Doughboys - Outback Steakhouse 3 with Joe Wengert

Episode Date: April 8, 2021

Joe Wengert (Big Mouth, New Girl) joins the 'boys to talk sandwiches, Pennsylvania eats and Outback Steakhouse. Plus, an Australian Outback edition of Slop Quiz.Sources for this week's intro: more Doughboys? Check out our Patreon!: for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is a headgum podcast. Just Wings, aka Chili's. Biscuali's Pizza, aka Chuck E. Cheese. Bad Mother Clucka, aka Doghouse. With dining rooms in stasis during quarantine, many staid chain restaurants chose to launch ghost kitchens to recoup lost revenue, often as entirely new brands that had no clear ties to their parent companies. With the name of one such ghost kitchen, Aussie Kitchen, is a dead giveaway.
Starting point is 00:00:33 Managed by Blumen Brands, owner of their flagship Australian-themed steakhouse chain, along with Carrabba's pasta, bonefish grill, and Flemings, Aussie Kitchen opened during the pandemic alongside Tendi's concept Tendershack, offering more casual fare to delivery patrons perhaps reticent to order a to-go blow an onion and Melbourne porterhouse. The success of these dual ghost brands, especially Tendershack, has led Blumen Brands CEO Dave Dino to take the concepts nationwide in 2021, according to Restaurant Business reporter Jonathan Mays. But while that may be welcome news for staid home-eaters, it's worrisome for workers.
Starting point is 00:01:10 While ghosts are inherently scary, what's really scary about the rise of ghost kitchens is further entrenching the app economy that undercompensates and abuses freelancers while enriching tech-bro shitheads like Uber and Cloud Kitchens founder Travis Kalanick. It remains unclear whether the model of abandoning physical storefronts for shared industrial kitchens that serve as hubs for delivery drivers is sustainable past quarantine. Though even pre-pandemic, growth in online ordering and delivery was outpacing food sector growth at large. But we'll soon see if Aussie Grill and Tendershack can endure alongside the one-time dining juggernaut
Starting point is 00:01:41 that birthed them. This week on Doughboys, we return, once again, to our packed steakhouse. Okay, so like the Winter Soldier, I got squinty eyes. That was from Chris in Canada, who writes, I've got a timely roast themed around the new Marvel show since I know Mitch is such a fan, roastspoonman at He didn't have anything for the Falcon? Like the Fat King? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:02:32 Oh yeah. I'm trying to stay, I've been trying to stay away from weight stuff in general, I feel like. Yeah. There's just different angles to play with. Because also you're fatter than I am now. Yeah, that's the other thing. They could also apply to me, so a little more self-conscious.
Starting point is 00:02:49 Why? Because I'm eating. I'm eating during this episode, speaking of being chubby, I was eating a chicken sees a roll-up. It seems like you're eating something reasonably healthy. Like you're not indulging right now. And I was going to ask you, because this is, we had the episode come out with Jacob last week, but this is the first episode we've actually recorded after this year's Tournament
Starting point is 00:03:12 of Chompians, Munch Madness, which the theme was Pie Noon. We had a month of just gorging on desserts. Are you deserted out? Because I'm like, I think I might not have any desserts for a while. I'm not craving anything sweet at all, I had too much. I'm a little deserted out. I'm deserted out. I don't need, you know, I got the COVID shot the other day.
Starting point is 00:03:35 That's right. I cut a bunch of people in line to get it. And I wore a gray wig and used a cane. No, I got a canceled appointment. I went to, at CVS WAGs, I got the shot. And I was thinking of like a treat afterwards. And my mind didn't go to any sort of, like how a child will get a lolly. Right.
Starting point is 00:04:04 I wanted some sort of dessert. I wanted like some sort of treat or a sweet treat after I got the shot, but I didn't feel like getting an ice cream or anything. I got myself the new KFC chicken sandwiches instead. How was that chicken sando? Well, I gotta tell you, we haven't had it on the pod, but it's good. Wow. It's good.
Starting point is 00:04:24 As far as the shot goes, I could kind of, do people say they can feel the shot going through them? I felt the shot going through me. Like just like, but that's like any injection, right? You mean, or you mean in a more pronounced way than a previous one? No, no, no. I guess, I guess any injection. You could kind of feel it or whatever.
Starting point is 00:04:39 You feel it coursing like through your veins? I could feel it. Well, first of all, I'm not afraid of the devil anymore. I embrace him. That's another thing too. Wow. That's a side effect. And I think Bill Gates, we should worship him and he's a God, but I also felt like it
Starting point is 00:04:56 was going through my body. I felt like the, it felt like there was juice going through me. I felt, I felt, I felt it, I felt it going through, and then a couple of people said that they, and our guest was nodding. So I, so I wonder if our guest agrees, but I, but I, I felt it. I felt it when they, when they gave me the shot. Do you think there's a chance that in lieu of the COVID vaccine, you were actually given some sort of mutagen or super soldier serum?
Starting point is 00:05:19 I think that's a possibility. Wow. We'll watch this story as it develops. It wouldn't matter because I would just be lazy still. And if I had superpowers, I'd just kind of sit around and do fucking nothing. Is that Hancock's thing? Is that what Will Smith is like in Hancock? Did I, did I just rip up?
Starting point is 00:05:36 I just ripped off Hancock. I don't know. I haven't seen it. All right. How do you know to spoon nation embarrassed, always embarrassed, but here's a little drop Wow, wow. That's the drop who, who I guess was, if you told me it was sung by ABBA, I'd believe it.
Starting point is 00:06:39 Hmm. ABBA? Did I say ABBA? ABBA? ABBA? More like ABBA ZABBA. What does that mean? That it was good?
Starting point is 00:06:48 It's like, it's a candy bar. No, I know what it, I know what it is. Because it's a food themed podcast that instead of ABBA, it would be ABBA ZABBA. Jesus Christ. Oh, I feel bad that we got our guest here. He should have been on the show. Some original vocals there. Always impressive when someone.
Starting point is 00:07:06 Very impressive. It's not like ABBA. ABBA? ABBA? Anyways. I think it's ABBA. ABBA? ABBA?
Starting point is 00:07:15 I think it's ABBA. ABBA? Why was I saying ABBA? Anyways. Hey, Doughboys. My girlfriend was nice enough to indulge me and sing the lyrics to this dumb mama Mia parody. Oh, no, I feel bad.
Starting point is 00:07:26 What about the lovely Mrs. Mitchell? Yeah. He made his girlfriend sing it. It should be ex-girlfriend is my guess. All credit and praise should go to her. People can follow her at mc.dolci, mcdolci, I guess on Instagram. Wow. Thank you so much for playing it.
Starting point is 00:07:47 Sincerely, Alfredo Fuentes, Solis Fuentes at Alfredo of, oh Alfredo O Film Geek on Twitter. Once again for people who saw our live show. Thank you Alfredo and thank you to your GF for her vocals. People who saw our live show, our live tournament finale witnessed how you got ever closer to camera as the show progressed. You just did the same thing trying to read. Do you need reading glasses?
Starting point is 00:08:17 Do you have macular degeneration? I just put on some glasses right now, but these are blue screen glasses. Right. Which don't really help, but maybe I do. Yeah, I mean it was the type was smaller, the font was small. It was like written in a font that got smaller as it progressed? Uh, yeah. Cause that's what it seemed like.
Starting point is 00:08:38 Mitch let's introduce our guest. Yeah, introduce our guest for God's sakes. Long overdue. We're very, very excited to have him here. A writer and actor from Big Mouth and new girl, Joe Wengert. Hi Joe. Hi. How are you?
Starting point is 00:08:52 Great. We're doing great. We're doing great. Yeah, we're good. Thanks for having me. Thank you for making time for us. Now Joe, Mitch is right now wearing a Nangang t-shirt for beloved Doughboy's guest Christine Nangle.
Starting point is 00:09:05 You have worked with Nangle, but also are from the same neck of the woods you are from Pennsylvania. Yes. Yes. Nangle is from Philadelphia proper. I'm from like 10, 15 minutes outside of the city. Got it. And I like what Quincy is to Boston.
Starting point is 00:09:22 It sounds like. Yes. Yeah. Very similar to that. We knew each other at UCB, New York, but we never really like hung out and it wasn't until we were working on Kroll show together that we put it together that we were from the same zone. And there were like four writers on that show that were all from the Philly area, which
Starting point is 00:09:41 was very odd. Wow. Because there wasn't that big of a staff on a Comedy Central sketch show that Philadelphia was well represented. Do you know of the Skookle River? I do know of the Skookle River. Yeah. I rode on it.
Starting point is 00:09:59 I rode on the Skookle River. On what? In a boat. I was a, I wrote, I don't like to admit that I rode. I mean, I talk about it on the podcast all the time. We didn't talk about it every other episode. Because we talk about, you talk about everything. They know everything about me.
Starting point is 00:10:16 You were an NCAA athlete. You rode crew. I rode crew, but I, but I, yes, like I knew also what crew was and I like didn't, I was embarrassed. Like in some ways I was embarrassed by it. I wasn't great at it either. I mean, there's another thing. I was just trying to lose weight, which, which I did at that point.
Starting point is 00:10:33 I became a little bobblehead like I told you, Wags, but still had zero confidence, but I was rolling on the Skookle and, and it's a, it's a beautiful, that whole area is very beautiful. Yeah. And Philly. Yeah. There's like a very like, there's like, it's wooded near the Skookle and like that's like a nice, if you want to have like a more scenic route back to the airport, that's a nice way
Starting point is 00:10:56 to go. A very windy road. Some boat houses now back then when I went, like this is my freshman year of college or whatever, but they like a, I remember my mom and dad, like while I was wrong, they like went and got Pats and Genos and they brought it, they brought it, the both of them back. Oh yeah. For like a head to head. For a head to head.
Starting point is 00:11:18 But then since then, like Philadelphians like hate Pats and Genos, right? Like aren't they like, they're bad. That's kind of the, that's the opinion on them. These are the two cheesesteak institutions. Yes. I can't keep up with the cheesesteak discourse and I don't like it either because it's a thing where people ask me which one to go and I honestly, I don't think I'm going to the best one because I didn't really like live in the city.
Starting point is 00:11:42 So when I would go into the city, there was a place on Stout Street that I was more excited to go to just because it was near like cool T-shirt shops and I went there to get my cheesesteaks. I don't remember the name of it anymore. I do remember that I saw local Philadelphia weatherman Glenn Hurricane Schwartz there when I got a cheesesteak one time. But like a couple of years ago, I had friends going to Philly and I was like, go to Genos. I just picked one of the two and then those friends got back to me and they were like, those aren't the good places anymore.
Starting point is 00:12:14 And you know what? It's just, it's low quality meat and she was on bread. It's like, they're all kind of pretty close together. Now, how is this guy named the hurricane, Glenn, the hurricane Schwartz? He was doing a thing where he would, I think he was having fun with how he looked because he was kind of a smaller guy with glasses who looked very nerdy and his name was Glenn Schwartz, but his name was Glenn, like Hurricane Schwartz because there was nothing about this guy that would make you think this guy is a hurricane.
Starting point is 00:12:52 When I played football, they called me Hurricane Mitch and it was because there was a hurricane Mitch just like around that time. So they call me Hurricane Mitch, but I was like very bad. So like it was never, it was never, I mean, it was kind of ironic, it was never anything cool about it. Why, I've told you that I remember in the first scrimmage I ever got in, I heard one of the coaches, coach Glenn Yell, get Mitchell out of there. He's going to get himself killed.
Starting point is 00:13:19 I heard this yelled from the sideline as I was in the scrimmage and then another time like the coaches like locked me in the equipment shed. It was not cool. It was definitely ironic, but it was. So when you took me on a driving tour of Quincy, Massachusetts, you insisted on making a stop at the equipment shed where you were locked inside during football practice. Like you made a point of taking just me to see that. Yeah, I did.
Starting point is 00:13:42 And then it was weird. I got in and I was like, go ahead, lock me in there if you want. I deserve it. Was it some sort of punishment or something? Why did they lock you in there? You know, no, they were funny. Coach Carter and coach Chrism, they were like, they were like, Hey, like, Hey, Mitch, or like a check what, see if there's like a pad in the back of the shed.
Starting point is 00:14:03 And I was like, you're going to lock me in here. So I like one in and then they like closed the door. I liked that you were resigned to do it. It was coming. It was fun. We everyone had fun. And then they let me out the next morning and it was, it was great. I really longed for that sort of relationship, but I didn't play any sports, but I would
Starting point is 00:14:26 have loved some good nature, like pranking or something from a coach that would have been great. In high school, in gym class, I had a coach, coach Franco that went the opposite way as a gym teacher and he tried to connect with me on like what he thought my interests were. So he would always be like, Wenger, do you see the new Star Trek start? I think deep space nine at that point, and I was never a Star Trek person. So it was just like him kind of like identifying me as a nerd, but then not being able to converse with it.
Starting point is 00:15:01 Also, he was just taking a wild stab that you would like that you would like Star Trek. Yeah. He was like, this is how I view you. And I, it was not how I was viewing myself up until that point, despite plenty of indicators I should have caught on to. That's such a jock's perception of nerddom that there is, that is just like one thing. It's like, if I got this guy, you jack off to Star Wars and Star Trek, that's what it is, right?
Starting point is 00:15:31 That's what it's all about, right? It's like, but there, there, you can like, like I, I'm a nerd culture, but I, what? I was going to say, do you get all mad when you're like, you don't have to be a nerd to jack off to Star Wars and Star Trek? I was going to say, it's like, you, you'll have like, it's, it's like, there's intersecting Olympic rings of nerddom, right? Where it's like, like, you don't necessarily know, you may know about Star Wars, not know about Battlestar Galactic, or you may know about comic books, but not know about pro-wrestling,
Starting point is 00:15:58 you know, but it all kind of gets viewed as like one big glob. You might know all of them and not know how to jack off. That could be nice too. It was, there was like a jack off, sorry to keep this tangent going, but the other follow-up question I remember from that was he would say, he, he was saying like, there's a lady captain on the, I think it was deep space nine, but he probably, I think it would have been Voyager. Voyager.
Starting point is 00:16:26 Okay. Janeway. Janeway. Sure. Well, that's what he was trying to connect with me on. And there was a hint of innuendo in his pointing out that there was a lady captain. That's always a funny, that's always like a funny thing, like when those guys will try to connect to like a teenager on something sex, you know, I don't want to fucking know.
Starting point is 00:16:46 So Joe, you gave us your cheesesteak thoughts more broadly than that. I mean, are there foods that make you think of home, whether they are, whether it's something home cooked, whether it's something, whether it's a local chain, whether it's a standalone location? Yeah. Even more than cheesesteaks, I like hoagies, which is the sort of Philadelphia specific word for sub sandwiches. And there's a, there's a place in my neighborhood called the steak and hoagie factory that we
Starting point is 00:17:16 would get for takeout a lot. And I like that. And then I actually, a food that pops into my head at about when I think about home is stromboli, which is kind of sort of like a calzone. It's like a cheese and steak inside, like a baked dough. Do you not know that, Weiger? No, I've had, I've had strombolis before. Okay.
Starting point is 00:17:42 I was just like, like, I was intrigued to learn this is like a local Pennsylvania thing. Yeah. No, I've gotten strombolis all the time. Oh, you were excited about it. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. There's plenty of places that will do a cheesesteak stromboli and I will have that when I go
Starting point is 00:17:55 back and that's like, not a good thing to get before getting on an airplane or immediately getting off of an airplane. But my main thing is I really do love Philly soft pretzels and I have like a real problem with eating all of them if they're in front of me, like I cannot stop eating them. We were just talking pretzels just, just before this, Wags and I, and we were talking specifically that we're soft. We're like the soft, we're soft guys. We like them soft.
Starting point is 00:18:29 We're soft men. There's a great place in LA now called Shappie's pretzels that I will shout out is being run by a guy who went to my high school, but we're different classes, different ages, but my wife Holly has picked them up for me a couple of times because she has a friend who lives right near where he makes them, but he's like an actor who started making them just like on a whim and now the business is kind of like spiraled out of control. I guess Ryan Seacrest loves his soft pretzels. Wow.
Starting point is 00:19:01 Wow. Seacrest. But they're very good. They're legit. Was this guy like known as a pretzel guy back in the day or was this something new? I think like me, he was just missing it and it's one of those things that you kind of, it's hard to sort of get right. And I don't know what he's doing, but he's getting it right.
Starting point is 00:19:20 I'm looking at the Shappie's website right now. and the celeb testimonies is, I mean, from a social media marketing standpoint, they got Seacrest, as you mentioned, they got Kristen Bell, they got Kerry and Earl Washington, Tyra Banks, Olivia Munn, Henry Winkler, the Fonz. Yeah. Laurie Grainer from Shark Tank. Even Lil Dicky's weighed in on these pretzels. Can I ask about one celebrity?
Starting point is 00:19:49 Yes. Is Shappie like them? The Shappie, the robot? Shappie is raving about these. Shappie is Shappie. You chimed in? He says, call me Shappie now after eating these pretzels. Not many people remember Shappie as my guess.
Starting point is 00:20:08 I don't know if it's a reference that stays, has stayed with people, but a fun movie. Do you ever see it? Yags? I never saw Shappie. That was the, I mean, I liked the premise of Shappie and I liked that he's called Shappie. I never saw it. That's the guy who did District 9?
Starting point is 00:20:25 Yeah. It's the District 9 man. Yeah, he did. And later, Elysium. Shappie, I, or excuse me, Shappie, I only understand as like people making jokes about it on Twitter. 100 percent. 100 percent.
Starting point is 00:20:39 Nothing else about it at all. Yes. That is, that is, that is so many references now of like things I don't get and I'll just make a joke about it and it just feels like it's just going to continue to be that way as I get older and older and just know nothing and just continually just reference things I don't know for the rest of my life. It's scary. Because the alternative is you're, you're referencing the things from our youths, which
Starting point is 00:21:03 are growing and create, which are ever, you know, because of the slow decay of time or are ever distant, grow increasingly distant. And so people like we listeners are born in like the nineties or the 2000s have no fucking idea what we're talking about when we bring up Al for, you know, the real Ghostbusters or whatever. Wood blocks for you. I'm two years older than you. It's a, yeah, it's, I don't know, do you do your best?
Starting point is 00:21:29 Sometimes you're kind of fumbling through it, making a contemporary reference, you take a shot and hopefully it worked. And you know what, Mitch? It worked. Shappie reference was fine. It worked great. I knocked it out of the park. It was perfect.
Starting point is 00:21:38 I want to return to Hoagies real quick. What do you, like, what do you get on a Hoagie? What's your personal faith? I like an Italian Hoagie. I like to do oil, but no vinegar because the vinegar I feel like will really overpower the Hoagie. For a long time, I wouldn't get any mayonnaise or mustard. And I remember like my family, like my grandmother being like, I don't know how you can eat such
Starting point is 00:22:04 like a dry sandwich, but I ate a lot of dry sandwiches growing up. But yeah, I usually will go for the works now. Yep. That's it. Do you mess with any local sandwich shops out here in LA? Yeah. There's a place in, well, there's large Montjuana cheese, which I really love and is like two blocks from my therapist's office.
Starting point is 00:22:33 So I used to have a real nice thing going where I would go and load up on like a big sandwich and just sort of reflect on my feelings from the week and then just like go and sit back in a chair with a belly full of sandwich and complain to a man. Your therapist keeps having to wake you up as you fall asleep. There's a place right in, I live in Eagle Rock now and there's a little Italian bakery that's really good, but I don't know the name of it. It's just like, it looks like a like classic Italian bakery, but they also do sandwiches, which is really good.
Starting point is 00:23:12 Oh wow. And then there's a place in Pasadena, I'm gonna, this is so ridiculous, I'm gonna text my wife who I maybe could shout to, but I'm gonna text her and ask her for the names of these two places. Wow. And then I'll say them long after we've passed, because the conversation will continue. I can do a dry sandwich sometimes. I'll get the boar's head Cajun turkey wags and then I'll do some Swiss cheese on there
Starting point is 00:23:41 and then I'll just, and then nothing else. Like I'll just do it, I'll just do it dry. Will you do it in like a panini press or something though? Will you toast it up? No, no, no. I'll just have it as is. Yeah. Cold and dry.
Starting point is 00:23:52 Yep. And I think the taste works pretty well. I'll do the sandwich, yeah on a sandwich thin and you really get the Cajun turkey is pretty, you know, it's pretty strong tasting. So you get, it tastes, it tastes good to me, but I do when it comes to like an Italian sub or something, I like the works. I like to get the oil and vinegar and, and, and, and pickles and hots, hots is such a more of a, like a, hots feels more like an East coast thing, even though they're of course
Starting point is 00:24:18 there's hot peppers. Yeah. I don't have that. I don't, I'm not into spice or hot peppers, but I remember like being at my Nana's house, my dad's mom, and she would just like eat hot peppers out of a jar and just like, wow, that and be like, whoa, that's hot. But like, just love it. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:24:41 Just as a snack, she was doing this or yeah, that's, that's, that's, that's badass. I feel like I, I used, I used to love, I used to do similar things too, and I love banana peppers and stuff like that, but my stomach can't handle them much anymore. I, that's, that's, that's the issues. I just can't, if the day after I eat a hot pepper, my, my stomach is, is kind of destroyed. But I'm, I'm, I'm with you in that sense of, I used to eat all hot stuff and I used to not be worried about it at all. And now if I eat too much of it, it just, it, it, like I get the sweats and I just can't
Starting point is 00:25:13 do anything. It's, it's, it's a fucking terrible situation. So that's why I pull back. Yeah. I mean, as I said before on the show, you know, I'm a bit of a heat seeker. I love spicy foods. I don't have any sort of, unless they go really, really spicy, I don't usually have lingering like digestion issues, but I will definitely, I'm definitely get very sweaty and my nose
Starting point is 00:25:32 is running and I feel disgusting and it's the kind of thing, like I feel like I'm really only comfortable eating super spicy foods in the com, in the comfort of my own home these days. Cause I'm just a, I'm just a dripping mess. I feel gross. Yeah. Well, why, why did you not like them because of how they make you feel or is it just a taste, taste factor?
Starting point is 00:25:49 It's all love the above. It's the sweating and it's the lingering effects and yeah, I just, I'm not, I'm just not that into it. Yeah. You did not get that trait from your, from your grandma to not pass through. Maybe I'm adopted. Maybe this is how I'm finding out. I do feel like it's a thing cause I have, I've had, I had known people who have been like,
Starting point is 00:26:14 okay, I'm going to get into spicy for whatever reason or like, I can't have spicy, but just as I just want to like, I'll start by putting like a drop of Tabasco on my food and I'll just start just gradually get a cut. You can build a tolerance for it, but I'm also like, if you're not into it, I'm not going to be like an evangelist for, for spiciness, for, for, you know, having spice. Like if you don't, if you don't like it, you don't have to force yourself to like it, like eat what you want to eat. I disagree, Joe.
Starting point is 00:26:40 I think that you actually have to force yourself to like it. I'm sorry. And are you giving me a strict timetable that I did here too? I within the next two weeks, I think I'd like to be clearing everything else. This is all I'm going to do now. You have two weeks to eat hot peppers from a jar or you're adopted. That's my timeline. Let's let's, I'm curious real quick about horseradish.
Starting point is 00:27:08 Do you have, do you also have a, an aversion to horseradish or you're best around with horseradish subtypes? Cause that's sort of a different sensation. Yeah. I don't really like that. That's not into it. Yeah. That's like a punishment or like, yeah, that seems just like a food that's trying to hurt
Starting point is 00:27:25 me or something. I don't understand me. I think the name, the name of it is bad. The name is bad. Horseradish is a bad name because I mean, it's just, you know, like the idea of horse being involved in food at all is just strange. I disagree. I find it whimsical.
Starting point is 00:27:40 It's like out of a Zelda game. Horseradish. It's fun. Yeah. I don't know. To me, it seems weird. Horseradish, it seems, it's, it's, it's a, it's a strange name to me. I love it, by the way.
Starting point is 00:27:51 I like horseradish sauce. I, uh, I, when you go to Tamo Shantar wags, I'm putting it on, but I don't like the super strong one. I like kind of like the lighter, fluffy, you know how there's that at Tamo Shantar, there's the two versions. Yes. There's one, like a super horseradish one and then one that's lighter. I like the lighter kind of fluffier one.
Starting point is 00:28:10 I mess, I mess around with them both, but I definitely like it. I definitely like the, the clear out the sinuses, like super harsh horseradish. And I'm also like one of those rare people who I will use, like, I will use my entire glob of wasabi over the course of a sushi order. Like I'll use all of it. Emma is nodding along. I just love that feeling. I love that sensation.
Starting point is 00:28:28 You're losing a lot of taste there though. Like with Tamo Shantar, you're losing, you got, you got prime rib and that, that taste is just gone. Right. Isn't washed out with that. It's not the only way I'll eat it. I'll have it just sometimes without you, you know, but I like to have some pieces with the, the spicy horseradish on it.
Starting point is 00:28:43 I looked up the etymology of horseradish and so it's from German, a mere retich, which is sea radish, because it's adjacent to the sea. And then the English began calling it Mar a radish, mayor radish, rather they mispronounced mere retich as mayor radish. And so mayor became horse and that's where it came from. Oh, so it's true nonsense. I had no idea that it was such a fucking stupid reason. It's called horseradish.
Starting point is 00:29:17 It's like a game of telephone. So yeah, so, but, but you're talking about, you're talking about prime rib. We're in the steak, we're in the steak family. We're steak country. Joe, are you a steak fan outside of cheesesteaks, like a proper steak? Is that, is that like a treat meal for you? Yes, it is. Wow.
Starting point is 00:29:34 It's a treat meal. It's also, I got like a nice grill a couple of years ago and it's like, I like to get steaks from the store and grill up a steak at home now is a big thing that I like to do. What's your, what's your technique and what cuts are you missing with? I mostly just do all filets just because I feel like anything more than that is like way, way too much. You know, I kind of, I just do basic seasoning, salt and pepper. I got like, my in-laws got me a Weber cookbook to go with my Weber grill.
Starting point is 00:30:09 And for a while, I was doing like all the Weber recipes and it's like, just the juice is not worth the squeeze after a while. I was doing all this stuff, like preparing these onions and everything to go on top of the steak. And it was just like, you just want to eat the steak at the end of the day. Yeah. But I did sort of try to get myself a little education on how to prepare steaks. And I kind of landed back where I began.
Starting point is 00:30:36 It is fun to cook, but it's also like, and, you know, I'm, as, as, as, as listen to the podcast, I know I'm not eating meat this year, but, but I was having some steaks over the last year, just making them myself and, and, and years prior, but last year I was cooking more. And I gotta say, that, that feels like a thing you would miss just throwing something on the grill, huh? Why is that? For sure.
Starting point is 00:30:59 I think there is, there is an element of that, that's, that's very satisfying just as like a cooking experience. But also, and I'm curious about, about your feelings, Joe, I get stressed out because it's usually a more expensive thing that I, like the most expensive thing I would prepare at home. I'm just like, oh, I bought this, this like ribeye. I spent a decent amount of money on it and I do not want to fuck this up. Because then that's just like, I mean, I could all like having them, them
Starting point is 00:31:23 just having an expensive, unsatisfying meal. Yes. I, I, I very much like to when I'm cooking, have like a precise instructions. And I think steak is a food that's kind of like, it's up to you. If you wanted to have it very rare, if you want to have it very well done. And I don't like that. I want to be told exactly how much time to do something with. So I feel a little level of anxiety of, I'm going to go too far in one of the directions.
Starting point is 00:31:50 I, I, I'm, I'm, I try to make, I try to cook a couple of steaks while I've been back here and I'm bad, I am bad at it. And I'm always just afraid that I'm going to overcook it or undercook it. And I, yeah, it gives me anxiety. I used to like a steak au poivre. Have you ever had that either of you? That was, oh yeah. Well, like the peppercorn sauce, peppercorn.
Starting point is 00:32:07 And then, and then they kind of light it on fire. But I, but I look, why? Cause I made bagels and pizzas over, over this entire quarantine. But I, I did not get great at, at making a steak, but I found Joe, like you're saying, just a simple pepper and salt and pepper, that can do it. That's all you really need. A lot of the time is just to salt and pepper both sides of it and put it on there. Yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 00:32:29 Well, we'll get into a chain that has a decidedly different approach to seasoning its wares right after this break. We'll be back with more Doe Boys. Welcome back to Doe Boys. We're here with Joe Wenger discussing this week's chain, Outback Steakhouse. Founded in Tampa, Florida in 1988. Yes, crikey. No actual connection to Australia.
Starting point is 00:32:56 And the same corporate ownership of Scrabba's Italian Grill, Bonefish Grill, and Fleming's Prime Steakhouse, all under the Outback Umbrella. As well as, crikey indeed, as well as two new ghost kitchens that came up during quarantine, Tendershack, which is, has gotten pretty big actually. It's like a, it's like a Raising Canes adjacent chain and Aussie Grill, which is like their casual version. Wenger, you mentioned your steak fandom. Are you someone who's frequented Outback in the past?
Starting point is 00:33:24 Yeah, well, definitely in the past, because when we got one in Jenkins Town, Pennsylvania, which is like one town over for me, it was like the hot spot for a while in terms of like our local chain restaurants. And I remember waiting like 45 minutes to an hour for a table at an Outback. And like that was like, my family would make that decision mentally. We're going to strap in, we're going to wait, we're going to go there before we're hungry and put it, put in the time to get to Outback. And then the food really paid off.
Starting point is 00:34:00 It was like worth the wait. It's the first time I remember getting the little food beeper thing. The violating food beeper. Yeah. Yeah, I feel like these sort of chains. Yeah, the, the, the, the, the buzzer that would, that would go crazy, which is such a, that's, that is, that's, that was a crazy thing in fast food wigs or in chain restaurants. The buzzer, the buzzer is such a big deal.
Starting point is 00:34:23 We haven't taught, we haven't gone in on the buzzer. I'm not sure how much there is to go in on. We could, we could get a full Patreon episode on the buzzer. The buzzer is 60 minutes of paywall content for sure. I haven't had a buzzer. I haven't had a buzzer in a full year, but I would love to have the buzzer again and, and, and go back and sit in an Outback. I, I, I feel like Outback was, it's, it's, when you're, when you're
Starting point is 00:34:48 talking about like the heyday of like, if you were making a good fellas about chain restaurants of like the, the heyday of like some of these chain restaurants, Outback is one of these big players. It's one of the, it's one of the, it's, it's, it was one of the kings. It was one of the kings of the scene back then. It felt like a big deal. It did wigs. I, there, there wasn't, there wasn't one really too close to Quincy.
Starting point is 00:35:12 And we, so we didn't go to, and my dad would make steaks. A lot of the time, like he would cook a steak on the grill on like Sundays. Um, but, but we, so we didn't, we didn't hit, we didn't hit up Outback a bunch, but my Godfather's son worked at one and he was like, and I was saying, I, I said to him, I was like, I'm going to Outback tonight the other night when I got it. And he's like, man, it's, it's, it's so bad now compared to when I worked there, it was like the best.
Starting point is 00:35:35 He was talking about how good it was when he worked there. So there's a guy who worked there and he's like, and he now owns a restaurant, but he, but he was like singing its praises of how good it was back in the day, which they agree with. It was good. It was, and I do feel like we have in the course of this podcast, and we were reviewed up two prior times, and I feel like we've kind of observed its decline. I mean, the first time, which was, was our first time we went, I think was one
Starting point is 00:35:57 of our first five episodes. It was very, very early on the podcast. And then we went in, I think 2019, uh, with our friend, Leanne Bowen, and it was like, it was already not great when we, the first time we did it in like 2015, 2016, and then this time that, that visit was like, we were sitting down and dining in and you're like, Oh, this really isn't great. And honestly, I kind of felt the decline further with this visit, which I'll get into, uh, but Joe, you started to say something.
Starting point is 00:36:26 I, uh, nothing, uh, just that I wondered myself if it was like me trying, remembering just like being a kid, where you kind of like, no, if something is good or not. That's like when I had the majority of my outback meals and if it's just that I have a more refined palate, but I have noticed, uh, a decline and I got it ordered in because of COVID, obviously, but it's actually the second time I've had it ordered into this house, uh, because when we first moved into this house, the first time that like my wife, Holly went away for some reason, I like ordered outback for myself, there used to be one like across the street
Starting point is 00:37:09 from the Americana or around that zone in Glendale and I ordered outback for myself and just like trying to, I think like relive some part of my childhood or something. And, uh, it was very bad and it was, but worse this time, I think, even though the last time I was eating it all alone. Um, that's definitely an experience of the, of the, uh, you know, when you're living with someone where you live with a significant other or married and you, you have that meal when they're away and you're like, Oh, wow, I
Starting point is 00:37:38 could get anything. And for me, it's an invariably something disgusting. Like it's like Wingstop or like Carl's Jr. Hardee's. I'm like, I'm getting a big ass fucking bacon cheeseburger. I'm getting a bunch of wings and, and, and getting real sloppy. Yeah. Uh, I was just about to, I was just about to brag how I can do it all the time.
Starting point is 00:37:54 And then I realized you're both happily married men. It's like Bill House's, Bill House's dad bragging to Homer about his car bed. I could get outback whenever I want, but it still is not a thing that I do get whenever I want. Like it is, it's not, it's not, it's not one, but, but, but you know what? Also in my head, I'm like, Hey, I would love to wags if I was back in LA and there was no virus, I would have loved to go and sit down with you guys. They're like, it does seem like a fun time.
Starting point is 00:38:23 Uh, and I'll say this when I went, my outback was absolutely packed. There were a ton of mine too, which is bad, of course, during this pandemic. But, uh, even the, even the pickup was like the inside and outside. It was just, it was chaos. Uh, so there's, there's still a lot of people who are enjoying it. There's still, it's, it's, it's got its fans, apparently. Yeah. I went to the location of the Delamo Mall in Torrance, California, which
Starting point is 00:38:49 is where you're talking about ghost kitchens. Cause he scared me a little bit when you mentioned ghost kitchens. It's, and they're using the outback cause like I went to this location and they were like pickup for outback and tender shack. They're using the same kitchen that they, the outback kitchen to also prepare chicken fingers for a completely different concept. Under a different brand. So they, and we should probably review tender shack at some point
Starting point is 00:39:11 cause it's, it, it's continuing to grow. Ghost kitchen is scary, but there's stakes there. So there's no, there's no Dracula's, of course. Um, I will say, yes, the, the outdoor dining was packed. There was a, there was a, like a 40 minute waitlist. It sounded like from what I heard, uh, and, uh, you know, this was like on a Sunday. And so a lot of people were brunching there and I went to pick up and even the pickup line was like, you know, it's, it was pretty long.
Starting point is 00:39:37 So they were pretty busy. One thing I want to say, aside from the meal itself, the app redirects you to the website. If you open up the app to order, they're like, click, click here to open the mobile website, which I'm just like, this is so janky. This is so like not, this is so like five years ago in terms of a, you know, mobile interface design, give me a fucking app. Guess what?
Starting point is 00:40:02 All you tech heads out there, you never thought before the pandemic, you didn't think you'd get caught, but the dough boys have busted you with all this janky web shit. You Star Trek loving jackoff and tech heads. It's, it's the KFC was the other one we stumbled upon in recent months that just like doesn't have a functional app. How is this possible? Anyway, so, uh, and I'll also say, you know, this year, as, as I said earlier, no
Starting point is 00:40:30 meat shall I eat. I'm, I'm eating vegetarian, including, you know, the fish is included in, in, in meat, for my perspective, I'm not eating any animal proteins this year. And for a sit down chain, I'm not saying like for like a, a, a fast food chain for a sit down chain. This has a very limited vegetarian menu to the point of being basically non-existent. Like there, you can, you can sort of MacGyver some vegetarian items, but there's no pasta that's veggie by default.
Starting point is 00:40:58 There's no vegetarian, there's not like a portabella sandwich or anything. There's not even a veggie salad. All the salads have meat or some sort of, uh, you know, like, like an anchovy base base in the Caesar dressing. And so for my order, there were three separate menu items. I had to specify no bacon. They're just throwing bacon on everything. So it, it was a little bit of a difficult experience for me.
Starting point is 00:41:19 There, for each of my items, I had to specify add bacon, but let's get into it. Joe, what was your meal? What, what did you get? Oh man, I got way too much food, uh, from this place. Uh, I got a, uh, one of their, uh, steak combos. So because I wanted to get something in addition to a steak, but I, in all the times that I've been there, I don't think I've ever gotten a steak from out back because it was always a thing for me when I was a kid, I would get the
Starting point is 00:41:52 full thing of ribs and sort of impress my parents by eating all of the ribs as a boy. So I got like a steak combo. And I just went with the sirloin and I got Aussie twisted ribs, which is like some, their newer version of ribs that didn't exist the last time I went there. Um, and then for an appetizer, we got a blooming onion, uh, which I have to do because I again, I'm chasing the blooming onions of my past. And I've told this story before, but, uh, when I would go to outback with my
Starting point is 00:42:34 family, we would order two blooming onions and one would be for me to eat by myself, which is really upsetting. It's like over 2,000 calories, just an insane amount. But, uh, that's something that I would regularly do. So whenever I go there, I like, I want the blooming onion and it, it, it doesn't travel well, but yeah, it's, it's, it's, it's a, it's a tough traveler. But, but also I was, we, I got the blooming onion with my mom as well. And it was a thing that I was looking at.
Starting point is 00:43:07 And I was like, if I ate the entire blooming onion, this is a thought I had. I was like, would I, could I die? Like it was, I was wondering if like a man at my age with, with like a, the probably too much cholesterol already, I was wondering if you could just die from eating a full blooming onion. What, but you disprove it. You, you've disproved that, that, that thought in my head where you can eat one of those things and be fine, but it won't, it won't kill a 14 year old is
Starting point is 00:43:32 what they should put on it. It's, it's, it's 14 year old tested. It feels like, it feels like one of, it, it feels like one of the worst things you can eat, just looking at it and once you taste it, it just, you can tell how, how it is, how bad it is for you. And it is, I gotta say, even though it doesn't travel well, it is delicious. It's, it's really, it's good. It's, the blooming onion is good.
Starting point is 00:43:59 There's something in like that breading, like whatever that is seasoned, like that's what's really the best part about it, but it's hard when it travels any distance at all, it just gets so mushy and you need it to kind of be crispy. Because even when you get it in the restaurant, the, the sort of pieces of the onion more towards the middle just end up being like a little mushy clump of gunk, but like towards the out, outside of the onion, it's, it's a little bit better. No, yeah, you're on the clock from the moment that arrives.
Starting point is 00:44:29 I, do you guys remember, do you guys ever get the awesome blossom from chilies was like their rip off that they don't have anymore? Uh, I never got that. No, how was it pretty much just straight up a blooming onion? It was, it was pretty much, but I mean, like actually, I think I had that first cause we just go to chilies more often versus that back steakhouse and it was great. I think I, I think I maybe had that first too.
Starting point is 00:44:49 I, I gotta say, I think the blooming onion is better. I think the, I think it's better. Yeah. Yeah. It makes sense that it's stuck around though everything here, I mean, everything I got just felt like I was wondering how many like, like older men have succumbed to heart attacks from, like from, and some of the, like some of the cholesterol blocking their arteries is from this place just because I
Starting point is 00:45:10 got that blooming onion and then also a ribeye and just eating those things, especially together, you're like, Oh my fucking God. Yeah. It's just, it's too much. It is, it's, it's, it's, it's crazy. It's not, it's, you shouldn't eat, you shouldn't eat that shit. And I know that we eat this all the time, but you shouldn't, you shouldn't eat it. You shouldn't eat this shit.
Starting point is 00:45:29 Well, I got home, I went and picked it up from the, um, the bourbon, the outback in the Burbank empire center. So I ordered that and the blooming onion and we got desserts also, which I guess we'll talk about later, but like, I got two sides. And with the sides, I was like, all right, I'm going to get like a, like, I got the dressed baked potato, which was like the bad side. But I was like, then I'm going to get the seasonal veggies and they didn't put it in the order.
Starting point is 00:45:56 It was the one thing that they forgot. It was almost like they were like, you know, one, three, I think that's a part of the ghost kitchen. I think it doesn't exist. I think there's, the seasonal veggies just, we, I, I, I, those two. And it was like, Oh, it'll be good to like try. And then we was like, no, we're not going to, but there's no, there's literally like no other option that even sounds good for you.
Starting point is 00:46:22 There's no like corn. Like, you know what I mean? It's like, there's no like corn or broccoli. It's just as like a mix of vegetables together that you don't even know what they really are or what you're getting. Yeah. I think they do have a broccoli side, like a roasted broccoli or something. But do they really?
Starting point is 00:46:37 Or maybe that's just a, or maybe it's just a, maybe it's a asparagus, I think. Yeah. They definitely have asparagus. I looked on the website for the, for the nutrition, just out of curiosity after I ate it. And like, there is a section, like a health section, and they have like health tips, but the tips are like, don't get dressing on this. Or like, the best tip was like leave room in the fridge.
Starting point is 00:47:00 And it was like, a lot of our meals could be split into two meals. Don't eat the full meal that were given to you. I like the, the health section is just like, it's just a warning to get out of the restaurant, get out of here while you're still here. Yeah. Well, you mentioned your blooming onions. I got the, I got a different app because I was worried. I had about a 35 minute drive to and from this location.
Starting point is 00:47:24 And I was worried about the traveling. And I've had the, I've had the blooming onion a number of times. And it's, I think, I do think it's great. It's a little magic trick. I, so I went, I opted for the Aussie cheese fries, which are, they come with bacon by default, but they are, so the way I got them veggie style was as simple as they are just fries, seasoned fries with Jack and Cheddar and a housemaid ranch dressing also didn't travel great.
Starting point is 00:47:52 You know, they got a little soggy and the, the seasoned fries are not super duper seasoned. So this really was just a bunch of like wet potatoes with cheese. That said, it was still good. I like, I, I still liked it a lot. Like I was eating it and like Natalie was having some and Natalie was like, this is great. And the ranch they give you, their house ranch, which I'm not sure if it is
Starting point is 00:48:13 the same dressing that comes with the blooming onion or if they have like an aioli, but the house ranch they have is, is a really good ranch. It's, it's, it's got a lot of flavor to it. Like I, this, I honestly thought if I'd had these fresh, I would have loved them. So the highlight of your meal is soggy potatoes. Yeah. With cheese. It was good.
Starting point is 00:48:33 I, I, I, those, I did not, I did not get any, I didn't, I, I went, I went for my sides, I got two different potato sides. Um, but, uh, I went with the, that fully loaded potato, which is, it's a very interesting thing cause they, they give you a wrapped baked, like a baked potato and tin foil. And then like the other thing, it's like butter, sour cream, bacon and cheese and like, and, and green onions or whatever. And it, all of that is just in another little container, all kind of clumped
Starting point is 00:49:04 together. It's all in one tub. It's all in one tub. Yeah. Oh man. A little Tini's pyrofoam cup. Yeah. It's a bummer.
Starting point is 00:49:13 Yeah. Did you guys get the brown bread? I did. I think their brown bread is okay, but it just invites comparison to cheesecake factories and cheesecake factories is just better. Like it's the same kind of bread. It's the first place I had brown bread. I will say that.
Starting point is 00:49:29 So I, so cheesecake came after, and it is, cheesecake is just a better restaurant than, oh, we're not, we're, let's not kid ourselves. But Nick, I went to the, I went to the Randolph one next door to the Randolph movie theater and I went with my mom and it was a little Saturday night dinner treat and your mom is such a trooper. I can't believe she goes with you on all these outings. There's, I mean, we're stuck together. There's, there's, there's nothing else we can do.
Starting point is 00:49:56 Uh, but we drove, we drove there and it was about like a 20 minute ride next to the movie theater. Like that was like the, the better movie theater. So I was, I used to go to that movie theater a lot, but I don't know. It's in Randolph, whatever. And so we got a blooming onion and we got another app. We got the cuckoo, cuckaburrow wings, uh, which Nick, I know you're, you were a fan of not this year, but you were a fan of them, right?
Starting point is 00:50:20 Yeah, I've liked those in the past. And then what are, they're not like buffalo, but they're kind of like spicy wings. They're just kind of like a, like a spicy rub. If memory serves, they have like a little bit of sweetness to them. Mm hmm. Um, but yeah, it's, it's not, it's not like an additional buffalo wing. And then, uh, I'll go, I'll go into my mains.
Starting point is 00:50:39 I got, I got the ribeye and then I got the loaded baked potato. My mom got the sirloin. She got a six ounce sirloin and shrimp on the Barbie. And then I got a house salad with ranch dressing. And then for another side, we got some steakhouse mac and cheese. And, uh, and I also got the garlic mashed potatoes for, for my second side. I got, I went to potato sides. Um, I gotta say, and Joe, I don't, I'm not sure how you feel about this, but
Starting point is 00:51:07 that ribeye, I just went with like the best steak I could get. And it was, and it was good. It was, it was the one thing that I was like, this is a good, it's a good steak. It tastes good. I like, I had a bite of my mom's and my mom was like, I like my steak. And I had a bite of my mom's. And I was like, this is not nearly as good as the ribeye. And she took a bite of mine.
Starting point is 00:51:25 And she's like, I liked mine until I had a bite of the ribeye. And now the steak is bad. So, but we both did enjoy our steaks. We were enjoying the steaks. They, they were definitely the highlight of the, of the night. The bite of the night for me is the ribeye. I messed up cause I couldn't, I tried to do steak to the steakhouse. I did get steak, but my heart was still telling me to get ribs.
Starting point is 00:51:47 Because that's what I used to get there. So I, I compromised my steak order. And the only way I could do a steak combo that included these Aussie twisted ribs is if I got the sirloin, which is probably the worst steak. And so it was just very like dry and rubbery. I, it comes with this like garlic butter that if you put a lot of that on it, then it tastes good. But if that's because it's garlic butter and Holly got like a filet
Starting point is 00:52:14 and hers, hers was better or she, she, she said it was better. Yeah. My, my mom got that same, the same steak you did. And yeah, it was, I had a bite and it was not great. I also got the garlic butter on it, which I feel like maybe all the steaks should just have the garlic butter on it, no matter what. Cause it makes them taste a little better. And my mom went with the mushrooms, which were kind of, they gave her like, like an entire giant container, like more mushrooms than you would ever
Starting point is 00:52:37 need, just a giant container of mushrooms. Um, but the steaks, the steaks still made a good outing. Uh, how were, how were, how did you like those ribs? Did they not, they didn't stack up to what they were back in the day? No, I loved them. I loved them. I couldn't figure out like how they were different than the old, just like baby back ribs, but they're fried is what they do now.
Starting point is 00:52:59 I looked it up. So they fry them and then they dip them in their sauce. Um, the, my only complaint is like, they're supposed to be drizzled with bloom sauce, which is the same sauce that you get with the bloom and onion, um, which is just some sort of like horseradish base sauce. And as we've covered, I don't like that whimsically named condiment. I tried it. I tried it on a couple of bites.
Starting point is 00:53:27 It's too much. Yeah. I don't, I don't know if I like the name twisted Aussie twisted ribs. I don't know if I like it. It's, I mean, it just like, it seems, it just seems like an abomination, like a twisted rib. Like it's like, it's very, it's, it's, it's an odd, odd thing to call them. But you're, but like fried, but you're saying they like go into the deep fryer
Starting point is 00:53:50 before they're like, like, what's happening? Wilder, I feel like if you went to the doctor and got an x-ray, they'd say you had twisted ribs. I would explain it would explain a lot of stories you've told, but. All right. Yeah. I think they get deep fried and then they get the sauce put on afterwards. It's my, it makes sense based on what I was experiencing when I was eating it.
Starting point is 00:54:10 It definitely, there is an overall thing with outback where it's like, they're barely trying to do the Australian theme. Like twisted ribs is just a name that they came up with. And then they just throw Aussie on front of it to sort of cover their bases. And for sure. I, my wife is friends with an Australian guy that she used to work with. And during the pandemic, they had, she's part of this like Australian, all Australians and Holly Prasoff workout group where every day, like a bunch of people are in Australia.
Starting point is 00:54:50 So they do it in the middle of the afternoon, but they all like workout together. And so in anticipation of us ordering this on Friday night, she was asking them about it and a couple of the Australians had never heard of outback. And then when she explained the concept to them, they were offended by it. What's the food there? And she's like, it's like steaks and burgers. And they were like, this is not our food. I can't do that for you.
Starting point is 00:55:19 First of all, the idea of Holly and all these Australians hanging out is the funniest thing on earth to me. I wish I could, I wish I could over cure this conversation. But that is, that's wild that they were all, that they're all insulted by it. Yes, it comes down. I mean, it's just, it's, it's, it's origin is the fucking, you know, the Australian craze. Crocodile Dundee in the 90s.
Starting point is 00:55:45 Exactly. Crocodile Dundee and Yahoo Sirius is young Einstein. And then the fucking Duracell battery guy. And then all this got lampooned in the Simpsons. And they cashed in on this and, and these, these Floridians who had no connection to Australia just made this sort of Australian pastiche. And the theming really carried it for a while. But then eventually people were like, they, like that, no, would give it, like after the Sydney Olympics, no one gave a Sydney more.
Starting point is 00:56:09 So it's, it's, yeah, you're right that they, they're, they're things like there's just like my question is, who is this open for still then? Who, I don't, I don't understand this. Why is, why was, why was it even crowded when I was there? It feels like a place, I guess maybe it's for a steakhouse, it's cheaper. Maybe that's the, like, that's the sort of thing is you can, you can take your family there and you can get like a, like every, your dad gets a steak and mom gets a steak and everyone else can eat and it's not super expensive.
Starting point is 00:56:36 But like my ribeye was $35. I mean, like it was kind of expensive, you know, it's like a, it wasn't not pricey. So I think you're getting something that feels like it's like exotic or different. But really you don't want that. You just want to have a steak. That's a very, you want to feel like you did something out of, out of the wheelhouse. That's a very, yeah. That's a very American thing of like, oh, I want to feel like I did something
Starting point is 00:57:04 exotic, but I don't want that really. It's rainforest cafe. I got the, you mentioned the steakhouse mac and cheese, which I also got. And I really thought was pretty bad. Oh, I didn't talk about it. It sucked. We, my mom, I thought it was awful. It was awful.
Starting point is 00:57:20 It was like my, my, my, my mom was like, it's not cheesy. She started yelling. No, no, it's like a weird, like, like orangey paste that to me, it all pooled at the bottom of my, of the pasta. I think it's like a cavatopi or whatever. And, and you had some of that and it gave it some ambiguous savory flavor, but it's not cheesy at all. No, it was very oily.
Starting point is 00:57:39 It was, it was that sort of thing of like, just especially with the travel or whatever, we brought it back and that was, that was, that was a real bummer. It was, it was something where we both were just like, this is not. This is not working for either of us. And also, as you know, my mom, like, my mom is like, Nick, I told you this. She's like pouring like orange juice on like, when we, when we were doing, when we were doing pie noon and we were having all these desserts, she was like, okay, I'm going to take this to the sink.
Starting point is 00:58:04 She was like trying to throw everything away, basically. And without back, this is like, it happened like 10 times because she was like, you don't want to eat any more of that mac and cheese. And I was like, I know, I don't want to eat any more of it. And then I like, would take a bite of it. And she's like, you shouldn't be, I'm like, I'm doing it for the show. I want to see if it's any better. But she was like, she was like constantly trying to throw things away because one,
Starting point is 00:58:28 they didn't taste good. And two, it's just so clearly not good for you. Like that cup of mac and cheese for how, how, like how many calories it is. Yeah. It's, it should be better. It just, it's, it's, it's not worth the calories at all. It sucks. There's, I'm just realizing that a grim layer has been added to this podcast with
Starting point is 00:58:48 you being back in Quincy, which is your mom, a lovely lady, worried that the premise of this show will kill her son and trying to do everything to restrain you from endangering your body. This is bad. We should not be doing this. We should not be eating like this all the time. It's terrible. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:08 Maybe you should just do a show every couple of months, honey, and then it'll be more of a special treat for your friend. I mean, she, she, she has like been like, you should, like a, like, like a mother bird does. You should just chew the food and spit it out. She, she has had ideas like that, but I told her I'm true to the, true to the listeners and I will, I'll eat myself to death if that's what we must do. We also just, I mean, that's the other thing is like, I love, I just love eating
Starting point is 00:59:41 this fucking trash. I just like, even when it's bad, I'm still just like, kind of like it. And I, I had, I had met with the, I think I said this of the podcast, but back before quarantine, I had, was meeting regularly with a nutritionist for a bit. And she was saying the same thing. She was like, chew the food and spit it out or like have one bite and just have your judgment from that or like, or lie. Like just don't eat the food and just say you did.
Starting point is 01:00:07 Like was, was basically trying to do everything to caution me from actually doing what we do on the show, which is orderful meals. I love this frantic nutritionist trying to be like, no, don't just do anything. Like trying to chasing you out of, chasing you out of the building. I was emailing with a college friend who does a lot of like food reviewing for like a publication based in Boulder, where he lives. And he had just finished like a week of like cheeseburger tasting or something. And he was actually emailing to say, like, he's like shifting out of that line
Starting point is 01:00:38 of work now, cause he's like, I can't keep doing, eating like a hundred cheeseburgers a day, but he gave me the same advice of like, just chew it and spit it out. And in my mind, I was like, they'll know. And be like, it was a really go, okay. I was like afraid of you guys. If Nick and I ended the podcast, like we've heard enough, you're fucking full of shit. You've hated our podcast of your life.
Starting point is 01:01:13 I got to say the mac and cheese was bad. We, and we got, I got, we got also got a potato, a baked potato soup was my mom. I got that too. The baked potato soup, which I was worried was I couldn't get the clarity and nutrition wise, if it had like a chicken base, I don't think it did. I'm hoping it was vegetarian. It's possible I inadvertently had some chicken stock in this. But I do think the soup was pretty, I thought the soup was decent.
Starting point is 01:01:36 It was like, you know, like I like the chunks of potatoes. It was very oily. Here's the deal is that it comes fully loaded just like the baked potato does. Like you, you have to mark off the things and we just got it fully loaded, which was just too much. It comes with like the, like it comes with cheese and bacon and whatever else on it. And the bacon, the bacon's just too much. The bacon, it's the bacon bit scenario where the bacon is like a strong flavor.
Starting point is 01:02:01 That's not good. It's not like real bacon. It's just bacon bits that don't taste really good. And, and, and that kind of ruined the soup for me. We did not like the soup. We, we, we were just okay. And honestly, the other side too, the best side was the, was the potato. Like the, and, and, and just because it was like a good hot potato wrapped in a tinfoil,
Starting point is 01:02:19 but then the everything part of it, like Joe and I were saying, it's just that clump in the, in the, in the jar, the clump in the jar, which is fucking gross. And, and that was, but that was really the only thing that was good. The mashed potato, the garlic mashed potatoes was, they just are mashed potatoes, but it tastes very garlicky. They, those were, those were cold and they weren't great either. They, it was all, all the sides kind of were big failures.
Starting point is 01:02:42 That, that's a bummer. I didn't, I didn't mind my, I didn't mind my soup. Again, you know, I specified no bacon, but it, you know, yeah, it was, it definitely was, it was, it was not at all. Like it was also punishingly unhealthy. This was another thing that was just like thick and creamy and dense and loaded with carbs and, and, and fats. The, the last thing I got was the Aussie Cobb salad.
Starting point is 01:03:06 This is again to, to Wenger's point, they're just putting Aussie in front of something and because it has no connection to Australia at all. This is just green mixed greens, chopped hard boiled eggs, tomatoes, bacon, which I excluded, uh, Jack and cheddar cheese again, and crouton served with your choice of dressing. I requested the, they have a blue cheese vinaigrette, which they do there. And I was like, oh, I'll try that blue cheese vinaigrette. Instead, they gave me a balsamic vinaigrette, which is a bad fit for a
Starting point is 01:03:29 Cobb salad. Uh, and I'll also just say these greens were really bad. They were, it was just like bad, like bagged iceberg lettuce. It was just really low quality. I honestly was like, if I got a salad side salad from McDonald's, it would have better quality greens than this, uh, which was a disappointment. Very paltry amount of eggs. It felt like there was like half of a hard boiled egg just kind of
Starting point is 01:03:51 chopped up in there. And so there just wasn't a lot to this. It was pretty, it was pretty insubstantial and pretty flavorless. And this was really disappointing. Also, it was underneath, they like, they packaged it underneath the cheese fries. So it was like nice. It was like warmed up when it got home and a little bit wilted. And not how I like my salads.
Starting point is 01:04:09 I don't eat hot salad. Uh, so, uh, that, that was a bummer as well. Is there any food we missed from anybody? Well, Joe and I both got dessert. Oh, dessert. Yes. Touching your desserts, please. Well, Joe, I wonder if we got the same thing.
Starting point is 01:04:24 We maybe, maybe we did. We got two things as, as Holly and I do so that we can each have half of a dessert. And so we got the butter cake and then we got the salted caramel cookie skillet. Um, and, you know, they, they, they, these were the only two that seemed appealing. There is a New York style cheesecake in the dessert section, which I wish that they would have just called that Aussie, New York style cheese cake. Well, like the, the butter cake, I don't know. It didn't, it, it, it kind of had like a raspberry sauce that was supposed to go
Starting point is 01:05:05 on top of it and some whipped cream, but it came all disassembled and just the, the cake on its own without that stuff. Wasn't that great? Wasn't that better with it? Um, and I liked the salted caramel cookie skillet, mostly because it came with ice cream, but that's definitely one that I think you have to be in the restaurant for and like eating it out of a hot skillet. And it was basically like a manhole cover by the time I got the dessert and like,
Starting point is 01:05:34 I don't know, it was just super not fun to eat because of how rock hard it was. Um, I, I actually got a, I got a different dessert. I got the chocolate thunder from down under, which for everything that like for the name chocolate thunder from down under, like you think that's great name. It's a great name. Sure. But it's a brownie with ice cream on top of it. What the fuck does that mean?
Starting point is 01:06:00 I mean, it's a, it is a chocolate. It is a chocolate brownie, but I, but like, like, I mean, I guess most brownies are chocolate anyways, but like, and there's some chocolate sauce, but it's basically like a chocolate brownie with pecans, pecans. Oh, we already did this where we don't know if it's pecans or pecans. Both are valid. All right. Well, either one, they had both of them in it.
Starting point is 01:06:24 It had pecans and pecans inside the, inside the brownie in this chocolate brownie. And my mom did comment. She said, ooh, this is pretty good. And it comes with the vanilla ice cream, which is on the side. Why is I tossed it in that? I know your big fan of vanilla toss it in the freezer when I got home because it was getting a little melty. And then, uh, just kind of like a boring chocolate sauce.
Starting point is 01:06:44 And my mom thought it was like syrup. I told you, my mom's a little snobby when it comes to, to chocolate, so she's, she can make a hot fudge. She can make a good hot fudge. So she was not, she was not loving this, uh, this, this, this kind of thin chocolate sauce, and then there's like a whipped cream on top of that, that you just kind of poured onto it from, but honestly, as far as things throughout the entire night, my experience was that the proteins were good, the, the, the ribeye was good.
Starting point is 01:07:12 And then, and, and my mom's shrimp on the barbie were good. And we also had some coconut shrimp, but they traveled so poorly. They were like, they were a mess. They were, they were not good at all. But my mom's, my mom's shrimp on the barbie, the ribeye and the baked potato. And then this we're kind of, we're kind of the, the highlights of it. And I did, I did enjoy the blooming onion and, and, and the Cucumber wings, but the blooming onion is just a sort of thing of you don't, you can't just with
Starting point is 01:07:38 two people, especially it's just as, it's too much. And the travel factor doesn't help either. But the dessert was, the dessert was a plus side. The dessert was, dessert was one of the, one of the winners. But being one of the winners, that's like still like, it was like a C minus. Yeah. It wasn't great. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:57 And also from a, for a steakhouse, you know, this is probably a special occasion place. I mean, do you really want that to be your, your signature? Like you got a good dessert? That's, that's a bummer. Well, we should get to our final thoughts on Outback Steakhouse. So Joe, here's how this will go. We'll each go around, give a summation, a closing argument, if you will, regarding
Starting point is 01:08:16 Outback Steakhouse, you can draw on this experience and prior experiences and then end it by giving it a rating from zero to five forks. You are our guest. We'll begin with you. Well, you know, for me, I think it is just, I'm just going to be chasing a memory that I'm never going to be able to get back from Outback, but there's something about, they did something right, you know, 20 years ago, 30 years ago, where it's like they keep me going back for more.
Starting point is 01:08:46 So even in the score, initially I was like, I'm going to give them one fork. Cause the only thing I really liked was the Aussie twisted ribs. Um, but even eating that, I felt like this is pretty bad for me. And the highlight of the dessert was the vanilla ice cream that like just came to go on top of it, which it's not a good sign. But you know what? I'm still giving them two forks because there's, there's a 12 year old inside of me who's eating an entire blooming onion and he's, he feels good about it.
Starting point is 01:09:16 Wow. Wow. Two forks from Joe Wenger, Mitch, go for it. Well, it's not really fair to me because I feel like if I was eating out Outback steakhouse with the two of you, I think, and, and, and Holly as well, I think we'd be having a, we'd have you having a blast. We were the, the four of us, my wife's not invited. I can't bring Natalie.
Starting point is 01:09:37 No, Natalie's invited, but she turns us down. I was like, yeah, she wouldn't come out back. Why? This is a bit, but I think that we would all have a blast. We would have a good time. And I think that there is something to that that I do. But the food quality, it's got Nick, the food quality is down under. That's, that's, that's the deal.
Starting point is 01:09:59 That's, you need to flush this shit with, no one likes it. Australia, we found out Australians don't like it. Actively offended by it. Actively offended by it. People from, people from the prison continent of Australia who, who are not offended by anything or offended by, by this restaurant, that this is how bad it is, this stupid restaurant, Nick. So who was this for?
Starting point is 01:10:23 And I mean, look, look, when I was talking about the good fellas, when the, the good fellas of, of chain restaurants, I do think that back in the day, when, when, when, when there were these God restaurants, the chilies and the Apple Bees and, and Outback, Outback was one of them. But just what is it now? That's my thought with so many of these places. Like what is this in the world is confusing in many ways coming out of this thing or I'm like, what is a chain restaurant?
Starting point is 01:10:50 Do we like any chain restaurants anymore? There are so many of them. I mean, you mean like a sit down chain? You mean specifically? Yeah. I mean, like in my mind, Cheesecake Factory is the most popular one, right? Like it feels like that's going to be like the, like a, like that's as far as like these sit down chain restaurants go.
Starting point is 01:11:06 Well, I feel like it's the one that's, that's most stood the test of time. By the way, can I pitch on good food, good fellas real quick? Can you just call it food fellas? Yeah. Yeah. Food fellas, sure. Food fellas. All right.
Starting point is 01:11:16 Great. All right. Good. Um, I think, I think there aren't, there are newer chains that have come about that have like, you know, kind of burst out on the scene and people are like, oh, this place, you know, but I think Cheesecake Factory is one of the few with staying power. That scene in Goodfellas where they like go through the back of the restaurant, food fellas, it's just, it's just that over and over again, it never leaves.
Starting point is 01:11:35 They go through the back and it just leads to another restaurant. But look, the, the, the, these, a lot of gods in the, in the, in the chain restaurant world have fallen, Nick. They, the, it's, it's a, Olympus has fallen. Uh, it's, it's, it's, this place is, what is the use of it? I, I, it was packed when I got there and, and there was a guy running to the cars and, and I was like, wow, this is a ton of business. And, but I, but my question is kind of like, why, why this place?
Starting point is 01:12:09 Why did this last and why are like so many other places going under? And I don't really know. Maybe it is, maybe, maybe it is just the fact that it's like a affordable steakhouse or it is that, like Joe was saying, it's that sort of thing of like, oh, it's like this Australian thing. And it feels like I'm, we're doing something special, but it's really not. There's, there's nothing special about it. Uh, so I'm, I'm, I'm close.
Starting point is 01:12:32 The steak was good. That is like the thing that like holds me back is that the steak was good, but it was a ribeye and it costs like $35. So of course it should be a better cut of steak. You know what I mean? Like it's, it should be decent. And so I can't give them too many points for that. Cause everything else was just kind of lackluster to okay.
Starting point is 01:12:51 And also it was one of those places where after I ate it, I thought we should end the show. So I'm going to go, I'm going to go, I'm going to go to two point five, two and a half forks, two and a half, still a decent score, still a decent score. Well, I mean, like if they gave, if they gave me a steak that was, they gave me a steak that was edible and like tasty. It just, it was, it was that sort of thing of like, what is this?
Starting point is 01:13:18 What happened? I don't understand what happened. This place used to be grays. Do you think it's surviving off of irony? I'm trying to put in my mind cause initially I was like, maybe it's because of special occasions. Cause that's when we would go when I was a kid, it would be a special occasion place, but there is something kind of funny about Outback.
Starting point is 01:13:38 Like, yeah. Right. I agree. So maybe people are just going cause it's like kind of like a silly place to pick to go to have dinner. That could, that honestly, that could be a part of it is like people kind of just like the idea of the restaurant still. But even, even, even that kind of kitschy side to it of like, cause I don't
Starting point is 01:14:00 see Outback commercials almost ever anymore. I feel like, right? Like, like, uh, I never see, I never see them being advertised or anything like that. So like, uh, to me, it just is kind of a ghost kitchen feels accurate because it feels like kind of this, this ghost that's just stuck around forever. And I, and, and I, I don't really understand why. Um, that's poetic, Mitch. And to get to my final thoughts,
Starting point is 01:14:25 it was, yeah, I liked it. I, I think the, I want to touch on one thing, which kind of to me, I haven't touched on this yet. And this kind of made this, this less of a fun, uh, dying out experience. A lot of chains during quarantine started developing to go cocktail menus. Oddly absent at Outback Steakhouse, their only to go boozy beverage, uh, is the Blumenblond Growler. You can get a 64 ounce growler of beer.
Starting point is 01:14:57 That's it. They don't have like any fun, you know, my ties or Aussie margaritas. And like, those should be in there. Like that would be, that would make it feel like more of an event going there. As far as what the market is, I mean, I don't know. Like, I think there are a lot of people who still just like it. I think also there, I think if you were like 40, uh, when Outback Steakhouse came on the scene and you're like 65 or 70, now you maybe still just like it at the
Starting point is 01:15:19 same level, like it's just, you know, I, so I'm sure that's part of its audience. You mentioned, uh, you were talking through some of the, these gold standard chains, Mitch, I looked it up. This is from, uh, FSR magazine. These are the, the sit-down chains with the most per restaurant, uh, sales. Cheesecake factory, clearly number one. Number two, Fogo de Chow, which we review. Wow.
Starting point is 01:15:41 So there you go. And then, uh, you know, there's a few others that I haven't heard of. There may be regional capital grill is on here. Yardhouse is on here. Majianos is in the top 10. Another Chura scura, Chura, uh, Chura scaria on here. Um, uh, so these are like places that are like big, like experiences, you know, it's like, this is like, this is like the new, there's like an event here.
Starting point is 01:16:01 It's like family style or there's some sort of table side serving. And I feel like that's kind of perhaps supplanted a more traditional place, like an Outback Steakhouse in the consumer's mind. I just, I thought all my food was bad. And I do think for a, for 2021, you got to have some vegetarian options, uh, cause that's a substantial amount of your, uh, of your customer base. So, but I did like the Aussie cheese fries enough to earn that an extra half fork, so I'm going to say one fork two times throughout Back Steakhouse.
Starting point is 01:16:31 Wow. Yeah. Um, anyway, uh, hey, we're going to be kings in Australia. People are going to love us for shitting on this restaurant. We'll take a break. We'll be back with more dough boys. Welcome back to dough boys. We are here with Joe Wengert.
Starting point is 01:16:54 We've reviewed Outback Steakhouse and now it is time for a segment. I've got a food related exam and Mitch and Joe must compete for superiority. It's another edition of Slop Quiz. Oh, no. And the Slop Quiz topic this week is Australian Outback location or location in the Australian Outback. Oh, wow. So I will give you a geographic location.
Starting point is 01:17:19 You tell me if it's an Australian city that has an Outback Steakhouse franchise or if it's a location within the actual Australian Outback. So your options are Steakhouse or actual. Okay. So two things that I just don't know. Yeah. You're just going to be guessing through these. Okay.
Starting point is 01:17:39 This was compiled by the drop king Robert Perseger. All right. Here we go. So we just, you just shout out if you think you know it or you're going to direct the question. Oh, yeah. Yeah, that's a good question. Buzz in with your buzz in with your name and then say Steakhouse or actual.
Starting point is 01:17:51 Sorry about that. No, no, no. All right. First up, North Strathfield. Mitch. Go ahead, Mitch. Um, I'm going to say this is a city with an Outback in it. Mitch, you are correct.
Starting point is 01:18:06 It is an Australian city with an Outback Steakhouse franchise. You have one point. Next up, Kings Canyon. Joe. Go ahead, Joe. I'm going to guess it's actual Outback. You are correct. You're both on the board.
Starting point is 01:18:19 Wow. Number three, Campbelltown. Joe. Go ahead, Joe. Is it a Steakhouse? You are correct. This is an Australian city with an Outback Steakhouse franchise. I have a real zeal for, for volunteering where I'm surely just guessing everything.
Starting point is 01:18:42 Oh, man. Number four. I hope we 100% this quiz. I would, I mean, I'd be impressed if you did. Number four, Birdsville. Mitch. Yes, Mitch. That's a town with this Outback in it.
Starting point is 01:18:54 Mitch, this is a location in the actual Australian Outback. It's not a town. This is a Birdsville in the Outback? Apparently. It's a town to me. It does to me as well. Maybe it's a town in the Outback, but it does not have an Outback Steakhouse franchise. Well, who do we talk to to fix it, though?
Starting point is 01:19:14 Number five. I hope I pronounced it correctly. Park Lea or Park Lea. Joe. Joe. I'm going to guess Steakhouse. You are right. Fuck.
Starting point is 01:19:27 It has an Outback Steakhouse franchise. It's three one, Joe. Next one, Cooper Petty. Mitch. Yes. Oh, man. This is an, it has an Outback Steakhouse in it. No, this is a location in the actual.
Starting point is 01:19:43 Australian Outback. I was going to guess that, but it's weird. Cooper Petty. Cooper Petty. Is that all one word or is there a hyphen in there? It's two words, two separate words. Capital C, capital P. All right, a couple more here.
Starting point is 01:19:57 Penrith. Mitch. Yes, Mitch. Oh, fuck. It's a place in the Outback. No, Penrith is a city in Australia with an Outback Steakhouse location. All right. Just by the law of averages, I should be getting more than I have gotten so far.
Starting point is 01:20:18 You have not. It is three one, Joe. And the next one is Broom. Broom. And I'll say this has a trailing E. OK, Joe. Yes, Joe. I'm going to guess it's Outback Steakhouse.
Starting point is 01:20:33 No, it is location in the actual Australian Outback. All right, two more. Long reach. Mitch. That's a funny sound in town. No, it is a location in the Australian Outback. One more, Mitch, you're just playing for pride because Joe has this clinched with a three one score advantage.
Starting point is 01:20:56 Final one, Wollongong, Wollongong, Mitch. For pride and also this one's worth four points. It's a place in the Outback. It is worth four points, taking you to a score of negative three because it is a city in Australia with an Outback Steakhouse location. Joe wins Slop Quiz, just like a restaurant value feedback. Let's open up the feedback. And today we have an email from Brent P.
Starting point is 01:21:27 Nick. Brent writes, yes. That quiz is about as fun as Outback is as a restaurant. The quiz sucks and Outback sucks. Take it up with a Slop King. We have an email from Brent P. Brent writes, as a paramedic who works a lot of night shifts, I find that even going home at seven to eight a.m.,
Starting point is 01:21:46 despite it being prime breakfast time, my body still craves dinner food. As someone who's already not a breakfast fan, what's your opinion on fast food chains helping out us non-breakfast lovers and serving all day dinner? Any tips to spice up breakfast food to the big chains for when I'm out of options? Here in Canada, very few big chains where I am, Toronto area, serve all day burgers, et cetera, I'll even make a 20 minute detour after long shifts to swing by one of the few that do A&W Canada.
Starting point is 01:22:12 I mean, of course, A&W Canada has dinner all day because that's like one of the best chains I feel like we've ever been to, Mitch. It's it's fucking incredible. Yeah, that's great. Joe, have you ever been to an A&W Canada? No. Is it different from the isn't there like an A&W here in the U.A.? There is, but it's entirely different corporate ownership. There was a schism at some point in the 90s or 2000s.
Starting point is 01:22:33 And so it's just a completely different company with the same brand. And it is so I mean, it is so, so good. It's like that it's as good as fast food can get way better. Yeah. Yeah. I'm excited. But whenever we go back to Toronto, you know, because Holly is from there, we're not eating a lot of fast food because she's like taking me on like the food tour of her life, you know.
Starting point is 01:22:53 So I think if I was like, I got to go to A&W Canada, she would be upset. So the question here is. Nick, a lot of fast food chains serve all day dinner. Yeah, a lot of sneaky, great food north of the border. I mean, like for sure. I feel like you don't think of Canada as having great food right off the top of your head, but it's there's some great food up there. It's great.
Starting point is 01:23:17 One hundred percent. Yeah, it's not just poutine and the fast food is better. The KFC is better. We were talking about this recently, like A&W is better. There's a few things that are better, but Taco Bell is worse. So it's not worth living up there. Well, and also there there isn't Taco Bell in certain provinces of Canada, right? There's no weird rights dispute.
Starting point is 01:23:38 Yeah. Yeah. And they just got Chipotle. Like for sharing a continent with Mexico, you think there'd be more Mexican food up there, but there there, I guess it just isn't a lot of it. But anyway, the question is regarding all day dinner at fast food chains. And then if you're you have to grab breakfast in a pinch any way to spice it up. I mean, my take is, yeah, if it's practical, you should serve the menu all day.
Starting point is 01:24:02 Why not? Why not serve everything? I'd love it if I could get a fucking sometimes you might be craving a quarter pounder with cheese at 9 a.m. We always talk about McDonald's breakfast menu not going late enough. And then eventually they had all day breakfast. But why not all day dinner as well? Yeah. Well, that it is it is funny to me because I feel like there has to be some sort of switch when like there's eggs being held in containers and not burgers.
Starting point is 01:24:25 Right. Like I feel like there's like like the kitchen overlap. There must be some point where there's too much going on, right? There's got to be a logistical reason for it. Yeah. Yes. And I think it does make it a little special when something some things are only due at a certain time. But I have a memory from when I was living in New York. I when I lived in Brooklyn for a while and my apartment was across the street from a from a McDonald's, which was really, really bad news.
Starting point is 01:24:54 But they were open very late. But it was only drive in at a certain point. And I remember trying to walk through the drive in with my roommate. And they refused. They were like, no, we won't give you food if you're not in the car. And I stuck out in my mind of like, why are you such fucking sticklers to the rules? Like it's McDonald's, man. Yeah. Just give me the burger. Like, come on.
Starting point is 01:25:20 You're saying this as you're leaning into the drive through window. I've I've I've I've done I've done I've done this to where I went to Jack in the box on foot on foot. And I was like, can you give me something? But they did. I think they felt so bad. I think they felt so bad for me. But I was again, I was doing what you were doing to where I was like, we don't have a car. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:25:41 And then I like, you know, I arrived up to the window and they I think they just saw me and like just give them some food or something like that. Because I was 20. I was 22. I was 23 years old, maybe. But to me, I feel like this McDonald's, we're like, we're setting a precedent. We say yes to this creep. Then all these creeps are going to be walking up after hours.
Starting point is 01:26:04 I feel like there's a part of me of like, if you're getting a burger or you're trying to get a burger at like six in the morning, I guess it should. I feel bad for this person who's worked all night and wants it. But it just feels a paramedic. Yeah. Hey, I'm not saying he's not a hero. What about like a cereal, but instead of milk, you do a big bowl of barbecue sauce? There you go. Problem solved, your freak, your paramedic freak.
Starting point is 01:26:40 I will say that the one one possible solution here is and obviously it sounds like you're maybe not wanting to get out of the car, which I understand, but like a Denny's like a like a like a place, a diner that's open 24 hours, a chain restaurant that's open 24 hours. Well, oftentimes just be serving there. They can make their dinner menu any time or they might have like a steak and egg sort of thing, too. And there you go.
Starting point is 01:27:02 I feel like it's it's I think I think drive. I think the thing you're saying of drive through, I mean, especially when it just becomes drive through only at some point, which maybe is like maybe that's a company thing of keeping, you know, weird guys like you and I out at four in the morning or whatever they're trying to do. But but but it does feel like if you if you have the ability, I guess McDonald's should just have the ability
Starting point is 01:27:29 to do it whenever they should be able to make breakfast and lunch and dinner whenever they want to. Right. Like I feel like yeah, if anyone can do it, McDonald's can do it. But I but I always just had a thing of if I was getting a burger at like six in the morning, it feels like it would have sat out or it feels like something like some food has to be sitting out or something for to work, right? Like something has to be sitting around for for one of those things to work. I had a co-worker who worked at McDonald's for many years.
Starting point is 01:27:56 And this was back when I worked in the video game industry. And he like like this was before our all day breakfast was a thing. And he was just like it can never happen because the way that McDonald's grill is set up, there's no way that you could they'd have to completely. This was this was to your point earlier about logistics. Like it's just it's just an impossibility. There's no way to do it with the way the kitchens are currently set up. And although I never got specificity on that, but I trust the man.
Starting point is 01:28:18 And then, you know, when they so when they came out with it, even even there, it's like a limited menu, like they don't have everything. And so I imagine they've they figured out some sort of Cluj solution. But it's it's I mean, you don't you also don't want to I guess the the be contradicting what I said earlier is like, you don't want to make it a huge pain in the ass for the workers. You want to make it something that's that's practical. But I do wish that more chains had dinner foods at all times a day,
Starting point is 01:28:42 because sometimes that's what you want. And yeah, there are people who work night shifts who don't necessarily want a breakfast burrito after they've worked 12 hours. Yeah, I get it. I get it. It just it seems it seems tricky. Just get rid of breakfast. There's do that instead. There you go.
Starting point is 01:28:58 I don't know why I'm specifically thinking McDonald's like because I just I just because Burger King or whatever, it just it. I feel I feel like some of those places just will never do it. But but yeah, at a place like McDonald's, which is a place that feels like it should be able to do it, even though according to your video game friend, it's it is impossible. They should just they both options should be available. I think that that I could be wrong here, but I feel like Jack in the box.
Starting point is 01:29:23 Maybe at some point went all in on having their entire menu available 24 hours. So there might be some some equivalent of that north of the border or Joe's barbecue cereal idea. You always got that. But yeah, you're kind of in a pinch there, Brent. Sorry, we couldn't be more help. If you have a question or comment about the world of chain restaurants, you know, it's a Doughboyz podcast at or leave us a voicemail at
Starting point is 01:29:43 eight three zero go dough. That's eight three zero four six three six eight four four. And again, the Doughboyz double our weekly bonus episode. You can join the Golden or Platinum Play Club at slash Doughboyz. And by the way, if you want to if you want to take a picture of your cereal floating in barbecue sauce, hashtag Joe's barbecue cereal challenge. Tweet it at us. We'd like to see we want to see what you got.
Starting point is 01:30:03 We want to see you eat it. We'll read. We'll retweet every single one of those that you share. So yeah, send us your barbecue cereal. There has to be proof. There has to be proof that you're eating it, though. We want to see some sort of mouth picture. Joe Wenger, thank you so much for for being here.
Starting point is 01:30:19 Thank you so much for discussing Outback Steakhouse with us. Anything you would like to plug at this time? Uh, no, not really. I mean, I guess, yeah, what the latest season of Big Mouth season four is out on Netflix right now, so people should check that out. You see it already. There you go. And hey, long over, do Joe.
Starting point is 01:30:40 And sorry, we sent you to, you know, kind of a bad rest. Yes, sorry. Oh, sorry, I need something shitty. Well, that'll do it for this episode of Doe Boys. So next time for the Spoon Man, Mike Mitchell, I'm Nick Weicker. Happy eating. See ya. On the next Doe Boys Double, it's an extra long episode to review
Starting point is 01:30:57 the extra long movie Zack Snyder's Justice League, plus Snyder's pretzels. With our guest, Teen Titans go writer Maddie Smith. Why did you say that name? Get the Doe Boys Double every Tuesday only at slash Doe Boys. Want to see the sources for this week's intro? Check the episode description. That was a hate gun podcast.

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