Doughboys - Minisode: After Dough with Joe Episode 2

Episode Date: August 16, 2016

Joe Saunders sits down with Doughboys host Nick Wiger, in this post-match interview recorded after the dramatic Mexican food round of the Doughlympics.Want more Doughboys? Check out our Patreon!: http...s:// for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The Doughlympics continues. In a thrilling week two matchup, Taco Bell took home the gold overall in the Mexican Chain category with Del Taco and Chipotle close behind. Welcome to After Dough with Joe, the official Doughboys After Show where we break down and discuss all the twists and turns of the ongoing Doughlympics Susser games. I'm Joe Saunders and I'm joined this week by a very special guest, co-host of Doughboys, the Burger Boy himself, Nick Weiger.
Starting point is 00:00:41 Nick, welcome. Joe. Thrilled to be here. Nick, it's great to have you. So let's just, you know, how are you doing? What a show. That was a long one, an intense one. How are you feeling?
Starting point is 00:00:51 You know, we had Courtney Davis in here and she's a beam of light. She's a delight. We've been friends for a while. She's very talented, very funny. We're very, very glad to have her. The issues with the episode were between me and Mitch and in front of the podcast, Evan Susser. I mean, I think things just kind of came to a head because there's just some ongoing
Starting point is 00:01:13 conflict and it's usually, it's usually between me and Mitch. I mean, I think anyone who listens to the podcast and probably anyone who listens to this dumb after show is someone who regularly listens to the podcast knows that that's where most of the conflict comes from, but it also comes from between Mitch and Susser. And those are pretty much, it's pretty much Mitch is the problem, like Mitch is the source of conflict. I fight with Mitch and then Mitch fights with Susser. But also sometimes, I mean, there are some things that me and Susser, I guess me and
Starting point is 00:01:43 Susser argue in what way we should blame Mitch sometimes. Like that's like, we have a disagreement over what he did wrong, but you know, that's usually Mitch is the basis of our disagreements. Interesting. Well, tension definitely seems to be one of the big themes of the Olympics so far. But before we get started, I just wanted to point out something to you. I'm sure you've noticed, yes, it's true, I do have, I do have pink eye right now, I've conjunctivitis.
Starting point is 00:02:07 Yeah. You have just the whole side of your face is kind of a mess there. Yes. It's pretty bad. And yes, it is similar to how Bob Cost has contracted pink eye during the Winter Games. Is this a method thing you're doing? Is this? It's a method thing.
Starting point is 00:02:24 It is purely coincidence. I mean, I'm, you know, of course, I'm honored to be following in one of my hero's footsteps, but I'm just going to try to persevere and keep doing the show and not let it get me too down. You would say Bob Costas is one of your heroes? Yes. Who else is on that list? Well, pretty much just Bob Costas and he's really only been one of my heroes in the past
Starting point is 00:02:43 two weeks where I discovered I had to do the show. Okay. Before that, I don't know if I felt that way, but now I'm excited and I consider him a hero. And also, I just want to point out that I would also, you know, similar to how Bob Costas had to during his Winter Olympics, I would like to deny that this was a Botox procedure gone wrong. Yeah. I did not, I did not get pink eye from Botox.
Starting point is 00:03:06 I would imagine no, I mean, you're a good looking young man, you look very young for your age. Thank you. But I would imagine no plastic surgery is in your future, but have you ever contemplated any sort of surgical procedure? You know, I've thought about this and I don't think so. But I don't know. I guess you never know.
Starting point is 00:03:25 Once you get to, you start to see things droop a little, maybe you start to tighten them up. What about you? I've thought about, here's the thing, I'm losing my hair and it's gradual. It's very gradual. Just my hairline is sort of going, I'll pull this up for you. This will be useless for the listeners. But you can kind of see how I kind of got my part sort of, yeah, it's sort of guarding
Starting point is 00:03:42 an ever increasing widow's peak and then I'm losing just a little bit on top. I'll duck down real quick and take a look. Oh, I've never noticed that before. Yeah, just a little bit of a, see I keep my hair pretty tight and what that does is it actually hides the hair loss a little bit because it's not tugging on the roots so it doesn't make the bald spot look as pronounced. A lot of guys try to grow their hair out for a comb over, but it's actually sometimes exacerbating the problem.
Starting point is 00:04:06 Oh, interesting. So, but I've thought about it and I think I am just going to get the, what LeBron is rumored to have done, get some hair transplant surgery as I get a little bit older. So I'm just going to say, I'm going to put a little money aside and just fucking do it because I just like, I'm going to look bad bald. I have like a weirdly shaped head. I don't have a bad head of hair, but I just have a weirdly shaped like dome. Hmm.
Starting point is 00:04:27 Yes. I think I also have a weirdly shaped dome. I, yes, but hair loss is something that I think if I ran into it, I would start looking into the procedures available. Is that a run in your family at all? No, no, no. No, but don't they say that comes from your mother's side? Yeah, but I mean like a maternal grandfather maybe or.
Starting point is 00:04:44 You know. Any uncles? I don't think so on my mother's side. They all have. Wow. I think they have good hair to hair, but I, you know, I don't know, there could be a secret bald person in there that I don't know about. All the Saunders down in the hot Lana with their nice full lustrous mains well into their
Starting point is 00:04:58 60s and 70s. Yeah. We're sweating under those mains. Um, but, um, hmm, good to know. What about gray hair? Dyer hair? No, I think I want to be a silver fox. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:10 I think I'd be into that too. I think you'll be a good looking older guy. I think you would be too. Oh Joe, what a thing to say. Thank you. Um, the other thing I wanted to bring up before we get into talking about the episode too much is, uh, we've talked about in the previous episodes that about my bread making. Yes.
Starting point is 00:05:27 So I decided to make a bread this week to bring onto the show. Oh, this is a, this is a real nice surprise. Well, you'd think so until last night there was disaster. I took, I tried to make a very ambitious bread called an apple pie bread. Oh boy. Wait, is this your own, a recipe of your own creation? Yes. No, no, it's not my own recipe.
Starting point is 00:05:45 Okay. I have a book, but this book had a complicated recipe and I was like, I'm just going to do it. But then I baked it and it had, it had like, I had to shred apples, it has raisins in it. And then I baked it. Everything was good. It came out.
Starting point is 00:05:56 I was like, this looks good. I, I turned the pan upside down and it just all came apart. Oh, okay. And so it's bad. But I've brought it here. Wait, I'll let you get it out for a one second. But my suspicion is that this is more of an aesthetic issue than a flavor issue. Well, I think it's very possibly raw in there.
Starting point is 00:06:15 Okay. Oh, okay. But it's kind of fun to smell. Yeah. Let me get a look at that bad boy. So it's in a Tupperware container. Joe's bad. You know what, Joe?
Starting point is 00:06:23 You oversold this as some sort of abomination. And I got to say, if I saw this under the glass at, say, a coffee bean outlet, I'd be like, hey, that looks like a decent little pastry. I'm going to take a little shot of this. I'll show this on social media if I remember. But yeah, this looks like, I see some, what are these, currants? Raisins. The raisins.
Starting point is 00:06:44 Okay. All right. If you want to... I got a fork here if you want to try this. Yeah. Have you tasted it? I have. Yes.
Starting point is 00:06:52 All right. I think it's okay. You think it's okay? All right. No, no. Give it a shot. It doesn't seem raw. Well, here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:07:00 It's kind of moisture in the apples. So I think that messed with the baking. Also, it's very possible. I got confused when I was making it how much flour I'd put in. It could have up to a cup less flour than it's supposed to. Okay. So I don't know if that affects it. I'm taking a bite of a corner piece, which are usually some of the better bites.
Starting point is 00:07:21 Probably. What do you think? Joe, that's not bad at all. Nick, thank you. In fact, I'm going in for a second forkful. Boy, that's real good. You know, I'm trying not to chew on it directly in the microphone because I'm very ellipsing at you right now.
Starting point is 00:07:44 Take this back. I'm going to hand this Tupperware back to you. Yep. I'd say it's good. I mean, you know what? The way you were describing it, I thought it might be a little sweet or something. But the sweetness is like it's nicely balanced. It's not overpoweringly apple or over-sugar, I can't form words.
Starting point is 00:08:06 It's really good. Well, maybe this was a success then. I think that's why, again, I go back to what I said initially, which is I think it may be an aesthetic failure and that, you know, sometimes when you want to present something that's nice, you want to bring that into the office and you want everyone to be like, oh, that looks good, you know, so that you may be disappointed on that level. But I think two people are going to taste it. Maybe you taste with your eyes first and you might be a little skeptical, but then you
Starting point is 00:08:32 actually dig in there and it is quite nice. Yeah. That makes sense. Well, that's good to hear. I would say, you know what? Here would be my suggestion. And I know you're a bread guy. You bake these sweet breads.
Starting point is 00:08:42 They're the easy things to bake, so that's my, yeah. Right. I would say that feels like that would be pretty darn good in muffin form. Ooh. Like you got yourself a muffin tin and then you just basically do that same recipe and that feels like the right portion for that. That's a good idea. I do have a muffin tin.
Starting point is 00:08:59 Hmm. Maybe. I went back to the store and I bought the ingredients again today because I want to try it again. But we'll see. I don't know. Maybe I'll update next week on the show. I hope you do. Okay.
Starting point is 00:09:11 Anyway, we've got all that out of the way. Let's get into talking about the episode. Great. Let's talk about it. So how do you think, how do you think this week's episode, the Mexican category compared to the previous category of pizza? What was the difference between the episodes? What did you learn this week?
Starting point is 00:09:27 Well, I'd say, I mean, like for me, and I don't want to put this on either of our guests because they were delightful, but for me, I'd say both episodes had in common that they were barely listenable. I would say this last one was maybe somehow even less listenable than the pizza one. The Mexican one, just like it went pretty off the rails and I think it was just a little heated in a bad way. And I feel like we did this frozen food segment that Evan Susser set up and it was just a fiasco.
Starting point is 00:10:03 We were just eating a lot of really bad food and it just soured all of our moods and I feel like we didn't gain anything from it. And so, yeah, I don't know. I mean, I think that the Olympics episodes have had in common that they're kind of messes, but I don't know, maybe we'll redeem it with part, redeem it all with part three and make it all feel worthwhile. Do you think, how big a difference does it make in, because with these episodes, you guys are eating the meals right before you record?
Starting point is 00:10:28 Yeah, immediately before. Whereas in other weeks, that doesn't happen. Everyone's kind of on their own schedules. Well, it happens sometimes, but I'd say it's not like a common fixture of it. We definitely had a number of episodes. I'd say probably maybe, I don't know, someone out there, some nerd who runs the Doe Boys Wikipedia will have done the math, but I'd say probably 12.5%, somewhere in that range of our episodes have been ones where we've all eaten as a group at a restaurant and then
Starting point is 00:10:55 come straight to the studio. But other times, it's like a separate outing on a separate day. Other times, we'll go individually, but it has happened before. We have had, like, we eat it, with Paul Sheary, I ate a bubblegum truck company, came straight in the studio. So, it does happen. You also did the Fran live episode, the 7-Eleven, that was, yeah, well, I was just floating that as a theory.
Starting point is 00:11:17 I don't know if it... It definitely affects things, I think, like, Mitch is a little grumpy when he's just like super full, and I think, like, I get a little groggy, and so I'm a little less articulate. As I am now, because I'm very tired, I've worked a full day, I've been up since 6 a.m. and we're recording this after 9 p.m. So, you know, I think just like, you know, what you do to your body affects your performance at any, on the field, in the kitchen, in the studio. And so, that's what I think I've been, I'm dealing with tonight.
Starting point is 00:11:51 I was dealing with then because it was very full, and so was Mitch, and I think that just sort of energy carried over. Sure. Well said. Well, we're actually going to take a break really quick for a special segment we have here. We're taking a break. We're taking a break.
Starting point is 00:12:04 Okay. Well, just for a moment, a special segment here on Afterdough that we are going to call The Olympics and Me. That's just the The Olympics and Me theme song, of course the R. Kelly song I believe I can fly. And now, so as we've seen in the sports Olympics that are currently going on, people, those Olympics are inspiring people all over the world. But what I wanted to find out was how the dough Olympics are inspiring people.
Starting point is 00:12:43 So I reached out to a previous guest of the podcast. She's a writer for You're the Worst, Eva Anderson. And I asked Eva, what did the dough Olympics mean to you? And this is what she said. Pretty interesting. Hi, Joe. It's Eva Anderson from the Chili's and CBK episodes of Doughboys. What do the dough Olympics mean to me?
Starting point is 00:13:06 I associate them with a feeling of gratitude that I am grateful that I am not doing the dough Olympics because you guys are eating too much food and the scoring doesn't make any sense. And mostly I just don't like the idea of Evan Foster getting to tell me what to do. That's it. Bye. Great. Great.
Starting point is 00:13:27 Coming from Eva there. What do you think of that, Nick? I mean, really just an insightful point at the end there of just the general displeasure with being instructed by Evan Susser what to do. I think that's the kind of insight we like from Eva who's been one of our beloved guests and we'll definitely come back on the podcast of the future. Yeah, I guess nice of you to get her to record that voicemail, Joe. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:54 Well, it was the minimum, most minimum amount of work for me possibly. I told her to call and leave that on my voicemail at some point. But I think she had some good takes on the show. I wonder if I have any voicemail that's interesting. Hold on. I've mentioned this on Twitter, but I get phone calls from just random numbers this time of year because school's about to come in session and coincidentally I have the same phone number with a different area code as the USC student housing office.
Starting point is 00:14:26 So people will just call me up and be like, hey, my son Chad's moving into Pfeiffer Hall and he wants to know if he can have a terrarium in his dorm. He's got a snake and the snake does eat live rats, so we just wanted to make sure ahead of time. I never pick up my phone if I don't recognize the number, but I'll just get these other voicemails. But I did get one earlier. I heard some of it, but let's see what this is all about.
Starting point is 00:14:58 Here we go. Hi, Keenan. This is Angela Helton. I was just checking in with you to try to get information from Move In on Tuesday. I just have a few questions. So you could call me back on this number. It's my cell phone. It's 9...
Starting point is 00:15:13 Uh-oh. Oh, okay. I'll stop there. Well, this doesn't seem super interesting anyway, but that's sort of thing, you know. Like they're asking Keenan about Move In Day. Yeah, that was very specific. There's a lot of names being thrown around. She knew she was calling Keenan, calling about, was it Logan?
Starting point is 00:15:28 Or Diane? Yeah, something like that. So I think it might have been, yeah. Something like that. Angela Helton? Yeah. A lot of good friends there exchanging information. I also have a recent email or a recent voicemail from Sparklets.
Starting point is 00:15:40 Sparklets? Yeah. Represented to collect. We've delivered convenience, pure and simple. Did you know that there is a summer hydration promotion going on right now? Ask your RSR for more details. Well, that one was real dead. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:55 You like how you can hear the whirring of the machine in the background of that? They don't even really disguise it. I want to ask you about the ending of the episode that happened. Yes. I don't even kind of know how to describe it. Really a breakdown. I feel like I was listening to the episode. There was the Diet Coke question and then the next thing I know, things are...
Starting point is 00:16:18 Right. Everyone's depressed and it's... Yeah. What happened there? Mitch and I had a little bit of an existential crisis. I think maybe he kind of provoked it, but... And I don't know. I think it was kind of tangentially related to the question at hand.
Starting point is 00:16:34 I think we're just dealing with the fact that this is... This podcast is like, we've been doing it for a while. And when we deviate from the norms, it's usually... You know, maybe we complain about it. We complain about it more than me, but it's usually kind of like a fun little tangent. And these have been just sort of like they felt like a slog. Like they felt like we don't really know what our gimmick is. We don't really know what the hook of it is, except that it's kind of like a crude pun on Olympics.
Starting point is 00:17:03 And beyond that, though, everything has just seemed so poorly thought out. And that's primarily my fault. I mean, I put a lot of it on Susser, but it's my fault. I can make these calls. I can make these decisions. And I could have coordinated this whole shit show better, but I don't know. I mean, I think just the weight of all of that was just sort of falling down upon us. And we're just realizing kind of the overall stupidity of what we've done.
Starting point is 00:17:28 You know, hopefully we'll dig ourselves out of this rut with the third episode. I don't know, we'll conclude this trilogy and hopefully it will all have been worthwhile. And if not, we'll get destined to delete these from the Feral Audio Studios forever. Sure. Do you think we have time for one more Olympics in me? Sure. Do we do? Yeah, I guess so.
Starting point is 00:17:48 That's odd for the host to ask the guest that question. Well, I was just trying to be polite. I wasn't sure if you had to get back to that. Okay, all right. Well, anyway, so yes, let's take another quick break for another quick installment of the Olympics in me. I believe I can fly. I believe I can touch the sky. I think about it.
Starting point is 00:18:10 You know, our Kelly's song, the song is from Space Jam. I do know that. Kind of more associated with basketball than, I guess you could say Michael Jordan was on the original Dream Team, so maybe he has some sort of Olympics connection, but there's certainly more of a basketball anthem than a sports anthem. I don't know. I shouldn't be giving criticism to this. No, no, no, that's a valid point.
Starting point is 00:18:28 When I was in middle school and we took a big standardized test, they used to play that song over the morning announcements every morning for the entire song, the entire five-minute song to inspire the school before they did their standardized test. That's how they do it down in Hot Lana. Yep. Well, anyway, so for this next segment, we spoke to another past Doe Boy's guest. He's a member of the Birthday Boys. He's a writer for Comedy Bang Bang, and he's a great tennis partner, Dave Ferguson.
Starting point is 00:18:52 And this is what Dave had to say. Tennis partner. Yep. When I asked him what the Olympics mean to him, this is interesting. I guess for me, the Doe Olympics is really about four guys at their peak, maybe a little past it, trying to test the very limits of an audience's willingness to care about a thing. And in that regard, I think it is a pinnacle of human achievement and something to be celebrated. So consider me a fan.
Starting point is 00:19:23 I haven't been able to listen to any of them yet, but I will try too soon. And I hope you guys have a good episode. Thanks. Ferguson's a class act. Yeah, really a class act. Great of him to do that. Now, Joe, I noticed that you got responses from two people that I would say are probably our two most responsible friends.
Starting point is 00:19:44 Yes. Did you just sort of like say, like, okay, no one's going to want to do this. I'll go to the two people who are nice and will take care of things? Well, I'm not going to lie. This was thrown together very last minute, and I needed two people that could get it done in time. And so, yeah, I went out to Dave and Eva because I knew they would. Widely known as the perhaps the only two reliable people in the LA comedy scene. Yeah, I wouldn't even be sure if my email would have been read by now by someone else.
Starting point is 00:20:11 But anyway, so we need to wrap things up. Nick, can you give us any hint about what the next, what the next category is for next week? Did you, I don't think you said, right? We have not announced the category yet, and actually I can exclusively give everyone a very strong hint. Oh, this is okay. As to what the next episode is going to be about. You know, this is our closing episode of the Doe Limp X. That's right.
Starting point is 00:20:39 And you know what they say in the movie Glenn Gary, Glenn Ross? Name it. Coffee is for closers. Very interesting. Very interesting. That can mean a couple things. Coffee is the theme. The theme is coffee.
Starting point is 00:20:54 Coffee. Coffee. Wow. This is a huge exclusive for After Doe. You heard it here first, everyone. Coffee is going to be the closing theme. That's what the episode I was on was Starbucks. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:08 Well, that'll be great. We're all really looking forward to it. Nick, I mean, you always get to ask other people this question, so now I'm going to ask it to you. Do you got anything you want to plug real quick? You know what? Just check out Joe Saunders' Twitter account. Nick Saunders, Joe. It's a delight and he will retweet when other people see celebrities.
Starting point is 00:21:30 Well, I'm trying to actually tone and not do that so much. Okay. But sure, why not? Also, I think I meant to mention is if you have a Doe Limp X and me thought you would like to share, you can actually tweet it using the hashtag Doe Limp X and me. And maybe it'll get read or played on the next episode of After Joe. But anyway, we'll be back next week with another installment of the show, After Doe, breaking down and discussing the sure to be thrilling third and final week of the Doe Limp X.
Starting point is 00:21:54 I'm Joe Saunders, here with Nick Weiger. Nick, thanks for being here. Thank you, Joe. We'll see you next week.

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