddy Joe Aranda, shout out to you, Joe, my college friend, and life friend, took me to, that sounds weird, well, whatever, we're not like, Joe is just a good friend, and we, he took me to,
Starting point is 00:16:50 he took me to Juanitas in Encinitas, California. I think San, I think San Diego and San Francisco are like on par, are like the same kind of- But San Diego does like the weird, they do like Chipotle style burrito, don't they? They do like a bunch of rice and stuff. Well, you can get that, I mean, I feel like the mission style burrito in San Francisco, I don't know exactly what inspired Chipotle, but to me, that always feels like Chipotle is kind of like a derivative, dumb down, mission style burrito. Yes, totally. But, yeah, San Diego, I feel like they have a lot of like good, you get a lot of good seafood there. Yeah. And, but yeah, the California burrito, I don't know, I guess I don't know if that's a specifically San Diego thing. I guess you,
Starting point is 00:17:28 it seems like you can get it more likely as you go down the coast. Yeah. It's, there are more places that offer it. And for those who don't know, it's, it's carne asada, french fries, cheese and sour cream. And then sometimes someplace- Oh, I didn't know that. Oh no. Oh my, yeah, french fries and the burrito. Yeah, it's actually the first time I ordered a California burrito, I was so expecting like avocado and jack cheese, because that's just what California shorthand for. And then to get it, it's like, oh no, this is Baja California's, what they, how they perceive American California, so they're just putting french fries in it. It's actually real fucking good. No, that sounds great. Yeah, it's really great. Just make sure it's
Starting point is 00:18:01 not like it's, it's got enough salsa in there because they're getting some that are pretty dry. So, Georgia, how often do you eat at chain restaurants? Like how frequent is that for you these days? Oh gosh, I guess if you're just, if it's a wide net, probably a couple times a month? Sure, if you're including like fast food and everything. Yeah. Yeah, I got you. A couple times a month. I try to be kind of healthy and so it's like, I try not to go too often. Sure. But it's, I fucking love chain restaurant food. I love it so much. It's like my kind of food. I want to eat a big mess of food and it's, that's what chain restaurants do. Oh, I'm, we're right there with you. Yeah, you don't have to, we get it. We're drooling.
Starting point is 00:18:40 As you say this. What, just a big mess of food is all it takes for us to get really hungry. What, what for you is like, what, what, what chains do you frequent the most in those couple times a month? Okay, well, I love, I love fast food late at night. Like the other day, I went to the Burger King and we got it all and it was so good. And then Del Taco every once in a while, but then we'll go to like Mexican restaurants like Al Capocco or like, I don't, like, if I'm out with my dad, we go to like islands because my dad likes that place a lot. Big islands, man. I like islands. Yeah, I have a great turkey burger, he says. And then if I'm at my, like, like Dinah's chicken will go to a lot. Oh, I've never been to Dinah's
Starting point is 00:19:24 Cheney, I guess, but there's a couple of them. Yeah. And my whole life I've just always gotten, it's always been like, you know, like, I've been to some really, really nice, like upscale restaurants and I'd rather just go get fucking nachos at like chilies. I don't know. Yeah, nachos. They have nachos. Yeah, no, no, they did. Yeah, definitely. That's, that's, that's funny you say that because I think that a thing that is happening now is that there's like a new kind of like level and I feel like all these chains are starting to do this where you kind of have to be like, I feel like when you said Acapulco, this was specifically what got me thinking about is like, I feel like that place is on like the verge of extinction. And it's because you have to like,
Starting point is 00:20:03 now it kind of has to be a mix of it's a chain restaurant, but like it's kind of like a foodie place too. They're trying to attract more people. Yeah, exactly. Like it's trying to be like, oh, it's still like kind of like, we got cool hip, delicious food here too. Yeah. Well, I'm old enough where I was like, when I was in college, like Acapulco, which I'm not sure, I'm not sure how widespread Acapulco is, but it's at least in the Southland, it's at least kind of a California chain. That was like a place you would go in college or like chilies, like you would go to a chain restaurant to like kind of hang out. And I feel like nowadays kids are like too cool for that shit. I mean, maybe in certain parts of the country, but it's that's still an acceptable
Starting point is 00:20:40 thing. But I feel like socially out here, it'd be like, you'd have to be kind of being ironic as a college kid to go to a chain restaurant. Yeah. And I mean, I guess there's a lot of places too. Like growing up, I was the youngest of three. And so my parents having to take us like somewhere where they can feed three kids. It's like, well, you go to Sizzler and you just make them eat all the salad bar. So there's all these restaurants that I remember from being like Carl's Jr. and all this stuff. Oh, yeah. And I'm also engaged to someone from the Midwest. So he's like, we're going to he's taken me to what's the Italian one? Olive Garden? Yes. He's taken me there. And I'm like, okay, I'll do you know, I don't mind. It's like, it's kind of like for the wedding. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:20 No, we're going to wear the Madonna in actually, which is even yeah. So or he'll take me to what's the Chinese one? Oh, well, there's Panda Express with P.F. Changs. Yes. Yes. P.F. Changs. Okay, no, that's acceptable. He's taking me there when I get real hungover, like Panda Express or Carl's Jr. or like my dream. Now that I have like the app that brings you this stuff. Oh, Postmates. We've discussed that quite a bit. I use it. Nick doesn't use it. Nick is high and mighty, even though he has never traveled more than it seems like three miles. So I don't know why you have a problem with someone traveling a little bit of ways. I mean, maybe that's why because they're going too far to get you food. But I take advantage of that a lot of the time. I wish I
Starting point is 00:22:03 didn't know about it. It's just dangerous. It's a bad thing. And also, I love a good hangover food is it's great. I always go pizza. I always go for a grease. A nice greasy pizza is always a good hangover food. We talked about it a little bit on the show, but sometimes a good burger and fries can help out too. I've never, Chinese is, that's a good thing. That's good thinking. I've never really do Chinese when I'm hungover and I feel like that would be like a nice hangover food. I think also wonton soup, but I'm hungover. That's like my dream. Oh, that's a good idea. Yeah. And then, yeah. I want to hear what are some people's favorite hangover spots. I just go for like, I go for a fucking breakfast sandwich. I was hungover last week and I just got a McGriddles
Starting point is 00:22:42 and some hash browns because you're allowed. Like, would you eat that normally? No, never. No, but I'm just like, that's like an excuse of just like, this will make me feel better. You boring? It never happens. I've never, I've never seen you be boring before. You're always... I also like feeding the shame too, because I'm already super shamed about myself because I'm like a grown woman and I have a hangover on a Tuesday, you know? So it's like, well, you might as well fucking go the whole distance and get like, my thing is a Western Mac and Cheeseburger from Carl's Jr.'s like, it's like a hug to me. Like, I love them so much. Oh, we're big fans of them here. They live the best onion rings I've ever had,
Starting point is 00:23:23 or like, just the shittiest food. And it just makes me feel worse but better about myself, you know? Oh, no, 100%. I mean, that was forever. I mean, even still, if I drink, I'm just, I gotta eat that. I gotta live in the filth for a while. You purposely get a little bit of a hangover, so like, well, I can fucking eat whatever I want. I've totally done that. Oh, yeah, I think it's been called my 20s and 30s so far. I want to hear... It's a little gift to tomorrow you. I like that plan. I've never schemed to that point. Anytime I get hungover, it's because I've just sort of like, I've lost control and I'm no longer really exerting conscious thought. I'm just guzzling booze.
Starting point is 00:24:03 Well, like, never in my right mind eat those things. I could never allow myself to do that regularly, for the most part, unless I'm drunk or hungover. So... Yeah. Yeah, it's a good excuse. It's a definitely good excuse. I'm not an alcoholic and this isn't every night. I'm just gonna say that. Yeah, if you have some favorite hangover spots, I want to hear them. Hit us up. What do you think? Hashtag from green to great. From green to great. What about... No. Yeah, see, from green to great, it's not so bad anymore, huh?
Starting point is 00:24:38 It sounds like a subtitle of like a late 90s direct-to-DVD Muppets movie. Kermit turns white in this movie? Yeah. Or like a generic Muppet thing. We can't call it the Muppets. Oh, sure, yeah. Let's talk a little bit about travel outside of the Mitch's Heroine Columbia experience. What is your favorite food destination? Like, if you're gonna be like, I'm gonna travel someplace just for some food that I can't really get out here, what's a place that comes to mind? That I've been or that I want to go to? Either or. Okay, well, you know, Miami had really, really good food, which was great,
Starting point is 00:25:20 because it's kind of like, you know, it's such a different culture in the Cuban situation. Their food is so good, and there was great Haitian food as well, so that was awesome, and the cocktails were super good, and they'd give them to you in like a pank. I sound like an alcoholic, you guys, this is getting insane. I really am like, and they gave you all the booze at 11 o'clock. Yeah, that was really good. Of course, fucking France. You know what I really loved too? I went once on a, like a, my friend was in a band, and I went on their festival tour, so we went in the UK, so we went down like the back roads of every country we went to, so we'd go to like convenience stores in the middle of like Germany or France,
Starting point is 00:26:00 in this like random town, and they have like the best packaged sandwiches, and I'm really into grocery stores and like convenience stores of different cultures, so you go in these and like the candy is insane, and the like flavors of chips are like bananas. Yeah. No, not literally bananas. I was just like, I got mad for a second. Yeah. Candy is bananas? Yeah, so I love that. And so France, of course, had like the best packaged sandwiches, and Germany had really good food too. I think Germany. I'm gonna go Germany. No. Germany was, was, yeah. The food is really good in Germany. Is it really? Interesting. I mean, that is always kind of like the stereotype is like a big fat German, like the Simpsons has a Uter, and that's all I know about Germany.
Starting point is 00:26:43 But it seems like they, it seems like they love their food. Yeah, they have like hearty food. Yeah, schnitzel and all that sort of deal. A lot of, a lot of like cabbage and these things, potatoes. Yeah. Hearty. I like that. I've always wanted to go and check it out. Yeah. Have you been mid, you know, mid Europe? I've never been. Central Europe, I guess. No, I've never been outside of North America unless you count my family trip to the Cayman Islands. But no, I've only been to Mexico. When you said that, there's, there's something went on in your head when you said your family trip to the Cayman Islands. Well, I was reflecting, I talked about it on the podcast before, but my memory of that is going to the Turtle Preserve as a big turtle fan.
Starting point is 00:27:23 But yeah, we went to the Cayman Islands, and then I've been, I've never been to Canada. I've been to Mexico on a Boy Scout trip. Yeah, no, I'm not, I'm not well traveled. What do you want from me? Well, we've traveled like around the country a lot for unique sweets, which is the show we're on a cooking channel where we like go and eat, try these, all these different sweets and all these different like sweets shops or ice cream shops or bakeries. And you just eat a lot of food, like we've gone to so many little cities and you get, yeah, you eat a lot. You guys are kind of like Nick and I, but smart and talented and know what you're talking about. Thank you. It's all a lie.
Starting point is 00:28:03 Well, you mentioned France and our chain this week is definitely a French concept. And my understanding is a childhood favorite of yours, Mimi's Cafe. Why did you want to come on the podcast and talk about Mimi's with us? I think out of all of the chain restaurants, it's really one that like, I has like a history and kind of like a, I think of it as a comforting place for my childhood that like, that signified like happiness and like, I had a lot of like good memories there. Sure. So it would be fun. It is definitely, I feel like on my recent experience and I feel like, honestly, my, I've been to Mimi's a bunch. There, you know, it's, it's, it's a, it feels like it started in California. We would go there when we're visiting grandma,
Starting point is 00:28:43 like I was telling you before the podcast. It's just like a place I've been to just like kind of like a chain restaurant I make, made frequent trips to. And it is very like comforting and homey inside there. And yeah, it kind of has this kind of festive, fun, kind of a rustic vibe, right? Like, yeah, it feels like a restaurant that would be inside Disneyland. Yeah. And that's actually, I didn't know that because it started in Anaheim, they kind of mirrored that. And because I went in there today and I was like, this always reminds me of Disneyland. It's like, it's like quote French. Totally, totally. Like when you go through like the parts of the Caribbean and there's the restaurant in the front of it. Yeah. It's that idea. That's a great restaurant too.
Starting point is 00:29:21 I've never been there, but I've always wanted to. Yeah, I know. It's a good one. The Blue Bayou? Yeah. That's right. Yeah. I've eaten the Blue Bayou. I feel like the food is not great, but it's a really fun experience. It's definitely worth doing if you're at Disney. Go get a corn dog at Disneyland and then go to Blue Bayou. Yeah, I love the atmosphere. It's so silly and like, it's basically like Denny's, but Frenched out, you know? Yeah, totally. It's like Denny's kind of. Yeah. In terms of like food concept, like, because there's some nods to French cuisine on the menu, you know, there are crepe dishes and something like a Bipouignan. But yeah, it is like a lot of just sandwiches and burgers, the kinds of things you would get at a Denny's. Probably a little
Starting point is 00:30:01 better than Denny's, but it's like you're just, it's like Denny's with a French outfit on like for Halloween going as a French lady. But you know what? I feel like the vibe of the place like you guys are having very, very, you know, Disney's, you know, Epcot Center's France or whatever, it really helps. I mean, because we've been to so many places that just sort of like, what is this thing? And just having that vibe, because even today I was like, so this is like a French restaurant and our waitress was like, yeah, I guess. She kind of like didn't even really care too much about it, but it was just kind of like nice to look at and it felt like it could be like a little countryside, French restaurant or something. They do a good enough job with it that it wins. I mean,
Starting point is 00:30:43 that's a plus for me. That only gives it points. I'm not going to be taking away. I feel like when something is too gimmicky, sure you can take away points if it's two in your face or something. Or they have acid, you know, like they at least try, I feel like a little bit. Yes. Oh no, yeah. And you know, I was there with Friends of the Podcast, Evan Susser and Mike Carlson, a Jimmy Buffett fan. Oh yeah. And they were like, oh, you know, if I was like, is this a French restaurant? Our waitress was like, we are something and was like, then they would have been like, that's too much. Yeah, they would have hated that. It was, it's just kind of the right amount of it. It looks nice and they have,
Starting point is 00:31:19 they actually have stuff on the menu that is French food. So yeah. Yeah, I like that a strong decision has been made because I find it very aesthetically pleasing. Like you kind of like, there's just like lots of stuff to look around at. You look up the ceiling just like, oh, this is kind of this French country, this cartoonish realization of a French country house. And I like that it's that because I think you're right, Mitch, that a lot of the restaurants, they're, the theme seems to be the absence of a theme. It's just like a restaurant. It's like, if they, like the restaurant you would create in Sim City, it's just like a generic sort of feeling diner. Yeah, Togo's is a restaurant you would create in Sim City for sure. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:31:52 Sizzler. Sizzler's like one like that. Yes. There's nothing, no defining character to it. It's just sort of like, well, you, it's got booths and tables and exactly, exactly. Well, I like that also like, it would probably, Mimi's probably offends French people, which is like, Oh, there's no doubt. It's great, which is like, you're doing it right, which is like offensive because it's a like over the top and ridiculous. And it's like, okay, this is cool. But I'm actually okay with like even with, but see, I think Mimi's even does a better job than Olive Garden. I was going to say, because I like Olive Garden tries to be a little Italian feeling, but Mimi's does a better job than Olive Garden. Olive Garden just puts like framed photos of like country, like vague
Starting point is 00:32:29 Italian countryside stuff on the walls. Yeah. And like, that's about it. I feel like, I feel like if you're gonna have like a kind of a nondescript restaurant, like if I'm going to a shitty Italian restaurant, I want there to be a guy singing Italian music and stuff like I want it to be like, Oh, this is at least fun. Yeah. Like, and that's the same thing goes for a restaurant that doesn't have anything. Like, I'd say what's what's Zanku chicken is a place that is just like a shitty cafeteria looking place. But then the chicken is some of the best chicken. Yeah. You know what I mean? So LA, if you're outside LA, this is a very local micro chain in LA that's kind of an Armenian chicken restaurant, but it's got really, really good chicken. And I feel like
Starting point is 00:33:08 if you're out here on a trip, it's a place to take a trip to it. Yeah, my whole family hated it when I got it. But I love it. Yeah, it's so good. It's so good. And and I feel like see if you're gonna have it's not like this is the most important thing is the food, obviously. But like, Togo's doesn't have either. The food's not great. And it just is a weird little rest like cafeteria. You really hate Togo's. I don't even hate it that much, honestly. Togo's on the brain because we reviewed it a couple podcasts ago. But while we're on Zanku chicken, you have a murder podcast. You have a fascination with true crime as do I. The Zanku chicken murders. Is that a thing you're familiar with? No. This is a crazy thing. I'm taking I'm enabled the Wi-Fi on my phone to
Starting point is 00:33:53 bring it up because I just want to make sure I get some facts right because I only peripherally know about it. But I wonder why Nick is interested in true murder. There was a basically the the scion of the Zanku chicken family, as is my understanding, murdered like his parents and like his sister or something. Yeah, it was like, it was really grisly and fucked up. When was this? This was just a few years ago. It wasn't that long ago. Yeah. Let me see if I can find it. 2006 or 2007 or 2007. It was like. I blocked this one out. Yeah. Yeah. It's a crazy story. Yeah. Okay. The patriarch of the hugely popular fast food chain killed his mother and sister then himself. This was a this looks like 2008 was roughly when it was. I'm just reading this
Starting point is 00:34:39 from the Los Angeles Magazine long read on it. Marderos Iscandarion. I'm sure I'm saying that wrong. His name was Marderos. That was his parents biggest mistake. Exactly. It was fake. But yeah, I mean like it's that's an insane thing. And then the chain persisted, which is I guess a testament to the strength of its brand that basically, you know, a founder could wipe out his family and they're still like, well, but people still like the chicken. Well, Beck mentioned it in one of his songs. So there you go. Yeah. Yeah. What is it? What does he say? What is he saying about? Oh, God, it's. Is that what where it's at is? No, it's the one about meeting someone in a J.C. Penny. Oh, okay. You know, that doesn't help at all, does it? No, Nick and I were smiling
Starting point is 00:35:26 at each other because I said, is that what's where it's at is about. It was actually like the dorkiest moment we've ever had. I feel like that is, doesn't that wipe out everyone who knew the recipe? Like what happened? I don't think it's like, like everyone does business according to the Coke model. Only two people know the recipe. I've been in there and it hasn't been that good an occasion. Like I think it is like kind of hit or miss. Yeah. And like you also have to order correctly. I've had like a chicken wrap and it's just like the grossest thing, but like then their shawarma is like super good. Like if you get a half of a chicken, it's like amazing. Well, and don't ever go in there and ask for murder roasts. Who would do that? You deserve to get
Starting point is 00:36:18 murderized. That's terrible. So when did you like like growing up like going to Mimi's? What was, do you remember what you would used to get there? Remember what your go-tos were as a kid? Yes, I remember because we had, so my mom was like a single working mother of three kids. She would like once a week, she would like come home from work late, be like, fuck everything. I'm not making dinner. We're going to Mimi's because it was down the street from our house. It was like the only restaurant in Irvine at the time. And so we'd go there, we put our names down, and I thought this was totally normal until I was an adult. She would get a glass of wine to sip in the like waiting area, which isn't normal. That's like what an alcoholic is. And I'm sure like the 16-year-old.
Starting point is 00:37:03 I'm sure the 16-year-old she'd ask for wine was like, what the fuck is wrong with this woman? So we'd go like once a week and I was like this tiny little thing. I should be fat. Like I should definitely be a fat person. I always got a chicken pot pie and it was like the best, still like the best chicken pot pie I've ever had. And I'd get French onion soup and I'd get a muffin. And they had it, I don't think they have this anymore. They had a dessert cart and we'd all ordered dessert. I didn't see one when I was there. I don't think they have that anymore. I looked at the menu and it was like not there. Remember the ones that they would push around? Yeah. I do love like a physical dessert cart. Yeah, that's great. That's a relic of a different time. Totally. And
Starting point is 00:37:39 we'd have like this wonderful little waitress and we'd all just sit and talk and like not stress out. And my mom would drink wine and it was like super chill and I loved it. I think you're selling a lot more desserts if you have a dessert cart coming around. Yeah. You get to see that. Oh my god. Like the creme brulee looks great. Totally. Or you know that cake, that chocolate cake looks great. You know like you're and it helps people decide more. Yeah, such a strange thing to not bring it back. And it's also like they don't lose anything on because they just they use just like kind of like one dessert or like a model dessert, right? Yeah. Like whatever it is. And then while you're sitting there eating, you see other people, you see it like carting around and you
Starting point is 00:38:13 don't want that. Yeah. Yeah. It's like that's the sizzling fajitas factor of like a little head swivel of like, oh, what did that guy order? Bring back the cart. Yeah. I'm pro-cart. You know what I mean? Yeah, you're of course your pro-cart. K-A-R-T. We talk about Mario Kart on his podcast. Sorry. She almost walked out of the room. I bet they do the cart more. I bet they do the cart in the Midwest more. But that's a thing in like diner-y, you know, steakhouse-y type of places. Yeah, it's a big steakhouse thing. Steakhouses still they stick with it. Good for them. I saw a cheese cart once. That was exciting. That's great. Yeah. That was really awesome. Was Nick Wiker driving it? I get it this time. Yeah, so the chicken pot pie is like my dream food,
Starting point is 00:39:01 my reason I should be fat and I'm like, I just fucking love chicken pot pies. Hey, take it from me. You can get there if you keep at it. Just keep eating those pies. Chicken pot pie, I loved as a kid and it's something that I don't eat nearly as much anymore. Neither. That's like such a big time kid food. It was also too, like it was my go-to frozen meal for a long time. I would have frozen chicken pot pies a lot. Well, I was going to say that's the problem is they're not very good when you bring it. So if I see them on the menu somewhere and they're going to like bake it for me, I have to order it. Yeah. You know. Oh, no, definitely. If it's a homemade pot pie, that's a treat. Oh, my God. That's so good. I think my
Starting point is 00:39:44 mom got them a lot because it was like, okay, I'll throw this in the oven and feed my little dumb son. Yeah, I didn't get a French onion soup today, but I really regretted not doing it because it's a French restaurant. Is it? Yeah. And I think like I love French onion soup. It's another thing I'll always order, but it never tastes different anywhere you go. I gotta say, French onion soup, I brought it up because it's kind of like the pie of soups. No? What does that mean? What are you talking about? Don't understand. It's like the pie because you got a piece of bread and you got cheese and then they bake it on top of it. It's kind of like onions are a fruit, right? Yeah, kind of. Nope. And it's kind of like eating a pie and some you got to break through this crust
Starting point is 00:40:33 in the cheese into the soup below and eat it sometime. This is like, God damn it. I feel like a cobbler situation. This is such a strained metaphor. It's like the pie of soups. It's like you just said Ronald Reagan is the New England Patriots of Dogs. It's like, what the fuck are you talking about? First of all, that's insane. He's not the Patriots of Dogs. Yeah, that's George Bush. I gotta say, yeah, that's probably even better. I gotta say, it is that that makes sense. All right, great. Yeah, you're also a man who has a previous episode of this podcast declared that cupcakes are not cakes, but are pies. Now, as a sweets expert, Georgia, what do you think about this bullshit? You really like like pies being a thing, but I'm
Starting point is 00:41:24 sorry. It's a little cake. It's a little cake. Can I just say this? I get what you're saying. All right, see, but you're incorrect. You get what I'm saying. Like, she's also humoring you by saying she gets what you're saying. This is this is really, really bullshit. The pie analogy, like if I stretch my imagination for French onion soup, yes, but cupcakes are cake. Yeah. See, I feel like I just live on another fucking planet. It's fine. This place, this one sucks. Get out of here. I'm going back to fucking Columbia. You're a king there. They loved me. It was a great time. What was it, El Haffey? Something? El Haffey, the boss? Yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. No, I met someone named El Haffey at
Starting point is 00:42:07 one point. But your nickname, El Grande Gringo. El Grande Gringo. Yeah. You could work on the luchador circuit, I feel like. Sure. As El Grande Gringo. Yeah, totally. And I think also, you could very easily be a heel by just bringing your real world politics to the Colombian people. That would be incredible. You know what? It was a very romantic spot. It was a good place for couples. And if you and Adelaide would love it down there. I'm sure we would. She probably tried to run away and disappear into Columbia. Because it's a great place for women to live. Listen, I'm going to get feminist on this. Go for it. Oh, no, you're right. There are some issues with Columbia still. Yeah. It was safer than I thought, though. I will say that. My mom called me and
Starting point is 00:42:54 she yelled at me for like 45 minutes today. For being there? Now that I'm back alive. Oh, my mom, she wouldn't let me go. She would murder me first. I told my mom two days before I was going that I was going. And maybe it was a couple days before that. It was right around when we'd record the podcast last week. Yeah. And I think that's when I found out you were going. Was it really? No, wait, I might have been a little bit before that. Yeah. And she, well, I don't care if you know or not. I probably shouldn't have told you. Did your mom listen to the podcast? No, God, no. No, she'd hate me. Parents should not listen to podcasts. No, no, no. But she yelled at me for 45 minutes today now that I'm back alive. She was like, how could you? How could you
Starting point is 00:43:31 do that over and over again? She's like, it was stupid. And I was like, it's actually safer than you think it is. And she says, no, it's not. And I'm like, but I'm telling you it was. And she's like, no, it isn't. And that's like her response to just everything. It's just like, no, it's not because I don't think that it is. Yeah. And she's like, how could you support a country that makes drugs? And I'm like, it's not a country that just makes drugs. That's what we do too. Yeah, we do it too, mom. Which mom would not want to hear that. She shouldn't listen to the podcast because I just shit-talked my mom. Let's dig into Mimi's a little bit more. So, Mitch, you went recently. George,
Starting point is 00:44:08 I believe you went today as well, correct? Yeah. How do we not cross paths? I don't know. I don't know. Did you go to the one in Outwater? Yeah, the one in the Best Buy kind of, yes. Well, here's the thing. I went for maybe five minutes and then ran out. Wow. Yes, you said this at the beginning before we got started. Yeah, what happened? All right. So, we go. I'm like, like, Vince, my fiance has been here. I've told him his stories about being a Mimi's as a kid. And I'm like, let's go today. It's going to be fun. And I'm like, okay. So, we go there. We get there. We put our names down. It's like, super busy at 1130 for like lunch. And we put our names down. And then I see that someone I know is a waiter who's like
Starting point is 00:44:50 an actor who like, if he sees me, I'm going to feel so bad for him. If he's going to wait on me. And so, I kind of... Or if he hears this podcast, too. Well, I'm not going to say his name. It's not that it's not okay to wait tables there. It's just the thought of like, everyone knows that I work here and because acting isn't going well. It's an awkward interaction. I've definitely had... It happened a few times where I've been waited by someone that I know. You were waiting on someone. No, there's no shame in being a service worker. It's a noble profession. It's a difficult line of work. Yeah, I've done it before. I would do it again if need be. Hopefully, that won't happen. But you know, yeah, I just... It was almost like this moment of like, oh, God, I'm not going to do this
Starting point is 00:45:33 to him. It is an awkward interaction. Yeah. I know what you're talking about. See, I get jealous of people in that industry. I've said this before on this podcast. I feel like they have so much fun and especially like, bartenders and waiters and stuff. It just seems like they can have a good time. I love it. They have a nice camaraderie and I think that it's something that I kind of... fun to do that. I would love to work in a bar. It's so much fun. I've worked... I've waited tables and I've worked... It's like a fucking blast. Yeah. Yeah. You know, all the people are super cool. You got to work with. It's like kind of a fun social thing and you're on your feet and it's like, it's like constant... Like, all day shit's happening constantly. I think I would do good at it. I know
Starting point is 00:46:11 you don't think I would, but... No, I think you'd be great. Yeah. I think you'd be... Are you allowed to eat a bunch of people's food? Yeah. Did I beat you? Were you about to say the same thing to me? No, it's fine. You're just better. If you're in a good place, you get so much free food. Like, I sustain like my 20-year-old self by getting free food at the restaurant I worked at. Which restaurant did you work at? I worked in Santa Monica. It's not there anymore, but it was like a little cafe called Blueberry and like they have these like blueberry waffles that were like super famous and then all these like travel books or these little like nice Japanese people would come in and point to a photo of the like blueberry pancakes and it was a really fun neighborhood
Starting point is 00:46:47 spot. I went to a place in Columbia. Crapes and waffles also great. Great food experience down there. I'm telling you. Yeah, it sounds like it. Sorry to, you know, get off this Mimi's top. Yeah. So, okay, I saw him there and I had a panic attack for him when I ran. That's what happened. Well, there you go. And did you just not end up eating there? Yeah. I'm so weird about like... I have like some like issues tied up with like food and eating in front of people and them waiting on me and me like, oh god, it just, I had like a moment of panic and was like, we're leaving and he's like, what are you talking about? Like, I think I felt like a weirdo, but I just had to do it. Well, now we're talking because I don't like when people are standing beside me while I'm eating or
Starting point is 00:47:30 hovering over me while I'm eating or kind of, I guess like even kind of like watching you eat. Like, and I don't know what that is. It's the part of me that's just, I feel ashamed of everything because I'm an Irish and Catholic or something. I don't know what it is, but I used to hate that. Like, and especially in high school when there would just be like, guys would come up to your table and you were eating and then they'd just start picking at stuff and eating it. Maybe it's them. What are you talking about? Friends and stuff. They would just eat your fries and stuff and take your food. Oh, I don't really, I don't really... They're gross fingers. Yeah. Well, Nick, you were at a table by yourself. Laughing a little too hard at that one. I can't eat and like,
Starting point is 00:48:07 I have a big thing of like eating in silence. I cannot do it. So, I know that if like we got that in his section, the whole time I would be like bringing up stupid conversations with Vince that he would be like, why are you asking me like, you know, dumb questions just to get him to talk and so it would be a terrible time. That can be actually when you are, when you're talking to a server or like that can backfire if you're getting into a little too much talk with a person and you kind of want to eat, but then you kind of are stuck in conversation or even if you see somebody out at the restaurant. So, maybe that was a good move for you to take off. Do you introduce them to your person or do you not? Like, there's a girl who works at a place I really like, but
Starting point is 00:48:50 it's like a chill, cool place. So, I don't mind that, but then I'll see her a lot and I'm like, do I introduce you? I don't know what the, like what I'm supposed to do here. I say, you know what, if you, if you, if you, this is my rule. If you see someone eating that, you know. Yeah. I say, you can talk for about a minute, but then you have to say, I'm going to let you guys eat and you gotta go. Yeah. That's my rule with it because you can't, you can't, if someone's enjoying a meal, then they're happy to see it for sure, but you can't take that much time away from them. Especially more than a minute. If you're standing at their table, like they're seated and you're, you went over there to say hi. Yeah. That's, that's gotta be a quick interaction. It's gotta be quick. You
Starting point is 00:49:24 gotta keep moving. If someone, if, and that's the same goes for a server or something. Right, but it's sometimes when you see, like you blow someone off in the restaurant and you're walking back and you're like, hey, how are you? And you don't talk to them and you know they're pretty loud. I fucking love it. I love the block. I love when people, yeah. And if they blow me off, I love it too. That's fine. I don't, I'm in a restaurant. I don't care. I'll give, I'll give a little wave or like, hey, how's it going? A wave is great. A little, a little finger point. Yeah. That's great. I've had, I had an awkward interaction once where I wasn't sure how to handle it where an office coworker, I like shared an office with this guy. This is when
Starting point is 00:49:56 I worked in the video game industry and I was walking by a restaurant and it had a, the, like I was on the sidewalk and he was like at a window table inside the restaurant seated there and like we made eye contact through the window and he was like, hey, and I was like, hey, and there's like, well, not the, do I go in the restaurant to say hi to him or do I like, not, I didn't know what to do because we couldn't talk with each other or anything. So I just like, I was like, hey, and then I just like kept walking. I was like, I don't, that was the way to handle that, right? I think that's correct. What else was I supposed to do? Yeah, no, I think that was the right thing to do. Yeah. And I could, I guess I could have like secretly been to the hostess,
Starting point is 00:50:28 like, don't put me in that section because he would have seen me by then. Yeah. Yeah. Oh God. Yeah. It was very. No, you made, you made the right move. But what if he saw me running out? Yeah. What if he saw me? Oh, that would have been, yeah, that's maybe the worst case scenario. He might have. He might have seen me bolting and I put my name down as the like, and so what if she called my name? Oh no. And then I wasn't there and he was like, I know the name Georgia. Maybe she ran because no, why would he do that? That's what I'm saying. Well, it's funny. I got my sandwich today and it was really salty. And I said, why is this so salty? And they said that one of the servers cried on it. What? Oh, I get it. So that's, that's what I've heard. That's, that's funny.
Starting point is 00:51:06 I took, yeah. I bet you that guy that you didn't go into the restaurant and say I too was thrilled by that. So I didn't get any French onion soup, but you've had the French onion soup there before? Yeah. I mean, it's the same everywhere. Well, you know, right across the street from that Mimi's cafe is the Tamo Chanturn. Oh, love the Tamo Chanturn. It's one of the best restaurants and they, and you could switch their onion soup with Mimi's and you would never fucking know. Really? I just wouldn't. It's, I just think it's everywhere. I think you're right. I think you're right. Yeah. It is basically like the same recipe that it's basically executed in the same way. Yeah. Unless you get the pie type one with the, with the cheese and the brown top. Well, that's
Starting point is 00:51:44 the Tamo Chanturn is that. It's that big old crock that's got that big old pie crust on top, and there were that big cheese of melted cheese and melted Gruyere or whatever. By the way, I apologize that I keep coughing. I'm pretty sure I have the Zika virus or dengue fever. I have one of the two. So I, uh, yeah. My nose keeps running. So I, I get it. I'm working on my t-shirt. You guys all have it. It's everyone's got it. Awesome. This podcast will, you're patient zero and this podcast will basically be the evidence they'll cite when the outbreak comes. It's going to go into time capsule and they're going to send it to space. Yeah. The real quick on the Tamo Chanturn, that's like a little historical LA place where I think
Starting point is 00:52:24 Walt Disney had his own table and that's just like an amazing sort of throwback when you go in there. It's good. They've got the, this old school steakhouse where you got prime rib and all these old school menu items. It's really charming. His slice of prime rib came in the shape of a Goofy's head and that's how he. God damn it. I think he did. I think he did model like the seven dwarfs. It's kind of got that vibe. And there's some houses in Los Feliz too where like he lived near there and they have like seven dwarfs vibe. Yeah. He lived in Los Feliz. He lived nearby. Yeah. And that was like one of his favorite spots. But if you go in there, there's, there's drawings on the wall at the Tamo Chanturn, right? That Disney did. Yeah. They all used, all the animators used to go
Starting point is 00:53:04 there and chill out. How cool would that have been? Yeah. That's cool. Cooler time. Cooler, way cooler. Cooler. So to Mitch, Georgia had an aborted experience at the Mimi's Cafe. Yeah, great choice. It was a, it was a fucking, you know what I meant. Mitch, you had a full experience there. Full experience. What'd you get? So, like I said, I went with the Friends of the podcast, Evan Suster and Mike Carlson and we shared a fried brie appetizer that was like, you know that one? Well, I looked at the menu and I got home to like show myself what I had missed out on. Yeah. And I was like, damn it. That looks so good. I enjoyed it. I think, I think a couple of, like a, maybe Evan didn't like it. Someone didn't like it. But when I had the piece of bread and the apple
Starting point is 00:53:53 and the cheese all mixed together and there's like a mango chutney sort of deal on top of it, on top of the brie, I thought it was pretty tasty. It wasn't, and it's kind of different than a lot of other places get because there was like a spinach dip. And I was like, why am I going to get a spinach dip on there? Yeah. I'm like, yeah, that looks tasty and it's French themed. I'm going to get that. And it was, it was, it was not too bad. And then we also got seven meatballs, which I guess is not really French themed. Why do they, I saw that they call it that. What the fuck? It's the count because we got the same appetizer. It's the actual count of the number of meatballs. I get it, but just call it meatballs then. Yeah. I don't know why they called it seven. I should call it meatballs
Starting point is 00:54:28 seven. I mean, what's wrong? I agree with you. Meatball seven, that's funnier. It's like the movie meatballs and the people will get a kick out of it. I got it. No, I don't know this. It's right. They add some specificity for some reason. I don't know why it's called seven meatballs. For whatever reason, it did catch my eye a little bit more than just seeing meatballs. That's interesting. Yeah. So I don't, I wonder if it just makes you think like, why is it called seven meatballs? Oh, you just get seven meatballs? I don't know. Also, not a huge surprise that seven meatballs caught your eye more than one meatball. I mean, that makes sense. We left two meatballs over. I thought the meatballs were good too. They give you little pieces of bread to put those on too. I love that.
Starting point is 00:55:10 Appetizers are like my fucking favorite thing in the world. Appetizers and leftovers are my two of my favorite foods in the world. It's great. And you know, I love to get, if you're with a big group of people to split up some apps, it's a great way to do it. And those meatballs, they were tasty and the fried brie was good. And the crazy thing is that comes with those, like I said, the slices of bread that were kind of like grilled or whatever and buttered. But the rolls to begin with weren't that great. Like the, just like kind of like the little rolls that came with it. Like the bread basket? The bread basket. There was a raisin bread sort of deal that was tasty. And then the other bread was not as good. I was kind of like, oh, this is kind of weak.
Starting point is 00:55:49 Oh, sorry. Go ahead. Do they have like super cold butter? That's like a big peppy of mine. No, the butter was actually was decent and Evan Susser was actually dipping his bread into it. Yeah, it's whipped and spreadable. That butter is very, very easily spreadable. Yeah. Well, you're talking about the complimentary bread basket, which is a distinct item from the, like you just get that whether you get a nap or not. Yeah. Yeah, they give you bread basket and you get like some baguettes and you get some, I don't know if it's a zucchini bread. I think it might be a zucchini bread. Yeah, with the little raisins in it. Yeah, they're little Madeleine shaped and those are pretty good and tasty. The baguettes I think are... The baguettes
Starting point is 00:56:21 were not great. And also kind of like, here's the thing. That's the first impression. Don't like, put out the little whatever the other zucchini bread that you were talking about. Was yours warm? Because my, our baguettes were warm. Oh, mine was not warm. Okay, so that may be the difference. Ours I thought weren't bad, but I get if you got those room temp or cold, they probably would be less appetizing. I mean, a bread basket though, like how are you gonna, like, I don't care what it tastes like. I'm so happy about it. Yeah, I love bread. Yeah, it's my downfall. I love bread so much. And I love when there's like a nice warm bread, man. Oh, I fucking love it. I love a nice warm bread, salty butter on there. That's like not cold. God, that drives me when I was a waitress,
Starting point is 00:56:59 I would like put butter aside to like not let it be cold because it drove me so crazy. It's crazy how well that can be done. And it's such an underrated part of it. And I know that you can't eat too much bread before meal, but I love a nice slice of bread and butter at a restaurant. So I was thinking about this. I love leftover, like my favorite thing when I was a kid and we would go, I'd get all this food and part of it was because I wanted the leftovers. And like, usually the next day I would pretend I was sick and make my mom stay home so I could eat the leftovers in front of like muppet babies or whatever. I was just thinking that. And so I totally would fill up on bread because then I would get leftovers and I still love leftovers.
Starting point is 00:57:34 Yeah. Is that weird? That's kind of weird. No, that's weird at all. I think that sounds great. How old were you when you were watching the muppet babies? I guess it was like 30. No, I guess pretty young. Yeah. Wasn't there ever, isn't that funny to think of like, a episode of muppet babies premiering, like a new one? Oh, yeah. Isn't that like, like, I guess it was a Saturday morning cartoon, right? And then there was a new one every, I guess I never, ever thought of watching a cartoon as like, this is a,
Starting point is 00:57:58 oh, this is a premiere. That concept as a kid. This is either, it was either one I'd seen or one I hadn't seen. Well, I think there's no storyline like through a season or whatever. There are seasons. Yeah. Why would you, yeah. Yeah, there is. Yeah. That's so funny to think about. That is weird. Yeah. This industry is stupid. We shouldn't be working in it. Okay. What else did you eat? Seven meatballs appetizer. I thought those were good. I mean, they were piping hot, which I thought was nice. And like the, and if that sauce was pretty flavorful, the meatballs
Starting point is 00:58:24 were pretty good. For my entree, so I should mention Natalie and I went for lunch in Lakewood, California for Valentine's Day. Oh, I love it. It was nice. What the fuck? It was very charming. Well, there are a lot of, that would make me sad, I think. There were a lot of, I tell you there were a lot of. She took her to Mimi's Cafe for Valentine's Day. She wanted to go. She wanted to go. Oh my God, Natalie, you should have come to Columbia with her. This is awful. She had a great time. We got four beverages. We got the Mimi Osas,
Starting point is 00:58:56 which are a brunch thing they have, which is their concept of a mimosa. Their regular one has a little bit of tangerine in addition to the traditional orange juice. And there, we also got the white peach one to mix it up, which is more like a Bellini. It has a little bit of peach flavor to it. Both pretty flavorful. Both, you know, about as sweet as any mimosa you would get. A little sugary for my taste, but if you are feeling like a mimosa, I think it'll be a satisfying execution of it. I thought we can't stop laughing about that. We had a great time. We were freezing right past that. And if you're good, Natalie,
Starting point is 00:59:31 I might get you a kiss tonight before you go to bed. I have questions about those. I have questions. Yeah, go for it. Like, how many couples were there? What were they like? Was it depressing a little bit? Was it like, what was it like? I wouldn't say it was depressing. I would say it was, I would say there were a lot of, it felt like there were a lot of older couples there, a lot of seniors felt like, and you know, that's a natural seniors place. Again, I mentioned earlier that it was a place that would go with my grandma. I don't know if I mentioned that the podcast or not, but I mentioned that to you beforehand.
Starting point is 00:59:59 Definitely. But it feels like it has that kind of vibe. It's very comforting and friendly to the elderly. Yeah, it's like, take your parents there when they come to town. Yeah, exactly. And then there were a lot of, it feels like families. So maybe like the kids wanted to go there and mom and dad were like, all right, this will be our little Valentine's Day treat. Yeah, I guess you have to do that when you have children, huh? You can include them in your life. Yeah, we were definitely probably the one youngish couple that was just there together. So yeah, I get that it's an unusual thing. But she was into it, guys. She gave me grief for how me and my wife spend our time together as a couple. I think it's great. I'm just surprised.
Starting point is 01:00:36 Well, we had a lovely time and she can attest to it. Well, she also married you. I got the, for my entree, I got the le duet, which is a pick two of soup, salad, half sandwich. I got the chicken cordon blue sandwich. It comes with fries or fruit. I got the fries. I got that French onion soup, Georgia. Yes. And you get all that for $9.99. It's a pretty good deal. It's not bad. You get a half sandwich, a soup and fries. And I feel like that's pretty filling. Or if you want to get one of their salads instead, you could do that. You could get a soup and salad combo. I was like planning on ordering that. I'm so bummed that someone I knew was there because on my way there, I was like, I wonder if they have a half of a sandwich because that's the
Starting point is 01:01:16 perfect amount of food. It really is. Damn it. It's a nice, nice little lunch meal. You can go. You got to go. I bet he's not working a double. I could go right now. That chicken cordon blue sandwich, I will say, was really good. It had the really nice, I got to taste a piece of the chicken on its own. It had that nice crispiness to the outside of the chicken. The meat was juicy and tender. A nice execution of an American style interpretation of chicken cordon blue. Good bread. Good baguette it was on. Yeah, it was very tasty. And French onion soup was fine. I will say I've had their other soups, their corn chowder and their tomato basil on past experiences. I think I'd lean tomato basil if I'm just going to pick one of their soups as a cup
Starting point is 01:01:58 to have with a sandwich. But they're French onion. If you're a French onion fan, Georgia, you're right. It's a good execution of it. And the fries, good fries. They got some seasoning to them. I had to add some salt, but very good. The fries aren't bad. They were kind of those skin on russard. Like, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. But they're, no, maybe not. They're there. They got a little bit of skin on them. They got a little bit of skin. Yeah. They were decent. I had the, hey, by the way, you stayed true to your promise of what you mentioned last week, which was eating out on Valentine's Day. God damn it. You idiot. I had the French dip sandwich, which was great. It was really good. A roast beef sandwich on a French roll. And then
Starting point is 01:02:39 I got it, I forget what it's called, whatever style where they put like cheese on it and vegetables and mushrooms and stuff like that. You guys are good orders. And it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was really, really great. And I got a lemonade. And like I said, the two appetizers that were, that were decent. I feel like a French dip sandwich can be bad. Can be bad. Yeah. Like, it's, it's, it's, it's one of those orders. Maybe it was Mimi style. No, I'm never going to know. But there's some, maybe it's actually the French word of, of how it's supposed to come. But whatever. I did very little research, of course. But a French dip sandwich, I feel like can be such a toss up, like right, like it can be bad. Absolutely. It can be really
Starting point is 01:03:21 bad. And this, this one was, the au jus was nice and the fries were good and it was, it was good. I feel like Mimi's delivers on like kind of the basics. Like I feel like I've, when I've gotten salads there and they're very, they're, they're very adequate to good. I've gotten, I feel like their soups are all solid. I feel like their sandwiches are all pretty good. Natalie got a bacon avocado sourdough burger that was pretty good. It was not bad. So yeah, I feel like that looks tasty. Try the chicken papaya, you guys. Definitely a chicken papaya. I will definitely try that on a future, on a future visit. But yeah, I've kind of straight away, I've had some of their entrees in the past, like they have a, what is it, they have like a chicken crepe sort of
Starting point is 01:04:02 concept. I've had like a few of those things and like that stuff is good. And they have like a whole frites menu where it's like they've got like steak frites and mules frites or how do you say that? Mules frites. I think that's right. It sounds right. It sounds right. I don't know. Moles? Moles, yeah. Whatever it is, it's mussels with, with fries. And they have a few of those, which I haven't really delved into. But overall, I feel like the basics are very solid. And I think if you're going to go there, you know, if that's your option, I feel like you stick to those basics, you're not going to go to, you're not going to go too far a field. Like you think it's going to be pretty solid. Yeah, I feel the same way. It's not, it's not really, really great. Like the food
Starting point is 01:04:41 doesn't blow me away, but it's also like nice mid-level sort of fun stuff that like I would go there again. I would go, I would go there again, which is big for me. It's like in small suburban towns for a reason. It's like, it's not that crazy, but it's, it's like a little better than going to like norms or something. Sure. Sure. And also, I feel like this is another big thing with it is that it covers French food. And then how many other places do you, I mean, it doesn't do a lot of French food, obviously, you know, it's, it's limited. But how many other places do you know that will have the, I mean, there's Obampon, right? I don't know if I remember. And that's kind of it, as far as French fast food restaurants go. Yeah, there's another one, but I can't remember what
Starting point is 01:05:22 the name of it is. And there's one where there's a few of them. But yeah, there's not a lot of French options. And so, so this is, this is a French-ish concept. You're right. It's not, it's not bad. Take it or leave it. Yeah. All right. So, Georgia, with the point of the podcast, we're going to issue our verdict on this restaurant. So here's how this will work. We'll each go around, we'll take a turn and sort of give our closing argument, if you will. And then at the end of it, disclose your rating from one to five forks. Okay. So we'll start with you. Okay. I mean, I think it's a solid choice for families. And if you need a glass of wine while you're, like immediately while you're waiting in the waiting area, then it's great. I would give it,
Starting point is 01:06:04 as an, as a kid, I would give it five forks. As an adult, there's three of them. Three forks. That's the sad. Not bad. No, no, no, no. The just the, the sad, you know, crawl of time and maturation process. Yeah. It takes away things in a different way. Exactly. Yeah. I get it. And, you know, this may have been my first time at that restaurant. And I don't think it's that bad as far as kind of like casual French food goes. The food was tasty and it was, it was cheap enough. It wasn't crazy expensive. It's definitely not a place to take someone for Valentine's Day. Definitely don't go there on Valentine's Day. What did you do for dinner that night, by the way? We went to an Indian place that we love. We went to our favorite Indian
Starting point is 01:06:51 place, Chawney. Oh, that's great. We had a great time. Yeah. We had a wonderful day. You know what? I'm sure it was a great day. I give you a hard time, but you know what? I'm back from Colombia and I'm alive. And I'm happy to see you again, I guess. Oh, that's nice. I wish I had died in Colombia. You know that's why I went down there. Oh, my God. That's been a great story. Yeah. Imagine the shipping costs to bring your corpse back stateside. It's so dark. You'd be crying so much. And starting the new podcast with Evan Susser. I enjoyed it. But it's not great food. But the French dip was way better than I expected it
Starting point is 01:07:38 to be. The fries were tasty and the apps were not bad. So it's middle of the road. You can't really go wrong if you stay safe. And like Nick said, you can't really beat the price of especially your meal. You got a bargain. I'm gonna go three forks as well. Handholding club so far. Don't mess it up. A bonus is that they also have a full bar, right? Yeah, they do have a full bar. That's like a super bonus. I had a nice lemonade when I was there. It was tasty. Good drinks. Definitely. I enjoy my time at Mimi's Cafe. And I feel like it's, I agree that food wise is maybe middle of the road. I'd say it's maybe slightly better than average in terms of what chains offer. But here's the X factor. It's just such a charming,
Starting point is 01:08:27 pleasant dining experience. And if we're talking about eating out, as opposed to eating at home, and Mitch, I know your mind instantly went to me, going down on my lovely wife. You have some obsession with bringing that up every time I talk about it. It happened last week, you idiot. You said it. Well, I wasn't saying it to induce any sort of response. But how can you not? And you haven't changed the wording of it. When you're having the dining out experience, when you're having an experience where you're out and about on the town and you're going to go to a destination and you're going to eat on the premises, Mimi's offers something that a lot of chain restaurants don't, which is it's just got a very fun theme. And I went to a Mimi's
Starting point is 01:09:16 cafe. I went to the one in Atwater about a year ago by myself after work because I needed a bite to eat in between functions. And I had a Facebook status, which was that I'm at Mimi's cafe by myself and I'm having the time of my life. And I stand by that. I had a great time at Mimi's cafe by myself at a great time on Valentine's Day with my sweetheart, my lovely wife, Natalie. We had a wonderful experience. And I think the food is fine. And I think that the meal overall is just a fun experience. And for that reason, they use three-tine forks at Mimi's cafe. So for that reason, I am going to give it four and one-third forks, four forks, one tine out of three. Wow. Wow. I guess you kind of have to rate it high because you took your
Starting point is 01:10:11 wife there for Valentine's Day. Yeah, I feel like it was just a shitty shit place. Well, kind of a dick. Yeah, now I have to say it's four forks. All right, well, good for you. You know what? I liked that. That was very impassioned. It was. Yeah. And I only laugh because you worded that so poorly last week. I did. My cat's name is Mimi, which like, is that on purpose? I don't know. It might have been subconscious. Yeah. I kind of want a mimosa now, to be honest with that, or Mimi Mosa or whatever the hell they are. I tell you, it's not bad. It's totally fine. You know, like, like Jordan was saying about French onion soup is the same everywhere. It's kind of the case with mimosas. They're kind of all similar and it's a good execution of it. I'm going to Mimi's,
Starting point is 01:10:52 like I'm gonna go. You should. Don't let this fucking asshole hold you back. You guys know him. I gave it a high rating. Oh, no, not you. I'm sorry. You're saying this fucking asshole, I immediately thought you were talking about me. Oh, and to this fucking asshole, I want to apologize or something wrong with you. You get yours. You know, we've all been there. All right. It's time for that's our discussion on Mimi's cafe. It's time for a regular segment. We've got a food stuff and we're going to determine if it's worth putting in your mouth. It's snack or whack. Now, Mitch, you have an array of snacks that you have brought with us. That's true. But I was kind of going to name this Mitch's Colombian tasting section.
Starting point is 01:11:33 Okay. So we have a different, we have a different segment names, right? Snack or whack if you're maintaining the Doughboys Wikipedia. And you're going to follow by what, what spoon man is going to tee up right here as he fumbles with his phone. No, there's, there's a YouTube commercial. God damn it. And it's 15 seconds long. What is it for at least? Oh, it's, it's in Spanish. Oh, it makes sense. Busco novio. It's in theater soon. Okay, here we go. It's was just Tito pointy. Oh, God damn it. This sucks. Where's this going, Mitch? What is this building to? Oh, there we go. It was only supposed to be that. It was supposed
Starting point is 01:12:31 to be theme music, but then a commercial came on and fucked everything up. Is Tito pointy Colombian? Good question. All right. It was just supposed to be some fun music. You know what? I should have done this beforehand because the idea is great execution. Well, that's what this whole actually no, the idea of this show isn't good either. All right, Mitch, what have you brought with you? So fucking sue me. I tried to fucking do something fun. You write out shit all the time. God damn it. You guys are the cutest couple I've ever seen. Thank you, George. I appreciate it. All right, so before I got to have my fun little segment, it was going to be a fun time, but let's just do the snack or whack, like you said. Okay, let's see if this is so this is this is a Colombian
Starting point is 01:13:12 booze drink. And I still am going to I'm going to I'm going to botch how you say this, but it's called aguardiente. And it's like a so this is like they're kind of like they're it's like a licorice. Yeah, it's like a licorice liquor. Yeah, like absence kind of. Yeah, a little bit like a Zambuca. Okay. Zambuca. Yes. Yep. So this will be the this will be the first taste. You want me to open that bad boy up while you keep the next one. No way. You got it. You brought these home from Columbia. I brought these home from Columbia. I'm so excited. Yeah, you are awesome. You smuggled these up your ass, correct? In the shampoo bottle, you know, I should have gotten this booze out earlier because I didn't realize that you guys would not laugh at any of my jokes
Starting point is 01:13:59 and look at me like I was a fucking weirdo. Next, I'm doing great. Hold on. I want to try to open that because I was going to let you open it. And then and then here we got some dark chocolate cafe flavored from from Columbia. And so this is a this is some yeah, some dark chocolate. It's got a nice color with cocoa in it. That's like such a Charlie's chocolate factory wrapper right there. Oh, yeah, it really is. Yeah. And so there's little pieces and we can all break a piece. There you go. Hand it around. Great. I'm taking a photo of you guys as I try to get this goddamn. Yeah, so I did take this through customs. And the last thing that I can't believe I'm actually sharing is the last thing that I'm actually sharing is some rum from Cuba.
Starting point is 01:14:48 So actual Cuban rum, I know that I went to I went to Columbia. And this one you're actually not supposed to take back. But I ran. And so this is a this is it's called Havana Club and it's aged seven years. Oh my goodness. So this is a this is kind of like their fancy rum. So here we go. That's the chocolate. The chocolate. Very, very tasty. And here we go. Here's here's some shots. I'm scared. You guys will laugh at Meatball seven after this one. How come it's not really coming? There it comes. So you kind of got a it's kind of like a it's very very much a dark chocolate. It feels like it has some sort of nut or something in it, Georgia. Yeah, it has a coffee. It's like it's like coffee. Oh, it's coffee. Okay, it's got it's
Starting point is 01:15:31 so bitter, which I love about dark chocolate. It's like barely sweet. All right, Mitch, it looks like you're you're pouring us Quincy, Massachusetts style double shots here. Oh, yeah, maybe those are too much. Yeah, this is everything's going everywhere. Oh, fuck, the rum fell on the fucking floor. What a disaster. This is why you're in charge of this stuff. Well, this didn't break. I would have cried for real. Yeah, cap still on like Nick did when he was talking about his Valentine's Day. And we'll give all right. Well, sorry, Nick, you're taking a full one. Georgia don't feel obligated to take a take all that down. Georgia, will you hand me that rum while you're up? Would you mind? There we go. Okay. All right, so let's let's all taste this one first. Do you have any idea what
Starting point is 01:16:15 this is called? I told you it was the Agua Durante. Okay, I'm butchering it. I'm gonna drink this whole thing. Cheers, everybody. Cheers. Let me take a sip first. It's sambuca totally. Yeah, it does definitely have that kind of, is it anise, licorice sort of character to it? Yeah. It's real tasty. I mean, this would make a really good cocktail if it was a light on the cocktail, but it's good. Yeah, no, it's it's it's rough. It's it is kind of it's like a aperitif. You know, it's annoying to me that like Yeagermeister is thought of as so like bro-y because it fucking tastes like an any aperitif or any like bitter alcohol. This is good. Yeah, it's not bad. I tell you, I'm when it comes to like a one of those aperitifs, I'm very much
Starting point is 01:17:04 like a fernet man. Yeah, fernet bronca. Fernet's great. I don't know why Yeagermeister isn't thought of in the same way. Sure. So I hate I hate, Nick, I'm gonna, I'm gonna just pour a little bit of your water in here and and then take it if you don't mind. Sure. And then sip it up to what you just said. Just sort of clear it out. Yeah. Cleaning up the glasses. And then so yeah, this next one is the Havana Club. There's there's there's a few different versions. One is age three years and this one's age seven years and you kind of and you kind of sip it like a it's like a whiskey or something. It's more so like kind of a whiskey. All right, don't give me a full shot here. Give me like a half. All right. I get a drive home a half hour. Do people get mad at
Starting point is 01:17:42 you guys for the sound of eating? You know what we do have some people are like like I have to turn off the podcast when that happens and some people are way too into it. Oh, no. Yeah, it's like either you're a pervert or you're a freak. Yeah, but we've gotten yelled out before. We try to avoid. I've gotten to the point where I try to avoid eating directly into the microphone, but sometimes this is inevitable. Here we go. This is the third one. That's good. There we go. Okay. All right. Bottoms up guys. Yeah, this one is kind of more of a sipping one, I would guess, but you can also shoot it. It smells like fire. It smells like burning. Oh boy. That is nice. Oh my god, that's good. Yeah, it's got a nice sort of like molassesy. Totally. Character to it. Oh boy,
Starting point is 01:18:23 real good dark rum. That is fucking great. I'm glad we put our differences aside with a nation of Cuba so we could have more fine product like this. Yeah, at the ready in the near future. I want to go there so bad. Yeah, well, you know, we had a guest Eva or a recent guest Eva Anderson had gone to Cuba and she had a lovely time, but I guess she said the food is not as exciting as you would expect. Well, I guess when you close your country off completely, you don't get a lot of good diversity. Yeah, totally. Probably. Sorry Cubans, if I'm, don't kill me. That's really good. That is really tasty. Yeah, I would sip this on ice. Yeah, it's good. Yeah. All right, so what do you think the verdict is as far as?
Starting point is 01:19:04 I guess we should we just give a snack or whack to the nation of Columbia? Sure. I mean, yeah, overall, what is what is your verdict snack or this is very much snack. I mean, like this is not snacking food. I'm not going to snack on some super expensive chocolate and some Columbia and illegal rum, but our Cuban illegal rum. But I mean, it's all very, very tasty in terms of good or bad. Yeah, this is this is big time snack. I give snack all around to all three very, very snack. It's fucking great or drink or I guess a drink all around snack and drink. It's combo snack. Actually, and then you ended up with some chocolate on your nose. It'll happen to the best of us. The guy at customs was like, what do you got there? He's like,
Starting point is 01:19:49 you got any plants, any, any bottles of booze or any narcotics? And I did have bottles of booze. Oh my god, you could have arrested if they caught you lying. Could I really? Well, so when he said narcotics, my eyes lit up and I said no, no, no, no, no, no, no to narcotics. Yeah. And in my head I was like, I'm just saying no to narcotics, not to booze. So you weren't like. Yeah. Check with your lawyer Lev Gennsburg if that's an airtight legal argument. I think you might have some problems there. I'm glad you made it out OK. I'm glad you brought this lovely bounty of food and drink for us. A great time we had in studio as you had a great time in that nation and it seems like they have a wonderful array of culinary delights.
Starting point is 01:20:33 Yes. We should have done this at the beginning. I should have gotten you guys drunk. Loosen up old liger over here. All right, that's Snackerwack. Just like a restaurant, we value your feedback. Let's open up the feedback. Today's email comes to us from Sam Cassis. Sam writes, I live in Sydney and our first Carl's Jr. opened up in a suburb around 1.5 hours drive away. As I have never had Carl's Jr., we have McDonald's and Burger King. In Australia it is called Hungry Jacks. Should I make the trek to check it out? What is the furthest distance you have ever traveled to get something to eat? Thanks for all the great shows. Look forward to Rocktoberfest 2016. Thanks for the email, Sam. An email from an Australian listener.
Starting point is 01:21:15 That's great. This worked out perfectly because Georgia, you're a Carl's Jr. fan. Would you drive 90 minutes a Neophyte, someone who's never had Carl's Jr., is it worth a 90-minute drive to experience it? Yes, and especially if you've only done McDonald's and Jack-in-the-box because that's such a different monster completely than Carl's Jr. I feel like Carl's Jr. is a little more classy. It's definitely a little more upscale. Carl's Jr. is more classy than Jack-in-the-box. And they're so generic, and I think Carl's Jr. isn't really like that. I don't know. And they're so good. And to be clear, just on that, because I think we may have some cultural confusion here, so their Burger King is called Hungry Jacks. That's weird. So yeah, that's the issue. Right,
Starting point is 01:21:56 so Burger King and McDonald's are kind of generic. Still is definitely a step up from those two, Carl's Jr. Definitely. Yeah, I mean, I don't know. It sounds like if you're a listener of the podcast and it sounds like you have some interest in the world of food, that I almost feel like if you're a civilian, if you're a regular person, and your life is together and you have your priorities in order, maybe you don't drive 90 minutes, but if you're like a Doughboys listener who's super into food, then I think it might be worth your time. Yeah, if you're like an autistic Doughboys listener, you should definitely drive to Carl's Jr. I feel like here's what I say. Listen, that hour, hour and a half ride, you're only going to have a good time, you're going to
Starting point is 01:22:40 see some stuff, you're going to get yourself out of the house, you got a story, you do a podcast, you got a story, you're going to see, you know, you're going to see, who knows, koala, kangaroo, some sort of... My thing is, what's the point of leaving the house if there's not going to be snacks involved? So to go on an actual food adventure, I really won't go travel anywhere unless it's going to be really good food, and then I know exactly where I'm eating, go on a food adventure. 100%. I completely agree with you, and you'll have fun. I mean, Carl's Jr. is great. It's a great burger, you're going to have a fun time. I mean, it's not like you're going to sit down at like a fancy restaurant or something like that,
Starting point is 01:23:16 but you're going to try something nice, you're going to see some stuff, you're going to get out of the house, and you're going to kill some more time in this long waiting list to get into the grave. So yeah, yeah, oh, I mean, that's the other thing too, if you're going to go there and you're going to drive an hour, go fucking nuts. Get like five burgers, try bites of stuff, spend $40 when you go there. Send a photo. By the way, I'm really interested, Sam, if you do end up going, give us some intel on what the Australian menu equivalents are, because I have a feeling they're not going to call it the Western bacon cheeseburger, it'll be like the... That's a nice burger? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:56 This is how much I love it. It's the rodeo burger in other places. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You know, that doesn't make sense. I mean, I don't know, dude, do they have rodeos in Australia? No idea. I don't think so, yeah. Look, if they have a burger there, Sam, with barbecue sauce, cheese, bacon, and onion rings, I would just say order that one, because that's a home run. I like the big Carl. That big Carl's real good too. I don't know if they'll have that though. They make Carl the guacamole burger's good. You should get a few of them. I like that jalapeno burger too. The jalapeno burger's great too. I think you get four or five of those and just try bites. The chicken, yeah, the Santa Fe chicken sandwich.
Starting point is 01:24:30 That's fucking great too. Get all of them. That's what I'm saying. Spend 40 to 50 bucks. Sam, if you're out there, get four or five sandwiches. Spend 40 to 50 bucks. In other words, get Mitch's normal order. You sick, fuck. No, fuck this podcast. I'm going to leave this podcast this year. I swear to God. I'm going back to Columbia. I'm going to hold you to that. Hold on a second. We're not done with this thing, because how far have you driven to get something? And my answer is, I guess you don't get the podcast as quickly down there, but we went to Steak and Shake and it was way far away. Yeah, we went to Victorville, California for Steak and Shake. That was definitely the far way to Vegas. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:25:04 farthest I ever drove for any food ever and fuck that journey. Was it worth it? No? I mean, yes. I thought so. To go to a proper Steak and Shake, and we had a great time with friend of the podcast, Evan Susser. He lost his sunglasses. Great time. I had a great time. All right. Great is in quotation. It was a fun trip. It was a fun trip. Yeah, it was fun. And I guess Columbia or anywhere that I've gone where I've traveled to go somewhere, I'm always excited to try the food, so I guess that would be the first I've ever gone. But I don't know about a specific restaurant where I've traveled because I want to try that fast food or not even fast food,
Starting point is 01:25:41 just any sort of thing. I guess maybe I've gone out of the way to get a certain burrito or pizza or something like that, but none of it maybe more than an hour and a half to two hours. We're probably around close to what the Carl's Jr. journey is. That would be weird to just go to San Francisco for a burrito for six hours. That would be kind of psycho. Yeah, I don't know if that's worth it. You'd have to work for an airline and have that be a free trip or something to make that make any sort of sense. How are you feeling? Are you drunk enough to drive? I tell you, no, I'll be fine. But I am definitely like, I haven't eaten dinner yet, so I'm definitely on a little bit of a, I got that little bit of that alcohol buzz. You know,
Starting point is 01:26:17 when you have like a, we have like one drink in an empty stomach and you're just like a little bit more buzz than you anticipate. Oh yeah. I'm kind of dealing with that. Hopefully this won't be used as evidence in my upcoming DWI trial. We'll see. I'll be on the prosecutor side. If you have a question or comment about the world of chain restaurants, you can email us at dowboyspodguests at Follow us on Twitter at dowboyspod. Check out our Facebook page, just dowboys. Georgia Hardstark. Thank you so much for joining us in studio. We had a great time. So much fun. Do you have anything you would like to plug? Oh, just a slumber party podcast and my favorite murder podcast, some feral audio. Yay, feral audio. Yay to feral audio indeed.
Starting point is 01:26:54 It's a great, great, great network. We love Dustin. We love you, Dustin. We love Dustin. He makes it all happen. And also thank you for, you clasped up this place quite a bit. Thank you for coming in here. That's what that smell is. Thanks for having me, you guys. This is so much fun. Awesome. Well, that'll do it for this episode of Doe Boys. Until next time, for The Spoonman, Mike Mitchell, I'm Nick Weigher. Happy eating. Adios.

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