Doughboys - Papa John's with Lamar Woods

Episode Date: December 13, 2018

Actor and comedian Lamar Woods (New Girl, It's a Party) returns to the show to review a pizza chain whose history has been stained by controversy, Papa John's. Plus, a fan-gifted Minions edition of Sn...ack or Wack.Want more Doughboys? Check out our Patreon!: for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Mixed Lounge in Jeffersonville, Indiana seems like just another unremarkable dive bar in a sleepy Midwest town. But it's actually ground zero for one of those game-changing and controversial chains in contemporary fast food. In 1984, the owner of Mixed Lounge gave his ambitious young son, John Schnatter, permission to bust the wall out of a broom closet and install a used pizza oven. This generous paternal gift of free real estate solved one of the biggest challenges faced by other aspiring small business owners, and Schnatter's closet pizzeria slinging $5 made to order pies became a quick success with local barflies. Schnatter also had the luxury of living rent-free with his parents and so was able to stockpile the
Starting point is 00:00:44 revenue from his fledgling mini pizza parlor so he could open a standalone store next door, where he hit upon one of his key innovations, dip in sauce to liven up the off-discarded pizza crust. With per-store sales numbers that dwarfed nearby chain pizzerias, Schnatter franchised his concept to take them on head-to-head, and within 10 years of starting his business, he had grown his restaurant to over a thousand locations. Yet Schnatter's business acumen was exceeded by his egomania. Not only did he name his chain after his own self-granted nickname, he put his face on pizza boxes and starred in his own commercials, like a wooden, unlikeable Dave Thomas. In the self-mythologizing typical of his type, Schnatter told
Starting point is 00:01:22 in 2014, quote, I am the American Dream, downplaying the enormous advantages that gave him his accelerated start. And naturally, Schnatter, like many quote-unquote self-made men, became an advocate of supply-side tax cuts, slashing social services, and other conservative political causes that grant yet more benefits to wealthy people like him. 2012 was Schnatter's first foray into political hot water, as he publicly railed against Obamacare for forcing businesses like his to pay for employee health care. In 2017, he complained about NFL players protesting police brutality, claiming it hurt his bottom line by driving down football ratings on Sundays, a major day for pizza delivery. This led to him being deposed as
Starting point is 00:02:04 CEO but kept on as chairman. But like with Paula Deen and Hulk Hogan, his most devastating controversy was when the mask came off in a private moment. In mid-2018, it was reported Schnatter used the N-word on a conference call, leading the company to sever ties. Schnatter's status as his brand's IRL mascot made it the most awkward forced exit this side of Jared Fogel, and the company fumbled its handling. Typical of their damage control operation, the chain produced a bizarre self-shaming apology video where plaintive piano played under screencaps of customer tweets that said things like, I'd rather have frozen pizza than racist pizza. But like Subway, the franchise marches on without its departed face and maintains
Starting point is 00:02:42 5,000 locations that employ over 20,000 workers, many of whom, despite its founders' whining, receive company-provided health insurance. And so continues the saga of the once-closet-sized business that John Schnatter started over 30 years ago, with a big handout from his papa. This week on Doughboys, Papa John's. Welcome to Doughboys, the podcast about chain restaurants. I'm Nick Weigher, alongside my co-host, Boston Cream Guy, the Spoon Man, Mike Mitchell. Alright. Mitchell, I picked this one partly because of the note that was sent along. This is from Ashley, whose Twitter handle is at Hot for Hentai. She writes, I thought this was kind of a-
Starting point is 00:03:40 At Hot for Hentai? Look, I don't know what's going on with Ashley. That's her Twitter handle. The four is a number four. She writes, I thought this was kind of a double roast because that Mitch is full of regular cream because he's big, or it could be that he's full of jizz if you feel like going blue. Anyways, I love the show, hashtag burger brigade. So there you go. Oh, jizz. I don't know. I mean, again, you'll have to contact Ashley. Reach out to her on Twitter. You've heard her handle, and I'm sure she can give you some more backstory if you want.
Starting point is 00:04:09 I will tell you that there is no issue that I'm full of jizz. If anything, you're fumes these days. Produce the stuff for God's sake. You like me using Mitch at the top of the show. roastspoonman at is the address. Nick, how are you doing? I'm doing okay. Mitch, I actually have, before you read your drop, before you play your drop, rather, I have a statement I would like to read if that's okay with you. Wow.
Starting point is 00:04:33 So I'm going to read this real quick. This past week, the Doughboys were given the opportunity to appear on a morning network TV show. This proposed appearance conflicted with my existing schedule, so despite Mitch's vigorous protestations, I declined the initial request and asked for more time options, leading to the offer being pulled entirely. I could have just done what you asked and agreed to the appearance immediately and then sorted out my conflict after, but my stubbornness and tunnel vision made me unable to recognize the absurdity of my position. And while this TV appearance may not have been all that important to me personally,
Starting point is 00:05:05 you are my business partner and my friend, so what really matters is that it was important to you and I thoughtlessly hurt your feelings. I don't expect your forgiveness for passing up an opportunity that may not come around again. I just want to tell you that I was wrong and I am sorry and I hope my naturally flat affect and expressionless face don't make this apology seem insincere. I am really trying my best here. Anyway, it doesn't make up for it, but as a peace offering, I bought you a Mario cappy hat you can wear. Wow. Nick, I'm in tears and he got me to cry. I wasn't trying to do that. It just was... Here you go. Here's your cap. I mean, I think it was a beautiful... Oh my God, Nick. If you want to replace your Broadmoor green
Starting point is 00:05:47 golf hat, you and I have that as an option. I don't know how comfortable it is. It might be a little small for your noggin. This is the happiest day of my life. I'm in tears. Nick, I wasn't going to bring it up. You mentioned it was kind of a taboo subject, but I figured I'll make a public atonement for whatever it's worth. I very much appreciate that. At times when we fight, I sometimes get big because that's how I act on the podcast and I'm not trying to hurt your feelings ever. That's the truth. And you are big physically, so that just emphasized. You got me to tear up. I mean, it was beautiful in many ways. I think it's okay. It didn't happen. I mean, look, it might not ever happen, right, and we may not
Starting point is 00:06:42 and we may not. We, you know, we don't... Neither of us wanted to do. It could have been a good thing for us, but it's not a thing that's going to change anything to be fair, but it would be a nice thing to do if it comes up again. Great. If it doesn't, who cares? And I appreciate that. I don't know what to say. It's also it's also okay to for you to care about it. So I don't know. I thought I thought I thought it was. I thought it would be good for maybe for the podcast and I famously load the podcast. So you do. I don't want to do anything that might give it a chance to succeed. Well, and then in scary times like that, you think how much longer will it go on, right? But you know what? I will say this time of year is always tense. Yeah, this time of the
Starting point is 00:07:27 year is always his. It is just with the holidays. Our guest is like, oh, fucking shit. Why am I here with the holidays coming up. We cram a lot and you're you're obviously very upset about the blue wave that took place and I go home from my what you what you call us sabbatical and I know that you and I appreciate that you you you adjust your time so that we can we can record a lot of stuff so I can go home and spend time with my family and I appreciate that very much. You know we we probably both handle things wrong in that instance, but maybe it will still happen. I mean it won't now when they hear this, but I appreciate a nice producer. We spoke to who said that he listens to the show. He's
Starting point is 00:08:13 going to hear all of this Nick. Here's the other thing. Nick wants to get Nick. You make people happy. People laugh at your jokes. Well you want to get out of comedy, which I get. Yeah everyone wants to get out of there. Our guys can probably speak to this too. It's an exhausting thing. You work with people for a really long time and and and and you know maybe maybe there maybe there is no big maybe the reward from this podcast is just doing the podcast. There's no TV show or anything like that down the line and we're okay. I think we're both okay with that now, but it's fun to explore areas like that and see what can happen with it, but I'm also I also get you being completely satisfied with doing it as a podcast itself. I think that's okay. Well
Starting point is 00:08:55 satisfied isn't the right way. We are doing it as a podcast, but you make you make people have you make people happy. That's nice to you to say, but it's true. People people tweet at you and they say that stuff. So it's it's a that's a that's a an important thing that you have to know because you're good at it. A lot of people aren't good at it. There's a lot of people. Wait, I'm confused because you were still looking at me and like well raised your eyebrows a little bit as you said that which is it? Well, I mean there's a market for a what was your spoof a song? All right, that's the condom. I'm drinking. I'm dreaming of a sprite Christmas. I thought that
Starting point is 00:09:41 was good. People like that it was. I'm saying that you're very funny man. I get it, but I and I get not wanting to do stuff. It's good. It's behind us. We put it behind us. We have to put a lot of things behind you when you're in a relationship. A lot of we have to be both with a lot of things behind us. Thank you, Mitch. Thank you for being magnanimous. Thank you for listening. I love you. What am I going to say? I love you too. Yeah. Oh God, you're seems weirder. Yes, I sent that picture of you in the hat to the double. It's chain and susser told me to interrupt and say good thing. Happy was on bowser at the end of the game got him used to so he's saying I have a head like bowser said also a little spoiler for super mario odyssey. If
Starting point is 00:10:25 anyone knows hasn't finished it. That is that is true that we should probably believe that yeah fucked up susser and byger. That was very, very nice of you. You're a good guy. You're a good man. I'll stop talking shit behind your back now. Mitch you should. I took up entirely too much time. Our guest has been waiting patiently. We should play your drop and we here's our drop and we'll go right we'll play the drop and we'll go right into our guest. Sorry to our guest who will introduce on one side. I was about to jump into the shower. I thought I had a little gas and yeah, I shit a little log into my hand. Okay. Disgusting. Wait, what? Disgusting. Into your hand. Did you just say into your hand?
Starting point is 00:11:05 You know, like most people when you have to fart, you put your hand behind your bare ass as a precaution. Please anyway, if you guys are at the meet and greet after the show and want to shake Mitch's hand. That was pretty good actually. Good job by Brad Hill. I know you. I just as he sent a drop for about you song, but this is I've listened to the rebows episode and I wanted to play this drop. Good job, Brad. Well done, Brad. Good work and hey, you know, also has been doing some good work. Our guest, an actor, writer and comedian from New Girl and White Women. His new film, It's a Party is now available on VOD. Lamar Woods is back. Hi Lamar. Hey, what's up? What's up?
Starting point is 00:11:49 How are you everybody? I'm doing good. Thank you for coming here, man. Thanks for having me. Always. Yeah, I love this podcast. It's great. Oh man, thank you. I bless you. You were here for a bizarre exchange between writer and I where my eyes were watering. It was really weird. Sorry. What are they doing? We should have made you watch that. I do have a question though, because I was like trying to understand the conflict. It wasn't the issue was that you responded to the email without consulting. Yeah, I kind of was just sort of like, Hey, this is they were just sort of like, Hey, there's this offer. And I was just basically like, I can't do it. I got this other thing. And then it became a it became a
Starting point is 00:12:27 back and forth where it was like, eventually I was like, Okay, fine. I'll try to reschedule this other thing. But by then it was too late. And I should have I should have just listened to Mitch and been like, I'll just agree to this and figure it out. It would have sucked to go and fly a red hour or whatever. Right now you're talking yourself out. You're talking yourself out. I'm saying I'm saying I'm saying I'm saying I get I get it would have been a pain in the ass to fly right probably would have flown us first class, which we never we never we're plebs. We never do that. I've been yeah, I've done it. I got in business class for a job once. Yeah, they like the union contract required and I flew business class to New York and back and that was
Starting point is 00:13:02 a fucking delight. I felt like yeah, I think they were. I think they definitely would fly your business class. Here's in a and I think they they pay you for a TV appearance. That's the only thing that that like that would right. That's a benefit just in itself. It would have it would have been it would have been a it would have been a pain. But that day that we got into a big fight about it. We got the email at about eight a.m. about even 10 minutes before eight. I was getting an eye exam that day. Oh, yes. So I got they they they they dilated my pupils. So you had those glasses on. I couldn't see. I literally couldn't see. So I called you song you song you you you can you can attest to this. I called you song and I was like yell at Weigar.
Starting point is 00:13:43 Is that true you song because you couldn't see because I couldn't see. I was like text him. Tell him to do it. That was one of the funniest voicemails I've ever gotten and I think my language in the chain was like gentle push to remind you about. That's how you do it. That's how you translate. I couldn't I couldn't see anything. So on top of that I just went. I couldn't do anything right. Yeah. And then I found I had needed glasses and we had a live show that night. We're gonna live shows a fucking mass. This the the last person these weeks. We always are about to end this podcast. Yes. The the the weeks before the holidays because it's insane. Yeah. Yeah. So you you didn't you didn't need glasses before
Starting point is 00:14:21 that. So you need glasses. I need glasses I found out. Yeah. What kind of prescription do you need. I don't know. It's somewhere on the table here. Is it for like are you far-sighted near-sighted. Do you know. It's really weird for you to talk about you can't see with that hat on. I know. It's like two big eyes. I can't see. I can't see it. It's just these eyes there. I got these eyes that make up for my eyes. That's what your eyes looked at. The doctor looked in the thing is like this is what guys look like. This is healthy. If my eyes and these eyes while I got a baby they'd be normal eyes. I feel like that's the midpoint. Yes, we're both ends of the different ends of spectrum. I had an eye exam that day couldn't see anything. Then I went to
Starting point is 00:15:01 the E and T had Irma. We just too much stuff going on. Yeah. The end of the year is too crazy. Yeah. We're going to Phoenix on Thursday for God's sakes. We'll be. This is back in time. You know what? No. This episode will be out the same day we have a Phoenix show. If you're in the Phoenix area and you'd like to come see a Doughboyz live tonight, check it out. Yeah, come by. Where is it again? It was. We moved venues. What did you run the venue? It was at Copper Blues and now is at Stand Up Live which are at the same address. Okay. Literally share the same door. Okay. Same place. All right. Good. Same address. That's good. Copper Blues slash Stand Up Live. Yeah. Go. We said what the chain is, but I don't think we've announced it online even.
Starting point is 00:15:48 No. We announced the Chiba Hut. Oh, Chiba Hut. We were viewing Chiba Hut. If you're in Phoenix, come on out tonight. Lamar, your new movie. It's a party. Party is a setting. I'm curious. What in your mind is the key to a successful party? I ask that as someone who is not much of a party goer. Right. I think one is a good DJ. Because I think the DJ has to know what kind of party they're DJing. And if people want to dance, then they're playing that. Or if it's chill, they're doing that. But I feel like the DJ really sets the vibe of the party. And I think they go wrong when the person who's throwing the party hires the wrong DJ for that kind of party. You know what I'm saying? Do you remember that song, Hey DJ? This is a go. Hey DJ. Keep playing
Starting point is 00:16:40 that song all night on and on. And then the guy goes on and on and on and on and on. Yeah, that song is hot. That song is good. But then also weird advice to keep playing the same song over. Right. To repeat the same song. If people are into it, keep it going. All right. I guess you're right. Or it's just like their song. And the DJ keeps playing that song. I think that's bad advice. Keep getting that Spotify kickback for those extra three cents. Yeah. But that would be, yeah, that wouldn't be good. I think like the DJ in the party in the movie was not a good DJ. Right. And I think that was his, I think that was one of the first issues in the party in the movie was that the DJ didn't know what he was doing. So once you start, when you're
Starting point is 00:17:22 starting from there, you can't really, you know, it's a hard climb to get back up to a good party. Right. We both know we know a DJ. I worked with him for many years. DJ Jeff Dutton. That's my man. That guy has DJed DJed so many of my life events. It's not even funny. He's DJed my 30th birthday party. Wow. He DJed my, I think it was the rap party for the movie. And then he DJed the party we had this weekend, which was the release party for the movie. So he's been a part of this movie in an interesting way. Dutton's been doing this. Dutton, yeah. He's a part of my life. He's a good guy. Dutton rules. He's so cool. I just can't imagine, I can't imagine that. Like, if I had that side of me, can you imagine, like, what, what a different man I would be
Starting point is 00:18:07 if I was DJing cool parties? Completely different man. Dutton, Dutton's fucking rad. I love Dutton. I think he's cool too, but you need to relax. I just would like to be done. You guys are in the same level of, like, you know, just cool. I don't know. If you were, if you pulled up with a laptop and started playing music, I'd be like, cool. That's tight, man. I hope you like the Heroes of Might and Magic soundtrack. But he did, I will say, like, I hadn't seen him in a while. It's been a while since he's DJed. And when I saw him, he did look a slightly cooler than I remembered. And he was up there because I got to the party kind of late. And when he was up there, he was, you know, killing it on there, like really had everybody rocking.
Starting point is 00:18:50 And all these people were kind of up on the balcony and there was a couple of girls up there. And then, you know, there was a sign downstairs. I was like, don't go up there, right? But I'm like, I don't give a fuck. There's my party, right? So I go up there and I'm like, there's girls up here too. And then the bouncer comes and he's like, man, there's a lot of people up there, right? And goes to Jeff and said, he's like, you cool with this man? And Jeff is like, yeah. And I was like, that was cool as fuck. And he just walked in the bouncer walk back away. I was like, oh, hell yeah, man. Fuck that rules. Don't drink fucking nutty professor juice. He's like got the elixir and shit. And he's like, all right, here we go.
Starting point is 00:19:31 I'm going to finish this Mega Man painting I'm doing right now. Drink the fucking cool juice. The first context I ever had for Jeff Dutton was that he was like the guy who built the props for the birthday boys. It's just so like what a like crazy that this guy was like making like a giant pen for a sketch that would be a live at UCB theater. And now he's this fucking cool DJ. Yeah, it's why you're out of your mind. Dutton is great. DJ JD. Look at him. Is that his DJ name? I actually don't know what it is. I have no idea. That's pretty good. Why you're actually I'm impressed. Okay, DJ JD. I'll see what he's probably got a way cooler name already. So like, okay, so Mega Man, DJ, DJ Mega Man. That's great. DJ nutty professor juice.
Starting point is 00:20:19 That would be weird though. Like that's what he needed for to be a DJ. Right. That seems like a lateral. So outside of the outside of the DJ, big part of parties, food and drinks. What are you looking at? What is the what is the food spread? What is the the drink selection? What are you looking at to have an entertaining little chindig? Yes, yes. I think for food, I think you have to have some sort of main course that's like kind of hand kind of food, like chicken wings, I would say, or pizza, or something that's not like you wouldn't use a knife and fork to eat. Right, right. Because that would be kind of tough to, you know, I think people don't really want to do too much work, but they are hungry and it should be something good.
Starting point is 00:21:05 So I would say something like that, like wings or pizza, and then like a veggie platter, there's something to dip, just any, because the whole, I think the food is really there for you to socialize. Sure. And these would be like something you can dip and chew on, but talk to your friend and have a good time, but you're getting some sustenance at the same time. That's what I would say. I've had tacos at parties, I feel like they're always a success. You get someone there who's like got like a little truck they bring or a little cart that that's I love that. That's like a LA thing. For some reason in my head, I'm imagining an Atlanta party, but yeah, in LA, the truck, like if you have a truck at your party, oh, that's great.
Starting point is 00:21:40 Yeah, that's awesome. I love that. Cassidy had a the Kogi truck at his wedding. That was a delight. Yeah, yeah. You were there, right? I was there. All right, yeah. I know we got invited. What's a Kogi truck? What kind of food is that? That's it's it's the like Korean slash Mexican food. It's cool. It's good. It's really, really amazing. It is really good. Yeah, that's the kind of the original truck that kind of popularized the gourmet food truck trend. Right. Yeah, Cassidy and Deanna Russo had that at their wedding. It was great. Yeah, that was really cool. It was awesome. Did they have an in and out truck? They did have an in and out truck. They had both. Yeah, is that the wedding food or was it just there? Like, did they have a wedding dinner?
Starting point is 00:22:22 Like, you know how you have to order like chicken or fish? I think that was kind of it. I think it was kind of like a like a laid back thing like that when there was great. I love that. It was awesome. That's so much better than just like some weird food, right? Like meal that's like not really full. And yeah, it can be bad. Yeah, you know, there's some parties where I won't have any food. Like when the birthday boys used to throw parties out, you were around for some of these, right? Maybe at the tail, maybe at the tail end. But this is when you guys had the five members of your group lived in the same house. Yeah, I never lived there. I'm proud of that fact, but in this in this shitty, shitty house you, you were there. Nick, you've seen the house. It's
Starting point is 00:23:03 I kind of like the house. The house. It was poorly maintained, but it was like a cool. The house has a place in my heart. We went back to that house and it's like a nice family home now. It's right. So like a family lives there now. Yeah, and it's like it's awesome inside. They like changed every thing. They let you in. Well, I didn't go back. You did the figure like you see done in Hanford did go. They they'd knocked on the door like we used to live here and there was like a like a couple or a family there that really they let them in though. Of course I saw the pictures of it. Of course they let Dutton in. Oh my God, really cool. Okay, it was probably like like hey while you're here. Can you give me a little hot wife thing?
Starting point is 00:23:47 Oh my God, I would you let like I understand the idea and theory, but like so if someone came to your house and said that would you let a man? I don't know funny because they would come in and be like this is like shit. This is like a dump now. This is like what happened here. I went to my old. I went. I went back to Ithaca you song who lived in Ithaca went to Cornell. I went to my we went to my old house. I used to live in. We went to my friend's like house where they was a great place and we went. I played bear naked ladies old apartment and we we walked around the house. That's wow and it was and it was it was a great the there were college students in there. So I didn't you didn't feel as weird about being like right. Check it out. I feel like
Starting point is 00:24:28 there's one of those things where like a black dude can't do this because I'm like I don't understand how I go to a house and say I used to live here and they let me in. Like that concept is not like I'm like man. I would love to do that but it's so foreign and that is fucked up. I would gladly if you came and said I used to live in your apartment. Can I check it out? I would say I guess you know what you make a good point. I guess that is if I was alone and like just just one dude came up and was like hey. I used to live in your apartment. Can I come in? I'd be like hmm. This is the same kind of stuff. Sure. Right. Yeah. Like I feel like it's almost better to be with a group of people like hey we used to live here. It's like yeah this whole group
Starting point is 00:25:03 going to jump me. Are there five bad guys together that are going to like kick my ass right now or something? It would also be too such like a it's a very clunky scheme to do like a home invasion robbery. Yeah. I'm going to go and say I used to live here. It's very cartoonish like right. That's how you're going to break in them. Yeah. Exactly. I didn't put any thought into that. Yeah. That is a good point though. It is kind of a it's a strange thing. Right. But they got in there. Also I was going to say I wouldn't eat any food at that party because I would be so afraid of like having to go to the bathroom or something. Right. But blesses sold rest in peace. Harris Whittles. We talked about this before. Yes. He and actually
Starting point is 00:25:47 we talk about on an upcoming episode. He would. I remember he bought a bunch of cheeseburgers McDonald's cheeseburgers for a party when people came over and it just was such a hit and I think that was the first time I saw that move pulled off. Yeah. Right. And that are like the Taco Bell Party Pack. It's like yeah. Yeah. That's a that's a crowd pleaser. Yeah. And that it just people loved it and then our friend Jack Allison. We've mentioned this before but he had a he got a bunch of chicken nuggets and cheeseburgers for McDonald's and did a sweet and sour fountain. Oh my god. I do remember that. Awesome. It was the gnarliest thing I've ever seen. What was there coming out of like it was it was like one of those chocolate fountains. Okay. And just with
Starting point is 00:26:28 this sweet and sour sauce like oozing out of it. It was like moving slowly. It was like so it was like too thick for the apparatus and then it was also like congealing a little bit. It was just it was so fucking disgusting. But I do want to say it did work. Yeah. It worked. It worked. It just looked fucking vile. Yeah. Like a thing you should not do. I mean it was not a genius in many ways. I mean it was definitely not as it was not as pretty as chocolate. So you would take your chicken nugget and like sort of put it in there and get a little that. I mean that does seem fun and it was it was fun except it just is like it's like glue almost right. It was right. It was this very slow moving. I feel like like just like picturing like flies and hair in it or something
Starting point is 00:27:12 as it has just attracted right to it or whatever. It's really sticky. I guess any chocolate. I guess any food fountain is kind of is gross anyways. Right. I feel like he just did not get the deposit back on that fountain rental. Yeah. Like they just he owed the full the full balance for that because that thing that must have been gummed up and just ruined. Oh yeah. But yeah that was that was that was like a like a Nick Weigar sock. All right. You're suggesting I'm trying to get refunds on my shoes. You're too soft. Jesus Christ. Lamar you mentioned you're from Atlanta and this is a thing we talked about a little a little bit on your first appearance but I'm curious have you have you been back to to hot Lanna recently and any any good eats
Starting point is 00:28:03 back back over there. Yeah I had to go back over the spring time I went this spring the new thing that I ate it was Mexican food actually which I was like surprised because I never felt like Atlanta had good Mexican food right and we went to this place the name is blanking on me but it was taco something like like one of those like taco mania some kind of thing like that and but it was like a bar and that had really good tacos and like really good Mexican food and I was like you know coming from LA I'm like I was pretty impressed so that was like the new update yeah but everything else is pretty much the same because Atlanta a big a big city and a lot of different cultures and recipes all kind of there's there's there's a lot of stuff like that so that's
Starting point is 00:28:46 I guess that's not it makes sense that there's there's yeah yeah food there well that that's there's a lot more like the there's a Latino influx in a lot of the south I think right like that that population is growing so that would kind of make sense but yeah that that's I mean for someone who's been out in LA and and and yeah and you know enjoyed our Mexican food to it for that testimonial at that place the bus really know what they're doing right Southern California man I mean San Diego when we were down in San Diego I got to give them props there's some great food there they just had the best like burritos and right yeah but you just you I was there last weekend I think I liked it but I still I feel like LA still kind of got it I don't know yeah San Diego
Starting point is 00:29:28 San Diego would be will be they I think I think I think they I think they are very territorial about that right they think that they have the best stuff and it is the way you look at these babies so afraid both me and had we're really staring down the mall right now and like I said the wrong thing I mean I had I went to a Mexican spot it was good I mean it was great I don't even you know whatever it was great but it just it wasn't like I was expecting it to be like blow me away right but I you know LA's Mexican food is great I think I think you have so many options up here and then I think that probably LA's best can go toe-to-toe with San Diego's best I love I love cactus taqueria I love it yeah it's one of my favorite burritos in the world but
Starting point is 00:30:15 man some of those San Diego I mean it is almost even like a different style I feel like but but we don't do we don't do the northern California Chipotle what are the what are those burritos the mission burritos mission burritos yeah we don't we don't do those either but there's something about San Diego burrito that is just it's so unbeatable to me Emma Emma and you song I took you to Juanita's on the trip back from our same for our San Diego show we stopped at Juanita's what did you guys think did you enjoy it it was amazing you song said it was amazing you got some good reviews here a California burrito from there maybe you got to take tell me where to go because hell yeah I was I the people I was
Starting point is 00:30:55 with had never been to San Diego before so we really kind of were just like just guessing right yeah I might need a little a little help with that that one's outside it's an encinitas it's a little bit outside but then also we during our live show we got a couple we got a couple people we all out there favorite San Diego burrito places yeah if you want to you guys can listen to our live San Diego episode and see if you can pick out any of the people randomly shouting from the crowd the names of their favorite Mexican restaurants 16 different restaurants being shouted simultaneously we landed on two there were two that we landed on that people were like yes and I forget one of them was Lolitas a lot of people were advocates
Starting point is 00:31:31 for Lolitas and then the other one kind of sounded similar to that and yeah what it is but yeah no it's but I hey la has great great burritos and what is your feeling of la mexican food in general like you feel pretty good about I think it's great I think I think when I was when I was younger I said this before that yeah the kind of like the most like kind of crazy food or diverse or ethnic food I've ever I had when I was younger was like Mexican food seemed crazy to me when I was when I was a kid Chinese food was was was the more common one but even you know that was kind of like we're having Chinese food and that wasn't like a normal thing but but Quincy has a large Asian population so there was a lot of good Chinese food options
Starting point is 00:32:14 but Mexican food there was only like two restaurants like just a couple restaurants right that I would go to when I was younger and they they're they they're both good I like them I like them both but when I was younger I didn't really even eat it I was almost afraid to eat it right I was like a kid it's like eating sushi or something I'm like what is yeah what is it why does it look like that and that's you know like a little kid you have that right you said you never had those fears right you kind of you kind of were an adventurous young eater to some degree there was certainly food that I found odd but I think that I was I think I was lucky enough to be what cold salad come on bring up this hot salad thing I said cold salad that you
Starting point is 00:32:51 were afraid to eat it I know I know that's implying that hot is how I prefer the temperature of my salads I like a normal cold room temp at best salad I'm like a hot salad room temperature when it's like summertime taking my salads outside eat them in the sun they get some ambient heat no I like a cold salad okay do you think it's because of your like I I grew it like I was like um I didn't eat a lot of foreign food when I was young but I realized when I got older that it was my dad's fault because he doesn't eat any of this stuff oh interesting I was like I was like oh you want he's like what do you want to do when I went you know when I go back to visit him and he'd be like you want you want to get some Chinese food and he'd be like I'm like you're a
Starting point is 00:33:34 grown man yeah but he I guess I realized he never really right liked you know Chinese food or Mexican food or like he really kind of kept it basic but I didn't realize that was affecting how I looked at other food it just shows you how much the world has changed really we're you know like Quincy Massachusetts in 1985 yes it felt like such its own location now the world is opened up and there's the internet and restaurants coming in and out I feel like it just opened up more and and travel open up shows not there's food shows right you know every you know everything yeah we're usually was just the you know the the things you were getting around you when you're right when you're growing up or whatever over the course of my lifetime just to just to you know because you
Starting point is 00:34:16 talk about the sushi example like I feel like I was born in 1980 and I feel like I've witnessed sushi go from like a thing that was used in like a vaguely racist way to make fun of Japanese people and like movies and TV shows and just like what is this they're eating raw fish like okay to something that you can just literally get at Walgreens right and so it's been interesting to see that transition but I think the other thing that's happened is that the the person who considers themself like a a you know a foodie used to be like a gourmet like they were like oh I like to go to the nicest restaurants I go to a place with Michelin stars and nowadays the like the foodie is someone who's like an adventurous eater and they're like oh I'll go some I'll go to this weird
Starting point is 00:34:57 you know I'll go to this little taco truck that's only behind a gas station in this this neighborhood that I don't live in and get some chapelinas it's like it's that it's been interesting to witness that yeah I do you do you have people in your life or do you know people because I do and I mean even to an extent when I was like a boy I was probably closer to this than and but you know that even changed even when I was in middle school and high school but you do you have people that are like well done steak with ketchup like like true right or like I'm not gonna name any names but like I know one of my sister's friends who came out here like we got tacos and she's like I just want like the chicken in the shell I don't want like anything like a and you know that's like
Starting point is 00:35:39 people who are like in their late thirties and stuff like that do you know do you know anyone like that who's like such a plain kind of basic boring eater I do he lives in the white house and I refer to him as the orange buffoon he does like a steak well done he does like a well done steak yeah that is insane it's bananas I used to get I get used to get mine medium well when I was when I was young yeah right and then as time I mean I there was always a thing with my dad that they said he they thought of you if it's cooked more that that helped with like the with heart disease sure yeah I had that saying I would get well done when I was a kid too yeah like I don't know what I was thinking the idea of a well done steak like that sucks I've yeah I've
Starting point is 00:36:23 gotten it by mistake or like I've fucked up cooking and like overcooked the steak before and it's just like it's not like that's just like oh well this expensive piece of right I just wasted but like yeah my steak temp has gradually gone down over the years and I think I eventually where you at now I'm like a medium rare guy how about yourself I'm medium still I had I want to be a medium rare cuz or a medium medium it was right below medium medium rare right yeah medium yeah I would want to be that because that's I feel like the best version of the steak right I tried it I went to a steak uh with a work dinner and it was like we were all eating steak and it was like all these like people who eat steak a lot and they were like you gotta get a
Starting point is 00:36:59 medium rare right so I'm like hell yeah I'm gonna do that shit right I eat it and I swear to God that night I had one I had a meat nightmare I was like like I'm not even bullshitting so I couldn't eat steak for like two months after that wow because it was like I it was like straight up like all right to give you a visual it's a little disturbing but so imagine that the dream is sort of like flashes of cows being murdered like it was like Jesus it was like it was just like like it was like and it was like blood everywhere and it was just like flashing in my brain and I couldn't sleep and I woke up in like cold sweats and then every time I looked at steak after that I was like I was disgusted wow and then it took me a long time to get back because I love
Starting point is 00:37:42 that's one of my favorite meals right I took me a long time to get back to it but I probably should have just stopped eating me but I had to get back on it yeah so after that I just I stayed with medium right medium from now on but do you think the association like because maybe your meat was bloodier or something yeah but that sort of put that visual in your head I think it was that and you know I think it was also I ate it pretty late oh okay but it was also I think I'm I can't not associate it with it being also more because that was like the first time I got that rare of steak I can't imagine a dream in which like all like the food that I've eaten is like trying to like punish me or yeah that sounds so terrifying it's basically I mean it's not great to bring
Starting point is 00:38:24 him up anymore but it's a Cosby episode wait really he eats food too close to bedtime uh-huh and uh and uh what's this what's his wife's name on the show uh Claire Claire Claire Huckstable she's like you can't eat it that close to bed and then he eats it and then he has like the food is like Muppets basically really yeah yeah it's a one it's an episode that stuck with me how did he get through it oh like he like wakes up when he learns his lesson he's like you can't eat food right for bed like that's like a great story to tell I mean I I mean mine was a Muppets it was definitely traumatic uh murder of animals but I like I I don't know why I mean I feel like you know people say that when you're eating it you're eating like the soul of the
Starting point is 00:39:09 animal you're eating but um I don't know man I can't explain it it was it definitely was real because I remember it as as vivid as I'm looking at you right like I can't forget that and I was like a year ago vegan vegans will roll our eyes of this but Nick and I are animal lovers we feel bad about it we still eat me though right still do it um have you ever driven up to San Francisco before yeah there's a stretch of I I know the bad term for which I won't say here which is a play on Auschwitz you know what I'm talking about Nick where there's tons of cows wait what he just went from Cosby to Auschwitz yeah there's there's there's a place on the way up to San Francisco that's all cows it's like miles oh and yeah I know what you're talking about I haven't
Starting point is 00:39:59 heard the term oh but you don't have to say it I won't know you got it I mean no but maybe maybe should we should we just bleep everything I'm going to say right now yes it's Kaushuitz you've never heard that okay people call it oh that's like a nickname that thing it's a nickname that they've given it I think it's okay for you to say that I don't know how I don't know how offensive that is yeah I mean I think it is offensive but I think it's okay for you to say that you're just saying I'm gonna get in trouble yeah I'm saying it's okay for you to get in trouble I'm not the one who gave it that name yeah but but but there's there's I don't know what I don't know what else it's even called because that's what everyone has always right referred to it as but there's
Starting point is 00:40:35 a stretch on the caliph on the highway when you're going north yeah they've got these like commercial feed lots and these just these cows are just packed in there and there's just like it it doesn't it smells terrible it smells terrible and it also does not look like a pleasant place to live out because that that's the point at which they are really feeding up the cattle the last stretch before they slaughter I think there's like a there's like a huge high percentage of beef in the country comes from that right area and you look out and you just see the you just see like you can just see it from the road you just see yeah these hills of cows yeah they always get scared when I drive down I know what you're talking I feel like I see it when I drove up there but
Starting point is 00:41:15 yeah that's off that yeah that's the oh man I feel like I'm so close to being a vegan I can yeah I'm not there yet because I just love me too much but I could get to change like someone could just quickly change me I'm with you yeah I feel like like it's the the the biggest limiting factor for me right now honestly is the podcast because it's just impossible to review so many of these chains without you know eating is killing us we forget it is killing us it's slowly killing us killing us sometimes not even slow yeah I feel like there's when we do have a big threes like like what we're in right now yeah I told you Nick six weeks ago I was I felt so good right I was feeling on top of stuff and then we just started to push all these together and it's been fucking hard right
Starting point is 00:41:55 you're like traveling the country eating it's not yeah it's fun but it's also in a but it also but it's also a true nightmare it's a nightmare in some ways it is it's homer in hell with the donuts it is it is that exactly yeah yeah it's us getting we get to if you like donuts eat them for the rest of your life or whatever but then we are feeling that now right yeah right yeah well luckily we'll get through the stretch Mitch and then we will go right into the tournament of chompians and marsh oh jeez we get to eat salads yeah I'm with you like it's the animal rights abuses that go on in the agricultural sector they're just like so like like they're they're awful and then you you know you read about it and then especially if you like if you watch video or
Starting point is 00:42:44 anything it's just like it's it's impossible basically to even endure and and yeah so that that is a big thing like I like I guess you could you know I guess there's maybe a happy medium or like an incremental position where you're just eating meat that's from responsible sources right you know but even then that that is like you are you are being complicit in the slaughter of an animal in an animal being killed for you to eat Jesus Christ so I don't know I do I do deal with these horny like sort of like ethical issues of I just like think about them a lot yeah that's just also especially cuz Mitch you and I are like we make money off of this podcast so we are we are like you know I mean like we're benefiting financially but I think you're also you know I think people
Starting point is 00:43:33 have I think the what you eat is a such an intense decision you may I don't know if people are you're like you know well I gotta eat what they just ate you know I mean or do you feel like people are like eating along with like if sometimes some sometimes they do but we also will try to highlight places that look it's that sort of thing of the the individual yes individuals did individuals choices help yes and these causes but like we've said before it's the system it's the system there's a hundred and there's a hundred companies that are terrible right in the world right and it's and it's hard to change that I mean we're we are we we're part of the system I guess in a way yeah but what can you do I don't know what are we supposed to do yeah you're right let's get Taco Bell
Starting point is 00:44:18 and you know what adding to that there's some places we go that have some terrible people involved with them and today is one of those places we're dealing with Papa John's very nice transition there Mitch Papa John's pizzeria Lamar thank you for accommodating us and tackling this chain because as we learned you are lactose intolerant yeah that's right um I was thinking about that because I you know my stomach is in so much pain right now oh no wait really yeah but uh because I didn't eat like if the medicine I took the medicine and it's working a little bit and but it's just like you know bubbly but it's all good like I wanted to eat pizza and okay you know when he texted when Mike texted me last night I was like
Starting point is 00:45:05 this is great I haven't had pizza in so long because I really don't eat it right and this would be a great reason to do it and I just came prepared so you know I'm happy to do it and be a part of it thank you for doing it yeah of course thank you for and I probably should take lactate too I want I want to say to you that when you said I'm lactose intolerant on the coach you song rocked back and forth and put thumbs two thumbs up in the air for no one to see I luckily caught him out of the corner of my he was he was thumbsing up he was giving thumbs up to lactose intolerance yeah because you are you song you are are you as well or lactose intolerant yeah he's yeah
Starting point is 00:45:47 got it really wild like I'm just too much of a rebel though like I just don't want to accept it like yeah I mean part of the other reason I was thinking about going vegan is just like I just can't handle anything anymore I'm like I gotta just stop eating yeah when Nick and I have talked about this a lot the spicy stuff is was this yeah I used to be able to they would give me like the you know like the ghost chili pepper or my friends when we were drinking or whatever they would like a side show they would feed me things and I would it would have I would have no effect on me I would be fine and I could eat the most intense Nick I was more than I was the heat's I was the heat man himself I would eat any yeah what you don't think that's cool
Starting point is 00:46:27 heat man make a man's one of mega man's rivals Dr. Wiley's robot masters Jeff is drawing right now you think it's so cool but the no I would I would eat any spicy food I it didn't even bother me I would have it in three meals a day I didn't yeah here right and then and then I mean just I would just always eat spicy food and then yeah when it turned it turned bad and then like just such a like a drop off and then just where a decline the entire time I can't I can barely do it anymore it's a bummer yeah you seem to have gotten super sensitive to to spicy and it's a stomach issue it's not like it's not your taste buds it's your stomach it's my stomach more so and also I want to say that because even when we ate those peanuts I did oh I did okay
Starting point is 00:47:13 I did okay when we ate the peanuts this was a spicy challenge we did a few episodes ago yeah and but but you know this my stomach did hurt after right for like a day after that and and I used to have stomach issues when I was younger but I feel like when you're younger you just recover from it like out my stomach whatever and then you go this is like I can't go to work and yeah yeah exactly I feel I like get him I'm getting emotional here and you talk because I'm I go I love spice I we I think we might have talked about it before but I'm going through the same thing wow I it's so frustrating like let me just ask you because basically I've been going I've been doing like a little journal and all the spicy shit and seeing where my level
Starting point is 00:47:50 is where I can handle it yeah and the saddest thing to me because you know spicy shit is is spicy is spicy you know what you're gonna get but the one thing that I never thought I'd have to give up was that Wendy's spicy chicken sandwich and I like and I realized this because that to me was never spicy I even clowned my homie in high school because we went to just Wendy's after school one day and he was like eating a spicy chicken sandwich like so slow and I'm like what's your problem he's like it's too spicy and I was like that shit ain't spicy I was like what's wrong with yeah and now I there I was I was I was I was I always love the one friend in a group that's like that's spicy like the guy who can't handle a spicy chicken sandwich
Starting point is 00:48:29 that's a very funny right up to me what's the opposite of a heat seek your neck I'd like a a cold haver hashtag cold power that's just makes people you think of someone who has a cold yeah somebody say let's see a hashtag heat avoider heat avoid you can't you can't handle any spicy hashtag heat avoider heat she how about heat shield oh heat shield there you go has hashtag heat shield if you had a have you've always had if you if you couldn't handle any spice and if you like to play a tank in mmo's hashtag meat shield oh god that's for the you song knows what I'm talking about you song is shaking you said no he reacted better to lactose and and also hashtag for people who like a steak well done hashtag I'm with the buffoon
Starting point is 00:49:19 because I wonder I wonder how many people get the well done steak still yeah catch up that's that's after me spicy chicken sandwich I probably have some distress as nick would say but uh not not not too much you can still get down I can I can still I can still do it I'm like if you eat if I eat any fast food I know that like oh this might yeah be like bad in some way but I can I the spice chicken sandwich thank god it hasn't gotten to that yeah I can't believe it because it's really not that spicy so I was like what is going on but that's but some stuff just will give you a hard time it's like yeah there's some stuff that will be low level heat that will look just for whatever reason won't sit well right right Lamar we've heard we've had some revelations on this
Starting point is 00:50:01 podcast from various guests and I think you saying that you can maybe no longer handle the spicy chicken sandwich from Wendy's is the saddest thing I've ever heard on this show I mean and this I just found this out like this week anyway because I had been you know a couple times I had got I was like I you know it's all good let me get a you know eat this I'm cool all right that was a little bathroom but whatever then I would come back all right all right that time was cool and then it just every time it started just it was happening every time so consistent that I knew it was just over whereas I can't eat this sandwich anymore and it's also my favorite one of my favorite yeah you're saying that's a good reason what are you giggling on the couch about now you laughing at me
Starting point is 00:50:42 you think it's funny I can't eat spicy chicken sandwich number six channel number six on the menu no I said on the way to San Diego to Mitch that I thought that sometimes the the orange chicken from Panda Express was too spicy wow I immediately said like you've never been more wrong in your I ejected this song out of the car with a button shot him in the space we'll take a break way back before Doe Boys welcome back to Doe Boys we're here with Lamar Woods our chain this week Papa John's Mitch over the break you were eyeing your Langers what is that that beverage you have there so my thing now I didn't I didn't like LaCroix I thought it tasted like dry and chemically
Starting point is 00:51:31 or something I didn't like it there were a couple topochikos on the last thing were recorded which I like but I I've settled into this this new thing I do spin drifts I've talked about them a lot which is which is sparkling water with like a little bit of fruit juice they're and they're always like usually like 10 calories or below and they're great I love them I got this Langers one they make a good lime a lime with with sparkling water this one has cucumber lime and mint it's whack I don't like cucumber flavor I don't oh yeah I don't like cucumber flavor I I like a cute like a fresh cucumber water I think yeah I'm okay with that but the artificial flavor they put in that is just not working for you but it says with real it says five percent juice it says with
Starting point is 00:52:16 real fruit juice but it's also a thing that's not supposed to have a lot of juice right it's like yeah very little just to get some sort of taste in there well maybe it's extracting the juice from the cucumber has a different flavor versus like a wet like a little slice of cucumber I wonder if that's what it is I got that yeah but but yeah the artificial like there's a gatorade with cucumber of people some people swear by it yeah I think it tastes fucking nasty I don't know about yeah I wouldn't like something like that yeah it's weird Mitch do you think you're gonna have a dream tonight where a bunch of cucumbers are murdering and I wake up with sticky underwear so Papa John's pizza Lamar what is your what is your experience with Papa John's this is a place
Starting point is 00:53:04 you you've been to with before yes I've been to it I used to get it when I was younger like in high school yeah in college I was I think I was always a little more of a pizza hut person but I would definitely would alternate between pizza hut right and not Domino's because that was the one I didn't go to but it was pizza hut Papa John's usually back and forth I always liked I always thought it was good yeah I liked I was obviously like the garlic dip that they had with it so that you know I had a pretty good experience with it but ultimately I kind of just stopped eating it right they were ahead of the game as far as including a peppercini and a garlic dipping sauce in the box with the pizza that dip and sauce was a game changer which which was which was big
Starting point is 00:53:47 yeah Nick this is funny you and I was similar similarly both Papa John's came into our lives when we were both in college myself at Ithaca and you here in California yeah at UCLA and I was realizing as Lamar was talking I too have like changed pizza chains over the course of my life we were a pizza hut family growing up we were I'm realizing we were very like thermally like firmly ensconced in the Yum Brands world because we were we were a pizza hut and then we were Pepsi as well which is a Yum Brands Taco Bell is Yum Brands I'm not gonna shit on Yum Brands pizza was good but pizza to me was such a sit down it was probably because the the parlor yeah the one that was close wasn't like it was in Quincy Point and it was farther away and it was more of a sit
Starting point is 00:54:33 down right restaurant so we were as far as like pizza places that delivered to you it was it was Domino's there was no Papa John's so yes it was it was Domino's or Papa Geno's which uh which Emma and I are fans of and that but then it was more so just local pizza places right in Regina of course you know I love Regina but that's in town like that would be harder to get or whatever wait you like pizza Regina I don't know if this has come up on the podcast before it's a topic we should explore public public I thought Papa John's tasted good for delivery when I was in college yes this taste and I was and it became kind of like because it was one of the ones that was nearby and at that point Domino's Domino's I think it's funny because
Starting point is 00:55:17 Domino's has come back around and I'm a fan of Domino's and I liked it when I was younger but then when I was in college that was I think it's like reputation was like fucking bad at that point I think Domino's was like yeah yes it was like at one of its low points this is early 2000s before there we need to do better ads yes I was a weird but effective campaign it got people eating Domino's it took the note yeah it is weird how they all kind of just float like they won't go away they just right they fall back and then come back strong I wonder with Burger King is going to have a similar thing we've talked about Burger King on here Burger King has been Burger King is like if there was you know how there's like MBA rankings or
Starting point is 00:55:59 whatever yeah like our rankings power rankings if there was fast food power rankings Burger King would be like one of those it's like the Cleveland Browns or something right like a well you just make sports leagues I know I know I did I'm trying to think I'm trying to think about I couldn't think of an MBA team off the top of my head that was that's been Phoenix Suns we were talking before the podcast Phoenix Suns kind of in the toilet right now sure but you know but like I'm saying like a perennial like but I was saying yes that's why I said Cleveland Browns because the team that's been bad for so right so yeah there isn't I mean like maybe but they're doing a better they're doing better this season the Sacramento Kings are kind of a perennial no
Starting point is 00:56:34 that's I should have thought of that yeah but uh it's it's uh yeah I get exactly what you're saying and that would be a great strategy for Burger King is to like say like okay we're gonna go all in on quality and we're just gonna get better ingredients we're gonna have I almost just said better ingredients better pizza it's the fucking Papa John's tagline it gets in there it's like an earworm but I uh I uh I think I think just maintaining a lot of their restaurants is a lot of it yes yeah yeah get their restaurant quality up get there and get their food quality I'm gonna start using better product and that would help them stand out in this field instead of like everyone is trying to go right it's a race to the bottom for value they should change their fries up because
Starting point is 00:57:11 they did they changed their fries up a couple times before yeah change them up again and make them fucking good you should do it again that's where it all starts you know and it's a good point about just the the rest of the environment of it because I yeah as soon as you said that I just remember the last time I drove by Burger King I'm not kidding I swear to God I'm not making this up I literally end the drive through there was a woman jumping out of the window and just crawling into the drive through window from the car and I'm just like I'm never gonna go there like it's just like I don't understand it's just like just I don't know it's like heroin addicts I don't know what the hell right on it's like crazy in there it's weird that restaurants get reputations for
Starting point is 00:57:51 that but it does happen and look it's it's a tough thing a lot of people who are homeless or live on the streets they don't have places to go but but restaurants do get reputations for that and it's for being in certain areas and more so just for like the quality of the restaurants right that Burger King is just like seen as a toilet it like it's the toilet of restaurant it really is I like could you imagine I just be like I got I'm gonna go to this Burger King get high real quick can you give me a burger while you're at like you're just like I'm gonna be in this Burger King and go get high in there like that's part of their day right it's like part of their you know what I mean it's part of their life I know that yeah you know what I think Nick do you want to do
Starting point is 00:58:33 I'm gonna do I'm gonna go off here for a second I'm maybe no direction this is going I mean of course I'm on the side of the people who who live on the streets it's a it's a very tough life right a lot of it is mental illness and the country can't handle it and it's bad one of the things I think they should do is this is crazy but there should be public restrooms on on our streets I agree they should have public restrooms yeah make but or the you know the restrooms that already exist in a lot of these businesses just make just pass a law that opens them up to people yeah because yeah that's so many it's it's true it is that is tricky but why why aren't there public I'm with you more public restrooms would
Starting point is 00:59:14 be great if there's people who live on the streets then put public restrooms that are accessible to people that can use them right why don't they put like like say like a rest stop right yeah why wouldn't how come you can't have a rest stop just in the city you know what I'm saying like a place where you could just go in and you should be able to that would be great Nick especially you and I who been who have had you know like one of those sweaty race homes oh yeah you're gripping onto the steering wheel for life I've said I've I've spoken on this podcast about my uh quiz nose bathroom emergency where I pulled over to the side of the road and uh walked into a quiz nose and went straight to the bathroom and yeah it's just like sometimes you have those
Starting point is 00:59:54 emergencies that you have to deal with but it's not just for men like us who have bad diets yeah it's for it's for people who might not have easy access to uh to restrooms I think they'll be great nicky as it's for that after you do that that's when most quiz nose restaurants shudder that began the decline yeah uh no no for sure but also you know what and here here's another uh I'm going to take a bite out of people here our country for whatever reason we fuck up public toilets we we people carve things onto the fucking toilet seat they leave fucking shit they leave it a fucking mess they flush paper towels that drives me crazy that's never worked you can't flush a paper towel they leave fucking toilet
Starting point is 01:00:36 paper in the corner of the fucking thing clean the fuck up after yourself it's fucking crazy you should be you should have to wear a diaper if you're caught doing something like that it's fucking insane right yeah I'm with you I think I think they're I think you know respect the facilities that that always drives me nuts when a bathroom is just like blown up traveling overseas it's crazy when you see in other countries that they do do that I don't know what the fuck is wrong with America oh that is weird we're idiots yeah what's why do we do that we suck we're a fucking idiot do you think though because I you know and I'm not at someone who's been overseas but I are you like like what is the how much of that do you think is just like
Starting point is 01:01:15 maybe they've got like you know better facilities management you know what I mean how much you think is people like actually it could be a part of that is it also a part of that I couldn't fit in basically all their stalls so I don't get to see a lot of those places in Italy Jesus Christ I felt like a giant everywhere I went just I will get the oh do you have a bathroom yeah it's back there I would go in and I like was just basically if you open the door it would just be me stuck in there it was I'm saying there's they were tiny as hell mama Mia look at the giant man he is a meatball with legs um speaking of pieces of shit
Starting point is 01:01:57 pump a john himself is an asshole well done well played he's he's I didn't know if you were tossing me an alley up or you were going to slam that home yourself I'm glad I fucking slammed it he's racist and he seems to be he seems to be racist in a way that he seems to be in an un like an unapologetic way like it like when the last blow up happened like you didn't even really hear him like apology it wasn't an apology it was a rationalization he basically said that he his base his defense was that well hey colonel sander said it so I can say it to insane which is bananas michael richards even apologized and he he's a and he's an insane racist i'm saying like you didn't you didn't even apologize like what the what the hell is what's going on here can you
Starting point is 01:02:41 actually i'm actually not familiar so can you remind me what i mean i have to say what he said but what did he he just basically said the n word he said the n word on a conference call yes and then uh and that was like it was like to argue against a like diversity training that was going on it was in that context um and then prior to that he's he was like very very outspoken about the nfl player protest like just like very like right i remember that okay um but yeah the the n word incident was what what pushed him out of the company when in unlike yeah it was a conference call i mean it was insane i mean this this was just a culmination of him being kind of an asshole his politics are very bad and i mean they've been bad for a long time he was like he you know you
Starting point is 01:03:23 know then with obama okay obama care was a big thing he was very pissed about yeah he was pissed off about obama care and he was going to change how much he paid employees because of obama care jesus and it's like also like dude you own one of the fucking you own a billion dollar chain right yeah what are you what are you talking about here like that's so crazy like and then also like his pizza already was we found out today already costs a fucking shit it's very expensive that's why yeah i remember it being i remember that growing up like it was always a slightly more expensive right anyways the guy gets he gets a nick and i have always disliked him he's what i mean he's now out of the industry no longer is involved with his company i gotta say yeah you and i the
Starting point is 01:04:05 people that we haven't liked on this podcast jarrod fogle i was i was something of a focal defender early on i didn't know about the allegations this was prior to the allegation hold on hold on we walk that pack things to make you go that's a big one right there nick wagger you you hate it you always hated i've always hated fogle jarrod fogle puppet john we were we always disliked yes any puzder the ceo of carls jr one of the worst i i didn't like neil degrasse tyson you were redeemed on that i'm redeemed we we've done pretty well who should we curse next yeah um i don't i don't know i don't know what to do with this power i don't know if we can force it i think you just have to hate someone and then organically it kind
Starting point is 01:04:50 of happens are we causing this i think you're just a good judge of character we we we've called some i mean i should stop patting us on the back but we called a few of them right that's all i want to say you also mitch you like just as a rule you hate a lot of things so i think just like you're gonna get some hits you're shooting with a big with a double barreled shotgun you're gonna you're gonna get hit some things with some buckshot bill nye is next so uh so papa john's yeah i had i had appeared in college where i was getting it um uh and then after that i became a domino's guy and that's that's kind of my adult chain pizza now uh so uh today we got a i know we'll say the first thing we dealt we dealt with was a super long delivery
Starting point is 01:05:35 time they're basically our we ordered our pizza an hour an hour in advance of when we needed it you saw what was the final how long how long until finally we ordered off the app which i suggested you song said the delivery time for 230 which is was plenty of time because what time did it get here you song we got like three and what and what time did you put in that order it's like one yeah one o'clock so two hours after put that in that's a lot of lead time i mean he said he said a 230 delivery but still the four with the the only the things i will say because i don't want to impugn the workers at this probably overtaxed hollywood papa john's yeah is that we did have a larger than average order and we also uh uh also it's football sunday
Starting point is 01:06:22 it's end of football sunday so that's a big pizza day um so anyway that that is the thing when when i shit talk yeah puppet john himself yes that when you were that you i just i heard your intro and that's that sort of thing i usually don't listen to them because they're they bore me to death but uh when you were saying today oh it is a place that employees you said 20 000 employees or something like that 20 000 employees across the across the country seems like kind of small now that i think about that it should it feels like there should be more employees but yeah anyways 20 000 employees across the country that had get health care so like you i'm not i'm i'm you're never really rooting for a business to fail no you don't want people to lose jobs right
Starting point is 01:07:03 but but but the the guy was no good and he's he is he is out now yeah he's been forced out i wonder who is the worst person in in chain restaurants now who is like the biggest the hamburgler because he's like just like a traditional bill he's still just out there huh yeah he's getting away with it lock him up come on the chick-fil-a guy maybe oh chick-fil-a guys yeah dan kathy yeah he's a little bit of a problem um all right so uh so uh but it took us a long time uh those caveats aside here are the here is what the rundown i'll start with our pizzas then we can talk about these we got a an original crust spicy italian pizza this is spicy italian sausage and pepperoni we got a uh a double cheeseburger pizza this is beef roma tomatoes and pickles and some
Starting point is 01:07:51 Pete and burger sauce and some burger sauce we got a a pan pepperoni sausage and six cheese three cheese blend parmesan romano cheese sausage pepperoni pan and the pan sauce and then we got a gluten-free crust garden fresh pizza which is onions black olives green peppers mushrooms and roma tomatoes let's start with the pepperoni and sausage duo because we had the the uh original crust spicy italian and the pepperoni sausage and six cheese on the pan which i think i postulate that they forgot an ingredient on the spicy italian well that they just use regular sausage because they taste the same aside from the crust differences um not bad i like not bad but just they tasted the same yeah yeah no they something felt missing from the spicy italian which
Starting point is 01:08:41 seemed which was like a signature classic one yes yeah it was it was it was labeled as one of these special pizzas and it just it just tasted like a pepperon normal pizza a pepperoni and sausage pizza there was nothing special about it um nick i agree with you i think i think yeah i think that they just forgot to do something i think they just made two of the same pizzas which which crust did you guys prefer i i preferred the pan pizza which i when i get domino's i got the pan pizza um and i thought the pan pizza crust was a little bit better right i like the pan pizza too and yeah the crust on the spicy italian it was it also not helping the spicy italian just maybe was the worst pizza yeah oddly it seems like it should be good like like i just
Starting point is 01:09:23 feel like it was poorly that one was maybe poorly made yeah there was something weird about it yeah it just was it just didn't look like i mean not that food looks like the pictures but when i looked at it on the menu i definitely did not it did not look like it did not yeah exactly um yeah i agree with you guys on the pan crust being a little bit better it also felt like that that original crust spicy italian was maybe a little undercooked it felt that the dough was like just didn't have a lot of of texture on the bottom was kind of soft and soggy um as opposed to the for the pan or for the regular the regular i meant i'm sorry um but but i will i will say that the pan i liked more but the pan was very saucy right and i was kind of like i wasn't i think the domino's
Starting point is 01:10:03 pan is way way better those two which were honestly for me we're supposed to be the two that were like these two will be good right yeah we're not good they were kind of disappointing they were disappointing yeah they have i don't know what the pan sauce is they include in the pan pizza but they throw in some extra sauce i don't know if it's a thicker heartier sauce or whatever but yeah that is that is a a strong element um uh so the uh the uh double cheeseburger also on the regular crust um i was i was expecting this to be disgusting this room like like like on the surface this reminded me of the worst appetizer i ever had a chain restaurant which was benign's um cheeseburger egg rolls which were fucking they were so gnarly they were like they they they were it was like a
Starting point is 01:10:48 little nugget of of ground beef and then like some thousand island sauce and like pickles in like a like a wonton wrapper and deep fried but they just it just did not work like every element was low quality and it tasted terrible i think there was some american cheese in there too it was fucking awful and i thought this was going to be on that level of just like terrible like dare food this is pretty good like it wasn't bad the pickles kind of worked i wish i i didn't eat that i didn't eat it for the sake of reason i just figured i wouldn't like it yeah why i should i should probably go get some well you have a lactose intolerance like why take that chance you know like why i don't know why i keep eating more pieces i should stop i was fine with it i did
Starting point is 01:11:30 think it was probably better than the other two slices but i was just you did or didn't think i know i'm saying i did yeah i think it was a little better yeah but i was just i was just kind of like it's it's good enough not mind blowing yeah it's the it's the you know whatever it that because we had such low expectations it was able to to exceed that bar and and it was like oh this is fine this is an okay slice of pizza eat um and then we also had the gluten free crust garden fresh uh that i thought was well i you guys remark the the crust was better than you'd expect from right gluten free label yeah i i actually this ended up being one of my favorite slices of the bunch right uh the gluten free crust didn't bother me too much i think because it was
Starting point is 01:12:12 like a good amount of vegetables and the cheese on top of it i i agree i was really surprised that that was the pizza i like the most yeah i'm i i'm wondering if it's because of my at my palate has changed like i wonder if i was like a kid would i say that yeah but i definitely was like happy with that with that one the most i was too it had a nice crunch to it i think that if you were really looking to taste that gluten free crust you maybe yeah be disappointed but i i didn't it didn't bug me too much well yeah i don't i don't know how much people like like even want like a gluten free flavor they usually just want it to seem as much like the real thing as possible and i think this came pretty close it was like a thin it tasted like just like a normal thin crust
Starting point is 01:12:48 pizza um i really like a veggie pizza you know it's it's it's like again like as a kid i'd be like no fucking way do i want to have all this this shit on a pizza but as an adult yeah it's it's guys i guess this is growing up yeah i guess we're changing i agree is that what it looks like i learned he learned to that today papa johns is a racist i just supported this race and like i don't know why i told me this shit i got all that shit i got lactose intolerant killing the black man is dying the black man is dying from milk he's out here saying the right the racist man basically gave you a bunch of milk it is it is it is fucked up he's trying to kill me i didn't know i didn't realize that you didn't
Starting point is 01:13:32 know that we would have given you i didn't know that i mean i guess i when you said it i was like oh yeah when you first said right he's you know he's a bad guy but i i didn't know he said the n-word one i didn't i just thought it was like more political right but um you know my stomach's upset from them cheese and also just racially upset right now but it's all good i ain't trippin i'm you know it's all good it's just pizza let us know if you have any papa john related nightmare um and we'll we'll start a go fund this yeah see that guy that that would be a nightmare for sure yeah uh see i mean he looks like a melting wax figure he is like he already has like kind of a nightmarish west craven uh appearance just from all this botched plastic surgery see him
Starting point is 01:14:14 on the sun still i'm thinking of the old so when i was growing it was the old papa john yeah and then the sun is this the guy or is this the sun is still is he still involved i'm pretty sure the sun is the guy you're thinking of with the black hair yes yeah with the dye job because yeah he seems like a dirt bad i mean i always i never liked that motherfucker this guy yeah he just looks he doesn't look like have a face you can trust yeah that guy yeah he looks like uh you know he looks like a con artist that's right okay and then the old his dad i guess i'm assuming he's probably he's probably a bad guy too yeah he's gone he's he's up i think so right nick the his dad helped him start his business i'm not sure what his dad's involvement is or if he's even still alive
Starting point is 01:14:55 you know what i've seen papa john running out into the field with patin manning after they won and people still like patin more than fucking brady for god's sake well brady's no angel oh god they both had their problems hey i'm gonna i'm gonna say emma what did you what i think you didn't like the vegetable pizza am i right with that you threw it on the ground i party fell when i dropped emma i shouldn't have pointed this house now i feel bad i thought it was just fun because who cares the one that we like the most turn up to be the one we like the most but when there was a party foul i fell to the ground right only half of it hit the floor it was saved half of it was saved and we all said good yeah we were like good the gluten one fell to
Starting point is 01:15:39 the floor we don't care turned out to be like one of the best ones weirdly it worked well the composition of ingredients yeah this this floor pie ended up working out all right thanks y'all question yes the the garlic sauce do y'all feel like it's thicker than i i feel like when i was younger it it was a much thinner sauce but this feels a lot yours looks it feels thick is that is that the is that the garlic that is the garlic sauce weird i had the same observation with my own little uh little dip in cup it feels mine looks yeah that's what it used to look that's what it said looked like mine was a little thicker i wonder if it's if it's just like maybe they're at different temperatures different temperatures yeah if it was like in the fridge maybe like close
Starting point is 01:16:20 to the the freezer section it can jeal a little bit i don't know um but yeah i i i did feel like that said that that texture that the composition that was i'm gonna say the the sauces i had the buff i had the buffalo the ranch uh-huh in the garlic sauce i do like the garlic sauce i think it is garlic sauce is good yeah it's fun to dip your your your crust in there i also had a half of pepper chine or what is it called not pepper and chine yeah it is okay um or i got the other word i'm thinking of has been in a pepper but it is pepper chine and i and i had half of that that will maybe cause me issues later yeah that to me is kind of ingrained in my mind too as far as the pop of the papa john thing it's a nice little a little toss in in the box yeah you take
Starting point is 01:17:00 a little bite of it you have a bite of pizza it's nice we'll get to the dip and sauce in one second we maybe we talk about them in context of the uh the buffalo chicken poppers which we got i thought those were fine they were like not bad like i i like a bone in lemar where are you on wings you like a bone in you're like a boneless way i like a bone in always yeah i agree i like a bone in wing in general even though the boneless ones are easier to eat i'm going to show you some good boneless wings when we go to boston i promise you i would love there was nothing more i would love i believe i have some good i believe that they're out there they're out there they're good there's there's really really good ones i know i know i know people give a in bar pizza to
Starting point is 01:17:38 nick i'm talking about this with with boston bar pizza in in a in like a good buffle a boneless buffalo wing uh you're you're gonna you're gonna like it you're gonna you're gonna you're gonna enjoy you i'll i'll show you i won't even talk about too much you'll just see i can completely believe that i will enjoy eating some pizza and wings i am just that is not hard to convince me of new york and had wings there i haven't i haven't the the anchor the anchor bar i believe is the one that that claims to have created the or had the first wing the first buffalo wings i haven't been no i've had buffalo wings in buffalo but but i had a buffalo bills game oh okay yeah they just call them chicken wings up there right they should call them buffalo wings it's it's like it interesting
Starting point is 01:18:16 may make sense because it's like they're why would they say where they're from they were the people in buffalo were so nice yeah i got buffalo wings and i was walking by people in the row and they're like those look good like they were very very nice about oh my experience at when i went to see a bills game was was nice they weren't even pulling the patriots i was rooting for the bills so aren't these the that but these are like the same people i see videos of like guy getting suplexed into a flaming like table in the parking lot they do table diving or something yeah i don't know if that's the right name for it but they bills fans like it when they're in the parking lot they like dive through their tables so they're wholesome they're also out of their minds they live up in
Starting point is 01:18:50 buffalo new york yeah i mean i don't blame them i would do the same thing um so i thought those chicken poppers they had like a little breading on them you know they were like chunk sized as as chicken wings often are they weren't bad you know as is that they were there were a chunk from the goonies and chunk from the goonies now as we talked about before he's a successful hollywood lawyer hollywood slay is he's a slim hollywood lawyer yeah a slender guy oh shit you made me see them i'm sure you made you he's he's around he's like i think he reps comedy people so doing very well for real name uh i forget robert or something i forget uh robert chunkston it's weird weird
Starting point is 01:19:32 though as part of his name that's crazy chunkston and sloth that's the that's the that's the law firm sloth is in there also one of the fratellis just one of them chunks and sloth and for tell yeah a fratelli uh so the uh the the poppers i i thought you know they were they were fine you know they weren't too oily um they almost reminded me of they if a movie theater served buffalo yeah you're right yeah they're kind of amc dine-in theater tier food yeah they were fine they're fine i thought they were i thought the buffalo uh dip and sauce worked a little bit better than because they didn't have a lot of flavor to them yeah they really needed the buffalo sauce gave it a little bit something versus the the the blue cheese which i also tried it with i thought was just like it
Starting point is 01:20:15 was just like dipping an unseasoned piece of chicken in a blue cheese dressing it didn't really do a lot for me yeah i don't know mar what did you think of those uh those chicken bites i did not like them at that much but yeah i do agree with the sauce that the sauce was like it was a good add on to what it what it was but it just really tasted like the type of chicken nuggets you would like bring out the freezer and throw in an oven yeah so i was just like i don't know it just wasn't it just didn't seem like something that anyone should pay for yeah i did not like that yeah yeah no i get you i don't think their chicken products are very good over at papa john's and they stick to pizza um the garden salad they forgot uh and the um they they to be fair they
Starting point is 01:20:52 said they didn't have it oh they didn't have it all right you song he's they couldn't make it well you know what now it just seems like they did for that sounds like a lie yeah what does that mean we couldn't make it so they got to the counter we're like uh we can't do that we don't have a bowl you song fell for a hook line and sinker you song you fool um and then we uh we couldn't do it sorry we couldn't do the salad we just couldn't do it we have the ability to but we couldn't we didn't have we couldn't make ourselves do it because we didn't want to um so we did get the six cheese cheese sticks which if they're fine i thought they were good yeah they're all right i mean the one of the better things them the appropriately cheesy
Starting point is 01:21:44 with the marinara sauce the sauce the sauce was nice the warm air was nice yeah lamara someone with a with a lactose intolerant were the were those worth the cheese oh i didn't even go to it i was just looking at it with a lot of cheese yeah i was like this is all cheese yeah so unfortunately i didn't i didn't take part in that um i don't i thought they were fine i don't think i don't know if there's a reason to get them over just getting a pizza and then the cinnamon pull apart because it's just different a different form of of starch and cheese the cinnamon pull apart was the dessert and that was just like what i didn't know how to eat it yeah it was like reaching into one big cinnabon to try to grab a chunk it was just so like sloppy it was it was it was
Starting point is 01:22:23 another thing too was pretty dry it was dry it was it was it was it was sloppy but also then too dry it was it was just kind of that was just a fucking mess in the presentation was kind of strange like you like you saw when soon as i saw it i had to go what is that yeah i just didn't know what it was i didn't know if it was he said it was a dessert yeah and now that you know that's not what it doesn't know it doesn't like doesn't let it at all yeah it looks kind of like a brown heap yeah and it's like all right well but you know what we had their cookie before when we were doing the the last tournament champions and with the cookie we enjoyed the cookie was not bad the cookie was not bad and this this was this was not good though yeah like the dryness was a big
Starting point is 01:23:01 problem you know you want your cinnamon rolls to be gooey gooey so soft and chewy and this is just didn't have that element gross it's fucking gross so the so uh of the dipping sauces i'll just i'll just run through them real quick if you guys have any thoughts but i'll just i'll just give the roster of dipping sauces they have there garlic dipping we touched on pizza dipping ranch dipping blue cheese dipping buffalo hot dipping barbecue dipping honey mustard dipping and cheese dipping i didn't try a lot of these the ones i tried i like the buffalo and i uh the blue cheese was fine the mara the mara still grossed out by your ooey gooey so soft and chewy line i hope you don't have a cinnamon roll related nightmare um the uh the car like dip in is the standout that's the reason to get a dip in
Starting point is 01:23:43 sauce at papa john's in fact i think that's maybe they're like killer app if you will it's their killer their their their thing that that kind of the hook of papa john's to me um what'd you guys think any any dip in sauce takeaways i'm actually just stick with garlic this time i'd end the buffalo sauce yeah that was the two i'm still i'm a little disappointed at my sauce the garlic sauce is too thick uh yeah you're you got a bad garlic sauce yeah i the buffalo sauce was great though i love i love that how i did the pizza in there a couple times too which was great yeah how are they fucking up that garlic like that's their thing that's their whole yeah everything they have to get that right because they have so many of them a day i think you're right there's just
Starting point is 01:24:18 some of them that are in the back of the fridge and they're congealed more and they and they they didn't heat up or whatever and that was that's the issue but how often you get like a bad batch of fries from mcdonald's it happens but it's not like a like i feel like papa john's this was two out of three we're like just like off and like that should be that should be a thing that they get right because that's like one thing they're known for yeah kind of a disappointment um it's any dip in any straight dip in sauce i did the marinara warm marinara for the bread stick which i thought was good i did the ranch and the buffalo for the little nuggets i thought they were both good you know adequate they taste like anywhere else and then the garlic my garlic was good and it
Starting point is 01:24:52 and it is better than it that that is a standard i'll give it to them the garlic they have a nice little side garlic dip in sauce if it isn't fucked up like your guys right which sucks well that was everything that we ate we struggle with the delivery time lamar and i lamar and i also had crushed orange sodas oh yes you guys got yellowed soda delivered to you which was one of my favorite things of the meal yeah it was refreshing so great yeah i love i love an orange soda it was good to have it it's nice that they offer it but that's not a very strong r.e.m song is it orange crush yeah i think so is it about orange crush i have no idea i i don't know i i don't know i don't know either should i look it up on a rap genius rap genius is that the website that breaks down lyrics
Starting point is 01:25:38 oh i never knew what it was called i just google it and then it's probably where it's taking me do you know oh it's just called genius now oh okay i love crush i love the word crush yeah crush yes it's yeah it's a nice childhood word too it is a good song crush sodas a good word rather i like i like orange crush i'm a sunkiest guy mostly but uh but uh orange crush is it's a little bit more like kind of syrupy and thicker but i but i enjoy it every so it's a good soda okay here's what what genius says genius dot com on orange crush the by r.e.m uh i've got my spine i've got my orange crush uh is a reference to agent orange a type of herbicide used in vietnam wow that's what oh my god so much not so not orange very different from yeah to god
Starting point is 01:26:23 jesus wow i i i mean i just know that song i don't i i don't know that song very very well geez i had no idea that's that's more intense than i uh than i thought it was they were got they got deep on the on that one yeah who would think this uh alternative rock song known for their uh politically themed lyrics would write a song about vietnam and not a song about soda i really thought it was just about a sugary non-caffeinated soda uh let's get to our final that's on papa john's so lemar you've you've done the podcast before but just a refresher we will sort of give our closing argument if you will a little summation of our thoughts on this experience and any previous experiences at this chain and then give it a rating from
Starting point is 01:27:06 zero to five forks you're our guest i will begin with you uh well i am i was excited to eat papa john's because i had not had it in a long time and i do feel like um a little disappointed in just everything about it maybe because it's cheese in my stomach hurts but we've disappointed you in your whole day we ruined your day i know that papa john is not associated with you know anymore but it's still upsetting of course so that that upsets me uh the garlic saw the one thing that i was actually yeah looking forward to was that uh i think the best thing out of it was probably um the fact that i'd like the gluten vegetable pizza i thought that was a cool thing and it made me feel like more of an adult and i think i i think that's something
Starting point is 01:27:58 that i can take with me as a learning experience that because i you know i don't think i ever would have ordered that if y'all didn't order it i don't think i would yeah if there was vegan cheese on that thing you would have been you would have been having the most adult kind of a healthy version of pizza that existed really yeah i guess i'm changing just vegetables and vegan cheese this is like that's that show of men of a certain age things are different i don't want it to be this way yeah so this this is like that but are we are we less funny than men of a certain age there's a possibility no that's not true lamar is not we are you and i are we're a hey that was a good cast um uh yeah so uh sorry but please continue
Starting point is 01:28:39 oh no that was it yeah so uh do i i got to give it a rating a fork rating for zero five uh i'd probably give it a two and a half two and a half forks from lamar woods uh mike mitchell go ahead you know i was going to say also if you if you have Spotify the genius lyrics for hey jealousy by the gym blossoms to read just go on and do it and i'll i'll tell you it's just me and betsey and mano on the way down to our show in braille listen yes and we read the facts and it's like a very sad but crazy story and i think with the real life story of that band of the at gym blossoms yeah it's intense it's it's super right it's crazy anyways uh to add more bummer things to the world we need to talk about that um uh better ingredients didn't you didn't show me that today
Starting point is 01:29:28 better pizza hell no i'll eat dominoes over this i mean i i'd like dominoes and when i'm in the mood for dominoes it has that blame when people are like that's like oh taco bell is the best mexican food you can get i'm like no it's like a different thing it's like if you want like a nice gourmet hamburger or you want mcdonald's is what you're craving and with dominoes that is a thing sometimes i want that dominoes pan pizza and i think it's good i want the dominoes thin crust i think it is good uh this isn't better than dominoes this isn't better pizza to me what is it better than what i'm like i'm not going to go out of my way to order papa john's the owner is an asshole he's a he's a dick i mean he he drew like a racist kind of scummy man yes so
Starting point is 01:30:15 he's not one of the many points there they should change the name of the restaurant yeah i mean like also i know like like i right should they should just change it they should name it something else it's tough because brand brand whatever i get branding well no and i i think i mean i think probably you know the the it's it's insane that it's still that is named after this guy but it's it's like it had to be a complete rebrand because both elements of it it's not like pizza hut can just be the you know pizza hut was just the hut for a while yeah they can't do that because they the papa and the johns are both associated with the man so it's like you know what can you do that's tough pop i guess papa's is better than than yeah i take a papa like papa's papa's pizza
Starting point is 01:30:56 yeah papa's pizza you can do papa's anyways i'm i'm not going on my way to get any of this stuff i i don't i don't care for it it ruined my day to lemar i am not happy my stomach hurts to yeah but i got to hang with you guys and that's good for me so that that that was the plus side i'm giving it to nick i'm giving it to forks to for you know what like i said with the employees and stuff i'm glad that an employee some people i'm glad they get health care that's a good thing not everyone but yeah and you know not everyone all right well i'm saying that's a good thing in this in this world to have people employed and getting health care but yeah i just i gotta go i gotta i'm gonna go to i'm going a little lower i probably would give it two point wow i thought
Starting point is 01:31:35 i was being harsh so that's that makes me feel a little i would maybe do i probably would do we'd probably be in the handholding club i probably would do two and a half but i think two is appropriate yeah um i was disappointed by this visit i tried to cut you know i came in with an open mind even though i have i have my problems with papa john as a man uh you know i i i regardless of his presence in the company and he has been you know exiled uh i i still tried to approach this by like okay i just want to just want to taste this food and and and and appreciate it for what it is for what it's trying to do our last visit to papa john's our last couple visits of papa john's mitch when we did it for the pizza for the tournament of chompians
Starting point is 01:32:15 i thought it was not bad like it was like it you know it exceeded my expectations it was better we got it was better i just got a classic plain cheese we got we got a very bad batch today and i think it was mostly a lot of these things i think were just hastily or clumsily assembled you know i'm not blaming the workers who knows that the place is adequately staffed it's certainly a high demand day for pizza uh but the uh you know like the the pizzas that we got did not feel like they were well made um and uh and a lot of the like what you talked about the the better ingredients the signature sort of part of their brand did not feel like the ingredients were high quality at all right i did enjoy the gluten-free crust garden fresh that was a well-executed gluten-free
Starting point is 01:32:54 crust um the sides i thought were all forgettable to bad uh dipping cups they just need to fix their dipping cups uh i don't i i don't know you know i feel like sometimes i'm too i'm too hesitant to say something as a five fork place when it's a five fork place and this is the other direction this was a one fork experience wow i i don't know how i like what if this isn't a one fork experience what is what about this was fun or satisfying we put ourselves and you guys talk about your days being ruined yeah i mean like like we ruined our day for what it wasn't even like a joyous like pizza and pizza experience where we didn't even have those moments where like oh this is great this is glee this is bliss yeah because that's what pizza is like right you and you were
Starting point is 01:33:40 kid and they're saying we're getting pizza tonight everyone's like yeah pizza it's just like it's just not what happened today the kids would not cheer for this no this is hey we're getting pizza oh all right i guess we'll get pizza this is how you punish a little league team take out papa john's i'm still happy that we got to experience it together and uh and i'm really happy to be here i still had i'm having a great time yeah yeah no me too i mean we went through this together this is like if we survived the titanus it's definitely i mean this is the hardest thing i've ever had to do in my life yeah oh nick i was going to say that yeah the thing that you know on this podcast where we talked
Starting point is 01:34:20 about fathers and friends dying the saddest thing you ever heard was someone not being able to eat i stand by that nick uh we talked about this a little bit in the last episode but did you did you there's a there's a scan of my head yes and uh i wondered what you thought of how my skull looked we talked about this on our recent doe boys double episode with joe hartzler can you see how that like can you see that there there's a there's flesh around the skull and how much i'll pass this pass this over to them how much flesh there is around this it is kind of like how much of your head i was wondering what that was i have a i have a normal sized skull in my head you have a normal sized skull inside your gigantic head your gigantic pumpkin size it's it looks your size what the
Starting point is 01:35:05 fuck protected it looks yeah yeah you you've got the you've got the the built-in football helmet you look like you look like if like grimace was wearing like a halloween mask like you just put that you just put the mask from uh from scream on the grimace from this angle it looks like Darth Vader a little bit like from the back right Darth Vader shape that is weird that's pretty cool man that is pretty cool and my brain looks pretty good yeah your brain looks good did you get a casket or how does that how did you go yeah i want yeah i went to an ent and he scanned my head wow he said it was he said he said it looks good in there had to bring in an extra machine hey that was a review of papa john's he said you're funny huh i said yeah he said i can tell from
Starting point is 01:35:52 the brain um uh that was our review of papa john's it's time for a segment we've got a food stuff we're going to decide if it's worth putting in your mouth it's snack or whack and hey we got a special one here mitch uh after our recent brea show which will be released in the main feed sometime in january we met a few fans we met this guy john and um he was very friendly and he brought these minion themed candies that's right uh knowing that i am a fan of kevin and steward and bob and the gang uh and that you and i both like treats so i'm gonna open this up these are banana chocolate minions candies the way i thought you were gonna say it oh sorry banana chocolate chocolate minions candies uh from the and it's mostly japanese writing on here he said he got them
Starting point is 01:36:41 from a japanese store so i'm crinkling a lot apologies for anyone this sounds like an opening these up i like him so not look after you know that papa john's i'm not this is like a dur i'm not looking for there you are a chocolate dessert i'm really curious how these are going to have a little hesitant but i'm excited though you can always just take a little nibble um you don't have to commit to a full bike you song you're very excited about these yeah and there was some sort of hand up oh boy this was quite you song i just i just saw you song get genuinely mad at me for the first time i think i won't say anything else so these look like little troubles i'm gonna use you song you song can explain himself okay john was very very cool and very very nice he stuck around after
Starting point is 01:37:21 to say hi to nick and mitch and then um like uh waited for everyone else to get done so you could come back and get his shirt signed after he got his shirt signed he went to shake nick and mitch's hand and then i like didn't want to assume right because i you don't want to like you know who who do you who do you think you are right just extend your hand for a hand jake and so i think you are shaking so much i didn't know and so i stuck my hand out and like he didn't like this is all my fault but he like i i like didn't pick up any cues that he was like you know going to reciprocate this handshake so i pulled my hand back and then like he put his hand forward and like i didn't notice because i turned around and then by the time that i noticed he started pulling
Starting point is 01:37:56 his hand away and then i couldn't make eye contact like i couldn't make eye contact with him or anyone i've thought about this moment so many times yeah i'm so sorry and didn't you say like you song i'm trying to remember but part of the reason maybe you're peeved at mitch for bringing this up is i think afterwards you turned to the both of us and said no one says a word about this was that was that it yeah immediately a three threatened us yeah um uh it was quite a moment it was you guys recovered and the handshake was shared yeah that's great after i think another failed it was one of your favorite moments i think you anything you've ever seen oh yeah no that was a highlight of the year um but uh these uh so these candies are they've got like a little minion wrap around them which is
Starting point is 01:38:40 a lot of fun i really like the the design on these it's just like yellow with just like the faces of the minions all your friends are there and um and it's like a like a little truffle shaped candy just a just a little half dome uh with just like a little subtle banana flavor i've had one so far i'm gonna i'm probably gonna have another one uh lemar any thoughts on this oh i love it it tastes so good it's uh yeah it's so great and uh like i would also suggest oh if you have it in your mouth still take a little swig of the orange crush and mix it in there i fucking finished it like a fool you want some of my mind doc oh no that's all i'm not gonna i'll take it i want you to feel what i what i'm saying because that should even hide it made it um heightened a little more wow
Starting point is 01:39:19 not too much take a swig for this the second beat of that that little bite you're a hundred percent right wow that really works well together yeah it's like a little that made me feel like a little kid it made it almost like a bubble gum flavor yeah i was like this because it was good already and i was surprised how much it was i guess it was a lot of banana is more banana than i thought but um it was really great i was i was like i was like am i gonna it was this world and you are you're you're a hundred percent right like you know sometimes when someone's like try this and you're like well i didn't say it's anything but that a hundred percent work it really did nick you should you should you should try it yourself all right yeah i gotta i mean i mean i get to
Starting point is 01:39:58 have another minion's candy so i'm gonna pass on that i'm sorry i also got this sip of crush is gonna mean that he's up till four a.m. this doesn't have any caffeine in it um yeah i would say so that sounds like an emphatic snack coming from you lemar yeah uh yeah this is a i really like this i think this is like the the banana flavor is like the the perfect amount the interest banana flavor scares the shit out of me right because it can be it can be done wrong and it can taste very artificial i thought the inside of this was going to be like a gooey like sort of like banana center but it is just kind of solid chocolate with like a subtle banana flavor it works great yeah i'm gonna try this experiment real quick yeah what what are your what are your thoughts mitch i'm gonna i'm
Starting point is 01:40:37 i gotta go uh i'm gonna go snack on these too i i like them i i banana the banana flavor is not my favorite and even besides that i still am giving it a snack which is for me is a lot i also wonder if banana i was talking about this at work the other day if banana flavor is something that as adults we like more yeah i can see that as kids i was not fucking with adults love fucking bananas they it's true my dad loved bananas as you get older i think it's just a thing really i'm gonna eat a fucking banana for breakfast love going my way yeah i got a shit to do i'm a banana day guy at this point in my life they're actually you know i i retract my comment because i took a bite out of this and and there you actually can see the banana filling in here it's just like the
Starting point is 01:41:16 same texture as the chocolate it's not like a what we're waiting on we're waiting on pins and needles about yeah what do you think the orange crush with the banana minions uh treat combined is a dream it is it is fantastic it gave a bubble gum taste it's delicious it's delicious i don't know how it works so well but it's a little magic in your mouth um yeah if you have access to orange soda and these japanese minions treats uh do yourself a favor and combine the two uh definite big snack for me um yeah wow that was that was great john thank you so much for uh for giving us those candies and also for humiliating our producer you suck um good luck in future handshake that was our snack or whack uh just like a restaurant value feedback let's open up the feedback and hey we've
Starting point is 01:42:01 got a voicemail this week let me just cue this up real quick hi guys uh this is andrew from palmyra i was just wondering if you've ever been to a fast food chain works actually faster to get the food inside than going through the drive-through also a co-worker of mine for the salad in the microwave so you're not alone nick bye wow roasted at the end a little hot salad diggie fit in there um uh yeah that's an interesting question by the way we're fine we're fine andrew i'm letting things go um the uh the uh that's an interesting question lamar any any calculation in terms of like uh i'm going inside the restaurant to getting this to go versus i i'm gonna i'm gonna do the drive-through i got i got two off the top of my head okay and guess what they're both so cal favorites
Starting point is 01:42:46 nick one in an out burger if there's a big line you can go in there and you can get a quicker sometimes you can i know that the i know we've talked about this the drive-through line is very efficient it's very efficient it's a very efficient fast food line here's another one and but also sometimes this works out bad as well but for the most part it's uh i think it's i think it's i think it's good is nick your your favorite del taco uh del taco has a line del taco has some of there's some locations that have some of the worst drive-through lines of any fast food restaurant yeah it gets it gets it gets some of the yeah some of the the longest waits it's a it's a certain locations i think are pretty good but there are ones where yeah it can be a quite a
Starting point is 01:43:34 wait for the del taco the one near my house that one's a that one's a mess that's insane i've eaten inside i actually that is a place that is a specific location where i've decided to go inside to uh yeah together i will say that the mcdonald's by my house is a it's just it's just a misdirection because that that that uh that drive-through line will be like snaking outside like out going out the driveway into the street and you'll think oh i'll just park and i'll walk in and it's never faster it's always like like the same amount of time it's just that they they are like you know because i think they just take them they have a they have a system there where they just queue them up with customers as they go and they're just served in order so you can't really skip the line
Starting point is 01:44:13 there lamar eddie um and any thoughts on this particular question i think yeah i there's a mcdonald's by my house is actually opposite yeah there's the drive-through is so slow but if you go if you go inside i i feel like it has something to do with um the way i don't know it's like the way the the drive-through is structured or something like that it's just not it's just not a wait are you talking about the one across from ucb sunset or no no no because that drive-through is fucked up i think a lot of i think it's dry well i don't i'm curious how hard is it making drive-through in l.a. it just seems kind of hard in general but the one i'm talking about is on temple in um alvarado like over in echo park okay that one is like that drive-through is slow as
Starting point is 01:44:51 fuck but i go inside and it's like they're just on it wow i think i don't know maybe it's i think it's the management i think it's just that because actually yeah i think most of the time i i'm the same way when niggas saying but i feel like whenever i go in there that manager is on it but they it seems like she's more on it maybe like she just got a feel for the front end or something she's just really digging that front end part of the right just not fucking with the i don't know you know what i'm saying oh yeah i well i i also i i think that when we were talking about burger king and stuff too i think management is such a big part of that oh sure i'm sure that that del taco man i mean also i think some place some specific places just get swamped because of their location
Starting point is 01:45:33 yeah and they get swamped with drive-through people people are drinking and driving and going through the drive-through it's not a good thing it happens because that went that went by the highway too which i think has something to do with yeah where people are like trying to get get it and go on the highway get home so yeah do you know what you know it's huge by carlson just showed me this nick the mcdonald's app it's a great app it changes the world it will change your mcdonald's world forever natalie has it on the front page of her phone like it's like on like it's like one of the apps that's immediately accessible rightfully so it's just the mcdonald's app you can order you put in your order you have a credit card it just pays
Starting point is 01:46:03 for it they'll leave it bring it out to you or you go to the the fast you go to the the drive through and you say that the number the order number which is a crazy thing because the mcdonald's both of mcdonald's the sunset usb one across from usb and the other sunset one both have that thing where they're like we're only taking cash which is this weird thing right yeah mcdonald's does and then i just this happened to me the last time i went that i had ordered on the app they were like we're only taking cash and i like i have the code and it didn't and it worked still so right it's a the the app is great and that helps you that is great that helps you and you can just customize it it's like the taco bell app which i haven't downloaded but people swear by that too
Starting point is 01:46:44 if anything that maybe that's a good takeaway from this is that in lieu of like oh okay i'm gonna try to go inside or or take the drive through i'm gonna try to figure out what's the fastest route skip it entirely and use the app if available because some of these some of these chains a lot of these chains actually have pretty decent apps at this point in fact including papa john's that was that was maybe one one positive and it's in its favor the app there was no tracker on there all right they need to you know what fuck that app one four um and you know what during this the turn towards the end of this episode i stood up and loosened my belt and no one even commented on i didn't notice it we all just all feel like shit so i guess we're just this we're all fine with
Starting point is 01:47:22 that yeah my belt got too tight over the course of the episode i mean you've been wearing a cappy hat this entire time so it's like it's really like not not the detail that i think we would have focused on fair enough um and by the way we're talking about mcdonald's our review as promised one week away wow look for that before the end of the year will be the guest if you have a question or comment about the world of chain restaurants you need to email us at doughboys podcast at or leave us a voicemail a 830 go dough that's 830 4636844 to get the doughboys double our weekly bonus episode join the golden or platinum plate club at slash doughboys lamar woods thank you so much for being here let everyone know about uh it's a party
Starting point is 01:48:01 uh what the movie is who's in it how they can watch it oh man it's called it's a party it's an indie comedy and it's starring uh some of the funniest comedians in l.a some of them been on this podcast i don't think uh carl tart oh yep uh philagusta jackson has curbie howl baptiste agarwaldo who's now on s s and now now uh tone bell tony beggar is so funny it's one of those movies like wet hot american summer where you're like oh my god all these people are right are hilarious um you can buy it on itunes amazon and google play right now it's right you can literally just type in your apple password and just get it right now like it's happening um and yeah just if you want also you can follow us uh it's a party the film it's um oh yeah i could tell you what it's
Starting point is 01:48:43 about it's about a surprise party for a rapper who never shows up and uh all his unsuccessful friends have to wait for him to get there it's great it's funny it's funny and it's a really fast watch is that it's not that long niggah and i we're we're we're we're gonna check it out uh you graciously uh hooked us up with it and we're gonna we're gonna check it out soon and i'm excited to see it and congratulations congratulations that's awesome amazing cast and you're one of the funniest people so yeah that's great um well check that out check it out and hey that'll do it for this week's episode of dope boys and i'll next time for the spoon around mic michael i'm nick weiger happy eating see ya happy this is a headgum podcast

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