Doughboys - Rita's Italian Ice with Carl Tart & Christine Nangle (LIVE)

Episode Date: September 26, 2019

For our second show in Philadelphia, we're rejoined by Carl Tart (Comedy Bang! Bang!, Brooklyn Nine-Nine) and Christine Nangle (Inside Amy Schumer, The Simpsons) to review a dessert chain founded in P...ennsylvania: Rita's Italian Ice. Plus, another live edition of the Snack Stack.Recorded live at Punch Line Philly on September 5th, 2019. Sources for this week's intro include:Water Ice: What It Is, What It Isn't, How To Say It And Where To Get It (By Julia Hatmaker) Sicilians Were Eating the Same Italian Ice We Know Today (By Danielle Wayda)’s Celebrates 30th Anniversary with Giveaways, Politicians (By Dan McQuade) Ice, Philly's Classic Summer Cooler, Gets Hot Across The Country (By Caroline Beans)’s Corporate Website more Doughboys? Check out our Patreon!: for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is a headgum podcast. Water ice. To an outsider, a baffling term. Somehow both redundant and contradictory. Ice, of course, being the solid state water takes when it reaches temperature below zero degrees Celsius. But water ice, or wooder ice, is what residents of the greater Philadelphia metropolitan area call Italian ice,
Starting point is 00:00:55 a non-dairy fruit-based frozen dessert that's somewhere between a sorbet and a granita. With origins tracing back to the 17th century, when migrants from the Arab Peninsula brought snow-based sweet treats to Italy, the icy confection traversed the Pacific in the early 20th century with the migration of Italians to the eastern shores of the U.S. In the rest of the country, the dessert was simply called Italian ice, but in Philly for unknown reasons.
Starting point is 00:01:19 Locals preferred wooder ice. And the term stuck like syrupy residue on a satisfied customer's fingers. In 1984, on a scorching May afternoon in the Philadelphia suburb of Ben Salem Township, Bob Tumolo, Ben Salem Township. In 1984, on a scorching May afternoon in the Philadelphia suburb of Ben Salem Township, Bob Tumolo, a former firefighter, opened a window serving wooder ice. The fledgling business was a Tumolo family affair. The recipe was crafted with the help of Bob's mother Elizabeth.
Starting point is 00:01:57 Management duties were handled with some brotherly love from his sibling John. And the establishment itself was named after Bob's wife. Just over a decade later, Bob's lovely wife had her name on over 100 locations. And in 2005, the Tumolo family sold their stake to private equity firm McKnight Capital Partners, who made the cold calculated decision to expand worldwide. Today, the chain has over 600 outlets across the globe. And though Italian ice may be what its official name says, to residents of the city where the Fresh Prince was born and raised, it's wooder ice.
Starting point is 00:02:31 This week on Doe Boys, Rita's Italian Ice. Welcome to Doe Boys, the podcast about chain restaurants. I'm Nick Weigher. Hi, Philly! Thank you for sticking around for this late start, but we know that gave you guys the opportunities to get good and drunk. And guys, before we go any further, this week's roast is courtesy of Becky Steele. It's time for me to introduce my co-host, Big Titty Gritty, the Spoon Man, Mike Mitchell!
Starting point is 00:03:44 Big Titty Gritty? Take it up with Becky Steele. I just, I'm just the messenger. God, it's always women who roast me so hard. Jesus. How the hell, Philly? Why is how you doing? I'm doing okay. I'm hanging in there. Yeah, we got the energy back up. Yeah!
Starting point is 00:04:19 Look at this crowd. God! You guys make, you guys make the last crowd look like complete shit. Uh, wait, how many of you were here for the first show? Uh-oh. Yee! The last crowd was great. I just wanted to say this, Mitch, and I thought, and so our fans have figured out that you,
Starting point is 00:04:45 that they can send in a roast. I said this a little bit at a DC show that they'll send in a roast for a specific show and, you know, tailored to that city. And so, like, for example, for DC, I got about 12. Like, about like 12, and like they were fun, like about 12, you know, 12 different submissions of things that they could roast you with. For Philly, I got over 100. You fucks.
Starting point is 00:05:12 You Philly fucks. The city of brotherly love loves to roast. They love to insult. Hey, you know- Why'd you never been to the- Wait, what were you gonna say? I was gonna say, we only roast the ones we love. Oh, shut up. Shut the fuck up.
Starting point is 00:05:28 You've never been to Philly before. I've never been. This is my first time. Did you- did you- we were talking about it a little bit. Did you get to do anything? No. What did we tell you? We're just gonna recap what we did in the first show?
Starting point is 00:05:40 No, I didn't get to do anything. You were with me the whole time. In the taxi cab, you told me you were gonna go patch up the crack in the Liberty Bell. And I said, how are you gonna do it? And then you raised your eyebrows. Like I'm gonna spackle it with my ejaculate? That's what you're implying? That's what I'm saying, baby.
Starting point is 00:06:02 Jesus Christ. It's true, Nick. This happened in the car. You have not got to see- you didn't get to- Nick Weigel will leave Philadelphia without having a cheese steak. No, it's true. Yeah. I'm disappointed.
Starting point is 00:06:18 Boo him. Hey, I'm boo too. Boo. I'm unhappy. I'd like to get a cheese steak while I'm here. Is there any late night cheese place- is there a place that stays open? Wow. There's one that never closes?
Starting point is 00:06:31 Wow. What is this fucking magical place? What is this zanidu? Geez. It never closes. What place is that? McDonald's. Oh, boy.
Starting point is 00:06:44 We got to see- Wow. Who is this guy? It's Grimace. Fucking Grimace is out there. Fucking Grimace. God damn it. What's an all night good, spilly cheese steak place?
Starting point is 00:06:56 Terrible, terrible idea as soon as I ask the audience. It's one at a time. One. It sounds like you're saying dibs. Is that what- Jim's. Jim's. Jim's is all night.
Starting point is 00:07:10 The man's name is like a man's name. Jim's. J-A-M's. Yes. Okay, we got that mystery solved. We can get a late night cheese steak at- J-I-M, right? Not-
Starting point is 00:07:20 Not G-Y-M. Thank God. We won't be going there. Are they yelling Jim to me? Jim, go to the gym. We're trying to save you. Mitch, not the boys friends. That's not our demographic.
Starting point is 00:07:35 We have sold out of two XL shirts. We get like five minutes after the first show, like you song and Emma come backstage, like we're out at double XL. We just got a new box of shirts. The two XL's are gone. Mitch, we want to shout someone out real quick. So Ryan from Little Baby's Ice Cream.
Starting point is 00:07:58 Yes. Have you guys had a Little Baby's Ice Cream here? So Ryan brought a bunch. I mean, do anyone in the first show have some of this Little Baby's Ice Cream? Because he brought it and he had to give it away. He brought a bunch of free ice cream for everyone and scooped it all for 200 scoops.
Starting point is 00:08:14 But his freezer broke. And we didn't get any. 20 gallons of his inventory melted. Yeah, so it's a huge bummer. But we're sorry. Thank you for the effort, Ryan. Thank you to Little Baby's Ice Cream. We're going to get some.
Starting point is 00:08:27 We're going to order some to LA. We're going to order some. We're going to try it out, but we just want to shout that out and appreciate the gesture. I also said to him, I was like, please just let me drink the cream. Let me have it, please.
Starting point is 00:08:39 We're craving the cream. Cream me. And then we got down on our knees and we meowed at him like kittens. Yeah. Meow. You didn't do it with me. Meow.
Starting point is 00:08:52 Meow. Oh, boy. We're now in two days, Wags. You're not going to last. No, it's not. I mean, I'm already fading past. This is so far. This is going to be a nice loose show, baby.
Starting point is 00:09:08 This is past my bedtime and Pacific time zone is three hours behind. It's pathetic. I'm so tired. You have a full bottle of wine. Yeah. This full bottle of Pinot Grigio will help my energy stay up.
Starting point is 00:09:28 Folks, I guarantee you by the end of the show we're going to get into butt chug the rest of that bottle. Have you ever butt chugged alcohol? I've never done it. I've never butt chugged before. Has anyone out here butt chugged? Has anyone ever butt chugged?
Starting point is 00:09:44 That guy definitely thought more people would be with him. This is my moment. Hell yeah. Uh-oh. Shouldn't have brought a first date here. Time for me to go. Maybe a shirt before I go to XL.
Starting point is 00:10:02 You're sold out. By the way, I'm Duffman. People are doing Duffman impressions now. Nick, how are you? I'm doing okay. You told me you were extremely exhausted. Yeah, I'm very tired, but power through it. After the first show.
Starting point is 00:10:21 Yeah, after the first show. It's okay. I'm going to power through it. Wait. Fuck. We were going to say something. There was something that came... Oh, butt chugging.
Starting point is 00:10:29 So, like... Oh, yes, yes, yes. Butt chugging, yes. My understanding is that you get much drunker because of the way you absorb the alcohol through your rectal tissue. Uh-huh. And so, like, it seems like,
Starting point is 00:10:40 oh, this is a fun thing. Jesus. You can seriously get alcohol poisoning if you, like, put some vodka up your ass or whatever, because you just absorb it so quickly. Mmm. So, just be careful out there because you're going to butt chug after the show.
Starting point is 00:10:51 Yeah, to that one guy who screamed, yeah. Butt chugging moderation. Yeah. Good call. Good call, Wigs. So, Mitch, Emma reminded you of something before the show. Do you remember what it is? Yes.
Starting point is 00:11:04 Play my drop. I already said, howdy-how to Spoon Nation. Right. Emma and, or you song, play that drop, please. I asked a half dozen people, no one knew. Slayer's Discography. Oh, I take it back when I criticize you
Starting point is 00:11:22 about not knowing metal. You know all of Slayer's Discography. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. We got the South of Heaven, which I believe is a Slayer reference. Which is hell, right? South of Heaven must be hell. The thing is,
Starting point is 00:11:44 now I love hot salad. That is not a quote. You cannot find that in the transcripts of the Doe Boys episodes that are up on the Doe Boys Wikipedia. I mean, I dare someone to find it. Wow. Wow. Hey, Mitch. I'll be at the Philly show.
Starting point is 00:12:05 It would be great to see my drop go down live, if possible. If not, no big deal. John, 450 degree oven fries Burton. John, are you here? Are you the butt chugger? I think he just very quietly said, yep. John, are you here? Fuck you.
Starting point is 00:12:30 Thank you. So our first drop was made by... For the first show, there was a drop that was made by a drop regular shampooedler who apparently lives in Philadelphia. Yes, he lives in Philly. He lives in Philadelphia. He submits drops to us a lot.
Starting point is 00:12:48 And we asked... And so a guy at the meet and greet knows shampooedler and says, I'm sorry that this is deep Doe Boys lore. I apologize. If there's a patient, significant other who's here with their Doe Boys fan freak, husband or wife or boyfriend or girlfriend, I apologize for digging into this.
Starting point is 00:13:07 Now we've seen the wives be more... Because forever it was just like, my husband really likes you guys. Yeah, yeah. And we were like, sorry. And they accepted our apology. Some normal woman with a barely functional man wearing a heat seeker T-shirt.
Starting point is 00:13:28 And it's just like, Jesus Christ, what happened here? But the last show, it was the opposite. We had the wife in the relationship. Right. Some gender swaps. But so... But so shampooedler lives in Philadelphia, didn't come to that show. My understanding is didn't come to this show either.
Starting point is 00:13:51 And a guy at the meet and greet who knows him personally said, oh, yeah, he said he's not coming to the show because he's gonna be playing World of Warcraft with Jack Allison. Fuck you, shampooedler. Eat shit, shampooedler. You're like our biggest fan. You hate us.
Starting point is 00:14:11 I made the right call. Bring out the fucking guests, you dork. Mitch. Thank you. I'm gonna blaze past that. Our guests are wonderful. First up, from Drunk History, Comedy Bang Bang, and Brooklyn Nine-Nine.
Starting point is 00:14:28 Make some noise for the amazing Carl Todd. Yeah, baby. What up? Time to sit back and unwind. Next up, from the president's show Inside Amy Schumer and The Simpsons, making her hometown return Philadelphia native, Christine Nangle.
Starting point is 00:15:24 Oh, my God. Wow. Wow. What's up, you darts? This is a Philadelphia-related umbrella. It's a rainbow umbrella, and it has dangling letters that I believe read Nangang. Is that correct?
Starting point is 00:16:06 I hope so, yeah. But in what way is it Philadelphia-related besides it being related to you? That's a secret. Mmm, got it. Got it for locals only. Guys, we're talking sweet treats tonight. I want to start here.
Starting point is 00:16:25 It's the dessert show. It's the dessert show. Hey, our first show was dinner. Now it's time for dessert. And you know what? For a lot of people, that's their favorite part. Uh, but this might be a shitty dessert. I want to start here.
Starting point is 00:16:42 Do you have a sweet tooth? I certainly do. And honestly, it's something I'm going to kill his heel for me. Wow. Because I love a sweet treat. You're something of a sweet seeker. I am something of a sweet seeker. I love a sugary, sugary treat.
Starting point is 00:17:01 Ice cream especially. I've mentioned many times in the show that I'm a cream husband. I love ice cream. You ate ice cream more than like small children do. You really do. I had an insane ice cream consumption habit. You mentioned it more than children do.
Starting point is 00:17:17 I have constrained my ice cream consumption versus when I was a kid. Because when I was a kid, my parents, I think, were just happy for me to eat anything. And so I was having ice cream for dessert literally every night. And I didn't realize that I was... Were you like some sort of experiment?
Starting point is 00:17:36 Your parents are both professors, aren't they? My mom is a nurse, and my dad did teach at a college. Yes, my dad. That's what Mitch thinks nurses are. They're professors. They're professors of blood pressure. And needles.
Starting point is 00:17:53 Yeah, but I had ice cream a lot, and I got so used to it, and I had a lot of sugary series. I had so much sugar in my diet as a kid. And now, I mean, I love it, but I have to have it in moderation or else I just get even fatter than I already am. But you guys...
Starting point is 00:18:05 Mitch... It feels impossible. You're pretty fat now. Mitch, do you like a sweet treat or you're more of a savory guy? I am more savory. If it's late at night, I don't want to...
Starting point is 00:18:19 I'm not going to sneak down to the fridge and get some sort of ice cream. I'm going to drive to McDonald's and get a Big Mac. I remember I had to literally steal my mom's car. I think I told you this, to go to McDonald's. Like, because she doesn't like...
Starting point is 00:18:34 Like a smash and grab job? Like a broker window? No, I just like... She was like, good night. I was like, good night. And then I snuck out like the back door and I went and got a Big Mac. How old were you?
Starting point is 00:18:45 This is this last summer. Did you eat it in the car? Did you like eat it in the car? Did you bring it home and eat it? Oh, yeah. No, I ate it in the car. Yeah. So, no, of course I ate it in the car.
Starting point is 00:18:56 And then I hit it in the barrel. I was afraid she was going to find it in the barrel, too. She's like, Donkey Kong going through those barrels. Do you think... Does Donkey Kong like or dislike barrels? I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:19:09 I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. Donkey Kong like or dislike barrels.
Starting point is 00:19:18 That's the thing I haven't quite figured out. He likes them. He uses them as weapons, but he's surrounded by them. But is he throwing the barrels because they displease him? No. Is he like,
Starting point is 00:19:29 get this barrel away from me. And they're inadvertently being flung at Jump Man, AKA Mario. No, he's throwing them intentionally at Jump Man. Okay. He's saying, take this, my friend's the barrels. He's throwing them at Mario.
Starting point is 00:19:43 But why did you have to... Because in this situation, I think I would just say to my mom, like, hey, I'm going to go get some food. I'll be back. She's nervous I'm going to die. Driving to McDonald's? No, eating a Big Mac.
Starting point is 00:19:59 Oh, I see what's going on. Have you seen me? What don't you get? I'm big. You look great. You've been slimming down. I've been slimming down. You've dropped a lot of weight.
Starting point is 00:20:09 Thank you. It might be one of those situations where a thing gets to a certain size and then just starts caving into itself. How many pounds are you down since you get your weight loss regimen? I was down about 15 pounds at one. Wow.
Starting point is 00:20:23 Wow. Not noticeable for 15 pounds. It absolutely is noticeable. You look great. Thank you, Nick. Did your mom wake you up the next morning with like the McDonald's bag? What is this?
Starting point is 00:20:37 She has done that plenty of times before. Wow. Michael, what is this? I learned it by watching you. Or maybe you didn't. I don't know. I did not. No.
Starting point is 00:20:53 And why didn't you sleep in my bed last night? Sorry, mama. I have a water boy type situation with my mom. So you're... A Bobby Boucher type of deal. Yeah. No, we understood. I think people think of you
Starting point is 00:21:11 as like a poor man's Bobby Boucher. I was watching that the other day. When the coach came over for dinner, they were eating an entire bowl of constrictive with an apple in his mouth. That's right. And it was like, they didn't skin it. He's supposed to skin a snake before you eat it.
Starting point is 00:21:29 I think that that moment is funny. I think the water boy is funny. Yeah, it's funny. It's a funny movie. If it's not certified fresh, I'll go nuts. Do you want me to look it up? I have the wifi here. Yes, but I'll be very upset if it's not certified fresh.
Starting point is 00:21:41 Okay, I'm going to look it up. While I'm doing that nangle, are you someone with a sweet tooth? Didn't you mean water boy? I did... Wow. I did mean water boy. Thank you for correcting me.
Starting point is 00:21:54 I just wanted to start out with... Water boy. ...some pandering. As I'm getting older, I have less of a sweet tooth. I think that it always... It's kind of like what you were saying, but it felt like I was stealing something
Starting point is 00:22:08 or it always felt wrong so that I would hoard things and keep them under my pillow. I also... I don't know. But I love ice cream and it was nice to be back and have some water ice.
Starting point is 00:22:25 I don't... I don't feel like that anymore, but yeah. I don't know. I guess I don't have a good answer for that. But I've eaten so much... I feel so sick. I've eaten so much sugar.
Starting point is 00:22:37 Right. Like today at Wawa and then that Rita's and then just... I feel horrible. Are you having a brew dog or a mixed drink? What is that in front of you?
Starting point is 00:22:47 It's a brew dog. Would that be beer? Yeah, sorry. It's a cider. Oh, okay, okay. Ooh, that was good. Your story reminded me of a... when I was like 17, my sister was 21.
Starting point is 00:23:04 My dad found beers under my bed. Oh, boy. And he went to my sister and he was like, what are you doing drinking beers and putting it under Michael's bed? And my sister is so mad about it to this day. She's like, I'm 21, Dad. I was like, yeah, you put it...
Starting point is 00:23:22 put it under your little brother's bed. And I was like... My Michael wouldn't do that. So Mitch, I have mixed news for you. Oh, fuck. So the water boy, the Adam Sandler movie, is certified rotten. What?
Starting point is 00:23:42 At the tomato meter, it's got a score of 35%. That's fucking bullshit. Let me read this first comment. Yes, go ahead. It says, I only rated it this low because you can't eat a snake with the skin. Wow.
Starting point is 00:24:01 It's fair. It's fair criticism. Comment by Barl Fart? Yeah. However, on the flip side, 89% for a film called Water Boys, which appears to be a... I believe it's a Japanese film about five teenage boys
Starting point is 00:24:24 who are training to be synchronized swimmers. And let me tell you, this cover art, which I could not enlarge, but it's a... We got five shirtless beef cakes on the cover. Jesus. And this comment says, they eat snake right. Carl, do you like a sugary treat?
Starting point is 00:24:50 My last name may be Tarte, but I'm a sweet boy. I am addicted to sugar. Yes. I need sugar with almost every meal. Some sort of... It's bad. Right.
Starting point is 00:25:06 Are you... So if you have like a cup of coffee, you're putting sugar in there? Are you a coffee drinker? Yes. No. Okay. But if I were to get a coffee, it would be loaded with sugar.
Starting point is 00:25:16 Right. My grandma used to drink Sanka, and I would say, oh, grandma, I want some. And she would put like this much coffee and like this much milk and sugar in it. I had a similar thing. And it was like one of my favorite treats as a boy
Starting point is 00:25:27 was coffee milk. It was a rare thing that I would only get on the weekends, I think, because it would keep me up. But it would be like the same sort of thing, like a third coffee and like two thirds milk and like whole milk and sugar. And I fucking loved it. It was so...
Starting point is 00:25:41 Is this a boy? Yeah. As a boy. Your parents were like, the subject is responding to the coffee milk. Each week we try a different combination of milk, sugar, and coffee. Responding well.
Starting point is 00:25:56 What's your favorite dessert, Carl? Oh, boy. That's tough. We talked about pies at our DC show recently. Yeah. I like a peach cobbler. It's probably my favorite. Oh, hell yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:06 With ala mode. Oh, yes. Very nice. Vanilla ice cream on it. I like ice cream a lot. I keep it towards the vanilla side. And, yeah, I mean, dessert. I like dessert. Thank you for your vanilla advocacy.
Starting point is 00:26:21 As I've said a number of times in the show. Jesus Christ. Yeah. No, don't. Vanilla is not plain. Vanilla is a flavor. Yeah. It's an exotic bean that has turned
Starting point is 00:26:32 into a delectable dessert. You Northern Yankees haven't had blue bell ice cream have you? Yeah. Some of you know. Some applause, yeah. It is delicious. If you ever take a trip to the south,
Starting point is 00:26:42 which I recommend, eat blue bell ice cream. Vanilla. That's all you need. Wow. Homemade vanilla. Delicious. Nagle, you got a favorite dessert?
Starting point is 00:26:52 Water ice. Wow. Water ice. A nice gelati. So I spaced out and was not ready for that question. Oh my God. Spacing out on stage.
Starting point is 00:27:06 I know. The sugar is hitting me. It's hitting me hard. Mitch, what do you think? I've said this before. Yes. I like a chocolate lava cake with a scoop of vanilla ice cream, Nick.
Starting point is 00:27:18 Fuck. A chocolate lava cake is very satisfying. It's really good. You get a really good piece of chocolate cake. Mm-hmm. I went to like a fancy pants restaurant in LA, this wonderful restaurant that me and my lovely wife Natalie have been
Starting point is 00:27:32 frequenting. Name it. What's that? Name it so the people can go. It's called Bertie Cheese. It's a new restaurant on the west side. If you're in there and see Nick, sit at his table.
Starting point is 00:27:42 I might be there. We've had a lovely time, but they have like a chocolate cake dessert and it's so simple, but it's just like a perfectly executed chocolate cake and it's so fucking satisfying. It's like the best fucking dessert I've had in years.
Starting point is 00:27:55 Expensive restaurant? Yeah, it's pricey. It's a little easier. You sit down at Nick's table and make sure you say, I see you in here flexing, King. This is great. That's just what a crowd in Fishtown
Starting point is 00:28:07 is about is a fancy chocolate cake in Western LA. Tell us less. But yeah, just like a straight up, like a chocolate lava cake is very satisfying. I honestly have had like great chocolate. I feel like that's one, one, you know, as a chain restaurant podcast,
Starting point is 00:28:27 a lot of chain restaurant desserts are not great. A lot of fast food desserts in particular are not great, but one thing that will usually be awesome at a chain restaurant is a chocolate lava cake. Like a lot of places, like even like a Chili's does like a good chocolate lava cake. Like it's like a well executed version of it.
Starting point is 00:28:44 Well, let's, let's talk about Rita's a little bit. How does everyone feel about Rita's out there? Do we like Rita's? Here's one thing I want to say. Yeah, this was my, this was what I believed to be my first time at Rita's, but Natalie reminded me
Starting point is 00:29:02 that apparently I've been to a location in LA. They have a few outlets in LA and I did not remember it, which I was like, I'm not going to let that color my, my opinion on, on, on Rita's, but I guess I went like seriously, like maybe 10 years ago to a Rita's in LA and just sort of like forgot that I'd done it.
Starting point is 00:29:21 Wait, who told you this? My wife did. Yeah. Your lovely wife. My lovely wife. Yeah. Well. Is this a wife crowd or was the other crowd the wife crowd? I heard you saying there was a wife crowd.
Starting point is 00:29:33 We had, the previous show, we had a few people at the meet and greet who were, usually it's like a man with a woman. That's the couple and that the, and the, the lady is upset. The lady is, the lady is like, like, I didn't know the show, but I saw it.
Starting point is 00:29:50 Like, you know, okay. Yeah. Very, being very nice, but also like clearly didn't enjoy it. You guys like to see a woman and you're like wife, the woman equals wife, that's a wife. A lady in Washington DC said, so how do you know these guys?
Starting point is 00:30:08 Oh, that reminds me, I was, right before the show started, a lady came up to me and said, do you know when our server's coming over? We haven't been served yet. I hope you got served. I was like, I don't, I don't work here.
Starting point is 00:30:21 I mean, I am getting paid for this, but you did. Okay. Good. You got served. Good. Kind of felt good. I don't know. I liked it.
Starting point is 00:30:32 I can't believe that you've been here before and forgot. I was just like, you know what I think it was? Cause you said we were walking home from Venice, which is pretty far away from where we lived at the time. She tells you so much. You are like 50 first dates with, with Natalie. She tells you every...
Starting point is 00:30:48 Jesus Christ, you're right. I am right. She tells you all the time. No, you're right. No, cause I forget things that we've done. And then she tells me about them. Your morning starts with a video from Natalie telling you that you're married.
Starting point is 00:31:00 I'm going to look up 50 first dates on rotten tomatoes. Wow. Maybe she is poisons your coffee milk every day and then invents memories for you to have. And that's how she keeps it on a leash. Okay. 50 first dates, the third billed actor in 50 first dates,
Starting point is 00:31:21 Rob Schneider. Yeah, that makes sense. He had a big role. Boy. Rotten tomatoes is not kind to Adam Sandler. It's bullshit. Certified rotten 45%. This is bullshit.
Starting point is 00:31:33 Yeah. We're going to turn these rotten tomato numbers around everyone. No, actually, actually. What? Actually, I agree with that. No. Wow. All right.
Starting point is 00:31:45 50 first dates is not great, but water boys should be higher. Oh, here's why. Not enough snake eating. Yeah. But honey, you love snake. No, I don't. Who are you? Is this rape kind of?
Starting point is 00:32:01 It's problematic. Nagle, I know you've been to Rita's before. I mean, I have to assume you've been to Rita's a number of times before as a Philly native. Be cool. Eat to Rita's. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 00:32:16 I've been to Rita's a lot. Mitch and Carl, had you ever been to Rita's? No. No. I think that I've had like a... Dude, they sell Rita's like a little... They sell it, right? In the grocery store?
Starting point is 00:32:26 Okay. Yeah. I've had a little Rita on the road before. You've had a to-go version. I've had a to-go version. Oh, I got it. The grocery store version. I've had one before, I think.
Starting point is 00:32:35 Not more than one. I don't know. I've had tried it before. Okay? Yes. Sorry. I doubt you had one. Just one.
Starting point is 00:32:43 I got mad at everyone, but I've had it before. But I've never been into the actual storefront before. Right. Yeah. And I also do think even if I've been to the LA version, going to a proper Philly location is going to be a better, more authentic experience. And this one... And I don't know if it's old or if it's built to look old, but it looks like one that was
Starting point is 00:33:04 established a while ago, the South Street location we went to steps away from the Wawa, the newly constructed Wawa. Just a few... On the same block, we had just filled ourselves with Wawa food and we walked over to Rita's. And I got to say this, this was the nice touch to it. Yeah. Two old men in seats out in front of the store. Two elderly Italian gentlemen having a conversation, I assume about someone that they've ordered
Starting point is 00:33:25 to be whacked. The dude playing an accordion? Where's the moon inside? But yeah, it was like a nice like neighborhood detail. I was like, oh, this is like, this feels like a place that's a neighborhood institution. It was just two dudes who clearly lived in the area just hanging out and this was their neighborhood meetup. They were arguing in Italian over the rotten tomato score of Water Boy.
Starting point is 00:33:52 Mama Mita, why he no eating of the snake? And me, I know tomatoes. We also, when we... I got to say this, before we get into it, well, I mean, this is into it, we were inside. But a guy came in, a guy came in who was a Doughboy's listener. Oh, yes. It was like, hey, I thought you guys might be in here. It was very accusatory.
Starting point is 00:34:16 And we were like, yeah, what's up? And he was like, can we take, can I take a picture? And we're like, sure. And he took a picture and then he was like, by the way, this place sucks, one fork and he ran off. Yeah. You said he'd be here tonight. Is he here?
Starting point is 00:34:31 Is he here? Is the, the reader's here? I don't, I don't think he was coming to a show. Fuck this guy. Was that shampooedler? Shampooedler! Wait, you, you omitted another detail which, which Carl observed. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:45 This guy. As I was taking the picture. As Carl was taking the picture, the guy did not recognize Carl. I get it, Philadelphia. Who the fuck is that? Uh, he, as soon as, right as they're posing and I'm ready to snap this thing, he, he's, he got his arms around Nicky Mitch and he goes, you look lovely, by the way. And then he comes back and I'll go, okay.
Starting point is 00:35:13 And I'm like, is that some lore? I don't know. I didn't know what was going on. Is this the canon? Yeah. He said it to Weigar? Yeah. Right in his face like that?
Starting point is 00:35:22 Yeah. I knew he was hot for Weigs. I'm like, you gonna give my boy Mitch no love? That's fucking bullshit. Size this piece of shit. Hey man, he made me take the picture. Take this. Who is Rita?
Starting point is 00:35:40 Did you say it in the intro? Rita is the founder's wife. Oh, okay. He made it after his wife, which is a very nice gesture. I zoned out during your intro. Yeah, I know you always do. She's also the villain from Power Rangers. What's that?
Starting point is 00:35:51 She's also the villain from Power Rangers. That's right. Zoran, I have like the head size of Zoran. That's too deep reference, I think. Power Rangers. That's an interesting trick to start a business and name it after your wife, especially if she doesn't work there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:14 Because you could soil her name big time, or you could be like, honey, I can't come home. I'm working at your water ice place. What do you want me to do? I think it's manipulative. I think it's a great move. What if it fails? What if somebody gets food poisoning and dies?
Starting point is 00:36:31 That's a good point. You're like, I'm working at Nangang's, the shitty sandwich shop. You're papered with cease and desist letters. So behind the counter, my man Jacob was a wonderful worker, was a wonderful server. He did a great job of steering us through our initial experience. From Brooklyn. He moved to Philly from Brooklyn. From Brooklyn, moved to Philly because of cost of living and seemed to be making a nice
Starting point is 00:37:02 life for himself. Some people don't like that. I just heard a big, ugh, from the audience. Is that like, because I've heard this about Denver, that people in Denver and also Portland I know are upset about people from California moving there. Is that an issue with Philly people from New York keep moving here? It is. Oh boy.
Starting point is 00:37:20 Wow. Well, you know what? Fuck New York. We're going to be there tomorrow night. We'll be there tomorrow night doing two shows. So if you're in the area, check us out. So Jacob hooked us up. The first item that I really wanted to order was the Go Birds Italian ice midnight grain.
Starting point is 00:37:46 Fucking bullshit. He's just doing this to make me mad. Wow. So this is a limited time offer. It is an Italian ice. It is midnight green colored. It looks like bird shit. It's an off-putting color for a dessert.
Starting point is 00:38:07 But it has an apple pear flavor. I'll say this. First up, Go Birds. Second up. Has never watched a single second of an Eagles game. He got interested in them tonight because he heard that Nick Vols has a big dick. But that's that. Yeah, that's right.
Starting point is 00:38:27 I've been saying Go Birds before this. But he saw Silver Lining's playbook so many times he learned how to do the dance. It's true. And he was showing us the dance. That counts as an Eagles game. I'll say this. I found that apple pear flavor unpleasant. I didn't love it.
Starting point is 00:38:44 I thought the texture was good and I thought like it was like a refreshing icy flavor, but I just didn't like that particular. I have so many flavors there that you can find something that works for you, but this one did not work for me. Just like my Super Bowl trip two years ago, it left a bad taste in my mouth. Yeah. It was a little, it was just like, I think it had a little bit of sourness, which I, you know, I would have liked it for this.
Starting point is 00:39:09 It would have been more refreshing if it wasn't as sour. That's the green apple though. Yes, that's the green apple. That makes it. I didn't want to like it. And I did. Why didn't you want to like it? You know why.
Starting point is 00:39:22 Because the Eagles part. No, I thought it was good. I thought it sucked. I thought it sucked shit. It was my least favorite of the items that we ordered. I just like, I will say this, that I love like a snow cone kind of texture. I love like that. That just sort of like icy sort of sweet treat.
Starting point is 00:39:43 I really enjoy that. So that element was nice. I just feel like the particular flavor, the apple hyphen pear that they had just, just didn't quite work for me. And the color also was, it's like army green. It's not super appealing. No. It's like Eagles uniform green.
Starting point is 00:39:58 But we also got a. Would you people just fucking eat it up you fools? It looks like the uniform you dumb fucks. Wow. Yeah, fuck Billy. You're so mean to me. Oh shit. It turned too fast.
Starting point is 00:40:18 Here come the batteries. He's throwing. I want to be liked by Billy. You're mean to me. Fuck you. God. Fuck Tom Brady chance. There are two more chances to catch dough boys live in 2019.
Starting point is 00:40:44 See me, Mitch, and special guest John Gabriel in Tempe, Arizona on November 22nd and Houston, Texas on November 23rd. See mama bear, papa bear and baby bear. That's me review local chains live before we hibernate for the winter. Tickets available at head slash live. So we got a mango gelati as well. That's what I ordered. You're cheering me now.
Starting point is 00:41:11 I order the mango gelati. Do you want to describe what this is for people who maybe for our listeners who don't know what that is? What what what is the because it's got like some soft serve like ice cream in the middle of it and then it's got custard custard rather. Yes, I'm sorry. Little custard little ice to do do do do do. That's a gelati.
Starting point is 00:41:33 Oh fuck it. Sorry. I was trying to sing a funk song. I don't know the ingredients. I liked it. I'll just add that this is apparently the mango gelati is their most popular menu item and it was also our server Jacob's favorite. So.
Starting point is 00:41:55 Thank you, Carl. I wrote it for the Eagles that Super Bowl. Don't get excited. I never root for you ever other times. I would like to say that the mango, the mango gelati. I was going to say it's miss. It's a missed opportunity to name it the the mango gelati. There you go.
Starting point is 00:42:21 Mango, mango. Everybody knows who I am. Nobody touch of the mango. Fuck. What? I liked it. Miss you a fool. He's just quoting what I said to him because we're all staying in the same Airbnb.
Starting point is 00:42:47 We're a big family. What are you looking up? I'm looking at porky Romano on rotten tomatoes. From the from the mango character. Oh boy. But they were not kind to this one. Certified rotten six percent. Oh, Jesus.
Starting point is 00:43:09 You have to read Chris Coutain's book to understand why. I read his book. Listen to it on audio. He reads it. Wow. That is a that's a listen right there. It's got the soft custard in between and it's got like the, you know, the mango granita kind of surrounding it. It is with the icier texture.
Starting point is 00:43:31 I loved it. I thought it was delicious. It fucking kicked ass. It's so fucking good. It was so good. Yeah. With mango and mango is a lot of people tweeted at me to get the mango flavor. That's so that's the number one choice.
Starting point is 00:43:44 It seems like the most the most popular fruit in the world. Mango. Mango people. Yeah. Mango because everybody's touching the mango. But I thought this was, I thought this was awesome. I thought this was really great. You know, I thought that it was, it's just like the, I honestly liked both gelatis we got, but I thought this was the stand out.
Starting point is 00:44:06 Carl, what did you think of that mango bad boy? I took a taste of it and I enjoyed that one. I liked that. Yeah. It was, it was sweeter than mine. Yes. Right. And yours was the cherry gelati.
Starting point is 00:44:20 I got the cherry. You got the cherry. Oh, cherry. Dread. You can't go wrong with red. Right. Boy, did I tell you I went wrong. Oh boy.
Starting point is 00:44:28 Why? It just, it wasn't sweet. It was bland. It needed to be a little more sweet. Yeah. Wow. Yeah. I agreed with him.
Starting point is 00:44:38 I don't know what the sweet was. The sweet was spilled out of it or what the, I don't know what the deal was. It wasn't sweet, Nick. Boy, I, you know, I disagree because you know, we have cherry and it's a flavor like grape that can sometimes be medicine-y, but I didn't feel like this was medicine-y. And I feel like the, with the custard, it just like, it worked really well, the two components together. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:45:01 I really, I enjoyed that one. I enjoyed the mango more, but I thought this was a, this was a very good flavor. Carl, you also lost the top of it. Yeah. So I made a real silly snafu, if you will. I dropped the custard off the top of my gelati. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:18 I dropped the gelati all on the counter. And right into a hair. Yeah. A Philadelphia hair. A rabbit? A rabbit? Fucking Philly hair. Just rabbits, just running around.
Starting point is 00:45:27 Straight in front of a bunch of cute nursing students, all with that Philly accent, which I got to be honest, I'm all about, with the lady, and it was embarrassing, I was embarrassed. There were a group of young nurses, I think in nursing school, who was, who came in right after we were eating. Right. They never revived me. You know what I noticed about all of their orders? None of them got custard on top.
Starting point is 00:45:55 Oh, interesting. Yes. They would just want straight water ice. Is that like a tourist thing? Do y'all not do that no more? You know what? My speculation might be. They're not telling us.
Starting point is 00:46:05 The audience is being very shy. Maybe because they were going straight to a shift, they were worried about having dairy and that, perhaps giving them a case of the rumbly. You can't be farting. Hold on a second. This group of young female nurses, these young, pretty female nurses, you're like, they probably didn't want to shit their brains out on their shift. That's what you think?
Starting point is 00:46:28 Nurses work 12-hour shifts. Yeah. You can't be shitting? It's not an easy job. My mom was a nurse. I'm not saying it's an easy job, what in the fuck? You think an attractive woman doesn't shit? You think an attractive woman doesn't get diarrhea?
Starting point is 00:46:42 I know they do. I've seen it. Whoa. Must be nice. Must be nice. Jesus. I've never seen it before. I don't look at scat videos.
Starting point is 00:47:02 I just thought it was funny. That's where your mind went to first. I was just trying to figure out why that was, because it was a notable detail, for sure. And it has more calories. I mean, there's multiple reasons. That's actually a good point. Maybe he also just didn't want ice cream. Yes.
Starting point is 00:47:19 Could have been that. Absolutely could have been that. Custard mango. Custard. You guys have to... We're in Philadelphia. You've talked so much about these nurses. Jesus.
Starting point is 00:47:28 We loved them. They made me take a picture of Nick and Mitch too. But that's my cake. Being ordered to take a photograph by a group of nurses? Very specific kink. Yeah, very specific. We also got an Oreo cookies and cream concrete. No, it was called a blizzardari or something.
Starting point is 00:47:55 It had a different name, but... It got lazy. What is it? Blendini. It was a blendini, but he said he'd make us a concrete. Like, that was like... No, we made us a blendini. He said he'd make us a concrete.
Starting point is 00:48:07 He said he could make it a concrete for you guys. I don't know. We have to get them here, I guess. What was his name? Jacob. I said that I wanted what the... There were two women before us who ordered it. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:48:23 There was a two women before us who ordered the cookies and cream concrete. Yes. But it was a blendini, I think. It might have been a blendini. It was all blended up. The blendini is on the menu, but concrete is also on the menu. He said he could hook us up with a concrete. What did we get?
Starting point is 00:48:37 Does anyone know what we got? I think you got a concrete. We got Oreo cookies and cream blended together in some sort of thick... It's concrete. It might have been a concrete. It was fucking delicious. It was great. I loved it.
Starting point is 00:48:50 Me too. I thought it was really good. Blizzardari is making me laugh a lot. I was saying this in the other show. I got to overhear lots of fun snippets of things, of people, my people. And when I was at Rita's with my mom, I overheard this. I don't know. There was something going on at the other window, and the woman working there was like,
Starting point is 00:49:14 we don't have blizzards. That's Dairy Queen. Oh, boy. Wow. What a fuck up. And the lady next to me goes, oh, I was wondering why he is... Okay. It was so...
Starting point is 00:49:27 Apparently there had been a fight going on, and then she just acquiesced. By the way, Dairy Queen sounds like a fetish, doesn't it? He's the real pervert. Don't forget that. Carl, did you like that Oreo cookies and cream, whatever it was? Yeah. I liked it. Blizzardari.
Starting point is 00:49:52 It was great. Yeah. I liked it. I enjoyed it. And so, Nangle, we've talked about our experience. You went with your mom. You've obviously been to Rita's a number of times. What did you think of your most recent visit?
Starting point is 00:50:08 Yeah. I went with my mother, and that was fun. We got... Did you cheer for my mom? Awesome. Make some noise for Mama Nangle. Wow. Yes.
Starting point is 00:50:22 My mom, who is my dad's wife. So I got... It was kind of like... It was just like a known... We knew what we were getting. We had to think about it. My mom's like... She got a root beer, root beer gelati, which is the root beer...
Starting point is 00:50:43 And then the custard. And I got a cherry, which is just kind of... I feel like that's the standard. Or at least it used to be when we were little. It was just cherry water ice. You always had it. And Rita's is a... If you're having a block party or a graduation or party,
Starting point is 00:50:58 you can get a big tub of Rita's. And so it would always be like, Who's bringing the soft pretzels? Who's bringing the water ice? And I got my dad a... I got just graduated. I got my dad an Oreo concrete. Which in Philly we call pavement.
Starting point is 00:51:22 But... Wow. And then I got a soft pretzel. From Rita's? From Rita's? Yeah, they do have those. But it was different. I was saying the other show...
Starting point is 00:51:34 In my opinion, the more Philly soft pretzels have two holes, but other places, they have three holes. So this is one of the three hole places. Anyway... Well, I'm not gonna make the same joke I made earlier because you could all fill in the blanks. Um... Fill in the blanks.
Starting point is 00:51:53 Um... Are we giving reviews? Am I saying what I thought? No, no, no. No, just tell us what you got. Shut the fork review. No, I'm not giving the fork review. Can I say if I liked it or not?
Starting point is 00:52:05 Of course. I liked it. Wow. Wow. Well, here's the thing. So it was... It's like... It's a treat.
Starting point is 00:52:13 It really... Right. Because also we called that when we were little. Like, you guys want a treat? Like, if it was a hot day and it was just like a special occasion, it would be like a treat would be to go get water ice. Um...
Starting point is 00:52:24 But the custard I'm not crazy about... I might be because I'm too used to like Dairy Queen because Dairy Queen was more where we would go. My mom wanted me to make it clear that she does not like the custard. Um... And the gelati was... Like, it's really good at first,
Starting point is 00:52:41 but then if you mix it in, like, when the water ice starts to melt and you mix in the custard and then it kind of all gets mixed together, that's really good. And I think at Dairy Queen, that's called a Mr. Misto or Mr. Misty or something like that.
Starting point is 00:52:55 What? Reedus has that? Reedus has that? Yeah. All right. Are you even from Millie? Are you even from Millie? Mr. Mistophiles.
Starting point is 00:53:04 What? What? But... And then I dipped the pretzel into the water ice, which is the thing that I've been doing forever. Wow. That's a Philly thing? Oh, I don't know if it is, but it's a good thing.
Starting point is 00:53:19 You really do like wet pretzels. I do like wet pretzels. You weren't lying. I thought you were joking. I love wet pretzels. She said she loved wet pretzels last show. And, uh, yeah, that's what I'll say.
Starting point is 00:53:33 I feel like the custard got real soupy, quick, didn't stay kind of solid. But there was a place, and my mom brought this up too, there was a place, I think that there is still one called Rose's Water Ice. I don't know if anyone here is familiar with it,
Starting point is 00:53:50 but it was, we called it Rosies, and I was talking to some friends from Philly and they all remembered it, too, and they all called it Rosies, too, and they would have a little truck that would drive around the neighborhood, and he would give you, like, he'd go in the back,
Starting point is 00:54:06 and there was, like, tubs in the back of water ice. And it was, like, the best, there was better than, Reedus is great, but Rosies was, like, amazing. Wow. Um, Nick, Nick just fell asleep.
Starting point is 00:54:21 Sorry. Said wow and went back to sleep. Ha, ha, ha. But the thing, the good thing about Reedus is that, like, there's chunks of fruit in it, like, there was chunks of cherry and my cherry water ice. So it really did feel fresh.
Starting point is 00:54:36 I like that. I didn't even realize that water ice, uh, yeah, all right, Nick, I didn't even realize that water ice comes in, like, mint chocolate chip flavor and stuff. Yeah, they got a lot of different flavors. And it's crazy to me, I didn't know, I thought it was just, like, more, like, fruit flavors.
Starting point is 00:54:52 I thought it was all fruit based, but they got a bunch of different flavors. It confused the shit out of me. Yeah. Because I was like, vanilla, wait, wait, is that, is that, like, the custard? And I was like, damn, should I get that? I was like, nah, let me play it safe with cherry.
Starting point is 00:55:08 Okay. Play it with fire. It was disorienting. There was skin-snake water ice? And I was like, I know that's not right. Well, let's roll right into our reviews of Reedus' water ice. Reedus' Italian ice, rather,
Starting point is 00:55:25 is the proper name. But, uh, so Christine Angle, you've had a number of times. You're doing Italian, sir? I agree with you. Oh, wow! Sorry. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:55:42 Oh, but, uh... I mean, pizza's good, but fuck Italians. Angle, your review, your fork score of Reedus' Italian ice. I loved it. I thought it was great. Like I said, it's a treat, and it did feel a little bit special.
Starting point is 00:56:04 So, I went to one up on Horsham Road up by Lansdale where my parents live now, the Hatfield, and, uh, it was just, like, families. Like, there was kids in their pajamas. Like, it's like a special... At least for us, it was always like a special thing to go get a water ice
Starting point is 00:56:20 to go up to the Reedus' window and get something. Um, the custard always leaves a weird taste in my mouth. So, I'm not a huge fan of custard, but I don't know if that's my own bias coming into it. My mom's review was... Water Ice A1.
Starting point is 00:56:37 Custard Thumbs Down. Wow. I know, it's like, you want to stick to a standard of measurement? Um, so, I'm gonna go... You know, it's delicious. It's refreshing. It's got a funny name. I'm gonna give it, uh,
Starting point is 00:57:02 4.75 forks. Wow! Four forks three times. Yes. Wow. And like I said in that earlier show, the forks is spelled with a P-H. That's right. For Philly.
Starting point is 00:57:18 For Philly. Philly forks. Uh, Carl Tart, your review, your forks score. Okay, uh, I don't know if y'all couldn't tell, but I ain't from Philadelphia. Uh, where I'm from, we have this... this, uh, delicious summer treat called Snowballs. And, uh, so that's what... Did somebody boo that?
Starting point is 00:57:38 Kiss my ass. And, uh... Nobody booed it. Oh, okay. Still, kiss my ass, though. It's creating a straw man. I, uh... had never had ice cream on top of a snowball. Or custard. And like that 80's song says,
Starting point is 00:57:55 uh, it's a new sensation. I don't know if I like that. I like the custard. I liked the water ice. I wish it could have been sweeter, but I also recognize that so many of you
Starting point is 00:58:17 Philadelphians... Y'all know we got a Philadelphia Mississippi? There's a Philadelphia Mississippi. Y'all should visit it. Uh, I... I... I recognize what it means for y'all. And so I won't be too harsh on it. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:58:33 I feel like you're breaking up with Rhett. Uh, I just got a lot going on right now. Yeah, me too. And I don't know how much time I can commit to eating custard and water ice. I just want to be a wife. Ah. She was a wife, okay?
Starting point is 00:58:53 And he was a husband. I don't know what else to describe that. Can I make it any more obvious? I will say this. I want to go back to it and I want to get a milkshake. Because it's hard to go wrong with milkshakes. Uh, but for now, I'm going to give this joint
Starting point is 00:59:15 four forks. All right. Wow, I could still get into the golden plank though. Still a very, very good score. Unless I fuck things up. Can I go, Mitch? No, I'd like to go. Okay, you go ahead.
Starting point is 00:59:31 Oh, why? Do you have a... No, I have nothing good. I'm going first. Okay, go ahead. I don't have anything good. I know. I never have anything good. I know. Just maybe go last and eat shit every time. That's right. Water rice is such a foreign concept to me.
Starting point is 00:59:48 I've never... Like, I didn't know that you... What is it? What is it? I didn't know that you mixed the two. That you mixed the creamy with the water rice. This is so foreign to me. I've never had it growing up. Those Italians, they're wacky, man.
Starting point is 01:00:05 They're wackier than the Philly fanatic or Critty himself. They're on the same level. Mixing all this stuff together. The Blizzards... Whatever it is. Blundini, thank you. The Blundinis.
Starting point is 01:00:21 The Blizzidaris. The Blizzidaris grew up down the street from me. Their house always smelled like cigarettes and beer. We weren't allowed to go there. Actually, they used to watch it like a prayer video, and I wasn't allowed to go over. Wow. But...
Starting point is 01:00:43 I love this sort of thing, so much something that's so specific to a city. I have a lot of things like that in Boston that I hold dear to my heart. And I thought that the mango... Oh, God, what the fuck is it called again? Gelati. That one's easy. I should have gotten that. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:00:59 The mango gelati was delicious. I'm going four forks. I think it was good. Wow, four forks. You know, I fucked that guy who said one fork. He was wrong. One fork? I mean, like, look, I'm a... I'm a water ice noob or whatever, but...
Starting point is 01:01:16 Right. I got to try better water ice, but I hate saying it that way. Why do you say it that way? What? Water. Why is it water? I don't know. Why do you say it a hood dog? The show has ended for me. I know.
Starting point is 01:01:38 I'm going to stay silent the rest of the time. You did say popcorn earlier, and I was like... What? Popcorn. Wait, are you saying... Are you saying I said butch corn? No. Popcorn. No, I do say popcorn. I say fucked up things, too.
Starting point is 01:01:56 I like you, Philly. Good luck to the Sixers. I hope the Celtics beat them in some way, but good luck. I said good luck. Why would you do that? You had them. Why would you do that? You had everyone. I feel like the most underrated signing of the offseason was Al Horford
Starting point is 01:02:14 to the Sixers. You stole him. You stole him from us, you fucks. Underappreciated in Boston. Great five who can play alongside Joel M. Bied, who is fucking amazing, but also, he was the best... He was the best defender against Joel M.
Starting point is 01:02:30 Bied. He wasn't underappreciated anymore. I know he wasn't underappreciated, but that was a low-key great signing for the Sixers. Somebody just yelled something at me. Clippers. Clippers Nation, baby.
Starting point is 01:02:46 Did you just say that I love Joel M. B.? You motherfucker. He's wearing a Baltimore pinchy-crabshirt from the Flagrant Wands. Wow. And I do not hold back my opinions of the 76ers
Starting point is 01:03:02 and Joel M. Bied on my podcast, but this is not that show. Nor is it how did this get played Nick's other podcast. Okay, let's not bring that up. We ruined our last show. Let me say this.
Starting point is 01:03:20 This is a... Bear with me here. Oh, God. Wow, Nick's gonna ruin it. I'm gonna compare this place to Jamba Juice. And hold on. Hold on. Nick is about to skin the snake.
Starting point is 01:03:36 Hold on. Before you give me 35% on Rotten Tomatoes, Jamba Juice is a lie. Jamba Juice pretends to be something healthy. You thought you were gonna connect with a Jamba Juice truthers? No, hold on. Jamba Juice is a lie. Yeah!
Starting point is 01:03:54 I wasn't expecting a huge pop from that. Jamba Juice pretends to be something healthy, but it's not. Jamba Juice is loaded with sugar. Jamba Juice is a dessert place. Pomegranate juice can't melt ice cubes. And while I was sipping my sweet treats from
Starting point is 01:04:14 Rita's Italian Ice, I was thinking of Jamba Juice and thinking of like, they would just have this at Jamba Juice. They would have these same menu items all day. They would call this like an organic yogurt, like, you know, swirl,
Starting point is 01:04:30 atop a fucking mango granita. And they would try to present it as something that was healthy, but it was not. And I would just say, as someone who has a sweet tooth, as someone who likes sweet treats, Rita's Italian Ice
Starting point is 01:04:46 is a wonderful indulgence. It is delightful. I had a great time there. I was thinking what it was consuming. It felt like the kind of thing where it's like, I wish there were more of these in LA. And I know they obviously exist in LA. Like I said, I guess I went to one in Santa Monica
Starting point is 01:05:02 and forgot about it. But I wish there were more of these because there are a lot of ice cream parlors in LA, but there aren't a lot of places like this. And this is a different sort of experience. It's a less heavy experience. If you're, for instance,
Starting point is 01:05:18 a nurse who's about to go on shift, it's a place you can go and get a dessert where you're not going to shit yourself in your scrubs. Jesus, so... Nurses don't just shit their pants. Nurses can. Nurses can shit their pants.
Starting point is 01:05:34 Get a nice dessert. Get your feet rubbed. By Mitch. I thought it was delightful. I liked... I liked to love three out of the four desserts. And I think the one that I didn't love
Starting point is 01:05:50 was the one that was a seasonal flavor that was offered, the Go Birds one that was offered as like a marketing tie-in. So I'll forgive it. Go Birds, absolutely. Although, avoid... I'd say avoid the Go Birds Italian ice at Rita's,
Starting point is 01:06:06 but I will say welcome to the Golden Plate Club. Rita's Italian ice. Four forks! Yeah! Hmm. Hmm. Should I subtract .01 forks for the Go Birds flavor?
Starting point is 01:06:26 Yes, I should. Wow. But I won't. Because I'll let you be happy, you fucks. Uh, guys, that was our review of Rita's Italian ice or Wooder Ice. We've got some snacks from the audience,
Starting point is 01:06:42 and we're going to say we should put it in your mouth. Snack or Wack, snack-tack! Woo! What the hell? Wow. I mean, you song have brought on a bucket of snacks that people have brought out to us. Okay, hold on.
Starting point is 01:06:58 What is that big drink? You want to try this big drink? Okay, see, these are things that people have brought to us. Jesus Christ, this is the second box? Jesus. What the fuck is wrong with you? Is that from both shows or just this show? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:07:14 We've got a boost. Do we have cups or are we just going to chuck this thing? I don't know. Or should we do it the... This is concentrate. This is concentrate. Oh, this makes 48-ounce drinks. I don't think we can have this.
Starting point is 01:07:32 I think we need some water to dilute this. We'll save this for later. We can chug it. Okay, oh, here we go. Migos. Barbecue in with my honey. Is this a Philadelphia? I've had these before.
Starting point is 01:07:48 Is Migos from Philadelphia? No, throw in the fucking trash. Then fuck it. Hot cheese curls, is that okay? What about... And they like these, too. They like these tasty cakes. Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 01:08:04 Mitch has some tasty cakes. We're gonna try these. These are funny because they're not crimp it. Well, I don't know what a crimp it is, but... Open up the hot fries, too. Why not two snacks? Okay, I'll open these up. These are hot cheese curls.
Starting point is 01:08:20 You want us to butt-chug the concentrate? You know what? You guys can have these with us because there's a lot of them. All right, there you go. Start handing them out if you don't mind. Yeah, also, I pointed out in the other show. Tasty cakes are four for $10 at Giant right now.
Starting point is 01:08:44 And my mom and I went and bought a bunch. Boy, these hers hot cheese curls are delightful. They got a little bit of... a little bit of burn to them, a lot of cheese flavor.
Starting point is 01:09:00 I love them. I'm gonna open up these tasty cakes right now. They're good. These are good. Reading the Butterscotch Crimpits. This is not a... How many people in the audience freeze their tasty cakes
Starting point is 01:09:16 and eat them frozen? They're really good. Butterscotch Crimpits are really good frozen. I don't know, me and my brother used to lick the top. Lick the icing until we got down to the cake part. But these are... I think these are probably the most
Starting point is 01:09:32 well-known tasty cakes, right? These are the ones most people... These are rad. I love this. This is delicious. Maybe I'm insane. But these hot cheese curls have a hint of bacon. Is that true? It feels like I told you I was crazy.
Starting point is 01:09:48 You're insane. I know what you mean. They have that smoky sort of character to them. That's good. That's either the glutamate, the phosphate, the monosodium, the paprika. You're going to find me in this box tomorrow morning
Starting point is 01:10:04 with an empty... curled up in there. Like a cooked snake. Scanned. Someone included a card in here. So there's a banana penetrating a donut on the cover. Let's see.
Starting point is 01:10:22 I'm really worried about reading this verbatim live. I'm going to skim this and see. Here we go. It's nice. I just read it from here. It seems nice. Dear Darling Doe Boys, or am I new song if they see this first?
Starting point is 01:10:38 Thank you for making our Tuesdays and Thursdays a little bit better. Here's an assortment of Philly and Philly adjacent snacks. A small token of our appreciation. Love, Alexa and Curran. Thank you, Alexa and Curran. On the back, Wiker is the true Big Dick Nick. That is true.
Starting point is 01:10:58 That is true. Wow. PPS, we didn't want to include an uncooked block of Scrapple. So here's a book about it and said we know Mitch won't read it, but Wiker might. Thank you very much. That was very nice of you. We got sodas delivered right to the stage.
Starting point is 01:11:14 Pennsylvania Scrapple, a duckball history by Amy Strauss. Very nice of you. Mitch now. Who writes a book about Scrapple? We got more wrap snacks in here. Chumpies, potato chips, is that something?
Starting point is 01:11:32 No, not really. These got delivered to the stage right now. Are these anything? Yeah. Hey. First of all, tasty cakes are a snack for me. Tasty snakes are a big time snack. And then those hot
Starting point is 01:11:48 the hers hot cheese curls are a mega snack. Mega snack. Those are fucking great. I wish they had those in LA. Mitch, let me see that blue one. You want the blue one? Okay, so these are some sodas we're sharing. What are these?
Starting point is 01:12:04 A treat. Oh my God. Mitch just spilled everywhere. Who was it? I was fucking set up. Yeah, fuck yeah. It smells great. Philly, Philly, Jesus.
Starting point is 01:12:20 I haven't heard that the night the Patriots lost so many times. I don't like these Cheetos. I think they're bad. Carl, you're drinking the A treat big blue soda. And I got to say, that's my jam. Can you drive that bad boy? That's good stuff.
Starting point is 01:12:36 All right, here we go. Wow, that is great. That fucking rules. Send it this way. I want to drink some of the blue. That's solid stuff right there. It's funny that blue is kind of a flavor. Like that kind of like reminds me of the blue Gatorade. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:12:52 But this is a carbonated version of it. Sometimes blue will go sour. It'll be like a blue raspberry. And I don't want that. That's all I want. That's all I want. That's all I want. I want a raspberry.
Starting point is 01:13:08 And I don't want that. That's a base blue. Give me that sweet blue. There's an after taste that I can only describe as old. Right. I want to try that concentrate. I want to mix it in this water here. Okay, I'm going to give this concentrate over to Carl.
Starting point is 01:13:24 What is the concentrate? It's boost. South Jersey. Okay, got it. South Jersey makes jars of this weird dark liquor. They were saying boo or boost. They were saying boo. Our lift driver on the way here.
Starting point is 01:13:40 We were driving and I looked over and I was like, oh look, it's the Sixers practice facility. And he was like, yeah, that's in Camden, New Jersey. They'd be tripping over there. He was good. That guy ruled. I was like, why is their practice facility
Starting point is 01:13:56 in a different state? Because a fucking... Camden is basically... I love that guy because he was asking we were like, we're from L.A. He was like, damn, what are you guys doing in Philly? And we're like, we're comedians.
Starting point is 01:14:12 And he was like, oh, really? What the hell? I'm going to do some to Carl. Guys. Are you getting the ratio right? Are you just sort of guessing at it? Here we go. Is this fun to watch?
Starting point is 01:14:32 Camden is kind of like East Philadelphia in a way. It's a little bit part of the city. This looks weird and smells weird. How thick is it? Badlands Chugs. Concentrated blend. It says concentrated blend of citrus fruit syrup.
Starting point is 01:14:48 Here we go. Bottoms up. You mentioned Badlands Chugs and that's a guy who was like, man, that guy fucking rules. Badlands Chugs rules. Check him out online. Fuck, he's better at this than we are. Liger, shut up.
Starting point is 01:15:04 I'm just like, Jesus. I like booze. Is this like brisk iced tea? Am I tripping? I'm right, right? It's like a sweet tea. It's like a sweet tea? Okay, I'm going to try a sip of this.
Starting point is 01:15:20 You want drinks and snacks all around for me. Carl has poured the concentrate into his Poland spring bottle. I'm going to take a little sip of this. Oh, boy. That's delightful. A little meadow in my mouth. I loved it.
Starting point is 01:15:42 Guys, thank you so much for bringing all of these. That was the Snack or Wack Snack Snack. Just like a restaurant by your feedback. Let's open the feedback. We're going to take a few audience questions. So three questions from you guys and Emma and or you
Starting point is 01:15:58 will be roaming the audience letting us know who has a query. Who's the first question from? We got Zachary Joseph. Hi, Zachary Joseph. Where's the Zach attack? He's over here. I don't like that nickname, sir.
Starting point is 01:16:14 Hi, Zach. Hi, Joe boys. I wanted to know if there are any chain restaurants or chain restaurant items that you feel are criminally underrated. Boy, that's a great question. Wow. Do you know what I think is?
Starting point is 01:16:30 Yeah. The classic cheeseburger from Wendy's. No one really cares about it. No, I like that answer a lot. No one cares about it is good. Oh, fuck you guys. But do you believe someone should be indicted for that?
Starting point is 01:16:48 Yes. Who's the question? Chain restaurant items that are underrated. This is an excellent question. I'm going to go in an unexpected direction, perhaps. The brown bread
Starting point is 01:17:06 from Outback Steakhouse is wonderful. Every time you get that, it's a delight. They always deliver. It's warm, they give you lots of butter and I think it's like a great free appetizer that they present with you and present to you.
Starting point is 01:17:22 So, yeah, that would be my answer. I'm only saying this because they just recently took it off the menu. Yeah. But Doritos Locos Firey Taco is awesome. Hell yeah. That one fucking rolls. I'm going to say it's underrated because they took it off.
Starting point is 01:17:38 They took the cool ranch off too. It's insane. They made some menu. Look, people are upset. They got rid of cool ranch? They've contracted the menu a little bit. I understand it from the perspective of it's additional inventory.
Starting point is 01:17:54 Why did you do this, Nick? Why did you do this? There's additional inventory to have those different shells. Nick. It's fucked up. It's fucked up. I can understand it. No, you can't. I just hope that Taco Bell,
Starting point is 01:18:10 which is a very good quick service chain, is doing that to clear room new items that are coming that will love just as much. That's all I can... That's my optimistic approach to it. Scab butch. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 01:18:26 I agree. The Firey Doritos Locos Taco. That was delightful. I don't hear a lot of people talk about Checkers French fries. Oh yeah. Slash rallies if you're on the West Coast. What is it called in the West Coast?
Starting point is 01:18:42 Checkers and rallies. I don't know how many there are, but there's one near my house growing up. But the French fries are so good. They are very, very good. Absolutely. Great question. Great question. Thank you very much. Who else has a question?
Starting point is 01:18:58 Dylan Penel. Hi, Dylan. Where's Dylan at? Right over here. All right. We woke him up. Dylan Penel. Over here. I'm coming. Hi. I was wondering if there are any
Starting point is 01:19:14 snacks from your childhood that are no longer in production that you would love to taste just one last time? Oh boy. That's a really good question. I say this a lot, but the Jumpin' Jack Cheese Doritos. I love those as a boy. Those were really good.
Starting point is 01:19:30 Those were my go-to Doritos. They were very good. Yeah. RIP. I heard from the audience, what? Do they still make hostess snowballs? Yeah. They still do. Okay, then never mind. So you have no answer now.
Starting point is 01:19:46 No, I do have an answer. And I've said this before on the podcast. It's not a snack. It's a fast-food menu item, but the toasted raviolis from Jack in the Box were so fucking good. And they had them there for like under a year.
Starting point is 01:20:02 But I got them every time I went and then when they took them off the menu, I was like, how did they do this? They were so good. They were raviolis that were deep fried and they served you with a warm marinara dip in sauce. They were awesome. They were so, so good.
Starting point is 01:20:18 You sound good. Yeah. It sucks for you. Sounds like a shitty life, sorry. Do y'all remember those fruit snacks that were like animals? That was like zoo animal, huh? Animal crackers. No, that's not true. Do you Google animal fruit snacks
Starting point is 01:20:36 of 1992? Okay, hold up. Carl Tart. By the way, I think when they took those raviolis off the menu, next parents were like, oh, interesting reaction. Okay, animal fruit snacks
Starting point is 01:20:54 1992. Amazing fruit gummy bears. Amazing fruit. Unfortunately, only has a 38% rating from Rotten Tomatoes. It's because all the snakes were skinned. Yeah. Those amazing fruit. And I'm going to be honest, it probably
Starting point is 01:21:10 took a few years off my life. But in middle school, Pepsi Blue was the shit. Oh, Pepsi Blue is very good. Do they still make Teddy Grams? Yeah. Oh, you know what? So Teddy Grams had an Elvis
Starting point is 01:21:26 style jingle. I just want to be your Teddy Grams. But also did there was another snack of the era, potato skins, which was a chip that was like a TGI Friday style potato skin.
Starting point is 01:21:42 And it was fucking great. Wasn't it at the brand? No, it wasn't TGI Friday's brand. It was a different brand. I think it honestly was Kebler brand. But I just remember the part from the song that was like tasty baked potato,
Starting point is 01:21:58 sour cream and chive, cheddar bacon I can't believe you asked. That was it. That's it. Potato skins got a potato appeal because it made from potato skins that are real. It was basically the Teddy Grams song
Starting point is 01:22:14 but for potato skins instead of Teddy Grams. That's the one I always think of. When you clicked on your Google search, there was 45 different questions about Nick Volsdick. How long is it? How wide is it? Pictures of question mark?
Starting point is 01:22:30 Drawings of question mark? Does it answer mail question mark? All right. One more question. Ross Weisman. Ross, what's up, Ross? Ross, how are you doing, Ross? Good.
Starting point is 01:22:48 Hell yeah. I was making my way over there. Hey, so first of all, Mitch, last December I was the virtual audience member during Mitch Live. So hello. Wow, good to see you in person. I was hoping we'd never meet.
Starting point is 01:23:06 So anyway, my question is when I was a kid, my grandmother also named Rita, she took my brother and I on a behind the scenes tour of Arita's and it was awesome. So if you guys could choose to tour any chain
Starting point is 01:23:22 behind the scenes, which would you choose? I know immediately. My answer... I want to go to Red Lobster and I want to see how they make them Teter Bay Biscuits. I want to see that firsthand. And if it's like the restaurant and they get like a mix
Starting point is 01:23:38 and it like arrives frozen or something, they just defrost it and they just like bake the biscuits in the oven, then fuck that. I want to go to the factory. I want to go to the corporate kitchen where they show how they make that, how they figured out the food science and they have an answer too now.
Starting point is 01:23:54 The Taco Bell Test Kitchen. Oh boy, that's a great answer. And I know that I'll get in trouble there like in the Willy Wonk and the Chocolate Factory. And I'll turn into a big ball of sour cream or something. But it'll be worth it. When I was in first grade,
Starting point is 01:24:14 1996, we took a trip to Pizza Hut and it was still a sit down restaurant and it's still a highlight of my life going back and making pizzas with my kindergarten class. First grade class. Nothing will top that.
Starting point is 01:24:30 That's pathetic. Dang. What? Life's supposed to get better all the time. I peaked. Do you have an answer, Nangle? Fuck you. It was on the bottom of our beer cans in D.C.
Starting point is 01:24:49 That's not a lie. Some guy, a fan of the show who owned a brewery put it on the bottom of our beer cans. No peaking. Someone y'all had no peaking if the mics didn't pick that up. Does that mean something? Yeah, Mitch. No.
Starting point is 01:25:07 No, fuck you. No, let us wrap. No. No. No. I'm not doing one. I'm not doing one. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:25:23 No, you guys are too mean. Do you have an answer, Nangle? No. Look. There's time. Can I just tell you... I'm going to tell you this. I love Philly. I love Philadelphia.
Starting point is 01:25:39 You guys have always treated me a little mean because I'm a Massachusetts guy. I'm not going to do a lettuce wrap. Hold on. But I love a lot about Philadelphia. I've rode on the Skookle, like I said. I've eaten plenty of Philly cheese steaks here. And there's one particular love I have here,
Starting point is 01:25:59 and I'm going to sing a little song about it. Wow. Here we go. What on earth? What on earth? I used to eat my bagels alone, you know. I ate them by myself with some butter or even a little jam.
Starting point is 01:26:35 Then I found a topping and it worked just right. A creamy cheesy spread. I put it on my bagel with a knife because I love to eat that Philadelphia cream cheese from the day that I was born I spread it high Philadelphia cream cheese spread it on my bagel man with a side of Wawa coffee if you can Oh Philadelphia cream cheese spread it on
Starting point is 01:27:24 I love it spread it high extra points if it's whipped or it's chived spread it on spread it on spread it high won't you spread it high Philadelphia cream cheese I love you Yes I do
Starting point is 01:28:03 Mitch, should I join you? Yeah you should In Japan they used to like the sushi hole some people do sashimi and some others just like the good ol' calorie roll some people like the calorie roll I like eating salmon wrapped in seaweed and rice
Starting point is 01:28:28 until I got a big ol' scoop of that Philadelphia cream cheese They treated me so nice Because we love to eat that Philadelphia cream cheese from the day that we were born we spread it high Philadelphia cream cheese spread it on my bagel man with a side of Wawa coffee if you can Philadelphia cream cheese spread it on We love it spread it high
Starting point is 01:29:17 extra points if it's whipped and it's chived spread it high spread it high won't you spread it high Philadelphia cream cheese We love you Yes we do Guys Carl Tart
Starting point is 01:29:51 Christine Nagel You songin' them up I'm down next time for this move man I'm Nick Weigher Happy eatin' On the next Doe Boys Double Oktoberfest 2019 begins This year's theme will be revealed next week
Starting point is 01:30:28 Get the Doe Boys Double every Tuesday Only at slash Doe Boys This year's theme will be revealed next week Get the Doe Boys Double every Tuesday Only at slash Doe Boys Wooder Ice, Philly's classic summer cooler gets hot across the country by Caroline Beans and the Rita's corporate website
Starting point is 01:31:09 Full list of sources available in the episode description

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