Doughboys - Rockaroundtheclockdoughberfest: Denny's 3 with Shaun Diston

Episode Date: October 15, 2020

Shaun Diston (We Have To Stop Talkin' TMNT On CBB) joins the 'boys to talk puzzles, Star Wars, scary movies and Denny's. Plus, a Pizza Hut vs. Domino's edition of Jingle All The Weigh.Sources for this... week's intro: on Doughboys via Gumball.fmWant more Doughboys? Check out our Patreon!: for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, this is The Doughboys reminding you that in most states you can vote early in person before election day. You can also vote by mail. Visit slash head gum to get everything you need about voting early or by mail. That's slash head gum. Hammer and Hank. A bold nickname that contrasts with a soft-spoken demeanor of baseball hall of famer Henry Aaron,
Starting point is 00:00:39 but one fitting for the man who broke Babe Ruth's career home run record and held the title for over three decades. Though the connection has long been severed in the collective consciousness, it was in fact Hammer and Hank's prowess at socking dingers that inspired one of the most well-known combo meals in all of chain restaurants, the Grand Slam Breakfast. Just introduced in 1977 by a franchise owner in Atlanta, the city where Aaron spent the bulk of his professional career, the hearty breakfast named in honor of the baseball legend consists of two eggs, two strips of bacon, two sausage links, and two pancakes.
Starting point is 00:01:13 The Grand Slam would become the diner chain's signature menu item, alongside its cleverly named moons over Miami, and for many years patrons would receive it for free on their birthdays. The chain itself was born in 1953 as Danny's Donuts in the SoCal suburb of Lakewood, subsequently reworked its concept into a 24-hour diner and changed its name to avoid confusion with a then-competing and now-forgotten coffee dance. Today with over 1,700 locations worldwide, this beloved haunt for seniors is the world's largest diner chain.
Starting point is 00:01:44 But does its food and service take a cue from Hammer and Hank and knock it out of the park? This week on Doughboys, we continue rock around the Clocktoberfest, our month-long tour of 24-hour chains as we return, once again, to Denny's. Welcome to Doughboys, the podcast about chain restaurants. I'm Nick Weiger, along with my co-host, The Wolf of Wing Street, the Spoon Man Mike Mitchell. Wow. The Wolf of Wing Street. That's right.
Starting point is 00:02:36 That was courtesy of At Lame Rod from The Doughscored, roastspoonman at if you have an insult you'd like me to use on Mitch at the top of the show. You don't need to. In fact, you probably shouldn't. Do you like that Wolf of Wall Street? Lake Pierce, Scorsese? I like it. I like it a lot.
Starting point is 00:02:56 A lot of people were like, people got mad about that movie. They were like, ugh, that character, like, way to support douchey bankers and frat boys or whatever. I mean, Wall Street assholes, bankers, whatever, shut up, everyone. But it's like, Scorsese doesn't think he's a hero. He doesn't think Jordan Belfort's a hero? I mean, I thought the movie was really good. It's not his fault that a bunch of douchey assholes like embraced the movie and thought
Starting point is 00:03:29 like what they were doing, which was not supposed to be considered like when they were doing shit like partying in the office and being assholes and like shorting people. That wasn't a good thing. Scorsese didn't think that was good. I think that's just like everything, right? People always will just think like it's glamorizing whatever culture you're depicting, whatever subculture. That's just like how guys in the mafia like mob movies or the Sopranos, you know?
Starting point is 00:03:59 It's the same. And that's also Scorsese genre he operates in. I like that movie. I did hear that from someone who saw it in Manhattan with a bunch of Wall Street douchebags, that the part where Jordan Belfort, like he slips a note to say that he's wired to Jonah Hill, right? There's that scene towards the end of the movie and that when that happened, like the audience cheered, like it was like a heroic moment, which is kind of like, ah, that sucks.
Starting point is 00:04:27 Yeah, but that's, again, not Scorsese's fault. You know what I mean? Right. I don't think you do know what I mean. I do know what you mean. I think you're fucking scared. I'm not scared. You're scared of Scorsese.
Starting point is 00:04:43 Well, I don't want to mad at me. I like him. Hey, hey, hey, I liked it. Hey, Nick Weigar, are you home? It's me, Martin. I'm I'm here to fucking kick your ass in. Marty, please. I'm a big fan.
Starting point is 00:04:56 I like your entire filmography. Oh, including Coondune. I that's the one I haven't seen. He's he's probably my favorite director and I haven't seen all those movies. What a fucking piece of shit I am. I'm a fucking phony. I haven't seen all of his movies. My favorite director.
Starting point is 00:05:10 Get out of here. It's it's what do you get? We need all the time in the world to see every movie. I just took my shoes off. Mr. Roger style. Wags. Hmm, very cool. You're kind of the Mr. Rogers of podcasting.
Starting point is 00:05:24 Who are you? I'm Daniel Tiger. I mean, it was perfect. You nailed it. Yeah. Wags, I got to say congratulations to the Los Angeles Lakers. So gracious of you. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:05:40 You got to kind of got a championship. I mean, look, it counts, I guess, kind of. It counts. Very exciting. And look, we can we can both appreciate Rondo. We are now both we're both Rondo fans. Hey, you know, how about that? Just what a what a second act of his career.
Starting point is 00:05:59 Everyone thought he was cooked and then play off Rondo resurfaces. Yep. He rules Rondo rules. You were wrong rooting against him all those years. Anyways, here's a little drop wags and it comes from an old friend. But I think you might know his name, boy, a little guy named The Drop King. That was from The Drop King himself. Here's a drop for the next rock around the clock dober fest rat cappa, as we call it.
Starting point is 00:06:54 Yes. Episode. Hey, Drop King, get back to fucking work. We don't pay you for this bullshit. Right wags? Yeah, you better not invoice this as part of your billable hours. That was off the clock. I was I was like furrowing my brow, literally furrowing.
Starting point is 00:07:12 You may have seen it on on the camera there while that was playing, trying to remember the context for Night Spoon. It's for this month. It's for this month. And I think it was maybe a thing you said on the last episode. I just like that's how quickly things are in one ear and out the other when we're recording the show. Sounds like you got covid fog brain going on.
Starting point is 00:07:29 Oh boy. Is that what happened? You got it? Maybe I did. Maybe I got it. I certainly feel foggy all the time. Night moves. One of those songs is kind of like this like old man singing about like thinking about
Starting point is 00:07:51 like when he was like 15 years old and like trying to fuck kind of weird, right? Is that what it was? Isn't that what Night Moves is about? I always thought I was talking about chess strategy. Spoken like a true, what was the character from Mr. Rogers? Daniel Tiger. Daniel Tiger. Well, like Daniel Weigher.
Starting point is 00:08:14 Hey, Mitch, you're on a pun streak today. Mitch, we're continuing Rock Around the Clock, Doberfest, or Rackenema. And we have a fantastic guest, a first time guest for the show, but a beloved figure in podcasting. He's a writer, actor, and comedian, his new podcast with Scott Ackerman. We have to stop talking TMNT on CBB. Is available now on his Patreon. Sean Distan is here.
Starting point is 00:08:44 Hi Sean. Wow. I have to just come in with a wow. Feels good to be here on Doe Boys. Huge fan. Wow. It's an honor to be on the show. Hello, Mitch.
Starting point is 00:08:56 Overdo. Hello, Nick. Yeah, maybe. I don't know about that. It's fun because there are sometimes, there are podcasts that I've never been on that I really enjoy listening to, and this is one of them. So it's fun to not have to skip an episode, or I'm like, I can't listen to myself talk. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:14 Right. That's me with every episode of Doe Boys. Yeah. I feel like you don't listen to any of them. No. Well, in classic Doe Boys style, it's taking us far too long to get you on the show. We apologize. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:28 No. Apology is necessary. Yeah. Huge fan. Recently been listening to a lot of old episodes while doing puzzles. Wow. It's a really nice sort of combination, like the puzzle and the concentration on the puzzle and the really meandery conversations about Star Wars and Sonic and all that stuff.
Starting point is 00:09:49 It really goes together really well. I'd make that as a suggestion. Stuff we haven't, stuff that we've talked about since the start of the podcast, and we just haven't. Literally. Fucking losers. No, no. Continuously for five years.
Starting point is 00:10:03 I mean, I'm doing Star Wars puzzles. Like I just did one with Vader and a bunch of villains, and yeah, like Bask was on, like it was very cool. Oh, man. That's so cool. I guess a few of the villains who were on there. Yeah, yeah. Let's guess them.
Starting point is 00:10:22 Was, okay. Did, did, did Salacious make a little appearance on there? Salacious crumb. I do not believe so. Okay. All right. Why is your up? Uh, Grand Admiral Thrawn.
Starting point is 00:10:34 No. No Thrawn. Okay. No Thrawn. Think, think, uh, original movies. Okay. Here's the thing. I think a couple of the bad guys who were unnamed.
Starting point is 00:10:45 Like there's a guy in like sort of a turban. Is there, who, who would that be? Hmm. Rank or keeper? Can't, can't be him. I'm going to pull up the puzzle here because now I'm realizing there are a couple that were probably just unnamed and surrounding Vader. But I know Bask was there.
Starting point is 00:11:01 I know the, the robot assassin that was behind Ig 88, Ig 88 was in there. But I don't know if it's Ig 88 or that original robot from, right? The originals. Um, well, there's, there's, there's Ig 88 and what is the, what is the one on the Mandalorian? Mando's friend? Yeah. Who's Mando's friend? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:11:25 Isn't that, isn't, isn't he, uh, he's played by the director, right? Isn't he Ig 88? No, that Ig 88 is, is the, is the droid from before that he is, he's, he's a, he's, he's staying around Boba Fett and, and, and all those guys when they're, when Vader is trying to recruit bounty hunters, correct, correct? It's IG 11. Yes. It's IG 11.
Starting point is 00:11:46 Ah. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Well, I don't know. It's one of them in there. But look, I'm, I'm, I've done a couple Mandalorian with Baby Yoda puzzles. Oh yeah. Um, it's been a really good quarantine activity.
Starting point is 00:11:58 I really suggest that and Doe Boys. So just, just classic jigsaw puzzles. How many pieces are we talking? Right now, because of table size, I go with 500. It's just me doing them. It takes a couple days to get through one. Um, but yeah, it's been really chill. Was Jubnuck in there?
Starting point is 00:12:18 The, uh, there, there's, I don't know if I say this correctly because, well, I think you corrected me one time, but Gamorian or Gamorian. I've heard Gamorian. I've heard Gamorian. Gamorian Guard. He was not on there. Gamorian Guard. Jubnuck is the one who was eaten by the Rancor.
Starting point is 00:12:33 Yes. He's in the Rancor's belly. No Rancor either, right? There was, there was like a, there was like a, oh man. I want to just get up and grab the puzzle. Hold on. I'm going to grab it. All right.
Starting point is 00:12:46 Hell yeah. Okay. Sean is leaving. What happens with guests a lot? Hey Nick, you know what? I think I'm going to leave too. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:54 You know what? Me too. I'm out. Emma's gone. I'm surprised I haven't lasted this long. It was very close. Okay. I'm holding it up.
Starting point is 00:13:02 This is it. Wow. Okay. So yes. Boba Fett was on there. I forgot to mention Boba Fett, of course. Then you've got this guy. I don't know who this guy is.
Starting point is 00:13:10 I can't see him. That looks like another of the, the bounty hunters. Yes. It looks like one of the bounty hunters. The humanoid bounty hunters. I think they're just the bounty hunters because it's like, you see these two guys in the corner? So Darth Vader is basically, he's, he's having a day, he's having a day out with all the bounty hunters.
Starting point is 00:13:27 They're hanging out. Yeah. He's sort of in a flying V with the, the bounty hunters and they're sort of waltzing down a sort of well lit corner. But yeah, like it's fun to make baby Yoda with a jigsaw puzzle. It's fun. Uh, so you mentioned Bosque, Bosque is on there. Boba Fett.
Starting point is 00:13:45 Yes. Now the, the human one, the humanoid one that you, uh, we were talking about earlier, that's Dengar. I just looked it up. Oh, Dengar. That's right. I know Dengar. And then IG-88, of course, I think that covers the big four of, of bounty hunters, at least
Starting point is 00:14:00 from the original trilogy hit. Now, if you want to expand it to the prequels, et cetera, you got your Sam Wessel from Attack of the Clones. Um, you've of course got a Cad Bane from the Clone Wars and, uh, and Django. Now, I got a question for you. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Is it in that group?
Starting point is 00:14:18 Is it Bosch or is it Bosque? It's Bosque. It's, it's Bosch. It's, it's not Bosch. It's not Bosch. It's something else. Yeah. Bosch is on Amazon.
Starting point is 00:14:29 Bosch. Bosch isn't in that lineup. No. Bosch is on Prime. Uh, Bosch is on, uh, the Star Destroyer. It would have been very fun to like go back and edit in Bosch, sort of behind Boba Fett. I don't know. I don't understand why Weiger was taking me literally.
Starting point is 00:14:46 I know Bosch isn't there for God's sakes. You were just having ambiguity on the pronunciation of Gammerian versus Gamorian. Maybe you were, you were unclear on Bosch versus Bosch. Yeah, but that's something you don't know either. I know, I know Bosch. Come on. Everyone knows Bosch. All right.
Starting point is 00:15:01 Jump down my throat. He even said it. Trying to help you. We're talking about Bosch and Bosch. Here's the, I want to say one thing about Star Wars. I do think that like, uh, in the way that the flash has the reverse flash, I feel like I might be the reverse Mitch on Star Wars. Wow.
Starting point is 00:15:22 I love the last Jedi. I think it's the best Star Wars movie period. Wow. Hot take. I don't look. I don't want to get into a big argument about it. It is my favorite Star Wars. You hate the original Star Wars movies?
Starting point is 00:15:34 I don't hate the originals, but my thing on the originals is like, I saw them, there isn't the same nostalgia that I think other people have with seeing them when they were like really young. Right. So I saw them in like my, probably like teen years and look, watching them now, they're old movies. Like they're hot. Oh my God, Sean.
Starting point is 00:15:54 Like look, I really do love them, but like I appreciate the new ones as well. This goes into the territory. Like I don't like it. It's old. I don't like the old thing. The old TV show. No. You know what it is?
Starting point is 00:16:07 It's that like you can watch Star Wars and be like, that doesn't make sense. That's stupid. That doesn't make sense. But then we just don't do that with the old movies. So like they get elevated in a way that's like, okay, but like if you wanted to pick apart the logic of like Empire Strikes Back in the same way that you can last Jedi, it's like, I don't know. I feel like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:16:28 Yeah, but I don't think that's the reason the reasons that last Jedi is bad. The nitpicks aren't the only thing that I don't like about the movie. Yeah. It's characters and story and things like that that are that are incredibly bad. Look, I don't want to get into this, but I love that movie. Look, I'm also a professional writer. Let's put it on the table. I am a professional writer and I have an opinion that is the last Jedi is the best Star Wars.
Starting point is 00:16:54 So put that out there. Wow. Also, we've been we've been ranking Star Wars on the Ninja Turtles podcast and more people than you would think ranked the last Jedi in their top one or two. Oh, no, I've seen it. It's disgusting. I for a time, I thought I was there was a time when I was like, I think I like it more than than a new hope.
Starting point is 00:17:15 And then I've revisited. I'm like, I think I like a new hope more, but I think it is. It's in my top four, top five last. I really like last Jedi. I like it more than all the prequels. I don't like it more than Force Awakens. And I like the prequels. I don't want to hate you for this whole episode.
Starting point is 00:17:30 So let's it's not worth it. Wags. I'm already Mitch. Do you do you remember when I yelled at you near a Del Taco once? Yes. By accident. Now I this is why I'm so I wanted to apologize to you. I've been trying to apologize to you about that.
Starting point is 00:17:51 You did. I told you it was no big deal. I was so well, anyway, for the listeners, I was drunk at a Del Taco with a friend and I spotted Mitch and the birthday boys. And I got out of the car and yelled birthday boys and then ran at them full speed. And I must have the looks that I saw on my friends. I couldn't have been more embarrassed.
Starting point is 00:18:15 I feel like Hanford looked he was he looked like I was it looked like someone was going to murder them for a second. I was like, this was a mistake. Hey, guys, good to see you. And then I ran away. Hanford's easily startled. My thing is that I didn't. I didn't realize it was you for a long time.
Starting point is 00:18:33 I couldn't. How could you have? I was running at you full speed in the dark. It was yes. It was very that was the thing was very dark out and I and I didn't I couldn't really see like I couldn't I couldn't see you and it was all it was all a surprise to me. You guys were probably walking home from a fun night at like
Starting point is 00:18:51 one of the bars right there on Glendale and I decided to start crazy with the I'm not sure if it was a fun night. It was a night. It was a night, but always wanted to apologize about that. I apologize about my Star Wars opinion. Your Star Wars opinion. You have nothing to apologize about. But Nick is the only one who should have to apologize.
Starting point is 00:19:11 People don't get that. They're going to be bad at me just for saying that last Jedi is bad, but I don't care. Oh, I want to. I'll join you with shitting on Rise of Skywalker. And so low like they really nailed the they really nailed the they stuck they stuck the landing with the Rise of Skywalker. Let me.
Starting point is 00:19:28 Can I ask you guys a question about that movie? Would you have been happy if Chewbacca died instead of them bringing him back? Well, I wouldn't have been happy up until that point of the movie. I was like, this is actually pretty good. And then once they like brought him back a scene later, I was like, OK, this is kind of I'm done with this. I just don't understand how you can have a Star Wars movie.
Starting point is 00:19:51 And Luke and Han were never together again in the new Star Wars movie. Like it just was completely. They did promise of that moment. It would have been nice to see that moment that you can't get back, which is Star Wars. I mean, you like Star Wars because you like Han Solo. You like Luke.
Starting point is 00:20:08 You like Leia. You like the characters and aliens. But to Sean's question, I will say they handle that fake out so poorly to the point where there isn't even a moment of tension. There isn't even like like you got to give me 30 minutes or something where we're not seeing Chewbacca if you want that fake out to pay off and then have give him a big like comeback moment where he rescues somebody out of the shadows or something.
Starting point is 00:20:30 Oh God, that moment just it's so they just immediately reveal that it was a fake out. And then the next scene is Ray and Finn talking about it and Ray being very sad about Chewie dying, but you already know he's alive. It's such a dumb. Like they should just literally swap those two scenes like. Yeah. Right.
Starting point is 00:20:49 Anyways, that movie I do not like at all, but. It's dog shit. It's really terrible. It made the whole. The whole thing kind of is less. So yeah. You know, it's 100 percent. It's so bad and I can't believe that it's that it's a slightly
Starting point is 00:21:02 better than Last Jedi, which is awful. All right. All right. Okay. All right. Now, hey, quickly, Sean, this is a little bit of a callback, but in that line of Bonnie Hunters is Epstein a part of the group. Oh, wait.
Starting point is 00:21:16 Let me look. Oh, okay. Actually very small in the corner. It's Epstein and he he's holding a note that says I did not kill myself. Oh my God. Wow. This is interesting.
Starting point is 00:21:27 When did they publish his puzzle? He's very small. He's he's he's basically salacious, a crumb size in that picture. He's like a Babu Frick. He's a little. Now if. Babu. Mitch's favorite character, Babu Frick.
Starting point is 00:21:42 Oh God. And then people will be like, Babu Frick owns. I'm like, Babu Frick sucks. People were people were looking for anything in that movie to make it feel like it was kind of worth watching and not just like a complete mess. And Babu Frick, I think was like one of the few things that was at all entertaining in that that piece of until until he pops up in
Starting point is 00:22:05 Zory Bliss's ship at the end for whatever to prove that he escaped and lived. It's like, I don't care. That was the dumbest part. That was so stupid. Really. Star Wars. I kind of I took a bit of a Jabba pose here on the couch.
Starting point is 00:22:19 You kind of are laid out. Yeah. Yeah. Mitch is in his basement. I am. The cats have the cats have gold bikinis on. And I do have a jar of frogs I'm eating. Wags.
Starting point is 00:22:35 Yes, I'm down here in the basement in Quincy. This is the my so behind me. This is actually a picture of my mom took. My mom wanna my mom. I told you this. I've told the story in the podcast before, but my mom went to Wally Wine and Lickers, a nearby liquor store. And she there was Kahlua there and they asked her to take a sample of
Starting point is 00:22:54 it and she want a trip to Africa. And and she and her and my dad went to Africa and that these they they put all the pictures from the safari up on the wall here. So that's what this is. That's what this room is. That's what you're seeing there. You have a picture of three elephants. That's right.
Starting point is 00:23:10 It's a great photo. It's a great photo. Looks like National Geographic. There's two elephants and I'm sitting next to it is what waggers. You fucking dick. No, there is three elephants. I wasn't saying that. Oh, I thought you I was looking at it through my camera.
Starting point is 00:23:25 I was looking at it through the monitor. One second. I was like, Mitch is roasting himself. This is really interesting. Oh, man. Accidental self-owned. That sucks. Sean, you mentioned so that this incident with the birthday boys,
Starting point is 00:23:44 which I'd heard about in the past and I was very happy to hear. Yes, I believe for everyone. I believe Hanford nervously called you that night, right? Yeah. Yeah. He was like, Hey, so, um, what was that all about? No, no, no. Um, but you mentioned you were outside of Del Taco.
Starting point is 00:24:02 Yes. Now, Del Taco, a favorite chain of mine. Do you have a take on the Dell? So I actually don't. This was the first time I had ever gone to a Del Taco, which was also a historic event. Wow. So I have a friend, Jessica Svensgaard,
Starting point is 00:24:17 who used to like get drunk on the weekends at like parties and then on her way home would be like, in someone else's car would like drive through the Del Taco, drive through, and she sort of did like an Instagram live where she would just take you through the whole thing, eat the food in the car and then call it like the, I don't remember what it was called, but she, she did a bunch of these Instagram lives
Starting point is 00:24:40 and I was like, I want to do one. So I eventually did. So that's why I was drunk in a Del Taco parking lot. Um, and I think. Yes. Were you by like a, there was a van or something, right? Wasn't there like a bigger car? But I mean, we weren't with the van or whatever,
Starting point is 00:24:55 but there are a bunch of drunk people drinking in the parking lot and eating in the parking lot. And yeah, I don't even remember what I had. Honestly, I'm not a huge drive through person at all. Interesting. I was like, I'm from Florida and like I basically did drive, like I've done every single drive through like a thousand times. So when I moved to New York and stopped driving,
Starting point is 00:25:19 like that just stopped becoming part of my routine, you know? Right. And I just haven't like built it back in since moving to LA. So it was, it was interesting. Yeah. Like I, I think it was fine. I don't remember anything about it though. Totally unremarkable.
Starting point is 00:25:33 Probably Taco Bell would have been better. Now Wags is, now Wags is pissed off. Yeah. Yeah. I'm a controversial guest on this pod. I've always said I've, I also don't eat cheese at all. Like I don't like the cheese. So I don't eat pizza.
Starting point is 00:25:48 I feel like I'm, I've said multiple times that I would be a bad guest on, on Dirt Boys. You're doing a Ninja Turtles podcast and you don't eat pizza. And I don't, that is an irony that I've not really dug too far into, but that is true. They like weird stuff on pizzas. You could do like a, do you ever do a sauce pizza? You do cheese.
Starting point is 00:26:09 So I'll say this, when I was living in New York, I was living with a girlfriend at the time who loved Domino's. So like I would just be like, all right, I can get a Domino's Thin Crust with no cheese on it and a bunch of other toppings. And it actually was really good. Yeah. And I've like done that on like some very drunk nights here in LA too, but. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:33 The, the, the, that Domino's Thin Crust is, is tasty, but then also, I was, Wags, I mean, we could probably turn this into a double content baby, but I went down for my, my birthday. I went down to New Haven. That's right. Connecticut, Wags. And I, and I, and I went to a few pizza places. I don't know if we should, should we save it, Wags?
Starting point is 00:26:55 Should we save the specifics? Hmm. Um, I mean. This is a game time decision. I don't know. Sure. Yeah. You know what?
Starting point is 00:27:05 Let's make that a double. We'll make that a Patreon exclusive episode. Tease the double. The, the, the, the home of Pete, the home of the best pizza in the country. Is that what they say in New Haven? That's, they love it in New Haven. There's, there's four big spots and then two kind of on the outside of, outside of, outskirts of town or maybe in the next town over.
Starting point is 00:27:21 Can you preview it with sort of a tease? Like, is there something that, a take that you want to tease for the Patreon? One of the, one of the pizzas was definitely in the top five pizzas I've ever had. Okay. Wow. Wow. That's good. Okay.
Starting point is 00:27:36 That's good stuff. Guys, if you're not on the Patreon, you gotta get on there. There's so many episodes. So we can follow, you can follow the journey of sort of the world by going back to 2016 and listening through. Jesus Christ. All the way through. And as you can tell, we put a lot of effort into our doubles.
Starting point is 00:27:53 We'll just, literally one sentence is worth of discussion. Now maybe. Before committing to an hour long record. Maybe the, the world has gotten bad since the, maybe we have to end that. You have to put an end to the fucking double. That might be it. That might be the cause of all of our woes. That's the curse.
Starting point is 00:28:11 Yeah. We've got it. We've got to kill the double. So I want, I want to, I went to the, I went to the big four in New Haven. I'll say that much, but I'll save the discussion for it later. But a lot of the places you got to order like the, the marinara pie. Yeah. Grandma Slice.
Starting point is 00:28:28 Is that what they call it? I think they call it marinara pies. I could be wrong or tomato pies or something like that. I forget what it is, but then you got to add, you got to add mozzarella to it. Like you got to add, you got to add on. I think it's basically they just sprees. They sprinkled the, what's that cheese, Nick? The, uh, help me out here.
Starting point is 00:28:45 Parmesan? Parmesan cheese. It's sprinkled lightly with parmesan. God, we host a food podcast. What's that cheese? My brain just doesn't work. Everyone knows this. So let me ask you guys, let me ask you guys a question.
Starting point is 00:28:58 So like you guys have been to Florida. Are you guys like Florida visitors at all? I've been to Florida only in the context of visiting Orlando as a child. And that was just basically to go to Orlando parks. So that, so I can't really say I've seen much of Florida. But wait, what part of Florida are you from? I'm from Miami, Florida, but I also went to school in Gainesville, Florida. Okay.
Starting point is 00:29:22 So I basically, like all I'm saying is like chains and, and like drive-throughs. Like there is every type of fucking drive-through and like I lived in drive. Like I worked construction for a while. So like I would in the morning go get breakfast, McDonald's breakfast. And then like at lunch, I'd go to Burger King. And then like on my way home, I'd get Wendy. Like it was a disgusting life of living like Florida is a disgusting place. And if you're like a person who like gets a car at 16 or something,
Starting point is 00:29:56 you just are eating and drive-throughs forever. So like the idea of doing drive-through anything now kind of I'm just like, I don't really want to do it. Right. But I do like listening to the podcast and being like, maybe I should go get a like Wendy's spicy chicken sandwich and shit. Oh man. I mean, yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:13 Same here. I mean, definitely not as many drive-throughs as Florida. Like we noticed that when we go to certain cities and stuff just like where there's a drive-through heavy presence. Yeah. Well, there's just less real estate in LA. Like it's just a little bit pricier. And so yeah, some of these, you know,
Starting point is 00:30:32 I still think that the drive-throughs are pretty prevalent though. I mean, there's Southern California is the birthplace of the drive-through restaurant. And even in Quincy or wherever outside of Boston or in Boston, you have drive-throughs of course, but it's that sort of thing of like, what you know this why is when we drive into a city or a part of town and there's just, you see it, it's just the strip malls of all every single drive-through on Earth. And Florida does just have more of that. Florida just, Florida has a ton of that shit.
Starting point is 00:31:00 You see it everywhere. Every chain you could want is there. The thing I always find staggering is just the parking. Like just like there's just so much part, just gigantic lots with just ample spaces everywhere. Like a bank will have like a hundred car parking lot. And you're just like, okay, I mean, yeah. Sounds like South Park. Hey, ample parking everywhere.
Starting point is 00:31:22 There you go. Anyways, I lost track of what I was going to say, Wags. You were talking about Florida was Florida has a lot of drive-throughs. Oh yeah. Well, I went down to Florida a few times just for Disney reasons, but even just going there the past time I was in Disney, like their downtown Disney area or whatever, you know, whatever it is. The chain restaurants that die in other parts of the world still thrive in Florida.
Starting point is 00:31:54 It's insane. I remember we used to go to Kenny Rogers. Is that anything that people remember? Certainly. We used to go to Kenny Rogers Roasters, I guess it was called or something. And I felt like that was something everyone had. Everyone just had, you went to Kenny Rogers. I just didn't understand that it was such a like,
Starting point is 00:32:14 there's just something so like suburban about where I grew up in Miami and like chain restaurants are everywhere. Benignans was another one that like lived out there for a long time, which I feel like is probably completely dead now. Yeah. Benignans, yeah, I think Kenny Rogers Roasters, you know, there was famously that Seinfeld episode about it, but they used to be a little bit more everywhere.
Starting point is 00:32:40 Now I don't know if they might all be closed. Don't get me wrong here. Is this the correct episode where Kramer, where maybe it's Newman sees Kramer as a chicken at one point? No, that's a different episode. It is a different episode? That's a different episode. That's where Kramer starts shaving with butter and then he starts bathing with butter
Starting point is 00:33:00 and then Newman sees him as very succulent. And then he's out the sun or something, right? Yeah. And then he smells really good. Yeah. And Newman has him hold parsley and then he chases him up on stage. That's really good writing, guys. Yeah, it's very good.
Starting point is 00:33:13 That's great. That is a great moment. It's like such a cartoon. No, the episode with Kenny Rogers Roasters is that there's a gigantic Kenny Rogers Roasters sign outside his window. Outside. And then so Jerry and Kramer have to switch apartments because the sign is so bright and then they switch personalities.
Starting point is 00:33:34 And then that's a fun little game they have there. Yeah, that's fun. The sign felt is a good rewatch right now. Do you guys, I mean... Always, I think. Interesting. We just have it on sometimes because we actually have regular ass TV, which has been a godsend in these times of quarantine.
Starting point is 00:33:50 So I'll just like, I'll just, yeah, we'll just have it on. And I'll just like, yeah, I remember this episode. I don't know if I was watching it for the first time if I would be like, oh, this is genius, but rewatching it, I think it holds up. Nick, when did you go back to regular ass TV? Was that recent? Kind of when we moved. But also it's, you know, we're all three of us are big time sportos here.
Starting point is 00:34:09 We like to watch sports on TV. There's no good way to watch sports, especially local sports without it, without actually having regular ass TV. I've been thinking about going back to, honestly, like really considering it, especially for the playoffs because it was really annoying to be like, okay, now I have to find a stream that I can like get on. It just was never stable. I missed parts of the games always.
Starting point is 00:34:31 It was really annoying. You always complimented me on my regular ass, having regular ass TV, which I always like to have regular ass TV. Where do you guys throw it at? Like when you turn on the TV and you have cable, where do you guys throw on immediately? Like what are the first things? Fox News.
Starting point is 00:34:48 Fox News, just to see what's going on. Nick, not for me. I'm a Bloomberg man. Just see what the ticker is on Bloomberg TV. I usually, I flip around. I usually, I watch the, I'll turn on the HBO's a lot of the time. See what movies are playing on any of the movie channels, and I'll just kind of turn on a movie.
Starting point is 00:35:17 And then besides that, you know, there's a lot of sports center just to watch. I don't, ESPN drives me nuts, but I'll. It does. I can't watch ESPN anymore. It's fucking bad, but I just, just seeing anything about sports, you know what I mean? Just to have it on and catching up. Because a lot of times if you don't watch the games or whatever,
Starting point is 00:35:35 if you just have on sports center, you kind of, you get the gist of what happened. You can catch up. Yeah. I remember in college just letting sports center play through the night on the TV, like 10 times in a row. And like, I am disgusted by the idea of watching people give opinions on sports. I just don't like it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:52 ESPN is so wack. ESPN such is a drag. I will say to, I will, a lot of times just have TBS or TNT on, because they usually just have like shows and syndication or movies. They're like FX, right? Yeah, exactly. Yeah. I have Apple TV.
Starting point is 00:36:07 So there's like a couple of channels that I can stream live from like friends, logins or whatever. And like FX is one that I'm like, all right, look, I'll throw on transformers or whatever and just let it play in the background. Right. Those are great. Yeah. Movies like that.
Starting point is 00:36:22 And you know what? It's going to be great, Nick. For you in the spooky season, you get to watch some scary movies. You can toss on a scary movie whenever it's on. That's right. And specifically scary movie. Scary movie too. Have you guys been watching scary movies since October hit?
Starting point is 00:36:40 I've watched a few, but I'm not like a huge scary movie guy. Nick and I watch scary movie. We try to watch it every day in October, right, Nick? And you just mouth along to the scenes and you do the like, you do the come face where she gets like, come to the ceiling or whatever, which is such a fucking crazy scene. Oh, it's so crazy. And scary movie too.
Starting point is 00:37:04 Is it when one of the Wayne's brothers gets rolled up into a joint and smoked by. That sounds right. And smoked by a giant pot plant. I believe that it's scary movie. Like weed smokes one of the stoner characters in scary movie too. Scary movie too. I have a spot for Chris Elliott's in it and he has kind of a fucked up hand. There's a sort of missing place for those types of movies now in theaters because they were huge.
Starting point is 00:37:27 Like, yeah, the movies. Yeah, those like Wayne's brothers spoof movies in particular. I feel like they, yeah, I haven't seen one of those in a while. Yeah. It's weird that I wonder why that like taste or something has changed. Well, I think they did some like lower budget ones that made them a little bit of money. Like they did a like the, you know, the one where it's like all found footage and it's just stuff moving in the background.
Starting point is 00:37:54 What's that movie called? Paranormal Activity. Yeah. Yeah. They did a spoof of that that I watched that was like pretty fun and good, but it just isn't as like big budget and like it didn't have like a huge push, I guess commercially, but they've done movies, but they're just not as like trying to be blockbusters.
Starting point is 00:38:12 I guess. Wags and I were pissed off. They did podcast movie. It was really. Oh yeah. They really fucked you guys up. Yeah. Weren't you guys weren't you guys like in a room and you would like eating
Starting point is 00:38:24 eating yourselves to death like that one guy in seven, right? Yeah. And you were still talking and you were like, oh yeah, Cheesecake Factory is pretty good. In seven, that guy, the gluttony thing, he eats like he forces him to eat like a bunch of like tomato sauce or whatever. Yeah. A bunch of spaghetti.
Starting point is 00:38:43 And then he and then he kicks his stomach in and he like bursts basically. Yeah. It's disgusting. I feel like if someone just kicked my stomach hard enough right now, it would be a similar situation. Like a fucking spaghetti. Pinata, just a bunch of shit would fall out. And somehow you would feel relieved.
Starting point is 00:39:03 Probably. Just to be freed from this mortal coil. By the way, Sean, I want to say that night that you ran on us, I believe the birthday boys and I went back to Del Taco and had some Del Taco that night. Wow. Sort of just, and then just sort of were like, wow, that was really crazy. You know, just sort of bonded about how crazy that was. I was holding Hanford in my arms.
Starting point is 00:39:26 Like a baby. Like a baby boy. That's kind of like a scary movie, you know, it almost is like the beginning of a haunting. No, since, since October, I've watched Dr. Sleep, which I saw in theaters, which is really stupid. Have you guys seen that the shining sequel? I watched it.
Starting point is 00:39:41 Yeah, it's pretty stupid. Yeah. It's so stupid. I mean, it's fun to watch, but very, very dumb. Yeah. I also watched Adam's Family Values, which I guess isn't really scary, but just fun. Are you guys a fan of the Adams family?
Starting point is 00:39:55 I like that. Yeah. They're great movies. I have a list of some stuff. I watched the new Invasion of the, not the new, the 1978 Invasion of the Body Snatchers, not new by any means. And, and, and I watched Hubee, Hubee Halloween.
Starting point is 00:40:09 Oh, is that good? Halloween is upon us. That's what he says in the movie. That sounds good. Uh, he, I mean, he's, he's, he's the funniest to me. He's, he's the funniest person in the world. So I love him. Shout out to the great Betsy Sedaro,
Starting point is 00:40:24 also the funniest person in the world. Hubee Halloween. Yes. She's so funny in it. With Shaq. I saw a picture, right? With Shaq. She gets to hang with Shaq.
Starting point is 00:40:33 She does a great job with Shaq. She's awesome in it. Does Shaq throw anyone over a house? Or is there, is that a spoiler? Shaq does not, Shaq does not throw anyone over a house. So, but, uh, but, but yeah. No, Hubee Halloween is, it's, it's, it's pretty fun. Do you think it's better than little Nikki or is it,
Starting point is 00:40:50 is little Nikki better, you think? Like which one is the Halloween Sandler to watch? I would watch Hubee Halloween. I think Hubee Halloween is a lot of fun. Wow. Um, but Popeye's chicken does fucking rock wise, as we know. Um, I, uh, I just saw a tenet.
Starting point is 00:41:06 I, I rented a theater out for my birthday. I saw a tenet. I saw it as well in a drive through. What'd you think? Wow. Um, I thought it was okay. Yeah. I, I, it was, I think also drive watching a movie like that
Starting point is 00:41:21 and a drive through is hard because it's like, you have to be paying attention to every single second of the movie because it's so detailed. But I don't know. I, I wasn't that interested in it. I couldn't understand what was happening. There's some action. I mean, it's almost good that you couldn't like understand some
Starting point is 00:41:37 of it because there's so much like gobbledygook that it's like not, it's like some of Nolan's most gobbledygooky movie. It's like a temporal pincer move. I'm like, all right, I'm just going to watch what happens with the cars. Yeah. And some of that stuff is, some of that stuff is, uh, is amazing. Like some of that action stuff is, is crazy.
Starting point is 00:41:57 I feel like it's a movie that I would have liked better as a novel, honestly. Like if they could have really gotten into a lot of what was happening more and like explained it in a way that I could have taken in reading, it was just being thrown at me so fast. But yeah, some, some cool action happens and there's a couple like interesting twists that happen that you're like, okay, cool.
Starting point is 00:42:18 Yeah. It's still not, not, not great. No, no. But hey, getting to see any movie. I was, I was a happy camper. I was, I was, I was happy. What was that like renting out the movie theater, Mitch? It was, it was, it felt way, way more safe.
Starting point is 00:42:31 I went with a, with a few Quincy guys who we all got tested and we went down there and, uh, we watched, uh, we watched, there was just five of us. We watched, uh, Well, who's, who's the crew? Let's get, give us a rundown. We got Breslin. We got Micas.
Starting point is 00:42:44 We got Dano. We got Joe EO and we got Wu-Tang. So six, including me. Wow. And one theater. I rented out the entire theater. Are any of your Quincy friends potentially learning about this happening from listening to this podcast and offended
Starting point is 00:42:58 they were excluded? There's a possibility. I may be fucked up and forgot. Maybe I'm gonna ask. Like what the fuck, man? Do you think that your guy, did you guys like behave the way you would in a normal movie theater? Were you acting like it was your private TV?
Starting point is 00:43:18 Like were you sitting silently? Like the way you were like good? Yeah, we, we, we did honestly. I, like, I think because also we were separate. You know, we were pretty far apart from each other, but I think because like none of us had seen a movie in a while. Like, like we all kind of want to see a movie and just kind of, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:43:39 Relax and watch the movie. But there were moments where I was like, huh? And like, what is, what's happening? But it was, it was, it was a great time. Stocky, I hope I asked you if you're listening. He's a busy man. But yeah, no, it was, it was, we went down on a Friday and we went to some pizza spots.
Starting point is 00:43:59 But yeah, a lot of those pizzas down there. Sean, you'd like them because it's just that marinara style. I don't know if that's like an old school Italian thing where they just do like the marinara pie, but those can be good slices that need to be. Especially, yeah. Don't like cheese. That to me is, that is tough.
Starting point is 00:44:15 Honestly, it was from a Domino's experience, funny enough. Like I think when I was young, I was at a party and I had a bunch of slices of cheese pizza and got very, very, very sick. And then since then, just the idea and the smell of cheese reminds me of like being sick. Okay. It's unfortunate. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:36 But as a versions go, I think there are worse ones because cheese is not, that's just like a nutritional negative, I feel like. It's just, it's just a difficult to digest and usually just laden with fat and calories. It's allowed me to eat shitty in other ways, I feel like. If I was also eating cheese, I think things would probably be very out of control. So.
Starting point is 00:44:55 Right. Yeah. You'd be like us. Well, no, I mean, you know, I've, no, no, I'd never be like you. No, I recently, I recently saw a picture of Mitch, you're looking pretty good, my man. Oh, thank you. Mitch is looking great.
Starting point is 00:45:10 I'm trying. I'm back home and my mother makes sure that I'm up and exercising. So that is a. That's good motivation, like a check-in coach. That's really good. But no, I've been, I've been trying to eat well. I've been intermittent fasting and trying to do my water. It was tough because I'm back here and, you know, my birthday and the
Starting point is 00:45:31 birthday day. And then when we went down and went on a pizza tour were tough days. But besides that, trying to eat healthy and go on, you know, go on some walks every day, at least get right close to three miles in at least. That's what I'm trying to do at least. So. I did intermittent fasting in 2018 for a really long time and I was really good about it.
Starting point is 00:45:50 And I felt incredible. Like I, I wish I was more disciplined to do it now. But. Yeah. It works. It's difficult to maintain, but you know, pivoting from eating on a rigid schedule to eating any time of day or night. It is, of course, rock around the clock, doberfest, racquetaba.
Starting point is 00:46:11 And this month's, this week's chain rather, this month's theme, this week's chain is Denny's. And also I am the night spoon. You got to call me the night spoon. Mitch is the night spoon for this month and this month only. Denny's was founded in 1953 in my hometown of Lakewood, California. Originally called Denny's Donuts. They're over 1700 Denny's worldwide.
Starting point is 00:46:29 It was originally called Denny's Donuts. Denny's? Denny's was called Denny's. And then there was another chain that was called Dan's, that they had to change it to Denny's to avoid some sort of litigation. Or just, or just confusion. Wait, they had donuts at some point? Was it a donut place?
Starting point is 00:46:45 They were a donut shop first and they got about a half dozen locations and then they were like, this donut thing doesn't have legs. Let's become a diner. They, they reshifted to being a diner concept and then the rest is history. So yeah, they became, they went from Denny's Donuts to Denny's Diner. Wow. And so, hey Mrs. Mitchell is popping into the frame. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:08 This is incredible. Wow. One second. What a cameo. What is this? The podcast world is listening to you. Wow. What a moment.
Starting point is 00:47:18 I'll cut it. This is incredible. What a moment in Doughboy's history. I love it. Maybe I won't cut it. She came down to get, give you some food, Mitch? She came down to offer me some, was it spicy tuna rolls, Ma? Yep.
Starting point is 00:47:31 You don't even know what she offered you? Well, I was shocked. We all were. Oh, to have, to be living with a mom that brings you food unannounced, that would, that was very nice. I had just, I had eaten before I'd eaten a leftover of another place that we're not doing today. So I can't, I can't say what it was, but.
Starting point is 00:47:52 Wow. Wow. But Wags, back to Denny's. Yes. What? What? What? What?
Starting point is 00:48:01 Yeah, I said back to Denny's. And then you went and you said. And then you said nothing. And then you, you once, no, I'm saying you get back to it or whatever the hell you were talking about. I think Mitch is thrown, everyone's thrown by your, the appearance of your mom, Mitch. I feel like we've all got to reset and just figure out where we are.
Starting point is 00:48:20 Mom, are you still here? She's still down here. You said back to Denny's like it was the beginning of your thought. Like you were going to, you were going somewhere with that. All right. My mom is going back upstairs. Okay. Back to Denny's.
Starting point is 00:48:37 I think she was. Take it, Mitch. I think, I think that she's just standing on the stairs and not going all the way up. Okay. She's upstairs. I hear her. I hear the floorboards creaking now upstairs.
Starting point is 00:48:47 Are you like scared? She's going to hear the podcast. Has she never listened before? She's, you can't know what I'm talking about, mom. I'm jacking off down here. Get out of here. He's not in the boiler room. Wikes, what if I want to say come?
Starting point is 00:49:04 I think you're muted. Are you muted now? Did you mute yourself? No, I'm not. Can you hear me? Yeah. What if I want to say come? That's why I'm asking.
Starting point is 00:49:14 She doesn't listen to the show. Just whisper it. Oh yeah. You know I love to come. Yeah. Yeah. Emma could just crank the volume on the computer. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:27 It's actually going to be about two hours of just Mitch whispering come. Okay. It threw me off. Back to Denny's. Back to Denny's. All right. Sean, do you have any... Then we go so silent.
Starting point is 00:49:38 We don't go quiet. We go straight to break. You know what? Wikes, you know later, I'm going to fucking yell. I'm going to fucking yell like hell at her, man. Okay. Mitch, please don't do that. I'm going to chew out your mom.
Starting point is 00:49:50 I'm going to fucking chew her out. She was trying to be nice, man. Don't do that. She's going to get... She's bringing your food. She's going to get a talking to... That is ominous and dark. All right.
Starting point is 00:50:02 Back to Denny's. All right. My experience at Denny's... So this is... Back to Denny's. Yeah. Back to Denny's. I mentioned like being able to drive at like 16, like I had my mom got a new car and
Starting point is 00:50:18 gave me like her old Nissan Maxima. So I was driving around pretty early in the car. Great car. I worked at an auto auction and I liked... That's the reason I have an Ultima is I drove around the Maxima's and Altima's... Solid cars. Maximas at one point were kind of like the nicer version of the Altima. It was like the...
Starting point is 00:50:35 Not that they were all like very affordable, nice cars. It was like the sedan version. And it was fun. It was like a cool car to be driving around is like my first car, you know, a few years old. And Denny's was a place that you would go to where you could like... We would like smoke weed in like a parking lot somewhere and not be able to go home. So we'd be like, let's go to Denny's.
Starting point is 00:51:01 So we ended up eating at this Denny's. Gosh, I don't remember any of the where this would be, but it was like in the town and country mall in Miami, Florida. And yeah, we would just like go there and it was really, really, really rowdy at night. And I think it was open 24 hours. And yeah, I have memories of being in a Denny's at like three in the morning. I have memories of being there at like noon when we're skipping school. Like Denny's was like a safe haven that you could just like get a plate of like hash browns
Starting point is 00:51:33 and they'd let you sit at a table for a long time. Waggard doesn't approve of the skipping school, but I... It was tough. I looking back, it was a mistake. It's the idea of being younger and smoking weed. And... Just purpose... Mrs. Mitchell can't hear.
Starting point is 00:51:54 Of smoking and like not being able to come home. That just gave me anxiety thinking about how many times I was like in a car being like, I can't go back to my house. That's just a full nightmare. And then like getting home and being like, maybe everyone's asleep and then everyone's awake and you're like, motherfuck, it's such a nightmare. Terrible. I gotta go to the bathroom.
Starting point is 00:52:16 See I did not... I did... Personally, I did not have those experiences. Why? Because I'm sure you did seeing as it was your hometown. But right now... Yes, as far as going to Denny's, you mean. The closest Denny's to me was out of state, Wikes.
Starting point is 00:52:29 Yes. Really? Yes. The closest one to me was Rhode Island. There was one in Worcester that maybe would have been not as like the drive wouldn't have been too bad. But the closest one was in Rhode Island. And growing up didn't really...
Starting point is 00:52:45 I mean, I've said it before on here, IHOP was the big one and Bickford's growing up was the other big one. But the one that we went to for the show was in North Smithfield, Rhode Island. That's where... Wow. That's where we went. We went down to Rhode Island. My mother and I, we drove down.
Starting point is 00:53:03 This is actually why we were supposed to do this at an earlier date, but that's why we pushed us back. Oh, because it was further... We had to figure out when you were going to get to Denny's. I had to figure out the whole driving down there. There's so many. And Wikes was like, we need to stay on schedule. We need to do it this week.
Starting point is 00:53:17 We can't skip school, theoretically. The closest... It's so funny because the closest Denny's to me is like less than a mile away. So this is a place that I've gone to the satellite or I've come home late at night and been like, I need to eat some sort of food. I've ordered from Denny's like a bunch of times and it's normally just like, I'll get a bunch of bacon and some hash browns and then, you know, I don't normally order anything off the menu proper like I did today.
Starting point is 00:53:49 But yeah, like there's a ton of... And you know what? I think Denny's maybe was more popular for me in Florida was like, was there the free birthday thing? Was there a thing where like you could get a free meal if it was your birthday? Free grand slam breakfast on your birthday and I don't know if they've discontinued that or not. But that was that was a thing for a long time.
Starting point is 00:54:09 I feel like just the story, because I don't even think I ever did it, but just the story of you being able to get a birthday dinner for breakfast for free and the other part of it that there was this rumor that like they weren't letting black people get their free birthday dinner. For whatever reason, Denny's just stuck in my mind because of those two like weird news stories as a kid. Congress hometown. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:54:36 Interesting. All right. Denny's did have did have a whole racial discrimination lawsuit against it. I don't know if it was. Jesus. So that may have been conflated with some sort of urban legend or maybe it was actually happening. I don't know why that didn't make me go to Denny's less.
Starting point is 00:54:53 But it just was like when I thought of like that kind of chain, Denny's popped into my head. I hop. I feel like there were I hop chains, but I just don't remember where they were. And if I went to them at all. Denny's was the thing for some reason. Yeah. It was definitely.
Starting point is 00:55:07 I mean, I went to I hop as well, but Denny's was definitely the thing where I was growing up. But Mitch, I'm curious about your, your, your experience going to Rhode Island. So this, this was a special trip you made. How long was the drive? The drive, it, it, we, we hit some traffic. So it took, it took over an hour to go to Denny's, which is going to, is that going to affect the score?
Starting point is 00:55:30 Like how long it took you to get there divided by how good the food was? I mean, you know what? We had my mom and I, it's 31 miles away. My mom and I had a, and so right, right now it's basically just an hour drive. But when we went, we hit some traffic and it was probably closer to like an hour and 20 minutes, an hour and a half. Wow. I should just call up to my mom and ask how long it took.
Starting point is 00:55:52 But you know what? We had a great time together. We, we, it was, it was, it was, you know, shortly after I, I, I, I had caught up with quarantine and so she came back to the house. And so, uh, it was, it was basically maybe our second weekend together. So we, uh, we, we had a great time. We drove down together and it was nice. The foliage, the foliage, we saw some foliageed wigs.
Starting point is 00:56:14 Looked nice. How lovely. What is your, so you get to, you, you drive to Rhode Island. I haven't, I haven't a lot of problems with fo, fo, foliage, foliage. Foliage. Foliage. You said it right. You said it right.
Starting point is 00:56:27 Foliage. Three stooges. It sneaks in there a lot. The, the, the Quincy guys were making fun of me, but, uh, but, but it is a hard thing to say. It's a hard word. Um, look, there's hard words wigs. Let's just be honest.
Starting point is 00:56:40 It's true. Um, but we had, we had a wonderful, we had a delightful ride down to North Smithfield. So it was a, it wasn't, it wasn't that bad. Did you, when you got there, were you eating in the car? What did you do? So when we got that, do you want me to get into it? Yeah. Let's get into it.
Starting point is 00:56:56 All right. There is another, I think there is another one in Worcester. I was going to see how long it took because I think that that's, it's, it's for like, it's actually the miles. It's a little bit further, but I think it might actually be a shorter drive, but we wanted to go down. By the way, that closely clustered New England geography is, as someone from elsewhere in the country, it's always fascinating that it's just like, oh, it's faster to drive to
Starting point is 00:57:17 another state. Yeah. Like that is just not a thing that really happens anywhere in California. Oh no. Yeah. No, the, the Worcester one is 56 miles. So yeah, yeah. No, I know.
Starting point is 00:57:27 So we got a bunch of us out all in a row. You can get to New Hampshire and Rhode Island and Connecticut. You can get to all those places pretty quickly and, and even Maine, Maine, Maine from Boston isn't even that. It doesn't even take that long, but wow. We had a fun time. We drove down there and you know what? There were two tables set outside.
Starting point is 00:57:43 Unfortunately, they weren't on the sunny side because it was a pretty cool fall day when we were there, but they were on, they were on the shadow side, but they were right outside the building. So we, we, we took all of our stuff and we put, we laid it out on that table. There were, there were, there were two upright tables. We used one with our food and then we kind of like took all the packaging out and then used another one for, to like put what we had finished on that one and no one else was, was out there using them.
Starting point is 00:58:07 So it was, it was, it was a, it was a decent setup. Well, it wasn't bad. There were some, there were some people inside the restaurant, I think that they had low capacity seating, I believe in inside the restaurant, but we did, we didn't, we didn't opt for that. Yeah. That sounds like a safe way to do it. I will, I went to, so I actually had a debacle of my own in terms of acquiring our Denny's.
Starting point is 00:58:27 I did a, I did order at the online of the closest Denny's for pickup and I did this on a Friday night and we went to pick up our order. The Denny's closed. They had accepted the order, charged our card and processed it and said, your order will be ready at this time. We went there and it was closed and the Denny's had been like closed for like months, but they hadn't taken it off the app. It's like a ghost Denny's.
Starting point is 00:58:55 It was a ghost Denny's. So that was a whole thing. Slimer deliver you some pancakes later. Cause you didn't check, they may have sent the order if you didn't check for ghosts. Man, hot dog pancakes from Slimer. Pretty good. So I, so we, so that was a complete thing. That was just a wash and we're like, well, we'll go get Indian food.
Starting point is 00:59:19 Cause I like, I don't want to order from a, like, like this is just fucking wasted now. So we, so I went the next day to a different Denny's and you tell them what happened? No, I just like, we just did a different order from a completely different Denny's and did a pickup there and that worked out. Hold on a second. That actually worked out swimmingly. Did you just eat the cost? I got to contact them about a refund.
Starting point is 00:59:40 I haven't gotten around to that yet. What the fuck? Nick, you can't just let them walk all over you, but this is, this is crazy. Get your money back, you freak. This is Doe Boy's money. This is Doe Boy's money. You fucking asshole. I'll get it back.
Starting point is 00:59:58 You burn money. This is what you do with the Doe Boy's money. This is Doe Boy's fans. This is unacceptable. That's not a good thing. We'll just talk Robert Persinger's salary. You haven't done anything? This is truly the weirdest thing on earth.
Starting point is 01:00:16 No, this is just, this was reason, this was just this past Friday's, I got to go back and like take care, like I just haven't gotten around to it yet, but yes, I have to get a refund processed. It was difficult because the place is closed and we called them multiple times to try and get something going and there's just, there's no one's answering, so I got to go like Denny's corporate. Hey, speaking of Robert Persinger, have him do all this bullshit, baby. It's true.
Starting point is 01:00:41 Sorry, Drop King. But I ended up going to the Denny's in Westwood near UCLA campus, which is a good Denny's and they were, they were very, very nice there. I got the, I'll start with the AM side and we can get into, we can all get into our food. So here's how we have to break it down, AM and then PM. AM and PM. So the AM side, I got the chorizo burrito, which is on their value menu, which is chorizo sausage, scrambled eggs, cheddar cheese, and pico de gallo wrapped in a grilled flour
Starting point is 01:01:08 tortilla. My immediate reaction, I wrote this down. Wow. This one surprised me. This, it was like, it was a lot better than I expected. It had decent heat to it from the salsa, lots of cheese. The tortilla was grilled and not too gummy. For the value menu, and this was like six bucks.
Starting point is 01:01:27 You get this plus hash browns, it was a great value. I can picture Natalie finding a typewriter with, wow, this one surprised me, written, over and over and over again. I thought that burrito was dynamite. I also got some hash browns with cheese, which I will say, if you're going to get your hash browns to go, maybe don't get them with cheese. It was gooey, gooey, so soft and chewy, but I would have preferred something a little bit crispier.
Starting point is 01:01:58 And I think this is one where it would have been, if I'd gotten it plain, it would have traveled a little bit better. We also got, Natalie got herself a build your own omelet with a bunch of different components. She was happy with that. And then we got some, a hearty nine grain pancakes on the side, which was fluffy, good grainy texture. They gave you three syrups for two hot cakes, which I thought was a great, like a very generous number of syrups.
Starting point is 01:02:23 So I thought they were very solid pancakes and they traveled well. That's what I got on the AM side. Now I would say I was pretty happy with that all around. Sean, what about you? What did you get for your morning side of things? So I, you know, I ordered from Postmates, even though it is a mile away from my house, because I'm a lazy piece of shit. But I think I was like doing something else and just sort of dreading.
Starting point is 01:02:50 In my head, I was like dreading this because I was like, I normally really pick and choose what I get from places like this. But I was like, Oh no, I'm going to dive into something that I probably normally wouldn't order. So I was like really dreading it. And on the breakfast side, I got the cinnamon roll pancakes, and those are like a featured item right now. And that came with scrambled eggs, hash browns, bacon, and should I say how I feel about it?
Starting point is 01:03:22 It was surprisingly good. I thought the pancakes were going to be bad, specifically just like the fluffy, like what are these pancakes going to be like? I was honestly like imagining a McDonald's pancake. I don't know why I thought they would be that like generic and bad, but these were fluffy and the sort of idea of a cinnamon roll turned into a pancake. Like it had that like whatever that like whatever it was, like brown buttery, like sugary between the two pancakes in the way that a cinnamon roll has it rolled up into it.
Starting point is 01:03:58 And then the top had the like really nice frosting and it was like eating a cinnamon roll that was pancakes and it was awesome. Like I really didn't think I, I really didn't think I was going to like it. It looked kind of like pancakes that someone came on, oh wait, pancakes that someone came on. Thank you. I'm going to whisper, but they were really good and I, I knew with every bite I was like, I'm going to get a like headache slash stomach ache immediately because there's so much sugar
Starting point is 01:04:32 in this. Right. And I only really poured syrup on a portion of it because like you didn't need syrup for it. It was just so, it was like candy. So yeah, I was surprised, I, I, yeah, this one took me by surprise. Damn. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:49 Well, it sounds like we all had a good pancake experience. Oh yeah. And, and, and the hash browns and the, I feel like the eggs from these places just like you really got to like put a bunch of salt and pepper and like you just have to do something with them for them to taste like anything. 100%. And the hash browns, I felt like they were crispy on the top, but then like once you got through the top layer of hash browns, it was just like gross.
Starting point is 01:05:12 I didn't really like the hash browns and the bacon was surprisingly good. Like I normally have ordered Denny's at like two 30 in the morning. So the bacon that shows up is like this fr, like crispy fried shitty bacon. And I think I did this in the middle of the day. So yeah, the bacon was better than I thought it would be. So sort of mixed bag on the breakfast, but the pancakes are great. Damn. Um, I, so I drove down there, I ordered on the app before my mom and I got there when
Starting point is 01:05:41 we were about 30 minutes out and I got in there and then Isabella who helped us out when we got in there, she was great. And there was another person helping her out who wasn't much help and I felt for her because she was running all over the place and doing a kick ass job. So Isabella ruled, uh, not to call the other person out, but I didn't say their name, but it was what I felt for her. Why? I felt bad for her.
Starting point is 01:06:06 You could tell that like she was like rolling her eyes as she was, as, as it was happening. So I felt for her. She was, she was. My heart goes out to anyone working in a food industry job these days just because it just absolutely has to be so thankless and like 100% I went into a ginger, I went into ginger grass the other day and silver Lake and I made a joke. I was just trying to make a joke like, Hey, where do I sit down knowing that they're not like letting people sit in the restaurant.
Starting point is 01:06:31 Right. But when I made the joke, the face that went over like I immediately was like, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, I, I, I know, I don't want to, they just, I, I feel for anyone working. So I, I. That's, that's, yeah, she, she, I, I, I felt. I felt for her cause she was like running all over in this and it was a huge order. It was, you know, it was, it was, it was like a hundred dollars worth of food. So I got, we, my mom wanted the new pumpkin pecan pancake meal.
Starting point is 01:07:03 So she got that. And then that came with, it was a two in one. And we got to say when we did I hop a couple of weeks back, the containers weren't as good as Denny's two in one containers. They had great two in one containers. Through Postmates, I had, it was great. The pancakes were on the top and then you move this like little tray off of it. And then underneath was the rest of the breakfast, like really warm.
Starting point is 01:07:26 It was great. The containers were awesome. They did, they did a great job with it. She got her, it came with eggs. She got her eggs over easy and hash browns, one bacon slice, one sausage link, and then a signature diner blend coffee, which I also got. And then for myself, I got myself the new chocolate chip pancake breakfast. I got myself scrambled eggs with cheese.
Starting point is 01:07:48 I got hash browns with cheese, one bacon slice, one sausage slice. I got the diner blend coffee, like I said, and I got a minute made orange juice as well. And that basically covered the whole breakfast. I also got some white toast. I ordered some white toast, which I love having for breakfast. I love, I love some, some, some white toast with butter. The pancakes were fantastic. The pecan pumpkin ones.
Starting point is 01:08:13 They were great. And also the, I mean, the pumpkin pecan pancakes, I got chocolate chip. I had a bite of her pumpkin pecan pancakes, triple P, and they were great. There was a caramel sauce with them, and that was on the side, and that was kind of stuck at the bottom of the container. So that was kind of the only downside, but you could scoop it out and put it on the pancakes. And it tasted good when I stuck my fork in there and I got on it. But they were, they were really, really, really tasty.
Starting point is 01:08:41 My mom was very happy with them. And I really, I loved the chocolate chip pancakes. Wow. They were, I haven't had them a long time and I, and I got in a little chocolate chip kick for our next episode. I got some little chocolate chips in it too, but the chocolate chip pancakes were tasty. The only thing, they were, they were so good with like including everything in the, in the bag.
Starting point is 01:09:04 Like they, they didn't miss any, a single item. And the only thing that they didn't put, because they put in ketchup and cream and sugar and everything. The only thing that there wasn't was, was butter. And if I had butter for the, for those chocolate chip pancakes, I would have, they would have put them over the top, but I really loved them anyways. How was the mix? It was really good.
Starting point is 01:09:23 Like my issue with chocolate chip pancakes is normally like the chocolate just gets a little messy and there's just a little too much chocolate all over the bottom of the pancakes. But like when they're really mixed well, I'm like. It was mixed pretty good. It was like, it, it, it wasn't too light on the chips, but it wasn't too many chips where it was like a, just a chocolate melted mess. There were, I think it was Giordelli chocolates, chocolate chips. Ooh, ooh la la.
Starting point is 01:09:47 It was, let me tell you, they were really, I really, really enjoyed them. I wish they had butter, but there was, they gave a syrup and everything. It was great. I could have walked inside and just gotten butter, but I didn't want to go back in. The coffee was great. I really enjoyed the diner coffee that we had. We both thought it was pretty good. The orange juice was just okay.
Starting point is 01:10:03 Isabella had just changed the machine out. A part of the thing that she had to do on her own was, she was doing everything. She was a machine, but she, she, she was a machine herself, but she changed the orange juice machine out. So it was, it was just okay. It was one of those minute made orange juices, but the eggs, the eggs were cooked perfect. And so kudos to the chef, whoever was back there, because an over easy egg is not, and I had a bite of my mom's over easy egg is, is not easy to do.
Starting point is 01:10:28 And then the scrambled eggs with cheese were really, really good. And I put some ketchup on there. The hash browns wise, like you were saying, it was that sort of thing of the hash browns were just okay. They weren't, they weren't great. Yes. The ones with cheese on them, like, even though it just, you know, it traveled just like ten feet.
Starting point is 01:10:48 I still, it just didn't work as well. If there was, if there was any, you know, anything that I could critique, it would probably be the, the hash browns. I think if you look at the Denny's, the grand slam breakfast. They don't include hash browns in their grand slam breakfast, which is their signature breakfast. Yeah. I think that's an indicator of, of how much they stock they put in their browns. But it's a, yeah, that was, I will say, speaking of the eggs, the scrambled eggs in my chorizo
Starting point is 01:11:15 burrito, I think were, were also very well cooked. And you know, that's, that's what you're, that's what you're looking for. Did you get anything else on the? I think that the scramb, the, the hash browns, if they were more crispy throughout, like if they were just like, there's too much mushy potatoes underneath the top layer of crispiness. And I think putting cheese on that would probably make it even more mushy and gross. So like, I feel like if it was a crispier hash brown, they might be like, I wonder if you could order them crispier or like, if you could say like well done or something,
Starting point is 01:11:47 because that might have made them a little bit better. Yeah. Yeah. That, that, that could have helped. And also I didn't touch on the, the bacon and sausages. I thought the bacon was good. My mom like didn't think that the sausage was like a great quality sausage, but we, we both thought it was pretty good.
Starting point is 01:12:02 Wow. And then the toast was, the toast was decent, but it was like even traveling just 10 feet or whatever, you know, like to go toast is just tougher. If I put it, I ate the buttery sections of it and it tasted pretty good, but if they had been a little warmer and toasted, it would have been fine. So overall, it did, they did a great job with, with my breakfast. Wow. It sounds like we all had very enthusiastic things to say or mostly enthusiastic things
Starting point is 01:12:30 to say about the AM side, but what about the PM side of Denny's? Hold on. Let me put on my blanket. Let me put on my pajamas. Hold on. You gotta get ready for the PM side. Hold on. We'll find out right after this.
Starting point is 01:12:42 We'll be back with more Toe Boys. Welcome back to Toe Boys. We are here with the great Sean Diston for Rock Around the Clock Doberfest or Rat Kaduba. Rat Kaduba. You're discussing Denny's and we, we are tying, it's now time to talk about the PM side. Sean, are you? This AM PM format.
Starting point is 01:13:21 Sean, are you more a night guy or a day? What are you? Are you more like an early guy? Question. I'm not. I don't do well in the mornings, but like if I have something to do, I can like pop right out of bed. So like, but if there's nothing to do, I'm such a fucking grump in the morning.
Starting point is 01:13:36 So like I'm not a good person to be around, but like I, I'm a night, I make my night moves, baby. Yep. Wow. I stay up extremely late. Like that's just always been something about me. And I feel like I stay up late doing puzzles or writing or watching TV. And I do a lot of shit when I feel like when no one else is doing anything is when I come
Starting point is 01:13:59 alive. So I'd say I'm a night guy. Wise gives me, gives me crap for being a night owl, a guy who doesn't wake up early. But I would say that for the most part, it seems like a lot of people in our field, a lot of actors and, and, and even writers and, and comedians, especially comedians, they are, they're, they're usually night owls. They're, they're usually, they're usually more on the night side. Look, I've read, I saw a headline of some unsourced article that said that it's geniuses
Starting point is 01:14:28 that stay up really late at night. So I will continue to quote that anywhere I, I can. Wagers, Wagers dumbass wakes up at like 5am. I like comes out, he can't allow himself to continue sleeping. I, you know, I was a night owl for many, many years and I've, a lot of that was just having insomnia and having like just a brain I couldn't shut off and it took me a long time before I could get, get to having a more regular bedtime and, and wake up or in the morning time.
Starting point is 01:15:00 Let me tell you. Yeah. That thing shut off now. It's fucking dusty as hell. I get the brain fog. I will say I feel better when I'm waking up early and like doing stuff in the morning. But ultimately, look, I feel like shit all the time probably quarantine has been very hard.
Starting point is 01:15:19 Like when quarantine started in the beginning, I was really good about getting up early and I was working out every single day. Wow. And now it's been, I don't know, a thousand years since then. So like I just have, everything has stopped. That's, that's funny because I was, I was not the same way. I, I slipped and I, and they got bad at one point where I would sometimes see the sun come up.
Starting point is 01:15:40 I was all thrown off. Yeah. Being back in Massachusetts, a little bit more of a schedule. Still a light riser. I still, I still am getting up like in like at 10 o'clock or the 10 o'clock hour. Well you've got fall now. You've got like a season to be sort of acclimating to. That's a, I feel like a cool, because the sun go down a little bit earlier or you get
Starting point is 01:15:59 a little tired or faster. It's going to start, it's going to start soon, which will be interesting. We'll be interesting being around here when, when it's dark at like, you know, four PM or whatever. Right. Well, let's get into the PM side of Denny's. Yeah. I got like, this was, this is like, back to Denny's, back to Denny's.
Starting point is 01:16:19 This was the, this was, I was very excited about this and I told Nellie All about this and she was not as enthused as me, but I was like, here's what I'm going to do with Denny's because I got the trees a burrito and then I spotted something on the PM side that was its counterpart. I was like, this is going to be the tail of two burritos. I am going to get an AM burrito and a PM burrito and I'm going to contrast these burritos. I can already predict that Mitch hates that. Well, Nellie didn't like it either.
Starting point is 01:16:50 As a fan of the podcast, Mitch is pissed. I just, I just, I just wonder what you said about Nellie when she wasn't enthused. Like how often is, how often is she enthused by things you propose? How can you tell the difference? Is she more enthused? I guess I've never seen that side. I got the, the Cali chicken burrito, which is grilled seasoned chicken breast, fresh avocado, pico de gallo and shredded cheeses and ranch dressing wrapped in a grilled flour
Starting point is 01:17:18 tortilla. Now look, I love ranch, but this was too saucy. It was just too, it was just too goopy in there. And I think the avocado was not the best quality. I think that the chicken breast meat, you know, sometimes you get this where it's like, it's, I think that's maybe some of one of the worst things you can get from a lot of these changes, just that, that flavorless defrosted chicken breast meat where it's just like white chunks. And this was this, this menu item, unfortunately, although again, it was nice that the tortilla
Starting point is 01:17:49 was grilled, which gave it some texture. This was a, this was a low point of this experience, unfortunately. I came with some seasoned fries and the fries, you know, as, as being fries, they didn't travel well. They were a little mushy. They were well seasoned. I will say they had ranch on the side for dipping, which is, which is nice to have with these, with that type of fries. I also got a New York style cheesecake as a sweet counterpart to the hearty nine
Starting point is 01:18:14 grade pancakes, which came with strawberry topping. And let me say this, because you were talking about your server, Mitch, my server was great. She was so helpful. She tossed in an extra slice of cheesecake because she thought the cheesecake was a little small, which was above and beyond. Apple whip topping on the side. What was her name? I didn't get it.
Starting point is 01:18:35 Wow. What a piece of shit. Isabella, I gave you a shout out. Much love to Isabella. I don't want to dox a service worker on the podcast. Okay. What, why? Then she'd be celebrated.
Starting point is 01:18:48 Yeah, she should be celebrated. I might have it on the receipt, but the, but the server tossed an extra slice in ample whip topping, strawberry sauce was meh, but it had fresh strawberries with it, which was a really nice touch. I would say this is like a really good quality, like Sarah Lee cheesecake, which to me, I, you know, I like that kind of Sarah Lee, you know, freezer aisle cheesecake. So I was quite happy with it. Um, uh, Sean, what did you get for the PM side?
Starting point is 01:19:14 So I made a huge mistake. Like my, I, you mentioned the frozen chicken breasts. Like I decided to get, I don't know, now looking at the menu, what looks like the grossest thing on the menu is the bourbon chicken, sizzling skillet. Wow. Oh boy. I love it. This was grilled seasoned chicken breasts covered with a bourbon glaze topped with
Starting point is 01:19:40 fire roasted bell peppers, onions, mushrooms, a top broccoli and seasoned red skin potatoes. And this sucked. Um, the chicken was like you said, like almost flavorless and covered in this like sauce that you expect to have flavor. And like when it doesn't, it's so shocking that you're like, oh, it just, it is gross. And, um, the mushrooms were maybe okay in it. The broccoli was really gross.
Starting point is 01:20:12 And that's probably just getting something delivered that was like, that looks basically like a mush of food, you know, um, this is maybe better served in the restaurant, if anything, a skillet being delivered is probably not a good idea. Um, so I don't know. This was just not good. I know I looking back should have gotten like either like a t-bone steak or like a burger or something that they could have just like cooked a shit. And I would have eaten, um, the, the, the thing I've got that I thought would have
Starting point is 01:20:45 saved the PM was the taken bake apple crumb like pie or something. It was this like big, like a rectangular shaped crumble that came frozen that I had to put in the oven for 45 minutes. Um, and I was really excited about this because I love apple crumb pie. I love apple everything. Um, I thought this would be good, but I suspected when I got it that it was too deep. Like it was like lasagna style, yeah, right. Crumb, whatever.
Starting point is 01:21:20 And when I got it out, it suffered from the same thing the hash browns did. The top of it was like kind of tasty, but when you got down into the middle, it was essentially just apple sauce and big like it just wasn't the composition of it was bad and it should have been like a flatter thing. And I was really let down and I feel like I wasted a job. It was maybe could have served six people and I ate like four bites of it and was like, well, this, I can't eat any more of this. It's crazy how often that can happen.
Starting point is 01:21:50 The, the, the depth of the, the depth of honestly, of anything, it's that sort of thing of like when you get like a turkey sandwich and then they stack it high, too much turkey, too much turkey. Then it's, that's, I don't want the, the, the width of the sandwich. Nick, it's important. This stuff is important. It's true. It can, it can, it can, it can really fuck it up.
Starting point is 01:22:09 And I think if this was like an inch high and half an inch of it was the like crumble thing on the top and there were like one or two layers of apples underneath it. Oh, it'd be rock solid baby. But you know, damn, they over delivered on that. And I, I thought it, it, it was, it was bad. Yeah. Sounds like that pie was designed by Jason Biggs. Wow.
Starting point is 01:22:32 Wait, they fucked it. Oh, so he, that took, yeah, it, it really, honestly, if, if I was scoring it on fuckability, this thing would be five forks for sure. Uh, I also got a slice of pie, uh, but I did not fucking, um, I got Wiger, Wiger was taking a sip of water. I got him to gurgle, gurgle some water out of his mouth. It was great. It was spit take.
Starting point is 01:23:01 I did a spit take on Wiggs. Spit take. Um, uh, I got myself a slice of pecan pie, but I'll get back to that for, for the, uh, for the night for, for the night spoon. This is what I got myself and my mom. I got a sampler, a build your own sampler, pick four. I got the boneless buffalo wings, the, uh, new beer battered onion rings, the chips and queso, and then the premium chicken tenders.
Starting point is 01:23:26 So I got that. Um, this was probably one of the weaker things I had all around the onion rings and chicken fingers were better than the rest. Uh, but it was just too greasy overall. The, the, yeah, yeah, I, I appreciated that they, they fried their own chip swags and, and there was the, and there was queso on the side, but the queso was pretty thin, but it had a decent flavor, but it was just overall not great. We used, we used that queso as kind of a dipping sauce for other things later,
Starting point is 01:23:55 like fries and stuff, but, uh, because it was, it was, it had a decent taste to it, but it just, yeah, it was kind of thin and the buffalo, the bonus buffalo fingers were not great, but the onion rings and the chicken fingers were decent just, but overall, you get it. You, you, you can already, you can already imagine what this was. It was just, it was just too greasy over fried. Just not a, it just was not working. It just didn't work.
Starting point is 01:24:18 Uh, after that we got two entrees. Um, I got the spicy sriracha burger with seasoned fries and I also got myself a Coca-Cola wigs and then we also got the new fried fish platter and that came with garlic bread and then we ordered red skin mashed potatoes and gravy and French fries. Um, and so the sriracha burger, I, I, I dig into this, it was in this, uh, like a cardboard container that had holes cut in the top of it, which was actually pretty good. Like, so the sort of thing of like the fries weren't too mushy, but you know that for, they just don't, they don't, they don't travel.
Starting point is 01:25:00 You know what I mean? They, they just, they don't, they don't travel well. Um, the burger itself, it was better as I ate it more, but unfortunately part of the bottom roll, even with those holes in the top of it, was just sogged out. It was just really sogged out. The wet bun is so depressing. It's, it was, it was, it was, it, it bummed me out because as I ate it, because I took a bite of it and I was like, the, the sogged out part of the bottom roll, it was the bottom
Starting point is 01:25:24 roll that was sogged. It was like wet. It was, it was, it was, it was, Sean, I'm talking like this thing was, it was, it was dripping. It was, it was like, it just was like falling apart. That was kind of the reason I only got chicken from Wendy's. Cause if you got like the burgers from Wendy's a lot of times, especially like the triple stack or whatever the fuck it was, the bottom would just be like a thin layer of gluten. Like it's not even bread anymore.
Starting point is 01:25:48 Yeah. It was, it was, it was, but I will say this, it was only on a part of it. And the more I ate it, the more I was like, this is a tasty burger. It was a, it was pretty good. The burger was, was decent. What's the sriracha? Is it just a, on the top of the burger, like as a sauce or? Yeah. It was like a, it was like a sriracha mayo, but then there was just like sriracha like coming out the sides of it. And there were jalapenos on there. It was, it was, it was tasty, but the burger itself was actually like, I was like,
Starting point is 01:26:13 oh, the beef has a decent quality to it. And if it was like you were saying, if it was three AM, Sean, and you were like, I need a late night meal and Denny's open, you know, a lot of Denny's open 24 hours, they should be. That's where we picked it. But it, it would, it would, it would do the trick, but today it was just kind of, half of it just wasn't working. And the spicy fries were good, but I honestly, fries, besides fast food places, fry and barely there, fries just can't travel. They can't, they can't, they can't even travel outside. It was, they have a weird fry shape too, right? Like what is their, at least here,
Starting point is 01:26:49 they have these like weird, yes, the wavy fries basically. Yeah. They're like wavy fries or something. That's not their default fry, but they, they do offer those. So I got the spicy fries with the burger and the spicy fries were pretty good. But again, they travel with the fish and chips, the two sides were the mashed potatoes and gravies. And then we got those, those wavy fries, which were more, but those didn't have any spice on them. Why is, I thought those were, I thought those were the defaults, but maybe not. Though those, that was like the only, so anyways, I'll get to the fish now.
Starting point is 01:27:21 The fish was cooked great. My mom said this and she, she knows how to make fish. She's a new England, she's a new England mom. She knows what she's doing. The outside shell and crust and other grease problem, just too greasy. So, and maybe as a fryer issue or something, you know what I mean? Or, or it's, it bummed me out because if they had just let the fish sit, like on a paper towel for just a couple of minutes, as soon as they took it out of the fryer, it probably would have been really good. I was, I was impressed with the taste of it, but here's another thing we didn't have. And I wish we had, so not only butter, but I wish we had a tartar sauce or vinegar. It just, there was, there was none of that.
Starting point is 01:27:59 So it was basically just eating straight up fish. And when you, with a fried fish, you need, you need vinegar. Needle something. You need something. My mom liked the wavy fries more. And I thought these ones were, were fine. They, they, they both were just like travel fries. You know what I mean? They were both okay. Yes. But I was pretty impressed with the, the fish overall. It wasn't, it wasn't bad. The fries were not hot is what I wrote here, but sorry, sorry, I got cut up. The fries were not hot, but I'm losing my mind here. I think I have brain fog. There's something going on. It's, you know what I think it is? I think you've got the specter of mother hovering over you at
Starting point is 01:28:40 all times. And you are carefully choosing all of your words. You said, you think I have a phantom thread situation where she's like, do you need some food, Mitch? Eat this food. Anyways, the fish and chips was good. The fries were just, if they were hotter, I could have made a, I could take a better stance on them. The garlic bread that came with the fish was good. The coke was great. And now to the dessert, the pecan pie, we saved it and we brought it home because we had just eaten so much damn food. Right. It was great. It was really, really good. The pecan pie was great. The end crust was awful and dry and thick, but the pie itself was well done. The whipped cream didn't travel well, but we tried it and it was, it worked fine. But yeah, the edge of the crust was
Starting point is 01:29:27 just too thick. Similar situation to what you had, Sean, just the pie crust itself was just too thick, but the meat of the pie that was, was, was really good. And three bucks, not a bad deal for a pretty big slice of pie, which I feel like it would be tough to beat it. You know, if you went to a, if you went to a dessert shop, I feel like you're, you're talking five bucks for the same thing. And it was basically around the same quality. And then we also got, we got, we got Oreo shakes. We did the, the, the one Oreo shake pack, which came with two Oreo shakes with whipped cream on them. They were both okay. They weren't the best Oreo shakes I had. And they didn't really stand out at all. I thought it was like fine, but not worth, we both agreed not worth the stomach
Starting point is 01:30:12 ache you get from the shakes. So, right. That's it. That's all I have. Well, hey, that means it's time to get to our final thoughts on Denny's for Rock Around the Clocktoberfest. So Sean, you're familiar with the podcast, but just to recap, we will each go around, give an assessment of this chain, a closing argument and assessment of this chain from zero to five forks and then conclude by saying whether the AM or the PM side won this round. You are a guest. I believe I have to either, I have to make the sound, is that right, Mitch? That's right, Sean. Thank you. That's right, yes. Okay. Don Berger, which is his name during this month. Oh, that's right. I forgot. You're, you're the night spoon and I'm Don Berger. Okay. Don Berger, which sounds like the, the
Starting point is 01:30:57 fattest fucking mafia character that ever existed. Tony Doprano. Okay. So I am your guest. You'll begin with me. So I'm, I'm looking at the menu now and I'm looking at this apple pie crisp thing that I got and I'm realizing they also sent me two cups of ice cream and I was supposed to like serve this apple stuff in like a bowl and put ice cream on top of it. So I'm now going to retract some of my statement before and that maybe I was being too hard on this dessert because I did not understand the preparation for it, but maybe that's on Denny's. But in general, I feel like this is a place you think about, you think about breakfast, you know, and some of the stuff we ordered, it's just like, why is this on the menu? Why is there a burrito
Starting point is 01:31:58 on the menu? Why is there a sizzling skillet on the menu? I feel like things like chicken fingers and fried fish and french fries and are all things that could exist at this restaurant and honestly, I've had a Denny's shake. They're not very good. I feel like if they up their shake game, I feel like that could be really good for them. But the breakfast stuff was solid and like the eggs are solid, the bacon was really good and those pancakes were, look, if you want to have a really sugary, decadent breakfast experience or you just want to eat like, you know, candy pancakes, like you're not going to go wrong at a Denny's premium menu item. Like I feel like I was deciding between the cinnamon roll pancakes and the pecan pumpkin
Starting point is 01:32:45 pancakes. I feel like I couldn't have gone wrong either way. They just weren't going to be sugary and good. They will give you a headache. So yeah, and look, I understand the podcast. What is Denny's trying to do? Right. I feel like they do it pretty well. Like I like the delivery system with the breakfast. I feel like if you were in a place like outside of Los Angeles or something and you wanted to get like a delivered breakfast somewhere, this would just be a home run, you know? So I'm going to give Denny's, I'm going to give Denny's three forks, three and a quarter forks. I'm going to give them a quarter fork just for my misinterpretation of the apple crisp taken baked dessert. So three and a quarter forks is what I'll give Denny's.
Starting point is 01:33:37 And is it and does the... And for the win, I think you could probably tell, but I would have to say the morning obviously is so much better at Denny's. I would never eat any of their dinner menu items ever again. Sean, you get the night spoon salute for really giving that crow it's all. I had to. You know, I had to really, I was practicing before the pod. I knew it was coming. Yes. Don Berger is going to declare you a made man. Okay. With that cockadoodle do. A medium well made man. Wow. Wow. I didn't know that Don Berger is now in a mafioso character. I, uh, Wags, I grew up a Bickford's guy and went to a lot of local breakfast place around here. But then after that, you know, like I feel like my allegiance was probably
Starting point is 01:34:38 towards IHOP. And then after this outing of, you know, I had IHOP and then Denny's a couple weeks in a row with my mom. The question is, is Denny's better than IHOP? Oh, I think maybe it is. I mean, wow. I don't know. This, a lot of this comes to like the dining experience and when you, when you sit down at all of these places. So this is maybe something that we, maybe we'd have to get the bottom to maybe, maybe all of us can get to the bottom of this one when restaurants reopen. But is there a breakfast grand slam in the, in order like where you figure out which one of these chain restaurants has the best breakfast? I mean, have you already done that? And not really. No, I mean, this, this is something to
Starting point is 01:35:19 figure out because my mom was like, you know, if I was driving through Rhode Island again, she's like, and I saw, like I would probably stop in and pull into Denny's and grab some pancakes and a breakfast. And I was like, you're right. I feel the same way. You can't argue with mom. Her specter, even though she's alive is, is, is, is watching over. It's, it's, it's watching over me. And I, and I, and I agree with mommy. Mommy's right. He's screaming this and looking behind him, like hoping someone hears. But, uh, yeah, no, I was, I was, I was impressed. I was impressed with, uh, I was impressed with Denny's. That breakfast was, was really good. And the, the, the dinner stuff, the PM stuff,
Starting point is 01:36:01 it, it, it, it was a battle, Nick. It, it, it, this wasn't just like an easy decision. I thought, I thought that, I thought that it did well with a lot of night stuff. I think I got to go in the handholding club with Sean. I think I got to go 3.25 forks. Wow. Three and a quarter forks. Um, they did, they did, they did a great job. Yeah. I agree that the milkshakes maybe were a little watery. Maybe they could, maybe they could do something to up their milkshake game. More chunks for those milkshakes, man. Oreo chunks. But yeah, no, the, the, the, the burger was pretty good. If I had that burger inside and there wasn't the web on it, it, it would be a real contender. Um, but look, the breakfast and even the carrier containers, they just,
Starting point is 01:36:47 they couldn't be beat. Um, it's, it's, we got to figure this out on another podcast, but right now it's definitely the breakfast wanted. Wow. Wow. Um, breakfast takes it, breakfast wins the day, but a good outing by Denny's. I thought they did a good job and also much better than I thought they would do, I would say. Yes. Fuck them for the race of shit and the, the, and for being from Waggers hometown. I feel like there was a big apology. I feel like there was a big apology on the race of this shit. So we can, we can, um, you know, we can look past some of that at this point, which by the way, I made a $1 donation to no kid go, go hungry. Don't, uh, the, the charity, no kid go hungry. So I gave a, I gave a,
Starting point is 01:37:31 I gave a buck to the no kid go hungry, uh, charity and, and Weiger gave, uh, like $80 to the Denny's corporation. We're going to get that sorted out, but it was not, it was not an easy thing to resolve because there's no, I can't just call the restaurant and get them to refund my money because that restaurant is closed. You ordered from the restaurant website. I ordered from the, the Denny's corporate website. The, the app directed me towards this place and they, they, they took the order and they charge it. It must happen to all sorts of people. See, that's the problem, Nick, is that you're not saying anything and you're letting other people fall into the same trap you have. Nick, you got to step up. It's not even about the dough boys
Starting point is 01:38:12 anymore. I'm getting the word out on this podcast and I will resolve this with the Denny's corporation. I'll take this up the ladder. Why? Hold on a second. Yes. Are we sure this isn't the game situation, uh, in, uh, the game situation? Oh, I'm like Michael Douglas in the film, The Game, the David Fincher movie, where I don't know what's reality and, and what is an illusion. It's possible. You went to this building that was empty? Yeah, it's true. I went there. They've been watching the news and they've said, hey, Nick Weigar, what's behind you? You know, like in. Yeah. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse did directly address me today.
Starting point is 01:38:50 This is very unnerving. I will say that Mitch, it's on my mind because we were, we revisited it just a few weeks ago, but I was also thinking of the IHOP Denny's comparison and returning to my own personal history of spending a bunch of time in Denny's and a bunch of times in IHOPs. And I, as, although Denny's is from my hometown, I have no particular allegiance to it. I've spent a lot of time in Denny's, but I was always more of an IHOP partisan, especially I have nostalgia for those a-framed roof IHOPs. I mean, it's just like, I, I love going in there. I talked before about the, they give you that carafe of coffee that you have on your table. You can give yourself and your
Starting point is 01:39:30 dining companions, refills, so fun, such a great experience. So I've always been more of an IHOP guy, but I have to say, based off of these past two visits, Denny's is up their game and IHOP, I mean, I think, I think I might agree with you. I think Denny's perhaps has lapped them. I swap. Yeah, yeah, unfortunately. I mean, they retreated to burgers for a while. Like, that's telling they knew their breakfast wasn't their strong suit and it's a breakfast place, you know? Yeah, IHOP was a misfire. I am going to say, you know what, I think, I was going to say, just say three even, but I might as well be in the hand-holding club with the two of you, three and a quarter forks for Denny's, based off of this experience. And in terms of what won the
Starting point is 01:40:15 day, AM or PM, I mean, it's pretty obvious. Wow, you almost inhaled your mic. Yeah, you almost passed out there. If I had only ordered breakfast from this place, it would easily be four forks. Like, I think the PM side really dragged it down for me. The Denny's breakfast, I think, is rock solid. It was really good. It was good. And that did win it over. My dinner experience was not that bad. But Wags, when you said cockatoo doodle, did you float off the ground for a few seconds? Yeah, I just kind of hovered. Wings extended from my back. I did sort of an animorphs thing and sort of partially turned into a rooster for a second. A no-nonsense note reading rooster. Sean, just so you know, day has won, I'm sorry, morning has won the day
Starting point is 01:41:19 in every episode so far. Wow. Night has not won the day. I want to give a shout out to Isabella, who helped us out. She was great. And Sean, like you said in these crazy times, filling out orders, running all over the place, doing a great job. And then I threw $100 order on her and I feel bad for that. But she handled it like a champ and she ruled. And then I also want to say a very happy birthday to Paul Pierce. Happy birthday, Paul Pierce. Wow. Celtics legend, Clippers legend. You're two basketball teams. Stabbed in a club and then back on the court days later. Truly one of the most badass things about, I mean, it is so crazy. And an amazing comeback. And hey, you know, although I certainly am no fan of the Boston Celtics, Paul Pierce is
Starting point is 01:42:03 from Southern California. And hey, I appreciate that. That's right. An LA legend. It's time for a segment. Jesus. Wow. We've got a set of fast food jingles. Man, don't send this to Paul Pierce. He's going to probably tear up. What an honor. He's got a bar and a restaurant here in LA. We got to go. We got to go. That's a double. That's, you know what? That's another double. Per singer make a note. It's time for a segment. We've got a set of fast food jingles. And you both have to guess what year they're from. Wow. It's jingle all the way spelled W-E-I-G-H. Wow. Mitch, you've played this before, but you know, you know, you know, it's a good pun when you spell it out. Yes. You have to read it to understand. So Emma will play each jingle and then you will
Starting point is 01:42:59 each guess the year. You'll alternate who goes first. Sean, you'll go first for the first one. And whoever gets the closest to the year without going over gets a point, which is Price's right style. And then we also have the Art and Marine rule, which we recently added. If you get the year on the dot, you get an additional point. You have two points. And wait, hold on. Is Shazam allowed? Yeah, you can Shazam them. I don't know if it will help because I'm not sure how many jingles from fast food restaurants are on Shazam, but you can try. Shazam famously tells you what year something came up. That's the first thing it says. And hey, in honor of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, we're talking pizza. With these jingles, this is Pizza Hut
Starting point is 01:43:47 and Domino's Jingles. Pizza Hut versus Domino's Jingles. All right, Emma, let's play the first one. This is a Pizza Hut jingle coming in for good. We're coming in for pizza. We're coming in for good. We're coming in to Pizza Hut. We're coming in for good. The Pizza Hut Supreme, a special pizza with five, count them, five toppings. Superly good. We're coming in to Pizza Hut. We're coming in for good. Wow. Interesting. Wow. A lot of guys in that commercial. It was all men. Failed the back dealt test for sure. You also get a nice view of an old school Pizza Parlor at the end. Oh, man. How great were those? I love them. But this one is tricky just because it falls into a span of time where it could be like six years, basically. This to me feels like
Starting point is 01:44:58 this to me, I shouldn't say, I mean, we know that this is, to me, it's late 70s to early 80s, so it's somewhere in there. I'm going to say this. Wait, am I going first or are you going first? All right, all right, fuck. But say what you wanted to say. This would really help me. I was going to say this too is that the fact that Supreme Pizza is treated like a new brand new thing is very funny to me. Like five, five, count them five toppings, which is crazy. Now, I was not in that realm at all, Mitch. 1970s. Is that what you said? Yeah. Interesting. My brain went to early 90s because it reminded me of like the type of commercial you would see before like a VHS tape that I would watch. So this is tricky because it could be mid 80s.
Starting point is 01:45:51 It could be mid to late 80s. I don't know. I'll tell you what, I want to guess 1990. Wow. Wow. 1990. 1990. From Sean. Maybe I'm way off and just not good at this, but I don't know. That's what I feel like 1990. No, what do you think? It's about going over, right? You don't want to go over? Don't want to go over. I'm going to guess. But don't just guess like zero AD. That's no fun. Take a real guess. I want to guess 1978 because I think 1978. 1978 from the Spoon Man. Mitch, you win. You were one year off. This came out in 1979. Wow. Much to the approval of Billy Corgan. Wow. That's when this ad was out. Wow. You get one point. I was way off. 11 years off. That's bad. It's tough. Okay. 1990. Supreme pizza from pizza.
Starting point is 01:47:04 All right. Let's hear the next one. Emma, let's play the second jingle from Domino's. This is Nobody Knows Like Domino's. Sean, see, you get it now though. They're tricky. These are tricky. Yeah, these are tricky. Domino's just what you're into. Domino's just where you're at. Nobody knows like Domino's. Domino's pizza doesn't make your pizza until you make your call and delivers in 30 minutes or less guaranteed. Nobody knows like Domino's. Domino's pepperoni pizza feast with extra pepperoni and cheese. Now are mediums just 8.99 or two for 12.99. This one is also tricky. Very tricky. Now, I think this is me first, right? Mitch, you'll go first. Yes. So I think this is kind of, this to me feels closer in the area that John was talking about. I
Starting point is 01:47:59 think that this is, this could be 90s. And I feel like, God, it might be 90s. I'm afraid to go 90s because I don't, I'm afraid to go over, but it could, I mean, for all we know that. You know who else was afraid to go 90? Everyone. That's why that platform failed. Wow. That is harsh stuff. Really good work on a show for go 90. And yes, the show did disappear. Yeah, me too. I had a go 90 series that no one was able to watch exclusive to Verizon phones. We talked about this. Why is that sort of thing of when we would do when I would shoot funny or die videos and you'd be like, well, this is like embarrassing and bad. And it says you're written by Nick Weigher, but at least this is something for real. I'm in this thing with whoever fucking, this will stick around on the
Starting point is 01:48:55 internet forever. Not even the truth. And then it just, it disappears. Like I never thought in the age of the, in the 21st century that content would just disappear. Right. It's just gone. Do you really wish that like Hyundai branded spot where you had to wear like a wrestling singlet was still online? Yeah, paid $80. I'm fine that the video where I'm like a baby and they throw tomatoes at me for $15 doesn't exist. I'm going to go 1988. I'm going to go full 10 years later than my last guess. 88. I think it could be earlier. And I also think it could be mid 90s. This is, I said before that a lot of these commercials can, they can go all over the place. This is, this is tough. This is another tough one. Okay. So I want to say based on the
Starting point is 01:49:48 vocalization of the singer that a little bit more hip hop in this one, a little bit like, I'd say less white than the other commercial. And that makes me think the same guess as the last one 1990. You have won this one because it is actually 1991. You get a point for coming closest without going over, though you're both in the same in the correct general range. 1991. Damn. That brings us to our next clue. You're knotted up at a point of peace. Emma, let's play Pizza Hut, making it great. Again. I hope not. There's nothing like Pizza Hut pan pizza. Okay. So we're back to no black people in this one. So
Starting point is 01:51:11 I would say the last one, didn't the last one, the last one to me felt like they were trying to do a Whitney Houston thing. Yes, that did feel like they were playing in the world of the Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey songs. And this one was like, this one is like, we built this city on rock and roll. Like, I want to say 83 a year before my birth. 1983 from Sean Diston. Mitch, what say you? This is tough because the going over thing, I don't want to steal an answer. So I'm, but I'm going to go two years later than Sean. I just did that to you. Don't feel bad about it. I just scooped you. I do. I do think that it is a little later. I do not think it's earlier. I
Starting point is 01:51:56 think it's like, in my mind, it's 86. I'm going to go 85 because I, because I just, if it's 85, I'll be so pissed. So I'm saying 1985. I think that it's a little bit later. But it's still, it's, it's definitely an 80s commercial. There's no doubt. I'd be shocked. You both have the correct decade and you're both under, which means Mitch is closer. 1987 is when this pizza at first cared. All right, Mitch, you have two points. Let's do one more. I should have gone with 86. I mean, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. Unless you got 87 on the dot. All right. You each have, Mitch, you have two points. Sean, you have one point and we're going to do, we'll do one more question. Emma, let's skip ahead to the last one. This is Domino's
Starting point is 01:52:45 one call does it all. When Domino's pizza delivers quality comes first. Taste the quality Domino's pizza delivers one call does it all. This is hard as fuck. This one's so hard. So perhaps a visual clue that our listeners won't get, but there is some, what appeared to be some early CG in this commercial, some grid style computer animation. Also the phone, I feel like there's a, there's an old school phone that on an old school car. Yeah. I missed the car. That really would have helped me. I would have known. The car is more confusing than anything to be honest with you.
Starting point is 01:53:49 Wow. Well, Mitch, you're up. You guessed first for this last one. What say you? What year? Without going over for Domino's one call does it all. God, I'm going to go too late and it'll blow it. I'm going to go. Oh no, is that too late? Do you want to use a lifeline? Do you want to ask mom? It would be funny if she was like, Oh, I know 1992. 1992. Mom's right. 1992 from the Spoonman. So the only way I can win is if I get it on the dot and get two points, you can win out right. If you get it on the dot, you can tie if you get it closer without going over. Now, part of me wants to throw this because I know
Starting point is 01:54:47 Mitch is famously competitive and I just want him to like me at this point. I don't want to be winning now would be above her son. I like you either way. So I want you to do what you think is right. Okay, okay. I want to say 2000. No, I'm just kidding. Let's see. Ah, fuck. You said 92, Mitch? It feels slightly. I feel like the other one that was going a little Whitney Houston was maybe a little bit. Gosh, it's hard to tell. All right, I want to say and I'm going for the win. That's true. 1990. This is the third time I'm guessing 1990. I'm going to say 1990 one more time. You know what? I honestly respect that because I don't know. There's a thing where you could say 1993 and if it's later, then you get a point.
Starting point is 01:55:43 You mentioned CG and I know that there are some CG advances in 1993 specifically. So yes, I could have guessed 93. I'm going with 1990. It's a good year for me. I like 1990. Sean, Mitch, to my surprise, you are both over. This one dates to 1986. Wow. So there you go. The car was from the 80s, but I just thought it was like a throwback. They really came in with a hard guitar riff and then you think it's going to be some 90s guitar and then it's a groovy 80s song and that's what's confusing. Weigar, you know what I say? Yeah. We give the point to Sean for being closest and we end in a tie. Wow. Very gracious of you, Mitch. Unfortunately, that's not how the game works. So, bitch, I guess you are the winner.
Starting point is 01:56:39 Congratulations. Wow, Sean. I honestly thought you were going to say 93 and I was going to be like, fuck, because that to me was... It was pulling me backwards for some reason. I just thought it was a little bit less contemporary than the Whitney Houston one and I guess I was right. I should have gone with that instinct. Damn. Wow. Well, hey, a spirited competition and a good set of jingle. Shout out to the Drop King Robert Persinger for assembling those as always. That was Jingle All the Way spelled W-E-I-G-H. Just like a restaurant value feedback. Let's open up the feedback. Wait, why is it spelled way like that? I don't... Because it's food based. Okay. And food weighs. Food makes you fat. Yeah. Not like curds and way. Not like way. The food. Way protein.
Starting point is 01:57:25 It could be that. You know what? Maybe it'll be that in the future. W-H-E-Y way. Jesus. Today's email comes from David Hershack. David writes, my wife Carrie and I just had our first wonderful baby girl Jane about a week ago. Congratulations. While sleep deprived at 4 a.m. feeding her, my mind got to wondering about what her first memories will be. I wanted to ask you both what is the first real food that you remember eating? My wife's is the peanut butter and jelly sandwiches that her daycare provider made and mine is the pumpkin muffins my mom would bake that I still adore to this day. Either of you have any first food memories that come to mind? Congratulations on the birth of your child.
Starting point is 01:58:11 This guy who sounds like a welcome back codder character. David... What is the name? David... Hershack. You're thinking of Horshack. Oh, okay. Hershack. Luckily not. Rorschach. Isn't Rorschach crazy? Oh, boy. Yeah, Rorschach's bad news. I don't know. I follow Rorschach. I'm part of the... Oh, no. What are they called? The octopus or whatever the fuck is this? Sean, no. Is this TV show lore for Watchmen? This is TV Watchmen. Yeah. I remember being in the theater and watching and seeing the great outdoors. That's like one of my early theater memories. I was talking about this recently. I have early theater memories and then I probably saw a movie before that. I definitely did, but I do have a few early food memories. I remember us playing a prank on the
Starting point is 01:59:03 Domino's delivery guy, like my mom and my sister and the kids down the street, the greens. Michael and Kristen Green. We played a big prank on the delivery guy because it was really late, but a fun kid prank. It was just nice. We didn't hit him in the balls or anything, but as far as eating food, one of my early memories is... I remember eating soft-boiled eggs as a little kid where they would put them in a little cup and you ate the soft, like you just ate the yolk. Then at my grandma's house, I got to say this. I've talked about it before, but my grandma, Helen Dunovan, one of the nicest people in the world. She'd be 110 years old, which is insane if she was alive, but she would make me toasting white, Nick. This is
Starting point is 01:59:53 probably why I still love the white toast with butter, but she cut it up into a million little pieces. That's what I requested. She cut it up into little cubes and it was all this toast with butter, just cut up into all these little cubes. A great lady, and I remember eating those. Then she also made these French doughnut pastries, which were like these little French muffins slash doughnuts. They were really great. You dip them in butter and then you dip them in a cinnamon sugar, like it was deconstructed. Those were fucking ruled. Those are two very early food memories. Am I happy meal getting tossed in the fire? That's another one. For me, the early memories are my family's from Jamaica, and I would go to Jamaica every summer. Just instead
Starting point is 02:00:39 of going to summer camp, I'd go live with my aunts and uncles out there. I feel like food memories at that time were attached to the things happening around them. One of the things you'd go do is you'd go get fish on the beach and you'd go into these kind of shack-like places where there's actually sand on the ground. You'd order something called fish and festival. Festival is their version of fried dough with cornmeal. It is so fucking good. We would just go there as a whole family, and they'd bring four giant fried fish and a bunch of this fried dough with it. Even thinking about it now, all the tastes are rushing back into my mouth. That is the earliest memory because I think it was just such an extreme. It was the first time I was in a really
Starting point is 02:01:27 cool eating experience. Yeah, that's one. Sean, I know this. That's amazing. I don't know this as well nearly, but I went to Jamaica for the new years of 1999 to 2000 with my family. I went into one of those places that you were talking about, like basically a restaurant that has the sand on it. Yeah. The ground is sand and it was cool as hell. I had quite a few fish just like what you were saying. I'm not sure if I had festival. Yeah, they normally, honestly, when you go to like, there are some fast food chains that almost serve it like french fries in some places where it's just these little dough balls and like, I was obsessed with it as a kid. It's like, honestly, like everyone else's fried dough, but there's cornmeal and a little bit of sugar in it,
Starting point is 02:02:13 and it's just so good. Damn. But yeah, that's my earliest memory. That's a great memory. Yeah. That sounds amazing. I don't have a good one for this. I was thinking through it, and the only thing that came to mind is when I was very young, my grandparents on my dad's side were taking care of me, and we were driving around, and my grandparents wanted Del Taco, and they asked me, we were, you know, they live in, they live three hours from Lakewood where I grew up, and so they were like, is there a Del Taco nearby? And I just a little kid brain, I didn't know, and I was just like, I don't know. And they're like, okay, well, we'll go to this diner, and we went to this diner. I think it was called the Golden Bear diner, just like a standalone place,
Starting point is 02:02:53 and we had a lovely time. And then we were driving home, and we drove past a Del Taco. And my grandparents were like, there's a Del Taco right there. This is like two blocks from where the house is. And I was like, oh yeah, I forgot. And I felt fucking stupid. And then you've internalized this Del Taco allegiance, always trying to make it up to the restaurant since then? I guess so. I guess this is the origin story of this whole thing. This is so fucked up. You didn't tell them. Well, I would have liked to have gone. I wasn't trying to keep it a secret. I just didn't know. You never, so it's just fake. You never liked Del Taco.
Starting point is 02:03:34 No, I love Del Taco. Stop this. Oh, stop this. Wags, I have two more that I have to say. I remember eating buffalo wings for the first time down Cape Cod with my godparents family. But this is like, it's just an early food experience. And then the number one one that I can't believe I didn't say was mother's milk. Oh, right, of course. We all remember that. Tastes just as good today as it did 30 years ago. I remember distinctly my mom explaining to me when I reached a certain age that when you were a little baby, I used to feed you like she explained to breastfeeding to me.
Starting point is 02:04:23 I was maybe six years old. And my response was, can I have some? Of course it was. Yeah. And then she was like, no, you're too old for that. That was when you were a baby and kind of took care of it that way. That's some real Daniel Weiger type shit right there. Why not now? If you have a question or comment about the world of chain restaurants, you can email us at doughboyspodcast at or leave us a voicemail at 830. Godot. That's 830-463-6844. And to get the Dough Boys double or weekly bonus episode, join the Golden North Platinum Play Club at slash doughboys. And you know what else you can do on Patreon, check out slash Sean Diston. Sean Diston, thank you so
Starting point is 02:05:12 much for being here. What a treat. What a delight. Please come back. I've been in honor to be here, thanks for having me. And if you need anyone for these doubles that we came up with in the moment, just let me know and I can sign them. Hell yeah. You're coming back to do this investigation on which breakfast place is better. Oh yeah, the pizza one. We got to do this pizza one too. We have to stop talking TMNT on CBB on slash Sean Diston. Anything else you would like to plug? That's about it. If you like the Ninja Turtles and you want to talk about the movies, it's what I've been doing over quarantine. So yeah, come give us a listen. Hell yeah. There you go. And we've got an upcoming episode, depending on when this comes out with
Starting point is 02:05:54 Weigar and Heather and Campbell, where we talk about Turtles Forever, which it was a really fun pot to do. Weird ass movie where the Ninja Turtles from two different universes cross over. It's very strange. It's the spider-verse of Ninja Turtles movies. It's very crazy. So that one's coming up. If you're a fan of Weigar, come on by. Well, I wouldn't say that. I'll do it for this episode of Dome Voice, until next time for the smooth man Mike Mitchell. I'm Nick Weigar. Happy eating. See ya. On the next Doe Boys Double, rock around the clock. Doberfest continues as Doe Boys guest power couple Marissa Pinson and David Nair return to discuss midnight snacks.
Starting point is 02:06:53 Do feed us after midnight. Doe feed us? Get the Doe Boys Double every Tuesday, only at slash Doe Boys. Sources for this week's intro are in the episode description.

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