Doughboys - Poquito Más with Dan Goor

Episode Date: January 10, 2019

For the first review of 2019, the 'boys are joined by writer and producer Dan Goor (Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Parks and Recreation) to review Poquito Más and to discuss the extravagant process of ...ordering lunch in the Brooklyn Nine-Nine writers' room. Plus, another edition of Chips Inhale: Reschew Rangers.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is a HeadGum Podcast. I had no money, no wife, no kids, and I really wanted to start a taco stand. That was Hollywood native Kevin McCarney, reflecting on his start in the chain restaurant industry in a 2009 interview with the LA Times. McCarney, who once worked such specifically Hollywood jobs as doorman at Grauman's Chinese Theater and tour guide at Universal Studios, was inspired to pursue his dream of taqueria ownership by his numerous visits to Baja, California, a peninsular state in Mexico that borders the U.S. to the north and the Pacific Ocean to the west. Baja, California,
Starting point is 00:00:35 whose name translates to Lower California, has been among the biggest influences on the cuisine of the U.S. state of California, granting the Bear Republic dishes like the Caesar salad and cocktails like the margarita, as well as an array of seafood tacos, tostadas, and ceviches. During his regular south-of-the-border vacays, McCarney frequented a taco shop in San Felipe called La Bonita, where he developed a taste for their shrimp tacos, and he even claims he gave the kitchen the idea to serve the taco without breading, an anecdote that reeks of self-mythologizing. But whether true or embellished, McCarney achieved his restaurant ownership goal in 1984, opening his first eatery in a strip mall
Starting point is 00:01:09 in LA's Studio City neighborhood. Among his initial offerings was a version of La Bonita's unbreaded shrimp taco, an item that remains on the menu today. And while his recipes may have mostly been imported from south of the border, McCarney does deserve some credit for expanding the parameters of Mexican food to non-Hispanic Angelenos, many of whose previous encounters with the cuisine consisted of cheese enchiladas and hard-shell tacos. McCartney even went so far as to design his own tortilla press so tortillas could be made fresh in each of his restaurants, an invention for which he holds the patent. Today, his chain, whose name translates to A Little Bit More, is an LA institution with 11 locations in the City of Angels, including
Starting point is 00:01:45 one located on the Warner Brothers studio lot, a symbol of its popularity with Hollywood power lunchers. And McCarney himself now has money, a wife, and kids, perhaps all because he started that taco stand. This week on Doughboys, the podcast about chain restaurants. I'm Nick Weiger alongside my co-host, Donkey Kong wearing Diddy Kong's clothes the Spoon Man Mike Mitchell.
Starting point is 00:02:27 My clothes are tight like that? Are you saying because you got like the baseball hat? Oh, the baseball hat. Yeah, you kind of have a Diddy Kong vibe. That was courtesy
Starting point is 00:02:34 of Forest Bowling. If you have a roast you'd like me to use on Mitch at the top of the show roastspoonman at as always is the address. I've said this too much and it's an embarrassing thing
Starting point is 00:02:43 to talk about but Jack, Allison, and Evan Susser helped me when I made a character reel for SNL at one point last year, and I played Don Kong. Did you ever see this? I do remember Don Kong. This was the real guy who Donkey Kong was based off of. Yeah, it was a funny bit. I was shirtless, and I wore a red tie.
Starting point is 00:03:00 Yeah. So I have dressed up as Donkey Kong before, literally. And required no wardrobe except for a red tie to pull it off. It's so weird that to think now, at SNL, they could have had, for a couple seasons now, they could have a Don Kong character. He could have been recurring. It would be Wayne's World level. I could have had a movie out, a Don Kong movie.
Starting point is 00:03:20 Well, their loss. Yeah, their loss. Big mistake. Nick, how are you? I i'm doing okay the first episode of 2019 we're recording this in 2018 this is the dough boys has had a little bit of a hiatus so to our listeners who are out without the boys for a couple of weeks yeah thanks for hanging with us they probably are very mad if i had you're very mad we've by this point this episode is coming out january 10th by this point we've gotten a lot of enraged comments on Reddit and on our Twitter.
Starting point is 00:03:48 But that's okay. That's par for the course. Nick, how was your New Year's and Christmas, I want to guess? Stayed at home. Did you see family? No. Were you visited by three spirits or no? No. No. I'm saying like Scrooge by three spirits or no? No.
Starting point is 00:04:07 No. I'm saying like Scrooge. Like Jacob Marley? Yes. Oh, wait. Scrooge gets visited by the spirits. Yeah, Jacob Marley doesn't get visited by the spirits. Jacob Marley's the good guy in that.
Starting point is 00:04:14 Yes. Is he behind that? No, Jacob Marley is his partner who's dead. Wait, what? Marley is his partner who's dead. Who's the like... Who's like fucked up kid's dad? I'm the uneducated one now, huh?
Starting point is 00:04:26 Who's the kid who's got the limp? Who's his dad? That's Tiny Tim, and then his dad is... Oh, shit. Wait, is that... Bob Cratchit. Bob Cratchit. I was right.
Starting point is 00:04:36 Okay, that's what it is. Tiny Tim Cratchit. Also, I referred to a kid with a disability as a fucked up kid. That was probably... That was inappropriate. I apologize. He just has a limp, for God's sakes. He just has a limp. that's fine uh i'm a big fan of the muppet christmas carol hanford always seen it hanford always said that i'll remind him of the ghost of christmas present so if you've never seen it it's
Starting point is 00:04:55 not going to make sense to you but check it out sometime nick is it this next christmas this is a like a big monstrous muppet like a big hairy monster of a Muppet. Is that what it is? You asshole. Yeah, it's a big... I gladly talk about it on here. No, Hampern's nice to me. Wait, hold on. I'm going to look this up. Ghost of Christmas Present. Because also there's a... Muppets Christmas Carol, Ghost of Christmas Present. It's also too, has anyone ever had...
Starting point is 00:05:18 Because a Christmas present is a thing. So, I mean, that's like you can have some fun with that. Oh, man. You should go... I wish there was a time machine so you could tell Dickens that. Shoot himself in the head. Yeah. Let's see. Hold on. The Ghost of Christmas. Oh, wait. I just looked it up without Muppets. Yeah, you fool. So I'm just getting a bunch of generic.
Starting point is 00:05:35 Oh, this guy. Yeah. He looks like one of the crew from The Hobbit. He's like a big bearded guy with big rosy cheeks. He's got a little crown. He looks like Barrel Hobbit. Right. He looks like one of the guys who'd be riding down those rapids in a barrel
Starting point is 00:05:49 and then he'd bust out with an axe and fuck up some orcs. Nick, we've talked about... First of all, I should get to my intro. To Spoon Nation. I'm embarrassed for the guests to see it. You always are. I know. No, there's some people I'm like, who gives a shit about in front of this person? I don't care. So you're saying there's some of our guests you don it always. You always are. I know. No, there's some people I'm like, who gives a shit about it in front of this person? I don't care.
Starting point is 00:06:06 So you're saying there's some of our guests you don't respect. Yeah, there's some guests on here I don't respect at all. I think it's insulting to a lot of people. Okay. But they, you're assuming that people will think, oh, he's not talking about me. Yeah, no. Do you know how insecure people are?
Starting point is 00:06:21 Every one of our guests who is hearing this thinks you're talking about them. Psst, it's Koala. Okay, of course, Koala. Koala knows I say stuff like this about him on the show. Here's a little drop, Nick. I was going to ask you about, because we've talked about the barrel ride being a ride. It should be a ride.
Starting point is 00:06:39 It should be a ride. That's fine. The barrel chase from Hobbit 2, one of the best sequences of the 2010s. It should be a ride. Nick, this. The Barrel Chase from Hobbit 2. One of the best sequences of the 2010s. It should be a ride. Nick, this year... It's a no-brainer. ...Nintendo Land is being built not far from my house right now. Are you excited about Nintendo Land?
Starting point is 00:06:52 Is there a ride that you want to ride there? Boy, I'm a little... I mean, I'm excited, but I'm trying to remain... What the fuck? I'm trying to remain grounded because I don't want my expectations to get too high. You know what I mean? Because everyone's talking about this Mario Kart ride like it's going to be a game changer. But what if it's just a good ride?
Starting point is 00:07:14 I don't want to be disappointed by that. If it's a satisfying Mario Kart ride, I want to be able to go there and enjoy it on its own terms. So I'm not trying to... I just don't want to get so hyped for something and then have it be like, Oh, well, this is just like Star Tours, but it's mario but it's still fun you know what i mean is there a ride that you want to see that that hasn't been announced is there a certain thing that you want a nintendogs ride or something no i don't need a nintendogs ride the defunct nintendo ds franchise um you know what would be fun is uh some sort of thing some sort of zelda sort of thing where you
Starting point is 00:07:46 get to ride epona or some sort of some sort of horse thing uh involved in the zelda universe because i feel like they have the horse riding mechanics down so well and they're so fun and if they could figure out a way to translate that to the physical world that would be amazing you know what i want from this place big harnesses let me ride this damn thing that's what i want look if you're gonna have a mario kart ride it needs to accommodate a wario sized man i've never i that yes i agree with that i've never got kicked off a ride we i've talked about it on here i finally came clean that the hat that the harry potter ride i couldn't i couldn't get in it. It didn't go down all the way. Right.
Starting point is 00:08:26 And they were like, you're supposed to be overworking as Hagrid right now. What are you doing? Never. Never in my life. Every other ride. I've never had an issue. This one Harry Potter ride, it flips you all around. It should be built for Hagrid-sized people.
Starting point is 00:08:45 It absolutely should. I agree. If there's a character in that universe of a certain size, the ride should support that person. Hmm. That's a strange thing. I think it's fair. You got a Frankenstein ride? It should support Frankenstein.
Starting point is 00:08:57 All right. Here's a little drop, Nick. Mitch, how are you? I'm good. How are you doing, Nick? Looking good, Mitch. You know, I'm going to work on it. I'm going to give you a better Mitch.
Starting point is 00:09:07 You've slimmed down quite a bit. You've been hitting the gym. That was very nice. Oh, thank you for saying that. People say they get butterflies, but butterflies are small feelings. And you give me like eagles. That was like a beautiful poetry,
Starting point is 00:09:20 what you just said. You never fail to impress me. I will take the compliment. Nice to start the podcast with a little bit of positivity. And start the year on a little bit of positivity. That's very nice. What is that quote from in there, the butterflies thing? Does anyone know that? Our guest is shaking his head.
Starting point is 00:09:35 Our guest doesn't know. No one knows. Emma? I'm going to Google it. I think it's from NotDoughboysAtXXXParody. Hi Mitch, I made a drop I'm going to Google it. You're going to Google? Thank you. I think it's from NotDoughboys at XXXParody. Hi, Mitch. I made a drop where you and Nick are very nice to each other. I'm pretty sure everything came from the first episode of Doughboys. It all went downhill from there, but that's why we love you.
Starting point is 00:09:57 Best Sarah Hansen at S-M-O-R-E-A-N. Did I say that right? Oh, God. S-M-O-R-E-A-N. Did I say that right? Oh, God. S-M-O-R-E-A-N. Yeah, on Instagram and Twitter. Thanks, Sarah. Oh, very cool. I don't know if she wanted me to read that,
Starting point is 00:10:12 but Doughboy's fans got it now. God bless. I don't know what's going to happen. I think people are sending in drops to your... Give the drop email again. Spoonmandrops at I almost said Because that's your real email address. That's my real email address.
Starting point is 00:10:30 Which you actually use. That's not a bit. You actually have an aol email address. Well, you know, use. You have. It's the way in theory to contact you via email. Yeah, I think people who send stuff in to spoonmandrops at know the drill. They know you're just going to not pre-screen it and read whatever they write verbatim. So yeah i think they're fine with it mitch let's introduce
Starting point is 00:10:48 our guests we got a good one to start off the year a writer and producer from brooklyn 99 parkston wreck and late night with conan o'brien dan gore is here hi dan hi i said hi weird no it was great you guys i am such i i don't want to inundate the the whole podcast with this but i am such a super fan it's incredible for me to be even in this in mitch's place no that's that's the first time it's ever been said i'm breathing it all very nice but insane it's it's exactly i say it's not quite exactly as i imagined it it's even better your your view right now you were literally staring at a blank white wall the way we position our guests between the two of us. It did say a very nice, where he's like, that wall could use like a piece of art.
Starting point is 00:11:29 I agree. Yeah, it absolutely should. Just to cover the cracks. It's a wall that like, when they bring someone in and they, what's it called? Oh God, now my brain isn't working. Interrogate them? Interrogation room. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:11:44 Oh yeah. That's like the type of wall that makes someone break and say that they were a part of the crime. It's just a blank wall. And I think that maybe we should put something up there for a guest. I think it should be a picture of me in a suit. You've already got a picture of... You've already got a foreshot of you that's on the wall in your apartment. I didn't put that up, to be fair.
Starting point is 00:12:02 Yeah, but you live alone and you choose to leave it up there i think it's i think it looks fucking great i think it's cool it looks like a cool piece of pop art i think it you know what i put that in first place and then uh david the statue of david second dan thank you for making time for us um a lot to discuss first up you are from maryland originally but the dc area yeah uh we gotta talk crabs what are you a crab fan do we have to yes we do it's kind of the signature i feel like it like you what's what's the the state food i think everyone thinks of maryland having crabs yeah it is the state crustacean wow there you go i think of the exorcist uh even though is that that's is that dc is that
Starting point is 00:12:44 yes the exorcist steps are DC. Okay, are DC. Okay, yeah. But I thought they had crabs in it when you said that. Is there a scene? There's a crab walk. She walks as a crab. She walks as a crab.
Starting point is 00:12:54 Yeah, but that was in the director's cut. That wasn't in the original theatrical release. All right. I didn't have crabs a lot as a kid. I don't, I'm not exactly sure why. My parents, we had, my parents, when I was growing up, wrote books on weight loss and lowering cholesterol. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:13:10 Wow. So we had, we had almost the exact same meal every single night. Yes. Which was baked chicken, brown rice, a steamed vegetable, a soup, and like a homemade bread. It was a lot of stuff. And then we would have a low-fat dessert and so much of it. That's crazy, too, for the time period that this was in.
Starting point is 00:13:33 That's insane. My dad worked at NIH on that big... Do you remember when cholesterol... You guys are a little younger than I, but when cholesterol became a big thing in the mid-'80s? I do remember that, yeah. My dad had high cholesterol, and my entire life the mid 80s. I do remember that, yeah. My dad had high cholesterol and my entire life was skim milk.
Starting point is 00:13:49 Yes. And all that sort of stuff and being afraid of heart health. Egg whites. Yeah. Yes. Yeah, the egg was the enemy for a few years in there. He had egg beaters constantly.
Starting point is 00:14:00 He had the little box of egg beaters. My grandparents would have that powdered skim milk. Did you ever have that? Oh, yeah it was really they were it was really disgusting my great my grandfather had his first heart attack this is like such a bummer but he lived for a long time yeah but he had a heart attack at 35 wow and so they're so young so young he had yeah real cautionary tale that's that's in the mitch there's heart disease in the mitchell family of course. There's everything that's wrong with us.
Starting point is 00:14:26 But my dad was so concerned. My father got cancer eventually. But his whole life he was so concerned about heart health. I wanted to say jokes on him. But I think that's really horrible. You idiot dad. You could have enjoyed something fat. I'm sure that if he
Starting point is 00:14:45 I mean, he was a healthy guy. I'm sure that if he ate horribly, it probably it probably would have killed him. I think his his dad died of a heart attack. So I think that that was what it was. And then his brother died of a heart attack at 36 at my age. So
Starting point is 00:15:01 yeah, and then but he had rheumatic fever when he's younger. And then my other uncle also died of a heart attack. Just drugs. Oh my god. I mean, we all still heard that. I don't know why you whispered it. I should edit that out. You're talking into a microphone.
Starting point is 00:15:15 Some family members might be mad, but it was drugs. You said it quieter, but you moved in closer. Yeah, sorry. I feel like that's a real bummer. not at all um yeah no so they wrote they wrote a book called eater's choice a food lover's guide to cholesterol wow uh and then and then people who were using that lost weight on it so then they wrote uh choose to lose which was a book a weight loss book so we also very rarely went to fast food places, but there was one, a place called Jerry's sub shop,
Starting point is 00:15:46 which now I think is only in a few gas stations around the DC area, but they had a fantastic steak and cheese. They had birch beer instead of they'd like Fanta birch beer, which was great. Yeah. And we would go there. I feel like even 25 years ago, there were just fewer types of restaurants.
Starting point is 00:16:04 Sure. Yeah. So we would go there or Chinese food, or there was like a prime rib place in town. Yeah. That's, that's what you just heard right there is that, that banging noise.
Starting point is 00:16:15 Yeah. I'm not sure if that ambient noise was picked up on the mic. That's, that's the next door. That's the next door apartment. When they go into there, when they drive down below their thing, they,
Starting point is 00:16:24 they hit the metal, like a metal slab. It, I hear it all the time. It. When they go into there, when they drive down below their thing, they hit the metal, like a metal slab. I hear it all the time. It is a loud, weird thing. But I don't think we've ever got it during the podcast, which is insane. Yeah. All the street noise we've heard. We haven't heard that particular one.
Starting point is 00:16:35 That was there's a lot of people usually yelling like stop recording your podcast. There's protests outside the door, right? That's that's that's where did you just leave off on that because uh uh the the uh on what you were just saying i'm sorry you're eating at gas stations yes so they weren't they were at malls now they're only they were great i really thought they were great i was gonna say we we talk about this a lot just in massachusetts for me in in growing up in the 80s chinese food was kind of like the the one the one food that was not like american food right to your point of there were just there was just less types of food around yeah
Starting point is 00:17:10 yeah it was just like a classic american fair or whatever i feel like i remember when thai food hit oh yeah yeah and now you go to like a very small town and there's they'll have sushi restaurants they'll have everything yes right yeah it's absolutely like you know like we talked about this a few episodes ago, but yeah, just like sushi has gone from a thing that was like this weird, like exotic food to now it's just so mainstream. It's at wall grades.
Starting point is 00:17:34 Culturally, I'm pretty offensive the way that they used to portray sushi of like a live fish and it being crazy. Yeah, and it was like, if you watch like that movie Gung Ho, the Ron Howard movie, which is about a Detroit car company that a Japanese company comes in and takes it over, and it's wildly offensive. I don't know if they specifically reference sushi in that, but they do make fun of the Japanese guys for using chopsticks, and it's insane that that was like that recently in the 80s.
Starting point is 00:18:00 That was like a thing where it was like, what? Like, what? Use a fork, buddy. And I got to say this, that for a kid, this just shows you that it affects you. Because I didn't want to eat sushi. And then I knew it was raw fish. And I would eat sushi and be like, this is crazy. This is raw fish. It's going to make me sick.
Starting point is 00:18:17 The first time I had sushi, I was probably even 12 or something. I was probably older. But it was that sort of thing where I was like, if not even 13 or something. I was definitely like 13 or 14 the first time. I had it under 10. We went on a trip to Hawaii. West Coast boys.
Starting point is 00:18:33 The first one I had was a tamago. It was an egg sushi. Wow. I actually loved it. That actually became a, because it's like this, it's like the first time
Starting point is 00:18:41 I've ever had an egg with a little bit of sweetness to it. Yeah. It's so fucking delightful. That's actually like, that's my've ever had an egg with a little bit of sweetness to it. Yeah. And it's so fucking delightful. And that's actually my... Sounds like an Easter bunny egg. An egg with a little bit of sweetness to it? No, I'm not talking about something from the movie Hop.
Starting point is 00:18:54 I'm talking about... It's a very specific flavor. And it's like a great either palate cleanser, sushi, or something that'll get the end of the meal. I love it still to this day. Nick, we were talking about crabs being in The Exorcist. Yes. Just like in Marvel movies,
Starting point is 00:19:09 if you watch after the credits, you see Pazuzu enter a crab that's walking by on the street. A little sea crab. Yeah. This was worth it. Totally. Pazuzu the demon from The Exorcist.
Starting point is 00:19:22 He flies into a little crab that's walking by. Yeah. It's supposed to set up a sequel. That never happens. Did you demon from The Exorcist He flies into a little crab that's walking by. It's supposed to set up a sequel. That never happens. Did you go to The Exorcist? Or is Georgetown too far away? No, no.
Starting point is 00:19:32 Georgetown is right there. I definitely did. I mean, I am like David Phillips. You know David Phillips. Yes. Good friend of ours. DP. We are both very scared of scary movies.
Starting point is 00:19:44 Yes. So in the writer's room, he works on Brooklyn. Yeah,illips is like cowardly uh yeah he's a cowardly enough and i but that is something that should be said with great admiration oh yeah i think cowards are survivors yeah sure i'm hey you're the host of doughboys also cowards i could i characterize myself as a coward yeah but so i i didn't watch the exorcist until way later and only because And only because I was like, I believe I was forced to. Right. We reviewed it on here. Nick.
Starting point is 00:20:08 We reviewed it fairly recently. At this point, there will be a double either that's already come out. We're going to watch Gremlins. Yes. Did it come out or is it coming out? Schedule wise, it, well, I mean, it can have come out. All right. Then it's just come out.
Starting point is 00:20:20 Okay. Well, we're officially locking this in, this episode that we haven't even recorded yet, but we will have a review of Gremlins and the Doughboys Double that will have been out the Tuesday before this episode. I'm afraid of you. I wonder if you'll be afraid of the Gremlins, if that will be too scary for you. I can handle scary movies. No scary movie is too scary for
Starting point is 00:20:38 me, but scary video games I cannot handle. Like, I just like, I have to shut them off. No scary movie is too scary for you? No, I can handle it. Like, I was too young to I have to shut them off. No scary movie is too scary for you? No, I can handle it. Like, I was too young to watch certain things. I was too young
Starting point is 00:20:49 to watch the movie Candyman when I saw that for the first time. Yeah. I was, like, 19. But I was too young to watch Candyman. That's the one
Starting point is 00:20:56 that I remember was just like, oh, God, this is affecting me. But most scary movies, I'm like, as an adult, I can take them in stride
Starting point is 00:21:04 because there's enough separation from that for me looking at it through a screen. You are. But playing it when I'm like, as an adult, I can take them in stride because there's enough separation from that for me, looking at it through a screen. But playing it when I'm actually a character in the game and that character is in peril, that transfers to me and I am terrified. I can't handle it at all. That's a crazy thing to think of in the future, just the future of entertainment and VR headsets. It's going to kill people. It's going to kill people. People are going to have heart attacks. What games are too scary to play uh i the first time i remember bowser bowser freaks nick out
Starting point is 00:21:30 bowser in the original in the original super mario brothers that whole franchise the mario parties are wild how is donkey kong based on a man named don kong what did he do he he he worked in new york in the 70s i forget what it was he worked in new New York in the 70s. I forget what it was. He worked in New York in the 70s and he owned like a barrel shop and Shigeru Miyamoto came in and he threw a barrel at him or something. It's all mine. This is true, right? This is all true.
Starting point is 00:21:56 I was just putting in there as like an informational right and then it wasn't even part of your character reel. You just wanted to learn to know about the Don Kong origin. I thought it was going to be a cross between don king and donkey kong oh i thought that's what the character that's that's he talks with like a new york accent right um i mean it does does make you think of don king a little bit it does yeah yeah you're right you're right i mean it makes sense that it was probably put into the trash. That may have been the issue. Or the digital trash. I was expecting a Don King impression. All right.
Starting point is 00:22:30 Wow, that was your Lorne impression. Did I get SNL? It was perfect. Oh, great. All right. Wow, you and Armin both have played Lorne now. Armin was in the... What's it called?
Starting point is 00:22:48 One of the late war... It was... No, no. Animal House movie. Yes, yes, yes. A clear and futile gesture or whatever it is. Oh, no. This is bad to not remember.
Starting point is 00:22:59 We should know the name of the movie our friend is in. A clear... Something... No. More than one of our friends. Doughboy's guests have been in this movie. A simple and futile gesture right the one with forte yes a simple and futile i think that's the i think that's one of the harrison ford uh tom clancy movies actually oh boy uh yeah we get a few dollars stupid. I think that's it. Oh, that's what it is. A futile and stupid gesture.
Starting point is 00:23:25 Took a few tries. So just to be clear, Donkey Kong is not actually based on Donkey Kong. Like a fool, I believe the backstory. Wow. Wow. So do you think that that happened at the SNL audition? That they were like... They probably just was like, this is interesting, and then threw it away.
Starting point is 00:23:42 This is just... These are just facts I could look up on Wikipedia. I feel really dumb, and dumber for having pointed it out. Right. Well, Mario, though, you shouldn't feel bad at all after hearing Nick's Lorne impression. Now that's based
Starting point is 00:23:57 on the actual Lorne. Or are you doing a Dr. Evil right now? I'm doing like the guy, like the New York barrel factory worker who Lorne was based on. So Mario is based on a real guy though, and that real guy died recently. Passed away recently. A very private man.
Starting point is 00:24:16 But he was the owner of the property, I believe, that the Nintendo of America headquarters were located in up in Washington State. Nick, I want to talk about this, but it's almost a mean-spirited thing that happened. I don't even know if I want the... You can say it, and we can edit it out if it's too mean-spirited. Okay.
Starting point is 00:24:31 Is it about me? I don't know if you had any hand in it, but it's about the guy who does the voice for Mario. Oh, yes. Did you have anything to do with that or no? I was not involved with this guy at all. I've never met him. Okay. What is that guy's name?
Starting point is 00:24:44 Why can't I remember it? Is it Don or something? Hold on. This used to be a thing I could recall like that, and my brain has just atrophied. Who the fuck is the voice of Mario? I think it was maybe Bugman. Charles Martinet.
Starting point is 00:24:57 Charles Martinet. And they called him up and said, they pretended to be an agency, and said that we want to do the wario movie or we want to do the mario someone prank called charles martinette yes one of what someone in our circle of friends i was not involved in this and said we want to do the wario or mario right and he they and he was excited yeah of course he was excited they're telling a guy i know i think they're gonna make a movie using him now they are doing the mario movie so good for i'm sure that he's
Starting point is 00:25:24 gonna do the voice for it. Are you sure? He probably hung up on them when they called him. Yeah. He's like, yeah, fuck you. I've been asked before. From the producers of Despicable Me, yeah, right. Like the crew response for Bob, Kevin, Stuart, and the gang would possibly do a Mario movie.
Starting point is 00:25:39 Are you nervous about that Mario movie, Nick? Or no, I think you think it's in the best hands it could be in. It's going to be interesting to see what choice they make. I think we'll know from the teaser if it's going to succeed and I think it will,
Starting point is 00:25:49 if the teaser has Mario making like a quip or making like a joke, then it's going to be like, I don't know, but if it just has Mario going like, woohoo,
Starting point is 00:25:59 yeah, if it just has Mario doing Mario sounds. This, by the way, for the listener, this is terrifying to say. If it just has Mario doing Mario sounds. By the way, for the listener, this is terrifying to see. If it just has Mario doing Mario sounds, the way they characterize him in the game,
Starting point is 00:26:10 he's kind of pseudo-mute, then I think that will be a strong indicator that it might succeed. So for you, Illumination is a step above Paul Thomas Anderson. Illumination, PTA, and then like Prime Fincher.
Starting point is 00:26:27 I think that would kind of be my top three. Yeah, I actually had a meeting with Illumination a while ago and never went anywhere, but it was a thrill to be over there.
Starting point is 00:26:36 I just went in there and I just fanboyed all over. Now you know how I feel. Yeah. This is my Illumination. So, beyond feel yeah this is my illumination um so uh beyond uh beyond growing up in dc beyond maryland you have some food service experience you were telling at the restaurant you uh at the restaurant we ate at today you worked at a place called mr bartlett's burgers mr bartley's burgers bartley's burgers
Starting point is 00:27:01 i think it was officially there had two names one was mr bartley's burgers and the other was mr and missy mrs bartley's burgers and salads oh interesting so i don't know if it started as mr bartley's burgers then he got married and she was like we should have some salads i also don't know that that's what she sounded like right i think she did they it was uh it was like a really great burger joint juicy pressed uh burgers you know not the kind sometimes i put a cup over them and they flake up these were pressed down i like that that's like a seven ounce burger and they would have like funny names for some of their salads and burgers they had the dukakis was a small greek salad oh that's cute that's funny i think it was actually said in bad spirits oh boy
Starting point is 00:27:46 they were not fans i don't know i actually don't i don't want to impugn them but i do think they might not have been there was a guy i was the cashier yes and uh so a lot of my job was just checking the checks to make sure that the waitresses and waiters hadn't miscalculated and then next to me was the sandwich station and there was a guy who worked there and he was, uh, he would like go clubbing at night. And he was like, he was,
Starting point is 00:28:11 uh, he was kind of big personality. And one day I walked in and where he had normally stood, there was just a chalk outline of two feet. Whoa. And I was like, what happened? And they were like,
Starting point is 00:28:23 Roy went out all night last night and then he fell asleep standing on his feet we drew chalk outlines around his feet and woke him up and fired him oh my god and so there were just these feet that's like such a fun story like we drew chalk outlines around his feet oh that's fun and then we fired him oh no that's a cute little no right gone then we killed him. That's crazy. That's insane. Did those chalk outlines remain for a while, or they were just sort of like... Yeah, they were like a sad...
Starting point is 00:28:51 It was like poetic as they slowly got wiped away by the feet of his successor. Wow. And his memory disappeared from Mr. and Mrs. Bartley's burgers and salads. I should put a chalk line of you against the wall there, Nick. A wishful thinking? Yeah, or I'll just wait until I put the real chalk line of you against the wall there, Nick. A wishful thinking? Yeah, or I'll just wait until I put the real chalk line of you on the ground. Either way, you're envisioning me dying in your apartment in Palmerston.
Starting point is 00:29:15 Yeah, at some point. God, what a nightmare. Neither of us have fallen asleep during the podcast yet, so that's a plus. I mean, I think a lot of listeners have. I think it's a very common sleep aid. That's terrifying to think of people falling asleep to this. Right. And waking up to like, what the fuck?
Starting point is 00:29:33 And you being like, minions aren't, whatever, whatever dumb shit we're talking about. I had a nightmare about two chubby idiots yelling at me. Minions are strong. That's what they wake up to. Us arguing over, oh, now you have to think about this for real. I mean, I think probably for their body weight, they're pretty strong. I think they kind of add strength. Yeah, I think they're pretty strong. That makes sense. Yeah. Now you
Starting point is 00:29:53 turned it into a real thing. You loser. I don't care if minions are strong. All right, but they're probably strong though. I know you don't care, but I'm just saying they probably are. In fact, you can probably point to some scenes in the movies where they demonstrate their strength. Jesus.
Starting point is 00:30:07 All right, we'll make it a double at some point. Okay. Minion strength scenes. Wait, hold on. I'm looking. Our Patreon just got canceled. They don't usually have a policy of doing that. They shut us down.
Starting point is 00:30:19 Too much money. After one year to start one of our Patreon episodes is about Minion strength. That sounds about right. I had to guess what a year in would be. So how long were you at Mr. Bartley's burgers and salads? It was a summer job. Just a summer job. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:38 And just working the cashier. What's that? I was going to ask you what your... Do you have any summer jobs? Did you have any... We've discussed this before. I worked at the UCLA library. i worked at the campus library for actually i said library i meant bookstore i worked the campus bookstore i was thinking library because
Starting point is 00:30:52 there was a textbook store but that's where i worked i worked there for a summer and change and i got fired eventually for what um they just had hired too many people and i was not friendly so that was find your own book yeah in a sensible customer people and I was not friendly. Find your own book. In a sensible customer service position it was not an asset. When people would buy books from you, all the pages were stuck together. Is that true? You think I was cranking it to biology textbooks?
Starting point is 00:31:15 Just flip into a random page and a physics text, reading about a Copernicus and then blowing a load? Yes. What is this idea you have of me yes you're reading bland text was it was this a cop was this were you were you when were you working there was this college or high school or college college that's a good that's it seems like a fun it was great i was eating there all the time anyway and so then it was just free free whatever i wanted what a dream
Starting point is 00:31:40 it was a dream it was i i would have two hamburgers a day and then maybe to be healthy like a half of a chicken wow and none of the salad when they added the salad you didn't go with any of the salad yeah it's a weird thing it's a weird thing to promote salad on there i guess it's good to know they have it and maybe you'll be like oh it's it must be good if it's on the sign or something but i never ever see that i never see a place saying like whatever and salads unless it is like a specific salad place i think salads people like the salads they were real salads yeah i mean we are this is a place that i haven't been to in 22 years is it still open i think it is yeah oh wow that's amazing yeah that's cool yeah that's really cool hey you know listeners out there if you have some sort sort of occupation you worked for just this summer growing up or
Starting point is 00:32:25 at some point maybe in your college years, hashtag summer job. And if you didn't like it, hashtag bummer job. Oh, okay. There we go. That's a setup. I tried to take it somewhere instead of just being very, very
Starting point is 00:32:41 on the nose. I told you I worked on a garbage truck. That's right. And I saw Tom Brady running the beach in Wollaston a couple times. And now you work on a metaphorical garbage truck. What did you do on the garbage truck? It was a city garbage truck. So basically, we used to start at 8 a.m. And how old were you? I was in college.
Starting point is 00:33:02 This was my sophomore year of college when i did it and you were sorry riding on the back i was riding on the back yeah and i would ride through south boston on the back of a garbage truck it was a real uh the dream it was a real boston it was a boston movie but not nothing interesting was happening besides that right they were like uh they were like uh hey mitchell's right on the back of the truck uh install a more powerful engine yes a garbage truck that people throw couches into needed a more powerful engine to carry me yeah that's what i was saying they were weighted they were like weighted barrels it was because it was mostly we would go to parks and we get we would get all the trash from the parks and stuff. And, uh, I've, I've,
Starting point is 00:33:45 I think I've told this story on here, but we, we would go to the beach in South Boston and we were in, you just roll the barrels over and you and the other guy left it up. I was the guy who always went and got it. Cause the other guy was this guy who was a nice guy, but he was older. And he was also,
Starting point is 00:33:56 you know, he, he was like not all there, I guess. Cause he, right. He would like go through the trash and stuff. And he'd be like,
Starting point is 00:34:02 and he'd be like, he'd be like, look at this and he'd find stuff in the trash. And I'd be like, oh, cool. That was kind of how the day went. Yeah. And then we went in. There's a place called Sullivan's in South Boston.
Starting point is 00:34:16 And we would get our food there. They would give us food for taking their trash, which I probably shouldn't say. But who cares? And yeah, you would go around and just get crash from everywhere but i remember my first day in boston in south boston picking up a bag of trash and i went and i got pricked in my leg and i was like oh and they were like you can't wear shorts like yeah people throw stuff in that trash and i was like oh this sucks that was my first my literal first day on a garbage truck god that's brutal and i never, I never went to a doctor since then.
Starting point is 00:34:50 Boy, all that barrel talk you were throwing out there made me think of Don Kong. I'm telling you, it was a perfect character. Yeah, I would throw the barrels back after we were done. I know the barrels were very heavy. You couldn't throw them. It was impossible. Don Kong could. Don Kong probably could.
Starting point is 00:35:07 You were about to say something, Dan. I had a summer... So where I grew up was a block away from the National Institutes of Health. And so a lot of kids, their summer jobs were working in labs. And I worked in a lab where we did research on platelets. And so I would have to get blood bags these bags full of platelets and uh then i'd have to inject them in something and i pricked myself once and that was oh my god sort of scary terrifying with like a with like toxic waste with like no no this was like no it
Starting point is 00:35:37 was like uh the syringe had touched this these people were all screened right uh but i was obviously incredibly scared oh god yeah that's crazy did you ever sorry go on i was gonna say no matter what that's the thing you never i've never told anyone did you uh like like you were working with platelets did you ever donate platelets no it's crazy how you donate platelets is that what you're gonna talk about i've done it a few times yeah i used to i actually did it in college. If you, uh, it's the coolest thing. Yeah. It's, but it's like, it's a process.
Starting point is 00:36:07 They have, they basically take all the blood out of your body and spin it down and spin it down and then put it back in and then put it back in. So you're like, you're like, it's like a, and it's like a three hour process. So it would go there. Yeah. I should have fucking left you empty. You know what? They forgot to put my blood back in.
Starting point is 00:36:22 I was still fine. Yeah. Didn't bat an eye. Uh, no, I was there and, and, uh, uh, you know, so I would put my blood back in i was still fun yeah didn't bat an eye uh no i was there and and uh uh you know so i would just i would just be sitting there and you're just lying motionless they're draining the blood out of your body and while also putting it back in through i think the other arm or the same arm i don't remember exactly like it's the other arm might be the other arm and this this was this was like 20 years ago at this point uh and um and uh and you know i just like watched like a VHS movie.
Starting point is 00:36:45 So I watched like Jurassic Park 3 and what's the man on the moon? I watched like all these movies while I was donating platelets but the reason I stopped doing it was because twice in a row and I don't know if it was the nurse's mistake or I twitched but something happened
Starting point is 00:37:00 where I got what's called an intrusion where the needle- Everyone at the table is so grossed out. I can't stand blood. Okay. The needle slides out of your vein. The one that's putting the blood back in your body slides out of your vein and then just goes into the muscle and you don't realize it at first and
Starting point is 00:37:16 all the blood just starts going directly into your muscle and your arm like swells up with like a big purple knot in your elbow joint. Nick, every person here, Dan, Emma, and Yu Song, all were just like shaking their head and putting their hands over their heads. I'm sorry, I didn't realize that was that gristly.
Starting point is 00:37:32 There's that sculptor who makes sculpture. He ices his blood and then he makes sculptures out of them. Have you ever seen that? No. To look at that, don't Google it. You just do not Google artists. Nick is Googling it right now. Ice blood artist makes sculpture out of own iceblood. And there's now a bulge in the spam.
Starting point is 00:37:48 You know what? This is where, and this might be my personalized searches, but it's bringing up actually a Magic the Gathering card. I think that one over there. Fucking dork. Okay, this is the one. Oh, this is one of them? I think.
Starting point is 00:38:00 It doesn't look very red. Usually it's- He doesn't want to look at it, Nick. I'm sorry, yeah. Now I feel like I've misled you no i i mean the ones i've seen is i've seen the the one that that what's it's the cover of uh metallica's polarizing album load and it's a it's a an artist created a a painting out of his blood and semen mixed together and it kind of looks like and you know it's one it's a thing where like um of course you love the album load when they when they ask i don't love the album load uh but the uh they they like they
Starting point is 00:38:30 like asked metallica why they put it on there and they were just like it's cool it looks like flames like they had that was just like a very surface level okay this is the thing it looks like a man's like desiccated like like wow that's fucked up bleed himself and then it's just what if i pricked myself with your platelet blood oh man that would be crazy you probably have something as i guess did you uh did your personality start to disappear did you become less charismatic and less hireable um yeah it's uh that was a that was a crazy process i felt like i was doing some good and then i just had that happen a couple times i just like this was so painful i don't want this to infiltration it was called did you ever look at intrusions way cooler
Starting point is 00:39:07 yeah did you how much can i ask how much you got paid was it did it wasn't for money it was just like a i would get uh free movie passes but you didn't get they didn't have direct cash compensation but at the time i get like two free movie passes and i get to watch a movie uh for donating and it was just like oh i get to go see a movie for free two movies. I think you told me that myself the like giving the blood platelets that you said that was like the most fun you had in college. I was up there to the that are playing
Starting point is 00:39:33 Smash Brothers by myself. The multiplayer game. Yeah, known as a multiplayer game. I'm playing it solo mode. This is the N64 version. Yeah. Okay. Yeah, I i'm gonna say gamecube version hadn't come out yet and that came out late that came out like a 10 years or so later no it was a few years later i was still in college when that one came out nick did you
Starting point is 00:39:54 ever see on the lab coat dr nosferatu i think a dracula was stealing my blood via this platelet thing it's a possibility yeah it seems like they didn't know what they were doing. I don't want to impugn the nursing staff there. It's possible at UCLA Medical Center that it was my fault. We should talk about crabs because we should go back to my great joke about Pazuzu going into a crab.
Starting point is 00:40:20 Yeah, that was good. Maybe we'll save that for later. Maybe his claw spun around or something. Maybe that that for later. Maybe I think it'd be like maybe it's like claws spun around or something. Maybe that could be an element. I mean, I think it's right for itself. Are you a crab fan? Yeah, I do like crabs. So my wife is also from Bethesda,
Starting point is 00:40:36 Maryland, and we met in junior high school and her family ate crabs. So I would occasionally have crabs with her family and they're great. There are a lot of work. So I get really sick of them really quickly but like once every seven years it's eatable
Starting point is 00:40:51 you're talking like the Maryland blue crabs by the way, my wife and I met in middle school really? we didn't start dating until after college my wife and I didn't start dating until after college isn't that wild how that happens? but you have a shared upbringing, You have a lot in common. I think it's a more common connection than people realize.
Starting point is 00:41:09 Now, we kind of had a crush on one another from the time we were about 16 on. That we would talk about but not act on. Did you have any sort of... Some unrequited sort of like, I'd be... Yeah, definitely. Of course that's an element of it. Because you reconnect with someone in adulthood and it's like, oh, this is someone I always
Starting point is 00:41:25 thought would be cool to hang out with. And then it ends up being true. Damn, poor Natalie. She knew you since middle school? It was a really sweet story, I've got to say. I mean, also my story. I'm not saying it was a sweet story for you. For both of us.
Starting point is 00:41:40 It is a sweet story. Nick, you know I love Natalie. She likes you more than me. He's weird. My parents met and got married in two weeks. Whoa! For both of us. It is a sweet story. Nick, you know I love Natalie. She likes you more than me. Weird. My parents met and got married in two weeks. Whoa. Full on married. Wow.
Starting point is 00:41:50 And they're still married. It seems like a different generation. Definitely a different generation. I think there were reasons you wanted to get married. It feels like when you watch the old... I watched Dracula. Bram Stoker's Dracula. Yes. I watched it for the first time this year.
Starting point is 00:42:08 I liked it a lot. It's a crazy movie. And I guess a crazy story. But it is that sort of thing of back, the whole story is like, I'm going to marry one of these four men who are courting me. And I have chosen to marry this one. And they get married. like these four men who are courting me and I have chosen to marry this one and they get married. It's a weird thing that like I think in back in the day within a short
Starting point is 00:42:28 period of time, people would just get they get married. You understand that Dan's parents are not as old as Bram Stoker's Dracula, right? I don't think his parents are as old as Bram Stoker's Dracula. That was that. I mean, you didn't choose like a sitcom from the 50s or something. I should have chose a sitcom from the 60s or 50s or something okay but i'm saying just back in the day you would court someone it would happen
Starting point is 00:42:49 right it seems easy i wish it was still that way it can be it can be maybe i think also that was like partly because of the way society was a little more patriarchal right yeah like a little like the women maybe it's a good thing for god sake. I'm just saying it would be good to have that taken care of. Right. It would be nice to be married and not have to worry about it. Mitch, you have women falling over themselves. Oh, Jesus Christ. To make a connection with you.
Starting point is 00:43:16 And you just won't let anybody in. That's the issue. What the hell is this shit? You have women who would love to be Mrs. Mitchell. You have many, many women who would be interested. The only Mrs. Mitchell is one, my mom, two, Irma. Irma is the real Mrs. Mitchell. She answers to that.
Starting point is 00:43:34 And she will walk on two feet. And maybe she's possessed by Pazuzu. Oh, God. All right, now we're saying Pazuzu. Just because he's from where Georgetown, from Maryland. Doesn't mean we have to say Pazuzu. I don't want to say the name anymore. You're humorless about ghosts and the safety of your cats.
Starting point is 00:43:57 I just merged the two of them. It's true. So a crab fan, it's a once in a blue moon sort of thing for you because it's just so much work do you what do you have like how do you prepare it or how do you are you an old bay guy do you have any sauces yeah uh i like old bay vinegar is good oh yeah vinegar right um i love vinegar in general huge fan of it so great i go through uh periods of time where i'll not very frequently but where i'll dip french fries in vinegar. Oh yeah, that actually works out great. The old English way, is that what I say?
Starting point is 00:44:28 Oh my goodness. Wow, that was spot on. That's all I got. Goodbye, cheerio. Oh no, don't leave. Hmm, I liked his English character. It was very specific. The fish and chips in vinegar is a great comment.'s great up on it yeah absolutely
Starting point is 00:44:48 yeah you did and you can generalize it you're right because that's the only context in which i'll dip fries and vinegar but why limit yourself you can do that at any time it's it's true it's true i actually don't have a bottle of vinegar in my house which is something that lasts for the it lasts for a very long time right it's so much i feel like it's better than having ketchup laying around. I should get a bottle of every kitchen deserves a bottle of vinegar. I feel like you could have both. It's true. Yeah, Mitch, you can have condiments in your home.
Starting point is 00:45:14 Have you done? I mean, obviously you have. This is a stupid way to ask, but the Belgian people, maybe maybe a Belgian person will come by and visit now. Yeah, yeah. Oh, oh, boy. maybe a belgian person will come by and visit now yeah yeah well for sure oh uh oh boy oh boy help me out nick it's like a it's like they speak french right it's like a french accent i could not there's no way i could do uh is inspector cluso is that oh yeah that's pretty
Starting point is 00:45:38 good yeah that's that's in the ballpark anyway they dip it in mayonnaise i think yes and that's also good i do that all the time. Yeah. There's actually a restaurant in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, which is a, I know an obnoxiously hipster, gentrified area now, but there is a restaurant that's really good there called Diner, and they have like a house-made mayo that they serve with their fries, and it is like a top five dip in sauce all time for me
Starting point is 00:46:06 like anytime i go there i get those house mayo it's so so i don't normally like mayo i like it in this context and then i will say thanks to you guys i went to top round got that incredible chicken sandwich oh hell yeah and they've got mayo on it and usually i would scrape it off right i'd be like infuriated i'd be like they didn't say there was gonna be mayo and then it's great on that sandwich yeah jordan morris went to that top round did not like the chicken sandwich he told me i thought i thought that the chicken sandwich was great and did you get did you get the concrete at all i did not i went with my two daughters and i felt like it was too much of a treat for them yeah sure sound like a jerk but i mean it was uh it was like the wrong time of day it's one of
Starting point is 00:46:44 those concretes is like 1200 calories it's insane yeah it looks amazing jordan loved the concrete yeah he loved the concrete it must be interesting to be a parent because you have to like demonstrate self-control which is something that i'm just not like familiar with like i just like i'm like like oh i want the concrete i'm gonna get that concrete i don't have to like you know and have to teach this value to another generation or anything like that. Yeah. Right. We can teach them about disappointment.
Starting point is 00:47:08 You can get in front of them. I'm, I'm not my family. We eat my growing up family. Right. How would you, whatever the family with whom my family, um,
Starting point is 00:47:19 we would eat very quickly. Oh, and like with no restraint. Right. And when my wife came over to my house for the first time and my parents, they were like, my mom said, you should eat quickly if you want to eat dinner. Wow. She wasn't like everyone else, be kind.
Starting point is 00:47:35 Yes. Eat slowly. And so I have modeled that behavior to my daughters. And my wife is like, this is horrible what you've done. Like one of my daughters will literally pick a plate up and like shovel the food into her mouth which i really respect yes and i but it's because of me is it because like that you get it done quick and then you're off to other things or we just i there's like an animalistic aspect to it i don't know it was i my parents were both older siblings so i don't think it was like a younger sibling
Starting point is 00:48:05 need, but I mean, my parents eat still faster than I, and my brother eats faster than I am. I mean, my brother eats so quickly. One time we were at this sushi restaurant, um, Nishimura. Did you ever go there? It's closed now. It was great. I've never been there.
Starting point is 00:48:19 And we, my brother's a big sushi fan and we went and my brother wanted to get omakase, which is where the chef gives you the pieces. And they were like, we don't have time for that. So my brother said, okay, then we'll have two of everything. Wow.
Starting point is 00:48:32 Which was in like kind of a baller move. Yes. Um, and they would serve these things on there. They're like, they had a surfboard theme, right? So a surf,
Starting point is 00:48:40 they brought out a surfboard after a really long time, like a four foot long surfboard. And it just had pieces of sushi lining it. And there was this little French family eating next to us. And my brother and I finished eating the sushi in like six minutes, tops. And we just heard this little French girl go, Mama, ils ont fini? But that was like, my brother is an amazing eater, so.
Starting point is 00:49:08 Hey, that Belgian accent we were looking for finally emerged in the course of that story. The little French girl. She was doing a Belgian impression. We'll take a break. We'll be back with more Doughboys. Wags, we've all been there. Rummaging through pipes, dodging man-eating Venus fly traps,
Starting point is 00:49:29 grabbing up coins, fighting hammer-slinging turtles, and stumbling upon polka-dotted mushrooms, eating them, turning into giants, and going on full-blown rampages. Schedule 35 is kind of like a certain well-known plumber's mushroom, but for your mind. Oh, interesting. Schedule 35 sends precisely measured microdoses of psilocybin that you can take daily to enhance your day without seeing, well, man-eating Venus flytraps. An emerging movement around psilocybin is proven to help with mental health,
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Starting point is 00:51:14 Here's what you do. Grab a Breaker's pouch and break the capsule. Yes, with your teeth. It makes a really satisfying pop. Put it in your lip and enjoy the immediate nicotine and flavor release. Nobody is doing anything like this except for Lucy. It's a new kind of pouch technology and it's only available from Lucy. No more sandpaper pouches drying out your mouth.
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Starting point is 00:52:04 I've heard he likes espresso and you know what romandi has also told me that he's noticed so many differences with using breakers versus regular nicotine pouches just what a better overall experience it is so break up with your dusty gas station pouches and go to slash doughboys and use promo code doughboys to join romandi and get 20 off your first order lucy offers free shipping use code doughboys to get 20% off and always free shipping. And here comes the fine print. Lucy products are only for adults of legal age and every order is age verified. Warning, this product contains nicotine.
Starting point is 00:52:42 Nicotine is an addictive chemical. This show is sponsored by BetterHelp. Mitch, one of the relationships I'm proudest of in my life is with my buddy, the spoon man. Wow. And you know what? A common misconception about relationships is they have to be easy to be right. Between you and I, I don't think so. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:59 But sometimes the best ones happen with both people put in the work to make them great. Therapy can be a place to work through the challenges you face in all of your relationships, Sometimes the best ones happen with both people put in the work to make them great. Therapy can be a place to work through the challenges you face in all of your relationships, whether with friends, work, your significant other, or anyone. Well, you know, I always feel like a better person when I'm in therapy. I get the gunk out of my head. My anxieties go down. I'm feeling good.
Starting point is 00:53:21 And you know what? I'm doing good. You sure are, buddy. I do good. It's great. Therapy is helpful for learning positive coping skills and how to set boundaries. It empowers you to be the best version of yourself. And it isn't just for those who've experienced major trauma. So if you're thinking of starting therapy, give BetterHelp a try. It's entirely online, designed to be convenient, flexible, and suited to your schedule. Just fill out a brief questionnaire
Starting point is 00:53:41 to get matched with a licensed therapist and switch therapists at any time for no additional charge. Become your own soulmate, whether you're looking for one or not. Visit slash doughboys today to get 10% off your first month. That's slash doughboys. Welcome back to Doughboys here with Dan Gore, this week's chain poketo moss now dan you're someone who works in you've worked in tv writing for a long long time now amassed a wealth of very very impressive credits worked on some awesome shows uh including the one you're on now uh uh the one you uh you uh you created and uh the uh poketo moss is well let, let's just take a step back for a second. That writer's rooms, like the sort of TV industry, a lot of times there is a lunch order or a dinner order that is put in so people can kind of work through that meal and sort of keep at it under a deadline.
Starting point is 00:54:36 So, okay. So we have a crazy, has Phillips told you about this? Yeah, David Phillips has told us a little bit about. So we have this crazy lunch situation. So basically, like I've been on the same lot for 10 years. And I'm so sick. Is it CBS Radford? CBS Radford.
Starting point is 00:54:50 And I'm so sick. A great lot, by the way. A great lot. Great access to a lot of food. You can go over the hill very easily. And I feel very bad for the PA who takes the order. Because it's like, he would come in and he would say, hey, how about we go to Artist and Cheese Shop?
Starting point is 00:55:04 A great place. A totally great place. I've been there before. And you would just see like my whole face fall. Yeah. And I'd be like, okay. And I mean, it was like a thing. And then he'd be like, fuck, now I have to find another place.
Starting point is 00:55:17 Right. So we came up with a system for choosing restaurants that is so incredibly complicated. It basically, it starts with, we have a, do you want to hear about it so we have a hopper like a lottery ball hopper inside of which is uh uh a bunch of ping pong balls each of which has a one of the writers initials on them so there's 16 ping pong balls in it that and writers pas writers assistants right a person raffles i'll get to how that person gets chosen picks out a ball that person whom they select so let's say i get selected i go up now we have a wheel of fortune style wheel which has something like 12 different wedges on it each wedge there are like eight restaurants there's a win the pot which we'll get back to
Starting point is 00:56:03 there's a um uh erase and and write another restaurant because all the restaurants are written in all right right you spin let's say you spin and you get uh um firehouse subs uh-huh um if if everyone wants to go great that's it you move on menus come out you have fire. Most likely, somebody doesn't want it. They can veto. Oh, wow. The first veto is $1 towards the veto pot. Okay. Now, let's say I pick Firehouse Subs.
Starting point is 00:56:31 I'm a big fan of Firehouse Subs. Me too. The Engineer is great. I don't know if you've had it. I totally recommend it. I don't know what's in the Engineer off the top of my head, but I may have had it when we reviewed it. Is this based on the movie Prometheus, the Engineer sandwich? Yes.
Starting point is 00:56:42 It's based on the myth of Prometheus, the engineer sandwich? Yes. Based on the myth of Prometheus. Okay. So then to veto the veto to keep the place is $2. Okay. Wow. Now the vetoes go up exponentially. So to veto the veto of the veto is four, then eight, then 16, then 32. Now let's say you veto my firehouse subs, and I don't veto the veto.
Starting point is 00:57:07 Nobody vetoes the veto. You then get to come up and spin the spinner. Okay. Whatever place you go to can now be vetoed for $2, or you might get a different thing which says spinner's choice. Then you have to choose a thing, which is actually like a punishment because it's the worst thing in the world. Right.
Starting point is 00:57:22 There's another one. Because people get mad at you. Wait, because you just choose. Because you hate it's like it's all the pressure so much pressure yeah there's another one the name of which i'm blanking on which sends you to a second raffling system dear god that's what happened today okay you spin that that has something like 76 balls in it each of which is assigned to a different restaurant in the Los Angeles area, and you are locked in. There's no vetoing that. You can only win the pot on the first spin. After that, it just locks in. So there's been examples where somebody spent $32
Starting point is 00:57:56 in order to veto and veto and veto, and then they'll land on the lock. And it's like in Wheel of Fortune when you get, know um the pot i'm looking at my pictures i took a picture of this today the pot is now up to and this is just from people throwing in veto money throwing in veto money and it never gets that high right carl tart friend of the show yeah yeah carl carl tart is a spender he likes to spend and he i think may have once spent 32 or 64 dollars to keep five guys wow so the pot is currently at 544 oh my god that's insane what's gonna happen with the money also good on you carl five guys is a solid choice oh yeah big fan um what's gonna happen to the money we don't the real question is what's going to happen if no one lands on the veto. Right.
Starting point is 00:58:46 On the veto pot. There are some talk that we will start going in a circle. Now, Phillips never vetoed. So there's a chance Phillips, schmuck, could win the veto pot without having put a dollar in. What an asshole. Total asshole. Asshole move. Is he being magnanimous?
Starting point is 00:59:04 Like, I'm not going to veto anyone's choice or he's just being cheap no to be magnanimous would be also to say like i think you know i think that's a good choice for everybody right he said he's like no i don't like that place oh okay but he's not gonna willing but he's not money in for he's a coaxer he's coaxing people on those fucking deli boys deli boys they're good yeah he wants everyone else's money i mean i don't want to say it's a can i can i can i can i pitch something for this game yes um it within that when you get locked into stuff you should get locked into bad stuff there should be like a we only get to eat broth for lunch well effectively there is because somebody will put like a photo a place on or something and it'll be summer and
Starting point is 00:59:41 you're like what the fuck are you doing at one point we had three firehouse subs on three different wedges which really pissed everybody off um and then the other crazy thing is on wednesdays we do walk away wednesday where we have giant playing cards that have like they're from dave and buster's yes somebody dr dave and buster's playing cards so that each one has a picture of a different writer on it. They get shuffled and then dealt into four groups. The groups, there are four people. There's a leader. There is a person who's supposed to come up with conversation topics. There's a recapper and a judge.
Starting point is 01:00:14 People go out and they have lunch for one hour and then they come back. And then there is a recapping session and a judging session. The only stakes are pride. But people have gotten mobile escape rooms. Somebody got a limo, and they went down to Hollywood Boulevard and back. I mean, there are people who go, and they do not have lunch. Wow. Just to prove a point.
Starting point is 01:00:39 No, there's no time for lunch. Right. It sounds almost like a like getting your lunch process sounds like a jury duty or like yeah right it seems like it takes half the it is does it take a half the day uh if my wife is listening i'd like to say it does not it is like jury duty in that it is it's miserable no one enjoys any part of it it is not fun at all so the other It's very hard. It's a very, I can't relate.
Starting point is 01:01:10 I can't relate to this more because I was the food. I know. I can imagine. I was the food PA at the Simpsons. Well, yeah. Having to make a decision for an entire group of people that everyone's going to be not upset with is very difficult. It was basically 30 people. And also, it's been at the Fox Lab for 30 years. So everything, they've done everything,
Starting point is 01:01:26 and even the closest place you can, I mean, the furthest place you can think of, they've done it. They've gotten everything from everywhere. If you worked on, say, The Simpsons since season nine, and you've been there for over 20 years at this point, or going on 20 years at this point, right? They're not at season three yet.
Starting point is 01:01:40 Then, yeah, you've gotten very accustomed to the local food, and you're probably sick and tired of it. I i've gotten into rooms being like here's where we're going for lunch and then have like an entire room who because another room made the decision an entire room being like oh like mad at me yeah right and i'm like this is fucking sometimes i'll say ask the other room what they want if we're in two rooms but then and then they'll come back and then i'll be like fuck this no we can't have this it's such a a crazy thing for an office built to try to manage to get lunch for 20 people. It's terrible. By the way, I wonder how many of our listeners are like, I brought a PB&J and some ruffles
Starting point is 01:02:15 that I'm eating in my cubicle. You're fucking having a raffle about which restaurant you're going to have delivered to you. Writer's rooms in Hollywood the a plus side is you get you get lunch right but then it is that sort of thing of no everyone is mad at it long hours but but you are compensated in food and and i i do think that that the um i mean obviously people are spending money doing and this is infrequent things like the the limo it's stuff like that but the writers room lunch is also the amount of money we are given for lunch has dropped precipitously every year so that most writer's rooms it's like i'm gonna again this is
Starting point is 01:02:50 not terrible but like 12 for a lunch per person right it's not like i know it sounds like we can go to any restaurant in los angeles but it's not like we're going to morton's or something like that 12 yeah it doesn't get you what it once did yeah i mean that's like that's like you can you talk about firehouse subs i feel like you get a fire out you it once did. I mean, that's like, you're talking about Firehouse Subs. I feel like you get a combo at Firehouse Subs that's $12. Yeah. By the way, the engineer, I looked it up, that's that hot turkey in Swiss. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:13 That sandwich is a winner. I've had that. It's great. It's delicious. God, there's a Firehouse Subs in Santa Monica. It's so close to me now. I just want to go all the time. It's so good.
Starting point is 01:03:23 Did you move? No, I'm still in Santa Monica. They opened new firehouse subs right next to the El Pollo Loco. It's so close. I can walk there. I've never seen where you live before. I don't know. I can't even imagine.
Starting point is 01:03:36 You might live on the ocean. I have no idea. I don't live on the ocean. I don't know. We have an apartment we're very happy with by the train station. But it's not ocean adjacent. I feel like it would be good if you could just walk right into the ocean like you've always wanted to.
Starting point is 01:03:51 No, I'm going to walk in front of a train like my great-great-grandfather actually did. That's true. Have you told that story on here? I think I've told that story on the podcast, yeah. I haven't heard it. What happened? The short of it is that my great-great-grandfather went to a political rally and was very distraught afterwards uh and then uh
Starting point is 01:04:13 he was a war veteran i don't remember exactly he fought for the confederacy he didn't fight for the confederacy come on and if he did he was a bad man uh but this was this was in missouri i think in the 19th century and then he was so distraught after this political rally, and he walked in front of a slow-moving train at the station as we're pulling into the station. But the detail is that there was like 40 the crowd collectively shouted no in unison he stood in front of the slow moving train as it ran over him and then he just like fucking mowed down
Starting point is 01:04:53 and I think died slowly. Yeah. Classic Weiger move. Just a brutal fucking suicide. A brutal slow death. Yelling the south will never die. I disavow his politics if that's the case. Of course! We know that. It's a joke you freak. I'm justow his politics if that's the case. Of course, we know that. It's a joke, you freak.
Starting point is 01:05:07 I'm just saying. I want to be crystal clear. You can say anything you want about my great-great-grandfather. I don't know who the hell it was. Probably some asshole. Yeah, it was probably Pazuzu. It'd be embarrassing if the train stopped. Yeah, right?
Starting point is 01:05:21 Just like an eighth of the way in. stopped yeah right like just like an eighth of the way in um so uh so yeah a very elaborate order ordering system is going on you've got this like crazy crazy raffle and one place you're landing on with some frequency poquitomas yes so especially when we when we edit when we stay late at night when i say late at night i will frequently get poquitomas for dinner i would say yes two three times a week wow that said That said, never been there. Wow. Had no idea what the place looked like. So tonight was your maiden voyage to a physical Pochino Mas location. Yes.
Starting point is 01:05:51 Wow. We went to the original, so we'll get into the meal. We went to the original Pochino Mas, the first one that was ever constructed by the founder. I have his name right here, as I said in the intro. When you say the founder, I think McDonald's. It's not the McDonald brothers. Kevin McCarney is his name kevin mccarney uh a who founded the
Starting point is 01:06:10 poquito moss this first location located on coinga boulevard uh and it's tucked into a little a little strip mall kind of a modest location some of the newer ones are are quite a bit bigger this one doesn't have a lot of tables inside um but i'll say this their service tonight was and it generally is super friendly and so fast i was amazed by the speed at which we got our order it was blazingly fast so so fast um uh let's uh let's uh let's get into what we order we'll start with the the chips and salsa because you just kind of get the and it's a thing i like there that you get chips what and this i think dan is your is your first dine-in experience you were witnessing this for the first time but you get chips. And this, I think, Dan, is your first dine-in experience. You were witnessing this for the first time. But you get chips as you're waiting.
Starting point is 01:06:47 Like, they give those to you right away. So you have chips and salsas you're waiting for your food, which some other places do. But it's a nice detail. The salsa bar, they have a lot of options. I went with the verde salsa, and I went with the spicy. It's like a bright red salsa that they have there. And, you know, they're both very solid salsas. They're really loaded up there.
Starting point is 01:07:05 I think there's like a half dozen different options you can get across the heat spectrum. What did you guys think of the chips and salsa? I love the chips and salsa. I should give some history on this place. Please do. This was kind of when I first moved to LA, started working at the Birthday Boys house.
Starting point is 01:07:21 The Birthday Boys house, Birthday Boys is my sketch group. They lived on, well, for people who group. They, they lived on a, uh, well for people who are listening, not, I, I,
Starting point is 01:07:27 I also, I think everybody who listens knows that I say it too much. They, they, they lived right up the hill from there. So me and Jeff Dutton and, uh, and sometimes Hanford,
Starting point is 01:07:38 we'd switch it up at Dutton. A lot of the time we'd go down to that Peguito mass. Of course, Dutton was a ringleader. He is the fucking coolest. God, Nick is on this thing where he thinks Dutton is cool, he is cool he's a cool guy he's cool but is the implication cooler than you is that the i mean he's definitely cooler than that's fucking 100 percent cooler than you i'm the coolest in town baby you're a lovable guy
Starting point is 01:08:02 but i wouldn't call it i'll call you cool neither of us are cool no don't put me in your category we're different kinds of not cool but we're both not cool hey i'm wearing the pizzeria regina shirt tonight that i was given uh that uh that someone had thrown up on stage it was thrown up on stage at the live show oh you know what i take it back mitch you're wearing a shirt from a pizza parlor with a flannel over it. You are a cool guy. I just want to say from an outside perspective, I think you guys are both super cool. Wow, thanks, Dan. That's not a good sign for you, I'm going to say.
Starting point is 01:08:34 I've never met anyone. All right, that makes more sense. We used to go there a lot, and we would do a chicken burrito, and they usually split a steak burrito. So you get 1.5 burritos you and dutton 1.5 burritos the with the chips and and you know a paquito from the soda fountain we get a pepsi or diet pepsi that this was like my meal when we would work up at the birthday boy's house just meeting yeah writing sketches we were there every week we had a big long sund Sunday meeting always. This was the meal. This was the go-to meal. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:05 And also, in a lot of ways, like my big introduction to burritos. I had burritos before that. Don't get me wrong. I had frozen burritos when I was in high school. But this was like... Different game. This is a non-Taco Bell, still fast food chain burrito, but a very, very well done burrito. Sure.
Starting point is 01:09:23 I love the burrito there. And it made me fall in love with burritos so much more. So I have a big place in my heart for this, a big cheesy, you know, carotid artery. Literally. Yeah, literally. There's a spot in my heart for this place. A plug.
Starting point is 01:09:39 There's a plug in my heart for this place. A thing that will have to be bypassed at one point. But I really, really love this place and was going there like in my 20s once a week when I was up at the birthday boy's house. So you guys both got the chicken burrito tonight. Yeah. Just to say about the chips. I thought the chips and salsa were great. Yes.
Starting point is 01:09:59 I got the green salsa. And then I got the on. We got that sort of Mitch and I got very similar salsas. I, we got a sort of muted red salsa that you said was usually a darker color. It's usually a darker color. There's, and you know,
Starting point is 01:10:14 I can, I'll look up the names of these. They're, they're very, it's very hard to figure them out there. Cause there's, there's that one's kind of like a Crimson, right?
Starting point is 01:10:21 Is that the one you're talking about? Yes. And it's kind of like, it's, it's like a medium salsa. Am I wrong about that? Yeah. But it's yes and it's kind of like it's like a medium salsa am i wrong about that yeah but it's usually it's it's usually a dark it's like called like an asada salsa or something weird like that and it's a little viscous it's a little bit um i i like it when the chips are warm i didn't feel like the chips they weren't too warm tonight
Starting point is 01:10:38 that's it they are a tasty chip right yes i think i think paquito mas i love it i think it is a place where you can have a good Paquito night, you can have a bad, not as good Paquito night. I don't want to spoil. I shouldn't say whether we had a good or a bad Paquito night. Yeah, but do you? Well, I mean. We'll get to it.
Starting point is 01:10:55 We'll get to it. We will definitely get to it. So you guys both got the chicken burrito. Yeah. And Mitch, that's your go-to. Dan, is that your go-to as well? That's my go-to. I always get a chicken burrito. I love how they press the burritos or they fry them or
Starting point is 01:11:09 stay on the outside so there's like a crispiness there's they're still soft and uh malleable the the tortilla right but there's uh they've been pressed and cooked and it's really got a crunch that's just slightly grilled yeah grilled man that's the word I'm looking for. The tortilla is just one of the things, with that burrito, is just one of the best things about it. Here's what I think is one of the things in the check marks in Bukido Mas' prose column. They make their tortillas
Starting point is 01:11:38 in-house. They have a tortilla press that you can watch at work. This was a thing purportedly invented by the founder. The machine that they use in these locations. This was a thing purportedly invented by the founder, the machine that they use in these locations. It's like his own patented design.
Starting point is 01:11:50 But yeah, they make their flour and corn tortillas in-house and you can absolutely taste the difference. I mean, you go to a place, you can notice it
Starting point is 01:11:57 even with a taco truck you go to. You go to a taco truck that is pulling tortillas, corn tortillas out of a bag, it's going to be a different experience versus some place
Starting point is 01:12:04 that has fresh corn tortillas. And it makes a huge difference here. I've gotten the name. It is called, the salsa, by the way, is an asada salsa, is what it's called. It's kind of like a darker, almost, sometimes it's almost black. And this was not that.
Starting point is 01:12:17 And this was red tonight. Here's another thing with Paquito. The salsas will be different. You'll go in there and sometimes, that's a little spicier. The cilantro salsa, which is the salsa verde verde sometimes will be a little bit more spicy sometimes it won't be spicy at all i would still say that's a check mark in the pro column because they're making it in the house they're making it so you don't see it as a quality control problem more as uh there's each uh salsa maker is an artist on their own right and they're changing
Starting point is 01:12:41 it up it's gonna be and also too just like they're they're to get different produce in it might have you know they get they got a slightly slicier uh spicier pepper this day and and that's just going to affect what their batch they're making then they have the pico de gallo they have two two kind of flavor two different levels of heat in the pico de gallo then they have a uh like a fresh medium salsa and then this other one that's a mild salsa one of them almost looks like tomato sauce and then the other one looks like tomato sauce that has little chunks in it those are separate even from the two pico de gallos right and those those are the main ones for me then there's like a spot like a spicier salsa that's kind of like a dark red that's like this this spicy salsa and then there's like the the cilantro and onion and a couple other things in there well there's the bright
Starting point is 01:13:22 wet red one at the end too which is also that's a little spicy. That's what I'm saying. That's the spicy one. Okay, you said dark red. Oh, I'm sorry. Yeah. Bright red. Yeah. I mean, I'm not trying to be pedantic. I just wanted to make sure we're talking about the same thing.
Starting point is 01:13:31 Same one, same one. If people can see this, they're staring daggers at each other. I'm not trying, I'm seriously not trying to be pedantic. I just want to make sure we're on the same page. That's fine. I'm just going to get my chalk out.
Starting point is 01:13:39 Right. So I can make that chalk outline. I feel like I've heard you guys rail, or like like really pan people who like pico de gallo i feel like is that is that a thing that i've heard before here i just to me it was like such that beginning salsa of when i got here it's like the it's the classic i mean if i go to a restaurant and they got chopped up you go to go i'm gonna have it i just is now as time has gone on i think it's just kind of a plain option it can feel like a starter salsa at times although
Starting point is 01:14:08 there is a there you can get a very good execution of a of a i like the little burst of freshness it gives sure that's what i like so i i got a little bit of pico de gallo 100 but i felt very self-conscious no knowing how you felt no it's we weren't we scoffed at you the entire i tried to hide it i really tried to hide it. Yeah, you should feel self-conscious in front of the guy who did Dong Kong and the guy who did a Lorne Michaels impression. Two guys whose opinions you should value.
Starting point is 01:14:35 But yeah, so, and how were the chicken, you mentioned the variants of some of the, of Poquito Mas, you were talking through the sauces, Mitch, and you know that can be affected. How were the chicken burritos your go-tos tonight? I,
Starting point is 01:14:48 we can get to it. I'll say what the ingredients are. It's grilled chicken, pico de gallo, jack cheese, guacamole. The cheese is a big component in this burrito.
Starting point is 01:14:56 So that cheese is like complaining how UCB should pay performers? That cheese is like kind of railing against Earwolf's policies. What the hell? Did I get lost in this jack cheese oh my god dear god that's the bit most inside joke i shouldn't have said that just gonna confuse and upset people i liked it all right um jack the jack cheese is a big component in it i think i think it's besides
Starting point is 01:15:27 their tortilla nick yes uh this jack cheese uh it is it is one of it is one of the i think it's one of the second most important thing in this burrito uh i mean the chicken you're saying after the chicken is important and sometimes you can get that this doesn't happen a lot you can just get up you can get a burrito some night happen a lot. You can just get up. You can get a burrito some night, some nights that aren't as good as others. What did you think of it tonight? I thought it was pretty good. Mine was pretty good.
Starting point is 01:15:51 I was pretty good, too, but it's not. It wasn't the best. It wasn't the best. It's never been. Some of the chicken wasn't as tender. I thought I got some some some hard chicken pieces. Yes, which which is that is when you get bad chicken. It is rare, but it happens every single restaurant we go to. And you don't mean rare as like temperature.
Starting point is 01:16:07 I don't mean rare temperature. That also would be bad. That would be horrible. I'm saying like a chewy chicken or like a chicken that's just not as... Or like a hard chicken. Or a hard chicken. Or a hard chewy chicken. Yeah, yes. And hard chewy chicken, that would be the worst of all. But like if you get like, especially if you get like kind of gristly or fatty pieces.
Starting point is 01:16:22 Can I also say... Oh, sorry. No, no, no. I was going to say, I thought sorry. No, no, no. I was gonna say, I thought having eaten there that the way their delivery or pickup option is really great. I don't think it lost that much. The, the, my normal experience wasn't, didn't feel lesser because it had been sitting in a car for 15 minutes.
Starting point is 01:16:39 They are used to accommodating catering and to go orders. And so they have a system down where they have good packaging and they know how to pack things where it's going to travel well. Absolutely, and that is another checkmark in the pro column. This location specifically is just getting bombarded.
Starting point is 01:16:54 I mean, it gets probably orders from Universal every single night and possibly from CBS Radford, too, just every night. Yeah, Universal Studios will be like, boy, the minions at the despicable we ride are hungry yeah can you those guys eat a lot they're so strong yeah they're super strong for their weight so they're gonna toss a banana in one of the burritos i'm sure um but i was with
Starting point is 01:17:15 you i thought i thought tonight it was i thought it was okay i didn't think it was the best it's ever been i didn't think it was the worst it's ever been i thought it was kind of right in the middle which for them i think for the most part, they're usually on the good side. They're usually on the good side, but sometimes like for instance, for a time they had like a crab taco. They had like a fresh crab taco and then I wasn't that Pazuzu one. That was where I was going to say
Starting point is 01:17:35 that one time I got in the crab was possessed by Pazuzu. That's what I was driving at. They didn't ever have a crab taco. They never had a crab taco. I think I believe that too. Good job. We're tricking everyone today. So you guys got the chicken burrito. I went with the, I don't usually get seafood there,
Starting point is 01:17:52 but I went with the shrimp San Lucas Tazon because they do, you know, seafood was part of their founding and that was part of what they, you know, the novelty of this chain is that they were one of the places that was bringing the Baja California style seafood up across the northern side of the border. This is a wild-caught Pacific shrimp, lightly dusted and pan-seared with spicy salsa roja.
Starting point is 01:18:15 That's the bright red salsa we were talking about. Lettuce, black beans. And that's a pretty spicy salsa. Yeah, white rice, tomatoes. And so you've got a bunch of fresh ingredients, basically, that these shrimps, they're like bright red. They're like seared and bright red are sitting on top of. And I think this was really good. I mean, I thought the shrimp was good quality, especially for like a counter service chain.
Starting point is 01:18:38 It's like a good quality seafood. Well, you know what? Well, keep going. Yeah. I think we're going to i think we're gonna have a similar thought uh the at least the ones i had in my bowl but you guys got a shrimp taco which may be departed from that a little bit you know the the bowl is just like a bunch of stuff but i will say it's like a better composed dish than the chipotle bowls which i think are kind of just
Starting point is 01:18:57 like a seven layer dip kind of mess this is more like okay the i see the discrete elements here it's kind of presented in a way where it's a little bit more uh a pleasurable to look at uh as you do eat with your eyes first yours yours yours had like almost like a like a pan asian kind of a beautiful presentation yes i actually thought it looked great right it it looked it looked lovely and it it tasted great uh and and i like the i like the the heat on it because i am something of a heat seeker um uh i i really enjoyed it really really really high quality. I wasn't sure I was going to get to hear it. Really?
Starting point is 01:19:29 It's like I wanted to have a bingo board of things I wanted to hear. And that was one of them. That might have been the center square. Wow. Yeah. Heat seeker. I'm from Quincy. Bring up Wu-Tang.
Starting point is 01:19:41 Wu-Tang. Hey, Wu-Tang's the man. We were talking. God damn it. Look, if the Alexa turns man. We were talking. God damn it. Look, if the Alexa turns on. It's unplugged from this episode. Son of a bitch. Son of a bitch.
Starting point is 01:19:52 God damn it. What if your mom is calling you? She might be. She's probably sitting by the phone. Mitch! Pazuzu's in the house. The crab is there? Yeah, yeah. She's standing on a chair as the crab is running around
Starting point is 01:20:10 we where we're lobster you know what i was going to say is that i don't i haven't eaten a lot of crab in my life lobster and fish for sure and shrimp uh in the new england area but not a ton of just not a ton of crab emma you're you're a new englander the same for you or now i don't have crab much in new england but my dad's from baltimore so every time we go to baltimore it's like mandatory that we get can i say something does he say oh sorry you're gonna say oh no no no you first how does he say the word egg egg because i get a lot of i say egg a lot of the time i've tried to train myself i get a lot and i think it's like a bottom he used to have the baltimore accent when he, he said, but he dropped a lot of it when he started working in business. Cause he kept calling people hunt.
Starting point is 01:20:49 Oh, that's like not okay. That's an accent thing. No, but like he, he like dropped it. He's lived in new England. He kept pinching girls.
Starting point is 01:20:56 So he dropped the accent. None of that. But he, he's lived in new England for 35 years now. So he has more of the Boston. Right. Okay. That's kind of thing.
Starting point is 01:21:04 There's, there's, there's a, do you guys, every guys whatever every it's weird that even just state by state there's weird terrible accents wait how do you say it again egg how do you say it oh i used to say egg egg like the way you would say bagel minus the bagel egg bagel egg and i would say egg i guess i say more egg tour instead of tour tour tour so if you're talking about dr uh if you're talking about uh sonic's nemesis you'd say dr robotnik aka egg man yeah that's exactly that's the context you would normally say it yeah yeah does that make you understand it yeah i know i can wrap my head around it i was confused for a second i was gonna ask you quick quick aside yeah are you liking you like crab cakes or you're like full-on crab better i like
Starting point is 01:21:49 full-on crab all right fair enough crab cakes are too rich for me there's yeah there's there's i'll say this crab cake crab cakes are one of those foods where um there's a lot of bad ones like you can get a bad crab cake and it's bad i think a mini crab cake could be a good thing maybe yeah i like that there's some foods are's terrible. I think a mini crab cake could be a good thing. Maybe. Yeah. I like that. There's some foods are better as many and some are worse. Like cake pops are a bad version of cake. I think.
Starting point is 01:22:10 Well, also that's the other thing with crab cakes. It's weird to call it a cake. Yeah. It can't cake. I'm just thinking of a cake slash pie pie. Just waiting for another, another,
Starting point is 01:22:19 another bingo box checked off. This is fan service for one person. Yeah. It's a dream. It's a dream come true. Crab cakes, aka crab pies, are weird to me in that
Starting point is 01:22:32 it shouldn't be like this dessert. You know what I mean? Like this hot. Do you like angel food pie? I don't know what angel, what is angel food pie? Angel food cake? Oh,
Starting point is 01:22:43 that's what he was saying. I didn't even get my own joke i'm a fucking idiot but no i i feel like uh i i feel like when it's a hot dish like that yes that's uh it shouldn't be called cake right i think it's fine all right fine whatever it's fine i think some people aren't bored with me i i honestly don't think anyone's on board with that yeah no i think like i really think people support almost everything you say this one seems insane it should be it should be a crab uh crab it should be a crab patty i mean if anything it should be a crab patty that's great patty crab sounds like a character that's great that patty crab is perfect why not a crab cake is weird to me patty crab like a spongebob supporting character yeah right in that universe um so uh you guys had the uh staying on seafood
Starting point is 01:23:30 i had my shrimp bowl which i joined you guys each got a a shrimp taco i found it very disappointing i found it very disappointing as well and also what was the issue you could tell by the the shrimp just tasted kind of like not great quality they tasted like grocery store shrimp like like they tasted like i feel like there's a cleaning detergent or something that they used in a mass scale to clean shrimp i feel like your shrimp coated in the red sauce yes it probably disguised some of this taste but i had like a septic taste almost like yeah i think definitely that went some way i also that went a long way because this was heavily sauced. Your guys was basically unsauced.
Starting point is 01:24:07 Also, I think there was a difference in cooking because I think yours was broiled and this one was seared. It had a little bit more of a texture element. They should have seared these guys. Yours looked so attractive. Then I thought when we opened our packages up, it was a sad
Starting point is 01:24:23 color combo. Yeah, that's a bummer. It was like uh it was it was a sad it was a sad color combo yeah that's a bummer yeah it was like the color of a band-aid kind of yes i mean it would they did not look appetizing and also the other thing is is that they just weren't they were completely uns it just tastes unseasoned and you could taste the you could you could almost taste like the water yes that's what i'm trying to say The water that they were cleaned in or something like the industrial water. Yeah. It felt like you could taste the vein. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:49 Oh, God. When a shrimp isn't deveined, that's the fucking worst. It's so disgusting. I'm not sure if they weren't deveined. I'm not sure they weren't. I shouldn't cast aspersions. I will say that I have encountered that before, and that is a nightmare. It's so gross.
Starting point is 01:25:00 It's so, so fucking gross. Even still, it wasn't inedible. I mean, we both ate them. I ate them i ate them i put the i put the salsa verde on there armin stands by the he loves the shrimp burrito gets it up there all the time but i wonder which which variant he's getting because he might be getting the uh because you know there's the san lucas versus the the regular shrimp and i think you want the one with the seasoning when we were talking about shrimp yeah they the guys behind
Starting point is 01:25:21 the counter put shrimp in a skillet i think it might be a pain in the ass to make is what i'm thinking interesting i think that the burrito to armin's uh credit might be better because then you've got all the other mushy stuff and you've got that nice crisp pop every time you get a shrimp and so and the taste is masked yeah i wish i wish we would have gone with the if i wish we had tried the fish tacos because i've never had them there and i've never done the shrimp tacos either but i'm saying in hindsight i was like oh i wish we had tried the fish tacos because I've never had them there. And I've never done the shrimp tacos either. But I'm saying, in hindsight, I was like, oh, I wish we had just gotten the fish tacos. Who was the Johnny Appleseed of fish tacos?
Starting point is 01:25:51 Oh, boy. This was fuck. I don't know his name off the top of my head. Was it Rubio? Yeah, it was the Rubio's guy. Ralph Rubio. Yeah. He gives himself some credit.
Starting point is 01:26:02 I think a lot of these places, obviously, aside from the chains, there are a lot of independent places that did a lot to spread this. But yeah, he is one of the pioneers. So staying on the taco front, the thing that I think helps the taco is that fresh corn tortilla that you're getting. Even though maybe I'd like to have that doubled up, the more traditional way. You just get the one corn tortilla. At least I did on my potatoes carnitas taco. But it was quality carnitas. It had some pico de gallo just put on there behind the counter.
Starting point is 01:26:35 I plussed it up with a little bit of spicy salsa. It had some cilantro on there. It was good quality carnitas. It got a little soggy because it didn't have that second tortilla soaking it up, but it was a good quality meat taco, and I enjoyed it. We also got the steak quesadilla, which I thought was a big winner. That steak quesadilla was great. I've had the steak burrito before, too.
Starting point is 01:26:57 The steak quesadilla is great. The steak burrito is great. They do great steak there. One detail in there that it's it's not just cheddar it's not just jack and cheddar cheese it's also got a uh some some anaheim chilies in there and some green onions in there and then you got some guac on the side to dip it in dan what do you think of that i i i got to that late yes so it was a little cooler or colder and a little more congealed right i have a like a phobia of the cheese because it gives me the tummy rumblies yes there's a lot of there's's a lot of the rumblies.
Starting point is 01:27:26 Yeah. So I mean, and when we first arrived in your apartment, I had a bad case of the rumblies. Oh no. Oh no. Yeah. As a,
Starting point is 01:27:31 as a goner, are you still, it's gone. It's been sucked back into my body. Do you ever try like a lactate or anything? Does that do anything for you? Yeah. You mean like the pill you can,
Starting point is 01:27:40 the pill you can take in advance. I have tried that, but I think you have to take it with your first bite or something. Oh, okay. So I, I, I, and I also feel like it comes and it goes right but um there's a lot of cheese in the in that and yeah in the in the quesadilla but the quesadilla is normally pretty great yeah the taste was great and i thought the the guac was good yeah uh i and nick we also got that's it as far as food right right? I was going to say, with all my food, I just use the salsa verde, the cilantro to pour on the food.
Starting point is 01:28:09 And then I use the chips for all the other salsas, which I'm just dipping and trying different. But salsa verde for almost every single thing I eat there. The salsa verde there is great. It's really good. And I think it goes really well with the burrito, the chicken burrito. And it goes really well with the steak quesadilla. Sorry, I laughed because when you said with all the food, I just, I used, I thought you were going to say the bathroom,
Starting point is 01:28:29 and so little came out. I finished a sentence in my head. That's also true. You know what? I will say this. Speaking of bathrooms, this happens almost every time I'm in a Piquito Mas. They like mop the floor with
Starting point is 01:28:45 like a bleachy substance that happened tonight when we were there it always happens can i can i it's very it was a very strong smell within the restaurant always very very strong i hate that it always happens i hate the smell of a college cafeteria like the cleaning area yeah sometimes a restaurant will have that i recently was at a restaurant this is a very brief aside and uh i had a very upset stomach i ran into their bathroom closed the door i was waiting for a while sounds like we have a lot in common soulmates and uh a guy like in a uh like a workman's outfit walked out of the bathroom as i walked in and kind of gave me a look like what are you doing but i thought he was i thought he was embarrassed that he'd well i thought maybe of gave me a look like what are you doing but i thought he was i thought
Starting point is 01:29:25 he was embarrassed that he well i thought maybe he'd made a smell not what had happened i found out after really really using the bathroom i turned around to flush it the entire handle was gone wow the back was off of the toilet oh my god and so he was the plumber fixing the toilet yeah what the fuck are you doing is. That's insane. And I'm sure in his head, he's like, should I stop him? And then he saw the determined look on my face and was like, no, it's on him. Wow.
Starting point is 01:29:52 So I had to reach into the bowl and pull up the plunger myself. Oh, okay. Oh, okay. Jesus Christ. No, no, but into the tank. Into the tank, yeah. Okay. Not into the bowl.
Starting point is 01:30:03 That's still bad. Yeah, the way you said it into the bowl, I was thinking of something else you're pulling out it was just like what a nightmare but yeah just just pulling out the plunger in the train is fine that i i in the tank is fine yeah i told the story when when i worked on mitch you're rattling the mic a little i think you're riled up you're holding the mic sorry it's all right we're just picking up in the cans i thought you were gonna tell the story about getting sick just now. Oh, no, no, no. The hand. No, I won't say that again.
Starting point is 01:30:29 You were so proud of it. I told Nick that I would only tell it if the show was going bad. I didn't even think the show was really going that bad. I thought it was a great show. Great show. I had to say it. Mitch, we were eating shit up there. It was bad.
Starting point is 01:30:42 It was really bad. We needed that story. I was a pa on a it's like this low budget movie the one of the guys from uh sex in the city was in it like one of the don't like a don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't just painting a picture for everyone is that sex in the city music i think so jesus emma's not along oh my god um and i would never want it there was one bathroom on set nightmare that's a nightmare scenario i never would want to use it so i had a stomach problem
Starting point is 01:31:10 i think i might have told you this nick i went to burger king yeah and the men's bathroom was out of order it just wasn't open there was tape across it right and there was a handicapped bathroom that was uh the men and women yeah and i was like i gotta use this i feel bad it's the handicapped restaurant i'm sorry the handicapped handicapped you're allowed to use them yeah handicapped bathroom okay yeah yes well then it makes no sense what i did later but i i i used the bathroom and as soon as i sat down someone started knocking on the door that's the worst the fucking And I was in there for 10 minutes, so I said,
Starting point is 01:31:46 in my head, I was like, I got to make it seem like there's something wrong. So I left the bathroom and I was limping. So I left the bathroom and I just had this limp on
Starting point is 01:31:55 and I was limping out of the bathroom like I had a bad leg. Tiny Tim style. Tiny Tim style. And the lady was, there was a little nice sweet old lady. She said, she said,
Starting point is 01:32:04 hold on. And I said, yeah. And she said she said hold on and i said yeah and she said help me and she wanted help into the bathroom wow i dropped the act completely yeah i just gave up i just walked normal and i was like i'm busted and i just walked normal that was your kaiser so say moment that was my kaiser so say but i gave it up i walked her into the bathroom and she went oh it stinks in here and then i left it fucking sucked i mean this woman was an asshole she was being really rude it's very presumptuous to ask for help into a restroom and then to complain to get help from that person and then complain about what they did she said oh it's it stinks yeah i was i mean i was very rude i left a place to not have any issues.
Starting point is 01:32:45 This is what happened. And also, the woman's room was open. Yeah. I don't know if it was open. There must have been someone in there. But she was using the other restroom for a reason. But I literally was limping. And this woman was a Sex and the City cast member? Meanwhile, Big was on the west side Waiting for his new date
Starting point is 01:33:05 While I was outside a Burger King bathroom While a man with a limp was stinking it up I'll call him Big as well for other reasons What he left in the toilet And his resemblance to Big the cat Gave up the limp immediately Did you say anything? Were you like, okay, that's over
Starting point is 01:33:24 What a nightmare. That's horrible. Jesus Christ. That's amazing. That's on her. That's her fault. I think that was back in the day where I thought like you needed to have some ailment. I should have, now, I mean, I was 22.
Starting point is 01:33:37 Yeah, I think it's like optional. It's optional. You were trying to cover something. By the way, just a weird detail. I'd never seen this sign before in a restroom, but the restroom in the Pokido Mosque has a bubble light switch. Thank you for assistance in keeping this restroom clean. We endeavor to keep our restrooms clean at all times. If for any reason you feel this room requires further attention,
Starting point is 01:33:56 please flip this switch up. Have you ever encountered that? No. That's so weird. So you have basically the way you would call a flight attendant sitting from your seat. You could do that for the restroom. So that old lady could have flipped it.
Starting point is 01:34:11 The smell. She told me it was very, very embarrassing for something I wasn't over it. Now I'm over that a little bit more. Did you have to help her onto the... I didn't have to help her. She did have trouble. She was older. Did she drop the act? that a little bit more but did you have to help her onto the i didn't have to have one she she she did have trouble like she was older did she drop the act once she was young she turns out she
Starting point is 01:34:31 was 25 or so uh no it was uh just uh you know what a meet cute yeah in the long line of uh embarrassment that is my life that was another moment that was embarrassing and um why did god put me on the planet exactly right we we asked this question every day uh we also got the uh the aguas frescas which is a new thing they they added the pequeno masas various uh house-made juices um uh should we say what kind we got i i went with melon pineapple watermelon um what did you guys think i thought the melon the generic melon was fine it was like you know it's it's's slightly fruity. It's not particularly sweet.
Starting point is 01:35:08 I mean, just a little bit of sweetness. It's just a tinge of sweetness. But yeah, definitely refreshing. I thought it was fine. I thought it was nice. I usually go with a Diet Pepsi, or if I'm being bad, a regular Pepsi from the fountain. I like Coke products better, but I like a fountain soda.
Starting point is 01:35:27 They also have the glass bottles of Coke. I thought it was a nice change of pace. I liked it. It was good. It wasn't like one of the best agua frescas that I'd ever have. Agua fresca, right? Am I saying it correctly? Agua fresca singular. Agua frescas plural. And also
Starting point is 01:35:43 neither of us is pronouncing it correctly. All right. But we're doing our best. But you pluralize both sides of it. It's not like attorneys general. Right. Correct. I got the watermelon.
Starting point is 01:35:53 I thought the watermelon was good. Sometimes it can be a little too pulpy or a little too like it can separate. It was not separated at all. Yep. I don't know if that speaks to it being less freshly made, but it was good. If it was not freshly made I enjoyed it I thought they were nice They worked
Starting point is 01:36:08 I would have loved a dessert option I know that's not necessarily a thing That you would get at a restaurant like that But it could have been nice I guess they don't I've never seen it on their menu You'd think that maybe they'd have a couple options In the cold case just sitting there
Starting point is 01:36:23 A piece of Tres Salches cake or something. But, yeah, they don't seem to have anything. But, hey, you know, they do it. They have their menu, and then they execute that. Well, let's get to our final thoughts on Paquito Mas. So here's how this works. Daniel, you listen to the podcast, but just a refresher. We'll each go around, sort of give a summation of our experiences on this visit and previous visits, and then give it a rating from zero to five forks. You are our guest, your first Poquito Mas in-person visit, Dan, we'll begin with you.
Starting point is 01:36:51 Okay, great. So my history with the place is starting about a year and a half ago, I began eating their burritos about two, three times a week. I think they're very dependable, really good. Yes. And I think you can have a healthy option. I think they're very dependable, really good. Yes. And I think you can have a healthy option. I think you can take the cheese off of that burrito and it becomes healthier and less delicious. Yes. They have the veggie grill burrito, which if you're not going to get cheese or whatever,
Starting point is 01:37:18 the veggie grill burrito seems like a good option. It has a bunch of fresh vegetables in there, which you can get. And it seems like a healthier option. The healthiest thing i think you can get there is the they have the the nature's grill protein plate which is just like a bunch of a bunch of grilled veggies and and your choice of protein and i thought and i thought what you got looked delicious it was great um and i might order it the next time although with our shrimp experience it might be a looks better i mean but you really enjoyed it with another protein,
Starting point is 01:37:46 maybe a different protein for that. Good point. Fair enough. Um, so, and, I really enjoyed the restaurant. Uh,
Starting point is 01:37:52 the experience, I agree with you. The service was really good. It was really fast. If anything, it was too fast, but I don't think you can say that about a, a fast food restaurant.
Starting point is 01:37:59 It's not like they expected us to stay there for a long time. The fastest food has ever been served to me at that restaurant ever. That was the fastest foods ever come out. Right. Because we had a big order. Yeah. I mean, I felt like once we got from the salsa bar back to the seat, they were already placing the burritos.
Starting point is 01:38:14 It was kind of amazing. It was amazing. Really efficient place. Yeah. Well run. I like this. I like the bathroom switch, which I didn't even know about. Fascinating.
Starting point is 01:38:23 It's a fascinating detail. It makes me think it's clean. I wonder where the light is on the other end of that switch. It must be in the kitchen, right? Well, that's gross to think of. It is weird. So I think that it's a solid place. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:39 I don't feel like it is exceptional. I don't feel like it's not like i would go out of my way again part of this may be because i go there so frequently yeah um i'm gonna say that said i know that we are judging it based on its own context sure um the shrimp knocked it down uh maybe three full times for me wow well two full times two full times wow gosh the we're scared i mean look on your face we're both scared but i want you to be i want you i thought it was pretty good i thought the whole thing was pretty good i'm gonna give it three forks three forks and three times three forks three times i mean am i in the same ballpark as you guys i think it's i honestly i want i know
Starting point is 01:39:22 you make the guests go first and every time you do that I'm like poor guest I put them on the spot but I think that's the best chance of getting an honest evaluation I like that's true I like I like I like where I like that you said what you said I will now say it this place does hold a it holds a special place in my heart Nick you said this this is the first one and there's a no
Starting point is 01:39:39 is this the one that has the no photographs one in it or it there there was a time it looks like it's been taken down but there was a time when when they had a no paparazzi policy that was very explicit on a sign outside. You saw Conan there one time? Not at that location. I saw him at a different one. This location, again, it has a spot in my heart
Starting point is 01:39:56 because it's where I used to go all the time. There's a little window where you can see them making their tortillas in the window, and that's pretty great. I love it, and I will say this. Every time I'm in there, there is that weird, there's that cleaning thing. I feel like that's happened to me multiple times
Starting point is 01:40:14 where they start cleaning, and it smells like bleach and went under the restaurant. Sure. I picked up from this restaurant one time, and I got a studio plate, Nick, which we didn't talk too much about those, but they're also kind of like another healthy option with a little bit of rice, a protein, a salad. Similar to this is his own, just composed in a different way.
Starting point is 01:40:31 And I told you this, there was a little bug on this, and I've talked about it on the podcast. There was a little bug on the side of the container one time, and I don't know if it was a little roach or a little whatever. It was tiny. Yeah. Did you threw it out? I ate it, of course. And I'm not not beetlejuice um and and and i still love that place so much that i went back again not even that much longer afterwards right
Starting point is 01:40:55 and i don't i mean we also have talked about this that's the only time i've ever seen anything gross like that i do think that the the the quality goes up and down i think if you're gonna eat in there like we did tonight, there's one close to NBC on... Nick, we used to go there. It's on Olive. It's on Barham, right? I think it's on Olive.
Starting point is 01:41:16 It's on Olive. Okay. We're getting very, very granular with LA people being on awesome locations. There's another location nearby there that's a good sit-down version of it. Right. Better than what we have. There's only a few tables, and the rest of the tables are really outside.
Starting point is 01:41:29 And it's too cold to sit outside right now in LA. It's 50-something degrees at night or whatever. I love it. The chicken burrito there, I love so much. The steak quesadilla and steak burritos, I love. I think what they do, they do great. I can't help. I have to give this place five forks five forks. It is Jesus. It is. What about the what about the
Starting point is 01:41:52 shrimp? The shrimp was not great tonight, but I know I've had a I know that that shrimp burrito is good. The shrimp tonight. I should not get. I am purely rate rating this based on my experience with it. It is one of the best casual fast food Mexican restaurants that there is in LA. I think your rating was great. I knew we wouldn't be in the hand-holding club. But it feels like we're in the flicking each other off club. No, not at all.
Starting point is 01:42:20 I worry. Okay. We are far enough outside the threshold for even ballpark buds. Jesus. I'm just saying. Can I ask you a question about the Golden Plate Club? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:42:31 I mean, right now, we're averaging Golden Plate. Or is it a minimum threshold? Four fork minimum. That's okay. Four fork minimum. This is not getting in. I just want to say, there might be a reassessment afterwards.
Starting point is 01:42:43 Let's see what happens. You don't have to retcon your review. I want you to stick to your guns. Is Nick pissed off? No, I'm just saying what our rules are. Four fork minimum with an average of four forks. This is so much harder than people think. It's insane.
Starting point is 01:42:57 Don't feel responsibility. It's totally fine. Hey, Nick? Yes? Get the chalk. Oh, no. No. I'll just walk out to see.
Starting point is 01:43:09 Here's what I'll say about Pochino Mas. First of all, this chain, the size it is, it makes their lives a little easier. They don't have to scale things nationwide. They are local to LA. I believe they have 11 locations. It's a lot easier to maintain a same level of quality across 11 locations all in the same county versus across
Starting point is 01:43:32 you know a thousand locations across the country so you know you have to consider that that said the poquito moss in santa monica which is where i saw conan um that poquito moss right across the street from a fudruckers yeah a couple years ago shut down used to be my go-to i go to that poquito moss all the time that's a bummer you know what replaced it a chipotle and you know what that was a major downgrade and i'm a guy who likes chipotle yeah but that is a several steps down that is a huge bummer chipotle is not in the same it's not in the same class it's not even anywhere close to the same class as mojito moss there is there are absolutely better mexican food in la in southern california obviously if you go south of the border uh so like there is definitely better Mexican food out there. But for this approachable chain version that is in areas where maybe this really great taqueria or really great taco truck isn't, for that execution, for that kind of Mexican food, and with some options that are decidedly targeted towards being healthier, as opposed to like a cabeza taco that you might get off a truck uh a poquito mas is
Starting point is 01:44:45 great at what it does and how much of a step down is it from poquito mas to chipotle how much is that downgrade to me that's a two fork downgrade wow where do i put chipotle three forks oh my by definition poquito mas oh my god a five fork restaurant mucho moss i say yeah i don't want a little more i want a lot more oh my god first of all so uh just outside the the golden plate club not in the handling club not in the ballpark buds but you know that's far away friends yeah we'll be far away friends on this one can i just say for a place that is called poquito moss yeah and i i believe earlier i said i wanted a little more. I wanted dessert. And when it came to that, they were no moss.
Starting point is 01:45:28 That's true. That's true. And there was no brew dogs, no alcoholic beverages at this one either, which is. That said, I hate that I am the one responsible for keeping it out of the Golden Plate Club. Dan, I love it because you are sticking to your guns. You are proving. Nick is now looking at me for this. No, I think this is great. because I change my scores for the audience.
Starting point is 01:45:48 You do that all the time. I know I don't stick by my gun. Yeah, no, you pander. You pander desperate and we will not make you walk into the ocean and if you do look out for those gross paquito shrimps in there and the bazoozoo crab. Yeah, scariest of all and the corpse of Don Kong. That's how we died.
Starting point is 01:46:04 Yeah, it's floating to to sea i didn't write that part of it yet um i want to also say that just a shout out to the salsas the best i think some of the best salsas in the in the and at least in the in mexican fast food right or or cash fast casual yeah the best in the game kind of what else is in this sector you you've got like your your rubios which we reviewed recently which i really like you've got uh you've got the salsa you got baja fresh um i think it's wahoos i think i think it's the best salsa bar of any of these absolutely uh well that was our review of poquito mas it's time for a segment we got a bunch of chips and we're gonna eat them all it's another edition of chips inhale rest you rangers bag too big no bag too small. When you've got chips, just call.
Starting point is 01:46:46 Ch-ch-ch-chips inhale. Rest, you rangers. Ch-ch-ch-chips inhale. Every flavor. You know it never fails once we're involved. Somehow these chips will eat them all. Mitch, you may have noticed that the TBD lyrics that I used to have nothing for has now been filled in with the line, every flavor. That was courtesy of Aldrin, a.k.a. at Acorn Nio on Twitter, who submitted that back in August, which was the last time we did this segment.
Starting point is 01:47:17 Nick, we just found out, we just remembered that we have to do the broadcast. Yeah, we had a little stop down while I grabbed the aux cord and remembered we're going to go guest on Joe Saunders broadcast, which will have already come out in December right after this. I mean, yeah, no, I'm excited. I like Saunders. Saunders is a good guy. He's a good guy. It's late at night and we've got to do one more thing. These last few weeks have been brutal. I feel bad.
Starting point is 01:47:38 I look bad. It's a bad... You're wrong. You're wrong. You look great. You don't have to say that and you don't have to say that you don't have to retcon your your your review of pookie domas uh joe saunders a writer's assistant on the pilot of brooklyn 99 whoa that's cool hey the fans are tweeting over and over again they want to know when kyle murphy's coming back in how many episode arc it is uh we're we're working on a multi-episode arc but we're thinking of recasting no uh look also i even subtly is it gonna be subtly who comes in and takes over as a
Starting point is 01:48:16 kyle murphy it's uh there were in preliminary talks with ryan gosling oh my god okay very different type um we we thought i thought it would be a Bruce Valance or a, I don't know, a mound of clay. Muppet Christmas present. You have an outtake. The bloopers and outtakes are finally coming out eventually. The first season is coming out soon, I think. And after we launch,
Starting point is 01:48:43 and the rest of them are coming coming out there's in the gag reel you have such a funny improv where you were singing a song i was i remember and i it was it's an insane i won't spoil it but but it was like i was singing i was like what am i singing and it was one of those situations you also clearly realize that and then cover for it in a very funny way i guess by not talking about exactly what it was, this is a waste of time, but it's no, but that's, but I, I was Neil Campbell told me to, is it okay if I say what it was? Yeah, I think so.
Starting point is 01:49:12 Neil Campbell told me to rap like freestyle rap, but just do it to the tune of Mary had a little land. So I was, I started rapping and I got to the part and I was like, Kyle's got a little girl. And then like in my head, I was like, that's weird. And I was like, little girl, little girl. I was like kyle's got a little girl and then like in my head i was like that's weird and i was like little girl little girl i was like kyle's got a little girl but like but she is is of age like that is that's the way i i had this rap the second part that she was of age you were also alone in the car you're driving alone so you just see this panicked look it was like all so real. Didn't know cameras were rolling.
Starting point is 01:49:45 This is just a candid moment. And go ahead, improvise for a second. And of course, no, that can be used on television. Instantly to pedophilia. That's your gag, Nick. This character could play well at 1235. 10 to 1 slot. If there's ever a chance, could you put a mug shot
Starting point is 01:50:12 of Nick up in the precinct of somewhere around the top 10 most wanted list or something next to Whitey Bulger? I thought you were going to say most handsome perps. What a compliment. Oh, this sucks. Dan, you're coming back next week. So we've got these Lay's chips that we got back when they were doing the Taste of America. This Taste of America promotion, which was back in, I believe, July, summer of this year.
Starting point is 01:50:42 When was that? Nick, you got me to get these. We got these and then we just never had them. You said got them. They sat on my table. Yes. For six months now, just about. And they've expired.
Starting point is 01:50:51 The sell-by date was 25 September 2018. However... Quick expiration for chips, huh? Yeah. However, Dan's family having a background in food and him having some knowledge of it he said that there was nothing to worry about so we're gonna go ahead and eat i mean they might be a little stale there is a sticker that says guaranteed fresh okay great oh i mean guaranteed fresh
Starting point is 01:51:13 until printed date uh or the snacks on us we are well it looks like there's still some it looks it looks like there's some air still left in there yeah well i'm gonna open these up and we can circulate the first one we've got is a chili con queso. And then we've also got a wavy West Coast truffle fries, which I'm going to open up. They won't go bad, I feel like. I don't think they'll go bad, but they might be a little stale. And we've also got a wavy bacon-wrapped jalapeno popper. By the way, apologies to anyone with
Starting point is 01:51:35 misophonia. Is that what it is? Misophonia? Which we've learned about. People are very upset by crinkling paper, crinkling wrappers, or crunching. All of these things are very upset by crinkling paper, crinkling wrappers, or crunching. All of these things are taking place right now, so our apologies. I'm going to go ahead,
Starting point is 01:51:49 and this is the first one I've had. I'm having the bacon, what's the full flavor on that one? Bacon-wrapped jalapeno popper. Bacon-wrapped jalapeno popper I'm about to put in right now. This is another wavy chip. I've just, I've eaten the chili.
Starting point is 01:52:04 Seems a little stale. I've eaten the chili Seems a little stale I've eaten the chili con queso Oh really? I thought the chili con quesos Weren't stale at all Was that the first one you and I ate? Yeah Yeah I didn't think they were that stale
Starting point is 01:52:10 Maybe further down in the bag The chili con queso one is fine Yeah I did that wavy one Was maybe a little stale But I feel like Is there a chance The flavors have degraded?
Starting point is 01:52:20 Could be They all taste very similar to me A little muted Chili con queso Is just a little bit spicy And Mitch I need There's one more I need to have. The truffle fries one you're holding. The truffle fries being sent over here.
Starting point is 01:52:30 I'm not getting a big truffle taste from this. I got a little bit, but the fake... Try it again. Maybe I need more of them. I'm getting a little bit. I mean, it's definitely like a truffle oil. Of course it would be. Don't listen to me. I only gave the place 3.75. You spoke your truth, and that's what's important. That's what we value It's definitely like a truffle oil. Of course it would be. I mean, don't listen to me. I only gave the place 3.75 stars.
Starting point is 01:52:47 You spoke your truth, and that's what's important. That's what we value more than anything on this podcast. I have a least favorite one. Tell me. By far. Yeah. My least favorite one is the bacon-wrapped jalapeno popper. The fake bacon taste is gnarly.
Starting point is 01:52:59 I think I agree with you. That's the one that tasted stale to me. And it's also, you know, again, maybe there's some flavor degradation. i i just thought it was it was a pretty unpleasant i hate it yeah it tastes very artificial and also like what are they trying to do these these this is the this is a bacon wrapped jalapeno popper is awesome that's i would love to have that on a little uh like a little app tray i just get pissed off by these compound flavors. Like have a bacon jalapeno chip. That would work. It doesn't have to be bacon wrapped jalapeno popper. That starts sounding like frankenfood.
Starting point is 01:53:30 Get the bacon out of there. That sucks. The bacon one sucks. Simplify it to some. Take two things away. Huge whack. Yeah. The chili con queso is the best of them, I think.
Starting point is 01:53:38 That one's great. Just a little bit of spice there goes a long way. Chili con queso, I'd give a snack to if that was an actual chip. I'd be fine if that was in the big bowl. Best texture, yeah. And then the Chili con queso, I give a snack to. If that was an actual chip, I'd be fine. Best texture, yeah. And then the trouble ones, I give a soft snack to. Yeah, they're fine. A gentle whack or a... A soft...
Starting point is 01:53:53 This doesn't even get a soft whack. No. This gets a hard whack. Yeah. This is the hardest... Just to be clear, the hard whack is a bad thing. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 01:54:00 Okay. It's a Weiger level whack here. Like I'm just really vigorous, like putting my shoulder into it. Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ. Yes, the chili con queso, I fully agree. That's the one that actually works. And I think also, too, it just being an actual Lay's instead of the Lay's wavy, which does not even close to a ruffle in terms of a ridge chip.
Starting point is 01:54:21 The Lay's wavy doesn't really work. The chili con queso is a much, much better texture and crispness to it. Who won the... Can you look up who won or Emma can look it up? By the way, in that drop, that was from The Bachelorette, right, Emma, that you looked up from my drop earlier in the show? Oh, interesting. But did one of these flavors win?
Starting point is 01:54:38 I hope of these three, I hope the Chili Con Queso won. I think there are other flavors in the Taste of America that we weren't able to get our hands on and that's part of the reason because they were only available in certain regions and that's part of the reason we never ate these is the wavy a subgenre of the lays in general are there lays wavies yes there are okay and those are the ridged ones that's yeah and they fucking blow ruffles are so much better i don't like the font i think it's a font that clashes with the other font font looks like shit yeah yeah it looks
Starting point is 01:55:05 like the font i would choose in high school that like made the the it made the the words a little bit bigger so like it would so if i had a 12 page assignment right did i ever tell you that that i in high school i wrote i had a 12 page book report due and i wrote the first page in the last page just a paragraph and uh i was walking to my English class and I set up a thing with Wu Tang and Micahs. And Micahs knocked my books out of my hand and then Wu Tang kicked them across the hall. And I went up to my teacher and I was like,
Starting point is 01:55:36 I had my report. This is insane. Yeah. But I was like, they kicked it and there's only the first and last page. Wow. And he was like,
Starting point is 01:55:46 okay. He said, yeah, he gave me an extra day wow the extra day was like through a weekend and then that monday i still don't think i did it tough you gave yourself a last page you had to write to i know i had to finish it like in the same exact way i have the opposite story which is i got a mac like like what or an apple we had like an apple 2e and they had different fonts on it and this was like in sixth grade i used my parents apple 2e and we had to write a book about like dickens or something and i used the old english font and i handed it in and i was like so proud of it and then someone was like look at that fucking dork he wrote it English. Oh, did you do your homework?
Starting point is 01:56:29 That Old English character could play at 1235. Obsessed with 1235. I mean, that's when he puts up his favorite sketches. Well, that was Chips and Hale, Rest You Rangers. Just like a restaurant, we value your feedback. Good thing with that report, you didn't ask Weiger any questions about Dickens. The guy doesn't know
Starting point is 01:56:44 shit about Dickens. I got doesn't know shit about Dickens. I got Marley confused with Bob Cratchit. You gotta re-watch it this year. Yeah, I know. It's like that your reference isn't the book. You gotta re-watch the Muppet version. Don't know shit about that book. You should re-watch the Muppet movie.
Starting point is 01:57:01 Let's listen to this voicemail that came to the audio feedback. Hey, Doughboys. It's lizzie from des moines um i just went through the taco bell drive-thru and i had a question for you about organization of drive-thru menus and placement of drive-thru menus so this one i was just at the menu isn't even until past the speaker where you order. So how am I supposed to know what I want to get unless I pre-planned? Also, I love a cheesy Fiesta potato, and I don't even know where that exists on the menu anymore, but I ordered it and it was there.
Starting point is 01:57:37 So question for you is, what are some really confusing drive-thru menus and what do you like to see in a drive-thru menu? Thanks. Bye. Do you think she went through the drive-thru menus, and what do you like to see in a drive-thru menu? Thanks. Bye. Do you think she went through the drive-thru backwards? There's a good chance she went through the drive-thru backwards. That's an insane setup, if that's what you experienced, that the menu is after the speaker.
Starting point is 01:57:59 That's insane. Makes no sense. Dan, I know you're very conscious of what you eat. Are you much of a drive-thru guy? I am not. Not at all. Do you much of a drive-thru guy? I am not. Not at all. Do you ever use a drive-thru? I mean, like growing up and in college and everything, like a road trip.
Starting point is 01:58:13 I mean, this still wouldn't be a drive-thru. This would be like a rest stop. The whole reason to do a road trip was to eat McDonald's. Oh, interesting. Because I just did not have McDonald's ever. We found our reasons up in Ithaca to just go every Sunday. Have you ever experienced an odd menu situation or do you have any menu preferences
Starting point is 01:58:33 when you're going through the drive-thru as rare an occasion as that is for you? I mean, I couldn't speak to it, but I would say that this sounds like an insane situation. Makes no sense. Effectively, you might as well have turned the menu around. Right. Or written it in too small a font.
Starting point is 01:58:52 That would annoy me, but I'm just making situations up. What about you? For me, I think the thing that helps a lot is having a little teaser menu way before. You're rounding that corner, and maybe the queue is a little backed up. You got a little teaser menu there, so like like you're going you're around in that corner and maybe the queue is a little backed up you got a little teaser menu there that so maybe just got some combos on it so you can sort of like pre-plan like you know with some of the more popular items you can sort of pre-plan okay i know if i'm if i'm panicked i can at least get like a number three and i i'm gonna get those those you know two combo burritos uh and the fries and and a drink and i know i'll at least be content with that.
Starting point is 01:59:27 Ideally, you want the full menu within sight before you have to get up there and order. When you pull up to the speaker and the menu is right there and that's the first time you got a chance to look at it, that becomes a bottleneck. It's also just such a stressful situation.
Starting point is 01:59:42 I feel like I never get exactly what I order because I'm compromising with myself to just get it out in time. I don't know. What about you, Mitch? Nick, there's a solution to this. Yes. And look, the Doughboys can't be bought, but we've talked about this. So people are going to think this is branded in some way.
Starting point is 01:59:53 It's not branded content. We can't be bought. Doughboys can't be bought. Well, we could. Yeah, buy a Quip Toothbrush. The McDonald's app and the Taco Bell app are great workarounds for this stuff you don't even have to worry about that damn menu some of these places have real some of these chains are very good apps now but i gotta point the finger at our places nick i'm not referring to potato skins
Starting point is 02:00:18 i mean apps on your phone oh jesus sorry continue mitch, we all agree that was worth it. Please continue. That's up there with my Pazuzu crab story. I think that if you do the apps, you don't even have to worry about that stuff. But the two places that I point the finger at are two of our favorites. It's Del Taco and Taco Bell. I'm realizing we had a very similar discussion on a recent episode, didn't we? No, this is okay. This is different because i'm saying these the two menus yes at both those places there's just so much stuff on there that it's hard to see like because sometimes you want something new you want to be surprised by something and mcdonald's kind of has this bad too where i'm
Starting point is 02:00:56 like what is your featured sandwich or whatever when he puts that featured sandwich right at the top then they give you all their classics right when you get up to the yeah right they do a great job with it yeah the one he's actually used that that layout is actually usually pretty mcdonald's like i i got like a regular just like the regular fried chicken sandwich from mcdonald's recently and i got it through the app and it was amazing and i i never even see that on the menu like it's it's just hidden on that big menu and the same thing with del taco and taco bell it's just there's so much stuff when i go to del Taco Bell, I want to get the loaded griller. And then at Del Taco, it's chicken rollers.
Starting point is 02:01:30 I can never even find them on the menu where to find them. It's just tough. There's so much stuff at both of them that it's hard. You just have to know that like in the back of your hand. Yeah, you have to kind of have a – I mean, with both of them, they're usually long wait, especially Del Taco. Let us know out there your thoughts on drive-thrus. Hashtag drive-dos or hashtag drive-don'ts. Are we sure about that?
Starting point is 02:01:55 Yeah, we're sure about it. I think that worked on both sides. 3.75 again. Not sure I can be trusted. 3.75, if were Rating our show Would be I'd say too high Yeah way too high It depends what it's out of
Starting point is 02:02:09 Obviously But I mean for me It would be out of a 3.25 Oh wow What an endorsement That's too nice If you have a question Or comment about the world
Starting point is 02:02:17 Of chain restaurants You can email us At doughboyspodcast At Or leave us a voicemail At 830-GO-DOUGH That's 830-463-6844 And to get the
Starting point is 02:02:24 Doughboys Double Our weekly bonus episode Join the Golden or Platinum Play Club at. And to get the Doughboys Double Hour weekly bonus episode, join the Golden or Platinum Play Club at slash doughboys. Go ahead, Mitch. Nick, I know we were just talking about how it can't be bought. Yes. But my friend Fresh. You're rattling the mic again.
Starting point is 02:02:35 My friend Fresh. Yes. Over Thanksgiving break, so this is a while ago. Your friend Fresh? He goes by Fresh. This is a Quincy friend? His friends call me Fresh, and I consider him a friend now. He's a Quincy...
Starting point is 02:02:48 Yeah, he lives in the Massachusetts area. He has this Instagram account called Boston Vintage Fresh. What is your life? You got a friend named Fresh. And he came by, and he gave me a North Quincy High School sweatshirt over the break, and it was very nice. Boston Vintage Fresh. Check it out.
Starting point is 02:03:04 I've been meaning to say that for a while. A good dude, fresh. Check it out. That's all I want to say. Well, there you go. Yeah, we can't be bought. Hey, a little plug for that, and hey, a little plug for our guest. Dan Gore, thank you so much for joining us. Brooklyn Nine-Nine, your show, this episode's out January 10th,
Starting point is 02:03:20 the new season premieres tonight, is that correct? Tonight on NBC for the first time. Wow! Hell yeah, that's awesome. And I just want that correct? Tonight on NBC for the first time. Wow. Hell yeah. That's awesome. And I just want to say thank you guys so much for having me. I know that I said it a bunch, but this is like a dream come true. The pleasure is all ours. I could be hit by a very slow moving train and be very happy.
Starting point is 02:03:39 Man, someone needs to say to you, dream big at some point. This is my biggest dream. And someone needs to say to you, dream big at some point. This is my biggest dream. You created a hilariously funny show. Thank you for coming and spending time with us. Yeah. Thrilled to have Brooklyn Nine-Nine in the NBC family. Wow, Lorne. That's a high praise.
Starting point is 02:03:59 Thank you so much. I think that we should put it at 1230. I can do a Lorne Michaels. It should be on at 1230. Why am do a Lorne Michaels. I should be on a 1230. Why am I doing it bad now? You infected me. I don't know. Sucks.
Starting point is 02:04:12 Should I start doing a dong dong? No. Why are you designed to act all of a sudden? I don't know. I can't do it. Yeah. Nick should be on in a jail cell at some point. But thank you for coming in. Thank you, Dan. Yeah, Nick should be on in a jail cell at some point as an extra.
Starting point is 02:04:28 But thank you for coming in and for listening to this nonsense. We appreciate it. God bless you. And hey, that'll do it for this episode of Doughboys. Happy 2019. We'll see you next time. Until then, for The Spoonman, Mike Mitchell, I'm Nick Weicker. Happy eating. See ya. What's up, Burger Brigade? Hey, Spoon Nation. The Doughboys are coming to you live in 2019.
Starting point is 02:04:46 See us in San Francisco at the San Francisco Sketch Fest on January 18th. In Saskatoon, Saskatchewan at Winterruption on January 26th. And in Portland, Oregon at Listen Up Portland on February 16th. For tickets and info, go to slash live. Do it. That was a HeadGum Podcast.

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