Doughboys - Sweet Chick with Tami Sagher

Episode Date: January 27, 2022

Tami Sagher (Orange Is the New Black, Search Party) joins the 'boys to discuss Gordon Ramsay and Chicago-style pizza before a review of Sweet Chick. Plus, another edition of Cake It Off. Sources for t...his week's intro:!!  Want more Doughboys? Check out our Patreon!: for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up, everybody? It's your boy, The Spoon Man, and I want to talk to you about today's sponsor, Uber Eats. At Uber Eats, we've helped more than 400,000 restaurants across the U.S. reach new, hungry customers and deliver growth quickly through new orders. Uber's global platform can help you grow, reach new people, get valuable sales data, and unlock ways to expand with flexible delivery options. Put your business on Uber Eats. Get access to the Uber Eats platform, including valuable sales data to grow your business. Dig in to your data. Really dig in there, anytime, to monitor your performance and customer order trends. Wow. Wow.
Starting point is 00:00:44 Why, restaurant owners, enjoy 0% commission for the first 30 days on all orders, offer subject to change per the terms of the restaurant agreement. Wow, 0% on the first 30 days. Sign up today. That link that you want to click on is down there in the episode description. Right down there. Check it out. There it is. Move your cursor. Go ahead and click. Or if you're on your phone, use your finger and click that link. Click that link in the episode description. OG, Stan, bust a nut. These are just some of the many terms that reach mainstream awareness among Americans via hip hop. And near the top of this very long list is a term used
Starting point is 00:01:34 to mean besting a foe in verbal combat, an insult to end all insults. Ether. The term originates from the title of a 2001 diss track, another hip hop vocabulary word, by New York City rapper Nas. Exploding onto the scene with his now classic album Illmatic in 1994, by the turn of the century, Nas found himself ensconced in a feud with Intercity rival Jay-Z, who started the melee by releasing a diss track entitled Takeover. Nas responded months later with his devastating track, Ether, which, even today, is generally considered the height of the form. The term has become widespread enough to be verbified. A particularly cutting bone moe can be said to ether, or have ethered, the competition.
Starting point is 00:02:18 20 years removed from his much discussed brew ha ha with Jay-Z, aka Hova, Nas is pivoted from lyrical sparring to canny investing. Among his holdings include smart doorbell company Ring, for which he received a $40 million payout when the brand was acquired by Amazon, and online pharmacy Pill Pack, the kind of hellish abomination of a corporation that could only exist within the dystopian for-profit healthcare sector of the USA. And Nas has also spent money closer to home, investing in a New York City chicken and waffles shop founded by Manhattan native John Seymour. The son of a bartender, Seymour worked in the restaurant industry from his teenage years, eventually opening his own burger restaurant
Starting point is 00:02:57 in Brooklyn. Then in 2013, he pivoted to a passion project, a chicken and waffles joint with a gastropub flair. By 2015, Nas came on board, helping to bring the eatery to his home borough of Queens. Today, the breaded birdhouse boasts a half dozen locations, including one in LA, a daring move given the existence of beloved local chain Roscoe's House of Chicken and Waffles, and Nas and Seymour have national expansion on the horizon. But does this New York chicken shack ether the competition? This week on Doe Boys, sweet chick. Welcome to Doe Boys, the podcast about chain restaurants. I'm Nick Weigher, along with
Starting point is 00:03:49 my co-host, the Buka de Boba Fett, the Spoon Man, Mike Mitchell. Buka de Boba Fett is not bad, because honestly, your fear is that you're going to get jabbed in that scenario. I don't want to get jabbed, which used to be, that's what, the joke was always that I was jabbing, that koalic was salacious crumb when we lived together. So I was like on the couch. Yeah, that lines up pretty well. Oh, salacious dies in the ship explosion, right? Or at some point, he'll like come out of the sand too. There'll be a salacious crumb, like there'll be a salacious crumb series on Disney Plus where salacious lived. Turns out he was alive this whole time. I believe
Starting point is 00:04:42 what happens is he gets zapped by R2-D2 and he comes to the ceiling, but then I don't think we see his ultimate fate. So it's possible he's still alive. He survived the barge explosion. Yeah, which would be tough, but he maybe did. Who knows? Are you watching Book of Boba Fett, Weig? I have not watched Book of Boba Fett. Real quick, that roast was courtesy of Natasha from Detroit, who writes, I'm sorry, Apology not accepted. You know where the Book of Boba Fett lost me? Where? The book. You didn't want to be reading. I don't want to read. Don't give me that. What are you doing? Add book to the title. That stinks. Yeah. Book of Eli was fine. That's the one exception.
Starting point is 00:05:35 Weig's how to hoe to Spoon Nation. No, you know, when there's someone that you respect on the podcast, who we have today, it's just embarrassing when we have to do some of this stuff. We don't respect a lot of guests. No. But we respect today's guests. Mostly people we feel contempt for. We're comfortable asking them to do the show because we don't like them. Koalic, for instance. We just brought up. Little salacious crumb. I brought this up before and Wally's kind of a, I've moved to a new place. Wally's kind of meowing everywhere. He's like still not used to it even, and it's been a month, so he's still not used to it. But there was a, where's the grime?
Starting point is 00:06:27 He wants the grime. He's just used to it. He likes the grime. He's used to it. It feels like home. There's no grime issues. Here's what happened. I was doing, oh, here he is. He's made his way over here. He's just walked right in front of me. Hi, Wally. So Wally scratched my ass. He scratched my bare ass. So I kind of told you this, but I was doing, and a lot of people, when they hear that immediately, they think that something weird was going on. Nothing weird was going on. But, and it's not a Doth protest too much scenario here, that really, I'll get into, I'll get into, I'll get into what happened. I was doing some laundry, and Wally's like interested in all little new areas, and he's looking at, like he's kind of looking at, and then
Starting point is 00:07:23 he surprises me. Oh, I see sneak attacks. He basically jumps on my back because he's trying to see like what's going on. So he jumps on my back, but he, but he slips and he falls. And he, in the process, his back legs moon me. So he basically pulls my pants down on my, so my, my, my butt is hanging out. He pulls my, the back of my pants down. So my butts hang out. And then he try, at the same time, he tries to climb back up and he's like, you know, he's like, you know, scattering around and he, and he, and he swipes my butt with his back paw. Oh boy. And I immediately start bleeding like profusely. Like I went and put my hand back and like my hand was covered in blood. So he mooned me and then he scratched my ass and then he jumped off.
Starting point is 00:08:12 It was off. It was terrible. So now I have a scratch mark across my ass, which I can't see. He didn't moon you. He pantsed you. He pantsed me. Yes. Then, then you ended up. What is the difference between mooning and pantsing? Mooning is I'm going to, it's, it's who does the act. Like if I pull my pants down to show you my ass, then that I am mooning you. Yeah. It's a show of dominance. I'm mooning you. But then if, if someone else pulls your pants down, they, they have pantsed you. Okay. So he got tanned. Yeah. God, you nerd. Yes. He pantsed me. And he scratched my ass. If you say, if you say Wally mooned me, I'd be like, Oh, Wally showed me his butt. That's what I think.
Starting point is 00:08:56 He's done that too. He'll come up and he'll just put his butt right in your face, which is funny. But no, he, he, he pantsed me and then he scratched my butt and my butt bled. And that was kind of like the whole afternoon. That was kind of the day in the, a day in the life. Do you have Mitch? I have, I'm surprised the Beatles don't reference that in a day in life. Woke up, got out of bed. Whatever. You can, you can do the math on that. I'm not going to continue on. It's been a hard day's night because my cat scratched my butt. It does. It's weird that they'd put it in that song, but yes, they put it in both. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:43 Wally, Wally, Wally has scratched my ass and I bled and I was walking around with like a bloody rag the rest of the day. Boy, that's rough. And it was, it, this was like a, how did it heal? I mean, you clearly didn't need stitches or that would have been part of the story, but Wolverine, like the butt, I feel like, like, uh, The butt, I feel like you're just on your ass. You have a Wolverine ass. I think I have a Wolverine type. I feel like the butt does, maybe there's a lot of padding or something in there, but it does, it did stop. Like it was bleeding heavily and then it did, it did, it did, like I was like, man, this is like, I'm going to bleed for a while, but then it
Starting point is 00:10:24 did go, it went out pretty quick. I had like, I did have a bloody rag, basically of a paper towel, but it, but it, but it stopped pretty quickly. Um, and then it was kind of sore to sit on, which, you know, I love sitting. So that was the issue. Yeah. Anyways, we got to get to our, we got to get to our guest and what an intro we've given you, but it's okay. Okay. Uh, hi, howdy, howdy, Spoon Nation. And here is, here's a drop, Yikes, a little drop for us to listen to. I guess, uh, 1975, that's what I'm going to do. 1979. Wow. Corgan's favorite year.
Starting point is 00:11:08 Wow. Caseroids for Cassidy, 1979. Billy Corgan's second favorite year. A full decade later. It's tough. Now it's raining gum. Wow. Much to the approval of Billy Corgan.
Starting point is 00:11:41 God. Does it ever happen when you listen to the drops and you're like, this show sucks. All every week, every single week. So sucks. Embarrassed. I was really hoping that, yeah, it's, it's humiliating, uh, degrading ourselves. I am sucks. I was really hoping that drop would be like magically, uh, about, uh, the cat scratching your ass.
Starting point is 00:12:07 Someone had made that in real time and submitted it. Submitted by Wally? Or Irma, I guess would be the better, whatever. Hi, DK, Emma, Mitch, and Nick. In alphabetical order, I have no allegiances except to the Zach and the Jess. Okay. Wow. Okay. We love Zach and Jess.
Starting point is 00:12:27 Oh, wait, there are, they're kayfabe. There are enemies, I feel like. They're rivals apparently. Yeah. As a fan of nineties era smash and pumpkins, I love it every time you reference the then oddly sampled now classic Billy Corgan coming of age song. So I made a compilation mostly for myself, but also to share with the Doughboys community. I'm from Iowa and now live in Israel.
Starting point is 00:12:51 Wow. Wow. And your dumb podcast, dumb in quotes, helps keep me connected to the, is he quoting someone that they said our podcast is dumb? It's from the AB club. And your dumb podcast helps me, uh, stay connected to the U S in a weird way via food chains and consistently great guests. I've listened to every episode in some several times.
Starting point is 00:13:17 Thanks for the work and charity you give and for being hilarious. Cheers, uh, Rhino. Rhino. Thanks, Rhino. Moving from Iowa to Israel. What's next, India? You're going to move to Ireland? The eyes.
Starting point is 00:13:32 You only live in eye places? You freak? The eye. Yeah, you're into eyes. I'm going to the Isle of Man. Of course you are. See you there. Uh, Wags, speaking of great guests.
Starting point is 00:13:46 Oh my goodness. Let's introduce our guests. What a treat, uh, to have today's guest. 20, we're an actor. 10 minutes. This is, we just wasted so much time. Well, I'm not going to say you're to blame, but you did have a lengthy anecdote. It was good though.
Starting point is 00:14:03 A writer and actor from the great oranges, the new black and search party. Tammy Sager is here. Hi, Tammy. Hi guys. How are you? Good. We're doing great. Thank you so much for making time for us.
Starting point is 00:14:13 Yeah, we're doing all right. You've heard. Now Isle of Man. That sounds like a place for the boys. Dudes only on the Isle of Man. So I'll meet you there, uh, right now. That's if you, if you listen to, if you like the chive, uh, you go hang out at the Isle of Man. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:33 It's a real, real barstool sports friendly community. I didn't know the chive reference. It's like the, it's this UK bro, or I guess lad magazine. The lads like it over there. And in Dope Boys fashion, it is like partially outdated. That was like, uh, Saturday is for the boys was such a, it was like an online thing. Look, you don't have to worry about a reference being too outdated for me. There's a chive TV channel that you'll see playing in bars sometimes.
Starting point is 00:15:11 And it's just like, it's, it's, it's like a rotation of like fail videos and that sort of Yeah. It's very much like Rob, like a Rob Deirdre show. It's like, uh, people getting hit in like the genitals and stuff like that. Um, right. I'm, I'm just writing this down chive TV. Check it out. Tammy, I don't know. I don't, I don't know if you're a fan of, sorry, Wags.
Starting point is 00:15:35 I got to jump into this. I'm going to forget. Please. I don't know if you're a fan of hell hell's kitchen. Do you like hell's kitchen at all? No, but I know what it is. I know the reference. Yes.
Starting point is 00:15:45 Hell's kitchen is a great show. Oh wait, kitchen. Wait, which one is, it is hell's kitchen, right? There's kitchen nightmares and hell's kitchen. They're both Gordon Ramsay shows. Hell's kitchen is kind of the American version. Kitchen nightmares were like where he would, it's the same guy, right? Gordon Ramsay.
Starting point is 00:16:01 Same guy. Yeah. Yes. And it's one where if you watch the UK version, it's such, it's got such a different vibe to it. I don't mean like it's the UK office versus US off, but since more divergent than that, Gordon Ramsay is like very kind of like soft spoken and he'll tell people what they need to fix, but he's not like screaming at that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:16 It's a very different energy. That's why I like it more because it just feels like you can feel the producers on every US version being like, we need you to amp it up. Right. Yeah. Yeah. As opposed to like Great British Bake Off where they're like, they're helping each other. Yeah, which is why people love that show.
Starting point is 00:16:35 It's like a, like a, that's what we were, we were talking show, my mom and sister, they go to bed to like ID channel murder shows. We're talking about before, before we started recording. And I feel like the, the Great British Bake Off is, is that's like a good sleep show. That will put you right to like comfortably put you to sleep in a good way. I like picturing you sleeping to that while your mom and sister are watching murder shows next door. Wait, what was your anecdote about Hell's Kitchen?
Starting point is 00:17:09 Well, so on, on like, there's a Samsung channel on, on Samsung TVs, which is like a thing no one watches. It's kind of like Pluto TV or whatever. It's like, no one turns these things on. They're like these free channels, but one of the channels is a Hell's Kitchen channel. I'm going to turn on my TV now just to see. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:28 I'm going to see what, because I'm going to make sure it's, oh, it's kitchen nightmares. That's the show. It's kitchen. And so there's a whole channel with kitchen nightmares. And now I just have it on right here. And Gordon is helping, you know, he's helping some, some family out, but it's great. Wags, I've been watching it a bunch lately. Like if I have dinner or something, I'll just, I'll put on the kitchen nightmares channel
Starting point is 00:17:50 and I'll watch, and I'll watch kitchen nightmares. It's great. Just 24 seven kitchen nightmares. That one too. Hell's Kitchen, I think is kind of the competition show. Oh, that's what it is. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 00:18:01 Yeah. Yeah. And there's, there is like a Hell's Kitchen in Vegas. That's what, that's where I went wrong. And kitchen nightmares is like Gordon Ramsey, like help, like he helps out a shitty, but he'll be like, there's rouches. And then like later, he's like, you all learned a lesson and it'll be nice. You've got pork and chicken in the same bin.
Starting point is 00:18:21 It's always just like, he's just mad about whatever their hygienic sanitation practices are in the kitchen. He just screams at somebody. Someone cries. And where's the figgy pudding? There's no figgy pudding in here. I'm supposed to. He seems like a nice, nice person.
Starting point is 00:18:37 But wise, I've heard he's a lovely boss. I've, I've been on a, I've been on a kick of, of, of kitchen. Wait. Yes. Kitchen nightmares. Yes. I still, after learning it some moments ago, still forgot somehow. I appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:18:52 It makes me feel so much better about my Diet Coke whole brain, just holes in my brain. Just to hear you make that mistake. Yeah. Great. We're all in this. I'm a fool. I should go on to, yeah. Maybe why the people like the podcast is they see the, the two fools.
Starting point is 00:19:09 Why it's two people with extreme memory problems that they may be, just makes them feel better. I think there's that. I think there's also just like people like listening to people they know more than. Like it's like, I know, I know you, I know more than you do, even to the point where I know about your own life more than you do. Yes. It's like watching like monkeys.
Starting point is 00:19:31 If you give like monkeys with like a, like a wooden shape with a hole in the block, like a box or whatever, watching them try to put the shape in the hole. And I know what you're doing. That wooden box with the hole in it. Wally's just shaking his head. Also, cat scratch fever. I can't believe you guys didn't say that for the song, for the Wally scratch. I maybe have cat, I might have cat scratch fever now.
Starting point is 00:19:58 That's a real fan. Yeah. Everyone's nodding. Everyone knows us, but. Ted Nugent was patient zero. That would explain what happened to him. That would be a good excuse for me when I start having Ted Nugent's politics in a few years, but.
Starting point is 00:20:14 Start bow hunting. Is he's cat scratch, is that who, is it Ted Nugent? Is that who sings it? That's his big hit. Yeah. Yeah. All right. Makes sense.
Starting point is 00:20:22 It sucks. It's a bad song. So you can, like if a cat scratches you, you can get sick. Yeah. There's a, it's called like toxic, like it makes mice act very bold. Like they'll go up to cats. It's some parasite. And it makes people lose any sense of danger, especially concentrated in mice.
Starting point is 00:20:46 And then that makes the cat eat the mouse. And then it comes out in the cat poop. We can also. Oh, wow. Right. Is that. Toxoplasmosis. Nice.
Starting point is 00:20:55 Apparently the condition. Toxoplasmosis. Huh. That's terrifying. So if you find yourself just standing in traffic, Mitch, that's what Wally is trying to kill you. Any mouse that comes into this house, I'm going to swallow it before Wally and Irma. That's a guarantee.
Starting point is 00:21:16 Timmy, do you have any pets? I remember at one point you, do you have cats? No, I've got a dog. You've got a dog. Okay. Yes. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:27 Yeah. I think you might have even met her because I think you might have been backstage or something at UCB when I brought her to. Yes. Yeah. She's just like an old pit bull. I feel like a Ross Chas cartoon of a New Yorker. I'm like, here's my old pit bull that I don't know.
Starting point is 00:21:46 Yes. Do you. So I was just going to say, I get compared to pit bulls quite a bit. That's good. That's good. That used to be like the sort of thing of like in high school or college or something when people were like trying to, and they're like, do a pit bull impression. And I would just do one because I had no backbone to be like, I don't want to be,
Starting point is 00:22:12 and so I would like, you know, I would pretend to be a dog. I would just bark for people. Oh, wow. So not Mr. Worldwide, an actual dog. That's who I was. What if they met Mr. Worldwide the whole time when they were like, all right. I started barking. Let Mitch do that.
Starting point is 00:22:27 All right. I'll let him do his thing. Wait. Now I really want to see your pit bull. And now I know you don't have the backbone to say no to me. I mean, I like, I have, first of all, it is like one that I, but I used to just be like, like I used to just bark, like I truly would just bark like a dog. I'm too embarrassed.
Starting point is 00:22:45 I can't even believe that I brought up like the darkest. I brought up the darkest. They like, I also would be like, like I would do impressions of like, like sesame street characters. And so it would be funny to have people on the football team like, hey Mitch, do, uh, do Kermit the frog. So like I would do, I would like sing rainbow connection for the football team as Kermit the frog.
Starting point is 00:23:08 And nobody says it to you and you do Heidi Ho every day. I do, I do, I do. Oh my God. The football player in your brain. Say Heidi Ho. That football player in my brain is always there. Always making me perform like a fool. But I, but I, but I, uh, the sweetest chef they'd have me do like a Chewbacca.
Starting point is 00:23:35 I would do a Chewbacca. See, I feel like I, Gabriel has talked about like eating milk bones to make people laugh. Like I feel like you were at a level of dignity that was above that at least. No, no, no. If someone threw me a milk bone, I most likely would have eaten it. All right, all right. I mean, close, I would say similar dignity levels. But they thought Gabriel was cool.
Starting point is 00:24:02 I think I would do it and they'd be like, weird. And I'm like, you asked me to do it. Yeah. And I feel like he was, it was his idea. They were, yes, yes. So they would be like, do the thing. And then I'd be like, whatever I do, like a Chewbacca noise. That's pretty good.
Starting point is 00:24:19 And then they'd be like, they'd be like, weird. I was like, but you, you asked me to do it. Whatever. I was a loser. We get this. We all know it. Yeah. And you're on the other side of it now.
Starting point is 00:24:33 Yeah. Yeah. You're super cool now. I say to someone who is super cool herself. Yes. I tell me, I do want to ask you a little bit about Chicago eats because I know you are from Chicago. You went to school in Chicago.
Starting point is 00:24:48 You spent some time there. Yes. I am one of those people who loves, loves, loves Chicago pizza. Who's like, yes, I know you think it's a casserole. You're wrong. I freaking love it. I love it. I've only recently come around to enjoying New York pizza.
Starting point is 00:25:06 Interesting. I like a fork and knife. I like, I like the Giordano's like, it's a fork and knife situation. Do you like the thinner crust Chicago school of pizza? Or do you only like the deep dish? I only like the deep dish. Wow. Wow.
Starting point is 00:25:23 That is, that's, I see a lot of the time I think people are like the opposite where they're like, I know everyone thinks it's deep dish, but like it's our thin crust that's like really good. It might be. I never get it. I always like, and I don't even like the, I don't even go for like the fancy Chicago like Pequod or whatever it's called. I'm like, Eduardo's Giordano's spinach deep dish pizza. I go hard at Chicago.
Starting point is 00:25:51 I dated someone from Chicago and who is a great person. You went hard at her. You just came out swinging. And so I like, I've always, I've been, I've been tough on Chicago. I like a, I've said this to Weigar before, but there's always like a amongst Chicago comedians like, this guy's great. It's a Chicago guy. I'm like, what's so great about this guy?
Starting point is 00:26:11 You know, I don't do that with Boston shitty Boston people. And you'll meet the, you'll meet the Chicago guy. It'll be like a, I mean, I don't fuck Boston people. I don't want them to come out here and do comedy. They're terrible. Look at me. I'm bad at it. No one there is good at, I'm, I'm the best we got.
Starting point is 00:26:31 I think you do have some hometown loyalty and, and grain in you. I think you do have a little bit of favoritism towards your fellow Bostonians. Maybe you don't acknowledge. Anyways, there are a lot of Chicago people I love obviously, but I've been saying lately that I'm trying to clone Mrs. Murphy's cow so that it will burn down Chicago for the second time. I mean, I don't know that you need to go that far. Chicago is having a hard enough time right now.
Starting point is 00:26:53 All right, fair enough. You guys, I feel like I need, speaking of the cow in the room, I have to address, I talked to you Mitch about coming on the show. How much I loved the show. Yes. 2018. It was a very long time ago. And also I'll say this much.
Starting point is 00:27:13 Yeah. This is like embarrassing for us because also it is a thing that I did bring up. Why are you, you can attest to this. That I was like, we need to get Tammy on the show. And then because we're bad at it, we just never did. I mean, like a comedy legend, hilarious. And we have truly Tim Kelpakis' sketch writer, the first sketch writer is you, Tim Kelpakis.
Starting point is 00:27:37 Oh, this is his first teacher? That's right. His first sketch writer. Oh, I keep saying sketch writer. I know. I'm sorry. I'm nervous. This is like panting and moaning.
Starting point is 00:27:47 Writer and teacher are different things. Yeah, I know that, you asshole. Okay. No, I am addressing this because I want to explain why I'm nervous. Because I have all these like feelings where I feel like I really made a fool out of myself. So I just wanted to say that because I approached you. And then I have a really hard time emailing people. So then listening more, I was like, oh, I talked to the person who doesn't email.
Starting point is 00:28:13 Although you, you did like three days later, you were like, can you come on the show tomorrow for like, there was somebody had dropped out. I was like, I can't. And then I never again. And then I was like, oh God. And then the more I was listening to show the more it was like, oh God, I chose Mitch and Mitch is me. And then in my head, I was like, I bet he's spiraling. I bet now when he sees me, he's spiraling because I would spiral.
Starting point is 00:28:36 And then I was spiraling. And then I think I even talked to Eva about it. And she was like, just email wigs. And I was like, okay, okay, okay. And then Eva, what the hell? She's right. And then fell into a deep depression, which always happens at LA. So then like nine months pass and I finally get to go home.
Starting point is 00:28:55 But before that, I ran into both of you backstage at UCB. And that was, you seemed so like, oh, fuck. And I was like, no, no, no, but do you know what it was? You guys are both, you 100% both were in a very weird space. And then listening to show, I found out why it was. It was right when the good morning America thing happened. Wow, okay. I ran into you guys.
Starting point is 00:29:28 So we were both crying. You both were just like, I don't even know because I'm so self-centered. I was like, this is about me. And then I was like, I know I did it. And Nick was like, yeah, we should have you on. And I was like, I'm leaving town. I'm leaving LA. And he was like, okay.
Starting point is 00:29:46 And I was like, oh god. Which by the way, that's the most enthusiastic response you could probably get out of, Nick, by the way. That's how I said my wedding vows. Then to hear the show where like Susser, like marriage counselor, counselor, you guys threw it. I was like, oh, so it was, it was bad. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:07 So I have also felt like, oh, I don't know. But then of course I did not let the dream die and approach you years later to the end. Well, a very funny, I'll bring this up. Wags, I'm going to bring it up. Don't get mad, but okay. I mean, there's, this is a thing with good morning America. I've come to understand why it's a little bit more since then.
Starting point is 00:30:28 We were on, we were texting with our touring agent and he was like, any other ideas of where you want to tour? And I said, we should do like a non contiguous tour where we, where we do Alaska and Hawaii. And then I was like, and we should do, because that would be fun. The non, the Doughboy is non contiguous. You know what I mean? I guess that's funny.
Starting point is 00:30:47 I mean, not funny. It's a thing. I like, I like the phrase non contiguous. And so, I mean, and so I said that and then I was like, also we should do Australia at some point. And then I immediately got a text from Wagga going, why did you do that? Why did you just text that?
Starting point is 00:31:01 And I was like, oh Jesus Christ. I forgot. Oh, go to Australia for work. You go there and then you have fun after you do the work. Yeah, I don't know. He's, Wagga has also never been overseas. He still has yet to be overseas. I gotta say, as hard as it was for your guys' relationship,
Starting point is 00:31:24 and I feel like, oh God. And then I just brought it up again. It was so good as a podcast listener that I'm like, hey, remember the good morning American thing? It was such a great, like it was such a great episode. You guys working through it and just like all of those levels. Whoa. I think we have talked about this a little bit,
Starting point is 00:31:45 but I was at the eye doctor, so my pupils were dilated. That's right. And so I was texting Wigs. It was the sort of thing of like, we need an answer today. And then my pupils got dilated and I couldn't see anything. And so I couldn't text. I couldn't see anything. So I was like, I had to call Wiger,
Starting point is 00:32:06 and it was a very awkward, not good call, I would say. In the ranking our calls, I'd say it was a very bad call. I generally don't answer the phone as part of it. I don't answer incoming calls. That's true. This is not surprising. I'd say 5% of the time I got through. I got through to you the other day when I called you,
Starting point is 00:32:25 which I needed and I needed your social security number. I'm trying to steal your identity and you gave it over. But I also feel like if you're already dealing with a tense situation and then he's calling you and you don't know the dilated part, then you're like, oh God, now it's raised to another level that he doesn't want to text through it. Yeah. I think when I called him, I was like,
Starting point is 00:32:46 come on, man, please. I think it was at one of those situations. And he's like, I'll think about it. No, we've heard the ligerent bitch. I can take sure to come on, man. I bet it was like, come on, man, please. It was, come on, man, please. Like it was like that.
Starting point is 00:33:03 All right, a little bit more. Maybe no, please. Maybe it was like, come on, man, come on. The thing about me in person is that I'm very cowardly and try to be, but this, it was a bad time for our relationship, Wags. And also makes sense to that that we said, we've been meeting. I've been meeting to get you on the show for a long time.
Starting point is 00:33:23 Yes, I am. How did, did you get on today because of me? Was it me still or no? No, no, I fully went to Wags like two years ago. Oh, damn it. I fully went to Wags like two years ago. This isn't fair because I'll say, I'll say to Wags, we're going to have this person on.
Starting point is 00:33:37 He's like, great. And then I have no follow through. So for me, just saying the thing is enough. No, I get it. I get it. Yeah. Like for, I believe me, I get it. I, yes, that's the thing too is like,
Starting point is 00:33:49 I identify with both of you guys so much that like, that's what is the pain of it. Like I can suck my own dick. I want to live with my mother for the rest of my life. No, no, no, I, neither of us are true. I cannot suck my own dick, but I don't want to live with my mother. But, but no, that is, I think also the joy of the show. So like with that argument,
Starting point is 00:34:11 I could totally see where you guys both were coming from. And with not emailing me, I was like, I totally get it. I totally get it. And then I threw away like the, yeah. I bought like a minions thing because it was all still going to be in person. I'd like, I just, in my head, I'd gone through this like, fuck.
Starting point is 00:34:27 And also, like I said, fell into a deep depression. So then there's also months of just like, you know, I hate myself like, of course, no, Mitch is right. He should, I should not be on that. What, who the fuck? That was never, if anything, the opposite. You were like one of the, what like a, you know, koalas will be like, when am I coming back?
Starting point is 00:34:45 I'm like, don't worry about it. But for you, it was one of those scenarios. Don't worry, I'll get you four more times. For you, it was one of those scenarios where it's someone that I, that I wanted to have on. Oh, well, yeah. And that's, that's, that is the honest, that is the honest truth.
Starting point is 00:35:01 And it is truly, I say a combination of the both of us doing a bad job. No, no, no. Look, you're not, I love the show. I'd like, that is another reason I reached out to him. And that also, I totally got why I e-mailed from Eva. So, yeah. It's not fair.
Starting point is 00:35:19 He's like the captain of the show. I can't make things happen. You, you were the guy who has- You didn't make things happen? No, you were the sign off guy. You know you are. You're the sign off guy. You have to sign off too.
Starting point is 00:35:29 If I did something without your blessing, as much of a sign off guy as me. No, that is not true. You were the final word guy. We are both having to turn our submarine keys to make something happen. Yeah, but you're the guy who I'm like, Hey, can I turn this with you right now?
Starting point is 00:35:43 And you're like, yeah, sure. And then we turn it. That is what happened. Yeah. You're the one, you're, you're the guy. You're the captain. Then it's also like, it's Weig's putting his hand on your hand and turning both of them at once.
Starting point is 00:35:54 Cause you're like, I can't fucking turn this. You know, I want to turn it. Just will you just please turn it? You're the captain. I'm the first. I'm the first me. I just wanted, I wanted to say it cause I also found like,
Starting point is 00:36:07 Oh, I was part of Doe Boy's history. Like I saw you guys that night. Oh, because you were doing that fucking Christmas show. That's what it was. Oh, it was a Christmas show. Yeah, yeah. Silly spoof miss. Must have been it.
Starting point is 00:36:20 Yeah. What was, what bit would we have been doing? That is probably, I mean, in the future, that's like one of the only times I'll probably see a Weig's in the future is that's spoof. We wish you a silly spoof miss. What's a year? He's text me right now.
Starting point is 00:36:33 Why did you say that? I do want to say this is a, this is a thing we've, we've, that's happened with the podcast is that Tammy, you've, you've been based in New York. It feels like for much of the time I've known you and we weren't recording remotely. As you mentioned, we're going to do an in-person thing. And then, and then that just.
Starting point is 00:36:49 Which is insane that we never podcast didn't figure that out till the pandemic. We've said that before, but that's totally wild. So stupid. Nobody did. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean,
Starting point is 00:36:58 I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, nobody did. Nobody did. Yeah. It's crazy. And then there was also the factor of the, the, the place that you were, were pitching to discuss,
Starting point is 00:37:07 which is what we're going to talk about on today's episode was, it is a place that's chicken focused. And this past year, I was not eating meat. No, no meat. Shall I eat now? I've opened up my diet a little bit to incorporate some of that. So, so I feel like, yeah, we do, we've, we're,
Starting point is 00:37:23 we're honored to have you on the podcast. I was surprised to hear you wanted to do the show. Yeah. That's always, when people you respect want to do the show, that is always to me, is the, is the, is the craziest thing. Well, think how bad they feel when they're not then allowed on. Well, this piece of shit show doesn't want me. All right.
Starting point is 00:37:48 We'll be back with our deal boys. You know, Mitch, you're about to take a little trip abroad. You're going to Costa Rica. That's right. Why? So I'm going to Costa Rica with the family. It's going to be a lot of fun. Going to maybe see a monkey.
Starting point is 00:38:04 Oh, that's fun. Going to maybe see a bird. Just that, just a one monkey, one bird. That's it. Hey, that sounds like a heck of a vacay. And you know what? Knowing some Spanish might be helpful down there. Nice.
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Starting point is 00:40:12 With Factor, skip the trip to the grocery store and skip the chopping, prepping, and cleaning up. You can skip all of it, Wags. Skip all of it, because Factor's fresh, never-frozen meals are ready in just two minutes, so all you have to do is heat and enjoy, then get back outside and soak up that warmer weather. Looking for calorie-conscious options as spring, Wags? Try delicious, dietitian-approved, calorie-smart meals
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Starting point is 00:41:04 add-ons, including breakfast items like egg bites, smoothies, and more Wags, I had a smoothie today, you saw it in studio. Wow. Tropical fruit smoothie, it was delicious. Wow, hey, want to cut back on takeout? Get factor instead. Not only is factor cheaper than takeout, but meals are ready faster than restaurant delivery in just two minutes.
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Starting point is 00:41:52 We are here with our guest, Tammy Sager, discussing this week's chain sweet chick, which opened in 2013 in Brooklyn, founded by John Seymour, who himself is a native of New York City, and co-owned by NAS. And currently has five locations, four in New York, one in LA. Mitch, I'll say this, and I do want to get Tammy's thoughts on why she wanted to discuss this place. But as I was eating here, as I was kind of intaking their marketing, to me, this feels like one of those places that's about to explode.
Starting point is 00:42:22 In the same way that Dave's Hot Chicken was a few locations, and then now there's like 100 Dave's Hot Chickens, it feels like the same sort of thing here. It feels like this place is primed to scale up rapidly, whether that's through self-expansion or whether that's through partnering with Frans Smart, some of these franchising companies that take brands nationally. It definitely kind of has that vibe to it. It's about to get bad, basically.
Starting point is 00:42:45 Well, that's mostly been the pattern, yeah. But I don't know. Hopefully they can retain the quality if they start to expand. But I don't know, that was kind of the feeling I had. It's kind of a crazy thing, because I agree with you. It does feel like, spoiler alert, I enjoyed it. We'll talk about it more. Yes.
Starting point is 00:43:04 But then I'm also like, how is Roscoe's chicken and waffles not, maybe it's just this thing of this place is more gimmicky menu stuff in a good way. Like I kind of like some of the gimmicky menu stuff. But Roscoe's is just like, hey, it's fried chicken and waffles, pretty basic. It definitely feels glossier. It definitely feels like, Roscoe's I think feels way more authentic than this. Yeah, definitely.
Starting point is 00:43:35 This place has more of a gastropub feel. But Tammy, you pitched this place and you, and I think part of it was your keen observation that this is a place that's by coastal that we could both have. But why Sweet Chick? Why is this a place you want to talk about? I love it. I love it. I love it.
Starting point is 00:43:51 Wow. I also stopped eating red meat just a little before you did. So I wanted a place where it wasn't burgers. And then I don't really like, yeah, I don't know. So I wasn't thinking pizza. And I just love it. I was just really, yeah, this mainly, I just love it. Are you a big fried chicken person?
Starting point is 00:44:12 Do you like, is that kind of your thing? Yeah, yeah. And so I lived in England during the pandemic for eight months. I was working there. And that was like my once a week treat was fried chicken because I don't love fried fish. But I would go and get fried chicken tenders and chips. It's what they, it's a lift. I say lift now in my flat.
Starting point is 00:44:39 So then to get back to New York and get like really good fried chicken was such a delight. Wow. So you've basically done a grand slam. You've done LA, Chicago, New York, and London, I guess, right? Were you in London? Yeah, yeah. And I've also lived in Amsterdam. You've literally named.
Starting point is 00:45:00 Damn. And only those cities. Wow. And Amsterdam as well. What, so you got to tell me, you got to rank the, you got to rank the food cities, I guess. I got to hear a rank. Oh, that's a good question. I've never thought about them in terms of food.
Starting point is 00:45:16 Because I was going to say LA is last, but not in terms of food. Just as a place to live. Just as a place to live for me personally. I know a lot of people love it there. Including Weiger. Yeah, I've never lived anywhere else. Yeah, New York is number one for me, then Chicago. Also, I have kind of like garbage tastes.
Starting point is 00:45:40 I kind of have a definite junk food taste. So Amsterdam was not great for the palate for me. I think if you like fancier food, it's good. But I also didn't like their junk food. They have this like FABO. I think somebody talked to you about it with like, Oh, Heather and Campbell probably talked to you about it. Did you do Boom Chicago?
Starting point is 00:46:05 Is that why you were there? Yeah, I did. I did very early. I did it. I was still in college when I did it. But yeah, when I did it, we still had to hand out flyers. Or like it was called cronting. And it was like, it wasn't flyers, it was newsletters.
Starting point is 00:46:18 Because it was also like the internet was barely a thing. This was like, you'd still go to a cafe to email somebody. So there were these flyers with like funny articles about like, for tourists. And then you'd go and you'd hand them out. You had to do it for two hours for every show you were in. It was grim. Oh man, it's a bummer.
Starting point is 00:46:41 Cronting? Cronting? Yeah. I don't remember why. What does cronting mean? It was K.R. We're going to have you song start cronting for dough boys. Standing out.
Starting point is 00:46:54 Well, also one of the locations was the Anne Frank House, which felt like, I mean, there are a ton of tourists there standing there for hours. So they're bored. But it still felt like, this feels wrong. And then every now and then somebody would call you up for it. You'd be like, I know. At a certain point, because my degree is in math,
Starting point is 00:47:18 I switched to accounting instead of cronting. Did you find it? Oh, that's smart. It's K-R-A-N-C. Yeah, it literally just translates to newspaper. Ah, OK. So I guess, yeah, just handing out a newspaper is called cronting.
Starting point is 00:47:33 Yeah. I guess outside that people leaving sad and then being like, comedy show? Like, I guess it is like a thing of like. To be fair, it was when they were in line to get in. Oh, no. OK, that's a little bit trickier. Yeah, it's better.
Starting point is 00:47:49 It's still not great at all, but better. Did anyone ever get out of line? This sounds more fun. Go see some improv. We would if we were doing improv on the side. Oh, yeah, no. No, that would be wild. So Amsterdam's probably the bottom.
Starting point is 00:48:10 LA actually is probably number three. LA is really good for junk food and in real food. Yeah. When you say junk food, what do you mean? I need fast food. Fast food, OK. When people are like, where's your favorite place to write in New York?
Starting point is 00:48:24 I'm like, there is a Panera by Penn Station. I wish this were a joke, but I'm like, there is a basement there where you can sit forever in these like huge tables. And like, I do, yeah. So I like a Panera. I like an Insomnia cookies. Oh, hell yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:41 Insomnia cookies. We were a family level. We just, we did them recently. I've heard. We've said about Panera is that that's the place you go for bad news. It's like where you're like, like it's like grandpa isn't going to make it
Starting point is 00:48:57 or that sort of situation. Have you noticed this while in Paneras? Yeah. I mean, that Panera, especially it's by Penn Station, so people will just come there with like big suitcases. And also it's like, if you're going in and out through Penn Station, you're already, you've experienced bad news,
Starting point is 00:49:16 then your life will continue to be bad news. I say it's someone who's willingly choosing to eat at that Panera. Also, okay, here's how junk food my tastes are. My favorite thing in Panera is their mac and cheese and the tomato soup. And I put the mac and cheese inside the tomato soup. Wow, I love it.
Starting point is 00:49:37 You know what? I found this out over a quarantine. My mom and I found out that Panera has great tomato soup. Their tomato soup is really, really, really good. Absolutely. There was a big snowstorm and the night before, I went and got like extra tomato soup from Panera
Starting point is 00:49:54 and then we made grilled cheese and it was fantastic. Try the mac and cheese inside that tomato soup. You'll feel like a monster. You don't have to tell me twice. I am a mom, I'm a mom, I'm part of the monster squad. I always feel like a monster. I love it. Also, fully those Penn Station people
Starting point is 00:50:10 that I'm calling sad are going home and talking about this person who is like eating mac and cheese out of their tomato soup and being like, it's sad there. It's sad in New York. And you know what? That pizza Panera Wags and I just mentioned, pretty good.
Starting point is 00:50:25 Not bad. They're flat bread pizzas. Flat bread pizzas, not bad. Yeah. Check your local grocer because I found in the cold case some of that Panera tomato soup. It's chilled and you come home and heat and serve. And I made some a couple of weeks ago
Starting point is 00:50:42 and we were like, this is not bad at all. This is pretty damn good. All right. So yeah, they do have some Panera at home versions of certain items now. Good. Yeah, I was surprised. I was surprised to see it.
Starting point is 00:50:54 So how would you rank the places as far as living? You said LA is last. New York, Chicago is number one. Which do you like? New York is number one. I like, it's hard for me with London because I was there during a global pandemic. So I don't feel like I really experienced it.
Starting point is 00:51:13 Amsterdam is pretty great. I don't know. Yeah, the city itself is a nice place to live, right? Yeah, it's gorgeous. It has the most canals of anywhere. Maybe Venice is more. So maybe New York, Chicago, Amsterdam, Tide, London, LA.
Starting point is 00:51:33 Do you not like driving? Is that part of it? I don't love it. No. Yeah, I don't love it either. I actually hate driving. I try to drive as little as possible. Well, why someone was saying this online
Starting point is 00:51:42 as a public transportation guy, you got to get yourself overseas. You'll go train nuts over there. No, I see a lot of the rail lines that are set up in Europe and Asia, and I'm so envious that just people can get from city to city via rail. And then also like Intercity,
Starting point is 00:52:03 it's just like there's so much more conducive to biking and rail lines, yeah. Just watch your back if you get on that Orient Express because some bad stuff has gone down. They're making another one of those. A rare movie I saw with you. We saw it together in the theater. They're making another Poi Rho with Bronog,
Starting point is 00:52:35 and I don't know which one they're doing. The Poi Rho verse. It's kind of a marvely. They're doing Murder on the Nile. Oh, yes, yes, yes, that's what it is. Okay, at least it's not Murder on the Orient Express again. I really thought you meant that. They're like, you know what, let's get another remake.
Starting point is 00:52:54 Let's just do it again, let's fucking do it again. It's the same solution. It's kind of like this show. Yeah, let's just do another one. Does Napoli have no interest in going overseas? No, she likes travel. We'll travel at some point. Yeah, I mean, she'd be down for solo travel,
Starting point is 00:53:11 but we do like traveling together. Yeah, I don't know. I mean, I have a lot of issues with claustrophobia, feeling trapped, so long flights are tricky, but I can get over that. I think also it's just like the reality of just where our vacations just so rarely line up in terms of our off-work schedule. So part of that is maneuvering that.
Starting point is 00:53:34 But yeah, I think she'd love to go overseas. We'll go overseas at some point. I'm just less excited about doing it for work. Yeah, I hear you. Yeah, you're a tricky work schedule. But I hear you. Why are you a tricky work schedule where you're just like, Mitch, I want to take a month off.
Starting point is 00:53:51 I'd be like, cool. Can I? Is that possible? You could do that. I'd be thrilled. Anyways. I'm just shaking your head. Shall we get to...
Starting point is 00:54:02 I mean, we'd have to record. Emma knows this place would collapse. Eight episodes or whatever, which we do for when I go home for the holidays. Anyways, should we get to Sweetchicks? Is that what it's called? Sweetchicks. Sweetchick, singular.
Starting point is 00:54:16 Let's get into it. I'll say this. I was, of course, going in with SoCal Roscoe's bias. And also, talking about the marketing of this place, it is a little hip, which I was like a natural skeptical of like, all right. So I kind of had a show me what you got attitude towards this place, but still went in with an open mind.
Starting point is 00:54:34 And I was overall quite impressed. I mean, just speaking generally, I was like, wow, this is quite good. And for chicken and waffles, which is a thing I have not had for well over a year, and which is a thing I really like is just a complete indulgence as fast food, as junk food, if you will.
Starting point is 00:54:54 I was like, wow, this is really absolutely scratching this itch. It's not the Roscoe's approach. Roscoe's has the flatter, thinner waffle. This one is a fluffier, closer to a Belgian waffle. There's actually a lot of heft to these waffles. So it's a little bit different. But the chicken I thought was quite good. And I was like, I would 100% get this chicken again.
Starting point is 00:55:16 But Mitch, what were you thinking? What were your initial thoughts? Well, it's funny. We were talking about like these gastropubby places. And I do think that when a lot of these places then become nationwide, they become a chain or whatever. It's the umami burger of the world. I feel like they fail.
Starting point is 00:55:34 Like the hip pub places. So I got mine to go. Did you eat at the restaurant, Wags? No, I didn't eat at the restaurant. I picked it up. Yeah, I picked up as well. So, yes, hip, cool little spot. But I'd say that the, I say on Fairfax,
Starting point is 00:55:54 where there used to be, what was the burger place we loved on Fairfax there, Wags? Plan check. Plan check used to be there. Yeah, we really like to plan check. Another one that just kind of like went away. It's bummer. They were also a little gastropubby.
Starting point is 00:56:04 And maybe they were just sort of, they just ran out of gas with that trend. Yeah, so I, so I liked that little pun you had there. Unintentional. I gotta say, when I got back home, the food was, it was good. I thought it was really, I thought it was really good. I think that the waffles traveling was the thing that like, was the toughest, you know, that was, that was the worst part of the,
Starting point is 00:56:30 I wish I got to eat those waffles in house was my kind of my only, my own, the only downside, but the chicken wags, I thought the chicken was, was really fantastic and well cooked. Yeah, I really liked it. And juicy. And I was, I was, I was impressed by it because I'm with you. I mean, like, I don't want to dislike these places, but when something is like, like, you know, overly gimmicky,
Starting point is 00:56:54 I'm like, what's the deal here? But the food was good. It was good. And I, and I got, I got quite a, I got quite a bit. Well, let's, well, we'll talk about what we got, but I'm curious, Tammy, like, what is your, what are your go-tos here? And how did you first discover this place? So I, it's, it's a, it's in my neighborhood.
Starting point is 00:57:15 It's the, the one that's by me, sort of in Park Slopey area. And it is so not hipster-y. Like it's, it's interesting because there is one, I think, also in Williamsburg, which is much more of a hipster neighborhood. And I think that might be also more of the vibe that you guys had. But so it's, it's near me. It's got fried chicken. And I've also never eaten there.
Starting point is 00:57:41 So I've eaten outside. They have like picnic tables set up. So that was another thing. It's like during pandemic, it was like a great way to do that. Or I've just brought it home. And my home is very hipster. So I just, yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:57 So I, my go-to, and I actually went on the, on the dough boy dime. I got stuff that I hadn't normally because I was like, I'm going to research other things, which I really wish I hadn't. But my go-to is the chicken, the fried chicken and the waffle, or the chicken tenders and the half waffle, or there's a combo with the fried chicken and the biscuit and the power slaw. And that is a great combo. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:28 I saw that when I was eyeing that. That's, that's their bucket. And the slaw, slaw was one of the sides that I did not try. And I will say now at this, after this experience and planning on returning here, I was like, that's what I have my eye on. I want to have that. I want to try that slaw. I did get a biscuit, which I'll talk about.
Starting point is 00:58:48 But regarding the waffles, Mitch, I thought mine traveled pretty good. Now, I probably have a little bit less distance to traverse than you. And it was on a Sunday night, so I wasn't really dealing with traffic. So I got home pretty quick, but my waffles traveled pretty well. The thing that did not travel, and this is completely predictable, and she anticipated it, but she was just like, I want it, is that Natalie got the national chicken and fries. And the fries were just kind of soggy and inert by the time they got home.
Starting point is 00:59:15 Yeah. My fries were dead. I got it. I've had fries there once and they were not good. And I was like, you know what? I'm going to give it another shot for research. And I had some when they were hot. Like I'd managed to trip back and they were hot.
Starting point is 00:59:30 And then I kept, as I was eating them, they went cold. And it is, it's worse than a cold McDonald's fry. It's dead. When it dies, it dies. I tossed mine in the air fryer. Why is it actually, because I was eating them cold, basically because by the time I was open, they had been, they were cold.
Starting point is 00:59:55 They cooled out. And so I didn't put them in the air fryer that night, but I put them in the fridge. And then the next morning I had another feast and I heated them up. And they were pretty good. So they heated up well even the next day. But yes, those were like a wash. And my waffle was a little bit more,
Starting point is 01:00:16 the fries were actually worse than the waffle. So it's good that you brought that up. But the waffle, I think just in the container, just got like a little bit sweaty and lost some of its crispiness. I should have, I should have like put it in a toaster or something, honestly. But besides that, I don't think you'll find anything else that I had an issue with. I think I liked every other single thing that I got. Yeah, I'm with you on that.
Starting point is 01:00:40 I, everything was hitting, a few things hit really well. I got the Nashville chicken and waffles and I got the vanilla glaze. And you know, I'm a big vanilla advocate. Vanilla is a flavor. And I thought you provided your own vanilla glaze. I'll say this, first off, the app is not crap. This is a, this is a really well, the app works really well. It's, it's very easy.
Starting point is 01:01:04 And also they yell at you to not use other apps. They're like, use our app and like, just use our app. Don't use other apps, which is funny and good. They're like, you got to, we have to pay 30% if you use other apps. If you do through Chao Hound or whatever, or Chao Now. So I went and I, so I opted for the no glaze. Chao Now is the good app.
Starting point is 01:01:23 I just want to clear that up. Oh, Chao Now is a good one. Okay. Chao Now is the good app. So like a Postmates or something. Yes. So the, so I got the, yeah, the Nashville chicken and waffles. The Nashville I thought was, was, had a, just a great texture to it.
Starting point is 01:01:36 Good, good, good heat to it, not overly hot. And what I'll say about the sauces is they gave us bonus sauces of everything. Like, like every sauce we asked for, we got at least a couple of, which was quite nice. I liked that they were generous with their saucing. And the, and the bonus vanilla glaze actually helped a lot. Might have been one of the things that helped like wake that waffle up. I'll also say that, you know, if you're eating like a traditional chicken and
Starting point is 01:01:59 waffles and you get a little bit of, of maple syrup on your waffle or on your chicken, you know, that's no problem at all. And I wasn't sure if that would be the case with the vanilla glaze and the Nashville chicken, the mixture of those two elements. But man, worked great. It was delightful. A little bit of that hot chicken and that sweet sauce. Natalie, there's glaze everywhere.
Starting point is 01:02:18 Natalie, it's all over my face. I'm so sorry. Natalie's running out of the room. Good God. It was a, but I thought this was great. The waffle approach is maybe, you know, not my, my preferred waffle for, for chicken and waffles, but it was, it was. You're saying a little too thick?
Starting point is 01:02:38 A little too thick of a waffle? And arguably though, still a good waffle. But I think if I was specifically craving chicken and waffles, I might go, I might opt for Roscoe's if I'm going to do that, you know, take that calorie hit. And here I'd probably go for chicken and, and some other side. The other thing I'll talk about, and then I want to hear your guys' mains is the vegetarian barbecue chicken sandwich, which I got, you can get crispy or grilled.
Starting point is 01:03:00 I got it, I got it crispy. I got it fried. This was so good. This is, this is one of the better veggie chicken patties I've had. It was, it was so, first off, it had such a great fry to it. It didn't have that like, oh, you know, gummy or, or two tofu-y sort of texture to the meat, whatever, whatever meat substitute they were using. I don't know if it was satan or whatever was pretty damn good.
Starting point is 01:03:22 And, and, and also I think it just being heavily sauced helped a lot. But I was eating this, I was like, this wouldn't trick me, but this absolutely scratches like a chicken sandwich itch. Like I was like, this is, it was, it was better than it had any reason to be. Yeah, that sandwich. So both of those were great. That sandwich pants too. And just scratched that house.
Starting point is 01:03:47 Mitch, what were you doing for, for mains? All right. I got a lot of different stuff. And hopefully the, that sandwich did nothing to your ass, like Wally did to mine. I got a Nashville chicken sandwich. To be fair, likes doesn't try to fuck the sandwich every night. I'm sorry, Mitch, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:04:14 I have, I have not to this point, try to fuck Wally or Irma. To this point. I'm going to put, I'm going to put that on the record. I appreciate the honesty to this point. As of this record. We are going to do this episode. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:30 You might have to release a statement. Even Wally dolls himself up like a cartoon character. Hey, Mr. Slice. I still don't fall for it. I mean, my eyes will bulge out of my head and my jaw on the floor, but I still will eventually know that he's, he's messing with me. Why is I got a Nashville chicken sandwich, which I really, really, really liked here.
Starting point is 01:04:55 Here's the thing that this is, this is what, when I was like, this place is good is that I, so I got a chicken and waffles. I got the classic chicken waffles. And then I also got just a three piece fry chicken tenders because I want to try the tenders and I want to try the chicken waffles. And I bit, I bit into the fried chicken. I was like, that's good fried chicken.
Starting point is 01:05:16 That is a good fried chicken. And then I bit into the tenders and I was like, those are great, great chicken tenders. Like I did not, they're like juicy chicken tenders with just the right amount of breading on there. I thought they were really, really, really good. High end chicken tenders. And I was like,
Starting point is 01:05:33 I'm so happy you guys liked it. It's making me so happy to hear how much you guys like this place. It was good. Both the, they did, they did, they did their chicken. Right. I guess that, is that KFC's old slogan? We do chicken, right? We do chicken, right? Maybe that's, that is, that is they, both, both pieces of chicken I had.
Starting point is 01:05:50 I was like, that is really well done. And then the sandwich, that Nashville chicken sandwich was fantastic. I also got a honey butter chicken biscuit. Why? So I did have a biscuit in some form. This was kind of the duds of the sandwiches. And I was, and this also maybe was one that like, cause it was a big order.
Starting point is 01:06:08 Obviously I was trying a lot of different things. Maybe suffered from travel the most. But I just didn't, I didn't like the setup of that. Like the, the, the, the chicken patty was kind of thicker. And then the, and compared to the Nashville chicken sandwich, I just liked the Nashville way, way, way more. I got purple drink. I got the, the, the purple drink, which is a,
Starting point is 01:06:30 I could figure out what it is if I go into the menu. Why do you have it open? Is it a cocktail or was it a, was it a cocktail? Okay, I'll bring it up here. But talk about your impressions while I get the description. I liked the purple drink. So this, this to me felt kind of gimmicky is that there's like the sweet, sweet chick drink and the purple drink.
Starting point is 01:06:54 And there are these little mixed cocktails to go. Yeah, they're kind of cute. They're cutesy, but they actually, they were fun and it tasted pretty good. I drank half of it the next day because I was sick. I thought I had the cron and I didn't have, I didn't, I luckily didn't have cron. I was, I was cron free, but I thought I, and so I saved it for the next day.
Starting point is 01:07:14 And then when I drank it the next day was, I still enjoyed it. What's in there? Why is it gin? I know there's gin in there. It is, it is gin and juice. It's gin, grape juice and lime juice. I liked it. It's like simple and kind of like,
Starting point is 01:07:30 like a, feels like a high school drink, but I feel like it kind of fits the idea of this restaurant where you're having fun. Anyway, the drink was good. I got a bunch of different sauces too. I got a, I got a cider ranch, a remoulade sauce. Is that how you say it? Did I get it right? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:51 The avocado garlic aioli, which is almost just like avocado. It's like barely a sauce. We were surprised by this one. It's got avocado in it. It's got like mashed avocado. I liked it. Arts traveled pretty well, but. To me, it was too avocado-y.
Starting point is 01:08:09 Maybe mine was just too, and turned, like it turns brown. Like it was, to me, I was like, is this just a side of avocado instead of an aioli? It was just, it was, it was fine, but it just, it tasted like I was dipping a chicken finger in avocado instead of a sauce. It's definitely not what we were expecting. Like it, like it, it sounds like it's going to be a sauce, like a, you know, kind of an avocado-tinged sauce,
Starting point is 01:08:31 but no, it's, there's, there's just straight up mashed avocado in there. So I also got a side of the good, good sauce, which is honey mustard, I believe. Is that what it is? I saw that they also had a honey mustard on the menu, so I'm not sure. Then maybe I got, maybe I got the honey mustard accidentally, but I got a side of the good, good sauce, and it tasted like honey mustard to me. I gotta say, it did bother me that they didn't say what the good, good sauce is. Yes.
Starting point is 01:08:58 Yeah, it just is, it just is, yeah, it just is good, good sauce. Just because you're not going in there, you have to, you know, you have to, on the app, I just feel like you should explain what the taste profile is. Yeah, if it's like Thousand Islandie or whatever. Or is it spicy, is it cayenne? Yes. So now I'm feeling that I just got the, I just got the honey mustard, because mine was honey mustard tasting.
Starting point is 01:09:21 I ordered the good, good sauce. Maybe they look similar. And I also had this same issue with my waffles. So they give you a couple of different types of, of butter with the waffles. Like two, there's like one kind of like strawberry looking butter and then a regular butter. The butters are great. And I put them on the waffles and I enjoyed them. Now, was this a, was this a mistake or is, is there,
Starting point is 01:09:46 is there syrup like thick red, like almost fruity syrup? They, they, they give you a jam. So with the biscuits, they give you a jam and they give you that butter hybrid, which you, which you mentioned, which I, I love that butter. I thought that was great. And, and it had like, you know, like a little bit of citrus in it. Then that's, they gave me the jam over the, over any, any maple syrup. It's pretty clearly a jam though.
Starting point is 01:10:10 Yeah. It's not, it's not syrupy at all. No. I have pictures of it. And it was like, Tammy is saying you're a fucking idiot. No, no, I'm just trying to, I can't picture. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:23 I'm a fucking idiot. I, I, I, I fuck my cats. This is what I was afraid of, Tammy. This is all going into future drops. I want to, I want to see if I can find the, the picture at all, like a maple syrup. I didn't. So, I mean, it does look pretty jammy. You guys are going to say that that, that is what was on my.
Starting point is 01:10:47 Yeah. That's the jam. That's what I got with the biscuit. So clearly jam. Could not be more jam. I mean, maybe because it had heated up and it moved around a little bit, but I, It is still so clearly jammed. It has a word bubble that says, I'm jam.
Starting point is 01:11:04 Stop trying to fuck me, Mitch. I'm jammed. Now hold on now. Now, now, now, I, I mean, I guess that I, but where was my, then they just forgot my maple syrup. They might have forgotten it. Yeah. Unfortunately.
Starting point is 01:11:20 And so maybe that was, maybe I got, maybe it was a, maybe there was a, it was a condiment, a condiment kerfuffle wigs. I think that I got a couple, a couple condiments that, unless the good, the good, good sauce tastes like honey mustard. Well, it might. I mean, like it's, I thought I was, I checked and it looks like they have a honey garlic sauce. They don't have an actual honey mustard. So maybe that is what the good, good sauce is.
Starting point is 01:11:43 Okay. That being said, I also should say that I got a side of french fries, which I mentioned before, and the mac and cheese. The mac and cheese was good. It was good. I wanted it to be even better for how good the chicken, like, I wanted it to be like the best mac and cheese. It was very good though.
Starting point is 01:12:04 So overall, you know, a couple mistakes with the sauces we found out where it was very syrupy looking jam. I was not what I expected in that photo at all. I couldn't tell. I was like, Oh, is this their thing? Because it is like the butter, like the butter is weird. You know what I mean? I was like, I couldn't tell what the deal was, but it's clearly there was some sort of mix up.
Starting point is 01:12:37 All of that being said, a really, really strong outing. I, I really liked my food. I thought it was good. Crispy chicken, juicy wags, even after travel, crispy and juicy. Like it was like, it's the type of fried chicken where like you just want to go back into the box and eat all the leftover little skin nuggets on the bottom of the box. Like that it's, it's, it's, it's really good. I wish I'd gotten more than two pieces.
Starting point is 01:13:03 Oh, that is a bummer. You only got two pieces. I got the two or the, yeah, I got the two piece combo that comes with the I believe that's what the combo is with the chicken waffles. I think I think you get two pieces of fried chicken or maybe it's three pieces. No, you get the three with the, with the biscuit. I think that's a way to go. Okay, so one bonus piece would have been-
Starting point is 01:13:21 Hey, Weigar, if, if, if you were in a scenario where Wally scratch, you think you would even feel it with that honker you got back there on you? You're thinking, you're saying because of my ample derriere, I don't have feeling. I'm saying you got to take, take a sec. Could you, yeah, yeah, exactly. I think I would feel it. Okay, all right, good. You know what else?
Starting point is 01:13:40 I think Wally would feel it. The fuck? When Wally did that, were there skin nuggets? Skin nuggets is the grossest term in time about going back to eat the skin nuggets. Tammy, I want to hear about your, I want to talk about my size, but I want to hear about your order. So what did you get on those most recent trip? Okay, so the most recent one, I veered off course,
Starting point is 01:14:11 because I will say the ones that I usually get, I love, love, love. This time I got the, I'm a heat, what the, a heat runner away from, not a heat seeker, so I couldn't do any of those. And so I just went classic. Okay, so I did the, the sandwich, the classic chicken sandwich with the pickles and the herb mayo. And I went grilled because I've had their fried chicken and that. They don't do grilled sweet chick.
Starting point is 01:14:42 It was fine. It was good. It was still juicy. But you don't want that. So I, because it was also, it was such a big piece of chicken compared to the bun, just like the proportion was just, it was almost like if they'd given me less chicken, it would have been better. Or it should have just gotten fried.
Starting point is 01:15:00 I'll take that. I had fries again, gross. Don't get fries there. Just don't. I had, I've had the power slot before, which is delicious. That's like, it's better than a regular coleslaw. I think it's got kale in it and stuff. And it's not too, it's more vinegary than mayonnaise.
Starting point is 01:15:19 It's really good. I got potato salad, which I'm not a fan of. I don't. So I, oh, I totally Nick Weigert it. I heated my fucking salad. Wow. You heated your potato salad? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:34 I heated my potato salad and it was good. It was good. Wow. I know. I felt like a monster, but I was also like, I'm not, I had one bite and I was like, why am I doing this to myself? I had a hot salad. You had a hot salad.
Starting point is 01:15:51 I had a hot salad. You may be the first person to ever admit this that you have had a, well, some people have said that they have had like romaine, like grilled romaine, but it didn't fuck up like the mayo fact. Like it didn't, it, like there was no. It didn't. There was a weird chunk of something that I think was egg. Which I was not psyched about.
Starting point is 01:16:16 Like, I feel like there's egg and mayo, but there shouldn't. I don't know. I just wasn't expecting it. Depends on your potato salad approach. I mean, I think it's, I think it's valid to have a hard boiled egg mixed in there, if you like. Then that's, that's what it was. But it was really good. The seasoning was really good.
Starting point is 01:16:32 I gotta say it was actually really, if somebody only has potato salad, like I'm, I'm, I'm gonna, I'm gonna do it again. You're gonna heat it up. God. You throw it back in the microwave? Yes. Oh my God. Yes.
Starting point is 01:16:47 Why is this your fault? You're like patient zero of this and now it's spread. Look, I would not think it would have, this, this is me not realizing that what the, what the possible outcomes could be. Because hearing about potato salad being heated up, I'm low-key horrified. That's such a cold, a classic cold side for me. But if it works for you, I guess that's fine. The king of hot salads is, is grossed out by hot potato salad.
Starting point is 01:17:17 It feels like an achievement. I did the mac and cheese because I really do like it. I like the little Ritz cracker crumbles at the top. It's also, I also getting that much stuff. I felt, oh, and I also did, oh, and then I was like, I'm gonna try a new waffle. I always get the plain waffle, which I love. So that was another misstep. I did the apple cinnamon and it was dry.
Starting point is 01:17:45 And also a little cinnamon got on the chicken and the transport. And I was like, I don't like that flavor combo. It was the worst waffle I've ever had from them. I actually didn't, I ate like a quarter and I was like, this sucks. The apple wasn't on top, which I feel like normally it's an apple compote type thing. It was baked in, I feel like they did it with dried apple. It was just, it was bad. That's a bummer.
Starting point is 01:18:10 I got to revisit and try to eat in restaurant or outside or whatever, which I don't think the Fairfax has that option. But I want to try to eat there again just because, I mean, what is the point of this place is it is more just chicken focused, right? It's not like, but there are a lot of different waffles. So I'm like, is it truly a chicken and waffle place? Or is waffles just like a chicken and waffles is the fun thing that they have on them? Like their focus is the chicken, right?
Starting point is 01:18:39 No, the waffles are really, I mean, outside seems like a big part of it. Getting people's syrup instead of like raspberry jam would also probably help. Sure. Yes, yes, yes. But that's, and I can't tell if like, I can't tell how good the waffles are. And I guess that's a big part of it. But the chicken was damn good. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:00 Yeah, the chicken was great. That's the most important aspect. My two favorite bites to speaking of the mac and cheese was the, was the Nashville chicken and the mac and cheese, which I was surprised by. I thought I liked it more than you, Mitch. I thought it was delightful. I thought it was, it was creamy and cheesy. And I do, I did tammy really like the, those Ritz crackers on the top.
Starting point is 01:19:19 It was just like the nice, the perfect amount of crunch. Yeah, I thought that was a great side. I also got the Brussels sprouts. And I was a little confused as to why Brussels sprouts were on this menu, especially considering this menu, you know, it's, it greens are pretty noticeably absent. And so I thought these are good Brussels sprouts. They had kind of like, you know, it's a balsamic-y sort of reduction to them.
Starting point is 01:19:40 They didn't have bacon, which I was afraid of. A lot of times these places that you'll get superfluous bacon bits in a Brussels sprouts to liven them up, but these were vegetarian friendly. Yeah, I thought they were quite good. I, you know, for this type of Brussels sprouts, I don't think I'd get them again, just because in this context, it's not necessarily a side that I'm craving. And the biscuit was great. The biscuit was really good.
Starting point is 01:20:00 It was what you were supposed to use that jam for. And it worked great. I honestly liked as much as I liked the waffles, but I liked the biscuit more than the waffles. And that might have been just a, just a matter of it being in transit. But I thought it was a really nice, fluffy biscuit. I had a, I had a honey chicken biscuit or whatever, a honey butter chicken biscuit.
Starting point is 01:20:18 I didn't have like a biscuit to just put the jam on. They fucked up is what I'm trying to say. Not me. I did not fuck up. No, no, you did. The fact that you still put it on your waffle and thought was your syrup red and clumpy. I'm with you on the Brussels sprouts where I'm like, it's too sweet. It feels like, I get why they have it.
Starting point is 01:20:47 I'm like, yeah, I like having kind of a, like with the coleslaw being a power saw. I'm like, I like having a slightly healthier option in there, but the Brussels sprouts are like this side of candied almost. Yes. They are, they are quite sweet. That's a, that's a good observation that I should have noted. So that, yeah, that's a lot of, that's, that's a, it's definitely, definitely the sugar is just a strong element there. I do wish I'd gotten the slaw.
Starting point is 01:21:14 I feel like the slaw would have been more what I was looking for with kind of a green side to counterbalance everything. If you go back, you should get that bucket. I think I'm going to. I think that's, that's, that's what's on my list. I'm going to get the, the bucket, which is the, yeah, the, it's three pieces fried chicken. Buckets on your bucket list, huh? But it's on my bucket list and the power slaw.
Starting point is 01:21:35 That's it. Those are the only two items. The only things I, yeah, all I want. And I just get that item from sweet chick. Aneli also got from that section of the menu, the shrimp and grits, which she liked a lot. It's, it's more side sized. Just it's, it's like, at least the, the to go cup it came in. It wasn't like a huge entree. And I guess at its price point,
Starting point is 01:21:54 it's a little cheaper than some of the other mains. It's, it's more like, I don't know, she didn't feel like it was like quite a main, but she was like, this is great. And I didn't, I didn't try any, but she also got the Nashville chicken. I mentioned the fries, but yeah, she liked the chicken quite a bit. Like me, she was blown away by that veggie barbecue chicken sandwich.
Starting point is 01:22:11 And the sauces were great. The remoulade, the avoc, avogarlak aioli, I liked a little bit more than Mitch did. And it also traveled a little bit better. The herb mayo she had, Natalie had the observation was a little tarragon-y. It is pretty tarragon-y. I think if you just have it on its own as, as a dip in sauce,
Starting point is 01:22:25 it's probably better in context on a sandwich. I gotta say, Brussels sprouts have just become too popular. I mean, we've, we, we noted this a while back, but it's like, it's on every menu always. There's always Brussels sprouts. And I look, it's fine. The pendulum has swung so far from, ew, we hate Brussels sprouts. Brussels sprouts are a gross vegetable you have as a kid
Starting point is 01:22:48 that's, that's boiled and unseasoned to like, hey, if you, have you seasoned Brussels sprouts and roast them, they're actually really good to them, just being so ubiquitous that you're kind of exhausted at them all over again. They're, they're, they're just, they're just at every gastropubby place. Yeah. They've gone like the cupcake route. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. I agree.
Starting point is 01:23:10 To me, it feels like a band in like the nineties that got really popular. And then there's like other bands who are like, we're better than that band. But they're like, they, you know, they got all the, you know what I'm saying? What, like, who do you mean? Wait, but then the band keeps going.
Starting point is 01:23:27 Wait, what's your point? Yeah. What is your analogy? So like sugar, like, sugar rate was big in the nineties and then everyone's like, we're better than sugar rate. I mean, yeah, there you go. Sugar rate. Brussels sprouts are like sugar rate. Okay. Brussels sprouts are like sugar rate. And then there's like other bands that are like,
Starting point is 01:23:44 you know, like carrots and stuff and they're like, Hey, we're pretty good too. And we don't get shot at the prom, you know, like the, you know, the Brussels sprouts are on display all the time. So who's carrots in this analogy? Carrots is a, hoody. Okay. So hoody never got a fair shot.
Starting point is 01:24:03 This is before hoody got their big shot. Okay. So wait, is Mark McGrath, is he, Brussels sprouts because that he kept getting shots. Like then he's like on entertainment. Yeah. He's on entertainment tonight now. Those dang beaches they am. Yeah. So okay. Got it. And then carrots are like a one hit wonder.
Starting point is 01:24:22 And they're like, what the, you know, what's, well, but hoody has had a, and we're talking about hoody, the man, Darius Rucker. I don't think he likes to be called hoody. But hoody of hoody and the blowfish. Why would he walk it back and say my analogy was bad? It was bad. It was a bad. No, it was good.
Starting point is 01:24:35 No, it was good. Just trying to make it make sense. Darius Rucker, you name your band hoody and the blowfish. We're going to call you hoody. Yeah, it's inevitable. He made that bad hoody. He's had like, he's like transitioned to country music. He's like a big country music star.
Starting point is 01:24:48 He's as a solo artist. Yeah. So he's had a, he's done well for himself. All right, good for him. You know, and he's not a one hit wonder. He's got a few good songs. They had some hits. They had some hits. It felt like, it felt like people who like,
Starting point is 01:25:01 it felt like golf music to me. Maybe because they're like literally golfing in some of their music videos or something like that. But it felt, it felt super preppy. And then I do like them in hindsight. Like, but it did feel us almost too preppy, preppy. And Sugar Ray, they got like a Nancy Meyers movie, right? They were in that, that was the one with Diane Keaton
Starting point is 01:25:26 where she dates like Keanu Reeves. Like if something's got to give, but not something's got to give, hold on. It might be. They were in it. They're like in a scene. No, but I feel like there's like the dance club, like the walking through a club and it's like butterfly.
Starting point is 01:25:43 Yeah. Just like people's asses. I feel like that's what Sugar Ray got to be like the soundtrack to people's asses. I can't believe that I, I can't believe that I compared Brussels sprouts to Sugar Ray, which is a bad comparison to begin with. And then also went with Hootie for carrots.
Starting point is 01:26:00 I just, my thing is that Brussels sprouts are like such a popular main dish. And then there's other side vegetables that are better that don't get the spotlight. Of all the things you've said, that is not the thing that should haunt you. Right? Hey, you've been talking about fucking your cat the whole time.
Starting point is 01:26:20 You did not give a strong denial to that. Now, hold on. Look. You fully said he tries to seduce you. Look, people will get it when I say it's a classic Sugar Ray Hootie situation. I think people will understand from here on out. We should get to our final thoughts on Sweet Chick.
Starting point is 01:26:43 So Tammy, you've listened to the show. You, you, you know the drill, but we will each go around, give a closing argument, if you will, on this particular chain, and then give it a score from zero to five forks. Your, our guest will begin with you. Well, obviously I'm a big fan.
Starting point is 01:26:57 I do have to say my most recent order. I've veered off path. I was quite disappointed with the Apple Cinnamon Waffle. The fries at first, I was like, oh, they are good. And then, man, as soon as they dip down even 10 degrees colder, then they should be there. They're bad.
Starting point is 01:27:14 So then I was like, but then next morning, I had all these leftovers. I ate that fried chicken cold. I heated up my potato salad. It was anarchy. Delicious. And then I was like, oh, I should go back and try one of their breakfast sandwiches.
Starting point is 01:27:37 Tried to go back today, a third day in a row. Wow. And I'm meeting a friend there tomorrow. So they were close today because they had a gas leak. But I was like, wait, that is not a four fork place. That is, that's a solid. I want to give it four forks two times. Wow.
Starting point is 01:27:57 Very good score. Four and a half forks. Even with my dry waffle and my, the fries, I'm still like, if I want to go there four days in a row or eat that, that's good. It'd be funny if you watched in the sweet chicks and they're like, we're all out of potato salad because they have like gotten a wind.
Starting point is 01:28:18 She had heard that you're eating up the potato salad. Oh, the one other thing I ordered just because I was like, I should try it. So I don't drink, but I had grape soda. And I was like, oh yeah, I love grape soda. It's really good. I haven't had that since I was a kid. It was good.
Starting point is 01:28:34 Grape soda is great. Yeah. Big fan. And you know what? The grape drink was also great. I liked this. I liked the food here a lot. I am like, I'm like, could it be close to a five forks
Starting point is 01:28:50 if on a revisit? Because I don't think I can go above 4.5. And I'm like hovering between four and four and a half right now. But the star of the show is really good. And that, you know, that's the most important thing of all is the chicken is great. The chicken tenders are great. The fried chicken is great.
Starting point is 01:29:10 And there's a lot of different options. It's fun. Why? Because I know we were making fun of it for being kind of a gastropubby hip and all that stupid stuff. And sure, there is an element to that, but it kind of leads to kind of like, hey, there's like fun dips and fun flavors
Starting point is 01:29:26 and a lot of fun different things. And this purple drink and so I think that what they're trying to do, I think it's working. I think they're doing a good job. I need to go in there and try the waffles again. I'm going to go, hmm, I'll go four forks for now, but with the possibility to go up to four and a half to five. Like I think that there is a real possibility
Starting point is 01:29:50 they're on a revisit. I mean, not giving you syrup is like, that they should be doctor that. That's rough, yeah. It definitely hurt that I got their red syrup. So four forks from Mr. Slice. I'll say this about sweet chick. I will be going back to sweet chick.
Starting point is 01:30:12 I really, really enjoyed it. I want to try that sweet chick a bucket. I want to get that slaw. I want to try that potato salad cold. And I don't know if I'll get the waffle from there again, unless I'm dining in. Even though mine traveled pretty decently, it's just like, especially with this thickness of waffle,
Starting point is 01:30:32 with this heft of waffle, it was like eating two pieces of fried chicken and four donuts. It was like, there is so much starch to be consumed here. The math break down. Yeah, it's just a lot. And so, and I think just what really stood out for me here was the chicken and some of the sides and the biscuit.
Starting point is 01:30:53 And so that's what I think I will get again. Natalie really, really liked it as well. This definitely also made me want Roscoe's again. So I think I'll hit up Roscoe's for a chicken and waffle next time I have some sort of dally and so with meat. But I said to Natalie after the meal, it's like, I think this place might be four and a half forks. And she said, she said, I don't see how it isn't.
Starting point is 01:31:17 She was speaking to you. I think so. I think this is four forks two times. So I will say, welcome to the Golden Play Club sweet chick. Yes. Whether you keep with your current number of locations or whether you start to expand nationally. I want to go four and a half forks.
Starting point is 01:31:32 I almost said four and a half forks, but now I feel left out. Well, you can do that. You can really get boned on the fries and the waffle. I got it. That's true. I totally get what you went for. I get it.
Starting point is 01:31:43 I'm going to go four and a half just because it's fun. We're all four holding on. Four and a half forks. Hey, in the words of Sugar Ray, I just want a fry. That's not the words of Sugar Ray at all. Nick just shook that ass. And while you're just a pup on the screen salivating. We'll be back with word no voice.
Starting point is 01:32:09 Wait. In the words of Hootie, there's nothing I can do. I want to eat some chicken too. Should have thrown a fucking break. Hey, you. You craving fresh, delicious, easy meals? Try wild grain and get their bake from frozen sourdough breads, fresh pastas and artisanal pastries delivered right to your door.
Starting point is 01:32:39 That's right. Why is wild grain is the first ever bake from frozen subscription box for sourdough breads, fresh pastas and artisanal pastries. Unlike typical supermarket bread, wild grain uses a slow fermentation process that's easier on your belly, lower in sugar and rich in nutrients and antioxidants. Every item bakes from frozen in 25 minutes or less. You'll never run the risk of getting bored with wild grain. They're constantly adding new seasonal and limited time special items to try.
Starting point is 01:33:11 Plus for every new member, wild grain donate six meals to the greater Boston food bank wags, Boston baby. So you can eat good and do good all at the same time. All you have to do is sign up at slash dough boys and choose which type of box you want to receive and how often it's easy to reschedule, skip or cancel. Plus for a limited time, you can get $30 off the first box plus free croissants in every box. When you go to slash dough boys to start your subscription. You heard me free croissants in every box and $30 off your first box
Starting point is 01:33:51 when you go to slash dough boys. That's slash dough boys. Or you can use promo code dough boys at checkout. Do it. Welcome back to dough boys. We're here with our guest, Tammy Sager. Tammy, I have to say, Tammy, in addition to being a great guest and a listener to the show, which we appreciate, although we were baffled by it.
Starting point is 01:34:18 I just also want to just say you introduced a new chain to us that we would not have had otherwise. Like I was not aware of Sweet Chick. And I think it's more of a phenomenon in New York. I think it's recently expanded to LA. But I'm really glad that you introduced this to us because I had a great meal there and I'll be back. I can't even, I'm glowing.
Starting point is 01:34:36 I'm so happy it's in the Golden Play Club. I got to recommend also, like Mitch said, the chicken tenders, get it with the waffle because it comes with half waffle, which is just like exactly enough waffle. Okay. Yeah, that might be the approach. I just like bone and chicken so, so much. Like that's always my thing.
Starting point is 01:34:55 Yeah, it is good there. Freak. Well, hey, it's time for a segment, Mitch. You just call me a freak? Yeah, you like bone and everything. All right. It got vanilla glaze all over my face, Natalie. Christ.
Starting point is 01:35:14 My bone and chicken. I've chosen a cake and Mitch and Tammy must divine a series of clues to guess what it is. The winner takes the cake. The loser goes home empty stomach. This is Cake It Off. Oh my God. Is there supposed to be some shitty parody song playing?
Starting point is 01:35:34 Yeah, hold on. Yes, here it comes. Cause the baker's gonna bake, bake, bake, bake, bake And my belly's gonna ache, ache, ache, ache, ache, baby I'm just gonna cake, cake, cake, cake, cake I'll take it off. I'll take it off. All the slayers gonna lay, lay, lay, lay, lay
Starting point is 01:35:55 And the fondant makes it fake, fake, fake, fake, fake Baby, I'm just gonna cake, cake, cake, cake, cake I'll take it off. I'll take it off. All right. Now I'm going to quickly say. Tammy, cause you're in the same boat of people who when I first went to-
Starting point is 01:36:13 Of people who can't sing. I am, but I love that you go for it every time. Sorry, sorry, Mr. Slice. What did you- I was, when I first went to UCB, Tammy, you're someone who I saw who was very funny and I looked up to and Weiger also, I mean, people think of Nick and I as podcast partners, but Nick was at the theater performing regularly
Starting point is 01:36:37 when it really, when it kind of just opened up just to, you know, a couple of months after it opened up. And Nick, I thought was, is such a funny performer and actor and he is. And so it's very surprising to me to, and I've said this before, but it's surprising to me to watch him sing these parody songs and it sounds like a kid in elementary school asking his teacher art on a date.
Starting point is 01:36:57 And it just is weird to me. Cause you're such a good performer. Well, I don't know if I go that far, but thank you. I think it adds to how funny it is. Cause it also, cause also the kid asking out the teacher would go fast and like it just goes on and on and on. Like it's, it starts with the timber of I hate singing, please don't make me sing.
Starting point is 01:37:24 And then it's like, oh no, he loves singing. And I think he likes it. I do like it. Yeah, the hot dog one, when you guys did the hot dog one, that was amazing. We ruined that bit. God, we'll never do that bit ever again. Why?
Starting point is 01:37:41 Oh, no, because you, you didn't ruin it. It reached a real climax by the end. Oh my gosh. No, that made me laugh. So I was so, I was really hoping I would get to see you sing live. That was delightful. Man.
Starting point is 01:37:55 What is the, what is the, what was that month called? Hot dog bur, it was a hot dog bur. Was it dog? Dog, dog do bark. Dog do bark fest. It was dog do bark fest. Yeah, there we go. Emma knew.
Starting point is 01:38:11 Dog do bark fest. Dog do bark fest. That yielded again, almost as much as you guys breaking up. But like that song at the end, oh my gosh. And then you did a big, wasn't that a live show too? So you did it live? It's a live show, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:28 And then the, I already emailed with Emma where I was like, I love that special episode, the cereal episode. That was awesome. Oh yeah. That was great. Manbite's dog at Dovestigation. Yeah. Shout out to Emma or Brink and Emma Susser.
Starting point is 01:38:41 Susser and Emma. Yeah. Yeah, that was great. I, seeing Wagersing in person is like watching the ring tape, by the way. Except you want to kill yourself. Okay. For this week's Cake It Off, you have a series of four clues
Starting point is 01:39:00 that you grow increasingly obscure. And you have a lifeline. The lifeline is you can ask Emma at any point. Wait, the clues grow increasingly obscure? I'm sorry, I apologize. The clues start more obscure and grow increasingly obvious. I apologize. Okay.
Starting point is 01:39:20 All right. So you have four questions. It's pie, it's pie in the sky, basically with cake. It's pie in the sky, but cake. We actually did this before, Mitch. Yes, I remember you singing this parody song. No, I didn't remember this parody song. I mean, I do forget the podcast.
Starting point is 01:39:35 It's a coconut mechanism. Four questions. Tammy, you're our guest. Do you want to go first or second? Oh, man. I know there's a right answer to this, and I can't remember which one it is. Like, I feel like second, you definitely get it.
Starting point is 01:39:55 But first, I get it too. Yeah, but sometimes you can really get it on first too. I know. It is tricky. My advice is always for the person to go first, right, Wags? I don't remember. I think you usually say the, I think you usually say tell them to go second.
Starting point is 01:40:08 Yeah, I'm going to go second. Oh, that is what I say. Because you're oddly competitive, Mitch. Mitch is very competitive. It's funny because you're so sweet, but then it's like, no, you actually really want to win. Yeah, he gets pissed off. That's the kayfabe.
Starting point is 01:40:26 Well, secretly, I don't care, but I like to be competitive in while we're doing the podcast. But I don't, I really, Also, you do care. All right, give me the question. I'm going to answer it. I'm going to get this right the first time. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:40:38 Okay. I'll be impressed if you can get this. All right, here we go. First clue and take it off. This is insane. Traditional dishes from Nicaragua include vigarone, nakatamal,
Starting point is 01:40:50 and this sweet cake. Oh, God. I have no fucking idea. Yeah. You wanted me to go first. You're a competitive piece of shit. By the way, speaking of Doth, Doth depress.
Starting point is 01:41:10 Doth depress too much. Yes. Doth depress too much. Doth protest too much. Wags clutching his pearls at you saying you microwaved your potato salad is insane. That's not the truth there. I think he was genuinely repulsed by that.
Starting point is 01:41:34 It's the sort of creamy, mayonnaise-y character of it. Like, to me, it's akin to microwaving tuna salad. It wasn't too mayonnaise-y. I think if it had been more, I wouldn't have. But I will say there was some fucking mayonnaise in there. Hey, if you liked it, I just...
Starting point is 01:41:53 I'm not going to get too young. I know, so then you're microwaving potatoes and fish in my mind. But anyway. Yes, yes, yes. Sure. Yes. I'm going to get it for yourself.
Starting point is 01:42:00 All right, fair. All right, Mitch, we're looking for a traditional Nicaraguan dish. Nicaraguan, the Nicaraguan chocolate cake. I have no idea. That is not correct. Tammy, you get the next clue. Oh, it isn't?
Starting point is 01:42:16 All right. Not correct. I'm shocked. Tammy, your clue. Slightly more obvious. Michael Bay directed the first Aaron Burr Got Milk ad. If you're eating this sweet cake, you've definitely got milk.
Starting point is 01:42:32 I know what it is. Mitch, I was going to guess it, actually, if I had gotten that, because it's the only one I could think of. Trey Leches. It is. Trey Sleche's cake. Tammy, you are correct.
Starting point is 01:42:46 You have won Cake It Off. Well played. The next few clues. Wow. Number three, evaporated milk, condensed milk, and heavy cream combined to give this sweet cake. It's ooey-gooey texture and its name. So I think that one, Mitch,
Starting point is 01:43:00 I think you definitely would have gotten it by then. And then the last one, it translates as three milks cake. So that's just obvious. If you said three leeches, I would have gotten it. Three leeches? Yeah. I think that's the only way I would have maybe gotten the Trey Sleche's.
Starting point is 01:43:19 I maybe would have gotten it. It's hard to think of different cakes. Pies, I think, an easier battle than cakes. That was the only cake I know that is Spanish. I'm messing up. Latin American in origin, yeah. Thank you. I'm impressed.
Starting point is 01:43:35 Spanish. I bet that the name is in Spanish. For sure, yeah. And you know what? I take that loss and it doesn't even bother me. I could care less. You're sitting so far away from the camera. You've completely detached.
Starting point is 01:43:52 Yeah, this is what happens. Because I'm red. I'm steamed that I lost the fucking game. That was Cake It Off. Just like a restaurant you value your feedback. Let's open up the feedback. And today we have an email from Ralphie. Ralphie writes.
Starting point is 01:44:06 Ralphie. While stationed in Okinawa, Japan, there was a really small restaurant for the junior enlisted. My favorite dish was taco rice. It was exactly as it sounded. Taco toppings, meat, lettuce, salsa, et cetera, just served on a bed of rice and seaweed instead of a tortilla. My question is, what are your favorite cultural food clashes
Starting point is 01:44:29 or what are some that you would like to see? I'll first say this. The seaweed is what I was like, oh, I was not like over rice. I'm like, okay, that's fine. That just kind of sounds like a burrito bowl. Tossing that seaweed in there, I wouldn't treat. That's something new. I don't know if I like the seaweed addition.
Starting point is 01:44:49 I don't know. I think I'd be into it. That winter I rode into the birthday boys. I'm fucking up this bit already. I was trying to do a voiceover like the Christmas story because his name is Ralphie. I thought you were doing like a G.I. stationed in Okinawa. That's what I thought you were doing.
Starting point is 01:45:07 Yeah, like a letter from Iwo Jima sort of thing. Oh, dear God, no, no, no. Either way, it would have been fucked up. Either way, it would have messed it up. Birthday boys. We should have, why is it do boys and birthday boys? It always throws me. I wasn't even thinking birthday boys when we came up with a name,
Starting point is 01:45:26 but you're in two boys thing. You got do boys, you got birthday boys. Yeah. And we're grown men. We're grown men. The sloppy boys. Yeah. You're like, why am I keeping in things that I'm naming boys?
Starting point is 01:45:46 That death protest too much. We like it. We do like it. I think you and I also listen to a boys podcast. Action boys. Yes. With a Z. Yeah, action boys.
Starting point is 01:45:59 Gabriel, Ryan Stanger and Ben Rogers. They're a great podcast. I love it so much. So, so entertaining. Very funny. Very funny guys. Yes. Or boys.
Starting point is 01:46:12 I'll say the, this makes me think of the Kogi truck, which is kind of like the Korean food slash Mexican food hybrid that kind of kicked off a bunch of, you know, fusion trucks that were a big thing out here for a bit. The Kogi truck is still around. And, you know, that's the Roy Choi brainchild that he's kind of got his own empire now. But I think Kogi is always like, they have just some items.
Starting point is 01:46:41 Like their blackjack quesadilla is so good. I find, you know, I think their tacos are so distinct and flavorful. I really like that spot. You saying Kogi is like, I'm like, Kogi is like a thing in LA that I would eat more of, but it's hard to just track down that truck. If there was a brick and mortar Kogi, which there might be, I don't know. But like, I'm like, that's an LA food that I love. I love Kogi stuff.
Starting point is 01:47:06 And I never get it too often just because it's hard to figure out where it is. Anyways. Well, that's like the opposite of the Umami burger. Of like, you know, he 100% could have franchised that. He 100% could have turned that into a bunch of brick and mortar Kogis that were everywhere, that were in food courts and strip malls. But it's not, it's still the truck. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:47:27 And so it's still got that little bit of, you know, cache of being a thing you have to track down. But I love Kogi. This does, it does sound good to me. I'm not a huge seaweed fanwags. That's where I got lost. And you know what? We were talking about a, on a double episode, things you and I disagree on,
Starting point is 01:47:50 which because we usually are around the same fork scores and we usually like the same stuff. That's true. Seaweed is not. You'll oftentimes amend your fork score just so you don't feel left out like you did today. That's fine. I think that's a good thing. I think it's fine.
Starting point is 01:48:07 And I do think it's a 4.5. Like I wanted to give it a 4.5. It's a worthy of a 4.5. I just want to try that waffle again. Anyways, seaweed is just not, it's just not my favorite. I'm not a big seaweed. I'm with you. I'm with you.
Starting point is 01:48:23 Yeah, I don't like seaweed. I wish I did. People, when they have those seaweed chips, they're so happy. Yeah, no, thank you. Do you like sushi? Do you like a sushi roll? No. Not really?
Starting point is 01:48:36 I totally, look, I'm a pioneer. I mean, I'm a literal garbage mouth. Like I really, yeah. I have gotten used to, like I like sushi now. I'll eat sushi, but I don't like the seaweed skin wrapped around the, you know, I don't eat that. That's not my favorite part of the sushi. I like it. I'll also say the first time I had spam musubi,
Starting point is 01:49:03 which was a friend in high school by a friend, Toby, his mom made some spam musubi. And I was like, I was so like, did not know what this was. And I was like, I just remember just being dazzled by it. Like this is so fucking good and distinct. Wow. Yeah. I do think that like, and you know what, I'll give credit to like, and I know that Chipotle didn't start this, but kind of like the deconstructed burrito or taco.
Starting point is 01:49:32 I think is a great meal. I like, I love that, I love that version of a burrito or taco. You get out, you get rid of the shell or the flour tortilla or whatever, and you save some calories. And that is like one of my favorite meals now, just it's something that's tasty, and then you don't feel too bad eating it. So that, it sounds good. I like, I like the sound. Was it, was that the question?
Starting point is 01:49:55 Yeah. Is that good? Is that what you wanted to ask? Do you want this? So the question is favorite cultural food clashes. Whether ones that exist or ones that you'd like to see. Cogey. And then, yeah, Cogey, I mean, you know, Cogey's pretty, pretty damn good.
Starting point is 01:50:10 Kind of the gold standard for that. I got another one. Sugar Ray hoody mashup. Culture clash. You're so different. I can't think of it. The one thing I, I do do that is a tiny bit of a culture clash is I, after living in England, I do like malt vinegar with stuff.
Starting point is 01:50:33 And so I do actually dip my fried chicken in malt vinegar now. Wow. Is that a culture clash? So I do that. That's, I think it kind of, I mean, like, because I would not think of doing that. I would, I would do that with, you know, obviously fish and chips within malt vinegar is pretty, you know, pretty standard, but, but fried chicken would absolutely work. That would absolutely make sense.
Starting point is 01:50:55 Why not do that? You know what, too, the chips in England, the french fries are so good. And I think that also adds to how honestly devastated I am by how bad the fries are at. Yeah, they're really, I wish, I hope they changed them. If they had like a really good crispy wedge fry, that'd be so good. Did you tell me, oh, in the UK, did you ever get yourself a chip buddy? What's that? A chip buddy is, is, is a chip sandwich.
Starting point is 01:51:26 No. It's the thing I've heard about. I may have been given some context from it for, for it from friend of the show, Libby Watson, who is, who is from the UK. But yeah, it's, it's basically just some, some salted chips, vinegar, and then, and, and then bread. And I think they, they'll put some sort of spread in it. So it's just like, it's just like a gooey fry sandwich.
Starting point is 01:51:48 I've had, I've had, oh, I don't, I don't think it's fusion, but I've had really delicious falafel. There's a stand actually in London that the guy's out of Israel. And so it's an awesome Israeli falafel where he puts like a fried potato wedge. So it's kind of like a french fry in the, in the falafel, in the sandwich. And that's so good. I feel like when, when you go to a lot of these like, you know, fusion restaurants in Los Angeles, they're usually pretty good. Like, uh, there's a place, wise, correct me if I'm saying it incorrectly.
Starting point is 01:52:31 Bodmash or bad, that's on Fairfax. Oh, Bodmash, yeah. I believe it's Bodmash. It might be badmash. You get it on like, like, you can get like chicken tikka masala on like french fries or whatever. And they're like, and it's great. It's a great restaurant.
Starting point is 01:52:45 And I feel like any place in LA that's doing that is like, hip and, hey, on Fairfax, we're sweet, we're sweet chicks is, uh, that's right. Which is a little hip, cool neighborhood. And cantors, hip restaurants and cantors, um, which I, which is hip and it's, and I love cantors. But, uh, but I feel like mostly it's people who like, no one loved the food and it's usually all good. I can't think of, I can't think of a ton of, uh, mashups.
Starting point is 01:53:11 I would love more like Italian mashups. Give me like a spaghetti quesadilla or something. Give me carbs and carbs. Well, I was like, you're saying like the chip sandwich to me sounds great. Spaghetti quesadilla might work. It could. Look, if some freak out there wants to whip up a spaghetti quesadilla and set us a pick on social media, let us know how it, how it turned out.
Starting point is 01:53:31 Cause I'll say this, when we had the, uh, did you remember, we, we, we did the live show, uh, with, uh, with the coal buyer and, uh, Evan Susser. This was, it was our live munch madness finale a few years back we did live in LA. And Susser brought a, uh, it was, it was a, a mashup of a Taco Bell item and a, an in and out burger. And do you remember this? And, and we were like, who's making it? It was like, oh man, I don't know about this.
Starting point is 01:53:57 And then we ate it. It was like, this is fucking great. It was so good. It was so good. It works so well. I don't remember that at all. Just putting the in and out patty and the spread inside. Another place I'll shout out, uh, Cina Poplano, which is a, a restaurant in,
Starting point is 01:54:11 it's in the Cosmopolitan in Las Vegas. If anyone makes a Vegas, uh, uh, food pilgrimage is a Jose Andres restaurant. But they, they have Mexican food and Chinese food, but they're, they're, they don't mix the dishes. They just have both. Wow. So if you want to get yourself some, some sumai and you want to get yourself, uh, a burrito, you could just get both.
Starting point is 01:54:32 And it's a, it's an awesome combo. Uh, yeah. Neil Kiley owner of the Fat Cat, he had a restaurant which I loved and he's, he's since sold it, but it was called passport. And it would have like dishes from like different parts of the world. And they were like tapas, basically, like a lot of them were small, like small plates. You got a bunch of different things.
Starting point is 01:54:51 And it was so good. I loved that restaurant so much. And I'm sad that, that he doesn't own it anymore, but it was, but just like things. And I liked that too. You know, like, like, uh, and I feel like that's maybe as tougher for to get the gender, like, you know, the general public to go to a place like that. But for me, that's right up my alley. I love something like that.
Starting point is 01:55:09 I feel like Greek diners do a shitty version of that where it's just like every kind of food. That's probably why I love Greek food so much. Mediterranean food is so good with that restaurant. You mentioned, did they have like gym shoes? Do they have shoes on the table? I've been to one of his restaurants at the Cosmopol. What's the chef's name again?
Starting point is 01:55:29 Jose. Chino poblano, Jose Andres. I don't think that they have, I don't remember there being shoes on the table. Maybe they were there. I don't know. Timmy, is it possible someone just left their shoes on the table? It's a terrible decoration at a restaurant. You don't want to think of like shoes or feet or anything like that.
Starting point is 01:55:49 That's funny. No, but it was really good. I do remember it being real. I got to say Vegas is a great restaurant town. Yeah. Great food city. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:55:59 There's a, you go off strip, you can get some great, you know, Thai food and then there's, there's also just great, uh, if you want to do some fine dining, there's some great stuff on the strip. Yeah. Yeah. And some great dives too. Get to get back there after, after Cron. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:56:13 Yeah. Right. Have you guys had it yet? I haven't. Not yet. I haven't had it. How's this for a parody song, Mr. Parity? Since I got Cron, I can taste for the first time.
Starting point is 01:56:26 That's really good. Sucked. Getting bailed on it. Like I'm not even trying. Like I can't even, I don't even have, I can't. I've, I've, I've tried to do karaoke, like in private rooms and just, we'll stop mid-sentence. Oh, I thought you were saying that you couldn't even pretend to like my parody song. No, I'm, I'm honestly like, you guys, I'm, I applaud you.
Starting point is 01:56:53 God bless you. We applaud you. Thank you for being here. When either of us have, either of us have had COVID at all. Wiger and I, uh, and we also refuse, and we also refuse the vaccine as well. Well, yeah, it's a given. I've been, I've been lucky. I've not had it.
Starting point is 01:57:10 My mom hasn't had it. Wags hasn't had it. I don't, I feel like I'm jinxing you, even asking you that question. I'm sorry. It's, we're gonna get it at some point. Well, the, the crown especially, like every single person I know, I feel like has had it. And then I'm listening to podcasts and everybody's like every podcast I'm listening to, people are, they're like, have you, did you get it yet?
Starting point is 01:57:31 Not yet. Hell yeah. Crown free. It's crown season. As of now. Yeah, but I'm in New York. Like I can't even tell you how, of course I can tell you. You're in LA.
Starting point is 01:57:43 Everybody freaking has it. Yeah. Well, hopefully we, we get through it. Which for us, if the Doughboys lost their taste, the show is over. Can you imagine? That would mean we'd like bad food. That would mean we couldn't be able to tell good food from bad food. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:58:05 The podcast wouldn't work. The, the, the, that would be the most ridiculous victims of the pandemic. The New York Times profile on what we lost during the pandemic. Probably wouldn't notice. The Doughboys get fatter after that. They can't taste, they're still eating fast food. Yeah. If you have a question or comment about the world of chain restaurants,
Starting point is 01:58:31 you can email us at or leave us a voicemail at 830 Godot. That's 830 4636844. And you can get at the Doughboys double or weekly bonus episode by joining the golden or platinum play club at slash Doughboys. Tammy Sager and honor. And thank you so much for giving us so much of your time. We're so glad, long overdue. We're so glad that this could finally happen.
Starting point is 01:58:49 Please come back. We want to do, you know, hopefully you'll be a friend of the show. Oh, you'll be emailing you. You'll be like, you said, come back. I want to specifically say always been a fan of your legendarily funny. That is the truth. I never have, I will be very honest. This is as honest as I will get on this podcast.
Starting point is 01:59:12 I never have ever tried. I always wanted you on the show. I never, ever tried to not have you on. So we're bad at what we do and it took way too long, but I'm very happy that you're here. I, as you guys know, I'm a huge fan, as you know. I mean, you know it. I can't even, yeah, so.
Starting point is 01:59:30 That is the only one suspect thing about you, honestly. That's way more. I like the podcast. Just way more suspect things. Tammy, anything you'd like to plug? Nah. I'm, I'm, nah, I got nothing. All right.
Starting point is 01:59:46 I love it. Fair enough. Don't get faxed. I really love it. Thanks, Tammy. So it's awesome to have you. And hey, that'll do it for this, this episode of Doe Boys. Until next time, for Mr. Slice, Mike Mitchell, I'm Nick Weiger.
Starting point is 02:00:05 Happy eating. See ya. On the next Doe Boys Double. It is happening again. It is happening again. The Scale 2. The Ruler. Tuesday at slash Doe Boys.

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