Doughboys - Munch Madness: McDonald's Round of 32 (Part 2) with Paul F. Tompkins

Episode Date: March 12, 2020

Podcasting royalty Paul F. Tompkins (The Neigborhood Listen, Threedom) joins for the second round of Munch Madness 2020: The Tournament of Chompions - Mac Attack as we tackle the second half of the st...ill alive McDonald’s menu items. Plus, our DoughCenter anchor Carl Tart gives a recap of the snacktion so far. And, we taste test Carl’s Jr./Hardee’s decadent new BFC.Want more Doughboys? Check out our Patreon!: for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 In 1932, Rex David Thomas was born to an unwed mother who gave him up for adoption. He would be raised in poverty by his adoptive father and grandmother, and the boy who went by Dave began working in the food service industry at the tender age of 12. After serving the Korean War as a cook and mess sergeant, Thomas partnered with a different sort of military man, Colonel Sanders himself, in helping to expand the Kentucky Fried Chicken franchise in the Midwest. And among Dave Thomas' suggestions to the white-suited and white-coiffed red-bird baron was to appear in KFC's Advertising as his own mascot, advice that Thomas would later
Starting point is 00:00:34 take himself after founding the square-padded burger chain he named after his beloved daughter. As CEO of Wendy's, Thomas would appear in hundreds of TV ads, becoming a household name as a friendly grandpa with effortless homespun charisma, like a bizarro Papa John. And as opposed to brothers Dick and Mac McDonald, who had their chain legally pilfered by sinister franchising Kingpin Ray Kroc, Thomas retained day-to-day control of the chain he founded up until his death. The success of Thomas' restaurant and his towering stature in the industry is why Wendy's founder's name was granted to the most prestigious award in chain restaurant podcasting, given
Starting point is 00:01:04 to the annual Munch Madness Champion, the Dave Thomas Cup. And this year, which McDonald's menu item will have its name inscribed on the trophy name for the founder of Wendy's, which Savory Sammy, Salty Snack, or Sweet Treat will emerge victorious from the ever-winnowing field? This week on Doe Boys, Part 2 of the Round of 32 of Munch Madness 2020, the Tournament of Chompians, Mac Attack! Welcome to Doe Boys, the podcast about chain restaurants. I'm Nick Weiger, alongside my co-host, bearded Snapple Lady, the Spoon Man, Mike Mitchell.
Starting point is 00:01:48 That just means to the Snapple Lady. I don't think so. No? Oh, you don't? I don't think that's any disrespect to Wendy, the Snapple Lady. Oh, well, okay. He seemed nervous now. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:02:01 I don't... Well, maybe it is. I don't know. Hey, that was courtesy of Mia, aka Nice Underscore Cans with a Z on Instagram. Mama Mia. Nice Underscore Scan. What the hell? Yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:02:12 What are you getting into on... Probably someone you follow. Maybe I do follow them. Mitch, I had a little bit of an incident coming in here. I have this cup of Joe right here, this little bit of coffee. Yes, it looks like you bought that from a movie store coffee shop. It looks like the fakest cup of coffee I've ever seen in my life. Classic prop disposable mug.
Starting point is 00:02:41 I was down at... You have this little on your street. I won't say what it is, but down on Hollywood... Okay, yeah, just describe it. Down near the corner of where it intersects with a major street that everyone knows, Hollywood Boulevard. There's a little coffee shop I've never been to. So I went in there and they have on the menu brewed coffee.
Starting point is 00:02:56 Wow. So naturally I asked, can I have a brewed coffee? And the woman looked at me like I was insane. She was like... There was clear language... She has good instincts. There was a language barrier, but she was like, brewed coffee. And I was like...
Starting point is 00:03:10 I think she was like Eastern European and I was like, yeah, the brewed coffee, gesturing it. Root coffee, like trying to correct me. And I was like, no, just like regular coffee. And then she's like, oh, regular coffee. Like I was reading off of her menu and then she was treating me like an asshole. I don't expect it to be in that perfect English, but yes. Are you going to be in the new Borat movie?
Starting point is 00:03:39 Nick, I got news for you. Yes, I want to hear it. It also evolves the neighborhood. My polling place today is super Tuesday, or as we call it. Look, I know you're going to say that dates it, but who cares? It doesn't matter. I know. I'm more in my, I voted sticker.
Starting point is 00:03:54 We call it, I saw that I voted. You can't really, you can't commend me on voting ever because my polling place is around the corner. Yeah, it's pretty easy. I could throw a rock at it, which I often do. But... Isn't it a place of worship? It is a church.
Starting point is 00:04:10 It's frequently committing hate crimes. All right. I don't throw a rock at it. I take that back. I went over there today. They're not there. Oh, the polling place moved. It moved somewhere.
Starting point is 00:04:24 I don't know where it is. I got to trust you to look it up for me. Yeah, you can look it up at the California Secretary of State. It's very easy. You got that. You got the laptop open. So I'm sure that you can look it up for me at some point. You want me to look it up now?
Starting point is 00:04:34 During the show? I mean, we guess we can don't have to do it during the show, but yeah, that's what I prefer. We'll take it. Those will be some post-show business. We'll figure out where your polling place is. Okay. I'm sure you have a drop you'd like to play.
Starting point is 00:04:44 Did I say Supper Tuesday yet? Because that's a funny Doe Boys. Supper Tuesday is pretty good. We released an episode on Supper Tuesday called Super Size Tuesday. Oh, that's right. That's right. That's right with this theme. But Supper Tuesday also works.
Starting point is 00:04:56 Here's my drop. Oh, my God. Super Tuesday? Super Tuesday. Another way to play it? We have a good guest this week, so we get to get into it. It's not like normal weeks. Stop impugning our other guests.
Starting point is 00:05:07 Look, a lot of the time, Doe Boys pops up in their feed and they go, that's a stinker of a guest. I'm going to skip this one. They're all our friends who do us favors. All right. Here's a little drop, likes. Look, it was a small one. It was a short one.
Starting point is 00:05:37 I don't remember saying that was someone stitched that together from existing audio, I assume. I don't remember saying that. You don't remember? Do we do that little diddy at some point? Do we add a little bit Jenny from the block? We did? Do you think someone used your voice and made that happen?
Starting point is 00:05:53 I think that's a deep fake. Okay. Hi, Mitchy, Nicky, and Emma E. No shout out to our guest, kind of fucked up. Hope you enjoyed my first attempt at a drop. Thanks for all the laughs, and I'm looking forward to seeing you guys in Phoenix. Lots of love, Natasha. That's nice. Nice and short.
Starting point is 00:06:11 It was a quickie drop, she said. Well, there you go. And hey, let's quickly get into our guest, an actor and comedian from the podcast, The Neighborhood Listen and Three Dumb, Paul F. Tompkins is back. Hi, P.F.D. Hi. Thank you for being here. Thanks for having me back.
Starting point is 00:06:27 Of course. What a joy. What an honor to have you here for much madness. The honor is mine. I took this very seriously. Can I say first off? Yes, please. Because if you went up to the Snapple Lady and said, you look like him, but without
Starting point is 00:06:43 the beard, that's no way you wouldn't be so sweet because you would be offensive. Okay, I apologize to Wendy. I'm not trying to take a pot shot. All right, there you go. Famous commercial mascot, Paul. And also quickly, a fuck you from me to you as well on that whole thing. I didn't see that coming. What?
Starting point is 00:07:04 I just want to say also. Sprinkled in a fuck you? Yeah, because I'm mad too. I didn't try to make fun of me either. All right, fine. We'll be nice. Watch our Patreon fucking plummet. We just want to hear two chubby guys be mean to each other.
Starting point is 00:07:20 Have you ever switched around and somebody praised the Spoon Man? We have done, we did a Boast Spoon Man or Toast Spoon Man. We did that for a stretch. We had some, and we had a, when we were doing our month of religious themed restaurants, October Bless, it was Holy Ghost Spoon Man and people were saying, we were really elevating you. Yeah, we mix it up sometimes. All right, that's good to know.
Starting point is 00:07:40 People like the insults. You were our last episode, KFC. That's right. You reviewed it with us. I was curious, because I imagine you're a person who eats fairly healthy. I try to, yeah. If you had KFC since our last episode. I have not.
Starting point is 00:07:54 I've had it, but not as often as I thought, not as many times as I thought, I think partly because of the Popeye's chicken sandwich. Which I still haven't had, and I'm mad about it. I want to have it. Oh, it's madness. Yeah, it's great. I feel like if I ate KFC in that time, it was probably for the show, as my guess. Yeah, I think the only times I would have gone, I think I went for pleasure once, but
Starting point is 00:08:16 I think other than that, it's mostly been for, GFT is cracking up at something on Amazon. I'm sorry. It's just. There's a gif in one of my chat sets up of, I don't even know what, but it's just kind of insane and Paul managed to grab a look on that. It caught my eye. What is it exactly? It's lightning bolts.
Starting point is 00:08:35 What are we seeing here? It looks like milk. I don't know what it is. This guy's in a long story. Maybe an ice coffee, just a really, really big ice coffee, just a fire hose of it. Jesus. Yeah, you can see why that would. That is that.
Starting point is 00:08:53 Yes. That's insane. That's an eye draw. I'll save it. It's an eye drop. For sure. Have you had? The guy kind of looks like you, Nick.
Starting point is 00:09:03 Did you get fire hose with milk at one point? Another fucking deep fake. Stop using my likeness and voice without permission. So yeah, here's here's a question for you on the KFC front. What are we going to see as the colonel? I feel like everyone gets there. We go as the colonel is to get PFT and look at the fuck. We talked about this last time.
Starting point is 00:09:24 Your lips to God's ears. I don't. I thought this was going to be like jury duty. I thought like, okay, then my turn will come and I'll be ready to go. No. Then they started getting people. I know that's somebody famous, but I don't know who it is. But for a while, it was all comedians.
Starting point is 00:09:43 I just thought I'd get a chance, but no. They've covered a lot of people. I think OJ is now the KFC guy. That was a big swing they took trying to rehab OJ. He looked great. He does look great. He wore it well. It's a nice color for him.
Starting point is 00:10:00 Yeah. Did you? I've ever seen like OJ is like, obviously, I think we've all seen OJ's Twitter videos and they're really unsettling. But then there's one I saw where he's doing his fantasy football draft and there's like a bunch of other guys there. And I was like, who are like OJ's golfing buddies who want to play fantasy football? Like that to me being OJ's friend now is almost darker to me than being OJ, like making that
Starting point is 00:10:22 decision to be one of his hangers on. It's so bizarre. A quick question for you. Were you also disappointed that OJ hangs out with more friends than you do? It's got a more interesting life story. For sure. It got real interesting at one point. I feel like if OJ had been convicted of murder and went to prison for murder and got out,
Starting point is 00:10:46 there'd be maybe like two less guys. But he would still definitely for sure have a policy of people. It's weird. Yes, we're gonna say Mitch. Oh, I was gonna say those two are the they're the they're the true evil. They're they're the most fucked up ones, the ones who would have if he was convicted, people who would have abandoned him if he'd been found guilty. Or maybe I guess the ones who stuck around.
Starting point is 00:11:09 That stuck around. I guess I guess they're just idiots. Sorry. I'm sorry. I always am. I'm nervous. It's a good guess. I just want to do well for you and for you.
Starting point is 00:11:22 Mitch, you could never disappoint me. Everyone likes you. I love you, Mitch. No, no, no. Mitch, why you do this to me? I would never I never I never I never want to disappoint PFT. He's always been. You've always been very good to us.
Starting point is 00:11:39 The birthday boys and all of us, the, you know, the sense of sense of the, you know, the seven weird affiliations, all of my affiliations. You've always been right next to boys groups. You remember. I watched Love on Netflix. That's that. You've always been you've always been very nice. But I also want to say I enjoyed you both very much on newcomers.
Starting point is 00:11:59 The podcast. Oh, thank you. Thanks for listening. I love that podcast and and I just I just finished Mitch's today. I'm listening to them in order. And it made me rewatch the. I done a rewatch to the original three movies a while ago, not that long ago. So I rewatched the prequels for the first time since they came out and revenge of
Starting point is 00:12:21 the Sith for the very first time. I'd never seen it because I disliked the attack of the clone so much. But it was it, it I saw them in a diff, a more generous light than I did when I first saw them. Yes. There's some weird and if you're not familiar with newcomers, the podcast with Nicole Byer and Lauren Lapkus, they watch Star Wars for the first time. It's also on the head gum network.
Starting point is 00:12:45 Stop listening to this podcast. Start listening to that one. It's good. It's really good. You listen to them both. For God's sake. If you have the bandwidth. If you have the bandwidth, the but the but we my my thought on the prequels and I
Starting point is 00:12:56 hopefully articulate this on the episode is that there's some dumb stuff. There's certainly parts that you would like wish were different. But overall, there's just like so much imagination and such like such and just fun to live in more Star Wars in the same way that like if you're someone who likes the Marvel movies, which is I'm not someone who clicks with the Marvel movies, but I know there are a lot of people who are really into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Thor the Dark World maybe isn't your favorite, but it's nice to have just like that that exists and that you can kind of live in it for a little bit.
Starting point is 00:13:27 And they there's always going to be some cool stuff in any of these. Yeah, I think that's a that's a very well said. Yeah. Yeah. What's what's what's what's your hold up? I know I know I don't like comparing it to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. You feel weird because you agree with Nick. I guess I don't like you comparing it to the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Starting point is 00:13:44 But I think that you prefer the Dark Universe. Oh, I was so scary. The invisible man just came out. I heard it's good. And I was I thought it was just OK. But but I will say this now I'm hearing something different. I would now I have to say mixed reviews. I would have.
Starting point is 00:14:04 I would have. I would have found a lot of points for me at the end of invisible man. You saw the mummy wrapped hand coming and say like you were hard to find or something. I mean. Wait, so of the Dark Universe, they did the mummy. Did they do a Wolfman one? It was the Benicio d'Otoro was supposed to happen.
Starting point is 00:14:27 But that came out. They killed it. They killed the entire Cinematic Universe after the mummy kind of bombed, which was because they did. I mean, to me, I think it was premature. I think they should have tried to make at least a couple more movies. I think maybe Frankenstein would have to fucking knows. I would have loved to audition for Frankenstein.
Starting point is 00:14:46 It would have been it would have been a dream wager. Do you mean to play the role of the monster to play the role of the monster? I couldn't get doctor. But you and I could be to be a great doctor Frankenstein in the monster. Mitch, I would love to do it. Why don't we just put it up live? We could just put it up live live at Franklin. People would come to see that show.
Starting point is 00:15:07 I think I'd be there for sure they would. I think they should have done some sort of the mummy is not great. It wasn't it wasn't a great movie, but the trend that airplane sequence is really good in it and it is it is not a great movie, but it should have torpedoed the entire dark universe, right? I mean like and now that the invisible man is good, maybe they will make maybe they will make a couple more. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:15:30 Yeah, I mean because but that's not part of the I think you know you guys know how Hollywood works and it's all just about you know better than I do. Yeah, that there's it's just some executives brainchild was the dark universe and then that that failed and then that guy's gone and so they're not going to resuscitate the dark universe now because no one else has ownership over it. It would have been fun to see the blob come back. I would have loved that. It hasn't been a blob in a long time.
Starting point is 00:15:52 Do you consider the blob one of the classic monsters? I think he's in there. No. I think the creature from the black lagoon was the last of the original universal monsters. Right. That tracks. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:03 Yeah. Because there and then there's there's there's obviously your Dracula's your Frankenstein's. Wolfman. Yes. And what's your favorite? Oh, sorry. No, I was thinking the mummy and that's that's basically monster.
Starting point is 00:16:15 That's basically the monster rat pack. Right. Can the human fly being there yet or no? I think that's one of the fifties thing. Yeah. I came out a little later. Second wave, second wave monster wave. And the blob is second wave monsters.
Starting point is 00:16:27 It's the first blob 1950s. Yes. Okay. Maybe early sixties. No, because Steve McQueen's in it. It's like one of his first movies. Okay. He's very young.
Starting point is 00:16:36 Okay. So it might be late fifties. What is your favorite? What? Who is your favorite monster? I think when I was a kid, the one that scared me the most and that I was most fascinated by was the Wolfman. Wow.
Starting point is 00:16:46 Wolfman's good. Yeah. Yeah. Tiger, I know what your answer is. My favorite monster? Yeah. What? Jeffrey Epstein?
Starting point is 00:16:55 No. I was going to try to make you do your Freddy impression. Oh, my Freddy impression. Oh, sure. Absolutely. Put on the spot with a Freddy impression. You do that to me constantly. Mitch, why don't you perform your favorite monster for everyone?
Starting point is 00:17:11 I don't know what my favorite monster is. You don't have a favorite. You know what I think my favorite monster turned out to be is the thing. The thing's pretty cool, which if I was to imitate the thing, I would just be myself because he takes over people in the eight. Yeah. The thing is the thing turned out to be my favorite monster movie of maybe of all time.
Starting point is 00:17:28 I love the John Carpenter. The John Carpenter one. Yeah. It's great. The thing is also a second wave monster. Yeah. That's true. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:36 Oh, yes. The thing from another planet, right? Yeah. Yeah. What about? Did you ever? It was a plant. It was like a giant plant, which is.
Starting point is 00:17:44 No, man. No. It was called the thing. It was a plant. What are you talking about? You think about Little Shop of Horrors? I thought that he was like, I thought he was. I think you are.
Starting point is 00:17:56 Are you thinking about Groot? I was never. He never came here. I never thought about. I never was not. I've never thought about. You never thought about Groot. I've never thought about Groot once.
Starting point is 00:18:05 Bitch. This is bullshit. Everybody thinks about Groot. All right. You know what? When I'm at Disney and I see someone with a Groot on their shoulder, I think about Groot a little bit, but. Someone with a Groot on their shoulder.
Starting point is 00:18:15 They have little Groots on Disney. They have little Groots. It's one of their big selling things now more so than even like Mouse ears. I feel like it's replaced the Yoda backpack. It's replaced. It's a little Groot that sits on your shoulder. That does sound cute. It is adorable.
Starting point is 00:18:28 It's cute. It's cute. I wasn't a big fan of Groot himself, but the baby Groot is on the shoulder. I don't know how you cannot be a fan. The performance of Vin Diesel. Like you might, you might say it's just one line with very little variation. Why should we pay this already rich actor? You know, whatever, however many millions of dollars he got to be Groot, but results speak
Starting point is 00:18:51 for themselves. Who else could have done it? It's true. I wracked my brain. No one else could have done it. It had to be him. It had to be him. I thought that the thing from another planet was some sort of like vegetative man.
Starting point is 00:19:05 What are you thinking of? Swamp thing? Not swamp thing. Man thing. Not man thing. Swamp thing was always those. Jason Woodruff, the Floronic Man. Is that a real one?
Starting point is 00:19:19 Yeah. Those always the swamp thing. Some of those always fell into the category of too gross for me. Like the fly. Even I love Cronenberg's fly, but I can't. It's pretty gross. It's pretty disgusting. It's disgusting.
Starting point is 00:19:30 Which is such a crazy jump from like the 1950s horror movies to then a man who breaks arm wrestles a man and breaks his arm open. It's insane. There's literally a little man head on a fly body with a tiny voice going, Help me. And then it's like, no, I think you should throw up in his own food. Yeah. You should grab a shotgun at the end of the movie and place it to his own temple and
Starting point is 00:19:53 gesture for someone else to pull the trigger, put him out of his misery. Didn't you stand up and cheer? All right, when that scene happened. I didn't go tall off after Gina Davis gave birth to a maggot in a dream sequence. Oh God, I forgot about that. So fucking gross. Disgusting. PFT, you may be confronting a thing that I confront often and unpleasantly.
Starting point is 00:20:15 I think Mitch might be right about the thing from another movie. This is the summary. Oh no. Return to the remote research outposts with a body still in a block of ice. They are forced to defend themselves against the still alive and malevolent plant based alien when it is accidentally defrost. I didn't know he was a PVA. This is terrible.
Starting point is 00:20:34 This is mortifying. PFT needs to learn his PVA. I really do. Well, Mitch, I apologize. You know, you want to know the saddest thing of all about this? Sure. I did a project about the thing in college and that is how I knew this. Did you really?
Starting point is 00:20:51 Mm-hmm. What was the project? It was like, watch both things. That was your assignment? Watch both things. Like, Mitchell's not going to write a paper. Let's just see if we can get him to watch two movies. Also, take care of an egg.
Starting point is 00:21:08 I ran back and I was like, I ate it. You heard the movie. Why did you become a hillbilly? You're from Boston. Watch both things. You watched both things. But you had to write a paper or something, imagine, do a presentation? Yeah, there was some paper or something involved.
Starting point is 00:21:29 I don't know. I did the thing. Wait, you don't believe me? I do believe you. I'm just curious what kind of assignment this was. Mitch, I'm going to have to pull your file. It was the first time I saw the thing was in college and I loved it. It became one of my favorites immediately.
Starting point is 00:21:44 It's a great movie. You didn't like the remake, I assume. They did a recent remake. Yeah, there's not as much to like. You know what? I heard that there were practical effects and that they took them out of the movie and they used CG. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:58 And I think that had that really effect. Because the original has the best practical effects of any movie ever. So how could you make that mistake? I used to be more upset about remakes of movies I liked. Like when the Robocop remake came out, I was like, oh, why are they remaking this? The first one is so good. And it seems completely unnecessary. But our buddy, another Paul, our buddy, Paul Rust had a perspective that I just kind of
Starting point is 00:22:27 just completely changed how I view these things, which is just like, remakes are fine because you still have the original. And I'm like, oh yeah, I'm not upset about the 1977 King Kong remake because it's just like whatever. It's just kind of lost to history. Who gives a shit? It's also not bad, is it? It's not bad.
Starting point is 00:22:45 It's fine. But it's just like that doesn't linger, that doesn't erase the classic that exists. You know, I don't know. I mean, I don't know if I don't really have any place I'm going with this. I guess that for, because I've had that feeling too about remakes and I guess it's that you, there is some part of you that worries that that is what's going to happen. Right. Is that in the consciousness, people are going to forget, they're not going to realize, no,
Starting point is 00:23:07 there's a better version of this that came first or whatever. I don't know, but it is an irrational fear. Yeah. I think with rare exceptions, I think the remakes are the ones that end up being forgotten. Right. But there's a few, I don't know, there are some that live, like there's been so many versions of A Star Is Born that those all live side by side. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:23:30 And it's sort of a generational thing, which I guess is how you can view any movie franchise. Yeah. How do you feel about the new Doe Boys that's coming out, the reboot of the Doe Boys? I mean, it's probably, it's going to be better. They're recasting it, right? Yeah. Jesse Eisenberg is playing your role. Okay.
Starting point is 00:23:48 And, uh, Judah Friedlander is playing... Shoot, Friedlander. Sounds better. Sounds good. A reboot of Doe Boys would be good. So we just went to another guy who wears a hat. Yeah. If you did, if you did like a younger generation, would they be reviewing chain restaurants?
Starting point is 00:24:09 Or they'd be reviewing... What would they review that could be unique to a younger generation? I know what you're going to say. Unique to millennials? But how about... Vapes? Yeah. How about vaping?
Starting point is 00:24:21 How about staring at your phone? I thought you were going to go with the big one you always say. How about eating ass? Yeah, there you go. Love eating ass. Millennials do love eating ass. Yeah. I guess that makes sense the most.
Starting point is 00:24:32 That one makes the most sense if it was just about ass. Yeah. It would get like a million, it would get so many more... Yeah, a booty eating podcast. For sure. Imagine if I had to tell my mom that that's what Doe Boys was? Yeah, so we sold the Doe Boys license to a couple of kids. It's now all about eating ass.
Starting point is 00:24:52 Getting in them cheeks. They use your names. They use our names. The fuck? My mom listens now? PFT. Yes. We've talked about this before, but...
Starting point is 00:25:08 Let's talk about it again. What's your favorite fast food chain? I know you were talking about McDonald's here today. Yeah. Because if you eat healthy, but what's a fast food chain that in a year you think you'll go to the most? Or that you would crave the most. And you can include Starbucks and stuff like that too or Dunkin' Donuts.
Starting point is 00:25:31 I almost said Jack in the Box, but I have such shame memories associated with Jack in the Box because it would be almost exclusively a drunk food. And I would get it when I was hammered at the end of the night because the drive-thru was still open. And I would get two breakfast sandwiches. That was my favorite thing. Which specific breakfast sandwich? I would get the ultimate breakfast sandwich and then I would get like a sourdough breakfast
Starting point is 00:26:00 sandwich. And I eat them both. I'd go home sloppy drunk, eat them both, horrible sleep, wake up next day with a hangover. Sometimes I would eat one and then save the next one for the next morning. I'd just been sitting out on the counter. I'd still eat it. I've done that before too. Not touching it and just eating it straight up and not even microwaving it is a sad...
Starting point is 00:26:24 Hey, is it with pizza in the box? That's true. That's true. That's true. But that one, I think, that ultimate breakfast sandwich, I loved. I loved it so much. Is that the one I believe, does it have two egg patties? It definitely has multiple meats, right?
Starting point is 00:26:40 Yes. I think it's bacon and ham and cheese and egg and on a roll, on a round roll. And yeah, it was very... For a fast food place, it was a very substantial sandwich. And that's what I liked about it. Also, it was delicious. I had pulled up the Jack in the Box menu description and unfortunately it turns out this sandwich is a plant-based alien. So, afraid you were wrong again.
Starting point is 00:27:07 Shit. How many times have I done this? Two eggs, two slices of American cheese, two slices of ham and bacon. So yeah, this is that one. I'll show you a picture of that one. There she blows. You know and love. Damn, that looks good to tell.
Starting point is 00:27:24 It's a substantial sandwich. Have we never reviewed Jack in the Box? We've reviewed Jack in the Box, reviewed with our buddy Spencer. Oh yeah, Spencer, yeah. He came on and then we recently had those tiny tacos. Well, I think it's kind of a place that maybe doesn't need... Little tacos. Doesn't warrant a revisit.
Starting point is 00:27:38 Have you had the tiny tacos? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Did you like them? I think I liked them okay. I didn't really accept them as tacos. Do you know what I mean? This isn't really a taco, but it is tasty. Does that make sense?
Starting point is 00:27:52 I get it and I totally get what you're saying and they are one of... Like the actual tacos are one of my favorites. Now, the one Mitch and I were describing is a specific menu item they just came out with this year, which is a tiny version. For Sonic the Hedgehog. It's for some reason, it's their Sonic the Hedgehog movie tie-in item is a smaller taco. Does he eat tacos in the movie? No, he's a chili dog guy.
Starting point is 00:28:12 He likes chili dogs. The logic does not track at all. Paul, you maybe just sent Nick off on possibly a killing spree. Do you think they made them for if he shows up? And they're like, try this instead. We don't have chili dogs, but... If you're not going to go chili dog, why not an onion ring? Like his famous rings, his golden rings he collects.
Starting point is 00:28:36 Yeah. The tiny tacos makes no sense and it's got like this avocado dip and sauce, which is pretty processed and not great. The famous rings he collects, you're right. That's what he does. I know. I've never played Sonic. I actually don't know what the goal of the game is.
Starting point is 00:28:51 You collect rings? Yeah, you're beating Dr. Robotnik. AKA Eggman. AKA Eggman. And you're going around and you're collecting rings, which both increase your score, but also if you are hit by an enemy and you have rings in your possession, you lose your rings instead of losing your life.
Starting point is 00:29:08 So you can go and collect all your rings again. They splay out on screen. If you have a bunch of them and you may not be able to collect them all before they disappear, but you can collect enough where you can stay alive. I got a question for you. It's a cool mechanic. Would you, if in life, instead of getting hurt, if you got hit by a car like your wealth spilled out,
Starting point is 00:29:24 would you rather... Well, you check your bank account and a significant amount of money is gone. It is gone. Would you rather that? You can have a chance to recollect, but you're not going to get everything back. You're going to lose some. You stumbled into a fucking dystopian sci-fi story there,
Starting point is 00:29:41 where people are living in a virtual world and the amount of currency you have determines how much damage you can take. That feels like that's just a look into the future. Because if you're poor and you get hit real hard, that's just it, right? That's it. Yeah, but if you have the money to repair yourself,
Starting point is 00:29:58 repair your cybernetic micro-organisms or whatever are powering you. I just replayed the Bioshock series of games. Wow! I haven't played them in such a long time. One of my favorite series of games. Wow. And when you die and you come back, I think it's only in Bioshock Infinite.
Starting point is 00:30:14 It might be in all of them. You come back and you lose money. It's like, why? What's the connection? Someone took it while you were gone. What? What are they going to do? They're crazy splicers.
Starting point is 00:30:27 They don't care about money. I agree with you. This is... Thank you. Oh, I was like, pull a teeth with this guy. Is it maybe a commentary on the, you know, because those movies are about at a failed attempt at a libertarian utopia.
Starting point is 00:30:41 There's maybe some sort of comment there. I don't know exactly what it would be. I haven't played the Bioshocks. I have Bioshock 1, but I haven't played it. They're so good. I know I'd love them. I love the aesthetic of them. And the gameplay is really fun.
Starting point is 00:30:55 It's a lot of weird stuff. I get a little motion sick from first person shooters. So it has to be something really... Not me, baby. That's where I thrive. It has to be something really good for me to warrant enduring that. You get motion sickness while we've been driving in the car. That's true.
Starting point is 00:31:11 I do get it actually while we're in motion. Yeah. I'm better in larger things. That's why I try to take the train as much as possible. I'm better in a larger vehicle. In a smaller thing, the bumps would get to me. You ever been in a blimp? Man, I would love to be in a blimp.
Starting point is 00:31:24 Me too. How did you make that happen? I don't know. I was thinking about how... Do you think we could get a Doughboy's tour blimp and tour around in the blimp? I mean, it seems... That's the dream.
Starting point is 00:31:34 That's amazing. It seems unlikely. It seems like it might be a lot of money. Yeah, I think that would be... Having a dirageable, I feel like, would be super expensive, but it would be cool to have like a Madden Cruiser-esque. I feel like it pays for itself after a while. I don't know the math, but I feel like it would have to.
Starting point is 00:31:50 You could land anywhere. That's true. There's a big space. Would we cause a Hindenburg as soon as we got on it and just sink it immediately? That's not what happened with the Hindenburgs. No, I think there was something else. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:02 There was some sort of... I think there was something else. I think it was two fat guys got the blimp in a crash. It burst into flames because they were over their weight limit. Yeah. I saw like a... No, never mind. I was going to say that I saw a picture once of Beavis sneaking onto the Hindenburg.
Starting point is 00:32:21 Because Beavis likes, is a pyromaniac. Fire. He was saying fire. Yeah. You know what? You know, it was going nowhere near the Hindenburg. Frankenstein. Because you saw Beavis was there and he hates fire.
Starting point is 00:32:36 Do you think there's any chance at all that Beavis caused the Hindenburg disaster? Mitch being real with you? No. I'm going to agree. I don't think... I think we can rule him out. Yeah. No.
Starting point is 00:32:50 I'm sorry. I also think they know what caused it. I don't think it's a cold case. To this day. I told you. I almost said I shouldn't do it. Also, you know, I'm going to put on the air because it's a little warm. It's a little warm.
Starting point is 00:33:05 Yeah. Paul just took off his jacket. Okay. I have it right up here. The Hindenburg disaster occurred on May 6, 1937 in Manchester Township, New Jersey. Sorry. You forget that it was in the U.S. That's right.
Starting point is 00:33:15 The German passenger airship Hindenburg caught fire and was destroyed by a plant-based alien. Whoa. PDA. Christ. They're all over the place. I hate PDA, but I love PDAs. Right? There you go.
Starting point is 00:33:30 You know what? I warned you guys that I didn't have to say the Beavis thing. I said it. I'm glad you did. It was a lot of fun. Really? Paul, you took off your sport coat. I did.
Starting point is 00:33:42 Your nice jacket. I'm sorry. No, it's a little warm in here. No, but I want to ask you. I don't want anyone to ever see that. See you out of uniform. You still look great. You're a very dapper man.
Starting point is 00:33:51 Thank you. How do you eat? Because I'm a messy eater. And anytime I'm dressed properly, I feel like I'm going to get stains all over my blazer. How do you manage that? I eat very carefully, although I can also be a messy eater. My real Achilles heel is popcorn. Oh, boy.
Starting point is 00:34:06 I do not know how do you popcorn without getting it all over the place, and it's humiliating. It's really embarrassing. I went to a movie the other night, and I was the invisible man, and my friend there was like, I should just say who my friend is, but now people are going to think this is why I didn't like the movie. My friend was Bug Main, who we refer to on the podcast as Bug Main, and he was like, there was a big crowd of popcorn, a big lump of it on my beard, a big crowd of popcorn hanging around my beard.
Starting point is 00:34:39 Facial hair makes it even more challenging. With popcorn specifically, it gets stuck in there. So today one of the items that I bought arrived before some of the other items. I had to wait for them to make some of the items, and so I had an ice cream cone. It was the first thing they handed me, and I hadn't had one of those in such a long time, and I ate the whole thing waiting for the rest of the food to come out, but it was like I kept getting it in my mustache. It's a real Achilles heel of that cone is because you have to just kind of mash it into
Starting point is 00:35:13 your face, and this is maybe the beardiest I've ever had in my life. I did it like Harrison Ford and Witness. Now one guy, the Amish caravan has stopped on the road, and then those bullies come, and they start shoving the ice cream in the old man's face. I think that, you know what, outside of childhood, when do you get to get the stuff on your face like that? Having a beard makes you feel like a kid again in that sense. I guess. I find it so, I don't like being that... That's very nice.
Starting point is 00:35:45 And also, to me, I disagree just because I feel like this is what makes me feel like a man as opposed to a kid as having any kind of facial hair. Like as a child, I feel like I would just have a sticky... If you shave your beard off, you probably get tossed into a nursery school nearby. There's also the knowledge that if someone else saw this, it would be disgusting. If you see somebody with food in their facial hair, it is horrible. Yeah, it's pretty bad. I find it repulsive, and I am very self-conscious about ever being that guy.
Starting point is 00:36:15 Boy, thank God for the front-facing camera. Back in the day, you used to have to carry a little hand mirror around. Everyone think you were like Vanity Smurf. You want to see what your face looked like? Yeah, God. You know how pissed I'd be to be called Vanity Smurf? But now everyone's got a fucking phone. You just turn on that front-facing camera.
Starting point is 00:36:31 You don't have to go to the library, ask to use their restroom to see if you have anything on your face. Right. And then you ask a policeman. Officer! Do I have any whipped topping in my beard? Swinging his night stick. At the library. Can I use your bathroom?
Starting point is 00:36:48 You got to read a book first. Oh, great. You got to read an entire book first. I got a question for you. Yeah. Popcorn's stuck in your beard. Yeah. Well, you don't have a beard.
Starting point is 00:36:57 You have a mustache and a great mustache. That's right. Thank you. Weiger, if the popcorn's stuck in your beard, do you pull it out? Put it down on the floor. Or do you eat the popcorn? For me, I eat the popcorn. You must not do that.
Starting point is 00:37:11 I don't eat popcorn. I'm not a popcorn guy. Oh, God, really? Yeah, I'm not a popcorn enthusiast. It's a snack. Never? When you were a kid? No, I used to eat popcorn.
Starting point is 00:37:20 I just don't like it. It's one of his worst takes. It gets me mad. I don't personally enjoy popcorn. I don't like how it sticks in my teeth. And I don't like how greasy I feel. And I just don't feel like the calories are worth it. I feel like I'm going to have a salty snack.
Starting point is 00:37:37 There's other things I'd prefer. I'd rather give me some nachos. I'd much rather have nachos. OK, you got a nacho stuck in your beard. What do you do? Do you eat? A quiz hot shot. I'm not going to eat something in my beard.
Starting point is 00:37:50 No. I wouldn't eat something that was in my head hair. Do you know what I mean? Yeah. We talked about this. And I feel like that's less disgusting than the hair on my face. I don't know why. I feel like it's higher up from the world.
Starting point is 00:38:04 I know. You're right. I don't know if that tracks at all. We talked about this last episode. But Commissioner Susser got sauce in his hair. And I found it fascinating. It was an amazing thing. And everyone was like, why are you going to bring it?
Starting point is 00:38:18 It was funny to me. They got sauce in his hair. It was up here above his ear. It just seemed very hard to do. What? It was a remarkable place to get sauce. It was like ranch or something. It was while we were at McDonald's together and it happened.
Starting point is 00:38:30 I don't know how it happened. Is there something about Mary? New England. You like that? You know what? Saw something about Mary in the theater with my mom, dad. Wow. And sister.
Starting point is 00:38:43 And my sister and I sat a few rows in front of my mom and dad. And when there was those jackoff scenes and the stuff in the hair. The semen in the hair. We can say it now. We can say it now. Not then. But my mom and dad were going. They were laughing so much.
Starting point is 00:38:59 I could hear them. That's haunting. That's haunting. I was like, fuck. That would have fucked me up too. It was awful. Yeah. They were fucking going crazy.
Starting point is 00:39:07 It sucked. Crazy. That's why they got a good sense of humor. You don't realize it until you, I didn't realize that my parents had all like dirty jokes because we just would never watch even an R rated movie in my house. Maybe like a violent R rated movie. That's the only like an action movie that you don't watch. Your family would all sit around together and watch a violent R rated movie?
Starting point is 00:39:28 Yeah. That's like the only kind of style of R rated movie. We're not going to watch anything that's like got the R for adult content or for strong pressure content. All the President's men or something. Yeah. Not something with a lot of cussing, but stuff with maybe some shooting. That's our weird values in this country, which has been belabored by many.
Starting point is 00:39:50 But we, I didn't know my parents liked like at all anything dirty, any sort of dirty jokes until I was older. And then there wasn't, then that would be a thing when everyone's an adult and we would maybe see a dirty movie or I did not like a fucking porno. Yeah. I mean like just like a movie that's got some dirty jokes in it and they'd respond to it or like a show that's like on premium cable and they like think that's funny. I'm like, I'm surprised by this.
Starting point is 00:40:12 I didn't know you were so body. That's, I had, yeah. I remember taking, like my mom was like, take all the trash. Like, I don't want to. She's like, respect my authority. Wow. That is, that is surprising. I was like, mom's in the carpet.
Starting point is 00:40:26 All right. She did like, she did really like, she did like South Park. That is true. She's an equal opportunity. Offender. Yeah. We watched, we watched jackass. The jackass movie was on and my mom was like, what's this?
Starting point is 00:41:03 And then she watched and she was like, it was like laughing during it. And I was like, this is, my mom likes jackass. It's impossible not to laugh at that stuff. It's very impossible. It's very funny. It's great. Paul, I want to ask you about, every question scares me. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:41:19 And I was getting, are we bored with this candle? Yeah. I was going to have it blown out. Yeah. We've had a candle on the table blowing this whole time. I wish Wiger was not here. It was just me, Paul and Emma. Boy.
Starting point is 00:41:31 This is like a home alone situation. You guys canceled each other's wishes out. I wish to be here. Oh, you knew. I know what you're doing. That's true. Paul, I, the question I was going to ask that started a second ago before we got the candle business.
Starting point is 00:41:52 Are you a McDonald's fan? Like, where does your McDonald's fandom going back to childhood? Now that the candle business has been concluded, I can say to you that McDonald's was a big treat when I was a kid, of course. It was not something that we ate all the time. And I don't, I'm old enough that I think that the idea of going to McDonald's was much more rare of a treat than it is now. Right.
Starting point is 00:42:21 It was not even like a once a week or once a month thing. Although we did, there was a fast food place we went to once a month after Mass on first Friday. Oh, man. You go to first Friday Mass and it was like a half day of school because I went to a Catholic school. And then we go to a place called Geno's, which was a sort of knockoff McDonald's in Philly. And they had, like their Big Mac was the Geno giant.
Starting point is 00:42:48 They had their own mascot. It was the Geno Genie, who was a very human looking guy with a big turban and baloney pants and stuff like that. Was he Italian? Was he, I pray that he was Italian. I think sometimes he was Italian. I don't think it was ever the same guy twice. I think they were very liberal with it.
Starting point is 00:43:08 Oh, it was like a guy, oh wow. Yeah, because it wasn't really a national chain. Right. So it was like, well, whoever is willing to put this stuff on will send them, if there's ever a public appearance that's necessary. It was like a proto KFC Colonel. Yes. No, the Colonel was very much.
Starting point is 00:43:23 Oh, I see what you're saying. No, the one they do now. The way they deal with it now. The gender of how they're currently handling. So they were all just sort of stocky, like Dom Deleuze type dudes. Right. That they put in, you know, harem pants on like a little vest and a turban. Does Geno still exist?
Starting point is 00:43:40 I don't think so. Damn. Sorry, I just had to shut down a telemarketer. Yeah, I don't think there are any Genos left. I could be wrong, but it was G-E-N-O. No, wait, because there's, I don't want to confuse it with the stakes place. It was not affiliated with Geno's stakes, which is G-E-N-O. This was G-I-N-O.
Starting point is 00:43:58 Genos. Okay. Got it. I wish we could try it. It sounds like right up our alley. Even on my memory, it was unremarkable. It was just fun to go there and to eat junk, but it was not McDonald's. There was a definite difference between that and McDonald's.
Starting point is 00:44:14 McDonald's was like, that was it. Yes. Yeah. You could tell it was superior. Absolutely. What were your childhood faves? Like what would be the treats you would go to? I think I liked the, I think I liked cheeseburgers the most.
Starting point is 00:44:30 Wow. So whatever, I'm trying to think like what existed then. They had the Big Mac, but I didn't like the Big Mac that much because I don't think I liked the Thousand Island, the special sauce. For whatever, that's little kid repellent for some reason. Yeah. I appreciate it more now, but it's still not, but it's fun. My relationship to McDonald's still feels very much like it did when I was a kid.
Starting point is 00:44:51 Right. And except now it's sort of disappointing because I don't have the same taste for it. And I think a lot of it is the difference in my size. Like being a grownup, it's like when you're a kid, everything is big. And then when you're an adult, you look at the commercial or you look at the picture you, and then when you get the thing, it's so small and sad. Yeah. And it's just not the same thing.
Starting point is 00:45:14 But I, there are still a couple items that will, I will absolutely feel that childhood feeling of satisfaction and delight. That's, that's, that's, I've, when we were, I'm not going to spoil it. Well, there's happy meals that we, that we, that we reviewed so far. People know the Bracket. People have seen the Bracket. They've seen the Bracket. There's nothing to spoil.
Starting point is 00:45:36 And the Happy, biting into the Happy Meals, but there's two things there. One, I feel nostalgia and I love it very much. But then also at the same time, I take one bite of the burger and it's half gone. Cause it's super tiny. But it, but it does, I was a hamburger. And also you can dislocate your jaw. I do. It does.
Starting point is 00:45:52 It unhinges. I don't know why you don't mention that more, but I think it should factor into a lot of you. Yeah. It's a real asset. Yeah. If we had to go back and review for scores, I think I would give zero forks to every restaurant just cause of the fear of injuring our jaws.
Starting point is 00:46:07 The jaw factor. Yes. The jaw factor is not to be dismissed. I can, I can eat a, I could eat a burger and maybe three bites probably. I think you could McDonald's hamburger. Yeah. I feel like I could fit in a diet because I got a, I got a huge mouth and a giant tongue. I know.
Starting point is 00:46:23 I feel like I can fit an entire, I do. Is the tongue going to like wrap around my mouth? I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:46:34 I don't know. Is the tongue going to like wrap around the burger? What is it? What is that? Like I'm just saying that's like, I'm going to tell you a bit. It helps push it down the gullet. I can really get, like I can get it out of my mouth so I can create even more space. Sure.
Starting point is 00:46:51 So I feel like I can put an entire. I've never even seen you stick your tongue out before. Well, cause I'm not going to have another fucking doing a Gene Simmons gimmick. We've done this on the podcast before where he stuck his tongue out. He took a picture of it. Wait, hold on. I'll do it. My mouth.
Starting point is 00:47:05 Okay. Here's my tongue. It is a big tongue. Holy shit. I got a big tongue and a big mouth. Oh God. It fucking grosses me out. I didn't want to show it to you.
Starting point is 00:47:16 For those reasons, I could take a, I could fit a whole McDonald's hamburger in my mouth. I feel like I'm not certain, but I feel like I could shove that whole. I think for sure. Yeah. Well, but I mean, there'd be like a little bit of folding. It would be a little squinch. You could fit it all in there, but it wouldn't be just like as it is on the plate. And then yes.
Starting point is 00:47:33 As it is on the fine China that you get down from the China closet for just such an occasion. When you guys ate fast food at home as kids, did your parents use like plates? Cause that was my mom always did that. I think we did paper plates. I don't think we did real plates. My mom would always get dishes, like actual plates. And it was like, it felt, it elevated it, but it also felt a little, like numb to the fun a little bit.
Starting point is 00:47:57 Yeah. It felt more like just like a home dinner. It looks weird on a regular plate. Don't put it on the plate. You eat it out of the wrapper. I say, I don't like plates. All right. Back off.
Starting point is 00:48:06 I can say that about my mom. I want you to see it. I think we would do it with real plates with chicken. We can take a fried chicken. That makes sense. Yeah. See, that works for whatever reason. I just, I also want to say that the most unsettling thing about that.
Starting point is 00:48:17 Yes. Is that you said, here's my mouth. And then you open your mouth and you said, now here's my, you had to reset before you showed your tongue. And it looked like you were like, it looked like you were really had to like summon your tongue out of your mouth. It was strange. You played that little flute.
Starting point is 00:48:33 It's an audio medium. It's an, it's an oral medium, A U R A L. So I wanted to paint with words a little bit. Let our listeners know what I'm doing. They can't see me open to my mouth. It was just unsettling. That's all I had to say. You could have said what I was doing.
Starting point is 00:48:48 You're like a big proponent of watch both of these. And then all of a sudden when you see a real life application of it, you poo poo it. I, I, I, you know what? I do poo poo. I was, I was wrong to ask for it. And I apologize, Nick. It's fine. You have a freak tongue.
Starting point is 00:49:01 Yeah. I get a big tongue. It's fine. People have different features of their anatomy. I, you know what? I took an anatomy class once and the professor was like, even inside your body, people have asymmetries and they looked different. Some people have like their lungs in different places.
Starting point is 00:49:17 They're different sizes. I don't like that. Some people have some variance in how many bones they have. And he said, what? Yeah. You can't. That's not true. Every space.
Starting point is 00:49:27 There's no different bones. Yeah. Some people have like different bones. They're slightly different. Different bones. Did he have you on display? Were you shackled at the front of the classroom? Freak.
Starting point is 00:49:35 Freak. I'm a normal looking person. I did. I think I, I don't know if I've told the story on the podcast before, but I had a friend in college. Yeah. All right. We'll take a break.
Starting point is 00:49:52 We'll be back with more of this. Welcome back to. Oh, you do it. To Doughboys. Paul F. Tompkins is here. Round two of the tournament of Chompians, Munch Madness 2020. That's right. Mac attack.
Starting point is 00:50:25 Nick. Ongoing. Yes. I have news. For the championship match. Chompianship. For the championship match. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:50:35 You and I should eat our items from the original McDonald's location. So in San, we have to go to San Bernardino. That's right. It's like an hour away. That's right. And why? I mean, fine. Sure.
Starting point is 00:50:51 I'll do it. The original McDonald's. We get the items from the original McDonald's. People would enjoy that. Have you ever been? I've never been. I've never been. I think people would enjoy that if you did that.
Starting point is 00:51:00 We'll go, we'll go to the house of Speedy himself, the house of the McDonald brothers. Dick and Mac. We'll see. We'll see their, the origin of an empire. I'm into it. Sure. The treacherous Roy Croc. Fucked up everything.
Starting point is 00:51:13 I said this, I said this on the last episode, but I'm team croc. Did you see that movie? I did. I loved it. It was, it was, it was, it was just a fun, it was just a fun little movie. I enjoyed it. I enjoyed it really. It was quite a bit.
Starting point is 00:51:31 It was great. I like seeing their kitchen work. Is it called the entrepreneur? It's called the founder. Oh, the founder. Yeah, they would never call the entrepreneur. That title would never make it. It does feel a little bit like it's not quite, I always forget if it's Ray or Roy Croc.
Starting point is 00:51:47 I think it's Ray Croc, but it's a little bit of a, hey, Ray Croc, hey, geography. So there's, you can tell they got a lot. They, it's a little too pro croc. Right. I mean, they make it clear that he screwed the McDonald brothers out of their fortune, but there's also like, I just feel like at the end of the movie, they're trying to be like, oh, like he dedicated all this, so much money to charity and was this great philanthropist and had this loving marriage with his second wife or whatever.
Starting point is 00:52:13 It feels like they're trying to, it's a little bit of a croc aganda, I guess you could go. Oh, wow. It's like bombshell. It is like, you know, it's like bombshell a little bit. Here's some monsters that had a bad thing happen to them. Their monstrous stuff had nothing to do with the bad thing. So you should feel bad that they had the bad thing happen to them. Right.
Starting point is 00:52:31 But also their monsters. Right. That's like the reveal at the end of the movie. Michael Keaton was very lovable and and and charming and then they put up a picture of the real right croc at the end of the movie. He's like, you know, he looks like a guy. Swindle people. He looks like he looks like a like he looks like killer croc.
Starting point is 00:52:50 He looks like killer. He fits the name. He looks like a crocodile man. Gabriel is a bird. Hovering on his nose. Hovering. Oh, whatever. You got it.
Starting point is 00:53:03 We got it. Clear. I was in the clear. Why'd you go back? I swear I fucked up. Gabris is in bombshell. He's got a small part as the sound guy. That's right.
Starting point is 00:53:12 I auditioned for the role of Sean Hannity. Did you? Wow. That's amazing. I did. In the end, they went with a guy who looked almost exactly like Sean Hannity, which was a smart play in my opinion. For those two lines.
Starting point is 00:53:25 So we're in the second round of the tournament of champions. Here are the rules to recap. Rule number one. Everyone is here. Side steps. Bunch. Side, do not stay on the sidelines. Drinks are not in the Gatorade Jug.
Starting point is 00:53:37 Also on the sidelines as in prior tournaments. Rule number two. Breakfast items must be available all day. Number three. If it's seasonal, it's reasonable but it has to be available in March. That means yes to the shamrock shake, no to the McRib. Rule number four. Dips get the slip.
Starting point is 00:53:55 You can use dips but they are not a part of a menu items evaluation. Our updated bracket. Those rules right there, it's the reason why you do the podcast is just to say you like to do the rules. I look forward to making the rules every year. Mitch, don't you like hearing them? Sometimes I like to hear them. There we go.
Starting point is 00:54:13 That's right. So the tournament began with 64 sesame seeds in four regions. The regions are beverages and McCafe breakfast. But just hearing it doesn't make you mad sometimes. No, I get to... For me it's a treat. I get to zone out. I don't have to pay attention.
Starting point is 00:54:39 As far as the rules go, I ate the food. My work is done. The regions are beverages and McCafe breakfast, burgers and chicken and sweets and treats and sides and more. You can see the bracket. We were supposed to change the grimace region. We didn't do it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:59 We couldn't decide on what they are. We can come up with that for next week. It's hard to think of what he represents. You know what? I've read that originally he had four arms and stole shakes. I have an octopus. So maybe he should be in charge of shakes. But shakes I think go in beverages, right?
Starting point is 00:55:14 So what's wrong with beverages and shakes? Beverages and McCafe is grimace. Yeah, it's grimace. The grimace region. Okay. Fine. The burglar region, of course, is the burgers and chicken. That makes sense.
Starting point is 00:55:25 Sure. The burglar region. The fry guy region is the fries and sides. But that also comes as a sweet. Sorry. Go ahead. If the hamburger accidentally steals a chicken sandwich, does that, is he disgusted by that or does he eat that too?
Starting point is 00:55:38 Boy, that's a good question. His primary thing is hamburgers. Also, we don't even know if he eats them. He just likes to steal them. He likes to steal them. Maybe resell them? I don't know. But I don't know what his game is.
Starting point is 00:55:48 If he gets a chicken sandwich by accident, is he considered that a loss? Yeah. He's stolen it from someone. I would love to see a like a heat version of or the opening of Dark Knight version of Hamburg where where it's a real like a gritty hamburger, maybe you should have gone on board with the sexy hamburger when they tried to reboot him and you didn't. You made fun of it. That's true.
Starting point is 00:56:10 Weiger reminds me that he exists. He reminded me that he existed just the other day. You showed me my my lock screen. It's such a weird thing. It's very strange. Why did they do that? I will say that the there is something in the way that Hamburglar represents kind of like the low level street criminal and Wimpy represents kind of the one percent oligarch
Starting point is 00:56:34 in the corporate criminal and that he is robbing in he is robbing in a way that's a little bit more socially acceptable and the other one is someone who belongs behind bars. But they're they're both free hamburgers up behind bars who ends up behind bars. One of the hamburgler wearing a prison uniform, I think is while he's wearing like a striped top. Right. He has black pants. He's got a he's got a burglar mask.
Starting point is 00:56:58 I always thought of it as like a prison uniform top that he's wearing. It's kind of a prisoner's the classic jail jailbird you dress for the job you want. Sirful bracket is available on our social media. But first, wait, hold on. I was going to say, yes, the winner gets the minion posters, whoever gets closer to our bracket challenge gets the minion posters that are behind me. And second, we can give out to because there's two posters. Sure.
Starting point is 00:57:22 And also I was going to toss in maybe third just gets all the Happy Meal toys that we've got all the onward toys, all the onward toys, the Happy Meals, the weird wand that spins for some reason. Maybe you may be hearing that in the mic right now. You have to push the handle up. You have to push a little switch up as opposed to pulling it down. Yeah. I don't know why it's engineered that way.
Starting point is 00:57:39 It's weird design. Do you want to you want to hear parody sound that I've had in my head for a long time? I know I do. Of course. It goes like Robble, Robble, your face, because I can't face your face pop by, get in there. I can't do it. I just your face is a mess. Your face is in mask.
Starting point is 00:58:04 Your face is in mask. Okay, Robble, Robble. I don't. It was just going to be hot birds. I love you so or cheeseburgs. I love you. So very good. I feel like there's something there.
Starting point is 00:58:15 I feel like I could make a parody song. Hamburgs. I love you so. Hamburg. Yes, it should be Hamburgs. Hamburgs. I love you so. This is David Bowie's Rebel Rebel.
Starting point is 00:58:23 Yes, obviously. Yes, but Robble, Robble. Yeah. This is a fun thought experiment. How aware do you think David Bowie was of the hamburger? I feel like he had heard of the hamburger. He must have, right? I think you want to know my really long time.
Starting point is 00:58:41 Yeah. Do you want to know my answer? Yeah, always on his mind. He was always thinking. Oh, this is two extremes. He's aware of him. He can't stop thinking about him. I'm picturing like if you went up to David Bowie at a party
Starting point is 00:58:54 and you mentioned the hamburger, would he instantly know who you were talking about? That is a great. I like this is if I could ask God a question, this would be one of them. Right. I I'm trying to think of someone. You're going to talk to Bowie directly.
Starting point is 00:59:08 If you're in heaven. I guess I'll you know, I should just talk to Bowie. Who was the I asked God why he friended that guy. That's what I want to know. I forgot that show is so on the air and I saw a commercial. And I just laughed out loud. I would like to know. I would like to list the McDonald Land characters
Starting point is 00:59:31 and then decide how where David Bowie was of each of them. Right. I feel like they are a lot of them seem up his alley, like Grimace and sure. One of his weird friends. Yeah, you can see him in a video. You wouldn't blink twice. So if you if you saw Grimace wouldn't blink twice.
Starting point is 00:59:52 What am I you? No, Mitch blinked once and never stopped. Once and never stopped. It's just I just rose. He's so proud of that. He's so proud of that joke. It was good. It was very good.
Starting point is 01:00:09 I would I would guess that that to put it in contemporary terms, David Bowie in life was as aware of the hamburger as Billy Joe Armstrong is of Waluigi currently. Wow, because they're probably I'm guessing that ages roughly line up on strong the lead singer of Green Day of when the hamburger became a character in the McDonald's land extended universe. That's that's to me that I feel like that that math
Starting point is 01:00:39 kind of lines up and I feel like Billy Joe Armstrong knows about Waluigi. But here's what I would say. Yeah, the the the commercials continued. And and presumably I I mean, I guess I'm not up early enough on a Saturday to see kids programming. So I don't know if they're still making commercials with those characters. I think so. Right. They must be.
Starting point is 01:00:57 Why wouldn't they? Yeah. So and he had kids, David Bowie had kids. So I feel like. He definitely wouldn't know who Ronald McDonald was. Yeah, absolutely. Everyone does. Probably Grimace. I think Grimace is very memorable. Hamburger, Hamburger, I think. But there's something like if you if you were to say to him, Big Mac.
Starting point is 01:01:20 Yeah, the cop, he might not know. That might not put an image in his mind. Sure. Mayor MacGee's maybe. Yeah, maybe. Yeah, Hamburger, I feel like is maybe third after Ronald and Grimace in terms of every visibility knowledge. OK, so I've composed a tweet. Oh, at Green Day. Hello, does Billy Joe Armstrong know who?
Starting point is 01:01:39 While Luigi, great, we're going to find out. And this will answer our question. Great. OK. And say I want answers from Green Day only. Because other people are going to chime in. Of course, he knows. That's a good point. That's a good point. So I ought to put them off the trail. So we're in round two of Munch Madness 2020. And before we get into it, let's hear a recap of the Munch Madness action
Starting point is 01:02:00 up to this point. So we go now live to Carl Tartt in the Doe Center in Bristol, Connecticut. Wow. It's everyone's favorite month in the land of dough, Munch. We look forward to it every year of our rapidly declining lives. And this year is no exception. I'm Carl Tartt, live in the Doe Center in Bristol, Connecticut. All of the seeds and not a fruit of vegetable insight.
Starting point is 01:02:28 Things are already heating up. The big boys and girls came to play. Let's check into some of the action we've already got going. On Tuesdays, Doe Boys double John Gimmerling joined to tackle the first half of the round of 32 in the beverages in McCafe region. The six seed shamrock shake upset the three seed premium roast coffee on a split decision. Some people want to wake up and some people want to go to Irish sleep.
Starting point is 01:02:54 And the two seed chocolate shake defeated the seven seed orange juice. In the breakfast region, the three seed sausage McMuffin with an egg beat the six seed bacon, egg and cheese biscuit. I disagree with that wholeheartedly, but I'm not on the show this week. And the 10 seed sausage biscuit soundly defeated the two seed sausage McMuffin. Over in the sweets and treats and sides and more, the three seed hash browns easily took out the six seed four piece chicken nuggets. And in a battle of sweet treats, the seven seed hot fudge sundae
Starting point is 01:03:21 upset Emma's favorite, the two seed M&M McFlurry. Also, sorry for vomiting on you and Cleveland, Emma. I truly apologize. Finally, in the burgers and chicken region, the six seed 20 piece chicken McNuggets beat the three seed six piece chicken McNuggets. Six piece chicken McNuggets, famously more expensive. They are trying to kill us. And in a quarter pounder showdown, the seven seed double quarter
Starting point is 01:03:45 pounder with cheese upset the two seed quarter pounder with cheese. One gripe about the quarter pounder for me, they don't cut the onion small enough. At least they don't at the McDonald's by my house, which I frequent. All right, that'll do it for this week's recap. I'll be back with more and more of these recaps until we get down to one winner, winner, unhealthy dinner. Live from the Dose Center in Bristol, Connecticut. This is Carl Tarr signing off.
Starting point is 01:04:10 As I always say, zip it up, throw it back and don't have a heart attack. You guys have all heard me say that. And if you haven't, you're lame. Bye. Wow, that's really something. Thanks, Carl. Any reactions to that piece of audio we just heard? I can't.
Starting point is 01:04:30 It, wow, thanks, Carl. I can't, it blows my mind. All I can say is, Carl, my mind is blown and thank you. So let's get into it. Let's begin with the beverages and McCafe section. Yeah. First matchup, the one seed Coca-Cola taking on the eight seed hot chocolate. Boy, I just, I will say that hot chocolate.
Starting point is 01:04:52 Put up a fight and this is a good cup of hot chocolate you get there. The Nick, yes, it has this matchup was too close for comfort. It's a close call here. I love Coca-Cola. Yeah. McDonald's makes the best Coca-Cola. I don't know. They got those canisters back in the day.
Starting point is 01:05:08 They got this is this is true. They got the McDonald's Coke. They have canisters of syrup, right, Nick? Everyone else gets packed like a plastic bag. Yes, they have like a metal canister. They have like a better delivery system for the syrup. And this was just too close for comfort. You know, right off the bat, hot chocolate turned the ball over
Starting point is 01:05:29 because I lifted up the cap. Sure. And all of the whipped cream was stuck in there. And it was stuck to your cap. I didn't know there was whipped cream in there. Yeah, I just drank it through the little nozzle. Yeah, there's there's whipped cream in the on top of the whipped cream. They put a little they put a little chocolate on top of the whipped cream as well.
Starting point is 01:05:47 Little drizzle of chocolate. Which is a no I should look at the picture. But you know, I put it I put it back. I put it back on. So it worked. I kind of like picked the lid down and it went back on to the chocolate. Yeah, that's easy. That's an easy mess to clean up.
Starting point is 01:06:03 Mad. Now I will. I will say that the it's a it's a good it's a lot of whipped topping. And it may be almost bordering on too much. I and the chocolate, the little drizzle of chocolate as aesthetically pleasing as it is to the eye, I could maybe do without it flavor wise, because there's so much chocolate within that. I mean, it's like a dense, like, like, you know, Ghirardelli tier hot chocolate.
Starting point is 01:06:27 I was very very chocolate. I was very surprised. Yeah. I I love I kind of love fountain soda. And I don't I it's it's very rare that I drink just regular Coke. It's been a long time. And I really enjoyed it. And it was very familiar and comforting and sweet to me. But that hot chocolate was such a revelation that hot chocolate won for me.
Starting point is 01:06:54 Wow. I was really surprised. Wow. Well, we should have told you this beforehand. We say before we say answers, we say, but up, but up, but up. And then we all say the answer at the same time. Yeah, we're trying to say them simultaneously, so we're not influencing each other. That's fine. But that's fine because we didn't brief you. Because honestly, should we cut this out and pretend that didn't happen?
Starting point is 01:07:14 No, no, this is this is great. I mean, honestly, for us, this is this is this is the best thing that could happen. This is going on. This is going on our best of episode. Why? Why? Because Nick and I are free of that burden. I think I honestly, because I don't know where Nick's going. I don't know if he knows where I'm going.
Starting point is 01:07:33 And we both have an allegiance to Coca-Cola. Right. Now the scale is already weighted. So like, so this is like overtime. Coca-Cola is in overtime right now and is going to pull it off. Let me ask you this, Paul. That's what that's I don't know. As beverages go, we've got two. We've got this is our one hot versus cold matchup we're doing in this in this episode.
Starting point is 01:07:54 Are you a hot man or you're a cold dude? I'm more of a cold dude. Wow. Yeah. I like coffee in the morning and only in the morning. I drink black coffee. Yes. It it takes on a different taste to me later in the day. Like I never if I'm on set or something. And you know, if you're if you're having one of those long days where you need like a jolt later in the day, I will do it sort of reluctantly.
Starting point is 01:08:17 But I'd rather drink like a soda to get that caffeine because coffee, like drink coffee later in the day, just kind of it's gross to me. I don't know. I can't describe it, but it's it's weird. It's me to I said that before that coffee will get me jittery and a Diet Coke won't get me jittery for whatever reason. You're not you're not a coffee man. I'm not a coffee man. I like a small Dunkin Donuts coffee.
Starting point is 01:08:34 That's about as much as I of course. Yes, I get it. This guy, I to drink is we're going to say it's true. It's one of the only ones that doesn't make for whatever reason that the small Dunkin Donuts doesn't have enough caffeine that makes me a wired and Gregory McDonald's. But coffee does McDonald's coffee along with Dunkin coffee. I think are both just top tier or like fast food coffees.
Starting point is 01:08:57 So I do like Dunkin's coffee quite a bit. I didn't realize that McDonald's coffee was so good. My wife mentioned that today that their coffee is great. Yeah, it'll be my go to if I don't if I don't have any like coffee left at home and I just like I'll just like go to a McDonald's drive through or walk over to McDonald's as opposed to going to a Starbucks or something because I like the coffee better and it's cheaper. I will say that I like the I as I like the hot chocolate quite a bit.
Starting point is 01:09:20 Their Coca Cola is very consistent and that goes. Absolutely. That being said, yes, my Coca Cola had a bad game. It did. Oh boy, really? It was not the issue. It just it just tasted like it towards the end of its canister or whatever, you know how they it was it was the syrup was running low or something. It was just not and it wasn't as bubbly. It was just off. It was off.
Starting point is 01:09:41 It's like when it was still Coke. When it goes to a bar and it's got like they haven't changed the taps in a while. A hundred percent. Yeah, it's just got like that old keg that's like been sitting in there. That was it hasn't cleaned it out. Truly, that is your dead on. I mean, it's a bummer. It was at the end of what we'll figure out what that is.
Starting point is 01:10:02 We'll figure out what what the Coke what the difference is between the Cokes. Why McDonald's? We've figured this out before, right? It's like it is some sort of canister that it's sold in the syrup. Yes, it was low. Though it wasn't bubbly as bubbly as it could be. It was just off. You think it's not like a snowpiercer situation.
Starting point is 01:10:21 I don't want everyone to see the inside of those canisters. Well, let's let's let's get to our decision. Mitch, let's do it. But it was just barely for me. I will say that that for me, the everyday drinkability, the Coca Cola is what clinched it. Yeah, because the hot chocolate that to me is a rare indulgence and the Coca Cola I could get with a combo meal. I just want to say maybe this is and look, we've eaten too much McDonald's already.
Starting point is 01:10:50 I feel I told you I was feeling very sick. Yeah, I I think that McDonald's might have the in everything. I love it. No McDonald's. There's only like three items I haven't liked that we've done so far. This hot chocolate might be the best hot chocolate you can get at any like fast food. Wow, it's better than Starbucks.
Starting point is 01:11:09 It's better than than fucking coffee beans. It's it might be the best hot chocolate you can get at a fast food place. If you're if you're a grandpa hanging out with a grandchild and you're talking to the grandpa as we listen to the grandpa's listen up to our grandpa listeners. Grandkids, take a breather. To our grandpa listeners and grandmas to our grandparent listeners. It's day. It's 2020.
Starting point is 01:11:35 It's 2020. If you're taking your grand kid out McDonald's, you get them a hot chocolate. You get yourself a coffee. You're both sitting high on the hog. Yeah. All right. Next, if you're a grandpa and you're listening to hashtag, I'm a grandpa. It would be nice to hear from them.
Starting point is 01:11:53 Mitch, this is crazy. I got a Twitter tab open. Hashtag, I'm a grandpa is trending. Wow. Number one worldwide. It's just got mentioned. Yeah, I know. And this episode is now.
Starting point is 01:12:04 Is there is there any motion on my my tweet at Green Day? There's people are there's no response from Green Day themselves yet. So probably getting some faves. Yeah, just faves. That's it. All right. No. Oh, boy, retweeted by Ben Shapiro. Weird.
Starting point is 01:12:21 Next matchup, five seed vanilla shake, the four seed iced coffee. I wanted to give I love the vanilla shake at McDonald's, and I wanted to give the iced coffee a fair shake. So I did it fair. I don't didn't say shake with intention. Just it just fucking coincidence. But anyway, so for that reason, I got the iced coffee. I customized it a little bit.
Starting point is 01:12:42 OK, I don't know if this is if you can send this kosher, Mitch. I know this is what I did. I got no cream because I prefer it black and I got light sweetener. And let me tell you, it was a fantastic iced coffee. It's so good. I mean, their default version is good, but this this iced coffee I loved. I Contra Paul, I do like a hot coffee in the afternoon as a pick me up. But an iced coffee is a nice change of pace.
Starting point is 01:13:06 And this is a good execution. Well, for me, I did like my man in Macmillan's does. I got 10 creamers and five sugars. Wow. I saw that. That is an insane that I was like, what is what is happening? The same thing, but five Splenda. Yeah, it's insane. I got the I'm established, not a coffee drinker.
Starting point is 01:13:29 Ice coffee, not my thing. I didn't even know how to go about ordering it. Like I said, I'll have an iced coffee and they gave me some options. And I was like, oh, I didn't realize there'd be options. I got caramel. I tried them in the vanilla shake and I tried them both in quick succession. The vanilla shake exactly as I remember it. I haven't had a McDonald's milkshake in decades, and it was exactly the same.
Starting point is 01:13:58 Yeah, exactly the same. Yeah. And I mean, that for me is a big that's the big draw for the big appeal of McDonald's for me is things like that are satisfying because it's exactly what you expect. Right. And they whatever ingredients they use, it's like, yes, this is the experience that I wanted in a way that other fast food
Starting point is 01:14:19 chains are not for me. You know what I mean? Yeah, there's there's stuff that I like at a Wendy's or Jack in the Box or whatever, but it's absolutely not the same like weird, primal, satisfaction thing that I get from McDonald's. Yeah. And that shake was like that for me. Generational consistency.
Starting point is 01:14:36 It's just like that. I agree. I vanilla shake. I love vanilla. Vanilla is a flavor. You will not replace us. Is that what you're saying? That's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 01:14:43 Yeah, vanilla is is a flavor. It's it's one of my favorite flavors. I loved the vanilla shake as a boy and I felt weird getting it because everyone liked chocolate. But I tell you, it's it's a little sip of childhood. And I think it's their best shake. I think it's their best shake. I think the vanilla shake is their best shake.
Starting point is 01:15:02 And I think their iced coffee is is very good as well. Mitch, what are your your thoughts? I was also thinking Billy Joel Armstrong would be like a funny SNL character or something. No. I know you're not supposed to do this in a writer's room. But no, that wouldn't be funny. You know what?
Starting point is 01:15:25 I respect that I actually agree. Yeah, we're not wasting any time. Just move on to the next pitch. Mitch, what do you think? I think Paul's right. I think it would be it's not a great. Oh, about the McDonald's. I think that I got back from McDonald's on this trip with a
Starting point is 01:15:53 vanilla shake, an iced coffee and a quarter pounder with cheese and a double quarter pounder with cheese and other. I there was a four piece. Me. Oh, I shouldn't say we're not there yet. I know I know what look they know. They know what they know what one they want. They know from the last episode, a four piece.
Starting point is 01:16:08 We dug it in a hash brown all in a bag coming up. Get to my front post. There's a guy there. The guy delivering my diet meals. I have. Oh, I eat. I have dinners delivered to me where I am eating diet like I and I have I'm balancing so much McDonald's in my hand and he's
Starting point is 01:16:28 like, Hey, I just left your things there. I was like, Ah, thanks. And I was like, Do I tell him like this is for a podcast or like, do I try to explain this to him? And I just I fucking never do. Do I take that out? Yeah, I just took the I took the loss. I walked inside, grabbed that food, too, and went inside.
Starting point is 01:16:44 That is unfortunate. I mean, it was it was it bummed me out. I'm very sorry. As far as that goes, once again, another thing, the ice coffee, like the hot chocolate, it's great and would maybe move up into like my second or third ice coffee spot. If I if I need it, if I need an iced coffee on the road, I'm going to go to McDonald's.
Starting point is 01:17:02 They make it over. They put too much cream and too much sugar in it. You have that you have to go like light sweetener at minimum. It's probably a four hundred calorie iced coffee. Yes, but it is. It's very, very, very good. The vanilla shake, you know, I like it. It's a classic.
Starting point is 01:17:16 I made funny vanilla for too long. Maybe this is this tournament. Maybe clears that all up. Maybe I owe you an apology. Wow. We'll see. We'll see how far it goes. We'll see a milestone in the Doughboys cannon for sure.
Starting point is 01:17:27 Let's let's let's get to our decision right now. But let me just say, oh, I'm sorry, sorry, I just want to say that the winner, the winner just barely squeaked by. I just want to say that. Alright, I could have said that afterwards. Sorry. Can I just say? All right.
Starting point is 01:17:48 Ba da ba ba ba. Vanilla shake. It's unanimous. Vanilla shake moving on. Absolutely. Made that coffee, though the iced coffee was very. It's very good. It was very good.
Starting point is 01:18:01 There are no losers at the stage in the tournament. I wish I liked it. My wife liked it. I gave her the I took a couple of sips and gave it to her. She was very happy with it. Now she's upset that she can't take a rest because she is too jittery from the coffee. Next up, the breakfast region.
Starting point is 01:18:18 That is an issue. Number 16, the 16 seed pulling a huge upset in the previous round over Egg McMuffin. Sausage burrito taking on the 9 seed. Sausage burrito beat Egg McMuffin, Paul, if you didn't know this. Wow. OK, all right.
Starting point is 01:18:32 Taking on the 9 seed, chicken McGriddles. So that's where we are in this round of 32 matchup. The chicken McGriddles, I think just the issue with the biscuit is that it's too dry. But the McGriddles, you get a little bit of moisture and you get that sweet and savory contrast, which I love. The sausage burrito is no slouch. Here's what I'll say, that the gumminess of the tortilla,
Starting point is 01:18:54 I really don't like the texture of that small flour tortilla. And I feel like that I definitely noticed a little bit more in this round. Your guys thoughts on these two menu items? I had never had either one of these. Sausage burrito was completely new to me. I'd never even heard that they had that on the menu. The chicken McGriddle, I was surprised because there is nothing on it.
Starting point is 01:19:18 Yes. And I thought, well, this is going to be dry. I forgot that the fucking bun is waffles and it's drenched in syrup. And yeah, it was enjoyable. It was very enjoyable. More enjoyable than I thought it was going to be. That sausage burrito, I thought was terrible. Wow.
Starting point is 01:19:35 I thought it was absolutely terrible. Wow. Wow. Wow. Shit. I thought it tasted like nothing. I thought the sausage tasted bad. The eggs tasted real powdery.
Starting point is 01:19:44 And that gummy tortilla is always a bummer. Yeah. And the other thing, the pecante salsa they give you, I think is not a potentially flavorful salsa. Mitch, what were your thoughts on this one? I thought the chicken McGriddles was oddly spicy, the actual chicken patty itself. Yes.
Starting point is 01:19:59 And I don't know if I got some sort of spicy chicken patty. There was a lot of spice. That actually sounds good. Yeah, that's great. There was a lot of spice going on with it. I don't know what the deal was. Overpeppered. I don't know what it was.
Starting point is 01:20:09 Maybe I got the chicken that was at the bottom of the bag or something like that. And it was a little bit sloppier than last time. I got this last night, late last night, after eating one of my diet meals. But I liked it more than I did last time. I enjoyed it. I think it is good.
Starting point is 01:20:24 I think it's a very specific type of breakfast sandwich. And I feel like there were people who grew up with chicken and biscuits. And a chicken sandwich is a breakfast sandwich to them. It's a southern thing, I think. To me, it's not as much. You wouldn't understand. And I wouldn't understand.
Starting point is 01:20:39 I don't get it as much. It's a southern thing. You wouldn't understand. It's a southern thing you wouldn't understand. I was going to try to do a southern accent. It's like a southern. It's a southern. I thought you were going to do a southern accent.
Starting point is 01:20:55 It's a southern thing. A thing. You wouldn't have stood. Well, you see, down here in the bayou, we do things a little different. I have ourselves a chicken sandwich in the morning. You wouldn't understand. We are north of the Mason Dixon Island and all.
Starting point is 01:21:11 I struggle with that too, with the chicken and waffles thing, because it was not something I grew up with in Philadelphia. And when people would go so crazy for Rascos, and we'd go there when I was working on Mr. Show, that would be like a treat that once a month we'd go there for lunch altogether. And I was like, yeah, this is OK. It just felt very heavy to me.
Starting point is 01:21:30 And I didn't get what was so great about it. Rascos began in Long Beach, California, which is the area where I'm from. And so I'm quite familiar with it. And I do have that connection to that specifically. But I will say that I love the chicken plus. I like the morning chicken. And the chicken biscuit specifically
Starting point is 01:21:52 is not at all a so-cal thing. The morning chicken's a rooster, Nick. Good catch. I'm sorry. I like roosters. Give him his proper title. He's earned it. Let's give our decision now.
Starting point is 01:22:05 But hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on. I just wanted to say that this to me is even. Wait, you did that for real? That wasn't a bit? Yeah. It was so funny to me. I knew it wasn't a bit. I knew it wasn't a bit.
Starting point is 01:22:26 I just want to say that. It was too earnest. One of the things I was going to say to you, I just realized how stupid it is. But I was going to say that I like Roscoe's more than what that, like, Roscoe's I think you're going to appreciate more than this chicken biscuit thing. 100%.
Starting point is 01:22:43 Really? This is not a, this is an ice cold take. And then I was also going to say, I was watching Mr. Show just the other night. And you hear that all the time from dorks. I don't hear it all the time, actually. No. I've been off PR for decades.
Starting point is 01:22:57 I was watching a, I pissed on your shit. I was watching that. Oh, sure. The landlords. The landlords, yes. Yeah. It was a great sketch. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:23:07 You're very funny. Well, thank you, Mitch. You're getting riled up. You're rattling the Michael. I'm sorry. I'm not going to interrupt again. I apologize. Don't make promises.
Starting point is 01:23:15 Can't keep. I also had a, I don't, I don't, I don't. I also just wanted to say that I had a mile, but I used the Mexican style salsa on the burrito. That's all. I didn't, I didn't, I was on given salsa and I did not use it. I don't know that it would have made much of a difference. Sometimes they forget the salsa and the ketchup is no real substitute, even though the salsa
Starting point is 01:23:42 the sauces can be sometimes they forget your sauces. All right. Here we go. But I'm a pop up. I'm a chicken. The griddle. Wow. Chicken McGriddles moving on.
Starting point is 01:23:51 You told me you were going to rig this. We didn't have to get the chicken McGriddles anymore. You were going to rat fuck this. Look, I was going to maybe rat fuck this, but it went with what was in my heart. No, we talked about the inconvenience of having to get the chicken McGriddles cause not every location has it. I sincerely think the sausage burrito is better. I, I'm sad it's gone.
Starting point is 01:24:10 I think it's better than the egg McMuffin. Yeah. I do think it's better than the egg McMuffin. I prefer it to the egg McMuffin cause I'm not an egg McMuffin fan, but I think the chicken McGriddles is head to head with a sausage burrito. It's just, I'd rather have it. Did the previous guest agree? No, this was a split decision.
Starting point is 01:24:28 He was, he was, he was, it was, he was upset at it. I don't think he was that upset. He was surprised by it. He did leave me a voicemail. He was crying. I couldn't make out what he was saying. I thought we can't be saying McMuffin. Well we will be having a McGriddle, McGriddles showdown in the next round because the next
Starting point is 01:24:46 matchup is the five seed bacon egg and cheese McGriddles versus the four seed sausage egg and cheese McGriddles. The only difference here is protein. Which do you prefer? This is like a civil war. I will say I don't love McDonald's bacon, but I do think the, the context where it works is on their breakfast sandwiches. And I think that the, that little disc of bacon is, is good.
Starting point is 01:25:14 And I, I like both of these. I guess the sausage one is just a little bit more substantial. And I think the texture maybe works a little bit better for this concept. I don't know. I don't know, Paul, what do you think? This was the toughest one for me. Yeah. And I kept going back and forth.
Starting point is 01:25:33 I love breakfast sandwiches and even with the McGriddle aspect of it, I still found these both enjoyable. But it was a very, usually I like bacon over sausage, no question. But this was much, I was pleasantly surprised by the sausage in the sandwich. And part of it I think is just because McDonald's bacon is one of its weak points. I feel like if this was a better, a better type of bacon, it maybe is, it, you know, could sway the outcome one way or the other. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:06 We're realizing that bacon is, it's a, it's a, it's not helping anything out in this, in this tournament. It's right. A lot of, a lot of things are losing that have bacon as an ingredient. So despite all the memes, yeah. One of these is just next level, yes, over the other one and, you know, the other one just can't compete with it. It doesn't have to put its head down because a lot of things can't compete with it.
Starting point is 01:26:33 It's just, it's just next level. And that, and I'll just say it in sausage and cheese McGriddles. Yeah. Yeah. I was, I was really surprised. I would say that my, maybe my second favorite McGriddles after this is just the regular sausage McGriddles. And I think that sausage is just like the best counterpoint to that.
Starting point is 01:26:53 You know, it's, it's like you get hotcakes and sausage, it just kind of works, works well with that super rich, uh, maple-y, uh, sorry, sugary, maple-y character of the McGriddles bun. So let's go on to sweets and treats and sides and more. First up, one-seed fries versus the nine-seed Happy Meal hamburger. Now here's an interesting element. The Happy Meal has fries. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:16 So fries are a part of it. So we're really just saying, if you want. You can ask for a different, they gave me an option. I couldn't hear what the first option was. I heard fries as I just took fries. Yeah. I'll tell you what, it's gogurt is one of them. Gogurt.
Starting point is 01:27:30 Gogurt. I'm not a damn child. And then, uh, apple slices is the other one. Apple slices. That's what it was. Yes. It was apple slices. And you get more, and then more, you get fries, you get fries no matter what, so your option
Starting point is 01:27:43 was probably more fries. Oh, wow. Okay. All right. Yeah. Good to know. I got mine with the apple slices. I don't like gogurt.
Starting point is 01:27:51 I don't like the, I don't like the, anything. I just don't like the texture of it. I don't like the scorching in my mouth. Sure. It's fucking weird. I don't blame you. Uh, but, uh, and the apple slices, I don't think are great either. I got apples at home.
Starting point is 01:28:01 Yeah. Good apples. I don't think the apple sizes are bad. The subway apple sizes are worse than these are. Subway apple slices. Yeah. Do they have a kid's meal at Subway? They, they, they want to, they have apple sizes you can get in the value meal now instead
Starting point is 01:28:14 of chips. It's, it's, it's, yeah, it's come on subway. What are you doing? It's yeah. It hasn't been right since Jared's gone. That's sad to say, but that's true. They lost their way for me that the happy meal is all heart, likes and Paul. It's all what?
Starting point is 01:28:31 Heart. Heart. Heart. Stop saying heart. Why are you, why are you saying that? What does that mean? It's all heart. It's, it's, it's, it's, I feel like I love it.
Starting point is 01:28:42 It reminds me of childhood. It's just a sweet thing for me is I'm significantly older than you that I remember. I was too old for happy meals when they were introduced. Oh, fascinating. Wow. I'm a fascinating guy. I didn't get, I, I will say that I'm, I'm a little older. I'm between your two ages, but at Papi Meals were around, but I just didn't get them.
Starting point is 01:29:05 And I think it was because my parents were like, you don't, you have enough toys. That was more of the logic of it. Oh wow. Okay. They wanted to, yeah, they, they didn't want me to have a bunch of more useless shit. Well, I got the hamburger happy meal. Yeah. We all got the hamburger happy meal.
Starting point is 01:29:20 With more fry. Oh yeah. We all got the hamburger happy meal. With more fries because it was going up against a tough opponent and I got the chocolate milk, which was very tasty. And an onward toy van, which was a different toy. Wow. Nice.
Starting point is 01:29:33 But Paul, you got the onward wand. I got the Phoenix Gem and staff. Is that what it's called? Yeah. That's the sound of it spinning on Mike. I have, I, I now have a collection of those. This is the fan door opening and closing. Um, I've only gotten the wand so far.
Starting point is 01:29:48 You've only gotten the wand. Yeah. Oh wow. We're going to give, we're, we'll give these the third place bracket winner gets all these, these McDonald's toys. So they can throw them away and so then throw them away and onward they bring back their dad, but they only bring back half of him. That's right.
Starting point is 01:30:04 As someone with a, with a deceased debt. Are you asking me? I'm saying which half would you want to bring back if you're dead? Jesus Christ. It has to be top half, right? So you can like hug him and talk to him. Falk. Do you think this question is as inappropriate as I think it is asking about your dad?
Starting point is 01:30:20 No, he was. Oh, what really? He said if I could bring back my dad, would I bring back the top half of the bottom half? It's got to be top half, right? Why would I bring back the bottom half? If it was my dad, I'd bring back the bottom half. He didn't talk that much anyway. I feel like, I guess I could check his hog out and see how I stack up.
Starting point is 01:30:44 Yeah. See, look at the bright side. There's nothing he can do about it. And I'd like to bring my whole dad back, Nick. How's that? That would be the idea. Together, we'd kick your ass. You guys would team up to beat me up?
Starting point is 01:30:59 Yes. I think you could beat me up by yourself. Oh, yeah. Good point. Well, then my dad would sit and laugh. Guys, I hate to interrupt, but I just got some election results. Mike Bloomberg has won American Samoa. Wow.
Starting point is 01:31:11 Wow. Huge, huge for Bloomberg. This is huge news. More on this as it develops. Yeah. Wow. He's going to run away with that delegate count. How many delegates are in American Samoa?
Starting point is 01:31:22 Three? I don't know. What do they get? I think they do get some delegates. I'm yet to vote yet. And hearing this news, I'm voting Bloomberg. It's going his way. It's time for us to coalesce around the clear front runner.
Starting point is 01:31:35 All right. Let's get to our decision here, because what more about fries needs to be said. But up, but, but, but, but. Fries. Of course. Of course. Fries. I was going to say that, ultimately, if I have to order more fries to compete with
Starting point is 01:31:48 fries, then it's clear who the victor is. I mean, I think McDonald's fries are pretty much unparalleled in fast food fried them. Yeah. Yeah. They're so, so good. Yeah. I got a large fry. I got a small.
Starting point is 01:32:02 I got a medium. Wow. Well, look at that. Three bears. There we go. It kind of fits with our relative sizes. It's true. Wow.
Starting point is 01:32:10 You're not a small man, but compared to Mitch and I. Oh, I wish I were. Oh, it'd be great to be a little teeny tiny man. I'd love it. I think all the money you'd save on clothes. Like Mike, like Mike Bloomberg is a little tiny guy. He's a small man. It's not.
Starting point is 01:32:22 You know what? Like it's not because that's what Trump says about him. So now it feels almost Trumpish to say it. It's fine. But it's fun also. Yeah. At the same time. It is fun.
Starting point is 01:32:31 He's a monster and it's it's fun to, you know, pick apart a monster. Yeah. Why not? Six phone numbers. I bet he listens. Epstein's black book. Why does he have that many phone numbers? Also Jeffrey Epstein.
Starting point is 01:32:42 If you ever want to fax me anything. And you know what, Nick? Yeah. He's the shortest man. He's the littlest man. That's right. There you go. We shouldn't height.
Starting point is 01:32:54 We shouldn't height change. That's right. Next up in the sweets and treats and sides and more category, vanilla cone, the five seed versus the four seed apple pie. Wow. Boy, this was tough. I went to a good McDonald's, a very good McDonald's that was. Wow.
Starting point is 01:33:08 Now you sound Trump like. So that wasn't the best McDonald's. I want to McDonald's the best McDonald's. I want to do a very good McDonald's. This guy comes up to me with tears in his eyes. Big strong guy. Tell me there's never been a McDonald's this good. I got the, I got this.
Starting point is 01:33:26 So the vanilla cone, here's the thing. I really noticed the beard factor here and I was very self conscious about it because I was a man eating by himself on a weekend afternoon where there were a lot of families and I feel like I'm the fucking weird, gross guy. Yeah. He's eating a fucking cone in his face. Agreed. And I felt it.
Starting point is 01:33:48 I felt just like that ring around my in my mustache and my little goatee area and I felt very self conscious about it. However, that cone vanilla, the vanilla flavor of the ice cream is outstanding. The cone, you know, is nothing, but it's fine. And I do like to take a few bites of it and got to be careful not to nibble that paper. The apple pie was, yeah, the apple pie was warm. It was like that perfect temperature when I got it out of its sleeve and I really liked it and I really liked the flavor of it.
Starting point is 01:34:18 This is a close one for me. What do you guys think? I had a, I had a very similar experience that it was closer than I thought it was going to be. I really, I never really thought that much of the apple pie before, right? And I started with the ice cream cone because I got it first and I was sitting in my car and so I had to constantly be looking in the review mirror to see where the ice cream was on my mustache.
Starting point is 01:34:42 And then the apple pie came and I took a bite of it and I was so pleasantly surprised by it. It was so much better than I remember. And again, and like you say, perfect temperature, it was, it was warm, but it was not impossible to eat. It didn't burn me and it was really enjoyable. I did, I did not finish the apple pie, I did finish the cone. The cone is very easy to eat.
Starting point is 01:35:04 The cone is a lot of fun. Yeah, it's a lot of fun. It's so much fun. It's a lot of fun. I've been going, whee. Like you were spinning that onward wand. It was just, which I was doing at the same time. I broke, I truly was having a, I was a little licky boy.
Starting point is 01:35:23 I was a little licky boy. It will turn you into a little licky boy. That's true. Yes. I like to lick the cone. And the actual cone itself is very brief. Yes. There's not much to it.
Starting point is 01:35:36 Which is good. It was great. Yeah. Perfect. But I got to the window. Apple pies weren't ready and they gave me a cherry pie. Wow. Okay.
Starting point is 01:35:47 Warrant. A cherry pie with like cream cheese or something. Look, weird. Here's what I had to say. It doesn't sound bad. It's better than the apple pie. Wow. The cherry pie was better than the apple pie.
Starting point is 01:36:02 It's like when a 21 year old's playing on your little league team, babe. Little Dennis Miller there. Vintage Dennis Miller. No specifics, famously, there's a character for you, vague Dennis Miller. It's kind of like the game of basketball, babe. Does it make any specific references? It was up and down more than the stock market. But did you get the apple pie as well?
Starting point is 01:36:49 I went back today. Wow. I got the apple pie. And the apple pie was very good today. Last time I had it, it was not good at all and I thought it was done already. Today it was warm. It was fresh. I was, I was enjoying it.
Starting point is 01:37:04 This is the apple pie that people like at McDonald's. So you could not do a side-by-side comparison. I did not do a side-by-side comparison. That is that is only on the record. That is that is true. But I had the, I had the vanilla cone last night and I had the apple pie today. And I'm going to say that the cherry pie was better than the apple pie. So that could even, and I had those side-by-side did not even know they had a cherry pie.
Starting point is 01:37:26 It was very, very good. But I have, I have my answer. Okay. Well, let's, let's hear it. vanilla cone. Wow, a split decision, vanilla cone taking it. I liked my apple pie better than I like my vanilla cone. It was, it was close.
Starting point is 01:37:42 This was a very close one, but I honestly was the scales were slightly tip towards apple pie, but it's moot because the cone is moving on to face fries. Wow. In the next round, let's see if we can finally slay the giant vanilla cone. That vanilla cone was so good. It was so good. I loved it. I was a little lucky boy.
Starting point is 01:37:58 I was also a little, you know what? Now I can say it. I also was a little lucky boy. Nick. I was a little licky boy. Oh, there we go. Then it was a little sticky boy. Oh, God.
Starting point is 01:38:07 Now you're a little icky boy. Next up, the burgers and chicken region. This is, this is the final region. Wait, say by its real name. Well, the hamburger region. The hamburger region. Burgers and chicken, aka the hamburger region. There we go.
Starting point is 01:38:21 The one seed, big Mac taking on the nine seed, double cheeseburger. Wow. This is two Titans smashing into each other. This was too close for comfort. I already, I heard Paul saying that he wasn't impressed with the big Mac. It's getting me nervous. I stand by it. I, Big Mac is my front runner of this.
Starting point is 01:38:40 I love the big Mac. Big Mac. I love it so much. It's everyone's front runner. It's the one seed. It's the one seed. Favored to take it all the way to the final four. I will say, what do we, do we just call it the final, oh wait, final fork.
Starting point is 01:38:53 That's what we're calling it. The final fork. The final fork. Yes. Big Mac. The big Mac. So the Mac sauce, you mentioned some kids don't like it. One of you mentioned earlier, some kids don't like it.
Starting point is 01:39:06 I did like it as a kid. I did always like the big Mac. Of course you did. I've always been a. You probably were eating like oysters when you were six years old. That's the one thing I remember about the Gino Giant was they had a similar, their version of the big Mac had like a Thousand Island type sauce on it. And I liked that.
Starting point is 01:39:21 I had, it was one of those things where I liked it and didn't like it at the same time. Right. When you're a kid where it's like, this is, I don't know, it's because I guess it's a more grown up taste. And you're like, this is gross, but I like it. Yeah. Yeah. And it was like that in a way that the big Mac was not for me, that was like coffee ice
Starting point is 01:39:37 cream when I was a kid. I know I'm not supposed to, but I like it. It felt like forbidden for the, the, the, I both, I got very good executions of these. I had them side by side in the, in the restaurant here. Here's what, here's what I'll say. Double cheeseburger is outstanding. And I think just the balance of ingredients is great. I love that, that extra patty goes a long way.
Starting point is 01:39:59 This is very much a more is more situation for me. The big, the, the big Mac, it's one liability. I love the composition of flavors, but it's one liability that middle bun can sometimes be a little bunny. Yep. And you're sometimes getting a little bit more bun than me. Yeah. Out of your mind.
Starting point is 01:40:16 No, it can sometimes be a little bunny. Out of your mind. Out of your mind. It can be a little bunny. I agree that that, that middle bun can bring the whole thing down because it can just, I don't know, the consistency is different. It just like it, it interferes. It gets in the way, it gets in the way.
Starting point is 01:40:33 Mitch, your experience with these, I, it came down, it was, it was, it was, it was a close, it was, this one came down to the buzzer. This one came down to the buzzer. Wow. Double cheese was very tasty. Yes. Very, very tasty. My Big Mac did not have its best game.
Starting point is 01:40:52 So for the Titan, it was, it was not having its best game and, and that can happen. You can get a bad, sometimes like the Tennessee Titans in the AFC championship game. Okay. You don't have to bring that. You don't have to bring that. Thanos. Wasn't he a Titan? Thanos.
Starting point is 01:41:08 There you go. He was eventually defeated. Yeah. It was too close for comfort. And also what's wrong with a little bunny? There's nothing wrong with a little bunny. A little. Look at this bunny.
Starting point is 01:41:16 Thumper. Thumper is a little bunny. Thumper is a little bunny. Oh, he's beginning. That's somebody met, Mitch. First you say Billy Joel Armstrong is not one of the greatest sketch characters of all time. What would it even be?
Starting point is 01:41:38 Oh, Billy Joel singing Green Day? Yeah. Yeah. Or Green Day singing Billy Joel. You go either way. Maybe that's the second beat of it. Third beat is commercial break. I'm nervous right now.
Starting point is 01:41:56 You should be. Yeah. I'm nervous. I'm nervous. I, this is a big one and I'm afraid of where it's going. I just see that look in your eyes, Nick, and I'm just nervous. What look in my eyes? I mean that vacant look in your eyes where I can't tell what you're thinking.
Starting point is 01:42:10 That's just, yeah, that's just constant. Should we, should we? Oh God. Yeah. And then we have to render a verdict. I would say these are both outstanding sandwiches. You can't push it off forever. These are both outstanding sandwiches.
Starting point is 01:42:21 All right. And the buzzer must sound on this very matchup. Double cheeseburger. Wow. I knew it. Big Mac eliminated. Double cheeseburger. Motherfucker.
Starting point is 01:42:30 Moving on. You motherfucker. You motherfucker. I knew it. I knew it. You're fucking. I liked the double cheeseburger better. It was so good.
Starting point is 01:42:38 And I think it's a better sandwich. It's so good. And you know what? I was sitting there with Natalie and I was weighing this decision. I was weighing heavy on my heart because I love the Big Mac and I was eating them both. And I talked to her afterwards and I was like, it's the double cheeseburger better than the Big Mac? And she was like, oh yeah.
Starting point is 01:42:57 Like confidently. This feels fucking. This seems like Natalie. I talked to my pastor. I was eating. I hung up with my lawyer and then I got on the phone with my pastor and I said, father, I'm in a time of crisis. He said, come on down to the church.
Starting point is 01:43:14 People are the whole outfit. The confession booth. Yeah. It was, to me, it was no contest. Wow. No contest. Wow. There's something about that.
Starting point is 01:43:26 I mean, the double cheeseburger to me tasted almost exactly like the double quarter pounder with cheese, which is my personal fave at McDonald's. And it's different than we'll get to this in a second. It's different than the single cheeseburger. Yes. It doesn't just taste like two of those stacked on each other. It tastes completely different to me. And it was good.
Starting point is 01:43:51 It is the taste to me that is McDonald's. Absolutely. I think as a singular menu item, it very well may be the one. Moving on, speaking of two cheeseburgers stacked on top of each other, we had two cheeseburgers next to each other as the four seed. And the five seed, McChicken. Boy, the McChicken is good. And I like the mayonnaise on it.
Starting point is 01:44:11 I'm not sure of the chicken breast. Yeah. Classic. Very good. If it's done, here's the thing with the McChicken. You can get a bad McChicken. Like there's a few things you can get bad versions of McDonald's. Right.
Starting point is 01:44:20 It happens when they're off. Like I said, the Big Mac and it can happen. McChicken, the same thing. The lettuce is a little off or the chicken just seems older. It's no good. Yeah. And so that can happen. I've got a fresh one.
Starting point is 01:44:31 It tasted great. It's going up against two cheeseburgers. I mean, that's a tough. It's tough competition. It's tough. The two cheeseburgers are good. I want to hear your point about how different the cheeseburger is from the double cheeseburger. I was really surprised.
Starting point is 01:44:44 Yeah. I was really surprised. I bit into the, because I did the other two first. And then when I bit into the regular cheeseburger, it just tasted like different meat. Like it just did not taste the same at all. It wasn't unpleasant though. It reminded me of summers when I was a kid, if you went to a roadside place on the way from like, if you were going swimming at a pool or something like that.
Starting point is 01:45:09 We used to have a membership at a pool club and we'd go there, you know, a lot in the summer and every once in a while on the way back, we'd stop by this like one off roadside place and you'd get like the flattest hamburger. Yeah. And it had a very specific taste of like discount meat, but it was very satisfying. I really loved it. And this, the single cheeseburger McDonald's reminded me of that this time. But I remember, I remember showing up at a party, friend and I were going to a party.
Starting point is 01:45:41 We're getting there late and we were, we could see a McDonald's on the way. And my friend said, we would be heroes if we stopped at this McDonald's and we got like a big bag of cheeseburgers. Right. And I said, let's do it. And we were, people were fucking thrilled that we showed up with those cheeseburgers. And those cheeseburgers tasted really good. There was specific, but this did not taste the same to me.
Starting point is 01:46:08 Interesting. Paul, I have done the same thing before. Yeah. It's a fun thing to do. I got, I Harris Whittles did it at one point. Oh, come on, man. I know. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:46:19 I don't mean to break them up. After what's going on, the stupid talk show I did at UCB, we all went, he was like, come out to my house afterwards. And like he invited some people up there, had a bunch of cheeseburgers, had a bunch of nuggets. Yeah. It ruled. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:46:36 Then another time I went to a party, brought a bag of cheeseburgers. It's one of the best party tricks you can pull. People absolutely. Unless you're the president of the United States. And then it's a grave insult. There's a chance that I would maybe like that. Well, I wouldn't like eating it with Trump is the issue. You showed up at somebody else's house.
Starting point is 01:46:58 Yes. They're like, we got McDonald's. That is another thing too, is like maybe they don't want their house to stink up like McDonald's. It's another issue. But it's true. But it's great. It's great. People love a big bag of cheeseburgers.
Starting point is 01:47:11 You can't go wrong. Yeah, yeah. McChicken, it's going to be tough. Two cheeseburgers and McChicken, it's tough. It's a tough battle. McChicken was good. It's very good. It's very good.
Starting point is 01:47:21 It's very good. It might have the heart of a chompine. I don't know. The cheeseburgers are a classic flavor. We haven't mentioned that Dave Thomas cup yet. That's what everyone's competing for. I'll have to make sure that I'll put that in the intro or something. We can edit this out.
Starting point is 01:47:34 Hey, or keep it in. Let's render our verdict. Oh, we have to look at the things. McChicken, two cheeseburgers, we're going to decide after we all sing along with Ba-da-ba-ba-ba, two cheeseburgers. Wow, a McChicken vote. Fuck, I should have changed it to McChicken. Fascinating.
Starting point is 01:47:53 Why is that? Because double cheeseburgers in there now, and I want the McChicken to go a little further. Well, then you absolutely did the wrong thing. I know. Double cheeseburger versus two cheeseburgers in the next round. You definitely did the opposite of what you just expressed you wanted to have. I know. I fucked up.
Starting point is 01:48:12 If you want to make chicken to go a little further, you have to at least admit them both for it. I just thought that I thought everyone was just going to say two cheeseburgers. You could have still said McChicken. McChicken's electable if you elect it. Wow, to recap real quick, moving on, the one-seat Coca-Cola, the five-seat vanilla shake, the nine-seat Chicken McGriddles, the four-seat Sausage Egg and Cheese McGriddles, the one-seat fries, the five-seat vanilla cone, and the nine-seat double cheeseburger against the four-seat two cheeseburgers, which combo of patties and buns will reign supreme in that matchup.
Starting point is 01:48:48 We are going to find out. Another one-seat eliminated. You mother fucker. I'm so mad. Amazing. You were looking at me, though. I know. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:48:56 That was confusing. I thought I caught you in a secret moment. It won't register for him, so I have to look at you and say you motherfucker to Nick. Yeah, I don't respond to eye contact. You eliminated the Big Mac. Natalie fucking made you. Natalie, she made you choose the double cheeseburger. Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:49:17 She made you choose the double cheeseburger. Just turned into Brando. Come to me. Just find the Big Mac. She influenced you, Nick. She did influence me. That's bad. It's bad to talk to my wife and get her opinion on something.
Starting point is 01:49:35 New rule. During the tournament, you can't talk to Natalie. You're telling me you didn't run any of this by Wally and Irma. I did talk to Wally and Irma a little bit about it. They were here. They were sniffing my vanilla shake, actually. How about that? That's not tipping it to whether it will win in the next round,
Starting point is 01:49:54 but vanilla shake is very good. I will say this. I don't think that the reason I voted for double cheeseburger, in fact, I know the reason I voted for double cheeseburger is not because of Natalie's influence. It's because of what I felt biting into those two burgers. I think he made his case. And then Natalie just confirmed what was already in his heart.
Starting point is 01:50:13 Yeah, there you go. Mitch, you'll understand someday. This is what it's like. It's a big part of marriage. I get it with Wally and Irma. It's the same. It's similar. Yeah, but I mean, a lot of marriage is you eat something
Starting point is 01:50:26 and then you turn to your partner and say, did I like this? And then they say, yes, you did. Well, with a heavy heart, goodbye to the Big Mac. Farewell to the Big Mac. Good night, sweet prince. A heavy heart, maybe literally after all this McDonald's. With a clogged heart. With a clogged heart.
Starting point is 01:50:43 We must say goodbye. Goodbye to the McChicken. I'm going to stick with the two cheeseburgers. I mean, I don't think I can change it anyways, but. You could if you wanted. I mean, I could, but I think that two cheeseburgers going up going up against a double cheeseburger, I think has a better shot. It's a fascinating matchup.
Starting point is 01:50:58 We're going to see what transpires. I'll be very interested to hear. In the next round. What happens? Yeah. Hey, that was the round of 32 part two of Munch Madness 2020. It's time for a segment when fast food news breaks, the dough boys are on the case.
Starting point is 01:51:13 This is breaking shoes. One of the most thoughtful parodies. Billy Joel Armstrong could never. So this week's breaking shoes item, the BFC Angus Thickburger from Carl's Jr. slash hardies, depending on where you are, on which side of the Rockies you're on. Shout out to Drew Tarver.
Starting point is 01:51:53 Shout out to Drew Tarver. Shout out to Drew Tarver. Oh God. Shout out to Drew Tarver. Jesus. He's alive, by the way. He just played. Carl's Jr. son in that.
Starting point is 01:52:04 Carl, Carl hardies. Is that what he was? Carl hardies. So this is 100% Angus Thickburger topped with cheddar and mozzarella cheese coated in a seasoned breading and deep fried. Jesus. Also has lettuce, tomato and our spicy
Starting point is 01:52:18 star sauce on a buttery premium bun. That's the menu description. So the BFC, and we were speculating beforehand that it stands for the big fucking Carl, but they're not going to say F, because they're not going to say fuck. They're going to say F. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:52:33 BFG is a thing that like the big friendly giant. And then there's also the in the doom series of games. I'm not sure if you're a doom enthusiast. The big fucking gun. The big fucking gun. Sure. But so this has a deep fried cheese patty
Starting point is 01:52:45 that's approximately the size of the burger patty itself. I'm going to take us a picture of this. Everyone's nibbling on these, including Emma, who was a hero and ran out to retrieve these while we were recording. Any initial thoughts? I will say this looks very, very heavy.
Starting point is 01:53:00 And the lettuce is did not travel well here at all. In fact, this lettuce looks black. Your lettuce looks black. Yeah. Mine looks green, but very wilted. Yeah. Very wilted.
Starting point is 01:53:12 It's pretty tough. Yeah. I don't really taste the cheese I feel like, like the breaded cheese disc. I don't know. It's a lot. It's a very substantial burger for sure. I like the spice of it.
Starting point is 01:53:27 I just took a big bite. I didn't get. I removed the lettuce. I did get a little burst of cheese. It was not working. This is weird. This feels like there's too much going on.
Starting point is 01:53:39 Unga Pachka to use a favorite recent word of mine. I think it's got too much going on. I think, I think the veggies are definitely superfluous with something this greasy. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And I know they're trying to cut
Starting point is 01:53:51 against the, the probably the grease with some produce, but I don't know it just like, like, like Emma said, just wilts everything. I'm removing the vegetables. I feel like you want the cheese patty appetizer or a side, not on the actual burger.
Starting point is 01:54:03 Like a mozzarella stick situation. Right. It's just hard to taste like Paul, like you said, it's just hard to taste the cheese wheel. And that's the whole fun of the burger is the cheese wheel. And then you can't really taste it.
Starting point is 01:54:14 I think the quality of the burger patty is actually good. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, they think it's a Carl's Jr. Hardee's. I think they do well as they have that char broil beef.
Starting point is 01:54:23 Yeah. I don't get what you get out of it being breaded and fried the cheese. This is fucking a disappointment. I think this is like, it's meant to be like, this is an over the top thing. Like, like, wow, they get deep fried cheese on their burger.
Starting point is 01:54:37 That's fucking crazy. Did you try the cheese wheel itself? Yeah, I did try that. Well, actually, I'm going to try the cheese wheel. I did take a bite of it, but I'm going to try it completely in isolation. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:54:48 It is, you know, it kind of has a McDonald's hash brown texture to it. The disc, the cheese disc on its own. Yeah. Is better than in the burger. Like, that in of itself is kind of, it's kind of almost an appetizer, but. I just tried it too.
Starting point is 01:55:07 It's a little bland. Like, as far as cheese goes, it doesn't really taste like much. Right. It's just kind of the contrasting textures of crunchy on the outside and chewy. And it is ooey-gooey, so soft and
Starting point is 01:55:20 chewy on the inside. It is ooey-gooey, so soft and chewy. Yeah, this is not anything to write home about, I would say. Yeah. I'm still eating it. I am having a hard time. I think it tastes good.
Starting point is 01:55:33 I just think that this is like a late night burger. It's like a big burger for someone who was drunk. This is a. Sure. When you're going through, when you're going to go to Jack in the Box and
Starting point is 01:55:46 you're out of your mind drunk. This is right up there with that, but it doesn't make sense that this lettuce is in there. Yeah. It becomes like two artisan. I don't like it. I think that it's just not the best
Starting point is 01:55:57 conceived menu item and certainly I don't think the cheese patty is particularly well executed. I'll say this. I'd rather encounter a PBA than another BFC. Plant-based alien. We were saying for the first part
Starting point is 01:56:15 of the podcast. Don't forget about these things. It's important. It's helpful to have a little notebook. Yeah, exactly. That's how I listen. I got my Moleskine.
Starting point is 01:56:29 I just don't like it. I wouldn't get this again. It's not good. What should we give it? Should we give it a. Carl's Stars. Here's what I'll say. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:56:39 Do you save it for yourself or do you throw it into the blob? I throw this into the blob. I throw it into the blob. I split it into a good blob half. Aw. We hang out for a little while. What if that would be the thing
Starting point is 01:56:50 that would appease the blob? Yeah. He didn't know what he was doing. And then now you give him food and he's like, oh, food. I get it. I've just been absorbing everything that I roll over.
Starting point is 01:57:04 But eating like fucking scissors and shit. It's not fun. Yeah, it's not good. You don't want to eat a burger. Scissors. The 80s blob. Pretty good and gory.
Starting point is 01:57:13 Have you ever seen it? Really? Never seen it? Oh, yeah, it's fun. And what's his name? From Entourage. Dylan. Kevin Dylan?
Starting point is 01:57:21 Yes. E? Oh, wait. No, wait. Is that who E is? No, no, no. Kevin Dylan is Matt Dylan's brother. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:57:29 Matt Dylan's brother. Yeah, sorry. He's the star of it. Really? The blob kills a kid and shit. Jesus. The star. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:57:37 Emma, I assume you agree with the consensus here. Yeah, 100%. Well, that was disappointing. Thanks for taste testing that, everyone. Just like a research about your feedback, let's up with the
Starting point is 01:57:45 feedback. Sombra mood here. I know. I shouldn't have mentioned the blob here. I have to go vote after this. I'm filled with hopelessness. Today's email comes from Allison
Starting point is 01:57:56 from Minneapolis. Allison writes, eating in the shower was once a discussion on the Gilmore guys podcast, but I don't think you all have ever talked about it. So my question is, how do you feel about eating or drinking in
Starting point is 01:58:04 the shower? And do you ever do it at all? I currently don't eat in the shower, but I used to have a ledge around my shower when sometimes bring in a cup of tea and I'm like, oh, I'm going to take a shower.
Starting point is 01:58:12 I'm going to take a shower and I'm going to take a shower and I'm going to take a shower and I'm going to take a shower and I'm going to take a shower and I'm going to take a shower and I'm going to take a shower and I'm going to take a shower
Starting point is 01:58:20 and I'm going to take a shower and I'm going to take a shower and come home and I'm going to take a shower and I'm going to take my shower and I'm going to take a shower and I'm going to take a shower and I'm going to take a shower and I'm going to
Starting point is 01:58:28 take a shower and I'm going to take my shower and I'm going to take a shower and I'm going to take a shower and I'm going to take a shower and I'm going to take a shower and I'm going to take a shower and I'm going to take a shower and I'm going
Starting point is 01:58:39 to take a shower and I'm going to take a shower and I'm going to take a shower and I'm going to take a shower and I'm going to take a shower and I'm going to take a shower and I'm going to take a shower and I'm going to take a shower
Starting point is 01:58:49 and I'm going to take a shower and I'm going to take a shower and I'm going to take a shower and I'm going to take a shower and I'm going to take a shower and I'm going to take a shower and I'm going to take a shower and I'm going to take a shower
Starting point is 01:59:02 and I'm going to take a shower and I'm going to take a shower and I'm going to take a shower and I'm going to take a shower and I'm going to take a shower and I'm going to take a shower and I'm going to take a shower and I'm going to take a shower
Starting point is 01:59:10 and I'm going to take a shower and I'm going to take a shower and I'm going to take a shower and I'm going to take a shower and I'm going to take a shower and I'm going to take a shower and I'm going to take a shower and I'm going to take a shower
Starting point is 01:59:23 and I'm going to take a shower and I'm going to take a shower I'm going to take a shower and I'm going to take a shower I'm going to take a shower and I'm going to take a shower I'll take a shower and I'm going to take a shower
Starting point is 01:59:34 I'll take a shower I'll take a shower I'll take a shower I'll take a shower if I have anything to do with you if I drink a beer I guess maybe on vacation you know what I do do in the shower
Starting point is 01:59:45 and this was discussed too and people thought it was weird and done, I brush my teeth in the shower I've done that in the past Hey, sometimes people are saying that you're wasting water and you're slowing things down but I'm like, I don't think so
Starting point is 01:59:56 I'm getting in there and brushing my teeth pretty quick and rinsing off other parts I don't know It's good I think probably if you're drinking or eating in the shower
Starting point is 02:00:07 you're in the shower for too long and I would say that to what you were saying, Mitch the point about baths that's a different situation and I think if you want to have a beverage and a body of water in your own home
Starting point is 02:00:19 have a bath and then have something to drink there but don't be bringing fucking beef stroganoff into the place where you shave your pubes that's just like there's a reason room
Starting point is 02:00:30 there's a reason rooms have different purposes in a house or apartment like use the broom that's reserved for eating That's fair but you know I might take this fucking BFG into the fucking shower
Starting point is 02:00:45 It's leaking through the carton Yeah, it's disgusting This is one of the greasier things we've had in a while Yeah, yeah, yeah If you have a question or comment about the word of chain wrestling should you email us at
Starting point is 02:00:54 dowboyspodcasts at or leave us a voicemail at 830 Godot that's 830-46-368-44 and the tournament continues on the Doughboys Double catch all the snacksion by joining the Golden or Platinum
Starting point is 02:01:03 Play Club at slash Doughboys Paul F. Tompkins you are a king you are one of the greats thank you for giving us so much of your time and for doing so much damage
Starting point is 02:01:14 to your body and for doing the homework and for doing the homework I feel like so many people would just be like that one wins and you're like you describe in everything
Starting point is 02:01:23 you ate all of it there's no point in doing it otherwise wow there's no point in doing it otherwise it was my pleasure please have me back anytime
Starting point is 02:01:31 oh we'd love to you will regret that see you again in three more years hahaha do you have anything you'd like to plug PFT just you were kind enough to mention my podcast
Starting point is 02:01:41 The Neighborhood Listen that I do with Nicole Parker where we take actual posts from the next door and other neighborhood social networking apps and we use them as bases for improv
Starting point is 02:01:52 we have guests on that we interview as people from the post and freedom of course with Scott Ockerman and Lauren Lapkus which you can now get for free
Starting point is 02:02:00 anywhere you get podcasts wow check that out we'll see you next time I was going to say oh I was going to say something nice I've said this to you before but
Starting point is 02:02:10 when I went on the row here you were one of the funniest guys that there is in the world you're one of the funniest people in the world thank you very much I appreciate it
Starting point is 02:02:18 we're big fans of you so thank you for coming and doing this show thank you so much for doing this it is my pleasure the reason we haven't had you honest because we're like well Paul's busy
Starting point is 02:02:26 and our show's embarrassing and we get self-conscious about asking you no never be self-conscious about asking me okay great no just to work clear
Starting point is 02:02:39 until next time with the Spoon Band Mike Mitchell I'm Nick Weigher happy eating see ya on the next Doe Boys Double Munch Madness 2020
Starting point is 02:02:52 the Tournament of Chompians Mac Attack continues as Lamar Woods returns to judge the Eat 16 which half of the 16 remaining McDonald's menu items will survive for the Elite 8
Starting point is 02:03:02 find out Tuesday only at slash Doe Boys that's P-A-T-R-E-O-N dot com slash Doe Boys wanna see the sources for this week's intro check the episode description

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