Doughboys - Sharky’s with Erin McGathy

Episode Date: May 18, 2017

Fan favorite Erin McGathy (This Feels Terrible, Human Conversation), in town from Ireland, returns to antagonize the ‘boys and drop a bombshell on Mitch. Amid working through conflicting emotions in... real time and discussing what is and isn't problematic in 2017, the crew review west coast Mexican chain Sharky’s and test drive the new segment Chips Inhale: Res-Chew Rangers.Want more Doughboys? Check out our Patreon!: for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Commercial backlash. That's what a 27-year-old Steven Spielberg blamed when his hit film Jaws only received four Oscar nods, and a 1976 video documenting him watching the Academy's nominations announcement. Spielberg had allowed a TV crew to film him viewing the press conference, and this prototype of the now-common reaction video trope shows the director as a cocky brash kid who confidently predicts a sweep of the major categories. Given his current reputation as one of cinema's all-time greatest craftsmen, it's a disconnect to realize for the first part of his career he was considered akin to his generation's Michael Bay, a talented director who made crowd-pleasers with limited artistic merit. But despite Jaws' semi-snub
Starting point is 00:00:39 at the Oscars, it proved to be one of the most enduring, influential films of all time. Adjusted for inflation, it grossed over a billion dollars in its initial theatrical run and is considered the original summer blockbuster. And it had another lingering side effect, cementing in Americans a fear of sharks, which, based on the raw numbers, is among the least rational of all cultural paranoias. Sharks only kill six people worldwide each year. Choking on food kills over 3,000. Meanwhile, shark fishing for meat and medicine kills upwards of 100 million of the predatory fish. In 1992, restaurateur Steve Papperno, inspired by his trips to Mexico, opened a taco shop in the LA neighborhood of Sherman Oaks. With its emphasis on fresh,
Starting point is 00:01:16 organic ingredients, the restaurant quickly caught on with the health-conscious Californians who craved Mexican food. Now, with two dozen locations across the Golden State, as well as Nevada and Oregon, the name of Papperno's chain evokes not an item on the menu, but his customers who prey on its tacos, burritos, and bowls. For with our unending appetites for consuming all varieties of lifeforms, it is mankind who is the ultimate predator. This week on Doe Boys, Sharkies. Welcome to Doe Boys, the podcast about chain restaurants' work protection of I'm Nick Weiger, alongside my co-host, Michael Big MacDonald, the Spoon Man, Mike Mitchell.
Starting point is 00:02:05 I'm bigger than Mike McDonald. I guess, well, Big Mac. Oh, Big Mac. Like Big Mac within there, sandwich in there. Oh, all right. Yeah. But Mike McDonald already is like a big guy. Is he a huge guy? Isn't he a big guy? I think he's like a physically large man. Yeah, so am I. I'm not saying he's calling you bigger. I mean, you might be a little bigger than him. What the fuck, man? Michael McDonald's not huge, right? The man is the ultimate predator. Yeah, right? To catch a predator is, they catch men. I know where you're going with this. I'm trying to say you're going to be. You're saying I'm going to be on To Catch a Predator, the To Catch a Predator show with Chris Hansen. Yes, you're going to be on To Catch a Predator
Starting point is 00:02:42 someday. Right. Didn't you say you've always wanted to be on that show? I want to be on that show, but it's bait. Real quick, that roast was courtesy of MB Cambry. If you've got a roast for a Mitch at the top of the show, roastspoonman at is the address. I'd like to use you as bait. Shark bait, that is. You're afraid. We'll get into this in a little bit, but you've got a shark fear yourself. Sharks should be terminated. I mean, they're like dinosaurs, you know, like they're monsters, they're ancient creatures. Also, I get your choking thing, more people choke or whatever, but I'd be like laughing as I choked. If I was getting eaten by a shark, that's like you'd be bitten in two.
Starting point is 00:03:29 That's like a terrible. You'd be laughing as you choked. Yeah, probably. Like you've got like a hot dog lodged down your throat. That's right. And you're like, you got to smile creeps up to your ears as you breathe, as you're unable to breathe and your brain just deprived of oxygen. Tell me that you won't be smiling as you know that you're dying. Oh, yeah. No, I'm looking forward to that moment. Anyways, here we go. Here's a drop. Okay, you know, okay. Table free, just the hardest direction. I thought Jeff's got a big dick, voluminous wet dream.
Starting point is 00:04:19 Look, I think minions are great. Stuart has one eye, he's cute. It's cranking off my big old dick. Cast act table free. That was a good one. A lot of fun. That was a lot of fun. That was from Franny. We know Franny. She's great at trophy uncle active on Twitter. Franny Comstock. Yes, very funny. Good job, friend. That was great. Good job, friend. Oh, god damn it. Are you playing what it's going on? What is something is playing afterwards? It's stopped. People got mad at me last time because they said they were like, Mitch doesn't know how to like use technology correctly. And it was our ox cord. We have the wrong kind of ox cable. Yes. Yeah. Dustin confirmed. We have like, I guess, I don't know. Hey, Dustin, was it we have a stereo one? We need a mono or vice versa.
Starting point is 00:05:06 We don't have, we have a mono cable and it's trying to output a stereo signal from the phone. So that's why you only get the one channel on the drop we played last week. It's not your fault. It's not my fault. It's not, this is like a Goodwill hunting. You telling me that it's not my fault, which I appreciate. Speaking of which, quickly before we introduce our guest, my mom is in town and I want to probably, it's been, it's been a crazy mom week. Right. Mom. I'm trying to, I'm trying to pronounce it correctly because I'm in my head, but you're saying it fine. My mom is in town and we've been eating some, some great food. And the last night, we went to Kispaca, uh, C-H-I space, S-P-A-C-C-A, which is like a part of like the, the, the MOTSA group.
Starting point is 00:05:53 Yeah. Mario Batali's restaurants out here. And it was, it was amazing and it's more of like a steakhouse focused concept, right? Italian steakhouse. That's right. Yes. Okay. And killer Mike sat next to us. Wow. And it was, it was like, I've never, I've never had like, uh, like, I've never wanted to say hello to a celebrity like more in my like, uh, like my mom was like, go say hi to her. And she didn't know who he was. Right. And then she was going to try to tell him to order the barata. And I was like, mom, don't do anything. Don't like, don't interrupt his meal. This is embarrassing. And she's like, who is he? And I was like, he's a famous rapper. He's big and he's big. And my mom went notorious. That's what she said. And I was like, no, notorious behind. She died 20 years ago.
Starting point is 00:06:36 Literally like 1995. Yes. So long ago. Someone born, someone born, uh, the year Biggie died can now legally drink at a bar. Yes. They're already, they're cooler than you and I are. So it was one of those embarrassing moments, but I never like, uh, in my life, like, not, not never in my life. I've had this experience a lot, Nick, and I'm sure that you can, you know the same feeling of like, you know, when you're like at a dance or like you want to talk to a girl at a bar or something, and then you like, don't do it. Like, uh, or you're like, I should go talk to that person, but then you, you, you, you get, you get freaked out. Oh yeah. I'm all about inaction. Yes. And it was, it felt like that kind of all like in high school or even, I remember
Starting point is 00:07:16 at the end of college, there was a dance and it felt like our senior year, there was like a dance and it was so pathetic that it felt so much like high school, not only for me, but just for everyone. I was like, this is like, we're all still children or something, but even still that, like I've had those moments in my mind where I've just been like, talk to that person and then I, and I haven't done it. Yeah. And killer Mike was, was one of those situations. I really wanted to say like, I love, I love you, but I, but I, but I couldn't, I couldn't do it. I want to tell him that I thought his, uh, his style was bitching because he raps about that in a song. Uh, and I think that it would be cool. I think that would be friends. I guess, I guess my concern would be
Starting point is 00:07:58 if you'd gone up to killer Mike and said, Hey man, I think your style is bitching. He would have quit rap music. You would have known that I was talking about us. Don't forget that. Listen, even though I'm a loser, I'm still cooler than you Nick. Let's not forget that. You think you're cooler than me? I think we're about equally cool. I think I'm cooler than you. I think it depends on, I think, and some people will rank us differently, but I think we're about the same cool level in society. No, this is garbage. I am cooler than you. If I have anything, I am cooler than you. I mean, I guess how do you, how do you, how do you, how do you level? I mean, being cool also as you find out when you get older, isn't cool at all. Nothing is cool,
Starting point is 00:08:40 but I'm cooler than you. I'm a big fat party animal. I'm more of the party animal type, but you're not a big fat party animal, but in some ways I am. I also can be though. You can be like, I mean, you're like a charismatic guy. Yeah. You can be like the center of attention. You can entertain a room. You're cooler than me. I don't, I think some people might perceive me to be cooler than you. I think we're about the same level. Look, either way, we're, we're like trying to argue, you know, we're, we're, this is like arguing which aunt is bigger. You know what I mean? It's like either way, it doesn't really matter. Neither of us is cool, but I think we're about the same relative level of cool. I thought I was cool. I thought that's
Starting point is 00:09:18 I thought I was a cool guy at one point. I think some people perceive you as cool. God. Look, let's introduce our guest. She'll sign. And also she'll give us the answer of who is cooler. Someone very cool is with us, the host of the podcast. This feels terrible in human conversation, which are right here on Farrell audio. Aaron McGathey is back. Hi. Thanks for having me back. Thank you for being here. Who is cooler? Oh, I mean, the party animal thing is a, is a thing. I like this. I want to, I want to point out the setup for the listener. You have this setup, like a dining room table where the parents are facing each other and fighting and the kid is sitting in the middle. I am, I am staring at a wall and you two are
Starting point is 00:10:01 facing each other. Right. Yeah. It's a terrible setup. We've, we've had people ask to, I, and I asked what I was like, would you mind sitting there in the middle? I'd asked you that before it started. And we've had people be like, uh, can I sit in like that other chair? Like you want to switch with me? Yeah. But I want to be away from Weiger. It kind of works. But I, I mean, like there's not, we haven't figured out the best setup. Maybe there's a better way to, I mean, I need to get rid of this table. Let's be honest. I was, I was looking for a new table, Weiger. It's hard though. It's a shopping is hard. Shopping is not easy. I found out. I've been, I've been looking for a couch, found the perfect couch. It's filled with feathers. Guess what?
Starting point is 00:10:38 I'm allergic to feathers. Oh boy. Yeah. Oh man. Very cool. Very cool thing to say. I was cool, Weiger. I could chug beers and stuff. I could chug beers. All I know is that the coolest thing is arguing about who's cooler. I think that, that's probably the mark of coolness. God damn it, McGathey. You're cooler than us. We, I know we get it. But then between us, the losers, who's the cooler loser? I mean, like name a scenario. Like I think that Nick would be cooler at like a meeting. Hell yeah. But I think, I think Mitch would be cooler. It's so weird staring at a wall. And I know it's not a middle medium. We should put, we should put a photo of. Can I take the mic out of the stand? Of course you can. Okay. I'm going to, I'm going to do that. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:11:25 of course. I'm so excited to be here. And now I'm like, now I'm nervous now that we're rolling. Well, because you had to stare at a blank white wall. We should put a picture of Nick and I on the wall. Here's the thing. There's not a great setup. We, this is, we kind of settle on this because Mitch and I talk at each other a lot. And it felt like it, like it felt like when we were like, Mitch was sitting where you are now, we're kind of like, we're kind of in a T formation when which Mitch was sitting where you are now, we would like sort of be talking with each other and the guests would feel excluded over there. Right. So kind of like having the guest in the crossfire kind of our firing lines are going seem to work a little better. Have you heard of round
Starting point is 00:11:59 tables? I'm looking for a new table. We're going to get a new table. Also, it's weird, Nick, that you say, make the T formation to me and the guest when they walk in. That's cool. You think people expect, you know, I think fans online will figure out who is cooler. I think you were probably cooler with women at one point. I am very bad at dating and stuff like that. But you're no slouch. Yes. As I've gotten older, I've got, I've gotten more confidence, I'd say. But does that count? I mean, an 18 year old wiger and 18 year old Mitch would be a funny combo to compare who's cooler. Yeah. And to kiss. Yes. Actually, that would probably be the best case to figure things out quickly. But yeah, no, I, I guess you're right. We're both losers is the answer to that question.
Starting point is 00:12:48 Right. Yeah. But you know, there, I mean, I'm sure, I'm sure again, different people have different. You're saying that there's some losers below us that think we're cool. Yes. I think they're definitely losers below us who think we are cool. Who do you guys think is cool? Who do you, who do you think like who are your, your cool heroes? Oh man. Aside from killer, Mike Eugene Cordero. Okay. Yeah. Eugene's so cool. You came up with that so fast. And you're like, it made you like nervous. Now you're adjusting your shorts. I hope Eugene doesn't waste his time with our, and let's do our podcast. Right. But I like thinking of him hearing this and being like, oh, fuck. Eugene is very cool. I was on
Starting point is 00:13:28 a sketch team with him and I was like terrified of him. And whenever we would be kind of like standing with each other and had to make conversation, I'd be like, oh, so stupid air and stop saying stupid stuff to cool Eugene. Right. Some of, some of those New York guys, they got a swagger that I, that I, that I, that I, but I can be the water. I can, it is the water. It is the pizza to the people. Mary King, the coolest. Um, uh, yeah. Who's my, I think like Trey Parker, Matt Stone are the coolest and that, and then they're also not cool, cool. I guess, but they are different sort of, but they're sort of cool. People perceive them as cool and they're sort of like,
Starting point is 00:14:05 there's a coolness to being a, someone who creates something you admire. Like that's like cool. Yeah. I think the camel cigarette camel is the coolest. Oh yeah. He actually is one of the coolest. I have my friend, Anthony Tufo back home and he's just a classic cool guy. Yeah. I love my friends from Quincy are now also going to make funny, but Anthony is cool. He wears leather. He's a cool guy. He sounds cool. He is very, you would, you would, you would love him. Wiger. Oh, actually, I know someone we can agree on. Tom Cruise. Wiger and I both think Tom Cruise is fucking cool. He's the coolest. I'm really excited about that mummy movie. I am too. I think it's going to be good. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:38 Can I, can I say something? I don't know. Cause I don't know if this is a, I think this is a spoiler, but I don't, I, this is also a speculative spoiler. Okay. A spec spoil. So like the mummy. Yes. That's the speculative spoiler. I heard is that Tom, at the end of the mummy, Tom Cruise gets the powers of the mummy and becomes the new mummy, but he's like kind of like a good mummy because they're going to make them, they're going to make a mummy based, by the way, this rumor in quotations comes from bug main, our friend bug main. When is bug mains been wrong about anything? I mean, he probably is right. If Tom Cruise becomes the mummy, is he going to be like a little mummy? Cause he's so small.
Starting point is 00:15:17 I think they'll make him cause mummies are always super tall. Yeah. That's your point. They don't really make a point, but you know, the language of cinema, they use forced perspective. So Tom Cruise does not go on. He never appears like a short guy on the, in the movies, right? He's always like a normal sized guy. I don't think they're going to, they're going to make a point of making him a small mummy. And live, die, repeat has a sequel coming. Live, die, repeat and repeat. Is that what it was? Yeah. I don't like that title. And repeat again. What was it? I forget. Yeah. Live, die, repeat and repeat. They die, repeat and repeat. It's funny cause they had like a part of the
Starting point is 00:15:51 reason they thought that the first one did bad was cause of the title. They changed the title, right? Cause it was edge of tomorrow. Right. It's a great, great, great movie. I love it. It's like one of the best action movies in the last decade. It's awesome, right? Why would you agree with that? I've never seen it. What the fuck? I know. I've heard it's great. I've just never actually watched it. What is wrong? What the fuck? Why are you serious? You're incensed. It was an understated movie. I'm one of those people who haven't seen it. Yeah, I know. I do love Tom Cruise. I haven't seen every single one of his movies. Do you hate women and dynamic roles? Oh boy. Okay. What's that? Look. Uh, no, I, no. Why would I hate that?
Starting point is 00:16:26 That's great. You're saying this to Mr. Problematic, the guy who is afraid to say or do anything. You're afraid to walk down the street because you think you might offend someone. That's not true. That's hyperbolic. I think, I think that it comes from a good place. And I think that it's good to think that way in a lot of ways, but you, you're saying this is like throwing a man of worst fear in a man's face right now. Why is that, Nick? Why are you so afraid because you are the whitest man there is? That's a good question. I think I, I understand that I occupy a position of privilege. And I think I also know that I am like, you know, in, there's nothing more cliche than being a white man in the comedy community. You know,
Starting point is 00:17:03 that's just like, that's like the default and it's, and we're overrepresented. And I think there's probably the last thing I would want to do is something where it's like, oh, that's offensive to somebody or that's needlessly making things harder for someone who is already in a position where things aren't, aren't as easy as they are for me. You know what I mean? So like, I'm just, I'm, I'm overly aware, I'm hyper aware of that. And then so I try, I probably overanalyze things to the point of like, hmm, what kind of comment am I making here? Where is this coming from? And also I've like, as I've gotten older, I've become a lot less funny than it used to be. So like, I have to have like this intellectual, like that's how I kind of busy myself or make
Starting point is 00:17:43 myself feel like I have anything left to contribute is that I have like this intellectual approach to humor to like, oh, let's make sure I'm doing this responsibly since I'm no longer good at it. You know what I mean? I think this is, there's a lot of weird things to what you just said, but Erin, I want to hear what you had to say. I was just, I was just curious, Nick, if you were visited by some sort of race and gender changing wizard or fairy, would you, would you take them up on that? Like as a white man in the comedy community feeling like you're, you're a dime a dozen, would you, would you, would you switch race or gender and what race would you like to be? Speaking of problematic, he's, he's, he's, he's looking deep into
Starting point is 00:18:25 nothingness right now and thinking about this. I have a two word answer. Fuck no. No, I mean, I, that's its own thing, but like, no, I think I, I, I am who I am and I'm a ride this, this out in this hypothetical scenario. Right. Right. Cause also too, this is, this is easy, right? This is the easiest. I mean, I, cause I'm also, I'm not only am I white and a man, I'm also straight and I'm six one and I'm like, I've, I'm a lean bill. I like everything is pretty, I don't, I'm not, I don't have a disability. Things are pretty easy for me. I have all the, you got, you got some good stuff going. Yeah. The difficulty level is very easy for me. I'm
Starting point is 00:19:03 just sort of like coasting along. You're cool. Not as cool as me. But also just be the funniest Nick Weiger you can be. Just do the best Nick Weiger can do. Right. I think that I really got in your head with this whole extra in my head now. Don't be, it's no, it's no one's fault. That's my fault. No, it's no one's fault. I think, I think that it, I think it's good that you're aware of that stuff. And I think that we all should be, I didn't expect any, I didn't expect the answer that you gave, which is a very well thought out answer that you think of a lot, but, but then you can relax too a little bit. Right. Yeah. I had a really embarrassing moment yesterday at Jersey Mike's
Starting point is 00:19:45 where, where everything embarrassing happens. I was getting, I was, I was ordering a wrap and this father and his child came in and they were African American and his child who I assumed was a boy, was just like the most beautiful happy child. And in my head, I wanted to say like, Oh, your, your, your son is so sweet or something. Your son, your son, you have such a cute son. And then I was like, Oh, but what if it's not his son? What if it's his daughter? And then I was like, I was about to say, Oh, you have such a beautiful daughter. And then I'm like, why am I saying beautiful? Why am I like sexualizing this child? So it came out of my mouth was good child. Just looked at me and just nodded. Good child for, for eating. I am a witch. Right.
Starting point is 00:20:33 That's like how it's like when an alien comes to earth and then they're just like learning the ways of people. That's like how they form sentences at first. So that's, I mean, and basically what you just said right there is, is what I fear with Nick sometimes is going over the and thinking of it too much to become then, then that becomes a thing of thinking of it too much. Yeah. I think we're all kind of in space, but you're right. I mean, like last night when my mom thought Killer Mike was notorious BIG, I was mortified and I was like, shut the fuck up. And I was like embarrassed and didn't want him to hear that because that is insulting. By the way, it's just before mother's day. Don't tell your mom to shut the fuck up. She's been here for quite a
Starting point is 00:21:11 few days. I love my mom. And also she was on the double. We can announce that because this comes out after the double. Yeah, absolutely. She was on the double and she's, I don't know what's going to happen because it hasn't happened yet, but it will be interesting. We're talking about this in the sense that we're recording this before we're recording that episode, but that episode will already be out. Look, time is fucking crazy, guys. That's the real thing, man. Fuckin' time. Yeah, exactly. Speaking of which, Megatha, you've been gone. We miss you. You're overseas. You live in Ireland. You're in Ireland. I am in Ireland. How are things going over there?
Starting point is 00:21:51 Uh, this podcast is the only thing that's been keeping me going. I get, I get all my news from the Doughboys. Uh, I hear Trump, Trump bad. Trump bad. Yeah. Trump is bad. Yeah. I mean, we're not, we're not breaking any new ground by saying that. That's kind of a consensus. We've decided to not be, we shouldn't talk about any, I mean, we shouldn't talk at all. Yes, we shouldn't. Do you think at some point Doughboys will just be, people will turn it on and it'll be an hour or a half of silence. Just some comforting white noise to play. Yeah, no, I, I, I don't know. I mean, I don't know if we'd, we're necessarily making a thing of like, we're not going to get into politics here, but I think we're maybe there, there have. Because you don't, you don't know where,
Starting point is 00:22:36 you don't know where you land really. Yeah, we don't have a problem here. No. You just want to, you want to, let's give him a chance. I'm still undecided. Um, no, I mean, like, I, I don't, we've had this discussion off air about like what we should, and I think that's just the main thing is just the reaction we get from people is that sometimes there's so much politics out there that's so unavoidable. And I feel like sometimes entertainment is an escape from that. And then when it's also coming through in your entertainment, it just sometimes that just feels like it's unrelenting because it is unrelenting. Sure. It's just like, it's, it's just omnipresent. And it's, it's oppressive like to your mind to just constantly being like, to just be like, even like,
Starting point is 00:23:15 I'm going to be watching a, I don't know. I like, I can't not, you can't not be thinking of it. You know what I mean? So I think we've, we've maybe made a, not super conscious, but a semi-conscious effort to not talk as much about that sort of shit on here, but if it comes up, it comes up whatever. Yeah. Right. Am I saying that correctly? I did listen to some Dope Boys episodes like post election. Like it's, it's, it's really sad. I mean, with anything like listening to everybody just joking about Trump winning. Yeah. Nick was wrong on the election and also wrong about that. And I see, I was mad at you. I said, see, you can be wrong about stuff, even though I wasn't right about it either, but I was right about the Nintendo switch.
Starting point is 00:23:53 Yeah. These are two, I had two big whiffs last year. I said that the, I said that Clinton, Hillary Clinton was a lock. Look, I was not alone in that. That was like 99% of the people were saying that. Um, but I also said that the Nintendo switch was going to bomb. And I said, no way. Mitch was so confident in the switch. And look, I, I thought I had history on my side. Gamecube underperformed. We was a hit, but it was a hit because it was a gimmick. We, you bombed. The switch seemed confusing. Like I think people were like, to me, it seemed the marketing made it unclear whether it was a portable or whether it was a, a, a traditional console and kind of it's the name of an old timey weapon. Right. Yeah. If you, if you disobeyed your father
Starting point is 00:24:34 in the 19th century, you're going to get hit with a switch. And so like, so we had that. So I had all that. I thought all of that evidence was pointing in my favor. And so I made the call and I was wrong and you were confident all the way. You said the switch was going to be a hit. It's the hit. It's burning up the charts, especially in Japan. NPD charts in Japan. It's all switch. PS4 isn't even charting anymore. Um, McGathey now who's cooler. Should I do my cool meter threat? I guess, I guess it's boiling hot red. Did you, whatever, whatever, I hear the word cool. What I picture is wheels from Burger King.
Starting point is 00:25:13 Oh hell yeah. He was one of the cool. He was one of the coolest. My, uh, I think I've said this on this before, but my friend Justin Kiley, my best friend growing and still my best friend, Justin Kiley, great guy. Uh, he, uh, he got like Burger King kids club stuff in the mail till like he was like 15 or something where he was or like 16. It was like way too old that he got stickers or yeah, like he joined the Burger King kids club and then like they just kept sending him stuff. And I think I probably was a part of it, but he got stuff forever. Like even still where like you didn't like the character, like the characters weren't visible at the store or anything anymore, but he still got Burger King kids club stuff. Is why are you looking
Starting point is 00:25:54 up Burger King kids club? Yeah. I was trying to remember who else was in it besides wheels. Wheels. There's data was there. That sounds right. From Star Trek. Uh, yeah. Then there's a Spock. There's okay. There's lingo. Yeah. Kid vid. Oh, kid vid is the big one. Lingo looks like he just is a guy. I don't know. I mean, he's just hanging out. He's a guy with a vest that seems like his main attribute was data. One of them. Uh, I can't, this is a heart. This is a small pic. So it's hard to read. There's IQ who looks like a smart little ginger kid. Oh, I think I was thinking of, do I, do we say IQ? No, we said wheels. I think I was thinking of IQ. Yeah, snaps. Um, the token female jaws. And then JD is the dog. Oh, it looks like boomer has a little
Starting point is 00:26:41 football jersey. JD is wearing a helmet that looks like the helmet you put on babies when they're born to reshape their heads. Right. And has goggles too. He's got this whole evil carnival thing going on. Maybe that's what's happening with JD. We, we're not sure. Do you remember the Snapple Lady? Yes. Who's that? Like there, there, there's, there are these commercials like when I was in the fourth or fifth grade with the Snapple Lady who was like sitting at a desk. Yes. And I had a neighbor who would bring Arby's to school every day and would every day have this weird ritual with her sauces. And she had a big lisp and would just be like horsey thawson. Anyway, she was obsessed with the Snapple Lady and she sent the Snapple Lady a letter
Starting point is 00:27:21 asking her if she would come to her birthday party. And the Snapple Lady and Snapple, I don't know if it was actually the Snapple Lady was, was so moved that they just kept on sending her Snapple stuff. And then she became like a pen pal with the Snapple Lady, like past her being the Snapple Lady. That's crazy. That's crazy. The Snapple Lady went on to be in celebrity fit club. Oh. And then she, I haven't, you haven't really seen much of her since. All right. I think the Snapple Lady was in celebrity fit club VH ones. Oh, that's what it was. I was trying to place. What the fuck was that show? So yeah, I was on VH one or was she in like the celebrity house? I think she was in the celebrity fit club. I forget. I wonder if she still has Snapple money
Starting point is 00:28:00 because that was back when people got like a billion dollars for every commercial, right? Yeah. One billion dollars. That's why did that change? It's a weird thing to change. What? Why did rates go down? Yeah. What the hell? Because there's just more, like commercial rates shouldn't go down. If it's like, if it's played as much as, you know what I mean? Like if a campaign is played on every channel, the rates shouldn't go down, right? Look, I mean, that's, that's like with anything though, it's just like inequality is growing. And so the wages of labor go down. And then, and, and you know, the actors, the labor, so they find ways like we can pay these people less and less and less.
Starting point is 00:28:34 And we can, we can do them pay, we can do the buyouts instead of giving them like a residual rate, you know, we can do this non-union in Mexico instead of making it union in the States. There's all, they just keep finding new ways. These corporations keep finding new ways to fuck us. They keep finding ways to fuck us. It's true. I bet you she still probably does have some. I hope she does. I hope she does too. I feel like Snapple Lady. Yeah. She's nice. If you're listening Snapple Lady, hashtag, hey guys. And if, if you're not listening Snapple Lady, hashtag, cap on. Okay. So if she's not listening, she'll tweet at us, cap on. Yeah. Okay. Like if she hears
Starting point is 00:29:19 second hand that she, that she was mentioned on the show, but she doesn't listen, hashtag cap on. I like to think of her, her Twitter account that hasn't been used in like five years. She's suddenly having a tweet that says cap on. Anyways, McGathey, should we get into some food talk? Oh, we got it. We got it. First thing I want to talk to you about, because you've been living in Ireland, food wise. First thing I want to talk to you about food wise, you've been living in Ireland and we talked about this a little bit when we were eating lunch beforehand, but is there basically no real Mexican food over there? There's, there's a place called Burrito Blues and there's some other Burrito places.
Starting point is 00:29:56 There's also a place called Doe Boys in Dublin. Oh really? Yeah, yeah. We've, we've, we've gotten, I think there's like a New York City Doe Boys too. Yeah, I saw it. There's a pizzeria. Turns out not an original name. No, not at all. It's weird though. It's just like two arguing friends who may or may not kiss and you just eat near them. No, I'm so obsessed with the idea of you guys kissing. Yeah. The, the Mexican food there, like I love, I love Mexican food and just Mexican culture. Right. And there are Burrito places that have popped up that are really good, except for one thing, which is that they do not melt the cheese on the food, which is so confusing. I don't understand. If you're listening Dublin, melt the cheese. I agree. Hashtag melt the cheese. Melt that
Starting point is 00:30:47 cheese. Melt it. That is, that's, that's frustrating. You need, you need to have some gooey cheese in those. Yeah. Yeah. I just, yeah. Burrito Blues also sounds like when it sounds like when you're on the toilet, the Burrito Blues. Like it doesn't sound like a, that's right. I mean, it's like a bad name for Burrito Blues is a bad name. Yeah. Yeah. No, I agree. It's, it's, it's, it's sort of like, it's also jamming together to totally disparate cultural things like Mexican food, but then also like Blues from the South. It's like very strange. Yeah. There's also a place called Pablo Pecante. Yeah. Which is, which is a pun off of Pablo Picasso, who is Spanish. I mean, get it together. Pablo Pecante is cool though. It's like Mexican wrestler themed. Oh, that's cool. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:34 But again, no melted cheese. Also, tacos aren't really a thing. And I love, I love tacos probably more than burritos. How have tacos not made it across the pond? That's strange. I don't know. Oh, but there's, there's another, it's so boring. I'm listing all the Mexican places in Dublin, but there's, there's another place called Taco Taco, which is like Moroccan tacos. Okay. Yeah. That's weird that they haven't made it across the pond, right? There's probably a bunch of tacos floating in the ocean. That's the issue. They're, they're, they're so little that it takes forever to get over there. Yeah. That's what it is. Yeah. And corn tortillas aren't really a thing. I'm a flour guy anyways. Just, just to let it be known right here right now,
Starting point is 00:32:16 flour tortillas. Give me flour. I'm a, I'm a, I'm a corn baby. Yeah. I like, I'm also a corn baby. Corn babies, what? You guys are corn babies? We're corn babies, deal with it. We're corn babies. I don't like this. Also, there is baby corn, so it's even more confusing. Right. Baby corn fan? I like baby corn. Here's the thing I've heard. Hold on a second. What? I've heard baby corns aren't actually corn. What? There's some other thing that, that looks like corn and they call it baby corns. Please tell me it's not bugs. It better not be a bug. They're bugs, Mitch, deal with it. Just threw up eight baby corns. When did you eat those? Yeah, I thought baby corn was just small corn. No, I, apparently they're not. They're like some other thing. No, I knew that.
Starting point is 00:33:05 I knew all about it. I knew that they were bugs. Because you're a popcorn. I'm a popcorn. Hey, wait a minute. My mom is in town and this just reminds me. I feel like the big thing, and I think we've talked about a little bit on here, but is potatoes versus rice is a big thing within my family. My dad and sister loved rice. Right. I love potatoes and my mom loves potatoes, which you probably get a lot. There's a lot of potatoes, obviously, in Ireland. Yeah. They do love potatoes. But is there, is there, do you guys, is there like a lot of, is like rice? Like when you say that like there's not a lot of Mexican food, but like is there a lot of rice? Do you eat like rice with a lot of meals or no?
Starting point is 00:33:50 I don't. I mean, I live with my, I move, since I've been on the podcast, my first appearance, the voluminous cum episode. I moved in with my boyfriend who is Irish and he does most of the cooking and there we don't, we are not a rice home. Not a rice home. I wasn't sure if it was like a common, I guess in like London and stuff, there's a lot of like Indian food and then I think rice. Yeah. Like there are Asian restaurants and all different, all different kinds of international cuisines and Dublin. It's pretty diverse. So, so people are eating rice. I don't, I'm not a big rice person. No. What do you, in the war of rice versus potatoes, what side are you on? I feel like they're totally different things. I don't know. I get what you're saying because
Starting point is 00:34:32 they're like, as like a starch side. Why are you saying this is weird, everything I brought up here? I think this is, Mitch, I'm with you. I think this is a reasonable one-on-one because it's not like bread, bread and tortillas are like, they're starches, but you use them to contain things or to hold things. Whereas rice and potatoes, they're starches, but usually have them on their own as like a dish. Let's be honest. But you don't mix potatoes with like meat and sauces, do you? I mean, like, like gravy is one thing, but like with rice, like you add rice to like a curry or... I think I'm opening people's eyes up to this. Rice and potatoes are kind of, they go up against each other. They're similar. I mean, I get that they're both starches. You don't,
Starting point is 00:35:14 you don't get them together. Let me tell you how much. Why are you yelling at me? McGathey. Mitch, sit down. Which is when my parents to kiss again. I'll take you right over to, what is the Ireland airline? Erlingus. Erlingus. I'll put you on an Erlingus plane right now and send you back. If you don't admit that potatoes versus rice is a thing. It's a thing. I was, I was, because we all were like low carb for a while. And I think that's still so stuck in my head. So I do get it and that it's like, okay, well, if I'm going to have carbs, I'm not going to have rice and potatoes because I'm not a fucking monster.
Starting point is 00:35:52 So I understand that. And then that, I would say potatoes. Good choice. Liger. I'm a rice guy. Wow. Yeah. Wow. I'm a classic rice guy. I mean, sorry. Go on. I was just gonna say, I told my little brother that rice was bugs and ruined rice forever for him when he was a little boy. There's so many things I'm finding out that are bugs that you think are food. Individual right maggots. Yeah. Individual grains of rice. I can see getting perturbed by that. I will not mess with white rice. Oh, really? I love white rice. Isn't it nicknamed the white devil? Am I imagining that? Is it really? My mom just always says no nutritional value every time white rice is involved or rice just in general, basically.
Starting point is 00:36:33 I think white rice is alright. Or when she's making this. Sorry. My guess. Jesus Christ. Well, that will be in my head for the rest of my life. Anyway, sorry to sidetrack with this rice first potatoes. Even though it is a thing, I want to hear what side people are on. Hashtag. If you're rice, Nick, rice is rice is nice. Hashtag. Grace is nice. Beautiful. And then if you're potatoes. Hashtag. Tater Gator. Why did you say that? Like you said that like a Larry the Cable Guy-ish. Yeah, like later. Like later Gator, but Tater Gator. Oh, okay. Later Gator. But Tater Gator's were a greeting. Like I'm going to stay a while. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You're not saying goodbye to it. You're saying hello to it. I'm going to pull it back a level.
Starting point is 00:37:28 Flour tortillas are the way to go. And your corn tortillas, you fool. I heard you trying to say that already. Yeah. So Aaron's with me too on that. Aaron's cool. You're a fool. If you ain't cool, you're a fool, my man. I just feel like flour, it's better. It's a better. I know that corn is more traditional, but flour is better. Come on. I'm not even making the traditional argument. I like the taste better and the texture better. I think it's mealy though. I like that. I like the mealy texture. I like the taste of it. I think it has a little bit more substance to it. I think it adds to, I feel like the flour is kind of, it's kind of just dead weight at times. I feel like the corn actually enhances what you're eating. And I like that they're smaller and that they
Starting point is 00:38:10 don't hold together as well. Like the flour tortillas can sometimes be a little gummy. Yes, I totally agree. Yeah. Not to bring back babies again, but the flour tortillas just feels like okay, I'm a baby. I thought something so much more clever was about to come out of my mouth, and it did not. I like the corn flavor. Also, I just, I just appreciate the history of the food, and I guess I just have more respect for Mexican people. Oh my God. God damn it. And now I'm in trouble because I told Nick not to worry about that stuff, and here I am. I'm just kidding. I had a flour quesadilla last night. I was so, I told Nick I was so excited about eating at the place where we ate today that I went out and got a ton of Mexican fruit last
Starting point is 00:38:57 night. Where did you go? I went to a taco truck, and it was great. Except my Irish boyfriend didn't understand the way that salsa works, and he just saw like a bucket full of tomatoes, and it was like hot pico de gallo, and he put it in a bag and just started eating it like a salad, and then he was like, oh my God. And it was such a shitty girlfriend, because I was like, what's wrong with you? He's like, I don't know. I saw the salad. Anyway, wait, he just started eating it, playing it on like dump it over chips. No, he thought it was just salad that was out like a salad. Wow, my God, are you dating the dumbest man in Ireland? Yes, because he's sweet. It's never worked for me.
Starting point is 00:39:46 He's very smart. We may have been enjoying some adult beverages before. Hey, you guys drink alcohol. Speaking of that, cool. Yeah, that is cool. I went to, you know, last time after we recorded, I went to our buddy, Jordan Morris, had a little get together. This was last weekend, and so I took the train over there and met Natalie over there, and it was at the Angel City Brewery. It was like this brewery. That's right. They have all these beers and stuff, and I had two... At the brewery? Yeah, they have beers at the brewery. Slow down. Here's the thing. They brew the beer there, and then you can also drink the beer on
Starting point is 00:40:24 site. Interesting. Do you have to blindfold yourself? Are you allowed to see what you're... You can see. I mean, it's up to you. If you had a blindfold and wanted to be blindfolded, they'd let you do that. Also, Nick, this is not weird. It's a brewery. They brew beer there, but then also you can drink beer there. That's not crazy. We were playing along. We're doing a bit, Mitch. Oh, you were? Yeah, we're playing along. Oh, you guys... Because she was called, because I said something awkward, and she had a little fun with me, so I decided to follow it. Oh, you guys bitted me, because I thought... I thought when you went on that you were actually truly doing that. That's really funny. Oh, boy. Anyways. I was too committed. That was my issue.
Starting point is 00:41:01 You're too... See, you are good at what you do. So what happened at the brewery? So here's the thing. I had two brew dogs, and I was so tired. I wanted to go to sleep, right? Like, I was so tired. I was like, Jesus Christ. I'm so fucking old. I say this with day drinking. You can't... Listen, people got bad... Not mad at me, but people commented online or whatever. Day drinking is... You can only drink for like four hours or five hours, and then you're... And then you need to go to bed. Two drinks on a hot day. I'm ready for a nap. Hats off to the sad person online that wanted to argue with you that day drinking was awesome. Hey, man. Don't mess with my culture. Yeah, I love... I actually love day drinking,
Starting point is 00:41:48 but it does ruin your whole day of it. The thing I remember most about day drinking is being up at 10 and being groggy, and I feel sick. I feel like that happens every time I drink during the day. I'm bad at it. I'm like you. I've been an old man my entire life. Because I've been visiting LA, I've been drinking kind of nonstop because I guess I can't hang out with people without being drunk. Oh, no. Are you drunk now? A little bit. No, I'm actually... I'm not drunk now. It's a shock. This is a completely dry house in a dry podcast, right, Nick? Hell yeah. But I've had... Yeah, I've had occasions where I've gone out to lunch during this visit and then had a lot to drink and then gone home and then just pounded...
Starting point is 00:42:36 So gross, pounded Starbucks via coffee to counteract it. Yes. Oh, that's... Makes you feel like a drug addict. Yeah. I learned from Koalik, who lived in this house. I called him a loser earlier, which is true. But I will say, but I'm a loser too. I thought you would jump on board, Nick, quickly, was making fun of Koalik. What? No, I'm with you. Okay, cool. I mean, I love Koalik. I love Koalik, but he can fuck off. He used to drink Pedialyte, which is baby juice. Yeah. So he'd drink this baby juice and I made fun of him, but that actually is very helpful for drinking in a hangover. It does help quite a bit if you took some Pedialyte before
Starting point is 00:43:21 that, or if you drink it in the morning, it is very, very helpful. Nick, what's your little trick? You know, I used to be a Gatorade guy for hangovers. And I actually still, if I do end up in a situation where I'm really hungover, which is rare these days, but I will probably go to a Gatorade and then just black coffee. Yeah. And also to McDonald's breakfast is usually a go-to for me. Gatorade is great. A nice cold Gatorade. Hashtag hello Gator. Do you guys... Do you guys ever hair the dog? I kind of know the answer to this question because of a past podcast that kind of mitches not a hair of the dog. I'm not a hair of the dog. I mean,
Starting point is 00:44:04 I have. And then like the day after that, I'm like dead. Yeah. I've tried it before and it makes me feel sicker, I think. Yeah. I feel like I never get past, like even if I never get the... I never drink myself to the state where I'm like, I feel fine again or something. Like I always like my stomach hurts or I have like this headache or I feel just like semi-sick, even if it gets better from doing it the next day, but it never is great. And I'd say you're just prolonging the hangover. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Yeah. It's water you should be drinking, right, Weicker? I mean, I hear that, but I think you also need to replenish your nutrients. I think you need to have, I think salt especially, your body needs at some point.
Starting point is 00:44:50 But yeah, electrolytes, I still only know what electrolytes are in the abstract. I only know that they're like nutritionally important, but I think that's the thing they always say you're supposed to have. And do they shock you, electrolytes? Yeah, you get like a little shock. Just a little one. Just put your mouth around a light bulb. Yeah. You can do that. You can pull the Uncle Fester trick. It's a lot of fun. If you chug a Gatorade and you put a light bulb in your mouth, it will light up or like what? How long? Not very long, like 20 minutes. Yeah, just like 20 minutes. Have you ever done the Mentos trick or you like chew Mentos in the dark? Ooh, and it sparks. Yeah, and it sparks summer camp. Yeah, that was a summer
Starting point is 00:45:29 camp thing. Our counselor did, or you know what? Our counselor did it, but like wouldn't let us do it. It was weird. What? Maybe your counselor really thought it was dangerous. Yeah, I don't know. I remember this was like this is summer camp High Hill in the fifth grade and our counselor like brought us into a shed. Yeah. And then like... All right kids, I'm going to put these Mentos on my dick. But yeah, turn the lights down. Turn the lights down. It was dark in there and then he did the Mentos trick, but then just he did it. It was weird. It's so weird because if the lights were on, it would... It's just a lot of kids staring at an adult's mouth. Right. All right now, kids, do you guys want to like hang out here in here any longer? Who's good at secrets?
Starting point is 00:46:13 I want to... I've told some stories about... I went to Camp Fatima one year, Camp Burgess, for a few years. And it is very weird because they're like these 18-year-olds to 23 or 4-year-old guys that are in charge of all these children. Yeah. Weird stuff happens. I was a camp counselor and then I also went to Christian camps like John Daly. And there was one year at the camp where I was working where like one of the head counselors... Oh, this is so dark. Like he... Let's hear it. Well, there's a... This is an awful thing that happened at this camp. I haven't said the name of the camp, so it's fine. But there's a kid who is being picked on in the bunk and this counselor thought he was really cool, I think. The counselor thought the kid was cool,
Starting point is 00:46:59 thought he himself was cool. No, he himself was cool. And he had like a bunch of campers that thought he was cool. And while the kid was sleeping, they took a shaving cream and they put it on the kid's back like it was sperm, cum, voluminous cum. And they took... He took pictures with his camera phone. And the kid... Like everyone went to sleep. Like the kid was awake and was just terrorized and like snuck out of the bunk and went to the nurse and told her what happened. And then in the middle of the night, that counselor was escorted like rightly so and fired. And then all those kids were so ashamed and they came into the dining hall the next day, just really sad for what they had done. It was dark. That is... That is... But that is... Like I feel like they're young
Starting point is 00:47:47 weird guys who do it a lot of the time. Did he... Wait, so the reason he got in trouble, I assume, is because shaving cream doesn't really look like cum. It wasn't convincing. It was a special effects camp. Yeah. He should have used some Cinnabon glaze or something is all I'm saying. Jesus. God, that is the one thing you always get hung up on. You need the most realistic looking cum. It's got to be authentic. Also, stop writing cum into everything you make. Because this podcast really has means so much to me, like living in a different country and what's weirdly become, I didn't expect it to. And I'm not super proud that this is the case, but it's like my tether to Los Angeles in a lot of ways. And I wanted to make a drop for a while
Starting point is 00:48:34 because I was like, oh, make a sneaky cum drop. And so I have a bunch of screenshots of the podcast on my phone that are moments when Nick says something that sounds like it's about cum, like hundreds. And now it's just, you know, it's too late to go back. He's a freak, folks. We'll take a quick break. We'll be right back with more Doughboys. This episode of Doughboys is brought to you by Fulton and Rourke. Fulton and Rourke is a men's fragrance and grooming company that specializes in solid colognes, shave, and shower products, all designed to make getting ready easier and more enjoyable. They're travel friendly, wax-based colognes go anywhere. Plus, there's nothing to break or spill. And of course,
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Starting point is 00:50:28 off your first pair. That's Go right now. Five letters, Welcome back to Dope Boys. We're here with Aaron McGathey. McGathey, you told me that anecdote and it was very kind. It warmed my heart that you listened to this podcast and it connects you to Back Home. The two guys, maybe you don't want to hear much about Nick and Mitch. We connect you to Back Home, which at least we're doing some sort of something good with this podcast. Oh yeah, I love it. I have tried to explain it to my Irish friends. It hasn't caught on, but I love it just because they have different restaurants. I think maybe also this is a terrible thing, but I think I feel like it's like my private thing. I don't want anyone else to listen
Starting point is 00:51:17 to it. So wait, are you rounding up iPhones and iPods and I don't want to have Dope Boys on it? You're keeping our numbers down, man. We're all about the numbers. I want to be the Irish listener and not Irish. The Ireland living listener. The representative in that territory. Speaking of Ireland, my mom was just saying this because I told you we've been going around eating a bunch of stuff. So spicy stuff. She's got an issue going on right now where she's had an allergic reaction. Spicy stuff is making her lips. She will hate me if she knows that I'm saying this. It's making her lips puff up because of spicy foods. So I found out my grandma loves, Nick, there's a look in your eyes like you're going to make some joke and I'm afraid of it. I was just
Starting point is 00:52:05 thinking, I like that you're like, she'd hate if she heard this while you're saying it onto our podcast. So I know that in your head you're so confident that your mom will never listen to this. I think that she will not listen to it. I hope not, at least, because she'll see too much of me like she wants to know more about me and I can't tell her. She's like, how's dating life? And I'm like, nope, I won't tell my mom anything. You got to conceal some stuff from your parents. But what we're saying, you're saying about your grandma, was it? Yeah, my grandma was, her parents were from Ireland and she's an Irish lady and she loves spicy food. But for the most part, it makes sense that there's not a lot of Mexican food or burritos or taco stands because
Starting point is 00:52:54 this is what my mom was saying, at least, is that the Irish don't love spicy food is a big part of it. I don't know if it's a thing of like they can't handle it well. It's partly, it's got to be partly climate based, right? Because a lot of spicy flora and fauna, they come from, you know, like near the equator where there's like these tropical regions where you can grow like peppers and things that have some sort of, what is that, capsaicin in them? Yeah, have some heat to them. Yeah, it's probably not traditionally part of the Irish palate. Yeah, there are plenty of people who eat like spicy food. Yeah, I mean, my mom was trying to say that like Irish stomachs like can't handle spice. I think that sounds racist. They can't handle the spice. They can't
Starting point is 00:53:39 handle spice. They can't, they can't, they can't deal with it well, which I drink straight pigs blood, but you can't handle spice. It is spice. Spicy food has gotten to me more over the years and it bums me out because I love spicy. Right. That's why the man versus food guy had to quit. Adam Richmond had to quit because the spice was burning a hole in his stomach, correct? That's what was going on. You just have so you can only handle so much of it. Yeah. Also his wife threatened to leave. Yeah, should have been Gabriel. Gabriel is almost the man versus food. Are we really break that on this podcast? We'll ask Gabriel. If not, we can, we can cut it out. Sorry. Gabriel is almost man versus food. So yeah, with John Gabriel and Adam Richmond were the final two
Starting point is 00:54:20 host candidates for the show. They went with Adam Richmond and it's a totally different show with Gabriel. But man, Gabriel would have been so great at that. Yeah, it would have been a funny great show with Gabriel. Okay. Also, that's why on our chicken nugget to eat, we were supposed to eat 60 nuggets in an hour. That's why Gabriel ate 62. Right. Two more than he was supposed to. Just a show, Adam Richmond, who's boss. Listening to that episode made me feel high. We kind of actually felt high here too. I bet. I bet like with, like with all the, I don't know, there's some chemical in it. So I don't know. I don't know what I'm saying. Like when your body is close to death. Your brain does release a chemical when you binge eat. Right. And that's
Starting point is 00:55:03 why like a lot of people are addicted to binge eating that kind of like calms you and makes you feel good. And I wouldn't know about that. Let's talk sharkies. So sharkies is it we talked about Mexican food not readily available in Ireland or just at least not the way you knew it as someone who used to live out in LA. So we got the, what, what brought you to sharkies is one of the chains that you potentially want to discuss on today's podcast? Well, I definitely wanted to talk about a Mexican place just because, yeah, because it's my favorite food and what I eat mostly. Yeah. And I used to go to sharkies, the, the location we went to today, even all the time, especially when I was doing shows at the UCB on Franklin and iOS and I would run in between the two places. I would
Starting point is 00:55:50 like stop at sharkies and then go and do a show and or like I would go before and it was always my go to because it's pretty healthy. Wait. So we'd like sprint from an improv show to a Mexican restaurant and then sprint from there to like a sketch show. Yeah. Yeah. Cause they have like cheap talk. I was like poor and you know, you can get like a taco and I would bring it with me. There's also a time when I was doing, I did, like there, I had a crush on the tech guy at IO and I knew his name. Well, no, he's like my friend now that I'm staying with, but, but his name is Brandon Barrick. And I would, I had this big crush on him and I would do a show at UCB and then make some excuse for why I needed to be at IO, even though UCB is so much cooler
Starting point is 00:56:35 and better. But I was like, Oh no, I gotta be at IO and would just wander into the tech booth and be like, Oh, you're here at your shift that you're at every week. By the way, speaking of Hollywood, like improv theaters, it's, it's crazy how UCB is considered cooler than IO, considering IO has like a bar in the lobby. There's an actual bar, like how lame is IO if that UCB is still cooler and they don't have, it's like a fucking dry theater. You know what I mean? It's so weird that that's the, the reputation is weird. I think it's not, it's not IO's fault. And I love, I was hanging out with a bunch of IO people last night. Like there are a ton of funny people there and a bunch of super funny people from Chicago and there's a lot of
Starting point is 00:57:13 crossover, but it's like, it's run by someone who doesn't even live in the city and it's in kind of an uncool spot. Yeah. That area is like not the only thing going on for that, that area is there's a Popeyes nearby. Yeah. Here, you know, we're talking about cool versus not cool. I'll tell you what's not cool, comedy wars within a community of solitude, which places the cooler comedy theater. Not cool at all. There was a time when I was doing a bunch of shows at both places at a Hal Redneck whenever I, did I say Hal Redneck? Hal Redneck. Redneck. Yeah. Hal Redneck. You just gave Redneck a new character. When I would see him at UCB or like a UCB party, he would say, um, the queen of IO and it would make me like cry. I'd be like, no, I'm not the queen of IO
Starting point is 00:58:00 because I was embarrassed about like how many shows I was doing there, but it was totally because I just had all these crushes. If only I had a huge crush on Matt Besser. Well, hey, what about Nick and I? Nick, your huge crushes on Nick and I didn't bring you over to UCB. I had a crush on you. Whoa. Bombshell. You knew that though. Yeah, but you took your bike out of the stand. Hold on now, because I had a crush on you at one point. Really? Probably at the same time, which shows how good I am with girls. Yeah, I do remember thinking like, oh, like, oh, because you were, you were dating someone and I was dating someone and then we were both like single at the same time. And I, and there was
Starting point is 00:58:43 like, I think you probably thought better of it. No, no, I remember exactly what it was. Like, I, like we were hanging out and I was like, oh, yeah, maybe I read this wrong. Maybe it doesn't like me because I think I made myself very available. Man, we could have a family. God, McGathey, what happened? I think I thought you just thought better of it. Like, I just came to my senses. I thought that you were like, I shouldn't touch this situation right because, because I remember me. We've talked about on the pockets before you. Me and Hanford went out on a date. Yeah. And there was the three of us. I think that we both kind of like you and maybe yes. Oh, got it. I don't know. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:59:25 we went to mass together. Is that right? No, we went to, we were at some bar together. Oh, yeah. Yeah, we went to a bar. I did go to mass with Hanford. Oh, yeah. Oh, really? Yeah. Okay. So that was the second day. Yes. I don't think it was the second because I was at a party at your house and in a like a drunk conversation, I was like, yeah, I'll go to mass with you. And he was like, okay. And then it really happened. Hanford went to mass for a while. I don't know if he still goes or not. Yeah, it was a, it was that shitty bar. Yeah. I remember I was like sitting across the table from the two of you. That's so weird. What a sitcom scenario. Yes. Well, another killer Mike situation for me here that I messed up. I could have a family with
Starting point is 01:00:04 McGathey or Killer Mike or anyone. Beautiful little Irish children. Wait a minute. Oh, yeah, I guess we would still have Irish. We're both Irish American. We're both Irish American. Yes. They probably be gross looking then. I would, I would be calling your, I would be saying, oh, mom's calling it coming over. That's true. Yeah. I don't know. I'm sure that I probably would have moved away and given up on Hollywood if I had some sort of family. Yeah. But maybe been happier. Yeah. Oh, for sure. I don't think I would live here is what I'm saying. I think things would be brighter in some way if I had some sort of family. Yeah. This is just a, this isn't like some sliding doors where it's like, oh, which reality is better where you're trying like, oh,
Starting point is 01:00:45 each has its ups and downs. Like this is just like a clear. Now I'm getting awkward because you told me this McGathey. I'm sorry. Look, I figured, I figured that that was the, I knew I kind of in my head thought that, but I'm so afraid. I'm afraid. I'm a scared man. Nick, help me out here. Yeah, you're scared man. We're both ruled by fear. Yeah. That's the dominant emotion in each of our lives. Yeah, I am blushing a little now. Guys, let's barrel pass this and just talk about the fucking food we put in our bodies. Just tell me you thought better of it. Just tell me something to make me feel better. Sometimes it's better to be friends. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Oh, fuck it. Anyways, I have my mom here at least. It's funny. No, I did not think better of it. You, you missed out.
Starting point is 01:01:35 Damn. Wow. Well, story of my life. Anyways, back onto my true love food. For Sharkies. No, it's fine. It would have been terrible. Yeah. Yeah. It would have been the best thing of your life. It wouldn't have worked. It wouldn't have worked out, but it would have been great. Thanks, Nick. Yeah. All right. So Sharkies, I got the Fiesta Burrito with steak and a whole wheat tortilla and I got it wet style, which they put a little sauce on it. So let me read off the ingredients of the Fiesta Burrito. Organic rice, organic beans, I make a big point of saying organic before things. Cheese guacamole, sour cream and salsa verde. The whole wheat tortilla was a pretty good texture to it. You know, like sometimes you get those wheat tortillas and they're a little
Starting point is 01:02:19 grainy and they don't have a lot of flavor, but this was pretty good. The wet style, the sauce they put on top of it, I meant remarked on this and Dustin got a similar dish. We were all there, McGathey remarked on this, but like the sauce was like kind of like a marinara. It was like a very oddly sweet red sauce, not really pretty distinct from what I would expect from, you know, I was expecting more of like an enchilada sauce, but it was pretty sweet and it kind of overwhelmed it. Literally looked like spaghetti sauce. It really did. It was really weird, oddly like marinara, but the burrito contents were good. I think I just wouldn't get it wet again. And you know, normally when I've been to Sharkies in the past, I'm very much of like a plate guy. Like they have
Starting point is 01:02:57 good plates and they have good salads and you can kind of eat on the healthy side there. And that's usually what I do. And often it's been a work lunch in the past and that's usually the direction I go. So this might have been the first burrito I've had there outside of catering, because sometimes people, it'll end up as a catering place here in LA, but it was, it was a well executed burrito. I liked all the ingredients. The meat was high quality, good, good pinto beans inside. We also got the spicy four cheese stone fired pizza, which McGathey and I remarked beforehand, we didn't really know there was pizza on the menu and you're like, fuck it, we should try this thing. So I ordered one for the table and it was a little different than I think either of us expected.
Starting point is 01:03:35 Yeah. It wasn't anything like pizza. It was, it reminded me of something that maybe my dad would have made for me and my brother after my mom died. Like, I know, I'll make you kids pizza and take crackers out of the pantry and then melt cheese on it and be like, isn't this great? We're fine. We're okay. Because it, yeah, it didn't, it didn't really, like I can't imagine anyone ever craving that. It wasn't bad, but it was, it was weird. It was like the, the, the big thing is the base of it was just a big long, is this big old like giant tortilla. And so it was just so thin and like you were saying, crackery. And then they, in that wood fire oven, it actually got a little burned, which is like, sometimes you get that burn on a pizza and it's like good, like that
Starting point is 01:04:16 burned crust is like kind of like, you know, the appeal of some of those, those New York style pizzas. But, but here, just like that burned tortilla, just it loses all the flavor. It just tastes, it just tastes burned. Kind of reminded me of like a jalapeno flavored. What's the cracker that you eat at Passover? Oh, a matzo. Oh, a matzo. Yeah. It was very matzo like. Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, it was weird. It was very strange. I would not get that again. No, I felt like a real misfire. I was honestly curious as to why they even have those on those, on their menu. Because like, who craves that? It was like, I want to, because they used to have something similar at Taco Bell, the Mexican pizza. They might still have it on the menu. Do they still
Starting point is 01:04:53 got the Mexican pizza, Mitch? Yeah, I believe they do. I feel like I got it last, like not last time I went, but I feel like it got it fairly recently there. I used to order that when I was a kid and like, eat it really messy in front of my neighbor kids and get it all over my face and pretend I didn't know what was happening. And that was like my thing. Just for laughs. Yeah, I would order that and the nachos and just be like, oh, what? What's something's on my face? And they'd be like, it's on your face. That's funny. What was the age difference here? I think they were my, well, it would be my neighbors. So they were like two girls that were my same age and then two younger boys that were my brother's age. So like four years younger.
Starting point is 01:05:31 Got it. Because that could be a bit where you're trying to entertain a kid younger than you, you know, but it could also be a bit where you're just doing it with your peers, which is what sounds like the scenario. I'm glad we got to the bottom of that. So um, also some chips. I got the avocado salsa and the fire roasted salsa. Neither of them particularly spicy. They both said hot and I think they're being overly cautious. Maybe because they're in a touristy area, they're kind of by that Hollywood strip. So maybe they're I'm kind of okay with the level of spiciness in their sauce. Yeah, but it's not, it's not, it's they're good, but they're not super spicy. Like if you read the hot and they're expecting
Starting point is 01:06:02 something that's going to, going to singe your tongue, if you're, you're a little bit of a heat seeker. And as I think you are, Aaron, I don't think it's going to quite deliver. Well, I think that they like, they have like good flavor. Like they, they are, they're still good flavor even without the, you know, cause I agree with you. They're well made. They taste fresh and they're flavorful. Yes. And which I feel like a lot of times like those sorts of salsas are just inherently spicy, right? Because they're using some chilies or whatever, but uh, these ones, they, they taste great. I think they taste really, really good. I think that Bikido has better salsas than sharkies, right? But they're not, they're not bad. They're not bad salsas, even though I did not have
Starting point is 01:06:38 any salsa today. I thought, look, I got yours to go. But I forgot to get you a salsa. I apologize for that. That's okay. It was a, it was a dry, it was a dry, you had the web burrito. I had the dry burrito. Uh, and Nick, you got the, the Fiesta burrito you said? Yeah. That's the one I got for me. You got the, I think the one you asked for was the Santa Fe light. Yeah. Santa Fe light. And that's, and, and like McGathey was saying, this place is like, I feel like a ton of people within this UCB community or something went to sharkies all the time, maybe because it is in that weird spot. Yeah. It's cheap and it's like healthy-ish and you can get something and it's all, it's like, and you can get something there, unlike other places that refuse you.
Starting point is 01:07:22 And it's clean in there and that salsa bar is really nicely maintained. It's like, often when you go into like a gross salsa bar situation. No, it's really, here's something I'll say about that. Two things. One, always a lot of cops in that shark. Yeah. There were cops there today. It's weird. Cops, cops love, love sharkies for whatever reason. Do you think it's because they're like, they think they're sharks? Hmm. That they like sharks are the streets. Yes. There's a psychological street sharks. Yeah. There's an association like sharks. I'm a shark. I'm going to sharkies. Yeah. I'm not going to go to what's another Mimi's cafe. I'm not a lady. No fucking Mimi. Yeah. A shark. Yeah. Popeyes. Well, I'm not a cartoon.
Starting point is 01:08:10 I'm a shark. I'm a sharky. I think, I don't know what it is. Maybe it's because it is semi-healthy or here's the other thing. That area right there, there's always a little, it can be a little test. That area can be a little test dicey. Thank you. That's where I was looking for. So maybe there are a lot of mental illness, a lot of mental illness right there. Like I think in like the just a lot of people in the dozen times that I've gone to that sharkies or whatever, probably more. I feel like at least a quarter or more, there's been like a weird interaction. And I'm not even, I'm not blowing this out of proportion. Like it's like a lot of the time. It's a weird little hot bed right there of some, some sad stuff in a lot of ways.
Starting point is 01:08:57 So wait, do we think this cop phenomenon is localized to the Hollywood sharkies? Are we saying it's across all two dozen sharky locations? I've only seen it at this Hollywood sharkies, but then it makes me feel like because there's a little hot bed of, of kind of. Oh, they're just there anyway. Is it because they're there? Like I don't know. I don't know if it's a, if it's causal or what it is. I wonder if they get a discount because I mentioned to a friend that I was doing sharkies for Doe Boys and her, her sharkies in a different part of LA, she said that there were always cops. Oh, wow. Okay. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:27 They could have, they could have a little LAPD discount or something like that. Or their sharkies is some sort of like crime ring and they're in the pocket. The cops are in the pocket of the crime. I mean, it's right there. It's under cover. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's right there in the name. It's actually the police precinct. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's secret. It's a secret police HQ. I think it's a front for the vicious singing Puerto Rican dance gang known as the sharks. They launder their money through there. Jesus. Listeners. I guess they'll get that. That's not that crazy. West Side Story. Everyone loves West Side Story. Mitch, what, so what did you think of that Santa Fe Liberito? First of all, this is a thing MacGathie pointed
Starting point is 01:10:08 out. They call their low fat, low calorie menu, the naked menu, which made both of us, everyone got very uncomfortable just even looking at that. Get it naked. It says right at the top. Lower fat and lower calories. Come on. Yeah. That's not cool. Yeah. You guys have pointed this out on the podcast before that it's so embarrassing. Like the low, the healthy menu always has some sort of embarrassing like, I'm the worst. Can I get this stupid ass whole meal being naked? No one's like, Oh, yes. Great. No, because you don't want to be sexy. So it's just humiliating. It's very embarrassing. And but I will say the burrito is actually good. And that's the worst part about it. If you just put Santa Fe light burrito under the burritos, people will
Starting point is 01:10:53 be like, Hey, I'll get that. It's light. It's a lighter version of the burrito. So it comes with chicken, non fat cheese, guacamole, pica de gallo, low fat whole wheat tortilla. It's 605 calories. Not bad. It's a big burrito. Yeah. It's very super. Like there, there's a lot of food in there. It's I'm sure that was pretty filling. How was the cheese? The cheese was all right. And you know what? It was a little not melty. And maybe that's hard to melt low fat. Yeah, exactly. I think that was I think that's a part of it. But it was still it was it was it was good. And I feel like with like you were saying, I don't like when sharky when you get a spread of sharkies, because I feel like if you're getting just like the chicken on its own, it's just kind of is like, whatever,
Starting point is 01:11:32 you know what I mean? It's not great. When you get like the big trays of sharkies and it's getting catered or whatever, if you're shooting or working or whatever. But getting the burritos, they're are decent. Like they're not bad. And like they fill that like in that in a way, it's almost like how I talked about subway or something where I'm like, I can get a turkey sandwich at subway right and just it's okay. And it's not terrible for me and it's take out food, but it's and it's easy easy and it's filling and it's kind of like sharkies is like that. I think sharkies is better tasting food than subway in a lot of ways. Yeah, I think better ingredients. But it's kind of like the it's like if the subway version of Paquito Mas or Chipotle or
Starting point is 01:12:15 something. Sure. Yeah, it's like very it's like very solid and just gets the job done. Erin, tell us about your lunch a little bit. I got the chicken, the California taco with chicken and a corn tortilla. And it was very good. I kind of fucked up and that I ate a ton of Mexican food last night. So I was, yeah, so I love that taco. I've had a lot of things on the menu, but the taco is great. It's like it's a little actually take that back. I don't love that taco. I don't think I liked it at all. I think I liked the experience of the meal hanging out. So, yeah, five, five, five kites, what would be a good hangout, you know, five beers. The chicken, like it was, I'm not crazy about chicken that is cubed. Right. And it just seems
Starting point is 01:13:18 counterintuitive to the taco, like why not have, I don't know, the shredded chicken, I guess, but which is a totally different thing. The orange, and it's orange too, isn't the chicken like an orange? It's got an orange hue to it. Yeah. Orange hue. Yeah. And it's like it's seasoned all right, but it's pretty, it's pretty bland. And the taco didn't hold together very well. My mom is here knocking. Oh my goodness. It's just mom is walking in right now. Should I tell her she could have been my mother? Oh. Oh, it's just a package. Does your mom always deliver the mail before she comes in like through the slot? I really hope she comes while we're recording. God,
Starting point is 01:14:07 if you tell her that she should have been my mother on the air, she'll also be like, can it still happen? Yeah. So the taco, like, yeah, it wasn't, it wasn't great. I'm, I'm all about salsa. Like I will judge a place on itself, salsa entirely. And I think their salsa is really good. So yeah, I think that's always why I like sharkies is because the salsa is, is great. And but the taco on its own, not super great. And the cheese, I'm not crazy about like the thickness of the, the shreds. I got you. Does that make sense? Like it's like really thick. Kind of reminds me of stupid old Irish, Mexican. Yeah. I mean, I don't know. I like, I like a thick shred sometimes, but I think it depends on the context. And I think the main thing is just like,
Starting point is 01:14:56 I like that good melt. Like for me, like when you go to like a divey Mexican place, like a sit down Mexican place that has, and they, they give you those beans and they just got that cheese, just like a layer of just come fully melted cheese. Like they put it under the broiler and just like that. It's totally melted. Like that's like my favorite. Like that's like, that's like peak Mexican food for me. That's like a thing I love. And so when you get things that are like a little bit more that just aren't melted as well, I guess going back to your initial point, it just doesn't quite deliver. They just don't do that here. Yeah. Yeah. It's weird. Yeah. I'm fine with un-melted cheese if it's like the really finely shredded cheese that you get
Starting point is 01:15:30 at like a taco truck. Yeah. Or the Del Taco shred. They got a real fine shred there. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. Yeah. And yeah, we already talked about the, the pizza. And then yeah, it was just kind of, I guess it was just a little bland. Well, I guess on that note, we should roll into our final thoughts. So Erin, you know, listen to this podcast, you listen to this podcast, you know how this works. We'll just sort of give you your summation and give us your rating from one to five forks. We will start with you. This is very difficult because I love the salsa. I like what they're doing there. I want them to continue to do good work. And I like the, I like the atmosphere, even though like the presence of the police force is kind of off-putting a bit. I'm going to,
Starting point is 01:16:22 because like with atmosphere and everything else, I'm going to say three forks. Three forks. Very solid. Very respectable. Go ahead, Mitch. Yeah. It's funny because I'm just thinking about it more and more. And in my head, I was like, maybe three and a half forks, but it is just kind of like buy the books and like, but it is good. I mean, it's not, it's not bad. And especially if you're trying to have like a healthier version of Mexican food, which is one of my favorite foods, Nick's is one of your favorite foods, Erin, one of your favorite foods. Yes. And so it's like, if you're trying to have a healthier version of that, it's, it's a good place to go and to, to get some sort of wrap or a power plate or whatever like that, even though I don't like
Starting point is 01:17:04 a power place. It's a, it's a huge menu. It's weirdly a huge menu. It's a big menu, but, but then they like, they don't do anything as well as Piquito Moss or something like that in my eyes. Like they have decent salsas, right? I have a burning question. Do you like Piquito Moss? That was, if we went on our date, I was going to take you to Piquito Moss. Show us how much you've missed out. Yeah. It's, it's just, it just is, it just kind of is not great, but that's okay. I don't think it's aspiring to be great. Right. And, and, and, and I say when I go in there, sometimes there are the salsa sometimes can be out. There's a lot of tops or pigs as you call them, Nick. Wait a minute. Which makes you feel safe because the
Starting point is 01:17:57 outside is, can be crazy. Right. I've never been to another Sharky's location before. I think I've only been to this one. Wow. So I'm judging it on this one that I've been going to now for like a decade or whatever. But yeah, it just, it can, it does the job and it does it, it does it pretty well. And, and, and I, and I don't leave there being like, this sucked. Like, I'm always like, that was pretty good burrito, especially if you go with, if you go with the non healthy version, like you got, if you do the Santa Fe, like just the regular burrito, it's good. Right. It's, it's, it's a decent burrito. So I'm going to go three forks too. I'm in the hand holding club with with Aaron. Yeah. Oh boy. Only in, yeah, only within the podcast, not in real life, sadly.
Starting point is 01:18:41 I think you guys, you guys covered it pretty well. I mean, Nick, what's to ignore this element of it? No, this is great. This is, this is, this is awesome. Um, anyway, burritos, burritos. Um, I'm having a lot of fun with this. This is a, this is a fun long. Did you like Nick? No, I didn't. Just me. I mean, you thought better of it. Damn it. I was scared. Right. Yeah. Yeah. Maybe, maybe I sense that you were scared and I just wanted you to not be scared. I don't know. Yeah. I remember. I was probably a little intimidating because it was too cool. Yeah. Yeah. Well, I, I was fucking God, this nightmare. What are you going to say? Oh, I was just going to say, I mean, this has been, I think a lot of
Starting point is 01:19:28 people have said this before, but I was like, like kind of scared at Nick first that he didn't like me or those things. Yeah. I think a lot of people have. A lot of people think that because you are strange. Look, I think you guys made really very good points about sharkies. And I think you kind of pretty much articulated the thoughts that are in my head. But tell us, Nick, is this a JAWS or is it a deep blue sea? It's a deep blue sea. It's clearly a deep blue sea. It's no JAWS. It's a deep, but it's a deep blue sea. If it's on TNT. Yeah. I'll watch this for an hour before I have something else to do. I'll look at this while I'm looking at my phone. Like this is fine. This is, it's a perfectly, here's my one sentence
Starting point is 01:20:05 review of sharkies. Yeah, I could do sharkies, right? Yeah. That's like, no one's ever, no one's ever going to be like, like, oh yeah, fucking sharkies. Like it's not our favorite. We're talking about Paquito Moss and just on a very micro level comparing LA, Mexican chains, which these are the two, two of the big ones. Yes. That's clearly better. And like the two of us, we will just go to Paquito Moss for fun. Like we've gone after a cord like, oh yeah, let's go to Paquito Moss. This will be great just to eat it. And I don't think we'd ever do that for sharkies. This is the definition of a three fork restaurant. It's solid. It does what it's supposed to do, but it's, it, it's not spectacular. It's three forks, right? What else would it be? Yes. You, you, you, hey, hey, hand
Starting point is 01:20:44 hold now, Nick is also holding. Hey, how about that? Which probably would have made young Mitch less nervous if all three of us were holding hands. We could all go to mass together. Yeah, we're all on a mass. I think that you bring up a good point in that if this was in another city, like if, if we were judging this, if this was in North Dakota over, this is in Minnesota or something like that, is this a pretty decent like burrito chain? I could see this being like a beloved, like, oh, this is a beloved Portland chain sharkies. You got to go out like this is like the best Mexican like up there because, you know, and maybe Portland probably has great Mexican food. I've only been there once. Yeah. Midwest or somewhere
Starting point is 01:21:23 exactly. Yeah. It's probably, probably if it was like in the, yeah, if it was an Omaha or something, people would be like, oh, this is the best. It's good, but I mean, relative to what we have out here, it's not outstanding. I'd say it's a step above, uh, we haven't, we reviewed it a long time ago, but Baja Fresh. Yeah, it's definitely about, I would prefer to Baja Fresh. Yeah. But old school Baja Fresh used to be great. I agree. That's, that's where I was going. It is declined. Old school Baja Fresh, I think was, might have been competing with Bikido Moss. I mean, it's Hay Day, Baja Fresh was great. What about Rubios? Uh, Rubios never wowed me, but I think it's very solid. Yeah. Yeah. Deepest bluest. My hat is like a shark's man.
Starting point is 01:22:02 That's from Deep Blue Sea, Nick. Did you not know that? That line? That's the LL Cool J song for Deep Blue Sea. Oh, very cool. Yeah, that song is, is great. Very cool, Nick. As title tracks go, that's pretty awesome. Probably would have walked on the aisle to that. You and I, I have, there's a lot of, some people say my head is like a shark's fin, but this is my hat in the lyrics. It's got to be hat. He doesn't mean head. My head is like a shark's fin. Why would his head be like a shark's fin? It doesn't make a lick of sense. He's got a pointy head, I guess. I don't know. Yeah, no, he's got a, he's got a famously round head. Yes, that's true. It's like a shark's fin in that it's, his head scares people. Like when you see it in a crowd, you're like, oh no, it's LL Cool
Starting point is 01:22:45 J's head. Oh, that's good. That could be right. Yeah. Or if you're like, we're swimming in the ocean and you just saw just the top of his head surface, you'd probably be a little freaked out. Like what's going on? Yeah. Did you hear about the porn star this week who faked a viral video of her foot getting bitten in a shark cage? No. And she was, yeah, she was found out because the people, she went to Florida and she was trying to find like a shark cage company that would film this video and the, and the, or like let her do this and fake this bite. And the first couple companies said no because they're like, well, we want to protect sharks and not have people be afraid of them. But one company said yes. Wow. And she faked it. That's fucked up. That is fucked up.
Starting point is 01:23:23 You're feeding this fear of sharks that we shouldn't have. You know what? I'll go back on my stance of all sharks should be eradicated. Sharks should live, I guess. But can I just say this quickly to sharks? Stop attacking humans. Come on, guys. Come on. It's crazy. It's 2017. You know, when Quint gets eaten in a, in a shark, in shark. I mean, that is basically. In the movie shark, when Quint was, when Jaws, right, when Quint is, was, is eaten alive. A great moment. Yeah. Do you, I feel like Quint is supposed to be, I think we maybe have talked about this on the show before. I think Quint is more of the, the hero of that movie. I think, I think Richard Dreyfus' character is more the bad guy.
Starting point is 01:24:08 I think he should have been eaten. Yeah. Right. But I think that was, he's kind of like a, like a know-it-all. And like, I mean, Quint does want to kill the creature, I guess, is, is, is why he, he, he gets punished. Also, this is an anti-semitist podcast. Oh God, Dreyfus. I forgot. Here's, here's my thought. There, yes. But I think there was a little bit of a subversion of expectations there, where it's kind of like this old, you know, the guy you're rooting for a little bit more. He's even subject to the whims of the shark. And that's like, it's like nature is chaos. We don't know who it's going to go after next. Everyone is at risk. You know, it's like, I, I don't know. I like that moment. I think it's great. Hashtag team Quint, if you're, if you,
Starting point is 01:24:48 if you wanted, if you want to Quint, because I think he's the, he shouldn't have died. Hashtag team Quint, if you like Quint, hashtag team Quint, if you want him out of there. But he, but that's how he wanted to die. Yeah, he did want to die. That's true. That's fair. He did want, he did like that. That's the way he wanted to go out. Probably better than like, like killing Jaws and then going home and shooting himself in the head. Which probably maybe would have happened to that character. Our wedding song would have been deepest bluest. I just think we would have been a fun couple and, you know, it's been very, maybe we'd have a barbershop quartets in deepest bluest would have been great.
Starting point is 01:25:25 Koalic would have been your best man. Now this alternative, this alternate future is, or present is, is way off. Koalic is best man. Yeah. No, no, obviously it would be crashing to me. Oh man. I gotta get, I gotta get deported from Ireland. That was a discussion of sharkies. It's time for a new segment. We've got a bunch of chips, and we're going to eat them all. It's chips and hail rest chew rangers. Oh my God. Chips and hail. Shit. I was, I forgot the video queued up and then it started playing out.
Starting point is 01:26:06 Wait for the end. We can wait through this. No, no, no, I got it. I got it. This is going to be great. This is going to be worth it. I hope it's you singing chips, chips, chips, chips in hail. It was exactly what I'm doing. No, the chips is you to chips and hail rest you rangers to chips and hail. You know, it never fails. Once we're involved, somehow these chips will eat them all. How did you also, how did you seem so confident yet so nervous saying that song? Here's the thing. I had it queued up to the right time, but then the ad played. So then when I skipped past the ad, it started playing. And so it was off track. I should have given
Starting point is 01:26:45 myself a little, a couple seconds of lead time. I was too ambitious there. Anyway, we got a bunch of chips here. These are from covered bridge. That's right. We got, these were sent to us. I got to figure out who the guy was. Well, which I can look at so many up here. I'm just going to start tossing these around because there's so many fucking chips to get through. I don't think we get these all. Let's, let's, let's taste some weird ones. There's specifically, there's a, a creamy dill here. There's a creamy dill. We'll try and there's the steak ones right next to them, Nick. And then there's three potatoes. That's the, the orange bag. Yep. Okay. I'm going to open some of these fuckers up before they look like prop chips.
Starting point is 01:27:18 Like it doesn't, they, they do, they look like sets that you, the chips that you use on a set to like when you couldn't use Lay's potato, right? So covered bridge, which I guess is a Canadian brand. And we got a lot of faithful Canadian listeners, not a wager. Lot of conucks, a lot of conucks. Helping us out. Let's see here. I just had a little bit of a ketchup one. Very ketchupy, but you know, not too sweet, which sometimes with those ketchup chips, chips that are like a little too aggressively sugared, but it wasn't the case with this one. I'm very into the creamy dill. I love a, I love a pickle chip and this is a very good one. I'm not, I'm, I'm a pickle chip skeptic, but I'll give those a shot. I'll pass those over here.
Starting point is 01:27:59 Let's see who, I can't find the, you're trying to find the guy who sent these to you. Yeah. Who, who the hell was it? I have no idea. Oh, here he is. Hey, I sent you guys a box of covered bridge brand chips about a month ago. They were sent to the Ferrell Audio Studios. I just want to make sure you got them. Best wishes and keep making an awesome show. Thanks, Tom Van Tin. I can't say his last name. Thanks, Tom. Tom Van, T-I-J-N. How do you, how would you say that? T-I-J-N. T-I-J-N. Tijon. T'in. Tom Van Tin. T'in. Yeah, I like T'in. Oh, that sounds right. Thanks, Tom. All right, cool. I'll try to start to eat some of these things. The ketchup chips are excellent. Yeah, they're good. And you know what, those dill ones you were
Starting point is 01:28:39 talking about, not bad. I'm a dill pickle skeptic in terms of a chip flavor, like I may have said, but those are, those are a pretty damn good execution of it. I'm going to say this, the sweet potato with sea salt is like the most like sweet potato, like, like it tastes like, it's like the best representation of sweet potato I've had in like a, a not, besides eating a sweet potato. Wow. Does that make sense? Yeah, you always say. They're not trying to hide the sweet potato taste. And yeah, they're great. McGathey, does this remind you of any treats that you get in Ireland that are, that you can't get over here that you like love? I love chicken fries, which are a like
Starting point is 01:29:26 chicken flavored puff, like a, like a Cheeto puff made by the Tato company. Also the cheese and onion stuff is great. That sounds great. Those are sound good. So in the time that you were saying that I tried the Montreal steak spice, which I encourage you guys to try very different than what I expected, but delicious. Those might be my favorite of the bunch so far. And I also had these sweet potato ones. You guys were smiling right on the money. These bad boys are tasty. They're pretty tasty. And maybe, maybe better for you. I don't know. Sweet potatoes are supposed to be better for you. The ketchup chips, I agree with you guys. I've had ketchup chips a lot now through this podcast.
Starting point is 01:30:08 And I feel like these are the best versions I've had of them ever. They're, they're like tangy enough that like the, like the, the strong ketchup aftertaste, which is a thing that usually bugs me about ketchup chips, isn't there as much? Like it's like still, it's ketchup chips without being too much ketchup. If that makes sense. Uh, what is my cut of the commercial for covered bridge chips? Whoa. Wow. The dough boys can't be bought. This is why we never would have worked between us. We did talk about this though. We were like, is this branded content? And then we're like, Oh, we're not getting any money for it. So I guess we're doing, I mean, it's a nice, it's a nice thing. Like you get a segment and he, I assume he works for this company. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:30:50 I have no idea. Maybe he's just a crazy fan of, of these particular types. Yeah, what's your deal, Tom? Yeah, what the fuck's up with you, Tom? I mean, I would believe that he didn't work for the company and just love these chips because they are really, really good. They are, you know what? He, he sent to it. Maybe we were duped, but at the same time it'll also say that this is good. They're good. Hey man, if this is being duped, duped me all you want. These chips are made by the Albright family potato farm. Hmm. Um, I just had the regular sea salt, which are just their, you know, generic, basically their, their default, their, their plain lays, if you will. And that's again, you know what? At this point, I'm just going to like all of these. They are
Starting point is 01:31:24 good. They're good. They're a great, a great Kettle Cook chip. I'm a huge Cape Cod potato Cape Cod potato chip fan. And they're similar to that kind of like, uh, what are some other good Kettle, like the, oh, I guess they're called, isn't their brand called Kettle, Kettle Cooked or whatever. What are they called? Yeah. Kettle. Yeah. They're, they're, they're similar to Kettle Cooked, which is a brand down here. Maybe they may be in Canada as well. Mrs. Vicks. Oh yeah. Mrs. Vicks. That's a one. That's a good one. Mrs. Vicks has a great jalapeno chip. They grow their own potatoes, which I think is cool. I don't know. My favorite is that Montreal Steaks. Right. This is our fucking great. That's a great one. And there's also, you know, if you
Starting point is 01:31:59 want to try them, there's the, the salt and vinegar. I don't know if you guys are salt, you're a salt and vinegar fan, right? Salt and vinegar. When you can try these ones, if you want. The official chip of the alt-right. Oh, that's right. Now I, now I remember. That's funny. The Creamy Dill Pickles chips. I'm with you. I'm a skeptic on, on the Kettle, but those, those are two good versions of those chips. Yeah. Hey, we can do this with a bunch of different chips companies, right? Right. Send us chips. I'll sing a Chip and Dale song, and then we'll eat all of them and we'll tell you they're good in exchange for no money because we're bad at business. And also the no boys can't be bought. Can I also say this, that
Starting point is 01:32:37 I begged Nick to do this segment because all these chips are on my table and taking up space. I was like, please, please do that. Right, Nick. That is the truth of this, of this segment. I have, you, you, you kept asking me to do this and I'm glad we did it. I think your last text from me said, your last text to be said, if you don't, if we don't do this segment, I am going to eat all these chips tonight. Yeah. So I'm glad we did it. These are good to sell. Yeah. Covered bridge. Man, you don't need to keep yourself covered. Go out there out and proud because these are fucking great. Yeah. Have you guys ever received anything that you did not want to try? Because I know you received like that mystery liquid at one point. We, we, we, I think we're starting to
Starting point is 01:33:24 get it on, because people who send us stuff, if we, if you've ever sent us something and we've never addressed it or talked about it, please tell us because we will feel really bad about that. Like, like we always, we all, the way people send stuff, we want to try it on the air. There's been a few, we got like some, like, I think Chinese candies or was it Japanese candies that a couple were kind of weird. Right. We've had some stuff we haven't had great reactions to, but I don't think outside of the mystery drink, which I refused to drink, Mitch was like, we should just drink it. And I was like, I'm not going to drink this thing that I don't know. But then you saw what it was. Yeah. When I saw what it was, it was great. But I mean, still like, you understand that it's not
Starting point is 01:33:59 necessarily a great idea to drink a liquid sent from a stranger. You thought it was going to become. I thought it was going to be, I thought there was a chance it was going to be something tainted. That's specifically that. Can you keep come in liquid form? Like in a, oh, you can, I guess, because. Yeah, I guess so. Oh yeah. Oh, Mitch has just opened up his jacket and they're vile. I think you gotta keep it refrigerated, right? Is that the case? I don't know. Room temp does it dry up? Is that what you're thinking? I think when you go to a sperm bank, which I don't do. That'll protest too much. Okay. I go there for my sperm. You get donations. I get donations to take it into my penis.
Starting point is 01:34:48 If we dated, you would have heard all these details of how I inject my penis with sperm. But, but, uh, yeah, they, I think they put it in a fridge or a colder space because I think it, I think it dries up naturally. Right. You're pretending not to know this. No, I trust, I trust you. I've never stored like a, like just a, a thimble full at room temperature and seen what happened. Yeah. No shit. Neither have I. I find that very surprising. I thought if anyone. I told, I, this guy, um, I shouldn't say his name. His nickname was Spike. Okay. But his name, uh, can I say his last name? It sounded like Hanford's last name, but it wasn't, and it's not Hanford. Maria Banford? I should have said anything like this.
Starting point is 01:35:34 But it was this guy that he had at this jar called the stuff. This is when I was like 14 or 13. This guy your same age? He was the same age. He was already like sleeping with girls and stuff. And like, we would go over his house and drink and we'd like bring beers inside. And his dad would just be like, whatever. Like he didn't care. Right. One of those cool dads. So you guys, you don't want to be cool. Yeah. And, and, and and he had this jar in his room, like this big jar and it was called the stuff and it was like, yeah, I know, I know. I shouldn't even tell this story. No, it was filled with like, you know, there was come in there and there was like, like, I think like he would like, like a,
Starting point is 01:36:16 like a tissue that he wiped his ass with. Like it was like, yes. Oh, that's so much closer than just. Yeah. Just like a bodily fluid catch all like a bodily fluid catch all that he had that they called misguided witch and McBeth that he called. Yeah. Oh no, a hundred. It's very, it was very straight. They called the stuff and it was huge. That's a human body suicide. It was, it was, it was a god damn it. I was hoping no one would drink it. Yeah. I mean, he also had like a snake and stuff. This guy, Hanifin. Oh boy. He'll never hear this or he'll kill me when I go back to I don't know. I think, I think he's done all right for himself, but I always remember being like very weirded out by
Starting point is 01:36:59 this. Right. Yeah. Also, probably a story I shouldn't tell. I just Googled his name. It says he's now the mayor of Quincy. You sick fuck. He ran on a platform of stuff for everyone. Free stuff for everyone. Yeah. No, that's a, that's the sort of thing. Being a teenage boy, I think a lot of people don't see into that darkness. People do. Yeah. Kids do grow shit. What were, what were other children's relationship with the jar? Was it like, oh, let me see the jar. Did he like surprise people with it? No, I think it would be like, that's fucking gross. Like, I think that was like, what the fuck? Right. But he was like, I'm weird and crazy kind of guy. Yeah. Yeah. Just like a restaurant without your feedback.
Starting point is 01:37:44 Let's open up the feedback. Today's email comes to us from Maddie Silva. Maddie writes, I hate it when actors push food around their plate, lift the food to their mouth and say a line without ever actually eating the food. I feel like this is most often seen in multi-cam sitcoms. There's something about it that ruins my suspension of disbelief. As foodies and people who work in the industry, do the dough boys have any insights on this? Am I alone in my irritation? Mitch, I applaud you for eating on camera in the most recent season of love. Thankfully, I have not noticed any traces of my food related pet peeve on your show. Congratulations, Mitch. Thank you. That's the best compliment I've heard.
Starting point is 01:38:21 What do you guys think as far as, I think that a lot of the time it's, there's two things. Continuity is a big issue with eating. Right. And you have to like, you know, like they don't want you to have a full apple and then it's a core suddenly. So it's that sort of thing of like people try and then the second thing is you do so many takes that people don't want to be eating food. Yeah. Even if you're spitting stuff out, it's gross. Right. That is gross. And also like, I think that those both those issues kind of tie together in, I think people will think of like, oh, we're doing takes, like we'll do the same thing like three times. Like you might be doing the same thing like, you know, 15 times because it's not just,
Starting point is 01:38:59 you've got, you've got to shoot it from a bunch of different angles, you know, I mean, and all those different angles have to match up in the edit, which ties into the continuity issue. So I think, yeah, sometimes people err on the side of like, oh, if I just fake a sip, it makes life easier for everyone. Yeah. But I agree that like, yeah, if you have to eat, fucking eat. Also the standards for women's weight is it's insane. Like actresses are so much thinner than you think they are. Right. And even like eating that stuff like does affect their job. For sure. And I that is something I never have to worry about being a big, the big slobby man on the show. But you're, you're like, we're worried Mitch isn't eating enough.
Starting point is 01:39:40 No, I've told you that my issue is that I'm afraid I'm going to grow from episode to episode. No, but, but you know, you're 100% right. I think that's a part of it. And you're usually eating something weird or kind of grow. It's never, it's never that appetizing is another part of it. Just recently, yeah, it's sitting there for a long time, especially like it depends on the production, but lower and lower end productions, they're going to have one bowl of cereal that's going to be sitting out the entire three hours and shoot some scene or something like that. I just shot something on love where I was, they were like, you want cereal in your bowl? And I said, yes. And I was going to eat while I talk like that. I was remember
Starting point is 01:40:20 specifically thinking that and they were like, what do you want? And then I was like, my character wants like cinnamon toast crunch. And, and I think Claudio already said like, you should do, you should do, like he should have both of those. And then I was like, yeah, he would, he would want cocoa crisp and cinnamon toast crunch mixed together. But in reality, I was like, I really want to eat this. And cocoa crisp mixed, mixed together. That sounds good. And they would bring new bowls. They would, you know, they would bring a new bowl of it, like every couple takes or whatever. And so I was really going to town on it. And I was hungry. So it wasn't like that big of a deal was basically I probably ate one, like one and a half bowls of, of cocoa
Starting point is 01:41:01 crisp, less cinnamon toast crunch. But then also just recently, I grossed the crew out because I was making my character is making a short rib and I was basting it. And then I sucked from the baster and it was raw short rib and they were like, everyone was like, what the fuck are you doing? That's all I got in trouble for my character. My character did. And then they were like, fuck you. You're fired. You don't fuck. My God, this crew bathroom is disgusting. What was that? I have told you this off mic, but you're so amazing and love. That is very nice. I know I would have been a very supportive partner through that. Damn it, boy. McGathey, if it doesn't work out, I'm taking you on some sort. I want it to work. I want you to get
Starting point is 01:41:47 married to this nice Irish lad. I met him. He's a very nice man. Yeah, great dude. But if not, you better watch your back. If it doesn't work out, if it doesn't work out, we'll go out. We'll go out of this. Yeah. Please don't pin all of your romantic hopes on this. Find some other leads in the interim. It's story of my life. Nick, you can relate to me in some ways. I hope. Sure. Yeah, I get what you're saying. Yeah. What might have been the saddest words of mice and men? Oh, really? Isn't that a thing that said at some point? Sure, I'm sure. I think it was the Hanford. There was a lot of things going on. Yeah, yeah. It's fucking Hanford. That was the problem. Yeah. He fucking cockblocked you, buddy. I remember he told me that you were
Starting point is 01:42:37 asexual. What was the thing that you ate on love like the first season that she's talking about? I'm not sure. I'm trying to remember what it was, but I have no idea. Probably, if I had a guess, wasn't supposed to be in the scene. Where did he get that sandwich from? Oh, we ate. We did eat sandwiches for the mushroom episode. Maybe that's what he's that's what he's referring to. I don't know. I can't remember. I think it's a she, Maddie Silva. She. Oh, okay. Thank you. Thank you, Maddie. But yeah, you're a great actor, Mitch, and you're very committed. Hey, thanks. You look like you're going to hit him. You're very good at what you do. Thank you, Nick. So are you. Oh, God bless you.
Starting point is 01:43:22 And so are you, McGathey. I think all three of us are very good at what we do. We're all good. Except for telling people when you like them. We're doing great. Killer Mike, if you're out there, I wanted to say hello to you last night. You should have. Yeah, you could have been a thing. You could have been, you could have been other Mike. Killer Mike and other Mike. Yeah, you could have been his height man. Oh, that would have been a dream come true. This is McGathey one of many times. I hope that there are other people can relate to me out there. I'm not alone in this, right? We've all been there. Yeah. Except it's happened to me so many goddamn fucking times.
Starting point is 01:44:07 All right, Nick, if you have a question or comment about the world of chain restaurants, you can email us at to get the doughboys double our weekly bonus episodes. Subscribe at slash doughboys. Aaron McGathey, always a treat when you're in LA, when you're in America. Always a treat when you're on the show. We hope you can do it again. Thank you so much for having me. This is my favorite podcast. Oh, what a thing to say. It is a delight to be here. You're the best. You're the best. You're the best. Whenever you come back, you're coming back on and we'll talk about this further. Fair enough. Mitch has the Zales website open on his phone.
Starting point is 01:44:46 I'm buying myself an engagement. I'm going to give you the ring to give to me. They'll do it for this episode of doughboys. Oh, wait, Aaron, do you have anything you want to plug? I'm so sorry. Oh, my podcast, This Feels Terrible, which Mitch is on. Mitch is on a live episode that we did, which I think is really funny. Mitch is very funny on that. I talk about some of my love issues on there, too. It was fun. This summer, I'm doing a one-woman murder mystery called Murder Town at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in Scotland. There's a bar there called Brew Dogs. If you come and you say you're a doughboy's fan, I'll go out with you for Brew Dog at Brew Dogs. What an incentive for our listeners across the pond. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:45:32 One beer apiece. They'll do it for this episode of doughboys. Until next time, for The Spoonman, Mike Mitchell, I'm Nick Weigher. Happy eating. See ya.

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