Doughboys - Raising Cane's Chicken Fingers 2 with John Early

Episode Date: July 7, 2022

John Early (Search Party, Would It Kill You to Laugh?) joins the 'boys to discuss recovery foods and favorite sauces before a review of Raising Canes. Plus, a brand new segment, Ruin My Day. Sources f...or this week's into:,the%20creation%20of%20chicken%20tenders more Doughboys? Check out our Patreon!: for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up, everybody? It's your boy, The Spoon Man, and I want to talk to you about today's sponsor, Uber Eats. At Uber Eats, we've helped more than 400,000 restaurants across the U.S. reach new, hungry customers and deliver growth quickly through new orders. Uber's global platform can help you grow, reach new people, get valuable sales data, and unlock ways to expand with flexible delivery options. Put your business on Uber Eats, get access to the Uber Eats platform, including valuable sales data to grow your business. Dig into your data. Really dig in there anytime to monitor your performance and customer order trends. Wow. Wow. Why, restaurant owners, enjoy 0% commission for the first 30 days on all orders,
Starting point is 00:00:50 offer subject to change per the terms of the restaurant agreement. Wow, 0% on the first 30 days. Sign up today. That link that you want to click on is down there in the episode description. Right down there. Check it out. There it is. Move your cursor. Go ahead and click. Or if you're on your phone, use your finger. And click that link. Click that link in the episode description. The 2018 U.S. midterm election saw the Democrats take control of the House of Representatives, running on a platform of opposition to Trump and not much else. Though short of their predicted blue wave, it did usher in a new class of Democratic lawmakers, including first-term
Starting point is 00:01:34 Congressman Chris Pappas of New Hampshire. And Pappas had the platform for his political ascendance largely because he descends from New England restaurant royalty. His great-grandfather was Arthur Pappas, a Greek-American immigrant who co-founded Puritan Confectionary Company in Manchester, New Hampshire in 1917. Decades later, in 1974, the shop added a restaurant, the Puritan Back Room, and debuted at Signature Dish, a chicken breast sliced, breaded, and deep fried. Known alternately as strips, fingers, tenders, or tendies, the textured protein logs became a staple at diners, bars, and fast food outlets. By 1996, chicken tenders were ubiquitous enough that a concept based entirely around the dish
Starting point is 00:02:15 launched near the campus of LSU in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. The chain, which opts to call them chicken fingers, was an instant hit in the Pelican state, and in the 2010s grew into a national sensation, expanding to over 600 locations known for their traffic-altering drive-through lines. Though the eatery has yet to dare expansion into the Mecca of tendies, Manchester itself. As the 2022 midterm elections loom in November, the struggling economy and lack of Democratic legislative action point toward a possible defeat for Pappas, who's done little notable in Congress besides vote against marijuana legalization. But since he, like most of Congress in both parties, comes from money, he can always fall back on the Puritan
Starting point is 00:02:53 Back Room, the chicken tender inventor he co-owns. Because as the popularity of the Louisiana chain shows, tendies will always be a hit in states red and blue. This week on Doe Boys, we return to Raising Canes. Welcome to Doe Boys, the podcast about chain restaurants. I'm Nick Weiger, along with my co-host, Lana Del Taco, the Spoon Man, Mike Mitchell. That's the explanation on that one. Scott, aka Scotty Two Spoons on the Dose Gord, sent that in. Love you, boys. roastspoonman at As we record here on a Saturday morning, Mitch. You got Leno's writers? Is that from Leno's old writers sending in? He's one of Leno's faxers. Yeah, he worked remotely. If a joke got on the air, he got 75 bucks.
Starting point is 00:04:00 Great all about it in the lead show. Yeah, pretty good. If Leno was still on during the pandemic, you think he would have been the only guy still? I feel like he would have been still doing it. I feel like he would have still been doing the show. Insisting on a studio audience? Come on, Jay. Gotta wear a mask. That's crazy. I don't know. I mean, because he's one of those guys who loves to work, but I didn't see anything of like, because they were really, I feel like there was a time when social media would be like, this comedian went to Arizona or went to Florida and did a show and then everyone got COVID and everyone was like kind of like shaming them. I never saw any of that from Leno. Now, maybe Leno's
Starting point is 00:04:42 just not, maybe Leno's demographic is such that people just weren't tracking that, but I didn't see him like, he was a guy who could have been working. I didn't see him doing that. Wise, I think my hotel is haunted. I'm in a hotel. Wow. I'm in New Orleans. That's right. There are a lot of ghosts down in the bayou, so. Mm-hmm. I got to call the bayou ghost busters and get them in here. Do you think that it will do this hacky thing of doing occasion accent for the entire time I'm down here or 100% or are you thinking just until the show ends? No, we're going to keep that going as long as you're down in the bayou. Appropriate for today's chain, Mitch. What do you talk about?
Starting point is 00:05:31 And our guests spent some time down here in the bayou. I know that. I know that. Is that, is that at false? Okay. They're, they're, they're shrugging. So I don't, okay. No, it's true. It looks like a thumbs up. It is true. Okay. Thumbs up. Okay. Simma down now. That's what I'm trying to do it. That's Molly. Is that Molly Shannon's famous Cajun? Oh God, no. Cheerio Terry. Cheerio Terry's famous. That's right. That's right. Cajun character. Simma down now. I need, I need, I need, I need the, I need the Cajun. I do need the Cajun. The Cajun Ghostbusters need to come in here. Right. It is a little spooky. Oh, you're back to that. Did you have ideas? Do you have bitches for the Cajun Ghostbusters?
Starting point is 00:06:19 No, no. Not really, honestly. We'll need a bag of crawfish. Yeah, there we go. Proton packs a fill with gumbo. The traps don't trap ghosts. They do. They trap a, I guess crawfish again. Crawfish? Same thing you said. Yeah. Crawfish. Man, onion head, aka slimer would be if you had a proton pack that shot out gumbo likes. Imagine that. Yeah. All right. Anyways, uh, how to spoon nation. Oh God. Oh no, our guest is shaking their head.
Starting point is 00:06:57 No, that's my nightmare. All right. Well, you can explain yourself in a second. Also made an X, like a like family feud, like an opposing family to strike. Why is coming back tomorrow? Wally, I'm coming home. Gonna see Wally tomorrow. Nice. I'm excited to see the cats. Big fuck you, Irma. I'm excited to see Irma too. What the hell? You just called out Wally. Well, I was like, mama, I'm coming home as well. I said, Wally, I'm coming home. Wally, I'm coming home. I could have also done Irma. I'm coming home.
Starting point is 00:07:37 Irma, I'm coming home. Jesus Christ. All right. Here's a little drop. Either works. They're both good. Our guest is probably floored by how good the podcast is. All right. Here we go. Here we go. Here's a little drop. Here we go. Wags. That's me. That's that. I was going to say that's me at the end of that, but then it was baked into the drop. Wow. I got range when I hear the different ways I say wags. I got some pretty good range.
Starting point is 00:08:46 It's true. By the way, our guest tool introduced in one second, put in the private chat here in StreamYard. I missed the last 1.5 minutes, sent that about two minutes ago. I guess we got to redo the top of the show. You didn't miss shit. You didn't miss shit. We talked about how Slimer would like gumbo in the proton pack, and I'm sure you've heard that. That was good. It would all be lost on me as a reference. Sorry. You know, I did look. I had to do laundry because I want to get on the treadmill, and I need the laundry done by the time I'm done here. It will be five o'clock here, at least,
Starting point is 00:09:27 probably 5.30. Right. A little rain today. I don't know why I'm talking about the weather. There's a little rain today. I'm going to go downstairs, get on the treadmill, probably watch some beat Bobby Flay while I go walk on the treadmill. Mean show. I don't like beat Bobby Flay. No? Ooh, you'd like to actually beat Bobby. You'd like to get in there and beat the hell out of Bobby Flay is what you're saying. Yeah, I think so. I mean, I think I'd lose, but... Do you think that you don't think... Oh, you're saying in the fight you would lose. You don't think you could beat Bobby Flay at anything?
Starting point is 00:10:03 I could beat him at Smash Brothers. Okay. In fact, I'd let him say he could pick my character in Smash Brothers. I'd fucking wax him. You want me to be Marth? I'll be Marth. I'll fucking, you know, not my main, not even my alt. I'll fucking destroy you. One of those beat off versus Bobby Flay. Do you think you could finish before Bobby? In a race? Yeah. I mean, depends on what we're looking at, but probably. Honestly, I'll just say yes. Yes, I could. Okay. All right. Good. Good. You both get a blank wall.
Starting point is 00:10:40 Okay. Yeah. Then easy. Yeah. No problem. All right. Anyways. I won't be blank for long. From, look, hey, Nick, Mitch, Emma, and especially Drop King. Wow. I made the spooky drop for the spooky month we're in, October. It contains 72 separate clips. It contains 72 separate clips of Mitch saying why. I had a lot of fun making it, but not as much fun as I have listening to Doe Boys every week. Chris Finke, pronounced Finke. We know Finke does a great job. P.S., if you use this after October, you can change October above to whatever the current month is.
Starting point is 00:11:20 Example given November, December, et cetera. June or July when this episode is actually releasing, recording in June. Oh, July. Yeah. Updated with to fix some pops in the audio and to add some panning depth file attached. Hi, everyone. I made this spooky drop for the spooky month we're in. Okay. That insert month here. See, if I had read that first. Yeah. It contains 72 clips of Mitch saying why. I had a lot of fun making it,
Starting point is 00:11:48 but not as much fun as listening to Doe Boys every week. Thanks, Chris. You don't have to redo the whole thing. It was a separate email. All right. Let's introduce our guest. infinitely more funny than anything we've done. It's true. We've set the bar very high. If you heard our Cajun Ghostbusters riff. From Search Party's new special,
Starting point is 00:12:09 Would It Kill You to Laugh with Kate Berlant, which is streaming now on Peacock. Check it out. John Early is here. Hi, John. Hey, everyone. Hi, John. Oh, nice to meet you. Sorry. That's the set. Well, I don't do this all the time. So the microphone seduces that out of me.
Starting point is 00:12:24 It was the most, I thought it was the most seductive intro of a guest we've ever had. Really? Very sensual. Yeah. And we've had on some very seductive guests. I'm sure. It's true. Now, can I ask a question? Is this, there's no wrong answer here. Do you eventually release this with video?
Starting point is 00:12:47 No, we don't use the video for this. Got it. Yeah, we would have given you a heads up. Thank you. Yeah. I wouldn't have done anything different. I want to be clear. I'm not gay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:12:58 I'm not some gay guy. Here's about it. You probably, all right. You probably could have guessed in that, Nick and I look like shit. I did wonder about like the kitchen space. I was like, I think it's cool that Mitch doesn't care about the kitchen. That's where you're like, is that your Airbnb? This is, I'm actually, I'm in a, we can bleep this.
Starting point is 00:13:29 I'm in the, can we bleep this? Okay. I'm in the bleep. This is, that's where I think the, uh, For how long? In New Orleans. I thought I was going to be here for a long time, but I'm, I'm coming back tomorrow and
Starting point is 00:13:40 then I'm coming back July 5th and 6th. And then for, I think a lot of August, I'll be here and probably back in this place, which I do think it is, it does feel haunted. It feels like this was an old building used for other things and it feels a little bit ghostly. I'd say. Have you spent a lot of time in New Orleans? Not. I mean, I've, I've, I've been here and like now total since I, I went down for, uh, our mutual
Starting point is 00:14:08 friend, uh, Claudia's show, which, which also you're on. Yes. Um, yeah. Well, yeah. I guess I kind of have my killing in. Episode, that episode's named after my character. Yeah. No, I'm on it.
Starting point is 00:14:25 You're very funny in the show. You're very funny in general. Oh, thank you. I had a blast coming down here. I spent a couple of days here. I've, I've now been down here for about 10 days, but I was filming. I haven't really like done too, too much really. Right.
Starting point is 00:14:47 Yeah. Yeah. It's, it is really like, it does feel like so haunted. It's really cool. And I don't believe in ghosts. You don't believe in ghosts at all? Well, not really. No, I don't say that in any sort of defiant principled way.
Starting point is 00:15:00 I just kind of don't, but, um, or I'm not particularly charmed by people, uh, telling ghost stories. Right. Um, but, but I, but I, that environment really does kind of, it brings it out of you. It brings the believer out of me. Is, is there any paranormal that you are like not a skeptic towards, you know? Not Frankensteins. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:27 An alien, maybe. I'm not scared of Frankenstein. Not me. Um, no, I don't know. I'm not, I don't, I don't really. Famous last words. I know. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:15:39 No, there's not much. I mean, you know, I'm, as Mitch knows, um, because he was over at my place not that long ago, I've just had back surgery now twice in the same year. It's crazy. But like I, so if we're talking about one form of paranormal, like things that are always kind of pushed on you, like there's a lot of people that are like, you know, it's kind of the mind. There's a mind body connection.
Starting point is 00:16:04 Like you should read this book. That's about how it, you know, how it's mental, which like, I obviously, I do think there's a very like scientific like reason why, like, you know, you hold tensions or in areas because of emotional things, you know, whatever. I mean, I, I completely believe that, but like it is hard not to hear that as like, it's your fault. Yes. One a hundred percent.
Starting point is 00:16:28 No, I'm, I've, and I'm sure my back issues are not as serious as yours, but yeah, I was dealing with an L five S one bulging dish for a while. Yeah. And I think that's when they, and so you had to have surgery for it. Yeah. It was my third one dog. Oh man. What a bummer.
Starting point is 00:16:42 It sucks. What's the recovery like, like from that? Is that, is that just like a lot of bed rest? What are you doing? It depends on the surgery. It's, it's like, I got on my car. Microdiskectomy, which is actually very like minimally invasive, but the more you have it, the harder it is to recover from it.
Starting point is 00:16:57 And, and the more you have it, the more, the closer you get to like the bigger surgery that will be more intense, which I haven't gotten there yet. John, I'll say this. You were, you were, you were, you were, John was just, I mean, you were laid out. Truly. Yeah. That's rough. You, you, you could, yeah, you could not do much of anything.
Starting point is 00:17:13 You see, so you paid him a visit. That's nice of you. What a nice thing for a friend to do. Actually, he threw a, he had a nice dinner. He actually was being, he was nice. Claudia really was kind of spearheaded it. Not, it was a lovely gesture. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:29 It was really sweet. I was going to say on that, on that note, John, just talking about like, you know, people always say it's your fault. I think the thing that you run into with like, and I run to this with my insomnia too, is that people always prescribe, like, have you tried this? Or just like, you should get a standing desk. Like, have you tried forgiving your parents? No.
Starting point is 00:17:54 Yeah. No, a standing desk. Standing desk, that's, that's legitimate, right? That's doesn't, that's, doesn't feel like trendy. That's real, I think. No, that, that, that helps. That's, I think sitting is bad. I think that probably a lot of my, mine came from like repetitive stress,
Starting point is 00:18:06 but I more just mean like, kind of there's, there's, there's, there's like a, there's a subtext to those sorts of, of helpful suggestions of like, this is a thing that you've done to yourself and you should change your behavior. I'm kind of, I'm kind of just remembering me being at this dinner and probably saying these things to you. I think you absolutely did not. You were very understanding. You ever try stretching?
Starting point is 00:18:28 You got to stretch that back out. Thank you. Uh, you were, so you were very laid out when I saw you, like, uh, that was pretty certain. Really, like a very immobile. You, you couldn't, you know, you, you were, what was it? So this is a food podcast.
Starting point is 00:18:50 What were you doing as far as, sorry, sorry. You didn't get it from that slimer gumbo riff earlier. That's what we're here for. This is food based. What, what were you doing as far as, because you were, you were basically just laying down on the couch. What were you doing as far as food? What was, was there stuff that was easier to eat while you were laying down?
Starting point is 00:19:12 Comfort food. Yeah. I was like really in like kind of a comfort food zone. I was ordering interestingly enough just to bring us back to the topic at hand. I was ordering a lot from this place in LA called Daybird. Have you ever had it? Oh, yes. I know, I know Daybird.
Starting point is 00:19:30 Yes. Have you been? I have been. Yeah. And you know what? Pretty spectacular. What'd you think? I think Claudia maybe was the person who I tried Daybird with.
Starting point is 00:19:38 Of course she was. Yeah. She, she introduced it to me too. But it's like Szechuan fried chicken sandwiches and chicken fingers and also a really simple menu much like what we're talking about today. That brings us to our restaurant today gang. It is Raisin Canes. Again, I'm your host, John Early.
Starting point is 00:19:58 No, but I was eating, I was like really, I mean, it was this particular round of like back shit was so demoralizing because I had just had the surgery in November. And so I was like, when it happened again, like when I re-herniated this disc, I was so, so depressed, like really upset. Like, and so I was doing a lot of kind of like, kind of waking up, not eating till like, not eating to the point that the only thing you can do is just order the crazy meal, which is like totally on purpose. You know, like, because if you're like kind of sort of hungry,
Starting point is 00:20:33 you'll maybe eat something that's like kind of good for the body, maybe has some anti-inflammatory properties. Which would have been, would have been smart given my condition. But then if you wait till three to have the first bite of food, you're going to order a Szechuan fried chicken sandwich with like fries, like milk tea, like extra sauce. Like, you know, so I was ordering that a lot. I was ordering a Debra a lot and really like, I would say I would get really kind of hopped
Starting point is 00:20:58 up on the idea of like an anti-inflammatory diet because there was so much inflammation and I was like, I'll do anything to not feel this pain. And then, but I always leaned pleasure. Sure. Which you know, it's hard not to. It's really hard not to when you're in hell. Yeah. So yeah, a lot of comfort food.
Starting point is 00:21:17 I joked about the COVID-15, which people of course online likes were like, Mitch thinks the COVID-15 is a real thing. I didn't, I don't think people gained weight during COVID. Yeah. It was just for myself. Yeah. And I should stop reading them. But why did they not, why did they, why were they defensive about it?
Starting point is 00:21:36 Well, I think that they were like. I think it was real. People think that, that Mitch is very dumb. And to some, to some, to some level, on some level I understand it, but part of it is that you, but also you, you're kind of like, you'll make jokes on our comedy podcast. And then people will just be like, I think Mitch really wants the Cajun Ghostbusters to help him. Like, I think he thinks they're real. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:06 Yeah. Yes. They think that I am a real life Homer Simpson or, well, there goes Wags. Or Peter. We lost him. He went, he's under his desk possibly. Careful with your L5S1, babe. What is he doing?
Starting point is 00:22:24 Something happened. Did you lose those Wags? He pulled his headphones out is what I'm guessing. Did he pull his headphones out? He's making this like. He's got new headphones that shouldn't do that, but. Now he's back down on the ground. It looked like his head was between his legs for a moment there.
Starting point is 00:22:40 His chair is just moving. It looks like we should call the Cajun Ghostbusters. Okay. No, he's there. There he is. Oh no. I can't hear you. That's what we, that's what we lost.
Starting point is 00:22:51 I'm trying to talk right now and you guys can't hear me. That's what, that's what he's saying. Yeah. Go ahead. You do the live commentary. Thumbs up. All right. I can hear you guys now.
Starting point is 00:23:01 Okay. You can't hear you. Oh, now we can hear you. Okay. Now I'm audible. Here's what happens. I had a, I had a USB cable plug by accident. Like I pulled the plug, pulled the USB cable underneath my desk.
Starting point is 00:23:13 I routed it differently. So I got to think, I got to fix that longer term, but yeah, it seems like we're up and running again. Apologize for that. Oh, good. Geez. No problem. That was a short explanation, but still nearly put me to sleep.
Starting point is 00:23:33 So John, I get that completely. When I was, when I had COVID, I actually, two days were bad. All I wanted was soup. And then like the next five days, I wanted just the worst shit on earth to give me any sort of happiness. 100%. Totally. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:50 Nick, you, you had dominoes, didn't you? I had post tour COVID myself and yeah, 100% got like ordered dominoes. I don't use delivery apps, right? Like I don't, I just like, I usually like to go out and get food. So that was a, just to keep myself from getting stir crazy. And so that was an added thing of like getting, you know, getting delivery and then just having the world of delivery opened up to me of just like, oh, I could just get Jersey Mike's delivered.
Starting point is 00:24:14 I love Jersey Mike's. Love Jersey Mike's. And that was, yeah. So let's say I'm sort of thinking, Mitch, after a couple of days or two, I was like, I just want garbage. I just want fucking trash. Give me Jersey Mike's, give me dominoes. But is Jersey Mike's trash?
Starting point is 00:24:28 I don't think it is. I don't think so. Like comparatively, you know, nothing's being like cooked really. You know what I mean? Like in a bunch of grease. Like it, I'm not, I'm not saying you should, we should all go pound a loaf of bread a day. But it isn't like, you're just dealing with like kind of cold cuts.
Starting point is 00:24:48 Yeah. Which are notoriously really good for your skin. Yes. Jersey Mike's knows what he's doing. It's a cut above. Isn't that, isn't that, isn't that a tagline for an actual place? A cut above. Oh, a sub above.
Starting point is 00:25:04 Oh, a sub above. It's a sub above. What is a sub above? What is this? Is that Jersey Mike's? I think that is Jersey Mike's. I think I subconsciously said a cut above because I was thinking a sub above. It is a sub above.
Starting point is 00:25:14 Yeah. It's still, you know, it's, it's not necessarily the most healthy thing, but you're right. It's not like the, it's not like just, just garbage that's frozen and, and they're dumping it into a deep fryer. You know, so, so I, I understand that, that distinction. It's, yeah. Jersey Mike's won the championship, Mitch. Won a bunch of badness. So we like it.
Starting point is 00:25:32 Means nothing to John. No, well, I laughed regardless, having never heard it ever. Championship. So what is that? Like the kind of all time. Yeah. Each, each year we do our Munch Madness Tournament of Chompians where every March and we do. Which now you've been a guest.
Starting point is 00:25:50 Some of our probably asked you to do it. We'd love to have you back. We, we, we bring back a lot of our favorite guests. Well, I was with Claudia last night and she was like, I'm a favorite guest. And I was like, well, now I can't have fun tomorrow. I was like, you single handedly just ruined my appearance. I was so excited. And now I'm going to be like so conscious of like winning the hearts of your listeners.
Starting point is 00:26:16 But like, but so she's been on a bunch. She is. We've asked her to come on to review like pizza and she doesn't like pizza. We've, we had her, we fucked up with Claudia quite a bit. She told me actually, she, that she doesn't like pizza. It's insane. This is an insane take to not like, yeah, it's bad. And our listeners, you know what?
Starting point is 00:26:37 Maybe she shouldn't be a favor for that reason. Yeah, she sucks. You don't like pizza. Yeah. No, but I really want to come back and I really want to come back for the championship. We'll have you on the, we're going to have you in the tournament of championship. You will regret that in about one hour from now. Well, here's what I think Jersey Mike does right.
Starting point is 00:26:59 I think that he gives you that sloppy sub. You want to have the vinegar, you want that vinegar soaked, soaked sub. No one else does it. Give us the vinegar that he just does a good job of all, of all the big chains. Yeah. Of all the big sub chains. None of them really do that. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:27:15 No, and it's, it's weird the way subway, like no matter how many kind of, how, how many ways you like change up the ingredients or, you know, or, no matter how many top, however many toppings you add, it just always doesn't taste like anything. Sure. And then like, but Jersey Mike's always has, it just like really, it's really sharp and clear in its flavors. I love it.
Starting point is 00:27:40 Yeah, I think that's, what's your normal Jersey Mike's order? What's your go to? It's whatever the kind of like turkey club is like, you know, the turkey, shredded lettuce, mayo, and then I add bacon. Maybe it comes with that and banana peppers. Is that called like the Jersey club or something? I think it's like their, yeah, their main thing or whatever. Subway is very much a place where if you get lunch from there,
Starting point is 00:28:04 you're going to question if you, if you got COVID or not. Cause you're not tasting, you're not tasting much. My mom texted me, this was about a week ago. She just texted me a picture of my dad. I'm not sure if you can see this, but he's, there's my dad. It's kind of like a creep shot of him sipping on a Jersey Mike's soda. And, and then she said, the caption is Italian Mike's way. Why such bizarre numbering system sandwiches.
Starting point is 00:28:35 So my mom is, has a note about that they've, they're kind of all over the map in terms of like, they'll have like the number 17 and the number 21. They're not in any sort of coherent order. Wait, that's so true. And there's like six options total, but they're like, it's like the 21st option. It makes no sense.
Starting point is 00:28:49 Yeah. I saw the text below that and your mom texted, putting this one in my spank bank. Jesus Christ. I saw it too. John saw it too. It's like two people see it. It's real.
Starting point is 00:29:10 Ooh, a class action notification. Okay. Hmm. Uh, um, that's very cute. Your mom and dad, I text them a lot. They're very nice people. Yeah. Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Weigler for listening.
Starting point is 00:29:29 Sorry about that last joke. I hope you're well. They want to hear this. I think your dad does listen. I think you got a speaker listener on your hand. And I know that he's a huge search party fan as well. That's true. But you know, I haven't talked to my parents about,
Starting point is 00:29:44 they might like search party. I don't know. I haven't asked. Oh, your dad's, you know, your dad's a Snyder cut guy. He's, he's one of the, he wants to restore the Snyder verse. Is your, that's kind of your dad's thing online. Yes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:59 Big Zack Snyder guy. Very anti-Amber herd. That's, that's his new thing. Um, take her out Aquaman too. Let's, uh, I, I'm curious. I want to, I, I, I, because you know, we're, we're talking sandwiches right now, but we also, also going to be talking chicken here.
Starting point is 00:30:15 And you mentioned a chicken place earlier. John, are you a big chicken guy, specifically we're talking, we're talking fried chicken. We're talking tendies. We're talking maybe, you know, bone in versus bone less. What are your, what are your chicken preferences? Well, I am a big chicken guy. I have never though had any sort of relationship to like chicken fingers.
Starting point is 00:30:33 Like, I mean, I totally intellectually understand the appeal of chicken fingers, you know, but I, I even remember as a kid, like watching other kids like chicken finger. She's talking out about chicken fingers. Like, and I was, I was like, okay, I mean, I don't know. I just never like, it never got me going. But like, even though again, with the, I, you know what it is. I think so a huge part of it is I have zero, like ketchup does nothing for me as a condiment.
Starting point is 00:31:06 It just doesn't, it's like cold and like sweet and just, I just don't really get it. Like, so I think too, that's part of it. It's like, because chicken fingers, I think a lot of kids are excited to dip them in ketchup. Yes. Yes. I think the kids, kids, kids, I think kids also, it's going to be tough to have you on tournament of chompians,
Starting point is 00:31:25 the, the ketchup battle that we have in. Oh, I'll do it though. It doesn't gross me out. I just don't love it. I'll do anything for you guys. A tomato and your fans, life or death. I'm trying to think about what the pun would be. But for a ketchup, you're trying to think of the ketchup pun.
Starting point is 00:31:46 Tomato is like kind of to, like to matter, a to matter of life and death. Jesus. Oh boy. All right, John, we can take about a 10 minute break while he thinks on this. John, I'm, I'm, I'm with you in that. I think that not only do I think children go like nutty for chicken, and I liked chicken fingers. Don't get me wrong.
Starting point is 00:32:06 You're red scared. I did like chicken fingers. That's not bad. That's good. I actually do like, I think that's pretty good. That's good. Also, if it gets you to stop thinking of it, it's the best type. John, I, I, when, when I was younger and kids would be like, yeah, chicken,
Starting point is 00:32:24 like, like I never got that. I never, I don't think, I don't, I don't think I ever get that excited. I love food and I still don't think I get excited about it. But I think as adults, the adult excitement for chicken fingers, I think is even weirder. Well, I think a lot of that is, is adults who are, and I, I'm, I'm, we're, we're in the, we're in a, a triforce of agreement here in that I also would did not have a lot of fandom for enthusiasm for chicken fingers as a kid, chicken tendies.
Starting point is 00:32:49 I, I was, I had like a nugget maybe, but chicken nuggets, but even, yeah, even that I was like, I was more into like burgers, you know, that was, that's, I'd be more excited for a burger, a grilled cheese sandwich or, you know, or a big, hey, a big breakfast, loved a big breakfast. I agree. I agree. You were getting a big breakfast and coffee. It's like a five-year-old.
Starting point is 00:33:17 My morning paper, check it, read in the Wall Street Journal. Read in George Will at Op-Ed, not in the long. The, so the. Laughing at a New Yorker cartoon. So, so, but I think there are a lot of adults who like, that was their favorite thing as a kid. And that's how it, that's what I'd say about this chain. Like there is a version of, of me when I was a tubby lad, when I was a chubby little boy, that I, Raising Cane's would have been my favorite restaurant.
Starting point is 00:33:46 Like I feel like that might have been the place that would have baby be like, oh, that's where I want to go because they, you know, it's funny about that. There's just an alternate reality where that's the case. Yeah. John makes a good point though, about the ketchup love of children. And I would have liked Raising Cane's too. You get bread, you get fries, you get chicken fingers. But there's no, for a child, would I like that Cane's sauce?
Starting point is 00:34:10 Sauce, the Cane's sauce. Great question. I don't know if that would, I don't know if it's a kid that would work for me. I don't, I don't, I don't. I'd say it's hard to imagine any reality of which I don't like that sauce. Wow, I love it. Let's, before we get into that, I, I, I am curious, yeah, for, for five minutes from now. I am curious, before we get into that, like, like you don't like ketchup,
Starting point is 00:34:33 you're on board with a Cane's sauce, where do you stand on sauces? What are you, what are some of your faves? What are you showing your picks and pads? Yeah, are you a sauce boss or a? I'm a sauce queen. I love that exact kind of sauce, which is like, what would you call that? Like a kind of mayonnaise based. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:56 This is where I think you lose children, by the way, because, because little kids are gonna go, what's in it? That's, you know, like, what is this? I know, but it's such a strong, punchy flavor. I don't know why a kid wouldn't like it, but I don't know. Because mayo, because kids, kids are afraid of mayo. Totally. I was, I think I was a little afraid of mayo too.
Starting point is 00:35:12 And then there was like a turning point, like same, like coffee where it's suddenly like, whoa, like, you know, but mayo too, like, at a certain age, like, when I first like dipped a fry in mayo, and I believe Amsterdam, um, I was like, oh, fuck. You know, anyway, okay, sorry. So sauces, I love a, well, I'm also from the south. Don't be sorry. We actually wanted to hear more of that mayo experience, I think. The Amsterdam trip.
Starting point is 00:35:40 Yeah, we want to hear more of this mayo. That's our red light district. You'll love that it was a clown program. It doesn't get anymore. It was like, it was like a college, college clown, like, workshop, like, hell, hell. I mean, no, but it was actually like, being an Amsterdam, obviously, totally ruled. But the, um, the, whatever it's called, the curriculum didn't. Um, so this, it was, it was, it was, it was comedy clowns or, like,
Starting point is 00:36:09 do you know, it's like the pretentious kind of clowns. Like the kind of, you know, like the artsy, like, you know, clown, where you're like, for some reason sobbing in front of your peers and they're like, that's clown. So juggalos need not apply, sort of. Juggalos are doing much more, I would say, like, generous work. Archistically than the, than the clowns I was with. Um, and like visually, like actually rigorous work. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:36:36 Anyway, moving on the, but I'm from, I'm from Nashville. And so I have grown up a lot or a lot or grown up around a lot of like barbecue with like different sauces. Like there's your bar like the beauty of like Southern barbecue is it's not the bottled like barbecue sauce that you are sold by, you know, big Arby's, you know, it's like, it's like there's a truly just like vinegar, like a transparent or whatever, like, like, like a vinegary sauce. And then there's sometimes like a white kind of cream based sauce that's also kind of vinegary.
Starting point is 00:37:16 Like it's just, I just love, I love sauces. I love, you know, and then also like, I think we've all been living under the kind of influence of Chipotle mayo over like, you know, every restaurant starting like 12 years ago started having Chipotle mayo. Yeah. Yeah. It was a, it was the only craze. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:36 Yeah. Chipotle aioli. Exactly. Exactly. But yeah. So I, I love, but I fall for that shit. I still do. I love, I love.
Starting point is 00:37:44 I was going to say it never really ended. It's still Chipotle aioli is still going. Yeah. Still happening. For a reason. Well, I'll get into it, but I was offered something at Raising Canes that I wasn't offered the last time I went to Raising Canes Wags in Cambridge, which kind of made it. Wow.
Starting point is 00:38:03 Yeah. Which I, which I enjoyed. And you just went there for fun, not for the podcast? I, I know, I, I, I, we did go to, for the podcast. We did, we did this during pandemic. Excuse me? We'll sort out controversy. I just got bullied.
Starting point is 00:38:17 You let that slip. Oh. I'm your fucking sloppy seconds. Look, we'll, we'll discuss this right after the break. We'll be back with more dogas. You know, Mitch, you're about to take a little trip abroad. You're going to Costa Rica. That's right.
Starting point is 00:38:39 Why? So I'm going to Costa Rica with the family. It's going to be a lot of fun. Going to maybe see a monkey. Oh, that's fun. Going to maybe see a bird. Just that, just a one monkey, one bird. That's it.
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Starting point is 00:44:03 Do it. Welcome back to Doughboys. We are here with our guest, John Early, discussing Raising Canes, which, as we said before the break, we're reviewing for the second time. First reviewed with our chicken correspondent, Matt Selman, just this past year. So here's the thing. Here's why this Raising Canes visit is momentous. And this is why I think it's worth us doing again, John, and why I don't view this as a
Starting point is 00:44:31 sloppy second situation. Okay, I'm waiting. Also, I think that Selman should have to put John in an episode of The Simpsons for what he's done. I think that's only fair. You should do that regardless. I completely agree. I think it's only fair.
Starting point is 00:44:48 It can happen, Selman. I think it's actually only fair. So here's the thing. Two things have happened. One, Mitch is in Louisiana, the birthplace of Raising Canes. So he's able to go to a Louisiana Raising Canes. The second reason we're doing this revisit, last year, 2021, I did a whole year without eating any animal proteins.
Starting point is 00:45:11 I didn't eat any meat for a whole year. This is true. So... Was that really hard for the podcast? Give us some new angles. You know, the podcast sucks. It's on fumes, so give us some new life, honestly. Yeah, I probably helped the podcast more than anything.
Starting point is 00:45:26 Probably helped a little bit, because I'd just be like, yeah, like, I went to Arby's and I got a bun, and then people would be like, we like that. I'm like, all right, sure. Anyway, fucking whatever. I don't care. Anyway, so we... That's where we're at. So I've not had their chicken fingers.
Starting point is 00:45:44 I've not had their tendies prior to this visit, which we're going to talk about for this podcast. So that's a big thing. I hate that he calls them tendies, by the way. That's the thing. He calls them tendies. I don't like it. I'll call them tendies if you like. It just sounds like tendons.
Starting point is 00:45:57 It's gross. It feels like it's going to be like a sinew. Do people eat tendons? Yeah, yeah, I don't eat that, but I don't want chicken tendons. That's your own hang up. You don't like tendies because you think it's infantile. That's your thing. Oh, that is also true.
Starting point is 00:46:13 But is it worse than chicken fingers? I mean, don't you think chicken tenders is... I guess chicken fingers is not great either. Chicken fingers sounds kind of gross, yeah. Which is the official name of the chain, Raising Cane's Chicken Fingers, founded by Todd Graves, Craig Sylvie in 1996, near LSU. And there was another found...
Starting point is 00:46:31 Yeah, Craig Sylvie, I mentioned this in the previous podcast, has been retconned out of existence on the corporate website. So some sort of power struggle. Sylvie has been excised and erased from its history. Really? Did you find out why? Don't know. Who knows?
Starting point is 00:46:46 Uh-oh. Yeah. It'll happen with Del Boy someday. The Living Mascot is a yellow lab named Cane. So there is a raising... The raised dog you see. That's a dog. That's Raising Cane.
Starting point is 00:46:58 And they have rapidly expanded, including recently to Burbank, California, which I believe is the location our guest went to. We mentioned the Cane sauce. And I want to get everyone's thoughts on this and the chain at large. But this is from the kitchen. What is Cane sauce made of?
Starting point is 00:47:14 The recipe is officially a secret, but the ingredients have been discovered to consist of the following. Five ingredients. Manez, ketchup, Worcestershire, coarse black pepper, which you see in abundance, and garlic powder. So that's it. Wow, no vinegar.
Starting point is 00:47:29 Mayo ketchup, Worcestershire. That's the Worcestershire. Yeah, I think that probably is the vinegary component. And then, yeah, the pepper and the garlic. So there you go. Wow. I could have gone to maybe the original location, huh? Then you didn't.
Starting point is 00:47:46 And I most likely did not. Wait, so the dog is still alive, so it's not that old. I think it's possible that we're on our second or third generation of Cane. But the chain is not that old. I mean, the dog has to be fucking dead. Because 1996, it was founded, so I'm sure the original Cane has passed away.
Starting point is 00:48:07 Raising Cane, the movie, came out in 1992. So just four years before. It's a Stephen King book. Right? John Lithgow is in it, right? It's a John Lithgow psychological thriller. I believe so. I think that was a movie my parents owned on VHS.
Starting point is 00:48:27 So I watched it as a kid. And that's not a title, isn't a reference, isn't like a biblical reference or something? Cane. It probably is. I don't know. I'm sure it is. It's Brian De Palma and written in direct by,
Starting point is 00:48:43 I actually don't think it's Stephen King. It's De Palma. I know who's great. But it's a Stephen King book? I don't know. I don't even think it is a Stephen King. I think that I just, I think that I may be accidentally, what is it called?
Starting point is 00:48:56 Lags when the Mandela effect. I think I Mandela effected that. Well, I always watched Heat last night. You were watching Heat? Well, I almost watched it with Claudia. Oh, okay. We're going to watch it today. My boyfriend, nor I nor Claudia have seen it.
Starting point is 00:49:18 And I've heard it's obviously a great action movie, but I didn't know it was also directed by Brian De Palma. So that really has upped the ante for me. As a fan of chicken. He didn't believe it was a Michael Mann, right? Oh, no, I'm wrong. De Palma's Mission Possible 1, right? Yeah, he does.
Starting point is 00:49:37 He does Michael Mann, I think. Oh, it is Michael Mann. I'm happy to remember. I went along with it, John. No, John, John Mandela. You're right. It's just a Mandela effect. You're right.
Starting point is 00:49:47 Mandela effect. It's totally Mandela effect. There's like a big faction of people who think that it's De Palma. There's a split at some point in time. That's what I'm thinking about, because this kind of Mission Impossible did kick off a like, I would say a month now of like really kind of coming to action movies for the first time as a gay man.
Starting point is 00:50:13 Wait, so you saw the new Mission Impossible, and you just were like... The first one. You saw the original Mission Impossible. In theaters with my parents, and it was like absolutely asleep, you know, and then like, and then I was like, my friend was like, Brian De Palma directed it. I was like, okay.
Starting point is 00:50:30 And then I watched and I was like totally stunned. And did you go through the series? No, no, but I have seen the fifth one. The fifth one is good. Yeah, that's what everyone told me, and I loved it. Fifth is great. McCory, the screenwriter, we usually start with McCory, right? Yeah, and he did, he did, he did, yeah, I did five, six,
Starting point is 00:50:50 and then he's going to do seven and eight, which is seven as a fucking awesome trailer. Got it so good. We saw it. De Palma. Newman went to see Top Gun, Maverick together when he was in town, and I'd say, you know, we're both seeing it for the second time, and just that trailer is so fucking good.
Starting point is 00:51:04 Looks like, looks like Kojima shit. It's fucking rad. De Palma's 82, or it's going to be 82. September 11th, this is birthday. Whoa, wow. I know. Sad. It's a sad birthday.
Starting point is 00:51:20 It is, yeah. But I've never seen, I now want to say, why? Because I think we might have to watch Raisin' Kane. I don't know why we didn't do that. We could have made it a double this week. We fucked up. Oh, that's, people wanted,
Starting point is 00:51:33 people know, definitely want to hear our take on the 1992 Brian De Palma, John Lithgow thriller, Raisin' Kane. They have to hear it. We'll do it. We'll do it for an upcoming double. We'll do it for an upcoming bitch. It's literally a canyon. Wait, wait.
Starting point is 00:51:47 You're doing it for an upcoming episode? I think so, yeah. We might have to, yeah. I think we'll have to, yeah. All right, sure. Hey, you're booked. If you want to. Look, you do not want to book yourself for a double,
Starting point is 00:51:57 but you're- No, no, I do. I literally do. I'm serious. Okay. Great. We'll get it in the calendar. Well, watch Raisin' Kane with you.
Starting point is 00:52:04 I went to the one on St. Charles Avenue Y, so I don't know if that is the original location. I'll try to find some finance info on that. I'll say this. There's an ice, so I don't know if you guys had this at your Raisin' Kane's, but there's an iced tea promotion. Iced tea knows-
Starting point is 00:52:22 Oh, I took a picture. Iced tea, yes. Did it look, was this it? Yes, exactly. Iced tea is in a cup of iced tea. That's really cool. He's standing in a giant cup of iced tea, holding an iced tea.
Starting point is 00:52:38 I love it. I love that he's leaning into it. I mean, I don't understand why he- And you can tell, look, you can see here, if you look at the edge of the cup there, it is filled with ice and tea. Yeah, yeah. He's standing in a cup holding a cup himself.
Starting point is 00:52:55 Yeah. Yeah, soaked from the waist down. So that promotion, and then below it, it says, which is maybe, this is maybe, it's the summer of one love. I don't know what that- The fry peace sign? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:10 Oh, okay. Yes, yes. I almost took a picture of that. I don't get what the one love thing is really. I mean, there was a lot of stuff in my canes, because I went in there. You demanded that I sit in and eat in the restaurant. The listeners demanded it.
Starting point is 00:53:25 I sat down in the restaurant during these COVID times, put myself on the line, risk getting COVID for a second time. And I took pictures of everything in here. It was very strange. There was, it said restaurant partners, and then Tulane was on the wall, and then it said one love, which I, maybe I don't know what one love, I don't know what this one love thing is.
Starting point is 00:53:45 And then Jerry Springer was the other, that was Jerry Springer was just on the wall here. I think Jerry Springer went to Tulane. How about that? I think he maybe went to Tulane, but there's a young picture of Springer in college or something. Yeah, vintage painting. Wow.
Starting point is 00:53:57 Look at that. And then Marison Sinati. I think, yeah, I think he, yeah, he did. He went to Tulane. Wait, did he say graduate in 1951? How old is Jerry Springer? He's got to be as old as DePaul. Oh, 1961.
Starting point is 00:54:14 Okay, still. Also born on September 11th. A lot of sad birthdays. I don't know what any of these connections are to the restaurant. It seemed like a bunch of eclectic stuff on the wall. There's a big pan on the wall. Look at that pan. A big frying pan.
Starting point is 00:54:33 I didn't really get what was going on. That has to be the original. That has to be the original. It feels like there's a lot going on in here. That's why I'm wondering, Nick, tell me I'm wrong. The original, I think you are wrong, unfortunately. The original is in Baton Rouge. Okay, all right.
Starting point is 00:54:47 Yeah, so it is, no, but not nowhere close. Okay, so we're hearing now that it's not the original. All right, all right. I'm kind of shocked by it's so, it's just, I have to say, as an American, as an American consumer, it's always kind of surreal when you walk into a place that's like a chain and you've never been this late in your life. You know, you think, certainly, I have been to, I mean, I'm sure you guys deal with this feeling all the time, because you always have to find a new fast food
Starting point is 00:55:32 restaurant every week, but it was just bizarre to get to a place like, there are so many locations of this, I've never once seen it. I've never once heard of it, and the people who are here clearly love it and aren't coming to do a podcast about it. They're coming because they love fucking love it. Which we should say to you is that we, you very kindly did this, didn't know it was the second time we were doing it. That was hard, yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:58 And went to the Burbank location, which is newly opened and packed. Newly opened. Oh, yeah. And I think that's part of perhaps why you have not stumbled upon this is because this was a regional chain for many years and has recently, you know, like a lot of these chains has expanded across the country. So, you know, it didn't have many West Coast outlets to begin with, within even the past five years.
Starting point is 00:56:26 And now it's got multiple locations in LA, including the new Burbank one, which I mentioned before we started recording, was held up by the Burbank Neighborhood Council for a bit because they were worried about traffic caused by the drive-through. Well, I should say, when my boyfriend and I drove up to this place, there was like, I mean, it was like kind of shocking how much the, like the drive-through element of it was not like perfected yet, and they had to put cones on the street in like the parking lane to create another lane for how long the kind of drive-through was looping around. And we were like, we pulled into the back of the line as you do.
Starting point is 00:57:06 And the, we got a knock on our window from like a security guard with like a gun, you know, obviously in a holster, obviously, but it just was like, he was like, and we like rolled down the window and he was like, I'm gonna need you to, he was like, I'm gonna need you to step out of the line for a second. Literally, he said that before he then, and there was like a pause and we're like, oh, oh, thinking like, obviously we had done something wrong, you know, just like terrified. And then he was like, because the line is actually starts back there. And we were like, please, like it was the weirdest delay.
Starting point is 00:57:42 It was so hostile, like it was so clearly meant to like scare us. It was so weird. Yes. That is very intentional. And so then we had to pull out and go to that literally over to the next street where there was like more, like it's that popular right now. Yeah. That's wild.
Starting point is 00:57:59 Should I tell that on the moth or like just... Yeah, stretch it out a little. Right. It's good. Like there's something, there's a kernel of something there and I just need to develop it. I think, I don't think you need to stretch it out either. I think a nice, a shorter, when you get a nice short moth, that's always a treat.
Starting point is 00:58:19 So if you were a line cutter, which I, which, which honestly, I think he would have had the right to draw his arm on you. Well, what I wasn't actually, it wasn't actually, we weren't cutting. He just, our car was too far out in the particular street. So we had to go to the back line where there was literally no one. And then we sat there like ceremony, like symbolically for five seconds. And then he goes, oh, he just came right back to where we were.
Starting point is 00:58:46 Where he originally knocked on them. It was such a charade anyway. Maybe he has the gun. Maybe he's the chicken executioner. Maybe he also... Just parking for them. Not just parking. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:57 Well, that's what I've, why is I've heard that that Burbank city council is, I think it is made up of a lot of chickens that we're nervous about. Now I'm just, now I am basically, I'm doing like the chick, I'm doing like the Chick-fil-A ads. It's not even good. No, I liked it. I thought it was funny. I thought it was good.
Starting point is 00:59:16 Bunch of chickens on the council. Maybe Leno's on there too. That's why they're famous for banking in canes. Yeah. I should just date with the chicken executioner. I got to say this too. This is off topic. I got myself a water here.
Starting point is 00:59:30 It's a smart water. But this is very funny that now it's like alkaline. Isn't that a strange thing to... They're doing too much. Yeah. I don't know what the fuck that means. No one does. They just think it's something good.
Starting point is 00:59:46 Like that's smart water alkaline? Is that, that's going to make you buy it more? Like what is, I don't get it. I don't get it. I just had to talk about it. When I travel, I've gotten really into carrying a refillable water bottle and I just do that at the airport. So I don't have to spend like, you know, seven bucks for smart water.
Starting point is 01:00:03 Yeah, exactly. But I started doing, but I, you know, smart water for a long time was my go-to. And last time I was like looking for a smart water there was like eight different types and they're all, they all have some different like chemical composition, some different mix of, you know, electrolytes they're trying to add to. And it just, it gets unka-patch-kits too much.
Starting point is 01:00:22 Give me a, like Simps like streamlined it. Give me a regular smart water and a sparkling smart water. You want to have one one that's got alkaline or whatever the fuck, but like just clarify, just streamline what you're, streamline your brand. It's too much. This has nine plus pH. What does nine plus?
Starting point is 01:00:41 What does that mean? I don't know. I have no idea. I couldn't even think of anything funny that I mean. I have no idea why it confused me. I got one the other night. I went to CVS. I got one for the room.
Starting point is 01:00:58 I got some, uh, what is it? What is it called? I almost passed out. I'll tell, I can say this. Oh my God. I was on set and it was 91 degrees. Oh God. And so humid.
Starting point is 01:01:08 And the most humid, I actually think it was the hottest I've ever experienced anything. And I like, it was just, it was just, it was, it was like the hottest temperature I'd ever experienced on the planet to me, for me. And it was, and, and they, they, they, they, they said cut and I, they were going to do a new setup and there was an emergency cooling trailer. And so I just went to the emergency cooling trailer and stood in there.
Starting point is 01:01:35 Like it's just basically kind of like a mist. I mean, it was, it was just like, it basically like the end of a trailer was just a giant AC and it was like one that you'd put in your, like a window unit, AC, but it was like at 60 degrees. And I got in there and there was a woman in there and she's like, you look really pale. And I was like, yeah. And then I started to see colors and then, and then, and then, and then,
Starting point is 01:01:56 and then she was like, oh, your color is coming back. And so I, I, but I, but, uh, it's the hottest. This is, I, I can't believe that people, you know how it's hacky to talk about weather? It's all I can talk about when I'm down here. It's the hottest fucking place in the world. Yeah. Sure.
Starting point is 01:02:13 It's too hot. I'm glad, I'm glad you're okay. Anyways, posts, posts, post, post set wigs. After I, after I leave this hot set, I went to St. Charles Avenue. I went and sat down at Raisin Canes. Well, when I ate my dinner in there, uh, there was AC. They actually do a good job with AC in Louisiana. It's got a good, good AC, but, um, but I had a blast.
Starting point is 01:02:41 Besides the weird knickknacks on the wall, which made it look like, what are, what are like, it looked like a fud ruckers. There was like a lot, there was really a lot of stuff on the wall. They do that. Yeah. And, and, uh, Nick, I had a blast once again. I sat there alone. Um, I'm going to get into what I ordered.
Starting point is 01:03:00 Here we go. Right. Yeah. Cause I will say Contra, Contra smartwaters current selection. The menu is super simple. It's super streamlined. This is the thing John touched on earlier when he was talking, comparing it to the Cheshawn place.
Starting point is 01:03:12 Yeah. Yeah. Which I generally appreciate a lot. Me too. I would say Raisin Canes had me wondering, should there be more? Wow. Anyway, but I'm going to let you guys talk.
Starting point is 01:03:27 Here's, here's the issue. I can tell my story about how I almost passed out again. My humorless story of just almost passing out on set. It's hot down here. Why? Cause it's a hot place. Yeah. It's what I hear.
Starting point is 01:03:40 It's very hot. Um, well, guess what? I cooled myself down with a lemonade. I got myself a lemonade. It's in the back. You can't get access to the lemonade. Like, like it's not a fountain that you can go up to. Yes.
Starting point is 01:03:53 Can I ask really quickly? I'm sorry. I know you like literally are giving your spiel. And I'm interrupting. I'm so sorry. No, please. But I really immediately, after ordering myself an unsweet tea and my partner, a tight coke, I was really pissed.
Starting point is 01:04:12 After I'd already put in the order after we had paid, I realized too late that the lemonade was marketed as freshly squeezed. And then I was like, fuck, I really should have done it. So is that true though? It is. It's freshly squeezed daily. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:25 Not to order, but it's freshly squeezed daily. Yeah. That's amazing. I feel like that's such a huge part of the menu that I didn't get. Yeah, it is good. I will say I've had their tea. I've had their sweet tea. I liked their lemonade, but it was a little too sweet for me.
Starting point is 01:04:42 So that's why I didn't get it. I had about half of it. I think it would have been more content doing like an iced tea lemonade. Here's Arnold Palmer. Yeah. Well, he calls it the Nick Wilder because he's insane. If you get a two-thirds tea, one-third lemonade, that's the Nick Wilder. That is the Arnold Palmer.
Starting point is 01:05:00 But anyways, do you know the old saying milk, milk, lemonade, round the corner fudges made? That is the old saying. That old chestnut. Here, around the corner, the lemonade is made because they take your cup, they go fill it up. You can't. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 01:05:16 So here, around the corner, lemonade is made. You can't get it. You can't get it on your own is what I'm saying. You can't get it on your own. Because I know it's good. I'm going to just email it in a resignation. I get it. Around the corner, the lemonade is made.
Starting point is 01:05:35 You can't. So they give it to you. They go, they take your cup, they go fill it up. Hey, with that world's famous ice, you can buy the ice, can't you? Love that. What the hell? I didn't get any ice. You didn't get ice?
Starting point is 01:05:45 You didn't get ice? I had ice, but I just, you know, did to the straw and I didn't think to like kind of chomp on some. It's, it's very comfortable. I think that security guard you dealt with works for ice. I'm going to deport you using the Patriots team plane. See that story, bitch? Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 01:06:06 Fucking Christ. Look, it's a great team. Shouldn't use the plan that way. I was seeing, by the way, I was seeing a lot of colors when I was in that trailer. That's why I brought it up. I saw a lot of different. It was kind of like a.
Starting point is 01:06:21 Give us a run. It was like gorgeous. It was like the lens flare in an 824 film. Got to get a 24 down here. Have the same experiences me. It was really wild. John, you dealt with it. You ate in this city.
Starting point is 01:06:37 We, I can't believe we didn't talk about New Orleans food. Look, this, this is a disaster. Not a disaster, but it's our fault. I'm saying we've, we fucked this up. How do we not talk about New Orleans food? You spent, you spent plenty of time down here. You ate across the city. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:53 Claudia like curated a whole week of reservations. I was so full. Like the kind of, like I felt it the whole week. Yeah. Any favorites from the, from the chip? Okay. Yes. There is one place called like. Did Claudia give you like a list of places to go?
Starting point is 01:07:13 I bet when I was down here, I went to a few restaurants with her. She did. She, she, she's also giving me, she's giving me a list now. There was one that was like in, in the kind of like Saint-Germain. Like it was like, uh, it's like in a, it felt like it was like in a living room. It was so cool. It was like four tables and a little like living room. It was, and like it was real and it was really good.
Starting point is 01:07:38 It was extremely good actually. Um, however, there was a real like the waiters really had to explain everything about every single dish, just like, and what we do is we take, we kill the eel ethically. And then we let, you know, like, and like it just, it was, it was out of control. And it just, it went on for every single explanation went on for so long. And I'm like, it's literally getting cold as you're speaking. It was, it was really crazy. Our water is nine plus pH.
Starting point is 01:08:14 It was it compare Lapine, C-A-M-P-E-R-E Lapine. No, I don't know. I'm going to ask, um, the second favorite guest on this show, Claudia Adorti. Saint-Germain. Um, well, look, Raisin Canes is not that fancy, but they got some fancy ice. They got some very fancy ice. Love that ice. Great pellet ice.
Starting point is 01:08:39 You can buy it, buy it. Is it like, like, is it like Sonic ice? Yeah, very much like Sonic ice. It's the best ice. Great ice. Sonic ice. That's Sonic rounds up other video game characters and brings them back to the border. He's quicker than everyone else.
Starting point is 01:08:59 Um, you know, Mario's getting deported. Yeah, he's going back to Italy. Yeah. Um, I, uh, I got a lemonade. I got myself wigs. The big box, which look, it's just a fun. It's just fun to say. You went big box.
Starting point is 01:09:20 I went big box. Six. Is that the one with six? No, no, no, no. That's that's four. So you, so you went with the box combo. It's the box combo. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:09:32 The Kaniak is the six finger. Kaniak is the six. Yeah. Kaniak is the big box. It's just the box. It's so crazy because I saw Kaniak on the menu and literally even seeing it, I couldn't put the pun together. Like I literally was like, what is that?
Starting point is 01:09:52 And I was at raising Keynes. It is, it is, it is, it is strange. And also iced tea. There's just a lot of stuff going on right. Like the branding of that place I don't get. I don't get that iced tea is standing in an iced tea and I like it. I like it a lot. It's pretty straightforward.
Starting point is 01:10:11 And that also, the fact that they were able to get iced tea helps me understand that they are popular. Yes. They are popular. But also like what is, why? Cause I get that it's straightforward, but what is going on? Is there, there's no, there's no, he's just there. I mean, he's just is promoting the restaurant, I guess.
Starting point is 01:10:29 There's no, it's not like a summer of iced tea or anything. There's no like different iced teas. No, I, but, but I mean, like, you know, I think it's just a natural synergy. His name is iced tea. He's happy to lean into it. They have an iced tea. That's pretty good. They could do summer of, for you, they could do summer of love.
Starting point is 01:10:47 I like that. Summer of, summer of Netflix's love. There you go. Speaking of Claudia. Don't, I really don't want to talk about it anymore. I'm serious. It's actually really pissing me off. I got the box combo and here's what's in the box combo.
Starting point is 01:11:09 Four fingers. Oh, what's in the box? That's the thing you could do. Oh, what's in the box? I'll ask you a question. Four fingers. There you go. A slice of toast.
Starting point is 01:11:20 Hopefully not his wife's fingers. Oh, Jesus. That would be some. Hey, become wrath. They think, think of, think of, yes, he does become wrath. Think of how different seven would be if he opened up the box and it was a box combo from Raising Canes. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:38 It would be nice ending. Kind of under. Spacey would probably still be working. Tone. It comes with the four fingers. Knock, Wineth, Paul throws fingers. Fries. A piece of bread or what is it called?
Starting point is 01:12:04 Texas toast. Texas toast. A little thing of slaw and two of those two of these AOLI fucking sauces that we don't really know the kind of like a cane sauce. It's cane. I believe you only get one cane sauce in the box combo. It could be wrong. But I got two.
Starting point is 01:12:22 Well, hey, they did you proper because I would strongly advise anyone who goes here to get extra cane sauce. It is a highlight of the menu and they don't quite give you enough. That little, that little ramekin you get, plastic ramekin isn't quite enough. Here's what I'll say. And Mitch, I don't know if this happens to you, but hosting a fast food chain restaurant podcast, I get a lot of questions when a new chain opens up,
Starting point is 01:12:43 a new location opens up. Oh, watch people ask me stuff left and right. Oh my God. They're always, they're like, hey, I'm going to, hey, what do I get from this place? Raising Canes is very simple. You get the box combo, you get everything. It's, there's like five items on the menu.
Starting point is 01:12:57 And if you get the box combo, you get all of them. You get the, you get the fingers, you get the fries, the, the, the Texas toast and the coleslaw and a drink. That's it. There's also a sandwich, which you can get if you want to be a completionist. But if you want to try what they're actually known for, get the box combo and you're set. You're sitting pretty.
Starting point is 01:13:12 Well, Wags, I am a completionist and that's why I did get the sandwich. And guess who else is. Wow. Wow. Ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch. John, early. You knew, you knew. You knew.
Starting point is 01:13:24 You knew. Favorite guest. Wow. This, this, this, in my mind, maybe pushes you above Claudia. I, I, uh, I don't drop there on a fly. I got the sandwich. Here's, she's going to be mad when she hears me, hears that I said that.
Starting point is 01:13:37 Um, here's. Celebrate this. Here's the, that's also true. Here's the deal. I got the sandwich, it didn't have any lettuce on it, they forgot the lettuce. Oh boy. They forgot to put the lettuce on there. There was just no lettuce on there.
Starting point is 01:13:51 I'll say this. You didn't really miss anything because the lettuce that was on mine was like, this is why you need to do, it's, it's really just much smarter with the, with any sort of sandwich or hot, like a burger or anything. It's do iceberg lettuce. Is it's just, it's the only robust lettuce that doesn't, that can stand up to heat. And this was like utterly wilted. Like I didn't even know it was on the sandwich.
Starting point is 01:14:15 It might have actually been there. And then I like lifted the bun and I saw like a, like a piece of, like a green, a dark green thin thing, like glued to the bun. Yes. I had the same experience with mine. Yeah. It, it was, it's like a romaine heart that's just absolutely, you know, just by the time I ate it.
Starting point is 01:14:34 Yeah. Oh, so we all, but so, but did everyone get fingers pause and a sandwich? Yes. Yes. Yes. Yeah. I got the box combo plus a sandwich plus some extra cane sauce. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:47 Which is, you know, admirably, basically all you can do. Well, I was splitting it with someone else. With a lover. Me too. And we ate it all. We ate it all. Yeah. I split mine up with Natalie and we ate it all.
Starting point is 01:15:03 I, I ate most of it. I met occasion fellow on St. Charles Avenue. We got some raisin cane with the mind sharing it. Oh, he asked me. Yeah. I guess I do have to review that for Doughboy. So sir, here's something that I did drive down St. Charles Avenue. There was, it's very, it goes towards the colleges.
Starting point is 01:15:33 Very nice little section of New Orleans. Here's something I got that also they just have, you can just, there's just drive through, what are they called? What are the, what are the slushy, oh my God, I'm an idiot. The slushy drinks. Yes. You can get, they don't have like an open container or a law there, right? So you can just drive through and get a, get some sort of alcoholic beverage.
Starting point is 01:15:58 Is that what you're saying? Yes. At raisin canes. No, not at, not at raisin canes. Oh, sorry, I got so pissed off. Just in knowledge. I was so excited. Dackery, I can't believe I forgot the name, the Dackery.
Starting point is 01:16:15 You can, you can just, you can, you, there's like Dackery, there's Dackery places where you just get Dackery's. That was at the end of St. Charles Avenue. Here's something I got that you all didn't get, I'm sure of it. Just, I didn't even ask for this with my, with my, with my box combo. This is what they gave me. Wags right here, some Louisiana hot sauce. Wow, that's a good sauce too.
Starting point is 01:16:42 Look at that. A few packets of Louisiana hot sauce right with my box combo. And I got to tell you, you dip a little bit in that cane sauce, you squeeze a little Louisiana hot sauce on top of that. You're in business. It's really, it was, I loved it here. I took a little picture of what I did. I really wish I had that because, you know, I am something of a heat seeker.
Starting point is 01:17:05 I love my spicy foods and that would have helped. I think that would have helped this whole package. Here's the thing about raisin canes is that, and we jump down, you know. It gets boring, no different sauces. Well, yeah, yes, maybe a little bit. What I was more going to say was like, when we went to Kelly's roast beef and we tried some of their fried items, we were like, nothing is seasoned. This was for our Boston live show and that was an issue.
Starting point is 01:17:28 That's the thing they're doing with raisin canes. That's their whole thing. Now you're supposed to. It's seasoned. Nothing is seasoned. So you're, so the sauce is the whole thing. Yeah. That's the whole, like if you're eating these bad boys dry, you're just getting,
Starting point is 01:17:40 you know, pretty flavorless texture. Yeah. I think the chicken though is so well cooked to the point where I almost was like, is this too close to like medium rare? That right, right. It is like very juicy and delicious chicken. Like, like very juicy. Yeah, it doesn't, it almost, it almost doesn't have to be seasoned too much.
Starting point is 01:18:01 Here's, here's, here's one complaint. Here's a nitpick for your for raisin cane. So make that toast bigger. What happened to the toast? Wayne Zelinsky got his hands on it. The toast, the toast was my favorite part. I love the toast. Great toast.
Starting point is 01:18:22 It was so buttery. I mean, the toast is great, but it is, why is it a hot dog bun shape in size? Do you think it's been downsized? I couldn't tell. Because of the toast ban. I don't want to talk politics right now. But no, I really did love that toast. Great toast.
Starting point is 01:18:41 Did yours look like this? Yes. It's, why is it, why isn't it bigger? Why, why isn't it stretched out? I don't, I don't understand that. Maybe order an extra toast. I think they do griddle it on both sides, which I think is great. I, I, I really like the texture of it.
Starting point is 01:18:55 I agree with John. I think it's the, along with the cane sauce, it's a highlight. And hey, you dip that Texas toast in the cane sauce, you're sitting pretty. The, here, here's what I'll say. The sandwich comes on a bun. That bun does not compare to the Texas toast. And my question, why not have that sandwich come on two pieces of Texas toast? Or if you want a sandwich.
Starting point is 01:19:16 Then you're at Carl's Jr. Right. Don't they have Frisco burgers? Didn't that used to be hardies for Carl's Jr.? Yeah, they, they had like a sour dough. Like they, they did do stuff like that for sure. Yeah. Well, no, I guess Sonic is more Texas toast.
Starting point is 01:19:35 Wise. If you want to eat it on that Texas toast, you better call up fucking Wayne Zalinsky, because there's no way you're going to fit the sam, the fingers on there. You're going to have to, you're going to have to, you have to miniature. Well, what, what's wrong? You didn't like my second mention of Wayne Zalinsky? No, I'm glad you did it. I think probably a lot of our listeners are just unsure as to who Wayne Zalinsky is.
Starting point is 01:19:56 Oh, if you want to add some context. Yeah. I might call up Wayne Zalinsky, tell him to put that reverse on. Shoot the, shoot his buddy Mitch in a certain area. Honey, I shrunk the kid protagonist. If anyone hasn't put it together. There we go. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:13 And honey, I blew up the kids. Honey, I blew up the kid was the sequel. Honey, I blew up the kid. That's right. Yeah. And also, isn't it, aren't they making another sequel with Gad? They might, they might have made a Gad one. I think, didn't Gad get his hands on it?
Starting point is 01:20:28 Gad's got it. Did it already come out? Is the Gad one out? Is the, has the Gad one been out for four years and we don't know? They make like four Gad, shrunk the kids already? It'll never work. It'll never work just like Jurassic Park. Wait, are you in Jurassic Park, Mitch?
Starting point is 01:20:43 No, I'm not scared. I'm not. Okay. It'll never work because they have, they have abandoned live, like fit, like physical effects, special effects. That's why that shit was magical. Both. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:00 The first honey, I shrunk the kids. Like they were doing all the cool perspective stuff. It was so cool. If they did it now, it would be all CGI and you'd be poured to tears, but you'd be on Twitter pretending to like it. Yes. Look, you're preaching to the choir here. We feel the same way.
Starting point is 01:21:15 Thank you. I want to feel that dyno. I want them to lay on the dyno. When the dyno's breathing in and out, you can. Yes. I don't want a reverse cut of blue, where I know that blue is just, blue is just a, it's a, I'm watching a cartoon. It's Pratt with his hand out and then the reverse cut is just blue.
Starting point is 01:21:33 Looking at him and that, and that's, and that. Like a blue screen. Wait, what's, what's blue? Oh, blue is the name of the raptor. It's the name of the raptor. Oh, oh, oh, sorry, sorry. No, I didn't know what you were talking about. That's okay.
Starting point is 01:21:43 But I mean, it is a blue screen. It's just Pratt. You know, it's a cut, reverse cut, and it's, and it's, and it's blue. A tennis ball. It's just a tennis ball. There's nothing there. Give us the real dinos. I miss the real dinos.
Starting point is 01:21:57 The only context I can get on Gadd and Honey I Shrunk the Kids is that Gadd teased a possible Honey I Shrunk the Kids reboot. Gadd's got it. You know that Gadd's got it. Josh Gadd hopes to start shooting the Honey I Shrunk the Kids reboot sequel next year. Gadd's got it. Yeah. He Instagrammed a photo of, of like Rick Moranis, not even like him with Rick Moranis.
Starting point is 01:22:25 He got Moranis to come back. Has Moranis not hacked it? No, no, it was, I was just like a still of Moranis from the movie and just kind of like, like, huh? That's, that's as far as I can tell. It's just like, what if, you know, what if that was me? I think was the implication. Gadd's got it.
Starting point is 01:22:41 He's bringing back Moranis. Yeah. You know, he's up to, you know, he's up to no good. You know, I heard about the, the, the Gadd, uh, Honey I Shrunk the Kids reboot. He, like in pixels, he also fucks Cubert. It's, it's just like a running thing with him now. John, I don't know if you know this, but in the movie pixels, Gadd, the Adam Sandler movie pixels were cartoon, where I'm sorry, video game characters come to life.
Starting point is 01:23:08 Gadd ends up fucking Cubert. He is actually married to Cubert at the end of the movie, but Cubert has transformed into like, uh, this blonde lady. Yeah, but still has Cuberts DNA. And then do they have Cubert babies? They have half Cubert, half human kids. But I don't even know what Cubert is. Uh, Cubert is like an orange.
Starting point is 01:23:30 It's kind of like if Mitch's head alone had legs. Just like an orange sphere. And he talks in gibberish and he, he hops up of cubes. And my nose and mouth were kind of like a big horn vacuum, which they kind of are. Yeah. Like one orifice, like a face, yeah. Yeah. Give me that.
Starting point is 01:23:52 It's, um, he's, yeah, he's, he's kind of monstrous. Gadd Foxham. Yeah. Yeah. So wait, so wait, they have half human, half Cubert children? That's what happens at the end. Yeah. Jesus.
Starting point is 01:24:04 There's like, there's like a litter of Cubert, uh, Gadd hybrids jumping around in a crib. Dear Lord. Yeah. All right. All right. I guess, our guest is yawning. Let's get to our final. No, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:24:17 But I have a lot of Raisin Canes and it is like a kind of blanket of, you know, unsalted food. 100%. I was going to say Kronenberg created the Cubert, uh, human hybrids, correct? Logs for that scene. Yeah. They're, they're, they're a creature. It's a nightmare. John, if you like, if you like, crimes of the future.
Starting point is 01:24:41 If you, if you like practical effects, the Cubert hybrid children are there. They are practical. Okay. Cool. I'll check it out. Sitting a big bone feeding chair, facing crimes of the future. I did see it. It's great.
Starting point is 01:24:53 It's great. Anyway, uh, let's, John, you, you would, okay. So you do have a lot of thoughts about Raisin Canes. I want to hear them. Let's, let's get into it. Okay. Okay. So I love the text.
Starting point is 01:25:01 I brought, this is probably disappointing. Well, seasoning, seasoning is the big issue here. Like, yes, the sauce, I just don't understand why you're relying on the sauce. Like first of all, is salt that expensive? No, not anymore. I, I think maybe, I mean, I'm not sure, but it could be. Isn't there something called the price of salt? This is a hurry.
Starting point is 01:25:23 I don't know. Whatever. It's like a, I don't know. Um, okay. The point is, if you had asked about, if you had asked about a video game character, we would have been on top of it, but it's a book. We're probably, we're on a block. It's like, it's probably a book, but I feel like.
Starting point is 01:25:36 1952 novel by Patricia Highsmith. Oh yeah. This is a lot of horror. Are you a player of Oregon? But you know, Patricia Highsmith is talented, Mr. Ripley. Oh, that's cool. So you know, it's good. Okay.
Starting point is 01:25:48 Anyway, so, oh, price of salt, I think is what Carol is based on. Oh. Anyway. Okay. Moving on. Sorry. Just say. The racial sands character?
Starting point is 01:26:02 Yeah. Oh, that was really, really good. Wow. I'm really proud of you. Thank you. That was actually genuine. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 01:26:20 So, okay. Seasoning, they should have, you know, you gotta, because by the way, whatever's happening with the tenderness with the chicken, to me, it was almost, I think I'm with you. Like, I didn't get freaked out about like rawness or anything, because mine was like stark white, but like, it wasn't pink or anything, but like. Um, you know, you can create tenderness through salt hunting, through like marinating, like through like a salt bath, like that is how people tenderize chicken.
Starting point is 01:26:50 And then not only is the meat tender, it's fucking flavorful, my dude. And it's, and as we know, about seasoning, it ain't just about saltiness. It's about literally bringing out the flavor, coaxing out the flavor people. And so I really did feel like the chicken fingers were like, in the batter itself, like that's why people like fried chicken is because of the flavor of the batter, not just the texture. You don't, it's not just about the crunchiness. You like the saltiness and like the other spices, like cayenne and stuff.
Starting point is 01:27:21 You know, like that's why we, that's why we tie the time again. John. That's KFC's whole thing. You got the bayou on edge down here. You got a lot of Cajun's sweating. And they don't sweat too often, why? That breakdown is- But no, a true Cajun, I think if you went to any non-raising canes in New Orleans,
Starting point is 01:27:40 I feel like they would, it would be spicy and salty as hell. Well, we were talking about canes the other day, and it has been around for a while, and then, you know, the big chicken craze- With another comedian? We actually were texting that Salman about how we were actually were texting that Salman about this again. Oh my God, this sucks. Sorry, it's true.
Starting point is 01:28:02 He's gonna put you in the Simpsons. All right, maybe he's putting you in two Simpsons now. Two Simpsons episodes. A lot of these places, why is there's a gusses around the corner, which we have reviewed before, right, gusses? Yeah, gusses, great. There's a gusses around the corner. A lot of these places, Dave's hot chicken.
Starting point is 01:28:21 Salman made the point- Oh God, sorry, John. Salman made the point that a lot of these chicken places now, I mean, canes was the first place to do it. Obviously not hot chicken. This is very much like we said, it's not seasoned, but it is true. Just the idea of this plate fries and Texas toast and slaw, which is like every chicken place in LA or whatever.
Starting point is 01:28:49 Oh, canes has been doing this since 94 or whatever. Yeah, 94. So 96, I don't care what the exact date was. So for that, I mean, I get it. Mine was a little pink. Hey, I went in there a little pink from set from both the heat and, you know, I'm working with sweet tooth. The guy likes to, you know, get a little bloody.
Starting point is 01:29:12 Oh shit, I can't even say this. I can't say that. Delete that. I'm sorry. I can't even say that. Just bleep it out. Who knows? I'll bleep this whole episode, don't worry.
Starting point is 01:29:23 So I went in there and my chicken was, my chicken was a little, it was a little close to pink, which is disturbing. I mean, but here's what that's, it's not good at all. Obviously for health reasons. I'm not talking about some sort of pretentious like, you know, flavor reasons, but like it, I will say, I was delighted that it did feel like a full piece of actual meat versus mechanically separated chicken. 100%.
Starting point is 01:29:55 Yes. Yeah. That's true. I don't know what mechanically separated chicken means. It's just the thing that I would always see in the back of like slim gyms when I was a kid and I thought was so funny. It's, that's, that's the pink goop. You know, that's, that's, that went, yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:08 Like reformed into the shape of a chicken tender. Like this genuinely seemed to have the kind of nuances of a, like the physical structural nuances of a real piece of chicken. I mean, unless they're doing something genius, I don't know. I can talk about sweet tooth. I just realized you don't have to bleep anything. I don't know why I got so scared. Anyways, I, I agree with you.
Starting point is 01:30:31 The fact that you're getting actual chicken fingers is, is, is, is, is in, you know what, it did taste, look, it was a little pink, but it tasted juicy and good and I didn't get sick. So I, I, and I, I felt juicy to the point of watery. Ooh, mm. Look, maybe there's some, juicy, not too watery. Maybe there's some kinks getting worked out in this Burbank location too. That's true. I could be true.
Starting point is 01:30:59 I had a lot of fun. I went there after work, sat down by myself, ate all that stuff by myself. There was no significant other. And I had a good time, Nick. It put a big smile on my face and guess what? Walking out, I had finished that lemonade. I saw my buddy ice tea smile on me. I said, you know what, I'm going to go get a sweet tea.
Starting point is 01:31:19 I got some sweet tea. I filled the cup about halfway out and it was tasty. It was tasty, sweet tea, uh, about 12,000 calories worth of liquids that day. But I was having a good time. I, I, I think Keynes is good and I'm kind of nervous with, oh, the fries. Look, the sandwich was good. You never have to get it. I wish the toast was bigger.
Starting point is 01:31:46 The chicken is good. My fries were great. My fries were just really solid crinkle cut fries. They were good. And I also think, Hey, if we're going to talk fries, might as well talk about this damn coleslaw. And that was fantastic too. I might, my, my coleslaw was, while I was eating coleslaw, I was like,
Starting point is 01:32:04 this is like what I imagined KFC coleslaw to taste like back in the day. It is now trash, but this, this coleslaw is, is a plus. And the fries were, I ate in restaurants. So the fries were crispy and hot and good. But I don't know how you guys felt about that. I think, I think that they don't do a lot, but what they do, they do well. John, you may feel differently, but for me, everything was kind of kick, kind of kicking. So.
Starting point is 01:32:29 Nice. I want to know what you thought of the fries, Nick. I thank you for asking. He doesn't like fries. I thought they were, I like, how dare you? I like fries. I love fries. Anyway, I might, my, honestly, my favorite, I've said, they're my favorite way to get a potato.
Starting point is 01:32:45 So I don't, don't say that I don't like fries. You're screaming right now. I don't know if you can hear the level. I'm going to bring them down. No, I will be, if there's a, if they're like, like, look, when I'm back, when I'd have like a steak and it'd be like, Hey, do you want like, do you want to bake potato? You want mashed potato?
Starting point is 01:33:05 We got like a scallop potato. I'd be like, can I get fries? Like, yeah, you can get fried. They're called steak, you know, steak fries exist for a reason. Yeah. What restaurant were you at? They're giving you all these potato options for God's sakes. Go to like a fancy steakhouse.
Starting point is 01:33:18 You'll get some potato options. I'm just saying, I like fries. I like crinkle cut fries in particular. Del Taco does crinkle cut fries. Del Taco, one of my favorite chains. Shake Shack has a good crinkle cut. Shake Shack? Go on.
Starting point is 01:33:33 I think these are, I think these are well fried. I think they, they, they just, they just could use some salt. I think it's just a, not enough seasoning. And, and I don't know, hey, you know, I know John is a little ketchup averse, but I wouldn't mind some ketchup with this, just to have some variety from the cane sauce, you know. I got some ketchup.
Starting point is 01:33:52 You didn't get any? I got the, I got those, I got those fat Heinz packets that you can dip in and also, you know what I'm talking about? I just got to ask next time. Yeah. Yeah, the tub. I got the Heinz tubs.
Starting point is 01:34:02 Yeah. I got to ask for ketchup and I got to ask for hot sauce next time. But I thought the fries were good. I don't know if I'd call the coleslaw an A plus, Mitch, but I think it's a solid slaw. I like the slaw. And, hey, look, this is my first, my first time having the chicken fingers.
Starting point is 01:34:17 I'm a bone in guy. Give me those, give me, give me those bones. I'll always go bone in over boneless. And, but these are good tendies. I think they're well fried, you know, and that the cane sauce is a home run. So just as a sauce delivery mechanism, I think they get the texture well and,
Starting point is 01:34:32 and mine were the sweet spot of juiciness. They weren't too watery. So I really enjoyed them. Give me them bones is what you said. Hey, give me the bones. Look, you're going to think I'm earthy crunchy. My favorite preparation of potato. Just natural raw potato.
Starting point is 01:34:50 Give it to me raw raw. Wow. I'll leave it just like an apple. Wags, I think we've got to go, I think we've got to go to our final thoughts here. Let's, let's review this place. Last time we did raising canes, it was just outside of the golden plate club.
Starting point is 01:35:08 Mitch gave it five forks. The tine father, Matt Selman, or chicken correspondent, three forks, three tines. Oh my God. Emma, I gave it an incomplete because I did not have the chicken. I ceded my score to Emma and Emma gave it five forks. Hell yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:20 Wow. It could get into the golden plate club. Emma's, Emma loves, Emma loves raising canes. Emma's a big canes freak. She told a very cute story of giving the, sharing the last piece of chicken with, with Jimmy. Yeah, I always get four. You get it on the road a lot.
Starting point is 01:35:34 So we're like in the car and she gets sick if I feed her before we leave. So by the time we get food, she's like settled and she can eat. So I get four tenders, three for me, and then I take the breading off of one and I feed it to Jimmy. That's so sweet.
Starting point is 01:35:47 Wait, but is this like an LA thing for you or is this a childhood thing for you too? No, this is, my boyfriend and I have done a lot of driving across the country over the past few years, like in COVID and stuff. We drove from LA to Maine and we just stopped it. We kept finding raising canes everywhere we went. They were very consistently hot and fresh,
Starting point is 01:36:04 which we appreciated the most. Temperature, I was very impressed by. Yeah, it also like reheats well. If you have tenders that you don't finish, if you put it in a broiler for a little bit, it's still delicious. Nice. See, if Wally and Irma get near my right here,
Starting point is 01:36:18 I say, don't touch that human fluid. Dare come near it. Also, as I said that, I have the TV on in the background and it's just showing this. I'm not watching TV, it's just on in the background, showing the schedule. Okay. And on HBO, it said Irma VEP.
Starting point is 01:36:37 There was an Irma show. Irma VEP. Irma VEP. Oh, Irma VEP. I've seen that. I've seen the billboards for that. Is it about Irma? Is it about Irma my cat or no?
Starting point is 01:36:48 Oh, I didn't know your kind of thing was Irma. That's so sweet. It's very cute. If it's not about Irma my cat, I won't be tuning in. It's not. That's bullshit. Why should I let our, I'm going to go first because... Okay, you're going to go first.
Starting point is 01:37:07 We each go around, we'll give our closing argument and a score from zero to five forks. John, usually we let our guests go first. I'm not going to let you go first because I am not sure where your fork score is going to land. Yeah, yeah. It's more suspenseful. So I'm allowed to give tines.
Starting point is 01:37:23 Yeah, you can give tines. Yeah. You can give tines. Yeah, you can. So just before I give my score, know that I am considering the tine factor here. Okay, go. Okay.
Starting point is 01:37:32 Last time I won here, I gave it five forks. Look, I'd be... Look, there's little nitpicks that I can call out on this place. But going in there, sitting in their wags, being in the home state, you know, St. Charles Avenue there, whatever the hell it's called, it works for me. It's the basic menu. This is what we got here.
Starting point is 01:37:59 If you're in the mood for chicken fingers, basically, you can't find a better spot than this. I mean, maybe you can. Like, you know, gusses or whatever, maybe you can get a better chicken finger place. But for a fast food chain restaurant, I don't know. It's doing the job for me.
Starting point is 01:38:16 I'm going five forks again. I really like it. The cane sauce is great. I wish the Texas toast was bigger. I'll just get a second Texas toast next time. The fingers are great. Maybe a little undercooked this last time I went, but they were still good.
Starting point is 01:38:30 Fries are great. Lemonade was great. All of it was great. I mean, like the chicken was still very good, besides the fact that, like myself, it was a little pinky. But I just want to say about the undercooked. And I'm not including this in my score because mine was not undercooked.
Starting point is 01:38:44 But like, it's not like steak where it's like, it's a little rare for my taste. It's like, if chicken's undercooked, it's like, you're shitting your brains out. Yes, yes. That's the danger zone. Look, you're right. It didn't cause any issues for me.
Starting point is 01:38:58 Except it did. It was sick. Well, interesting. I did have to take Pepto-Bismol on set now that I'm thinking about this. But look, it worked for me. And it wasn't so pink that I even went back up to the counter and was like, hey, this is undercooked.
Starting point is 01:39:20 I was thinking about it, but I didn't do it. Five forks, Nick. Wow. Raising canes should be in more areas, but would that cause the effect that it would be worse? You know, would it cheapen the product, which is a big possibility? Well, we'll find out as they continue their sprawl.
Starting point is 01:39:38 I think you should go next, Nick. I think our guests will actually give their review last because I don't know what they're going to do. We'll have our guests close things out here. I'll pose for Raising Canes. Simple menu. Love that. Love that it streamlined to Emma's point.
Starting point is 01:39:52 And I can't attest to this as much, but her having been to a number of locations across the country, locational consistency is huge with Canes. That this place is predictable. You know what you're going to get, and it is going to deliver on what you expect, depending, regardless of which one you go to. That's big.
Starting point is 01:40:10 Love the cane sauce. Love their fryer action. I think they do a great job with the deep fryer there. Texas toast is great. Here's the thing. The absence of any sort of seasoning on this, that school of thought, I don't love that approach. I would like, hey, you know what,
Starting point is 01:40:31 even if I got a salt packet by default, if I wanted to, that would be nice. But it really is just texture and cane sauce. That's really what you're getting. So I can't go five forks like Mitch did, but I do appreciate this concept being very, very simple. I do appreciate their app, which I think is not crap. It's a good app.
Starting point is 01:40:52 I think their line management, absent, you know, maybe some aggressiveness from some overeager security guards. I think their line management of the drive-thru is pretty good. I went to the El Segunda location in the shadow of SpaceX, and they did a really good job of just making, keeping that line moving and having multiple, you know, multiple customer service reps with tablets,
Starting point is 01:41:15 attending to the way the line split and keeping that. By the time you got to the front counter, Elon Musk had bought it. Anyway, I can't go five forks on this. I don't think it's as good as Dave's Hot Chicken, which I gave four forks, but I do think this place probably deserves to be in the Golden Plate Club.
Starting point is 01:41:41 So I'm going to retcon my Dave's score. I'm going to say four forks one time for Dave's Hot Chicken, and four forks even for raising gains, which puts it right on the threshold of the Golden Plate Club. Overraider, I guess. Wow. We go to it. No, I think this place just works for you more.
Starting point is 01:41:55 And I think also this place, I think what we've taught, what we, the point we've already made is that the seasoning is less of an obstacle for you. John, we go to you. Your thoughts, your forks score. Now, is John going to give a review as crazy as Dr. Carter Knicks himself, aka Raising Kane?
Starting point is 01:42:15 That's his name in the movie. That's the character of the John Lithgow character. Dr. Carter Knicks slash Kane slash Dr. Knicks senior slash Josh. Oh, maybe. Does he have like multiple personality sort of disorder? That's what I would infer. I must have seen this on VHS because my parents owned it. I'm sure watching it.
Starting point is 01:42:33 So I don't remember it at all. Will his review be as crazy as Dr. Carter Knicks? We'll find out right now. Okay, I'm going to speak from the heart, but it is, I think it is a lot of my kind of, my pros and cons really fall pretty snugly into Knicks or wigs as the fans like to call him as I'm learning. So I should say, first of all,
Starting point is 01:43:02 I actually feel like I haven't disclosed something huge, which is that I'm like, okay, hold on, let me look. I'm like nine days out from COVID. Wow. You know, so like it actually is really shady of me to come so hard for the seasoning when I actually could have lost my sense of taste. But it does seem pretty clearly like it's under seasoned
Starting point is 01:43:38 and that you've actually discussed this previously. Now, when you were talking about this was fucking chicken correspondent. He was saying that is actually an approach. I will give my review. I'm sorry, but that's an actual approach by certain chains is not seasoning. We weren't talking about the seasoning that much.
Starting point is 01:43:57 And also I got to say this, Nick is also just coming out of COVID and I didn't have an issue with the seasoning. That's really true. I didn't really have that issue with the seasoning. I didn't know what you guys were talking about, but I went with it. Wow. But no, but we could taste the salt in the cane sauce.
Starting point is 01:44:18 Yeah, I think I haven't lost my sense of taste. I think this place is deliberately under seasoned. As for what we were talking about with Matt Selman, is that I think we're more talking about the streamlined menu as opposed to the lack of seasoning. Or just like the idea of like here's we do chicken tenders, we do fries, we do coleslaw, we do Texas toast. That's it.
Starting point is 01:44:37 Yes. Okay, so I don't know if you don't want to talk about it anymore, but did you give or did you get COVID from Claudia? We all contracted it. We basically all tested positive the same night. We were in the car on the way to Top Gun, scream singing Cheryl Crow. With the windows up, with the windows up.
Starting point is 01:44:59 And then the next day we all tested positive and we were screaming. So we think one of us had it first and then that's where it happened. I said, why is from the beginning of the pandemic, I said they should ban all Cheryl Crow music until the pandemic's over. We were like, if it makes you hot, just like.
Starting point is 01:45:25 Shedding the virus onto everyone else. It was really fun. Why is what song were you picturing instead of it? I was thinking soak up the sun. I know, that's a funny one to get COVID too. Also, the most or big first one, the one I want to do is have some fun. If you guys were screaming that one,
Starting point is 01:45:47 I would be confused, honestly. Yeah, yeah, there's no screaming. But yeah, okay, so I am with you that, okay, so I really appreciate the simple menu. However, I would, I do, I'm going to ding it for only having the coleslaw aside. I don't need like, I don't believe in, I hate the age of options we live in,
Starting point is 01:46:10 so I really actually do appreciate something really limited menu-wise, to just like calm you down when you're ordering and like, and so that you feel like they can deliver on a good product. That's why I'm disappointed in the seasoning, because it's such a small menu, it puts this pressure on everything to be perfect. And the fry, but I thought textually everything was great.
Starting point is 01:46:32 I'd say even Shake Shack has trouble with that texture with the crinkle-cut fries. Sure. Like, I often find their fries to be kind of like watery and like kind of limp, and like, these were crispy and great. But like, not enough salt in the fries, which is not an issue of like seasoning chicken. Chicken, you have to like, you know,
Starting point is 01:46:49 really let it sit with the salt on it, tenderize my friends. But this fries, you really just, they need just one last little sprinkle at the end that would not have been hard. And it's not hard to mass, it's not how to just salt things on mass, you know. So I just don't think it's that much to ask for them to be more seasoned.
Starting point is 01:47:08 I also thought the bread, you know, this is tough with any sort of like chain. I think you're gonna like buns, you usually get that kind of bread that you get in the grocery store, it's like so preserved that like it could never go moldy. So it has like a kind of gumminess. And so like my chicken sandwich,
Starting point is 01:47:27 I was, the bread was so gummy, and not in like a, ooh, like a Hawaiian roll, like kind of like soft like way. Like in like, it was like truly gum. So that I'm digging for that. That bun's bad. But I'm with you, like we're talking about a chain that's gonna be consistent.
Starting point is 01:47:42 And for a chain that's being consistent, like it's impressive that they're texturally, they were able to accomplish what they accomplish. I appreciate the simplicity. I don't know, I didn't, I didn't, I just, the seasoning was really hard for me. And for that reason, and for that reason alone, I'm going three forks.
Starting point is 01:47:58 Three forks even, wow. Oh my God. But I don't judge these places every fucking week. It's, it's, it's happened again. Keynes is not in the golden plate club. No, I did that. I did that. I can't do that.
Starting point is 01:48:14 I can not be responsible for that. No, you can do that. This is great. I don't want to hurt that dog. I also really like, I appreciate that they had unsweetened tea. I will say that instead of, it's a good unsweetened tea. Yeah. And, and I, well, you know, I've done before
Starting point is 01:48:31 as the half, half-sweet tea, half-unsweetened tea, if you want just a little bit of sweet. And that's fun. Yeah. The, the the, I, the Knickweiger iced teas. Yes. I appreciate that, that John, you tease that your tines may factor into it.
Starting point is 01:48:44 And then they didn't? Exactly. Wow. Exactly. What a swerve. That was good. That was a kind of guess I can be, if you would have me more.
Starting point is 01:48:50 As a true showman. You know what I really appreciated about it, this is actually is a, this is why I made, might add a time, is like, I felt that like there was something, as we're talking about, like the, there's something just kind of like very straightforward, not about just about the menu,
Starting point is 01:49:06 but like there's no like the, I didn't feel overwhelmed by branding. Now I was in my car, but I was also like wrapping around the institution and seeing the menu copy and the images. And like, you know, I just felt like, like there was something just kind of like sweet and kind of inconsistent about like the iced tea in the cup.
Starting point is 01:49:24 And then like there was like ice, there was a peace sign made of crinkle cut fries. And then like, but that was like kind of it for branding. I appreciate that Raising Canes, it's like, it's like, it doesn't really like land as a name. I don't know, there's something kind of charming about that.
Starting point is 01:49:38 Most of all, the stuff, the, what you get the food in is like just purely a white to go container. Sure. Yeah. I liked that a lot, that it wasn't like a branded like case. Yeah. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:49:53 I think that was like charming. Sure. Well, also you sent us, you sent us a link to the YouTube of One Love. What is it? I didn't even know what it was, what I said. It's, it's, it's the Raising Cane One Love. Like it explains this, whatever this is this summer,
Starting point is 01:50:11 this One Love thing. Oh, it's from 2014. So One Love, ever wonder what One Love means? To Raising Canes and that's a video. Raising Canes does one thing. Oh, there it is. And we do it better than anybody else. I watched this on mute and I didn't get what it meant.
Starting point is 01:50:38 And I still don't get what this means. This video is two minutes long. And they're not speaking. They're just like, you ever wonder what that means? Serious, serious. One Love to me is exactly what we do here at Raising Canes. One Love is our quality chicken finger meals. It's all we do.
Starting point is 01:50:57 We pour our heart and soul into making the best quality chicken finger meal that we can possibly eat. So it means different things to different people. Yeah. Very confusing. It is very confusing. But you know what? I personally love it.
Starting point is 01:51:15 John, you destroyed its chances of being in the Golden Play Club. I really can't be responsible for that. Fans will be mad at you. Oh, no. No, but I think a lot of fans will also agree with you. So this is good. This is a net good for the podcast. But I'm sure there's so much worse out there.
Starting point is 01:51:32 I don't know. I feel bad. When you say Shake Shack, it doesn't make me think like they could use some milkshakes at this place. They could use one other thing at this place, like a dessert. Baked beans, bitch. Oh, I'd like some baked beans. Baked beans.
Starting point is 01:51:49 I mean, I love it. I also, you know, I would love, and this is maybe too. This is maybe kind of pretentious. But like, I just, the coleslaw kind of delivering on that kind of sweet coleslaw man, sweet mayonnaise-y salad kind of thing. Like we all know it and it just completely, it doesn't do anything to like surprise you at all.
Starting point is 01:52:13 I don't know. It's just like it's like grocery store coleslaw. I would love it if they did something that had, it was like a little more on the savory side. Like, you know, like more vinegary coleslaw. Sure. I like a little bit more vinegar in my coleslaw. I agree with that.
Starting point is 01:52:27 That would be amazing. Yeah. That's fair. And then if you want sweetness, you get baked beans. That's, I like that. Look, I, you make good points about this place. I'm a great guest. We're not going to, we're not going to,
Starting point is 01:52:42 we're not going to hit you with it. You know, we're not going to have you back. We're not. I love it. I like the honesty. I think, I think you're, I think you're right. I think your criticisms are fair. And you know what, I really, I had a fun time going.
Starting point is 01:53:01 Yeah. I think, I think it's reasonable. And you know what, Mitch? This is a, we're in this, what do we call it? Is this the stair, stair step club? The ladder, the ladder buddies? Oh yes. What do you call it when you're ascending?
Starting point is 01:53:13 I forget now. It's the podium, or podium pals? I thought, oh, podium pals is pretty good. We, it was like the step ladder or some bullshit. We haven't used it in so long. With a, with a step ladder. Three, three, four, and five. The step ladder, the step ladder, step lads.
Starting point is 01:53:28 Yeah, that's good. I mean, that's great. Yeah, that's good. That's great. Uh, look, we have, we have more show amazingly. I know it's, John, we actually do have more show. We do have more show. I'm not a ton.
Starting point is 01:53:39 Don't worry. Okay. I'm not a ton. I'm not a ton. Oh my God, do you have a life? Okay, great. We're, we're going to take a break. We'll be right back with more Doe Boys.
Starting point is 01:53:53 Welcome back to Doe Boys. We are here with our guest, John Early. And hey, we have a new segment, Mitch. Wow. Now this is the brainchild. I would say the passion project. So our associate producer, Amelia Marina. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:54:08 Amelia's been working on this. Amelia wanted us to do the segment, pitch the segment on her own. Warning, it might be bad. Amelia does a good job. And she's great. Thought that our, like, wanted our, us to do it specifically with John. Was like, this will be a good one for John. So we're going to find out.
Starting point is 01:54:27 We're going to debut it here. There's a new segment, Ruin My Day. Here's the premise of Ruin My Day. Mitch and the guest are given a crummy food-related scenario and each determine if that scenario would ruin the other person's day or night. Wow. I can tell you this much, which is that I really, really, from like, like, still, like, or since I was a kid, like, food really did ruin my day.
Starting point is 01:54:52 Like, if a hot dog bun broke. Sure. Okay. The hot dog broke. Maybe a clue. The hot dog bun broke or something. Like, I like just, you know, and then, like, or just anything. Oh, yeah, that's like, I would like have meltdowns.
Starting point is 01:55:05 And I'm still like that. Okay. Well, then we made, we may know how to answer all these. Yeah. It's over. Game's over. John, here's your scenario. You came on Doe Boy's podcast.
Starting point is 01:55:18 Would that ruin my day? Yeah, would that ruin your day? Yeah. Okay. Well, I'll turn reading these to you and then you will guess, then you will each get, you will guess first on the other person's behalf and then the other person will say if you are correct or incorrect. All right, so the first one I'm supposed to read to Mitch.
Starting point is 01:55:39 Here's the scenario. John decides to grab some McDonald's for dinner. On the drive home, he notices his milkshake has leaked, causing the car's cupholder to fill with liquid chocolate. Does this ruin his day? 100% it ruins your day. That's a horrible scenario. One, you're losing milkshake.
Starting point is 01:56:01 Two, your center console is getting filled with fucking sticky chocolatey milk. Now you got to clean it out. It would ruin my day. Wow. My answer is it would ruin John's day. John, do you concur? It would ruin my day. Wow.
Starting point is 01:56:22 Wow. Okay, great. Absolutely. I knew it. Come on. That's a horrible scenario. It's a horrible scenario and yeah, I think I'd be all right with it. All right, the next one I'm supposed to read to John.
Starting point is 01:56:39 Here's the scenario. Mitch has a craving for Sonic and drives 20 minutes out of his way to the nearest location only to find they've just closed. Does this ruin his day? So John, you're answering on behalf of Mitch. I'm really trying not to think about it. I have to be honest. It would ruin my day, but I actually don't.
Starting point is 01:57:03 I think Mitch is so pleasant that I'm going to say no. It would not ruin his day. And I hope he'll be soul searching in his answer. Wigs, John is correct. It would not ruin my day. And I'll tell you why because I would go get myself another fast food treat from somewhere else. Do you love Sonic though?
Starting point is 01:57:28 Yeah. I do like Sonic. I would be, I would be bummed, but I would be like, hey, now maybe I'm going to do McDonald's. I'm going to get myself a big Mac meal for McDonald's. You know what I mean? Like, so it opens up other possibilities. It's not a day-ruiner.
Starting point is 01:57:44 I would be bombed. Look, look, if I had my mind on a spicy chicken sandwiches close, I'm like, but still, hey, then maybe I go get to Del Taco. So John was right in his instincts. It does not ruin my day. I'm tempted to say I don't believe you, but I do believe you. Because I think I'm, because I know that that's your, that's your protocol. I know that you would go to a different location.
Starting point is 01:58:04 And, and make an alternative. I would call an audible. That's what I would do. I would go, uh, somewhere else. I did the, I did the same thing just the other day. I went to Jack in the Box. They were like, they were out of milkshakes. There's like our milkshake machines broken.
Starting point is 01:58:19 Went to Carl's Jr. Got a milkshake there. You know what? It was fine. All right, next one. But it's not about me. It's about you guys. And Mitch, this next scenario is a John scenario that I'm going to read to you. Yeah, kind of cut the shit, Wags.
Starting point is 01:58:34 John orders soup at a restaurant. The soup is too hot. And he burns his tongue on the first sip. His taste buds are burnt off. So we can't taste his meal once it cools down. Does this ruin his day? Oh my God. It's basically the scenario he's in maybe now with COVID.
Starting point is 01:58:55 I'm not sure on this one. He couldn't taste his meal. And then his tongue is burnt. He's, his taste buds are out of control. I'm going to go with, yes, it would ruin John's day, but I'm not sure on this one as much as I was the last one. So this, tell me, I can be wrong. Come from the heart.
Starting point is 01:59:16 Tell me, John, would it ruin your day? I, it wouldn't, it would ruin my day. You're correct, but for different reasons. Okay. I fucking hate soup. Wow. I would never in my fucking life order soup from a restaurant. Wow.
Starting point is 01:59:33 You hate soup. All soups? I mean, I just don't, I'm with, Claudia and I talk about this a lot. Like I really just soup. No. Wow. No, it's just, it's not for me.
Starting point is 01:59:45 So ramen, fa, do you like ramen, fa, anything like that? I like ramen better than I like fa. A stew, a chili? I, I like, I haven't had chili in a long time. It got me really, I had like a period where I was like, you know, getting those Trader Joe's cans of chili. Sure. Just like, you know, seven for the week.
Starting point is 02:00:07 And then like, literally like just could not stop. So I hate that word. Yeah. And I just said it, but like, but no, but I, you should bleep it out. We can, we can bleep it. We can bleep that. I'll bleep it. I think it's funny.
Starting point is 02:00:26 I think it's funny. I don't want anyone to hear me say that word. But um, yeah, chili. I just don't like soup. I just don't like soup. I mean, I, here's what I love. I love a creamy tomato soup. You know, um, every once in a while,
Starting point is 02:00:39 but like it went in like in special, like when I'm sick or something, but I just would never order at a restaurant. So no, that would ruin my night. Thank you. Uh, I love soup. Again, not about me, but I love soup. And if I hate burning my tongue,
Starting point is 02:00:53 honestly, this is the nightmare scenario so far for me. I fucking hate burning my tongue. I burn my tongue on hot coffee, hot soup, because that's also, that's like, that can be a multi-day injury. This is all your meals are affected. It sucks. I just keep working through it.
Starting point is 02:01:07 It doesn't bother me too much. If I bite my cheek, that's worse to me. That's a fucking nightmare. Yeah. All right. Next up, this is a scenario for Mitch that I will read to John. Mitch is eating lunch when he notices a hair in his mouth.
Starting point is 02:01:22 He pulls it out and upon further inspection, sees that it's short and wiry. Does this ruin his day? No, I think you're right. I'm not, I think that you would, we're talking about ruining the day. I think you'd be like momentarily like horrified, but I don't think it would be today.
Starting point is 02:01:48 I think you're right. John, you are right. Thank you. Wow. Not, I honestly wouldn't even maybe be that horrified. Here's the deal. I'm a big bearded man. Yep, it's the beard factor.
Starting point is 02:02:00 Oh, right. It's a beard factor. I'm so used to getting hair in my mouth from my beard, which is disgusting, but it just wouldn't, it wouldn't bother me. Now look, the idea that like maybe someone's pube is in my meal, that is. That sucks.
Starting point is 02:02:18 But also I'm just like, come on, a pube isn't even that dirty. I don't really give a shit. Yeah, a hair is a hair. A hair is a hair. It fell off the person's body. Sure. Look, a pube is not great.
Starting point is 02:02:30 I'm not saying it's, I'm not saying that I would, I would rather have a hair maybe from someone's head than their pubes. But Nick, we've talked about this before. If you get a, if you get a hair in a restaurant, you pull it out, it sucks for a second. And then I can continue my meal.
Starting point is 02:02:46 You do not send back. Thank you. No, I would not do that. It's so stupid. Yeah. The grossest it's ever been, why as you know, this is that when I was at my favorite, one of my favorite restaurants in LA,
Starting point is 02:02:58 and I won't say what it was, and I was eating creamed corn, and I like was pulling a, like I had like, it was a super long hair, and I was like pulling the hair out of my throat. Like as I had like swallowed stuff and was like pulling the hair out of my, like a magic trick, it was horrifying.
Starting point is 02:03:19 That's awful. Here, I'll say it in the, you know what, we'll bleep this as well. Yeah. Was where it was. Oh no, I love them too. And I love it. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:03:28 I mean, it's great. And you have to bleep me also saying, repeating that restaurant name by accident. Sorry. Yeah. You got it. Again, bleeping the whole episode. Thank you so again.
Starting point is 02:03:39 It really doesn't matter. But that was the time that I was pulling it, and I could feel it like coming out of my throat, the hair. That was, that was a meal ruiner, and then I still go back to that restaurant. But that was, that was a little bit tougher. But no, it would not ruin my day. John is correct once again.
Starting point is 02:03:59 Wow. Wow. You guys are, you guys are spot on so far. Here's another one, another scenario, applying to John that I'll read to Mitch. Scenario, John is exhausted and hungry and orders a bunch of food on Postmates. It arrives on his doorstep two hours later,
Starting point is 02:04:16 soggy, and with some items missing. This is- Postmates fully refunds his money. Does this ruin his day? Yes. I think it's a day ruiner. Even if I got my money back, I mean, maybe I'm wrong, John.
Starting point is 02:04:31 This would ruin my day. I'd be bummed out because I would still eat the meal and be bummed. Even if I got the money back, you get the full refund. Two hours, soggy, feels like a day ruiner. But let me hear it. It's a true question.
Starting point is 02:04:48 The meal came at night, so it technically can't ruin my day. I'm kidding again. No, it would totally ruin my day. It would completely ruin my day. And that's fully happened to me and I get really sad. Yes. That's all you can do is get sad.
Starting point is 02:05:04 I put way too much importance on. This is why I am a good guest because I put way too much importance on meals just to make me happy. And so it just, when something goes wrong, I get crushed. Yes. It's really embarrassing to have a boyfriend
Starting point is 02:05:20 to witness it. It's really embarrassing. Well, I mean, Weigar and I can relate to this very much. So Nick, I would. 100%. Yes. Yeah. Yeah, specifically being embarrassed in front
Starting point is 02:05:37 of your significant other. That happens to me a lot. To be a nine-year-old ultimately. Yes. Just a meal ruining, I mean, too often where it can just change my total mood. 100%. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:05:50 Yeah. All right. One, you know, hey, I'm trying to practice equanimity. I'm trying to do that and think, you know what, not every meal is going to be perfect. Not every day is going to be perfect, but sometimes it can be a bummer. All right.
Starting point is 02:06:00 One more. Sometimes food is just the only good thing in a day. Yeah, yeah. 100%. You know? Yeah. All right. All right.
Starting point is 02:06:09 One, one, one more. Okay. This is another scenario for Mitch that I will read to John. Jesus. Jesus Christ. I sense that this has happened. And so I'm going to say yes. It did.
Starting point is 02:06:37 Yes. Yes. And I'll say it ruined my day. It was, it put Mitch in a bad place. It ruined my day. It ruined my day. And then I got a tweet from some of the other. It was like, you were the asshole.
Starting point is 02:06:53 I wasn't the asshole in that scenario. No, you were very polite. No, I witnessed it. You were not the asshole. You were just, you just were frustrated. Or did you just talk about it on the pod? I talked about it on that night. We talked about it on the live show.
Starting point is 02:07:06 I didn't say the person's name. I did say that I would maybe would be fine with him dying. But that's, but I didn't say who it was. But you didn't say that to him in the moment. Yeah, I didn't say it to him in the moment. And immediately the guy was like, you can't go back on the plane. He was like so like immediately such an asshole. He was a big, big sketch character.
Starting point is 02:07:28 He was a big, he was truly a big sketch character. Yeah. To the point that if you showed me a cut of your show and that character was in the show, I'm like, this is too much. Rain it in. Yeah, this is this is this. You got to pull this character back a little bit. He was, he was, he was quite, he was quite a lot.
Starting point is 02:07:48 Well, I'm proud of you for not tweeting about it. I did not tweet about it. I remember anyone like a long time ago. I like had tweeted something like, I never will do that. Like I think I did tweet something about an airline once like way back when, and it wasn't even like a thing that I was like looking for like some sort of like, I want you to like repay me or anything like that. But even just the fact that I tweeted something about something and made me be like,
Starting point is 02:08:14 I don't like that at all. I'm with you. I know, I know. If you tweet about it, no, don't do it. It's shocking. I understand just like feeling helpless and full of rage and wanting like to reach for the nearest like rage valve, but like, I mean. Don't tweet like postmates.
Starting point is 02:08:30 My meal was two hours late and damn, don't do that. And you have like 200,000 followers. Yeah. You're ruining some customer support reps day. Yeah, exactly. That's insane. And you do not know what the vengeance they will take on that like postmate or,
Starting point is 02:08:46 you know, like the company will like take on whoever was delivering it. On whoever it was. Yes. Yeah. We look, do we make 20 minutes of it of our show? Yes. But that's also because we are star for content. I really tried to do the whole time.
Starting point is 02:08:59 Yeah. Well, I'll sometimes tweet at Nancy Pelosi just like, thank you. Like, wait, what's that? You, I'll just tweet, I'll tweet at Pelosi like thank you for fighting for us. Thank you for having our back. We'll show up in September, September, November. Yes. Democracy is on the ballot in September.
Starting point is 02:09:23 I'll be there. I show up for November in September. That's the type of, that's the type of voter I am. Wigs, I just got to point out, we were perfect. I know. 100%. We were perfect. You guys were perfect.
Starting point is 02:09:38 Yeah. You guys were 100%. 100%. Perfect. Well played. And, and hey, a fun new segment ruined my day. Thank you, Amelia. Just like a restaurant value feedback.
Starting point is 02:09:47 That's up to the feedback today. We have an email for I hope that's the last question every time, by the way. I hope the last question is always if I left the case on. Really ruined my day. This is, this is from Hall of Notes from the Dose Score. They write. Oh, wow. In the event of, there's a high concept one.
Starting point is 02:10:07 In the event of a zombie apocalypse. What food are you ransacking from a chain restaurant or grocery store that you couldn't live without? I will answer this because I have a thought immediately. I got a thought immediately too. First thing I'll say is coffee. I want, I want, I want to make sure I have coffee for as long as I can get it. So, you know, I'll get some, some coffee grounds and some beans, whatever I can hoard.
Starting point is 02:10:28 The other thing is, look, I'm going to be eating a lot of eventually in time. If I survive, you know, all the, the marauders, the warlords that emerge in the wreckage of the world, then I will, I'll be like, you know, surviving off of wild game and, and fish caught from streams, you know, I'm going to need some hot sauce. So I'm going to, I'm something of a heat seeker. Some hot sauce will really wake that up. I'm going to get myself whatever, you know, some crystal, some Tabasco, some chalula, whatever I can get.
Starting point is 02:10:58 That's good. Those are my answers. Coffee and hot sauce. Wags, chicken fingers and ketchup. And I just hope that there's no, I hope there's no children. There's no little kid zombies, which I think there was a movie with maybe Elijah Wood with little kid zombies. I, the first thing that went into my head was Coke and Diet Coke.
Starting point is 02:11:19 Like I would want Coke and Diet Coke. Look, also let's face facts. You know, I ain't running. I'm not going to outrun the zombie horde. I'm getting caught. Wags, I'm getting bit. You could find a hole. Hey, you could find a hole.
Starting point is 02:11:37 Yeah. You know, I can't find a hole that's big enough to fit me down. I Coke and Diet Coke. And then pathetically, my next thought was Cheez-Its. They really are amazing. I mean, Cheez-Its are great. And maybe some Doritos. I guess that I would be looking for stuff that could just be packaged.
Starting point is 02:11:56 And I would just be going to like my favorite things, especially if I was like, I'm not going to be able to like eat these ever again. Like, you know, like five years. Yeah, yeah. Sure. Yeah. Yeah. I want to be looking.
Starting point is 02:12:08 I mean, I guess if it was the first week, I'd be looking for like meats that maybe I could freeze or whatever, but Coke and Diet Coke. Yeah. There's, there's the practical element of like, yes, of course I want, I want dried fruits and, and canned beans. Because that'll, that'll keep for a while. But there's also like, just what's the stuff I want to make sure I have? Boring answer.
Starting point is 02:12:28 So we don't retain some sanity. Exactly. Yeah. You mean like just for pure kind of cravings? Like what, what do you just desire? Yeah. I mean, on a practical, I know you asked me not to answer practically, but like, I would go like kind of jerky, you know, like.
Starting point is 02:12:45 No, it's a good answer. Proteins, but also like you don't have to cook it. Right. You don't have to worry about it spoiling. I think, I, I think like cravings wise, I would, I really am loving Chinese food right now, but I also don't think it would be good for my stomach. Like I'm really loving Szechuan, like food right now. Oh man.
Starting point is 02:13:15 We went to Chengdu Taste, like the best Szechuan place in, in Alhambra or whatever, right before we sell top good and had the most psychotic meal. It was so good. Wow. Damn. Anyway, whatever. Yeah. I think I would do Chinese at this point, but like that, but Szechuan, Chinese.
Starting point is 02:13:33 I like that. I'm trying to think of the stuff that would be like, what would be left on the shelves? Like Hershey's syrup and, and marshmallows. That's a good. And I probably would take some of those. Sure. But, but really like if you look at like a, you know, anytime you look at a, at a grocery store or like a Walmart after there's some natural disaster and what's left on the shelves,
Starting point is 02:13:57 it's always like pumpkin pie mix and like corn nibblets. You know what I mean? It's like, it's not exciting things. Which would, you know, that the real answer for me is that I would be the last, I'd be late for the apocalypse. Right. And I'd be grabbing, I'd be getting the, the fucking pumpkin pie mix. You know what I would get?
Starting point is 02:14:16 Like aluminum foil. I would get the baby bell cheeses. That's good. The little cheese discs in the, in the wax. And then I love those. Cause then also when you're bored, you can make those sculptures with the wax. And then I, and then I, I think it actually would be really important to get like pickles. Just cause like if you're really like hungry and there's not much going on food wise, it's such a
Starting point is 02:14:45 sharp, crisp, intense flavor that I feel like would just like a hundred percent. It'd be an amazing, like quick thing to eat. Like a big giant dill pickle. A veiny dill pickle. A veiny uncut dill pickle. What I also like about that is the apocalypse, not a lot of those left on the shelf. They're going to go quick. That's true.
Starting point is 02:15:12 You think all the uncircumcised zombies are fucking, they all turn in, everyone who's uncircumcised turns into a zombie. That's what it afflicts first. The, the, what I'll say is the, the, what I like about the pickles answer is that also you're accounting for hydration, which is that if you ever get, you're in a pinch, you could drink that pickle juice. You're sitting pretty. Ooh, I get some G twos as well.
Starting point is 02:15:36 Some Gatorades. Oh yeah. That's fun. Coconut water. Coconut, I mean, good answers. I love coconut water. And you know what else, Wags? I'd get an okay magazine.
Starting point is 02:15:52 I would get a red book. Wags, what would you read? What would be your last little, uh, at the stand? Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue. All right. That's pretty good too. Yeah, he's going to jack off. Better do it quietly.
Starting point is 02:16:14 Let us know what you would pick. Uh, hashtag, zombie beats, zombie eats. And if you have a question or comment about the world of chain restaurants, you can email us at dowboyspodcasts at or leave us a voicemail at 830 Godot. That's 8304636844. To get the dowboys double our weekly bonus episode, you can join the golden or platinum plate club at slash dowboys. Upcoming review of raising canes to the movie.
Starting point is 02:16:35 We're going to find out our guest today. Raising Canes in the movie. There's no Raising Canes the movie that based on that's part of the video sequel. John Early, thank you so much for being here. It was an honor. A delight. Thanks for making time for us. This is, I love, as I've said to Mitch before, I love a podcast where there's a goddamn
Starting point is 02:16:56 concept and yet not just talking about what makes you tick. That's, it's really refreshing to not be like, I am gay and you know what I mean. Right. It's just always that. Well, your long overdue, we're very, we were very excited to have you on here and people are going to love this episode. They're going to love you. You might, you might pop up over Claudia, but now tell me, what do you got to plug?
Starting point is 02:17:24 Let's hear the plugs because I know one of them and let me tell you, it's very, very funny because I got a little sneak peek and it was great. Mitch was over at my house, like when we had finished cutting together two sketches, not finished, by the way, it's changed a lot. You should watch it again. But I have a sketch special on Peacock called Would It Kill You to Laugh? It's an hour long. It's really 52 minutes of sketch comedy that I made with my comedy partner, Kate Berlant,
Starting point is 02:17:54 and our director, Andrew D. Young. And it really is just there. I'm really proud of it and you should all watch it and it's a good goddamn time. And I showed Mitch my two favorite sketches and he was laughing. They were very good. They were very, very, very, very, very excited. I know y'all like it too. Oh, a hundred percent.
Starting point is 02:18:15 Check it out. And it's great. It's on Peacock right now. Two of the funniest. And Mary is in it. Wow. Fucking Mary, that's true. It is true.
Starting point is 02:18:25 It's hilarious. Thank you. And you know what? We'll see you back for the raising cane double and also for the tournament of champions. Super ketchup addition. We'll see what it is. One of the two. It might be soups on.
Starting point is 02:18:41 You might be in trouble. It might literally be soup. Oh, no, no. Ketchup is probably three years off. We'll get there eventually. And hey, that'll do it for this episode of Doe Boys. Until next time, for the Spoonman, Mike Mitchell, I'm Nick Weigher. Happy eating.
Starting point is 02:18:57 See ya. On the next Doe Boys Double, Happy 7-Eleven. We celebrate 7-Eleven Day, technically on 7-12, with a $7.11 7-Eleven challenge featuring one of our favorites, Alana the Knife Johnston. Will something make Mitch unreasonably angry? You know the answer. Get the Doe Boys Double every Tuesday only at slash Doe Boys. Want to see the sources for this week's intro?
Starting point is 02:19:25 Check the episode description.

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