Doughboys - Paris Baguette with Lesley Tsina

Episode Date: November 5, 2020

Lesley Tsina (Community, ThunderCats Roar, Yabba-Dabba Dinosaurs, Restart Me Up) joins the 'boys to talk cats, childhood eats, and Paris Baguette. Plus, the debut of Can I Take Your Order?Sources for ...this week's intro: more Doughboys? Check out our Patreon!: for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 In 2016, the presidency of one of the most economically powerful nations in the world was occupied by the populist far-right head of a prominent family. The president, who'd been criticized by some in their own party for reducing the platform to a little more than that of a personality cult, engaged in numerous transparently corrupt schemes and in 2017, was met with months of protest by outraged citizens and was subsequently impeached by the legislature. That president was Park Dong-hae of the Republic of Korea, better known as South Korea. And unlike in the U.S., President Park, who first took office in 2013, was actually removed
Starting point is 00:00:42 from the presidency in 2017 and subsequently faced criminal charges as citizens and lawmakers refused to normalize her behavior via complacency. The sequence was in character for the still young democracy, officially established in 1948 following a U.S. post-war occupation and which has a history of protest movements leading to transformative changes in its government. In 1987, the student and union-led protests of the so-called June struggle eventually toppled the South Korean government, ushering in a new republic. And one year later, as the summer Olympic Games shown a spotlight on its capital and
Starting point is 00:01:16 largest city, Seoul, in 1988, entrepreneur Heung-In opened the first of what would be many bakery outlets, naming the concept after a European city that was the birthplace of its own revolution. The eatery revolutionized South Korean cuisine in its own way, popularizing bread for the first time among locals and pioneering a style of baking that fused French techniques with Korean flavors. Today, this pastry and coffee shop has over 3,000 restaurants in South Korea and dozens more across Asia, North America, and as of 2014, the French capital that gave it its name.
Starting point is 00:01:50 The deposed President Park is now serving a 25-year prison sentence, a fate unthinkable for a former head of government in the United States, where corrupt proto-fascist Donald Trump will likely evade prosecution, as did war criminal George W. Bush and alleged serial sex offender Bill Clinton. And given South Korea's sustained popular protest movements, its judicial system that actually holds elites accountable, and of course, its effective containment of the COVID-19 outbreak, Americans can now look to the Korean Peninsula with envy to see how a democracy should function, and perhaps how pastries should be prepared.
Starting point is 00:02:24 This week on Doe Boys, Paris Baguette. Welcome to Doe Boys, the podcast about chain restaurants. I'm Nick Weiger, along with my co-host, Mr. Butterworth, the Spoon Man, Mike Mitchell. Mr. Butterworth. The counterpart to Mrs. Butterworth. Yeah. That was sent in by Greg Z. Greg writes, cheers to whoever maintains the fandom, Wiki. I was able to make sure the Simple Roast hadn't been used before.
Starting point is 00:03:08 RoastSpoonMan at if you haven't insult you like me use on Mitch at the top of the show. Simple Roast. Making me hungry. I'd kill for a Simple Roast right now. None of those fancy, deconstructed roasts everyone's doing these days. Give me a straightforward roast that anyone can understand. I'm talking meat and flame.
Starting point is 00:03:31 That's all I need. You trying to season this thing? Get the fuck out of here. Yeah, get the fuck out of the kitchen with your seasonings. Let's kick this guy's ass. I'm spilling my seasonings. Shut up. I mean, I'll give it a sear first to give it some texture.
Starting point is 00:03:51 Get the fuck out of here. We want flame and meat and maybe some sort of stick. Simple Roast, Flintstone style. Nothing fancy. Wikes, were you a Wilma or a Betty fan? Oh, you mean like in terms of who was I horny for? Who were you horny for? I don't really, I didn't necessarily.
Starting point is 00:04:19 Or who do you think was more of a stud? Do you think you were Fred or Barney guy? Barney's kind of dopey, right? Yeah, Barney's kind of dopey. Fred's more of the alpha. See, here's the thing. I think that Barney, when it came down to it, I mean like it's hard to judge which one is a hunk.
Starting point is 00:04:35 The way out of their leagues for their significant others are way out of their leagues. Well, yeah, it's like who's the hunkier honeymooner? It's like, well, neither of them are, they're both supposed to be like, you know, they're both like weird comedic guys, you know, neither of them are hunky, unlike us. So I think the, yeah, I don't know, but I mean of the two of Wilma and Betty, I guess I was probably, I would probably lean Betty, which is maybe the more conventional choice, but that's what I remember from childhood. I'm surprised you didn't say Wilma because you had a name for her, Wilmy, it sounded
Starting point is 00:05:14 like. Okay. That's my pet name for a cartoon character. I'm going Ralph Cramden as the hunkier honeymooner. Yeah, I think Cramden probably, if you had to pick one. What a good name, Cramden. Fantastic name. Barney is kind of dopey, but I feel like Barney would like kick some ass.
Starting point is 00:05:41 I feel like he's like strong. Is this weird to think of? I know he could be, I mean, because his son is Bam Bam, right? Yeah. So he has the strong offspring. Bam Bam seems unnaturally powerful. So I think that Barney would probably also be powerful. That's my guess.
Starting point is 00:06:00 And maybe, you know, he'd have to fly into it to a rage or something, but you wouldn't want to catch him. Hey, just like that show with Doe Boys, it's a living. Mitch, I had a spider scare. Wow. What happened? It's related to this week's restaurant, but- Oh, speaking of which?
Starting point is 00:06:24 Yes. Bonjour to Spoon Nation. All right, go ahead. No, you go. You go. I'll get into the drop in a second. I was, so Natalie warned me there was a spider who built a web on our driver's side mirror. She told me this yesterday.
Starting point is 00:06:50 So you have a spider scare, but you had ample warning. Yeah. No, well, here's the thing. This was yesterday. And I was like, there's no way that spider is still going to be there. I get in the car, I close the door behind me. The spider like crawls into view, like, and he's just hanging on the driver's side mirror for the entire drive.
Starting point is 00:07:11 It's like a 20-minute drive to get to this restaurant, to get to this chain. I pick up the food. I go home. He's hanging on the whole time. He's hanging on for dear life. This is just his spot. Your spider scare is that the spider was outside of the car as you drove? Yeah, he wouldn't go away.
Starting point is 00:07:29 I mean, this is pathetic. Well, I didn't know what to do. You ever have a big-ass bug in your car while you're driving? That is where it's scary. I've had a spider come down on its web from the windshield into my area where I was driving. That is terrifying. That's scary. Jesus.
Starting point is 00:07:48 Yeah, no, I would lose my mind. That's a spider scare. What you told is a story of a heroic spider that held on for his life and made it. He made the entire trip. This spider is cool. Yeah, he does have more ambition and guts than I ever had. Did he bite you at all? Do you feel like you have any powers?
Starting point is 00:08:10 Yeah, I have a spidey sense now. Wow. You can tell when you're about to jack off. Play your drop. All right. Spoon nation. Here's the little drop. Did you like how I said barnshore?
Starting point is 00:08:29 It fits into today's episode, Wags. Yeah. Yeah, you did twice. I liked it. This is Mambo. Number five. Hey, Nick, the Quincy boys were in town. I know.
Starting point is 00:08:40 A little bit. I'm Dano. In my life. A little bit. Scoop. By my side. A little bit. Micus.
Starting point is 00:08:48 All I need. A little bit. Jankton. What I see. A little bit. Let's see. You almost got them all. Fuck.
Starting point is 00:08:56 Is there, is there's a fifth? Yeah. It wasn't Wu-Tang. There's a sixth there. Fuck. There's a fifth and a sixth. It's a red bondy. No.
Starting point is 00:09:04 No. Buxton. Frailbott. Frailbott, of course. All right, long. A little bit. And Wookie was here. Here I am.
Starting point is 00:09:12 A little bit. Mitch. Thanks to your name. It's crazy that Wookie isn't your nickname. There we go, Wags. Lou Vega. Lovely. Lou Vega.
Starting point is 00:09:24 Hey, Mitch. You're going to love this drop, which features all the boys from Quincy. I want to give a shout out to my crew, Maddie, Billy, Ellie, Durkey, Jovi, and Caitlyn. Wow. Follow me on Twitter at Jumbo Dropkick. Wow. Thank you for your service. Crew of their own.
Starting point is 00:09:43 A crew of their own. They sound like a good crew. Thank you for your service, Joe. Joe, good job. Wow. Good job, Joe. I just need to point out that Mitch has 99,420 emails. Yeah, let's not call attention to that.
Starting point is 00:09:56 It's going to give me anxiety. And you know what? They're all from today. Sure they are. I got 99,000 emails today. Good grief. Here's my question about Mambo number five. When's Mambo number six going to come out?
Starting point is 00:10:18 Been waiting 20 years for that thing. I was really trying to like figure out some sort of thing for some like some sort of Flintstone thing that was like your like Jackoff mop that would say, hey, it's a living, but I couldn't really, I couldn't, I couldn't connect the pieces. A Jackoff mop is good enough. That's good enough. Send to Jackoff mop. Mitch, we should introduce our guest.
Starting point is 00:10:44 Oh, she's left. She left. Wait, really? No, I was joking because I was saying that the show is so bad. An accurate from community to writer for Thundercats Roar and Yabba Dabba Dynastores and her book, wrist start me up. The unauthorized, inaccurate oral history. Leslie Zena is here.
Starting point is 00:11:05 Hi Leslie. Hi. How are you doing? Thanks for being here. Thank you for being here Leslie. I'm super psyched. Well, lower those expectations immediately. Yeah, put them in the basement.
Starting point is 00:11:18 All right. So I wanted to ask, I want to start things off because you and Mitch are both, you both have cats. Yes. And I was curious what it's like living with a cat right now. And if you want to tell us a little bit about your feline friend. Well, I am quarantining alone. So my cats are my companions.
Starting point is 00:11:38 Wow. Yeah, it's, it's only a little bit sad though, because, you know, I like it. I have two cats. I have Mr. Peepers, who is currently in studio. Great game. Wow. Yes. He's curled up a little ball in what I, I got a cat bed just for in here.
Starting point is 00:11:57 So he would just leave me alone while I'm working. And he's, today is the first day he's actually stayed in it. Wow. Yeah. And then I have another cat. I have a cat named Mini Pearl. And she is awesome. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:13 Peepers is 17 and a half. So he's an old man. And Mini Pearl is three. And she is a big old tabby. And she's fun. Wow. But yeah. No, I feel like I spend more time petting my cats than I probably spend doing any other activity.
Starting point is 00:12:28 Yeah. I'm with you as someone who is living alone single during the pandemic. Let's just say Wally's lips are a little chapped. I've been kissing them lives. Yeah. My problem is like, I feel like the one thing that's hard is that they nap a lot, which makes me want to nap a lot. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:51 And I've also decided that any cry for attention is now completely valid no matter what I'm doing, which makes life really enjoyable. But it's a lot of just, like you're just a big pile of animals on the surface after a certain point. Yeah. You know, it was kind of embarrassing. I was actually, I was napping more than Wally and Irma at one point. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:13:11 So they joined you instead of the other way around. Yeah. They jostled me awake. They'd nudge me with their paws to wake me up. This isn't real. I think he's dead this time. God, this would be a terrible time to like die single in quarantine. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:29 Oh, man. Well, yeah, because people would be afraid to retrieve your corpse. I'm sure that's happened. Would there be any left though, just because cats will eat you? Cats. So Wally and Irma won't eat me because they love me that much, but I really don't. I also think you'd be a meal that would sustain them for some time. Here's my question to you.
Starting point is 00:13:51 If a guy like me gets mummified, I'm a thick guy. How long until I'm like down to mummy size? You know what I mean? Great question. Are mummies smaller? I don't know. Maybe they are just fat. Are they fat mummies?
Starting point is 00:14:08 I think mummy, I don't know if they're any plump mummies, but I feel like mummies retain a lot of their tissue. It's not like they're just, you take off those bandages and it's just skeleton inside. Or maybe it is. I don't fucking know. But I thought that was the whole thing, that it was kind of an embalming preservation process. Maybe I guess after thousands of years, you're just, you're still skeleton.
Starting point is 00:14:27 There's the soap lady, right? There's at the Mooter Museum in Philadelphia, this woman who basically turned into soap. She sort of self mummified. Wow. What? Yeah. Wait, I need to hear more. That's terrifying.
Starting point is 00:14:41 Let's see. I read about this. It's some book. But yeah, there's a woman who just like the way in which she died, like her fat deposits basically turned into soap and preserved her. Wow. That's like an ironic death in a twilight zone for like someone who's like super hygienic. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:01 She's like, that's how they're punished. Or rewarded actually. Or rewarded. Could I turn into some sort of spicy chicken sandwich? Like for future generations? That's what, when I was younger, they used to say like, you ate so much pizza, you're going to turn into a pizza. I've said this wise to you before.
Starting point is 00:15:24 Yes. And then it kind of sucked when I got acne because I was like, oh. Yeah. You're starting. People call you pizza face. Yeah. Sucked. It was a bummer.
Starting point is 00:15:35 But when I was younger, I was one, my Nana called me the Dorito kid. I ate so much Doritos. I love Doritos. She called me the Dorito kid. Great name. My Nana. My Nana was, she was great. She was funny.
Starting point is 00:15:47 You should be rolling with the Dorito kid over the Spoon Man. You think I should take Dorito kid over Spoon Man? I like Dorito kid. It makes you sound like an outlaw. It is like trademark. That would probably be an issue. It would probably be like Thomas Dolby. You have to pay a little settlement to keep using it.
Starting point is 00:16:04 But I think it's worth it. Dorito kid, bring it back. My Nana, Doris Mitchell. Doris Griffin, I believe. I don't have to go that far back, I guess. I ate Doris Griffin here. Just moved to Quincy from Kuala Lumpur. You think that's bad.
Starting point is 00:16:26 Wait till you see my grandson. I'm the Dorito kid. It's like, oh God, would it be like showdown at the Golden Corral? I'd eat a chip and then get shot to death. Which would not be a bad way to go. I'd love to go out eating chips. Dorito kid and then, I was a pizza guy. I ate so much pizza as a little boy.
Starting point is 00:16:56 I've been trying to figure out, there was a specific pizza I had as a child. I think it was like Pudgies or Piggies, a Piggies pizza. Piggies pizza. Piggies pizza. I can't find it, but it was like one of those pizzas that they made in bars. And one of those custom toaster, like those pizza toaster ovens. Do you remember this? This is like, I feel like an 80s sort of thing.
Starting point is 00:17:20 It might also be more of an East Coast phenomenon, because I'm not as familiar with it. The bar pizza's less of a thing, I feel like, out here at least was. This was, I think it was like Square style, almost like your Iulios. But that was, as a kid, that was it, Wigs. So you were just, were you going to bars as a child, or what was happening? I mean, like when I was with my parents, and you get a Shirley Temple or whatever. A Shirley Temple was also a great drink. You don't get Shirley Temples as much anymore.
Starting point is 00:17:50 Love a Shirley Temple. I don't think I ever had one. Bring them back. You never had a Shirley Temple? No, I don't think so. Oh man, they're good as hell. We were talking about this recently on an episode. Wait, we did this on an episode?
Starting point is 00:18:04 I thought this was off air talk. Wait, was this off air? Maybe it was. Maybe we did talk about Shirley Temples. We talked about dirty Shirley's in the group chat. Oh, that's right. No, this wasn't dirty Shirley's. This was on an episode.
Starting point is 00:18:18 Weigar is too, he has this quizzical look on his face, which is just bad. He's just going to be thinking about this for the next two hours. I believe we brought it up, but we'll find out. People will let us know. Yeah, they'll let us know. It's fine. We can, we talk about the same, we talk about the same shit all the time. We're boring.
Starting point is 00:18:36 I think the only cocktailing I did as a child was Virgin Dacqueries. Those are also great. Weigar is still thinking about it. It's pissing me off. No, we had this discussion. I feel like it might have been off mic. Stop thinking about it. Just don't think like the Simpsons.
Starting point is 00:18:59 Like UCB. Hashtag, hashtag, Shirley, you talked about this before. If we did it on an episode. Or hashtag, Shirley, you didn't. If it was off mic. Were you trying to be like the like, quote, airplane? Oh man, I wish. Oh God.
Starting point is 00:19:25 I didn't think about that. That's a much better joke. It's like one of the best crafted jokes ever. Another thing, another childhood fave, not favorite, but a thing that I would like to have sometimes is, and it relates to this episode, a bomb pond. There was one at the mall and my mom would go there and there were some, this is probably more like tween to teenage. So this is the chain, not a specific dish.
Starting point is 00:19:56 Yes. Do you know the chain? No, I know it. I think of them as like an airport chain. Yeah. Or like a train station. Right. There was one in the Braintree mall.
Starting point is 00:20:10 What did you get from all bound pan as a boy? I feel like there was some sort of baguette sandwich, but I got a lemonade. I know that for sure. Okay. But there was some sort of like chicken, I don't know. I'm going to have to look it up with like cheddar cheese on it on the baguette. Pretty fancy pan street I feel like for a boy. I always would think of like a soft pretzel or something, like a or like a Cinnabon.
Starting point is 00:20:34 Well, it was like lunch. It wasn't having like a treat of a lunch. Oh, gotcha. Yeah, I thought you were talking about like a mall treat. Leslie, what were some of your childhood favorites? Oh, geez. We think, I mean like restaurants or like specific foods? I think, yeah, either or.
Starting point is 00:20:52 Okay. Anything that comes to mind? Well, I mean, it was the golden age of shakies. So, yeah. And that was like when Centipede and everything, like the classic 80s video games were there. Yes. Definitely shakies. Were you real quick?
Starting point is 00:21:09 Were you a shakies like, do you like that lunch buffet or were you more of sort of a dine in and order stuff for the table? Dine in and order stuff for the table. I don't even remember the lunch buffet, but it was the kind of place that, you know, I went with my parents. Yes. Let's see. I remember Sizzler was a big treat.
Starting point is 00:21:26 Hell yeah. And it was actually when I was in high school, that's what we used to do on the last day of school. Like four of us would pile into my friend Jeanne's car because she had one and could drive. And then we would go to Sizzler. That's badass. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:40 That's a great last day. And it was just, I mean, it was also just a giant nerd fest because we would like sing Gilbert and Sullivan in the car. And then my friend Amanda would write these things called the author awards for various fantasy novels. Write them out loud to all of us over Sizzler. Fuck, man. What a group of friends.
Starting point is 00:22:02 I envy that group of friends. It was. Wags. That sounds awesome. Wags. Wags. I could have split right in there. Wags.
Starting point is 00:22:11 What? Shut up. You're making us feel depressed about you. It was definitely one of those ones where I'm like, I know this is very, very, very nerdy. I'm not sure if everybody else does. I mean, I enjoyed it. I mean, I know it was actually, yeah, it was just like all four of us super, four or five
Starting point is 00:22:28 of us super nerdy girls just piled in a car and, you know, doing nerdy shit. Wow. That's rad. Not as much Gilbert, Gilbert and Sullivan. Was that right? Did I get it right? Yes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:41 Yeah. It wasn't much of that in Frail Bot's car. Well, where did you guys go? We would, we did. I've talked about this before. We would, we would did Pizza Hut quite a bit. We would go to the Pizza Hut buffet, which we sometimes, so we'd leave school for sometimes, which is not like the parlor.
Starting point is 00:23:00 Everyone likes a pizza parlor. It's gone by the wayside. Oh, you know what I remember? Swensons. I used to go to Swensons. Yeah. Now describe Swensons for people who are familiar with it. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:13 It's a, it was an ice cream parlor. Got it. Yeah. Like, you know, like just a little bit. I know they did sandwiches and stuff, but I never went there for that. But yeah. And it was just like a classic like marble topped, you know, table, like lots of wood kind of, you know, place to get Sundays and stuff.
Starting point is 00:23:30 Can I just quickly say that, Weiger? Yeah. You have been to Swensons, you fool. When have I been to Swensons? For a show, for the podcast. What are you talking about? Are you okay today? What is happening with you?
Starting point is 00:23:47 When did we go to Swensons? Didn't we go in Cleveland? Yes. We went to Swensons. The galley boy. Hello. Are you out of your mind? That was Swensons.
Starting point is 00:23:59 Is there more than one Swensons? Jesus Christ. This was, wait. These are two different things. I'm going to look it up. In Cleveland? Yes. We went to Swensons.
Starting point is 00:24:08 I feel like, like Swensons isn't around anymore. Like, like the one, you know, old Swensons. Like the one I remember. Wags, are you, are you, are you, are you? The bologna sandwiches? Swensons, hello? Swensons? I don't remember there being Swensons.
Starting point is 00:24:24 What the hell is going on? This, wait, are you talking about, we went to Cleveland, went to a drive-in place. We ate in our car, right? Yes. That's the place you're talking about. Yes. And specifically it was called,
Starting point is 00:24:36 sorry, there was a phone call on my computer. Specifically it was called Swensons. Drive-in. Swensons. I'm, I'm curious if this is maybe the same name, but a different. That's spelled differently. Brent.
Starting point is 00:24:49 That's what it is. The Swensons, I went to an Ohio, Swensons, S-O-N, and the Swensons ice cream parlor is S-E-N. Look at that, Mitch. So they're the same name, but spelled differently. Hold on a second. We're back into the ending of an O'Henry story. This is, this is, but this is besides the point.
Starting point is 00:25:06 You don't know Swensons. So yeah, if you tried to meet somebody at a Swensons, I've had one of those like, I was at the wrong Swensons. I met Ted Swensons. I was at Swensons. That's what I'm trying to say is a Fodville routine. First of all, hold on a second. No, this does, this does not, you are not off the hook here
Starting point is 00:25:25 because there's ice cream at Swensons. Because I thought Leslie was talking about the Swensons we went to. You still were insane and didn't know what the hell that we went to Swensons. Because Leslie described a specific place with a marble countertop that was a parlor, correct? Yes. We never went, we never went inside Swensons. But that you don't go inside Swensons.
Starting point is 00:25:46 It's that's a whole thing. There's no indoor dining area. It's like a Sonic. But how did you, you kept saying Swensons over and over again. Yeah, I didn't remember the name of the place. Hashtag who's crazier, why grow me? Just let the listener solve it. What would you get from Swensons?
Starting point is 00:26:05 A half-punch Sunday of some sort. Oh hell yeah. Yeah. They had these like enormous like kind of like almost like Ghirardelli style giant like they come in like a goblet. Those kinds of Sundays. Love that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:20 Off, off. I think honestly I think probably most of the time I just got a cone, but like every now and then there'd be something special. That's what we just recently we were talking about things that we would want like plates and utensils and stuff like whatever. Cups and stuff we'd want from fast food restaurants. And I was talking about, man, on the East Coast and I mean everywhere, just not on the East Coast, just my mind goes there to like friendlies
Starting point is 00:26:45 and Brighams and those old, those glass Sunday cups. Yeah. Oh yeah. The really cute, yeah. Man. Just great. I'm specific of a piece of glassware to have in your house, but man if you did.
Starting point is 00:26:56 Would you like, would you use it as a cup or like would you, would you use it for other stuff if you weren't making giant Sundays? I guess you'd have to unless you had a ton of storage space in your kitchen. You could use it as some sort of goblet or something. Yeah. A big ass drink. Right. Somebody once gave me those little parfait dishes for Sundays and stuff
Starting point is 00:27:16 and I just gave them away because you have, there's just no use for them. Like. Yeah. What do you do with them? It's not even like a great way to eat ice cream because they're so narrow. Yeah. I felt that way about crafts. Like I'm like, I could, there's part of me that was like,
Starting point is 00:27:29 oh, it'd be fun to have a carafe, but then I'm like, what am I going to do a carafe for? What am I going to do? I'm going to get like a jug of something and then pour it into a carafe. Yeah. What am I going to do with that? It's classy if you have like a guest room and you can offer a carafe. That's true.
Starting point is 00:27:43 Yeah. If I did more entertaining or any entertaining, then yeah, it would probably be nice to have that somewhere in your arsenal. Yeah. I like when people order a half carafe of wine because I think it sounds nice and funny. Yeah. It is fun.
Starting point is 00:28:00 Let me get a half carafe. A carafe and a half. It's funny. It is funny. Give me a carafe and a half. But what am I going to do with a carafe in my house? Yeah. What are you going to do?
Starting point is 00:28:11 Now I'm thinking, now I'm picturing the carafe that you're picturing because now I was also thinking about those like sort of swanky ones that they're almost like a pitcher, but they're little. Yes. That is what I was thinking of. Wait, were we thinking of different kinds of carafs? Well, then there's the one that looks kind of like a salad dressing thing. Yes.
Starting point is 00:28:30 I know those ones. Like it's like an hourglass thing that you put wine in. Oh, okay. Is that a half carafe? How big, I don't know. I never really thought about the measurements. Yeah. I don't know what the measure, I don't know what one carafe is equivalent to.
Starting point is 00:28:43 I don't think there's, it's not a unit of measurement. It's not like a leader. Like a carafe is like just like a half carafe is whatever I feel like just half the capacity of that given carafe. A half carafe. That's my guess. Half carafe, my mom's having fun. Full carafe.
Starting point is 00:28:59 My mom's had a little too much fun. Don't want to be around my mom. I was waiting for the rhyme. No, no rhyme. I banded it quickly. You're in fun and fun, that counts. So we're talking about a, speaking of sweet treats. Leslie, we're talking about a bakery chain today.
Starting point is 00:29:19 And I know from following your Instagram that you are, you appear to be an avid baker. Is that correct? Oh yes, very much so. I'm always impressed by all the things you're making. They look so toothsome and delicious. I just, how do you, what is your, what do you like to bake? Like what do you get jazz to bake?
Starting point is 00:29:38 What excites you as a baker? It really varies. Like I used to be just like a cookbook follower. Like I would just find a specific cookbook and just work my way through it. Like everything that was interesting to me. Actually I'm still, I'm kind of doing that right now with one cookbook. But I just, I feel like, well in quarantine it's a little different because then I'll be craving something very, very specific
Starting point is 00:30:00 that I'm not sure I can get and I'll see if I can make it myself. So I made, you know, the little Chinese sponge cakes, the little ones that come in the paper. And then I made treacle tart, the, like the Harry Potter thing. And that actually I learned how to make in a class, but like I hadn't really felt like making it. And then I'm just like, I don't know when I'm going to see one of those again. I'll see if I can make it.
Starting point is 00:30:24 And then I made a quesadilla, the like the Salvadoran like coffee cake type thing. It's like a rice cake thing. Because I was kind of missing it from portos. And then I had a really bad like takeout experience there. And I'm just like, screw it. I'll just make it. Quesadilla, another word that means multiple things. It's like a theme this episode.
Starting point is 00:30:44 It's true. We got Swensons. We got carafe. We got quesadilla. What's going on? I'm totally surprised that there was like, that that was what it was called. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:54 This is a mystery episode. This is a mystery box episode. JJ, is JJ directing this episode, Wags? Two multiverses are colliding. What was it? What would it be like, like hashtag food hominems? So wait, you baked a quesadilla. What about like, because I feel like I've seen you make some pies.
Starting point is 00:31:21 Where do you stand on pie? I used to not be into pie because I couldn't make a pie crust properly. That's like one of the hardest things as a baker, starting her up, right? That's like a very high degree of difficulty, as is my understanding. It depends on the recipe. Like I finally found one that's pretty doable. And then now pies are pretty, are easy. And all but are pie crusts that I got.
Starting point is 00:31:43 So, I mean, that, that, now that I've got that, I just use that for everything. But I, but I was sort of, I was afraid to make pies before. I mean, it's just like, like, you know, the crust kind of shatters and then you're like sticking little tiny bits of it and it's getting like warmer and warmer and disgusting. And it's just not worth it. But last summer I did summer of pies. So I just like made one pie after another, like all kinds of different ones. Wow.
Starting point is 00:32:08 Wow. Sounds like heaven. Sounds like some of our past summer's likes. This isn't, I don't know what this is the summer, other than just baking a lot. I feel like I'm baking everything but sourdough bread. I'm just not in the mood for sourdough. Yeah. I'm looking through your Instagram right now and damn you.
Starting point is 00:32:31 These, these, these are, these are speaking of going to the mall. If you saw a pretzel like this at the mall, I got a picture of your pretzels here. I jump in line and grab them and wonder, these, these are high quality looking snacks. on Instagram. A lot of, I mean, a great follow, some cat content, a lot of, a lot of bakery content. And then the baking, I feel like it's like that, both that, damn, that looks great. And then also like, ah, I wish I could bake like that. It's both those feelings at once.
Starting point is 00:33:02 I, I, I like it. I, I don't know why. Like I'll, I'll get really, really obsessed with like a specific piece of like equipment that I really want to get. And like, I've been kind of indulging recently. Like I bought like a tart pan and a Pullman pan, which is one of those big square pans with the lids on it. So you can make super square bread, which is also kind of related to today. And, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:33:26 I just like, it's funny though. Like I don't really, like I will bake for people like their birthdays and things like that. And I distribute a ton of baked goods. Like I'll always have leftovers because I live alone. Like I'll eat half of it and then desperately try to get rid of the rest of it. Like I'll eat half of it probably within 48 hours and then just realize it's got to get out of my house. And I'll just like text people and whoever texts me back in time gets stuff. But like...
Starting point is 00:33:52 Uh, subscribe. Yes. I do bake on demand too. Jesus. But yeah, no, I bake for me for sure. Like when there's a party or something, like I'm always like, I just don't feel like baking. I don't have anything to prove. Like, or I probably know somebody else is going to be baking.
Starting point is 00:34:13 I'm like, they feel like baking for people. I just bake when I feel like baking and usually at inappropriate times. Like in the evening where I'm going to end up with a bunch of like scones at 11 o'clock, which just makes no sense. Hey, what's wrong? So 11 o'clock scones. What's wrong with that? It's great. I mean, nothing really.
Starting point is 00:34:32 But like, I mean, you're also just, you're wasting like the first couple hours of fresh scones on sleep. Oh, yeah. That's a good point. I don't think I've ever had like a fresh, not hard scone. Like I feel like I've always had. Well, that's very easily remedied. Yeah. You just have to like put enough like butter and stuff in it to make it flaky and delicious.
Starting point is 00:34:56 Yeah. Maybe I've never had a good scone before. It's just like, I know this is a curb your enthusiasm plotline from the last season, but I've never had like a delicious scone before. I feel similarly and I feel like it's the kind of thing of, yeah, I'm sure people will be like, you just haven't had a good one, which sometimes people say and I'm like, no, I have had a good one. Wow. I've had the one that people are like, this is the good thing, the example of what you should have
Starting point is 00:35:27 and I still didn't like it because I just, people have different tastes. So you're gonna like the same thing. Give me, give me, give me example of that wise. I want to hear it. Do you have an example off the top of your head? Like turkey. People are like, like a really, like, like this is like, hey, they're really good. It's never, like it's never going to blow my mind.
Starting point is 00:35:43 It's fine. Can I be honest with you? Yeah. You just haven't had a good one yet. Okay. I have a, I do have a take on like certain types of baked goods like scones, which is that if they're not homemade, they're almost not worth it. Wow.
Starting point is 00:35:57 Yeah. I mean, I think a scone, a bakery scone is going to sit out for so long or is going to have so many things that people think that they like, but aren't really that great. Like, you know, like the, the frosting on top, like, I feel like that doesn't add anything and yet it looks pretty like I want to get something like that and then I'll get it and be like, ugh, gross. When I worked in video games, there was one of the artists had what he called the shipping scone, which he was, it was a scone that he'd had for, I believe three years as long as
Starting point is 00:36:28 the, the, the video game was in development. Cause sometimes the development cycles can be interminable and his whole thing was he was keeping it until the game shipped and then he was going to eat it and he did it. And it was, but it like, the thing is it didn't get moldy. It just got like super duper hard. Oh, that's interesting. What the fuck? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:51 And I would have, I would have anticipated to get a layer of mold, but it didn't. It just got, it just turned into like a doorstop, basically. So like, I guess technically you could take that scone and a long sea voyage. I guess so. It'd be like the hard tack of like scones. Waggers asked me to get fucking tossed overboard. Oh, you know what else is like so much better? Like you were talking about pretzels, but yeah, homemade pretzels.
Starting point is 00:37:14 So, so much better than anything you could buy and really not that hard to make. Fuck. I got it. That I got to try cause I love a soft pretzel and I would never think to attempt to make pretzel on my own. I can send you a recipe that's pretty kick ass. Oh, wow. Would you, would you share, Leslie, would you share it with the dough listeners?
Starting point is 00:37:32 Oh, of course. Wow. Our first recipe, we've never given out a recipe ever on this show. You know what? I mean, it's not, it's not my recipe, so there's that. The recipe is vetoed. You need to go to- Clowns don't deserve it.
Starting point is 00:37:48 You need to go to Wetzel's. Wetzel's are auntie aunts. Yeah, you don't want to like create like a bunch of people who just want home cooking. That's like the whole, that defeats the entire purpose. I wonder if there, it was like maybe like a third of our listeners just don't understand that you can prepare food on your own. You can make a sandwich? Include me in that group.
Starting point is 00:38:15 That is the weird thing about baking. Is it like, you can make so many weird things that like you didn't think you could and it's not, I mean, after a certain point you, you're just like, I bet I could make that. But like, I mean, I don't know, like I did monkey bread the other day and, and the thing that happens to me happened, which is that I really enjoyed making it. And then when I had it, I'm like, yeah, it's fine. Like it looked good. Wow.
Starting point is 00:38:37 Like it's just one of those ones that just like, it looks good, but especially if you're alone and you have this enormous bunt pan full of monkey bread, it just feels sad. Yeah, I got you. A lot of what you're talking about feels like the, the issue that we have with the show and we did grocery store month, which is huge success. Just some of the biggest ratings we've ever had for the podcast. But we would, we'll buy a bunch of stuff, stock up the fridge and then it's hard to get through it, especially me, single guy living alone.
Starting point is 00:39:07 Yes. And like, like you were saying that, that's, that sort of thing of you, if you bake something, I do that all the time, right? If I, if I do make something and I'm like, I need to find someone to share this with because it's, it's just going to go bad or I'm going to eat it all. It's, it's, it's a very, it's very tricky. It's a tricky game. I had a, I had the most dangerous game during my birthday was a couple of months ago and
Starting point is 00:39:27 I did buy myself a cake. It was a very small cake, but I'm just like, I want a bakery cake. And, but then like, I, I, you know, I was delivering bits and pieces of it to people because like, you know, just like, Hey, I'll just drop some off on your porch and maybe we'll eat some or something. Because like, you know, I could never buy it. I love it. But yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:45 But there was also like, you know, well, happy birthday to me and my cake that says happy birthday, Leslie, which feels silly to ask for, but it wasn't my birthday. Ice cream cake. Oh yeah. It's a great move. Yeah. And then, you know, that's going to keep. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:01 And the freezer, and the freezer, you're good to go. Well, I have a thing about ice cream cake that I always was kind of curious about. So the frosting on something like a Baskin Robbins cake is just ice cream, right? Hmm. I think it sometimes has a, has another frosting. Well, actually a great question. I'm thinking of the. I think it is ice cream.
Starting point is 00:40:18 It's like a coating of ice cream. Yeah. I think it's a coating of ice cream. Yeah. Hmm. Because I think sometimes there's like a whipped topping ringing it or something like that, but that's not what you mean. You mean like the top layer.
Starting point is 00:40:28 Yeah. Well, I mean, I guess it is ice cream. It's like a coating around it. It looks like frosting is actually ice cream, which is, and I'm trying to figure out why that particular layer is just so delicious. Like what kind of ice cream is it? Or what do they do to it? Yes.
Starting point is 00:40:39 It is a very, it is, it's almost like a ice cream. It's a, in my mind right now, what I'm, what I'm picturing Leslie is a ice cream frosting hybrid, almost. It's like a, it's like a kind of a thicker. Yeah. Ice cream. It's in its, in its, in its sweeter. I definitely, I know what you're talking about.
Starting point is 00:40:54 And I think that you're, I think that it is some just, I think it's ice cream because it melts when it's on your plate. It melts. Yes. And it's, but it's pipeable. So like it's got a certain level of like thickness and stuff. I don't know, man, but that stuff is delicious. Those, then Baskin Robbins kitchen wizards have it figured out.
Starting point is 00:41:12 But yeah, it's, it's pretty great. And I think that the, the Baskin Robbins ones, but I like it. I don't want all ice cream. I want a little bit of, you gotta have a little bit of cake in there too. Yeah. Just a little bit. Want that frozen cake. That's part of the fun.
Starting point is 00:41:25 Yeah. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. It's cold. You're at the pizza hut, sit down or the, or the shaky sit down and you're having some pizza and then, oh, people are singing happy birthday outcomes and ice cream cake. Wow. That your parents brought for the occasion.
Starting point is 00:41:44 It's pretty great. And you're going to chow down. Boy, that's like, that's as good as life gets. Well, I just put his hand into his pants. I don't know what he's doing. My spidey sense was tingling. So, I'm, so you've talked a lot about stuff you've been baking on your own, but you know, you're going out, you're, you're, you're getting a cake for yourself.
Starting point is 00:42:07 When you get like a pastry or you get like a sweet treat from someplace, like what are your go-tos? What are your favorites to consume? Okay. Hmm. What do you think? That's actually tough. I kind of just go with whatever looks interesting.
Starting point is 00:42:20 I do like a good almond croissant. Yes. I'm not actually a big croissant person, but I like the almond croissant because I like the crunchy almond-y coating on the top. Yeah. Natalie loves those too. And I think the texture is, yeah, the, the, the mix-up and texture makes it really nice. I got, I got, I got, I got a, I go with a different croissant.
Starting point is 00:42:40 Mm-hmm. I do chocolate croissant. I like a, like a, that little thing of chocolate in there-wise. Yeah. Yeah. And you know what? I like it when it, you know, it's nice when it's like melted and fresh and it's a, and it's kind of like this nice melted, but also I've gotten it before at, at a coffee bean.
Starting point is 00:42:57 And I also like it when it's, when it's, when it's solidified, when it's harder too. Either way, I like it. That coffee bean chocolate croissant is so not fresh, but it's still pretty satisfying. It's satisfying. It's, yeah. I feel like it's almost like, it almost goes into a different category, the kind of squishy croissant. Mm.
Starting point is 00:43:14 Yeah. Like the one, and then that sort of goes into like Danish, like, but like plastic wrap Danish kind of territory. Like it's like, that is like a flavor that I enjoy, but it's, it's a different thing. It's so, it's so loaded up with so many preservatives. I think back to my Svenhard's day, which was my, my parents would get Svenhard's like a big pack of Danish's from Costco and it would just be like a super quick breakfast. And man, those are so good, but so intensely processed because they would last like a month.
Starting point is 00:43:43 You get like a pack of 60 and they're still intact. Yeah. Right. You fucking little fatty wager sucks those things down pretty quick. If I had to guess, I think it's also like, like a Danish is a great vending machine treat. Oh yeah. Yeah. You know what?
Starting point is 00:44:02 You know what? I think a Danish here, here's where I think, because look, it's a nice treat. A Danish is a nice, nice treat. But when I'm eating a Danish, it's usually like before a meeting where I don't want my stomach to rumble. Like it's a, it's like a morning. It's like a, Leslie, you're a hundred percent right where it's like, I need to eat something. And then you look in a, in a vending machine or you're at 7-eleven or something and you
Starting point is 00:44:26 just grab a Danish that you know will be filling and then you know it's not good for you, but it will fill you up. You'll enjoy it and it's going to make your stomach stop rumbling. It's a hasty bite when you're in a pinch. Hmm. Hasty. Hashtag hasty bite. But I mean it counts as a meal because like it's technically breakfast.
Starting point is 00:44:43 So you can say like even like it's four o'clock and you didn't eat lunch or anything like that. Like if you're like, I had a meal, I had a Danish. I mean that counts as sort of as a meal. I had a period where, where I was eating like I was all, I was eating every breakfast on the go where I was just like, I was always like, uh, when I was commuting by car and I was always like, I'm just going to eat something in my car on the go. And looking back, I was like, that was psychotic. What was it?
Starting point is 00:45:06 What was it doing that to myself? It was so stressful. If I could have, I could have gotten up 10 minutes earlier or gotten to work, you know, a little earlier and then had something in my desk. But just like trying to eat in the car was just like, it was like, why was I doing that? It was just needless stress and mess. I, I always think of it like, you know, like when I'm, when I broke, I eat in the car. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:28 Not in the car, but I mean like, but I always bring food and so, and then I'm always late to, well, I mean, I don't know, for work, I'm, when, you know, when I was temping, I was generally late. So I always ate in the car anyways. Right. But then it's like better than like having some wick weird little muffin like in a napkin next to your desk. Like when you're just starting and just like, yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 00:45:45 That's a good point. Here's my thing. You keep it in the car. That's when you're, when you're eating on the go, you keep it in the car. You know what I mean? You're, once you're out of the car, you're done with it. So that's kind of in a way it's helpful. Wait, what?
Starting point is 00:45:56 Yeah, I get it. Like leave the leftovers in the car or like, I mean, like, once you're out of the car, like you don't got to worry about eating anymore. You dust yourself off, you get out of the car, you're good to go. You don't got to eat at your desk or whatever. Look, I think, I think, I think there, I think there's a plus side to eating in the car. What else is there to do? You listen to music.
Starting point is 00:46:13 I mean, you don't do anything in the car as we know. You just drive silently. No, I focus on being a safe motorist. Jesus. I will say that for me specifically, I get more stressed out when I'm already getting anxiety when I'm driving, get more anxious if I'm, if I'm multitasking. So like eating. And then I'm also like, I'm very, you know me, I spill a lot.
Starting point is 00:46:34 I'm very messy. And so I've had so many instances where I've just like, you know, dumped a big hunk of avocado on my lap and soiled my pants on the way into work. Yeah. You know, and that's like, that's no good. Spill master. I definitely don't enjoy food as much when I eat it in the car. I mean, I guess that's normal.
Starting point is 00:46:50 Yes. I mean, something that's like, you'll get something that is really good, but you won't get to enjoy it. I mean, especially if you were craving it, like I'll get like a burger or like a shake or something. And I would enjoy it if I sat down, but then I'm like, oh, I just finished the shake without even really thinking about it. But yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:05 Right. I suppose that it is probably hard to be driving to work in Googling a buff minion on your iPhone. We'll be back with more Doe Boys. Welcome back to Doe Boys. Our guest Leslie Cena is here. Our chain. Why?
Starting point is 00:47:27 Harris Baguette. Well, I got to go back to something. Yes. We talked Danish. That's right. You know what the downside to a Danish is? What? That lemon side.
Starting point is 00:47:38 I don't like the lemon side as much. I like that raspberry side. I mean, like the great Danish, that kind would be good. Yeah. It doesn't have to be lemon. I mean, if it's cheese, then you're golden. Oh, that's true. Oh, cheese.
Starting point is 00:47:50 The cheese one's great. Great. Yeah. No, lemon's gross. Lemon's hard to do in a pastry, I feel like. I agree. I don't like lemon bars, for example, or. I'm with you.
Starting point is 00:48:00 I don't hate lemon. First of all, I love lemonade. Yeah. Also like limeade quite a bit, but I love lemonade, but it's just that sort of thing of that lemon side in the Danish. Like you're saying lemon bars, a lot of lemon stuff. Yeah. Lemon chicken.
Starting point is 00:48:19 I'm not a fan of lemon chicken if you want to go to savory. I don't like orange chicken either. Citrus is tough. And you know, blueberry is usually accompanied with lemon, which makes it a lot. It's just better. Lemon's a good accent. Sure. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:33 Lemon's a good accent. I like a little zest. I will say, Contra, what you guys are saying, and I was surprised by this. One of the best desserts I ever had in my life was this fresh blueberry pie at this restaurant in New York that's now closed that had like a scoop of like fresh lemon ice cream on top of it. And just like that combination worked so well. That's fine.
Starting point is 00:48:55 I mean, that seems different to me. Well, that is kind of funny because like I do like lemon curd. Like that seems like to be like a really good way to do lemon. And I do like lemon flavored ice creams. Like I feel like that one, that works for sure. Lemon's just got to pick its spots. You don't want too much lemon in anything. You don't want lemon being too dominant.
Starting point is 00:49:17 Well, there's no creamy lemon ice creams, right? It's all kind of like the... Oh, no. There's like lemon custard that like, which is kind of... Actually, I have made that because it's an old school flavor and you can't get it a lot of the time. I shouldn't have gone out on a limb and said there's no creamy lemon ice creams. This is an insane statement.
Starting point is 00:49:34 Three Pinocchios. So Paris Baguette was founded in 1988 in South Korea. It's owned by the parent company Paris Croissant and has over 3,000 locations in South Korea. Hundreds more across Asia and about 50 in the U.S. Leslie, I'm curious why Paris Baguette? What was the chain you wanted to talk about? I had no idea. This is a Korean restaurant until just now.
Starting point is 00:49:57 Interesting. I thought it was... I truly thought it was a French, Paris Baguette. I assumed it was French too, but you got yours delivered, right? I got mine delivered. I mean, it was in Koreatown, but I thought it was a big chain that was everywhere. In store, I would say it's pretty... They had some signage in Korean that I was just like, okay, this seems like this is pretty evidently
Starting point is 00:50:23 a Korean in origin. But yeah, I was surprised to learn that when I was researching it. But Paris Baguette, why did you want to talk about this, Leslie? It's funny. It actually has to do with my cat. It was just weird. Wow. There's a Paris Baguette that I always drive by on the way to the vet, and I always just
Starting point is 00:50:38 like, oh, I want to go to Paris Baguette, but I always have a cat in the car, so I can't stop. And I'm just like, ooh, Paris Baguette was like one of the first things I thought about when you're like, what are good places? And I'm like, oh, I'd love to go to Paris Baguette. I mean, I like bakeries. I also like Asian bakeries. And there's a couple different chain Asian bakeries. This is just the one that I remembered.
Starting point is 00:50:59 Right. And I've been there a couple times, not a lot, but I just like, I like the kind of like, load your tray up with weird or interesting pastries. Yes. Yeah, definitely. And I mean, I will say, so I'd never been to this place, but I have been to another Asian bakery, Von Bakery, that now is taking me to. It's a Vietnamese bakery, so not the same thing.
Starting point is 00:51:25 But I do like, I will say that, and at least what I've experienced with Von Bakery and this bakery, it's like, even the sweet treats are not like aggressively sweet. It's a little bit more muted. It's not as ridiculously sugary as a lot of pastries you'll get in the US. Yeah. And there's a lot of whipped cream. There's a lot of fruit. Yes.
Starting point is 00:51:48 And yeah, there's a place that like, in Mountain View, I used to go when I was a kid called Hong Kong Bakery, and they just had a lot of stuff like this. And yeah, and I feel like there is, like, yeah, there's a lot of French influence, like, or like they're Taiwanese bakeries, and there's a lot of French influence in those. There's another place that there's like 85 degrees Celsius. Oh, yes. Yeah, that's an old one. Like that's Taiwanese.
Starting point is 00:52:12 And yeah, I don't know. And I just kind of like the bun thing. Yes. They're very fun. They're very fun. Nick. Yes. Buns are fun.
Starting point is 00:52:21 Buns are fun. Buns are fun. Simple as that. Simple as that. What we had. We're regular sir mix-a-lots. That was like a bad PG sir mix-a-lot buns are fun. Buns are fun.
Starting point is 00:52:35 That's how, that's, that would be our song. We just keep it at that. We like juicy doubles. Juicy double cheeseburgers. We cannot pervericate. My anaconda, and I mean literal anaconda because. Because it's the pandemic and you need more friends. Right.
Starting point is 00:53:00 I just bought an anaconda. So I went to Paris Baguette. I went and placed my order online. They picked up in store. They were super nice. You know, really everything was squared away when I got there. I got a, I'll start with my drinks. I'll start with my beverages.
Starting point is 00:53:20 I got these small ice dalgona coffee, which I never had before. And it's kind of like, and it's made with, you know, you can specify the milk. It comes with whole milk by default. So I just like, fuck it. I'm all in. And it's kind of got like this, this, this ice slushy coffee layer on top of it. And then a layer of ice and, and the milk underneath. I didn't realize it gets as I was drinking it.
Starting point is 00:53:44 I should have like stirred it up more. I thought it was more of just like, oh, this, this comes together on its own. But it didn't. So like, I kind of got, I had an intensely coffee half and an intensely milk half, but it was delicious. It was very, very tasty. And I thought it was just like, you know, I love the temperature contrast between the icy slushy part and then the more liquidy part, a liquidy underlayer.
Starting point is 00:54:08 And then I also got, let me say this, I impulse bought some freshly squeezed OJ because they had a little, I'll call it a mini carafe. They had some, some OJs in a, in a display case. And I was like, you know what, I'm going to go for it. I impulse bought one. I added it to my order and I drank it in the car. This is one of the best orange juices I've ever had. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:54:34 Wow. It was so delicious. I could not believe it. I was like, this is, this is, you know, we're, we're attacking citrus earlier. This was citrus at its best. This was fantastic. It was so good. You just re, you reawoke a memory for me, which is that at Obampon, I used to get a fresh
Starting point is 00:54:52 squeezed orange juice. That was one of the things that used to get there as well. And I know that this is a very different chain now that I just learned, but there must be something with, with, with Parisian style kind of bakeries like this, where they got some good, they got some good fresh OJ. Yeah. I think the, you know, cause, cause orange quality makes such a huge difference. I mean, you get a bad, you get a bad, you can absolutely get a bad fresh squeezed OJ.
Starting point is 00:55:19 But this was so fucking just, just sweet and appropriately pulpy. I like, I'm a some pulp guy. This was right in that some pulp threshold. It was, I was blown away by how good this OJ was. Did either of you get anything drink wise? Yeah. I, I saw the Dalgona coffee too late. Like I just ordered a drink and I'm like, I've never tried that.
Starting point is 00:55:40 I should get that. But so I just got the usual for me. I got a, like a chai latte. And how was that? It was fine. I mean, it was, it was sweet. Um, but, you know, it tasted like a chai latte. I got it iced.
Starting point is 00:55:53 But yeah, no, it was perfectly pleasant. I got myself a 24 ounce. Uh, strawberry peach iced tea. It was I in that strawberry peach iced tea. And, um, it was, it was this peach iced tea. And then on top of it was kind of this, um, uh, like a straw, like a strawberry puree almost. It was kind of a thick.
Starting point is 00:56:16 It was the strawberry was kind of like, it was, it was kind of thick in there. And, um, it was good. It was really, really good. It was kind of, it was heavier than I thought it would be. I thought it would kind of be just a straight up iced tea, but it was, uh, the, the, the, the kind of strawberry puree I made it seem almost like a kind of, it was kind of decadent
Starting point is 00:56:34 or like almost a desserty. Yeah. Drink, like a smoothie nearly, but it was still, it was still really, really good. Heavier than I thought it would be. I feel like we, we get that comment a lot at Doughboy's meet and greets. Why is everyone always picking us up though?
Starting point is 00:56:51 They paid for the VIP ticket. It's including the price. Look, if you go to a Doughboy's show, you, you get the, you get the VIP thing. You can, you can lift Nick and I up if you'd like to. That is a deal. And if you lift us both up, your ticket is free. Great.
Starting point is 00:57:09 We're going to get a fucking, the theater is going to be packed with a bunch of strong men in the next show. Valid calendar year 2020 only. So pastry wise, I got the, I got an, okay, so I'll give a rundown of everything I got because I got five different pastries to try them. And now I'm going to end up eating all of them.
Starting point is 00:57:30 You know, and they're pretty substantial. They're decently sized, but I just, you know, just for pure indulgence's sake and because they were mostly or overall very good. The aforementioned almond croissant, we got their version. You know, again, not super sweet. Just it was more of like that savory side with just like the, the almond was the flavor, was the dominant flavor.
Starting point is 00:57:53 Great, great crunch to it. Very fresh. Interestingly, all their pastries come wrapped individually in plastic, which I think makes you feel like they're not as like, like just mentally, it makes you think like, Oh, these are pre-packaged. These are pre-made, but I think they are all fresh made on site. But the almond croissant was quite good.
Starting point is 00:58:12 We got some, and this, this I don't know how to say shoe cream bread, C-H-O-U-X. It's shoe. Yeah. It was the stuff that they make eclairs and cream puffs out of. And actually also churros. Ah. Oh.
Starting point is 00:58:26 Well, there you go. Well, that's what it was. A shoe cream bread, which was good. And it was, you know, again, more on the savory side, kind of a hamburger bun kind of texture with some cream inside. The cream was, was, it was sweet and delicious. A cheese pastry frank, which I was surprised by. It's kind of like a, a, a really like an upscale Wetzel dog.
Starting point is 00:58:47 It was a little, a little mini hot dog inside of like kind of a croissant, a croissant-y bun, not exactly a croissant, but similarly flaky. And then it was just like very intricately had, you know, toppings and cheese on top of it, but presented like very, very elegantly. Man, that was delicious. Maybe a little too much ketchup, a little bit too much tomato
Starting point is 00:59:09 flavor for me, but overall the cheese and the meat and the, and the bread just really came together, even room temp. And I think if you warm that bad boy up, it would be even better. I got a spicy curry coquette, which I appreciate. And, you know, it's, it's that bun form factor that gets some nice sesame seeds on top. It may be just a little like, like not the context in which I would necessarily like curry of being a pastry, but you know,
Starting point is 00:59:34 that's just my palate. But I did think it was, it was well made. And then the star of the show, the thing that blew my mind. I wish I was eating it right now. Yeah. Castella crumb sweet potato bread. It was so fucking good. It was so great.
Starting point is 00:59:50 It was, it was like, it's similarly like stuffed with cream, full of cream, like me, a creamsman. And, and I was, and it was, it had like that, that, that, had like a nice dusting on top of it. And a, and like a, I couldn't tell if it was a sweet potato core or something similar, simulating a yolk, kind of like you get like the white and the yellow of an egg as you're biting through it.
Starting point is 01:00:12 But man, it was so fucking delicious. I was like, this is, this is a dream pastry. Wow. But yeah, that was my rundown. What did, what did you guys get a pastry wise or, or if you just want to go foods in general? Did somebody say dream pastry, bitch? Oh no, Freddie.
Starting point is 01:00:31 That's right. I've been killed ironically. You know what I like in my pastry? Blood. Freddie, are you okay? Yeah. You should say that with a little bit more confidence. You'd see more threatening.
Starting point is 01:00:48 The pandemic's gotten me kind of down. Oh, Freddie. Oh man. Maybe stop invading teenagers' dreams. Hey. Take some time to yourself. Well, you should give that advice to yourself, buddy. All right.
Starting point is 01:01:03 Sorry, Leslie. What, what did you get? Honestly, a truly embarrassing amount of pastry. I kind of, it's, it's just, it's just, it's a little overwhelming. There's just so many different types of things. I feel like I couldn't get a coherent selection. And I mean, not, not like you're required to,
Starting point is 01:01:18 but I, I don't know. I couldn't figure out what to get. No, I know the feeling. I got, I got a coffee bun, which is a thing I just like in general. It's also called like a roti bun or a papa roti. It's this, this bun that has like a kind of a crinkly coffee coating on the top.
Starting point is 01:01:37 And then it has like a little tiny bit of butter on the inside, like way on the inside, like a more kind of like standard bun. And it was delicious. I got that ham and cheese pastry because I felt like I should get something savory, but I was not a fan. I have the same problem with the condiments, which kept me away from a lot of other things.
Starting point is 01:01:56 Like there was like a pizza bun, but it had like every possible condiment on it. Yes. Yeah. So that put me off. And it was fine. It kind of, it did have that kind of like old Danish kind of feeling,
Starting point is 01:02:07 like that kind of squishy Danish kind of feeling. But I mean, you know, it was, it was fine. Like, yeah. Let's see. I got the blueberry yogurt cake. I got to slice that too. Oh, it's good. I like it.
Starting point is 01:02:23 Very creamy. The fruit was really good. Kind of like a gelatin thing going. Everything was just sort of so precisely like stuck into place. But it was interesting because there was a grape on it, which I wasn't expecting. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:38 I think it was, it's like there's like a blueberry, a grape, and a blackberry. Yeah. And then there's strawberries in it, which is, I mean, I guess I didn't quite get the blueberry yogurt part of it. But I mean, I like it. Maybe just the yogurt itself was blueberry flavored.
Starting point is 01:02:52 Or was, is it made with blueberry yogurt? Oh, is that what it is? And I don't know. Cause it didn't seem like that. It seemed like a sponge cake. So maybe there's blueberry yogurt in the filling or something. Look, whatever you want to call it, taste it good. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:06 I went for the, okay. So I went all out and I got the duet roll cake. Wow. Cause I do love a good roll cake and they just, for some reason they just sell it in like a log. But they also have like split logs and like one was, like so half was raspberry and half was chocolate. And it was really good.
Starting point is 01:03:24 Fuck. I fucked up. I was eyeing those logs. I was thinking about one of those logs. I was like, well, I don't think I need a whole log. Yeah. I should have done one. I know what to do with the rest of the log at this point,
Starting point is 01:03:35 but like it's, it's a good log. Wow. It's like a creamy pastry. Well, it's like, so basically it's like a snail. So it's like a, it's a, you know, it's a Swiss roll, essentially. Yes. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:46 But with like that sort of sponge cake, like definitely like a big Asian bakery thing. Like it wasn't too creamy. A lot of times it's just like crammed with cream. And it had like little crunchies in it, like little chocolate crunchies in the swirl. I'm not really surprised by that, but it was delicious. I liked both flavors.
Starting point is 01:04:05 I think I liked the chocolate more, but the raspberry was also good. Wow. And I, I, well, there's one more thing. I got the mini bone delicio, I guess. I don't know how to pronounce that, but it's basically, it's a, it's a castella cake. So it's one of those sort of steamed, like it's very square
Starting point is 01:04:27 and it's made with honey. It's similar, Nick, it's similar to what you got. Yes, sounds like it. Yeah. And it's, comes in three little slices and it was delicious. It was just, yeah, it was great. Wow. Very, very moist.
Starting point is 01:04:42 Oh man, I did get one more thing, didn't I? Jesus. I, I paced myself. I spread it out over two days. When I, when I got home, I was just like, oh my God, what have I done? But okay, I did not get the strawberry harmonica, but I did get the strawberry peanut crumb bun thing,
Starting point is 01:05:03 which is like, it's like a peanut crumb bun, which is the thing they have, sliced in half and they put pastry cream in it and strawberries. And it was tasty. Like the strawberry was really good. The pastry cream was really good. The kind of peanutty crumb thing wasn't, wasn't too weird. I thought it might be too weird as a combination,
Starting point is 01:05:21 but yeah, I think I like probably that and the, the castella the best, absolutely. Wow. So yeah, that was a lot of, that was a lot. That's a great roundup. No, that's a great, 100%. I mean, you're in the right place to over indulge. Okay, that's good.
Starting point is 01:05:39 Mitch, what did you get? And Leslie, my order I think was bigger. Well, thank God. Here we go. I got a lot of different things because I had never been to this place before. I want to try a lot of different things. There's a lot to choose from on the menu.
Starting point is 01:05:53 Like I said, I ordered that 24 ounce strawberry peach iced tea. Nick, I ordered a baguette because it's, you know, Paris Baguette. It's Paris Baguette's name. That's the name. I get a call. They're out of baguette. What?
Starting point is 01:06:10 And I think to myself, ooh, this is, I'm subtracting some points already, but hold on. Don't worry. Don't, don't worry. Cause the story will turn good. And I, and I talked to the, the woman on the phone and she says, do you want to replace it? Or we can, and I said, you know what?
Starting point is 01:06:28 Just put in something that you think is your favorite, your, your favorite item. So I'll get to that later. What I ordered, what else I ordered was a blueberry cream cheese pastry, a chocolate croissant. And then I think that's it for like pastries, for sweet pastries. For savory pastry, I got myself a sausage stick bread. These were fantastic, Nick.
Starting point is 01:06:55 All three were really good. The blueberry cream cheese pastry, which I was really excited for. I remember just biting into it and you know, when you're eating something good, you're like, this is good. Like you say something stupid like that because it's so good while you're eating it. That's what I was saying to myself.
Starting point is 01:07:09 I literally said wow, allowed when after I took a bite of that blueberry yogurt cake. That's the least surprising. You tweet wow all the time. What the fuck are you talking about? I know, but I'm just saying it's like, I was like, I know, I was like, oh, and then I said the thing. And I was like, oh, that was dumb,
Starting point is 01:07:22 but that's because that was a genuine reaction to this. It's like Homer realizing he said dough. I said yum, I think, after I had the strawberry crumb bun thing. Man. These are wow, wow, I'm not giving you a hard time. I get it. It was wow worthy. It was.
Starting point is 01:07:42 It is. The chocolate croissant was really, really good. Like I said, it was the chocolate was kind of melted and it was great. The sausage stick bread was like my, it was kind of like the low end. It had kind of a cheesy top as far as things I liked, but the next day I had half of a chocolate croissant left and half of the mystery item,
Starting point is 01:08:07 which I'll get to later that we replace the baguette and half the sausage stick bread. And I went up, I had to do taxes. I went to our tax guy, Nick. And I left the sausage stick bread in the car while I was in the tax meeting for three hours. Wow. And I came out and I ate it.
Starting point is 01:08:25 It was, it was heated. It was, it had been heated up from sitting in the car for three hours. And it was fantastic. I loved it. It was great. It's been like 90 degrees out here recently. It was, it was cooked up. It was delicious.
Starting point is 01:08:40 Wow. That's great. It was, it was great. I mean, it really was great. Look, you're going to call me a fucking gross pig for this, but I don't care. It worked. It was great.
Starting point is 01:08:49 It was fantastic. I really, really enjoyed it. Wow. Then I'll get to the sandwiches, Nick. I got three different sandwiches. Oh my God. I got a sandwich, too. I got an egg salad sandwich,
Starting point is 01:09:01 a turkey avocado sandwich, and a tuna salad sandwich. I got, you know, weirdly, I got the sandwich you did not get. I got the chicken salad sandwich. Oh, I would. I mean, I had I that there was, there were not a lot of options as far as.
Starting point is 01:09:16 No, not a lot. The sandwiches go. And I think that it just depends on the store. I think that you can get different, yeah, different things at different places, because there were some stores that had like, what I want, which I've never had before, I want to do that classic.
Starting point is 01:09:30 And now that I know it's a Korean restaurant or a Korean based company, that what I was looking for, maybe just, they wouldn't have anyways, but the brie and butter on a baguette, that classic French sandwich, I want to try that at some point. It's just fucking butter and brie on a baguette.
Starting point is 01:09:47 The Twin Peaks sandwich. Yes. Yes. I've never had that ever. I've never, I mean, yes, he brings it back. That's right. He, right? Doesn't he bring it back to his brother?
Starting point is 01:09:57 Yeah. And then like, they spend the rest of the scene just like devouring these sandwiches and just like groaning. Like, yeah. No, it's like my favorite scene in the series. Yeah, that seems great. I want one of the, I want that experience.
Starting point is 01:10:08 I would love to eat that sandwich and be groaning about it. It seems great. But I went with these instead. The tuna sandwich, I was kind of in a tuna sandwich mood. I had to have one. And that chicken,
Starting point is 01:10:20 the chicken salad sandwich looked good wigs, but I want tuna salad and egg salad. I think tuna was my favorite, but they were all good. Yes. The egg salad sandwich was great. The egg salad sandwich, like the bread was nice and soft.
Starting point is 01:10:34 It was like this soft white bread. Oh, man, it was fucking fantastic. And it had a couple of cucumbers on there. The tuna salad was just really solid. And I think just it was, is my favorite because I was just really craving it. And then the turkey avocado was good, but it was a little, a little,
Starting point is 01:10:50 there was like a little, it almost felt like too much. And then also not enough at the same time. Like there was, there was some like mayo or something in there, but it was still good. It was still good. It was still good.
Starting point is 01:11:01 I liked every single one of them. Then for dessert, I got myself a strawberry soft cream cake piece. And I got the, and then also I got a slice of the ganache cream cake, which is like the chocolate. And then, and that also had,
Starting point is 01:11:17 oh God, I can't remember the name of it. Leslie, what, what, the French dessert that's a little sandwiches. Oh God. Oh, you mean like the, you mean like the little tiny cookies?
Starting point is 01:11:31 Yeah. What are they called? Like the macarons? Yeah. Thank you. I had, I had, there was one of those on top of the,
Starting point is 01:11:41 on top of the ganache cream cake. And both of the cakes were fantastic. They were both just so good to the point where I was like, you go and get one of these cakes, you bring it to a party or something, you're a hero. People would,
Starting point is 01:11:54 like, like in my time in LA and I've had good cake, I'm like, this is up there with some of the best stuff I've had here. It was really, really, really good. And then finally that replacement thing, why is the, the,
Starting point is 01:12:06 the one that got replaced for the baguette was the strawberry croissant. And so this is a croissant that is cut in half. It has cream in there. It's got some sort of cream and strawberries. And it was the best thing I had
Starting point is 01:12:22 and like one of my favorite pastries I've ever had in LA. It was so good. Wow. So they knocked it out of the park with the replacement. Everything was good. I truly enjoyed everything I had. Blown away,
Starting point is 01:12:34 knew nothing about this place at all. Clearly, still didn't when I, when I heard this on the episode. But everything was great. Leslie, you picked a, you picked a fucking,
Starting point is 01:12:45 you picked a home run spot. What can I say? A real delight. One of, one of our favorite experiences when we, we go to a new place and that we don't know a lot about and it's great. And that was definitely my experience here.
Starting point is 01:12:56 But we should get to our final thoughts. Don't let, don't let that bias you Leslie, but we should get to our final thoughts on, on, on Paris Baguette. So we'll each go around,
Starting point is 01:13:06 we'll each sort of give a closing argument, if you will, regarding this chain and end it by giving it a rating from zero to five forks. Leslie, you are a guest. We'll start with you.
Starting point is 01:13:18 Okay. Hmm. It's, yeah, it's a little bit hard to do such a range of stuff and some stuff I liked and some stuff I haven't. And I've had other stuff just that was fantastic
Starting point is 01:13:31 and was, geez. All right. So I'm going to ding it a little bit just because of the savory stuff. Like I just wasn't a fan of the savory pastries and they look so good. And it just was like,
Starting point is 01:13:41 not my thing. But the stuff that I had that was great was really, really good. And just like, I think this is, yeah, you're right. This would be a good place to get something for a party.
Starting point is 01:13:52 Like I definitely think I would take the roll cake and if I took that to a party, I would feel pretty proud of myself. Like I thought of a cool thing, which is very delicious. And then I would probably eat half of it. And you know, and the drink was fine,
Starting point is 01:14:04 but definitely like this is a place for the sweet pastries. Like that. Yes. I wouldn't go here for other things. I don't know. I think I'd give it maybe, I feel like this is low,
Starting point is 01:14:21 but I'd say three and a half. Wow. Three and a half forks. Yeah. Good score. All right, Spoon Man. I liked it, but it doesn't,
Starting point is 01:14:30 not enough things blew me away for me to give it like a hugely high score. Leslie, I'm shocked. That sounds like three and a half forks is the correct assessment from your perspective then. Go ahead, Spoon Man. I'm shocked, Leslie.
Starting point is 01:14:42 I'm shocked by this. I knew nothing about this place going in. I'm going to knock it a half fork just for... By the way, I'm like the hours of research you do into every other thing we've covered on the podcast. Oh, shut up. I write an intro
Starting point is 01:14:59 so I can complain about anything. Fucking dork. That's your choice. I spend my time on Doughboys. I do my work wise, motherfucker. Don't get mad. Just having fun. No, I know,
Starting point is 01:15:18 but I just want you to say, you do do your work. You say something like that. Yeah, you do your work. Oh, fuck off. Leslie, I really, really, I thought this place was great. Here's the thing
Starting point is 01:15:32 what you're saying of like, I just don't know the accessibility of this place. You go here for breakfast, it is kind of like the entire idea of it is kind of confusing because it doesn't feel as much like, it doesn't, to bring up Obampon again,
Starting point is 01:15:50 it doesn't feel like a place like Obampon where you go and you get a sandwich made or salad or something like that. Right, Nick? Yeah. Just from your experience being in the place. Yeah, I mean, even the, I think the sandwiches are made in the morning,
Starting point is 01:16:05 but they're preassembled. They're not made to order. Yeah, for sure. So I think that if it was like a storefront like that, maybe I'd even go five forks, honestly. Wow. But from my perspective, from what I tasted,
Starting point is 01:16:20 going into it, I was thinking four forks. I'm close to four and a half. I just go, I'm going off taste here, Wigs. Wow. I'm going off taste. It was really, really, really good.
Starting point is 01:16:31 Wow. Everything I ate was really fantastic for, you know what I mean? Yes. It was odd. It was a strange, you know, there's like a lot of different things, but if you got a tuna salad sandwich
Starting point is 01:16:42 and a pastry for later or something and iced tea, you're doing great. You know what I mean? I don't know. Yes. I'll go four forks, Wigs. I liked it a lot.
Starting point is 01:16:53 Four forks. Very good score. I mean, I'm in the same, I'm in the same ballpark with both of you and I agree with the consensus. The one item I didn't touch on is the grain chicken salad sandwich, which I guess it was like on a grain bread.
Starting point is 01:17:08 So an indeterminate number of grains. Could be seven. You know, could be nine. Could be ancient grains. Who knows? But it was good bread. It was quality bread. What I liked about the sandwich,
Starting point is 01:17:19 you know, I had chunks of chicken, not the shredded chicken, you'll get sometimes with chicken salad. And then it had very thinly sliced cucumbers in a very neatly stacked layer, like poker chips, like knocked over on end. And that was great.
Starting point is 01:17:36 And it added a great texture and moistness to it. I really like, yeah, I really like, I did like the chicken salad sandwich a lot. However, I will say that like, that wouldn't be like my go-to lunch. That would be like,
Starting point is 01:17:48 oh, if I've got to get something for later, like I wouldn't get that. If I wouldn't like go in there and be like, I'm going to eat this now. It would be like, well, fuck, I need something for later. I might as well get this. Because you can definitely sense
Starting point is 01:18:00 that it's preassembled. But the ingredients were very good. All the pastries I thought were dynamite. Yogurt cake piece was delicious. The Castella Crumb sweet potato bread, as I mentioned, a particular standout, at least from my perspective.
Starting point is 01:18:14 And I thought the beverages were great. Great OJ, very good iced coffee, you know, and I think if that's, that's what you, every thing we always say. How is this place at accomplishing
Starting point is 01:18:25 what it is trying to accomplish? How is this place at delivering on its premise? And I think Paris Baguette absolutely delivers. They got great pastries and they got great beverages. And so I'm going to be ballpark buds with you guys. I'm going to split the difference. I'm going for,
Starting point is 01:18:41 or you know what, I'm actually in my hand holding club with Mitch. I'm going to save four forks. Wow. Okay. So we're all, we're all pretty enthusiastic about this chain to varying degrees.
Starting point is 01:18:50 Yeah. Paris Baguette, yeah, a lot of fun. Leslie. Yes. You showed us this chain and then you stabbed the chain in the back. Okay.
Starting point is 01:19:00 Maybe, I don't know. I mean, I'm probably picking about bakeries. I mean, I think it's a really nice place to go get a snack. And I don't know. Yes.
Starting point is 01:19:10 It's just, there's so many good things. I want to try so many. I am shocked that none of us got the strawberry harmonica just because of the name. It is a great name. I'm, I'm going to,
Starting point is 01:19:22 I got to find this on here. I maybe just didn't even see it. You know what? I went there. I was like, Hey, can I get that strawberry harmonica? And they're like,
Starting point is 01:19:30 the boss got the last one. Springsteen? Yeah. He's a, he's a regular customer. They're also apparently, I didn't see them, but apparently there's something called strawberry castanets,
Starting point is 01:19:39 which is like that, but a smaller bun. Oh, that's fun. Yeah. I mean, it's just like a bun with some like pastry cream in it, and then like a line of strawberries, which I guess looks like a harmonica.
Starting point is 01:19:49 But, and yeah, I mean, and you know, I didn't get anything with the red bean or any of like the more sort of, like traditional, like Asian bakery stuff. Right.
Starting point is 01:20:00 Should I mention that I'm Asian? Does it matter? I don't know. Uh, probably not. I just feel like I keep, I keep talking about it and I, okay,
Starting point is 01:20:10 never mind. But yeah, like I didn't do the red bean thing or the curry thing. Yes. But, I mean, so I don't,
Starting point is 01:20:19 I don't know how well it does that, but it's there. If that's, if you like that. Yeah. I mean, I think, you know,
Starting point is 01:20:27 like I said, I did get a curry one and it's, it's maybe not my, not the context I'd like curry in, but it's definitely well made. And, and, yeah,
Starting point is 01:20:36 Paris Baguette, nice, nice chain, nice experience. And hey, that was our thought. Go on. I was going to say,
Starting point is 01:20:44 I will, first of all, I'm looking at that strawberry harmonica right now. And I want to, I want to play that thing all night long. It looks fucking great. And Wags,
Starting point is 01:20:53 there's this thing called a tapioca sticky donut, but there's an asterisk that says only sticky after Weiger recently visited our restaurant. All right.
Starting point is 01:21:01 Hey, that was our review of Paris Baguette. That's it? Wags, you didn't like it? It's time for a segment. I've selected a chain and Mitch and Leslie
Starting point is 01:21:10 have 60 seconds to craft an order under an array of preconditions. It's the debut of Can I Take Your Order? Can I take your order? Oh my God. I'm a place that is a chain.
Starting point is 01:21:35 Can I take your order? There are rules that I'll explain. Okay, so here's, here are the rules. The Doughboys write it. Weiger is a genius.
Starting point is 01:22:00 The chain is the Olive Garden. I have sent you each the menu. Okay. You have a budget of $25, including tax and gratuity. Okay, $25. You must order a drink.
Starting point is 01:22:13 Okay. And here's the thing, the kitchen is slammed. They are out of pasta. What's up, that's trash. Look, it's a Wild Times right now,
Starting point is 01:22:26 you know? Demand for delivery and takeout is off the charts. They just ran out. They're out of pasta. They're still open. Okay. And you have to order something for under $25. Okay.
Starting point is 01:22:38 $25. Any questions before we begin the countdown? Do we need to order dessert? No. Okay. The only thing you have to order is a drink. Okay. I got a question.
Starting point is 01:22:49 Why are they out of pasta? Susser went there. All right. I understand now. All right. All right, your 60 seconds begins now. Oh boy.
Starting point is 01:23:12 All right, I'm looking here. Okay. The Olive Garden online menu is not a PDF where you can look at all of it at the same time. It's a bunch of different tabs that you have to navigate. So that may be a complication. Maybe it makes it easier to rule things out.
Starting point is 01:23:33 Maybe it makes it more difficult. 30 seconds have elapsed. 30 seconds remain to figure out your meal for $25, including tax and gratuity, including a drink, and not pasta. And time is almost up. Eight, seven,
Starting point is 01:24:01 six, five, four, three, two, one. All right. Pencil's down.
Starting point is 01:24:09 Okay. You guys are using pencils, right? Oh, yeah. Yeah, that was another rule. Sorry, I just said that earlier. We had to use a pencil? Yeah, you had to use number one pencils. What?
Starting point is 01:24:21 Those are extra sharp. So, all right, Mitch, let's begin with you. What did you pick out? Well, this was hard, Nick. I went at lunchtime just to be clear. Wow. Savvy strategy. Lunchtime entrees can be a little bit cheaper.
Starting point is 01:24:50 I got myself the salad. Soup salad and breadsticks. $8.99. So, it's $8.99. I got myself, also, I got myself for a drink. Hold on, I just have to go back to the drinks.
Starting point is 01:25:10 It was a raspberry lemonade. A raspberry lemonade, $3.59. Wow. And then, we'll see if this works. I chose eggplant parm, no side. Wow. So, what I got, what you got for me?
Starting point is 01:25:33 Soup salad and breadsticks, $8.99. Oh, shit, I'm gonna go over on that. Yeah, I think you busted your budget. Eggplant parmesan, $8.99. But no side, you don't get a deduction? Look, eggplant parmesan lunch, $8.99. Soup salad and breadsticks, $8.99. We're talking $18 pre-tax.
Starting point is 01:25:53 Wow. Then $4 for the drink. I'm at $22. Wait, the drink was $3.99 or $3.49? $3.49. Okay, I have you at $21.47 pre-tax. What is it with tax? With tax, I'm gonna use,
Starting point is 01:26:10 I'm gonna say that it's a, I'm gonna use L.A. County. So, with tax and tip, 20% gratuity and a 10.25% sales tax. This is a tip? I mean, yeah, that makes sense, but. Yeah. Mitch, you were just over $27.96.
Starting point is 01:26:29 But you know, you're not necessarily disqualified. We have to see. Wait, I thought that we, I thought that we could choose our own tip. All right, Leslie, what did you get? They're gonna get a Dough Boyz t-shirt. So part of the test is whether or not we're assholes. Okay, I also went at lunchtime.
Starting point is 01:26:55 And like Mitch, I got the Raspberry Lemonade for $3.59. Wow. Wow. It looked good. Let's see, what did I get? Okay, and then I got, I got an app. I got, I'm trying to pull it up.
Starting point is 01:27:12 Here we go. So I wasn't 100% sure. I think this is, this means what I think it means. I got dipping sauces includes breadsticks. Wow. Okay. It's weird that they would just say that it's the, why the sauce is first?
Starting point is 01:27:26 Because, because they charge you for the sauce because breadsticks are basically free. Okay. Oh, so it's their way of offering an order of breadsticks. With sauces. But, but yeah, but to give you something to dip them in. Yep.
Starting point is 01:27:41 So that was $4.49. And then for an entree, I ended up getting lunch sized favorites. Lunch size. Lasagna Classico for $10.99. Wow. Does that qualify as pasta? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:58 It's got pasta in it. Pasta sheets. Oh wait, shit. You're right. Fuck, I forgot about the no pasta rule. Oh man. Oh man. Well, I lost that.
Starting point is 01:28:09 Well, Leslie, it's not exactly accurate. You both lost. I think I lost for a dumb reason. That was, can I take your order? Hey, I didn't lose officially. I'm just an asshole who didn't tip. I'm a huge, I'm a huge piece of shit. Pull out what was a Rachel Ray on her $40 a day thing
Starting point is 01:28:31 where you'd always calculate and she's like, wait, did she tip 9% to get under budget? Man. If I had really been using a pencil, I probably would have written down the instructions. There you go. It's a lesson. We got to get those, we got to get those,
Starting point is 01:28:44 but you didn't have a number one pencil was the issue. No, no, I had no access to a number one pencil. This was just a convoluted PSA for pencils. Maybe you forgot about them. They're still around and they come in handy. Just like a restaurant via your feedback, let's open up the feedback. And hey, we got a voicemail today.
Starting point is 01:29:01 I'm going to share this audio as well. Hey guys and Emma, this is Max from Madison. With the recent changes in the world, there's been some news about chains who have created delivery only spin-offs. So I know Chuck E. Cheese had a delivery, different brand they did delivery on and Applebee's and Chili's had wings only delivery options.
Starting point is 01:29:23 With two questions. One is, do you see delivery only chains becoming more prevalent as we move forward? And two, are there any existing chains that you think have a good delivery only spin-off option? Thanks. Wow. Wow.
Starting point is 01:29:41 Max from Madison, any delivery only chains that could exist in any existing chains with good delivery only options? Any thoughts, anyone? Well, I can handle one part of that thing, which we don't like. Yes. Is that like Pizza Hut we've talked about
Starting point is 01:29:57 is turned into basically just a storefront. 100%. Yeah. And so, you know, not a good thing. We want the pizza parlor to come back. The food was better then, Yum Brands. I don't know who's running Yum Brands, but whoever's fucking in there,
Starting point is 01:30:16 I'm guessing it's Alfred E. Newman. Oh boy. These days it's more like Bumb Brands with the bums they got running that place. And Sir Mix-a-Lots not walking through those doors. To pervericate or not. So Pizza Hut is one that's turning into a, it's turning into just a storefront.
Starting point is 01:30:43 I mean, it basically already is, right? There's almost, there's almost none left. Yeah. Most of those major pizza chains, you know, little seizures included, they are basically, if they have a dining area, it's maybe like two tables. It's mostly intended for takeout and delivery.
Starting point is 01:31:02 As far as delivery places, a place that could do delivery, I feel like Taco Bell is kind of toyed with it a little bit, but another place that I'm currently mad at because of them paring down the menu. They just talked about how they're going to be more of a, they're going to focus less on the dining in concept. They're going to make it an app pickup.
Starting point is 01:31:25 So why not go the full length and get that shit delivered? Yeah. Taco Bell delivered? You got a Taco Bell, you got the big bell on top of the car? Oh, that would be fun. That would work too. I mean, like that's, it would be cute.
Starting point is 01:31:40 People, I mean, people would try to ring it. It rings as it comes. You know what? It pulls up on the surface and you hear the ding, you hear the Taco Bell ding. That would be awesome. Oh man, how great would that be? Not enough that the whole neighborhood can hear it.
Starting point is 01:31:59 Somebody got Taco Bell. It's a Palmerston again. Mitchell's place. I had a, we had a weird experience where we basically just never get delivery because it's just like, you know, it's kind of a hassle. Oh, shut up. No, for the delivery people, it's just like,
Starting point is 01:32:22 the parking's not great. It's just kind of been the, and also I like an excuse to get out of the house. Still shut up. Yeah. So I'll go to, we'll pick something up, but we had a place that had an Italian sandwich and it was one of those places that we saw on Instagram
Starting point is 01:32:38 and just like, oh, this looks good. We'll try this out. And we went to physically pick it up. And it was just like this, you know, just like a door, like a, like a, like no storefront, just a door with an address and then you open it up and inside it was like, it was like an evidence room where it was basically just like there was, they had,
Starting point is 01:32:56 and we figured out it was one of those cloud kitchens that had like 12 different brands. They were all servicing at the same location with the same kitchen and then you go in and then just like a guy would like look up your order and then hand you whatever you'd ordered from whatever place and it was like, it was like so fucking weird. So like, it's just like, I guess it's like one person
Starting point is 01:33:18 or owns all these things or like a, you know, a little fucking cabal has come together to be like, hey, we'll combine our resources and all have our own, our restaurant served out of the same location. But I was like, this, it felt very, I guess, like dystopian because it's like, this is, this doesn't even feel like a neighborhood business.
Starting point is 01:33:40 This just feels like a little like, you know, like a factory. But I don't know, like I'd hate for more places to go that way because I think that part of like, what's fun about a, like, I think like, you know, you'd like like a pizza by the slice place or you like like a sandwich shop where you can go in and they can, they'll make your sandwich to order. Like that's like part of the fun of a business.
Starting point is 01:34:00 You don't want necessarily just like a hole in the wall that hands you whatever you ordered via an app. But I guess that's a big, that's a big tangent to what the topic is. Yeah, delivery only chains. I mean, I think, you know, a wingstop feels like a place that I don't think they have their own designated delivery. But it's a great takeout place.
Starting point is 01:34:18 But I feel like if Wingstop went, you know, went whole hog and was just like, you know, we're going to do, we're going to be the wing delivery place. That's going to be our thing. I think that could be a positive development. You know what, Wags, I'll say it. I mean, they do it with Uber Eats, but if McDonald's found out their own delivery service
Starting point is 01:34:35 and you could keep that shit hot and fresh without the time it gets you, they do it in New York, I know. Oh yeah, I didn't know that. I mean, that does, I mean, the thing is at least that you're familiar enough that you would know what your order is without having to think about it too hard. Right.
Starting point is 01:34:50 Like I feel like that would be required. Like, you know, like how sometimes you see like, oh, I don't know, like there's just like a new thing that's like advertising on Instagram a lot. And I'm like, yeah, but I, there's that whole first order where I have to find out if I think that you're good or not and it doesn't feel worth it. Right.
Starting point is 01:35:06 Yeah, especially if you're like, I'm going to spend one of them. It's been like $14 in the sandwich. Yeah. Just to try it, you know, it's like, yeah, it's, I totally get that calculation. I don't know, anything come to mind for the prompt Leslie, anything that you, any existing chains with good delivery only options
Starting point is 01:35:23 or chains you'd like to see have some delivery. Oh man, if they could find a way to do fosters freeze, that would be pretty awesome. Wow. Oh man, fosters freeze is great. Because there's no, I mean, there's really no good way to do ice cream that isn't, I mean, and then you can get pints and stuff,
Starting point is 01:35:39 but how often do you, I mean, you could just go grocery shopping at that point. Yes. But like, yeah, if you could get like a, like a, like a fountain knees, like type of ice cream drink or something like that or a shake or like, I mean, I'm not expecting a dip cone.
Starting point is 01:35:53 Like that would require technology that I probably don't want to eat. But, Yeah, that would be rad. I mean, but no, that would be awesome. I would, I would, I would do that for delivery. And the thing is, it's not like that, that stuff is not so different.
Starting point is 01:36:09 Like in terms of like the, the ice creams aren't so different from each other that you would have trouble. Then you would wonder what you were getting. Right. Leslie, you know what I wish could be delivered? What? Leslie's baked goods.
Starting point is 01:36:22 Hmm, there you go. They look great. I mean, you know, I do birthdays and requests if people really want to hit me up, you just hit me up on Instagram. Wow. To be clear, to be clear, that didn't mean me saying I want Leslie
Starting point is 01:36:36 to bake me something and then deliver it. I mean, I'll be, okay. Now I feel weird. I mean, I would totally bake you something and deliver it. No, I'm saying that's not, that's what I'm saying. I didn't want. Mitch, you've been driving it at this whole episode.
Starting point is 01:36:52 She'll do it. All right. I'm going to do it now at this point. I mean, I just would feel, I feel in a terribly uncomfortable way. I just like, my back is against a wall, truly. Leslie, can't you just bake me something and then drive it to my place?
Starting point is 01:37:05 I mean, how hard is that? All right. What if I just leave it in a halfway point, like in a park? Hmm. I want to be there before it gets delivered. I'm afraid of other people stealing it. Okay.
Starting point is 01:37:19 I feel like, yeah, like the delivery part is, but the thing is, how do you get it to people? Like I drop stuff off at my friend's house and that's just totally normal. I mean, yeah. I mean, then I, I mean, I don't know. I get cheated sometimes because then I want to stand six feet away and like actually have a conversation,
Starting point is 01:37:32 which I feel like, but, but yeah, I kind of do it just to get out of the house. You're telling us that two hours with the Doughboys doesn't scratch the itch for human interaction? I mean, you know, it's a big itch. If you have a question or comment about the word of chain restaurants, you can email us at Doughboyspodcast at
Starting point is 01:37:55 or leave us a voicemail at 830 Godot. That's 830-463-6844. And to get the Doughboys double our weekly bonus episode, join the Golden or Platinum Play Club at slash Doughboys. Leslie Ziena, thank you so much for coming on the show. Thank you. Long overdue.
Starting point is 01:38:12 A real delight. Please come back. Anything you'd like to plug or promote at this time? Oh yeah, sure. Well, so I wrote a book called Restart Me Up, the Unauthorized Unaccurate Oral History of Windows 95. And you can get that on Amazon. You can get that from me directly.
Starting point is 01:38:30 Just contact me through my website or social media or something. And yeah, no, I mean, like, yeah, like if you want to see more of what I do, read my book. Awesome. Check that out. I don't know how serious I am about getting, but making a birthday cake. I'm not really sure about it.
Starting point is 01:38:45 I could just do that for random people. And okay, now I'm really just backtracking. I just, so I'm unplugging that. Leslie, I just want to make it clear. I said I wanted an ice cream cake for my birthday this year, so. I mean, I don't do that. I can't. I don't have that kind of frosting.
Starting point is 01:39:04 Pull it dodged. Hey, that's it for this episode of Doe Boys. Until next time for The Spoonman and Mike Mitchell, I'm Nick Weigher. Happy eating. See ya. Swensons. On the next Doe Boys Double, let's get high, buddy. As Turkey Day looms on the horizon,
Starting point is 01:39:25 the hosts of the Weed and Grub podcast, Mike Glazer and Mary Jane Gibson, join to talk all things weed and grub. It's Thanksgiving. Get the Doe Boys Double every Tuesday only at Sources for this week's intro are available in the episode description.

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