Doughboys - Panda Express 2 with Cristela Alonzo

Episode Date: July 12, 2018

Actor and comedian Cristela Alonzo (Cristela, Cars 3, Lower Classy) joins the 'boys to talk about growing up with authentic Mexican cuisine, and to make a return visit to Panda Express. Plus, another ...edition of The Wiger Challenge.Want more Doughboys? Check out our Patreon!: for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 In September of 1996, now bankrupt game publisher The 3DO Company released a mostly forgotten PC fantasy game called Meridian 59. While met with mixed reviews and unremarkable sales numbers, it was the first of a medium transforming genre. The massively multiplayer online role-playing game, an unwieldy label usually accronomized as the slightly less unwieldy MMORPG. The narrowband limited gameplay of Meridian 59 was followed by Origins more commercially successful but hacker and troll plagued Ultima Online in 1997, which ruled the roost until
Starting point is 00:00:37 Sony's fully 3D EverQuest emerged in 2000, which was then supplanted in 2004 when Titan of computer game publishing Blizzard released its hotly anticipated and immediately genre-defining entry, World of Warcraft. Commonly called Wow, the game leapfrogged past its predecessors in terms of accessibility, depth of gameplay, and aesthetics, the last of which was partly due to the contributions of Blizzard art director Samwise Didier, credited for establishing the fantasy world's uniquely vibrant, colorful palette. Didier, a longtime staple of the company, also altered Warcraft lore forever with his Blizzard
Starting point is 00:01:09 April Fools prank introducing The Pandaren, a race of blade-wielding panda creatures. The viral goof would soon morph into canon as the Warcraft 3 expansion The Frozen Throne included optional Pandaren heroes, and then in 2011, World of Warcraft's fourth expansion Mist of Pandaria fully embraced the panda race as playable characters. While haughty high fantasy fans scoffed at the inclusion of the tranquil fluffballs, they'd become a beloved part of the franchise, including in Wow's most popular territory, China. The giant panda is, of course, a national symbol of the People's Republic, and when
Starting point is 00:01:43 Chinese immigrant Andrew Cheng and his wife Peggy decided to open a sit-down restaurant in Pasadena, California in 1973, they chose the panda as their mascot. A scaled-down fast-food version opened in the Glendale Galleria Mall in 1982, and we become a massive success throughout the country. Today, as millions of users still actively adventure in the world of Warcraft, the Cheng's family-owned fast-casual eatery is the largest Chinese-American chain in the world of reality. This week on Doe Boys, we return to Panda Express. Welcome to Doe Boys, the podcast about chain restaurants.
Starting point is 00:02:32 I'm Nick Weigar, alongside my co-host, Fat Times Quincy High, Mitchie Toosby, Mike Mitchell. That was courtesy of Jacob S. If you have an insult, you'll like me using Mitch at the top of the show. Roast Spoon Managee. You know what? Sometimes you just gotta take the burn, baby, you gotta go with it. I gotta go with that burn, that was a rough one. It's like when you're on the day of stirring a roast, sometimes the move is just to sort
Starting point is 00:02:56 of laugh along with the insult. You look like a good sport. Yeah. Now you didn't actually go to Quincy High, though, right? You went to North Quincy High. My dad went to Quincy High. He was a president. I went to North Quincy High.
Starting point is 00:03:07 He was a class president? No, he was there. The president's Quincy High is their mascot, Nick, John Adams, John Quincy Adams. We that's. I get it. It's. I understand the connection. We're called the City of Presidents.
Starting point is 00:03:22 Yeah. You have two presidents. I get it. And there are two presidents from the 18th century, but president as a mascot for a high school. Also, what's his name? Oh my God, I can't remember the guy who created Facebook Mark Zuckerberg. Jesus Zuckerberg's wife went to Quincy High and he will be a future president.
Starting point is 00:03:43 Okay. And then doubt it, but maybe I said that because I knew it would annoy you. And then also I think the Bushes were lived in Milton. They lived they lived a town over Mitch. Is it true that you have to log on to XXL Facebook? Because you're big melon. X XL Facebook. Yeah, it would have been better.
Starting point is 00:04:06 It was a head book. Yeah, that probably would have been better, which maybe exists. City of Presidents. My dad was a my dad was a I was a Quincy. He was a president. Right. I don't. I mean, I marched down the field to the music.
Starting point is 00:04:21 Quincy is out for victory. That was their song and we. Oh man. I don't want to say what we were. You know North Quincy High School Red Raiders. I, you know, I'm realizing that all of my mascots were not particularly threatening Riley Elementary School, the hot salads, not the hot salads. Riley Elementary School was the Roadrunners.
Starting point is 00:04:40 Meuse Middle School was the Owls and then Long Beach Polly High School, our mascot, the Jackrabbit. Nothing particularly threatening there. All kind of like, I guess owls or birds of prey, but overall these are pretty, you know, non-threatening animals. Yeah. Yeah. I guess mine is North Quincy High School Red Raiders.
Starting point is 00:05:01 I don't know what the, I don't know what the Central Middle School or the Rams or something. I have no idea. And the Wallace and I went to Wallace and Elementary School, whether the balloons or something, the balloons anyways, how to how to Mitchie Two Spoons Nation. And here's a little drop, Nick, that you saw me play a second ago, so it should go off without a hitch, but I made you play with list of some of DMBs. Some of their old time great songs. Should I play a little crash into me?
Starting point is 00:05:31 Do you want me to do that? Sure, yeah, play a second. All right, we'll play a little bit. It's a nice song. Yeah, let's get a little bit of this big Dave Matthews band breakthrough hit. All your ladies pop your p***y like this. Shake your body, don't stop, don't miss. We stopped it right before.
Starting point is 00:05:55 Shake your body, don't stop, don't miss. Hold on a second. We screened this. You didn't screen all of it. And you said that's good and funny. Do you remember Nick said that? You stopped as soon as like the jazz kicked in. We thought it was going to be like a cool jazz remix of like a Super Mario 2 theme or something.
Starting point is 00:06:18 That's what we thought. And so we stopped it. And then it got very ribald. And then it got very, very dirty. Nick's mouth, his jaw dropped like an anaconda. It looks like it unhinged. I actually recognize the song as the as it progressed. You know, they obviously changed the melody, but that was a that's a famous.
Starting point is 00:06:36 That's from shampoo dealer who usually gives us good ones. He funny. Oh, and then it says free bug main in the thing. So that's probably some sort of got it. Well, that was a what a bad way to start the fucking episode. Mitch, I want to engineers, I guess, but real quick, I want to acknowledge our Jesus send that shit in. I'm going to ban you. Yeah, don't send that in.
Starting point is 00:07:00 Mitch will play it without listening to it first. This is the one time to be fair that we we screened it together. And you said that's good. Yeah, OK, we should have listened to all of it. Yes, I'll take the blame for that. But Mitch, our engineer Emma, who's been away for a while, is back in town. We're glad to have you back. Welcome back, Emma.
Starting point is 00:07:18 Nice trip. Yeah, great. Long trip. It was lengthy. It was like it was like half as long as a kind of as a trip. Mixt shakes. That's trash. You know what?
Starting point is 00:07:30 I need to get away from you. That's great. How was it over there? It was good. I went to a Red Sox game. Hell yeah, Nick. Yeah. Did you get a Fenway Frank?
Starting point is 00:07:44 I did. I split one. What the fuck? Did you get a Fenway Frank? I was trying to ask the question you would ask. That's all you care about. Did you go to Pizza Regina? Pizza Rhea Regina.
Starting point is 00:07:57 I wish. Oh, no. After the game because I didn't realize that the Red Sox mascot's name is Wally. It's yeah, W-A-L-L-Y. Yeah. Um, my friend Mike Ramondi was at the Wally's first game and they were like, uh-oh, looks like looks like someone's coming out from the Green Monster. And they're like, it's Wally.
Starting point is 00:08:15 And then everyone booed him. They booed him. Wow. They booed him out of there. Right. Um, hey, in other news, I got to say this. We got to introduce our guest. Yes.
Starting point is 00:08:23 Nick, but maybe we can talk to this with us about our guest. A little raccoon in, uh, in Minneapolis. This is going to be so dated. We're recording. Who gives a shit? What do you want? What the fuck do you want to do on Twitter? Then we can never talk about it.
Starting point is 00:08:36 We're going to forget about this. No way. People aren't going to forget about the raccoon. This is like talking about balloon boy. I was just going to say we should talk about balloon boy. We should talk about balloon boy if we want to. We think people in three weeks are going to forget about the raccoon.
Starting point is 00:08:48 I think that it's just going to be a blip on there right now. I've got one word for you. Octo mom. Let's, let's talk about, I like this current events podcast. You know our guest from Cristella cars three and bubbler, her special Cristella Lonzo lower classy is now streaming on Netflix. Cristella Lonzo.
Starting point is 00:09:04 Thank you for making time for us. Thank you for having me guys. Of course. Thank you for being here. It's weird to sit down and try to get the vibe of you guys because I don't know if you guys like each other. If you're doing this podcast out of like community service, that's a great question.
Starting point is 00:09:20 That is a good question. I don't know if we like each other either. I'm mad at him now. We definitely know each other. So there's that. Nick, if you lose me, you lose your friend. You go from one to zero friends. All right, let's talk about the raccoon.
Starting point is 00:09:37 The raccoon is an inspiring story. He reminds me of Wally in many ways. I thought he was very cute. Like my cat Wally. I have a cat Wally in Irma. They're both in my bedroom. I put them away when guests come. Oh, why?
Starting point is 00:09:50 Because they walk all over the table. They're cute. They're more entertaining than the podcast. So you'll look at them and zone out. Guaranteed. Understood. But what a nice little story it was that the raccoon made it to the top.
Starting point is 00:10:08 But here's what I have to say. Yeah. A lot of people here. I'm going to go on to my little rants. A lot of people wanted this raccoon to make it so bad. But then if any of you people are people who don't believe in global warming, I think you can't care for the cat raccoon is what I want to say.
Starting point is 00:10:25 That's like an A to F. Like how I'm trying to think of all the steps because if someone is so is so if they care about animals so much and one singular animal, then if you don't care about global warming, you don't care about any animals. Yeah, I get. I get. I get what you're saying because it's an environmental concern.
Starting point is 00:10:42 I think I do. I'm saying it was such a big deal on Twitter. Yes, it was. It was the number one trending topic and I just think that people don't care about animals enough as in their everyday day to day life, especially raccoons, especially raccoons. Yeah, I guess that's true. People think of them as like, you know, like forest trash.
Starting point is 00:11:05 Like there isn't like a lot of like people think raccoons are kind of there. They're in that class with like possums and coyotes is like a nuisance. But yeah, this particular raccoon. I guess I get what you're saying. I mean, it's kind of the same point of like how can you love dogs, but also like be okay with pigs that are raised in factory
Starting point is 00:11:20 farms? Like I understand kind of the point. Look, I eat meat. So I'm a hypocrite. Right. I guess already off the bat. I kind of think it's weird that you went into global warming. You couldn't even go into like the Sarah McLaughlin commercials.
Starting point is 00:11:32 Right. I just care for animals. And then I want to talk about the raccoon because the economy. It's because animals die because of global warming every day. And I guess it's just getting hotter. So I was thinking about it. You're a single issue voter. Basically global warming is the one thing.
Starting point is 00:11:49 This is this is this is not a this. That is one of my that I care about that more than anything. Right. And I care about an animal when I say you said that you and Evan Susser call me Tony Soprano. Yes, because it's your sweet. Your sweet spot. I care about animals.
Starting point is 00:12:02 I feel like you care about animals in Boston. I care about Boston. Yeah. It's I can tell you I've only been in this apartment. I've been in this room for what maybe 15 minutes and I know that you're from Boston. I know a lot of stuff about your dad where they went to school mascots and stuff.
Starting point is 00:12:19 I maybe you came. You were hatched from an egg. I don't know where that's a great question. Why goers hatch from an egg? I wouldn't be a fucking rotten egg too, by the way. Oh, come on. It would be a rotten egg. It would really want a bad egg.
Starting point is 00:12:32 Oh, my God. Are you violent? I'm a I'm a normal man who is born the normal way. I came. I came. Oh, I surely believe you now. I surely that's quite believable. Yes.
Starting point is 00:12:48 You know those books and how it happened. That's what happened to me. Nick, you were still born from an egg. Oh, that's true. You were. Yeah. But I'm not like a human egg that we all were in that sense. But I'm not some sort of egg man who was within a shell.
Starting point is 00:13:06 I don't know about that. That sounds like the new Marvel movie Eggman. So, so, Chris, I know you're from Texas. Yes. And I know that that, you know, you have a connection to chain restaurants in a few ways. One of which is that you are a server in your hometown at Outback Steakhouse.
Starting point is 00:13:25 Outback Steakhouse. Yes. What was that like working there? I imagine this was some time ago. Yeah. Last week. Oh, wow. Okay.
Starting point is 00:13:35 It was very recent. Thanks for flying out to do the show. They kept up my sitcom. I was like, I've got to make it. Yes. What was the, so like, what was the, the vibe like working there? Like, did people like, did, did customers like it?
Starting point is 00:13:47 Did the, did the employees like it? Yeah. Okay. So let me tell you a little bit about where I grew up. I grew up in a border town in South Texas where we didn't have a lot of variety of food. Right. So, you know, like I didn't have Chinese food until I was 18.
Starting point is 00:14:01 Wow. You know what I mean? I didn't know it was a thing because everybody in my area ate Mexican food. We were so close to Mexico. So when Outback Steakhouse opened, it was kind of seen as an exotic thing because it was Australian and we had no idea what Australian was.
Starting point is 00:14:17 But what's weird is that it's one of those places where you have to apply. When you get hired, you have to learn the history of the restaurant. So then, and then they quiz you on it and you can't move on to the floor until you know the history of it. So Outback Steakhouse, and I still remember this. I want to say it was, wow, it was a little under 20 years ago when I worked at the Outback Steakhouse.
Starting point is 00:14:40 Wow. And when they started the Outback Steakhouse, they actually faked that they had customers. That's the origin of Outback Steakhouse where they would actually, they would hire servers and cooks and stuff. And then to make it look like it was populated, they would park the cars in the front and they would have the servers and stuff sit at the tables with the windows to make it seem like it was busy.
Starting point is 00:15:02 That's crazy. Yeah, but it worked. Wow. And then people started coming in. Yes. But you know, I was actually, I was talking about it a couple minutes ago where the owners, they were very proud of their Outback franchise and they wanted us really immersed in the Australian culture
Starting point is 00:15:21 or like what we thought it was. So, you know, we had to do the birthday song in like an Australian accent. You know, we had to use all the names like, you know, like, like, you know, was it a wonker of a day or something like that, you know. And then what people don't understand is that there's actually, and I hope it still exists, but there's a culture within Outback Steakhouse where the servers, we get rewarded when we do a good job, we get pins. And there's these like, this world of pins that you want to get.
Starting point is 00:15:53 Very office space-like. Totally. We want that flair. We want the Outback Aussie flair. So when you're a server, if you do a good job and you can't tell the customers, you tell the, you know, the customers ask for a manager to compliment you, then you earn like a pin at their monthly meeting. And you know, man, I don't think I've ever done that ever where I've been like,
Starting point is 00:16:16 can I get a manager? The server was great. I'm like, I've never, I've never done that in my life. I haven't. I have if, if, if like a major D or a man around and asked, I've been like complimentary. Oh, for sure. Yeah. I've never, I've never specifically asked for someone, but I was,
Starting point is 00:16:32 I also never been like, I want to see your manager and said they've done a bad job. Yeah. But like, like if someone came around, I've been like, it was great. Right. Whatever. You've become though with Yelp. I mean, like when you have good service, rarely do you actually write down that you had good service, but, but man, if you order Chinese and they don't give you fucking chopsticks,
Starting point is 00:16:51 you know what I mean? Like bad review, bad review, you know, so, um, yeah, I, I, I'm happy with that because I, my, my big fat meat hooks can't hold chopsticks. So, so you'd rather not receive and rather not receive. Right. It's less wasteful. By the way, I forgot why I brought up the raccoon. My whole point was that it's cute.
Starting point is 00:17:13 It's good. He went over the top of the building at two thirty last night. I was going to tell you that I was standing at the bottom with a knife and fork. You were waiting for him to fall down so you could turn him into a dinner. I was, I gave him his last bit of motivation to climb up to the top. Are you Wiley Coyote? Did you get that from ACME? What?
Starting point is 00:17:32 That's why I brought him up in the first place. Why are you painting this tunnel? This is weird. I run through the tunnel and then wag her slams into the water. That would be great. The cartoon logic just applies to our friendship. I wish, I wish it did. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:51 Um, the, uh, if that, I mean, if that was the case, you'd be wafting in midair a lot from the smell of a fresh baked pie. Your feet would come off the ground. I loved what that happened. The little tiptoeing thing, like, I love that. I will say Mitch is definitely picturing both of us as, uh, hot dogs. We're not on a deserted island. I just was eating chow mein.
Starting point is 00:18:17 It's 15 minutes later. Might as well be. So by the way, yes, we'll get to it later. What? Just another perfect delivery by me. Your boy Mitch. Oh, you're talking about the food that brought me. Yeah, you nailed the food delivery.
Starting point is 00:18:33 Well done. Fuck you. It was good. You did a good job. It was like, like, we should congratulate you for getting here. No, I live here. So I know that's why I don't understand that. Yeah, I got the food delivered at 703 perfectly.
Starting point is 00:18:46 Oh, he wants congratulations for timing. For the timing delivery. I just want some sort of, I just want you to be happy with something. I did. Post made it this. Yeah. Wait, what? I ate it last night and Nick called me.
Starting point is 00:19:04 Well, Nick texted me with the order and said, well, you postmates this for tomorrow. That was, that came from you. It's possibly true that I said to postmates. You 100% said to postmates it anyway. So I said, I went to the restaurant last night myself. So did I. Well, fuck you.
Starting point is 00:19:20 So you guys went and we ate it today? No, no, no. This was postmated today. I mean, Mitch and I did have more food today. We ate more. I didn't have chow mein. Well, we'll get into this. This is an excuse for us to have two meals.
Starting point is 00:19:33 But I want to talk more about Abax Seco. How did you, how did you do in the flair? Did you like, were you, were you someone who got a lot of pins? I got a lot of it. Oh, nice. I got a lot of them. That's, that's why I know guys. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:44 Yes. Yes. You know, what I've noticed though is that it's this culture when you work in restaurants where you always have these regulars that go. And for some reason, all the servers always wanted to take care of them, but they weren't great tippers. They were just regulars, you know. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:58 And I noticed that I would always get the tables that people thought were going to be bad tippers. Oh boy. And I never cared. And they actually always ended up for the most part being really good tippers. And that's when I realized you can't judge people by what they look like or what, what they, how they carry themselves because you don't know, you don't know their history.
Starting point is 00:20:17 Yeah. I would make bank. Like I would make so much bank because you know, you just, you go, you smile, you do your little job and boom, you got, you know, you got like a, you know, you got a honey in a couple hours or so. All your colleagues are prejudging the customers. And you're just like, I'll just do my best, do the best job for whoever it is. And it turned out ahead.
Starting point is 00:20:37 Well, because I dress really shlubby, but I'm a good tipper. And you know, it's like for me, it's like, I know people don't want to take care of it. Like I go in, first of all, I don't know what the dress code is when you go into a restaurant, but people seem to feel like, Oh, the way that they're dressed, it looks like they won't tip well. Right. I mean, what is this outfit?
Starting point is 00:20:56 But I know that I dress up like that when I go out in public because I don't really care how I look. So, you know, it's that thing where I'll show up really shlubby. And, you know, I always feel like people are sizing me up. You know, it's ironic. Mitch and I do really care how we look. And this is how we look. Put a lot of effort into this.
Starting point is 00:21:14 We went to the premiere of Jordan Morris's bubble podcast last night, which you were on and it's very funny. Both of you guys are on. Yes. You're very funny in it. And I, and they were like, come camera ready. There's going to be photographers there. And I was like, Oh, fuck.
Starting point is 00:21:30 I don't think I have like an outfit that is camera ready at all. Like there's nothing that is that would. So I like got a new. Like I had a shirt, like a buttoned up shirt, like a flannel shirt or whatever in my closet that I looked nice. Oh, thank you. And I wore jeans and I tucked it. I tucked it in.
Starting point is 00:21:46 I tucked it. I know he did. And then in the description when the when the show starts, they're like, Mitch, like a man who is constantly tucking in his shirt. And like I need, like at that time I like did need to tuck in my shirt. It was like it was a very accurate description. You're so. You're so.
Starting point is 00:22:03 Yeah. It was just a slob. Anyone can guess if I have a tucked in shirt that I'm tucking it in. So your look last night was basically lumberjack getting married. Yes. Yes. It's the bounty man at an after like a part-time job. You know, yes.
Starting point is 00:22:20 Yes. My best man is a babe. The blue ox secretly wish you could marry him. That was the subtext of Paul Bunyan. They were in love. You want to fuck babe? Yeah. It was an early sort of, you know, furry sort of.
Starting point is 00:22:36 Well, they were both giants, right? Yeah. Hmm. Yeah, I guess so. I mean, if you were a giant, you know, got all the, there's not many options. That's true. Well, yeah. I mean, if you're both giants, don't you kind of have to be friends though?
Starting point is 00:22:47 Yeah. Yeah. You know, like when I walk into a room and there's another one Latino and I'm like, we're fucking, we're fucking, like buddy and I, we're together forever, you guys. We're doing it. We're doing it. We're BFF's Miguel. I get it.
Starting point is 00:23:05 Do you remember any of that Australian birthday song? Uh, good day. Good day. It's a birthday. I have a long, like longer of a day. That's like, I remember. I was so impressed. You know, like when someone, you know, when someone like they, they, they do something,
Starting point is 00:23:23 they like, they, they want to show you what they worked on and they're so proud of it. And the owners were so proud. They were so fucking proud of this song. And you just had to tell them how great it was because you're like, whoa, like you wrote that? Like, whoa, what's up, Prince? You know, it's pretty cool. It seems like the franchise owners were really taking initiative if they wrote their, this
Starting point is 00:23:43 wasn't like something that came down from corporate. Yes. That's amazing. Yeah. Like eager beaver. That's insane. Yes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:52 You know, it's a little too much because we're all like, look, Albeck is in our life. I guess we've created a, well, Cassidy helped us create a theme song. We've done just as embarrassing things, I guess. Right. I guess so. Yeah. With our show. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:07 Hey, you know, we're, and we'd love to be as successful as Outback Steakhouse. For sure. I'd say that's the dream. I think you guys are the blooming onion of podcasts. Oh boy. What a nice thing to say. Yeah. I think so.
Starting point is 00:24:19 Let's say it. Once you're done with us, you'll feel sick for your stomach. Sit on the toilet. I know it's like, it's kind of in the way in that I know it's bad for me, but I'll do it anyway. It's like the first little bit is like, eh, all right. And then like, like a little bit later, like, oh God. That's how I am with the blooming onion.
Starting point is 00:24:38 Yeah. I order it and I get so excited. I'm like, fuck yeah, blooming onion. Here I go. Yeah. Halfway through it. I am like crying. Like, why did I do this to myself?
Starting point is 00:24:48 Do you even still now after working there, you're still, you're still a fan of it. All day. Oh wow. All day. What's your, what's your order? Uh, well, I start with the blooming onion. It depends on who I'm with, but you know, usually a blooming onion, um, I will take a big beer of whatever, maybe a Fosters.
Starting point is 00:25:04 Hell yeah. And I'm the person, if they ever ask me, do you want the big beer? I'm like, of course I do. Of course I do. So I do that. And then I do the basic, like, uh, I want to say it's like maybe the nine ounce sirloin. Super, super rare with, um, broccoli, uh, loaded baked potato with, uh, no sour cream. And then.
Starting point is 00:25:25 What the hell? Yeah. This is sour cream is a very foreign thing for me. I did go up with sour cream. So like Mexican food does not have sour cream. I guess. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:38 I guess you're right. Yeah. I mean, you know, it's like, uh, my mom grew up in a Mexican village with no air conditioning, no electricity, no water. Never knew what sour cream was until she came to the States. Wow. So that's, yes. And a lot of Mexican places you go to in, in the States, like it's the sour cream is
Starting point is 00:25:57 included by default. Yes. Like it's like it's a thing. Yeah. Absolutely. Yeah. I'm taking your, I'm taking your word for it. That is, that's.
Starting point is 00:26:05 Yeah. Yeah. I mean, you know, there's certain variations and stuff, but like for me, um, I actually compare, uh, the Mexican food that I grew up with, actually, I, I, I compare to, uh, Indian food. Okay. So, you know, cause, um, a lot of the Mexican food that I grew up with was, uh, was street food.
Starting point is 00:26:20 It was for poor people, you know, working class and, um, a lot of, uh, areas in Mexico, well, the area in Mexico where my family's from, there's no refrigeration. So like when, when, you know, when we were there, so, um, they, you know, we're very limited on what we can have. So it's like a lot of potatoes, a lot of like vegetables, right? No meats, you know, I always tell people that I was vegetarian cause it's nicer than saying we were poor. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:44 Yeah. Yeah. You know, no, no meat, no AC. I'm out of there. My ideal situation is a big, just a big thing of beef and I'm in front of an air conditioner unit. You're Fred Flintstone. I'm Fred Flintstone Fred, Fred Flintstones in a, in a, in a, in a, in a, in a, in a, in
Starting point is 00:27:02 Fred Flintstones in a, with a Jetsons most cool AC that the coolest AC that Jetsons can have. Right. Yeah. You're like, you're like Fred Flintstone, but with like Rosie, the maid from the Jetsons blowing cold air on me, cold air on you that she do that, but now I'm going to say that she did do it. Sure.
Starting point is 00:27:18 Rosie, Rosie blue, cold air out of her mouth. I'm sure there was an episode, maybe I mean, why not all and everything went on like everything goes in Jetson world, right? Right. Everything. High up in the air, the Jetsons, right? They, they're like, yes. No one ever felt right?
Starting point is 00:27:37 Like, no, that's never really like a thing. Do people never really, I'm now I'm sure like maybe it happens every episode or something for in this kid's show, but like they never really show the ground. Is it like a post-apocalypse? Is there, is there like something weird on the ground? I think there's an implication that like, like Bespin, like the cloud city, it's just, there's some reason why the people have to live far above, far up high up in the atmosphere now.
Starting point is 00:28:01 Perhaps there was some. Hey, you know what? Perhaps global warming is what caused people to take the, I brought it up for a reason. One of the raccoon starts off the domino effect to where we lead Jetson lives. We're living in a prequel to the Jetsons right now because my point was so bad that people decide that global warming is not real. It's a, it's a hard thing to connect, but that's what happens. That raccoon thing was a real stretch.
Starting point is 00:28:28 Let's start burning coal. That's funny. That poor raccoon is probably, he's probably in the mouth of a bear already. He's probably released into the wild and the bear ate him. He was almost in the mouth of a bear, Mike Mitchell. If you didn't make it up, if you didn't make it up the tower, I would have been, he would have been online. So what, so what is like, like, like discussing, talking about your upbringing and the, the
Starting point is 00:28:53 types of food you grew up with, like what is your idea of comfort food? Like what's the food that reminds you of home? Like what, what is the, what are you like kind of your favorite kind of childhood dishes? Well, I don't know if you've, if you've ever heard of them. So I'll explain them to the, to you. Please. There's a dish I, I loved growing up called Picadillo con Papa. And Picadillo con Papa is ground beef with stewed potatoes and tomato sauce with cumin.
Starting point is 00:29:18 You know, you can add jalapenos if you want, but like tomato onions and stuff. And it's kind of, it kind of has that texture of like an alugobi, you know, so, you know, so I grew up on that. So that's like one of my comfort foods. So when I miss home, and I actually, I was on Twitter at some point last year and I mentioned that, I, I tweeted something like, when I get homesick for Mexican food, I eat Indian. And it was interesting because then that started a thread with a lot of other people that said the same thing.
Starting point is 00:29:48 Right. So they were saying like, there were like Indian people that were saying that they eat Mexican food when they miss certain foods and vice versa, you know, which is that's, I always find a food is such a great connector because what you call it, you know, something in your culture is known as something else in another culture, but we're eating the same thing. Right. You know, we're eating very similar things. So I've always, I like talking about food on Twitter because I think food allows you
Starting point is 00:30:14 to talk about real problems and real issues, you know, under the guise of food. Right. I also cook and pop as one of my favorite go-tos. You know, honestly, I like a carne-gisada, which is also like a, it's kind of like steak that's stewed and like a nice like a sauce, you know, and you can add potatoes if you want to. But like these are foods that I normally don't have because they're not really available here in Los Angeles.
Starting point is 00:30:40 So when I go visit my brothers in South Texas, we'll go and eat those plates. Like we'll go eat those dishes, you know, like those are like my, some of my top twos. So because, because with my idea of Mexican food out here, I think it's because I didn't grown up. It's almost like the reverse for me was I like Chinese food was kind of like the, the most ethnic food that I had growing up in that. And then Mexican food, like my mom and dad, we would like go out to dinner for Mexican food like rarely.
Starting point is 00:31:10 And I was like, oh, I'm like, I was like a little scared, but I was like too afraid to eat some of it. But then when I got it, I mean, and then I did start to enjoy it as I got older and like middle school and stuff. And, and then when I got out here, though, it was eye opening to me for so much. There is like, like cactus, taqueria, and have you been to Guasados? I like you said, yeah, yeah, yeah. That's like that to me is like I'm sorry for my botched pronunciation of it, but
Starting point is 00:31:39 that that that to me like is that more authentic or I guess my other question was going to be to you is like the is what what's what's the style I'm thinking of is it what what Hawkin is that more like is that kind of more like authentic? It's it's a different region. But for me, the the way that my family grew up, I would say that most of the food we had was more like more like what Hawkins. OK, I was going to because that that seems like less cheesy. And yeah, it's like more like Molle.
Starting point is 00:32:07 Yes, right. Sauce, stewed stuff, stuff. Yeah, I've actually always told myself that if I got to the point of my life, I would open up a Mexican restaurant here that would actually feature food that I grew up with that isn't available here. Oh, cool. Yeah, yeah. Wait, what what region is your family from? Well, you know, it's hard to say because we have my family.
Starting point is 00:32:31 We don't have any family records. Oh, got it. My family's there. My family, we're both on my mom and dad's side, we're pretty indigenous. So they're, you know, and in the area that we had in Mexico, my mom, we didn't even know how old my mom was because the only little like shack building that they had any records at burned down years ago. So there's no history. Wow.
Starting point is 00:32:54 Anything, you know. Oh, man. So we guess, you know, but my mom's village is a village called El San Caron, which I want to say is in the Mexican state. I think San Luis Potosí. OK, so it's so like we would go visit it when I was a kid. And in order to get there, we would leave my my hometown area is McAllen, Texas. We would take a bus to Mexico across the border to Renosa. Then we would switch buses, go to Monterey, spend the night there
Starting point is 00:33:23 because the bus only passed twice a week. Then we change buses into another bus and then we'd have to go another bus like into, you know, this like village. Once we pass this village, you would have to keep an eye out for a dirt path. And then once you saw the dirt path, you would let the driver know to get dropped off there. They drop you off in the middle of nowhere. So this is like insanely rural. Like, yeah, like you would walk and then we still had to walk
Starting point is 00:33:46 about two miles to go into my my mom's village. Oh, wow. You know, that's crazy. That's really crazy. Yeah, it's and it's weird because. People don't understand that people still live like that. Like, you know what I mean? Like people live like that. And you know, and and and it's not like I'm saying, oh, we should feel bad for people, but it's like, honestly, if, if, you know, they didn't know that things existed,
Starting point is 00:34:06 you know, so it's kind of like out of sight, out of mind, everything, you know. And actually, I loved visiting because I would have to help my aunt milk cows, you know, and that's cool. You know, you know, you kind of became you, you really had an appreciation for farming and just how hard it was and just, you know, everything. And but I'll tell you that having grown up predominantly, you know, really, like 80%, 90% of all the food I ate was Mexican growing up. It made me kind of a nerd to try out all food now because I haven't tasted a lot
Starting point is 00:34:38 of food, you know, so it's like, I get very excited about it. You know, so I like to geek out and I like to research restaurants and I like to go and hang out and visit them and stuff. And I like, you know, when I tour, I go to the same markets a lot. So I have certain restaurants across the country that I go to. And those are my spots. I want to try I want to try the food from your mom's village. Yeah, it's really cool.
Starting point is 00:35:01 I mean, and honestly, you know, and I'm like, my family's very old school. So I was taught how to cook, like, you know, at the age of six. So, you know, it's that thing where I, you know, I can make the handmade tortillas. Yeah, I can I like, I cook from scratch. I can't give you recipes to anything because you kind of guess the ingredients and the amount and stuff. But, you know, it's like, it's weird, though, because I've noticed that it's one of those dying arts where, you know, someone like me who
Starting point is 00:35:28 who knows how to cook like my family's dishes, I don't get to cook very often because I live alone. So, you know, so I'm not going to make this big vat of something. And if I travel a lot, I'm not going to make a vat because it goes bad. You know, so it's it's weird how you it's almost like going to the gym. You have to go constantly to see a change, you know, so you have to cook to keep it up. Right. So I'm trying to do that again.
Starting point is 00:35:54 I said, yeah, like I got what you were talking about. You understand both sides of that cooking a meal and going to the gym. I can't wait to go to your mom's village and they're like, who's that giant man who brought his own AC with them? Just give me some beef. Oh, you guys don't have beef. Get out of there. Well, it's modern now.
Starting point is 00:36:13 Now now there's and now we have a lot and now they have luxuries and stuff. And so I lugged my AC all the way down there for nothing. Not nothing. It's to establish yourself as a God. Oh, it's a measure the God of air conditioning. I've heard that I've heard that that was this the raccoon just came up on the Alexa on the screen. Great.
Starting point is 00:36:41 Oh, and you said Alexa. Now the Lexa is to us. Don't worry about it. Alexa. It's fine. Get out of here. Alexa Alexa's so weird. I don't I don't I don't use Alexa or Siri or anything like that, but it feels
Starting point is 00:36:51 like this is the closest we get to Knight Rider. Yeah, right? Yeah, so it's like it's like a dumb for it's like a dumb version of Knight Rider that like it will never it never works well. It will come on sometimes and I'm just watching TV. It will just like pop on. I have a car. I don't want to brag, but I have a car and the GPS, you know, it's the I have
Starting point is 00:37:13 never gotten it to work where it's the voice activated. So, you know, but everyone else that gets in my car, my car understands it completely doesn't understand me. And I'm like, how fucking racist are you? You do not understand the Latina owners command, but everyone else are like, oh, you want to go to the like large one? That's so crazy. I think this car is just jealous of Cruz Ramirez.
Starting point is 00:37:41 Oh, my God. We should say that before the podcast started, Nick asked if he could talk about Cruz Ramirez and I said, you're a fucking loser to him. I like cars three and I'm not not. I don't think there's anything wrong with that. I just I just thought that even the fact how you approached it, you mean the fact that I'm a 37 year old man, excited to talk to someone who's a voice in a children's movie, just talk about.
Starting point is 00:38:04 Yes. You know, I I I met Jason Siegel last week at a show and I love Jason Siegel and I you know, like when you meet someone and you don't have anything planned and you don't know what you're going to say. Oh, that's this podcast every week. Well, I told him I had to blur it out. Like I love the Muppets like one of the first things I said, I'm like, why would I say that?
Starting point is 00:38:29 Well, you know because I'm thirty nine and I love the Muppets and it's okay that we're any age and we like whatever the hell we like right okay. The opening to the Muppet movie, the original with with that can make me tear up every time I watch it. Yo, these movies when it comes through the it's going through the clouds and it comes down through the swamp and Kermit is singing Rainbow Connection is a really beautiful moment. I really I love I that's like one of my favorite cinematic moment.
Starting point is 00:38:56 It's not the very beginning of the movie because the Muppets all file into the theater to watch the movie and then and then that's when it happens, but it's a it's a great. It's shot so well. It's great. It's so good. It's so good. Yeah, it's I saw and I saw that Jason Siegel Muppet movie.
Starting point is 00:39:10 This is the last movie I saw with my dad. I know that's very sad, but but that was last movie I saw my dad and he was like it was just all right. He didn't love it. Yeah, it was just okay. Walter Andrew Bird does does Walter in that movie. I like it. I'm an Andrew Bird fan right.
Starting point is 00:39:29 My friend Justin got me into him. Hey, very cool. He's a professional whistler. Whoa, that's cool. Thanks for these fun facts. We've done a podcast for three years together. Yeah, I go on a limb and I say stuff and you go wow. I was that's interesting.
Starting point is 00:39:46 I don't have anything to add, but that's an interesting anything. Sometimes just help me for God's sake. He's saying wow is an ode to Owen Wilson. Back to cars. Get all your cars questions. So I wonder the insides of the cars look like what are you going to ask? I would love to be lightning McQueen. No, that's that's that's all you have to say.
Starting point is 00:40:08 I was going to say, well, you can write me Owen Wilson. Isn't it weird when you do like a Q&A and then someone says it's not a question. It's a comment. This isn't a Q&C. Yeah, that's that's like that's always like when they're like, this is a comment. You're like, yeah, oh, like it's always a terrifying thing where they're like, I didn't like it, but like they'll say something bad. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:29 I mean, that is most of the people who ask questions at Doe Boys Live. They call you a cock. Yeah. And they're just like, I don't like the show. It's bad. Stop. But but but you. So so I Cruiser Amiris is represented in Cars Land. Have you been to Cars Land? Have you seen yourself there?
Starting point is 00:40:48 Yes, I actually I part of the perk. Yes. Of being Cruz is that I can go to Disneyland with the guide. Oh, awesome. So it's really cool. Yeah. So every now and then I have a rule that every time they ask me to do voiceover for something new for Cruz, I get to go to Disneyland and just take people. Like that's amazing. So I'll take about I usually take about eight to ten friends. Right. And we just go the entire day.
Starting point is 00:41:15 So we start at 10 in the morning and we don't get back to like two in the morning and we do all of it. That's so cool. Yeah. But the last time I went, I still haven't met my life size car that goes around the park because last time I was at the park, it was right after Halloween and they had to they say she's on vacation, but they're taking off her costume and changing it into Christmas. So I'm actually going. I'm supposed to go in the next hopefully like two, three weeks.
Starting point is 00:41:45 And I'm going to set up a meeting with with myself. That's amazing. That's so cool. It's really cool. And it's weird because last time I was at Disney, it's weird. It's weird how people recognized me considering that it's a voice. Right. That's crazy. Yeah. So it's weird because I never thought because I suck at recognizing voices or recognizing people like in general.
Starting point is 00:42:11 And I would walk down, especially, you know, Cars Land. I really like that park. I like the ride. I like the. It's awesome. Riding your Springs racer. I love that one. That's like my favorite. That's a great ride. So I get on it and, you know, so it's weird.
Starting point is 00:42:24 So I'm walking through it and people recognized me. And it's so weird because I'm not speaking. You know, I'm just walking. It's really cool. When they started, when the movie came out, they gave me the billboard. They gave Cruz the billboard at the opening, at the entrance to Cars Land. And, you know, I want to say that they said when it was unveiled, there was like an hour wait from people just waiting in line to take a picture with that billboard.
Starting point is 00:42:52 So that's so cool. It's awesome. I mean, you know, it's so like, I never, you know, you would never imagine you're ever going to do that. Like, you know, you grow up watching these animated movies and you don't even know that they're jobs. You know, like it's just the world that you're completely immersed in. And then when it came up, when it came up, I actually didn't know I was up for a job because I got my agents told me
Starting point is 00:43:15 that Pixar contacted them and wanted to know if I wanted a tour of Pixar. And that was it. Yeah. And I thought, well, yeah, I guess that's so random. And I actually thought, do they just call random people up and like invite them like randomly? And then I went, I flew up, I flew up to Pixar and they made me sign a, you know, a non-disclosure. Yeah. And which are you breaking it right now? No, you're not allowed to take pictures at all.
Starting point is 00:43:46 Yeah. Yeah. And then they take you through all the like all of Pixar. And there's a lot of secret shit at Pixar. So there's like like rooms you don't know that exist. There's like a secret bar. There's like a, you know, it's very cool, you know, and there was one place where I signed my name and I signed it next to Obama because I was like, when am I ever going to, you know, that's awesome. Which I actually ended up meeting a year later and I'm like, it's because I signed it.
Starting point is 00:44:13 I willed it. It's my, it's, it's my, you know, you know, whatever. Very nice to meet you there. Cruz Ramirez. Whoa. You're so good. Yeah, that was such a good Obama impression. That's gone now. That's that's a skill that you get from growing up in the city of presidents. You can do it in person with any president.
Starting point is 00:44:36 But, you know, yeah, it was a, I, I did the tour and then after that, they sat me in a room and they started telling me about cars three. And I had no idea why. And I was like, like they gave me the whole story. I'm like, well, that sounds great. Congratulations. And they put me into a booth and they asked me to read, you know, a couple lines. And then the next day I went to Canada to do a tour of, uh, for just for laughs.
Starting point is 00:45:02 And like, no shit. Someone had stolen my debit card and I didn't have a credit card. It, you know, it was like, I didn't have a credit card with me. And, um, I was with a bank. Then I looked up the bank and I walked two miles to this bank. And then it turned out that it was like a real estate division. They don't do any banking there. And I was really miserable because I was on the road in Canada for two weeks.
Starting point is 00:45:26 And I didn't know how, how I was going to get money, you know, anything. And I remember I broke down and I just started bawling in Toronto, like in the streets of Toronto, because I was like, I don't know what I'm going to do. And that was when I got the call and I got, I got offered the job for cars. And I was like, I don't even know. I don't give a shit about money right now because I'm amazing. I was like, I was like, whatever, I'm poor. All right, let's do it.
Starting point is 00:45:55 Nick, I got an email from Pixar that said that Nick and Mitch never need to take a tour. We'll take a break. We'll be back with more dough boys. Welcome back to dough boys worth. So yeah, I was thinking Nick that you're if you want to you could get some work as if you did. If you if you were a low bot down in Disneyland, come on, you could be low
Starting point is 00:46:21 like a walk around character. I was thinking more of a animatronic. I'm stationary. I'm sitting in one place. You could be in Star Wars. That's to a, I don't know our C three P or so I'm just in the Star Tours as like line entertainment. Yeah, all right.
Starting point is 00:46:36 Yes, you're the warm up comment with Christelle Alonso talking Panda Express. I should mention our buddy Evan Susser, a huge fan of Panda. He told he texted us and say, make sure you tell people that yeah. It was he requested us specifically shout him out the commissure. Evan Susser at the time. Sure, there you go. There you go. So yes, everyone knows you like Panda Express and that you asked us to say
Starting point is 00:47:00 you like Panda Express on the show. Also, I'm pretty sure someone saw you on the street and you're like, you think that guy got his Panda Express. They say yes, yeah, that guy who did the mo cap for a Kung Fu Panda. So, so I'm curious about it was funny. Thanks, Sam, he does look like that's a very similar body principles. Nick, do you say funny things often because I feel like Mitch was really surprised that you're going to take a minute like wait a minute.
Starting point is 00:47:29 Let's acknowledge that that was funny. Nick, the problem with Nick is that Nick can be funny and he chooses not to. Hey, come on. The podcast starts. I think he's just trying to get it over with this as fast as he can. I have some bullet points to hit. Say funny things. I do a joke around together.
Starting point is 00:47:47 I know, I know, I know, I know, see, this is an example of it. He's not having fun again. Immediately hostile is that to just say, say funny, I know you're funny. You piece of shit for God's sake. I fucking love you. You piece of shit that is that we, we were, we were, we had an argument like this earlier today. Basically, yeah, not about being funny, but I was saying I was calling
Starting point is 00:48:09 you a piece of shit over and over again. It's fine. We love each other. Yeah, we're friends. Um, so fuck off. I love you, bitch. You're a great dude. Uh, I don't think you've said that to Natalie before.
Starting point is 00:48:19 I know, I haven't said to my wife, I love you buddy. You're, you're a good dude. I have not said that. So, uh, so Panda Express, you gave us some, some options for places to discuss Christella and, and we partly because of, of time constraints and we, we settled on Panda Express because it would be efficient to get. Um, but I, yeah, and then you gave me a hard time for post maintenance. I didn't get, no, it was fine.
Starting point is 00:48:44 We just, everything came together quickly. So we had it. It's fine. I'm not trying to give you a hard time. Um, fuck you. Uh, so I'm curious as to why, uh, why Panda Express was a, was a place that you, especially someone you were saying that you haven't, you didn't have Chinese food until you were 18.
Starting point is 00:49:00 Like what is your connection to this chain? Um, you know, I, I just have the list of places that I go to are the same. Right. When I'm on the road because they're dependable and I know what I'm going to get. So if there's certain chains that I know don't exist anywhere, I go to those chains, but Panda Express is kind of, sometimes you just crave it and it's weird because you do create, like I was craving the chow mein, you know, it's like then we're like, I start thinking about it and I'm like, I want it.
Starting point is 00:49:26 And it's so weird because I never get the rice because I never get the fried rice because I don't know, I feel like Chinese restaurants have this deal where they get a ton of rice for a nickel because so many Chinese restaurants, you get so much rice and it's overkill. And when I saw China, like the chow mein, I'm like, Oh, that's like Asian pasta. You know, so, you know, it's like, I love it. It's, it's nice, you know, but I also like that, um, I grew up in a super like blue collar family.
Starting point is 00:50:00 So I'm a sucker for any chain that has a tray where you have, you know, like, I love the tray is so old school. And for me, it's like, it's got this kind of like Americana vibe to it because you don't have a lot of places that have the tray thing anymore where you get to pick, you know, so I, I get excited about that kind of stuff. It reminds me of growing up and being a kid. Right. I get that.
Starting point is 00:50:23 I, I, I, it's funny because I always talk about Chinese. I don't think I drive people mad with what I say about East Coast versus West Coast Chinese food. They're both good. I like, I like both of them. I just think that the, that East Coast is different in a way that I like and West Coast is different in a way that I like. And on the, on the West Coast, it's hard to get that East Coast thing that I'm
Starting point is 00:50:47 craving, which is like chicken fingers and crab rangoons and kind of like this like shittier version of it. But Panda Express is a good version of that. I know that they don't have some of the things I just said there, but they, they have like, it scratches that itch of like, oh, like I can go and have that low main and be okay with it. And that, especially that orange chicken is just, is great. It's, it's, it's, it's, it's almost that sort of thing of like, like, uh, with
Starting point is 00:51:15 like, oh, if I, if I wanted really good Chinese food, maybe I wouldn't go like it's the Domino's versus getting a pizza that I like or something. You know what I'm saying? Right. It's fast food. Yeah. It's, you know, with, with fast food, we're a lot more forgiving right because it's fast food.
Starting point is 00:51:29 So it doesn't have to be amazing, but it has to be serviceable. So it's that thing where I think it's good too. Like, like, like, it is, but you know, like, but if you're craving, you know, Chinese food, if you want like a sit down dinner, you know, you don't go to Panda Express necessarily. I can count on, on, I think like on both hands, how many times I've actually sat there and it's because usually it's, I'm on the road, but you know, it is one of those things where I don't crave a lot of fast food because I didn't
Starting point is 00:51:58 really grow up with it, but like Panda is one of those that I kind of like. It's like, you know, and I like that you can pick random shit. It's like, I like the, I like the tofu and vegetables because that makes me feel like I'm being healthy kind of, which, which, which they didn't have tonight, they hardly have it. That's why I gave other options. Cause I'm like, I know they know the tofu and vegetables at Panda Express is like the ice cream machine at McDonald's.
Starting point is 00:52:26 Like it, you can get it maybe 30, 40% of the time and the rest, it's like broken. You know, so it's, you know, I get it. I actually went, now that you mentioned that I went to the, when I went to Panda Express last night, they were out of the, the tofu with vegetables. And so, and it would like, they had a tray for it and I asked for it and they were like, oh, we don't have any more. Um, so yeah, I, I wonder why that is. I wonder why, I wonder why.
Starting point is 00:52:50 I think it's because it's, yeah, I don't, I think that it's because they don't get a lot and you know, um, I was, uh, my ex-boyfriend, he's vegetarian and I used to, uh, experience this a lot where, with him, where, um, a lot of places don't get a lot of vegetarian business, right? So they make like a certain X amount of that and then when it's out, it's out because they really don't have a lot of need for the certain dish that would cater to, to vegetarians, you know, that's, that, that's, that was what my thought was, is that, yeah, they just make it okay.
Starting point is 00:53:19 Copycat, I was going to say the same thing right now. I was going to say the same thing. There's a prepared amount and then they don't make it and then, but with the orange chicken, it's like, they're cranking over a new one every five minutes. It really is like the Krispy Kreme donut of like Panda Express. It's like always like the glazed. It's always being done.
Starting point is 00:53:39 It's like, yeah, absolutely. And it's, it looks as glazed as a glazed donut. It's like very, it's very, very candy like a shiny chicken. It's a very, very, it's a very shiny chicken. I love the orange chicken and it's like, it's so like the texture is great. It's consistent. When you get it hot, especially it's delightful and just like that, that sort of that sticky, sickly sweet sauce is just so, it's so specific.
Starting point is 00:54:06 And I feel like also so, I mean, it's kind of comforting in a way because it's so like, like, I know exactly what I'm going to get. And it almost always delivers. So I, I mean, I love the orange chicken. It's generally a go-to for me. Do you have a go-to you get like in terms of your, your general order there? I, yeah, it's actually, so I do the chow mein and I always do it. Like the beef and broccoli, I love broccoli.
Starting point is 00:54:28 It became this thing where like as an adult, I'm like, I fucking love broccoli. So like, I always get that. And I, I always get the walnut shrimp, but I hate it. I hate ordering it because they all judge me for it. Every time I order the walnut shrimp, they're like, you know, it's a dollar extra. I'm like, I fucking know it's a dollar extra. Like it's not, this isn't going to break my bank. Like just fucking throw it in there.
Starting point is 00:54:49 You know, it's, I feel bad for the person that's like, whoa, I didn't know it was a whole dollar, you know, but, you know, I like the walnut shrimp a lot. And I like the tofu. I really do like the tofu vegetables, but just because I, I like, you know, having been with a vegetarian for so long, I love tofu. But yeah, you know, the orange chicken, I can take or leave. It's kind of like a, am I in the mood for it or not? But, you know, you actually said something really interesting, which I think so
Starting point is 00:55:16 many people, we never talk about texture when it comes to food and texture is actually such an important part of food, because sometimes you think, well, do I want something soft? Do I want something crunchy? And the moment you tell yourself that you're going to get a certain food, you start mentally preparing for that experience. Right. So like with orange chicken, I always think, well, it's kind of like a,
Starting point is 00:55:36 like chicken nuggets, you know, it's all, it's kind of, you know, it's like a little, it's its own little thing that's kind of different, you know, but you have to be in the mood. Right. And, you know, speaking of the orange chicken and speaking of that texture, I got a dish. I went last night, as I mentioned, to the Brentwood location, which is like one of the, here's the thing. I was going to say this, come on, I live on the West side.
Starting point is 00:55:59 Fancy. I wasn't trying to go to the fancy part. I like, that's the closest band express. Come on, hold on. Let me explain what was going on. Was it called Prada Express? It was not called Prada Express. So proper band express.
Starting point is 00:56:14 And what I was going to say is that there are working class people in that area and that Panda Express always has a big line because it's one of the few cost-efficient options there for people like, you know, Oh, never mind, you're a hero. If you work in the area, for instance, and you're not someone who's like a rich person who lives in that area, but maybe you're someone who works there, then that's a nice option for you. That's all I was trying to say.
Starting point is 00:56:35 God bless you. Yeah, I am a hero. I'm a hero for going to the Brentwood band express. Cue Bruce Springsteen. Alan, we should change Brentwood to Alan down. I mean, I've changed out on town to Brentwood because I'm over here in Brentwood town and I'm Panda Expressine all around. I love that song, by the way, that's a great.
Starting point is 00:57:02 That is a great song. I'm a big. I'm a diehard Billy Joel fan on almost laughable level. I love Billy Joel. He gets a lot of crap. I like Billy Joel to look at this. You know what? I took my mom to Dodger Stadium Billy Joel live and we were there.
Starting point is 00:57:16 We were dancing together. Yeah, I put my arm around her. I have seen Billy Joel 25 times. That's a wow. That's insane. Yeah, like 25 times. You know what? You know what I got upset about?
Starting point is 00:57:25 They did like a they did a no one commented on me saying I made a move on my mom. I said I put my I didn't hear me feel weird, but I believed it. They did like a audience. They were like, all right, like I'm gonna let you to you know how he does that. He's like you choose and then he did. It was like two songs that was like it was like tell her about it or like like it was like a dorky song like that and then like obviously like a fan favorite.
Starting point is 00:57:57 Yes, and I was like I'm sorry. Like a like a like a deep fan favorite like one that like and I was like I want like the popular mainstream. I wanted him to play. Yeah. Yeah. I didn't want to be side. I wanted the I wanted the popular song and then I can't stand uptown girl.
Starting point is 00:58:14 I hate that song with such a passion because that's I have known so many women that say like that's my song. That's a song about me and it just annoys the hell out of me. So yes. My mom ever she's my life. She always thinks of me when it comes on because the guy about who goes goes to LA to do a stand up and I don't tell her obviously stand up. No, like now he gives him a stand up routine in LA my life.
Starting point is 00:58:45 Yeah, my yeah, my life. The title song to bosom buddies starting Tom Hanks and Peter Scolari. Was it really? Was that the was that the theme song? Yes, it was. It's crazy when they just take like huge pop songs and turn them into like theme songs for TV shows. Oh, totally.
Starting point is 00:59:01 Yeah. Billy Joe that anymore though. Oh, by the way. At that Billy Joel concert pink came out and sang a song. Very cool. And then Axl Rose came out and sang a song with him. It was like saying it was crazy. That's it.
Starting point is 00:59:12 That's what I like about shows in LA. That's one of the things I love about LA shows is that you never know because everybody's local. Right. So you don't know who's going to pop up and you're just like whoa. It was it was it was a great it was a great show. I like them too reminds me of one way I saw the Simpsons live at the Hollywood Bowl and Tony Hawk came out at the end was was I with you for that one or not?
Starting point is 00:59:32 I think we were sitting separately. Good. You mean you guys don't do everything together and you loved it when Nancy Cartwright sang Bartman. It was great. Do the Bartman side to side. Oh my God. They put a lot on her shoulders to carry that.
Starting point is 00:59:50 Yes. Yeah. Oh man. The yeah it's it's a very it's a funny thing to like feel like oh I don't perform in front of people like some for with some of those people were doing like I don't perform in front of people to like now I'm performing in front of the Hollywood Bowl packed with people which is insane. I'm curious if anyone out there is like Billy Joel fan hit us up with your
Starting point is 01:00:09 favorite song hashtag heart attack. Oh good. I'm glad he chose the most normal. I'm glad that's like my favorite hashtag ever. Heart attack attack. Oh my God. I love it. Hopefully some people will use it.
Starting point is 01:00:28 I think some people I think we got some Joel heads out there. You guys Nick said another funny thing. This is awesome. I love it. You're like splinter. Mitch is increasing the counter from one to two. Show the board. Let's see where we are with the telethon.
Starting point is 01:00:42 I was a Nick board coming up. I I wait. I lost my train of thought because you said something funny. I don't know. He said something about master splinter. Oh yeah split. No, we could have gone by that. That's something about Billy Joel.
Starting point is 01:00:56 You were talking about guest spots. Well anyway, I had a heart attack attack. Is it that's a great. That's a great moment. I love that. Yeah, I love that song and also working too hard can give you a heart attack Nick. You got to slow it down a little bit.
Starting point is 01:01:08 Be more like Mitch. Right. I should lower my risk of heart attack and become more like you. I'm going to live it. You know it. Yeah, probably. So I went to the Brentwood.
Starting point is 01:01:23 Is it product? You just have this exact same run again. It's just always this is the podcast that never was it a really like like a beach body panda there. Like all the pandas more in shape. Six pack of panda. They have like a hunkier panda and a speedo. Yeah, the Brentwood location.
Starting point is 01:01:48 No, that's not how it works. So I got the I got myself a big plate, which is three items plus a side. The side I got was the chow mein stir fried wheat noodles with onion, celery and cabbage if anyone's not familiar. I got the wok seared steak and shrimp, which I had not had before. This is a steak and shrimp with potatoes,
Starting point is 01:02:04 snap peas, bell peppers, onions and a steak sauce. That's good. Yeah. And then I got the Kung Pao chicken, which is a chicken peanuts and vegetables famous dish, finished with some chili peppers, had some actual chilies in there. And the Beijing beef,
Starting point is 01:02:16 which is what I was thinking of when we were talking about orange chicken earlier because it has a very, very similar textural element. This crisp coating to it. It's got a sweet tangy sauce. It's got bell peppers and onions, but it's not as sweet as the orange chicken. It's kind of like it's more tang, I would say, than sweet.
Starting point is 01:02:34 It's kind of like, and they really do hit the spiciness a little bit. I mean, it's like a four out of 10 in terms of actual spice, but you feel it a little bit. And a lot of those dishes that are purportedly spicy aren't all that spicy. The Kung Pao chicken, the chili peppers that come with this, you bite into that, you can get an actual burn from those. But I'd say the Beijing beef was great.
Starting point is 01:02:56 Like that was like a standout for me. That was like a really, really good dish. I don't think I've ever had the Beijing beef. I don't know if I've had it before either, but I sort of, I decided to go for things that I don't normally get outside the Kung Pao chicken, which I've gotten before on the Chow mein. And it's quite good.
Starting point is 01:03:12 The way the bell peppers and onions work with the beef, I think, was nice. And that sauce was, again, not overpoweringly sweet. And the little bit of burn was nice. Kung Pao chicken was good. It's a good execution of it. It's not mind-blowing. You'll get much better Kung Pao chicken.
Starting point is 01:03:25 It made me crave the Kung Pao chicken at the Chinese place by our apartment that just recently closed because they raised the rent, which was a bummer. But just like that kind of, I feel like you go to any Chinese place, you can get Kung Pao chicken on par better. The wok-steer steak and shrimp was nice. Japan expresses credit.
Starting point is 01:03:43 And I'm curious to your thoughts on your walnut shrimp, Christella. But I think they do their shrimp pretty well for a fast food place. Yeah, they do. Yeah, I mean, a lot of shrimp, a lot of seafood, you get at fast food places, it's like, oh, stay away.
Starting point is 01:03:54 But their shrimp is pretty good. And I thought this was a nice dish. How do you like the chow mein? Because I know you said you crave it and it's your go-to. For me, I like it. But the reason I go for rice is because the chow mein to me is so, so heavy. Like, I feel like I'm always just like so full after it.
Starting point is 01:04:10 But you know, what I like about this chow mein though is that it's not normally as greasy as you would get in other Chinese restaurant establishments. So like, for me, it's a nice option. Because you know, sometimes when you order something that's way too greasy, you can't eat it. You can't really enjoy it. Or you don't eat as much of it because it just,
Starting point is 01:04:27 you can feel it going down like your throat. It's just gross. But I like the chow mein at Panda because it is slightly drier than the most. I kind of, I agree with you. Right? So like, for me, it's like, you know, and I love, you know, look, everybody would like,
Starting point is 01:04:41 we all love a good like, like kind of like homemade flavor, like chow mein, something that you can imagine, like a grandmother making. But like this, I do like that. It does seem like it, it's just, it almost seems like a, not exactly, but kind of like a cold pasta in a way. You know, where it doesn't seem, even if it's cold,
Starting point is 01:05:00 you can still eat it. Yes. Because there are certain chow mains that once it gets cold, they'll never heat up the right way. This one, it's not drenched in like soy. It's not just like sopping wet. Which is why I like it. And also, you know, for me, and actually,
Starting point is 01:05:14 I was going to say that what I like about your choice is that everything is very different from each other. Sure. And that's what I like about pandas, that you can get a lot of different things and kind of form your own like mishmash, you know? But yeah, the chow mein for me is just, it's a rarity. I don't go to panda very often.
Starting point is 01:05:30 For me, it's kind of like a treat. It's like a once in a while thing, but the chow mein for me, it's like, I always have to get it because I know I won't have it for a long while. Right. What did you think of the other dishes you got tonight? Okay, well, I like the beef on broccoli is good.
Starting point is 01:05:44 What I suggest, which I think is the problem with most dishes that have broccoli, you need to chop them up more. You need to chop up the broccoli more, because then you're getting more broccoli than beef, which we all know that's going to happen anyway. But it also makes it hard to eat, and the serving, you get more broccoli than you do beef.
Starting point is 01:06:03 You know, and I'm going to take the fall for some of this here, because you asked for more broccoli. I asked for more broccoli. They know me, the veggie main. When I ordered it, I got a medium-low main for you. Well, you can go over everything that we got. We got a medium-low main. Then we got the entrees were all small.
Starting point is 01:06:23 We got three small ones, and the small sizes were small. It is a petite. They're open. But these are perfect. Were they perfect? No, they're perfect. But actually, because I looked to see which one was which, and I saw the broccoli one, I was like,
Starting point is 01:06:36 I was like, there's so much broccoli in this tiny container. And I love, like I said, I love broccoli, but it's this thing where a lot of times when you throw in vegetables into a lot of dishes, they don't chop them up as finely as they could. Yeah. And also, it makes it hard to eat, especially with like plastic utensils.
Starting point is 01:06:51 So like a lot of, you know, like, I have broken forks trying to grab the broccoli. If it's too crisp, it's hard to spear, yeah. So the beef and broccoli was really good. I actually, you know, the broccoli was, it's a lot of broccoli, so I didn't finish all of it. But the walnut shrimp I finished pretty much, it has, I want to say it's, well, it's walnut shrimp,
Starting point is 01:07:10 so it has walnuts and it's like a coated shrimp. What I like about it is that it's sweet. So you can part, like you can pair it with something that's tangier, because then you get kind of like a, it's kind of like you're making your own makeshift sweet and sour chicken in a way. Right. You know, you get like different flavors.
Starting point is 01:07:25 So the walnut shrimp is really good, but like I said, it's a dollar extra. So if you want to splurge a panda, this is what you do. Yeah. And you know, and then I got the orange chicken, right? Or was it? Yeah, orange chicken. Yeah, the orange chicken.
Starting point is 01:07:37 Orange chicken is always safe. That one I usually eat last because it's so common. Yeah. That I save that one for last. It's kind of, I have rules when I eat, you know? So it's, and each certain dishes have their own process. So like for me, with Chinese, I eat what I like the most first and then I go down like to what's more common.
Starting point is 01:08:02 Because I usually don't eat everything that I, you know, that I order. I saved my last bite. I try to save a piece of orange chicken just because I love it. So it's like one of my favorites. But you're right. It is the most common one. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:13 It's like you can get it anywhere, you know? But you know, but then it's like weird because then I love Neapolitan ice cream. And when I eat Neapolitan ice cream, I save chocolate to the end because it's my favorite. Yeah. So like I eat strawberry first because I'm like, okay, I like you.
Starting point is 01:08:27 Let's get you over with vanilla. Okay. Like your vanilla. And then I'm like, oh, hey, hold on chocolate. Looks like we're by ourselves. You know, so, you know, so, you know. But yeah, the orange chicken is good. Everything seemed, you know, this is what I like about it.
Starting point is 01:08:44 Consistency. You can go mostly to any city that has a pan express. Yes. And it'll always taste the same. So if you travel a lot and you don't know where to go, you always go to the safeties because you know what to get. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:56 It is very consistent. And I think that's a big, that's a big thing in the flavor. Just real quick because you mentioned the honey walnut shrimp. It is, it's tempura battered shrimp, walk toss and a honey sauce and topped with glazed walnuts. That's the menu description. A lot of sweet stuff on their menu. That is an element.
Starting point is 01:09:11 I mean, this place is not healthy. It's not healthy at all. It's very far from healthy. No. Yeah. And Mitch, what was your meal? I went last night. I got myself the vegetable spring rolls, which I love.
Starting point is 01:09:25 I think they're really good. They do good. Yeah, they do a good. They do get a girl. They do get spring roll there. And I ate with my buddies Paul Rust and Leslie are how fun. Yeah. So that so I got them some spring rolls.
Starting point is 01:09:36 And then I then I also got a chicken egg roll little love reunion and a panda express. It certainly was season four in the works where it takes place at Panda Express. All right. It's like a bottle season. Okay, sure. The answer is no.
Starting point is 01:09:55 So I got the veggie spring rolls with that sweet and sour sauce. The sweet and sour sauce is nice. Yeah, it's kind of a no. I wish they just had packets of it, but I guess it is kind of warm when they give it to you, right? I feel like it's easier for dip and two. Yeah, you're right.
Starting point is 01:10:07 You're right. It's just I just always almost forget it. It's your sipping Jesus sweet and sour martini that whiger has in front of them right now. So I got the veggie spring rolls the chicken egg roll the veggie spring rolls. I love the chicken egg roll was okay. Yeah, not bad.
Starting point is 01:10:27 Still tasty, but just just like I would do the veggie spring rolls over the chicken egg roll any day then for I did. Is it a bigger plate? Is that the biggest one with three is the bigger play? I got the bigger plate and I got a honey while not shrimp and they just had that. They saw you walk in there like get the big play pieces yet. Look, I wasn't in the Brentwood location.
Starting point is 01:10:50 I was on Sunset Boulevard, the working man's location, which actually it was very surprising because the one in the one up in in Studio City. Yes, which is the one I think we both went to last time or I don't know if we both want to, but it's the it's you know, it's near the birthday and that one is kind of like a little bit more dumpy and it's its own building and it's like its own location, but it's just kind of like a little shittier and then
Starting point is 01:11:17 this one on Sunset. It's like a part of that strip mall there that has like an ono Hawaiian grill. Yes, I know what you mean. Yeah, and and this one is like nice inside. It's it's it's like it's kind of like very it's very cleanly and Sunset Boulevard as you know can be hit or miss right. It can be it can be bad and some of those and so and and and it
Starting point is 01:11:36 it was it's like very nice and cleanly. They're big crowd and right and and the food was coming. They were they were swapping out that orange chicken like crazy. It was and this is like almost 10 p.m. It was like nine fifty or whatever. Yeah, oh yeah. So yeah, it was after after we had finished the premiere thing that we did there.
Starting point is 01:11:52 You know how to end the night with two pounds of Chinese food. Was your shirt tucked or not tucked? Let me tell you after I ate it was not tucked. I think as I was eating it was getting more and more untucked. Um and then I got Nick. I too got the Beijing beef and then what do you think of that? I liked it. I thought it was good.
Starting point is 01:12:13 I didn't realize that it it's good. It is good. It's a little bit more spicy and I'm trying. I try not to do as much spicy stuff, but it's not like so spicy that I would kill you. Yes. And then or you know like make me sick or whatever. If you have digestive issues like you do with spicy foods,
Starting point is 01:12:28 like I was trying not to say but yeah exactly. I'm sorry. I didn't dance around. You said it on the show before. It won't make you shit that bad. This is what Nick basically boiled down here. I wasn't even making that connection and and and then I got that and then I got the I got the orange chicken.
Starting point is 01:12:43 I also got an extra just side of orange chicken for so Paul and Lesky could have some and then I also ate some of that of two of course and then I got a some fried rice. Yeah and then a dipepsi and then today when we got this post made over I got myself a dipepsi. We got an extra order of chow mein because I didn't have the chow main so I had a little a little bit of that. There's still some here Nick if you want.
Starting point is 01:13:02 Yes and then we each had a spring roll and a thing last night that they didn't give me. They gave me they gave us all fortune cookies and I didn't get one last night and we all have a fortune cookie if we want to open it up. Well yeah. Yeah we should we should we should start to get to our final thoughts but before we do that let's open up these fortune and I love by the way. I love the orange chicken of course.
Starting point is 01:13:18 Yeah that's that run. It always the weakest of the bunch to me was the walnut shrimp just because I think this is the thing with Panda Express is just that it all depends on how when that when that when that when that came out. You know what I mean? Absolutely it's all about when right tray came out. So if you if you got a new bowl of orange chicken you're in you're in business if it's if it's like four pieces left they were actually were
Starting point is 01:13:42 like enough that I was like oh she going to give me that and she she waited and gave me she gave me the new order which was great. That's always like the worst moment where you're like oh have I left a good enough impression to where you're going to give me the new food yeah or are we old-fooding it yeah and I think I think that is very true. I think if you're like a rude person or here's that old turns out I just got this absolutely and I got the the fried the fried rice a very unhealthy meal but very a tasty meal.
Starting point is 01:14:10 It's hard it's hard to eat healthy there. Also on that note I did an audible to add some mixed vegetables to mine specifically because they brought a new tray out like as I was waiting in line it's like I'm gonna get some of those fresh vegetables and they were quite good. All right I have opened my fortune. Christella do you have a fortune cookie there? I don't know. Oh there it is right there.
Starting point is 01:14:28 Oh there it is. All right yes I have opened mine up. My fortune says today is your lucky day. Hmm I'm here recording dough boys. I think this is wrong. Does that mean that you're gonna die on the way home? I'm gonna find out the podcast is canceled. Mine says uh-oh a forgotten project will resurface at the perfect moment.
Starting point is 01:14:58 Love season four. I think it's I think it's the dough boys TV show. Oh boy. Oh no. What do you think Mary? No that's terrible. Terrible news. Mine my fortune cookie says be the kind of friend you'd be proud to have.
Starting point is 01:15:17 Lame. Lame. Not a fortune. In bed. Isn't that does that suck though when you get a fortune cookie and the fortune sucks and you're just like what do chores it'll make you a better person. Yours was kind of scolding you. It was kind of telling you how to live back off fortune cooking.
Starting point is 01:15:42 Exactly. Let's get to our final thoughts because Stella here's how this will work. We'll each go around. We'll sort of give our summation of our experiences and your closing argument if you will regarding Panda Express and end by giving it a rating from zero to five forks. You are our guest. We will begin with you. All right.
Starting point is 01:16:02 You guys final thoughts about Panda Express. The express portion was nailed today because it was post-mated. So there was no waiting. So I give it I give it a lot of points for the express part literally. The food was good. Actually it's exactly what I wanted. I will say though that having eaten it though at this moment I realize that Panda Express seems to be like one of those places that I crave.
Starting point is 01:16:32 And then once I eat it I don't know if it was worth getting it. So it's that thing where like the excitement coming up like oh I'm going to get it is kind of cool and then once you have it you realize I feel the same way every time I eat it. So I think you know and I drank water with it. I didn't have soda with it and which you know overall I think that Chinese food should be maybe had with something bubbly like a carbonated like a club soda or something. So overall I think it's dependable.
Starting point is 01:17:07 It's good. If you want a fast food version of Chinese yes from zero to five I would give it three forks because right now post meal I'm like hmm okay it's one of those meals I won't remember. The company I'll remember. In a bad way. You didn't let me finish three forks is a good is a good rating and do you know what that's probably what I would have given Panda Express the first time I we went there. But Nick wow what a what a what a quiet getaway Nick sneaking out to get something
Starting point is 01:17:43 and he did a terrible job and he took his machete. He is very much like Jason anyway quiet slow moving does Jason spill a lot of stuff Nick he's gone yeah never mind Nick is a huge spiller is another thing with Nick. Of course he just spilled a little bit he just updated us. Um Jesus Christ he spilled a lot. Oh my god anyway when I was at when I was at Panda Express in my mind I was like this to me a lot of Chipotle's are closing down or like Chipotle is having a tougher time right now and I like we like Chipotle for what it is and when I was in Panda Express
Starting point is 01:18:38 I was like this to me feels more like a like the successful Chipotle like this line where you can pick what you want and you can customize it and and and and it was the Chipotle before Chipotle was Chipotle or whatever and they've kind of like up the restaurant the restaurant I wasn't on sunset was a really nice clean like service where you just went down the line and it was the you know like the like the tri type restaurants that you like they've refurbished some of the stores and yeah and it was it just felt clean it it kind of had that Chipotle vibe but for something that I feel like the product is people is more it may be more unique to people is that this like this fast food of Chinese and Chinese food is easy to get I feel like but like
Starting point is 01:19:20 the consistency like you were saying is just it's it's so huge to have a place that just gets that level a lot of time yes the the walnut shrimp was maybe like just like the the end of the batch and it was like a little like the the the battery-ness of it was kind of falling off or whatever but but it was it was a good meal and I enjoy it and when I talk about east coast Chinese food and I'm like this kind of scratches that itch to me in in a fast food express way that you can does the job it does the it does the job and and and so I'm going hi Nick I'm going for forks for I was like this is what for what it's trying to do yes I don't know it's really it does a good job you know can I just say the Chipotle thing yeah you know what the problem
Starting point is 01:20:07 with Chipotle is I think yeah it's the same ingredients that you get to build in different forms yeah and you don't get that with with like panned express yeah and express each selection is a different it's its own dish which Chipotle it's like meat chicken da da da it's like do you want burrito do you want tacos do you want a bowl like it's the same thing though yeah it's it all it all tastes very very similar feels very same whether you're gonna bowl a salad or a burrito or tacos it's it's there's not that much different I agree I agree with that and I think that they've tried to like correct that and I don't and I like Chipotle for what it is too but oh totally I mean again it's one of those things you when you crave it you crave that specific
Starting point is 01:20:45 flavor yeah um yep I uh I really enjoy panned express and I think that it was first of all I kind of like it as a company I like that it you know it's it's uh I like that it's a it's a family that runs it you know a lot of times these these chains get get you know uh turn into these giant faceless corporations here it's the same you know Chinese American family it's it's it's stayed there and that this is something that they've built up and they still continue to oversee um and uh I think it's I like it for that partly for that reason but I also like it for the reasons that were pointed out by Mitch and our guest which is that it is very consistent um and satisfies a craving in a very specific way uh but also I think it tastes pretty darn good like I really like a lot of the food there
Starting point is 01:21:31 and and like as far as fast food places go when you when I when I go to a place that I like when I go to like I go into McDonald's or I'm going to Wendy's or I'm going to Del Taco and I know that I'm going to get a lot of calories in fact I'll probably go to Del Taco tonight I know that I'm going to get a lot of calories I'm going after the show um the I like I want to get something that I want to make sure that it's worth it and there are times you go to a place and like like for me it's like Burger King is like if I go to Burger King I eat something extremely unhealthy and I don't I don't feel like I got my money's worth here I kind of feel like I do in terms of yes I do have the aspect of I definitely end up with a case of the rumblies after I eat here
Starting point is 01:22:07 because it's just so like like it's so heavy but I do I like I did enjoy the part where it was in my mouth yeah which is like a big part of for me that that's like the whole calculation with with fast food um I did get a little piece of fortune cookie stuck in my throat which I didn't enjoy but I'm gonna I'm gonna blame user error I'm not gonna hold that against Panda Express uh also I got a chocolate chip cookie last night which was weird it's weird they even have it they have chocolate chip cookies they do it's like a chewy chocolate chip cookie I saw it at the register was it good yeah maybe it's just the Brentwood location um so you mean Prada Express it was it was chewy which I liked but it just tasted so like artificial it had so many additives
Starting point is 01:22:49 I just I wasn't super into it but you know whatever who goes to Panda Express to get a cookie that's not a fortune cookie um I'm weirdo I'm with come on my face was on the cookie just for you um I'm with Mitch four forks wow wait I'm the low I gave the lowest you gave the lowest fork rating what is Simon Cowell oh my Nick probably saw him at the Brentwood location last night how you doing Simon they split the cookie yeah I don't care for the Beijing beef all right Simon I know you're sick well you had a restaurant you don't like hey you know what Nick after everything that happened last night with our raccoon there's probably gonna be by the time this episode comes out
Starting point is 01:23:40 there's probably gonna be a raccoon express I'm saying that the raccoon is gonna be so popular oh boy there's gonna be a chain restaurant named after it the global warming connection was less tenuous than that that was more of a stretch you somehow bested yourself that was a review of Panda Express it's time for a regular segment I've got a mystery beverage and Mitch and Cristella must discern what it is it's the Weigar challenge wow Cristella this is in this blue cup for you here that is what I spilled I was trying to prepare this segment and I spilled some on the counter but um so I have given you each a clear bubbly beverage you can describe what you're seeing and smelling and tasting okay I I haven't I I don't want to I don't want to throw stuff out there
Starting point is 01:24:23 but just from the smell of it yes I think that this is some sort of grapefruit soda interesting I'm going to say that it's passion fruit lecroy passion for wow that's a great wow that could be right we have neither of us we haven't tasted yet so we're gonna find out I know I yes no okay that will not be your locked in answer I'll give you a second to taste oh it's a it's a it's a flavored sparkling water for sure and you know what I'm gonna go with grape oh wait there is no grapefruit it's uh oh shit what is it what is that what is the lecroy like orangey like what there's no there's it's not the pat it's not passion fruit fuck I'm not gonna remember the name of it because then they sometimes morph them together like
Starting point is 01:25:11 yeah and rada oh sure um yeah they've got those hybrid flavors you know what I'm gonna say I'm gonna go with a grapefruit perrier wow because that's I I don't know I I think it is that lecroy so if you can guess that lecroy favor you're gonna win because I don't know what I know it's lecroy because I only I really only drink sparkling water it really tastes like lecroy and the the perriers are stronger in flavor oh interesting so yeah so I know it's not perrier because the the flavored perriers are always very like strong well yeah that's specific of a palette for sparkling water yes I don't think I'd be able to tell yeah oh yeah yeah yeah no no well because I drink a lot of them so I I know like I know what I like when I like it right so yes yeah so I'm
Starting point is 01:25:58 gonna say that this is a lecroy I'm gonna guess it's like I'm gonna say it's either like a passion fruit or like or orange wow uh this is very tough because it is the lecroy I was thinking I have a tough I have a split decision oh because it's perrier it is it is a grapefruit or in their parlance pample mousse pample mousse that's what it is a pample mousse lecroy yes you are both correct you got the hey you got it we'll share it we'll share that's the brand and the first ever draw in the white hey that was pretty impressive Nick can you get this out of the fridge at work yeah look I forgot to I forgot to get something for a segment I had you sung wasn't here to help us out so I got something from the fridge at work that was good work though I was good well with that I mean
Starting point is 01:26:48 especially off the bat just you could smell that grapefruit-ness yeah you could tell it's something citrusy yeah something yeah absolutely the the now I hate that I didn't guess the flavor the but I pay I forget pample I know it I know it now you guys got so close you shouldn't beat yourselves up over it this was that was a that was a pretty amazing display but that also if I could think of pample was I would have said pample mousse right just think of that I thought I was being pretty bad as a passion fruit I thought you were when you said that it was when you said that it was lecroy I said perrier just because it's the fun of be chasing a different one but I was like you're a hundred percent right this is the croix it is this and I know I kind of did the like
Starting point is 01:27:27 the croix less I like I'm more I like more perrier well I like yeah I like Perrier too that I think the thing that bothers me about the Perrier's like I actually have a thought about this the Perrier bottles all come in different sizes that don't suit me so you always have either the huge Perrier bottle that one is unwieldy yeah it's just like that's like an effort you're you're working for that it's like you're carrying a 40 around yes it's like you got to pour it out for the homies like every five minutes it's like you're in a snoop dog video I don't think you'd ever be a snoop dog that hey he might unless you're like the silly citizen of Long Beach to make a cameo sipping on every egg you're like the nerdy guy at the beginning was like can you please turn it down
Starting point is 01:28:14 yes yeah and then at the end of the video I get slam dunked into a toilet or he turns into a dog and chases you around just really well what happened he bites my butt and my pants come down it's weird I like Lecroy I'm not gonna let you write the rest of this I like Lecroy because I like the I like the selection of flavors and I drink water pretty quick right so I actually chug a can pretty quick so look the flavor stays with me for as long as I have yeah but then you get the smaller Perrier bottles those go way too quick those are like not enough those little ones yeah yeah the little can the little bottles are terrible for that right and the little cans are terrible too because a it's a can so once you open it
Starting point is 01:29:00 you're you have to drink it it goes flat right away and the serving size is not enough so the Lecroy just seems to be like the perfect amount it's a very Goldilocks when it comes to spark my new thing is this those spin drifts I've been getting we don't have them right now what is that they had just a little bit of real real fruit juice but they're like very very low they're like they're like five calories or they're like super super super low but they're they're sparkling water with reels like they're like the lemon one is one calorie so it's like like it like but like it tastes so much more like you're drinking something more substantial right hey Nick in in the Snoop Dogg video when he morphs down to a dog would you morph down into a minion
Starting point is 01:29:39 and wait who's pulling up to give us a ride Cruz Ramirez the minion in Snoop Dogg as a dog gets inside Cruz Ramirez and drives around that's the video it sounds pretty cool to me oh god over we couldn't work the rights out hey that was the wiger challenge just like a restaurant by your feedback let's open up the feedback today's email comes to us from Michelle B Michelle writes sometimes I like to include my cat if I'm indulging in a guilty pleasure when I am otherwise alone if I want an unhealthy snack I will give my cat her favorite treats if I want to have a beer I will let the cat have some catnip do you do this too what is the cat treat equivalent to fast food cheers
Starting point is 01:30:23 Michelle the human and Chloe the cat and you know what Mitch she included a picture of herself like you're gonna show me and Chloe right here you guys can take a look at that oh that's so very very very adorable pic that's great very very cute there Chloe's the Chloe the cat's looking right into the camera I know that's a good job looks like Chloe's taking the selfie but that's impossible I'm a talking car yeah we haven't told the people that the Cruz Ramirez is an actual car the car is in here so impossible huh Nick oh boy do you Mitch do you do that as a cat owner do you ever like you're you're giving you're having some Taco Bell and you decided to give Wally and Irma some sort of treat
Starting point is 01:31:12 you know I've said this before but the Wally and Irma don't zip my old cat zip yes she used to eat human food all she loved human food rest in peace rest in peace to zip she lived a very long life she lived like 22 years oh wow yeah she was she was when I was like a little kid when I was like we got her when I was four or five she used to follow me around the neighborhood she'd walk around behind like a dog she'd fall she'd follow me around we had great adventures together we had some we had some we had some great time she was a great cat and then Buster too also a great cat she was a little bit more skittish but I loved Buster very much but zip was zip was great and she but she'd always go out your food like if you got a sub or something like she'd like go and
Starting point is 01:31:50 pick at it Wally and Irma not as they'll be interested and they'll come up and sniff it but they'll never try to eat it right they'll they'll they'll never really try to to get at the food interesting yeah so that so I mean but what is the question what is like the catnip for me or something no the idea is like if you if you're having something unhealthy yeah you decide like you know what I'm gonna give my cat something unhealthy to kind of give them a treat as well you know what I do I'll get them I'll get like a regular can of tuna and or a little bowl of milk and they seem to like that a little bit but that's adorable yeah they're good they're good cats they're great cats I love them I love them both I like your softer side I I I I'm only just mean
Starting point is 01:32:30 to Nick the I'm not I'm not a very mean person I mean physically you're all softer side and guess what Wally and Irma like to cuddle up in that soft side adorable but no they they they yeah they don't they don't they don't seem to love or any human food I've gotten so far they they they don't love right and it's almost confusing with me because they are they're always meowing and for a long time it was the temptations and I think that the the temptation is not the the group I don't play the temptations and they like enjoy that I yeah they they always like the the temptations the whisk is temptations oh got it but now they it's them it's been bugging me because they'll come out on the bike and they'll just be meowing
Starting point is 01:33:16 I'm like what do you guys want because I'll put out the temptations yeah and they won't care so I don't know they're they're they're very picky and I don't know what they want right now it's a weird situation with them yeah maybe they just want to make some noise maybe they're talking to me Christella what's your what's your pet situation I don't have pets have you ever had pets I had a dog named executive oh that's a great dog yeah I know right my mom used to feed the dog better than us my mom would buy a 10 pound bag of chicken every week and she would cook the chicken for my dog wow awesome yes like every week that dog was living the highlight like yes loved it love did eat dog food at all no never did just chicken yep wow yeah that's a cool thing
Starting point is 01:33:59 you can match up some really just like beef or chicken into a dog's bowl and my mom used to make chicken salad for it like used to like cook it like take it off the bone and stuff put it like yes like yeah that's amazing yes I love I might dress up as a dog and go I love animals and like my family we love animals and we always treat them like like humans right oh no for sure actually I have a stuffed animal that I used to travel with when I was doing a lot of colleges because I was on the road so much by myself and I started treating it like a real dog and people on instagram started freaking out because I would pose it like a little dog and I'm like oh look booze I'm taking boo for a walk and we got to the point where now uh like the clippers the la clippers yeah boo so
Starting point is 01:34:48 because so like I'll tweet if I don't go to the game I'll tweet about the game and they're like is boo around is boo doing this like even the stuffed animals like I treat like like I treat like a real dog you know like it's just it's a joke and it's kind of like stuck in and I love it but yeah that's amazing yeah chicken how about you uh no I don't have any pets yeah did you ever have pets we had a dog named Daryl growing up I've never heard about Daryl yeah Daryl was a beautiful golden retriever a very very lovely dog did he growl at you every time you came in the house no we got along fine we got along famously but he good evening Daryl and then you go to your room I should have said you had a pet raccoon just to make the midget I thought my global warming
Starting point is 01:35:34 thing was it was was good I like that you're using good in like Beijing beef it was good every way wait so Nick what you said Daryl it's a lovely dog he passed away when I was very young because he was he was like a dog my parents had for for a while and I was the second kid and so I think I was five maybe when he died but I remember I love I love that dog who do you think your parents like better you or Daryl to this day oh Daryl for sure that's that's easy Daryl in a walk Daryl doesn't talk back yeah Daryl went to medical school like we wanted he died when you were young yeah oh that's sad I'm sorry oh yeah you had a he had a good life how many cats have you had I had two I had two at my growing up and then I got then I got these two somehow we're gonna do the golden
Starting point is 01:36:30 paw club I talked to one rescue place and they haven't talked back they they talked back to me but then the end of communication the golden paw club this is our listen to our podcast and decide not they don't want to be we'll find we'll find someone but I think it should by the time this episode's out hopefully it will be in motion this is our our kitten adoption program where every month we'll put up a different kitten and hopefully try to get that adopted or cat adoption it's or cat cat or kitten because sometimes the cats need a home to exactly those you know a nine-year-old cat that could they could just be reaching middle age exactly they can they zip live till she was 22 and Buster was like almost 20 20 as well so hey and senior cats need snuggling to
Starting point is 01:37:12 hey if you have a question comment about the word of Jane residence email us at towboys podcast at or leave us a voicemail at 830 go dough that's 830 4636844 and to get the dough boys double our weekly bonus episode join the golden play club at slash doughboys gets that all out quick cristella lanza wow thank you so much for joining us you're like Casey Casey I can blaze through some coffee you're like one of those guys that like reads all like the fine print in commercial right except I'm unintelligible um do you have anything you would like to plug at this time no I don't have anything I'm off social media I've been off social media for two months now oh wow good for you I decided to actually try to do
Starting point is 01:37:52 to spend the summer living and I've I've never done it so it's interesting it's kind of cool to not have to feel entitled to like post a picture like well not entitled but like you know like it's required right to post a picture or post anything just to keep it current yes I signed off a couple months ago and I love it I'm not doing any I'm writing a book that'll be out next year and I'll do a tour I'll do a nationwide tour to promote the book right well hey that seems like a fantastic thing for your mental health and hey in terms of this episode you won't have a bunch of our fans replying to you saying you were wrong about the walnut shrimp isn't that weird I know it's weird how we live in a time we're like with social media people
Starting point is 01:38:31 that say they like you say that just till I be able to shit on you yeah I love your word you fat piece of shit I thought you liked me and I'll do for this episode of dope boys until next time for the Spoon Man Mike Mitchell I'm Nick Weigar happy eating see ya hey guys you want more dope boys to get the dope boys double or weekly bonus episode join the golden plate club sign up at slash dope boys do it that was a hate gun podcast

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